May 09
May 09
May 09
McCune Monthly
Upcoming Events Contact Info Homework
5/5 – Class Pictures
5/5 – Cinco de Mayo rotation Please remember that I am always Please remember to supervise your
5/6-5/15 – Buy One Get One willing to answer questions or listen child during homework time. Each
Free Book Fair to any other feedback you have. student should be completing the
5/8 – West Winner Day
Please feel free to call (456-8333 following as part of their homework
5/8 - April Reading Reward
Recess ext. 3116) me or email routine:
5/11 – 2nd Grade Visit ( me any
5/13 – Market 1:30-3:05 time. Reading (20 minutes mini-
5/15 – West Winner Day mum)
5/15 – Auction @ 12:40
5/15 – Spring Fling Party @ 2:30 Class Blog Math facts (5 minutes mini-
5/19 – Book It Celebration @
9:15 mum)
You can visit our blog at: http://
5/19 – Play Day in p.m.
5/20 – Birthday Dinner @ 11:45 Study spelling words
5/20 – Safety Speakers 12:45-
2:15 I hope that you have found this use- Please remember to record the
5/21 – Safety Speakers 10:00- ful. If you have any suggestions for number of minutes practiced and
how I could utilize this next year, sign your child’s reading and math
5/21 – Last Day of School
please let me know. calendars.
Thank You!!!
Book It Celebration
I want to thank everyone
for a great year. Your sup-
port is illustrated by every- The second grade classes will be
thing our class has accom- coming to visit West on May 11th.
plished this year. Thanks The second graders will be intro-
Library Books
again and have a wonder-
ful summer! duced to the building and will also
be joining us for lunch.
All students need to have their li-
We will be having our Book It cele- brary books turned in no later than
bration on May 19. This celebration May 8th. We have several books in
will be for students who turned in our classroom library that students
their calendar for at least 5 of the 6 may read during the day.
Volume 6, Issue 9
Page 2