Welcome To Femap README For Previous Versions
Welcome To Femap README For Previous Versions
Welcome To Femap README For Previous Versions
Corrected a problem that could cause the interface to simply end without writing a file when you were trying to export certain models. (8.3a)
For contact, changed method for writing Friction data from MPDATA to MP to avoid warning messages in ANSYS. Also updated TSHAP to be written for each face, and corrected the numbering of triangular (degenerate) parabolic faces. Corrected a problem writing the TSHAP command for the TARGEXXX contact elements. Corrected a problem writing the CONTA17X element that caused the quads not to be degenerated correctly. Corrected problem with PLANE82 that wrote an extra keyopt if the Analysis Manager was not used.
Corrected writing of options on BUCKLE for Linear buckling analysis. Corrected a problem creating the Contact Table when contact segments are deleted from the model. Corrected problems writing the CONTACT option. The entry for Coulomb Friction based on Force was written incorrectly. Also corrected the calculation of the maximum number of nodes on the periphery of any surface. Corrected problems writing the DEFINE, NODE option for contact segments where the node numbers were written incorrectly.
Added interfaces to NX Nastran. Corrected GROUNDCHECK and WEIGHTCHECK options including support for defaults.
Added support for the Direct Enforced Motion loading for Frequency Response, Random Response and Response Spectrum. Added support for PBEAML and PBARL. Numerous customizations to remove features not supported in NE/Nastran and support of Tension-Only Shell elements. Added support for RSPLINE element. Added support for CBUSH element, PBUSH and PBUSHT properties. Added support for nonlinear and frequency dependent springs. Added option to skip writing PARAM,RESVEC. Added support for reading DLOAD, RLOAD2, TLOAD1. Added support for specifying multiple FREQi commands. Fixed a problem reading LOAD commands where origin of angular velocity (RFORCE) loads were lost in certain circumstances. Corrected a problem writing MEFFMASS when requesting plotted output. Added the ability to write the COUPMASS PARAM for Random and Frequency response. Corrected an error writing the 456 dof's on the DPHASE card. Corrected a problem writing large field format for CQUAD8 and CTRIA6 elements. Added the ability to define warping Node or SPOINT using Modify-Update Elements-Beam Warping. Added support for prestiffened modal analysis. Corrected a problem reading Composite Failure Indices from the op2 file that caused FEMAP to crash. Now skips restart commands when the standard Executive Control is skipped (8.3a) Corrected a problem that caused FEMAP to launch the Nastran solver even when the export process was canceled. (8.3a)
Geometry Interfaces
Updated to ACIS Release 10. Updated to Parasolid 15.0. Updated Advanced IGES interface, supporting IGES 4.0, 5.2 & 5.3 (read), IGES 4.2, 5.2, 5.3 (write). Updated STEP interface, supporting STEP AP203 and AP214. Update Pro/E interface, supporting v17, and encrypted or decrypted files from 2000i and 2000i2. Updated CATIA interface, supporting v4.1.x and v4.2.x. Updated Unigraphics interface, supporting v11 to v18. Updated VDA interface, supporting VDA-FS 1.0 and 2.0. Added optional interface to CATIA v5. Increased maximum number of solid bodies that can be read from one file to 100000 from 25000 (8.3a) Added support for reading data blocks 2467 and 2452 for reading I-Deas groups from a Universal file. (8.3a)
FEMAP Structural
Corrected a problem with the format of writing temperature data.
Added support for postprocessing of double-precision results files. Increased precision of xy pairs written to *DEFINE_CURVE. Corrected numbering of the wedge element so that the first face normal now points inward.
Changed contact definition from the usage of *SURFACE DEFINITION to the *SURFACE command for ABAQUS 6.2 and greater. Corrected a problem that caused Plane Stress elements to be written as the wrong type.
Added preference to allow element symbols to disappear during rotation. Added preference to allow fast-picking of most entities, but retain the slower but more accurate picking of curves.
Stress Wizard
Corrected a problem that allowed you to exit the Stress Wizard while in another command. The subsequent retiling would send the current command window to the background making FEMAP appear to be locked up.
Corrected several problems in the conversion of solid engine curves to FEMAP curves (8.3a) Added mesh information to the dynamic query tooltips for geometry to show nodes, elements and/or element faces which were associated with the geometry (8.3a) Fixed a problem creating Parametric Curves on certain surfaces (8.3a)
Added shapes for NASTRAN beam cross-section library. Added support for nonlinear and frequency dependent springs. Added support for Tension-Only Shell elements for NE/Nastran. Added support for CBUSH elements in Nastran.
Added support for pressures in a specified vector direction. Added support for specifying multiple, simultaneous methods of selecting solution frequencies for frequency response solutions.
Added ability to confirm deletion of individual constraint equations when multiple equations are connected to the same nodes.
Added capability to create custom mesh sizes along a curve that match a group of selected nodes on another mesh. Improved meshing on solids which had one or more surfaces that failed to mesh using the fast-tri mesher. Improved meshing of very small boundary surfaces with holes. Improved the method used for determining the plane used in the planar meshing approaches. Added switch to the Mesh->Connection commands to allow creation of rigid elements with the master and slave nodes reversed. Corrected an crash of the tet mesher during midside node addition that occurred if the edge of a triangular face was on the edge of a surface and the edge had the highest node numbers on that face. (8.3a) Added capability to associate hex elements that were generated from the HexMesh from Elements command, when the surface elements are all from the same solid and completely enclose the volume (8.3a) Corrected a problem in hex meshing that caused the mesh to fail if there were very thin elements along the length of the mesh, and a very slight curvature in the geometry being meshed. (8.3a)
Added ability to create new layers while in the Modify->Layer commands. Added ability to reverse the normal directions of surfaces that are not part of solids. Added ability to update the layer used by a complete mesh. By selecting elements also updates layers of associated nodes, properties, loads, ... Updated Modify->Layer->Solid to update the layer of the solid in addition to the other geometry. Added ability to remove definition of beam cross-sections from selected properties. Added ability to automatically generate offsets for line elements that move the shape reference point to the nodes. Corrected a problem in renumber of groups, load sets and constraint sets that caused references to those items in Analysis Sets to be incorrect. Also added support for renumbering of mesh approaches and element associativity data when geometry was renumbered. Added the ability to specify Nodes or SPOINTS to define warping for beam elements using Modify-Update Elements-Beam Warping.
Added new functions: feAppEmbedGraphics, feAppEmbedMessages, feAppVisible, feAppRegisterMessageHandler, feAppLockExit, feAppUnlockExit, feAppLockModel, feAppUnlockModel, feModifyOffsetsToRefPt, feModifyBeamWarping, feGroupEvaluate. Added ability to run FEMAP without having it displayed on the screen. Added ability to embed the FEMAP Graphics windows into another application. Added ability to embed the FEMAP Messages window into another application, or to send the messages directly to another application for processing. Added ability to customize the FEMAP menu to include both standard and user defined commands. Added ability to lock the session so that user can not exit or change models. Made corrections to feFileWriteNeutral, feOutputFromLoad, feSurfaceCorners, feMeshEdgeMembers and feMeshSizeCurve. Added new functions to Expand and Compress geometric constraints, loads and contact in their respective objects. Added new functions to obtain the nodes and elements attached to various geometric objects (points, curves, surfaces and solids), also obtains element faces on surfaces. Added function to delete all available Set objects. Added function to do standard initialization of View Objects without having to manually set all of the values. Updated handling of application locking so that sessions started with CreateObject did not prematurely terminate if all other objects were destroyed. Added support for Set data in the Neutral file so that it can persist through a version upgrade. Added new events for Program File Start/Stop, and Draw Start/End (8.3a) Added new functions: feLoadCombine, feBCCombine, feAppMenu and properties: hProgFile and PickQueryMode. (8.3a) Added function ElementsWithFace to the Surface and Curve objects (8.3a) Added support for access to the API from .NET Basic. This supports the Object data type which replaces the Variant data type. (8.3a)
Added support for Isoline displays. Added support for Streamline displays. Corrected a problem that prevented modifying of colors in the Palette using the available color sliders. Added option to suppress drawing of elements that are displayed as symbols. Added support to display up to 9 simultaneous functions in an XY display. Added labeling option for XY plots to label the XY pairs, instead of a single value. Added ability to create and query a display deformed relative to a selected node. Added ability to force contour legend and criteria plot labels into exponential format. Fixed a problem with boundaries in the View Show command (8.3a) Added support for drawing nodal permanent constraints, even if no constraint set is active (8.3a) Corrected the display of loads on points/curves/surfaces when the direction was specified in a local coordinate system (8.3a) Fixed a problem that sometimes caused mesh sizes along curves to be missing when the model was dynamically rotated (8.3a)
Added support for Netscape 7 (8.3a) Added new Help menu items to provide direct access to FEMAP Web sites and Customer Support (8.3a)
NASTRAN Interface
-Corrected writing of thermal body loads for dynamic analysis. -Added support for reading the GEOM options 1 and 2 for the CBEND element. -Corrected a bug writing radiation boundary conditions. The view factor written on RADBC was also bieng used for the TEMP value on the referenced TEMPBC. This caused the view factor to be squared when using a CNTRLND on RADBC. -Added control of adaptive or constant interval time stepping for nonlinear analysis. -Corrected default density and heat generation values when reading materials. -Corrected handling of table parameters (phase shift) when reading TABLEM2, TABLEM3, TABLED2 and TABLED3 commands. -Corrected writing of CONTACT in the Model definition. FEMAP was not writing CONTACT when it was defined in the MARC Model Definition dialog box. -Corrected a problem writing the Write Groups As Sets and Extended options in the MARC Write Parameters dialog box. -Corrected problem writing the Plasticity option in the MARC Write Parameters dialog box. -Added support for postprocessing of results files up to Version 11 (MARC 2003) -Added support for reading Plastic Strain, Creep Strain, Cauchy Stress, Thermal Strain, Cracking Strain, Elastic Strain, Elastic Strain in Global Coordinates, Plastic Strain in Global Coordinates and Creep Strain in Global Coordinates. -Corrected a bug writing *RADIATE. FEMAP was writing an option that was not available. -Corrected a bug writing *PHYSICAL CONDITIONS. The Physical Conditions were only written when a temperature body load was defined and used as an initial condition. *PHYSICAL CONDITIONS will now automatically be written when required for load type. -Corrected a bug that improperly defined the element face for heat flux, convection and radiation loads on axisymmetric shells and plane stress elements. -Corrected a problem writing *INITIAL CONDITIONS for body loads. The referenced NSET was improperly defined. -Added support for reading and writing heat transfer shells DS3 and DS6. -Corrected a problem writing *ORIENTATON for shells with normals that did not match. FEMAP now checks for and creates a *ORIENTATION for matching element normals as well as material direction. -Added support for reading output for up to two integration points and up to 25 section points for beams.
MARC Interface
ABAQUS Interface
ANSYS Interface
-Corrected a bug reading SHELL91 plys with KEYOPT(11) set to 1 (top) or 2 (bottom). This caused FEMAP to read the plys incorrectly. -Added support for reading SHELL91, SHELL99 KEYOPT(11) bottom offset.
-Corrected free edge display of elements with missing midside nodes in enhanced render mode. -Added query/front picking, non-render graphics support and dynamic rotation support of 3-noded beam elements. -Corrected drawing of beam cross section orientation when two sequential beam elements share the same property but are in a different layer or have a different color. -Corrected display of quad element direction when using the right hand rule option for linear quad elements.
-Updated section property calculation to allow computation of properties for very thin circular tubes.
Model Checking
-Updated the method of computing element normal directions for warped quadrilateral elements. This greatly improves the accuracy of the Tools->Check->Sum Forces command if there are a large proportion of pressure-loaded, warped elements. -Corrected a problem with feSolidSlice and feSolidSliceMatch so that they no longer require unit vectors for the normal of the slicing plane. -Updated interface to feSurfaceEdgeCurves to accept four curves instead of a set of curves to allow control of selection order. -Corrected potential problem with leftover selection sets in: feProjectOntoCurve, feProjectOntoSurface, feMoveTo, feMoveBy, feRotateTo, feRotateBy, feAlignTo, and feScale -Documented the ReadString method of the UserData object
-Corrected a problem with Mesh Editing that caused FEMAP to hang when editing an element that had loads defined on it.
NE/Nastran Interface
ANSYS Interface
Corrected a bug that caused FEMAP to incorrectly write the properties for 2nd order shell elements. FEMAP
MARC Interface
would incorrectly assign one thickness for all the shell properties that were being written. Added support for reading models in blocked formats from DesignSpace v5 & v6
DYNA Interface
Added MSC.Marc to the Analysis Case Manager. Added support for buckling in MSC.Marc. Added support for the CONTACT TABLE. Corrected a bug that caused the TSHEAR parameter not to be written. Added support for reading results files from newer versions of Marc thru Marc 2001 Added Job Monitor for launching and monitoring MARC analyses. Monitor shows progress of printed status file as it is being written, as well as displaying various convergence and progress indicators. Corrected a problem writing the *MAT_SOIL_AND_FOAM card. FEMAP was writing a period instead of a comma for the field separator. Added missing * when writing MAT_THERMAL_ORTHOTROPIC_TD and MAT_ANISOTROPIC_ELASTIC. Corrected a problem writing beam releases for the rotational dof on the *ELEMENT_BEAM card. Added Support for SAX1, SAX2, B32, B22, B22H and B32H element types and also contact supported. Corrected a bug that caused FEMAP to incorrectly define contact surfaces for beams in space. Corrected a bug that caused FEMAP to incorrectly write *CONTACT NODE SET when the GENERATE option was used. Included updated versions of translators for CATIA V4, Pro/E, Unigraphics, I-Deas, STEP, VDA and IGES. Included latest releases of ACIS (8.0) and Parasolid (14.0) Geometric entities can now be renumbered Added many new options for the control of render graphics. Added option to control reading output set titles from the NASTRAN results file and options to initialize the new analysis monitor Added ability to browse for new library files rather than simply typing the filenames Corrected a bug that caused FEMAP to print garbage for the aspect ratio for wedge elements. Added the ability to correct invalid elements in Check Distortion
ABAQUS Interface
Geometry Interfaces
File Preferences
A wizard has been added that leads you through a four-step process from loading solid geometry through analysis and postprocessing. The wizard is setup to handle single part, single constraint set, single load set, static analyses. It can be used as very simple, complete tool to do many of these types of analyses, or in combination with the other FEMAP capabilities to handle more advanced situations. Corrected a bug that caused the Case Manager to incorrectly create subcases when using the NEW button in Abaqus and Ansys. Added the linear and parabolic Axisymmetric shell element Added parabolic beams. Added capability to extrude, revolve and sweep the faces of elements into other elements. For example, faces of solid elements can be extruded into other solids without first skinning with plates. During Copy, Rotate, Scale, Reflect and Radial Copy of meshes an option has been added to match the loads and constraints that were on the original mesh. Two options have been added to mesh sizing of solids. The first permits length-based sizing, eliminating problems that sometimes occur when sizing unstitched geometry, and geometry with curves that have nonstandard parameterization. The second option allows automatic feature suppression of short edges. Length-based sizing has also been added as an option for mesh sizing on surfaces. Surface meshing has been enhanced to handle suppressed edges in a more reliable manner. This allows much more reliable meshing of geometry with sliver surfaces and surfaces with small edges formed where there are slight mismatches surface corners. Surface meshing will now automatically attempt to use the Planar Projection approach if meshing in parametric space fails for any reason. This increases the number of parts that can be automatically
Elements Meshing
meshed without user intervention. The surface mesher has been improved to handle cases with embedded curves. Curves can be "floating" in the middle of the surface, or attached to an inner or outer loop. Added the ability to define pressure loads on the TOP and BOTTOM surface for Axisymmetric shells. Added an option to the "adjacent face" selection method to only consider faces that have consistent normal directions. Added advanced geometric constraints which give full control over the degrees of freedom being constrained. Also added geometric constraints that can be applied using terminology like sliding, symmetry, Completed the implementation of the "new" render (OpenGL) graphics mode. This mode is now used as the default for all graphics. On-screen graphics now automatically update in many more cases than before, including when entities are deleted (this can be controlled with a new option in the deletion confirmation dialog). Also added the "Auto Regenerate" render graphics preference which will force a redraw after every command that changes model content. Added support for multiple (3) independent section cutting planes in rendered graphics Added support for drawing constraints as vectors to show directions. The display of curve mesh size is now controlled by View Option, Symbols, Show Dots in rendered graphics mode. Corrected two problems in the conversion of Elemental to Nodal data that is used for Nodal Contours. The first problem caused incorrect averaging of elements that had missing corner data if other elements in the same output vector had corner data (This occurs for stresses in mixed CTRIA3/CQUAD4 models in Nastran). The second problem caused the elemental center value to be used, instead of the average of the adjacent corner values at midside nodes of parabolic plate elements. The Group Operations Generate command has been enhanced with an option to only consider planar elements which have consistent normal directions. Options have been added to the Group Operations Generate Solids command to build separate groups for each solid and whether or not to include the associated model entities in the groups with the geometry. Many new material libraries have been added to this release. They include various Aluminum, Copper, Nickel, and Steel alloys, as well as Mil5 and MDLA materials. Over 6000 different materials and alloys are represented The Library selection dialog box can now be resized by dragging the corners. This helps to read the longer titles in the new libraries. Added File New and File Open commands to the toolbar containing the File Save command. Converted the FEMAP model file format to no longer use the Microsoft Compound document format. This was done to eliminate file size limitations that caused model corruption when files exceeded certain sizes (typically 2 Gbyte, although this could vary depending on the OS and file systems being used). It also eliminates excessive file fragmentation which can occur in compound document files, and which also causes file corruption. With the new model file approach, you will see that when you open a model file, it is expanded into a scratch subdirectory instead of a single scratch file. Added functions to the FEMAP Object including: feCheckElemFixup, feGetReal, feGetInt, feDeleteOutput, feDeleteLoads, feDeleteConstraints, and feOutputCalculate. Modified the following methods: feGenerateCopy, feGenerateScale, feGenerateRadialCopy, feGenerateRotate, and feGenerateReflect. Corrected problem in GetVectorAtNode in Output object and a problem in the Get method for Beam/Bar results. Corrected the Get method in the Element object for element types with lists of nodes (Rigids, Slide Lines). Also corrected interface to feOutputProcess in FEMAP Object and the GetSearch method of the entity objects. Added access to all new model data as properties - especially in additions to the Analysis Set Manager, advanced geometric constraints, control of the multiple view cutting planes and new preferences. Provided access to the serial number of the running FEMAP session for security checking.
Postprocessing - Contours
Added support for the new Contact Table in the AnalysisSet and AnalysisCase objects. Added support for the advanced geometric boundary conditions in BCGeom object Added capability to load arrays of node and element data. Fixed problems in Function and Contact objects that caused crashes when calling Get method of these objects.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------User Interface
Standard Entity Selection - Added support for Copy and Paste to the list box. Added Copy and Paste to the Pick^ menu, and added support for Ctrl+V and Ctrl+C. Focus must be in the list box. - Added a By Face option to the Pick menu that allows you to pick nodes and elements by element faces. 3-Button Mouse Support - Added support for the middle mouse button. When you are in a command and in Render mode, the middle mouse button can be used to dynamically rotate/pan/zoom your model. Display - Added a new, more reliable, enhanced Render mode. - Added support for displaying nodal fluid loads in groups. - Corrected a problem with double-sided contours and max/min data conversion when plate thickness is also displayed. - Eliminated a crash that occurred if you were in Render mode, in a model with no solid elements, and tried to modify the plane location in Dynamic Cutting Plane command. - Moved the Beam Diagrams options to a new location under the View Options command. Added labeling and reverse options. - Added the ability to color points, curves, and surfaces by property or material colors. - Corrected a crash that occurred if you set the curve accuracy to 1.0E-6 and tried to draw a circle or spline in non-Render mode. - Corrected labels on convections, radiations, heat flux, heat generation, loads on curves, transient loads, and fluid loads. Previously, all load values were written as the absolute value, not the actual value. Picking - Added support for picking in polar coordinates. Previously, if you used the Locate in Workplane coordinate method and chose polar coordinates, picking still worked in rectangular coordinates. - Added support for box-picking boundaries created from solid surfaces. - Corrected a problem that caused the wrong group to be used for picking if you had multiple graphics windows displayed and each window showed a different group.
NASTRAN Interface - Added the capability to read model files that reference INCLUDE files. The new capability supports files that are nested up to 10 levels. - Added support for writing an analysis model file that only contains the contents of a selected group. - Corrected a problem that caused FEMAP to crash when reading an OUTPUT2 file containing beam elements, on a system that has 64 MBytes of memory, runs Windows 95 or 98, and uses the HP LaserJet 4 printer driver. - Corrected a problem that could result in an invalid ID statement if your model was in a directory with a long name.
Added the ability to request force balance and strain energy for Nonlinear analysis. Added direct enforced motion in Dynamic Analysis for NASTRAN 2001. Enforced motion types LOAD, DISP, VELO, and ACCE are supported. Removed automatic writing of PARAM,DDRM,-1 and MODACC. These controls can be written by selecting the respective parameter in the Bulk Data options when exporting the analysis. Added support for writing the parameter PARAM,RESVEC,YES. Corrected a problem reading output from the NASTRAN 2001 OUTPUT2 file, caused by changes made to the OUTPUT2 format. Added the capability to read NASTRAN 2001 MEFFMASS output from the PRINT file into FEMAP XY functions. Corrected a problem with the transient heat transfer Estimate button that caused it not to work for models with axisymmetric elements. Corrected a problem that caused TSTEP to be incorrectly written in Large Field Format.
NE/Nastran Interface - Added support for surface-to-surface contact elements and cable elements. - Changed the dynamic loads section to eliminate unnecessary writing of LSEQ cards. - Added the ability to request GRID POINT FORCE output for Nonlinear Static analysis. - Added support for reading and writing contact segments BSEG and contact pair BSCONP. - Changed the default output request for Nonlinear analysis to STRESS=ALL. ANSYS Interface - Added support for post-processing results that have been combined using the ANSYS Append command. - Corrected KEYOPTS written for SHELL91 elements. Added support for writing SHELL91 and 99 KEYOPT 11. - Added options for 2D or 3D mass elements with or without rotation DOF. - Added support for reading and writing anisotropic materials for element types SHELL181, 182, and 183, and SOLID 185 and 186. Also added support for TB data cards for anisotropic (ANEL) materials. - Added support for reading or writing the LINK10 element for tension only or compression only. - Added the Transient Heat Transfer analysis type. - Corrected a problem that caused FEMAP to not read the element description table from certain results files. MARC Interface - Corrected problems that caused some elemental output to be skipped for large models. - Updated the MARC interface to read and write for version 2000 or K7. DYNA Interface - Changed the *SET_SOLID_LIST to *SET_SOLID to define lists of solid elements. ABAQUS Interface - Corrected a problem with reading the definition of arcs in analytical rigid surfaces. - Added read and write support for generalized plane strain elements. - Added APPROACH to the contact pair property to allow for individual step definition. - Changed *RADIATE to account for version 61 field 5 changes from Radiation constant to emissivity. - Added support for writing of I12 I13 I23 for *ROTARY INERTIA in ABAQUS version 61. - Corrected a bug that caused FEMAP to write out an incorrect value for *SURFACE INTERACTION data line 1. - Added support for slide line elements ISL21, 21A, 31 for ABAQUS 5.8. - Added ANALYTICAL RIGID surfaces to the standard contact segment definition in FEMAP. Corrected a problem reading nodal connectivity for line elements that caused FEMAP to incorrectly assign the beam orientation node. Also corrected a problem reading default orientation indicated by a blank line. VRML Interface - Added support for VRML 2.0 and VRML 97. - Added support for contour and post-processing legends, and element edges. - Added support for modifying contour levels and colors, elemental contours, and averaging schemes. - Added support for internal texture maps you no longer need to use an external jpg file. FEMAP Neutral Files
Corrected a problem transferring nonlinear transient loads through the neutral file.
File Menu
Notes - The length of notes that can be defined is now virtually unlimited. Previously, notes were limited to 30,000 characters. Preferences - Added the capability to remember dialog box locations and place future dialog boxes at the same location on subsequent commands. - Added the capability to open an existing model without opening any of the stored views. - Added the ability to easily create your own menus of commands, program files, or other applications.
Tools Menu
Workplane - Added expansion factor in Snap Options that allows you to expand or shrink the size from its automatically scaled sizes. - Updated the checking of the visibility preference to make sure that it always applies. Toolbox - Corrected problems with the several of the icons that didnt access the proper commands. Tools Commands - Updated the Tools->Section Properties->Surface Properties, Tools->Section Properties->Mesh Properties, and Tools->Check->Coincident Loads commands to support the List->Destination settings.
Geometry Menu
Boundary Surfaces - Added the capability to automatically remove zero-length curves from the curves selected to define a boundary.
Model Menu
Loads - Added support for varying the function ID reference on nodal/elemental loads by using "!i" in an equationbased load. - Added a Copy button to the Model->Load->Heat Transfer command that allows you to copy settings from another case. - Significantly improved performance when expanding nodal loads defined on multi-surface boundaries. - Corrected a problem that caused pressure loads on surfaces to expand in the wrong normal direction if you manually reversed the element normal directions of planar elements on the surface. - Added support for properly expanding surface loads on multi-surface boundaries. Constraint Equations - Corrected graying of the OK button after you select and delete an item in the constraint equation. Analysis Set Manager - Added support for ANSYS and ABAQUS. Output - Implemented the Output->Process command to replace the Copy, Linear, Envelope, Error and Convert commands. Output Process has a new user interface and new capabilities.
Mesh Menu
Surface Meshing - Improved meshing of surfaces with feature suppressed edges. Suppressed edges can now be treated as a single centralized node, which greatly improves meshes of surfaces with small edges. - Corrected a problem that could cause FEMAP to crash if you tried to mesh a surface with all of its edges suppressed. Hex Meshing - Corrected a problem that prevented further hex meshing of a solid if you: had multiple adjoining, slaved solids; meshed all of them; merged coincident nodes; deleted the mesh on just one solid; and tried to remesh it. Mesh Editing - Added interactive mesh editing and splitting capabilities. Mesh Sweep - Added a Sweep command that sweeps elements along one or more curves to create other elements.
Modify Menu
Project Onto->Solid - Corrected a problem that caused FEMAP to crash if you picked less than 10 nodes. Update Element->Order - Corrected a problem that caused midside nodes to be located improperly if they were projected onto tolerant Parasolid edges. Update Other->Scale Load - Corrected a problem with modifying pressure loads where varying pressure was applied to each corner. Now the command properly scales pressure at all corners.
List Menu
Output->Unformatted - Added support for listing vector statistics on a subset of nodes/elements, even if the individual node/element data is not listed.
Group Menu
Operations - Added the Group->Operations->Select Mesh command, which creates a group that contains all of the items related to selected elements. Node - Added the Group->Node->Element Orientation option, which allows you to select nodes that are referenced as third/orientation nodes.
Old Basic API - Corrected the esp_SolidStitch command if you pass in a list of surfaces to stitch. OLE/COM API - Added a new, much broader API that supports an OLE/COM interface. This new API can be called from Visual C++, Visual Basic or other OLE applications like Microsoft Word and Excel.
Network Licensing - Added support for license files that contain several different simultaneous FEMAP configurations. - Added support for obtaining a license from the first available server from a list of specified servers. - Added a Browse capability to look for the network license file.
Additions and Corrections to FEMAP v8.0 General Modeling, Meshing, Postprocessing Interfaces Model Migration BASIC Scripting
Additions and Corrections - FEMAP Structural The new FEMAP Structural product is a general finite element analysis solver for linear structural and thermal analysis that is integrated with FEMAP. FEMAP Structural currently supports: Static analysis solves for linear, static stress, and deflection results when thermo-mechanical loads are present. Dynamic (normal modes) analysis solves for natural frequencies and mode shapes of either restrained or free-free structures. Heat transfer analysis solves for steady-state temperatures due to convection, conduction, and heat generation. Material properties can be temperature-dependent. Linear buckling analysis. A full element library, including shell, solid, beam, rod, spring, and constraint elements. Additions and Corrections - FEMAP Thermal The new FEMAP Thermal product is a comprehensive heat transfer simulation module. You can use FEMAP Thermal to model heat transfer by conduction, convection, radiation, fluid flow, and phase change. Thermal models are solved using advanced finite control volume technology, under steady-state or transient loading conditions. Additions and Corrections - On-Line Documentation The primary FEMAP on-line documentation has been converted to HTML format from the previous Windows Help format. This improved system will allow easy access to the help information from Internet Explorer (v5 and higher) or Netscape Navigator (v4 and higher).
Additions and Corrections - ABAQUS Interface Added support for reading nested node and element sets. Corrected a problem that wrote the name of rigid contact surfaces incorrectly. Also corrected a problem that wrote entity names incorrectly when the option for Titles as Set Names was turned on. Additions and Corrections - I-DEAS Interface Added support for numerous new entities in the I-DEAS universal file interface, and corrected problems. Added support for reading nodes and elements in I-DEAS groups from the current dataset 2435 and previous datasets 2417, 2429, 2430 and 2432. Fixed reading of I-DEAS universal files so laminates do not cause the read to abort. The laminate data is not read but a placeholder material is created in FEMAP with the same name. Fixed read of I-DEAS NULL physical properties. These are written by I-DEAS as 1.0E-35. These are now converted to 0.0 when read by FEMAP. Fixed problem when reading I-DEAS dataset 2437 (new physical properties). Membrane/Bending coupling material is now defaulted to "None" instead of "Plate Material".
Fixed problem when FEMAP writes rigid elements. I-DEAS could not read FEMAP generated universal files with rigid elements. A null I-DEAS physical property table is now written to the universal file for all FEMAP rigid elements. Fixed problem when writing lumped mass coordinate system. Fixed problem when writing FEMAP interpolated rigid elements (I-DEAS constraint elements). File format used was incorrect. FEMAP membrane elements are now written as I-DEAS plane stress elements. Although these element types do not correspond directly, this allows the element connectivity to be transferred to I-DEAS. Fixed a problem when reading or writing anisotropic materials. The xz and yz terms in the material stiffness matrix, thermal expansion vector, and thermal conductivity vector were incorrect. Fixed a problem reading or writing tapered beams with cross section shapes that caused beam properties to be incorrect at one beam end. Properties are now correct but shape type had to be set to none to achieve this. I-DEAS IDI Import - Fixed a problem with I-DEAS swept surfaces that were not being trimmed when imported into FEMAP. Additions and Corrections - LS-DYNA Interface Corrected a problem with the DATABASE_HISTORY_NODE_SET command that occurred when writing a model to LS-DYNA and you requested a Time History output interval, but you did not choose a group for the output. Also properly honors the request for plane stress element formulations from the plane strain element. Corrected a problem reading nodal results from the time history file. Additions and Corrections - NASTRAN Interface Added support for reading plate offsets from CQUADR and CTRIAR elements from UAI/NASTRAN files. Additions and Corrections - Neutral File Interface Corrected a problem that prevented the flag for convections and radiations on plate element backfaces, available in the Advanced Thermal interface, from being transferred in a Neutral file. Also corrected a problem that resulted in a wrong version of ACIS geometry being written to a neutral file that was being migrated backward to FEMAP v7.0. Additions and Corrections - StereoLithography Interface Added support for reading STL files from PATRAN, where the vertex coordinates can run together if you have negative coordinate values.
Model Migration
Additions and Corrections - Model Migration Provided corrected versions of the conversion/migration programs neu_44.exe and neu_45.exe. These allow you to migrate FEMAP v4.4 and v4.5 models to the current version. In FEMAP v7.1, incorrect versions of these programs were delivered.
BASIC Scripting
Additions and Corrections - BASIC Scripting Corrected the following functions: esp_MiscGetNotes, esp_OutpSetVectorMaxMinData, esp_FileAnsysRead, esp_FileMarcRead
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The new FEMAP Enterprise product contains a broad range of new geometry interfaces, including: CATIA Import - Provides the ability to read CATIA model files, and Express files from CATEXP. Catia model files must be from CATIA v4.1.x or v4.2 IGES Import - in addition to the basic IGES interface that is included in FEMAP and FEMAP Professional, an advanced IGES interface that supports many additional entity types is included in FEMAP Enterprise. This supports IGES Standards 4.0 to 5.3. VDA Import - this interface provides direct access to VDA files up to v2.0 IDEAS Import - Provides access to IDI files generated by I-DEAS MS8. Currently only part (not assembly) geometry is supported, but this provides a very fast, very robust link between FEMAP and I-DEAS PRO/E Import - Provides direct access to model files from PRO/ENGINEER v16 to v20. From other versions of PRO/E, the IGES interfaces will continue to provide very robust geometry transfer. Solid Edge Import - Direct access to Parasolid geometry in Solid and Sheet Metal part files. Unigraphics Import - Direct access to Parasolid geometry from Unigraphics v11 thru v15 ACIS and Parasolid Import - Both of these interfaces provide the ability to convert the imported geometry to the other solid modeling engine. If you normally, work with Parasolid, but you have some ACIS geometry that you need to use, this lets you convert it to Parasolid so that it can fully interact with your other geometry. IGES Export - in addition to advanced IGES import, it is now possible to export Parasolid geometry to IGES format.
attempt to write laminates without a material orientation, or if you specify plate offsets but then translate to a plate type that does not support them.
automatically as you translated your model. Now the loads are properly adjusted to maintain their direction when the elements flip.
Updated the methods used for material orientation in the export interface. Also added support for DOF_SPRING element, nodal thicknesses on plates, phase change information, rotational body loads, several new rigid formulations and many other small changes.
though no data can be specified on that line. Also corrected the CONM2 in wide field, which was too wide if you specified inertia values. Changed the interface to Nonlinear Static to include a NLSTRESS(PLOT) command whenever you request STRESS(PLOT). This prevents nonlinear stress data from going to the F06 so FEMAP can properly recognize the data in the OUTPUT2 file. Corrected a problem that caused a function reference to still be written to a MATS1 nonlinear material if you selected a function, then later changed the material definition to Elasto-Plastic, where the function was no longer required. Added support for the PARAM,LGDISP and RFORCE commands in CSA/NASTRAN Interface. Corrected a problem for Optimization analyses that used stresses from linear plates as design constraints. Previously the wrong stress values were selected if you also requested corner stresses on those elements. Corrected a problem with exporting for transient heat transfer analyses if you did not specify any time-varying loads, and used Load Set 1 for your constant loading. Previously the set chosen for the default TLOAD1 time-dependence matched the DLOAD setID. Corrected a problem that caused computed Von Mises Strain values to be incorrect if there was a 3D state of strain present. This did not apply to Von Mises Strains that were read (Solid Elements), or to ones that were computed in a 2D strain field (Plates), just ones that were computed in a 3D field (Laminates). This problem was also limited to strains, not stresses. Modified the creation of LSEQ commands for dynamic loads. The DAREA and LID fields no longer references the same ID. This corrects a problem that occurs in certain versions of NASTRAN that causes the loads to be doubled if these IDs matched. Corrected a problem with LSEQ commands for random response analysis with multiple load cases. All LSEQ commands now reference the same set ID, and the LOADSET command has been moved above the SUBCASE level in case control.
Added the ability to specify mesh "hard" points on a surface that lie inside of a hole. Previously the mesh points were only properly recognized if they were located on the actual "material" portion of the surface, not on the interior of a hole.
Updated the original surface mesher to produce better shaped triangles. Updated the Mesh On Surfaces, Mesh Curves, Mesh Region and Mesh Between commands to ask if you want to automatically mesh with Plot-Only elements if you do not specify a Property. Updated the surface meshers to optionally place midside nodes onto associated geometry rather than just at the element midside. This can be limited by a distortion angle, just like solids. Also updated the Modify Update Element Order command to include the same capability. Corrected the geometry associativity of mapped meshes on standard (not ACIS or Parasolid) triangular surfaces. Previously the node at one corner was improperly associated with one of the other curves on the surface.
Added the Group Operations Generate Solids command to automatically create a group that contains all geometry (Points, Curves, Surfaces...) from one or more solids or volumes.
shading and element thicknesses turned off you only saw one side of the contour.
Increased the precision writing Coordinate system locations that are far from the global origin. Supported combined Rotational Acceleration and Rotational Velocity that are along the same vector but in opposite directions. Corrected a problem that occurred if you specified Rotational Velocity, but not Rotational Acceleration, in combination with translational acceleration (gravity), with no other structural loads in the same load set. In this case, the rotational velocity was previously written in the same load case as the translational acceleration which is invalid. Corrected a problem with the continuation cards for Hyperelastic Parabolic Quadrilateral Axisymmetric elements. Corrected a problem that occurred in the DEC/Alpha version when reading results of a Modal Analysis with Strain Energy Output from Output2 Results files that contained uninitialized data.
Dramatically improved the performance of merging nodes at the end of meshing a model with a large number of curves. One extreme case went from 1+ hours to 30 seconds.
Corrected problem reading moments for some reduced integration plates (S4R5, S8R, and S8R5). Also modified reading of shear forces for S4 plates. These corrections account for changes that have occurred in recent versions of ABAQUS.
Added support for reading the Gap Element stress table from a Nonlinear Analysis in the printed output file (.F06). This corrected a problem that caused the table to be incorrectly recognized as displacements. Corrected reading of the OUTPUT2 file for Nonlinear Transient analysis. Previously, on some analyses, output would be split into multiple output sets, even though it appeared to have the same time step value. FEMAP no longer checks the time steps for exact matches, since the time step actually varies slightly (on the order of 1E-7) between the various types of output. Corrected the OUTPUT2 reader to properly compute the max/min values of stresses and strains for elements with corner values. Previously, the centroidal max/min values were being overwritten with the max/min from the final corner vector. This had no real impact on the postprocessing other than to improperly set the contour legend limits on Criteria plots of the centroidal values. Added support for planar elements with a material orientation set using the MCSID coordinate system that referenced the radial direction of a cylindrical or spherical system. Corrected the OUTPUT2 reader to properly handle "blocked" results files from large models, from certain versions of CSA/NASTRAN and UAI/NASTRAN.
Added a command to FEMAP to Compile Basic scripts into Binary executable scripts. Compile script takes a ".BAS" file and produces a ".BAX" file. This command is not required, the run script command can now run either .BAS or .BAX scripts. However, application developers who do not want users to see or change their scripts can use this to create precompiled scripts. Compiling will also speed up the load time of scripts that are going to be run frequently. Changed all subroutine functions to make them consistent with the function calling syntax. Also changed all True/False type return codes to make them compatible with Basic True/False testing.
Corrected various problems with functions esp_FileNeutralWrite, esp_FilePictSave, esp_CsysCreateVec, esp_CsysCreatePoint, esp_DupRadialCopy, esp_DupRotate, esp_CurveFSIntersect, esp_ModRotateTo, esp_ModRotateBy, esp_SplineEllipse, esp_ModScaleLoad, and esp_ModLoadFunc Corrected return values for esp_FileExecWait, esp_ElemOrient, esp_ListSelectGroup, esp_CoordSurfaceIntersect, esp_CsysCreateVec, esp_CsysCreatePoint, esp_DupRotate, esp_DupScale, esp_DupReflect, esp_PointCreate, esp_LineParallel, esp_LineOffset, esp_LinePointTangent, esp_LineTangentTangent, esp_CirclePointonArc, esp_ArcPoints, esp_PropBeamXSection, and esp_ModElOrder. Added new functions, including, esp_SaveAs, esp_CurveLength, esp_SurfArea, esp_SolidCleanup, esp_SolidExplode, and esp_PropPlateMatls
Allowed you to Cancel the Geometry Copy Curves command from the Generation Options dialog box.
the location of the first node as before. This change makes the command independent of the mesh location, corresponds more closely with solver conventions, and results in orientations that are shown as truly radial.
Corrected the process for launching VisQ after you export a model for analysis. VisQ client is now properly launched with the submission dialog box displayed and filled with the proper defaults.
FEMAP now reads all Stress/Strain tables for non-linear analysis as Stress vs. Strain, although they can be input the other way around. Since most customers use the Stress vs. Strain convention, FEMAP now does as well. Fixed a problem reading PSHEAR cards from NASTRANs other than CSA/NASTRAN. Corrected and error reading NASTRAN MAT8 cards to properly read the STRN field to determine the allowables in Xt, Xc, Yt, Yc, and S are stress allowables or strain allowables. Updated FEMAP to correctly write a NASTAN input file when a node has both an enforced displacement and the model contains gravitational loads. Updated the reading of NASTRAN Coordinate Systems to overcome a problem where a coordinate system is specified using very large numbers that limit the number of significant digits for calculation due the eight character field size in most NASTRAN input decks. FEMAP now looks for this situation and adjusts its conversion of NASTRAN coordinate systems into FEMAP coordinate systems to insure accuracy.
Additions and Corrections - Reading Results from the NASTRAN Printed Output File (v6.0)
Several errors were corrected in reading results from the printed output file generated by NASTRAN. In general reading a file that was originally designed for printing to line printers is very difficult due to the large number of combinations of page breaks, page feeds, titles, etc. that can be mixed together with the output data we are trying to extract. All reported problems have been corrected, and in addition, a new method for importing NASTRAN results has been implemented - Binary Output2 Read. Binary Output2 (OP2) read is significantly faster and less prone to errors due to the very structured layout of the output data without the extra information required for printing.
Additions and Corrections - Ctrl-L List Access in Selection Dialog Box (v6.0)
Corrected problems using Ctrl-L in the standard entity selection boxes. Ctrl-L can be used in many of the FEMAP selection dialog boxes that pick an ID value to display a list of ID along with their associated titles. Problems accessing and interpreting the results of Ctrl-L selections have been corrected.
Several complaints with the spherical surface meshing capabilities of FEMAP capabilities of FEMAP have been addressed with the new FEMAP capability to specify a Mesh Approach for individual surfaces. In particular, spherical surfaces, usually portions of spherical surfaces, can now be meshed using the Planar Projection approach to achieve a quality surface mesh.
Additions and Corrections - Matching Tetrahedral Meshes Between Coincident Surfaces (v6.0)
In FEMAP v5.0 it was possible, but time consuming to ensure that tetrahedral elements matched across adjacent solids meshed with the automatic tetrahedral mesher. This situation frequently arises when trying to automesh assemblies and/or solids composed of two or more materials. As a by-product of the hexahedral meshing capability added in FEMAP v6.0, FEMAP can now slave two surfaces together for meshing purposes. Once slaved, only one of the surfaces is meshed, and that mesh is transferred to the other surface when it is time for it to be meshed. When the surfaces are coincident, this guarantees the tetrahedral mesh generated on both sides of the interface will match.
Additions and Corrections - Custom Mesh Size On Curve Attached to a FEMAP Standard Surface (v6.0)
Corrected a problem that reversed the custom mesh sizing set up for a curve attached to a FEMAP standard surface.
Additions and Corrections - Display of Loads on Geometry in Non-Global Coordinate Systems (v6.0)
Corrected the display of loads on geometry that were defined in a coordinate system other than one of the three FEMAP global systems. This problem only appeared when using Render Mode in FEMAP v5.0
Additions and Corrections - Applying Thermal Boundary Conditions to Both Sides of Plates (v6.0)
FEMAP now properly handles the application of thermal boundary conditions (convection and radiation) when applied to both sides of the same plate element.
or true-color mode.
Additions and Corrections - Modify Update Scale Load - Geometric Loads (v6.0)
Fixed a problem scaling loads on geometry that would only update the x-component of the load.
"Spectrum" button in the Analysis Control dialog. Press this button to access the dialog box that is used to define the Response Spectrum options. Note - if you are going through the "Advanced" path, this button is also available in the Modal information dialog box that is automatically displayed for modal analysis. The first option allows you to choose the type of spectrum that you will be applying (Acceleration, Velocity or Displacement), choose the spectrum function and specify an additional scale factor. You can also choose the method that will be used to combing the modal results into the response. Finally, you can choose SUPORT (base) degrees of freedom by selecting a constraint set, and a modal damping function.
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Previously the toolbars could not be used when you were recording a program file.
loads that contained time or frequency dependent functions. The expansion was always correct, but previously generated a number of invalid messages. The Advanced Loading Methods dialog box that is used for Variable Geometric Loads has been corrected. Previously it required valid interpolation values along a curve, even if they were not being used.
Additions and Corrections - Reading Loads from Old Neutral Files (v5.0a)
An error was discovered and corrected that occurred when you read a pre-V5 FEMAP Neutral File. The error caused Rotational loads, like Moments, Enforced Rotations, Rotational Velocity and Rotational Acceleration to be converted to Translational loads ( Forces, Enforced Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration). This error also occurred when automatically converting old databases.
renumbering the groups. FEMAP no longer preserves the overall numbering that was originally specified, rather, the renumbered group will only contain entities that currently exist in the model. While we realize that this could cause some problems depending on how you are using groups, it results in dramatic performance improvements. You can still prevent renumbering by using the Group Operations Renumber command if you would rather set up groups that just reference ranges of IDs rather than specific entities.
The Model Load Heat Transfer dialog box has been modified to allow you to select an ambient temperature element for enclosure radiation. You can define an element, control its temperature, and select it here as the ambient or space condition.
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Dynamic Rotation
The dynamic rotation, pan and zoom command now supports curves as well as finite elements. This allows you to use this command even before you mesh your model.
Added support for an Extended Material definition for Plastic materials.
Create Function
Two new function types - "StrainRate vs. Value" and "StrainRate vs. Function ID", can now be created.
Check Distortions
The Element Aspect ratio check has been changed to use a more intuitive measure of the aspect ratio. Previously all element dimensions, including diagonals were used and then factored to give a "pseudo" aspect ratio. Now the ratio is just the ratio of the longest to shortest edge. You can still find highly skewed elements using the other checks.
ABAQUS Interfaces
Support for ABAQUS has been greatly enhanced. FEMAP now contains new elements and material definitions, has better support for contact surfaces and supports a variety of additional analysis procedures, including: Transient, Frequency Response and Creep. Refer to the documentation for more information. FEMAP can automatically run your ABAQUS analysis and recover the output, if you are using the Windows NT version.
ANSYS Interfaces
Added support for SHELL43, SOLID92, SHELL99 and new CEAVE elements.
DXF Interface
FEMAP now supports VERTEX packet 42 (bulge info). This enables FEMAP to read polylines that contain arcs.
IGES Interface
Added support for reading B-Spline and NURB curves (Type 126). Also added option that allows you to skip non-geometric entities - typically construction geometry that is not used to define your part.
CSA/NASTRAN Interfaces
32-bit versions of FEMAP can now run CSA/NASTRAN and automatically recover output. The default extension for CSA/NASTRAN files has been changed to ".dat" to properly match what CSA/NASTRAN expects. Rigid and Interpolation (RBE3) elements are now more fully supported using the new rigid elements. Corner Stresses for plates can now also be requested.
MSC/NASTRAN Interfaces
- You can now select temperature initial conditions for Nonlinear Static analysis. Corner Stresses for plates can now also be requested. - Rigid and Interpolation (RBE3) elements are now more fully supported using the new rigid elements. - Support for solving problems involving forced convection over surfaces. - The postprocessing interface now supports reading output where you requested STRESS(BILIN) or STRESS(SGAGE). Added more support for reading SORT2 complex output including complex displacements, loads, spcforces, velocities and accelerations.
MTAB*Stress Interfaces
A warning has been added if you try to translate a model that contains element temperatures on plane strain or axisymmetric elements since they are not supported by MTAB*Stress. You can also now add an option to split your analysis scratch files onto a different disk/directory. If you define the DOS environment variable WINTAB, and you are using the new Windows version of MTAB*Stress, FEMAP can automatically run your analysis and recover the output.
StereoLithography Interfaces
Added the ability to write a Stereolithography file based on the element definition in your model. Plate elements are written "as-is". For Solid elements, only the free faces are written.
On-Line Help
A Search command has been added to the help menu to allow you to directly search the Help system for any keyword.
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File Preferences
In the Startup Color dialog, the Palette button beside the Constraint Equations option now works properly. Previously it did not display the palette dialog box.
Material Library
Several corrections to the conductivity and specific heat values that are contained in the sample material library have been made to resolve issues of inconsistent units. Again however as we have always said - this is just a sample library - you should create your own library based on the material data that you need.
Generate Between
If you had an active property type other than a line, plane or solid type, the Property List and New Prop controls were disabled. If you wanted to change to a different property you had to Cancel the command, select another property and start again. These controls are now always available so you can change without leaving this command.
Quick Display
Corrected several problems that caused FEMAP to crash if you tried to plot loads or deformations on nodes or elements that were not displayed because they were on a layer that was turned off or because they were not contained
Dynamic Rotation
Corrected a problem that caused the snap grid to flash during dynamic rotation/pan/zoom if it was displayed.
Contour Vectors
Corrected problems which occurred if you tried to display contour vectors on selected layers or a group. In this case nodal output would not be displayed at all, and elemental output was displayed for all elements, even if the elements were not shown. Contour vectors now properly recognize the layer and group selections. In addition the contour vector scale now works with the "Auto-Group" display option.
ABAQUS Interfaces
- The TRANSFORM command was written incorrectly for rotated rectangular output coordinate systems that had origins that were not coincident with the global origin. - Corrected the face number for heat transfer loads being written on solid elements.
ANSYS Interfaces
- Previously FEMAP could not postprocess output from SOLID92 or other tetrahedral only solids. Corner stresses for these elements were not properly read. - A problem was also eliminated that caused FEMAP to hang if you had multiple load cases defined in your model and tried to translate for a Heat Transfer analysis. - Corrected the face number for face loads being written on tetrahedral elements for Heat Transfer analyses. - For SOLID45 elements, KEYOPT(4) is now properly controlled by the FEMAP property to select either global or elemental coordinates for output. - Corrected reading KEYOP commands from ANSYS Rev 5.2 CDWRIT files. This eliminates various problems including DOF Spring elements being read as linear Spring elements. This problem only occurred with ANSYS Rev 5.2. Previous versions worked properly.
CSA/NASTRAN Interfaces
Corrected a problem that caused the first page of DISPLACEMENT output to be skipped if you also requested EQUILIBRIUM CHECK LOADS with the PARAM,GRDEQ command.
MSC/NASTRAN Interfaces
Corrected a problem that could cause elemental heat flux, convection and radiation loads to miss differences in diameter or area resulting in incorrect PHBDY references.
MTAB*Stress Interfaces
Corrected a problem that caused FEMAP to hang when writing a file for Response Spectrum analysis if you chose a "vs. Freq" function for the Response Spectrum table. When writing a file for Random Response analysis, FEMAP no longer asks you to choose a load set since it is never used.
NASTRAN Interfaces
- Corrected the translation of Angular Acceleration. FEMAP defines angular acceleration in radians/time/time but NASTRAN expects rev/time/time. The value you define is now correctly converted using a 2*PI factor. In addition, if you enabled both accelerations and angular velocities, but specified angular velocity as (0,0,0), the angular acceleration was written incorrectly. - When writing TABLEST commands, FEMAP previously included decimal points in the y components, even though they are actually table IDs. They are now properly written as integers. - Changed translation on MAT4 and MAT5 commands for non-MSC interfaces. Previously the FEMAP Specific Heat was written directly to the Cp field. In non-MSC NASTRAN however this field should really be Cp*density. It is now written properly. If density is zero, Cp is written directly (not as 0.0) as before, but you will receive a warning.
STARDYNE Interfaces
Previously if you placed pressures on triangular plates and then chose to translate them to thick plates using degenerate QUADS elements, the pressures were still written as TPRS loads (on triangles) and STARDYNE did not recognize them as valid. They are now correctly written as QPRS loads (on quads).
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additional information, such as file sizes. The toolbox has been improved to resize the buttons based on your system resolution and fonts to improve the appearance of the buttons and the associated icons.
ABAQUS - PostProcessing
Plate Forces have been changed to load into the Middle Layer locations. This enables them to be compared with the results from other programs.
ANSYS Interfaces
Support has been added in the ANSYS Write and PostProcessing Interfaces for Transient, Frequency Response, Buckling, Nonlinear Static and Nonlinear Transient Response. Support is also included for Nonlinear and Hyperelastic materials.
ALGOR Interfaces
The ALGOR Model Read interface can now automatically delete beam reference nodes, converting all beams back into a vector orientation. This eliminates the problems caused by ALGOR placing reference nodes at extremely large distances from the model.
File Preferences
You can now control the default colors for all entities thru the File Startup Preferences options. The colors you choose will be used whenever you start a new model.
File Rebuild
New capability has been added to File Rebuild to attempt to automatically reconstruct databases even if they contain duplicate copies of the same data (same IDs). Previously rebuild would just give up if it encountered this situation.
MTAB*STRESS Interfaces
The MTAB Interfaces have been enhanced to request and recover corner stresses (as well as centroidal stresses) for Type 8, Parabolic Solid, elements. Also added an option to use Type 8 elements even for Linear Solids.
NASTRAN Interfaces
Added the capability to request Elemental Strain Energy Output. When reading a model, the interface now asks whether to use the adjustment factor whenever it encounters a PARAM, WTMASS command. Added an option in the femap.ini initialization file to control the default output destination. Set NasOutDest=n, where n of 0 = Print, 1 = Post, 2 = Print and Post, 3 = Punch and 4 = Punch and Post. Added support for reading CELASi, CDAMPi elements to ground. Also added general support for reading CELAS3, CDAMP3, CELAS4 and CDAMP4 elements and NOLINi loads. Added ability to read ASET, BSET, ... xSET commands on scalar points. Added ability to read LOAD commands.
Output Reports
The List Output Standard and List Output Use Format commands have been improved to only print the FEMAP header at the top of the report, and/or at the top of every page if you list directly to a printer.
Property - Laminate
When defining or editing laminate properties you can now insert and delete plies in the layup that you are defining.
weCan Interface
Added support for beam and bar releases.
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ABAQUS - PostProcessing
Plate Forces have been changed to load into the Middle Layer locations. Previously, Plate Force results were loaded into Bottom Layer locations. While there was nothing wrong with this, it made it more difficult to compare results with other programs.
ALGOR - PostProcessing
Corrected a problem in the 32-bit versions that prevented binary stress output files from being read.
This command was not disabled even when there were no curves in the model. Curves must now exist for this command to be available.
Generate Remesh
In the 32-bit versions only, Generate Remesh would sometimes crash. Corrected the memory access problem that caused this problem.
Mass Elements
Numerous problems were corrected with Mass Elements. Their labels did not plot at the element location. You could not graphically select them, except in Quick Display mode, and List Elements did not list their nodes. All of these have been corrected.
MSC/NASTRAN Interfaces
For Buckling Solutions, a LOAD=xx command has been added to the eigenvalue subcase. For Version 68 and later this is required for buckling. Switched to using SPOINTs instead of constrained nodes as reference nodes for convection or radiation loads. While there was nothing wrong with using constrained nodes, the use of SPOINTs eliminates messages encountered during postprocessing that output exists for nonexistent nodes (the ficticious ones written as reference nodes that were never saved in the model). Corrected a problem that caused a PARAM, LGDISP command to be incorrectly written if you change the analysis type from Linear Static, to Nonlinear Static and then back to Linear Static again. For Nonlinear Analysis, the Modified Newton-Raphson options for Line Search, Quasi-Newton and Bisection were reversed (On when should be off). They are now written properly. Nonlinear Material Table (TABLES1) x-y values were previously written in reversed order. Data should be entered as requested in FEMAP - it is now written and read properly. An error was corrected that occurred when convections were placed on the edges of axisymmetric elements. Previously, incorrect interface elements (quad shaped) were written instead of the correct line interface elements.
Laminate properties with >36 plies in small field format have been corrected. Previously they would not work because the continuation field was inadvertently repeated after the 36th ply. For Solid Element properties, if you choose to align the material coordinate system to the element axes we now write a -1 instead of a blank for the selection. This change was required because the default value on the PSOLID changed in MSC/NASTRAN Version 68. Added a warning to indicate that initial tension was being ignored for Rod / Cable element properties if it is nonzero. This capability is not available in NASTRAN. For Heat Transfer Analysis, the default convergence method was changed to UPW (from U) and the default tolerance values are now used instead of the previously looser tolerances. The previous methods did not lead to accurate or reliable convergence in many cases. Removed the Estimate Button from the Analysis dialog box for Steady-State Heat Transfer Analysis, since it did not apply to that type of solution. For Heat Transfer, the LANGLE and LGDISP parameters are now off by default. Previously LGDISP was on. The standard output report format for Plate Forces has been corrected. It previously tried to display output stored in the vectors for the Top Layer of the element, while the output is actually stored in the Middle Layer.
MTAB*STRESS Interfaces
Corrected a problem in the 32-bit versions that prevented Element Output from Type 3, 4 or 5 elements from being read properly, along with results from Time History analyses. Also corrected a problem in 32-bit versions that prevented some models with Type 8 elements from being read properly. Added an integration order of 3 for Type 8 elements (Parabolic Solids). Previously nothing was written. The default integration order however does not give good results with brick elements that reference midside nodes. Corrected the face numbering for pressures on Type 8 elements. Pressures on Faces 1 and 2 were previously reversed (on the opposite face).
Corrected numerous problems in reading output for specific models, including proper handling of multiple boundary elements in multiple load case static analyses. Also now handle multiple element type models which are bandwidth minimized and reordered before analysis. Corrected a problem with Plane Strain elements that caused them to always be written with a thickness of 1.0.
SSS/NASTRAN - PostProcessing
Plate Forces have been changed to load into the Middle Layer locations. Previously, Plate Force results were loaded into Bottom Layer locations. While there was nothing wrong with this, it made it more difficult to compare results with other programs.
Stereolithography Interface
Corrected the STL interface to be case insensitive. Some programs use upper case when writing the STL file, and this was previously not supported.
Corrected a problem with user-defined toolboxes that used more than two levels of menus. Previously you could not get back to the main menu level with the backup command after going below the second level. The maximum depth has been increased to 8 levels, and you are now prevented from going below that level. This did not occur in the standard toolbox that ships with FEMAP, but was possible in user-defined toolboxes.
UAI/NASTRAN Interfaces
Improvements have been made in the UAI/NASTRAN interfaces that now support requesting and postprocessing of element corner output. Results are now properly handled with or without corner output. Changed output requests to NLSTRESS and NLSTRAIN for nonlinear static analysis - previously incorrectly wrote STRESS and STRAIN. Also now properly read QUADR element results.
View New
When you create a new view by copying an existing view, the list of active layers for that view is now properly duplicated. Previously, the layer list was missed, requiring you to recreate it in the new view.
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Element Edge / Solid CSys or Nodal Output CSys This method is used for output from planar elements if the X output direction is defined relative to the first element edge (the line connecting the first two nodes). It is used for Solid elements if output is defined in the solid property coordinate system. Use it for nodal output, if the results are in the Nodal output coordinate system. Be aware however that for most standard three dimensional nodal output vectors (Displacements, Constraint Forces, Applied Loads, Velocities and Accelerations) FEMAP transforms output into global coordinates and this option is not appropriate. Element Midside Locations This option is used for output from planar elements when the X output direction is defined as the vector that joins the midsides of the second and final (4th for a quad, 3rd for a triangle) edge. Element Diagonal Bisector This option is used for output from planar elements when the X output direction is defined as the vector that bisects the angle formed by the two element diagonals, in the quadrant that generally points along the first edge. Element Material Direction This option is used for elemental output that is defined in the material direction. For example along the rotated plies of a laminate. CSys This final method is available if your output is defined in some known coordinate system. You must also choose the appropriate coordinate system along with this option.
View Options - Contour Vector Style A new Contour Vector Style option has been added to the View Options command as well. Here you can choose whether the length and/or color of the vectors will be adjusted based on their magnitude. You can also choose how the vectors are located and whether or not they have arrowheads. If you choose to center the vectors, they will either be centered at the node or element centroid, as appropriate. Otherwise, the start of the vector will be placed at that location. If you choose a Single Arrow style, the direction of the vector (toward the arrowhead) will imply whether the value is positive or negative. For Dual Arrow styles, outward pointing arrowheads are used for positive values, inward pointing arrowheads are used for negative values.
and then review it in PREP7 before beginning your analysis. Large Deformation Effects For Nonlinear Analysis (both Static and Transient), you also have the option to choose Large Deformation Effects. Simply click on this dialog box if you would like to include these effects. This selection will not appear if you did not select a Nonlinear Analysis Type. Preparing for Static Analysis - Additional Information You may also define multiple load and constraint sets for Nonlinear Static analysis, however, the first load set chosen must have active Nonlinear Analysis options. If Nonlinear Analysis options are not defined, an error will occur and FEMAP will not translate the load sets. If Nonlinear Analysis options are defined for the first load set, these options will be used for all following load sets since ANSYS does not allow modification of these options after entering the solution process. Preparing for Transient and Nonlinear Transient Response Analyses Preparing for these types of analyses is very similar to preparing for Static and Modal Analysis except only one load set and one constraint set may be chosen. A dialog box will appear to enable you to select the load case. The load case selected must have the correct Dynamic Analysis Solution Option chosen to prevent translation errors. If Dynamic Analysis options are turned Off, or a mismatch occurs between solution and analysis type (i.e. you chose Transient Analysis but the Dynamic Analysis Solution Option for the chosen load set is Direct or Modal Frequency), an error message will appear and the load set will not be written. If the Analysis Type and the Dynamic Analysis option match, FEMAP will automatically determine whether to use a FULL (direct) or MODAL analysis method based upon the Dynamic Analysis Solution Option. If a direct method is active in the Dynamic Analysis Solution option, the Constraint Set dialog box appears and you can select the appropriate constraint set, after which the translation is completed. If a modal method is active, FEMAP will first write commands for the Modal solution and then the transient solution. The ANSYS Dynamic Analysis Options (see Preparing for Modal Analysis) dialog box appears to allow you to select information related to the initial Modal Analysis. Translating for Nonlinear Transient analysis is identical to Transient analysis except that Modal Transient is not available, Nonlinear Analysis options must be active, and you can choose to activate Large Deformation Effects. If a Modal Transient Solution Method is selected, or Nonlinear Analysis options are not active, an error message appears and the load set is not written. Preparing for Frequency/Harmonic Response Analysis Preparing for Frequency analysis is identical to transient except for an additional dialog box which appears at the end of translation. This dialog box is identical to the ANSYS Dynamic Analysis Options dialog box and is used to select the number of frequencies and the frequency range to be analyzed. If a Modal Frequency Solution Method is chosen, this dialog box will appear twice. The first time you must choose the options for the initial Modal Analysis, while the second time it appears you must choose the frequency range of interest. As shown below, only Number of Frequencues, MIN Frequency, Max Frequency, and whther to calculate Element results will be available for the Frequency protion of this analsyis. All other options are grayed. Preparing for Buckling Analysis Buckling analysis simply requires the writing of a Static Solution followed by a Buckling Solution. Only one load set and one constraint set may be chosen for Buckling Analysis. The only other inputs required are the number of modes to be extracted and whether Elemental Results should be calculated. These are input in the standard ANSYS Dynamic Analysis Options dialog box. Notes on Dynamic Analyses
It is important to review limitations on Transient and Frequency Response loading conditions in ANSYS. Loads on the same node or elemental face must have the same time history (Transient) or same phase (Frequency). If they do not, FEMAP will write the loading conditions assuming the last time history/phase, and you will most likely get results for a different loading condition than desired. Also, with regard to damping, you can define alpha and beta damping for frequency analysis by defining the Overall Structural Damping Coefficient (G). FEMAP will automatically compute alpha and beta. If only one frequency is defined for the analysis, FEMAP assumes alpha is 0 and computes beta from 2*G/wi where wi is the frequency. If a range of frequencies are specified, FEMAP will compute alpha and beta based on the equation G = alpha/(2*wi) + beta*wi/2 by assuming G is constant over the frequency range. Two simultaneous equations are produced at the two frequencies which define the range. For damping in transient analysis, alpha is assumed to be zero and beta is set equal to the G divided by the Frequency for System Damping (W3). Alpha and Beta damping are not available for Nonlinear Transient Analysis. For more information concerning damping in ANSYS, please review the ANSYS Procedures Manual.
Data Block 407 - Loads The following field has been added to the end of Record 19 (after "dyn_out_int") Record 19 ... dyn_out_int ... dyn_rand_psd Random PSD Function ID
4 byte integer
Data Block 409 - Views The following fields have been added to the end of the record that contained "anim_frame" and "anim_delay" 1 record anim_frame ... anim_delay .... trace_opt trace_ID cntvec_hide cntvec_mode cntvec_csys cntvecID[0..2] cntvec_dir[0..2]
Trace Option ID of trace vector Flag to Hide contour Vectors Contour Vec Mode CSys for Contour Vectors IDs of Output Contour Vectors Components of Contour Vector direction
4 byte integer 4 byte integer 2 byte boolean 4 byte integer 4 byte integer 4 byte integers 8 byte double precision
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Windows 95 Support
The 32-bit (Windows NT) versions of FEMAP have been enhanced to support Windows 95 when it is available. This includes use of new Windows 95 dialog boxes providing a full Windows 95 look-and-feel when you run it on this operating system.
Added the POW( ) function which can be used to raise a number to an arbitrary power.
Create Functions
Many new function types have been added to support the new types of dynamics and nonlinear analyses.
Create Constraints
Nodal constraints can now be created on element faces. See the following section describing the new nodal loading capability for more information.
Create Loads
Many new capabilities have been added to this menu. You can now specify options to control Dynamics (Transient and Frequency Response) Analyses, and Nonlinear Analyses along with your load sets. Currently, these are only used by the NASTRAN (and Neutral File) interfaces, but we expect to be broadening this support in the future. Just as elemental face loads could be specified by various face selection methods, including automatic selection of adjacent faces, nodal loads and constraints can now also be applied in this fashion. You simply select the elements, and appropriate faces, and FEMAP will apply the loads or constraints to all nodes on those faces. In addition to the previous nodal load types, Nodal Velocities can now be defined, and Load Phase can be defined as a function of frequency. Finally, nonlinear transient forces (loads that are a function of a displacement or velocity at one or two other degrees of freedom) can also be defined. These are currently only translated for NASTRAN.
Generate Between
A new biasing option has been added to this command to allow logarithmic/geometric biasing. This new method allows smoother element size transitions near the small elements - which is very important for many fluid dynamics
Group Generate
A new option has been added to this command to automatically update the element layers along with placing elements into a group. This allows display of multiple model sections using Layer Management.
ABAQUS Interfaces
Many new additions have been made to the ABAQUS interfaces. The most significant of these is the totally new support for Steady-State and Transient Heat Transfer Analyses. FEMAP can now produce complete, ready-to-run heat transfer models. Several other changes have also been made to support formats for both ABAQUS Version 5.4 and previous versions.
Updated interface to be able to read models that contain free format Master and Element control records that are now generated by ALGOR.
NASTRAN Interfaces
Some of the most significant new developments in this version are contained in the new NASTRAN interfaces. With this version, we go beyond just Static and Modal analysis and now support Transient Dynamics (both Linear and Nonlinear), Frequency Response, and Nonlinear Statics (including Creep, Slide Lines, Material Nonlinearities and Hyperelasticity). Although the primary implementation of these new interfaces was done for MSC/NASTRAN, many of the new features are also available for both UAI/NASTRAN ( Transient, Frequency Response and Nonlinear Static) and CSA/NASTRAN (Transient and Frequency Response) as well. New Case Control and Bulk Data interfaces have been added which provide additional capabilities for Output Selection and PARAM specification. Based upon popular request, RBE3 interpolation elements are now supported as a variation of our Rigid Element.
NASTRAN PostProcessing
All of the NASTRAN results interfaces now scan the output files for Errors, Warnings and Messages. Those messages are then displayed for your review at the end of the translation. In conjunction with the new modeling support for NASTRAN, all of the postprocessing interfaces have also been enhanced to read the results of these solutions - including complex output from Frequency Response Analyses.
STARDYNE Interfaces
Added capabilities to both request and postprocess strains and element corner stresses.
PATRAN Interfaces
Added support for distributed loads and improved support for other loads including pressures.
mTAB*STRESS Interfaces
Many new options have been added to the Model Write interface which now offer complete control over how FEMAP utilizes the STRESS load factors. This gives you much greater control over how you will combine different loads in your analysis. Added support for Parabolic Tetrahedral Solids.
weCan Interfaces
Added support for coupling the results of a Heat Transfer analysis into a Static Analysis.
StereoLithography Interface
A new interface has been added that can read StereoLithography files and create FEMAP surface elements from them. This is primarily intended for use with the Advanced Meshing Module (see above) but can also be used in a stand-alone fashion as another way to get "keypoints" or geometry into FEMAP. Both ASCII and Binary STL files can be read.
XY Plotting
XY plots can now be Log-Log or SemiLog, in addition to the standard Rectilinear. XY plots vs. SetID or SetValue can now be limited to a specified range of output cases.
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Dynamic Rotation
Corrected a problem that could cause a crash if you had too many elements that referenced nodes that did not exist and tried to dynamically rotate the model. This problem did not occur in normal, valid models.
Delete Loads
Corrected a problem that resulted from the deletion of loads that were defined in a user-defined coordinate system that then prevented the coordinate system from being deleted without running File Rebuild.
Group Rules
A problem was corrected that occassionally resulted in rigid or other elements that do not reference a property to be included into a group that included Elements by their Property IDs. A similar problem was corrected for Properties selected by Material ID for properties that do not reference a material.
NASTRAN Interfaces
MAT3 cards generated from orthotropic materials have been corrected. There were several errors that resulted in wrong data being written and read from MAT3 cards.
PATRAN Interfaces
Corrected the configuration of P_AXISYM elements to properly transfer thru PATNAS as CTRIAX6 elements. Corrected the use of the NU31 term (not NU13) on orthotropic material constants. Corrected reading and writing of element pressures regarding the proper application to element faces.
DXF Interfaces
Corrected a problem in the Windows NT and UNIX versions of FEMAP that prevented reading of blocked entities in a DXF file. The problem did not occur in the 16-bit Windows 3.1 version.
weCan Interfaces
Previously nodal rotation angles were written in the incorrect order for nodes where constraints or loads were applied to a node in a non-global coordinate system. The previous order was about X, -Y and Z. Now written in the correct order Z, X, -Y.
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New Platforms
We are happy to announce that FEMAP is now available for the following platforms: Windows 3.1 : Intel-based PCs Windows NT : Intel-based PCs, and DEC Alpha UNIX : IBM, Hewlett Packard, Sun, and Silicon Graphics Workstations We will also be porting to other platforms based on customer demand. If you would like to use FEMAP on a different system, please call us.
still work). Refer to the View Options command in the manual for more information.
Element Selection
Element selection has been accelerated in several ways. First, it uses the display list (if it is available). By using the in-memory display list, the selected entities can be located in less time. In addition however, the method used to add the selected elements to the dialog box list has been improved. The new method results in significant speed improvements in box/circle picking.
Element Plotting
New options have been added to plot element normals as normal vectors, and to selectively remove planar element backfaces.
All FEMAP preferences are now stored in a private FEMAP.INI file in the same directory as the program. Previously they were stored in the system WIN.INI file. FEMAP no longer adds any information into the system initialization files.
Dynamic Rotation
The default Dynamic Rotation method has been changed to "Reduced Bitmap". We have found that this method works for most people and is usually much faster and smoother. Unfortunately we have found some video drivers (like ET4000) that do not properly handle this method. If Dynamic Rotation is not showing you a good picture of your model, or is not working well, switch to one of the other methods.
File Access
The standard FEMAP file access dialog box has been replaced with the Windows Common File Access Dialog box. The new dialog box provides many benefits including separate lists for disks and directories, and the ability to connect to network drives. More importantly however, it is the same file access dialog box that you will see in most other Windows applications.
Printer Setup
The previous printer setup box has been replaced with the Windows Common Printer Setup Dialog box. Just like the file access dialog box this provides an interface that is common with other applications. In addition, it provides many benefits like immediate access to the landscape/portrait orientation options.
The Replay program, used to replay FEMAP (or other Windows) picture files has been enhanced to display the common file access dialog box when it is run directly from Windows (not from the File Picture Replay command). Previously, you simply typed the full filename that you wanted to replay.
Window Management
Typing Ctrl+U now toggles the Messages and Lists window between a full tiled size and its original size. Ctrl+Shift+U does the same thing for the active graphics window.
Program Files
Two new functions have been added to program files. #EXEC( "program" ) allows you to launch the specified program. (4.31) #TIME( "message" ) prints the current date and time, along with your message. (4.31) Added a <PAUSE> command to program files that waits for the current command to complete before continuing the program file. This can be used like the <USER> command to let someone complete a series of dialog boxes interactively. It is also useful if you want to print from a program file. Since printing occurs thru Windows, the program file must be <PAUSE>d at the point printing begins, so that the program file waits for printing to complete.
The compiled FEMAP toolbox file format has changed. Any previous toolboxes that you have created must be recompiled with the new compiler. No changes have been made to the toolbox definition file format, so all you have to do is recompile. The new format is cross-platform compatible, so the same compiled toolbox can be used on Windows 3.1, Windows NT (Intel and DEC Alpha) and on UNIX.
Libraries (4.31)
The material or property ID can now be loaded along with the other data from the appropriate library if the ID in the library is set to a nonzero value. This requires that you edit the library, FEMAP always writes the ID as zero.
A new capability has been added to create, edit, list and delete XY functions. These functions can be defined vs. Time, Temperature or dimensionless quantities. They can then be assigned to create varying materials or loads. They can also be plotted and transferred between other Windows applications. Functions can be edited by phase shifting and magnitude adjustment.
Check Chapter 8 to see which load types are supported by your analysis program before using them in your model.
Extrude Elements
Added the capability to extrude planar elements along their own normal vectors. Optionally, you can choose to adjust the resulting thicknesses based on the angles of intersection between the planar elements. This capability allows fairly complex plate models to be turned into solid elements.
Element Alignment
The Modify Update Reverse command has been enhanced to provide an option that allows you to reconnect/realign elements so that their starting edge is generally along a vector direction. This can be used to "rotate" the connection of elements so that the first edge is in a consistent direction for the application of loads.
View Options
The checkbox options (at the top right) can now be turned on/off by simply double clicking the associated entry in the option list. (4.31) The default option has been changed so that the Label Parameters option is now highlighted (rather than no options being highlighted) the first time you choose View Options during a session.
View Select
Previously when you went into the dialog box to select output for postprocessing, nothing was automatically selected. Now the last output case, Total Translations and Von Mises stress are automatically chosen.
ABAQUS PostProcessing
Strain Energy output is now read, and is available for postprocessing. (4.31) All ABAQUS Element Centroidal and/or Nodal Output is now read from the postprocessing file. Fully supported output is placed into the standard output vectors. If other output exists, you will be given the opportunity to read or skip it. If you choose to read this extra output, it will be placed in vectors above 200000.
COSMOS Interfaces
Support has been added in the COSMOS interfaces for Buckling, Steady-State Heat Transfer and Transient Heat Transfer analyses. In addition, the postprocessing interfaces have been enhanced to directly read the COSMOS binary databases. This avoids parsing thru the printed output file, significantly improving the speed and reliability of these interfaces. Refer to Chapter 8 for more information about the new COSMOS interfaces. Support for plane stress analyses has also been added via an option in the interface to write plane strain elements as plane stress. Anisotropic materials have also been added.
DXF Interface
The AutoCAD/DXF interface has been enhanced to read blocked entities. This allows you to read much more complete data from your CAD models without first exploding the blocked entities.
MTAB*STRESS Interfaces
An option has been added to the Case Control dialog to request elemental strain output. In addition, support has been improved for materials. You can now specify any two of the three (E, G, nu) elastic constants and FEMAP will automatically write the proper values required for all element types.
NASTRAN Interfaces
An option has been added to the Case Control dialog to request elemental strain output. For MSC/NASTRAN many changes have been made. A new analysis control dialog box has been added to the write interface to allow you to quickly specify, in one dialog box, all of the options that you will usually need. This allows you to bypass the three (or more) dialog boxes that were previously required. More importantly, support for buckling, steady-state heat transfer and transient heat transfer have been added. For UAI/NASTRAN, CSA/NASTRAN, ME/NASTRAN and Cosmic NASTRAN, support for buckling analyses has also been added. Added support for MPCFORCE output requests and postprocessing. Support has been added for the CIHEX2 element in the Cosmic NASTRAN interfaces.
(4.31) Also added support for reading stresses in CIHEX1 and CIHEX2 elements. For MSC/NASTRAN linear axisymmetric triangles are now written as the recommended CTRIAX6 elements (with missing midside nodes) instead of the previous CTRIARG elements. Furthermore, quadrilateral axisymmetric elements are automatically split into triangles during the translation. The default solution sequences for MSC/NASTRAN have been changed to SESTATICS and SEMODES. For any of the NASTRAN interfaces however, you can override the default solution sequences by editing your FEMAP.INI file and adding one or more of the following lines: SolStatic=... SolModes=... SolBuckling=... SolSSHeat=... SolTransHeat=... where you should replace "..." with the text that you want to appear on the SOL command. If you do not currently have a FEMAP.INI file, create one in your FEMAP directory. The first line must be [FEMAP]. (4.31) The Include file capability during Model Write has been improved to automatically strip control characters (including end-of-file characters) from the file you include. This eliminates problems when you run the resulting file in NASTRAN. (4.31) Added a Solve capability for SSS/NASTRAN. FEMAP can now launch SSS/NASTRAN, monitor its progress and automatically read the results. (4.31) Corrected a problem that prevented Element Strain Energy, Failure Indices and Heat Flow from being read from a file that had been processed by NASCRUSH.
STARDYNE Interfaces
Changed all of the interfaces to free format to support the capability to analyze models with more than 10000 nodes. Added support for requesting and postprocessing strain and element corner output.
WECAN Interfaces
Support has been added for Buckling, Response Spectrum, Steady-State Heat Transfer, Transient Heat Transfer, and Coupled Thermal-Stress analyses. Multiple load sets can now be written as independent load cases, and when they are previous loads are no longer zeroed. Plane Strain elements can be written for plane stress analysis. For postprocessing, heat transfer support has been added, along with support for strain output and reaction forces, and support for axisymmetric triangular elements (STIF56). In addition, any analysis error messages are echoed to the Messages and Lists window when you read output. (4.31) For transient thermal analyses, the default temperature for the load case is now used as the initial temperature. Additional iteration control has been added for transient analyses. Heat generation values are written for each element corner.
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Dynamic Rotation
Several problems have been corrected that sometimes caused FEMAP to crash when you tried to rotate models that had missing nodes (for example, if you read and incomplete model from an analysis program). While we do not recommend the practice of working with incomplete/corrupted models, and do not specifically test FEMAP for these conditions, we were able to eliminate these problems.
Layer Blanking
Text ignored the layer blanking options. It was displayed even if it was on a hidden layer. It is now displayed correctly.
Toolbar in Windows NT
In the Windows NT version of FEMAP only, the Alt, Shift and Ctrl keys did not previously work with clicking the toolbar buttons. This has been corrected.
Printing in Windows NT
A problem has been fixed that in many cases prevented you from printing at printer resolution when running the Windows NT version of FEMAP (you got the message "Insufficient Resources to Print"). Another problem was corrected that caused FEMAP to crash when you tried to print Messages. This error occurred only on DEC Alpha NT machines, not Intel.
Boundary Meshing
A problem has been corrected that prevented some boundaries from being meshed with all triangular elements. Also corrected the message that reported the number of nodes created. Previously it did not include the nodes that were created on the boundary, now it includes boundary and interior nodes.
Modify Join
Join did not work properly if the curves to be joined already crossed. The "Near" option did not properly select the sections of the curves to be retained. This has been corrected to work just like the Fillet command. You select Near the sections that you want to keep.
ANSYS Postprocessing
A problem has been corrected that prevented you from postprocessing Rev 5 output for any model that had more than 7000 nodes or elements. Previously you would see a message: "Record Too Large for Internal Buffers." There are no longer any limitations.
were hidden was written. The visible layer list has now been added.
MTAB*STRESS PostProcessing
Output was not read correctly if your model contained both boundary elements and multiple output cases. In addition, nodal rotations were being improperly converted from degrees to radians, even though they were already in radians.
(4.31) The buttons for turning Stresses and Strains in the Case Control dialog box have been corrected. Previously when you pressed None, the "All" buttons still remained highlighted for these two options.
NASTRAN Postprocessing
Corrected a problem that prevented FEMAP from reading the laminate failure indices. Solid element (Hex and Wedge only) stresses were not being read properly ( Cosmic NASTRAN only ).
PATRAN PostProcessing
In some cases, FEMAP would attempt to more fields of output than were actually present in the PATRAN files. This resulted in read errors that persisted even past reading that particular file. This has been corrected to only read the correct number of fields. Also corrected a problem that prevented PATRAN from reading the last line of output from some files.
STAAD PostProcessing
Multiple output cases were not being properly read from the stress output file.
An error has been fixed that caused problems reading models that contained comments with many commas on the same line.
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NOTE: It is up to you to prepare your plate elements with all of their normals pointing in a consistent direction prior to using this command. FEMAP assumes that you want to use the normal direction that you have defined. You can use the Modify Update Reverse or Check Normals commands to adjust the element normals. The View Options command can be used to display a vector along the normal direction.
(4.31) For distributed line loads, the direction/method is 1 thru 6, not 0 thru 5.
Performance Improvements
As always, we try to make every version faster and better than the previous. In this case, we have made some significant improvements - especially if you work with large solid-element models: * We have significantly changed the hidden line algorithm for solid models. Previously FEMAP sorted and drew all faces in the model to create the hidden line plot. Now, we simply draw the external (free) faces. We have seen redraw times for various models decrease by factors between 10 and 100 ! As an example, one 6000 brick element model now redraws a hidden line view in around 2 seconds. * Previously, postprocessing information was reloaded/recalculated every time you changed or redrew the view. The processed information is now retained, greatly improving redraw speeds when postprocessing data is being displayed. * We have also changed many of the calls that FEMAP makes to the Windows system to better take advantage of the newer generation of "Windows Accelerator" graphics boards. As a side benefit to this, Metafiles that you save, or paste into other applications are now significantly smaller, and will also redraw much faster. * This version of FEMAP is compiled as a "386/486/Pentium" application. By dropping support for 80286 processors we have been able to do some further optimizations to the code to improve performance. Your registration cards and calls tell us that none of you use 80286 systems, but if anyone is inconvenienced by this change, please let us know. * The database blocksize has been increased in this version. This improves performance, and also allows FEMAP to access more real memory. Now models of up to 15 MBytes can be processed without swapping, if memory is available on your computer. * Several of the Model Read translators ( NASTRAN, ALGOR, and PATRAN ) have been improved relative to their speed of reading models with large numbers of loads. In some cases, this has resulted in an overall 3-to-1 speed improvement in the time required to read the model.
FEMAP now has a toolbar like many other Windows programs. The toolbar gives you instant, graphical access to
many of the commonly used View commands without going through menus or other dialog boxes. In addition, the toolbar remains active when you are in most other commands, so you can change the display (pan, zoom, turn entities on or off, change Groups or Visible Layers, ... ) while you are working.
Layer Management
New commands have been added to FEMAP which allow you to Create, List, and Delete Layers in your model. Layers can now be given titles just like many other entities. The Modify Layer commands have been changed to display a list of the available Layers, including titles. When you are choosing the layer as you create other entities (Curves, Nodes, Elements...), you can press the Ctrl+L key to display a list of the available layers. The new View Layer command allows you to select which layers will be visible in a View. View Layer can also be found on the new Toolbar.
FEMAP Property, Material, Format and View Library formats have been changed. They are now an enhanced version of the FEMAP Neutral File format. If you have modified the default libraries in your previous version, you will need to convert them to the new format. The new format however will eliminate this requirement in the future. Furthermore, the new library formats can be read with the FEMAP Neutral File translator, if you want to load the entire library into your model.
File Preferences
Several changes have been made to the File Preferences command: * A new preference has been added which allows you to choose the default rotation angle for the View Rotate and Toolbar Rotate commands. * A new preference has been added which allows you to choose an alternate method to fill polygons. The filling mode is used when you choose to display filled elements or surfaces, and for contour/criteria plots. Some graphics boards, especially some of the more expensive Windows Accelerators (Number Nine, Matrox, ...) have errors or limitations in their drivers that resulted in some polygons being skipped. If you see missing polygons, or other missing pixels, when you redraw a FEMAP picture on your graphics board, try this option.
File Print
You can now change the page header and footer directly from the File Print command, without going into the Page Setup option.
Printing Messages
You can now print messages and errors that have been echoed to the Messages and Lists Window. Simply select the messages that you want to print like you do for the File Messages commands, then choose File Print. You will see a new option to print messages. This avoids having to change the List Destination prior to printing a listing, and allows you to print error messages.
normally would to choose commands and make selections. The resulting program files can be edited and replayed to regenerate models, build parametric models, or for many other purposes. The File Program Record function makes building the files as simple as using FEMAP.
File Rebuild
The option to compress the database has been improved slightly to recover more space during the compression.
The FEMAP toolbox now supports up to 36 buttons on each menu (12 rows of 3 buttons each). If you have developed your own toolbox, you must recompile the .tbx file using the new toolbox compiler. You do not have to make any changes to the file, just recompile.
Snap To
A cursor snapping option has been added that restricts snapping to coordinate selections only. With this active, the snap mode is ignored for entity selections, zooming, ... .
RIGID Elements
The number of nodes on a Rigid Element has been increased from 13 to 20.
A new element type, Planar Plot Only elements (linear quads and triangles) has been added.
Generate On Surfaces
When you generate a mesh on a surface, FEMAP will still produce a mapped mesh if you specify equal numbers of elements on opposite sides of the surface. If you specify different numbers of elements, you will have an option to boundary mesh the surface. There is no need to define a boundary, FEMAP will use the bounds of the surface as the boundary. This new capability insures continuity of meshes on surfaces that join at common edges.
Modify Elements
The Modify Move By Elements, Modify Rotate To Elements, Modify Rotate By Elements and Modify Align Elements commands have all been updated so that when you modify line elements, the associated orientation vectors, orientation nodes and offsets are also modified automatically.
Check Planar
If you updated the position of the nodes that you checked, to move them onto the plane, they would still display at their old location until you Regenerated the View. They now update automatically.
each face of the box, and each stiffener into a separate group - with no further input or selection from you.
View Activate
You can now double-click the left mouse button in either list box to automatically open (or close) a view. This is typically faster than using the push buttons to move views between the lists.
View UnZoom
A new command, View UnZoom, has been added which will return you to the previous magnification and centering. You can now "zoom in" on a section of your model, and quickly return to your previous view using this command. View UnZoom can also be found on the Toolbar.
PostProcessing - IsoSurfaces
Isosurfaces are to solids elements what line contours are to planar elements. They show the internal surfaces where output values are constant, and are probably the fastest way to find out what is happening inside your solid model. For best results, make sure that you turn on shading, and turn down (probably 10 or less) the number of Contour/IsoSurface Levels before making an IsoSurface display. FEMAP will automatically make your elements transparent so you can see the isosurfaces inside.
Layer Colors
All entities can now be displayed with the color of the layer that they reference.
Contour Legend
The contour legend no longer fills the entire window if you only have a few levels. If you choose 10 or more levels, the full size legend is shown, otherwise each level is limited in size.
ABAQUS Interfaces
New Model Write and PostProcessing interfaces have been added to support the ABAQUS program from HKS, Inc.. These interfaces are somewhat unique in that they support some of the more advanced concepts for nonlinear analysis in ABAQUS, like slide lines and rigid contact surfaces.
ALGOR Interfaces
When reading plate material properties, which are specified as Anisotropic material matrices, FEMAP will now automatically convert them back to Isotropic if the matrix matches the Isotropic formulation. Added support for the Type 9 (Tetrahedral Solid) element type.
CAEFEM Interfaces
An interface to CAEFEM from Concurrent Analysis Corp. has been included in this version of FEMAP. In fact, this interface actually uses the FEMAP Neutral File format, which is supported by CAEFEM.
CDA/Sprint Interfaces
Model Write, Model Read and PostProcessing interfaces have been added for CDA/Sprint from The CDA Group. CDA/Sprint is an enhanced version of MSC/pal 2 Version 4, that can handle larger models.
Our existing NASTRAN Model Write, Model Read and PostProcessing interfaces have been expanded to support, and tested with, the current release of COSMIC/NASTRAN.
Also added support for the Thick Plate (SHELL4T) elements. Also added the ability to read SHELL3, SHELL3T and SHELL3L elements. These will be converted to SHELL4, SHELL4T and SHELL4L elements respectively if you write the model back to COSMOS. Also added the ability to read TETRA4R elements - can only be rewritten as TETRA4.
MSC/pal 2 - PostProcessing
Added the capability to read stress recovery locations from BEAM TYPE 5 elements.
NASTRAN - PostProcessing
Now support postprocessing of ELEMENT STRAIN ENERGY output. Also supports postprocessing of elemental corner output for plates.
SSS/NASTRAN Interfaces
These are the former PC/NASTRAN interfaces. Removed support for the CWEDGE element since it is no longer supported, and changed to the CPENTA.
STARDYNE - PostProcessing
The default output file specification has been changed from "*.4" to "*.4*". This provides automatic support for the version control supplied by the STARDYNE for Windows product.
weCan Interfaces
New Model Write and PostProcessing interfaces have been added to support the weCan analysis program from AEGIS Software Corp. FEMAP also has the ability to automatically run your weCan analysis in a window, and automatically recover the output for postprocessing.
sage has been replaced by a rather lengthy dialog box which describes the problem that has occurred, tells you to stop immediately, and gives directions for recovering your model from the scratch file. If you follow these directions, you should lose no more than the last command - even if you have not saved your model. In addition, this dialog box contains an Abort button which will immediately terminate FEMAP. Do not press it unless the "Out of Space" dialog appears several times - which can sometimes happen if you are in the middle of a large operation when the "Out of Space" condition occurs. Please Note: We recommend that you place your scratch files on a disk that is large enough to hold them, so these conditions do not occur. You can choose a location either with the DOS TEMP environment variable, or with the FEMAP File Preferences command.
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File Save As
The File Save As command did not work properly if you chose not to use a scratch file (not recommended). In this case, the model was saved as the current name. The new filename that you specified was not created. File Save As worked properly as long as you were using a scratch file. It now works in either case.
Placeable metafiles have been modified so that they can now read successfully into programs like Microsoft Word and Corel Draw.
Picking Nodes
If you had a Group Active in a View which included certain nodes, and then merged nodes in the model, then went to another command (like Create Element) where you picked a node, FEMAP would sometimes crash. This was caused by the nodes that were removed during the merge still being referenced by the Group, and has been corrected.
Create Line
The Create Line Parallel, Point-Tangent and Tangent-Tangent commands did not properly set the default coordinate location, resulting in a random default. The default is now set properly. The Create Line Horizontal and Vertical did not create a line in the Workplane. They created a line through the specified point, parallel to the desired Workplane Axis. They now project the point and the line onto the Workplane.
stant temperatures worked properly. Equations can now be used to create varying temperature distributions.
Boundary Meshing
If there a boundary contained multiple parallel lines, and one of them was the first curve in the boundary, and the mesh points on these curves were closely aligned, the boundary mesher could sometimes mesh outside the boundary. This would not always occur depending on the remainder of the boundary, and how it was decomposed during meshing, but it has been corrected.
Generating Nodes
Many of the meshing commands (On Geometry, Transition and Boundary Meshing) did not properly set the default Permanent Constraints on the nodes that they created. Nodes are now generated with the active permanent constraints.
Displaying Arrowheads
Arrowheads on vectors that were very close to being normal to the screen were sometimes not displayed.
Displaying Nodes
The Definition CSys and Output CSys color modes did not work, they simply displayed the Node view color. This has been corrected, and they now display the color of the coordinate system.
Displaying Elements
The colors of elements that did not reference a property or material were set randomly, if you chose to color elements using the Property or Material color. They now simply reference the element View color.
PATRAN - PostProcessing
Incorrect titles were echoed to the Messages and Lists Window when you were reading PATRAN output. This did not change the output, just the messages that were produced. Also, the translator was very fussy about blank lines at the end of the output files. If there were any blank lines at the end, the translation was aborted, and no questions were asked about additional files to read. Previous versions had trouble reading Nodal Results files if there were not 6 result values per record. This has been changed to support any number of results, up to 6, per record.
nately, BPROP5 only recovers stresses at 3 locations, and could miss one corner. FEMAP still writes a BPROP5 command if you specify arbitrary locations, but if you just specify the four corners of a rectangle, the sizes are converted to HEIGHT and WIDTH specifications on a BPROP2 command, and no BPROP5 is written. The STARDYNE Model Write translator has been changed to write free format STARDYNE input files. Using free format allows you to use IDs greater than 9999 in the latest version of STARDYNE. The STARDYNE Model Write translator did not write elemental temperatures for Rod, Tube, Curved Beam or Curved Tube elements.
STARDYNE - PostProcessing
If you did not read all output cases from a static analysis, the Output Set titles were not read correctly. All output was still correct, just the titles were wrong. Titles are now set correctly, whether you read all cases or not. Stresses for Axisymmetric elements were read improperly, like plate stresses. Support has now been added to read them properly.
NASTRAN PostProcessing
The postprocessing read translator encountered problems when trying to read output from an analysis where you specified a LABEL option in the Case Control, and that LABEL began with a numeric value. This has been corrected and any LABEL can now be specified. The postprocessing translator also had trouble reading LANCZOS modal output if the line "TRIAL EIGENVALUE =" appeared anywhere in the file. These files can now be read successfully. Plate Force output was being saved in incorrect vector IDs for NASTRAN. This did not really create any problems, except if you tried to compare output from NASTRAN with output from other analysis programs.
UAI/NASTRAN - PostProcessing
An error was corrected regarding reading of VON MISES stresses and strains. Previously these were labelled as MAX SHEAR values. They are now handled correctly.
PostProcessing - Contours
Contours on parabolic elements were sometimes not continuous across the element boundaries at the midside nodes. The algorithm used to compute the nodal output has been modified slightly to insure continuity at the midside
PostProcessing - Strains
If you read X,Y,Z strains, but not principal strains from your analysis program FEMAP will calculate the principal values. Previously this calculation was incorrect. This only applies to principal strains that were calculated, not read from analysis output.
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Chapter 6.3.11
The section describing Beam releases said that the codes specified nodal degrees of freedom. This was incorrect. Beam releases are now, and always have been relative to the elemental coordinate directions.
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Performance Enhancements
FEMAP has been enhanced to access the larger amounts of memory available today on most PCs. Access to more memory means that FEMAP is now faster - especially on large models. Our testing of Version 4.02 shows up to a 3 to 1 speed improvement as compared to Version 4.01, when simply redrawing a large model. Most other operations on large models should show similar improvements. Small models will not show much change because FEMAP Version 4.01 already accessed enough memory to handle those types of models. The changes in Version 4.02 result in a few changes in our recommended configuration for FEMAP. In the past, we have always recommended creating a RAMDrive and placing your FEMAP model scratch files on the RAMDrive (either by setting the TEMP environment variable, or by choosing the RAMDrive in File Preferences). This has always resulted in dramatically improved FEMAP performance. Unfortunately, it also required that you dedicate a
fairly large amount of memory to a RAMDrive, and it is therefore unavailable for other uses. And, since the RAMDrive will still be relatively small compared to a hard disk, it can lead to further problems if your model gets too large and you run out of space on the RAMDrive. With FEMAP Version 4.02, there is no need to create a RAMDrive to store your scratch files. In fact, it is preferable to get rid of your RAMDrive and make more memory available for FEMAP and other programs. This will result in more flexibility, and improved performance. You should now change your TEMP variable to place scratch files on your hard disk. If you have multiple disks, choose the fastest one with sufficient space. The File Preferences Startup Options dialog box has been modified slightly to accommodate the new memory operations. The total amount of memory that FEMAP can access is controlled by the Min and Max Cache Pages options, and the Blocks/Page option. As shipped, FEMAP can access up to 250 (Max) pages of 20 blocks (20K bytes). This can access up to 5 MByte of memory (if it is available) while working with your model. If you are working with models that are even larger, you can increase the Blocks/Page value up to a maximum of 50. FEMAP can then access up to 12.5 MBytes of memory. Remember, no matter what values you choose, FEMAP can still handle models which are larger than that value, some data will just be held on disk and performance will be somewhat slower. NOTE: It is still highly recommended that you use the SMARTDrive disk caching utility that comes with DOS and Windows. Our experience has been that it will offer greatly improved performance for FEMAP, Windows, and all other programs. The only time you don't want to use it is if you have a disk controller that does caching in hardware.
View Libraries
Just as you can create material and property libraries to save commonly used information, FEMAP now supports View Libraries, to store and access commonly used Views across different models. In addition, the View Library can be used in combination with the File Preferences command to define the View that is active when you start a new model, or create a new View in an existing model. Two options (Load View... and Save View...) have been added to the View Quick Options (Ctrl+Q) dialog box. They work just like the corresponding options when dealing with Material or Property Libraries. "Load View" updates the active View by reading data from the library. "Save View" adds the active View to the library. The File Preferences dialog box has been updated to include the name of the View Library, and the ID of the View from the Library to be used as the Default View when you start a new model. If you just want to use the normal FEMAP defaults, rather than referencing a View in the library, just set Default to 0 (zero). Otherwise, set it to 1 to use the first view in the Library, 2 for the second, and so on. Make sure you save the preferences with the Permanent option before starting a new model. The Delete Library View command has also been added so that you can remove Views from the library. It works just like the other Delete Library commands.
FEMAP can now display rulers along with your model in graphics windows. The rulers are located at the origin of the Workplane, along the Workplane X and Y axes. By moving the origin and orientation of the workplane (using the Tools Workplane command) you can move the rulers wherever you want them. The size of the rulers and the number of tic marks are both controlled through the Tools Snap To command. The X Ruler and Y Ruler controls are used for the rulers. You can turn on either or both of the rulers by checking the "Draw X/Y Ruler" boxes. The "Length" option controls the overall length of each ruler, while the "Label Every" option positions the major tic marks, and hence the labels. "Divisions" specifies how many minor tic marks will be drawn between every major tic. In addition to the Snap To command updates, the Workplane and Rulers option in the View Options command allows you to control the color and visibility of the rulers in a particular window. Both the View Options and the Snap To "Draw" options must be on for a ruler to be visible. NOTE: The first time you open an existing FEMAP Version 4.01 model, the rulers may be already displayed, with a large number of tic marks. Use the Tools Snap To command to adjust the rulers or to turn them off.
UAI/NASTRAN Translators
Specific translators have been added for UAI/NASTRAN. While UAI/NASTRAN is similar to versions of NASTRAN from other vendors, there are some differences.
The NASTRAN Output Translator reads the normal "printed" output files from UAI/NASTRAN. Due to differences in the formats of the output files, you must always use the UAI/NASTRAN Post Translator to read output from UAI/NASTRAN. You should not use any of the other NASTRAN translators to read UAI/NASTRAN output. Refer to Section 8.6.4 (the documentation for the MSC/NASTRAN Post Translator), for more information about the NASTRAN output that is supported.
MSC/NASTRAN Translators
Material Properties
Previously FEMAP wrote a blank value for the shear modulus (G) if you specified it as zero, but wrote zero (not blank) for the Young's modulus (E) and Poisson's ratio (NU) when they were specified as zero. This effectively meant that you had to at least define the values for E and NU. FEMAP now writes a blank for any of the three values when they are zero so you can now specify any two of the three values.
Continuation Fields
FEMAP now supports continuing commands by leaving Field 10 blank, as long as the continuation follows the parent.
STARDYNE Translators
Duplicate Element IDs
STARDYNE has the capability to use duplicate element numbers across different element types (i.e. plates, solids...). FEMAP does not support this capability, but can now read existing STARDYNE models that contain duplicate IDs. If duplicate IDs are found, the STARDYNE Read translator automatically renumbers the model so that the ID ranges do not overlap. Messages are displayed to let you know that renumbering is occurring. You can not read output from a model with duplicate IDs, you must first read the model, then use FEMAP to write a new, "non-duplicate" model before doing your analysis.
FEMAP can also now read individual MADDX statements that represent "springs-to-ground". Since FEMAP does not have a "spring-to-ground" element, a fictitious, coincident node is created and fully constrained, and a DOF Spring element is created to join it with the original node.
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In previous versions, if you had the toolbox or cursor position dialog box open when you used the File New or File
Open command, FEMAP would abort the next time that you pressed a button in the toolbox. This has been corrected, and the Toolbox can remain open when you start a new model.
Create Element
Previously, FEMAP allowed you to create zero length rod, tube, and axial spring elements. These can no longer be created since they are not valid for most analyses. You can still create zero length DOF spring and Link elements.
Boundary Meshing
If you generated a boundary which was mapped to a surface, and one or more of the curves were the defining curves of the surface, and you set a bias along those curves, the elements that were generated were sometimes biased incorrectly. Biasing has been updated to work properly in this situation.
Whenever you renumbered nodes, the counters which are listed by the List Model Info command were increased, even though no new nodes were created. This did not cause any significant problem (other than in limited node systems), but has been corrected. If you chose to renumber Nodes or Coordinate Systems based on one of the sort options other than X, Y or Z, FEMAP could occasionally crash. Any renumbering option can now be selected.
Deleting Boundaries
When you deleted boundaries in previous versions, some curves in your model (including ones which were not on the boundary) sometimes became nondeletable. This has been corrected.
Mass Properties
The nonstructural mass reported by Link elements has been corrected. In fact, Link elements do not have nonstructural mass, but previous versions reported the Y stiffness at End 2 of the link as a nonstructural mass per unit length. The mass of Link elements is now always zero. The mass of curved beam elements has been corrected. Previously the curved beam length was calculated improperly resulting in the incorrect mass.
The MSC/NASTRAN Write translator intermittently produced a warning that structural loads and temperatures could not exist in the same load case. This message has been corrected so that it only appears when the two types of loads actually exist in the same case.
problem with models created in FEMAP, but did exist when a model was read from STARDYNE. STARDYNE does not support all possible combinations of the twelve beam releases (six at each end) that FEMAP does. Previously however, the Write Translator let some unsupported combinations slip through without warnings. Now the translator only writes the supported combinations and issues warnings for all other combinations.
IGES Translator
IGES files from some CAD systems contain Type 108 (Plane) entities that are either nondisplayable or do not contain a complete definition. This caused previous versions of the IGES translator to abort, typically resulting in little or no data being loaded into FEMAP. The translator has been updated to properly handle these entities, and read the remaining data. The following CAD systems were found to exhibit this behavior, but now work correctly: UNIGRAPHICS, Computervision CADDS5, and AutoCAD Release 12 (IGES, not DXF).
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Security Device
This version (and future versions) of FEMAP require the use of a security device, which was included with your system. The device must be connected to a parallel port on your computer. Typically, you should connect it to the first available port (LPT1:). If you connect it to a different port, you must use an additional command line option when you start FEMAP, to define
which port will be used, the full command line syntax is as follows: [win] FEMAP [-X] [-R] [-P program_file] [-SY top] [-ML lines] [-L port] [model_file or ?] where the [-L port] option has been added, to allow you to specify a parallel port. For example, if you want to attach the security device to parallel port 2 (LPT2:), use -L 2, for parallel port 3 (LPT3:) use -L 3. Remember, the -L option is not necessary if you attach the security device to LPT1: (although you can specify -L 1, if you want to). If your system is non-standard, or uses some other parallel port convention, you can specify the actual parallel port address. For example, if your parallel port was at address 03BCH (hexadecimal), you would convert the address to a decimal value, in this case 956, and specify -L 956. If you need to specify the -L option, you can change the default command line associated with the FEMAP icon in Windows Program Manager. First, select/highlight the FEMAP icon, by clicking it once with your mouse, then choose the File Properties command (or press Alt+Enter). Move down to the command line option, and just add the appropriate -L options. From then on FEMAP will look for the security device on the specified port. If you are experiencing any problems with your security device, or are having trouble installing it on your system, please give us a call.
Security Module
The Help About dialog box has been updated to show your product serial number, and to contain a Security capability that interfaces with the security device. This capability allows us to upgrade your FEMAP license over the phone, this is especially important if you have a timed, or limited-node license for FEMAP, or if you are leasing FEMAP. If you need to update your license, give us a call for more information on using this capability.
#MSG( )
Syntax: #MSG( "string" ) where: "string" is the text that will be displayed in the message box. It must always be enclosed in quotes. "string" must be less than 160 characters.
#MSG( ) is used to display message text in a dialog box, and pause the program file. The dialog box contains an OK button that you must press before the program file will continue.
Syntax: #DELAY( number ) where: number is the number of milliseconds between simulated keystrokes or commands as the program is running. Smaller numbers make the program run faster, larger numbers make it run slower. The default value if you do not use the #DELAY( ) command is 25. #DELAY( ) is used to control the speed of a program file as it replays. If you are debugging a program file, add a #DELAY( ) with a large value, so that the program runs slower. Multiple #DELAY( ) commands, with different values can be used to make some sections run quickly and others run slowly.
#OPT( )
Syntax: #OPT( keystroke ) where: keystroke is the keystroke to simulate. It can be a single letter, or any of the special keystrokes nomally enclosed in angle brackets ( i.e. < > ). If you use a special keystroke mand, do not include the angle brackets. For example, use #OPT(Esc), not #OPT(<Esc>). which are with this com-
#OPT( ) is used to optionally add a keystroke. If a FEMAP error or question dialog box is displayed, #OPT( ) will push the button in that dialog box which corresponds to the keystroke you specify. In any other situation (i.e at the FEMAP Menu level, or in any other normal dialog box), #OPT( ) does nothing. The keystroke is simply skipped. You can identify FEMAP error or question dialogs by the fact that they always have between 1 and 3 buttons, centered at the bottom of the dialog box, and no other options (except for the question or message text). A typical place where you will want to use the #OPT( ) command is following the standard file access dialog box. If you specify an already existing file, and FEMAP wants to write to that file, a question will be displayed to overwrite or append to the file. Since the message is only displayed when an existing file is chosen, you can not just code a Yes/ No response, you must code #OPT(Y) for Yes, or #OPT(N) for No. The Y or N keystroke will only be issued if the message is displayed.
Syntax: #OPTGO( label_expression ) where: label_expression is a numeric value, variable, or FEMAP equation which can contain the FEMAP described in Appendix C. If you use a variable or equation, FEMAP will round nearest integer. functions the value to the
#OPTGO( ) is really just an alternative to the #GOTO( ) command. In this case however, the jump to the label is only taken if a message or question dialog box is currently displayed - just like the #OPT( ) command. You can use this command to insert special error handling code into your program file. Note: #OPTGO( ) just jumps to the specified label, it does not complete the message/question dialog box. You must add those keystrokes immediately after the label - potentially using the #OPT( ) command.
PID( elemID )
returns the ID of the property that is referenced by element "elemID". The return will always be 0, if the element does not reference a property.
MID( propID )
returns the ID of the material that is referenced by property "propID". This function should not be used with laminate properties which can reference multiple materials - use MLAM( ) instead.
returns the ID of the material that is referenced by layer "ply" of property "propID". This function can only be used if "propID" selects a laminate property. "ply" must be between 1 and the maximum number of allowable plies for a laminate, however the return will be 0 if you choose a ply that is not defined for the selected property.
List Output
The List Output dialog box has been improved so that the defaults are always the values that you used for the previous report. This makes it much easier to do a series of similar reports. In addition, several new options have been added to this dialog box, and output reports. They include: Title: This field allows you to enter a one line title that is added at the top of each page of your report. It allows you to add an additional description to the report, such as the name of the group that is included in the report.
Report Header: If you turn on this option, an additional header is added to the top of the report which simply lists all of the options that you selected to make the report. The following is a sample header: FEMAP Version 4.00 Wed Jan 13 09:53:08 1993 Model : s:\c\animate.mod Report : Node Format : NASTRAN Displacement Sort By : 2..X Translation in Ascending Order (Absolute Value) Includes: Top 10 Limit To: Above 1.E-4 (Absolute Value) Entity List: If you turn on this option, a list of the IDs of all selected Nodes or Elements is added to the top of the report. This list can be quite long if you have a large model, but it can be invaluable if you are limiting the actual output with the Top N or Limits options. It can also be helpful when you use more complicated selection techniques like box picking or groups. The following is a sample Entity List: Selected Entities: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26, 27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49, 50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70
Format Options These options control how the selected output will be formatted. If you choose "First Row Contains Titles", the Output Vector titles will be written at the beginning of the file, otherwise, no titles will be given. If you choose "First Column Contains IDs", the Node and Element IDs will be written along with the output data. It is usually best to write these IDs, so you can relate the output back to the associated Nodes or Elements. Finally, you can specify the number of significant digits that will be included in the output. While you can increase this number from the default, the data can only be as meaningful as the original data that you loaded into FEMAP - if you originally read output with only 6 significant digits, you can specify a larger number, but any additional digits are meaningless. Finally you will see the standard entity selection dialog box, which will allow you to select the Nodes or Elements where output will be written.
Multi-View Printing
Previously the only way to print a multi-view layout was to select the Print Desktop option. This alternative was however limited to printing at screen resolution - there was no way to print multiple views at printer resolution directly from FEMAP (of course you could transfer them to a graphical word processor or desktop publishing program, but that took additional steps). The File Print command has been modified to include the Layout option, which will print multiple views simultaneously at printer resolution. The layout on the printed page will be identical to the layout on screen. Other than that, it works just like any of the other print options. This option is only available when you have multiple on-screen views, and will only print at printer resolution. You must continue to use the Print Desktop option to print at screen resolution. Tip: If you are going to print a multi-view layout, turn off the title bars on screen. This will maximize the area occupied by your model, eliminating the gaps created by the title bars.
User Palette... . You will see a dialog box that looks very similar to the standard color palette dialog box. In addition to the standard colors however, you will see additional boxes that show the defined contour palette. To add to the palette, choose the color (and linestyle and pattern) from the top of the box, then press Add. The selected color will be added to the palette. To remove a color from the contour palette, select it and press Delete. Press Reset to delete all of the selected colors. Press Reverse to swap the order of the colors in the palette. Press Save to save the selected contour palette in a file, which you can retrieve later with the Load button. In either option the standard file access dialog box is used to access the contour palette files. The file extension ".CNT" is always used for these files. The default user defined contour palette file is selected in the File Preferences command, and is loaded every time you start FEMAP. To use the contour palette that you have defined, you must return to Contour/Criteria Levels in the View Options dialog box, and switch the Contour Palette option to "User Palette". When you select the User Palette, all contour and criteria plots will be done with the number of levels in the user palette, the "# of Levels" option is simply ignored. To change the number of levels, you must change the user palette, or switch back to the "Standard Palette". This version of FEMAP includes several predefined contour palette files. These files have been defined to access solid colors when used with most Windows 256-color drivers. You can use them as a starting point for your own palettes by loading and modifying them.
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The ln( ) function did not work. It resulted in messages that said that the logarithm was infinite, even if it was not. The function has been corrected.
If you started using the Plane Locate method, then switched to the Global method by using the keyboard, you would get a message that you had not yet picked one of the available options. While this message did not cause any harm, it was also not necessary, so it was removed.
On some printers, especially PostScript printers, the Default Fixed Pitch Font, that was chosen for Page Headers and Footers (Page Setup command), and for listings directly to the printer, was extremely small. The default printer fonts have been adjusted to be more readable. In addition, when you did multi-page listings of nodes or points, directly to a printer, the listing header was printed incorrectly on all pages except the first. This has also been corrected.
Units Conversion
The conversion factor files USCSCGS, USCSBRIT and USCSMKS (and the reverse files CGSUSCS, BRITUSCS and USCSMKS) had mass conversion factors that are incorrect by a factor of "g" in USCS (i.e., 386.088). The factors in the USCSxxxx files have been multiplied by "g" , and the factors in the xxxxUSCS files have been divided by "g", to correct the problem.
Previously if you started a new model, pressed Ctrl-F4 to close the only graphics window, then pressed Ctrl-Z to undo the last command, FEMAP would abort. This has been corrected, but you can not undo the closing of a graphics window, whether you do it using with Ctrl-F4, the View Activate command, or any other method.
Deformed Contours
If you chose a deformed contour (or deformed criteria), then selected a group for display, and defined user-defined contour levels, the max/min contour levels were reset based on the deformation output vector, not the contour output vector. This problem has been corrected.
Contour Legend
If you defined more contour levels than you had vertical (or horizontal, for Top/Bottom Center legends) pixels in the window, FEMAP would abort. This obviously only occurred for small windows with a large number of contour levels. This problem has been eliminated, you can now choose any number of levels in any size window. In addition, previously the contour legend would change size depending on the number of contour levels that you chose. The change of size was not an error ( FEMAP was supposed to work that way ! ) but it was somewhat annoying, especially when you chose a large number of contour levels in a small window. The legend has been redesigned to always remain the same size relative to the size of the window.
On-Line Help
Previously, the on-line help files could not be found by FEMAP if you did not include the FEMAP directory in your path, and you changed out of the FEMAP directory. This has been corrected, so that it will always be found as long as it is in the FEMAP directory.
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Version 4.00
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5. The FEMAP executable directory. You will notice that the FEMAP directory is searched last. This gives you the opportunity to use multiple libraries and access them by adding those directories into your PATH (which will be found before the default libraries in the FEMAP directory). You can also locate alternate libraries by specifying full path names (including the directory) in the File Preferences command.
- Linetype - Layer - Start Point - End Point - Elevation - Thickness - Color - Extrusion Direction
Lines are always translated to FEMAP lines. If a thickness is specified, a single DXF line creates 4 FEMAP lines which represent the original "thick" line. CIRCLE Group Codes: 6 8 10,20,30 40 38 62 210,220,230
Circles translate to FEMAP circles. Additional points are created as required to define the FEMAP circle. ARC Group Codes: 6 8 10,20,30 40 50 51 38 62
- Linetype - Layer - Center Point - Radius - Start Angle - End Angle - Elevation - Color
210,220,230 - Extrusion Direction Arcs translate to FEMAP arcs. Additional points are created as required to define the FEMAP arc. TRACE Group Codes: 6 8 10,20,30 11,21,31 12,22,32 13,23,33 38 62 210,220,230
- Linetype - Layer
Traces are read as FEMAP lines. Options are available to create the outline and/or the centerline of the trace, as specified by the four corners.
- Text Value - Linetype - Layer - Insertion Point - Radius - Elevation - Color - Horizontal and Vertical Justification - Extrusion Direction
Text can be read as FEMAP text entities. It is usually best to skip text however, since font and orientation information can not be translated. SOLID Group Codes: 6 8 10,20,30 11,21,31 12,22,32 13,23,33 38 62 210,220,230
- Linetype - Layer
- Linetype - Layer
3DFACES can either be translated to lines which define the outline of the face, or directly to Plate elements. POLYLINE Group Codes: 6 8 38 39 62 70 71, 72 73, 74 75 210,220,230
- Linetype - Layer - Elevation - Thickness - Color - Polyline Flag - Polygon Mesh M and N Vertex Counts - Smooth Surface M and N Densities - Smooth Surface Type - Extrusion Direction
POLYLINE VERTICES 8 - Layer 10,20,30 - Point 38 - Elevation 62 - Color 70 - Vertex Flag 71,72,73,74 - Vertex Indices for Polyface mesh DXF Polylines represent a variety of curve and surface types. FEMAP converts all polylines which represent curves to a series of line segments (either lines or plot-only elements). FEMAP converts polygon and polyface meshes into lines or plate elements (depending on your selection for the "Read Polygon Meshes as Elements" option). FEMAP does not create spline curves, or surfaces from polylines. In addition to the above entities, the LAYER table is read if it is present. This enables FEMAP to translate from the DXF layer names into FEMAP layer numbers, and supports reading the Group Code 8 blocks defined above.
FEMAP does not support AutoCAD Paper Space, but will read all entities as if they were defined in model space. If you have "Paper Space" geometry, it will probably be positioned incorrectly relative to your model. In general, Paper Space geometry should not be included in the DXF file, since it is usually not part of the defining model geometry. Likewise, FEMAP ignores Viewport information since it is trying to transfer the model, rather than the correct "drawing".
read read
Structure: Line Font Pattern: Level: View: Transformation Matrix: Label Display Assoc.: Status Number: Sequence Number:
Record 2: Entity Type Number: skipped, but must match Record 1 Line Weight Number: read Color Number: read Parameter Line Count: read Form Number: read Reserved 1: N/A Reserved 2: N/A Entity Label: skipped Entity Subscript: skipped Sequence Number: read Each of the fields that are marked as "read" must be properly defined for the entity to be properly translated. The Entity Type Number, Transformation Matrix, Parameter Line Count and Sequence Number fields are especially critical. Line Font Pattern: FEMAP only supports the standard (positive value) line fonts. Line Font Definition Entities (Type 304) are not supported. Level: Either a positive level number, or a negative number which references a Property Entity (Type 406, Form 1) can be used. If you do reference a Property Entity however, only the first layer defined on that property will be used. FEMAP does not support multiple layers for a single entity. Line Weight Number: This field is read, but has minimal functionality. If defined, FEMAP attempts to match to one of the available line thicknesses, but FEMAP only has a few thicknesses to choose from. Color Number: Color numbers can either directly reference one of the 8 predefined colors, or reference a Color Definition Entity (Type 314). If this field is 0, colors are assigned based on the current FEMAP defaults. 4. Parameter Data Section This section contains the parameters associated with each entity.
The following entities are supported: Type 100 - Circular Arc Circular Arcs are translated directly to either FEMAP Circles or Arcs. Type 108 - Plane Planes are translated to a series of FEMAP lines, only if they are unbounded (Form 0). Bounded planes are skipped, since they just reference other curves. Type 110 - Line Lines are translated directly to FEMAP lines. Type 112 - Parametric Spline Curve Parametric spline curves are translated into a series of FEMAP Bezier splines which match the polynomial coefficients in each segment of the original curve. If your original curve had many defining segments, you will get a lot of curves! Type 116 - Point Points are translated directly to FEMAP Points. FEMAP can only display points as a "plus sign" (+), so the PTR option is ignored. Type 118 - Ruled Surface Ruled surfaces are translated to FEMAP ruled surfaces, if both of the defining curves are supported (i.e. lines, arcs or circles), otherwise the surface is skipped. Type 120 - Surface of Revolution Surfaces of revolution are translated to FEMAP surfaces of revolution if the generatrix is supported (i.e. lines, arcs or circles), otherwise the surface is skipped. Type 124 - Transformation Matrix Transformation matrices are converted to FEMAP coordinate systems. Only Forms 0 and 1 are read, and only Form 0 is really supported. Form 1 is a left-handed coordinate transformation. If you have these, FEMAP creates a right-handed transformation, and that portion of your model will appear reflected. Rather than just using the transformation matrices to orient the geometry, FEMAP creates a coordinate system for each matrix, then defines the geometry relative to that system. This maintains the original hierarchy, and allows you to manipulate the geometry by moving the defining coordinate systems. If your IGES file contains a large number of transformation matrices, you may want to eliminate all of the coordinate systems. Just use the Modify Update Point Definition Coordinate System command to set all point coordinate systems to Global Rectangular (CSys 0). Then use the Delete Coord Sys command to delete the
unwanted coordinate systems. Type 314 - Color Red/Green/Blue color combinations are read and used to assign color numbers to the entities that reference them. FEMAP matches the color combination to the closest available color in the default palette. No attempt is made to exactly match the colors, or to match to the current palette. Type 406 - Layer Only Form 1 is supported to define the layer number for entities that reference this property. FEMAP entities can not reference multiple layers so any additional layers are ignored. 5. Terminate Section The terminate section is not read by FEMAP.
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