Republic Act No 7607 2
Republic Act No 7607 2
Republic Act No 7607 2
Report by Group 22
Submitted to: Dean Ulan Sarmiento III San Beda Alabang School of Law
Republic Act No. 7607 An Act Providing a Magna Carta of Small Farmers
According to the General Provisions of the law, the purposes are: a. To give the highest priority to the development of agriculture such that equitable distribution of benefits and opportunities is realized through the empowerment of small farmers. b. To recognizing that rural development based on growth and equity requires full integration of women and youth in the mainstream of development. c. To ensure the efficient use and sustainability of land, water and other productive resources. d. To recognize the right of small farmers and farmworkers, as well as cooperatives and independent farmers' organizations, to participate in the planning, organization, management and implementation of agricultural programs and projects especially through the bayanihan spirit. Definition of Terms: According to Section 4 of the law:
a. "Small farmer" refers to natural persons dependent on small-scale subsistence farming as their
primary source of income and whose sale, barter or exchange of agricultural products do not exceed a gross value of One hundred eighty thousand pesos (P180,000) per annum based on 1992 constant prices. An inter-agency committee composed of the Department of Agrarian Reform, the Department of Trade and Industry, the Department of Finance and the National Economic and Development Authority and headed by the Department of Agriculture may conduct periodic review and adjustments of the income level to take into account the effects of changes in inflation, devaluation and consumer price index; "Farmers' organization" refers to farmers' cooperatives, associations, or corporations duly registered with appropriate government agencies and which are composed primarily of small agricultural producers, farmers, farmworkers, and other agrarian reform beneficiaries who voluntarily join together to form business enterprises which they themselves own, control and patronize; "Small agricultural producer" refers to any self-employed individual who, by himself or with his family, provides the primary labor requirement of his business enterprise or one who earns at least fifty percent (50%) of his gross income from the payment, proceeds or income of the labor he provides; "Production Infrastructure" refers to farm-to-market roads, irrigation, rural electrification, ports, drying areas, public sites, warehouses and other physical facilities used for productivity enhancing services, extension management assistance, training, research and development; "Pre-harvest activities" include, but are not limited to, seedbed and land preparation, planting, weeding, pest and disease control, fertilizer application, water management and harvesting; "Postharvest activities" include, but are not limited to, threshing drying, milling, storing and handling of produce and such other activities as shelling, stripping, winnowing, chipping and washing; "Pre-harvest facilities" include, but are not limited to, plows, harrows, tractors, rotavators and sprayers;
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d. e. f. g.
h. "Postharvest facilities" include, but are not limited to, threshers, moisture meters, dryers,
weighing scales, milling equipment, storage facilities, buying stations, market infrastructure and transportation facilities; i. "Market infrastructure" refers to facilities such as market buildings, slaughterhouses, holding pens and cold storage used by the farmers in marketing their produce; j. "Input subsidy" refers to assistance extended by the Government to the farmers in terms of discounted prices of farm inputs such as fertilizer, pesticide and seed; k. "Agrarian reform credit" includes production or other types of loans used for the acquisition of work animals, farm equipment and machinery, seeds, fertilizers, poultry and livestock feeds and other similar items; acquisition of lands authorized under the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law (CARL); construction or acquisition of facilities for the production and effective merchandising of agricultural commodities; l. "Price subsidy" refers to the payment of Government of an additional amount for every unit of output sold by the farmers in the open market; m. "Farmworker" is a natural person who renders service value as an employee or laborer in an agricultural enterprise or farm regardless of whether his compensation is paid on a daily, weekly, monthly or pakyaw basis;
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According to Section 5 of the law, farmers have the right to organize themselves to promote their welfare. With such, the State encourages and assists farmers to establish their cooperatives and associations. In addition, the state also promotes farmers representation in Government after organizing themselves on the barangay, municipal, provincial and regional levels through occupying a seat in the boards of concerned government agencies such as Philippine Coconut Authority, the National Food Authority, the Philippine Crop Insurance Corporation, the National Irrigation Administration and others. As one of the purposes of the law is the empowerment of the small farmers, included in Section 7 are the rights and obligations of farmers such as: Farmers Rights: (1) Conduct their activities in an atmosphere guaranteed by a support price program for certain agricultural commodities such as rice and corn; (2) Participate in a market free from monopoly, cartel or any other situation which may suppress prices to their disadvantage; (3) Be covered by social security to serve as protection from event such as calamities, death, sickness and disability; (4) Avail of credit at minimal interest rates and with a minimum of collateral requirements for their farm and basic household needs; (5) Avail of and distribute farm inputs and services; (6) Be heard and represented in the Government; (7) Be regularly informed of such vital information as market prices, government agricultural policies, market demands and farming practices; (8) Benefit from our country's natural resources under existing laws; (9) Pursue any appropriate education and skills development towards the improvement of the quality of life;
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(10) (11)
Eventually assume certain processing and marketing functions of government agencies; and Avail of technical assistance from the appropriate government agency in the preparation of project feasibility studies in availing loans and other forms of government economic assistance.
Farmers Obligations: (1) Make use of their farmers' organizations preferably cooperatives in order to enhance their capabilities in production, processing, marketing and financing towards selfreliance; (2) Aim for increased productivity through the use of recommended farm practices and quality inputs; (3) Comply with the terms and conditions stipulated in the availment of any form of assistance from the Government, financial institutions and non-government organizations to enable others to usually benefit from such assistance; (4) Adopt production and marketing strategies to avail of economies of scale, soil and climatic conditions, idle farm labor and innovative agricultural technology through crop zonification, diversification, home and backyard industries, farming systems and similar activities; (5) Through their cooperative, share with the consuming public the benefits derived from economies of scale, integration of processing and marketing activities and the application of better technology in the form of reasonable prices and superior quality of products; (6) Share in the delivery of public services by contributing available labor and material resources to activities such as the maintenance of irrigation canals, the construction of small water impounding projects, the establishment of buying stations and public markets, and the establishment of plant nurseries and seed-banks; (7) Exert efforts to meet local demand requirements to avert any shortage that may necessitate importation; (8) Participate in the conservation, protection and development of the national patrimony; (9) Promptly pay all applicable fees, license fees and taxes to the appropriate government agencies; (10) Participate in and contribute to government insurance and social security programs; and (11) Undertake self-help community development projects such as cottage industries, backyard farming and other economic-enhancement projects.
In line with the purposes of the law, the Government is to provide infrastructure support, access to farm inputs and services to the agriculture sector as embodied in Section 10. The State is to ensure that every farmer shall be assisted in gaining access to, obtaining, owning or opening facilities necessary for pre- and postharvest activities, for support services and for procurement and distribution of inputs through their farmers organizations. The Government shall also provide farm-to-market roads, feeder roads and bridges which will link the farms to the market so as to prioritize transportation infrastructure which is embodied in Section 11 of the law.
The Government shall also assist farmers organization in establishing and operating market infrastructure, facilities and equipment as included in Section 15. According to Section 16, the State shall ensure that every farmer has the equal opportunity to avail of, to produce and to market good seeds and planting materials recommended by the Department of Agriculture as capable of producing high-yielding, pest-and-disease resistant, and widely-adapted crops for irrigated, rainfed and upland areas. The Government together with the small farmers shall encourage the use of fertilizers and pesticides which have an acceptable level of deleterious effects on the health and the environment. As for the farm machinery and equipment, the Department of Agriculture shall support activities to ensure the availability of farm machinery and equipment for the use of small farmers in both pre- and postharvest operations according to Section 18. As for the water management, the Government is to provide adequate support services that will address the development, management and conservation of water resources which is embodied in Section 19. The Rural Credit Delivery System, as stated in Section 21, is an efficient credit delivery system guided by a sound rural credit policy geared towards the needs of small farmers shall be established. The features of the credit delivery system for small farmers shall include, among others, a maximum rate of interest not to exceed seventy-five percent (75%) of commercial rate per annum inclusive all service, penalty and other charges. It shall also include minimum collateral requirements, accessibility, reasonable repayment terms, expeditious loan documentation and processing procedures. Services shall be expanded to include not only loans for procurement of production inputs but also for other needs and purposes of small farmers such as education and health needs. In addition, farmers shall have access to reasonable credit/loan package and promote the growth of networks of cooperative banks. Small farmers, including agricultural share tenants and lessees, regular and seasonal farmworkers and beneficiaries under the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law (CARL) shall be entitled to privileges or incentives under Section 23 which are: (1) Financial and technical assistance shall be awarded to deserving farmers' organizations implementing livelihood projects. Concerned national offices or agencies shall assist them in locating markets for their produce and by providing other support services necessary for the success of their projects; Barangay, municipal or provincial officials shall assist their respective communities to make the necessary representations before the appropriate government agencies in seeking assistance for agro-based projects. They shall be encouraged to support farmers to set up site specific agro-based projects that shall be operated in a business-like manner;
(7) (8)
(9) (10)
The Department of Agriculture and other concerned agencies shall promote investment and financing programs designed to channel financial resources to livelihood projects in the countryside; Preferential tariff terms shall be extended on farm inputs and spare parts, farm machinery and equipment imported by farmers' organizations provided that these are specifically for their projects; The Government shall give incentives and recognition to farmers and farmers' organizations adopting more efficient farm technologies or equipment resulting in increased productivity and income; The Government shall widen the scope of the existing crop and livestock insurance programs by providing an insurance scheme that can accommodate major crops, livestock and other produce of small farmers; Study tours of short duration, local or overseas, shall be provided to deserving small farmers to improve their technological competence and knowledge; A system of certification of farm skills shall be instituted by the Department of Agriculture through duly authorized institutions to upgrade the skills of farmers and farmworkers; Farmers' insurance coverage by the Social Security System subject to its charter shall be extended to small farmers and farmworkers; and Importations shall not be allowed on agricultural products that are produced locally in sufficient quantity. Importation policies should include the protection of new and developing crops such as soybean, ramie, sorghum and wheat. Importation policies shall be reviewed periodically by the Government in consultation with farmers' organizations.
As for the minimum wage, rural workers including regular farmworkers shall be entitled to wage levels prescribed by the Regional Tripartite Wages and Productivity Board which is pursuant to Republict Act No. 6700 and 27. As for contract workers or seasonal farmworkers, they shall be entitled to minimum wages unless they receive higher wages based on their contracts. This is accordance to Section 26 of the law.