A. Introduction General: The Purchaser invites Sealed Bids for the Procurement of Works for the Reconstruction of the 9-year
(d) documentary evidence established in accordance with clause 10 of Instructions to Bidders that the goods and ancillary services to be supplied by the Bidder are eligible goods and services and conform to the Bidding Documents; 9. Documents Establishing Bidders Eligibility and Qualifications: The Bidder shall furnish evidence of its status as qualified Supplier. The documentary evidence of the Bidders qualifications to perform the contract if its Bid is accepted shall be established to the Purchasers satisfaction: (a) That, the Bidder possesses a valid license for construction works as indicated on the Bid Data Sheet and ToR/Technical Specification. (b) That the Bidder has the financial, technical and production capability necessary to perform the contract as indicated on the Bid Data Sheet (The tables below show the minimum requirements for companys staff and equipment to be provided by the contractor. Information on the proposed personnel and list of equipment shall be presented as per the table format below). No. 1. Position General Manager Name Qualifications Degree in Civil Engineering. Knowledge of English is an advantage 2. Site Manager* Degree in Civil Engineering General Experience Minimum 10 years experience in civil engineering Minimum of 7 years experience in engineering Minimum of 7 years experience in engineering Minimum of 7 years experience in engineering Minimum of 7 years experience in engineering Specific Experience 5 years experience in civil engineering field as General Manager. (must be documented) Minimum of 5 years experience as site manager. (must be documented)
Electrical Engineer*
Mechanical Engineer*
Geodetic Engineer*
*Note: Part of the company staff or working contract 10. Documents Establishing Goods Conformity to Bidding Documents: The Bidder shall also furnish as part of its Bid, documents establishing the conformity to the Bidding Documents of all works and related services which the Bidder proposes to supply under the contract. The documentary evidence of conformity to the Bidding Documents may be in the form of literature, drawings, and data, and shall consist of: (a) A detailed description of the essential technical and performance characteristics of the goods; (b) A list giving full particulars, including available sources and current prices of spare parts, special tools, etc, necessary for the proper and continuing functioning of the goods for a period to be specified in the Bid Data Sheet, following commencement of the use of the goods.
11. Bid Currencies/Bid Prices: All prices shall be quoted in USD including VAT. The Bidder shall indicate on the appropriate Price Schedule the unit prices (where applicable) and total Bid Price of the goods it proposes to supply under the contract. 12. Period of Validity of Bids: Bids shall remain valid for 120 days after the date of Bid Submission prescribed by the procuring UNDP entity pursuant to clause 16 of Instructions to Bidders. A Bid valid for a shorter period may be rejected as non-responsive pursuant to clause 20 of Instructions to Bidders. In exceptional circumstances, the procuring UNDP entity may solicit the Bidders consent to an extension of the period of validity. The request and the responses thereto shall be made in writing. Bidders granting the request will not be required nor permitted to modify their Bids. 13 Bid Security (a) The Bidder shall furnish as part of its Bid a Bid Security to the Purchaser in the amount of 5% of the Offer Value. (b) The Bid Security is to protect the Purchaser against the risk of the Bidders conduct which would warrant the securitys forfeiture, pursuant to Clause 13(g) below. (c) The Bid Security shall be denominated in the currency of the Contract or in a freely convertible currency and shall be in one of the following forms: i. bank guarantee or irrevocable letter of credit, issued by a reputable bank and/or insurance company located in the purchasers country or abroad, and in the form provided in these Solicitation Documents, or, ii. cashiers cheque, or certified cheque. (d) Any Bid not secured in accordance with Clauses 13 a) and 13 c) above will be rejected by the Purchaser as nonresponsive pursuant to clause 20 of Instructions to Bidders. (e) Unsuccessful Bidder Bid Security will be discharged or returned as promptly as possible but not later than thirty (30) days after the expiration of the period of Bid Validity prescribed by the Purchaser pursuant to clause 12 of instructions to Bidders. (f) The successful Bidders Bid Security will be discharged or returned upon the Bidder signing the Contract, pursuant to clause 26 of Instructions to Bidders, and furnishing the Performance Security, pursuant to clause 27 of Instructions to Bidders. (g) The Bid Security may be forfeited: 1) If a Bidder withdraws its offer during the period of the Bid Validity specified by the Bidder on the Bid Submission Form, or, 2) In the case of a successful Bidder, if the Bidder fails: i. to sign the Contract in accordance with Clause 26 of Instructions to Bidders, or, ii. to furnish Performance Security in accordance with Clause 27 of Instructions to Bidders. D. Submission of Bids 14. Format and Signing of Bid: The Bidder shall prepare two copies of the Bid, clearly marking each Original Bid and Copy of Bid as appropriate. In the event of any discrepancy between them, the original shall govern. The two copies of the Bid shall be typed or written in indelible ink and shall be signed by the Bidder or a person or persons duly authorized to bind the Bidder to the contract. A Bid shall contain no interlineations, erasures, or overwriting except, as necessary to correct errors made by the Bidder, in which case such corrections shall be initialed by the person or persons signing the bid. 15. Sealing and Marking of Bids:
15.1 The Bidder shall seal the original and each copy of the Bid in separate envelopes, duly marking the envelopes as ORIGINAL and COPY. The envelopes shall then be sealed in an outer envelope. 15.2 The inner and outer envelopes shall: (a) be addressed to the Purchaser at the following address: United Nations Development Programme
18.4 The Purchaser will prepare minutes of the Bid Opening. 19. Clarification of Bids: To assist in the examination, evaluation and comparison of Bids the procuring UNDP entity may at its discretion ask the Bidder for clarification of its Bid. The request for clarification and the response shall be in writing and no change in price or substance of the Bid shall be sought, offered or permitted. 20. Preliminary Examination: 20.1 Prior to the detailed evaluation, the Purchaser will determine the substantial responsiveness of each Bid to the Invitation to Bid (ITB). A substantially responsive Bid is one which conforms to all the terms and conditions of the ITB without material deviations. 20.2 The Purchaser will examine the bids to determine whether they are complete, whether any computational errors have been made, whether the documents have been properly signed, and whether the bids are generally in order. 20.3 Arithmetical errors will be rectified on the following basis: If there is a discrepancy between the unit price and the total price that is obtained by multiplying the unit price and quantity, the unit price shall prevail and the total price shall be corrected. If the Bidder does not accept the correction of errors, its Bid will be rejected. If there is a discrepancy between words and figures the amount in words will prevail. 20.4 A Bid determined as not substantially responsive will be rejected by the Purchaser and may not subsequently be made responsive by the Bidder by correction of the non-conformity. 21. Evaluation of Bids: Determination of compliance with the Solicitation Documents is based on the content of the Bid itself without recourse to extrinsic evidence. Evaluation Criteria 1.1 Compliance with pricing conditions set in the ITB. 1.2 Compliance with requirements relating to technical design features or the products ability to satisfy functional requirements. 1.3 Compliance with Special and General Conditions specified by these Solicitation Documents. 1.4 Compliance with start-up, delivery or installation deadlines set by the procuring entity. 1.5 Demonstrated ability to comply with critical provisions such as execution of the Contract by honoring the tax-free status of the UN. 1.6 Demonstrated ability to honor important responsibilities and liabilities allocated to Supplier in this ITB (e.g. performance guarantees, warranties, or insurance coverage, etc). 1.7 Warranty period for materials and works granted for 6 months after completion of tasks as per Contract.
F. Award of Contract 22. Award Criteria: The procuring UNDP entity will Issue the Contract for Works to the lowest priced technically qualified Bidder. The Purchaser reserves the right to accept or reject any Bid, to annul the solicitation process and reject all Bids at any time prior to award of contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Bidder(s) or any obligation to provide information on the grounds for the purchasers action. 23. Purchasers Right to Vary Requirements at Time of Award: The Purchaser reserves the right at the time of making the award of contract to increase or decrease by up to 15 % the quantity of goods specified in the Schedule of Requirements without any change in unit price or other terms and conditions. 24. Notification of Award: Prior to the expiration of the period of Bid Validity, the Purchaser will send the successful Bidder the Contract. The Contract may only be accepted by the Suppliers signing and returning an acknowledgement copy of it or by timely delivery of the goods in accordance with the terms of this contract, as herein specified.
Acceptance of this Contract shall effect a contract between the parties under which the rights and obligations of the parties shall be governed solely by the terms and conditions of this contract. 25. Signing of the Contract for Works: Within 30 days of receipt of the Contract the successful Bidder shall sign, date and return it to the purchaser. 26. Performance Security: The successful Bidder shall provide the Performance Security on the Performance Security Form provided for in these Solicitation Documents, within 30 days of receipt of the Contract from the purchaser. Failure of the successful Bidder to comply with the requirement of clause 26 or clause 27 of Instructions to Bidders shall constitute sufficient grounds for the annulment of the award and forfeiture of the Bid Security, in which event the Purchaser may make the award to the next lowest evaluated Bidder or call for new Bids.
27. Vendor Protest: Our vendor protest procedure is intended to afford an opportunity to appeal to persons or firms not awarded contract in a competitive procurement process. It is not available to non-responsive or non-timely proposers/bidders or when all proposals/bids are rejected. In the event that you believe you have not been fairly treated, you can find detailed information about vendor protest procedures in the following link:
Bid Price
The prices quoted shall be as per following and place: FOB FCA CPT DDU X Other
Place: Kozare Commune, Kuove (Berat Region) Additional Documents Establishing Bidders Eligibility & Qualifications Required. Not required.
to perform required works, for each type of the project work, issued by Ministry of Public Work and Transport, for Albanian Bidders or equal for foreign companies, such as: -NP-1,A; NP-2, B; NP-3, B; NP-7, A; NP-11, A; NS-1, A; NS-2, A, NS-4, B; Note: All above license points are as per Albanian Construction Licenses. For the Foreign Companies they must be equivalent as above. Below is a clarification of the license points which are required to be fulfilling by the Construction Companies. NP-1, A, Earth excavation up to 0 to 200,000 $ NP-2,B, Civil and industrial construction 210,000 to 500,000 $ NP-3, B, Reconstruction and maintenance of civil and industrial building and facades, 210,000 to 500,000 $ NP-7A, Construction Water supply, 0 to 200,000 $ NP-11A, Electrical work, 0 to 200,000 $ NS-1A, Demolishing work, up to 0 to200,000 $ NS-2A, Hydro sanitation work, up to 0 to 200,000 $ NS-4B, Finish work, 210,000 to 500,000 $ List of key staff (CV, names, education, skills, years of experience). (see Annex 1, Heading 9 for main requirements). Official statement issued by Tax Office or Social Insurance Institute on registered employees for the last 2 years (the certification should not be older than one month). List of all other projects/contracts of similar size and nature completed in the last three years, expressed in USD. Minimum two relevant references (similar size and nature) for the last three years such as Completion Certificate, Final Payment Certificate and etc. provided by client/beneficiary
Notarized Reports in English language on the financial standing of the Bidder, such as profit and loss statements and auditors reports for each of last three years; Note: Minimum annual turnover for each of the last three years must be of at least 470,000 USD/year A quick ratio analysis will be conducted based on the financial statements provided; the minimum ratio should be greater than 1(one) for each of the last three years. Other Documents requirements
Notarized Copies in English language of original documents defining the constitution or legal status, place of registration and principles of business; Certification that the Bidder has fulfilled all their past and current obligations concerning the payment of taxes and social insurances. Certificate from National Registration Centre or equivalent based on the country of origin of the bidder which certify that thebidder:Is not undergoing any bankruptcy process; Has a clean criminal record Verification from the Court Office that the company is not under investigation or the target of any court proceedings All required documents must be original or notarized copies translated in English Language. Bid Validity Period. 120 days If different, please specify Required. Partial bids permitted. Not required. Partial bids not permitted. Condition waived Condition applies but change limit to percent.
Bid Security
Purchasers Right to Vary 15 percent, increase Requirements at Time of or decrease. Remain Award unchanged. No.
If yes, specify:
A description of the technical approach and methodology proposed for the execution of works, including a detailed work programme (6 months timeline at maximum) List of potential sub-contractors for the proposed works if any. All the eligibility and qualification requirements apply to the subcontractors as well. Graphic of the proposed schedule of works; Compliance with national standards and requirements.
Annex III
General Conditions of Contract for Civil Works
1. Definitions 2. Singular and Plural 3. Headings or Notes 4. Legal Relationships 5. General Duties/Powers of Engineer 6. Contractor's General Obligations/Responsibilities 7. Assignment and Subcontracting 8. Drawings 9. Work Book 10. Performance Security 11. Inspection of Site 12. Sufficiency of Tender 13. Programme of Work to be furnished 14. Weekly Site Meeting 15. Change Orders 16. Contractor's Superintendence 17. Contractor's Employees 18. Setting-Out 19. Watching and Lighting 20. Care of Works 21. Insurance of Works, Etc. 22. Damage to Persons and Property 23. Liability Insurance 24. Accident or Injury to Workmen 25. Remedy on Contractor's Failure to Insure 26. Compliance with Statutes, Regulations, Etc. 27. Fossils, Etc. 28. Copyright, Patents and Other Proprietary Rights, and Royalties 29. Interference with Traffic and Adjoining Properties 30. Extraordinary Traffic and Special Loads 31. Opportunities for Other Contractors 32. Contractor to Keep Site Clean 33. Clearance of Site on Substantial Completion 34. Labor 35. Returns of Labor, Plant, Etc. 36. Materials, Workmanship and Testing 37. Access to Site 38. Examination of Work Before Covering Up 39. Removal of Improper Work and Materials 40. Suspension of Work 41. Possession of Site 42. Time for Completion 43. Extension of Time for Completion 44. Rate of Progress 45. Liquidated Damages for Delay 46. Certificate of Substantial Completion 47. Defects Liability 48. Alterations, Additions and Omissions 49. Plant, Temporary Works and Materials 50. Approval of Materials, Etc., Not Implied 51. Measurement of Works 52. Liability of the Parties
53. Authorities 54. Urgent Repairs 55. Increase and Decrease of Costs 56. Taxation 57. Blasting 58. Machinery 59. Temporary Works and Reinstatement 60. Photographs and Advertising 61. Prevention of Corruption 62. Date Falling on Holiday 63. Notices 64. Language, Weights and Measures 65. Records, Accounts, Information and Audit 66. Force Majeure 67. Suspension by the UNDP 68. Termination by the UNDP 69. Termination by the Contractor 70. Rights and Remedies of the UNDP 71. Settlement of Disputes 72. Privileges and Immunities Appendix I: Formats of Performance Security Performance Bank Guarantee Performance Bond
For the purpose of the Contract Documents the words and expressions below shall have the following meanings: a) "Employer" means the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). b) "Contractor" means the person whose tender has been accepted and with whom the Contract has been entered into. c) "Engineer" means the person whose services have been engaged by UNDP to administer the Contract as provided therein, as will be notified in writing to the Contractor. d) "Contract" means the written agreement between the Employer and the Contractor, to which these General Conditions are annexed. e) "The Works" means the works to be executed and completed under the Contract. f) "Temporary Works" shall include items to be constructed which are not intended to be permanent and form part of the Works. g) "Drawings" and "Specifications" mean the Drawings and Specifications referred to in the Contract and any modification thereof or addition thereto furnished by the Engineer or submitted by the Contractor and approved in writing by the Engineer in accordance with the Contract. h) "Bill of Quantities" is the document in which the Contractor indicates the cost of the Works, on the basis of the foreseen quantities of items of work and the fixed unit prices applicable to them. i) "Contract Price" means the sum agreed in the Contract as payable to the Contractor for the execution and completion of the Works and for remedying of any defects therein in accordance with the Contract. "Site" means the land and other places on, under, in or through which the Works or Temporary Works are to be constructed.
a) The headings or notes in the Contract Documents shall not be deemed to be part thereof or be taken into consideration in their interpretation.
a) The Contractor and the sub-contractor(s), if any, shall have the status of an independent contractor vis--vis the Employer. The Contract Documents shall not be construed to create any contractual relationship of any kind between the Engineer and the Contractor, but the Engineer shall, in the exercise of his duties and powers under the Contract, be entitled to performance by the Contractor of its obligations, and to enforcement thereof. Nothing contained in the Contract Documents shall create any contractual relationship between the Employer or the Engineer and any subcontractor(s) of the Contractor.
c) The Engineer shall visit the Site at intervals appropriate to the stage of construction to familiarize himself
generally with the progress and quality of the Works and to determine in general if the Works are proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents. On the basis of his on-site observations as an Engineer, he shall keep the Employer informed of the progress of the Works. d) The Engineer shall not be responsible for and will not have control or charge of construction means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures, or for safety precautions and programs in connection with the Works or the Temporary Works. The Engineer shall not be responsible for or have control or charge over the acts or omissions of the Contractor (including the Contractor's failure to carry out the Works in accordance with the Contract) and of Sub-contractors or any of their agents or employees, or any other persons performing services for the Works, except if such acts or omissions are caused by the Engineer's failure to perform his functions in accordance with the contract between the Employer and the Engineer. e) The Engineer shall at all times have access to the Works wherever and whether in preparation or progress. The Contractor shall provide facilities for such access so that the Engineer may perform his functions under the Contract. f) Based on the Engineer's observations and an evaluation of the documentation submitted by the Contractor together with the invoices, the Engineer shall determine the amounts owed to the Contractor and shall issue Certificates for Payment as appropriate. g) The Engineer shall review and approve or take other appropriate action upon the Contractor's submittals such as Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples, but only for conformity with the design concept of the Works and
with the provisions of the Contract Documents. Such action shall be taken with reasonable promptness so as to cause no delay. The Engineer's approval of a specific item shall not indicate approval of an assembly of which the item is a component. h) The Engineer shall interpret the requirements of the Contract Documents and judge the performance there under by the Contractor. All interpretations and orders of the Engineer shall be consistent with the intent of and reasonably inferable from the Contract Documents and shall be in writing or in the form of drawings. Either party may make a written request to the Engineer for such interpretation. The Engineer shall render the interpretation necessary for the proper execution of the Works with reasonable promptness and in accordance with any time limit agreed upon. Any claim or dispute arising from the interpretation of the Contract Documents by the Engineer or relating to the execution or progress of the Works shall be settled as provided in Clause 71 of these General Conditions. i) Except as otherwise provided in the Contract, the Engineer shall have no authority to relieve the Contractor of any of his obligations under the Contract nor to order any work involving delay in completion of the Works or any extra payment to the Contractor by the Employer, or to make any variations to the Works. In the event of termination of the employment of the Engineer, the Employer shall appoint another suitable professional to perform the Engineer's duties.
k) The Engineer shall have authority to reject work which does not conform to the Contract Documents. Whenever, in his opinion, he considers it necessary or advisable for the implementation of the intent of the Contract Documents, he will have authority to require special inspection or testing of the work whether or not such work be then fabricated, installed or completed. However, neither the Engineer's authority to act nor any reasonable decision made by him in good faith either to exercise or not to exercise such authority shall give rise to any duty or responsibility of the Engineer to the Contractor, any subcontractor, any of their agents or employees, or any other person performing services for the Works. l) The Engineer shall conduct inspections to determine the dates of Substantial Completion and Final Completion, shall receive and forward to the Employer for the Employer's review written warranties and related documents required by the Contract and assembled by the Contractor, and shall issue a final Certificate for Payment upon compliance with the requirements of Clause 47 hereof and in accordance with the Contract.
m) If the Employer and Engineer so agree, the Engineer shall provide one or more Engineer's Representative(s) to assist the Engineer in carrying out his responsibilities at the site. The Engineer shall notify in writing to the Contractor and the Employer the duties, responsibilities and limitations of authority of any such Engineer's Representative(s).
d) Source of Instructions
The Contractor shall neither seek nor accept instructions from any authority external to the Employer, the Engineer or their authorized representatives in connection with the performance of his services under this Contract. The Contractor shall refrain from any action which may adversely affect the Employer and shall fulfill his commitments with fullest regard for the interest of the Employer.
b) Subcontracting
In the event the Contractor requires the services of subcontractors, the Contractor shall obtain the prior written approval of the Employer for all such subcontractors. The approval of the Employer shall not relieve the Contractor of any of his obligations under the Contract, and the terms of any subcontract shall be subject to and be in conformity with the provisions of the Contract.
any time after the expiration of such Period, assign to the Employer, at the Employer's request and cost, the benefit of such obligation for the unexpired duration thereof.
c) Disruption of Progress
The Contractor shall give written notice to the Engineer whenever planning or progress of the Works is likely to be delayed or disrupted unless any further drawing or order, including a direction, instruction or approval, is issued by the Engineer within a reasonable time. The notice shall include details of drawing or order required and of why and by when it is required and of any delay or disruption likely to be suffered if it is late.
a) The Contractor shall maintain a Work Book at the Site with numbered pages, in one original and two copies. The Engineer shall have full authority to issue new orders, drawings and instructions to the Contractor, from time to time and as required for the correct execution of the Works. The Contractor shall be bound to follow such orders, drawings and instructions. b) Every order shall be dated and signed by the Engineer and the Contractor, in order to account for its receipt. c) Should the Contractor want to refuse an order in the Work Book, he shall so inform the Employer, through the Engineer, by means of an annotation in the Work Book made within three (3) days from the date of the order that the Contractor intends to refuse. Failure by the Contractor to adhere to this procedure shall result in the order being deemed accepted with no further possibility of refusal. d) The original of the Work Book shall be delivered to the Employer at the time of Final Acceptance of the Works. A copy shall be kept by the Engineer and another copy by the Contractor.
If the surety of the Performance Bond or Bank Guarantee is declared bankrupt or becomes insolvent or its right to do business in the country of execution of the Works is terminated, the Contractor shall within five (5) days thereafter substitute another bond or guarantee and surety, both of which must be acceptable to the Employer.
devote his entire time to the superintendence of the Works. Such authorized agent or representative shall receive on behalf of the Contractor directions and instructions from the Engineer. If the approval of such agent or representative shall be withdrawn by the Engineer, as provided in Clause 17(2) hereinafter, or if the removal of such agent or representative shall be requested by the Employer under Clause 17(3) hereinafter, the Contractor shall as soon as it is practicable after receiving notice of such withdrawal remove the agent or representative from the Site, and replace him by another agent or representative approved by the Engineer. Notwithstanding the provision of Clause 17(2) hereinafter, the Contractor shall not thereafter employ, in any capacity whatsoever, a removed agent or representative again on the Site.
The Contractor shall be responsible for the true and proper setting out of the Works in relation to original points, lines and levels of reference given by the Engineer in writing and for the correctness of the position, levels, dimensions and alignment of all parts of the Works and for the provision of all necessary instruments, appliances and labor in connection therewith. If, at any time during the progress of the Works, any error shall appear or arise in the position, levels, dimensions or alignment of any part of the Works, the Contractor, on being required so to do by the Engineer, shall, at his own cost, rectify such error to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
requirements of the Contract and the Engineer's instructions. The Contractor shall also be liable for any damage to the Works occasioned by him in the course of any operations carried out by him for the purpose of complying with his obligations Clause 47 hereof. b) The Contractor shall be fully responsible for the review of the Engineering design and details of the Works and shall inform the Employer of any mistakes or incorrectness in such design and details which would affect the Works.
relation to the execution of the Works or of any Temporary Works and by the Rules and Regulations of all public bodies and companies whose property or rights are affected or may be affected in any way by the Works or any Temporary Works.
b) The Contractor shall conform in all respects with any such Statutes, Ordinances, Laws, Regulations, By-laws or
requirements of any such local or other authority which may be applicable to the Works and shall keep the Employer indemnified against all penalties and liabilities of every kind for breach of any such Statutes, Ordinances, Laws, Regulations, By-laws or requirements.
b) Should it be found necessary for the Contractor to move any load of Constructional Plant, machinery, preconstructed units or parts of units of work, or other thing, over part of a road or bridge, the moving whereof is likely to damage any such road or bridge unless special protection or strengthening is carried out, then the Contractor shall before moving the load on to such road or bridge, save insofar as the Contract otherwise provide, be responsible for and shall pay for the cost of strengthening any such bridge or altering or improving any such road to avoid such damage, and the Contractor shall indemnify and keep the Employer indemnified against all
claims for damage to any such road or bridge caused by such movement, including such claim as may be made directly against the Employer, and shall negotiate and pay all claims arising solely out of such damage.
b) Supply of Water
The Contractor shall provide on the Site to the satisfaction of the Engineer an adequate supply of drinking and other water for the use of the Contractor's staff and work people.
f) Epidemics
In the event of any outbreak of illness of an epidemic nature, the Contractor shall comply with and carry out such regulations, orders, and requirements as may be made by the Government or the local medical or sanitary authorities for the purpose of dealing with and overcoming the same.
h) Observance by Sub-Contractors
The Contractor shall be considered responsible for the observance of the above provisions by his Sub-Contractors.
b) Cost of Samples
All samples shall be supplied by the Contractor at his own cost unless the supply thereof is clearly intended in the Specifications or Bill of Quantities to be at the cost of the Employer. Payment will not be made for samples which do not comply with the Specifications.
c) Cost of Tests
The Contractor shall bear the costs of any of the following tests: Those clearly intended by or provided for in the Contract Documents.
Those involving load testing or tests to ensure that the design of the whole of the Works or any part of the Works is appropriate for the purpose which it was intended to fulfill.
39. REMOVAL OF IMPROPER WORK AND MATERIALS a) Engineer's power to order removal
The Engineer shall during the progress of the Works have power to order in writing from time to time, and the Contractor shall execute at his cost and expense, the following operations: The removal from the Site within such time or times as may be specified in the order of any materials which in the opinion of the Engineer are not in accordance with the Contract; The substitution of proper and suitable materials; and The removal and proper re-execution (notwithstanding any previous test thereof or interim payment therefore) of any work which in respect of materials or workmanship is not in the opinion of the Engineer in accordance with the Contract.
The Employer shall with the Engineer's written order to commence the Works, give to the Contractor possession of so much of the Site as may be required to enable the Contractor to commence and proceed with the construction of the Works in accordance with the Programme referred to in Clause 13 hereof and otherwise in accordance with such reasonable proposals of the Contractor as he shall make to the Engineer by notice in writing, and shall from time to time as the Works proceed give to the Contractor possession of such further portions of the Site as may be required to enable the Contractor to proceed with the construction of the Works with due dispatch in accordance with the said Programme or proposals, as the case may be.
a) If, subject to the provisions of the Contract, the Engineer orders alterations or additions in the Works in accordance with Clause 48 hereof, or if circumstances constituting force majeure as defined in the Contract have occurred, the Contractor shall be entitled to apply for an extension of the time for completion of the Works specified in the Contract. The Employer shall, upon such application, determine the period of any such extension of time; provided that in the case of alterations or additions in the Works, the application for such an extension must be made before the alterations or additions in the Works are undertaken by the Contractor.
c) The contractor shall indemnify the Employer from and against any claims or liability for damages on account of noise or other disturbance created while or in carrying out the work and from and against all claims, demands, proceedings, costs and expenses whatsoever in regard or in relation to such noise or other disturbance. The Contractor shall submit in triplicate to the Engineer at the end of each month signed copies of explanatory Drawings or any other material showing the progress of the Works.
such Section or part of the Works has been completed to the satisfaction of the Engineer and is required by the Employer for his occupation or use.
Upon the issuance of such Certificate, the Contractor shall be deemed to have undertaken to complete any outstanding work during the Defects Liability Period.
The Engineer may within his powers introduce any variations to the form, type or quality of the Works or any part thereof which he considers necessary and for that purpose or if for any other reasons it shall, in his opinion be desirable, he shall have power to order the Contractor to do and the Contractor shall do any of the following: 1 2 3 4 5 increase or decrease the quantity of any work under the Contract; omit any such work; change the character or quality or kind of any such work; change the levels, lines, positions and dimensions of any part of the Works; execute additional work of any kind necessary for the completion of the Works, and no such variation shall in any way vitiate or invalidate the Contract.
All material and work covered by payments made by the Employer to the Contractor shall thereupon become the sole property of the Employer, but this provision shall not be construed as relieving the Contractor from the sole responsibility for all material and work upon which payments have been made or the restoration of any damaged work or as waiving the right of the Employer to require the fulfillment of all of the terms of the Contract. e) Equipment and supplies furnished by Employer Title to any equipment and supplies which may be furnished by the Employer shall rest with the Employer and any such equipment and supplies shall be returned to the Employer at the conclusion of the Contract or when no longer needed by the Contractor. Such equipment when returned to the Employer shall be in the same condition as when delivered to the Contractor, subject to normal wear and tear.
(a) The Employer shall have the right to enter upon the Site and expel the Contractor therefrom without thereby voiding the Contract or releasing the Contractor from any of his obligations or liabilities under the Contract or affecting the rights and powers conferred on the Employer and the Engineer by the Contract in any of the following cases: (b) If the Contractor is declared bankrupt or claims bankruptcy or court protection against his creditors or if the Contractor is a company or member of a company which was dissolved by legal action; (c) If the Contractor makes arrangements with his creditors or agrees to carry out the Contract under an inspection committee of his creditors; (d) If the Contractor withdraws from the Works or assigns the Contract to others in whole or in part without the Employer's prior written approval; (e) If the Contractor fails to commence the Works or shows insufficient progress to the extent which in the opinion of the Engineer will not enable him to meet the target completion date of the Works; (f) If the Contractor suspends the progress of the Works without due cause for fifteen (15) days after receiving from the Engineer written notice to proceed; (g) If the Contractor fails to comply with any of the Contract conditions or fails to fulfill his obligations and does not remedy the cause of his failure within fifteen (15) days after being notified to do so in writing; (h) If the Contractor is not executing the work in accordance with standards of workmanship specified in the Contract;
(i) If the Contractor gives or promises to give a present or loan or reward to any employee of the Employer or of the Engineer.
Then the Employer may himself complete the Works or may employ any other contractor to complete the Works and the Employer or such other contractor may use for such completion so much of Constructional Plant, Temporary Works and Materials, which have been deemed to be reserved exclusively for the construction and completion of the Works under the provision of the Contract as he or they may think proper and the Employer may at any time sell any of the said Constructional Plant, Temporary Works and unused materials and apply the proceeds of sale in or towards the satisfaction of any sums due or which may become due to him from the Contractor under the Contract.
been due to him upon due completion by him after deducting the said amount. But if such amount shall exceed the sum which would have been payable to the Contractor on due completion by him,, then the Contractor shall upon demand pay to the Employer the amount of such excess. The Employer in such case may recover this amount from any money due to the Contractor from the Employer without the need to resort to legal procedures.
a) The Contractor shall be responsible for the payment of all charges and taxes in respect of income including value added tax, all in accordance with and subject to the provisions of the income tax laws and regulations in force and all amendments thereto. It is the Contractor's responsibility to make all the necessary inquiries in this respect and he shall be deemed to have satisfied himself regarding the application of all relevant tax laws.
a) The Contractor shall not use any explosives without the written permission of the Engineer who shall require that the Contractor has complied in full with the regulations in force regarding the use of explosives. However, the Contractor, before applying to obtain these explosives, has to provide well arranged storage facilities. The Engineer's approval or refusal to permit the use of explosives shall not constitute ground for claims by the Contractor.
a) The Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating the manufacture, delivery, erection and commissioning of plant machinery and equipment which are to form a part of the Works. He shall place all necessary orders as soon as possible after the signing of the Contract. These orders and their acceptance shall be produced to the Engineer on request. The Contractor shall also be responsible for ensuring that all sub-contractors adhere to such programs as are agreed and are needed to ensure completion of the Works within the period for completion. Should any sub-contracted works be delayed, the Contractor shall initiate the necessary action to speed up such completion. This shall not prejudice the Employer's right to exercise his remedies for delay in accordance with the Contract.
a) The Contractor shall provide and maintain all temporary roads and tracks necessary for movement of plant and materials and clear same away at completion and make good all works damaged or disturbed. The Contractor shall submit drawings and full particulars of all Temporary Works to the Engineer before commencing same.
b) The Engineer may require modifications to be made if he considers them to be insufficient and the Contractor shall give effect to such modifications but shall not be relieved of his responsibilities. The Contractor shall provide and maintain weather-proof sheds for storage of material pertinent to the Works both for his own use and for the use of the Employer and clear same away at the completion of the Works. c) The Contractor shall divert as required, at his own cost and subject to the approval of the Engineer, all public utilities encountered during the progress of the Works, except those specially indicated on the drawings as being included in the Contract. Where diversions of services are not required in connection with the Works, the Contractor shall uphold, maintain and keep the same in working order in existing locations. d) The Contractor shall make good, at his own expense, all damage to telephone, telegraph and electric cable or wires, sewers, water or other pipes and other services, except where the Public Authority or Private Party owning or responsible for the same elects to make good the damage. The costs incurred in so doing shall be paid by the Contractor to the Public Authority or Private Party on demand.
a) Unless otherwise expressly specified, any notice, consent, approval, certificate or determination by any person for which provision is made in the Contract Documents shall be in writing. Any such notice, consent, approval, certificate or determination to be given or made by the Employer, the Contractor or the Engineer shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.
b) Any notice, certificate or instruction to be given to the Contractor by the Engineer or the Employer under the
terms of the Contract shall be sent by post, cable, telex or facsimile at the Contractor's principal place of business specified in the Contract or such other address as the Contractor shall nominate in writing for that purpose, or by delivering the same at the said address against an authorized signature certifying the receipt. c) Any notice to be given to the Employer under the terms of the Contract shall be sent by post, cable, telex or facsimile at the Employer's address specified in the Contract, or by delivering the same at the said address against an authorized signature certifying the receipt. d) Any notice to be given to the Engineer under the terms of this Contract shall be sent by post, cable, telex or facsimile at the Engineer's address specified in the Contract, or by delivering the same at the said address against an authorized signature certifying the receipt.
a) The UNDP may by written notice to the Contractor suspend for a specified period, in whole or in part, payments to the Contractor and/or the Contractor's obligation to continue to perform the Works under this Contract, if in the UNDP' sole discretion:
any conditions arise which interfere, or threaten to interfere with the successful execution of the Works or the accomplishment of the purpose thereof, or the Contractor shall have failed, in whole or in part, to perform any of the terms and conditions of this Contract.
b) After suspension under sub-paragraph (a) above, the Contractor shall be entitled to reimbursement by the UNDP of such costs as shall have been duly incurred in accordance with this Contract prior to the commencement of the period of such suspension. c) The term of this Contract may be extended by the UNDP for a period equal to any period of suspension, taking into account any special conditions which may cause the additional time for completion of the Works to be different from the period of suspension.
a) The UNDP may, notwithstanding any suspension under Clause 67 above, terminate this Contract for cause or convenience in the interest of the UNDP upon not less than fourteen (14) days written notice to the Contractor. b) Upon termination of this Contract:
The Contractor shall take immediate steps to terminate his performance of the Contract in a prompt and orderly manner and to reduce losses and to keep further expenditures to a minimum, and The Contractor shall be entitled (unless such termination has been occasioned by the Contractor's breach of this Contract), to be paid for the part of the Works satisfactorily completed and for the materials and equipment properly delivered to the Site as of the date of termination for incorporation to the Works, plus substantiated costs resulting from commitments entered into prior to the date of termination as well as any reasonable substantiated direct costs incurred by the Contractor as a result of the termination, but shall not be entitled to receive any other or further payment or damages.
Compliance with any other condition (s) required? Applies Does not apply Supervision The tasks of the Engineer as specified in the Applies Does not apply General Conditions and Technical Specifications will be executed by a Design and Supervision Company contracted by UNDP Albania for this purpose with prior approval by the National Project Engineer and UNDP Albania. (This space is also used to enter a modified version of any of the above Special Conditions)
Annex V
Technical Specifications
Table of Contents SECTION 1 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS 1.1. General specifications 1.1.1 Units of Measurement 1.1.2 Program for the Execution of the Works 1.1.3 Faulty work 1.1.4 Verification Testing Costs of Installed Plumbing Works 1.1.5 Verification Testing Costs of Installed Electrical Systems 1.1.6 Verification Testing Costs of Installed HVAC Mechanical Components 1.2. Submissions to the Engineer 1.2.1 Written authority 1.2.2 Provision of Detailed Construction Drawings
SECTION 2 SITE CLEARANCE AND DEMOLITION 2.1. Site clearance 2.1.1 Clearance of site 2.1.2 Removal of topsoil 2.1.3 Removal of Trees and stumps 2.1.4 Removal of Buildings, Fences and Structures 2.1.5 Protection of cleared ground 2.2. Demolition 2.2.1 Scaffolding 2.2.2 Supervision 2.2.3 Method and Sequence of Demolition Operations 2.2.4 Safety 2.3. Demolition of Buildings Elements 2.3.1 Removal of Terraces 2.3.2 Demolition of Brick Masonry 2.3.3 Removal of flooring 2.3.4 Removal of Wall Tiling 2.3.5 Removal of Windows and Doors 2.3.6 Removal of Metal Grating SECTION 3 EARTHWORKS, EXCAVATIONS AND FOUNDATIONS 3.1. Earthwork 3.1.1 Preparation of formation 3.1.2 Finishing slopes 3.1.3 Drainage of earthworks 3.1.4 Protection of earthworks 3.1.5 Earthworks during periods of frost 3.2. Excavation for Foundations and Bases 3.2.1 Excavations 3.2.2 Filling 3.2.3 Utilization of Excavated Material 3.2.4 Backfilling around Structures 3.3. Standard foundations 3.3.1 Concrete Foundations 3.3.2 Foundation in stone Masonry and Concrete (to concrete) 3.3.3 Column Footings 3.4. Foundations ancillaries 3.4.1 Waterproofing of footings 3.4.2 Waterproofing of foundations. 3.4.3 Perimeter and superficial Drainage SECTION 4 CONCRETE, FORMWORKS AND REINFORCEMENT
4.1. 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.1.4 4.1.5 4.1.6 4.1.7 4.1.8 4.1.9 4.2. 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 4.2.5 4.2.6 4.2.7 4.3. 4.3.1 4.3.2 4.3.3
In-situ concrete General requirements for concrete Materials Storage of materials Classification of concrete Concrete Production Placing of Concrete Protection Adverse Weather Conditions Testing of concrete Concrete Elements and sub-elements In Situ Lintels Pre-cast Lintels In Situ Beams Ring Beams Columns Pre-cast slabs. Repairing of Existing Stairs Formwork and Concrete Finish Preparation of formwork Removal of formwork Classes of Concrete Finish
SECTION 5 BUILDING STRUCTURE 5.1. Masonry and Walls Partitions 5.1.1 Mortar for Masonry 5.1.2 General Specification for Bricks 5.1.3 Full brick bearing wall 25 cm 5.1.4 Internal brick masonry 12 cm 5.1.5 Internal brick bearing masonry 25 cm. 5.1.6 Dry walls (partitions) 5.2. Roofing 5.2.1 Reconditioning of terraces 5.2.2 New terraces 5.2.3 New Traditional clay tile roof 5.2.4 Bituminous roofing tiles 5.2.5 Roofing with sandwich type panels 5.2.6 Vertical & Horizontal roof guttering 5.2.7 Roof openings 5.2.8 Roof thermo insulation 5.3. Structural steel framing 5.3.1 General Information 5.3.2 Steel production 5.3.3 Welding 5.3.4 Bolt binding 5.3.5 Erection 5.3.6 General requirements for protective coating work SECTION 6 FINISHES 6.1. Wall finishes 6.1.1 Internal plastering in rehabilitation 6.1.2 Internal plastering in new constructions 6.1.3 External plastering in rehabilitation 6.1.4 External plastering in new construction 6.1.5 Fine lime plaster on walls 6.1.6 Color wash painting in Rehabilitation 6.1.7 Color wash painting in new reconstruction 6.1.8 Enamel painting in rehabilitation
6.1.9 Enamel painting in new construction 6.1.10 Painting of steel surfaces 6.1.11 Painting of wood surfaces 6.1.12 Wall covering with slabs of granulated stone, marble, stone etc. 6.2. Floor finishes 6.2.1 Repair of tiles flooring 6.2.2 Ceramic tile flooring 6.2.3 Flooring ingress tiles 6.2.4 Parquet flooring 6.2.5 Skirting and floors junctions accessories 6.2.6 Waterproofing for flooring 6.2.7 Skirting and floor junctions accessories 6.2.8 Waterproofing for flooring 6.2.9 Refurbishment and Cleaning of existing Floor Tiles 6.3. Stairs Finishes 6.3.1 Repair of concrete steps in terrazzo 6.3.2 Concrete steps in terrazzo 6.3.3 Concrete stairs in marble 6.3.4 P VC and/or linoleum steps finishing 6.3.5 Metal handrail 6.3.6 Vertical bordures and other accessories 6.4. Doors and windows 6.4.1 Windows - General information & requirements 6.4.2 Windows - Components 6.4.3 Windows - Installation 6.4.4 Windows - Repair of wooden windows 6.4.5 Windows - Sills 6.4.6 Windows - Aluminum 6.4.7 Doors - General information 6.4.8 Doors - Components 6.4.9 Doors - Installation 6.4.10 Doors - External 6.5. Ceiling & Wall Finishes 6.5.1 Ceiling plastering and painting 6.5.2 Covering of angles of walls 6.5.3 SECTION 7 SITE DEVELOPMENT 7.1. Roadways 7.1.1 Sub-bases and bases 7.1.2 Paving and surfacing 7.1.3 Curbs gutters and drains 7.1.4 Road marking and signs 7.2. Sidewalks General Information 7.2.1 Sub- bases and bases 7.2.2 Concrete borders (curbs) for sidewalks 7.3. Landscaping 7.3.1 Leveling & Preparation of Terrain (Ground) 7.3.2 Planting & Fertilizing 7.4. Fences and gates 7.4.1 Fencing in masonry and steel 7.5. Sporting Grounds 7.5.1 Soft Terrains (grass, sand etc.) 7.5.2 Fencing of sporting grounds SECTION 8 ELECTRICAL WORKS 8.1. Electrical Specifications 8.1.1 General Accessories
8.1.2 8.1.3 8.1.4 8.1.5 8.1.6 8.1.7 8.1.8 8.1.9 8.1.10 8.1.11 8.1.12 8.1.13 8.1.14 8.1.15 8.2. 8.2.1
Wires and Cables Flexible Cables Channels and accessories Distribution Boxes Flexible Connections System of Channels Lamps and Luminaries Generalized Fluorescent Luminaries Metal Halide Lamps & Luminaries Emergency Lighting and Exit Signs Light Switches Socket outlets and plugs Earth Ground Atmospheric Protection System Power Distribution Distribution panels on floors
SECTION 9 MECHANICAL, PLUMBING AND SANITARY 9.1. Heating Systems Installation 9.1.1 Basic Design Criteria and Heat Gain/Loss Calculations 9.1.2 Central Heating System 9.1.3 Pipes 9.1.4 Thermal Insulation 9.1.5 Distribution Pump 9.1.6 Protection against noise(s) 9.1.7 Technical data of boiler 9.1.8 Oil Tank 9.1.9 Chimney 9.1.10 Boiler Chimney connection 9.1.11 Heating terminal units (Radiators) 9.1.12 Valves Radiator Valves Ball Valves Flow control valves Butterfly Valves Relief Valves Valve operating mechanisms Balancing valves 9.2. Water Supply System 9.2.1 Pipes of water supply system - Generalized 9.2.2 Fittings for pipes 9.2.3 Valves 9.2.4 Water Reservoirs 9.2.5 Water pumps 9.2.6 Hot Water System 9.3. Sanitary waste 9.3.1 Discharge Pipes 9.3.2 Fittings for water discharge pipes 9.3.3 Ventilation Pipes 9.3.4 Floor drains 9.3.5 Pipe insulation 9.3.6 Manholes 9.3.7 Septic tanks 9.4. Rain Water Drainage 9.4.1 Pipes and other elements 9.4.2 Roof Drains 9.4.3 Manholes
Sanitary Fittings Water closet (WC) Set and Flush Box Urinals Wash Basins Anti-Fire Protections Systems (Equipment) Fire Extinguishers
SECTION 1 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS 1.1 General Specifications 1.1.1 Units of Measurements In general, the units of measurements to be used in connection with this contract are metric units of mm, cm, m Km, N (Newton), Mg (1000 kg) and degrees Celsius (Co). Decimal points are written as . Programmed for the Execution of the works The Contractor shall submit to the engineer (please refer to Annex IV Special Conditions, under Supervision regarding the role of the Engineer) a fully detailed program showing the order, the procedure and method by which he proposes to carry out the construction and completion of the Works. The information to be supplied to the engineer shall include drawings showing the general arrangement of the temporary offices and any other temporary buildings or structures which he proposes to use, together with details of the constructional plant and temporary works, and all other devices which he proposes to adopt for the construction and completion of the whole of the works and, in addition, details of the labor strength, skilled and unskilled, and supervision arrangements. The manner and the order in which it is proposed to execute the permanent works is subject to adjustment and approval by the Engineer, and the Contract price shall be held to include any necessary adjustment required by the Engineer during the course of the work. Faulty works Any work, which fails to comply with these Specifications, shall be rejected and the Contractor shall, at his own expense, repair any defects, as directed by Engineer satisfaction. Plumbing Installation works contractor shall be solely responsible for any costs associated with the testing of such installed systems. Electrical Installation works contractor shall be solely responsible for any costs associated with the testing of such installed systems. Heating (HVAC) Installation works contractor shall be solely responsible for any costs associated with the testing of such installed systems.
Submissions to the Engineer (please refer to Annex IV Special Conditions, under Supervision regarding the role of the Engineer) Written Authority Order in writing shall mean any document or letter signed by the Engineer and posted or delivered to the contractor and containing instructions, guidance or directions to the contractor for the execution of the Contract. Whenever the word approved, directed, authorized, required, permitted, ordered, instructed, designated, considered, necessary, prescribed, or words (including nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs) of like important are used, it shall be understood that the written approval, direction, authority, requirement, permission, order, instruction, designation, prescription, etc. of the engineer is implied unless another meaning is plainly intended
Submissions to the Engineer The contractor should submit to the engineer every additional work; a detailed drawing and the work should begin only after Engineer approval. The contractor should sign proposals, details, sketches, accounts, informations, materials, test certificate, whenever requires by Engineer. The engineer will accept every submission and if appropriate will be answered to the contractor in accordance to any proper clause of contract conditions. Every submission should be done due to dates agreeing with engineer and referring the approved program and necessary time that the engineer needs to submit those works. Samples The contractor should provide samples, labeled due to all fittings, accessories, and other issues might be asked from the engineer for inspection. The samples should be submitted to the Engineers office. The drawings of implemented works and measurement hand-book The contractor will prepare and submit to the Engineer three groups of work documentations due to the project. This material should contain a drawing set of the implemented project, the additional drawings made during work implementation approved by the engineer, and the measurement handbook per each work volume. SECTION 2 SITE CLEARANCE AND DEMOLITION 2.1. Clearance of site 2.1.1. Clearance of site At the commencement of the contracts, unless otherwise specified or directed, the Contractor shall remove all vegetation and all objectionable organic material from the construction area, and burn or dispose of all such debris in tips to be provided by the contractor. 2.1.2 Removal of Top Soil Large excavation including top soil removing, executed by hand or machine in terrain of whatever nature, compactness, or degree of saturation (shale even if compact, sandy, gravely or rock terrain), including the cutting and removing of roots, stumps, rock and materials with a dimension not exceeding 0,30 m3, including allowance for the protection of underground structure such as drains, pipelines, etc, and including the location resulting material within the work site. Removal of trees and stubs higher than 1.5m Generally should be taken care, during clearance works not to damage those trees, which do not obstacle in rehabilitation and construction of a new building. In case when their removal is necessary, should be taken adequate precaution in order that during their falling down they will not damage persons or the objects around. So, for the trees higher than 10 m, their cut should be done parted into 3 m. The cut part should be tied with a rope or balanced cable and should be trailed by rope or balanced cable form the part where the personnel or objects are safe. Removal of structures, fences etc. The Contractor shall carefully take down and clear only such buildings, or other structures directed by the engineer. The components shall be dismantled, cleaned and stacked in separate heaps. Materials, which in the opinion of the Engineer are not fit for re-use, shall be removed from the site to a dump, provided by the contractor. Materials, which are re-usable, shall remain the property of the Employer and shall be
preserved and protected by the Contractor until removed by the Employer or until the expiration of the Contract. 2.1.5 Building, fences and structures protection During demolition work, the contractor should take adequate precautions in order to protect the buildings, fences, surrounding walls and structures near the object, where are executing these demolition works. Over- loading of any part of the structure by debris and materials shall be avoided. When materials or debris are lowered, care shall be taken to prevent the material swinging, falling or being projected in such a manner that it creates a danger to the safety of personnel, the surrounding structure of public property of any kind. When mechanical plant such as cranes, hydraulic and excavators and rock breakers are used for demolition, care shall be taken to ensure that no part of such machines can come into contact with or in close proximity to overhead or underground electricity or telephone wires or cables. The contractor shall in sufficient time prior to the commencement of the works, inform the relevant Authority so the Authority my take necessary steps for rerouting the cables. DEMOLITION WORKS Scaffolding Any scaffolding required shall be designed and erected in accordance with the relevant standards. An experienced and competent scaffold builder shall carry out erection of scaffolding and it shall be of an independent tied type. The Contractor shall ensure that all necessary adjustment is required to the scaffolding to ensure its stability is made as the work proceeds. Care shall be taken that the load of any debris collecting on a scaffold does not exceed the loading for the design. All measures necessary shall be taken to prevent debris from being accidentally dislodged from the platform. Scaffolds shall at all times during use be suitable for the purpose for which they are intended and shall comply with any local Authority requirements. Where necessary, the scaffolding will be protected on the perimeter to roadways and passageways should be taken precautions in order to make a surrounding of the object, and also the whole scaffolding protection fixed by protecting netting in order to eliminate material swinging and including required signal, illumination and the conditions of technical standards. Steel scaffolding of trestle type, in accordance with local standards and regulation, including the supply of support, maintenance, assembly, anchorage, dismantling etc. To a maximum height of 12 m, of horizontal elements should have vertical balustrade, to a min. height 15 cm and also protecting netting. Steel scaffolding framed and braced, in accordance wit local standards and regulations, including transport supply, maintenance, assembly, anchorage, dismantling etc. To a maximum height of 12 m, of horizontal elements should have vertical balustrade, to a min. height 15 cm and also protecting netting. Supervision The contractor shall appoint a competent and experienced person trained in the type of operation being used for demolition to supervise and control the work on site. Method of demolition The contractors proposed method of demolition would be such that where part of the structure is to remain, the method adopted for removal must ensure that no damage or
2.2 2.2.1
weakening of the remaining structure occurs. The contractor shall take adequate precautions to ensure the stability of that part which remains. The method employed shall be subjected to the Engineers approval. Where demolition work cannot be done safely from a part of the structure, a suitable working platform must be used. The structure shall generally be demolished in reverse order to that of construction. Steel and reinforced concrete structural members shall be lowered to the ground or be cut into lengths appropriate to the weight and size of member before being allowed to fall. Debris shall be allowed to fall freely only where there is no danger of damages occurring to the retained structures. When building demolition or its elements cannot be done without problems divided from structure part, it will be use an appropriate working method. Steel elements and concrete structures strengthened will be put on the ground or will be cut horizontally, due to wideness and measurements in order not to swing down. Wood elements can be swung from upstairs, only when they dont represent danger for the other part of the structure. When the elements are demolished, should be taken precautions in order not to risk the other constructive holding elements and to do not damage the other elements. Generally, demolition work shall commence by removing as much dead load as possible without interfering with the main structural members. Temporary works shall be designed to carry the required loads under the most severe conditions. Sections to be demolished shall be supported by suitable lifting equipment then cut and lowered to the ground under control. 2.2.4 Safety The contractor shall ensure that the plant and equipment is: a) Of an appropriate type an standard having regard to the location and type of work involved b) In charge of a competent and experienced operator. Maintained in good working condition at all times. Demolition of Buildings Elements Dismantling of roofing and terraces The removal of waterproofing membranes from terraces including up-turns, also where the up-turns are found against chimneys, composed of three layers of bituminous felt, including the removal of the capping or related metal fascias to adjacent parapets, and the stacking of the resulting material within the worksite. The demolition of render at vertical surfaces to a height of at least 30 cm, for the installation of new waterproofs membranes, including all requirements to complete the work in a satisfactory manner. Demolition of brick masonry The demolition by whatever means, total or in part of brickwork or pre- cast terracotta, included rendered work or tiled work, of any form, thickness height or depth of wall, including scaffolding, necessary reinforcing for the consolidation of the structure or surrounding buildings; the reparation of damages caused to third parties for breakage and normal repair in the course of work to service supplies both public and private (drainage, water, light, etc.), without allowing for salvage and cleaning of material re-
2.3 2.3.1
use, but with the relocation of material within the worksite, and including the provision of all requirements not specified for the satisfactory completion of the work. 2.3.3 Removal of flooring Removal of flooring of whatever type, including the removal of bedding mortar, the cleaning, washing with water under pressure and the location of resulting material within the worksite, and including all requirements to prepare the surface for re-tiling. Removal of wall tiling Removal of wall tiles of whatever type, including the removal of bedding mortar, the cleaning, washing with water under pressure and the location of resulting material within the worksite, and including all requirements to prepare the surface for re-tiling. Removal of windows and doors The removal of windows and doors of whatever type, including architraves, beadings etc, with the storage of materials within the worksite including the eventual selection (to be decided by the Supervisor of Works) and stacking within the worksite in the specified location for re-use. Removal of metal grating Removal of metal grating of whatever type and the relocation within the worksite, including eventual selection (to be decided by the Supervisor of Works) and stacking within the worksite in the specified location for re-use.
Earthworks Formations prepare Formations prepare includes these works: Introduction and precision of installed net underground as i.e.: water supply pipes, outlet pipes, electric and telephony cable etc. Terrain measurement and soil testing. Deforestation and roots removal from terrene. Soil removal by humus and its transport or re-using. Whole foundation digging up to the necessary deepness.
Sloping elaboration In cases of sloping terrain, the three following methods are acceptable: Slope leveling according the lowest terrain point. Terrain backfilling by surplus material, up to highest terrain point Digging and backfilling according the average point.
Any of these cases can be used depending on soil type, ground support and of building loads to be constructed in the said terrain. 3.1.3 Soil works drainage Drainage materials can be drainage netting or a drain. Drainage netting materials might be comprised of plastic pipes, concrete pipes or clay pipes. The pipes should be placed through open drains, leveled and pressed as required. The pipes should be placed after drain opening and gravel backfilling of a layer at least 7 cm. After pipe placement gravel or a 4/32 of a layer 10 cm should be filled in, in order to protect the pipe. After that the drain will be backfilled by the soil left from digging. The drainage by drains is realized by opening first the drains and then filled by gravel. The drains according the request should have one of this surfaces: 20x30, 30x40 ose 30x60 cm. The distance between drains should be determined according to ground filter coefficent. 3.1.4 Soil work protection The people that are not included in project construction should be well protected by soil works, and the staff working in project realization should be as well protected. Care should be taken from the foundation diggings. Protection of the pedestrians can be realized throughout building an encirclement (fence, wire net etc), which does not allow them (especially children) to risk. Warning Signs boards should be hanged, in order to forbid the pedestrians pass inside the encirclement. The wholes and the workers are working in it should be protected from downfall. Moat stair per each whole depends on soil quality by min. 45o up to max. 60o. If the soil contains minerals, which by water contact loose the stability, then the soil and particularly moat should be well protected by rain, equipped by support reinforcement according KTZ. 3.1.5 Soil works during frost periods Soil works can be executed during winter period as well, where the temperatures are under 0o C. Excavations for foundations and basis Excavations Excavations for foundations or underneath works of 1,5 m thickness from earth basis, in whatever kind of ground and consistence, dried or moistened (of argil and if is compacted, sand, gravel, stones etc,) including cutting and extraction of the roots, stumps, stones, and parts of a volume till 0.30 m3, obligations accomplishments regarding underground constructions as waste drainages, drainages in general etc. Fillings Stone layer and selected brick masonry peaces, in well-compacted layers, without dust, render and organic materials, that result by described demolitions in the above-
3.2 3.2.1
mentioned articles. The Supervisor will first check all materials that result from demolitions, and he will authorize their utilization. 3.2.3 Utilization of Excavated material Suitable material and the material recovered from temporary work shall be utilized for backfill. Any surplus material shall be disposed of any shortfall made up with suitable fill. Backfilling around structures The material shall be placed simultaneously on both sides of an abutment, wall or pier. The backfilling shall be carried out with an approved material in horizontal layers not exceeding 150mm in depth after compaction. Standards foundations Concrete foundations Foundations executed in concrete type 100 in dosage per m3 and poured in thick layers well vibrated, with dimensions and shape as indicated in the relevant drawings, including the scaffolding, formwork, propping and all requirements to complete the works in a first-class manner. Foundations in stone masonry and concrete Buildings foundations and basis of buto concrete, limestones in the following proportions not exceeding 20 cm per m3: concrete M 100, 0.77 m3 and stone with concrete in dosage of 0.37 m3, including formworks, propping and all requirements to complete the work in a first-class manner. Column Foundations & Pile Caps Pile caps realized and suitably reinforced due to the instructions of the project, in concrete M 200, realized in thin layers and well vibrated, in dosage of concrete M 20 inert, including reinforcement, formworks, propping, and any other obligation and skill for work accomplishment. Foundations ancillaries Waterproofing of footings The vertical waterproofing of footings in hot fixed bitumen, formed from a layer of bitumen emulsion and two layers of bitumen M3 with 3.8 kg per sqm, including all requirements to complete the work in a workmanlike manner. Waterproofing of foundations
3.3 3.3.1
3.4 3.4.1
3.4.2 Foundation waterproofing in buildings with basement Buildings with basements: a) Waterproofing of horizontal foundation in basement floor waterproofing altitude will be as paragraph
b) Waterproofing of external foundation masonry side. This is connected to horizontal level waterproofing and is no less than 10 cm over pavement altitude. Waterproofing manner Before waterproofing foundation works and other sub-terrain structures, the place should be cleaned from scaffoldings, which creates obstacles in waterproofing layers. During waterproofing of foundation horizontal sides to be followed these conditions: a) Leveling of foundation surface; b) Before putting polished cement layer, will be its moisturizing; c) Mortar should be prepared by 1 part cement and 2 part cleaned and rough sand (taken in volume) and polish to be built in thickness 20 30 mm and leveled. In places by dense humidity to be added to cement quantity, 8 up to 10 % waterproofing solution. Vertical sides of basement masonry will be waterproofed by bitumen (primer), bitumen-waterproofing membrane etc. Due to project forecast, in accordance to the level of sub-terrain waters and terrene conditions. Waterproofing will be from downside to upside. Waterproofing layer by bitumenwaterproofing membrane or bitumen (primer), should be protected due to project notes usually by brick masonry of thickness 12 cm. Outside protection masonry will be placed clay in wideness 30 50 cm, well pressed. Waterproofing-bitumen membrane layers are placed horizontally, considering overlapping and non-accordance of layers. 3.4.3 Perimeter and superficial drainage The perimeter drainage shall be realised along the foundations, but not on them. This drainage is composed of ring line with out let pipes and control traps. If under the building floor there is a capillary layer, then it is needed ring drainage with tubes as in the figure No.1. In cases when the drainage is realised under the foundation basis, the foundation basis should be deeper. The pipes shall be laid form the lowest to the highest point, straight sloped, on a gravel filtering layer 15 cm thick and shall be covered about 25 cm with the same filtering material. Also, should be considered that the tube basis should be min. 20 cm under floor level, in order that water gets away easily from the capillary layer. Pipe dimensions should be min. 50 mm; the gravel that shall be used for filtering layer should be of grains not smaller than 3.2 mm. Except the perimeter drainage, big role in the foundation drying has played the superficial drainage, which shall be realised as following. In the whole floor surface shall be realised a drainage layer and on it shall be laid a partition layer in order to avoid the floor concrete intrusion into the drainage layer. If for the drainage process shall be used gravel for concrete 3,2 mm then the drainage layer thickness should be min. 30 cm thick and if it will be used gravel 4 32 mm, the bedding shall be realised casting only 10 cm in the whole surface. Under the drainage bedding shall be laid drainage pipes. The diameter and distance between them is depending by the water quantity. The drainage pipes shall be encircled with gravel filtering layers and connected to the perimeter drainage pipes. SECTION 4 CONCRETE, FORMWORKS AND REINFORCEMENT
4.1 4.1.1
In situ-concrete General requirements for concrete Concrete aggregate shall consist of sharp sand or crusher dust, crusher gravel and other solutions for propping, water penetration and to enable the work in low temperatures according technical requirements of the project. Materials Concrete elements Concrete elements shall consist of sharp sand or crusher dust, or mixture of these, and hard durable crushed locally occurring stone. All aggregates shall be free from clay and all other impurities. The coarse part of the aggregate shall be roughly cubical in shape and not spherical. The grading of the aggregate shall have the certificate of the place where they are taken from. Cement The contractor shall supply with each consignment of cement a copy of the invoice stating the quantity delivered, the makers name and also the makers certificate showing that each consignment has been tested and analyzed and conforms to the Standard. The cement shall be subject to such Standard test as the Engineer may deem necessary and he may reject any cement, which proves unsatisfactory notwithstanding the makers certificate. For more details regarding the cement type that shall be utilized for concrete production, see 4.1.4, because for different concrete types shall be utilized different cement types.
Water for concrete The water that shall be used for the concrete production should be free of substances that damage it, such as: acids, alkalis, clays, lubricants and other organic substances. In general, the water of population supplying system (potable water) is recommended for utilization in concrete production. 4.1.3 Storage of Materials The storage of materials that shall be used in concrete production should fulfill the following conditions: o The cement and its ingredients should be stored in order to be divided from the other materials, which are not suitable for concrete production and damaged its quality. The cement should be stored in dried spaces which keep it away from water rain moistening.
o 4.1.4
Classification of concrete Concrete type 100, with aggregates all-in: 240-kg cement (concrete type 300); 1,05 m gravel; 0,19-m water.
53 Concrete type 100 slump 3 5 cm. aggregates max. size 20 mm, clean sharp sand (2,6 mod.): 240 kg cement (concrete type 300); 0,45 m sand; 0,70 m aggregate; 0,19 m water. Concrete type 150 slumps 3 5 cm. aggregates max. size 20 mm, clean sharp sand (2,6 mod.): 260 kg cement (concrete type 400), 0,44 m sand, 0,70 m aggregate, 0,18 m water. Concrete type 200 slump 3 5 cm. aggregates max. size 20 mm, clean sharp sand (2,6 mod.): 300 kg cement (concrete type 400), 0,43 m sand, 0,69 m aggregate, 0,18 m water. Concrete type 250 slump 3 5 cm. aggregates max. size 20 mm, clean sharp sand (2,6 mod.): 370 kg cement (concrete type 400), 0,43 m sand, 0,69 m aggregate, 0,18 m water. Concrete type 300 slump 3 5 cm. aggregates max. size 20 mm, clean sharp sand (2,6 mod.): 465 kg cement (concrete type 400), 0,38 m sand, 0,64 m aggregate, 0,195 m water. 4.1.5 Concrete production The concrete of the defined type should be prepared by the designer and according to the mixture recapture of materials in support of the rules given in KTZ 37 75 Concrete design. During the concrete preparation should be followed the rules given in chapter 6 Concrete preparation of KTZ 10/1-78, paragraphs 6.2, 6.3 and 6.4. Placing of concrete Placing of concrete produced in work shall be realised according to possibilities and conditions when it shall be placed. Generally, to this aim shall be used fixed cranes placed in the object and truck mounted concrete pump. Very important during the concrete layer is the duration from producing to laying, which shall be as short as possible. Also, during the concrete laying is very important a best possibly vibration, during this process.
4.1.7 Protection Fresh concrete should be protected against these influences: o o o 4.1.8 Rainfall and humidity, covering the concreted surface with plastics and other waterproof materials. Frost (during the producing process, augmenting solutions against low temperatures, which enable the concrete casting till zero temperature. High temperatures. The concrete shall be protected against high temperatures, sprinkling it with water, in order to avoid possibly cracklings.
Adverse weather conditions The concrete producing and placing is not recommended in adverse weather conditions.
The concrete producing and placing is prohibited in cases of torrential rainfall, because the big volume of water in the concrete layer removes the cement and so the concrete looses the requested concrete type. In cases of low temperatures - 4 C, it is recommended to avoid the concrete casting, but if this is necessary, then shall be taken the precautions that during the process of concrete producing shall be also augmented the solution against frost in appropriate quantity, recommended by the producer of this solution. Concrete production and elaboration in high temperatures can influence negatively the chemical reaction of the cement to other concrete elements. For that reason, it shall be protected against high temperatures. Protection way against high temperature can be done in such a way that fresh concrete be protected against sunshine, covering it with plastics, sawdust, sprinkling with water. Another contribution for concrete elaboration in high temperatures is coloration in white of the water reservoir and continuously sprinkling with water. 4.1.9 Testing of concrete When the concrete is produced, it shall be tested if it fulfils the criteria according to the project requirements. After producing and placing, it shall be taken a concrete sample to make the labour testing and the results shall be delivered to the Supervisor. 4.2 4.2.1 Concrete elements and sub-elements In situ Lintels Lintels for the width of the wall allowing for a seating of 25 cm both sides, of thickness according to the width of opening, appropriately reinforced, within a height of 4 m, cast in concrete type 200 with dosage per m3, including scaffolding, formwork, propping, steel reinforcing and all requirements to complete the work in a first class manner. Pre cast Lintels Supply and placing of pre-cast lintel s, within a width of 40 cm and variable sessions, with concrete type 200, regularly reinforced and according the instructions in the project, mixed with cement mortar 1:2, including steel reinforcement, reinforcement works and all requirements to complete the work in a workmanlike manner. In situ Beams Concrete beams appropriately reinforced, within a length of 4 m, formed from concrete type 200 with dosage per m3, including scaffolding, formwork, propping, steel reinforcement and all requirement to complete the work in a first class manner. Ring Beams Ring beams to the full width of the wall with a height of 15 cm and 20 cm, suitably reinforced according to KTZ and STASH, realised with concrete (type 150 of 200) poured in thin layers well vibrated, including scaffolding, formwork, propping, steel reinforcing and all requirement to complete the work in a first class manner.
Concrete columns, suitably reinforced and according to the indications of the drawings, within a height of 4 m, formed from concrete (type 200) poured in thin layers well vibrated, with dosage per m3 as indicated in 4.2.4, including scaffolding, formwork, propping, steel reinforcing and all requirement to complete the work in a first-class manner. 4.2.6 Pre-cast slab Slabs in pre-cast concrete to a variable height from 11 cm to 16 cm installed on ring beams previously executed, including the laying of elements and the pouring of a covering slab in concrete type 250 or 300. Repairing of existing stairs Stairs system with removal of all the missing or damaged parts, cleaning, washing it with water under pressure; realised with concrete with dosage according to and similar to the existing part in good condition, including formwork, propping and all the requirements to complete the work. Formwork and concrete finish Preparation of formwork Formworks shall be prepared of wood or steel and are ready or shall be prepared in the object. Surfaces of formwork that are to be in contact with fresh (wet) concrete shall be so treated as to ensure easy release and non-adhesion of concrete to formwork during stripping. Before reuse, all formwork shall be reconditioned and all form surfaces that are to be in contact with the concrete shall be thoroughly cleaned without causing damage to the surface of the formwork. Removal of formwork Formwork shall not be removed before the concrete has attained sufficient strength to support its own mass and any loads that may be imposed on it. This condition shall be assumed to require formwork to remain in place, after placing of the concrete, or the appropriate minimum period of time given in Table 4.4.1, unless the contractor can prove to the satisfaction of the Engineer that shorter periods are sufficient to fulfil this condition. Minimum period before striking formwork using ordinary Portland cement. Minimum period before striking Type of formwork Surface temperature of concrete 16C 7C Vertical formwork to column, 3 days 5 days Walls and large beams 2 days 3 days (Lateral formwork) Soft formwork to slabs 4 days 7 days Props to slabs 11 days 14 days Soft formwork to beams 8 days 14 days Props to beams 15 days 21 days Note: The Engineer may allow a shorter period, when using Rapid Hardening Cement.
4.3 4.3.1
For cold weather periods should be increased by day for each day the temperature falls between 7C and 2C, and one day for each day on which the temperature drops below 2C. Formwork shall be removed carefully so that chock and damage to the concrete are avoided. 4.3.3 Surface classification of concrete elements Classes of finishes are divided in two groups: Leaving the concrete surface after formwork removal in the same statement as after the concrete casting process.
Concrete surface elaboration with plastering or coating. Regarding the first group it might be considered that during the formwork placing, they should be polished and levelled and oiled with special oil for the formwork, in order that after the formwork removal, the concrete surface is polished. Also, during the concrete laying it should be uniform vibrated. Regarding the second group, the process is similar with masonry surfaces. SECTION 5 CONSTRUCTION STRUCTURE 5.1 5.1.1 MASONRY AND WALL PARTITIONS Mortar for masonry in dosage per 1 m shall be realised of: Lime mortar type 15 with river sand (which porosity of 40% and water content with relevant increasing of volume by 20%) mixed in proportion of cement: lime: sand = 1: 0, 8: 8. 110 lt hydrated lime, 150 kg cement (type 300), 1.29 m3 sand. Lime mortar type 15 with clean sharp sand (to have a porosity of 35%) mixed in proportion of cement: lime: sand = 1: 0,8: 8. 105 lt hydrated lime, 144 kg cement (type 300), 1,03 m3 sand. 5.1.2 Clay brick specifications The brick as construction element shall fulfil the following conditions for anti-seismic constructions: o o o o Resistance during pressing, which shall be for bricks 75 kg/cm; for hollow bricks 80 kg/cm; for red bricks for ceiling 150 kg/cm Resistance during cutting, which shall be: for all hollows brick 20 kg/cm. Inter spaces percentage, which shall be: for brick 0-25 %; and for all the hollow bricks 25-45 % The thickness of perimeter and internal parapet for bricks shall not be lower than 20 mm and for all the hollow bricks; the thickness of perimeter parapet shall not be lower than 15 mm and of the internal meat, not lower than 9 mm. The surface of a hole shall be max. 4.5 cm.
o 5.1.3
Brick masonry of uniform or variable thickness to a height of 3m for external work, in full brick and lime mortar (type 25) with the following dosage per m 3: n. 400 bricks, 0.25 m3 lime mortar, 38 kg cement (type 400), to any thickness including material for tooting, vertical openings, edges, off-sets, scaffolding and all requirements to complete the work in a workmanlike manner. On ground floor bedding shall be laid on a layer of cement mortar (type 1:2), 2 cm thick minimum. 5.1.4 Internal Brick masonry (12 cm) Masonry in brick with a thickness of 12 cm and lime mortar (type 25) according to 5.1.1 with the following dosage per m n. 424 bricks, 0.19 m lime mortar, 29 kg cement (type 400) and water. Internal brick masonry (25 cm) Brick masonry with a thickness of 25 cm and lime mortar (type 25) with the following mortar dosage per m3: n. 400 bricks, 0.25 m3 lime mortar, 29 kg cement (type 400) and water, to any thickness including material for toothing, vertical openings, edges, off-sets, scaffolding and all requirements to complete the work in a workmanlike manner. On ground floor bedding, shall be levelled a cement mortar layer 1:2, 2 cm thick minimum. Dry wall partitions (rigips)
Rigips usage on masonry construction is suitable only for partitions walls internal the building. It can be used in both cases: o o For space partitions For damaged masonry reconditioning (wall covering)
Rigips usage is allowed mainly for dried environments, but rarely also for wet spaces. In cases of moistened space usage, rigips slabs should be signed specially by the manufacturer, through which is permitted its usage in such spaces. Installation methods of rigips masonry should be made according to the manufacturer instructions. Although, their installation is not too different from one to another manufacturer of rigips systems, it very important the following of the installation instructions, which are given and warranted by the manufacturer. Dry wall partition is composed of these components: Rigips slabs: Generally, the slabs have these dimensions: 62.5 cm x 250 cm and 125 cm x 250 cm, while the thickness is of 12,5 mm or 15 mm. To achieve a better quality of the masonry, regarding fireproof and sound insulator is possible the double-layer planking and the filling of the inter space between both sides with thermo insulation material and sound insulator. The manufacturer should sign the slabs for dried or moistened spaces. Support constructions are in two types divided According the material used on this objective: Rigips metal standards are of 50, 75 or 100 mm for rails placed up and down, while the rails placed in the above-mentioned rails have a thickness of 48.8, 73.8 or 98.8 mm. Regarding to this see the figure No. 1;
Wood (beat) in dimensions depending by thermo insulation material and sound insulation. Regarding to this see No. 2. Support construction in vertical direction shall be placed each 62,5 cm. This construction and the rails placed up and down, increase the stability level of the constructing masonry. Thermo insulating material, fireproofing and sounds insulating. This material fulfils the all three above-mentioned functions. The material shall be placed between the slabs and the support construction. Its thickness shall be min. 50 mm in order to guarantee a sound insulation in only 50 db that is conforming the approved norms. He should resist to the fire min. 30 minutes. This material is composed mainly of natural mineral wool or other components, which exist in the market and that, are in conformity with the above-mentioned conditions. 5.2 5.2.1 ROOFING Reconditioning of terraces The reconditioning of damaged parts of slopes, using cement mortar (type 1:2) in the dosage per sqm as indicated in, after this repair will form a layer of cement mortar with the minimum thickness of 2 cm in the above dosage, true and level for the waterproof layer. The rendering of vertical surfaces previously prepared for the installation of new waterproof membranes. The waterproofing is to be laid on a dried surface, previously cleaned and levelled, treated with a first layer of bituminous primer coat and a layer composed of two membranes bitumen reinforced with mineral fibber, each with a thickness of 3 mm, fixed by torch, with the membranes placed at right angles to each other on plane, sloping or vertical surfaces, ensuring that the cover of joints has a minimum of 10 cm. The protection of the waterproof membrane for plane, vertical or sloping surfaces, shall be realised with cement slab 3 cm thick (by mortar type 1:2), slabs or mortar layer shall be realised in square form 2 x 2 m, construction joints spaced at 2 cm, shall be bitumen, according to the indications in the drawings. Finishing of vertical surfaces in render to complete the work of the installation of new waterproof membranes. The replacement of coping removed for the work including necessary repair of material, the fixing of joints with cement mortar (type 1:2) grouting, and all requirements to complete the terrace in a workmanlike manner. New terraces
1.1.2 Thermo insulation Thermo insulation shall be realised using thermo insulating materials (penoconcrete or polisterol) sloped in the areas of the hydro insulating layers. Cover with mortar layers sloped as requested, in a width of minimum 3cm, realised with cement mortar (type 1:2), and levelled for the installation of the insulating layer. Hydro insulation Hydro insulation shall be laid on a dried surface, previously levelled, including vertical surface covered with bituminous layer as first coat. On this layer shall be laid two bituminous sheets, with mineral fibber, each in a width of min. 3 mm, spliced with fire,
with overlapped membranes placed in the suitable edges, on sloped or vertical surface, ensuring that the coverage of the joint elements is 12 cm. The protection of the waterproof membrane for plane, vertical or sloping surfaces, will be executed with a cement slab 3 cm thick (cement mortar type 1:2), slabs or cement mortar layer be realised in square form 2 x 2 m, construction joints spaced at 2 cm, shall be bitumen, according to the indications in the drawings. The installing of copying with incorporated water drips, in concrete appropriately reinforced, prefabricated or cast in situ, according to the indications in the drawings, concrete (type 200) in dosage per m3 as indicated in 4.1.4, including formwork, propping and all requirements to complete the terrace in a workmanlike manner. In cases when the terrace hydro insulation is executed when the bitumen waterproofing membrane layer has no cement polish, then shall be installed a layer of 5 cm, spherical gravel of 32 mm 64 mm, which serves for the protection of bitumen waterproofing membrane. 5.2.3 New traditional clay tile roof The main support construction of aged pine wood roof, naturally or artificially, pressed with burned oil suitable for wood material, furnished and in situ placed on woody support anchored in the tie beam, divided in quasi uniform sessions, including the fixing to connect the roof to the walls and the necessary iron of binding elements, other support elements of aged pine wood roof, naturally or artificially, pressed with burned oil (bedding works, beats or wooden floor) with upper coverage made of new or reconditioned Marsigliese tiles, nailed or tied including the grouting of horizontal guttering of the roof and the its gabble, using lime mortar m- 25 or galvanised wire, scaffolding and all other requirements to complete the work in a workmanlike manner. Bitumen tile roof The roof can be covered except usually methods also with bitumen tiles. Such coverage can be foreseen in cases, when we have to keep the roof weight as low as possible. The characteristics of these roofs are: Flexible and fine coverage Tiles do not get a smashing Can be quickly and easily placed There is no need of special tiles for edges or curves Are constant (usually manufacturers give approximately 30 years warranty) Such roofing shall preferably be installed after reconditioning / removal of the actual cover and if the actual cover reconditioning is not able to support another heavier cover. 5.2.5 Roofing with panels type sandwich Roofing with panels type sandwich fulfils through a constructive element many duties. They serve as protection against bad weather conditions, as thermo insulation element and close the internal environment. All these conditions shall be fulfilled through only one working process and the roof is ready at once after the installation. The roofs of this system are light and static.
The panel is composed of two pieces of aluminium, which are resistant to corrosion and between them, there is thermo insulation material. Independent on the thickness, these roofs fulfil all the conditions of the heating protection. Their thickness should be selected by the Architect / Engineer in conformity with the existing norms and standards. Aluminium of panels type sandwich shall be min. 0,5-mm width. They should have self- and load capacity as for example snow load, wind materials, etc. Regarding to this is very necessary to follow the manufacturer instructions and to consult the construction engineer. The thickness of thermo insulation material varies from 40 mm to 100 mm. Through a thickness of 100 mm it can be reached the coefficient of heating protection (k or U) of 0.23. In the following figure is presented a panel sample
Panels have a width of 1 m and are long up to 15 m. The length of panels is depending by spacing and accounted load capacity. Panels shall be placed on woody, metallic or concrete support. In the figure below is presented the panel bending.
Vertical and horizontal roof guttering Horizontal roof guttering Shall be realised giving a slope of 1% towards a gutters. Horizontal roof gutters are made of PVC or of galvanised sheet iron. Roof gutters in galvanised sheet with a minimum thickness of 0,8 mm, formed from pressed elements with a minimum overlap of 5 cm and suitably soldered, with the outside edge formed 2 cm lower than the internal edge, complete with appropriate accessories. The type of roof guttering shall
be in accordance to indications in the drawings and shall be fixed using galvanised wire and gutter fixings positioned at a maximum of 70-cm. In the objects with terrace can be used also concrete gutters. All the concrete gutters shall be insulated with guano in their internal edge. Where the guttering is positioned between a parapet and the roof will be of galvanised iron sheet, according to indications in the drawings. Vertical Gutters They serve for the unloading of roof and terrace waters, and in cases of bad functioning they should be dismantled and replaced with new ones. Vertical gutters for unloading of roof and terrace waters shaped in galvanized steel by a minimum thickness of 0.6 mm and diameter of 10 cm, meanwhile vertical gutters of PVC with dimensions from 8 till 12 cm will serve a roof area from 30 up to 60 m. Each gutter will collect the waters of roof or terrace in no greater than 60 m. The gutters will be positioned at the external face of the building using galvanized steel pipe, covered by hot-fixed bituminous membrane 3 mm thick, placed within the sections of the wall parapet, giving a slope of 1%, towards a galvanized rain-head, in accordance to indications in the drawings. The lower part of the gutter to a height of 2 m will be realized by PVC heavy pipes with his final part by bending at 90O, well fixed to the wall by appropriate accessories in galvanized steel. 5.2.7 Roof openings Roof openings should be planned in these cases: Opening for chimneys cleaning Opening for snow removal in cases when it is heavy and risks roof balance. Openings for any roof adjustments. For terrace objects should be foreseen / planned a safe opening inside roof. This opening should be done in the upper floor of the construction For roof objects should be foreseen / planned a safe opening under roof. This opening should be realized throughout a window with dimensions 60 cm x 80 cm, which should be well tied to roof cover, in order not to have water flowing. The terrace opening or under roof opening should have these dimension: max. 80 x 120 cm. It is of a great importance that roof cover, fulfills the requirements of inflammability and heating coefficient, which should be similar to: roof/ ceiling heating coefficient. Opening systems by cover and stairs, which in cases of non-utilization can be closed in order to do not create obstacles, should be designed due to their presence in market. In special cases they, should be elaborated by a specialist, due to architect / Supervisor requirements A special attention should be taken for the joint of opening system on the roof with roof/ceiling. The Supervisor should check these works during system fixing. In the following table is given an example of an opening with stairs in terrace or under roof. 5.2.8 Roof thermo insulation with thermo base material Thermobase PSE/E is thermal insulation in rolls made of thin strips of single layer selfextinguishing, waterproof, extruded and expanded polystyrene with a density of 34-38
kg/m3 and a () value of 0.024 Kcal/mh C, which is cut into 50 mm wide strips. These strips are hot bonded to a polymer-bitumen waterproofing membrane reinforced with strengthened fiberglass mat or with non-woven polyester fabric stabilized with fiberglass. The upper surface is already covered with a polymer-bitumen membrane and the torch may be used without burning the insulation. It is applied with oxidized bitumen which has been left to cool slightly or by mechanical fixing. After installing the insulation and having accurately lined up the elements, the bituminous sealing strips should be hot bonded astride the joints taking care to direct the flame towards the sealing strips. To make torch bonding easier we recommend using Thermobase with a membrane which has 5 cm overlaps. Subsequently a second waterproofing layer will be torched onto the surface astride the sealing strips. Thermobase PSE/E is extremely resistant to compression; it is based on high density expanded polystyrene and can be used on terraces will be walked on, driven over or ballasted with gravel. It absorbs very little water and where damp is present is subject to insignificant dimensional variation. Thermobase PSE/E is safe due to the fact that it is based on self-extinguishing polystyrene. It is economical because it has a high specific thermal resistance and compared to other insulation and therefore can be used in thinner layers. For the applications systems we refer the reader to our specific technical documentation (see technical characteristics given overleaf)
5.3 5.3.1
METALIC STRUCTURES General Information By steel projection constructions, should be considered the requirements of work features construction, throughout respective instructions in accordance to these technical conditions.
Steel construction solidity and resistance should be warranted during exploiting process, and during transport and mounting.
Steel Production Steel production should be of licensed companies and these companies should warranty steel quality (chemical compound, power/ weight, etc). The steel used in support constructions, should fit the respective standards requirements and should be warranted in regards to limit flow and maximum compound of sulfur and phosphor; meanwhile for welding construction, for maximum Compound of carbon as well. Cutting, welding and steel elements binding will be executed by contractor company site and they can be carried into site or be executed inside work place (in object). In any case the works before element welding should be revised by Supervisor and should be protocol.
Welding Welding prepare includes the final shape of details before welding. The surface sides of welding parts should be prepared according welding procedures and the shapes given in table 6,7,8 of K.T.Z. 206-80 or in any other European norm/standard. After welding, the details should be thermally treated, in order to reduce the internal partitions, to avoid cracks and to improve physical-mechanical features. During work implementation for steel welding should be held a technical document with dates for used materials certificate, work diary, etc.
Bolt binding Steel elements can be bind/spliced through bolts. Bolt binding should respond the contemporary norms and standards (EC 3 or a similar norm). Bolts quality is very important and the last one as well, they should fit the abovementioned norms and standards. The fulfilling of resistance conditions for bolt binding is very important. The type of pressure situation and binding group, should fulfill the required/necessary conditions, from norms/standards are these: Pulling Cutting Pressing During work implementation for steel bolt binding should be held the technical with dates for the certificate of used material, work diary etc. The way of binding (welding or bolting) should be decided by the constructor engineer as required.
Erection The erections of steel material are executed due to architect/engineer projects. The engineer should supervise the erection work. The staff hired should be of the right experience in this field
Steel protection is realized in two ways: Steel painting in some layers, which are used as anti-corrosion. This is realized by painting, diving or by sprinkling into layers. One layer is the base; the other one is used as element decor and might be of different colors. Before applying layers, the material under them should be elaborated dust free, oil free and rust free. Metal layer: this layer is permanent. The steel should be dipped into hot zinc (450 C) and its surface should be dust free, oil free and rust free. Another layer can be used as steel element decoration (as color). It is strictly forbidden steel oil painting for concrete casting. SECTION 6 FINISHES
6.1 6.1.1
Wall finishes Internal plastering in rehabilitation The filling in of wall surfaces to bring the irregularities to a flush surface in layers using lime mortar and terracotta pieces when necessary, also for small surfaces and all requirements not specified for the satisfactory completion of the work. Preparation of walls and ceilings with a first rough- cast of render, using a fluid cement mortar for improving the adherence of the render and to reinforce the surface, including scaffolding and all requirements not specified for the satisfactory completion of the work. Plastering composed of one layer of lime mortar (type 25) 2 cm thick with the following dosage per sqm: 0,005 m clean sharp sand; 0.03 m lime mortar, (type 1:2), 6.6 kg cement (type 400), kg water, with the appropriate profiles and guides (mortar beam of thickness 15 cm every 1 till 1,5 m) applied to walls and ceilings and trowel finished to a smooth surface, including scaffolding, and all requirements to complete the work in a first class-manner. Internal plastering in new constructions Preparations of walls and ceilings with a first rough-cast of render, using a fluid cement mortar for improving the adherence of the render and to reinforce the surface, including scaffolding and all requirements not specified for the satisfactory completion of the work. Plastering composed of one layer of lime mortar (type 25) 2 cm thick with the following dosage per sqm: 0,005 m clean sharp sand; 0.03 m lime mortar, (type 1:2), 6.6 kg cement (type 400), water, with the appropriate profiles and guides (mortar beam of 15 cm thickness every1 till 1,5 m) applied to walls and ceilings and trowel finished to a smooth surface, including scaffolding, and all requirements to complete the work in a first class-manner. External plastering in rehabilitations The filling of the wall surface to bring the irregularities to a flat surface in layers using lime mortar and terracotta pieces when necessary, also for small surfaces and all requirements not specified for the satisfactory completion of the work. Preparation of walls and ceilings with a first rough- cast of render, using a fluid cement mortar for improving the adherence of the render and to reinforce the surface, including scaffolding and all requirements not specified for the satisfactory completion of the work. Plastering composed of one layer of lime mortar (type 25) 2 cm thick with the following dosage per sqm: 0,005 m clean sharp sand; 0.03 m lime mortar, (type 1:2), 7.7 kg cement (type 400), kg water, with the appropriate profiles and guides (mortar beam of 15 cm thickness every 1 till 1,5 m), applied to walls and ceilings and trowel finished to a smooth surface, including scaffolding, and all requirements to complete the work in a first class-manner. External plastering in new construction Preparation of walls and ceilings with a first rough- cast of render, using a fluid cement mortar for improving the adherence of the render and to reinforce the surface, including scaffolding and all requirements not specified for the satisfactory completion of the work.
Plastering composed of one layer of lime mortar (type 25) 2 cm thick with the following dosage per sqm: 0,005 m clean sharp sand; 0.03 m lime mortar, 7.7 kg cement (type 400), water, with the appropriate profiles and guides (mortar beam of 15 cm thickness every 1 till 1,5 m) applied to walls and ceilings and trowel finished to a smooth surface, including scaffolding, and all requirements to complete the work in a first classmanner. 6.1.5 Fine lime plaster on walls Fine lime plaster on walls, with appropriate lime on wall surfaces previously plastered and leveled, with dosage: fine lime 3 kg per sqm. The height of lime plaster for corridors and offices is to be decided by the engineer including all other necessary requirements to consider the fine lime plastering completed in a first class manner and ready for painting with synthetic enamel. Color wash painting in rehabilitation Color wash painting in internal surfaces The process of color wash painting of internal wall surfaces passes through three phases as follows: 1-Preparation of the surface to be painted. Painting shall show easy brushing, good flowing, spreading and leveling properties by synthetic material and the preparation before painting. Paint shall dry up to a uniform smooth, flat or semi-gloss finish under ordinary conditions of illumination and wearing. The surfaces not intended to be paint (doors, windows etc) throughout protective papers should be protected before painting process. 2- Pre-painting of cleaned internal surface The pre-painting of cleaned surfaces by hollow adhesive will be done at the beginning of painting process. For the pre-painting it is needed a mixture of 1 kg adhesive to 2.53 liter water. Then it will be the pre-painting of the surface only one handed. The mixture norm 1-liter of adhesive and water is need for a surface of 20 sqm. 3-Color wash painting in internal surfaces At the beginning will be done the mixture of color wash, which is packed in 5 liters boxes. Color liquid will be hollowed with water in 20-30 %. The pigment then will be mixed till the right color is reached and approved by work Supervision and after that the two coats of surface painting will be done. The hollow color wash norm of 1-liter, which will be used for 4-5 sqm. This norm depends on the rigidity of the painted surface. Color acrylic painting in external surfaces
The surfaces not intended to be paint (doors, windows etc) throughout protective papers should be protected before painting process. The pre-painting of cleaned surfaces by hollow adhesive will be done at the beginning of painting process. A mixture of 1 kg adhesive with 3-liter water is needed for the prepainting. Then only single coat pre-painting can be done. The mixture norm of 1-liter of adhesive and water is used for a surface of 20 sqm. After it will be painted with acrylic color. This color is different from color wash because it has different oils as ingredients, which help in light and humidity resistance.
First the mixture of acrylic color with water will be done. Color liquid will be hollowed with water in 20-30 %. The pigment then will be mixed till the right color is reached. The painting is two coated. The norm is 1liter of hollow acrylic color, which will be used in 4-5 sqm. This norm depends on the rigidity of the painted surface.
The staff hired for painting, should be experienced in this field and should follow all technical conditions of painting due to KTZ and STASH. 6.1.7 Color wash painting in New Construction The contractor shall submit to the engineer for approval the brand and quality of the paints be proposes to use. All paints shall be products that have satisfactory field service. The mixing of different brands before or during application will not be permitted. Mixing and applications of paint shall be in accordance with the manufacturers specifications concerned and to the approval of the engineer. Ironmongery and accessories, machine surface, plates lighting fixtures and similar items in place prior to cleaning and painting, which are not intended to be painted, shall be removed or protected prior to painting operations and repositioned upon completion of painting work as directed Cleaning solvents shell be of low toxicity. Cleaning and painting shall be so programmed in a way that dust and other contaminates from the cleaning process will not fall on wet or newly painted surface. Brushes, pails, kettles etc used in carrying out the work shall be clean and free from foreign matter. They should be thoroughly cleaned before being used for different types or classes of material. The staff hired for painting, should be experienced in this field and should follow all technical conditions of painting due to KTZ and STASH. Enamel painting in Rehabilitations Brushing and preparation of the existing painted surfaces etc. In one or more coats to timber and metal doors, windows grating and or walls: using solvents, torch or machine to timber surfaces and using solvents or machine to metal surfaces; including scaffolding and the relocation of material within the worksite. Filling and fine-coating timber or metal surfaces with appropriate filter to prepare the surface for enamel painting. All metal surfaces shall be pre-treated with a single coat of lead primer or suitable oilbased anti-rust with the dosage of 0.08 kg per sqm. Timber, metal surfaces or the walls will be painted with synthetic enamel with dosage 0.2 kg per sqm for each coat giving a perfect finish and all requirements to complete the work in workmanlike manner.
Enamel Painting in New Constructions Filling and fine-coating timber or metal surfaces with appropriate filer to prepare the surface for enamel painting. Timber, metal surfaces or the walls will be painted with synthetic enamel with dosage 0.2 kg per sqm for each coat giving a perfect finish and all requirements to complete the work in workmanlike manner.
6.1.10 Painting of steel works Filling and fine-coating timber or metal surfaces with appropriate filer to prepare the surface ready for enamel painting. All metal surfaces shall be pre-treated with a single coat of lead primer or suitable oilbased anti-rust with the dosage of 0.08 kg per sqm. Timber, metal surfaces or the walls will be painted with synthetic enamel with dosage 0.2 kg per sqm for each coat giving a perfect finish and all requirements to complete the work in workmanlike manner. 6.1.11 Painting of wood surfaces Wood surface painting has two intentions: Decor intention. Resistance increase (of humidity, intensive light-protection, infection wood protection and the protection of poisonous fungus infection) The materials used in painting of wood surfaces as usual should fulfill two criterias. All the colors appropriate for wood painting, equipped as well by the certificate should be used. The works will be executed due to the architect/Supervisors requirements, but wood surface should be paint at least twice (in same cases of even more times as per the architect/ Supervisors requirements). 6.1.12 Wall covering with slabs of granulated stone, of marble, of stone, etc. Regarding wall covering with different tile material should be considered the wall type. Walls are external and internal. It should be considered as well the wall material (rigips, concrete, masonry wall, etc.). According to the constructive wall materials and its surface, wall-tiling methods are classified into two groups: Slab splicing by mortar (for unleveled surfaces) Slab splicing by compo (for leveled surfaces)
Regarding splicing of different types of slabs by mortar, the work should follow these conditions: The basis, in which different slabs type will be spliced, should be cleaned from dust and static.
Mortar composition is equal as described above in point 6.2.1. Mortar thickness should be no less than 15 mm. When mortar is used in external wallpapering it should be frost resistant and water-drawing coefficient in percentage should be les then 3 %. The mortar should fulfill, heating isolation and resistance criteria notice. Slabs splicing by compo, is realized when basis surface is leveled. Compo can be used as needed in thickness of 3 mm up to 15 mm. All the above-mentioned mortar criterias are valid for compo as well. After mortar or compo is dried, the planned gaps should be fulfilled by a special material (soil cement). Edge gaps and wall link should be filled by an elastic solution (as silicon). Per each surface of 30 m papered by different slabs, it is necessary mobile gaps placing. Work criterias in gress slabs should follow the criterias mentioned in point 6.2.4 and 6.2.5. All the slabs should be frost resistant and be of a high resistance as well. 6.2 6.2.1 Floor finishes Repair of tiled flooring The removal of damaged or loose cement or terrazzo tiles, including the removal of bedding mortar, the cleaning, washing with water under pressure and laying of cement or terrazzo tiles of the same dimension and color to of the existing, including the bedding mortar with a thickness of 2 cm in the following dosage per sqm: 1,02 sqm tiles, 0,02 m lime mortar type 15, 4 kg of cement (type 400). The cutting and sealing at perimeters where necessary, laid true and level and grouted using pure cement, cleaning, and including all requirements to complete the work in a workmanlike manner.
Ceramic tile flooring The location and extent of ceramic tile floor shall be under these conditions: The tiles should not be spliced at the temperatures under 5 C or in humidity cases. There should not be used freezing materials, when the temperature is under 5 C or the spliced tiles on frozen surface. Fabricators instructors, regarding material requirements in high or low temperatures should be observed. The construction joints tiles should be parallel to building walls. The cutting of tiles should be done near the wall, and the cutting tiles should be as big as possible.
Layer tiles should be of bastard mortar of 2 cm thickness. After tiles are placed onto mortar layer, and after being dried up for no less then 24 hours, the gap should be filled with a special material (soil cement). After construction joints are filled between the tiles they should be cleaned from dust and construction joints material. Layer tolerances should meat these conditions. It is allowed a divergence of max height +/- 3 mm in a distance of 2 m.
Flooring in Gres Tiles Tile classification will be done due to these criterias: The manner of tile shaping Water drawing Tile dimensions Surface qualities Chemical features Physical features Safety against frost Weight/surface load Sliding coefficient The following tables describe some of these criterias. Water taking in % of tile dimension Water-drawing Class (E) I E<3% II a 3%<E<6% II b 6 % < E < 10 % III E > 10 % Loadings classes/ load Class Load I Very light II Light III IV V Medium Heavy Very heavy
Using area, i.e. Bedrooms, bathrooms Sitting-rooms, except kitchens and halls Sitting-rooms, balcony, hotels, bathrooms Offices, halls, shops Gastronomy, public buildings
Considering the needs and criterias to be met, tile should be chosen for each space. The above-mentioned criterias and tables might be useful for their choice. For schools and kindergartens, the tiles should be of V Classes, by rough surface, in order to provide a safe walking without sliding.
By humidity surroundings (WC, bathrooms and showers) tiles of 1 class should be placed to provide a water-drawing coefficient <3 %. For this reason before the work begins, the contractor should represent to Supervisor some tile samples, with their production certificate and only after his approval it is allowed the lay them due to, the technical conditions and producer recommendations. 6.2.6 Parquet flooring Flooring in parquet of thickness 20 22 mm, in seasoned pine, tongue or grooved, in lengths 40cm and of width 6 cm, laid in herring-bone or bonded pattern with perimeter border, including fixing battens in Pine (dimension 5 x 7 cm) laid in a bedding of cement mortar at suitable centers; filled and sanded, and smoothing, sealing and protected with primer and two coating hands of transparent. 6.2.7 Skirting and floor junctions accessories Vertical skirting due to the floor laying is: Ceramic, for the floor by ceramic tiles. They are of dark color or the same to the tiles lay on the floor, of height 8 cm and thickness 1.5 cm, spliced by mortar or compo. The mortar for skirting should be in a dosage per sqm: cleaned sand 0.005 m; cement 400, 4 kg and water including plastering, cleaning and any other obligation for the completion of the work in a first class manner. By wooden float for parquetry floor. Wooden floats are of the same material with parquet, fixing should be done carefully after placement, leveling; plastering and wood polish using special transparent color. With PVC float road for PVC or linoleum floor. The placing manner should be done due to the producers recommendations and by an experienced staff
Waterproofing for flooring The waterproofing is to be laid on a dry surface, previously leveled, and including the vertical surfaces, treated with a first layer by bituminous primer coat and layer composed of two membranes bitumen reinforced with mineral fibbers, each with the thickness of 3 mm, fixed by torch, with the membranes placed at right angles to each other on plane, sloping or vertical surfaces, ensuring that the cover of joints has a minimum of 10cm and also to be raised vertically inside walls of min 10 cm.
6.2.9 Refurbishment and Cleaning of Existing Floor Tiles Heavy Cleaning Mild scrubbing with a soft brush or electric polisher/scrubber may be required for textured tiles. After cleaning with a mild detergent, rinse thoroughly with clean, warm water to remove leftover residue. If necessary, wipe the tile dry with a clean towel to remove any film.
For soft water situations, an all-purpose cleaner may be necessary. Apply it to your floor and let it stand for 3-5 minutes. Then lightly scrub with a sponge, rinse well and youre good to go. Be sure to consult the cleaning products instructions to ensure the product is recommended for your type of tile. After cleaning, rinse well and wipe dry for a sparkling shine. Dos and Donts Do clean up spills as quickly as possible so your grout wont become stained. Dont use steel wool, scouring powders, or other abrasives that can scratch the finish of your ceramic tile. Do remember that while ceramic tile is very durable, its not indestructible and may crack or chip under extreme force. Dont use bleach or ammonia-based cleaners these products can discolor your grout if used too often. Do remember that if a repair is necessary, the replacement product may be a slightly different dye lot and/or texture than the original tile, however, with time and usage, the replacement tile will blend in with its neighbors. Caulking and Sealing Once your tile has been laid and grouted, its the contractors responsibility to caulk areas that may be exposed to water. Caulking will prevent expensive subsurface damage and keep the tiled areas looking as good as new. After installation, sealing the grout and tile can provide protection from dirt and spills by slowing down the staining process. Grout colorants can transform the original color of your grout and, in some cases, can act as a form of sealant. Be aware that non-epoxy grout joints should be treated with a silicone sealer. 6.3. 6.3.1 Stair Finishes Repair of concrete steps in Terrazzo Regarding the repair of concrete steps in terrazzo, it should be considered only the terrazzo layer of the steps, but not the repair of the steps. Work execution should be done like this: first, the damaged parts of the steps should be identified and after the localization of the damage. After that the terrazzo layer should be removed till this layer end. The place after terrazzo removal should be well cleaned from dust with water under pressure. After that the formworks should be placed, in order to fill the place with new terrazzo. The place should be filled in terrazzo in the following dosage (in 6.3.2). 6.3.2 Concrete steps in terrazzo The finishing of concrete steps in terrazzo in the following dosage per sqm of floor thickness 1 cm is: 13 kg cement type 400, 0.002 m terrazzo, and water, including
formwork, propping and all requirements to complete the work in a workmanlike manner. 6.3.3 Concrete steps in marble or local stone For concrete steps in marble should be foreseen these works: First the concrete steps should be well cleaned and the place should be leveled. Then the concrete steps should be painted by cement milk, which enable the splice of marble steps. Marble tiles can be spliced by mortar or compo in cases of leveled concrete tiles. Marble steps splicing does not change from tiles splicing in wall, which is thoroughly described in point 6.1.14. 6.3.5 Metallic banisters (handrails)
Handrails perform various functions in the constructions. They offer support and security while walking on the stairs. They also play a special role in the beauty and the architectonic view of a construction. Handrails have to be at least 100 cm high. In cases when the length of the stairs is more than 12 m, handrails must be 110 cm high. The range 100/110 cm shall also depend on the space of the resting ground.
Handrails are mounted on or by the sides of the stairs. They must be properly fixed in order to guarantee their stability and firmness. The handrails shall be either covered with wooden elements or secured with wooden or metal bars. The space between them must be less than 12 cm. In cases when the stairs are wider than 100 cm, in order to secure a safe walk, it is necessary that handrails be mounted at the walls on the other side of the stairs. The handrails on the stairs shall not be lower than 75 cm and higher than 110 cm. In the cases of schools those shall be placed at a height of 80 cm. These handrails shall have a distance of at least 4 cm from the walls. Handrails should be made of a material and shape as to allow a gentle and harmless touch. It is recommended that they be made of wood in order to avoid the cold impression created by the steel rails.
Skirting and other accessories Skirting according to the type of stairs coating will be as follows: Ceramic tile skirting for stairs with ceramic tiles. With 8cm high and 1.5cm thick dark colour tiles or with tiles of the same colour as those of the stairs, installed with cement mortar 1:2 or with grout, including grouting, cleaning/washing and all requirements to complete the work in a first-class manner. Skirting strips for the stuck timber floors will be of the same material as that of the floors. The wooden skirting strips must be polished and coated with a varnish layer, after being properly fixed. PVC skirting for stairs with PVC or linoleum. The installation shall be performed in accordance with the producers recommendations and by an experienced staff.
Marble skirting for marble coated stairs. The marble skirting tiles shall be 8 cm high and 2cm will be installed (fixed) with cement mortar 1: 2 or with grout.
6.4 6.4.1
Windows and Doors Windows - General information & requirements The window is part of the building and houses. They will provide the light for the internal surface of them. Their sizes vary; depend by architectural composition, size of the internal surface and other requirements of the Designer. They should be 80 - 90 cm on the floor, depending of the requirement of the Designer. The windows panels can made in wooden, aluminium, PVC, etc The windows main parts are: the sub-frame to be fixed to the wall by mean of proper steel clamps before plastering; The frame to be screwed to the sub-frame after plastering and painting. Following the window design shown in Technical Drawing, the frame will be provided by hinges and lock anchors; Open glassed panels complete with hinges and handles fixed by mean of solid strips and transparent silicone mastic. Components The windows made up in aluminium alloy profiles are: Vertical opening Horizontal opening Slippery are composed by: The aluminium fix frame (depth 61-90 mm) to be fixed to the wall by mean a proper steel before plastering. They are provided with elements for fixing and anchorage to wall structures as well as jutting parts enabling the sliding of sashes. The sashes to be screwed to the frame after plastering and painting. Water collecting pits Accessories Slide rollers and blind frame; Galvanised steel reinforcement Gasket grooves Handles and lock anchor Glass panels (4cm thick when transparent and 6 cm thick when wire net reinforced). They will be fixed to the metal frames by mean of aluminium strips and transparent silicone mastic. Windows Installation The installation of aluminium windows will be in accordance with requests of Supervisor and technical description as follows: A solid aluminium sub-frame in light galvanised metal tubular will be carefully fixed with steel clamps to the walls by means of cement mortar (no screw sockets). The fixing must preferably have a distance from the frame corners of no more than 150 mm and between them of no more than 800 mm. The fixed window frame will be
screwed to the sub-frame when all plastering and painting works finished. Opening glassed panels will be hinged to the window frame and will be supplied by a three point anchored lock and handle. Using plasto elastic materials, after having filled any gap with insulating materials, will carry out the sealing between the cases and the building context. Between the inside of the steel frame support and the outside of the aluminium fix frame it is preferable to keep an installation tolerance of 6 mm, considering a protrusion of the fixing spacers of about 2 mm. 6.4.4 Windows Repairing of wooden windows The repair of timber windows is to allow for: The complete or partial substitution of damaged or missing parts with seasoned timber of similar type and dimension to the existing sections; The planning of all warped parts; The filling of small splitting, cracking or indentations with suitable wood filler of the name colour as the timber; The adjustment, repair, checking, oiling and where necessary substitution of hardware; The installation of repaired windows and where necessary the work of bricklayer including work not specified to ensure the satisfactory operation of the wooden windows; Including the supply and installation of glass panels completed with hinges, handles, glass panels (4cm thick when transparent, 6 cm thick when wire net reinforced), fixed by mean of solid wooden strips and transparent silicon mastic, window-stays by chain or hook; Preparation and finishing, scaffolding, masonry work and all requirements to complete the work in a first class manner; Finishing with solid wooden strips all around the window perimeter, internal and external when
Damage, repairing and fixing of windows will be described in the Technical Drawings and which damage is done will be taken by the Investor. Windows Sills The sills in white concrete, with water drip, suitable reinforced and cast in situ. Smooth finished and dimensioned as in Technical Drawings. They will be realised in concrete (Type 200) with dosage per m3 as follows: 300 kg cement (type 400), 0,43m3 sand, 0,69 m3 aggregate and 0,18 m3 water
As above but pre-cast and installed using white cement mortar type 1:2 with clean sharp sand (to have a porosity of 35 %), mixed in proportion of cement: sand =1:2, 527 kg cement (type 400), 0,89 m3 sand The sills in terrazzo, with water drip, colour indicated in the Technical Drawing or by the Supervisor in the following dosage per sqm: 13 kg cement (type 400), 2 kg terrazzo and water. Sills will have sharpened angles and will be carefully polished and treated by linseed oil. Formwork, propping and all requirements to complete the work in a first class manner are included. The sills in marble, 3 cm thick min., with colour and long according to the request of Supervisor and Technical Drawings. Smooth finished and dimensioned as in Technical Drawings. They will install using white cement mortar type 1:2 with clean sharp sand (to have a porosity of 35 %), mixed in proportion of cement: sand =1:2, 527 kg cement (type 400), 0,89 m3 sand The internal wooden sills in solid seasoned Pine wood, 3 cm thick with and long as in in Technical drawings, fixed to the internal wall thickness by mean of plastic plugs and screws. Sills will be painted before fixing with transparent enamel paint, will not stick out the internal wall and will have upper angle carefully sharpened. 6.4.6 Aluminium Windows Supplying and fixing of windows as described in the Technical Drawings and which dimensions will be taken by the Contractor, made up in aluminium alloy profiles according to European Standards EN 573 - 3 and duly pre-painted. Colour will be according to the request of investor.
The fix frames will have a depth of 61-90 mm. They are provided with elements for fixing and anchorage to wall structures as well as jutting parts enabling the sliding of sashes; profile shape is tubular in order to house assembling accessories. Frame profiles will fit with a cover profile overlapping the wall by 25 mm. Mobile frame profiles have a depth of 32 mm and a height of 75 mm with flat or ornamental solution. Both fix or mobile frames are designed to build thermal break windows and are made up of two aluminium profiles which are joined one another by means of two 15 mm insulating lists made of plastic materials. Thermal break is obtained by inserting 15 mm long and 2 mm thick polyamide strips strengthened with fibre glass. The profile is designed with a hollow central part for the insertion of the cornier joint bracket (with space for 18 mm high glass housing) and the trolleys for their sliding. Seal is assured by brushes with stiff central fin. The characteristics of seal against atmospherically agents obtainable by these sections must be provable by the
certificate of testing affected by the window frame manufactures or by the profiles producer. The aluminium sections will be painted by a bake lacquering process. The temperature must not exceed 180 degree, the baking time will be less than 15 minutes. The lacquering thickness should be at least 45 mm. The powders used will be made up of high quality acrylic resins or linear polyesters A solid sub-frame will be carefully fixed with steel clamps to the walls by means of cement mortar (no screw sockets). The fixing must preferably have a distance from the frame corners of no more than 150 mm and between them of no more than 800 mm. The fixed window frame will be screwed to the sub-frame when all plastering and painting works finished. Opening glassed panels will be hinged to the window frame and will be supplied by a three point anchored lock and handle. Using plastic-elastic materials, after having filled any gap with insulating materials, will carry out the sealing between the cases and the building context. Between the inside of the steel frame support and the outside of the aluminium fix frame it is preferable to keep an installation tolerance of 6 mm, considering a protrusion of the fixing spacers of about 2 mm. Dimensional tolerance and thickness will be according to EN 755 9. Glass panels (4 mm thick min when transparent and 6 mm thick when reinforced by wire net) should be included. They will be fixed to the metal frames by mean of aluminium strips. All works of bricklayer and all requirements to complete the work in a first-class manner are included. Sample of the proposed items will be submitted to the Supervisor for a previous approval. 6.4.7 Doors - General Information The doors are part of the building and houses. They will provide the communication for the internal and external surface of them. Their sizes vary; depend by architectural composition, size of the requirements of the designer. The doors can be made in wooden, metal and aluminium etc. The doors main parts are: 1. the sub-frame to be fixed to the wall by mean of proper steel clamps before plastering;(the sub-frame can be in wooden, metal or aluminium) 2. the frame to be screwed to the sub-frame after plastering and painting 3. the door can be in wooden, metal and aluminium or PVC supporting by mean of solid strips or steel and other accessories including steel clamps, hinges, lock anchors, screws, handles. 6.4.8 Doors - components The parts of door are depending by the kind and material of doors. The parts of doors will be for each type of doors as follows: MDF Door, treated with a coat of wood preservative, composed by: A wooden sub-frame with seasoned Pine wooden (width 3 cm), treated with a coat preservative to be fixed to the wall by mean of proper steel clamps before plastering
A MDF frame to be screwed to the sub-frame after plastering and painting. Following the doors design shown in Technical Drawing, the frame will be provided by hinges and lock anchors for all kinds of doors. Opening wooden panels that are made up in wooden case (minimum size 10 x 4 cm) and horizontal and vertical parts every 40 cm. In under part of doors, the panels will be minimum 20 cm over the under part of doors. The MDF panels (thickness 5cm) and treated with a coat of wood preservative should be provided by three hinges with minimal length l= 16 cm A metallic lockset with three copies of keys type Yale or similar, door handles and push handle
External Seasoned Pine wooden Door, treated with a coat of wood preservative, composed by: a wooden sub-frame with seasoned Pine wooden (width 3 cm), treated with a coat preservative to be fixed to the wall by mean of proper steel clamps before plastering. The Thickness of sub frame will be 3 cm and the width will be in accordance with width of walls. a wooden frame to be screwed to the sub-frame after plastering and painting. Following the doors design shown in Technical Drawing, the frame will be provided by hinges and lock anchors for all kinds of doors. Opening wooden panels that are made up in wooden case (minimum size 10 x 5 cm) and horizontal and vertical parts every 40 cm. In under part of doors, the panels will be minimum 25 cm over the under part of doors. The seasoned Pine wooden panels (thickness 3cm) and treated with a coat of wood preservative should be provided by three hinges Two wooden covering with thickness 2- 3 mm. Their size will be depending by the size of doors in accordance with project requirements. High safety lockset with three copies of keys, type Yale and other necessary accessories. The lockset should be type circular with steel base and zinc plate of spanner. It will have 5 matchsticks. The depth of spanner will be 12,5 mm and the thickness of cover will be 2mm. The spanner should be made up in steel or brass. The lockset should be with simple combination for people. The lockset should be applicable for the keys, type Yale or similar. Hinges in three anchor points (minimum 3 hinges per each part) should complete the armour -plate doors.
The door should have the respectively handle, a push button with internal handle that will close the external handle. The handle should be moving in the right or left side of door. The external handle will be active. The internal handle will close the spanner. Every handle will use the spanner of doors expect of the case when the external handle is closed by internal side. Doors - INSTALLATION
The installation of door should be made in accordance with technical condition of installation. The installation is depending by the kind and material of doors. The installation way of doors will be for each type of doors as follows: MDF Door, treated with a coat of wood preservative, will be installed as follows: a wooden sub-frame with MDF Pine wooden (width 4 cm), treated with a coat preservative to be fixed to the wall by mean of proper steel clamps before plastering a wooden frame to be screwed to the sub-frame after plastering and painting. Following the doors design shown in Technical Drawing, the frame will be provided by hinges and lock anchors for all kinds of doors. There will be fixed all wooden cover and safety band and lockset. The total thickness of doors will be minimum 4,5 cm. A metallic lockset with three copies of keys type Yale or similar, door handles and push handle
The armour -plate door will be installed in accordance with technical conditions as follows: a metallic case will be fixed on the wall by the steel matchstick or concrete part before the plastering of walls. The metallic case should be painted with metallic paint against corrosion before the installation of door. Their size is depending by the thickness of wall. The thickness of steel sheet of case should be minimum 1,5 mm. The width of side part of case should be Minimum 10 cm and width of centre part will be depending by the width of wall and kind of door. The steel sheet of case should be welding in accordance with Technical Conditions. An armour case of door that will be fixed to the above metallic case. Hinges and spanner anchor in accordance with data of technical drawings will provide the armour case. In this case will be installed all insurance elements and other necessary accessories. Safety metallic rod with minimal diameter d= 16 mm should be putting in minimum distance between them L= 30 cm. They will be welded in armour metallic case of door. Polysterol thermal insulation protection with minimal thickness t = 3 cm that will be installed between safety metallic rods to eliminate all sounds. Their installation will be after the welding of metallic rods and finishing of metallic case of door. Two wooden cover with thickness t = 2-3 mm (per each side). Their size will be depending by the size of the door that is given by Contractor. The cover can be sheet or with model. High safety lockset with three copies of keys, type Yale and other necessary accessories will be installed in the door case by steel screw.
The armour -plate door should be completed with hinges in three anchor points Finishing with solid wooden strips all around the door perimeter, internal when supplied by reveals internal and external when reveals are missing All bricklayer work and all requirements to complete the works ina first class manner will be included. 6.4.10 External Doors a) External Wooden Doors Supplying and installation of entry doors in seasoned Pine, treated with a coat of wood preservative, composed by: A wooden sub-frame (width 4 cm, large as the door sub-frame) to be fixed to the wall by mean of proper steel clamps before plastering. Opening panels with 10 x 5 cm min. timber frame, horizontal and vertical members of the same section and a bottom height 25 cm, divided into panels of seasoned wood treated with a coat of wood preservative complete with: hinges (3 min. for each opening panel), three point anchored lock, three copies of keys and brass handles. Finishing with solid wooden strips all around the door perimeter, work of bricklayer and all requirements to complete the works in a first class manner are included.
Sub-frame, where in sight and opening door panels will be duly transparent enamel painted before fixing. Sample of the proposed items will be submitted to the Supervisor for a previous approval. 6.5. 6.5.1 Ceiling & Wall Finishes Ceiling Plastering & Painting NOTE: All surfaces to be plastered must be previously carefully wet by clean water. Where necessary appropriate additives will be added to water in order to guarantee a perfect plaster issuing. In any case the Contractor is the only responsible of the final issue of the plastering works. Cement-mortar type 25 with river sand (which porosity of 35% and water content with relevant increasing of volume by 20%) mixed in proportion of cement: lime: sand=1:0.5:5.5, 87 lit hydrated lime, 300kg cement (type 300), 1.01 m3 sand. Cement-mortar type 1:2 with clean sand (having a porosity of 35%) mixed in proportion of cement: sand=1:2 527 kg cement (type 400), 0.89 m3 sand. Those proportions of using mortar are worth only for 1 m3. These standards are based on legal manuals and advice books like: Manual no.1 of Technical Analysis for the production of building materials, advices and criteria Methodology of Work:
-Preparation of ceilings with a first rough-cast coat of render, using a fluid cement
mortar for improving the adherence of the render and to reinforce the surface, including scaffolding and all requirements for the completion of the work. -Plastering composed of one layer of lime mortar (type 25) 2 cm thick with the following dosage per square meter: 0.005 m3 clean sharp sand, 0.03 m3 lime mortar (type 1:2), 6.6 kg cement (type 400) water, using appropriate profiles and guides applied to ceilings and trowel finished to a smooth surface, including scaffolding and all requirements to complete the work in a perfect way. -Painting works of ceiling. Careful cleaning, bushing and smoothing of all the plastered surfaces to be later on ceilings new painted. Painting of the ceiling with hydromat paint, in two layers minimum. Colours as indicated in technical drawings, to be approved by Contract Administrator. 6.5.2 Covering on angle of walls The supply and fixing of cover on the angle of the walls are described in technical specifications that are given by Contractor. They will be made up to aluminium material with profile type L in accordance with European standards EN 573-3, The profile will be painted before their installation on the wall. Their colour will be according to the requirement of Investor (usually, can be used the white colour). The sizes of cover on angle of the walls are 150 cm x 2 x 2 cm. Their form is in it with L Profile. The thickness of profile is 2 mm. Profile consists of two bands with width 2 cm per side. The profile can be with hole with d= 6-8 mm that will be used for fixing of cover on the walls. In this case, the cover will be fixed on the wall before the plastering of walls. Both sides of profile should be covered during the plastering of walls. The parts of aluminium profiles should be painted during the baking process lacquering. Baking temperature should be less than 180 Celsius degree and the baking period should be less than 15 min. The profiles will be powdered with first quality of acrylic resin or linear polyester. The covers on the angle of walls are protected by elements that provide their putting and anchoring on the wall structures The cover will be jointed with wall by a special plastic-elastic material that is used for aluminium profile. The pasting will be made with a brush after the plastering of walls. The characteristics of paste (glue) for resistant against the atmospheric agents should be provided and certified by manufacture. For protection of walls angle can be used pine wooden cover that are protected by special wooden material (special paint with wooden material). In this case, the thickness of their profile should be 3-5 mm and the sizes should be 150 x 3 x 3 cm. The connection of two wooden bands will be made with small rivets. Their place should be painted after the finish of works. In the connection part, the wooden bands should be cutting in 45 degree.
All works of installation and putting of cover on the angle of walls should be perfect and in accordance with the project and Supervisors requirements. A sample of cover on the angle of walls with their quality certificate, origin certificate and warranty certificate must be previously submitted to the Supervisor for approval before installation on the object. Supervisor can required increasing their length till 2 m. SECTION 7 7.1 7.1.1 SITE DEVELOPMENT
Roadways Sub-base and base Sub-base implies the ground over which the base layer of the road will be poured. The under base will be levelled and pressed in a maximal tolerance of +/- 3 cm. The slope (gradient) will be taken into consideration while working with the sub-base. The base is the supporting layer of the road. After the excavation of the ground to a depth of approximately 30 cm (to the level of sub-base) it will be filled with 0/32 mm up to 0/56 mm gravel material. This material will be placed into well pressed layers. A gradient of at least 1% will be retained even during the laying of the base.
Paving & Surfacing It is preferred that the flooring of passage ways within the courtyard of the school be made of stone tiles and concrete or solid concrete. This will be done in the following manner: A maximum of a 5 cm thick sand layer, of a granularity of 2/5 mm to 0/4 mm to be poured on the base over which the stone or concrete tiles are to be placed. A special vibrating machine to be used afterwards to acquire a perfect levelling. Finally the space between the tiles to be filled with 0/1 mm fine sand so as the tiles be best linked with each other and reinforced /stabilise the layer of these stone or concrete tiles.
Curbs, Gutters & Drains In the case of the application of the above system of passage way (stone and concrete tiles) the need for planning of sewage and drainage are minimal. Stone and concrete tiles with the system of gutters are not in need of any sewage or drainage because the rain will filtrate into the gutters. In case of very heavy rain the passageways will be placed at a gradient of 1%. The gradient is performed from one side to the other side if the passage.
Road marking & signs All Road signs and necessary directional panels (Sign Plates) should be installed in a way that they are resistant to the stresses caused by wind or other influences (i.e. against the weight of the children hanging on them).
They must be installed on metal posts placed on foundation holes with minimal dimensions of 30 x30 x40 cm and properly filled with concrete. Signs or directional panels installed on metal posts must be at a minimal height of 2.25 m from the surface. 7.2 7.2.1 Sidewalks Sidewalk general information Excavation of earth on sidewalks shall be a minimal depth of 30 cm from the ground surface for a certain planned extension. Installation of 20 cm thick gravel properly pressed and levelled. Installation of 10 cm thick, M150 cement layer, with technical gutters at every 3 m, performed in thin layers and properly vibrated. Minimal 2 cm thick layer of cement mortar 2:1 ratio to be perfectly polished and levelled, including scaffolding, propping and any other requirements for the satisfactory completion of work.
Concrete borders (curbs) for sidewalks Sidewalks, roads, asphalt, cement tiles, paved parts or other materials are to be protected by side supports (Curbs). The supporting borders shall be in accordance with the above requirements to support the paved surface from horizontal forces caused by the motion of vertical forces introduced by cars and people etc. Borders (curbs) also serve as a function of directing road and sidewalk runoff waters. The border blocks may be installed at the same height of the paved surface or 10cm to 30 cm higher than the surface of the road as might be required. The border (curb) material is to be of cement or stone. Its selection has to be made by the architect/ supervisor together with the client, bearing in consideration that the selected material plays a special role in the surfaces decoration.
7.3. 7.3.1
Landscaping Levelling and preparation of terrain (ground) A landscaping expert, shall prepare the drawings and give instruction for the works, has to be contacted for the landscape works. Special considerations are given for requirements. The levelling and preparation of the ground according to need form and budget. If only for decorative purpose it may be left in its existing form. Whatever the levelling of the ground it should be prepared in such a manner as to guarantee the protection of the landscape. In case of lack of good soil (humus), such humus is to be brought from another place and to be laid in a minimal 20 cm thick layer or according to the drawing.
In case of an abundant stone terrain a thicker layer of humus might be needed. 7.3.2 Planting and fertilizing An agriculture expert should be consulted for planting and maintaining of the landscape. Due space for the normal rising of planted trees and grass, in accordance with their type, should be left. While planting trees it has to be envisaged that they should not obscure or harm the view of the building during the breeding process. Special attention should be shown to the places under the shadow of the trees. The ground grass shall be selected in accordance with its use and step on. It must satisfy the requirements of the environment. Levelling shall include the following process: the grass to be cut with a special machinery with revolving knifes, to a 1-3 cm thick layer, at short intervals of 2-3 cm. Verticulation is recommended at the start of grass grow(March/April) following the cutting of the grass. This process removes the grown grass lump and prevents water infiltration. 7.4. 7.4.1 Fencing and Gates Fencing in masonry and steel Fencing is composed of three elements: The Wall: Foundation section excavation to a depth of 60 cm from the existing ground level, in terrain of whatever nature and compactness or degree of saturation, wet or dried, including the cutting and removing of roots, stumps, rocks and materials with a volume not extending 0.3 m, consolidation of the foundations, etc. Filling by hand with the same material after the execution of the consolidation of the foundations including the location of the resulting material within the worksite. The foundation wall may be executed in concrete, in concrete blocks or stones (butobeton) including formwork, toothing, propping and all requirements to complete the work in a first class manner. The fence wall shall be 60 cm high from the ground or road surface. The height of fenceless walls goes up to 1.8 while that of fenced ones shall be up to 87 cm. Columns: Metallic columns shall be placed at a maximal distance of 3 m to the dimensions of the walls width. Covers with the dimensions of the columns shall be welded on top of them. Columns shall be properly anchored on the previously built wall. Concrete columns or of the same material as the walls can be used in place of the metallic columns. For a proper steadiness they must be of the same thickness with the wall there are placed on, and of a minimal width of 30 cm, In cases when columns are made of stone, concrete or other material, they shall be plastered with a layer of 2 cm m-25 standard mortar. The abovementioned wall shall be plastered in the same way as the columns. Railing
Railings shall be made of metal (steel) and properly welded/melded with the columns. They shall be painted at least twice with anti corrosion paint. The form and appearance of the railings shall be settled by the architect/engineer and the client. The space between the rails shall not exceed 12 cm, so as to prevent people passing through them. The minimal fence height (wall + fencing) shall be 1.8 m. Sporting Grounds Soft terrains (grass, sand etc..) Soft grounds are those laid with a soft layer of grass, sand or any other similar material. Children injury risk in such grounds is lower than in hard surface grounds. Base and sub-base The base layer shall be of a homogeneous material all over the ground. The heterogeneous (With different permeability) material shall be processed and homogenized. The underground water level during the last 10 years shall not be higher than 60 cm from the surface of the ground. In cases when such a requirement is not fulfilled drainage measures shall be taken to satisfy such requirement. The sub-base slope shall be 0,8 1,2 %. In cases when where the ground is higher than 45 x 90 m, the sub-base shall be of a roof form with a slope of 0,8 1,2%. Levelling shall meet the following requirements: Holes larger than 3 cm shall not be allowed on the ground checked by 4 m levelling beam. In cases when the ground is composed of organic materials and there is risk of deformations necessary measures shall be taken for a better examination and prevention of ground deformation The sub base water permeability plays a major role. Layers type shall be determined accordingly. A mineral granularity ground is shown below. This system is applied (laid) only with mineral granularity and water to stabilize and press it. The base and sub base shall meet the same requirements as in the case of grass-layers. 7.5.2 Fencing of sports grounds The sports grounds should be fenced because of the two following reasons: To protect the ground against unauthorized use. To prevent the ball (or any other sport utility) from escaping the ground area.
7.5. 7.5.1
a) The protection according to point 1 is realized by a metallic fence to a minimum height of 180 cm. various types of such system preventing the entrance in the sports grounds can be found in the market. b) High fences shall be installed in order to prevent the ball or any other sports utility from escaping the ground area. The market offers complete fencing systems even for such cases.
Usually such systems are up to 6 m high, but higher ones could be requested if necessary. The systems and elements (components) presented above fulfil all the requirements for such kind of fencing. Their installation shall be done according to technical instructions under the control of the architect/supervisor.
SECTION 8 ELECTRICAL WORKS 8.1. 8.1.1 Electrical Specifications Accessories (general) Accessories of electric installation shall be specified in detailed manner in the following points of this section. Presented here are general requirements and technical conditions of application needed to fulfill those accessories and electric installations in general. Electric installation in general needed to be complete (mounting and materials) as is it shown in sketches and projects, described with specifications or project Instruction. Mounting must include supplying of electrical energy for all quoted and offered electrical equipment's, installed by others. Supplying point of equipment must be supply to the terminate box in pack or near closing apparatus (isolating)/ opening. Position of all points through sketch is approximate and needs to be confirmed from contractor referring to the latter sketch of the project, for all regulations of particular settings. Specification constitutes a completion of the project sketches. In case of any discrepancy between the sketches and specifications, the person recommending (offering) must give same explanations (in writing) or interpretation from projector before giving his offer (his tender) if this explanation is not required, interpretation of the engineer in the site (work place) will be definitive. Contractor must outline (control) working place before appreciating his aim (scope). 8.1.2 Wire and cables All wires and cables must have the relevant local authorities approval certificate and the factory test certificate. Wires must be plain annealed copper conductors, insulated with PVC single core for drawing inside conduits and trunking. Insulated wires and sheathing shall be with colored coating, isolating to identify phase and neutral.
All the cases when PVC cables terminate in a fuse distribution board, electrical equipment etc must be left a freely quantity cable to permit in the future stripping of reconnection wire terminals without causing their withdrawal. Cables for every section of installation shall be socked closed through tubes and in summary inserting boxes system for that particular separate cable. Cables need to be installed using "loop" system. Stripping of cable insulation with PVC must be done using a proper tool for stripping and not a knife. Wires must be colored to be identified. BLACK must be used for neutral conductors; GREEN/YELLOW must be used for earth conductors and RED, BLUE and Yellow for phase conductors. The same colors must be used for connection of the same phase conductors. The same colors shall be used for connection on the same phase of supply throughout the installations. All single core cables must be delivered in such a way to show the labels of producer, seals or other proof of origin and the contractor, must obtain certificates of routine tests against a given order, when requested by the Engineer. The number of cables to be installed in conduits or trunking must be such as to permit easy drawing in without damaging the cables and must never be more than 40%. Installation shall comply with the Local Electricity Authoritys regulations 8.1.3 Flexible cables (with some multiple core wires for every wire) All the cables must have approval certificate from relevant local authority and fabric certificate. PVC insulation of the cable multiple wire or with single wire easy conductor from temper conductor isolating with PVC upper final sheath must resist 600/1000V. All the cables put within tubes shall be isolated with high conduction PVC. Flexible cables consist of multi-striped wire and depending on what we have: Three wire cable, 1 neuter, 1 earth (for mono phase system) Four wire cable, 3 phase and 1 neutral (for three phase system, without earth) Five wire cable,3 phase and 1 neuter and 1earthing (for three phase system, with earth) Flexible cable must have colored wire for identification. BLACK shall be used for neuter conductor, GREEN/YELLOW shall be used for earth conductor and RED/BLUE and YELLOW for phase conductors. Same colors shall be used for connections on the same phase conductors. Same colors shall be used for connections on the same phase of supply throughout the installation.
No cable smaller than 2.5mm2 shall be used during installation, unless its use is specifically called out. The earth continuity conductor must have a minimum size required by regulations. 8.1.4 Channels and accessories Electric installation can be done in two ways: Under plaster inserted in flexible PVC tube Above plaster in PVC channels (is introduced in point 8.1.7) Accessories of installation under plaster are: Flexible tube PVC different dimensions in dependence of dimension and number of wires that shall be put in it. Distribution boxes (introduced in point 8.1.5) Boxes for fixing plugs or breakers (introduced in 8.1.13 and 8.1.14) All those must be set before plastering is done. Electrical installation under plaster must be done according to the following steps: Opening of channels in the wall with such a dimension that flexible tube will be freely inserted and such a depth that must draw above final plaster level. Put flexible cable and PVC tube which will be temporary fixed with plaster (later close channels with mortar plaster) After plastering is done, insert wire or cable with their guide which will be entered freely and leave an adequate amount on both sides to continue the connections and mounting Flexible tube shall be of type DL 44 Range (NF Range) for corridors and/or of the type DL 50 Range (BR PVC Range) for fabricated rooms of GEWISS-ITALY or another similar producer will be accepted according to the appropriate standards as following: Compliance with standards: CEI 23-32 (Resistance) Firmness of isolation: 100M IP rating IP:IP40 Impact resistance: IK08 Installation temperature:-5/60C
Channels and putting of PVC flexible tube shall be fixed in distance of 0.4 m suspend ceiling on horizontal runs and lowering for switches and plugs shall be made right vertical and no with angle and arc form 8.1.5 Distribution boxes Distribution boxes, depending on the system to be used, are under plaster and above plaster so that the way of fixing them is with plaster or screw. Materials and their technical characteristic are the same as for flexible tube described in the point 8.1.4 Dimensions of distribution boxes vary according to the circumstances and need. They are in circle form, square, rectangle and their shutter covers are with different colors
It is important that connections of wires/cables inside draw boxes shall be realize with joined clamp (point). 8.1.6 Flexible connections Flexible connections are used usually in laboratories and consist of the electric line runs near device with ending draw box and from here into device that will be connected one flexible connection is used outside wall. For this outlet cable from the draw box must be well insulated within technical condition. Cable is to be with two insulation layers and inside flexible tube. Its connection with the device shall be made in its holder. 8.1.7 System of channels System of canals channels is frequently used in reconstruction especially when an old electric system have be put out of work and a new one shall be installed without damaging plaster or in construction with dismounting materials. Systems of channels as system under the plaster with flexible tube have to be completed according to all the technical condition of electrical installation described in the point 8.1.4 System of channels must be on series NP 40/42 produced by GEWISS-ITALY or other producer meeting the applied standards. Systems of channels consist of accessories such as: Channels with different dimensions, depending on the number of the wire/ cable plugs, switches etc, to be installed in it, length 2 m Corners (serve to form an angle in installation) which depend on the channels is being used Deviation in T form Draw boxes at different dimensions.
Mounting of channels is to be made by screws, and be put 0.4m under level of ceiling, distribution network and on high plugs/switches for their mounting.
Lamps and Luminaries Locations of luminaries are indicated in electrical drawings devised by the electrical engineer. The lighting installation have to be carried out using PVC insulate cables type NUM run within PVC conduit concealed inside building plaster or in canals when is system of canals is being used.
The cables must be 1.5mm2 (minimum) section to suit the circuit loaded, the needed tolerance, being made to ensure that the limit of volt drop for the final sub-circuits. In all instances a separate earth continuity conductor must be installed. No more than three lighting circuits shall be bunched in the same conduit. Luminaries shall be securely fixed on the environment ceiling, suspended or direct on surface of ceiling according to the kind of luminaries and recommendation given from manufacturer (neon together with lamps shall be supplied by the contractor) 8.1.9 Fluorescent Luminaries Lamps All fluorescent lamps must be of the hot cathode type except for the area where voltage is not provided. For general use the lamp characteristics required are as follows, and all lamps must have outputs at least equal to those in the table. All lamps must have identical color rendering and shall be enclosed in envelopes of volumes not less than required by the table below Characteristics Nominal Length mm Watt Power (Watt) Flux of lightening after Color 2000 hours temp Diameter of lamp in mm
58 36 18 8
26 26 26 26
Control gear Control gear for fluorescent lamps must be electronic ignition inductive choke circuitry engineered to minimize losses, which shall not exceed 8 watts for a 1200 lamp length and 10 watts for a 1500 mm lamp length. The electronic ignition must be asymmetric in application avoiding any possibility of saturation choke resulting in high starting currents. The appearance and light distribution characteristics must comply with information given in the drawings. All fluorescent luminaries shall be provided with power factor correction, which must be correct overall Power factor of fitting to no less than 0.9 lagging. The harmonic content of live current within the lamp shall not exceed 17%. Lamp-holders and other auxiliaries shall be in accordance with C:E:E 12 and each fitting shall be provided with a cartridge type fuse in the gear compartment rated at not less than 5 amps.
All lamps must be suitable for 220 volts operation and be complete with control gear. The characteristics of metal halide lamps shall be such that they will start with a 10% reduction in rated voltage. Luminaries and other auxiliary equipment must be manufactured according to the European standards, or approved similar. 8.1.11 Emergency Lighting and Exit Signs The emergency lighting package should be mounted at those places, where it is foreseen by electrical projector engineer. The emergency package should comprise of battery pack complete with a battery charger capable of supplying power for 1 hour and 18 watts light tube.
The location and extent of the exit devises are indicated in the electrical project plans. Cover package must be green color and with respective signs: A man running Arrow that indicates removal direction. Word exit written in white color.
8.1.12 Light switches The location of lighting switches and locations are indicated in the electrical lighting plan. Generally, lighting switches throughout the building must be suitable for flush mounting (under plaster). Flush mount switches within the building shall be as follows: Play bus range GW 30 011, IP-16. The switches must be of the quick-make slow break type designed to control AC circuits. They must be rated at a minimum of 10 amps. Switches must be of the broad rocker type gauge to give multiple switch units, until the specifications are produced. Switches must be mounted in an electric network to provide required spreading, when boxes with metallic cable shall be fit flatly on the wall plaster. Switches can be of such a form to be mounted on the layer of plaster. Those kinds of switches are frequently usable in these cases when trunking electrical distribution system is used. It is also recommended to use it in wood and metal rooms, in transformer rooms of generator. Switches, according to the position where they are being used and the on-off way of switch are divided: One pole switches Two poles switches Deviation switches One pole switches must be used usually in a small area where the number of luminaries is small (1 or 2). Two poles switches must be used usually in those area where the number of switches is big and can be switch on -off in partial way for example in classes. Where are two rows with luminaries, they can be switch on in alternative way only one raw or both at the same time.
Deviation switches are used in areas where there are two in/out. After they switch on in one in/out coming side and they can be switched off the other in/out coming, or may be used in corridors 8.1.13 Socket outlets and plugs A complete system of socket outlet units must be provided in the position indicated on the drawings done by the electrical project engineer. All sockets to be mounted in schools/kindergarten shall be of the earthed type and be protected for children. Sockets like switches can be the type mounted under or on the plaster. Sockets are divided according to their functions: Voltage socket one, two or three phase Phone socket and LAN system TV sockets
All sockets unless otherwise specified, must be of 16 amps 2 pin and be out of surface. They must be flush mounted and have a color to match the plates for lighting switches. All sockets must be of similar type and specified as follow: Playbus Range, with safety shutters 250 v, 2P 16A Playbus Range, with safety shutters 250 v, 2P 16A Other electrical accessories such as push-buttons, flush mounting box etc must be according to the GEWISS Catalogue general 2000 or approved similar type. Two and three phase sockets are used only in laboratories or in workshops and are recommended to be of the type on the plaster. In the case of three-phase machinery, more powerful than in the base of device power are foreseen to be used, electrical engineer has accounted for the dimension of the supply cable and amps of the socket. 8.1.14 Earth Ground All apparatus or their parts not solidly connected to the earth continuity system must be connected to a single earth point system in an approved manner by solid conductors secured by means of substantial bonding clamps. Where any piece of equipment is connected to water, gas or fuel line, the apparatus shall be bonded to the line using 20mm x 1.5mm tinned copper type or equivalent PVC insulated earth cable. Throughout all conduits and trunking installations a separate protective conductor shall be installed, connected to an earth terminal in each conduit box, and installed within each length of flexible conduit. Nevertheless the provision of a separate protection conductor, the continuity of the conduit and trunking installation shall be the same standard as though they were the sole protective conductors.
Earth electrodes shall be profile L of galvanized steel 50X 50X5(or galvanized earth electrodes), which must be put at least 2 m deep in the ground. The number of earth electrodes depends on the sort of the site and on Re (earth resistance), which shall be smaller than 4. For this after terminating and fixing electrodes measurements with Re apparatus shall be made and a report shall be held, which shall be introduced to supervisor. In case that Re is more than 4, then the number of electrodes shall be increased to get the required one. Electrodes shall be placed in rectangle, square and triangle form according to their number but always in a length of 1.50 m from each other. Electrodes shall be connected with each other by means of zinc bond 40x4mm, by means of welding or screw and nut. Connection point of electrodes shall be made with final connection against the rust. The final point shall come out with a continuity zinc bond 40mmx4mm and entered in the transformer room and the potential busbar, and from there in all equipment's of the transformer room laying a earth cable with the diameter min.25 2 mm . From the main Tu distribution panel the earth shall be spread together with cable and/trunking of neutral and phase, in all off voltage and shall be of dimension min 2.5mm2. Metallic parts of installation and other pieces connected with installation shall be earthed in dependent manner from distribution neuter and neuter of the distribution transformer. Continuity of earth conductor shall be installed in all circuits and to stick in metallic part of fixed luminaries, with clutches of earth all the sockets and metallic parts of the wall. All metallic parts of equipment and motors shall be connected with earth system. 8.1.15 Atmospheric Protection System Atmospheric protection system is very indispensable for geographic location and atmospheric condition of Albania. Atmospheric protective system is and shall be raised dependent, from the earth system and comply application conditions according to the Local Electricity Authority Regulations. The value of the resistance of this system shall be smaller than 1. During the systems work (after the electrodes shall be put) shall be carried out the measurements of the R and in the case if that is more than 1, then the number of electrodes shall be increased until required value. The measurements shall be repeated twice, (Once with damp ground and another time with dry ground). Materials that shall be used for this system (bonds, electrodes that shall be inserted in the ground, arrow, fixed bolt etc) shall be made of zinc or galvanized iron. Bands shall be with dimensions of 40 mm x 4mm, or 30 mm x 3mm,or bar with diameter min. 10 mm. Electrodes shall be with length 1.5 m, as in the cases of using iron of " L" shape (50 x 50 x 4 mm) galvanized, as well as using zinc electrode manufactured from the factory.
Arrow shall be from zinc, for ex. a zinc tube 3/4 which shall be made with peak and have such a length to exit min 0.6 m above the highest point of the object. Bolt and nut that shall be used to fix the band with electrodes has to be min. M 12 Installation of the atmospheric protective system depending on the object can be realized: For existing object that shall be reconstructed without have not this protective system. For new object that shall be constructed For existing objects needed: A channel with depth of min 0.5 m and with adequate width shall be opened to lay the band, which will be laid in all perimeter of the object, about 1m far Extension of the band in all perimeter Opening of the holes and putting the electrodes 1.5m in depth 2m, so 0.5m below ground level in four angles of the object, and their connection to the object Outlet of electrodes with bonds, at least two angles of the object, (diagonal), up to roof/terrace fixing the band on the wall by means of screw and plastic holders. Out coming on roof/terrace connected with each other, forming a "loop" with the same band. On the higher point-s of the roof/terrace arrow is fixed, which is connected to the above mentioned "loop". Note: All the connections shall be made in such a manner to have high conduit and not to have corrosion and oxidation of the connection points. For new objects a protection system raised the same way as above mentioned: different electrodes and bands shall be put in the ground after being hydro-isolated all along the perimeter. 8.2 8.2.1 Power Distribution Distributions panel on floors Distributions panels on floors are distribution points of low voltage, which except distribution of the voltage for floor make possible selection of the protection. Those panels are the type that shall be mounted under or above the plaster. Panels depending on the load may be up to 12 elements for one floor and more than elements for 2 floors, and so on. Because those panels are installed in public area (schools/kindergartens), they shall be locked up for security. Important elements of these panels are:
Main disconnect automation 3 phase magneto-thermo with differential protection, amperes depending on the load; Signals of the phases(3 pieces) Magneto-thermo one phase automation's of the power (sockets), their amperes depending on the sockets that shall be supplied, Magneto-thermo automations of the luminaries their amperes depending on the luminaries shall be supplied,
SECTION 9 9.1. 9.1.1 Heating Systems Installation Basic Design Criteria and Heat Gain/Loss Calculations The heating concept is supported by norms determined by standards ASHRAE, on climatic data for Berat city for last 20 years, as well as designing norms determined by European Commission: ASHRAEStandarts; SMACNA Standarts; Deutche Industrie Normen (DIN); ASPE Standarts; NFPA Standarts and also Albanian Standarts
Based on the north and east latitude of the Berat city the climatic indor/outdoor design conditions from ASHRAE standards results: Outdoor Design Conditions Winter temperature Altitude Indoor Design Conditions Temperature Classrooms Halls and corridors Toilets Maximum permissible noise level generated by building utilities 201C 181C 181C -1C db/-1Cwb 90 m above sea level Winter
NC 35
The heat losses calculation had taken in consideration the building Constructural Components. All glass types in the building are forecasted to have a maximum of SC (Shade Coefficient) = 0,28 shading capacity to assure lower heat losses. Central Heating System Central heating system will have all characteristics of a modern plant, perfectly harmonised to maximum standards for a functioning according to requests with minimum used costs and maintainance. This has been possible by ordering most advanced technologies, both in equipments and controlling system. Based on the last global warming, demands for energy are being increased. Thus, using of electric energy must be minimised, but on the other side, comfort is an important and vital part of such institutions as schools. It is intended to design a central heating system based on fuel, i.e gas using radiators as its emmitters of this comfort. Of thermal calculations, the power needed for heating of this building results 150 kW thermal. Based on typology of building and reduced dimensions of premises, a system of perimetral heating is used for the school.
Pipes Heating systems can be divided in three components: the producer of the heating unit, the transporters (carrier) of the heating unit (pipes, pumps) and the space of the radiators. The heating system pipes will serve to transmit hot water from the heating unit (boiler) to the central heating radiators, and turn it back to the boiler with the help of the sucking pumps. The heating system pipes shall fulfil the requirements of standards/norms. Those shall be selected in the course of design, by the architect/engineer and the client as required. The heating system pipes can be divided as follows according to the material: Steel Pipes Galvanised steel Pipes Copper Pipes
Steel Pipes can be used for every kind of water in different temperatures. Their disadvantage is low resistance against corrosion. The galvanised steel pipes are resistant against corrosion. Together with the water elements they develop protection layer against corrosion. These pipes are installed only in systems with temperature not higher than 60 C. In cases with higher temperatures they have a weak resistance against corrosion. The protection layer developed by the copper together with the water elements is the same as in galvanized pipes. These pipes can be used in temperatures higher than 60 C. Thermal Insulation
The requirements of thermal insulation for heating system pipes should be in accordance with the requests of technical norms/standards. It must be taken into account that with the insulation of pipes it is possible that loss of energy be kept in a very law level. Installation of pipes without proper insulation is prohibited. The following norms should be respected for the insulation of pipes passing through cold spaces/rooms.
Pipes and fittings of heating system will be insulated as follows:
Outside diameter of pipe < 20 mm 22 35 mm 40 100 mm > 100 mm Thickness of insulation (0,035 W m-1K-1) 20 mm 30 mm In same thickness as pipe diameter 100 mm
The above table is valid for a insulating material with the above mentioned feature (0,035 W m-1K-1). If any other material is used, it should be calculated to meet the same requirement for the preservation of the water temperature.
Distribution Pump All the modern and contemporary systems are designed with pushing (circulating) pumps. The electric circulating pump is an operational noiseless pump. Modern circulating pumps are not in need of maintenance. The pumps aid hot water circulation (flow) within the pipes even though with its use the velocity of water movement and the pipes water transmission resistance is increased. It is possible that the pipes diameters be kept low with the help of the pumps. That will result in the pipe cost and insulation savings and due to the installation of smaller diameter pipes. Less water is needed and the heating system becomes swifter and more regular with the application of the water circulating pumps. The pump shall be mounted between two faucets. For its removal from the heating system and replacement the two faucets shall be closed first. Protection against noise(s) Noises coming from installations (pipes, faucets, scaffoldings, etc.) shall not exceed 35 dB (A). Care shall be taken during the design and installation to prevent the out match of the above coefficient. The noises in the heating systems are often created as a result of the speedy water flow in the pipes. In order to interrupt such noises it is necessary that the water flow speed be retained under 2 m/sec. Special turning should be installed in cases of water flow deviation, in place of T profiles. To prevent noise care shall be taken not to allow very high water pressure The pipes shall be insulated with a special material providing for a minimal vibration by preventing the pipe noise penetrates other materials. Fixing pipes with concrete or other construction material is prohibited.
The pipes shall be mounted on heavy construction parts (supporting construction) such as concrete walls or something similar, in order to guarantee a minimal shake or vibration. Wherever possible the pipe should shall be mounted along the corner walls and not be hanged over the ceilings. Technical data of boiler
Boiler capacity is equal to the energy needed for the heating of a building and warm water production for sanitary purposes plus the lost energy during the circulation in the heating system pipes. The capacity of the boiler is calculated in accordance with European norms/standards. The above factor is considered according to the pipes insulation which may vary from 5-15%.
The heating of the building is performed as follows: a) b) c) d) e) f) Boiler + fuel burner for hot water Expansion vessel for hot water Hydraulic compensator Collector + pumps (double circulations) Thermal regulation group Fuel tank
g) Smoke-exhaustion system (smoke stack) - modular double inner side smoke Chimney Thermal power regulation must be secure through two stage burner modulation and in the same time of the outlet water temperature in function of outer ambient & delivery hot water temperature. The boilers will be pressurized, made of mono-block steel for triple-loop of smoke, supplied by gas oil and attached by an automatic burner. The smoke pipes do not have to present turbulence; they must be fixed to the pipes plate preferably by means of expanding or expanding with welding. The water content in the generators (during service) must be at least 50 kg per each m2 of heated surface. 9.1.8 Oil Tank The oil burner is supplied with extra light oil from the double walled underground tank (with a basin to gather possible leaks) by the supply and return pipe line which is installed underground. The fuel tank will be realized outdoor by means of n.1 aboveground tank in double steel walls, with a basin to gather possible leaks. A heating system mounting sketch is presented in the technical drawings. The installation of the fuel tank is also of major importance in cases of liquid burning material feeding of heating systems. The gas oil tank must be realized in steel-sheet, with walls not less than 5 mm thick and base 6 mm thick.
The internal surfaces must be appositely protected against corrosions (galvanized primers and epoxy paintings); the external surfaces must be protected against the corrosions and must be made suitable to the direct laying underground. The tank must be laid and have the needed requirements provided for by the norms in force and in particular it must be provided for: Manhole with sealed closing; Hole for combustible loading, fixed to the tank and provided of connection by bronze screw 100 UNI 870 75, with sealed closing cover and chain; Device for loading interruption once the 90% of the geometric capacity of the tank has been reached; vent pipe with flame trap aerated plug; Level indicator. The tank must be tested at 3 kg/cm2 of pressure. The oil tank and the oil pipes has to be controlled by Leak Detection System and equipped with an electronic Tank Contents Gauge with Alarm Control Unit (High intensity audible alarm, Bright visual, Alarm test button, Audible alarm mute facility, alarm lamp, with auto reset., Weatherproof design, Relay contact for external alarms). Chimney The boiler will convey the combustions exhaust gas into a chimney equipped with inspection chamber at their base, plates for samples withdrawal. The chimney will be covered with insulating material. The chimney must be made of prefabricated modular structural elements with double wall, be suitable to any kind of combustible (solid-liquid, gas) and respect all the norms regarding mechanical and thermal aspects. The sections of self-bearing chimney with double wall must be made of an external wrapping in stainless steel 300 series, and by an inner wall of the same material (exhaust column). Each section length must not exceed 2 m. The cavity between inner and outer walls, as thick as required by the specific installation, does not have to be less than 75 mm, and must be filled by mineral wool or other appropriate insulator having constant properties in time, and ensuring the thermal insulation. The outer wrapping must have bearing function and ensure the chimney protection against the external agents; the exhaust column must be free to dilate by the external wrapping without affecting the insulation and the joints, and must be perfectly resistant to the corrosive agents in the smokes. 9.1.10 Boiler Chimney connection The boiler-chimney connection must be made of black iron sheet, with thickness equal to 1/100 of the connection diameter, and however not less than 4 mm; if the connection have rectangular section, its thickness is evaluated by considering that of the equivalent circular section. The connection is to be divided into traits with variable lengths, depending on their weight, and however not longer than 2 m; these traits must be connected among one another through flanged joints with asbestos sealing interposed. It must ensure the perfect sealing of the joints.
The connection must be provided of inspection and cleaning portholes at each change of direction, and however spaced at not more than 5 m. The portholes must be made of double walls in metal-sheet, equipped with thermos insulating, incombustible, and perfectly air-tight sealing. The connection must have a 5% minimum slope, and be insulated by a rock wool mattress as thick as required to guarantee smoke temperature fall higher than 1C per meter; the mattress is to be linked with galvanized iron wire, and covered by aluminum-sheet. The same insulation is used for the inspection and cleaning portholes. The boiler-chimney connection must be provided of holes for the smoke withdrawal according to Laws prescriptions. 9.1.11 Heat terminal units (Radiators) Multi-column steel radiators shall be installed made of 25 mm diameter and 1.20 mm thick steel tubes. The length of multicolumn is made up of batteries (45 mm sections). The length ranges from 45 mm to unlimited; the overall length is multiple of 45 mm. Radiator will be joined together using nipples. The upper header of the radiator must locate security and simplicity on surfacemounting brackets. The spacer must keep the radiator flush with the wall and must be clipped into position near the lower header of the radiator. Standard connections 4x1/2 must be used; bushed will be standard bore diameter also. The air vent will be uses after the bush has been inserted. Air vents will be right-hand thread and white silicone seal; supplied complete with key for opening and closing the air vent. Painting: electro coating, not toxic smoke in case of fire. The external durable topcoat (epoxy polyester powder) is elect statically applied and stove enamel baked at 200. Each radiator must be tested in factory 1.5 times its maximum allowable working pressure. Operation pressure: 6 bar maximum. Care shall be shown while installing radiator in the classrooms and corridors. The mounting pieces come together with the radiator and are fabricated for each type. The radiator installation system and the minimal distance to be respected are shown in the following picture. It shall have a distance of minimum 40-mm from the surface of the wall it will be fixed on. The distance of the radiator from the floor surface shall be 100mm minim. The other dimensions to be completed may betake from the picture below.
For the selection and installation of the radiators all the contemporary requirements of norms/standards are to be respected. In cases when there are not any suitable norms for them, similar norms of a European state will have to be adopted. All the installation process of the radiators shall be controlled by the supervisor for the completion of the works according to the requirements. 9.1.12 Valves Radiator Valves Thermostatic 4 way valve will be applied (two-pipe) as well as size of the connection to the radiator and connecting piping, connected in the bottom part of the heat emitter. Valve operation is controlled by automatic movement of the plug which shuts off the heat carrier fluid. The flow of water reaches the heat emitter directly where the heat exchange takes place. To ensure efficiency of this, the delivery and return flow is separated by a probe inserted in the heat emitter. The hydraulic flow rate and pressure drop characteristics for the valves can be deduced from the appropriate charts. When it is required to thermostat the system, merely unscrew the control hand wheel from the valve and substitute it with a thermostatic or electro thermo actuator by tightening the ring nut. All this can be done without any plumbing work and with the system running. In order to ensure correct thermostatic operation, the delivery pipe must be connected to the connection under the valve control hand wheel which should always be mounted in the horizontal direction. When excluding and removing the radiator, it is also necessary to regulate the special built-in lock shield. All this should be done without interrupting circulation of the fluid in the rest of the ring circuit.
Reliability of the thermostat adaptable valves must be guaranteed thanks to the 100% testing of the production which checks pressure tightness of the valve body and its components towards the outside and that of the plug during its flow shut-off function. Ball Valves Flanged or butt-welding ends ball valve shall conform to norms in reference [steel]. Threaded, socket-welding, solder joint, grooved and flared ends. Flow Control Valves Flow control valves shall be specially designed check valves with bronze body and trim, which shall open by the pressure developed by the pump, and close automatically. Provide means to hold the valve in the open position when the system is to be drained. Butterfly Valves Tight shut off valve, and screwed valve ends. Valve body material shall be cast iron or steel and shall be bubble tight for shutoff. Flanged and flangeless type valves shall have resistant steel stems and corrosion resistant or bronze discs with molded elastic disc seals. Flow conditions shall be for the regulation from maximum flow to complete shutoff by way of throttling effect. Relief Valves Bronze body, Teflon seat, stainless steel stem and springs, automatic, direct pressure actuated, capacities certified and labeled. Valve Operating Mechanisms Provide [floor stands] [chain wheels] [power operators] [and extension stems] where indicated and as specified. a. Floor Stands: Construct for bolting to the floor and include an extension stem and an operating hand wheel. Design an adequately supported and guided extension stems for connection to the valve stem by a sleeve coupling or universal joint. Chain wheel Operator: shall be fabricated of cast iron or steel and shall include a wheel, endless chain and a guide to keep the chain on the wheel. Provide galvanized steel endless chain extending to within one meter 3 feet of the floor. Power Operators: Shall be [electric] [pneumatic]. Power operated valves shall open and close at rates no slower than 4 mm per second for gate valves and 1.70 mm per second for globe and angle valves. Valves shall open fully or close
tightly without requiring further attention when the actuating control is moved to the open or close position. d. Extension Stem: Corrosion resisting steel designed for rising and non-rising stems. Provide in length required to connect the valve stem and the [hand wheel] [operating mechanism] and of sufficient cross section to transfer the torque required to operate the valve. Balancing Valves Balancing valves shall be calibrated bronze body balancing valves with integral ball valve and venturi or valve orifice and valve body pressure taps for flow measurement based on differential pressure readings. Valve pressure taps and meter connections shall have seals and built-in check valves with threaded connections for a portable meter. 9.2 9.2.1 Water Supply Systems Pipes of Water Supply systems - Generalized In the water supply systems of buildings shall be used PPR (Polypropylene Random) pipes. It will be in accordance with international quality standards ISO 9001 or DIN 8078 (Quality and Test Requirements for pipes). With writing request of supervisor, there can be used stainless steel pipes in a way that conforms to above international standards for quality and test. Note: The weight of PPR pipes is 15 times less of stainless steel. The Pipes of water supply systems should be excellent resistant against corrosion and chemical agents, resistant against hot water, low weight, ease of maintenance for repair and transport, simple welding and fast installation, long working life over 30 years. Properties of PPR pipes are as follows: Density of material PPR Temperature of welding Thermal conductivity in 20 degree Thermal Linear expansion coefficient Measure of elasticity in 20 degree Stress against leakage in 20 degree Stress against the broken in 20 degree 0,9 g/cm3 146 grade Celsius 0,23 W/mK 1,5 x 0,0001 K 670 N/mm2 22 N/mm2 35 N/mm2
Diameters of pipes depend from calculation flow of drinking water and flow velocities. The flow velocity should be 0,8-1,4 m/sec. The lengths of pipes should be 6-12 m. Diameters and thickness should be in accordance with data of technical drawings. All data on diameters, pressure, name of manufacture, year of production, etc should be stamped on every pipe. Water supply pipes will be installed on parts of building (as columns) where are installed sanitation equipment. They will be installed near of drinking water equipment.
They will be installed inside the walls. If the length of them is large, there will be installed the compensatory simple type (with simple bend) or type omega. Water supply pipes will be connected with sanitation equipments every floor. The connection of water supply pipes with discharge columns should be made with fitting type Tee or bend. If you want to reduce the number of columns, you should put all sanitation equipments in a group for each floor of buildings. All groups should be in a direction of columns. The diameters of vertical columns of water supply should be same in every floor of the building. The diameter of each column should be largest from biggest connection pipes. The slope of main horizontal lines should be minimum 2 %. The distance between sewerage pipes and water supply connection should be minimum 1 m in horizontal level. PPR pipes may be connected with electro fusion welding method using special welding equipments. This method guarantees long life of pipes, sure connection and homogenate of welding. The welding process can continue a few minutes (depend from the thickness and diameters of pipes. The cutting of pipes, their welding and other fittings during this process shall be made with special welding equipment. The welding process with electro fusion will be as follows: Should be prepared the welding equipment with electro fusion methods and their parts for diameters of pipes that we will connect. The welding equipment will be connected with electric power in a socket and we will check working lamp. We will wait some minutes that the welding temperature will be 260 degree Celsius Should be marked the depth of welding with a conductivity pencil. The pipes and their fittings should be cleaned before the starting of heating process. Start the heating process and welding process. Time of heating, welding and cooling are given in the tables as follows: Outside Period of Period of Period of Diameter of heating welding process cooling pipes in mm In sec. in sec. in min 16 mm (1/2") 5 4 2 20 mm (3/4") 5 4 2 25 mm (1") 7 4 2 32 mm(1.1/4") 8 6 4 40 mm(1.1/2") 12 6 4 50 mm(1.3/4") 18 6 4 63 mm (2") 24 8 6
The end of the pipe will put to heating hole of equipment and fitting will put in another side of welding equipment. Ends of pipes and fittings should be welded after their heating (according to the above table). After welding, pipes
and fitting will be staid some minutes for cooling. Note: For different diameters of pipes have different time for heating, welding and cooling (see table). After the finish of this process, Pipes are ready to use. If stainless pipes are used, their connection will be with filet. Connections shall have no leakage. All works of installation should be held in accordance with technical requirements of project and Supervisor. A sample of drinking water pipe with their quality certificate, origin certificate and warranty certificate must be previously submitted to the Supervisor for the initial approval before installation on the object. Supervisor can make additional test on physical, Mechanical and thermal properties, pressure, leakage, etc (Pressure test is 1.5 time of working pressure). 9.2.2 Fittings for pipes of Water supply In the water supply networks of building where are used PPR (Polypropylene Random) pipes, the fittings shall be made by Polypropylene Random materials. It will be in accordance with international quality standards ISO 9001 or DIN 8078 (Quality and Test Requirements for plastic pipes). The fittings are as follows: Simple elbow with 45 degree and 90 degree Elbow with metallic filet, type male and female; Simple Tee and Tee with filet type male and female; Cross Simple socket Transition joint hexagon male and hexagon female; Reductions, different type; Transition Joint two side welded (Dutch type); Wall support clamp; Crossovers; Compensatory type omega; End Cup. The designer should give all types of fittings in Design drawings or technical specification. In accordance with request of supervisor, the use of stainless steel pipes that conform to the above standards for quality and test of pipes. In this case, the fittings should be made by stainless steel. The fittings of water supply systems should be excellent resistant against corrosion and chemical agents, resistant against hot water, with low weight, ease to maintenance for repair and transport, simple welding and fast installation, long working life over 30 years. The properties of PPR fittings are as follows:
Density of material PPR 0,9 g/cm3 Temperature of welding 146 degree Celsius Thermal conductivity in 20 degree 0,23 W/mK Thermal linear expansion coefficient 1,5 x 0,0001 K Measure of elasticity in 20 degree 670 N/mm2 Stress against leakage in 20 degree 22 N/mm2 Stress against the broken in 20 degree 35 N/mm2
The inside diameters and thickness of fittings should be adapted with PPR pipes that are given in the drawings and technical conditions. (Thickness of fittings should be for 1,5 time of pipe pressure). Data on the outside diameters of fittings (elbow, Tee, reduction, socket etc), pressure, name of manufacturer, standards, year of production should be stamped on each piece. PPR fittings may be connected with electro fusion welding method using special welding equipment. This method shall guarantee long life of pipes, sure connection and homogenate of welding. The welding process can continue a few minutes (depend from the thickness and diameters of pipes. The cutting of pipes, their welding and other fittings during this process should make with special welding equipment. The welding process with electro fusion will be as follows: Should be prepared the welding equipment with electro fusion methods and their parts for diameters of pipes and fittings that we will connect. The welding equipment will be connected with electric power in a socket and we will check working lamp. Will wait some minutes that the welding temperature will be 260 degree Celsius Should be marked the depth of welding with a conductivity pencil. The pipes and fittings should be cleaned before the starting of heating process. Start the heating process and welding process. Time of heating, welding and cooling are given in the tables as follows: Outside Period of Period of welding Period of Diameter of heating process cooling pipes in mm In sec in sec. In min. 16 mm (1/2") 5 4 2 20 mm (3/4") 5 4 2 25 mm (1") 7 4 2 32 mm(1.1/4") 8 6 4 40 mm(1.1/2") 12 6 4 50 mm(1.3/4") 18 6 4 63 mm (2") 24 8 6 The end of the pipe will put to heating hole of equipment and fitting will put in another side of welding equipment. Ends of pipes and fittings should be welded after their heating (according to the above table). After their welding, pipes and fittings will be staid some minutes for cooling. Note: For different
diameters of pipes have different time for heating, welding and cooling (see table). After the finish of this process, fittings are ready to use.
If will use stainless steel pipes, the pipes will connect with fittings with filet. In this case, all fittings are metallic with filet. During the jointing process, should be sure that the connection has not leakage. All works of installation should be perfect and in accordance with technical requirements of project and Supervisor. A sample of drinking water fittings with their quality certificate, origin certificate and warranty certificate must be previously submitted to the Supervisor for approval before installation on the object. Supervisor can make additional test on physical, Mechanical and thermal properties, pressure, leakage, etc (Pressure test is 1.5 time of working pressure). Valves The valves are special tools that shall be used regarding the flowing control in the water pipelines. With the help of the valves it can be changed the flowing quantity or the flowing can be completely interrupted. The valves can be of bronze, pig iron or PPR material. They are spherical, of join type, filleting type or with a flange. The valves of joining type to the pipes are divided in: with flange and with fillets. The valves consist of the following parts: Cylindrical body of bronze or pig iron. In this body should be fixed the respective flange, which enable the valve joining to the network pipeline. The sphere, which should enable the opening and closing of the valve. They are of steel or bronze material and should be resistant to the corrosion, mechanical attacks, etc. The bar, which is connected to the center of the turning, which realises the opening and closing of the disc through rotation vertical removal. The valve shutter, which is fixed by screws to the cylindrical body of the valve or by filleting.
The valves used in a water supply line shall afford a pressure 1,5 times more than the working pressure. They should face a minimal pressure of 10 atm. The valves should provide a perfect resistance to the corrosion, resistance to chemical agents, light weight, easily repairing and transport, duration over 25 years and resistance to the mechanical attacks. In special cases, when requested by the design or the supervisor, can be used also one way valves. These are placed in the sucking pipe or in the distribution one. Their installation should be done in the main building entrance. Regarding the water supply system of the buildings, in cases when shall be utilised plastic tubes PPR (Polypropylene Random), the respective valves can be PPR, which
meet the quality conditions according to ISO 9001 and DIN 8078 standard (quality and testing requirements). All the works related to their installation and placing in situ shall be according to the technical requirements of the supervisor and the design. A valve sample, which shall be used supported by the quality, origin, testing, and warranty certificate, is to be given to the Supervisor for approval before placing in situ. The supervisor can make supplementary testing regarding their physical-mechanicaltarmac situation, possible flowing and pressure proof after the installation (pressure test shall be done with 1.5 times of the working pressure). 9.2.4 Water Reservoirs The water Reservoirs should provide the pressure and quantity of water in the building during the day. Their volume and other technical specification (pressure, quantity, etc) should be given by the designer depending from daily water consumes. The volume of water reservoir should be calculated depending from scheme of project as follows: a- If will be installed only the water reservoir on the building, the volume of water reservoir will be calculated as follows: V = (0,5-0,8) x Qd
Where Qd is daily quantity given in m3
b- If will be installed the water reservoir and water pump on the building, the volume of water reservoir will be calculated as follows: V = (0,2-0,3) x Qd
Where Qd is daily quantity given in m3
The volume of water reservoir on the building should be less than 25 m3. If the project has special requirements for protection against the fire, the volume of water reservoir will be calculated for a water reserve of ten minutes that will supply all internal hydrants. The water reservoir will be made up to plastic materials, steel with zinc covering or stainless steel. Their form can be circular or quadrangle. This form is depending from the installation place and requirement of project. The calculation of thickness for reservoir materials will be depending by the volume of reservoir and their forms but the thickness can not be less than 1 mm. The water reservoir is composed as follows: 1- Pipe of water supply. In this pipe will be installed a swimming non-return valve 2- Distribution pipe. In this pipe will be installed a non-return valve. 3- Overthrow pipe will be installed not less than 150 mm from the cover of reservoir 4- Discharge pipe will be installed in lowest part of reservoir. It will have a control valve
5- Signal pipe (as request of supervisor) will be installed 20 - 30 mm under the overthrow pipe 6- Swimming Gallant 7- Water boiler Diameters and lengths of above pipes will be depending by the water volume and the connection with internal water supply network that are given in technical drawings. All pipes should be made up to galvanised steel pipes (in the case of metallic reservoir) or PPR pipes (in the case of plastic reservoir) The water reservoir will be installed on the special part of building. Depending by the selected scheme, they can be installed on terrace of building or basement of building. They will be installed on the wooden special parts that are connected with a stainless steel sheet with minimum thickness 2mm. This basement of reservoir will protect the slab or other part of building against moisture, leakage or condensation of water. All works of installation should be perfect and in accordance with technical requirements of project and Supervisor. A catalogue with technical data of water reservoir, quality certificate, origin certificate and warranty certificate with minimum 1 year must be previously submitted to the Supervisor for approval before installation of the pump on the object. Water pumps The water pump should provide the requested pressure and quantity of the building during the day. They will be installed in accordance with requirements of project. The pump can be centrifugal type or submersible type. The water pump will have a water meter and a manometer. The connection pipes with water supply system, electric panel, the electric protection system, automatic thermal protection system and automatic control system. Requested the designer depending by the daily requirement of water consumer should give pressure, quantity, power and other technical specification in technical drawing. If the water supply system is foreseen with only a pump, The quantity of pump should be equal with maximum water daily quantity per sec. If the water supply system is foreseen with pump and water reservoir, the quantity of pump should be in accordance with using daily diagram and water supply diagram. During the calculation of supply height of pump (requested pressure) should be taken in consideration the height of building, water pressure of the external water supply system and water local losses in bend or other parts of building. The Power of pump will be calculated as follows: N = Q x H / 102 x n
Where: Q = water quantity that will be pumped in l/sec H = Water supply Height n = efficiency of pump. The efficiency of pump should be more than 65 %. This will be given by manufacture.
If the project has special requirements for protection against the fire, the another pump should be installed as reserve. The characteristic of this pump will be in same with the first pump. Investor or supervisor before the installation of pump in object should give the special requirement for pump. Diameters and lengths of above pipes will be depending by the type of pump, technical characteristic of pump and the connection with internal water supply network that are given in technical drawings. All pipes should be made up to galvanised steel pipes, PE or PPR pipes The water pumps should be installed on the special part of building that are suitable for service, warming and without moisture. Depending by the selected scheme, they can be installed on basement of building. They will be installed on the metallic special plates that are jointed with basement. The metallic plate is not connecting with foundation or walls of building. The pump will be installed on the rubber plate, pillow with sand or wooden plate to eliminate the sound during the works of pumps. All works of installation should be perfect and in accordance with technical requirements of project and Supervisor. A catalogue with technical data of pump, qualities certificate, origin certificate and warranty certificate must be previously submitted to the Supervisor for approval before installation of the pump on the object. Hot water system Hot water systems are composed by thermal energy producer, distribution pipes and other equipment for supply of thermal energy. Thermal energy producer (depending from the source of energy) can be thermal boiler, panel of solar energy or electrical boiler. Thermal boiler can be used in the case of using as thermal source of coal, diesel or gas. This boiler ca be used in central heating system. In this case, should be foreseen the storage of material and sanitation protection area. The storage place of heating material should be 10-15 % of heating surface. Thermal boiler should be installed in the basement or first floor of building. Panels of solar energy should be used in the case of using as thermal source of solar energy. They can be used in central or local heating system. Solar panels will be installed on the upper part of building in 45 horizontal degrees. Their position will be in the front of south part of building and place with a long time of sunbeam. The condition of their work is water supply during all hours of the day. Their size should be calculated by designer depending from heating surface and the quantity of hot water. The Installation process should be given in the origin certificate by the manufacture. Electric boiler can be used in the case of using as thermal source of electric energy. They can be used in local heating system. Electric boiler should be putting in every floor near of heating equipment of water. Their size should be calculated by designer depending from heating surface and quantity of hot water. The installation process should be given in the origin certificate by the manufacture. For hot water system you should make two calculations:
1. Thermal calculation. Thermal calculation should be made to calculate the necessary quantity of heat and ventilation of area. During the calculation, should be taken in consideration thermal losses for position of building, his construction, output of heating using and thermal insulation. 2. Hydraulic calculation. Hydraulic Calculations should be made to calculate pressure losses during the moving of thermal agent (water) in the pipes of heating network and the size of pipes. The calculations are in same with calculation of drinking water supply system. Designer should make all calculations. All data for pipes, included installation process should be given in the notes of drawings. For the hot water system of buildings will be used PPR (Polypropylene) pipes that will be in accordance with international quality standards ISO 9001 and DIN 8078 (Quality and Test Requirements for pressure and resistant against temperature of PPR pipes). According to the request of supervisor, the contractor can use stainless steel pipes that are conforming above standards on their quality and test for resistant against high temperature and pressure. The pipes of hot water supply system should provide resistant against high temperature (to 100 Celsius degree), corrosion, chemical agents, simple possibility for repair, simple and fast welding, long working life and resistant against hot water. Properties of PPR pipes that will use for heating water supply system are as follows: Density of material PPR Temperature of welding Thermal conductivity in 20 degree Thermal linear expansion coefficient Measure of elasticity in 20 degree Stress against leakage in 20 degree 0,9 g/cm3 146celsius degree 0,23 W/mK 1,5 x 0,0001 K 670 N/mm2 22 N/mm2
Diameters of pipes depend from calculation flow of drinking water and flow velocities. During the calculation, the flow velocity should be 0,8-1,2 m/sec. For more information see point 9.2.1. At the hot water pipes should be installed the compensatory, type U or type omega because the pipes has linear deformation from hot water. The material of compensatory will be cast iron or steel.
All works of installation and putting of hot water system in object should be perfect and in accordance with technical requirements of project and supervisor. Thermal and hydraulic test should be made before the using of pipes. Thermal test should be made in maximum temperature. They will be made to check the thermal losses and other technical data that are given in the project. Hydraulic test should be made with pressure 1,25 time of working pressure. They will be made to check possibility leakage of pipes and stability of network. A sample of hot water pipe, their fittings and thermal insulation materials with their quality certificate, origin certificate and warranty certificate must be previously submitted to the Supervisor for approval before installation on the object. Supervisor can make additional test on physical, Mechanical and thermal properties, pressure, leakage, etc. 9.3 9.3.1 Sanitary Waste Discharge Pipes In the rainwater discharge system of buildings will be used PVC pipes. It will be in accordance with international quality standards ISO 4427 or prEN 12201 (Quality and test Requirements for pipes) The Pipes should be excellent resistant against corrosion and chemical agents, low weight, easy of maintenance for repair and transport, simple welding and fast installation, long working life over 30 years. The sizes of pipes will be depending from calculation flow of wastewater, flow velocities and full scale of pipes. The flow velocity should be 1,0-1,2 m/sec and the full scale of pipes should be 0,5- 0,8. The lengths of pipes should be 6-10 m. Diameters and thickness should be in accordance with data of technical of drawings. All data on outside diameters, pressure, name of manufacturer, year of production, etc should be stamped on every pipe. The discharge pipes should be installed on all parts of buildings (as columns) where are installed sanitation equipment. They will be installed near of waster water equipment. The discharge pipes should be connected with sanitation equipment in every floor. Fitting type Tee with 45 degree or 60 degree should make the connection of discharge pipes with discharge columns. The connection of pipes with 90 degree is not recommended. The pipes should be installed on or under the slabs or inside of the walls in accordance with technical conditions of installation for internal sewerage networks. The pipes should be PVC pipes with above technical characteristics. Their length should be less than 10 ml. Their diameter should be depending from outlet of sanitation equipment that is installed. The sanitation equipment should be in the groups to reduce the number of discharge columns. They will be installed in a vertical direction of all floors of building. Every vertical discharge columns will have checkpoints in every two floor. The diameter of columns should be in same in all floors of buildings. This diameter can not be less
than diameter of biggest waste water pipe. The using of discharge pipes with diameter less than 0 mm is not recommended. All works of installation and fixing in the object of them should be perfect and in accordance with technical requirements of project and Supervisor. The connection of the discharge pipes should be with special materials for PVC pipes in accordance with recommendation of pipe manufacturer. If the land of basement is not strong, the discharge pipes should be installed in concrete channel or bricks channel. A sample of PVC pipe with their quality certificate, origins certificate and warranty certificate must be previously submitted to the Supervisor for approval before installation on the object. Supervisor can make additional test on physical, Mechanical and thermal properties of pipes and special jointed materials of them If the surface of the basement is not strong enough.
Fittings for water discharge pipes The PVC fittings will be used for connection of discharge pipes with sanitation equipment and other part of sewerage system. . It will be in accordance with international quality standards ISO 4427 or prEN 12201 (Quality and Test Requirements for pipes). The fittings (connection parts) should be excellent resistant against corrosion and chemical agents, low weight, ease of maintenance for repair and transport, simple welding and fast installation, long working life. The sizes of fittings will depend upon calculations of flow of wastewater, kind of sanitation equipment, flow velocities and diameter of respectively pipes. The flow velocity should be 1,0-1,2 m/sec and the full scale of pipes should be 0,5-0,8. Diameters and thickness should be in accordance with data of technical drawings. All data on outside diameters, lengths, pressure, name of manufacture, referred standard, year of production, etc should be stamped on every fitting. The fittings of discharge pipes should be installed on all parts of building where are connected the sewerage pipes. Fitting type Tee or bend with 45 degree or 60 degree should make the connection of discharge columns with pipes. The pipes should be installed on or under the slab or inside of the walls in accordance with technical conditions of installation for internal sewerage networks. The fittings should be made up to PVC material with above technical characteristics. Their length should be in accordance with requirement of project. Their diameter should be depending from outlet of sanitation equipment that is installed. The diameter of fittings should be equal with diameter of discharge pipes. The smallest diameter is not recommended. If the pipes will change their diameter, the fittings should be adapted with them. All works of installation and fixing of them in the object should be perfect and in accordance with technical requirements of project and Supervisor. The connection of
the fittings with discharge pipes should be made by special materials for PVC pipes in accordance with recommendation of pipe manufacture. If the land of basement is not strong, the discharge pipes should be installed in concrete channel or bricks channel A sample of PVC fittings with their quality certificate, origins certificate and warranty certificate must be previously submitted to the Supervisor for approval before installation on the object. Supervisor can make additional test on physical, Mechanical and thermal properties of pipes and special jointed materials of them. Ventilation Pipes Ventilation pipes are extensions of upper part of discharge pipes. They will be installed 70 - 100 cm above the upper part of roofing or terrace of building. The ventilation pipe will provide the ventilation of internal and external sewerage network. This ventilation will provide the fast leaving of vapours from discharge columns and other vapours that are not good for health of peoples. Ventilation pipes will connect the sewerage columns with atmosphere. They will improve the works of sanitation equipment siphons. The diameter of ventilation pipes will be equal with diameter of discharge pipes. In the cold area, the diameter of ventilation pipe should be 50 mm biggest from discharge columns diameter. The ventilation pipe can be made up to cast iron, steel sheet, galvanised steel sheet with thickness 0,6 mm. The material should be resistant against corrosion, atmospheric agents, acetylene, ammoniac, benzoic and benzene vapours, etc. On the ventilation pipe will be installed a cover that will be improved the ventilation of discharge columns. Ellipsoidal equipment that is installed in ventilation pipes (depending requirement of project) can improve the ventilation of discharge columns. They will provide the fast leaving of vapour from discharge columns. If the ventilation pipe is near of balcony or windows of neighbour building, the height of ventilation pipes should be biggest of neighbour building. In this case, the ventilation pipe should be 4 m from them. An equipment group will have two ventilation tubes. The ventilation pipe should be installed in upper part of discharge pipe. They will be protected by the strong wind. They will be installed in vertical position. All works of installation and fixing of them in the object should be perfect and in accordance with technical requirements of project and Supervisor. A sample of ventilation pipe must be previously submitted to the Supervisor for approval before installation on the object. Floor Drains
The floor drain should be used for discharge of water from floor. They will be in accordance with international quality standards ISO 9001 and pr EN 12201, as described in the Technical Drawings. The floor drain set can make up in plastic, stainless steel or brass materials. The floor drain set should provide the fast and large flow of the water. They should be resistant against mechanic shutting, corrosion and chemical agents. They should provide water insulation, simple possibility for the repair, transport and connection. The parts of floor drain consist of: Collector basin in the Siphon form with D=80 - 120 mm. Their size is depending from the quantity of discharge water and the place of installation. Usually, the drains are circular but in some special case they are quadrangle with size 20-x 20 cm. Water discharge tube with D= 45 - 70 mm. The outlet pipe is in the body of collector basin. Their sizes are depending from the quantity of discharge water, kind of drain material and columns that are connected. Cover with holes is a part that will put on the collector basin. Their size is depending from the size of collector basin. The size and forms of holes are depending from quantity of discharge water, kind of floor and place of their installation. Usually, They are circular but the drains of the terrace of building are quadrangle.
The floor drain will be installed in the lowest part of the water collector basin. Usually, They will be installed near of centre of the floor. They can not be installed near of the connection of the walls with floor. The floor drain set should be connected with discharge columns by PVC pipe or zinc steel pipes (The connection will be realised with a siphon type tube). The above connection will be made by fittings, type Tee, with 45 degree or 60 degree. The connection pipes should be PVC pipes (in same technical characteristic with other water sewerage pipes). The lengths of them should is 20-30 cm. Their Diameters should be in function of the outlet of the floor drain. If the diameter of floor drain is different from supply pipe, should be used the reductions fittings. All works of installation and putting of floor drain in object should be perfect and in accordance with the project and Supervisors technical requirements. The connection of floor drain with discharge pipes should be with special materials for PVC pipes in accordance with recommendation of manufacture. A sample of floor drain with their quality certificate, origin certificates and warranty certificate must be previously submitted to the Supervisor for approval before installation on the object. Supervisor can make additional test on physical and mechanical properties of floor drain and welding materials. 9.3.5 Insulation of Pipes
The water insulation of pipes should be used to provide the protection of walls and floor from leakage of water. The water insulation of pipes consists of 3 goals as follows: To eliminate the leakage in connection of pipes and their fittings. The linen thread or Plastic materials that are given will make the water insulation from manufacture. The insulation materials should be putting in the filet of pipes and their fittings. Before the filet of two connection parts, this material should be painted with materials that are resistant against rust.
If will be used the PPR pipes, the water insulation should be made as described in item 94. If will be used steel pipes, type cups, the water insulation in their connection will be made by rubber water stop between their flange. In all above cases, The pressure test for leakage should be made in 1,5 time of working pressure. To eliminate the moisture of walls or floor by water condensation during the heating and cooling of pipes. In this case, the pipes should be protecting by a cloth materials or rubber material. To protect the pipes from rust.
The water insulation should protect the walls from moisture. The water insulation should provide the protection of connections from leakage, resistant of pipes against corrosion and rust. If the designer will request the water insulation of pipes with bitumen, the water insulation will be made up to technical standards and requirements of supervisor for water insulation with bitumen. The description of this method should be given in the project. (Painting with primer, insulation layers, kind of bitumen and insulation materials). All works of installation and water insulation of pipes should be perfect and in accordance with the project and Supervisors technical requirements. 9.3.6 Man Holes According to the role they play manholes are classified as: Waste water control pits. Rainwater & drainage collecting pits. Guiding (commanding) pits for drinking water pipes.
All the above-mentioned types of pits may be of pre-cast reinforced concrete slabs or concrete cast at the site.
The following procedure will be followed for the pits with pre-cast elements: Pre-determined section excavation in terrain of whatever nature and relocation of resulting material. Placing of pre-cast concrete and their connection with cement mortar, in good working order. The placing of the systems pipes and covering of spaces with mortar.
The pits in themselves have two important elements as described below: The pit construction element. The pit covering The descending stairs (for pits deeper than 1 m) The construction of the pit is realized according to the following order and elements: Pre determined section excavation in terrain of whatever nature and relocation of resulting material. River stone bedding layer Impermeable concrete layer flooring type m-200 in dosage as indicated in 4.1.4 adding in the mixture impermeability feature elements. Impermeable concrete walls of type m-200 me in dosage as indicated in 4.1.4 adding in the mixture impermeability feature elements. Impermeable concrete upper layer of type m-200 in dosage as indicated in 4.1.4 adding in the mixture impermeability feature elements. The supporting frame for the pit cover is also cast in concrete. The installation of the pit cover. The pit cover is made of two elements: The supporting frame. The cover. The measures of the pit cover will depend on its function allowing for a free enter/exit of a person. The pit cover and its frame will be of cast iron. Pits shall meet the following technical requirements: External load support. Ground pressure. Water pressure. The load support runs under the three following classes (A, B, C),: Class A- pits for pedestrian areas shall support up to 15 t weight. Class B- pits for car traffic areas, which, shall support up to 25 t weights. Class C- pits for car traffic areas, which, shall support up to 40 t weights. The water pressure coefficient shall be 2 t/m. The water pressure coefficient from outside up 0.5 m under the upper level of the cover, shall be 1 t/m and from inside with the fully filled. Stairs shall be installed in pits deeper than 1 m, which are used to facilitate entrance/exit. The stair shall be of corrosion resistant material (zinc). The stair is installed in the process of concrete walling of the pit with part of it fixed with concrete. Pit dimensions will depend on its function and be determined by the designer. Some pit types, covers and cover frames with the related technical data, are presented in the following table.
Septic Tanks The lavatory wastewaters shall be colleted and conveyed into the public sewerage system, if operational and near the object, or otherwise into a skeptic tank. In some cases water waters are collected together with the rainwaters, which are not conveyed, into the septic tank but on the water exit side of the pit. The selection of type and size of septic tanks and the way of wastewater discharge will depend from the place of their construction, wastewater discharge, permission and requirements of official institutions. The floor and the sidewalls of the septic tank shall be plastered from inside and outside and water-impermeable The average daily water consumption per capita given in the point 7.2 Hydraulic of the PROJECTING SPECIFICATIONS OF NORMS AND CRITERIA, which is 20 liters/day/student, shall be taken as a base for the calculation of septic tanks capacity. Septic Tanks, according to their functions, can be: Collector Collector + cleaning They are called Collector Septic Tanks because they will be used only for collection of wastewaters. After the collection, the wastewater will be taken from water tank truck according to the time schedule or in the moment that septic tank is full. They may have a rectangular, triangular or circular construction form. This type of septic tank can be used for a small population or whenever possible to easily remove the waste material by transport means.
The collector cleaning type septic tank besides the collection and cleaning of wastewaters allows for the discharge of waters whereas the harder sedimentation and waste material collected at the bottom of the tank are removed by a pumping with cistern type machinery at scheduled intervals less frequent than in the case with the collector. Septic tanks to be constructed with two different rooms necessary for the sedimentation and drainage (settlement) of waste material, according to the indication in the drawing shall be shall be realized in the following manner Ground excavation with predetermined section in accordance to the tanks dimensions. Gravel layer minimum 20 cm thick. Impermeable concrete foundation (type 100), lightly reinforced to a height 20 cm, in dosage as indicated in 4.1.4 Impermeable concrete walls (type 100), lightly reinforced to a height 20 cm, in dosage as indicated in 4.1.4 and coated with a minimum 2 cm cement mortar layer m-1 : 2, in dosage as indicated in 5.1.1. Vertical brick-work in full bricks and stone walls with different thickness and width in dosage per m: full bricks 410 pieces; clean sharp sand 0.25 m; cement type 300= 65 kg and water and stones= M25, with a minimum 2 cm thick cement mortar plaster (m 1:2) in dosage as indicated in 5.1.1. Entrance/exit tank cover as indicated 9.3.6.
Drained off waters resulting from the septic tank will be conveyed in PVC or cement pipes of minimum 200 mm diameter, laid 50 cm below the finished ground level at a gradient of minimum 1.5 % at a minimal distance of 50 m from the tank. These pipes shall extend up to a river, torrent or a drain pit as below described: Drain pit is constructed in the following manner: Ground excavation in predetermined sections in accordance with the dimensions of the drain 9age) pit and the bedding gravel layers. Minimal 15 cm thick bedding layer (layer 1) of gravel type 16/32. Impermeable concrete walls (type 100), lightly reinforced to a height 20 cm, in dosage as indicated in 4.1.4 and coated with a minimum 2 cm cement mortar layer m-1 : 2, in dosage as indicated in 5.1.1. The pits diameter will be min. 1.5 m Minimal 20 cm thick gravel layer of the type 4/8 poured over layer 1, Minimal 40 cm thick of clean sand layer of the type 0/4. An ante-spraying plate is installed at the discharging area of the incoming discharge pipe. 60 cm pit covers used for entrance/exit as described 9.3.6.
Rain water drainage Rainwater droning collected by the roofs and terraces is an important moment (point) during the design process of a building. The rainwater shall be either channeled to the existing local channeling system or be collected and exploited for the irrigation of the terrain (landscape) or for some other purpose. The roofs, balconies, terraces and other construction elements shall be drained through a gutters and pipes system. If the rainwater does not harm the landscape and terrain, the drainage system may not be linked with the existing channel network and be installed in such a way as to allow for the infiltration into the soil (ground).
Pipes and other elements A system of gutters and pipes is necessary for the drainage of the building elements. The drainage system components shall be water resistant and other extreme natural conditions resistant material. The pipes shall be hermetical and capable of enduring without any damage a pressure of at least 0.5 bars. The welding of pipes shall be perfectly executed under the supervision of the architect (designer) The metal-sheet drainage pipes shall be allowed only for outside the building. The gutters as systems elements may be of various material but they shall be of the same material with the pipes they shall be linked with. Gutters shall be of U form, rectangular form or some other form.
Roofs drains
The roofs drainage shall be in accordance with the norms/standards. Generally the water drains towards the lower point of the roof slope. If the roof has a terrace form it shall be drained according to need and to the geometrical form. The roofs shall be equipped with gutters, which collect the water and send it to the vertical pipes for discharge. The gutters shall have a slope gradient of 1 2 % up to the connection point with the vertical pipes. In cases of terrace-like roofing it shall have a slope gradient of 1 2 % up to the point of the vertical pipes in order to withdraw the rainwater. 9.4.3 Man Holes For the gathering of rain waters it preferable to be placed a special pit, in which the water will gather and exploited according the necessities. In some cases the rainwater are gathered in same pit with wastewater. The covers of these pits are by cast iron pit material and have splitting with width 2-3 cm in order to impede the trash and also to enable the water drainage. 9.5 9.5.1 Sanitary Fittings Water Closet (WC) set and flash box In the Toilet rooms and washing parts Water Closet (WC) sets should be foreseen. The WC sets are porcelain sanitary toilets made of in Porcelain materials in accordance with international quality standards ISO 9001. The Type of WC set can be Oriental (Turkish) Type or Modern (French) type. Oriental Type will be installed directly on the floor with cement mortar. They will be putt in accordance with the Supervisors requirements. The WC sets, Modern (French) Type will be strongly fixed on the floor or to the wall by brass clamps and screw plugs and screws, without creating gaps in the wall tiling. WC set will be connected with water discharge pipes before the installation on the wall by brass clamps. The outlet of the WC set can be under the body of the set or on the backside of the WC set. The WC set with side outlet should be 19 cm high from floor level. In the lowest part of the collector basin will be a hole with minimal diameter of D= 90 mm. The upper part of WC set can be oval or circular in accordance with the project requirements and WC set type. The height of WC set, Modern type, is 38-40 cm. They will be installed in accordance with the project and Supervisors requirement. Horizontal Distance between WC Sets and other sanitation equipment (Wash basin, bidet, etc) should be minimum 30 cm. WC sets should provide a fast and big water flow. They should be resistant against mechanical shutting, corrosion and chemical agents. They should provide water insulation, good condition during the work and easy access for the repair. The WC set should be connected with sewerage pipes (The connection will be realized with a siphon type tube). The connection pipes of WC sets should be PVC pipes (of the same technical characteristic with other sewerage pipes). Their
Diameters should match the outlet of the WC set (Usually their diameter is 100-110 mm). The WC set will be connected with drinking water system. The connection will be realized to a flash box that can be installed directly on the WC set or on the wall (separately from the WC set). This depends on the type of WC set. The flash box will be installed in the height of 1,5 m high from floor level. The flash box made of metal; plastic or porcelain materials will be in accordance the project and quality standards ISO with requirements. The sewerage pipe will be fixed on the wall every 50 cm. All the supervisor technical requirements to complete the work in a first class should be included. The connection of the WC set with the sewerage pipes should be done by special materials for PVC pipes in accordance with the recommendation of the pipe manufacturer. Sample of the WC set together with quality certificate, certificate of origin, test certificate and warranty certificate will be submitted to the supervisor for the initial approval before WC installation at the site. The WC set technical data (including WC type, working pressure, name of the manufacturer, standards and year of production) should be given in the catalogue. The supervisor can conduct on additional test for the mechanical and physical data. 9.5.2 Urinals In the Toilet rooms and Washing parts the installation of Urinal sets should be foreseen. The Urinal sets are porcelain sanitary toilets made of Porcelain material in accordance with the international quality standards ISO 9001, as described in the Technical Drawings from designer. They will be installed directly on the floor with cement mortar. They will be put in accordance with the Supervisors requirements. The Urinal sets will be strongly fixed to the wall by brass clamps and screw plugs and screws, without any gaps in the wall tiling. Urinal set will be connected with water discharge pipes before the installation to the wall by brass clamps. In the lowest part of the collector basin there will be a hole with minimum diameter of D= 50 mm. The upper part of the Urinal set can be oval or circular in accordance with the project requirements and the Urinal set type. The Urinal set height, Modern type, is 55-70 cm. They will be installed in accordance with the project and Supervisors requirement. Horizontal Distance between Urinal Sets and other sanitation equipment (Wash basin, bidet, etc) should be minimum 30 cm. The Urinal sets should provide a fast and big water flow. They should be resistant against mechanical shutting, corrosion and chemical agents. They should provide water insulation, good condition during the work and easy access for the repair. The Urinal set should be connected with sewerage pipes (The connection will be realized with a siphon type tube). The connection pipes of urinal set should be PVC pipes (in same technical characteristic with other sewerage pipes). Their Diameters should match of the outlet of the urinal set, but be of the minimum diameter of 50 mm. The Urinal set will be connected with drinking water system. The connection will be realized with a flash box that can be installed directly on the wall (separately from the urinal set). The cassette will be installed in a height of 1,5 m high from floor level. The
flash box made of metal; plastic or porcelain materials will be in accordance with the project and quality ISO standards requirements. The sewerage pipe will be fixed to the wall by brass clamps and screw plugs and screws every 50 cm. All the supervisor technical requirements to complete the work in a first class should be included. Special materials for PVC pipes in accordance with the pipe manufacturers recommendations should do the connection of the urinal set with the sewerage pipes. Sample of the urinal set together with the quality certificate, certificate of origin, test certificate and warranty certificate will be submitted to the supervisor for the initial approval before the fixing at the site. The technical data of the Urinal set (including the Urinal type, working pressured, name of the manufacture, standards and year of production) should be given in the catalogue. The supervisor should make an additional test for the mechanical and physical data. 9.5.3 Wash Basin sets In the Toilet rooms and washing parts Wash Basin sets should be foreseen. The Wash Basin sets are sanitary equipment for washing hands, face, etc. Wash Basin set can be made of metallic materials, Porcelain materials or in site. Material type for Wash Basin set will be in accordance with the international quality standards ISO 9001, as described in the Technical Drawings from designer. The Washbasin sets should provide a fast and big water flow. They should be resistant against mechanical shutting, corrosion and chemical agents. They should provide water insulation, sound insulation, and good condition during the work and easy access for the repair. The Wash Basin and their support will be strongly fixed to the wall by brass clamps and screw plugs and screws, without any gaps of the wall tiling. Washbasin set will be connected with water discharge pipes before the installation to the wall by brass clamps. The outlet of the WC set can placed be under the body of the set or in the backside of the WC set. The WC set with side outlet should be 19 cm high from floor level. In the lowest part of the collector basin will be a metallic hole with minimal diameter of D= 40 mm. The size of collector basin is 40/60 cm x 36/ 45 cm (depending the type and model). The collector basin can be oval or circular in accordance with the project and type requirements. The height of the Washbasin set is 75 - 85 cm. They will be installed in accordance with the project and Supervisors requirements. Horizontal distance between the Wash Basin Set and other sanitation equipment (Water Closet, bidet) should be minimum 30 cm. Wash basin in site, according to the indications in the drawings and of the Supervisor of works formed from: N. 2 brick supporting walls in full brick and lime mortar with the following dosage per m3 according to the technical conditions of mortar preparation (n. 434 bricks, 0,17 kg of mortar, 27 kg of cement and necessary water).
Base lightly reinforced slab, realized in concrete (type 200) with dosage per m3 as technical conditions including formwork, propping. Supply and installation of mixer set for basin with plug and chain, taps and spout, siphon tube, etc. Tiling of vertical and flat surfaces in the ceramic tile of first quality.
The Washbasin set should be connected with sewerage pipes (The connection will be realized with a siphon type tube). The above connection will be made by fittings, type Tee, with 45 degree or 60 degree. The connection pipes of Washbasin sets should be PVC pipes (in same technical characteristic with other sewerage pipes). Their length should be 20 - 40 cm and their Diameters should match the outlet of the Washbasin set. The Washbasin set will be connected with drinking water system. The connection will be realized with two flexible pipes with the length of 30 - 50 cm and diameter OD= 1/2 ". The pipes will realize connection of valves with pipes of hot and cold water system. The Water Stop will be installed in the place of connection of valves with the washbasin set, because the water leakage should be stopped during the working time. All the supervisor technical requirements to complete the work in a first class should be included. The connection of the Washbasin set with the sewerage pipes should be with special materials for PVC pipes in accordance with the pipe manufacturers recommendations.
Sample of the Wash basin set together with the quality certificate, certificate of origin, test certificate and warranty certificate will be submitted to the supervisor for the initial approval before the fixing at the site. The technical data of the Washbasin set (including the Wash basin type, working pressure, name of the manufacture, standards and year of production) should be given in the catalogue. The supervisor can conduct on additional test for their mechanical and physical data.
9.6 9.6.1
Anti fire protection system (equipments) Fire extinguishing (anti fire) cylinders
According to contemporary norms/standards are divided into classes. The European standard DIN EN 2 for e.g. distinguishes the following classes of the fire extinguishing cylinders.
Class A : Used for fires originating from hard material i.e. timber, paper, textiles, plastics, etc. Class B: Used for fires originating from liquid materials benzenes, benzyl, alcohol, oil, etc. Class C: Used for fires originating from gas materials i.e. methane, propane etc. Class D: Used for fires originating from metallic material i.e. aluminum, magnesium, sodium, etc.
The types of fire extinguishing cylinders and their use in accordance to the material source of fire, are presented in the following table: Class: Ant fire cylinder: Ant fire dust cylinder Ant fire dust cylinder (dust used against the fire caused by metal materials) Ant fire dust cylinder (with special dust) Dioxide carbon Cylinder (CO2) Water cylinder Foam cylinder PG PM P K W S
The number of fire extinguishing cylinders shall be determined by the designer of the building in accordance with the contemporary (existing) norms/standards (e.g. DIN EN 3). They shall be maintained and checked at least, every two years, from the licensed authorities.
Annex VI
Dear Sir / Madam, Having examined the Bidding Documents, the receipt of which is hereby duly acknowledged, we, the undersigned, offer to supply and deliver [description of goods] in conformity with the said bidding documents for the sum of [total bid amount in words and figures] as may be ascertained in accordance with the Price Schedule attached herewith and made part of this Bid. We undertake, if our Bid is accepted, to deliver the goods in accordance with the delivery schedule specified in the Schedule of Requirements. We agree to abide by this Bid for a period of 120 days from the date fixed for opening of Bids in the Invitation to Bid, and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before the expiration of that period. We understand that you are not bound to accept any Bid you may receive.
......................... Signature
Nr. No.
Njesia Unit
Sasia Qty,
Heqje bazamak shkalle me granil te derdhur Demolishion of granulated stone treads in staircase Prishje hidroizolimi komplet I strehes Hydro insulation demolition of the terrace
Prishje suvatim muri deri ne tulle 100 % Internal walls plastering demolition up to the brick 100% Prishje suvatim solete pamvaresisht nga trashesia (vetem soleta e katit perdhe) Internal ceiling plastering demolition up to the slab 100% (only the ground floor ceiling) Prishje suvatim I jashtem deri ne tulle 100 % External walls plastering demolition up to the brick 100% Heqje dyer pa demtuar paturat Removal of doors without destroying the walls Heqje dritare e vetrata pa demtuar paturat Removal of windows without destroying the walls
Prishje mur tulle me pastrim Brick wall demolition and clean up Prishje shtrese betoni, solet beton armeje, trar e kolona (soleta e katit te pare) Concrete and reinforced concrete slab and beams and columns demolition Heqje e paisjeve elektrike + linjat Removal of electrical appliances+ lines
Heqje davancale dritaresh pa prishur muret Removal of windows sills without destroying the walls Heqje e kangjellave te rrethimit ekzistues Removal of existing surrounding fence
Concrete and Reinforced concrete works 1 Arkitrare B/arme M.200 / Breza Beton Arme nen cati RC Lintel, M.200 / R.C belt under roof 2 Shkalle monolite / rampa Stairs / ramps Subtotal III IV Punime murature Masonry works 1 Mur tulle me bira t=20 cm, lla bastard M-25 Holow Brick wall, t= 20 cm, Mortar M-25, 2 Mur tulle me bira t=12 cm, lla bastard M-25 Holow Brick wall, t= 12 cm, Mortar M-25, Mur gipsi per mbulimin e kolonave te ngrohjes & banjove Gypsum wall for covering the heating & toilets pipes columns Subtotal IV V Punime Tarrace Terrace Works Cati me tjegulla marsejeze, komplet me flugezat Roof with marsejese tile, complete 2 Termoizolim me termobaze nen tjegulla Thermoisolation with Thermo base under roof tiles Termoizolim me polisterol 5 cm ne tavan gipsi Thermoisolation Polystyrene layer 5 cm on suspended ceiling Shtrese h/izolimi me 2 guajno polimer 4mm Hydro-insulation with two layers t=4mm m2 560 m
Kaseta bashke me varanga shkarkimi bakri me zgare zingato 25x25cm Drop Outlet box for roof drainage, with metallic mesh 25x25cm Ulluk horizontal me celik te galvanizuar Horizontal Gutter of galvanised steel Ulluk vertikal shkarkimime celik te galvanizuar 60 x 120 mm (pergjate gjithe lartesise dhe nen trotuar) Down spout Gutter of galvanised steel 60 x 120 mm (along heigh and under sidewalk) Subtotal V
Punime hidroizolimi dhe shtresa Hydro-isolation and layers works Shtrese betoni C12/16 t=15cm (ne katin perdhe) Concrete layer C12/16 t=15 cm (on the ground floor) Shtrese h/izolimi i dyshemese se katit prdhe me 2 guajno 4mm + 40 cm ne mur Hydro-insulation ground floor with 2 layers guajne, 4mm + 40 cm on walls Shtrese h/izolimi me 2 guajna 4mm ne tualete dhe ballkone + 40 cm ne mur Hydro-insulation in toilets and balconies, with 2 layers guajne, 4mm + 40 cm on walls H/izolim me 1 letr ruberoid t=3mm ne WC dysheme dhe 40 cm mur Hydro-insulation layer t=3mm on toilets floor and 40 cm on wall Shtrese pllaka gress-porcelanat importi ne holle, koridore, klasa Import Gres tiles layer, on halls, coridors, classrooms F.V. plintusa gres porcelan (h=10 cm) F.I. Skirting in gress porcelain (h=10 cm) Shtrese pllaka gress-porcelanat importi ne tualete dhe ambiente sanitare Import Gres tiles layer, floor toilets
Marble tiles at doors Veshje muresh pllaka gress-porcelanat importi ne tualete h=170 cm Wall covering with Import Gres tiles layer in toilets h=170 cm Shtrese pllaka gress-porcelanat importi ne ballkone Import Gres tiles layer, floor balcons Shtrese pllaka mermeri ne shesh pushim shkalle Marble tiles in stairs landing
Shtrese lluster imento nen pllaka Mortar layer under the tiles Veshje bazamak shkalle te brendshme (shkelja granit 3cm, rihteri mermer 2cm) Step tiles (3cm granit horizontal layer and 2cm vertical rihter marble layer) Shtrese parket druri importi 2.2cm Wood parquet t=2.2cm, imported Veshje bazamak shkalle te jashtme me granit (shkelja 3cm, rihteri 2cm) + rampa Outside Step granite tiles (Tread 3cm, Riser 2 cm) + ramp Subtotal VI
Punime suvatimi e bojatisje Plastering and painting works Suvatim solete b/arme (vetem tavani I katit perdhe) Plastering of underside of concrete slabs (only ground floor ceiling) Patinim tavani I varur tek tualetet Plastering of suspended ceiling
Suvatim mur i brendshem Internal wall plastering Lyerje me boje akrilik mure te brendshem e tavane
Internal acrillic painting walls and ceillings Veshje e mureve perim. me mat. termoizolues (tip polistiren) 10cm + rrjete per suvatim Covering the outside walls with polystering, for thermoisolation + wire for plastering Suvatim mur i jashtem lla bastard M-25 Plastering of outside fasade wall Lyerje fasade me boje resistente ndaj agjenteve atmosferik Painting outside walls with all weather resistant paint Subtotal VII
F.V dyer MDF e plastifikuar (ne tualete) P.I plastificated MDF doors (in toilets)
FV Dyer MDF P.I MDF doors Dritare e jashtme duralumini e termoizoluar, dopio xham Thermo-insulated Aluminum windows with 2 glass layers Subtotal VIII
F.V. Davancale dritare mermeri 3cm Purchase and installation marble sills 3 cm Tavan I varur gipsi ne korridore, laborator kimie + nen catine e re (sistem me rrjete) Suspended ceiling in hollways, chemistry lab + under the new roof (grid mount) Tavan I varur gipsi ne tualete (rezistent ndaj ujit)
Suspended ceiling in toilets (water resistant) 4 Tavan me gips fasade (nen cati) Weather resistant suspended ceiling (under the roof) Veshje me pllaka travertin xokoli (h=45cm) Travertine wall covering (h=45 cm) Parmake me tuba alumini t nikeluar (tek rampa) Handrail with aluminium pipes in staircases (at the ramp) Trotuar me pllaka betoni tip matone t=6cm komplet me akell 20cm + shtrese rere 4cm Pavement with concrete tiles, type matone t=6cm, complet, balast 20cm, sand 4cm. Shesh me pllaka betoni para godines (komplet germimi, shtrese zhavorri dhe betoni) Concrete tile square in front of the building(including excavation,gravel and concrete) 9 Bordura betoni montazhi 15x25cm Precasted Cerbs, 15x25 cm F.V Kangjella dekorative tek dritaret e katit perdhe P.I Decorative security bars at the ground floor windows Subtotal IX X Punime sistemimi + Rrethimi Outdoor works + Surrounding wall 1 Sistemim drenazhi prapa shkolles Drainage system behind the school 2 Zbankime dher germim dheu me makineri ,me shkarkim mbi mjetrin e transportit Soil excavation with machinery+transport to the vehicle Mbushje ngjeshje dheu Back-filling with soil including compaction m3 10 m 60 ml 44 m
Transport dheu me auto per ne vendin e caktuar nga bashkia Soil transportation by vehicle to the place approved by the Municipality Mur me kangjella metalike + porta+ lyerje dy duar Wall and metalic fence, hend worked steell + entrance door + painting Subtotal X
Hydrosanitary Works Punime hidrosanitare Linja e ujesjellesit nga rrjeti i jashtem deri ne hyrje Water Supply Line from outside to inside
Kasete metalike per matesin e ujit 80x60 cm Metallic tape for water meter 80x60 cm
F.V. rezervuari zingato 2000 litra F.I. of water zinc Reservoirs 2000L
F.V tub PE-HD DN-1 1/2" 10 atmosfere F.I. PE-HD DN-1 1/2" 10 atmosphere
Termoizolim tubi 1/2" me armofleks (d22x9) Thermoinsulation of pipe 1/2" with material "armoflex' (d22x9) Termoizolim tubi 3/4" me armofleks (d22x9) Thermoinsultation of pipe 3/4" with material "armoflex' (d22x9) Termoizolim tubi 1'' me armofleks (d22x9) Thermoinsultation of pipe 1" with material "armoflex' (d22x9)
Tub DN-1/2" PE-HD, 10 at. per ujin e ftohte PE-HD pipes, DN =1/2'' for cold water, 10 atmosphere Tub DN-3/4" PE-HD, 10 at. per ujin e ftohte, PE-HD pipes, DN =3/4'' for cold water, 10 atmosphere
F.V. Saracineska bronxi DN-1.1/2", 10 at. F.I. bronze float valves DN-1.1/2" 10 atmospfere
F.V. Saracineska bronxi DN-3/4", 10 at. F.I. bronze float valves DN-3/4" , 10 atmosphere
F.V. Saracineska bronxi DN-1/2", 10 at. F.I. bronze float valves DN- 1/2" , 10 atmosphere Subtotal B
Kanalizimet nga pajisjet sanitare deri tek shkarkimi ne puseta Sewage system from the appliances to the manhole Tub PE-HD me gote dhe gomine DN 110, t=3mm PE-HD pipes, with cup and rubber, DN 110mm,t=3mm Tub PE-HD me gote dhe gomine DN-40, t=1.8 mm PE-HD pipes, with cup and rubber, DN 40mm,t=1.8mm Tub PE-HD me gote dhe gomine DN-50, t=1.8 mm PE-HD pipes, with cup and rubber, DN 50mm,t=1.8mm Tub PE-HD me gote dhe gomine DN-100, t=1.8 mm PE-HD pipes, with cup and rubber, DN 100 mm, t=1.8mm Brryl 90 DN 40 Elbow 90 DN 40
F.V. Lavaman porcelani komplet, me grupin dhe sifonin F.I. of porcelan Wash basin with group and siphon F.V. WC "Allaturka " komplet me rezervuarin e shkarkimit dhe lidhjet F.I. of Turkish toilets with reservoir and connections F.V. WC "Allafranga " komplet me rezervuarin e shkarkimit dhe lidhjet F.I. of French toilets with reservoir and connections F.V. WC per persona me aftesi te kufizuara F.I. of French disables toilets
Pusete shiu, deri 2m, kapak zgare hekuri me permasa 40x60cm Rain Shaft, up to 2m, with grid steel cover with dimensions 40x60 Tubacion drenazhi PE DN 200 mm PE Drainage Pipe DN-200 mm
Mbushje dheu tip argjile e ngjeshur Filling with compressed clay layer
F.I. Fluorescent tube lighting, "DD",4 x 18 wat, with diffuser 2 F.V. ndricuesa inkadeshent, 220V/40 wat F.I. Incandescent lighting, 220V/40 wat 3 F.V. tub fleksibel 16 F.I. Flexible duct 16 4 F.V. tub fleksibel 25 F.I. Flexible duct 25 5 F.V. percjelles Cu -1.5 mm, faze, nul, tokezim F.I. copper cable conductor Cu -1.5 mm, load, neutral, ground F.V. percjelles Cu -2.5 mm, faze, nul, tokezim F.I. copper cable conductor Cu -2.5 mm, load, neutral, ground FV kabell PVC / Cu -5 X 6 mm2 F.I. PVC cable / Cu -5 X 6 mm2 8 F.V. celes ndricimi 220V/16A, njepolar F.I. One pole lighting switch 220V/16A 9 F.V. celes ndricimi deviat 220V/16A, F.I. Deviate lighting switch 220V/16A, 10 F.V. prize shuko 220V/16A F.I. Schucko outlet 220V/16A 11 F.V. kuti automate 3 x 12 module, brenda muri F.I. Breaker Panel Box 3 x 12 cirquit breakers, inside the wall F.V. automat magnetotermik, 220V/16A F.I. Magneto-thermic automaton 220V / 16A 13 F.V. automat magnetotermik, 220V/25A F.I. Magneto-thermic automaton 220V / 25A
F.V. ndricues ambjent te jashtem,220V/500 wat P.I Outdoor lighting, 220V/500 wat
Rrjeti I sinjalizimit dhe detektimit te zjarrit Fire signalling and dedection system
Dedektore tymi dhe zjarri, optical Smoke and fire detector, optical
Pulsant zjarri me thyerje me xham, Type 1469, IP-65 Fire alarm pulsant with glass breaking, Type 1469, IP-65 Kabel me izolim PVC,, Type RG-59,S=2x1 mm, ngjyre e kuqe Isolation cable PVC,, Type RG-59,S=2x1 mm, red colour Tub fleksibelPVC , me djegje te brendshme pa emetim gazi, 16 mm Flexible PVC duct, flame less burning without gas emission, Heavy type 16 mm FV tabela sinjalizimi emergjence F.I. Emergency sign
komplet total
FV tub fleksibel 16 nen suva F.I. Flexible PVC duct 16 under plastering
Fikse zjarri portabel me pluhur 6 kg Portable Fire extinguisher with dust 6 kg Subtotal B
FV hekur 12 xingato( kontur rrufeprites ) F.I. Stainless steel 12 (lightning rod contour)
Measure grounding Subtotal D E Linja e furnizimit te godines Electric supply line 1 Montim matesi Installation of electric meter 2 FV kabell PVC/Cu-5 x 16 mm F.I. PVC cable / Cu -5 X 6 mm2 3 FV kasete elektrike e godines, komplet F.I. Electrical main panel of building, complete Subtotal E F Linja e furnizimit te Kaldajes Mechanical Electric supply line 1 FV tub plastik fleksibel 40 F.I. Flexible PVC duct 40 2 FV Kabell PVC/Cu-5x4 mm2 F.I. PVC cable Cu-5x4 mm2 3 FV automat magnetoelektrik 380V/25A, 4 mod F.I. Magneto-thermic automaton 380V / 25A, 4 mod Instalimi elektrik I salles kaldajes Electric installation of the mechanical room Subtotal F G FV terminale, percjelles, pajisje, etj F.I. Terminals, Conductors, equipments etc Subtotal G ls 1 cope 1 ml 45 ml 25 cope 1 ml 30 cope 1
Subtotal XII XIII Mechanical Works/Central Heating Punime mekanike/Ngrohje qendrore A Centrali termik Thermal plant rooom FV Kaldaje celiku me lende djegese te lenget, djeges me dy stade, fuqia totale e perdoreshme 150 kw, me komande elektronike dhe sonda te perfshira Supply & Installation of the Boiler (steel boiler), with two stage light oil burner , 150kW, Electronic comand, probes and sensors included. 2 Sistemi i rregullimit dhe i kontrollit te centralit termik Regulation and control system of heating plant Rezervuar i lendes djegese me mure te dyfishta, volumi 3,000 litra, per instalim nentoke, se bashku me pajisjet e kontrollit te alarmit te rrjedhjeve dhe nivelit te lendes djegese Double walled oil tank (3.000lit) installed underground equipped with an electronic tank contents gauge with alarm control unit (high intensity audible alarm, bright visual, alarm test button, audible alarm mute facility, alarm lamp, auto reset., weath 4 Pompe qarkullese binjake e kaldajes, (pune / standby) 8600 l/h, 110 kPa Twin Circulation (active/standby) pump, primary circuit, 8600 l/h, 110 kPa Pompe qarkullese antikondense, 2580 l/h, 45 Pa, bashke me termostatin mechanik. Anti condense circulation pump 2580 l/h, 45 Pa, mechanical thermostat included. Sensor i temperatures se ambjentit te jashtem Outside temperature detector 7 Alternues automatik i punes se pompave binjake Twin pump swich -Automatically alternates the operation of the pumps cope 1 cope 1 cope 1
1 cope
1 cope
Oxhak inox diam. 200mm, me murre te dyfishte largesi 25mm, i termoizoluar. Chimney, inox 200 mm duble wall with 25 mm thermoisolation Tunacionet e lidhjes se djegesit me rezervuarin e naftes (bakri 2 x 14mm) Connection pipes fuel tank - burner (2x14copper) Ene zgjerimi 150 lit. Expansion tank 150 l
Reduktues presioni 3/4", 1.5 bar Pressure reducter 3/4" , 1,5 bar
Ball valve DN 40 1 1/2" 21 Filter uji DN 50 2" Stainer DN 50 2" 22 Xhunto antivibruese per tubacione uji, DN 50 Vibration damping flexible coupling DN 50 23 Valvol balancuese DN 40 1 1/2" Balancing valve DN DN 40 1 1/2" Tubacion celiku i zi pa tegel 54/60 (2"), i termoizoluar (16mm), i veshur me flete PVC speciale (isogenopack), perfshire rakorderite dhe sistemin e fiksimit. Black iron pipes 54/60 (2") insulated (16mm), with special rigid PvC film for jacketing, fittings and fixing system (clamps) are included. Subtotal A B Sistemi I ngrohjes qendrore Central Heating System Radiator tubolar celiku 752 (W) (17 elemente/ 2 kolona) Steel tubolar radiator 752 (W) (17 elements/ 2 columns) Radiator tubolar celiku 803 (W) (18 elemente/ 2 kolona) Steel tubolar radiator 803 (W) (18 elements/ 2 columns) Radiator tubolar celiku 869 (W) (20 elemente/ 2 kolona) Steel tubolar radiator 869 (W) (20 elements/ 2 columns) Radiator tubolar celiku 1041 (W) (24 elemente/ 2 kolona) Steel tubolar radiator 1041 (W) (24 elements/ 2 columns) Radiator tubolar celiku 1135 (W) (26 elemente/ 2 kolona) Steel tubolar radiator 1135 (W) (26 elements/ 2 columns) Radiator tubolar celiku 1326 (W) (22 elemente/ 3 kolona) cope 1 cope 2 cope 1
20 ml
Steel tubolar radiator 1326 (W) (22 elements/ 3 columns) Radiator tubolar celiku 1513 (W) (25 elemente/ 3 kolona) Steel tubolar radiator 1513 (W) (25 elements/ 3 columns) Radiator tubolar celiku 1474 (W) (25 elemente/ 3 kolona) Steel tubolar radiator 1474 (W) (25 elements/ 3 columns) Radiator tubolar celiku 1550 (W) (26 elemente/ 4 kolona) Steel tubolar radiator 1550 (W) (26 elements/ 4 columns) Radiator tubolar celiku 1569 (W) (26 elemente/ 3 kolona) Steel tubolar radiator 1569 (W) (26 elements/ 3 columns) Radiator tubolar celiku 1578 (W) (26 elemente/ 3 kolona) Steel tubolar radiator 1578 (W) (26 elements/ 3 columns) Radiator tubolar celiku 1617 (W) (27 elemente/ 3 kolona) Steel tubolar radiator 1617 (W) (27 elements/ 3 columns) Radiator tubolar celiku 1649 (W) (21 elemente/ 4 kolona) Steel tubolar radiator 1649 (W) (21 elements/ 4 columns) Radiator tubolar celiku 1678 (W) (22 elemente/ 4 kolona) Steel tubolar radiator 1678 (W) (22 elements/ 4 columns) Radiator tubolar celiku 1685 (W) (22 elemente/ 4 kolona) Steel tubolar radiator 1685 (W) (22 elements/ 4 columns) Radiator tubolar celiku 1767 (W) (29 elemente/ 3 kolona) Steel tubolar radiator 1767 (W) (29 elements/ 3 columns) Radiator tubolar celiku 1801 (W) (23 elemente/ 4 kolona) Steel tubolar radiator 1801 (W) (23 elements/ 4 columns) Radiator tubolar celiku 2013 (W) (26 elemente/ 4 kolona) Steel tubolar radiator 2013 (W) (26 elements/ 4 columns)
Radiator tubolar celiku 2066 (W) (27 elemente/ 4 kolona) Steel tubolar radiator 2066 (W) (27 elements/ 4 columns) Radiator tubolar celiku 2213 (W) (29 elemente/ 4 kolona) Steel tubolar radiator 2213 (W) (29 elements/ 4 columns) Radiator tubolar celiku 2245 (W) (29 elemente/ 4 kolona) Steel tubolar radiator 2245 (W) (29 elements/ 4 columns) Radiator tubolar celiku 2263 (W) (29 elemente/ 4 kolona) Steel tubolar radiator 2263 (W) (29 elements/ 4 columns) Radiator tubolar celiku 2274 (W) (30 elemente/ 4 kolona) Steel tubolar radiator 2274 (W) (30 elements/ 4 columns) Valvola termostatike, 4 rrugeshe radiatoresh 1/2" me tub Lmin=290 mm per lidhje nga poshte te radiatorit e pershtatshme per sistem 2-tubesh. Thermostatic 4-way and balancing radiator valve DN 15 1/2" pipe Lmin=290 mm, radiator connection from below, suitable for 2 pipe system
61 cope
Tubacion celiku i zi pa tegel, bashke me sistemin e fiksimit54/60mm (2"), i termoizoluar (16mm) Black iron pipes, included fixing clamps, 54/60 (2") insulated (16mm)
60 m
Tubacion celiku i zi pa tegel, bashke me sistemin e fiksimit 42/48mm (1 1/2"), i termoizoluar (16mm) Black iron pipes, included fixing clamps, 42/48 (1 1/2") insulated (16mm)
32 m
21 m
Black iron pipes, included fixing clamps, 37/42 (1 1/4") insulated (13mm) 31 Tubacion celiku i zi pa tegel, bashke me sistemin e fiksimit 28/34mm (1"), i termoizoluar (13mm) Black iron pipes, included fixing clamps, 28/34 (1") insulated (13mm) 32 Tubacion celiku i zi pa tegel, bashke me sistemin e fiksimit 22/27mm (3/4"), i termoizoluar (13mm) Black iron pipes, included fixing clamps, 22/27 (3/4") insulated (13mm) Tubacion i termoizoluara bakri per ngrohje, permase 12x1 mm Copper pipes 12x1 mm. dia. 35 Tubacion i termoizoluara bakri per ngrohje, permase 14x1 mm Copper pipes 14x1 mm. dia. 36 Tubacion i termoizoluara bakri per ngrohje, permase 16x1 mm Copper pipes 16x1 mm. dia. Set kolektoresh shperndares 1", i kompletuar me kutine, saracineskat kryesore, ajernxjerresa, valvolen balancuese, mini saracineska", 6 dalje Collector set 1" , completed with box, main isolatin valvles, balancng valve, air vents, mini isolating valves., 6 derivats 39 Set kolektoresh shperndares 1", i kompletuar me kutine, saracineskat kryesore, ajernxjerresa, valvolen balancuese, mini saracineska", 8 dalje Collector set 1" , completed with box, main isolatin valvles, balancng valve, air vents, mini isolating valves., 8 derivats 40 Set kolektoresh shperndares 1", i kompletuar me kutine, saracineskat kryesore, ajernxjerresa, valvolen balancuese, mini saracineska", 9 dalje Collector set 1" , completed with box, main isolatin valvles, balancng valve, air vents, mini isolating valves., 9 derivats 41 Ajernxjerres automatik 3/4" Automatic air vents 3/4" cope 8 1 cope 5 cope m 45 m 950 58 m 27 m
2 cope
Subtotal B C Sistemi i ventilimit Ventilation system Rekuperator nxehtesie 900 m3/h, 120 Pa, me bateri me uje 80/65-9500 W, i kompletuar me komanden me 3 shpejtesi, On/OFF, valvolen 3 -rrgueshe mishelatricesonde temperature etj. Heat recovery unit 900 m3/h, 120 Pa, heating coil 80/65-9500 W, thermostat 3 speed ON/OFF, 3-way mixing valve temperature sensor etc. included Tubacione dhenje ajri, kuadratike te termoizoluara, prej llamarine zinkato, bashke me sistemin e fiksimit. Supply air ducts, square constructed, thermoinsulated, made in stainlees steel sheet, clamps included. 3 Tubacione thithje ajri, kuadratike te patermoizoluara, prej llamarine zinkato,bashke me sistemin e fiksimit. Supply air ducts, square constructed, uninsulated, made in stainlees steel sheet, clamps included. Grile dhenje ajri 300-400 (m3/h), me 2 rrjeshta, prej alumini te anodizuar, e kompletuar me pleniumin dhe damferin perkates Supply air grile 300-400 (m3/h), 2 - row, made from anodizated aluminium, completed with plenium and damper Grile thithje ajri 300-400 (m3/h), me 1 rrjeshta, prej alumini te anodizuar, e kompletuar me pleniumin dhe damferin perkates Extract air grile 300-400 (m3/h), 1 - row, made from anodizated aluminium, completed with plenium and damper Subtotal C Subtotal XIII XIV Dhoma e kaldajes (Ana ndertimore) Mechanical room (Construction part) Punime dheu / Soil excavation m2 25
Transport dheu Soil transportation by vehicle to the place approved by the Municipality Punime murature / Masonry Works
Mur tulle 25 cm Ll. M.25 Brick wall 25 cm, Mortar M.25 Punime betoni e B.A. / Concrete and R.C. Works
Themele betoni M.100 dhe xokol Concrete foundation M.100 and subgrade
Soleta beton arme me tulla me vrima t=25 cm Reinforced concrete slab with hollow bricks t=25 cm Punime tarrace / Terrace Works
Lyerje tavani Ceiling painting Punime dyer dritare / Windows and Doors Works
Dere e jashtme metalike External metallic door Punime te ndryshme / Other Works
F.V. Zgare metalike ne dritare + lyerje F.I. Metallic security bars + painting
Oxhak + konstruksion metalik mbajtes Chimney + suportive metallic structure Instalimi elektrik I salles kaldajes Electric installation of the mechanical room
FV automat magnetotermik, 380V/16A, 4 mod. F.I. Magneto-thermic automaton 380V / 16A, 4 mod FV automate magnetotermik 380V/10A, 3 mod F.I. Magneto-thermic automaton 380V / 10A, 3 mod FV automat magnetotermik, 220V/10A, 2 mod F.I. Magneto-thermic automaton 220V / 10A, 2 mod FV rele Umin,max, 380V F.I. Relay Umin,max, 380V
FV ndricues 220V/150W max P.I Lighting 220V/150W max Civil works for outside pipes of the heating center Punime civile per tubacionet e jashtme te kaldajes
Dysheme dhe mur betoni M.100, perreth tubave Concrete floor and walls around the pipes M.100 Kapak B/A R.C Cover
Ganxha metalike per fiksim, cdo 1 m Metallic elements for installation, every 1 m Subtotal XIV SHUMA/SUM Fond reserve/Rezerve fund 5%
cope pcs,
Signature of Bidder ..
Annex VIII
BID SECURITY FORM To: The procuring entity,
Whereas [name of contractor] (hereinafter called the Contractor) has submitted its proposal dated [date submission of proposal] for the provision of services for [description of service] (hereinafter called Proposal). KNOW ALL PEOPLE by these presents that WE [name of bank], having our registered office at [address of bank] (hereinafter called the Bank), are bound unto [name of Purchaser] (hereinafter called the Purchaser) in the sum of for which payment well and truly to be made to the said Purchaser, the Bank binds itself, its successors, and assigns by these presents. Sealed with the Common seal of the said Bank this of...2012. THE CONDITIONS of this obligation are: 1. If the Contractor withdraws its Proposal during the period of proposal validity specified by the Contractor on the Proposal Submission Form: or 2. If the Contractor, having been notified of the acceptance of its Proposal by the Purchaser during the period of validity of the proposal: (a) fails or refuses to execute the Contract Form, or (b) fails or refuses to furnish the Performance Security, in accordance with the Instructions to Contractors; we undertake to pay to the Purchaser up to the above amount upon receipt of its first written demand, without the Purchaser having to substantiate its demand, provided that in its demand the Purchaser will note that the amount claimed by it is due to it, owing to the occurrence of one or both of the two conditions, specifying the occurred condition or conditions. This guarantee will remain in force up to and including thirty (30) days after the period of validity of the proposal, and any demand in respect thereof should reach the Bank not later than the above date.
Signature of the Bank