Construction of Industrial Electron Beam Plant For Wastewater Treatment

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Construction of Industrial Electron Beam Plant

for Wastewater Treatment

Bumsoo Han, JinKyu. Kim, Yuri Kim, SeongMyun Kim, MyunJoo Lee*
JanhSeung Choi** SangJun Ahn**, I. E. Makarov*** and A.V. Ponomarev***

EB-TECH Co. , Daeduk Techno-Valley Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 305-500, Korea

*Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon 305-353 (
** Korea Dyeing Technology Center, Daegu 703-010 (E-mail:
*** Institute of Physical Chemistry, Moscow Russia (E-mail:
*Corresponding author’s E-mail: and FAX : +82-42-930-7500


A pilot plant for treating 1,000m3/day of dyeing wastewater with e-beam has been constructed and
operated since 1998 in Daegu, Korea together with the biological treatment facility. The wastewater
from various stages of the existing purification process has been treated with electron beam in this
plant, and it gave rise to elaborate the optimal technology of the electron beam treatment of
wastewater with increased reliability at instant changes in the composition of wastewater.
Installation of the e-beam pilot plant resulted in decolorizing and destructive oxidation of organic
impurities in wastewater, appreciable to reduction of chemical reagent consumption, in reduction of
the treatment time, and in increase in flow rate limit of existing facilities by 30-40%. Industrial
plant for treating 10,000m3/day, based upon the pilot experimental result, is under construction and
will be finished by 2005. This project is supported by the International Atomic Energy Agency
(IAEA) and Korean Government.

Keywords : Textile dyeing wastewater; electron beam irradiation; radicals; pilot plant; dyes


The treatment of the industrial wastewater containing refractory pollutant with electron beam is
actively studied in EB-TECH Co. Electron beam treatment of wastewater leads to their purification
from various pollutants. It is caused by the decomposition of pollutants as a result of their reactions
with highly reactive species formed from water radiolysis: hydrated electron, OH free radical and H
atom (Pikaev, 1986). Sometimes such reactions are accompanied by the other processes, and the
synergistic effect upon the use of combined methods such as electron beam with biological
treatment, adsorption and others improves the effect of electron beam treatment of the wastewater
purification. In the process of electron-beam treatment of wastewater there are utilized chemical
transformations of pollutants induced by ionizing radiation. At sufficiently high absorbed doses
these transformations can result in complete decomposition (removal) of the substance. Under real
conditions, i.e., at rather high content of pollutants in a wastewater and economically acceptable
doses, partial decomposition of pollutant takes place as well as transformations of pollutant
molecules that result in improving subsequent purification stages, efficiency of the process being
notably influenced by irradiation conditions and wastewater composition (Woods, 1994).

Wastewaters from textile dyeing companies : The complex wastewater from textile dyeing
companies in Daegu Dyeing Industrial Complex (DDIC) were investigated in this study. DDIC
includes about hundred factories occupying the area of 600,000m2 with 13,000 employees in total.
The production requires high consumption of water (90,000m3/day), steam, and electric power,
being characterized by large amount of highly colored industrial wastewater. Purification of the
wastewater is performed by union wastewater treatment facilities (chemical treatment and 2 steps of
biological treatment). Current facility treats up to 80,000m3 of wastewater per day, extracting
thereby up to 500m3 of sludge. Rather high cost of purification results from high contamination of
water with various dyes and ultra-dispersed solids. Because of increase in productivity of factories
and increased assortment of dyes and other chemicals, substantial necessity appears in re-equipment
of purification facilities by application of efficient methods of wastewater treatment. The existing
purification system is close to its limit ability in treatment of incoming wastewater.


Laboratory-scale feasibility study : The laboratory scale studies had been carried out regarding
the possibility of electron beam application for purification of wastewater. With the co-works of
EB-TECH Co., Korea Dyeing Technology Center (DYETEC) and Institute of Physical Chemistry
of Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow, Russia (IPC), the experiments on irradiation of model
dye solutions and real wastewater samples (from various stages of current treatment process) had
been performed. In the experiments, electron accelerator of 1 MeV, 40kW with the dose rate of
40kGy/s is used. To carry out the experiments, the laboratory unit was constructed for irradiation
under flow conditions. The initial water is placed in storage vessel, which serves as saturator-
equalizer. Wastewater from the vessel was moved with controlled consumption by pump to multi-
jet nozzle. Diameter of each jet was equal to 4 min; it is equal to the range of 1 MeV electrons in
water. The rate of wastewater moving at the exit of the nozzle was controlled within the range of 2-
4 m/s (it corresponded to the rate of wastewater in the industrial plant under design). The
wastewater injected directed in parallel each other in horizontal plane; their flight length was equal
to ~1.5 m (at the initial rate 3m/s). The wastewater injected along horizontal part of their flight was
treated by electron beam. Then irradiated wastewater was collected into the special container.
The results of laboratory investigations showed the application of electron beam treatment of
wastewater to be perspective for its purification (Figure 1). The most significant improvements
result in decolorizing and destructive oxidation of organic impurities in wastewater. Installation of
the radiation treatment on the stage of chemical treatment or immediately before biological
treatment may results in appreciable reduction of chemical reagent consumption, in reduction of
the treatment time, and in increase in flow rate limit of existing facilities by 30-40%.




800 TOC


Seeding Bio only EB(2.1 EB(4.3
kGy)+Bio kGy)+Bio

Figure 1 Combined effect of e-beam and biological treatment.

Construction of pilot plant : Being convinced with the feasibility of laboratory scale tests, a pilot
plant for a large-scale test (flow rate of 1,000m3 per day) of wastewater has constructed and is now
under operation with the electron accelerator of 1MeV, 40kW (Figure 2). The size of extraction
window is 1500mm in width and Titanium foil is used for window material. The accelerator was
installed in Feb. 1998 and the technical lines are finished in May 1998. For the uniform irradiation
of water, nozzle type injector with the width of 1500mm was introduced. The wastewater is
injected under the e-beam irradiation area through the injector to obtain the adequate penetration
depth. The speed of injection could be varied upon the dose and dose rate. Once the wastewater has
passed under the irradiation area, then directly into the biological treatment system. The Tower
Style Biological treatment facility (TSB) which could treat up to 1,000m3 per day has also installed
in October 1998. TSB is composed of equalizer, neutralizer, and 6 steps of contact aeration media.
Each aeration basins are filled with floating or fixed bio-media to increase the contact area.

main fac ility

Inf l uent
80,000m / day 3
1,000m / day
1,000m / day
Eff l uent

T ower t y pe Biological Sy stem Reser voir

e- beam i r radi ati on
Figure 2 Schematic diagram of Pilot Plant with e-beam


Result of pilot plant operation. Inlet flow of pilot plant is a raw wastewater from dyeing process
including the wastewater from polyester fiber production enriched with Terephtalic acid (TPA) and
Ethylene glycol (EG). TPA concentration of influent is about 2⋅10-2mol/l that is much higher than
total concentration of all other dissolved pollutants. This concentration corresponds to electron
fraction of TPA about 0.2% that makes direct action of radiation on TPA (or other pollutant) be
negligible when treating the wastewater by electron beam. On the other hand, this concentration is
high enough to prevent recombination of radical products of water radiolysis in the bulk of solution,

Figure 3 Electron Accelerator and Wastewater under Injection

taking into account high rate constants of reactions of both reducing (hydrated electrons, hydrogen
atoms) and oxidizing (hydroxyl radicals) particles with terephtalate anion (Buxton et. al., 1988).:
e-aq + 1,4-C6H4(COO-)2 ⎯→ R1 k = 7.3×109 l mol-1 s-1
H + 1,4-C6H4(COO-)2 ⎯→ R2 k ≅ 1×109 l mol-1 s-1
OH + 1,4-C6H4(COO-)2 ⎯→ R3 k = 3.3×109 l mol-1 s-1
Figure 4 shows that wastewater can be efficiently purified by bio-treatment. Preliminary electron-
beam treatment improves the process, resulting in more significant decreasing TOC, CODCr, and
BOD5. As concerns changes in TOC, CODCr, and BOD5, it follows that preliminary electron-beam
treatment make it possible to reduce bio-treatment time twice at the same degree of removal.
Averaged for one month’s period decrease in TOC values amounted 72%, for the first flow (48h
HRT biotreatment), and 78%, for the second flow (1 kGy electron-beam treatment followed by 24 h
HRT biotreatment). Usually, increase in biodegradability after radiation treatment of aqueous-
organic systems is due to radiolytical conversions of non-biodegradable compounds. In present
experiments improvement of biological treatment of wastewater after preliminary electron-beam
treatment was found to be caused by radiolytical transformations of biodegradable compound.
Electron-beam treatment should not appreciably affect total biodegradability of pollutants if the
main pollutant is biodegradable, but can improve biodegradation process at initial stages. In other
words, irradiation at comparatively low doses (several Greys) for this case does not change total
amount of biodegradable substance characterized by BOD5 , but convert part of it into easier
digestible form. This is confirmed, also, by the data presented in Figure 4 where the decrease in
TOC, CODCr, and BOD5 during biological treatment is close to linear one for non-irradiated
wastewater, while for electron beam treated wastewater the decrease is faster at the beginning of
biological treatment and decelerates during the process. (Han, 2002)

Figure 4 Effect of irradiation and biological treatment on wastewater parameters:

a-TOC; b-CODCr; c-CODMn; and d-BOD. 1- after EB treatment; 2- without EB treatment

On the evaluation of economies and efficiency of pilot scale electron beam treatment facility,
industrial scale plant for treating textile dyeing wastewater is under construction from 2003 for
- decreasing the amount of chemical reagent up to 50%
- improving the removal efficiency of harmful organic impurities by 30%
- decreasing the retention time in Bio-treatment facility

According to the data obtained in laboratory and pilot plant experiments with DDIC wastewater, the
optimum absorbed dose for electron-beam treatment was chosen to be near 1 kGy. For those
purpose 400 kW electron accelerators with three separate irradiators was proposed as a source of
ionizing radiation. The plant is located on the area of existing wastewater treatment facility in
DDIC and to have treatment capacity 10,000 cubic meters of wastewater a day using one 1MeV,
400kW accelerator, and combined with existing bio- treatment facility.

Based on the data obtained in the previous investigation, a dose of 1 kGy should be sufficient for
total elimination of the estrogenic activity in secondary effluents. Therefore, the cost assessment of
radiation processing plant with e-beam is accomplished based on 1kGy and 400kW electron
accelerator. Cost for such high power accelerator is around 2.0M$ at market and building, piping,
other equipment and construction works could be estimated 1.5M$. Even by considering the
additional cost for tax, insurance and documentation as 0.5M$, the overall capital cost for plant
construction is approximately 4.0M$.

Total technological scheme of the installation of electron-beam treatment is presented in Figure 5. It

includes three principal technological chains: wastewater flow, cooling/ozonizing air flow, and
ventilating air flow. Coordinated functioning of those is assured by monitoring and control systems.
Wastewater flow passes the following elements (in series): Inlet System – Primary Basin – Water
Pump 1 (P1) – Nozzles – Reactor – Secondary Basin – Water Pump 2 (P2) – Outlet Line. All the
steps of wastewater flow chain are correspondent to flow rate 420,000 kg/h (about 10,000 m3/day).

To ozone
decomposer F3 Air from
To atmosphere
F4 A
(to stack)

Wastewater P1 inlet
outlet P2

D2 D1
B2 B1
Figure 5 Simplified technological scheme of the plant.
F1-F4 – Air fans, P1-P2 – Water pumps, D1 and D2 – Diffusers,
A – Accelerator, R – Reactor, B1 and B2 – Primary and secondary basins.

1. A pilot plant for treating 1,000m3 of textile dyeing wastewater per day with electron beam has
constructed and operated continuously since October 1998. This plant is combined with biological
treatment system and it shows the reduction of chemical reagent consumption, and also the
reduction in retention time with the increase in removal efficiencies of CODCr and BOD5 up to
2. Increase in biodegradability after radiation treatment of aqueous-organic systems is due to
radiolytical conversions of non-biodegradable compounds. In present experiments the improvement
of biological treatment of wastewater after preliminary electron-beam treatment was found to be
caused by radiolytical transformations of biodegradable compound.
3. On the basis of data obtained from pilot plant operation, construction of actual industrial scale
plant has started in 2003, and will be finished by 2005. This plant is located on the area of existing
wastewater treatment facility in DDIC and to have treatment capacity 10,000m3 of wastewater per
day using one 1MeV, 400kW accelerator, and combined with existing bio- treatment facility.


The authors wish to acknowledge the support of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA),
the Ministries of Commerce, Industry & Energy (MOCIE) and the Ministry of Science and
Technology (MOST) of Korean Government.


Pikaev, A. K. (1986) Modern Radiation Chemistry. Radiolysis of Gases and Liquids, Nauka,
Moscow , pp.440 (in Russian).

Buxton, G. V., Greenstock, C. L., Helman, W. P., Ross, A. B. (1988) Critical review of rate
constants for reactions of hydrated electrons, hydrogen atoms and hydroxyl radicals (OH/O-) in
aqueous solutions, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, 17, 513-886.

Han, B., Ko, J., Kim, J., Kim, Y., Chung, W., Makarov, I. E., Ponomarev, A. V., Pikaev, A. K.
(2002) Combined electron-beam and biological treatment of dyeing complex wastewater. pilot
plant experiments, Radiat. Phys. Chem., 64, 53-59.

Makarov, I. E., Ponomarev A. V., Han, B., (2003) Demonstration plant for electron beam treatment
of Daegu Dye Industrial Complex wastewater, Report from a technical meeting on emerging
applications of radiation processing for the 21st century, IAEA

Woods, R. J., Pikaev, A. K. (1994) Applied Radiation Chemistry: Radiation Processing, Wiley-
Interscience, New York, pp.535.

Park, Y. K., Lee, C. H., Kim, C. H. (1966) Advanced treatment of dyeing industrial complex
wastewater by a combination of biological treatment and ultrafiltration, Environ. Eng. Res.,1, 31-36.

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