Sufis and Sufism in India X-Rayed
Sufis and Sufism in India X-Rayed
Sufis and Sufism in India X-Rayed
12/31/2011 Sufis and Sufism in India X-rayed Rajeshkumar Sufism is the bastard child born out of the intellectual rape of the Iranian literati by Islam. Dr. Ali Sina Introduction: India is the land of spiritualism. The notion of secularism and peaceful co-existence is not alien to India. In fact, it has always been a way of life in this land, and the credit for this goes to the wisdom of our great Vedic ancestors, who were men of great letters and mighty spirit. Jews, Christians, Zoroastrians, Bahais all have found home and safe refuge in this great country and merged with Aryans (Hindus) the original inhabitants of this ancient country. However, the only exception to these immigrants was the Muslims, who did not come here to adapt themselves to the local culture and live in peace and harmony. They had only one aim to subdue the native populations and flutter the flag of Islam in every nook and cranny of this once great nation. Islam smeared the face of this country with such a horrific paint that the colour still refuses to fade. While there is no denying the fact that Islam was spread in India mostly by the threat and use sword, there is another aspect of Islamic proselytization, which is ignored. This face is that of Sufism (Islamic Mysticism) and the Sufis (so-called Islamic Mystics). Islamization of India was the main aim of the invaders, Sultans and Kings and Sufis alike. Hindu soldiers and Rajas, who resisted the process, could be ruthlessly trampled upon by elephant or beheaded and their dependents were enslaved. It was, however, not possible to behead the entire Hindu population which stubbornly refused to convert. Therefore, Hindus were given the option of living as Zimmis on payment of a tax (jizya), which normally was an alternative offered to Christians and Jews only. Even so, the Hindus, as Zimmis, became second class citizens in their own motherland. The main object of levying the jizya was to subject the Hindus to humiliation. The purpose was to give them some time to see the light of Islam in course of time and accept it. Sufis and the Ulema have often resented and bemoaned for this kind of mild treatment of the Hindus by Muslim rulers. Amir Khusrau the much advertised Secular Sufi Saint writes: Happy Hindustan, the splendour of religion, where the law finds perfect honour and security. The whole country, by means of the sword of our holy warriors, has become like a forest denuded of its thorns by fire.. Islam is triumphant, idolatry is subdued. Had not the law granted exemption from death by the payment of poll-tax (Jizya), the very name of Hindu, root and branch, would have been extinguished. (K. S. Lal: The Legacy of Muslim Rule in India)
Despite this, as is common in Hindu India, stories of miraculous powers of these Sufis were spread by naive Hindus themselves. Corrupted Hindu religion, after the Mahabharat War, had taken to anti-Vedic sacrificial rituals involving slaughter of animals and self humiliation. This gave rise, as a reaction, to the extremely non-violent religions of Jainism and Buddhism. Buddhism, supported and encouraged by powerful Kings, like Ashok, spread peacefully and quickly even beyond the frontiers of India to Tibet, China, Japan, Korea, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Burma and South East Asian countries of Indonesia, Malaya etc. The enormous royal aid to Bauddh Sanghs attracted innumerable indolent young men and women to these Sanghs. As a result, corruption grew. Adi Shankaracharya, Kumaril Bhatt and other Hindu saints challenged these religions in public religious debates. Some powerful Hindu Kings having come to the throne helped. Buddhism gradually retreated from India, the land of its birth, but Hinduism, due to its porous character, accepted the saintly Buddha as one of the incarnations of Vishnu and his principle of Ahinsa and Shankars Mayavad (illusionism). In this process, it forgot and neglected the forceful and robust national Kshatra spirit of the Vedas. While the spiritual body of Hindus was thus in convulsion, its political body was also ailing. There was no central authority; only small independent states were perpetually at war with each other. In these circumstances, they had no time to gain knowledge of the up-to-date military strategy, training and arms which had developed outside India. The weakness of Hindu India in the political field led to its defeat at the hands of vigorous and seasoned armies of Islam under Mahmood of Ghazni. It was at this critical juncture that Sufism penetrated India unnoticed. Hinduism, by now, had become victim to all kinds of superstitious bigotry, believing in good and bad spirits, astrology, miracles and miraculous power of mendicants, fake Goddesses and Gurus, Tantriks and Aghoris, a cancer which will end only at its death. The Hindu religious mind was therefore, quite ready to believe the fantastic stories of miracles performed by the newly-arrived saints (Sufis) from across the frontiers. Consequently, easy-to-fool Hindus flocked to them in large numbers for amulets, blessings and advice. Their conversion to Islam was then only a matter of time. These sufis very well knew that forced conversion involved a lot of bloodshed of the Muslim soldiers. So, they adopted a much easier path for conversions. The Sufi method achieved conversions in a pleasant and peaceful manner without leaving behind any bitterness and chances of relapse. Although Sufis were not averse to taking up the sword and participating in Jihad, mostly they called upon the Muslim Sultans for this purpose. They themselves presented to the naive and ignorant Hindus a face of devotional singing, dancing, renunciation and penance with which the latter was so familiar and which appeared to him, the signs of divinity in such Sufis. Thus began Islamization of Hindu India by the threat of sharp Islamic sword and under cover of sweet Sufi songs. How Sufism came into being: It is said that word Sufi is derived from the Arabic word suf which means wool and Sufi literally means a person clad in woolen cloth. They were so called because they dressed themselves in this way, said to be the way of Muhammad the Prophet and his companions. It is propagated that Sufis believed in attaining God by meditation, fasts and singing His praises to achieve a state of ecstasy just like Hindu Saints.
However, the fact is that Sufism that was created during the 8th and 9th century A.D. was a reaction against the unenlightened, unfriendly and draconian nature of Islam. It was then that many Persian thinkers, disappointed with the inhumane nature of Islam, tried to reform it by searching for deeper mystical meanings in apparently violent and brutal verses of the Quran. What the Sufis did was a crime of foolishness. They taught a different religion, but for fear of rejection, they claimed it to be the inner message of Islam. Sufis claim that Sufism is the core of Islam while the Sharia is its outer shell. However, the truth is the opposite. The core and kernel of Islam is the venomous Quran. Sufism is only a gloss masking the real nature and object of Islam. In the words of Dr Ali Sina: The Sufis could not reform Islam or make it more humane. All they did is to conceal its ugliness and thus make it even more dangerous trap for the unwitting victims. In fact, the Sufi doctrine is foreign to Islam. It is a borrowed ideology and invented by the clever but hopelessly sycophant bootlicking Persians who did not have the boldness to denounce Islam as a reckless cult of a crazed man and reject it in its entirety as a stupid cult. Instead, they sheepishly tried to reinterpret this graceless doctrine of ignorance, dress it with rationality and sugarcoat it with alien un-Islamic philosophies taken from all kinds of sources such as Hinduism, Zoroastrian, Christian, Jewish and even Buddhist to make it toothsome to their own refined mystical palate. Sufism had partially its foundation in segments of Quranic verses like Alif Laam Raa. Nobody except Muhammad the Prophet and his invention called Allah has been able to know the meaning of these incomprehensible words until today. The Sufis of the early Islam took advantage of the obscure nature of segments of verses like this and alluded that there must be hidden meaning to these. Subsequently, they extended this hidden meaning to all the verses including those which openly call for the slaughter of the infidels (all except Muslims) under clearly defined conditions. As nonsensical as it may sound, the same Sufis went on to claim that all Quranic verses have six different meanings. Think about the stupidity here: They even could not attribute a single meaning to Alif Laam Raa how do they know there are five other meanings? And such notion they had propagated, despite the fact that Allah has repeatedly affirmed in no less than a dozen verses that the Qurans message is clear and written in simple language so that everybody can understand it easily including by the people of Muhammads time, who were definitely much less intelligent than the people of our time. Despite the fact that except Prophet Mohammad, the sainthood in Islam has been a debatable issue, Sufism of various orders in the name of their founder saints has become a universal aspect of Islam. Sufis are known as Islamic spiritualists and the Muslims (and superstitious Hindus) commonly view them as intermediaries between God and individuals. Sufism: Spiritual or Politics? It is awfully propagated that Sufism is full of spiritualism and could be a very effective means of promoting Hindu-Muslim unity and social harmony, while the fact is otherwise. Contrary to the spiritual mission of Sufism, the cult was primarily introduced in India for spread of Islam with a view to helping the Muslim rulers for political domination. Sufis are considered as messengers of god who believed in peace, harmony and nonviolence. But contrary to this belief, we read many evidences of Sufis using all measures to convert Hindus to Islam. From stipends, grants, higher official posts, life threat, pardoning of life to brutal killings were main tools for them. According to Sita Ram Goel, So far as India is concerned, it is difficult to
find a Sufi whose consciousness harboured even a trace of any spirituality. By and large, the sufis that functioned in this country were the most fanatic and fundamentalist activists of Islamic imperialism (Sita Ram Goel, Hindu Temples What Happened to Them, Vol. 1) No document attests to the peaceful preaching of the Sufis that most defenders of Islam put forward today (A History of Modern India, edited by Claude Markowitz, Anthen Press, 2002, Page 33). A close examination of the history of Islamic proselytization activities (Islamization) in India proves that Sufism through its missionary activities complemented the conversion of Hindus to Islam. Sufism, on one hand supported the Muslim invaders and Sultans in their political activities and reckless killings of the Hindus; on the other hand, it influenced the gullible Hindus through their drama of spiritualism and mysticism. Kashmir is a typical example of Islamization both by sword and by Sufis. Amongst the Sultans who used force to Islamize Kashmir, the most notorious is Sikandar Butshikan (13891431). About this Sultan, Kalhan in his Rajtarangini says: The Sultan, forgetting all his royal duties, took pleasure day and night in destroying idols. He destroyed idols of Martand, Vishnu, Ishan, Chakravarty and Tripureshwar. But this is just a small tip of iceberg. The real credit of islamizing Kashmir goes to Sufis. Sikandar was a passing phase having lived only 42 years. Conversion by Sufis was a continuous process almost unnoticeable which lasted for centuries. Sikandars conversions were caused by utter terror. Sufis created conditions where Hindus voluntarily came to them and got converted. These sufis did not object to the genocide of the Hindus and enslaving and selling their children and women by the cruel Muslim invaders. Almost all Sufi masters were silent spectators to the murderous mayhems and reckless plunder of Hindu temples by the marauding Islamic hordes across the subcontinent. They did not object to senseless mass killings of the Hindus and destruction of Hindu temples. Instead of advising the Muslim marauders against their inhuman deeds, the Sufis overlooked the plight of Hindu priests and saints, who were forced to flee and hide themselves. They praised Muslim invaders who killed millions of Hindus, plundered thousands of temples, raped countless mothers and sisters and sold young Hindu boys and girls in slave-markets of Kabul. Anwar Shaikh in Islam, Sex and Violence writes: Since Islam declared India a Darul-Harb and the Indians as Kafirs i.e. the enemies of Allah, the foreign [Muslim] rulers also maximized the dosage of faith to the proselytes for quickening the process of turning them against their own motherland and brethren. To perfect this art of traitor-manufacturing, these monarchs secured the services of Sufism for proselytism. These Sufi saints, who founded the Mystical Orders known as Qadriya, Chishtiya, Naqshbandiya, Suharwardiya, etc. and acted as spiritual patrons of the royal courts, were also foreigners, who came to India for perpetuating the rule of their countrymen in the guise of Islamic Mysticism, which has no real foundation in the Koran and hadith. By and large, the mystic Islamic saints enjoyed the royal favour and support of cruel Muslim rulers and gave moral support to the atrocious Muslim invaders and looked the other way to overlook the growing social conflict. They also guided the State in political affairs with their experience of regular interaction with common people. These sufis worked not only as the spies of Islamic imperialism but also as deceivers of gullible Hindu masses. During the
period of Sultanate in India, these mystics were supposed to guarantee the prosperity to Islamic kingdom. They were patronized by the state for spreading Islam among the nonbelievers with their acclaimed spiritual influences in the mass. The gift and land provided to the Islamic mystics were used for hospice, and their tombs became a place of pilgrimage after their death. According to well-known historian, Dr. K. S. Lal, Hand in hand with the proselytizing efforts of the rulers was the work of Sufis and Maulvis. From the time of Muhammad bin Tughdaq (1326-1351) to that of Akbar (1556-1605), Bengal had attracted rebels, refugees, Sufi mashaikh, disgruntled nobles and adventures from North India. Professor K. R. Quanungo has noted that the conversion of Bengal was mainly the work of Barah-Auliyas. Prof. Abdul Karim has also referred to militant Sufi proselytization. (Social History of Muslims in Bengal, pp. 136-138) Sufis had accompanied the Muslim marauders in their conquest and brought Islam in contact with Hindu priests and saints. They were receptive to some of the local Hindu traditions may be for a tactical reason to entice the locals towards Islam but ensured that local norms are not accommodated against the watertight Islamic belief, dogma and practice of Quran, Hadith and Sharia the fountainheads of Sufism. Sufi saints commonly viewed as symbol of secularism however, never opposed Jiziya (Tax imposed on non-believers) imposed on Hindus in Islamic India. Under the patronage of the State under Muslim rulers, the Sufi mystics allured Hindu subjects for adoption of Muslim identity and superiority of Islamic tradition. The establishment of Sufi orders in India coincided with the rising political power of Muslims. The numerous Sufi religious establishments in India were the major means of spreading Islam and adapting it to indigenous cultural tradition (Islamic Mysticism in India by Nagendra Kumar Singh, former Chairman, Islamic Research Foundation, Delhi). Passion to the essential spirituality of life was hardly found in any Muslim ruler, Prince of Sufi except Dara Shikoh (1615-1659). He was perhaps the only sincere Muslim prince whose effort was to find a common ground between Hindu and Muslim religious thought (Islamic Mysticism in India by Nagendra Kumar Singh, Page 179). For this he was accused of heresy. In short, Sufism is a camouflaged and sugarcoated version of real Islam. It is just a faade. This so-called reformist and non-violent version of Islam is not really much different from extremist Islam. When push comes to shove, a Muslim is a Muslim and Islam is what Muhammad did in his life-time and taught in Quran. Various Sufi Orders: Suharawardy order of Sufism was founded by Shahabuddin Suharawardy of Baghdad and introduced in India by his disciple Bahauddin Zakariya of Multan. It became popular in Bengal. Qadri order of Sufism was founded by Abdul Qadir, whose tomb is at Baghdad. Its influence is extensively among the Muslims of south India. Naqshbandi order of Sufism was founded by Bahauddin Naqshband (1318-1389) of Turkistan. It insisted on rigid adherence to Shariat (Islamic law) and nurturing love for the
prophet Muhammad. This order established its hold in India under the patronage of Mogul rulers, as its founder was their ancestral Pir (Spiritual guide). The conquest of India by Babur in 1526 gave considerable impetus to the Naqshbandiya order (History of Sufism in India by Saiyied Athar Abbas Rizvi, Volume 2, 1992, Page 180) Its disciples remained loyal to the throne because of the common Turk origin. With the royal patronage of most of the Mogul rulers, Naqshbandi order served the cause for revival of Islam in its pristine form. Khwaja Mohammad Baqi Billah Berang whose tomb is in Delhi introduced Naqshbandi order in India. Of the various Sufi orders Muslims (and Hindus too!) follow in India, the impact of Chisti order is visible even in small villages of Indian subcontinent. Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti introduced it in India. Born in Sanjar in Persia in C.E. 1142, he came to India with the army of Shahabuddin Ghori in 1192 AD and selected Ajmer as his permanent head-quarter since 1195. There he lies buried since his death in 1236. He is popularly known as Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (KGN) or Friend of the Poor, Sultan-Ul-Hind and Nabi-ul-Hind or Prophet of India. He is regarded as a leading preacher of Sufism among Sufis of India. His shrine became a place of pilgrimage with the support of Muslim rulers. It is said that Akbar used to have annual pilgrimage there. He believed that it was thanks to this Sufis blessings that he got a son and the heir for the Mughal throne, and thus began a fashion (superstition) among Indians for fulfilling wishes by offering prayer at his mazar. Whenever he [Akbar] wanted to celebrate some happy event or seek blessing for some great undertaking which was quite often, he went on a pilgrimage to the Dargah of Muinuddin Chishti, the foremost symbol of Islams ceaseless war on Hindus and Hinduism. Though people sing more about his miracles, very few are aware of the real stand of this Sufi. Stories have been exaggerated to show Khwaja as a mystic with high spiritual powers, but the truth is different. He is projected as an example of Sufi saintliness and secularism, tending to all needy persons irrespective of their faith. However, little is known (or told?) about the major role that he played in Islamization of India. The belief of Khwaja in shariat and his support to Muslim invader Muhammad Ghori for establishment of Islamic rule in India clearly outlines his inclination towards radical Islam. A very interesting excerpt as quoted in P M Curries book The shrine and cult of Muinuddin Chishti of Ajmer exposes the true face of this secular friend of the poor: It is told that once when he went to perform the pilgrimage to the holy tomb of the Prophet Muhammad, one day from the inside of the pure and blessed tomb a cry came: Send for Muinuddin. When Muinuddin came to the door, he stood there and he saw that presence speak to him. Muinuddin, you are the essence of my faith, but must go to Hindustan. There is a place called Ajmer, to which one of my sons (descendants) went for a holy war, and now he has become a martyr, and the place has passed again into the hands of infidels. By the grace of your footsteps there, once more shall Islam be made manifest, and the Kafirs be punished by Gods wrath. Accordingly, Muinuddin reached Ajmer in Hindustan. There he said: Praise be to God, May he be exalted, for I have gained possession of the property of my brother. Although, at that time there were many temples of idols around the lake, when the Khwaja saw them, he said: If God and His Prophet so will, it will not be long before I raze to the ground these idol-temples.
This is followed by tales of Khwaja coming over those Hindu deities and teachers who were strongly opposed to his settling down there It appears that shorn of miracles the story simply suggests that Khwaja came to India determined to eradicate idolatry and paganism and establish Islam in its place. He met with a lot of resistance from the local governor of Rai Pithaura besides resistance from Rai Pithaura himself. With the help of the immense treasure at his disposal and having converted many gullible Hindus to his faith, he became strong enough to invite Rai Pithaura to convert to Islam. Having failed to persuade him, Khwaja sent a message inviting Sultan Shahabuddin Ghori to attack India. Shahabuddin made unsuccessful invasions. Rai Pithaura always allowed him to go back unmolested after his defeat. Ultimately, however, he defeated Prithvi Raj Chauhan and killed him. According to another account in the Sufi lore, Muinuddin had made a few converts from among the local Hindus and started issuing orders to Prithivi Raj Chauhan, the Hindu king, for the benefit of these converts. When the king ignored him, he invited Muhammad Ghori to invade the Chauhan Kingdom. Siyar-ul-Awliya , the most famous history of the Chishtiya School written by Khwaja Amir Khurd, another disciple of Nizamuddin Auliya, tells the following story: His [Muinuddins] blessed tongue uttered spontaneously, We have handed over Pithora alive to the army of Islam. In those very days, Sultan Muizuddin Sam arrived in Ajmer from Ghazni. Pithora had to face the army of Islam. He was captured alive by Sultan Muizuddin The Khwaja [Muinuddin] was a worker of great wonders. Before he reached Hindustan, all its cities right up to the point of sunrise were sunk in tumult and infidelity and were involved with idols and idolatry. Everyone among the rabble [Gods] of Hindustan claimed to be the great God and a co-sharer in the divinity of Allah. The people paid homage to stones, sods of clay, trees, quadrupeds, cows and bulls and their dung. The darkness of infidelism had made still more firm the seals on their hearts Muinuddin was indeed the very sun of the true faith. As a result of his arrival, the darkness that had spread over this country was dispelled. It became bright and glowed in the light of Islam Anyone who has become a Musalman in this country will stay a Musalman till the Day of Dissolution. His progeny will also remain Musalman The people [of Hindustan] will be brought out of Darul-harb into Darul-Islam by means of many wars. (Amir Khurd, Siyar-ulAwliya, New Delhi, 1985, pp. 111-12) The Siyar al-Arifin says about Khwaja Muinuddin: After Muinuddin arrived in India, because of his sword, instead of idols and temples, there are Mosques, Mimbars and Mihrabs in the land of unbelief. In the land where the sayings of the idolaters were heard, there is now the sound of Allah-O-Akbar. Many Hindus have been misled, mostly by their own so-called secular politically correct scholars, to cherish the fond belief that the Sufis were spiritual seekers, and that unlike the Mullahs, they loved Hindu religious lore and liked their Hindu neighbours. The Chishtiya Sufis in particular have been chosen for such excessive praise. But the gullible Hindus hardly know that the Sufi saints who travelled to India after the advent of Muinuddin Chishti were departments of the imperialist establishment of Islam. None of them looked kindly at the Hindus.
Four Islamic mystics namely Moinuddin (d. 1233 in Ajmer), Qutubuddin (d. 1236 in Delhi), Nizamuddin (d.1335 in Delhi) and Fariduddin (d.1265 in Pattan now in Pakistan) accompanied the Islamic invaders in India. All of them were from the Chistiya order of Islamic mysticism. Radiating from Delhi under Nizamuddin, the Chistiya spread its roots all across India. The famous Sufi Shine at Ajmer Sharif in Rajasthan and Nizamuddin Auliya in Delhi belong to this order. Sufi Thinkers: The Sharia-guided mystic influence of Sufis produced the Muslim thinkers like Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi, Shah Wali Ullah, Sayed Ahmad Barelavi, Karamat Ali, Sir Sayed Ahmad Khan, Allama Iqbal and Maulana Maududi. They used the mystic philosophy befitting to the political necessities of the time for revival of political supremacy of Islam. Of them, Sirhindi and Wali Ullah politicized the mystic ideology for political domination of Islam. They were projected as Islamic reformists for purifying Islam from any extraneous influences. They conveyed the political aspect of Islam to Muslim masses so aggressively that it created a permanent imprint on their psyche. The mission of Shaikh Sirhindi (1564-1624) popularly known as Mujaddid (Renovator of Islam) was to purify Islam from the influence of Akbar with a view to countering his policy of the Hindu wielding the sword of Islam and Peace with all. Unhappy with the regime of Emperor Akbar for withdrawal of Jizya tax imposed on the Hindus, Sirhindi made frantic effort to purge Islam of all extraneous influences. He viewed Hindu mystics like Guru Nanak and Sant Kabir despicable, as they did not follow Sharia. Sirhindi condemned the reign of Akbar for his broadmindedness and policy of peace with all. He strongly criticized freedom of worship granted to the Hindus. Hate-Hindu syndrome was so deep in him that death of Akbar (1605) filled Shaikh Ahmad with hopes that the pristine purity of Islam would be implanted in India (A History Sufism in India by Saiyed Athar Abbas Rizvi, Volume 2, 1992, Page 204) With his strong contempt against Shias and the Hindus, Sirhind wrote several letters to the nobles in the court of Jahangir for guiding the emperor on the path of Shariat, and for removal of Kafirs (Shias and Hindus) from the administration. He was dead against any honourable status of Hindus in Islamic government. Sirhind wanted the religious freedom enjoyed by the Hindus during Akbar regime to be curbed. Enraged with his too much interference in administration, Jahangir imprisoned him in Gwalior (A History of Sufism in India by Saiyed Athar Abbas Rizvi, Vol. II, 1972, Page 178) but released him after one year. Despite this anti-Hindu tirade of Sirhindi, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad in 1919 eulogized the role of Mujaddid (Sirhind). A specimen should suffice to show the quality of this mans mind. In a letter, he wrote: The honor of Islam lies in insulting kufr and kafirs. One who respects the kafirs dishonors the Muslims The real purpose of levying jiziya on them is to humiliate them to such an extent that they may not be able to dress well and to live in grandeur. They should constantly remain terrified and trembling. It is intended to hold them under contempt and to uphold the honor and might of Islam. (The Story of Islamic Imperialism in India by Sita Ram Goel)
In another letter, he said: Cow-sacrifice in India is the noblest of Islamic practices. The kafirs may probably agree to pay jiziya but they shall never concede to cow-sacrifice. (Muslim Separatism, Sita ram Goel) Sirhindi wrote letters to many Muslim notables in the reign of Akbar and Jahangir. Professor S. A. A. Rizvi has cited select passages from the original Persian of Sirhindis letters. Some of these letters were in strong protest against Akbars policies vis-a-vis Hindus. One of Sirhindis patrons was Abdul Rahim Khan-i-Khanan whom many Hindus cherish as a Hindi poet and a devotee of Sri Krishna. It is unfortunate that quite a few recipients of these letters cannot be identified straight away because they are addressed by their titles and not by their names. As the letters are not dated, it is difficult to say whether the bearer of a particular title belonged to the reign of Akbar or Jahangir. The same title was given to several persons in succession. I reproduce below some passages from these significant letters in order to show how the mind of this great Sufi functioned. He was the leading light of the Naqshbandi Sufi silsila, and the foremost disciple of Khwaja Baqi Billah who brought this silsila to India in the reign of Akbar. I may add that the Prophet appeared quite frequently to both Baqi Billah and Sirhindi in their dreams or states of trance, and gave guidance to them. We reproduce below some of his statements. 1. Ram and Krishna whom Hindus worship are insignificant creatures, and have been begotten by their parents Ram could not protect his wife whom Ravan took away by force. How can he (Ram) help others? 2. Before that kafir [Guru Arjun Deva] was executed this recluse [meaning himself] had seen in a dream that the reigning king had smashed the skull of idolatry. Indeed, he was a great idolater, and the leader of the idolaters, and the chief of unbelievers. May Allah blast him! The Holy Prophet who is the ruler of religion as well as the world, has cursed the idolaters as follows in some of his prayers O Allah, demean their society, create divisions in their ranks, destroy their homes, and get at them like the mighty one. Sirhindi ranks as one of the topmost sufis and theologians of Islam. Referring to his role, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad has written in his Tazkirah that but for these letters Muslim nobles would not have stood by Islam and but for the efforts of Shaikh Ahmad, Akbars heterodoxy would have superseded Islam in India. (S.A.A. Rizvi, Muslim Revivalist Movements in Northern India in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, Agra, 1965) According to Professor S. A. A. Rizvi, Shariat can be fostered through the sword was the slogan he [Sirhindi] raised for his contemporaries. Shah Waliullah, a prominent Muslim thinker of 18th century who shaped the destiny of Indian Muslims, was son of Shah Abdur Rahim, a Sufi who was employed by Aurangzeb for compiling the Fatawa-i-Alamgiri. Those who have illusions about Sufism will do well to study this master-piece of the Sufi mind. The son was also a Sufi of Naqshbandi order. But instead of turning to Rumi or Attar or Hafiz, he chose Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni as his hero. According to the Shah, Mahmud was the greatest figure in the history of Islam after the first four caliphs. He accused the historians of Islam of failing to recognise the fact that Mahmuds horoscope had been identical with that of the Prophet, and that Mahmud had won as many and as significant victories in Jihad as the Prophet himself.
His contempt against the Hindus was identical to Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi. The rise of two Hindu rebellious groups namely Marathas and Jats against the Muslim rulers in 1750s stirred the mystic spirit of Wali Ullah and he invited Ahmad Shah Abdali, the Afghan ruler, to invade India to save the Muslims from the subjugation of Hindus. While formulating the outlines of his mystical ideology, he transformed the Islamic mysticism into a theo-political concept for supremacy of Islam. His ideology had no scope to accommodate any order of non-Islamic mysticism, which he regarded unhealthy. Carving out a new path for Sufism he became an active Islamist with a sole objective for resurgent Sunni political power in Delhi. (A History of Sufism in India, Vol. II, Rizvi, Page 259). Wali Ullah infused new vigour in practice of Naqshbandi Sufi order. He synthesized the disciplines of the three major Sufi orders namely Qadari, Chisti and Naqshbandi with a view to unite the Muslim society against the Hindus. Like Shaikh Ahmad Sirhind, he was also against the presence of Hindu employees in the administration of Muslim rulers as he viewed it harmful to the purity of Islam. His attempt was to purify Islam from the spiritual influence of Hinduism. He was the main guiding source for Muslims after the decline of Islamic rule in Indian subcontinent. Contrary to the commonly viewed Sufi tradition, he was not open to the spiritual tradition of local Hindus in any form. His main spiritual concern if any was for revival of Islamic India. It is strange that most of the present-day Muslim scholars refuse to cite the actual statements made about Hindus and Hinduism by their heroes such as Ahmad Sirhindi and Shah Waliullah while praising them to the skies as saviours of Islam in India. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad and Allama Iqbal are shining examples of this intriguing silence. The late Professor Ishtiaq Husain Qureshi published two significant books on the history of Islam in India Ulema in Politics (1972), and The Muslim Community of the Indo-Pakistan Subcontinent (1977). He has devoted many pages to Ahmad Sirhindi and Shah Waliullah in both the books. But he has not cited a single sentence written or spoken by the great sufis on how they looked at Hindus and Hinduism. It is only Professor S.A.A Rizvi who has taken us into the secret chambers, so to say. Professor Rizvi is a Shia. And the venom which characters like Ahmad Sirhindi have poured on Hindus and Hinduism is quite comparable to that which they poured out on Shias and Shiism. Like Sirhindi, Shah Waliullah also was full of the poison which goes by the name of Islam. But by the time he arrived on the scene, the situation for Islamic imperialism in India had become desperate. Forces of Indian nationalism had risen all over the country, and Islamic imperialism was on a fast retreat. I am reproducing some portions from a letter written to Ahmad Shah Abdali (Ruler of Afghanistan) by Waliullah in which he is making frantic appeals to the swordsman of Islam for retrieving the situation: The presence of the kings of Islam is a great blessing from Allah You should know that the country of Hindustan is a large land. In olden days, the kings of Islam had struggled hard and for long in order to conquer this foreign country. They could do it only in several turns
Among the non-Muslim communities, one is that of the Marhatah (Maratha). They have a chief. For some time past, this community has been raising its head, and has become influential all over Hindustan In the countryside between Delhi and Agra, the Jat community used to till the land. In the reign of Shahjahan, this community had been ordered not to ride on horses, or keep muskets with them, or build fortresses for themselves. The kings that came later became careless, and this community has used the opportunity for building many forts, and collecting muskets The enemies have become more powerful after Nadir Shah, the army of Islam has disintegrated, and the empire of Delhi has become childrens play. Allah forbid, if the infidels continue as at present, and Muslims get (further) weakened; the very name of Islam will get wiped out Sayed Ahmad Barelvi (1786-1831), a disciple of Abd al Aziz (the son of Shah Wali Ullah) continued the tradition of Waliullah and launched armed jehad against the non-Muslims with a view to restoring Darul-Islam (a land where Islam is having political power), but was killed in the battle of Balkot against Sikh leader Ranjit Singh. Indian Muslims continue to regard him as martyr for the cause of Islam. Karamat Ali, a disciple of Sayed Ahmad Barelavi further developed the ideology for purifying Islam from the influences of Hindu custom and tradition. Sufi during British Rule in India: Sufi movement became inactive with the decline of Muslim power in India. With the failure of armed resistance against the British and Sikh- Hindu combined, the followers of hard line Sufism were forced to adjust with the ground reality of non-Muslim occupation of Indian subcontinent but did not reconcile with it. The failure of Sepoy mutiny and consolidation of British power in Indian subcontinent was a further jolt on the radical Islamists, but all the Islamic revivalist movements like Deoband, Aligarh and Pakistan drew their inspirations from the anti-Hindu syndrome of Sufi saints like Sirhind and Shah Wali Ullah. Khilafat movement and subsequent Pakistan movement were the result of the jihadi interpretation of Wali Ullah brand of Sufi-jehad against the political domination of non-believers. The resistance of Muslims against the British and subsequently against the Indian National Congress was due to deep and hard line influence of Shah Wali Ullah over them. Before the failure of 1857 Sepoy mutiny, Sir Sayed Ahmad Khan (1817-1898) was a follower of the neo-Sufi cult of Shah Waliullah. Syed Ahmad Khan gradually distanced himself from Shah Wali Ullah. But firmly rooted in the Indian Islamic mysticism, he was deeply pained with the plight of Muslims after the collapse of Sepoy mutiny of 1857. He therefore took up the challenge of modern education and transformed the revolutionary mystic ideology of Shah Wali Ullah for revitalisation of Islamic glory through western education. Had he distanced himself from Wali Ullah, he would not have initiated the twonation theory on the line of this Sufi Islamist to promote the movement of Muslim separatism through his Aligarh Movement. It is to be remembered that amidst much controversy, Khan had said in 1883 that Hindus and Muslims were two separate nations (Studies in Islamic Culture by Prof. Aziz Ahmad, 2000, Page 265). Sir Sayeds philosophy was a synthesis of progressive and orthodox Islam. On one hand, he favoured modern education on European pattern and on the other he supported Islamic
orthodoxy for superior religious identity of Muslims. His Aligarh movement was a strategic but a hidden alliance of the Muslims with British under latters sovereignty to revive the supremacy of Muslims. His excluvist belief of Muslims superiority was based on the mystic ideology of Wali Ullah. It was against the unity of Indian society. Sir Sayed Ahmad Khan had questioned not only the national character of the Indian National Congress but also the very concept of Indian nationalism. In his considered opinion, Hindus and Muslims could not live together unless the one conquered and put down the other. The leaders of the Congress went out in search of some Muslim notables who could counter this hostile campaign. They found a few who agreed to preside over the Congress sessions or to speak from its platform. But all these Nationalist Muslims ended by more or less singing the tune set by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan. Conclusion Sufism in India has commonly been viewed as a secular attempt for eternal quest of the soul for its direct experience of the ultimate Super power. For centuries the Hindus accepted Sufi shrines as symbol of communal harmony. A large number of them have been offering prayers in Sufi shrines without any reservation, but this liberal gesture has not been reciprocated by Muslims. The basic belief of mystic movements is said to be unity of God. Unity of God denotes social unity and universal brotherhood. But these political mystics not only divided the society on the basis of religion but their doctrine created an undying Hindu-Muslim conflict in the region. The spirit of mysticism is to resolve any problem confronting the society. But Sufi movement failed to resolve Hindu-Muslim dilemma in Indian society. The concept of Tawhid (Unity in God), which is said to be the real formulation of Sufism, suggests that Islamic mysticism has no difference with the formulations of other non-Islamic faiths about the oneness of God. On this basis Sufism became popular in India during the period of Muslim rule. But when the Sufis supported the Muslims in their political conflict with the Hindus and played important role in conversion of Hindus to Islam, it gave birth to politicisation of religion, which generated communal tension between the two major religious communities. Had Sufism as commonly been viewed as an attempt to adapt Islam in Hindu tradition, the philosophy of two-nation theory would not have emerged. Actually, Sufism widened the gap of mistrust between the two major religious communities of South Asia Hindus and Muslims. Contrary to the common perception that Sufism tried to unify the Hindu-Muslim spirituality for a communal harmony, the political Islamists of Sufi background accelerated the process of Muslim separatism in Indian subcontinent. Their movements were the by-products of Sufi tradition of Islam. They were basically in favour of the political power of Islam. There is plenty of primary literature available in Arabic and Persian regarding the rise, development, and doings of numerous Sufi silsilas in India. Some of this literature has been translated into Urdu and English as well. A study of this literature leaves little doubt that sufis were the most fanatic and fundamentalist elements in the Islamic establishment in medieval times. Hindus, who have been misled into believing that these Sufis were spiritual seekers like Indian sages and seers, should go to this literature rather than fall for latter-day Islamic propaganda. I
have presented here the historical facts that the role played by so-called Sufi saints like Chisti and Gazi Miyan was detrimental to national interest. We being rational beings, discard all stories of miracles as either cheap publicity stunts concocted by certain followers or cases of petty illusions. Almost all scientists and rationally guided educated people of world would agree on this. Cutting out this superstitious and miracle chaff, if we review the stories of Chisti and Gazi Miyan, we find that they supported the invaders. Gazi Miyan was himself an invader! The ruin of Hindus and Hinduism in Kashmir in particular, can be safely credited to sufis who functioned there from the early thirteenth century onwards. These savages have been presented as saints by cunning Hindu politicians, ignorant Bollywood actors, careless cricketers and so-called secular (that is, anti-India) media. Now the strategy of Sufis like Chisti has been adopted by a new breed of so-called scholars like Zakir Naik, who is showcasing Islam as a peaceful religion with a view to spreading Islam by hoodwinking Hindus. Lets have a glimpse of how Indian media can transform anti-social elements into national heroes overnight: On the night of 10th May 1995, Sheikh Nuruddins mausoleum known as Charare Sharif was burnt down, very interesting, by Muslim terrorists. The Indian Press described it as the sacred Dargah of Sufi Saint Nuruddin Nurani (India Today), Symbol of Secularism, a most valuable symbol of cultural identity (Frontline) and Adobe of Rishis (The Economic Times) without having any idea of the persons historical facts. It is imperative to note that among the Sufis who played a major role in converting Hindus of Kashmir to Islam Sheikh Nuruddin popularly known as Rishi Nur holds a very high place. His technique of conversion was deceit. Such is the story of Sufism that is considered as the epitome of secular fabric of this nation. This is a short history of the affection that Sufis had for the native Indians. However, the funding to these shrines of these sufis continues as foolish Hindus visit these tombs. In fact, many of these tombs in India get more Hindu visitors than Muslim visitors. Needless to say large amounts of money are doled out by the gullible non-believers at these tombs. What exactly this money goes on to fund is anybodys guess. However, all I can say here is that: Hindus, keep it up! A Miracle: It is propagated that the sufis were able to work miracles. If they really had possessed the miraculous powers, they would have either Islamized whole India in no time, which was in fact their hidden agenda or annihilated those Hindus who were not willing to embrace Islam. This goes to prove that they had no such powers in their life time, but it is also true that they are now working miracles after their death, lying in their graves, and attracting to their sacred graves the same stupid Hindu devotees whom they were hell bent on wiping out from their own soil. I sometimes wonder whether these so-called secular saints were friends of India or fiends for Indians.
References: 1. Purushottam: Islamization of India by Sufis 2. R. Upadhyay: Sufism in India: Its origin, history and politics 3. Anwar Shaikh: Islam, Sex and Violence 4. Dr. K. S. Lal: Social History of Muslims in Bengal 5. Dr. K. S. Lal: The Legacy of Muslim Rule in India 6. Saiyed Athar Abbas Rizvi: A History of Sufism in India 7. Sita Ram Goel: The Story of Islamic Imperialism in India 8. Sita Ram Goel: Hindu Temples What Happened to Them, Vol. 1 9. Nagendra Kumar Singh: Islamic Mysticism in India 10. Claude Markowitz (Ed.): A History of Modern India 11. P M Currie: The shrine and cult of Muinuddin Chishti of Ajmer 12. Dr. Ali Sina: Understanding Muhammad 13. Dr. Ali Sina: articles on 14. M A Khan: articles on 15. Articles on
Posted by Rajeshkumar Gambhava on January 1 2012. Filed under Islamic Jihad, OpEd. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.
I sometimes wonder as to how religions have survived for so long even after it entered our world of knowledge . Could it actually be due to the fact that even in these times there are millions of gullible people who are more than willing to believe that religions were divinely inspired? Even as a Catholic I believe that me faith system has everything to do with the struggles of mystics such as St. Teresa and St. Francis of assisi who encouraged people to find God through kindness and meditation and less to do with divine edicts handed down by a God who is nothing but a Dictator. The problem with islam is that no matter in which form or shape it promotes itself it's still a miserable ideology that has no place in the minds of any intellectual person who can think for him/herself. Reply 2. fakeman January 1, 2012 - 5:45 am
Dr Ali Sina has opened my eyes on Sufism and its lies.These sufis are charlatans, who converted hindus through fraud. Praising sufis are big insult to our valiant king Prithviraj Chauhan who sacrificed his life for his motherland,today many people in India doesn't know how Sufis took advantage on the martyr of Prithviraj Chauhan for preaching cult to peace loving hindus. I thanks to the author and request to spread message on this article to indian people. Reply 3. El Padrino January 1, 2012 - 8:44 am
Interesting article exposing the taqiyah nature of sufism.Someone should forward this article to Bill Maher,as he claimed that this is the kind of muslims we should be inviting to the west,as opposed to the sunni-shia sects. I'm not saying Bill was being deceptive,it s just that he was ignorant about the sufis true nature as most of us are. Reply 4. radan January 1, 2012 - 12:14 pm
Sunni, Shia or Sufi are all the same. For them Muham(mad) is the prophet. Muham(mad)'s only miracle is the terrorists' manual, quran. Do the so called Sufi saints (?) superior to Muham(mad) who himself could not even answer some questions of common sense and to avoid which brought out verses from his sleeves condemning the persons who posed probing questions. For the gullible, sufism is the sugar coated venom. Sufi is nothing but deceit and taqqiya. We should propagate the knowledge to all the kafirs. Reply 5. muhammed January 1, 2012 - 1:36 pm
Dear Rajesh, Good enlightening article. You could have included Tippu Sulthan also, as many muslims in south India believe that he too was a wali/mystic. I myself, being a part of muslim community, know very well the ugly hearts of muslims. They take all benefits & helps from kaffirs & curse them with their heart when they leave. Reply
dear brother muhammad now i am happy that slowly many people are awaring, it is the duty of every human that we shoould spread the message to the people for saving humanity, Zakir Naik who is poisioning the innocent muslim minds should be taken into consideration.He and his spawns are self claiming the victory over other scholars.Zakir Naik is preaching Sharia rule over india Reply 6. shabeer_hassan2002 January 1, 2012 - 3:38 pm
Sufism was not part of the islam ,it was the mixture of islam and hindu concept of sanyasm(Hindu saint)(that he said It is propagated that Sufis believed in attaining God by meditation, fasts and singing His praises to achieve a state of ecstasy just like Hindu Saints.) Sufist principle was copmletly against Islamic principle , especially they never gives the important of Islamic family and social values. the just give wrong , fun dental, Orthodox interpretation on the the Islamic theory.but my brother include some wrong information with it. They had only one aim to subdue the native populations and flutter the flag of Islam in every nook and cranny of this once great nation that lie,they are orthodox people,the lived in the model of saint,major of their time they being in meditation,they never give the importance of converting people,they never give the important even visit their family social things ,how can give the importance of conversion? and but some mu-gal emperor influenced the friend says that mu-gal emperor converted the Hindu people to Islam,that lie ,because
800 years India ruled by mugal,if they converted hindu people by forcefully ,then how the Hindu religion and hindu people exist today as the majority over islam? how can it happened? the most of historian from here India and others,they never gives a liitle description for the conversion(except some hidu fundamentalist) Reply
Thank you Rajesh Kumar for exposing the truth about Sufism. Shabeer says: Sufist principle was copmletly against Islamic principle , especially they never gives the important of Islamic family and social values. Yes, that is what this article is saying too. And I don't think any sane person in the world would want to live by 'islamic family and social values'. However, sufism has always been part of Islam and has acted as taqiyaa to give people a false sense of security. People who would never have converted to Islam if they knew what it teaches were fooled by sufism into thinking that Islam was another good spiritually uplifting doctrine. Us non-muslims need to point out the real standing of Sufism to everyone, even to muslims. Whenever someone talks about sufis , we need to make it clear right there that Sufism is not Islam. Just as they do not allow Ahmediyas to call themselves 'muslim' in Pakistan, we need to refuse to let Sufis call themselves muslim, and expose their true relationship relative to Islam. Reply
If you want to know why Islam was not able to convert Hindus completely then read the book "Crimes Against India" by Stephen Knapp. More than 80 million Hindus sacrificed their life for refusing to convert to Islam. This land called India is soaked with blood of millions of Hindus. The stories of bloody battles are endless. Islam did not showed any mercy against Hindus. Finally they realized that it will be impossible to rule over Hindus in this fashion, so
took the slow path towards conversion, using different proselytizing tactics. And still the thirst of Islam is not quenched, that bloody Jihad has resurfaced in the world to bring back supremacy and rule of Islam on the world. I hope the world realizes to the true motives of Jihad and deal with it before it is too late. Reply 7. shabeer_hassan2002 January 1, 2012 - 3:51 pm
WAS ISLAM SPREAD BY THE SWORD? It is a common complaint among some non-Muslims that Islam would not have millions of adherents all over the world, if it had not been spread by the use of force. The following points will make it clear, that far from being spread by the sword, it was the inherent force of truth, reason and logic that was responsible for the rapid spread of Islam. 1. Islam means peace. Islam comes from the root word salaam, which means peace. It also means submitting ones will to Allah (swt). Thus Islam is a religion of peace, which is acquired by submitting ones will to the will of the Supreme Creator, Allah (swt). 2. Sometimes force has to be used to maintain peace. Each and every human being in this world is not in favour of maintaining peace and harmony. There are many, who would disrupt it for their own vested interests. Sometimes force has to be used to maintain peace. It is precisely for this reason that we have the police who use force against criminals and antisocial elements to maintain peace in the country. Islam promotes peace. At the same time, Islam exhorts it followers to fight where there is oppression. The fight against oppression may, at times, require the use of force. In Islam force
can only be used to promote peace and justice. 3. Opinion of historian De Lacy OLeary. The best reply to the misconception that Islam was spread by the sword is given by the noted historian De Lacy OLeary in the book Islam at the cross road (Page 8): History makes it clear however, that the legend of fanatical Muslims sweeping through the world and forcing Islam at the point of the sword upon conquered races is one of the most fantastically absurd myth that historians have ever repeated. Reply
There is no need to reason with you. U are a brain washed ,zombie,fundamentalist, only interested in your religipous dogma and subjugation of nonmoslems. first of all U are not following reson,logic,intelligence,philosophical strength and morals. U are born into ISLAM !!! But U will not use your thinking mind ._ISLAM / QQUURRAN /MO /ALLA canot provide any answers for a seeker of truth . _On the other hand ISLAM/MOSLEMS/MO /ALLA has a horrendous history of crime, deception,evil,cruelty,inhumanity,killing,murder,rape ,pedohilia ,misogyny,hatred for all nonmoslems._ISLAM was spread by sword. Your argument is meaningless. INDIAS population was too big and overpowering to surerender to ISLAM. But ISLAM succeeded in having 150 million folowers in INDIA, 150 million followers in PAKISATAN, 150 million followers in B,desh. Moslems and ISLAM stole HINDU INDIAN land of pakisatan, B;desh and afghanistan. I want all moslems must vacate INDIAN land and go to SAUDI ARABIA the birth place of ISLAM and where they belong. If moslems live in INDIA , they are naturally kafirs as described in QQUURRAN and by MO. Reply
brother First drink some cool water,plz remove the character of emotionalist ,i know your weakness and your feeling about(i opened your lies) in front of the public,what can we do? because truth belongs to Islam,normal sensual people know it,plz stop your one man shows here,or i will open some shocking files too please remove your RSS emotion ism here,better to post your doubt about islam with valid evidence from the script instead of your RSS members text,i will answer you,islam love all mankind their brothers and sister,we respect all religion ,their scriptures,we ever say any bad words against any religious person. Moslems and ISLAM stole HINDU INDIAN land of pakisatan, B;desh and afghanistan that lie first all the land become gods,is Hindustan created by Hindu? 7 billlion people cant create even an atom,i dont no how can my brother says like that?. from his words an inelegant people can understand ,who hates the non believer? is islam or hindu? read his words once again. I want all moslems must vacate INDIAN land and go to SAUDI ARABIA the birth place of ISLAM whats the right of you talking like that? who are you? Reply
first drink some cool water , i know my brother feeling,because i proved my last post,all their allegation are pure lies,there is no solution for ext ream emotionalism,please behave kindly and peacefully, actually its cumming from a man has nothing do himself to establish and convincing the lie story. reson,logic,intelligence,philosophical strength and morals horrendous history of crime, deception,evil,cruelty,inhumanity,killing,murder,rape ,pedohilia ,misogyny,hatred for all nonmoslems
what r the immoral, urological things r in sialm ,brother please prove with valid evidence from Islamic scripture(not include your rss members books) Moslems and ISLAM stole HINDU INDIAN land of pakisatan, B;desh and afghanistan thats the new story,i never herded before it,from the true history i studied the rulers establish the country Pak and Bds with agreement of all the people. in which period Afghanistan was the part of India? that another lie. i think he talk from the purana and ethihasa story,according it Afghanistan was the part of India,any invalid superstitious believe ,is authentic? ,yesterday i dreamed i am an Indian president, is it valid evidence that i says to people ,pradipa patil stolen my power? Reply
Dear Shabbir, You are still in the process in learning. First of all, Afghanistan is sandwitched between Indian sub-continent & persian. So it is absolutely foolish on your part to attest its roots to some prehistoric Arabian culture.. 'Ghor' for example is related to the sanskrit, Avestan words for the mountain or the hill.. i.e 'Giri' You had 'Bamyan Buddhas' carved in the mountain cliffs, which the zombies of your religion like 'Taliban' & 'Al Qaida' destroy ( hope you saw the bombing video) & later on fools like you poop out the filthy shit sugar-coating with the above sweet words Ofcourse you are still brother of us, because everybody is born to the primitive human 'Manu' is what the hindu culture believes 'Vasudaiva Kutumbakam' Reply
What then are we to make of the pronouncements of the mad prophet and the ahadith? Who precisely is De Lacy O'Leary? That his work is endorsed by so many Islamists is proof positive for me that he is not to be believed. I haven't read his book (I doubt that you have) but it's patently obvious that he was being selectiive if he fails to mention the mass slaughters of kufar by Muslims. Besides that he was writing in 1923, a long time before the Islamist plague began in Europe in earnest, and I note that he is quoted from extensively by Islamist sympathisers to support their lies. You also forgot to tell your readers that Islam, far from promoting peace, exhorts its followers to fight to get their retaliation in first, inclined as it and they are towards paranoia. Reply 8. shabeer_hassan2002 January 1, 2012 - 3:57 pm
4. Muslims ruled Spain for 800 years. Muslims ruled Spain for about 800 years. The Muslims in Spain never used the sword to force the people to convert. Later the Christian Crusaders came to Spain and wiped out the Muslims. There was not a single Muslim in Spain who could openly give the adhan, that is the call for prayers. 5. 14 million Arabs are Coptic Christians. Muslims were the lords of Arabia for 1400 years. For a few years the British ruled, and for a few years the French ruled. Overall, the Muslims ruled Arabia for 1400 years. Yet today, there are 14 million Arabs who are Coptic Christians i.e. Christians since generations. If the Muslims had used the sword there would not have been a single Arab who would have remained a Christian. 6. More than 80% non-Muslims in India.
The Muslims ruled India for about a thousand years. If they wanted, they had the power of converting each and every non-Muslim of India to Islam. Today more than 80% of the population of India are non-Muslims. All these nonMuslim Indians are bearing witness today that Islam was not spread by the sword. 7. Indonesia and Malaysia. Indonesia is a country that has the maximum number of Muslims in the world. The majority of people in Malaysia are Muslims. May one ask, Which Muslim army went to Indonesia and Malaysia? 8. East Coast of Africa. Similarly, Islam has spread rapidly on the East Coast of Africa. One may again ask, if Islam was spread by the sword, Which Muslim army went to the East Coast of Africa? 9. Thomas Carlyle. The famous historian, Thomas Carlyle, in his book Heroes and Hero worship, refers to this misconception about the spread of Islam: The sword indeed, but where will you get your sword? Every new opinion, at its starting is precisely in a minority of one. In one mans head alone. There it dwells as yet. One man alone of the whole world believes it, there is one man against all men. That he takes a sword and try to propagate with that, will do little for him. You must get your sword! On the whole, a thing will propagate itself as it can. 10. No compulsion in religion. With which sword was Islam spread? Even if Muslims had it they could not use it to spread Islam because the Quran says in the following verse: Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from
#4 Later the Christian Crusaders came to Spain and wiped out the Muslims. That's an interesting perspective Shabby, since those Crusaders were Spaniards (though not Andalusians) themselves. Strictly, they were Visigoths who were the residents of Iberia prior to the Islamic invasion. When the Muslims, who were mostly Berbers from North Africa a different subcontinent! invaded, the Visigoths were driven Northwards and formed the Kingdom of Asturias. Over the next 700 years of complex on-off wars, treaties etc. they drove the Muslims back out. Some Crusaders certainly were foreign to the immediate area, being from other parts of Europe, but equally the Moors had foreign help also in the form of Muslim soldiers coming over to bolster their armies. #5 Agreed, but the Copts have lived under discrimination for that time, suffering frequent persecution and pogrom up until the modern day. That they have survived is a testament to the strength of their faith. Yet it is also worth pointing out that at the time of the Arab invasion, the Copts amounted to (almost) 100% of Egypt's population, today they are perhaps 10%. Further it has be stated that many Muslim rulers regarded the Dhimmis as a source of income for the state (due to the Jizya and other taxes levied) and so were not necessarily keen on mass slaughter. #6. The slaughter of non-Muslims in India runs into 7 figure numbers as does the enslavement. Neither, I suggest, puts Islam in a particularly good light. You write (actually it may be Zakir Naik) If they wanted, they had the power of converting each and every non-Muslim of India to Islam. This is not so. Despite the fact that Qasim, on orders from Hajjaj did offer the Hindus the choice Islam or death, this only took place in Brahmanabad with the notable slaughter of 26,000 men (women and children were enslaved, of course) and a few other places and times by other Muslim conquerors. Such mass-murders are, however, difficult not to mention time-consuming to carry out. They have another consequence as well. The invading army has to be fed. If you kill the farmers, then no food is grown (the Muslim army could hardly be farmers and a jihadi army simultaneously) and the invader army starves, or at least is forced to retreat. Thus the Muslim invaders soon realised that it was better, though not strictly in accord with Islamic Doctrine, to allow the Hindus to exist as Dhimmis since this allowed the land to be worked and fed the Muslims.
Certainly they could enforce surface Islam (submission) on those Hindus under their sway (in a parallel to your claim about the status of Muslims in Spain after the re-conquest), but they could not change hearts. History shows that many Hindus who converted under duress subsequently, when oppression ceased (or eased), returned to the Hindu fold. Many others, at various points in history rebelled, or simply disappeared into the (then) forests of India and you can't kill people if you can't find them. Further, co-existing with the Moghul rulers were various Hindu kingdoms (e.g. Vijaynagar) that provided a sanctuary for Hindus as well as armed opposition to the Moghul rulers. It was only under Akbar the apostate that the Islamic control of India extended greatly beyond the North-West area and Akbar was so little of a Muslim as to garner his title. Under his great-grandson Aurangezeb, forced Islamisation was implemented, very much at sword point, but his actions stirred up revolt all over the Country. As D.H.Kolf puts it: millions of armed men, cultivators or otherwise were it's [the Moghul government's] rivals rather than subjects. #7. I do not have enough knowledge to comment on how Islam was spread there. #8. Given the numbers of slavery about 17 million that were trafficked out of Africa and the fact that the females were used as sex-slaves by Muslim masters, one may imagine that the transferral of such large numbers of breeding females (as such they were seen) from non-Muslim populations would serve to firstly reduce those populations significantly and secondly to rapidly increase the Muslim population. Whether this is the explanation I will grant I do not know for sure, but it is irrational to assume that Islamic slavery has not had a significant impact on populations. #9. And your point is? We are talking here about armies, not individuals. #10. This verse is generally considered to be abrogated by K.9:5. And there is compulsion in Islam -you can't leave it without risking your life to do so. Reply 9. shabeer_hassan2002 January 1, 2012 - 4:13 pm
11. Sword of the Intellect. It is the sword of intellect. The sword that conquers the hearts and minds of people. The Quran says in Surah Nahl, chapter 16 verse 125:
Invite (all) to the way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious. [Al-Quran 16:125] 12. Increase in the world religions from 1934 to 1984. An article in Readers Digest Almanac, year book 1986, gave the statistics of the increase of percentage of the major religions of the world in half a century from 1934 to 1984. This article also appeared in The Plain Truth magazine. At the top was Islam, which increased by 235%, and Christianity had increased only by 47%. May one ask, which war took place in this century which converted millions of people to Islam? 13. Islam is the fastest growing religion in America and Europe. Today the fastest growing religion in America is Islam. The fastest growing religion in Europe in Islam. Which sword is forcing people in the West to accept Islam in such large numbers? 14. Dr. Joseph Adam Pearson. Dr. Joseph Adam Pearson rightly says, People who worry that nuclear weaponry will one day fall in the hands of the Arabs, fail to realize that the Islamic bomb has been dropped already, it fell the day MUHAMMED (pbuh) was born. Reply
Shabeer, Now tell us how did muslims gain political control over Christian-Spain, Hindu-India, Buddhist-Malaysia, Indonesia etc? How did muslims took
control over Persian, Syrian & Egyptian rule? Secondly, there are 3 options for the non-believers living in muslim rule, 1 to accept islam. 2 Pay jizya & live as a secondary citizen with obedience to the sharia. 3 Death. Where ever muslims ruled they imposed the above rule. Shame on you muslims. You muslims are the most hypocritical race in the entire human history. In muslim minority states you beg the kaffirs for equal rights & everything else, but you dont grant the same to them in a muslim majority state. Now coming to the percentage of growth of religion it is quiet natural that islam is at top as muslims are breeding like pigs, they dont have any population growth restricting laws, rather Muhammed said, the muslim woman who act as a breeding machine will definitely attain paradise. Ha ha ha.. Infact islam is a sexy religion. Reply
Now tell us how did muslims gain political control over ChristianSpain, Hindu-India, Buddhist-Malaysia, Indonesia etc? How did muslims took control over Persian, Syrian & Egyptian rule?" Muslims would have us believe these nations wrote letters to muslims begging them to take control over their countries,butcher their people,confiscate their properties,enslave their people,impose jizyah on the natives,etc.Because no else can rule a country better than muslims.Yeah right,these kafirs asked for it. Reply
rajesh ji, brother u have at-least a little bit knowledge about the Indian history,brother come to reality,throw out your RSS members (lie)history books and study authorized original Indian history book from Kashmir to kerala. ok my dear members come to the reality ,how can islam come to India?
Islam came to India with the newly Islamised Arab merchants and traders on the Malabar Coast in the 7th century. Islam arrived in north India in the 12th century and has since become a part of Indias rich religious and cultural heritage.[4] Over the years, there has been significant integration of Hindu and Muslim cultures across India[5][6] and the Muslims have played a prominent role in Indias economic rise and cultural influence. here the authorized evidence brother Rajesh,dont behave like dude with lot of lies.. Reply
Islam_in_Malaysia & Indonesia Individual Arab traders and including Sahabas preached in Malay Archipelago, Indo-Chin and China in early seventh century.[13] The Islamic peoples Chams of Cambodia trace their origin to Jahsh (Geys), the father of Zainab and thus one of the fathers-in-law of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. Islam was introduced in Sumatra coast by Arabs in 674 CE.[14] Islam was also brought to Malaysia by Indian Muslim traders in the 12th century AD. It is commonly held that Islam first arrived in Malay peninsular since Sultan Muzaffar Shah I (12th century) of Kedah, the first ruler to be known to convert to Islam after being introduced to it by Indian traders who themselves were recent converts. In the 13th century, the Terengganu Stone Monument was found at Kuala Berang, Terengganu where the first Malay state to receive Islam in 1303 Sultan Megat Iskandar Shah, known as Parameswara prior to his conversion, is the first Sultan of Melaka. He converted into Islam after marrying a princess from Pasai, of present day Indonesia. The religion was adopted peacefully by the coastal trading ports people of Malaysia and Indonesia, absorbing rather than conquering existing beliefs. By the 15th and 16th centuries it was the majority faith of the Malay people. advice to Rajesh before posting the lie story please refer at least the truth story,today lot of facility available,becs lot of common people here misunderstand you,they believe all your post was complete lies. Reply
Status of Non Muslims in Islamic country: In communities which base their civil rights on brute strength, the weaker go to the wall, and public opinion expects nothing else. Even in modern democracies of the saner sort, it is often told that it is the fate of minorities to suffer; strength of numbers here becomes the passport to power and privilege. Islam, while upholding balanced views in general, enjoins the most solicitous care for the weak and oppressed. The minorities are treated with justice in every way-in rights of property, in social rights, and in the right to opportunities of development. The non-Muslim living under the protection of a Muslim state is referred as Dhimmi, a free non-Muslim subject. They are exempt from duties of Islam like military service and zakat, instead they are required to pay jizyah (poll-tax). Historically some Islamic governments paid this poll tax for poor non-Muslim subjects or reduced it to mere symbolic tax. If the State cannot protect those who paid jizyah, then the amount they paid is returned to them. Islam guarantees full protection and security of the State including freedom of religion to all. The killing of innocent people is strictly prohibited, according to
Quran: ..if anyone slew a person unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land it would be as if he slew the life of all mankind: and if anyone saved a life it would be as if he saved the life of all mankind. Then although there came to them Our apostles with clear Signs yet even after that many of them continued to commit excesses in the land.(Quran;5:32) Thus the notion that the minorities are treated as second class citizens in an Islamic state is based on malicious propaganda. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was the main enforcer of human rights safeguarding the legitimate interests of minorities. The monks of Mount Sinai were provided protection. On establishing the first Islamic state at Medina, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) entered into many alliances, treaties with the Muslims and the non-Muslims, securing peace and tranquility for the Muslims and non-Muslims alike.
"The killing of innocent people is strictly prohibited". Ah yes, but who is "innocent"? Or, perhaps more importantly, what is meant by "mischief"? Well, I've answered this part of your book elsewhere, so I'm not bothering again beyond pointing out that your verse is a command to JEWS not Muslims. What a pity the Koran contains no such command directed to Muslims!
shabeer hassan Read all this web site's articles, books by Dr ALI SINA. Before that U decide to be a good human being, with honesty,truth, with good conscience , with kindness, with compassion and liking for freedom, peace, peace loving, democracy, equality , respect for all religions, respect for all people etc. Then give up bigotry,slavery, discrimination,intolerance, fascism, violence, hatred for nonmoslems as preached by MO / QQUURRAN. Then you will be a good human being. No need to be dishonest, with deception, lying as you do now.
shabeer don't spread the lies , muslims always claims to be peaceful which is the biggest lie,muslims attacked India and through deception.Today Afghanistan,Pakistan,Bangladesh are the output of Islamistaion, Muslims were unable to reach entire India.There were was high resistance from Hindu warriors who resist the complete islamisation,today there are many Muslims who are prosperous due to the Hindus of India, Hindus are in majority thats way there is peace in India, what is the situation of Kashmir where muslims are in majority what has Islam given to India terrorism,communal riots,cattle slaughter, polygamy, honour killing,separitism Those who exposing they are reading RSS articles.Muslims always denied their atrocities.RSS has taken several steps for country's development not like your beloved SIMI, Indian Mujhaideen, Laskhar -e-Toiba who doesn't think except the destruction of India Reply
oye You are either a ZAKIR follower (in addition to MO ) or must be ZAKIR yourself , posting here with imposter name. INDIA do not need the monster , evil,cruel, wicked, poisonous, hate filled , violent ,murderous religion called ISLAM . INDIA wants to be free from the darkness of ISLAM. Moslems who
wants to follow MO/ QQUURRAN must go to saudi ARABIA and settel there and live happily in ISLAM !!!!. Rest of the world also does not want ISLAM/Moslems the plague, the cancer . ISLAM/MOSLEMS entering into INDIA is the greatest calamity in the human history. Reply
hopes.(Quran;47:25). Allahs Apostle (peace be upon him) is reported to have said, The blood of a Muslim who confesses that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that I am His Apostle, cannot be shed except in three cases: In Qisas for murder, a married person who commits adultery and the one who reverts from Islam (apostate) and leaves the Muslims. (Sahih AlBukhari Hadith:9.17). Non-Muslims are allowed to teach their faith to their followers, but they are not allowed to go against the mainstream of the Muslim society. Kindness and Equity: Muslims are encouraged to act towards all the nonMuslims living in Islamic state with kindness and equity, evident from this verse of Quran, mostly ignored and not quoted by critics: As for such (of the unbelievers) as do not fight against you on account of your faith, and neither drive you forth from your homelands, Allah does not forbid you to show them kindness and to behave towards them with full equity. Indeed, Allah loves those who act equitably(Quran;60:8). There are numerous Hadiths, which encourage Muslims to be kind to other religious communities, especially those who constitute minorities in the Muslim State. As a result many deserving non Muslims were able to get very high positions in the Muslim hierarchy. Islam does not forbid engagement in respectful and peaceful dialogue with others, especially the People of
the Book, provided that neither side exploit the illiteracy or dire financial need of others so as to psychologically manipulate them in the name of outreach. Legal and Dietary Freedom: Islamic law also permits non-Muslim minorities to set up their own courts, which implement family laws drawn up by the minorities themselves. The rights of minorities are well protected in Islam. Another interesting fact in Islamic history is that although Muslims are prohibited from preparing, selling and consuming alcohol, whereas the ruling is not the same with non-Muslim. If non-Muslim minority in an Islamic state wish to do so, and do not involve Muslims, they would actually be given this right, they even consume pork, strictly prohibited for the Muslims. This points out that the concept of human rights in Islam has often been given a much negative view. Special Status of People of the Book : The Christians and Jews are called People of the Book in Quran. Muslims are asked to call upon the People of the Book for common terms, that is to worship One Allah, and to work together for the solutions of the many problems in the society: Those who believe (in the Quran) and those who follow the Jewish (Scriptures) and the Christians and the Sabians (monotheistic followers of John the Baptist) and who believe in Allah and the last day and work Reply
"Islam is the fastest growing religion in America and Europe." Not that old chestnut. Have you never heard of the saying that even though a billion people may believe a stupid thing it is still a stupid thing? Don't you understand that Joseph Adam Pearson believes Islam to be evil and, according to him, to be inspired by Shaitan? By that token, an intelligent person would not use what he says to support even a daft argument like yours.
I agree that the Muhammedan atomic bomb has been dropped already, but not for the reasons you might believe. Atomic bombs cause fire storms and release radiation when they explode, which kill, at first quickly, (just as your mad prophet and his followers did anyone who they imagined disagreed with them), but also over time because radiation's effects remain to undermine the target population. So your analogy is correct. Islam IS trying at least to poison the societies in which it finds itself just as nuclear radiation does from an atomic bomb. There is little protection from nuclear radiation but we can protect ourselves from the poisonous nature of Islam. Education is the key and I see from the number of posts that you have made that you are decompensating progressively. That is because you are insecure in your faith. If you were secure you would not need to make such a fool of yourself. Reply 10. Rahul January 1, 2012 - 7:05 pm
A very good article from a very good website which also talks about Sufism in India Reply 11. Domenico January 1, 2012 - 8:30 pm
Victims write books too All over the Earth where Muslims live and breed themselves into majorities there are big problems with life and death consequences. Minorities shrink in numbers or disappear altogether in such places, the more islam involved in governments the faster the annihilation. Every country that suffered at the hands of islam have similar horror stories to tell. Muslims' response ? "Not true ! People simply embraced islam !!!" How ridiculous can they get ? The Armenians are not cold in their graves yet and they still claim ''it's not true" but they occupy the homes of millions of Armenian victims ! Reply
Safety, Security and Protection of Non Muslims: Narrated Abdullah bin Amr : The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: Whoever killed a Muahid (a person who is granted the pledge of protection by the Muslims) shall not smell the fragrance of Paradise though its fragrance can be smelt at a distance of forty years (of traveling).(Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith:9.49). Narrated Amr bin Maimun: The second Caliph Umar (after he was stabbed by a man from minority), instructed (his would-be-successor) saying: I urge him (i.e. the new Caliph) to take care of those non-Muslims who are under the protection of Allah and His Apostle (peace be upon him) in that he should observe the convention agreed upon with them, and fight on their behalf (to secure their safety) and he should not over-tax them beyond their capability. (Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith: 4.287). Freedom of Faith: There are no forced conversions in Islam, the non Muslim subjects have the right to freely choose to convert to Islam or keep practicing their faith. But once a person converts to Islam, it is obligatory to practice his faith to be a good Muslim. Apostasy has always been considered as a capital offence in all the religions and political systems of the world, because it is considered as a high treason against the established norms of society. The Bible prescribes death by stoning for apostasy: You shall stone him to death with stones, because he sought to draw you away from the LORD your God..(Deutrony;13:10).
The pagan Romans brutally killed the early Christians on same ground. Subsequently this practice was repeated by the Christian Church against opposing Christians, who were killed and burnt alive. Death penalty for apostasy remained in force in England for long time. It was abolished due to social and cultural developments. In early Islam, the pagans of Makkah, and Jews of Medina used to indulge in this practice to gain intelligence and to demoralize the fragile expanding Muslim community of Median. Hence apostasy is considered as a major sin in Islam. Whether it is punishable by Islamic law is a debatable matter among Muslim scholars. Some believe that the apostate should be punished after trial because they consider this crime as a betrayal, high treason against the community, while others opine that if someone changes his faith and does not challenge the Islamic society, it is a matter between him and Allah, Who will punish him in hereafter. However, both opinions agree that it is a major worst form of sin punishable by Allah. As per Quran; Those who turn back as apostates after Guidance was clearly shown to them the Evil One has instigated them and buoyed them up with false Reply
minorities are treated like crap in the muslim majorities countries.They have no human rights in the land of Muslim countries.Hindus are being persecuted in Pakistan and Bangladesh, Bahais are being persecuted in Iran, Christians are persecuted in Nigeria ,Indonesia.There are daily incidents of minorities persecution in muslim countries.This is the justice for non-muslims.where as muslims are getting benefits in non-muslim countries, they never paid any religious tax to the government, today many muslims want to migrate to the non-muslim countries.
Have you read Islam and Dhimmitude by Bat Ye'or, which gives a true and ccount of how Islam treats non-Muslims? You should read it. It's very scholarly and educational Reply
Please don't quote the Bible at us in justification of the barbarism of Muslims stoning fellow-Muslims to death! No Christian or Jew believes that stoning is a just punishment in the 21st century. Only devout Muslims, who cannot think for themselves and have to be told what to think, believe that sharia should be taken literally and not deviated from and of course with sharia comes stoning, beheading, the chopping off of hands etc etc. Yet in the UK, we get the following from an Islamist spokesman in the 21st century! From: ..Yesterday Inayat Bunglawala, assistant general secretary of the Muslim Council of Britain, criticised the arrest of Ms Gibbons in Sudan and described it as a quite horrible misunderstanding. But during a public debate in London two weeks ago, he refused my invitation to condemn unequivocally the practice of stoning women to death for adultery. It had happened during the lifetime of the Prophet, he said, so you are asking me to condemn my Prophet. Note the cock-eyed, underdeveloped, knee-jerk superstitious rigid thinking, which is impervious to reason and is typical of the genre. Give it up. You cannot win! Reply
@shabeer.. Im an indonesian, and You are high. You are like someone whos jacked up on LSD an thinking that your imagination Is the reality. Look, you want to justify islam using the Quran? Why dont you try to justify your religion through REAL EVENTS? Your religion subdued my nation and turned it into the hell-hole that it now is. You think that quoting Indonesia as being the country with the biggest percentage of muslim people will do you any good? No it wont, because its also among the most corrupt countries in the world. It is also a country with the most violent religious riots (motored by the countrys infamous Islam Defenders burnings and bombings. Still proud of your religion? Religion of peace, my ass. Reply
Shabeer was right ,, and u r wrong my friend!! What real events are you talking about? First of all the media only cover the bad side of Islam and Muslims,,, Why not counting the good side?? U know nothing abt how muslims treat other people! Islam is not judged with what people do!! Islam is judged with its own laws! What he tried to say is that no muslim came to Indonesia and used force to convince indonesians to convert to Islam! Islam is the religion of peace! YES IT IS, Shabeer is js trying to help u guys! Well done shabeer ! MASHALLAH! Reply
someone U live by lies ,deception ,fear,terror ,dishonesty and in darkness. Don't use your thinking mind, dont use facts, dont use truths. Your choice is to live in darkness as zombie, slave of ISLAM and follower of MO , the terrorist,rapist, deceiver,pedophile,robber.
@jason 1. Media maligns Islam a. Islam is without doubt the best religion but the media is in the hands of the westerners who are afraid of Islam. The media is continuously broadcasting and printing information against Islam. They either provide misinformation about Islam, misquote Islam or project a point out of proportion, if any. b. When any bomb blasts take place anywhere, the first people to be accused without proof are invariably the Muslims. This appears as headlines in the news. Later, when they find that non-Muslims were responsible, it appears as an insignificant news item. c. If a 50 year old Muslim marries a 15 year old girl after taking her permission, it appears on the front page but when a 50 year old non-Muslim rapes a 6 year old girl, it may appear in the news in the inside pages as Newsbriefs. Everyday in America on an average 2,713 cases of rape take place but it doesnt appear in the news, since it has become a way of life for the Americans. 2. Black sheep in every community: I am aware that there are some Muslims who are dishonest, unreliable, who cheat, etc. but the media projects this as though only Muslims are involved in such activities. There are black sheep in every community. I know Muslims who are alcoholics and who can drink most of the non-Muslims under the table. 3. Muslims best as a whole: Inspite of all the black sheep in the Muslim community, Muslims taken on the whole, yet form the best community in the world. We are the biggest community of tee-totallers as a whole, i.e. those who dont imbibe alcohol. Collectively, we are a community which gives the maximum charity in the world. There is no community as a whole in the world which can show even a candle to the Muslims where modesty is concerned; where sobriety is concerned; where human values and ethics are concerned. 4. Dont judge a car by its driver:
If you want to judge how good is the latest model of the Mercedes car and a person who does not know how to drive sits at the steering wheel and bangs up the car, who will you blame? The car or the driver? But naturally, the driver. To analyze how good the car is, a person should not look at the driver but see the ability and features of the car. How fast is it, what is its average fuel consumption, what are the safety measures, etc. Even if I agree for the sake of argument that the Muslims are bad, we cant judge Islam by its followers? If you want to judge how good Islam is then judge it according to its authentic sources, i.e. the Glorious Quran and the Sahih Hadith. Reply
5. Judge Islam by its best follower i.e. Prophet Mohammed (pbuh): If you practically want to check how good a car is put an expert driver behind the steering wheel. Similarly the best and the most exemplary follower of Islam by whom you can check how good Islam is, is the last and final messenger of God, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Besides Muslims, there are several honest and unbiased non-Muslim historians who have acclaimed that prophet Muhammad was the best human being. According to Michael H. Hart who wrote the book, The Hundred Most Influential Men in History, the topmost position, i.e. the number one position goes to the beloved prophet of Islam, Muhammad (pbuh).
There are several such examples of non-Muslims paying great tributes to the prophet, like Thomas Carlyle, La-Martine, etc. yes judge islam with quran and hadeeth,some people act cannot be consider as Islamic: character of Muslim(on the basis of quran and hadeeth) Reply
#1a Like reporting Islamist suicide-murder-bombings? Or perhaps you mean detailing foiled plots? Or did you mean the hate-preach that goes on in Western mosques? #1b. Now, I wonder why that is? I'll agree that we are not always right, but with over 1800+ such "man-made disasters" (to be PC about it) who's causation is Islam every year, is it surprising that the West tends to think that first and anyone else second? #1c. Interesting example, since in the West BOTH are rapes. But I suppose you would say that it isn't rape if she "gives permission", no matter how young. What about a fifty year old man and a nine year old girl? That "okay" too? #2. Granted. Of course ALL societies have their criminal elements, but there is a difference I think you'll agree between crime and jihadi attacks. #3. So the Koran tells you (therefore, in your view it MUST be true of course). Once again you are trying to use statistics, but if I chose a different set of parameters, FGM, HBV for example then Muslims would not do so well. And, with respect, yours is not the "ommunity which gives the maximum charity in the world", that honour belongs to the US. #4. That is a fair point, but if all the drivers of Mercedes were nutcases who bang up their car and others and drive like loons, one might well conclude that A). Mercedes drivers should be avioded because they will hurt you and B) that their must be something about Mercedes that provokes this attitude no matter what the glossy brochures say! Reply
shabeer You are lying and dishonest. Media is always so generous and magnanimous to ISLAM/Moslems. I wonder why . Dont you see the video's here and elsewhere. Western media, and media all over the world is overlooking, unwilling to tell the truth about the bigotry and cruelty Of ISLAM / Moslems. At the drop of hat , MOSLEMS turn into monsters by terrorizing, nonmoslems and killing nonmoslems. Did you count the number of bombings, attacks, killings ,murders rapes committed by MOSLEMS ? Numerous. But still the whole world and media arew so generous and magnanimous to moslems media do not bother to mention the name of ISLAM or Moslems. What kind of rights, conditions do nonmoslems have in ISLAMIC countries . Nonmoslems in ISLAMIC countries are treated as slaves. Media must focus on this compare the condition of nonmoslems in ISLAMIC countries . Reply 14. fakeman January 3, 2012 - 2:44 am
you muslims will say islam is religion of peace after every atrocities,by giving second class citizen ,curbing their rights and always persecuting on the line of religion you say the islam treats the other people well.MuslimsAbout Indonesia it was the people who were tolerant and innocent, Islam was not spreaded peacefully ,after Muslims came to power they start to forcefully convert the other remaining people to Islam, Not only Indonesia , minorities have always persecuted by Muslims in every muslim countries,which is ignored by Muslims and will blame on the media by exposing their truth.Islam religion of peace-big myth Reply 15. Someone January 3, 2012 - 5:18 am
some one people ( who want to be good,honest,truthful, people who have conscience, people who can think , people who canot tolerate evil,cruelty,discrimination, people who wntas to love and be loved, people who account for their actions and conscience, people who are tolerant, people who want to be humane , people who give up hate as preached by MO are leaving ISLAM in droves. dont you see them here ? Reply
Islam told us to think , to learn , to be good, honest and truthful. To love and of a surety beloved. Islam taught us to account our actions every day!!!. Muhammad (saw) didnt preach hate!! He preached the message of Allah! Islam also tells us to smile to any person!! to give zakat!! to share with our neighbors the food. whenever they need any help we must provide it! to visit the sick people! to not lie to a child even though a child doesnt understand ! To respect every person! and so and so and so.. what do u think these are?? Reply
Then why is it that Muslims who visit here universally are people who do not think and are unwilling to learn? How many of the articles have you read on this site?
Have you read Dr. Sina's book yet? You are unqualified to comment on Islam if you have not read all of the academic and scientific literature that has been published on the subject. Being a Muslim does not make you a qualified authority on Islam. Being Muslim makes you blind, prejudiced and biased definitely UNQUALIFIED to speak on the subject! Reply
I read some of his articles!! The same goes to u , if u dont know what Islam really is then u r not qualified to talk abt it in a bad way!!
someone : please read fully and thoroughly. the articles in faith freedom dot org and ISLAM-watch dot org. You think . use your intelligence and get enlightened. You are a slave of ISLAM, a zombie. Know the other religions read their scriptures predates ISLAM by 3500 yes !!!!!!! Greatest and noblest philosophies . Please open your eyes., open your heart and mind.
The thing is that you have just proved my point made in the comment you responded to.
You don't know what Islam really is. I do. We are here to help you, but as I said, you don't care about truth. You only care about defending your home team like a football fan. Why is telling the truth bad? If you want to talk about bad, let's talk about Muhammad's behavior and talking about things you are not knowledgeable about.
someone__ ISLAM is a hoax perpetrated on humanity. ISLAM is totally false religion and Mo was a deceiver,robber,pedo,killer and liar,misogynist ,intolerant and slavery perpetrator and promoter. U decide first with your good and pure conscience and honesty that you want to live your life as good human being. Then decide the criteria for a good humanbeing. You will see immediately by using your thinking,intelligence that you can never ba good humanbeing as long as U are a moslewm. ISLAM is evil,cruel,wicked, bigotry, ISLAM is hate filled . ISLAM is slavery . ISLAM is intolerant. U have evidence for all of this very plentiful. U must be honest, truthful and based on facts. Look at ISLAMIC books like QQUURRAAN, SIRA,HADITHS. Look at ISLAMIC societies, ISLAMIC countries,ISLAMIC regimes, ISLAMIC rules. ALL of them are extremely evil,primitive, cruel, lacking truth, dishonest, showing huge discrimination against nonmoslems. Look what happened in AFGHANISTAN under TALIBAN /ALQAEDA , in PAKISTAN,IN IRAN IN SADI arabia,IN SUDAN, IN SOMALIA . Reply
sha_beer _ There was no ISLAM in INDIA prior to yr 678 AD. ISLAM and Moslems came from outside as invading,marauding,murderous thugs,killers and looters and rapists,destroyers.
Nobody even can think of Moslem rule =the sheer darkness of ISLAM, most primitive. Everything ISLAM has copied from nonmoslems except killing,raping,enslaving,jihads, fatwas, Hooddood , houris etc. Nobody,no humanbeing needs or wants to be a moslem. Only demons want to be like moslems. Religion of demons is ISLAM. This is 100% sure. Why do Moslems want to go to nonmoslem lands? SAUDI ARABIA is a huge country. Go there and settle in your paradise hell hole. the Why dont Moslems get exactly same rights and protection and other benefits you describe ( dishonest lying,cheating, deception ) in moslem countries to nonmoslems to moslems in nonmoslem countries. It is easy for any nonmoslem government to make moslems live under them, like dhimmies , ( i e according to ISLAMIC idea !!! why dont you ask for it ? that say for example , we moslems in USA want to be treated like moslem regimes treat nonmoslems in ISLAMIC rules Reply
Someone _ The proof is that millions of moslems wants to leave ISLAM and ISLAMIC countries and would like to come to kafir ,infidel countries eventhough MO/ QQUURRAN prohibits moslems to live in kafir countries . If any moslem lives in a nonmoslem kafir country then that moslem is dubbed as a kafir believing , by mMO/QQUURRAAN !!! So according to shariat , those moslems who live in kafir countries are kafirs- this is a shirk worst than murder!!!! Reply
From where did u get ur statistics!! i can say that Christians convert to Islam more than do Muslims convert to Christianity!! With the media against Islam! but u find that many r converting to Islam!! A catholic lady from Canada came to Oman last month and she was amazed with the treatment she got around muslims!!
she converted to Islam with hand of Shaikh khalid Yaseen! And she is so happy now !! Reply
muslims will oftenly advertise about non-muslim conversion to islam but they will remain silent where muslims are leaving islam,in muslim countries who ever wants to leave islam will be executed, have you heard about iranian pastor youscef nadarkhani who has been penalised with death for apostasy ,this is the true face of your religion who kills apostates. Reply
someone _ How you cheat your own conscience ? This is what ISLAM does to you. Why dont you moslems allow Moslem women go to USA or canada and see for themselves what waits for them !!! You kill moslem women if they marry or even mingles and talks with nonmoslem guys . You prohibit and kill moslem women if they leave ISLAM !!!! Let Moslem women come out of their burqa, have education to a high level and give freedom to do whatever they want to do !!! Can you fulfill this bearest minimum human activity and human rights ? Let the moslem women learn ,see ,experience and think for themselves . ISLAM will disappear in a decade and consigned to the dust heap of history. what is keeping ISLAM it's terror theology, drilling fear into the believers by force . Reply 16. shabeer January 3, 2012 - 2:55 pm
conclusion of the topics ISLAM SPREAD BY SWORD we know that islam never spread by sword ,but a questions is remaining,how can a massive hindu people converting islam.the two major issues are the important their conversion. 1.IMPRACTICABILITY OF HINDUISM: its a detailed subject ,sum point we can discuss here on the basis of my post in ,here i am never including my personal or Muslim scholars opinion(i know that not valid).i am pointing some verses from the Hindu script like Veda and Upanishads,that give us the exact picture social and civilization of Hinduism during the middle age of India. one point:can you believe one of our religion scripture support human can sex with animal(bull,goat),i am not says anythings ,what Veda says about it,we can watch,finally we can know how can our forefather leave Hinduism. a)VEDA UNDER CONTRADICTION: Reply
Sha_beer __: Oye shabeer. U are drunk fully with the poison of ISLAM. ISLAM is the most primitive ,evil,cruel,misogynist ,killing theology , copied from christianity,judaism and preislamic arabic folk lore. There is nothing original in ISLAM. According to ISLAMIC GOD (PREISLAMIC MOON GOD ALLA ) , ALLA is cruel,evil,demanding,insecure, depending on humans to kill people. ALLA is vengeful. ALLA is against women,children. ALLA instigates his followers of MO to kill nonmoslems. ALLA encourages and promotes slavery. ALLA gives rewards to moslems for killing nonmoslems. ALLA is stupid and ignorant of the world and universe, so , ALLA tells all contradictory, irrational,illogical things. ALLA is wrong in everything . ISLAM is a false religion. ISLAM is simply poison.- a fascist,totalitarian theology. Look at AFGHANISTAN under TALIBAN / AL QAEDA rule. LOOK at SAUDI ARABIA. LOOK at PAKISTAN. LOOK at sudan, LOOK at somalia. Look at darfur. ISLAM is the plague of humanity. ISLAM must be eradicated for the sake of human civilization. ISLAM is not needed.ISLAM does not belong in human civilization. ISLAM is for demons.
____JUST_______ __________NO COMMENTS_______ ________________________ONLY__________ __________________________PRAYING GOD FOR BLESS YOU________ Reply
You should talk. You fill this site with spam and then you don't want anybody else to say anything. Typical Muslim supremacist tyrant. Reply 17. shabeer January 3, 2012 - 3:08 pm
Shabeer is an anti-Islamic site/pro hindu site,whose main aim is to refute allegations made by muslims against hinduism. Here's a question for you and please answer honestly. Where Allah (wtf) and look the comments to seethe a but how& when? Reply
This is incredible.I just scribbled random words & you managed to answer it.I have no idea what my 'question' even meant. Reply
Shabeer, food for your zombie brain: 1. Even after 800 years of islamic rule, muslims couldn't convert hindus in India and become a majority at the least. Neither sword nor arguments worked!! Both muslims and Allah are powerless there! 2. Pakistan (current Pakistan + Bangladesh) created on the basis of Islamic superiority over hinduism could not prove it on the ground even after reducing hindus from 15% (creation, 1947) to 1% (latest) in Pakistan and 28% (creation, 1947) to 9% (latest) in Bangladesh while India proved its superiority while allowing muslims to breed and inflitrate its borders thus making 13% (latest) muslims of total population from 9% (1947). 3. In India, muslims enjoy subsidy on hajj pilgrimage. A 13% muslim goes to mecca on my money. A traitor to my motherland takes my money and goes to hajj so that he can curse the same guy who bought him his plane ticket so that he could complete the pillar of Islam. I sense that Shabeer is a muslim Indian. This traitor will not ask Indian government to not go on kafir's money to hajj. This traitor will take my money and bite my hand. Reply 18. shabeer January 3, 2012 - 3:40 pm
We don't need your Taliban propaganda. We are aware of the existence of hundreds and thousands of such sources. If you are not getting your information from internationally recognized scholars who publish in peerreviewed academic journals, your information is worthless. Why don't you try to start reading the articles on this site, or if you want to go the academic route, start reading at the Middle East Forum? Reply
shabeer You are following the dark root of your pedo, rapist,liar,looter,killer, robber, hate monger, cruel . misogynist Mo . Spread lies and deception, dishonesty , cruelty,hatred, violence,killing. Look around the world in the darkest ISLAMIC countries. in AFGHANISTAN under TALIBAN/ AL QAEDA, in IRAN, in SUDAN, IN SOMALIA, IN PAKISTAN, in SAUDI ARABIA . First you learn to be truthful,honest and with conscience, . When you leave ISLAM , you will see truth, you will see light, you will develop love, you will be honest , you will be a good human being. Reply
SHABEER BY being a follower of MO the liar,rapist,killer, misogynist, evil,cruel monger with full of hatred for nonmoslems, bigotry, slavery perpetrator and promoter, and following QQUURRAN which is copied from christian/judaism ,preislamic folk lore, U are out of redemption. There is no spirituality IN ISLAM. ISLAM is full of poison, with full of bigotry, full of misogyny, full of violence, full of partiality, full of evil,wicked deeds , full of cruelty , full of slavery . and turns you into a monster. Proof : All most all innocent people who converted to ISLAM , became terrorists and killers !!!!!! what morew proof do you need. Reply
what the hell ,,, I swear to God if i leave Islam ill js be a worse person!! I will commit all types of crimes in order to enjoy life coz after u die what will happen to ur love and ur honesty ?? Is it gonna benefit u? THINK A LITTLE BIT! and be with conscience like u said!! Does that make me good??? -.Reply
So you have no self-esteem? You cannot behave well without someone forcing you? Reply 19. A kafir January 4, 2012 - 5:49 am
Om pus,piss and puke be upon allah and mohammad. let there be tons and tons of pus, piss, and puke be up.on the allah and mohammad.frankly the two are the same Reply 20. abhishek-kb January 5, 2012 - 6:12 pm
@shabeer u r a fine example of delusional muslims who always deny truth , behave like ostriches when faced with truths , creating ur own version of truth , burying the truth thru violence. u glorify ur heinous acts & coat it with divinity , and legalize/sanction the atrocities/intolerances. u bring down all other religions to ur primitive religion's level by showing irrelevent/insignifact/(wanted)misinterpreted facts. u guys use deciet just like christian missionaries to convert gullible humans. i guess all these features are salient only to islam and its followers and since u r so ignorant i'll give u info on how islam spread in india .. here is the link this history is all recorded by persians/arabs/muslims . so u cannot deny it since it is not recorded by non-muslims .(this site also shows christian fanatic acts in india and how it spread). go thru the site before parroting ur joker naalaayak's words. the reason why u dont find this info in indian history books is most likely to reduce social tensions. and this is the reason why many ignorant indians today glorify akbar babar ghori etc etc since they dont know actual history/facts. they only study the history written by sickulars/marxists/gandhians/nehruvians whose primary agenda is appeasing muslims whether it is in pre-independence or post-independence times of india.
muslims have no control over their themselves or their senses , they r zombies programmed only to insult/persecute/humiliate/denigrate nonmuslims/infidels/kuffars/un+nonbelievers. i have observed many devuot muslims and i havent found a single soul who is good human(to the core). although some look good when we live together with them their true nature comes out. they have a very twisted morality. muslims might look gud outside but core is rotten/twisted. muslims commit all kinds of atocities and when the victims fight back they ask for justice.muslims directly or indirectly support terrorism. even a minute thing provokes muslims turn them from moderate to radical and radical to zombie. the more i learn abt islamic history the more i come to hate islam and its followers. sometimes i feel pity looking at u guys who always live in ignorance/denial/hatred and at how u are controlled by creed/greed. but then the hatred inside me overrides this pity. in today's world islam is root cause of all evil/violence/intolerance (and to some extent christian fanatism , ("no offense" christians , i admire jesus not christianity)). the moment u say urs is true religion gives rise to intolerance/impatience/meaninglesshatred. (and dont cite quranic verses which are anyhow nullified/abrogated by other verses). quran and hadiths only teach social division of islam from other religions. it polarises the muslim community. the proof is islamic nations. wherever there is smoke there are muslims. wherever the muslim go, they corrupt/destroy/degrade the civilizations and pull the humanity to their primitive way of living and it is now happening in west and it is still going on in india.. no wonder hindus who come to know their true history will definitely loath islam. shabeer , if u still deny the facts nobody can save u. just rot away in ur delusions/ignorance created by allah/mo- in wonderland fairytales. Reply 21. abhishek-kb January 5, 2012 - 8:37 pm
@shabeer and just search the internet for "Hindu Holocaust" u'll find many things abt how islam spread in india. Reply 22. fakeman January 6, 2012 - 4:29 pm
hey friends watch this true pics of muslim violence against innocent hindus Reply 23. Coconut January 8, 2012 - 9:06 pm
Wow what an enlightening article. You have renewed my faith and all the cells in my body shiver reading this. No matter what happens, people still continue to convert to islam daily. Hmm, how do we help them? I pray that Ali Sina gets his just rewards for such excellent publications soon enough. I can go on praising you guys in such a manner for opening my eyes. But oh well. Thanks once again for posting this. Reply 24. vvadi January 11, 2012 - 11:02 am
Dude, Why not mention the divided nature of the hindu society at that time(i.e. caste system). Many of the lower castes had nothing to gain from the religion till now (may be 50 years back ). These people were/are obvious targets for the conversion then and now also. Now we have Christian missionaries doing it. Apart from this? How come none of the Hindu's religious establishment condemn these in-human treatment of their brothers in this way. As for me no one explicitly condemned this? I'm not a muslim, I'm here to learn the truth. Un-fortunately Indian history is completely written, re-written by communists and secularists it is hard to know what is what ? Can you guys suggest a book that gives the proper history with out any bias. Reply
many do condemn the caste system and it is dying but slowly. there is a discrimination towards the outcasts but it is slowy decreasing. people are becoming more aware of its insignificance. and moreover hindus are very busy in earning money to get away from their poverty and illiteracy which is prevalent even now. and it is not like people from diff. castes always clash
against each other , the only place castesystem is given importance is during marriage (which is also slowly becoming insignificant) and reservation system in govt. institutions (which is sick). people of all castes go to same school , go to same temple (but still there are instances of discrimination mainly in villages) , work in same offices/companies/industries , they live among each other etc etc. the politicians instead of uprooting caste-system re-inforced reservation system which in turn is slowing down the degradation process of castesystem. these sickos live on by promoting castesystem/reservation system and play the vote bank politics. the western media and some sick indian media showcase caste system as the only main problem and not realize that poverty/illiteracy/corruption each weigh more when compared to caste system. even if dont bother about castesystem it'll eventually die out. "Can you guys suggest a book that gives the proper history with out any bias." u have 2 rely on internet and not rely on history books written by some idiots. if u are not in india ,then u are lucky ,u'll find unaltered history of india . any book showing true history of india is painted as pro-right and anti-left by media/govt. Reply
dear wadi, i accept that caste-system is an evil in india. but that does not mean that Muslims have a licence to kill the hindus. if you are really interested in studying the REAL HISTORY of INDIA, I would like you to read the books published by VOICE of INDIA [most of them are easily downloadable] and books of our history written by ARYA SAMAJI scholars. Reply 25. Adam March 27, 2012 - 4:29 am
In this article the author writes, Corrupted Hindu religion, after the Mahabharat War, had taken to anti-Vedic sacrificial rituals involving slaughter of animals and self humiliation. This gave rise, as a reaction, to the extremely non-violent religions of Jainism and Buddhism. At another place he writes,
Hinduism, by now, had become victim to all kinds of superstitious bigotry, believing in good and bad spirits, astrology, miracles and miraculous power of mendicants, fake Goddesses and Gurus, Tantriks and Aghoris, a cancer which will end only at its death. Any population which follows a religion as described above must be desperately searching for truth and will easily adopt another religion. I am not surprised that my ancestors accepted Islam, a TRUE and LOGICAL religion. The author of this article is a lunatic and must be out of his find. If not,he should have accepted Islam before he wrote this article. My advice to him: accept Islam and save yourself from hellfire. Reply 26. kafirun March 27, 2012 - 5:01 am
Accept islam or die! What a choice! Any man with few neurons will prefer death happily to the depressing, evil pisslam.The religion of child fcuking and camel screwing, the religion of raping and killing, the religion of lying and lynching, the religion of criminals and crooks.Phew death is any day better! Reply
Accept islam or be a hindu and drink the piss of cow, and pray to rats, elephants and snakes. Reply 27. kafirun March 27, 2012 - 5:35 am
Accept pisslam and screw the child?Why not accept pisslam and screw daughter in law?Accept pisslam and thigh the little girl from your neighborhood? Accept pisslam and start your criminal career. Accept pisslam and beta the crap out of your wives. Accept allah and mohammad , the pimp and child fcuker and be happy?Yep only retarded,demented,imbecile idiots will be happy to be in pisslam!
Problem is not islam but Hindus who have no book like quran to unite and fight enemy. When they are taught you are your own enemy rather islam is your enemy he is always fighting with his inner soul. Poor Hindus. Hindu convert to islam become in a day Jihadi to kill but same hindu as hindu is loving and caring . Quran changes the mind of a child even to become a killer. Reply
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