File Management Commands.: Cat CD CP File Head Tail LN Ls Mkdir More MV PWD RCP RM Rmdir WC
File Management Commands.: Cat CD CP File Head Tail LN Ls Mkdir More MV PWD RCP RM Rmdir WC
File Management Commands.: Cat CD CP File Head Tail LN Ls Mkdir More MV PWD RCP RM Rmdir WC
Pwd command.
pwd command will print your home directory on screen, pwd means print working directory.
Ls command
ls command is most widely used command and it displays the contents of directory.
ls will list all the files in your home directory, this command has many options. ls -l will list all the file names, permissions, group, etc in long format. ls -a will list all the files including hidden files that start with . . ls -lt will list all files names based on the time of creation, newer files bring first. ls -Fxwill list files and directory names will be followed by slash. ls -Rwill lists all the files and files in the all the directories, recursively. ls -R | more will list all the files and files in all the directories, one page at a time.
Mkdir command.
mkdir sandeep will create new directory, i.e. here sandeep directory is created.
Cd command.
cd sandeep will change directory from current directory to sandeep directory. Use pwd to check your current directory and ls to see if sandeep directory is there or not. You can then use cd sandeep to change the directory to this new directory. Cat command cat cal.txt cat command displays the contents of a file here cal.txt on screen (or standard out).
Head command.
head filename by default will display the first 10 lines of a file. If you want first 50 lines you can use head -50 filename or for 37 lines head -37 filename and so forth.
Tail command.
tail filename by default will display the last 10 lines of a file. If you want last 50 lines then you can use tail -50 filename.
More command. more command will display a page at a time and then wait for input
which is spacebar. For example if you have a file which is 500 lines and you want to read it all. So you can use more filename
Wc command
wc command counts the characters, words or lines in a file depending upon the option.
wc -l filename will print total number of lines in a file. wc -w filename will print total number of words in a file. wc -c filename will print total number of characters in a file.
File command.
File command displays about the contents of a given file, whether it is a text (Ascii) or binary file. To use it type file filename. For example I have cal.txt which has ascii characters about calander of current month and I have resume1.doc file which is a binariy file in microsoft word. I will get file resume.doc
resume1.doc: data ascii text
file cal.txt
Cp command.
cp command copies a file. If I want to copy a file named oldfile in a current directory to a file named newfile in a current directory. cp oldfile newfile If I want to copy oldfile to other directory for example /tmp then cp oldfile /tmp/newfile. Useful options available with cp are -p and -r . -p options preserves the modification time and permissions, -r recursively copy a directory and its files, duplicating the tree structure.
Rcp command.
rcp command will copy files between two unix systems and works just like cp command (-p and -i options too). For example you are on a unix system that is called Cheetah and want to copy a file which is in current directory to a system that is called lion in /usr/john/ directory then you can use rcp command rcp filename lion:/usr/john You will also need permissions between the two machines. For more infor type man rcp at command line.
Mv command.
mv command is used to move a file from one directory to another directory or to rename a file.
Some examples:
mv oldfile newfile will rename oldfile to newfile. mv -i oldfile newfile for confirmation prompt. mv -f oldfile newfile will force the rename even if target file exists. mv * /usr/bajwa/ will move all the files in current directory to /usr/bajwa directory.
Ln command.
Instead of copying you can also make links to existing files using ln command. If you want to create a link to a file called coolfile in /usr/local/bin directory then you can enter this command. ln mycoolfile /usr/local/bin/coolfile
Some examples:
ln -s fileone filetwo will create a symbolic link and can exist across machines. ln -n option will not overwrite existing files. ln -f will force the link to occur.
Rm command.
To delete files use rm command.
rm oldfile will delete file named oldfile. rm -f option will remove write-protected files without prompting. rm -r option will delete the entire directory as well as all the subdirectories, very dangerous command.
Rmdir command.
rmdir command will remove directory or directories if a directory is empty.
rm -r directory_name will remove all files even if directory is not empty. rmdir sandeep is how you use it to remove sandeep directory. rmdir -p will remove directories and any parent directories that are empty. rmdir -s will suppress standard error messages caused by -p.
Diff command.
diff command will compare the two files and print out the differences between. Here I have two ascii text files. fileone and file two. Contents of fileone are
This this this this this is is is is is first file second line third line different as;lkdjf not different
filetwo contains
This this this this this is is is is is first file second line third line different xxxxxxxas;lkdjf not different
Cmp command.
cmp command compares the two files. For exmaple I have two different files fileone and filetwo. cmp fileone filetwo will give me
fileone filetwo differ: char 80, line 4
if I run cmp command on similar files nothing is returned. -s command can be used to return exit codes. i.e. return 0 if files are identical, 1 if files are different, 2 if files are inaccessible.
This following command prints a message 'no changes' if files are same cmp -s fileone file1 && echo 'no changes' .
no changes
Dircmp Command.
dircmp command compares two directories. If i have two directories in my home directory named dirone and dirtwo and each has 5-10 files in it. Then dircmp dirone dirtwo will return this
Dec 9 16:06 1997 dirone only and dirtwo only Page 1 ./fourth.txt ./rmt.txt ./te.txt ./third.txt
Grep Command
grep command is the most useful search command. You can use it to find processes running on system, to find a pattern in a file, etc. It can be used to search one or more files to match an expression. It can also be used in conjunction with other commands as in this following example, output of ps command is passed to grep command, here it means search all processes in system and find the pattern sleep. ps -ef | grep sleep will display all the sleep processes running in the system as follows.
ops dxi ops ops ops dxi ops dxi ops ops ssb pjk 12964 12974 12941 12847 12894 13067 13046 12956 12965 12989 13069 27049 25853 15640 25688 25812 25834 27253 25761 13078 25737 25778 26758 3353 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 16:12:24 16:12:25 16:12:21 16:11:59 16:12:12 16:12:48 16:12:44 16:12:23 16:12:24 16:12:28 16:12:49 15:20:23 ttyAE/AAES ttyAH/AAHP ttyAE/AAEt ttyAH/AAH6 ttyAE/AAEX ttyAE/ABEY ttyAE/AAE0 ttyAG/AAG+ ttyAE/AAEp ttyAH/AAHv ttyAH/AAHs ? 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 sleep 60 sleep 60 sleep 60 sleep 60 sleep 60 sleep 1 sleep 60 sleep 60 sleep 60 sleep 60 grep sleep sleep 3600
-b option will precede each line with its block number. -c option will only print the count of matched lines. -i ignores uppercase and lowercase distinctions. -l lists filenames but not matched lines.
other associated commands with grep are egrep and fgrep. egrep typically runs faster. for more information type man egrep or man fgrep in your system.
Find command.
Find command is a extremely useful command. you can search for any file anywhere using this command provided that file and directory you are searching has read write attributes set to you ,your, group or all. Find descends directory tree beginning at each pathname and finds the files that meet the specified conditions. Here are some examples.
Some Examples:
find $HOME -print will lists all files in your home directory. find /work -name chapter1 -print will list all files named chapter1 in /work directory. find / -type d -name 'man*' -print will list all manpage directories. find / -size 0 -ok rm {} \; will remove all empty files on system.
conditions of find
-atime +n |-n| n will find files that were last accessed more than n or less than -n days or n days. -ctime +n or -n will find that were changed +n -n or n days ago. -depth descend the directory structure, working on actual files first and then directories. You can use it with cpio command. -exec commad {} \; run the Unix command on each file matched by find. Very useful condition. -print print or list to standard output (screen). -name pattern find the pattern. -perm nnnfind files whole permission flags match octal number nnn. -size n find files that contain n blocks. -type c Find file whole type is c. C could be b or block, c Character special file, d directory, p fifo or named pipe, l symbolic link, or f plain file.
Vi editor.
vi command launches a vi sual editor. To edit a file type vi filename vi editor is a default editor of all Unix systems. It has several modes. In order to write characters you will need to hit i to be in insert mode and then start typing. Make sure that your terminal has correct settings, vt100 emulation works good if you are logged in using pc. Once you are done typing then to be in command mode where you can write/search/ you need to hit :w filename to write and in case you are done writing and want to exit :w! will write and exit.
I inserts text at the curson A appends text at the end of the line. a appends text after cursor. O open a new line of text above the curson. o open a new line of text below the curson. : for command mode. o <escape> to invoke command mode from insert mode. o :!sh to run unix commands. o x to delete a single character. o dd to delete an entire line o ndd to delete n number of lines. o d$ to delete from cursor to end of line. o yy to copy a line to buffer. o P to paste text from buffer. o nyy copy n number of lines to buffer. o :%s/stringA/stringb /g to replace stringA with stringB in whole file. o G to go to last line in file. o 1G to go to the first line in file. o w to move forward to next word. o b to move backwards to next word. o $ to move to the end of line. o J join a line with the one below it. /string to search string in file. n to search for next occurence of string.
o o o o o
Chmod command.
chmod command is used to change permissions on a file. for example if I have a text file with calender in it called cal.txt. initially when this file will be created the permissions for this file depends upon umask set in your profile files. As you can see this file has 666 or -rw-rw-rw attributes. ls -la cal.txt
-rw-rw-rw1 ssb dxidev 135 Dec 3 16:14 cal.txt
In this line above I have -rw-rw-rw- meaning respectively that owner can read and write file, member of the owner's group can read and write this file and anyone else connected to this system can read and write this file., next ssb is owner of this file dxidev is the group of this file, there are 135 bytes in this file, this file was created on December 3 at time16:14 and at the end there is name of this file. Learn to read these permissions in binary, like this for example Decimal 644 which is 110 100 100 in binary meand rw-r--r-- or user can read,write this file, group can read only, everyone else can read only. Similarly, if permissions are 755 or 111 101 101 that means rwxr-xr-x or user can read, write and execute, group can read and execute, everyone else can read and execute. All directories have d in front of permissions. So if you don't want anyone to see
your files or to do anything with it use chmod command and make permissions so that only you can read and write to that file, i.e. chmod 600 filename.