All The Agents

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1. "All The Agents" Adaptation by: Vah J. Jay

Based on the graphic novel: Watchmen Writer: Alan Moore Illustrator: Dave Gibbons Colorist: John Higgins

WATCHMEN "All The Agents"




ACT ONE FADE IN: BLOOD, red and SHINING, splattered across a Have a Nice Day HAPPY FACE PIN. RORSCHACH (V.O.) Rorschachs journal. October 12th, 1985. Dog carcass in alley this morning, tire tread on burst stomach. This city is afraid of me, I have seen its true face. The pin lies in a pool of blood, dripping off the curb to a DRAIN. The pin slides down the river but manages to BALANCE ON THE METAL GRATE, letting the blood flow into the gutter. RORSCHACH (V.O.) The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown. A SHOPKEEPER has his hose out, spraying off a MASSIVE POOL OF BLOOD of the sidewalk. RORSCHACH (V.O.) The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up around their waists and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout Save Us! A HOMELESS MAN, walks across the pool of blood, hoisting a sign reading: The end is nigh. RORSCHACH (V.O.) And Ill look down and whisper No. The shopkeeper shouts, the homeless man just keeps walking, leaving a trail of BLOODY FOOTSTEPS. Higher up now, on the side of the building, we see people avoiding the pool as they talk into their cell phones, carry their briefcases, strut about their usual life, not looking at the homeless mans SIGN or at his bloody footsteps.


WATCHMEN "All The Agents" CONTINUED: RORSCHACH (V.O) They had a choice, all of them. They could have followed in the footsteps of good men. Like my father, or President Truman. Decent men who believed in a days work for a days pay.



AMBULANCES and POLICE CARS line the street, parked, silent, waiting. RORSCHACH (V.O.) (CONTD) Instead they followed the droppings of lechers and communists and didnt realize that the trail led over a precipice until it was too late. Dont tell me they didnt have a choice. People walking by look small as ANTS now, and above it all-a BROKEN WINDOW, shards of GLASS sticking out from the sides. A MAN sticks his head out, his BALD PATCH shining in the MOONLIGHT. RORSCHACH (V.O.) (CONTD) Now the whole world stands on the brink, staring down into bloody hell, at all those liberals and intellectuals and smooth-talkers... And all of a sudden nobody can think of anything to say. MAN Thats quite a drop. INT. EDWARD BLAKES APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - CONTINUOUS DET. GALLAGHER, older, jaded, is sticking his head out the window. DET. FINE, street worn, but not quite cynical yet, is walking through their crime scene. DET. FINE Poor guy. Yknow, I always wonder... Do you think you black out before you hit the sidewalk? DET. GALLAGHER I dont need to know that bad. He turns around, a CIGARETTE in his mouth. DET. GALLAGHER (CONTD) What do you think happened here?





Fine kneels next to smashed enforced door lying at the entrance, a heavy set of locks attached to it. DET. FINE Well, looks like someone broke in by bustin this door down. DET. GALLAGHER That took you five minutes, Fine. You coulda asked forensics. DET. FINE Forensics cant tell me how the perp brought this door down. DET. GALLAGHER That door would take two perps, Fine. DET. FINE Or one guy on serious drugs. INT. EDWARD BLAKES APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - FLASHBACK EDWARD BLAKE sits on his leather couch, watching the evening news and smoking a thick Cigar, probably Cuban. Hes 63, but amazingly not far from his peak physical condition, his chest is chiseled, hes built like a truck. Handsome too, save the LONG SCAR running down the side of his face. The fastened CHAIN suddenly RIPS FROM ITS LOCK AS THE DOOR SWINGS OPEN, casting hall light on Blake. DET. FINE (V.O.) Which means the occupant was home when it happened. INTERCUT-INT. EDWARD BLAKES APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - PRESENT Det. Gallagher is sitting on Blakes leather couch, smoking as Det. Fine paces around the room. DET. GALLAGHER Hmm. I saw the body. He looked beefy enough to protect himself. For a guy his age he was in terrific shape. DET. FINE What, you mean apart from being dead?


WATCHMEN "All The Agents" CONTINUED: DET. GALLAGHER No, I mean, this Blake guy, the occupant... he had muscles like some goddamn weightlifter. He must have put up some kind of fight, Im sure.



INT. EDWARD BLAKES APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - FLASHBACK The ATTACKERs dressed in ALL BLACK, including GLOVES and KNIT HAT. He grabs BLAKE by his ROBE and punches the LIVING DAYLIGHTS OUT OF HIM. Blake is powerless until-He reaches across the floor to THE CHAIN. He grabs it and WRAPS IT AROUND THE ATTACKERS NECK, pulling it tight until the attacker SMASHES Blake with an elbow to the head. INT. EDWARD BLAKES APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - PRESENT Det. Gallagher finishes his cigarette, tosses it out the window and follows Det. Fine into the kitchen. DET. FINE Yeah, well, looks like he lost. Maybe it was a couple of guys and they overpowered him. Det. Gallagher picks up a FRAMED PHOTOGRAPH on the counter top. DET. GALLAGHER It seems hes been doing a lot of diplomatic work. INT. EDWARD BLAKES APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - FLASHBACK Blake falls, BLOOD blurs his vision, its coming out of his EYES, NOSE, MOUTH, hell, even his EARS. DET. FINE (V.O.) Maybe he just got soft. INT. EDWARD BLAKES APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - PRESENT CLOSE ON-- the photograph, reflected in the glass we see Det. Gallaghers face. DET. GALLAGHER He dont look too soft in this photograph. I wonder how he got that scar, it looks... Hey! Hes shaking hands with Vice-President Ford.


WATCHMEN "All The Agents" CONTINUED: Det. Fine walks up to Gallagher. DET. FINE I think we can rule him out as a suspect. A job like this isnt his style. DET. GALLAGHER Thatd be real funny if we had any better leads to go on. I mean, what is this? A little money got stolen but this aint no straight up burglary. DET. FINE (he looks at Gallagher, finishes his sentence) Somebody really had it in for this guy.



INT. EDWARD BLAKES APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - FLASHBACK THE GLOVED HAND picks Blake up with one arm. Blakes face bleeds horribly, yet a smile suddenly forms, spreading across his cheeks. A DROP OF BLOOD traces down his dimples, across his lip, down to his chin and falls right onto-The Have a Nice Day HAPPY FACE PIN pinned to his robe. INT. APARTMENT BUILDING - PRESENT The detectives exit the apartment and head toward the elevator. DET. GALLAGHER I mean, how did he go out the window? DET. FINE Maybe he tripped against it. DET. GALLAGHER Forget it. Thats strong glass. You trip against it, even a big guy like that, it dont break. They reach the elevator and Det. Gallagher presses the button.

WATCHMEN "All The Agents"



INT. EDWARD BLAKES APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - FLASHBACK The attacker lifts Blake with both arms. DET. GALLAGHER (V.O.) I think youd have to be thrown. INT. ELEVATOR - PRESENT A POLICE OFFICER is inside, handling the buttons. The detectives walk in. DET. FINE Well, if this Edward Blake was as big as you say he was, then one guy would never lift him, so were talking two assailants here. POLICE OFFICER Which floor ya want? DET. GALLAGHER Oh, uh, ground floor please. INT. EDWARD BLAKES APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - FLASHBACK We see Blake as hes THROWN and its almost in slow motion as he CRASHES through the window, SHARDS OF GLASS flying every which way. We see the HAPPY FACE PIN fly off his robe, as Blake screams, falling to the city below. POLICE OFFICER (V.O.) Ground floor comin up. INT. LOBBY - PRESENT The elevator door opens and the detectives come out. DET. GALLAGHER So what do here, kid? Is this a burglary or do we look for some other motive? DET. FINE It could have just been a bunch of punks on acid. You know how it is. A lot of crazy things happen in a city this size. They dont all need motives. They walk out of the lobby.

WATCHMEN "All The Agents" EXT. STREET - NIGHT Det. Gallagher takes out another cigarette. But. DET. GALLAGHER



DET. FINE But theres no but. DET. GALLAGHER What are you saying? You gotta be clear, kid. No ones gonna read your mind. Least of all in Homicide. DET. FINE Just cause Im new doesnt mean Im a baby. I know how the ropes go. Ive worked cases. DET. GALLAGHER Youve worked Vice. Thats Kansas. And now youre Dorothy on the Yellow Brick Road. You know how many murders there are in this city? Average, in a year, four hundred and twenty seven. DET. FINE Thats what Im saying, lets not raise too much shit over this. Lets consider dropping it. We dont need any masked avengers getting interested and cutting in. Det. Gallagher gives him a look, smoking his cigarette. DET. FINE (CONTD) (making up) But obviously, we follow it up... discreetly, quietly. When it comes to the public eye, I say we let it drop out of sight. DET. GALLAGHER Kid, I dunno. I think you take this vigilante stuff too seriously. Since Nixon passed the Keene Act in 77, only the government sponsored weirdos are active. And they dont do shit.


WATCHMEN "All The Agents" CONTINUED: DET. FINE Im not talking about the weirdos. Im talking about Rorschach. DET. GALLAGHER Rorschachs not a weirdo? DET. FINE Listen to me. Hes never retired, even after his buddies fell outta grace. He still out there somewhere. I mean, hes crazier than all them superheroes put together. DET. GALLAGHER Mm. You should know, hes wanted on two counts of murder. Just two? DET. FINE



DET. GALLAGHER Whoa, what are you doing? Are you asking for more deaths from a lunatic psychopath? Those two murders are up on your board, you want more cases to solve? Youre already talking about blowing your first one. DET. FINE Wait, what do you mean your board? I thought we were partners. DET. GALLAGHER No, kid, Im not your partner. And I dont know if Im your friend yet. Im just here until you can understand that here, in this city, there is no discreet, no outta sight. Just you and a bunch of wackos called Homeland Security. They walk past a restaurant, the GUNGA DINER. DET. GALLAGHER (CONTD) Hey, you wanna eat? DET. FINE What, were not partners, were not friends, but we eat together? What is this, a date?


WATCHMEN "All The Agents" CONTINUED: (2) DET. GALLAGHER Its me getting chicken fingers in hydrochloric acid and having someone to discuss Rorschach with.



Fine cant help but smile. He likes this guy. Even if he is a jerk. DET. FINE Yeah, sure. Look, what Im saying is, we got a cozy little homicide. If he gets involved, well be up to our asses in corpses. They walk into the Diner, and we see THE HOMELESS MAN, with his large cardboard The End is Nigh sign over his shoulder walk past them as they go in as we-CUT TO: EXT. DESERT - NIGHT A lone BARN stands abandoned in the dark Arizona desert. Rolls of hay piled next to it, some blowing in the wind, when suddenly AN EXPLOSION-A RAY OF WHITE LIGHT shining in the distance, LAYERS OF DUST RISING, forming a WAVE OF SAND spreading across the land, BLOWING THE BARN APART. Its gone in seconds, faded into thin air by the BRIGHTNESS IN THE BACKGROUND-- a MUSHROOM CLOUD forming over the Sonoran as we-PULL OUT TO-A SCREEN, depicting the NUCLEAR EXPLOSION as a SHINY HAPPY TITLE comes out of the cloud. It reads MMMELTDOWNS! FEMALE VOICE The new chocolate thatll melt you all over. EXT. TIMES SQUARE - NIGHT Busy people rush past the shining lights of COMMERCIALS in ADVERTISING HEAVEN. A MAN watches the square from the darkness of an alleyway. He wears a TRENCH COAT and FEDORA. He wears a silver-white MASK with oily BLACK SPOTS that create shifting, doubled PATTERNS like a RORSCHACH TEST. This is one of the masked vigilantes, the one so feared by our detectives, mentioned by them by name-- RORSCHACH.




He turns, walking down the alleyway, putting on DARK LEATHER GLOVES. EXT. STREET - CONTINUOUS Rorschach walks a few blocks, keeping his HEAD DOWN, but people are too busy to look at him. He stops, stepping off the dampened curb to a DRAIN. He looks down, sees the HAPPY FACE PIN, still balanced on the METAL GRATE, the speck of BLOOD on it now dry. He looks up at the building, and out of his coat draws a hydraulic GRAPPLING GUN, aims and FIRES the HOOK AND CABLE THIRTY STORIES UP, where we see it fly into-INT. EDWARD BLAKES APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - CONTINUOUS It LATCHES itself through Blake's broken window. EXT. STREET - SAME Pressing RETRACT on the gun, Rorschach FLIES UP THE WALL to the 30th floor and into-INT. EDWARD BLAKES APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - CONTINUOUS With a GRUNT, he pulls himself past the plastic sheeting, through the window and into Blakes apartment. He looks around, investigates silently, noticing the same things our detectives noticed-- the photo, the TRAIL OF BLOOD leading to the window, and finally the CHAIN. He picks it up, noticing its odd distance from the door. He wipes a speck of dried blood from it, and looks at it in the dull light shining through the plastic sheeting covering the bare window. He sees the violent trail leading across the apartment, telling a tale of gore. He sees a photo on the granite countertop. The same one Gallagher looked at. INT. EDWARD BLAKES APARTMENT - BEDROOM - LATER The vigilante observes the bedroom from the doorway, the MATTRESS has been turned over, PILLOWS have been destroyed, their feathers litter the floor.





He walks to the dresser, its drawers spilled onto the floor. He steps over it, toward the BEDROOM CLOSET. He opens it. Blake's clothing hangs in military rows. He pulls them aside. The back is empty. He finds this strange, he knocks on the wood. Hears the hollow noise indicating a hidden safe. He runs his fingers along the wallseams. One panel GLIDES BACK to reveal a RED BUTTON. Pressing it, the BACK WALL of the closet SLIDES OPEN, revealing a SECRET COMPARTMENT. WEAPONS of all kinds adorn the walls in here. TEAR-GAS, GRENADES, RIFLES, PISTOLS-- if it can kill you, Blake's got it. But that's not what draws Rorschachs attention. Hanging on the back wall, dead center, is a more current COSTUME. Black leather armor, gloves, boots. Hanging over it all, like a vacant, grinning face-- a black leather MASK. He stares at a framed FRONT PAGE OF THE BOSTON GLOBE. The headline reads "Comedian Gets Last Laugh On Moloch." Underneath is a photo of Blake dressed in the same costume. Blake was a superhero called THE COMEDIAN. In the photo, Blake holds a super villian named MOLOCH prisoner. Suddenly, a framed photo falls over. Rorscach picks it up. Its of EIGHT PEOPLE IN COSTUMES, from the 40s. Included in this photo is a young Edward Blake-- Blake wasn't a spook then. He bears a wide smile. He was a superhero, among other superheroes. Among friends. CUT TO: INT. HOLLIS MASON'S APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - LATE NIGHT CLOSE ON-- THE SAME FRAMED PHOTO of the MINUTEMEN- identical to the old one in Blake's closet. It hangs on a wall along with various FRAMED MEMORABILIA: The first is a NEWSPAPER CLIPPING dated 1938: MYSTERIOUS MASKED MAN CLEANS UP WHARFS-- the caption underneath reads "Hero Calls Himself The Nite Owl." HOLLIS MASON So there I was in the supermarket, buying cat food for old Phantom here, I turn the corner and wham! I run into the Screaming Skull. You remember him?





HOLLIS MASON, 70s and smoking a CIGAR, sits in his barcalounger, a young tabby cat on his lap. His eyes sparkle with strength and his face still shows the gestures of a BORN HERO. Hes talking to DAN DREIBERG, late 30's, handsome, though he's let himself go the past few years-- his edges have gone SOFT. He sports a pair of BIFOCALS as he sits on the couch, gripping a beer. DAN I think I heard you mention him. HOLLIS MASON Oh I put him away a dozen times in the forties, but he reformed and turned to Jesus since then. Got married, two kids. We traded addresses, nice guy after all. You ever seen that? Run into anybody from the old days? DAN Sometimes. Not so much recently, Ive been busy. HOLLIS MASON Wormed up with those journals you keep writing? Youre a goddamn poet now, Danny. You need some action. DAN Dont we all. HOLLIS MASON Now isnt that true. Ive got my share of action in my youth but even now, I cant help but feel I need a little something every here and now. God knows this city needs some cleaning up DAN Are we talking about the same thing here? HOLLIS MASON (laughing) Oh, Danny! Its the same thing, aint it? Reinvigorates the mind, energizes the body. Whether its a fist pump, or the other pump.


WATCHMEN "All The Agents" CONTINUED: (2) DAN I didnt know you were such a skeev, Hollis. HOLLIS MASON And I didnt know you were such a prude. We all got secrets, skeletons in the closet. In our case its masks. Yeah. DAN



Dan sighs. He finishes his BEER. DAN (CONTD) Uh, Hollis, listen. Its almost midnight. I oughtta go. HOLLIS MASON Oh, sure. Lost track of the time, talking about all that old stuff. You must have been bored as hell. They both stand, Dan putting on his OVERCOAT. DAN Better than that, Hollis. You know these Saturday night beer sessions are what keeps me going. HOLLIS MASON Yeah, well, us old retired guys gotta stick together. Lemme put this out and Ill be right with ya. Hollis walks into the KITCHEN. Dan walks over to a SHELF, where A GOLD STATUE of NITE OWL in his Forties-era costume, sits. The plaque below reads: IN GRATITUDE, 1949. Dan picks up a BOOK that sits next to it. The title SKEWERED across the hardcover reads Under the Hood. An Autobiography by Hollis Mason. Dan laughs as Hollis walks back in. HOLLIS MASON (CONTD) You find my book funny, Dreiberg? Dan turns around, a smile across his face.


WATCHMEN "All The Agents" CONTINUED: (3) DAN (laughing) No, I. I always loved the title. HOLLIS MASON Well, it took me all of two years to come up with it.



Dan puts it back on the shelf. He walks over to the DOOR. Hollis follows him. HOLLIS MASON Yknow it was a crying put you youngsters out 77. You were a better than I ever was. (CONTD) shame they to grabs in Nite Owl

DAN Hollis, we both know thats bullshit. But thanks anyway. He walks out. EXT. STREET - CONTINUOUS HOLLIS MASON Hey, watch with the language! This is the left hook that floored Captain Axis, remember? DAN How could I forget? Thanks for another great night, Hollis. You take care of yourself. Dan descends the stairs, as Hollis watches. HOLLIS MASON You too, Danny. God Bless. Hollis closes the door, and Dan walks down an alley, pulling his collar up against the cold. A SIGN below Hollis' apartment reads: "MASON AUTO REPAIRS-- Obsolete models a specialty!" INT. SUBWAY - NIGHT Dan rides the A train, deep in thought. A newspapers HEADLINE next to him reads Russia Protests U.S Advances in Afghanistan He looks at it, picking it up, skimming through it when he hears a SCREAM--





Dan looks up and sees a MAN, KNIFE OUT, mugging a WOMAN. His face is scarred down the side, his clothing made up of dirty rags. Dan puts down his paper. MAN Give me your fuckin purse! The woman screams as the man threatens her with the knife. Dan stands up, holding onto the bar for support when THE TRAIN SCREECHES TO A HALT, stopping at the station. The MUGGER turns around, sees Dan and pushes the woman out of the train. Dan takes a step toward the door, but it SLAMS SHUT before he can get out. The train starts to move. Dan sits back down, watching as the man beats the woman on the platform mercilessly as the train screeches into the dark tunnels. EXT. STREET - LATE NIGHT Dan walks down the street, hands in his pockets, his head down. He walks up to a BROWNSTONE, taking KEYS out of his pocket. He climbs the stoop, and stops suddenly in front of-HIS OPEN DOOR, the lock has been FORCED off its HINGES. INT. APARTMENT - CONTINUOUS Dan peers inside, stepping in slowly. He sees the dark hallway stretching in front of him, light coming from underneath a DOOR at the end of the hall. Dan walks carefully, the floor BARELY creaking under his footsteps. He walks up to the door, glancing inside, before opening it fully-INT. KITCHEN - CONTINUOUS Dans brow creases as he looks at THE MAN SITTING IN HIS KITCHEN. Its Rorschach in his weathered trench coat, the mask pulled over half his face, leaving his mouth bare and able to eat BEANS from an OPEN CAN. He drinks the bean juice and slams the can down on the table. MAN Hello Daniel. Got hungry waiting. Helped myself to some beans. Hope you dont mind. The man pulls his mask the full way down and turns to look at Dan.


WATCHMEN "All The Agents" CONTINUED: DAN Rorschach? Hell, no, of course I dont mind. You didnt want them heated up? RORSCHACH Fine out of the can. DAN Uh, long time since Ive seen you. Howve you been keeping? RORSCHACH Out of prison so far. Take a look at this.



Rorschach throws Dan the happy face pin. Dan catches it, giving Rorschach a look as he sees him walk around his kitchen. DAN Uh, what is it? Rorschach picks up a JAR from the counter, spills its contents. Individually wrapped SUGAR CUBES fall out. RORSCHACH Its a pin, Daniel. DAN This little stain, is that bean juice or... RORSCHACH Thats right, human bean juice. Pin belonged to the Comedian. Hes dead. Rorschach grabs a handful of sugar cubes, sticks them in his pockets, then slips one in his mouth. DAN Dead? What, youre talking about The Comedian? RORSCHACH Investigated a routine homicide. Victim named Edward Blake. Found the costume in Blakes wardrobe. Seems he was the Comedian. Somebody threw him out a window.


WATCHMEN "All The Agents" CONTINUED: (2) Jesus. DAN



Rorschach stares at Dan. DAN (CONTD) Uh, listen, maybe we could talk about this down in my workshop. I feel all exposed up here. Dan unlocks a door with his keys, revealing a dark staircase. INT. DANS OWL CHAMBER - CONTINUOUS Dan leads Rorschach down the stairs, turning the lights on the dusty remnants of a hero's LAB filled with old computers and dusty shelves packed with invented gadgets. His OWL COSTUME sits in a locker in a corner. No one has been down here for years. In the center of the space, an OVAL VEHICLE the size of a subway car is covered by a dusty TARP-the OWL SHIP. DAN You can use the hidden rear exit when you leave. Uhh, you havent been down here for a while itsRORSCHACH (wiping some dust off the railing) Neither have you. DAN Yeah, well yknow, sometimes I come and sit down here for a while, but there doesnt seem much point since I retired. Dan stares at Rorschach, all he can see are the shifting ink blots on his mask. Its quite disconcerting, being with someone so strange should make Dan feel a little better about his sanity, but it doesnt. It makes him feel worse. DAN (CONTD) Listen, about the Comedian, it might have just been an ordinary burglary or something. Maybe the killer didnt know who Blake was. RORSCHACH An ordinary burglar kill the Comedian?


WATCHMEN "All The Agents" CONTINUED: DAN No. Yeah, I guess it doesnt seem very likely.



Rorschach looks through the dusty gadgets. Dan eyes him nervously, careful of his work. DAN (CONTD) (trying again) I, uh, heard he was working for the government since 77, knocking over Marxist republics in South America. Maybe it was a political killing? RORSCHACH Maybe. Or maybe someones picking off costumed heroes. DAN (chuckles) Dont you think thats a little paranoid? RORSCHACH Thats what theyre saying about me now? DAN No ones saying anything about you, Rorschach. RORSCHACH The Comedian was active for forty years. Men make a lot of enemies in that time. Hows your friend Hollis Mason these days? DAN Hollis? Why are you bringing him into this. RORSCHACH They were both Minutemen when Blake was sixteen and Mason was the first Owl. That book Mason wrote, he said some bad things about the Comedian. DAN I dont like what youre implying here, Rorschach. Hollis is an old man. If youre thinking about going over there and scaring him, I gotta tell you-


WATCHMEN "All The Agents" CONTINUED: (2) RORSCHACH Implying nothing Daniel. Just an observation.



Rorschach turns around, walks down another set of stairs that lead to a DARK TUNNEL, twice the size of the Owl Ship. RORSCHACH (CONTD) Anyway, thought Id let you know. In case somebodys gunning for masks. Better go now. Things to do. DAN Okay, well, the tunnel brings you out to a warehouse two blocks north. RORSCHACH I remember. Used to come down here often when we were partners. DAN Oh yeah. Yeah. Those were great times, Rorschach. Whatever happened to them? You quit. RORSCHACH

Rorschach walks down the DARKENED TUNNEL, leaving Dan with his head hanging low again. He sighs and climbs the stairs and sits down on a CRATE. Under his OWL SUIT hanging in the locker, gathering DUST. END ACT ONE




The FAT OLD SUN falls over the city. BIRDS FLY in the sky, looking for food, for PREY. On the rooftops, Rorschach sits on a ledge, over a blowing steam vent, warming his cold, aching body. RORSCHACH (V.O.) Rorschachs journal, October 14th, 1985. Slept all day, awoken at 4:37. Landlady complaining about smell. She has five children by five different fathers. Im sure she cheats on welfare. He writes in a RED NOTEBOOK, scribbling quickly. RORSCHACH (V.O.) Soon it will be dark. Beneath me, this awful city screams like an abattoir of retarded children. New York. On a Friday night, a Comedian died in New York. Rorschach puts his notebook in his jacket pocket, walks over to the side of the building and looks down. RORSCHACH (V.O.) Somebody knows why. Down there.. Somebody knows. EXT. STREET - EARLY MORNING A NEWSPAPER headlines Congress Approves Lunar Silos. RORSCHACH (V.O.) The dawn reeks of fornication and bad consciences. It flutter in the wind, littered on the filthy sidewalk. Papers, cigarette stubs, chewing gum and condoms cover the paved cement. SUDDENLY another wrapper is thrown in the mix. A SUGAR CUBE WRAPPER, mint green. Rorschach steps on it as he crosses the street to HAPPY HARRYS BAR AND GRILL.

WATCHMEN "All The Agents"



INT. HAPPY HARRYS BAR AND GRILL - EARLY MORNING Seedy, sleazy, these are weak words to describe this SHITHOLE Rorschachs just walked into. Junkies sit in booths, quietly dealing drugs-- hell, one of them is cooking heroin in the corner. Pimps with their hookers are at the bar, ordering drinks, leaving their rough night behind. They dont realize its dawn, they also dont see Rorschach, theyre all too high. He walks on over to the bar. The bartender, HARRY, a crackaddicted fifty year old whos had this job his whole life. Hes wiping glasses with an old rag, not really cleaning them, merely spreading the muck around. He looks up at Rorschach. He starts stuttering. Rorschach has this effect on people, but in this case its Harrys born stammer. HARRY (stuttering) Ruh-Ror-Rorschach! Har har how ya doin fella? RORSCHACH Im fine, Happy Harry. Yourself? BARTENDER Fine! Im fuh, Im fine! G-glad youre fine too. (Rorschach stares at him) And uh, and uh, Oh god. Oh god, please dont kill anybody. RORSCHACH Guy went sidewalk diving Friday night. I dont think he was alone when it happened. Name was Edward Blake. Friend of mine. A MAN, lets call him STEVE, starts laughing at the other end of the bar. Hes with his buddy, and hes getting his breakfast beer after his first night on meth. STEVE Hey, you hear that? Hes got friends! Musta changed his deodorant. Steve downs his beer as his friend, lets call him DONALD, drops his head. DONALD For Gods sake, man, shut up.





Rorschach turns around slowly and calmly walks up to Steve. And Steves still LAUGHING, munching on old peanuts like its popcorn. Then he feels Rorschach coming close, possibly smelling his stench closer than before. And he knows hes fucked. RORSCHACH Heard you laughing. Wonder whats funny. STEVE Nothing, man. I was just joking. It didnt mean anything. I- uh, havent been in the Apple too long, come on, just cut me a break. Okay. RORSCHACH

In one second, Rorschach grabs the glass ashtray and smashes Steves pinky against the bar. Steve YELLS, smacking his other hand on the table. Donald stands from his stool, shocked by the broken bone sticking out of his friends finger. RORSCHACH (CONTD) (loudly) Ive just broken this gentlemans little finger. Who killed Edward Blake? All eyes are on Rorschach now. Everyones frozen. No one responds. Rorschach grabs Steves hand, Steve cant fight, hes in too much pain. He grabs Steves index, bends it backward, breaking it. Steve yells again, falling to the ground, TEARS coming out of his eyes. RORSCHACH (CONTD) Who killed Edward Blake? More silence. Shock is thick in the air. Until Donald whimpers, his eyes on his friend on the ground. DONALD Please.. Please we dont know.. Rorschach turns to look at Donald, the spots on his mask moving around erratically. DONALD (CONTD) Aw, God. Just- just leave him alone.


WATCHMEN "All The Agents" CONTINUED: (2) Rorschach stares at Donald. RORSCHACH (V.O.) First visit of the evening fruitless. Nobody knew anything. Feel slightly depressed. Rorschach looks down at whimpering Steve. RORSCHACH (V.O.) This city is dying of rabies. Is the best I can do to wipe random flecks of foam from its lips? STEVE (broken with pain) Please. RORSCHACH (V.O.) Never despair. Never surrender. He lets go of Steves hand. RORSCHACH (V.O.) I leave the human cockroaches to discuss their heroin and child pornography.



He pulls his gloves on a little tighter and walks out. CUT TO: EXT. STREET - MORNING Various newspaper headlines stacked in a newspaper stand blow in the harsh breeze. The cover of the NEW YORK GAZETTE reads Nuclear Doomsday Clock Stands at Five to Twelve Warn Experts and below it we see Geneva Talks: U.S Refuses To Discuss Dr. Manhattan The newspaper stand is painted a dark green. A NEWS VENDOR, 50s, is the balding grey type with a warm heart. He chews on an apple and sits on a stool in front of his stand. This has been his life for thirty years. A MAN walks up to the stand. NEWS VENDOR Hello, sir. The man barely acknowledges the vendor, instead picking up a newspaper. He frowns.


WATCHMEN "All The Agents" CONTINUED: NEWS VENDOR (CONTD) (re: Headlines) Depressing aint it? The man looks up at the vendor. MAN But good for business, right? The vendor laughs. NEWS VENDOR Yeah. Ironys a bitch, aint it.



He laughs again, and the man smiles. Our vendors laugh can do that. MAN Ill take a copy. NEWS VENDOR Uh, its 50 cents for the Gazette. The man takes out his wallet and pays the vendor. MAN You have good day, sir. Dont let the headlines bring you down. Never do. NEWS VENDOR

He laughs and it turns into a COUGHING FIT. A TEENAGER, 16, dark-skinned and wearing patchy clothing, walks up to him. Hey sir. BOY

NEWS VENDOR Yeah, yeah, Im fine. What can I do you for? BOY Uh... I was wonderinNEWS VENDOR No, I am not selling your punk ass the new issue of Playboy. BOY Course not, sir. I was just wondering if I could borrow Tales of the Black Freighter.


WATCHMEN "All The Agents" CONTINUED: (2) NEWS VENDOR Borrow? This aint a library.



The homeless man, his sign always on his back, walks up to the stand. NEWS VENDOR (CONTD) (to boy) Escuse me. (to homeless man) Oh, good morning, sir. HOMELESS MAN (throaty voice) Good morning. Is it here yet? NEWS VENDOR Huh? Oh! Your copy of the New Frontiersman. Sure its here. He turns around, grabbing it and handing it to the man. NEWS VENDOR (CONTD) I keep it here everyday for ya, dont I? The man pays him. The boy sees his chance, he walks up the stand, grabs Tales of the Black Freighter and sits down on a pile of twined newspapers, lighting a cigarette and ready to read. NEWS VENDOR (CONTD) Hows the enna the world coming along? HOMELESS MAN Itll happen today. Ive seen signs. Today for certain. NEWS VENDOR Huh. Yeah. Predicting showers tonight. Maybe itll be in the lightning. HOMELESS MAN Probably. Youll keep my paper for me tomorrow? NEWS VENDOR Uh... Sure. Sure I will. No sweat. The homeless man walks away.


WATCHMEN "All The Agents" CONTINUED: (3) NEWS VENDOR (CONTD) Have a nice day.



He turns around to see the boy, smoking and reading. He could boot him, but hed rather the company. NEWS VENDOR (CONTD) Goddamn loon. He comes every day, every issue of the Frontiersman, hes got it. And hes obsessed with the end. Says he keeps seeing it. He sighs and pours himself HOT COFFEE from a THERMOS. NEWS VENDOR (CONTD) Im gonna see the end of his business when he kills himself by accident. The homeless man walks back and sneaks up on the vendor as he drinks his coffee. HOMELESS MAN You wont forget about my paper. The vendor spits out his hot coffee, it lands on the teenager, his cigarette going out. CUT TO: INT. MOTEL ROOM - DAY The kind of room you rent by the hour. Or the minute even. A cheap looking HOOKER enters with an ARMY OFFICER, giggling. She playfully pushes the Officer onto the bed. HOOKER So tell me what you wanna do. Sir. ARMY OFFICER (a smile on his face) I only got a couple of hours, honey. So everything. He puts a stack of BILLS on the dresser. Then takes his UNIFORM off like he cant wait. The HOOKER gets on top of him, taking of her robe, and theyre about to start, the mans FACE is all smiles whenThe DOOR FLIES OFF ITS HINGES. Rorschach steps in, yanks the Hooker off--


WATCHMEN "All The Agents" CONTINUED: ARMY OFFICER (CONTD) Hey, what the hell!



The officer gets to his feet, throws a punch, Rorschach dodges it and naturally GRABS the guys arm, kicks him on the side of the KNEE, tearing both joints to SHREDS as the man falls, his BROKEN ARM still in Rorschachs hand. He cries out in pain-- Rorschach nails him in the head with his elbow, knocking him out. The Hooker screams. Rorschach grabs her by the hair and SLAMS her face into the wall. RORSCHACH Quiet, whore. Nose broken and bleeding, the Hooker quiets to a whimper. Rorschach takes the officer's uniform and ID before walking out. The hooker wipes blood from her dripping nose and eyes the naked Army officer on the floor. She stands up, walks over to the dresser and grabs the stack of bills, and runs out. The army officer lays sprawled on the floor, blood slowly pooling around his head. CUT TO: A giant PUDDLE, raindrops falling on it, in its reflection we see a SKYSCRAPER. EXT. VEIDT ENTERPRISES - EVENING A mammoth, shining skyscraper, sitting in the middle of New York. At the 50th-floor there is a HUGE V-SHAPED HOLE where a JET OF WATER pours through it. INT. VEIDT ENTERPRISES - SAME A mammoth office with a mammoth window overlooking half the city. The decor is Egyptian and marble. Egyptian art, marble surfaces. Its a nice balance, if not too bourgeois. We see ADRIAN VEIDT, late 30s but the man does not look a day under 25. Except for his eyes, WISDOM in their very core. Hes wearing a suit, but we can tell hes in prime physical condition. Its starting to look like a theme with all these heroes.





Hes sitting at his desk, perfect posture, working on a COMPUTER, a television sits opposite the computer. Its 1985, so thats pretty high tech. Suddenly, Veidt falters for a second, aware of something in the room, then hes back to typing on the computer when, behind him, Rorschach emerges from the shadows. RORSCHACH Hello Adrian. Adrian jumps, but his posture never falters as he turns around. ADRIAN VEIDT Rorschach! You startled me. Howd you get in here? RORSCHACH Lack of security. Adrian stands, wiping flecks of dust from his suit. ADRIAN VEIDT I havent seen you in ages. How are you? RORSCHACH We were never close, Veidt. Skip the manners. Both men look at each other, but Rorschachs behind the mask, Veidt cant read him like he does everyone else. RORSCHACH (CONTD) The Comedian was thrown out a window. His name was Edward Blake. Adrians eyes widen, a startled look on his kind face. ADRIAN VEIDT The Comedian died. But who would..? Why? RORSCHACH (re: the poster on the wall) Youre supposed to be worlds smartest man, Veidt. You tell me. Adrian turns to look out the window, rain hitting it violently.


WATCHMEN "All The Agents" CONTINUED: (2) ADRIAN VEIDT I never claimed to be anybody special. I just have some over enthusiastic P.R men. He turns around. ADRIAN VEIDT (CONTD) Listen, could it have been a political killing? Maybe the SovietsRORSCHACH Dreiberg said the same thing. Dont believe it. ADRIAN VEIDT (smiling, to himself) Daniel Dreiberg. How is he?



Rorschach just stares, he doesnt need a way to drift back to topic. RORSCHACH America has Dr. Manhattan. Reds have been running scared since 65. They would never dare antagonize us. I think we got a mask killer. ADRIAN VEIDT Not necessarily. The Comedian had plenty other political enemies to choose from, even discounting the Russians. The man was practically a Nazi. RORSCHACH He stood up for his country. He never let anybody retire him. Never cashed in on his reputation. Adrians desk is full of MERCHANDISE. Small OZYMANDIAS FIGURINES (Veidts superhero name), lying askew, an AD CAMPAIGN reading Nostalgia by Veidt depicting a half dressed woman, spraying perfume on her neck. RORSCHACH (CONTD) Never set up a company selling posters and diet books and toy soldiers based on himself. Never became a prostitute for the system. If that makes him a Nazi, then your in a room with Hitler right now.


WATCHMEN "All The Agents" CONTINUED: (3)



Veidt has his back to Rorschach, expecting this. ADRIAN VEIDT Rorschach... I know we were never friends, but even so, youre being unfair. (he turns around) Nobody retired me, I chose to quit adventuring and go public two years before the police strike made the Keene act necessary. Rorschach pulls on his gloves a little tighter. RORSCHACH Yes. Good timing. ADRIAN VEIDT I became interested in other things, other ideas. He turns around, grabs a REMOTE off his desk and turns on the television to THE NEWS. RORSCHACH I can see youve got more important things to do. Screens to watch. Rorschach opens Adrians window. ADRIAN VEIDT You neednt go out the window, Rorschach. You could use my elevator. Security wont harm you. RORSCHACH I came here to warn you of the mask killer, so you didnt end up the smartest man in the morgue. But I guess theres worse things to end up as. Be seeing you. Rorschach jumps out the window as Adrian looks on. ADRIAN VEIDT Hve a nice day. He turns back around to the television where we see TWO PAKISTANI SOLDIERS on patrol.

WATCHMEN "All The Agents"



EXT. PAKISTAN/INDIA BORDER (KASHMIR) - SAME TIME Were with two Pakistani soldiers, walking the perimeter around a BASE CAMP behind them. One of them takes out a pair of binoculars, looking up at the mountains. PAKISTANI SOLDIER (in Baluchi) We should attack the Indian bastards. I dont understand-CUT TO: A SNIPER SCOPE, locked in on the Pakistani soldier. INDIAN SOLDIER #1 (O.S.) (in Hindi) --why I cant just pull this trigger. Two Indian soldiers are camouflaged in the mountains, one with his sniper rifle aimed. INDIAN SOLDIER #2 (Hindi) Because then a battle begins. Then a war. And then the Americans will send-CUT TO: EXT. BATTLESHIP - PACIFIC OCEAN - SAME TIME CHINESE CAPTAIN (in Mandarin) --their blue abomination to intervene. And we dont want that. But we also cannot assume to know what is on the minds of our enemies. Were in CHINESE WATERS, off the coast of Taiwan. The CHINESE CAPTAIN and his First Mate look out at the sea. TAIWANESE GUNBOATS can be seen in the distance, their GUNS in the air. CUT TO: INT. MISSILE CONTROL ROOM - ISRAEL - SAME TIME An ISRAELI OFFICER and his much younger AIDE watch SATELLITE IMAGES on the giant screen, images of potential targets flash across it.


WATCHMEN "All The Agents" CONTINUED: AIDE (in Hebrew) Is Dr. Manhattan real? ISRAELI OFFICER (Hebrew) Ask the Vietnamese, or the Iraqis. Theyll tell you.



The Aide looks in confusion at the officer, whos looking at the screen again. The officer sighs. ISRAELI OFFICER (CONTD) (Hebrew) Yes. Yes, Ari. Dr. Manhattan is real. Thank god for that. END ACT TWO




Factories in the background, a GREEN HAZE floating around. This is Jersey. This is TOXIC HEAVEN. Emitting constant fumes, the factories also pollute the HUDSON, pools of brown, murky water flowing down towards MANHATTAN in the distance. RORSCHACH (V.O.) Rorschachs journal, October 14th, 1985. 8:30 P.M. Meeting with Veidt left bad taste in mouth. He is pampered and decadent, betraying even his own shallow, liberal affectations. Our fedora wearing vigilante Rorschach walks past a fence, and behind a building-- a CHEMICAL SHED. RORSCHACH (V.O.) Possibly homosexual? Must remember to investigate further. He emerges from the shadows, no longer fedora wearing, instead wearing the Army Officers uniform he stole, his face in SHADOW. EXT. ROCKEFELLER MILITARY BASE - NIGHT A SIGN posted on a RAZOR-WIRE ELECTRIFIED FENCE reads: ROCKEFELLER MILITARY RESEARCH CENTER. Behind the fence we see two M-16 toting GUARDS sitting in the control booth, sharing a BOX OF DONUTS. RORSCHACH (V.O.) Dreiberg as bad, a flabby failure who sits whimpering in his basement. Rorschachs disguised self approaches the fence. (Note: we never see his face). RORSCHACH (V.O.) Why are so few of us left active, healthy and without personality disorders? One of the guards walks up to the fence. Rorschach shows him the ID, and he starts to open the fence.


WATCHMEN "All The Agents" CONTINUED: RORSCHACH (V.O.) The first Nite Owl runs an auto repair shop. The first Silk Spectre is a bloated aging whore, dying in a Californian resort.



The fence fully open, the guards walk up to Rorschach, and grab his ID. They look up to his face when Rorschach suddenly grabs one of their M-16s and WHAMS ONE OF THEM IN THE FACE. RORSCHACH (V.O.) Captain Metropolis was decapitated in a car crash in 74. He grabs the other guard, smashing him into the razor sharp fence, CUTTING HIS FACE, sending a violent SHOCK through his body. The guard slumps to the ground. Rorschach tightens his gloves, grabs one of them, and drags him toward A GARAGE in the background. RORSCHACH (V.O.) Mothmans in an asylum. The Silhouette retired in disgrace, murdered six weeks later by a minor adversary seeking revenge. He grabs the other guard, starts dragging him toward his friend. RORSCHACH (V.O.) Hooded Justice went missing in 55. He closes the garage door, and walks toward a door that reads Special Quarters, PRIVATE. RORSCHACH (V.O.) The Comedian is dead. He slides his key card in. INT. HALLWAY - MILITARY COMPOUND - CONTINUOUS Rorschach opens the door to a darkened hallway, the only light coming from a METAL DOOR, slightly ajar. Light is as BRIGHT AS THE SUN but as BLUE AS THE SKY. RORSCHACH (V.O.) Only two names remaining on my list, both share private residences at Rockefeller Military Base. I shall go to them.





He approaches the door, peeking in. He takes his mask out of his pocket and puts it on. RORSCHACH (V.O.) I shall go and tell the indestructible man that someone plans to murder him. He opens the door revealing-INT. DR. MANHATTANS LABORATORY - CONTINUOUS -- a huge room, containing technologically advanced MILITARY DEVICES, from floor to ceiling. DR. MANHATTAN Good evening, Rorschach. And we see DR. MANHATTAN for the very first time. He is SIXTY FEET TALL, BLUE LIGHT rippling from his skin, LIGHTING THE ROOM and emanating pure power-- He is God on Earth and hes working on a reactor, telekinetically moving parts. RORSCHACH Good evening, Dr. Manhattan. Dr. Manhattan continues working when his girlfriend LAURIE JUPITER, 30s, very much in her prime, enters the room from the other end. LAURIE Jon, did you say some-- Rorschach! What are you doing here? This is a government base. RORSCHACH Good evening, Miss Jupiter. LAURIE Its Juspeczyk. And its been Juspeczyk since I was born. RORSCHACH Apologies. Figured having no father, you took your mothers name. LAURIE My fathers dead, Rorschach. That doesnt mean hes gone.


WATCHMEN "All The Agents" CONTINUED: RORSCHACH You never assumed his name, I thoughtLAURIE No, you assumed. My names Juspeczyk because Jupiters the stupid name my mother took because she didnt want anyone to know she was Polish. RORSCHACH I understand. Being American makes you want to be Polish. LAURIE Being American lets me be proud of my heritage. RORSCHACH Your mothers heritage. Youre a second generation Communist living under Uncle Sams wing. Excuse me? LAURIE



Rorschach doesnt respond. Lauries a fierce confrontationist. LAURIE (CONTD) Why are you here? RORSCHACH Came to warn you both and bring bad news. The Comedian is dead. Dr. Manhattan turns around and begins to SHRINK down to human size. DR. MANHATTAN He and I are the only two extranormal operatives currently employed by the United States government. I was informed on Saturday morning. LAURIE You didnt tell me. DR. MANHATTAN I had to wait until Rorschach came.





DR. MANHATTAN Because his visit was predestined to occur. To set in motion a series of events I can not interrupt. Rorschach stares at both of them. LAURIE What are you talking about Jon? Dr. Manhattan turns back to Rorschach. DR. MANHATTAN I understand the C.I.A suspects the Libyans were responsible. RORSCHACH Have my own theories on that. Take it youre not too concerned about his death. Dr. Manhattan starts to walk away, toward another reactor. DR. MANHATTAN A live body and a dead body contain the same number of particles. Structurally, theres no visible difference. He begins working on it, telepathically. DR. MANHATTAN (CONTD) Life and death are two unquantifiable abstracts. Why should I be concerned? Rorschach stares at Laurie. Uhh. RORSCHACH

LAURIE I think it couldnt have happened to a nicer person. Blake was a bastard. Yknow he tried to rape my mother when they were both Minutemen?


WATCHMEN "All The Agents" CONTINUED: (3) RORSCHACH So you support the accusation made in Hollis Masons book. LAURIE Because it happened. Blake was a monster. RORSCHACH Sounds like you may have had a score to settle. You or your mother. LAURIE What? Are you accusing me, Rorschach? RORSCHACH Just a thought, Miss Juspeczyk. LAURIE Listen, Im not my mothers biggest admirer but some things should never happen to anybody. RORSCHACH Im not here to speculate on the moral lapses of men who died in their countrys service. I came to warnLAURIE -Moral lapses? Rape is a moral lapse? You know he broke her ribs? You know he almost choked her? Rorschach just stares at her. LAURIE (CONTD) Jon, get him out of here.



Dr. Manhattan, not even blinking away from his reactor responds in a cold, even, matter of fact manner. DR. MANHATTAN You seem to be upsetting Laurie. I think you ought to go. Rorschach takes a step toward Dr. Manhattan. RORSCHACH With respect, Dr. Manhattan. I warned Veidt and Dreiberg--


WATCHMEN "All The Agents" CONTINUED: (4)



--as he says Dreiberg, Dr. Manhattan looks pleased, a small smile forming on his face. RORSCHACH (CONTD) And I intend to warn you and your lady friend. Dr. Manhattan turns around. RORSCHACH (CONTD) I believe someone is eliminating masked adventurers, possibly some old foe with a grudge. I believeDR. MANHATTAN (furious) -I said I think you ought to go. RORSCHACH Spent a lot of time getting in to see you. Not leaving before IveWith a look, Dr. Manhattan makes Rorschach disappear in a cloud of particles. EXT. ROCKEFELLER MILITARY BASE - CONTINUOUS Rorschach materializes. RORSCHACH -had my say. He realizes whats just happened. He checks himself, his surroundings. Hes behind the chemical shed, he sees his fedora sitting on a CRATE where he left it, his trench coat draped underneath it along with his grey SCARF. Hmm. RORSCHACH (CONTD)

He takes off the Army uniform, changing back into his vigilante outfit quickly. He walks out, pulling his gloves on a little tighter and drawing from his pocket a GREEN WRAPPED SUGAR CUBE. He pulls his mask halfway off, pops the sugar cube into his mouth and lets the wrapper fall and we STAY ON IT, as it flutters in the wind.





Suddenly, it flies into the air, ALL THE WAY to the front of the base, where we see a SOLDIER looking around, the fence still wide open. The wrapper falls into a PUDDLE OF BLOOD near the fence. The soldier looks at it, his eyes wide. INT. DR. MANHATTANS LABORATORY - SAME TIME Dr. Manhattans still at work on his reactor, Laurie wipes a tear from her eye with a HANDKERCHIEF from her pocket. DR. MANHATTAN Hes gone. Are you still upset? LAURIE Yeah. I just cant stand Rorschach. Hes sick in the head. DR. MANHATTAN Hes a troubled man, Laurie, but his intentions are true. LAURIE Hes killed people, Jon. Hes wanted by the police and God knows what else hes done. How many times do you think hes had one of those moral lapses? He should be put away. We could have gotten him arrested, you know. DR. MANHATTAN But we didnt. Rorschach has a role to play in what is to come. Just as we do. His arrest under our orders would have interrupted cycles important to the development of our future. LAURIE What do you mean? DR. MANHATTAN I mean it would be cataclysmic for me to interrupt these events by not allowing them to play out as they should. LAURIE Is that what you were talking about?


WATCHMEN "All The Agents" CONTINUED: DR. MANHATTAN I dont know what you mean. LAURIE Yes you do, dont pretend, Jon. You can see time. You know what Im talking about. DR. MANHATTAN In the future I am aware of what you are referencing, in this specific moment I am quite confused. LAURIE God- you were talking about destiny. About a series of events changing everything. What the hell is that about? DR. MANHATTAN This is an event right now, Laurie. Every second we spend together is an event. This one was set in motion by Rorschachs appearance and the news he brought. Is this simple to understand? LAURIE Yeah, I get it, Jon. But nothings changing. DR. MANHATTAN Everything is changing. Every second of our lives we become something new in an entirely different way. Particles are constantly adapting to other particles, its coecentric evolution, Laurie. LAURIE What about feelings? Feelings arent particles. DR. MANHATTAN Feelings change just as particles do. The disappearing of Rorschachs particles alleviated your stress. Yes, butLAURIE




WATCHMEN "All The Agents" CONTINUED: (2) DR. MANHATTAN Dont you see? LAURIE Yes, I see! But you keep talking about feelings as if theyre particles, Jon, and theyre not. People dont feel things because of particles. They feel things because of words, because of looks, because of things in the physical world affecting personal emotions. Not because of some coecentric particles. DR. MANHATTAN I was merely comparing a particle to a chemical reaction understood by humans as emotion.



Laurie sighs, defeated. Dr. Manhattan keeps working. Always working, never stopping. Jon? LAURIE

DR. MANHATTAN Yes, Laurie? LAURIE I was just thinking, I must be really edgy to let a maggot like Rorschach get to me like that. I just feel cooped up in here sometimes. Maybe I could use a night out. DR. MANHATTAN Stress relief is an important chemical necessity in humans. LAURIE Exactly. You know, Rorschach mentioned Dan Dreiberg. We havent seen Dan in years. DR. MANHATTAN I cant recall how long its been. LAURIE Maybe we can give him a call, see if hes available for dinner. As long as you dont mind-


WATCHMEN "All The Agents" CONTINUED: (3) DR. MANHATTAN Of course not. Great. LAURIE



DR. MANHATTAN Id join you but I think Im close to locating a gluino, which would completely validate supersymmetrical theory if we could include it in the bestiary. LAURIE Thats fascinating. Ill call Dan. INT. DANS LIVING ROOM - SAME TIME Dan is sitting alone on his couch, the TV on a GAME SHOW. Hes eating out of a can of COLD BEANS. He frowns, looking down at it, thinking How can Rorschach eat this shit? Suddenly, the phone rings. He sighs, puts the can down and picks up the receiver next to the couch. Hello? INTERCUT WITH: INT. LAURIES BEDROOM - SAME Lauries speaking on a fancy handheld receiver, probably invented by Jon. Shes got an address book open in front of her. LAURIE Hello, Dan? DAN Yeah, thats me. Who is this? Laurie. LAURIE DAN

Dans eyebrows crease. DAN Sorry, who? LAURIE Laurie Juspeczyk.


WATCHMEN "All The Agents" CONTINUED: DAN Laurie, The Silk Spectre? How are you?



Dan scrambles, finding the remote and turning the TV off. LAURIE (laughs) Im fine. How are you? DAN Im well actually. Just- just coming in now, as a matter of fact. Just in time for your call. LAURIE Oh yeah? Yeah, sorry, I just remembered I havent seen you in ages. And wondered if maybe we could have dinner sometime. DAN Uh, sure- sure! I(looks at the beans) Im free tonight. LAURIE Oh, no, you just got homeDAN No, its fine. LAURIE Id hate to pull you out into the city again. You know how horrible it is. DAN Dont worry about it. I dont mind. Ill put on a suit. A suit? LAURIE

DAN Yeah, I mean change, you know. Oh, okay. LAURIE

DAN Do you know Rafaels?





DAN Its a restaurant, 59th and the Americas? Oh, okay. LAURIE

DAN Im in the mood for Italian, the last bowl of noodles I had was in the Gunga diner. You know how that is? LAURIE (laughing) Horrible! So, uh, how about Rafaels at 9:30. Sure. DAN

LAURIE Thats terrific. DAN Great. Uh, how- hows Jon? LAURIE Oh, Jon? Hes in pretty good shape. DAN Good for him. LAURIE Yeah. Okay, see you later, Dan. Uh, okayBye. DAN LAURIE

INT. DR. MANHATTANS LABORATORY - SAME Dr. Manhattans heard the conversation. He smiles as he works on his reactor, the GEARS and WHEELS in front of him whizzing quickly, forming a small PART that FLOATS into the REACTOR. A small piece in the large machine.








Steam rises from the floor as Dan steps out of the shower, wrapping a towel around himself. He picks up SHAVING CREAM, wiping it on his rugged five o clock shadow. INT. LAURIES BATHROOM - SAME TIME Laurie, a towel wrapped across her head, her bare leg on the BATHTUB and shes WAXING IT. She places a strip on the hot wax and PULLS, eager for a reason to get pimped up. INT. DANS BATHROOM - SAME TIME Half of Dans face is covered in shaving cream, the other half CLEAN SHAVEN. He passes the RAZOR over it, one last time, when he CUTS himself. A SMALL DROP of blood falls into the sink, hairs in it, forming what looks like a SMILEY FACE, and a drop of blood slices its way through as we-CUT TO: INT. DR. MANHATTANS LABORATORY - LATER Dr. Manhattan is sitting alone, no longer working on the reactor. Hes in deep thought when we see what he seesTIME. There is no FUTURE, there is no PAST, its all happening at the same time. We see QUICK FLASHES and HEAR THEM TOO-A COFFIN BEING LOWERED INTO THE GROUND, THE COMEDIAN LAUGHING, DR. MANHATTAN SCREAMING, THE HAPPY FACE PIN FALLING, A CLOCK STRIKING TWELVE, NEW YORK SKYLINE SUDDENLY LIT UP, THEN SILENCE, WHITE, A SEA OF WHITE and a COLORFUL BUTTERFLY, FLYING ABOVE IT. Jon? Jons eyes open. LAURIE Im leaving, Jon. LAURIE (V.O.)





Dr. Manhattan stares at Laurie, all dressed up and looking gorgeous, confused for a second. LAURIE (CONTD) Ill be back in a few hours, Ive called a cab. She looks at him. LAURIE (CONTD) Are you okay? DR. MANHATTAN Im having trouble with my vision. I cant see clearly. LAURIE Oh my gosh, are you okay? DR. MANHATTAN Quite fine. Its just- what lies ahead is distorted. Its not as clear as before... theres some static interference. LAURIE Interference? Caused by what? DR. MANHATTAN Im uncertain. A power surge of great magnitude perhaps. LAURIE Oh, Jon. No more war talk. I cant deal with this. I dont want to think about the future right now. Dr. Manhattan looks at her, a smile on his face. DR. MANHATTAN Of course not, Laurie. You should go, your taxi is arriving in two minutes. INT. RECEPTION - DR. MANHATTANS COMPOUND - TEN MINUTES LATER Laurie heads for the door, checking her WATCH. Shes suddenly stopped by SECRET AGENT FORBES. AGENT FORBES Going somewhere, Miss Jupiter? She glares at him.





AGENT FORBES Oh, Ill have a car brought around in a few minutes. LAURIE No, thank you. I have a cab waiting for me right outside actually. She tries to walk past but Agent Forbes steps in front of her. AGENT FORBES You look quite nice. Who are you meeting? LAURIE An old friend. AGENT FORBES Please keep in mind, Ms. Jupiter, your boyfriend is this countrys greatest asset. You need to keep him happy. And on our side. Laurie stares out the window as she sees her CAB drive off. LAURIE Yes, sir. Now move. She brushes past him and runs out the door. EXT. ROCKEFELLER MILITARY BASE - CONTINUOUS She runs after the taxi, but its already gone. Agent Forbes steps out of the building. AGENT FORBES Would you like a car, Ms. Jupiter? She turns to him, glaring. CUT TO: EXT. NEW YORK CITY - NIGHT The beautifully lit New York city skyline, passing the Brooklyn Bridge, the Statue of Liberty, and the World Trade Center Towers.




Rorschach walks on the littered streets, graffiti covering the bricked walls. RORSCHACH (V.O.) Rorschachs journal, October 15th, 1985. 12:30 A.M. On Friday night, a Comedian died in New York. Someone threw him out of a window and when he hit the sidewalk his head was driven up into his stomach. He watches the many windows of an apartment brownstone. One of them is closed by a NAKED WOMAN and her silhouetted figure climbs on a MAN. RORSCHACH (V.O.) Nobody cares. Nobody cares but me. Are they right? Is it futile? EXT. ALLEYWAY - NIGHT The MUGGER, the same scarred one Dan saw in the subway, holds up the dark-skinned teenager, the one whos friends with the vendor, with a knife. RORSCHACH (V.O.) Soon there will be a war. Millions will burn. Millions will perish in sickness and misery. MUGGER Ill carve your face off, kid. Gimme your wallet. The teenagers eyes are red, TEARS stream down his face. TEENAGER I aint got nothing. RORSCHACH (V.O.) Why does one death matter against so many? SUDDENLY, at the end of the alleyway we see our FEDORA silhouetted. A street lamp, flickering on and off against Rorschachs never resting ink blot mask. RORSCHACH (V.O.) Because there is good and there is evil and evil must be punished. (MORE)


WATCHMEN "All The Agents" CONTINUED: RORSCHACH (V.O.) (CONT'D) Even in the face of Armageddon, I shall not compromise.



He runs towards the mugger, grabs his knife and slices him across the belly, guts spilling onto the hardened cement. And we hear the LAUGHTER-INT. RAFAELS - SAME TIME --of Dan and Laurie, as they finish their MEAL at this trendy restaurant, overlooking HALF THE CITY. The laughter dies out and they both look at each other over candlelight untilDAN Uh- well, I guess its getting pretty late. LAURIE Yeah. Listen, its been a great evening. DAN Yeah. Hey, you sure you wont let me pick up the tab? LAURIE Nah. If Im gonna be a kept woman for the the militarys secret weapon, then Uncle Sam can stand me a bowl of spaghetti. DAN You sound bitter. LAURIE No, not really. Its just how they treat me, about Jon and all. DAN Is everything okay? LAURIE Oh, yeah. Yeah, everythings fine. Listen, Im sorry I was late, I couldnt get a cab. DAN Oh, thats fine. I mean, look at this view. I could look at it for hours. LAURIE You wanna go out on the balcony?





EXT. RAFAELS BALCONY - CONTINUOUS They walk out, Laurie lighting a CIGARETTE, placing it on her HOLDER. LAURIE Dont you ever think Im thirtyfive, what have I done? DAN Yes. I mean, sure, all the time. LAURIE Ive spent eight years in semiretirement preceded by ten years running round in a stupid costume because my mother wanted me to. Dan laughs politely. LAURIE (CONTD) You remember that costume? With that stupid little short skirt and the neckline going down to my navel? God, that was dreadful. Dan raises his eyebrows. DAN God, yes. Dreadful. LAURIE Yknow when I think back. Why did we do it? Why did we dress up like that? The Keene Act was probably the best thing that ever happened to us. Dan suddenly feels something in his pocket, he draws it out and its the Have a Nice Day Happy Face Pin. He looks down at it. DAN Yeah, youre probably right. Laurie finishes her cigarette, throwing the stub over the edge of the building, letting it fall out of sight. She suddenly laughs, touching Dans hand.


WATCHMEN "All The Agents" CONTINUED: LAURIE Hey, you remember that guy? The one who pretended to be a super villain so he could get beat up? DAN Oh yeah. You mean... Uh, Captain Carnage. Yeah, he was one for the books. LAURIE Youre telling me! I remember I caught him coming out of this jewelry store. I didnt know what his racket was. I start hitting him and I think Jeez! Hes breathing funny. Does he have asthma? They burst out laughing. DAN He tried that with me, only Id heard about him, so I just walked away. He follows me down the street, broad daylight, right? And hes saying Punish me! Im saying, No, get lost! LAURIE (laughing) Whatever happened to him? DAN Uh, well, he pulled it on Rorschach and Rorschach dropped him down an elevator shaft. They both burst out laughing. LAURIE Oh, God, Im sorry, that isnt funny!



She laughs harder. And like before, the laughter dies out after a few beats. DAN No, I guess its not.. Laurie moves closer to Dan, leaning her head against his shoulder as they look out at the view.


WATCHMEN "All The Agents" CONTINUED: (2) LAURIE Jeez, yknow that felt good. There dont seem to be so many laughs around these days. Dan wraps his arm around her. DAN Well, what do you expect? The Comedians dead.



The pin falls off the edge, dropping to the street below. Gaining speed, bounding for the moving HEADLIGHTS and walking PEDESTRIANS. It LANDS on a DRAIN, balancing on the METAL GUTTER as we-FADE TO BLACK. OVER BLACK-LEGEND, white font over black reads: At midnight, all the agents and superhuman crew go out and round up everyone who knows more than they do. - Bob Dylan END

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