Basics For Rural Construction

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Retaining walls

Wall Failure Walls are commonly used to retain soil on sloping sites, water in a pond or bulk products within a storage area. There are several limiting conditions which, if exceeded, can lead to the failure of a retaining wall. Each must be addressed in designing a wall. 1. Overturning - This occurs when the turning moment due to lateral forces exceeds that due to the self-weight of the wall. The factor of safety against overturning should be at least two. 2. Sliding - The wall will slide if the lateral thrust exceeds the frictional resistance developed between the base of the wall and the soil. The factor of safety against sliding should be about two. 3. Bearing on Ground - The normal pressure between the base of the wall and the soil beneath can cause a bearing failure of the soil, if the ultimate bearing capacity is exceeded. Usually the allowable bearing pressure will be one-third of the ultimate value. Note that the pressure distribution across the base is not constant. Bearing pressure

4. Rotational Slip - The wall and a large amount of the retained material rotate about some point O. if the shear resistance developed along a circular arc is exceeded. The analysis is too complex to include here.


5. Wall Material Failure - The structure itself must be capable of withstanding the internal stresses set up, that is, the stresses must not exceed allowable values. Factors of safety used here depend on the material and the level of the designer's knowledge in respect to the loads actually applied. Naturally, both shear and bending must be considered, but the most critical condition is likely to be tension failure of the 'front' facet Joint failure in block work

Gravity walls and dams are dependent on the effect of gravity, largely from self-weight of the wall itself, for stability. Other types of walls rely on a rigid base, combined with a wall designed against bending to provide an adequate structure. Tension bending failure

Pressure Exerted by Retained Material Liquid Pressure The pressure in a liquid is directly proportional to both the depth and the specific weight of the liquid (w) which is the weight per unit volume. w = pg (N/m) where: p = density of liquid ( kg/m) g = gravitational acceleration (9.81m/s2) Liquid Pressure I

The pressure at a given depth acts equally in all directions, and the resultant force on a dam or wall face is normal to the face. The pressure due to the liquid can be treated as a distributed load with linear variation in a triangular load form, having a centroid twothirds of the way down the wet face. p = gH = wH (N/m) and: P = WH2 / 2 acting at a depth of 2/3 H

Liquid Pressure II

It should be noted that a wall retaining a material that is saturated (water-logged) must resist this liquid pressure in addition to the lateral pressure from the retained material. Example 25 Gravity Wall Retaining Water

Consider a mass concrete dam with the cross section shown which retains water to 3m depth. Assume: Ground safe bearing capacity 300kN/m. Coefficient of sliding friction at base 0.7. Specific weight of concrete 23kN/m. 1 Find water force P: All calculations per metre length of wall:

p = wH2 / 2 = (9.8 x 103 x 32) = 44.1kN (acting 1m up face) 2 Find mass of 1m Length of Wall: W = A x 1 x specific weight = 3 x (0.6 + 1.8)/2 x 23 = 82.8kN 3 Find line of action of w: Taking moments of area about vertical face:

Hence self-weight of wall acts 0.25m to left of base centre line. 4 Find vertical compressive stress on base: Pc = W / A = 82.8 / (I x 8) = 46kN/m 5 Find moment about centre line of base M = (1 x 44.1) - (0.25 x 82.8); (clockwise) (anticlockwise) M = 23.4 kNm 6 Find bending stresses/pressures b = Pb = MI / Ymax where; I = bd3 / 12 = (I x 1.83) / 12 = 0.486m4 Ymax = 1.8 / 2 = 0.9m b = Pb = (23.4 x 0.486) / 0.9 = 12.6kN/m2 7 Find actual stresses/pressures = p = W/A + My/I E = PE = 46 + 12.6 = 58.6kN/m (comp) D = PD = 46 - 12.6 = 33.4kN/m (comp) (Note: Compression only indicates the resultant P and W would intersect the base line within its middle third). 8 Compare maximum pressure with allowable bearing capacity:

Pmax = 58.6kN/m This is less than the allowable safe bearing capacity of the soil. Hence wall-soil interface is safe in bearing. 9 Compare actual stresses in wall with allowable values: Max. stress = 58.6 kN/m (Compression) and no tensile stress at any point across wall. Hence wall material is safe. 10 Check overturning:

Overturning moment about D = 44.1 x 1 = 44.1 kNm Stabilising moment about D = 82.8 x 1.15 = 95.22kNm Factor of safety overturning = 94.22 / 44.1 = 2.16 Wall safe in overturning. 11 Check sliding

Frictional resistance = W W = 0.7 x 82.8 = 58kN Horizontal thrust = P = 44.1kN Since required factor against sliding is 2, there is a deficiency of (2 x 44.1) - 58 = 30.2 kN. Additional anchorage against sliding should be provided. Example 26 Circular Water Tank Diameter 5m, depth of water 3m Water weighs 9.8 x 103N/m Pressure (P) at depth of am P3=wH=9.8 x 103 x 3=294kN/m This acts vertically over the whole base, thus design base for u.d.1. of 29.4kN/m. Pressure P3 also acts laterally on the side wall at its bottom edge. This pressure decreases linearly to zero at the water surface. Total force on base = P3AB = 29,4 x ( x 52) = 577.3 kN (acting at centre of base) Total force on side per metre of perimeter wall:

P3H / 2 = (29.24 x 3) / 2 = 44.1 kN/m run (acting 1m above base) Pressure Due to Granular Materials Granular materials such as sandy soils, gravelly soils and grain possess the property of internal friction (friction between adjacent grains), but are assumed not to possess the property of cohesion. If a quantity of such material in a dry condition is tipped on to a flat surface, it will form a conical heap, the shape maintained by this internal friction between grains. The angle of the sloping side is known as the angle of repose. For a dry material the angle of repose is usually equal to the angle of shearing resistance of the material. This angle of shearing resistance is called the angle of internal friction (a). The angle of friction is the essential property of a granular material on which Rankine's theory is based. This theory enables the lateral pressure to be expressed as a proportion of the vertical pressure, which was shown (above) to depend on specific weight and depth only. In this case at a depth h, the active lateral pressure is given by: P=k x w x h where: k = a constant dependent on the materials involved There exists some friction between the retained material and the wall face, but usually this is disregarded giving a relatively simple relationship for k:

where = the angle of friction

where: pa = total force per m of wallface (N)

(N/m lenght of fall) Pa = total force per m of wall face (N)

This gives the approximate horizontal resultant force on a vertical wall face, when retaining material that is level with the top of the wall. If the surface of the retained material is sloping up from the wall at an angle equal to its angle of repose, a modification is required. Example 27 Wall retaining soil

Consider the wall shown retaining loose sandy soil to a depth of 2 metres. Tables provide angle of friction 35, specific weight 18.6kN/m. Assuming smooth vertical surface and horizontal soil surface using Rankine's theory gives:

P = 10.1 kN/m length of wall If steel posts are placed at 2.5m centres, each post can be approximated to a vertical cantilever beam 2.5m long carrying a total distributed load of 10.1 x 2.5 = 25.25kN of linear variation from

zero at the top to a maximum at the base. The steel post and foundation concrete must be capable of resisting the applied load, principally in bending but also in shear. The timber crossbeams can be analyzed as beams simply supported over a span of 2.5m, each carrying a uniformly distributed load. This load is equal to the product of the face area of the beam and the pressure in the soil at a depth indicated by the centroid of area of the beam face.

Totalu.d.l.onbeam=9.29 x 0.3 x 2.5=6.97 kN The maximum bending moment at the centre of the span can be determined and the beam section checked. Example 28 Grain Storage Bin Pressure diagrams

(The theory given does not apply to deep bins). A shallow bin can be defined as one having a sidewall height of less than

S/2 tan (45 + / 2 ) for a square bin of side length S. Consider a square bin of side length 4m and retaining shelled maize corn to a depth of 2m. Assume = 27; specific weight is 7.7kN/m. Critical height is:

Design as shallow bin since depth of grain is only 2m. Maximum pressure at base of wall:

or resultant force P = (5.97 x 22) / 2= 11.57kN/m (acting 2/3m above base of wall) Note the design of the wall is complex if it consists of a plate of uniform thickness, but if the wall is thought of as consisting of a.number of vertical members cantilevered from the floor, an approach similar to that taken in the wall retaining soil can be used.

Further reading
Morgan, W., The Elements of Structure, ed. 1. Buckle, London, Pitman, 1978. Morgan, W. and D.T. Williams, Structural Mechanics, ed. 1. Buckle, London, Pitman, 1980. Salvadori, M. and R. Heller, Structure in Architecture, The Building of Buildings, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Pretice-Hall, 1975. Whitlow, R., Materials and Structures, New York, Longman, 1973.


Chapter 5 Elements of construction

Elements of Construction When designing a building, an architect plans for special, environmental and visual requirements. Once these requirements are satisfied, it is necessary to detail the fabric of the building. The choice of materials and the manner in which they are put together to form building elements such as foundation, walls, floor and roof, depend largely upon their properties relative to environmental requirements and their strength properties. The apprehension of building construction thus involve an understanding of the nature and characteristics of a number of materials, of methods to process them and form them into building units and components, of structural principles, of stability and behaviour under load, of building production operations and of building economics. The limited number of materials available in the rural areas of east and south east Africa result in a limited number of structural forms and methods of construction. Different socioeconomic conditions and cultural beliefs are reflected in varying local building traditions. While knowledge of the indigenous building technology is widespread, a farmer and his family normally can erect a building using traditional materials and methods without the assistance of skilled or specialized craftsmen. However, population growth and external influences are gradually changing people's lives and the agricultural practices some traditional materials are getting scarce. Hence, better understanding of traditional materials and methods is needed to allow them to be used more efficiently and effectively. While complete understanding of the indigenous technology will enable the architect to design and detail good but cheap buildings, new materials with differing properties may need to be introduced to complement the older and allow for new structural form to develop.

Loads on building components

Loads are usually divided into the following categories: Dead loads which result from the mass of all the elements of the building including footings, foundation, walls, suspended floors, frame and roof. These loads are permanent, fixed and relatively easy to calculate. Live loads which result from the mass of animals, people, equipment and stored products. Although the mass of these loads can be readily calculated, the fact that the number or amount of components may vary considerably from time to time makes live loads more difficult to estimate than dead loads. Also included as live loads are the forces of nature wind, earthquake and snow.


Where wind velocities have been recorded, the following equation can be used to determine the expected pressures on building walls: q = 0,0127 V2k where: q = basic velocity pressure, Pa V = wind velocity, m/s k = (h/6.1)2/7 h = design height of building, m (eave height for low and medium roof pitches) 6.1 = height at which wind velocities were often recorded for Table 5.1. While the use of local wind velocity data allows the most accurate calculation of wind pressures on buildings, in the absence of such data, estimates can be made from the Beaufort Scale of Winds given in Table 5.1. Table 5.1 Beaufort Scale of Winds Velocity in m/s 6.1 m above ground Strong breeze Large branches in motion; whistling in telephone wires; 11 - 14 umbrellas used with difficulty. Moderate gale Whole trees in motion; difficult to walk against wind Fresh gale Strong gale Whole gale Storm Twigs break off trees; very difficult to walk against wind Some structural damage to buildings Widespread destruction up to 17 21 24 33

Trees uprooted: considerable structural damage to buildings 28

From U.S. Weather Bureau Some idea of the worst conditions to be expected can be obtained by talking to long-time residents of the area. The effect of wind pressure on a building is influenced by the shape of the roof and by whether the building is open or completely closed. Table 5.2 gives coefficients used to determine expected pressures for low-pitch and high-pitch gable roofs and open and closed buildings. Note that there are several negative coefficients indicating that strong anchors and joint fasteners are just as critical as strong structural members.


Data on earthquake forces is very limited. The best recommendations for areas prone to earthquakes is to use building materials that have better than average tensile characteristics, to design joint fasteners with an extra factor of safety, and to include a ring beam at the top of the building wall. Table 5.2 Wind Pressure Coefficients for Gable Roof Farm Buildings H:W Windward Windward Roof Coefficient Roof Slope Wall Coefficient Completely closed 1:6:7 1:5 1:33 1.2 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 15 -0.20 -0.27 -0.41 -0.60 30 0.19 0.19 0.16 0.00 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 Leeward Coefficient Roof Leeward Wall Coefficient

Open on both sides < 30 30 Windward slope Leeward slope +0.6 -0.6 +0.8 -0.8

H = height to eaves, W = width of building Table 5.3 Mass of Building Materials Material Concrete Steel Dense woods 19mm Soft woods 19mm Plywood 12mm Galvanized roofing Concrete hollow lock wall 100mm 200mm 300mm Brick walls 100mm 200mm kg/m 2400 7850 900 580 17.0 11.0 7.3 3.9 145 275 390 180 385 kg/m


Table 5.4 Loads on Suspended Floors kN/ m Cattle Tie stalls Loose housing Young stock (180 kg) Sheep Horses Pigs Poultry Repair shop (allowance) Machinery (allowance) storage (90 kg) Slatted floor (180 kg) Slatted floor Deep litter Cages 3.4 3.9 2.5 1.5 4.9 2.5 3.2 1.9 Variable 3.5 8

Snow loads are a factor only in very limited areas of high elevation in East and Southeast Africa. Local information on the mass of snow loads should be used. Table 5.3 provides information useful in determining dead loads and Tables 5.4 and 5.5 give information relevant to live loads. Table 5.5 Mass of Farm Products Product Maize, shelled Maize, ear Wheat Rice (paddy) Soybeans Dry beans Potatoes Silage Groundnuts, unshelled Hay, loose baled

Angle of repose Emptying 27 27 36 29 Filling 16 16 20 16 37 -

Mass kg/m 720 450 770 577 770 770 770 480-640 218 65-80 190-240

Chapter 10 Animal housing

The main purpose for man to keep livestock is to convert energy in feed into products which can be utilised by human beings, such as milk, eggs, meat, wool, hair, hides and skins, draught power and manure (fertilizer). Traditional, extensive livestock production involving indigenous breeds and low cost feeding will usually have low performance and can therefore only justify minimal, if any, expenditure for housing. However, where improved breeds, management and feeding is available it will usually be economically beneficial to increase the production intensity and to construct buildings and other livestock structures to provide for some environmental control, reduced waste of purchased feed stuffs and better control of diseases and parasites, but this rule is not invariable. It is, for example, difficult to identify an economic benefit in sheep production arising from any but the use of the least expensive buildings. At the other end, a relatively expensive farrowing house, providing a high level of environmental control, may improve the survival rate in piglets sufficiently to both justify the cost and add to the profitability of the production unit. The planning and design of any structure for a livestock production system involves many alternatives for each of numerous variables and can therefore be turned into a complex and theoretical subject, but is usually far simpler in reality. However, every facet of the design, be it the production system, equipment, building materials, layout or location, will play a part in determining the profitability of the production and any variation in one of them may significantly affect the profitability on the whole. One special difficulty when designing livestock structures for tropical climates is that most research and development has, up to now, been concerned with the conditions in temperate or cold climates. Any recommendations derived from such experiments and applied uncritically in warm climates may result in an adverse environment for the animals and in very high building and operation costs.

Animal behaviour
Introduction Understanding of domestic animal behaviour and man's relationship with farm animals may greatly contribute to increased economic benefit in animal husbandry and easier handling of the animals. The importance of animal behaviour aspects in the design of animal housing facilities generally increase with the intensity of production and the degree of confinement. Many modern farming systems greatly reduce the freedom for animals to choose an environment in which they feel comfortable. Instead they are forced to resort to an environment created by man.Animals that as far as possible can exercise their natural species-specific movements and behaviour patterns are less likely to be stressed or injured and will therefore produce better. In practical design of an animal production system and any buildings involved, many other factors such as feeding, management, thermal environment, construction and economics can be equally or more important, however.The animals can to some extent adapt their behaviour to suit a bad design and on a long term basis they can be changed by breeding and selection, but generally it will be much easier to fit the husbandry and building design to the animals. The life span of a building is

usually 5 to I 5 years and that makes it clear that even a small increase in production or decrease in frequency of injury and disease, in waste of feed or in labour requirements for handling of the animals will repay all the thought and care that has been put into the design, lay-out and construction of the building. Furthermore it may cost as much to construct a building that is poorly designed and equipped for the animals as one that works well. Behaviour Patterns Farm animals are born with certain fixed behaviour patterns such as pecking in chickens and nursing in mammals, but most behaviour patterns develop through play and social contact with other animals of their kind and under the influence of environmental stimulation and genetic factors. Behaviour variation within a species is mainly caused by differences in the environment and between the sexes but breed, strain and individual variance also have an influence. Domestic animals show great ability to modify their behaviour patterns in relation to environments and to learn by experience.Animals often form a daily cycle of habits caused by the uniformity of husbandry, for example, the, regular variation in light during night and day relate to internal physiological rhythms. This is why cows Bather around the barn just before milking time. Some behaviour patterns change from season to season, partly as a response to the changing weather. Cows tend to be more active during the night in the hot season and spend less time lying down if outside in the wet season. Many domestic animals show a slight seasonal breeding pattern.Domestic animals under conditions of close captivity, frequently show abnormal behaviour such as stereotyped movements or inappropriate sexual behaviour, particularly if they are unable to escape from or adapt to the situation. However, many disturbed behaviours have more complex causes. For example, tail and ear biting in pigs may be associated with boredom, breakdown of social order, too high stocking rate, too low fibre content in the feed, malnutrition, poor ventilation leading to high humidity and temperature, no bedding, inadequate trough space and watering points, skin disease, parasites, teething problems etc. Social Rank Order Domestic animals are highly sociable and naturally form groups. Males and females form separate groups, except during the breeding season, and the young tend to form small groups in the proximity of the female group.When strange adult animals meet for the first time they are likely to fight to establish dominance-subordinance relationships. The resulting pecking order or social rank order in which one or two animals are invariably dominant is usually formed quickly. Physical age and weight are the main factors determining social rank, but sex, height and breed can also be of influence. The group can live in relative harmony as long as each animal knows its place and gives way to animals of higher rank. However, the order is seldom strictly hierarchic or static. Some animals of low rank may dominate others whose positions are normally higher and fast growing and maturing animals may move up the ladder.Introduction of new animals in a group or mixing of groups will normally lead to fighting until a new social order is formed and this may cause a growth check as wellas injury.The normal response to aggressive behaviour in a group with established social order is for the subordinate animal to move away. The building layout must allow space for this and narrow passages and corners where one animal can be trapped by another should be avoided in pens and yards. The order is usually stable provided the


group is small so that all animals in it can remember each others position, i.e. fewer than 60 to 80 cows, 12 to 15 pigs or about 100 chickens. Design of animal housing, its furnishing and equipment, usually employ either of the following methods:

a A choice of environment is provided for the animals and their preference for the different facilities is recorded. b The behaviour of animals in an experimental environment is studied and the result is compared to the behaviour of animals in a reference system, on a free range, or that of their wild relatives. Often the study is confined to activities like resting, eating, standing/walking, but sometimes the frequency of other behaviour patterns, such as investigative, agnostic, sexual, care-giving, caresoliciting, eliminative, etc. is included.

In addition productivity and frequency of injury and disease is recorded. Animal Behaviour and Building Design Below are some examples of how animal behaviour can influence the design of structures. More examples will be given when housing facilities for the various species are described later in this chapter. Cattle normally live in herds, but when giving birth, the cow attempts to find a quiet, sheltered place away from the disturbance of other cows and humans. The cow needs to be alone with her calf for some time after birth for the cow-calf bond to be established. A cow, confined in a loose housing system, who is approaching calving, should therefore be removed from the herd and put in an individual pen. Hens spend considerable time in the selection of a nest, which is on the ground. Nesting is characterized by secrecy and careful concealment. Hens in deep litter systems therefore, sometimes lay eggs on the floor instead of in the nestboxes, especially if the litter is quite deep or there are dark corners in the pen. To avoid this, plenty of fresh litter is provided in the nests, and they are kept in semi-darkness and designed with a rail in front so that birds can inspect the nests prior to entry. An additional measure is to start with the nestboxes on the floor and slowly raise them to the desired level over a period of days. Sows are nest builders and should be transferred to clean farrowing pens one to two weeks before giving birth, and given some bedding so that they can build a nest. Oestrus, especially in gilts, is increased by the smell, sight and physical presence of a boar. Gilts and sows awaiting mating should therefore be kept in pens adjoining the boar pen. Cattle prefer to be able to see while drinking, therefore more animals can drink at once from a long, narrow trough than from a low round one. With cattle (and hens) feeding is typically a group activity, therefore space at the feed trough must be provided for all the animals at one

time. At pasture, uncle sized feed or water troughs can result in inadequate feeding and watering of the animals which are lowest in rank, because these animals will likely be excluded from the trough, but they will still tend to leave with the rest of the herd after feeding or watering. To prevent waste of feed a trough should be designed to suit the particular behaviour pattern each species exhibits while feeding i.e. pecking in hens, rooting with a forward and upward thrust in pigs, wrapping their tongue around the feed (grass) and jerking their head forward in cattle. Artificially reared calves bunt the bucket instead of the cows udder, and this requires a sturdy holder for the bucket. The habit of suckling each other is a problem in dairy calves. The problem can be reduced by making the calves suckle harder and longer for their feed by using a rubber teat rather than a bucket and by giving them access to dry feed. Assuming intersuckling is not a problem, a group pen for calves is more natural than individual pens and helps ensure normal activity and resting. Sheep are vigilant and tight flocking, and respond to disturbance by fleeing. When designing handling facilities these characteristics should be taken into account. A race should be straight, level, fairly wide, without blind ends, and preferably have close-boarded sides. Sheep which are following should be able to see moving sheep ahead, but advancing sheep should not see the sheep behind as they will tend to stop and turn around. Sheep move best from dark into light areas and dislike reflections abrupt changes in light contrast and light shining through slats, grates or holes. Handling facilities should be examined from the height of the sheep's eye level rather than the human to detect flaws in the design.

Animal environmental requirements

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The capacity of an animal to produce differs between species, breeds and strains as a result of genetic factors. However, a complex of inter-related factors in the animal husbandry will influence the animal's ability to utilize that capacity for growth, development and production. Progress in breeding and feeding for further increase in production and efficiency can be limited by environmental factors. Research into these factors has therefore been increasing in recent years, especially in countries having intensive animal production. Animal housing design is mainly concerned with the physical environment, in particular climatic and mechanical factors, but all other factors should also be considered in order to create a good layout, where healthy, high yielding animals can be provided with correct feeding, can be easily handled and can produce without stress or suffering physical harm.


Heat Regulation All domestic livestock are homeotherms; that is, they maintain relatively constant internal body temperatures, usually within a 1 to 2 C range. Normal body temperatures of some domestic animals and humans are given in Table 10.1. Table 10.1 Normal Body Temperatures of Domestic Animals and Humans Animals Dairy Cow Beef Cow Pig Sheep Goat Horse Chicken Human 37.9 41.7 37.0 Temperature C Average 38.6 38.3 39.2 39.1 Range 38.0 - 39.3 36.7 - 39.1 38.7- 39.8 38.3 - 39.9 38.7 - 40.7 37.2- 38.2 40.6 - 43.0

The body temperature of most domestic animals is considerably higher than the environmental temperature to which they are exposed most of the time. They maintain their body temperatures by balancing internal heat production and heat loss to the environment. The hypothalmus gland acts as a body thermostat by stimulating mechanisms to counteract either high or low ambient temperatures. For example, increased conversion of feed to-heat energy is used to counteract low ambient temperatures, while for example increased respiration (rate and volume) and blood circulation in the skin counteracts high ambient temperatures. Varying temperature also results in changed behaviour. Most animals reduce their level of activity in a hot environment and, for example, pigs lie clustered in a heap at low temperatures, while they lie spread out with extended limbs at high temperatures. This would suggest increased space requirement for pigs held in a warm, tropical climate. The body can tolerate short periods of heat stress, but if the ambient temperature exceeds the body temperature for an extended period, it may prove fatal. Figure 10. 1 Classification of factors influencing livestock production. When feed is converted by the animal's metabolism for the production of milk, eggs, meat, offspring etc., heat is produced as a by-product. An increased production level and thus feed requirement will therefore result in increased internal heat production. High yielding animals are consequently more likely to suffer from heat stress in a hot climate than are low yielding ones. Feeding fibre-rich, low digestible feed stuffs like hay will result in high heat-production because of increased muscular activity in the alimentary tract and, in ruminants, increased micro20

organism activity in the rumen. An increased share of concentrates in the feed may therefore reduce heat stress in an animal under hot climatic conditions. Animal Moisture and Heat Production Heat is produced centrally in the deep body. The surplus is conducted to the skin surface where it is given off to the atmosphere as sensible heat by means of convection, conduction and radiation and as latent heat by means of evaporation of moisture from the lungs and skin. Increasing ambient temperature, resulting in less temperature difference between the body surface and the air, will decrease the amount of heat that can be emitted as sensible heat. Instead a larger proportion is given off as latent heat, that is, heat employed to vapourize moisture. Table 10.2 lists values for animal heat and moisture production at various temperatures. The heat and moisture produced by the animals confined in a structure must be removed by ventilation. In the tropics, sufficient ventilation flow is usually provided for by the use of opensided structures. However, if an enclosed building is used, a range of ventilation flow rates must be provided for in the building design. The minimum ventilation rate should remove the moisture produced, but retain as much sensible heat as possible during cold periods. The maximum ventilation rate should remove enough of the sensible heat produced so that a small temperature difference, usually 2 to 4C, can be maintained between inside and outside. It should be noted that ventilation alone can only maintain the building temperature at slightly above ambient. Ventilation is discussed in more detail in Chapter 7.

Climatic Factors
Temperature The over-riding environmental factor affecting the physiological functions of domestic animals is temperature. For most farm animals a mean daily temperature in the range 10 to 20C is referred to as the "comfort zone". In this range the animal's heat exchange can be regulated solely by physical means such as constriction and dilation of blood vessels in the skin, ruffling up the fur or feathers and regulation of the evaporation from lungs and skin. At the upper and lower critical temperatures the physical regulation will not be sufficient to maintain a constant body temperature and the animal must, in addition, decrease or increase its metabolic heat production. A further decrease or increase in temperature will eventually bring the temperature to a point beyond which not even a change in heat production will be sufficient to maintain homeothermy. A very young animal, lacking fully developed temperature-regulating mechanisms, particularly the ability to increase heat production by increased metabolism, is much more sensitive to its thermal environment and requires higher temperatures. Humidity


Poultry do not have sweat glands, so all evaporative heat loss must originate from the respiratory tract. Other livestock species have varying abilities to sweat and in descending order they are as follows: Horse, donkey, cattle, buffalo, goat, sheep and pig. In a hot-dry climate evaporation is rapid, but in a hot humid climate the ability of the air to absorb additional moisture is limited and the inadequate cooling may result in heatstress. Too low humidity in the air will cause irritation of the mucous membranes, while too high humidity may promote growth of fungus infections. High humidity may also contribute to decay in structures. If possible keep the relative humidity in the range of 40 to 80%. Radiation The heat load on a grazing animal can be considerably increased by direct solar radiation and radiation reflected from clouds or the ground. A white hair coat will absorb less radiant energy than a dark, but the heat penetrates deeper in a white, loose coat. Air movements will dispel the heat and reduce the differences. Furthermore, solar radiation may adversely affect the animal's skin in particular breeds having unpigmented skin. Heat gain by radiation can be effectively reduced by the provision of a shaded area. It must, however, be sufficiently large to allow space between the animals so that the heat loss by other means is not reduced. Grass covered ground in the surroundings of the shade will reflect less radiation than bare soil. Air Movements Air movements will assist in heat loss by evaporation and by conduction/ convection as long as the air temperature is lower than the skin temperature. When the air temperature approaches the skin temperature rapid air movements are experienced as comfortable, but at low temperatures it will lead to excessive cooling of unprotected skin areas (cold draught). In addition air movements are required to remove noxious and toxic gases and to supply the animal with fresh air for breathing. A wind velocity of 0.2m/s is generally regarded as a minimum requirement, but it can be increased to 1.0m/s, when the temperature is nearing the upper critical, or more when it goes beyond that. Precipitation Heavy rain my penetrate the fur of an animal and decrease its insulation value. A strong wind can in such circumstances lead to excessive cooling. However, a naturally greasy hair coat will resist water penetration and with the provision of a shelter for the animals the problem may be avoided altogether. Effect of Climatic Factors on Livestock Performance In tropical and subtropical countries an animal may often be under heat stress. When the environmental temperature exceeds the upper critical level (18 to 24C, depending on the

species) there is usually a drop in production or a reduced rate of gain. Furthermore, when the temperature falls outside the comfort zone, other climatic factors assume greater significance. Humidity becomes increasingly important as do solar radiation and wind velocity. Dairy Cattle show a reduced feed-intake under heat stress resulting in lowered milk production and reduced growth. Reproduction is also adversely affected. There are, however, important differences between breeds. European cattle (Bos Taurus) produce well at temperatures ranging from 4 to 24 C even at high humidity. Much lower temperatures (-10C) have little effect as long as fluctuations are not too rapid or frequent. On the other hand, a drop in milk production results with temperatures exceeding 25C. The drop may be as much as 50% at temperatures of 32C or higher. In contrast, Zebu cattle (Bos Indicus), which are native to warm climates, have a comfort zone of 1 5 to 27 C and milk production begins to drop only when temperatures rise above 35C. Table 10.2 Animal Heat and Moisture Production Livestock Weight Ambient Moisture temperature* animal kg Dairy Cow 400 500 600 700 Dairy Calf 50 75 150 200 300 400 Swine 5 10 20 30 50 70 90 Dry sow 180 C +12 +12 +12 +12 +12 +12 +12 +12 +12 +12 +27 +24 +20 + 16 +16 +16 +16 +12 *C 410 445 485 515 70 185 205 160 220 275 30 35 60 65 75 100 115 85 40 70 90 120 150 170 165

g/h, Sensible /animal * C 685 745 805 855 70 220 280 270 370 460 20 35 55 80 125 145 165 210 395 430 465 495 75 120 170 155 215 265 35 50 65 85 105 120 135

heat Total /animal +25 C * C 960 1045 1130 1200 115 345 420 380 520 645 40 60 95 125 175 215 245 270 60 95

heat1 +25 960 1045 1130 1200 145 365 420 380 520 645

+25 C 835 910 985 1045 105 365 365 330 450 565

125 165 205 235 245

Sow one 180 week prior to birth Sow with 180 piglets Laying hen Broilers 1.5 2.0 0.1 1.0 1.5








+16 +20 +20 +32 +20 +20

175 5.2 6.0 3.1 5.0 6.2

300 6.5 7.6 6.5 8.0

340 6.6 7.6 0.9 6.6 8.1

245 5.7 6.6 --5.6 6.9

460 10.1 11.7 3.0 10.0 12.3

450 10.1 11.7 10.0 12.3

*Referring to temperature stated in the column "ambient temperature".


Total heat equals sensible heat plus latent heat (latent heat equals moisture in g/h x 0.675 Wh/g).

It is important to note some of the physical differences between these two types of cattle that suits each to its climate of origin. The Zebu is characterized by a hump, large ears and loose, thin skin including a prominent dewlap. These characteristics promote heat loss by convection and evaporation and thus efficient body temperature regulation under hot climatic conditions. In addition, the Zebu has less subcutaneous fat, a lower body volume for the surface area, and short smooth hair all of which contribute to the animal's comfort under hot conditions. The European breeds on the other hand have thick skin held tightly to the body, long hair and a large amount of fat which serve as insulators, traits desirable for cold or temperate climates. Although there is a considerable range in size within each bread, the Zebu is a relatively small animal, a fully grown bull rarely exceeds 700 kg, while the European cattle are large, reaching 1,000 kg liveweight. Figure 10.2 illustrates the configurations of the two types of cattle. Calves seem most sensitive to cold draughts and poor ventilation, but are quite tolerant of a wide range of temperatures. Figure 10.2 Characteristic appearance of Zebu and [European type cattle. Beef Cattle make their best gains at temperatures below 25 C. They can easily tolerate temperatures below 0 C if they have a good supply of feed. Pigs require a change in ambient temperature as they age and grow, and like cattle, they show a decreased feed intake when under heat stress. Piglets survive and develop best at 30 to 32C initially followed by a gradual reduction to 20C over the first three weeks. Feeder pigs (30 to 65 kg) make good gains in the temperature range of 10 to 25C with 24 C reported optimum. The optimal ambient temperature for pigs weighing 75 to 120 kg is 15 C. Brood sows do well at 15C but suffer badly at 25C and above since they do not perspire when hot. Reproduction rates fall under heat stress and sows are more apt to trample their baby pigs in the discomfort of hot weather.


Sheep can tolerate a wide range of temperatures but should be protected from wind and rain. However, a long period of high ambient temperatures inhibits reproduction. Heat stress also reduces lambing percentage, decreases the incidence of twinning, and decreases the birth weight of lambs. When temperatures are below 7C at breeding time, ewes show improved reproductive efficiency. Goats are affected by temperature, humidity and rain. In hot climates, goats need shelter from intense heat during the day. In humid areas they need protection from prolonged heavy rain. Excessive wetting from rain can cause pneumonia and an increase in parasitic infestation. Poultry. The environmental requirements for poultry vary with age. Chicks should be started at 35 C. After one week the temperature is reduced gradually to 24C by the fifth week. Broilers and young turkeys reared at ambient temperatures below 18C are heavier than similar stock reared within the 18 to 35C range, but their feed conversion efficiency will be less. Laying birds produce the greatest number of eggs and the largest sized eggs at 13 to 24 C. The best feed conversion efficiency is achieved between 21 to 24 C. With increasing environmental temperature there is a decrease in feedintake and alterations in behaviour. Within the temperature range of 5 to 30C there is a reduction of about 1.6% in feed intake for every 10C increase in ambient temperature. Above 24C there is a reduction in egg production and egg size. A continued rise in temperature to 38C or more may prove lethal. High humidities at high temperatures create conditions that are more likely to be lethal because of a breakdown in body cooling through respiration. Rabbits are affected most by sun and heat, wind, rain and draughts. Sunlight is of benefit to breading stock and the growing young, but it will also fade the coat of coloured rabbits and discolour a white one. While rabbits enjoy the sun, they must have the chance to get out of the direct rays. Because of their thick fur coats they tolerate cold better than extreme heat, but they are susceptible to chilling from draughts. Rabbits also need protection from rain and dampness. Horses. Horses do not require warm surroundings, but they do not easily tolerate draughts, dampness and high humidity. When exposed to high temperatures and vigorous exercise, horses sweat and the evaporation of this perspiration cools the skin and helps to maintain normal body temperature. Humans. In as much as the subject of rural housing is covered elsewhere in the book, human comfort zones will be discussed briefly. Man has the ability to become acclimatized to a constant temperature. Thus people living in cold climates easily tolerate low temperatures just as people living in tropical climates do not mind the heat. In temperate climates, most sedentary people dressed in light clothing find optimum comfort at approximately 26C. However, a relative humidity of over 70% may produce discomfort. At 22C people may feel cool regardless of humidity. Above 26C they are likely to feel warm and as the relative humidity rises above 45%, discomfort increases. People who are dressed warmly and doing active work can be comfortable to temperatures of 0C and below. Microbiological Environment


Disease remains a major profit-limiting factor in animal production in many tropical countries. Sanitary control measures should be incorporated in any building design, so that a good hygienic standard can be easily maintained. An animal which is well fed and watered and in good condition will have a high resistance to disease. Good management can do much to remove or reduce the effects of adverse environmental factors, such as climatic stress, which otherwise would weaken the body's natural defences. New born stock should always receive colostrum (first milk), which contains antibodies. It takes time for an effective immune system to develop in an animal and therefore good hygiene is of special importance in facilities for young animals. Pens, in particular those for calving, farrowing, etc., should be constructed in easily cleaned and disinfected materials and be without corners and recesses where manure and dirt can accumulate. The whole building should be cleaned and disinfected periodically and any pen that is emptied should be thoroughly cleaned before other animals are transferred to it. Rearing and fattening of young animals should be organised so that the building can be emptied, cleaned and disinfected between batches. This 'all-in, all-out' policy is particularly beneficial for disease control, where the animals are bought from outside the farm and in finishing units for pigs as well as broiler and layer houses. Disease is transmitted in many ways including direct contact between animals, air-borne microorganisms, biting insects and ticks, manure, soil, contaminated feed and water, birds and rodents and the stockman's boots. Direct contact between animals can be reduced by decreasing the number of animals in each group and by constructing solid partitions between pens. Solid walls may however obstruct air movements and thus contribute to heat-stress. Ideally, the waste handling system should prevent animals of different groups coming into contact with each other's manure. Especially young animals must be prevented from contact with manure from adult animals. Good stockmanship includes regular observation of the animals to detect any change in behaviour, which could indicate disease. Sick animals should immediately be separated from the herd to prevent further spread of infectious disease and to allow the animal to rest. The sick animal should be isolated in a pen kept especially for this purpose and ideally in a separate building. Newly acquired animals and animals returning from a market or other place where they may have been exposed to the risk of infection must be quarantined for an adequate length of time to detect any disease they may be carrying before they are allowed into the herd. Other Environmental Factors Acoustical factors will only, as far as known, have marginal effect on the animal's development and production. Nervous animals may, however, react adversely to intermittent sudden noises. Pig squeals prior to feeding can become a hazard to the stockman's hearing. Soft radio music in a milking parlour may have a smoothing effect on the cows.


Day length or photoperiod varies with latitude and season and has a direct influence on animal performance, especially on the breeding season for sheep and egg production of poultry. Under natural conditions, there is a correlation between length of day and rate of laying. Artificial light is used in the temperate zone to equalize egg production throughout the year. Additional hours of light before dawn and after dusk are recommended in hot climates to encourage the hens to eat during the cooler hours. Dust can carry micro-organisms, which may cause an outbreak of disease. Toxic and noxious gases are produced by manure which accumulates in buildings or storages. Especially in connection with agitation of manure slurry stored in a pit in a building, harmful amounts of gases can be released. However, problems with gases are not likely to arise in the open-sided buildings used in the tropics.

Cattle housing
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Cows play an extremely important role in most African cultures. The ownership of cattle will often be the deciding factor in a man's social position in the community because the herd may be the only practical way of accumulating wealth. However, of greater importance is the fact that cattle represent a source of high protein food, both milk and meat. This chapter focuses on housing requirements for cattle kept primarily for milk production. Little or no housing is required for herds maintained only for beef production and special handling and support facilities are discussed separately. Much of the dairying in East and Southeast Africa occurs at elevations of 1500 metres or more. European breeds have been successfully established under these circumstances. However, European bulls crossed with Zebu cows have produced animals that are more tolerant of high temperatures than the European breeds and significantly better producers than the Zebus. Whether purebreds or crosses, they will not provide a profit to the farmer if they are left to find their own feed and water and are milked irregularly. Experience has shown that cattle respond favorably to good management, feeding and hygiene all of which is possible in a system with suitable housing. Herd Profiles The composition and management of cattle herds vary considerably. At one extreme, nomadic herdsmen graze their entire herd as one unit. The small holder with only a few head may keep his heifer calves for replacements or sell them. The commercial dairy producer typically has about four-fifths of his cows milking and one-fifth waiting to calve, while heifers 10 months to calving age plus calves of various ages will approximately equal the number of milkers. Mature dairy cows are bred annually and are milked for 300 to 330 days after calving.


At a closer examination it will be found that several factors influence the number of animals of various categories found in the dairy herd. In a herd of say, 24 cows, having calving evenly distributed throughout the year and a 12-month calving interval there will be, on an average, two calves born per month. The calves are normally kept in individual pens for two to three months, there is thus a requirement for four to six pens in a herd of 24 cows. However, the need for calfpens is halved in herds where the bull calves are sold or otherwise removed from the herd at one to three weeks of age. A longer calving interval and high mortality among the calves will decrease the required number of calf-pens, while a concentration of the calving season in the herd will increase the pen requirements. If all calving is concentrated in six months of the year, the requirement of calf-pens will be doubled. A number of cows in a dairy herd will be culled each year for reasons of low milk yield, infertility, disease, old age, etc. These cows are best replaced with young stock from their own herd, since any animals acquired from outside the farm may bring disease to the herd. Cows are commonly culled after three to five lactations, corresponding to a replacement rate of 20 to 30% per year. In herds with very intensive production there is a tendency for higher replacement rate, but it can not exceed 40%, if the heifers are obtained exclusively from the herd itself, since only about half of the calves born are female and of these some will die or be culled before first calving due to disease, infertility, etc. The number of maturing heifers will increase with increasing age of the heifers at first calving, increased replacement percentage and a shorter calving interval. Concentrated calving may slightly increase the number of animals during some periods of the year, and will greatly affect the distribution of animals to the different age groups. The age at first calving of heifers of European breeds is typically 24 to 27 months, while heifers of the slower maturing Zebu cattle often are 36 months or more. Maturing heifers require little or no housing facilities in the tropics. Knowledge of their exact number and distribution in various age groups during different months is therefore not as important to a building designer as to the manager of the herd. Heifers should be introduced in the dairy herd at least a couple of months prior to their first calving to learn and become adjusted to the handling routines and feed. In loose housing systems with free stalls (cubicles) or in tiebarns this may slightly increase the need for stalls, but normally the heifer will simply take over the stall used by the culled cow, which it replaces. In herds where cows are taken to a special calving pen during calving, one such pen per 30 cows is sufficient, since the cow and her calf will spend only a few days there. However, in herds where the calving is concentrated in a short period the requirement can increase to one calving pen per 20 cows. The pen should be at least 3.3m by 3.3m. General Housing Requirements


As has been pointed out, cattle will be more efficient in the production of milk and in reproduction if they are protected from extreme heat, i.e. temperatures of 25 to 30C, and particularly from direct sunshine. Thus in tropical and subtropical climates shade becomes an important factor. If cattle are kept in a confined area, it should be free of mud and manure in order to reduce hoof infection to a minimum. Concrete floors or pavements are ideal where the area per cow is limited. However, where ample space is available, an earth yard, properly sloped for good drainage is adequate. Sun Shade With these needs in mind a shade structure allowing 2.5 to 3m: per animal will give the minimum desirable protection for cattle, whether it be for one animal belonging to a small holder or many animals in a commercial herd. A 3x7m roof will provide adequate shade for up to X cows. The roof should be a minimum of 3m high to allow air movement. If financially feasible, all the area that will be shaded some time during the day should be paved with good quality concrete. The size of this paved area depends on the orientation of the shade structure. If the longitudinal axis is east and west, pan of the floor under the roof will be in shade all day. Extending the floor approximately one third its length on the east and on the west as shown in Figure 10. 3, a paved surface will provide for the shaded area at all times. If the longitudinal axis is north and south, the paved area must be 3 times the roof area i.e. 1/3 to the east, 1/3 to the west and l/3 underneath. Obviously this means an increase in the cost of paving. In deciding which orientation to build, the following factors need be considered:

1 With the east-west orientation the feed and water troughs can be under the shade which will allow the cows to eat and drink in shade at any time of the day. The shaded area, however, should be increased to 3 to 4m per cow. By locating the feed and water in the shade, feed consumption will be encouraged, but also more manure will be dropped in the shaded area which in turn will lead to dirty cows. 2 With the north-south orientation, the sun will strike every part of the floor area under and on either side of the roof at some time during the day. This will help to keep the floored area dry. A shaded area of 2.5 to 3m per cow is adequate if feed and water troughs are placed away from the shaded area. 3 If it is felt that paving is too costly, the north-south orientation is the best choice in order to keep the area as dry as possible. 4 In regions where temperatures average 30C or more for up to five hours per day during some period of the year, the east-west orientation is most beneficial.

Figure 10.3 shows shade patterns at various times and orientations. A gable roof shade is shown in Figure 10.4. The gable roof is more wind resistant than a single pitch roof and allows for a center vent. A woven mat of local materials can be installed between the rafters and the corrugated iron roof to reduce radiation from the steel and lower temperatures just under the roof by 10C or more. Figure 10.3 Shadows cast at various times and dates at latitude 10 south.


Figure 10.4 Sunshade with insulated corrugated steel roof: Yards If space is severely limited and only 4 to 5m per cow is available, then concrete paving is highly desirable. If up to 40 to 60m per cow is available, then unpaved yards should be quite satisfactory as long as the feed and shade areas are paved and the yard is graded for good drainage. If the small holder is unable to afford an improved structure such as a shade or a paved area for feeding, then conditions can be prevented from becoming intolerable by building mounds of earth in the yard with drainage ditches between them as shown in Figure 10.5. From 20 to 30m per cow will keep the animals out of the worst of the mud. The soil in the mounds can be stabilized by working chopped straw or straw and manure into the surface. A number of trees in the yard will provide sufficient shade. Figure 10. 5a Yard with fenceline feed trough, paved feed area and earth mound. Figure 10.5b Dimensions for an earth mound. Deep-Bedded Sheds In a deep-bedded system, straw, sawdust, shavings or other bedding material is periodically placed in the resting area so that a mixture of bedding and manure builds up in a thick layer. Although this increases the bulk of manure, it may be easier to handle than wet manure alone. This system is most practical when bedding is plentiful and cheap. Table 10.3 gives the space requirements for various ages of animals when there is access to a yard. By designing the building to be partially enclosed on the east and west, the shading characteristics can be improved. In as much as a well drained earth floor is quite adequate, such a building will compare favourably in cost with a shaded area which is paved. Loose Housing with Free Stalls (Cubicles) Although simple yard and a shade or yard and bedded shed systems are entirely satisfactory in warm climates, particularly in semi-arid areas, some farmers may prefer a system with somewhat more protection. A loose housing yard and shed with free stalls will satisfy this need. Less bedding will be required and less manure will have to be removed. Free stalls must be of the right size in order to keep the animals clean and to reduce injuries to a minimum. When stalls are too small, injuries to teats will increase and the cows may also tend to lie in other areas that are less clean than the stalls. If the stalls are too large, cows will get dirty from manure dropped in the stall and more labour will be expended in cleaning the shed area. A bar placed across the top of the free stalls will prevent the cow from moving too far forward in the stall for comfortable lying down movements, and it will encourage her to take a step backwards when standing so that manure is dropped outside the stall.


The bar must, however, not interfere with her normal lying and rising movements. Table 10.3 lists recommended dimensions for stalls. The floor of the stall must be of a non-slippery material, such as soil. A good foothold is essential during rising and tying down movements to avoid injury. A 100mm ledge at the back edge of the free stall will prevent any bedding from being pulled out to the alley. The number of stalls should ordinarily correspond with the number of animals housed, except that in large herds (80 or more), only about 90% of the animals need to be accommodated at one time. Figure 10.6 shows two free stall designs. Young stock may be held in yards with shade or in sheds with either free stalls or deep bedding. The alley behind the free stalls (cubicles) must be wide enough to allow the cows smooth passage and the following minimum widths apply: Tie-Stall Sheds Only in the case of purebred herds where considerable individual attention is given to cows can a tie-stall system be justified in tropical areas. If such a system is chosen, stalls and equipment may be purchased, in which case floor plans and elevations may be available from the equipment supplier. However, if equipment is to be manufactured locally, Table 10.5 provides some typical dimensions. Table 10.4 Alley Widths in Conjunction with Free Stalls (Cubicles) Alley between a row of free stalls and a through 2.7 - 3.5m (increase to 4.0m if there are more than 60 cows in the group) Alley between a row of free stalls and a wall Alley between two rows of free stalls Alley between a feed trough and a wall 2.0 - 2.4m 2.4 - 3.0m 2.7 - 3.5m


Age Months Weight kg

Bedded ShedArea Free Stalls per Animal (m) Dimensions (m) A B 1.4 1.8 2.1 Length 1.2 1.5 1.8 Width 0.6 0.7 0.8 1.5 2.0 2.5

Young stock Young stock Young stock

1.5 - 3 3-6 6 - 12

70 - 100 100- 175 175 - 250


Young stock Bred heifers and small milking cows Milking cows Large milking cows

12 - 18

250 - 350 400 - 500

3.0 3.5

2.3 2.5

1.9 2.1

0.9 1. 1

500 - 600 > 600

4.0 5.0

3.0 3.5

2.2 2.3

1.2 1.2

Table 10.3 Area for Bedded Sheds and Dimensions of Free Stalls (Cubicles) A Enclosed and fully B - Bedded shed in conjunction with exercise yard Figure 10.6 Free-stall cubicle designs. Table 10.5 Tie-Stall System Dimensions (metres) Cow live weight Stall Section Platform width length1 Manger width Platform slope 450 kg 1.1 1.6 0.5 2 - 4% Nose System Flat manger feed alley 1.7 - 2.0 Feed Alley (excluding step 1.2 -1.4 manger) Service alley width Manure gutter width depth




550 kg 1.2 1.7 0.6 Out

650 kg 1.3 1.8 0.65 Nose System 1.6 - 2.0 1.2 -1.4 In

1.4 - 2.0 0.4 - 0.7 0.25 - 0.35

If cows are allowed to lie with their heads over the through, otherwise add 0.4 - 0.5m to the length.


The tie and feed barrier construction must allow the cow free head movements while lying down as well as standing up, but should prevent her from stepping forward into the feed trough. Most types of yokes restrict the cow's movements too much. A single neck nail, set about 1 m high and 0.2m in over the merger may bruise the cow's neck when she pushes forward to reach the feed. The feed barriers that best meet the requirements are shoulder supports and the comfort stall, shown in Figure 10.7. Note the fixing rods for the cross tie which allows vertical movements of the chain. Stall partitions should be used at least between every second cow to prevent cows from trampling each other's teats and to keep the cow standing straight so that the manure falls in the gutter.(figure 10.7c) Figure 10.7a Shoulder support system. Figure 10.7b Comfort stall. Figure 10.7c Stall Partitions. Bull Pens A bull pen should have a shaded resting area of 12 to 15m and a large exercise area of 20 to 30m. The walls of the pen must be strong. Eight horizontal rails of minimum 100mm round timber or 50mm galvanised steel tubes to a total height of 1.5m and fixed to 200mm timber posts not more than 2m apart will be sufficient. The gate must be designed so that the bull cannot lift it off its hinges and there should be at least two exits where the herdsman can escape. A service stall where the cow can be tethered prior to and during service is usually provided close to the bull pen. The stall can have ramps at the sides to support the bull's front feet. Calf Pens Calf mortality is often high in tropical countries, but proper management and suitable housing that protects the calf from climatic stress, infections and parasites can reduce this. Individual pens for calves from birth to 2 to 3 months of age are often built with an elevated slatted floor. This floor, which is best constructed from 37 to 50mm by 75 to 100mm sawn timber boards leaving a 25 to 30mm slat between each board, will ensure that the calf is always dry and clean. The required minimum internal dimensions for an individual calf pen are 1200 by 800mm for a pen where the calf is kept to two weeks of age, 1200 by l000mm where the calf is kept to 6 to 8 weeks of age and 1500 by 1 200mm where the calf is kept from 6 to 14 weeks of age. Three sides of the pens should be tight to prevent contact with other calves and* to prevent draughts. Draughts through the slatted floor may be prevented by covering the floor with litter until the calf is at least one month of age. The front of the pen should be made so that the calf can be fed milk, concentrates and water easily from buckets or a trough fixed to the outside of the pen and so that the calf can be moved out of the pen without lifting. The milk or milk substitute fed to the calf will not provide it with enough liquid and therefore it should be given fresh, clean water daily or preferably have continuous access to water in a drinking nipple. All calves, but especially those which are weaned early, should have access to good quality forage as

soon as possible to stimulate rumen development. Forage can be supplied in a rack placed above the side wall of the pen. Figure 10.8 shows a thatched shed with six slatted floor calf pens. This construction with a feed alley will be rather expensive but can be cheaper if calves are fed from outside. Calf pens are recommended where the cows are kept in a semi-zero grazing or zero grazing system. Another system that works well is the use of individual hutches as shown in Figure 10.9. The hutch must be thoroughly cleanedset up in a new location each time a new calf is housed in it. Plenty of litter is placed directly on the ground inside the hutch. Protection from wind, rain and sun is all the calf requires, but always moving the hutch to clean ground is the key to success. Housing for the Small Herd For the small holder who wants to make the very best use of his crop land and to provide his cattle with good housing that will encourage high production, a zero grazing system is recommended. Figure 10.10 shows perspective, elevation and plan views of a zero grazing unit for 3 cows, 2 heifers and a young calf. Additional stalls can be added up to a total of about 10. After that consideration should be given to two milking places and a larger feed store. Gum poles may be used instead of the cedar posts and sawn rafters, but any wood in contact with or within 5Ocm of the ground should be well treated with wood preservative. It is desirable to pave the alley, but if that is not possible, the distance between the free stalls (cubicles) and the feed trough should be doubled or tripled. A concrete pit or sloping slab in which to accumulate manure is essential. If the alley is paved, the pit can also collect urine. In fact, paving the alley not only saves space, but the value of the urine will help to pay for the paving. The circular manure tank shown in Figure 10.10 has a volume of 10m. This will be adequate to store the manure produced during one month plus any rainfall collected in the alley. If more stalls are added the capacity of the tank will need to be increased or the interval between the emptyings shortened. A water tank to collect water from the roof can be very useful unless there is an abundant supply of water nearby. Housing for the Medium to Large Scale Herds For the farmer with up to about 30 cows a yard with paved shade and feed area would be suitable. The yard and feeding area may alternatively be combined with an open sided barn designed for deep bedding or equipped with freestalls and where the herd consists of high yielding cows the milking shed may be equipped with a bucket milking machine. Some farmers with up to 30 cows may even consider using an open sided tie-stall shed.


In general a medium or large scale dairy unit may include the following facilities: 1 Resting area for cows: a Paved shade, or b Deep bedding in an open sided barn, or c Free-stalls in an open sided barn 2 Exercise yard (paved or unpaved) 3 Paved feed area:

a Fence line feed trough (shaded or unshaded), or b Self feeding from a silage clamp

4 Milking Centre:

a Milking shed or parlour, and b Collecting yard (part of the exercise yard), and c Dairy including milk store, and d Motor room stall pen(s) accommodation paved shade and feed area) (hay and silage) feed store a service

5 Bull pen with 6 Calving 7 Calf 8 Young stock accommodation (yard with 9 Bulk feed store 10 Concentrate 11 Veterinary facilities:

a Diversion pen with Artificial Insemination stalls, and b Isolation pen

12 Waste store:

a Slurry storage, or b Separate storage of solids and effluents

13 Office and staff facilities Figure 10.8 Calf shed. Each of the parts of the dairy unit may be planned in many different ways to suit the production management system, and the chosen method of feeding. Some require ments and work routines to consider when the layout is planned are as follows:

1 Movement of cattle for feeding, milking and perhaps to pasture.

Figure 10.9 Calf hutch. Figure 10.10 Zero grazing system for the small holder.

2 Movement of bulk feed from store to feeding area and concentrates from store to milking shed or parlour. 3 Transfer of milk from milking shed or parlour to dairy and then off the farm. Clean and dirty activities, such as milk handling and waste disposal, should be separated as far as possible. 4 The diversion pen with Artificial Insemination stalls and any bull pen should be close to the milking centre as any symptoms of heat or illness are commonly discovered during milking and cows are easily separated from the rest of the herd while leaving the milking. 5 Easy and periodical cleaning of accommodation, yards, milking facilities and dairy, and transfer of the waste to storage and then to the fields. 6 The movements of the herdsman. Minimum travel to move cows in or out of milking area. 7 Provision for future expansion of the various parts of the unit.

Milking and Milk Handling

Hand Milking vs. Machine Milking In developed countries, where labour is scarce and expensive, machine milking has become very widespread and it is also practiced on many large commercial dairy farms in the tropics. Milking machines not only reduces labour requirement and eliminates the drudgery of hand milking, but in most cases performs a better quality milking operation than would be done by hand. However, most of the many small dairy farms in developing countries have a surplus of cheap labour and the number of cows milked at each of them is not sufficient to economically justify the installation of a machine. Furthermore, machines require power and are more expensive to purchase then the few pieces of equipment needed for hand milking. In many developing countries there is an irregular supply of spare parts and a lack of skilled mechanics. Machine Milking gives a good quality and operates with a uniform vacuum of 275 - 350mm of mercury, provides a massaging effect on the teats, and is easily cleaned. The milking machine simulates nursing by the calf. Two vacuum lines lead to the teat cups. A pulsator supplies an intermittent vacuum to one line at the rate of 45 to 60 pulses per minute. The line, connected to the shell of the teat cup, causes the teat inflation (rubber liner) to alternately expand and collapse. This massaging action promotes normal blood circulation in the teat. The second line maintains a continuous vacuum on the teat and carries the milk either to a stainless steel bucket or through a pipeline directly to the milk cooler. Figure 10.11 Basic sketch of a layout for a medium to large scale dairy unit, showing the relative location of the various parts and a suggestion for extension. (Not drawn to scale). Bucket Milking Machine as shown figure 10.12 is the simplest and least expensive to install, but the milk must be hand carried to the cooler. This type of system is often chosen for the small and medium size herd and where the cows are milked on a level floor of a stable or milking shed. The labor of carrying the milk to the cooler can be avoided by installing a transfer system. This consists of a 30 litres receiving tank, including a built in filter, mounted on wheels so that it can be moved around the stable. It is connected to the cooler with a plastic hose and the milk is

drawn to the cooler by vacuum from the milker pump. The hose is reeled in or out as necessary as the cart is moved around the stable. Pipeline Milking Plants transports the milk through a pipe direct from the cow's udder to the milk cooler. Figure 10.13 illustrates such a system. Pipeline milking systems are usually installed in milking parlouts where the operator stands below the level of the cows. Although they are expensive, they save backbreaking labour and are usually designed to be cleaned in place, a feature that not only saves labour but helps to ensure good sanitation. They may also be installed in stanchion or tie-stall bates but the extra pipeline needed makes the system even more expensive. Milk Room and Cooler Sanitation is the primary consideration in the handling of milk whether it is from one or two cows belonging to a small holder or from a commercial herd supplying milk for the city. In either case an adequate supply of potable water is essential for cleaning the milking equipment immediately after use. Hot water (85C) mixed with a chemical detergent is required for effective cleaning and cold water is used for rinsing. Milk should be handled in a separate area that can be easily cleaned and that is free of insects, birds, rodents and dust. The small holder producing milk only for his own household, may be able to process, curdle, or consume his milk within a short time so that cooling is not necessary. Selling milk to the public requires higher standards of sanitation and more elaborate facilities. Whether the cows are hand or machine milked, a separate milk room adjacent to the milking stalls or milking parlour is needed. This room should be well ventilated and designed with a concrete floor sloped 20mm/m to a drain and with masonry walls having a smooth, water resistant surface that can be easily and thoroughly cleaned. Figure 10.12 Bucket milking machine. Figure 10.13 Pipeline milking system. Table10.6 Minimum Water Requirements for Parlour and Milkroom Washing Hot Water, 85C Warm 40C litre Hand milking equipment Bucket milking equipment Pipeline milking equipment Cooling of milk in plate type milk cooler

Water, Cold Water 4 - 10C litre 20/wash 40/wash 60/ wash 2 - 3 times the amount of milk


10/wash 20/wash 30/ wash

Parlour floor wash Milkroom floor wash Car wash Bulk tank wash Miscellaneous 3/car 25 - 40/wash 20- 50/day

1/ m, day l / m, day 20 - 30/wash

3 - 6/ m, day 1 - 3/ m, day 6/car 25 - 35/wash 30 -100/day

Milk is strained and cooled in this room in preparation for sale. As soon as the cow has been milked the bacteria in the milk starts to multiply, but cooling of the milk to about 4 C within 2 hours will drastically reduce bacterial growth. However, proper cooling is a very difficult problem for the small scale producer. The only practical solution may be for the individual farmers in an area to bring their milk to a central collection depot for cooling immediately after milking. Figure 10.14. On dairy farms of sufficient size and where power is available, the milk can be cooled by cold water circulated between an evaporative water cooler and a milk cooler (plate heat exchanger), through which the milk is passed until it is adequately cooled. Where milk is stored and transported in cans, cooling can be accomplished by immersing the full cans in a water-filled refrigerated cooler or by passing cold water through a coil, which is immersed in the can. The large scale dairy farm, having a pipeline milking system, and the milk collection by a road tank van, will require a refrigerated cooler and holding tank. Figure 10.14 Milk collection centre. The dimensions (A) should vary with the capacity of the cooling and holding tank. Milking Parlour for the Medium Scale Herd For the farmer with 10 to 30 cows and a yard with a paved shade and feed area, the milking parlour shown in Figure 10.15 is of suitable design. Two stands will be sufficient where the herd number is 8 to 14, but more stands should be added as indicated when the herd number increases. Hand milking would probably be used for an operation of this size. If machine milking is installed the vacuum pump and the engine, which powers it, can be put in the engine room, which is indicated in outline in the plan view. This is arranged by closing off a portion of the store room with a simple partition. A milk cooler will be necessary to cool and hold the milk for pick up. This and facilities for washing and storing the milking equipment will be accommodated in the milk room, while concentrates are kept in the store room. A milk room should face the prevailing wind to ensure good ventilation and to keep it as cool as possible, but any openings should be screened with insect mesh. Click here to continue Milking Parlour

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On commercial farms where several cows are milked at the time, a milking parlour becomes a feasible investment. Several types of milking parlours are in use in dairy regions throughout the world. Figure 10.16 a, b, c and d, illustrate some of the most common types. Any type of parlour should have a high quality concrete floor and metal railings for durability and ease of cleaning. Walls are not required, but if supplied they should at least be plastered masonry walls. The pit where the milker stands should have a floor level 900mm below that of the cattle stands for the most comfortable work position. The number of stands is determined by the allowable milking time of the herd or time taken to the concentrate ration. Abreast Parlour The abreast parlour allows cows to enter and leave individually. The variation of this parlour shown here, in which the front of the stands can be opened so that the cows can proceed forward out of the parlour after milking has proved effective. The main drawback with the abreast parlour is the relatively long distance to walk between milking points, and cows obstructing the herdsman, since they share the same floor space. The stands should be 1.0 to 1.1m wide when a bucket milking machine is used or when hand milking is practiced, while 0.7 to 0.8m is adequate when a pipeline milking system is installed. In both cases the width for the milker should be 0.6 to 0.8m. A two-level abreast parlour, in which the milker works at a lower level than the cows stand, is more difficult to construct and has no outstanding advantages over the single level type. The abreast parlour has been common in East Africa for herds of more than 40 cows, but its uses is decreasing and giving way to the double herringbone parlour. Tandem Parlour The tandem parlour also allows for individual care of the cows. It is used mostly for smaller commercial herds and in particular, for herds with high yielding cows. The main drawbacks with this type of parlour are its larger space requirement and more expensive construction when compared to other types of parlours; of similar capacity. The parlour capacity in terms of cows milked per hour and labour efficiency can compare to that of a small herringbone parlour. Figure 10.15 Milking parlour for a medium size herd. Walk-through Parlour In walk-through or chute parlours cows enter and leave in batches. They have been used mainly for small herds. Their narrow width can be an advantage where a parlour is to be fitted in an existing building, but it is inferior to other types in most other respects, however, it is cheaper to construct than a tandem parlour.

Herringbone Parlour The herringbone parlour layout results in a compact working area and allows feeders to be fixed to the side walls. Four stands on each side of the pit, as shown in Figure 10.16c, is the minimum size of this type for high labour efficiency. If the herd has fewer than 80 cows, then a doublethree parlour will keep the investment lower with only a small drop in labour efficiency. The popularity of the herringbone parlour is mainly due to its simplicity and its high capacity measured in numbers of cows milked per man-hour. (A man-hour is the equivalent of one man working for one hour). However, the risk of cows kicking the herdsman is greater in this type than in parlours where the herdsman stands alongside the cow. Double 6, 8, 10 and even 12 stand parlours are used for very large herds. These larger parlours allow more cows to be milked per hour, but because of the need for more workers and the increased waiting time to allow all cows on one side to finish before they are released, the output per man-hour is usually less. Grain Feeders It is advantageous to equip milking parlours with grain feeders which allow each cow to be fed in ratio to her production. Since cows are more likely to enter the parlour when they expect to be feds some labour will be saved. Manual distribution of the concentrates with a measuring scoop is recommended except in the largest herds. Semi automatic and automatic systems are expensive to install and require spare parts and mechanics for their maintenance and these may not be available when needed. Figure 10.16a Abreast parlour. Figure 10.16c Walk through parlour. Figure 10.16b Tandem parlour. Figure 10.16d Herring-bone parlour. Collecting Yard The cows are normally assembled in a collecting yard (holding area) before milking. This may be a portion of the yard that is temporarily fenced off with chains. The collecting yard should have a minimum size of 1.1 to 2.0m per cow. Large horned cows and a low herd number will require the largest space per cow. Provision must be made for water for the cows awaiting their turn to enter the parlour. The area should slope away from the parlour 20 to 100mm/m. This not only improves drainage, but also encourages the cows to face the entrance. The collecting yard should be paved for easy cleaning and to allow for sanitary conditions in the parlour. A roof is desirable for shade and to avoid wet cows entering the parlour in the rainy season and it will reduce the amount of rainwater that has to be stored in the manure pit.


Entrance and Exit An entrance into the parlour that is straight (no turns) will ensure a smooth and convenient operation. Once trained, cows and heifers will walk readily into the parlour. A single step of about 100mm will help to keep manure from being carried into the parlour. An exit leading into an uncrowded area will facilitate animal flow. A straight exit is desirable but not as important as a straight entry. If exiting alleys are needed they should be narrow (700 to 900mm depending on cow size), to keep the cows from turning around. Feeding Equipment One advantage of loose housing of cattle is the opportunity to construct the feed trough in the fence allowing easy access for filling. The simplest type of manger consists of a low barrier with a rail fixed above. However, cattle have a tendency to throw feed forwards while eating, but a wall in front, as shown in Figure 10.18, will reduce this problem. The dimensions of the trough must be chosen to conform with the height, reach and required width of the feeding space for the animals to be fed, while providing enough volume for the amount of feed distributed at each feeding time. Figures 10.17, 10.18 and 10.19. Although timber construction is simple to install, concrete should be considered because of its greater durability. When timber is used, the base should be well treated with wood preservative. However, the preservative should not be used on any surface which cattle can reach to lick as some preservative materials are toxic to animals. When concrete is used, it should be at least C20, or a nominal mix of 1:2:4; since a lower grade concrete would soon deteriorate due to chemical attack by feed stuffs and the cow's saliva. The cows will press against the barrier before and during the feeding so that the head rail must be firmly fixed to the vertical posts, which are immovably set in the ground. A 2.5m wide concrete apron along the feed trough will reduce the accumulation of mud. A narrow step next to the trough will help to keep the trough free of manure as animals will not back up on to such a step. The bottom of the feed trough should be at a level 100 to 400mm above the level at which the cow is standing with her front feet. A slightly more elaborate feed trough separates the cattle by vertical rails or tomb stone barriers, as shown in Figure 10.19, to reduce competition during eating. The tombstone barrier may also reduce fodder spillage because the cow has to lift her head before withdrawing it from the trough. A simple roof constructed over the feed trough and the area where the cows stand to eat will serve as a shade and encourage daytime feeding in bright weather while serving to protect the feed from water damage in rainy periods. Watering Equipment


Drinking water for cattle must be clean. Impurities may disturb the microbiological activities in the rumen. Table 10.7 shows the requirement of drinking water, but a hot environment may considerably increase it. In dairy cows the need for water will increase with milk yield. Calves A Reach at ground level 550 Heifers 650 850 500 1200 500 - 650 150 100 - 300 Mature Cows 700 900 600 1300 650 - 750 220 100 - 400

B Reach at 300mm above 700 ground level C Throught height D Height to the withers 350 1000

Width of feeding space:when 350 - 500 all animals feed at once feed always available 100 Level of feed trough bottom 50 - 200 above level of stand

Figure 10.17 Dimension for feed trough design for cattle. Figure 10.18a Perspective view of Timber Feed Trough. Figure 10.18b Timber Trough. Figure 10.18c Concrete Trough and a Step in front of the Trough. Figure 10.18d Masonry Walls in the Trough. Dimension A B C D E Calves 800 - 900 300 50 - 200 500 - 700 300 - 550 Heifers 900 -1000 400 100 - 300 650- 850 400 - 650 Mature Cows 1000 - 1200 500 100 - 400 700 - 900 450 - 700

Figure 10.19a Perspective view. Figure 10.19b Section. Figure 10.19c Alternative Design.

Dimension A B C D E F G

Calves 850-950 350 50 - 200 500 - 700 300 - 550 150 - 250 130 - 150

Heifers 1000- 1100 450 - 500 100 - 300 650 - 850 400 - 650 150 - 450 170 - 200

Mature Cows 1100- 1200 550 100 - 400 700 - 900 450 - 700 500 200

Table 10. 7 Drinking Water Requirement for Cattle litre/day Calves Young stock, average Heifers Beef cows Beef cattle Dry dairy cows Milking cows Water Troughs The size of a water trough depends on whether the herd is taken for watering periodically or is given water on a continuous basis. If water is limited, the length of the trough should be such that all of the cows can drink at one time. A trough space of 60 to 70cm should be allowed for each cow. For free choice, the trough should be sized for 2 to 3 cows at a time. One trough should be provided for each 50 animals. Figure 10.20a and b shows a well designed trough made of concrete. The length may be increased if necessary. A float valve installed on the water supply pipe will control the level automatically. A minimum flow rate of 5 to 8 litres per minute for each cow drinking at one time is desirable. To prevent contamination of the water trough with manure, the trough should preferably have a 300 to 400mm wide step along the front. The animals will readily step up to drink, but will not back up onto the raised area. An alternative is to make the sides facing the cattle sloping as shown in Figure 10.20c. Young stock held in a loose housing system require one water trough for each 50 to 60 animals. A 60cm height is satisfactory. A minimum flow rate of 4 to 5 litres per minute for each animal drinking at one time is desirable.

10 25 (8 - 12/100 kg body weight) 35 - 45 30 - 45 15 - 30 (30 - 60 in hot environment) 40 - 60 SO - 100

Figure 10.20 Concrete water trough. Automatic Drinkers Automatic drinkers which are activated by the animals provide a hygienic means of supplying water for cows and young stock. Figure 10.21. When used in loose housing systems for cows the bowl should be placed at a height of 100cm and be protected by a raised area beneath it. (1m and 150 to 200mm heigh). One bowl should be provided for each 10 to 15 cows. A nipple drinker without bowl provides the most hygienic means of watering for young stock, but most nipples have limited flow rate and can therefore not be used for calves older than 6 months. Feed Handling The types and quantities of feed stuffs to be handled varies greatly from farm to farm. Figure 10.21 Automatic Drinker. Dry Hay or Forage If an adequate supply of green forage can be grown throughout the year, then only temporary forage storage and space for chopping is required. On the other hand if a prolonged dry season makes it necessary to conserve dry forage, a storage method that will prevent spoilage is essential. A raised slatted floor with a thatched or corrugated steel roof will provide good protection for hay. A simple storage similar to the sunshade shown in Figure 10.4 will be adequate. If the store is filled gradually, it may help to have some poles in the top of the shed on which to spread hay for final drying before it is packed into the store. Loose hay weighs about 60 to 70 kg/m. Although requirements will vary greatly a rough guide is 3 to 5 kg of hay or other forage per animal per day of storage. Silage Good quality silage is an excellent feed for cattle. However, it is not practical for the small holder with only a few cows because it is difficult to make small quantities of silage without excessive spoilage. Successful silage making starts with the right crop. The entire maize plant including the grain is ideal as it has enough starch and sugar to ferment well. In contrast many grasses and legumes do not ferment well unless a preservative such as molasses is added as the forage is put into the silo. It takes a good silo to make good silage. The walls must be smooth, air-tight and for a horizontal silo the walls should slope about 1:4 so that the silage packs tighter as it settles. The forage to be made into silage should be at about 30 to 50% moisture content and must be chopped finely and

then packed tightly into the silo. The freshly placed material must be covered and sealed with a plastic sheet. Failure at any step along the way spells disaster. The large commercial farmer, with well constructed horizontal or tower silos and the equipment to fill them, has the chance to make excellent feed. However, good management is no less important, regardless of size. Concentrates and Grains Again the amount to be stored is highly variable. The method of storing is little different from food grains and suitable storage facilities are discussed in Chapter 9. Manure Handling Careful waste management is needed:

to utilize the fertilizing qualities of the manure, urine and other wastes; to maintain good animal health through sanitary facilities; to avoid pollution of air and water and to provide good hygiene around the farmstead.

The method of disposal depends on the type of wastes being handled. Solids can be stacked and spread on fields at the optimum time of year, while liquids must be collected in a tank and may be spread from tank-wagons. Manure from a livestock production unit may contain not only faeces and urine, but also straw or other litter materials, spillage from feeding, and water. If silage is produced on the farm, the runoff from the silos should be led to the urine collection tank. Depending on the wilt the amount of effluent can vary from zero to 0.1 m or more per tonne of silage but normal storage allowance is 0.05 m per tonne. Manure is handled as solid when the dry matter content exceeds 25%. In this condition the manure can be stacked up to a height of 1.5 to 2 metres. This condition of the manure is only obtained when urine is drained away immediately and a prescribed amount of litter, like straw or sawdust, is used. The use of 1 to 2.5 kg of litter per cow per day will ensure that the manure can be handled as a solid. Manure with less than 20% solids has the consistency of thick slurry. It must be collected in a tank or pit but is too thick to handle effectively with pumps. It must be diluted with water to less than 15% solids before it can be pumped with a conventional centrifugal pump. If diluted in order to use irrigation equipment for spreading liquid manure, the solids must be below 4%. The amount of manure as well as the composition varies depending upon factors such as feeding, milk yield, animal weight, position in the lactation period, and health of the animal. Cattle fed on 'wet' silages or grass produce more urine. Table 10.8 shows the manure production in relation to the weight of the animals.


To estimate the volume of manure and bedding, add the volume of manure from Table 10.8 to half the volume of bedding used. Heavy rains requires removal of liquid for stacked manure, within the storage period. Similarly the storage capacity must be increased by about 50% or a roof should be built over the storage when slurry or liquid manure. Example Find suitable dimensions for a slurry manure pit with access ramp given the following: Animals: 5 dairy cows 500 kg Storage period: 30 days Maximum slope of access ramp: 15% Storage capacity (V) needed (see Table 10.8); V = 5 x 30 x 0.055 = 8.25m Table 10.8 Manure Production in Cattle Weight of animal kg Dairy cattle 50 100 250 400 600 Beef cattle 350 450 550 15 19 24 6 8 10 21 27 34 0.025 0.035 0.045 2.7 5.2 14 23 35 1.2 2.3 6 10 15 3.9 7.5 20 33 50 0.004 0.009 0.025 0.045 0.065 Faeces kg/day Urine kg/day Total Manure Storage capacity to be allow* kg/day m/day

* These values are for manure only - no bedding is including. Washing water used in the milking parlour may amount up to 300 litres/stall/milking. Usually 50 litres/head/day to allowed. (Normal variation can be as much as 20% of the tabled figures). Assume the pit will be 0.5m deep and 5m long, see sketch

Total width (W) will then be: W = V / (l1 + 0 5l2) h I2 = h / 0.15 = 0.5 / 0.15 = 3.3m l1= l - 12 = 5 - 3.3 = 1.7m W = 8.25 / ( 1.7 x 0.5 x 3.3) x 0.5 = 4.9m A pit 5 x 5 x 0.5m with a slope on the access ram of 15% is chosen. Cattle Dips Ticks continue to be one of the most harmful livestock pests in East Africa. As vectors of animal diseases ticks have been a great hindrance to livestock development especially in areas where breeds of cattle exotic to the environment have been introduced. At present the only effective method of control for most of these diseases is control of the vector ticks. Dipping or spraying with an acaricide is the mose efficient way of reducing the number of ticks. Siting a Dip The ground where a dip is to be built, and the area around should be slightly sloping and as hard as possible, but not so rocky that a hole for the dip cannot be dug. Laterite (murram) soil is ideal: The ground must:

support the structure of the dip; be well drained and not muddy in wet weather, and be resistant to erosion or gullying of cattle tracks.

Cattle must not be hot or thirsty when they are dipped, so it is important to have a water trough inside the collecting yard fence. Figure 10.22 Manure pit with access ramp. Waste Disposal and Pollution All dipping tanks need to be cleaned out from time to time and disposed of the accumulated sediment. It is normal for all the waste dip-wash to be thrown into a 'waste pit' that is dug close to the dip. In addition dipping tanks may crack with leakage of acaricide as a result. The siting of the dip and the waste pit must therefore ensure that there is no risk of acaricide getting into drinking water supplies, either by overflowing or by percolating through the ground. The waste pit should be at least 50 metres from any river or stream, 100 metres from a spring or

well, and considerably more than that if the subsoil is sandy or porous. Figure 10.23 shows a typical site layout and describes the features in the order that the cattle come to them. Footbaths Footbaths are provided to wash mud off the feet of the cattle to help keep the dip clean. At least two are recommended, each 4.5 metres long and 25 to 30cm deep, but in muddy areas it is desirable to have more. Up to 30 metres total length may sometimes be required. Figure 10.23. The floor of the baths should be studded with hard stones set into the concrete to provide grip, and to splay the hoofs apart to loosen any mud between them. The footbaths should be arranged in a cascade, so that clean water added continuously at the end near the dip, overflows from each bath into the one before it, with an overflow outlet to the side near the collecting pen. Floor level outlet pipes from each bath can be opened for cleaning. If water supply is extremely limited, footbath water can be collected in settling tanks and reused later. Jumping Place A narrow steep flight of short steps ensures:

that animals can grip and jump centrally into the dip, that their heads are lower than their rumps at take-off, that they jump one at a time, and that dip-wash splashing backwards returns to the dip.

The lip of the jumping place experience extreme wear and should be reinforced with a length of 10cm diameter steel pip. Figure 10.24 shows the jumping place 40cm above the dip-wash level. While such a height is desirable to give maximum immersion, there could be some danger to heavily pregnant cows if the water level was allowed to fall a further 40cm. (The dipping of 1,000 cattle without replensihment would lower the water level to 60cm below the jumping place). Splash walls and ceiling are provided to catch the splash and prevent the loss of any acaricide. The ceiling will protect a galvanized roof from corrosion. The walls can be made of wood, but masonry is most durable. Figure 10.23 Cattle dip layout. Figure 10.24 Cattle dip. The Dipping Tank The dipping tank is designed to a size and shape to fit a jumping cow and allow her to climb out, while economizing as far as possible on the cost of construction and the recurrent cost of

acaricide for refilling. A longer tank is needed if an operator standing on the side is to have a good chance of reimmersing the heads of the animals while they are swimming, and increased volume can slightly prolong the time until the dip must be cleaned out. In areas with cattle of the 'Ankole' type with very long horns, the diptank needs to be much wider at the top. Poured reinforced concrete is the best material to use in constructing a dipping tank in any type of soil although expensive if only a single tank is to be built, because of the cost of the formwork involved, the forms can be reused. If 5 tanks are built with one set of forms the cost per tank is less than the cost of building with other materials, such as concrete blocks or bricks. A reinforced concrete dipping tank is the only type with a good chance of surviving without cracking in unstable ground. In areas prone to earthquakes a one-piece tank is essential. Catwalk and hand rails are provided to allow a person to walk between the splashwalls to rescue an animal in difficulty. In addition to providing shade, a roof over the dipping tank reduces evaporation of the dip-wash, prevents dilution of the dip-wash by rain, and in many cases, collects rain water for storage in a tank for subsequent use in the dip. Draining Race The return of surplus dip-wash to the dipping tank depends on a smooth, watertight, sloping floor in the draining race. A double race reduces the length and is slightly cheaper in materials, but a very long single race is preferable where large numbers of cattle are being dipped. Side-sloping of the standing area towards a channel or gutter increases the back-flow rate. The total standing area of the draining race is the factor that limits the number of cattle that can be dipped per hour, and the size shown in the drawings should be taken as the minimum. A silt trap allows settling of some of the mud and dung from the dip-wash flowing back to the tank from the draining race. The inlet and outlet should be arranged so that there is no direct cross-flow. Provision must be made to divert rain water away from the dip. Cattle Spray Race A spray race site requires the same features as a dip site and these have already been described. The only difference is that the dip tank has been changed for a spray race. The race consists of an approximately 6m long and 1m wide tunnel with masonry side walls and a concrete floor. A spray pipe system on a length of 3 to 3.5m in the tunnel having 25 to 30 nozzles place in the walls, ceiling and floor, discharge dip liquid at high pressure and expose the cattle passing through to a dense spray. The fluid is circulated by a centrifugal pump giving a flow of 800 litres per minute at 1.4 kg/ cm pressure. Power for the pump can be supplied by a 6 to 8 horsepower stationary engine, a tractor power take-off, or a 5-horse-power electric motor. The discharged fluid collected on the floor of the tunnel and draining race is led to a sump and re-circulated. In addition to being cheaper to install than a dipping tank the spray race uses less liquid per animal

and operates with a smaller quantity of wash, which can be freshly made up each day. Spraying is quicker than dipping and causes less disturbance to the animals. However, spray may not efficiently reach all parts of the body or penetrate a fur of long hair. The mechanical equipment used requires power, maintenance and spare parts and the nozzles tend to get clogged and damaged by horns. Handspraying is an alternative method that can work well if carried out by an experienced person on an animal properly secured in a crush. The cost of the necessary eqyuipment is low, but the consumption of liquid is high as it is not re-circulated. The method is time consuming and therefore only practicable for small herds where there is no communal dip tank or spray race. Pig Housing Contents Previous - Next

Pig farming is realtively unimportant in most regions of Africa, as in most tropical countries, except China and South-East Asia. However, pig production is increasing in many tropical countries as processed pork finds an increasing market and pig production yields a relatively rapid rate of return on the capital employed. Pigs are kept primarily for meat production, but the by-products, such as pigskin, bristles and manure are also of economic importance. To some extent pigs compete with man for food, but they can also utilise by-products and wastes from human feeding. Management Improvements In many tropical countries pigs roam freely as scavengers or are raised in the back-yard where they depend on wastes for feed. Little attempt is made to obtain maximum In many tropical countries pigs roam freely as scavengers or are raised in the back-yard where they depend on wastes for feed. Little attempt is made to obtain maximum productivity. However, a few simple management practices can help to improve the productivity and health of these pigs. They include: 1 Fenced paddocks with shade and water where:

a Pigs are protected from direct sun, which will cause sunburn, and sometimes sunstroke particularly with whiteskinned pigs. b Pigs can be fed supplementary feed secure from neighbouring pig. c Some basic measures to control disease and parasites are possible to reduce the often very high mortality rate and to improve the poor reproductive and growth performance and inferior quality of meat experienced in traditional pig production in the tropics. The paddock can be sub-divided into 4 to 6 smaller areas so that pigs can be moved from one enclosure to another at 2 week intervals. d Sows can be bred to selected sires.


2 Simple semi-covered pens constructed of rough timber with a thatch roof and floor of concrete as shown in Figure 10.25. An earth floor can be used, but is more difficult to keep clean and sanitary. Several pens can be arranged in a row as required. The main disadvantage with this type of accommodation is the relatively high labour requirements for cleaning. 3 Wallows or sprinklers can be provided to alleviate heat stress. Being unable to sweat sufficiently pigs have a natural instinct to wallow to increase the evaporative cooling from the skin. Figure 10.25 Smallholder's pigsty for one sow with litter or 4 to 5 fattening pigs. While such improvements have the advantage of low investment in buildings and less need for balanced feed rations, they should only be regarded as first steps in raising the general level in present primitive systems. The raising of pigs in confinement is gradually replacing the old methods because of lower production costs, improved feed efficiency and better control of disease and parasites. Thus, the confinement system is usually advisable in circumstances where:

good management is available; high-quality pigs ate introduced; farrowings occur at regular intervals throughout the year; land is scarce or not accessible all the year; balanced rations ate available; labour is expensive; parasite and disease control is necessary; the target is commercial production; herd size is reasonably large.

Some systems keep only part of the herd in confinement. The order of priority for confinement housing for the different classes of animals is usually as follows:

1 Growing/finishing pigs (25-90 kg or more liveweight) for higher control daily gain, better feed conversions dna pasite control. 2 Farrowing and lactating sows, to reduce pre-weaning mortality and for higher quality weaners. 3 Gestating sows, to allow individual feeding and better control of stock.

Management Systems in Intensive Commercial Pig Production There is no standard type or system of housing for pigs. Instead, accommodation and equipment are chooser to suit the type of management system adopted. However, there are certain similar principles and practices in most systems. These originate from the fact that most pig units will contain pigs of different ages and classes as show in Figure 10.26. Farrowing-Suckling Pens

In small and medium scale intensive pig production units a combined farrowing, suckling and rearing pen is normally used. The sow is brought to this pen one week before farrowing and stays there together with her litter for 5 to 8 weeks when the piglets are weaned by removing the sow. The sow is often confined in a farrowing crate a few days before, and up to a week after birth to reduce piglet mortality caused by overlaying or trampling. Systems 1 and II in Figure 10.27. Early weaning after a suckling period of 5 to 6 weeks or even less can only be recommended where management and housing is of good standard. The piglets remain in the farrowing pen after weaning and until they are 12 to 14 weeks of age or weigh 25 to 30 kg. Group keeping of farrowing-suckling sows that have given birth within a 2 to 3 week interval is possible, but is unusual in intensive production. However, there are few acceptance problems and the litters cross-suckle and mix freely. The pen should have at least 6m deep litter bedding per sow, with an additional creep area of 1m. In a large scale unit, which has a separate farrowing house, sometimes either of the following two alternative systems ate practiced instead of the system described above: The first alternative (System III in Figure 10.27) is similar to the system already described, but the piglets are moved two weeks after weaning to a weaner pen where they may remain either until they are 12 to 14 weeks of age (25 to 30 kg) or until 18 to 20 weeks of age (45 to 55 kg). Note that the piglets should always remain in the farrowing/ suckling pen for a further 1 to 2 weeks after the sow has been removed so that they are not subjected to any new environmental or disease stress at the same time as they are weaned. The weaning pens can contain one litter or up to 30 to 40 pigs. The pigs are often fed 'ad libitum'. Figure 10.26 Flow Chart of the life cycle or pigs. In the second alternative showing (System IV in Figure 10.27) the sow is placed in a farrowing crate in a small pen one week prior to birth. Two weeks after farrowing the sow and the litter are moved to a larger suckling pen. The piglets may remain in this pen until 12 to 14 weeks of age or be transferred to weaner accommodation two weeks after weaning. Dry Sow Pens After weaning a sow will normally come on heat within 5 to 7 days and then at 3 week intervals until successful mating. The average weaning to conception interval can vary between 8-20 days depending on management. In the period until pregnancy has been ascertained the sow is best kept in a pen or stall in close proximity to the boar pen. Gestating sows are kept in yards or pens in groups of up to 10 to 12 sows, that will farrow within a 2 to 3 week interval. They can also be kept in individual pens confined in stalls or tethered in stalls.


Weaner and Fattening Pens The weaners, whether they come from a farrowing pen or a weaner pen, will at 12 to 14 weeks of age be sufficiently hardened to go to a growing/finishing pen. Finishing can be accomplished either in one stage in a growing/ finishing pen from 25 kg to 90 kg - systems 1 and IV in Figure 10.27 or in two stages so that the pigs are kept in a smaller growing pen until they weigh 50 to 60 kg and are then moved to a larger finishing pen where they remain until they reach marketable weight. System II in Figure 10.27. In large scale production the pigs are arranged into groups of equal size and sex when moved into the growing/finishing pen. Although finishing pigs are sometimes kept in groups of 30 or more, pigs in a group of 9 to 12, or even less, show better growth performance in intensive systems. An alternative, where growing and finishing are carried out in the same facility, is to start about 12 pigs in the pen and later, during the finishing period, reduce the number to 9 by taking out the biggest or smallest pigs from each pen. Figure 10.27 Flow chart of four different management systems in the pig production. Replacement Pens In intensive systems a sow will, on average, produce 3 to 6 litters before she is culled because of infertility, low productivity or age. Young breeding stock should be separated from the rest of the litter at about 3 months of age, since they should be less intensively fed than the fatterning pigs. Gilts are first covered when they are 7 to 9 months of age or weight 105 to 120 kg. After mating they can either be kept in the same pen up to 1 week before farrowing, or kept in the gestating sow accommodation, but in a separate group. Boars in the tropics are usually quiet if run with other boars or with pregnant sows, but may develop vicious habits if shut up alone. Determining the Number of Pens and Stalls Required in a Pig Unit One objective in planning a pig unit is to balance the accommodation between the various ages and numbers of pigs. Ideally, each pen should be fully occupied at all times, allowing only for a cleaning and sanitation period of about 7 days between successive groups. In the following example the number of different pens required in a 14-sow herd, where 8 week weaning is practised, will be determined. I Determine the farrowing interval and number of farrowings per year. Average weaning to conception interval Gestation Suckling period (7 x 8 weeks) Farrowing interval 20 days 114 days 56 days 190 days


Number of farrowings per sow and year 365 / 190 = 1.9 2 Determine the number of farrowing pens. The piglets remain in the farrowing pen until 12 weeks of age. Before farrowing Suckling period Rearing of weaners Cleaning and sanitation of pen Occupation per cycle 7 days 56 days 28 days 7 days 98 days

Thus one farrowing pen can be used for: 365 / 98 = 3 7 farrowings per year. A 14 sow herd with an average of 1.9 farrowings per sow and year requires (14 x 19) / 3.7 = 7 farrowing pens. 3 Determine the number of servicing/ gestating pens. Average weaning to conception interval Gestation period less 7 days in farrowing pen Cleaning and sanitation of pen Occupancy per cycle 20 days 107 days 7 days 134 days

Thus one place in the servicing/gestation accommodation can be used for: 365/ 134 = 2.7 farrowings per year. With a total of 27 farrowings a year 27/2.7 = 10 places would be required. 4 Determine the number of places for replacement stock. Presume the sows on average get 5 litters, then 20 percent of all litters will be from gilts. Rearing of breeding stock (12 to 35 weeks) Gestation less 7 days in farrowing pen Cleaning and sanitation of pen Occupancy per cycle 168 days 107 days 7 days 282 days


About 30% more animals are separated than the required number of gilts thus the required number of places in the 14 sow herd will be (14 x l.9 x 0.2 x 1.3 x 282) / 365 = 6 places 5 Determine the number of places in the growing/finishing accommodation: One stage finishing: Fattening of pigs 12 to 27 weeks of age, (25-90 105 days kg) Extra period for last pig in the pen to reach 21 days marketable weight Cleaning and sanitation of pen Occupancy per cycle 7 days 133 days

Assuming that 8 pigs per litter will survive to 12 weeks of age the number of places required in the finishing accommodation will be: (14 x 1.9 x 8 x 133) / 365 = 78 That is 8 pens with 10 pigs in each or 10 pens if each litter should be kept together. Two stage growing/finishing unit: Growing pigs 12 to 20 weeks of age will occupy a growing pen for 63 days including 7 days for cleaning. (14 x 1.9 x 8 x 63) / 365 = 37 places is required in the unit. Finishing pigs 20 to 27 weeks of age will occupy a finishing pen for 70 days including 14 days emptying period and 7 days for cleaning. (The empyting period will be shorter if the pigs are sorted for size while being transferred from the growing to the finishing pens. (14 x 19 x 8 x 70) / 365 = 41 places is required in the unit From the above example it will be appreciated that the number of pens of various kinds required in a pig unit is based on a number of factors. It is, therefore, not possible to lay down hard and fast rules about the relative number of pens and stalls. However, a guide line to the requirement of pens in herds with average or good management and performance in tropical conditions is given in Appendix VI. Space Requirement


In intensive pig production systems all pigs should be raised on concrete floors to provide for a clean and sanitary environment. In semi-intensive systems a concrete floor is only used in the pens for finishing pigs and perhaps in the farrowing pens, whereas an earth floor or deep litter bedding is used in other pens and yards. Litter may or may not be used on a concrete floor, but its use is desirable, particularly in farrowing pens. Because of the cost of a concrete floor there is a tendency to reduce the floor area allowed per animal. However, too high stocking densities will contribute to retarding performance, increasing mortality, health and fertility problems and a high frequency of abnormal behaviour thus endangering the welfare of the animals. Increasing the stocking density must be accompanied by an increased standard of management and efficiency of ventilation and cooling. In particular, to aid in cooling, finishing pigs kept in a warm tropical climate should be allowed more space in their resting area than is normally recommended for pigs in temperate climates. Table 10.9 lists the recommended space allowance per animal at various stocking densities. The figures listed for high stocking density should only be used in design of pig units in cool areas and where the management level is expected to be above average. The dimensions of a pen for fattening pigs are largely given by the minimum trough length required per pig at the end of their stay in the pen. See Table 10.10. However, the width of a pen with low stocking density can be larger than the required trough length. This will reduce the depth to 2.0 to 2.4m, and thus the risk of having the pigs create a manure are within the pen. Furthermore, the flexibility in the use of the pen will increase and the extra trough space allow additional animals to be accommodated temporarily or when the level of management improves. Sometimes finishing pens are deliberately overstocked. The motive for this is that all pigs in the pen will not reach marketable weight at the same time and the space left by those pigs sent for slaughter can be utilized by the remainder. Such over-stocking should only be practiced in very well managed finishing units. General Requirements for Pig Housing A good location for a pig unit meets the following requirements: easy access to a good allweather road; welldrained ground; and sufficient distance from residential areas to avoid creating a nuisance from odour and flies. An east-west orientation is usually preferable to minimize exposure to the sun. Breezes across the building in summer weather are highly desirable. A prevailing wind during hot weather can sometimes justify a slight deviation from the east-west orientation. Ground cover, such as bushes and grass, can reduce reflected heat considerably, and the building should be located where it can most benefit from surrounding vegetation. A fairly light well drained soil is preferable, and usually the highest part of the site should be selected for construction.


Pig houses should be simple, open sided structures as maximum ventilation is needed. A building for open confine merit is therefore essentially a roof carried on poles. The roof supporting poles are placed in the corners of the pens where they will cause least inconvenience. A free span trussed roof design would be an advantage but is more expensive. In some circumstances it may be preferable to have solid gable ends and one tight side to give protection from wind or low temperatures, at least for part of the year. If such walls are needed they can often be temporary and be removed during hot weather to allow maximum ventilation. Permanent walls must be provided with large openings to ensure sufficient air circulation in hot weather. If there is not sufficient wind to create a draught in hot weather, ceiling fans can considerably improve the environment. The main purpose of the building is to provide shade, and therefore the radiant heat from the sun should be reduced as much as possible. In climates where a clear sky predominates, a high building of 3m, or more, under the eaves gives more efficient shade than a low building. A wide roof overhang is necessary to ensure shade and to protect the animals from rain. A shaded ventilation opening along the ridge will provide an escape for the hot air accumulating under the roof. If made from a hard material the roof can be painted white to reduce the intensity of solar radiation. Some materials such as aluminium reflect heat well as long as they are not too oxidized. A layer of thatch (5cm) attached by wire netting beneath a galvanised steel roof will improve the microclimate in the pens. A roof of thatch is excellent in hot climates, particularly in non-confined systems, but cannot always be used because of fire hazard and because it is attractive to birds and rodents. A pig house with two rows of pens and a central feeding alley would require a ridge height of 5 to 6 metres if covered with thatch. Table 10.9 Dimensions and Area of Various Types of Pig Pens Units A. Farrowing/ suckling pen. Resting area, if weaner pens are not used Resting area, if weaner pens are used Manure alley width Farrowing pen (System IV) Farrowing crate, length excl. trough width depending on size of sow free space behind the crate Piglet creep (incl. in resting area) B. Boar pen m m m m: m m m m 10.0 8.0 1.7 2.0 0.65 - 0.75 0.4 2.0 7.5 6.0 1.5 4.5 2.0 0.6 - 0.7 0.35 1.5 6.0 5.0 1.3 4.0 2.0 0.55 - 0.65 0.3 1.0 Stocking density Low Medium High


1. Pen with yard Resting are (shaded) Yard area (paved) 2. Pen without yard C. Gestating sow pens 1. Loose in groups of 5 - 10 sows Resting area (shaded) Yard area (paved) Feeding stalls, depth x width m m m 2.0 3.5 2.0 x 0.6 2.2 0.65 - 0.75 1.5 2.2 x 0.70 0.35 1.0 0.5 1.1 0.70 0.90 1.0 1.2 - 1.4 1.5 3.0 1.8 x 0.55 2.1 0.60 - 0.70 1.4 2.1 x 0.65 0.30 1.0 0.45 1.1 0.60 0.75 0.85 1.2 - 1.3 1.1 2.5 1.7 x 0.5 2.0 0.55 - 0.65 1.3 2.0 x 0.60 0.25 1.0 0.40 1.1 0.50 0.60 0.70 1.2 m m m 6 12 9 5 10 8 4.5 08 7

2. Individual stalls with access to manure m alley, length of stalls excl. trough width of stalls width of manure alley 3. Confined in individual stalls length x width of stalls D. Weaner pen (to 25 kg or 12 wks) Resting area excluding trough Manure alley width 0E. Growing pen (to 40 kg or 17 wks) Resting are excluding trough Manure alley width F. Finishing pen, resting area excl. trough For porkers to 60 kg or 21 wks For beaconers to 90 kg or 27 wks For heavy hog to 120 kg or 33 wks Manure alley width m/pig m/pig m/pig m m/pig m m/pig m m m m

The pen partitions and the 1 metre wall surrounding the building, which serves to reduce heat reflected from the surrounding ground, can be made of concrete blocks or burnt clay bricks for durability or perhaps soil-cement blocks, plastered for ease of cleaning. Regular white washing may improve the sanitary conditions in the pens. Doors have to be tight fitting and any other openings in the lower part of the wall surrounding the building should be avoided to exclude rats. Apart from stealing feed and spreading disease, large rats can kill piglets.

For all types of confinement housing a properly constructed easily cleaned concrete floor is required. Eighty to 100 mm of concrete on a consolidated gravel base is sufficient to provide a good floor. A stiff mix of 1:2:4 or 1:3:5 concrete finished with a wood float will give a durable non-slip floor. The pen floors should slope 2 to 3% toward the manure alley and the floor in the manure alley 3 to 5% towards the drains. Housing for a Small Scale Pig Unit Contents Previous - Next

For units with 2 to 15 sows, specialized buildings for the various stages of production may not be practical or desirable. For the smallest units of 2 to 6 sows a kind of universal pen which is about 2.7m wide and 2.8-3.0m deep (including feed through) which can be used for: I sow 2 litter 3 to 9 growing/finishing 1 boar and of 4 pigs of her weaned gestating to 90 litter, piglets, sows, live weight, or or or or



This type of pen shown in Figure 10.28, provides a high degree of flexibility but usually does not allow as efficient a use of the building space as the more specialized pens. When used for farrowing, the pen should be adapted with guard rails 25cm above floor level and 25 from the wall to protect the piglets from being crushed as shown in Figure 10.28b. However, confinement farrowing is one of the most efficient ways of reducing piglet losses. An arrangement with fixed or removable rails, which divide the pen, as shown in Figure 10.28c, will offer some degree of confinement. In some climates it may be desirable to give sows with litter access to exercise yards. However, for the relatively short suckling period (6 to 8 weeks), it is usually considered best to keep the sows confined in pens with their litters. A creep for the piglets is arranged in one corner of the pen. It is recommended that a temporary ceiling (e.g. wire netting covered with straw) 50 to 60cm above the floor in the creep area be constructed to prevent draughts and to keep warmer temperatures for the piglets during their first weeks of life. Where electricity is available, heating with an infra-red lamp may be used instead. Piglets are fed in the creep area out of reach of the sow. Figure 10.29 shows a single row pig unit for 2 sows and fattening pigs, and Figure 10.30 a double row pig unit for 4 sows having a central feeding alley. The semi-covered manure alleys are arranged along the outside walls separated from the resting area of the pen. This arrangement will allow rain water to help flush away the waste to the drain channel and on to the manure store which has to have extra capacity for this water. However, in the 4 sow unit the furrowing pens have fully covered manure alleys for increased protection of the piglets.


The roof may be equipped with gutters so that rain water can be drained away separately or be collected for use as drinking water for the pigs. A single tubular steel or round timber rail 20cm above the outside, rear wall (1m high) is desirable to increase security without interfering with ventilation. Both buildings shown in Figures 10.29 and 10.30 can be extended to accommodate 2 to 4 more sows by adding 2 pens for fattening pigs at one end every time a farrowing pen is added at the other end. Table 10. 10 Minimum Trough Length and Height of Partitions in Various Types of Pig Pens Minimum length m/pig Sow in farrowing pen Loose dry sows in pens Stall for dry sows Boars Piglets Piglets Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Figure 10.28 Universal pen. Figure 10.29 Single row pig unit for 2 sows and fatteners. Figure 10.30 Double row pig unit for 4 sows and fatteners. Housing for the Medium Scale Pig Unit In pig units for more than six to eight sows it becomes feasible to construct specialised pens for the various production stages, but these can still be accommodated under the same roof. A larger production volume can be accommodated by extending the unit shown in Figure 10.31 up to about 15 sows. A further increase should then be accomplished by building an additional

trough Minimum height of pen partitions m 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.2 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.0

0.7 0.5 0.5 0.6 10 kg 15 kg 25 kg 40 kg 60 kg 90 kg 120 kg 0.14 - 0.15 0.16 - 0.17 0.18- 0.20 0.22 - 0.24 0.25 - 0.27 0.30 - 0.32 0.35 - 0.37

separate unit of this type with up to 15 sows, as too many animals in one building is a potential health hazard. Housing for the Large Scale Pig Unit In large scale units special provisions must be made for efficient health control. This means: not too many animals in one building; animals of approximately the same age housed together; using an all-in-all-out system with thorough cleaning and disinfection of every house between each batch of pigs; placing the buildings 15 to 20m apart and surrounding the entire site with a secure fence. Specialised pens in separate houses for the various stages in the production is normally feasible in units for more than 20 to 30 sows. Each type of pen can be designed with dimensions for the most efficient use of the building space, as they don't have to fit in a layout with other types. Farrowing House The type of farrowing pen shown in Figure 10.32 offers a relatively high degree of confinement in that the sow is restrained in a farrowing crate during farrowing. Five to ten days after farrowing the crate is removed or opened, to free the sow, as indicated in the figure. A slightly askew arrangement of the farrowing crate will allow for a longer trough for the piglets in the front of the pen, but is more complicated to construct. A reduction in space requirement can be accomplished by putting the sow in a farrowing pen, consisting merely of a farrowing crate with 0.5 and l.0m wide creep areas on either side, one week prior to farrowing. Two weeks after farrowing the sow and piglets must be transferred to a suckling pen equipped like the pen shown in Figure 10.28b but with the dimensions 2.3m wide, by 2.35m deep and with a 1.4m wide manure alley. Figure 10.31 Pig unit for 10 sows and fatteners. Figure 10.32 Farrowing pens with crates for confinement of the sow during birth. Housing for Growing/Finishing Pigs Growing/Finishing pens 2.8m wide by 1.9 to 2.2m deep and with a 1.2m manure alley can accommodate the following number of pigs, according to their weight: up to 40 over 90 kg - 7 pigs 40 90 kg kg 12 9 pigs pigs

Where it is very hot it is preferable to reduce the number of pigs per pen below the numbers given here. The manure alley must be well drained, preferably by a covered drain, but an open drain will also serve provided that it is outside of the pen to prevent urine from flowing from one pen to another. Bedding in the pens is preferable for the animals' comfort and to reduce stress, as

the bedding will provide them with something to do. Controlled feeding is important to ensure the best possible feed conversion. Housing for Gestating Sows Gestating sows are usually the last group in a pig herd to be considered for confinement housing. However, there are obvious advantages which could have a great influence on the production efficiency when sows are confined and controlled during gestation. As their litters are weaned, sows can be returned to the gestating sow structure and placed in one of the pens arranged on either side of the boar pens for easy management of sows in heat. After mating and the three week control period, the sows should be re-grouped according to the actual farrowing dates. The type of accommodation shown in Figure 10.33a will always have four sows per group as the gates in the manure alley are used to enclose the sows in their stalls while cleaning the pen. The stalls, which are used for both feeding and resting, should be 0.60 to 0.75m wide, depending on size of the sows. With the type shown in Figure 10.33b, the numbers in the groups can vary according to the size of the herd and farrowing pattern, but sows in one group should be in about the same farrowing period (within about 10 to 15 days of each other). The feeding stalls should be 50cm wide, and a bar should be installed which can be lowered after all the sows have entered the stalls. This arrangement will prevent sows from backing out of their assigned stall, and biting and stealing feed from other sows. When all the sows have finished eating, the bar is lifted and they can leave the feeding stalls. Behind the feeding stalls there is a manure alley with gates across and which can close the opening of the resting area in order to confine the sow while cleaning out the manure alley. The width of the manure alley can be increased from 1.5 to 2.5m if desired, so that cleaning out can be earned out by a tractor mounted scraper. In both types of pens, exercise yards when considered feasible, can be arranged behind the building. Figure 10.33a Groups of four sows in resting and feeding stalls and with access to a manure alley. Figure 10.33b Groups of five sows with access to feeding stalls and a headed resting area, where they are enclosed during cleaning. Figure 10.34 Layout of a 50 sow unit. Special Arrangements for Warm Climates


Many of the principles that have been discussed above apply equally well to both hot and temperate climates and are basic requirements for the housing of pigs. The open type of confinement system has its limitations, but applied in many warm areas leads to a major improvement in production. The complete control of the environment in animal houses is generally far too expensive to be feasible, in particular when considered in connection with nonconfined systems. However, provisions for shade, proper roof colour and material and controlled air movements, which have already been discussed, can be both practical and economic. A spray or a wallow can considerably reduce heat stress in pigs. A wallow can be anything from a water filled hole in the earth to a concrete trough. While wallows are effective and need not be expensive, they tend to become unsanitary if not regularly cleaned. From a hygienic point of view sprinklers which spray water on to the pigs, are preferable, but water consumption can be up to four times as high as for a wallow. Water consumption is about 20 litres per pig per day for 10 hours continuous spraying, compared with 5 litres per pig per day using a wallow. However, a spray system can be operated intermittently by a timer which can limit use to about 2 litres per pig per day. The spray should be directed on to the pigs and not into the air. The spray system can be effectively used with all categories of pigs, except very young piglets. A sprinkler in the manure alley of the farrowing pen, operated from the time the litter is about two weeks old, may help the sow to maintain her feed intake. Hosing pigs once or twice a day is a great deal less effective than a spraying system. Feed Troughs and Feed Storage Efficient pig production requires a reliable supply of water and feed for a balanced diet. A large range of feedstuffs, including by-products and crop surpluses, may be used provided they are incorporated into a balanced diet. The requirements for feed change as the pigs grow and depend on the stage of production in sows. Table 10.11 shows the requirement where the feeding is based on a mix of meal feeds and can be used to estimate the required storage capacity for supply between deliveries. Table 10.1 1 Feed and Water Requirement for Pigs Animal Feed Intake (meal feed) Drinking Water kg/pig Requirement litre/day 5-7 2-3 2.5 - 3.50 10 kg 15 kg 0.60 0.75 22 - 27 12 - 17 10 1.0 1.5

Sow in farrowing pen Gestating sow Boar Piglet Piglet


Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs

25 kg 40 kg 60 kg 90 kg 120 kg

1.10 1.70 2.30 2.90 3.10

2.5 4.0 5.5 7.0 7.0

A wide variety of feeding equipment is available for pig operations. The easiest to clean and sanitize are made from concrete, metal or glazed burnt clay. Concrete troughs are commonly used and can be pre-fabricated using a metal mould. The trough is often placed in the front wall of the pen as shown in Figure 10.35d, e and f. Although such an arrangement makes for a more difficult construction than to have the trough inside the pen it is usually preferred due to easier feeding and it also prevents the pigs from stepping into the trough. The wall above the trough can be made either solid or open and can be either vertical or sloping inwards to the pen. An open front improves ventilation in the pen but it is more expensive than a close-boarded wooden front as galvanised steel pipes have to be used for durability. In particular a sow confined in a stall of a farrowing crate will feel more comfortable if she is able to see in front of her. A sloping front will more effectively discourage pigs from stepping into the trough but it is more complicated and expensive to construct. Two piglet feeders for use in the creep area are shown in Figure 10.36. The same types can be used for growing pigs up to 40 to 50 kg, but the dimensions will need to be increased. Metal is preferred, although a feeder made of wood can be satisfactory if cleaned regularly and thoroughly. Watering Equipment The requirement of drinking water is shown in Table 10.11. It is preferable to mix mealfeed with 1.5 to 2.1 litres of water per kg feed. The rest of the water can be given in the trough between feedings or in special drinkers. Clean water must be available to the pigs at all times, including the piglets in a farrowing pen. Automatic drinkers are the most hygienic and can be used where piped water is available. There are two types, one which is placed above the feed trough and sprays into the trough when pushed by the pigs and the other type, which is operated by the pigs biting around it. This latter type is often placed in the manure alley or in the pen close to the manure alley to prevent the pigs from getting the resting area wet. Manure Handling The pig pens must be cleaned once or twice per day. Provided suffcient bedding is used and the urine is drained away separately to a urine storage tank the solids may have a consistency, which

allows it to be stacked on a concrete slab. Where little or no bedding is used or the urine is not separated, a manure storage slab of the type shown in Figure 10.22 can be used. Table 10.12 shows the manure production. Figure 10.35 Feeding equipment. Figure 10.36 Piglet feeders. Poultry Housing Poultry, including chickens, turkeys, ducks and geese, offers one of the best sources of animal protein, both meat and eggs, at a cost most people can afford. Chickens are the most widely raised and are suitable even for the small holder who keeps a few birds that largely forage for themselves and require minimum protection at night. At the other extreme, commercial farms may have highly mechanized systems housing thousands of birds supplying eggs and meat to the city market. In between are farm operations in a wide range of sizes with varying types of housing and management systems proportionate to the available level of investment and supply of skilled labor. No single system of housing is best for all circumstances nor even for one situation. Some compromise will invariably have to be made. The needs of chickens and later other classes of poultry will be discussed and a number of housing systems will be described along with the principal advantages and disadvantages of each. General Housing Requirements for Chickens Proper planning of housing facilities for a flock of laying hens requires knowledge of management and environmental needs in the various stages of the life of the chicken. A typical life cycle is illustrated in Figure 10.37. The laying period may be up to 16 months, but in flocks held for commercial egg production the hens are normally culled after a laying period of 11 to 12 months or when the production has dropped to a point where the number of eggs collected per day is about 65% of the number of hens in the flock. It is true that the hens will come in to production again after a couple of month's moulting period, but the production is not as high and the egg quality is generally not quite as good as in the first laying period. Where prices of poultry meat are reasonable, it is usually more economic to cull all the hens after one year's egg production. Table 10.12 Manure Production for Pigs Wet soild Urine Manure kg/day kg/day

Total kg/day

Storage requirement for slurry m per day of storage

Dry sow and boar Sow with litter Farrowing pigs - 45 kg Finishing pigs 45 - 90 kg

2.0 - 2.5 2.5 - 3.0 0.8 - 1.0 1.5 - 2.0

4-5 8 - 10 2.5 4-5

6.0 - 7.5 10 -13 3.3 - 3.5 5.5 - 8.0

0.011 or 0.013 per sow in the herd 0.018 0.004 or 0.006 per growing/finishing pig 0.008

Figure 10.37 Typical life cycle of a laying hen. Site Selection The best site is one that is well-drained, elevated but fairly level, and has an adequate supply of drinking water nearby. Regardless of the type or size of the housing system, the site for construction should be selected to provide adequate ventilation, but be protected from strong winds. An area under cultivation, producing low growing crops, will be slightly cooler than an area of bare ground. High trees can provide shade while at the same time actually increasing ground level breezes. Bushes planted at one windward corner and also at the diagonally opposite corner will induce air currents within the building to make existing bmise the heat from direct solar radiation. Since all buildings used for poultry housing tend to produce odours, they should be located well downwind from nearby dwellings. If there are several poultry buildings in a group it is desirable to have them separated 10 to 15m in order to minimize the possibility of the spread of disease. Brooding buildings should be isolated from other poultry buildings by 30 metres or more and be selfcontained in respect of feed supplies and storage of equipment. If the same person cares for both layers and growing birds, a disinfectant foot bath at the entrance to the brooding area is an added precaution. All buildings should be constructed on well-drained sites where drives and paths between buildings will not become muddy even during the rainy season. Environmental Requirements The effects of temperature and humidity on the birds make it apparent that in most areas of East and Southeast Africa the principal environmental concern is to keep the flock as cool as possible. Shade, good ventilation with natural breezes, freedom from roof radiation and the indirect radiation from bare ground are all important. Only in a few high altitude areas does protection from wind and low temperatures become a significant consideration. Humidity seems important in only two respects. Very low humidity causes objectionably dusty conditions and high humidity combined with temperatures above 27C seems to interfere with the physiological cooling mechanism and increases the possibility of death. Day old chicks require a temperature of 33 to 35. This temperature is maintained for a week and is then gradually lowered to the ambient temperature by the end of 5 weeks.


In addition to providing a good environment, the housing should offer protection from predators and theft as well as the exclusion of rodents and birds. These latter two not only carry disease, but they can consume enough feed to make a significant economic difference. The effect of light on egg production has been discussed earlier. Additional hours of light can be achieved by installing one 40W electric light bulb per 15m floor space in a position about 2.2m above floor level. More important than the hours of light, however, is the maintenance of the lighting schedule, since any sudden change in the length of the photo-period is likely to result in a significant drop in production. Fourteen hours of light throughout the laying period is optimum. A schedule with gradually decreasing hours of light may be used in windowless houses for maturing pullets. This postpones laying, but results in larger eggs being produced from the start of laying. In warm climates near the Equator, houses are open for natural ventilation, however, and the day length is close to 12 hours throughout the year. The result is that pullets start to lay at 14 to 18 weeks of age and egg size, which is small at first, gradually increases during the first 3 months. Broiler houses are often lighted 24 hours per day to encourage maximum feed consumption and rate of gain. Proper design and management of the poultry house can effectively contribute to the prevention of disease in the flock. In general it is best if the litter is dry but not too dusty. If no litter is used, the floor and wall surfaces should be designed so that they can be easily cleaned between flocks and stay reasonably clean during use. Construction Details In most hot climates there will be many more days when a cooling breeze is needed rather than protection from a chilling wind. A wall construction consisting of a solid base, which protects from indirect radiation from the ground, and an open space covered with mesh above it, is therefore preferred for all four walls in most types of chicken houses. A hessian or reed curtain that can be dropped on the windward side will offer extra protection and, if installed on the east and west, it may also protect from direct sunshine. An arrangement where the top end of the hessian is fixed to the wall plate and the bottom end attached to a gum pole around which it can be rolled when not in use, will provide for smooth operation. In high altitude areas off-cuts may be used on the gable ends, but 15 to 20mm spaces should be left between them to improve the ventilation. The width of the building should not exceed 9m for efficient cross ventilation. Lower Wall Design up to 1000mm of solid walls can be made of any available masonry units. Bag washing will give a smooth easily cleaned finish, but adobe blocks will require the extra protection of plastering to prevent the birds from destroying the wall by pecking.


The Upper Wall Design to the total height of the wall, including the solid base should be about 2m. Gum poles treated with wood preservative and set 500mm deep in concrete are a practical means of supporting the roof and upper wall structure. Eighteen millimetre wire mesh is small enough to keep out rodents and birds. A tight fitting door is essential. The floor in a poultry house may consist of gravel or well drained soil, but concrete is desirable because it is easily cleaned, durable and considerably more rat proof. A concrete floor should be 80 to 100mm thick and be made of a stiff mix, 1:2:4 or 1:3:5 concrete, placed on a firm base at least 150mm above ground level and given a smooth finish with a steel trowel. Table 10.13 Recommended Minimum Floor, Feed and Water Space for Chickens Floor Space Stocking density Low birds/ m Chicks and Pullets 1 - 4 weeks of age 5 - 10 weeks of age 11 - 15 weeks of age 16 - weeks of age Breeders Layers Semi-intensive House-run house run Straw-yard house yard Fold system Intensive Deep litter floor Wire floor Combination floor 3-4 7-8 5 -6 5-7 9 - 10 7-8 3 1.5 2 4-5 2.5 2 3 0.04 - 0.08 4-5 0.10 - 0.13 15 - 20 8 - 11 5-6 3-4 3-4 6-7 25 - 30 12 - 15 7-8 5-7 5-6 8 40 15 - 20 9- 10 7-8 6-8 10 - 20 40 25 12 10 9 150 75 50 40 15 High birds/ m Trough birds/ m Tube birds/ m birds/ m Feeder Space Water Space


Cages, incl. alleys

8 - 12

15 - 25

7 - 10

Roof structure with a free span is desirable to avoid any inconvenience caused by roof supporting poles inside the building. Corrugated steel sheets are the first choice for roofing material because they are much easier to keep clean than thatch. Insulation under the metal roofing will improve the environment in the house. However, a thatched roof may result in even better conditions and can be used on narrow buildings. The roof overhang should be 500mm, or more, in order to give adequate protection from sun and rain. A ventilation opening along the ridge is usually supplied in layer houses, but not in brooding houses. Housing Systems for Layers The pullets are transferred from the rearing to the laying accommodation at 17 to 18 weeks of age and start laying when they are 20 to 24 weeks old. At the time of transfer they should be grouped according to size and stage of maturity. There are five major systems used in housing of layers: Semi-intensive; deep litter; slatted or wire floor; a combination of slatted floor and deep litter; and cage or battery system. Having considered the factors that affect the comfort, protection, efficiency and production of the birds, it is also important to design a system that is labor efficient, reasonable in investment and easy to manage. How well each of the systems fills the needs of both the chickens and the people supervising the operation should be the determining factor in the selection of an appropriate system for a specific situation. Semi-intensive Systems Contents Previous - Next

Semi-intensive systems are commonly used by small scale producers and are characterized by having one or more pens in which the birds can forage on natural vegetation and insects to supplement the feed supplied. It is desirable to provide at least two runs for alternating use to avoid build up of disease and parasites. Each run should allow at least 10 to 15m per hen and be fenced, but a free-range allowing 40 to 80m per hen will be required where the hens are expected to obtain a substantial part of their diet by foraging. A small, simple house, which allows 0.3 to 0.4m per bird, and which has a thatched roof a littered earth floor and slatted or chicken wire walls on at least three side will provide protection from inclement weather, from predators at night and offer shade in the daytime. The shelter should be large enough to enter to collect eggs and be equipped with nextboxes, feeders, drinkers and perches. For convenience the house should be situated so that access to each of the runs can be provided with small outlet doors or 'popholes'. Figure 10.38 shows another type of shelter for roosting and laying, which can be used in combination with daytime foraging by the hens. The legs of this structure have rat guards and ant protection and may be equipped with skids or wheels to make the whole unit easily movable between runs. Feed and water are provided in troughs outside the house.

This system is low in cost, but growth of the birds and egg production are likely to be less than with systems offering closer confinement and better feed. Losses may be encountered by birds of prey and from failure to find eggs laid in bushy areas. The poultry run requires a considerable amount of fencing. A fold unit is a house and run combined, having part of it covered with chicken wire and the remainder with solid walls. The unit should allow 0.5m per bird and must be moved each day over an area of grassland. A unit 6 by 1.5m will take 16 to 18 birds and can normally be handled by one man. For larger flocks several such units will be used. Portable units are generally more expensive than permanent houses and may decay quickly because of the contact with the ground. The hens have reasonable protection against birds of prey and inclement weather, and parasites, if the unit is not returned to the same area within 30 days. In areas where grassland is limited a yard deeply littered with straw and allowing only 0.4 to 0.7m per bird will provide for an outdoor exercise area. This system is similar to the deep litter system, but requires more space, a considerable amount of litter for the yard and the fresh green food has to be carried to the birds. Figure 10.38 Poultry shelter for 50 layers. Figure 10.39 Fold unit for /8 layers. Deep Litter System Deep litter houses, Figure 10.40, confine the birds in a building that offers good protection with a reasonable investment. If well designed with low masonry walls set on a concrete floor and wire mesh completing the upper part of the walls, the building will exclude rats and birds. The principal advantages of this system are easy access for feeding, watering and egg gathering, good protection and reasonable investment. The principal disadvantage is the need for high quality litter. If this is produced by the owner, it is of little significance, but if it must be purchased, it becomes an economic factor. In either case, the litter and manure must be removed periodically. The deep litter house can be designed up to 9m in width and any length that is needed. Approximately 4 to 5 birds/ m of floor area is a satisfactory density. Slatted or Wire Floor System Figure 10.40 Deep litter house for 130 layers (or 350 broilers). Note the solid wall facing the prevailing wind. A small house of this type with slatted floor is shown in Figure 10.41. Alternatively wire mesh can be used for the floor. It is built on treated wooden piers 0.8 to 1m above the ground. Ventilation and manure removal are both facilitated, no litter is required and bird density can be 6 to 8 per m. Feeding, watering and egg gathering are all efficiently handled from the outside.

Either a double pitch thatch roof or a single pitch corrugated steel roof may be installed with the eaves about 1.5m above the floor. If the latter is used, some insulation under the roof is desirable. The feed troughs should be equipped with hinged covers and rat guards should be installed at the top of each pier. The width of this type of building should be limited to about 2m to allow easy removal of manure and adequate wall space for feed and nests. The building should be oriented east and west and may be of any length. However, if it is more than 5m long, nests will need to be put on the sides and all remaining wall space on either side used for feeders in order to allow the required 100mm/bird. See Table 10.13. If using a slatted floor' made sufficiently strong for a person to walk on, then a wider building is feasible as feeders can be placed completely inside where the chickens have access to both sides of the trough. The floor is sectioned for easy removal during cleaning out of manure. This type of houses is said to be cooler than other types, but the building cost is high and management is more complicated. Figure 10.41 Slatted floor house for 50 layers. Combination of Slatted Floor and Deep Litter A combination deep litter, slatted floor house, offers some advantages over a simple deep litter house, but with some increase in investment. Figure 10.42 shows a house of this type for the small producer. Approximately l/2 of the floor area is covered with small gum pole slats or with wire mesh. This area is raised above the concrete floor 0.5m or more so that cleaning under the slatted portion may be done from the outside. Waterers and feeders are placed on the slatted area. This type of house is limited in width to 3 to 4m so that feeders and waterers can be handled from the litter area and manure beneath the slatted area can be easily removed from the outside without moving the slats or disturbing the birds. Although this system entails added expense for materials and labour to install the slats, the bird density can be increased to 5 to 7 per m, so there is little difference in the cost per bird. This system saves on litter, increases litter life, reduces contact between birds and manure, and allows manure removal without disturbing the hens. Ventilation is improved due to the slatted floor. Perhaps the biggest disadvantage is the limited width for convenient operation and the need for some litter. In medium to large scale houses of this type the slatted floor must be made removable in sections and at least part of it made strong enough to walk on. An increased building cost and a more complicated management will result, however. The house shown in Figure 10.43 has slats over 2/3 of the floor area. This is generally considered maximum for this type of house and allows for a stocking density of up to 8 birds per m. Automatic tube feeders are placed on the slatted floor. One such feeder, with a bottom diameter of 0.6m can serve for 60 to 75 birds, depending on size of breed. The water troughs are suspended from the ceiling. The nestboxes are doubled by arranging them back-toback and have one end resting on the slatted floor and the other suspended from the ceiling. Egg collection can be facilitated by the use of a trolley, which is


supported on a rail just below the ceiling. Cleaning out between batches can be done by a tractor shovel, if all furnishings and part of the end walls are made removable. Figure 10.42 Poultry house fot 40 layers half deep litter/ half slatted floor. Figure 10.43 Poultry house with l/3 deep litter and 2/3 slatted floor for 1100 to 1200 layers. Cage or Battery Systems Cage management of layers in very large, well insulated, windowless buildings has become the standard practice in much of Europe and the colder parts of the United States. With complete mechanization of feed, water, egg collection, manure removal and environmental control, two to three people can care for thousands of birds. It should be noted that a very large investment is made in order to obtain labour efficiency and ideal environmental conditions. East and South-East Africa has relatively low labour costs and a mild climate making a mechanized cage system in an insulated building unnecessary and impractical. Nevertheless, there are much simpler cage systems that may work very well for commercial growers in this region. These consist of rows of stair-step cages in long narrow shelters. Figure 10.44. The thatch roof or insulated metal roof shelter can be completely open on the sides with perhaps some hessian curtains in areas where cold winds are experienced. The buildings should be oriented east and west and designed to provide shade for the cages near the ends. A 3.4 metre width will allow for four cages without overlap and an alley of about 0.9 metre. While a concrete floor makes cleaning easy, smooth hard soil is less expensive and quite satisfactory. A little loose sand or other litter spread on the soil before the manure collects will make manure removal easier. The building posts should be treated with wood preservative and be sturdy enough to support the cages. Rat guards should be installed on the posts at a height of 0.8 to 1 m. A central alley, raised 20cm and cast of concrete is easily cleaned and keeps manure from encroaching on the work area. Feeding and egg collecting are easily done by hand while watering may be either by hand or with an automatic system. It is important that the watering trough be carefully adjusted so that all birds receive water. The simplest method of supplying water automatically or by hand at one end is to slope the entire building and row of cages 10mm/3m of length. The trough can then be attached parallel with the cages. Water must run the total length of the trough and it is inevitable that some will be wasted. Consequently a good water supply is essential. Even though feed is distributed by hand, feed stores should be built convenient to each building to reduce carrying to a minimum. Eggs can be collected directly on to the "flats" that are stacked on a cart which is pushed down the alley. The cart can be made self-guiding by means of side rollers that follow along the edge of the feed troughs or the raised central alley.


Cage types that are equipped with pans to catch the manure are not advocated because they restrict ventilation. Previously used cages should be considered only if they are of a suitable design, and have been carefully inspected for condition prior to purchasing. Figure 10.44 Cage compartment and various arrangements of cage tiers in open-side houses. Table 10.14 Recommended Minimum Dimensions of Cages for Laying Hens Layers per cage No. 1 2 3 4 5 20

Cage Area1 per bird cm 1100- 1300 700-900 600-750 550 - 650 500 - 600 800 - 900

Width mm 250 360 450 530 600 2000

Depth mm 450 450 450 450 450 850

Height front mm 500 500 500 500 500 650 back mm 400 400 400 400 400 500

Floor slope % 11 - 15 11 - 15 11-15 11 - 15 11 - 15 15 - 20

Depending on the size of the breed

Summary Contents Previous - Next

The housing systems for layers that have been described should meet the needs of most situations encountered in East and South-East Africa. In the few cases where much colder weather occurs, the buildings described should be built with one or more tight walls. However, it must be emphasized that chickens tolerate cold weather better than wet, sticky, foul smelling litter resulting from inadequate ventilation. If the temperature falls below freezing it is essential that the chickens have a continuous supply of free flowing water (not ice) and that eggs are collected frequently enough to avoid freezing. Planning for Continuous Production The producer who can supply his market with either eggs or meat on a regular and uniform basis will undoubtedly find his produce in demand at the best market prices. Planning the poultry housing system has much to do with uniform production. A programme for 1,000 layers is diagrammed in Figure 10.45. A larger or smaller operation can be designed with the same number of buildings, but of a different size.


It is assumed that the brooder house is large enough for brooding only and that pullets will be transferred to a laying house for growing to laying age. New chicks are started every 13 weeks, brooded 7 to 8 weeks, and then transferred to the laying house. After approximately 11 weeks they will start a laying period of 52 weeks, after which they are sold and the house cleaned and rested for two weeks before the cycle is renewed. Five laying houses are required. At any one time four will have layers in full production and the fifth will either be housing growing pullets or be empty for cleaning. Each house is on a 65 week cycle: 11 weeks growers, 52 weeks layers, 2 weeks cleaning. The brooder house is on a 13 week cycle: 7 to 8 weeks brooding, 5 to 6 weeks cleaning and resting. A suggested housing layout is shown in Figure 10.46. Housing for Breeders Breeders must be housed in one of the floor systems since cocks need to run with the hens. One cock per 5 to l0 hens is sufficient. Special emphasis is placed on disease control, so frequently a partially or completely slatted floor design is preferred. Few commercial producers will breed their own replacements, but will instead buy day-old chicks from a commercial hatchery. However, most chicks of indigenous breeds are produced by natural incubation at small scale farms. A hen sitting on some 8 to 10 eggs, needs little feed and even less attention, but a cool, clean nest at ground level that is enclosed to protect the hen and later the chicks from insect pests, vermin and predators, and a supply of feed and clean water may improve the breeding result. Brooders Naturally hatched chicks are reared and protected by the broody hen and can be left undisturbed as long as their yard is protected from predators, is of good sanitary standard and has a supply of feed and water. Artificially incubated chicks must be started under gas or oil-fired brooders to compensate for the absence of a natural mother and to keep them warm without their crowding together. If electricity is available a 250W infrared ray lamp is a more reliable and comfortable solution, but is also more expensive. A cheap, simple but still efficient brooding arrangement that will serve for about 100 chicks is shown on Figure 10.47. The hover, which prevents the heat from escaping and protects the chicks from draught, is made from a halved oil drum and is equipped underneath with two heaters, e.g. kerosene storm lanterns protected by netting. The hover is suspended by chains from the roof structure and its height over the floor is adjusted according to the required temperature. A similar but larger brooder for 400 to 500 chicks has a hover made from two 3m long corrugated roofing sheets, is equipped with 6 heaters and has a proportionally larger area enclosed by the 60cm wall and is supplied with 10 water founts and 10 feed troughs.


Figure 10.45 Production flow when starting chicks every three months. Figure 10.46 Layout of buildings for 1000 layers and brooder house for replacements. Figure 10.47 Brooding arrangement for approximately 100 chicks. Housing for Pullets and Broilers In the past, poultry meat has been derived chiefly from culled layers. This is still the main source of poultry meat in most developing countries, although there is an increasing shift to rearing chickens specifically for meat. Broilers, the common term for meat birds, are fastgrowing strains which reach market weight of 1.6 kg in 8 to 12 weeks. The commercial production of poultry meat is now based primarily on broilers. In a semi-intensive system the growing pullets may obtain part of their food by scavenging for forage, seed, etc. A fenced yard allowing 5 to 8m per bird is preferable to open land. At least part of the yard should have shade cover and a simple building in which the birds can be enclosed at night will be required. The building should allow 0.2m per bird, have good ventilation, perches for roosting and offer protection against predators and inclement weather. The birds should be moved at regular intervals to a different yard in order to avoid a build-up of worm infestation. There is little difference in the rearing of chicks to become pullet replacements for the laying flock or broilers for market. The same environment and housing are suitable, so they will be considered together. Brooding and rearing are floor-managed operations. It is common practice to keep broilers or pullets in the same house from the time they are one day old, first on newspapers or thinly spread litter, and later, on deep litter. When broilers are marketed at 8 to 10 weeks of age, or pullets are transferred to the laying house at 16 to 18 weeks of age, the litter is removed so that the house can be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. Therefore, the house should be designed and built to allow for easy and efficient cleaning. Pullets and broilers are not grown together because of the different length growing periods and differing schedules for artificial lighting. Chicks are started in a brooder, which may be of the type discussed in the previous section and remain there for six to eight weeks. During this time it is desirable to conserve heat and to prevent draughts, and in this, the building design can be an important factor. A method that is widely used in the United States called "end room" brooding works well and seems adaptable to warm climates as well. By taking advantage of the fact that chicks up to 4 weeks old require only 1/3 to 1/2 as much floor space as they will need later on, one end and enough of the adjacent sides are closed in tightly to provide 0.05m of floor space per chick to be brooded. Off-cuts, with low thermal capacity, are ideal for enclosing the wall. A hessian curtain makes the fourth (inside) wall to complete the temporary enclosure. The baby chicks can then be confined in the space around the brooder in the enclosed end of the house. See Figure 10.48.


The balance of the walls are covered with 18 to 25mm wire mesh. At the end of the brooding period the brooder is raised to the ceiling for storage, the Hessian curtain is lifted and the chicks are allowed into the balance of the house which should provide from 0.08m/bird for broilers to 0. 17m/ bird for pullets. Depending on the maximum temperatures expected, it may be necessary to provide some ventilator openings in the tight walls. An adjustable gable-end ventilator is particularly desirable as the roof will not have a ridge vent due to the brooding operation. If cool, breezy weather is expected, one or more of the screened sides may be equipped with Hessian curtains. Equipment and Stores In addition to what has already been described, any chicken house will require equipment such as waterers, feeders and a feed store and perhaps perches for roosting. Houses for floor managed layers or breeders will require nestboxes. A store for eggs may be required in any laying house. Feeders and waterers should be in sufficient numbers for easy access (particularly important for young chicks), be long enough for each bird to have its place and have sufficient holding capacity. The Tables 10.13 and 10.15 provide some information for their design. Most chickens in intensive production are fed water and mash on a free choice basis. Note: The cumulative feed consumption in pullets from one day to the point of laying at 20 to 24 weeks is 1012 kg. The rearing of one broiler from one day old to marketable weight (2 kg live weight) at 9-12 weeks of age requires 4 to 6 kg feed. Feeders Either trough or tube feeders are used for day-old chicks, growing birds and layers, but their size must be selected to suit the birds to be fed. The number of feeders should be such that the distance to the nearest feeder should not exceed 2m from any point in the house. A trough should not be too wide, be easily cleaned and have a design that prevents the hens from leaving their droppings in it. Figure 10.48 A closed end brooder and growing house. Table 10.15 Feed and Water Requirement for Pullets and Broilers Relative to Their Age and for Layers Relative to Their Weight and Egg Production. Chickens Rearing birds 1 - 4 weeks of age 5 - 8 weeks of age 0.07 - 0.20 0.26 - 0.36

Feed Requirements kg/week bird Pullets Broilers 0.10 - 0.40 0.50 - 0.90

Water Requirement l/ day per bird

0.05 - 0.15 0.16 - 0.25

9-12 weeks of age 13 - 20 weeks of age

0.40-0.49 0.51 - 0.78

1.00-1.10 -

0.20-0.35 0.25 - 0.40

Egg production: No. of eggs/year Layers Light breed Medium breed Heavy breed 100 0.54 0.69 0.84 200 0.65 0.82 0.96 300 0.78 0.94 1.10 0.25-0.35 0.27-0.40 0.30-0.45

Figure 10.49a shows a good type of trough that can be made by the farmer. If used outside in a run the trough should be sheltered by a roof. Small trough feeders for chicks are used on the floor, but the larger ones are usually mounted on a stand to prevent the chickens from kicking litter into them and have perches where they can stand while eating, see figure 10.49b. The tube feeders, as shown in Figure 10.49c, are suspended from the ceiling and are easily adjusted for height (0.3m above ground is recommended for mature birds). Drinkers An ordinary 10 or 15 litre bucket serves very well as drinker for layers. If it is sunk into the floor or ground so that only about 10 centimetres are out it may be used for chicks as well. Another arrangement for chicks consists of a shallow bowl supplied with water from an upside down bottle, as shown in Figure 10.62. Water fountains of the type shown in Figure 10.49d are available in sizes for all ages. Like feeders they are used on the floor for small chicks and on stands for older birds. The number of drinkers should be such that all chickens have access to one within a distance of 3m. Automatic drinking nipples may be used for layers in cages. There should be at least one nipple per every two hens. It is desirable that every hen have access to two nipples as clogging of a nipple is not always readily detected. Figure 10.49a Trough Figure 10.49b Trough on a stand Figure 10.49c Tube feeder Figure 10.49d Woter fount Nest Boxes Layers and breeders, except those managed in cage systems, should have access to nestboxes in which they can lay their eggs. The nests can be such that they can be used by one or more birds

at a time. Single nests commonly have the dimensions 250 to 300mm wide, 300 to 380mm deep and 300 to 350mm high, have a 100mm litter retaining board across the bottom of the opening and have a perch 150 to 200mm in front of the entrance. Communal nests should have a space allowance of at least 0.09m per bird. The top of the nest should be steeply sloped to prevent birds from roosting there. One nest should be supplied for every five birds in the flock. Figure 10.50 shows a twotiered nestbox arrangement. The bottom row of nests should be 450 to 600mm off the floor. Perches Chickens have a natural instinct to roost in trees at night. To provide for this perches are commonly installed in chicken houses from 6 to 8 weeks of age and after, in particular in semiintensive systems. Perches for young birds should have a diameter of about 35mm and provide 0.1 to 0.15m space per bird, while those for adult birds should be about 5Omm diameter and provide 0.2 to 0.3m space. The perches should be fixed to solid stands, be 0.6 to 1.0m above the floor, be 0.35 to 0.4m apart and preferably be placed lengthwise at the centre of the house. A deck about 200mm underneath to collect manure is desirable. Feed Stores Grain stores are discussed in Chapter 9. The feed stores for a small flock would be very much like those shown for food grains. For the commercial flock, the type of store depends on how the feed is handled. If it is purchased in bag lots, then a masonry building with an iron roof that is secure against rodents and birds is most suitable. If feed is delivered in bulk, then one or more overhead bins from which the feed is removed by gravity will be convenient and safe. The size of the store required depends entirely on the frequency and size of deliveries, but can be estimated as 0.0035m floor area per bird in the flock where feed is purchased in bags. If part of the grain is produced on the farm, then some long term storage of the type shown in Chapter 9 will be required. Figure 10.50 A battery of single laying nests for 50 lo 60 hens. Figure 10.51 Perches. Manure Handling A layer is estimated to produce on average 0.15 to 0.20 kg manure per day and a broiler 0.08 to 0.12 kg manure per day. In deep litter systems the litter used may more than double these amounts. Poultry manure is commonly allowed to accumulate in the house, under a wire or slatted floor or as deep litter for quite extended periods, but may alternatively be cleaned out regularly and stored in a concrete pond. It is an excellent form of fertiliser. Processed poultry manure has successfully been fed to cattle, sheep and fish as a portion of their total ration. Egg Handling

Eggs are an excellent source of animal protein and are usually less expensive than meat. If properly handled under sanitary conditions they store well for short periods and reach the consumer in good condition. However, eggs are perishable and possible carriers of salmonella, a serious food poison, thus the need for clean conditions and refrigeration cannot be overemphasized. The following list includes several recommended practices and facilities:

1 Clean nest and floor litter will minimize the number of dirty eggs. 2 The egg handling and storage building should be screened, free of rodents and other vermin. 3 The water supply should be potable and ample. 4 Lavatory and toilet facilities should be available.

Egg Cooling for large commercial laying operations requires approximately 0.25m of cool store per 1000 layers and day of storage. For smaller flocks the store will need to be proportionately larger. Figure 10.52 shows an Evaporative Charcoal Cooler for small farms. A store measuring, e.g. 100 x 100cm is covered by a water tray from which cloth strips or "wicks" drip water down into side frames. The frames consist of a 5 cm layer of broken charcoal sandwiched between 1.25cm chiken wire mesh. A hinged and latched door is constructed similarly to the sides. The action of water evaporating from the charcoal cools the interior of the box. Other methods for short term storage of eggs at the small poultry unit include underground cellars, storage in lime water and storage after dipping in waterglass. For longer periods of storage a refrigeration system and a well insulated room is required to maintain a storage temperature of 5 to 10C. To allow storage for 6 to 7 months a temperature of -1.5 to 0C will be required. The refrigeration capacity necessary is approximately 200W for 5000 layers, or 3400W for 10,000 layers. Other capacities would be proportionate. Custom designed systems with generous size evaporators should be installed. Room air conditioners do not allow desirable humidity in a storage. The evaporator is too small and operates at a low temperature, thus removing too much moisture from the air. Figure 10.52 Evaporative cooler for eggs, milk and other food stuffs. Where electricity is available a fan controlled air flow will make a more efficient operation. Duck Housing Although ducks are kept for both meat and egg production, commercially there is much more demand for meat than eggs. On the other hand egg production does provide a valuable contribution to the family income and diet for the small scale farmer. Ducks lay more and larger eggs than indigenous chicken. Raising ducks is encouraged in African countries because they are hardy and easy to raise and manage.


They can feed to a large extent on grass, vegetables and grains produced on the farm. Housing is also quite simple and inexpensive. Small scale farmers would, for these reasons, benefit from keeping ducks instead of hens, which are more prone to disease and malnutrition. Brooding and Rearing Brooding is similar to chickens and the same temperatures are used, 35C for the first week and then reduced 3C weekly until normal air temperature is reached. Ducklings grow very rapidly, and floor and trough space on deep litter should be provided according to Table 10. 16. Table 10.16 Recommended Minimum Floor and Feed Space for Ducks Floor Space m/bird 1- 2 weeks 3-4 weeks 4 - 7 weeks 7 weeks to market Mature birds 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.3 -0.4 birds/m 20 10 5 3-4 2.5 - 3 Feed trough space birds/m 14 11 9 8 7-8

Refers to deep litter; on wire mesh Door the stocking can be doubled. Litter materials include straw, sawdust, shavings and sand. The large quantity of water that ducks drink produces wet manure that causes problems with almost any form of litter. A wire mesh floor therefore is a desirable alternative. The 12.5mm mesh of 8 gauge wire is suitable. Fresh air is important and ducklings can be let out in fine weather after a few days. They should, however, not be allowed to get wet before the feathering is completed on their backs at about six weeks of age. Ducklings should also be shaded during hot weather to prevent sunstroke. Housing Housing for ducks can be very simple. See Figure 10.53. The house should be situated on a well drained, preferably elevated area. The floor should be raised at least 15cm above the surrounding ground level to help keep it dry. Ducks tend to be dirty and plenty of clean litter must be used in floor type housing.


Although a concrete floor can be installed for easy cleaning, it is not necessary. If part of the floor is of wire mesh and the ducks have to cross it on their way to the nestboxes, their feet will be cleaned so they do not make the nests and eggs dirty. Solid walls 60cm high are adequate. They may be made from any material as long as it keeps the ducks in and predators, like dogs, snakes, rats and wild birds out. The space between the wall and the-roof is covered with wire netting not larger than 25mm mesh. Total wall heigh does not need to exceed 150-200cm. Figure 10.53 Duck house for 25 ducks. Roof made of thatch is a fully adequate and inexpensive roof covering for a duck house. Metal sheets can also be used, but insulation should be installed under the sheets. Nest boxes 30cm wide, 40cm deep, and 30cm high should be provided for each four ducks. The front should be l5cm high. The nestboxes are placed either on the floor or 30 cm off the floor against a side or rear wall. Although nesting boxes off the floor release more floor space, the ducks may lay their eggs under the boxes. Run and Fencing should provide a minimum of 1 m per bird, but 2 to 3m or more, will keep the ducks cleaner and give more space for grazing. On open range pasture the ducks should be allowed 20m/bird. Feed and Water Equipment Duck feeders need to be somewhat wider than chicken feeders to allow for the "shovelling" eating habits. For the first two weeks the food is preferably given as crumbs or wet mash. Later the food is best given as pellets. The required trough space is included in Table 10.16. Adult ducks normally consume about 0.2 kg feed per day, but some ducks in full lay may require up to 0.3 kg per day. Ducks of all ages drink large quantities of water. Waterers must be designed to allow easy access for the birds and easy cleaning for the caretaker. Ducks like to swim so if possible they should have access to a stream or pond. Contrary to common belief there seems to be little benefit in providing for swimming except that with water available the ducks are able to keep themselves cleaner and somewhat higher fertility of the eggs may result. Geese Housing Geese are foragers and can be allowed to graze on succulent grass as early as three weeks of age. Because of this there should be more encouragement for the development of the meat production from geese in East and South-East Africa.


Unless there is a large number of geese, natural hatching will take place. A goose will sit on 10 to 1 5 eggs. The sitting goose should be allowed to use her regular nesting place for incubating the eggs. Rearing of goslings is relatively easy if proper care and attention is given. The goose should be confined to a clean coop for the first 10 days while the goslings have access to a small run. Chick mash can be fed for the first 3 to 4 weeks along with succulent grass. After 3 weeks of age the goslings will graze, but supplementary feed must be given if the value of the grazing is poor. Geese are selective grazers and will quickly return to grass newly grown after recent grazing. If the geese are herded, a much wider range of grazing is possible. Housing for geese is very simple, if any is required at all. In tropical areas geese appear to be quite content left outside at all times of the year. However, there is often danger of theft and attack by predators, so the geese should be herded into a shelter at night for protection. The shelter can be simple and cheap as long as it serves this purpose. A wooden framework surrounded by wire mesh is quite adequate. Wooden rails or bamboo can also be used in place of the wire mesh. The same materials can be used for the roof as a waterproof roof is not necessary. There is no need for a floor, but the ground should be elevated to avoid flooding. Turkeys Housing In recent years there has been a steady increase in turkey production. The main demand is still at Christmas and New Year, but the better hotels and restaurants require supplies throughout the year. The demand is only for turkey meat. All the eggs produced are used for incubation by hatcheries. The production of turkeys should be confined to commercial enterprises. Chickens carry diseases that affect turkeys so they should not be grown together by the small farmer. Brooding and rearing methods for turkey poults are similar to those for chickens, but the brooding temperature is higher. The recommended temperature for the first week is 35 to 38C, after which it can be reduced 4C per week until ambient temperature is reached. Adequate floor space in the brooder house is important as the turkey poults grow rapidly. Table 10.17 provides information on space requirements. At about 10 weeks of age, turkeys are put out on range in a fenced enclosure. In the interest of disease control, it is essential to use clean land that has not carried poultry, turkeys, sheep or pigs for at least two years. Approximately 20m of pasture should be allowed for each bird. A range shelter with 20m of floor area is suitable for 100 poults up to marketing age. Dry, compact soil is adequate for a floor. The frame should be made of light material covered with wire mesh so that the shelter can be moved to clean range each year. The roof, which should be

watertight, can be made of thatch or metal sheets. Perches, made from rails 5 x 5cm or round rails 5cm in diameter, should be installed 60cm from the ground and 60cm apart allowing 30 to 40cm of length per bird. The turkey breeder flock can be confined in a deep litter house similar to the one shown in Figure 10.40 for chickens. Recommended floor, feed and water space for turkeys is given in Table 10.17. Approximately 23 kg of feed is required to produce a 6.4 kg turkey at 24 weeks of age. Adult birds require 0.12 to 0.3 kg per day depending on the size of the breed. Early mortality in turkey poults due to lack of drinking or feeding is a constant problem and can only be prevented by good management and reliable equipment. Young poults must be coaxed to eat by making sure they have plenty of feeding places and can easily see the food. The same applies to water. Table 10.17 Recommended Floor, Feed and Water Space for Turkeys Brooding 0 - 6 weeks Floor Space Roosting Space Nests (for 20 - 25 hens) Feeders 4 - 8cm Water 2cm 10cm 3cm 12cm 4cm 0.1 m Growing 6 - 12 weeks 0.4 - 0.6m 30 - 38cm 0 7 - 0.9m 30 - 38cm 60 x 150cm Breeding

It is important to keep turkeys from being frightened by people, animals or machines. When alarmed, turkeys have a tendency to stampede, pile up and smother.


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