Soccer Unit Plan: Erin Railing Arin Yarc
Soccer Unit Plan: Erin Railing Arin Yarc
Soccer Unit Plan: Erin Railing Arin Yarc
Table of Contents
Title Page1 Table of Contents 2 Unit Plan Goals 3 National Standards4 Objectives..5-6 Class Description7 Equipment List8 Safety Consideration9 Block Plan10-21 Content Development22-29 Fitness Activities30-33 Assessments34-37 Resources38
1. Students will know and demonstrate the proper techniques of dribbling, passing, and trapping with a partner. 2. Students will know the rules and regulations of soccer and be able to recognize them on an end of the unit assessment. 3. Students will treat each of their classmates with respect by providing at least 5 phrases of encouragement, feedback and reinforcement throughout the entire unit and record them in their daily journals.
National Standards
*Standard 1: Demonstrate competency in many movement forms and proficiency in a few movement forms. 9.1.1: Demonstrate the ability to use and appreciate activityspecific skills. 9.1.4: Develop specific skills at an advanced or skilled performance level. *Standard 2: Applies movement concepts and principles to the learning and development of motor skills. 9.2.1: Synthesize previously learned strategies into advanced game strategies. 9.2.2: Analyze and evaluate information about complex motor(movement) activities that lead to improved physical performance. *Standard 5: Demonstrate responsible personal and social behavior in physical activity settings. 9.5.1: Demonstrate safe and appropriate use and care of equipment and facilities. *Standard 7: Understands that physical activity provides the opportunity for enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and social interaction. 9.7.1: Identify positive aspects of participation in several different physical activities.
Psychomotor: 1. Objective:1.1 Students will be able to dribble the soccer ball through the cones with proper form 3 times. 2. Objective 1.1: Students will attempt to pass the ball to a partner with the right inside and left inside of foot at three different distances. 3.Objective 1.2: Students will attempt to knock down the 10 out of the 15 cones. 4.Objective: Psychomotor: Students will be able to keep the ball under control while dribbling during soccer keepaway. 5.Objective: Students will demonstrate the correct defensive position during a 3 on 3 simulated game. 6.Objective 1. 1 Students will be able to successful strike the ball using correct form over a specific distance 4 out of the 5 attempts. 7.Objective: Students will be able to play the dribble tag without walking for 3 minutes. 8. Objective: Students will pass continually in the circle for 2 consecutive minutes using the correct passing form. 9.Objective: Students will demonstrate to a partner the corrective offensive position during the 2 v 1 simulated game. 10. Objective: Students will hit the goal 10 out of the 15 attempts when shooting from a variety of distances on the field.
Cognitive: 1.Objective: 2.5 Students will identify and explain the importance of force absorption in when heading the ball when asked by the teacher. 2.Objective 4.1: Students will create a plan to implement a program to improve his /her strength, agility, flexibility and speed. 3.Objective 5.8: Students will create a poster with their teammates of the rules of soccer and teach the class the importance of following the rules. 4.Objective: 5.3 Students will be able to identify 3 risk factors that are associated with the potential of coming in contact with the goal when asked by the teacher. 5.Objective: Students will participate in 3 modified games and identify the importance of aerobic and anaerobic fitness on a quiz. 6.Objective 6.1: Students will discuss with their classmates the social and emotional significance of the World Cup to countries and participate in their own world cup game. 8. Objective: Students will show knowledge of the defensive strategies during the simulated games while the teacher observes. 9. Objective: Students will be able to describe the importance of the World Cup throughout the country on the assessment. 10.Objective: Students will demonstrate to a classmate the proper technique of dribbling
Affective: 1. Objective 2.1: Students will evaluate their partner on three of the following skills using a check list: inside of foot pass, instep pass, outside of foot pass and or chip pass. 2.Objective 2.3: Students will provide 2 corrective feedback statements to each their teammates. 3.Objective 6.4 Student will provide encouragement and positive feedback to classmates throughout the game. 4.Objective 7.1. Students will identify his/her level of potential in soccer and analyze progress of goals that were written at the start semester on the final exam. 5. Objective: Affective: During the time that students are looking up the rules of soccer students will cooperatively work their teammates.
Fitness: 1.Objective: Students will be able to complete each task of the fitness circuit using a check list in the allotted time. 2.Objective: Students will perform complete the awareness pizza lab activity for 3 consecutive minutes without walking. 3.Objective: Students will perform each activity in the Functional Warm-up for 18 yards. 4.Objective: Students will complete 10 stretches with the dyna band for and tell which muscles are being stretched when asked by the teacher. 5.Objective: Students will complete 3 of the 4 activities at each of the FITT stations and record them on their fitness sheets. 6. Students will complete at least 4 of the 4 Soccer Warm-up drills for 2 minutes with their team 7. Objective: Students will remain in the push-up position for at least 30 seconds without resting during the game of Push-Up Ball Furry. 8. Objective: Students will play soccer tag with the class for 2 consecutive songs with only 2 rest periods. 9. Objective: Students will reach their maximum heart rate at least 2 times during the WJS activity and record it on their paper. 10. Objective: Students will accumulate at least 1500 steps during the aerobics activity lead by the teacher and record in their fitness journal
Class Description Class Size: 28 students Grade: 10th grade Class Length: 55 minutes Times per week: 5(everyday) Co-Ed class Location of Class: weather permitting class will
be held outside; otherwise it will be help in the main gymnasium.
Safety Consideration
*Safety consideration must be top priority during this lesson. To ensure a safe environment active supervision from the teacher along with an emergency care plan will be in place throughout the unit. *Students must avoid kicking the ball close to other players. *Students will avoid tripping, body blocking, pushing and shoving. *Students must kick using the instep and the inside of foot to prevent toe injuries. *During the lesson students must be aware of other classmates and the location of their soccer balls. *When playing soccer games fair play must be enforced to prevent injuries. *Students will not kick the soccer balls using full force. *When the lesson is inside the soccer balls will not be kicked above the padded area to avoid injury to other classmates. *When practicing heading, students must use the proper technique to prevent head injuries.
Introductory Activity: Circle Kick Ball Fitness Activity: cardiovascular endurance Objective: Students will perform each activity in the Functional Warm-up for 18 yards. Functional Warm-up 18 yards. Jogging Skipping/quick, high, arm swings Karaoke Butt Kicks Side steps Backwards Heel push-outs Frog Jumps Air kicks Lesson Focus: Dribbling Review proper technique Review Inside and Outside of Foot Zig-Zag through cones Speed Dribble Sharks and minnows Introduce Step-over Move with cones Culminating Activity: Students will be able to combine dribbling skills in a game of knock-out.
Day 2
Day Two: Soccer Objective 1.1: Students will attempt to pass the ball to a partner with the right inside and left inside of foot at three different distances. Objective: Students will be able to play the dribble tag without walking for 3 minutes. Introductory Activity: Dribble Tag Fitness Activity: cardiovascular endurance Push-up Ball Furry Objective: Students will remain in the push-up position for at least 30 seconds without resting during the game of Push-Up Ball Furry.
Lesson Focus: Passing Review fundamentals of passing Pass with a partner with Right inside of foot Pass with partner with Left inside of foot Pass and move Pass and move with increased distance Pass through cones/defender
Culminating Activity: Students will pass in a number ordered group at different distances and while moving.
Day 3
Day Three: Soccer Objective 1.2: Students will attempt to knock down the 10 out of the 15 cones. Objective: Students will pass continually in the circle for 2 consecutive minutes using the correct passing form. Introductory Activity: Juggling alone/with a partner to music Fitness Activity: cardiovascular endurance Walk, Jog, Sprint(PB Activity Guide) Objective: Students will reach their maximum heart rate at least 2 times during the WJS activity and record it on their paper.
Lesson Focus: Passing Shuttle Passing Pass to target- knock down cone(replace) and move to next target Circle Passing with dribbling- inside dribbling on command they pass to outside circle a given number of times Pass with inside and outside circle moving opposite directions
Day 4
Day Four: Soccer Objective: 2.5: Students will identify and explain the importance of force absorption in when heading the ball when asked by the teacher. Objective 4.1: Students will create a plan to implement a program to improve his /her strength, agility, flexibility and speed.
Introductory Activity: Holey- Moley Tag Fitness Activity: flexibility Objective: Students will complete 10 stretches with the dyna band for and tell which muscles are being stretched when asked by the teacher. Dyna-Bands led as a group Lesson Focus: Trapping Review fundamentals of trapping Start 5 yds apart with partner(ball in hand) and toss and trap with inside of foot Increase distance of partners Introduce Chest trap Practice chest trap with a partner Introduce Heading Practice heading 10 yards apart
Culminating Activity: Students will dribble alongside of partners and pass, partner will pick up ball and toss in air and the other partner will trap using foot, chest and head trap.
Day 5
Day Five: Soccer Objective: Students will be able to keep the ball under control while dribbling during soccer keepaway. Objective 2.1: Students will evaluate their partner on three of the following skills using a check list: inside of foot pass, instep pass, outside of foot pass and or chip pass. Introductory Activity: Team-Handball Fitness Activity: muscular endurance Aerobics Objective: Students will accumulate at least 1500 steps during the aerobics activity lead by the teacher and record in their fitness journal.
Lesson Focus: Review Diagonal Soccer(pg 437-Pangrazzi) Soccer Keepaway(pg. 437) Dribble through cones and form numbered groups on command Cadence Training (students partner and work on touch with inside of foot, laces, thigh traps, chest traps and heading)
Culminating Activity: Students will play Pin Soccer(PE Central) This activity is a variation of the activity called 4 goal soccer. It should only be played after you have taught and had the kids practice soccer skills. For this activity you will need a fairly large playing field in the shape of a square. Place four different goals at the four different sides of the square. Class is divided into 4 different teams with each team trying to defend their own goal. You can have more teams if you wish by making two fields. It is up to you. You can play this with one ball or you can add another ball if you wish depending on your classes skill level. It is played like regular soccer however there are 4 goals. Each team begins the game with 3 pins behind their goal. If team 1 scores a goal on team 2 then team 1 takes a pin and places behind their goal. If a team runs out of pins than their goal is closed. That team can bring their goalie out and try to score a goal and get a pin back.
Day 6
Day Six : Soccer Objective: 5.3 Students will be able to identify 3 risk factors that are associated with the potential of coming in contact with the goal when asked by the teacher. Objective: Students will hit the goal 10 out of the 15 attempts when shooting from a variety of distances on the field. Introductory Activity: Team Leap Frog Fitness Activity: cardiovascular endurance Soccer Warm-Up Ball touches, bell jumps, body squats, partner sit-ups with ball, pendulum swings Objective: Students will complete at least 4 of the 4 Soccer Warm-up drills for 2 minutes with their team.
Lesson Focus: Shooting/Goalkeeping Review striking of ball Review goalkeeping Shoot to cones from variety of distances Shooting from a variety of angles Shooting Drill with layoff Quick Shooting
Day 7
Day Seven: Soccer Objective: Students will demonstrate the correct defensive position during a 3 on 3 simulated games. Objective: Students will show knowledge of the defensive strategies during the simulated games while the teacher observes. Introductory Activity: 3 team soccer Fitness Activity: nutrition Nutrition Awareness Pizza Lap Activity Objective: Students will perform complete the awareness pizza lab activity for 3 consecutive minutes without walking.
Lesson Focus: Defensive Strategies Defensive position Defensive strategies 1 on 1 defending 2 v 2 defending 2 v 3 defending
Culminating Activity: Students will play in a 1 v 1 round robin tournament with cones as goals.
Day 8
Day Eight : Soccer Objective 1. 1 Students will be able to successful strike the ball using correct form over a specific distance 4 out of the 5 attempts. Objective: Students will demonstrate to a partner the corrective offensive position during the 2 v 1 simulated game. Introductory Activity: Team Leap Frog Fitness Activity: cardiovascular endurance Soccer Warm-Up Ball touches, bell jumps, body squats, partner sit-ups with ball, pendulum swings Objective: Students will perform each task in the soccer warm-up for 45 seconds.
Lesson Focus: Offensive Strategies Offensive position Switching the ball from one side to other 2v1 Dribbling moves Striking the ball over distance
Day 9
Day Nine: Soccer Objective 5.8: Students will create a poster with their teammates of the rules of soccer and teach the class the importance of following the rules. Objective: During the time that students are looking up the rules of soccer students will cooperatively work their teammates. Introductory Activity: Statues and Dribblers Fitness Activity: cardiovascular endurance Circuit with pushups, sit-ups, jump ropes, free weights, quick feet through cones, body squats, body squat jumps Objective: Students will be able to complete each task of the fitness circuit using a check list in the allotted time. Lesson Focus: Rules of Soccer Teach of Rules of Soccer Look on internet for soccer rules
Culminating Activity: Students will play a possession game in large groups in grid.
Day 10
Day Ten : Soccer Objective: Students will participate in 3 modified games and identify the importance of aerobic and anaerobic fitness on a quiz. Objective 2.3: Students will provide 2 corrective feedback statements to each their teammates. Introductory Activity: Flag Steal Fitness Activity: F.I.T.T Principle Objective: Students will complete 3 of the 4 activities at each of the FITT stations and record them on their fitness sheets. Review and Stations of FITT
Lesson Focus: 4 V 4 tournament . Divide students into teams of 4 Play as many games as possible
Day 11
Day Eleven : Soccer Objective 6.1: Students will discuss with their classmates the social and emotional significance of the World Cup to countries and participate in their own world cup game. Objective: Students will be able to describe the importance of the World Cup throughout the country on the assessment. Introductory Activity: Cadence Training Fitness Activity: cardiovascular endurance Soccer Support Tag Objective: Students will play soccer tag with the class for 2 consecutive songs.
Lesson Focus: Shooting Games World Cup Power Finesse Finish Practice Corner Kicks Penalty kicks
Day 12
Day Twelve : Soccer Objective 6.4: Student will provide encouragement and positive feedback to classmates throughout the game. Objective 7.1. Students will identify his/her level of potential in soccer and analyze progress of goals that were written at the start semester on the final exam. Introductory Activity: Dividing into teams- team names and mascots Fitness Activity: team led functional training Each member of the team chooses a functional movement and leads teams Lesson Focus: Game Day 11 V 11 Awards
Content Development
Name: Erin Railing and Arin Yarc Sport: Soccer
Soccer Dribbling: E1: Review of proper soccer dribbling technique. A: Crouched position B: Knees Flexed C: Low-Center of Gravity D: Body over the ball A-D E: Push the ball with inside of foot F: Push the ball with outside of foot G: Eyes on the ball. A-G
E2: Stand 5 feet from the wall and kick the ball off the wall 10 times. Alternate feet(simulating short controlled dribble) using the inside and outside of foot. E3: Find a partner and stand 5 feet from your partner kicking back and forth using alternating feet. E4: Dribble down to half court and back(jogging). E5: Dribble down to half court and back using full speed.
A1: Kick as many times as you and your partner can without losing control of the ball.
A-G H: Push the ball ahead a few feet. A-H A2: Maintain control of the ball and make at least 3 zig-zag cuts during your down and back trip.
A-H E6: Dribble in a zig-zag pattern the length of the court and back. A-H E7: Dribble in a zig-zag pattern through the cones 3 times.
A3: Obstacle dribble- class will be divided into groups and they must dribble through the cones and back, when the student returns to the starting position the next student
Soccer Passing E1: Review of proper soccer passing technique. A: Face target B. Plant non-kicking foot beside the ball C. Point balance foot toward target D. Square shoulders and hips E. Swing kicking leg backward F. Arms out to the side for balance G. Eyes on the ball A-G
A1: Kick the ball back and forth with your partner as many times as you can without loosing control.
E2: Pass with a partner with Right inside of foot standing 10 feet from each other. E3: Pass with partner with Left inside of foot standing 10 feet from each other E4: Pass the soccer ball to your partner and at a diagonal angle using alternating feet.
A-G H. Approach ball form behind at a slight angle I. Draw back kicking leg J. Kicking foot extended and firm K. Knee of kicking leg over ball.
E5: Pass the soccer ball around/through the cones/defender using alternating feet.
A2: Pass the soccer ball around and through the cones going down and back down the field at least 5 times without losing control. A3: Bridge Soccer: Students will be in teams and each student with a ball. The first student sand with legs apart and holds soccer ball. On signal gofirst student passes the
soccer ball through the legs of the other teammates then runs to the end of the line, forms a bridge and picks p and holds the ball once it has been passed under the bridge. Next team member goes and repeats activityfirst team to get through all students wins. Application Tasks (Challenges)
E2: Start 5 yds apart with partner(ball in hand) and toss and trap with inside of foot E3: Stand 10 yds a partner and toss and trap with inside of foot. E4: Review fundamental of trapping with chest using soft balls E5: Review fundamental of trapping with chest using soccer balls
A: Position body in front of ball B: Extend the leg and foot forward of the body, anticipating the arrival of the ball C: Upon Contact with the foot, cushion the ball
A1: Pass the ball to your partner, they must stop the ball at least 5 times using the foot trap
A D: Chest will be slightly pushed out A2: Pass the ball to your partner, they must stop the ball using either the foot or chest trap.
Soccer Heading E1: Without a ball take a step forward and jump. A: shoulder square B: flex knees C: step forward D: Jump Up E: Arch upper trunk F: neck firm G: snap upper trunk forward H: eyes remain open, mouth closed A-H I: contact ball on the forehead A-I A2: Head the ball back and forth with partner continuously as many times as possible.
E2: Partner will toss the ball and you must head it back to them.(5 ft. away) E3: With a partner tossing the ball head it towards the right from 10 feet away. E4: With a partner tossing the ball head the ball towards the left from 10 feet away.
A-I J: Stay on balls of feet E5: Have partner toss the ball ready to move to the right, move and head A-J the ball back to them. E6: Have partner toss the ball to the left, move and head the ball back to them.
A3: Heading Relay: groups of 5Tosser Header Catcher New Header New Catcher Player rotates one position after each toss. With each rotation the teams moves down the field. The first team to the end wins.
Soccer Shooting: E1:Instep Drive Shot: With a partner practice instep drive shot. Partner will stand to side and roll the ball. Shooter will use the instep drive shot to attempt to hit the target. A: Approach the ball form behind at a slight angle. B: Plant and balance foot beside the ball. C: Flex balance leg at knee. D: Extend kicking leg E: Arms out to side for balance. F: Contact center of ball with instep. G: Balance foot will slightly lift off ground. A1: Groups of 3; goal is formed with cones. Players 1 attempt to shoot 5 times from right and 5 times from left. Player 2 and 3 retrieve balls and then rotate so everyone shoots.
E2: Full Volley Shot: Partner will toss the ball softly into air and kicker will attempt to kick the ball while it is in the air.
A-G H: Move to spot where ball will drop I: Knee of kicking leg over ball J: Snap kicking leg forward from knee
A-J E3: Half Volley Shot: Partner will toss the ball softly into the air and kicker will attempt to kick the ball as soon as it touches the ground. A-J E4: Kick with Right foot using either of the three shoots A-J E5: Kick with Left foot using any of the three shoots. A2: Short Range Shooting Game: Students shoot from different cones, each cone has a different point value.
Students total points and team at the end with the most combined total points wins. Application Tasks (Challenges)
A: Feet should width apart B: Knees bent C: weight on balls of feet D: Head Up E: Hands up at waist Level A-E: F: Bend at knees G: Allow ball to roll onto wrists and forearms. A-G
E2: Partner roll the ball from 10 feet away, pick up ball using proper technique.
E3: Partner roll the ball to right hand and retrieve E4: Partner roll the ball to left hand and retrieve E5: Partner toss ball at chest and catch, then toss back.
A1: With partner, 1 player shoots the ball toward the other player who retrieves the ball and punts ti toward the first player. After 8 punts players switch A2: Ready, Set, Fire: 8 students form a circle with goal tender in the center. The players circle pass the ball to each other and attempt to shoot at the goal. After 2 minutes students switch goal tenders.
E6: Partner kick the ball on the ground, catch and kick back.
Offensive Strategies: E1: Discuss importance of offensive strategies. A: Get a player open B: Create Opportunities to score.
C: Keep moving, even A1: Play 2 on 2 keep away. when ball D: Keep possession and control of ball with tight passing E: Move away from teammate in passions of the ball so that defenders have to split. A-E A2: Play 4 on 4 implementing strategies
E3: Create with team 3 offensive strategies A-E E4: Demonstrate offensive strategies to class. E5: Play 2 vs. 1 and use depth in the attack to pass the ball forward toward the goal or backward toward teammates.
A3: Capture the Ball: two teams along base line. Balls are placed in middle, on signal player from both teams run out the ball inform of them, player who gets the ball attempts to dribble across the opponents end line. For each ball that crossed the baseline it is a point. After 2 minutes of play, students rotate partners.
A: Guard players by taking Defensive Strategies: E1: Discuss importance/tatics a position between of defense. opponents and goal B: Cover area in fronr of goal at all times C: Force the opponents to play the ball from their own goal and toward the outside of field. D: Reduce the opposing teams shooting angle by moving toward the ball. E: Move away from the opponent as the offense gets farther from the goal, but move toward the opponent as the offense moves toward the goal A-E F: Mark the opponent by keeping their body A1: Play 3 on 2 game for 5 sideways to the opponent, G: Keep body directly minutes using the strategies between the ball and the given by classmates. goal. H: Reduce the passing and shooting angle by getting close to their opponent. I: Defenders should strive to clear the ball to the sidelines any time it enters the center area of the field, which is the prime shooting and scoring location. A-I
A-I E4: Practice defensive strategies with team. A-I E5: Demonstrate to class defensive strategies. A2: Play 2 on 2 tournament.
Fitness Activities
Day 1: Cardiovascular endurance Activity: Functional Warm-Up: Using fast-paced up-beat music, students will perform each of the following actives in the Functional Warm-up for 18 yards. Jogging Skipping/quick, high, arm swings Karaoke Butt Kicks Side steps Backwards Heel push-outs Frog Jumps Air kicks Day 2: Cardiovascular endurance Activity: Push-up Ball Furry: Each team forms a wall on the line, shoulder to shoulder, with their teammates (using the tape as a line marker). The two teams face each other with about 3-5 yards of distance between each team. Both teams get in a push up position. From the pushup position, their hands should be placed on the floor just in front of the line. Begin the game with one ball then add more to allow more students to be active in the game. The object of the game is to push the ball to the other team, in hopes of getting the ball to cross their line. Players are having to support their body with one hand while trying to push the ball or stop the ball. (Encourage students to use whichever hand is closest to the ball). Students enjoy trying to push the ball or stop the ball while trying to support themselves in a push up position. Students may take no more than a 10 second break (placing knees on the floor-modified pushup position). But they may not push the ball in this position. If they try to stop the ball while knees are on the floor-it is a point for the opposing team. Day 3: Cardiovascular endurance Walk, Jog, Sprint(PB Activity Guide): 1. Students walk for 400 meters and record their pulses. 2. Students jog for 400 meters and record their pulses. 3. Students run hard for 400 meters and record their pulses. 4. Repeat each 1 time
Day 4: Flexibility Dyna Band Routine: Play Eye of the Tiger- students follow the teachers lead 8Front pulls 8 right diagonal pulls 8 left diagonal pulls 4Big Front Pulls on Soul Man with quick pulls on beats 4/4/4/4 Right Diagonal/Left Diagonal 4 Big Front Pulls on Soul Man with quick pulls on beat 16 Alternating Right and Left Diagonal Pulls 2 Front Expanding Pulls on YEAH! 4 Soul Man Over Head Pulls 8 Above the Head Pulls 24 Front Pulls 1 Long Ending Pull
Day 5: Muscular endurance Aerobics: Teacher led aerobics Day 6: Cardiovascular endurance Team Marathon: Students get into groups of three. Within each group the students need to number off 1, 2, and 3. When this is finished have the students get 1 basketball, 1 hula hoop, 1 jump rope, and 1 sheet with the activities on it. Have the students find a spot on the outer part of the gym where they need sit down with their equipment inside the hula hoop. The teacher then explains the "Marathon" sequence. The students will perform only the activities on the sheet that correspond with the number they are. The entire group runs 1 lap of the gym, then 2 dribbles a basketball 50 times, 1 does 10 tuck jumps, etc. Only one person will be at an activity at a time unless everyone is behind the activity.
1. Hula Hoop 15 times 2. Give a high five to everyone on the team 3. Make a fist 20 times Grapevine 1 lap (everyone) 1. 15 toe raises 2. Sing all of the song "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" (LOUD ENOUGH TO BE HEARD ACROSS THE GYM) 3. 10 sit - ups 1. 10 cart wheels Slide a lap (everyone) 2. Clap 20 times for each person on your team 3. Jump over and back on a line - 20 times 1. Leap across the gym (run back) 2. Crawl through a tunnel formed by the others legs 3. Touch all four wall of the gym Run backwards 1 lap (everyone) 1. 15 sit - ups 2. Flap chicken wing arms 15 times 3. Bell jump 25 times 1. Jump rope 20 times 2. Do four 180 degree turns 3. Jump in and out of the hula hoop 15 times. 1. Carry one team member across the gym and all run back. 2. Bounce pass the basketball around the team circle 7 times. 3. Yell "I LOVE PE" 5 times (everyone) Run a final lap (everyone). Put all equipment in the hoop and sit in a line behind the hoop
Day 7: Nutrition Nutrition Awareness Pizza Lap Activity Pizza Slices(with calories and number of laps) are scattered throughout the gym. When the music starts students pick up on pizza slice and run the number of labs that are on the card. After they have completed laps, they replace their card and pick up another one.(Play game for one entire song) Day 8: Cardiovascular endurance Soccer Warm-Up Ball touches, bell jumps, body squats, partner sit-ups with ball, pendulum swings Each team leads activity for 1 minute.
Day 9: Cardiovascular endurance Create a Circuit with pushups, sit-ups, jump ropes, free weights, quick feet through cones, body squats, body squat jumps Rotate stations after 30 seconds. Day 10: F.I.T.T Principle Objective: Students will complete 3 of the 4 activities at each of the FITT stations and record them on their fitness sheets. Review and Stations of FITT Station 1: Frequency- Team juggle. Put team in a circle, and start with one object tossing it to around the circle so that everyone touches it and it ends up back at the first person. Station 2: Intensity- Walk, Jog, Run and record HRs Station 3: Time-Jump Rope for 30 seconds, 45 seconds and a minute- Record number of consecutive successful jump ropes turns. Station 4: Type- Choose basketball, volleyball, or soccer and play 1 on 1 for 4 minutes.
Day 12: Cardiovascular endurance Team led functional training Each member of the team chooses a functional movement that was previously taught in the unit and applies to the soccer concepts. Then leads teams through their movement for 1 minute.
Name: Team Name: Directions: Complete the following 4 questions when you have finished your Soccer WorldCup game and put into your folder when you are finished. 1. Describe your role on your team.
4. Describe one play that your group designed together and how you showed sportsmanship when working with your team.
Poster is legible:______
(2 pts)
Poster lists 4 safety precautions that must be taken when playing soccer:_____
(2 pts per safety precautions possible 8 points)
Task 2: Passing Jog down the field and pass the soccer ball back and forth with your partner as many times as you can for 30 seconds without losing control of the ball. Attempt 1: ______ Attempt 2: ________ Attempt 3: ________
Task 3: Goal Kicks Attempt 15 goal kicks(3 times) using the outside of your foot. Record the number of successful attempts. Attempt 1: ______ Attempt 2: ________ Attempt 3: ________
Task 4: Trapping Toss the ball to your partner 10 times(3 attempts). Record the number of successful traps they complete(you may use your foot or chest to trap the ball). Attempt 1: ______ Attempt 2: ________ Attempt 3: ________
Rules: *Keep track of your own score and put that number under the correct hole. *Remember a Soccer ball Out of Bounds or in the Water is a 2 stroke penalty and 2 pushups. *Have Fun and Play Fair!
Darst, P.W., Pangrazi, R.P. (2006)Dynamic Physical Education for Secondary School Students, 5th Edition. San Fransicso, CA: Pearson Education *Diagonal Soccer(pg.437) *Soccer Keep away(pg.437) PECentral: *Pin Soccer Zakrajsek, D.B, Carnes,L. A., Pettigrew, F. E. (2003) Quality *Soccer Unit(pgs.220-260)
AAHPERD(1999). Physical Best Activity Guide, Secondary Level. *Walk, Jog, Sprint(104-105) AAHPERD(2003). Physical Best Activity Guide, Secondary Level,
2nd Edition.
*Cardio Aerobics