Origin of Damascus Steel PDF
Origin of Damascus Steel PDF
Origin of Damascus Steel PDF
1. Introduction
The main function of this paper is to make available to historians generally a selected number of passages in Arabic medieval literature (some of which were hitherto unpublished) which bear upon ferrous technology. There are other numerous sources which are not cited here. Thus, this paper is not exhaustive in this respect. For each source, an English translation is presented followed by the Arabic text. Thus, Section 2 below quotes al-Kindi on the location of steel centers, and Section 3 gives al-Biruni's description of Damascene crucible steel production. The following section from al-Jildaki describes what seems to be the production of pig iron and cast steel, and so on. The review of sources concludes with Section 8. No attempt is made to draw general conclusions, except that the evidence adduced seems ample to demolish the commonly held notion that Damascene steel was produced only or mainly from Indian wootz steel, or that Damascus was not a center for producing steel. Section 8 locates iron mines in the Damascus region, and documents the persistence of the ferrous industry there down to modern times.
natural iron fall into three kinds: shaburqani, narmahani, and those made of a combination of both.
Not-natural or manufactured iron or steel: Iron which is not natural (i.e. manufactured) is steel or fuladh . 1t means the refined or purified . It is made of natural iron by adding to it while smelting sorne (ingredients) for purifying it, and for decreasing its softness, until it becomes strong, flexible, susceptible to heat treatment, and until its firind appears.
Three main qualities of steel: This steel is divided into three divisions: the antique , the modem , and the non-antique, non-modern. Swords may be forged from all these steels. Thus, there are three kinds of swords: the antique, the modern, and the non-antique, nonmodern.
"Antique" means top quality steel: " Antique is not related to time (or age) but it indicates the noble or the generous qualities, as when it is said "an antique horse" meaning a noble horse (of good breed). That (sword) which has the noble qualities is "antique", no matter in which age it was forged. At the extreme end of the "antique" is its opposite in meaning, I mean that (sword) which is deprived of the qualities of the "antique". That is why it was given an opposite name, i. e. modern, even if was forged before the time of `Ad [4]. Those (swords) which have sorne qualities of the "antique", but which are deprived of sorne of its qualities, are the swords which exhibit sorne of the qualities of the "modern". Therefore, these swords are given a name in the middle between both, and they are classified as non-antique, non-modem even if they are forged in ancient or modern times. Sword- makers called some of these swords "non-antique", and called some others "non-modern".
Three kinds of "antique" or quality swords: The antique are divided into three kinds. The first and best in quality of all is the Yemenite; the second is the Qal`i ; and the third is the Indian.
Swords forged from imported steel: Some swords were called non-native . They were forged from imported steel. Some Khurasani swords for example were forged from steel imported from Sarandib; and this is the case in several other cities. Swords forged from local iron: As for those native swords , they fall into five kinds. Of these are the Khurasani, the iron which is produced and forged in Khurasan; the Basriyya, the iron of which is produced and forged at Basra; the Damascene, the iron of which is produced and forged at Damascus; the Egyptian, which is forged in Egypt. Swords in this category may be forged in other places like those of Baghdad, of Kufa, and a few other places, but are not attributed to such places because of their scarcity. These are all the types of swords which are made from manufactured iron, I mean from steel.
each of rusukhtaj , golden marcasite stone and brittle magnesia. The crucibles are plastered with clay and placed inside the furnace (kur). They are filled with charcoal and they (the crucibles) are blown upon with rumi bellows. each having two operators, until it (the iron) melts and whirls. Bundles are added containing ihlilaj (myrobalan), pomegranate rinds, salt (used in) dough, and oyster shells , lit. pearl shells, in equal portions, and crushed, each bundle weighing forty dirhams. One (bundle) is thrown into each crucible; then it (the crucible) is blown upon violently for an hour. Next, they (the crucibles) are left to cool, and the eggs are taken from the crucibles.
4. Al-Jildaki (commenting on Jabir ibn Hayyan) Discusses Pig Iron and Cast Steel
lt was found that Ms. no. 4121 of the Chester Beatty Library, contains a part of Kitab al-Hadid (The Book of lron) of Jabir ibn Hayyan, that is given in the course of a commentary by al-Jildaki (fi. c. 1339 -42). The following text from this Ms. is of great significance for the history of metallurgy: Chapter: Learn, brother, that it is your comrades who found (from founding, melt metal ) iron in foundries (especially) made for that purpose after they have extracted it (the ore) from its mine as yellow earth intermingled with barely visible veins of iron. They place it in founding furnaces designed for smelting it. They install powerful bellows on all sides of them after having kneaded ( ) a little oil and alkali into the ore. Then fire is applied to it (the ore), together with cinders ( ) and wood. They blow upon it until it is molten, and its entire substance is rid of that earth. Next, they cause it to drop through holes like (those of) strainers, (made in) the furnaces so that the molten iron is separated, and is made into bars from that soil. Then they transport it to far lands and countries. People use it for making utilitarian things of which they have need. As for the steel workers, they take the iron bars and put them into founding-ovens which they have, suited to their objectives, in the steel works. They install firing equipment into them (the ovens) and blow fire upon it (the iron) for a long while until it becomes like gurgling water. They nourish it with glass, oil, and alkali until light appears from it in the fire and it is purified of much of its blackness by intensive founding, night and day. They keep watching while it whirls for indications until they are sure of its suitability, and its lamp emits light; Thereupon, they pour it out through channels so that it cornes out like running water. Then, they allow it to solidify in the shape of bars or in holes made of clay fashioned like large crucibles.
They take out of them refined steel in the shape of ostrich eggs, and they make swords from it and helmets, lance heads, and all tools. (see Arabic text below) From these two descriptions it seems safe to state that the first process describes the production of pig iron (or cast iron), and that the second one describes the production of cast steel from pig iron.
Then, (on p. 190), al-Qalqashandi speaks about departments of the civil service in Damascus and says: Of these is the civil department of foundries and the executive in charge of this department is the counterpart of the officer in charge of the military department of foundries who was mentioned above when dealing with military officers (men of the sword). The History of Damascus City (Damascus: Arab Academy of Science,1954) by Abu al-Qasim `Ali ibn al-Hasan, known as Ibn `Asakir (d.1177), mentions (vol. 2, p. 58) the sites of iron foundries in Damascus.
The passage below shows that the term "Damascus steel" was current during the fourteenth century. The quotation is from a manual on quality control by Dia' al-Din Muhammad al-Qurashi, known as Ibn al- Uhkuwwa, (d. 1329). The book is Ma`alim alqurba fi ahkam a-hisba ( ed. Reuben Levy, Cambridge, 1938; repr. Baghdad, Muthanna), p. 224: An honest and trustworthy (individual) from among them (the artificers) is chosen (as inspector). He prevents (them) from mixing steel needIes with (those made of) armahan (soft iron, narmahin) for, when sharpened, they may be taken for those made from Damascus steel. Therefore each quality should be separate from the other, and he should take an oath from the artisans to follow th ese regulations.
On the other band, aIl swords made from manufactured steel show the "firind" in varions degrees. Al-Kindi describes the "firind" or pattern of all types of manufactured steels and of swords produced in various localities in Islamic lands, and of Indian steel. Al-Biruni in his above mentioned book (al-jamahir) gives a very interesting interpretation of the cause behind the formation of the firind or pattern in steels. It is due, in his opinion, to the incomplete mixing of two components of steel in the crucible: soft iron (narmahin) and its water (dus ): As to (iron) which is made from narmahin and its water which flows before it when it gets rid (of its impurities), it is caIled fuladh (steel).
Then he states: Fuladh (steel) in its composition is of two types. Either all that is in the crucible, narmahin and its water, is melted equally so that they become united in the mixing operation and no component can be differentiated or seen independently, and such steel is suitable for files and similar tools (and one may imagine that shaburqan is of such type and of a natural quality suited to hardening); or the degree of melting of the contents of the crucible varies, and thus the intermixing between both components is not complete, and the two components are shifted and thus each of their two colours (components) can be seen by the naked eye and it is called firind. [7]
AI-Biruni gives his definition of the two components of steel (which give rise to the firind) at the very beginning of the chapter on iron and he states: Narmahin is divided ...into two types. One is (narmahin) itself, and the other is its water which flows from it when it is melted and extracted from stones, and it is called dus , in Persian it is called astah, and in the area of Zabilstan, ru , because of its speed of flow and because it overtakes iron when it is flowing. It is solid, white, and tends to be silvery.
Al-Birunis interpretation of the cause of the firind or pattern in Damascus steel is reminiscent of the modern interpretation of modern historians of metallurgy who were studying the secret of Damascus steel for the last two centuries.[8]
In like manner, al-Idrisi (d. c. 1160) in Nuzhat al-Mushtaq fi Ikhtiraq al-Afaq (see Eilhard Wiedemann, Aufstze zur arabischen
Wissenschaftsgeschichte, vol. 1, p. 740) reports that iron ore in large quantities was being mined in the vicinity of Beirut and transported to all parts of Syria. The famous travel account, Rihlat Ibn Battuta (Beirut, Sadir, 1964), contains a remark by the author (p.62) to the effect that when he stopped over in Beirut in 1355, iron was being exported from there to Egypt:
Dawud Ibn `Umar al-Antaki (d. 1599) in his Tadhkira (Cairo, n.d., p. 111) defines iron and describes the manufacture of steel from soft (female) iron in crucibles. He states that iron originates from Sham (i. e. greater Syria), Persia, and Venice
In the eighteenth century (between 1792 and 1798), the German traveller, U. I. Seetzen, in his Reisen (Berlin, 1854), Bd, 1, pp. 145, 188-191, reported that the ferrous industry in the Lebanese mountains was still flourishing. Operations involving mining, smelting, and the fabrication of steel implements were in full swing. In the nineteenth century, W. M. Thomson, who lived in Syria, refers in his book The Land and the Book (London, 1886) to iron in the Lebanese mountains and to iron ore mining and smelting, which operations were still going on in about 1834. In 1921, I. M. Toll wrote a paper on the Mineral Resources of Syria (Engineering and Mining Journal, vol. 112, 1921, p. 846) with a map showing the iron ore deposits. He describes the quality of iron ores and the locations of iron ore mining which was still going on in some localities. He states, however, that smelting of iron in the mountains of Lebanon came to an end in about 1870 due to scarcity of wood and fuel and the low price of imported iron.
9. Concluding Remarks
The selections presented above represent only a small portion of the Arabic sources bearing on the history of steel technology. Even so, they raise the question of how it came to be generally accepted that the role of Damascus was that of a commercial distribution center only. The answer seems to be somewhat as follows. As the industrial revolution got underway early in the nineteenth century, European steel makers sought to emulate the quality of Damascus blades and that of the "wootz" steel then being imported into Britain from India. It was natural that their investigations should focus upon regions where the techniques were then known to be actively practiced, especially India. Thus, Syria and other Islamic lands came to be ignored. The literature on the subject of Damascus steel is considerable. The interested reader will find much of it referred
to in Cyril S. Smith's A History of Metallography (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1960). Curiously enough, Smith makes no mention of the work of Eilhard Wiedemann, who in Beitrage XXIII and XXV of Aufstze zur arabischen Wissenschaftsgeschichte (Hildesheim - New York: Georg Olms Verlag, 1970) gives German translation of numerous passages from Arabic material.
Note: All bibliographies are given within the text of the article
[1] This paper is an edited version of our article Iron and Steel Technology in Medieval Arabic Sources , Journal for the History of Arabic Science , Vol. 2, Number 1, May 1978, Aleppo, pp. 31-43.
These passages are based mainly on Ms. Ayasofya 4832, folios. 170-172. See also: `Abd al-Rahman Zak, al-Suyuf wa Ajnasuha", an edited Arabic text, Faculty of Arts Journal, vol. 14, part 2, Cairo, 1952; Hammer-Purgstall, Baron de, "Sur les Lames des Orientaux", Journal Asiatique, Ve Serie, tome III, pp. 66 -80, Paris, 1854.
[2] [3] Firind is the pattern that characterizes Damascus steel swords.
`Ad - is an ancient tribe, frequently mentioned in the Quran. It was said to have been a mighty nation that lived immediately after the time of Noah.
Qal`i : This steel is referred to "Qal`a", a place wbich is difficult to locate. Some sources of Arabic literature assume that it was in Arabia; other sources assume that it was in Syria; while others assume it was in North India, or in the Indian Ocean, and so on.
[5] [6] Tarh referrs here to the drug (mixture of materials) that is used to treat the surfaces of swords to show their firind or pattern. [7] For the modern interpretation of the cause of the firind see Cyril S. Smith, A History of Metallugraphy, Chicago, 1960. pp.14-24