Law Atraction
Law Atraction
Law Atraction
Eddie Mullins A Research Paper
Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the
Master of Science Degree
Training and Development
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ABSTRACT Chapter I: Introduction .ii
Statement ofProblem Purpose ofthe Study. Assumption ofStudy Objectives Definition ofTerms Limitations ofStudy Methodology
Chapter II: Review of Literature
Attracting and Creating Laws I and 2 Law Number 3 - Law ofAllowing Plateau The 3 Law Allowing without Doubt
Chapter III: Summary, Analysis and Recommendations
Author: Eddie Mullins Title: Needs Assessment/or New Employee at UW-Stout Graduate Degreet Major: Training and Development Research Adviser: Steven Schlough, Ph.D. Month Year: October, 2008 Number of Pages: 26 Style Manual Used: American Psychological Association, 5th edition
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study on the Law of Attraction is to conclude the options that people have to draw into their lives, what they create from their thoughts. The process of change your life, change your thoughts. Many people feel as if they have no choice but to live the life or career or just simply making a major decision, and go with what they're handed, instead of manifesting their true hearts desire through the most powerful law in the universe, the Law a/Attraction. This study will establish the three laws and actions in the Law of Attraction: I) Law of Attraction 2) Law of Creating 3) Law of Allowing. Also why people get stuck or drop out on the 3rd law. This study will establish that when people and organizations understand the process of the 3rd law, manifestation will come to fruition. This study will be conducted through publication research and face to face interviewers as the primary data collection technique, the research will conclude that by using and understand the Law Attraction people will improve the quality of their Ii ves both personally and professional and the Law of Attraction does really work.
Chapter 1: Introduction To understand the Law of Attraction we must first exam the philosophy, and how it relates to scientific research and common sense (Mercer, 2008). The universe and everything in its existence is composed of energy and vibration, this is also the process of Law of Attraction (Nelson, 2006). The Law of Attraction is the most powerful universal law (Hicks, 2006). The Law of Attraction is the focus of drawing into your life what
you desire most, through your thoughts and through allowing this desire or object into your life. The main theory behind the Law of Attraction is we create our own reality (Losier, 2006). We create both the things that we want and don't want in our lives. Creating a process of not worrying about how that desire will show up in your life is a big part of the Law of Attraction (Hicks, 2006). When the worry or concern becomes the main focus, this stops the creating and allowing process, this is called a vibration. Creating a vibration of worry or concern on how what you are asking for will show up, is really saying that you don't deserve what you are declaring or you don't believe that it will show up. When our beliefs are limited, we attract limited desires and compromise the well-being of our lives (Losier, 2006). On the flip side when we believe that anything is possible and with focus and belief drawing anything into your life is possible. A problem that comes into reality is people tend to create their life by default, studies have shown people do not actually practice manifestation (Merer, 2008). To manifest is to bring something into existence. The language ofthe Law of Attraction says, that we manifest based our thoughts and belief systems. When people put manifestation focus on the "lack of" they create less of a compassionate reality of what they want (Harris, 2007).
But, when the manifestation focus is on being abundant and happy, we will enjoy an authentic life of compassion. In the Law of Attraction there are three laws to meeting the process: Law number I: Law of Attraction, Law number 2: Law of Asking - Creating and Law number 3: Law of Allowing (Hicks, 2007). You must tirst understand all three laws in order for the process to work; for example you must understand law of attracting before you can move onto law of creating and then tinally moving onto law of allowing. In the midst of the 3rd law - law of allowing, is where most people lose their vibrational journey, to attract what they are wanting most in their life (Hicks, 2007). They create a vibration with the universe that states that I don't deserve or I'm not worthy of what I want. This brings the focus on the lack of what we have and therefore that is what we will manifest. This law is also lost when people feel that what they are asking for, is taking to long. The 3'd law is what part of this study is based on, how people get off track and what people have acquired to get back on track to complete the 3rd law and to fully completion the Law of Attraction. Statement ofthe Problem The purpose of this study is to analyze the actions and processes in the steps of the Law of Attraction, also determining why people stop the process at the law number 3 and how they over come this 3rd law to meet success. Purpose ofthe Study The purpose of this study is to examine the process, the science and the characteristic of the three laws in the Law of Attraction. Looking at when people place their attention and focus on a desire how it flows into their life, creating manifestation
and a connection with the universe. Also looking at what happen at the 3'd law in the Law of Attraction, why and when people get off track, stopping the Law of Attraction. This will help to identify the steps that are needed in the 3rd law - law of allowing getting individuals back on track. This process will help redefine the point of the 3rd law, allowing people to follow through with the Law of Attraction and finding the results that they were wanting and feeling. The processes of this study are (1) Clarifying the three laws and the action that bring them to fruition. (2) Examining the 3 Law on where the universal vibration is lost or disconnected. (3) Recommendations for getting back on track and seeing true end results, with Law of Attraction. Assumptions ofthe Study The following assumptions are made with regards to the outcome of this study: I. A conversation with a Law of Attraction Expert will represent the Law of Attraction; as well as addressing the 3rd Law, Law of Allowing. 2. The conversation was done in person. 3. The expert answered question and understood the conversation regarding the 3 law. Objectives
rd rd
4. Establishing how thought can be manifested into training people how to be successful in every area of their lives. Definition o{Terms Law of Attraction - Align energy and vibration with the universe to drawn in what is desired (Nelson, 2006). Vibration Alignment -- Making conscious body connection with universal energy (Hicks, 2006). Manifestation - Visualizing what is desired; into reality (Harris, 2007). Divine Matrix - a field of energy that provides the container, as well as a bridge and a mirror, for everything that happens between the world within us and the world outside of our bodies (Braden, 2007). Limitations ofthe Study
l. The purpose of this study is to examine to success and process of the Law
Attraction and also see where people were side tracked in the 3'd Law. 2. Only a medium percentage of people were used in this study. Methodology The methodology that was used for this study along with the literature review was a personal conversation that I had with an expert who work with the Law of Attraction, was done in person. The conversation discussion around the 3'd law in the Law of Attraction - Law of Allowing and what process where used in manifesting with the Law of Attraction; what successes were met and where people lose track during the 31d law process. The conversation also provides a means for identifying common themes in the Law of Attraction process.
Chapter II: Review of Literature This chapter will represent the data that was completed through research conducted on the Law of Attraction related to this project, how we can use the laws in every day life. First, there will be a review of the history, scientific research to support the process and the 3 laws in Law of Attraction based on the theories of the characteristic, on the 3 laws. Finally, this chapter will include research that was conducted on the 3rd law - Law of Allowing, where the process tends to plateau then looking at theories to start the process again. The Law of Attraction is fairly straight forward once the process and the importance of the laws are understood. "The Law of Attraction, also known as Cause and Effect or Sowing and Reaping is, like all Universal Law, extremely important to understand and implement if you are to learn to purposefully and consciously attract the things into your life that you most desire" (Nelson, 2006, p.l). The Law of Attraction isn't something that we practice once in a while; there's no way to avoid living by these processes and steps (Twyman, 2008). The Law of Attraction was reintroduced to the world when Rhonda Byrne's best selling book "the Secret" hit the book stores. Pushing the world into declaring what they desire through the process of the Law of Attraction (Hicks, 2007). Just as important of how to pull what you desire into your life, it is equally important to learn how to not pull the things into your life that you do not want (Nelson, 2006). The Law of Attraction is designed with 3 Laws - attracting, creating and allowing.
History The Law of Attraction timeline has been documented since the early 1900's (Losier, 2007). Historical TimeLine: 1906 - Atkinson, Williams Walter Though Vibration or the Law ofAttraction in the Thought World 1946 - Holliwell, Dr. Raymond Working with the Law 1962 - Holmes, Ernest Basic Ideas ofScience ofMind 1990 - Jerry and Esther Hicks The Art ofthe Law ofAttraction Jerry and Esther Hicks In the 1990's, became know as the Law of Attraction teachers through their books and classes on the Law of Attraction, using the basic works of the non-physical teachers know as Abraham (Losier, 2006). The Law of attraction can be traced back in history more than 2000 years ago to the teaching of Jesus. Jesus' teachings were based on the works of what is called the Law of Attraction today (Harris, 2007). An example of one of Jesus' teachings on how to use the Law of Attraction according to Philip Harris (2007), 'Take these things hence; make not my Father's house a house of merchandise - Jesus.' Many people are aware of the story where Jesus through the money changers out of the Temple. Many believe that material needs through the Law of Attraction have no place in spiritual teachings, (It's been criticized that the Law of Attraction should not be used for material needs, but to be used for spiritual needs.) but yet every Sunday most Churches pass the plate to collect
money. But there is a different way to look at Jesus' quote that would not hence the material needs of using the law of attraction, what Jesus was saying is that to be in alignment to create a vibration with the Universe, you must let go of the worries you have concerning your physical everyday life. To have a clear mind to focus on what you desire, you have to through away the merchandise of the mind; to gain conscious vibrational alignment with the Universe to make the Law of Attraction work. The only one of many of Jesus teaching that teach about how to practice and use the Law of Attraction, with the same methods that are used today. "If one were to examine the works of the Law of Attraction from the ancient mystics, it would be clear that the law has its earliest roots in ancient Egypt and Babylon. However, few are familiar with the likes of the Pharaoh Akhenaton and fewer still with mystical thoughts of the rest of the ancient world. The Jewish Kabala is another source of information on the Law of Attraction, and it is said that many "secret societies" like the Rose Cross have long kept the old mysteries and laws alive through the centuries." (Harris, Philip, 2007, p.I4) The Science ofLaw ofAttraction When it comes to positive thinking and using the Law of Attraction, there is a physiological way of thinking to attract what is desired in ones life (Losier, 2006). The process of working with the Law of Attraction functions with different forms of energy. Energy cannot be destroyed. The many types of energy are: atomic, thermal, kinetic and potential to name a few. AIl matter in existents is made up atoms, and the atoms have a nucleus, with protons and neutrons around which orbit electrons.
"Electrons in atoms always orbit the nucleus in prescribed" orbitals" or energy levels that assure the stability of the atom. Electrons maybe compelled to assume "higher" orbits by the additional of energy, or may give off energy when they drop to a "lower" orbit. When it comes to "vibrations, " if atoms are "aligned," they create a motive force, all pulled together in the same direction in much the same way as metals can magnetized by aligning their moles in the same direction. This creation of positive (+) and negative (-) poles is a fact of nature and science (Losier, Michael 2006 p.9). There has been much criticism that the Law of Attraction is a made-up new age name, but in reality it's the laws of nature, that every atom in and around the human body is in constant response (Losier, 2006). There is a direct relationship between energy, our conscious thoughts and the world of matter around us. There is a direct connection to the thought and feeling of what is desired when using the Law of Attraction (Braden, 2007). Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) can playa large in the success in Law of Attraction when limited belief set during the 3rd law. NLP is the principles, attitudes, and real-life behaviors to allow people to change or eliminate behaviors or actions to see accomplish success that is on going (Bandler & Grinder, 1979). This process takes a limited belief and trains this belief to have a different outcome; reprogramming the old belief into a new belief. NLP allows you to determine what changes are needed in an experience to accomplish a given out come. Reprogramming belief is much need during the 3'd law, Law of allowing (Losier, 2006).
Quantum Physics
Quantum Physics plays a large part in research of the process of how the Law of Attraction works and exists in the universe (Losier, 2006). "Quantum physics is simply a science that studies and explains how everything in our world comes to existence starting from the physical aspect of the events, conditions, and circumstances of everything in the Universe and breaking them down into their most basic form, attempting to discover the Source from where they are derived from." (Gratitude and Happiness, 2007, p 23) According to Neuroscientist Gregg Braden, the success of Law of Attraction has a direct link to Quantum Physics based on how we view our outside world; and the limited belief that we have about conditioning our outcome of success. The Relationship between, Quantum Physics, Spiritually, your conscious thoughts, feelings and success or lack of success in life are interconnected to one another (Braden, 2008). It has been discovered that the new age and modem day quantum physics are more closing interconnected than in the past. Humans are the creators of the universe and the universe is made up of energy; which is constantly moving and changing (Eng, 2007). To make the Law of Attraction successful, human must move and change their belief systems to meet that success just as the energy does in the universe. If limited beliefs are not inter changeable, in the allowing stage of Law of Attraction, the desired attraction ends at that point. " Although Quantum Physics can appear to be a bit complex on the surface, for many, just developing a basic understanding of Quantum Mechanics will prove to solidify what is already know at some level of your awareness with regard to how the various events, conditions and circumstances of your day to day life come into being."
(Braden, 2008, p.ll) This is where the law of attractions comes into day to day existence. In Newton's scientific view of the universe is defined as being in particles and its behavior can be predicted at any time (Braden, 2008). This prediction is very much like balls on a pool table: If we have all the information when a ball hits another, it would be able to be predicted which way it would travel with its speed and angle. If the ball would happen to hit another, it would be predicted how fast they were traveling as well. The point here is that the universe sees the smallest units of particle our world is made of as things. "Quantum physics looks at the universe and the laws of the universe very differently. In resent years, scientists have developed technology that has made it possible to document the strange and sometimes miraculous behavior of the quantum energy that forms the essence of the universe and our bodies. For example: Quantum energy can exist in two very different forms: as visible particles or invisible waves. The energy is still there either way, just making itself known in different forms. A quantum particle can be in one place only, two places at once, or even many places simultaneously. The interesting things, however, is that no matter how far apart these locations appear to be physically, the particle acts as if it's still connected. Quantum particles can communicate with themselves at different points in time. They're not limited by the concepts of past, present, and future. To a quantum particle, then is now and there is here" (Braden, 2008, pg. II). When you look through history, the first three centuries of scientific imagery has made human beings out to be weak victims in life, the new science suggests we are just the
opposite (Braden 2008). "Current science has linked scientific research to energy, Quantum Physics and the Law of Attraction. In the late 1900's and early 2000's research has revealed the following facts: Fact I: The universe, our world, and our bodies are made to share field energy that was scientifically recognized in the 20 century and is now identified by names that include in the field, the quantum hologram, the mind of God, nature's mind, and the Divine Matrix (a field of energy that provides the container, as well as a bridge and a mirror, for everything that happens between the world within us and the world outside of our bodies). Fact 2: In the field of the Divine Matrix, "things" that have been connected physically and then separated act as if they are sti11linked; through a phenomenon know as entanglement. Fact 3: Human DNA directly influences what happens in the Divine Matrix in a way that appears to defy the laws of time and space. Fact 4: Human belief (and the feelings and emotion surrounding it) directly change the DNA that affects what occurs in the Divine Matrix. Fact 5: When we shift our beliefs about our bodies and our world, the Divine Matrix translates that change into the reality of our lives." (Braden, 2008, p. xiii) The interesting part of the brain is it doesn't know the difference in what it sees and what it remembers (What the Beep Do We Know, 2004). Our reality and the outcome have much more to do with the energy that we align with virus our thought patterns. With all these discoveries in mind we must ask the question are we born natural energy healer and are we able to create and change our bodies and world (Braden, 2008)? This leaves the
question ofjust how powerful are human beings who can create what ever they desire in the universe? The Law of Attraction is the driving force to prove what and how we use our power to create the world we live in. "Just as all life is built from the four chemical bases that create our DNA, the universe appears to be found upon four characteristics of the Divine Matrix that make things work in the way they do. To tape into The Law of Attraction and to tape into the power of the Matrix, there are four landmarks of discovery that are linked to the outcome: Discovery I: There is a field of energy that connects all of creation Discovery 2: This field plays the role of a container, a bridge, and a mirror for the beliefs with in us. Discovery 3: The field is nonlocal and holographic. Every part of it is connected to every other, and each piece mirrors the whole on a smaller scale. Discovery 4: We communicate with the field though the language of emotion"
life, using energy, Quantum Physics and the Law of Attraction (Braden, 2008). Energy and information exist everywhere in nature, therefore allowing changes to be made on day to day bases, to heal and impact the planet (Chopra, 2007). "We must become in our lives the things that we choose to experience as our world" (Braden, 2007 pg. 95). To make changes in the human body through healing, changing our lives and relationships and to bring peace to our families and planet, a shift in the way belief is used must be re-defined (Braden, 2008).
Attracting and Creating Laws 1 and 2 The Law of Attraction is the most powerful law in the universe, since it's the first law in the Law of Attraction Process (Hicks, 2006). Not only is the Law of Attraction the most powerful law in the universe, it must be understood before the other two laws can be applied. Everything that is manifested starts out in the Law of Attraction. "The Law of Attraction says: That which is like unto itself is drawn." (Hicks, 2006, p. 29) M. Dickmeyer (personal communication August 16, 2008) says what we focus on in thought will align with the universe and bring that thought to our reality. To attract what is desired one must know what they want (Losier, 2006). Most thoughts of desire come from what is not wanted and therefore that is what will be attracted, through the Law of Attraction. What you give thought is what you will attract (Hicks, 2006). Once you give thought to what you are wanting to attract, act as if it as already shown up in your life (Richardson, 1999). Nothing simply shows up in the experience; it is attracted by giving it thought and vision. When thought and emotion are applied to that experience that experience is on its way. An example of this process is debt, saying, "I have so much debt" will only bring more debt, because the energy, emotion and thought are focusing on the experience of having debt (Hicks, 2006). The universe supports what is asked and created, and this process is Law number 2 - Law of Creating. To best utilize the Law of Attraction using the second law, there must be intention to focus on positive thought and that will create more positive energy thoughts for emotion to be applied to (Hicks, 2006). Once this process is formed into a habit, it is possible to have awareness when negative thoughts, cross the thought process. Most human have anywhere from 2,000 to 3,000 negative thoughts a day. This process is
created from the ego mind, the fearful part of the mind (Tolle, 2005). When a shift from negative (ego mind) to positive thoughts becomes an intention, a new point of attraction will be focused upon, to create new emotion and energy. Up to this point in the Law of Attraction you must ask for what is desired, followed by feeling to create your experience of attracting and creating (Braden, 2008). When people live and practice present-moment and have a clear awareness of what they want then the ego thoughts dissipates, freeing people to create what they desire (Choppa, 2004). M. Dickmeyer (personal communication August 16,2008) said in the Law of Attraction all three laws have to be understood before you can move onto the next. It's very much like the person who wants the romantic relationship, but is not attracting anyone and asking the question why don't I have a partner or why is no one asking me out. The universe is giving this person exactly what they are asking for, the willingness to ask the question why have they not shown up yet? This person has set up a negative experience for themselves on why there soul mate has not know up yet. The real statement is what is wrong with me? This leaves this person to revisit old patterns know as limited beliefs. The correct way to handle this situation is, I know that they will show up or they are on the way. We must align the positive experience with what we want, to increase the now and energy in the universe based on what we desire. See yourself with your soul mate and align it with feeling, that's the, of Law of Attraction. Asking for what you want, creating that experience with positive thoughts and feeling and allowing it to come into your life - with a view point of just letting it be with out force or control.
The Law of Allowing is the most difficult law in the Law of Attraction; the law is simply the absence of negative thoughts or vibrations, along with no doubt for what is being attracted (Losier, 2006). All doubt must be removed from the belief surrounding what is being attracted. Removing the doubt is called Allowing. The rate of speed at which the Law of Attraction manifests the experience of desire, is directly affected by how much is just simply allowed. There are only two types of emotions used in the Law of Attraction, good emotion and bad emotions that create and allow the experience (Hicks, 2006). Duke University has none a number of research based how the body and mind reacts to negative emotion (Merrit, 1999). A test of research showed that while giving participants stressful and negative situations their heart rate went up and their attitudes became negative. Forcing or worrying about the desire of attraction will only slow down or stop the process (Losier, 2006). Doubt comes from having limited belief in what is being attracted. This is where most people give up on attracting what they desire, because there simply is no understanding of how to allow or just to be. Does this choice of allowing empower me or disempower me (Ford, 2003)? Limited beliefs can block what you are trying to attract into your life. Research has proven that NLP is one of the more effective ways to reprogram our behaviors to eliminate doubt and create a model or picture of seeing a successful outcome; as mentioned earlier in this research paper (Plessis, 2008). Part of the process ofNLP takes an experience that we replay over in our mind and reprograms it's to have a different outcome (Lankton, 1980). The example used would be giving a presentation that didn't go so well, basically every thing falls part. The subj ect would run that
experience through their head as it happened, then rewind, run the experience again with different outcome that meets success.
Choosing the way of thinking is the most common avenue or choice to get what you want (Tony Robbins, 1998). The believe system that is created can be the break through for life success or the down fall, that ends what is most desired. Anchoring is used to create a strong or limited belief, whether one will be success in the 3rd law of allowing. "Anchoring - The process by which any representation (internal or external) gets connected to and triggers a subsequent string of representation and response. Anchors can be naturally occurring or set up deliberately." (Robbins, p. 415). An example of anchoring would be the tone of voice that someone uses or an event that has happened in the past, that is not released or redefined in a personal belief system (Robbins, 1986). The past does not have to equal the future but in many cases the limited belief in success, keep us stuck in the past and repeating what has already been done. Just as in Henry Ford's famous quote, "Whether you think you can or you think you can't your always going to be right - Henry Ford", the way you frame your way of thinking toward your desire will allow the desire or want to come forward ( Neill, 2008). The feelings and actions that people bring from the past about success will directly affect the outcome. Bandura (1986) believes that self-efficacy judgments, i.e. ones belief in his or her ability to effectively control specific events in his or her live, plays a role in almost everything we do, think, and feel. Over the years research as prove that this roles plays
and important part of our lives from the time we are children and hundred of children's stories had been written from this process such as the Littie Engine that Couid, illustrates the importance of a positive attitude. Do you see yourself having a lot of control over what happens in your life? "Believe in yourself" is common advice. Americans are more likely to believe that they can control their lives than are people in other in other cultures. When asked why people succeed while another with the same training and skill set fails, about 30% of people say it is fate or God's will and they are not deserving of success when they fail (Sears, Peplau, Freedman & Taylor, 1988, p. 153). Your thought process can directly affect your success (Dyer, 2007). Most studies have compared intellectual rational assessment and emotional-intuitive judgment about efficacy. For instance, Sappington, Richards, Spier, & Fraser (1988) pointed out that a person may intellectually know the he/she can not catch cancer or AIDS from a friend but still feel as if it is contagious. Our feels are not rational, but emotions are related to perfonnance (Sears, Peplau, Freedman & Taylor, 1988). For example when patients at a pain clinic intellectually estimated their ability to reduce their own pain, it has no relationship to the actual outcome of their self-help efforts to overcome pain. But the patients' gut-feeling estimates of their pain-control ability were clearly related to actual results; the higher the feeling of confidence, the greater pain reduction. According to Behavior Expert and Life Coach Debbie Ford, people do what is familiar to them and they often mistake familiarity for safety (Ford, 2002). This process keeps people stuck inside their fears and as Ford says, "Safe inside their story". Story also refers back to having a limited belief that is created in the head based on fear.
Being over confident can also hinder the 3rd law, some psychologist believe that excessive self-confidence can cause problems, not in terms of appearing arrogant but perhaps by causing failure since you don't see your limitations and may, over extend yourself (Haaga & Stewart, 1992). Or an inflated opinion of ourselves may lead us to becoming poor planners, lax, and prone to backslide or relapse with some bad habits we have recently overcome, Over excessive negative thoughts and feeling like you don't deserve what you're asking for and trying to allow into your life, are associated with emotional problems and relapsing old limited beliefs. Our thoughts and studies on "Self" (how we view the self) is a life-long accumulation of impressions on how we see and evaluate ourselves and the others around us, therefore directly affecting our life successful outcome (Campbell, 1976), The concept of having clear success and good self-esteem becomes clear if we look at self esteem as having two parts: (I) a realistic and positive self-evaluation and (2) the general belief that one can get through the problems oflife and attain success in life (Bednar & Peterson, 1995). Just as in Maslow's Hierarchy of needs once the first three classes are met, the Self Esteem need, becomes dominant and the self-confidents falls into place like steps (Simons, 1987). Maslow then describes the next step as self actualization as a person need to be, do and live out their life's purpose, A combination of realism and confidence seems to work best with allowing the 3'd law into your life and getting what you desire most (Haaga & Stewart, 1992).
Allowing without Doubt
"The Art of Allowing states that I am which I am and other are as they are" (Hicks, 2006, p. 120). Joy must be experienced in every situation to connect to allowing
(Hicks, 2006). You must first be an a1lower of others before you can be an all ower yourself. When your tolerating a situation you are connected to negative energy and when you are up lifting you are connecting to positive energy, this creates a vibration with the universe. Detaching from the outcome will bring you to a high level of allowing (Chopra, 2007). When experiences are allowed to just be, the law of Allowing has been achieved. What the Law of Allowing states is you much align the energy to universe and what you feel in your body and heart (Hicks, 2006). According to Jerry and Esther Hicks, when human beings see one another from a compassionate vibration point of view and can carry that energy in and out side of the body; anything is possible that is focused on. When negative energy is aligned in the body, there is no alignment with universal energy. The universe feels all thoughts (which is creating energy), whether they are real or not; therefore any thoughts of destruction or jealousy stop the Law of Attraction vibration to Allow.
This paper this far has been a compilation of information concerning the topic of Law of Attraction, scientific research on Quantum Physics, energy and the Divine Matrix and the three laws in Law of Attraction. The information came from reviewing literature related to the topics. In the summary that follows key concepts of what comes out of experiencing the Law of Attraction will be reviewed. In the analysis section that follows the summary, data on Law of Attraction is analysis from both the literature review and a conversation that was conducted, to answer key questions of the study. Also answering the main point of the research conducted, why people aren't having success with the 3'd law will be addressed. In conclusion a recommendation section suggests a further study of the topics and other related subjects on the Law of Attraction.
As the literature review indicted, the Law of Attraction is a strong relationship between energy, quantum physics, the Divine Matrix and the laws in Law of Attraction (Braden, 2008). The energy around us must be supported to help achieve what we most desire in the world. The body is a driving focus with the energy in the universe, to create anything and everything that is desired; to the capability of change everything in our existing world. As indicted in this study, law of Allowing is one of the most difticult to practice and bring into ones existence (Hicks, 2006). This is also the law that stops most people in their experience with the Law of Attraction; they do not understand how to Allow.
Based on the research that was conducted this is why people are not having success with the 3'd law, Law of Allowing: Allowing of one is also the allowing of another without judgment (Hicks, 2006). When allowing can just simply be, a vibration is made with the universe, with what is being desired most, therefore, that is what is being attracted to you and that is the Law of Attraction. People have limited belief about what they can or can't have (Robbins, 1998). Often people get caught up in their everyday lives of living without change, therefore conditioning our believe system to think that we have no control over what changes we make in our lives (What the Beep Do We Know. 2005). We continue to create the story that we have experienced in our lives of not being success, this story plays over and over again (Ford, 2002). The story of I don't deserve what I'm asking for or my limited belief of what has happen in the past is going to happen again. Self-Worth is a major area of not getting what you want. Behavioral Expert and Success Coach Tony Robbins says, people focus to much on lack of success from the past and stick to those patterns and conditions. It's the interruption of the limited story and belief that breaks people out of those old pattern (Robbins, 1989). Much of our desire to be successful or create is by choice and breaking out of those old patterns of repeating the same action over and over agaIn.
Data was collected for this research project in two different methods and topics: I: Data was collected from the literature review on the process, scientific research and on how to use the Law of Attraction.
Data was also collect by having a conversation with a Law of Attraction Expert that related to the 3rd law in Law of Attraction: Law of Allowing.
It would be highly recommended that there be more scientific research done on
the Law of Attraction that is current. The limited research that is out there is out dated. This is a topic that is growing more and more as the years go by. There are many different levels of research options that could be completed to support the success of the Law of Attraction.
It would also be recommended to have an understanding and a study ofthe Divine
Matrix and briefly understand of Quantum Physics; how the energy continues to flow in and out of the body. According to Jerry and Esther Hicks, when human beings see one another from a compassionate vibration point of view, they are aligning with energy of freedom and can carry that energy in and out side of the body. When this energy is taped into it is possible to attract anything in your life (Hicks, 2006). The more thought you give something, the more you are attracting to the energy of the universal, and this is the Law of Attraction. Using a model of association (Robbins, 1986) 1. What do you want and what prevents you from getting it? 2. Get Leverage - what would it feel like not to change and what would it feel like? to change. Connecting to the alignment of feeling. 3. Interrupt the limited pattern - move out of your old story and see your desire of wanting in action. 4. Create a new empowering alternative - create a back up plan.
5. Condition the new pattern(s) until it's consistently a nonnal way for you to view success and allowing. 6. Test it out. Creating new patterns will allow you to connect that vibration to the uni verse that will gage the Law of Attraction, to give you what you desire, without thinking you don't deserve it or conditioning yourself for lack of success (Hicks, 2006).
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