Dealing With Garbage Under MARPOL Annex V
Dealing With Garbage Under MARPOL Annex V
Dealing With Garbage Under MARPOL Annex V
q 1
1 9 1 1 ~
Examples of Compliance Approaches
Used by the Shipping Industry
Prepared for:
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Marine Fisheries Service
Marine Entanglement Research Program
Northwest and Alaska Fisheries Center
Seattle, WA
Kearney/Centaur Division
A.T. Kearney, Inc.
Alexandria, VA
November 1989
~ \/\
Prepared for:
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Marine Fisheries Service
Marine Entanglement Research Program
Northwest and Alaska Fisheries Center
Seattle, WA
Contract No. 52ABNF800132
Prepared by:
Kearney/Centaur Division
AT. Kearney, Inc.
225 Reinekers Lane
Alexandria, VA 22314
FFR - HI995
November 1989
This document was prepared by the Kearney/Centaur Division of AT. Kearney, Inc. for the National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Marine Entanglement Research Program under Contract
Number 52ABNF800132. The document describes the compliance approach to MARPOL Annex
V by six companies with oceangoing commercial vessels, two cruise lines companies, seven ports,
one barge company, and the U.S. Navy. Results of a survey of vessel operators during routine
boardings by the U.S. Coast Guard Marine Safety Office in Honolulu, Hawaii on their knowledge
of MARPOL Annex V and their present method of compliance are also included. This document
was prepared as part of a marine debris education program for the shipping industry.
Kearney/Centaur Division
AT. Kearney, Inc.
Alexandria, VA
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Chevron Shipping Company
Gulfcoast Transit Company
Keystone Shipping Co.
Lykes Bros. Steamship Co., Inc.
Maersk Line Ltd.
Texaco Marine Services, Inc.
Premier Cruise Lines
Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines
Corpus Christi
New Orleans
Conticarriers & Terminals, Inc. 55
U.S. Navy Initiatives for Shipboard Plastics Control and Minimization 57
Coast Guard MARPOL Annex V Vessel Survey 61
Annex V of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973
(MARPOL 73(78) entered into force on December 31, 1988. With the implementation of
MARPOL Annex V, the way the shipping industry handles garbage changed. Over the side is no
longer the unquestioned practice for garbage disposal. MARPOL Annex V prohibits disposal of
plastics in the ocean and specifies the distance from shore that all other garbage may be dumped
at sea.
The Marine Plastic Pollution Research and Control Act of 1987 (P.L. 100-220) amends the Act
to Prevent Pollution from Ships and implements MARPOL Annex V in the United States. Neither
MARPOL Annex V nor the Act to Prevent Pollution from Ships specifies how compliance is to
be achieved. The approach and techniques used to comply with the at sea garbage disposal
limitations are left to vessel owners and operators and the ports and terminals required to have
facilities to receive ship-generated garbage.
To identify the range of approaches and techniques used by the commercial shipping and cruise
industries using U.S. waters and at U.S. ports to comply with MARPOL Annex V, telephone
interviews with shipping company and port operations personnel were conducted. The interviews
were conducted between May and November 1989. The purpose of the interviews was to find out
how a cross section of companies with different types of vessels were complying with MARPOL
Annex V. The results of the interviews are, therefore, not a comprehensive survey of the shipping
industry'S response to MARPOL Annex V. The approach to MARPOL Annex V compliance used
by the companies and at the ports was not known before the telephone contact was made.
This report summarizes the interviews conducted. It describes the approach and techniques used
to comply with MARPOL Annex V by six companies with ocean going commercial vessels, two
cruise lines operating out of U.S. ports, seven ports, and one barge company operating on the
inland waterways. In addition, activities by the U.S. Navy to manage plastic and other solid waste
are summarized. Military vessels are not included in MARPOL Annex V, but under U.S. law,
military and other public vessels have until December 31, 1993 to comply with the new at sea
garbage disposal limitations. The results of a survey of vessel operators on their knowledge of
MARPOL Annex V and their method of compliance by the U.S. Coast Guard in Honolulu, Hawaii
are also presented. The report is organized around four headings: ocean going commercial vessels,
cruise lines, ports, and other. This report was prepared as part of a shipping industry marine debris
education program sponsored by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA)
Marine Entanglement Research Program.
Comparable information on MARPOL Annex V compliance techniques is presented to the extent
that the companies interviewed were willing or able to provide the information. The descriptions
which follow are based on what information was provided by the companies. The type of waste
regulated by MARPOL Annex V is referred to differently by some of the companies interviewed
for this report. In the descriptions of MARPOL Annex V compliance techniques, this waste is
generally referred to as garbage or plastic to be consistent with the terms used in Annex V of
MARPOL (Regulations for the Preventive of Pollution by Garbage from Ships). Keystone Co.
specifically asked that the term "trash" be used in the description of their activities. Lykes Bros.
Steamship, Co., Inc. uses a four category classification system for separating solid waste. Their
classification system is used in the description of their activities.
Examples of Approaches Used to Comply with MARPOL Annex V
The approaches and techniques used by commercial shipping and cruise line companies described
in the remainder of this report include the following:
Garbage separation. with storage of plastic waste on board and final disposal of
plastic waste on shore;
Garbage separation. with compaction and storage of plastic waste on board and
final disposal of plastic waste on shore;
Garbage incineration; and
Product substitution.
Three of the six companies with ocean going commercial vessels interviewed have more stringent
at sea disposal limitations than MARPOL Annex V. For two of the companies, these restrictions
apply only to the Gulf of Mexico. For the third company, the policy applies worldwide.
At the ports included in this report, reception facilities for ship-generated garbage are generally
provided through private contractors. Two of the seven ports included in the report have their own
reception faCilities for garbage regulated by the U.S. Department of Agriculture'S Animal and Plant
Health Inspection Service (APHIS). APHIS requires food waste or garbage contaminated by food
waste brought to U.S. ports from foreign waters to be incinerated or sterilized. APHIS regulations
do no apply to vessels that operate only between the continental United States and Canadian pons,
Summary of Problems Encountered by Shipping Companies in Complying with
Problems Cor the Company to Resolve
Several of problems identified by the shipping companies about MARPOL Annex V compliance
can only be resolved by the companies themselves. These include such things as which budget will
absorb the garbage disposal fees which are part of MARPOL Annex V compliance for some
companies. It also includes logistic and scheduling problems for installing purchased garbage
handling eqUipment such as trash compactors and incinerators. Crew turnover means the need for
education, instruction, and supervision on company waste management and handling procedures.
Problems with Product Substitution
One of the suggested techniques for MARPOL Annex V compliance is to reduce the amount of
plastics taken on board. That may be easier said than done. The U.S. Navy has had some success
in reducing the amQ.unt of plastics on ships by changing its supply practices and requiring non-
plastic products for certain items. Individual shipping companies do not buy the same quantities
of supplies as the Navy. The shipping companies included in this report that have tried product
substitution have done so with limited success. The description of the Keystone Shipping Co.
MARPOL Annex V compliance activities includes a four page presentation made by the company's
Director of Purchasing to the International Ship Suppliers Association on MARPOL Annex V and
the need to minimize the use of disposable plastic products on vessels.
~ e n t
11 of
. Co.
, and
Problems Related to APHIS Regulated Garbage
APHIS regulations on garbage coming from foreign waters were in place before MARPOL Annex
V entered into force. MARPOL Annex V did not affect APHIS regulations. However, plastic
garbage on some vessels is primarily galley waste and when these vessels come to U.S. ports from
foreign waters, this garbage is sUbject to APHIS garbage disposal requirements as well as those for
MARPOL Annex V. Three types of problems related to APHIS garbage were cited by companies
interviewed for this report. These were: 1) the need for crews to learn two sets of regulations on
garbage at the same time, 2) the lack of APHIS approved reception facilities at some ports, and
3) the inability to offload APHIS regulated garbage on the weekends at some ports because no
APHIS inspectors were available. The comments on the lack of APHIS approved receptions
facilities were made before the August 28, 1989 deadline established by the U.S. Coast Guard
regulations on MARPOL Annex V that ports and terminals be capable of receiving APHIS
regulated garbage on a 24 hour notice.
Marine Debris Education Materials
The approaches and techniques used by the shipping and cruise line companies interviewed for this
report varied. Some simply sent written directives to the vessels. Others supplemented their
written directives with marine debris education materials such as posters and videos. The following
is a brief description of the posters and videos mentioned in the descriptions of MARPOL Annex
V compliance activities.!
Stow It, Don't Throw It, It's the Law. An 18 by 28 inch multi-color poster.
Don't Teach Your Trash to Swim. An 11 by 17 inch blue and white poster. The
full caption reads: Don't Teach Your Trash to Swim, Packaging, Line, Nets,
Thrown Overboard Hurt You and Other Marine Life. Please Keep Refuse On
Board Until You Land.
Popeye. A 14 by 24 inch four color poster with Popeye the Sailor, Olive OIy,
Brutus, and Wimpy explaining problems of marine debris.
Trashing the Ocean. A 7 minute video in English on the consequences of marine
debris and entanglement. The video was produced by NOAA, National Marine
Fisheries Service.
Marine Refuse Disposal Project. A 9 minutes video on the pilot project at the
Port of Newport, Oregon on port reception facilities for garbage, primarily from
commercial fishing vessels. The video was produced by NOAA, National Marine
Fisheries Service. It is on the same tape as "Trashing the Ocean."
These materials are available from:
NOAA's Marine Debris Information Office
% Center for Marine Conservation
1725 DeSales Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20036
(202) 429-5609
Chevron Shipping Company (Chevron) operates an owned/controlled fleet of 41 tankers and 4 tug
boats. The fleet includes American and foreign flag vessels. Although most of the foreign flag
vessels are registered in Liberia, which is not Signatory to MARPOL Annex V, all Chevron vessels
are required to be in full compliance with MARPOL Annex V. APHIS regulated garbage is
generated by the tanker fleet.
Characteristics of Chevron's approach to MARPOL Annex V compliance include:
On board separation of plastics from other garbage, on bOard storage, and shoreside
Use of contractors at Chevron terminals which are required to handle disposal of
APHIS regulated garbage.
Required compliance with MARPOL Annex V by all Chevron tankers anywhere
in the world.
Designation of the Gulf of Mexico as a Special Area for all Chevron vessels.
Garbage Handling and Disposal Under MARPOL Annex V
Garbage handling and disposal procedures for the Chevron fleet are:
I Foratgn Flag V I. I
Ship , I Garbaga I
Trtp Long
On Bo.rd
I FI.g V I.
.. ' .. ,i
...... .. , ... i i ... .. Oc:: .. .. fl,;;; -L;;;'OCrn;i';;".;;ol' DR 'lo-;'.;;oo;;ial
o::c.a:!n .:!ly, I
,,'ii..... Incln.r.llon Ann V Incln.ratlon lao . Ann V
Plastics are: 1) separated from all other garbage by vessel personnel, 2) stored on
board, and 3) disposed of through terminal garbage reception facilities.
Separate trash receptacles are provided at terminals for APHIS regulated and non
APHIS regulated garbage. American flag vessels separate garbage accordingly.
Garbage from foreign flag vessels is treated as APHIS regulated garbage.
Three Chevron vessels were outfitted with different compactors for evaluation purposes. These
vessels tested whether compactors are worthwhile, and if so, which model of compactor would best
fit the fleet's needs. After evaluation, completed at the end of June 1989, the company decided not
to outfit the remainder of the fleet with compactors.
Incinerators are not now being used on the Chevron tankers. The decision not to buy and install
incinerators at this time was based on the following: 1) cost; 2) lack of guidelines from the Coast
Guard; and 3) uncertainty of air quality standards which will be required of incinerators in the
Chevron is relying on its terminals for disposal of garbage and arrangements have been made for
contractors at each of its terminals. Chevron worked with the U.S. Department of Agriculture and
the California Department of Agriculture before contracting for garbage disposal services at its
Chevron has two policies related to MARPOL Annex V compliance which go beyond the
requirements of the regulations. All Chevron tankers, whether registered in a signatory or non
Signatory nation to MARPOL Annex V, must comply with MARPOL Annex V at all times. Under
the provisions of MARPOL Annex V, ships with registry in countries which are not signatory to
MARPOL Annex V are not required to comply with its at sea garbage disposal limitations when
outside the waters of Signatory nations. In addition, Chevron has designated the Gulf of Mexico
as a Special Area for its vessels. Garbage disposal limitations are more restricted in Special Areas
under MARPOL Annex V.
To increase awareness of MARPOL Annex V and the consequences of marine debris among its
shipboard personnel, the NOAA videos 'Trashing the Oceans' and ' Marine Refuse Disposal Project,
Port of Newport, Oregon' have been shown and a copy of each is retained on board each vessel.
Placards are also used on board ships as reminders that overboard disposal of plastics is not
: its
Gulfcoast Transit Company (Gulfcoast) operates 13 oceangoing tugtbarges. These vessels have a
crew of about 8 persons. The trading routes of these vessels are primarily in the Gulf of Mexico,
although there are some routes to West Africa, South America, and the West Coast.
Characteristics of the Gulfcoast approach to MARPOL Annex V compliance include:
On board separation of plastic from other garbage, on board storage of plastic
garbage, and shoreside disposal.
Use of trash compactors to reduce the volume of plastic garbage.
Ocean disposal of non-plastic garbage in the Gulf of Mexico, if necessary, restricted
by company policy to 50 miles or beyond.
Garbage Handling and Disposal Under MARPOL Annex V
Garbage handling and disposal procedures for the Gulfcoast fleet are as follows:
Trlp L"""
On Board
Port Reuptton
Trip Long
On Board
Port Reception
R.eyeU,,; Program
All Other Garbag_
Oc n Dlapo 1
at !SO mM or
a.yond In the
Gulf of Mexico
or Permltt.d
by MARPOL Annex V
Plastics are: 1) separated from all other garbage by vessel personnel at the source,
2) compacted in on board trash compactors, 3) stored on board in a storage locker,
and 4) disposed o ~ at port reception facilities.
Other garbage is disposed of at sea. In the Gulf of Mexico, at sea disposal is
restricted to 50 miles or beyond.
Each of the Gulfcoast vessels is outfitted with a trash compactor. The vessels are not large enough
to be retrofitted with incinerators. The trash compactors are used for compacting plastic trash, and
on some vessels to crush cans before they are disposed of at sea. Plastic garbage is placed in plastic
garbage bags and stored in a mesh storage container above the main deck. The bags are offloaded
in port to dumpsters. If it is foreign garbage (APHIS regulated garbage), it is tagged and disposed
of through port or terminal contractors.
Gulfcoast tried to reduce the amount of plastic that is taken on board. It ordered and received
biodegradable plastic trash bags. They then realized that biodegradable plastic bags could not be
disposed of at sea. For awhile, they switched to milk in paper cartons. They then realized that the
outside is coated with plastic. The company is now following its traditional supply practice.
Gulfcoast's policy on at sea disposal of non-plastics in the Gulf of Mexico is more restrictive than
MARPOL Annex V. Many of Gulfcoast's trading routes are in the Gulf of Mexico. Non-plastic
garbage, by company policy, can only be disposed of in the Gulf of Mexico at 50 miles or beyond,
compared to 3, 12, or 25 miles depending on the situation under MARPOL Annex V.
Problems Encountered
The amount of garbage that accumulates on long sea voyages, for example a 20 day
journey from San Francisco to the Canal Zone.
Lack of storage space topside.
Training new personnel. Cooks and seamen, those who handle the garbage, are
instructed in garbage handling procedures through individual on the job training
by the vessel master or mate.
Inability to offload APHIS regulated garbage on the weekend at some ports .
Keystone Shipping Co. (Keystone) has a fleet of 16 vessels, 15 tankers and 1 bulk carrier. The fleet
includes 16 American flag vessels. The same approach to MARPOL Annex v compliance is used
on all vessels. APHIS regulated trash is generated on the fleet's trading routes. The crew size
for each vessel is in the range of 25 to 30 persons.
Characteristics of the Keystone approach to MARPOL Annex V compliance include:
Product substitution for plastic.
Use of specially made trash receptacles marked 'Plastics Only' in each room, the
passageways, and in the trash collection areas.
Use of specially made placards on MARPOL Annex V regulations.
On board separation of plastic from other trash, retention of plastic trash on
board, and shoreside disposal.
Preparations for MARPOL Annex V Implementation
During the summer of 1988, Keystone used two ships (one trading on the west coast and one
trading on the east coast) to determine the amount and type of plastic trash generated. Plastics
were separated from other trash and inventoried. Based on these test ships, the company decided
that purchasing compactors and/or incinerators was not necessary.
Keystone started using paper bags and paper hot drink cups on its ships in late 1988. This was
done as a means of instructing the Crew that disposal of plastic trash was about to change. Paper
bags and cups were chosen because their substitution for plastic trash bags and foam cups could
be easily done. Further, they were products that the crew would notice as being different and
would asked about the change. Trash handling practices according to MARPOL Annex V began
on Keystone ships in November!December 1988, just prior to the required compliance date. Before
then, trash from Keystone vessels was disposed of at sea.
Trash Handling and Disposal Under MARPOL Annex V
Overall Approach
Trash handling and disposal procedures for the Keystone fleet are as follows:
Plastics are: 1) separated from all other trash by vessel personnel and 2) stored
for shoreside disposal into port trash reception facilities. Vessels with compactors
compact the plastic trash before storing it.
All other trash is disposed of according to MARPOL Annex V at sea disposal
. . . . ... : ... !. .. ..... ..... : :.i ..
. . :::
PI tlce
APHIS Regulated
Non"'APHIS Regulated
Trip Long
Port Recaption
St.rlbaUon or
Oc n Ol.po .. '
by MARPOL Annex V
The Keystone approach to MARPOL Annex V compliance emphasizes reduction of plastics on
board ships and separation of plastics from other trash. Highlighted below are some of the major
points of their approach to compliance.
Changes in Supply Practices
Keystone has attempted to reduce the amount of plastics used on its ships. However, they have
been frustrated in their attempts to reduce the amount of plastics on board by the inability of their
suppliers and the unwillingness of some key manufacturers to provide products without using plastic.
They have' asked their suppliers to substitute non-plastic for plastic items. The amount of plastic
on board their ships has been reduced to the extent that their suppliers have been able or willing
to accommodate their request. All shipments packed and repacked by Keystone personnel are
prepared using non-plastic packaging material.
Recognizing the importance of the suppliers' role in reducing plastics on ships, Keystone's Director
of Purchasing presented a paper called "Trash Management at Sea' at a 1988 conference of the
International Ship Suppliers Association. The paper discusses the problems of plastics in the
ocean, provides an overview of MARPOL and MARPOL Annex V, and discusses the effects of
MARPOL Annex V implementation. The paper urges the co-operation of suppliers in Keystone's
efforts 'to minimize the use of disposable plastic products on ocean-going vessels.' A copy of this
paper is included at the end of this discussion.
Changes in Ship Board Trash Handling
Keystone has sent instructions to each ship that plastic trash is to be separated from other traSh,
stored on board, and disposed of on shore. The definition of plastics in MARPOL Annex V has
also be sent to each Ship. Those ships already outfitted with compactors now use them to compact
plastics before on board storage. These compactors had previously been used for general trash.
Keystone had placards and trash receptacles with the words 'Plastics Only' burned in white onto
the outside specially made. These are used on each vessel. The placard measures 5 inches by 8
inches and uses white lettering on a red background. The text of the placard is as follows:
There are 35 of these placards on each ship; one in each room, and one in the common areas.
A series of different sized trash receptacles is used to collect plastic trash. Each room has a 7
gallon trash can labelled 'Plastics Only.' These trash cans are emptied into 32 gallon trash cans
also labelled 'Plastics Only.' There are four 32 gallon 'Plastics Only' trash cans on each Ship.
These are located in passageways. The contents of the 32 gallon trash cans are emptied into 55
gallon trash cans labelled 'Plastics Only' in the trash collecting area of the Ship.
Problems Encountered
Inability of suppliers and unwillingness of manufacturers to reduce the amount of
plastic in products and packaging used on ships.
Lack of trash reception facilities at some ports.
Inability of the Department of Agriculture to respond to the need for handling
APHIS regulated trash on the weekends.
Trash management
at sea
by Louis A. Cavaliere, Keystone Shipping
THE accumulation of trash and refuse in
the oceans of the world has become a
well-publicised issue. For years, the
oceans, because of their vastness, have
been treated as a dumping ground for the
world's trash and all types of waste. There
comes a point of saturation. however. and
many believe that we have reached. and
have already exceeded the point at which
trash in the oceans becomes excessive. A
visit to any coastal shore will bear this
out. Trash has accumulated on our shores
to the point where it has become an
aesthetic eyesore. a nuisance to bathers.
a bane to fishermen. and a danger to
marine wildlife. There are three reasons
why trash has become so noticeable in our
oceans. One is that more trash is being
generated today than at any other point
in history. As more trash is generated on
land. a percentage of that trash will find
its way into the oceans. A second reason
is that a greater percentage of what is
being disposed of today as trash is
biogradable plastics. A third reason is the
density of population at the shore line.
Plastics is a wonder of modem
technology that has become so popular in
industrial. commercial. and residential
use because of its light weight. durability.
and strength. Ironically. these
characteristics are exactly what leads to
the problem of plastics being disposed of
at sea. Where most trash substances such
as paper. wood. foodstuffs. etc. degrade
and break down in relatively short periods
of time. subsequently finding their way
into the ecosystem of the marine
environment, plastics behave differently.
Plastics take several hundred years to
break down biologically. Instead of
blending into the marine ecosystem.
plastics resist absorption thereby causing
disastrous effects on the environment.
Plastic ingestion and plastic entanglement
have killed thousands of sea birds. sea
mammals. and fish. "To date.
approximately 15 per cent of the world's
280 species of sea birds are known to have
ingested plastics",'
Trash reaches the ocean from land and
from seaborne vehicles such as ships,
barges and offshore platforms. Although
outright ocean dumping of trash by
countries. states. and municipalities is
PI .. l>Iic!> ill Sea" .""at/lra/ Histon. Vol. 92. No. :!.
IYliJ. p.:!!}. .
Article provided courtesy of the author.
prohibited, the dumping of trash into the
ocean from ships and platforms has always
been a normal and le2allv accepted
practice. Merchant vessels and warships
alike accumulate their trash on the fantail
(stern) of the ship and then dump it when
out at sea. For U.S. vessels, the Refuse
Act of 1899 (33 USC 403) authorized the
dumping of trash at sea beyond the three
mile limit of the shoreline. Amazing as
that seems. this includes all types of solid
refuse. sewage and trash, including
plastics. Table A depicts amounts of trash
that have been generated in the United
States from 1960 to 1984.'
Note that as the total amount of gross
waste generated increased almost twofold
from 1960 to 1984. the same time period
saw an increase in plastics as a percentage
of waste discarded from 0.5% to 7.2%.
or a fourteenfold increase! In a 1975
study. the National Research Council of
the National Academy of Sciences
estimated that approximately 6.4 million
metric tons of the above total net waste
was discharged into the oceans. Of that.
approximately 7% or 45,000 tons
consisted of plastic garbage.
Those of us who have been to sea are
familiar with trash disposal procedures
and how seemingly endless the ocean
appears as a receptacle for absorbing our
wastes. The trash dumped at sea is usually
disposed of in plastic garbage bags. Ships
being a microcosm of society. generate
the same types of trash that households.
factories, and municipalities do. It is
revealing to note how prevalent plastics
have become as an item of consumption
in our throwaway society. Plastics are
found in bags, styrofoam (popcorn)
packing material. six-pack holders.
bottles. caps. lids, styrofoam cups and
utensils, strapping bands, sheeting.
fishing nets. buckets, hard hats. vegetable
sacks, milk jugs, egg cartons. gloves.
rope. shoes, flashlights. straws. stirrers.
syringes, lighters. and the ubiquitous
shrink-wrap. The use of plastics is so
widespread. it would almost be impossible
to prevent their ingress on board a ship.
If ships were restricted from using plastic
utensils. tools. etc . the plastic would still
show up in the form of packing material
and shrink-wrap for spare parts and food
2. U.S. of Commerce, StQilSticf.lf
Ahs/ract of tht Uniltd SUJlts. /987. p.I'Il.
provisions. Indeed, more and more
plastics are being used in ship's
We are dealing here with two
recognized problems. that of trash
pollution of the ocean in general. and that
of plastics pollution. and the associated
problems of that pollutant in particular.
The problem is global. Vessels of all
nations pollute the ocean freely and
legally as long as it is done outside of the
legal territorial limit. It is long overdue.
however, to restrict and control the
disposal of trash and garbage into the
oceans. The harm that is being done to the
marine environment must be minimized.
if not eliminated in some way. Annex V
represents the first effort on an
international basis to clean up our oceans.
Annex V - a summary
The pollution of the ocean environment
by the maritime industry has been a focus
of concern since the earl v seventies when
the International Maritime Organization
adopted the International Conventic," for
the Prevention of Pollution by Ships in
1973. and then modified by protocol in
1978. The Convention is known as
MARPOL. and it consists of five annexes.
each one of which is designed to combat
a particular type of pollution. The five
annexes are listed as follows:
Regulations for the Prevention of
Pollution by Oil.
II Regulations for the Control of
Pollution by Noxious Liquid
Substances in Bulk.
III Regulations for the Prevention of
Pollution by Harmful Substances in
Packaged Form.
IV Regulations for the Prevention of
Pollution by Sewage from Ships.
V Regulations for the Prevention of
Pollution by Garbage from Ships.
Annexes I (Oil) and II (Chemicals) are
known as the mandatory annexes and arc
already in force internationally. Annexes
III. IV, and V arc the optional annexes
which require individual ratification hy
nations signatory to MARPOL. E3ch
'venti on
:vention j;;
n Ships.
No. 335. Munlcipil Solid Wilt. G.n.rotlon, Recovery Ind DllpolIl: 1960 to 1984
fin millions of tons, except as indicated. Covers post-consumer residential and commercial solid wastes which comprise the major
portion of typical municipal collections. Excludes mining, agricultural and industrial processing, demolition and construction wastes,
uwage sludge, and junked autos and obsolete equipment wastes, Based on material-flows estimating procedure and wet weight as
ttem Ind Mlt.rill 1960 1965 1970 1975 1978 19n 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984
Gross waste generated 82.30 96.30 118.30 122.70 130.40 133.30 138.00 140.70 139.10 140.90 137.80 144.10 148.10
Per person per day (Ib) 2.50 2.77 3.18 3.11 3.28 3.32 3.40 3.43 3.35 3.36 3.25 3.37 3.43
Materials recovered 5.90 6.20 8.00 9.10 10.80 11.60 11.80 13.00 13.40 13.20 12.90 13.90 15.10
Per person per day Ubi .18 .17 .21 .23 .27 .29 .29 .32 .32 .31 .30 .32 .35
Percent of gross discards recovered:
Paper and paperboard 18.00 15.00 16.90 19.20 19.80 20.70 19.90 20.90 21.90 20.60 20.60 20.70 20.80
Glass 1.50 1.20 1.20 2.70 3.40 3.50 3.30 4.00 5.00 5.00 5.20 5.90 7.20
Ferrous metals .50 1.00 1.20 1.90 2.10 2.40 2.70 3.10 3.20 3.10 2.80 2,70 2.80
Aluminium NA NA 1.60 12.40 11.80 13.10 13.70 13.00 19.60 28.40 30.90 29.30 29.40
Processed for energy recovery NA .20 .40 .70 .90 1.40 1.50 2.30 2.70 2.30 3.50 5.00 6.50
Per person per day Ub) NA .01 .01 .02 .02 .03 .04 .06 .06 .05 .06 .12 .15
Net waste disposed of 76.40 91.90 109.90 112.80 118.70 120.30 124.70 125.40 123.00 125.40 121.40 125.20 126.50
Per person per day (Ib) 2.32 2.59 2.94 2.86 2.96 2.99 3.07 3.05 2.96 2.99 2.86 2.92 2.93
Percent distribution of net discards:'
Paper and paperboard 32.10 35.00 33.10 30.40 32.90 33.10 33.90 34.40 33.60 34.50 33.20 35.30 37.10
Glass 8.40 9.20 11.30 11.60 11.30 11.40 11.60 11.30 11.30 11.30 11.00 10.40 9.70
Metals 13.70 11.60 12.20 11.80 11.10 10.90 10.50 10.60 10.30 10.00 10.10 9.90 9.60
Plastics .50 1.50 2.70 3.90 4.70 5.30 5.80 6.40 6.00 6.10 6.70 7.00 7.20
Rubber and leather 2.20 2.40 2.70 3.30 3.10 2.80 2.80 3.30 3.30 3.20 3.00 2.60 2.50
Textiles 2.60 2.40 2.00 2.20 2.10 2.00 2.20 2.30 2.30 2.40 2.40 2.30 2.10
Wood 3.90 3.80 3.60 3.80 3.80 3.90 3.70 2.60 3.90 3.50 4.00 4.00 3.80
Food wastes 14.60 13.10 11.50 11.80 11.00 10.60 10.00 9.60 9.20 8.90 8.80 8.50 8.10
Yard wastes 20.30 19.20 19.00 19.50 18.30 18.20 17.70 17.70 18.20 18.20 18.70 18.10 17.90
Other wastes 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.90 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.90 1.90 2.00 1.90 1.90
NA - Not available, I Net discards after materials recovery and before energy recovery.
Source: Franklin Associates, Ltd" Prairie Village, KS, Characterization of Municipal Solid Waste in the United States, 1960 to 2000, 1966.
Prepared for the U,S, Environmental Protection Agency,
optional annex enters into force
separately. one year from the date on
which at least fifteen nations. representing
fifty per cent of the world' shipping
tonnage. have ratified them, Annexes III
and IV have not yet met this requirement
and are not yet scheduled to enter into
Annex V (Garbage) will enter into
force on 31 December. 1988. The United
States was the 29th country to ratify the
Annex. and by its ratification, the United
States Senate had the honour of bringing
the total world tonnage over the 50 per
cent mark. from 48 to 52 per cent. The
status of all of the MARPOL Annexes
are summarized in Table B,)
Simply stated, Annex V prohibits the
disposal of any type of plastic substance
into the ocean. Other types of garbage
may be disposed of into the sea by ships
with the following restrictions:
(I) Twenty-five nautical miles from land
for dunnage. lining. and packing
materials that will float.
(2) Twelve nautical miles from land for
food wastes and all other types of
garbage. Garbage is defined by the
~ . \:.S. Senate. tOOth Congreu. MARPOL
CONVENT/ON. ANNEX V. Senate Executive
Repon 1008, p.3!.
Article provided counesy althe luthor.
Annex as all kinds of victual.
domestic. and operational waste
generated during normal operation of
the ship and liable to be disposed of
continuously or periodically except
those substances which are defined or
listed in one of the other Annexes.
(3) Three nautical miles from land if the
garbage in (2) above has passed
through a grinder.
However, disposal of garbage is further
restricted for five "special areas"
designated as the Mediterranean Sea, the
Baltic Sea, the Black Sea. the Persian!
Oman Gulf. and the Red Sea. The United
States is attempting to have the Gulf of
Mexico designated as a MARPOL
"special area". Within the above "special
areas", disposal of plastics is prohibited.
In addition, all other garbage is prohibited
except for food wastes which may be
disposed of twelve nautical miles from
land. The desire of the U.S. Congress to
include the Gulf of Mexico as a "special
area" is so strong that it was included as
an amendment to the Senate's ratification
floating platforms from disposing any
plastics or trash into the ocean. The only
garbage disposal allowed from plalforms
is food waste. and then onlv if the food
has been passed through a 'grinder. and
only if the platform is twelve or more
nautical miles from land.
The provisions of Annex V contain
three exceptions. These are:
(I) disposal of garbage necessary for the
safet), of a ship:
(2) the escape of garbage resulting from
damage to a ship:
(3) the accidental loss of synthetic fishing
Table c' is a handy summary of garbage
disposal restrictions,
Annex V. then. is a deliberate attempt
to prohibit the disposal of plastics from
ships at sea. and to limit the disposal of
all other types of trash. These regulations
call for unprecedented actions on the part
of seafarers, ship operators. and ship-
owners to do their part in the clean-up of
the ocean environment. Unprecedented
co-operation is also necessary from those
of MARPOL Annex V. However.
MARPOL cannot consider any
amendments until the Annex goes into 4.
force in December. 1988.
International Maritime Organization. Marine
Environment Protection Commillee. Draft
GU/dtlints for (ht impltfTttntalion of A,Illt'X \'.
MEPC :!51\\lP 10. p.ll. The Annex further prohibits fixed and
who support ocean.going vessels. such as
Pon Authorities. to provide reception
facilities to receive trash. and for ship
suppliers 10 offer as many producls as
possible that do not contain plastic
substances or wrapping materials.
Effects of implementation
Enactment of Annex V regulations will
have a direct effect on the methods in
which Irash is disposed of from every ship
.nd noaling crafl in Ihe world.
Seaf.rers today are condilioned by
hundreds of vears of 10lal unconcern
loward Ihe eUecllhal the disposal of Irash
has upon the ocean. A seaman gives no
IhouShl as 10 where ship-board Irash wiH
go - over the side. For as long as man has
gone to sea in ships. this attitude has been
accepted. The law will now require a
seam3n to think first before tossing. As
wilh most olher pollulion and safelY
programmes. the burden for providing
the education and monitoring of their
crews will fall upon the ship\)wner.
Concerninsl the matter of
implementation on board ocean .. going
\essels. the Iluideline!rl refer to three
specific requiremenls: The keeping of a
garbage log in the fonn of a refuse record
book: Ihe posling of placards Ihal outline
the pro\'ision of Annex V ~ and. the
de,'elopmenl of a shipboard garbage
management programme. These
pro\'isions will be required within one
\'ear after the entrY into force on 31
December. 1989, The exacl make-up of
Ihe refuse record books. Ihe wording of
Ihe placards . Ihe localions of where Ihese
placards are 10 be posled. and Ihe
composition of a shipboard management
plan have not yet been determined.
(II at 4 Auguat 19811
..... Aftftn_I
Aniiou nd a.rtM.ld . .................. " ... _"."................... )( . "" ..... "." ...................... " ...... _ .. " ............... ". )(
Auil,il ........ " ................. " ............... "." .......... _......... )(, ............. ""."" ...... """.""".""." .. ........ ,,,,...... )(
Baloium ............... " ... "" ... " ..... _.......... ........................ X
Brazil ........................................... ".............................. )(
e",.".. ... l.m ...................... _............................ X
BulOlrla ." ............... _ .. .... _ ......... __ ................ ........ ... )(
Burm _ ... _._ ... __ ..... _ .. ___ ._ .. _ ___ . ___ ... X
Olin, ... _ .. __ ...... _ ........................... _ ...... _ ...... _.. .. .. X
ColOfnbi .... __ ._ .......... _ ... _ ................. _ ...... _...... X
Coli d' lvOil"l .................................... _ ... _ .. _ .. . .... _.. .... X
CrscnCKkw.k.i . .................................................. _. ..... X
Democratic ~ ' , Republic of KOf .. _. __ ._. __ ... X
Denm.,. ..................... _ .. _ .. _ ........ _ .. _. ___ ._.... X
Egypt ... _ _ . __ ....... _._. __ ... ____ .. _._.... X
Flnllnd .............. _._ .... _._ ...... _ ._ ... ___ ._._._._ .. _. X
"anca .. ......... _ .................. ....... _ _. __ ._ .............. _.. .. X
aabOn ....................................... __ ___ ___ ._ . X
Germ.n Damocrllie "l9Ubllc ....... _._................. X
CMnNny. Feder.1 Republic of ... _ ... __ .. _._........ X
Graee . ........................................................ __ ............ X
Hunoary ............................. __ .................. ................... X
Ie.llnd ............................... _ ................. _........... ......... X
Indi . ............................................ _ ................. _........... X
Indonesil .................................... __ ...... _ .. _................ X
I.r." .................. ........ .. ... ............................ _ ............. X
lilly ............................................................................. X
J.""n .......................................................................... X
Lebanon .................................................................. ".. X
Liberi. ......................................................................... X
M.rlhllllll.nd. ............... ................... .................... X
Nlthe,llndl .. .............................................................. X
Norw.y ...................................................................... X
Om.n ........................... _ ................... _........................ X ....................................................................... X
P.tu ............... ....................................... ............ ... .... .... X
Pol.nd ......................................................................... X
PonuOl1 .. ................... ................................................. X
""Public of Kor.. ...................................................... X
$1. Vincant Ind G,an.din., ...................................... X
50uthAI,i(l ......................................................... ...... X
S""in ........................................................................... X
S ...... dln ............................... " .. ,.,. ................................ X
Swrta.rland ................................................................ X
Tuni,i. ........................................................................ X ......................................................................... X
USS" .......................................................................... X
United Kinodom ......................................................... X
Unilld 51111' ............ ................................................. X
UtuQUIV .. . .......... ............................ .. ............ X
'1' .................. .............................................. X
TOtl1 Number ............................................................. 52
Plr..-nllOI Tonn'9. ................................................ 10.'1%
'Sourw: Lloyd'. RIoilt.r 01 ShippinO Stlli,tical Tlbl.l. 1987.
' X
Anne. V
51 .91%
MARPOL 73178 Anne. V - Summary of Garbage Disposal Restrictions
Ann .. IV
Glrblgl Type
All VnHI. Excopt OIf.ho,. PI.tform AUoclltod V .... I.
*' Offshor. Platforml It
Outsid.lpeelala,.al t In Auoclated Vnl.11
Piastici - includes Iynthetic Dilpoill prohibited DispolI' prohibited Disposal prohibited
ropes and fishing netl and
plastic bags
Floating dunnage. lining and Dispoul prohibited lesl than Disposal prohibited Disposal prohibited
packing materials 25 miles from nearest land
Paper, rags, glass, metal. Dispose I prohibited less than Disposal prohibited Disposal prohibited
bottles, crockery and similar 12 miles from nearest land
-Paper. rags. gl .... etc. DispolSl prohibited Itslth.n Disposal prohibited Dispos.1 prohibited
comminuted or ground 3 miles from land
Food wlSte not comminuted Disposal prohibited Itss than Disposal prohibited 1111 than Disposal prohibited
orground 12 miles from neareet land 12 miles from ne.restt.nd
-Food waIte comminuted or Disposal prohibited lesl than Disposal prohibited lell then Disposal prohibited less than
ground 3 miies from nearest land 12 miles from land 12 miles from nearest tand
Mixed refuse type. ! ! !
- Comminuted or ground garblge must be able to pass through. screen with a mesh size no larger than 25mm.
t Special areas Ire the Mediterrane.n. Blltic, Red and Black Seas. and Persian Gulf areae.
*' Offshore platform I and Illociated vesse'l includes all fixed or floating platforms engaged in explorat ion or exploitat ion and
allociated offshore procesling of sfabed mineral resources, and all vessele alongside or within 500m or such platforms.
I When garbage is mixed with other hlrmfulsubstances hiving different dispolil or discharge requirements the more stringent
dilpos.' requiremrntslhall apply.
Article provided courtCl)' or the lulhor.
'.I! tv ",>}'
, and
However, these requirements are
with those of Annex I and
Aon"x II of MARPOL which also require
i).lI record books, placards and
programmes for controlling
f")lIu,ion by oil and chemicals. The
implementation costs for these refuse
fti;ord books, placards, and programmes
will be 'he responsibility of the shipping
H'111pany. Unlike Annex I and II,
however, the provision sof Annex V must
\)(!: fomiliar to all hands and to recreational
as well, since each and every mariner
i potential disposer of plastic trash
. over the side.
Goncerning the matter of engineering,
fil,;: marine industry must develop and
'flIprove technology for shipboard
I,AArbllge compactors and incinerators, and
!Ii her equipment that may be able to store
t}!" process trash onboard. The waste
"uHHlgement industry must respond to
the need for reception facilities in ports
accept and dispose of shipboard trash.
Y he response of a shipping company to
. 1>. matter of engineering and technology
h optional. The addition of any
ttluipment to handle trash is entirely
i)'plio"al, so long as the requirements of
Anex V are met.
What then, can be done with the plastic
that accumulates on board? It is
Impossible to prohibit plastic from coming
,I)(lard each ship. Spare parts and food
JJfovisions are packaged in plastic,
t'l)nsumables, especially cleaning :iquids,'
Me stored in plastics. Hence, tl!e plastic
ti'nsh that will accumulate must be
'"$regated and disposed of separately
i}hore, or onboard by burning in an
incinerator, It may be as simple as hauling
the plastic trash ashore to a dumpster
overy time a ship comes into port.
What then, can ship do with all of its
tnlsh whilst the vessel is in one of the
Irecial areas" If all trash disposal is
prohibited except food trash, then we
hllve a further accumulation of garbage
Ihat must be removed when a vessel
.nters port. The problem of trash
itccumulation is compounded for ships
,hat trade within a special area. For these
!hips, a month's worth of trash may
.ccumulate before being accepted in port.
Onboard compactors or incinerators may
be the answer for vessels in this situation.
Another problem exists for U.S. Flag
!hips that trade foreign and purchase food
overseas, Trash generated from
'his source, including food wrappers and
packaging materials, comes under the
",ict regulations of the Department of
Agriculture (7 CFR 330.1(0). Although
(oreign source food trash may be disposed
of at sea, what about the plastic wrapping
lJlld packaging materials? These items
must be accumulated onboard and hauled
off in port by a certified waste collection
firm under the direction of the Animal
and Plant Health Inspection Service of
'he Department of Agriculture.
Realizing that come 1989 it will be
Article provided courtesy of the author.
illegal for ships registered in signatory
nations, and all other ships within the
waters of those nations. to discard plastics
into the ocean, responsible shipowners
will implement a trash management
programme for each of its vessels. The
crucial question is what does a ship do
with its plastic trash. The alternatives
stated above include burning the plastics
in an on board incinerator. or
accumulating the either loosely
or via onboard mechanical compactors,
for disposal ashore.
What are the risks involved for non-
compliance of these regulations? It is the
responsibility of each signatory nation to
decide how it wishes to enforce Annex V,
and what penalties will be imposed for
violations. The implementing legislation
(see reference three) in the United States
mandates that Annex V will be enforced
by the U.S. Coast Guard, and will apply
to U.S. ships anywhere in the world, and
to foreign flag shipping while operating
in the navigable waters of the U.S. or
within the 200 mile Exclusive Economic
Zone (EEZ). The U.S. Coast Guard is
authorized to inspect U.S. and foreign
flag shipping, when operating as above,
for compliance with Annex V. The U.S.
Coast Guard is empowered to assess civil
penalties of up to S25,OOO for each
violation, or for each day of a continuing
violation. Wilful violators may be subject
to a S50,OOO criminal fine, and/or a term
of imprisonment of up to five years.
It is obvious then, that the
implementation of Annex V will have
numerous consequences that go beyond
the simple phrasing of the Annex itself.
The entire maritime industry must be
made aware of these new regulations.
This includes the source for the majority
of the consumable plastics being placed
onboard the ship, that is, the ship
supplier. Can the ship supplier offer a full
range of products that do not include
plastics in any form? Can the ship supplier
put pressure on their own suppliers to
substitute for plastics? Can the ship
supplier offer any alternatives to plastics
such as biodegradable plastics. or
returnables? What about recycling of
glass, paper, and metal products? I doubt
that many of the ship suppliers have an
immediate solution to any of these
questions or suggestions. As I challenge
you. however. to pursue some of these
ideas, the ship supplier is urged to be
responsive to the increased demand that
the ship-owner will place upon you for
paper packaging, paper trash bags and
disposable paper cups and dinnerware.
Although these paper items will not
completely eliminate the use of plastics
onboard ships, they will at least decrease
our dependency. while at the same time
increase the mariners' awareness that
plastics are not to be disposed of at sea.
Keystone Shipping Co. urges a joint
effort on the part of shipowners, federal
authorities, port authorities, ship
suppliers, manufacturers. processors, and
maritime organizations (such as ISSA) to
deal with the immediate need of
eliminating plastics disposal at sea. and
we urge your cOaoperation as we attempt
to minimize the use of disposable plastic
products onboard ocean-going vessels.
We at Keystone have been working
actively for many years with others in the
international tanker community,
generally known as TOVALOP, in
successfully reaching satisfactory and
practical solutions to the oil pollution
problem, Now we are ready to join in a
similar co-operative effort to achieve full
compliance with Annex V. We hope that
your organization will support us in this
I. U.S. Senate. 1000h Congress. jor Int
Prtvtntiol1 of Pollution b.\' Garbage front Ships
(Al'ltttx V of MAR POL 73178/. Treaty
Document 1003,
2. U.S. Senall!. lOOth .'I1ARPOL
Co"vtfllion Annex V, Senate ExecutIve Repon
3. United Siaies Code. Prt\'ullion of POlIlIIIOtt
from Ships, Title 33. Secnon 19()1 et seq.
4. U.S. House of Representatives. lClOth
Amendments to Prl!\'nu PollUl/on from Ships.
House Bill H.R. 940,
S. U.S. House of ReprcM!ntalivcs. lOOlh Congress.
Plasrics Pollullon Rtuar,n and C omrol A C/.
House Repon 100-360. Pari 1. 10
H.R. 940.
6. V.S. Senate, tOOth Congns5. Impltmtl1l
Provisions of Anntx V, MARPOL. Stnalt' BII'
S. 1$62,
7. U.S. Senale. lOOth Congress. EPA PlaSl/O
Stud\', Senale Bill S. 559.
8. U.S: Senale. tOOth Congress, Implt'mt'1II
Provisions of Anntx V.\1ARPOL. Senale Bill
9. U.S. Senate, 1000h Congress. Plasflcs Pollllllon
Control Act of /987. Senate Bill S.
10. V.S. Senate, 1000h Congress. HtarlllgJ on Bills
to Stud.\ and Control Disposal of PfastlC Wastt'
and to Impftmtnt Annt.\' \' 10 .\fARPOL.
Committee on the Environment and Public
Works. September 7.1987,
11. US, Coasl Guard. Tht Gulf of ,Ht'xico as a
Spuial Arta Undn .\1ARPOL Afll/tx 1!. Lefler
of Transmittal and Repon from Chief Office of
Marine Safety. Security. and Inspection.
October:!, 1987.
1.2, V.S. Code of Federal ReBulalions, Animal and
Plam Ht'allh lnsptctiofl Stn'ict of tilt' Dt'parrmtm
of AgriC'll/nlft, Title 7, Section 330.100 and
13. Congressional Ouanerly. Houst Pantls Appro\'t'
8ills /0 Ball Sta Disposal of Pfastics, 1987.
Congressional Ouanerly. HOlfst Votts /0 Ban
Dumping of Plastics at Sta. 1987. p.2S-'2.
15, Congre"ional Index Bureau. Stnatt Ratifits
Pfastic PoI/lilian Annn 10 MARPOL,
November 6, 1987,
16. U.S. Congress, Tht Congrtssional Rtcord.
October 13. 1987. p.H.8572.
17. U.S. Congress. Tht Congressional Record,
November 5,1987, p.S.15846.
18. fMO. MEPe. 24110, of Anntxts
V and IV of MARPOL 73/78. Repon by ME PC
Working Group, November 20, 1986.
19. fMO. MEPC. Propostd Considtrarions
and Actions Relating 10 'rnpltmtfl/ation
of Annex V, Repon submined by the United
States. December 5. 1986.
20. fMO, MEPC, 24IWP.5. Rtport of Working
Group on Op'ional Annexes, February 1R, 19R7.
21. fMO, MEPe. 2-'IWP.)O. Droll Rtport of Iht'
Malint En\'ironmmt PrOltefion Commlllrt on lIS
T""tnl.v Founh Session, February 19. 19R7
Lykes Bros. Steamship Co., Inc. (Lykes) operates a fleet of 30 U.S. flag dry bulk and container
vessels. The fleet operates worldwide.
Characteristics of Lykes' approach to MARPOL Annex V compliance include:
On board separation of four categories of waste: Plastics, Chilled Galley Plastic,
Garbage, and Trash.
On board storage of Plastics and Chilled Galley Plastic, and shoreside disposal.
At sea disposal of food waste at least 25 miles offshore and at sea disposal of non-
plastic waste and non-food waste, except in Special Areas, at least 25 miles offshore.
Special Areas for the Lykes fleet are the Mediterranean, Great Lakes, Baltic, Red
and Black Seas, and the Persian Gulf area.
Solid Waste Handling and Disposal Under MARPOL Annex V
Solid waste handling and disposal procedures for the Lykes fleet are as follows:
I Ship Generated aarbage I
I Co_lion I
! Separation I
I pt .. tIc, and Chltfed a,Hey Pt.,lIce I
aarbage and Tr h
Trip Long
r 1
I Port R.ceptlon l I Port Recaption I I Port Rlcaptlon I I
Ocean OJapo '
SterlltZition or
Landfill ReeyeHng Program
Incineration at 25 mil or
Beyond, ElCupt In
Splela' Ar ...
InclUding the
Gr t Lak
Solid waste is separated at the source by vessel personnel and passengers into
individual containers. Solid waste is separated into four categories: PlastiCS,
Chilled Galley Plastic, Garbage, and Trash.
Plastics and Chilled Galley Plastics are removed from vessels at each port where
regulations permit such removal and the price is not prohibitive. In U.S. ports,
Garbage, plastics which have been in contact with fish or animal food products, and
Chilled Galley Plastics are disposed of through APHIS approved contractors.
Food waste is disposed of at least 25 miles offshore. Non-plastic, non-food waste
is dumped at least 25 miles offshore, except in Special Areas where at sea disposal
is prohibited.
Waste separation on the Lykes fleet started in March 1987. The current procedures are set forth
in a written directive on MARPOL Annex V regulations sent to all masters, Chief engineers, chief
mates, and chief stewards in December 1988. The Lykes directives are more stringent than the
MARPOL Annex V requirements.
Solid waste on the Lykes fleet is divided into four general types: Plastics, Chilled Galley Plastics,
Garbage, and Trash. The written directive on MARPOL Annex V regulations includes a technical
definition of plastic and examples of plastic items. It directs perSonnel, for purposes of the
MARPOL Annex V regulations, to consider an item to be made of plastic unless there is no
question that the item is not made of plastic. The other categories of waste are defined as follows:
Chilled Galley Plastics: Plastics which have been in contact with any fish or animal
food product; meat, meat products, or poultry, after they have been washed and
then properly placed in a container in one of the reefer boxes and chilled to below
40" F.
Garbage: All waste material derived in whole or in part from fruits, vegetables,
meats, fish, poultry, or other food stuff. Separated garbage is kept in leak proof
drums in the garbage room or on the stem until it can be dumped at sea. Under
Lykes policy, food waste can only be disposed 25 miles or more from shore.
Trash: All waste which, does not contain any plastics and does not contain any
garbage, such as dunnage, wood, paper, lining, paper packing, natural fiber lines,
rags, bottles, cans, glass, metal, crockery, and cardboard.
Individual containers for separated Garbage, Plastics, and Trash are provided in the galley areas and
on the stem of each vessel. Individual containers for Plastics and Trash are provided in the crew's
quarters, public area, store room, on the bridge, and in the engine spaces. Special 32-44 gallon
plastic containers are provided for Chilled Galley Plastics. Waste separation occurs at the source.
Responsibility for waste separation is assigned by work area, and for private quarters and the public
spaces. Each individual, including passengers, has a role in separating waste properly. Food waste
(garbage) is prohibited in the containers for Trash and Plastics in the crew and passengers quarters.
Personnel who fail to comply with the company's directive on MARPOL Annex V regulations are
SUbject to disciplinary action.
There are no trash compactors or incinerators on the Lykes fleet. Milk, meat, and dry stores
cartons are flattened by cutting all four comers before being placed in the appropriate waste
Lykes policy prohibits disposal of plastics in any ocean, sea, bay, river, or waterway anywhere on
earth. Further, garbage which contains no Trash or Plastics can only be disposed of at sea 25
miles or more from shore. Trash can only be disposed of at sea outside Special Areas and only
25 miles or more from shore. Special Areas for the Lykes fleet includes those designated by
MARPOL Annex V, but also includes the Great Lakes. The fleet has been put on notice that the
Gulf of Mexico may become a Special Area in late 1989 or early 1990.
~ e
~ d
~ S ,
Maersk Line Ltd. (Maersk), headquartered in Denmark, has a fleet of about 150 container vessels.
The fleet is primarily of Danish registry with trading routes to the U.S., the Far East, and the
Middle East.
Characteristics of the Maersk approach to MARPOL Annex V compliance include:
On board separation of plastics from non-plastic garbage, on board storage, and
shoreside disposal.
Arrangements with certified waste haulers at U.S. ports at least 24 hours in
advance of the need for APHIS garbage disposal.
At sea disposal of other garbage according to MARPOL Annex V.
Garbage Handling and Disposal Under MARPOL Annex V
Garbage handling and disposal procedures for the Maersk fleet include:
Ph ofW .. t.
Manag'fMnt Ship a,n,r.t.d Garbag. I
Dlapa ': .
I ColI.ctlon I
I Separation I
PI .. ttc.
All Oth.r Garbag. I
Trip Long
On Board
r Port A.captlon ll- Port R.c.ptlon l r Port R.captlon I I
Ocaan Disposal
StarlUzalion or
LandtUI R.cycllng Program
aa Permltt.d
by MARPOL Annex V
Plastics are: 1) separated from all other garbage by vessel personnel, 2) stored on
board, and 3) disposed of in port.
All other garbage is disposed of according to MARPOL Annex V at sea disposal
No trash compactors or incinerators are used.
Written directives were provided to each vessel for reference.
- - , . ! ! ! ! W " ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------
Texaco Marine Services (TMS) developed the MARPOL Annex V implementation strategy for 51
vessels. This includes 31 of its own tankers, 9 barges, 8 tug boats, and 2 integrated tug barges
(ITB). It also manages three tankers, one of which in May 1989 was not in operation. The tanker
fleet includes U.S. and foreign flag vessels. Some of the foreign flag vessels are registered in
countries which are not signatory to MARPOL Annex V. The U.S. flag fleet trades within U.S.
waters. The international fleet trades worldwide including areas designated as Special Areas under
MARPOL Annex V. The number of personnel on the tankers operated and managed by TMS
ranges from about 25 to 30.
Characteristics of the TMS approach to MARPOL Annex V compliance include:
Purchase and installation of compactors for all tankers and the two ITBs.
Use of existing incinerators or purchase and installation of incinerators on selected
Development and implementation of a shipboard waste management plan.
Product substitution for plastic.
On board sorting of plastic garbage from other garbage, retention of plastic garbage
on board for shoreside disposal or on board incineration of plastic garbage, and
disposal of other garbage according to MARPOL Annex V.
PreMARPOL Annex V Garbage Disposal Practices
Before December 31, 1988, TMS owned and managed vessels generally disposed of all garbage at
sea. Shoreside disposal of garbage was used when it was readily accessible and there was
accumulated garbage. This might have been the case if a Ship had been in port for several days.
Shoreside disposal was, however, the exception rather than the rule.
Preparations for MARPOL Annex V Implementation
Anticipating the implementation of MARPOL Annex V in the near term, in 1987 the company set
aside money for the purchase of garbage handling equipment. The specific method of compliance
with MARPOL Annex V and the type of equipment to be purchased were, however, not identified
at the time. In October 1987, MARPOL Annex V compliance was elevated to project status within
the Technical Group, organizationally the group responsible for tracking MARPOL Annex V
regulations and developing and implementing compliance strategies.
In 1988, TMS monitored the Coast Guard regulatory activities on MARPOL Annex V and
increased in-house activities related to MARPOL Annex V implementation. A technical and cost
analysis of incinerators was undertaken. The study identified certain ships, which for cost reasons,
would require incinerators. The long term potential cost for shoreside garbage disposal for these
ships was found to justify the investment in incinerators. The study led to a competitive bid process
for the purchase of incinerators. A similar study was conducted on compactors.
A company representative attended a workshop on The Shipboard Engineering and Environmental
Aspects of Implementing MARPOL 73nS Annex V (Garbage). The workshop was sponsored by
Panel M-17 (Disposal of Shipboard Wastes) of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine
Engineers. Following the workshop. the decision was made to retrofit the fleet with compactors
and to use incinerators on the larger ships which trade worldwide. Ship personnel on vessels
scheduled to be retrofitted with incinerators were asked to conduct a survey of their vessel to
determine the location for the equipment.
Garbage Handling and Disposal Practices Under MARPOL Annex V
Overall Approach
Garbage handling and disposal procedures for the TMS fleet fall into one of three categories
depending on the vessel type and trading routes. These are:
1. Vessels with Compactors Only
v ...... Operltlng In u.s.
Ind ,or .. ., Wit".
ShIp o.n.r,ted aarblge I
I C_ctlon I
I ."" ..... Ion 1
APHIS 1,----,-1----1-' _APHI"I
R ..... ocI ,..--- R .......
alrbl,. o.rblOI
I c ...... c ... I l Como.c'" I
! !
TrlpL ....
Port Roc.,.lon I I
....... z.tlon or
TrlpL ....
On ao.rd
Port Reception I I Port Receptton I
Landi.. Reeye"", PTogr,,,, I
Ocean ot.po ...
by MARPOL A ....... x V
Plastics are: 1) sorted from all other garbage by vessel personnel and 2)
compacted and stored for shoreside disposal into port garbage reception
facilities. For vessels travelling to the U.S. from foreign waters. food
contaminated plastics are separated from other plastics and garbage for
disposal at an APHIS approved facility.
All other garbage is disposed of according to the MARPOL Annex V at
sea garbage disposal limitations.
Vessels maintain refuse log books.
2. Vessels wilh Incinerators
v ,. Operating In
Ph ... of Wa.t.
Specla' Ar ...
M_V ......
I Sh!p aenltrated Garbag.--]
I CoU.eUon l
r Sep.ratlon I
I PI .. tles
All Oth., Garbage I
I Incinerator! I lnclna,ator Compactor I I No Proc ... lng l
. D"" 01
I Oca.n OlapoUI of ! r Oc n Olapo .. t or 1 Ocean Olspotal
incinerator A.h
Incinerator A.h
by MARPOL Annex V
Plastics are inCinerated. Other garbage may be inCinerated as well. The
ash is disposed of at sea.
Garbage which is not incinerated is disposed of according to the MARPOL
Annex V at sea garbage disposal limitations.
Vessels maintain refuse log books.
3. Vessels with No Compactors or Incinerators (i.e., the barge and tug boat fleet)
V .... I. In
u.s. Wat.r.
I ShIp Generateet Garba9'-1
Collection I
pt ttc,
.1 Other Oarbage --1
T"" Long
On eoard
1 1
Port Rece"tlon r Port Aac.ptlon ,I Ocean OI.po .. 1
Landfll Recycling Program
a. P,rmmad
by MARPOL Annax V
Plastics are: 1) sorted from all other garbage by vessel personnel and 2)
stored for shoreside disposal into port garbage reception facilities.
All other garbage is disposed of according to the MARPOL Annex V at
sea garbage disposal limitations.
Vessels maintain refuse log books.
The TMS approach to MARPOL Annex V compliance includes changes in supply practices,
technology used, shipboard operations, and efforts to make the crew aware of these changes. These
changes are incorporated in a waste management plan which was prepared and distributed to all
vessels. Highlights of the changes made and the waste management plan are outline below.
Changes In Supply Practices
Reducing the amount of plastics on ships is one of the techniques TMS is using to comply with
MARPOL Annex V. TMS sent all suppliers (both food and non-food suppliers) a letter requesting
them to use non-plastiC containers and packaging. Ship personnel have been instructed to request
non-plastiC products and packaging when ordering for the ship's stores. The company is moving
towards a computerized ordering system in which each vessel will order its parts and supplies
directly. Since purchase orders will no longer be centrally processed, each ship will be responsible
for requesting non-plastic items. The policy of requesting non-plastic items when ordering for the
ship's stores is included in the TMS waste management plan.
Changes In Technology
The TMS owned tanker fleet and ITBs have been retrofitted with compactors. The same model
compactor is used on all vessels except the ITBs, which have smaller compactors than those on the
tankers. The first compactor was installed in September/October 1988. The last compactor was
installed in March 1989.
In 1989, TMS will purchase 11 incinerators for its ships and perhaps I for one of its managed ships.
The same model incinerator will be purchased. On three ships, because there is space available,
the incinerator will be in a self container on the deck. The first incinerator was installed in April
on the Texaco Delaware. This ship will be used as a demonstration or test vessel for learning how
to obtain all necessary and final approvals and certifications for the incinerator.
It will take up to 2 1/2 months from the time the incinerators are ordered to the time of delivery.
For those ships scheduled for shipyard work in 1990, the incinerators will be installed at that time.
For the other ships, the incinerators will be installed as it can be scheduled using contractor or in-
house teams during nonnal operatiOns . .
Five of the TMS tankers and one of the managed tankers already have incinerators, although they
have not been used. The existing incinerators are not all well suited to handling garbage, however.
Some are located in the engine room creating the need to transport the garbage through the vessel.
Two of incinerators have very small doors which will make it difficult to use for burning solid waste.
Ship personnel have been asked to become familiar with operating their equipment and to develop
shipboard procedures for waste separation and waste handling. It is expected that the incinerators
will be used about once a week.
Changes in Shipboard Garbage Handling
Shipboard sorting of plastic from all other types of garbage is used on the TMS fleet. For those
ships which generate foreign garbage, plastics which must be processed through an APHIS approved
~ )
facility are separated from other plastics. The specific methods used to separate plastics from other
garbage, the storage places used, and procedures to move garbage to the compactors or incinerators,
for those ships with incinerators, are determined by the personnel of each vessel.
Crew Awareness of MARPOL Annex V Requirements
Packets of information on MARPOL Annex V and the company's approach to compliance were
sent to each ship in 1988. These packets included the draft regulations from the Coast Guard, a
summary of MARPOL Annex V requirements, descriptions of the compactors, and if appropriate,
the incinerators which were to be purchased. Each vessel also received a copy of the TMS waste
management plan and its update.
Posters which say 'Stow It, Don't Throw It, It's the Law' and 'Don't Teach Your Trash to Swim"
were provided to the company through the Marine Entanglement Research Program for distribution
to all TMS owned and managed vessels. These serve as a reminder of the ban on at sea disposal
of plastics.
TMS Waste Management Plan
The TMS fleet operates under a waste management plan prepared and implemented at the
beginning of 1989. (This was before Coast Guard regulations on Waste Management Plans were
published.) The plan was distributed to all vessels. The plan includes a copy of the Coast Guard
regulations, a summary of the MARPOL Annex V at sea garbage disposal limitations, and a
statements of procedures. The statement of procedures uses an outline form. Some of the
procedures reiterate the MARPOL Annex V regulations. Examples of the procedures include: 1)
all plastics are to be retained on board and 2) ships must notify ports at least 24 hours in advance
of the need for APHIS regulated garbage disposal. Other statements are company developed
procedures. These include: 1) the requirement to flush chemical containers with water before
incineration, 2) not to put plastics into the boilers, and 3) to specify non-plastic when ordering for
the ship's stores.
The waste management plan also requires a refuse log book. This procedure is in anticipation of
Coast Guard regulations requiring log books on garbage disposal on certain size vessels beginning
in 1990. Under the TMS waste management plan, when garbage is offloaded in port, the weight
and type of garbage must be noted in the log book and the log book must be signed by a ship's
officer and by a representative of the agency receiving the garbage.
The waste management plan was originally distributed to all vessels at the beginning of 1989. An
update to the plan was prepared and distributed when the interim Coast Guard regulations on
MARPOL Annex V were published in late April.
Problems Encountered
LogistiCS of getting equipment to Ships. In one case, a compactor shipped to a
vessel operating off of Mexico was returned to the U.S. initially. Only on the
second try did it clear Mexican customs and reach the ship for installation.
Lack of garbage reception facilities at some ports. Not all ports have facilities to
offload garbage. The cost of offloading garbage in some ports is more costly than
at others.
APHIS regulated garbage. Ship'S personnel with foreign garbage must undcrsHlIld
that food contaminated plastics must be separated from other plastics. The',[.
personnel have to learn, understand, and comply with the MARPOL AUIl'" v
regulations at the same time as they learn the APHIS regulations.
Premier Cruise Lines (PCL) has three vessels which sail out of Port Canaveral to. destinations in
the Bahamas. PCL offers 3 and 4 night cruises and package trips which combine a cruise with a
visit to Walt Disney World. PCL is the official cruise line of Walt Disney World. Passenger
capacity ranges from 950 on the MajestiC to 1,600 on the Atlantic. The third ship, the Oceanic,
has a capacity of 1,500 passengers. The Atlantic is registered in Liberia, a non-Signatory nation to
MARPOL Annex V. But, because of its sailing route in the Bahamas and the United States, waste
management practices on the Atlantic comply with MARPOL Annex V at all times.
Characteristics of the PCL approach to MARPOL Annex V compliance include:
On board separation of garbage into three categories -- wet trash, bottles and cans,
and plastics.
Incineration of garbage on the MajestiC.
On the Atlantic and the Oceanic, on board storage of plastic garbage, and disposal
of plastic garbage in port in Nassau, Bahamas.
At sea disposal of other garbage from the Atlantic and the Oceanic.
Preparations for MARPOL Annex V Implementation
Before MARPOL Annex V, PCL vessels disposed of all garbage at sea. In 1987, PCL began to
study eqUipment and disposal options for MARPOL Annex V compliance. Two approaches to
dealing with garbage disposal were developed based in part on the sailing routes of PCL's three
vessels. On the Atlantic and the Oceanic, the waste management approach is to use shoreside
disposal of plastics in Nassau, Bahamas and at sea disposal of other wastes. Shoreside disposal in
Nassau avoids the special handling required for APHIS regulated garbage in the United States.
Incineration is used on the Majestic. The Majestic sails to the Abacos, which is a group of islands
in the northeastern part of the Bahamas. It sails primarily in waters less than 12 miles from land.
The Majestic was re-fitted in early 1989 and an incinerator was installed at that time.
Garbage Handling and Disposal Under MARPOL Annex V
Overall Approach
Garbage handling and disposal procedures on PCL vessels include:
On all vessels, separation of garbage into wet trash, bottles and cans, and plastics.
Use of color coded garbage bags by the crew to assist in garbage separation.
Treatment of wet trash by a macerater on the Atlantic and the Oceanic, before 01
sea disposal as permitted by MARPOL Annex V.
Use of a bottle crusher to reduce bottles and cans to sizes smaller than 1 inch, onO
at sea disposal as permitted by MARPOL Annex V.
Incineration of garbage on the Majestic.
Shoreside disposal of plastic garbage from the Atlantic and the Oceanic in Nassau.
peL spent $1.6 million for new equipment to comply with MARPOL Annex V. For the Atlantic
and the Oceanic, this equipment includes a macerater that operates as a giant garbage disposal, a
bottle crusher, and an extractor to remove water and reduce the volume of all garbage. A state-
of-the-art incinerator was installed on the Majestic when the vessel was re-fitted in early 1989. In
the event of equipment failure on the Majestic, peL will contract for steam sterilization service in
Port Canaveral or use landfill services in the Abacos.
Separation of Trash
Separation of garbage is seen by the company as a key to the success of its waste management
program. Among other things, proper separation of garbage decreases incidences of equipment
failure. On all peL vessels, garbage is sorted by wet garbage, bottles and cans, and plastic garbage.
Passengers are requested to use the on board trash receptacles. Color coded garbage bags are used
by the crew for each of the three types of garbage. Wet garbage is treated by the macerater and
the extractor to remove the liquid content and reduce the volume. Bottles and cans go into the
bottle crusher where they are reduced to sizes smaller than 1 inch. They are then placed in a
hopper for storage until they can be disposed of at sea according to MARPOL Annex V. Plastic
garbage is stored on board and disposed of in port at Nassau at 20 cents per pound.
Supply Practices
peL contracts with Stellar catering services for all food handling operations. To reduce to the
amount of plastics on board, Stellar attempts to purchase items that do not include plastic. Stellar
has found its efforts to be about 50 percent successful. There is little flexibility in determining the
amount of plastic that comes with bulk orders. In most cases, the driving force behind bulk orders
is the economic savings associated with large orders. The type of packaging can not be specified
for such 6'rders. Amenities such as shampoo and shoe polish are economical to buy in large
quantities. These items only come packaged in individual plastic bottles. Stellar has been successful
in replacing plastic coasters with paper ones.
Stellar catering services is also responsible for on board storage and operation of garbage disposal
eqUipment. peL and Stellar are negotiating the legal, monetary, and supervisory responsibilities
of the two companies about waste management practices. The peL sanitation officer visits each
Ship on a rotating schedule of inspections which include all sanitary aspects of garbage disposal.
The chief engineer maintains the garbage handling eqUipment.
Shipboard waste management practices are taught through new crew orientation and through on
the job training by department heads. Specific instruction on MARPOL Annex V is not included
in these sessions. Copies of the Popeye marine debris education poster have been provided to peL
for display on each vessel.
~ ,
, ~ o
~ :
r 'S,
s ;(:
Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines (RCCL) operates four vessels out of Miami, Florida to the Caribbean
basin and one vessel that operates between New York and Bermuda. The size of the crews on
these vessels ranges from 325 to 800. Passenger capacity ranges from 800 on the Sun Viking to
2,600 on the Sovereign of the Seas.
Characteristics of the RCCL approach to MARPOL Annex V compliance include:
Separation of trash into burnable items and non-burnable items.
Designation of one crew memlxir on each vessel who is responsible for ensuring
that garbage is sorted appropriately.
Use of incinerators for burnable items, discharge at sea of non-burnable items,
and port disposal of oversized plastic or burnable items which do not fit into the
Preparations for MARPOL Annex V Implementation
RCCL vessels, which are registered in Norway, have complied with MARPOL Annex V since the
early 1980s. Before then, RCCL vessels disposed of all garbage at sea. Norway ratified MARPOL
Annex V in 1980. Domestic legislation to regulate at sea garbage disposal was implemented in
March 1981. In anticipation of Norway's ratification of MARPOL Annex V, RCCL, in the late
1970s, evaluated garbage disposal alternatives in the Caribbean basin. As a result of this evaluation,
RCCL decided to use incinerators to comply with MARPOL Annex V. Two factors contributed
to the company's decision to replace its at sea garbage disposal policy with an incineration program.
Very few ports in the Caribbean basin are able to receive substantial amounts of garbage. The cost
to offload garbage on a continuing basis would be prohibitively expensive.
Garbage Handling and Disposal Under MARPOL Annex V
Overall Approach
Garbage handling and disposal procedures for the RCCL vessels are as follows:
All garbage is sorted into burnable (including plastics) and non-burnable items.
Burnable items are burned in on board incinerators.
Non-burnable items are disposed of at sea according to MARPOL Annex V
Plastic items which are too large for the incinerator, such as 2-3 gallon pickle and
mayonnaise jars, are stored on board and disposed of in port.
.. ~ .
.... .
.: .... ...:{
I SNIt Generated Garbage.J
c __
I Sep .... tlon
I Burn,,,..,
l .J
- I Over.lud PI .. Ue I
I Itam.
I ...... ,.Iot I
Trtp Long
On Board
I Oc n OI.po ' o' I I Port RecaPtion. 1
Ocean DI.po .. 1
Inclnator Ath P.rmmad
by MAAPOL Anna" V
Each ReeL vessel is equipped with an incinerator. Two vessels (Song of Norway and Nordic
Prince) were retrofitted with incinerators. The Sun Viking, Song of America, and Sovereign of
the Seas were built with an incineration system on board. For the Sovereign of the Seas, completed
in 1988, S2.5 million was spent for an incineration system with two burners in addition to pulpers
to grind foOd and extract the water before burning. This system includes a 'waste-to-energy"
component that allows conversion of the combustion energy into steam for all the vessel's hot water
Separation of Garbage
All garbage is sorted into two categories -- burnable (including plastics) and non-burnable. In
instances where non-burnable items are incorrectly put into the incinerator, they are removed by
vessel personnel, crushed, and discarded overboard.
ReeL divides its vessels into three areas for garbage disposal purposes: galley, machine, and
accommodations. The galley areas have sorting tables that allow the crew to direct garbage into
a wet garbage chute or into a chute that deposits refuse into the incinerator room. Garbage from
the machine area or engine room is generally steel. Steel waste is placed in a holding deck until
it is taken ashore. Other machine area waste such as rags go into the incinerator. In the
accommodations area, passengers are requested to put their trash into multi-purpose garbage cans
placed around the vessel. Vessel personnel sort passenger trash into burnable and non-burnable
items. On a few of its vessels, ReeL attempts to have the passengers deposit glass and plastic
trash into containers marked for those items only. This system has not been very effective.
Generally, crew members must sort the trash deposited in these containers as well as other
passenger trash.
There is one individual designated as the "incinerator man" on each RCCL vessel. This individual
is responsible for ensuring that all garbage is sorted appropriately and that no plastic items are
discarded overboard Improper garbage disposal by any crew member is grounds for dismissal.
RCCL personnel represent over 35 countries. All crew members are required to speak and
understand English. Crew members are informed about company policy and shipboard garbage
disposal methods through ongoing on the job training. The company does not, however, educate
its crews specifically on MARPOL Annex V or domestic legislation. There are no plans for a
fonnal crew or passenger education campaign on MARPOL Annex V. Copies of the Popeye
marine debris education poster have been provided to RCCL for display on each vessel.
Problems Encountered
Rapid turnover of crew creates the need for constant education on proper shipboard
garbage disposal practices.
Equipment breakdown is the most costly problem encountered. In February 1989,
the incinerator on one of the vessels stopped working. The vessel held all plastic
and mixed plastic trash on board. A waste handler in San Juan, Puerto Rico
charged $24,000 to offload the ship's garbage.
Some items need to be stored until they can be properly discarded. These include
metal hangers which do not bum in the incinerator, and must be stored until they
are taken ashore. On each cruise, passengers use and discard thousands of these
hangars. Large pickle and mayonnaise jars which are too big to pass through the
incinerator door must be stored for disposal in port. These must sometimes be
handled as APHIS regulated garbage.
APHIS regulated garbage requires coordination by the cruise line and a handling
Garbage from vessels calling at the Port of
Baltimore is handled by contractors. The
process is essentially as follows:
The Port provides information
on certified waste haulers to
terminal operators and
shipping companies.
The shipping company
arranges with a contractor to
have garbage picked up from
their vessels.
The contractor loads plastic
bags of APHIS regulated garbage from vessels into a van and takes them to a
USDA approved incinerator. Non-APHIS garbage is taken to a local landfill.
The contractor provides a receipt to the shipping company verifying proper disposal
of garbage.
The Port of Corpus Christi haS 17 terminals
that primarily accommodate oil tankers. The
terminals are both privately and pUblicly
owned. Of the ships using the Port,
approximately 80 percent are oil tankers (this
includes sea going barges), 15 percent are bulk
(ore and grain) carriers, and 5 percent are
general cargo carriers.
The Port of Corpus Christi operates its own
APHIS waste processing facility. The Port
built a sterilizer that processes APHIS garbage
by injecting steam into a container to boil
garbage. It was not feasible to build an
incinerator. because air quality standards could
not be mel The Port worked closely with the Coast Guard and APHIS inspectors in developing
the steam cleaning facility. The Port has a Certificate of Adequacy from the Coast Guard.
The process for disposing of APHIS garbage at the Port includes:
A dumpster for APHIS regulated waste is provided by the Port's sterilizing facility;
APHIS inspectors monitor the discharge of garbage from the vessel into the
The APHIS regulated garbage is hauled to the steam cleansing facility where steam
is injected into the container to boil the garbage for the appropriate amount of
time; and
The garbage is taken to a local landfill by a private contractor after it is treated.
The process costs"approximately $400 per container of garbage. Each container holds about 3
cubic yards. The steam facility can process 6 loads a week. In order to minimize the amount of
APHIS regulated waste to be processed, the Port encourages shipping companies to have their
vessels separate regulated from non-regulated garbage. In September and October 1989, the
treatment facility processed seven containers of garbage. Non-APHIS garbage is offloaded to
dumpsters. Private waste haulers take the load to local landfills.
The Port of Duluth on Lake Superior has a
Certificate of Adequacy (COA) from the
Coast Guard. Handling of vessel garbage at
the Port generally follows the following
The Port provides a list of
certified waste haulers to the
shipping companies.
The shipping company
arranges with one of the
certified contractors to have
garbage picked up at the
The contractor offloads garbage into a truck which transports APHIS garbage to
a USDA approved incinerator. NonAPHIS garbage is transported to a local
The contractor provides a receipt to the shipping company verifying the proper
disposal of garbage.
The Port of Miami is one of the busiest U.S.
ports in terms of number of vessel calls.
Merchant ships and cruise lines use the port.
Prior to MARPOL Annex V, the Port of
Miami collected and processed non-APHIS
garbage, but did not process APHIS garbage.
Just before MARPOL Annex V entered into
force, the Port notified shipping companies
using its facilities that they would be
responsible for arranging for the disposal of
their garbage (both APHIS and non-APHIS
Three waste hauling companies provide
APHIS and non-APHIS dumpsters for the
ships calling at the Port of Miami. Only one of the companies, however, is USDA approved to
handle APHIS garbage. The two others can handle only non..APHIS garbage. Shipping companies
arrange with one of these waste haulers for the pickup of garbage from their vessels. APHIS
garbage is hauled to a nearby incinerator where it is incinerated.
The Port of Miami provides a 'depot' where the waste hauling companies' empty dumpsters
are stored. No garbage is stored on the premises, however. Periodically, the dock superintendent
at the Port checks to see that ships have been provided with the appropriate dumpsters.
The Pon of New Orleans handles ocean
shipping, river barge traffic, and a small
amount of sea going barge traffic. It is a
landlord port that leases terminals to
independent operators. The Pon has filed
for a Certificate of Adequacy from the Coast
Prior to MARPOL Annex V taking effect, the
Port assessed its role under the new
regulations and concluded that it was not in
the waste hauling business and did not want
to be in the waste hauling business. The Pon
turned to private industry to provide the
needed waste hauling services. Currently, the
waste haulers serving the Port process APHIS and non-APHIS waste as an addon to other local
waste hauling activities. The Port provides a list of certified waste haulers to the terminal operators
and Shipping companies. Shipping companies arrange with a contractor to have garbage picked up
from their vessels. The contractor offloads the garbage into a truck. APHIS regulated garbage is
transported to a USDA approved incinerator. Non-APHIS garbage is taken to a landfill.
The Port of Portland leases three of its four
terminals to private companies, and maintains
control of the fourth terminal. The Port has
a sterilizer in its boat yard which was installed
in 1979 to process garbage from foreign
vessels using the Port's marine repair yard.
After MARPOL Annex V entered into force,
the Port had the sterilizer approved by the
USDA to handle APHIS garbage. The
sterilizer can handle four SS gallon drums of
waste at a time. After the garbage is
sterilized, it is transported to a landfill for
disposal. The sterilizer is available for use by
the waste hauling companies serving the Port.
Shipping companies arrange for pickup of garbage from their vessels through private contractors.
The Port provides Shipping companies with a list of waste haulers certified by the USDA The
contractor transports the garbage to either the sterilizer at the Port's boat yard or to an incinerator
approximately 4S minutes away. There is a $200 fee to use the sterilizer. As of early November
1989, only one load of garbage had been processed at the Port's sterilizer. All other APHIS
garbage had been taken to the incinerator.
The Port of Seattle receives vessels carrying
a variety of cargo including grain, break-bulk,
steel, ore, oil, cattle, containers, and
automobiles. Cruise ships also call at the
Port. Before MARPOL Annex V entered into
force, the Port contracted with an
environmental/solid waste consulting firm to
assess its options for providing coordinated
garbage reception facilities at economical
costs. Because of the level of international
vessel calls at the Port (about 1,300 expected
in 1988), the study focused on managing
USDA regulated APHIS waste.
After reviewing the study results, the Port
chose not to provide USDA approved facilities for APHIS waste. Instead, the Port sought out
private waste treatment companies to provide the waste-hauling service for vessels. Only one
company responded. This company has set up a special truck with a steaming apparatus to treat
APHIS garbage onsite at the Port.
Arrangements with the contractor for APHIS garbage pickup are made by the shipping company.
The contractor picks up the garbage in the dumpsters at each terminal and treats the garbage using
its USDA approved steam treatment process. Steam cleaning is used primarily because the closest
incinerator is about 80 miles away.
The Port of Seattle has a recycling program for commercial fishermen and recreational boaters.
The recycling program was set up by providing easily accessible bins on the piers with each bin
marked for a specific type of trash i.e., glass, plastiCS, and paper. There is also an ongoing
education program to inform recreational boaters and commercial fishermen about the ramifications
of their marine debris and ways to minimize this pollution. Posters and pamphlets are used to
increase awareness .pf the problems caused by marine debris and remind fishermen and boaters to
bring their garbage back to shore for disposal.
Conticarriers owns 10 river barges that carry primarily dry bulk goods (Le., grain). These barges
travel from New Orleans to St. Louis and from St Louis to St. Paul. Conticarriers barges also
travel on the l11inois and Ohio rivers in the winter. The tow boat for each barge has a crew of
about 10. Conticarriers does not own any sea going barges.
MARPOL Annex V has had no effect on the way garbage is handled on Conticarriers barges
because earlier U.S. laws prohibited garbage disposal on the inland waterways. Garbage is stored
on the barge until it is refueled or comes into port. The fueling flat which fuels the tow boat
takes the garbage to shore for a fee (often $75) where it is disposed of in the local landfill.
Annex V of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships excludes
military vessels. However, the Marine Plastic Pollution Research and Control Act of 1987. P,L.
100-220, the legislation which implements MARPOL Annex V in the United States, requires U,S
military vessels to be in compliance with MARPOL Annex V within 5 years (December 31, 1993),
except in times of war or a declared national emergency. The legislation requires the U,S, Navy
to develop a plan, report to Congress in 3 years on their compliance progress, and to make every
effort to comply with MARPOL Annex V within the 5 year horizon.
FOllowing Congressional testimony on the implementing legislation, but prior to its enactment, an
Ad Hoc Advisory Committee on Plastics was formed by the Assistant Secretary of the Navy. The
purpose of this committee was to make recommendations to assist the Navy develop a strateh'Y for
solid and plastic waste management. The committee was chaired by the Deputy Director 01
Environment for the Navy. The 14 member committee was made up of representatives from 10
environmental groups and 4 Congressional staff members. t Representatives from different parts
of the Navy acted as resource personnel for the committee and attended all committee meetings,2
The Keystone Center, a non-profit organization that mediates environmental disputes, acted as the
facilitator for the committee, This committee met for the first time in September 1987,
In June 1988, the committee submitted a report entitled "Reducing Navy Marine Plastic Pollution
at Sea" to the Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Shipbuilding and Logistics. The report included
42 recommendations organized around four headings: supply, technology, operations, and education,
The recommendations considered the Navy's mission, life at sea, and the organizational changcs
required. The committee worked closely with Navy staff to develop the recommendations,
Navy Efforts to Reduce Marine Plastic Pollution
The following ar,e brief descriptions of some of the activities the Navy has undertaken to rcduce
plastics on board their ships and to reduce marine plastic pollution. Many of these activilies
implement the recommendations of the Ad Hoc Advisory Committee on Plastics.
Shipboard Plastics Waste Reduction Demonstration Project
In 1988, the Navy conducted a Plastics Waste Reduction Demonstration Project on nine ships, This
project collected data on the nature and quantity of plastic wastes on Navy ships, assessed the
feasibility of alternative shipboard waste management practices, and assessed the sailors' attitudes
Members of the committee represented the following: American Cetacean Society, Animal
Protection Institute of America, Audubon Society, Oceanic Society, Defenders of Wildlife.
Center for Marine Conservation, Greenpeace, U.S.A., National Fish and Wildlife
Foundation, Monitor Consortium, Texas Environmental Coalition, Senate Commerce,
Science, and Transportation Committee, House Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee.
Senator's Chafee's Office. and Representative Schneider's Office.
These included: the David Taylor Research Center, Chief of Naval Operations, Commander
in Chief, Atlantic Fleet, Naval Supply Systems Command, International Law Division, and
the Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Shipbuilding and Logistics,
~ i ! " ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
toward marine plastic pollution control. Procedures to eliminate at sea disposal of plastics and
procedures to implement them according to the operational requirements and mission of the ship
were developed for each demonstration ship. The Navy relied heavily on the imagination and
creativity of the crew to develop these procedures. Prototypes of a trash compactor and a waste
pulper for shipboard plastic waste were evaluated on two ships.
Navy researchers travelling on the demonstration ships collected waste generation rates and waste
characterization data. Navy ships were found to generate the following quantities of solid waste
while underway:
lb/man/day Percent
Paper 1.11 35
Food 1.28 41
Plastic 0.21 7
Other 0.55 17
Total 3.15 100
Changes in Supply
The Navy has initiated a 5-year program to reduce plastics on board ships. For example, the Navy
Requires canned drinks' be delivered in packaging that does not use six pack rillg'
As of May 1989, about 60 percent of canned drinks were being delivered witlHlIJi
the six pack rings;
Eliminated plastic ship stores (exchange) shopping bags;
Will substitute non-plastic items for common plastic items such as hot drink e"I""
garbage bags, and wooden coffee stirrers;
Uses paper garment bags in ships' laundry;
Requested manufacturers of items such as Ship ball caps to eliminate pl;l',w
Discourages use of plastic gloves in food service; and
Encourages substitution of alternative sizes and/or containers for individ,,;!lh
wrapped food items such as crackers and condiments. (A substantial numhel "I
individually wrapped food items and condiments were used in 1988. Of 22 IllIHJ
or condiment items counted in a Navy study, the number of individual items lall!!.n)
from a high of 44.8 million dairy creamer containers in 1988 to a low of 0.1 Illlllinn
containers of honey.)
Changes in Technology
The Navy has developed new technology for use in its waste management program. Ex;! "i !,,,,.,,
A waste pulper developed by the David Taylor Research Center (DTRC) Iii'
processing routine shipboard solid waste such as paper and soft galley w;lSle\
plastics will be processed with this equipment. Plans call for the waste pull"" tii
be installed on carriers, tenders, amphibiOUS ships, and auxiliaries.
A vertical trash compactor, also developed by DTRC, which produces 30 to 50
pound sinkable Slugs from compactable solid wastes such as metal, glass, loose
paper, and cardboard. Again, this equipment will not be used for plastic waste.
The compactor, which will be ready for installation in FY 91, will be installed on
all surface Ships.
An approach to processing shipboard plastic waste to reduce its volume and to
convert plastic wastes to safe forms for storage. This equipment, called a plastic
processor, is under development. The plastic processor will heat and melt plastics
into bricks for storage on board. The plans are to install plastic processors on all
surface Ships. The units are not expected to be ready for installation until FY 94.
Changes in Operation
The Navy has changed its approach to solid waste management on ships. Plastic waste is now
separated from non-plastic waste and stored on board as storage space permits. The at sea garbage
disposal requirements are summarized below:
Unpulped Trah
25 mil
Pulped FOOd
12 mila.
Plastics Disposal
Prohibited Worldwide"
No Trash
No Solid Wast.
No Gatbage
- -
12 mllaa
- -
25 mila.
25ml ...
for Special Clrcumatancea
Office of the Chief of Naval Operations. 1988. Ship's Guide to Recent Navy Initialives
for Shipboard Solid and Plastics Waste Management. November.
All surface ships are instructed to:
15 Retain all plastic waste on board for disposal ashore when at sea for 3 continuous
days or less;
When at sea for 4 or more continuous days,
L Retain all food contaminated plastic on board for the last 3 days before
returning to port;
2. Retain all nonfood contaminated plastic waste on board for a minimum
of 20 days (and longer if storage space permits);
If at sea for longer than 20 days and plastic waste must be disposed of at sea
because of a lack of storage space, dump only plastic waste generated after the 20th
day; and
Dump plastic waste, if packaged for negative buoyancy, beyond 50 miles from any
shoreline, if retention of the plastic waste would:
1. Endanger the health or safety of the crew;
2. Create unacceptable nuisance conditions; or
3. Compromise combat readiness.
At sea disposal of plastic waste must be approved by the Commanding Officer, and appropriate
Deck Log entries must be made which indicate the amount, time, and position of overboard
discharges. At the conclusion of the underway period, a report by routine message must be filed
with the Fleet Commander which includes: the date underway, date at sea disposal began, date the
ship entered port, the number of people on board during the underway period, and the reason for
dumping plastic waste.
Crew Education
The Office of the Chief of Naval Operations prepared a document called "Ship's Guide to Recent
Navy Initiatives for Shipboard Solid and Plastics Waste Management." The guide provides
background information on the nature of the marine debris problem, relevant legislation, actions
being taken by the Navy to control and minimize plastic waste, actions needed by each ship, and
actions needed by each crew member. The guide also includes examples of successful approaches
to plastic waste management programs used on Navy Ships. One section of the guide is devoted
to medical wastes and outlines new Navy directives for shipboard handling of these wastes.
Accompanying the guide are several educational materials. These include:
A videotape called "Plastics in the Ocean: More than a Litter Problem" prepared
by the Navy which explains the problems of marine debris and entanglement, the
Navy's program for shipboard solid and plastic waste management, and the actions
needed by each ship and crew member for its success. The tape includes a series
of video commercials about the waste management program to be shown between
feature length films.
Posters which describe the consequences of plastics in the marine environment.
Reading material on the problems of marine debris and entanglement.
Plan of the Day Announcements which highlight the Navy's program and the
problems caused by plastiCS in the ocean.
The U.S. Coast Guard Marine Safety Office in Honolulu, Hawaii surveys vessel operators dUllu!:
routine boardings on their knowledge of MARPOL Annex Y and their preselll method ul
compliance.} The surveying began in January 1989. Between January and the end of April J'M}.
surveys were completed on 102 commercial vessels of all sizes. Of these vessels, 45 (44 pcrccIlt)
are merchant Ships. The survey responses from the personnel of these 45 vessels are the lileus 1)1
this discussion. These vessels include: 26 freighters, 9 tankers, 6 bulk carriers, 1 car carrier, I eahle
layer, 1 cable repair, and 1 mobile oil drilling unit. These vessels fly the flag of 14 countries. As
shown below, eight of these countries are signatory to MARPOL Annex Y and six of the counuies
are not Signatory to MARPOL Annex V.
Nation of Reglatry of Surveyed V ,.
V I. Surveyed
MARPOL Annu V 2;
Slgn,tory Nation
Nation of Reglatry Number
Percent V .. No
Chll. 1
4 X
4 X
Gr ce 1
mdle 1
oJapan e 13
Llber'a e
Norway 1
Panama 13 29
Phlllppin 3 1
United St.t e 13 X
YugO.'lvll 1
A, of Febru.ry e, 1989.
Percent do not tot11100.0 due to rounding.
Awareness of MARPOL Annex V
All but six (86 percent) of the vessel masters surveyed said they were aware of MARPOL Annex
Y. The vessels of the masters who were not aware of MARPOL Annex Y were registered in the
Bahamas, Liberia, and Panama. The Bahamas and Liberia are not signa tory to MARPO L Annex
y4. Panama has signed the treaty.
The survey was developed and is administered under the direction of LCDR Kenneth
Keane, Chief of Port Operations.
As of February 8, 1989.
On Board Garbage Handling Equipment
Garbage on almost 75 percent of the vessels surveyed is separated by type. Over half of the vessels
had separated plastic garbage on board at the time of the survey. There were incinerators on 53
percent of the vessels surveyed. About 21 percent of the vessels surveyed had compactors and
about 31 percent had grinders. The type of on board garbage handling equipment on the freighters.
tankers, and bulk carriers surveyed is shown below. Three of the remaining four types of vessels
had a piece of garbage handling equipment on board, but the type of equipment varied by type
of vesseL The car carrier surveyed had an incinerator. The cable repair vessel surveyed had 3
compactor. The cable layer surveyed had a grinder. The mobile oil drilling unit had no garbage
handling equipment.
Bulk Carriers
On Board Garbage Handling Equipment
(Based on total re.pon to the questions>
40 60
Il&l incinerator 8'j Compactor 8Sl Grinder
Garbage Handling Upon Arrival
80 100
Personnel on only two of the vessels surveyed indicated that there had been difficulty in arranging
for garbage disposal upon arrival in Hawaii. Arrangements for foreign garbage disposal had been
made through the Department of Agriculture for about 14 percent of the vessels surveyed.