Year Report of The English Society 1999
Year Report of The English Society 1999
Year Report of The English Society 1999
Fiona Wade Marcelle Olivier Robert Schumann Pieter Kriel Lara Dafert Frances Lubbe Roy Havemann Johan Hugo Jackie Rapson Raphaella Scholz Johan van der Merwe Melanie Daly
Chair and Table Vice-thing and Tree-lover Secretary and Quantum Advisor Treasurer and Token Rock Token Blonde Provisional Support Sad BComm (w)Re(c)k Resident Brain Normal Person Occasional German and Chef Subliminal Spiritual Counsellor Undercover Reporter Johan Hu gos poetr y. A boring li st of Thin gs We Ha ve Done T his Year f ollows, al ong with a slightly more inter esting de scription of each of these Thi ngs:
This is an attempt to reflect the nature of the English Society by not giving the same boring formulaic merde (i.e. pretentious crap) that e very year report in school and varsity magazine always has. Unfortun ately this is the way one is supposed to present it, I think. Peer press ure! No! This will be an informal year report, as written by someone who neve r remembered their grammar rules and has never before written a yea r report. Fortunately the English Society is a really informal society, d edicated to bringing Fun in the shape of Literature to the Masses. Thi s includes literary fun-ctions (pun alert), film screenings, discussio n groups, theatre outings, writers groups and anything else that look s as though it might fall within our scope (such as bad punning). Tra nsport and much of the real costs of the functions are subsidised fro m our membership fees (R20 a head). The actual membership of the Society is around 1300 people, as all those who take English as a s ubject are automatically members. We also count aspirant lawyers, e ngineers, computer scientists, accountants, actors, theoretical physi cists and other confused people among our numbers. This year we became an officially SR-registered society, which mean t that we now have a place on the Societies Chairs Committee, and actually had to be vaguely transparent and democratic. Thus we had to write a Constitution and hold an AGM. Our Constitution is a miracl e of Spartan brevity, and so was our AGM (which was almost as well attended as the Debating Societys, and we didnt even offer sherry), but at least were doing things properly. We are still represented on the LWSK (Arts Faculty Student Committee) as we are also a departm ental society. We thus work with the English Department as well as wi th the SR and make everybodys life just that little bit brighter. We ha ve also been granted Room 590 in the English corridor -which is at t he very far end- in an attempt to hide our light under a bushel. We began Litterati (misspelling intentional) - an official mailing list fo r the members of the Society. Run by our resident physicist and secr etary, this informs anyone who cares about the wonderful activities t hat we offer. It also drags people into the evil world of chain stories, thus expanding our literary skills via e-mail. The Writers Group continued in its usual spasmodic and low-key fa shion. It did however move into Dadas, which seemed to make it mu ch more friendly and accessible (although maybe that was just the pi zza and wine we supplied to the starving writers). Several regular me mbers did however do rather well in the SR Skrywerskompetisie, Mar celle Olivier winning the English poetry section, and Delene Gird taki ng second for English prose, while the occasional visitor Sarah Lawr ence won the prose and came second in the poetry. We also took tw o aanmoedigingspryse in the Afrikaans section, with Pieter Kriel and
heads on pointed sticks #5 100 happy people eating with their h ands and drinking copious and bad wine #6 passing glasses of gluhwein #7 yards of ale competitions (won, oddly enough, by Debating Society members) #8 a hyperactive jester #9 renamin g all the romantically dressed people with suitably mediaeval na mes #10 dancing til everyone had left. Next year we will aim for more literary content in this function.
SR-Kultuuraand 18/3
We were invited by Kabous Meiring (SR for Culture) and her mer ry cohorts to take part in a multicultural Kwaito-Mampoer Evenin g. There were Afrikaans, English and Xhosa contributions to the evening. We of course were the absolute highlight. From our sid e, we gave the masses Tom Dreyer reading his own poetry, Joh an Hugos winning English essay from last years SR-Tafelberg Skrywerskompetisie, a brief token original Afrikaans limerick fro m our token rock Pieter Kriel, English folksongs sung by Marcell e Olivier and Jacques Coetzee, and a repeat of the Poet McTieg le, by Sven Tietz and Rob Schumann. I believe the evening was a hit although it became rather blurry towards the end. The best thing about the whole event was that we didnt have to organise a thing except ourselves, which is always enough of a challeng e.
out Shakespearean insults, stuck up literary limericks and gene rally amused the public. Apparently we were a Hit.
Spectacles 1/9
This was partly a supplementary to a third year English elective course, and partly for fun. It was a one-man satirical show by Guy Willoughby at the Baxter. Fourteen people crammed togeth er all the way to this cultural hotspot hoping that our driver woul d stay on the road. If he hadnt, I might have been spared writin g this year report. Theres a lesson in that for everyone. We did however enjoy ourselves and feel culturally enriched, and even went to a cultural coffee-shop afterwards to discuss our blindin g insights into the world of satire. Oh, and for the smokers to c hain before having to cope with the drive back. BEING DEPARTMENTAL AND HELPFULLY ACADEMIC