Fouzia Project
Fouzia Project
Fouzia Project
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION BY S.FOUZIA HASAN Regd No:130798012 Under the guidance of Dr.V.Mallikarjuna, B.Tech,M.B.A.,Ph.D.,
This is to certify that the project work entitled A STUDY ON JOB SATISFACTION done for Zuari cements Limited, Yerraguntla is bonafide work done and submitted by MISS.S.FOUZIA HASAN in partial
fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION during the year 2006-2008.
B.TECH.,M.B.A,Ph.D Associate professor Project Guide, Kandula School of Management, Kadapa-516003.
M.COM.,Ph.D.,PGDBA Head of the Department, Kandula School of Management, Kadapa-516003.
I here by declare that the project report entitle A study on Job satisfaction undertaken for zuari cement limited, Yerraguntla , submitted by me in partial fulfillment for the requirement for the awarded of the degree of Master of Business Administration of S.V.University, Tirupathi and it has not been submitted previously in part or full to any university or institute .
A mammoth project of this nature calls for intellectual nourishment, professional help and encouragement from many quarters. I am very happy to present this dissertation report on A Study on Job satisfaction done for Zuari cements ltd, Yerraguntlaas a part of Master of Business Administration curriculam. Prima-facie, I would like to express my cordial gratitude to Mr.T.A.Pavan Kumar, deputy MANAGER, P&A for giving this opportunity to undertake project work in such an esteemed organization. I would profound gratitude and thanks to Mr. C.H. Ravi KUMAR, Asst ManagerP&A & Mr.R. Raja Sekhar Reddy, Personal Assistant for their valuable guidance during the period of completion of project It gives me a great pleasure to acknowledge my deep sense of gratitude to Prof. K.S.N.Reddy, Principal, Kandula School of Management, Kadapa, for his support. I sincerely thank Dr.G.L.Narayanappa,, Ph.D., PGDBA, Head of department, Kandula school of Management, Kadapa, for his guidance and valuable suggestions. I take this privilege to express my heartfelt thanks to Dr.G.Krishna Mohan, M.B.A, Ph.D., Training & placement Officer for giving me this opportunity to undergo summer project at ZUARI I also wish to acknowledge the assistance of my guide Dr.V.Mallikarjuna,, M.B.A. Ph.D., Associate professor, KSM, Kadapa, for his continuous support and encouragement played a significant role in bringing out the report. The stimulus provided and encouraging feedback helped me sustain my spirits. My special acknowledgements to all faculty members of KSM, Kadapa, for generously sharing their insight and experience with me. finally, much credit goes to my beloved parents and close friends for their contribution, who have given right inspiration, encouragement and support in my efforts in successful completion of the research work.
45-47 1-4 5-16 17-20 21-31 32-44
Zuari cement is now fully owned by the Italcementi group, the fifth largest
cement producer in the world. The company Zuari agro ltd was Incorporated on 12th may 1967. ZCL has become a separate company with 50- 50 share holding by zuari industries ltd and Italcementi group from 01.04.2000. But from the year 2006-2007 ZCL has been fully acquired by Italcementi group for Rs. 1100 crores. And today with the introduction of latest technology the company has increased its production from 1100 tpd to 5500 tpd. NEED FOR THE STUDY The importance of Job Satisfaction is obvious because if the employees are satisfied then only the organization can function smoothly, increasing its production & face competition. Therefore , the organization needs information on Job satisfaction of their employees in order to make sound decisions and to enhance their performance to high level. Hence, the present study has been undertaken in this direction. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY To study the Job satisfaction level of employees working in ZCL. To indicate the specific factors of satisfaction and dissatisfaction. To suggest the measures for improved Job satisfaction of employees.
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Research design Research Approach Population Population size Sampling procedure Sample size Data sources Primary data Secondary data : : collected by using a structured questionnaire and schedule. collected from company records and internet ( Research instrument Statistical tools : : A well structured questionnaire and : : : : : : Descriptive Survey Method All Wage board Employees 261 convenience sampling 40% of population 104
Schedule. weighted average, simple percentage, Chi-square. HYPOTHESIS: 1. H0 = Department, does influence job satisfaction of employees. H1 = Department, does not influence job satisfaction of employees. 2. H0 = Designation, does influence job satisfaction of employees. H1 = Designation, does not influence job satisfaction of employees. 3. H0 = Age, does influence job satisfaction of employees. H1 = Age, does not influence job satisfaction of employees.
FINDINGS: 90% of the ZCL. The following table summarizes the scores and standard deviations of level of satisfaction of employees towards various factors relating to job satisfaction on a five point raring scale. employees are found to be satisfied with their jobs in
Factor Career advancement Recognition Performance appraisal Freedom and autonomy Compensation and rewards Organization culture Development and change Welfare and safety Interpersonal relation
Mean 0.9 0.7 1.0 -0.1 1.0 1.4 0.9 1.3 1.0
S.D 0.7 0.6 1.0 0.9 0.7 0.6 1.2 1.0 1.0
The employees are found to be satisfied with the aspects of career advancement and growth, performance appraisal, compensation and rewards, organization culture, development and change, welfare and safety, interpersonal relations. The satisfaction level employees is found to be marginal in the case of recognition. The employees at ZCL are found to be dissatisfied at freedom and autonomy.
Results of chi-square:
Cross tabulations were generated to establish the relationship between overall satisfaction of employees towards departments, age, designation involved in it. The following table summarizes result of chi-square. Job satisfaction verses Chi-square Df Department Designation Age 16.06 5.55 52.61 16 8 4
It is statistically verified that department, designation to which an employee belongs has no significance influence on the level of job satisfaction of the employees. There is a significant relationship between age and level of satisfaction of employees at ZCL.
SUGGESTIONS: 1. The management may delegate the work assignment based on their efficiency, skills and knowledge possessed by the employees. 2. The participation of workers in management activities should be encouraged through suggestion boxes, feedback sessions. This will give motivational effect on them and a sense of belonging and they feel it as intrinsic reward and contribute towards achievement of organizational objectives. 3. The management may consider innovative ideas of these Employees to enhance their job performance. 4. Compensation package may include performance linked pay based on periodical review of performance of the employees. 5. Awards/ Rewards in the form of letter of appreciation, Trophies may be implemented based on performance in various departments and these may be given due importance in promotions.
Cement as a building material has been known in one form or other since the time of ancient Sindh civilization. The information about the preparation and use of cement before 18 th century was scanty. Egyptians are known as the first users of cement. The Greek civilization used some forms of mortar but Romans had developed it. Although various types of mineral-based hydraulic cement are of ancient origin, hydraulic cements have been used only since the middle of the 18 th century. The term Portland cement was first used and introduced in 1824 by Joseph Aspdin, a British cement maker, because of the resemblance between concrete made from his cement and Portland stone, which was much used in building in England. The first modern Portland cement, made from lime and clay or shale materials heated until they formed cinders (or clinkers) and then ground, was produced in England in 1845. At that time cements were usually made in upright kilns where the raw materials were spread between layers of coke, which was then burned. The first rotary kilns were introduced about 1880. Portland cement is now almost universally used for structural concrete. The Indian cement industry is the second largest in the world after China, in terms of quality, productivity and efficiency it compares with the best anywhere. Cement like steel is one basic material for the technical development of the country. Cement industry is one of the major and oldest established manufacturing industry in the modern sector of Indian economy. Cement Industry in India: In Indian it came to be established during the beginning of the 20th century. In fact the cement era in India commenced with the establishment of a small cement factory at Washermanpet in Madras now called Chennai in 1904 by south India industry limited a company that dates back to 1879. The potential capacity of this plant was only 10, 000 Metric tons per annum.
First and indigenous industry in which the company is well endowed with all the necessary raw materials, skilled man power, equipment and machine technology. This factory commenced its production in 1914 at the rate of 199 Metric tons per day. The company adopted Dry Process. This plant had easy access of lime stone quarries at Porbandhar. This initial attempt could cause the attempt of two more factories. One at Kathy (Madhya Pradesh) another at Lechery (Rajasthan) by Kathy Cement limited and Bundy Portland Cement Limited respectively in January 1915 and December 1916. As selling prices remained low and output could not be raised to the desired rate, there was unmet demand for the materials. On February 28th 1982, when Government of India announced partial decontrol of cement, it marked the beginning of new era of the cement industry. A new impetus to the cement industry was provided during the post independence period through setting up of targets for cement production. Largest Cement Production in India: ACC Cement is the largest cement producer in India during a year. It produced 7.3 Million tons per annum. INDUSTRY FEATURES: The cement has certain special features: It is location specific. Plant has to be necessarily located closest to the main raw materials like limestone deposits. Being location specific, there has been a concentration of cement plants in certain states like Gujarat, Karnataka, Tamilnadu, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh. With no lime stone deposits the eastern states have practically no plants. Cement is stored at plants on silos with capacities of 8 to 10 days production. When the silos are full, production has to be curtailed and limited to the quantity that could be dispatched. Transportation costs has an important bearing on the final price of cement, road transportation is turning more and more uneconomic with increasing loads.
Cement industry caters to local markets needs. Only a small portion of production is exported. Demand for cement varies with the tempo of construction of housing, real estate and infrastructure projects in the country. PRODUCTION PROCESS: Cement is produced in four basic stages that is quarrying and crushing; grinding and blending raw materials; clinker production and finish grinding. In the dry process, the ground and blended raw materials are fed to the combustion zone of the kiln. The retention time and the heating temperature are one hour and 1300 1400 degree centigrade respectively. Coal is crushed and pulverized for efficient use. The product from the kiln consists of dark hard nodules called clinker. The nodules cooled in the clinker cooler prior to storage, there after ground in the cement mill with a small amount of additives, which retard the cement setting time. Finally the cement is packed in the bags for transportation. RAW MATERIALS: The basic raw material for manufacturing cement is limestone. This is available in plenty in the form of limestone deposits in nature. Limestone is excavated from mines by mechanical equipment with the help of stocker and reclaimed. The correct blending of limestone is ensured. The same is passed through crushers to bring it to the required size. The raw materials consist of limestone, iron ore and Bauxite or Latarite, in the correct proportions are fed into a grinding mill where they are reduced to a very fine of compressed air. The power from the storage ribsis fed into rotary kiln, the material is subjected to a temperature of about 1500c. Chemical reaction takes place between various materials resulting in the formation of cement compounds like calcium silicate (about 24%), dicalcium silicate (about 20%), tri calcium aluminates (about 7 to 10%), and tetra calcium aluminum ferrite (about 10 to 12%).
EXPORTS: Apart from meeting the entire domestic demand, the industry is also exporting cement and clinker. The export of cement during 2001 02 and 2003-04 was 5.14 million tones and 6.92 million tones. Major exporters were Gujarat Ambuja cements Ltd and Ultra Tech Ltd. TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGE: Cement industry has made tremendous strides in technological up gradation and assimilation of latest technology. At present 93% of the total production capacity in the industry is based on the modern technology. India is also producing different varieties of cement like ordinary Portland Cement (OPC), Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC), Portland Blast Furnace Slag Cement (PBFS), oil well cement, Rapid Hardening Portland Cement, Sulphate resisting Portland Cement, white cement etc., Production of these varieties of cement conform to the BIS specifications. It is worth mentioning that some cement plants have set up dedicated jetties for promoting bulk transportation and export.
Zuari cement is now fully owned by the Italcementi group, the fifth largest cement producer in the world. The company Zuari Agro chemicals Limited was in corporated on 12th may 1967. Zuari Cement is a division of Zuari industries Limited, a company promoted by the house of k.k.Birla and U.S corporation. Zuari cement formerly known as TEXMACO cement, take over by Zuari Agro Chemicals in the year 1995. Zuari and Italcementi Groups has agreed to form a joint venture with 50-50 equity sharing. The Zuari cement business will get transferred to the joint venture company viz., Zuari Industries Limited. But from the year 2006-2007 Zuari cements Limited has been fully acquired by Italcementi Group for 1100 crores. In 1995 commenced its production capacity of 1500 tpd. And today with the introduction of latest technology the company has increased its production from 1100 tpd to 5500 tpd. LOCATION OF THE PLANT Zuari cement Limited is located at Krishna Nagar in Yerraguntla, Kadapa district. Location of the plant at this place is having following advantages: Location in industrial belt of rayalaseema with facilities like water, electricity, labour, transport etc., Presence of the best limestone proved scientifically for cement. Low free lime to ensure reduced surface cracks. Low heat of hydration for better soundness. Low magnesia content to ensure reduced tensile cracks. Specially designed setting time to suit Indian working conditions.
OBJECTIVES OF COMPANY: Provide employment for local employees. Supply best cement at economical prices. Get optimum utilization of the raw materials available of their own mines. Manufacturing quality cement and to stand as a market leader in South India.
HRM POLICIES AND PROCEDURES: Recruitment and Selection: Recruitment and selection are done according to the need of the organization. Candidates are selected through campus selections. Two or three consultants are there for recruitment. Selection is done through thorough interviews. Training and Development: On the job training is given for apprentices. Jeevana Yatra training program is specially intended for workers development. Nearly 25 workers and 1 or 2 supervisory level employees will participate in this program. Promotions: Promotions are given to recognize the individuals performance and reward him for his work so that he may have an incentive to forge ahead. In Zuari, promotions are given on the basis of performance appraisal, rarely on seniority. Wage Fixation: The management is following the rules and regulations of the government for wage fixation. The salary of different employees ranges form Rs.5500 to Rs.30,000. For wage board employees it is fixed to Wage Board Act. Rate of wages are as follows, Unskilled Semi Skilled Skilled Rs.091.76 Per day. Rs.116.10 Per day. Rs.140.53 Per day.
The wages of the workers has to be paid before 7 th of the every month. The wages will be disbursed in the Factory premises from 09-00 AM to 05-00 PM. Date of payment of unpaid wages on or before 15th every month.
Retirement Benefits: The company is providing retirement benefits for both executives and non executives as per the Government rules and regulations. This provident fund payable is 12% of basic and gratuity is 4.75%. Industrial Relations: Industrial relations are very cordial. It is the duty of the Human Resource Manager to keep the organization in right manner by maintaining fair relations with the workers. Three unions exist in Zuari Cement Limited. Among them one is recognized. Gratuity: The management is providing as per payment of Gratuity Act 1972. The maximum amount of gratuity to an employee is Rs.3 lakhs. Every employee will get gratuity of 15% of salary in a year. The maximum amount gratuity is 15 days salary in a year. The management is maintaining unique uniform for all the employees of different cadres and is supplying two pairs of clothes, shoes with stitching charges. Free Electricity: The following slabs are available for the various levels of the employees in the Zuari Cement Limited. 200 units of electricity for M9, M8 and M7 Grades. 300 units of electricity for M6 and M5 Grades. 400 units of electricity for M4, M3 and M2 Grades. Free of electricity for M1 Grade, Vice President.
Statutory: The statuary measures are as follows: Uniform, shoes for the workers. Drinking water is provided inside the premises. Sanitary facilities are provided inside separately for woman and men employees. 16
There is hospital in the quarters in which two MBBS doctors and one medical officer are there. A fair canteen with subsidized rates is provided. There is an ambulance for emergency for emergency purpose.
Non Statutory: The non statutory measures are as follows: Quarters are provided for both executives and non executives. Recreational facilities are provided to the employees only. Cultural programs are conducted on some occasions. There is school for children in the quarters. Provident fund (PF), Gratuity Fund (GF), Bonus facilities to the employees. Vehicle allowance is provided. Housing loan, Vehicle loan and furniture loan is provided.
Motivation: Motivation in Zuari Cements limited, is done by encouraging the employees by awarding them rewarding them and identifying their talents and promoting them to the higher positions. The career development is possible through proper motivational factors. Performance Appraisal at Zuari Cements Limited: Performance appraisal in the Zuari cements limited is done through the following important factors: Quality of work Quantity of work Knowledge House keeping Absenteeism Show cause notices if any.
Performance appraisal has been done through the checklist method in Zuari Cements limited.
Product Profile: Cement is a mixture of limestone, clay, silicon and gypsum. It is a fine powder which when mixed with water sets to a hard mass as a result of hydration of the constituent compounds. It is most commonly used in construction field. Different types of cement: There are different varieties of cement based on different compositions according to specific end use namely, Ordinary Portland cement, Portland Pozzolana cement, Portland Blast Furnace Slag cement, etc., This basic type differs based on the percentage of clinker used in production. Ordinary Portland cement: OPC, popularly knows as Grey cement, has 95% clinker and 5% gypsum and other materials. It accounts for 70% of the total consumption. While cement is variation of OPC and is used for decorative purposes like rendering the walls, flooring etc. it contains a very low proportion of iron oxide. Portland Pozzolana Cement: PPC has 80% clinker, 15% Pozzolana and 5% gypsum and accounts for 18% of total cement consumption. Pozzolana has siliceous and aluminous materials that do not posses 18
cementing properties but develop these properties in the presence of water. It is cheaply manufactured because it uses fly ash/burnt clay/coal waste as the main ingredient. It has a lower heat of hydration that helps in preventing cracks where large volumes are being cost.
Product Differentiation: Cement is differentiated in to two types based on the compressive strength. They are as follows. Ordinary Portland cement (OPC) Pozzolana Portland cement (PPC) Further OPC is conglomerated into 43 Grade and 53 Grades. Zuari is offering the following: 33 Grade cement 43 Grade cement 53 Grade cement Super fine cement RAW MATERIALS: The given are the major raw materials in the industry Limestone Latarite Iron ore Bauxite Gypsum Fly ash Coal Fuel
STRENGTHS OF ZUARI CEMENT LIMITED: With a superior and wide range of cement catering to every conceivable building need, Zuari Cement is today a formidable player in the cement market, here are just a few reason why 19
Zuari Cement in the choice of millions in India. Very low free lime content and high proportion of silicates, providing silicate gels of high impermeability, makes Zuari Cement extremely resistant to acids, alkalis, chlorine and sulphur. Lowest magnesia content ensures reduced tensile cracks. Owing to greater fitness of Zuari Cement, the concrete obtained is dense and highly impermeable. Hence, it is free from segregation, honeycombing and sandrun. concrete. The water requirement for Zuari Cement is less because of very low free lime content. This leads to low heat hydration and drying shrinkage. As a result, cracks dont appear in the concrete. Slow initial and fast final setting of Zuari Cement gives better workability. More C3S gives higher early strengths enabling faster de-shuttering of formwork, thereby saving time and construction cost. Captive power plant with Diesel Gensets takes care of eighty percent of the total power requirements. State of art wagon tippler efficiently handles goods quality coal, which is further homogenized with stacker and reclaimer for generating power. The plant is also equipped with a Vertical Coal Mill. Ventomatic Electronic Packing (VEP): Zuari cement employs Ventomatic Packers to ensure that the consumer gets exactly 50 kgs Per bag. To minimize damages during transport, advanced loading techniques are used another practice of Zuari Cement, to ensure quality to the customer. WELFARE MEASURES: As means of welfare services the Zuari Cement is running on dispensary and extending it services to all the workers and their families. 1. Telecommunication facility 2. Postal 3. Clubs and Cable net 20 This prevents the passage of air and water (the two chief agents of corrosion) through the hardened
WORKING CONDITIONS: The working conditions arises of the unit, the production environment other recreational facilities provided by Zuari Cement will be make the workers to feel moves more and more comfort enhancing the production targets besides the Management of Zuari Cement will also take enormous preventive and security measures without happening unto wards things like accidents, explosives and other polluted problems. REST ROOM: There are four rooms, which are located at Main gate; Area of the rest room is kept clean with adequate ventilation with sufficient light. FIRST AID AND AMBULANCE FACILITY: All provisions according to rules are important on shop floor and all departments. First Aid boxes are fixed at short distance from work side. There is one ambulance provided in the dispensary. That too for 24 hours. MEASURES TO POLLUTION CONTROL: Generally cement plant causes major impact on the environment due to the continuous handling of raw materials, immediate and final products from gusting packing stages. At Zuari Cement unit several pollution control equipments like multi clone dust collectors and Electro Static precipitator (ESR) has been installed to minimize the impact on environment pollution caused by the cement plant. DRINKING WATER: The supply of drinking will also come under the category of basic measure since the number of workers is more than 500, the company is providing cool water is always kept clean and there are persons to recoup the supply of water regularly. EDUCATION FACILITIES:
The company provides elementary school in staff colony. The company provides any scholarship and books at subsidized rates. READING ROOM/CLUBS: The Zuari cement factor is having library and it is situated in the employees colony.
HOUSING FACILITIES: Food, clothing and shelter are the essential requirement of human beings. Housing is the primary need of human being in a civilized life. The quarters facilities are also available nearer to the factory premises. MEDICAL FACILITIES: The company has a dispensary that contains a doctor and assistant. The company provides free medical aid for small wounds and bandages. If there is any dangerous case the company bares half of the amount. THE OTHER FACILITIES PROVIDED BY THE COMPANY ARE: Recreational facilities Sports and Games Cultural activities Co operative stores Gratuity Leave travel concession ADVANCES ISSUED BY COMPANY: Housing loan Vehicle advance Washing facilities Fund of 5 lakhs rupees for the employee who died while in service. SHIFTS OF WORKING: The unit works around the clock. The working shifts of the employees are Recently according to the new agreement nearly addition of 27 employees are been allotted with housing facility.
DURATION 8 am to 5 pm 6 am to 2 pm 2 pm to 11 pm 1 pm to 7 pm
Instrumentation Department Civil Department Mechanical Department Mines Total MAJOR USERS:
08 01 16 60 -------261
Zuari cement is marketed through out south India by a wide network of stockiest. The Zuari sales officers and representatives are based in almost all cities and towns in south India. Major users of Zuari cement are as follows. Madras Refineries ltd. Airport Authority of India. Tamilnadu real estate ltd. East coast construction and industries ltd. Tamilnadu housing board. Marmagoa port trust. Asia pacific hotels ltd. Grind well Norton ltd. Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanam. Apseb srisailam power project. Gamman India ltd. Ramco industries visaka industries. Hyderabad Everest ltd. Nagarjuna construction. Jmc projects (I) ltd. CORPORATE MARKETING OFFICE: Zuari cement corporate marketing office is at Chennai (Tamil Nadu), branches are at Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh 24
Visakapatnam Bangalore Cochin Panaji Chennai Bhuwaneswar COMPETITORS: PENNA (Tadipathri) L & T (Tadipathri) Malabar (Cochin)
F.C.L (Coramandal King brand) Grades of Employees: WAGE BOARD EMPLOYEES M.T.O Fitter, welder Operators Mechanics Attenders, Store Mazdoor Clerks, H.E.O Mine mater Draftsmen GRADES A B C D 5 6 7
Need for the study: The importance of Job Satisfaction is obvious because if the employees are satisfied then only the organization can function smoothly, increasing its production & face competition. Therefore , the organization needs information on Job satisfaction of their employees in order to make sound decisions and to enhance their performance to high level. Hence, the present study has been undertaken in this direction. Objectives of the study: To study the Job satisfaction level of employees working in ZCL. To indicate the specific factors of satisfaction and dissatisfaction. To suggest the measures for improved Job satisfaction of employees.
Research Methodology: Research Methodology is a way to solve the research problems systematically. Research may be in common parlance referred to as knowledge. In research methodology we not only talk of the research methods, but also consider the logic behind the methods 26
we use in the content of our research study and explain why we are using a particular method at technique. Hence in this study various steps that are generally adopted in studying research problem along with the logic behind them. It is a broad outline of the method and procedure adopted for the purpose of the study.
Research Design: A Research Design used in the study is descriptive research. Descriptive research includes surveys and fact-finding enquiries of different kinds. The main characteristics of this method is that the researcher has no control over the variables: he/she can only report what is happening. In this descriptive design, we get information from most accessible population. Descriptive method is adopted to study the job satisfaction in ZCL. Research Instrument: A well structured questionnaire and schedule was being administered to the respondents to carry out the research. Questionnaire: A structured questionnaire is designed consists of closed ended questions with 5 point scale and the respondents were made personally to get their responses. The 5 points on the Likerts scale is named as strongly agree, agree, undecided, disagree and strongly disagree. Schedule: Schedule is also like a questionnaire which is orally filled in by the respondents. Data collection: Data is collected from primary and secondary sources. Collection of the data is primary aspect in research process. Data which is collected for the purpose of research helps in proper analysis to develop findings which is helpful to conduct research effectively. The data sources which is very important in the collection of data is both primary and secondary data. Both primary and secondary data are taken into consideration for the study of job satisfaction. 27
Primary data: This consists of original information gathered for specific purpose. The normal procedure is to interview the people individually or in groups to get the required data. Primary data is collected through administering the questionnaire by direct contact and also through direct observation to obtain insights of the information.
Secondary data: This consists of information that already exits and which has been collected by some other persons, at some other time, for some other purpose. The secondary data is collected from records, manuals and brochures maintained by the personnel department. Convenience sampling: The sampling which alongs the researcher to carry out his research based on his convenience and respondents availability of constraints. The research sampling studies every respondent response according to time, place and situation. This sampling provides ease of doing his research. Population Population size Sample size Statistical tools : : : : All wage board employees 261 40% of population 104 weighted average, simple percentage, Chi-square test.
Factor analysis:
The study has considered several factors for measuring overall job satisfaction of an employees of ZCL. Questions in the questionnaire are grouped into factors as follows. FACTORS Career advancement & growth Recognition Performance appraisal Freedom & autonomy Compensation & Rewards Organization Culture Development & change Welfare & safety Interpersonal relations QUESTIONNAIRE 8,9,17,20,21 3,13,10 5,23 4,7,11 12,14,16 15,22,25 6,18 24 2
LIMITATIONS:There are certain limitations in the study of job satisfaction in ZCL. They are : Time is important constraint as it was restricted only to a period of 8 weeks . Only a limited number of respondents are considered for study as the sample size is only 104. Another important constraint is the hesitation from the side of employees as they are unwilling to answer question in the questionnaire 29
Introduction: Job satisfaction refers to an individuals general attitude towards his or her job. A person with a high level of job satisfaction holds a positive attitude towards his job. While a person is who is dissatisfied with his assignments hold a negative attitude. Job satisfaction is linked to productivity, motivation, absenteeism, waste accidents, mental health, physical health and general life satisfaction. Locke defines job satisfaction as a pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of ones job or job experience. Job satisfaction is a result of employees perception of how well their job provides those things that are viewed as important. It is generally recognized in the organizational behavior field that job satisfaction is the most important and frequently studied attitude. There are three important dimensions to job satisfaction. Job satisfaction is an emotional response to a job situation. As such, it cannot be seen, it can only be inferred. Job satisfaction is often determined by how well outcomes meet or exceed expectations. Job satisfaction often represents related attitudes. As motivation is related to the satisfaction of the employees several motivational theories can be related to the job satisfaction. They are Maslow, Herbergs two-factor theory, Alderjers ERG theory, Vrooms expectancy theory, Portler and Ilawler model all contributed to the work motivation. DEFINITIONS: Bullock (1952) defined job satisfaction as an attitude, which results from balancing and summation of many specific likes dislikes experienced in connection with the job. 30
Smith (1955) defines job satisfaction as an employees judgment of how well his job on whole is satisfying his various needs. Locke (1969) defines job satisfaction as the pleasurable or positive emotional state revolving from the appraisal of ones job or job experiences. The above definitions seem to indicate that job satisfaction is essentially an effective attitude resulting from the intrinsic aspect of the job. Gradually, it was realized that like any other attitude, job satisfaction represents a complex assemblage of cognitions, emotions and behavioral tendencies. Some investigations have gone further attempting to state mathematically the manner in which work the various and individual variables combine in determining. MOTIVATIONAL FACTORS: Motivation of employees is the most important aspect of managing an enterprise. The success or failure of an enterprise depends mostly on how best the employees working are the involved and motivated. Among the four essential factors of production namely men, machine, material and money. The most important is men. The three other factors cannot be effectively utilized without the cooperation of the people. This motivation of the employee can be sub divided into the people. This motivation of the employee can be sub divided into two groups viz., extrinsic and intrinsic factors. EXTRINSIC FACTORS: Extrinsic factors are monetary related factors an employee will have positive feeling, i.e. it will more or less act as a reduction of dissatisfaction of the employee rather than keep him satisfied. With the presence of extrinsic factors employee will not be dissatisfied. Job Expectation: When an employee joins an organization he expects some thing from the job and has satisfaction from it. Job satisfaction of an employee can be based on the fact that to what effect his job meets or exceeds his expectation. His expectation can be any thing such as pay, working conditions, rewards, work, supervision, colleagues and benefits etc. Salary:
Wages and salaries are recognized to be a significant but cognitively complex and multi dimensional factor in job satisfaction. Money not only helps people attain their basic needs but is instrumental in providing upper level need satisfaction. Employees often see pay as a reflection of how management views their contributions to the organizations. Comparison of outputs: Persons tend to compare his out comes with the other persons out comes. The out comes consists of primarily of rewards such as pay, status, promotion and intrinsic interest in the job. Comparison is mainly with ratio of the inputs or he puts in and ratio is equal he will be satisfied otherwise the person in an effort to restore equity may after the inputs or outcomes, cognitively distort the inputs or out comes, leave the field, act on the other, or change the other. Job security: Security is a lower order need which an employee have job security has its effect on the employee morale. An insecure persons morale will be low and will have its effect on the employee satisfaction. Secure persons will work effectively and have job satisfaction. Performance appraisal: As the performance appraisal is linked to promotions, rewards, feedback it has its effect on the employee satisfaction. dissatisfied. INTRINSIC FACTORS: Intrinsic factors keep the employees motivated and make them satisfied from work. The intrinsic factors are: Recognition and praise: Human beings are self centered and long for praise. They want to be recognized and praised for their work. They expect their superiors to recognizer their efforts and be praised rewarded. This will increase their job satisfaction and make them more active. Autonomy or Freedom: Employees desire certain amount of freedom to work. The autonomy to tale decisions and influences others. If this freedom is absent and it will have its effect on the job 32 If the appraisal is not proper employee will be
satisfaction. The person who has maximum of autonomy, will have high job satisfaction, otherwise it will be low. Participative management: Participative management has a positive impact on the employee. Openness of the higher ups towards the employee ideas will keep the employee morale high and keep him satisfied from the job. Belongingness: It is the complete identification of the employee with the company. He should regard goals of the company as his own goals. If he has high belongingness it shows that an employee is satisfied with his job. Career advancement: Employees desire to be in higher position. If they perceive that they have opportunity to grow in their career they will be motivated and show this in their performance. If the employees feel that they have reached to a level of saturation in their career they will be de motivated and will be dissatisfied. Achievement: Employees have a need to achieve something worthy and have influence. If this need is not fulfilled, they will be dissatisfied. Job significance: It refers to the impact created on the others by ones contribution. A feeling of importance is perceived by the employee is the ultimate goal of doing his work in an excellent manner. NATURE OF WORK AND JOB DESIGN: Job variety: It allows the employees to perform different operations requiring different skills. This will arrest monotony in performing repetitive activity. Job monotony: It refers to the identity that an employee has as his contribution after performing a complete piece of work. Challenging:
Employee perceive challenge in their work and it to be interesting, it is dull they will be inactive and will be dissatisfied. Liaison: Employees need to socialize can be fulfilled by the liaison role he performs. It is the coordination between the departments of the company.
Contribution to groups: Employees derive satisfaction by knowing how his work affects the group and how far he can influence his group. Feedback: Feedback refers to information that tells employees how well they are performing. It satisfies the inner urge of people wanting to know how they are performing on the assigned work. Contribution to society: Employees derive satisfaction by knowing how worthful and meaningful is his work and how his work able to contribute to society. MODELS OF JOB SATISFACTION:Subtractive models: Ross and Zander (1957) and Morse (1953) have proposed subtractive model this model assumes that need satisfaction is a function the difference between the extent to which a need is met in work situation and the strength of the need. Accordingly, in determining the amount of need satisfaction they subtract an individual report concerning conditions in his work role from his report concerning the strength of a parallel motivation. Morse (1953) reported a positive association between an individuals report on changes of being promoted and satisfaction with promotional opportunities. Multiplicative models: Victor H.Vroon (1967) developed the multiplicative model of motivational and work role variables. The effect of changes in frequency of attainment of an out come in a work role on the valance of that work is predicted to depend on the valance of the out come. If the 34
person desires the out come, an increase in the extent to which it is provided by the work role, should result in an increase in the valance of the work role. If he is in different toward the work role, while if he has an aversion for the outcome this increase should decrease the valance of the work role.
THEORIES OF JOB SATISFACTION:Need satisfaction model job attitude: G.R.Slancik and Pfeiffer (1977) analyzed the nature of need satisfaction model and their usefulness for understanding the individuals reaction to their job. The model posits that person have basic, stable relatively unchanging and identifiable attitudes, including needs. The model also assumes that jobs have s stable, identifiable set of characteristics that are relevant to hose needs of individuals. Job attitudes are presumed to result from the correspondence between the needs of the individual and the characteristics of the job are compatible with the persons needs, assumption is made that the persons is satisfied and, on occasion, further argument is made that the persons will be made more motivated to perform the job. If the person satisfied with his job, it is presumably because the job has characteristics compatible with his needs. If the presumably not satisfying his needs. Its first component is an assumption of the casuality. The presumed sequence of casuality begins with the job and its characteristics. Second component is that people to their environment conceive of attitudes as reaction. Third component is that needs are conceptualized as relatively stable characteristics of persons. Before feature is the conceptualization of job characteristics, which are considered as relatives of environment, to which the individuals respond. The fifth component is the functional relation among needs, job characteristics and attitudes. The model assumed that that same psychological processes operate to determine satisfaction with the job factors ranging from pay to supervision and satisfaction with work itself. It is the discrepancy model in the sense that it shows satisfaction as the difference between perceived that he actually receives.
This also indicates that when persons perception of what his out come level is and his perception of what his out come level should be are in agreement, the person will be satisfied when a person perceives his out come level as falling below what he feels it should be he will be satisfied. Actually out come level plays a key role in a persons perception of what rewards he receives. However, his perception is also influenced by his perception of what his referent others receive the higher the out come levels of his referent others, the lower his out come level will appear. On the basis of this model, the following statements can be made: People with high received inputs will be more dissatisfied with a given facet than people with low perceived inputs. People who receive a low outcome level will be more dissatisfied than those who receive a high outcome level. The more outcomes a person receive perceive his comparision other receives, the more dissatisfied he will be with his own out comes. Level of Job satisfaction: The level of job satisfaction across group is not constant, but is related to a number of variables. The key variables revolve around age, occupational level and or4ganizational size; the important aspects of job satisfaction for many people are the amount of personnel closeness, friendship and small group teamwork. Dissatisfied employees may engage in psychology withdrawal or even pressure excellence in all areas of their jobs. Satisfied workers will tend satisfaction The sample part of satisfaction leads to performance. Accurate statement is that high performance contributes in turn contributes to high job satisfaction. Better performance in turn leads to higher economics, sociological and psychological rewards. It these rewards are seen as fair and equitable, then improved satisfaction develops because employees feel that they are receiving rewards in proportion to their performance. Stability of Job Satisfaction: Attitude is generally acquired over a long period time. Similarly, job satisfaction or dissatisfaction emerges as an employee gains more and more information about the work place. Nevertheless, job satisfaction is dynamic, for it can decline even more quickly than it 36 acts of customer service beyond the call of duties have sparking work records, and actively in
develops. Managers cannot establish the conditions leading to high satisfaction now and latter neglect it. For employees needs may fluctuate suddenly. Managers need to pay attention to employees attitudes week after week, month after month, and year after year.
DETERMINANTS OF JOB SATISFACTION: Occupational level: The higher the level of the job the greater the satisfaction of the individual, this is because higher-level jobs carry greater prestige and self control. This relationship between occupational level and job satisfaction stems from social; reference group theory in that our society values some jobs more than others. People in higher-level job find most of their needs satisfied than when they are in lower level ones. Job content: Greater the variation in job content and the less repetitiveness with which the tasks must be performed, the greater the satisfaction of the individuals involved. Considerate Leadership: People like to be treated with consideration. Hence considerate leadership results in higher job satisfaction than in considerate leadership. Pay and promotion opportunities: These two variables are positively related to job satisfaction INTERACTION IN THE WORK GROUP: Interaction is more satisfying when It results in the cognition that other persons attitudes are similar to ones own, since this permits the ready calculability of that others behavior and constitute validation of one. It results in being accepted by others. I facilitate the achievement of goals. Personal Variables: 37
AGE: Holding factors like occupational level constant indicates that this is generally a positive relationship between the age & job satisfaction up to the pre-retirement years and then there is a sharp decrease in satisfaction an individual aspires better and more prestigious jobs in later years of his life. Finding his channels for advancement blocked his satisfaction declines. EDUCATIONAL LEVEL: With occupational level held constant there is a negative relationship between the educational level & job satisfaction. The higher the education the higher reference group which the individual looks to for guidance to evaluate his job rewards. SEX: There is as yet no consistent evidence as to whether woman are more satisfied with their jobs than men, holding such factors as job and occupational level constant, one might predict this to be case, considering the generally lower occupational aspiration of women. How job satisfaction is related to performance & Absenteeism and turnover. Relationship between job satisfaction and performance( productivity): According to Lawler and Porter good performance leads to rewards which in turn lead to satisfaction as shown above: Good performance may result into 2 kinds of rewards viz., intrinsic rewards and extrinsic rewards. Intrinsic rewards are given to the individual by himself for good performance. Extrinsic rewards are organizationally controlled reward such as pay, promotion, status, security etc., extrinsic rewards are not strongly related to performance. Intrinsic rewards & extrinsic rewards are directly related to job satisfaction since the relationship is moderated by excepted equitable rewards an individuals satisfaction is a function both the number and amount of rewards he receives as well as what he consider to be fair level of reward. THIS MODEL SUGGESTS TWO SPECIFIC PREDICTIONS:
1. Because in most organizations the performance of an individual is not followed by expected equitable rewards one should not hope to find these organizations high positive relationship between jobs & performance. 2. It is that because most organizations enjoy greater freedom in rewarding their manager differently than in rewarding their un iodized rank and file workers this relationship is stronger for managers than non managers.
Satisfaction and Absenteeism: There is a negative relationship between satisfaction and absenteeism. Dissatisfied employees are more likely to miss work. The coordination between satisfaction and absenteeism is moderate. Organizations that provide sick leave benefits are encouraging all their employees including those who are highly satisfied take days off satisfaction leads to attendance where there is a maximum impact from other factors. Individual focus: Job satisfaction typically refers to the attitude of a single employee. The general term used to describe over all group satisfaction is more. Group morale is essentially important to monitor since individuals often take their social cues from their work associates and adopt their own attitudes to confirm to those of the group. Job satisfaction can be viewed as an over all attitude or it can apply to the various parts of individual job. If it is viewed only an on overall attitude, however managers may miss seeing some key hidden exception as they asses as employees over all satisfaction. PROCESS: According to Porter & Lawler model,
Effort refers to the amount of energy exerted by an employee on a given task. Perceived reward probability refers to the individual perception of the probability that differential rewards depend upon differential amount of efforts. These 2 factors are value of reward & perceptions of effort reward probability determine the amount of effort that the employee will put in.
Performance: Effort leads to performance but both of these not are equal. Performance means the ability & role perception of the individual. Thus, if an individual has little ability & inaccurate in spite of his putting great efforts. Aim of Job Satisfaction: There are 3 basic aims for the job attitude researches i.e, Economic aim, Humanistic aim and Theoretical aim. Economical aim: The economic aim of job attitude research is that a satisfied employee will be more productive than an dissatisfied employee. Humanistic aim: The humanistic aim of the job attitude research is to make the work house as pleasurable & as meaningful as possible. Theoretical aim: Theoretical aim of job attitude research is to increase our understanding of man. Knowledge of the determinants of satisfaction & dissatisfaction at work can contribute appreciably to motivate personality theory in particular & to psychological theory in general. Rewards: Rewards are of 2 types. They are 1. Intrinsic rewards 2. Extrinsic rewards Performance is seen as leading to 40
Intrinsic rewards such as sense of accomplishment & actualization. Extrinsic rewards such as working conditions & status. Perceived equitable rewards: The individual tends to perceive fairness by considering his inputs & rewards on the job in comparison with these of other people. If this comparison shows that he is getting equal to others he feels treated fairly & he is satisfied. But if he finds himself getting less than others, he feels dissatisfied. On rare occasions only does he feel over rewarded.
60 50 40 30 20 10 0 SA A UD DA SDA
Workers opinion No of Respondents
From the above table the weighted average is 0.91, i.e., most of the respondents are satisfied with the aspect of career advancement and growth. From the graph 58.6% of respondents are satisfied with career advancement and growth provided by ZCL, 21% are undecided and 17% are strongly disagree.
Table 2: Recognition
Workers opinion Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly Disagree Total No.of Respondents 8 59 35 2 0 104 Scale 2 1 0 -1 -2 Aggregate value 16 59 0 -2 0 73
60 50 40 30 20 10 0 SA A UD DA SDA
No of Respondents
workers opinion
From the above table the weighted average is 0.70, i.e., most of the respondents are satisfied with the aspect of recognition. From the graph 57% of employees felt agree with the aspect of Recognition, 33% are undecided, 8% are strongly agree.
2 104
-4 98
Graph :3
No of Respondents
From the above table the weighted average is 1.0, i.e., most of the respondents are satisfied with the aspect of Performance appraisal. From the graph 38% of employees are satisfied with performance appraisal , 36% are strongly agree, 14% are undecided.
No.of Respondents 4
Scale 2
Aggregate values 8 44
23 39 35 3 104
1 0 -1 -2
23 0 -35 -6 -10
40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0
No of Respondents
workers opinion
From the above table the weighted average is 0.1, i.e., most of the respondents are undecided with the aspect of Freedom and Autonomy. From the graph 38% of employees felt undecided with the aspect of Freedom and Autonomy,33% are disagree, 22% are agree.
Graph: 5
60 50 40 30 20 10 0 SA A UD DA SDA
No of Respondents
workers opinion
From the above table the weighted average is 1.02, i.e., most of the respondents are satisfied with the aspect of Compensation and Rewards. From the graph 57% of employees felt agree with the aspect of
Compensation and Rewards, 23% are strongly agree, 20% are undecided.
From the above table the weighted average is 1.4, i.e., most of the respondents are satisfied with the aspect of Organization Culture. From the graph 46% of employees felt strongly agree with the aspect of Organization Culture, 45% are agree, 9% are undecided.
40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0
No. Of Respondents
workers opinion
From the above table the weighted average is 0.9,i.e., most of the respondents are satisfied with the aspect of Development and Change. From the graph 38% of respondents are very much satisfied with development and Change, 36% are satisfied, 13% are dissatisfied.
60 50 40 30 20 10 0 SA A UD DA SDA
No. Of Respondents
workers opinion
From the above table the weighted average is 1.3,i.e., most of the respondents are satisfied with Welfare and Safety measures. From the graph 51% of respondents are very much satisfied with welfare and safety measures, 35% are satisfied, 9% are dissatisfied.
Graph : 9
60 50 40 30 20 10 0 SA A UD
workers opinion No. Of Rspondents
From the above table the weighted average is 1.0, i.e., most of the respondents are satisfied with Interpersonal relations. From the graph 49% of employees felt agree with the aspect of Interpersonal relations, 32% are strongly agree, 8% are undecided, 7% are disagree.
Test of Hypothesis
Sometimes researcher would normally come across situations or problems, which are complex, involving two or more variables in which case, an analysis based on only one variable will not be relevant. The bivariate analysis would be more appropriate than univariate analysis. In examining the relationship between two or more variables the first is to set up a frequency table, which in such cases is called a contingence table. Each cell of a contingency table shows a certain relationship for interaction between the two variables we 50
used the chi-square test as a test of good ness of fit, where the population and sample were classified on the basis of a single attribute . It may be noted that the chi-square test need not be confined to a multinational population but can be applied to other continuous distributions such as normal distributions. Here we will be concerned with the use of chi-square as a test of independence with the help of this technique, we can test whether or not two or more attributes are associated.
Chi-square values
Department wise job satisfaction Job satisfaction Satisfied 8 12 5 4 12 4 6 19 21 91
Department Stores Quality control P& A Purchase Operation Finance Marketing Mechanical Electrical Total
Dissatisfied 0 0 1 1 2 0 2 3 2 11
Highly satisfied 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 2
Total 8 12 6 6 15 4 8 22 23 104
Degree Of Freedom: (r-1) (c-1) (9-1) (3-1) (8) (2) = 16 Critical value at 16df = 26.29 Chi-square value is less than critical valve. Thus H0 is accepted. INFERENCE: It is statistically verified that Department , to which an employee belongs has no significant influence on the level of job satisfaction of the employees.
Dissatisfied 2 2 1 4 2 11
Highly satisfied 0 1 0 0 1 2
Total 17 12 10 30 35 104
Degree Of Freedom: (r-1) (c-1) (5-1) (3-1) (4) (2) = 8 Critical value at 8df = 15.507 52
Chi-square value is less than Critical value. Thus H0 is accepted. INFERENCE: It is statistically verified that Designation, to which an employee belongs has no significant influence on the level of job satisfaction of the employees.
Age wise satisfaction Job satisfaction satisfied Highly satisfied 10 1 54 1 27 0 91 2 Chi-square value =52.61
Dissatisfied 1 8 2 11
Total 12 63 29 104
Degree of Freedom: (r-1) (c-1) (3-1) (3-1) (2) (2)= 4 Critical value at 4df =9.488 Chi square value is greater than critical value. Thus H0 is rejected. INFERENCE: 53
There is a significant relationship between age and level of satisfaction of employees at ZCL.
90% of the employees are found to be satisfied with their jobs in ZCL. The following table summarizes the scores and standard deviations of level of satisfaction of employees towards various factors relating to job satisfaction on a five point raring scale.
Factor Career advancement Recognition Performance appraisal Freedom and autonomy Compensation and rewards Organization culture Development and change Welfare and safety Interpersonal relation
Mean 0.9 0.7 1.0 -0.1 1.0 1.4 0.9 1.3 1.0
S.D 0.7 0.6 1.0 0.9 0.7 0.6 1.2 1.0 1.0
The employees are found to be satisfied with the aspects of career advancement and growth, performance appraisal, compensation and rewards, organization culture, development and change, welfare and safety, interpersonal relations. The satisfaction level employees is found to be marginal in the case of recognition.
Results of chi-square: Cross tabulations were generated to establish the relationship between overall satisfaction of employees towards departments, age, designation involved in it. The following table summarizes result of chi-square. Job satisfaction verses Df Critical value 16 8 4 26.29 15.50 9.48
It is statistically verified that department, designation to which an employee belongs has no significance influence on the level of job satisfaction of the employees. There is a significant relationship between age and level of satisfaction of employees at ZCL.
SUGGESTIONS: 6. The management may delegate the work assignment based on their efficiency, skills and knowledge possessed by the employees. 7. The participation of workers in management activities should be encouraged through suggestion boxes, feedback sessions. This will give motivational effect on them and a sense of belonging and they feel it as intrinsic reward and contribute towards achievement of organizational objectives. 8. The management may consider innovative ideas of these employees to enhance their job performance. 9. Compensation package may include performance linked pay based on periodical review of performance of the employees. 10. Awards/ Rewards in the form of letter of appreciation, Trophies may be implemented based on performance in various departments and these may be given due importance in promotions.
Name (optional)
Total experience :
The questionnaire is designed to help you answer quickly. Please give your honest opinion. Answering should not be based on a single incident or a particular period. While answering take whole experience of your job at Zuari into consideration. Indicate your response by writing 1,2,3,4 or 5 for each of the following Questions. Write 1 if you Strongly Agree Write 2 if you Agree Write 3 if you Undecided Write 4 if you Disagree Write 5 if you Strongly Disagree
1. 2. 3.
I feel that my job is up to my expectation People trust each others in organization I experience meaningfulness at work place and cherish the activities assigned to me
( (
) )
Top management of ZCL ensures that employees have enough freedom in decision making ( )
Employees in this organization take pains to find out their strengths & weakness from their supervising officers ( )
Employees are encouraged to experiment with new methods and try out creative ideas ( )
Employees are not afraid to express or discuss with supervisors a and subordinates ( ( ) )
8. 9.
Job rotation in our organization facilitates employee development Employees are sponsored for training programs on basis of training needs
( (
) )
10. 11.
We are recognized for our performance We confront problem situations openly and ideas are solicited from each of us
( ( (
) ) )
12. 13.
Equitable rewards are given for equitable work I always feel that I am identified by work I perform
Performance based incentives here are as per with the best in industry ( )
16. 17.
Compensation matches with work I feel that working for organization will definitely lead to the kind of anticipated future I desire
Considering changes in the organization, I am enthusiastic and personally committed to the changes and willing to go along with the changes ( ( ) )
19. 20.
I feel proud to work for the organization I feel men and women are provided with equal opportunities to fulfill their career potential within organization
Career opportunities are pointed out to Juniors by Senior Officers in the organization ( )
Performance appraisal system makes people know their potential and contribution to organization objectives ( )
I am satisfied with the welfare and safety amenities provided at work place as well as in the colony ( )
The organizations environment supports you to be more innovative to fulfill the assigned tasks ( )
Name of the author
P.Subba Rao Stephen Robins Stephen Robins Fread Luthans C.R.Kothari