DDRA - DC Law 2-137 Side by Side.12!18!08
DDRA - DC Law 2-137 Side by Side.12!18!08
DDRA - DC Law 2-137 Side by Side.12!18!08
Intake process Admission or commitment through the Eligibility determined by DDA within 40 days.
Superior Court; no time limit on process.
Short-term Prior to commitment, DDA can provide Prior to eligibility determination, DDA can
services services to a person who has been found provide services if the person is homeless, at risk
incompetent in a criminal case. of abuse and neglect, or has been found
incompetent in a criminal case.
Service planning Individual habilitation plan created by an Individual support plan created by the person,
interdisciplinary team. with the DDA support coordinator and anyone
else the person wants.
Supports & Residential facility-based habilitation. Flexible, person-centered home and community-
services based services.
Family supports Respite. Comprehensive array of services, guided by a
Family Support Council.
Rights Detailed information on the rights of A focus on people’s right to choice and control in
people who live in facilities. their own lives. DDS authorized to enforce rights.
Grievances No DDA grievance system. Internal DDA grievance system.
People who are committed can ask for All people eligible for DDA services can
a Superior Court hearing. People who access the Superior Court.
are admitted have no grievance option. Access to Medicaid Fair Hearing.
Access to Medicaid Fair Hearing. Civil remedy.
Civil remedy.
Federal law & Inconsistent with federal disability rights Consistent with federal disability rights law;
funding law; fails to maximize Medicaid dollars. maximizes Medicaid dollars.
Advocacy People who are committed can get a All people eligible for DDA services can get a
supports court-appointed volunteer advocate. court-appointed paid advocate.
Quality standards None. Interagency standards led by DDA.
Mandatory criminal background checks.
Abuse and neglect registry.
Civil commitment People found incompetent in a criminal People found incompetent in a criminal case can
case can be committed to a DDA facility. be committed to the care of DDA.
Community role No defined role. Active involvement in development of new
service system and family supports.
Regulations (with community comment)
required for all of Title I.
Accountability No reporting requirements. Annual reports on implementation of law.
The Mentally Retarded Citizens Constitutional Rights and Dignity Act of 1978, effective March 3, 1979 (D.C. Law
2-137; D.C. Official Code § 7-1301.01 et seq.).