Sample File: HE Unken Yramid

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APathfinderRoleplayingGameCompatibleAdventurefor7thlevelcharactersbyCreightonBroadhurstandMarcRadle Onlyafewmilesfromasmallseasidevillage,themysteriousunderwateredificeknownastheSunkenPyramidlieshiddenbeneaththewaves.The handful of sages and scholars with any knowledge of this massive stone structure debate whether it is a completely natural rock formation, a naturalsitethathasbeenintentionallymodifiedorsomethingbuiltlongagobyhuman,orinhuman,hands. Locals and ship's crews alike report signs of increased sahuagin activity in the waters around the Sunken Pyramid. Is the recent rash of disappearances and abductions which have plagued the area connected in any way? Can these abductions be stopped before even more people aretaken?Canthosealreadyabductedbefoundandrescued?Andwhatofthestrangeandoftenconflictingrumourswhichwhisperofsomething farmoreterriblelurkingfarbeneaththeSunkenPyramid? Allinall,wegetoneawesome,firstclassunderwatermoduleyou'llneverfindanunderwatermoduleaseasytorunasthisonewhilestill remainingengaging,conciseandjustsmartevenbeginner'sDMsshouldhaveanicetimerunningthis Endzeitgeist(fivestarsandsealofapproval) IrecommendthisproductashighlyasIcanwrittenbyclearlyexperiencedGmswhohavegonetogreatlengthstomakeyourplayexperienceas enjoyableaspossible.Thishasmyhighestrecommendation. Strangepork(fivestars) thisadventurehaseverythingyouneedtorunitsuccessfully.Verywelldone. DMJeff(fivestars) AvailableinprintandPDF




APathfinderRoleplayingGameGMSRESOURCEsupplementbyCreightonBroadhurst Tired of glossing over the details of your PCs overland journey (except for the inevitable, violent random encounters)? Want to add in minorfeaturesofinteresttotheirjourneys?Wanttomaketheirjourneysseemmorereal? Then Wilderness Dressing is for you! Each instalment in the line focuses on a different type of wilderness or a feature therein and gives theharriedGMthetoolstobringsuchfeaturestolifewithinterestingandcoolnoteworthyfeatures. This instalment of Wildernesses Dressing presents loads of interesting bandits to add into your campaign. Designed to be used both duringpreparationoractualplay,WildernessDressing:BanditsisaninvaluableadditiontoanyGM'sarmoury!





Design:CreightonBroadhurst AdditionalDesign:CreightonBroadhurst Development:CreightonBroadhurst Editing:AaronT.Huss CoverDesign:CreightonBroadhurst Layout:CreightonBroadhurst Interior Artists: William McAusland and Arthur Rackham. Some artworkcopyrightWilliamMcAusland,usedwithpermission. ThankyouforpurchasingWilderness Dressing: Bandits;wehope you enjoy it and that you check out our other fine print and PDF products.


Creighton lives in Torquay, England where, apparently, the palm trees are plastic and the weather is warm. He shares a ramshackle old mansion with his two children (Genghis and Khan) and his patient wife. Famed for his unending love affair withboozeandpizzaheisanenduringGREYHAWKfan. An Ennie Award winning designer (Madness At Gardmore Abbey) Creighton has worked with Expeditious Retreat Press, Paizo and Wizards of the Coast. He believes in the Open Gaming License and is dedicated to making his gamesas fun and easy to enjoyaspossibleforallparticipants.Reducingorremovingentry barriers, simplifying pregame prep and easing the GM's workload are the key underpinning principles of the products he now releases through Raging Swan Press. You can read his


Weliketothink WildernessDressing:Banditsiscompletelyerror free, but we are realists. So in that spirit, we shall post errata three months after release on We arent going tobecorrectingtyposandspellingerrors,butwewillcorrectany gamemechanicorbalanceissuesthatcometolight.

Product Product Identity Identity: : All All trademarks, trademarks, registered registered trademarks, trademarks, proper proper names names (characters, (characters, deities, deities, artefacts, artefacts, places places and and so so on), on), dialogue, dialogue, plots, storylines, language, incidents, locations, characters, artwork and trade dress are product identity as defined in the plots,storylines,language,incidents,locations,characters,artworkandtradedressareproductidentityasdefinedinthe Open Open Game License License version version 1.0a, 1.0a, Section Section 1(e) 1(e) and and are are not not Open Open Content. Content. Game Open Content :Except material designated asProduct Identity, thecontents ofSoWhats ItCalled, Anyway? areOpen Game Open Content :Except material designated asProduct Identity, thecontents ofWilderness Dressing: Bandits areOpen Game Content Content as defined in the Open Gaming License version 1.0a Section 1(d). No portion of this work other than the material designated asdefinedintheOpenGamingLicenseversion1.0aSection1(d).NoportionofthisworkotherthanthematerialdesignatedasOpen asOpen Game Content maybereproduced inany form without writtenpermission. The moral rightofCreighton Broadhurst tobe Game Content may bereproduced inanyform without written permission. Themoral right ofCreighton Broadhurst tobeidentified identified asthe author of this work hasbeen asserted inaccordance withthe Copyright Designs and Patents Act1988. Raging as theauthor ofthis work has been asserted in accordance withtheCopyright Designs and Patents Act 1988.Raging Swan Press Swan2013. Press2012. Pathfinder Pathfinder is is a a registered registered trademark trademark of of Paizo Paizo Publishing, Publishing, LLC, LLC, and and the the Pathfinder Pathfinder Roleplaying Roleplaying Game Game and and the the Pathfinder Pathfinder Roleplaying Roleplaying Game Compatibility Logo are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and are used under the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game GameCompatibilityLogoaretrademarksofPaizoPublishing,LLC,andareusedunderthePathfinderRoleplayingGame Compatibility Compatibility License. License. See See formore moreinformation informationon onthe thecompatibility compatibilitylicense. license. Compatibility Compatibilitywith withthe thePathfinder PathfinderRoleplaying RoleplayingGame Gamerequires requiresthe thePathfinder PathfinderRoleplaying RoleplayingGame Gamefrom fromPaizo PaizoPublishing, Publishing,LLC. LLC.See See formore moreinformation informationon onthe thePathfinder PathfinderRoleplaying RoleplayingGame. Game.Paizo PaizoPublishing, Publishing,LLC LLCdoes doesnot not guarantee guaranteecompatibility, compatibility,and anddoes doesnot notendorse endorsethis thisproduct. product. To learn more about Raging Swan Press, visit To TolearnmoreaboutRagingSwanPress, learnmore moreabout aboutthe theOpen OpenGame GameLicense, License,visit Published Publishedby byRaging RagingSwan SwanPress Press 1st printing, month 2012 1st printing, July2013




Credits .......................................................................................... 2 ContactUs................................................................................... 2 Errata........................................................................................... 2 AbouttheDesigner...................................................................... 2 Contents...................................................................................... 3 Foreword..................................................................................... 3

1/2 1/2 1 1 1 3 3 4


4 4 5 5 7 6 7 6


BanditRank&File........................................................................ 4 BanditLeaders............................................................................. 5 Hooks,Complications&Opportunities........................................8

BanditScout CNhumanwarrior1/expert(scout)1 VeteranScout NEhumanwarrior2 HalfElfAdept CNhalfelfadept2/expert1 HalfOrcBandit NEhalforcwarrior2/expert(soldier)1 TieflingBanditLeader CNtieflingrogue1/wizard(enchanter)1 HalfOrcBanditLeader CEhalforcfighter(mobilefighter)2/rogue (bandit)2 HumanBanditLeader NEhumanranger(guide)4 HalfElfBanditLeader NEhalfelfcleric3/fighter(unbreakable)2

If the PCs spend any real time in the wilderness they will inevitably runs into bandits. A bandit band is one of those stock in trade random encounters almost as




old as gaming itself. Sadly, such encounters normally end up as nothing more than a relatively standard fight. The tools herein enable you to turn such a humdrum encounter into something more exciting. With hooks, opportunities and dozens of personalities to choose from not to mention eight bandit stat blocks this material enables any GM to run an exciting bandit focused encounter with a minimal amount of effort. Even better, with a few minor tweaks, the stat blocks and personalities herein can easily be used as thugs, thievesorpirates! In my own Borderland of Adventure campaign, Ill be using a lot of this material to flesh out the partys upcoming wilderness trek through dense woodland on the way to the next adventures location an isolated pirate town. Hopefully, Ill be able to extract the best part of an entire session fromthesepages. I hope you find this instalment of Wilderness Dressing useful. It would be great to hear how youve used it


Bandit gangs comprise many diverse folk. Use the individuals on the tables below to quickly generate a few personas in a bandit group. Also included are four stat blocks a GM can use to represent rank and file bandits either during negotiations or combat. Akana Khmun is a young, impulsive woman who dreams of becoming an adventurer. When she meets the PCs, she makes a snap decision to join them.Shetriestoactasamediatorbetweenher fellowbanditsandtheparty,toavoidbloodshed. Adjo was forced to take to the woods after he was caught gutting a deer he had slain. He is dirty and coarse. Personal hygiene is a mystery toAdjo.Hewearsapatchworkrabbitskincloak. Ibbawasamanatarmswhofellcatastrophically out of favour after his liege discovered him dallying with his lady. Forced to flee, he took to thewoods.Ibbaisaromanticandhandsomeina roughandreadysortofway. Adalvert Dol is unimaginative and lazy. Convinced he is special and the world owes him a living, he delights in terrorising travellers. Adalvert is a bully, and quickly backs down from confrontationswithadventurersandthelike. Kebi Edfu believes she should lead the bandit group and constantly works to undermine the current leader. She makes snide comments and rarelyactsforthegoodofthegroup.Sheisblind toherownfaultsandhasfewfriends. Eadith Gorze is a genuinely nice person forced into a life of banditry by circumstances of birth. She is heavily pregnant and could go into labour during the encounter. She desperately wants to change her life for the better and takes any opportunity presenting itself. She is loyal to her friendsandneverforgetsafavour(orslight).

Use these NPC bios to portray the human bandits the PCs encounter.


Eohric Frewer was a peaceful woodsman until goblins burned down his house. Left with nothing, he has turned to banditry to feed his family. Wracked by guilt, he apologises while collectingtravellerstolls. Osred Burch is wellused to scavenging and thievery. A thugforhire until recently, he fled a nearby town to escape (true) accusations of murder. He is an odious individual. He wears his blackhaircutextremelyshort. AveltheJollyisanimmenselyfatindividual.Heis a coward and flees combat if injured. Avel is an excellent cook and wears foodsplattered clothing. Kaia the Proud is a middleaged woman who possesses an iron will. Forced from her home by a petty, wealthobsessed landlord she exacts her revenge on any travellers of means crossing her path.Expletivesriddleherspeech.



9 10

CR1/2(XP200) Clad in dirty studded leather armour this dishevelled human has adistinctlyunsavourylookabouthim. Humanwarrior1/expert(scout)1 CNMediumhumanoid(human) Init+2;SensesPerception+7,SenseMotive+0 Speed30ft.;ACP1;Acrobatics+5,Climb+4,Stealth+6 AC15,touch12,flatfooted13;CMD13 (+3armour[studdedleather],+2Dex) Fort+3,Ref+2,Will+2 hp16(2HD) Space5ft.;BaseAtk+1;CMB+1 Meleehandaxe+1(1d6/x3) Rangedshortbow(range60ft.)+3(1d6/x3) CombatGeararrows(20) AbilitiesStr11,Dex14,Con13,Int9,Wis10,Cha8 FeatsSkillFocus(Perception)B,Toughness SkillsasaboveSurvival+5 LanguagesCommon Gearasaboveplus1d8sp


VETERANBANDIT CR1/2(XP200) Clad in dirty studded leather armour this dishevelled human has adistinctlyunsavourylookabouthim. Humanwarrior2 NEMediumhumanoid(human) Init+2;SensesPerception+3,SenseMotive+0 Speed30ft.;ACP2;Climb+2,Stealth+2 AC16,touch12,flatfooted14;CMD14 (+3 armour [studded leather], +2 Dex, +1 shield [light wooden]) Fort+4,Ref+2,Will+0 hp18(2HD) Space5ft.;BaseAtk+2;CMB+2 Meleemorningstar+2(1d8) Rangedlightcrossbow(range80ft.)+4(1d8/1920) CombatGearbolts(10) AbilitiesStr11,Dex14,Con13,Int9,Wis10,Cha8 FeatsSkillFocus(Perception)B,Toughness SkillsasaboveplusIntimidate+3 LanguagesCommon Gearasaboveplus2d8sp

Halfelves are often outcasts, doomed to be ostracised and scorned as nothing more than mongrels. Such individuals frequently drift into a life of banditry, finding acceptance among societys flotsam. Use these NPC bios to portray halfelf bandits thePCsencounter.

Halforcs often become bandits the races natural tendency to violence makes them a perfect fit for the bandit lifestyle. Use these NPC bios to portray the halforc bandits the PCs encounter.

D10 D4

Dulannis Aldarrae is a troubled young man, thrown out of his sylvan home after being found torturing birds and other small woodland animals. Ilasual Evdrearnwas abandonedas an infant and remarkably was taken in by a goblin tribe. Thisspitefulyouthlearntmuchfromhisadoptive brethren and yet has friends among them. They inturnusehimasaspy. Naillae Sehiateir has long pale golden hair and overlylargeluminescenteyes.Shehasknownno otherlifethanbanditryandiscomfortableinthe wilderness. Tahlys Aralivar is an emotional wreck. Her mother recently told her she regretted having a halfelven baby. Since then, she has been taking greaterandgreaterrisks. 12



CR1(XP400) Thisslenderhalfelfwearsathickcloakandcarriesacrossbow. Halfelfadept2/expert1 CNmediumhumanoid(elf,human) Init +0; Senses lowlight vision; Perception +10, Sense Motive +1 Speed30ft.;ACP0;Climb+3,Stealth+4,Swim+3 AC13,touch10,flatfooted13;CMD10 (+3armour[mwkstuddedleather]) Immunesleep Fort+1,Ref+0,Will+6 hp20(3HD) Space5ft.;BaseAtk+1;CMB+0 Meleedagger+0(1d41/1920) Rangedmwklightcrossbow(range80ft.)+2(1d8/1920) AdeptSpellsPrepared(CL2nd;concentration+3) 1stbless,curelightwounds 0detectmagic,ghostsound(DC11),stabilise CombatGearbolts(10),daggers(2),scrollsofcurelightwounds (2),scrollofobscuringmist AbilitiesStr8,Dex11,Con12,Int11,Wis13,Cha10 SQmultitalented(adept,expert),summonfamiliar B FeatsSelfsufficient,SkillFocus(Perception) ,Toughness Skills asaboveplus Heal +8, Knowledge (nature) +4, Knowledge (religion)+4,Survival+8 LanguagesCommon,Elven Gear as above plus spell component pouch, wooden holy symbol,beltpouch,5sp






Ausk LifeTaker is a swift, savage warrior. He cares nothing for anyone but himself and enjoys painting sigils on his face using his foes lifeblood.Hisfellowsfearhim.Hehasnofriends. Ignen SwiftStrike has a pockmarked face and lank blank hair. She hisses when angry or upset and glares angrily at everyone she meets. She findsitveryhardtotrustanyone. Narka the Ugly was lucky; she grew up loved by herparents,butherorcmotherwaslynchedand her father slain while trying to rescue his wife. Narka escaped but her mothers screams yet haunther.Sheisgauntandpaleskinned. Silug the Rampant considers himself a great warrior and lover. In truth, he is a passable warrior and women terrify him. He attempts to bechivalrous,butcomesacrossaspatronising. Uzfug the Terror has a mouth full of broken, blackened teeth and terrifyingly bad breath. He screams terrible curses in battle, but in rare momentsofpeacepampershisbelovedpetcat.


CR1(XP400) This halforc wears battered scale mail and wields a large falchion. Halforcwarrior2/expert(soldier)1 NEMediumhumanoid(human,orc) Init+0;Sensesdarkvision60ft.;Perception+4,SenseMotive+0 Speed 20 ft.; base speed 30 ft.; ACP 3; Acrobatics 3 (7 jumping),Climb+3,Ride+1 AC15,touch10,flatfooted15;CMD14 (+5armour[mwkscalemail]) Fort+4,Ref+0,Will+4 hp20(3HD);orcferocity Orc Ferocity (Ex [1/day]) When brought below 0 hp, the bandit canfightonforonemoreroundasifdisabled.Attheendof thisturn,unlessbroughtabove0hp,hefallsunconscious. Space5ft.;BaseAtk+2;CMB+4 Meleemwkfalchion+5(2d4+3/1820) Rangedspear(range20ft.)+2(1d8+2/x3) CombatGearpotionofcurelightwounds AbilitiesStr14,Dex11,Con13,Int8,Wis10,Cha9 FeatsIronWill,Toughness Skills as above plus Intimidate +6, Profession (soldier) +4, Survival+5 LanguagesCommon,Orc Gearasaboveplusbeltpouch,2gp,17sp

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