Theories Outlines

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Psychoanalytic Theory 4 distinct psychoanalytic psychologies: Table 4.1 1. Drive theory: instincts, pleasure seeking motivations 2.

Ego: id, ego, superego 3. Object relations: object seeking motivations 4. Self psychology: self organizes experience, not drives and instincts Wolberg: varieties of psychotherapy: 1. Supportive: bring client to equilibrium ASAP 2. Re-educative: remodeling client attitude & behavior with adaptive life integration 3. Re-constructive: bring the client to awareness of unconscious conflicts, their derivatives, and how these limit daily life Developmental Perspective: 1. Psychic determinism: mental activity is not meaningless or accidental; nothing happens by chance or in a random way, and all mental phenomena have a causal connection to the psychic events that precede them. 2. Unconscious mental processes: accounts for the apparent discontinuities in the clients perception of symptom and cause, for the causal connection has become part of the unconscious process. thoughts 3. 4. Defense mechanisms: the minds way of unconsciously keeping from awareness disturbing

Psychosexual stages: See handout

Post-Freudian Psychoanalytic Theory: Revisit Table 4.1 1. Object relations: (Fairbairn) 2. Self psychology: (Kohut) 3. Relational theorizing: (Mitchell) 4. Intersubjectivity theory: (Stolorow) 5. Social constructivism: (Hoffman): Postmodern perspective, where all knowledge is perspectival, contextual, and non-universal; the analyst and client together create or construct what is clinically useful 6 Major Constructs: Meta-psychology 1. Topographic: contrasts unconscious versus conscious mental processes 2. Dynamic: tension-discharge; keep level of excitation at it lowest point 3. Economic: the manner in which psychic energy is distributed, transformed, or expended 4. Genetic: origin and development of psychic phenomena; how the past is brought to the present and why a certain compromise or solution has been adopted 5. Structural: assumes that the psychic apparatus (id, ego, superego) can be divided into several persisting functional units. 6. Adaptation: a persons relationship to his or her environment, objects of love and hate, and society Application: Goals: changing the personality and character structure of the individual through resolving unconscious conflicts and developing more effective ways of dealing with problems, particularly in relationships Intervention strategies: free association; dream analysis; analysis of transference and countertransference; analysis of resistance; interpretation; and interactions between counselor and client Counseling goals: emphasis on resolving clients problems, enhance clients ability to cope with life changes, work through unresolved developmental stages

Jungian Analytical Theory Overview: Most of the work of Jung derived from his journaling, dialoguing with dreams, constructing figures and cities in sand, drawing, chiseling in stone, researching myth, Eastern religions, and ancient cultures Methodology of personality transformation: process of individuation Reality of the psyche Developmental perspective: See Table 5.1 1. Ego 2. Persona Collective ideals 3. Shadow 4. Anima 5. Animus Heiros gamos 6. Self Mandalas Temenos Major Constructs: psychic energy (libido) is lost from consciousness, flows to the opposite (enantiodromia) 1. Psychological types: A. Introvert B. Extrovert C. Four functions: 1. Sensing 2. Feeling 3. Thinking 4. Intuition The MBTI is the popularized adaptation of Jungs principles of typology 2. 3. Complex: constellation of varying degrees of autonomy, personal unconscious Archetype: ideal form, collective unconscious Motifs Soma Symbols: includes the personal and collective, conscious and unconscious Collective unconscious

4. 5.

Applications: 1. Goals: stress the processes of individuation, personality unity, and transcendence; acknowledge potential for growth; constant striving for wholeness, integration of the personality, and realization of the self 2. world 3. Process of change: address the isolation and confusion of modern times Synchronicity: the acausal and meaningful coincidences that impart order in the Intervention strategies: A. Dreams B. Transference and countertransference C. Active imagination

Adlers Individual Psychology

Theory based on phenomenological understanding of individual motivation and behavior Early development: 1. Private logic: personal, private meanings 2. Mastery 3. Inferiority feelings Family constellation: Birth order: ordinal vs. psychological postition a. Oldest: glad tidings, center of attention b. Second: less responsible, more independent, interests differ c. Middle: perceive themselves singularly disadvantaged d. Youngest: center of attention, protected e. Only: same as oldest but never dethroned, no competitor, precocious Major constructs: 1. Socio: inclination toward belongingness, a willingness to serve the greater good (Lifestyle) 2. Teleo: goal-oriented nature of human beings; behavior is purposive even though this fact may be obscure to the observer 3. Analytic: individuals often understand more than they willingly admit.; most behavior is based upon what is unconscious or not understood Holism: the indivisibility of a person is a fundamental belief of Adlerian (Individual) psychology Function of emotion & feelings: Emotions are not considered entities unto themselves; love, joy, anger, sadness, guilt and fear do not come to us out of a vacuum. We must perceive, value, feel, and then act. Application: 1. a. b. c. d. e. a. b. c. their experiences d. e. f. 1. 2. 3. 4. Life tasks: Work Friendship Love Spiritual self (Mosak & Dreikurs) Coping with self as subject and object (Mosak & Dreikurs) 2. Process of change Source of direction comes from lifestyle Changes in ones map of movement through life Adaptation, alteration of convictions one uses to evaluate, manage, and predict events within

In counseling: behavior change within the existing life-style is the goal In psychotherapy: a change in life-style is the desired outcome 4 goals of childrens behavior Excessive attention getting Personal power Revenge Inadequacy g. 4 steps for problem solving: 1. Establish mutual respect 2. Pinpoint and neutralize issues of contention such as whos right, loss of respect, and power 3. Establish what is needed and desired to ameliorate or improve the relationship 4. Reaching an agreement on a plan to achieve the desired goals ( including a new arrangement between marriage partners without changing basic life goals) 3. Interventions: a. Encouragement

b. c. d.

Education Life style assessment Early recollections

Existential Theory Existentialism embodies the understanding of the individual in the culture and time as well as the nature, meaning, and feelings, of that existence. Existentialism addresses issues such as death, freedom, responsibility, anxiety (angst), phenomenology, isolation, and meaninglessness. Arises from the philosophies of Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Sartre, Buber, and Heidegger. Humanistic-Existential counseling, the Third Force, arose as an answer to the limitations of the Freudian and behavioral approaches. The positive aspects of humanness (love, freedom with responsibility, self-actualization, potential, transcendence, uniqueness, choice, creativity, etc) were missing. Jourard, May, Bugental, Maslow, Buber, Frankl, Tillich, and Yalom are contributors. Respect, honor, divinity Developmental: Gaining understanding about the menaing of life and taking responsibility for ones life serve to influence and isnpire our development. Psychopathology: 1. A potential consequence of feeling alone in an isolating culture and context, living without meaning, suffering with loss and death, confronting anxiety, and struggling with responsibility and freedom. 2. Pathology represents loss of potential 3. Angst, existential anxiety, of a finite being about the threat of non-being 4. Existential crisis and confrontation produces depression (anomic depression) 5. Inauthenticity, lack of being there, avoiding the presence, accessibility, responsibility, and expression 6. 3 reasons why people do not achieve their potential: a. Lower instinctive pressure to self-actualize b. Cultural institutions that control or inhibit creativity, c. Tendencies toward fear and regression. 7. The most unsettling pathology is the loss of self in the world, or existential isolation; individuals fail to develop inner strength, worth and identity, they move beyond being isolated to feeling a profound sense of loneliness.

Major constructs: 1. Approaches: a. Dynamic existentialism: focus attention on the resolution of inner conflict and anxiety b. Humanistic existentialism: emphasize unconditional acceptance, awareness of personal experience, and authenticity rather than resolving existential conflicts. c. Transpersonal existentialism: perceives death as an opportunity for the individual to rise above the given circumstances 2. Death: ultimate truth; . . .able to love passionately because we die.; letting go of unhealthy or non-functional parts of the self, relationships, or ideals. 3. Freedom: comes after our confrontation with our inaccurate representation of ourselves; choose our reactions to deplorable situations

4. Isolation: separation fro oneself as much as from others; keeps us from connecting and contributing to the larger social order in more productive ways 5. Culture: the objective mind; our culture gives our world meaning and protects us from anxiety regarding death 6. Meaninglessness:out of our will to love and live, we arrive at meaning in our lives; through awareness and actualization, people can transcend their present situation; we become fully aware of ourselves 7. Authenticity/Vulnerability: authentic persons live grounded with honesty, compassion, and awareness; vulnerable persons are always in conflict, lacking self-honesty and honesty with others 8. Existential relationships: a. I to it b. It to it c. We to we d. Us to them e. I to you f. I to thou: the most profound meeting, core of connection; provide hope for genuine understanding; counselor is merely a guide on a journey Goals of counseling: tragically optimistic 1. Suffering is a human achievement and accomplishment 2. Guilt provides the opportunity to chane oneself for the better 3. Vulnerability motivates us to become authentic 4. Lifes unpredictability provides an individual incentive to take responsible action Process of change: 1. Willingness to participate in the human encounter, confronting loneliness, experiencing individuality, encountering true connection, and developing the inner strength to transcend the life situation 2. Coming to terms with anxiety through awareness of responsibility and choice Interventions: 1. Telling the story: finding the meaning of Myth View the clients history through the clients geing and awareness rather than focusing on pathological development 2. Sharing Existence in the moment The existential relationship is the primary therapeutic intervention, and the client is an existential partner. 3. Centered awareness of being Help the client become more centered, aware 4. Self-responsibility Taking responsibility for growth is important, but taking responsibility for selfdestructive actions is not easy 5. Dream Work Dreams are the window to the unconscious. Focus on the clients dynamic, immediately real and present existence viewed through the dream rather than the set of dynamic mechanisms at work 6. Disclosing and working through resistance supportively 7. Confronting existential anxiety is critical 8. Sustaining changes in being means having faith in the client 9. Closure requires authenticity and willingness to be present Person-centered Theory


People see the world from their own unique perspective.

Prior to the 1940's, counseling relied on techniques that were highly diagnostic, probing, and analytic and unsupported by scientific research.

Rogers called for more rigor on his non-directive and other, more directive techniques This new emphasis changed the role of the counselor from an individual who only reflected the content of client statements to one who identified the clients underlying emotions in client words and through the helping relationship. Developmental perspectives: 1. PC implies great confidence in the client 2. All people have an innate motivation to grow in a positive way 3. People are trustworthy 4. People will innately move toward self-actualization 5. People have the inner resources to move themselves in positive directions 6. People respond to their uniquely perceived world (phenomenological world) Major constructs: 1. No two people see things as happening in exactly the same way 2. Empathic understanding: accurate empathy 3. People make mistakes in judgment 4. Confidence in the client 5. Perceived world view may not approximate the world sought (incongruence) 6. Congruent individuals trust their world view Applications: 1. The client has all the necessary but as yet unfulfilled potential for attaining greater selfunderstanding, self-acceptance, self-growth, and self-actualization. 2. The practitioners task is to provide the essential growth conditions of a genuine human relationship where acceptance, caring, and a deep understanding of the client are developed and communicated effectively to the client Goals of counseling: 1. Movement from incongruence to congruence 2. Reductions in the distortions and a greater trust in ones evelving positive nature 3. Become more flexible 4. See a wider range of feelings in themselves and a freedom to express them 5. Gain enthusiasm about new aspects of their lives opened up by new experiences Process of change: 1. Genuineness 2. Acceptance and caring 3. Unconditional positive regard 4. Accurate empathic understanding 5. Facilitate an internal locus of control Intervention strategies: 1. Being genuine 2. Active listening 3. Reflection of content and feelings 4. Appropriate self-disclosure 5. Immediacy 6. Personalized counselor actions 7. Non-client-centered interventions: A. Diagnosis B. Treatment planning C. Questioning D. Analyzing Feminist Theory

Seeks to remedy the inequality that exists, and which has existed between the sexes Calls for a reformation and equalization of the power relationships between men and women Allows for more life choices and can increase their sense of partnership with each other Requires pro-female stance Re-evaluate and recognize the contribution of and assets of women and provides an increased opportunity for female development MYTH AND MISCONCEPTION to view feminist theory as devaluing home and family. Goal is to increase womens choice of lifestyle, to empower women to make life choices based on personal skills and interestes, rather than on stereotypical gender roles promoted by society Evolution of Feminist Therapy Theory 1. Evolved as a result of and response to the womens movements of the 1960-1970's and a rejection of the traditional psychotherapies which served to keep women oppressed 2. Phase I (1960-1970) characterized by activism: feminists actively explored the philosophies of feminism, named the issues faced by women, and applied conventional therapies to these issues. Reframing 3. Phase II (1970-1985) characterized by mainstreaming of feminism into other theories, eliminating androcentric bias, the parts that promote a dichotomous view of men and women; male traits are not preferred to female traits 4. Phase III (1985-date) is built on the acknowledgement of feminine potential and the idea that many of the issues faced by women are a result of societys failure to allow them to exercise their free will. Impact on other theories: 1. Psychoanalytic: since focus is intrapsychic, tends to pathologize women 2. Object Relations: pathologizes women who choose career over child bearing 3. Jungian: sexist 4. Cognitive-behavioral: adjust to life, not change it 5. Family systems: issue of fusion, reciprocity, complementarity Dichotomous sex roles: psychotherapy second only to marriage in the suppression and control of women; pathologized into sex role standards; Developmental perspective: 1. Theories are based on the assumption that men and women are alike 2. Feminism promotes differences; redefines womens development in a positive way 3. Feminists are offering different explanations of female development throughout the lifespan Resistance, lookism, junk values of capitalism, sexuality, social construction and division of labor remain problems for women Important differences: 1. Connectedness 2. Moral development 3. Self-in-relation: 4. Womens stories at mid-life: development should not be tied merely to biological functions Major constructs: 1. Egalitarianism: maintenance of a non-exploitative relationship and boundaries 2. Womens unique experiences provide foundation of knowledge for thinking about women

3. Pluralism: celebrates the sociocultural differences among women, as well as between men and women, and these differences deserve to be valued equally 4. Promotion of independence and assertiveness in women 5. Focusing on and valuing womens unique strengths rather than weaknesses or flaws 6. Careful use of self-disclosure to enhance relationship 7. The personal is political: gender and power are intertwined and cannot be separated Application: empowerment end of oppression

Process of change: Interventions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Work on body image Treatment of depression Assertiveness training The process of coming out Single parent mothers and stress work Feminist therapy with men Issues for African-American (other ethnically/culturally diverse) women Working with battered women

Cognitive-Behavioral Theories Becks Cognitive Therapy Elliss Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy Meichenbaums Stress InoculationTraining and Self-instruction Training Watson: Behaviorism Pavlov: Classical conditioning Skinner: Operant conditioning Wolpe: Systematic desensitization Developmental perspective: 1. Emphasis is on learning, not development; Tabula rosa principle; associate stimuli and responses and development is seen as the sum total of these associations 2. Behavior is learned 3. Adaptive behaviors developed and maintained by external events or cues, reinforcers, or thinking processes 4. Based on individuals learning history/style; experiences in the environment; understanding of the world 5. Use of here-and-now; past not ignored, just relegated to inferior role unless manifest in current behavior Major constructs: See Table 11.1, page 265 1. Cognitive excesses or deficits: cognitions mediate behavior change 2. Behavioral excesses or deficits: all behavior is learned 3. Combination of both 4. All problems are viewed operationally: concrete, observable, measurable; problems are related to internal and external antecedents and consequences 5. Importance of relationship exists but focus is on specific treatment techniques Applications: 1. Goals: a. What are the problems? b. How can progress be measured and monitored? c. What are the environmental contingencies maintaining the behavior?

d. 2.

Which interventions are likely to be most effective?

Process of change: a. Self-efficacy: 1. Enactive attainments 2. Vicarious experience 3. Verbal persuasion 4. Recognition of physiological state b. Does changing beliefs lead to change in behavior?

Interventions: a. Behavioral: reinforcement, shaping, extinction, b. Cognitive: distortions, all or none thinking, disqualifying the positive, catastrophizing, thought stopping, positive self-statements c. Cognitive-Behavioral: union of strategies Becks Theory: page 272 Elliss Theory: page 274 Meichenbaums Theory: page 276 Reality Therapy Theory (Choice Theory) Intervention strategies: 1. Environment 2. Attending behaviors: courteous, determined enthusiastic, firm, genuine 3. Suspend judgment 4. Do the unexpected 5. Use humor 6. Be yourself 7. Share yourself 8. Listen for metaphors 9. Listen for themes 10. Summarize and focus 11. Allow or impose consequences 12. Allow silence 13. Be ethical 14. Be redundant 15. Create suspense and anticipation 16. Establish boundaries Plans: Simple Attainable Measurable Immediate Involved Controlled by the client Committed to Consistent


Integrative Developmental Model Pictures: TFA Maslow Application of theory to models of Tx

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