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A Distance Routing Effect Algorithm for Mobility (DREAM)*

Stefano B~agni Irnrich Chlamtac Barry A. Woodward
Erik Jonsson School of Engineering The University Email: {basagni, chlatac, syrotiuk, and Computer Science edu of Texas at Dallas woodward}~utdallas.

Violet R. Syrotiuk

Abstract 1
h this paper we introduce a new routing protocol for ad hoc networks built around two novel observations. One, called the distance eflect, usw the fmt that the greater the distance separating two nodes, the slower they appear to be moving with respect to each other. Accor@gly, the location information in routing tables can be updated as a function of the distance separating nodes without compromising the routing accuracy. The second idea is that of triggering the sending of location updates by the moving nodes autonomously, based ody on a nodes mobility rate. htuitively, it is clear that in a direction routing dgorithrn, routing information about the slower moving nodes needs to be updated less frequently than that about hig~y mobtie nodw. h this way e~ node can optimize the frequency at which it sends updates to the networks and correspondingly r~ duce the bandwidth and energy used, leading to a fully distributed and self-optimizing system. B~ed on thwe routing tablw, the proposed direction algorithm sends messages in the recorded dwectionn of the destination node, guaranteeing detivery by following the direction with a given probability. We show by detailed simdation that our protocol always delivers more than 80% of the data messages by following the direction computed, without using any recovery procedure. In addition, it mintilzes the overhead used for maintaining routes using the two new principlw of update message frequency and distance. Lastly, the dgorithrn is fully distributed, provides loop-free paths, and is robust, since it suppfies multiple routes.
This workw supported in part by the Army Rwearch Office under contract No. DAAG55-97-1-0312.


Rom a routing perspective, an ad hoc network is a packet radio network in which the mobile nodes perform the routing functions. Generdy, routing is multi-hop since nodes may not be within the wireless transmission range of one another and thus depend on each other to forward packets to a given destination. Since the topology of an ad hoc network changes frequently, a routing protocol should be a distributed algorithm that computes multiple, cycle free routes while keeping the communication overhead to a minimum (see, e.g., [4]). One way to classify routing protocols in ad-hoc networks is by when routes are determined. A proactiue protocol maintains routes on a continuous basis. Thus when a sender needs to send a message, the route to the intended destination-generdly, the next hop to itis rdready known and can be used immediately. On the contrary, in a reactive approach, the sender determines a route at the time it needs to send a message, i.e., a route dticove~ phase precedes the transmission of a message. Most of the proactive routing protocols are based on shortest path algorithms adapted to the mobile environment. This includes, e.g., the protocols presented in [2, 12], and, more recently, the Wireless Routing Protocol (WRP) introduced in [9]. h these protocols, routing tables are exchanged among neighboring nodes each time a change occurs in the topology of the network. This impfies update overhead with each exchange (routes have to be recomputed according to the new information) and, since these tables are possibly large, a large part of the capacity of the network and the energy of the node is spent in their transmission. As a result, when the mobility rate of nodes is high, proactive pro tocols are infeasible since they cannot keep up with the changes in the topology.

Pemlission tomakedigitalorhsrdcopiesof allorpartof this\vorkfor personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not mzde or dis~.buted for prolit or commercial ad~arrtageand that copies bcwrthis notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy othm}tise, to republish, to post on senrers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission an&ora fee. N1OBICON19S Dallas Texas USA Cop~ght AChl 1998 1-5S1 13435-ti9S/10...$00OO





An attempt to overcome the tiltations of proactive protocols is instead to look for a route in an ondemand fashion, namely, only when it is needed to de~ver a message. This is the basic idea of reactive pro tocols, such as Johnson and Mdtzs Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) protocol [6], Park and Corsons Temporally Ordered Routing Algorithm (TORA) [10], and Perkins Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocol [11]. b reactive protocols a control message is sent to discover (possibly more than) a route to a given destination. This kind of control message is generally shorter than the control messages used in proactive protocols, leaving more bandwidth available for the transmission of data messages. However, since a route has to be entirely discovered prior to the actual transmission of the message, a sender may experience a long delay in waiting for the route to be computed. Furthermore, there is no guarantee that the route ob tained is usable, since in the meanwhde some of the nodes in the route may have moved out of transmission range. Again, the problem becomes more pronounced when the mobitity rate of nodes is high, since the route discovery mechanism is not able to adapt to the variations of the speed of the nodes. Even route caching, or stiar techniques, used to reduce the delay are ineffective when the mobflty rate is high. A protocol that combinw both a proactive and a r~ active approach has been introduced in [3]. Here, the route discovery phase is divided into an intra zone discovery, which involves dl the nodes whose distance fi.e., number of hops) from the sender is < k fits zone) in a proactive way, and an inter zone discovery, which operates between zones using a reactive approach. The ap propriate choice of the zone radius k depends on the m~ bfity rate of the nodes and on the message arrid rate (specficdly, the frequency of route requests). However, this choice is static, and therefore there is no possibility to adapt to changing network conditions. Moreover, the inter zone route discovery messages may loop back into zones aheady queried, =d this must be prevented, otherwise more overhead than flooding based approaches is incurred [5]. Whether proactive or reactive, existing routing prot~ COIS for ad hoc networks store route information similar to routing protocols for static networks+ssentidly, the route is stored as a sequence of nod=. h a proactive protocol the sequence is not e~hcit; it corresponds to a next hop table lookup at each node along the route. k a reactive protocol the restit of a route discovery control message is the route given as an exTficit sequence of nodes to foUow. However, in the randomly changing topology of ad hoc networks, storing a route x a sequence of nodes is inadequate for reaching the desti77

nation, because the movement of any node in the se quence renders the path indd. Thus, a new definition of routing table entry is needed. h this paper we present a routing protocol based on a new definition of routing information. b our approach, the routing table stored at each node contains location information for any other node in the network (e.g., g% ographic coordinates that can be obtained by the use of GPS [7]). Our protocol can be considered proactive, since we define a new mechanism for the dissemination and updating of location information. When node A wants to send a message m to node B, it uses the 1~ cation information for B to obtti Bs direction, and then transmits m to dl its one hop neighbors in the dwection of B. Each neighbor repeats the same proc~ dure, until B, if possible, is eventudy reached. Thus, a route is sought in an on-demand f=hion, hke in reactive approaches. The probability of finding B in the computed direction, rehes on how the location information is disseminated through the network. b our model, each node transmits control messages bearing its current location to dl the other nodes. The frequency with which these control messages are transmitted is determined by: considering what we cdl the distance effecti The greater the distance separating two nodes, the slower they appear to be moving with respect to each other. Thus, nodes that are far apart, need to update each others locations less frequently than nodes closer together. This is refllzed by associating with each control message an age) which corresponds to how far from the sender that message travels; the mobility rate: The faster a node moves, the more often it must communicate its location. This allows each node to self optimize its dissemination frequency, thus transmitting location information only when needed and without sacrificing the route accuracy.

Since distance and mobifity play a central role in our protocol, we name it the Distance Routing Efect Algon.thm for Mobility (DREAM) protocol for ad hoc networks. Due to the new definition of routing information, we do not have to exchange large amounts of control information m in existing proactive protocols. At the same time, since no route discovery is needed, we do not suffer the associated delay typical of reactive solutions. Furthermore, DREAM achieves the following desirable properties:



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it is bandwidth and energy eficienk Each control message carries ordy the coordinates and the identfier of a node, thus being small compared to the control messages used by proactive protocols (that have to carry routing tabla) and to those used by reactive protocols (that have to carry an entire route). Most importantly:

Dissemination of Location Information

The rate of control message generation is de termined and optimized according to the m~ bfity rate of each node individu~y.

b. Due to the distance effect the number of hops (radius from the moving node) it fl be allowed to travel in the network before being discarded wi~ only depend on the relative (geographic) distance between the moving node and the location tables being updated. h this way the number of copies as well as the number of hops control messages W travel are both optimized (minirni zeal) without sacrificing qutity. This means that with respect to efisting protocols, in D~AM more bandwidth and energy (required for transmission in each mobde node) can be used for the transmission of data messages;

Consider an ad hoc network with n nodes. We assume the etistence of a mechanism that flows each node to be aware of its own location (given as coordinates) with respect to a predefied positioning system (see, e.g., Global Positioning System as in [7]). These coordinates are mchanged between nodes so that each node constantly obtains location information about the other nodes in the network for routing purposes. Specifically, a Location Table (LT) is maintained at each node A that records, for each node B, its location, from which its direction B. and distance B, can be computed. By direction we mean that Bo is the angle of the polar coordinates of B on a system centered on the current position of A ad by distance, we mean that Br is the geographical distance separating A and B. The entry related to a node B, LT(B), dso contains LT, (B), the time at which the location information for B was last updated. Since our routing protocol is based on the location table maintained at each node, care is required in order to r~ duce the eWense of disseminating location information through the network. This is accomplished through the following simple observation: the f~her two nodes are sepaated the less often their location table entries need updating. htuitively, when two nodes ae moving the same speed, a closer node appems to be chmging more rapidly than one that is far away. We refer to this ob servation as the distance effect. Each node, periodic~y broadcasts a control packet conttilng its own coordinates with respect to the specific positioning system considered. To retilze the distance effect, we assign each control packet a life time that is breed on the geographicrd distance the packet has traveled from its sender. A majority of the packets, will have a short fife time: these shod lived packets %e sent at high frequency, and die after they have traveled through the network a short distance from their sender. Other long lived packets, sent less frequently, travel farther through the network, reatilng the most distant nodes.2 When a control packet is received by a node A, the node determines how far the packet has traveled by calculating the distance d between itself and the sender of the packet. E d is greater than the fife time associated with the packet, then the packet is no longer forwarded.
2 For simplicity, we consider only two m~ximum agesfor the control pwkets. 78

it is inherently loop-free, since each data message propagates away from its source in a spec%c direction; it is rebut, meaning that the data message can reach its intended destination by foUowing possibly independent routes; it is adaptive to mobility, since the frequency with which the location information is disse&nated de pends on the mobfity rate.

h the nefi sections, we d~cribe the mechanism of dissemination of location information, a general model to probabfisticrdly guarantee how to find a node in a given direction, and the D~AM protocol in greater detti. The paper concludes with simtiation results that show the effectiveness of our method, namely, that the prot~ COIalways dehvers more than 80% of the data messages by fo~owing the direction computed,l and that when compared to a reactive protocol, the average end-t~end delay decreases considerably.
1 This percentage refersto the m=sages deHvereddi~tiy, i.e., to those mwsages that are delivered by sending them in the direction of the recipient node. H a mmage cannot be delivered because its intended destination cannot be found in the expected direction, our protocol providesa recoveryroutine that guarantees that eventualy that mmage will be delivered.



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The frequency with which a given node broadcasts control packets is a function of the nodes mobltity: the more mobde the node, the more often it must disseminate its location information. The fact that most of the pa&ets d be short hved clearly re&es the idea that the nodes closest to A xe those most in need of As location, while nodes farther away need As location updated less ofien. As a result, the firther away a destination and the slower the rate of movement of the updating node, the less often a copy of the control packet wifl be sent. We cu therefore miniize the total number of control packets in the network, while maintaining the same probabtity of error per route. The dissemination method described reflects the distance effect and thus maintains the same probabtity of routing accuracy w~e distributing control packets proportionately to distance and rate of movement. Overall, th~ dissemination method will therefore have the fo~owing properties:

given probab%ty p, O < p <1, foUowing routm in that direction. RecW, that S knows the geographical distance& and the angle & of node R (indicated by r and 0 in Figure 1, respectively), easily cdctiated from the location information stored in its LT table at time LTr(R) = to. Figure 1 shows the positions of S and Rat time to. At some later time tl, tl > to,node S wants to send a message m with node R as the recipient. S must choose among dl its one hop neighbors those nodes A whose direction A. lies within the range [0 a, $ + a]. The angle a must be chosen in such a way that the probabihty of fidmg R in the sector S is at least p, for a given p. The sector S is a wedge centered about the Yie segment connecting S and R, defied by [0 a, # + a]. It may be seen from Figure 1 that, in the time interval horn to to tl, node R, whose speed is v, cannot be anywhere outside the circle C centered on its original position with radius z = (tl to)v. Here we consider that R can move in any direction ~, uniforrrdy chosen between Oand 2n at speed v. Therefore, we want to find a minimum due for a such that the m-um distance z that R can travel in the time tl to at velocity u is within the sector S. Clearly, a depends ofly on v (Rs speed). E either the actual or the mtium speed of R is known to S, the due for Q that guarantees that R is in the direction [0 a, 0 + a] is immediately given by
Q = ~csin V(tl to)

When no movement occurs no bandwidth is wasted on control packets since control packets are initiated by moving nodes ody. The update frequency can be optimaUy gauged since the decision of the update frequency ties with the moving node itse~. The total number of control packets (and conse quently related transmission energy) can be tilrnized since the aging of control packets captures the relative distance between the moving node and the location table updating node.

E the distance z that R travels is greater than the distance r separating S and R, then R can be in any direction. h this case, we must set a = x. E v is not known, and ody its probability density finction ~(v) is atiable, we can find a specific E so that the probab~lty of finding R in the direction [0 E, 8 + E] is > p, for a given p, O < p s 1. More formWy, we want to determine E such that

A Model for DREAM

The procws of dissemination of location information as described in the previous section, Wows us to detie a model from which we can derive a probabtistic guarantee of finding a node in a given direction. When a node S needs to send a m~sage m to a recipient node R, it refers to its LT in order to retrieve location information about R. Based on this information, S selects from among its neighbors those nodes that are in the direction of R wd forwards m to them. Each of these nodes, in turn, do the same, forwarding the message to those nodes in the direction of R until R, if possible, is reached. It is thus crucial to select the neighbors of a given node in a certain dwection range in such a way that it is guaranteed that R can be found with a

s (tl

to)v) > p.

h this case, since

x = sin a and, since when

T sin(~ a)




- ----

.. ,

, ,

Figure h

z is the maximum dkance that the node R can travel in tl to.

we want to find E so thati P(z

s (tl to)v) =

P(r Sins<

(tl to)v)

dmcription of the procedures Send(m) and Receive(m) of DWAM executed at each node S to send or receivea message m, respectively. We use the fo~owingnotation:

for a

m.sender, m.recipient, m.type and mid: are the fieldsof the message m that contain the sender and the recipient node ~s, the type of messagem (data
or ack) and ms unique message identfier (at the sender). A message of type ack has no addltiond fields;

Once the integral is computed, the needed tiue

is e=fiy obtained.

Timeo: returns the current value of the clock at the node executing the procedure;

FinWy, the same reasoning appfies when, given a, we want to determine when the location information of a node R which is & far from S has to be updated in order to have a probabfistic guarantee to find R in the direction defied by a (i.e., we look for a value of tl). That is, we can determine the frequency at which to disseminate location information.

R is a temporal threshold value;

Recove~ (m): is a recovery procedur~ FindNeighbors (LT(R)): is a function that returns a fist of the one hop neighbors of S whose direction is in the range [ti-a, ti+a] that depends on LT(R). U no neighbor is found in the given range the vrdue returned is til. Here we sssume that the m=imum velocity of each node is known to d nodes;

Distace Routing Effect Algorithm for Mobility (DREAM)

Ransmit(m, fist): is the procedure by which m is sent to W the neighbors specified in lisfi
set/clear Time-out (i): sets/cleas a timer msociated with a message m with mid= i;

k this section we describe our Distance Routing Effect Ngorithm for Mobfity (D~AM) b~ed on the use of location information as informdy described in the pr+ vious section. The fo~owing is a high-level algorithmic

my~: is the identifier of the node executing the procedure.


. ..



men a node S wants to send a message m to a node R, it cfls the procedure Send(m) below. It is assumed that the fields of m are set on entry to the procedure.
procedwe begin Send(m)

The reception of a message m triggers the execution of the procedure Receive(m).

procedwe begin Receive(m)

R:= m.recipient; if LT(R) = nil or Timeo LT.(R) >7 then Recovery(m) eke begin Neighbors:= FindNeighbors (LT(R)); if Neighbors= eke

if my~ = m.recipient then if m.type = ack then cle~ Time-out (mid)

else begin reply .type := ack; := mid; reply. sender := my~; reply .recipient := m.sendq Send(repl~)


then Remue~ (m)

begin if m.type = data

end eke begin

R:= m.recipien~ if LT(R) #nil and Time{) LT.(R) then begin Neighbors:= < ?

then set Time-out (mid); ~ansmii(m, Neighbors) end end en~ The procedure Send(m) executed at node S starts by looking in Ss location table to &d the current expected direction of R. E no location information is atiable for R findicated by LT(R) = til) or that information cannot be considered tid (based on LT.(R)), then a recovery procedure must be executed in order to reach R. Here, the tidity of the location information of node R is based on the time that has passed since LT(R) was last updated: if this time ( Timeo LTT(R)) is greater than a certain threshold T then Rs location information is considered obsolete. The choice of the value T is a crucial one: in case of slow moving networks it may be a constant; otherwise, it may be a function of the geographical distance of R, LTr(R) (and, in this case, it is stored in another field of the location table). men the direction of R is vtid, S sets a timer r~ lated to the message m and then sends m to d the one hop neighbors returned by the function Find_Neighbors. Notice how, given the nature of the wireless channel, the procedure Transmit is rewed as a single transmission of m to multiple recipients. These are the neighbors of S that are within a certain direction rage, as defined in the previous section. Thus, the function FindNeighbors (LT(R)) is assumed to implement the method for choosing nodes in a given direction range such that the probab~lty of finding R in a given direction is greater than or equal to a given p, O < p ~ 1. The desired probabfity p can be either a constant local to the function Find3eighbors or it may be passed to the finction as a parameter. H Findfleighbors returns nil ~.e., if no one hop neighbor exists within the dwection range specified) a recovery procedure is again in order.

FindNeighbors (LT(R));

if Neighbors # nil then Transmit(m, Neighbors) end end end;

Upon receiving a message m, a node A first checks to see if it is the recipient of the message. H it is the intended recipient, it then looks at the message type. E the message is an acknowledgement for a data message previously sent, then the corresponding timer is cleared (and thus if it has not expired, it til no longer be considered). Otherwise, if A h~ just received a data message, it sends an acknowledgement to the originator of
m. HA is not the recipient of m, then it simply forwards m to dl the nodes (if any) that, according to its LT, are in the direction of R. Notice that if, for any reason, the

location information is not up to date or if no neighbor exists in the required direction, then no message is sent. This allows the timer corresponding to the message to expire which wotid trigger the recovery procedure. Some comments are in order:

E A receives more than one copy of the same message m, then, for each copy, it sends an acknowledgement: this increases the possibility that the sender receives an acknowledgement for m which in turn, increases the robustness of the protocol; The reception of an acknowledgement related to a data message for which an acknowledgement has already been received, or for which the timeout triggered the recovery procedure, hm no effect;

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The timeout mechanism and the use of acknowledgements are important: the sender has to know if m has reached the recipient. hdeed, in our approach, it is possible that there is one (or even more than one) route to the recipient but its location information does not Wow us to reach it. Thus, an expKcit recovery procedure for this case has to be provided.

and therefore their transmission is accordingly longer. The rate of transmission of each node is considered uniform dl over the network. The arrival rate, namely, the frequency with which each node generates and transmits a data message, hm been computed as fo~ows. Each rdm ticks of the simdation clock each node picks a number p randomly and unifordy, O < p < 1. H p < A, then a data message m is generated and queued for transmission. The destination for m is chosen randomly and uniformly among dl the other nodes of the network. h our simdations, each node has the same transmission range, which r~ mains fied at 40. This value guarantees good network connectivity, i.e., fewer than 10% of the data messages cannot be defivered to their bd destination due to the lack of a physical connection (no route &sts between the two nodes and therefore no routing protocol can successfly de~ver messages in this case). Each rcm ticks of the simulation clock every node A broadcasts a short lived control message with its current coordinates. This message is dehvered to dl those nodes whose Euctidean distmce from A is less thm K grid units. Fmdy, one long tived control message is transmitted to d the nodes in the network for each p short tived control messages. k dl the simulation results presented in this paper we have chosen 0.05 < ~ S 0.4, Td~ = 300 and K = 40. When the speed of a node A is 2, we have chosen Tcm = 125 and p = 10. Each time the speed of the nodes increases by 2 units, we decrease rcm by 3070. Figure 2 shows that always more than 80% of the data messages de~vered have reached their find destination without resorting to a recovery routine (here impl+ mented by flooding). The three curves correspond to three different node speeds, nmnely, V =2,4 and 6. b the following figures we compare DREAM with the reactive DSR protocol incorporating route caching as presented in [6]. Here, we have compared the two prot~ COIS with respect to the average end-to-end delag defined x fo~ows: if M is the set of rdl the messages detivered, and for each m ~ Jf, t~ and t~ correspond to the time when m is generated at the sender and queued for transmission, and received at the destination, respectively, then the average end-teend delay is computed as follows: .


Ha sender S has no location information either available or up to date for a specific recipient, and dso whenever a timer expires, an alternative method to defiver a message must be used. These situations are handed by our Recove~ (m) procedure. Its actual implementation may vary, depending on the characteristi~ of the network. For instance, the mwsage m cotid be partifly flooded, or flooding can be used to determine a route (if any) to the recipient.

Simulations Results

We have simulated our DREAM protocol using M~~, a discret~event simtiator developed at UCLA [1], by placing n = 30 nodes randody on a grid of size 100 x 100. For each node A, the speed is given in grid units per 100 ticks of the simdation clock (here we ~sume that each node has the same speed and we indicate it by V), and the transmission range tZA is given in grid units. Two nodes A and B in the network are neighbors if the Euchdean distance d between their coordinates in the grid is less than the minimum between their transtz~ }). At every mission ratil (i.e., d(A, B) < fi{tZA, tick of the simdation clock, each node determines its direction randotiy, by choosing it unifordy between O and 2r. Ea& node til then move in that direction according to its current speed. When a node reaches the grid bound~, it bounces back with an angle determined by the incoming direction. The find position of the nodm is a function of its initial position and of its current speed. We consider three kind of messages: control messages, data messages, and acknowledgments (ack). Control messages carry only the location information, namely, the coordinates of the node that transmits them (here they wfl be the coordinates on the grid) and its identifier. Hence, they have &ed length, and their time of transmission is very short. The transmission time of an ack is short = we~, since it carries no data. Data messages are considered two orders of magnitude larger than control messages (with respect to their number of bits),

where IMI is the total number of messages transmitted. Figures 3 and 4 show that the average end-t~end delay of the DSR protocol is from 25% to 250% larger than the delay obtained by DREAM protocol (the two figures

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m -

70 -

m -

m 0 oG5 01 tils &2&b 02s 03 Us a4





025 w 03 0.4


Figure 2: Percentage of messagm defivered without r~ sorting to the recovery procedure, when the nodes have three ~erent speeds.

Figure 4: Average delay vs. arrid rate for D~AM md DSR when each node has speed V = 6

routing tables. Based on these routing (location) tables a probabilistic method for selecting the direction in which a given node maybe found was proposed. Simulation resdts showed that with over 80% probability this method can &d a route (if any etists) to a given node in the direction computed by DMAM w~e the average end-t~end delays with respect to the DSR reactive protocol are substantially lower. FinWy, the D~AM protocol provides loopfree routes, and is robust in pr~ vidmg mdtiple routes to a given dwtination.

Figure 3: Average delay vs. arriti rate for D~AM and DSR when each node has speed V = 2.
[1]BAGRODIA, R. L., AND LIAO, W.-T. Maisie: a language for the design of efficient discret~event simdations. IEEE fiansactions on Software Engi-

neering 20, 4 (April 1994), 225238. correspond to two different node speeds, V = 2 and 6). Furthermore, the average delay for D~AM remains essenti~y constant for W arrid rates. The cofidence level of W our restits is 95%, and their precision is within 5%. [2] CHENG, C.,
RILEY, R., KUMAR, S. P. R., AND GARCIA-LUNA-ACEVES, J. J. A loopfiee etiended be~an-ford routing protocol without bouncing effect. Computer Communication Review 19,4 (September 1989), 224-236.


[3] HAAS, Z. J. A new routing protocol for the reconfigurable wireless network. h Proceedings of the 1997 IEEE 6th International Conference on Universal Personal Communications, ICUPC97 (San

b this paper we have presented a new dwectiond routing protocol for ad hoc networks using a novel mechanism for the dissemination of location information. The proposed solution can be used to minimize the amount of bandwidth and transmission power used to maintain routing tables without pentizing the accuracy of the

Diego, CA, 12-16 October 1997), pp. 562-566. [4] HAAS, Z. J. Panel report on ad hoc networks Mllcom97. Mobile Computing and Communications Review, MC2R, a publication of the ACM SIGMOBILE 2, 1 (January 1998), 15-18.





[5] HAAS, Z. J., AND PEARLMAN, M. R. The zone routing protocol (ZRP) for ad hoc networks. ~TERNET DRAFT-Mobile Ad hoc Networking (MANET) Working Group of the bternet Engineering Task Force (ETF), November 1997. To be considered Work in Progress. See dso [8]. [6] JOHNSON, D., AND MALTZ, D. A. Dynamic source routing in ad hoc wireless networks. h Mobile Computing, T. tiefinski and H. F. Korth, Eds. Kluwer Academic PubUshers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, February 1996, ch. 5, pp. 153-181.
[7] KAPLAN, E. D., Ed. Understanding GPS: principles and applications. Artech House, Boston, MA,

[8] MACKER, J. P., AND CORSON, M. S. Mobfle ad hoc networking and the ETF. Mobile Computing and Communications Review, MC2R1 a publication of the ACM SIGMOBILE 2, 2 (Aprti 1998), 912. [9] MURTHY, S., AND GARCIA-LUNA-ACEVES, J. J. An efficient routing protocol for wireless networks. ACM/Baltzer Journal on Mobile Networks and Applications, MANET 1,2 (October 1996), 183-197.

[10] PARK, V., ANDCORSON, M. S. A higMy adaptive distributed algorithm for mobde wireless networks. h Proceedings of the IEEE INFOCOM97 (Kobej Japan, 7-11 Aprti 1997).
[11] PERKINS, C. E. Ad hoc on-demand

distance vector

DRAFT-Mobfle Ad hoc Networking (MANET) Working Group of the bternet Engineering Task Force (~TF), 20 November 1997. To be considered Work in Progress. See dso [8]. [12] PERKINS, C. E., AND BHAGWAT, P. HigMy dynamic destination-sequenced dlstanc~vector routing (DSDV) for mobde computers. Computer Communication Review 24, 4 (October 1994), 234244.

(AODV) routing. ~TERNET


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