GR Vol2iss1 Communion

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Gospel Revolution

Joseph Prince Ministries Vol 2 Issue 1

The Roasted Lamb

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Health Through

Supernatur al

His Word | page 2

Health & Wholeness Through The

Holy Communion
Bundle set available!

US$85 only (Usual items amount: US$86.80)

Join Joseph Prince as he reveals how the covenant meal is Gods delivery system of His divine promises of health and wholeness. The revelations shared in this set of resources will not only answer your questions about this important meal, but also give you a new boldness to approach the Lords table and receive the miracle you need!

Book 85 pages 5-DVD box set
(Approx. total duration: 6hr 3min)

To order, please use the enclosed order form or visit

Jesus Is Willing, Be Healed!


Then Jesus put out His hand and touched him, saying, I am willing; be cleansed.

Matthew 8:3

Please send all correspondence, enquiries, requests to: Joseph Prince Ministries, Inc., PO Box 2115, Fort Mill SC 29716, USA; tel: 866 909 9673 (toll-free); email: Gospel Revolution is published by Joseph Prince Ministries, Inc., a non-profit organization in the USA. 2009 Joseph Prince Ministries, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without prior written permission. Gospel Revolution has no subscription or newsstand price, and is supported through contributions worldwide. All gifts to Joseph Prince Ministries, Inc. are tax-deductible in the USA only. Unless stated otherwise, all articles touching on the Word are based on Joseph Princes messages. Other opinions reflected in this newsletter do not necessarily represent those of the ministry or publications team. Unless stated otherwise, all scripture quotations are taken from the New King James Version. Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

o you know that it is Gods will for you to be healed? In fact, Jesus always healed the sick who came to Him. The blind, lame, maimed, mute, deaf and demon-possessed He healed them all! (Matthew 8:16)

The Bible says that he who has seen Jesus has seen the Father. (John 14:9) You want to see what God is like? Look at Jesus! He never gave sickness to anybody. You never find Jesus looking at a person, a fine specimen of a man, and saying, Come here. You are too healthy. Receive some leprosy! In fact, when a leper came to Him for healing, Jesus, full of compassion, told the leper, I am willing; be cleansed. Unfortunately, there are some Christians who say, It is Gods will for me to be sick. God has some purpose, some mysterious purpose for my situation. It is all part of His divine plan and we shall all know in the sweet by and by, the reason why! But these same people go to their doctors to get well. They take their medication and rest. Why do they do that if they really believe that God wants them sick? Doesnt make sense, does it?

Come on, what makes perfect sense is this: God wants you well. He wants you whole. His will is for you to be healed! In fact, He is so willing that He took all your sicknesses and diseases upon His own body, so that you dont have to suffer them today! He allowed Himself to be beaten and scourged, so that by His scourging by His stripes you are healed! (Isaiah 53:5) Since He has already suffered the sickness on your behalf, why should you suffer it today? So my friend, if you are sick, know that God did not give you the disease. Read every healing miracle that Jesus did in the Gospels and see how Jesus is the Lord who heals you. (Exodus 15:26) Hear His gracious words, I am willing, be healed, and know that they are as much for you today as they were for the leper!

Gospel Revolution

His Word

The Roasted Lamb

Is eating the Lords Supper important? Can eating a piece of bread really bring about great miracles? Dont forget: It was by one act of eating that man fell. Man ate from the wrong tree. The fall of man and all the curses that accompanied it poverty, disease, sickness, death came about because Adam ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

Supernatural Health Through

oday, by partaking of what the second Adam did on the tree of Calvary, you reverse what the first Adam did at the wrong tree. In 1 Corinthians 11:2325, Paul says: 1 Corinthians 11:2325 23 For I received from the Lord that which I also delivered to you: that the Lord Jesus on the same night in which He was betrayed took bread; 24and when He had given thanks, He broke it and said, Take, eat; this is My body which is broken for you; do this in remembrance of Me. 25In the same manner He also took the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the new covenant in My blood. This do, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me. We know that the wine in the cup represents His blood, which was shed for the forgiveness of our sins. What about the bread? It represents His body, which was broken for us, so that our bodies can be healthy and whole. So by eating the bread in faith, we are partaking of Jesus life, health and wholeness. But because eating is so simple, we who are intelligent and logical cannot understand it! We cannot understand the simple ways of God. We look at the piece of bread and the cup, and we ask ourselves, What are these compared to medicine and doctors! Can these drive out cancer? Can these cause you to live long? It is only a piece of bread! It is only juice!

We forget that the way God works is that He uses weak things to confound the mighty. He uses foolish things to confound the wise. I am not against medicine. By all means, continue to take the medicine your doctor has prescribed. But at least give the same respect to the Lords Supper. I thank God for medicine and doctors, but they still speak of mans efforts. And I read the other day in the Bible: Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostrils... (Isaiah 2:22, KJV) The Holy Communion, however, is provided by God, not man. This is not the blood of man. This is the blood of the Son of God. It is the blood of deity that we are partaking. If Israel can partake of the roasted lamb and have none feeble among them (Psalm 105:37), how much more we who partake of the Lamb of deity will be healed and well!

A Part For A Part

Down through the years, people have studied medicine. Chinese medicine, for example, has this theory: If you want a diseased part of your body, say your liver, to be well, you eat the liver of an animal. Some parents, when their children are having examinations, make them eat pigs brains. How do I know? My mum used to make me eat that! They believe in part for part. I am not for or against Chinese medicine. I am not saying that this part for part thing is a scientific fact. But where did they learn it from? Somewhere along the way, man learnt it. I am going to share with you how it was taken also from the Passover meal. But before I go into that, I want to tell you about another principle of medicine: Fight poison with poison.

The Bible says that everyone who was bitten by the snake would be healed if they would look at the bronze serpent.
Poison For Poison
Lets say that you are bitten by a venomous snake. What does the doctor inject into you to save you? Anti-venom made with the same venom! Fight poison with poison. To combat smallpox or chickenpox, what does the doctor inject into your children? A bit of the germs, not medicine, so that their bodies will develop immunity against it. Now, where did this medical principle come from? Remember the children of Israel in the wilderness? They were bitten by snakes. They cried out to God and God told Moses to make a bronze serpent and put it on a pole, and to lift up the bronze serpent. The Bible says that everyone who was bitten by the snake would be healed if they would look at the bronze serpent.

See Your Disease Judged At The Cross

God wanted the children of Israel to see their snake bites taken at the cross. What is that a picture of? Jesus Christ. Why a bronze serpent? Bronze speaks of judgment. In other words, you must see Jesus on the cross judged with your diseases. If you have a kidney problem, see Jesus kidney smitten with your disease. Once you see that Jesus body was smitten with your disease, it cannot remain in you because God cannot punish the same sin twice! Because our sins have been punished in our substitute Jesus Christ, Gods holiness and righteousness are on our side demanding our justification, forgiveness and deliverance! So it does you no good to see Jesus on the cross clean and sanitized, like how some paintings depict Him.
Gospel Revolution 3

On the cross, Jesus took every tumor, cancerous growth, deformity, rheumatoid arthritis and all kinds of diseases.

Dont Eat It Raw But Roasted

The first thing we learn about eating the Passover lamb is not to eat it raw. Exodus 12:9 Do not eat it raw, nor boiled at all with water, but roasted in fire its head with its legs and its entrails. In other words, you cannot take the bread and say, Oh baby Jesus, the Lamb of God. Oh Jesus, sweet Jesus And you think of Him all the time as the Jesus before the cross. No, you cannot partake and receive in this manner. You are eating Him raw. You must see Jesus punished for your sins and smitten with your diseases! Then, you will receive your healing. My Bible says that His visage or face was beyond recognition. His form was marred more than any man. (Isaiah 52:14) That means He looked deformed, hideous and ugly. There was no beauty in Him, the Bible says, when He was on the cross. (Isaiah 53:2) That is why God blessed Mel Gibson for making the movie, The Passion Of The Christ. He did not whitewash the sufferings of Jesus. Most paintings of Jesus on the cross are very clean small wounds, and you can still see His face and form. They are making people eat Him raw. They do not help people to see that He was smitten. On the cross, Jesus took every tumor, cancerous growth, deformity, rheumatoid arthritis and all kinds of diseases. His form was beyond that of any man that God had to cover the whole place in darkness for three hours. No human could look at that scene and not vomit. Even Mel Gibson said that his movie was not as violent as it was supposed to be.

Dont Water It Down

So dont eat it raw. Dont boil it with water either. That means dont water it down or sanitize it. Eat it roasted in fire! See Jesus smitten with your disease! When you take the bread, and you have a heart condition, you must see Jesus on the cross with His heart smitten with your heart disease. Then, when you eat, that heart disease in your body has no right to remain there! And that is not a demand from any earthly government or court, but from the highest court in heaven, from the King of kings Himself! There is no way that that disease can stay in your body.

Child Healed Of Eczema And Thyroid

One of my care group leaders, Brian Pang, shared with me a tremendous testimony. He told me that recently, he was with his friend from another church. And this friend has a fouryear-old daughter. Ever since the child was born, she had two major problems: Atopical eczema (a skin disease) and thyroid. According to the doctors, both conditions are incurable. At first, she was given shots twice a week, then once a week followed by once a month. So Brian advised his friend to partake of the Holy Communion with his daughter. He also knew that his friend had to be fed with the Word first because faith comes by hearing the Word. (Romans 10:17) So Brian told him to read an excerpt from my book, Health And Wholeness Through The Holy Communion. His friend read the excerpt and began to partake of the Holy Communion with his daughter daily for one week. At the end of the week, the child was healed of atopical eczema. By the end of the second week, the child was healed of thyroid. The doctors were surprised and asked the father what he did and what medicine he had given the child. The case was even brought to the attention of Israeli doctors for further study. How I wish I could have the chance to tell them, Hey, this is your ancient Jewish ritual it is your Messiah who has healed this child! From now on, when you partake of the Holy Communion, do it in this manner: Lets say you have an eye condition, for example, cataracts. As you look at the bread, see Jesus on the cross being smitten with your eye disease, then partake of it. When you partake like this, you will partake with gratefulness and feel the love of the Lord.

Eat The Roasted Head

God also says in Exodus 12:9 to eat the lambs head. The head is a symbol of intellect and wisdom. So when you partake of the Lords Supper, you are partaking of Jesus wisdom and His intellect. The mind of Christ is perfect. Even when He walked the earth at 12 years old, the Bible says that the adults were amazed at His understanding and answers. (Luke 2:4647) Now, He didnt own any Bible. In those days, to listen to the Word of God, people had to go to the synagogue. This means that Jesus retained in His mind whatever He heard. Students, imagine this: Every time your teacher says something, it is retained in your mind! You hear it just once and it is retained! And just because you age, it does not mean that you have to become forgetful. Your intellect and memory will be sharp because you are partaking of the mind of Christ. So partaking of the Lords Supper will help your mental health.

Eat The Roasted Legs

What about the roasted legs? Why did God tell the Israelites to eat the roasted legs of the lamb that night? Dont forget that they were slaves. They could only walk within the confines of their work areas. And the next day, they had to walk hundreds of kilometers in the desert. So God wanted them to be strong. The Bible says that when He brought them out of Egypt, not one of them was feeble.

Gospel Revolution

Whenever I took the bread, I imagined Jesus tailbone smitten with my pain.
Psalm 105:37 He also brought them out with silver and gold, and there was none feeble among His tribes. Do you know that the Hebrew word for feeble in this verse is the same word for lame? In other words, there was none lame among His tribes. Every old person that came out of Egypt came out without a walking stick! So this talks about the renewal of youth old people being able to walk.

Healed Of Tailbone Pain

Doesnt all this make you look forward to the Holy Communion? When I partake of the Holy Communion at home, I use a big piece of the Holy Communion bread. I bite a portion and meditate on feeding on His head His wisdom. I partake of the mind of Christ. Then, I feed on another part and see that part smitten with my disease. Two years ago, I was in a restaurant overseas with my wife. When I sat down, there was a sharp pain in my tailbone. After that, whenever I sat on hard surfaces, there would be this pain. I began to take the Holy Communion for it. Whenever I took the bread, I imagined Jesus tailbone smitten with my pain. Was I healed immediately? No. And that is what I want to end with.

Eat The Roasted Entrails

Now, we come to the entrails the intestines. Why did God tell the children of Israel to feed on the roasted intestines of the lamb? Because God wanted their intestines to be strong. As they journeyed from Egypt, they had to eat the food that they had packed. But Pastor Prince, God gave them manna. No, the manna came only after they had crossed the Red Sea. That journey took a number of days. This meant that they lived on whatever food they carried with them. None of them had diarrhea. They had strong intestines because they fed on the roasted intestines of the lamb!

No Pressure On Your Faith

I cant remember how many times I partook of the Holy Communion for the problem and when exactly I was healed. One day, I just realized that the pain was no longer there. And it has been more than half a year now that I have not had the pain. One of the wonderful benefits of the Holy Communion is this: There is no pressure to believe that you receive all of your healing when you partake of it. Mark 11:24 Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them. Mark 11:24 is a valid truth. It is one way to receive healing to believe that you receive your healing there and then. But not everyone has the faith to do that. The Holy Communion is different. Every time you partake of it, you can believe that you are getting better and better until one day, you realize that you are completely healed!

This article is excerpted from the message, Supernatural Health Through The Roasted Lamb, preached by Joseph Prince on 11 December 2005.This message is also available on DVD in the DVD box set, Health & Wholeness Through The Holy Communion. To order your copy, use the enclosed form or visit

Send The Gospel Of Grace

We have a simple vision burning in our hearts. We want to boldly declare the good news that we are no longer under the old covenant of law today, but under the new covenant of grace through our wonderful Savior Jesus Christ. The world needs to hear that the cross really did make a difference! Wonderful testimonies from thousands of people have poured in to share with us about how their lives, marriages and careers have been radically transformed as they hear more and more of Jesus, and His abundance of grace through Josephs ministry. If you have been blessed by this ministry and want to share in our vision to touch the nations with the Gospel of Grace, we invite you to partner with us in any of the following categories:

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Gospel Revolution

Events Coverage

Joseph Prince In The United Kingdom

Joseph Prince preaching during a Sunday service at the Dominion Theatre.

At the conference session on 10 October 2008, Joseph Prince unveiled the beauty of our Lord Jesus hidden in the book of Genesis and the menorah (the seven-branched lampstand used in the temple of God).

Pastor Gary Clarke of Hillsong Church London introducing Joseph Princes book, Destined To Reign, to conference delegates.

Between 8 and 12 October 2008, Joseph Prince was in London, the United Kingdom. He had been invited to be one of the keynote speakers at Hillsong Conference Europe 2008, and to preach at Hillsong Church Londons Sunday services. Some 30 denominations from about 50 countries were represented at the conference which was held at the ExCeL London. At two conference sessions, Joseph shared powerful revelations that impacted the 5,000 delegates and leaders who attended each session. On Sunday, 12 October 2008, Joseph Prince preached at two afternoon services held in the Dominion Theatre. Each service was well-attended by about 2,000 people.

On 9 October 2008, Joseph Prince taught on the four horsemen in the book of Revelation and revealed Gods protection plan for His people.

The worship team leading conference participants into an electrifying time of praise and worship in the ExCeL London.

Gospel Revolution

Praise Reports
Healed Of Lung Disease had an incurable lung disease for 10 years. Doctors told me that they would need to manage my disease for the rest of my life.

Son Set Free From Oppression My teenage son, Daniel, was born again at the age of six. However, when he entered high school, he became depressed and burdened about his walk with Christ. He was constantly feeling condemned and suffered terribly. I began to pray that God would release Daniel from his oppression. Then, I discovered you on ABC Family Channel. As I listened to your teachings, I realized that Daniel was caught in the clutches of legalism and desperately needed to know how richly Gods grace abounds to him. So I began sharing with him what I had learnt from you. Eventually, he too got up early to watch your program. We have also purchased your book, Destined To Reign, to reinforce what we hear from your program. God has since set Daniel free from oppressive, legalistic thinking through your ministry. The joy of the Lord is now apparent in him. I praise God for giving us such a tangible answer to his needs. Peggy DeCecco | Wyoming, USA

In December 2007, I started watching Pastor Prince on ABC Family Channel, five days a week. He taught on the wonderful finished work of the cross and that healing is for all no one is disqualified. This touched me deeply and I was filled with faith. I also heard Pastor Princes teaching on the power of the Holy Communion and started partaking of it almost daily. In June 2008, I was totally healed of my lung disease. Praise the Lord! Lisa Lato | Illinois, USA Sore On Hand Miraculously Removed

heard you for the first time when I attended Hillsong Conference 2007. I also bought your book, Destined To Reign. At that time, I had a nasty sore on my hand. It had been troubling me for months and I was advised by a doctor to have it removed by a plastic surgeon. However, when I read your book, I declared that I have been healed by the stripes of Jesus and I refused to accept the lying symptoms. That night, I had a dream of an angel removing the pus from the sore. When I awoke the next morning, my hand was healed. Praise God! My home group members and I have been impacted by your teachings about our heavenly Fathers love for us through your DVDs. Most recently, your Grace & Favour Seminar DVD has also given me a revelation that I am righteous and I have experienced victory in spiritual warfare. Juenith McIntosh | Christchurch, New Zealand Healed Of Back Pain For almost a week, I had been experiencing a pain in my back. The pain was so bad that at times, it would keep me awake all night. Yesterday (27 August 2008), I read the book, Health And Wholeness Through The Holy Communion. After that, I went to a store and bought the elements for Communion. When I reached home, I partook of the Holy Communion. I was able to sleep through the night and I woke up in the morning pain-free. Praise God! Danny Chesshir | Missouri, USA

Send Us Your Praise Reports Do you have a praise report to share how God has blessed you through this ministry? We would love to hear from you and your praise report glorifies His name! You can use our online praise report form at (click on Contact Us and select Praise Report). If you would like to include a photo* of yourself, please write to us at or at Joseph Prince Ministries, Inc., PO Box 2115, Fort Mill SC 29716, USA.
* Please note that the photo you send is non-returnable.We may use your photo when we publish your praise report on our website and/or newsletters.

Praise Reports
Blessed By The Word Of God I have been a Christian for 16 years. But during the period of my late teens to my early twenties, I was away from God. However, the Lord has never given up on me and has drawn me close to Him again. Your ministry has been such a blessing to me. I watch you on Daystar TV channel and record each of your programs. Actually, I found you accidentally because I am quite particular about what I watch on Christian TV channels. I have learnt more in one half-hour program of yours than I had in years. God has given you a mighty revelation of the Bible, especially new covenant truths from the Old Testament. Your teachings are so precious to me because I desire to know the Lord and understand the Bible so much more. By watching your programs and listening to your teachings, I am fed and built up by the Word. Praise God that no matter how much meat of the Word we eat, we can never become spiritually overweight! We will just grow stronger and more po werful in Jesus. Francesca Bailey | Staffordshire, England Family Grown Closer Through The Hearing Of Gods Word My family had been going through some tough times. We had just moved to a new state and were feeling stressed. We prayed to find a church that would teach us the Word of God and help us to grow closer to Him. But we couldnt find the time to attend a church nor to read Gods Word. One day, my father watched one of your sermons on TV and he just couldnt get enough. He started recording them and got all of us to watch them together. After that, we were on fire for the Lord. We found the time to read the Bible, started talking about God and also listened to you teach on the Word of God together. As a family, we grew stronger and closer. In the short time that Ive been watching your program, I have learnt so much and grown in the Lord. God has used you to make a huge difference in our lives and has answered our prayers. Thank you. Theresa Darkes | Nevada, USA

By sending your praise reports to Joseph Prince Ministries (JPM), you agree to grant JPM permission to edit and share your testimony wherever JPM deems fit. You also confirm that the information you have provided is accurate and true to the best of your knowledge. JPM will not be liable for any inaccuracy arising from the information you have provided.

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