The Great Void Which Is Unconditioned Fullness: One: The Expanding Universe
The Great Void Which Is Unconditioned Fullness: One: The Expanding Universe
The Great Void Which Is Unconditioned Fullness: One: The Expanding Universe
(Subspace 2009)
(c) 2009 by Clete Goffard
The Fundamental Mass Unit Hypothesis.
We can measure space with a rule and time with a clock, apparently directly. But mass, a
property of matter, cannot be so measured; we measure instead resistance to acceleration, and
posit that some attribute of matter gives rise to the resistance.
But resistance to acceleration is a relation and not a something which can exist independently
of relation. Now one would think that in this case there must be a somethingness to mass, and that
this somethigness is involved in the relation. If it only exists as a relation, then what is its status
when it is not relating? If it can't be measured, in other words, does it exist? We prefer to deal
with material substance, then, as a persisting something which exists independently of relations,
one of the relations of which is mass.
It is a common truism that the the total rest mass of an object can be divided by dividing the
material in the object. Half of the loaf is about half the mass of the whole loaf. We can take the
division to the size of atoms, at which point we must either stop or break the atom up into
smaller parts. The atom has mass, and the parts of the atom, electrons, neutrons and protons, as
well as the "pieces" they are broken into. It seems that the atomic level is not the primary level of
organization, for below that are the elusive quarks.
Where does divisibility end? Does the final product of division, itself, have mass, or is mass a
relation created between parts at an even finer level? Fortunately, for the purposes of our
discussion, we do not need to know. What we shall do is to employ a working hypothesis, which
can be described in these terms:
There is a unit of materiality that we shall call the fundamental mass unit which is the smallest
(observable) amount of gravitational and inertial mass. Note that the fmu need not be an actual
particle--that's not important here--its merely the smallest, concrete, unit of mass to which we
have need to make reference.
Our purpose for positing the fmu is this. Physics, in considering mass as a fundamental
quantity, is defining mass in terms of relative amounts of mass. Relative amounts of mass can be
measured and compared.What we want to do is to explore relations the relations of mass as a
thing of itself, and the relations of that to other masses.
We can say that the proper mass of an object is the sum of the fmu's it contains: m=n(fmu).
For example, when Newton's apple fell, we can more properly say that gravity acted not on the
mass as a quantity, but upon each fmu individually. It is the individual fmu that is accelerated, and
hence the accelerated speed of falling is not determined by the quantity of fmu's it contains, but
on the acceleration of each individual fmu.
Or, let us consider the famous Law of Gravitation, F=Gm1m2/d^2. Why multiply one mass by
the other?( one might ask). While m1m2 is a product, it is also a sum. The first mass, m1,
contains n1 fundamental mass units, and the second, n2, fmu. Each fmu of n1 has n2 relations
with the second mass. The sum of all the relations of the fmu's of m1 with m2 is simply m1m2.
Suppose a solid object in our vicinity suddenly disappeared, or shall we say, dematerialized.
What happens to the mass? We can imagine that the mass becomes imaginary, which is another
way of saying not detectable. The framework of our thinking is structured on detectability. If it
cannot be measured, it does not exist, is a rule of thumb for physical reality.
It is necessary, for our purposes, to borrow a term from the physics of energy and posit kinetic
mass and potential mass. The energy of an object raised to a higher elevation, for example, is
considered to be potential.
Following this line of thought, we will conceive of the mass of a disappearing object
becoming potential. The need for doing this will soon be clear when we consider the possibility
of a physical object being phase-shifted. If it is moved slightly ahead, or backward in the time
cycle, it would, no doubt, disappear from our environment. We can then consider that its' mass
has become potential, rather than ceasing to exist.
A Cause of Mass?
As a result of the "zoom" expansion we have suggested, any two physical objects in the
present instant are further apart than they were in the previous instant. A slight lag in expansion
would be equivalent to their being slightly accelerated backward in time toward a closer
conjunction.Hence, it might seem to the observer that they attracted one another gravitationally.
But how do we account for a backward motion? It is the mass, after all, that is the evidence of
the expansion. We think that we must posit a varying rate of expansion. The expansion is not
linear, but speeds up and slows down as we expect cyclical time to do. If the rate of expansion
increases, then each second will be slightly longer. A driver of an accelerating automobile will
feel a backward force on their body resulting from inertia. Inertial mass, thus, means a minimum
amount of energy is continually required to change the time path.
If, on the other hand, the rate of expansion is decreasing, or increasing, there also will be an
inertial effect.
But there is another analogy which might be more to the point: a point on a the edge of a
spinning disc is continually changing direction. If the Brahman wave* is spinning dimensionally,
it is making a continual deviation in direction.
What we are certain about at this point is this: Inertial mass, in our scheme, is the resistance to
diverting the time path of the gauge pulse.*
* This and other terms will be explained shortly.
The Minkowski Coordinate System.
In 1908, Hermann Minkowski unveiled a coodinate system of four dimensions, x,y,z+t, in
which time was treated in the same
way as the three spatial dimensions.A three-dimensional point became a world line because of its
dimensional extension in time.Minkowski used a commonplace mathematical assumption, that an
infinite number of points can be placed on a line. For any two points, the thinking goes, a third
point can be imagined to be interposed between them. For the purposes of pure math this is
satisfactory but when applied to a physical model it has led physics into, we believe, what
Whitehead called "the fallacy of misplaced concreteness," commonly expressed as "mistaking the
map for the territory."
We know there are no infinitely small parcels of mass, matter, or energy. What are we to make
of an infinitely small time or length? Can there be such a thing in a world that seems to be
otherwise quantized?
In the view we are presenting, there are no infinitely large or small quantities in the relative
world of materiality and forces.Hence we must conclude that there is a grain to space and to time
as well, a minimal extension.Hence, we would replace Minkowski's world-point with a world-
A second objection that we entertain to the Minkowski system is the assumption that the future
is an extension of the past. We can see the near past as an extension of the less near past, and it is
convenient to project this forward beyond the present instant to a future we have not yet
experienced, but which is as real as the past. We think there is reason to believe that the future,
that is, the future we will experience, exists only in potential.*
There is an important distinction to be made here.In the view we have developed and are
presenting here, there are multiple waves of time, one behind the other. These waves ripple
through a medium we call subspace and leave a slowly damping out effect. The residue of one
wave modifies the probabilities of the next which increases the liklihood that its' content will be
.If we are applying the coordinate system to the past, or hypothetically,this objection may be
There Is No Common Dimension of Time.
When speaking of the expansion of the universe, it is fundamental mass units that are actually
separating. As they do, the relative space between them increases, or is "created."
We will assume that the expansion is radial, like an expanding balloon. So a concentration of
fmu's will separate as they expand outward.The direction of expansion is the fmu's dimension of
time. But we might treat the overall expansion as scalar, because each fmu has a different
But one must not confuse the 3+1, Classical, approach with the gauge expansion model
presented here, where everything gets bigger, like the zoomed image, without relative motion
within the image.We propose that a four-dimensional, expansion is occurring, so that the overall
increase in size also occurs in the fourth, or temporal dimension..The expansion is occurring at
the observed speed of light (3x 10^8 m/s).
An analogy we find useful in understanding relative motion, is that of two speedboats
traveling at an identical speed, v, across a lake. One of the boats, by means of its rudder, diverts
its course by a certain angle. Each boat will see the other begin to drift away at a constant speed.
Two objects at relative rest are like the boats when their courses are parallel. The forward
motion is not noticeable (one boat compared to the other). But the divergence is noticeable. What
we propose is that the forward motion is the direction of expansion, and that is the boats'
dimension of time. Note that the speed of the boats is always v. The speed of drifting apart is
relative motion. So when two objects acquire a relative motion to one another, their time lines
diverge.There is the additional condition that the divergence be quantised, and so there would be
a minimum unit of divergence, which must be an important physical constant.
If the two boats do not diverge, they will both be considered to be traveling in the same
direction.What seems to be a common dimension of time is actually units of materiality traveling
together with minimal divergence at a common group speed. A "unit of materiality" will always
travel at a rate of c, and does not change its direction without the application of a force ( this is
essentially a restatement of Newton's First Law of Motion). What the application of force does is
to change the object's time path of expansion. The amount of force is equal to the angle of
divergence, which is directly proportional to the relative speed produced.
There is no common dimension of time. Every object has its own time path. Objects at rest
relative to one another are traveling on parallel time paths which makes it seem as if there is a
common dimension. The time path is the direction through subspace.
The Minkowski 3+1 coordinate system, must be treated very carefully. The universal
expansion creates more of a "world cone," than a world line. But more fundamental than that, the
3+1 viewpoint assumes that mass, and matter, have a real existence, whereas in our approach,
materiality is a gauge effect in subspace.
Expanding Earth Theory.
If a four-dimensional gauge expansion is occurring, then our planet is also expanding at the
speed of light.
Since the planet's gravity is greatest near the surface, we might expect--if gravity results from
a lag in that expansion--that the lag is greater there than in the interior. If one, thus, has an
expanding sphere of which the surface expands at a slightly slower rate than the interior, one
might conclude that the surface would be subjected to cracking. If we follow this line of thought
backward, we can easily imagine how the continents came into being.
At some remote time in its history, the planet was completely covered by primeval ocean, and
what are now the continents formed its sea bed. Slowly, although faster at some time than others,
the sea bed cracked in great circle lines and slowly the ocean subsided into the widening cracks.
Land life could not develop before this occurred, and for a long duration the emerging
continents would have been subjected to daily flooding and drying as a result of tides.
If the above is true, then the edges of the continents should show great circle cracks of a
smaller diameter planet. It is also unavoidably implied that the continents would be found upon
examination, to fit together as the surface of a smaller diameter sphere--this is our interpretation
of what we have found to be is an idea of some provenance.
Main stream geophysics seems to be progressing in this direction, most notably the work of
James Maxlow (there are a growing number of others). The actual expansion occurs along the
edges of the continental plates which are slowly separating, and as they do so, molten rock oozes
up to fill the crack created, in a process known as sea floor spreading. Dr. Maxlow's approach
involves the fact that the earth's magnetic field periodically reverses. The molten rock acquires
the magnetic polarity of the field as it cools, and hence bands of opposing polarities (magnetic
striping) are created. These bands show a general outline of the continental plates at the edges,
and they can be tracked backward to show that continents separate because the sea floor has been
getting larger rather than the continental plates drifting as in Alfred Wegener's scheme. According
to Maxlow, 200 million years ago the land mass of the earth was united as a single continent (the
entire crustal surface) of the Earth which was estimated to be about 52% of its current size. But
this value (apparently derived from calculating the size of a sphere with a surface area equal to
the current continental area) does not take into account our proposal of gauge expansion.
An enthusiastic proponent of the expanding earth idea is noted cartoonist Neal Adams, who
has produced several videos of the proposed process (q.v.).
* * * * * *
I. An Introduction to Subspace. II. The Self-Enclosed Wave, the Brahman Wave, the Gauge
Pulse. II.The Pyramid Model, An Idea About Time(1): Henri Bergson, An Idea About Time(2):
Philip K. Dick. IV. Phase Shifting, Light.
An Introduction to Subspace.
We shall turn our attention to space, itself, which in its true nature we have given the name
subspace to avoid confusion with relative space-time. But, since four dimensions of space are
required, and each dimension may be space-like or time-like (Euclidean) , one has the option of
4+0, 0+4, and three 3+1 spaces. Hence, what is called 'hyperspace', which we take to be a 4+0
space, is a specific conception of subspace.
Subspace is substantive, rather than a metrical nothingness. But it is, as we have said, not
relative space. Since it is vibratory and composed of discrete units, it can support wave motion. In
some respects subspace resembles an aether with the important distinction that: subspace is not
something in space, but space itself.
This space is considered to be boundless.It is also grainy. The closely packed grains are
bubble-like, vibrating, wave motions which vibrate backward and forward in four simple
harmonic motions, and in doing so, contain, or enclose themselves. We call this special sort of
wave the self-enclosed wave, and consider it to be the fundamental pattern of physical
existence.It is smaller and vibrates faster than any physically detectable vibration.Could we see it,
it possibly would appear to us as a bubble. It is a wave that might appear to be a thing.
The S.E.W., or self-enclosed wave, follows what we call the gauge rule , so that l/t=k, (where
k is the observed speed of light, l is spatial size, and t is the length of the second). In other words,
the ratio between space and time is c .
So as the SEW increases in size, its' time slows, and vice versa.When Boscovich's universe
gets smaller, its time runs faster because its seconds are not as long. The gauge rule is essential to
maintain the observed speed of light as a constant in a universe which may change in size. The
reader may see that we are adopting the Second Postulate of the STR, which establishes the
observer's measurement of the speed of light, c, as a fundamental constant.
The gauge rule is actually implicit in our current world view, for there is the assumption that
ratio between the scale of space and the length of the second is unvariably constant. We do not
know the two do not vary, but we know that if they do, they must vary in such a way to be
Subspace is much too dense to allow for any kind of materiality to pass through it.What can
pass through is a type of wave motion we call the gauge wave. Since subspace is composed of
discrete vibrating units, any wave motion will be broken up into quantized gauge pulses. As we
may repeatedly say herein, "the gauge rule applies."
Subspace, is not the relative space with which we are familiar. The "ground floor" conception
of the world of naive human experience, the current culture and even science, is still local 3+1
space and linear time. Dimensionality as a pure abstraction, in our opinion, has little meaning
except as a coordinate system applied to materiality. Local space is relative.
While we might believe that we have a fairly clear idea of what space is, time is a persisting
mystery. We can call it a dimension, and measure it with a clock, but it is not exactly the same
kind of dimension as the other three spatial dimensions. One can walk across a park with ease,
but it is practically impossible to stroll into the park of yesterday or tomorrow. C. Howard Hinton
noted that although time may be an extension, it is also motion along that extension.
This prompts an idea--perhaps we can't walk into tomorrow because the motion of time is so
rapid that we can't walk fast enough. If everything in our vicinity is expanding at the speed of
light, then that's really the rate at which things change, and so we shall propose that that's the
speed of time. In this way, clocktime and the expansion of the universe are differing perspectives
of the same event. So we might modify Hinton's insight to read that the direction of motion
through subspace is the dimension of temporal extension.
Many years ago, while musing on the nature of space and time, we idly jotted down the
sequence: A,B,C,+D with A, B, and C representing dimensions of space while D represented
It occurred to us that if we allowed ourselves the latitude of treating the dimensional
extensions of space and time as entirely equivalent (Euclidean), the possibilities of B,C,D +A ,
A,C,D +B, and A,B,D +C worlds becomes obvious. So from four equivalent dimensions, one can
construct four worlds, each with its' own time dimension. Here the nascent idea languished for a
year or so, until we began to consider the possibility that rather than four distinct dimensions of
time there was instead a four-dimensional hyperspace and that time was a motion with a
dimensional spin that cycled it through all four worlds successively.Rather than static condition
of the first insight, this created a dynamic world of frequency and motion.
The English philosopher, Samuel Alexander, thought that the basis of all physical reality was
motion, and we find considerable insight in this view which was later embraced by Dewey B.
The Self-Enclosed Wave (S.E.W.)
The self-enclosed wave is our version of the perennial Monad, the One Element, of the
ancients, from which all else is compounded.
Leibniz developed a monadology in which the basic unit of existence was a 'soul.' There were
three kinds of monads, human souls, animal souls, and the souls which created matter.
Leibniz's conception followed that of Giordano Bruno, the fiery 16th century advocate of the
Copernican system who was burned alive in Rome in 1600 for his heresies. Bruno says, in De
Minimus, (thanks to the translations of Dorothy Waley Singer), "The minimum is the substance of
all things, and thou will await it at length as the largest of things. This is the monad, the atom."
He also says, in De Magica (again, Singer), "Thus...the soul of the individual is continuous
with the soul of the universe."
Bruno believed in the substantive nature of space, saying that it was, "not matter, but what we
think to call matter." So there is reason for thinking that Bruno's space was, if not composed of,
minima.Leibniz, who originally held with Newton's view of space later modified it to a relative
view. Leibniz's monads formed matter, not space. Our own view is closest to that of Brother
Jordanus (Bruno's nom de plume) in that it is substantive and formed of monadic units which are
not matter, but a special kind of wave which vibrates back-and-forth in time as well as in space,
and is consequently hyperdimensional.
We might use the model of an expanding and contracting sphere to illustrate four
dimensionality. But rather than a material object, let's consider it as a pure wave motion. All times
in our approach is cyclical, specifically, simple harmonic motion, or SHM.
If all four vibrations are in phase with one another, one can imagine a spherical wave which
increases to a certain size, slows, stops, and then decreases once again. This wave doesn't spread
out indefinitely-- it attains a certain size in the positive time of its' cycle,and then contracts when
its time becomes negative (an expansion in negative time is equivalent to a contraction in positive
time). All four dimensions are undergoing a vibration of the same frequency, but with a phase
displacement relative to one another. Hence, it encloses, or contains, itself.
If the vibration were very, very, fast (and it is), and could we see it from our dimension of
time, it might appear as a bubble.An Oriental might be inclined to say, perhaps, a pearl.
The universe of our conception, then, is a vast field of closely packed self-enclosed waves of
minimum size and maximum frequency. This field is much too dense for a physical object to
move through, and furthermore does not have overall, universal, dimensions of space and time.
The phenomenal universe is created by a self-enclosed wave of the lowest frequency and
maximum size, whiich we call the Brahman wave, whose vibrations sweep out across the minima
of the field creating interference effects. The discontinuous nature of the field breaks up these
vibrations into gauge pulses. We conceive that these gauge pulses entirely define the physical
As we have said, this is pure wave motion, so the S.E.W. is something of a bubble, whose size
is always proportional to its rate of vibration. The gauge rule applies. So we have an eternal wave
which doesn't go anywhere, but which has the characterics of a particle. The gauge pulses do go
somewhere--they ride the vibrations, radially outward at the observed speed of light. And that
speed is always the speed of the universal expansion. All relative motion resolves down to a
change in the radial direction of expansion of the gauger pulses.
The self-enclosed wave is conceived to be eternal and individual, a continuous wave which
continually turns back on itself in an endlessly repeating pattern. It is the substance of all things.
Jumping up" from one level to another is equivalent to moving from point-to-point along a
line. The difference results from attempting to squeeze 4 dimensions into a 3-dimensional
Stephen Hawking, in "A Brief History of Time," discusses a four-dimensional universe of
Euclidean space-time which is, in his terms, self-contained, without beginning or end.
The Brahman Wave.
In the view of Bernard Spinoza, the third great European monadologist, the Monad was
Divine, and the laws of nature were the laws of Divinity. Spinoza's view seems to be closer to the
concept of Brahman than the Bible Deity, and is close to our concept of the Brahman wave, which
also a Self-Enclosed Wave, the fundamental unit of consciousness as well as materiality.
Srila Prabhupada, in The Bhagavad-Gita As It Is, gives four definitions for Brahman: (1): the
individual [spirit]-soul (Atman), (2) the impersonal all-pervasive aspect of the Supreme, (3) the
Supreme Personality of the Godhead, (4) the mahat-tattva, or total material substance.
In our conception, mahat-tattva includes the material of all four phase rooms, which we also
believe are the "Four bodies of Brahma[n]."
The Brahman Wave is the field of consciousness of the universe, and certainly in this sense, it is
Brahman, the totality. It is our conception that the individualized consciousness of humans, the
Atman, is also a self-enclosed wave. Without the distinction of space and time, which the self-
enclosed waves create, all SEWs might be considered to be differing states of a single pattern. It
is in this sense, we believe, that Atman is Brahman. This echos Bruno's conception of the soul of
the individual as continuous with the soul of the universe.
We conceive of the beginning of the universe as the outward expansion of a very long cycle
self-enclosed wave (the Brahman wave) spreading outward, However, the energy creating the
Brahman wave is thought to be too great to be dispersed in one shell of quantized gauge pulses,
so there is an endless wave train of these pulses, one behind the other.
Gauge waves, having longitudinal as well as transverse components, in certain ways are
comparable to ordinary sound, so we are describing an omniverse which the sound of Creation is
more of a continuing "Big Aum," than a "Big Bang." The intoned Aum sounds like a harmonic
hum of, On, and is similar to three successive C's (for example) sounded on a piano. These are
the first second and fourth harmonics, an arrangement we shall consider later in stacking patterns
of self-enclosed waves.
Russian mystic and writer, P. D. Ouspensky, tells us in A New Model Of The Universe, of a
vision of the form of the universe. He saw a beautiful flower, a lotus, whose petals continually
unfolded from its center, traveling outward as they grew, and folded back under the flower to be
eternally recycled. The flower was filled with activity, light, and sound, and had the vision been
even more complete, a voice told him, "it would have been Brahma[n], Himself."
The Pyramid Model.
There is a model at hand to show the relationship we have been discussing, which is also one
of the most common forms to come down to us from antiquity: the pyramid.
The French philosopher and writer, Henri Bergson, was struck by the idea that the world we
know was like a movie-- it did not exist continuously, but was composed discrete instants
(frames). Some took the movie analogy seriously. Bertrand Russell commented that he attended
his first movie to explore Bergson's theory of time!
One would expect that the technology of the motion picture was the genesis of Bergson's idea.
Perhaps we might extend it to create an analogy. What we know as the atom may be a sequence
of several phase state instants.Thus although we may occasionally refer to Bergsonian time as a
path down a face of the pyramid, it has the potential of adding confusion in the mind of the
reader. In De Broglie's wave model of the atom, the atom is not the vibrations, per se, but a
persisting pattern of nodes and anti nodes formed by standing waves. So we must be careful not
to over extend the movie frame analogy. But having said that, let's expand the Bergsonian idea a
Suppose we took four separate movies, cut the frames apart, and reassembled them in the
sequence a1,b1,c1,d1,a2,b2,c2, and so on, to make one film out of the four. If we projected this
altered film, and had special glasses with shutters that opened every quarter of a cycle, we could
see any of the four films with a slight adjustment of the shutters (of course, the projection lamp
would have to be four times as bright, and the projector would have to run four times faster). The
point we wish to make here, is that our brains and nervous systems may be capable of directly
perceiving events in other phase rooms, and there is more than a hint in paranormal reports that
living creatures may have the ability to phase shift , that is, move from one phase room to
The descending helical path of the gauge pulse (re:the pyramid model), is a combination of
two distinct motions. One is the overall expansion, and the second is the dimensional spin that
takes it through the dayside, twilightside, nightside and dawnside states in an endless sequence. In
each one of the sides it is traveling in a different dimension of time. We shall call its position on a
side a phase state and a succession of phase states a phase room. Hence, our 3+1 universe is the
dayside phase room.
What we know as ordinary time is not smooth but made up, as we have seen, of a sequence of
discrete jumps. The other three phase rooms could be said to be multiplexed in between instants
of our clock time.
The other three sides of the pyramid model show states of materiality entirely comparable to
that which we know in the dayside phase room.
While the gauge pulses forming our world travel through all four phase states endlessly-- we
must entertain the notion that parts of the atom are strung out in time and phase--we can expect
that there will be gauge pulses which form units of materiality, which are continually out-of-
phase, and to a certain degree undetectable from the dayside phase room. One might think of an
auto traveling round and round a spiral ramp, appearing in only one of four phase rooms
(compass points)at a time. There is room for four such autos, one behind the other, all of which
all travel at the same speed. Each has a different dimension of time (which is space-like to us),
and its own clock time.
The twilights, nightside and dawnside phase rooms may form, as far as we can see, their own
planetary bodies (indeed, their own solar systems and universes as well). Hence, one has a
condition is which our planet has four times more surface area than we know of (which is attested
to by the comments of yogis who say that we can only see a quarter of the universe)*. Each
surface is a phase room and has a different dimension of time.
All four phase rooms form greater materiality--but our experience is largely limited to the
phenomena of one "side."
A variation of the pyramid model can be found in the Upanishads, where the twilight side is
designated as the astral plane, the nightside as the mental plane, etc.
*Or, let's consider a comment by channel Jane Robert's voluble 'Seth' " is erroneous to
think in terms of one physical universe. You now exist in four different ones at this moment." The
Seth Material, 1972 paperback, p.120.
234P23 4
234P23 4 P = dayside (physical,
234P23 4 2 = twilight side (astral)
2 3 4 P 2 3 4 >>>> 3 = nightside (mental)
234P234 4 = dawnside ('etheric')
Orthogonal Sequences of phase states
Every phase room (a) sees itself as the center of universal expansion, and (b) sees itself as
"normal". In a view from the twilight side, we are the dawnside. Since we assume that subspace is
relatively uniform, a simple interpretation is that the relationships are relative. They are not "built
into" space, but are characteristics of the gauge pulse locomoting through space, expanding and
dimensionally spinning as it does.
There may be a little confusion at this point regarding perspective. What we are calling the
gauge pulse is not an independent entity. The motion belongs to the Brahman wave. We may
visualize a smooth uniform wave, such as that on the surface of a still pond, but this wave is also
quantized, because the disturbance must pass from molecule to molecule (which is what the pond
consists of ). We don't see the individual motions of the molecules, but the effect of a large
number of them moving in a pattern. In the formation of materiality, gravity and other forces
cause large numbers of these pulses to clump together to form sub atomic particles, which
themselves clump together. And so one has concentrations of materiality with seemingly empty
space between them. But this is at the cost of having their time paths diverted, and so these
particles must have relative motion to one another--spin, or vibration, for example.
In attempting to visualize four-dimensional activity in 3+1 terms, it is necessary to cheat a
little, or use several partial models. In this case we have used the visualization of expanding
bubbles. But since the bubbles are packed together, there is no room for them to expand! That is
why we have them nested in shells. Having said that, we can also use another partial model to
describe them as well. That is to simply replace one of the spatial dimensions with the time
dimension. In this case, there is simply a linear sequence.
*Later we shall introduce a variation of this, which the reader need not be concerned about at
this point, in which every other P is an N, making a larger organization of 15 great planes, as
well as an organization of 7 planes.For the esoteric term "plane" one may read "phase room".
Phase Shifting.
In phase-shifting, a physical body would, by a minimal advance or retreat in the time helix
move from our phase room to one of the others. Conversely, an object in some other phase room
might be moved into ours.*
What would it be like to experience such a shift? Off hand, we would think it would be like the
story of someone who had unknowingly passed through a portal and found himself in a strange
landscape.A denizen of that phase room, no doubt would think that he had suddenly popped into
While another phase room would be expected to have largely the same content as our phase
room, it can also contain matter not present in ours (which is permanently out-of-phase with our
In phase shifting an object, we must remember that it is the individual units of matter that are
individually shifted. This would seem to require a field to phase shift a complex object. Lets
consider an object phase shifted from the ABC+D day side room to the BCD+A (the letter
designations are only nominal) twilight side room. Our time dimension,D, becomes a space
dimension in the BCD+A room, and one of our space dimensions (A) becomes their time
dimension. The corners of the pyramid model designate light paths, so at a certain point,
theoretically, the object could be in the "doorway" of both phase rooms at once.
*We expect that someone may wonder about the rotation of the time path proposed in our
discussion of the STR ,and its relation to phase shifting. Phase shifting (to another room)
corresponds to a 90 degree rotation of the time path.
If one proposes that everything in our vicinity is expanding at the speed of light, then the
problem of how light can possibly reach our eye at all, arises.We have taken pains to use the
expression "the observed speed of light," for it would seem that light would actually have to have
a speed of csqrt2. Thus, the light path could be thought of as the hypotenuse of a right angle
triangle with equal legs of c.
This being the case, then light must reach our eye at a 45 degree angle from the past, and be
reflected at a 45 degree angle into the future. If the reception angle is less than 45 degrees, the
light will be proportionately reddened.
This relationship is shown by the pyramid model. If we draw the diagonals of the base
through the corners, we will find they form angles of 135 degrees (90+45) with the sides. So the
diagonals and their parallels show all of the incident and reflection angles.
If our interpretation is correct, it means that light must travel between phase rooms. It also
seems to indicate that any phase room can only received light emitted in itself or the phase room
immediately ahead of it, which one can show for oneself with a simple diagram. In the case of
our day side phase room, the next phase room ahead of us is the twilightside phase room. We
could not see light emitted from the dawnside phase room immediately behind us. A visitor from
that realm phase-shifting toward our room would thus appear black or shadowy, while a similar
visitor from the twilight side might appear glowing.
There is an interesting paranormal aspect to this interpretation. Some of the very large, non
terrestrial craft reported by witnesses (the Phoenix Lights is an example) are reported as an
arrangement of visible lights attached to what seems to be a transparent framework through
which one can see stars. This is exactly how a craft operating between the twilight side phase
room and our dayside room ought to appear.We can not quite see the matter the ship is composed
of, but we can see the emitted light. On the other hand, the black or shadowy apparitions --the
shadow people--belong to the dawnside. Their light cannot reach us, nor can our light be reflected
back to us.Note that if an object moved from (say) the abc+d phase room to the bcd+a phase
room, dimensions b and c remain constant, so one might say that any two of the phase rooms
have a two-dimensional (plane) interface with each other.
Our conception of the nature of light frequencies also differs from the conventional view.
Rather than separate frequencies, there is only a single disturbance, or wave. The frequency is not
in the wave itself, but of the gauge level at which the light producing event travels.Red light is
emitted in the future of blue light, which suggests that it is more easily emitted, that is, it requires
less energy.
An implication of this is that the twilight side phase room is less energetic than ours, so the
overall effect of time is to progress from in a 'hot' to a 'cooler' direction, and from a faster to a
slower direction.
So one might see why a photon's momentum ought to be described in terms of its intrinsic
energy (times) the number of levels (frequency).
But what is the photon? First of all, there is a 'nice' distinction to be made. What science
measures, and hence considers to be the photon, is a most likely an effect created in subspace, not
the entity creating the effect.
The transmission speed of subspace has been set at c, and we will note that csqrt2 is the
diagonal of a right angle triangle with equal legs of c. It would seem, that the photon must have
two components, one in each phase room. A possible arrangemment would be two components,
ninety degrees out of phase with one another.
Let's use the ABC+D and BCD+A phases. Dimensions B and C remain space-like, while A
and D are locked in a spin which alternately makes them time-like or space-like. Rather than
traversing all four phase states, the pair spins between two of them.
It is tempting to assign electromagnetic values to the four phases. If the dayside in taken to be
electronegative, the nightside, 180 degrees ahead or behind can be taken as electropositive.This
leaves the twilights and the dawnside as magnetic, 180 degrees opposed to one another, but 90
degrees displaced from the electric. This would seem to make the gauge pulse electromagnetic,
with both tranverse and longitudinal components.
If we substitue the value of csqrt^2 for "v" in the Newtonian expression, E=1/2m(v)^2, we
obtain E=mc^2.
Suppose that rather than light traveling through space to our eye, that our eye expands to
encounter the light? This is an idea that keeps popping up in our development and keeps
getting rejected because it presents difficulties,(e.g.) if the observer were watching light passing
from a source to another location and thence to his eye.
* * * * * *
I: Our Forgotten Heritage, The Shifting Crust Theory and the Great Flood, the Antediluvian
World, Relics of the Past. II: The Tai-chi T'u, Shiva Natarajah, The Fylfot, The Hexagram. III.
Beyond Occult Chemistry, A Neutron/Proton Alternation? IV. More on Phase Rooms.
Our Forgotten Heritage.
Modern man has likely existed 200,000 years, or more. What have we been doing with
ourselves all of that time? The most ancient civilizations of the history books seemed to be just
getting started about the end of the last ice age, 10 or 15 thousand years ago. The Bishop of
Usher, a few centuries ago, derived his oft quoted date of 4004 B.C. as the beginning of the
world using Bible chronology. Either way, a long blank time is unaccounted for.
Giorgio di Santillana, a professor of the history of science, spoke in Hamlet's Mill of the
fallacy of thinking of cultural development as an extension of biological evolution. Our own
culture has progressed from very primitive conditions to space travel (of a sort) in ten thousand
years, during which minimal biological improvement has occurred.
One plausible answer to the question posed is that at least one ancient civilization did exist, or
perhaps a series of them, which failed to continue.Many of the present cultures have legends of
prehistoric greatness tens of thousands of years in the past.Perhaps we err in believing that a
civilization, once established, will continue on in perpetuity rather than having a natural lifespan.
We can easily see that the unit of physical life, the biological cell, must be finite in size--the three
dimensions of space-- and bounded by a wall or containment, to function and survive. Yet we are
apt to think that the time extension can be endless, as if life were no more than a mechanical
When a civilization has sung its songs, thought its thoughts, lost its will to survive, and
depleted its energy and karma, its day on stage is finished. But as we will see in the "Embedded
Self," there will be another day after a night. Until then it rests in sleep. The civilization or era
will be once again reborn on the next wave of time when it can hopefully have learned from the
past and avoid some of the mistakes of its previous existence.
The Tai-chi T'u.
The title "T'ai chi T'u, has been translated as, "Diagram of the Supreme Ultimate."
The version we are familiar with consists of the famous yin-yang symbol surrounded by eight
trigrams in circular form. Part of this design, with four of the trigrams, can be found on the flag of
South Korea. This assemblage--we have used a version taken from the design of an ink cake-- is
enclosed in an octagon.
According to the neo-Confucians, this is the ultimate statement about the universe.
It is, in other words, the Monad. It is hardly surprising, therefore, that it fascinated one of the
great monadologists, Gottfried von Leibniz. When Jesuits first brought knowledge of the I Ching
back to Europe, Leibniz concluded that the trigrams represented a binary number system.
An early arrangement of trigrams in circular form is attributed to Fu Hsi (2205?B.C.), which is
the version we find significant.
There are four ways of reading the trigrams as binary numbers: letting either the solid or
broken line represent the significant digits, and either reading in (downward) or out (upward).
After a few trials we concluded that the intended method was reading down if free standing, or
down and in, if in circular form. Either of the first two methods listed are valid, as we might
expect--one can read the numbers as either yin or yang, and the sum of the two will be seven.
We call the solid line interpretation the yang method, and the broken line approach, the yin
The following should be adequate for those not familiar with this method of counting: Imagine
that one has a file cabinet with three drawers. The drawers must be either full or empty. The top
drawer has a capacity of one. the second drawer has a capacity of two, and the bottom drawer has
a capacity of four. Thus if all the drawers are full, the trigram has a value of seven.
If only the center drawer is full, it has a value of two. [This is a method well suited to a
calculating device such as an abacus].
_ _ ___ _ _ ___ _ _ ___ _ _ ___ value is 1 or 0
_ _ _ _ ___ ___ _ _ _ _ ___ ___ value is 2 or 0
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ ___ ___ ___ value is 4 or 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Binary interpetation of trigrams using Yang Method
_ _ = space, ___= digit. Read down.
If we apply the yang method to the Fu Hsi trigram wheel, we get the following
[ the reader is asked to imagine that a circle is being portrayed]
6 3
5 2
4 1
Now it is obvious from the yin/yang symbol that a spin is indicated. The simplest interpretaion
of what the wheel shows is a compound spin composed of two spins at right angles to one
another. In the depiction of the trigram wheel above one can see that the sequence runs from 0 to
3, at which point it crosses over the center of the circle and runs clockwise from 4 to 7, at which
point it crosses over the center again to 0.
A rotating wheel turns clockwise if viewed from one side, and counterclockwise from the other
side. So the diagram indicates a rotation of 180 degrees, then a flip to the opposite side (where it
will be seen to rotate in the opposite direction), another rotation of 180 degrees and then another
flip of 180 degrees. Hence there are 360 degrees of 'flip' and 360 degrees of rotation.We must
think of the flips as a uniform rotations, not sudden changes.
The proper way to construct the yin/yang symbol (we have concluded) is to draw two tangent
circles of diameter r within a larger circle of diameter 2r, and to color in the small circles and
their 'tails'. This power-of-two sequence is consistent with a binary interpretation.
If the dots were just mentioned are considered to be an extension of the pattern, there will be
four yet smaller circles of diameter r/2. But this is identical to the pattern of the self-enclosed
Since this version is over 4,000 years old, we think it likely that cultural corruption has
replaced 'least' with 'youngest', and 'greatest' with 'first.'
The symbol itself obviously indicate the spin of a duality, and this generates the kind of
vibration called Simple Harmonic Motion, with frequencies differing from one another in
The arrangement above will be more intelligible in conjunction with the table of conventional
I Ching values below.
There is an interesting relationship in the yin/yang symbol we shall refer to later. That is the
length of the semicircle of the large circle from side-to-side is 1/2 pi 2r. But this is also the length
of the path by the half circumferences of the smaller circles (1/2 pi r)+(1/2 pi r), from side to
side. This relationship holds true for however small the division. We call this relationship
Equivalent Paths, and it is important because it allows compound objects composed of differing
gauge sizes to locomote without coming apart.
*In some notations, the first harmonic (above) is called the fundamental, and the second
harmonic, above, would be the fiirst harmonic.
This arrangement is shown in a number of Hindu and Buddhist Yanta's in the form of triangles
within triangles. If G, A and D are the apices of an equilateral triangle and line EB is drawn
parallel to GD, and FC is drawn parallel to GA, one will have a design with a total of seven
It is also significant because the Vedic description of the four bodies of Brahma does not run
earth, water, air, fire as one might expect, but earth, air, water, fire.
One can represent Shiva with a seven-pointed star drawn with seven equidistant points on the
circumference of a circle:
1G 1G
7D 4A This corresponds to: 2E 3F
6C 5B 4A 6C 5B 7D
2E 3F
Shiva's Star cross-armed S.E.W.
Note that the clockwise star sequence of G-A-B-F-E-C-D-G corresponds to every other
letter in the cross-armed S.E.W. in a counter-clockwise path. It takes two circuits to complete the
The S.E.W. is a complex organization of harmonic sequences, which we call loops.
If the plus and minus signs are taken to be the positive and negative wave positions, then the
previous form is only one of a sequence of eight:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
This is another version of the 720 degree spin.
A remarkable discovery of planetary science has been the hexagon formed at the north pole of
the planet Saturn. Such standing wave patterns are common with sound vibrations.
Beyond Occult Chemistry.
Beginning in 1895, two luminaries of the Theosophical Society in England, Charles
Leadbeater and Annie Besant, used their clairvoyant abilities to practice a siddha of yoga
described as 'making oneself infinitesimally small or as large as the Earth', to conduct an
examination of the chemical elements.
Their studies continued for years, and the results were published in various editions of Occult
The smallest physical particle, from assemblages of which all of the chemical elements were
compounded, was a spinning, heart-shaped entity made up of ten spiral lines of "force" tightly
coiled .They named this the U.P.A., or ultimate physical atom.
Each of the lines of force would form a circle if straightened out, and each was composed of
an even tighter spiral of of 1680 lines and that of an even tighter spiral, so that if the entire
structure were unraveled, one would have ". . . a huge circle of the tiniest imaginable dots like
pearls threaded on an invisible thread." The number of dots was estimated at 49^6
The U.P.A. existed in two chiral forms the clairvoyants called male and female, and which
differed from one another in the direction the lines of force coiled.
The entire chemical atom existed inside a bubble in a very dense substratum Leadbeater and
Besant called the koilon. They reported that these bubbles seemed to be under a great deal of
pressure. Various sub-assemblies of atoms were enclosed in yet other bubbles.
The book went through a number of editions and remained little more than a curiosity until
1980 when a particle physicist named Stephen Phillips came upon a copy in a used book store.
Phillips thought the U.P.A. might be a subquark. He renamed the U.P.A. the omegon (The ESP of
Quarks, TPH,Wheaton,IL. 1980).
One of the problems that he had with the Leadbeater-Besant diagrams was that the particles
forming the atoms seemed to be double the number his calculations predicted. The element
hydrogen, for example, was shown as having the appearance of a pair of triangles spinning
around one another. The apices of the triangles seemed to be composed of what would seem to be
quarks. Three omegons formed either a u or d quark, and three quarks formed either a proton or
neutron depending on the ratio of u quarks to d quarks. Thus, the nucleus of the hydrogen atom,
being a proton, should be composed of 9 omegons, but had been determined by the pair of
investigators to have 18.
The other atomic diagrams that Phillips looked at were also "doubled up."
There were other uncertainties. The two clairvoyant's description of male and female U.P.A.
was rooted in 19th Century physical concepts, and there was an ambiguity about what these terms
meant. Magnetic as well as electrical differences were crucial from Phillip's quantum perspective.
The doubling up in the hydrogen atom shows, in a naive interpretation, what one would take to
be a neutron and a proton, whereas Phillips interprets them as a pair of protons which is
consistent with his doubling up hypothesis.
The doubling up also carries through to the chemical compounds. Leadbeater and Besant did
see deuterium, which they called adyarium.
The reader may also wish to consult "Occult Chemistry Re-Evaluated" by E. Lester Smith
(TPH,Wheaton,IL. 1982) from which much of the information above was taken.
A Neutron/Proton Alternation?
To avoid misunderstanding we must state this: Dr.Phillips thought the doubled hydrogen
nucleus was formed from two distinct atoms fused together by the "micro-psi." But we think,
based on the substance of Phillip's interpretation of the U.P.A. as subquarks, the Leadbeater-
Besant results are too uniform, and that there is something more than an observational
disturbance involved.
We think that one of the hydrogen triangles is a proton and the other a neutron, and that the
proton becomes a neutron every other cycle of Bergsonian time. The investigators simply saw a
complete cycle in which the particle was both.
Universal Gauge Expansion creates a condition in which the siddhi used --"making oneself
infinitesmally small, or large as the Earth'" can be effected by a slight motion backward or
forward in time. The past is smaller and the future is larger. If one could psychically project one's
perception backward in time-- no more than a slight slowing would be necessary, then a common
atom could easily be perceived as being large enough to examine in detail
Most atoms have both protons and neutrons--hydrogen is the exception--and the greater
number of common atoms have an equal number of protons and neutrons, isotopes being the
largest exception. So for by far the largest number of atoms, an alternation of protons and
neutrons would leave one with an identical atom. The isotopes, however would become different
chemical elements.
If there were a P/N alternation, atoms other than hydrogen would neccessitate a pair of
particles 180 degrees out-of-phase with one another . But the total cycle here would require not
360 degrees, but 720 degrees to complete. We can show this as:
P 2 3 4N 2 3 4 P 2 3 4 N
N4 3 2 P 4 3 2 N 4 3 2 P
The reader will note that the order of the sequence has been changed from top to bottom. We
shall see the significance of the sequences shown shortly.
The U.P.A. are mirror images of one another, and this suggests dimensional rotation. If the
proton becomes a neutron and again a proton, all that seems to be required (using Phillip's idea of
the U.P.A. as sub quarks), is that the U.P.A. change from male to female (or vice versa) once each
cycle. This 2:1 ratio mirrors the 2:1:1/2 spin ratios assigned to elementary particles. The proton
and neutron (in the contemporary physical view) have a 1/2 spin ratio, which means they need a
720 degree rotation to return to their beginning state. The spin ratios do mirror the 4:2:1 octave
ratios of the Self-Enclosed Wave.
But if the pair composing a P/N alternation are 180 degrees displaced from one another, one
might expect that they would be opposites electrically or magnetically. But their range would be
(apparently) from positive to neutral and back again. We cannot see beyond this point at the
present time.
It is well worth noting that Besant and Leadbeater saw bubbles within bubbles which suggests
that the atom is composed of not just one but a number of differing gauge levels, which means
that each has a different time and size value according to the Gauge Rule. And, it is also
suggested that the atom consists of parts which are displaced in phase relative to one another.
More On Phase Rooms.
In" Introducing Subspace," we used the pyramid model to show both gauge expansion and
dimensional spin, as well as Bergsonian time.
A pyramid model is described in the Upanishads which are commentaries on the Vedas. The
sides of this pyramid are designated as earth, water, air, and fire, the four elements of the ancients.
An additional interpretation is that earth represents the material plane, water the astral plane , air
the mental plane, and fire the spiritual, causal, or etheric
plane. Our language mirrors this for we speak of materiality as solid, emotions in terms of
waves, oceans, and tears; we speak of castles in the air and heads in clouds, and fire has always
been a religious symbol for the power of the spiritual.
We shall let P represent our dayside plane, and N represent the dayside plane 360 degrees
displaced from us. The particle we know as a proton is now a neutron.Between N's are the seven
planes of materiality, in which each of the other three phase rooms occur twice, once above and
once below us. Thus, there is a high twilightside 2, (or Astral) and a low twilightside phase room.
This represents something more than a difference in frequency.
There is a limit to the number of planes (phase rooms) we can put into this scheme.The P
preceding us, and following us (shown at the end of the lines in the diagram below, are our
previous and following Bergson instants of time. There is no more room to include planes. So the
total number, including our own phase room, is fifteen. We believe these are the "Fifteen Great
Planes" of Buddhist lore.
The two-dimensional diagram below could be expanded to be three-dimensional. The entire
arrangement is complex. We wish to show the diagonal lines produced. In actuality, these
relationships are not linear, but curved. In three dimensions we could see the P's, for example,
formed a spherical shell nested between a 4 shell and a 2 shell. The Phase States appear as 'wave
fronts' of an expanding wave which is exactly how they ought to appear.
* * * * * *
I: The Individualities, Patterns, the Quality of number. II. The Symbol As the Address,
Conception as Creation,The Black Bag Analogy. III. The Great Space of Merrell-Wolff, Private
Space, Root Sentience, Local and Non Local Consciousness. Does the Drop Slip Into the Ocean
or Vice-versa? IV.The Embedded Self, Brain/Heart Duality, The Three Selves, Identification.
As an exercise in world building, let's start by imagining that there is no space, time, energy or
matter. There is no universe, no galaxies, no solar system, and no planet Earth. Nor. In short,
there is as close to nothing as our minds can reach. Now, let's set ourselves the task of creating
the universe. What do we need (merely as an exercise of imagination) to make a universe out of
this presumable nothingness?
Let us begin with a multitude of simple Individualities.
They are individuals because they differ from one another in some way. If they did not, there
would be only one, and the complex plurality of relations that we observe would be impossible to
imagine.Their only requirements are (1)that we agree that they really exist for the sake of the
exercise, (2) that they differ from one another in some way, which makes them a plurality of
distinct entities, and (3) that they may, or may not, relate to one another.
We are not putting them into a pre-existing framework of space and time, so we cannot endow
them with simple location. What we know as things have simple location in space and time: they
are here, or there, and not all over. We can't say that about the individualities because they are non
local. They are everywhere and nowhere, in the very beginning and the very end of not only
things but consciousness itself. They are not compressed energy, or matter, nor even intelligence,
for all these result from their relations with one another.
To put this in another way, let us ask ourselves the question, "What is the basic, and the most
fundamental state, of the root of all existence?" Our answer is that it is individuality, and that this
individuality must be multiple, or plural.
To make the discussion more interesting, we shall call one of this multitude Alpha. What holds
true for Alpha holds true for any of the multitude which we shall call Alpha's siblings.
Alpha can (a) relate, or (b) not relate to its siblings.
When it does not relate, it disappears as far as they are concerned. It is as if Alpha never
existed, for the siblings do not have a memory or the capacity to think. But we assume that Alpha
retains its identity, or individuality, even when it is not relating.This is why we stipulated its 'real'
existence independent of relation.
Alpha's relations are of this sort: It is as if Alpha was a mirrored ball that reflected all of the
other balls in (or on) its surface.Since Alpha doesn't reflect itself, it is not aware of itself. Rather,
it perceives (if we may use that word) the reflections of its siblings as itself.
This is a unique, subjective, perspective wherein Alpha cannot distinguish between the
reflection, the thing reflected and the act of reflection. Alpha is completely occupied within itself
as it has no other means of perception.
Alpha's one real talent is the ability to relate or not relate. One should not presume volition,
here. A copper wire has more intelligence than Alpha, and we might as well say that the wire can
either conduct or not conduct a current. We might even go so far as to say the relation/not relation
of Alpha is unwilled and unpatterned.
If the Individualities continually related, there would be no universe, for they would be locked
in a static, changeless, condition. If they never related, there could be no universe. If their rate of
relation were entirely uniform, perhaps there could be no evolution. It would suit our purposes
quite well, if Alpha and its siblings settled down to relating-not relating in a uniform frequency.
What is Alpha's goal 'in life'? We shall suppose that it is to find fit. Perhaps if the
individualities found a way to fit together as a unit, all existence will come to an end. But just as
possibly, the goal might be a complexity (or simplicity) beyond our powers of conception.
Alpha and its siblings are less intelligent than an electron, but : All the patterns of existence
result from relations, and relations of relations, of Alpha and its siblings.
The relations we have been describing must be very rapid. They must be higher than any
attainable frequency. We can easily draw a parallel. If we call one of Alpha's relations its
"second," then the ratio between it and one of our seconds is easily as great as the ratio between
one of our seconds and the known age of the universe (10-16 billion years). Thus the
individualities cycle through aeons of activity in the time it takes us to frame a single thought.
When one talks about "the Beginning," some listeners a imagine a completely dark,
motionless, and featureless background as close to nothing as can be imagined (we did just that a
few paragraphs ago). Into this 'nothing' something is placed, or created, or emerges. This
perspective may be the result of the hard lives of our primitive ancestors.
But we can as easily begin with everything, a condition so rich with potential that nothing
predominates. All possibilities come into existence instantaneously as relations between Alpha
and its siblings.In this case one doesn't need a creator: the desired pattern is chosen from infinite
possibilites, and everything else is discarded.So something need not be created from nothing,
something is what you have if everything else except that something is eliminated.
We generally think to set something and nothing as polar opposites. But anti-something is the
opposite of something, and nothing is their sum. Everything is no thing, for all things are not any
thing. Perhaps everything and something are the same coin seen from different perspectives. In
slightly different words, nothing is a condition of everything in which any one thing has an equal
probability of occurrence with any other thing.
Hence, it is pattern-rich, in which no particular pattern stands out from the rest. It is also a
condition in which all possible patterns can exist with equal probability of actuality.
We conceive of all possible patterns, relationships, and events coming into existence in a
flash--all the world will ever be or can be. Patterns must be thought of as having corresponding
anti-patterns. A something is derived from everything by elimination, and creation is not required
for that. 'Something' is pattern-poor.
All patterns result from relations between Alpha and its siblings.But no time is required for
this--they spring into being concomitantly with the Individualities. By all patterns we include
every single detail of every possible universe: the whole ball of wax.But this is not the kind of
existence we mean when we speak of existence.
We will call the relations between the siblings unconditioned, in the sense that they are
possibilities, only. Before one can meaningfully speak of probabilities, one must allow possibility
in the fundamental sense. If we speak of zero probability we still posit the possibility or else we
wouldn't be able to sustain the thought of probability.So we are really saying that all possibilities
exist, but only as possibilities with zero probability of existence. They are not conditioned, or
This conception may be easier to grasp if we think of a monitor or TV screen which has the
capability (unconditioned) of display an infinite number of images (conditioned). Only a few of
these images will ever be actualized. Only a few of the relations between Individualities will ever
be actualized. If they all were exhibited at once there would only be a uniformly bright screen, or
dark screen.In other words, nothing.
Our view is that existence, or actuality, evolves and grows from relations between members of
a plurality of the simplest of distinct entities. Specific patterns do not come into perceptible
existence because a creator creates them, but because all of the competing patterns are discarded.
Michelangelo is reported to have said that he didn't create a statue, he simply knocked away the
stone that was concealing it.
This is what we mean by "the great void which is unconditioned fullness." It is nothing with
the potential for being anything.
Conception As Creation.
There is a question of some standing that poses the question, "How do ideas get into our
It might be replied that ideas do not get into our minds.The ideas in our minds are our own
creations, even though they seem to be simply copies of very common ideas shared by millions.
The moment of creation is when we 'get it.' In cartoons, it is the moment when the little light bulb
lights above the head of the character. It is the moment of conception.
Rather than the idea getting into our minds, say, like a downloaded file, we must carefully
recreate the idea from other concepts and remembered perceptions, already in our minds. In
creating new concepts we are literally creating our mind itself.
A distinction is generally made between concepts and percepts. Indeed, it is an important
distinction. Our position (conception) is that percepts are base level conceptions, and the stuff
from which more complex concepts are built. A perception is the consciousness of a pattern. The
perception of light, for example, is not the receipt of something from outside our bodies to the
inside, but a modulation of relations within the body. The light we are conscious of seeing is an
event of our nervous system and brain. It is entirely contained within us.Like Alpha, we are
confined to a black bag.
It is the basic experience of life itself, especially that of childhood, which generates the 'stuff'
from which organized conceptual structures are built. Or, to put it in a different way, merely being
alive and conscious generates the basic stuff from which our minds are built.
The Great Space of Merrell-Wolff.
In 1936, Franklin Merrell-Wolff, a Californian trained in mathematics and philosophy at
Stanford and Harvard, Realized the state of Nirvana, the supreme goal of yoga.
As he expressed in it Pathways Through To Space, at the culmination of many years of study
and effort, his consciousness seemed to dwindle to a point, at which time a "turning about on the
deepest seat of consciousness."
occurred and he experienced his awareness expanding to fill, and be identical with all of space.
Thus the "Point-I" or relative consciousness became the "Space-I" of Nirvanic consciousness.
He called the space he had become one with, "The Great Space." It has been called the Great
Void, says Wolff, because to subject-object consciousness any description of it seems to be a
description of nothing.
The Great Space defies description. But it is not relative "world-containing" space. In The
Philosophy of Consciousness-Without-An-Object he says, "To realize the Spatial Void is to
awaken Nirvanic Consciousness . " [our true and dharmic state of being].
He discovered, to his surprise, a deeper state beyond Nirvana which he called "High
Indifference," a state in which the "lonely self" merges with the "other of the lonely self" and the
two become one in "Consciousness-Without-An-Object-And-A-Subject".
To paraphrase Wolff: IT is completely impersonal and supremely indifferent to agony, bliss, or
any affective state. IT sustains and contains all consciousness, all universes, and all being. Beside
IT is None Other. IT is transcendent to all human values, and
desires. No choice that one can make could possibly be wrong, since the antithesis of that choice
springs into concurrent being along with the choice.
Wolff identified this unanticipated state of supreme equanimity as Shunyata, the Clear Light,
and Tao.
Of particular interest to us is his description of how knowledge is attained at these higher
levels of consciousness. One knows by merging, or becoming one with that which is is
known.Wolff calls this faculty, introception. This way of knowing was also reported by Plotinus,
who is one of the handful of of humans who have reached "the farthest shore."
Private Space.
Merrell-Wolff reported that a key realization in the process that led to his Recognition was the
inversion of the wonted idea of matter as substantial and space as a nothingness. His intuition was
that the greatest concentration of mass he could think of (in 1936), the interior of a neutron star,
was the greatest vacuum in existence, while space was substantial in its fullness.
The idea that apparently empty space is matter at "a higher degree of vibration" is an ancient
esoteric tenet. Bruno speaks of space as being " not matter, but what we think to call matter."
In the 1920's, physicist Osborne Reynolds wrote several books developing his idea that matter
was bubbles of nothing in a dense medium. Other conceptions (and there have been more than
one, including, if we recall correctly, Richard Feynman), have likened matter to bubbles of
carbonation in a glass of beverage.
The Void signified to the ancients an actuality of physical existence, something more than
simply empty space. And it also signified a fundamental state of consciousness, and they likely
considered both usages signified the same void, if the question arose at all. In this day and age we
cannot gratuitously make that assumption. In the most abstract, ontological sense, the world of
Alpha and its siblings would be the void. But Alpha's world can be only an exercise in
imagination to us.
The Great Void, and certainly the Great Space, in terms meaningful to the present discussion,
must be what we have termed subspace, itself. But is it the Void of the Nirvanee? The question
here is whether it is the reality or a reflection of the reality?
Did the consciousness of Merrell-Wolff expand to fill the real space, or was it a private space
that was a reflection of the real space?
If we assign an individual dimension "Q" to each individual consciousness, and if we allow Q
equivalence with common dimensionality, then the following arrangements occur:
Hence we have in the top chart, twelve 'private spaces' in which Q is one of the spatial
dimensions, and in the lower chart the four phase rooms of materiality in which Q is the time
What does this mean? Perhaps not anything. But plausibly it would be a perceptive framework
that was unique to consciousness "Q"-- its' own private world, so-to-speak.
The assertion that consciousness creates its own version of reality in its perception is quite
common, and our scheme requires that it do so. Merrell-Wolff speaks of his perception of a flow
of consciousness from the viewer to the object viewed. We considered earlier that in a
hyperspatial context the observer could imagine himself as the center of expansion, so that he
could hypothetically adopt a viewpoint (slightly in the past) in which the object perceived
expanded to encounter his eye, or his eye expanding (slightly in the future) to meet the object
Root Sentience.
There can be no doubt that Wolff 's position is that consciousness creates the universe and
hence the human organism is diametrically opposed to the classical materialist view of
consciousness as a product of the human organism. He says in Aphorism 35: "Out of the Great
Void which is Consciousness-without-an-object, the Universe is creatively projected."
In the Spiritualist classic, The Unobstructed Universe, by Stewart White, "Betty," his departed
wife speaking through a medium, repeatedly asserts that "Consciousness is the only reality." One
hears this and similar statements again and again from mystics, but what is consciousness?
And who is it that is asking the question? If it is consciousness itself, then may it be trying to
find itself, outside of itself, as in the story of the man riding a donkey on a quest to find himself?
We have put forth the idea that an eternal identity, an individuality that exists independently of
any relations between it and other individualities, in its very perception mirrors the totality of
existence. This is a purely subjective existence in which there is no so-called objective
perspective, unless it is the perception of relations between two other entities.
Our true identity is conceived to be a Self-Enclosed Wave. This entity is an eternal vibration
which has its own time and can exist independently of subspace. But it is of the same species as
the vibrating bubbles of subspace itself. It is a monad, or oneness.
We conceive this as the fundamental pattern of existence, forming space as well as materiality--in
short, all things. Its sentience is the basic stuff of consciousness.
But self-enclosed waves, while a unity, can vary in complexity. The 1-2-4-8-16 stacking
pattern suggested by the I Ching applies. So one can have a sequence in which the S.E.W. evolves
in complexity. As it does so, harmonic and other loops are created within it.This is dimensional
complexity. A human monad is more complex than a subspace monad, but not so complex, one
would think, as the Brahman wave. One might think of a loop as a closed circuit repeating a
sequence over and over.
The fundamental perception of the SEW we call root sentience.Like Alpha, it reflects the
totality of existence. In one respect this means it is something like a hologram in which each part
contains the whole.Like Alpha, the root sentience of the SEW, reflects within itself all other
SEWs. Interestingly, Leibniz had his monad impressed with a representation of totality at its
beginning. And like Alpha, root sentience identifies with this content and perceives it to be
itself.But since this reflection encompasses all existence, root sentience conceives all of existence
to be its self.
But this leaves subject-object consciousness of our normal waking life unaccounted for. This
consciousness is local rather than non local. It is normally confined to a body.Perhaps it
represents a balancing act. Not only time-bound, but the very essence of conscious time. Thought
has been called "psychological motion." We think that localized consciousness, the keen
awareness of here and now, is identification with the moving locus of the time wave--the moment
of action, of energy, when change occurs. More than anything else it is a consciousness of the
now, a surfer, in analogy, who rides the perilous crest of the wave of time.
The Embedded Self.
The popular, modern belief in reincarnation is that of a self traveling after death into a
different physical body, usually of a future day and age. This idea is commonly called
transmigration. Apparently, the essential identity remains the same--the same soul--which,
suffering from amnesia due to a new, unprogrammed brain, continues on as a revised version. We
should note that this view of reincarnation is personal survival constructed from a 3+1
perspective and consistent with many interpretations of the Bhagavad Gita.But one must be
cautious of generalized conclusions. There are many channeled teachings which one might
naively take to be reincarnation of the first kind which apply equally well to eternal reocurrence.
"Eternal reoccurrence," (or, reincarnation of the second kind) , teaches that the same self, or
essential identity, is born again as the same person in the same period of history. It is as if the
individual lived his or her life over again.
This 'second kind' of reincarnation involves the idea of time as cyclical--the world progresses
to its end and begins over again, replaying the same sequence, usually in "exact repetition."
Exact repetition, which the Pythagoreans were said to have taught, may not mean what it
seems to. This is an idea which is difficult to convey, and as someone once remarked, a few
inaccuracies can save hours of explanation. The most effective way of expressing it is to begin
with "exact repetition," which is easy enough to grasp, and then modify the original statement by
saying that the repetition might not be "exact," and subject to some change the next time round.
This keeps it from being a meaningless repetition, and make evolution or development possible,
so the error of one trip need not be repeated. One might say that it is a different draft of the same
Plato speaks of cyclical time, the myth of the Phoenix bird symbolizes it, and the metaphysics
of the Vedas are built on it. It was likely the common view of time in the ancient world. Perhaps it
lost favor with the early Christians through the influence of such as Origen, to whom it implied
that Salvation was not eternal. But, perhaps the primary reason is that the human expectations of
the time looked upon cyclical time as a hopeless doctrine of the bitter past.
We are presenting here an entirely distinct scheme of reincarnation, which although similar to
the doctrine of eternal re occurrence, is built on the concept of space as an enduring medium. This
medium can be thought of for our purposes here, as being composed of densely packed, vibrating
bubbles (of space and time). These bubbles are capable of vibrating faster --in which case they
get smaller--or slower--in which case they get larger. So one has a medium into which a pattern
can be impressed or embossed.
We shall use the term embedded to designate the condition of our mortal self, that is, as it
were, pasted like a butterfly into a scrapbook.
Not just our physical bodies, but all of physical existence is embossed into subspace.This
implies that the past still exists, as a place, and the future exists, as a place, in subspace. This is
the content of time. What isn't accounted for is the motion of time from one instant to the next.
This motion results from a wave, the crest of which temporarily creates a zone of action
we call the 'present'. There is not a single wave crest, but a continuous wave with one crest (and
trough) after the other. Each of these crests creates a universe. It might be said that our real future
exists in terms of probability, in which there is a continuous fluctuation of possibilities. The now
is when the abstract becomes concrete, or real, and part of that reality is simple location.
Our normal waking consciousness is locked to a single wave crest which moves through the
content of time, creating what we are conscious of as our personal identity. But immediately
ahead of us, as well as behind us, are other 'selves' which, to themselves, are as real as we think
ourselves to be.
A self of ours is currently experiencing the future. But it is not the future we shall experience.
At a different time (so to speak) this future self has experienced, or will experience, similar
events to those that we are currently experiencing in our lives.
In living and making decisions, this 'self' which is ahead of us, modified the content of the
embedded self, and we must face the results of that change. We are making changes which a
following self will have to deal with. This, we believe, is what Karma is. It is the fall-out of how
we handled situations the previous trips through.
This talk of multiple selves may prompt the reader to ask, " If this is so, then what or who am
The answer is, "I am all of these selves, and yet, none of them." Perhaps we might care to
think of our real self as an actor playing our multiple versions of the same character. Actually, the
individual selves do not have an independent existence, it is the real self playing a role.Perhaps,
we might want to call the real self the Soul, the Atman, or the Spirit-Soul.
But the real self is not the embedded self. Perhaps it would be clearer if we used the term
'embedded selves' to designate all of the past and future selves of the conventional concept of
But this does not rule out, in essence, the common idea of an entirely different life in a
different place and time. Bur rather than the transmigration of a soul, we see it as an oversoul
projecting an entirely different soul into an embedded environment.
Like Sisyphus, in Greek myth, who endlessly and laboriously rolls a rock up a mountain only
to have it get away from him short of the goal and roll back down, each successive lifetime, by
and large, is something of a failure, for it ends in disintegration.But it might be countered that
eventual success makes up for the failures.
However, each lifetime is, in terms of the embedded self, simply a day in the real life of the
real self, which does not disintegrate. To succeed at personal survival, it is necessary to avoid the
process of disintegration. The the higher bodies must be integrated into a unity capable of
sustaining itself. Once this occurs, the individual is Liberated from the endless cycle of re-
embodiment as an embedded self.
Brain/Heart Duality.
ABC+D [nominal]
Physical (dayside)
* * * * * * * * *
* * *
* * *
Fire, Spiritual * * * Water, emotions
(dawnside) * * * * * * * * * "Astral" (twilightside)
ABD+C * * * BCD+A
* * *
* * *
* * * * * * * * *
Mental, Air,
What concerns us here is the fundamental duality of intellect and emotion, between feeling
and thought. These compose a pair of dualities: Earth-
Air and Water-Fire. In terms of human psychology, mental (intellect) is appropriately paired with
physical materiality. Physical doesn't fit with emotional or 'spiritual', and mental and emotional
are not a felicitous pair. On the other hand, emotional and spiritual are complements.
The elements of each pair--physical and mental, for example--are 180 degrees out-of-phase
with one another and hence diametric opposites, representing positive and negative. Earlier we
used the ABC+D notation to represent the four phase rooms.
The fylfot symbolizes this, showing dayside and nightside linked together,and twilightside and
dawnside linked together. But the two (right hand and left hand) forms suggests a pair of such
spins, and the inevitable duality.
We might notice that the grouping actually breaks up into a pair of doubles, to wit:
Note that the first pair shares two common space-like dimensions, A and C. The other two, D
and B, have swapped space and time roles with one another. In the remaining pair, it is D and B
which are the common space-like dimensions, while A and C have swapped off.
We are going to expand this slightly to show positive and negative aspects:
The plus and minus signs signify direction of motion. Thus, +A,-A,+A,-A, et cetera, represents
the back and forward motion of simple harmonic motion--we might think of a pendulum's swing.
In other words, B and D add up to describe a spin.
The same holds true for the pair A and C. What one has, then is a pair of dimensions spinning
around another pair of dimensions. But this is what is described by the trigram wheel of the I
6 3
5 2
4 1
To refresh one's memory, the above wheel is constructed by converting the eight binary
trigrams on the trigram wheel (an abbreviated version, with four of the trigrams, can be found on
the flag of South Korea) to arabic numbers as one can see above. In the center of the arrangement
is the yin-yang symbol, which symbolizes spin, among other things. Our interpretation of the
above arrangement might be likened to a spinning disc which has a second spin at right angles to
the first.The above arrangement , going counterclockwise, rotates 180 degrees, flips over (180
degrees), rotates another 180 degrees and flips over again to complete the cycle. If a spinning disc
flips over it is seen to spin in the opposite direction.
It is noteworthy that, with respect to the three-dimensionality attributed to normal matter, that
a spin,also rotating at right angles to the spin, if rapid enough, will simulate a three-dimensional
*see "3. Lost In Shadows" We recall reading a comment by Bertrand Russell that a four-
dimensional representation involved such a double spin.
**An idea to be encountered in the writings of Dewey B.Larson.
Some years ago we made the acquaintance of C. Arthur Pickering, who as a yet recuperating
veteran of the Pacific War, underwent Dianetic processesing. In what might be called an
expansion of awareness, Pickering reached an understanding of what he termed "Identification."
He discovered that almost everything he had done in his life was through a surrogate personality
copied from an individuals he had come into contact with as an infant, mainly his parents.*
Pickering thought that identifications were built on repressed emotion and muscle tension, and
held in place by breathing patterns.
We inherit genetic material biologically but also acquire emotional and attitudinal templates
which guide our growth and ensure cultural uniformity. To make a break with the past we must
change these emotionally fixed attitudes.What we are suggesting here, bearing what has been said
in "The symbol as the address," is that this bonding identification ties us to the object (in this case
our parents). One of Mr. Pickering's oft repeated sayings, was that without a physical change
there is no lasting spiritual, or soul, change.
*This brings to mind the concept of imprinting used by biologists--the way animals learn to
survive in the world by participating in hunting and feeding with their parents.
* * * * * *
I. Scale Rooms II. Standing Gauge Waves, The Trough-Bulge Theory. III. Spin and Rotation, A
Left Hand Sequence, Mystery Spots. IV.Portals, UFO Phenomena, Spoon Bending, Looming.
Scale Rooms.
While we have so far discussed phase worlds, we have not really touched upon scale rooms,
the kind of worlds Boscovich imagined.Perhaps there are universes in which the galaxies are all
the size of a grain of sand, or in which there are planets the size of solar systems.But the kind of
scale worlds we have in mind are those which are contemporaneous with us. The dayside,
twilightside, etc. phase rooms we have discussed are not really like the heavenly worlds described
in Near Death Experiences--they are more like extensions of our dayside world, or the world of
Philip K. Dick's visitors from orthogonal time. We expect that the twilightside, nightside and
dawnside phase rooms would look quite a bit like our own world.
One of the criteria for being a room is that the individual finds himself in a recognizable
environment, which suggests that matter, and three dimensions of space and a dimension of time
exist there.For the Heavenly worlds, a different kind of room is needed. A scale room differs
from our own, not so much by phase as by scale, or size.It would be a world that was noticeably
larger or smaller in size than our own. But there are, or would be, notable differences. For one
thing, possibly a different species of materiality--not quite the same kind of atoms that we know.
The phase rooms we have described so far can be considered to be different aspects of our
materiality. What we are proposing here is a different scale of materiality.
A second difference is that of time. If larger in size--hence in our future--they will have a
slower time, or longer seconds. Time will run more slowly there, relative to our world. This
doesn't mean that the rate of time would seem to be speeded up or slowed down while there.The
difference would be between that time and normal earth time. The gauge rule allows us to predict
that in a room of a scale much larger than ours, a minute of their time might correspond to many
minutes as measured by our time.
Because of the gauge rule, again, the Heavenly worlds would seem to exist, well, in the
heavens, and are more suitable for the realms of heavenly Near Death Experiences. However, we
feel that N.D.E.'s must be treated with caution.Some consider the after death sojourn as an intense
hallucination, in which there is no reference to the physical body which moderated the strength
and duration of emotional episodes and fixations during life.
Smaller scale rooms would be expected to exist below the surface of the earth.Time would run
fast there, compared to ours. One of our minutes might be many minutes there, relatively ( which
is not good news for those who feel they may be headed in that direction!).
But since these rooms could be considered to coexist in the same space as the universe we
know, we would be expanding through a region of subspace the heavenly realms had recently
vacated. This is not as much of a problem as it might seem, because the lower worlds, faster and
more energetic would be located where the subsurface temperatures would be considerably
warmer, and our surface would be located--one would think--in their atmosphere. The Heavenly
worlds might exist quite high above our heads, where the effects of their motion and so on, would
be masked by events, such as electromagnetic phenomena in our upper atmosphere.
It seems likely that scale rooms would form their own universes. A species of materiality
which did not interact with our own might occupy the same space as we do, much like an
electrical caable can transmit a number of different frequencies. And each level would have its
own rate of time.
Thus, one might have more than one planet Earth with different rates of rotation.
We can observe patterns of scale difference in the universe as a whole. Atom-sized phenomena
occur on a very small, fast, scale; there is a larger and slower scale for the solar system; and our
galaxy is a very large scale. If the universe, as a whole, exists as a single organic pattern (which
seems to be implicit in the idea of universal gauge expansion), then it would have an even larger
size and slower time. We ought to mention that what we see in a galaxy, a solar system, is not the
gauge pattern of that scale, but physical atoms of a similar gauge to our own. We don't see the
gauge pattern directly, what we see is the atomic material collected by forces of that pattern over
aeon's. The gauge pattern, and gravity create the form of the galaxy.
But, true to the Boscovichian concept, this scale relationship is relative. As a result of
universal expansion, the past is to be seen as very rapid and fast, and the future as very slow and
very large.The gauge rule implies that if our gauge scale varies, we continue to measure c at the
determined value. But such is not the case in comparing the scale of our time and space to a
differing gauge scale. The speed of light within small gauge scale must be much faster than c, and
internal forces apparently greater.
Worlds much larger or smaller scale than our own is one of the oldest themes of science fiction,
and is used in the Men In Black movies. At the ending of the first film, an alien child is shown
playing with balls, each of contains an encapsulated universe.
We are not familiar with an esoteric or Vedic account that indicates gauge expansion, although
there are some hints as in Hansa, the black swan associated with creation of the universe. Swans,
geese and other birds make an enveloping motion with their wings when attempting to become
airborne [in our own observations], and this reminds one a little of an expansion. In her magnum
opus, Helena Blavatsky makes a brilliant derivation of Brahma[n] from the root brih-: to expand,
but she later ruined her insight be concluding that which is infinite cannot expand, and hence the
expansion could not be physical.We would say with respect to this, that it is subspace that is
'infinite', the universe is a finite event within it.
Standing Gauge Waves.
The paranormal and psychic aspect suggests that some additional form of energy (or force) has
been overlooked by our current view.Ancient works speak of sound as the creative force, e.g., "In
the beginning was the word," and the yogi belief in "Aum" as the sound of creation.And what
would magic be without the power of sound?
The sun and stars would certainly be expected to be intense generators of gauge wave
radiation, which has some aspects of normal sound--expand and contract in size.That the planets
emit sounds was a doctrine of the ancient Pythagoreans. Some structures on this planet ought to
resonate to and emit low frequency sounds. Our own planet, if we take the diameter as a
wavelength, would resonate to and emit a tone of about 23.25 Hz (as well as overtones).
In the current view, sound is a compression wave through a medium, and the sounds of Earth
travel no further than the atmosphere. Space is considered to be silent, sound-wise.
In the view we are presenting, space itself is a medium, and by space we are referring to the
true space, not relative space-time. Compression waves, which are longitudinal, can be
transmitted through such a medium, as well as transverse waves. Some years ago, Hermann Weyl,
a notable 20th century mathematician, proposed that longitudinal waves could travel through
space by altering the metric, or gauge of space-time. Experimenters could find no evidence to
support this proposal, and Weyl's theory languished in the anteroom of physics along with a
multitude of other ideas. There is an excellent reason why such waves would be difficult to
detect: the measuring apparatus would be affected by the waves themselves.
Gauge waves would be unique. Like sound, in many ways, but traveling at the speed of light.
But they would also have, it would seem a transverse component like electromagnetic waves.
Various designs of detectors are being, and have been, built to detect gravitational waves. In one
of them, pressure sensitive measuring devices were fixed around the circumference of a cylinder
of pure aluminum. This effort seems to have had largely null results. Such an arrangement might
be able to detect gauge waves. But again, the dilemma is that as the gauge wave expands the
cylinder, the net of detectors also expands, and when the cylinder contracts, so does the
arrangement of detection devices. More recently, gravity wave detectors also capable (according
to its builders) of detecting what we have called gauge waves have been constructed, again to
look for gravity waves.
But unlike the proposed gravity waves, gauge waves might be expected to span an entire
spectrum of frequencies. If detected, these "cosmic sound" waves would be important. It is
possible that not all physical materials expand and contract to the same degree. They might also
make the "tractor" and "repulsor" beams so dear to hearts the science fiction writers a reality.
Now it might be properly asked how such waves would perceived as by the human organism.
Perhaps they would look like heat waves coming off of a hot surface--a blacktopped road in
summer, for example--in which different densities of air refract light differently.Perhaps they
would present a shimmering effect, distortion of image or object, as well as a chromatic
distortion. If in the audible range they would evidence a sound. They would also, possibly,
produce a psychological effect on those individuals within range, or heat and chill effects.
Scientists at the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen (Thomas Heimburg and Andrew D.
Jackson) several years ago proposed that nerve impulses, rather than being electrical signals, were
sound pulses they named "solitons."
Gauge waves are not electromagnetic waves, nor sound waves. But like sound, they could form
standing waves on a surface.
German physicist Ernst Chladni studied sound standing waves using sand covered metal plates
vibrated by a violin bow. As the waves reflected from the boundary of the plate inverted phase,
they produced patterns in the sand where their crests and troughs intersected. Hans Jenny, a later
researcher, called the study of such forms, Cymatics.Some beautiful and elaborate patterns have
been produced by sound standing waves. These include geometric designs similar to biological
forms. And, they might play a significant role in biological pattern formation. With gauge waves,
electrical differentials might be created between anti nodes, which might serve as internal guides
for cell structure formation.
Spin and Rotation.
When we think of ancient Greece, we may think of classical marble architecture, and perhaps
the geometry of Euclid comes to mind. These share a commonality: they are static, and
unmoving. The Eastern mindset, however, is dynamic , transient, and moving. One is the cold,
eternal, frozen beauty of the Parthenon, the other the dance of Shiva.
The mood of De Broglie's wave mechanics, and quantum physics, is more that of the dynamic
Shiva than the classic, eternally frozen, Parthenon. The mood of Classical physics is more like the
Parthenon than Shiva.
In De Broglie's wave mechanics, spin is an aspect of wave behavior--but the problem is that
the quantum approach is limited to small scale phenomena.
The classical Newtonian approach, limited to large scale phenomena sees spin and rotations
as accidental. It is something that happens. One would think that it ought to be rare, but it is are
Spins, or rotations, are encountered on many scales in the universe. We encounter it inthe
motion of the galaxies, planetary systems, planet-moon systems.*
We see natural rotations in hurricanes, waterspouts, vortices, and in atomic-size
phenomena.And, there is also handedness in organic molecules, which is a spin of sorts..
*As we were finishing this section, a study by a group of European astronomers made the
news. They concluded that the eleven brightest dwarf galaxies attached to the Milky Way Galaxy
are arranged in a disc shape (like the planets of our solar system) and rotate in the same
direction as the parent galaxy. [Drs.Kroupa, Metz, Hensler,Theis, and Jerjen :Eurek Alert.2009-
05-07 ]
A Left-Hand Sequence.
The English mathematician,Lewis Carroll, achieved popular fame with his book Through
The Looking Glass, Or Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, the children's classic in which Alice
steps through a mirror into a wonderland where the left and right of normal everyday objects are
reversed. The mirror (chiral) image of a right-hand spin is a left-hand spin.
But does the mirror really "reverse" things? If we stand before a mirror (and have the fortitude
to look at ourselves in plain view), we see that top is reflected as top, our right hand is reflected
directly in front of its chiral self, and the same for the left hand. The appearance is not the same if
we faced our physical double, for then our right hand would be on the left.
So where does the reversal come in, if at all? Suppose we painted a design--the word "ME"
will do--on a pane of glass. If we now turned the pane over we would see the expected reversed
image of the reverse side. If we held it up in front of the mirror with the "ME" facing us, we
would see a reversed reflection, left-to-right. But we will notice the reflection is right side up. If
we cheat a little and hold the pane close to our chest and glance down to see what at what the
mirror is reflecting we find that it is the already reversed image that is being faithfully reflected.
The reversal doesn't occur in the mirror-- we are simply seeing the side of things that we don't
normally see.
A good example of this is watching the wheels of the autos passing.If they are passing from
left to right, we will see the top of the tires moving forward and the bottom of the tires moving
backward--of course. But the wheels will be seen to rotate clockwise.
If we had viewed the traffic from the opposite side of the street, we would have observed the
wheels rotating counter-clockwise.
All this is obvious, one might say. The point we are attempting to underline here, though, is
that we are observing the very same rotation from a different perspective, 180 degrees displaced
from the first. The observer's perspective determines the handedness.
The pyramid model that we have used so far has handedness. The rule of thumb for
handedness is to point the thumb of the right hand in the direction of "up" or the direction of
motion. The fingers of the right hand will then curl counterclockwise if the spin is right handed. If
the directon is clockwise, then it is a left hand spin, or, the direction the fingers will curl if the left
hand is used.
If the "up" position is the direction of motion from top to bottom, then the pyramid model, as
we have used it, is right handed
(thumb pointing downward).
But if the left hand is used, with thumb pointing downward, a counterclockwise spin is
Our reason for all of this, is that in esoteric thought, there is asserted to be an important
difference between the "right hand " path and the "left hand" paths. One will also find references
to "the downward pointing pyramid," (which would be left handed).
If the U.P.A. of Leadbeater and Besant is undergoing a dimensional spin between chiral
images of itself, then we have a pair of helices, one right-handed, the other, left-handed, bound
together in a double helix ( not the double helix of D.N.A., which is a pair of right-handed
helices). In atomic terms, this means that protons become neutrons, and vice versa, which means
that except for such exceptions as hydrogen and isotopes the element remains the same.But this
implies that there is a counter-clockwise spin to the pyramid model as well as the clockwise spin
we have considered.
A fundamental part of the Chinese viewpoint is the complimentary duality, yin and yang,
mother and father, or , Spirit and Matter. The Secret Doctrine, quoting Stanza III, paragraph10, of
The Book of Dyzan, gives the esoteric view of this duality succinctly:
"Father-Mother spin a web [the Universe--HPB], whose upper end is fastened to the Spirit --
the light of the one darkness
--and the lower one to its [the Spirit's--HPB] shadowy end, Matter; and this web is the
Universe spun out of the two
substances made in one, which is Spirit-Matter. [Father-Mother--HPB].
Blavatsky says of the Caduceus, which is often depicted in the hand of Hermes, messenger of
the gods, : "The two serpents, the ever-living and its illusion [spirit and matter--H.P.B.], whose
two heads grow from the the one head between the wings (of the swan, Hansa), descend along the
trunk (of Asvattha, the tree of Life and Being) interlaced in close embrace. The two tails join on
earth [The manifested universe--H.P.B.]into one, and this is the great illusion, O Lanoo!" [The
Solar Theory and the Elements, The Secret Doctrine]
If our normal world is considered a P world ( a positive proton), then there seems to be an
equal opportunity for an N world (neutral proton or neutron relative to us) intertwined with it.
Hence, it implies that there is a sequence of chiral universes intertwined with ours.
Anecdotally, it is said that during an audience, Pope John-Paul II was heard to remark that in
the view of the Church, the self continues to exist, after death, as a "mirror image" of the self of
physical life.
Certain individuals in O.B.E. experiences report that they have noted a reversal of left and
right handedness in the excursion. A bandage on their right hand, for example, would be
perceived to be on the left hand.
"The Ambidextrous Universe" by Martin Gardner is an informative discussion of handedness
and chirality.
Mystery Spots.
Certain spots on the Earth's surface exhibit effects which might be anti nodes of standing
gauge waves. Two of the best known are at Gold Hill, Oregon, known as the "Oregon Vortex"
and the "Santa Cruz (California) Mystery Spot." But these are by no means all: they occur
A few hundred feet in size, they exhibit gravity effects and an inexplicable change in size from
one side of a "line of demarcation" to the other.Because of their paranormal aspects a myth often
arises around them (abetted by Indian traditions about their mysterious properties), and they
become a subject of interest.
If one finds a "mystery spot" in a major theme park, however, one can very well disregard
paranormal aspects--they cannot be moved around at will.Effects similar to those of the real spots
are simulated by artfully contrived structures that confuse the customer's sense of level, and make
it seem that a mysterious force changes their height and causes balls to roll uphill.
The authentic mystery spots seem to have (1) a gravitational effect, (2) a time affecting effect
and a spin effect--for example a puff of smoke will spiral as in a vortex, and (3) a variable size
effect at the very well defined edge of the spot. All three of these, in our conception, are
associated with a standing gauge wave.
What we have called the "gauge rule," change in length/change in size equals a constant, or
"the bigger the clock, the slower it runs." Increase in size and a slowdown in time by about the
same percentage. If an actual scale and time effect is involved, we expect that the this rule must
apply (it means the speed of light remains a constant), for if it did not light frequencies within and
without would shift, and a chromatic effect would be noticeable and reported. Inasmuch as this
isn't mentioned, we might expect the speed of light is the same inside the region of influence as
outside it.
Two ordinary sounds (f1 and f2) can exhibit audible beats if sounded together, the formula for
this being either f1-f2 = f3, or f1+f2 =f4, where f3 and f4 are the beat frequencies.
An illustration of wave interference is the strobe effect, in which a strobe flashing at exactly
the rate of spin of a rotating wheel, can "freeze" the wheel's spin and make it seem to stand still.
By slightly varying the strobes frequency, the "stationary" wheel can be made to move either
clockwise or counterclockwise.
In four dimensions, the time dimension can be conceived as a 3-d scale expansion. We have
said earlier that in universal gauge expansion all objects and the space between them are
expanding at the speed of light.The basic waveform of phenomena (in our view) the self-enclosed
wave. So if an f2 frequency is just slightly less than the f1 frequency, one might have a 3-d beat
effect which has a specific size of a mystery spot, say, of less than a hundred meters in diameter.
And the time within this spherical area, or field, will proportionately slow down.
Such spots have been named vortices rate of spin increases toward center. Also, the Oregon
vortex seems to indicate the angle of Earth's geophysical pole to the plane of the ecliptic.
*In researching "Mystery Spots", we recall coming across an odd item to the effect that gold
seems to be more affected by such locations than other materials(?)
The term "portal," is often used to designate a doorway between worlds. There is a body of
myth, considered by Di Santillana in Hamlet's Mill, in which the entranceway between worlds is
a vortex or whirlpool.
Spinning fields such as those said to be attempted in certain Kabbalistic practices,(Merkaba
effects), can be considered to be rotations of the material of the higher bodies.
What we have to add, here, is that by manipulating frequencies, the effect is not simply linear as
in normal sound, but multi-dimensional. In other words, effects involving spin can be produced, a
three-dimensional rather than one dimensional beat frequency effect. Interferences between the
higher bodies may be the explanation for the chakras.
UFO Phenomena.
Time distortion--the phenomenon of missing time is something else, again-- is not uncommon
in UFO Encounters of the First Kind. What seems like a few moments on the inside is quite long
on the outside. It also has been reported that the inside of the ship was much larger than the
Spoon Bending.
In spoon bending, a piece of tableware is said to bend by being rubbed on one side. Like the
bimetallic thermometer strip, if the rate of expansion of the rubbed side of the spoon were
changed, gauge expansion would cause bending. This phenomenon otherwise defies explanation
in conventional terms.
A rather rare phenomenon associated with the Arctic is called looming. Distant objects seem
larger than they are. We have read two different accounts of looming, the most notable being that
of a hunter who followed what he thought was a polar bear for miles, but when he finally closed
on it, he discovered it was not a bear, but a marmot! While one needs to consider that the lack of
topographical features in an Arctic landscape may make the estimation of size difficult, it is
hardly a satisfying explanation.
A second instance of looming involved a description of UFO behavior. When UFOs are seen
approaching the viewer, they may seem in one instant to be a considerable distance away, and the
next, much closer, as if they had skipped the intervening distance.
* * * * * *
A look at some reported phenomena, some of which are mediumistic(involving human agency)
and some of which seem to be natural (not involving human agency).To avoid having to validate
every event cited, we treat each as an example of a group.
As a generality, the esoteric doctrine of the higher bodies seems to include: (1) That the human
organism is composed of more than one kind of materiality, (2) Higher bodies exist as atomic
and/or molecular material surrounding the physical body, and (3) that the processes of life
transmute physical elements into the substance of the higher bodies,a process which can be
In the Upanishads, commentaries on the Vedas, the twilightside and the nightside of the
pyramid model are labeled astral, and mental .In theosophy, which draws on Vedantic and
Buddhist sources, one encounters the assertion that at death there is an interlude on both the astral
and mental planes, a paradise--at least as a very lucid dream-- and the two higher bodies, first the
astral and then the mental, are shed in turn. At the beginning of the next incarnation a new
emotional and mental body, or the rudiments of them, are assembled.
Esoteric teacher Georges Gurdjieff taught, that from the air we breathe, food, and
"impressions", the student of his method could produce "hydrogens" essential to esoteric work. In
a similar vein, the Polynesian kahunas of Hawaii, according to William Tufts Brigham, were able
to generate a seed-like energy called mana with which they were able to work miracles, heal the
sick, and change the future.
A small number of biochemists believe the processes of life in plants and animals can
transmute one chemical element into another, the most notable being Louis Kervran. If this is so,
a critic might respond, what is the purpose of fertilizer? But Man's way is not Nature's way. It is a
well known historically, that a few years of intensive cultivation of a single crop can deplete the
soil, especially a grass like wheat which does not fix nitrogen, the main fertilizer. Yet the same
prairie soil that was ruined by wheat, had grown luxurious stands of tall grass, some as tall as a
man on horseback, year after year.
In a similar vein, and often mentioned in conjunction with biological transmutation, is cold
fusion.The main barrier facing biological transmutation and cold fusion seems to be the electrical
repulsion between the atoms, which keeps the nuclei separate. Phase shifting one of the atoms to
a magnetic phase would reduce or eliminate this barrier. The art of the sorcerer and the kahuna,
seems to be to phase shift material slightly backward in time to a higher potential energy state.
Spontaneous Human Combustion.
SHC, or Spontaneous Human Combustion, has been reported for centuries.A normal fire is
often associated with it.
One of the better known cases is that of Mary Reeser, a Florida widow, whose body was so
completely consumed by a mysterious burning that only part of the spine and charred liver , a
shrunken skull, and an otherwise undamaged foot enclosed in a black satin slipper remained.The
chair in which she had been sitting was completely destroyed, and a circular hole had been
burned in a carpet laid over a concrete slab floor.
The case was investigated by Dr.Wilton Krogman, a pathologist of note who was vacationing
in the St. Petersburg area at the time, at the request of the police. He could find no cause for the
occurrence of Mrs. Reeser's death. After years of consideration, he finally concluded that the
widow's body had been burned elsewhere and the remains returned.
In some cases where SHC has been observed occurring, a bluish flame of no great intensity
has been seen flickering on, or just above, the surface of the body. It has been reported that water
not only fails to extinguish the blaze but seems to add to its intensity.
The above clues suggest that SHC is not an oxidation, but a chemical reduction, which is
necessarily endothermic since the body is largely water. Atoms of water, thus, must be
disassociated into hydrogen and oxygen, which are then ignited outside the region of influence by
a flame. Mrs. Reeser used matches,and in some other cases the victim was found near an open
The "greasy soot" reported found on the walls and ceiling of the efficiency apartment was
likely atomic carbon, and it was the burning of the released hydrogen which caused the heat in
the apartment.
The above explanation is fairly obvious. What is not obvious is the source of energy needed to
reduce the body to atoms. Krogman, who had watched cadavers burn in normal fires in
crematoriums under a variety of conditions, said that only in temperatures in excess of 3,000
degrees F. had he seen bones melt.He also noted that he had never observed skulls shrink during
Oddly enough, the shrinking of skulls was reported in the great Peshtigo forest fire of 1871.
But while crematoriums depend largely on convection, a forest fire can generate gigawatt's of
infrared radiation.Some survivors of the fire told of victims burning to ashes in a few minutes,
unlike the several hours required for a cremation.
The Peshtigo fire destroyed nearly every structure in the Wisconsin town but one --a building
being built that was,largely, a framework of two-by-four studs and rafters. It burned not only tree
stumps, but their roots in the ground. On the other hand, it left a field of cornstalks (which one
might think would be the first to burn) standing.
Two-by-fours and cornstalks are alike in a certain way: they are long and thin and have a small
cross section. This is quite important in radiated heat energy which low enough in frequency to
penetrate into the radiated object, while convection is limited to a molecular bombardment the
surface. The fire, so to speak, pumps an extraordinary amount of infrared energy into a body, a
building, or a tree stump continually. One of the stories told by survivers of this great fire--which
occured on the same day as the fire in Chicago--was by a man who stopped his horsedrawn
wagon to remove a tree trunk obstructing the road. When he had done so and turned back he
found that the horse and his wife were both dead, and a few minutes later had been reduced to
But we are looking in the wrong direction. There was no evidence of an external radiation
The doorknob of Mrs Reeser's apartment was hot-- a discovery which prompted painters to
call the manager--and the plastic electrical outlet covers were melted above a certain level in the
living room, and the walls were coated with soot, but aside from the widow's body, the chair and
the hole in the carpet, little else was damaged. So a slow, prolonged burning (and here we have
the recombination of the separated hydrogen and oxygen, ignited by Mrs. Reeser's cigarette
lighter, in mind) occured. It was not intense enough to start a house fire, and it was slow enough
to allow the heat to accumulate at the top of the room--hence the electrical outlet covers melted at
the top but not the bottom. The real endothermic destruction of the body did not necessarily emit
any heat in itself. The destruction of the chair and the carpet was by this same endothermic field,
not regular fire (in which case the apartment probably would have burned).
Certain aspects of SHC stand out. Victims are often alcoholics, they do not seem to be in pain
in the few cases that have been witnessed, and, there do not seem to be any cases of animals so
There is also a hint of CO poisoning. A number of cases of SHC have occurred in automobiles.
In one case of partial SHC the victim was in the process of committing suicide in his garage by
funneling the auto exhaust into the interior.
The circular hole in the carpet and the destruction of the chair suggests that while the body may
have been the focus, an effect was produced a limited distance beyond it. Neighbors reported that
Mrs. Reeser had the habit of sitting in the chair with her stiff left leg extended on a hassock, and
this may be why the foot and slipper survived.*
In the esoteric tradition, the physical body is surrounded by an energy field which clairvoyants
often describe as ovoid in shape. Such an energy field, as a hypothesis, would supply the energy
that produced the phenomena associated with SHC.
The lack of animal victims, and the poisoning aspects, suggest that trauma to the brain is
involved, and further suggests that the brain may be a regulating factor between the body and
such a proposed energy field.
The energy field would supply the energy to break the electrical bond that holds molecules
together, the gas atoms rising and being recombined by normal burning outside the field.
An ovoid or circular region of burning, sometimes cited as an evidence of a field, is also the
shape of the envelope of the higher bodies. Since an energy source is required, the field must
emanate from the dawnside as the so-called astral, or twilightside energies would be too weak.
The brain is involved in this process, as there are evidences of alcoholism and carbon monoxide
poisonings in many cases. Thus, SHC may be an unfortunate accident.
We think that the mysterious energy involved was transmuted during life by the victim to form
a reservoir of potential energy which must be inherently unstable and which potentially can be
controlled by the brain.
*Although dated, Vincent H. Gaddis' "Mysterious Fires and Lights", documents the Reeser
case, et al.
Poltergeist, Apparitions.
Poltergeist, in our view, is a mediumistic phenomenon, in which the unwitting medium is the
principle character, the individual that the events seem to center around, who is usually a child or
young woman.What the medium, in such a case does, is to generate an intermediate 'substance'
that allows a discarnate or non human entity to have a physical effect on matter.At the end of this
section I tell of a personal O.B.E. During the exteriorization, I recall repeatedly trying to flip the
lever on the bathroom light switch, but my finger seemed to pass through it.
The energy effects of poltergeist, aside from the stories of Stephen King, are usually no
greater than that of a healthy man.
The famous falling stones which seem to materialize from thin air and fall to the floor of a
room; or stones which are thrown against the side of a house with no thrower to be apparent,
upon examination turn out to be ordinary fieldstones from the vicinity.
Such phenomena are an excellent example of phase shifting, the unworldy thrower of stones
phase shifting the object to his own phase room where it becomes intangible to the physical
world, but which returns to common materiality once it has left that entities' possession.
A phenomenon of similar nature, apports, are objects which appear from nowhere during
seances. Now theoretically, that is with reference to the pyramid model, we would think that this
activity must take place from the dawnside as it has a higher energy level, and a slightly faster
time. We are increasingly led to believe that discarnates reside, not in an astral (or twilight side)
phase room, but in the past of our day side, in the dawnside room. For another thing, photo's of
apparitions often shown them smaller than we might expect. And a notable number of apparitions
seem to show themselves as shadow persons who seem as silhouettes to the perceiver.
We can only see light from phase room directly following ours, we believe. An object in the
doorway between the dawn side and the dayside would appear black to us. We cannot see their
light, nor can our light reflect back to us.
The have been several reports of large, triangular shaped UFO's similar to the "Phoenix
lights," in which the ship seems to be invisible--the stars are seen through it--but its lights are
visible. This would be an excellent example of such a vehicle operating in the doorway between
the physical and the twilight side. We can see their emitted light (they don't see our, though)
although the object emitting it was not entirely phase shifted into our room. One might use the
same explanation for the various 'mystery lights' seen in certain locations.
Levitation and mass.
The majority of Saints did not exhibit paranormal abilities--they simply led saintly lives. Yet,
in the common mind, Saints are persons who manifest miracles and other-worldly phenomena.
But many cultures have a shamanic tradition and a familiarity with magic.The yogi and the
sorcerer are trained, but there have been individuals with rare abilities--"wild talents," Charles
Forte called them, who could produce electrical effects, start fires with their breaths, levitate, or
heal by a touch. The human organism seems to be a marvelous machine that is, for the vast
majority, not turned on. But there are occasional flickerings of its potential.
One of the miraculous doings of Saints, is levitation. Joseph of Cupertino was probably the
most accomplished with (we believe) forty attested risings. Joseph was a simple man without
ambition, much to the dismay of his superiors who saw him in a more prominent role. In this trait
he was in saintly contrast to such superstars as Anthony of Padua, who displayed a multitude of
gifts, levitation and bilocation among them, as well as being a preacher that crowds traveled miles
to hear.
But what seems to be miraculous to the religious mind--which tends to see paranormal
happenings as evidence of either Divine or Demonic powers--may be thought of as psychic
abilities to others. Levitation has been attributed to practitioners of yoga, Buddhism, Spiritualism
and Spiritism, few of whom think of it as a suitable goal of spiritual attainment.
And, we fully believe, that it can be technically achieved. The biologist and writer, Ivan
Sanderson, tells of seeing pebbles mysteriously floating above the floor of a volcanic crater on
Bali in his book, Green Silence.
In various paranormal accounts of levitation, there is no evidence of the kind of force needed
to raise a physical body into the air by means currently known. There is, however, (1) the
possibility that a higher body is perceived as the physical. An excellent example of this is
Anthony of Padua being seen in two different locations at the same time.Hence, it might be the
higher body that was seen to levitate. Or, (2) the current concept of mass and gravity is not
correct. If there is no gravitational radiation between two massy bodies as we have suggested,
then changing an aspect of one of the bodies (such as the proverbial change of frequency) would
render that body weightless and possibly without inertia.Even though all of the physical bodies of
any size that we know about have mass, it is still an empiric observation projected as a rule.
The description 'floating' is often used in descriptions of levitation. This suggests that inertial
as well as gravitational mass is reduced. As a matter of fact, we can't recall an instance in which
only one kind of mass (inertial or gravitational) seemed to be involved by itself in a phenomenon.
Apparently, the Principle of Equivalence holds in paranormal events.
Obviously, if a physical object were phase shifted to another room, it would disappear from
ours, which means that from our perspective the mass, and consequently its energy would simply
vanish.Hence its energy would not be conserved (from our perspective). But one might counter
with the proposal that if the object were removed from our environment to a different location,
its mass could also be said to have vanished. The mass would not go out of existence, but no
longer be perceptible from our environment. In other words, it would be 'potential' rather than
At about noon, on October 13, 1917, near the hamlet of Fatima, Portugal, a crowd of about
100,000 witnessed an extraordinary event. Of that multitude, only a few (as far as we know) --
newspaper reporters and a college professor among them-- looked carefully and left a record of
what they saw.
Below is a partial description of the event as witnessed by Almeida Garrett of the University
of Coimbra. The setting is this: a multitude of the curious and the devout have gathered in a
pasture near a remote hamlet to witness an appearance of the Virgin Mary promised by Lucy dos
Santos who claimed that Mary had been appearing to her and her two younger cousins as they
tended sheep. It had rained earlier, and the sky was overcast and the sun occluded. The crowd,
most of whom had spent the night outdoors in damp clothing, expectantly awaited the hour of
Garrett says:
" The sun had broken jubilantly through the thick layer of clouds just a few moments
"It was shining clearly and intensely. I turned to this magnet that was drawing all eyes.
"It looked to me as a luminous and brilliant disc, with a bright well-defined rim.
"It did not hurt the eyes. The comparison (which I heard while still at Fatima) with a disc
dull silver did not seem right to me. The color was brighter, far more active and richer
dull silver, with the tinted luster of the orient of a pearl.
"Nor did it resemble the moon on a clear night. Everyone saw and felt that it was
a body with life. I was not spheric like the moon, neither did it have an equal tonality of
color. It looked like a small, brightly polished, wheel of iridescent mother-of-pearl.
"It could not be taken for the sun as seen through a fog. There was no fog at the time
(the rain and fog had stopped). The sun was not opaque, veiled, or diffused. It gave
light and heat and was brilliantly outlined by a beveled rim.
"The sky was banked with light clouds, patched with blue here and there. Sometimes
the sun stood out alone in rifts of clear sky. The clouds scuttled along from west to
east without dimming the sun. They gave the impression of passing behind it, while
white puffs gliding sometimes in front of the sun seemed to take on the color of rose
or a delicate blue.
"It was wonderful that all this time it was possible for us to look at the sun, a blaze of
and blinding heat, without pain to the eyes or blinding of the retina. This phenomenon
must have lasted about ten minutes, except for two interruptions when the sun darted
forth its more refulgent, lightning-like, rays which forced us to look away.
"The sun had an eccentricity of movement. It was not the scintillation of a celestial
body at its highest power. It was rotating upon itself with exceedingly great speed.
Suddenly the people broke out with a cry of extreme anguish. The sun, still rotating,
had loosed itself from the skies and came hurtling toward the earth. This huge, fiery,
millstone threatened to crush us with its weight. It was a dreadful sensation."
Reporters for the big city dailies described the event in the same vein. O Dia noted, "The sun
seemed veiled with a transparent gauze to enable us to look at it without difficulty. The grayish
tint of mother-of-pearl began changing as if into a shining silver disc, that was growing slowly,
until it broke through the clouds. And the silvery sun, still shrouded with the same lightness of
gauze, was seen to rotate and wander within the circle of the receded clouds!"
O Seculare commented: "The sun called to mind a plate of dull silver. It could be stared at
without the least effort."
We might comment. first of all, that simple rationality demands that the real sun was hidden by
clouds at the time of the apparition. A bright object was seen which was mistaken for the sun,
except for the two instances (which we have underlined), when the real sun broke momentarily
through the clouds. There was the additional comment by a farmer who had seen some of this a
little further away who said that the 'sun' had looked like a "dirty snowball".
The event at Fatima is truly remarkable. It is not only the first mass UFO sighting of modern
times, but perhaps the outstanding paranormal event of history in terms of the number of people
witnessing a single happening ,even though there have been more conservative estimates of the
crowd's size put forth.
Most of the pious saw a miraculous event of the sun dancing in the sky ( the 'dance' per se can
be attributed to a "zig-zag" motion as the craft descended, perhaps the famous 'falling leaf'
descent pattern of classic UFO sightings). None of the observers thought they were seeing a
machine, albeit a very sophisticated machine. Even the professional observers could not quite
bring themselves to say that it was not the sun they were seeing, although Garrett noted the
clouds "gave the impression" of passing behind the object. And yet even the reporters and Garrett,
apparently, did not see it all. Lucy later described a much more detailed account involving
apparitions of Mary.
Professor Garrett's account of the Fatima visitation comes from Fr.John Di Marchi, an
American Catholic priest who went to Portugal years after the event to interview witnesses,
especially Sister Maria Lucia, who, as a ten-year-old country girl was the principal character of
the Fatima visitations. Di Marchi published his findings in a little booklet, millions of which were
distributed free. Synchronistically enough, the Imprimatur of the booklet--which was apparently
reissued as "What Really Happened At Fatima"-- was granted in 1947, a major year for Ufology.
Social Engineering.
It seems to be the most ignorant and vulnerable that are chosen to receive such messages. An
incident similar to the apparitions at Fatima was that of Bernadette Soubirous, of Lourdes France,
in the previous century. While gathering firewood, Bernadette saw the image of a "beautiful lady"
in a small grotto near a stream. Like Lucy, Bernadette had spent the year before tending sheep in
the mountains, and spoke a dialect unintelligible to most townfolk. Bernadette told her parish
priest that the lady had told her, "I am the Immaculate Conception," and the priest corrected her
by saying that "the immaculate conception" was a thing and not a person.
Bernadette's vision was hers alone, as no one else could see the lady. By the same token,
though, little Francesco could not see the lady appearing over the holmoak bush until he had said
a decade of the rosary.Franz Werfel, who wrote "The Song of Bernadette," commented that the
Bernadette of a earlier era might have seen Diana, or one of the other goddesses. Or, we might
add, an "angel of the Lord." The three Fatima children had had an encounter earlier with a
translucent being who identified himself as the "Guardian Angel of Portugal." Lucy dos Santos,
who later became a nun, was also subjected to disturbing visions of a burning hell that awaited
those who spoke harshly of the Pope.
There is another interesting case that occurred at Knock, Ireland, in August of 1879, when a
religious tableau, Mary, Jesus and St. John the Evangelist, appeared on the exterior the wall of St.
John's Church where it was observed by about 15 persons (except the parish priest who refused
to leave his house to look at it). One of those who saw it closely, said the image seemed to be
suspended in the air a small distance in front of the wall itself. A viewer from a distance thought it
was a "magic lantern" projection.
The apparition at Knock sounds to modern ears like a holographic projection, as does the
Virgin over the holmoak in Fatima.
We might be convinced that religion is a "noble lie," in the sense of warning a child that a
"Boogie Man " lies in wait for them in a place of danger. But the thought comes to us that the
prophet becomes the leader, and the believers the followers, for the prophet stands between them
and their object of veneration. And in time, no doubt an orthodoxy will follow. And what can be
the goal of all this except to keep the believers in a pious, obedient, and docile childhood, eagerly
awaiting Heaven? And what is this Heaven, but an endless childhood without care or
Religion inculcates the view that a perfect Source is stymied in its efforts at perfecting creation
by the stipulated free will of humanity. For no apparent reason, humanity rebels, and this
rebellion leads to helpless guilt, and a feeling of unworthiness and isolation from the true reality.
This guilt is covered by a sense of persecution which makes enemies of the rest of humanity.
We cannot help but form the conclusion that what we know as religion has been crafted by an
uncanny knowledge of human psychology and the way in which it can be controlled and set
against itself.
When we believe, we are at peace and cease to think, when we are happy, we relax and cease
to think.This is easy enough to rationalize if we consider thought as a survival art: if there is no
problem or danger, there is no physical need for it.
A student of yoga, in a story used by Schopenhauer, was asked why he spent his life in self
denial to attain the bliss of nirvana, while his next door neighbor, a grandmother, was happy as a
lark without a care in the world.The yogi replied he had often thought of that, but her simple
ebullience was " a happiness I do not desire."
Remote Viewing, Channeling,
If the reader recalls our comments in "The Embedded Self," of Section Four, (they) will recall
that we hold the view is that the future cannot be actually foreseen by psychics, or remote
viewers. What is seen is what happened "last time." Potentially, any information is available
psychically through introception--as Merrell-Wolff calls it. We expect that a "time traveler" would
travel not to the future we will experience, but to a present of a wave preceeding our own.In a
similar way, a sensitive sees, not the actual future we will encounter, but one of a wave preceding
Some remote viewers, Ed Dames, for example, say that if a future event is 'seeable' by remote
viewing, it is a "done deal," and cannot be avoided. This may be true--but it would be a done deal
of the last cycle. Our future is yet unwritten, so there is always a chance it may be different, albeit
geological and cosmic events are not likely to be significantly different, being more mechanical.
We don't really see much future for remote viewing as it is practised. The real skill would be to
be able to leave one's body in an O.B.E. and go to the destination. We expect that a time traveler
would travel not to the future we will experience, but to a present of a wave preceeding our
own.In a similar way, a sensitive sees, not the actual future we will encounter, but one of a wave
preceding ours.
Science has come to the conclusion that the human brain operates at the edge of chaos. It is our
conclusion that human consciousness, like a surfer, rides the wave of time in the fleeting instant
of action in which all probabilities but one collapse, and fact is born.It is the moment of truth, the
moment of magic.
Channeling entities have made repeated efforts to explain things as viewed from the other side.
Those who have followed our exposition may see why this would be such a daunting
undertaking, because the person who is voicing the message is not a radio receiver, as some might
believe. The channeling entity must construct the message from concepts in the medium's mind,
and very often those concepts are only generalities from a 3+1 perspective.
Shape Shifting.
The "Indian rope trick" (of India) was a demonstation of a cobra crawling up a rope from a jar.
Viewers were convinced they had seen this happen, but phography of the session showed nothing
of the sort had happened.
In the heyday of Spiritualism, an eidolon (as it was called) of a deceased person was said to be
produced. The traditional explanation is that of ectoplasm emitted from the medium's body.In this
case one has a visible, or reflective substance, which can presumably 'clothe' the higher body of
the discarnate, in which case the projection of a visible image need not occur.But we cannot
assert that it does not. This type of mediumship is not widely found, if at all, in the modern day.
But the perception of the ascending cobra may be created in the experiencer's mind.We know
of no reason why the perception, or mental picture, cannot be three dimensional rather than two
The mechanics of a supposed mental projection of a visible image boggle the mind, and it must
be must forthrightly said that we can think of no simple way in which it could be done without
technology.Our physical body is not a projection, but has grown. But then, so have the other
phase room bodies.
One's root sentience, being independent of space and time, has a much more intimate
knowledge of any person's body that that person's own waking conscious perception of it. This
may be somewhat disquieting to those who wish privacy, but it means that there really isn't any
privacy at that level, except that which is ethically granted.
Among those who are not ethically guided, are the practitioners of witchcraft who stick pins
into wax dolls of their enemies. In this case, the doll merely serves to focus the attention. The hair
sample locates the victim.The symbol is the address.
Possession, as in "spirit possession," is often thought of as the forceful entry of an alien (in the
broad sense of an outsider) personality. But it can be simpler and more intimate than that. If we
are struck by an unusual desire or impulse, we take it as an expression of our hidden self. A minor
possession may be like that.It need not be a forcible take over by a demonic entity.
Among the most vulnerable are small children, who seem to have a baffling ability to detect
when they are not supervised. A child who cannot walk across a floor without falling may be able
to drag a chair to a screen door, undo the lock, and toddle directly to a place of maximum danger,
such as down a driveway to a busy highway, or to the edge of a swimming pool, where it falls in
and drowns (both examples are drawn from actual cases).
Carlos Castaneda, in his engrossing initiation into sorcery series, tells that his teacher, don
Juan, told him that to remain awake during an O.B.E. experience, the sorcerer learn to pattern his
projected body into the form of an animal or bird. His own choice was that of a crow. The
sorcerer was vulnerable at such times, he was told, so the chosen creature should be one that was
not hunted by humans or other creatures.This brings to mind the protected or totem animal in
many traditions.
But does the sorcerer actually create the inhabited form, or does he, rather, possess the body of
a real animal or bird?
A Personal Experience.
Some years ago, while residing in the City of Los Angeles, the author had an out-of-the-body
experience which was, although personally meaningful, rather mundane as far as such accounts
go. No conversations with masters or Divinities occurred, and no message to the world was
received; it consisted largely of a late night stroll down an empty residential street. We include it,
not for its significance, per se, but because its very ordinary character allows us to examine
certain characteristics from the subspace perspective.
The expperience began one night when I awoke from sleep with a need to urinate. I felt so
unusually comfortable in bed and reluctant to arise that I postponed the trip to the bathroom and
drifted back to sleep. This waking-sleeping sequence continued several times until I finally got up
and attended to my need.
But I was dismayed by my inability to work the bathroom light switch. After several futile
attempts I was plodding down the hallway back to the bedroom when I was seized by a sudden
apprehension and immediately found myself awake in bed. I then rose, fully awake, and returned
to the bathroom.
Upon returning to bed I drifted off to a state of sleep which gradually (so it seemed) became a
state of semi awareness in which I found myself rocking side-to-side, as if lying in the bottom of
a small boat rocked by gentle waves.
The intensity of the rocking increased until it was as if I were a balloon buffeted by the wind,
or a rag doll being shaken. Along with this I saw lightning-like flashes of red and black. It seemed
as though I would be shaken apart, but like an engine coming up to speed, the buffeting soon died
down to a complete stillness.
I was suddenly aware of myself suspended in the air above the bed (and my physical body,of
course), about four or five feet above the floor.
After a short rest I began to slide feet forward horizontally and tilt up to a vertical position.
This maneuver, executed without effort or foreknowledge, left me standing on the floor at the foot
of the bed, and produced such a delightful "physical" sensation that I repeated it twice more just
for the fun of doing so. The was no hesitancy in moving about, and I felt myself completely
at ease.
I shortly found myself passing through the wall that separated the bedroom from the living
room, with little effort. I then crossed the living room and passed through the exterior wall of the
duplex apartment to an exterior walkway. I moved through the courtyard to the front yard of the
property and descended a few steps to the street sidewalk and headed toward Santa Monica Blvd.,
which was a little over half a block south. I stopped for a moment a few yards down the street to
examine the bark of a camphor tree, and noted that the illumination of the near by street light
seemed to wash out the detail of what I was looking at. Around this time I was attracted to a
sound of clatter and commotion coming from Santa Monica Blvd, the source of which seemed to
merely be a passing automobile.
Examining a side of a well known tree in the shade, I saw clusters of varicolored lights which
resembled very tiny Xmas tree lights. Now and then, a colored ray would shoot out from the
After satisfying my interest in the tree, I began to cross a library lawn and lost consciousness.
My next recollection was that of flying, in an upright position, rapidly but easily, over a
mountainous region in what I understood to be the Far East. My destination was an opening cut
into the face of a mountain. The interior was brightly lighted and I could see people moving
around within.
A white half portico, reminiscent of the style of Monticello, covered the opening and there was
a small landing platform to which I was headed. I have no memory of the excursion beyond this
Some Comments:
During an episode of the above exteriorization account, I had a series of perceptions. I am not
now certain of when they occurred, but it was most likely immediately after separation. In one of
them, I saw my daily life as a happening, which was of no particular interest outside of itself. It
was perhaps the perspective of a mildly curious person passing by a noisy, active, party.
In a second perception, I found myself suspended in a velvety blackness. The word 'darkness'
doesn't do it credit. It wasn't emptiness, but had a tactile, comforting, presence. It is here, I
thought, that a soul would go to find security and healing. Betty J. Eadie in Embraced By The
Light reports a very similar perception of the "blackness". In this blackness, at a distance, were
points of light. Focusing my attention on individual lights, I could see that each was a place of
interesting activity. I felt, that had I so chosen, I could have traveled to any of them. I lacked the
inclination to do so, however, and soon lost interest in the blackness itself.
In no way did any part of the experience seem frightening or unusual, and there was a sense of
long familiarity. Perhaps it was a familiar routine on which part of the waking consciousness was
invited along. It was thus remembered.
There was a sense of personal validation. Everyday life seemed as if a delirium from which I
had awakened. I felt like my real self again. Again. this sense of self-validation was also noted by
Eadie in her account of a near death experience.
One thing that I found astounding was the amount of psychic energy we need to use in waking
life to remain focused in the physical.
There was no sense of being disembodied, and no real sense of loss of faculty. There was
indeed, an optimum sense of vitality and freedom that one knows too seldom in life.
In an actual occurrence, apart from memories and dreams, there is an undeniable sense of
being there at that time and place. It is the sense of simple location in time and space, which may
be the basis for our sense of reality. There was no sense that the experience was not real.
I did not see my physical body asleep, or I should say, it is doubtful that I would have taken
special note of it if I had seen it, and I did not see the connecting cord which is often reported.
I don't recall any pains taken to navigate my flight, it was, again, like an activity so habitual it
could be directed without conscious attention. As far as ground locomotion was concerned, I do
not have any recollection of actually walking, so perhaps, or even likely, floating was the case.
* * * * * *
The End