Intro Detoxify Nourish Build

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Detoxify, Nourish & Build

Three Essentials for Vibrant Health! By Michael King

Introduction A multitude of health complaints can effectively be addressed by following a three-prong, common sense approach to building overall health and vitality 1) detoxify the offending substances in the body, 2) nourish the body with a complete spectrum of mineral and phytonutrient resources, and 3) build strength and balance in the body with adaptogenic herbs and clays abundant in angstrom minerals (Natures most powerful rejuvenative resource). This simple approach to building health addresses every imbalance within the body by targeting the two most fundamental reasons why a body has been thrown out of balance in the first place toxins and malnourishment then follows up with a simple rejuvenation program that builds strength in every organ and system in the body at once. The program speaks to the foundational root causes of all health conditions. It builds health at all levels of the body simultaneously by providing the full spectrum of foundational building blocks needed to perform every metabolic function of the body, from hormone creation to enzyme development to protein and cell construction to neural pathway development to the countless thousands of chemical processes that take place in the body every second. It even provides the natural resources necessary to restructure mutated DNA molecules one of the little known secrets to reversing the aging process. The program offers sound insights into the way the body works, coupled with simple, yet profound methods of restoring strength and balance.
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Detoxify, Nourish & Rejuvenate Three Essential Steps to Creating Vibrant Health

It provides several surprising dietary suggestions that go against the grain of even some of the more widely touted natural programs on the market today yet can make a huge difference in improving how you feel and how much you spend on health remedies! The program, which is really about knowing what to reach for that will better accomplish a certain health goal than what you are already using, may well save you hundreds of dollars a month previously spent on less effective or less nourishing remedies. In many cases, given what you may now be spending on your health, this commonsense program may replace 5090% of your current program and still cost you less, yet provide you with many times the benefit. As the title suggests, there are three basic components of a good health building program: 1) detoxify, 2) nourish, and 3) rejuvenate. The next three articles will take a closer look at each component. A more detailed commentary related to individual aspects of this rejuvenation protocol will be emailed periodically to everyone on our free email newsletter group. To receive your copy of these groundbreaking updates go to and sign up for Vital Health News. The next article will discus the first component of this powerful, health-building program Detoxify.

Part 1 Detoxify
In order to build health in the body, a wise, common sense first step is to remove the offending substances causing a lowering of health in the first place. This means detoxify. A large spectrum of current health conditions are likely to disappear just by eliminating the storehouse of toxic
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Detoxify, Nourish & Rejuvenate Three Essential Steps to Creating Vibrant Health

material buildup from years of poor diet, breathing polluted air, drinking toxic water, eating chemically laden foods, taking toxic prescription medicines and recreational drugs, being treated or examined with radioactive equipment (chemo therapy, X-rays, mammograms, etc.), living with amalgam fillings, working & cleaning with chemicals, working in a high EMF environment, living in a toxic home built of unnatural materials, living close to nuclear power plants, military munitions factories, chemical factories, smelting mines, in a congested metropolis, and the list goes on. Toxins abound in this society and we have all been influenced by them. The body is an amazingly durable biomachine, able to withstand a tremendous amount of abuse, yet little by little, the effects of a toxic lifestyle reveal themselves - lower energy, sleepless nights, unexpected pains, fuzzy headedness, rashes, pimples, poor digestion or elimination, allergies, food and chemical sensitivities, cancer and numerous other diseases this list is also endless. The Detox Solution External Detoxification Methods Who would have guessed that Nature has had a simple remedy available to us from the beginning of mankinds walk upon the earth, for just such a day as the one we now live in? Who would have thought that the answer would be as simple and enjoyable as a soothing clay bath? There is nothing more gentle in the realm of detoxification than a clay bath or shower slurry (for those who do not like baths). A shower slurry is accomplished by simply spreading a thin layer of a moist clay paste all over the body and hanging out in the shower for awhile. A clay bath is accomplished by adding a half cup or more (even several pounds) to your bath water and basking in the warmth for 30 minutes to an hour or more, as desired. The addition of sea salt and/or humic substances to your clay bath increases
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Detoxify, Nourish & Rejuvenate Three Essential Steps to Creating Vibrant Health

its detoxification potency. A clay bath is a gentle, yet powerful detoxification method due to one simple fact toxins are able to leave the body through every skin cell from head to toe at once. More effective than foot baths, more effective than Epson Salt baths, and more effective than isolated poultices, clay baths draw toxins out of the body simultaneously from every square inch of the skin surface exposed to the clay. Internal Detoxification Methods Now, lets discuss internal detoxification. There are a few natural substances when taken internally, that work powerfully well in combination with clay baths. The reason the two are recommended together is to reduce, as much as possible, detoxification reactions caused by doing too much, too fast. Detox reactions are common early on in a good healing program, yet eventually the body processes them out and the detox symptoms go away. A clay bath will usually reduce or eliminate any detox reactions within minutes. A detox reaction can show up in several ways: a sluggish feeling, a fuzzy head, a headache, a rash, a breakout, dry skin, aches and pains, flu-like symptoms, etc. At the very beginning of an internal detox program it is best to be more cautious due to the possibility of unexpected heavy detoxing precipitated by something as simple as a teaspoon of chlorella, or a quarter cup of cilantro, or a teaspoon of clay, or a pinch of humic substances, or a few ounces of an extremely hydrating water source. From just these small amounts, surprisingly intense detox reactions have been experienced by some with a history of exposure to toxic substances. By being sure to combine frequent baths with your internal detox program you provide yourself with the best chance of minimizing detox reactions and their potential duration. At
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Detoxify, Nourish & Rejuvenate Three Essential Steps to Creating Vibrant Health

the first sign of a detox reaction from an internal detox program, take a clay bath or a shower slurry, drink lots of pure water, and if you have the opportunity, do some sweating in a sauna. Natural Detox Remedies So what are the best natural internal remedies for toxins, heavy metals, chemicals & radiation? In general, the best remedies come directly from the earth water, clay, humic substances (from ancient composted forests), seaweeds, sea salt, specific herbs and chlorophyll-rich foods. These natural resources comprise the most effective detoxifying substances known on the earth today. The advantage to using natural products manufactured by Mother Earth is that we are able benefit from her 5 billion+ years of product development. Unaltered natural resources, kept in their original condition to every degree possible, nourish the body with complex mineral and phytonutrient combinations of precise ratios, built-in electromagnetic influences, isotopes, rare earths, and many other factors of which todays science knows very little about. In other words, we are nourished by Mother Nature in unfathomable ways. When Nature designs a product, it is possible to be detoxified, nourished and rejuvenated all at the same time. This is the wisdom of Nature. However, for the sake of understanding the three most significant components of a good rejuvenation program, and how certain natural resources support each component, the next article will discuss these natural resources in light of their ability to powerfully nourish the body.

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Detoxify, Nourish & Rejuvenate Three Essential Steps to Creating Vibrant Health

Part 2 Nourish the Body to the Max with Whole Earthen Resources
The science of natural health is really about nourishing the body. When a cell is properly nourished with pure air, water, sunlight, minerals and phytonutrients (plant derived nourishment), it simply goes about its normal business of cleaning house, building new and better cells, and performing its thousands of standard metabolic functions. The cell either remains in a healthful state, or gets healthier, and passes its degree of health on to the next generation of cells. Due to commercial farming practices, Americas soils have been depleted of mineral nutrients now for over 80 years, and was testified to as such before Congress in 1936. (Senate
document no. 264 of the 74th congress, second session.)

So to attempt to derive nutrients from standard crop foods these days will only leave us sorely deficient, unless the farmer was extremely careful to build the mineral and biological activity back into the soil. Even then, by the time the produce leaves the farm for the store, it has already lost 75% or more of its original nutrient value (which frequently takes place within 45 minutes of harvest). For this reason, my opinion is that the benefit of consuming farm produce is not to derive nourishment, but to have the satisfaction of chewing on something. It is more for entertainment than for nourishment. I derive my nourishment from wholesome natural substances that hold their nutritional value far better than several-days-old farm produce. Heres a short list of my preferred nourishing foods: 1. Fresh, ion-rich, highly forested air, adjacent to a waterfall or spring,
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Detoxify, Nourish & Rejuvenate Three Essential Steps to Creating Vibrant Health

2. Sunlight (especially through sun-gazing), 3. Deep underground aquifer water influenced by a lavarich environment, 4. Mineral-rich Pyrophyllite Clay, 5. Angstrom mineral Ormalite Clay, 6. Other clays in certain instances, 7. Humic substances derived from ancient forests composted over millions of years, 8. Himalayan Crystal Salt and other unaltered sea salts, 9. Seaweeds of a large variety, 10. Dark chlorophyll-rich algae and phytoplankton, 11. Mineral-rich grasses and grass juices, 12. Nutrient-dense herbs & berries, 13. Cultured foods (miso, sauerkraut, kim she, raw goat milk cheese and whey), 14. Fiber-rich foods that also contain a strong nutrient base such as chia seed, flax seed, slippery elm, marshmallow root, 15. Certain therapeutic and adaptogenic herbs, 16. Garden produce grown by my own hand and eaten directly from the vine. These are the foods that I eat for nourishment and they have benefited me in tremendous ways. With each passing year, I feel younger and more vitalized. I experience more energy and endurance, and accomplish more now than I have been able to in the past. What has slowed me down more than anything are the foods I have eaten for entertainment (restaurant foods, cooked meals, and munchies). Yet, in spite of my compromises in some areas, due to the above regimen, I still seem to get healthier and feel younger by the year.
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Detoxify, Nourish & Rejuvenate Three Essential Steps to Creating Vibrant Health

Obviously, a nourishing program of this nature would be a significant lifestyle change for many (as it was for me), and would not take place at once, but gradually over time as taste buds and preferences evolved. It is really about quality of lifestyle. The closer we get to deriving our nourishment from raw, natural earthen products, the better we feel and the healthier we become. It is absurd to expect Nature to change her time-proven ways to suit our preferences and taste buds. Instead, it is in our own best interest to discover what the ways of Nature are, and then slip into harmony with them to whatever degree we feel we can. The next article will focus on the 3rd Essential for Vibrant Health - Build Strength and Youthfulness. This principle focuses on rebuilding the body while strengthening the overall body constitution to increasing levels of performance.

Part 3 Build Strength and Youthfulness

Detoxing and nourishing the body fully will naturally produce a movement within toward greater youthfulness. Energy levels will perk up, moods will improve, physical endurance will increase during workouts or late hours behind the desk, foods will digest better, the mind will be clearer, drive, curiosity, and the desire to explore new avenues will return, feelings of wellbeing will increase, the heart will be more open, and contentment with self and life will grow. Even though the health benefits derived from the above two practices (detoxify & nourish) may be rewards enough, once accomplished, life will begin to feel so good that even more will be desired. This is where an emphasis on rejuvenation comes in. Rejuvenation means to increase youthfulness by building
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Detoxify, Nourish & Rejuvenate Three Essential Steps to Creating Vibrant Health

strength, health and vitality. It is possible to enjoy your later years in life as a vital, strong and healthy human specimen. Methods of passing on, rather than having to come about through violence or disease, can simply be drawn from a conscious option to leave. We can simply choose to transition because all that was desired to be accomplished in life has been completed and new horizons are now sought in a different way. How often have you heard of someone passing this way? They simply laid down, went to into a peaceful sleep with a smile on their face, and didnt wake up again to the physical. Rejuvenation means experiencing a higher quality of life on an increasing basis as we get older. It can be as good as you are willing to make it. Once again, however, rejuvenation can only be truly accomplished through Natures ways. Artificial means to get there (like surgery and various forms of technological treatments) are only temporary and do not change the basic constitutional imbalances causing the deterioration in the first place. Address the root causes (toxins, malnourishment, and yes, attitudes and beliefs), and the symptoms simply go away. Nature has given us a number of resources to increase our basic constitution, repair damage to the foundational DNA, and build vitality in every system of the body. Nature accomplishes these tasks by simply nourishing the body with the raw materials that the body needs to fulfill them. The body, working in concert with the natural laws of physiology, then takes the raw materials and converts them into proteins, hormones, enzymes and the multitude of biological chemicals needed to perform basic functions. Nourished properly, the body will clean house, build new cells and naturally increase vitality. Nourishing substances are also youth-building when taken over longer periods of time. Within the group of nourishing
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Detoxify, Nourish & Rejuvenate Three Essential Steps to Creating Vibrant Health

substances there are six basic categories that I consider to be the most effective natural substances available to the world today for the purpose of rejuvenating the human body: 1. Highly charged water (used for drinking and bathing), 2. Sunlight, 3. Electrolyte-rich clays and ocean salts, 4. Stem cell enhancing foods like bluegreen algae, seaweeds and phytoplankton, 5. Adaptogenic herbs, and 6. Angstrom minerals found in Ormalite Clay. The most powerful rejuvenative substance among the six is Ormalite Clay, followed closely by certain adaptogenic herbs and stem cell enhancers. What is the secret to Ormalite Clay that provides it with such a powerful anti-aging mechanism? Angstrom Minerals Ormalite Clay possesses a broad range of angstrom minerals in combination with a full spectrum of macro and trace minerals in a natural, unaltered balance. (No heat or chemicals used.) What are angstrom minerals? Angstrom minerals are the smallest version possible of an element on the Periodic Table. Angstrom minerals are smaller than colloidal and smaller than ionic minerals. They are elements such as gold, silver, copper, platinum, iridium, indium, etc. in single or double atom configurations. They are the most bioavailable of all the minerals and produce the most potent influences on the human physiology. Angstrom minerals nourish the entire hormonal system at once, providing energy during the day and sound, deep rest
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Detoxify, Nourish & Rejuvenate Three Essential Steps to Creating Vibrant Health

at night. They nourish your DNA and heal mutations derived from our toxic environment. They restore your DNA back to its more youthful, perfected state. All new cells replicated thereafter become healthier, more youthful cells. The quantity of angstrom minerals in Ormalite are so abundant that few people will need more than 1/32th of a teaspoon per day to experience increased well being and vitality. Effects of a single dose carry a diminishing influence on your stress loads for as long as three days. Anticipate increased stamina during walks, workouts, long hours at the desk, etc., better moods throughout the day, more energy, deeper meditations, more powerful chi flow during chi gong or yoga, and a great sense of well being! Conclusion The simplest and most effective path that I know of to restore health and vitality to the body is to align closely with Mother Nature in every aspect of life. Within her bountiful resources are all the provisions necessary to remain healthy, happy, and live a fulfilling life. A little knowledge, some common sense, a willingness to make gradual lifestyle changes, and a commitment to take charge of our own health, will draw these resources to you in a time and way to suit your willingness to apply them. This sensible guide will give you a massive head start toward landing the right set of resources at the right time to meet your needs. By combining these three commonsense approaches Detoxify, Nourish & Build -- into one health building program, you are likely to move light years ahead of the standard, target the diseases based approach. You will soon be experiencing an increasing quality of life that simply gets better and better with each passing year. Enjoy the very best of health!
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Vitality Herbs & Clay, LLC 541 482-9633; 888-325-1475;

Detoxify, Nourish & Rejuvenate Three Essential Steps to Creating Vibrant Health

A more detailed commentary related to individual aspects of this rejuvenation protocol will be emailed periodically to everyone subscribed to our free email newsletter group Vital Health News. If you are not already subscribed and would like to receive your free copy of these groundbreaking updates on an ongoing basis, go to and subscribe to the Detoxify, Nourish & Build free information (this article) and receive a duplicate copy of this report, a copy of Clean Diet & Friendly Flora Recolonization Program (containing more common sense advice with several Clean Diet Recipes), and the ongoing email updates - Vital Health News. Or call Vitality Herbs & Clay, LLC and ask to be placed on the free email list (physically mailed copies are available for $24.00/yr). Who is Michael King? Michael King is a Life Enrichment Counselor, Master Herbalist and the author of The Gentle Art of Self-Healing Seminars and DVD's. He is the designer of Solutions for Environmental Cleanup & Increased Global Food Production. Michael is also the originator of the Heart Balance Herbal Rejuvenation line of 40+ herbal formulas (now marketed by Vitality Herbs & Clay, LLC), and is the international source for Sacred Clay, Ormalite, Liquid Gold Plant and Soil Revitalizer, and the truly exceptional Mineral Manna a Revitalizer for People & Pets. Michaels early years of life were fraught with health complications partly due to inherited conditions and partly due to side effects from standard medical treatment. He began his search for natural remedies to his deteriorating health condition in 1976. What he discovered kindled a deeply held passion in the field of natural health and inner healing. Overall, Michael has spent the last 35+ years in quest for
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Detoxify, Nourish & Rejuvenate Three Essential Steps to Creating Vibrant Health

the most direct, comprehensive and effective natural healing approaches available to remedy the physical and inner challenges that beset him and his family. Realizing that the answers to his problems would only be found by uncovering their original causes, an avid search began to understand them and heal them. With an attitude that simply wouldn't settle for less than a 100% solution, unique and powerfully effective approaches to rejuvenate both the inner and the outer being were magnetically drawn to him. The Sacred Clay & Ormalite, their agricultural versions Silica Rich and Liquid Gold, and several other herbal resources with remarkable rejuvenative capabilities are among the gifts of Nature that have since come his way. In Oct of 1999 Michael began creating his own herbal remedies to further build his health and of those close to him. Experiencing remarkable improvements themselves, his family and friends encouraged him to make his products more available to the public, claiming this was right place, right time for products of such effectiveness to be in the hands of those desperately seeking answers. He has since developed over 40 herbal formulas and several clay combinations centered around whole body rejuvenation, agricultural improvements and ecological cleanup. It has been Michaels passion since childhood to be an instrument through which lives change for the better. The manufacturing of clay products, the development of health building herbal formulas, the counseling, the teaching of seminars, and the positive results he watches daily in the lives of others, fulfills this ongoing passion within him to serve the common good. Applying the wisdom gained from his in-depth search of the world of natural resources has made it possible for him to heal both body and soul without medical intervention, leaving him physically healthier and more vital at 54 than
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Detoxify, Nourish & Rejuvenate Three Essential Steps to Creating Vibrant Health

when he was 20. Following the same inner wisdom, he has successfully transformed his poverty ridden past into a thriving & increasingly abundant lifestyle. His life path and his joy is to share this wisdom with others. "In truth, love is the only thing that heals. Every issue of life springs forth out of the condition of the inner heart, and must ultimately return to the heart in order to become whole again. Herein lies the secret to vibrant health, to the manifestation of dreams and desires, and to complete fulfillment in life. Michael King

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