Mary Midgley Trying Out One's New Sword
Mary Midgley Trying Out One's New Sword
Mary Midgley Trying Out One's New Sword
“The obstacles which often prevent it are simply those of ordinary ignorance, laziness,
Mary Midgley studies about moral isolationism, the view of an anthropologist and other
that we cannot criticize cultures that we do not know or understand. Midgley argues that
moral reasoning, it falsely assumes that cultures are separate and unmixed, whereas most
are in fact formed out many influences. Mary Midgley says that the power of moral
judgment is in fact not a luxury, not a perverse indulgence of the self righteous. That is it
a necessity when we judge something to be bad or good, better or worse than something
else. She also says that we can never understand other culture except our own culture,
because some of us don’t really know our own culture.
What I learned:
• We have different culture therefore we must not judge other culture
• Moral judgment is not luxury to people
• We must know first our own culture
Integrative Question:
• What is the meaning of moral isolationism?
• What is the concept of moral isolationism?
• What is the story of the new sword?
• What is the real moral skepticism?
Review Questions:
2. Explain the Japanese custom of tsujigiri. What questions does Midgley ask about
this custom?
• The word tsujigiri literally means crossroads-cut, a samurai has to be tried out
because if it was to work properly is must slice through someone at a single
blow, from the shoulder to the opposite flank. Otherwise the warrior bungled
his stroke. This could injure his honors, offend his ancestors, and even let
down his emperor. Midgley ask that does isolating barrier equally both ways?
Are people in other culture equally unable to criticize us?
• Mary Midgley says that morally isolationism is not true because today we aare
already studying or other cultures in order for the people to understand it.
4. What does Midgley think is the basis for criticizing other cultures?
• Midgley think that we must k now our own culture first, before we criticize
other cultures.
Discussion Questions:
• For me Nitezsche is not a immoralist he just want to says that people must
adjust to the society and be strong so that they cant be criticize.
2. 2. Do you agree with Midgley's claim that the idea of separate and unmixed
culture is unreal? Explain your answer.
• For me I don’t agree that the idea of separate and unmixed culture is unreal. It
is true that we have different cultures on our own and we have separate
cultures, for me a separate and unmixed culture is real because we have our
own country, therefore we must have a separate culture in order for us to be