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Electric Power Components and Systems

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Hybrid Solar Photovoltaic/Wind Turbine Energy Generation System with Voltage-based Maximum Power Point Tracking
Nabil A. Ahmed , Masafumi Miyatake & A. K. Al-Othman
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Electrical Engineering Department, College of Technological Studies, Alrawda, Kuwait

Electrical Engineering Department, Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan Published online: 11 Dec 2008.

To cite this article: Nabil A. Ahmed , Masafumi Miyatake & A. K. Al-Othman (2008): Hybrid Solar Photovoltaic/Wind Turbine Energy Generation System with Voltage-based Maximum Power Point Tracking, Electric Power Components and Systems, 37:1, 43-60 To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15325000802322012

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Electric Power Components and Systems, 37:4360, 2009 Copyright Taylor & Francis Group, LLC ISSN: 1532-5008 print/1532-5016 online DOI: 10.1080/15325000802322012

Hybrid Solar Photovoltaic/Wind Turbine Energy Generation System with Voltage-based Maximum Power Point Tracking
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Electrical Engineering Department, College of Technological Studies, Alrawda, Kuwait 2 Electrical Engineering Department, Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan

Abstract This article proposes a hybrid energy system combining solar photovoltaic and wind turbine as a small-scale alternative source of electrical energy where conventional generation is not practical. A simple and cost-effective control technique has been proposed for maximum power point tracking from the photovoltaic array and wind turbine under varying climatic conditions without measuring the irradiance of the photovoltaic or the wind speed. The proposed system is attractive because of its simplicity, ease of control, and low cost. A complete description of the proposed hybrid system, along with detailed simulation results that ascertain its feasibility, are given to demonstrate the availability of the proposed system in this article. Simulation of the hybrid system under investigation was carried out using PSIM software. Keywords hybrid energy system, solar photovoltaic, wind turbine, permanent magnet generator, stand-alone applications, boost DCDC converter, maximum power point tracking

1. Introduction
Renewable energy from wind turbines (WTs) and solar photovoltaics (PVs) is the most environment-friendly type of energy to use. They have come of age and are a global phenomenonthe worlds fastest-growing energy resources and a clean and effective modern technology that provides a beacon of hope for a future based on sustainable, pollution-free technology. Todays WTs are state-of-the-art modern technologymodular and very quick to install. The importance of utilizing renewable energy systems, including solar PV and WT generation systems, has become apparent because electricity demand is rapidly growing all over the world. Therefore, there is an urgent need for renewable energy resources, and it has formulated as a national strategy for the development of renewable energy applications and energy conservation measures. For this purpose, continuous efforts to develop more attractive systems with lower cost, higher performance, and
Received 11 January 2008; accepted 5 June 2008. Address correspondence to A. K. Al-Othman, Electrical Engineering Department, College of Technological Studies, P.O. Box 33198, Alrawda, 73452, Kuwait. E-mail: ak.alothman@ paaet.edu.kw



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multiple functions are required. Sensor-less approaches and combined generators, as explained in this article, are examples. Small-scale stand-alone power generation systems are an important alternative source of electrical energy because they can be applied in locations where conventional generation is not practical. Consider, for example, remote villages in developing countries or ranches located far away from main power lines. It has been shown that a remote load only has to be a few miles away from a main power line for a stand-alone wind generator to be cost-effective [13]. The certainty of load demands at all times is greatly enhanced by hybrid generation systems, which use more than one power source. It is possible to achieve much higher generating capacity factors by combining WT and PV generators with storage technology to overcome the uctuations in plant output. An efcient energy storage system is required to get constant power, and the electrical energy delivered by the WT and PV has to be easily converted into storage energy. This conversion might be realized by a battery bank or energy capacitor system (ECS). The battery bank or ECS meets the daily load uctuations [4, 5]. In this article a hybrid energy system combining a variable-speed WT and PV array generating system is presented to supply continuous power to the stand-alone load. The wind and PV are used as main energy sources, while the battery is used as a back-up energy source. Two individual DCDC boost converters are used to control the power ow to the load. A simple and cost effective control with a DCDC converter is used for maximum power point tracking (MPPT) and, hence, maximum power extracting from the WT and the PV array.

2. Proposed Hybrid Energy System

Figure 1 depicts the topology of a hybrid energy system consisting of a variable-speed WT coupled to a permanent magnet generator (PMG) and PV array. The two energy

Figure 1. Equivalent circuit of proposed hybrid energy system.

Hybrid Solar Photovoltaic/Wind Turbine Generation


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sources are connected in parallel to a common DC bus line through their individual DCDC converters. The load may be DC-connected to the DC bus line or may include a pulse width modulated (PWM) voltage source inverter to convert the DC power into AC at 50 or 60 Hz. The load conguration is beyond the scope of this article. Each source has its individual control. The diodes, D1 and D2, allow only unidirectional current ow from the source to the DC bus line, thus keeping each source from acting as a load on each other or on the battery. Therefore, in the event of malfunctioning of any of the energy sources, the respective diode will automatically disconnect that source from the system. The output of the hybrid generating system goes to the DC bus line to feed the isolating DC load or to the inverter, which converts the DC into AC. A battery charger is used to keep the battery fully charged at a constant DC bus line voltage. When the output of the system is not available, the battery powers the DC load or discharges to the inverter to power AC loads through a discharge diode, Db . The battery discharge diode Db prevents the battery from being charged when the charger is opened after a full charge. A dump load may be required, if excessive power is still available after fully charging the battery. As depicted in the system conguration represented in Figure 1, Vdc is set to a xed DC bus line voltage, and the output DC voltage from each source is controlled independently for both generation systems to get MPPT.

3. Solar PV System
The European PV Industry Association reported that the total global PV cell production world wide in 2002 was over 560 MW and has been growing about 30% annually in recent years [6, 7]. The physics of the PV cell is very similar to that of the classical diode with a pn junction formed by semiconductor material. When the junction absorbs light, the energy of absorbed photon is transferred to the electronproton system of the material, creating charge carriers that are separated at the junction. The charge carriers in the junction region create a potential gradient, get accelerated under the electric eld, and circulate as current through an external circuit. The solar cell is the basic building of the PV power system, and it produces about 1 W of power. To obtain high power, numerous such cells are connected in series and parallel circuits on a panel (module). The solar array or panel is a group of several modules that are electrically connected in series-parallel combination to generate the required current and voltage. The electrical characteristics of the PV module are generally represented by the current versus voltage (I-V) and the power versus voltage (P-V) curves. Using the equivalent circuit of the solar cells shown in Figure 2 the radiationdependent voltage versus current (V-I) characteristic of ns series cell and np parallel modules can be represented by AkT np Isc I C np ID ns V D ns ln IRs ; (1) q np Id np where Isc is the short-circuit current per cell (A), ID is the diode saturation current (A), q is the electron charge (1:6e 19 C), k is the Boltzmann constant (1:38e 23 J/ K),


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Figure 2. Equivalent circuit of PV module.

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A is the pn junction material factor, T is the temperature ( K), and Rs is the series resistance. For an ELR615 160Z, 750-W, Fuji electric solar panel (Fuji Electric Co. Ltd., Japan) (ns D 3, np D 5), which is used in this work, and neglecting the series and shunt resistances, Eq. (1) can be written as 5 3 V D ln 0:482 3:281 5 I C3 8:66e 8:66e
5 5


Figures 3 and 4 show the I-V and P-V characteristics of the used PV module at different solar illumination intensities and the strong non-linearity of the I-V and P-V characteristics of the used solar PV at different insolation levels. The I-V characteristic

Figure 3. I-V characteristics of PV module.

Hybrid Solar Photovoltaic/Wind Turbine Generation


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Figure 4. P-V characteristics of PV module.

of the solar PV decreases gradually as the voltage increases; when the voltage is low, the current is almost constant. The power output of the panel is the product of the voltage and current outputs. The PV module must operate electrically at a certain voltage that corresponds to the peak power point under a given operation conditions. Various techniques of maximum power tracking have been considered in PV power applications. Among these, the perturbation and observation (P&O) method, which moves the operation point toward the maximum power point by periodically increasing or decreasing the array voltage, is often used in many PV systems. The advantage of this method is that it works well when the irradiation does not vary quickly with time; however, the P&O method fails to quickly track the maximum power points [8]. The incremental conductance (IncCond) method is also often used in PV systems. The IncCond method tracks the maximum power points by comparing the incremental and instantaneous conductance of the PV array. The IncCond method offers good performance under rapidly changing atmospheric conditions [9]. However, the conductance method has two divisions, and the structure is similar to the P&O algorithm because the condition, dP =dV D 0, rarely happens. For most PV modules, the ratio of the voltage at the maximum power point for different insolation levels to the open-circuit voltage (Vmp =Voc ) is approximately constant. Also, the ratio of the current at the maximum power point for different insolation levels to the short-circuit current (Imp =Isc ) is constant [10, 11]. Figures 5 and 6 indicate the linear relation Vmp D 0:77 Voc and Imp D 0:89Isc with the computed (almost linear) dependency, shown by signs. Therefore, if an unloaded cell is installed on the array and kept in the same environment as the power-producing cells, its open-circuit voltage or short-circuit current are periodically measured. The operating voltage or the current of the power-producing array are then set to the required values, which correspond to maximum power as shown in Figures 5 and 6. The MPPT technique proposed in this work


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Figure 5. Vmp and Voc of PV module.

makes use of a predetermined relationship between the operating voltage or current and the open-circuit voltage/short-circuit current to obtain MPPT at any operating conditions. Simulation of the PV system under investigation was carried out using PSIM software [12]. The simulation results of the dynamic performance, which validates the efcient MPPT of PV generation system when the irradiance changes dramatically, are presented. Figure 7 shows the irradiation, the power and maximum power, PV voltage

Figure 6. Imp and Isc of PV module.

Hybrid Solar Photovoltaic/Wind Turbine Generation


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Figure 7. PV generation system characteristics under MPPT: (a) irradiation, (b) PV-generated power and maximum power, (c) PV voltage and reference voltage, and (d) duty cycle.


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and reference voltage, and the PV DCDC boost converter duty cycle, respectively, of the voltage-based MPPT technique when the irradiation changes dramatically from 1 kW/m2 to 0.25 kW/m2 and again to 1 kW/m2 at a step of 0.25 kW/m2 and at a time step of 1 sec. The proposed simple MPPT is efciently able to capture the maximum power corresponding to each irradiance. The PV-generated power is not constant, and it depends on the irradiance conditions.

4. Wind Energy System

Because wind energy has become the least expensive source of new renewable energy that is also compatible with environment preservation programs, many countries promote wind power technology by means of national programs and market incentives. The WT captures the winds kinetic energy in a rotor consisting of two or more blades mechanically coupled to an electrical generator. The fundamental equation governing the mechanical power capture of the WT rotor blades, which drives the electrical generator, is given by P D where is the air density (kg/m3 ), A is the area swept by the rotor blades, V is the velocity of air (m/sec), and Cp is the power coefcient of the WT. The theoretical maximum value of power coefcient Cp is 0.59, and it is often expressed as a function of the rotor tip-speed to wind-speed ratio (TSR). TSR is dened as the linear speed of the rotor to the wind speed, TSR D !m R ; V (4) 1 ACp V 3 ; 2 (3)

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where R and !m are the turbine radius and the angular speed, respectively. In practical designs, the maximum achievable Cp ranges between 0.4 to 0.5 for modern high-speed turbines and between 0.2 to 0.4 for slow-speed turbines. Attaining Cp above 0.4 is considered good. Whatever maximum value is attainable with a given WT, it must be maintained constantly at that value for the efcient capture of maximum wind power. A relatively small deviation on either side of the TSR will result in a signicant reduction of the power available for conversion to electrical energy. Figure 8 exhibits the poor Cp performance at a different TSR for various types of WTs [13]. Figure 9 illustrates the typical power coefcient Cp curve for a 503 Series WINDSEEKER (Southwest Wind Power, USA), which is used for the analysis and simulations discussed in this article. Figure 9 shows that Cp has its maximum value (Cp max ) at a certain optimum value of TSR, called TSRopt . For this case, it is clear that the maximum power captured by the WT will occur when TSR is approximately 9. The maximum power for different wind speeds is generated at different rotor speeds. Therefore, the turbine speed should be controlled to follow the ideal TSR with an optimal operating point that is different for every wind speed. This is achieved by incorporating a speed control in the system design

Hybrid Solar Photovoltaic/Wind Turbine Generation


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Figure 8. Cp vs. TSR for various types of WTs.

to run the rotor at high speed in high wind and at low speed in low wind. Employing control of the rotational speed of the turbine allows the TSR to be controlled and the coefcient of performance to be maximized. Thus, in turn, the generated electrical energy may be maximized. Unfortunately, accurate wind speed measurement in the rotor of the turbine is difcult and requires the use of a relatively expensive anemometer if it is to be used for system control. Based on Eq. (4), the optimum speed of the rotor can be estimated as !opt D TSRoptV : R (5)

Figure 9. Typical Cp curve used for the analysis and simulation.


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Combining Eqs. (3) and (5), the output torque of the turbine corresponding to maximum power can be written as T D 1 ACp max 2 !opt R!opt TSRopt


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A typical small-scale stand-alone wind electric system is composed of a variablespeed WT, a PMG, and a diode bridge rectier. In many small-scale systems, the DC system is set at a constant DC voltage and is usually comprised of a battery bank that allows energy storage, a controller to keep the batteries from overcharging, and a load. The load may be DC or may include an inverter to an AC system. Connecting a wind generator to a constant DC voltage has signicant problems due to the poor impedance matching between the generator and the constant DC voltage (battery), which will limit power transfer to the DC system. In response to these problems, researchers have investigated incorporating a DCDC converter in the DC link [14, 15]. Adjusting the voltage on the DC rectier will change the generator terminal voltage, thereby providing control over the current owing out of the generator. Since the current is proportional to torque, the DCDC converter will provide control over the speed of the turbine. Control of the DCDC converter can be achieved by means of a predetermined relationship between rotor speed and rectier DC voltage to achieve MPPT, or by means of a predetermined relationship between generator electrical frequency and rectied DC voltage [16]. 4.1. Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator An analytical model of a small permanent magnet synchronous machine (PMSM) is used to investigate the effect of controlling the DC-link voltage on the capture of maximum power. The model relates the DC-link voltage of the machine to its rotor speed. It neglects magnetic saturation. The effective air gap in a PMSM with magnets mounted on the rotor surface can be considered constant and relatively large. This is due to the relative permeability of the permanent magnet material being close to unity. The d - and q -axis synchronous reactances are consequently identical. The generator armature current can be related to the torque and induced voltage as follows: T D Kt Ia ; E D Ke !m : (7) (8)

Control over the rotor speed can be achieved simply by varying the generator terminal voltage. The steady-state terminal voltage of the generator can be determined for a machine with negligible saliency and can be expressed as Va D p E2 .Ia Xs cos C Ia Ra sin /2 C Ia Xs sin Ia Ra cos : (9)

It is assumed that the generator is connected to a diode rectier and that the phase voltage and fundamental component of the armature current of the generator are in phase. Then Eq. (9) may be written as Va D p E2 .Ia !Ls /2 Ia Ra : (10)

Hybrid Solar Photovoltaic/Wind Turbine Generation


The rectied DC voltage may be obtained using the standard equations for a threephase full-bridge diode rectier and taking the effect of commutation overlap into account as [17] p 3 6 3 Vdc D Va 2Vdiode p !Ls Ia : (11) 6 Substituting Eqs. (6)(10) into Eq. (11), it is possible to obtain a prediction for rectied DC voltage as a function of the rotor speed (or electrical generated frequency) and TSR. Using the manufacturer-supplied machine constants, the theoretical ideal relationship between DC-link voltage and rotor electrical angular frequency or rotor speed for different wind speeds is obtained and is plotted in Figure 10 for the capture of maximum power when the generator operates at the peak power coefcient Cp and TSRopt . It should be mentioned that this is the optimum relationship for this machine together with a turbine having a Cp characteristic similar to that of Figure 9. For different machine and turbine parameters, a similar plot could be obtained. One can see from Figure 10 that the optimum rectied DC voltage prole can be simplied by a straight line. The control relationship between frequency and DC voltage is obtained using simple calculations without the need for detailed wind speed measurements. System control can be considered together with Figure 1. The system should measure the frequency of the generated voltage (rotor speed) and use that value to control the duty cycle of a DCDC boost converter. The output voltage of the DCDC converter is xed at a predetermined value; therefore, adjusting the duty cycle will set an optimum value to the rectied DC voltage based on Figure 10. In order to better understand the system response to a rapid change in wind speed, consider Eqs. (4)(6) and Figure 10 and the case where the system is operating at TSRopt . A sudden increase in wind speed will decrease both TSR and Cp . According to Eq. (6), an increase in the wind speed will result in an increase in the torque transmitted from the turbine to the generator. Also, the turbine will try to accelerate in response to an increase in wind speed. An acceleration of the turbine will result in an increase in rotor speed of the generator, which will, in turn, produce an increase in the commanded

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Figure 10. Optimum DC voltage vs. rotor speed characteristic.


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rectied DC voltage, given by the control of Figure 10. (i.e., commanded rectied DC voltage will increase in response to an increase in wind speed). Increasing the rectied DC voltage decreases the difference between the generated voltage and the rectied DC voltage. Thus, the armature current decreases, which decreases the braking torque. This will continue until the rotor speed is increased such that torque is balanced. When the wind speed falls rapidly, a sudden decrease in wind speed will result in a high TSR and Cp will decrease, decreasing the torque. With low applied torque to the generator, the inductance and inertia of the system will result in a braking torque being applied, slowing the generator and turbine. The reduction in speed will, of course, lower the command rectied DC voltage. As the DC voltage falls, the difference between generated voltage and rectied DC voltage will be high, maintaining current ow and applied braking torque. This process will continue until the speed is reduced such that the TSR is low enough that the turbine Cp increases and torque is balanced. In order to evaluate the dynamic performance of the wind generation system, an example wind speed variation was developed and is dened as vw D 9 C j6 sin.4t/ C 0:6 sin.36t/j: (12)

The choice of Eq. (12) allows the investigation of the system response to a fast and continuous change in wind speed. The development of the control relationship is based on the ideal steady-state relationship of the wind speed and rotational (turbine) speed given by Eq. (4). In the case where the wind speed is continuously changing, the system inertia will introduce a time lag between a change in wind speed and a noticeable change in rotational speed. This time lag is neglected in this study.

5. System Control
As shown in Figure 1, the DCDC boost converter divides the system voltage into two levelsvariable voltage at the output terminal of the energy source, Vi , and xed DC voltage at the DC-link, Vo . The state equations of the DCDC boost converter can be given by Eq. (13), where S is the switch state that takes the value 1 or 0, Vi is the input voltage to the DCDC converter (output from each energy source), and Vo is the DC-link output voltage: 2 3 2 3 dvo 1 S 1 " # 203 6 dt 7 6 C 7 RC 7 Vo 6 7 6 C 4 1 5 Vi : (13) 4di 5 D 4 1 S 5 iL L 0 L L dt

In PV and WT systems, the terminal voltage is controlled based on the voltage error signal. For the PV system, the PV voltage and current are sensed to determine the reference voltage at which MPPT occurs. The error signal, which is the difference between the reference voltage and the actual voltage, of the PV is fed to the voltage controller to control the duty cycle of the PV boost converter. For the WT, the error signal is the difference between the reference rectied voltage of the PMG for MPPT and measured rectied voltage. This error signal is fed to the voltage controller, which controls the duty cycle of the WT boost converter. Figure 11 shows the conguration of the control topology of the two individual DC DC converters. Since this system cannot allow reverse power ow and because of the conguration of DC boost converter, many generating units can be connected in parallel.

Hybrid Solar Photovoltaic/Wind Turbine Generation


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Figure 11. Control principles of DCDC boost converters: (a) MPPT of PV system and (b) MPPT of WT system.

Figure 12 depicts the simulation results of the dynamic performance, which validates the efcient MPPT of the WT generation system when the wind speed changes rapidly and continuously, which illustrates the variation in wind speed, power coefcient Cp , tip-to-speed ratio TSR, rectied DC-link voltage, wind power, wind extracted power, and turbine speed and DCDC converter duty cycle. By controlling the DC-link link voltage according to Figure 10, the TSR can be kept closer to the ideal value of 9 and the power coefcient is almost constant at its maximum value of 0.42. Therefore, the WT-generated power increases with wind speed, and the output power from the wind system is not constant and varies with wind speed. Simulation of the hybrid system under investigation was carried out using PSIM software, where Figure 13 illustrates the total simulated system. The simulation results of the dynamic performance, which validates the efcient MPPT of PV and WT generation systems when the irradiance and wind speed change dramatically, are presented. Figure 14 illustrates the total generated power of the hybrid system. The output power of the hybrid system is mostly uctuating, and the uctuation has an effect on system frequency. From Figure 14, it is clear that the power uctuation of the hybrid system is less dependent on the irradiance conditions and wind speed variations as compared to the power generated of the individual PV and WG systems shown in Figures 7(b) and 12(e). However, this uctuation must be suppressed. One existing method to solve these issues is to install batteries that absorb power from the system, as shown in Figure 1. The other method is to install a dump load, which dissipates uctuating power. Using these methods, the PV/WT hybrid generation system can supply almost good quality power, as shown in Figure 15, where a battery is used as a storage device. To simplify the analysis, the system ignores the charge and discharge interface for the storage devices, which is necessary to keep the normal charge or discharge cycle between the storage unit and the DC-link voltage bus. This means that the storage system is considered as a constant voltage. Figure 16 shows the power supplied by the battery. As mentioned above, the charge and discharge interface for the storage devices are not taken into account. During the


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Figure 12. Wind generation system characteristics under MPPT: (a) irradiation, (b) tip-speed-ratio, (c) power coefcient, (d) DC voltage and reference voltage, (e) wind power and extracted power, (f) turbine speed, and (g) duty cycle. (continued )

Hybrid Solar Photovoltaic/Wind Turbine Generation


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Figure 12. (Continued )

availability of sun and wind, electricity can be supplied to the load and the charger (bidirectional DCDC converter) and regulates the DC-link voltage bus by allowing transfer of power in either direction. When sun and wind are not available, the storage system is fully discharged or discharged to the desired limit, and no power will be delivered to the load. However, these methods have disadvantagesthey require a storage system such as a battery, which is costly and bulky, and the installation of a dump load is not an efcient method to dissipate uctuating power. Moreover, they cannot guarantee certainty of load demands at all times, especially during poor environmental conditions when there is no power from the PV and WG systems. In future work, a new hybrid generation system will be suggested, which will combine solar PV, WG, and fuel cell generation systems.


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Figure 13. Proposed hybrid system simulated model under MPPT control.

Figure 14. Generated power of hybrid system.

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Figure 15. Load power.

Figure 16. Power supplied by battery.

6. Conclusions
This article describes a renewable energy hybrid generation system that combines solar PV and a variable-speed WT. A simple and cost effective MPPT technique is proposed for the PV and WT without measuring the environmental conditions. This is based on controlling the PV terminal voltage or current according to the open-circuit voltage or short-circuit current, and the control relationship between the turbine speed and the rectied DC voltage is obtained using simple calculations. More expensive and complex control algorithms are not required. A complete description of the hybrid system has been presented along with its detailed simulation results that ascertain its feasibility. The power uctuation of the hybrid system is less dependent on the environmental conditions compared to the power generated by individual PV and WG systems. In this work, this power uctuation has been suppressed using a battery, and it will be the subject of future work.


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pFad v4 Proxy