Motivational Interviewing Presentation
Motivational Interviewing Presentation
Motivational Interviewing Presentation
6 million years in potential lost life $80 billion health care costs Nicotine addiction is worse than addiction to cocaine or heroin
Quitting Tobacco
70% smokers report wanting to quit, and most have made at least one quit attempt As little as 3 minutes of counseling doubles quit attempts and successes Ask about tobacco use at every visit!
Basic MI Techniques
Open-ended questions- Tell me about What have you tried before Affirmations- Recognition for patients strengths; I appreciate you being open with me today That is a good suggestion Reflections- Provider clarifies what patient is saying; It sounds like you are saying Youre wondering if Summarizing Helps reinforce understanding between patient and provider; Let me see if I understand so far End with Did I miss anything? Identify discrepancies- Between patients goals and current behaviors; What do you feel you need to change to meet your goals? Role with resistance- Encourage patients to come up with their own solutions; if you meet resistance, it s a telltale sign to respond differently; How do you want to proceed? Support self-efficacy- Help patient believe change is both possible and attainable; You have a good plan of action Always ask permission before giving information- Would it be okay if I explained some benefits of stopping smoking? Assess confidence- Recall times in past when patient has made successful achievements, set small reachable goals; On as scale of 0-10
Resist the righting reflex- Resist the urge to tell the patient to follow the path of good health Understand the patients own motivations- Guides further discussions and helps practitioner understand potential barriers Listen with empathy- Equal amounts of time listening and talking; understand, acknowledge, and value what patient is saying to you; You seem pretty frustrated It sounds like deciding to take that first step is scary for you Empower the patient- Empower patient to explore own ideas about how change is possible and BELIEVE IN THE PATIENT
What not to do
Judgmental and leading talk- You dont smoke do you? Close-ended questions Advice giving Directions Confronting resistance Asking for feeling states Shoulds
Stages of Change
Person is uninterested, unaware, or unwilling to make a change What to do:
Develop rapport with patient Acknowledge and validate their feelings and beliefs Reframe patients comments in a positive way Discuss medical benefits of quitting smoking Invite patient back
Person is considering making a change What to do:
Reinforce reasons to change Explore pros and cons of continuing to smoke Find out whats important to the patient Connect how smoking effects these important things with patient Encourage autonomy- Emphasize change is up to patient Encourage self-efficacy- Increase patients confidence that he can change
Person is deciding and preparing to make a change What to do:
Praise patient about being ready to make a change Problem solve- Make a plan, set priorities, examine barriers, set social supports Maintain patients autonomy
Person is actively practicing change behaviors What to do:
Support current behaviors Acknowledge difficulties Educate patient Plan for high risk situations Help patient find support through groups, community, outpatient therapy, etc.
Person is attempting to maintain new behavior over time What to do:
Review benefits of smoking cessation Continue to praise Help with problem solving Identify triggers Support lifestyle changes and healthy coping skills
Barriers in Practice
Time constraints Professional development required in order to master MI Difficulty in adopting the spirit of MI when practitioners embody an expert role Patients' overwhelming desire for 'quick fix' options to health issues Patient noncompliance with medical regimens Adopting MI takes commitment, practice, and time, but can yield great results and can increase your confidence and satisfaction in your patient care techniques!
Step 1: In Outpatient Consult Menu click on HPDP Health Promotion Disease Prevention
Step 4: Select Preferred Thursday time and location and add patients Current telephone number
28.9 29.9
Source: HIV Provider Smoking Cessation Handbook, a Resource for Providers, 2012
Role Play 1
Patient: A 35 year old male who is at primary care clinic for annual physical. During initial visit with nurse, patient states he uses tobacco. Nurse: Just discovered that patient uses tobacco. Uses motivational interviewing techniques to examine smoking behaviors, identify stage of change patient is in, and counsels accordingly.
Role Play 2
Patient: A 66 year old male who is at primary care clinic for acute pain in back. During initial visit with nurse, patient states he uses tobacco. Nurse: Just discovered that patient uses tobacco. Uses motivational interviewing techniques to examine smoking behaviors, identify stage of change patient is in, and counsels accordingly.
Motivational interviewing resources
Hall, K., Gibbie, T., & Lubman, D. I. (2012). Motivational interviewing techniques: Facilitating behavior change in the general practice setting. Australian Family Physician, 41(9), 660-667.