Strengths Sturdy technical knowledge withint h e f i e l d o f h a r d w a r e , s o f t w a r e a n d programming languages Personal distinctiveness (e.g., strong work ethic, self-discipline, ability to w o r k u n d e r p r e s s u r e , c r e a t i v i t y , optimism or high level of energy. c o m m u n i c a t i o n , t e a m w o r k , leadership skills Opportunities Constructive trends in my field that willcreate more jobs (e.g., growth, globalization,technological advances). O p p o r t u n i t i e s f o r p r o f e s s i o n a l development in my field
Weakness Lack of Work Experience& low score at IELTS l a c k o f m o t i v a t i o n , indecisiveness, shyness,too emotional. l a c k o f s p e c i f i c j o b k nowledge.
Threats Competition from my legion of college graduates Obstacles in my way (e.g., lack of the advanced education, trainingt h a t I need to take advantage o f opportunities)
SWOT analysis is a strategic planning method used to evaluate the S t r e n g t h s , Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats involved in a project, personal affaires or in a business venture.S e l f a n a l y s i s i s o n e o f t h e m o s t c o m p l i c a t e d t h i n g s t o d o b u t p l a y s a v e r y si gnificant part in our personal progress. The personal skills SWOT analysis helpsme to identify my strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats and is set out inthe below diagram.
Build up my Strengths : This is the internal positives which can control and on which i can capitalize, suchas my business experience, communication skills, human reslations skills, andorganizational skills. I can build up my strengths throughGetting in the habit of praising other people. Refuse to engage in backstabbinggossip. During group discussion have to extrovert and speak up with confidently. Always be cool and Gratitude minded. Overcome my Weaknesses : This is the internal negatives that can control and which i can work to improve,s u c h a s my lack of experience in specific subjects, lack of motivation or w e a k public speaking skills. Moreover, I can take some initiative to overcome myweaknesses like-
Be innovative and fun in my actions. Supporting my actions with my values and beliefs. Telling my nemesis that I can amend everything and make it reality.
My weaknesses : 01 . I am a Emotional person . - As i am very Emotional person Related tomy Family , i try the maximum best to see that my work and family matters do notinterfere. 02. I am a extrovert :i dont get involved much into making many friendswhich would be a hurdle at my work place . 03. Self confidence :At times there are situation were in I am not confidentabout my self , i take guidance from my mentors to overcome this . 04. procastination : These days i am trying to plan things well ahead of scheduleso that i have enough time to make up things even if i further procrastinate. 05. Laziness :i am lazy on my holidays when i am not at work , recently i have been looking forward to make my holidays more interesting by approving newinnovative ideas which would help me in acquiring Fresh breath . 1. lack of self confidence. 2. introverdness. 3. prejudice According to me these are the main weakness in me which i Can remember & iwill overcome by practicing to remove it. I Will read books & will practical in myapproach.
Opportunities: This is the Positive external conditions that have no control but of which i can plan to take advantages. It is very much crucial to do some acts to grasp theopportunities that is waiting for me. Such as1. Keeping Networking events, educational classes, or conferences. 2.Effective workshop for professional development in my relevant field. 3. completing graduation in the relevant filed where I can grasp my upcomingopportunities. 4. Be alert always on the jobs placement.
a. k e e p W h a t n e w t e c h n o l o g y c a n h e l p m e ? O r c a n I g e t h e l p f r o m others or from people via the Internet? b. I s t h e i n d u s t r y g r o w i n g ? I f s o , h o w c a n I t a k e a d v a n t a g e o f t h e current market? c.H a v e a n e t w o r k o f s t r a t e g i c c o n t a c t s t o h e l p y o u , o r o f f e r g o o d advice? d.What trends (management or otherwise) do I see in my company, andhow can I take advantage of them? e.Any of my competitors failing to do something important? If so, think that , can I take advantage of their mistakes? f. Customers or vendors complain about something in my company? If so, could I create an What new technology can help me? Or can I gethelp from others or from people via the Internet? g. H a v e a n e t w o r k o f s t r a t e g i c c o n t a c t s t o h e l p y o u , o r o f f e r g o o d advice? h. Are any of my competitors failing to do something important? If so,can I take advantage of their mistakes? i. Is there a need in my company or industry that no one is filling? j. Do my customers or vendors complain about something in my futurecompany? If so, could I create an opportunity by offering a solution?
Turning threats into opportunities: It is very much significant to turn the threats into opportunities for my better future career. During the course of strategic planning my career will look at threats -outside forces that can severely impact my futuresuccess. Often the analysis of threats includes looking at how I mitigatethem by: 1. Preventing the threat from happening. 2. Reducing exposure to the threat. 3. Assuring early detection. 4. Developing contingency plans.