The Jennys' Guild

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The introduction provides background on how Jenny Malone started the Jennys' Guild after being acquitted of killing an abusive customer. It discusses how she realized one person can make a difference and formed an unofficial guild to help protect other women.

Jenny Malone was a prostitute who was acquitted of killing an abusive customer. This victory empowered her to form an unofficial guild with other prostitutes to share information and protect each other from abusive customers through blackmail and threats.

The Jennys' Guild formed a spy ring to share information about abusive customers. They would blackmail customers by threatening to tell their wives, mothers or sisters about their behavior. In extreme cases, women who broke the guild's rules were sometimes killed.

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The Jennys Guild

The Vendel League, Book 2

The guild began in 1598 with Jenny Malone. Jenny was a prostitute arrested for the killing of an abusive customer. It was deemed self defence, which was a landmark in itself, and she was acquitted in an Avalon court. However, this legal victory was only the catalyst for her other accomplishments. The man she had killed was a minor noble. He had been disgraced a long time ago, yet his family fought to protect their name. All her life Jenny had believed that the system was made by and for the nobility. So she was more surprised than anyone else when she defeated them in the court. She had fought hard, for she was fighting for her life, but she had no doubt she would loose. The best she had hoped for was to be executed with dignity knowing she had tried everything. Winning changed her life. The rules were not written the way she thought they were. The law did not always protect the nobles. More importantly she realized that one person can make a difference. She realized she could change her life, and the lives of others for the better. All she needed was a plan, and the will to see it carried through. To other prostitutes she had become a figurehead. Galvanized by her empowering victory Jenny gathered as many girls as she could and formed an unofficial guild. There were other abusive customers in the city she worked in. The only way to make the streets safe for women like her was solidarity, and a little blackmail. With all the girls sharing information, Jenny created a small-scale spy ring. Any customer who abused a girl in any way, or even treated her unfairly, was made known to all the prostitutes of the city. He quickly discovered he would have to leave the city to find willing girls. In extreme cases Jenny's girls would see to it that the wives, mothers or sisters of the man in question became aware of

his infidelities or proclivities. This threat kept many men in line, and the girls policed their own to see that no women accepted his trade and broke with the guild. As no one pays much attention to the whereabouts of prostitutes, it is not widely known how ruthless Jennys girls were about keeping the terms of the pact. Many forgotten and desperate women were found in rivers after breaking with the orders of the underground guild. While the guild was being set up to make the lives of these desperate women better, Jenny took the long term view. Women who wouldn't fall in with this design for their own betterment had to be sacrificed for the benefit of the others. Soon word passed to other cities of how Jenny was creating a safe environment for their kind of trade. Her ideas were adopted first in Avalon and then all over Thah. Eventually they came to the attention of the early Vendel guilds. The jenny organisation was still underground, but recognition by the new Vendel League would give them their chance for legitimacy. By 1613, the League wanted to take on the Vodacce, but needed more money and power to do so. Jennys girls had acquired a good quantity of both, as well as a lot of interesting secrets. All they wanted in return was a chair in the League. It didnt take the Vendel long to decide, and in 1614, Jennys guild became The Jennys Guild.

Organisation and Goals

The guild today has a simple structure. It has no apprentices or Journeymen. A girl is either in the guild or not. The only way to join the guild is by working for it. Few women turn to prostitution because they want to, and testing for mastery of the craft is difficult (and more than a little intrusive). So power in the guild is generally based on seniority. It is accepted that younger girls must defer to the elder women. After all, it is comforting for the younger

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women to know they will not be alone and cast out when their looks fade. They know there is a career path open to them. Few rise to become madams and guild house owners; there are only so many places. However, there is always a need for cooks and nannies. While the guild doesn't use the same ranking system as the others, it does mark its members. There are no guild pins, but there are many ways to recognize a guild member. This is not just so members can recognise each other, but so that their prospective customers can as well. As such, they have become the symbols of the jennys craft, even non-guild members use them. However, any working girl that isnt in the guild joins up if she knows whats good for her. These symbols are well known and also warn the customer that the woman has the back up of the organisation, and any misdeeds will catch up with him eventually. The signs always use red somewhere, and vary from country to country. In Avalon the girls let one of their shoulders go bare, revealing a flash of red underwear. In Castille the ladies use heavier make up than most, but also carry a red fan. In Eisen she carries a red handkerchief tucked into her belt. The Montaigne Jenny paints her nails and lips a very bright red, or allows the customer to see the red garter she wears. The Vendel girls all wear small vivid red hats. In Ussura, jennys tie their hair with a red ribbon, or for the richer Jenny dye the fur edging on their coats red. There is little guild activity in Vodacce (see later) so they use a mixture of all the symbols, but sometimes also wear an ankle chain of red beads. Women visiting other countries should be aware of these symbols too, in case they are mistaken for a lady of ill repute. Most fathers and husbands of any nationality hate to see their daughters or wives wear red at all for this reason. So red has become a risqu colour for a woman to wear, which sometimes makes it very fashionable. What many people are unaware of is the amount of men who work for the guild. Many sons born to members are kept and looked after in the guildhouses. When they are grown they join as full members and work as guards and bouncers for the bordellos. Some actually go into prostitution themselves. There is a market for young men from both noblewomen and men, but this service from the guild is kept very quiet. These male jennys are theoretically

employed as servants and cooks. Only when a visitor inquires about 'that young man over there' is a deal and price reached. This way the customer thinks he has gained a special deal. Even so, this has led to rumours of the guild trading in young boys and offering any debauchery for the right price. It is a rumour the guild doesn't mind as it brings them customers for services it already offers, and lets them know who these 'exotically inclined' clients are. The guild is also careful with any children born into it. Most forms of contraception in 17th centaury Thah are not particularly reliable, but some Jennys want children of their own as well. All the children are brought up rather well with education and good living conditions. In fact a good proportion of the guilds income is spent on the children of its members. These children are encouraged to find different careers, but not dissuaded from the path of a Jenny if they truly want the life. As mentioned above, there is a place for men in the ranks, as both sexes serve as servants and messengers as they grow up. Many are keen to serve and return some of the investment and care they received growing up. Every child remembers the home they first knew wherever they find themselves. This gives the guild more eyes and ears in many more places. One thing that never happens is children being allowed into the 'working areas' of the house. The guild does its best to protect their innocence. However the main reason is to ensure no debauched patron sees them and decides he wants to pay for them. One of the greatest secrets of the guild is its connection to Sophia's Daughters. Membership in the secret society is one of the best ways to ensure advancement in the guild. Few working Jennys are members themselves, but the ranking member of any guild house usually is. Even if the madam is not a daughter, they are aware there are certain things they must do that are not directly for the guild. The daughters use associate members more than full members as agents. The wider range of such members makes them more useful in gathering information. In general the daughters do not have more agents within this guild then anywhere else, but they do have more members here in highly placed and powerful positions. It is true to say the daughters own this guild, but not all its members.

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The main chapterhouse of the guild is in Vendel, and is a grand building worthy of housing such a powerful guild. This should come as no surprise, given the amount of prostitution in the world, and the leverage its secrets can provide. However, it is an administration centre and contains no working Jennys. There are plenty of other brothels in Vendel, and indeed all over Thah. Prostitution has existed long before the Jennys' Guild after all. What the guild did was bring together the hundreds of brothels and bawdy houses that existed across the nations. There is at least one brothel in every town (even Vaticine city!) and all of them are willing to assist their sisters in the guild. Unfortunately, few have any resources beyond food and a place to stay. In larger towns where there may be many different Jenny houses (and sometime even rival ones) the guild maintains a separate office for guild affairs. Such an office is usually small, given the fact it is not revenue generating for the guild. It is also strictly for guild business and not a doxy house. It therefore often surprises people that the guild house in any large town may contain not one working jenny. The guild was very lucky, as it began life with an infrastructure already in place. Each brothel sees to its own affairs and sends its tariffs on to the guild. Each house is therefore its own small barony, making each one quite individual. So the best way to describe the array of bawdy houses across Thah is to break them down into the traditions and attitudes of the individual nations.

their feelings known in some terrible way. Avalon Jennys are among the warmest in Thah, often conforming to the 'tart with a heart' stereotype. Something about the Glamour that infuses the isles makes everyone happy with their lot in life, no matter what it is. Highlanders are known to feel similar to the Vesten about prostitution. So while there is a sizable population of working girls, the highlanders don't talk about it. As the clans have few towns there is not so much trade for a jenny. Those that work in the highland towns are often exiles from their family lands. This is not as harsh as it sounds. In their homelands the only clients could well be family members. They may marry their cousins up there, but having a hooker in the family is a different story. The Inish on the other hand are more than happy to make up for the highlanders. They dislike the Avalon fashion for Sidhe, wanting their ladies willing, human and able to drink. Inish bawdy houses additionally always serve as inns. They just have a very sociable atmosphere in the taproom. This makes many foreign visitors fail to realise that they are not in a local tavern. It is one reason the Inish have such a reputation for hospitality and friendly women. But be warned. Any Inish Jenny knows full well how to defend herself from a drunken man, and how to charge him extra when he is insensible.

The men of other nations are very glad that the women of Castille also make some of their dark seductive passion available for sale. Castillian Jennys are known as the most amenable to more exotic styles of passion, if the man can handle her. They are among the most gaudy, wearing more garish clothes and make up than other Jennys. Castillain Jennys are also renowned for their wild and passionate dancing. Jenny houses in Castille echo long into the night with wild guitar music and exhaust their patrons with energetic and erotic dancing.

The rise of glamour and the power of the nation has made it less likely for a women to turn to prostitution to earn a living. However, the guild and its members flourish here as they do in any other nation. Women who have a little Sidhe blood are among the most sought after. So many Avalon Jennys use make up and clothing to give themselves a more ethereal and elfin look. It makes them very obvious to spot, and rather exotic, but they are as welcoming as any other Jenny, carrying none of the coldness of the Sidhe into their personality. It is unknown if the Sidhe find the jenny's copying of their style offensive, or even if they understand what the Jennys are doing. Perhaps one day they will make

Here in the broken lands of Eisen, the guild is at its strongest outside Vendel, for all the wrong reasons. There is no more respect or pride to being a jenny here than anywhere else, but the war has left many women without homes and husbands. While many managed to carry on

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their familys businesses, many more were left hungry and alone. So Eisen has more Jennys than any other country. Here the guild is strong from sheer numbers. Due to the large number of women doing the job out of desperation, there is a plan in Eisen to help them get out of the profession. The guild has no need of membership, and most madams in Eisen houses allow their girls to save up and set up other businesses of their own. In this way the guild hopes to increase its power base within the other guilds. After all, the ex-jennys who become carpenters or traders always remember who they owe their new living to. worries and rarely get the opportunity to indulge that sort of decadence. However a few nobles (often patrons of organisations like The Black Tabards) maintain secret courts in Montaigne and continue the worst excesses of Leon's court to preserve the 'old ways'. Since the revolution the common jenny finds herself in an odd position. The work itself was always considered a part of Montaigne culture. Almost as if they had too much style and romance to confine just to marriage. While the revolution wants to see women earning a living, Jennys are to them a mark of decadence and servility. No new free citizen of the republic should have to earn a living selling her body. So Jennys have to be very careful about their customers. Accepting work from a noble has got more than one jenny executed for uncitizenly behavior and collaboration with the enemies of Montaigne. The guild can do little, as reason is often ignored in matters of crimes against the state.

Vodacce aside, Montaigne has the best class of Jenny, as they have tried to ape the classical hedonism of the Vodacce courts. Montaigne Jennys are known for their wit and charm, and also for the way they must be wooed. Strangely the Montaigne gentleman likes to think he has seduced the girl rather than simply paid for her. So the Montaigne Jenny knows to play hard to get in order to acquire a mark. The more effort the man has to put in to win her, the more worthy the 'conquest' and the more he tends to pay. Before the revolution, a particularly witty and charming girl could find herself entertaining the court. These girls became a sort of unofficial courtesan. Such women were picked out by a patron and brought to court to amuse the other nobles. They seemed to be a minor noble to anyone unfamiliar with the practice. However, the whole court knew exactly why this new lady had been 'elevated' to the nobility. Behind closed doors she was considered property. While some were lucky, decadent nobles abused most of them in the extreme. Many were left broken and discarded when their entertainment value was lost. Many were simply never heard from again. This 'elevation' took them away from the safety of the guild madams. So while the guild was aware the practice, it was unable to stop it. After the revolution the practice went underground with the nobility. Emigres have more pressing

The guild in Ussura is sparse but dedicated. Matushka looks after her children so few need to become Jennys. Those who do are in it as a career, not a stopgap, and find guild support very useful. However, at least half of the working jennys are not actually guild members, as Ussura is a large and remote place. Most Ussuran Jennys make a good living, but keep prices low, usually accepting payment in food and work. As such, few places have what they call a jenny, but they have a girl in the town that somehow has all the men fixing her roof and providing her with food and clothing. To rely on a business rather than Matushka to provide is foolish, so jennys who become greedy and flaunt their wealth often come to a bad end. Mostly they are restricted to the larger towns, each only having one guild house at the most. The Ussuran Jenny is often more direct than others in Thah; they tend to just ask their potential customers straight out. Ussurans rarely bother with social niceties, the customer either wants her or he doesn't.

In Vendel, the guild is at its most powerful. It is also where the Jennys are treated the best. Under the eye of the guild,

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no one dares to mistreat one. In fact, the attitude of the Vendel has more to do with it than guild power. There is no stigma at all to being a jenny here. It is a simple public service. In fact it is well respected. For a woman to use her basic talents, however distasteful for her, to earn a living is the very soul of Vendel entrepreneurship. As usual the Vesten have other ideas. To them prostitution is wrong. Women have a dedicated and respected place in Vesten society, so how can they demean themselves for money? Where is the father, husband or brother who has failed her so completely and not provided for her? They also believe the act itself is wrong. If a man is worthy of a woman, he will earn her with respect and courtesy. A man who needs to buy one is no man at all. The guild therefore has great difficulty gaining a foothold. As the Vodacce have a rather liberal attitude to the marriage vows, they see nothing wrong with prostitution. So they see any attempt by the guild to gain membership as a business attack in the war with the Vendel. To date, the guild operates only one guild house secretly in Numa where ironically the Vaticine influence keeps the Princes at bay.

Important Members
Jenny Malone ~ The Founder
After her legal victory in 1598, not much is known about Jenny Malone. The work she did bringing the guild together was done in secret in the darker parts of the cities. What few people are aware of is that Jenny gradually became more of a figurehead as time went on. An achievement like the Jennys Guild is rarely crafted by a single individual, and the momentum of Jennys cause brought other more talented women to the fore. Jenny passed into obscurity and before her death (if she is still alive she would be nearly 90 years old) was probably taken care of by the guild she created. GMs Secrets After she won her case, Jenny spent the next fifteen years founding the guild. After that she began to pass the responsibility off to other members. In this way Sophias Daughters managed to gradually take control of the higher positions within the guild. Jenny herself began drinking soon after. Those who knew her say that the things she had done to found the guild wore heavily on her soul. Many women had been hurt, threatened, or even killed to build the guild. Jenny had been one to lead from the front, and had blood on her hands for her trouble. Now the organisation was founded, she sickened of the business and left the fight to those younger and less jaded than herself. She never wanted to take charity from the guild, and continued working in Avalon. Jenny was much respected, but only by those who didnt know her. To her friends she became a hollow drunkard, and an empty person. She died around 1620, aged just under 40, although few people know how. As her looks faded she tried to work as a madam, but her drinking soon led to her being replaced. The guild always saw to it she had money and a place to sleep, but they couldnt stop her drinking. Some believe the drinking

Running the guild in Numa is the most dangerous position for any jenny. The Vodacce see any guild activity as a naked attempt by the Vendel to take power in their heartland. However, in a place of secrets such as Vodacce, where not everyone can afford a glamorous courtesan, jennys can still discover many interesting truths. For a country renowned for its courtesans, you would think Vodacce got on well with the Jennys Guild. In fact it is the opposite. Courtesans are not part of the guild; even suggesting to one that she is a common jenny is deeply insulting to such a refined and educated woman. To consider any courtesan to be the same as a common prostitute is the same as telling the mafia they are criminals. It may be true to some degree, but you don't say it to their face. Courtesans have far more skills and training than any jenny and consider themselves to be an elite. This is actually quite true, but when their beauty begins to fade, many find themselves no more than a common jenny. However, only a few working girls get to become courtesans, and the lot of a common jenny in Vodacce is not to be envied. There are more than enough common jennys working in the mainland and a few on the islands. Many of these women are fallen or failed courtesans. Due to the lack of guild power, they are the worst treated of any workingwomen in Thah. They are never afforded the respect offered a courtesan, and so are used for all the things no courtesans would ever consent to. Their financial position usually makes it difficult for them to say no.

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another working guild. Lorraine has embarked on a Lorraine Weller ( 7th Sea )
Brawn 2, Finesse 2, Wits 3, Resolve 4, Panache 5 Arcana: Passionate Reputation: 43 Advantages: Avalon (R/W), Montaigne (R/W), Than (R/W), Vendel (R/W), Connections (Many), Membership (Jennys Guild) (Sophias Daughters), Merchant Patron, Vendel League Seat Courtesan: Acting 4, Cold Read 5, Dancing 5, Etiquette 5, Fashion 5, Gossip 5, Jenny 5, Masseur 4, Mooch 5, Poison 3, Politics 5, Seduction 6, Sincerity 5, Unobtrusive 5 Doctor: Diagnosis 3, Examiner 3, First Aid 1 Merchant: Accounting 4, Haggling 3, Jenny 5, Jeweler 3, Vintner 2 Scholar: History 4, Law 3, Mathematics1, Philosophy 1, Research 2 Knife: Attack (Knife) 2, Parry (Knife) 3

program of shrewd investment of the guilds resources. These resources are not just the profits it makes, but the secrets it keeps. Both have bought power and prestige to the guild, and Lorraine has seen to it that this wealth has benefited its members. (Lorraine is detailed more fully in Vesten/Vendel and Sophias Daughters.) GMs Secrets Lorraine has changed little since 1668. She still works hard to build the power and wealth of her guild. However, she is now considering retirement. She has amassed great wealth and information, which could set her up very nicely. Unfortunately, her work for Sophias Daughters has led her to discover the existence of NOM and she has begun to fear

Lorraine Weller, Jennys Guild Chair ( d20 )

Avalon Courtier 10 / Assassin 1: CR 11; SZ M; HD 11d6+11; hp 50; Init+1 (Dex); Spd 30ft; AC 11 (+1 Dex); Atks: dagger +6 melee (1d4 19-20/x2); SA dominate the weak 4/day, sneak attack +1d6, twist the heart 1/day; SQ gossip, poison use, style and grace, talent, versatile, voice+10,leadership+3, wealth; SV Fort+4, Ref+6, Will+10; Str 10, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 18; AL N; Skills: Appraise+6, Bluff+25, Craft (Jewelry)+10, Craft (Poison)+4, Craft (Wine)+7, Diplomacy+15, Gather Information+20, Heal+10, Knowledge (Economics)+14, Knowledge (History)+15, Knowledge (Law)+10, Knowledge (Mathematics)+5, Knowledge (Politics)+17, Knowledge (Philosophy)+5, Perform (Acting)+16, Perform (Dance)+20, Profession (Courtesan)+15, Search+7, Sense Motive+6, Speak Language (Avalon, Montaigne, Thean, Vendel); Feats: Expertise, Iron Will, Leadership, Membership (Sophia's Daugters, Jennys Guild), Parry, Passionate, Skill Focus (Bluff)

its power. With such an organisation out there, how can she be truly safe? She has resolved to destroy the society, or become one of its masters. Interestingly, Arciniega has begun to consider approaching her, but independently of NOM. His own harvesters often act as jennys, and he knows Lorraine is too clever not to eventually discover some part of his operation.

Danielle and Jiovanna Gillairi

The guild in Vodacce is run by a pair of sisters, called Danielle and Jiovanna. They were born to a serving woman in one of the rich noble islands. Life went well for them, as well as could be expected at any rate. Then, when Daniellle was 12 and Jiovanna was 8, their mother bundled them into a boat for the mainland one night. Her skin was

killed her, and she simple wasted away. Other theories suggest that she was killed by one of the many enemies she had made among the powerful men of the city. It is also likely that she simply got so drunk one night she fell into a river or was run over by a carriage. The saddest truth of all is that although her name is immortalised by her work, even now few people spare a thought about the death of a working girl.

pale and she coughed continuously, as if ill or poisoned. The last the girls saw of their mother was her collapsing to the floor of the jetty as they were rowed away. They have never discovered why she chose that moment to send them away, or why she didnt come with them. The girls found themselves on the mainland, with nothing. For a couple of years they managed to exist on scraps and charity. However, one day a passer by noticed that Danielle had grown up a little more than the other children and made

Lorraine Weller ~ Guild Chair

After Jenny Malone, the greatest figure in the guilds history is its current head, Lorraine Keller. Like Jenny, Lorraine is Avalon and has made the guild one of the most powerful in Thah. Before she took over, the guild was just

her an offer. At the age of 14 Danielle had become a jenny. The money she earned let her and Jiovanna eat well for a week. Jiovanna begged her not to do it again, but Danielle was adamant. She had found a way to provide for them both, and she was going to do whatever it took to see her sister was safe.

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When Jiovanna reached a similar age she too was approached by a client of Danielles. She wanted to go with the man, but Danielle wouldnt let her. Only one of them needed to make this sacrifice, and Jiovanna was not going to be sullied. When the client became insistent, Danielle said shed do him for free if he left Jiovanna alone. Then she took him into an alley and slit his throat. She told Danielle Gillairi - Scoundrel ( 7th Sea )
Brawn: 2, Finesse: 3, Wits: 3, Resolve: 5, Panache: 3 Reputation: -10 Background: Vow (to look after Jiovanna) Arcana: Commanding Advantages: Castillian, Eisen, Montaigne, Vodacce (R/W), Appearance (Above Average), Combat Reflexes, Dangerous Beauty, Indomitable Will, Keen Senses, Pain Tolerance Courtier: Dancing 3, Etiquette 3, Fashion 3, Gaming 3, Gossip 5, Oratory 2, Memorizing 2, Politics 2, Seduction 3, Sincerity 4 Criminal: Gambling 2, Lock Picking 1, Pick Pocket 2, Shadowing 3, Stealth 3 Merchant: Accounting 3, Haggling 3, Jenny 4, Spy: Bribery 3, Conceal 4, Interrogation 2, Poison 2, Shadowing 3, Stealth 3 Streetwise: Scrounging2, Shopping2, Socialising4, Street Navigation 3, Underworld Lore 4 Athlete: Climbing 1, Footwork 4, Sprinting3, Swimming 2, Throwing 3 Dirty Fighting: Attack 3, Attack (Imp Weapon) 3, Eye Gouge 2, Parry (Imp Weapon) 3, Throat Strike 4, Throw (Imp Weapon) 2 Firearms: Attack (Firearms) 1 Knife: Attack (Knife) 4, Parry (Knife) 4, Throw (Knife) 3 Whip: Attack (Whip) 2

Jiovanna Gillairi - Scoundrel ( 7th Sea )

Brawn: 2, Finesse: 2, Wits: 4, Resolve: 3, Panache: 2 Reputation: 0 Background: Orphaned Arcana: Uncanny Advantages: Castillian, Eisen, Montaigne, Vendal, Vodacce (R/W), Appearance (Above Average), Keen Senses, Sorte (Half Blooded) Herbalist: Cooking 4, Diagnosis 3, First Aid 3, Flora 1 Merchant: Innkeeper 2, Bartending 3 Servant: Accounting 3, Etiquette 2, Fashion 2, Menial Tasks 4, Unobtrusive 5, Valet 2 Urchin: Conceal 3, Pick Pocket 3, Scrounging 4, Stealth 1, Street Navigation 3, Survival 2 Athlete: Climbing1, Footwork 3, Sprinting 3, Swimming 2, Throwing 2 Firearms: Attack (Firearms) 1 Knife: Attack (Knife) 2, Parry (Knife) 2, Throw (Knife) 1 Pugilism: Attack (Pugilism) 1 Sorte (Apprentice) Arcana 3, Coins 3, Cups 3 Staves 3, Swords 3

Jiovanna Gillairi - Younger Sister ( d20 )

Fate Witch 5: CR 5; SZ M (humanoid); HD 5D6+10; hp 30; Init + 1 (Dex); Spd 30 ft; AC 15 (+1 Dex, +4 Unarmored Defence Proficiency); Atks: Base +5; SA: Apprentice, Sense Strand 2, Sorte Checks +3, The Arcana, Cups Spread; SV Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +4; Str 10, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 14; AL CG; Skills: Bluff +2, Concentration +1, Decipher Script +2, Diplomacy +2 Gather Information +3, Handle Animal +1, Heal +2, Hide +3, Listen +5, Move Silently +2, Pick Pocket +1, Profession (Servant) +1, Scry +4, Search +2, Sense Motive +2, Speak Language (Castille, Eisen, Montaigne, Vendel, Vodacce; [alternately, any five languages from your campaign]), Spellcraft +2, Spot +1; Feats: Half Blooded (Sorte), Heightened Senses, Unarmoured Defence Proficiency

Danielle Gillairi - Vodacce Guild Member ( d20 )

Assassin 3 / Spy 3 / Man of Will 3: CR 9; SZ M (humanoid); HD 6D6+3D12+27; hp 75; Init +3 (Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 19 (+3 Dex, +6 Unarmored Defence Proficiency); Atks: Base +7; SA: Alias, Brilliant Getaway, Clarity, Contacts, Death Attack, Fearless, Inconspicuous, Poison Use, Sneak Attack +2D6, Unstoppable; SV Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +5; Str 10, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 16; AL CN; Skills: Bluff +5, Concentration +4, Diplomacy +2, Disguise +1, Escape Artist +2, Gather Information +5, Intimidate +3, Move Silently +4, Open Lock +2, Perform +4, Pick Pocket +2, Profession (Jenny) +5, Read Lips +2, Search +4, Sense Motive +6, Speak Language (Castille, Eisen, Montaigne, Vodacce; [alternately, any four languages from your campaign]), Spot +4, Swim +2, Tumble +2, Use Rope +4 ; Feats: 6 Able Drinker, Alertness, Iron Will, Scoundrel, Sex Appeal, Unarmored Defence Proficiency (Beginner)

Jiovanna shed do so again with any man who wanted her for that, so any more deaths would be her fault. Danielles ruthless attitude helped her rise to a position of power in the local guild. At the very young age of 20 she now runs guild operations in Vodacce. She has secured a servants position for her sister and the two of them live quite well. Interestingly, their rise to power is also due to Jiovanna finding a way to help. It seems their father must have had some noble blood, as Jiovanna is a half blooded Sorte sorceress. While the jennys entertain, she wanders the room cleaning, and watching the strands of the patrons. What she learns, she passes on to Danielle. No one but the

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sisters themselves have any idea about Jiovannas powers. To the outside eye they are nothing more than another bawdy house. However, the house in Numa has links to almost every other jenny house in the mainland, and manages to send regular reports back to Vendel. Danielle still works as a jenny, the guild in Vodacce is not so rich that she can afford not to. Despite her unfortunate life, Danielle (and her sister) has remained quite pretty. However, Danielle does have a nasty knife scar along her right jaw from what she says was a disgruntled client. In fact she got it when she killed an agent of Villanova who had got too close to her secrets. Luckily it doesnt mar her looks too much, and the hard and dangerous edge it adds to her features could be considered a little alluring. In truth, it reflects the scars on her soul rather well, and she wears it as a warning to those who would cross her, or harm her sister. seen getting his hands sullied at such a time, either with family scandal or by intimidating local prostitutes. Can the characters help him with his problem, and if the diaries are real, will they want to hide such a terrible secret?

Dues and Responsibilities

There are two types of membership within the guild, full members and associate members. Both types gain the advantage of being in an organisation dedicated to working for them and they gain the advantage of the guild minimum for pay. These vary depending on the wealth of the client and how sought after the lady is, but anyone who uses the system is aware of its complexities. Full members tithe 70% of their earnings, but get food and lodging within the guild house where they work. This may seem high, but there are a lot of benefits. With food and rent part of their employment, they need little else. Full members also have the protection of being in a safe environment with a reputable client base. After all its members are fed and clothed, the house sends 30% of its profits to the central guild authority. Associate members tithe 10% of their earnings to the guild, but they are free to go where they wish. These women are alone and can therefore get little guild support, so a lower guild fee is only fair. The guild is also aware that most of these members are less than exact about their earnings. So the guild is kept happy with any interesting bits of gossip they may have picked up. In fact, quite often the information provided by the wandering members of the guild is worth far more than money. Sometimes even a Jennys client listing is powerful information. These associate members are the 'streetwalkers' who want little to do with the guild. Many are women trying to leave the profession, perhaps having begun a new craft but supplement their wage with prostitution to make ends meet. The guild is happy to encourage this as it sees itself as a professional organisation, not the head of a harem of slave girls. In all cases the girls are usually happy to send this money to

Story Hooks
1. Jiovanna has fallen in love. She has taken to visiting her gentleman friend in secret, terrified about what Danielle may do if she finds out. Danielles reaction is also the reason the relationship hasnt become physical yet, although Jiovannas virginity is far more important to Danielle! The characters could be asked to help by Jiovanna, looking to keep the secret from her sister. However, they could be employed by Danielle to find out what here sister is up to. The man in question is an honest merchant, but he could just as easily be an agent of the princes looking for evidence of Vendel activity. 2. Jenny Malone had a secret, that being, the way she died. A young noble, looking to improve his position at court has discovered that his recently deceased father is responsible for her death. He knows this as a local jenny is blackmailing him with his fathers diary that confesses all. It seems the father used to visit the girl, and she managed to steal the journal. The young noble hires the characters to deal with this problem. He thinks the journal is a forgery, but his rise in the court is at a critical stage. He cannot be

7th Sea / Swashbuckling Adventures eBook

the guild. They consider it a retirement plan, knowing the guild will find them other work when their looks fade. Madams and higher academic posts in the guild are rarely given to young women. They are saved as retirement positions for loyal members. However, these older women are still expected to pull their weight. They have a house of girls to feed and guild administration to organise. Their years in the profession give them a wealth of experience the guild always needs. There are plenty of jennys who arent members of the guild. However, the jennys are better than any other guild at ensuring a monopoly of their trade, Vodacce being the only exception. Streetwalkers are bullied into joining, as are the madams of rogue houses. Most jennys benefit from joining the guild, but a few cherish their independence and must fight bitterly for it. This may all make prostitution seem rather an idyllic way of life. In fact this is far from the case. The work also involves long and unsociable hours, waiting in the house hoping enough business will arrive, and then having to whisper the same tired sweet nothings to a corpulent merchant. The work is also often degrading and unpleasant, as few really attractive men need to pay for sex. Having said that, with the terrible social penalties she will suffer should she fall to lust, few women are willing to treat sex as a casual entertainment. So a man who doesnt wish to marry will have a hard time finding casual sex in Thah outside a jenny house. This means that groups of young men will often visit the local brothel as part of their usual Saturday night on the town. Needless to say, their loud, fumbling and drunken antics are not usually something the jennys look forward to. For every well run brothel there are two scratching a living in poverty like the rest of the lower classes. In places like Montaigne this is even more the case. The guild does its best to look after its members, but there are simply too many of them. Like any other guild the Jennys guild is not there to prop up any business that isnt making a profit.
d20 Mechanics Members of the guild get a +2 bonus to all Bluff, Diplomacy, Information Gathering, Sense Motive skill checks.

for interacting with the more refined parts of society.

d20 Mechanics Members of the guild get a +2 bonus to any attempt to seduce a target and any use of the Profession (Jenny) skill. However, if their membership or profession is known they may not use any class abilities from the Noble or Courtier class, or use any feats based on a pure reputation.

7 Sea Mechanics A member of the jennys guild gets a free raise to any Seduction or Jenny knack check. However, she may only use half her reputation dice for social situations in polite company.

Training Benefit
Life as a jenny teaches a girl quite a few useful skills. She need not be the most beautiful woman in the room; she just needs to know what a man wants to get his attention.

7 Sea Mechanics Joining the guild is a 4pt membership advantage, for which the character gets the Merchant skill, in which she must specialise in the Jenny knack. She also gains one of the following skills: Criminal, Merchant (other), Servant or Streetwise at no cost. If the character already has these skills she may spend 5 experience points on them should she be trained by the guild.

New Rules
The Jenny skill revisited
The professional skill for the jenny is either Profession (Jenny) for d20 or Merchant (Jenny) for 7th Sea. In both cases the skills work the same, but also require a little more explanation. The skill covers a wide variety of different abilities. It can be used to haggle over price as well as to determine how skilful a lover the character is. It is useful to attract customer with subtle looks and suggestive flirtation. In a crowd of jennys it is also the skill used to make sure the mark picks you and not some other

Social Benefit
Membership in the guild implies experience and possibly training in the arts of love, rousing the curiosity of any paramour. However, the profession has always carried a rather tainted reputation that makes its members unsuited

girl. It also counts a few language skills, making the jenny able to ask the customer what he would like and how to pay, using pidgin and sign language.

7th Sea / Swashbuckling Adventures eBook

married to produce children and heirs, for a man or a woman to be incapable of such a thing brings great shame. However it should be pointed out that even if the man was at fault the woman usually got the blame. If she then got pregnant by a lover that proved it was the mans fault, but also made things rather complicated. This quality may also have an effect on the psyche of the character should they desire children of their own. It is up to the player as to whether or not to take this quality, and the GM as to whether to allow this quality to be used. The player must also be prepared to role-play the social penalties as well as the game bonuses.

Forgotten Child
(d20 Feat / 7th Sea 1-5pt Background)

You have a child, but it was taken from you. This quality is most appropriate for a female character, but can just as easily apply to a male one. You know possibly the age, sex and maybe the name of the child, but that is all. After the child was born you never saw it again. It could have been taken away by your family who were concerned about scandal, claimed by the other parent or even given away by yourself because you couldnt provide for it. For a jenny the most likely cause is for a client to decide to claim the baby as his own because his wife cannot bear him an heir. The cost of the drawback depends on the social standing of the character, which determines the degree of scandal. For a common jenny this is simply a 1 point drawback, for an unmarried noblewoman it is worth five points. This drawback could be worth more if the child is old enough to loathe its parent for casting it aside, but less if the parent is seeking a happy reunion with a child that they want only to adore. It is also possible (and worth more points) that the birth caused certain parties to seek revenge on the character, such as irate lovers/spouses, the other parent or the families of either of the above. For D20 players, this feat assumes the child was taken, but that the character is searching for it. It also assumes that their reunion will mostly be joyful on both parts. Any scandal currently remains secret, and the promise of a reunion inspirs the character with confidence and hope. Therefore the character gains +2 to any roll that may help to locate or take care of the child.

Important Client List

(d20 Feat / 7th Sea 1pt Advantage)

Among your regular (or even occasional) clients are a few powerful people who would rather keep their identities secret. It could be they have embarrassing sexual proclivities, or just that their wife wouldnt approve of their activities. The information you have is enough to use as blackmail, or at least as leverage for a few favours. However, you must be careful how you use it. To kiss and tell will possibly lose you clients, and if the secrets are truly dark could even get you killed.

Andrew Peregrine

(d20 Bonus Feat / 7th Sea 0pt Advantage)

Line Development
Mark Stanton Woodward

The character is incapable of conceiving and bringing to term a child. This could be a quirk of birth, or the result of an accident, in Thah a difficult birth can easily render a woman infertile. This may seem like an advantage, especially for a jenny, no troublesome contraception or worrying about getting killed in childbirth. However, in the 17th century world it carries its own penalties. Women who cannot bear children are considered worse than useless in many cases, and will certainly never be eligible for marriage. Both men and women in the 17 centaury got

7th Sea System Creation

John Wick, Jennifer Wick and Kevin Wilson
7th Sea and Swashbuckling Adventures are properties of Alderac Entertainment 2004. All rights reserved.


7th Sea / Swashbuckling Adventures eBook The Open Game License

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The Open Game Content

This printing is done under version 1.0 of the Open Game License and the draft version of the d20 System Trademark License, d20 System Trademark Logo Guide and System Reference Document by permission of Wizards of the Coast. AEGs intention is to open up as much of this eBook as possible to be used as Open Game Content (OGC), while maintaining Product Identity (PI) to all aspects of the Swashbuckling Adventures and 7th Sea intellectual properties. Publishers who wish to use the OGC materials from this book are encouraged to contact if they have any questions or concerns about reproducing material in other OGL works. AEG would appreciate anyone using OGC material in other OGL works to kindly reference this ebook as the source of that material within the text of their work. Open Game Content may only be used under and in accordance with the terms of the OGL as fully set forth on the previous page. DESIGNATION OF PRODUCT IDENTITY: The following items are hereby designated as Product Identity in accordance with section 1(e) of the Open Game License, version 1.0: Any and all Swashbuckling Adventures and 7th Sea logos and identifying marks and trade dress, including all Swashbuckling Adventures product and product line names including but not limited to Theah, Swashbuckling Adventures, and the Swashbuckling Adventures and 7th Sea logos; any elements of the Swashbuckling Adventures or Theah setting, including but not limited to capitalised names, Nations names, class names, names of artifacts, names of spells, names of magic and magician types (including but not limited to pure El Fuego Ardentro, Fate Witches, Glamour, Lrdom, Port, Pyeryem, Scrying and Zerstrung), characters, countries and empires, creatures, races, spirits, Theus, geographic locations, cultural information, historic events, magic items, Syrneth artifacts, the Reputation system, secret societies, guilds, and organisations; and any and all material adapted from Swashbuckling Adventures, except material noted in that work as Open Game Content; any and all stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, documents within the game world, quotes from characters or documents, and dialogue; and all artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, illustrations, maps and cartography, likenesses, poses, nation or faction sigils, logos, symbols, or graphic designs, except such elements that alrady appear in the d20 System Reference Document and are already OGL by virtue of appearing there. The above Product Identity is not Open Game Content. DESIGNATION OF OPEN CONTENT: Subject to the Product Identity designation above, the following portions of this eBook are designated as Open Game Content. All character statistics, new classes, new skills, new feats, new equipment, and new prestige classes. USE OF MATERIAL AS OPEN GAME CONTENT: It is the clear and expressed intent of Alderac Entertainment Group to add all classes, skills, feats, equipment, prestige classes, spell effects, magic item effects, and monster and NPC statistics contained in this volume to the canon of Open Game Content for free use pursuant to the Open Game License by future Open Game publishers. Some of the aforementioned items, however, contain Product Identity, as designated above, and that designation remains. A limited license allows use of content designated as PI for these items only. Some of the portions of this book which are delineated OGC originate from the System Reference Document and are 1999, 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. The remainder of these OGC portions of this book are hereby added to Open Game Content and if so used, should bear the COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Vendel League : Jennys Guild Copyright 2004, Alderac Entertainment Group. The mention of or reference to any company or product in these pages is not a challenge to the trademark or copyright concerned. d20 System and the d20 System logo are Trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast and are used according to the terms of the d20 System License version 1.0. A copy of this License can be found at Swashbuckling Adventures, Theah and 7th Sea are trademarks of Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc. All contents of this book, regardless of designation, are copyrighted year 2003 by Alderac Entertainment Group. All rights reserved. Reproduction or use without the written permission of the publisher is expressly forbidden, except for the purposes of review or use consistent with the limited license above.


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