Rolling Defects
Rolling Defects
Rolling Defects
CLASSIFICATION OF DEFECTS IN CAST SLABS Defects in cast slabs can be divided into the following four main groups by :
1. 2. 3. 4.
Restriction to the ingot skin during cooling Inability of the skin to withstand the stresses resulting from ferrostatic pressure exerted by the liquid steel:
oA oA oA
too high teeming temperature too high teeming rate too high mold temperature entering the mold towards one side instead of the center. mold design
o Steel
or uneven cooling in the mold or uneven secondary cooling of different faces of the slabs or straightening of the slab at a low temperature.
o Bending
A brief description of the most common types of external cracks in slabs is shown in Table 2. Not included in the table is the slab defect known as hot shortness that is defined below. Hot shortness - This is a localized cracking normally associated with concentration of copper and tin in the grain boundaries.