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ETAP 7.5.

User Guide

Operation Technology, Inc.

Registered to ISO 9001:2008

Certification No. 10002889 QM08

April 2011

Copyright 2011
Operation Technology, Inc.
All Rights Reserved

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documents referenced in this publication.
The current revision includes modifications from Version ETAP 7.5.0 Release to ETAP 7.5.2 Release.
The modifications are marked in blue for easy identification. Note: ETAP 7.5.0 may also be referred to as
ETAP 7.5 in this document.

Operation Technology, Inc.

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Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Product Description

Specification........................................................................................................................... 3
Capabilities........................................................................................................................... 23
ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) ................................................................................. 24
File Structure ........................................................................................................................ 25
Libraries ............................................................................................................................... 28
Help ...................................................................................................................................... 29
Automatic Backup of ETAP Projects................................................................................... 32

Chapter 2 Setup

System Requirements ............................................................................................................. 2

ETAP 7.5.0 Installation .......................................................................................................... 3
ETAP User Guide Installation ............................................................................................. 15
ODBC Configuration ........................................................................................................... 18
ETAP License Wizard.......................................................................................................... 20
ETAP License Information .................................................................................................. 26
ETAP Licensing .................................................................................................................. 28
License Manager Server ....................................................................................................... 30
License Manager Installation ............................................................................................... 31
License Manager Verification .............................................................................................. 35
Installation Maintenance ...................................................................................................... 39
User Guide Removal ............................................................................................................ 41
License Manager Removal ................................................................................................... 43
System Optimization ............................................................................................................ 45

Chapter 3 Overview

System Toolbar ...................................................................................................................... 6

Project View ........................................................................................................................... 8
Network Systems ................................................................................................................... 9
Mode Toolbar ....................................................................................................................... 10
Star Systems ......................................................................................................................... 15
Underground Raceway Systems (UGS) ............................................................................... 17
Ground Grid Systems ........................................................................................................... 20
Panel Systems ...................................................................................................................... 24
Cable Pulling Systems.......................................................................................................... 27
Real-Time Systems (PSMS) ................................................................................................ 29
GIS Systems ......................................................................................................................... 36
Control Systems ................................................................................................................... 37
System Dumpster ................................................................................................................. 40
Library .................................................................................................................................. 43
Cable Systems ...................................................................................................................... 45
Project Toolbar ..................................................................................................................... 48
Study Case Toolbar .............................................................................................................. 57
Message Log ........................................................................................................................ 58
Tutorial ................................................................................................................................. 59

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ETAP 7.5.2 User Guide

Chapter 4 Options (Preferences)


Options (Preferences) Editor .................................................................................................. 2

PSGRID.INI ........................................................................................................................... 5
OTIGraph.INI ........................................................................................................................ 6
Themes (OTH file) ................................................................................................................. 8
ETAPS.INI ........................................................................................................................... 10

Chapter 5 Database and Project Management


Presentations .......................................................................................................................... 3
Configuration Status .............................................................................................................. 6
Revision Data ....................................................................................................................... 24
ETAP Wizards ..................................................................................................................... 33

Chapter 6 User Access Management


Access Levels ......................................................................................................................... 3

User Management ................................................................................................................ 14
Creating A New Project File ................................................................................................ 18
Opening An Existing Project File ........................................................................................ 19

Chapter 7 Printing and Plotting


Schedule Report Manager ...................................................................................................... 3

Library Report Manager ......................................................................................................... 4
Printing One-Line Diagrams .................................................................................................. 7
Printing Star Views .............................................................................................................. 23
Output Reports ..................................................................................................................... 33
Plots...................................................................................................................................... 38

Chapter 8 Engineering Libraries


Library Utility Tools .............................................................................................................. 3

Convert ETAP DOS Libraries ............................................................................................. 10
Cable .................................................................................................................................... 11
Cable Fire Coating ............................................................................................................... 19
Cable Fire Stop..................................................................................................................... 22
Cable Fire Wrap ................................................................................................................... 25
Transmission Line Library (Phase Conductors) .................................................................. 28
Motor Nameplate ................................................................................................................. 34
Motor Circuit (CKT) Model................................................................................................. 39
Motor Characteristic Model ................................................................................................. 43
Motor Load Model ............................................................................................................... 46
Fuse ...................................................................................................................................... 49
Relay .................................................................................................................................... 62
Recloser ................................................................................................................................ 92
Electronic Controller .......................................................................................................... 113
HV Circuit Breaker ............................................................................................................ 137
LV Circuit Breaker............................................................................................................. 142
Solid State Trip Device Library ......................................................................................... 157
Thermal Magnetic Trip Library ......................................................................................... 194

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ETAP 7.5.2 User Guide


Electro-Mechanical Trip Device Library ........................................................................... 208

Motor Circuit Protector Library ......................................................................................... 227
Overload Heater Library .................................................................................................... 239
Harmonic Library ............................................................................................................... 250
Interruption Cost Library ................................................................................................... 254
Reliability Library .............................................................................................................. 257
Battery ................................................................................................................................ 261
Control System Device Contact ...................................................................................... 266
Control System Device Control Relay ............................................................................ 270
Control System Device - Solenoid ..................................................................................... 285

Chapter 9 One-Line Diagram GUI


Edit A One-Line Diagram ...................................................................................................... 3

Display Options.................................................................................................................... 61
Default Display Options....................................................................................................... 68
Annotation Font ................................................................................................................... 69
Result Annotation ................................................................................................................ 70
Text Box ............................................................................................................................... 71

Chapter 10 Menu Bars


Start-Up Menu Bar ................................................................................................................. 2

One-Line Diagram Menu Bar ................................................................................................ 3
Project View Menu Bar ........................................................................................................ 89
Underground Raceway System Menu Bar ........................................................................... 91
Dumpster Menu Bar ............................................................................................................. 95
Cable Pulling Menu Bar ....................................................................................................... 96
Ground Grid Menu Bar ........................................................................................................ 98

Chapter 11 AC Elements
Part 1
11.1 Bus ......................................................................................................................................... 2
11.2 Transformer, 2-Winding ...................................................................................................... 36
11.3 Transformer, 3- Winding ..................................................................................................... 71
11.4 Cable .................................................................................................................................... 97
11.5 Transmission Line .............................................................................................................. 144
11.6 Reactor ............................................................................................................................... 178
11.7 Impedance .......................................................................................................................... 187
11.8 Power Grid ......................................................................................................................... 197
11.9 Generator ............................................................................................................................ 212
11.10 Wind Turbine Generator - WTG ........................................................................................ 251

Part 2
11.11 Inductiion Machine ............................................................................................................ 262
11.12 Synchronous Motor............................................................................................................ 316
11.13 Lumped Load ..................................................................................................................... 372
11.14 Motor Operated Valve ....................................................................................................... 392
11.15 Static Load ......................................................................................................................... 419
11.16 Capacitor ............................................................................................................................ 445
11.17 Power Panel ....................................................................................................................... 463
11.18 Harmonic Filter ................................................................................................................. 464
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ETAP 7.5.2 User Guide

11.19 Remote Connector ............................................................................................................. 479

11.20 Phase Adapter .................................................................................................................... 481
11.21 Static Var Compensator ..................................................................................................... 486
11.22 High Voltage DC Link (DC Transmission Line) .............................................................. 497
11.23 AC Composite Motors ....................................................................................................... 504
11.24 DC Composite Motors ....................................................................................................... 506
11.25 Composite Networks .......................................................................................................... 507
11.26 Fuse .................................................................................................................................... 511
11.27 Contactor ............................................................................................................................ 531
11.28 HV Circuit Breaker ............................................................................................................ 539
11.29 LV Circuit Breaker ............................................................................................................ 552
11.30 Recloser ............................................................................................................................. 599
11.31 Overload Heater ................................................................................................................. 657
11.32 In-line Overload Relay ....................................................................................................... 674
11.34 Single-Throw Switch ......................................................................................................... 691
11.34 Double-Throw Switch ........................................................................................................ 700
11.35 Ground Grid ....................................................................................................................... 709

Chapter 12 Instrumentation Elements

12.1 Current Transformer............................................................................................................... 2
12.2 Potential Transformer........................................................................................................... 10
12.3 Voltmeter ............................................................................................................................. 16
12.4 Ammeter............................................................................................................................... 21
12.5 Multimeter ............................................................................................................................ 26
12.6 Protective Relay ................................................................................................................... 33
12.7 Voltage Relay Editor Overview ........................................................................................... 86
12.8 Frequency Relay .................................................................................................................. 93
12.9 Reverse Power Relay ......................................................................................................... 100
12.10 MV Solid State Trip Relay ................................................................................................ 107
12.11 Tag Link ............................................................................................................................. 127

Chapter 13 AC-DC Elements


UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply)..................................................................................... 2

VFD (Variable Frequency Drive) ........................................................................................ 22
Charger ................................................................................................................................. 35
Inverter ................................................................................................................................. 54

Chapter 14 DC Elements
14.1 DC Bus ................................................................................................................................... 2
14.2 DC Cable ................................................................................................................................ 9
14.3 DC Impedance...................................................................................................................... 40
14.4 DC Converter ....................................................................................................................... 46
14.5 Battery .................................................................................................................................. 54
14.6 DC Motor ............................................................................................................................. 68
14.7 DC Static Load ..................................................................................................................... 80
14.8 DC Lumped Load................................................................................................................. 91
14.9 DC Composite CSD ........................................................................................................... 103
14.10 DC Composite Motor ......................................................................................................... 113
14.11 DC Circuit Breaker ............................................................................................................ 114
Operation Technology, Inc.

ETAP 7.5.2 User Guide

14.12 DC Fuse.............................................................................................................................. 150

14.13 DC Single-Throw Switch ................................................................................................... 168
14.14 DC Double-Throw Switch ................................................................................................. 175

Chapter 15 Short-Circuit Analysis

15.1 ANSI Short-Circuit Toolbar ................................................................................................... 2
15.2 IEC Short-Circuit Toolbar...................................................................................................... 6
15.3 Study Case Editor................................................................................................................. 10
15.4 Display Options.................................................................................................................... 34
15.5 ANSI/IEEE Calculation Methods ........................................................................................ 42
15.6 IEC Calculation Methods ..................................................................................................... 58
15.7 AC-DC Converter Models ................................................................................................... 71
15.9 Required Data ...................................................................................................................... 72
15.10 Output Reports ..................................................................................................................... 76
15.11 Alert View ............................................................................................................................ 84

Chapter 16 STAR Device Cordination Analysis


Star Mode Toolbar ................................................................................................................. 2

Study Case Editor................................................................................................................... 9
Display Options.................................................................................................................... 22
Star Sequence-of-Operation ................................................................................................. 33
Required Data ...................................................................................................................... 37
Output Reports ..................................................................................................................... 42

Chapter 17 STAR View


Star Systems ........................................................................................................................... 2

Star TCC View ....................................................................................................................... 5
Star View (TCC) Toolbar..................................................................................................... 17
Relay Test-Set Interface ..................................................................................................... 121
Star Tutorial ....................................................................................................................... 128
ARTTS Tutorial ................................................................................................................. 173

Chapter 18 Arc Flash Analysis

18.1 Bus Editor .............................................................................................................................. 3
18.2 Short-Circuit Study Case...................................................................................................... 24
18.3 Display Options.................................................................................................................... 35
18.4 Arc Flash Alert ..................................................................................................................... 42
18.5 Running Arc Flash Analysis ................................................................................................ 44
18.6 Calculation Methodology ..................................................................................................... 46
18.7 Required Data ...................................................................................................................... 91
18.8 NFPA 70E-2000 vs. IEEE 1584-2002 ................................................................................. 96
18.9 Arc Flash Reports................................................................................................................. 99
18.10 Arc Flash Labels ................................................................................................................ 115
18.11 Arc Flash Report Analyzer ................................................................................................ 153

Chapter 19 Load Flow Analysis

19.1 Load Flow Toolbar................................................................................................................. 2
19.2 Study Case Editor................................................................................................................... 6
19.3 Display Options.................................................................................................................... 21
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ETAP 7.5.2 User Guide

19.4 Calculation Methods ............................................................................................................ 33

19.5 Panel System Load Flow Calculation .................................................................................. 38
19.6 Required Data ...................................................................................................................... 40
19.7 Output Reports ..................................................................................................................... 44
19.8 Alert View ............................................................................................................................ 54
19.9 Load Flow Result Analyzer ................................................................................................. 56
19.10 Load Analyzer ...................................................................................................................... 76

Chapter 20 Unbalanced Load Flow Analysis


Unbalanced Load Flow Toolbar............................................................................................. 3

Study Case Editor................................................................................................................... 7
Display Options.................................................................................................................... 23
Calculation Methods ............................................................................................................ 36
Panel System Load Flow Calculation .................................................................................. 43
Required Data ...................................................................................................................... 45
Output Reports ..................................................................................................................... 49
Alert View ............................................................................................................................ 58

Chapter 21 Motor Starting Analysis


Motor Starting Toolbar .......................................................................................................... 2

Study Case Editor................................................................................................................... 5
Display Options.................................................................................................................... 27
Calculation Methods ............................................................................................................ 36
Required Data ...................................................................................................................... 41
Output Reports ..................................................................................................................... 44
One-Line Diagram Displayed Results ................................................................................. 52
Alert View ............................................................................................................................ 53
Plots...................................................................................................................................... 54

Chapter 22 Transient Stability Analysis


Transient Stability Toolbar .................................................................................................... 3

Study Case Editor................................................................................................................... 6
Display Options.................................................................................................................... 30
Calculation Methods ............................................................................................................ 42
Required Data ...................................................................................................................... 52
Output Reports ..................................................................................................................... 60
One-Line Diagram Displayed Results ................................................................................. 68
Plots...................................................................................................................................... 71
Action List............................................................................................................................ 78

Chapter 23 Generator Start-Up

23.1 Study Case Editor................................................................................................................... 3
23.2 Calculation Methods .............................................................................................................. 5
23.3 Output Reports ..................................................................................................................... 11

Chapter 24 Dynamic Models

24.1 Induction Machine ................................................................................................................. 3
24.2 Synchronous Machine .......................................................................................................... 12
24.3 Power Grid ........................................................................................................................... 30
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ETAP 7.5.2 User Guide

24.4 Excitation System ................................................................................................................ 31

24.5 Governor-Turbine ................................................................................................................ 85
24.6 Power System Stabilizer (PSS) ......................................................................................... 157
24.7 Mechanical Load ................................................................................................................ 163
24.8 Static Var Compensator Models ........................................................................................ 165
24.9 Dynamic Lumped Motor Load Model ............................................................................... 173
24.10 Wind Turbine Generator .................................................................................................... 174

Chapter 25 User Defined Dynamic Models


UDM Template File ............................................................................................................... 2

Select UDM Models............................................................................................................... 6
Compile UDM Equation File ............................................................................................... 11
System Variable Name Mapping ......................................................................................... 14
Test Model ........................................................................................................................... 21
Advanced Topics.................................................................................................................. 28

Chapter 26 Parameter Estimation


Start Parameter Estimation ..................................................................................................... 2

Parameter Estimation Editor .................................................................................................. 3
Motor Parameter Update Editor ............................................................................................. 9
Calculation Method .............................................................................................................. 13
Required Data ...................................................................................................................... 15
Output Reports ..................................................................................................................... 16

Chapter 27 Harmonic Analysis


Study Toolbar ......................................................................................................................... 4

Study Case Editor................................................................................................................... 7
Display Options.................................................................................................................... 22
Calculation Methods ............................................................................................................ 32
Required Data ...................................................................................................................... 38
Output Reports ..................................................................................................................... 44
One-Line Diagram Displayed Results ................................................................................. 53
Plots...................................................................................................................................... 56

Chapter 28 Optimal Power Flow


Study Toolbar ......................................................................................................................... 3

Study Case Editor................................................................................................................... 6
Display Options.................................................................................................................... 28
Calculation Methods ............................................................................................................ 37
Required Data ...................................................................................................................... 38
Output Reports ..................................................................................................................... 43
One-Line Diagram Displayed Results ................................................................................. 51

Chapter 29 Optimal Capacitor Placement


Study Toolbar ......................................................................................................................... 4

Study Case Editor................................................................................................................... 7
Display Options.................................................................................................................... 21
Calculation Methods ............................................................................................................ 31
Required Data ...................................................................................................................... 33

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ETAP 7.5.2 User Guide

29.6 Output Reports ..................................................................................................................... 35

Chapter 30 Reliabitliy Analysis


Reliability System Analysis Toolbar...................................................................................... 3

Study Case Editor................................................................................................................... 6
Display Options.................................................................................................................... 14
Modeling and Calculation Method....................................................................................... 24
Required Data ...................................................................................................................... 29
Output Report ....................................................................................................................... 32
Plots...................................................................................................................................... 44

Chapter 31 Transformer MVA Sizing

31.1 2-Winding Transformer MVA Sizing .................................................................................... 2
31.2 Calculation Method ................................................................................................................ 8
31.3 Required Data ........................................................................................................................ 9

Chapter 32 Transformer Tap Optimization


Transformer Tap Optimization .............................................................................................. 2

Tap Optimization Page........................................................................................................... 3
Calculation Method ................................................................................................................ 9
Required Data ...................................................................................................................... 10
Output Reports ..................................................................................................................... 11

Chapter 33 DC Short-Circuit Analysis


Study Toolbar ......................................................................................................................... 3

Study Case Editor................................................................................................................... 4
Display Options...................................................................................................................... 8
Calculation Methods ............................................................................................................ 17
Required Data ...................................................................................................................... 20
Output Reports ..................................................................................................................... 24

Chapter 34 DC Load Flow Analysis


Study Toolbar ......................................................................................................................... 3

Study Case Editor................................................................................................................... 4
Display Options...................................................................................................................... 8
Calculation Methods ............................................................................................................ 18
Required Data ...................................................................................................................... 22
Output Reports ..................................................................................................................... 26

Chapter 35 Battery Sizing and Discharge


Battery Sizing Toolbar ........................................................................................................... 3

Study Case Editor................................................................................................................... 5
Display Options.................................................................................................................... 26
Calculation Methods ............................................................................................................ 36
Required Data ...................................................................................................................... 48
Output Reports ..................................................................................................................... 51
One-Line Diagram Displayed Results ................................................................................. 62
Plots...................................................................................................................................... 64

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ETAP 7.5.2 User Guide

Chapter 36 Panel Systems

36.1 Graphical User Interface (GUI) ............................................................................................. 3
36.2 Panel Schedule Editor ............................................................................................................ 7
36.3 Panel Schedule Editor - Info Page ......................................................................................... 8
36.4 Panel Schedule Editor - Rating Page ................................................................................... 12
36.5 Panel Schedule Editor - Schedule Page................................................................................ 24
36.6 Panel Schedule Editor Summary Page .............................................................................. 36
36.7 Panel Schedule Editor Remarks Page ............................................................................... 39
36.8 Panel Schedule Editor Comment Page .............................................................................. 41
36.9 Calculation Methods ............................................................................................................ 42
36.10 Panels in System Studies ..................................................................................................... 53
36.11 Output Reports ..................................................................................................................... 54

Chapter 37 Ground Grid Systems

37.1 Ground Grid Systems Presentation ........................................................................................ 3
37.2 FEM Editor Toolbar ............................................................................................................... 8
37.3 IEEE Editor Toolbar .............................................................................................................. 9
37.4 Ground Grid Study Method Toolbar .................................................................................... 10
37.5 Edit A GGS .......................................................................................................................... 15
37.6 Study Case Editor................................................................................................................. 17
37.7 Ground Short-Circuit Current Values .................................................................................. 21
37.8 Soil Editor ............................................................................................................................ 24
37.9 IEEE Group Editor ............................................................................................................... 26
37.10 FEM Group Editor ............................................................................................................... 30
37.11 Conductor/Rod Editor (FEM) .............................................................................................. 32
37.12 Calculation Methods ............................................................................................................ 35
37.13 Required Data ...................................................................................................................... 38
37.14 Output Report....................................................................................................................... 40
37.15 Ground Grid Systems Report Manager ................................................................................ 41
37.16 Plot Selection ....................................................................................................................... 50

Chapter 38 Underground Raceway Systems

38.1 Graphical User Interface (GUI) ............................................................................................. 3
38.2 Study Toolbar ....................................................................................................................... 10
38.3 Study Case Editor................................................................................................................. 13
38.4 Display Options.................................................................................................................... 17
38.5 Editing a UGS ...................................................................................................................... 21
38.6 Underground System Editor ................................................................................................. 28
38.7 Raceway Editor .................................................................................................................... 31
38.8 External Heat Source............................................................................................................ 36
38.9 Calculation Methods ............................................................................................................ 37
38.10 Required Data ...................................................................................................................... 43
38.11 Output Reports ..................................................................................................................... 45
38.12 Plots ..................................................................................................................................... 52
38.13 Tutorial................................................................................................................................. 54

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ETAP 7.5.2 User Guide

Chapter 39 Cable Pulling

39.1 Presentation ............................................................................................................................ 2
39.2 Toolbar ................................................................................................................................... 3
39.3 Study Case Editor................................................................................................................... 6
39.4 Create a New Presentation ..................................................................................................... 8
39.5 Cable Pull Editor .................................................................................................................... 9
39.6 Pull Path Geometric View .................................................................................................... 13
39.7 Conduit Cross-Section View ................................................................................................ 17
39.8 3-D View .............................................................................................................................. 25
39.9 Cable Pulling Analysis ......................................................................................................... 26
39.10 Display Options ................................................................................................................... 28
39.11 Calculation Methods ............................................................................................................ 29
39.12 Required Data ...................................................................................................................... 31
39.13 Output Reports ..................................................................................................................... 32

Chapter 40 ETAP DataX (Data Exchange)


DataX Levels of Exchange..................................................................................................... 2

ETAP Data Exchange Services .............................................................................................. 3
PowerPlot to ETAP Star Migration........................................................................................ 5
Import IEEE Format............................................................................................................. 25
Import Raw Format .............................................................................................................. 27
Import a Ground Grid in AutoCAD to ETAP ...................................................................... 31

Chapter 41 CSD Elements

41.1 Pointer .................................................................................................................................... 2
41.2 Display Options...................................................................................................................... 3
41.3 DC Bus Editor ........................................................................................................................ 7
41.4 Node Editor .......................................................................................................................... 12
41.5 Fuse Editor ........................................................................................................................... 13
41.6 Circuit Breaker Editor .......................................................................................................... 31
41.7 Switch Editor........................................................................................................................ 66
41.8 Push Button Editor ............................................................................................................... 72
41.9 Control Relay Editor ............................................................................................................ 77
41.10 Solenoid Editor .................................................................................................................... 94
41.11 Light Editor ........................................................................................................................ 111
41.12 General Load Editor ........................................................................................................... 120
41.13 Contact Editor .................................................................................................................... 130
41.14 Macro Controlled Contact .................................................................................................. 132
41.15 Control Cable Schedule...................................................................................................... 139
41.16 Wire Editor ......................................................................................................................... 146
41.17 Impedance Editor ............................................................................................................... 156

Chapter 42 Control System Diagram (CSD)


Control System Diagram Presentation ................................................................................... 2

Edit Mode ............................................................................................................................... 5
Voltage Drop Mode (Study Mode) ...................................................................................... 11
Required Data ...................................................................................................................... 36
Output Reports ..................................................................................................................... 39

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ETAP 7.5.2 User Guide

Chapter 43 ETAP DataX (Data Synchronization)


Accessing the DataX Tools .................................................................................................... 2

Access Database ..................................................................................................................... 3
Excel - Fixed Format............................................................................................................ 16
Excel - Open Format ............................................................................................................ 28
e-DPP ................................................................................................................................... 45
SmartPlant Electrical............................................................................................................ 57

Chapter 44 ETAP DataX (GIS Map)


GIS Map ................................................................................................................................. 2

Activating the GIS Map Module ............................................................................................ 4
Creating a New GIS Presentation .......................................................................................... 5
GIS Map Toolbar ................................................................................................................... 7
Data Transfer from GIS Map to ETAP ................................................................................ 10
Data Synchronization ........................................................................................................... 13
Auto Layout Generation ....................................................................................................... 18
Performing System Studies .................................................................................................. 19
Updating GIS Maps with Results ......................................................................................... 20

Chapter 45 References
45.1 Keyboard Shortcuts ................................................................................................................ 1

Operation Technology, Inc.


ETAP 7.5.2 User Guide

Chapter 1

Product Description
ETAP is a fully graphical Enterprise package that runs on Microsoft Windows 2003, 2008, XP, Vista,
and 7 operating systems. ETAP is the most comprehensive analysis tool for the design and testing of
power systems available. Using its standard offline simulation modules, ETAP can utilize real-time
operating data for advanced monitoring, real-time simulation, optimization, energy management
systems, and high-speed intelligent load shedding.

ETAP has been designed and developed by engineers for engineers to handle the diverse
discipline of power systems for a broad spectrum of industries in one integrated package with
multiple interface views such as AC and DC networks, cable raceways, ground grid, GIS, panels, arc
flash, WTG, protective device coordination/selectivity, and AC and DC control system diagrams.
ETAP users must be proficient in using basic operations of Windows environment. Use of
ETAP does not require training. However, to facilitate the learning process, OTI provides
workshops throughout the year in several locations. (Refer to for the up-to-date
training schedule.)
ETAP allows you to easily create and edit graphical one-line diagrams (OLD),
underground cable raceway systems (UGS), three-dimensional cable systems,
advanced time-current coordination and selectivity plots, geographic information
system schematics (GIS), as well as three-dimensional ground grid systems (GGS).
The program has been designed to incorporate to three key concepts:

Virtual Reality Operation

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ETAP 7.5.2 User Guide

Product Description


The program operation emulates real electrical system operation as closely as possible. For example,
when you open or close a circuit breaker, place an element out of service, or change the operating status
of motors, the de-energized elements and sub-systems are indicated on the one-line diagram in gray.
ETAP incorporates innovative concepts for determining protective device coordination directly from the
one-line diagram.

Total Integration of Data

ETAP combines the electrical, logical, mechanical, and physical attributes of system elements in the same
database. For example, a cable not only contains data representing its electrical properties and physical
dimensions, but also information indicating the raceways through which it is routed. Thus, the data for a
single cable can be used for load flow or short-circuit analyses (which require electrical parameters and
connections) as well as cable ampacity derating calculations (which require physical routing data). This
integration of the data provides consistency throughout the system and eliminates the need for multiple
data entry for the same element, which can be a considerable time savings.

Simplicity in Data Entry

ETAP keeps track of the detailed data for each electrical apparatus. Data editors can speed up the data
entry process by requiring the minimum data for a particular study. In order to achieve this, we have
structured the property editors in the most logical manner for entering data for different types of analysis
or design.
ETAPs one-line diagram supports a number of features to assist you in
constructing networks of varying complexities. For example, each element can
have individually varying orientations, sizes, and display symbols (IEC or ANSI).
The one-line diagram also allows you to place multiple protective devices
between a circuit branch and a bus.

ETAP provides you with a variety of options for presenting or viewing your electrical system. These
views are called presentations. The location, size, orientation, and symbol of each element can be shown
differently in each presentation. Additionally, protective devices and relays can be displayed (visible) or
hidden (invisible) for any particular presentation. For example, one presentation can be a relay view
where all protective devices are displayed. Another presentation may show a one-line diagram with some
circuit breakers shown and the rest hidden (a layout best suited for load flow results).
Among ETAPs most powerful features are the composite network and motor elements. Composite
elements allow you to graphically nest network elements within themselves down to an arbitrary depth.
For example, a composite network can contain other composite networks, a feature that provides the
capability to construct complex electrical networks while still maintaining a clean, uncluttered diagram
that displays what you want to emphasize - yet the next level of system detail is within easy reach of your
mouse. ETAP puts the power at your fingertips.
We consider ETAP to be the foremost-integrated database for electrical systems, allowing you to have
multiple presentations of a system for different analysis or design purposes.

Operation Technology, Inc.


ETAP 7.5.2 User Guide

Product Description


1.1 Specification

Virtual reality operation

Total integration of data (electrical, logical, mechanical, and physical attributes)
Looped and radial systems
Unlimited isolated sub-systems
No system connection limitations
Multiple loading conditions
Multi-level nesting of sub-systems
Advanced sparse matrix techniques
User access control and data validation
Asynchronous calculations, allow multiple modules to calculate simultaneously
Database transitioning reduces the risk of database loss during a power outage
True 32-bit or 64-bit programming designed for Windows XP/2003/2008/Vista/7
3-phase and single-phase modeling including panels and sub-panels


Five levels of automatic error checking

Dynamic help line and error messaging
Message logger to track program usage and access
Multiple user access levels
ODBC (open database connectivity) - use Microsoft Access, SQL, Oracle, etc.
Manages maintenance data via info, remarks, and comment pages
Merge independent ETAP project files
Convert project files between databases such as Microsoft Access, SQL, and Oracle
Integrated 1-phase, 3-phase, and DC systems
Integrated one-line diagram and underground raceway systems
Integrated one-line diagram and device coordination/selectivity module
Common database for all studies
Simplicity in data entry
Multiple sub-systems and swing machines
User-controlled auto save and transaction
User-controlled default settings for all components
Typical data for motors, generators, transformers, reactors, governors, and exciters
Individual LTC time delays (initial and operating)
No voltage limitations
Unlimited protective and metering device connections to branches and loads
Unlimited load connections to a single bus
Any system frequency
English and metric unit systems
25 character component IDs
Raw manufacturer data entry
Individual and global load demand and diversity factors
Temperature sensitive cable resistance for all studies
Element navigator

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ETAP 7.5.2 User Guide

Product Description


Lumped loading
Equipment cables for loads, eliminating requirement for terminal buses
Edited by and checked by data stamping
Date stamping of all data changes
Intelligent editors with user-defined data fields
Analysis-dependent data entry requirements
Multiple user network support
Compatible database with ETAP Real-Time for real-time monitoring, simulation, and supervisory
Toolbar accessible Preferences pane for preference modification while ETAP is running

One-Line Diagrams

Unlimited one-line diagram presentations

Single-phase system (2 and 3 wires)
Panel systems
Unlimited status configurations/scenarios (switching devices, motors, loads, etc.)
Multiple engineering properties (base and revision data)
Three-dimensional (3-D) database
Integrated Ground grid systems
Multiple loading categories (conditions) with individual percent loading
Unlimited one-line diagram nesting for sub-systems, MCCs, etc.
Simultaneous view of one-line diagram presentations
Simultaneous view of system configurations
Simultaneous view of different study results
Phase adapters to convert from three phase to mixed single phase networks
One-Line Templates
Automatic bus/node insertion
Find elements from editors or the project window
Graphical Auto Select
Grouping/ungrouping of elements
Change size, symbol, color, orientation, and alignment of elements and text, individually and globally
Themed color schemes provide the flexibility to customize each one-line presentation independently
Symbol Library
ActiveX (programmable objects)
Graphically fault/clear fault from buses
Selectable zoom-to-fit
State-of-the-art built-in graphic user interface
Drag and drop, cut and paste, undo and redo, zooming, etc.
Built-in ETAP CAD system
XML data exchange
Export one-line diagrams to third party CAD systems via .dxf and metafile formats
Import OLE objects (text, pictures, spreadsheets, GIS maps, etc.)
Import ETAP DOS project files
Import ASCII project files
Execute external programs
Customizable graphical display of results annotations
Customizable graphical display of nameplate data annotations

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ETAP 7.5.2 User Guide

Product Description


Interchangeable ANSI and IEC element symbols

Multiple sizing and rotation of element symbols
Multi-color symbols and annotations
Supports True Type fonts
Hide and show protective devices per presentation
Remote connectors for better one-line diagram layout
Graphical operation (open/close) of switching devices in edit or study modes
Dynamic continuity check shows de-energized devices as semi-transparent images and graphically
displays current system configuration
Configuration manager to easily compare open/close status for all switching devices
Display of fixed tap and load tap changer (LTC) positions on the one-line diagram
Direct device coordination from the one-line diagram
Build elementary diagrams within the same project and integrate with one-line diagram
Comprehensive printing/plotting capabilities
Individual and global section of elements, objects, and composites
Schedule manager for system components (input data)
Customizable output reports (Crystal Reports) with find functionality
Categorized output report manager for Crystal Reports
Access database output reports
Crystal Reports for library data
Comprehensive summary reports
Customizable output plots
Report status of loads and protective devices for all configurations
System dumpster with unlimited cells for storage and retrieval of deleted components
Resizable, floating/attachable toolbars for each study
Keyboard Shortcuts

Time-Current Device Coordination/Selectivity Plots (ETAP Star)

Graphically adjustable device settings
Extensive device library (verified and validated)
Auto-update short-circuit current
Time-current device coordination
Auto-coordinate devices
Integrated with one-line diagrams
Drag or calculate time differences
Multi-function (universal) relays
Built-in ARTTS hardware interface
Display of actual transient response
Device Settings Report

Ground Grid

3-D, cross sectional, and top graphical interface views

IEEE 80 and 665 Methods
Finite element method
Rods and conductors in any 3-D direction
Rod and conductor optimization

Operation Technology, Inc.


ETAP 7.5.2 User Guide

Product Description


3-D touch, step, and absolute potential plots

Graphical display of over limits

Underground Raceway Systems

Graphical user interface

Multiple duct banks, direct buried, and external heat sources
Non-uniform placement of ducts and direct buried conduits
Transient cable temperature plotting
External heat sources
Grounded/ungrounded shielding
One-line diagram database integration
Place both AC and DC cables in raceway

Cable Pulling

3-D isometric view

Pull multiple cables
Pull different size cables
Vertical and horizontal levels
Checks for NEC requirements
Forward and reverse tension
Sidewall pressure

Transformer Sizing
Transformer MVA Sizing

Sizing based on the actual connected or operating load

Includes ANSI and IEC standard types, classes, and ratings
Considers ambient temperature, altitude, growth and load factors, etc.

Transformer Tap Optimization

IEEE CSF.116 Standard

Optimize transformers tap setting or turns ratio
Considers transformers primary and secondary side cables
Considers system voltage variation
Plot generator Mvar output vs. system voltage

Motor Parameter Estimation

Estimate dynamic parameters of induction machines

Include parameter variations due to speed and/or deep-bar effects
Requires most readily-available characteristics published by MFRs
Calculate input parameters using estimated results and report deviations

ODBC (Open Database Connectivity)

Utilize any database for which an ODBC driver exists (Microsoft Access, Oracle, and SQL Server)
Access the database from third party database managers
Integrate other project data into the same database

Operation Technology, Inc.


ETAP 7.5.2 User Guide

Product Description


Within each project, ETAP provides three major system components. These system components are
organized in an orthogonal fashion (independent from each other) to provide you with the ultimate power
and flexibility when developing ETAP projects.

Graphical display of one-line diagrams (presentation)

Engineering properties (data revisions)
Operating status (configuration status)

Convert to EMF, WMF, and DXF Files

Export ETAP one-line diagrams to Enhanced MetaFiles (EMF), Windows MetaFiles (WMF), and
AutoCAD DXF files. These files can be imported into AutoCAD, Microsoft Word, etc.

Printing/Plotting of One-Line Diagram

The following options are available for each presentation including composite motors and composite

Print options
Printer setup
Zoom level for print size
Print coordinates and scrolling
Customizable print preview
Batch printing

OLE Client
OLE is a program-integration technology used to share information between programs. Many Windows
applications including Microsoft Office are OLE capable. Within ETAP, you can dynamically embed
OLE objects such as bitmaps, text, spreadsheets, tables, and metafiles directly into your one-line

Active Error Viewer

ETAP provides five levels of error checking. The active error viewer appears when you attempt to run a
study with missing or inappropriate data. Double-click on each individual error message to locate and
open the component editor associated with the cause of the error message.

Alert View
ETAP displays this view to summarize possible problems with the electrical system including overloads,
under/over voltage bus conditions, stressed devices, etc.

Application Message Logging

Track ETAP usage and access by using the application message logger. It keeps track of who opens a
project, which level of access they have, and how long they were in the project.
Operation Technology, Inc.


ETAP 7.5.2 User Guide

Product Description


Crystal Reports
Crystal Reports are full-color, printable reports for a variety of ETAP analyses. Each Crystal Report is
pre-configured for commonly requested output formats. The Crystal Reports browser/printer is available
within ETAP. Users can create and modify existing Crystal Reports using a Crystal Reports editor.
Crystal Reports can be exported to many other popular formats like MS-Word, Adobe PDF, MS-Excel,
etc. without any loss of information and formatting.

Output Report Manager

Provides more than 250 Crystal Reports for different studies including the following subsections:

Complete report
Input data

Summary reports

Customizable subsections

Schedule Report Manager

When using Crystal Reports, it can provide different schedules such as bus, branch, load, and cable with
the following options:

Base and revision data

Energized/de-energized elements

Elements in the dumpster

Annotation Display Options

With independent display options for each ETAP mode (Edit, Load Flow, Short-Circuit, etc.), you can
display certain types of information in one mode and other types of information when in another mode.

Display ID, rating, kV, ampacity, and impedance of elements

Display Delta-Y connection and tap setting of transformers
Display winding connection of generators and motors
Display conductor size, type, and length of cables
User-selectable fonts for different groups of annotations (size, bold, font type, etc.)
Set default positions of annotations for each element
Independently rotate each annotation
Option to display different sets of study results including units (A, kW+jkVar, kVA, etc.)

AC Elements, One-Line Diagram

Transformer, 2-winding
Transformer, 3-winding
Transmission line
Reactor, current-limiting
Power grid (utility system)
Synchronous generator
Wind Turbine Generator

Operation Technology, Inc.


Induction motor/generator
Synchronous motor
Motor Operated Valve (MOV)
Static load
Lumped load
Panel systems
Harmonic filter
Remote connector
Phase adapter
ETAP 7.5.2 User Guide

Product Description


Static Var Compensator (SVC)

High voltage DC link
Circuit breaker, high voltage
Circuit breaker, low voltage

Switch, single-throw
Switch, double-throw
Ground grid systems

Instrumentation Elements, One-Line Diagram

Current Transformer (CT)

Potential (voltage) Transformer (PT)
Voltage relay
Differential Relay

Reverse power relay

Frequency relay
Motor relay
Solid state trip relay
Overcurrent relay
Overload heater
In-line relay

Nested Sub-Systems, One-Line Diagram

AC composite motor
DC composite motor
Composite network

DC Elements, One-Line Diagram

DC-DC converter
Lumped load

Static load
Elementary diagram
Circuit breaker
Switch, single-throw
Switch, double-throw

Macro-controlled contact
General load
Control relay


DC Elements, Control Circuit Diagram

Circuit breaker
Switch, single-throw
Push button
Form C contact

AC-DC Elements, One-Line Diagram


Operation Technology, Inc.


ETAP 7.5.2 User Guide

Product Description


Elements, Underground Raceway System

Cable, one-line
Cable, equipment
Cable, UGS
External heat source

Duct bank raceway

Direct buried raceway
Conduit (duct bank)
Location (direct buried)

Triangular shaped grid


Elements, Ground Grid System

Rectangular shaped grid

T shaped grid
L shaped grid

Elements, Cable Pulling System

Cable, one-line
Cable, equipment
Cable, UGS

Cable, CP


Cable (NEC, ICEA, and Manufacturer Published Data)

Cable Fire Coating (Manufacturer Published Data)
Cable Fire Stop (Manufacturer Published Data)
Cable Fire Wrap (Manufacturer Published Data)
Motor Nameplate
Motor Circuit Model (Single and Double Cage Motors)
Motor Characteristic Model
Motor Load Model
Fuse (Manufacturer Published Data)
Relay (Manufacturer Published Time-Current Characteristic Curves)
HV Circuit Breaker (Manufacturer Published Data)
LV Circuit Breaker (Manufacturer Published Data )
Solid State Trip (Manufacturer Published Time-Current Characteristic Curves)
Thermal Magnetic Trip (Manufacturer Published Time-Current Characteristic Curves)
Electro-Mechanical Trip (Manufacturer Published Time-Current Characteristic Curves)
Motor Circuit Protector (Manufacturer Published Time-Current Characteristic Curves)
Electronic Controllers
Harmonic (IEEE and Manufacturer Published Data)
Motor Overload Heater (Manufacturer Published Data)
Overload Heater (Manufacturer Published Data + Time-Current Characteristic Curves)
Reliability Index Library
Interruption Cost Library
Merge Data from Different Libraries
Export Library Data to MS Access File with Report Manager & Crystal Reports
50,000+ device time-current characteristic curves

Operation Technology, Inc.


ETAP 7.5.2 User Guide

Product Description


Transformer Typical Data

Typical impedance data and X/R ratio based on transformer BIL level, MVA, and kV rating

Base Modules

ICEA P-55-440 Cable Tray Ampacity Calculator (Stolpe Method)

General power calculator
Transmission line constants
Transformer LTCs/regulator setting calculator
Motor nameplate data calculator
Motor inertia calculator
Generator nameplate data calculator
Power grid short-circuit data calculator
Cable Sizing
Cable Ampacity
Detailed equipment reports for buses, breakers, & loads
Device libraries

Load Flow Analysis

Newton-Raphson, fast decoupled, and accelerated Gauss Seidel

New double-precision Newton-Raphson Method with current injection
Advanced solution techniques for fast convergence
Voltage drop calculations
Load forecasting
New alert view to display critical and marginal limit violations
Bus/transformer/cable overload warning
Single phase load flow display
Option to select any loading category
Global and individual bus diversity factors
Individual demand factors for continuous, intermittent, and spare operating conditions
Option to update the database from load flow solutions
Lumped loads
Phase-shifting transformer
Power factor correction
Automatically adjust transformer tap and LTC/regulator settings
Generator governor/exciter control settings
New summary output report on bus loadings and overload conditions
Multi-Report Result Analyzer
Load Analyzer

Panel and Single-Phase Systems

3-phase 3-wire and 4-wire panels

1-phase 2-wire and 3-wire panels
Graphic user interface
Unlimited circuits with or without external connections
Unlimited sub-panel connections
External (graphical) load and branch connections

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ETAP 7.5.2 User Guide

Product Description


Load flow display

Spreadsheet load modeling
Column and standard layouts
ANSI and IEC standard panels
Extensive switching device libraries
Comprehensive circuit feeder/cable libraries
User-configurable defaults and layouts
Dynamic sub-panel and main-panel systems updates
User selectable load types (LCL, NCL, warehouse, receptacle, hospitals, etc.)
User modifiable demand and diversity factors (NEC and others)
Ten loading categories per circuit
Customizable panel system reports using Crystal Reports format
Intelligent panel calculations
Detailed panel loading summary
Customizable panel reports in MS-Excel

Short-Circuit Analysis

Complete compliance with ANSI/IEEE C37 series

Complete compliance with IEC 60056, 60282, 61363, 60781, 60909, 60947
IEEE Standard 141 and 399, UL 489
New Arc Flash Analysis module (NFPA 70E-2000) for determining incident energy and flash
protective boundary (ANSI and IEC)
Extensive manufacturer data for fuses, LV and HV breakers
Automatic crest and interrupting duty comparison
Automatic peak and breaking duty comparison
New alert view to display critical and marginal limit violations
3-phase, line-line, line-ground, and line-line-ground faults
Single Phase System Duty
cycle to 30 cycle faults including 2, 3, 5, and 8 cycle breakers
Generator Circuit Breaker IEEE Standard C37.013
Breaking duty as a function of breaker time delay
Interrupting duty as a function of breaker cycle time
Fault impedance (Z1 and Z0)
User-definable voltage c factor for IEC analysis
Complete grounding modeling for motors, generators and transformers
CB duty calculation based on the maximum-through fault current (ANSI)
Phase-shifting transformer for ANSI unbalanced faults
Check making and breaking capabilities of protective devices against fault currents
Cable temperature adjustment
User-selected bus faulting
Report fault current contributions (IA and 3 I0) and voltage profiles (va, vb, and vc)
User-selected fault current contribution level reporting
Option to include motor delays
Option to include feeder and overload heater elements
Option to set pre-fault voltages (fixed values or load flow results)
Option to use different X/R methods and c factors
Option to consider motor contributions based on loading categories

Operation Technology, Inc.


ETAP 7.5.2 User Guide

Product Description


Updates directly to device coordination

Calculation of Tie PD current
Load Terminal Short Circuit Calculation

Time-Current Device Coordination/Selectivity (Star)

Sequence-of-Operation (SQOP) with device highlighting

3 Phase, Line-to-Ground, Line-to-Line, Line-to-Line-to-Ground fault types
Graphically adjustable device settings
Extensive device library (verified and validated)
Auto-update short-circuit current
Time-current device coordination
Auto-coordinate devices
Integrated with one-line diagrams
Drag or calculate time differences
Multi-function (universal) relays
Minimum short-circuit clipping (ANSI/IEC)
Short-circuit clipping for relay in ground distribution transformer
Append devices to existing Star views
User curve
Automatic curve shift for SQOP (S-TCC)
Crosshair to read out current and time
Minimum short-circuit current clipping fault arrow
Automatic color sequence for plotting curves
Fault arrow labels Min/Max clipping
Labels displayed front/behind curve
Extensive tooltips
Relay curves extendable up to pickup
Batch printing Star views or TCCs
Export any view to metafile
Built-in ARTTS hardware interface
Display of actual transient response
Device Settings Report
Panel Main Disconnect and internal circuit plotting

Arc Flash IEEE 1584

IEEE 1584-2002 Standard

Integrates with Short-Circuit and Device Coordination
3 phase and 1 phase Arc Flash Calculations
PPE categories based on NFPA or user-defined
Automatically generate customizable arc hazard labels (including Avery)
User-defined fault clearing times
Incident energy summary reports
Automatic source protective device search algorithms
NFPA 70E-2000, 2004, 2009
Use with both ANSI and IEC
Cubic box and open air
Load Terminal Faults

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ETAP 7.5.2 User Guide

Product Description


Arc Flash Report Analyzer

Work permits
Data sheets
Global data entry for equipment
Low voltage equipment handling

Motor Acceleration Analysis

Dynamic motor acceleration

Static motor starting
Multi-motor starting, stopping, and restarting in a single run
Group starting/acceleration of motors and loads using starting categories
Option to select any loading category for pre-start condition
Option to accelerate motors and loads by load transition (loading categories)
Option to use global or individual LTC time delays
Dynamic simulation of LTCs and regulators
Phase-shifting transformer
Induction/synchronous motor/generator dynamic models
Single-cage, single-cage with deep-bars, double-cage, and double-cage with independent circuits
Start motors, loads, capacitors, MOV, etc.
Comprehensive MOV closing and opening operation
MOV voltage limit check during complete stroke time
Comprehensive motor starting alerts with critical and marginal settings
Motor load modeling
Consider various starting devices including autotransformer, resistor, reactor, and capacitor
Time-slider toolbar for continuous display of results on the one-line diagram
User-customizable plots with option to overlay

Harmonic Analysis

IEEE 519A Standard

Harmonic load flow
Harmonic resonance and frequency scan
Model harmonic sources using harmonic library
Model harmonic sources using converter firing angle and commutation reactance
Filter overloading
Filter design
User-definable frequency range (0 to 6000 Hz)
Generator and transformer saturation
Phase-shifting transformer
Harmonic distortion limits
Total Root Mean Square Value (RMS)
Total Arithmetic Summation Value (ASUM)
Total Harmonic Distortion (THD)
Telephone Influence Factor (TIF)
I*T Index (I*T)
User-customizable plots with option to overlay
Customizable output reports using Crystal Reports format
Graphical display of harmonic characteristics for components

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ETAP 7.5.2 User Guide

Product Description


Harmonic-slider toolbar for display of harmonics on the one-line diagram

Frequency-slider toolbar for display of frequency scan results on the one-line diagram
Long line model for transmission line and cable

Transient Stability Analysis

Simulate any combination of system disturbances and operations

Induction/synchronous motor/generator dynamic models
Frequency dependent machine models
Frequency dependent network models
Extensive dynamic machine models
Phase-shifting transformer
IEEE and selected manufacturer exciter, governor, and power system stabilizer models for generator
IEEE Standard Synchronous Motor Models (2.1 and 2.2)
Remote voltage control bus for all exciters
Synchronous motor exciter/avr system
User-Defined Dynamic Models (UDM) interface for:
3 Exciter/AVR
3 Governor - turbine
3 Power system stabilizer
Complete integration with User-Defined Dynamic Models for the Generator Start-Up Analysis
Unlimited time events and actions
Segment (fractional) faults for cables and transmission lines
Time-slider toolbar for continuous display of results on the one-line diagram
Automatic CB operation based on instantaneous relay settings:
3 Overcurrent (50)
3 Voltage (59/27)
3 Frequency (81)
3 Directional overcurrent (67)
3 Reverse power (32)
3 Motor overcurrent (50M)
3 Solid state trip (SST)
User-customizable plots with option to overlay
New plots for machine terminal impedance (for out-of-step relay setting)
New plots for branch flows (MW, Mvar, MVA, and Amps)
MOV starting
Motor acceleration
Motor load modeling
Loss of excitation action
Critical fault clearing time and system islanding time
Fast bus transfer studies
Impact loading and generator rejection
Combined action list and time slider for stepping through events
Configuration playback using dynamic continuity check
Voltage limits applied to MOV open and close stages

User-Defined Dynamic Modeling

Operation Technology, Inc.


ETAP 7.5.2 User Guide

Product Description


Build your own governor/turbine, exciter/AVR, and power system stabilizer control block diagrams
for Transient Stability Analysis
Large selection of control blocks and elementary functions
Stand-alone test model performance including isolated step response
Complete integration with Generator Start-Up analysis
Run-time compile within ETAP
Utilize models within the Transient Stability Analysis
Select user-built models within generator editors
Utilizes block diagrams generated by Simulink
Implement system-wide operations such as load shedding, fast bus transfer, islanding, etc.
Requires Transient Stability Analysis

Generator Start-Up Analysis

Start generators from a cold state

Load generators prior to synchronous speed
Connect motors and loads at any desired frequency and voltage
Generator and motor frequency dependent models
Frequency dependent models for network components
Requires Transient Stability Analysis and User-Defined Dynamic Modeling

Cable Derating Analysis

Neher-McGrath Method and IEC 287

Steady-state cable temperature analysis
Transient cable temperature analysis
Cable ampacity optimization uniform ampacity
Cable ampacity optimization uniform temperature
Cable sizing
Options to keep cable size and loading fixed

Ground Grid Systems

Analysis includes four different methods:

3 IEEE 80 1986, IEEE 80 2000, and IEEE 665 1995
3 Finite Element
Graphic user interface for conductors and rods
Graphic soil view
Copy and paste grid
Export to AutoCAD
Handles irregular configurations of any shape
Allows a two-layer soil model in addition to the surface material
Unlimited conductors and rods
Conductor segments can be oriented in any possible 3-D direction
Complete integration with one-line diagram for elements placed on the grid and short-circuit values
Calculates tolerable step and touch potentials
Calculates Touch and Step potential outside the parameter
Compares calculated step and touch potentials with tolerable limits
Optimizes number of conductors with fixed rods
Optimizes number of conductors and rods based on cost

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ETAP 7.5.2 User Guide

Product Description


Calculate the maximum allowable current for conductors

Compares allowable currents against fault currents
Calculates ground system resistance
Calculates ground potential rise (GPR)
User-expandable conductor library
Tabulates absolute, step, and touch potentials throughout the grid
3-D plot of grid configuration showing conductors and rods
3-D plots of absolute, step, and touch potentials
Customizable output reports using Crystal Reports format

Optimal Power Flow

Comprehensive objectives and constraints

Determine all control settings
Ensure all controls are within limits
Ensure all bus and branch constraints are met
Ensure all objectives are met
Minimize system operating cost
Maximize system performance
Minimize real and reactive power losses and circulating reactive power
Minimize real power exchange with other systems (utilities or power grids)
Maximize voltage security index
Maximize branch loading security index
Minimize series and shunt compensation
Minimize load shedding
Minimize control movements/actions
Minimize generation fuel cost
Generator fuel cost minimization
Utility electricity cost minimization
Advanced load forecasting
Transmission line flow constant

DC Load Flow and DC Short-Circuit Analysis

IEEE 308, 446, 485, 946 Standards

DC Short-Circuit
DC Load Flow
Voltage drop
DC-DC converter elements
Battery charger, inverter, and UPS elements

DC Battery Sizing and Discharge Analysis

Calculate battery discharge using an existing battery or using a battery that is automatically sized by
Battery discharge using DC Load Flow method or load summation method
Generate plots and reports using Crystal Reports
Use different diversity and correction factors such as, temperature, aging, initial capacity, and initial
Plots for battery duty cycle, voltage, capacity, current, power and characteristics

Operation Technology, Inc.


ETAP 7.5.2 User Guide

Product Description


Plots for branch flow, bus voltage, and bus loading

Use CSD options in battery discharge and sizing calculation

Control System Diagram

Drag and drop control relays, solenoid, cables, etc.

Control logic simulation (breakers, contacts, etc.)
Voltage drop calculation including inrush currents
Automatic alert for pickup and dropout voltages
Validate voltage requirements of controlling devices
Use either duty cycle or inrush and burden rating for flexible device modeling
Automatic overloading alerts
Observe detailed steps of operating sequences with event viewer
Comprehensive device library (verified and validated)

Reliability Analysis

Analysis includes protective device effects on fault isolation and load restoration such as replacement
and alternative supply
Analysis also includes single and double contingency effects.
Radial, looped, and multiple isolated system configurations
Model each component with its own reliability characteristics
Implements the user-defined parameters and settings
Calculate load point and bus reliability indices:
3 Average Failure Rate []
3 Average Outage Duration [r]
3 Annual Outage Duration []
Calculate system reliability indices:
3 System Average Interruption Frequency Index [SAIFI]
3 System Average Interruption Duration Index [SAIDI]
3 Customer Average Interruption Duration Index [CAIDI]
3 Average Service Availability Index [ASAI]
3 Average Service Unavailability Index [ASUI]
Calculate reliability cost/worth indices for load points, buses, and system:
3 Expected Energy Not Supplied [EENS]
3 Expected Interruption Cost [ECOST]
3 Interrupted Energy Assessment Rate [IEAR]
Rank element contributions to the cost/worth indices
Sensitivity analyses for EENS and ECOST:
3 Element contributions to the EENS and their rankings
3 Element contributions to the ECOST and their rankings
Customizable output reports using Crystal Reports format

Unbalanced Load Flow

Unbalanced power flow

Phase and sequence voltage and current
Demand load and voltage drop
Transmission line coupling
Power factor correction

Operation Technology, Inc.


ETAP 7.5.2 User Guide

Product Description


Automatic device evaluation

Automatic temperature correction
Real and reactive power losses

Transmission Line Sag, Tension, and Ampacity

Overhead line parameters and coupling

Sag/tension vs. temperature
Conductor ampacity vs. temperature
Physical parameter to impedance calculator
Multiple spans between dead-end structures
Level spans of unequal length
Solve spans of unequal length on different horizontal planes
Include effects of wind, temperature, and k factor

High Voltage DC Systems

Detailed converter modeling

Composite AC/DC inverter/AC systems
Combined transformer model
Automatic harmonic spectrum calculation
Built-in control schemes
Easy-to-use dynamic modes

Optimal Capacitor Placement

Calculate most cost-effective installation locations

Calculate best bank size
Generate reports and plots of capacitor operating profit
Voltage support and power factor correction
Handle unlimited network configurations
Use only user selected installation locations
Constrain maximum capacitors installed at a location to user specified quantity
Utilize individual and global constraints

GIS Interface (ESRI ArcGIS)

Database mapping via a graphic user interface

Display unlimited GIS presentations
Perform add, modify, or delete actions
View modifications and accept/reject actions
Use map tools zoom in/out/extent, pan, etc.
Control of analysis results displayed on GIS map
Map attributes of GIS to ETAP elements
Synchronize GIS data to ETAP projects
Consistency checks during synchronization
Substitute missing information with ETAP data

Electrical Data Processing Program (e-DPP)

Simplify/standardize data entry process

Operation Technology, Inc.


ETAP 7.5.2 User Guide

Product Description


Create data sheet and schedule templates

Auto-generate data sheets and schedules
Standard/user designed form sheets
Unlimited project size

ETAP e-DPP Interface

Database mapping via a graphic user interface

Perform add, modify, or delete actions
View modifications and accept/reject actions
Map attributes of e-DPP to ETAP elements
Synchronize e-DPP data to ETAP projects
Consistency checks during synchronization
Substitute missing information with ETAP data

ETAP - Excel Interface

Import from Excel spreadsheet with free style format of input data
Database mapping via a graphic user interface
Perform add, modify, or delete actions
Map attributes of Excel to ETAP elements
Customize logic for data dictionary
Add customized captions and headers to the spreadsheet

SmartPlant Electrical Interface (Intergraph SPEL)

Database mapping via a graphic user interface

Perform add, modify, or delete actions
View modifications and accept/reject actions via graphic user interface
Map attributes of SPEL to ETAP elements
Synchronize SPEL data to ETAP projects
Map attributes of ETAP to SPEL elements
Synchronize ETAP data to SPEL projects
Data consistency checks during synchronization
Substitute missing information with ETAP data
Data range checking
Library data addition
Typical data substitution for missing parameters
Log all mapping actions
Integrate with ETAP projects

Real-Time Advanced Monitoring

Continuous real-time monitoring

On demand data retrieval
State estimator and load distributor
Data reconciliation and consistency check
Bad data detection and correction
Alarm management and processing
Energy cost monitoring

Operation Technology, Inc.


ETAP 7.5.2 User Guide

Product Description


Multi-console with multi-screen monitoring

Graphical monitoring via ETAP one-line diagram
Visual monitoring via Man-Machine Interface (MMI)
Alarm annunciation with graphical interface
Alert of equipment out-of-range violations, de-energized, etc.
Real-Time Trending of electrical & non-electrical parameters
Pseudo measurements (override measured data)
OPC interface layer
Message logging
User-definable scan rates
User-access levels
Online control

Real-Time Event Playback

Replay archived data at different speeds

Improve operator knowledge
Improve system operation
Investigate cause and effect
Explore alternative actions
Replay "what if" scenarios

Real-Time Energy Management System (EMS)

Shared decision making process

Generator Controller
Load Frequency Control
Chain of logic controls and action validations
Automatic steady-state optimization control
Energy cost assessment
Online control and automation
Generator Load Sharing
Demand Side Management
Intelligent generation control & load distribution
Autocontrol overload, overvoltage, undervoltage, etc.
Autocontrol LTCs, circuit breakers, relays, valves, etc.
Generation averaging with cost constraints
Minimize MW & Mvar losses
Peak shaving
Minimize power factor penalties
Intelligent inhibitive & permissive controls
Optimize spin reserve
Maximize voltage security index
Supervisory & advisory control
User-friendly logics & macros

Real-Time Intelligent Load Shedding

Optimize load preservation

Reduce downtime for critical loads

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ETAP 7.5.2 User Guide

Product Description


Redundancy with backup contingencies

Simulate various disturbances and display the results
Simulate and test ILS recommendations
Robust calculation methods
Response to mechanical & electrical disturbances
Display required minimum MW & selected loads
Trigger & time dependent load shedding
User-definable control logics & macros
Neural network knowledge base
User-definable system triggers
Operator friendly graphical interface
Display operating & recommended spin reserve MW
Log & view ILS recommended load shedding
Log & view system load shedding actions
Unlimited load shedding schedules
User-defined load priority & groups
Link to annunciation systems (pagers, etc.)
Generate electrical and non-electrical output tags
Post updating load shedding report in XML to a web URL

Wind Turbine Generator (WTG)

Model wind turbine generators individually or in unlimited groups

Model detailed turbine and controller characteristics for dynamic stability analysis
Calculate MW and Mvar generation based on wind speed and turbine characteristics
Create multiple generation categories for predictive what if studies
Define the turbine model manually or based on a library
Define the wind model manually or based on a library
Run a one instance or continuous steady-state calculation in analysis mode
Perform individual or zone based actions in stability analysis

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ETAP 7.5.2 User Guide

Product Description


1.2 Capabilities
Buses (License Dependent)
Load Terminal Nodes
Equipment/Feeder Cables
Transformers with Tap Setting
Motors, Loads, MOVs, Capacitors, Filters, etc.
Nested Composite Networks
Nested Composite Motors

Unlimited *

Presentations/Configurations/Data Revisions
One-Line Diagram
Underground Raceway System
Control System Diagrams
Ground Grid Diagrams
Time-Current Characteristic Plots
Geographical Presentations (GIS Interface)
Configuration Status
Data Revisions (Base and Revision Data)


Loading Categories
Each Motor, MOV, Load, etc.


Generation Categories
Each Generator and Power Grids


Short-Circuit Program (AC and DC)

Faulted Buses


Motor Starting Program

Motors Started Simultaneously
Starting Categories
Time Events


Transient Stability Program

Dynamically Modeled Machines
Time Events


DC System
Duty Cycle Categories

Headers and Records
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ETAP 7.5.2 User Guide

Product Description


1.3 ODBC (Open Database Connectivity)

ETAP organizes and accesses its database using the latest industry standard - Microsoft ODBC (Open
Database Connectivity). This allows ETAP to use any database for which an ODBC driver is available.
ODBC drivers are readily available for Microsoft Access, Microsoft SQL Server, and Oracle, among
others. Thus, data can be integrated into the ETAP database using a commercially available DBMS
(Database Management System).
ODBC is the database connectivity component of Microsoft Windows Open Services Architecture
(WOSA) and is based on a Call Level Interface specification, which was developed by a consortium of
over 40 companies (members of the SQL Access Group and others). ODBC provides a single system
level interface for connecting front-end applications (like ETAP) with back-end services (such as DBMS).
ETAP does not access the various different databases through each databases native protocol or
Application Program Interface (API). Instead, ETAP accesses all database activities through ODBC API.
Database vendors, such as Microsoft, Oracle Corporation, etc., provide the execution components for
ODBC (ODBC drivers), allowing ETAP to directly communicate with many DBMS.
Residing between ETAP and the DBMS is the ODBC Driver Manager. The ODBC Driver Manager
allows you to configure various data sources (databases or database descriptions) for ETAP (or other
applications) to allow exchange data. This configuration provides several benefits to you, the ETAP
user. It allows you to work with any of several DBMS, those which you may already be familiar with or
are already use in your facility. Additionally, you may use your existing DBMS to interrogate or browse
the database of an ETAP project.
ODBC enables you to access your ETAP databases by means of third party software such as Microsoft
Access. This allows you to manage your data and provides a simple method of transferring the data from
ETAP into other media. You may also insert additional fields (along with values provided by ETAP) into
the ETAP database tables. Certain limitations seen by various third party programs, such as Microsoft
Access, may exist. For example, Microsoft Access only allows 256 columns per table. Inserting further
columns may cause conflicts. Integration of the ETAP database at this level provides you with enhanced
opportunities to integrate ETAP, and its engineering analysis capabilities, into other programming or
database systems that possess additional functionality, which you may already employ.
The ETAP database tables can be added to an existing database in a future release of ETAP. For example,
you will be able to integrate ETAP into your electrical project database.
This release of ETAP has been tested with Microsoft Access, Microsoft SQL Server, and Oracle
DBMS. Additionally, ETAP provides all database components you require, allowing you to directly
construct and edit Microsoft Access databases so that they may be used with ETAP.

Operation Technology, Inc.


ETAP 7.5.2 User Guide

Product Description

File Structure

1.4 File Structure

Project Database
When you construct an ETAP project it builds a new database, which contains all required ETAP tables.
In addition to the actual DBMS database constructed (e.g., PROJECTNAME.MDB for Microsoft
Access), ETAP creates a project control file named PROJECTNAME.OTI. The project control file is an
OTI-proprietary file, which contains relevant project control information, including all user information.
Each ETAP project creates two basic files for Microsoft Access:
In addition, there may be other files associated with your project:

Present only when using early versions of Microsoft Access (pre-8.0 or

Office 97) or while the project is opened via A Microsoft Access or ETAP
Present when you have placed OLE objects in your ETAP Project
Present when a Ground Grid System has been created
Present when a Cable Pulling System has been created

Note: The .MDB and .LDB extensions will be different if you are using SQL Server or Oracle DBMS.
An ETAP project can be copied and renamed outside of ETAP if it does not require a password. To do
this, make copies of all four files (if your project has created them): *.OTI, *.MDB, *.LDB, *.PSO. Then
rename all four files to the new name. The first time this new project is opened, ETAP will update the
internal name of the project to its new name. The best way to copy a project file is within ETAP.
WARNING: If you delete any of these files after ETAP has created them, you may not be able to open
and retrieve your project database.
A bus property table for the Microsoft Access database is shown below. In this table, the first row
represents the bus default properties (IID=32). The next four rows represent the four buses that exist in
this project.

Operation Technology, Inc.


ETAP 7.5.2 User Guide

Product Description

File Structure

A Bus Table as seen from Microsoft Access

ETAP copies a pre-built database with default values for Microsoft Access when you create a new project
file. ETAP uses a template database named DEFAULTE.MDB for the English unit system and
DEFAULTM.MDB for the Metric unit system. In contrast, ETAP executes a series of SQL statements
that inserts and populates all required tables when you are using SQL Server or Oracle.

Modifying the ETAP Database

When viewing the ETAP database via a DBMS (such as Microsoft Access), it is very important that
certain fields in the database are not changed. General rules for modifying the ETAP project database are
given below:

You cannot change any database field labeled IID, Revision, Issue, ID (Name), or any field, which
contains Check, Alter, or Rev as part of its name.
NEVER alter any field whose type is BLOB (binary large object), Stream, or OLE object. Modifying
any of these fields may invalidate your database and cause you to lose the valuable time spent
constructing the database.
You may change the engineering data and comments of elements in the database. However, many
engineering data fields are related because of the engineering logic built into ETAP editors. For
example, the motor fields HP, FLA, PF, EFF, and kVA are all related. Changing only one of these
fields may cause problems in ETAPs editors because it calculates some fields based on values in
other fields.
You cannot add or delete records in any table created by Microsoft Access, Oracle, or SQL Server.
Records with an IID equal to 32 contain the default values for that element. You should change these
default values directly from ETAP and not from the third party software.

Operation Technology, Inc.


ETAP 7.5.2 User Guide

Product Description

File Structure

Operation Technology, Inc. cannot guarantee the repair of a database if you have made modifications in
some of the above-mentioned fields and problems occur.

Inserting Additional Columns into the ETAP Database

General guidelines for inserting additional columns/fields into the ETAP project database are given

Construct the database using ETAP.

Add all system elements using ETAPs graphical one-line diagram and underground raceway system
design tools. ETAP internally allocates the correct database identifiers (IIDs) for all components. IIDs
CANNOT be changed or allocated by the user.
Add any new column you may want to embed in ETAPs tables. ETAP will NOT directly utilize the
columns nor assign default values to them. ETAP will not remove the additional columns.

Adding Elements and Data to a ETAP Project Database

This section describes how to modify data for existing elements in an ETAP project file or to transfer data
from a third party software such as Microsoft Access, Excel, etc.

Open an ETAP project file or create a new one.

Add (drag and drop) the new elements (buses, transformers, motors, etc.) graphically to the one-line
Save your ETAP project and exit ETAP.
Open your ETAP database from the third party software. For example, with Microsoft Access,
projectname.mdb (where project name is the name of your project file).
For each existing field in ETAP, you can copy the contents of that field from your existing database
into the appropriate field of the ETAP record. This can be accomplished by copying and pasting
individual fields or columns. For large databases, SQL commands can be used to do this
Save your project database while inside the third party software.
Start ETAP; load your project and check the changed data.

These precautions must be adhered to while conducting this procedure:

The structure of your database and the ETAP database do not need to match. However, corresponding
fields must be of the same type. ETAP stores data in one of three types of fields: double, character, or
OLE Stream [BLOB]. All numerical data (including integer, float, or double) are stored in double fields.
Textual data are stored in character fields. This restriction is due to limitations imposed by some
databases that ETAP must support through ODBC.
ETAP sometimes splits an equipment record across two or more tables. The table names of these records
are related and easily identified. For example, static loads appear in two tables named StaticLoad and
StaticLoadH1. The records in the StaticLoad and StaticLoadH1 tables are associated by the element IID
and ID (name) fields.
Do not modify the contents of tables whose names are suffixed with "_R". These tables are used for
revisions and, therefore, their contents should not be altered.

Operation Technology, Inc.


ETAP 7.5.2 User Guide

Product Description


1.5 Libraries
ETAP libraries use Microsofts compound storage file structure (binary format). The contents of these
files may be viewed using any DOC file viewer (DOC files, in this context, refer to compound storage
files, not Microsoft Word.DOC files). DOC file viewers are intended to allow you to view, but not alter
the libraries in any way other than through ETAP.
ETAP library files (or portions thereof) may be exported. (Refer to the Engineering Libraries section for
details on how to do this.)
Example of an ETAP library structure:

Operation Technology, Inc.


ETAP 7.5.2 User Guide

Product Description


1.6 Help
The complete contents of this User Guide are included in the online Help file. There are several methods
for displaying Help contents in the ETAP program.

Help Search
Help for all Editors
Help Line
Function Key <F1> Help
Help from the Project Toolbar

Help Search
Click on Help on the ETAP menu bar to conduct a Help search by using the Index or by doing a word
search. The Help Search Editor contains Contents, Index, and Search pages. The Contents page allows
you to browse the Help file chapter-by-chapter, just as in the ETAP User Guide.

From the Index page you can view the Help index and display the contents of any item listed. To
facilitate your search, type in the first few letters of the word or subject you are looking for. The index
listing highlights the index item closest to what you have entered.
The Search page enables you to look for words and phrases in the Help Topics instead of searching for
information by category. Use this page to type or select the word(s) to define your search.

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ETAP 7.5.2 User Guide

Product Description


Help for Editors

Help buttons are provided for all editors. Click on the Help button to display the description for all pages
of the selected editor.

Help Line
Help lines for all entry fields are available in ETAP. To view the Help line, click in any entry field. Its
description will be displayed at the bottom of your screen. For example, this image has the Generator
Saturation Factor field selected.

Operation Technology, Inc.


ETAP 7.5.2 User Guide

Product Description


Function Key <F1> Help

Press <F1> to display Help in the currently active window. For example, open the Bus Editor and select
the Load page, then press <F1>. The Load page Help screen will be displayed.

Help on the Project Toolbar

Click on the Help button located on the Project toolbar to display Help screens. The Help button is
indicated by a question mark. Click once on the Help button. A question mark (?) will appear beside the
cursor. Move the cursor to any item that you need more information about, and then click again. The
Help screen for that item will be displayed.

Operation Technology, Inc.


ETAP 7.5.2 User Guide

Product Description

Backup Projects

1.7 Automatic Backup of ETAP Projects

In order to maximize protection of the ETAP projects and prevent loss of data, ETAP is enhanced to
maintain backup copies of the project files. Backup files are created when any of the following actions
are performed:

Conversion from a previous version of ETAP

Opening of a project
Saving of a project

Backup During Conversion

When you open a project that was created with a previous version of ETAP, the program automatically
creates a backup of the project. During this process, the following message is displayed:

When you click on Yes, the program automatically creates a backup of the project, and then performs the
conversion. The backup copy of the project is created inside a directory named BACKUP, which is a
subdirectory of the project directory.

Operation Technology, Inc.


ETAP 7.5.2 User Guide

Product Description

Backup Projects

The backup project name is the project name with the version number of the original file appended. For
instance, if you are converting a project from ETAP 4.0.4 named EXAMPLE, then the backup file is
named: EXAMPLE-v404 as seen on the image below:

Note that only the ETAP project files are backed up (*.OTI, *.MDB, *.PSO, *.GRD, and *.CPX).
Output report files must be backed up manually.
During the backup process, ETAP logs the files that are backed up in the message log as seen on the
image below:

(Provide Image)

Backup During Opening

When you open a project file, ETAP automatically creates a backup of your project. This is saved in the
backup directory as ProjectName~ as seen on the image below. If the project ProjectName~ already
exists, then ETAP overwrites the previous version with the latest backup.

This feature allows you to keep a backup copy of your project every time you open the project.

Backup During Saving

When you save your project, ETAP creates a backup copy of the project files in the backup directory.
The backup copy is named ProjectName~~ as seen on the image below.

These project files are temporary. Every time you save the project, ETAP overwrites the files, allowing
you to keep a previously saved project. However, when you decide to close the project, ETAP clears the
temporary backup whether you save the project or not.

Operation Technology, Inc.


ETAP 7.5.2 User Guide

Product Description

Backup Projects

In the case that ETAP is shutdown abnormally, the temporary backup files will not be cleared; therefore,
you will have the last saved copy of your project. In addition, the backup copy of the project created
when you first opened the project is also available.

Disabling/Enabling Backup Function

By default, ETAP is set up to create and update backup files during the opening of the project and before
every save. To disable the backup feature, go to Options (Preferences) under the Project Database section
and across from the Automatically Create Project Backup and change True to False. When this entry is set
to False, ETAP does not create backup files of the current version. However, it does create backup files
when converting from a previous version.

Opening Backup Files

Backup projects are opened the same as any ETAP project. However, when you open a backup project, a
backup directory is created within the backup directory. The Backup function operates inside the backup
file, and the backup operates until the limit of 128 characters is reached. When you try to open a project
with a path longer than 128 characters, ETAP displays the following message:

Operation Technology, Inc.


ETAP 7.5.2 User Guide

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