Rhapsody Handout Statecharts Sequence Diagrams v1r1
Rhapsody Handout Statecharts Sequence Diagrams v1r1
Rhapsody Handout Statecharts Sequence Diagrams v1r1
Statecharts Events Actions Timers Triggered Operations NULL Transitions
Default Transition Trigger Transition Syntax: trigger [ condition ] / action Name of state
Triggered Events
If an object enters a state, the timeout is started immediately. Of course, this will only happen in the states with a timeout. If the timeout expires, the statechart receives this as an event and a transition is passed. If a state is left, each timeout stops. There is only one timeout per state possible. TimeOut
Action on entry
Action on exit
Every transition has an action eld in his general tab. If the transition is passed, the action is executed. There is no delay, when a transition is passed. A State can be active for a longer time. Therefore, we have action on entry and action on exit elds.
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We will start with an simple example. Create a C_LED class. Create now a statechart in this class. Right click the C_LED class. Select Add New / Diagrams / Statechart. We need only three different elements from the drawing toolbar. We will start with two states. draw two states on the diagram surface name it LED_ON and LED_OFF
Our statechart is now full functional, but senseless. Immediately after object startup, the default transition will be passed. After that, the active state will toggle between LED_ON and LED_OFF as fast as possible. We can change this, by using a trigger.
Timer events
Open the features dialog of both transitions. Select the general tab and insert a tm(500) in the Trigger-eld. The tm() uses the systick from our CortexM3. 500 is the time for the timeout in milliseconds. After expiration of the selected time, the transition will be passed and the statechart switches to the next state.
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Such a statechart needs something to do. So we will add actions to the states. The actions needed here are on and off. If you put the right actions for your CPU in the LED_ON and LED_OFF state, it will be executed every 500 milliseconds.
Create an initializer (constructor) for the C_LED class. We do not need an action in the default transition, this should be done by the initializer. We must add the statement for setting the port to output into the initializers implementation tab.
LPC_GPIO1->FIODIR |= (1<<28);
Dont forget to include the lpc17xx.h for the target specic code.
We only need to create an instance now to test our statechart. We do this by drawing another Object Model Diagram (OMD) We drag the class LED from the browser to the diagram, right klick, choose Make an Object This creates an object. When we now do a Generate Make Run, the program will let the LED blink.
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Timer accuracy
Timers in UML have, as we have already seen, a granularity of 1 millisecond. The timers are handled by the framework, which is triggered by the underlying RTOS. The tick from the RTOS is used as pace-maker for the UML tm driver. tm(xx) acts as an event that is taken xx mS after the state is entered where the tm(xx) trigger is used as outgoing transition. So the timer is started when the state is entered, when the state is exited (for any reason) the timer is stopped. This means that he minimum time for a tm() trigger is the time that an RTOS tick takes. Since this is done as slow as possible but as fast as needed (Due to the fact that servicing a timer interrupt causes a system load) a tick-time of more then 1mS is well possible. If your tick-time is 20mS, you will have to realize that a tm(65) in fact will give you a tm(40) at least. Since the framework can either be just before or just after a tick it is possible that you have to wait 20mS before the rst tick is started. So the actual timer delay of tm(65) is between 80mS and 100mS.
Start timeout
End timeout
If you want timers that are either more accurate or faster then you can use your CPUs hardware timer(s) Just program the timer to a value that you need and let the timers interrupt routine call a triggered operation that causes a state-chart transition.
The Windows Framework uses a tick-time of 100mS due to the bad timer response of Windows, which still uses the 18.5 mS timer, derived from the 4.77MHz clock-frequency of the rst IBM PC in 1981
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Triggered Operations
Beside events and timers there is another possibility to trigger a transition, so-called triggered operations. Events and timers both have a disadvantage namely that they are both executed via the event queue. This means that there is a delay in execution which can be quite long on a system with a high load. It is possible that there are already many events in the queue that wait for processing. The will give events and timers an extra delay. Another problem might be that events can be sent faster than the framework can handle them. The event queue is static and the size is not unlimited, after the queue is full the framework will run into the error handler function. The solution to this is use a triggered operation which is basically no more then a synchronous event, also known as a blocking call.
A triggered operation can be used on a transition in a statechart in exactly the same way as an event. For example, you could change all the events in the dishwasher to be triggered operations. (It is often a good idea to change also the prex ev to tg) Note that the syntax for calling a triggered operation is the same as for an operation. Event: CGEN (me->itsDishWasher, evStart() ); Triggered Operation: DishWasher_tgStart( me->itsDishwasher); The only difference is that the latter will be executed immediately as we can see on the next two sequence diagrams.
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