This document provides solutions to homework problems from Chapter 12 of Pedrotti's textbook on applied optics. It includes calculations of angular separation between diffracted wavelengths, dispersion for a transmission grating, number of grating lines needed to resolve sodium doublet lines, parameters for a reflection grating to resolve lines separated by 0.02 Angstroms, and blaze angle calculations. The document walks through the steps for each problem and shows the key equations and parameters involved in diffraction grating calculations.
This document provides solutions to homework problems from Chapter 12 of Pedrotti's textbook on applied optics. It includes calculations of angular separation between diffracted wavelengths, dispersion for a transmission grating, number of grating lines needed to resolve sodium doublet lines, parameters for a reflection grating to resolve lines separated by 0.02 Angstroms, and blaze angle calculations. The document walks through the steps for each problem and shows the key equations and parameters involved in diffraction grating calculations.
This document provides solutions to homework problems from Chapter 12 of Pedrotti's textbook on applied optics. It includes calculations of angular separation between diffracted wavelengths, dispersion for a transmission grating, number of grating lines needed to resolve sodium doublet lines, parameters for a reflection grating to resolve lines separated by 0.02 Angstroms, and blaze angle calculations. The document walks through the steps for each problem and shows the key equations and parameters involved in diffraction grating calculations.
This document provides solutions to homework problems from Chapter 12 of Pedrotti's textbook on applied optics. It includes calculations of angular separation between diffracted wavelengths, dispersion for a transmission grating, number of grating lines needed to resolve sodium doublet lines, parameters for a reflection grating to resolve lines separated by 0.02 Angstroms, and blaze angle calculations. The document walks through the steps for each problem and shows the key equations and parameters involved in diffraction grating calculations.
3 12-1. What is the angular separation in second order between light of wavelengths 400 nrn and 600 nrn when diffracted by a grating of 5000 grooves/cm? si-o.,t- +f"...f.. et,> all cR;tfr,...c+"Of\. I:jrfA..:f."rt.ljf; S;t1 e De.terM' .... f!. 9- -fOr A -flvet\ .(2c"vttJ... A e. G, =s;';' (!'" 5";';' e' f;:O..... :::- 3(,. 'n ""2 L:l 9== Gz. =sii' (-;:,-) == -:;j;/( z... ()()..,..-_ " :::::. 23. 5*8 ) e:: /3 :2.9 12-2. ' S"DOO c-'} .. a. Describe the dispersion in the red wavelength region around 650 nrn (both in o/nrn and in nmlmm) for a transmission grating 6 cm wide, containing 3500 grooves/cm, when it is focused in the third-order spectrum on a screen by a lens of focal length 150 cm. b. Find the resolving power of the under these conditions. hOt's+ we.. (lce.J.. +0 k...o...:> Q l'\"'\A::'0\..5 io1 9 ,ivtS , J .I ----+- ----+-
S:: s,,i' ( '3 . 6 3,!iX (0 ----+- ----+- e = '-(3.0'1' Gratin o I::< Ablue A = 65011111 w;R 0... We.. f ff =I .. , D;sfersia t\ ;$ ().. 1.At:J..Jlo V\ '. tC'MA = yY\ cQA == a.. COS e J. 9 => J.).. _ e -&G - YY\ Dr. Sohl, Applied Optics Homework Key: Chapter 12, Pedrotte 12-4. How many lines must be ruled on a transmission grating so that it is just capable of resolving the sodium doublet (589.592 nm and 588.995 nm) in the first- and second-order spectra? -:::;:"YY"\fV 0(= - /\ t::..). , ~ , , N l)A yY\.. A -::::: A=-5?? Cf, L 'i 3. r;;-'Y"\ YV\. / 0.."8 b /\ -==- 0, 9 7 Y\ vV\. I 51- ';. .. f _ A _ 1"1 - ~ A/. yV\ Dr. Sohl, Applied Optics Homework Key: Chapter 12, Pedrotte 12-9. A reflection grating is required that can resolve wavelengths as close as 0.02 A in second order for the spectral region around 350 nm. The grating is to be installed in an instrument where light from the entrance slit is incident normally on the grating. Ifthe manufacturer provides rulings over a lO-cm grating width, determine (a) the minimum number of grooves/cm required; (b) the optimum blaze angle for work in this region; (c) the angle of diffraction where irradiance is maximum (show both blaze angle and diffraction angle on a sketch); (d) the dispersion in nanometers per degree. 3 S-O "Y'\ L } (0."> o:z. -= :::"YY1 tJ -> N::::. -:::: 0 Y'\W\. ;l _ '875"'00 .
.-/ (M ft) 1 . _/ ("'1"\ A) (b ' C'I - .1 S1(1 -- - 5,,,- V Ci'}o, - 2- 0... - 2- w/rJ S I' >" c.e.. -yV"L =J ():l =-tY\ tV we... ho.."e. tV .. No+e. . J I _ !1 _ .R _ 'il'7 S-00 -rh lAS, --..".. - 0- W vJ " /8. 'j (c) By /a..1AJ 0+ re -rhij is' j}.;,'ce a I1 D 1 e... .. (<9",,,,, ;-.( Q b == :3 7. 70 yvt" l"\S (J) lJ== CA c.os &_ -> t'\yY\ /$10 0 Je,ress 2- 87>00 'i f"o...ct O.. 0,002. 21 TT ro& 1"'\ """" lJ I 0 CN""- CJ)S (37.. 7 7 ) , (see f,'ro....1 (loft. 011. d'Sfersiaf\ wifl.... t4" )' So I,-,.J: 0 I'\. -Ie frb -. 12 - Z ) ::rt1 Cor'" ; "'} Li ,h+ <t/oVJ3' tit e nor M "'-fI;::: 0 No(tt'o../ +0 -f'ke.. G-ra,.-f. .. 3-) N Dr. Sohl, Applied Optics Homework Key: Chapter 12, Pedrotti 3 12-10. A transmission grating is expected to provide an ultimate first-order resolution of at least I Aanywhere in the visible spectrum (400 to 700 nm).The ruled width of the grating is to be 2 cm. a. Determine the minimum number of grooves required. b. If the diffraction pattern is focused by a 50-cm lens, what is the linear separation of a I-A interval in the vicinity of 500 nm? fI) _ ).. _ N --->.. N - A _ 700 "t'\M.. a. I.J'<.- - -- - yv\ " - :;>... "b;\ Ll 0... 1-1\'<'11'\ (,) will froviJ..e.. Le-l+er; lAO 0....+ tf 00 -{\ we. .) b, L.-iV\e.o...r D iSQ1efsior\ == f tf f5 ::: _YIA- htA.+- we.. t1-eecl e a..... a.. GoS& a.. -= .. -rooo cgS" 7 llVV\.
- 0,/777 ::::: [0.0 I '8 ;.f] -' ,\"
Li+h.. ov.,] (Vlo\J.vt+ A) e . -/ (Vl'\ 'A) _s -I (2. 0 00 - zooo & b == S I f\ - I"" 'Z.. -y\4l'1\ Blazed 12-14. A reflection grating, ruled over a I5-cm width, is to be blazed at 2000
A for use in the vacuum ultraviolet. If its theoretical resolving power in first ,---L--, order is to be 300,000, determine the proper blaze angle for use (a) in a Littrow mount and (b) with normal incidence. _ t\) N I\) - /\ _.-A fJ yY\:::: I.:::::p. - v-< V\.-,A).--P' ) N <R. 3000 00 15(;11\ \ ... ___ :=. _ I -.::: 2.0,00 0 S 0::.. - w - W "(. "",.cLfh
Joan Poliner Shapiro - Jacqueline A. Stefkovich, Joan Poliner Shapiro, Jacqueline A. Stefk - Ethical Leadership and Decision Making in Education - Applying Theoretical Perspectives To Complex Dilemmas