Spencer Ed Dona 1962 Bahamas PDF
Spencer Ed Dona 1962 Bahamas PDF
Spencer Ed Dona 1962 Bahamas PDF
BOX S 4 2
Prepety d!
Dear Brethren,
of them, we drove to
lina, we visxted
We enjoyed a visit with myciaipTTi parents in Kissouri over the j 4. RTble Collese where vre met
of the church where Aubry and Ruth Payne to the Bahamas. It was mutually agreed that
s-sfLssr -
We arrived ^^^he frShrraterwLfrlsLa^ shipping tS'trLlefw^tere splrS th; problem and e^ense of repacking and crating. It alsfsolved Le problem'^of transportation from the dock to the house.
we were treated very favorably by customs officers Go^t^ customs can prove to be arather expensive ^J^-xence a.d we' r e thankful^for thx^^^ evidence of the Lord s provisi * ^ ay (27%) is TDre-detemdned, the
you pay.
Ijr 1 br.lto.n.w h.d b.m tM"
. .r. vmly
Sfe^enSfresSence, getting
SnaL^^few!' It.rg"d\o": that we're entering into the .rk that we've been
Ed, Dona and Connie Spencer
BOX 542
6TH &
B i a e s AVE.
The past-nth. has. gons by -aery quickly for us.. The--Redmon fand.ly and our-~Glre's"'have regular "preaching and teaching schedules. V/e have become sufficienuly.^ acquainted..with..the .city and. island to find our way to most of the places, we have occasion to go. The- help.jjf the Hughes and .Payne famiLies has been much apprecia^
ted in thif^ J'getting acquainted-business".- - - - - - --
"Sunday A-M, and P.M. and a mid-week, lesson and prayer meeting. The^schedule
Bro. Redmon-at Coconut-Grove is similar,, however; the mid-week service is on. a dii .....
services. Heretofore^, the membership, of the two congregations, wasn't particularly defined as the services-at. the two locations, were conducted-at .different*times and the Christians--were able to attend._Tfl0st of the-sexvices at ea.ch location,- Simulta
venient to their locality. This had the..effect, of presenting the appearance of a
ferment day to allow the two-congregations opporturiity to get together for^ those
neous Sunday services has made it necessary for them to choose the service most con
'"smaller group. However, new contacts, are being-made^ old ones restored and in com paxdng .attendance notes-with Bro. Redmon,.. it is evident that already_our-services are reaching more people. The combined, groups recently enjoyed a singspiration. ihis
,lesson material^ Bro.. Archer conducts and leads the. Sunday services.at Grants Town
and the V/ednesday eve--song* servri-ce-in'a'-coinmendable mannerc
service was ably arranged and conducted by Bro, Archer. Except for the^semons.and
" Preaching services are conducted each Tues, and Thurs.. afternoon-at Prospect 'Hospital, (T.B. Sanitaiium). For tjie post part Bro. Payne has been responsible for making the arrangements for these services as well as working with Bro. Re^on in
work has been a-pi^fitab..l.e preaching oppartuTiity-Those who saw the slides ol the --work-will_be glad to know that the T-.B. patients (not the aged.infirm.} mil soon move..,into a new-v/ing of the Princess Margaret Hc^spital in tovm. We are glad-for the jDetter housing and it will undoubtedly mean closer, medical-supervision as we . There.is a question^ hovrever,. whether the new facilities have a place where we
"be able to-condijjit services and if the administration" \-d-ll grant us the privilege.
We-have inquired and while the-answer- was sncouraging, it was by no...means -final. Uo pray with the-brethren here that the opportunity won't be lost.
"' to-ieased) on which the Coconut Grove building is situated. The omer priced the lots at-J,0a.pounds.-(0l,.120). Mr. and Mrs. Payne offered to loan their savings o
.^-Another item of importance to the work has been'-the'purchase of-the lots (l^therP
price and legal fees......Of the Ol.COO provided by the Paynes, they made ^ down payment of 40 poimds--leaving a balance ..in rouna numbers of v900 to This was a generous gesture on the-part of the Fa^es .f +he need of a purchase .Xund. The occasion wiU provide opportu^y to encourage the
local brethren to assume as much responsibility a& their ability will permit in re
^ yv^
G i e er
BOX 5-2
Again the time has passed quickly and the month has seen several inte resting developments. On Saturday, the 3i^dj Aubrey and Ruth Payne returned
to the states.
be gone.
ness matters but it will also allow opportunity for some speaking engagements.
At the time of their departure they didn't know exactly how long they would
quarters in the Princess Margaret Hospital* The doctor and superintendent were very kind in hearing our request for perinission to continue teaching
services for these patients. Permission was granted! We also plan to con tinue teaching services one day each weelc at "Prospect".
Dona has made announcement and preparation for resuming children's Bible
resting illustrations and at the same time develop some appropriate Bible tea ching. We've tried to make th^s material complete enough to be useful and yet adaptable to different len^h'^lessons, etc. If you would be interested xn
having a set of these lessons please let us know.
incidents and circumstances of this work. We are completing a set of suggested lesson approaches in which we try to provide the teacher and class with inte
V7e received a request from the church in Glide, Oregon, for ideas for
During the month vje urgedtr^veral of the local brethren to prepare ser mons for one of the services. Brother Eddie Forbes brought the first of these
preaching fishermen. Other of the local brethren are preparing messages for
future services.
for a Sunday evening service. Brother Forbes is a fisherman by trade. As we listened we were reminded that in the first generation church there were other
The proper forms and papers have been filed with the immigration depart
ment so that our residence permits may be considered. As yet we have not been informed of any decision but we do ei^ect this information before long.
the month. These included the Richter family from Cincinnatti, Ohio, and the
Stephen family from Toronto, Canada.
Until next month.
We did enjoy visits from some brethren vacationing in the colony during
Ed Spencer family.
Dear Brethrerij
April arrived in the Caribbean vdth warmer temperatures. The mercury climbs into the eighties daily, I suspect that it will warm up in earnest by mid-August.
Several recent developments will be of interest. Gradually, we are reaching
more peopiel
Grants To^;jn and Grove totaled 50 and 51- That isn't large, but it is an improve ment. Also the children's class on Saturday afternoon at Grants Town was resumed
The Payne family returned to the colony on April 5th. They reported several speaking opportunities and an occasion to visit v/ith the two brethren from Nassau
who are in school at Winston-Salem,
Alice, Paul and Lois Hughes sailed for Miami aboard the "Bahama Star" on the 11th of Aprils They plan to visit a few days with friends and family in Florida and then go to her sister in Hot Springs, Ark. From there she will continue to
the West Coast. Departures usually have some tears, but theirs had some happy & hectic moments also. The Christians here arranged and presented a program around a ressurrection theme before the Hughes family left. At the program they presented
the family with a gift of ^42 On the heotiii si/k; was the fact that the truck that was expected to take the boxes and baggage to the dock didn't arrive. We hurriedly packed things into the car and trail?rand took them to the dock. I had to get
Connie from school just about sailirig time and when I returned to the dock, every one began waving and rushing for the trunk of the car TUo b,gf?aftc fi-um +.hft tmrik hadn't been put aboard. We made it with nothing to spare-
We have received officiaD. notice from immigration that our application for resi
July. Schools here are out about the first of July. Tv/o young ladies from Ozark
internship for students who are interested in foreign work.
Bible Ctollege will probably be with us for these classes as part of Ozark's summer
We have heard from some who have requested the suggested lessons that may be used as mission lessons for Vacation Bible Schools.. If you are interested, please
feel free to write for them.
Ed Spencer family.
BOX S 4 2
*,' 6tlH A BIBBS AVE.
^ tV
A' n '
report that Redman's have received their residence permit be anticipated this,
it is nonetheless reassuring. _ x
Affain we'have the opportunity to share our thoughts with you. We are glad to but
The services and classes continue much as the preceding month. New contacts continue to be made. An all church outing of both congregations was held April 23rd. The economy of the Colony seems to be .in a slump in proportion to the declme in tourism. The winter season of tourists is ending. It does effect some of the
church folks.
the building. The Grove congregation continues to make payments of about 15 each month on the balance of the loan on their lot. To aate the Bahamian churches have paid a total of 238 on the lot purchase. ,Al6 remaps to be paid. V/e made a visit via mail boat to North Andros as a first step to determine where to begin in our island evangelism. We found vast variations in the villages. Some had electrical installations, others didn't. Three had roads and a few cars. Others had roads or trails that would hardly accomniodate a l^icycle. There seemed to be denominational efforts in most of them. Some of these efforts seemed to be receiving little leadership or attention. The Roman Catholic Church seemed to b entrenched in some villages. The Anglican Church appeared surprising^ weak m
GrantsTown has started to accumulate a fund T;iith which to replace the roof for
the greater concentration of people on the island is to be fmmd there. Out of this trip grows the assurance that a dinghy and outboard motor wili be essential in ttas
work Most of these villages are not connected by roads. Any boat that draws more .f lages. The decision about an inter--islana boat will be made l=.ter. This d^ghy be necessary regardless of what inter-island transportation we use. Adinghy, motor, life jackets, etc. ivill cost about 250 here. Lilte to help??
with rope makes a good seat.. .conversation the same the vrorid over, ^-eard a crewman saying they needed more working crew... .Noticed one crei^ reading his Bible..... Flying fish stay in the air a surprisingly long tme...All meais seemed to^ be flav ored vdth thyme seasoning.. .Eedinan wondered if breakfast wo^d be...Sure enough.... They put more freight and people on a dinghy than I believed possible...Took 30 mm. from boat to shore by outboard dinghy at one village...People like to have their picture taken Herring Point has no resident medical personnel,, Anurse visits ev ry two months and a Dr. every three months...An old fellow showed me how they soak sisal fiber out of the plant and make rope by hand.. .Delivered mail to the last stop ^d
waited for the people to write replys before leaving...Crew went fishing while the boat was anchored.. .Me with no lijiel 1.. .Crew lost two fish to sharks before they
Spent some time in wheel house trying to learn something about navigation... aieaiiy sunburned My bunk was too short, took sleeping bags on top of cabin for the next to us..,Decided to sleep on deck until dayUght. GodEd Bless you all. Spencer family
.Spare ^"=^Ycan
could get them into the boat...Captain asked what U.S. was going to do about Castro..
second night...Arrived back in noisy Nassau 12:30 A.M...Radio playing loudly on boat
h.y- .
. .
(,375.00 75.00
16.00 25-00
Madge Shull:
A Friend:
Joyce I'.fheeler:
James Hemenv:ay:
Geneva Richardson:
1740.20 Total: ^.2537.86
Postage (Newsletter)
Addresserett Stencil:
- 1213-97
4-00 5.68
This Fund will be reimbursed each quarter in order to keep a ^200.00 working Balance.
6.TH &
G i s e s AVE.
BOX S 4 2
ting as this letter is written. I understand that the rains will likely continue
until fall. With the rainy season comes the hurricane season that officially be
has been steadily falUng for several hours, you would pretty well have the set
'If yoii' could imagine a rather iirarm, humid morning v/ith the noise of rain that
gins tomorrow. I vjas interested to Isam that these rains frequently come on the
Perhaps, the most significant item of recent news is the fact that Aubrey and Ruth Payne have returned to the States- The Paynes felt that their health was such that longer residence here would tend to greater health problems.^ ihis was coupled with the fact that poor health was making it increasingly difficult for him to cariy a part of the work load. The Christians had a farewell service lor the Paynes, e^ressing their regrets at the decision and presenting them with a gilt. It is unfortunate that when one leaves there is nc effective way to leave the bene fit of accumulated experience behind. Upon reaching hxaxal, Mrs. Payne was hospita lized for about a week. Latest word received indicated that she was under doctors care in Atlanta. The final decision concerning the necessity of surgery was still
Probably by the time you receive this letter LaDonna Woods and LaVem Ci^ing-
present busy season. In preparation for ths coming Bible o^hool considerable work
ham will have arrived to help with the summer Bible Schools.
fi the
classes can be conducted outsid^. In.^some previous summers^ the -classes have been
crowded into a limited space.
has been done on the lot in Grants Town. Several days were spent m burning and hauling rubbish. We then erected shades and benches so that two of the DVbb
they would be in a position to help with -visas, passports, reservations, etc., for missionaries who might be departing from the East Coast. This information might
ment brethren-
One of the visitors at our services was Mrs. Edwin Enzor of Arlington, Va. She and her husband ave active members in^pne of the congregations of our non-instruThey operate a travel service in Arlington. Sne mentioned tnat
Washington Blvd., Arlington, Virginia. I believe she said that their agency made a good part, if not all, of the travel arran-gsments for the Thai embassy in Wash ington. I wo'old judge this to indicate their service was reputable and able. We
did appreciate the visit and offer to be of service.
be of value to some of our readers. Their address is Enzor Travel Service, 3501
Brother Archer, who is one of our vei-y faithful and capable members, is con ducting our mid-week service at Grants Town, He leads Brather^^ the singing, Bible Study and prayer service. He does a commendable job. Brother Eric Major has led songs for us on several occasions recently in our Prospect Hospital services. VJe appreciate the willingness of these brethren.
We remain yours in His service.
Ed"Spencer family
Q i s e s AVe.
The attendance is encouraging. Our next letter will include a report of these sum-
As thif letter is being written our Bible School at Grants Towi xs ^ing conducted.
T 'i' 'Sri:
our happy privilege to share the news of the church in the Bahams.
r-SiSr;. 32 K'iv-z'Jii
tunity. Our audience for these services is predominately favorably w^-coLerted young adults. One man from this audience named f
tized June 2?. We are seeking permission for a Sunday service for thi
less developed than the Northern villages. Thatched roofs, hand h l^fs, "c. ^ere L evidence eve^ere. ,lie made this visit vxa the maxl boat.3 We
have been ashore at +n. nearly every settlement reached -iic 'Rar-rels of kerosene v;ere delivered
perxenoes were new
Ms; SueiL
^ sort, however, this does not
4.flalhpr vje feel that it
.ill not b,
30.00 PhoeniXj Oregon, Church of Christ: Newton Creek Church of Christ, Roseburg: 45.00
^375.00 315.00
Hillsboro Primary Department: Challenger's Class, tlilwaukie Church of Christ: South Side Church of Christ, Eugene;
105.00 75.00
Madge Shull:
A Friend:
Joyce Wheeler:
Dr. John Wood:
5.00 25.00
Postage (Newsletter)
Addresserett Cards:
Reimbursement to
-1265.44 ^;>1273.45
1,^39.14 3*42
by Spencers:
^-"-Lesson packets include cost of contents (s:'4.00 ea.) and mailing (^1.50 ea.)
Dear Brethren,
Our Bible Schools were an encouraging experience. Shades had been erected out of doors so that the classes could be separated more satisfactorily. VJe used avail
able lumber and pine poles for the framework and covered these with Palm branches and Palmetto thatching. In each school one class met in the building for handwork while
two others met under the shades. Rotating in this fashion our facilities were adequate.
The average daily attendance at Grants Town for the two weeks was 77 youngsters. The closing program was attended by 81 Bible Schoolers and approximately 50 members
and visitors. In Coconut Grove the average number of youngsters in daily attendance was 80. The closing" program was attended by 84 Bible School students and 35 spectators.
This closing program was out of doors.
We are grateful for the capable help of LaDonna V/oods and LaVem Cunningham. They were with us fortv/o months. During this time they conducted classes on. Saturdays as
well as Sunday mornings and evenings. They taught four weeks of D.V.B.S. and did a great amount of i:yping for us. The girls were good vrorkers and very well liked by
Yet we
didn't miss one class during the four weeks of Bible School, Three'local Christian ladies also helped with these classes. Dorothy Pratt helped for almost the entire four weeks. Vernita Mott and Agnes Campbell each helped for two
weeks. Dona was busy teaching and directing.. Sarah Redmon who was unable to teach because of an anticipated "blessed event" prepared the noon meal for the teachers for
the four weeks.
The amount was used for treats of Kool Aid and biscuits.
You'll rejoice with us in the knotdi'edg that we have been granted a Sunday evening service at Princess Margaret Hospital. The first of these services are scheduled for the coming Lord's Day. Brother Redmon and I mil conduct these services using local men to preach at Grove and Grants Town as we are alternately absent. We will be able
to continue the Tuesday afternoon services at the hospital.
are having difficulty finding jobs. Eric Major despaired of finding anything here and is in the States on a years harvesting contract,.
The weather is still quite humid and oppressive in x-he dajrtime. We especially notice it after the rains which occur with little advance notice. The nights are coolen^ The family continues in good health. We remain faithfully
Dear Brethren,
According to the calendar^ summer is nearly spent and fall is upon us According to the thennometGr, we don't detect much change. The temperature con
tinues to be quite humid. Howeverj we are well into the hurricane season mth
no significant weather disturbances to date. We aren't particularly apprehensive about the possibility for ourselves^ for our house is quite solid and well situ ated, The majority of the membership lives in less substantial housing and would
likely e^erience some damage in a storm of any consequencec
The Redmon family have proudly announced the birth of their daughter, Sheryl
Anne Brother Redmon's mother has been with them for this event,His father is
expected this week for a brief "get acquainted" visit with his new grand-daughter *
Brother Edwin Forbes left this month to begin a period of ministerial study
in Winston-Salem. Brother Forbes has a commendable desire to serve the Lord and
we trust thatthis training period will leave him better equipped for that service. His going serves again to emphasize the need of a training program in the colony. We believe that the advantages of such a program would certainly justify the effort, and the obstacles to the program aren't insurmountable. A practical, adequate and
cial report will include the source, amou and total of these gifts. Brother Redmon's supporters responded liberally to vhis need also. We are presently nego tiating for the boat. We will likely purchase it from the out-island of Abacoc .Their_boats are reputed to be the most sea-worthy and durable craft built in the islands. We are anxious to get it equipped that we might begin our efforts on
Andros as the weather permits.
Indeed, these efforts to reach the settlements of Andros may get an earlier start. Brother Jam-es Ingraham is presently on the island. During the several
weeks since iiis return from Winston-Salem, he has been unsuccessful in finding a
job in Nassau. Members of his family had urged him that there were some prospects of employment on Andros. Brother Ingraham, Brother Redmon and I discussed the
prospect of his going there with a view to preaching in the area as well as pos sibly solving his i.-nmediate economic problem-. Perhaps, only time \d.ll reveal whether this may be a modest beginning of what we trust will become a fruitful
work on Andros.
Our family continues in good health. Connie has returned to school. Several encouraging prospects are being cultivated in the different workSr Opportunities
are numerous. Remember us in your prayers.
Ed Spencer Family
I8j 19
Dear Brethren;
Just before beginning this letter we had been listening to the latest weather advisory on tropical storm "Ella". "Ella" has been a fickle lady moving
to give attention to her erratic behavior. The only effect ielt here was ^ increase in rainfall and rough seas. Small craft will stay in port for a few
days until the swells subside.
first to^-jard one island then another as she traced a serpentine path across our hurricane chart. Now she has left our vicinity entirely; and others wrll oegin-
respects easier to have appealed for funds from without,, but such procedure doesn't produce the confidence and maturity we seek for these folks. When the weather permits, we will replace the roof- However, there isn't much prospect
of settled weather until after November.
from two lumber yards. Since May the congregation has been saving for tMs esqiense^ It is an encouraging dnonstration of their willingness and abili y to assume increasing responsibilities. It might have besn faster and in some
repair fund.. An estianate of material costs of seventy pounds had been obtained
The Grants Town congregation has completed the accunulation of the roof
iT/hile we're writing of the efforts of the brethren to assume their responsi bilities, we'll pass along figures on the debt on the Cc;onut Grove lot purch ased in February. The "Grove" congregation has been paying off the balance due Brother Pa5me in monthly payments of fifteen pounds each. To date the Bahamian
brethren have contributed a total of approximately
be eliminated,
ments vill be maintained for the next three months, at which time the debt will
. , , _
^o the purchasee
will occur in the colony on Novemberjth, known as Guy Fawkes Day. It has an interesting origin stemming from a'plot to blow up King James the First and the
the House of Lords to be exploded when the King convened the Parliament on November 5. 1605. The scheme was discovered and the men involved were appre
laws, which, after a temporary relaxation, were being applied by James rath re newed vigor-" Thirty-six barrels of gunpowder \^ere planted m a cellar under parade far into the night. Others gather around bon fires and play while Guy Fawkes bums in effigy from nearby trees. The musical poups have ^een practicing their playing and parading for weeks in preparation.. It should be
an interesting night.
Until next month,
Ed and family
English Parliament. (This is the same King James who authorized the conmionly used "King James" translation.) According to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, Guy Fawkes and others organized the plot "as a reply to anti-itoman Catholic
hended and'killed.
BOX 5 4 2
Dear Brethren,
Today marks the official end of hurricane season. We've had a mild storm season. This morning we had "Yankee V^eather", A cool ^ist oreeze under a cloudy sky with a temperature of about 65 degrees. The natives notice the
change much more than we do. You seldom see a native svamming in the "winter
was said that the reaction of some of the Englishmen resi^g in the colony was
less than enthusiastic. The American consulate would advise us if the situa
tion presented any threat to our wellbeing.
Grants Town church recently decided to build a much needed class room on
Some may have wondered if the Cuban crisis affected us. It has had no visible effect. The blockade drew approval from local newspapers. However, it
the property. This effort will be handled in much the same manner as the roof project, with the congregation gradually accumulating the necessary fund." We
hope to pour the concrete floor soon.
Our boat is on order with a boat builder in Abaco. The builders of that island have access to the best boat framing materials to be found in the colonyi
They use a ;TOod known locally as "horseflesh". It is very strong and especially
resistant to the effects of salt v/ater. to Nassau, Meanwhile Brother Redmon and I spent This will enable us to
several hours today dismantling the trailer in which we brought our belongings
Vfe will convert this into a boat trailer.
who had been part of the church here but had fallen away, Vfe believe there are excellent prospects of restoring two of these soon> Pray for this effort. Probably by the time you have read this^ the Bahamas v/ill have held its impending election. All of the seats in the legislative body, known as the house of assembly, v/ill be filled. Women will vote for the first time. The campaigning seems to consist in large part of outdoor speeches by several
disrupt them.
speakers using amplifiers. Vie often hear them well into the night. We under stand that the opposition party frequently attends these meetings to heckle and
T'je were happy to have had John Newman from West Seattle church as our
Zada Rathbem:
Madge Shull:
A Friend:
Joyce V^heeler:
Dr. John IVood: VJillie and Loa Allen: Geneva Richardson:
5 00
50.00 30-00 5-00
Carl Zehrung:
Contributions for Dinghy:
41.00 31.00
21.45 125.00
EiiPENDITURES: Salary ^1200.00
Total: ^2837.01
Postage (Newsletter)
Exp. Fund for 2nd Uruf.rter:
Oflice Supplies:
Dinghy & 3"d quarter
Reimbursement to Mission
$ 984.78
v 95-53 104.47
^1358.41 5.60
81.60 162.61
eax S42
Several interesting events took place in the colony during the past few weeks. The particular event that has received the most attention has been the arrival of
President Kennedy and Prime Minister MacMillan. We did witness Kennedy s arrival
and reception at the airport.
time pointed to the possibility of some changes in immigration laws and PlicyWe were veiy interested being mindful of developments in other countries that
have made it difficult for missionaries to enter or work.
colony. These general elections are held eveiy five years. It seems to me that the politics of the colony is just emerging into a two party system. The campaiening prior to the election had stirred some agitation. Indications at tha
cented by the fact that we must renew our residence permits every year and the
Our concern was ac-
the election approached, however, the balloting day was uneventful. The incum
renewal application date comes shortly after the election. Excitement mounted as
bent party was returned with a substantial majority. We do not antxcxpate any major change in immigration policy concerning foreign residents xn our catagory. We can finally report the arrival of our boat. It was delivered by mail boat
from the "out Island" of Abaco. The boat was lowered in to the water at govern ment dock. Brother Redmon and I attached the recently purchased motor and moved it about a mile down the coast where we have obtained mooring privileges at a
private dock. It appears to be very well built and very sturdy. We have oper
ation for those who have made it possible. It will be a very practical asset xn
pur out island efforts.
ated it on two occasions and found it stable.' Again may we express our appreci
mentioned in the last letter who appeared likely to be restored to the flock has
niade that longed for response. In addition, two others have been baptized. One Was a young mother from the T.B. hospital. The other was a young man from the
Grants Town area. Continue to pray for th<5s^.
pajamas they recently sent to us for the patients at the T.B. hospital. Those items
earning power and in such cases help of this nature is appreciated. We don t en courage a wide spread distribution program of clothing, etc. It seems to me that
it has been attempted by some groups here in an apparent effort to "buy a favor able attitude or response from the recipients. Such allegiance is always for
We would like to thank the church of Glide, Oregon, for the gowns and
arc not furnished by the hospital here. Some patients have no concerned family nor
t]iere are worthy benevolent opportunities that we try not to ignore. Our family would take this opportunity to express our desire that God would grant each of you a very blessed Christmas and happy new year.
sale to the highest "bidder", and little, if any, good can come of it. However,