The Financial Crisis Inquiry Report Index: See Also Option ARM Loans
The Financial Crisis Inquiry Report Index: See Also Option ARM Loans
The Financial Crisis Inquiry Report Index: See Also Option ARM Loans
Deregulation of fnancial
markets, xviii, i8, o,
Derivatives, i8, ,,1
assessing systemic risk after
Bear Stearns collapse,
mortgage securitization, i,
OCC expansion of allowed
activities, ,
single-cause theories, 1
See also Over-the-counter
(OTC) derivatives
Desert Community Bank,
Dickerson, Chris, io
Dimon, Jamie, 18, o, 1, i8,
i,, i,, i
Dinallo, Eric, ,, 8
Disclosure, 1o,1,o, i
Ditech, 8
Documentation on mortgage
loans, 11o111
Dodd, Christopher, 1, ,1
Dominguez, Nestor, 1,18,
18, io1
Dot-com crash, ,o1, 8,88,
Dow Jones average, ,,, ii,
, ,o, ,i,
Drexel Burnham Lambert, ,,
Dreyfus fund, i8
Drysdale, 1
Dudley, William C., i1, i,
1, 1, ,
Due diligence, 1o,1,o, io
Dugan, John, 1, i1, ,,
Duke, Elizabeth, ,
Duke, Ellen, io1
Dunhill CDO, i,o
Early payment defaults, i1,
Economic crisis, 1
AIG-Goldman dispute over
valuation, io,i,
AIGs lack of concern over,
assessing liquidity risk
through repo markets,
assessing systemic risk after
Bear Stearns collapse,
asset-backed commercial
paper, io
Bear Stearns collapse,
BNP Paribas SA loss,
Citigroups ioo, subprime
exposure level, iooio,
commercial banks decline,
Countrywides ABCP loss,
credit rating agencies lack
of concern over, iii
fnancial losses of ioo,,
fnancial market fallout,
IKB ABCP loss, ioi8
Merrill Lynchs massive ioo,
losses, i,,i,
money market funds,
monoline insurers, i,oi,8
mounting subprime losses
stressing the economy,
post-housing bust indicators
of impending crisis,
vehicles, i,ii,
See also Financial crisis
Economic growth, 8
Economic Growth and
Regulatory Paperwork
Reduction Act (1o), ,
,,z i Nii\
Economic Stimulus Act, 1i
Economist magazine, 1o, oo
Edwards, Jeffrey, i,8i,
Ehrnman, Roger, 1o8
Eichel, Scott, 1i
Eichner, Matthew, i8i, i8,,
io, o1
Einhorn, David, i,
Eisman, Steve, 1
Emerging markets, ,
Enhanced cash funds, i,
Enron, ,, 1ii, 1,, ioio,
Equity borrowing, 88
Ernst & Young (E&Y), 1,,1,8
Ethics, xxii, ioi
European American Bank,
European markets
credit bubble, 118
EU requirement of U.S.
consolidated supervisor,
single-cause theories,
See also specifc countries
Excess liquidity, xxvxxvi
Exchange-traded futures and
options, o
Fair Isaac Corporation, ,i
Falcon, Armando, Jr., o, o,
Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac, xix,
bolstering the struggling
housing market, 111
capital increase, 11,
choice of meeting the
booming housing
market, 1,818,
conservatorship, io, ,
credit scoring, ,i
dual missions,
FHFA criticism of
management, i1ii
fnancial sector growth, o,
foreclosure donations, o
foreign investment fows,
government backing despite
declining performance,
history and development of,
leverage ratio, xx
mission versus safety,
mortgage fraud, 1o1
mortgage securitization, o8
,o, 1oi, i,
mortgage-backed securities
market, 1ii1i,
OCC discovery of capital
shortfall, 181
mortgages, 8
portfolio cap relief, 1o11
regulators critical concerns
over, 1io
role in crisis, ,
sellers repurchasing
guaranteed loans, ii
shadow banking, i,
single-cause theories, 1
See also Government-
sponsored enterprises
Farrell, Mike, 1
Fass, Lloyd, 18
Federal Bureau of Investigation
(FBI), 1,, 1o1
Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation (FDIC)
AIG bailout, i
bank bailouts, i
cash management accounts,
Citigroups TARP funds, 8i
CRA lending, ,
creation of, i
deregulation, ,
shutting down lending, i
Wachovia acquisition, ,o
Washington Mutuals
impending collapse,
Washington Mutuals ioo,
decline, oo
Federal Deposit Insurance
Improvement Act
Federal Home Loan Bank of
Chicago, iio
Federal Home Loan Banks, i,
Federal Home Loan Mortgage
Corporation (Freddie
Mac). See Fannie
Mae/Freddie Mac
Federal Housing Association
(FHA), 8
Federal Housing Enterprises
Financial Safety and
Soundness Act (1i),
Federal Housing Finance
Agency (FHFA),
1oii, 1
Federal National Mortgage
Association (Fannie
Mae). See Fannie
Mae/Freddie Mac
Federal Open Market
Committee (FOMC)
AIG bailout,
Bear Stearns hedge funds,
Countrywides ABCP
casualty, i8i
declining housing prices in
iooo, i1
housing bubble
presentation, 1,81,,
restricting access to credit
after recession,
Wachovia acquisition, o
Federal Reserve
allowing bank-ineligible
activities, ,
assessing systemic risk after
Bear Stearns collapse,
Bank of America-Merrill
Lynch merger, 8
Bear Stearns collapse,
Citigroup ban, 1,
Citigroups CDO business,
Commercial Paper Funding
Facility, ,
community development
commitments, 8
concerns after Bear Stearns
collapse, ii,
Countrywides ABCP
casualty, i
CSE program, 1,
dot-com crash, oo
i Nii\ ,,,
Federal Reserve (continued)
failure to halt toxic
mortgage fows, xvii
Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac
Federal Open Market
Committee, 1,81,
fnancial crisis of ioo8, ,
fnancial losses of ioo,,
government housing policy
contributing to
irresponsible lending,
HOEPA hearings, 1o81o
ignoring warning signs in
housing industry, , io
interest rate hikes, 1o1o
JP Morgan acquisition of
Bear Stearns, ii
lack of preparation for crisis,
Lehman Brothers collapse,
1, ,
LTCM disaster, ,,
measuring investment bank
liquidity risk, i,i8
monetary policy
contributing to credit
bubble, ioi1
predatory lending practices,
Presidents Working Group
on Financial Markets, 8
Recourse Rule, 1oo
refusal to investigate fraud,
risks of innovations, ,
shadow banking, 1
short-term interest rates
after ioo1 recession, 8,
subprime mortgage lending
regulation, ,o
system failure through
contagion, 1i
TALF program, o
Wachovia acquisition, o8
Wachovias ioo, decline,
Federal Reserve Act, i8,
Federal Reserve Bank of New
AIG bailout, ,,1, ,o
Citigroup decline, o
concerns over Lehman
liquidity, io
failure to control Citigroups
excesses, xviii
GSE emergency loans, 1o
GSEs capital surcharge, 1
housing bubble
presentations, 1,81,
lack of preparation for crisis,
measuring investment bank
liquidity risk, i,
Morgan Stanleys stress
during the fnancial
crisis, o1oi
OTC regulation, ,8
plea for mortgage lending
rules, 1o
Federal Trade Commission
(FTC), i
Federated Investors, i8i8,
Fed-Lite, ,,, ,,
Ferguson, Roger, 1,1o, ,, oo
Ferrer, Wilfredo A., 1oo
FICO score, ,i, 18, i1,i1
Fidelity, 1
Financial Accounting Standards
Board, 11
Financial Control Group
(Citigroup), ioo
Financial Crimes Enforcement
Network (FinCEN), 1,,
Financial crisis, 1
AIG bailout, ,o,
Bank of America, 8i8o
Citigroup, ,8i
fallout from, 8
impact on todays economy,
money market funds, ,o
Morgan Stanley response,
OTC derivatives, oo,
TARP, ,1,o
Wachovias liquidity
concerns, oo,1
Washington Mutual, o,
See also Economic crisis
Financial Institutions Reform,
Recovery, and
Enforcement Act
(FIRREA; 18), o
Financial sector growth, ooo
Financial shock and panic, 1,
Finn, Mike, ,o
First Alliance Mortgage
Company, 1i, o
First American Bank,
First Data Corporation, 1,,
First Union Bank, ,,
Fitch Ratings, 18, . See also
Credit ratings/credit
rating agencies
Fixed-rate mortgages,
Flight to quality, ,
Flipping loans, 11
Floating mortgage rate, ,
delinquency rate,
foreclosure increases, o
impact of foreclosures on
families and children,
mortgage delinquency, i1,
underwater mortgages,
Flowers, Christopher, ,8
Fons, Jerome, 111io
Fontana, Thomas, i8
Foreclosure assistance
programs, 8o, o,
Bakersfeld, California, 1
causes of, oio
CDO losses resulting from,
fgures on, xv
impact of recession on,
initiatives to stem, o,oo
rate of, i
renters as victims, o8
rising rate of and ongoing
damage from, oio
systemic faws in lending
practices, o,o8
Foreign investors
AIG Financial Projects
CDOs, 1o
asset-backed commercial
paper programs
casualties, ioi8
CMLTI loans, 11o(fg.)
global savings glut, 1o1o
,,, i Nii\
Forster, Andrew, ioo, i, ioo,
house price appreciation,
iooiioo8, 1,(fg.)
housing bubble, 1,1o
Frank, Barney, 1i,
accounting scrutiny of
GSEs, 1ii1i
AIGs reduced credit rating
over manipulated
earnings, 111i
Ameriquest, 1i1
authorities refusal to
investigate, 1,1o
Bakersfeld housing market,
contributing to the housing
bubble and crisis, i
environments for
mortgage fraud, 1oo1o
Fannie Mae, 1
improper foreclosures, o,
increases between 1o and
ioo,, xxii
mortgage securitization, ,,
OTC derivatives, ,
selling toxic funds to
investors, i8i
state regulation of housing,
synthetic CDOs, 1i1
underwriting standards,
Fraud Enforcement and
Recovery Act (ioo), xi
Freezing, fnancial, ,8
Fremont Investment & Loan,
1,, i
Friedman, Paul, i8,
Froeba, Mark, io8
Frost, Alan, ii, io8io
Fuld, Richard, o, iii,
i,i,, o, 1
Fulmer, Ann, 1oo
Funded investors, 1(fg.)
Futures and options, o
Garn-St. Germain Act (18i),
Gasvoda, Kevin, i,
GE Asset Management Trust
Enhanced Cash Trust,
GE Capital, ,o, o
Geanakoplos, John, 1,
Geithner, Timothy, xxixxii
AIG bailout, ,, ,1, ,
Bear Stearns collapse, i8,
Citigroup decline, o
Citigroups CDO crisis,
concerns over Lehmans
liquidity, i8, o
Counterparty Risk
Management Policy
Group, oo
housing entanglement in
securities market, 8
Lehman Brothers
bankruptcy, o, ,
money market funds, ,8
on market disruption and
panic, ,,
TARP, ,,
Gelband, Michael, 181
General Accounting Omce
(GAO), ,, ,
Gensler, Gary, ,
Gibson Greeting Cards, ,
Ginnie Mae, 8, 1o1
Glass-Steagall Act (1), i,
i, o, ,i,o, 1
Glenn, David, 1ii
Global capital fows, 1ii
Global Financial Stability
Report of the IMF, ii8
Globalization of fnancial
markets, xvii
Gnaizda, Bob,
Gold rush mentality, ,o
Golden West Savings, 1oo,
Goldman Sachs
AIG dispute over subprime
exposure, io,i,
AIG downgrade, o
AIG failure, ii
AIGs CDO involvement, 1o
Bear Stearns collapse, i8,
Bear Stearns toxic hedge
funds, iio
Buffett investment, o
CDO structuring, 11,
compensation, o
CSE oversight, 1,
fnancial sector growth, o,
fraud over synthetic CDOs,
IKB as casualty of ABCP
programs, i,i8
Maiden Lane payments,
OTC derivatives, ,o,1
reducing subprime
exposure, i,i8
run on the bank, oi
synthetic CDOs, xxvi
See also Investment banks
Goldschmid, Harvey, 1,i1,
Gonzales, Alberto, 1,, 1o
Goodman, Laurie, o, oo
Gorton, Gary, 188, ioo, io,
Government actions and
AIG bailout, ,8
Ameriquest fraud
investigation, 1i1
Bank of America-Merrill
Lynch merger, 8i8,
closing shortfalls after
recession, 8oo
concerns over Lehman
Brothers solvency,
credit ratings link to
regulation, 11811
critical concerns over GSEs,
failure to challenge fnancial
industry, 11
Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac
lobbyists, 1i
federal and state
government regulation
of banks, 1
federal and state response to
the fnancial crisis and
recession, 8oo
GSE backing despite
declining liquidity,
infated housing appraisals,
Lehman Brothers
i Nii\ ,,,
Government actions and
agencies (continued)
peer group study of
mortgage practices,
policy makers lack of
preparation for crisis,
refusal to acknowledge
potential crash,
refusal to heed warning
signs of nontraditional
loans, 1i
response to fnancial crisis,
single-cause theories, 1
system failure through
contagion, 1i
TARP, ,1,o
Wachovias liquidity
concerns, o,
See also Bailouts; Congress,
U.S.; Federal Reserve;
Omce of the Comptroller
of the Currency; Omce
of Thrift Supervision;
Securities and Exchange
Commission; Treasury
Department, U.S.
Government housing policy,
xxvxxvi, xxvii, , 1
Government National
Mortgage Association
(Ginnie Mae), 8, 1o1
enterprises (GSEs)
conservatorship, i, 1i
due diligence, 1o81o
fawed business model, xxvi
housing market drop, 1o,
mortgage delinquency,
See also Fannie Mae/Freddie
Gramlich, Edward, 1o11, ,,
Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act
(GLBA; 1), ,,, ,,, i,
1,1, o
Grand Teton National Park
conference, 1,
Grant, James, 1
Green Street Advisors, 8
Green Tree Financial, ,,
Greenberg, Alan, i8i
Greenberg, Maurice Hank,
Greenberger, Michael, 1o
Greenspan, Alan
accepting guidance, ii
acknowledging housing
market drop, 1o1,
advocating deregulation,
CRA lending, ,i
defending decisions, i
delinking Fed interest rate
hikes and real estate
bubble, 1o
deregulating bank
consolidation, ,
deregulation of fnancial
markets, xviii, i8
dot-com crash, oo
economic growth and
fnancial resilience, 8
expansion of banks allowed
activities, ,
Feds failure of housing
housing bubble spread, 1,8
housing entanglement in
securities market,
interest-rate cuts, 88
international credit bubble,
LTCM collapse, ,8
monetary policy
contributing to credit
bubble, i1
OTC derivative regulation,
predatory lending practices,
111i, o
regulators declining
infuence in the housing
bubble, 1,1
risks of innovations, ,,
subprime mortgage lending
regulation, ,
Greenspan put, ooo1
Gregory, Joseph, i,
Grenadier Funding, 18
GSC Partners, 11
Guidance, i1ii, 1,
Gussmann, David, 1o1
Gutfreund, John, o
Habayeb, Elias, i, io
Halloran, Michael, i8
Hawke, John, 1, ,
Hayman Capital Partners,
Hedge funds
Bear Stearns collapse, i8o
Bear Stearns toxicity, i8
BSAM business, 1,1o
economists concerns over,
Fed faith in Bear Stearns, xxi
housing entanglement in
securities market,
LTCM collapse, ,8
Merrill Lynch, i,
shadow banking, i,
surviving the fnancial crisis,
See also Derivatives
Hempstead, Todd, 18i, 18
Hendricks, Darryll, 1111,
High-Grade Structured Credit
Strategies Enhanced
Leverage Fund, 1,,
High-Grade Structured Credit
Strategies Fund, 1,,
i8, ioi1
High-yield mortgage securities,
Hockett, Ben, 1
Home Affordable Modifcation
Program (HAMP), o,
Home Mortgage Disclosure
Act, i1
Home Ownership and Equity
Protection Act
(HOEPA), 1o11, ii,
,o,,, 8, ,
Home starts, 1
Homebuilder Comfort Homes
of Florida LLC, o
HomeKeeper Program, New
Jersey, o,
Homelessness, o
Homeownership fgures, ,, 8o,
Household Finance Corp., o,
Household wealth, xvxvi
,, i Nii\
Housing and Economic
Recovery Act (HERA),
Housing and Urban
Department (HUD)
affordable housing goals,
xxvixxvii, 1
Ameriquest fraud
investigation, 1i1
Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac
debt, o
foreclosure donations, o
GSE penetration into
subprime markets, 18
predatory lending report, 11
subprime mortgage lending
regulation, ,o
Housing bets, io1
Housing bubble, xvi
as warning sign,
authorities refusal to
acknowledge, 1,1,
bank borrowing and
mortgage interest rates,
banks expansion into
emerging markets, ,o
betting against CDOs, 1
big bank bets and bank
failures, i,1
causes of, ii,
CDS role in ending, 1,
community and economic
links to, o
components and possible
causes, iii
credit-induced price boom,
economic growth and
fnancial resilience, 8
Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac
involvement, xxvi,
foreign investment fows,
government incentives for
infated appraisals, 1i
international spread of, 1,8,
job and industry growth
after iooo, 888
Lehmans increasing risk,
leveraged loans and
commercial real estate,
Moodys denial of, 1i1
mortgage fraud, 1oo1o
owning the risk, iioii
policy makers lack of
awareness, xxi
predatory lending practices,
predicting the burst, 1,18
quality control in the
mortgage industry, 1o,
real estate boom generating
regulators declining
infuence, 1,o1,
risky asset holdings, xx
role in the crisis, 18
single-cause theories,
See also Foreclosures;
Housing bust; Mortgage-
backed securities market;
Subprime lending
Housing bust
CDO downgrades, iiii
delinquencies, i1ii1
fnancial consequences, i
impact on families and
communities, 1
legal remedies, iiiio
rating downgrades, ii1ii
risk concentration, i1i1
Housing discrimination, xxvii
Housing policy. See
Government housing
Housing prices
after ioo1 recession, 8,8o
appreciation in selected
countries, iooiioo8,
Bakersfeld, California, 1
bank borrowing and
mortgage interest rates,
boom and bust from 1, to
iooo, 1,o1,,
causes of foreclosure,
correlating mortgage-
backed securities to,
credit-induced price boom,
crisis fallout, oi
Fed interest rate cut, ,
hybrid ARMS, 1oo
increases leading to
proliferation of
nontraditional mortgage
products, i
investors assumptions about
the movement of, i8
mortgage lenders betting on
rising prices, 111
18os bubble, ,o
peak values, i1
risk concentration, i8
ioo, drops in, ioi
Housing starts, ,
HUD-Treasury report, , ,
Hunt, Dawn, o1o
Hybrid ARMS, 1o,1oo
Hybrid CDOs, 1i, 11
IBGYBG (Ill be gone, youll
be gone), 8, 1,
IKB Deutsche Industriebank,
11,, ioi8
Immigrants, housing fraud and,
Impaired securities, ii(fg.)
Independent fnance
companies, o
Independent mortgage lenders,
Infated housing appraisals,
Infation, i
Initial public offerings (IPOs)
of stocks, ,
Insurance, ,o. See also
American International
Interbank lending, cost of,
Interest rates, i1. See also
Short-term interest rates
Interest-only loans, 1,, , 1o,
International Monetary Fund
(IMF), ii8
i Nii\ ,,,
Internet-based trading, i,
Interthinx, 1oo
Investment banks
as root cause of crisis, o
assessing systemic risk after
Bear Stearns collapse,
buying and selling home
loans, 8
community development
commitments, ,
compensation packages,
Consolidated Supervised
Entity program, 1,11,
consolidation of insurance,
banks and securities
frms, ,o
controversy over Lehman
Brothers collapse,
dot-com crash, ,o1
EU demand for U.S.
oversight, 1,o
excessive borrowing, risky
investments, and lack of
transparency, xixxx
failure and loss of
confdence, i
fnancial losses of ioo,,
fnancial sector growth, o,
Lehman Brothers collapse
triggering fnancial
panic, ,,
leveraged loans and
commercial real estate,
liquidity risk measures,
LTCM leveraging strategy,
mortgage fraud, 1,1o
repo market and
commercial paper
market, o
runs on, ,,,
shadow banking, , i,
solvency and liquidity
failure, i
subprime origination and
securitization, 88
system failure through
contagion, 1i
too big to fail, o,
See also Bear Stearns;
Goldman Sachs; Lehman
Brothers; Merrill Lynch;
Morgan Stanley
house price appreciation,
iooiioo8, 1,(fg.)
housing bubble, 1,1o
Jackson, Alphonso, 1
Jamison, Bill, i1
effects of recession on, o
fnancial sector losses after
crisis and recession, oo
housing industry growth in
ioo1, 88,
jobless recovery, 8,
real estate boom generating
See also Unemployment
Johnson, Keith, 1oo1o8
Jost, Jerry, ,o
JP Morgan
Bear Stearns collapse, i8
i8, i88
Bear Stearns collapse
leading to risk
awareness, i,i,
Bear Stearns purchase, ii,
Bear Stearns toxic hedge
funds, io
community development
commitments, 8
compensation, o
consolidation and growth of
banks, ,
credit default swaps, ,o
fnancial crisis, o1
fnancial sector growth, o,
GSE delinquent loans, ii,
Lehman Brothers
bankruptcy, o1,
mortgage-backed securities
market losses, i,o
reducing exposure to
Lehman, i8
risk concentration, ii
Washington Mutual sale,
Junk mortgages, io
Justice Department, 1o1o
Kashkari, Neel, oo
Keefe, Kirsten, o,
Kelly, Austin, ii
Kerr, John, i1ii
Keystone Bank, ,,,
Kim, Dow, ioi, i,,i,8
Kimball, Andrew, ioi11
King, Mervyn, 1,
Kirby, Mike, 8
Kirk, Alex, ,
KKR equity frm, 1,,
Kleros Real Estate Funding III,
Klio I, II, and III, 1o1,
Klipsch, Mark, 18, 1
Kohn, Daniel, 1,
Kolchinsky, Eric, 11, 1,
Korea Development Bank, o
Kovacevich, Richard, oo, o8
Krimminger, Michael, 8o
Land use restrictions, housing
bubble and, ii
Large Bank Supervision
Handbook, o,
LaTorre, Alejandro, ,8
Lattanzio, Dale, i,8
Lazear, Edward, 1
Leach, Brian, o1oi
Leadership Conference on Civil
Rights, 1oo
Lehman Brothers
accounting irregularity,
AIG bailout,
bankruptcy, o,
bankruptcy versus failure,
Bear Stearns toxic hedge
funds, iio
compensation, o
concerns after Bear Stearns
failure, i,i,
controversy over failure of,
failure triggering crisis, xvi
,, i Nii\
failure triggering fnancial
panic, ,,
fnancial crisis, ,
fnancial sector growth, o,
increasing risk burden,
lenders and supervisors
concerns over liquidity,
Maiden Lane payments, ,o
management refusal to
acknowledge housing
bubble risks, 181
Primary Fund holdings in
ioo8, ,o,,
regulators concerns over
liquidity, i81
repo market as liquidity risk
measure, ioi8
See also Investment banks
Leverage risk, xx
Bear Stearns Asset
Management business,
Bear Stearns window
dressing to lower ratio,
CDOs, 1
fnancial sector growth, o,
GSEs, o
investment banks
increasing levels from
ioo, 1,1,
Lehmans stake in Archstone
Smith, 1,o1,8
leveraged loans and
commercial real estate,
LTCM, ,o,,
OTC derivatives,
role in the crisis, 18
shadow banking, i, i,
Levin, Robert, 1i1i,, 18o
181, 18, i,, 11, i
Levitt, Arthur, ,, ,
Lewis, Ken, ,, 8
Lewis, Robert, i
Liar loans, io
Lindsey, Lawrence, , ,, o1, ,
Lippmann, Greg, 11
Liquidity puts, 1,1, 1o,
i, i,i8
Liquidity risk/liquidity failure,
AIG, ,,
Bear Stearns collapse, i88
i8, i8(fg.)
Citigroup, 8o
derivatives markets, o
GSEs government backing,
GSEs portfolio cap relief,
investment banks after Bear
Stearns collapse, ioi8
Lehman Brothers, i,i,
Lehmans lenders and
supervisors concerns
over, i,i8
overdependence on short-
term liquidity, i8
role in the crisis, 18
Goldman Sachs, i,
over delinquencies, iiiio
Loan Prospector, ,i
Loan-to-value (LTV) ratios,
1o111, i1,
causes of the crisis, 1o
deregulation of bank
consolidation, ,
dismantling Glass-Steagall,
Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac,
Lockhart, James, i, 18o, 1o
11, 11,, io
Lombard-Wall, 1
Loney, Glenn, ,o
Long Beach Mortgage, 11,118
Long Beach Savings and Loan,
Long-Term Capital
Management (LTCM),
,8, ,o,, ,, i1
Low-documentation loans,
Lowitt, Ian, ,
Ludwig, Eugene, 1,1
Lund, Thomas, 1,81,, 18i,
M Prime model, 1io
Macciaroli, Michael, i8i, io
Mack, John, ,, o
Madigan, Lisa, 111
Madness, 18818
Magnetar, 1i
Maheras, Thomas, 18, 18, ioi
Mai, Jamie, 1
Maiden Lane LLC, io, ,o,
Maker, Ruhi, 1,1o
Mann, Karen, 1,18, 1, o
Marano, Thomas, ioi1,
i8i, i8,
Market Risk Amendment to
Basel rules, 1,1
Market share, Moodys
emphasis on, io8io
Mark-to-market accounting,
,, iioii,, i, i,
i,, io, i,,, ,
Martin, William,
Martinez, Mel, ,i
Masters, Michael, oo
Mayer, Christopher, 1,8
Mayo, Michael, o
MBIA, 1i, 11, 1,8, ioo,
McCarthy, Callum, o
McCleskey, Scott, io8
McCoy, Patricia, ,
McCulley, Paul, , i,1
McDade, Bart, 88, ,, ,
McDaniel, Raymond, io8i1o,
ii1, ii
McDermott, Jeannie, 1
McDonough, William, ,,
McGinn, Kevin, i, i,i
McQuade, Eugene, 181
Meier, Steven, i8
Memorandum of
understanding (MOU),
i8, o
Bank of America-Merrill
Lynch, 8i8,
Citigroup expansion, i
Merrill Lynch
AIGs CDO involvement, 1o
Bank of America merger,
Bear Stearns toxic hedge
fund, io
cash management accounts,
CDO losses, 1i, ioiio
CDO structuring, 11
compensation, o
i Nii\ ,,,
Merrill Lynch (continued)
corporate governance
breakdown, xix
Countrywides ABCP loss,
credit default swaps, 1i
fnancial sector growth, oo
JP Morgan reducing
exposure to, i8
massive ioo, losses, i,,i,
mortgage-backed securities
market losses, i,o
OTC claims, ,
reducing subprime exposure
through CDS, i
repo market as liquidity risk
measure, i,
See also Investment banks
Mewbourne, Chris, oo
Michalek, Richard, i1o, ii
Michigan: underwater
mortgages, o(fg.)
Miller, Harvey, , 8
Mills, Susan, ioo
Minimum capital standards,
Minow, Nell, i,
Mishkin, Frederic, i,,
Mission Bank, Bakersfeld,
California, 1io
Mital, Aseem, 8
Mitsubishi UFJ, o
Monetary policy contributing
to credit bubble, xxv
xxvi, ioii
Money market mutual funds,
i1, , i,i,,,
i, ,ooo, i,
The Money Store, ,,
Monoline insurers, i,oi,8,
AIG downgrade, ,
AIG valuation system, i,1
asset-backed commercial
paper programs, 11
breakdown in mortgage-
related securities, xxv
CDO machine, 1o1,o,
commercial real estate
status, 8
early payment default
evaluation, ii1iii
housing bust, i1
mortgage-backed securities
market, 1181ii
structured fnance,
vehicles, i,i
See also Credit ratings/credit
rating agencies
Moral hazard, o1
Morgan Stanley
asset growth, ,
compensation packages,
CSE oversight, 1,
due diligence, 1o8
fnancial crisis, ooo
GSE review, 1,
mortgage-backed securities
market losses, i,o
repo market as liquidity risk
measure, i,
subprime originators, 8
See also Investment banks
Morrice, Brad, 1,,
Mortgage Bankers Association,
1, 1,, i1
Mortgage brokers, 11, o
Mortgage bubble, ii,
Mortgage Electronic
Registration Systems,
Inc. (MERS), o,o8
Mortgage fraud. See Fraud
Mortgage Insurance Companies
of America, i1
Mortgage Lenders Network,
Mortgage lending
asset-backed commercial
paper programs, 11118
community development
commitments, ,
environments for
mortgage fraud, 1oo1o
four Cs of, o,
funding for, o(fg.)
government regulators
failure to challenge
fnancial industry, 11
GSE goals, 1i,
GSEs increasing importance
in ioo8, 1i
housing price surge and, i
impact of CDOs on, 1
increasing homeownership
after ioo1, 8o8,
second mortgages, oo
shadow banking, i
state regulation, 11111
toxic fnancial assets
stemming from, i,i,
underwriting standards,
See also Foreclosures;
Housing bubble;
Housing bust
Mortgage modifcation
programs, o,, o
Mortgage-backed securities
market, 1oi1o
Bear Stearns collapse, i8o
billion-dollar losses, i,o
BSAM involvement, 1,1,
CDOs stimulating demand
for, 181o
collapsing lending standards
fueling crisis, xxiiixxiv
commercial real estate, 1,
credit rating agencies
enabling meltdown, xxv
ethical breakdown in loan
behavior, xxii
fnancial creativity, ,
GSE role in, 1ii1i,
GSE securities maintaining
value, xxvi
high-risk products, 1o111
improper foreclosures, o,
international housing
bubbles, 1o
money market collateral,
Moodys downgrading of,
Moodys involvement in,
mortgage modifcation to
hold off foreclosure, oo
non-GSE, 1i
derivatives, xxivxxv
players involved in, 11118
policy makers failure to
control, xviiixix
,+ i Nii\
potential hazards of, ,8
rating agencies confusion
over failure of, iii
securitization transforming
mortgages into, i,
subprime originators, 8
synthetic CDO growth, 11
toxicity of, io
value by iooo, ii
See also Collateralized debt
obligations; Fannie
Mae/Freddie Mac;
Housing bubble;
Housing bust; Subprime
Mosser, Patricia, 1
Moynihan, Brian, 8
Mozilo, Angelo, ,o, io, 1o8,
1,i1,, i8i,o
MSCI World Index stock fund,