Nust Student Handbook

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Military College of Signals National University of Sciences and Technology

Student Handbook


Guidelines to the Students of Military College of Signals (NUST)

3.2. Academic Deficiencies 1. Introduction 1.1. About MCS 1.2. Brief History 1.3. What we offer at MCS 1.4. Definitions 2. Academic Policies 2.1. Relative Grading System 2.2. Grading Scheme per semester 2.3. Award of Grade F 2.4. Award of Grade I 2.5. Mid Semester Exam/One hour tests 2.6. End Semester Exam 2.7. Final Grade 2.8. Computation and Approval of Results 2.9. Record of Results 2.10. Issue of Academic Transcript/Detailed Mark Sheet 2.11. Student Evaluation 2.12. Examination Rules and Policies 3. Graduation Requirements and academic deficiencies 3.1. Graduation Requirements 5. 4. 3.2.1. 3.2.2. 3.2.3. 3.2.4. 3.2.5. 3.2.6. 3.2.7. 3.2.8. Disposal of Academically Deficient Students Warning Probation Relegation Suspension Cum Relegation due to prolonged absence Withdrawal Retest/Repetition of Courses Temporary Suspension

Class Attendance 4.1. Rules for Attendance Discipline and Code of Conduct 5.1. Reference Terminology For UG Students 5.2. Morning fall in for PCs/NCs 5.3. Turn out/Dress for PCs/NCs 5.4. Leave Policy 5.5. Safe Custody of Mobile Phones/Expensive Items 5.6. Use of Mobile Phones during Exams/Classes. 5.7. Smoking 5.8. Eating 5.9. Wishing 5.10. College Discipline Committee


5.11. Authority to Impose Fines 5.12. Social interaction between Military and Civilian Students 5.13. Training Adjutant 5.14. Discipline during Central Lectures 5.15. MCS ID Cards 5.16. Instructor / FM Feed Back Evaluation 5.17. Off-Campus Behavior 6. Student Support Services 6.1. Exam Branch 6.1.1. 6.1.2. Issuance of TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Certificate Processing/Issuance of Provisional Certificate:

6.8.1. 6.8.2.

Telecom Society Software Society

6.9. Extra Curricular Activities 6.10. Sports Activities

6.11. Pantomimes

6.2. MCS Library 6.2.1. 6.2.2. 6.2.3. 6.2.4. 6.2.5. 6.2.6. 6.2.7. 6.2.8. 6.2.9. Membership Reference Service CD-ROM & Online Searching Inter-Library Loan Resources Library SOP Library Timings Use of printers in Library SOP of lockers

6.3. Cadets Wing 6.4. Accommodation 6.5. Mess Facilities 6.6. Computing Facilities 6.7. Transportation 6.8. Student Bodies



Introduction Welcome to Military College of Signals. This handbook is designed to help the


PhD Program started.

students throughout their course of study and it should be retained for future reference. There is important information about important policies, rules and regulations, which have to be observed during their stay at MCS. It also introduces the students to the facilities available for them on campus and explains the expectations concerning their ethical and professional conduct and academic performance. Inevitably, a few of the students will encounter situations that are not covered here and, if so, they are invited to seek advice from the appropriate College staff.

1.3 What we offer at MCS a. b. c. d. e. f. g. B.E. Telecommunication Engineering B.E. Software Engineering MS Electrical (Telecommunication) Engineering MS Software Engineering MS Information Security Ph.D. Combat Courses.

1.1 About MCS MCS - Military College of Signals, a co-educational and constituent Campus of National University of Sciences and Technology NUST, is dedicated to advancing knowledge and educating students in science and technology. The college has come a long way in the history. The spirit of the institution has not changed over these years. Here the fundamental purpose is to challenge students to realize their highest potential. The college provides an environment where intellect and art, character and resilience are nurtured and cherished. Our students become excellent writers and communicators. They are able to reason critically in the world of Engineering, Mathematics, Business and Science with the ability to reach out to all types of learners. We aim to produce graduates who respond with understanding and compassion to the complexity of the human conditions.


Definitions a. Faculty Board of Studies (FBS): FBS means the Faculty Board of Studies (FBS) of the respective college/institute/center; b. Departmental Board of Studies (DBS): DBS means the Departmental Board of Studies (DBS) of the respective department of the college/institute/center; c. Academic Program: An Academic Program means a program of studies, which leads to the award of a University Degree to the students, after successful completion of all its requirements. d. Semester: A Semester means an academic period, in which one set of courses in any discipline of engineering, IT, management and other sciences is offered. The duration of a semester will be minimum of 16

1.2 Brief History a. Established as School of Signals to train commissioned officers and all ranks of Corps of Signals. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. j. Telecommunication Engineering course introduced. Affiliated with UET Lahore for award of degree. School of Signals upgraded to Military College of Signals. The college becomes first constituent College of NUST. MS Software Engineering Program started. MS Electrical (Telecommunication) Engineering Program started. B.E. Software Engineering Program started. MS Information Security Program started. g. f. e.

weeks including 15 weeks for teaching and 1 week for exams. The academic year consists of two semesters; fall and spring semester. There may be a short summer semester of minimum 8 weeks duration with twice the pace and progress. Subject or Course: A Subject or Course means a topic or a subject related to an academic program, which is to be studied by a student for a fixed number of hours during a semester. Each subject will carry a specific discipline code and number. Credit Course: A Credit Course means a course of study, successful completion of which shall be a requirement for the degree. Non-Credit Course: A non credit course means a course of study,

successful completion of which shall not be a requirement for the degree. j. Credit Hour (Cr. hr): A lecture of one-hour duration (including 10 minutes break) per week per semester for a subject countable towards a students Cumulative Grade Point Average will be considered as one credit hour. However, in case of seminars, tutorials and laboratory work, one credit hour may require two or three contact hours depending upon the nature of the subject. k. Contact Hour: One contact hour means one hour (including 10 minutes break) spent on academic/research related activities including instructional work/tutorials, lab work (practical), research work, projects, seminars, workshops, internships, etc during the course of studies at the university. Generally speaking one credit hour of course work is equal to one contact hour where as one credit hour of practical/lab/research work/projects etc is equal to 2-3 contact hours. l. Grade: A mark (letter grade or number) indicating the quality of students academic performance is called Grade. m. Grade Point: Number of points representing the letter grades scored by a student in a subject. n. Grade Points of a Credit Course: Total number of points scored by student in a credit course. This number is the product of points representing the letter grade scored by the student in a course and the number of credit hours taken of the course. o. Semester Grade Point Average (Sem GPA): The summation of grade points of all credit courses divided by the total number of the credit hours taken by a student during a semester. p. Cumulative Grade Point Average (Cum GPA) : The summation of grade points of all credit courses divided by the total number of credit hours taken by a student, i.e. Cum GPA = Sum of (PxN)/ Sum of N, Where P represents a grade point assigned to a letter grade scored by the student in a course and N represents the number of credit hours associated with the course.


Academic Policies

2.1. Relative Grading System: Relative grading system based on Average and Clusters is an internationally recognized system and is being followed in MCS. The paper showing schedule is issued after the exams by the concerned department. Marks obtained by the students in the assignments / quizzes/ mid term / practical etc will be worked out up to 2 decimal pt. The grand total of the marks obtained in the entire semester (including final) will be converted out of 100 and will be rounded off to the integer value. Marks greater or equal to 0.5 will be rounded to the next higher integer. The concerned FM will announce the total marks obtained by the student in the final and sessional. Marks to be displayed / announced latest by the day following the paper showing. The rounded marks of the student will be used to plot a histogram of the result to obtain the cluster. Grades will be awarded according to clusters of the performance in the histogram. The concerned department will announce the grades after it has been received from the exam branch duly signed by the Commandant. 2.2 Grading Scheme per Semester: a. The basis for determining a students grade in a course is left at the well

considered discretion of the individual faculty/Departmental Board of Studies. Since some courses are purely theoretical, some are purely practical and some have a theoretical as well as a practical portion, the grading scheme in the format given below may be followed by each department for the purpose of uniformity:Nature of Examination End Semester Exam Mid Term Quizzes Assignments Projects Practicals/ Lab work b. 2 to 3 contact Hrs Duration 2-1/2 hrs 1-1/2 hr 10 to 15 mins Own time Frequency 1 1 Min 2 per cr hr Min 1 per cr hr -do1 per week for each lab cr hr Weightage ( %age) 50 30 10-15 10-15

For purely theoretical and purely practical courses, the grading scheme is evident

in the suggested format. However, for subjects which have the two categories (theory and practical) combined, the final grade is computed by multiplying the number of credits assigned to each category with the percentage marks obtained in that category and dividing the sum of the two by the total credits in that subject. For example:

EXAMPLE Subject Physics Theory Credit 3 Practical Credit 1 % age Marks Earned Theory Practical 70 90

to complete the required work in any course or misses any examination/test defined as under provided his/her overall attendance is not less than 75%, is given I as a grade. The student receiving such a grade makes up the unfinished portion of his/her course and is given a grade as mentioned above at the discretion of the faculty without prejudice to the previous grade I. In case the student fails to make up the course work, he/she receives a grade F unless further extension is given by the Faculty Board of Studies. 2.5 Mid Semester Exam/One Hour Tests: Whenever a student misses Mid Semester Exam/One Hour Test due to reasons acceptable to the Departmental Board of Studies, make up test should be arranged within the period to be decided by the Departmental Board of Studies but not later than four weeks from original date of missed Mid Semester Exam. 2.6 End Semester Exam: Whenever a student misses End Semester Exam due to reasons acceptable to the Faculty Board of Studies, make up exam should be arranged within first six weeks after the beginning of the subsequent semester. 2.7 Final Grade: The grade earned by a student in home assignments, quizzes,

Overall grade = (70 X 3+90 X 1)/ (3+1) =75 % c. The over all subject percentage thus obtained will be rounded off by the individual faculty up to two decimal points. Fraction of 0.5 or more is rounded to the next higher digit. d. The performance of each student in a course of study is graded as follows:Grade A B+ B C+ C D F I e. Grade Point 4.00 3.5 3.00 2.5 2.00 1.00 0.00 Incomplete

laboratory work, mid semester/one hour tests, end semester examination etc, are formalised into final result by the concerned faculty. It must be ensured by the faculty that all exam answer sheets including end semester exams are shown to the respective students prior to finalization of the results. The faculty prepares the final results of the students on the standard grade sheet in duplicate and submits it to the Departmental Board of Studies (DBS). The grade sheets of each course duly approved by the DBS are sent to the Deputy Controller of Examination. 2.8 Computation and Approval of Results: After the results are received

It is the University policy to workout GPA by awarding relative grading on a scale of 4.00 points according to distribution curve based on the performance of a particular class by the faculty.


To earn course credits, a student must obtain a minimum of 1.0 grade point for undergraduate and 2.0 grade points for postgraduate programs in each course.


To successfully complete the degree requirement, a student must obtain a minimum Cum GPA of 2.00 for Bachelors, 3.00 for Masters/MPhil, and 3.50 for PhD degree.

from each Department, the Exam Branch of the college/institute/centre compiles In addition to F grade awarded on the basis of the final results of each class. The final results show grades obtained in each course of the semester, the Sem GPA and the Cum GPA of each student. The result sheets also indicate the tentative disposal (probation, warning, relegation, withdrawal) of students failing to achieve required standard. The

2.3 Award of Grade F:

academic failure, a student will not be allowed to appear in final exam of a subject in which his/her attendance is less than 75%, and he/she will be awarded F grade in that subject. The F grade(s) so obtained will only be cleared by repetition of the course(s) whenever offered, so that the students are made to attend the missed courses. 2.4 Award of Grade I: A student, who, because of illness or other

college/institute/centre will hold the Faculty Board of Studies (FBS) meeting within first 2 weeks of the next semester and approve the result. The final result will be formally announced by the Exam Branch after it is approved by the FBS. 2.9 Record of Results: The final result is recorded on the provisional semester

acceptable reasons approved by the Departmental/Faculty Board of Studies, fails

transcript of each student. The Exam Branch of respective college/institute/centre prepares four copies of individual student semester transcript. The original copy is sent to the sponsoring authority (where applicable), second and third copy to the students and their parents/guardians while the fourth copy is retained in the students permanent file at the college/institute/centre. The complete semester result of each course is sent to Exams and Academics Directorate NUST for scrutiny and formal notification. 2.10 Issue of Academic Transcript/Detailed Mark Sheet: A student desirous of obtaining Academic Transcript/Detailed Mark Sheet may apply to D (E&A) NUST through his/her college/institute/centre along with the prescribed fee, as per the policy issued on the subject. 2.11 Student Evaluation Following may be scheduled/conducted during a semester of studies for the purpose of grading :a. Minor Tests (Quizzes): A number of quizzes conducted frequently in each course at irregular intervals (normally 2-3 per credit hour) throughout the semester, with/without intimation. b. Major Tests i. Mid Semester/One Hour Tests. A 2-3 hours test conducted at mid semester or a number of one hour tests conducted (normally one per credit hour) in each course at regular intervals with due notice of at least two days. ii. End Semester Examination. The last comprehensive examination of approximately 3 hours duration is given in each course on its completion. c. Class Assignments. A task relevant to a course of study assigned by concerned faculty to substantiate the course contents. The assignment may or may not be graded. d. Practical/Lab Tests. These tests include all such examinations/ evaluations to ascertain the level of competency of practical application of knowledge acquired. e. Project. Project is a research work aimed at testing the ability of a student to translate the theoretical knowledge acquired during a e. d. c. b.

course of study into practical use. 2.12 Examination Rules and Policies a. Exam Venue: End Semester Examinations of the University shall be held at colleges, on dates and according to the schedule prepared by the college. Question Papers: All question papers are set by respective faculty and duly scrutinized, approved, and conducted in accordance with the university policy. As per the spirit of semester system, there will be no choice in attempting the questions. It will also be ensured that the Question Papers are balanced with respect to the examination policy and have been prepared to cover the essentials of the whole syllabus completed by the faculty. Use of Reference Material during Tests/ Examinations: Prior to class test/mid/End Semester Examinations, the concerned Faculty/invigilator shall announce such books, notes or other material which can be referred to by the students during the tests/examinations. Examinee will not be in possession of any other books, notes, papers or material etc. Examination Schedule: The Deputy Controllers of Examinations of

the college will publish the examination schedules at least 2 weeks prior to the commencement of the End Semester Examination and forward a copy of the schedule to HQ NUST (E&A Directorate) for information and record. Conduct of End Semester Examination: Commandant/Dean will

approve the detailing of officers/faculty as superintendent /deputy superintendent for the conduct of End Semester Examination. These officers/faculty will ensure the following:i. Examinees are seated in the examination room according to the seating plan prepared by the Examination Branch ii. All answer books used in the examination are initialed by them. No other answer books are to be used iii. Answer books are issued to the invigilators 5 minutes before the commencement of the examination and retrieved at the end of the examination

iv. Absentee report, if any, is prepared and forwarded to the Examination Branch at the end of each examination v. Invigilators are detailed by the Deputy Controller of Examinations of the college after the approval of 8.

the students according to the schedule published by the Examination Branch of the respective college/ institute/ centre The invigilator will collect answer books from the students and hand over to superintendent/deputy superintendent after the examination. The subject faculty will remain available near the examination of their subject to clarify query if any. f. Students' Responsibilities: i. Students will report half an hour before the time fixed for the examination on the first day and 10 minutes on subsequent days. No books, notes or documents are to be taken in the examination room except those authorized by the examiner. ii. Students are not allowed to carry mobile phones in the examination hall. If they do, mobile phones will be confiscated by the president of Exams. iii. Any student found using unfair means or assisting another student during a test/examination would be liable to disciplinary action. A student found guilty of such an act

Commandant/Dean. They will report to the superintendent/ deputy superintendent 30 minutes before the commencement of examination and will ensure:1. That the students are seated according to their seating plan 2. That the students are warned against the use of unfair means and have been advised to surrender notes, papers or other unauthorized material before the commencement of the examination 3. That no examinee is allowed to join the examination 30 minutes after its commencement 4. That no examinee is allowed to leave the examination room within one hour of

commencement of examination. The visits to wash rooms will be carefully controlled 5. That the question papers and answer books of an examinee detected using unfair means or assisting another candidate, are taken away and the matter is reported to the superintendent/deputy superintendent of examination. The superintendent records all available evidence to be used as written proof later on 6. That the examinees write their examination code number on the front cover of each additional answer book used. If more than one answer book is used, they are stapled together. All unused answer books are handed over to the superintendent/deputy superintendent after the examination 7. The invigilator will distribute the question papers to

by the college Discipline Committee, will be dealt with in the light of the policy in vogue. Use of unfair means generally covers the following: 1. An attempt to have access to the question paper before the test/ examination 2. Use/possession of unauthorized reference material during test/examination 3. Any form of communication by the examinees with any one in or outside the examination room while the test/examination is in progress 4. Unauthorized entry into faculty's office or that of his staff with the intention of having an access to or tampering with the official record/exam papers etc.

3. Graduation Requirements and academic deficiencies 3.1 Graduation Requirements The National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), on recommendations of the Faculty Boards of Studies of the constituent colleges/institutes/centres, awards undergraduate degree to the students who satisfy the following conditions:a. Have completed minimum 136 credit hours as per approval of Pakistan d.

i. Issues warning to the student ii. Places student on probation iii. Recommends relegation of student to next junior class iv. Recommends withdrawal of the student from the university The warning and probation orders are issued by the Deputy Controller of Examination of respective college/institute/centre. One copy of the order is placed in the student's file for record and one copy each is sent to the parent / guardian and student's tutor. 3.2.2 Warning Definition: A written cautionary statement issued to the student who qualifies to continue his studies despite minor deficiencies in some course(s) so as to make him/her conscious of the weakness and advise him/her to work hard during the semester under progress. Policy: A student is placed on warning under any of the following conditions as per latest policies of the university:a. First Sem GPA is equal to or more than 1.90 but less than 2.00 and the student has not obtained F grade in any subject ; or b. Second semester onwards, Sem GPA is equal to or more than 1.90 but less than 2.0 without any F grade, provided the Cum GPA is more than or equal to 2.00 The cases of academically a. b. and the student does not qualify for probation, relegation, withdrawal. Compulsions: While on warning, a student is to:Contact concerned faculty for guidance. Keep a record of the semester work comprising home assignments, laboratory reports, quizzes, mid semester/one hour tests and the marks obtained. 3.2.3 Probation Definition: A student is said to be on probation if he/she is deficient in academic standards to the extent that he/she is likely to be relegated/withdrawn and is allowed to continue studies for one semester. Policy: A student is placed on academic probation as per latest policies of the university under any of the following conditions if:a. First Sem GPA is equal to or more than 1.5 but less than 1.9 without any F grade; or b. Cum GPA at the end of second semester is equal to or more than 1.50 but less than 2.00 and he/she does not qualify for relegation/withdrawal; or

Engineering Council (PEC)/Higher Education Commission (HEC) for each program for bachelors degree b. Have achieved a minimum Cum GPA of 2.00 with a minimum of C grade in

project work. The degrees will reflect Cum GPA earned by the student during the degree program. 3.2 Academic Deficiencies A student who obtains one or more of the following grades in semester final result is considered academically deficient:a. b. c. d. An F grade in any course. Sem GPA less than 2.00. Cum GPA less than 2.00. I (Incomplete) grade in any course.

3.2.1 Disposal of Academically Deficient Students:

deficient students are disposed off initially by the Departmental Board of Studies (DBS) and subsequently by the Faculty Board of Studies (FBS) of the respective college/institute/centre in the following manner:a. The DBS reviews the end semester results of deficient students and recommends any one of the under mentioned actions to the FBS:i. Warning ii. Probation iii. Relegation iv. Withdrawal b. The FBS of the college/institute/centre upon receipt of recommendations from the concerned DBS is convened as soon as possible but not later than the first 2 weeks of next semester. c. The FBS considers each case individually and takes one of the following actions as per latest policies of the university:-

c. d.

Third semester onwards, Cum GPA is less than 2.00 ; or He/She receives F grade(s) and does not qualify for relegation/withdrawal.

as mentioned in sub para h above, on authorized grounds/sanctioned leave from competent authority, it will be termed as a technical relegation and will not involve penalties associated with normal relegation 3.2.5 Suspension Cum Relegation due to Prolonged Absence: Definition: A student will be suspended and relegated if he/she remains absent for more than 30 but less than 45 consecutive days without valid reasons (refer sub para h above). The student will be required to pay 10% of tuition fee during the period of suspension. Suspension of a student means that he/she will not be allowed to attend the classes i.e remaining portion of the semester after he/she reports back from prolonged absence.

3.2.4 Relegation Definition: Relegation means that the student is asked to join the next junior class. Policy: Faculty Board of Studies will recommend and qualify a relegation as under (as per latest policies of the university) :a. b. c. d. Relegation on academic grounds. Relegation on medical grounds. Relegation on disciplinary grounds. Relegation on prolonged absence.

A student is recommended for relegation by the Faculty Board of Studies for approval by HQ NUST in case of NUST students and by respective HQs/Directorates in case of military/paying cadets, subject to one or all of the conditions listed below:a. b. If the first Sem GPA is between 1.00 and 1.50 If the student's Cum GPA consistently remains below 2.00 for two consecutive semesters c. If the student has a total of 4 un-cleared F grades at any particular time during the course of studies provided he/she does not earn the same in a single semester d. e. f. If the student fails in 3 courses in any one semester If the student fails in repeat/retest of a failed course If the student fails to appear and clear the F grades as decided by the Faculty Board of Studies without valid reasons g. On disciplinary grounds when recommended by respective Discipline Committee of college/institute/centre and Discipline Committee of NUST h. If overall attendance of the student in the college/institute/centre is below 75% in a semester on medical grounds or reasons beyond his control technical relegation: or if the student remains absent for more than 30 but less than 45 consecutive days without valid reasons i. If relegation is due to sub para h above then the student may be required to repeat both the semesters as decided by the college/institute/center FBS, otherwise he/she will repeat the previous semester only j. In case of relegation on medical grounds or reasons beyond students' control

3.2.6 Withdrawal Definition: Withdrawal means that a student is considered unsuitable for further studies at NUST and is withdrawn from the program. Policy: A student is recommended for withdrawal as per latest policies of the university by the Faculty Board of Studies for approval by HQ NUST in case of NUST students and by respective Services HQ/ Directorates in case of military students, subject to one or all of the conditions listed below:a. If the student has been previously relegated (not technical relegation) and earns another relegation b. If the student fails in 4 courses in any one semester c. If the student secures a minimum Sem GPA of 1.00 or less in the first semester d. If the student secures a Cum GPA of 1.5 or less at end of first two semesters e. On disciplinary grounds when recommended by respective Discipline Committee of college/institute/centre and Discipline Committee of NUST f. If the student remains absent for 45 or more consecutive days without valid reasons. 3.2.7 Retest/Repetition of Courses In order to ensure that a student clears all prescribed courses and obtains a minimum Cum GPA of 2.0 which is a mandatory requirement to earn a NUST degree, retest/ repetition of courses is permitted as per the following rules:a. Retest of End Semester Examination. In case a failed subject is a prerequisite

for a course in the following semester, the student will have to clear it through retest within first 6 academic weeks of the next semester. Such retest will have the same weightage as that of actual End Semester Examination in that subject. Maximum achievable grade in this case is D. There will be no extra coaching classes prior to such retests. b. Repetition of Course(s). A student may repeat a course under two circumstances i.e to clear an F Grade or to improve his/her Cum GPA. The student will be required to complete all formalities applicable to repetition of courses i.e mid semester examination/one hour tests, projects, assignments, quizzes etc, and End Semester Examination. The student transcript will show both old grade and new earned grade but the Cum GPA would be based on new earned grade. The student will also have to pay the prescribed tuition fee for the repeated course. Maximum achievable grade in this case is B. Student who repeats a subject will not be eligible for top student honours/awards even if he/she improves it and comes in that bracket after repeating it. It is the students responsibility to clear the failed subjects within the prescribed time limits to avoid relegation due to accumulation of F grades. c. Clearance of F Grade. For a failed course(s) which is not a pre-requisite for a subsequent course in the following semester, Faculty Board of Studies may decide for a retest or repetition of the course(s) whenever offered subject to the availability of necessary resources/faculty. Retest will be governed by the rules at Para 27a above. In case F grade is awarded due to shortfall in attendance (less than 75% attendance) in a specific subject which is also a pre-requisite for a course (s) in subsequent semester, student will have to clear it by repetition within first 8 academic weeks of the next semester subject to availability of necessary resources/faculty. The minimum duration of a specially arranged repeat course will not be less than 8 weeks. d. Improvement of Cum GPA. A student may repeat the course(s) in which he/she received the grade D in order to improve his/her Cum GPA. Procedure for repeating a course(s) will be as under:i. The candidate will apply to the HoD for permission to repeat a course(s). ii. The case will be presented before the FBS which may permit a

student to repeat a course(s) whenever offered subject to the availability of necessary resources/faculty. iii. The student while repeating the course(s) will have to undergo all tests, quizzes, sessionals and final exam. iv. A student will be allowed to repeat maximum of five courses during his/her entire program apart from clearance of F grade(s) through repetition, if any. Note:- Repetition of a failed course is granted by FBS subject to availability of necessary resources/faculty and shall not be used as a tool for avoiding relegation. 3.2.8 Temporary Suspension Temporary suspension up to one year from course work is allowed to students facing acute domestic problems/valid reasons subject to approval of HQ NUST on the positive recommendations of college/institute/centre Faculty Board of Studies. All rules pertaining to technical relegation will be applied. During suspension period the student will be required to pay 10% of tuition fee for each suspended semester to continue his/her registration with NUST. In case the student uses the institutional facilities (such as library, labs, help from faculty etc) of the college/institute/centre, he/she will be required to pay 50% of tuition fee during the suspended period. 4 Class Attendance

Engineering education is an involving activity that demands regularity and continuity in lecturing. Most of the subjects are pre-requisites for the ones to follow. Missing lectures can lead to failure in absorbing an important facet of design/implementation causing embarrassment later in professional career. Some of the students do not realize this till it is too late to catch up with academic deficiencies. To safe guard against such lapses of students, NUST has implemented a stern policy about attendance or classes. NUST STATUTES (Chapter 16 Para 8) prohibit the students from appearing in semester examination of a subject, if they have less than 75% attendance of classes in that subject. This policy lays down procedures for recording/keeping the attendance and implementing the NUST RULE to ensure punctuality of students in attending classes. 4.1 Rules for Attendance: Attendance will be taken and recorded through SAMS (students attendance management system) for each credit hour (class) separately. Missing from class due to any reason (less official commitments assigned by GHQ, HQ NUST or College), such as hospital admission, SIQ, bed rest, reporting sick, etc will be

counted towards absence from class. 25% cushion has been provided to cater for these eventualities. FM will continue taking attendance and entering it on SAMS on daily basis till the end of the semester. All absentees (including official commitments) will be marked absent. Students with official commitment will be marked present (different colour) by concerned Training Officer/MIS Cell with written approval from CI(E). Record of approval will be kept by Department/Training Officer till end of next semester. Classes in general will be given priority on co-curricular activities. Students will not be allowed to miss classes for such activities. An effort will be made not to involve students in co-curricular activities during classes. 5 Discipline and Code of Conduct

5.5 Safe Custody of Mobile Phones/Expensive Items: To avoid loss/theft of mobile phones/expensive items, all students will be advised not to bring them to college. Safe custody of all mobile phones/expensive items, if responsibility. 5.6 Use of Mobile Phones during Exams/Classes: Use of Mobile phones is strictly prohibited during all exams. Possession of a mobile phone during exams/quizzes in exam hall/CRs would tantamount to cheating. In case of possession of mobile phones during exams, the paper will be confiscated. During quizzes, mobile phone must be switched off. During routine classes, all mobile phones must be switched off /kept silent by students. In case of violation, mobile phones will be confiscated for one week. In case of recurrence, severe action will follow. 5.7 Smoking: Smoking by all students inside college premises must be discouraged. Cadets Wing will designate smoking areas in consultation with both departments where smoking would be allowed. A board will also be displayed in such areas bearing the inscription Smoking Area. Smoking in all other areas is prohibited. 5.8 Eating: Consuming of eatables by all cadets would be restricted to cafeteria for male students and to ladies room and adjacent lawn for female students. No eating is allowed while walking around in the college area. 5.9 Wishing: All students are expected to wish. The uniformed cadets would do so in military way whereas the civilian NCs/PCs would only say Asalam-o-Alaikum Sir/Madam. 5.10 College Discipline Committee: The college discipline committee will take strict action against all defaulters of discipline. 5.11 Authority to Impose Fines: The authorities to impose and recommend fines on cadets are not restricted to E Div/ Cadets Wing FMs only. All the college FMs/Staff are authorized to recommend fines against the defaulter cadets whenever required. It will include high fines i.e from Rs.100- Rs.500 on first occurrence and Rs. 500 Rs.1000 fine on 2nd occurrence. 5.12 Social interaction between Military and Civilian Students: The collective social interaction between Student Officers/GCs and NCs/PCs outside the college is prohibited. No collective parties/celebrations/get together will be held outside college. For this purpose college facility like mess, cadets hostel etc may be used if requested through proper channel. brought, will be their own

5.1 Reference Terminology For UG Students: To facilitate ref, all students of UG courses would be ref to as juniors, inters, uppers and seniors, for first year to the final year respectively. 5.2 Morning fall in for PCs/NCs: The daily morning fall in for PCs/NCs would continue to be held as before. However, the fallin time is changed to 0745 hrs. Classes will begin at 0800 hrs. In the intervening time i.e. between 0745 hrs and 0800 hrs, students will report their arrival at Cadets Wing for inclusion in daily parade state and thereafter reach their respective classes and settle down. Students arriving after 0745 hrs would be considered late. To organize the morning fall in for female students in a better manner, a lady officer will be assigned the responsibility for female students. 5.3 Turn out/Dress for PCs/NCs: Only the colour of students trousers would be specified whereas the texture of the cloth i.e., tropical/worsted need not be specified. Standard black shoes with laces will be worn by all male NCs/PCs. The haircut must be decent and till mid ear at the most. Shave is required to be done daily and must not be shabby looking. Qameez worn by female students will be of knee length. Cadets Wing to arrange posters of properly turned out Male /female NCs/PCs on notice board to serve as guidelines for dress of all cadets. 5.4 Leave Policy: All student officers/GCs are allowed 2 days C/leave which can be extended by 1 day by CHQ in case of emergency. For PCs/NCs, 1 day leave will be sanctioned by OC Cadets Wing whereas CI is empowered to extend the same by 2 more days in case of emergency/compassionate grievances. Leave register of PCs/NCs will be maintained by Cadets Wing to keep record of NCs/PCs approved leave.

5.13 Training Adjutant: A training adjutant is considered necessary to be posted under Cadet Wing. He will supervise all the disciplinary affairs including dress, hair cut, wishing, late arrivals, parade state, eating etc. 5.14 Discipline during Central Lectures: Any cadet found misbehaving during central lectures/gatherings may be asked to leave the gathering immediately. A severe disciplinary action, if found necessary, may follow. For all such central lectures, in future the C/Adv and departments FMs (Maj/Capt) will sit with their respective courses. 5.15 MCS ID Cards: Keeping in view the prevailing security environment, proper identification of persons entering into MCS premises is of paramount importance. MCS ID Cards have been issued to facilitate in identification and allow easy entry to MCS faculty, student officers and employees. MCS ID Card will be withdrawn from the individual while leaving MCS on posting/transfer//dismissal etc. 5.16 Instructor / FM Feed Back Evaluation: Instructors feed back is required from the students to get the students opinion about the teaching standard and to improve the weak areas (if any). It is taken twice in each semester, at mid and end of the semester. Students are supposed to take this activity in a serious manner. Although the feed back is anonymous i.e. students name and roll number do not appear on its form, but students are advised to show a mature behavior, by giving their just opinion. 5.17 Off-Campus Behavior: NUST Students are expected to be good citizens and to exhibit a responsible behavior that reflects well upon their university, to be civil to one another and to others in the campus and surrounding communities, and to contribute positively to student and university life. This includes upholding all published university policies, rules, regulations, or presidential orders. Below are several areas of unacceptable offcampus risk behaviors that violate the Student Conduct Code and will receive priority attention from the university. They include, but are not limited to: a. Any act chargeable as a violation of a federal, state, or local law that poses a substantial threat to the safety or well-being of members of the university (or offcampus community), to property within the university (or off-campus community), or poses a significant threat of disruption or interference with university operations. b. Illegal use, possession, manufacture, or distribution of alcoholic beverages, or intoxicants. 6


Use, possession, manufacture, or distribution of illegal drugs or drug-related paraphernalia, or the misuse of legal pharmaceutical drugs.


Participating in an activity that substantially and materially disrupts the normal operations of the university, or infringes on the rights of members of the university or off-campus community.


Conduct that threatens or endangers the health or safety of any person within or related to the university community, including physical abuse, threats, intimidation, harassment, or gender misconduct.

Student Support Services

6.1 Exam Branch The Exam branch will facilitate the students in providing relevant documents such as a provisional certificate/transcripts etc. 6.1.1 Issuance of TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Certificate: TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN certificate is a printed paper, of MCS having monogram of HQ NUST, held with Exam Branch. It is issued to students of UG/PG Courses to meet their immediate requirement of academic nature. The salient features of subject SOP are given below:a. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Certificate will be issued only for academic information in respect of a student of PG/UG Courses. b. Few of the academic information for which TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN certificate may be issued are listed below:i. For verification of Cum GPA or sem GPA of a student, whose result is notified by HQ NUST till the date of issue of said certificate ii. In emergent cases this information can be provided before notification but only when the results are recommended by FBS and forwarded to HQ NUST for notification. iii. For verification of moral character of a student. iv. For verification of medium of instruction adopted by the college. v. Internship letter to a student (not addressed to a particular

firm/organization). vi. Verification of completion of coursework / project / thesis work. c. Any academic information other than mentioned at para 6.1.1b above will be processed through concerned Department (Dept) by the student. The Dept will send a draft certificate under a covering letter duly signed by Head of Department


(HoD) for the purpose. Exam Branch will scrutinize the same and will issue the same on subject certificate, if found correct. d. Any information of non academic nature and required on TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN" will be processed by the student through Dept. The Dept will send the same to Engineering Division (E Div), which will forward it to Exam Branch, if deemed appropriate. Exam Branch will get approval of Comdt / Col Coord and issue the certificate accordingly. e. Issuance of the said certificate to any Faculty Member/Permanent Staff for any purpose will be with the approval of Commandant/Col Coord only. f. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN certificate will not be issued for following purposes:i. Blank certificate will not be issued unless asked by concerned office in writing, giving specific reason for that. ii. Detail of grades. i. ii. h.

signed by GSO-I (Exams). The certificate will bear the round stamp and DY Controller of Examinations stamp. ix. The certificate duly signed will be handed over to the student concerned. x. DEO / Asst DEO Exam Branch will make necessary entry in the register held for this purpose and will get the signatures of the student. The register will be put up to GSO-1 (Exams) for his initials. The processing time of TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN certificate will be as follow:i. For Para 6.1.1b - two days (excluding holidays) starting from date of receipt of application. For Para 6.1.1c - two days (excluding holidays) from the date of receipt of letter from Dept. iii. For Para 6.1.1d - three days (excluding holidays) from the date of receipt of letter from E Div. The processing time may be more than the period as mentioned above during compilation of results or preparation for Faculty Board of Studies Meeting (FBS) by Exam Branch. 6.1.2 Processing/Issuance of Provisional Certificate: PROVISIONAL CERTIFICATE is a printed certificate issued to desirous students of UG/PG courses who have completed the Degree and Notification of their final results has been issued by HQ NUST. This certificate is basically issued in lieu of original Degree which is being awarded on convocations. The salient features of the SOP are as under:a. The PROVISIONAL CERTIFICATE will only be issued to those students of UG/PG Courses who have completed their course work and project / thesis work, and HQ NUST has issued notification of their results. b. c. Desirous student will collect the requisite form from Exam Branch. The student will fill in the form and get it signed from all concerned, where applicable. d. The student will deposit an Amount of Rs. 200/- (Rupees two hundred only) in the name of GSO-1 (Exams) in Acct No 2705-4, National Bank of Pakistan Shalimar Plaza Branch, Rawalpindi. e. The student will deposit the form duly completed in all respects along

iii. Percentage or average marks. iv. Detailed Marks (Transcript). g. Following procedure will be adopted by the student/Exam Branch for issuance of TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN certificate. i. For Para 6.1.1b - the student will write application on a plain paper in the name of GSO-I (Exam) mentioning the purpose clearly. ii. For Para 6.1.1c - the application of the student will be processed by Depts.

iii. For Para 6.1.1d - the application of the student will be processed by Dept through E Div. iv. The application will be deposited with Head Clerk/Data Entry Operator (DEO) of Exam Branch alongwith a fee of Rs. 50/- in cash, for which a receipt will be issued to the student. v. The Result and Record Sec of Exam Branch will scrutinize and verify the required academic information. vi. DEO/Asst DEO will prep a draft certificate and put up to Dy OIC (Exams) along with academic record (Results etc) for scrutiny/verification. vii. The draft certificate duly securitized/verified will be put up to GSO-I (Exams) for final approval. viii. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN certificate will then be prepared and


with bank slip to Exam Branch. f. Data Entry Operator (DEO)/Assistant DEO, Exam Branch will prepare the PROVISIONAL CERTIFICATE and put up to Dy OIC (Exams) along with result notification for scrutiny and verification. g. PROVISIONAL CERTIFICATE duly scrutinized and verified will be put up to GSO-I (Exams) for his signatures, who will sign the same after satisfying himself. h. Head Clerk, Exam Branch will process the PROVISIONAL CERTIFICATE on minute sheet for signatures of the Commandant. i. After signatures of the Commandant, PROVISIONAL

inter-library loan, document delivery, photocopying, access to virtual collections & digital resources, CD-ROM. 6.2.1 Membership: All faculty members, students and staff members are entitled to borrow books. Lending privileges differ for various categories. 6.2.2Reference Service: Library provides efficient and reliable services under the supervision of professional staff. Users may make queries by telephone, fax, and e-mail. 6.2.3 CD-ROM & Online Searching: Five terminals are dedicated for electronic and online databases searching including full-text information. 6.2.4 Inter-Library Loan:. If a particular item is not available in our library, the library has arrangements to acquire it from other libraries, both within the country and abroad. 6.2.5 Resources a. General Collection:. This is the main collection comprising high quality selected books. This collection is organized according to Dewey's Decimal Classification Scheme and shelved subjects wise according to call numbers (100-999) pasted on the spine of each item. b. Reference Collection:. A significant number of current reference sources are available on reference shelves. Various electronic databases including engineering books, dictionaries, encyclopedias, handbooks, directories, yearbooks, atlases, bibliographies are distinct features of this collection. The reference books can only be consulted within the library. c. MCS Publications:. We are housing faculty and students research output e.g. UG projects, MS projects, theses, dissertations, research assignments. d. Multimedia Collection:. Multimedia section provides access to audiovisual material, CD-ROMs, and DVDs. e. Journal Collection:. The library has been subscribing to more than 75 national and international journals and magazines in print and online. A complete list is available with the circulation desk. The current issues of the periodicals are displayed on special shelves in the main reading area. Back volumes of these periodicals are bound and shelved separately. f. MCS library also has a data base of IEEE/IEE Electronic Library (IEL). The IEEE and IEE are the worlds most respected sources for accurate, up-to-date information relating to electrical engineering, electronics, computer science, information technology, applied physics, and other related technical disciplines.

CERTIFICATE will be handed over to concerned student. j. The concerned student, if not available to collect the PROVISIONAL CERTIFICATE himself, may nominate another individual on his/her behalf. For this an authority letter will be given by the concerned student to that individual. The person so authorized to collect the certificate will provide a copy of his/her CNIC along with the above mentioned letter to Exam Branch for record. k. DEO will make necessary entry in the register held for this purpose and get it signed from the student/authorized individual. l. Processing time for PROVISIONAL CERTIFICATE is four days (excluding holidays) starting from the depositing date of application form by student in Exam Branch. The processing time may get delayed if some unavoidable commitments surface. 6.2 MCS Library The Military College of Signals (MCS) Library is the fully computerized library that has been providing with excellent services and facilities to fulfill the information needs of faculty members as well as students. The library is equipped with state-of-the-art systems and technologies. It has a collection of over 55,000 volumes comprising printed and electronic information sources. The library is organized by qualified and experienced staff, dedicated to providing high quality innovative services. The library aims to encourage and support academic and research activities of MCS faculty, staff and students. It provides a full range of services that include loans, online information searching, reference services,


From computer science applications to nuclear power engineering, the IEEE/IEE Electronic Library offers authoritative coverage of the worlds leading journals, conference proceedings, and technical standards from 1988 to date. g. The IEEE/IEE Electronic Library contains the powerful INSPEC database as an index to IEEE and IEE publications and links to full page images of Over 900,000 documents from more than 12,000 IEEE and IEE publications, also including: i. Journals & Periodicals: More than 120 Journals titles ii. Conference Proceedings: Over 600 conferences, workshops and colloquia proceedings iii. Technical Standards: More than 875 IEEE technical standards 6.2.6 Library SOP General Rules: Students / Faculty are expected to observe the following rules while using the library services. Any violation of these rules will incur appropriate disciplinary action. a. Leave your personal belongings such as books, handbags, briefcases, etc., outside the library entrance, on your own responsibility. The library will not entertain any claim, liability for loss or damage of personal items. b. c. d. e. f. Smoking is strictly prohibited inside the library. Drinks and eatables are not allowed in the library. Keep your mobiles off within the library premises. Complete silence should be observed Do not change configuration of computers or any other equipment in the library. MCS SOP must be observed. g. Submit any book or object for inspection, when requested by the library staff. h. Do not write, underline or mark any book. Library books are carefully examined on return and the borrower will be held responsible for the damage. i. After reading, leave books on the table. Please do not shelve the books.

a. b.

5x Gen Books will be issued for 14 days. Running Sem / Course textbooks will be issued if available in the library.


Deposit the textbooks with the library before proceeding on semester break. The new semester books will not be issued till the return of issued books.


Reference book will be issued for photocopying the relevant portions only.

e. f.

Magazines /Journals will not be issued to anybody. Students will buy their own textbooks or will get photocopy through library officer at their own expense. Available textbooks will continue to be issued from the library till the time these books get obsolete.


In case of loss of books, the defaulters will be dealt with according to the government library rules as under:i. Pirated/Photocopy book will not be accepted. ii. Original book be deposited or twice the price will be levied as fine. iii. Fine of two rupees (Rs.2) per day per book will be charged after due date of deposits from the defaulters. iv. General books may be renewed, for 14 days, if another user has not reserved the desired book. Overdue and requested books will not be renewed. v. Reference material, CD-ROMs, not-to-be-issued copy of course reserve, annual reports, theses, pamphlets, current and bound periodicals, newspapers, and other non-circulating items cannot be checked-out. These materials may only be consulted within the library premises. vi. Books already checked-out by some other user can be reserved. vii. Library material borrowed by any member is subject to recall if needed by the library.

Lending Rules:


6.2.7 Library Timings Monday to Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Ramadan Timings Morning: Normal office Timings Evening: Closed Sunday: 0900 1200 6.2.8 Use of Printers in Library: 2 heavy duty printers are being arranged in library to facilitate the students, JCSs and NCOs to print their assignments, research reports and other academic work. Following procedure will be observed. a. The printer will be used for printing of academic assignments only and will not be used for private work /purpose. b. c. d. Library to ensure that minimum 80g paper will be used for printing. Student will ensure that his/her data storage will be without virus. A register will be maintained by library for recording the student/number of copies/title of assignment. e. To avoid any loss, only Lib staff will be authorized to operate the printer. No body will be allowed to use printer on his own. f. g. h. Printing facility will be available on the basis of first come first serve. Printing facility will run on no profit, no loss basis. The cost of printing one page is approximately Rs. 1.50 which will be charged by the Lib staff. A receipt book and register will be maintained. i. Recurring expenditure will be met from the income generated. A proper record to this effect will be maintained by Lib. j. Any fault develop in the printer will be immediately reported to IT wing. The Wing will promptly repair the printer. 6.2.9 SOP of Lockers: 36 x lockers are arranged in library to facilitate the students to place their belongings/books, when they are inside the library. Following procedure will be observed:a. OIC Lib will be overall responsible for smooth implementation of SOP i. h. g. f. 0730- 2200 0730-1230 & 1500-2200 c. 0730-1600 0900-1200 & 1800-2000 d. e. b.

and maintenance of concerning records i.e. registers etc. Lockers will be used for costly items only and will not be used as storage. One locker will be available for one student for 2-3 hrs and the key will be with the student. The security of the student belongings/books lies with the student. There will be two keys with token numbers, one token with the key for students and the other with OIC lib for safe custody. The key will be issued to the student at the time of keeping his/her belongings in the locker and the student will show his NIC/college card for identification. The student will endorse TIME IN and initial in the register. On return the student has to take his/her belongings from the locker and return the key to library staff. Library staff will enter the time and sign in the register. If a student fails to submit the key to the library at the end of class i.e 1400 hrs or at 2000 hrs if he/she visits the library in the evening, thereby leaves the college without collecting his belonging/books then he/she will be fined Rs 500.00 and in the future he/she will not allowed to avail this facility. If the student does not withdraw his / her belongings till next working day i.e., 1000 hrs, the locker will be opened in the presence of OIC Lib, respective C/adv and belongings will be kept in safe custody of OIC Lib. Same will be info to Cadets Wing and respective dept through EMS. 6.3 Cadets Wing: Cadets Wing was established in the year 1990 once first Technical Cadet Course (TCC-1) reported to Military College of Signals. The Wing is responsible for Military training of Technical Cadets, administrative aspects of all cadets as well as for maintaining discipline. It is commanded by a Lieutenant Colonel and is further subdivided into two companies i.e. Iqbal and Jinnah Company.

Closed on evening of First Friday of the month

6.4 Accommodation: Three hostels are available in Military College of Signals out of which two are for male students where as a small hostel is kept for female students. Details are as under:-


S/No a. b.

Company Iqbal Company Jinnah Company

Male/Female Male Male

Rooms 102 x Single Rooms 30 x Double Rooms 40 x Single Rooms

to provide pick and drop services to NUST students. Bus charges are PK Rs. 700.00 per month per student. Currently following routes are being followed: MCS Westridge Golra More Islamabad MCS Murree Road I-9, E-9 Sectors of Islamabad. MCS Chaklala Gulzar-e-Quaid E and F Sectors of Islamabad.


Girls Hostel Total


8 x Double Rooms 142 x Single Rooms 38 x Double Rooms

6.8 Student Bodies: The college has two student societies, one for the Computer Software Dept and the other one for the Telecommunication Engineering Dept. 6.8.1 Telecom Society: Telecommunication Society established in June 2001 comprises

6.5 Mess Facilities: Students living in the mess are provided with all possible community/daily maintenance facilities in order to make their stay comfortable and homely. Some of them are as under:a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. Boarding / lodging Dinning room TV room Internet in each room Indoor Games Washer man Sports Ground Room Bearers Barber Caf Telephone Mosque

President, General Secretary, Treasurer, Project Coordinator and Media Coordinator. Elections are held every year to elect appointment holders of Telecommunication Society. It has generated multi faceted activities. Some of these are as follows: Short courses on Computer Architecture, Linux, Real Time Digital Signal Processing, Pspice, ATML-51 Micro-Controller. Visits to Telecommunication Entrepreneurs. Seminars.

6.8.2 Software Society: Software Society established in June 2001 comprises President, General Secretary, Treasurer, Project Coordinator and Media Coordinator. Elections are held every year to elect appointment holders of Software Society. This society has generated various extra curricular activities in addition to organizing different seminars, workshops, lectures and short duration courses. Some of the activities of this society are as follows: Short courses on Computer Networking, MATLAB, Visual C. Visits to Software Entrepreneurs. Workshops Seminars.

m. Gymnasium n. o. Room heating facility Reception room

6.9 Extra Curricular Activities: In order to develop confidence and sense of positive competition, students are provided opportunities to participate in different extra curricular activities through out the year. Some of them are listed below:a. b. c. d. e. f. Debate competitions Essay writing competitions Quiz competitions Sketch making competitions Calligraphic competitions Poetry competitions

6.6 Computing Facilities: Computing, Internet, Scanning, Printing facilities are available to students in Computer Laboratories of their departments. Labs are open during college timings, six days a week. However, timings may be extended on request, subject to the approval by respective HoD. Eating, drinking, wishing, celebration etc are not allowed in the labs. 6.7 Transportation: Three buses run on designated routes in Rawalpindi / Islamabad area


g. h. i. j. k. l.

Photography competitions Drama competitions Excursion trips Pantomime (yearly) Ladies pantomime Open House

m. Fun Fairs 6.10 Sports Activities: As it is said that a healthy body homes a healthy mind. In order to keep students physically and mentally fit, sports have been made a permanent feature of daily routine. Through out the year competitions for different sports such as cricket, football, basketball, hockey, volleyball etc are arranged in order to keep the environment lively and entertaining. These competitions are initially arranged at course level followed by company level competitions. In addition to it, numerous competitions are organized between the teams of different NUST institutions frequently. 6.11 Pantomimes: In future, the organization and conduct of pantomimes would be the responsibility of student societies. Each society i.e. telecom and software; would be assigned the responsibility to organize the pantomime each year alternatively.


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