ELS IELTS (Intermediate) Syllabus

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ELS weekly LOs

IELTS (5.5/intermediate)

Vocabulary AI1 Achieve IELTS 1 AI 2 Achieve IELTS 2

AIGAV Achieve IELTS Grammar and

IF IBAT folder IPTP3 IELTS Practice Tests Plus 3 LEI Learning English in Ireland OI Objective IELTS PGL3 Practical Grammar Level 3 PW2 Pair Work 2 PG Pronunciation Games SB Students Book SOS Ship or Sheep TB Teachers Book TEI Total English (intermediate) TEPI Total English (pre-intermediate) WB Workbook

CGFI Cambridge Grammar for IELTS CI Complete IELTS DAZ Discussions A-Z EI Exploring Ireland GFVP Games for Vocabulary Practice ID Instant Discussions IEI IELTS Express (intermediate) IEUI IELTS Express (upperintermediate)

Learning outcomes: By the end of each weeks lessons, students should have achieved (or enhanced) their communicative competency with the language items listed under Topics/skills. These items are the target objectives for each week.

Week 1

Topics/skills: Language focus: comparing things and talking about similarities and differences (revision of comparatives and superlatives, including negative comparatives and superlatives), linking devices (expressing contrast and comparison), adverbs of degree (a bit, much, a good deal, a great deal, considerably, a little, a lot and slightly)

Lexis: food (carbohydrates, proteins and fat), cuisine (comparing Irish cuisine with other cuisines) adjectives describing food - matching activity, dieting and keeping a healthy diet useful language to describe line graphs

Pronunciation: weak and strong forms in short words (a, and, some, to, at, etc,.)

Focus on lListening: listening for specific information ( Websites about food)

Reading: locating information (texts about Dublin and Ireland) Y/N or NG (Fast food behind the image)

Focus on sSpeaking: speaking task 1 (most and least favourite and food; ability to cook) speaking task 3 (discussing food-related issues)

Focus on wWriting: Academic writing task 1 describing a process (food digestion - controlled practice task) ; (how chocolate is produced in-class assignment) academic writing task 1 introduction to graphs and charts writing an introduction selecting important information

planning an answer

Irish culture: basic information about Ireland (SS compare this with their home town and country) quiz about Ireland

Supplementary material: OI (WB) pp. 6-7 (Unit 2 A healthy diet) AIGAV pp. 136-137 (food: places to eat, types of food, food and drink and describing food) CGFI pp. 90-97 (comparatives and superlatives); pp. 80-87 (adjectives and adverbs) CI pp. 14-15 (introduction to graphs and charts; writing an introduction; selecting important information; planning an answer) EI 2.1 and 2.2 IF quiz about Ireland

Student book unit: OI Unit 2 (pp. 14 -19)

Week 2

Topics/skills: Language focus: would in second conditionals expressing cause purpose and result (because, because of, so)

Lexis: phrases used to express why a particular place is popular descriptive adjectives (as used in guide books) adjectives ending in ing and ed

Pronunciation: word stress in related words (stressed syllables)

Focus on lListening: listening for specific information notes completion and matching listening for specific information listening to (and watching) a tourist information DVD clip

Focus on rReading: reading for gist and specific information IELTS reading for detail matching task and sentence completion

Speaking: speaking task part 1 (talking about places around the world; saying why a particular place is popular)

Writing: academic writing task 1 handling data (line graphs)

Irish culture: basic information about Dublin (SS compare this with their home town and country)Test folder 2: focus on listening matching; focus on reading - matching

Supplementary material: OI (WB) pp. 8-9 (Unit 3 City attractions) AIGAV pp. 126-127 (cities and towns: location, type of city and describing cities) TEPI DVD clip 1 (London) IF - Dublin

Student book unit: OI Unit 3 (pp. 20-25); writing folder 2 (pp. 30-31)

Week 3

Topics/skills: Language focus: review of present tenses present simple (general truths, habits, actions which take place regularly), present continuous (temporary activities), present perfect simple (actions or situations which started in the past and continue to the present; actions or situations which finished at an unspecified time in the past; past actions or situations,

with the emphasis on its result in the present) and present perfect continuous (actions which have lasted for some time and are likely to continue; actions which lasted for some time and have just stopped) stative verbs

Lexis: different ways of learning words used in academic writing synonyms and parallel phrases prepositions (preposition + noun or pronoun , preposition + -ing, preposition + wh- word)

Pronunciation: word stress stress on the syllable before certain suffixes

Focus on lListening: multiple choice tasks and matching listening to (and watching) a clip about studying at the University of Cambridge

Focus on rReading: focus on academic vocabulary how to read for comprehension reading for specific information Y/N or NG, matching, short answers

Speaking: things which are important for effective learning at school or college ways of learning

Focus on wWriting: writing folder 2 academic writing task 1 handling data (line graphs) academic writing task 1 summarising trends in graphs and tables

Supplementary material: OI (WB) pp. 10-11 (Unit 4 Ways of learning) AIGAV pp. 130-131 (education: places of study, qualifications, collocations connected with education, jobs/positions in education, collocations with get and do) CGFI pp. 1-6 (present tenses: present simple, present continuous; stative verbs] CI p. 35 TEI DVD clip 7 (Cambridge) AI2 pp. 12-13

Student book unit: OI Unit 4 (pp. 27-3129)

Week 4


Topics/skills: Revision of units 12-4 Language focus: passive/active, present tenses comparatives and superlatives prepositions

Lexis: adjectives ed and ing vocabulary to describe cities food; education

Listening: practice test one form completion, flow chart completion, multiple choice, matching activity, sentence completion IELTS tests

Reading: short answer questions, T/F or NG, matching specific information with the correct paragraph, summary completion, Y/N or NG IELTS tests

Speaking: expanding on short answers IELTS tests

Writing: IELTS task 1 interpreting data from a table, IELTS writing task 2 writing an opinion essay academic writing task 1 analysing statistics and comparing cities; IELTS tests academic writing task 1

Supplementary material: AIGAV pp. 62-62 (revision of comparatives and superlatives); pp. 93-97 (prepositions of time and movement) IPTP3 (pp. 8-30) [practice test one]

Student book unit: OI Units 1-4 revision (pp.32-33)

Week 5

Topics/skills: Language focus: review of past tenses past simple (actions or situations which began and ended in the past), past continuous (actions which are unfinished at a particular time in the past) and past perfect) (actions or situations which happened before a particular time in the past) sequencing

Lexis: terms used to describe historical sites collocations related to research language for suggesting and giving advice language for giving directions jobs in education and science describing shapes

Focus on lListening: dealing with a diagram (useful language: directions) completing a map sentence and note completion

Focus on rReading: reading an article IELTS task: reading for specific information Y/N or NG, matching

Focus on sSpeaking: speaking part 3 discussing the importance of historical knowledge and how history should be taught focus on expanding short answers useful language for suggesting and giving advice

Writing: description of a school, its location and the layout of the rooms

Test folder 3: focus on listening and reading sentence and note completion

Supplementary material: OI (WB) pp. 12-13 (Unit 5 Discovering the Past) AIGAV pp. 140-141 (research, discoveries and inventions) CGFI pp. 8-14 (past simple, past continuous and past perfect)

Student book unit: OI Unit 5 (pp. 34-39)

Week 6

Topics/skills: Language focus: Past simple or Present Perfect?difference between past simple and present perfect

Lexis: collocations with money vocabulary related to money vocabulary connected with work

Focus on lListening: diagram completion and table completion (lecture related to academic work or study on the subject of motivation at work) plan, table and note completion (conversation in the career advice service)

Reading: reading for gist reading for specific information matching, Y/N or NG, multiple choice, table and sentence completion identifying keywords and paraphrases

Focus on sSpeaking: Sspeaking part 2 delivering a short talk on the subject of motivation at work and dream job

Focus on wWriting: writing folder 3 Task 2: academic writing task 2 understanding the question; and planning your writin structuring essays ways of approaching introduction and conclusion sequencing giving examples

Supplementary material: OI (WB) pp. 14-15 (What is job satisfaction?) AIGAV pp. 164-165 (work: vocabulary referring to work, types of work, finding work and resigning); AIGAV pp. 18-20 (present perfect tense); pp. 32-33 (past simple tense) AI1 p. 115; pp. 118-119 IEI pp. 26-30; p. 33

Student book unit: OI Unit 6 (pp. 40-45)

Week 7

Topics/skills: Language focus: relative clauses (defining and non-defining ) relative pronouns

Lexis: word formation vocabulary related to advertising and the media linking words and phrases

Pronunciation: sentence stress (content words V grammatical words)

Focus on lListening: listening for specific information sentence completion, matching, flow chart completion

Focus on rReading: reading for gist working out the main point of the text reading for specific information heading matching, Y/N or NG, note completion, short answer questions

Focus on sSpeaking: ( IELTS speaking part 1, 2 and 3)

Writing: structuring essays linking words and phrases

Supplementary material: OI (WB) pp. 16-17 (Unit 7 Selling dreams?) AIGAV pp. 148-149 (media: printed media, film and television media, people and verb collocations connected with the media); AIGAV pp.82-83 (relative clauses 1: defining clauses); pp. 84-85 (relative clauses 2: non-defining clauses) CI pp. 38-45

Student book unit: OI Unit 7 (pp. 46-51)

Week 8

Topics/skills: Language focus: talking about the future (predictions, on-the-spot decisions, arrangements, future result of a present situation and timetables)

Lexis: leisure (hobbies and leisure activities) language used to express possibility (Its likely, Its unlikely, Im sure, I may, Maybe, Theres a chance, Im convinced, etc.) useful language for writing letters

Pronunciation: vowel length (long and short vowels, diphthongs) symbols and examplesInternational Phonetic Alphabet symbols

Focus on lListening: listening for specific information notes completion, short-answer questions

Focus on rReading: reading for specific information - table completion, headings

Focus on sSpeaking: speaking part 1 (predicting the future) speaking part 3 (discussing leisure activities, including asking questions)

Focus on wWriting: general training writing task 1 recognising types of letters, planning a letter, using appropriate language and organisation writing a formal letter

Dictionary skills: International Phonetic Alphabet symbols

Supplementary material: OI (WB) pp. 18-19 (Unit 8 Time to waste?) AIGAV pp.158-159 (sport: team sports, martial arts, places and people) AIGAV pp. 44-51 (future tenses: the future with will; going to, be about to, be due to; future continuous; future perfect) IEI pp. 74-77

Student book unit: OI Unit 8 (pp.54-57)


Topics/skills: Revision of units 5-8 Language focus: difference between past simple and present perfect relative clauses (defining and non-defining)

Lexis: words related to the past, work, money and, leisure activities, hobbies and the media

Focus on lListening: mock test (IELTS listening part 1-4- form completion, multiple choice, labelling the diagram, flow chart completion and notes completion)IELTS tests

Focus on rReading: mock test (IELTS reading part 1-3- flow chart completion, T/F or NG, paragraph matching, sentence completion, completing sentences with the correct ending, Y/N or NG)reading for gist (Dublin in the year 2050)

IELTS tests

Focus on sSpeaking: topic review (collocations related to research, money, advertising) expanding on short answers IELTS tests

Focus on wWriting: mock test (IELTS writing part 1-3 describing a process, IELTS writing task 2- writing an opinion essay IELTS tests academic writing task 2 general training writing task 1

Irish culture: Dublin in the year 2050 (reading and speaking)

Supplementary material: IPTP3 (pp.32-54) Practice test 2 IF Dublin in the year 2050

Student book unit: OI Unit 5-8 Revision (pp. 58-59)

Week 10

Topics/skills: Language focus: countable and uncountable nouns determiners (some, any, much, many, a lot of, a little, a few, etc.)

Lexis: global warming terminology collocations related to the environment, geography, sea and climate language used for speculating (could, might, would, Its possible, Its likely, etc.)

Focus on lListening: predicting what the missing information is notes completion summary completion

Reading: reading for gist and specific information headings, summary completion, locating information, matching

Focus on sSpeaking: IELTS speaking part 1 and 3 (discussing global warming) useful language: for speculating

Writing: academic writing task 1 analysing a diagram which shows the greenhouse effect, a wave-energy machine, and a wind turbine Test folder 5: focus on reading and listening (summary completion);(focus on vocabulary relating to climate change)

Dictionary skills: recognising countable and uncountable nouns

Supplementary material: OI (WB) Unit 9: Climate change (pp. 20-21) AIVAG pp. 134-135 (vocabulary development: geography, sea and climate) CE pp. 50-51 and pp. 54-56

Student book unit: OI Unit 9 (pp.60-65)

Week 11

Topics/skills: Language focus: paraphrasing passive with different tenses and modal verbs (present simple passive, past simple passive, modal passive and present perfect passive)

Lexis: ways of communicating parallel expressions and synonyms

Pronunciation: spelling and numbers (revision of ordinal numbers and large numbers and dates)

Listening: predicting the missing information note completion

Reading: skimming reading for detail Y/N or NG, T/F or NG

Speaking: speaking part 1 and 3 (discussion on different ways of communicat ing)

Writing: academic writing task 1 describing a process (food digestion controlled practice task; how chocolate is produced in-class assignment)

Test folder 1 (focus on reading - reading for specific information, task type: T/F or NG?)

Supplementary material: OI (WB) pp. 4-5 (Unit 1 Communicate)

AIGAV pp. 24-25 (present simple passive); pp.26-27 (present perfect passive); pp. 42-43 (past simple passive)

Student book unit: OI Unit 1 (pp. 8-13)

Week 12


Language focus: verb patterns 1 (-ing forms and infinitives 1) useful language relating to data analysis (numerical and other comparative expressions)

Lexis: different types of accommodation expressing likes and dislikes phrasal verbs collocations with house and home paraphrasing

Pronunciation: polite intonation

Focus on lListening: notes completion (accommodation at a university) table completion, multiple choice, summarising (looking for an apartment)

listening to lectures

Reading: matching and labelling a diagram (text about skyscrapers) labelling a map and short answers (reading about Shanghai)

Focus on sSpeaking: speaking task part 1 ( Interview: useful language phrases and expressions related to accommodationfocus on giving full answers, using because and for example) speaking part 2 (Individual long turndescribing a building which SS like or dislike)

Writing: general training task 1 (writing a formal letter) academic writing task 1 handling data (bar charts, pie charts and tables)

Supplementary material: OI (WB) pp. 22-23 (Unit 10 A place to work or to live in) AIGAV pp. 86-87 (verb + infinitive or -ing) AI2 pp. 57-61

Student book unit: OI Unit 10 (pp. 66-71)

Week 13

Topics/skills: Language focus: articles indefinite (a/an), definite (the) and zero article

Lexis: compound nouns vocabulary related to wildlife

Pronunciation: diphthongs (table completion)

Listening: sentence completion, matching, summary completion (listening to a lecture)

Reading: skimming headings reading for specific information definition matching, multiple choice, matching, summary completion

Speaking: speaking part 2

Writing: academic writing task 2 (expressing opinion on animal testing, zoos and wildlife parks)

Test folder: focus on reading comprehension and listening comprehension (multiple choice)

Supplementary material: OI (WB) pp. 24-25 (Unit 11 Animal life) AIGAV pp. 90-92 (articles indefinite, definite and zero) IEI p. 53

Student book unit: OI Unit 11 (pp. 72-77)

Week 14

Topics/skills: Language focus: modal verbs- for giving advice (should, had better and ought to), linking devices (and, but , so, however, despite, therefore, in addition, although, as a result of, whats more, unfortunately, in fact, etc.) expressions used for talking about ability

Lexis: sport (team sports, sports equipment, extreme sports, martial arts, places and, people, etc.)

Listening: listening for specific information table completion, sentence completion, multiple choice, note completion, matching, labelling a diagram

Reading: reading for specific information matching activity, Y/N or NG reading for gist summary of the writers opinion, summary completion

Speaking: speaking part 1(interview), IELTS speaking part and 3 (discussion on sport and competiveness) talking about ability

Writing: academic writing task 2 (focus on connecting ideas)

Writing folder: IELTS task 2 essay writing (connecting ideas 1)

Supplementary material: OI (WB) pp. 26-27 (Unit 12 Sport: just for fun?) AIGAV pp. 58-59 (modal verbs giving advice) AI1 93-96

Student book unit: OI Unit 12 (pp. 78-83)


Topics/skills: Revision of units 9-12 (+ unit 1) : topic review (places to live, sports, animals, environment) Language focus: passive/active articles a/an , the and zero article, verb patterns -ing forms and infinitives an countable and uncountable nouns.

Lexis: places to live sports animals ways of communicating and the environment ( sentence completion, paragraph completion)

Listening: mock exam notes completion, multiple choice, labelling a map and flow chart completion. IELTS tests

Reading: mock exam flow chart completion, T/F or NG, heading matching, multiple matching, gap fill, multiple choice, summary completion.IELTS tests


mock exam flow chart completion, T/F or NG, heading matching, multiple matching, gap fill, multiple choice, summary completion.IELTS tests

Writing: writing task 1 describing a bar chart writing task 2 opinion essay


Supplementary material: IPTP3 (pp. 56-75)

Student book unit: OI p. 32, pp. 84-85

Week 16

Topics/skills: Language focus: conditional sentences (type 0, 1, 2, and 3 and mixed) conjunctions and conditional phrases (if, unless, as long as, I wish, if only)

Lexis: collocations with adverbs useful language for clarification phrases related to shopping words and phrases which collocate with decision and choice

Pronunciation: word stress

Listening: listening for specific information listening to a tutorial (multiple choice and notes completion)

Reading: skimming and reading for specific information topic paragraphs, multiple choice, paragraph matching, diagram labelling, T/F or NG, flow chart completion

Speaking: a short survey speaking part 1 and 3 (exploring the topic, discussion) strategies to clarify the message

Writing: academic writing task 2 paragraphing

Test folder 7: focus on reading locating information (paragraph matching)

Supplementary material: OI (WB) pp. 28-29 AIGAV pp. 66-75 CI pp. 57-60, p. 63, pp. 64-65

Student book unit: OI Unit 13 (pp. 86-91)

Week 17

Topics/skills: Language focus: verb patterns 2 -ing forms and infinitives 2 (remember to do vs remember doing, go on to do vs go on doing, begin to do vs begin doingverbs which change their meaning depending on whether they take the ing or infinitive)

Lexis: confused words (borrow and lend, remi9nd and remember, recipe and receipt, raise and rise, etc.)check and control, affect and effect, economic and economical, at the end and in the end, standards and levels, journey and travel and discovery ad invention) comment adverbs (disappointingly, interestingly, personally, wisely, generously, etc.logically, statistically, honestly, obviously and surprisingly) verbs used to describe changes words and phrases used to generalise

Pronunciation: linking words consonant sounds

Listening: listening for specific information matching activity, chart completion and graph completion, short -answer questions

Reading: matching

Speaking: IELTS speaking part 3 (exploring the topic, discussion) Generalising speaking part 2 (describing situations that involved using a foreign language)

Writing: academic writing task 1 describing changes on a graph Writing folder academic writing task 2 (opinion essay making a general statement, giving examples and using comment adverbs), making the text less personal

Supplementary material: OI (WB) pp. 30-31 CGFI pp. 133-139 CI p. 33

Student book unit: OI Unit 14 (pp. 92-97)

Week 18


Language focus: modal verbs referring to the future, present time and the past (may and might - expressing possibilities),; must and cant ( making deductions and logical conclusions).

Lexis: collocations with big, large and great (large amounts of, a great deal of, a big difference, etc.)

Listening: listening for specific information - listening to a seminar about customs in different countries (matching activity, sentence completion); listening to a conversation (matching)

Reading: reading for specific information summary completion, matching activity, locating information, classifying

Speaking: IELTS speaking part 1 and 3 interviewdiscussion on meeting new people and hospitality

IELTS speaking part 2 individual long turndescribing a situation when one was a guest in someone elses home, IELTS speaking part 3 (exploring the topic two way discussion)

Writing: academic writing task 1 describing a process

Test folder 8: focus on reading and listening- classification

Supplementary material: OI (WB) pp. 32-33 CGFI pp. 107-113 (modals expressing possibility) pp. 107-113) AIGAV pp. 54-55 IEUI pp. 68-69

Student book unit: OI Unit 15 (pp. 98-103)

Week 19

Topics/skills: Language focus: non-finite clauses (functions of the present and past participle, active and passive meaning.)

Lexis: vocabulary development related to different types of books, writing systems and signs

Pronunciation: final consonants consonant clusters


listening for specific information conversation between a college tutor and a student (form completion)

Reading: reading for specific information matching activity and, T/TF or NG, classifying

Speaking: speaking part 2 describing an influential book

Writing folder: IELTS writing task 2 (focus on being relevant and avoiding repetition)

Supplementary material: OI (WB) pp. 34-35 PGL3 pp. 74-75 (-ing and ed participles) PG pp.12-13 (Cluster buster consonant clusters and syllables)

Student book unit: OI Unit 16 (pp. 106-109)


Topics/skills: Topic review: making decisions, the importance of colour and social interactions Revision of units 13-16

Language focus: verb patterns (-ing forms and infinitives) 2, conditionals (0, 1, 2, and 3) and mixed, conjunctions and conditional phrases and non-finite clauses.

Lexis: vocabulary related to academic writing task 1 (describing trends and changes, linkers, numerical expressions)

Pronunciation: vowels followed by a written r consonant sounds

Listening: mock exam notes completion, table completion, multiple choice, labelling a plan, matching activityIELTS tests

Reading: T/F or NG, notes completion, heading matching, summary completion, Y/N or NGIELTS tests

Speaking: part 1 interview, part2 long individual turn, part 3 developing a discussionIELTS tests

Writing: academic writing task 1 interpreting data from a line graph and a bar chart; describing a chart writing task 2- providing solutions to a problemIELTS tests

Supplementary material: PGL3 pp. 134-136 (verb patterns -ing forms and infinitive) PG pp. 48-51 (Ludo vowels followed by a written r and consonant sounds) IPTP3 pp. 96-113 [mock exam sections]

Student book unit: OI Unit 13-16 Revision (pp. 110-111)

Week 21

Topics/skills: Language focus: modal verbs expressing obligation, lack of obligation and prohibition (mustnt, must, have to, dont have to) collocations with make and do (make a mistake, do sth for a living, do a days work, etc.)

Lexis: collocations with time (find the time, give sb time, kill time, pass the time, run out of time, spend the day/week, spend the time, take the/your/his/her time, waste an hour/ a day, waste time/waste sbs timeetc.). useful language for balancing ones view ( there is no doubt, on the one hand, on the other hand, etc.)

Listening: listening for specific information multiple choice, listing and short answer questions.

Reading: skimming - short answer questions, summary completion, reading for specific information - T/F or NG, sentence completion with the correct heading., matching, Y/N or NG

Speaking: IELTS speaking part 1 interview (applying useful language - it depends on, it is difficult to say because , as far as, on the one hand, but, you could argue that, in spite of). speaking part 2 and 3

Writing: IELTS writing task 2 opinion essay (applying modal verbs and useful language - for balancing your ones view)

Test folder 9: focus on speaking IELTS speaking parts 1-3 (interview, individual long turn and two -way discussion).

Supplementary material: OI (WB) pp. 36-37) PGL3 pp. 144-146 (modals expressing obligation and prohibition) AI1 pp. 105-107

Student book unit: OI Unit 17 (pp. 112-117)

Week 22

Topics/skills Language focus: phrasal verbs phrasal verbs without an object, phrasal verbs with an object and three-part phrasal verbs language used for comparing and contrasting (although, whereas, while, in contrast, etc.)

Lexis: vocabulary development related to travel, collocations related to travel expressing cause and result (as a result, as a consequence, on account of, etc.)

Pronunciation: pronouns as objects of phrasal verbs (unstressed)


listening for specific information - talk about tourism (summary completion and table completion); conversation between a travel agent and tourist (short-answer questions, note completion)

Reading: skimming short-answer questions and summary completion reading for specific information multiple choice

Speaking: a short discussion about asking for repetition speaking part 1 (discussing holidays and travelling), IELT speaking part 2- individual long turn (describing a memorable trip)

Writing: focus on letter writing a (letter to a local newspaper), academic writing task 1 - interpreting data from a bar chart (focus on useful language- for comparing and contrasting) connecting ideas cause and result academic writing task 2 opinion essay Writing folder 9: IELTS writing task 2 opinion essay: connecting ideas 2 cause and result

Supplementary material: OI (WB) pp. 38-39 PGL3 pp. 116-118 (two-part verbs and three-part verbs) AIGAV pp. 160-161 (types of holidays, means of transport) AI2 pp. 30-33

Student book unit: OI Unit 18 (pp. 118-123)

Week 23

Topics/skills: Language focus:

unreal present and future ( I wish, if only, Its about/high time, Id would rather and if only, wish + would)

Lexis: vocabulary expansion related to transport (different means of transport and problems that may occur while travelling)ation (transport-land, transport air)

Pronunciation: Rrhythm stressed syllables

Listening: listening for specific information conversation about monorails (sentence completion and notes completion, labelling the a diagram) labelling a floor plan

Reading: skimming - summarising the passage in one sentence, reading for specific information - completing a flow chart, matching, labelling a diagram

Speaking: IELTS speaking part 2 and 3 (individual long turn and two way discussion about different forms of transport, their advantages and disadvantages, and the impact modern forms of transport have had on peoples lives)

Writing: academic writing task 2 opinion essay Test folder 10: focus on reading and listening (labelling diagrams and maps)

Supplementary material: OI (WB) pp. 40-41 PGL3 pp. 192-193 (wish and if only) AIGAV pp. 160-161 (transport)

Student book unit: OI Unit 19 (pp. 124-129)

Week 24

Topics/skills: Language focus: position of adverbs - with verb to be, with one verb but not to be ,with one auxiliary or modal verb (adverbs of frequency, currently, still, almost, no longer, both, never, etc.)

Lexis: different phrasal verbs (deal with, hold on to, live up to, look forward to, put up with, turn out and work at) words related to migration, emigration and immigration

Listening: Pre-listening (a short discussion about Canada), listening for specific information notes completion and short -answer questions.

Speaking: quiz about English-speaking countries IELTS speaking part 1 and 3 discussion (on moving abroad)

Reading: reading for specific information matching paragraphs with chunks of information, flow chart completion., T/F or NG, table completion, sentence completion

Writing folder 10: proofreading, using appropriate language, further practise IELTSacademic writing task 1 interpreting data form a line graph and a pie chart IELTS academic writing task 2 writing an opinion essay

English-speaking countries culture: quiz

Supplementary material:

OI (WB) pp. 42-43 PGL3 p.78 (adverbs: word order) AIGAV pp.30-31 (adverbs of frequency revision) CI pp. 10-11

Student book unit: OI Unit 20 (pp. 132-135)

Week 25
Topics/skills Topic review: Free time and entertainment, time management, travel, environment making decisions. Language focus: phrasal verbs, position of adverbs, unreal present/future, expressing obligation, lack of obligation and prohibition Lexis: phrasal verbs (two-part and three-part phrasal verbs) Listening: mock exam table completion, table completion, multiple choice, matching activity Reading: mock exam - notes completion, T/F or NG, statement matching gap fill, Y/N or NG Writing: writing task 1 comparing and contrasting pictures (useful language: contrast and comparison), writing task 2- writing advantages and disadvantages Speaking: part 1 interview, part2 long individual turn, part 3 developing a discussion

Supplementary material: PGL3 (p.182-184) [unreal present/future] IPTP3 (pp. 114-132) [Test 6] Student book unit OI Unit 17-20 (pp. 136-137)


Topics/skills:Writing workout: structuring an essay, graphs and tables (revision) Revision of units 17-20 : topic review (places to live, sports, animals, environment) Language focus: Lexis: phrasal verbs (with and without an object, and three-part phrasal verbs) phrasal verbs position of adverbs modal verbs (for obligation, lack of obligation and prohibition) unreal present and future

Listening: mock exam notes completion, multiple choice, matching activityIELTS tests

Reading: mock exam: labelling the diagram, table completion, matching activity, summary completion, Y/N or NG IELTS tests

Speaking: part 1 interview, part2 long individual turn, part 3 developing a discussionexpanding on short answers IELTS tests

Writing: writing task 1 data interpretation, writing task 2- opinion essay writing letters structuring essays analysing graphs and tables

IELTS tests


Supplementary material: OI (WB) pp. 464-49 IPTP3 (pp. 133-152) [Test 7]

Student book: OI pp. 136-137

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