Innovative Audit Reporting
Innovative Audit Reporting
Innovative Audit Reporting
Innovative Advanced
Audit Audit
Reporting Skills
9 – 10 August 2009 11 – 13 August 2009
Meet Your Expert Course Director:
Dear Audit Professional,
Phil Griffiths FCA, AIIA is Founder and
As a progressive audit practitioner who strives for
consistent growth, your vision is world-class and you Managing Director of Business Risk
realise that long term survival in today’s competitive Management Ltd.A Chartered Accountant,
marketplace means delivering impeccable products he has over 25 years’ experience in internal
and services. audit, risk management and fraud prevention
as practitioner, professional adviser, consultant
That is why we are confident that you will benefit and trainer. He has held top management
overwhelmingly from these two highly interactive, positions with a number of international groups,
value-adding IIR courses taking place in Dubai this in roles embracing finance, internal audit, risk management, IT
summer from 9 – 13 August 2009. and general management.
Global and regional auditing standards alike
are developing at a phenomenal rate, with ever His areas of expertise include:
increasing improvements in their clarity and structure. • Assisting senior management to identify, manage and then
Through a revolutionary, practical approach, your exploit the risks within their business via facilitated business risk
renowned course director Phil Griffiths will help you management programmes
drive a broader value proposition. • Helping internal audit functions to implement world class
Simplicity is the key to masterminding the world of • Benchmarking internal audit and risk management – the BRM
audit and this course will dispel the myths, enabling Ltd. database has information from over 2000 organisations
an entirely fresh approach to executing traditional across the world
auditing functions.
• Fraud prevention, detection and investigation programmes
Open the door to a new realm of opportunities by tailored specifically to clients requirements
registering today for IIR’s Innovative Audit Reporting • Training both private and public sector organisations in all the
and Advanced Audit Skills. above disciplines
Register on the phone, by email, online or by fax. Phil is recognised as an accomplished and charismatic
See the back page of this brochure for more details, facilitator, trainer and lecturer having advised many renowned
including information on our significant early bird organisations, coordinated top-level events and addressed
discounts! national and international conferences on a wide range of
critical business topics.
Phil and I look forward to seeing you in August.
Best Regards, He has published research into many aspects of the audit and
risk management challenges faced by organisations, the latest
being his new book ‘Risk Based Auditing’.
Keith Parker He has worked extensively with all sectors in the Gulf during
Conference Manager the past 13 years to enable such organisations to exploit their
IIR Middle East potential by managing their strategic risks and/or enhancing the
effectiveness of their internal audit service.
P.S. You are asked to bring along two or three recent
audit reports. These are solely for your own reference.
IIR SUMMER SERIES IIR’s Customised Training Solutions is the in-house training
The United Arab Emirates is something of an enigma. division of IIR Middle East.
Selling itself on superlatives, the biggest, best, highest
and tallest are all infinitely impressive. But scratch below FLEXIBILITY
Have the flexibility to modify the course content, length of
the surface and be captivated by a breathtaking training and where and when it will take place
natural beauty that belies the blurb.
Programmes tailored to meet your departmental objectives
Whether it’s diving with dolphins or treading water with that reflect your organisation’s vision
turtles, you’re sure to be enticed by the tantalising azure SAVINGS
hues of the Gulf. So, why not mix business with pleasure Reduced expenditure – no staff hotel or travel costs and a
and extend the frivolities to your family? saving on valuable employee time
As the city simmers, Dubai Summer Surprises (DSS) Benefit from expert opinion and advice from our professional team
regarded as the industry leaders within the Middle East
presents its annual playground for adults and children
alike, with an array of entertainment to capture and ACHIEVEMENT
IIR certificates awarded to attendees. Access to exclusive
enrapture the imagination. certified courses in the region
Each week from June to August, shopping malls will be Our Customised Training Solutions team are veterans of in-house
transformed into entertainment centres, providing an training with a portfolio of specialists unrivalled anywhere in the
assortment of fun based activities, shows and leisure Middle East! To design your training projects with significant business
impact, please contact Leigh Kendall on: +971-4-335 2439 or email
pursuits. This summer, put the feeling back into your our team at
business dealings and treat your nearest and dearest to
a divine discounted stay, which will keep those credit-
crunch blues at bay!
Both courses will be highly practical and interactive with exercises and case studies to enhance your understanding of the
key issues including how to :
• Deal with the common problems of audit reports which • Assess your reputation
often: • Create risk based audit plans
- Have too many pages and unnecessarily long • Automate the audit process
explanations • Enhance the level of assurance you can give without the
- Take too long to issue and finalise need to increase the time on each audit
- Have impractical recommendations • Understand the corporate governance challenges
- Do not get commitment by management • Combat the risk of fraud
• Critically assess your own reports • Audit the reputation of your organisation
• Create a best practice report
• Set your own key performance indicators
Course Timings: Registration will commence at 08:00 on Day One of each course. The courses will begin at 08:30 each day.
There will be two breaks for refreshments at around 10:30 and 12:30. Lunch will follow close of day at 14:30.
Course Outline
Internal audit reports and the reporting process should be constructive, creative and provoke change. In this
age of innovation and challenge, conventional audit reports and reporting procedures may fail to arouse
interest, stimulate action, or do justice to the audit performed.
Answer these 20 questions about internal audit reports issued during the last 12 months as truthfully and
objectively as you can.
1. Have more than 95% of audit recommendations 13. Was the audit opinion a true reflection of the
during the last year been fully and successfully overall conclusions? Did the key recipient accept
implemented? this audit opinion as valid?
2. Did your reports correlate with your organisation’s 14. Did the findings, conclusions and
strategic and business objectives? Do your recommendations really represent the key issues?
audit recommendations specifically assist in their 15. Did you only report on the major issues found
achievement? during the audit with the minor issues being dealt
3. Were all of your reports less than six pages? with separately?
4. If you were the recipient would they have spurred 16. Were all the recommendations 100% practicable?
you into immediate action? 17. Were all the audits conducted fully recognised
5. Did all the reports take less than two weeks to by the organisation as helpful and relating to key
finalise? business risks or opportunities?
6. Were all of your findings or recommendations 18. Were the reports a true reflection of the expertise,
different from the last time an audit of the same knowledge and professionalism that went into the
area was carried out? audits?
7. Was the cost of completing the audit shown on 19. Have you changed the report format significantly
the face of the report? within the past two years?
8. Did the reports include photographs and 20. Do you believe that your reports are as good as
graphics? they could be?
9. Were they issued electronically?
10. Were there any surprises? If you cannot answer ‘Yes’ to more than 15 of the
11. Did the reports focus on the future rather than the questions it is unlikely that your audit reports will meet
past? the needs of your organisation. If you scored 10 or less
you are probably being more objective than those
12. Did the management comments indicate real
who scored themselves 15 or more. (And you will
commitment rather than simply a way for the
represent very much the normal organisation as far as
client to close the audit process and get on to
audit reports go!)
something else?
Exercise 2: 20 More Best Practice Questions Presenting And Distributing Reports And Measuring Success
• Distribution lists
• Discussion of the implications • Presenting or issuing reports (including use of e-mail and
• Advice and guidance to help you achieve best practice the intranet)
• Explanation of a proven method to evaluate your own • Alternative methods of reporting e.g. PowerPoint
reports presentations
• 20 steps to success
Exercise 3: Analysis Of Two Actual Reports • Follow up audits – using the action plan
• How to get management to take responsibility for chasing
• Feedback and discussion actions
• Determining your reporting Key Performance Indicators
Exercise 4: Assessment And Evaluation Of Your Own Reports (KPIs)
• Self evaluation against the model provided (you are asked Exercise 8: Reporting KPIs
to bring along two or three recent reports – for your own
use) Writing A Report In The Best Practice Format
• Key challenges and their implications
Interactive Exercise: Taking a long report of your own –
Is this the right course for you?
Best Practice Internal Audit Reports – The Way Forward ideally one with more than 15 pages – and turning it into the
• Key requirements of the audit report of the future six page best practice format. A report should be brought
• How to draft a report with impact along for the purpose. *5
• Highlighting the issues that matter
• The psychological problem with reports *4 Risk Based
• Why audit reports are taken as a criticism of management Auditing
• How to get recipients to react positively
• How to write balanced reports *3 Innovative Audit Reporting
and Advanced Audit Skills
• Format and structure
• Wording and layout *2 Lead Auditor – for auditors with
• How to get 95% of your recommendations actioned 12-18 months experience or auditors
responsible for supervising teams
Implementing Best Practice Audit Reports 3. Designed primarily for senior auditors with 18+ months
2. Suitable for those personnel in other assurance functions
The Executive Summary
including compliance and health safety and environmental
• The messages you want the board to hear auditors who need to build their leadership skills
• How to ensure no overreaction 1. Also suitable for managers and staff from other functions who
• Including positive comments need to build an understanding of the internal audit role
• How to keep it short and focused
Event Dates Price before Price between 24 May Price after
24 May 2009 and 21 June 2009 21 June 2009
US$ 4,250 US$ 4,550 US$ 4,750
Book entire event 9 – 13 August 2009
(Save US$ 2,140) (Save US$ 1,840) (Save US$ 1,640)
US$ 2,695 US$ 2,795 US$ 2,895
Course I: Innovative Audit Reporting 9 – 10 August 2009 (Save US$ 200) (Save US$ 100)
US$ 3,195 US$ 3,395 US$ 3,495
Course II: Advanced Audit Skills 11 – 13 August 2009
(Save US$ 300) (Save US$ 100)
Significant Savings! For further information on current promotions and group discounts please contact
Raveena: +971-4-335 2483
Title First Name Surname Job Title Department Mobile Email
1st Delegate
2nd Delegate
3rd Delegate
4th Delegate
Training Manager
Booking Contact
Company: .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
No. of employees on your site: 1000+ 500-999 250-499 50-249 0-49 YES! I would like to receive information about future events & services via email.
Payments Cancellation
If you are unable to attend, a substitute delegate will be Event Venue:
A confirmation letter and invoice will be sent upon receipt of your registration. Please note
Dusit Thani Hotel, Dubai, UAE
that full payment must be received prior to the event. Only those delegates whose fees welcome in your place. If this is not suitable, a US$ 200 service
TEL: +971 4 3433333
have been paid in full will be admitted to the event. You can pay by company cheques charge will be payable. Registrations cancelled less than seven
or bankers draft in Dirhams or US$. Please note that all US$ cheques and drafts should be days before the event must be paid in full.
drawn on a New York bank and an extra amount of US$ 6 per payment should be added Accommodation Details
Avoid Visa Delays - Book Now We highly recommend you secure
to cover bank clearing charges.
your room reservation at the
Delegates requiring visas should contact the hotel they
earliest to avoid last minute incon-
Card Payment wish to stay at directly, as soon as possible. venience. You can contact the IIR
Please charge my credit card: Visa Mastercard American Express Visas for non-GCC nationals may take several weeks to Hospitality Desk for assistance on:
process. Tel: +971-4-4072693
Name on Card: ............................................................................................................................. Fax: +971-4-4072517
Card Number: ................................................................................... Exp. Date:......................... Due to unforeseen circumstances, the programme may change Email:
and IIR reserves the right to alter the venue and/or speakers.
Signature: .......................................................................................................................................
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