IIIrd Sem Syllabus
IIIrd Sem Syllabus
IIIrd Sem Syllabus
Code CEN-301
Credits 4
Lecture 3
Tutorial 1
UNIT 1: INTRODUCTION TO DATA STRUCTURE Definition of Data Structure, Types & characteristics of Data structures, Abstract Data Type (ADT), Algorithms: Algorithm Concepts, Definition of Algorithm, Objectives of algorithms, Quality of an algorithm Space complexity and Time complexity of algorithm UNIT 2: ARRAYS, STACKS AND QUEUES Characteristics of an array, Definition of an Array, Implementation of 1-D arrays, Row and Column Major Implementations of 2-D, 3-D and n-D arrays, Stack as a ADT, operations on stack, Stack implementation using array and linked list, Applications of Stack: Polish and reverse Polish notations, Recursion, Buddy systems, Garbage collection. Queue as ADT, Operations on Queue, and Types of queues: Linear Queue, Circular Queue, Priority Queue, and Double Ended Queue, Queue implementation UNIT 3: LINKED LISTS AND TREES Concept of a Linked List, Linear Single and Double lists, Circular Single and Double List, Generalized Linked List, Header Linked list. UNIT 4: TREES AND GRAPHS Concepts of a Tree, Tree as ADT, Definitions of n-ary, binary trees, Strictly Binary Tree, Complete Binary Tree, Almost Complete Binary Tree, Weight of a tree, Level of a node, Height/Depth of a Tree. Operations on tree, Tree Search Algorithms, Binary Search Tree, Tree traversal Algorithms, AVL Trees Balance of a node, Weight Balanced Trees. Threaded binary trees, Left Threaded and Right Threaded binary search trees, traversal, Huffman Algorithm, Definitions of vertex edge and Graph, Types of graphs directed/undirected, connected/disconnected, cyclic/acyclic, Representation of graphs: Adjacency matrix, linked list. Graph algorithm-Warshalls, BFS, DFS, Kuruskal, Prims. UNIT 5: SORTING AND SEARCHING Bubble Sort, Sequential Sort, Shell Sort, Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, Merge Sort, Quick Sort, Heap Sort, topology sort, Linear Search and Binary Search Books: Classic Data Structures by D. Samanta, PHI. Data Structures by S. Lipshutz, Schaum outline series, Tata Mc-graw Hill. Introduction to Algorithms by Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest.
Code CEN-302
Credits 4
Lecture 3
Tutorial 1
UNIT 1: BOOLEAN ALGEBRA AND LOGIC GATES Introduction, Binary numbers, Base-conversions, Octal and hexadecimal numbers, complements, binary codes, concept of fixed and floating point numbers, Axiomatic definition of Boolean Algebra, Basic Theorems and properties, Boolean functions and representation in canonical and standard forms, SOP and POS forms, other logic operations, Digital logic gates. UNIT 2: FUNCTION MINIMIZATION Karnaugh map methods, limitations of K-maps for larger variables, POS-simplification, NAND/NOR implementation, other 2-level implementations, Dont-care conditions, Tabular method. UNIT 3: COMBINATIONAL SYSTEMS Standard gate assemblies, Hardware aspect of arithmetic logic functions, Half-Adder, Full-Adder, Binary Adder/Subtractor, Decimal Adder, Magnitude Comparator, Demultiplexer, Multiplexer, encoder, Priority Encoder, Parity Checker/Generator, ROM, PALs and PLAs. UNIT 4: SEQUENTIAL SYSTEMS Definition and state representation, Flip-Flops, RS, D, JK-M/S, their working characteristics, State Tables, Excitation Tables and triggering, Asynchronous and Synchronous Counters-Design and Analysis, Counter Applications, Description and Operations of Shift Registers, Shift Register/Counters. UNIT 5: COMPUTER ORGANIZATION Introduction to Architecture and organization of digital computer, ALU, I/O-Unit, Control Unit, CPU, Microprocessor and Microcomputer, Data and Instruction Formats.
Books : Digital Logic and Computer Design by M. Morris Mano. An Engineering Approach to Digital Design by W.I. Fletcher. Digital Systems: Principles, and Applications by R.J. Tocci. Digital Computer Fundamentals by T.C. Bartee.
Code CEN-303
Credits 4
Lecture 3
Tutorial 1
UNIT 1: MATHEMATICAL REASONING Propositional calculus and predicate calculus application to proving program correctness, Resolution principle, application to logic programming UNIT 2: SET THEORY Inductive definition of sets, Paradoxes Principles of mathematical induction, relations, representation of relations by graphs elementary graph theory, properties of relations, equivalence relations, partial orders and lattices, applications to relational databases UNIT 3: FUNCTIONS Injections, Surjections, Composition of functions, recursive function theory, application to functional programming. UNIT 4: BASIC COUNTING TECHNIQUES Permutation and combinations, pigeonhole principle, principle of inclusion and exclusion, recurrence systems, solutions of recurrence equations, generating functions, application to analysis of algorithms. UNIT 5: ALGEBRAIC STRUCTURES Definition and elementary properties of groups, semi groups, monoids, rings, fields, vector spaces and Boolean algebra. Books: Discrete Mathematics, Shaums Series. Elements of Discrete Mathematics by C.L. Liu. Discrete Mathematics in Computer Science by D.F. Stanat and D.F. McAllister.
Code CEN-304
Credits 4
Lecture 3
Tutorial 1
UNIT 1:DIODES AND APPLICATIONS Review of p-n junction diode. Characteristics and applications of special types of diodes (schottky barrier diodes, tunnel diodes, varactor diodes, LED, and photodiodes. Rectifiers, Filters and Regulators: Half wave rectifier, ripple factor, full wave rectifier, Capacitor filter. Zener Diode: Simple circuit of a regulator using zener diode, Series and Shunt voltage regulators. Clipper and Clamper Circuits,SPECIAL DEVICES: SCR, DIAC, TRIAC characteristics and their applications. UNIT 2:BIPOLAR JUNCTION TRANSISTOR Transistor construction, Detailed study of currents in a transistor, Transistor alpha, Input and Output characteristics of transistor in Common Base, Common Emitter, and Common Collector configurations, Relation between Alpha and Beta. BJT BIASING: DC equivalent model, criteria for fixing operating point, Fixed bias, Emitter bias, Voltage Divider bias , DC bias with voltage feedback(Collector Feedback), Stabilization Factors, (S, S', S'), Thermal Stability, Thermal Runaway and Thermal Breakdown. JUNCTION FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR: Construction and characteristics, Transfer Characteristics, MOSFET characteristics (Enhancement and Depletion mode), Symbols of MOSFET, and Comparison of Transistors, CMOS. JFET BIASING: Fixed bias, Self bias and Voltage Divider bias configurations, MOSFET biasing. UNIT 3: TRANSISTOR MODELING Small Signal low frequency BJT amplifier circuits: h-parameter representation of a transistor, Analysis of single stage transistor amplifier using h-parameters: voltage gain, current gain, input impedance and output impedance. Comparison of transistor configurations in terms of Ai, Ri, Av, Ro. BJT Small Signal analysis of different configurations. FET Small Signal Model, analysis of different configurations. FREQUENCY RESPONSE OF TRANSISTORS: BJT and FET high and low frequency response. UNIT 4: FEEDBACK AMPLIFIERS Concept of Feedback, Classification of feedback amplifiers, General characteristics of negative feedback amplifiers, Effect of Feedback on input and output characteristics, Voltage series, voltage shunt, current series, and current shunt feedback amplifiers with discrete components and their analysis. OSCILLATORS: Condition for oscillations. RC-phase shift oscillators with Transistor and FET, Hartley and Colpitts Oscillators, Wein Bridge oscillator, Crystal oscillators, Frequency and amplitude stability of oscillators, UNIT 5:OP- AMP AND APPLICATIONS Emitter Coupled Differential Amplifier pair, ADM, ACM and CMRR. Opamp characteristics, Structure of Opamp parameters. Non Linear applications of Opamp: Comparator, Schimidtt Trigger, Precision Rectifier, Logarithmic and Exponential amplifiers. Books : Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory by Boylested and Nashasky. Basic Electronics by M.N.Faruqui and S.L.Maskara. MicroElectronics by J.Millman and A. Grabel.
Code CEN-305
Name Mathematics-I
Credits 4
Lecture 3
Tutorial 1
Unit 1: COMPLEX VARIABLE Complex number,Arc and diagram,complex functions,limit,continuity and differentialbility CauchyReimann equations,harmonic functions,construction of analytic functions,by mile-thomson method,conformal mapping,transformations W=Z, I/z , e, (az+b)/cz=d). Unit 2: FOURIER SERIES Periodic functions,Fourier series of functions with period 2 change of interval,Half range sine and cosine series. Unit 3: LAPLACE TRANSFORM Laplace transform,existence theorm,first shift theorm,multiplication and division by T,Laplace transform of deviated inverse Laplace transform,Application to solve Linear differntial equations.Unit step function,Dirac delta function-their Laplace transforms,second shifting theorm.Laplace transform of periodic function,Applications. Unit 4: SERIES SOLUTION OF DIFFERNTIAL EQUATION Series solution, Frobenious method, Legendre and Bessels equations. Unit 5: PARTIAL DIFFERNTIAL EQUATION Linear and non-linear partial differential equation of first order, four standard forms. Books: Higher Engineering Mathematics by B S Grewal. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Kreyszig E.. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Prasad C.
Code CEN-306
Credits 4
Lecture 3
Tutorial 1
UNIT 1: REPRESENTATION OF DISCRETE AND CONTINUOUS TIME SIGNAL AND SYSTEM Introduction of signal& classification of signal, Elementary signals, System &classification of system, order of system, Interconnection of system-series or cascade interconnection of subsystem, parallel interconnection of subsystem, series-parallel interconnection of subsystem, feedback interconnection of subsystem, Continuous time and discrete time signals. Representation and classification; continuous time and discrete time systems, representation of linear Time invariant Discrete and continuous time signals: Laplace transformation and its application in system analysis. UNIT 2: ANALYSIS OF CONTINIOUS TIME SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS Fourier series Representation of periodic signals; Response to periodic Signals, Fourier transform and its properties, Inverse Fourier. Transforms; frequency response function, Computation of response from the Fourier Transform; Bandwidth Concept; Analysis of Ideal Filters. UNIT 3: ANALYSIS OF DISCRETE TIME SIGNAL AND SYSTEM Z- transform and properties, Inverse Z- Transform; Frequency response of discrete time system; Discrete Fourier transform and its properties; System analysis via DFT UNIT 4: DIGITAL FILTERS Sampling, Nyquist rate and nyquist interval ,Sampling of continuous and discrete signals in time and frequency; Digital filters and FIR and IIR structures and their Realization; FIR filters; IIR Filters. UNIT 5: RANDOM SIGNAL AND NOISE Random variables; probability distribution and density function and density functions, Uniform, Gaussian, Exponential and Poisson distributions; Statistical averages; Stochastic process, Systems with Stochastic Inputs; Auto and cross correlation functions; Power spectral density; Noise- Its types Books: Teacher Xerox Notes of different books. Signals and Systems by A.V.Oppenheim. Communication System by S.Haykin.