A Short Course On Computer Viruses

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A Short Course

Computer Viruses
by Dr. Frederick B. Cohen
Copyright c _ ASP Press, 1990 All Rights Reserved
ISBN# 1-878109-01-4
ASP Press
PO Box 81270
Pittsburgh, PA 15217
0.1 Introduction 1 Computer Virus Basics 1.1 What is a Computer Virus? 1.2 How Do Viruses Spread
Through Systems? 1.3 What Damage Could A Malicious Virus Do? 1.4 Some Other Things Malicious
Viruses Might Do 1.4.1 A Data Diddling Virus 1.4.2 The Random Deletion Virus 1.4.3 A Production
Destruction Virus 1.4.4 A Protection Code Changing Virus 1.4.5 A Network Deadlock Virus 1.4.6 An Ex-
ecutive Error Virus 1.4.7 A Covert Channel Virus 1.4.8 Synergism in Attack 1.5 What Could a Benevolent
Virus Do? 1.5.1 Maintenance Viruses 1.5.2 Distributed Databases with Viruses 1.5.3 Life for Its Own Sake
1.5.4 Practical Limits 1.6 Viruses in Specic Computing Environments 1.6.1 Viruses in MVS 1.6.2 PC,
MacIntosh, and Amiga Viruses 1.6.3 Viruses in Unix and VMS 1.6.4 Viruses in LANs 1.7 The Three Dier-
ences 1.7.1 Generality 1.7.2 Range of Eect 1.7.3 Persistence 1.8 High Risk Activities 1.9 Summary 2 Real
World Viruses 2.1 Some Early Experiments 2.1.1 The First Scientic Experiment 2.1.2 A Compression
Virus 2.1.3 A Bell-LaPadula Based System 2.1.4 Instrumentation 2.1.5 Psychological Eects of Experi-
ments 2.2 The Computer Virus Record Book 2.2.1 The Smallest 2.2.2 The Fastest on a PC 2.2.3 Spreading
in Networks 2.2.4 Other Time Dependent Indications of Interest 2.3 Real World Computer Viruses 2.3.1
The Xerox Worm 2.3.2 The First Maintenance Viruses 2.3.3 The Lehigh Virus 2.3.4 The Brain Virus
2.3.5 The Jerusalem Virus 2.3.6 The Swiss Amiga Virus 2.3.7 The Mainframe Christmas Card Virus 2.3.8
The MacMag Virus 2.3.9 The Scores Virus 2.3.10 The Internet Virus 2.3.11 The AIDS Disk 2.3.12 The
Datacrime Virus 2.3.13 Early Evolutionary Viruses 2.3.14 Simulation (Stealth) Viruses 2.3.15 The Bulgar-
ian Viruses 2.3.16 Some Trends 2.3.17 Virus ToolKits and Automated Evolution 2.3.18 Cruncher 2.3.19
Whats in a Name? 3 Technical Protection From Viruses 3.1 Perfect Technical Defenses 3.1.1 Limited
Sharing 3.1.2 Limited Transitivity 3.1.3 Limited Function 3.2 Technical Defenses With Major Flaws 3.2.1
Can We Detect All Viruses? 3.2.2 Can We Find Resulting Infections 3.2.3 The Tail Chasing Problem 3.2.4
Instrumentation 3.2.5 Vaccines 3.2.6 Virus Scanners 3.2.7 Software Self Defense 3.2.8 Boot Locks 3.2.9
Snapshots 3.2.10 System Call Interception 3.3 Technical Defenses That Work Well 3.3.1 Software Fault
Tolerance 3.3.2 Sound Change Control 3.3.3 Integrity Shells 3.3.4 Integrity Shell Limitations and Features
3.4 Defense-in-depth Against Viruses 3.4.1 The Moated Wall 3.4.2 Synergistic Eects of Defense-in-depth
3.4.3 Limits of Synergism 3.4.4 Other Eects 4 Non-Technical Defenses 4.1 Limited Sharing 4.1.1 Isolation
During Attack 4.1.2 Separation of Function 4.1.3 The AIDS Disk 4.1.4 No External Disks 4.1.5 Clearing
Houses 4.1.6 Limiting Information Sources 4.2 Change Controls 4.3 Auditing 4.4 Peer Network Problems
4.5 Tracking Down Attackers 4.5.1 Tracking Down The Christmas Card Attacker 4.5.2 Tracking Down The
Internet Attacker 4.5.3 When A Success Is Not A Success 4.5.4 Needed Improvements In EDP Audit 4.6
Backups as a Defense 4.6.1 They Dont Always Work 4.6.2 They Arent Kept Long Enough 4.6.3 They
Act As Safe Harbor For Viruses 4.7 Recovery From Viral Attack 4.7.1 See It 4.7.2 Kill It 4.7.3 Get Away
Quickly 4.8 CERT Teams 4.9 Reactive And Proactive Defense 4.10 Management Tools 4.11 Laws Against
Malicious Viruses 4.11.1 Intent 4.11.2 Malice 4.11.3 Unauthorized 4.11.4 Other Factors 4.11.5 Civil Re-
course 5 Some Analysis 5.1 Risk Analysis 5.2 Product Comparison By Type 5.2.1 Defense-in-depth 5.2.2
Perfect Defenses 5.2.3 Integrity Shells 5.2.4 Cryptographic Checksums 5.2.5 System Call Detection and
Prevention 5.2.6 Known Viruses Detectors 5.2.7 Special Purpose Defenses 5.2.8 Looking For Questionable
Instructions 5.2.9 Examining Printable Strings 5.3 Epidemiology of Computer Viruses 5.3.1 Virus Vectors
5.3.2 General Trends and Time Factors 5.3.3 Susceptibility of Modern Systems 5.3.4 How Defenses Impact
Epidemiology 5.3.5 Another Vital Result 5.3.6 The Impact of Evolution on Epidemiology 5.3.7 How Good
is Good Enough? 5.3.8 Epidemiology and Strategic Planning 5.4 Exposure Analysis 5.4.1 The Informa-
tion Flow Model 5.4.2 The New Exposure Analysis 5.5 A Cost Analysis Of Viruses and Select Defenses 6
Strategy and Tactics in Virus Defense 6.1 General Principles 6.1.1 General Strategic Needs 6.1.2 General
Tactical Needs 6.2 Some Widely Applicable Results 6.3 Some Examples 6.3.1 Typical Attacks 6.3.2 The
Small Business Scenario 6.3.3 The University Scenario 6.3.4 The Financial Institution Scenario 6.3.5 The
Computer Company Scenario
0.1 Introduction
This book was derived from recordings of my one-day short courses on computer viruses. The course runs
about 8 hours, and at the time of this writing, had been taught about 50 times. In this course, I try to
avoid the deep technical details and most of the mathematics behind the conclusions presented. At the
same time, I think it is important to provide enough evidence to be convincing and understandable. As
an aid to the technically inclined reader, I have provided a number of good references which contain more
detailed technical information.
This is not a technology book, it is a science book. By that I mean that the purpose of the book is
to educate the reader, so that for the rest of their life, they will understand about computer viruses, and
never be surprised by what happens. For that reason, I avoid discussing details of particular technologies
except for the purpose of providing examples. The point is to give you knowledge of the subject that can
be applied regardless of the system you are using, the programming languages in the environment, or the
most popular operating system of the day.
The intended audience is anyone who works intimately with computers on a day-to-day basis. It will
be particularly helpful to computer programmers, information systems managers, systems administrators,
EDP auditors, and computer security specialists, but it would also be a good book for an undergraduate
student who has taken a course on computers, and has been used in graduate programs as a supplement
to other material.
You will nd the coverage of this book quite broad. We begin with the basics of computer viruses,
and discuss how they work, what they can do, and how they are dierent from other technologies. We
then discuss scientic experiments with viruses, viruses that have appeared in the real world, and how
organizations have historically responded to the threat of viruses. Next, we go into details about defenses,
starting with theoretically sound defenses, then moving into a series of examples of defenses that dont
work very well, describing the best current defenses in real systems, and discussing non-technical defenses
and management issues. Next we analyze the impact of computer viruses and defenses, go through a series
of scenarios that consider viruses in a variety of real-world situations, and sum up the course. Finally, in
the appendices, we tell the good joke that I tell just after lunch to wake people up before starting the
second half of the course, include the most commonly requested technical details, and provide a list of
about 75 annotated references to related works.
I hope that you enjoy this book, and I welcome your comments and suggestions.
Chapter 1
Computer Virus Basics
1.1 What is a Computer Virus?
I would like to start with a formal denition . . .
MV (M, V ) V S [V TS]and[M TM]and
[v V [H
(t) = jand
(t) = 2
(t, j), ..., 2
(t, j+ [ v [ 1)) = v]
[ v

V [t

> t[j


+ [ v

[) j]or[(j+ [ v [) j


, j

), ..., 2

, j

+ [ v

[ 1)) = v


s.t.[t < t

< t

] and

) j

, ..., j

+ [ v

[ 1]
]]] ] ] ] ] ]
Figure 1.1: Formal Denition
So much for that! Now let me tell you what it means.
When we talk about computer viruses in the deepest sense, we are talking about sequences of symbols
in the memory of a machine in whatever form that may be, main memory, the registers, disk, tape, or
what have you. What makes one of those sequences of symbols an element of a viral set (V ) is that when
the machine interprets that sequence of symbols (v), it causes some other element of that viral set (v

) to
appear somewhere else in the system at a later point in time. Most of the viruses you have probably heard
about form singleton viral sets (e.g. sequences of instructions in machine code for the particular machine
v v

v v

. . . . . .
Figure 1.2: Picture of the Formal Denition
that make exact copies of themselves somewhere else in the machine), but thats not the only possibility.
You can have viruses that are not in the binary code of the machine; an example is a viruses written
in a source language that infects other source language programs. Any sequence of symbols that is
interpreted on the machine could potentially contain a virus.
All viruses are not from singleton viral sets. You can have viruses that evolve through a nite number
of dierent instances. In fact, you can have viruses that evolve through a potentially innite number
of dierent versions. It turns out that this is very important, because it makes the problem of virus
detection and eradication far more dicult than it would be if we could only make viruses that made
exact copies of themselves.
1.2 How Do Viruses Spread Through Systems?
The working denition of a virus that most people see, goes like this: A virus is a program that can
infect other programs by modifying them to include a, possibly evolved, version of itself.
) (U
) (U
v . . . . . .
owned by U
is initially infected.
) (U
) (U
v v . . .
When P
is run by U
, P
is infected.
) (U
) (U
v . . . v v
When P
is run by U
, P
is infected.
Figure 1.3: A Timesharing System
Lets look at an example. We have here a picture of a time-sharing system with three users; U
, U
and U
; who own three programs; P
, P
, and P
respectively; at times t
, t
, and t
. If at time t
is infected with a virus V, and at time t
user U
runs program P
, then because user U
is authorizing
program P
to act on U

s behalf, and user U
has the authority to modify program P
, the virus in program
is authorized to modify program P
, and thus it infects program P
. Similarly, if at time t
user U
runs program P
, program P
becomes infected. Thus the virus spreads from program to program and
from user to user.
Note that this operates in a typical timesharing computer environment, even with standard protec-
tion mechanisms in place. This means that the protection mechanisms used throughout the computing
community today are inadequate for defense against viruses.
To present this to people with a non-technical background, we use the secretaries analogy. In this
analogy we talk about a group of secretaries, where each secretary does their job by taking orders from
their boss. For example, a boss might tell secretary 3 to make a call. When secretary 3 gets that order,
secretary 3 looks for a note card that says make a call at the top, and does whatever that note card says.
If secretary 3 doesnt have such a note card, then secretary 3 will ask the other secretaries if they have a
make a call note card. When secretary 3 nds such a note card, he or she does whatever that note card
Now lets imagine that somewhere in the middle of secretary 2s write-a-memo note card, is the
following sentence:
In your own words, copy this sentence onto all your other notecards,
and if the date is after January 1, 1999, burn everything in sight.
Lets see what happens. When secretary 2 is told to write-a-memo, this sentence is going to be
interpreted in the process of writing that memo, and all of secretary 2s notecards are going to become
infected. If at a later time, secretary 3 is told to make-a-call, and ends up using secretary 2s make-
a-call note card, all of secretary 3s notecards become infected, and so on. So this virus spreads from
note card to note card, from secretary to secretary, from oce to oce (as secretaries change jobs), and
eventually from multi-national rm to multi-national rm.
On January 2, 1999, there are going to be a lot of res!
I should also note that a benevolent form of this virus could be implemented by substituting the
triggering condition and damage with a more useful activity. For example, suppose the note card said:
In your own words, copy this sentence onto all your other notecards,
and if you are leaving soon, check for re hazards.
With this benevolent virus, you could be reasonably assured that there would be fewer res worldwide
as the virus spread further and further.
Lets look at it from a programmers point of view using a pseudo-code example of the computer
virus. The reason I use pseudo-code examples instead of actual codes from computer viruses is that, in
1983 when we rst developed these models, I made the decision that it would be inappropriate to reveal the
actual code of an attack. The reason is that an attacker could make a copy, modify it slightly to do damage,
and then we might be in big trouble. So, rather than give the attackers the code for an attack, I decided
to show the defenders what the attack might look like so they could provide appropriate defenses without
giving the attackers an obvious entry. Unfortunately, the response of the computer science community was
denial. They felt that such a thing was not possible. As recently as 1989, there was a dominant feeling that
this was just a lot of media hype. In the meanwhile, the attackers read the early papers, and took action
to realize many attacks. This situation is changing because of the large number of real-world attacks, and
the computer science community is now beginning to think that viruses are a realistic possibility.
Program V :=
Subroutine infect-executable:=
{loop: file=random-executable;
if (first-line of file = 1234567)
then goto loop;
else prepend V to file;}
Subroutine do-damage:=
{whatever damage you can program}
Subroutine trigger-pulled:=
{whatever trigger you want here}
if (trigger-pulled) then do-damage;
goto next;}
The pseudo-code virus V works like this. It begins with a marker 1234567. This is not necessary,
but in this particular case, it is used to identify that this particular virus has already infected a program,
so that it doesnt infect the same program repeatedly. It then has three subroutines followed by the main
program. The main program of the virus starts by infecting another program through the subroutine
infect-executable. This subroutine loops, examining random executable les until it nds one without
the rst line 1234567. When it nds an uninfected executable, V copies itself into the beginning of the
previously uninfected executable, thus infecting it.
Note that there have been tens of thousands of readers of this particular example, and yet nobody has
ever called to attention the fact that it will loop indenitely once all of the executable les in the system
are infected.
After infection, the virus checks for a trigger pulled condition, which can be anything the attacker
programs in. If the condition is active, it performs whatever damage is programmed into the do-damage
routine. Finally, the main program of the virus jumps into whatever program the virus was prepended
to when it was installed, and runs that program normally. So, if this virus is at the beginning of an
executable program, and you run that program, the virus is going to attach itself to the beginning of the
next program, and if the trigger is not pulled, its just going to run the program it was attached to the
beginning of. If this process happens relatively quickly, users are not likely to notice it taking place during
the normal operation of a system.
1.3 What Damage Could A Malicious Virus Do?
Lets take a cursory look at the types of damage you might get from a computer virus.
{if the date is after Jan 1, 1999;}
{loop: goto loop;}
This is a simple denial of services example. The triggering condition in this case is time driven, and the
damage is an innite loop. If this virus spread throughout a computer system or network, then as of the
triggering date, every program that was infected would go into an innite loop. So, in a typical computer
network today, every program on the network will stop operating as of that moment.
This is only the simplest and most obvious sort of attack, it is relatively easily detected and countered,
and does not require much sophistication to write, but as we will now begin to see, the situation can get
somewhat more complex. Here is a more interesting virus called a Compression Virus. We use this
example, because it shows us a couple of things about typical ideas for defenses, particularly that it is not
such an easy matter to determine whether a program has been infected.
Program CV:=
subroutine infect-exec:=
if first-line of file = 01234567
then goto loop;
(1) compress file;
(2) prepend CV to file;
{if ask-permission
then infect-exec;
(3) uncompress rest-of-file;
(4) run uncompressed file;
This virus works in a four step process, marked 1,2,3, and 4 in the code. Rather than look at the code
for this attack, I think it is much easier to look at the picture.
We start at a time t
with program P

, the infected version of program P
, and a clean program P
that has never been infected with this virus. If at time t
, program P
is run, the following steps take
- Program P
is compressed into P

- v attaches itself to P

- P

is decompressed into the original program P
- The original program P
is executed normally.

. . . P




v v



Figure 1.4: A Compression Virus
There are a couple of things to note about this particular compression virus. One thing is that the size
of P

is typically about 1/2 the size of the original P
. That is, le compression typically saves about 50%
of the space taken up by les (sometimes you can get 2/3 or more). The net eect is that if you spread
this virus throughout a computer system, you can save about half the space taken up by programs. The
penalty you pay for that space savings is that whenever you run a program, it has to decompress, and this
takes extra time. So the compression virus implements a time/space tradeo in your computer system,
and in this sense might be quite useful.
Now suppose we have a defender who is trying to gure out whether a le is infected, and an attacker
who is willing to put forth some eort to prevent this detection. One of the earliest defenses we saw in the
real-world, was looking to see if the size of a le changed. A lot of people wrote papers saying To nd
viruses, look for changes in the size of the les. Well, lets see what the attacker can do to avoid that.
Since the resulting program P

has fewer bytes than the original P
, by simply adding appropriate null
bytes to P

, we can make P

exactly the same size as the original program P
, and therefore, the size of
the program has not changed.
Suppose the defender uses a simple checksum to indicate changes in a le. A simple checksum is formed
by adding up all the bytes in the le in some modulus. By taking an initial checksum, and then comparing
at a later date, defenders try to detect viruses. Well, instead of putting in null bytes (as we did to keep
the le size identical), we can put in any other bytes we wish. In particular, we can put in bytes that make
the checksum of the infected program the same as the checksum of the original. Then a simple checksum
will not detect the presence of a virus. So simple checksumming is very easy to avoid as well.
The same is true for CRC codes. A CRC code is typically used to identify changes on disks from
random errors, but of course, it is only useful against random Gaussian types of noise, and will not work
against serious attackers because it is very easy to forge a modication that keeps the same CRC code as
the original program.
It turns out that it is pretty straightforward to write a virus so that the resulting size, the modication
date and time (on most systems), the checksum, and the CRC code for the infected le, are exactly the
same as for the original. This points out some of the diculty in trying to detect the sorts of change that
a virus might make to a le.
1.4 Some Other Things Malicious Viruses Might Do
Now I just want to go through some other types of damage very quickly, to give you an idea of the range of
things you might expect from computer virus attacks. Of course, when I get to the end, you will probably
be thinking of lots of other things that a virus could do. So, have a good time. Just realize that the
attackers are also having a good time thinking about these things.
1.4.1 A Data Diddling Virus
Lets start out with the data diddling virus. A data diddling virus is a virus where every infected program
modies one bit in one randomly selected data le once a week. In a typical personal computer system
there will be something like a thousand infected programs, so each of those thousand infected programs
modies one bit of data from a randomly selected data le once a week. So a thousand randomly selected
bits of data in your system are being changed every week.
Is anybody here going to notice that occurring in their system? Does anybody have any system in
place to detect the random changing of a bit in a data le? Okay, so if this sort of a virus entered your
system, you wouldnt even notice that the damage was being done. You wouldnt notice the virus and
you wouldnt notice the damage. Eventually, you would. After a couple of months, or depending on how
you use your system, a couple of weeks, you would start to notice that you had all sorts of errors in your
database; and you would probably have some diculty tracking down the source of those errors. In fact, it
is very dicult to gure out that these errors come from this virus, because there is no direct link between
the attack and the damage, so the symptom does not indicate the cause.
Instead of a random data diddling virus, you could create a far more sophisticated data diddling virus.
For example, a virus that randomizes the second and last digits of numbers that look like postal codes,
would cause mailing lists to direct mail incorrectly. A virus that switches digits before and after a decimal
point, would wreak havoc on most arithmetic calculations. Exchanging commas with periods in a document
would cause a condition that would rst corrupt information, and subsequently correct it (after changing
commas to periods, it would change them back again, alternating between right and wrong versions). This
could be quite unnerving. As a real world example, a virus called Typo creates typing errors whenever
the user types faster than 60 words per minute. This is clearly directed against the more skilled typists of
the world (perhaps its author failed a typing test and didnt get a job?). A more directed data diddling
virus might target specic information for specic changes to attain specic goals.
These data diddling viruses show a key factor in the success of a virus; to make the link between
cause and eect so indirect, that it is not likely to be determined by examining results. Thus, even once
corruptions are detected, it may be a long time before the cause is determined. The more indirect the
link, the more complex the process of tracking down the source. Furthermore, the cost of trying to restore
integrity from a data diddling attack might be very high. For example, there is no simple way to determine
how far back you have to go to correct those corruptions.
1.4.2 The Random Deletion Virus
The Random Deletion Virus is a virus that spreads throughout a system and looks for les that havent
been accessed in, lets say the last month and a half, and deletes them. It turns out that if you havent
accessed a le in the last month and a half, you probably wont access that le in the next month and
a half. To the extent that you dont notice that the le is missing, it might be a long time before you
determine that it is missing, and you might have great diculty tracing it to an appropriate backup. In
fact, youll probably think that you deleted it by accident and start to lose condence in what you have
and have not done.
Lets take it a step further. Suppose you have a system in place where in order to save space, you
periodically move unaccessed les to o-line backups and then delete them from the system. If the attacker
is aware that this system is in place, its very straight forward to look for les that are about to be moved
o-line and delete a small percentage of them, say one out of ten. The net eect is that the user gets
messages that various les were moved o-line, and they gure that everything is nice and safe. When
they go to get a deleted le back, they nd its not there! Its not on the system and its not on the o-line
backups and nobody knows where it went, or why it is gone. That could create a few problems, and it
almost certainly would not be attributed to an undetected virus.
1.4.3 A Production Destruction Virus
A Production Destruction Virus is a virus launched, for example, by one steel company against another.
In this scenario, you launch a virus that spreads through your competitors company, identifying their
production line system and causing the temperature in the third phase of their steel cooling process to
be o by ten degrees centigrade on Tuesday afternoons when there are between two and ve people using
their system, and no system administrator or security administrator logged in.
The net eect is that theyll have lower quality steel, and if they try to trace down the problem, the
chances are, theyll have an administrator on the system looking for the problem, so the problem wont
occur. It might be very dicult to track down the problem, and in the meanwhile, a noticeable degradation
in quality might occur.
1.4.4 A Protection Code Changing Virus
A Protection Code Changing Virus is a virus that spreads throughout an environment changing the
protection state of the machine; making unreadable things readable; making readable things unreadable;
making executable programs readable and writable; and so on.
It turns out that in most modern systems, the protection state of the machine is very complex and there
are no adequate tools for determining its propriety or restoring it to a known state. Thus by randomizing
the protection state, it is unlikely that the attack will be detected, and it may be very hard to restore
the proper protection state. A minor improvement in protection tools would dramatically change this
situation, and this is one of the major problems we face today in the information protection area.
1.4.5 A Network Deadlock Virus
A Network Deadlock Virus (weve seen this many times in the real world) is a virus that replicates so
quickly that it deadlocks a network. All of the network deadlock viruses we are aware of; whether from a
bug as in the ARPAnet deadlock in the mid 1970s and the AT+T crash of 1990, or from an intentional
attacker as in the IBM Christmas card of 1988 and the Internet virus of 1989; have caused deadlock
1.4.6 An Executive Error Virus
One of my favorites is the Executive Error Virus. This is a virus launched by, lets say the Vice President
of R&D. It resides in a cell in a spreadsheet. Its not a virus in the spreadsheet binary executable program,
its in the spreadsheet itself. What it does, is spread from spreadsheet to spreadsheet until it gets to one of
the Presidents spreadsheets. When it gets to one of the Presidents spreadsheets, it randomly changes one
of the cells in the spreadsheet every time somebody looks at it. As a result, the President makes improper
decisions based on the wrong numbers in the spreadsheet, and eventually makes so many incorrect decisions
that s/he gets red, and the Vice President moves up!
A similar thing was reportedly done when two partners in a small business attacked a third partner.
According to the story, the third partner got so frustrated from errors in programs, that he quit the
company. Now this is just a rumor as far as I can tell, but it makes the point.
1.4.7 A Covert Channel Virus
Another interesting virus is a Covert Channel Virus used to leak secrets from the best computer security
systems available today. Lets talk about these best computer security systems. Typically, were talking
about a system intended to protect secrecy. Its called a security system, but I will call it a secrecy system.
It works like this; if you are at a given secrecy level, you cant read information thats more highly classied,
lest it would be leaked to you, and you cant write information thats less highly classied, lest you could
leak secrets out to someone else. Heres a picture of such a system.
Higher No Read
You Read/Write
Lower No Write
Figure 1.5: A Bell-LaPadula System
This is commonly called the Bell-LaPadula Model of computer security and is used on systems like
RACF, ACF2, Top Secret, AT&T Secure Unix, and other commercial and military systems.
Now suppose that the least trusted user in this system puts a virus into a program. As soon as a
classied user runs that unclassied program, a classied program can become infected. This is because
theres no rule that says that a more trusted user cant run a less trusted program. The system allows
the classied user to run the unclassied program, hence authorizing the unclassied program to act as a
classied user and infect the classied program.
Similarly, when a secret user runs the classied program, a secret program can become infected and
when a top secret user runs a secret program, top secret programs can become infected. That means that
the least trusted user is the most dangerous from the standpoint of a viral attack.
Top Secret P

Secret P
v P

Classied P
v P
v P

Unclassied P
v P
v P
v P
Figure 1.6: A Virus In A Bell LaPadula Based System
This lack of integrity protection subjects all users of such a system to denial of services, directed
corruptions, data diddling, and all of the other attacks we have discussed. But then, these systems are
not designed to protect against corruptions, because they were designed with only a secrecy requirement
restricting rights of subjects to see objects. It has become increasingly clear that a requirement to assure
that objects are accurate and available for their intended use is called for if we are to depend on these
systems for any particular purpose.
So how do we use that to leak secrets? We do it through something called covert channels. A covert
channel is a channel for sending information around a system, thats not normally intended to be an
information channel.
Let me give you an example. Suppose a top secret user wants to send information to an unclassied
user by using a disk space covert channel. All the top secret user has to do is use a lot of disk space to
indicate a 1, and very little disk space to indicate a 0. If there is an unclassied user on that same
computer system, that unclassied user could look at how much disk space is available. If theres very
little disk space available, that indicates a 1. If theres a lot of disk space available, that indicates a 0.
So thats a covert channel.
It turns out that on any system that allows users to share resources in a non-xed fashion, there are
always covert channels. In some systems, simple to exploit channels exist, like top secret le names that
are visible to unclassied users. Other signaling mechanisms such as presence of a le or availability of a
resource are commonly available even in the most carefully designed systems.
In the best computer security systems we have today, covert channels typically allow somewhere around
ten bits per second each, and we typically have something like a thousand known covert channels in any
given system. This means you can leak secrets through covert channels at a combined rate of about ten
thousand bits per second, faster than a 9600 baud modem can transmit information. It also turns out that
(from Shannons 1948 paper on information theory) no matter how much noise is in the channel, we can
reliably leak secrets, with the bandwidth limited by the signal to noise ratio.
So how do we use these two things to launch an attack? If the least trusted user launches a virus, the
virus can spread up through the system until a copy of the virus gets into the top secret area. At that
point, this copy of the virus can start transmitting top secret information through the covert channel to a
cooperating process in the untrusted environment. So you can leak secrets from the best computer security
systems we have, if those systems do not maintain their integrity.
1.4.8 Synergism in Attack
Several of the examples described above exploit a synergistic relationship between the virus and another
attack mechanism. For example, a virus alone could not leak secrets from a Bell-Lapadula based system,
and a covert channel cannot be systematically introduced by an outside attacker alone in such a system,
but by combining the virus with the covert channel attack, we can do things neither could do alone.
This can be extended to many other attacks. For example, the Internet virus exploited a virus to spread
the attack and attempted to guess passwords once it arrived in systems. Without the virus, these systems
may not have been reachable to guess passwords on, while without the password guessing, the virus may
not have been able to spread as far. Actually, the Internet virus was not as good at exploiting these things
as it could have been; you can do much better.
Without going into too much more detail, this combination is very dangerous, and allows many other-
wise strong defenses to be rendered completely ineective. Imagine a virus designed to include 20 of the
most successful attacks with the ability to spread far and fast. Perhaps you might even add a form of
evolution so that replicas tend to try the most successful historic attacks more often than the less successful
ones so that the more successful attack combinations tend to be used more often.
1.5 What Could a Benevolent Virus Do?
We have seen the example of a compression virus that saves space by compressing executable les, and
it may occur to you that there could be other useful applications of viruses in computer systems and
networks. It turns out that there are. In fact, as a general result, we have known since viruses were rst
conceived that any computation that can be done by any program can be done by a computer virus. The
issue surrounding the useful application of viruses is whether they do any sorts of things better than other
forms of programs.
I dont want to go into too much detail on benevolent viruses here, because I have recently written
another book on live programs (called Its Alive) that addresses this issue in some depth, and the
subject takes a great deal of time and space to cover. Instead, I just want to cover some of the possibilities
to get your mental juices going.
1.5.1 Maintenance Viruses
Maintenance viruses, as a class, seem to be one of the most useful forms of computer viruses in existence
today. Put in the simplest terms, computer systems are imperfect, and these imperfections often leave
residual side eects, such as undeleted temporary les, programs that never stop processing, and incorrectly
set protection bits. As more and more of these things happen over time, systems become less and less
usable, until nally, a human being repairs the problems in order to continue ecient processing.
Here is a simple maintenance virus designed to replace older program versions with newer versions.
Program MVn :=
{Version=776; Program=test-program-1;
Main-program-of-virus :=
Subroutine Are-Viruses-Allowed? :=
{If no viruses-allowed file exists
then exit-this-program-now;}
Subroutine It-This-Virus-Altered? :=
{If checksum of this file is not
the same as Original-Checksum
then exit-this-program-now;}
Subroutine Clean-Up-After :=
{If End-Date is after Today
then Clean-all-disks and remove run MVn
from startup-profile;}
Subroutine Perform-Useful-Function :=
{If version-of Program is less than Version
then copy Tail-Program to Program}
Subroutine Make-Sure-MVs-Run :=
{For all programs MVx
{If run MVx is not in startup-profile,
prepend run MVx to startup-profile;}
Subroutine Infect-All-Disks :=
{For all accessible disks D
{if MVn is not on disk D then copy MVn to D;
if Version exceeds the Version of MVn on disk D
then copy MVn to D;}
Subroutine Clean-all-disks :=
{For all accessible disks D
{if MVn is on disk D
then remove MVn from disk D;}
Tail-Program: <Version 776 of test-program-1 goes here>
This virus rst checks to see if viruses are allowed on this system. If not, it exits without further
operation. In a system with access controls, we could require that this le be in a directory owned by the
systems administrator, so that no other user could allow viruses without permission. Next, it checks that
the program has not been altered by using a checksum technique. These techniques will be described
later, but it essentially checks a ngerprint of this le that assures to within a specied probability that
this le has not been changed in distribution.
Next, it copies itself to all accessible disks unless they already have a newer version of MV. Next it
checks whether the program it carries with it is newer than the on-line version of that program. If so, it
updates that program. Next it assures that all current MV programs will run whenever the user uses the
system by placing appropriate commands in the users startup prole. Finally, if the End-Date is past, it
removes itself from all disks and from the users prole.
As a side eect of any one of the MV viruses (i.e. MV
... MV
, i ^) running, all accessible MV
viruses are assured to run. This enhances the distribution process by speeding up the spread of newer
MV viruses. It also provides redundancy so that even if some MV virus dont naturally infect a particular
computer, they are helped along by other MV viruses.
Other useful functions that could be provided by MV viruses include deleting old temporary les,
checking for disk errors and correcting them, and automatically distributing new software packages. You
can probably think of more.
1.5.2 Distributed Databases with Viruses
Another application of benevolent viruses is in the area of distributed database design. In this case,
instead of modifying information we are retrieving it from multiple sources, and in this case, we will
assume a more advanced computing environment than is currently provided by the DOS operating system.
For our example, we will assume there is a Remote Procedure Call (i.e. RPC) capability that allows
programs to run programs on neighboring machines in a local area network. We will use this capability to
reproduce into remote machines and cause them to invoke our viruses quickly.
Program DBV :=
{Search-Term=Name=Jones and State=NJ;
Termination-Time=1PM on June 13, 1999;
Result-Address=Smith at Headquarters;
Main-program-of-virus :=
Subroutine Wait-Around :=
{sleep-till Termination-Time;
Subroutine Clean-Up :=
{If Current-Time after Termination-Time
then Delete DBV and DBV-active and exit;}
Subroutine Perform-Useful-Function :=
{Search-for Search-Term and
mail-result-to Result-Address;}
Subroutine Infect-Neighbors :=
{For all neighboring machines M
{if file DBV-active does-not-exist on machine M
then {create DBV-active on machine M
copy DBV to machine M
run DBV on machine M}
When DBV is run on any machine, it rst checks to see if the current time is after its termination
time. If so, it deletes all les created by DBV on the current machine and terminates its own operation. If
the termination time is not past, DBV copies itself to neighboring machines that it doesnt already exist
on, and tells those machines to run their copy of DBV. They in turn copy the virus to their neighbors,
and so on. Next, DBV performs a useful function by searching the local database(s) for the search terms
and returning any results to the result address via computer mail. Finally, DBV waits around until its
termination time and deletes itself.
A few comments are in order here because there is a bit of subtlety involved. For example, what if we
change the order of the program operations so that main-program looks like this:
In this case, the program could run forever, consuming disk space and computer time all over the network!
The reason is that each copy will reproduce before self-destruction, thus creating several progeny which
will do the same thing, ad innitum. By cleaning up rst, we prevent reproduction after the expiration
Another problem that could occur would be a situation where the time settings on dierent computers
in the network are so dierent that whenever some systems are deleting their copy of DBV, other systems
are reproducing DBV into new machines. On a local scale, this is unlikely to create a problem, but on a
global scale, the situation could be quite dierent. Suppose the termination time didnt include a date.
While it is after 1PM in one place, it is before 1PM somewhere west of that place, and that is true for
every place on Earth! DBV could literally circle the earth, infecting machines with time settings between
midnight and 1PM (since in those machines it is before 1PM) and dying out in areas where it is after
Just as a biological creature can cause its own extinction by overpopulation, so could an undated version
of DBV. Extinction comes if DBV is so successful that it saturates all of the susceptible computers in the
network with copies of itself. At that point, none of the copies of DBV will ever reproduce again because
the infection routine is only executed at program startup. This design is intended to cause rapid spread
and execution, and not to cause network overloads.
If you ever try to run this sort of distributed database, you may be surprised by the results. To me,
the most intriguing result of such an experiment is that results come back at dierent times. This is
reminiscent of how the human thought process works in that we often start to consider a problem, get
some initial results, and over time gain further insight as the thought process triggers results from more
and more indirect connections.
1.5.3 Life for Its Own Sake
I personally believe that reproducing programs are living beings in the information environment, and I am
not alone. A natural question that follows that belief is whether life in this form is virtuous for its own
I am happy to report that I am at or near the top of the food chain, and as a result, I commonly
kill other living creatures for my own survival. I am not anxious to kill other living creatures just for the
thrill of the hunt, but other people are, and as long as they dont do so much of this that they impact the
environment, it is only a somewhat nebulous moral issue as to whether it is right or wrong to kill them.
We commonly kill nuisance creatures and rudimentary creatures such as bacteria without a second thought
about their right to life.
This having been said, it would seem that just as people keep dogs and cats for pets, they might want
to keep computer life forms for pets. It would seem reasonable that just as we have leash laws in the city for
pets, we might want leash laws on computer networks. We kill stray dogs and cats to control population,
and so we will probably continue the genocide against stray computer viruses.
A good example of a non-viral computer pet is the X-Windows roach program. Ill run this program
now so I can give as realistic a description as possible . . . The rst thing that happens is that a bunch of
cockroaches appear on the screen and start running around looking for a window to hide behind. Eventually,
they all nd hiding places, but as soon as I move a window or resize or delete it, all of the cockroaches
that were hidden by it rush to nd new cover.
Now you would think that such a useless program would never become widely used, but it seems that it
is so widely used that it is a standard part of most X-Windows distribution systems, and similar programs
have been widely used in computers since the early 1960s.
1.5.4 Practical Limits
Anything that can be done by any nonviral program can be done by a computer virus. For that reason,
any limitations on the applications of viruses dont come from theory, but from practical concerns. From a
practical standpoint, we only have limited experience, but we seem to know a few things about the kinds
of problems best suited to viral computation.
In implementing problem solutions with viruses, communications between individuals is quite expensive
compared to internal computation, and the more distant the individuals, the more overhead is required for
communication. We would therefore prefer implementing viral solutions in cases where communication is
less important than computation. A similar result applies to the issue of being able to centrally control
computation once it is underway. Again, we would prefer viral solutions in cases where central control is
not normally used.
Another important factor in determining if a computation is suited to viral implementation is the degree
of parallelism inherent in the solution. Highly sequential solutions wherein each computation depends on
the results of previous computations have a high degree of communication between computations in the
series, and are thus not well suited to viral solutions. Similarly, highly parallel solutions are well suited to
viral computation as long as they dont require a great deal of communication between parallel components.
For example, viruses are an ideal solution for certain tree search problems where each branch is
independent and operates for a substantial amount of time, and only rare nal results are returned. A
terrible solution to implement with a virus would be a cellular array like the parallel multiplier, which
performs n
fairly trivial calculations with each computation communicating results immediately to about
4 other computations; or a very sequential computation such as a simple recursive decent, wherein each
result can only be determined after another result is available.
1.6 Viruses in Specic Computing Environments
Were now going to translate the secretaries analogy into the language of a number of modern systems to
clarify just how an infection might work, and to convince you that the principle is the same regardless of
the particulars of your system.
1.6.1 Viruses in MVS
This is how the virus might work in an MVS system. Suppose that one module somewhere in a private MVS
library (e.g. a Fortran subroutine, an object module, a library module, a source program, a spreadsheet
thats interpreted by a spreadsheet program, a database macro, etc.) is infected. As the owner (user U
uses the infected module, other modules in U
s private library become infected, and as they are used,
still other modules become infected, and so on, until eventually, everything in the library that can become
infected does become infected. You can easily write a program to do this, it doesnt violate any security
rules, nothing in it will trigger any errors or warnings on the system, and provided the process is reasonably
fast, no obvious system changes will be noticed.
Eventually, some other user (user U
) might run one of U
s infected programs, use an infected library
or spreadsheet macro, or you name it. When U
uses something belonging to U
, then U
s private library
may become infected. U
s les start to have copies of the infection and it spreads throughout U
s area,
eventually infecting everything that can become infected.
Through this process, the virus can spread from user to user and eventually work its way through the
system. However, in some cases, the problem can get much worse very quickly. If some user along the way,
say U
, happens to have authority to modify programs or other information in common use, then the virus
will spread far more quickly. For example, a systems programmer that runs an infected program, links
with an infected library, interprets an infected spreadsheet, uses an infected database, you name it, grants
the virus authority to modify system programs. In an MVS system, the virus will eventually spread into
one of those system programs and everybody will become infected.
1.6.2 PC, MacIntosh, and Amiga Viruses
In a PC DOS based system, a virus can be planted in an EXE or COM le (binary executables), in a
Basic program, a spreadsheet, the boot sector, system memory, a device driver, video memory, the on-board
clock memory, CMOS memory, or even in unused portions of a disk. Just as in the MVS case, whenever
infected information is used, it can infect other information, but in a typical DOS environment, there is no
protection, so any reachable information can be infected. If a oppy disk or a network is involved, viruses
can spread to these media, and thus move from system to system.
The MacIntosh environment has a very dierent user interface than DOS, but in terms of operating
system protection, it is not very dierent. It has minimal protection, and that protection is easily bypassed.
The MacIntosh environment also has some extra problems related to the fact that some data les have
implicit programs which are interpreted each time they are read or written. Viruses in these code segments
can be very hard to track down.
The Amiga environment is similar in many ways to the DOS environment, and operating system
protection is again minimal and easily bypassed. Thus the Amiga operating system can be corrupted just
as the DOS and MacIntosh environments. The Amiga has an extra problem in that every time a disk is
put into the system, a program on that disk is read in order to be able to interpret the contents of the disk.
Each disk essentially carries its own driver, which means that the Amiga automatically installs and runs
programs from the oppy disks whenever they are placed in the machine. Viruses planted in the driver
area of a oppy disk are thus automatically installed and run.
1.6.3 Viruses in Unix and VMS
In a Unix or VMS system, a virus can be planted in the same way as in an MVS system, except that instead
of modules in a library, viruses typically reside in les in a directory. When an infected le is interpreted, it
can infect other accessible les. Viruses can also reside in processes, infecting information accessible by the
process. Spreading from user to user can take place whenever a user uses another users information, just
as in MVS. If user U
has an infected program, and it is used by user U
, then by using U
s program, U
authorizes it to modify U
s programs. Just as there are systems programmers in MVS, there are privileged
users in Unix and VMS, and the accelerated spread works in essentially the same manner.
Remember, in each of these examples, the virus doesnt require any special privileges, it doesnt have
to modify the operating system, it doesnt depend on any aw in the operating system implementation,
and it doesnt do anything thats not permitted by the security system. The virus spreads because the
protection policies in these systems dont protect integrity.
1.6.4 Viruses in LANs
The most common forms of local area networks (LANs) in use today consist of one or more le servers and
a set of host machines that access les on the le server(s) as if they were local les. The most common
way viruses spread in LANs is that an infection on a host H
infects a le f
on the le server. When
a user on another host H
uses f
, the infection spreads to a le f
on host H
. Users on other hosts
accessing f
also spread the infections to their hosts, and each of those hosts in turn infect other les on
the le server, and so on.
Just as in timesharing systems, no special privileges are required in order to infect les writable to
infected users, and operating system modication is not necessary. Just as in timesharing systems, when
users privileged to modify more les use infected hosts, the infection spreads further faster.
1.7 The Three Dierences
There are three major dierences between viruses and everything that came before them; generality, extent,
and persistence. We will now describe these dierences in some detail.
1.7.1 Generality
The rst major dierence is generality. When we look at computer security problems historically, we see
things like a aw in the operating system so that if a user calls a particular system facility in a particular
way, then the system will grant access to a part of memory the user is not suppose to access. Thats a
typical attack before viruses.
Figure 1.7: A Virus is Like a Missile
With viruses however, we have a very general attack situation. The virus spreads without violating
any typical protection policy, while it carries any desired attack code to the point of attack. You can think
of it as a missile, a general purpose delivery system that can have any warhead you want to put on it. So
a virus is a very general means for spreading an attack throughout an entire computer system or network.
Viruses can also be used to carry any useful function that could be manually performed in multiple
places on multiple systems. The reproduction mechanism simply automates distribution in a reliable and
ecient manner. You can think of it as you might think of a whole team of software installers that will
install your program and run it on any machines you want. So a virus is a very general means of distributing
useful functions throughout an entire computer system or network.
1.7.2 Range of Eect
The second major dierence between viruses and previous attacks is their range. We used to think that
if somebody broke into Joes computer account, they could read what Joe could read and write what Joe
could write, and that was that. When we did risk assessment on that basis, we normally found that the
risk of breaking into any one account was minimal.
But with computer viruses, we known that if somebody breaks into Joes account, they can insert a
virus, and when Mary uses one of Joes programs Marys programs will become infected. Anybody that
1 2 . . . n
Figure 1.8: The Range Of A Virus
uses Marys programs thereafter may also have their programs infected, and anybody that uses any of
their programs, and so on. So it spreads from place to place to place, and its range, rather than being 1,
is potentially innite. Think of it in other terms. Sitting at my Unix-based computer in Hudson, Ohio I
could launch a virus and reasonably expect it to spread through forty percent of the Unix-based computers
in the world in a matter of days. Thats dramatically dierent from what we were dealing with before
The long range of viruses is also very helpful in benevolent applications because it enables them to
bring useful functions far further without the need for centralized control of their progress. If Joe and
Mary are in a fairly isolated network, we dont have to make special eorts to reach them unless time is of
the essence, because eventually, the virus will spread into their network through the normal, if somewhat
infrequent, sharing between their network and the rest of our organization.
1.7.3 Persistence
The third major dierence between viruses and everything that came before them is persistence. This is
perhaps the worst part of the problem. Take for example backups.
It used to be, we thought of backups as our safety net. We also saw hundreds of articles by so called
experts saying Keeping good backups will protect you from computer viruses. Its not true.
v v
P backup P
v v
Figure 1.9: Viruses Can Be Persistent
Heres the problem. When you backup an infected program, you dont just backup the program, you
backup the virus. That means that when you restore from backups, you dont just restore the program,
you restore the virus. In other words, the backup acts as safe harbor for the virus and makes it much more
dicult to get a virus out of a system than it would be if you didnt have those backups.
Let me give you some real good examples. Suppose I wrote a virus that only did subtle damage or
didnt do any damage for six months. That means you would have six months of backup tapes infected
with this virus. When the damage nally happens, you might get rid of the damage and clean your system
up by restoring from backups that are say, two weeks old. Well, youve just brought the virus right back,
and its going to hit you again and again. In fact, you dont know how far back into the backups to go to
have a clean system. You can never be absolutely certain youve gone back far enough.
But, it gets worse. How about a network with oppy disks on personal computers? If anybody in the
network has a oppy disk thats in a desk drawer somewhere, thats a backup. You may have a copy of a
virus on that disk. Even though you cleaned the entire network and all the known backups, this one oppy
disk sitting in a desk or in a briefcase can bring the virus back into your network, and there you go again.
Let me give you a real world example.
Theres a virus called the Scores that works against MacIntosh computers. I know of one organization
where they cured the scores virus from hundreds of MacIntosh computers in a network once a week over
a period of two years. They kept getting rid of the virus, but it kept coming back, because somewhere,
somebody had a oppy disk made during that week that didnt get cleaned up. When the disk was reused,
it brought the infection back.
So this persistence issue is really quite serious and makes getting rid of viruses much more dicult than
other attacks. Its even more interesting to note that viruses tend to persist longer than almost anything
else in the computing environment. For example, every couple of years you might get a new version of
a spreadsheet program. If your old spreadsheet program was infected, the new version will eliminate the
infection, but because the virus is in the environment, it will eventually infect the new spreadsheet program.
So a virus persists beyond changing from generation to generation of software programs.
Eventually, you probably change every piece of software in your computer system, but the virus may
still persist. When you go from DOS 2.01 to DOS 2.3, to 3.0, to 3.1 to 3.2 to 4.0 4.1 to 5.0 to 6.0 to OS/2,
the same viruses that worked on DOS 2.01 almost certainly work on each of these updated operating
systems. In fact, if you wrote a computer virus for the IBM 360 in 1965, chances are it would run on every
IBM compatible mainframe computer today, because these computers are upward compatible.
The great benet of persistence in benevolent viruses is that they can be designed so that they reliably
distribute information even in a very unreliable environment. For example, in the global network envi-
ronment, a central update process will almost certainly fail because machines are constantly being added,
removed, rebooted, and recongured. Inevitably, some machines will miss the update. With computer
viruses, eventually every machine that connects to the network may get updated, and we dont have any
central control overhead.
1.8 High Risk Activities
Three basic things allow viruses to spread; sharing, programming and changes. All we have to do is
eliminate those three things and we will be perfectly free of viruses. So does anybody think we are now
done with the short course? You mean you want to be able to share information and write programs and
change information? Then youre in trouble I guess.
1.9 Summary
Lets quickly summarize. Viruses are programs that replicate, evolve, and/or infect. They spread from
program to program, user to user, computer to computer, and network to network. Their unique properties
are generality, persistence and extent. They are an integrity problem, not a secrecy problem. Therefore,
improving computer security to keep secrets better does not eliminate the virus problem. Similarly, old
risk assessment techniques do not apply. Finally, most current systems are extremely vulnerable.
1.9. SUMMARY 21
Out of the ten thousand people Ive talked to about computer viruses in the last couple of years, weve
had three people who claim to be invulnerable to this particular problem, and after great discussions, I
nd that they are probably right. They are the people who make nuclear missiles. Why arent they very
vulnerable? Because they combine all of the integrity techniques we discuss, sparing no expense. As you
will see, you can be almost completely invulnerable, but you have to pay so much that you have to be in
the nuclear missile business to justify it.
Benevolent viruses may also have a place in the computing world of tomorrow. Just because some
people dont want viruses in their systems doesnt mean that they should be able to force their will in
other peoples systems. But one thing should be clearly understood. People who dont want viruses in
their systems should not be forced into having them there just because some other people are malicious or
thoughtless. To that end, a great deal of work has been done on defending against malicious viruses, and
that work is largely the subject of the rest of this book.
Before continuing, I just want to say one other thing about benevolent viruses. It is very easy to provide
protection against a benevolent virus, and benevolent virus writers that take even the most rudimentary
precautions can provide a high degree of assurance that their viruses wont go where they are not invited.
In my opinion, if they do not provide these precautions, they are recklessly endangering others, and they
should be held responsible for their actions. But if they do provide reasonable precautions, there should
be no objection to their eorts, and they should be allowed to continue without fear of penalty or the kind
of social abuse currently heaped on researchers who admit to following this line.
Chapter 2
Real World Viruses
Computer viruses have had a substantial impact on the world computing community, and for the most
part, this impact has been negative. I believe that this negative impact has been the result of the fact
that the early work on viruses related primarily to their utility as an attack and the diculty of defending
against them, and the fact that far more malicious viruses have been spread throughout the world than
benevolent ones. I have a few notions about why more malicious viruses are seen, and I would like to share
them with you before going on to specic examples.
Some people have the idea that malicious viruses are easier to write than benevolent ones, and I must
agree that this is probably correct, but then the same could be said for any other sort of program. For
example, the following Unix command deletes all of a users les.
rm -rf $HOME/
Considering the negative impact of this very small program, I doubt that a similar sized benevolent program
exists with an equivalent positive impact. The point is, it is generally easier to destroy than to create.
Even if there were far more benevolent viruses than malicious viruses in the world, most of the viruses we
would notice would likely be malicious, because malicious viruses tend to spread out of control. Benevolent
viruses are normally designed to spread only where intended and only over a specic period of time, so we
dont notice them at large in the world.
I would now like to move into a description of some of the early experimental results with computer
viruses and then to descriptions of some of the viruses in the real world. I am not going to go into a
list of all of the existing viruses, because there are simply too many of them to list (several thousand at
last count), and new ones come up so often, that by the time you publish a list, it is no longer complete.
Furthermore, the vast majority of these viruses are not interesting from a scientic point of view, in that
they represent no new ideas or technology, and they dont substantially change the problem of defense.
Instead, Im going to go over what I consider to be the more important breakthroughs in viruses so that
we can learn about some key issues.
2.1 Some Early Experiments
In the beginning, we did experimental attacks, but we didnt just say Lets go play. Experiments where
performed to demonstrate the feasibility of malicious viruses, determine infection time, and try to predict
the time required to take over systems. Permission was obtained from systems administrators before each
attack (to keep me out of jail), and implementation aws were meticulously avoided because the whole
idea of viruses is that they dont violate existing protection policies. Let me give you an example of what
we faced.
We did some of our early experiments on a Unix System. One of the things that people said about
our results was Yes, you succeeded, but Unix is fundamentally weak, so its not very interesting
that you found another way to attack it. For some reason they thought that because they knew
how to bypass controls in one Unix implementation, that invalidated the reality of viruses. So we did
experiments on other systems, and at every step along the way there were those who said Yes, but
that system is fundamentally weak. In nearly every virus experiment I have ever done, someone has
said that operating system is fundamentally weak, so its not important that you can use a virus
against it.
The point is, these viruses didnt exploit implementation aws, they exploited aws in the security
policy. That is, the policy that allows you to share information and interpret it in a general purpose way,
allows a virus to spread, regardless of the implementation.
To get an idea of how widespread the misperception was, one day the National Security Agency (an
agency in the US government which is so secret that even its mission statement is classied) called me into
a meeting and said We dont think its appropriate to reveal the names of systems that are vulnerable
to an attack until the manufacturers have the chance to eliminate the vulnerability. Now to understand
how ridiculous this is, you have to understand that the NSA is the organization that wrote the Trusted
System Evaluation Criteria which is the basis for computer security controls used by the US government.
Even they didnt seem to understand that the problem is fundamental to the way we use computers, and
not due to some implementation aw.
If I follow their advice, I can never, ever, tell you that Ive performed experiments on Unix, VMS, MVS,
TSS, VM, DOS, and many other operating systems and shown that they are vulnerable to viruses. So, in
keeping with their request, I wont tell you that.
2.1.1 The First Scientic Experiment
The rst scientic protection related experiment with a virus was certainly not the rst virus ever to exist,
but it was unique in that it was the rst experiment we have found that exploited the infection property
to bypass normal controls. This experiment was conceived November 3, 1983, performed over the next
several days, and demonstrated on November 10th to the attendees of a computer security course.
The experiment was on a blank computer, running the blank operating system (in keeping with the
NSAs request). The purpose was to demonstrate feasibility and measure attack time. It took eight hours
for an expert to develop the virus, which was far more complex than viruses we have seen in the real world.
Even though this virus was one of the largest Ive seen, it was only a 200 line C program (that sort of gives
away the operating system doesnt it?), so it wasnt a very big program compared to most other programs
in the environment. Most of the complexity was due to precautions we took to assure that it would not
spread out of control, that we could trace its spread, and that it could be safely removed. It also had at
least one feature that no other virus since has displayed. As a means of spreading to the largest number
of users in the smallest amount of time, it sought to infect the most often used programs rst.
Infection time was under 1/2 second in the middle of the day on a heavily loaded timesharing system.
So let me just ask: on a heavily loaded time sharing system in the middle of the day, is anybody going to
notice a 1/2 second delay in running a program? How about a one second delay? A two second delay?
Four seconds? Is anybody going to notice an 8 second delay? All right, yes. Somewhere between four
and eight seconds, theres always a person that says Im going to notice that delay. The point is, people
dont tend to notice 1/2 second delays under these conditions, and nobody ever noticed the 1/2 second
delay in our early experiments.
These viruses demonstrated the ability to cross user boundaries, which is the only protection provided
in the blank operating system, so it bypassed all of the normal protection mechanisms. After each of
these experiments, the virus was cleaned from all infected programs without any impact on the users, and
except for the audit trails, there was no trace of the virus left. Even the tape drive was locked during the
experiments to assure that copies didnt spread beyond the system under test.
There were ve attacks launched, and the minimum time to completely take over the system (i.e. the
time to attain all access to all information) was ve minutes. The average time was thirty minutes, and
the longest time in ve experiments was one hour. This was somewhat surprising. In fact, at that point in
time, I said to myself, this cannot be true of most systems. I thought that this must have been a uke
having to do with this particular system, so I wanted to do a lot more experiments to nd out for certain.
2.1.2 A Compression Virus
The idea of a compression virus came very early on, and in late 1983, we implemented a simple compression
virus in the Unix sh command interpreter. Modern computer virus experts call this a companion virus
because rather than replace the original program le, we simply compressed it, renamed it, and replaced
it by a copy of the virus. When the virus was run, it checked for a command line option that was used
to specify that it should reproduce. If reproduction was not called for, it decompressed the compressed
original under its original name, ran it, and after it nished running, replaced the virus.
This rst benevolent virus had some other interesting properties. It notied the user of its existence
upon execution, so it was not a Trojan horse, and it only spread where specically directed, so it was not
able to spread out of control or without permission. I used it for a short time, without telling anyone,
when disk space was particularly tight. The reason I didnt tell anyone about it was that my previous
experiments with viruses had alienated some key members of the faculty,
and I didnt want to get in any
further trouble. Since they didnt spread without permission and were only used in protected areas of my
personal directory, I felt there was no danger involved.
2.1.3 A Bell-LaPadula Based System
I really wanted to do instrumentation, because with experiments you can only show what happened in
one case, but with instrumentation, you can get statistics that show you whats going to happen on the
average. I tried to get permission for instrumentation, but before I had the chance to do that, I got to
do an experiment on a Bell-LaPadula based system; one of these high-class computer security systems
intended to protect from the leakage of secrets.
Negotiations began in March of 1984 and the actual experiments were performed in July of 1984. It was
I think it was because the rst virus infected several of their les even though they knew about the experiment ahead of
time and tried to avoid being victims.
a Proprietary Univac 1108 based system, and I can practically guarantee that you have never encountered
it. There were only two copies of this operating system ever in existence, and I heard a few years ago that
these systems were decommissioned. I dont remember the name of the operating system, but if I told it
to you, it wouldnt have any meaning anyway, and besides, I promised not to tell anyone the name of the
The purpose of this experiment was to demonstrate the feasibility of a virus in a Bell-LaPadula based
system, and performance simply was not an issue. It took 18 hours to develop by a novice user of both
the 1108 and this operating system, with a little bit of help from another user who told me how to use the
editor, helped me nd the right manuals, etc.
Infection time was a very slow 20 seconds. The virus demonstrated the ability to cross user boundaries
and move up security levels. It was an ugly program; 200 lines of Fortran, 10 lines of Assembly, and 50
lines of command les. A Fortran program that called an assembly routine to run the command interpreter
to compile another Fortran program. It was not a glorious example of programming.
So I went to do the demonstration, which was very interesting because I had the Chief of Computer
Security for that organization, the Chief of Security for that site, the person that designed the operating
system, the programmer who wrote the operating system, and the person in charge of the whole facility
at the demonstration. I described what I was going to do; launch an attack that showed that the least
trusted user on their system could corrupt classied information throughout. Well, the guy that wrote the
system said Its impossible to do that, theres no way. Now, if you ever give a demonstration, theres
nothing better than having a guy across the table say that what youre about to do is impossible.
So I did it, and he said Gee, I guess its not impossible, huh. He asked how I did it, and I described
about Bell-LaPadula and moving up security levels, etc., and he got really upset. He said I dont know
why we had you here, youre the worst programmer I have ever seen. In 15 minutes, I could write a program
to do this, it would go through the system like a hot knife through butter, and nobody would even notice
it. So I said, Thats the point!. He nally got the point.
2.1.4 Instrumentation
We nally got to do instrumentation once on a pair of systems. Negotiations began in April of 1984, and by
August, 1984 instrumentation began. It was a blank computer again, running the blank operating system.
The purpose was to conrm or refute the previous results on takeover time, measure attack times, and
try to improve protection. It took an expert 8 hours to develop the instrumentation.
Much to our surprise, the minimum time to completely take over the system dropped to 30 seconds.
If you got real lucky, and you put the virus in just the right place at just the right time, it would take
over the whole system right away. The average however, remained at 30 minutes, and the longest time was
about 48 hours.
At rst we couldnt gure out why there was a big clustering of takeover times around 48 hours and 1/2
hour. What we found out was that people log-o the system Friday night and dont use the system until
Sunday evening. On Sunday evening, they all log-in to read their mail, and then they all get infected. So
if you launch a virus just after everybody leaves on Friday, everybody will get infected on Sunday evening.
Another interesting thing we found out was that, if you announce a new program on a bulletin board
and that program contains a virus, you can typically take over a computer system in 10 minutes. Anybody
Its a very popular operating system. If youve never used a blank computer, you should try it.
want to guess why? Its not that everybody reads the bulletin board and runs the program. One particular
person reads the bulletin board and runs the program. Who might that be? The systems administrator. It
turns out that if you announce a new program on the bulletin board, within about 10 minutes, the average
systems administrator will noticed it and run it; therefore corrupting all of the system les immediately.
In fact, what we found was a set of social users. That is, users that tend to run a lot of other users
programs and write programs that a lot of other users run. So, its just like biological diseases. Viruses
tend to spread faster through people that display a lot of social behavior. If you cut down on the way
social users do these things, then you can slow the spread of computer viruses in the same way that if you
decrease the interactions of social individuals in society, you can slow the spread of biological diseases. We
made several suggestions to improve protection, particularly in protecting those social users.
2.1.5 Psychological Eects of Experiments
There were also psychological eects. As soon as we succeeded in launching an attack, other sites said,
in eect, Oh, you mean it works? Well in that case you cant perform any more experiments. In
other words, you can only perform an experiment on breaking security if it fails. If its going to work in
demonstrating a vulnerability, people are not interested in it, and thats that. In fact, we couldnt, and still
to this day cant, get permission to do instrumentation on systems to try and nd out what the average
attack time would be or to try and understand how this behavior works.
I have heard of other researchers doing experiments and instrumentation of systems in their own com-
panies, but I have not seen any publications of their results. I assume that they either have not generated
any new information worth publishing, or that they have generated new information so condential to
their organizations that they dont want to tell anyone. I cant imagine that it would be a big secret that
their systems were less vulnerable to attack, and I have heard about faster attacks, so I believe that our
experiments reect the reality fairly well.
Perhaps the most undesired psychological side eect of our results is that people now have a strong
negative feeling about all computer viruses. There is almost a knee jerk reaction to the word virus in the
research community, to the point where researchers who look into benevolent applications of reproducing
programs make up dierent names for them, like knowbots and articial life forms. I even use the term
Live Programs on occasion so as to not oend my more sensitive readers.
We demonstrated feasibility for a number of other systems, but eventually administrators refused to
allow experiments. Most administrators were unwilling to even allow use of sanitized versions of log tapes.
All I can say is it looks like a fear reaction. What we seem to have run into is a situation where once youve
violated the sanctity of a computer account, even in an approved experiment, they feel as if theyve been
personally violated. For somebody that uses a system day-after-day for ve or ten years, writing programs,
writing papers, keeping notes, etc. there is a very personal feeling about that area of the computer. People
feel personally violated when you do things to it, and they react just like victims of assault. So, I guess we
should learn how to be survivors instead of victims.
2.2 The Computer Virus Record Book
People tend to be interested in records because they indicate the end-points of technology. Let me tell you
about some of the records regarding computer viruses.
2.2.1 The Smallest
The record for the smallest virus is a Unix sh command script. In the command interpreter of Unix,
you can write a virus that takes only about 8 characters. So, once you are logged into a Unix system,
you can type an 8 character command, and before too long, the virus will spread. Thats quite small, but
it turns out that with 8 characters, the virus cant do anything but reproduce. To get a virus that does
interesting damage, you need around 25 or 30 characters. If you want a virus that evolves, replicates, and
does damage, you need about 4 or 5 lines. In one of our Unix experiments, we created a 5 line virus that
replicates, evolves, does data diddling for damage, and works on just about any Unix system. Its very
easy to write, and you can do it in very few lines of code.
2.2.2 The Fastest on a PC
Another interesting record is on an IBM PC, that is, a 4 megahertz processor, 5.25 oppy disks, and no
hard disk. It turns out that to get an infection onto that oppy disk takes about a half second, just enough
time for the disk to spin around one time. On a hard disk, infection is proportionately faster, so on a disk
with a 10 millisecond access time, infection takes only 10 milliseconds.
2.2.3 Spreading in Networks
The rst record for spreading on a PC network was established in 1986 or 87, (I believe it was 86) by some
graduate students at the University of Texas at El Paso doing a legitimate and authorized experiment.
They wrote a computer virus for a standard IBM PC network using a token ring network architecture.
They launched the virus, and within 30 seconds, the virus entered all 60 computers in the network. At
this point the students said Wait a minute, we dont want this virus getting out to the rest of the world,
wed better turn o all those computers. So they literally ran to all 60 of the computers in this relatively
small environment and shut the power o.
Well, a couple people were slightly oended. They had been entering data for 4 to 6 hours without
saving their entries, when their computers were switched o. The experimenters decided it might be
inappropriate to perform further experiments.
That was the network record for a while, but in 1987, the IBM Christmas card spread, and at its peak,
it was replicating at the rate of 500,000 times per hour in mainframes throughout the world. This was
according to reports by people at IBM several weeks later, but Ive subsequently heard from a gentleman
at IBM who is authorized to and probably actually knows, and he told me that this gure is o by a factor
of 10, but he wont tell me whether its high or low. So somewhere between 50,000 and 5,000,000 copies per
hour were being replicated at the peak of the IBM mainframe attack, but thats not the record anymore.
On March 22, 1991, the world high speed computing record was broken by a Massachusetts company
specializing in parallel processing. The previous record holder, contrary to popular belief, was the Internet
virus. A design aw that caused unchecked growth demonstrates one of the malicious aspects of this virus,
and unfortunately, many of the other computer viruses we hear about are also malicious, but like any new
technology, viruses are a two edged sword.
Consider that the Internet Virus performed about 32 million operations per second on each of 6,000
computers, and another 3.2 million operations per second on each of 60,000 computers, for a grand total
of 384 Billion operations per second! It took hundreds of person-years of work and millions of dollars to
design the computer hardware and software that broke this processing record, while the Internet Virus was
written by one graduate student using existing computers in his spare time over a period of a few months.
For pure processing cycles, computer viruses are some of the fastest distributed programs we know of,
but unfortunately, we havent yet grown enough scientically or ethically to exploit their vast potential.
But have heart, I understand that people are working around the world to try and beat that record, and
you can probably count on it being broken in the next couple of years.
2.2.4 Other Time Dependent Indications of Interest
Some other interesting things; In 1984, there was one researcher, and there were two papers on viruses.
There was one news article, and it happened to be in the United States. In 1985, Europe had many news
stories and there were two researchers. By 1986, there were fteen researchers. By now computer virus
defense is a big business. The largest computer companies in the world have software products to ght
viruses, many of the governments of the world have laws against introducing malicious viruses, and there
are thousands of known viruses. Large companies report several incidents per year, there are well over a
thousand active antivirus researchers, thousands of news stories are published per year, and over a dozen
large conferences on computer viruses are held around the world each year.
2.3 Real World Computer Viruses
Let me just go down the list of viruses that I consider to be especially worthy of note. The reason I dont
go through all the viruses that have ever taken place is that as of this writing, the research community
knows of over 2200 real world malicious viruses and new malicious viruses are found in the environment at
a rate of several a day. Its obviously infeasible to go through all the details of all these viruses, and its
also not particularly important to know about all of the minor variations on a theme to understand what
is going on.
2.3.1 The Xerox Worm
There are many rumors of reproducing programs prior to the examples we describe here, and there is even
the Xerox Worm programs which were designed to operate in internal Xerox networks, and which was
reported in the literature in 1982. The Worm programs may have been computer viruses, but it is hard
to tell for certain based on the descriptions in the published papers whether it was centrally controlled or
whether each copy was an independent agent capable of reproduction on its own. I dont intend to slight
this interesting work, and I believe it may have been the rst published case of benevolent viruses. I do
want to note that the use of the capital W here is intended to indicate that the Xerox Worm programs
were given that name by their authors, even though they may or may not meet the current formal denition
of worms, which are subsets of viruses.
The story would not be complete unless I told you that one of the Xerox Worm programs was altered
by an error of some sort (apparently a single bit-ip) which caused it to run amok, taking the entire Xerox
computer network out of operation. Xerox then canceled all further experiments in this area.
To some, this leads to the conclusion that there can be no safe benevolent viruses. To others, it simply
points out the need for ample precautions. The Xerox experiments apparently had no safeties at all. Even
the simplest safety of a self-test would have prevented this problem, and if the problem had been covered
by such a safety, we might well see widespread applications of similar systems today.
2.3.2 The First Maintenance Viruses
I will probably hear about an earlier application of viruses the day after this is printed, but as far as I am
aware, the rst program designed as a computer virus and applied in the real-world was a maintenance
virus used in a Unix environment to automate certain aspects of systems administration. This was rst
implemented in December of 1985, and was operating daily in a customer application in January of 1986.
This virus was similar in some respects to the maintenance virus example shown earlier. To date, there
have been no problems or complaints about this virus or any of the other maintenance viruses that followed,
and they have been doing useful work for over 7 years.
It is particularly noteworthy that between 1983, when the rst experiments with viruses per-se were
performed, and four years later in 1987, the only real-world viruses were benevolent viruses. They were
in day-to-day operation over a period of years, and with the exception of a single experimental virus at
Xerox, no benevolent virus I am aware of has ever caused a substantial problem.
That does not mean that viruses are inherently safe. It is quite common for experimental viruses to
go awry. In 1985 (or perhaps 86), I was experimenting with process viruses on a guest computer account
at Carnegie-Mellon University when I accidentally created an unkillable set of processes. In this case, the
processes reproduced so quickly that they consumed all of the processes available to a single user. I couldnt
stop the virus because I needed to create a process to kill o the reproducing processes, but I couldnt
get a process to do this because the virus consumed all the available processes. We even tried having the
superuser kill o the processes, but even the superuser couldnt kill the processes quickly enough to kill
all of them before the remaining ones reproduced. In other words, the reproduction rate was so great that
we simply couldnt kill them as fast as they could reproduce.
The solution chosen by the systems administrator was to wait till the next time the computer was
rebooted, at which time all processes are destroyed. The viruses couldnt reproduce any more because all
of the processes available were consumed, and as a result, all of the copies of the virus were blocked from
further computation as they awaited an available process for reproduction. The only eect was reducing the
available paging space on the disk, reducing the total available processes on the system, and preventing
me from using the system till the reboot succeeded. In this particular system, these eects were minimal.
2.3.3 The Lehigh Virus
I am now going to describe in some gory detail what happened at Lehigh University, after which I will
describe what happened with a virus at the University of Maryland. The reason is that there are some
very dramatic dierences between the way these organizations reacted to these viruses, and their reactions
had widespread eects on the rest of the world.
The Lehigh Virus was launched in the Fall of 1987. It was probably launched by an undergraduate
student at Lehigh University with signicant experience with IBM PC computers. It infected the DOS
command interpreter (a le called COMMAND.COM) by modifying it to include a routine that infected
the rst 4 disks it came in contact with, and then destroyed all of the disks currently in the system. The
destruction was done by overwriting the File Allocation Table (FAT), which keeps a list of le and
directory names and the series of disk sectors associated each le and directory on disk. This virus resides
in the stack segment of COMMAND.COM, and as a result, it doesnt change the size of the le, but due
to a lack of foresight, it does change the modication date of the le. According to the people at Lehigh
University, if it had not changed the modication date, it might not have been identied for a much longer
The Lehigh virus was detected only as a side eect of the massive damage it unleashed, but in order
to really understand this, you have to understand how the environment at Lehigh University operated. As
a means of providing site licensed programs to users, Lehigh had oppy disk libraries. When a student
wanted to use one of these programs, they would go into the library, take out the disks, put them into
a PC at the library site, and use them as required. Many students made copies to take back to their
dormitory rooms (a legitimate activity under the site license). When they were done using the software,
they returned the disks to the central library.
On a typical day at that central library they had about ve disks come in bad. Floppy disks are
generally unreliable, especially in an environment like this. Some of them had data errors, some of them
were bent, some of them got dusty, etc. Whatever the cause, about ve disks per day normally went bad.
On this particular day, 500 disks came in bad, so they suspected something was wrong. The user
consultants at Lehigh University had been educated in computer viruses (by me, as it turns out), so
they were aware of the possibility of a virus, and immediately suspected it. They began to examine these
destroyed disks, and they found out that the COMMAND.COM modication date was very recent on many
of the disks in the library. They then disassembled COMMAND.COM and compared it to an original copy
that had never been opened (it was in the bottom of a le cabinet), and they found this virus.
By midnight, they gured out how the virus worked. By 4 oclock the next morning, they wrote a
program to detect its presence on a disk and automatically remove it. By 8 oclock the next morning,
they had a piece of physical mail in every physical mailbox on campus, electronic mail in every electronic
mailbox on campus, and a person with a PC at every outside door on campus. Everybody that entered or
left any building was required to put their oppy disks into one of these systems to cure any infections. If
they had a PC at home and they needed a copy of the cure for their system, the people at the doors would
hand them a copy to take with them.
Within two days, they wiped out every single copy of this virus from that environment. That is, no
copy of that virus has ever been seen in-the-wild anywhere else in the world.
Let me just point out what might have happened if one or two things were a little bit dierent. Suppose,
for example, that the virus had replicated sixteen times instead of four times before doing damage. Then
there would have been four times as many copies in the rst generation and sixteen times as many copies
in the second generation, etc. There would have been many more copies, but they would not have been
detected as soon, because the damage would have been delayed longer. They probably would have detected
it a day or two later. So, a day or two later doesnt make much dierence does it?
Well, it turns out that this virus was detected two days before the Fall vacation at Lehigh University.
During Fall break at universities in the United States, most students bring oppy disks home from school
to do homework assignments and share software with students from other schools. They usually put this
software into their parents home computer system, and there the problems really begin. The parents
typically take oppy disks back and forth to work, so if the infection had entered these machines, it would
have moved into thousands of other computers in companies throughout the region. From there, it would
have spread on, replicating, and doing massive damage. Instead of the 500 systems at Lehigh University
that lost all of their data, we probably would have seen several orders of magnitude more damage.
2.3.4 The Brain Virus
By contrast, lets look at what happened at the University of Maryland where the Brain Virus rst
appeared in the United States.
The Brain Virus was written by two brothers from Lahore, Pakistan (Ashad and Ahmed according
to the copyright notice in the virus - we will probably never know who launched the Lehigh Virus). When
Brain rst appeared it didnt do any obvious damage. In fact, the only reason anyone noticed it at rst
was that it changed the disk label of unlabeled disks to read (C)BRAIN. The Brain virus changes
the bootblock of disks, so that when you put an uninfected disk into an infected system, it infects
the bootblock of that disk, even if its not a bootable DOS disk. If you use the newly infected disk to
bootstrap another system, that system will also become infected. The only other eects of this virus are
that it reduces available memory by a few thousand bytes, it marks several blocks of disk space bad and
uses this space to store itself, and on fairly rare occasion, it causes disk failures.
This virus spread around the University of Maryland unchecked over a period of weeks, and when they
had their Fall break, students took it home. Over the next three months, at least a hundred thousand
copies are well documented as having appeared and infected systems throughout the world. In this case,
there wasnt a big defensive eort. It took several weeks to gure out what was going on, partly because
nobody at Maryland knew what a virus was or what the risks were. It spread and spread and spread, and
as a result, we may not get rid of all of the copies of Brain for a long time.
I should also note here that the Brain virus includes a telephone number for Ashad and Ahmed with
instructions to call them for help in removing the virus. Apparently, nobody called them for several months
after this virus was publicized in the newspapers. They were nally contacted by the Journal for Higher
Education whose reporter decided to call the number. In all fairness, it was a long distance call.
2.3.5 The Jerusalem Virus
One of the major controversies surrounding the Jerusalem virus is the question of whether it was launched
by a terrorist group or not. A terrorist was suspected because the damage was scheduled to cause
widespread destruction of data on the 40th anniversary of the last time there was a Palestinian state,
and the virus was rst seen at Hebrew University in Jerusalem (hence its name). It reproduces inside
binary executable programs in the DOS operating system, but it doesnt properly check .EXE les prior
to infection, so it reinfects the same programs again and again. It was rst detected by people with brand-
new PCs who started loading software onto their disks, only to nd that a 20Mbyte disk was full after
being loaded with only about 2Mbytes worth of software. They did a directory and found out that DOS
programs had grown to incredible sizes. Eventually, they created a special purpose defense, and got rid of
most of the copies, but not all of them.
It turns out that the Jerusalem virus was subsequently modied by a person or persons unknown to
repair the aw, thus producing the Jerusalem-B virus, which has been one of the most widespread viruses
in the world for several years. This particular variation also works quite well against Novell networks, and
is one of the dominant viruses in that venue. The modication strategy seems fairly common. In fact,
the vast majority of new viruses are minor variants of other viruses. There are apparently a number
of computer clubs that require new members to provide a virus which is not detected by select current
anti-virus programs as a condition of admission. Some variants are as simple as altered triggering dates
(hence we now have viruses that trigger on every day of the year) and altered messages (some people want
the whole world to know when they were born). Other people make minor repairs and improvements or
alter damage so as to make relatively harmless viruses very damaging.
2.3.6 The Swiss Amiga Virus
The story of the so-called Swiss Amiga viruses is fairly interesting for a number of reasons. The rst
reason is the name. It is called Swiss because someone at rst thought it was launched from Switzerland,
but the last time I heard of people searching for the source, they thought it was from Germany or Canada.
Nothing is quite as exciting as closing right in on a perpetrator.
To understand how this particular virus works, you have to understand how Amigas work. Not the
technical aspects, but rather how people share information when they use Amigas. Amigas have very
strong user groups. For example, its not unusual for an Amiga user group to have hundreds of people,
with meetings twice a week. So they have several hundred people meeting twice a week, exchanging disks
with each other, giving talks, and doing all sorts of computer related social activities. Sharing is very
prevalent under these circumstances.
This virus enters one of the system les on an Amiga, and eventually destroys the information on the
disk in a similar way to the PC based viruses we have discussed. When I rst heard about this virus, I
called up the person at Commodore (the manufacturer of the Amiga) in charge of defending against it;
the chief systems programmer. He said I have it under control, its no big deal, and he wrote a program
that looked for the rst byte of the virus in that particular le. If the rst byte of that virus was present,
it said this is an infected program, restore from backups to repair the problem or some such thing.
So, he sent this defense out, and about a week later there was a new version of the virus that started
with a dierent rst byte. So I called the guy up and said Wouldnt you like to do something better? He
said No, no, we have it under control . . . , and then he sent out a program that looked for either of those
two rst bytes. The third round involved a copy of the virus that evolved through any of ten dierent
rst bytes, so I called him again and he said No, no, Ive got it under control . . . This time he wrote
a program that checked to see whether the rst byte was not the legitimate byte of the Amiga program.
About a week later, there was a version of the virus that had the same rst byte as the legitimate Amiga
program, but a dierent second byte. That was the last time I bothered calling this guy up. I gure that
by now, theyre up to about the tenth or eleventh byte, and still battling it out.
2.3.7 The Mainframe Christmas Card Virus
In 1987, we also had the Christmas card virus that spread throughout mainframes of the world by way
of computer mail. It was created by a student in Germany as a Christmas card. In order to understand
how this virus worked, you have to understand that part of the corporate culture in IBM was for people
to send each other Christmas cards via computer mail. As a result, when someone you knew sent you a
Christmas card you would normally read it without hesitation.
So this person in Germany created a Christmas card and sent it to the only two people he knew.
The rst recipient looked at it and said I dont know this guy, Im not going to look at this Christmas
card. It was Friday afternoon, and the second recipient went home. On Monday, he came in and read his
Christmas card, and it put a fairly poor looking Christmas card on the screen and said Merry Christmas.
But, unbeknownst to the recipient, it also did something else. It looked through his list of outgoing mail
recipients (the people he normally sends mail to), and sent a copy of this Christmas card in his name to
everybody on that list. Naturally, when they got this Christmas card from their friend, they said Oh
great, Ill read it and they read it, and it sent copies to everybody on their outgoing mailing lists in their
names, and on and on.
At its peak there were something like 500,000 copies per hour. It brought down most of the computers
in the European Research Network (ERN), the IBM internal network (VNET), and the American version
of ERN (BITNET). It brought them down for about two hours and then, because of a limit in the network
protocol, brought the network down again. For about eight weeks afterwards, they had what the people
at IBM called minor aftershocks. Thats when a couple thousand copies appear here or there in the
2.3.8 The MacMag Virus
In 1988, the MacMag virus was the rst computer virus to be used for advertising purposes, which I guess
means that the technology matured. MacMag is (was?) a Canadian Magazine for MacIntosh users, and in
1988, they apparently commissioned a professor from a University in the United States to write a computer
virus for them. The press, in keeping with the wishes of the computer security community, did not reveal
the name of this particular professor, and I understand the professor was rather upset, because he gured
this was his way to fame and fortune. The security community took the position that to reveal the name
would glorify the attacker, and the press went along this time. Of course today, it could be the road to jail
and ruin, because it is now illegal to covertly introduce viruses into systems in most places.
The MacMag virus modied a system le on the Mac II computer so as to put a message on the
screen on a particular date saying something like Happy 2nd Anniversary to the Mac II, our wishes for
world peace, and it was signed MacMag. In order to launch the attack, MacMag placed a copy on
CompuServ. CompuServ is one of these service networks in the United States where you can make airline
reservations, look up bibliographic database information, etc. You can also store programs there for other
people in the network to retrieve if they wish to do so.
Within two days, somebody that picked up a copy of this virus, detected its presence, and notied the
people at CompuServ. At about that time, I found out about this attack, so I called up CompuServ and
said Gee, would you like some help to get rid of this virus? They said No, no, we have it under control.,
and they had their favorite contract software house write a special purpose program to delete this virus,
announced it on the bulletin board, and told everyone to use it. As punishment, MacMag was kicked o
of CompuServ forever, which I guess is as big a punishment as they can come up with. CompuServ and
most of the rest of the community thought the attack was all over, until . . .
About two months later (so the story goes), a man was visiting his friend who was a contract program-
mer. He showed his friend a copy of a game called Frogger. The programmer tried Frogger once, and
said This is really a dumb game, in fact, this is the dumbest game Ive ever seen. Im never going to run
this game again. However, once was enough.
This particular programmer, it just so happens, wrote training software for several companies, including
such industry leaders as Lotus, Ashton-Tate, and Aldus. Over the next couple of weeks, he distributed
copies of his newest training software to one or more of these companies, and the virus that came in
Frogger spread. Aldus subsequently released about 5,000 copies of their newest program Freehand which
were infected. This was the rst (but not the last) time that a virus was released in a legitimate, shrink
wrapped, commercial software distribution.
2.3.9 The Scores Virus
The so-called Scores virus operates on Apple MacIntosh computers, and was apparently written by
a disgruntled ex-employee of Electronic Data Systems, a Texas rm that does computer security work
world-wide. The reason we believe this, is that it directs its attacks against programs written by partic-
ular programmers from EDS, and through an anonymous source, I heard some further details that were
The Scores virus does absolutely nothing for about four days after its initial infection. For the next
four days, it infects, but does no other damage. The 4 day time period may be because of a procedural
defense at EDS, which a 4 day wait bypasses, but nobody is certain of this except the attacker. From then
on, whenever you run an infected program, it operates as follows:
For the rst 15 minutes of operation it does nothing.
For the next 15 minutes, it prevents saving anything.
Finally (mercifully), the system crashes.
So if you are running an editor written by one of these authors at EDS, for the rst 15 minutes
everything works great. After that, when you try to save the le, it says (in eect) Sorry, I cant save
that. The user typically responds with something like What do you mean you cant save it? Save it!,
and for the next several minutes, a frantic eort to save the le is made, until nally the system crashes,
and the changes are lost. Needless to say, it is a very disconcerting experience for the user when it happens
the rst time, but things get worse . . .
It takes about 2 hours to completely get rid of the Scores virus from a MacIntosh with a hard disk
(from the details I have heard), but as I have mentioned, there is another side eect. Over the four day
period of reproduction without damage, the virus tends to get into oppy disks and backups, spread over
networks, etc. As a result, many organizations have the Scores virus for a long time. One administrator
from a government agency described curing this virus from all of the computers in one network once a
week for a year.
2.3.10 The Internet Virus
The Internet Virus, commonly called the Internet Worm (it turns out that worms are a special case
of viruses), was launched in 1988 in the Internet. The Internet is a network that, at that time, intercon-
nected about 100,000 to 200,000 computers around the world, is used by Universities and other research
organizations, and provides connectivity to many other networks. I cant remember the names of half the
networks it is connected to, but among the connected networks in 1988 were the ARPA-net (Advanced
Research Projects Agency) and the DOD-net (US Department of Defense).
In the Internet attack, a graduate student at Cornell University designed and launched a computer
virus that replicated and moved from machine to machine in the Internet. It entered about 60,000 to
70,000 computers, but was designed to only replicate in 6,000 of them. In a matter of a few hours, it
spread throughout the network causing widespread denial of services. According to the author, it was not
intended to deny services, but due to an error in programming it replicated too quickly.
This virus was designed specically to work in a particular version of a particular operating system
and, even though it would be very simple to make it work on other versions, special code was in place to
prevent its undue spread. It replicated by forking processes and tried to move from system to system by
exploiting a (de)bug in the computer mail protocol. It turned out that if you had debugging turned on
in the mail protocol on your machine, then if somebody wanted to, they could issue commands as if they
were the Superuser on your computer. It also turns out that most of the systems in the Internet had
this switch turned on at compile time, and in many cases, they could not turn it back o because they
didnt have the source code to the mail program for recompilation, and the designers didnt provide any
mechanism for overriding the debugging mode.
This particular virus also crossed the boundaries between the ARPA-net and the DOD-net, which were
supposedly secured against all such intrusions. In the next few days, several viruses apparently crossed
this boundary, and the link was then severed.
2.3.11 The AIDS Disk
In late 1989, a well funded group purchased a mailing list from a PC magazine, and distributed between
20,000 and 30,000 copies of an infected disk to the people on this list. The disk was a very poor virus, but
it caused a great deal of damage because there were so many copies mailed, and the recipients used the
disk widely despite procedural policies in place prohibiting such use.
The disk was advertised as a program to evaluate a persons risk of getting AIDS based on their
behavior. Included in the distribution was a description of the fact that this was a limited use distribution,
and that it would cause damage to the system if it was used without paying royalties.
The disk infected the host system by adding a line to the AUTOEXEC.BAT system startup le
which, although it appeared to be a comment, was actually a peculiar program name. After running
this program a number of times, the virus would encrypt directory information so that le names became
unusable. If you continued to use the system it would eventually try to convince you to put in a oppy
disk to make a copy for a friend.
The alleged perpetrator was eventually caught by tracing the mailing list purchase process back to the
buyer. The last I heard, the person they caught was in the middle of extradition hearings to England,
where the virus caused enough damage to warrant prosecution.
2.3.12 The Datacrime Virus
The Datacrime virus was the most widely announced and least widely spread well known virus in recent
memory. It was rumored to exist as early as 6 months before it was to cause damage, and was eventually
the subject of the rst NIST National Computer Virus Alert in the United States. This virus only caused
minor damage in a few instances in Europe, and never took hold in the United States. Perhaps coincidently,
IBM introduced its antivirus program to the world on exactly the same day as NIST announced its rst
national computer virus alert. Not a single incident was reported or detected in the US as far as I can tell,
but IBM sure sold a lot of virus detection software.
2.3.13 Early Evolutionary Viruses
In late 1989, the rst seriously evolutionary virus to appear in the real world began spreading in Europe.
Earlier viruses had evolved in minor ways, simple self-encryption had been used before, and experimental
viruses with no association between evolutions had been demonstrated, but this virus was the rst one to
be released into the world with many of these properties.
This virus replicates by inserting a pseudo-random number of extra bytes into a decryption algorithm
that in turn decrypts the remainder of the virus stored in memory. The net eect is that there is no common
sequence of more than a few bytes between two successive infections. This has two major implications.
The rst problem is that it makes false positives high for pattern matching defenses looking for the static
pattern of this virus, and the second problem is that special purpose detection mechanisms were simply
not designed to handle this sort of attack.
Since the rst evolving real-world virus appeared, authors have improved their evolution techniques
substantially. One author even created a set of evolutionary subroutines called the Mutating Engine
(often referred to as MtE) which can be integrated with other viruses to form a highly evolutionary form.
After over a full year of analysis and response, the best virus scanning programs still hadnt achieved a
detection rate over 95% on a sample of several thousand mutations created by Vesselin Bontichev (a well
known Bulgarian malicious virus defender) to test their quality. This brings up an important point about
virus detection rates that I will defer to our discussion on epidemiology.
2.3.14 Simulation (Stealth) Viruses
The simulation virus that appeared in late 1989 represented a major step toward attacks meant to bypass
virus defenses. In essence, this virus simulates all of the DOS system calls that would lead to its detection,
causing them to return the information that would be attained if the attack were not present. It is
presently spreading widely throughout the world, and because it does no obvious damage, it is generally
going undetected. Since that rst simulation virus, researchers have decided to use the term stealth to
indicate viruses that use sophisticated hiding techniques to avoid detection. The term stealth is derived
from the US stealth aircraft that were so successful at avoiding radar detection in the Gulf War in the
early 1990s.
Hiding techniques have their biological analogy, the most commonly known example being the chameleon
which changes its color to match the background. Many insects blend into their background and thus avoid
predators, and a common feature of invasive micro-organisms is the presence of chemical sequences identical
to those of their hosts, which enable them to pass as if they were native cells instead of invaders.
Now there is a very important dierence between biological stealth techniques and the techniques of
modern malicious viruses that I think I should mention before you get any misimpressions. There is a
tendency to anthropomorphize hiding techniques as if to indicate that a conscious eort is made by an
organism to hide by creating matching chemical sequences. In biological systems, except for higher forms
of animals, there is apparently no evidence that there is intent behind the hiding techniques. Rather,
random variations caused some color dierences or chemical sequences, and it just happened that those
creatures didnt die as often as others because of their stealthy characteristics, and so they survived to
The stealth techniques we see in modern computer viruses are quite dierent in that they are inten-
tionally designed to hide by exploiting weaknesses in the operating environment. For that reason, all
current stealth viruses are designed to attack PC and MacIntosh operating systems, which are inherently
vulnerable. Against the stronger defense techniques now available, current stealth attacks fail completely
when operating system protection such as that provided in Unix, MVS, and VMS is in use.
There are ways of hiding in most modern timesharing systems with these protections in place, but none
of the real-world viruses we have seen have done this yet. For example, an infected program could start
a background process to perform infection so as to reduce the time eects associated with infection, and
give the memory resident process a name similar to the name of other common memory resident programs
so that it would not be easily dierentiated when looking at operating processes.
2.3.15 The Bulgarian Viruses
In early 1990, a research institute in Bulgaria released a set of 24 viruses to the rest of the world research
community. They had not previously been known outside of Bulgaria. Astonishingly, none of these had
been detected in Western Europe until these samples were provided. With the fall of the Iron Curtain,
the ow of people and information between the former Soviet Bloc countries and the rest of the world
dramatically increased. Along with this openness, came the open exchange of viruses, and a whole new set
of problems were created for defenders on both sides of the former partition.
2.3.16 Some Trends
Although many of these viruses have not spread widely, the number of widespread viruses is on the increase,
and the incidence level is increasing quickly. For example, in a recent visit to Taiwan, I was surprised to
learn that of 50 companies represented at a seminar, on the average they experienced about 10 viruses per
year! This is particularly important in light of the fact that most
of the worlds PCs are manufactured
in Taiwan, and several incidents of widespread dissemination of viruses from manufacturers have been
Another interesting trend is that only about 10% of the known viruses are responsible for 90% of the
incidents. According to several minor studies, this has been true for several years, and according to a
recent larger scale study done by IBM of Fortune 500 companies, only 15% of the known viruses were
detected in the real-world. They also report that 33% of incidents are caused by the two most prevalent
viruses (Stoned and Form), and the 10 most prevalent viruses are responsible for 66% of incidents.
2.3.17 Virus ToolKits and Automated Evolution
These numbers represent very substantial growth, but dont reect the recent advances in attack technology.
Several virus generating programs are currently available, both from semi-legitimate software houses, and
from other less identiable sources. Some of these virus generators are capable of generating millions of
dierent viruses automatically. Some even allow the user to select dierent infection techniques, triggering
mechanisms, and damage using a menu. Even simple evolution is available in some of these generators.
A far more interesting program has been developed to perform automated evolution of existing programs
so as to create numerous equivalent but dierent programs. This program exploits knowledge of program
structure, equivalence of large classes of instructions, and sequential independence of unrelated instructions
to replace the sequence of instructions comprising a program with a behaviorally equivalent instruction
sequence that is substantially dierent in appearance and operation from the original. In one of the
appendices, several examples of evolutionary and hiding techniques are shown, and a good case is made
to show that detection by looking for viruses is quite dicult and time consuming if these techniques are
The gure 80% appears in their ocial government documents.
2.3.18 Cruncher
The Cruncher virus is a real-world version of the compression virus described earlier, but with an inter-
esting twist. For the decompression process, it uses a very common decompression program; and the virus
is added to the le being infected before compression. The net eect is that when we look at the le, it
looks like a legitimate compressed executable program. If we try to scan for the virus, we are in great
diculty because the compression algorithm is adaptive in that it generates codings for subsequent bits
based on occurrence rates earlier in the le. Since this particular virus is placed at the end of the le, we
cant detect it until we decompress the entire le! No nite number of scan strings exist for detecting the
virus because the virus is compressed with the adaptive compression algorithm.
This virus rst appeared in January of 1993, and as of this writing is not detected by any virus scanners.
It is not likely to be reliably detected by them soon, unless they dramatically increase run times.
2.3.19 Whats in a Name?
Many people seem to think that researchers have a good way of keeping track of viruses, but we really
dont. In fact, there isnt even a common naming scheme for viruses or a common method of counting
them. The count of 2200 viruses is according to the CARO counting and naming scheme, and the names
of the viruses I describe in this book are fairly common, if somewhat simplied. On the other hand, if
you buy 10 dierent virus detection products, you can bet that there will be at least 5 dierent naming
It seems that in the rush for market share, many companies took to listing their detection programs
by how many viruses they detect. This became a game of one-upsmanship, and at one point, we even
saw simultaneous advertisements for three dierent products, each claiming to detect all n known viruses,
where n ranged from 80 to over 200. The counting problem stems from a number of problems, but the
most common dierence is over how to count nearly identical viruses with only a text string changed. I
am still waiting for someone with generic virus detection to advertise viruses detected.
One real problem with the numbers game was accurately pointed out in an article in the Virus
Bulletin. They rightly noticed that in their haste for high detection rates, many companies dont bother
to detect evolutionary viruses or viruses that are hard to nd for one reason or another. Instead, they detect
the most easily detected viruses, claim very high detection rates, have very fast products, and dont worry
about the hard-to-detect viruses. Their position is aided to a large extent by the poor evaluation techniques
used in the computer industry, which commonly published detection rates against a small percentage of
known viruses and evaluate products based on beauty of user interface and speed of operation rather than
The Virus Bulletin recently proclaimed that the Cruncher virus may be the rst truly benevolent
widespread virus, but I should note that this may be used as an excuse by many virus defense producers
to avoid the diculty in detection. They will simply claim it is benevolent, and therefore that they dont
have to detect it. Eventually an attacker will create a variation that does serious damage, and that will
end that excuse, but it wont cause the defenders to defend against it.
The companies that ignore hard-to-catch viruses and spend resources on ashy user interfaces win in the
evaluations, sell more product, and put the companies with strong detection out of business. Because their
products sell at retail, they are never up-to-date, and because the computing industry is more interested
in prots than in accuracy in reporting, the products sold at retail are not widely called on their detection
failures. If a detection failure comes up, they use the failure to sell an updated version of the product,
which in many cases, still doesnt detect the particular virus very well. Thus, it is a winning strategy for
the vendor to provide a product that works poorly but looks good, runs fast, and detects a large number
of relatively unimportant viruses.
Chapter 3
Technical Protection From Viruses
3.1 Perfect Technical Defenses
There are three and only three things you can ever do to absolutely and perfectly prevent all computer
viruses from spreading throughout a computer system or network; limit sharing, limit transitivity, or limit
programming. This has been proven mathematically.
3.1.1 Limited Sharing
The rst thing you can do is limit sharing. So let me give you an example of what we mean by limited
sharing. Here we have a picture of a Bell-LaPadula based system where a user at a given secrecy level
cannot read information thats more highly classied, lest information might be leaked to them, and cant
write information to an area thats less classied, lest they could leak information out.
High No Read
. . . Read/Write
Low No Write
Figure 3.1: The Bell LaPadula Security Model
Similarly we have the Biba Integrity Model. If you are at a given integrity level, you cant read
information of lower integrity, less it might corrupt you, and you cant write information of higher integrity,
less you might corrupt it.
High No Write
. . . Read/Write
Low No Read
Figure 3.2: The Biba Integrity Model
If you want both secrecy and integrity, all you have to do is eliminate all the sharing, since as you can
see, putting these systems together yields a system in which you cannot read or write up or down.
It turns out that this is only one specic case of limited sharing. Let me show you what you can do
more generally to limit sharing. The best you can ever do (i.e. the most general structure for limiting
No Read No Write No Access
Read/Write + Read/Write = Read/Write
No Write No Read No Access
Figure 3.3: Combining Secrecy with Integrity
sharing, in a general purpose transitive information network with sharing), is to implement a policy based
on a structure called a POset, a partially ordered set.
Mathematically, a partially ordered set follows these rules:
domains A, B, and C the POset
1 - A B and B C A C
2 - A B and B A A = B
3 - A A
Basically, a POset can be pictured as a bunch of boxes with lines between them, and a rule that says
information can only ow up (or left to right if you turn it on its side). Heres how it works.
Figure 3.4: A POset
Suppose somebody in A writes a computer virus. Well, lets see, it could spread to B, C, D, E, and
F, but it could not spread to G, because there is no path for any information in A to ever get to G. If no
information in A can ever get to G, then no virus in A can ever get to G.
Similarly, if somebody in H is trying to leak information, they could potentially leak information from
I, J, K, L, M, N, O, and P, but they could never leak any information from Q, because there is no path
for information in Q to ever get to H.
In other words, we are limiting the ow of information, and the most general structure for doing this
is a POset. So let me put this into more familiar terms by using a picture of a POset that describes some
of the operation of a typical business.
Figure 3.5: An Example Businesss POset
You might get letters in the mail. The letters might generate orders or payments, and if they generate
orders, that generates shipping and invoicing. invoicing and shipping go to the customer. shipping and
invoicing copies also go to le1. When a payment comes in, it gets mixed with le1 to generate a deposit,
the payments independently generate a commission. Thats how information ows through some parts of
this organization.
What we can then do is associate individuals with these areas. Say Joe is a programmer who works
in letters, Mary programs in le1, Jill programs in shipping, etc. We assign individuals to the operational
aspects of each of those areas and we have thus structured the ow of information in our organization. Let
me point out some advantages of this technique.
One of the advantages is that if somebody launches a virus, it only spreads to a subset of the or-
ganization. For example, if Joe launches a virus from letters, it could potentially get to letters, orders,
payments, purchase orders, questions and bills, and then indirectly from there to payments, le1, approval,
commissions, deposit, le2, invoice, shipping, and customers. It could not get to any of the other domains,
so the worst case damage is limited.
But there is more to it than that. Suppose we somehow nd that there are things going wrong in
shipping, customers, le1, and deposits, and we suspect it is a virus. Where could that virus have come
from? If it came from orders, it would probably also get to invoicing. Therefore, it probably didnt come
from orders. Could it have come from invoices? No! It could not have gotten from invoices to shipping.
We have isolated it very quickly to shipping. In other words, structuring the ow of information allows us
to track down the sources of corruption eciently.
Similarly, we can track down where information might be leaked. For example, if we are getting
information leaks from shipping, invoice, and customer, the only place that could have leaked all of that
information is customer.
So this structuring, besides limiting the ability of viruses to spread and limiting the ability to leak
information, also allows us to track down the possible sources of corruptions and leaks.
There are some other signicant advantages to this approach to protection, in that it substantially
reduces the complexity associated with protection management, and it makes the implications of protection
decisions immediately evident. For example, a POset based protection system for a typical timesharing
system has only a few hundred bits of protection information, while a standard timesharing system has
on the order of 1,000,000 bits of protection information. Just as a side note, this type of system has been
successfully implemented and is in use in several organizations.
3.1.2 Limited Transitivity
The second of three possibilities for absolute prevention is limited transitivity. Heres how it works.
Figure 3.6: Limited Transitivity
A might be able to give information to B. In fact, A could give information to B and B could give
information to C. But its against the rules for A to give information to B which B then passes on to C.
With this scheme, if A writes a virus it could get to B. But if A wrote a virus that got to B, it could not
be passed on to C.
If you can implement limited transitivity you can prevent a virus from spreading more than a certain
distance from its origin. The only problem is there is no feasible way to use this in a real computer system.
It is feasible to implement limited transitivity, but when you try to use it, almost everything spreads as far
as it can spread very quickly, and then sharing is almost entirely halted. The problem is that viruses are
just like any other information, so whatever you do to restrict viruses has to apply to all other information
as well.
3.1.3 Limited Function
The third of three possibilities for absolute prevention of computer viruses in a computer system or network
is limited function. We could, for example, have a system that allows you to enter data into a database,
selectively put it into a spreadsheet, analyze it, put the results into a pie chart, pass the pie chart to a
word processor, and print the result in two column format in color on a laser printer. We can do all of
that without giving users general purpose functions.
Unfortunately, today you cant buy a database that doesnt have macros allowing general purpose
function. So you can write a database macro that replicates and spreads from database to database.
In fact, you can write a database macro to infect databases and spreadsheets. Similarly, you cant buy
a spreadsheet today thats any good without having macros such that the user can enter a spreadsheet
macro that spreads from spreadsheet to spreadsheet, or from spreadsheet to database, or even over to word
processors. Similarly, word processors have macros that tend to be general purpose, so its fairly straight
forward to write a word processor macro that spreads from document to document.
There are some situations where we do have limited function in the real world. For example, most
EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) networks are limited in their function. The way EFT networks normally
operate, any information on the network is treated as a from account, a to account, an amount of money,
and a check string. It doesnt matter what you put in that network; you can send a Basic program, and
the network will treat the rst so many bytes as from, the next so many bytes as to, the next so many
bytes as amount, and the next so many bytes as check. If check doesnt match, the network will ignore the
transaction and report it as an error.
The reason you cant infect one of those networks is not because the information being sent over the
network cant contain viruses. Its because no matter what information you send over that network, it
cannot be interpreted so as to reproduce. In other words, the limited function does not come from the
information, but how its interpreted. Lets think of it another way. Information only has meaning in that
its interpreted. So unless you interpret it with a method that allows its meaning to be a virus, you cant
have viruses. Thats what we mean by limited function.
Now many of you may have menu systems for your secretaries and data entry people, and you may
think they are limited in function, but they arent necessarily. Let me give you an example.
I was at a computer conference in California in 1985, and for one reason or another, my invitation
included the proviso that I had to evaluate all of the computer security systems at this conference. I was
only provided with an expert programmer (a high school student that could tell you which bits to deposit
into which locations in memory to modify the operating system to do whatever you wanted). So I walked
around to the rst booth, where I came across a limited function interface. I asked if I could do a little
experiment to see if we could break into their system, and they said:
There is no way you are going to break into this system. Its absolutely safe.
so, I said:
Really?!?, thats great, then you shouldnt mind a little experiment, right?
So they gave me the least privileged account they could. This was an account that was only supposed
to let you store a le on the system or retrieve that le back. That was all you could do with this account.
So I said okay, lets try it. I went over to the expert and I asked for the name of the user login prole le
that describes how the system rst interacts with the user upon login. I told the system to store into that
le. The system obliged, and stored a command to run the system command interpreter in that le.
Low and behold, the next time we logged in, instead of putting us into the limited function interface,
it put us into the command interpreter, and because the designers were so sure that this was limited
function, they didnt provide any of the normal operating system protection. We were logged in with
Superuser privileges.
So we walked over to the next booth, and by the time we got there, the guy at the second booth said
Dont bother, it will work against our system too. We went to the 3rd and 4th booths, and they said
the same thing. Just because it says limited function, doesnt necessarily make it so.
3.2 Technical Defenses With Major Flaws
So those are the three and only three things you can do for absolute prevention, and given that you are
able and willing to do those things, you can limit the ability of viruses to spread in a computer system
or network. If those are inadequate for your needs, you might like to look at other types of defenses, in
particular; detection and cure.
These defenses are all in the class of imperfect defenses, so we cant expect them to be awless, but in
order to see their aws, it will be helpful to look at a couple of questions rst. Well start there.
3.2.1 Can We Detect All Viruses?
Is this program CV a computer virus?
Program CV :=
{ ...
{if D(CV) then goto next;
else infect-executable;
Suppose you had somebody that wrote a program D to detect computer viruses. It would look at any
other program P and return TRUE if P was a computer virus and FALSE if P was not. So lets take a
look. See program D being called from CV ? If your program says CV is a virus, then CV will not infect
an executable. So if D says CV is a virus, then it is not. But if D says that CV is not a virus, it infects
an executable, and is thus a virus. So no matter what your detection procedure D says, its guaranteed to
always be wrong. That means you cannot write a program D, which correctly determines whether or not
other programs are viruses, unless that program:
runs forever without a result in some cases -OR-
has an innite number of false positives
has an innite number of false negatives
has combinations of these three problems.
3.2.2 Can We Find Resulting Infections
Lets go a step further. Suppose we have a known program EV , and we have determined that EV is
denitely a virus. The question is, if we have some other program, say EV
, can we write a program D

that looks at EV and EV
and tells whether EV
is an evolution of EV , and therefore, whether EV
also a virus?
Program EV:= Program EV2:=
{... {...
main-program:= main-program:=
{if D(EV,EV2) {if D(EV2,EV)
then goto next; then goto next;
else infect-exec else infect-exec
with EV2; with EV;
} }
next: next:
} }
Well, lets take a look. Decision procedure D

is supposed to tell us whether EV evolves into EV

. If

says EV does not evolve into EV

, then EV evolves into EV
. If D

says that EV does evolve into

, then EV does not evolve into EV
. So again, you cannot determine all of the evolutions of all known
viruses. At least not systematically with a program.
Let me clarify this, because it is a bit obscure in mathematical form, and I want to put it into as solid
a basis as I can. Im going to do that with an example. We have here an example of an evolutionary virus
and Im going to tell you how it works.
Figure 3.7: An Encryption Virus
At time t = t
, we have an infected program P
and a clean program P
. If, at time t = t
, we run P
the following steps take place.
1. D
, a decryption algorithm, decrypts V
, the encrypted version of V , into the original V .
2. V is run.
3. V selects a dierent encryption algorithm E
, re-encrypts itself with E
, giving us V
, and places a
decryption algorithm D
(designed to decrypt things encrypted with E
) into program P
along with
Except for the probability of random sequences coinciding, no common sequences of bytes exist between
and P
due to this virus.
Let me give a more specic example, suppose V
was encrypted with a DES encryption. When we run
, D
decrypts V
using the DES to get the original virus V . Then virus V chooses the RSA crypto-
system and encrypts itself with the RSA, leaving V
. It then puts an RSA decryption algorithm D
with V
in program P
. So what do you say? Does anybody here think that they are going to be able to
write a program to automatically, given any D
and V
, gure out that D
and V
are an evolution of it?
Does anybody see even a little hope for doing this automatically?
Well, if you thought that was bad, you havent seen anything yet!
Figure 3.8: An Even Worse Virus
We have here, a new version of that evolutionary virus, where V has a whole set of encryption algorithms
. . . E
), decryption algorithms (D
. . . D
), triggering mechanisms (T
. . . T
), infection mechanisms
. . . I
), and damage mechanisms (
. . .
We have already mentioned two encryption algorithms, and there are certainly thousands more that
can be automatically generated. There are also key-customized algorithms that can be automatically
Triggering mechanisms might include a wide variety of time, use, and logical conditions, perhaps
generated pseudo-randomly from a large class of such algorithms. Infection might include such variations
as put it at the beginning of the le, put it at the end of the le, put it in a bootblock, put it 23
instructions from the beginning, put it 25 instructions before the middle of the program, put it at a
pseudo-random return from subroutine statement, etc.
A large number of damage mechanisms are also easily generated. For example, change the 5th bit in
the 7th byte of the program, change the 25th through the 29th byte in the 7th program you nd, look
for data les with the 123 extension, and modify the rst cell in the spreadsheet, etc.
The virus evolves and spreads through programs in your computer system for a while just as the evolu-
tionary virus above, but then it replaces itself with a subset of the encryption and decryption algorithms,
triggering conditions, infection mechanisms, and damage mechanisms. It then repeats the whole process,
spreading and evolving for a while, then replacing itself with a subset, etc. As time goes on, you may have a
very wide variety of dierent variations, all looking very dierent from each other in terms of the sequence
of the bytes that appear in your system, all spread throughout your computer and backup systems.
One day, you will start having minor damage; a le gets deleted, or maybe some bits get changed in
a random data le. Suppose you identify those things right away, you work real hard, and you gure out
which Trojan horse caused the damage. You search your entire system and you nd no other copies of
that Trojan horse, so you gure youre safe. About ve minutes later, two things start to go wrong, then
three, then four, then ve. Over the next couple of days, you probably get to the point where hundreds of
thousands of these simple things are starting to go o in all sorts of ways.
So what do you do? You go to your backups, right? You go back a week in the backups, you search
for all these dierent patterns and you nd none of them. There is no indication that anything there is
corrupt, but it starts happening again. You go back two weeks, three weeks, four. You go back as far as
you want, there is never any way to be sure that this isnt happening again. This points out the problem
with evolution, the problem of tracking down viruses once they are throughout a system, etc.
Several questions usually come up here. For example: How do you keep these from reinfecting the
same program repeatedly? You dont have to of course, but there are a variety of ways to limit infections.
For example, never infect anything larger than a given size, or with a modication date ending in the
digits 1,2,or 3. Some of the examples later will point this out more clearly, but let it suce to say that
no universal recognition mechanism is necessary in order to operate such a virus successfully, so the virus
doesnt have to be able to detect itself.
3.2.3 The Tail Chasing Problem
The tail chasing problem comes when you try to remove a virus from a system while that system is in
active operation.
v v
is cleaned, but P
gets infected
v v
is cleaned, but P
gets reinfected
v v
Figure 3.9: The Tail Chasing Problem
Suppose we have an infected system, and its operating as we are detecting and eradicating viruses.
In this example, P
and P
are infected. When we detect a virus in program P
we cure it, but in the
meanwhile, P
is run and it infects program P
. No problem, we nd that P
is infected and cure P
, but
in the meanwhile someone runs program P
, which goes and reinfects program P
! We are now chasing
our own tail.
Whether almost everything is almost always infected, or whether almost everything is almost always
clean, depends on the relative rates of infection and cure. This follows the biological theory of epidemics.
Basically, the number of infected programs times the frequency of use gives the number of new infections
per time. If this exceeds the rate of cure, then the chances are that almost all programs will always be
infected. If the rate of cure exceeds the rate of new infection, as time goes on, the system will become
completely devoid of infected programs.
Under certain conditions, you can even get an equilibrium situation. As an example, when the number
of already infected programs slows the infection rate to near the cure rate, more cures will cause more
infections, while fewer cures will cause fewer infections, and thus we may be in a stable condition.
Currently, our cures, except in the rarest cases, are very slow. Our viruses on the other hands, are
very fast. So for the most part, in current situations, its rational to deny services while performing cure.
There are some advantages in a well structured system. For example, in a POset network, once a virus is
detected, we know the extent of where it could have come from and gone to, and thus, which portions of
the system may be operated unhindered while cure is performed. So you dont have to deny services to
the whole system, you just deny services to those areas that might be aected.
There is one well known computer security consultant in the United States that says: If you get a
virus, the rst thing you should do, is turn o your computer and call in an expert. Of course he is a
consultant, so he is one of the experts you might call in.
3.2.4 Instrumentation
Viruses are normal-user programs. That means that whatever statistic you use to determine whether
something is a virus, its always possible for a virus to slip below it if other programs can be written to
slip below it. As you lower the threshold to try to catch more viruses, eventually you will lower it enough
to catch some legitimate software, and then you have a choice.
You can throw it away, in which case, if it had a virus, you eliminated that copy of the virus, but you
also threw out the program. If it was legitimate, you just threw out a legitimate piece of software,
and you still dont know if you are safe. So you keep lowering the threshold, throwing out more and
more software, until you are completely safe. All you have to do is throw out all your software. Then
your system is completely safe, but it is also useless.
You can decide to trust it because it is an important program. But if you decide to trust it and it
has a virus in it, youve just trusted the virus and therefore allowed it to continue to exist in your
There is only one other possibility. When you detect a possible infection, you try to determine
whether or not it is actually infected. So how do you do that? Well, we have already shown that its
undecidable to tell whether a program is infected. In other words, trying to look at it to tell whether
its infected doesnt work, because you cant ever be sure one way or the other.
Thats why instrumentation has problems. Instrumentation comes down to verifying all the software in
your computer system, which we cannot do. By the way, that doesnt mean that you should not ever use
instrumentation. For example, you could reasonably have a set of normal operating parameters on your
system, detect when the system goes outside those parameters, and take appropriate action. It just isnt
3.2.5 Vaccines
Figure 3.10: A Vaccine
If you have a virus that looks for itself in another program and does not infect the other program if it
has already been infected, then a vaccine might fake the indicator used by the virus to determine whether
the program has already been infected so that, thinking this le is already infected, the virus wont bother
to reinfect it. Let me point out some problems with this.
The rst problem is that, in order to be eective, you have to vaccinate against a large number of
viruses. In other words, you have to modify existing programs to have all of the various indicators of
the 2200 known viruses, and every day you have to modify these programs several times to include the
indicators from new viruses. Perhaps there is a 1 at location 8 and a 7 at location 15 for one of the viruses,
and a 12 at location 3 for another virus, and so on. If you try and do that to your programs, its going to
be very dicult to keep your programs working.
The second problem is that not all viruses can be vaccinated against. For example, the Jerusalem virus
cannot be vaccinated against because it doesnt look to determine if programs have already been infected.
Even for some of the vaccinable viruses, vaccination might be quite expensive. For example, suppose we
have a virus that only infects programs smaller than 30K bytes. Small programs would have to be made
large in order to prevent infection, thus dramatically increasing disk usage. This may be the only side
eect of the virus, and thus we are doing more damage by defending in this way than the virus causes in
the worst case.
The third problem is that vaccinating against one virus may permit another virus to enter. This comes
from the concept of competing pairs in the population.
Suppose we have virus V
which works like this:
If location 4 is less than or equal to 24, do an infection.
The vaccine is to make location 4 greater than 24, so that V
will not infect a given le. But suppose
we have another virus V
that works like this:
If location 4 is greater than 24, do an infection.
To counter V
, we have to make location 4 less than or equal to 24. Since you cannot make location 4
less than or equal to 24 and also greater than 24, you cannot vaccinate against both. Vaccinating against
one of them only reduces the occurrence of that one in the population, and thus provides more food for
the other virus. If you vaccinate against V
, you increase the population of V
because you are providing
a lot of food for it. V
eats all the new food, but as V
eats more and more, it provides more food for V
The system eventually returns to a stable population ratio.
This same principle can lead to a method of self-control for benevolent viruses. By portioning the
space of legitimate values between dierent members of the population, you can eectively secure a stable
population ratio even as some viruses are eliminated and others become errant.
3.2.6 Virus Scanners
A Virus Scanner is a program that examines systems for the occurrence of known viruses. Modern virus
scanners are fairly fast. They can typically scan something like 10 executable les per second for any of
a few thousand viruses on a 20 Mhz PC-AT with 60ms hard disk. The main performance factor in our
experiments were disk access time, so a fairly fast modern computer could be scanned for most known
viruses in a few minutes.
Scanners are sometimes used as a BOOTSTRAP check for known viruses in personal computers. They
have some major problems that make them expensive and ineective in most circumstances, even though
they are currently very popular in the marketplace.
A rst problem is that they are only good against known viruses and other known attack patterns, so
they wont work against a virus that the organization did not know about ahead of time. Any organization
worried about intentional attacks against them or internal attackers should be aware that no scanner is
likely to help them against this threat.
A second problem is that they tend to take a noticeable amount of time to scan a system or network
for these patterns. In a normal PC based installation, a scanner used daily costs about $1 per day per
system, or about $250 per year per system. This is the cost associated with a quick scan (i.e. where we
look at only a few bytes to detect a virus at a known location in the infected program), but not all viruses
can be detected by this approach. For example, the Cruncher virus described earlier cannot be detected
by this technique, and it is fairly easy to design a virus that requires all bits of a le to be examined for
reliable detection. The time associated with examining all of the bytes on a disk is far longer, even on the
fastest systems available. For example, a read test that reads all of the bytes on a 200Mbyte disk on a
50MHz 486DX processor with a 12 msec hard disk takes over 15 minutes, and that test doesnt do any
substantial processing of the data it reads. Even some non-evolutionary viruses may be quite dicult to
scan for, since they may place themselves in a non-xed location in the infected program. The speed of
current scanners comes mostly from knowing where to look in a le for a known virus. This is also why
scanners are ineective against viruses in non-executable programs. These programs (e.g. spread-sheets,
data-bases, etc) dont typically store the virus in a xed location.
A third problem is that in order to remain eective, a scanner must be updated often. Otherwise, by
the time you detect a relatively new virus, it will have spread throughout your organization, and you will
have a massive cleanup problem on your hands. Suppose you only update 4 times per year, and the cost
of sending out and installing an update is $5 per copy. That comes to another $20 per system per year.
New viruses appear at a rate of several per day, so keeping up-to-date is literally impossible. Even the
companies that spend all of their time and eort updating scanners are commonly 4-6 months behind.
In June of 1993, for example, most of the scanners tested for viruses that were well known and widely
published in January of 1993 were unable to detect them. One of those viruses was distributed to 60,000
subscribers of an electronic information service after the information service had scanned for known viruses
using several of the best available scanners.
A fourth problem is that scanners are not very good against evolutionary viruses, some of which have
begun to appear in the real world recently. No current scanners detect Cruncher which has been available
for several months, and until several years after the MtE was spreading in the world, no scanner was able
to pick up over 95% of the infections. Several other evolutionary viruses are not detected well by existing
scanners after several years of eort by the manufacturers.
A fth problem is that some scanners produce false positives. That is, they tend to indicate the presence
of some viruses when that virus, in fact, is not present. It is not unusual for a new version of a program to
have a pattern similar to a known virus in it, and for several scanners to begin indicating false positives in
response to a program update. The better scanners are very unlikely to get a false positive, but its hard
to tell which ones those are from the advertising. In one case, a law suit was led against a major scanner
manufacturer for shipping product that falsely identied a legitimate product as infected, thus costing the
manufacturer substantial lost revenues.
A sixth problem is that people dont use scanners reliably. Just yesterday, I was contacted by a
consultant with a virus, and she described how she scanned for viruses. She had a two year old scanner,
she only scanned incoming disks and often failed to scan them for various reasons, and she had a virus
that the scanner didnt pick up. She suspected it came from a disk that had virus scribbled on it, which
she thinks was placed in her system by someone who used her computer for a while when she wasnt there.
3.2.7 Software Self Defense
The idea of self-correcting code came up a number of years back. Basically, it works by having a program
with some redundancy built into it, examine itself and automatically removes corruptions. When you run
the program, it checks itself using that redundancy, and if it detects errors, uses the redundancy to correct
them. There are a couple of problems with this scheme.
run P
RP of P
RP of P
Figure 3.11: Software Self Defense
The rst problem is that the virus may modify the redundant part of the program P
to accept or even
propagate the virus. Heres an example:
Theres a program called Mirror that runs on the PC. Mirror makes an exact bit-for-bit copy of a
program, except that all the 1s are changed to 0s and all the 0s are changed to 1s. It stores this
mirror image on disk. Whenever you run the program, the operating system compares the original
to the mirror image. If they arent exactly opposite, it mirrors the mirror image to give you a clean
Somebody wrote a virus that infects the mirror image with a mirror image of the virus. When you
run the program, the system compares the original to the mirror. They disagree, and the mirror
image is mirrored, giving a new, cleanly infected version of the program.
The second problem is that detection may fail. If you use a simple checksum, we have already shown
you how to make that fail with a compression virus. If you use the size and modication time or a CRC
code, or any combination of those, you have the same problem because they can all be attacked by fairly
simple algorithms in a short period of time.
Product designers do a lot of things to increase performance while trying to compromise as little
protection as possible. One of them is to only check the rst and last block of a le. Another is to only
check the header information of a le. Some select ve or six blocks from the le to check, or some such
thing. There are all sorts of schemes to make checking very fast by not checking all the information, but
they tend to fail because it is easy to intentionally defeat them. For detection to be reliable it must be
hard to forge an illegitimate change.
The third major problem is that by the time the program gets hold of itself, it may look clean. It turns
out this is really the death blow to self defense. Lets see why that is.
Heres a generic attack against any self-defense mechanism. Its generic in that, if you launch this
attack without knowing what self-defense the defenders are using, only that its a self-defense technique,
its guaranteed that this attack will work. One attack ts all.

. . . P


v v



. . . p
is run at time t
. . .


Figure 3.12: Generic Attack on Self-Defense
Initially the infected version P

of program P
is infected with the virus V , and the clean version of
the program P
is uninfected. If at time t
, we run P

, the following sequence of events takes place:
- V infects some other program P
- V replaces P

with the original P
- V runs the original P
- After P
nishes, V reinfects P
Between times t
and t
, P
looks at itself and determines that it is clean, because indeed it is clean
at the time it is run. The same thing can be done by simulating operating system calls when P
looks at
itself, but this particular variation only works when operating system protection can be bypassed, which
is normally limited to DOS and MacIntosh systems, or in sophisticated attacks against multiprocessing
systems with protection.
3.2.8 Boot Locks
When you turn on most computers, they go through a start up process wherein a bootstrap program
is run in order to load and begin interpreting the rest of the operating environment. On most systems,
in order to allow for installation and recovery from faults, an external bootstrap device is checked for a
bootstrap program before using the computers internal disks. In an environment where the rst program
to run has total control of the computer, in theory, it cannot be bypassed. It could, for example, simulate
the rest of the computer, and thus avoid any technique for defense that a defender could put in place.
This is the mechanism attacked by so-called boot-block viruses, and it forms a fairly universal attack
that could be applied to almost any current operating environment. In fact, some of the common PC viruses
dont depend on having the DOS operating system on the disk, and operate with any other operating system
in place.
In addition to containing the rst instructions to be executed on system startup, the partition table
on most systems includes information on how the disk is structured. This information is commonly used by
viruses to attack a system before it begins operating and turns on its defenses. A bootlock is a program
that replaces the normal bootstrap program and the data describing the structure of the disk so that the
disk structure information is not readily available to the attacker. In essence, it is a way of recoding the
disk so that without the right decoding algorithm, accessing the disk is more dicult.
Some current viruses directly access disk hardware, and they can thus corrupt the physical partition
table, but they still cannot be used to examine or modify the logical contents of the DOS disk if it has been
locked well enough. This means that unless attackers use defense specic attacks, they cannot reasonably
be expected to infect DOS les. Thus bootlock protection prevents all but low-level viruses from entering
the system when bootstrapped from the oppy disk.
Most boot locks can be easily bypassed, which means that it is normally possible to attack these defenses
without a great deal of eort, but it also means the attacker has to have access to the defense or nd a
set of attacks that happen to bypass it. In general, we can do quite well by increasing the diculty of
decoding the disk information. This technique is sometimes taken to the extreme of disk encryption, and
recent theoretical results show that in general we can make low level attacks such as this N-P complete.
3.2.9 Snapshots
The snapshot defense makes a copy of the memory, registers, and other critical operating information at
rst use, and replaces the memory state of the machine with the stored state on subsequent uses. This has
the eect of removing any corruption from memory at system startup, and thus provides an uninfected
initial state for checking and repairing the remainder of the system, including the boot block and operating
system critical areas and les. Assuming this mechanism gets control, it can defeat any attack that tries
to prevent the normal startup process, and bypass even the most clever simulation virus. The only ways
around this defense are a defense-specic attack or a high quality system simulation by the attack.
3.2.10 System Call Interception
There are several weak defenses that exploit assumptions made by attackers to make substantial numbers of
current viral attacks fail. For example, we can prevent executable programs from being modied in-place
by limiting open calls on les with particular names. It turns out that this defense prevents infection by
over 90% of current PC viruses, while consuming only about 20 instructions on each le open, and not
impacting most normal operation. This is a weak defense because, for example, the attacker could rename
the le, perform infection, and rename it back after infection, without impacting this mechanism. We can
limit renames, but this is also easily bypassed. If we make this protection too eective, the system becomes
too constrained for normal use.
Another weak defense is a mechanism that prevents tracing through operating system calls. It turns
out that many DOS viruses trace calls into the operating system to determine internal operating system
addresses which are then used to bypass protection. We can stop most of these attacks by turning o tracing
at an appropriate point in the defense. This attack can be defeated by a suciently cleaver attacker by
simply checking defense operations to determine if they turn o tracing, and simulating the instructions
that turn tracing o. The DOS debugger does this to some extent, and the techniques it uses can be
augmented to cover more clever trace trapping defenses.
Several other weak defenses are now in common use, and to the extent that they consume very few
system resources while defending against substantial portions of the existing attack techniques, they are
cost eective, particularly in the short run. For the most part, these very weak defenses have utility in
operating systems with no real protection. With sound operating system protection, many of these defenses
are unnecessary.
3.3 Technical Defenses That Work Well
The defenses we will now discuss work in the sense that they provide a very high degree of protection, but
they are not perfect in that they do not make viruses mathematically impossible. One of the defenses we
will discuss (the Integrity Shell) is extremely practical in the current environment, while the other two
have some rather serious limitations that make them inapplicable for all but the rarest of circumstances.
3.3.1 Software Fault Tolerance
There are two general ways to reduce the impact of component failures. We can harden components to
reduce the number of failures (i.e. fault intolerance), or we can use redundancy to tolerate component
failures (i.e. fault tolerance). Fault tolerance can be done in hardware or in software. Let me give you
an example. On the United States Space Shuttle when they enter the atmosphere, this thing is going
awfully fast. It is going way faster than the speed of sound, and to slow down, it goes through a series of
hypersonic S-curves, slowing down so it doesnt burn up in the atmosphere. It turns out that during those
hypersonic S curves, the shuttle is dynamically unstable. That is, if the computer system that controls the
space shuttle stops working for more than one millisecond, the shuttle will crash and burn, and there is
no way any person or computer can recover after that one millisecond of failure. The shuttle will ip over,
the wings will fall o, the tail will fall apart, and the whole thing will crash and burn.
So what they do is use redundancy, because they know that computers fail, especially when you are
shaking them madly, they are at high temperatures, etc. They have ve computer systems connected
together to work like this:
Three of them vote with each other.
If one of the three disagrees with the other two, they kick the bad one out and insert the fourth
computer in its place. They then again have three computers voting.
If one of those fails, they kick that one out, and then the remaining two vote against each other.
If these two disagree with each other, they are both thrown out, and the fth computer is used in
their place.
The reason they go to the fth computer is that it is running a dierent program for the same task, so
if a software problem is causing the failures, this computer will not have the same problem. The rst time
they ran the shuttle, several computers failed.
It turns out that you can do the same thing in software as you can do in hardware. Its called n-version
programming, and its done by having redundant copies of programs. Here is an example.


Figure 3.13: N-Version Programming
We have here a picture of a system with three versions (V
, V
, V
) of two programs (P
, P
). P
infected with a virus, and therefore, produces wrong output under some circumstances. Since the output
goes through a voter, when this happens, the voter disregards the bad output, making all three outputs
identical, and the system continues unhindered. Thus P
, P
, and P
all get correct inputs, even
though P
produces wrong results. If the whole system is redundant, subsequent stages cover voter errors
and any single error is automatically covered. So what are the problems with N-version programming?
Its expensive. It takes three times the number of computer programs, and therefore three times the
number of computer programmers. Also, you need three times the computing power to get the same
performance. So it is somewhat more than three times as expensive to write a redundant program as
it is to write a single program, and thats quite expensive. The high expense means it only applies
in rare circumstances like the space shuttle.
Its hard to do. How hard is it? Well, there was an experiment done in the early 1980s at UCLA.
The experiment involved 100 computer programmers who had just passed a programming course.
They were all asked to write a program to add a column of numbers together. Every one of those
programs worked, but no two of them worked the same. Let me give you an example:
Suppose we have an overow level of 100 and we are adding 75, 60, and 75 together. If we
rst add 75 and 75, we get an overow. When we then subtract 60, we may have a meaningless
answer. But if we add them in another order (e.g. 75 60 = 15, followed by 15 + 75 = 90),
there is no overow, and we get the correct answer.
A great deal of work has been done since this experiment, and we now know that improved specica-
tion, verication, and testing is vital to getting N-Version programs to work. More work is underway
and the cost of N-version programming is coming down, but it is not yet cost eective for most
This defense is not guaranteed against intentional attack. That is, this defense will work well if the
problem comes from random Gaussian noise, but it may not apply to an intentional attack. An
intentional attacker, for example, might use the legitimate modication mechanism to modify both
and P
. Then the voter would then kick out the legitimate results from P
. So this defense,
at least in this simple form, its not guaranteed against intentional attack.
3.3.2 Sound Change Control
Sound change control is a quality assurance process that keeps corruptions from passing a guard. Nor-
mally, we have two environments, a Research and Development (R&D) environment, and a Production
(P) environment. The R&D environment is where we make and test out changes. The P environment is
where we use systems day to day. So how do we do sound change control? . . . Very poorly for the most
Figure 3.14: Change Control
In sound change control, there is an area between R&D and P called Change Control (CC), and a
set of rules about how the system works. These rules are typically supported by technical safeguards and
administrative controls. The rules for sound change control usually go something like this:
1. CC can only approve or reject a proposed change; it cannot make a change on its own. In other words,
you make changes in R&D and pass them through CC. All CC can do is say, This is acceptable!
-OR- This is not acceptable.
2. CC can only pass sources from R&D to P. It cannot pass binary libraries, executables, or other such
things, because we cant reliably determine what non-source programs do.
3. CC is done via human and automated verication methods. What do we verify about changes?
We verify that the change is necessary. We dont allow changes to take place for no reason.
We verify that the change is appropriate to the goal. In other words, we say we need a change
for a particular reason, and we have to make sure that the change relates to that reason.
4. The change has to be tested on sample data from the P environment to make certain it works properly.
5. The operation of the change must be clear and obvious. Unclear or inobvious software can often be
easily modied to include subtle attacks.
6. The change may not have any unnecessary code or data. Any unnecessary code or data might contain
corruptions, and is expensive to handle.
That reminds me, does anybody here use change control in their environment? Do you do it this way?
No. Ive done a pretty thorough survey, and I only know of about three places in the world that do sound
change control. One of them is the people that design nuclear missile control systems. I am very pleased
that they do sound change control. Another one is the Federal Reserve Bank in the United States. At
least they claim to do sound change control. There are probably a few others that do this, but I am sure
there are very few.
Why doesnt everybody else do this? There are four major problems with sound change control that
keep it from being used in most environments, even those where some form of change control is used.
1. Its quite expensive. According to the places that really do it, you need twice as many people doing
change control as programmers making changes, so it triples programming costs.
2. Its quite slow. If you have a serious problem in your computer system, you cant just go and x it,
you have to go through change control. You have to x it, test it out, show that its appropriate, and
make sure that it is just what its suppose to be. Then the change goes into aect, and not before.
3. Its rarely done right. From my informal survey of several thousand organizations, almost nobody
follows all the rules all the time.
4. Sound change control must cover all changes! If we only cover changes to the things that are compiled
into binary executables, thats not good enough. We have to cover changes to spreadsheets, databases,
other macro processors, and all sorts of other things. Everything that isnt limited function has to be
change controlled, and this, of course, is intolerable. Almost nobody can aord to do this properly.
3.3.3 Integrity Shells
An integrity shell uses redundancy to detect changes, and is thus a form of automated fault tolerance and
change control. We know just when to check and what to check, and we can even, in certain cases, do
automated correction. So lets look at how this works.
We begin by restating the problems with software self defense, because integrity shells came about by
xing all of the problems with self-defense techniques. There were three problems:
1 - A virus may modify the redundant part of the program.
2 - Detection may fail.
3 - By the time a program gets control, it may look clean.
The rst and second problems have to do with the fact that we need a reliable way to detect corruption
in the presence of intentional attack. The only way we know of to accomplish this goal is with a hard-to-
forge cryptographic checksum (heretofore c.c.s. ). So whats that?
Ill start with the checksum. Its like a ngerprint. We take a ngerprint of a le. If we subsequently
modify the le, its ngerprint changes. So when we look at the le the next time, it will have the wrong
ngerprint, and therefore we will detect the change. But, we still have to do the ngerprint in a reliable
and uncircumventable fashion.
So imagine that we do a c.c.s. by encrypting the le using a secret key, and then performing a checksum
on the encrypted le. If the crypto-system is good enough, and the key is kept secret, we have a hard-to-
forge ngerprint. To be more precise, we have a set of triples [(F
, k, S
) . . . (F
, k, S
)], where each F is
a le, k is the secret key, and each S is a c.c.s. . An attacker can see only F and S.
If the crypto-system is good enough, you can not cost eectively modify F so that under the same k
you get the same S, you cant modify F and S so that under the same k they will match, and you can not
guess k by looking at F and S. Thats what makes it a sound c.c.s. technique for this particular purpose.
It turns out that there are a couple of techniques like this that seem to be very good, and the crypto-
graphic community has analyzed these to a certain extent. Let me take a moment to list some of the other
properties of c.c.s. techniques, so we can understand their virtues.
The c.c.s. can be independent of the operating system. That is, we can have a c.c.s. so that even
if the operating system is modied by an attacker, even if a systems manager, a systems operator,
and/or a systems programmer, collude to make the system work dierently without telling anyone,
a c.c.s. could still pick up the change.
A c.c.s. is also independent of other users, so that each user can independently detect changes. Each
user can have a dierent key, so that even if an attacker can make a forgery that works properly
under one key, it is unlikely to work under all the other keys.
Multiple, independent checks are possible with a c.c.s. . That means that an external auditor can do
an audit and detect changes. They can use their own c.c.s. with complete independence.
A c.c.s. can work on all information, not just binary executable les.
A c.c.s. can work over networks. You can verify the integrity of information during network trans-
mission, storage, and retrieval, and you can use the same c.c.s. technique, regardless of the system
its used on.
There is a tradeo between performance and protection. We can usually get better protection by
sacricing some performance. That doesnt mean that lower performance always gives you better
protection. For example, you might have a slow cryptosystem that isnt particularly good. Never-
theless, you can typically improve the level of protection by using a larger key, storing a larger c.c.s. ,
The last problem with software self-defense was that, by the time a program gets control, it may look
clean. Recall that there is a generic attack against any self-defense mechanism. How do we get around that
problem? The only solution is to check the program before it gets control. We do that using something
called an integrity shell. Heres how an integrity shell works:
The user says Interpret X:
If X and everything X depends on is unchanged
then interpret X
else Accept -OR- Trust -OR- Forget -OR- Restore
Lets start by describing what I mean by interpreting X. I dont mean that X is an executable binary
program that is run on the hardware, although that is an example of interpretation. It might be that I
have a spreadsheet which is interpreted by a spreadsheet program. The spreadsheet is interpreted, but it
depends for its proper interpretation on the spreadsheet program. The spreadsheet program may in turn
depend on a variety of other information. The same is true for a source program that is translated by a
compiler or interpreted by an interpreter, a database that is interpreted by a database program, etc.
When the user says interpret X, if X is not changed, (i.e. if S
for X has not changed) and everything
X depends on for its proper operation has not changed (i.e. their Ss have not changed), then we know
that we have an unchanged environment. In other words the environment has not been corrupted since
the last time a c.c.s. was done. So we can simply interpret X with a degree of assurance that it is what it
is suppose to be.
If either the information being interpreted or the information it depends on for its interpretation has
been modied, we cannot trust that the interpretation will operate properly. In this case, we have choices
to make:
One option is to accept it in its new form. That is to say, use it, even though you know it is
corrupt. For example, if I am on the space shuttle and I am going through hypersonic S-curves and I
nd a corruption in a program, and its on my last computer, I dont want to shutdown the computer
because it has a corruption, because then I will certainly crash. I would much prefer to run the
program until I land (if I land), and x it then. This is a fail-safe mode because in the case of a
failure, it fails in the safest mode available.
Another option is to trust the change. For example, if I just made a legitimate change, I would want
to tell the system that this change was appropriate, and have it identify further change afterwards.
This is often the case during program development and maintenance.
Another option is to forget it. For example, if Im in the nuclear missile business, and I send a
nuclear missile out, and the program to control that nuclear missile goes bad, and that corruption is
detected by the system, I personally would make the decision: Dont blow up, fall to the ground,
turn o the engine, dont blow up!. This is also called fail-safe because it fails in a safe mode.
Obviously, safe means dierent things in dierent circumstances.
The last option is restore it. If I have a backup and I know where it is, I can go and get that backup
and automatically restore the corrupt information to its previous state. With on-line or LAN-based
backups, the system xes the corruption and proceeds normally with just a slight delay. In most
systems, this is the safest default. In the better systems, after restoration the process is repeated,
and if corruption persists, another option is selected.
At this point, in a short course, we normally demonstrate an integrity shell operating with a number
of dierent types of corruption. We begin by turning o integrity protection so we can show a virus as
it would operate without integrity present. It spreads from program to program, displaying its progress
along the way. We then turn integrity protection back on and repeat the demonstration, only this time, the
corruption is detected immediately, and further spread is prevented. Demonstrations are normally done
on a portable DOS or Unix system, but they are fairly generic and do not depend on features or limits of
particular operating systems.
Now most of these examples are against viruses, but it turns out that integrity shells are very general
purpose mechanisms. Lets look at an example. We go into the DOS directory, where all of the DOS
programs are stored, and we nd a program called FORMAT.COM, which is an operating system
program. We run FORMAT to show how it appears on the screen, and then we exit without doing
anything of interest.
Insert new diskette for drive A:
and strike ENTER when ready^C
The next thing we do is type a command like:
C:>ECHO No way Jose > FORMAT.COM
This replaces the contents of FORMAT.COM. We then type FORMAT.COM to show that it has indeed
been corrupted, and do a directory which shows that FORMAT.COM is only 14 bytes long.
No way Jose
FORMAT COM 14 3-01-89 12:01p
In the DOS environment, if you ran such a program (and I wouldnt advise you to do it without an
integrity shell in place), the system would normally crash. That is because the operating system simply
loads the le into memory and starts executing instructions at the rst byte of the le. So lets run
Insert new diskette for drive A:
and strike ENTER when ready^C
The integrity shell detected the corruption, replaced FORMAT.COM using an ON-LINE backup, and
ran the corrected FORMAT program, taking only a bit of extra time.
If you want to restore from an on-line backup, you need to have the backup on-line. You can do the
same thing with o-line backups, but it takes a lot longer. Thus, you get a time/space tradeo. On-line
backups take more space, while o-line backups take more time.
3.3.4 Integrity Shell Limitations and Features
Integrity shells deserve special attention both because of their strength as a defense and their increasing
application. Just to give you an idea of their impact, in 1986 they were proven optimal in untrusted
systems. One integrity shell product has now successfully defended against all viruses for over 3 years
(over a factor of 20 increase in attacks with no impact on defense), and something like 90% of all new
computers now have this feature built into the operating system (i.e. it is now built into DOS version 6).
A Good Enough Cryptosystem
The rst limitation is that the cryptographic system must be good enough. So what does good
enough mean? Well, what it really means is that no attacker will get around it, and thats not very
easy to predict ahead of time. But, there are some other issues that may be considered. For example,
the performance versus integrity tradeo. Let me give you an example from the integrity shell we use in
our demonstrations. It has dierent cryptosystems depending on how you want that tradeo placed. You
decide whether you want it to take 10 seconds, 1 second, 0.1 seconds, or 0.01 seconds to check the average
program. If you take 0.01 seconds, youre not likely to get much in the way of integrity. If you take 100
seconds, its probably going to be too slow to justify. So normally, people set a performance level, and
have the system do the best it can for that performance.
You need a sound basis for believability of any cryptographic system. For example, many people come
to me and say, we have a great cryptographic system, its been approved by the NSA
. It must be great.
I usually say Approved for what? If they say its been approved for selling overseas, that means the NSA
The US National Security Agency
can break it, right? Cryptosystems are usually not approved for export unless the NSA can read them.
So you need a basis for believability, and in terms of cryptography, there are only three systems in general
use which are credible at this time.
One of them is the perfect system (A.K.A. The One Time Pad), analyzed by Shannon in the 1940s.
It is provably unbreakable, but it is not practical for the integrity shell application.
The second cryptosystem that is relatively sound, and I use the word relatively loosely, is the DES.
This system withstood a fair amount of attack, and although I have heard from several governments around
the world that they are able to break DES codes in a matter of days (or in some cases hours), the typical
attacker is not likely to break DES codes in order to launch a virus, and if they did, it would take a long
time and a lot of space to perform an infection.
The third system is the RSA.
In the RSA system, we can break any code, but the amount of
time it takes to break the code can be varied by changing the key size. For example, a 100 digit RSA
takes hundreds of years to break using the fastest algorithms on the fastest supercomputers today. A 200
digit RSA signature takes hundreds of trillions of life times of the universe to break with the best systems
available today, but it also takes more time to generate signatures.
How do you determine whether a system is sound? Its very dicult, but there are some indicators
of unsound systems. For example, if you have a cryptographic system that doesnt take longer to check
things that are bigger, chances are its not checking everything, because it takes more time to encrypt more
information. There are a couple of products that check 50Kbyte les in a tenth of a second on a PC-XT.
This is certainly not sound, because it takes over a second to read 50Kbytes on a typical PC-XT. Another
example of unsound cryptographic practice is the use of an unchangeable cryptosystem key. If we all have
the same key, the attacker has it too, and can forge modications without a problem.
A Trusted Mechanism
The second limit is that the mechanism itself has to be unalterable. If you cant secure the mechanism,
an attacker can modify it to allow corruptions to pass unnoticed. You can use the c.c.s. to check the
integrity shell, but if we can alter the mechanism, we can bypass any defense.
In virtually every system, there is a way to use hardware protection to defend the integrity mechanism.
Even on a PC, you can have hardware write protected oppy disks that provide a fair degree of hardware
protection against corrupting the integrity mechanism. You run an integrity check from the oppy disk to
check the integrity mechanism on the hard disk, the operating system on the hard disk, and all the other
critical parts of the operating environment, and then you have some assurance that they are sound. You
can then start to use them as a basis for running other programs on the system.
Let me just mention something about write protect tabs on 5.25 PC oppy disks. If you protect a
oppy disk with a black plastic write-protect tab, it might not work. It turns out that many PCs use
infrared to detect the presence of a write-protect tab, and those little black stickers dont block infrared
light. So even though you use the write-protect tab, the disk may not actually be write protected. So you
might say lets get all metal stickers, which we certainly should do, but even with a metal sticker, the
disk isnt always write protected properly. On some systems, a little metal nger comes down to check for
the presence of a write protect tab. If the write protect tab gets a little bit dented, the disk drive may not
The Data Encryption Standard specied by the US government some time ago for encryption.
Rivest, Shamir and Adleman published a paper dening this cryptosystem, which was the rst dual public key encryption
algorithm, and is currently the most widely used hard-to-break public key system available.
detect it. Microoppy (3.5) disks, by the way, dont have these problems.
An alternative trusted mechanism that is becoming more popular is a hardware device inserted into the
computer. This tends to be quite expensive (i.e. manufacturing costs on the order of US$25-50) relative
to software solutions, is harder to update, and once bypassed, cannot be easily recongured for successful
defense. Although it is theoretically possible to devise a secure hardware device for this purpose, most
current hardware devices of this sort can be easily bypassed by a suciently knowledgeable expert, and
the expense becomes far greater for a secure system (i.e. several hundred US dollars each, and each is tied
to specic hardware congurations).
Another alternative that is currently the most cost eective of the available options is the combination
of a bootlock, a snapshot, and disk encryption, all implemented in software. The bootlock prevents many
attacks, the encryption makes it dicult to use a defense-specic attack, and the snapshot eliminates
simulation attacks. Even though any such defense can eventually be bypassed, the goal is to drive up attack
complexity with a minimal impact on performance and cost. This combination seems quite eective.
A Trusted Path For The Key
The third thing we need is a trusted path for the key. If the attacker can watch the key as we type it
in, they can use that key to forge a c.c.s. . Normally, a trusted path is generated by forcing the integrity
shell to run before other programs in the environment, so that nothing can insert itself between the system
startup and the integrity shells operation.
In most systems, it is inconvenient or infeasible for users to remember keys. One alternative is to
provide a hardware key device, but that is also expensive and inconvenient. The most common alternative
is to store a key on the system disk and use the stored key for defense. The problem is that an attacker
could exploit this key to implement undetected changes by resumming les after alteration under the
available key. This implies the requirement for access controls that prevent an attacker from accessing the
key, and/or some form of obscuration that makes it dicult to identify or apply the stored key. The latter
is very insecure in almost all cases, because the information must be usable by the defense in order to allow
authorized changes.
The Granularity Issue
The fourth limitation is really more of a tradeo than anything else. Its called the granularity issue. If
we are trying to cover a 500 megabyte database, and we check the whole database every time we read, and
resum it every time we make a change, it becomes inconvenient and slows performance dramatically. For
things like large databases, its probably much more appropriate to have checking at a lower granularity
level than the le level. In that case, you would like to have the database program verify the c.c.s. associated
with each record as it is read, and update the c.c.s. every time a record is written. It is not adequate in
all cases to use a command interpreter based integrity shell. In fact, anything that interprets something
else, should really have built-in integrity protection.
The Problem Of Intent
The nal limitation of integrity shells is a fundamental issue, in that the legitimacy of change is a
function of intent. That is, we cant tell whether a change is legitimate or not, unless we can somehow
determine what the intent of the user is, and compare that intent to the actual change. In most current
systems, most users dont know what part of the system should change when they make a change to
something on their screen. They have no sense of that. So ultimately, we have no way to assure the
legitimacy of the change in any such system. Integrity shells can detect change and act as they are told,
but they cannot determine the intent of the user and map that into the actions of the system.
Optimal Protection
The basic feature of an integrity shell, and the reason the integrity shell was devised the way it was, is
that it is optimal. That is, in an untrusted computer system, by denition, you can not prevent infection.
Since you cannot prevent infection, the best you can hope to do is to detect it and limit its further spread.
Thats just what an integrity shell does.
An integrity shell detects all primary infection (infection by a trusted program), and prevents all
secondary infection (further infection by a program infected through primary infection). Furthermore,
this is the best we can ever do in such a system.
The second feature of integrity shells is that they are very ecient. When I say ecient, I mean that
for optimal protection, integrity shells use the minimum overhead:
They dont perform any checks that dont have to performed in order to prevent secondary infection,
and they only check the things that have to be checked when they have to be checked. So, they are
ecient in the sense of minimal overhead.
They are also ecient in the sense that they can automate the repair process. Without this automa-
tion, the costs of getting rid of a virus once found is potentially enormous. For example, if you have
5,000 computers and a virus spreads throughout your organization, you will have a Herculean task
cleaning them up. With automated cure, you dont even have to interpose yourself in the process. It
is completely automatic and transparent.
Finally, they are ecient because they are easy to use. That is, from the standpoint of a user,
integrity shells can be transparent if you automate all the decisions based on your policy.
I want to mention one other thing about this optimal situation. Some people use a c.c.s. without an
integrity shell. For example, they might perform a c.c.s. to detect changes every morning. The problem
with that scheme, and one of the reasons integrity shells are optimal and this is not, is that a virus could
be designed to only infect programs modied in the last day. This sort of virus is commonly called a
slow virus, and in this case, only legitimate looking changes would be picked up by the c.c.s. , and the
virus would spread undetected. That is why an integrity shell must check information just before use, and
automatically resum it after use if there are legitimate changes. It shuts the window for illicit changes
being treated as legitimate. There are, by the way, real-world slow viruses that work this way.
Product Issues in Integrity Shells
There are three major product issues in the design of integrity shells.
Basic Capabilities: Some systems have on-line backup capabilities, others do not. The soundness of
the c.c.s. is vital to proper operation of an integrity shell. Other features are required in various
environments, and their existence and quality are critical to the value of the product.
User Interfaces: You probably need a dierent interface for the systems administrator than for a typical
secretary. Integrity shell capabilities must be able to integrate into existing interfaces as easily and
transparently as possible, and be relatively easy to deal with. For example, an interface that doesnt
integrate with a windowing environment is inappropriate if that is the dominant environment, since
it will not be eective most of the time.
Automated Decision Making: Because there are so many dierent ways to use integrity shells in dierent
environments, and because dierent decisions are appropriate under dierent conditions, it is ap-
propriate that decisions be congurable for the environment. A typical issue is whether we should
automatically trust new programs in the environment in order to make new program installation
simple, or prevent running new software to keep from trusting a program that should not be trusted.
Automation should help automate organizational policy to as large an extent as possible.
Future Developments
The major things we lack now are more comprehensive tools for rening the automation of integrity
maintenance. We would like to have a language for expected behavior so that, for example, if we have a
spreadsheet thats suppose to modify other spreadsheets with the same rst three characters of the rst
name, the process of checking and summing can be automated.
A language that species intent is not as simple as it may sound. The closer we can get to specifying
our intent, the better job we can do at determining whether our intent has been met or not, but that also
implies that we have to know a lot about the way systems work and be able to impart that knowledge to
the computer eectively.
Another problem with trying to describe intent is that it is dierent for dierent environments, uses,
and people. We cannot automatically gure out whats intended. We can get close however, and the closer
we get, the less of a dierence theres going to be between the actual intent and the specied intent, and
the smaller the window of vulnerability we will have.
3.4 Defense-in-depth Against Viruses
Defense-in-depth redundantly combines techniques that are individually less than ideal, to provide a whole
defense that is, presumably, stronger than any of its components. For example, all of the techniques we
have discussed in this book can coexist without diculty.
3.4.1 The Moated Wall
To explain synergistic eects, I want to tell you about one of the great technological innovations of all
time. Its called the moated wall, and it is a wonderful example of synergy.
It seems that since before history was kept, there have been cli and cave people who used walls to
defend themselves against animals and other people. The walled city was present in biblical times, and
walled fortresses were widely used in feudal times to protect the city from assault. Unfortunately, walls
have a major failing in that they can be approached from the outside and battered until they fall. Molten
liquid is commonly used to prevent these attacks, but its not all that eective on a simple wall, because
its easy to move before the liquid hits you. Similarly, holes in the walls used for spears and arrows work
as a defense, except that spears and arrows go in as well as out, and you have to have people at all of the
holes all of the time or risk assault.
Now it is also true that water has been a natural and later an articial defense as long as we can
remember. The bible describes God parting the ocean to allow the Israelites to cross, and it was common
for rivers to be used for defense thousands of years ago. Water has its weakness in that it can be crossed,
and with the support of arrows, a beach can be secured and then expanded upon. You also have to defend
the entire waterfront all of the time, because a small lapse can be exploited to form a beach head, and o
you go.
Well, Im sure I am wrong about the details, but at some point in the middle ages, somebody gured
out that combining water with walls provided advantages that neither had alone. With the moated wall,
a castle could be defended by far fewer people, because you couldnt form a beach head on the face of the
wall, and you couldnt very easily break down a wall when standing in a moat full of crocodiles. Arrows
were ineective, and so was assault by force. Thus the synergism of these two defenses made the moated
wall stronger than either of its parts.
Now, before going on, I should mention that a powerful attack on the moated wall is the siege. You
surround the wall, forcing the occupants to starve to death. However, proper castles had their own wildstock
and deep wells, and could withstand sieges of several years if necessary. Some without this capability had
secret tunnel entrances, but like the computers back door, this can be exploited for attack.
3.4.2 Synergistic Eects of Defense-in-depth
Defense-in-depth against computer attack also leads to synergistic eects that may cause each of the
defense to operate with more strength than it could operate with alone. For example, it turns out that
the combination of access control with an integrity shell is particularly synergistic. Without integrity
protection, we have seen that access control becomes ineective. The Bell-Lapadula example detailed
earlier should make this very clear. On the other hand, without access control, integrity protection is
subject to corruption of the defense mechanism, which we also described earlier. Notably, when integrity
and access controls are combined, they oer both integrity for the access control scheme and access control
for the integrity mechanism, thus making each defense stronger than it would be alone, and the combined
defense stronger than the sum of the strengths of each defense implemented independently.
Now in that last sentence, there was a major problem. The problem is that in order for the synergistic
benets to occur, it is not adequate to simply implement each of a set of dierent defenses and throw
them together. That would be like having a moat on one side of your fortress and a wall on the other
side. It allows either weakness to be exploited. They have to be properly integrated in order to achieve
the synergistic eects. For example, access controls normally allow or prevent a user from accessing
information. But integrity protection must be able to apply the c.c.s. key to detect changes. If the key
is accessible, then an attacker can exploit it, but if it is not accessible, the defender cannot apply it! The
solution is an integrated defense which permits access during legitimate operations and prevents access
during illegitimate operations. This can only be done if the legitimacy can be determined by the access
control scheme, which means it has to be integrated into the access control scheme in order to achieve the
synergistic eect.
There are a lot of other synergistic eects between mechanisms, and I just want to review some of
them here both for your understanding of how they impact the virus defense issue and for their broader
implications toward protection. I only cover a particular set of techniques in this discussion. Please be
aware that other techniques and synergisms exist.
Any access control scheme must have a means of identication and authentication in order to dierenti-
ate between (at a minimum) systems administrators and users. Without access control, stating an identity
doesnt limit user actions, but without identication and authentication, access control cant dierentiate
between dierent users.
Access controls are rarely perfect, and even if they were, it would be important to know when someone
tries to bypass protection in order to eliminate other attacks. Audit trails dont protect against anything,
but they do provide the means for analysis after the fact, and if well implemented can indicate an attack
before it succeeds. Without access controls, audit trails cannot be protected against tampering, while
without audit trails, you may never know that people are trying to nd ways around your access controls.
Eventually, either mechanisms will break down. When put together, the audit trails can indicate an access
attack before it succeeds, while the access controls protect the audit trails from being tampered with.
Audits and authentication work well together too. For example, audit trails without authentication
cant prevent an illicit user from modifying the audit trails. But without audit trails, we can guess at
authentication information forever without much risk of detection. When we combine them, we not only
prevent audit trail modication by requiring authentication, but we also prevent password guessing by
detecting attacks before they succeed.
3.4.3 Limits of Synergism
The list goes on and on, with every form of defense acting synergistically with other forms of defense to one
extent or another, either directly or indirectly. In eect, we can make a matrix of interactions describing
how defenses act synergistically, which would be an interesting research project, but not one that I am
prepared to complete right now.
Its not that I couldnt list many synergisms. Rather, the problem is that outside of indicating the
existence of synergism and giving a few special cases, we dont have any systematic way of evaluating
the phenomenon. Without a system of analysis, we could play around forever without coming to a real
understanding of the full impact of synergism.
We do know that the impact of synergism can be quite stunning. For example, up until 1983, most
of the knowledgeable computing security community was almost certain that the existing secure systems
were very hardened against any kind of attack other than physical attack. Then, with the advent of
computer viruses, the whole understanding of protection shifted, and we now understand that the most
trusted systems of that era are easily bypassed with an almost trivial attack. This house of cards fell
down because of the synergism of viruses with covert channels.
More to the point, we have no real reason to believe that the same sort of impact could not happen
again with another novel sort of attack. We simply have no accurate way of modeling overall protection
from a mathematical viewpoint at a high enough level to be practical, and therefore no way to understand
the true nature of the problem or the solutions.
3.4.4 Other Eects
One other advantage of defense-in-depth worth mentioning is that it permits defenders to compensate
for new attacks before they succeed in completely penetrating the defense, even when they are partially
successful. For example, a previously unknown virus will bypass a virus monitor, but may be detected by
an integrity shell. We can then augment the virus monitor to defend against this attack without undue
exposure during improvements. As new viruses are detected and defended by the combined defense, each
of the component defenses are improved, so similar viruses dont penetrate as far in the future.
This is essentially an issue of brittleness. By brittleness, we mean that, even though the protection
structure looks solid, a fairly small amount of pressure properly applied yields an utter collapse of pro-
tection. This is normally because attacks are only covered by a single defense mechanism. It is the way
of nature that things fall apart, and when some protection feature fails for one reason or another, if the
system is brittle with respect to coverage of the failed feature, the whole protection system fails.
Eventually, any defense can be defeated, but the use of defense-in-depth seems to provide far more
eective protection than any other current alternatives because it covers each attack with multiple layers
of defense. The increased coverage provides some redundancy for fault tolerance. A well designed system
of defense-in-depth should provide coverage against brittleness.
Chapter 4
Non-Technical Defenses
Although technical defenses are central to success against computer viruses in the modern environment,
history has shown that no technical method alone is eective for information protection. Any system
must be used by people, and people must make decisions about what methods to use and how to use
them. In non-technical defenses, we address policies and procedures for human behavior, limitations of the
techniques due to the way we use them, and legal action as punishment, deterrent, and compensation.
4.1 Limited Sharing
Limited sharing is both a technical defense and a procedural defense, because in the vast majority of modern
computing environments, people can cause sharing even when technical defenses attempt to prevent it.
Furthermore, many organizations use forms of limited sharing in a non-technical way without providing
any technical capability to enforce the policy.
Limited sharing eectively limits the spread of viruses if it is used properly, but almost no organization
uses it properly. As an example, this is the basis by which the U.S. DoD network was (supposedly)
separated from the Internet. Unfortunately, these controls were not properly implemented or used, and
thus the DoD network was infected through gateways that were supposedly secure. Once the Internet
Virus got through, the DoD decided to use better isolation. Unfortunately, this makes it still harder for
the newest technologies to be integrated in to DoD systems. This is called the chilling eect.
4.1.1 Isolation During Attack
One common limited sharing strategy is isolation during attack. IBM says when an attack is detected in
the network, they pull the plug. That doesnt mean they are safe. If a virus has been spreading for six
months and causes damage today, pulling the plug in the network isnt going to help. On the other hand,
if the attack is not a slow or subtle one, pulling the plug might help.
So let me ask you, who here knows where the plug is? Do any of you operate a computer network? Do
you know where the plug is to disconnect yourself from the rest of the world? Let me tell you that IBM
did not know where the plug was. When the Christmas card attack took place, they just didnt know how
to immediately disconnect from outside networks. Now they know.
In many organizations there isnt one plug, there are 50 or more of them. If you are going to go to
isolation, you have to know how to do it. There has to be somebody that knows where the plug is, and
there has to be a contingency plan in place to assure that the plug can be pulled eectively. In most large
organizations today, disconnecting from the global network would be disastrous from a denial of services
standpoint, so there is a tradeo between utility and safety.
4.1.2 Separation of Function
One form of limited sharing that is somewhat eective and is in widespread use, is the separation of R&D
from Production. We pointed out many of the problems and features of this method earlier under the
heading of change control.
4.1.3 The AIDS Disk
Another common form of limited sharing is a policy not permitting external oppy disks or tapes into a
facility, requiring all incoming programs to be checked through a central clearing house, or other similar
procedural methods. This brings us to the story of the AIDS disk.
In 1989, one of the widest scale extortion attempts ever made was initiated when tens of thousands
of infected oppy disks were mailed to people on a computer magazines mailing list. Many of those
subscribers were in organizations with a no external disks policy in place. Despite the administrative
control, there were organizations where hundreds of users put these disks into their computer systems and
got the bug. It cost these organizations several man-months of eort to get rid of the problem, because
the employees didnt follow the policy.
The perpetrator was caught in this case because the people who rented the mailing list kept track
of the renters, and eventually the process of elimination yielded the source. Unfortunately, catching the
perpetrator didnt limit the damage or result in compensation for the victims.
4.1.4 No External Disks
Let me give you another example. An employee showed up at one door with a oppy disk. The guard said
Didnt you read the memo? You cant bring in external disks. The employee responded This isnt an
external disk, its an internal disk. I took it home last night, and Im bringing it back today. The problem
is that the employee did not understand what the policy meant when it said No External Disks. If you
are going to use administrative and procedural controls, you have to educate your employees on what they
mean and why they are in place. Typically we dont do that. We make a regulation, dont bother to
explain it, and they interpret it in their own way, or just ignore it.
4.1.5 Clearing Houses
Another common technique is to require all software to go through a central clearinghouse before internal
use. This is a sensible policy, if only to assure that new programs interact properly with the existing
environment. It is not an eective defense against unknown viruses, but it is a rational place to use
scanning technology. Even though it wont pick up new viruses, it will be eective against some known
viruses, and it will be very low cost because it is only used at one central site. Ultimately, such systems
fail because in practice, such systems fail occasionally, and one slip-up can be disastrous if this is the only
defense in place. It is just too brittle to depend upon.
4.1.6 Limiting Information Sources
Eliminating bulletin board access is inexpensive and fairly common as a procedural defense. Some bulletin
boards have a reputation for posting Trojan horses, but for the most part, bulletin boards that provide
valuable information are worth subscribing to. A more common policy is the no shareware policy. Let
me give you some historical facts. No legitimate distribution of public domain software or shareware
has ever contained a virus as far as we can tell, but almost every major manufacturer of commercial
software has distributed a virus in a legitimate software distribution. Several hardware manufacturers
have distributed disks with preloaded operating systems containing viruses. A PC magazine has distributed
several thousand copies of a virus in a distribution to its readers. One major electronic software distributor
in Europe distributed 60,000 copies of a virus to its customers because the virus went undetected by their
virus scanner. So if we are going to make a sound decision based on historical fact, we should have a
policy to only buy shareware and public domain software if we want to avoid viruses, and to never buy
legitimate shrink-wrapped software.
There are probably some good reasons that shareware and public domain software has never been
infected with viruses. When you get shareware or public domain software the authors name is attached.
There is a human being whose name is attached to that software, and therefore they have a very good
reason to make sure its right, because its their reputation thats at stake. On the other hand, if you work
for Microsoft and you put in a virus, nobody will ever know who did it and your name will not be on the
copyright anyway. So why should you care if it causes problems? Finally, trying to manage protection in an
environment where you one person writing a piece of software, is very easy. Trying to maintain protection
in an environment with thousands of programmers is not so easy. The probability of a virus getting into
Microsoft is much higher than getting into a small software manufacturers operation.
4.2 Change Controls
Administrative controls tend to be very inexpensive and very ineective. The problem seems to be that a
single error or omission in the application of a policy can cause widespread collapse. Despite this problem,
the low cost of administrative controls makes them justiable as a supplement to technical defenses.
A classic administrative control is the Changes Should Be Approved policy. Note the wording. It
doesnt say we should use sound change control. It says changes should be approved. There is a person
with a rubber stamp that says Approved, and this person stamps every change that goes by. Maybe in
a highly sophisticated organization, once a month, the person says Not Approved - Resubmit, but the
vast majority of the changes are simply approved.
This is ineective as change control, but it is eective in one sense. If you are an ocer of a public
corporation, you may be personally liable for failing to take prudent action. You now have somebody to
4.3 Auditing
Auditing has been almost completely ineective in virus defense, and has been minimally successful in
tracking down attackers. The rst problem is that the available audit trails dont keep enough information
to track the progress of a virus.
Many systems have access control facilities that report attempts to violate the access controls, but a
virus doesnt have to do anything thats not authorized, so that sort of tracking is ineective. It only
detects attacks that arent very well written.
Then, theres post-mortem (i.e. After Youre Dead!) analysis, which works just great, except that its
too late. You know, call the auditor who comes in and tells you that your computer system is indeed not
working, and tries to determine everything that was corrupted in the process. It may be the only way to
restore the system to its proper state, but in some cases it takes months to resolve, and it doesnt keep
you in business while the repairs are underway.
Recent innovations in auditing technology have led to more and more automated audit trail analysis,
and there are some systems available today that detect anomalies in real-time. None of these systems are
yet able to detect viruses with any degree of reliability, but the day may come when they are able to do
4.4 Peer Network Problems
We have already mentioned that procedural methods tend to fail, but sometimes, these failures can be
quite subtle. One example is the problem in so called Peer Networks. A peer network is a computer
network were two peers at dierent physical places in the network have equivalent access rights. The
problem with peer networks is that by making peers in distributed locations equivalent, you also make all
of the protection mechanisms related to those peers equivalent. Since the protection chain is only as
strong as its weakest link, you distribute every weakness at any location to all of its peers.
Say, for example, that in one location (Hudson) where people have access to facility A, a specic set
of procedural controls are strictly enforced (e.g. no oppy disks are allowed in, all incoming software is
checked for propriety, no physical access is allowed by unauthorized personnel, and all personnel are well
trained). Meanwhile, in another location (Melbourne), people also have access to facility A, and a dierent
set of procedural controls are strictly enforced (e.g. all software goes through sound change control, all
personnel are well trained, only listed vendors are used, and only authorized software is executed by the
operating system). Each is a good set of techniques, but they dont match well. For example:
A virus accidentally brought from another site by a printer maintenance person in Melbourne, cant
infect Melbourne computers because they wont run unauthorized software. It can however, move
over the network to Pittsburgh where, acting as a peer program from Melbourne, it will be trusted
to operate. Once the virus infects programs in Pittsburgh, it can then spread back to Melbourne
because it comes in authorized programs.
Note that both Melbourns policy and Pittsburghs policy, when acting alone, would have prevented
infection from this virus. In Pittsburgh, the physical security would have kept the infected disk out, while
in Melbourne, the technical defense would have prevented infection, but in concert, the defenses didnt
match. It is the combination of peer equivalence and unmatched policies that results in this vulnerability.
We have seen one incident of this sort in a large US government department. Uniform standards were
in place across the organization, but one site had very tight procedural defenses, and the other had more
technical defenses. As a result, a virus entered into one site, and through the network, transmit into an
equivalent area in the other site. Once infection took hold, it returned via peer infection.
The Internet virus and the Christmas card were both eective because they operated in peer networks
with very similar problems, and most viruses that operate on a single system operate over peer networks
because the networks are designed to make peer operation transparent.
In order for defenses to work, especially in peer networks, the methods and procedures must be uniform
or properly matched. This in turn presents a problem in that procedures are things that people do. It is
very hard to get people in two physically dierent locations to do the same things because of cultural and
personal dierences.
4.5 Tracking Down Attackers
I have mentioned that auditing techniques are very poor for tracking down viral attackers. To support my
contention, I would like discuss the few successes of EDP audit techniques in catching virus authors.
4.5.1 Tracking Down The Christmas Card Attacker
The Christmas card was rst detected when it put an end to processing and network communications for
about 500,000 users around the world. Since many of these users had Christmas cards on their screens, and
all of the time and space was being consumed in the same activity, the immediate source of the problem
was self-evident. The virus was in source form, and was only a few lines long, so it didnt take very long
for the administrators to nd it, determine what it did, and create a special purpose defense against it.
The Christmas card was soon tracked to an attacker in Germany through the use of EDP Audit, which
was certainly a magnicent feat in light of the fact that it involved literally millions of transmissions
through a global network. It turns out that the networks where the virus was launched kept track of each
le sent over the network by sender, receiver, le name and transmission time. Since the Christmas card
did not do any infection, the le name used for transmission was always the same. The organizations
involved coordinated the eort through the network after the defense was in place, and found the earliest
time of transmission. This was the rst copy sent, and identied the user who sent it.
4.5.2 Tracking Down The Internet Attacker
Another example of an auditing success was the Internet attack. In the Internet attack, there were some
rather obvious behavioral changes. In particular, 6,000 users could do almost nothing with their computer
systems. It took a very long time for users of those 6,000 computers to even log-in, while 60,000 other
users eectively couldnt use the computer network. Various individuals decided that something was going
wrong, and one of the rst things they did was to look at the process table (a simple way to look at all
the active processes under Unix, the operating system being aected).
What they found was thousands of processes on their computers. One of the people that took part in
tracking this attack down said I was really impressed, I didnt know this computer could have that many
processes (or some such thing). Over the next day or so, a wide variety of attempts were made to stop the
virus from acting, and eventually some of the defenders found defenses. They had considerable diculty
in communicating the defenses because most of the people involved only knew each other by computer
mail addresses, and the network was too overloaded to communicate eectively, but eventually they got
the word out. By the end of the second day, the network was operating again, and many of the sites had
installed defenses.
They then traced packet quantities over time by looking at network statistics gathered by one of the
sites in the network as a matter of course, and found was there were an abnormally high number of packets
being sent in two regions of the country. One region was in the area between San Francisco, California and
San Diego California within about the rst 50 miles from the West coast of the United States. Thats an
area of about 20,000 square miles (60,000 square kilometers). The other region was on the East Coast of
the United States, between New England and Southern New York, as far in from the coast as Philadelphia.
Thats another 20,000 square miles.
A large percentage of the population of the United States is in those areas, so what they did was
search every computer system that was on this network, 60,000 systems or so, in both of these large areas.
Imagine if you will, somebody saying there is a carrier of the Bubonic Plague either in the New York area
or the Los Angeles area, so we are going to go door to door and search every room in Los Angeles and
New York to try and nd this person. Thats what we are talking about in terms of these searches.
Nobody challenged their constitutional right to search all of these computer systems without a warrant.
I guess that means that in the United States, we dont have a reasonable expectation of privacy in our
computer systems. They did the massive searches and they found a likely source. In the meanwhile, two
graduate students at MIT and two graduate students at Stanford University were uncompiling the binary
executable program that was determined to be the cause of this problem. It took each team about two
days to create a C program that compiled into the identical binary executable program as the 60Kbyte
binary part of the virus (which is quite a feat).
They tracked it down to a particular person, found physical evidence to support their contention, tried
him, and found him guilty in Federal Court in the United States. Even though he pled innocent to the
criminal charges, he admitted to having written the virus.
4.5.3 When A Success Is Not A Success
In some sense these were tremendous auditing successes, but I see them in another light.
One important point is that out of about 2200 viruses in the world, only about 5 that did not list their
authors have been tracked down to a source. Furthermore, none of the other attacks in the environment
today will likely ever be tracked to a source. This is partially because there are no audit trails provided as
a normal part of the operating system on personal computers, but a far more important aspect of this issue
is that modern computer systems do not log the information that would be required to trace the progress
of a virus. If we included this sort of audit trail, it would take enormous amounts of time and space, we
would have to nd new types of tools to allow us to analyze the audit trails, and it would not signicantly
reduce the diculty of tracking down an attacker.
A far more important problem, in my opinion, is that in every case, audit has failed to detect the
presence of the attack until the damage became evident due to massive widespread damage. In other
words, it was behavioral changes in the system identied by users that caused detection. Thats pretty
disconcerting to me.
4.5.4 Needed Improvements In EDP Audit
In order to be eective, our audits should pick up viruses before behavioral changes take place, and the tools
available to the auditor until recently were simply inadequate to the task. Change control is inadequate in
most cases. Dependencies are rarely considered in an EDP audit. In an EDP audit they will almost never
tell you that your mailing list could become corrupted and that might cause all your bills to go wrong.
Those indirect things tend to be the things that cause big problems on computers. We generally think
of it as subtle little bugs, but they are not really that subtle. If we kept track of what was going on, we
could predict this ramication. Thats why understanding the risk analysis we will discuss later is very
4.6 Backups as a Defense
Backups are often touted as an important aspect of virus defense, and we certainly agree that without
other defenses in place, backups are helpful against most attacks, but they are not without their problems.
As we pointed out earlier, backups are safe harbor for viruses, and thus they present a major spreading
and cleanup problem, but there are several other problems with backups in the current environment.
4.6.1 They Dont Always Work
One of the major problems is that backups dont assure the propriety of whats backed up. I like telling
stories, so let me tell you a story about backups.
AT&T has a set of computers that run the Unix operating system, and when you use these systems to
do backups, the backup menu asks what you would like to backup:
Backup which le structures? ALL / /usr /usr2
The natural choice is, of course, ALL, but it turns out that if you chose ALL, you cant restore
from backups. As bizarre as that may seem, all of their maintenance people know this, and know how to
get around it. If you are not under an AT&T maintenance contract, this can be very expensive.
DOS has historically had the same problem. If you do a full backup including system les using the
default DOS backup program, when you restore, the restore program tries to overwrite the system, les
in the root directory. Unfortunately, in versions of DOS prior to 1992, the system les are required to
be stored contiguously on disk and must be the rst two les in the root directory. When you do a
restoration using the DOS restore program, these special system les are replaced by normal copies that
arent necessarily contiguous or rst in the directory list. The restored system no longer operates properly,
and it is somewhat inconvenient to resolve this problem without special knowledge.
Let me give you another example of why backups may not be restorable. There is something called
head skew, where the tape head used for backups is o at an angle. When you write the tape on a tape
drive with a skewed head and use another tape drive to read the tape back, it doesnt work. I had an
experience where a tape drive was realigned and then couldnt restore from backups because the tape head
was now aligned dierently. To restore the backups, I had to misalign the head, adjusting it while trying
to read from the tape until the tape started to read correctly. Then I could restore from the backups, after
which I had to realign the tape heads and write the backups again with proper tape alignment.
Another problem is with heat. What happens when you put the backups in the back of your car on a
sunny day? Well, it doesnt take very long for your backup tapes to become useless. There are many other
such problems with the backup tape technology in widespread use today.
So let me ask you, who here has ever had a problem restoring a backup? About 50% of every audience
I talk to has experienced a failed backup. If this is your only safety net, youre not very safe, because we
cant be sure that the backup works, much less assure that what we backed up was what we wanted to
4.6.2 They Arent Kept Long Enough
How long should you keep backups? Well, its a function of what you are doing.
People in the banking industry say that if they have to go back one day, they will be out of business.
In this circumstance, week old backups of transaction data are essentially useless except under the rarest
circumstances. The reason is that a typical bank transfers its entire assets in electronic funds transfers
(EFTs) about twice a week. The Federal Reserve Bank of the United States transfers the entire GNP
of the United States every day in EFTs. If you lose one days transactions, can you go back to yesterday
and reasonably expect your system is going to work right? Your entire assets will be wrong. So theres no
sense in which you can really ever go backwards in that sort of system without an enormous EDP audit
For a software manufacturer, the situation is much dierent. Backup copies are very often used to
repair old versions of software, to determine why errors are occurring in a particular application, and to
assure that new versions dont introduce new problems. In this environment, even eternal backups can be
quite useful for both operational and legal purposes.
4.6.3 They Act As Safe Harbor For Viruses
The nal problem with backups is that they provide safe harbor for viruses. We discussed this in some
detail earlier, but we have not discussed how to resolve it.
4.7 Recovery From Viral Attack
So how do you recover from a virus attack? It turns out that if you are prepared, its rather straight
forward. Fighter pilots have a saying that goes: See it, kill it, and get away quickly. Thats how you
survive as a ghter pilot, and its about the same for computer viruses.
4.7.1 See It
If you are going to get rid of a virus, you have to see it. If the virus is in your backup system over a six
month period, evolving and changing and dropping o little time bombs all over the place, its going to be
too late by the time everything starts failing. If you cant detect it ahead of time, you simply cant get rid
of it in the long run. Detection is critical.
The best method of detection at this time is the proper use of cryptographic checksums in integrity
shells. Good change control is also a feasible way to enforce integrity. You can, for example, periodically
compare change control logs with actual changes on the system. This can be very expensive because it
involves repeated manual reexamination.
4.7.2 Kill It
How do you kill it? If you can see it, you can kill it pretty easily. The simplest thing to do is nd all the
infected programs and delete them. For example, if you are using cryptographic checksums, you can very
easily nd everything that has changed, restore them from backups, and the virus is exterminated. The
reason this works is that, if you can see the virus right away, and if you have done a good job in verifying
the propriety of backups, you know the backups are correct, and you can restore them safely.
Well, okay, so how do I assure the propriety of the backups? I got interested in this problem because
I have had backups go bad from various mundane problems, and I am the careful sort. What I do to
make sure that I have good backups is to restore from the backups onto another computer, and verify their
cryptographic checksums. Restoring on another system assures that the backup worked, that the tape can
be restored, and that the subsequent checking operations are independent of the system being backed up.
Verifying the change control information provides assurance that the information on the tapes corresponds
properly to expectations.
As we discussed earlier, when you try to remove a virus during normal processing, you have a race
between the cure and new infections, but if you stop all processing, the virus cannot spread, while the cure
can eradicate it. In systems with hardware based protection, you can often do a better job at recovery
because you dont always have to stop all processing in order to remove the virus. For example, if we
know that the virus is only in a few domains in a POset based system, we can continue processing in areas
the virus cannot reach with a high degree of assurance that the virus will not spread even though other
processing is ongoing.
4.7.3 Get Away Quickly
Each organization has to make its own decisions about prioritizing which of these things to do rst and
how quickly to do them, but as a rule, each of them should be done. I prioritize them as follows most of
the time, but there are exceptions.
1. Isolate the infected systems to prevent further spread.
2. Get copies of the attack code, and send it o to an expert for analysis. If you have a good defense
product and it picks up something that nobody has ever see before, the copy will help nd any side
eects that may have to be corrected. If you have a poor product, it is unlikely to come up with
anything new, but you should probably try to get a copy just to be certain.
3. Search out and destroy the virus on your backup media, oppy disks, tapes, and other related systems.
4. Get the system back up and working. You do that by killing all of the copies of the virus, restoring
from backups, and restarting user operations.
If you have good detection in place, you dont usually have to do all of these steps because you pick up
attacks before they can spread.
4.8 CERT Teams
CERT (Computer Emergency Response Team) teams are groups with responsibility for preparing an
organization for emergency response to computer problems, typically including viruses. The CERT team
is typically responsible for educating the organization in the area of viruses, training individuals for the
actions they will be required to take, determining appropriate technical precautions, and assuring that
human and technical systems operate properly. When an actual emergency takes place, these teams
usually coordinate the defensive eort.
In the current environment, good CERT teams are almost entirely pro-active in their role. This is
because there are sucient technical defenses to make response to the vast majority of attacks completely
automatic. The well prepared CERT team spends its time evaluating protection improvements, educating
employees, preparing for disaster recovery, and assuring that policy is aligned to needs.
Less well prepared CERT teams end up in a very dierent circumstance. They spend anywhere from
hours to months cleaning up after attacks, they have to deal with rampant reinfection, and they sometimes
have to reenter massive amounts of data from original copies. In one case, a company had to reenter 3
years worth of data because their employees werent properly educated in how to respond to an attack.
They put in backup disk after backup disk in an attempt to recover, only to nd that the virus destroyed
their backups because they were not write protected. A well prepared CERT team would have prudent
methods in place to prevent this problem.
4.9 Reactive And Proactive Defense
One dimension of the defense problem is the proactive versus reactive issue.
Historically, reactive defenses have been widely used in computer security. The problem with reactive
defenses is that they depend on people noticing the side eects of an attack without computer assistance,
and then correcting the problem with a lot of hard work. As we have seen, many of the viruses that
may come up dont have easily identiable symptoms, once corruption is detected the source isnt always
obvious, and there may be a great deal of eort required to undo the damage once it is detected. Let me
give a few examples.
The Internet Virus was in an environment where, even though substantial security controls were in
place in much of the network, the entire network was unusable for several days, because there were
no proactive integrity controls in place.
The mainframe Christmas card attack brought down thousands of mainframes for several hours and
left after shocks for weeks. Again, good computer security controls were in place, but there were no
proactive integrity controls.
The major disadvantages of reactive defenses are that they take a lot of time, systems fail during the
reaction time of the defense, and they dont anticipate problems that may not be recoverable without prior
preparation. The major advantage of reactive defense is that it costs nothing unless an attack takes place
(at which time it usually costs a great deal).
Special purpose proactive defenses have been in place for quite some time, but they tend to be relatively
ineective. For example, there is a product called CA Examine (by Computer Associates) that works on
ACF2 based mainframes. It knows the operating system, so if somebody writes a virus that gets into the
operating system of ACF2, CA Examine may pick it up. The same is true of virus scanners and monitors.
Although they are successful against well known attacks, they are generally ineective against new attacks,
attacks without obvious side eects, hard to track viruses, and evolutionary viruses.
General purpose proactive defenses have been in place since 1985, and they are the only automated
defenses that have ever discovered a new virus. Without these defenses, no subtle virus would likely be
discovered, because there would be no behavioral change for users to notice.
4.10 Management Tools
Although basic technical safeguards are important, you need adequate management tools to deal with
protection at any level. Let me give you some examples of how inadequate our management tools are.
A typical PC has about 10,000 bits of protection information, a typical engineering workstation has
about 100,000 bits of protection information, a typical LAN based le server has about 1 million bits of
protection information, and a typical mainframe computer system has about 10 million bits of protection
information. Right now, the way we manage all those protection bits is one bit at a time!
Well guess what, nobody is able to handle 10 million bits of information properly without good tools.
Two surveys were done in 1988 of large MVS shops. One was done by the Oce of Management and
Budget in the United States, the other one was done by a major CPA rm. The results were reported in
the New York DPMA Computer Virus Clinic.
In industry 80% of the systems, and in the government 90% of the systems, did not adequately use the
protection mechanisms in place. In other words, they had protection mechanisms there to use, but
they just couldnt manage them. Now, I dont believe thats the fault of the systems administrators.
I think its because they didnt have adequate tools.
At the same conference, there was somebody there from Computer Associates (the company that
maintains ACF2, a security packages for MVS), and they said its no problem to properly manage protection
in MVS. All you have to do is properly manage the 15 protection related modules and not make any error in
any of those 15 modules and you will be safe from attack. Well, lets see, in a typical MVS shop you might
have 100,000 users. With 100,000 users, how often does somebody get hired or red? One hundred employee
changes per working day would mean that 25000 changes per year, or an average employee turnover time
of 4 years. How many people shift jobs a day? Oh, probably another 200, thats a promotion or job change
every two years. How often do we add or remove access to a given user? You get the idea.
In a typical day in a typical MVS shop, you have 1,000,000 or more bits of protection state changing.
Thats why a big MVS shop has a lot of people working on protection. In one very ecient MVS shop
discussed in a short course, there were 8 people dedicated to protection for 500 users. Thats 1.6% of the
computing personnel, or 1,600 full time people for a 100,000 user system, and an average of about 1000
bits set per protection person per day, or several protection bit changes per person per minute. Thats too
much overhead just to set all these bits, especially if they still cant set all the bits right all of the time.
What we have to do is devise tools to manage these protection systems, otherwise its a hopeless case.
4.11 Laws Against Malicious Viruses
One of the ways we defend against viruses as a society and as individuals is through the creation and
vigorous application of laws. Since computer viruses became a substantial threat in the late 1980s, state
governments in the US and national governments throughout the world have created laws against the
introduction of malicious computer viruses into computer systems without the consent of the owner.
One of the people who has tracked laws about computer viruses, Jay BloomBecker, wrote a good article
on the subject in 1992. In his article, he described and quoted several laws against malicious viruses. Most
laws that address viruses, address them through the use of words like self-replicating programs, and do
not use the word virus. Those that do use the term virus dene it in strange ways.
The conclusion that I have drawn from these laws is that three components are required in order for
the launch of a virus to be considered a computer crime. To constitute a crime, a virus has to be launched
intentionally, maliciously, and without authorization. All three elements must be present in order for a
crime to exist, but of course these issues are not necessarily cut and dried in all instances. Thats why we
have juries; to determine the facts based on the evidence.
4.11.1 Intent
Legislatures have followed the long legal tradition of mens rea, which means reasoned mind (literally from
the Latin), or as it is used in legal circles, criminal intent or alternatively guilty mind. In other words,
in order to commit a criminal oense, the perpetrator has to have acted maliciously and intentionally; as
opposed to stupidly and accidentally.
If you accidentally place a virus into a system because you didnt know it was there, you are not guilty
of a crime. As you move away from that position, you are increasingly moving toward a criminal activity.
For example, if you knowingly work with malicious viruses and through forgetfulness, but without
explicit intent, release one of those viruses to the world, you may be found guilty because you didnt take
reasonable and adequate precautions in light of a known risk. If you place malicious viruses in peoples
systems because you disregard reasonable precautions, you may be acting with a wanton disregard for
others, in which case you may be liable under the law. If you intentionally place a malicious virus in a
system without explicit permission from the owner, you will almost certainly be guilty of a crime.
Now to understand this just a bit more fully, I should mention that in the case of Robert Morris, who
created and launched (perhaps accidentally) the Internet virus, the question of mens rea was brought up.
It seems that while Robert Morris intended to create the virus, and perhaps even intended to launch it, he
did not intend it to disrupt computers throughout the world. The impact was accidental, but the concept
of mens rea was applied so as to nd him guilty of unintended damage. In other words, there is legal
precedent to the eect that you can be held responsible for the unintended side eects of committing a
computer crime, as long as you had mens rea for the illegal actions you took.
4.11.2 Malice
Fortunately, the law does not generally restrict the use of benevolent viruses. A benevolent virus that gets
out of hand might be prosecuted on the basis that it is malicious to wantonly disregard the safety and well
being of others, assuming that inadequate precautions are taken to prevent unauthorized operation.
For example, if we launch a benevolent virus without any restriction on where it can spread, the mere
fact that there is no restriction may be held as evidence that it is malicious. On the other hand, if we take
eective precautions against unauthorized spread, it is unlikely to be found malicious on that basis. As an
example of how easy it is to commit a crime, removing safeties from a benevolent virus that are designed
to prevent its unauthorized spread is an intentional and malicious act that may cause unauthorized spread,
and it is likely that you would be found guilty of a computer crime if you were caught doing this.
On the other hand, even a virus that is restricted in its spread can be found malicious if it does some
tangible harm. Thus restricting spread is not adequate to remove malice from the equation.
4.11.3 Unauthorized
If you intentionally create malicious viruses but keep them under control in your own or other authorized
environments, you are not likely to be found guilty of a crime, because you acted with legitimate authority.
This third key is important to researchers more than anyone else, because if we cant have malicious
viruses intentionally placed in authorized systems, we cant examine them to create defenses. But I am
quite certain that the research potential did not drive the legal process in this instance. Rather, I believe
it was property law.
The history of computer law is based on property law because as physical objects, computers are
bought and sold as property in the same way as any other physical object is treated as property, and the
information stored in computers is property because it is covered under the heading of intellectual property
as either copyrights, patents, or most usually, trade secrets.
Laws regarding entry into computers are treated as other types of trespass laws, and like other kinds
of trespass, there is a concept of authorized use. If I authorize you to come into my house without further
restriction, I cannot reasonably have you arrested for sitting on my chair or walking in the upstairs hall.
If I authorize your entry only for the purpose of xing my entrance way, it may be trespass if you walk in
my upstairs hall. If I dont authorize you to enter my house, it is denitely trespass for you to enter my
It is very similar for computer entry. If you place a virus in a computer system without authority to
do so, you are trespassing. If you create a program to perform unauthorized entry for you, it is not very
much dierent than if you create a robot to illegally enter homes. Thus, a virus that enters unauthorized
systems is likely to be illegal under most interpretations of the law.
4.11.4 Other Factors
Without a very thorough understanding of the law, it is not easy to determine what is legal and illegal.
In fact, even the best lawyers in the world cannot reliably predict the outcome of a trial. In addition,
ignorance of the law is no excuse. In eect, the only safe policy is to be very conservative.
I should also say that just because something is illegal doesnt mean we can prove it. In fact, it is
unlikely that you will even be able to get anyone from the police to listen to you when you call and tell
them that someone introduced a virus into your system. This is a changing situation, and in cases where
federal interest computers are involved, the FBI may often respond if you can show damages in excess
of $5,000. These are, of course, US laws, but while laws may vary widely around the world, the basic
principles and problems are often the same.
Lets suppose you get the police to listen. Now you have some other problems to consider. Unless
you know who committed the crime, it is often impossible to trace the virus to its source because of
inadequate controls and audit trails. Even knowing who did it is not the same as proving it in court. A
third problem is that it is hard to explain computers to the average jury, and even harder to convince
them that enough damage has been done to warrant putting someone in jail. Of course jail is almost never
the result of a conviction under a computer crime statute. Robert Morris only got a ne and community
service as punishment for bringing 60,000 computers down for two days with the Internet virus. Frankly,
this punishment seems appropriate to me in light of the minimal punishment that goes with assault and
other crimes against people in our society.
4.11.5 Civil Recourse
Civil recourse has only barely started to be considered in the computer virus arena. For example, nobody
has sued a major manufacturer for accidentally including a virus in a distribution. It seems like a reasonable
expectation that someone who is selling you software will have precautions in place against corruptions.
The software companies hide behind their legal wording that proclaims they are not responsible for the
proper operation of their products, and explicitly voids any implied warranty of merchantability, but that
doesnt mean they can act in wanton disregard for your safety or ignore standards of practice.
Another thing we havent seen is suits against computer criminals for recovery of monetary damages.
In this case, we could create a lot of long term nancial distress for people even if they arent punished by
being sent to jail.
Finally, I would personally like to see a law that prohibits people convicted of a computer crime from
getting a job working with computers for 7 years. It seems that a popular occupation for computer criminals
is to help those they have attacked nd better defenses. Unfortunately, most computer criminals are not
very good at devising defenses, and even more to the point, legitimate experts who dont break the law
are denied jobs because we hire the criminals instead. Thats one way to guarantee a constant stream of
new computer crimes and limit the number of legitimate protection experts.
Chapter 5
Some Analysis
So much for the introductory material. Now that you know enough about viruses and virus protection to
make intelligent mistakes, its time to learn how to assert those mistakes with authority. Thats what the
rest of this book is about.
5.1 Risk Analysis
There is a tendency to embrace interesting defenses as a strategy for virus protection. This may be a
pleasant way to learn about dierent defenses, but it may also be disastrous from an operational standpoint.
I take an analytical perspective on defense because I have specic goals I wish to achieve in my application
of defenses. Generally speaking, my goal is to reduce costs associated with viruses.
My rst specic goal, and one that is not achieved as often as we would like, is that the cost of attacks
and defenses combined does not exceed the cost of attacks with no defenses. It may seem hard to believe,
but probably the majority of current virus defense users use defenses that are more expensive than the
cost of recovering from the attacks without those defenses.
This falls generally into the category of risk analysis. In risk analysis, the classic technique is to assess
costs in terms of the probability of events and the costs associated with those events. You multiply the cost
of an attack by the probability of that attack, and that gives you an expected loss. For each proposed
defense, you then multiply the attack probability with the defense in place by the cost of attack with the
defense in place, subtract it from the undefended cost, and get the reduction in expected loss. If the cost
of the defense is less than the reduction in loss, the defense is cost eective.
The typical procedure for applying risk analysis is to analyze all known attacks and all proposed
defenses, and to implement all cost eective defenses beginning with the one that is most cost eective.
This technique works well for well understood situations. For example, we have very good statistics on
electrical component failure rates of various sorts, and we can easily assess costs and eects associated with
using redundancy in dierent ways to reduce those risks. All we have to do is associate costs with negative
outcomes, and we can plug and chug to nd the optimal solution.
Unfortunately, virus protection issues are not as cut and dried as system failure rates based on compo-
nent failure rates. Lets look at it blow by blow.
We have very good statistics on component failure rates and well tested models on their impact
on system failure rates. We have very poor statistics on computer virus incidents and even worse
statistics on their impact on organizations.
We have very good analysis of the costs and eects of specic redundancy techniques on reducing
system failure rates. We have fairly poor analysis of the costs and eects of virus defense techniques,
and two seemingly identical products may have very dierent characteristics under actual attacks.
We have a small set of well known redundancy techniques to reduce risks of component failures. We
have a large set of poorly understood virus defenses and no systematic way to evaluate them.
We have good models of component failures and a limited number of corruptions to consider in any
given component. We have no good models of protection problems and no specied set of protection
impacts to consider in evaluating virus defenses.
So we know everything necessary to analyze risk in circuits, but almost nothing necessary to analyze
risks in computer viruses. So much for the analytical approach! Well . . . not quite. Now that we know
what we are missing, we can seek it out systematically.
5.2 Product Comparison By Type
There is a hierarchy of defensive techniques in terms of their quality and assurance. The soundest defenses
are hardware based with software assistance, while the least sound are pure foolishness. We list them here
from most sound to least sound, but please understand that soundness is not the only criterion used in
making rational decisions about viral defense.
5.2.1 Defense-in-depth
Generally speaking, properly combined defenses do better than the individual component defenses do, so
as a general principle this is better to have than to lack.
5.2.2 Perfect Defenses
The best kind of protection is a POset, but you can only buy POset structured protection for PCs, where
the hardware limits its eectiveness. You can get computers with Bell-LaPadula secrecy, Biba integrity,
and compartments, and try to congure it to act like a POset, but this is pretty dicult to do. You can try
limited transitivity, but you cant buy any systems that provide it. You should apply limited functionality
wherever you can. For example, if you have someone doing data entry, theres no reason for them to have
general purpose use of the computer system. Its a perfectly reasonable thing to do.
5.2.3 Integrity Shells
In theory, integrity shells are not quite as sound as limited sharing and limited function, but from a practical
standpoint, sound protection can only limit viral spread, so integrity shells are probably still a necessary
component of a rational defense plan.
5.2.4 Cryptographic Checksums
Cryptographic checksum systems are eective against most common attacks, but they are vulnerable to
a number of theoretical and real-world attacks, and they have serious limitations. Furthermore, they are
about the same cost as integrity shells, so there is really no good reason to use a cryptographic checksum
when you can get a full edged integrity shell for the same cost.
5.2.5 System Call Detection and Prevention
Some popular defenses try to limit viral spread by intercepting system calls and forcing the user to make
protection decisions. These tend to create numerous false positives and false negatives, are very hard for
the average user to understand, and only protect against a limited number of attacks. Ultimately, these
sorts of systems can be used to simulate hardware based protection. For example, the POset structured
PC protection system is based on this technology.
5.2.6 Known Viruses Detectors
Virus scanners and monitors are technologies for searching for known viruses, and are a fairly popular
defense, even though they are quite expensive to operate and maintain, and are ineective against attacks
the designer was not aware of at the last distribution. They tend to produce an expensive and false sense
of security.
5.2.7 Special Purpose Defenses
Special purpose defenses only make sense under real and present attack. If you have a local university that
has the Scores Virus, and if you have MacIntosh computers, and if you have employees going back and
forth to that university, it makes a lot of sense to get a Scores Virus defense product in house right away.
In fact, it probably makes sense to buy a site license for the university so they can clean up and you dont
have to keep worrying about the Scores Virus. But once that attack is gone, its time to stop using that
defense all the time. The reason is, its just for one specic attack. It takes time and space, and if you did
that for every attack, you would have 2200 or more dierent special purpose programs running every time
you turned on your computer, checking for these attacks, taking up space, and taking up time. You dont
want to end up with thousands of these defenses taking up all your disk space and computer time.
5.2.8 Looking For Questionable Instructions
Some defensive products look through les for known damage routines to try to detect programs that will
cause signicant harm, but in practice, this defense is ineective and produces many false positives and
false negatives.
5.2.9 Examining Printable Strings
The one ineective defense that is considered worth using by many people, is a program that searches for
printable strings in programs. If the program has a string that says ha, ha, I got you, Im deleting all
your les, you probably shouldnt run that program. On the other hand, just because a program doesnt
state that it deletes all your les, doesnt make it safe to use.
5.3 Epidemiology of Computer Viruses
We have discussed how it is that viruses can spread at the mechanical level, but we have not yet considered
how viruses spread from the standpoint of an organization or the global computing community. Thats
what epidemiology addresses.
5.3.1 Virus Vectors
In biology, we discuss the spread of diseases by talking about vectors through which diseases spread
between hosts. A typical example is the spread of Malaria between people through the mosquito. In this
case, people are the hosts, Malaria is the disease, and the mosquito is the vector. A person with Malaria
is bitten by a mosquito, which in turn carries the diseased blood to the next person it bites.
When we analyze the spread of disease in humans, we usually start at the macroscopic level by catego-
rizing people as sick, well, susceptible, or immune. Disease is then traced in terms of infected members of
the population rather than in terms of the number of infected cells in each person. In the epidemiological
study of computer viruses, the same tactic has been taken. At this level, we are concerned with the vectors
through which infections spread between computers, and the overall health state of machines, rather than
which les are infected at what moment in time. Lets take a quick inventory of the vectors through
which viruses spread in the world today, how they operate, their performance, and their connectivity
Sneaker Net: The so-called sneaker net is the vector formed by people carrying oppy disks and
other media between computers. The key properties are that they are slow in terms of the number of
machines reached per unit time, but they spread between organizations (e.g. through maintenance
people, between work, school, and home, etc.) and are not centrally controlled or monitored.
LANs: Local Area Networks typically include EtherNets, RS232 Networks, Token Ring networks,
X25 networks, Star Networks, etc. The key properties are that they are local to an organization or
an oce, and they permit very fast communication and le sharing between computers within the
local area.
WANs: Wide Area Networks (under our denition) include such varied examples as Internet (which
connects hundreds of thousands of computers in a real-time manner), BitNet (a less real-time network
of similar magnitude), publicly accessible bulletin board systems such as CompuServ, and all other
networks that provide remote access over large distances. The key properties here are that remote
access is generally point-to-point from a user point of view, and they eectively connect systems from
any one place in the world to any other place in the world.
Software Distribution: These vectors are typied by a central site that distributes from thousands
to millions of copies of a particular piece of software to thousands of distribution points over a wide
geographic area. The key properties are that identical information is introduced into thousands of
widely distributed sites over a period of weeks to months.
Hardware Distribution: These vectors are typied by a central site that distributes from tens to
hundreds of copies of a particular hardware/software system to points over a nationwide geographic
area. The key properties are that similar information is introduced into hundreds of sites usually in
one country over a period of weeks to months.
Combined Vectors: Depending on the nature of the disease, several of these vectors may be
combined sequentially or in parallel to form the eective vector set of a disease.
To understand how vectors interact with disease, a few examples may prove fruitful. We will start with
examples that travel through only a few vectors, and go on to more complex cases from there.
Sneaker net was the only signicant vector involved in the spread of the Brain virus. This it normally
true of all partition table viruses (i.e. viruses that only infect the programs used to initialize a computer)
because they can only vector naturally between devices that are used to bootstrap computers. In the
case of PCs, this route goes from oppy disk to hard disk to oppy disk, etc. Since the only bootstrap
vector between machines is usually oppy disks, only physically carrying oppy disks between computers
normally causes this virus to spread naturally.
LANs typically spread le-infecting viruses very quickly. The main reason for this is that LANs are
often used to permit le sharing between le server machines and numerous remote computers. LANs
typically simulate virtual le systems in which remote les can be accessed as if they were local les.
Since the remote access is transparent to the program performing the access, viruses that infect programs
on a local disk using normal le system operations can infect remote les transparently. Once a le on the
le server is infected, users on other remote machines accessing the infected le may infect les on their
own machine. A typical example is the Jerusalem B virus which spreads very quickly on (among others)
Novell networks. In this particular case, it is not unusual for nearly every PC on the network to become
infected in a matter of hours. The success of this particular virus in this particular network is because the
login.exe program normally stored on the le server and used by all users to gain access to the server can
be infected by the virus when an infected administrator gains access to the server. Once this happens, all
other computers in the network will become infected as they gain access to the server.
WANs typically allow long distance movement of select les and remote login with terminal support
only. Furthermore, there tends to be less and less communication as the distance between sites increases
(i.e. within a country as opposed to between countries as opposed to between continents). The Compuserv
incident that led to the widespread distribution of the MacMag virus described earlier serves as a typical
Software distribution is the most common method by which viruses become very widespread very
quickly, and the most typical example I can recall is the case of an upgrade provided by Novell. Novell
had fairly strong programs in place for detecting viruses in software distributions before they went to the
duplication facility, but despite their eorts, they managed to distribute tens of thousands of copies of a
virus. The culprit was their peoples failure to follow procedures, which is another way of saying, inadequate
procedures. Disks ready for duplication were literally on the way out the door when it was discovered that a
critical le was missing. They took the disks to an infected computer attached to their internal network to
add the missing le, and the computer infected their master disk. They then duplicated the disk, packaged
it, and shipped it out without any further quality controls. Some suggestions for Novell? Check sample
disks after duplication, put distribution les on permanently write protected disks, train your people better,
provide virus protection for all of the users in your environment, seal the distribution disks between the
distribution center and the duplication facility, and put a quality control step at the duplication site.
Typhoid Mary had nothing on hardware distribution systems either, and one of the prime examples is
the Michelangelo virus. Now I should begin by saying that this virus was nowhere near as widespread as
some of the people who market antivirus software would have you believe. In the end, under 1 of every
10,000 computers was found to have this virus in the year the media made a big deal of it, while the Stoned
virus infected from 2 to 10 times that number of computers in the same period. On the other hand, this
virus was practically identical to several other viruses that only reached that level of infection over a period
of several years. The reason for this was that a major manufacturer of joy sticks distributed the virus on
the disk containing the software needed to use their product. One of the side eects of this Typhoid Mary
incident was that the US and EC had proportionately more incidents than Mexico. The apparent reason
is that Mexico is a poor country in which computer games are too expensive for the average citizen, so
very few joysticks are sold there.
In many cases, viruses spread through multiple vectors. For example, le infecting viruses tend to
spread through all of these media. A special class of viruses commonly called multipartite viruses are
designed with multiple infection methods, which results in their being spread through multiple vectors.
As an example, several viruses combine le infection with partition table infection. The point of stating
this is to indicate that analyses may involve combined eects more complex than current models provide
solutions for.
5.3.2 General Trends and Time Factors
Now that we know about some typical vectors, it may be handy to get an idea of how quickly infection
spreads through these vectors. In this particular area, science has done a very poor job of providing raw
data. This stems, among other reasons, from the hesitance of companies to report incidents and gather
data on them, a lack of central reporting and analysis similar to that provided by the US Centers for
Disease Controls (CDC), and an unwillingness of companies to provide even the limited data they have to
other companies or researchers. You will nd that I make these estimates without very much substantiation
and certainly without citation, but I think that once people start to look more deeply into this, they will
nd these results to be reasonably accurate. Here then is a simple table:
Sneaker Net: In org - days
In country - 1-6 months
In continent - 3-12 months
Global - 12+ months
LANs: In org - hours
In country - n/a
In continent - n/a
Global - n/a
WANs In org - n/a
In country - weeks
In continent - weeks
Global - months
Hardware Distribution: In org - widespread but scarce
In country - widespread but sparse
In continent - rarely
Global - very rarely
Software distribution: In org - widespread but scarce
In country - weeks
In continent - weeks
Global - weeks-months
The interpretation of this table is that for a given type of vector, it will typically take the stated
amount of time between the rst infection through that vector and when numerous infections will be found
throughout the specied area. For example, from this table you would expect that a LAN vectored virus
would spread throughout an organization in a matter of hours, but that the LAN vector would not cause
spread throughout a country, continent, or globally. Hardware and software distribution only vector viruses
to specic machines, so except in cases where whole organizations purchase the same infected package and
install it throughout, infections are widespread but sparse.
The combination of vectors dramatically alters the result. For example, if a software distribution of a
le infecting virus goes to large numbers of organizations with LANs, it is likely that the initial widespread
sparse distribution through a continent will quickly (i.e. within days of arrival) turn into a widespread and
deeply embedded infection in each of the organizations impacted.
5.3.3 Susceptibility of Modern Systems
Given the empirical results for PCs, we might be misled into believing that all environments act similarly.
It turns out that one of the major reasons PCs are so susceptible to so many dierent sorts of viruses is
that they were designed to provide no protection of any sort. Operating system protection was commonly
applied at the time PCs were rst introduced, and it seemed strange to me that there was no protection
in PCs. In 1988, I discussed this with members of the team at IBM that designed the original IBM
PCs and the PC/M and DOS operating systems and were at that time working on the design of OS/2.
They said in no uncertain terms that they intentionally left protection out and intended to continue to
do so. Their explanation was that a PC was a Personal Computer and that since people dont want to
be protected from themselves, no protection would be put in. I put it to them that most people are not
programmers and get software from other sources, that PCs are widely used in business, and that most
people occasionally make mistakes and would like to have some protection against disastrous errors and
omissions. Their response was essentially a repeat of their previous statement.
Time has told, however, and we are now beginning to see the rudiments of protection being put
into even PC operating systems. They are still poorly designed and easily bypassed, but nevertheless,
they are becoming somewhat hardened against accidental damage. But IBM PCs are not the whole
story of the modern computing environment. A very substantial number of systems are Apple MacIntosh
based; the Unix operating system is starting to become the system of preference as PC-based operating
environments begin to approach it in terms of function, disk usage, and memory requirements; mainframe
computers are slowly departing from the market but still have a substantial impact on operations of large
corporations; Novell, 3-Com, Banyon, and Unix based LANs are quite popular; and global networking is
already connecting over 1% of the worlds computers.
Most of these systems provide far better performance and more capabilities than the DOS operating
environment, and many are already far more cost eective than DOS because they provide most of the
software that DOS users have to buy separately. In addition, some have substantial protection capabilities
to prevent accidental and even malicious attempts to corrupt information, leak private data, deny other
users services, and account for user actions. A natural question is how the protection capabilities of these
environments impact susceptibility, and, as a result, how they aect the threshold of epidemic.
In August and September of 1992, I had the chance to perform a series of experiments with Sanjay
Mishra at Queensland University of Technology to assess the impact of built-in protection in Novell and
Unix LAN environments on their susceptibility to viruses. These experiments consisted of an exhaustive
test of protection settings wherein we created enough les and directories to set one le to each of the
possible protection settings in each directory, and to set the protection of directories containing these les
to each of the possible directory protection settings. Under each protection setting, we tried to cause
infections with each of a set of viruses chosen or created to test dierent methods of le infection.
What we found was that while it is possible to congure these networks so as to reduce levels of
susceptibility, the vast majority of networks are not congured in this way. The reason seems to be that
protection in these networks is hard to administer well, the safe congurations limit the utility of le
servers, and the designers of commonly used programs stored on le servers design their programs without
protection in mind, so that they often dont work with protection in place. Our susceptibility results were
essentially that le-infecting viruses using standard I/O calls are not substantially limited by the LAN
environment, while non-standard programs that infect systems by modifying directory entries, memory
buers, and other parts of the operating system cannot spread in these environments.
Similar results can eventually be derived for any virus of interest operating in any environment of
interest by a similar technique of exhaustive test. Unfortunately, I dont have the personal resources to
do this analysis for all of the viruses in all of the environments of the world, but other researchers are
examining this in more depth, and it is fairly easy to estimate these results without doing the detailed
5.3.4 How Defenses Impact Epidemiology
Now that we have discussed infection vectors and susceptibility, we have the background needed to examine
epidemiology. In 1984, we knew that epidemiology would help lead to better understanding of the spread
of viruses in the environment, but we had insucient statistics to derive any useful results, and our feeble
attempts at modeling were not good enough to publish anything substantial. We were left with the simple
suggestion that this line might be useful in the future.
Probably the most detailed theory on computer virus spread was rst published in 1989 by W. Gleiss-
ner. This theory appears to accurately parameterize the problem and its solution, but is widely ignored
(probably) because it requires more mathematical sophistication to apply than most people are willing to
use, and the parameters required for the analysis are hard to derive. It also makes some assumptions about
uniformity that may not reect the real world situation.
In 1990, Peter Tippet proposed the Tippet theory of viral spread that assumes exponential growth
and uniform global sharing. According to the Tippet predictions, we should have far more viruses today
than we actually have, and most serious researchers discounted this theory early as being too simplistic.
Exponential growth is an obvious characteristic of replicating systems which was suggested in the rst
virus papers, but there are limits on this growth that must be considered for a realistic theory.
In about 1990, Bill Murray began studying this subject in earnest, and started to publish results based
on Bailys mathematical analysis of biological epidemics which is commonly used in medical circles. A
research team at IBMs High Integrity Computing Laboratory began to look seriously into that subject,
and in 1983, an excellent article appeared in IEEE Spectrum by Je Kephart, Steve White, and Dave Chess
of that research group. In this article, they pointed out quite accurately the connection between the large
scale (i.e. macroscopic) behavior of computer viruses and biological viruses, and performed simulations of
some vectors to determine how the spread of viruses is impacted by network topology and the application
of defenses. To get the whole picture, we should start as they do with a historical perspective.
The rst statistics on the spread of disease were apparently gathered in the 1600s in London, and as a
result, during the 1854 cholera epidemic, statistical data led physician John Snow to understand the link
between dirty water supplies and disease. The water source was shut down, the epidemic ended, and the
rst victory for statistical epidemiology was in hand. Considering that the microscopic view of diseases
involving bacteria and viruses wasnt developed until after that time, it is clear that we dont need to
understand how infection works at a detailed level in order to eectively defend against it or analyze its
operation. Smallpox was wiped out by the combination of the microscopic development of a vaccine and a
macroscopic analysis of how to properly apply it. The cost of defense was dramatically lowered by the fact
that only susceptible members of the population in areas where vectors could reach them were inoculated.
It makes sense that select computer viruses might be cost eectively controlled by a similar combination
of technical defenses and epidemiological understanding.
Biological disease is normally modeled by considering each individual in a population as being in one
of several states. For example, an individual may be healthy, sick, dead, susceptible, immune, or a
carrier. Vectors are modeled statistically by assuming a contact probability between individuals and an
infection probability associated with the states of the individuals making contact. As a simple example,
the likelihood of a healthy individual being infected by another healthy individual on any given contact is
0, while the chance of a sick individual infecting a susceptible individual might be 1 in 3 for each contact.
A table can be made for the likelihood of infection, and a state transition diagram can be drawn to model
the situation for any individual as the following table exemplies:
Healthy Infected Immune
Healthy 0 0.5 0
Infected 1 1 1
Immune 0 0 0
This table indicates that when an individual currently in a state indicated by the row name meets an
individual currently in the state indicated by the column name, the likelihood of the individual whose state
is indicated by the row name will be infected is as indicated. In this simple example, immunity is perfect,
and the vectors used for the meeting cause infection 50% of the time. Similar tables can be produced for
the eectiveness of known cures, the immunity provided by known defenses against known viruses through
known vectors, and all other aspects of this problem. We can then produce a statistical simulation wherein
each simulated system follows the tables to determine next states from current states and random numbers,
and run those simulations enough times to get a good statistical model of what happens when infections
The same approach was taken at IBM. They modeled each computer as being susceptible to, immune
from, or infected by any given virus. They call the rate of transition from susceptible to infected the birth
rate of the virus (b), and the rate of transition from infected to susceptible the death rate (d) of the
virus, and in keeping with the biological analogy, rediscovered that if the birth rate exceeds the death rate,
epidemic is reached with a probability of b/(b + d) and that the epidemic stabilizes at b/(b + d) of the
population infected. In the remaining d/(b + d) cases, the infection will die out without ever reaching a
substantial portion of the population. In numerical terms, if we have 3 births for every death, epidemic will
occur in 3/4 of the incidents, and on the average, 3/4 of the population will be infected after the situation
reaches equilibrium. In the remaining 1/4 of the cases, epidemic will never occur, and the infection will
subside after only a small portion of the population is infected and cured.
A major dierence between the most common biological analysis and the recent innovations in the
study of computer viruses is that topology is now being considered in the computer virus case. Topology
is a fancy word for how things are connected, and as we discussed above, there are a number of dierent
methods of connecting computers that act as virus vectors in quite dierent ways. At IBM, substantial
experiments were performed simulating networks with dierent topologies. The claim is that real computers
are connected in a variety of dierent topologies, and that this will impact the spread of viruses. Indeed,
their results show that, whereas systems assumed to have global homogeneous connectivity have infection
growth rates that are exponential and approach the predicted ratios rapidly, systems with other topologies
either approach the same ratios more slowly, approach lower ratios, or never become stable at all.
The components required in order to perform accurate analysis include a topological description of the
vectors, their bandwidth, and the viruses they support; a characterization of the susceptibility of members
of the population to dierent viruses due to defenses in place; a rate of introduction of viruses into the
environment; a cure rate associated with the ability of defenses to cure members of the population; and
a death rate associated with the rate at which systems become so damaged from disease that they are no
longer able to cause infection through vectors.
One key to analyzing virus spread and the global impact of defenses is clearly indicated through
this epidemiological approach. The same techniques are already used to a limited extent in biological
epidemiology, and with the addition of topology and simulation, we may be able to improve both the
biological and the information disease situation at a global level.
This having been said, I feel it is important to note that our study of epidemiology is still in a very
rudimentary state. We dont yet have a good enough model of any of these factors to allow very good
analysis, and the computer time required in order to get statistically valid results is quite signicant. On
the other hand, simulations such as those done at IBM can easily be done by any company or individual to
get a good picture of their own situation and to analyze the eects of various defenses on their operation.
5.3.5 Another Vital Result
Perhaps the most important result of the IBM work in this area is their study of the impact of central
reporting and response on incident size and duration. We had strong reasons to believe that rapid response
dramatically impacted incident size and duration based on the dierence between the behavior of the
Lehigh virus and the Brain virus, and theoretical epidemiology clearly shows that the sooner you start to
implement a cure with increased frequency, the less likely you are to have an epidemic. But the real test
of any theory comes in practice, and thats just what IBM did.
In their study, they began a program of central reporting and response for large corporate customers.
During the rst months of their study, implementation was just beginning, and their statistics showed
that 12% of the incidents spread beyond 5 computers. Once procedures for central reporting and response
were well established, only 2.5% of incidents spread beyond 5 computers. The best defense they found in
the response stage was to help users clean machines with known infections, and then check neighboring
machines for infection.
5.3.6 The Impact of Evolution on Epidemiology
Earlier, I mentioned an interesting side eect of imperfect detection of the MtE and similar evolutionary
viruses. Now I want to address it. The problem stems from the fact that some current evolutionary viruses
are particularly hard to identify with virus specic detection methods. Vessellin Bontichev, the well known
Bulgarian virus researcher performed a series of experiments over a period years testing the best virus
scanners in the world for their detection rates against evolutions of viruses they claimed to detect. The
results were somewhat upsetting. Even the best available known virus detection systems picked up only
90-95% of the infections from such a virus after the defenders had access to the virus for more than a year.
What would the eect of 90% detection be on the epidemiology of a virus in the environment? To answer
that, I will begin with a scenario that assumes that mutations are random with respect to the detection
mechanism in that each one has a 10% chance of going undetected.
A virus enters a system with 100 susceptible les and infects them all. The detector detects 90 of those
cases, we clean them, and then resume normal operation with 10 undetectable infections remaining. These
mutations reproduce and infect the remaining 90 les. The detector detects 81 of them (90% of the 90
new viruses), we clean them up, and leave 19 undetected infections. As the scenario proceeds, we have
27, 34, 41, 47, 52, 57, 62, 65, ... and eventually, 100 undetected infected les after about 50 generations
< 1/200). At that point, our detector will tell us the system is clean, when in fact, every susceptible
le is infected.
Now let us imagine that evolution is relatively non-dramatic over a small number of generations,
and therefore that there is a form of locality in the evolutionary process. Assuming that the detector
fails because it misses some localized evolutionary characteristics, we might get a very dierent situation.
Suppose that the characteristic that causes detection failure (lets call it the invisibility gene, or IG for short)
generates 90% progeny retaining IG and 10% progeny not retaining IG, and similarly that 90% of infections
not containing IG will not create progeny containing IG, and 10% of them will produce progeny with IG.
After initial infection, we have 90 visible viruses and 10 invisible viruses. As the invisible viruses reproduce,
90% of the 90 new infections retain IG, leaving only 9 progeny without IG. These 9 are detected, and in
the next generation, only 1 infection fails to have IG. Finally, in the fourth generation, we are unlikely to
detect any infections even though all 100 susceptible les are infected.
In the larger community, the situation is even worse because the computers that get infected rst will
quickly weed out the evolutions without IG, so that as the virus spreads to neighboring machines, all of
the viruses that spread will have IG. We would therefore expect that the neighbor of a system that rst
got infected and cleaned would start with 90% infections containing IG, and after one or two cleanings, IG
would be successful throughout.
In addition to all of this, viruses with IG will spread without competition from those without IG because
those without IG are killed by the defense. If it werent for killing of those without IG, those with IG would
not have places to reside, and might be unable to survive well. The presence of the imperfect detector will
assure that the detected evolutions are killed o quickly, while the evolutions with IG will thrive. The net
eect is that the defense will select the strains containing IG for widespread survival.
For those of you that dont recognize the analogy, this is exactly what is happening in the biological
world with antibiotics. Our use of antibiotics has decreased the population of easily cured diseases, leaving
a ripe breeding ground for the harder to kill ones. By defending against weaker strains, we have eectively
created an environment where tougher strains have less natural competition, and therefore spread more
widely. The surviving strains are the so-called super-viruses that resist antibiotics and are becoming more
and more widespread.
In eect, by widespread use of weak defenses, we kill o some viruses by driving them into extinction,
but we also leave a ripe breeding ground for epidemics of what might otherwise be rare strains that our
defenses miss. Furthermore, some forms of evolution have far dierent ways of adding or removing genes.
Suppose that only 1 in 10
evolutions of viruses without IG generate infections with IG, but those with IG
generate infections without IG in only 1 in 10
cases. As soon as one case of a virus with IG occurs, it will
thrive, yielding a detection rate of only 1 in 10
infections. I should note that Bontichevs virus samples
involved only a few thousand samples so it is very possible that this situation already exists with MtE.
This brings to light a possible aw in the IBM analysis that I feel should be considered. In eect,
one of their conclusions is that each individual or organization that protects itself also protects the rest
of the global community. I would add a caveat that each individual or organization that uses inadequate
detection techniques and thereby fails to detect select strains is doing a great disservice to the rest of the
world by providing a ripe breeding ground for exotic strains that might not survive in either a more or less
defended environment.
5.3.7 How Good is Good Enough?
With this new understanding, the obvious question that comes to mind is how good do we have to do
detection in order to prevent the widespread evolution of exotic strains. I regret to inform you that I have
no closed form solution, but I also have some very good news. The good news is that it is very likely that
cryptographic checksums will not be susceptible to this problem of localized evolution. Heres why.
The reason select strains of viruses thrive with imperfect detection in the model just described is because
they have some characteristic gene that makes them undetectable by the imperfect detector. This drives
the evolutionary process toward a select gene pool. In the case of cryptographic checksums, the ability to
detect the virus is essentially random with a probability related to the size of the checksum and the shape
of the checksums probability space. It is this randomness that prevents genetic niches from forming.
Suppose that we have an eectively random cryptographic checksum with 10 possible checksum values
that depends on the entire state of a le. It then follows that any random change produces a 90% chance
of detection, and thus a 10% chance of non-detection. Unlike the example above, it is not some special
characteristic gene of the infection that causes one variation to go undetected, only the random probability
that the detector will fail. Because of the randomness, even an exact copy of an undetected virus placed
into a dierent le has only a 10% chance of going undetected. We return then to the rst analysis wherein
it takes 50 generations to inundate a system with 100 susceptible les.
But it turns out that things are quite a bit better than that with cryptographic checksums. It is quite
simple to produce a cryptographic checksum system with a non-detection likelihood of 1 in 2
by simply
using 32 bit words in the checksumming mechanism. This means that only one out of about 2 10
infections go undetected. In a system with 101 les, if one undetected virus is in place, each time it infects
100 other les, the likelihood of one of those infections going undetected is 1 in 2 10
. Put another
way, it will take on the order of 10
rounds of infection followed by cure before there will be 2 undetected
infections in place. If we have a full system infection and cure it once a day, it will take almost 300,000
years before the second undetected infection will take place.
This of course leads us to a direct analysis of how good a random detector has to be. We select a
desired average time between infections, and derive the size of the cryptographic checksum required to
meet this goal. But it turns out that the situation in the community is even better with random detection
of this sort because in any given environment, there may be multiple keys used by dierent checksumming
systems and/or users. Multiple keys eectively increases the size of the checksum to the combined size of
the keys, which has an exponential benet on driving up the time between undetected infections.
I have one last parting shot. This analysis is true of systems that approach randomness in terms of
their detection capabilities. Any simple pattern-based technique will not act this way. For example, a
CRC-based checksum will have pattern specic failures. If it turns out that a strain of a virus has a
genetic component that leads to pattern specicity and that pattern coincides with detection failures in a
CRC-based coding scheme, all bets are o. The CRC scheme will act just like a any other non-random
detector, and specic strains of a virus will nd a niche. It may in fact be a fairly simple matter to design
an evolutionary virus intended to evolve so as to nd these niches. This returns us to the issue of attack
complexity and the quality of cryptosystem design.
5.3.8 Epidemiology and Strategic Planning
The technical aspects of epidemiology provide a framework for analysis, but they dont provide a workable
plan for strategic defense. Like experiments in the scientic method, epidemiology alone cannot provide
progress. In science, we develop theories, test those theories with experiment, and use the results to improve
our theories. In the same way, strategic planning for virus defense consists of developing strategies, testing
those strategies with analysis and (where appropriate) simulations and experiments, and using the results
to improve our strategies.
We will attempt to use our epidemiology as a guide to analysis, but because of the limits of our
knowledge, it will not always provide the answers we seek. At this stage, it is more of a test of rationality
that eliminates strategies that are likely to fail without asserting that they will succeed.
5.4 Exposure Analysis
Computer risk analysis has changed in two basic ways since the advent of computer viruses. The rst
change is that integrity corruption is now being considered. The second change is that we now have to
consider transitive information ow in our analysis. There are also several historical assumptions about
defenses that have now become outdated. For example, backups alone dont remove the risk from computer
Unfortunately, standard risk analysis makes the assumption that we can associate probabilities with
events. Since we dont have any signicant amount of reliable data on the factors that contribute to viral
attack, its hard to assess probabilities. Since inadequate detection is the norm, we cannot hope to get
signicant amounts of reliable data in the near future.
One alternative to risk analysis in this case is exposure analysis. Exposures are essentially the worst
case possibilities for loss under a given scenario. We can cover exposures by using appropriate defensive
techniques, decide how many simultaneous failures of coverage to tolerate before coverage breaks down,
and provide appropriate redundancy to reach that goal.
5.4.1 The Information Flow Model
I will start the discussion by showing a subject/object matrix commonly used to represent access control
in modern computer systems.
Joe rw r r r
Alice rw rw r
Bob r rw rw
Lam r w w rw
In this model, there are sets of subjects (i.e. Joe, Alice, Bob, and Lam), objects (i.e. DB1, FILE1,
BUP, FILE2, FILE3, and DB2), and a set of access rights (i.e. read, and write). The matrix is suppose
to describe whats allowed and not allowed, but as we will now see, it doesnt quite do that.
Our subject/object matrix says, for example, that Joe can read or write DB1. If Joe can write DB1
and Joe can read DB1, Joe can flow information to himself. Im going to put that result in a dierent
picture that describes how information ows in a system. This picture is called an information ow matrix,
and it is used to describe the ow of information.
Joe Alice Bob Lam
Joe f
Alice f f f f
Bob f f f F
Lam f f f f
In this matrix, instead of dealing with subjects and objects and rights of subjects over objects, we
deal with information domains and the ow of information between them. Joe can flow information to
Joe, so we put an f at the intersection of Joe and Joe in the ow matrix. Lets look at Alice. Alice can
write something that Alice can read, so Alice can flow information to Alice. Alice can write something
that Joe can read, so Alice can flow information to Joe. Alice can also flow information to Bob and Lam.
Instead of using these sentences, we can abbreviate the wording by writing equations like this; Bob f Joe
will mean Bob can flow information to Joe; Bob w Joe will mean Bob can write something that Joe can
read; and Bob r Joe will mean Bob can read something that Joe can write. Lets try it.
Bob w Joe Bob f Joe
Bob w Alice Bob f Alice
Bob w Bob Bob f Bob
Bob f Alice AND Alice f Lam Bob f Lam
That last one is a bit tricky; Bob can write information that Alice can read, and Alice can write
information that Lam can read, so Bob can write information that Lam can read indirectly via Alice.
This shows the transitivity property of information ow that was not widely recognized until viruses
demonstrated it so clearly by spreading from user to user. In the ow matrix, we use F to dierentiate
indirect ow as an aide to the reader. Lets press on.
Lam w Joe Lam f Joe
Lam w Alice Lam f Alice
Lam w Bob Lam f Bob
Lam w Lam Lam f Lam
So whats the real situation? Everybody except Joe can send information to everybody else. Joe can
only send information to himself. If you look at the access matrix, you might think that Alice can not read
or write F2, but its not true. So what this access matrix seems to mean, isnt what it really means at all.
Lets look at another example. Im going to use the flow description from now on, because its a lot
easier than reads and writes. We have here another ow matrix with a few ows marked, and we are
now going to determine all of the ows implied by this matrix. Here we go:
a b c d e f g h
a f f f f
b f f f
c f f f
d f f f
e f f
f f f f
g f f f f
h f f f f
a f a (Given)
a f e (Given)
a f f (Given)
a f h (Given)
a f h and h f b a f b
a f h and h f c a f c
a f f and f f d a f d
a f b and b f g a f g
a f Everyone!
So a can ow information everywhere in the system! This was certainly not clear from the initial
picture. Lets see what else we can see.
a f a (Given)
b f a (Given)
d f a (Given)
e f a (Given)
g f a (Given)
f f d and d f a f f a
c f b and b f a c f a
Everyone f a!
So now we know that everyone can send information to a. Well, if everyone can send information to a
and a can send information to everyone, everyone can send information to everyone else!! This then is the
real picture:
a b c d e f g h
a f f f f f f f f
b f f f f f f f f
c f f f f f f f f
d f f f f f f f f
e f f f f f f f f
f f f f f f f f f
g f f f f f f f f
h f f f f f f f f
The chances are, whatever system you have today, this is the case. You have read and write access
controls over information, but if you really look at what they imply, chances are that everyone can send
information to everyone else. Anyone in your system could damage or leak any and all information.
Let me just point something out for the more mathematically minded among you. If you have a POset,
you have an upper triangular matrix. All POsets can be written as upper triangular matrices, and all
upper triangular matrices can describe POsets (although they dont necessarily describe all of the implied
Suppose we are concerned about what happens if two people collude to corrupt or leak information.
For example, we might like to assure that no three people in our organization can collude to corrupt more
than twenty percent of the organizations information. It turns out, that to determine the corruptive eects
of collusion, you simply OR the rows of the matrix, and to determine the leakage eects of collusion, you
simply OR the columns.
Figure 5.1: Another POset
a b c d e f g
a f f f f
b f f f f f
c f
d f f
e f f f
f f
g f
In this example, if a and b collude to corrupt information, they can corrupt the OR of their rows in the
matrix. Lets look at it. If a launches a virus, it could potentially get to a, c, d and f, while if b launches
a virus, it get to b, d, e, f, and g. Between a and b, everything is corruptible.
a b c d e f g
a f f f f
b f f f f f
= f f f f f f f
Similarly if you are worried about leaking secrets, c, d, and g could collude to leak information from
everywhere except f.
c d g =
a f f f
b f f f
c f f
d f f
e f f
g f f
This gives us an ecient and easy to use way of automatically analyzing systems for the aects of
The technique is quite simple. First, we have to take transitivity into account by nding all of the
indirect information ows and putting them in the matrix. In this example, we have already done this part
of the process, which is why we call it a ow control matrix rather than a ow matrix. To determine
the eect of collusion on leakage, we OR the columns of the colluding domains in the ow control matrix.
To determine the eect of collusion on corruption, we OR the rows of the colluding domains in the ow
control matrix.
5.4.2 The New Exposure Analysis
Now that we understand how systems can be modeled and analyzed using information ows, exposure
analysis becomes straight forward. We will use the following POset as our an example to demonstrate the
Figure 5.2: A POset
a b c d e f g h
The rst step in the analysis is to convert the POset into a ow control matrix describing its behavior.
Although this will not be necessary to analyze our small example, you will nd it most useful for more
complex systems. Begin by putting in the ows shown directly in the picture, and then add the indirect
ows. When youre done, you should have a picture with 20 f marks in it.
The next step is to analyze the eects of corruption and leakage in your organization. This involves
considerable eort, but if you have done risk analysis before, most of the information should already
be available. If not, you should probably consider it as an important step toward understanding your
exposures. We have provided a set of local leakage and corruption exposures for this example, and have
started to ll out the table with results. You should ll out the rest of the table once you understand how
to perform the analysis.
(local) (local) (global) (global)
leakage corrupt leakage corrupt
a 25 75 25 360
b 250 10 250 1335
c 1000 25
d 750 250 775 260
e 90 200
f 75 90
g 25 1000
h 10 10 2035 10
Every domain has local corruption and leakage values. The local corruption value is the total nancial
damage resulting from the worst case corruption of information in that domain alone. For example, if we
have a mailing list with names, addresses, and postal codes, the worst case corruption in this domain alone
would be the amount of money required to replace, repair, or reenter the mailing list. In this case, we have
assessed 10 billion dollars (all numbers here are in billions of dollars). We have a 10 unit local corruption
value associated with that mailing list, because we can re-enter it very easily.
Even though correcting any corruption in this domain may be quite inexpensive, the eect of the
domain becoming corrupted might be horrendous. For example, suppose you are sending out bills using
the corrupt mailing list. Your use of the corrupt information may cause you to miss payments for a month
or more, generate automatic collection letters, and otherwise damage your business and customer relations.
Those are indirect eects of a corruption. Since a virus can spread anywhere information can go, we have
to consider the corruption value of every reachable domain as part of the global eect of corruption. The
result is that a corruption in b could eect b, c, e, f, g, and h (the columns with f marked in bs row of the
ow control matrix). In order to get the global corruption value of b, we add up the local corruption values
of these domains and place the sum in the table. I urge you to do this for all of the remaining entries as
practice. Is there a mistake in the way I lled out an entry?
The analysis for leakage is essentially the same, except that we look at columns instead of rows in the
ow control matrix, and we add local leakage values instead of corruption values to get the total exposure.
The local leakage value is the worst case damage that could result from all the information in that
domain being leaked in the worst possible way (i.e. the Murphys Law leakage). To determine the global
leakage exposure of h, we look at column h in the ow control matrix (once it is lled out), and determine
that we have to add up the leakage values of a, b, c, d, and h. Again, I urge you to ll out the remainder
of the table and determine whether I have made any mistakes.
5.5 A Cost Analysis Of Viruses and Select Defenses
Exposure analysis is one part of the picture, but on the other side of the coin, we have to analyze the costs
of defenses in order to determine the most cost eective way to cover exposures. The major competing
technologies for viral defense in the market today are virus scanners, virus monitors (programs that scan
for known viruses just before execution), cryptographic checksums, and integrity shells, so we will limit
our discussion to these cases.
We will avoid undue description here by starting out with formulas that describe the total costs per year
of attack and defense. The interested reader can locate more detailed information through the annotated
bibliography. We begin by dening terms:
Total for scanner s systems
Total for crypto checksum c checks/year
Total for monitor e employee cost/min
Total for integrity shell u dist-cost*update-count
minutes per scan t
minutes per check
license for scanner l
license crypto-checksum
license for monitor l
license integrity shell
new attacks a
old attacks
system cleanup costs r
le cleanup costs
d distribution costs o
Most of these terms are self explanatory, but a few are a bit obscure. The licensing cost for crypto-
checksums and integrity shells is normally a one-time cost, whereas for scanners and monitors, regular
updates force licenses to be paid over time. To compensate, we use 10% per year of the total licensing
cost for integrity shells and crypto-checksums as an equivalent to the yearly licensing cost for scanners and
monitors. o
is a term that describes the rate of spread of a virus, and has experientially been about 2 for
a typical PC in a typical environment, and about 10 for a typical PC in a LAN environment.
Now we show the equations for total cost:


+u] +




s[ cet

] +


+u] +



Integrity Shells:


Since d, the cost of initial distribution, appears in all equations, we can eliminate it for purposes of
comparison without loss of information.
To make comparisons, it is easiest to subtract equations. We begin by comparing T
to T
as follows:
= s[ce[t
] + [l
+u]] +a
[s o
Unless checking is so rare that all systems get infected before checking detects an infection, o
<< s,
which leads to:
] +u + [l
] +a
With daily scanning or checking, any reasonable dierence in licensing fees are dominated by scanning
and checking costs. Update costs also tend to dominate licensing fee dierences for this sort of system, so
we can simplify in most cases to:
u ce(t
) +a
so scanners are less expensive if and only if:
u +a
> ce(t
In other words, if update and recovery costs from new attacks combine to exceed the cost dierence
between scanner scanning times and checksum checksumming times, scanners are less expensive than
cryptographic checksums. Using typical values, we compute $350/year in checking cost dierence between
the two systems. Thus, if recovery costs are kept low, scanning times dont increase signicantly, and
relatively few new viruses enter the environment each year, then scanning for known viruses is more cost
eective than periodically looking for changes with cryptographic checksums.
We now compare scanners to monitors:
= scet
+ (l
) +a
We assume that licensing fees for scanners and monitors are approximately the same relative to scanning
costs. We also note that o
> 1 for any reasonable scenario, and the cost to clean a system (r
) is normally
far greater than the cost to clean a single le (r
). We then get:
= scet
Since all of the terms are positive, T
is always greater than T
, and thus periodic scanning for known
viruses always costs more than monitoring for known viruses in each program just before it is run.
Now the costs of checksums and integrity shells:
= s[(l
) +cet
] + [a
Assuming that licensing costs are not large relative to periodic checksumming costs, we can drop the
) term. Since o
> 1 for any reasonable system, and system repair costs are almost always more
expensive than repair of a single le, we simplify to:
= scet
+ [a
Since all of these terms are positive, T
is always greater than T
, and thus checking each program for
change just before running it is always more cost eective than periodic system-wide change detection with
cryptographic checksums.
Finally, we will compare integrity shells to monitors:
= s[(l
) +u] +a
s +a
= s[(l
) +u] +a
s r
The number of systems s is always at least 1, and for any reasonable system, r
>> r
. If we assume
that yearly licensing cost dierences are small compared to update costs, we get a per system cost dierence
= u +a
We conclude that integrity shells are always less expensive than virus monitors because all of these
terms are positive. The cost dierence comes from the update cost required to keep monitors up to date,
and the cost of cleanup for attacks that monitors dont detect.
Another way to look at this result is that in order for a monitor to be more cost eective than an
integrity shell, the yearly licensing cost of an integrity shell must exceed the yearly licensing cost of a
monitor by the update cost and the undetected attack cleanup cost.
For monitors to be more cost eective than integrity shells in a case where updates cost $5 per system
and are done each quarter, and assuming no unmonitored attacks happen, integrity shell license costs
would have to exceed monitor license costs by $200 per system! This is because the yearly update cost
comes to $20 per system for monitors, and there is no update cost associated with integrity shells. The
$20 per year monitor cost is approximately equivalent to borrowing $200 per system for excess licensing
fees of an integrity shell. Integrity shells on the market today cost under $100 per system in moderate
quantities, and are thus always more cost eective than any of these other techniques.
It also turns out that as system performance increases, integrity shells and crypto-checksums become less
expensive faster than scanners and monitors. This is because improved performance makes checksumming
faster and disk improvements make on-line backups cheaper, while the update costs of monitors and
scanners stay the same, and the number of viruses that have to be checked goes up.
On-line backups turn out to have negligible costs relative to other options for repair, and their costs
decrease with time and the evolution of computers. For example, current disk prices are on the order of
$1/Mbyte, while the average system has relatively little information suitable for on-line backup, and for a
small reduction in performance, le compression can reduce on-line backups costs even further.
Except under the most contrived circumstances, integrity shells are the most cost eective of the anti-
virus techniques currently available for untrusted systems, and this gap will widen with the passage of
Chapter 6
Strategy and Tactics in Virus Defense
All of the information presented so far addresses techniques, their features, their shortcomings, and how
to analyze them in dierent ways. But all of this information is essentially useless unless you know how to
apply it. Thats what were going to talk about now.
There are two critical planning components for virus defense; strategic planning, and tactical planning.
The dierence between strategy and tactics is commonly described in terms of time frames. Strategic
planning is planning for the long run, while tactical planning is planning for the short run. Strategic
planning concentrates on determining what resources to have available and what goals we should try to
achieve under dierent circumstances, while tactical planning concentrates on how to apply the available
resources to achieving those goals in a particular circumstance.
In the planning process, so many things should be considered that we cannot even list them all here.
They tend to vary from organization to organization, and person to person, and they involve too many
variables to draw general conclusions without sucient facts. I have collected what we consider to be the
major issues in planning for viruses, and done some initial analysis to help in your planning, but my eorts
on your behalf cannot possibly substitute for analysis by the experts with both technical and organizational
knowledge in your application.
For practice, I have also provided a set of sample scenarios and some partial solutions. I hope this will
aide you in your eorts to understand how to deal with this problem, but these solutions are not intended
to be comprehensive or denitive. They are only food for thought.
6.1 General Principles
First and foremost, planning a defense is a study in tradeos. No single defense is safest for all situations,
and no combination of defenses is cost eective in all environments. This underscores a basic protection
principle. Protection is something you do, not something you buy.
What do I mean when I say that? Suppose we want to protect our house from water damage. It
doesnt matter how good a roof we buy for our house, its not going to protect our house forever. We have
to maintain the roof to keep the water out. Its the same with protecting information systems. You cant
just buy it, you have to do it.
6.1.1 General Strategic Needs
At the core of any strategy is the team of people that develop it and carry it out, both in the long run and
in tactical situations. The rst and most important thing you should do is gather a good team of people
to help develop and implement strategy.
Any strategy that is going to work requires resources, both over the long run and during tactical
situations. We commonly see strategies which fail because of insucient resources, resources poorly applied,
a lack of consideration of the dierence between strategic and tactical needs, and insucient attention to
In order to assure that strategies will work in times of need, it is necessary to test tactical components
ahead of time. The most common problem we encounter in tactical situations is events that were not
anticipated during strategic planning and not discovered during testing. The eect is almost always a very
substantial added expense.
Antivirus strategy is a part of overall strategy, and should not be isolated. It is common to have a virus
team that has no impact on decisions to purchase hardware or software. It turns out that fairly simple
dierences in overall planning can make a dramatic dierences in the costs associated with virus defense.
6.1.2 General Tactical Needs
Ecient response in tactical situations normally calls for the complete attention of some number of trained
experts carrying out well dened roles. In addition, it commonly requires that a substantial number of
non-experts act in concert at the direction of those trained experts.
Tactical situations require sucient resources be on hand to deal with the situation. If sucient
resources are not present, the cost of attaining those resources on an emergency basis tends to be very
high, the delays caused by the acquisition process may be even more costly, and the inexperience with the
newly attained resources may cause further problems.
A small amount of resources properly applied almost always beats a large amount of resources poorly
applied. You dont necessarily need to spend a lot to have a strong defense, but you have to spend wisely
and react quickly.
6.2 Some Widely Applicable Results
Even though there are a vast array of dierent environments, there are some strategies and tactics that
seem to be almost universally benecial.
Consider Highest Exposures First: In planning a strategy for defense, it is important to consider
the potential harm when assessing what to do. Specically, the highest exposures should receive the
most attention, and should thus be addressed with the highest priority.
Use the Strongest Defenses Feasible: All other things being equal, it is better to use a stronger
defense than a weaker one. As a rule, sound prevention is better than detection and cure, and general
purpose detection and cure is better than special purpose detection and cure, but a false sense of
security, is worse than any of them.
Proactive Defense is Critical: Be Prepared, its the boy scout slogan, and it applies in virus
defense more than most places. In every comparison I have done or seen, people that take proactive
action get away with lower cost, smaller incidents, and faster recovery than those who simply wait
for a problem and then react.
Rapid Central Reporting and Response Works: Epidemiological results are clear in showing
that rapid centralized reporting and response reduces incident size, incident duration, and organi-
zational impact. If the story of the Lehigh and Brain viruses doesnt convince you, the evidence
gathered and published by IBM must.
CERT Teams Work: Regardless of what you call them, you need a team that receives incident
reports and responds to them on an emergency basis. This team is virtually always the same team
that helps determine proper proactive strategy, implements tactical response, and performs analysis
after incidents to improve future performance.
Keep Good Records and Analyze Them: Record keeping is one of the most valuable aides to
improving tactical and strategic response. When properly analyzed, records of incidents allow plan-
ners to devise more cost eective tactical responses, which in turn provide more accurate information
for strategic planning to reduce costs while improving response.
Dont Punish Victims: One of the most common strategic mistakes is punishing those who report
incidents or accidentally become a vector for viruses. Punishment may be direct or indirect, and may
include such subtleties as requiring the victim to do extra paperwork or such abusive treatment as
getting a lecture on following written policies. When you punish victims, you increase response time
because others become hesitant to report incidents, and lest you think this is simply a supposition,
statistics support the improved response of organizations with policies not to punish.
Procedural Policies Fail in Prevention: Many organizations make the mistake of relying on
procedure as a preventative defense. The fact is, people are not perfect. When they make mistakes,
assessing blame is not an eective response. You should plan on procedural failures and plan a
response that considers people as they really are.
Training and Education Works: You have to train your users to use your tactical capabilities or
they will be ineective in live situations, and you have to educate your experts in order to develop
an eective plan and carry out the plan eectively in emergencies.
All Your Eggs in One Basket: If we have gained anything from our eorts, it is the understanding
that diversity works. If you have a choice of buying 100 copies of either of two nearly equivalent
products, buy 50 of each, and haggle to keep the prices low. Where one fails, the other may succeed,
and epidemiology shows that covering more attacks is far more important than covering every machine
Defense-in-depth Works: The synergistic eects of multiple defenses make defense-in-depth the
most eective technical solution we have to date. A similar situation appears to be appropriate in
the non-technical defense arena, but I cant prove it with hard data yet.
6.3 Some Examples
Perhaps the most useful way to teach strategy and tactics is by example. To stimulate thought, I have
devised a range of scenarios and performed some initial analysis to give you an idea of the directions that
make sense to me. Unfortunately, I cannot take the space here to provide the sort of in depth analysis
required for full planning, but I hope that you will get enough good ideas from my approach to be able to
get you started.
6.3.1 Typical Attacks
We will begin with some typical attacks. Whatever plans you make, it will be helpful to consider these
attack scenarios and how your plan will handle them. Consider it a form of testing at a theoretical level,
but be certain that you dont devise your strategies and tactics simply to respond to these attacks. If you
do so, you will have a meager defense. Rather, devise your plan, and then test it to assure that it provides
coverage. To the extent that it fails to cover relevant scenarios, consider how to make endemic changes
that will address these areas, and then devise additional testing strategies to reveal further aws.
The manufacturer of your most recent software acquisition had a virus and didnt know it. You
installed the new software, and the virus spread throughout your computers for a few weeks before
damage began to occur. You didnt notice the damage at rst because it was widely scattered and
only a few problems were reported, but by now you are having thousands of les damaged every day
and your operations are failing on a widespread basis. Your backups are infected and you dont know
where the virus came from or how far back you have to go to get a clean backup.
A user brought a oppy disk home to do some late night work, and the disk got infected by a PC
product at home. When returning to work, the user forgot that this particular disk was used on the
home machine, and used it on the computer at work.
A systems programmer thought he was about to be red, so he introduced a virus into a library
program, and then removed the infection from the source code. As other users used the libraries,
other libraries and user les became infected. The attacker then recompiled the library with the
clean source before the next backup, to remove the last trace of the cause. After about three weeks,
the infected executables slowly migrated to the production system.
A rival rm sent a spy to sabotage your facility. The spy got a job as a computer operator on
the graveyard shift, and began introducing newly designed viruses into your system at the rate of
about one a day over a three month period. All of the viruses had long delays between infection and
damage, large use based delays, or delays based on conditions that are likely to come up only once
a year or so. Each was designed to cause random changes in data les, occasional system crashes,
periodic slowdowns, or other minor mischief.
A disgruntled employee gets a copy of the CARO
collection of over 2,000 viruses, and runs every
one of them at least once while logged into your le server. This employee also inserts every oppy
disk they can get their hands on into the infected computer, and puts all of the disks back where
they were originally found.
A disgruntled employee of a disk duplicating rm decides to infect disks before duplicating them.
You use this rm to disseminate your disks to your customers and internal users.
Most of the people that look at these scenarios believe that they are vulnerable to some or all of these
attacks. At this point, I usually ask: So what are you going to do? After all, its almost the end of the
Computer Antivirus Research Organization
course, and you believe that your systems are vulnerable to a wide range of devastating attacks. Tomorrow
morning, you will be back in your organization, and I want to know what you are going to do about it. To
do nothing in light of what we now know would be negligent at best, so that is not an acceptable answer
. . . Ill wait . . .
6.3.2 The Small Business Scenario
You own a small business with 5 physically secure timesharing unix computers, networked with limited
functionality (for data transfers and database updates only). With the exception of your programmer, who
you trust implicitly (because hes your brother and he owns 1/2 of the business), all of the users use the
system only through a menu system that does not allow any programming whatsoever.
The rst question that usually comes up is whether you should trust your brother, but it turns out this
is irrelevant to the virus issue because hes the systems programmer, and can do whatever he wants to the
computer without the use of a virus.
The limited functionality of the system makes viral attack by the user community essentially impossible
if it is properly implemented, but unfortunately, almost nobody does this properly. Lets assume that it is
done right for the purposes of this example.
The last possibility is that he might accidentally import some infected software. We almost all depend
on some external software from time to time, and if that contains a virus, then the virus may spread
throughout the system. Thats probably the only serious exposure in this environment.
Now that we know the exposure of concern, we should form a committee of two (you and your brother)
and assess.
For perfect defense, we can limit sharing, limit transitivity, or limit functionality. We have limited
function as far as possible, but we cannot do that eectively for imported software. The spread of viruses
induced by external software can be reduced by placing that software only on computers requiring it, and
Unix allows us to limit sharing, so we should do so to the extent that this is appropriate. This takes little
eort, and as long as your brother is willing, why not?
In the way of imperfect defenses, we have change control, multi-version programming, and integrity
shells. Change control doesnt really apply to external software since we cannot normally get sources or
eectively deal with changes using limited personnel. Multi-version programming is too expensive for this
application. Only integrity shells are left, and they can be used inexpensively and transparently in this
environment. Backups should be performed regularly to assure that any corruptions can be repaired if
detected in time.
So there we have our strategy; you should combine limited sharing with integrity shells to defend against
the external virus threat in this environment, and continue to use limited function against the internal
threat. Regular backups will also be implemented.
As to tactics, the plan is simple. Your brother will be responsible for everything. In case of an incident,
the systems will be disconnected from each other until the infected system(s) are identied. The infected
systems will be cleaned by restoring from backups, while uninfected systems will be reintegrated and
operations continued as soon as possible. You should also learn how to perform the mechanical operations
associated with this recovery and have at least one practice session every 6 months so that in a pinch, there
is another person able to restore operations. Make certain your brother agrees to this plan, and have him
consider appropriate tools for the task.
6.3.3 The University Scenario
You are the president of a major university with a $100,000,000 research budget, thousands of computers
of all sorts, networks running everywhere, 40,000 students who take computer courses, and only scanning
defenses in place. You were infected by the Internet virus in 1988, and other viruses have shown up on
campus every year since that time, but you still arent doing any central planning, and the computer center
is not handling things as well as you might like. The student newspaper is pressing the issue, the faculty
is protesting the heavy handed way you treat these attacks, and your budget for computers is (always)
running low.
If you have no central planning in place, you should immediately form a committee to deal with this
issue. The committee should be formed of (as a minimum) the director of the computer center, the chair
of the computer science department, the chief nancial ocer, the president of the student body, the dean
of students, and a top level technical person who will be tasked with operating the campus CERT. As a
beginning, this committee should meet for at least one hour per month with the CFO as the chair until a
strategic plan is in place and the campus CERT is operating eectively. After that point, the committee
should be notied of all incidents and meet at least twice per year to review performance and cover any
issues that come up, and to keep the issue on the table. In emergency situations, select committee members
may have to get involved at a deeper level. The committee should copy the meeting notes to the President
of the University and provide briengs to the board of directors at least once per year as a normal part
of covering university activities. It might be sensible to make this part of an existing information security
committee or to form an information security committee with this as a starting point if none exists.
The committee should be concerned with several key issues as a starting point. The rst issue should
be identifying key exposures. We would normally nd a nancial system, an inventory control system,
a system for keeping track of academic records, and other administrative systems. In a university, we
usually also have a large assortment of computers used for educational and research purposes, typically
called academic systems. In addition to the computers, there are normally a wide range of networks and
gateways to provide connectivity both within the campus and with external networks like the Internet and
the EDUnet. In many cases, this network also includes the university telephone system.
The next issue is an analysis of the exposures in each of these systems, which is normally carried out by
the CFO in conjunction with the technical expert and the other relevant committee members in their own
specialty areas. To the extent that the systems interact, we also have to consider the interactions. Each
system typically has dierent vulnerabilities because of its use and users. If all of these systems interact
arbitrarily with each other, the whole environment will act as one homogeneous network, and all of the
threats in each environment will be threats to the entire environment.
Another issue to be addressed is possible technical defenses. Although these should be studied in depth
by the technical member of the committee, the rst thing that springs to my mind is that the administrative
systems are operationally critical and do not normally require outside connectivity or a high rate of change.
Limited sharing, limited function, sound change control, and integrity shells seem to be in order here.
In the academic computing environment, things are quite dierent. Limited sharing is generally consid-
ered a hindrance to the communications necessary in order to have eective learning. On the other hand,
when most academics are questioned, they feel that some things should be protected and others should
not. Nevertheless, limited sharing is widely frowned upon. Limited function is also infeasible in most
areas of academic computing because most of the software is in support of research, and therefore must be
changeable. Sound change control is also inappropriate to the academic experimental environment. The
only alternative is an integrity approach in which we use commonly available tools to detect and remove
viruses, and perform ongoing epidemiological studies to adapt our defenses to the changing situation.
In the non-technical area, university policies regarding the behaviors that tend to produce incidents
should be devised as the CERT gathers and analyzes incident data. The student body president is key
to this activity, since these policies will ultimately involve the way students work, and their input and
cooperation will be required in both the development of policy and its implementation.
Tactical planning in the university environment will almost certainly involve a rapid CERT response to
reported incidents, a plan for rapidly providing repair capabilities to all willing members of the community,
a mechanism for receiving reports of and dispatching responses to incidents, and a rapid collection and
analysis system to track incidents and indicate appropriate response on a real-time basis. It is likely that
a broad mix of dierent defenses will be used in such a diverse environment, and it is incumbent on the
CERT to get a comprehensive understanding of all of the dierent defenses so they can properly respond
to the dierent types of information they may receive.
6.3.4 The Financial Institution Scenario
You are the computer security chief at a major nancial institution. You use ACF2 on your mainframes,
Novell networks for your PCs, and have an institutional policy against importing software. You have
a corporate programming sta of 2,000, and feel you are in good control over changes in source code.
Your production machine is well separated from non-critical machines, you use a limited functionality
cryptographically covered network for EFTs, you do background checks on all of your employees, and each
is bonded up to $1,000,000. You are insured with $100,000,000 deductible for EFT theft, and you have
independent EDP audits performed quarterly. What should your virus defense plan be?
With an operation of this size, you probably already experience viruses several times per year. If you
dont have a CERT team in place, you should form one. Strategic planning already under way should be
augmented to include viruses, and your considerations should be similar to those in the administrative side
of the university environment described earlier. Central reporting and rapid response are key components
of good antivirus strategy in an environment such as yours, where there are a lot of users and high
bandwidth sharing. You probably already perform detailed risk analysis on a regular basis, and this
should be augmented to include viruses if it hasnt already been done. You probably lack a strong program
of gathering statistics on viruses and analysis of those statistics from an epidemiological point of view to
improve your strategy and tactics with time, and this should be added to your strategy and performed by
your CERT.
By now, the tactical analysis should be getting automatic. We begin with the exposures, and then look
at techniques for coverage. In this scenario however, the analysis has some special features. In particular,
electronic funds transfer requires special consideration because the exposure is so high. A typical bank
transfers its entire assets in EFTs several times per week. Lets consider that rst.
An EFT is really quite a simple transaction. It normally consists of a source account identier, a
recipient account identier, an amount of money, and an authentication string. That means that limited
function applies. Similarly, EFTs can easily be controlled from a single physically secure site and not
connected to other computers except through limited function interfaces which carry transactions. Thus,
we can have complete isolation except for these limited function links. Because the operations performed
are quite simple, there should be very few changes required to the software, so sound change control can
also be used here. Similarly, because of the enormous exposure and simple, well specied nature of the
interactions, we can sometimes even aord multiversion programs and redundant hardware to support
it. Finally, we should use integrity protection as an extra precaution against unwanted change. In other
words, this is one application where we can apply all of our best techniques.
You have 2,000 programmers and you claim you are in good control over changes. I dont believe it.
You have Novell networks and institutional policies against importing software. As we have discussed, these
are ineective against viruses, and should be improved. Since limited function and limited sharing are not
feasible in this environment I would almost certainly implement a system of defense-in-depth in a mode
that prevents the introduction of new software without explicit authorization and automatically detects
and corrects violations of this policy. This would satisfy both the corporate policy and the legitimate
need for coverage in Novell networks and PCs. It would dramatically limit incident size, improve incident
response time, and cost less over time than scanning for viruses or other similar tactics.
6.3.5 The Computer Company Scenario
You work for AT+T information services as the chief of corporate computer security for product lines.
You deliver general purpose systems to hundreds of thousands of companies and are charged with assuring
that their systems operate appropriately. You deliver cryptographic telephones to the US government for
communicating classied information. You have an installed base of 500,000 computers that get software
upgrades once or more each year. You have 10,000 programmers working in your area, and about one a
week is called on the carpet for security violations.
At this point, having heard the good joke a few hours earlier,
someone usually suggests Prepare
three envelopes.
Lets get systematic yet again, only this time, Ill ask the questions, and I want you to come up with
the answers.
Who should be involved in strategic planning?
What strategic plans should denitely be in place?
Should you have a CERT? What should its functions be?
What are the highest exposures?
How can we respond to these exposures cost eectively?
see the appendix
Chapter 7
Finishing Up
Before nishing this short course, I would like to take this opportunity to mention a few things I would like
you to do. First and foremost, I think you should read the appendices to this book. They include The
Good Joke that I tell after lunch at my short courses, some mathematical details that advanced readers
may nd enlightening, and an annotated bibliography of some of the best technical papers in this eld.
The good joke is one of the best computer security related jokes I know of, and I tell it in almost
every short course I give as a way to wake people up after the lunch break. Although I am pretty funny
sometimes, I did not think of this joke, so I wont claim credit for it. On the other hand, I have embellished
it greatly over the years, so even if you have heard it, you might review it to keep up to date.
7.1 A Thought
When I rst started using computers, I had a great desire to attain power in the computing environment.
Once I became a systems administrator for several systems, I had a great desire to nd someone else to do
all of the work associated with the power, leaving me able to use the power only when needed. One of my
great joys in creating early viruses was the fact that they altered the balance of power between the systems
administrator and the user, and in case you were wondering, I was a systems administrator at that time.
Now I am convinced that the most useful application of benevolent viruses today is in the automation of
systems administration in computer networks. At rst, it seemed strange to me that the same mechanism
that can wreak havoc with systems can bring order to them, but as I walked down a city sidewalk, it all
became clear to me.
I noticed, as I guess we all do, that even in the middle of a busy sidewalk, plants are growing in the
cracks. Life, it seems is pervasive. Despite our best eorts to create a lifeless, organized city street, life
invades and alters our plans. But that invading life is not really chaotic at all, it only follows a dierent
organization, and spreads its form of organization as it goes. It makes perfect sense that if life forms are in
harmony with the environment, they will coexist and stabilize each other, while if the life forms are not in
harmony with the environment, they will be at odds, and each will be destabilized by the other. Stopping
life is not easy, but we have been able to defoliate some parts of the earth to where they are almost barren,
and I suppose, we will be able to control rudimentary life forms in our computer systems if we become
harsh enough in our defense.
Perhaps in some environments, lifelessness is best, but I have always felt we should try to coexist with
other living creatures, and in the case of information life forms, I feel the same way. Peaceful coexistence
with computer viruses probably involves maintaining two separate environments. In one environment, life
thrives, while in the other, controls are key.
Those who want to experiment with computer life should be encouraged to do so, but only in envi-
ronments suitable to it. Those who want to be in complete control over their computers should also be
provided with the ability to do so, and those who would force their life forms on the controlled systems
should be punished as we would punish someone who threw a bomb into an unmanned factory. If people
are physically harmed in the process, the punishment should be that much more severe, and the eort to
track down the attacker that much more intense.
For those of who want live environments, live programs should be available. You must pardon me now,
there are cockroaches inside my X-windows environment, and whenever I let one out, it crawls into a shady
spot on my screen and reproduces. I have to reboot now to kill o the whole colony.
Appendix A
The Good Joke
This is not my original joke, but I have told it after lunch at so many short courses, that it is an integral
part of the course. I include it here for your pleasure. I rst heard it told by a NIST (National Institute
of Science and Technology) speaker at a computer virus conference I attended.
It seems that this guy was hired to work for one of the national security agencies in the United States
and the guy that was in place before him left under some very serious controversy . . . some problem with
a computer network or something. So during the transition period, after the job related briengs, the old
guy gave him three envelopes labeled 1, 2, and 3, with the instructions to put the three envelopes into the
security safe and to only use them in the most dire of emergencies. Well, the new guy had no idea what
these three envelopes were about, and the old guy wouldnt tell him, so he thought it was sort of strange,
but he put them in the safe to satisfy the old guy, and forgot about them after a couple of months.
So after about a year in oce, a major crisis came along. It was something to do with the US Embassy
in Moscow. It seems the embassy was built by Soviet workmen, complete with built-in bugging devices,
and when the press found out about it, they called up the President. The Presidents oce arranged for
a press conference at 3:30 and called our hero and told him he had a press conference scheduled in 15
minutes to answer questions about the Moscow Embassy situation. Of course, our hero had no idea what
was going on, but he gured he was in big trouble, and then recalled the three envelopes.
So he went down to the security safe, opened it up, took out the envelope labeled 1, locked up the safe,
opened up the envelope, and read it. It said: Blame it on your predecessor. Okay, he was desperate, and
he didnt know what else to do, so he went to the press Conference and said: I was not involved in the
decision to build the embassy in this way, however my predecessor was involved in it and . . . We became
aware of the situation several months before you did, and were working very hard to resolve it, and . . . .
The press ate it up. They blamed it on a previous administration, and our hero came out clean.
So he went on down the road, and about a year and a half later, son-of-a-gun if there wasnt another big
problem. This time somebody in Germany launched a computer virus that spread through NASA networks
into the United States, and the Press called the President, and the President called a press conference for
3:30, and informed our hero with about 15 minutes notice that he was to describe what happened with
this NASA network.
Well, if it works once, you dont forget it, so our hero went down and got the second envelope out of the
security safe, locked up the safe, opened up the envelope, and read it. It said Blame it on the operating
system. Why not? So our hero went to the press conference and said The operating system in these
computers are fundamentally weak, and our people have been aware of that for a number of years and
have been working to resolve the problem . . . . Well, the press ate it up, and our hero came out unscathed
After about another year and a half, it happened again. This time there was some sailor who worked in
the US Department of Defense in classied areas, and this sailor was giving away keys to the cryptosystems
used for nuclear missile control. So, the press called the President, and the President scheduled a press
conference for 3:30, and called our hero with 15 minutes notice. So our hero gured he was in big trouble
again, and decided to use the third envelope.
He went down to the security safe, got out the third envelope, locked up the safe, opened up the
envelope, and read the last piece of paper. It said: Prepare three envelopes.
Appendix B
The Formal Denition of Computer
The formal denition presents viral sets in terms of a set of histories with respect to a given machine.
A viral set is a set of symbol sequences which, when interpreted, causes one or more elements of the viral
set to be written elsewhere on the machine in all of the histories following the interpretation. We include
here some of the relevant denitions required for the remainder of the paper, starting with the denition
of a set of Turing-like computing machines / as:
M[M /]
M : (S
, I
, O
: S
, N
: S
, D
: S
^ = 0 . . . (the natural numbers)
1 = 1 . . . (the positive integers)
= s
, ..., s
, n 1 (/ states)
= i
, ..., i
, j 1 (/ tape symbols)
d = 1, 0, +1 (/ head motions)

: ^ S
(/ state over time)
: ^ ^ I
(/ tape contents over time)
: ^ ^ (current / cell at each time)
The history of the machine H
is given by (, 2, P),
the initial state is described by (
, 2
, P
and the set of possible / tape sub-sequences is designated by I

. We say that; M is halted at time

t t

> t, H
= H
, (t, t

^); that M halts t ^, M is halted at time t; that p runs at time t

the initial state occurs when P
is such that p appears at 2
; and that p runs t ^, p runs at
time t. The formal denition of the viral set (1) is then given by:
(1) MV (M, V ) 1
(2) [V I

] and [M /] and v V Ht, j ^

(3) [[P
= j] and [
] and (2
, ..., 2
) = v]
(4) v

V, t

, t

, j

^ and t

> t
(5) 1)[[(j

+ [ v

[) j] or [(j+ [ v [) j

]] and
(6) 2)[(2

, ..., 2



) = v

] and
(7) 3)[t

[t < t

< t

] and [P

, ..., j

+ [ v

[ 1]]
For convenience, we drop the M subscript when we are dealing with a single machine except at the rst denition of each
We will now review this denition line by line:
(1) for all M and V , the pair (M, V ) is a viral set if and only if:
(2) V is a non-empty set of / sequences and M is a / and
For each virus v in V , For all histories of machine M,
For all times t and cells j
(3) If the tape head is in front of cell j at time t and
/ is in its initial state at time t and
the tape cells starting at j hold the virus v
(4) then there is a virus v

in V , a time t

> t, and place j such that

(5) 1) at place j

far enough away from v

(6) 2) the tape cells starting at j

hold virus v

(7) 3) and at some time t

between time t and time t

is written by M
For convenience of space, we will use the expression
to abbreviate part of the previous denition starting at line [2] where a, B, and C are specic instances of
v, M, and V respectively as follows:
[B[C[(B, C) 1]
[[C I

] and [M /] and [a C[a

Before continuing, we should note some of the features of this denition and their motivation. We
dene the predicate V over all Turing Machines. We have also stated our denition so that a given element
of a viral set may generate any number of other elements of that set depending on the rest of the tape.
This aords additional generality without undue complexity or restriction. Finally, we have no so called
conditional viruses in that EVERY element of a viral set must ALWAYS generate another element of that
set. If a conditional virus is desired, we may add conditionals that either cause or prevent a virus from
being executed as a function of the rest of the tape, without modifying this denition.
We may also say that V is a viral set w.r.t. M [(M, V ) 1] and dene the term virus w.r.t. M
as [v V ] : [(M, V ) 1].
We say that v evolves into v

for M [(M, V ) 1 and [v V ] and [v

V ] and [v

that v

is evolved from v for M v evolves into v

for M and that v

is an evolution of v for M
(M, V ) 1i ^V

[v V ] and [v

V ] and

]] and
l ^m ^
[[l < m] and [v
= v] and [v
= v

In other words, the transitive closure of
starting from v, contains v

B.1 Basic Theorems
At this point, we are ready to begin proving various properties of viral sets. Our most basic theorem states
that any union of viral sets is also a viral set:
Theorem 1:

[V U

(M, V ) 1] [(M,

) 1]
Dene U =


by denition of

1) [v U[V U

: v V ]]
2) [V U

[v V [v U]]]
Also by denition,
[(M, U) 1]
[[V I

] and [M /] and [v U[v

by assumption,

v V [v
V ]
thus since v UV U

V ]
and [V U

[V U]]
[v U[V U[v
V ]]]
hence [v U[v
thus by denition, (M, U) 1
Knowing this, we prove that there is a largest viral set with respect to any machine, that set being
the union of all viral sets w.r.t. that machine.
Lemma 1.1:
[M /[[V [(M, V ) 1]]
[U (i) [(M, U) 1] and (ii) [V [[(M, V ) 1]
[v V [v U]]]]]]]
We call U the largest viral set (LVS) w.r.t. M, and dene (M, U) LVS [i and ii]
assume [V [(M, V ) 1]]
choose U =

V : [(M, V ) 1]
now prove i and ii
Proof of i: (by Theorem 1)
(M, [

V : [(M, V ) 1]) 1
thus (M, U) 1
Proof of ii by contradiction:
assume ii) is false:
thus [V :
1) [(M, V ) 1] and
2) [v V : [v , U]]]
but [V : (M, V ) 1
[v V [v U]]] (denition of union)
thus [v , U] and [v U] (contradiction)
thus ii) is true
Having dened the largest viral set w.r.t. a machine, we would now like to dene a smallest viral set
as a viral set of which no proper subset is a viral set w.r.t. the given machine. There may be many such
sets for a given machine.
We dene SVS as follows:
[M[V [(M, V ) SVS ]
1) [(M, V ) 1] and
2) [,U : [U V ] and [(M, U) 1]]]] (proper subset)
We now prove that there is a machine for which the SVS is a singleton set, and that the minimal viral
set is therefore singleton.
Theorem 2:
i) [(M, V ) SVS ] and
ii) [[V [ = 1]
Proof: by demonstration
M : S = s
, s
, I = 0, 1,
, 0 s
0 0
, 1 s
1 +1
, 0 s
1 0
, 1 s
1 +1
[(1)[ = 1 (by denition of the operator)
[(M, (1)) SVS ]
1) [(M, (1)) 1] and
2) [(M, ) , 1]
(M, ) , 1 (by denition since , I

as can be veried by the reader:

= t + 2, t

= t + 1, j

= j + 1)
thus (M, (1)) 1
With the knowledge that the above sequence is a singleton viral set and that it duplicates itself, we
suspect that any sequence which duplicates itself is a virus w.r.t. the machine on which it is self duplicating.
Lemma 2.1:
M /u I

u] [(M, u) 1]]
by substitution into the denition of viruses:
M /u
[[(M, u) 1]
[[u I

] and [u
since [[u I

] [u I

]] (denition of I

and by assumption, [u
[(M, u) 1]
The existence of a singleton SVS spurns interest in whether or not there are other sizes of SVSs. We
show that for any nite integer i, there is a machine such that there is a viral set with i elements. Thus,
SVSs come in all sizes. We prove this fact by demonstrating a machine that generates the (x[i) + 1th
element of a viral set from the xth element of that set. In order to guarantee that it is an SVS, we force
the machine to halt as soon as the next evolution is generated so that no other element of the viral set
is generated in the interim. Removing any subset of the viral set guarantees that some element of the
resulting set cannot be generated by another element of the set. If we remove all the elements from the
set, we have an empty set, which by denition is not a viral set.
Theorem 3:
i [^ + 1]M /V
1) [(M, V ) SVS] and
2) [[V [ = i]
Proof: By demonstration
M : S = s
, s
, ..., s
, I = 0, 1, ..., i, x 1, ..., i
SxI N O D Comment
, 0 s
0 0 ; if I=0, halt
, x s
x +1 ; if I=x, goto state x, move right
... ; other states generalized as:
, s
[x[i] + 1 0 ; write [xi]+1, halt
proof of i)
dene V = (1), (2), ..., (i)
[V [ = i (by denition of operator)
proof of ii)
[(M, V ) SVS]
1) [(M, V ) 1] and
2) [,U[[U V ] and [(M, U) 1]]]
proof of 1) (M, V ) 1

= t + 2, t

= t + 1, j

= j + 1)

= t + 2, t

= t + 1, j

= j + 1)

= t + 2, t

= t + 1, j

= j + 1)
and (1) V, ..., and (i) V
as can be veried by simulation
thus,[v V [v
V ]]
so (M, V ) 1
proof of 2) [,U[[U V ]and[(M, U) 1]]
given [t, j ^[v V
= v] and [
] and [P
= j]]
[[M halts at time t + 2] and
[v[i] + 1 is written at j + 1 at t + 1]]]
(as may be veried by simulation)
and [x 1, ..., i[(x) V ]] (by denition of V )
and [x 1, ..., i[x
[x[i] + 1]]
we conclude that:
[x[i] + 1 is the ONLY symbol written outside of (x)
thus [,x

,= [x[i] + 1[x

now [(x) V [([x[i] + 1) , V [(x) , V ]]]
assume [U V [(M, U) 1]]
[U = ] [(M, U) , 1] thus U ,=
by denition of proper subset
[U V ] [v V [v , U]]
but [v V [v , U]]


[i] + 1 = v]
and [v , U] and [,v

V [v


thus [,v U[v

V ]] and [v

thus [(M, U) , 1] which is a contradiction
Again, a demonstration of this / is provided in the appendices for independent verication of its
B.2 Abbreviated Table Theorems
We will now move into a series of proofs that demonstrate the existence of various types of viruses. In
order to simplify the presentation, we have adopted the technique of writing abbreviated tables in place
of complete state tables. The basic principal of the abbreviated table (or macro) is to allow a large set
of states, inputs, outputs, next states, and tape movements to be abbreviated in a single statement. We
do not wish to give the impression that these macros are anything but abbreviations, and thus we display
the means by which our abbreviations can be expanded into state tables. This technique is essentially the
same as that used by Turing in his original work, and we refer the reader to that manuscript for further
details on the use of abbreviated tables.
In order to make eective use of macros, we will use a convenient notation for describing large state
tables with a small number of symbols. When we dene states in these state tables, we will often refer to
a state as S
or S
to indicate that the actual state number is not of import, but rather that the given
macro can be used at any point in a larger table by simply substituting the actual state numbers for the
variable state numbers used in the denition of the macro. For inputs and outputs, where we do not wish
to enumerate all possible input and output combinations, we will use variables as well. In many cases, we
may describe entire ranges of values with a single variable. We will attempt to make these substitutions
clear as we describe the following set of macros.
The halt macro allows us to halt the machine in any given state S
. We use the * to indicate that
for any input the machine will do the rest of the specied function. The next state entry (N) is S
so that
the next state will always be S
. The output (O) is * which is intended to indicate that this state will
output to the tape whatever was input from the tape. The tape movement (D) is 0 to indicate the tape
cell in front of the tape head will not change. The reader may verify that this meets the conditions of a
halt state as dened earlier.
name S,I N O D Comment
halt S
, S
* 0 ;halt
The right till x macro describes a machine which increments the tape position (P(t)) until such
position is reached that the symbol x is in front of the tape head. At this point, it will cause the next state
to be the state after Sn so that it may be followed by other state table entries. Notice the use of else to
indicate that for all inputs other than x, the machine will output whatever was input (thus leaving the
tape unchanged) and move to the right one square.
name S,I N O D Comment
R(x) S
, x S
x 0 ;right till x
, else S
else +1
The left till x macro is just like the R(x) macro except that the tape is moved left (-1) rather than
right (+1).
name S,I N O D Comment
L(x) S
, x S
x 0 ;left till x
,else S
else -1
The change x to y until z macro moves from left to right over the tape until the symbol z is in front
of the tape head, replacing every occurrence of x with y, and leaving all other tape symbols as they were.
name S,I N O D Comment
C(x, y, z) S
, z S
z 0 ;change X to Y till Z
, x S
y +1
,else S
else +1
The copy from x till y to after z macro is a bit more complex than the previous macros because its
size depends on the number of input symbols for the machine under consideration. The basic principal is
to dene a set of states for each symbol of interest so that that set of states replaces the symbol of interest
with the left of tape marker, moves right until the current right of tape marker, replaces that marker
with the desired symbol, moves right one more, places the marker at the new right of tape, and then
moves left till the left of tape marker, replaces it with the original symbol, moves right one tape square,
and continues from there. The loop just described requires some initialization to arrange for the right of
tape marker and a test to detect the y on the tape and thus determine when to complete its operation.
At completion, the macro goes onto the state following the last state taken up by the macro, and it can
thus be used as the above macros.
name S,I N O D Comment
CPY(X,Y,Z) ;copy from X till Y to after Z
R(X) ;right till X
N 0 ;write N
R(Y) ;right till Y
R(Z) ;right till Z
Z +1 ;right one more
M 0 ;write M
L(N) ;left till N
X 0 ;replace the initial X
, Y S
Y +1 ;if Y, done
, S
N +1 ;else write N an
;goto sn+5 times the input
;symbol number
R(M) ;right till M
Y 0 ;copy completed
R(M) ;goto the M
Sk + 5 +2 * +1 ;write the copied symbol
Sk + 5 +3 M 0 ;write the trailing M
L(N) ;left till N
Sn + 8 * +1 ;rewrite * and go on
As a note, we should observe that for each of the above macros (except halt), the arguments must be
specied ahead of time, and if the tape is not in such a conguration that all of the required symbols are
present in their proper order, the macros may cause the machine to loop indenitely in the macro rather
than leaving upon completion.
We now show that there is a viral set which is the size of the natural numbers (countably innite), by
demonstrating a viral set of which each element generates an element with one additional symbol. Since,
given any element of the set, a new element is generated with every execution, and no previously generated
element is ever regenerated, we have a set generated in the same inductive manner as the natural numbers,
and there is thus a one to one mapping to the natural numbers from the generated set.
Theorem 4:
M /V I

1) [(M, V ) 1] and
2) [[V [ = [^[]
Proof by demonstration:
name S,I N O D Comment
M : S
, L S
L +1 ;start with L
,else S
X 0 ;or halt
, 0 C(0,X,R) ;change 0s to Xs till R
, R S
R +1 ;write R
L +1 ;write L
X 0 ;write X
L(R) ;move left till R
L(X or L) ;move left till X or L
, L S
L 0 ;if L goto s11
, X S
0 +1 ;if X replace with 0
R(X) ;move right till X
, X S
0 +1 ;change to 0, move right
X 0 ;write X and goto S5
R(X) ;move right till X
0 +1 ;add one 0
R 0 ;halt with R on tape
V = (L0R), (L00R), ..., (L0...0R), ...
proof of 1) (M, V ) 1
M /V [(M, V ) 1]
[[V I

] and [v V [v
V ]]]
by inspection, [V I

now (L0...0R)(L0...00R) V :
(may be veried by simulation)
thus (M, V ) 1
proof of 2) [V [ = [^[
V v
k n ,v
V : [v
= v
this is the same form as the denition of ^, hence [V [ = [^[
As a side issue, we show the same machine has a countably innite number of sequences that are not
viral sequences, thus proving that no nite state machine can be given to determine whether or not a given
(M, V ) pair is viral by simply enumerating all viruses (from Thm 4) or by simply enumerating all non
viruses (by Lem 4.1).
Lemma 4.1:
M /W I

1) [[W[ = [^[] and

2) w W ,W

W : [w

using M from Theorem 4, we choose
W = (X), (XX), ..., (X....X), ...
clearly [M /] and [W I

] and [[W[ = [^[]

since (from the state table)
[w W[w runs at time t] [w halts at time t]]

> t[P
,= P
thus w W ,W


It turns out that the above case is an example of a viral set that has no SVS. This is because no matter
how many elements of V are removed from the front of V , the set can always have another element removed
without making it nonviral.
We also wish to show that there are machines for which no sequences are viruses, and do this trivially
below by dening a machine which always halts without moving the tape head.
Lemma 4.2:
M / ,V I

[(M, V ) 1]
Proof by demonstration:
name S,I N O D
M: s
,all s
O 0
(trivially veried that t[Pt = P
We now show that for ANY nite sequence of tape symbols v, it is possible to construct a machine
for which that sequence is a virus. As a side issue, this particular machine is such that LVS=SVS, and
thus no sequence other than v is a virus w.r.t. this machine. We form this machine by generating a nite
recognizer that examines successive cells of the tape, and halts unless each cell in order is the appropriate
element of v. If each cell is appropriate we replicate v and subsequently halt.
Theorem 5:
v I

M /[(M, v) 1]
Proof by demonstration:
v = v
, v
, ..., v
where [k ^] and [v I
] (denition of TP)
name S,I N O D Comment
M : s
, v
+1 ;recognize 1st element of v
,else s
0 0 ;or halt
... ;etc till
, v
+1 ;recognize kth element of v
,else s
0 0 ;or halt
+1 ;output 1st element of v
... ;etc till
+0 ;output kth element of v
it is trivially veried that [v
and hence (by Lemma 2.1) [(M, v) 1]
With this knowledge, we can easily generate a machine which recognizes any of a nite number of nite
sequences and generates either a copy of that sequence (if we wish each to be an SVS), another element of
that set (if we wish to have a complex dependency between subsequent viruses), a given sequence in that
set (if we wish to have only one SVS), or each of the elements of that set in sequence (if we wish to have
We will again dene a set of macros to simplify our task. This time, our macros will be the recognize
macro, the generate macro, the if-then-else macro, and the pair macro.
The recognize macro simply recognizes a nite sequence and leaves the machine in one of two states
depending on the result of recognition. It leaves the tape at its initial point if the sequence is not recognized
so that successive recognize macros may be used to recognize any of a set of sequences starting at a given
place on the tape without additional diculties. It leaves the tape at the cell one past the end of the
sequence if recognition succeeds, so that another sequence can be added outside of the recognized sequence
without additional diculty.
S,I N O D Comment
;recognize(v) for v of size z
, v
+1 ;recognize 0th element
, s
* 0 ;or rewind 0
... ;etc till
, v
+1 ;recognize kth element
, s
* -1 ;or rewind tape
... ;etc till
, v
+1 ;recognize the last one
, S
+1 ;or rewind tape
, S
* -1 ;rewind tape one square
... ;for each of k states
;didnt recognize state
;did recognize state
The generate macro simply generates a given sequence starting at the current tape location:
generate(v) where v is of length k
The if-then-else macro consists of a recognize macro on a given sequence, and goes to a next state
corresponding to the initial state of the then result if the recognize macro succeeds, and to the next state
corresponding to the initial state of the else result if the recognize macro fails:
if (v) (then-state) else (else-state)
, else-state * 0
, then-state * 0
The pair macro simply appends one sequence of states to another, and thus forms a combination of
two sequences into a single sequence. The resulting state table is just the concatenation of the state tables:
pair(a, b)
We may now write the previous machine M as:
if (v) (pair(generate(v),halt)) else (halt)
We can also form a machine which recognizes any of a nite number of sequences and generates copies,
if (v
) (pair(generate(v
),halt)) else
if (v
) (pair(generate(v
),halt)) else
if (v
) (pair(generate(v
),halt)) else (halt)
a machine which generates the next virus in a nite ring of viruses from the previous virus,
if (v
) (pair(generate(v
),halt)) else
if (v
) (pair(generate(v
),halt)) else
if (v
) (pair(generate(v
),halt)) else (halt)
and a machine which generates any desired dependency.
if (v
) (pair(generate(v
),halt)) else
if (v
) (pair(generate(v
),halt)) else
if (v
) (pair(generate(v
),halt)) else (halt)
where v
, v
, ..., v
, ..., v

We now show a machine for which every sequence is a virus, as is shown in the following simple lemma.
Lemma 5.1:
M /v I

[[v V ] and [(M, V ) LV S]]
Proof by demonstration:
I = X, S = s

Name S,I N O D
M : s
, X s
X +1
trivially seen from state table:
time tP[ not M halts]
and n ^v I
(X)] and [(M, (X), v) LV S]]
hence [v I

[(M, v, (X)) 1]]

and by Theorem 1, [V [[v V ] and [(M, V ) LV S]]]
B.3 Computability Aspects of Viruses and Viral Detection
We can clearly generate a wide variety of viral sets, and the use of macros is quite helpful in pointing this
out. Rather than follow this line through the enumeration of any number of other examples of viral sets,
we would like to determine the power of viruses in a more general manner. In particular, we will explore
three issues.
The decidability issue addresses the question of whether or not we can write a TM program capable
of determining, in a nite time, whether or not a given sequence for a given M is a virus. The evolution
issue addresses the question of whether we can write a M program capable of determining, in a nite time,
whether or not a given sequence for a given M generates another given sequence for that machine. The
computability issue addresses the question of determining the class of sequences that can be evolved by
We now show that it is undecidable whether or not a given (M, V ) pair is a viral set. This is done by
reduction from the halting problem in the following manner. We take an arbitrary machine M

and tape
sequence V

, and generate a machine M and tape sequence V such that M copies V

from inside of V ,
simulates the execution of M

on V

, and if V

halts on M

, replicates V . Thus, V replicates itself if and

only if V

would halt on machine M

. We know that the halting problem is undecidable by Turings work,

that any program that replicates itself is a virus [Lemma 2.1], and thus that [(M, V ) 1] is undecidable.
Theorem 6:
[,D /s
M /V I

1) [D halts] and
2) [S
(t) = s
] [(M, V ) 1]]
Proof by reduction from the Halting Problem:
M /M

[L , I
] and [R , I

] and
[l , I
] and [r , I
] and
= S
] and [O
=r] and [D
= +1]]]
and [S
= S
] and [O
= I
] and [D
= 0]]
= S
] and [O
= I
] and [D
= 0]]]
We must take some care in dening the machine M

to assure that it CANNOT write a viral sequence,

and that it CANNOT overwrite the critical portion of V which will cause V to replicate if M

halts. Thus,
we restrict the simulated (M

, V

) pair by requiring that the symbols L, R, l, r not be used by them.

This restriction is without loss of generality, since we can systematically replace any occurrences of these
symbols in M

without changing the computation performed or its halting characteristics. We have again
taken special care to assure that (M

, V

) cannot interfere with the sequence V by restricting M

so that
in ANY state, if the symbol l is encountered, the state remains unchanged, and the tape moves right by
one square. This eectively simulates the semi-innite end of the tape, and forces M

to remain in an
area outside of V . Finally, we have restricted M

such that for all states such that M halts, M

goes to
state S
now by Turing:
,D /M


1) [D halts] and
2) [S
= s
] [(M

, V

) halts ]
We now construct (M, V ) :
[(M, V ) 1] [(M

, V

) Halts]
as follows:
Name S,I N O D Comment
M : s
, L S
L 0 ;if L then continue
, else S
X 0 ;else halt
CPY(l,r,R) ;Copy from l till r after R
L(L) ;left till L
R(R) ;right till R
l +1 ;move to start of (M,V)

;the program M goes here

L(L) ;move left till L
CPY(L,R,R) ;Copy from L till R after R
V = (L, l, v

, r, R)
Since the machine M requires the symbol L to be under the tape head in state s
in order for any
program to not halt immediately upon execution, and since we have restricted the simulation of M

to not
allow the symbol L to be written or contained in v

, M

CANNOT generate a virus.

t ^S
[[I ,= L] and [O =L]]]
This restricts the ability to generate members of 1 such that V only produces symbols containing the
symbol L in state s
and s
, and thus these are the ONLY states in which replication can take place.
Since s
can only write L if it is already present, it cannot be used to write a virus that was not previously
t ^s(s
s s
[not [M

halts at time t]] and [P

not within V ]
If the execution of M

on V

never halts, then s

is never reached, and thus (M, V ) can not be a
[Z I

: Z
,= L]
[M run on Z at time t] [M halts at time t + 1]

, V

) Halts ]
[,t ^ :
= s
thus [not (M

, V

) Halts] [(M, V ) , 1]
Since s
replicates v after the nal R in v, M

halts V is a viral set w.r.t. M.

[t ^ :
= s
] [v V [v
V ]]
and from Lemma 2.1
[v V v
V ] [(M, V ) 1]
thus [(M, V ) 1] [(M

, V

) Halts]
and by Turing
,D /M


1) [D halts] and
2) [S
= s
] [(M

, V

) halts]
thus ,D /M /V I

1) [D halts] and
2) [S
= s
] [(M, V ) 1]
We now answer the question of viral evolution quite easily by changing the above example so that it
replicates (state 0) before running V

on M

, and generates v


, V

) halts. The initial self replication

forces [(M, V ) 1], while the generation of v


, V

) halts, makes the question of whether v

be evolved from v undecidable. v

can be any desired sequence a, and if it is a virus and not v, it is an

evolution of v (M

, V

) halts. As an example, v

could be v with a slightly dierent sequence V

place of V

Lemma 6.1:
,D /(M, V ) 1v V v

1) [D halts] and
2) [S
= s
] [v

sketch of proof by demonstration:
modify machine M above:
Name S,I N O D Comment
M : s
, L S

L 0 ;if L then continue
,else S
X 0 ;else halt

CPY(L,R,R) ;replicate initial virus

L(L) ;return to replicated L
CPY(l,r,R) ;Copy from l till r after R
L(L) ;left till L
R(r) ;right till R
r +1 ;move to start of (M,V)
M ;the program M goes here
L(L) ;move left till L
R(R) ;move right till R
R +1 ;get into available space
generate(v) ;and generate v
assume [v

is a virus w.r.t. M]
since [s
is reached] [(M

, V

) halts]
thus [v

is generated] [(M

, V

) halts]
We are now ready to determine just how powerful viral evolution is as a means of computation. Since we
have shown that an arbitrary machine can be embedded within a virus (Theorem 6), we will now choose
a particular class of machines to embed to get a class of viruses with the property that the successive
members of the viral set generated from any particular member of the set, contain subsequences which are
(in Turings notation) the of successive iterations of the Universal Computing Machine. The successive
members are called evolutions of the previous members, and thus any number that can be computed
by a /, can be evolved by a virus. We therefore conclude that viruses are at least as powerful a
class of computing machines as /s, and that there is a Universal Viral Machine which can evolve any
computable number.
Theorem 7:

/(M, V ) 1i ^
x 0, 1
[x H
v V v

[[v evolves into v

] and [x v

Proof by demonstration:
by Turing:

/ UTM / D.N I

i ^x 0, 1
[x H
Using the original description of the Universal Computing Machine, we modify the UTM so that each
successive iteration of the UTM interpretation of an D.N is done with a new copy of the D.N which is
created by replicating the modied version resulting from the previous iteration into an area of the tape
beyond that used by the previous iteration. We will not write down the entire description of the UTM,
but rather just the relevant portions.
S,I N O D Comments
b: f(b1,b1,::) ;initial states of UTM print out
b1: R,R,P:,R,R,PD,R,R,PA anf ;:DA on the f-squares after ::
anf: ;this is where UTM loops
... ;the interpretation states follow
ov: anf ;and the machine loops back to anf
We modify the machine as in the case of Theorem 6 except that we replace:
ov: anf ;goto anf
with: ov: g(ov,r) ;write an r

: L(L) ;go left till L


: CPY(L,R,R) ;replicate virus


: L(L) ;left till start of the evolution


: R(r) ;right till marked r


: anf ;goto anf

and S
= R

[move right 1, write R, move left 1, continue as before]
The modication of the anf state breaks the normal interpretation loop of the UTM, and replaces
it with a replication into which we then position the tape head so that upon return to anf the machine
will operate as before over a dierent portion of the tape. The second modication assures that from any
state that reaches the right end of the virus R, the R will be moved right one tape square, the tape
will be repositioned as it was before this movement, and the operation will proceed as before. Thus, tape
expansion does not eliminate the right side marker of the virus. We now specify a class of viruses as
(L,D.N,R) and M as:
S,I N O D Comments
, L s
L +1 ;start with L
,else s
else 0 ;or halt
... ;states from modied UTM
Appendix C
Models of Practical Virus Defenses
This appendix details why and in what manner integrity shells are optimal in their defense against computer
viruses. It is extracted from a journal article of a similar name cited in the bibliography.
C.1 A Trusted System Example
In the present context, we dene the term trusted system as a system that can be trusted to accurately
implement algorithms we describe herein regardless of other factors in the environment. An untrusted
system is dened as any system that is not a trusted system. In a trusted system, we may model change
control using the following mechanism.
:=P, d
A set of programs P = p
, p
, ..., p
, n 1 (1.1)
A dependency relation d P P (1.2)
The relation d describes the dependency of programs on each other. This is closely related to the ow
relation discussed earlier, but diers in that general purpose functionality is not assumed, and the ability
to modify another domain is not required. Only the ability to cause another program to result in a dierent
state or output is required in order to have a dependency relation.
If we could truly enforce this policy, it would appear to be a solid defense against unauthorized
cause/eect relationships, but it still fails to capture the intent of the user regarding the times at which
dependencies are to be exercised and what specic dependencies are intended. The requirement to specify
d also places an increased burden on the user, while only providing limited protection. By way of example,
in a general purpose system, an authorized program p
, p
P, (p
, p
) d (read p
depends on p
could cause p
to implant a virus at any time. Similarly, p
could cause any p
to implant a virus where:
, p
P, (p
, p
) d
In essence, we have implemented a pre-ordering by using the trusted system this way since:
, p
, p
and p
and p
= p
but NOT necessarily p
Another side eect is that for every new program, we must specify d, and as our intent changes, so
must d. The ability to modify d must be limited so that a program in P cannot modify the structure of
the relation in order to perform other modications, and the inconvenience increases.
C.2 An Alternative to Dependency Relations
An alternative method for allowing user intent to be captured in the operation of such a system is the use
of a modied command interpreter that requires explicit authorization for changes. This allows us to have
an implied dependency relation that changes with time and is quite specic to the users intent at a given
:= P, T, A, M
A set of programs P = p
, p
, ..., p
, n 1 (2.1)
A set of modication times T = t
, t
, ..., t
where t
T, t
is the last
modication time of program p
A set of authorized modication times A = a
, a
, ..., a
A set of moves M = m
, m
, m
, m
Operating System:
1 get a program p
to be interpreted (2.5)
2 if t
= a
, interpret p
; goto 1 (2.6)
3 ask user for a move m and act as described below: (2.7)
m = m
goto 1
m = m
interpret p
; goto 1
m = m
set a
= t
; interpret p
; goto 1
m = m
restore p
from time a
; set t
= a
interpret p
; goto 1
In S
, we have a set of authorized and actual modication times that are compared to determine
whether modications to a program pi have been authorized, as a condition on interpreting p
. In the case
where modications are authorized, pi is interpreted without interruption. Unauthorized modications are
treated in one of 4 ways as specied by the user:
1 - p
is not interpreted
2 - p
is interpreted as is but not permanently authorized
3 - p
is permanently authorized and then interpreted
4 - p
is replaced with an authorized version, then interpreted
The four moves above are examples of how a situation of change might be handled. In the rst option,
we simply refuse to run the changed program, and presumably investigate further at a later time. In the
second option, we run the program for now, knowing it might be untrustworthy. We dont decide to trust
the change, and thus continue to generate warnings. In the third option, we decide to accept the change
as desirable now and for ever. In the fourth option, we restore an old and trusted version of the program
from backups and abandon the change.
This method has the advantage that it does not prohibit modications to programs, but merely forces
the user to decide whether or not to trust these modications before applying them. There is a drawback
in that a trusted channel is needed between the user and the TCB in order for S
to reliably get m from
the user. In a trusted computing base, we could allow the user to selectively authorize modications before
they occur. We could not be guaranteed that the modications are those desired or expected.
A dierent attack scenario is an attack that corrupts only information that has been changed very
recently. In this scenario, we cannot dierentiate legitimate from illegitimate modication because of their
proximity in time. We still suer from the possibility of an authorized modication not matching our
The basic problem of being unable to verify that a change is desirable appears to be unsolvable. We
may even be willing to verify every state change a system makes. This activity would make the use of a
system unbearable unless we could automate the process, but then we would be faced with the problem
of verifying the automated checking process as it veries the system. In the end, we cannot perfect this
checking process unless we are able to discern between correct and incorrect inputs to the system. Any
time there is a choice to be made, if we can fully cover corruption in the making of the choice, there is no
choice left to make, and thus the choice is unnecessary.
C.3 Implementations for Untrusted Systems
If we attempt to implement the above techniques in an untrusted computing base, we meet with several
problems. In S
, we used d to specify the programs that aect each program, but in an untrusted system,
there is no way to enforce the d relation. In S
we require a method for maintaining two sets of modication
times and comparing them at interpretation time. Again, we cannot provide this service with impunity in
an untrusted system.
In previous papers, we have partially solved this problem through the use of a cryptographic checksum.
This allows the complexity of illicit modication to be driven up so that we can provide any desired degree
of assurance against undetected or unauthorized modication. With the use of the cryptographic checksum
to identify change, we can implement a command interpreter similar to the one of S
above. This has been
partially implemented by several authors and described in. A mathematical description of the technique
:= P, K, S, C : P K S, M, V, k
A set of programs P = p
, p
, ..., p
, n 1 (3.1)
A set of keys K = k
, k
, ..., k
, m 1 (3.2)
A set of checksums S = s
, ..., s
, o 1 (3.3)
A transform C : P K S (3.4)
A set of moves M = m
, m
, m
, m
A set of values V = v
, ..., v
, (3.6)
V, s
S : v
= s
Each user has a secret key k K (3.7)
At a set of times T = t
, t
, ..., t
, we generate initial values
V = v
, v
, ..., v
P, where
V, v
= C(p
, k) at time t
. (3.8)
Dene t
: t
T, t
> t
Operating System:
1 get a program p
to be interpreted (time=t
) (3.10)
2 if C(p
, k) = v
, interpret p
; goto 1 (3.11)
3 ask user for a move m and act as described below:
m = m
goto 1 (3.12)
m = m
interpret p
; goto 1
m = m
set v
= C(p
, k); interpret p
; goto 1
m = m
restore p
to where C(p
, k) = v
;interpret p
; goto 1
Just as in the previous example, this method permits 4 options which allow the user to accept or
reject a change before using the results of that change. The only dierence is the use of a cryptographic
checksum to enforce the change control mechanism and the need for a trusted channel between the user
and the computer in order to assure that a Trojan horse does not intercept k.
The overhead for a typical program is about 1 second on an IBM PC with a high speed disk drive
running the DOS operating system. On a lightly loaded PC-AT runing Xenix, the delay is under 1
second, and similar delays have been found on 3b2s and Harris 8000s. Sample implementations have been
demonstrated in the Bourn shell, the C-shell, a modied C-shell for IBM PCs running DOS, The standard
DOS command interpreter, and the Korn shell. Similar results are expected on most other computers and
command interpreters.
C.4 The Optimality of S
and S
We now show that S
is optimal in the following sense. We cannot prevent primary infection (i.e. the
infection of p
by some p
where C(p
, k) = v
) without eliminating sharing or programming. We therefore
dene optimality as maximizing the prevention of secondary infection (i.e. the infection of p
by some p
where C(p
, k) ,= v
), and minimizing the time spent in overhead for this prevention. We assume that only
one program runs at a time in S
, that C is ample for making forgery of a v
S infeasible, and that only
the operating system can interpret a program.
We note rst that S
prevents all secondary infection except in the case where C(p

, k) = C(p
, k), a
successful forgery of a checksum. This is because p

: C(p

, k) ,= C(p
, k), C(p

, k) ,= v
, and thus from
(3.11) p

is not interpreted unless the change resulting in C(p

, k) ,= v
is authorized by the user.
Since at any time, t
: t
< t
< t
there is another time t
: t
< t
< t
, checking C(p
, k) at time t
does not detect a change at time t
Since there is no possibility of interpreting p
before time t
, there is no possibility of infection of any
by p
before t
. Thus a check of p
at time t
does not detect infection at time t
, which is required in
order to meet our rst condition of optimality, and furthermore requires extra time, which fails to meet
our second condition of optimality.
If S
does one thing at a time, there is no program p
that can be interpreted between time t
and the
interpretation of p
, and thus there is no later time than t
to perform the checksum and still meet the
condition of preventing all secondary infections. Hence, t
is the optimal time to perform C(p
, k). Since
our system performs C(p
, k) at time t
, it is in fact optimal by our criteria.
varies from S
in only one important way, it neednt depend on the quality of C for its proper
operation. Thus all of the other facts presented in this section apply equally well to S
, and S
is therefore
optimal in the same sense as S
C.5 The Role of the Environment in Viral Protection
A major problem with the previous discussion is that it ignores the role of the environment in the propa-
gation of computer viruses. For example, the use of the word program may be quite misleading in the
above discussion. In eect, information only has meaning in that it is interpreted. Since we cannot know
a-priori which information is treated as program in any given environment, we cannot know what behavior
is questionable.
We often cite the basic programming language to show that information treated as data by the editor
is treated as program by the basic language interpreter. Similarly, in compiled systems, the source code
is treated as data by the editor, while it is translated into program by the compiler. Even a document
formatter treats its data as program, and in fact several document formatters are general purpose enough
to allow the implementation of a virus. It is therefore completely inadequate to provide methods which
operate only in the environment of the command interpreter. In eect, this only covers a very small subset
of the information residing in a system.
One option is to model the dependencies of programs on each other to allow the checking of all relevant
information for integrity before interpreting a given program. We can perform such checks if we know
the dependency of programs on each other, either by explicit proclamation by the user or by learning the
dependencies through experience. We model the dependency relation d as follows:
:= S
+D, d : PxP D
D = true,false
A dependency relation d : (PxP D) (4.1)
Operating System:
1 Same as (2.5)
2 if t
= a
, if check(i) then [interpret p
; goto 1] (4.2)
else goto 1
3 Same as (2.7)
Where check(x) is a recursive function of the form:
if t
,= a
then FALSE,
else p
P : (p
, p
) d, [remove (p
, p
) from d]
if d is empty, return TRUE
if (p
P : (p
, p
) d, [check(j),= FALSE])
then TRUE
else FALSE

The dependency relation is applied transitively in the check function to verify the transitive closure
of all programs that p
depends on, and thus all programs that can aect the integrity of results yielded
by p
. This relation can produce an innite regress if not properly implemented since there can be cyclic
interdependencies between programs. The resulting dependency structure is therefore a transitive binary
relation as follows:
, p
, p
and p
d P P (binary relation)
A special case of this structure is the case where:
, p
P : (p
) (p
since this guarantees that p : (p
dp) is nite and degenerate. Such a dependency graph is a pre-ordering
which guarantees that we can search the entire structure without loops and resolve all dependencies in a
straight forward manner in nite time. It also allows us to use many of the results from previous works,
but does not imply that all programs must have Turing capability.
Using the ow relation f, we know that:
if [(p
) and (p
)] and [(p
) (p
then p
is not general purpose!
This result states that if we are in a pre-ordering structure and not a POset, and if multiple programs
coexist in a single domain, then those programs are not general purpose. Put another way, if we wish to
enforce a pre-ordering without enforcing a POset, we must use programs without Turing capability or put
each program in a private domain.
In the case of limited functionality programs, we can only use information in limited ways. The tradi-
tional concept of data is actually a function of the environment in which the information is interpreted,
not a function of the data itself. When addressing the issue of program dependencies, we are therefore
exploring properties of programs regardless of the information they operate on. Conversely, if we wish to
protect data les from corruption, we must do so by limiting the environments in which they are inter-
preted. We unify this perspective by treating all information as program, and limiting the dependencies
of programs on each other.
This unication leads to a methodology wherein data les are treated as programs with the association
between data les and programs that are intended to interpret them maintained by the operating system.
This type of user interface has been provided in the Apple MacIntosh environment wherein the invocation
of a document is actually treated as the invocation of a document processing program on the specied
data le. We have prototyped a generalization of this technique for PCs wherein a sequence of programs
are oered in order to evaluate a given program, with the user deciding which is appropriate to the desired
use. We model this system as follows:
:= S
+A, a : P P A
A = true,false
An association relation a : (P P A) (5.1)
Operating System:
1 Same as (2.5)
2 if t
= a
, if check(i) then [interpret(p
); goto 1] else goto 1 (5.2)
3 Same as (2.7)
where check(x) is dened as in S
and interpret(x) is dened as p P, (xap) and user permission
interpret p using x as input.
Three more potential improvements to this system are; ordering the association relation so that the
most likely associations are tried rst, allowing the user to authenticate changes immediately after they
occur so that the window in which a subsequent modication can happen is reduced nearly to vacuous, and
checking critical portions of the system upon reentry into the operating system so that any corruptions of
the operating system itself will be detected immediately.
C.6 Practical Limits of these Techniques
In the proposed system, we are placing somewhat of a burden on the user to provide accurate information
about the changes in a system with time and the dependency of programs on each other. In such a
situation, we can naturally expect to have some failures, if only in the inability of the human operator to
make correct decisions all of the time. Furthermore, as we require more of the user, the system becomes
less usable and less reliable. Fortunately, the system is quite resilient in that (N)ary infections are detected
before (N+1)ary infections can take place. As the system becomes more and more corrupt, the user must
make more and more questionable decisions to keep the system operating, until nally, the system becomes
so corrupt that useful operation may become nearly impossible.
Analyzing the dependencies of programs on each other may take a good deal of time if the cryptographic
checksum is to be strong. If done on-line, it may create a severe performance bottleneck to usability. In S
this is not a problem. In a trusted system, S
has almost no performance eects while providing excellent
protection, even if we check all of the dependencies of S
Another major problem on untrusted systems is that an attacker could simulate the entire system,
always returning the results that should be returned, but actually storing dierent information. When
damage is triggered, everything might cease to function with no prior warning. It is for this reason that we
must have some trusted hardware and a secure channel in order to have high integrity in a general purpose
trusted system.
A dierent attack that has been suggested is the use of a program that simulates the defense, acting
as the defense would in all events except in detecting the corruptions that it spreads. Even as behavior
begins to change, we may suspect that there is something wrong, but the checking mechanism will still
claim that everything is as it should be. This is a quite complex problem to solve because the substitute
system must produce all of the positive alarms and fail to produce the non-alarms of the system it replaces.
Individualized built-in keys for each copy of the program generated could make this more complex, as could
the use of evolution in the design of the defense. Although these could drive the complexity of attack higher
and higher, it would still be possible to launch such an attack.
A third attack which is similar to the simulation situation is the replacement of the normal operating
system with a substitute that acts just as the original operating system acts except in the case of a
particular form of corruption. An example would be encrypting all on-line les, decrypting them for use.
In this case, the attack may have to modify the current version of the operating system in memory to
assure that when reading the encrypted operating system from disk, it returns the original. If the defense
checks for changes in the memory used by the operating system, this attack becomes still more complex
in that the integrity checker must be corrupted as in the second attack listed above. Again we can drive
the complexity up, but can never make attack impossible.
As we see, the price for successful attack can be made quite high, but in an untrusted system we are
eternally in a struggle between attack and defense. The issue at hand then is what price we are willing to
pay for what degree of assurance.
Appendix D
Some Sample Forms of Program
We will consider two programs equivalent if, given identical input sequences, they produce identical output
sequences. The equivalence of two programs is undecidable as is the determination of whether one program
can evolve from another. This result would seem to indicate that evolution has the potential for increasing
complexity of analysis, and thus diculty of attack. In a practical operating system design, we may
also have very stringent requirements on the space and time used by the protection mechanism, and
certain instruction sequences may be highly undesirable because they impact some other aspect of system
operation or are incompatible across some similar machines. For this reason, we may not be able to reach
the levels of complexity required to eliminate concerted human attack, but we may succeed in increasing
the complexity of automated attacks to a level where the time required for attack is sucient to have
noticeable performance impacts, even to a level where no attacker is able to design a strong enough attack
to defeat more than a small number of evolutions.
We know that evolution is as general as Turing machine computation, and that an exhaustive set of
equivalent programs is easily described mathematically (i.e. the denition of equivalence), but this is not
particularly helpful in terms of designing practical evolutionary schemes. We now describe a number of
practical techniques we have explored for program evolution and some results regarding the space, time,
and complexity issues introduced by these techniques.
D.1 Instruction Equivalence
In some computers, several machine instructions are equivalent. For example, there are several equivalent
on the Intel 808x series of processors. An evolution can be attained by replacing applicable
op-codes with equivalent op-codes. Assuming that 1 of every k instructions can be replaced by any of
e dierent instruction codes in this way, we can produce e programs for every k instructions, or (n/k)
equivalent n-instruction programs.
Instruction equivalence, at least in the 808x family of computers has no impact on time or space, since
equivalent forms of the same instructions operate identically. The eort required to make these transfor-
mations is minimal, and their impact on a serious attacker is relatively insignicant because detecting any
i.e. operation code - the portion of the instruction used to determine which machine operation is to be performed
of a set of op-codes is nearly as simple as detecting any particular element of the set. (i.e. at most a linear
number of steps)
D.2 Equivalent Instruction Sequences
A very similar procedure involves replacing instruction sequences with equivalent sequences. For example,
a sequence that adds 17 to a memory location can be replaced by instructions that add 20 and subtract
3, or any other combination of operations that yield the same result. This produces a potentially innite
number of equivalent programs. Another way to get equivalent sequences is by performing operations using
dierent register modes, and saving and restoring registers respectively before and after executions.
The number of evolutions is potentially innite in this technique, but it may also increase time and
space. If we wish to use only the space equivalent replacements, we may be severely limited, while some
evolutions may exchange time with space so as to make the resulting program either faster or slower.
In terms of attack, this process can greatly complicate things. For example, a test for 0 or 1 can
be replaced by a large number of equivalent decision procedures. Several equivalent decision procedures
if x = 0 goto A goto x 5 +. + 1
. . . . + 1: . . .
A: . . . . + 6: . . .
goto x +. + 1 y = (x + 17) 35
. + 1: goto A if x (35 17) goto A
. + 2: . . . . . .
A: . . . A: . . .
Clearly, we can derive enormous numbers of variations on this theme with little trouble. An attacker
trying to determine what is being done in these code fragments has several problems. One problem is
that any number of values may appear possible in x, even though, based on the original design, we may
know that only the two values 0 and 1 are actually used. For other values, very strange behavior may
result. Another problem is that as designers, we can control the entry points to these routines, whereas
the attacker may not know all of them or understand what we knew as designers about the machine status
at those entry points. By cascading these types of replacements, we can create enormous numbers of
possible program executions, even though very small subsets are ever exercised due to external constraints
on calling values. The complexity of attack may be dramatically increased while the diculty of creating
these evolutions is minimal.
Care must be taken in implementing evolutions of this sort at a low level because of the diculty
in identifying and maintaining instruction boundaries and entry points. In higher level languages, the
problem is far less severe.
D.3 Instruction Reordering
Many instruction sequences can be reordered without altering program execution. In general, any linearly
executed instruction subsequences that alter independent portions of the program state and output fall
under this category. For example, assigning independent values to independent memory locations can
normally be reordered. In parallel processing, it has been shown that programs produce a POset of
dependencies, and programs for automatically analyzing these dependencies have been written to exploit
this property in parallel processing applications. The number of reorderings is limited by the number
of equivalent paths through the program, and the number of paths can be enormous. For example, a
typical operating system call involves setting a series of values and making the call. In the setting of these
parameters, order is rarely important, and we typically set two or three values, which means that each
operating system call might be reordered into any of 6 dierent forms, not including any reordering of the
calculations used for setting the parameters. In calls using arguments placed on the stack, we can similarly
reorder the sequence of stack pushes and pops, again producing n! orderings for n dierent arguments.
Here is a simple example with 3 statements in all 6 orderings:
a=a+1; a=a+1; j=j+12;
b=b*3+c; j=j+12; a=a+1;
j=j+12; b=b*3+c; b=b*3+c;
b=b*3+c; b=b*3+c; j=j+12;
j=j+12; a=a+1; b=b*3+c;
a=a+1; j=j+12; a=a+1;
Reordering of instructions generally requires no additional time or space while providing n! dierent
variants, but this may not drive up the complexity of attack in cases where specic instructions are being
sought for bypass. For example, the multiplication can be easily found in all six.
D.4 Variable Substitutions
In high level languages, we may use variable substitutions to alter program appearance, but this has little
eect on lower level programs unless compilers produce resorted symbol tables. At lower levels, we may
easily alter the locations of memory storage areas. By moving variables, we prevent static examination
and analysis of parameters and alter memory locations throughout a program without aecting program
execution. Here is an example of the impact of variable substitutions at the low level, where we have given
numerical values to all instructions and labeled memory locations:
1: 2705 ;jump to 5 1: 2705 ;jump to 5
2: 0 ;loc of A 2: 1701 ;loc of B
3: 1701 ;loc of B 3: 2103 ;loc of C
4: 2103 ;loc of C 4: 0 ;loc of A
5: 1002 ;A=A+1 5: 1004 ;A=A+1
6: 2003 ;B=B-1 6: 2002 ;B=B-1
7: 2103 ;shift B left 7: 2102 ;shift B left
8: 1734 ;xor C with B 8: 1723 ;xor C with B
9: 4306 ;B=0?goto 6 9: 4206 ;B=0?goto 6
10: 0 ;halt CPU 10: 0 ;halt CPU
To see this eect more plainly, we now show only the values of memory locations and leave out the
1: 2705 2705
2: 0 1701
3: 1701 2103
4: 2103 0
5: 1002 1004
6: 2003 2002
7: 2103 2102
8: 1734 1723
9: 4306 4206
10: 0 0
In general, we can place each variable at any program location not yet used by another conicting
variable. This yields n!v dierent congurations for v variables in n program locations. In practice,
variables are commonly kept in specic areas, stacks require allocatable areas, and other restraints on
memory locations are common. By altering this practice and placing variables pseudo-randomly throughout
the program, we may cause a great deal of diusion. This is easily done by a compiler.
D.5 Adding and Removing Jumps
Many program sequences can be modied by placing a series of jump instructions where previous instruc-
tion sequences were located, relocating the previous instructions, and jumping back after sequences are
completed. This produces arbitrary reordering of instructions, and at least n! unique sequences for an
n-instruction original sequence. Here is a simple example:
A: I
A: Jump A
B: I
B: Jump B
C: I
C: Jump C
D: I
D: Jump D
E: I
E: Jump E
F: . . . F: . . .
B: I
;Jump C
E: I
;Jump F
C: I
;Jump D
A: I
;Jump B
D: I
;Jump E
We can similarly remove existing jump instructions and reorder programs, so long as no other part of
the program transfers control into those sequences. Even in those cases, we can sometimes alter the jumps
into the reordered sequences.
The addition of jump instructions increases space and time approximately linearly with the number of
jumps inserted, while their removal increases performance and decreases space. This does not alter the
form of specic instructions being sought, but it does a good job of obscuring program sequences.
One major problem with this technique is that dierent instructions take dierent amounts of space on
some processors. This makes incoming jump instructions error prone unless the evolution process is done
very carefully. At the source code level, the technique is quite simple, and thus it is particularly useful
when we can reassemble or recompile code.
By designing programs with jump tables or other similar structures, we may easily combine reordering
of instructions and instruction sequences with altered jump tables to evolve programs in this way. A similar
technique has been used by some software developers to make tracking of corporate licensees easier. When
a particular evolved version is found, the corporation that released it can be easily identied.
D.6 Adding and Removing Calls
Programs that use subroutine calls and other similar processes can be modied to replace the call and
return sequences with in-line code or altered forms of call and return sequences. Similarly, any sequence of
in-line code can be replaced by subroutine calls and returns. Assuming that any single instruction can be
placed in or removed from a subroutine and that there are k dierent subroutine call and return sequences,
an n-instruction program results in n
dierent evolutions. The time and space alterations are similar to
those for inserting and removing jump instructions except that calls take more instructions to implement
and may impact the stack and other processor information. Here is a simple example of call modication:
goto Start; goto Start;
f(a): return(2*a); o(): z=z+3;
pr(a): wait-for-printer(); return(0);
print(a); Start: x=3;
return(0); y=2*x;
Start: x=3; o();
y=f(x); x=z+y/2;
z=z+3; wait-for-printer();
x=z+y/2; print(x);
pr(x); halt;
Another important aspect of call insertion and removal is that it obscures high level design structure,
and thus makes tracking similar operations more complex. Analysis of structure has been used by in-
structors in computer science courses to detect cheating, and this technique would likely invalidate those
methods for use in automatic detection of program similarity.
As in the case of jump insertion and removal, it is far easier to perform call insertion and removal with
knowledge of program structure.
D.7 Garbage Insertion
Any sequence of instructions that are independent of the in-line sequence can be inserted into the sequence
without altering the eective program execution. Every instruction can have an arbitrary number of
garbage instructions inserted, so there is no limit to the number of equivalent programs we can generate.
Each added instruction increases both time and space, but is valuable for fooling programs that look for
specic instruction sequences. For example, an attack that looks for IO calls to the operating system could
be fooled by inserting spurious calls, thus forcing the successful attacker to examine more and more of the
parameters used in the defense, and possibly increasing the time required for an attack to an intolerable
level. As an example, we oer the following listing:
Start: a=21; b=-19;
for d=b to 98 step 7 do
In this listing, we will now claim that the actual operation being performed is OScall(21,4,2), and that
the other OScall invocations have invalid parameters, and thus return failures. The assignment of a is
unrelated to this call, as is the repeated addition of d to c. In fact, the whole loop is unneeded, but this
insertion of instructions is used to complicate the process of analysis.
By making spurious calls and using their results, we may greatly complicate analysis. For example, we
could optionally call one of n dierent equivalent routines to make a decision, thus forcing multiple unique
but equivalent paths through the program and making complete analysis far more complex. Again, the
insertion creates confusion and diusion. There is no limit to the amount of garbage we can insert, and
a very broad range of relative ratios of garbage and program are available. The total number of dierent
programs possible through garbage insertion is limited from above by the total number of free bits available
for program space, which is limited only by available memory for program storage, and is clearly enormous.
D.8 Program Encodings
Any sequence of symbols in a program can be replaced by any other sequence of symbols, provided there is
a method for undoing that replacement for the purpose of interpretation. For example, a trivial exclusive-
or (i.e. XOR) with a set of randomly selected bits stored in memory produces a random set of instructions,
which can be recovered by performing another XOR with the same set of bits. Two common sorts of encod-
ing schemes are compression and encryption. In compression, we nd a coding that removes redundancy
from the instruction sequence, and replace the original with its compressed form. In encryption, we nd an
encoding designed to obscure the content of a sequence. The decoding process reverses the encoding prior
to execution. The number of encodings of a sequence are equivalent to the number of dierent sequences,
or 2
encodings for an n-bit sequence. A very good example of using encoding in an attack was given
earlier, and this technique might also work well in defense.
The performance of coding schemes varies dramatically, and in the case where they must be decoded
during operation, this can produce substantial time and space impacts. Furthermore, and attacker could
wait till decoding is completed before bypassing protection unless the coding scheme varies as well as the
things being encoded.
Encoding is strong against attacks involving examination of code, but if the decoded form is identical
in all cases, it may be simple to nd a way to alter the program after decoding or to observe the decoding
key as it is entered or stored. Thus the use of coding alone is not sucient for defending against serious
attacks, even though it may help prevent the detection of a particular version by examination, as in the
case of evading a virus scanner.
D.9 Simulation
Any sequence of instructions can be replaced by an equivalent sequence for a dierent processor, and that
processor can be simulated by an interpretation mechanism. For example, we can invert all of the bits of
a program, and simulate a bit-wise inverted version of the original processor. Any coding scheme can be
used for this purpose, including a scheme that varies the code with the location. Again, there are at least
dierent encodings for an n-bit instruction sequence.
In the case of simulation, we may have signicant advantages in that the attacker must understand the
simulation system as well as the machine language being used, or somehow detect the desired part of the
code at run time. Unfortunately, simulation requires substantial time and space, and can only be used in
circumstances where time and space are non-critical.
Here is a partial example of two evolutions of a simulator, where the case statement is used by the
simulator to determine how to interpret instructions, and instructions follow the GO label as pairs of
op-code, argument:
Loop: Loop:
Case 0:(op code 0) Case 17: (op code 17)
... ...
6:(op code 6) Case 8: (op code 8)
... ...
4:(op code 4) Case 12: (op code 12)
... ...
goto Loop goto Loop
GO: 0,12 GO: 17,12
4,17 12,17
6,17 8,17
4,3 12,3
0,4 17,4
6,6 8,6
In our example, the case statements of the two examples are aligned together so that you can tell
the equivalence between op-codes, but in the second parts of the listings, you can see the impact of the
transformation of op-codes on reading a program listing. In the following listing, we expand on this theme
by a simple transformation of the arguments (op-code 17 subtracts 1 before equivalent execution, op-code
12 adds one, and op-code 8 subtracts 4). Now, there are no common byte sequences between the two
program fragments.
GO: 0,12 GO: 17,13
4,17 12,16
6,17 8,21
4,3 12,2
0,4 17,3
6,6 8,10
By implementing an evolving simulation engine for critical parts of the program, we can make detection
of equivalence require both understanding the dierence between the two evolutions of the simulation
engine, and understanding the equivalence between the two sequences being simulated. This can be carried
to multiple levels, with the simulator simulating another simulator, etc. until we get to the level at which
actual decisions are made. We can even evolve the number of levels of simulation used.
It is very easy to implement a simulation engine in most current computers through the built-in de-
bugging mechanism. The example above where we use a loop around a case statement shows just how
easily simulation can be implemented with classical techniques, and in practice simulation engines require
only a few thousands bytes of source code. Evolving a simulation engine and the simulated code is also
very simple. For example, in the case above, it required only simple text replacement in the interpreted
code and minor changes to the engine. Another simple alteration would be to XOR the memory value
with a pseudo-random function of the location number in memory. This greatly increases confusion at the
expense of only a small amount of time and space.
D.10 Build and Execute
An extension of the encoding and simulation techniques above is the build-and-execute mechanism wherein
we build instructions prior to execution and then execute them. This is so-called self-modifying code, and
again the potential complexity is equivalent to the complexity of encodings. One of the very nice points
about building instructions for execution is that it obscures the instruction being executed from observation
until just before execution time. This drives the time required for attack up so as to make it very noticeable
in many cases.
As a method of evolution, this technique requires that we design a set of build-and-execute mechanisms
and install them into a program using some sort of pseudo-random selection and placement mechanism.
As in the cases of many other mechanisms we have discussed, knowledge of the program being evolved is
quite useful in implementing this sort of evolution.
Many build-and-execute schemes implement very complex codings that vary with use so that the
instructions built may change with the details of the execution. For example, the use of relative addresses
XORed with instructions and lling in arguments at run time are common techniques.
Here is a simple example of self-modifying code, where the Add instruction is modied to add each
of the elements of a list of 17 numbers. In this example, we assume that the op-code for Add is 2300,
and that the address being added is stored in the last two digits of the add instruction.
AI=2299+@list ;initialize Add Instruction
loop: AI=AI+1 ;increment pointer
AI: 0 ;initial value is 0
(AI100) < list+16, goto loop ;loop
DONE ;whatever follows
list: 12 ;the list to be added
list+16 43 ;end of the list
Assuming that the attacker has to observe these modications at run time in order to determine when
a particular operation takes place, an automated attack would apparently have to trace program execution
and react to the particular instructions being interpreted under such an evolutionary scheme rather than
searching for particular strings in a program or perform analysis from the programs appearance in memory.
D.11 Induced Redundancy
The use of redundancy is a basic technique in integrity protection. For example, the use of cryptographic
checksums for detecting arbitrary corruption applies redundant information in the form of the stored
checksum value, and CRC codes and parity bits are redundant information commonly used to detect
corruption due to noise of particular characteristics. The same concept can be applied to preventing
attacks on programs.
In this case, we induce redundancy by repeating test procedures used to make decisions so that multiple
tests must be passed in order for an operation to be accepted. When used in conjunction with other
evolution techniques, this provides a means by which the defender can prevent the attacker from being
certain that the defense has been bypassed. For example, if a particular test is performed a random number
of times on any given attempt at attack, the attacker cannot be certain that all of the relevant tests have
been bypassed. Even if the attack works on one evolution, that doesnt mean it will work on a signicant
number of other evolutions.
In the following example, we show a redundant overall test which requires 3 out of 4 partial tests strewn
throughout a program to be passed in order to pass the overall test.
. . .
. . .
if (x<3) count++;
. . .
if (x>0) count++;
. . .
if (count < 1) OR (count > 2) nogood;
. . .
. . .
if (x = 2) OR (x = 1) count++;
. . .
if (count < 2) OR (count > 3) nogood;
. . .
. . .
if (x AND 3) > 0 count++;
. . .
if ((count AND 4) != 4) nogood;
. . .
A few notes are in order here. Notice rst, that there is no explicit good decision, but rather a set
of hurdles that have to be passed and that are strewn throughout the program. If any of these tests fail,
the nogood decision is made, but there is no simple way to avoid the last nogood decision. If there
were an explicit good decision, then an attacker could simply try to locate the good decision point and
begin operation there. Also, if the decisions were not strewn throughout the program, an attacker could
easily bypass the whole set of decisions, but by intermixing them with the rest of the program, we force
the attacker to work harder. Another important point is that there is no value for count or x that the
attacker can select at the start of the program that will bypass all of the tests. This means that there is
no simple way to forge the values required to make tests pass. Multiple forgeries are required. We could
also use dierent variables for dierent parts of the tests, and further drive up the complexity of the attack
In practice, it is fairly simple to devise a series of tests and disperse them throughout a program, but
ultimately tests depend on the state of the system for their accuracy, and if we are to eliminate all sorts
simplistic forgery, we must not only make the tests redundant, but also the data upon which they depend.
This increases the time and space requirements for accuracy, which yields our usual protection tradeo
between integrity and space/time.
D.12 Intermixing Programs
A rather complex sort of evolution is the intermixing of programs so that instructions from two independent
operations are intermixed. This is complex to do because there are many possible interactions between
memory and register states. In practice, we have found it far too complex to analyze and implement
this sort of evolution at low levels, but in higher level programming languages, we see it as having great
In this example, we have two subroutines that are often called, and which leave their results in inde-
pendent variables x and y. As an evolution, we simply intermix the routines so that both functions are
performed when either is desired, but no interference results because the results are stored independently,
and by convention, we use or store the results of these routines immediately after the routines are called.
Subroutine 1 is called with two integers as its argument, while subroutine 2 is called with an integer and
a real number:
Subroutine 1 Subroutine 2 Mixed Subroutine
s1(i,j):= s2(i,r):= sb(i,j,r):=
x=0; x=0;
x2=17; x2=17;
y=i+12; y=i+12;
if (i<3) x=x+6; if (i<3) x=x+6;
y=y*r/3.74; y=y*r/3.74;
x=x*i+j/17; x=x*i+j/17;
return; return; return;
This sort of intermixing creates two problems for the attacker. The rst problem is that the intermixing
could be varied so as to produce a substantial number of dierent orderings of the statements in the
subroutine. We can select the next statement from either subroutine, so long as there are unselected
statements from both remaining, which yields on the order of 2
dierent equivalent subroutines. The
second problem is that the attacker cannot tell which function is being used when it is called, and may
thus be forced to trace the implications of both calls through several following program steps before realizing
what information can be ignored.
In general, we can take n unrelated programs and, assuming we are a bit careful, mix them together
without ill eects. This seems to be very confusing to someone trying to analyze the resulting code,
especially if the routines that are intermixed are selected at random for each defense. The mixing process
also has the eect of disguising the subroutine calls because the calls themselves are dierent for dierent
intermix combinations. In our example, the two mixed routines had two arguments each, and the mixed
routine had three parameters.
D.13 Anti-Debugger Mutations
In order to make debugging programs dicult, many dierent techniques have been developed within the
computing industry. The basic principle is to make the things the debugger does to track program execu-
tion fail when debugging the evolved program. Since each processor has a somewhat dierent debugging
mechanism, we will make assumptions designed so as to make the examples easy to understand.
Disassemblers in systems with multiple instruction lengths have methods for synchronizing instructions.
When encountering a jump instruction, typically, disassemblers assume that the following instruction is a
legal instruction, but we can use these instructions to mask instructions around them by placing misleading
operation codes after jumps, and returning at an oset 1 or more bytes from the end of the jump. The
disassemblers may see a conditional jump (that is designed to always be true in actual operation) followed
by an unconditional 3-byte jump which actually masks a 2-byte operating system call. Here is an example
from an 8086 processor that calls int 13:
go: jne 1 ;two byte conditional jump (ags clear)
jle cd ;conditional jump masking int
adc (13) 90 ;add carry 90 masking 13 and no-op (90)
An attempt at disassembly might fail in this context, but a debugger which observes each instructions
as it is processed should be able to properly detect the operation.
In a similar fashion, we can include jump instructions whose last byte (usually the address jumped to)
corresponds to a desired operation code, and place the code jumped to appropriately so that the jump
works and the proper return address is in the middle of the previously executed instruction. In this way,
we reuse the last bytes of the jump location as operation codes on the next pass through the code.
This technique again masks the true instructions being executed until execution time, thus forcing the
debugger to trace each instruction in order to nd a particular instruction type.
Debugging can often be turned o and turned back on in such a fashion that the debugger cannot tell
that any change was made. From all appearances, the debugger executes normally, and yet some number
of intervening instructions may go unobserved. This depends on the ability of the debugger to detect
attempts to turn it o. We may use any addressing mode of the processor to alter the memory locations
used by the debugger, so in order for the debugger to be certain to catch all attempts to access its address
space, it must either simulate the entire operation of the computer, or determine all addresses used on each
memory operation of the program at run time, determine whether those addresses impact the debugger,
and forge the instruction if needed. Either of these options consumes a great deal of processing power and
results in substantial time consumption, normally within the range where people notice the slowdown.
Another common trick is to make the operation of the defense depend on the presence of its own
debugging routine. For example, we could use the address of a built-in debugging routine or some oset
from that address in an arithmetic operation which alters pointers, so that if the debugger operated
by the defense is not operating (or alternatively, if any other debugger is operating), the code operates
improperly. Another variation is to have the internal debugger alter normal instructions at execution so
that (as an example) move instructions that copy information between memory locations use dierent
memory locations, reverse memory locations, alter operating modes, etc. This is essentially a simulation
technique as described earlier.
Here is a simple example, again from an 8086 processor, of an instruction sequence containing illegal
instructions and no-op instructions, where the debugger simulates altered instructions when these are
encountered. Note that this is a common technique used by operating systems for operating system calls,
and thus is also a call insertion technique as described earlier. In this example, the no-op instruction shifts
the ax register left 3 bits, and the illegal instruction (designated ill) sets the value 20 in the bx register.
Another debugger trying to debug this code would not alter the execution, and thus the program would
not operate in the same manner.
go: mov ax,3 ; initialize ax
nop ; no-op instruction (shift ax left 3)
add ax,21 ; regular instruction
ill ; illegal instruction (setq bx to 20)
add bx,3 ; regular instruction
All of these techniques can be selectively inserted and evolved during program evolution so as to produce
a very complex debugging problem for the attacker. Even though some human attackers might eventually
be able to get past this line of defense, they might have to observe a large number of dierent variations in
order to determine the whole set of debugger bypass mechanisms, and then they would have to program
attacks for all of them into an automated attack in order to operate automatically against this technique.
D.14 Mix and Match
All of the techniques described above may be mixed together, applied in any sequence, and applied recur-
sively, thus providing a very rich environment for evolution. The only limitation is that identifying which
code sequences may be operated on by each technique may be quite dicult unless the evolution engine
knows something about program structure. For example, when a program is designed with numerous
jump instructions that enter into the middle of other code sequences, it may be very dicult to determine
whether an alteration will have an impact on some other execution sequence. This is the same problem we
cause the attacker to go through, and as we have seen it can make things rather complex.
Appendix E
Viruses in Networks
I would now like to describe some initial results of experiments on the impact of computer viruses on two
modern computer networks. We begin by describing a research environment designed to allow safe and
repeatable experiments with computer viruses. Next, we describe exhaustive tests of protection settings,
their eectiveness against viruses in two very common computing environments, and other vulnerabili-
ties encountered in the process of these experiments. Finally, we summarize results, describe conrming
experiments performed by other researchers, and propose further work in this area.
E.1 Background
In July of 1992, Sanjay Mishra of Queensland University of Technology and I congured a small experimen-
tal network for the sole purpose of performing experiments on the impact of viruses on modern networking
environments. We performed a number of experiments over the next 3 weeks, and reported initial results.
A number of researchers were initially surprised at these results, many systems administrators expressed
serious concerns about them, and several people with experience in managing these networks had diculty
believing that these results could be accurate. Because of the complexity of networks and the resulting
possibility for errors in experimental technique and in interpretation of manuals, we requested that other
research groups perform independent experiments to conrm our refute our results.
Since that time, two groups
have performed substantial experiments and reported conrmations back
to us, several other groups have stated that they will be performing similar experiments
, our virus
research network has been dismantled,
and we returned to our eternal quest for components for further
experiments. In the process, we have also received a substantial amount of additional information relating
to our published results, and thus we present this new and improved paper on the impact of computer
viruses on modern computer networks.
For the purposes of communication, we used the F-Prot product (version 2.03a) for virus identication
and scanning. When we identify the Jerusalem virus, we intend to indicate the virus identied by F-Prot
as the Jerusalem virus (standard), and when we identify the 1704 virus, we intend to indicate the virus
identied by F-Prot as the Cascade 1704-A virus. Similarly, when we specify Netware, we intend to
Vesselin Bontchev of the The University of Hamburgs Virus Test Center and Padget Pederson
several of these groups are from government agencies who will almost certainly not reveal their results
We borrowed most of the hardware and software on a temporary basis, and had to return the component parts to the
original users.
indicate Novells Netware product, version 3.11, when we specify Unix, we intend to indicate AT+Ts
Unix System 5, Version 3.0 running TCP/IP and NFS, also by AT+T for PC compatibles, and when we
specify PC-NFS, we intend to indicate the product of that name produced by Sun Computer Systems.
We note that these specic systems may not be indicative of all other similar systems, but based on the
conrming experiments, we believe they are representative.
E.2 The Purpose of the Virus Research Network
The Virus Research Network (VRN) was designed to allow rapid, comprehensive, conclusive, and repeatable
experiments on the impact of viruses on networks. This was achieved to a reasonable extent by the
methods outlined below. We are also interested in nding ways to improve network protection, and when
we identied an anomalies, we sought causes and report the results.
Rapid experimentation is key to getting enough useful results to justify the cost of such a facility, but
in our case, we had only a small window of availability for the facility, so necessity led us to eciency.
We got rapid results by automating most aspects of reconguration, and by using a backup computer to
rebuild congurations in relatively short order. Depending on the particular experiment, the entire clean
and rebuild process took as little as 20 minutes. In the worst case, cleanup required about 8 hours, and
was done overnight.
Comprehensive experiments can often be performed through exhaustive testing. For example, in the
experiments described later in this paper, we tested all possible protection settings for les and directories
on the le server against some well known viruses. Given somewhat larger disks and more time, we could
have performed still more comprehensive testing, but as we will see, this is not always required in order to
get useful results.
Results were usually quite conclusive because we designed experiments with specic and attainable goals
in mind, and had a facility which could be used for substantial run times without outside interference.
Where possible, we tried to seek out more denitive experiments in favor of less denitive ones, and we
used controls to assure that experimentation errors didnt cause false results.
We were relatively meticulous about documenting our experiments to assure that they were repeatable
by outside researchers, and whenever reasonable, we used command scripts to automate operations. The
use of automation in this case gives a high degree of repeatability. For example, one run may involve
running several thousand programs in a particular order from a specic series of places in the network and
with particular viruses active at particular times. It would be very dicult to perform or repeat such an
experiment without automation.
In our rst experimental run, these factors turned out to be quite critical, because the description of
protection in the manuals of the network under test turned out to be inconsistent, and we had to repeat the
entire run. Because of the automation, we were able to perform an identical 2 hour experiment involving
over 2500 program runs under slightly dierent conditions with only 20 minutes of analysis, cleanup, and
reconguration overhead.
As a part of the facility, we had a fairly substantial number of virus samples received by the Queensland
University of Technologys Computer Virus Information Group (CVIG) as a part of its normal interaction
with users. The selection of viruses for attacks was based on the prevalence of the virus in the environment,
the techniques used by the virus for infection, and the defenses in place. We also created custom attacks
where no virus in our collection was appropriate to the task. In the case of custom attacks, as a matter of
policy we didnt provide copies of the attacks to others, but to date, this has not caused other researchers
to report problems in generating conrming results.
E.3 The Virus Research Network
VRN consisted of 4 PC compatible computers in a physically isolated room. The computers were connected
with Ethernet cable providing a relatively high speed communications backbone comparable to the most
commonly used networking hardware today. The server machine was a 80386 based computer with
4Mbytes of RAM and 100Mbytes of disk, required so that the commonly available network operating
systems could run without further hardware. Two of the remaining computers were PC-AT class machines
with 20Mbyte hard disks and 1Mbyte of memory required to run workstation software. The fourth machine
had a tape drive which allowed it to perform rapid and reliable backup and restoration for the remainder
of the network.
We pause to note that the 100Mbyte limitation on le server disk space restricted our ability to perform
some exhaustive tests. For example, to test all le protections and directory protections under Unix requires
les (2
dierent le protections in each of 2
dierent directories). To create the 262144 required les
in 512 directories using only 1K per le requires over 250Mbytes. Since virus infections typically require
more than another 1K of disk space, we could encounter conditions requiring over 500Mbytes of disk space.
Many le systems also have diculty handling that many les, and even more importantly, as we describe
later, the complexity of updating protections in these circumstances makes accurate experiments dicult
to perform.
In addition to physical isolation, all viruses used for experiments were kept on well marked oppy disks in
a locked le cabinet, and all machines used in the network were clearly marked as contaminated. Machines
were only allowed to leave the facility after the relatively thorough cleanup process described below, except
in specic cases where well understood viruses were tested under very controlled circumstances. Floppy
disks were not permitted to leave the facility without reformatting on a Cleaned machine.
An additional machine which runs Coherent (a PC based Unix-like system) was used to create script
les which automated conguration and operation of the network for experiments. This machine only
produced disks for the network, and never took information out of the facility. Disks were transported
back to this machine only after being formatted by the Backup machine and then again by the receiving
machine. A typical run involved DOS batch les of over 50Kbytes, and could be created in a few minutes
by the Coherent system with a minimum of eort.
VRN operated in three distinct operating modes:
1. Run: In the Run mode, the Backup machine was physically disconnected from the network so that
it remained free from viruses. The server and the two workstations operated with viruses placed in
the conguration as appropriate to the experiment.
2. Clean: In the Clean mode, each computer was rebooted from a write protected operating system
disk using hardware reset, and all operations were performed from programs on that disk. Computers
were scanned for known viruses using scanning software known to reliably detect the virus samples
used for the experiments. These results were printed on a local printer for further analysis and as a
record of operations. After analysis information was gathered, further experimentsm were sometimes
performed by returning to the Run mode, or the systems were prepared for rebuilding by performing
a low level xed disk format, preparing a known good partition table, and restoring basic operating
system les from the oppy disk. After this procedure, the Rebuild mode was entered.
3. Rebuild: In the Rebuild mode, the Backup computer was connected to the network, and congura-
tions were restored to all of the other computers to prepare for the next experiment. After rebuilding
was completed, the Backup computer was again disconnected from the network to allow further ex-
periments to proceed. The backup computer was always bootstrapped from a write protected oppy
disk drive to further assure against contamination, and all systems were scanned for known viruses
after cleanup as a control.
A copy of VRN can be congured for under US$6,000, and operating costs are predominantly driven by
physical plant, people, and software costs. The development of experiments is also non-trivial, since issues
arise about how to create and analyze accurate and ecient experiments, and experimental technique is of
course critical. Nevertheless, we feel that any substantial organization with serious concerns about network
protection could easily create and operate a similar facility.
E.4 Experiments
Our experiments were designed to test the ecacy of protection settings provided with network le servers
against the most common computer viruses. We selected Netware and Unix for our experiments based on
their availability in our laboratory and their widespread use in the current environment. We planned to
perform similar experiments with other network congurations, with a variety of vendor-based defenses in
place, and under a variety of usage proles, but have been unable to get hardware, software, or support
for further experiments as of this time.
Ecacy experiments are relatively easy to perform by creating an exhaustive test of protection settings
for les and directories stored on the le server under the respective protection models. They are also useful
because most environments operate without additional protection, and this permits us to provide accurate
advice on prudent administrative measures appropriate to these environments. We thought at rst that
these experiments would not be particularly enlightening because if protection is properly implemented,
the experiments will only reveal what we already know about the theoretical protection provided by the
models. To a large extent, this was true, but as we will now see, the specic experiments and results
indicate that implementation does not always meet expectations.
E.4.1 Netware
We installed a default Netware le server conguration per the instructions in the manuals that came with
the system, and congured 256 subdirectories under the TEST directory with names consisting of all
possible combinations of the letters Y and N in the order shown below, and corresponding to the settings
of the Trustee Rights for a user US1 over those directories.
S Supervisor
E Erase
R Read
W Write
C Create
A Access Control
F FileScan
M Modify
Trustee Rights
As an example, the directory name YNNYNNNY has Supervisor, Write, and Modify rights enabled
and all other rights disabled for user US1. We sometimes abbreviate by using exponention notation (e.g.
NY is the same as NYYYYYNY).
Trustee rights were selected because they are supposed to dominate the Inherited Rights implied by
ANDing the parent directorys eective rights with the Inherited Rights Mask, and therefore make analysis
simpler without loss of generality. We did not test the assertion that Trustee Rights dominate Inherited
Rights, and this should be conrmed by anyone interested in exhaustive testing of Netware protection.
Each of the resulting 256 directories were provided with 5 EXE and 5 COM executable les selected
from standard DOS utilities such that they required relatively little disk space and run to completion
producing only a syntax error when run from a command le with no command line arguments. This
provides a method by which we can execute a large number of programs in a short period of time with
a minimum of space overhead, and identiable characteristics. The viruses selected for experiments were
known to be able to infect these les and tested for this capability independently.
We initially turned on the Copy Inhibit, Rename Inhibit, Delete Inhibit, and Archive le At-
tributes, setting one bit per le and leaving one le with no protection bits set as a control. These les
were designated respectively A-E.COM and F-J.EXE. In order to provide exhaustive testing of At-
tributes in combination with Trustee Rights, we would have to create all combinations of the 14 Netware
Attributes with the 8 Trustee Rights shown above, leading to 2
(4,194,304)) les in 512 directories, which
would consume over 4 Gigabytes of storage and require over 48 days to test at 1 program execution per
second. Instead, we selected the attributes which we thought to be of interest and tested them individually.
A more thorough test would be appropriate for an organization with more resources.
In RUN 1, following the description in the manual, we enabled all rights for the TEST directory.
According to the manuals, subdirectory rights are supposed to take precedence over parent rights (see
P345 of the Netware Utilities Reference manual and P207 of the Netware Concepts manual). We then
logged into the network as user US1, and for each directory, changed to that directory, executed the
Jerusalem virus from the hard-disk on the local workstation (stored in the le C:VIRUS.EXE), executed
each of the programs A-J in order, executed VIRUS.EXE again, and changed back to the TEST
directory. This was done in sequence starting at the Y
directory and continuing in standard binary
counting sequence through to the N
directory. The run took about 2 hours to complete.
After completing the run, we rebooted the workstations from their write-protected oppy boot-disks,
logged into the network as Supervisor, and scanned for known viruses on the network. This procedure
assures that the workstations are not infected with the virus under test, that the scan is valid, and that
the scan does not create infections where none existed before. To our surprise, we found that all of the
les under test were infected, even those in directories to which the user US1 had no access! Upon deeper
examination, we found that the Netware Supervisor right dominates all other rights except when inherited
rights cancel its eects. Fortunately, our controls picked up this problem early on, and we were able to
track down a resolution relatively quickly.
This problem is indicative of one of the major diculties we encountered in examining Netware and
many other protection systems. The manual attempts to explain protection in several dierent places,
and as an aide to the less experienced user, makes several attempts to put protection in simple terms.
Unfortunately, protection in Netware is not simple to understand or to manage, and the simplications
lead to serious misunderstandings. It was only the specic examples in one of the manuals in conjunction
with our experiments that led us to our current understanding of Netware protection.
The problem of determining Eective Rights (the Rights users actually have over les or directories)
turns out to be quite complex in Netware, and we feel that this is a serious impediment to eective
protection management. As an example of the complexity, each users eective rights to a given le are
dictated by 14 le attributes, 8 le trustee rights, 8 inheritance rights, and 16 rights (8 inherited and 8
trustee) per directory for each directory up to the root of the le system. At 4 directory levels down
from the root, each les accessibility is determined by about 100 bits of protection information. Similarly,
changing any one protection bit may impact substantial portions of the le structure, and determining
what is aected is a non-trivial problem.
The problem of determining eective rights is apparently so dicult that Netware cant immediately
determine proper eective rights, which introduces yet another problem. In some cases, these settings
dont take eect for some time, which leaves substantial windows of vulnerability and makes it somewhat
complex to be certain that test results are accurate and repeatable. We did not thoroughly verify the
inheritance of rights, and we encountered several anomalies that disappeared over time scales of a few
minutes. By following the advice of one of the people who read about our initial results in the Risks
computer forum, we logged out and back in whenever we changed eective rights, and this seemed to
seriously reduce the anomaly rate.
Now consider the problem of performing the exhaustive experiment with over 4 million les described
earlier. This would mean that over 400 Million protection bits would have to be checked over the process
of the experiment, and that the space consumed by protection bits alone comes to over 12Mbytes! How
long might it take to update protection for 4 million les when it took several minutes for 2,500 les? If
the process is linear with the number of les, we would expect a delay on the order of 5,000 minutes, or
about 100 hours! Fortunately, the mechanism that causes this problem appears to be related to the cache
mechanism used in Unix networks that we will describe later, and thus we dont expect a serious impact
for larger le systems, but we have not performed tests to verify this, and suggest it as an open area for
future experimentation.
This time variance also means that reliable programming in Netware is somewhat more complex than
it would be in a more static situation, and many DOS programs make assumptions about the static nature
of accessibility that will certainly make them unreliable in a non-static protection environment of this sort.
This is not necessarily a problem to be resolved by Netware, since DOS programmers tend to make too
many assumptions about le accessibility, and in any networking environment there will be changes, even
if they are more predictable over time as Netware.
In RUN 2, we set the directory rights of TEST to the Netware recommended values of Read and
FileScan only, logged out and back in to assure that eective rights were accurately updated, and repeated
the test from RUN 1 exactly as before. This time, our controls indicated that the Netware subdirectory
rights worked correctly. According to RUN 2, the tested le attributes were completely irrelevant to
protection from viruses. Again, this conicts with the manuals (p227 of the Concepts Manual) which state
that le attributes dominate directory rights. Upon further examination, we found that most (but not
all) of the le attributes are DOS or MacIntosh protection bits, and further that they only apply to the
operating system the user is using! Thus, Read-Only protection isnt supposed to work on MacIntosh
computers, while the MacIntosh Inhibit settings dont impact DOS access! Again, the complexity of
mechanism introduced substantial problems, but in this case, the situation is far worse because protection
seems to depend on DOS, which has no eective protection.
The results from RUN 2 can be summarized in one simple equation:
S(F + R + W)
This is intended to convey that with the Supervisor AND any of FileScan, Read, or Write eective
rights turned o for a given user, that users PC being infected with the Jerusalem virus does NOT cause
les in that directory to become infected. All of the other rights and attributes tested were apparently
irrelevant to DOS virus protection.
We suspected that the reason FileScan protection limited viral spread in this case was because the
Jerusalem virus infects only on program execution, and the DOS command interpreter requires FileScan
in order to execute programs. Thus the programs that could not be run were not infected. For this reason
we were not yet convinced that FileScan being turned o was eective against viruses when programs are
run from a DOS Exec call, which does not have the same restriction as the command interpreter.
We eventually performed RUN 9 to determine the eectiveness of this protection equation against
a slightly more sophisticated attack. In this case, we exhaustively tried to open les in the protected
directories for Read, Write, and Read/Write access using a simple C program. We found that les
in NY
could be modied, leading to the conclusion that only NY
was eective. In
other words, only SW was eective against this sort of attack. Since the A attribute allows you to alter
all but the S attribute, A must also be included for eective protection, leading to the new equation:
RUN 1 and RUN 2 results also led us to RUN 3 in which we wished to evaluate the eectiveness of
the previous equation against a broader spectrum of viruses, and to evaluate the utility of the Read Only
le attribute in virus defense. RUN 3 required only 4 directories (SR, SW, SF, and YYYYYYYY
corresponding to SR, SW, SF, and full access respectively) with 4 les per directory (2 COM and 2
EXE les designated A.COM, B.COM, C.EXE, and D.EXE corresponding to Read-Only, Read-Write,
Read-Only, and Read-Write respectively). The same process used in RUN 2 was used in RUN 3 except
that each of the dierent viruses from a test suite was used in turn, only the 4 directories of interest were
used, and the experiment was performed in the TEST2 directory.
RUN 3 surprisingly showed that Read-Only is ineective against the 1704 virus which succeeded in
infecting A.COM in the YYYYYYYY directory even though it was write protected. No similar infection
technique was available for EXE les, and no virus in our experiment succeeded in infecting the C.EXE
program in the YYYYYYYY directory, even though several infected the D.EXE le. It turns out that
this DOS attribute is trivially modied with the M attribute turned on, and this attribute can in turn
be altered if the A attribute is enabled, leading to the second equation that could not be attacked by the
methods described so far:
Netware provides an Execute Only attribute which can never be unset once it is set, and which is
supposed to prevent all subsequent access to the le. It does not prevent renaming or deleting of les,
but prevents Read and Write operations to some extent, even against the Supervisor. Unfortunately, an
Execute-Only le can be read by a user on a DOS based system by performing a DOS Load Program call,
and intercepting the le as it is passed to the loader. By reading it in this way, deleting the old version,
and rewriting a new version, we can completely bypass Execute-Only protection, but a more dangerous
attack appears to be presented by a Companion virus.
We were successful in creating a Companion virus example which was successful against Execute-Only
protection. In this case, we rename the original executable and create a new executable containing the virus
using the same name as the original executable, and giving it the same le size and other characteristics.
The replacement executable is then given the same le attributes as the original program, and made to
automatically call the original after performing infection and/or damage. In this case, even the systems
administrator cannot accurately detect the change because Execute-Only protection prevents the systems
administrator from checking le contents or integrity. It would seem more appropriate to allow the systems
administrator Read access to Execute-Only les so that they can be properly backed up and restored, and
their integrity can be checked.
One idea for protection against this companion virus is to prevent renamimg of Execute-Only les,
but the same attack can be made at any place up the directory tree from the Execute-Only le (i.e. by
renaming a directory and placing a Trojan directory in its place), so to be safe we would have to prevent
directory renaming from the Execute-Only le up to the Root of the le system. This in turn would allow
any user to prevent the systems administrator from renaming signicant portions of the le structure by
simply making a le Execute-Only. It would also force operations on directories to depend on all les lower
then them in the le tree, and thus exacerbate the other protection problems we have discussed. It seems
that Execute-Only protection in a network is ill-conceived except in systems where hardware protection
and encryption make the implementation of such a facility feasible.
To protect against these Companion viruses, you need to prohibit at least the Modify, AccessControl,
Create, and System Rights, since trivial attacks can be found without these Rights eliminated. By com-
bining the equations from the previous two strong congurations with this one, we reach the equation
This equation describes necessary but not sucient settings for les and eective directory protection.
We have found them eective in our experiments, and except for the time lag problem described earlier,
they appear to be sound, but we have not tested them suciently to prove their correctness. This is in line
with Netwares suggested RF access rights. This protection setting also precludes changing information
stored on the server, eectively making the server Read-Only! For directories where authorized users
are permitted to make alterations, infections of les in those directories by those users is undefended by
Netware, as in all other systems whose sole protection results from access control.
We also found from user reports, that a common method of virus spread in Netware networks comes
from the infection of the Login.Exe program stored on the server and used by all users to login to the
network. As delivered, Netware allows the Supervisor to modify this le, and thus if the Supervisor EVER
logs into a Netware server from an infected workstation, EVERY user that logs in subsequently may
become infected. Furthermore, current versions of Netware cannot be logged into from the console, and
thus once this le is infected, only a user with a local copy of a clean Login.Exe can ever login safely.
Even worse, the Supervisor is automatically granted all rights to all les (except modication and read
access to Execute-Only les) regardless of directory and le protections, so a Companion virus of the sort
described above is UNDEFENDABLE with Netware access controls once the Supervisor logs in from an
infected machine. Therefore, substantial protection must be provided against the Supervisor EVER logging
setting the characteristics in this way is not required in order for the virus to operate, but it makes detection far more
in from an infected machine, or the entire protection scheme becomes ineective. In a recent conference
paper Novell advised that a special user be created with RF Trustee Rights to all les and directories,
and that when a virus is suspected, this user be used to check for viruses. They also conrmed that logging
in as Supervisor with a virus present presented a substantial danger and noted that many low-level viruses
could infect Netware le servers.
All of the results presented above have now been substantially conrmed by independent research
teams, and similar equations have been developed for older versions of Netware with substantially dierent
Trustee Rights.
E.4.2 Unix
We installed a default Unix conguration per the manual provided with the system, specied a Read/Write
le structure accessible over the network by user US1 with an eective Root directory corresponding to
homeus1, and congured 512 directories belonging to user US1 and placed under US1s home directory,
with names consisting of all possible combinations of octal protection codes depending on the placement
of those rights in the standard Unix protection display as shown below:
Owner Group World
read 400 40 4
write 200 20 2
execute 100 10 1
which is displayed as (by example) 561 to stand for read and execute for the owner (400 + 100 =
500), read and write for group members (40 + 20 = 60), and execute for the rest of the world
(500 + 60 + 1 = 561). Three users (us1, us2, and us3) were created with owner, group, and world
identications respectively so that the protection space is exhausted by accessing each directory from each
user. We provided 3 executable les designated A-C.COM in each directory with protection settings of
666, 444, and 111 respectively.
As in the case of Netware, truly exhaustive testing was infeasible. To create the necessary 512 les of
each sort (.Exe and .Com) in each of 512 directories, would require over 500,000 les, over 250 Mbytes,
and runtimes over 138 hours for a single test run at 1 second per program execution. Actually, our
examination is ignoring an additional 2 protection bits per le (setUID and setGID), which grant the user
running a program the eective rights of the owner or group respectively of the le, and therefore have a
substantial impact on access rights. This would extend the time by a factor of 4 (from 5.8 days to over 23
days). Even though this time is not beyond the range of feasibility, our experiments were limited in time,
so that we could not do these tests. Again, we urge any interested parties to pursue these tests for a more
thorough examination of the problem.
One workstation was congured with PC-NFS software which allows remote le sharing, and was used
for all of the experiments. Because Unix allows multiuser multiprocessing from the console, we were able
to monitor operations and setup further experiments without additional workstations.
In RUN 4, we exhaustively tested directory protection settings and found that no program could be run
without directory access of at least R+X for the user, group, or world, depending on the rights associated
with the logged in user. We also found that directory protections of each directory dominated protections
of other directories, and thus that actual protection at any given moment are dictated by the protections
of the directory containing the le. We were somewhat surprised to nd that programs would run even
though they had no read rights set for the user attempting to execute them. Since execute requires read
from the le server to the PC (similar to the Execute-Only protection in Netware), this led us to RUN 5
in which we exhaustively explored le protections.
In RUN 5, we set out to exhaustively tested le protection settings in a single directory over which the
user had full rights. We created 512 les in the TEST2 directory with names and protection settings in
the range from 000
thru 777
, all owned by user US1. The run began with a surprise. Not only could
we execute programs with NO access rights for the user, but they also became infected! Thus, le access
rights were completely ineective! Then, another surprise. After running and infecting les 000, 001, 002,
003, and 004 the workstation could not continue processing. We rebooted and tried again, and found
that the PC could not proceed past le 003. Subsequent retries resulted in the same problem. All of this
is more than a bit disconcerting because a substantial history of experiments with Unix protection has
shown le access rights to be quite eective against Unix programs making system calls. Hence, networked
workstations appear to have more access than processes on the server itself.
Next, we explored the impact of directory protection on le protection and found that with a directory
protection of 500, the owner could only execute programs which were readable by owner (i.e. 400
This seemed appropriate, but we then found that all of the programs that were run were infected. Even
les protected with settings of 400
(i.e. those without Write enabled) in a directory protected 500
(i.e. without Write enabled) were infected!
Next, we tried similar experiments with another user, US2, rst using identical groups, and then
again with non-identical groups. We found that for directory protections allowing group or world Read
access, le access control determined infectability, while for all other directory access settings, no infection
occurred. Files could be infected whenever both Write access was enabled for the les owner and both
Read and Write access were available to the infected user. This is quite strange, since it is somewhat
dierent from normal Unix protection. For example, Unix manuals commonly claim that Unix grants all
World rights to group members and owners, and all Group rights to the owner, but in the networked
example, group members and owners could not access les accessible by a World user. Similarly, a World
user could read and modify a le that the les owner could not read in a directory to which the owner
had no access!
This combination of rights applied separately to les and directories is quite strange in some cases. For
example, a le with access rights of 206 and group ID 100 in a directory with access rights of 050 and
group ID 200 could be infected by a user in group 100, but not by the owner or a user in group ID 200.
This is far dierent from the results you would get when logged in as a Unix user to the same system.
We conclude that the NFS network drivers do not use normal le access controls, and suspect that the
entire le system is susceptible to attack, at least from the eective Root directory down the directory
tree. We were unable to access les in other portions of the le servers directory space, and suspect that
this aspect of protection is eective, except for the fact that symbolic links could completely bypass any
such mechanism, and that the network interface operates on Unix i-nodes, which may be exploited to gain
access to otherwise inaccessible areas of the same le system.
Directory protection appears to be eective to the extent that preventing all access works, but clearly
write prevention is a critical protection need if we are to run programs without modifying them, and this
was ineective at the directory level. We did not explore the impact of symbolic links, but believe it will
lead to further problems of this sort. Again, we believe that directory access controls may be bypassed
through direct access to i-nodes.
Clearly, a simple virus could alter le protections, alter les, and restore le protections, and thus, even
eective le access controls would not alter the situation in the case of a serious attacker. Thus, a les
owner is almost always able to cause infection, regardless of protection settings, while other users may be
able to infect a le even if the owner doesnt have write access enabled.
A further aspect of Unix based remote le sharing is that in all the examples we have seen, le sharing
allows access by multiple users from a single remote computer based on user IDs and passwords provided
on the remote machine only. In other words, the root user on any machine in the network authorized to
perform remote le sharing has the ability to grant or deny eective access rights to any user ID on the
server. More specically, any remote machine which can be taken over by an unauthorized user or process,
can access all les on the mounted le system on the server except those owned by user identities explicitly
remapped through the Unix user ID remapping capability associated with remote le system mounts. In
the case of PCs running the DOS operating system, viruses designed to take advantage of this problem
should be able to gain all access attainable by all combinations of users with access.
Remote le sharing under Unix also permits virtual le systems to be mounted as Read-Only, which
we did not test, and mounting of those le systems with specic user IDs remapped, which we also did
not test. Unlike Netware, Unix servers can be used from the console, and use dierent executable les
than DOS, and thus we believe that with prudence, we may be able to prevent the infection of the le
server operating system, but this is by no means certain. As in Netware and all other systems we are aware
of, viruses can spread through the normal access rights regardless of the inadequacies of the particular
Unix based LANs also have a serious problem caused by the delay between the setting of protections
and the eect of those settings on les. In particular, when remote systems use disk cacheing for network
les systems (which can be disabled or enabled on each machine in the network), changes in protection
settings on one machine may not appear on other machines for some time. For example, if machine A is
connected to a remote le system on server S, and A is doing disk cacheing, then a change in le protection
made on S will not be written through to A immediately. Thus, a le protection change which prevents
access on S will not prevent that access from A, assuming A has cached the protection information and
thus does not have to look at the current value on S to determine accessibility.
This attack is theoretical at this time, and has not been conrmed by experiment, however, it is apparent
from the manner in which the system operates and from examination of the source code of 386BSD Unix
, that this will happen. Cache updates are often delayed by as much as 30 seconds. This also implies that
other information which is cached may be inconsistent when viewed from various systems in a network.
This leads to serious potential problems in the use of shared databases based on le access rather than
remote procedure calls and server based locking mechanisms. Even a rename operation may not take
eect for some time on remote machines.
In the case of Unix, we also feel it is important to note that there are a multitude of dierent vendors
with dierent version of the operating system, and that the results from this particular version may not
reect the entire eld. We also feel compelled to mention that the basic networking scheme used by
Unix systems is awed in that it extends too many privileges to the network drivers, has inadequate
authentication, and is not designed with the uniform view of protection taken by the remainder of the
Unix operating system. These inconsistencies appear to lead to implementation aws such as those we
have noted here.
We also note that the vast majority of Unix systems appear to be derivitives of only a few vendors
original source codes, and that the protection decisions in almost all Unix systems have been left unchanged
and unexamined for something like 20 years. For example, the 386BSD Unix access control decisions are
A version of BSD Unix freely available in source form
apparently verbatim copies of those from BSD Unix, which according to several sources are identical to
those made in System 5 Unix. Thus would imply that the vast majority of vendor protection code is
identical and that these fundamental aws in one system appear in the vast majority of other systems. We
would thus expect that the strange access control behavior would appear on many systems, and hope that
others will perform experiments in other environments to conrm or refute these results for those systems.
E.5 Summary, Conclusions, and Further Work
This research is still in its early stages, but we have already gained a great deal of insight into the
protection provided both against viruses and in a more general sense by the protection mechanisms of two
of the most commonly used network le servers. Our results show that viruses are a serious threat in all
of these environments, and the protection mechanisms in place are less eective than we would expect. In
eect, the only safe le server is the Read-Only le server, and even then, there are serious threates from
Supervisors under Novell and serious attackers under Unix.
More specically, re;latively safe protection settings for Netware were identied as SMAC(W+Ro),
relatively safe protection settings for Unix were identied as R
, and a number of serious
problems have been revealed in both Unix and Netware.
It seems clear that architecturally, there are aws in Netware and Unix networking that make net-
work protection dicult to attain. Netware has dicult to understand and maintain protection settings,
and while Unix servers seem to have far better consistency in the meaning of protection settings, the
implementation fails to meet the theory.
In terms of automation, neither system provides any substantial useful automation for either the user or
the administrator to maintain a consistently well protected environment. The tools for protection provided
with these le servers are far too dicult to use for eective protection, and without adequate tools, it is
unrealistic to expect even expert administrators to do an adequate job. Better tools are required if the
virus threat to these networks is to be controlled eectively through the protection mechanisms provided.
As we have discussed, our results at this time are preliminary, and a great deal of further research is re-
quired in order to get an eective handle on this problem over the full spectrum of networking environments
available today. Studies of spread rates would be a valuable tool in determining cost eective defenses.
More thorough studies of the eectiveness of network protection are called for both in the environments
discussed here and in other environments not yet studied systematically. We have not yet started to study
the eectiveness of these environments when additional protection measures such as virus scanning and
integrity mechanisms are put in place, and this is an area where the results would be directly applicable
to current users. A great deal of work is also called for in the area of protection management and the
design of tools to automate systems administration so as to allow normal administrators to provide eective
protection without undue eort.
We hope that others will follow in our footsteps, extend our results, perform exhaustive tests we were
unable to perform, and carry on some of the many other experiments required to address the LAN virus
protection issue. More importantly, we hope vendors will start a program of systematic, comprehensive,
and regular testing to detect and resolve similar problems before release. Finally, we hope that these
results will lead to a deeper study of network protection issues, which are clearly underconsidered in
current networking environments.
Appendix F
Annotated Bibliography
F. Cohen, Computer Viruses - Theory and Experiments, DOD/NBS 7th Conference on Computer
Security, originally appearing in IFIP-sec 84, also appearing in IFIP-TC11 Computers and Security,
V6(1987), pp22-35 and other publications in several languages. This is the most famous paper on
computer viruses, and forms the basis for most of the current understanding of the eld.
J. P. Anderson, Computer Security Technology Planning Study, USAF Electronic Systems Divi-
sion, #ESD-TR-73-51, Oct 1972, (Cited in Denning). This study evaluated computer security issues
that were prevalent prior to the introduction of the virus problem.
R. R. Linde, Operating System Penetration, AIFIPS National Computer Conference, pp 361-368,
1975. This paper described many of the common techniques for operating systems protection, and
how systems could be designed to defend against them.
D. E. Bell and L. J. LaPadula, Secure Computer Systems: Mathematical Foundations and Model,
The Mitre Corporation, 1973 (cited in many papers). This was the classic paper in which Bell and
LaPadula described a model for maintaining secrecy in timesharing computer systems.
D. E. Denning, Cryptography and Data Security, Addison Wesley, 1982. This is a very good
graduate text on computer security covering most of the important issues prior to computer viruses.
E. J. McCauley and P. J. Drongowski, KSOS - The Design of a Secure Operating System, AIFIPS
National Computer Conference, pp 345-353, 1979. This paper describes one of the operating systems
designed in the 1970s to maintain secrecy.
G.J. Popek, M. Kampe, C.S. Kline, A. Stoughton, M. Urban, and E.J. Walton, UCLA Secure
Unix, AIFIPS, National Computer Conference 1979, pp355-364. This paper describes a secure
implementation of the Unix operating system in which much of the implementation was proven
correct mathematically.
B. D. Gold, R. R. Linde, R. J. Peeler, M. Schaefer, J.F. Scheid, and P.D. Ward, A Security Retrot
of VM/370, AIFIPS National Computer Conference, pp335-344, 1979. This paper describes some
of the eort to make an insecure computer system secure through a major retrot.
C. E. Landwehr, The Best Available Technologies for Computer Security, IEEE Computer, V16#7,
July, 1983. This paper summarized computer security techniques and implementations up until the
advent of computer viruses.
B. W. Lampson, A note on the Connement Problem, Communications of the ACM V16(10)
pp613-615, Oct, 1973. This famous paper described the covert channel problem for the rst time.
K. J. Biba, Integrity Considerations for Secure Computer Systems, USAF Electronic Systems
Division (cited in Denning), 1977. In this paper, the dual of the Bell LaPadula model is used to
achieve integrity levels in a computer system for the rst time.
K. Thompson, Reections on Trusting Trust, Turing award lecture, 1984, CACM, Aug, 1984. This
paper described the Thompson C compiler which allows Thompson to login to almost any Unix
F. Cohen, Computer Viruses, PhD Dissertation, University of Southern California, 1986, ASP Press
(PO Box 81270, Pittsburgh, PA 15217 USA) This is a mathematical treatment of the computer virus
issue, and contains the rst formal denition of viruses, many of the proofs about defenses, and much
of the basis for current computer virus theory.
A. Dewdney, Computer Recreations, Scientic American, 1984-1986. This is a series of articles
about computer games involving competing programs in an environment. It turns out that the most
successful ones tend to be viruses.
F. Cohen, Computer Security Methods and Systems, 1984 Conference on Information Systems and
Science, Princeton University, 1984 This paper describes much of the computer security technology
prior to viruses.
M. Pozzo and T. Gray, Managing Exposure to Potentially Malicious Programs, Proceedings of the
9th National Computer Security Conference, Sept. 1986. This paper describes a trusted software
approach to computer virus defense, where in software is given dierent levels of trust and information
ow is limited based on these levels.
F. Cohen, A Secure Computer Network Design, IFIP-TC11 Computers and Security, V4#3, Sept.
1985, pp 189-205, also appearing in AFCEA Symp. and Expo. on Physical and Electronic Security,
Aug. 1985 This paper describes the combination of the Bell-LaPadula and Biba models, extends
previous results to computer networks, and introduces some major insecurities in computer networks.
F. Cohen, Protection and Administration of Information Networks Under Partial Orderings, IFIP-
TC11 Computers and Security, V6(1987) pp118-128. In this paper, the use of POsets to describe
protection in a computer system is introduced. Collusion analysis is developed, and several examples
are given.
F. Cohen, Design and Administration of Distributed and Hierarchical Information Networks Under
Partial Orderings, IFIP-TC11 Computers and Security, V6(1987), 15 pages. In this paper, previous
results are extended to cover management of distributed and hierarchical networks. Protocols for
distributed POset protection are given, and previous analysis is extended.
M. Pozzo and T. Gray, Computer Virus Containment in Untrusted Computing Environments,
IFIP/SEC 4th International Conference on Computers and Security, Dec. 1986. In this paper, a
cryptographic technique based on public key cryptography is given for implementing trusted software
as a protection mechanism.
F. Cohen, Design and Administration of an Information Network Under a Partial Ordering - A Case
Study, IFIP-TC11 Computers and Security, V6(1987) pp332-338. In this paper, a case study of a
POset based protection system is described. Results indicated that implementation and use were
both easier with the increased structure, and tracking down the sources of corruption was greatly
F. Cohen, Designing Provably Correct Information Networks with Digital Diodes, IFIP-TC11
Computers and Security, 1988. This paper describes a hardware device for highly reliable one-way
transmission so as to facilitate hardware based POset implementations.
F. Cohen, A Cryptographic Checksum for Integrity Protection in Untrusted Computer Systems,
IFIP-TC11 Computers and Security, V6(1987). This paper introduced a cryptographic method for
protecting the integrity of information stored on disk by providing reliable detection of change.
F. Cohen, Two Secure Network File Servers, IFIP-TC11, Computers and Security, 1987. This
paper describes two prototype implementations of POset based le servers designed to facilitate
POset based networks.
M. Pozzo and T. Gray, An Approach to Containing Computer Viruses, IFIP-TC11 Computers
and Security, 1987. This paper describes a novel approach to computer virus containment through
cryptographic signatures.
B. Cohen and F. Cohen, Error Prevention at a Radon Measurement Service Laboratory, Radiation
Protection Management, V6#1, pp43-47, Jan. 1989. This paper describes a high integrity computing
environment in which dramatic increases in integrity were attained at very low cost.
F. Cohen, A Complexity Based Integrity Maintenance Mechanism, Conference on Information
Sciences and Systems, Princeton University, March 1986. This paper rst described the concept of
software self-defense and proposed an implementation based on cryptographic checksumming tech-
F. Cohen, Recent Results in Computer Viruses, Conference on Information Sciences and Systems,
Johns Hopkins University, March 1985. This paper summarized early results on computer viruses
and defenses.
F. Cohen, Maintaining a Poor Persons Integrity, IFIP-TC11 Computers and Security, 1987. This
paper describes methods by which people without much nancial support could protect themselves
from computer viruses through pure;y procedural methods.
W. Murray, The Application of Epidemiology to Computer Viruses, Computers and Security,
Computers and Security, 1989. This paper details some interesting work in modeling computer
viruses and defenses based on biological methods.
H. Highland - ED, Special Issue of Computers and Security, April, 1988, IFIP TC-11. This was
the rst special issue on computer viruses in a scientic journal, and included several good papers
on the topic.
V. McLellan, Computer Systems Under Seige, The New York Times, Sunday, Jan. 31, 1988. This
was one of the early articles on computer viruses in the popular press.
J F Shoch and J A Hupp, The Worm Programs - Early Experience with a Distributed Compu-
tation, CACM pp172-180, March, 1982. This was a famous paper that rst described the Xerox
worm experiments for parallel processing on a distributed computing network.
J.B. Gunn, Use of Virus Functions to Provide a Virtual APL Interpreter Under User Control,
CACM, pp163-168, July, 1974. This paper describes a viral technique for modifying the APL
interpreter, but did not involve replication or infection.
L. J. Homan, Impacts of information system vulnerabilities on society, AIFIPS National Com-
puter Conference, pp461-467, 1982. This paper describes the degree to which we have become
dependent on computer systems and what we could reasonably expect to result from existing system
Kaplan, [U.S. Dept. of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics] Computer Crime - Computer Security
Techniques, U.S. Government Printing Oce, Washington, DC, 1982. This is a wonderful resource
book on computer security techniques, and gives a rm basis for EDP audit from the pre-virus era.
M. H. Klein, Department of Defense Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria, Department
of Defense Computer Security Center, Fort Meade, Md. 20755, 1983 DOD-CSC-84-001. This is the
widely touted orange book Trusted System Evaluation Criteria published by the NSA for evaluating
multilevel secure systems for military use. Although it has become a de-facto standard, it does not
address integrity or many other issues widely held to be of more widespread import.
A. Turing, On Computable Numbers, with an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem, London
Math Soc Ser 2, 1936. This is the famous paper that shows that any problem that can be solved
by any general purpose computer can also be solved by any other general purpose computer, given
enough time and space.
S. Yau and R. Cheung, Design of Self Checking Software, Conference on Reliable Software, IEEE,
1975, pp450-457. This is one of a series of papers on software based fault tolerant computing.
J. Kelly and A. Avizienis, A Specication Oriented Multi-Version Software Experiment, IEEE
Symposium on Fault Tolerant Computing pp120-126, 1983. This paper describes some of the major
problems with multi-version programming and the experiments performed at UCLA to evaluate its
potential for practical use.
R. Scott, J. Gault, D. McAllister, and J. Wiggs, Experimental Validation of Six Fault Tolerant
Software Reliability Models, IEEE Symposium on Fault Tolerant Computing, pp102-107, 1984.
This paper advances the practice of multi-version programming by showing the importance of good
specication to the nal outcome.
L. Chen and A. Avizienis, N-version programming: a fault tolerance approach to reliability of
software operation, FTCS-8, pp 3-9, June, 1978. This paper introduced the N-version programming
L. Chen, Improving Software Reliability by N-version Programming, UCLA Computer Science
Dept, UCLA-ENG-7843, 1978. This paper described some improvements to the initial work on
N-version programming.
Randell, System Structure for Software Fault Tolerance, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineer-
ing, June 1975, pp220-223, Vol.SE-1. This paper introduces the systems requirements for reliable
N-version software implementations.
M. Harrison, W. Ruzzo, and J. Ullman, Protection in Operating Systems, CACM V19#8, Aug
1976, pp461-471. This paper introduces the rst formal mathematical model of protection in com-
puter systems, and forms the basis for the Subject/Object model of computer security. It also proves
that determining the protection eects of a given conguration is, in general, undecidable.
M. Cohen, A New Integrity Based Model for Limited Protection Against Computer Viruses, Mas-
ters Thesis, The Pennsylvania State University, College Park, PA 1988. This thesis describes the
concept of integrity shells as a method of defending against computer viruses.
F. Cohen, Models of Practical Defenses Against Computer Viruses, IFIP-TC11, Computers and
Security, V7#6, December, 1988. This paper formally introduces integrity shells and shows that
they are optimal as a defense against computer viruses.
F. Cohen, Automated Integrity Maintenance for Viral Defense, IFIP-TC11, Computers and Secu-
rity, 1990. This paper describes some of the automated decision making issues in the use of integrity
shells for a computer virus defense.
DPMA 2nd annual computer virus symposium, New York, NY, 1989. This conference had several
interesting papers on vulnerabilities in computer systems and computer virus defenses.
S. Jones and C. White Jr., The IPM Model of Computer Virus Management, IFIP-TC11, (sub-
mitted 1989). This model of management issues in computer virus defense considers viruses as pests
in an agricultural environment.
F. Cohen, The ASP 3.0 Technical Users Manual, ASP Press, 1990 (PO Box 81270, Pittsburgh PA
15217, USA). This is the technical manual for the rst commercial integrity shell.
F. Cohen, ASP 3.0 - The Integrity Shell, Information Protection, V1#1, January 1990, ASP Press,
1990 (PO Box 81270, Pittsburgh PA 15217, USA). This article describes some of the issues in integrity
shells as a practical defense against viruses without using any high powered mathematics.
Y. J. Huang and F. Cohen, Some Weak Points of One Fast Cryptographic Checksum Algorithm and
its Improvement, IFIP-TC11 Computers and Security, V8#1, February, 1989. This paper shows
several weaknesses in one cryptographic checksum used as a viral defense, and shows how it can be
M. Prew, Minimizing the Impact of Computer Crime on your Earnings, Wigham Poland (Corpora-
tion of Lloyds), 1984. This article was written by an insurance underwriter to describe the economic
impacts of computer crime in modern society.
H. Highland, Computer Virus Handbook, Elsevier, 1990. This is a very good book on computer
viruses from a technological standpoint, and covers much of the basis for present computer virus
theory as well. It is recommended reading for those interested in computer viruses under the DOS
operating system.
S. White, A Status Report on IBM Computer Virus Research, Italian Computer Virus Conference,
1990. This paper describes the status of computer virus research at IBMs high integrity computing
L. Adleman, An Abstract Theory of Computer Viruses, Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
V403, Advances in Computing - Proceedings of Crypto-88, S. Goldwasser, Ed., Springer-Verlag,
1990. This was the second theoretical work on computer viruses, describes a subset of the previous
formal denition, and demonstrates that detection of members of this subset is also undecidable.
E. Spaord, Crisis and Aftermath, CACM, V32#6, June, 1989. This is one of the short papers
published in a special issue of CACM on the computer virus attack on the internet.
J. Rochlis and M. Eichin, With Microscope and Tweezers: The Worm from MITs Perspective,
CACM, V32#6, June, 1989. This is another paper describing the eorts to ght the Internet virus
from the ACM special issue on the virus in the internet.
F. Cohen, Some Simple Advances in Protection Tools, Information Protection, V1#5-9, June-Oct
1990, ASP Press (PO Box 81270, Pittsburgh PA 15217, USA). This article describes some of the
simple advances in protection tools needed to facilitate proper management of the enormous amount
of protection state in modern computer systems.
W. Gleissner, A Mathematical Theory for the Spread of Computer Viruses, Computers and
Security, IFIP TC-11, V8#1, Jan. 1989 pp35-41. This paper gives a thorough mathematical
analysis of the spread of computer viruses in computer systems, including predictions of spread times
based on various properties of system use.
Tipet, The Tipet Theory of Computer Virus Propagation, Foundationware, USA. This is a very
oversimplied model of viral spread that predicts enormous global calamity if viruses go unchecked.
C. Shannon, A Mathematical Theory of Communications, Bell Systems Technical Journal, 1949.
This classic paper describes information theory for the rst time, and forms the basis for all of modern
syntactic information theory. It also shows that covert channels (as well as any other channels) can
be arbitrarily reliable even in the presence of purposely introduced noise.
F. Cohen, Current Best Practice Against PC Integrity Corruption, Information Protection, V1#1,
January 1990, ASP Press (PO Box 81270, Pittsburgh PA 15217). This paper describes procedural
requirements for sound computer virus defense in PC based environments.
F. Cohen, Computer Viruses, chapter in Computers Under Attack, ACM/Addison Wesley
(1990). This is a good summary of computer virus research results, but is redundant once you
have read this book.
F. Cohen, The Impact of Information Protection on Computer Engineering, Information Protec-
tion, V1#4, April, 1990, ASP Press, (PO Box 81270, Pittsburgh PA 15217). This paper describes
the degree to which protection issues has inuenced the basic design of computer systems.
F. Cohen, How To Do Sound Change Control and What It Costs, Information Protection, V1#6,
June, 1990, ASP Press, (PO Box 81270, Pittsburgh PA 15217). This paper describes the cost of
sound change control.
H. Gliss, The Security of Information Resources - Results of a Survey, The Oxbridge Sessions, Hol-
land, 1990. This paper gives the results of one of the best computer security surveys ever completed
in industry.
F. Cohen, A Cost Analysis of Typical Computer Viruses and Defenses, IFIP-TC11, Comput-
ers and Security, (submitted, 1990). This paper describes the mathematical analysis of the costs
of computer virus defenses, and shows that integrity shells are far more cost eective than other
competitive techniques currently in the environment.
M. Pozzo, Ph.D. Dissertation, University of California at Los Angeles, 1990. This thesis describes
essentially ineective attempts at trying to nd computer viruses by examining executable programs
and trying to predict their behavior. It also contains a number of intersting advances in the use of
public key cryptography and proof of program correctness for viral defense.
J. Hirst, Eliminator - Computer Virus Detection and Removal, Copyright (c), British Computer
Virus Research Centre, 1990. This shows the state-of-the-art in special purpose automated computer
virus detection and removal.
L. Homan, Rogue Programs - Viruses, Worms, and Trojan Horses Von Noisted, Reinhold, 1990.
This book is a good resource for papers on computer viruses and related integrity attacks against
modern computers.
G. Davida, Y. Desmedt, and B. Matt, Defending Against Computer Viruses through Cryptographic
Authentication, 1989 IEEE Symposium on Computer Security and Privacy, pp 312-318. This paper
is a minor extension of previous results on integrity protection through cryptographic checksums.
M. Joseph and A. Avizienis, A Fault Tolerance Approach to Computer Viruses, 1988 IEEE Sym-
posium on Security and Privacy, April, 1988. In this paper, extensions to software fault tolerance
are applied to computer virus defense in critical systems.
J. Kephart, S. White, and D. Chess, Computers and Epidemiology, IEEE Spectrum May, 1993
pp20-26. In this paper, empirical data is used in conjunction with modeling of infection vectors to
show how virus epidemics work and the eects of common defenses on quelling those epidemics.
N. Baily, The Mathematical Theory of Epidemics, Hafner Publishing Co., 1957, New York, NY.
In this book, the mathematics are derived for predicting the level of infection within a society, and
the concept of an epidemic is given mathematical meaning.
F. Cohen, Operating System Protection Through Program Evolution, Computers and Security
(accepted - awaiting publication). This paper describes a number of evolutionary techniques that
can be applied by operating system designers to make system specic attacks very complex to create.

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