Step 1: Template Creation (Projection Module)
Step 1: Template Creation (Projection Module)
Step 1: Template Creation (Projection Module)
A template of the desired interface is projected onto the adjacent interface surface. The template is
produced by illuminating a specially designed, highly efficient holographic optical element with a red
diode laser. Note: the template serves only as a reference for the user and is not involved in the
detection process. In a fixed environment, the template can just as easily be printed onto the
interface surface.
An infra-red plane of light is generated just above, and parallel to, the interface surface. This light is
invisible to the user and hovers a few millimeters above the surface. When the user touches a key
position on the interface surface light is reflected from this plane in the vicinity of the key and directed
towards the sensor module.
Reflected light from user interactions with the interface surface is passed through an infra-red filter
and imaged on to a CMOS image sensor in the sensor module. Custom hardware embedded in the
sensor chip (the Virtual Interface Processing CoreTM) then makes a real-time determination of the
location of the reflected light. The processing core can track multiple reflection events simultaneously
and can thus support both multiple keystrokes and overlapping cursor control inputs.
The micro-controller in the sensor module receives the positional information corresponding to the
light flashes from the sensor processing core, interprets the events (e.g. keydown, keyup, mouse or
touchpad control etc..) and communicates them through an appropriate interface to external devices.
Money was originally a physical substance like gold and silver. It could even be alive
cattle were one of the oldest forms of money. Today, although much of the money
used by individuals in their everyday transactions is still in the form of notes and
coins, its quantity is small in comparison with the intangible money that exists only as
entries in bank records. Perhaps coins and banknotes will become as obsolete as
cowrie shells.
Payment Systems and Organisations
Triple Deal
An international payment service provider (PSP), Triple Deal offers a full-service
payment based in the Netherlands. As a guarantor between buyer and seller on the
Internet, Triple Deal acts as a reliable third party to create confidence and certainty in
Internet transactions.
BT click&buy
This BT facility allows Internet users to pay for online content and services via their
BT home or business telephone bill.
By 2009 70% of the world's online population still did not have credit cards but over 3
billion people owned a mobile phone. Paymo allows consumers anywhere in the
world to buy online and pay with their mobile phone.
LUUP is a payment solution for online and mobile payment. Participants get a mobile
wallet they can use to pay with their mobile phone or online. Just like an ordinary
wallet, the LUUP wallet can contain cash and credit/debit cards.
Mobile Phone Banking and Low-Income Customers: Evidence from South Africa
A report by the Consultative Group to Assist the Poor, the World Bank and United
Nations Foundation and the Vodafone Group Foundation, 2006.
Out of Africa
An article by David Birch describing how mobile phones are being used to transfer
money in Africa. Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce, December 2005, vol.
10, no.3.
Upwardly mobile
How mobile phones and scratch cards can be used to transfer money rapidly and
cheaply in Africa. Dave Birch, The Guardian, August 18, 2005.
Taking charge
As BT seeks to grow its online payments business, Ken Young asks if it can rival
PayPal's success. Guardian, February 3, 2005.
A system designed for annonymous electronic transactions, including
Geek Credit
Geek Credit is a digital complementary currency for internet. It is decentralized,
secure, interest and demurrage free. It is backed by mutual credit (time). There is no
central issuing and control authority, so it is a true peer-to-peer currency.
Smart Voucher
A simple platform for securely managing and transferring personal payments
between people and/or organisations both online and offline in real time.
DM - Digital Money
An open source micropayment system based on Java, JXTA, XML, OpenPGP and
Payment in kind
An article about the Smart Voucher system and its founder Scott Thomson who has
an outstanding record of innovation in the technology of financial transactions.
Guardian, 10 April 2003.
Clickshare allows a consumer to have one account at a most-trusted website and
buy from other websites without having to pass around a credit-card number, register
or give out personal information. One ID, one account, one bill.
A low-cost electronic payment system for processing micropayments based on the
work of Ron Rivest, father of the RSA Public Key crypto-security system, and Silvio
Micali, two of the world's leading cryptographers and information security experts.
A system developed by Newgenpay that can be used for micropayments.
An international system which allows individuals to send money to each other by e-
mail. The service started in the United States but has now spread to many parts of
the world.
Internet Cash
An anonymous system using prepaid cards that may be purchased at convenience
stores, retail outlets or over the Internet from the website.
This is a magnetically shielded cardholder which is claimed to protect contactless
smartcards from surreptitious, wireless access by hackers, electronic pickpockets or
the government.
An electronic payment system for the Internet developed at the Information Sciences
Institute of the University of Southern California
Electronic money 100% backed by gold!
A token-based micropayment system.
The NetCard project aims to provide solutions by the development of new protocols
and a smartcard based mechanism to manage the necessary functions of
authentication, delegation, authorisation, accounting and revocation. The new
technology will be tested and demonstrated in a trial multimedia system connecting
Cambridge and Manchester universities
It's hard for me to believe that paper money will someday be replaced by electronic
currency. Paper money and coins have existed for centuries, so it's hard to believe
that digital cash will take over. Or is it?
Here are a few facts to consider:
1) There's a much larger amount of electronic wealth than paper money. Let me
explain this by looking at two aspects of banking:a) Banks are not required to
maintain large cash reserves in relation to their total deposits. Their cash reserves
are normally less than 20% of their total liquid assets. Therefore, if you deposit
$1,000.00 into a bank account, the bank would be obligated to keep no more than
$200.00 in cash. So where does the rest go? Into investments, loans, etc. - banks
make their money by lending it. If they didn't lend it back out, they'd never make any
profit. This non-cash 80% or more of your money is effectively transformed into
electronic funds and it may never have any physical life if you use payroll direct
b) Credit cards, lines of credit, etc. represent a form of electronic currency which
rarely are converted into cash. In fact, I've seen one argument that says that we
effectively create currency, in the form of credit, whenever we use one of these debt
The conclusion that I am drawing here is that much of today's money is already
2) There are more and more ways to pay electronically. Credit card purchases are a
form of electronic currency that have existed for years. More and more businesses
allow the use of debit cards (i.e. electronic payment using some form of deposit).
Businesses use electronic funds transfer. Wire transfers are electronic. Finally,
consider the growing financial mammoth that is PayPal: it's not just for eBay! You can
use PayPal to send and receive money from almost anyone.
3) The final frontier for elimination of paper money would be the remaining forms of
cash payment. This includes things like: small businesses, particularly restaurants;
pocket money e.g. allowances; underground or unregulated economy (think of yard
sales); and charities. Many of these types of commerce are increasingly able to
accept electronic payment.
Conclusion: electronic currency continues to preliforate into new channels.
4) However, the last bastion of a cash economy may be the most ubiquitous: the
vending machine. Many, many items are now available by vending machine: soft
drinks; potato chips and other snacks; toiletries; cigarettes; lottery tickets; toys; and
other items that might not be mentioned in polite company. It's hard to say, but the
vast majority of vending machines are cash-only: either coins or paper money. This
could take generations to phase out unless the markets or the governments force the
change. Many vending machines lack the necessary electronic circuitry to eliminate
the use of paper money or coins. This is a significant investment to replace. We
would also need some form of cheap, easily produced payment card, plus the
payment receiver and processor, to eliminate the paper. But there's no doubt that it
could be done.
It's becoming increasingly likely that paper money will be completely replaced by
electronic commerce. If there's a will, there's definitely a way.
How well do you trust technology? Would Doesn't it scare you
that voting fraud is possible online?
On the other you do any banking online? Do you ever use eBay? Isn't it
just convenient?
Trust versus convenience is the issue, so it makes sense that the rate at which paper
money will be phased out (if ever) is the rate at which consumers become more
confident in technology as a whole - one country may become electronic much
quicker than another, because people's tastes will always be different in different
In the United States, we place a great deal of public confidence is our dollar. If you
don't believe this, remember how many times the U.S. Mint has tried to replace the
dollar with a coin. Each time this replacement process has failed, even though coins
are more convenient, both for the government and for people in general, precisely
because Americans are more familiar with dollar bills than any coin.
Of course, aren't people familiar with the internet and with e-commerce? It would
seem then that paper money is a sure goner against technology.
As for other nations, however, the process of phasing is already beginning. Instead of
giving paper checks, paychecks are directly wired to bank accounts (admittedly, in
some fields in America, this is occurring as well, but not to as wide a margin as it is
occurring in certain European nations.) As an American myself, I like that idea.
Although I know there are five people cringing for every one person with my opinion,
I find it reassuring to know that one day, my bills could be handled automatically, my
tax returns handled automatically, without having to mail (and wait for confirmation) in
several tax forms or return sheets. I already use paypal to pay for whatever I feel like
buying online. I am a friend of convenience and I, for one, welcome our new robot
If you’ve ever purchased something over the Internet using a plastic card,
then you’ve seen the future.
Buying and selling - and even money itself - are rapidly entering the digital
age. The marketplace, once a teeming throng of goods, people, and hard
currency, is becoming a global stream of electronic information. We’re on
the brink of a new digital economy, and the coming changes are both
profound and exciting.
The way people shop for everyday items like books, toys, and groceries is
already changing as more retailers are setting up electronic stores on the
Internet. It is estimated that 200,000 U.S. households made purchases on
the Internet in 1998 and that online shoppers spend $4 million a day on
computers, books, music, and adult entertainment, according to Andersen
Consulting and Forrester Research.
Forecasts of how much electronic commerce will grow in the coming years
vary widely-anywhere from $2 billion to $200 billion by 2000-but some say
even the highest estimates are too low. “Consumer buying over the
Internet is wildly underestimated,” says Nicholas Negroponte, director of
the Media Laboratory. “I believe it will exceed one trillion dollars by 2000.”
“The next few years will be a time of change and instability for business,”
says Prof. Erik Brynjolfsson, who runs the electronic commerce program at
the Sloan School of Management. “There’s going to be an explosion of
commerce on the Internet, and a lot of the ways business is done on the
Internet are fairly different from the ways business is done using
conventional channels.”
“The real store has to pay rent, employ salespeople, and keep an
inventory,” says Joseph Reagle, public policy analyst with the World Wide
Web Consortium, an industry collaborative based at MIT. “Real stores are
going to feel a lot of pressure from virtual retailers, although I don’t think
real stores will ever disappear completely.”
Experts say true electronic cash, in the form of a “smart card” similar to a
prepaid phone card, may replace cash altogether in the future. Already
popular in Europe, such electronic pocket money could conceivably be
recharged from a home computer linked to a bank account.
Beyond smart cards, some see even more dramatic changes in the nature
of money over the long term. One British think-tank predicts that by 2020,
we’ll be using a single global currency, common to all nations.
“That’s possible, for sure,” says Negroponte. “But the opposite will happen
as well-a vast array of digital currencies will evolve, issued by all sorts of
entities, not just nation states.” Examples include store-based loyalty
points or kids’ cash as well as tiny closed currencies specific to a town or
Experts say cutting the tether between government and money will
expand markets and increase consumer freedom. In fact, much of the
future of the entire digital economic revolution lies in the hands of the
consumer. So far, the government has adopted a mostly wait-and-see
approach, letting market forces set the pace.
“There are some issues with encryption of sensitive information and with
taxation that the government is currently looking at,” says Reagle. “But
otherwise they are letting technology and the free market determine the
Microsoft Surface uses cameras to sense objects, hand gestures and touch.
This user input is then processed and displayed using rear projection.
% Microsoft Surface uses a rear projection system which displays an
image onto the underside of a thin diffuser.
% Objects such as fingers are visible through the diffuser by series of
infrared–sensitive cameras, positioned underneath the display.
% An image processing system processes the camera images to detect
fingers, custom tags and other objects such as paint brushes when
touching the display.
The objects recognized with this system are reported to applications running
in the computer so that they can react to object shapes, 2D tags, movement
and touch.
The Nintendo DS, Palm Treo and Logitech Harmony Remote Control
all use touch-screen technology.
The basic idea is pretty simple -- when you place your finger or a stylus on the
screen, it changes the state that the device is monitoring. In screens that rely
on sound or light waves, your finger physically blocks or reflects some of the
waves. Capacitive touch-screens use a layer of capacitive material to hold an
electrical charge; touching the screen changes the amount of charge at a
specific point of contact. In resistive screens, the pressure from your finger
causes conductive and resistive layers of circuitry to touch each other,
changing the circuits' resistance.
Most of the time, these systems are good at detecting the location of exactly
one touch. If you try to touch the screen in several places at once, the results
can be erratic. Some screens simply disregard all touches after the first one.
Others can detect simultaneous touches, but their software can't calculate the
location of each one accurately. There are several reasons for this, including:
% Many systems detect changes along an axis or in a specific direction
instead of at each point on the screen.
% Some screens rely on system-wide averages to determine touch
% Some systems take measurements by first establishing a baseline.
When you touch the screen, you create a new baseline. Adding
another touch causes the system to take a measurement using the
wrong baseline as a starting point.
% The Apple iPhone is different -- many of the elements of its multi-
touch user interface require you to touch multiple points on the screen
simultaneously. For example, you can zoom in to Web pages or
pictures by placing your thumb and finger on the screen and spreading
them apart. To zoom back out, you can pinch your thumb and finger
together. The iPhone's touch screen is able to respond to both touch
points and their movements simultaneously. We'll look at exactly how
the iPhone does this in the next section.
When you use computers, entertainment systems or telephones, the various
pieces and parts of the systems make up a community of electronic devices.
These devices communicate with each other using a variety of wires, cables,
radio signals and infrared light beams, and an even greater variety of
connectors, plugs and protocols.
There are lots of different ways that electronic devices can connect to one
another. For example:
% Component cables
% Electrical wires
% Ethernet cables
% WiFi
% Infrared signals
The art of connecting things is becoming more and more complex every day.
In this article, we will look at a method of connecting devices, called
Bluetooth, that can streamline the process. A Bluetooth connection is
wireless and automatic, and it has a number of interesting features that can
simplify our daily lives.
The ProblemWhen any two devices need to talk to each other, they have to
agree on a number of points before the conversation can begin. The first point
of agreement is physical: Will they talk over wires, or through some form of
wireless signals? If they use wires, how many are required -- one, two, eight,
25? Once the physical attributes are decided, several more questions arise:
% How much data will be sent at a time? For instance, serial ports send
data 1 bit at a time, while parallel ports send several bits at once.
% How will they speak to each other? All of the parties in an electronic
discussion need to know what the bits mean and whether the message
they receive is the same message that was sent. This means
developing a set of commands and responses known as a protocol.
Bluetooth offers a solution to the problem.
Bluetooth Security
In any wireless networking setup, security is a concern. Devices can easily
grab radio waves out of the air, so people who send sensitive information over
a wireless connection need to take precautions to make sure those signals
aren't intercepted. Bluetooth technology is no different -- it's wireless and
therefore susceptible to spying and remote access, just like WiFi is
susceptible if the network isn't secure. With Bluetooth, though, the automatic
nature of the connection, which is a huge benefit in terms of time and effort, is
also a benefit to people looking to send you data without your permission.
Bluetooth offers several security modes, and device manufacturers determine
which mode to include in a Bluetooth-enabled gadget. In almost all cases,
Bluetooth users can establish "trusted devices" that can exchange data
without asking permission. When any other device tries to establish a
connection to the user's gadget, the user has to decide to allow it. Service-
level security and device-level security work together to protect Bluetooth
devices from unauthorized data transmission. Security methods include
authorization and identification procedures that limit the use of Bluetooth
services to the registered user and require that users make a conscious
decision to open a file or accept a data transfer. As long as these measures
are enabled on the user's phone or other device, unauthorized access is
unlikely. A user can also simply switch his Bluetooth mode to "non-
discoverable" and avoid connecting with other Bluetooth devices entirely. If a
user makes use of the Bluetooth network primarily for synching devices at
home, this might be a good way to avoid any chance of a security breach
while in public.
Still, early cell-phone virus writers have taken advantage of Bluetooth's
automated connection process to send out infected files. However, since most
cell phones use a secure Bluetooth connection that requires authorization and
authentication before accepting data from an unknown device, the infected file
typically doesn't get very far. When the virus arrives in the user's cell phone,
the user has to agree to open it and then agree to install it. This has, so far,
stopped most cell-phone viruses from doing much damage. See How Cell-
phone Viruses Work to learn more.
Other problems like "bluejacking," "bluebugging" and "Car Whisperer" have
turned up as Bluetooth-specific security issues. Bluejacking involves
Bluetooth users sending a business card (just a text message, really) to other
Bluetooth users within a 10-meter (32-foot) radius. If the user doesn't realize
what the message is, he might allow the contact to be added to his address
book, and the contact can send him messages that might be automatically
opened because they're coming from a known contact. Bluebugging is more
of a problem, because it allows hackers to remotely access a user's phone
and use its features, including placing calls and sending text messages, and
the user doesn't realize it's happening. The Car Whisperer is a piece of
software that allows hackers to send audio to and receive audio from a
Bluetooth-enabled car stereo. Like a computer security hole, these
vulnerabilities are an inevitable result of technological innovation, and device
manufacturers are releasing firmware upgrades that address new problems
as they arise.
If communications security is a concern of yours, then click here to learn how
phone conferencing security works. To learn more about Bluetooth security
issues and solutions, see Wireless Security.
An organic light emitting diode (OLED), also light emitting polymer (LEP)
and organic electro luminescence (OEL), is any light emitting diode (LED)
whose emissive electroluminescent layer is composed of a film of organic
compounds. The layer usually contains a polymer substance that allows
suitable organic compounds to be deposited. They are deposited in rows and
columns onto a flat carrier by a simple "printing" process. The resulting matrix
of pixels can emit light of different colors.
Such systems can be used in television screens, computer displays, small,
portable system screens such as cell phones and PDAs, advertising,
information and indication. OLEDs can also be used in light sources for
general space illumination, and largearea lightemitting elements. OLEDs
typically emit less light per area than inorganic solidstate based LEDs which
are usually designed for use as pointlight sources.
A significant benefit of OLED displays over traditional liquid crystal displays
(LCDs) is that OLEDs do not require a backlight to function. Thus they draw
far less power and, when powered from a battery, can operate longer on the
same charge. Because there is no need for a backlight, an OLED display can
be much thinner than an LCD panel. Degradation of OLED materials has
limited their use so far.
Inductive charging charges electrical batteries using electromagnetic induction. A
charging station sends energy through inductive coupling to an electrical device,
which stores the energy in the batteries. Because there is a small gap between the
two coils, inductive charging is one kind of shortdistance wireless energy transfer.
The other kind of charging, direct wired contact (also known as conductive charging
or direct coupling) requires direct electrical contact between the batteries and the
charger. Conductive charging is normally achieved by moving batteries from a device
to charger, or connecting a device to a power source with plugin wires.
Induction chargers typically use an induction coil to create an alternating
electromagnetic field from within a charging base station, and a second induction coil
in the portable device takes power from the electromagnetic field and converts it back
into electrical current to charge the battery. The two induction coils in proximity
combine to form an electrical transformer.
A paper battery is a battery engineered to use a paperthin sheet of cellulose (which
is the major constituent of regular paper, among other things) infused with aligned
carbon nanotubes
.[1] The nanotubes act as electrodes; allowing the storage devices
to conduct electricity. The battery, which functions as both a lithiumion battery and a
supercapacitor, can provide a long, steady power output comparable to a
conventional battery, as well as a supercapacitor’s quick burst of high energy and
while a conventional battery contains a number of separate components, the paper
battery integrates all of the battery components in a single structure, making it more
energy efficient.
The researchers used ionic liquid, essentially a liquid salt, as the battery’s electrolyte.
The use of ionic liquid, which contains no water, means there’s nothing in the
batteries to freeze or evaporate. “This lack of water allows the paper energy storage
devices to withstand extreme temperatures,” Kumar said. This also gives the battery
its ability to function in temperatures up to 300 degrees Fahrenheit and down to 100
below zero. The use of ionic liquid also makes the battery extremely biocompatible;
the team printed paper batteries without adding any electrolytes, and demonstrated
that naturally occurring electrolytes in human sweat, blood, and urine can be used to
activate the battery device. According to Pushparaj “It’s a way to power a small
device such as a pacemaker without introducing any harsh chemicals – such as the
kind that are typically found in batteries — into the body.”
The use of carbon nanotubes gives the paper battery extreme flexibility; the sheets
can be rolled, twisted, folded, or cut into numerous shapes with no loss of integrity or
efficiency, or stacked, like printer paper (or a Voltaic pile), to boost total output. As
well, they can be made in a variety of sizes, from postage stamp to broadsheet. “It’s
essentially a regular piece of paper, but it’s made in a very intelligent way,” said
Linhardt, “We’re not putting pieces together — it’s a single, integrated device,” he
said. “The components are molecularly attached to each other: the carbon nanotube
print is embedded in the paper, and the electrolyte is soaked into the paper. The end
result is a device that looks, feels, and weighs the same as paper.”
The paperlike quality of the battery combined with the structure of the nanotubes
embedded within gives them their light weight and low cost, making them attractive
for portable electronics, aircraft, automobiles, and toys (such as model aircraft), while
their ability to use electrolytes in blood make them potentially useful for medical
devices such as pacemakers. The medical uses are particularly attractive because
they do not contain any toxic materials and can be biodegradable; a major drawback
of chemical cells.[2] However, Professor Sperling cautions that commercial
applications may be a long way away, because nanotubes are still relatively
expensive to fabricate. Currently they are making devices a few inches in size. In
order to be commercially viable, they would like to be able to make them newspaper
size; a size which, taken all together would be powerful enough to power a car.
If you crack the back off of an iPhone or any other modern portable electronic device,
you'll find a big honking battery that takes up a huge amount of space and
contributes to a large part of the device's weight. Fuel cells and solar power have
both been floated as promising solutions to the battery weight/capacity problem, but
new research suggests that carbon nanotubes may eventually provide the best hope
of implementing the flexible batteries and supercapacitors needed to shrink our
gadgets even more.
Part of the problem with designing flexible batteries and supercapacitors has always
been the necessity of layering such devices. Typically, two electrode layers sandwich
two charge-holding layers, with an insulating layer in the middle of it all. As the layers
build up, flexibility goes out the window.
It doesn't stop there, however. By putting a drop of electrolyte on a single sheet and
then putting a metal foil consisting of lithium and aluminum on each side, a lithium
ion battery is formed. This paper device had a respectable 110mAh/g capacity, and
the researchers indicate that small prototypes could already power small mechanical
devices like fans. These batteries and supercapacitors are quite stable and have
been shown to operate over a wide range of temperatures, with the research
showing that they can operate between -78–150°C.
The flexibility (pun intended) of this system shouldn't be understated. Batteries and
capacitors can be combined in any way desirable simply by controlling where the
electrolyte is placed and where the second sheet of paper is placed. The power
density isn't fantastic, but it makes up for that by being able to fit into strange shapes,
and it could even be wrapped around the electronics inside a device.
Also noteworthy: bodily fluids can act as the electrolyte, which hints at medical
applications. The capacitor would be put into a patient fully charged but dry, and
when more power was needed, bodily fluids would be allowed into the device to
allow it to discharge.
High safety features - The cells contain no caustic chemicals, and cannot
overheat, explode, or cause burns or electrical shock. They are non-toxic and
non-flammable and can therefore be freely shipped, stored, and disposed of
after use.
Fully integratable – The cells can be printed directly into or onto the end-
product for seamless integration. Part of the cells may even have dual
functions to serve the purpose of the end-product.Flat discharge curve - The
cells feature a straight and stable discharge curve until the complete depletion
of their capacity, enabling steady performance of powered products over time.
TOKYO – April 22, 2009 – From its annual All Hands Meeting in Tokyo this week, the
Bluetooth SIG formally adopted Bluetooth Core Specification Version 3.0 High Speed
(HS), or Bluetooth 3.0. This latest iteration of the popular short-range wireless
technology fulfills the consumers’ need for speed while providing the same wireless
Bluetooth experience – faster. Manufacturers of consumer electronics and home
entertainment devices can now build their products to send large amounts of video,
music and photos between devices wirelessly at speeds consumers expect.
Bluetooth 3.0 gets its speed from the 802.11 radio protocol. The inclusion of the
802.11 Protocol Adaptation Layer (PAL) provides increased throughput of data
transfers at the approximate rate of 24 Mbps. In addition, mobile devices including
Bluetooth 3.0 will realize increased power savings due to enhanced power control
built in.
“Like Ricky Bobby in Talladega Nights, this latest version was ‘born to go fast,’ said
Michael Foley, Ph.D., executive director of the Bluetooth SIG. ”Utilizing the 802.11
radio was a natural choice as it provides efficiencies for both our members and
consumers – members get more function out of the two radios they are already
including in devices, and consumers with Bluetooth v3.0 HS products will get faster
exchange of information without changing how they connect. We are excited to
expand the possibilities of the PAN.”
This newest version of Bluetooth technology builds on the inherent qualities of the
current 2.1 EDR version, including Simple Secure Pairing and built-in, automatic
security. And as with all versions of the Bluetooth specification, Bluetooth 3.0 HS
provides developers, manufacturers and consumers with the benefit of backwards
compatibility, enabling both the expansion and enhancement of this technology with
every new specification release. Once products reach the market, the easiest way for
consumers to learn which devices are compatible with other Bluetooth enabled
devices is to visit the Bluetooth Gadget Guide.
With the availability of Bluetooth version 3.0 HS, consumers can expect to move
large data files of videos, music and photos between their own devices and the
trusted devices of others, without the need for cables and wires. Some applications
consumers will experience include:
% Wirelessly bulk synchronize music libraries between PC and music player or
% Bulk download photos to a printer or PC
% Send video files from camera or phone to computer or television
The Bluetooth SIG’s formal adoption of the specification is only the first step in the
product lifecycle. News out today from wireless chip manufacturers and Bluetooth
SIG member companies Atheros, Broadcom, CSR, and Marvell shows the second
step – getting silicon solutions to device manufacturers – is already underway. End
products for consumers are expected to be in the market in 9 to 12 months.
Technical Specifications
This new specification release includes several major enhancements (learn more
here – page requires member login):
% Generic Alternate MAC/PHY (AMP)
% 802.11 Protocol Adaptation Layer (PAL)
% Generic Test Methodology
% Enhanced Power Control
% Unicast Connectionless Data
E Ink is a type of electronic paper manufactured by E Ink Corporation.
It is a proprietary material that is processed into a film for integration into
electronic displays, particularly for Ebook devices such as the Sony
Reader, the iLiad, the Cybook
, the Amazon Kindle, the Readius
device from Polymer Vision [1] and Plastic Logic's Reader. The Motorola
F3 was the first cellphone to employ E Ink technology into its display,
taking advantage of the material's ultralow power consumption.
According to the manufacturer, "The principal components of electronic
ink are millions of tiny microcapsules, about the diameter of a human
hair. In one incarnation, each microcapsule contains positively charged
white particles and negatively charged black particles suspended in a
clear fluid. When a negative electric field is applied, the white particles
move to the top of the microcapsule to become visible to the reader.
This makes the surface appear white at that location. At the same time,
an opposite electric field pulls the black particles to the bottom of the
microcapsules where they are hidden. By reversing this process, the
black particles appear at the top of the capsule, which now makes the
surface appear dark at that location."[2]
To form an E Ink electronic display, the ink is printed onto a sheet of
plastic film that is laminated to a layer of circuitry. The circuitry forms a
pattern of pixels that can then be controlled by a display driver. These
microcapsules are suspended in a liquid "carrier medium" allowing them
to be printed using existing screen printing processes onto virtually any
surface, including glass, plastic, fabric and even paper.[clarification needed]
On June 1st, 2009 E Ink was purchased by its primary business partner,
Prime View International, for $215 million.