FY 2014 City Council Adopted Expense Budget Schedule C
FY 2014 City Council Adopted Expense Budget Schedule C
FY 2014 City Council Adopted Expense Budget Schedule C
Adjustment Summary / Schedule C
Hon. Christine C. Quinn Hon. Domenic M. Recchia, Jr.
Speaker of the Council Chair, Committee on Finance
Finance Division
Preston Niblack, Director
Jeffrey Rodus, First Deputy Director
Amended June 26, 2013
Finance Division
Preston Niblack, Director
Jeffrey Rodus, First Deputy Director
Tanisha Edwards, Chief Counsel
Juliana Han, Assistant Counsel
Economics and Revenue Unit
Raymond Majewski, Deputy Director, Chief Economist
Paul Sturm, Unit Head
Jonathan Auerbach
Emre Edev
Aleksandr Gevorkyan
Education and Public Safety Unit
Regina Poreda Ryan, Deputy Director
Eisha Wright, Unit Head
Lionel Francois
Christina Perrotti
Human Services, Health, and Governmental Operations Unit
Latonia McKinney, Deputy Director
Crilhien Francisco
John Russell
Dohini Sompura
Norah Yahya
Infrastructure, Housing and Economic Development Unit
Nathan Toth, Deputy Director
Chima Obichere, Unit Head
Ralph Hernandez
Kate Seeley-Kirk
Amy Stokes
State and Federal Budget and Higher Education Unit
Scott Crowley, Deputy Director
James Reyes
Jessica Jimenez
Jia Feng
Nicole Anderson
Maria Pagan
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................. 1
ANTI-GUN VIOLENCE INITIATIVE .................................................................................................................. 2
CHILDRENS SERVICES ..................................................................................................................................... 5
CIVIL LEGAL SERVICES .................................................................................................................................... 6
CRIMINAL JUSTICE SERVICES ........................................................................................................................ 8
CULTURAL ORGANIZATIONS........................................................................................................................ 10
DOMESTIC VIOLENCE ..................................................................................................................................... 12
EDUCATION ....................................................................................................................................................... 14
FIRE SERVICES .................................................................................................................................................. 18
GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS ............................................................................................................................. 19
HEALTH and MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES and HHC ................................................................................. 20
DOHMH, Health Services and Prevention ....................................................................................................... 21
DOHMH, Mental Health and Hygiene ............................................................................................................. 30
Health and Hospitals Corporation ..................................................................................................................... 35
HIGHER EDUCATION ....................................................................................................................................... 36
HOMELESS SERVICES ..................................................................................................................................... 38
HOUSING............................................................................................................................................................. 39
IMMIGRANT SERVICES ................................................................................................................................... 42
LIBRARIES .......................................................................................................................................................... 43
PARKS AND RECREATION .............................................................................................................................. 44
SENIOR SERVICES ............................................................................................................................................ 45
SMALL BUSINESS SERVICES AND WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT ....................................................... 49
SOCIAL SERVICES ............................................................................................................................................ 54
YOUTH and COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ................................................................................................. 57
APPENDIX A: FISCAL 2014 DISCRETIONARY CHILD CARE ALLOCATIONS ....................................... 63
APPENDIX B: FISCAL 2014 OUT OF SCHOOL TIME (OST) RESTORATIONS ......................................... 65
Fiscal 2014 Adopted Expense Budget Adjustments Summary
New York City Council Finance Division
Schedule C designates funding for community based not-for-profit and other public service
organizations. Expenditure of any funds for each organization identified in Schedule C is contingent
upon the satisfactory completion of 1) a detailed initial review process and 2) all applicable City
procurement requirements at the time of contract award. Even then, funding may only be used for
appropriately reimbursable expenses, as determined by the administering agency. The New York
City Council and the Mayors Office of Contract Services (MOCS) have established the following
initial review for each organization:
For all organizations included in Schedule C, the City Council preliminarily reviewed the public
purpose for which the funds would be used, and any potential conflicts of interest. In addition, MOCS
confirmed that all groups including those receiving $10,000 or less reviewed by the Council
demonstrated compliance with state charity registration requirements.
For organizations receiving $10,000 or less, the City Council also reviewed past performance,
compliance with tax laws, corporate status, any reported investigations, audits, inquiries and other
relevant information.
In the case of organizations requesting funding in excess of $10,000, MOCS is overseeing an
additional prequalification review process. Through this process, MOCS is reviewing each
organization to determine whether it meets integrity requirements, and is in compliance with
applicable laws and regulations, including charities registration. MOCS is also reviewing each
organization to determine whether the organization is qualified to provide the proposed services, and
is reviewing and recertifying the qualifications of organizations that were approved during prior fiscal
years. Further, for any organization receiving funding through a fiscal conduit, the fiscal conduit must
also be approved by MOCS.
For those organizations identified in Schedule C with for which, either the MOCS or the Councils
review process has not yet been completed, the State Attorney Generals Office has not yet provided
the Council with final verification of the organizations charitable filing status, or the organization is
required to attend the MOCS corporate governance, fiscal management and compliance training,
such reviews must be completed prior to contract award.
Further restrictions to ensure the appropriate use of City funds will be incorporated through the Citys
procurement process.
All organizations receiving funding pursuant to an initiative will be subject to pre-qualification
review and approval by the Mayors Office of Contract Services.
Initiative: Anti-Gun Violence Initiative/Gun Buy-Back Program
Agency: New York Police Department (056)
Unit of Appropriation: 100 Operations - Other Than Personal Services
Amount: $150,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Year Funded: Fiscal 2014
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation will fund ten gun buy-back programs in communities with high levels of
gun violence. The NYPD will match the Council's $150,000 allocation.
Designation Method: Funding is provided directly to the agency.
Initiative: Gun Violence Task Force Cease Fire and Preparedness Programs
Agency: Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (816)
Program Area: Environmental Disease Prevention
Unit of Appropriation: 114 Environmental Disease Prevention OTPS
Amount: $1,670,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Year Funded: Fiscal 2013
Population Targeted: Community members from neighborhoods within the 32
, 40
, 75
, 113
, and 120
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation supports anti-gun violence programs in the Crisis Intervention
framework, including Cure Violence.
Designation Method: The City Council has designated the following providers for Fiscal 2014:
Organization EIN Amount
Central Family Life Center 13-3626127 $500,000
Fund for Public Health in New York, Inc. 05-0539199 $70,000
Fund for the City of New York, Inc. - Center for Court Innovation 13-2612524 $500,000
Life Camp, Inc. 20-0814999 $500,000
Richmond Medical Center d/b/a Richmond University Medical Center 74-3177454 $100,000
Initiative: Anti-Gun Violence Therapeutic Services
Agency: Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (816)
Program Area: Mental Hygiene Mental Health Services
Unit of Appropriation: 120 - Mental Health
Amount: $615,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Year Funded: Fiscal 2013
Population Targeted: Community members from neighborhoods within the 32
, 40
, 75
, 113
, and 120
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation provides supportive, therapeutic and mental health services to
community members touched by gun violence in select neighborhoods.
Designation Method: The City Council has designated the following providers for Fiscal 2014:
Summary of FY 2014 Council Initiatives:
Anti-Gun Violence
Agency Initiative Funding
Anti-Gun Violence Gun Buy-Back Program $150,000
Anti-Gun Violence Cease Fire and Preparedness Programs $1,670,000
Anti-Gun Violence Therapeutic Services $615,000
DOE/DYCD Anti-Gun Violence - Violence Prevention, Conflict Mediation, and Youth Development $750,000
Anti-Gun Violence - Legal Services $550,000
Anti-Gun Violence Community Development $647,000
Anti-Gun Violence Community Development $425,000
TOTAL $4,807,000
Organization EIN# Amount
Central Family Life Center 13-3626127 $35,000
Fortune Society, Inc., The 13-2645436 $255,000
Fund for the City of New York, Inc. - Center for Court Innovation 13-2612524 $35,000
Harlem Mother's Stop Another Violent End (S.A.V.E.) 26-0847222 $35,000
Harlem Mother's Stop Another Violent End (S.A.V.E.) 26-0847222 $15,000
Life Camp, Inc. 20-0814999 $35,000
New York City Mission Society 13-5562301 $85,000
Not Another Child 26-0894097 $35,000
Staten Island Mental Health Society, Inc. 13-5623279 $85,000
Initiative: Anti-Gun Violence - Violence Prevention, Conflict Mediation, and Youth Development
Agencies: Department of Education (040) and Department of Youth and Community Development (260)
Units of Appropriation: Various
Amount: $750,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2013
Population Targeted: Public school students attending schools within the 32
, 40
, 75
, 113
, and 120
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation provides funding for programs related to conflict mediation, violence
prevention, and youth development in schools.
Designation Method: The City Council has designated the following providers for Fiscal 2014:
Agency U/A Organization EIN# Amount
DOE 402 Department of Education 13-6400434 $4,000
DOE 401 Department of Education 13-6400434 $64,000
DYCD 312 Council for Unity, Inc. 11-2880221 $200,000
DOE 401 ENACT, Inc. 13-3422660 $96,400
DOE 401 Life Camp, Inc. 20-0814999 $96,400
DOE 401 Man Up! Inc. 03-0553092 $48,200
DOE 401 Morningside Center for Teaching Social Responsibility, Inc. 13-3185340 $48,200
DOE 401 New York Center for Interpersonal Development 23-7085239 $96,400
DOE 401 New York City Mission Society 13-5562301 $48,200
DOE 401 Street Corner Resources, Inc. 26-0149521 $48,200
Initiative: Anti-Gun Violence - Legal Services
Agency: Miscellaneous Budget Criminal Justice Coordinator (098)
Unit of Appropriation: 002 Other Than Personal Services
Amount: $550,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2013
Population Targeted: Community members within the 32
, 40
, 75
, 113
, and 120
police precincts.
Description/Scope of Services: To provide legal services and consultations to community members Affected by gun
violence within the five target neighborhoods.
Designation Method: The City Council has designated the Legal Aid Society as the provider for this initiative.
EIN#: 13-5562265
Initiative: Anti-Gun Violence Community Development
Agency: Department of Probation (781)
Unit of Appropriation: 003 Other Than Personal Services
Amount: $647,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2013
Population Targeted: Community members within the 32
, 75
, 40
, 113
, and 120
police precincts.
Description/Scope of Services: This initiative will support the Justice Community Program that serves court-involved
young adults, between the ages of 16-24, living in the five target neighborhoods identified by the Anti-Gun Violence Task
Force. The program will engage participants in community benefit projects in one or more of the designated communities.
It will also provide educational, work, team and civic engagement experiences, as well as youth leadership, peer
mentorship, life skills and case management.
Designation Method: The City Council has designated the organizations and the amount each will receive under this
Organization EIN# Amount
Fund for the City of New York, Inc. - Center for Court Innovation 13-2612524 $129,400
Man Up!, Inc. 03-0553092 $129,400
New York City Mission Society 13-5562301 $129,400
Osborne Association 13-5563028 $129,400
Research Foundation of the City University of New York 13-1988190 $129,400
Initiative: Anti-gun Violence Community Development
Agency: Department of Youth and Community Development (260) and City University of New York (042)
Amount: $425,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2013
Population Targeted: Community members within the 32
, 75
, 40
, 113
, and 120
police precincts.
Description/Scope of Services: Anti-gun violence services related to employment training, job and internship
placements, program development and evaluation, and organizational capacity building.
Designation Method: The City Council has restored/designated the following providers for Fiscal 2014:
Agency Organization EIN# Amount
DYCD Community Resource Exchange, Inc. (CRE) 13-3048638 $25,000
DOHMH Department of Health and Mental Hygiene 13-6400434 $100,000
DYCD Downtown Community Television Center, Inc. 13-2742777 $10,000
DYCD New York WEB Center, Inc. 20-5620848 $10,000
DYCD New Yorkers Against Gun Violence 13-3780848 $30,000
Research Foundation of the City University of New
York (Alumni Network - You Can Too) 13-1988190 $250,000
Summary of Fiscal 2014 Council Initiatives:
Childrens Services
Agency Initiative Funding
ACS Discretionary Child Care $57,400,000
ACS Job Training and Placement for Day Care Workers $100,000
CUNY Technical Assistance for Child Care Providers $1,200,000
ACS Child Care Voucher Restoration $5,000,000
TOTAL $63,700,000
Initiative: Discretionary Child Care
Agency: Administration for Childrens Services (068)
Program Area: Child Care Services
Unit of Appropriation: 004 Other Than Personal Services
Amount: $57,400,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Year Funded: 2013
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation provides funding for discretionary child care programs.
Designation Method: The City Council has designated the organizations and the amount each will receive under this
initiative. See Appendix A.
Initiative: J ob Training and Placement for Day Care Workers
Agency: Administration for Childrens Services (068)
Program Area: Child Care Services
Unit of Appropriation: 004 Other Than Personal Services
Amount: $100,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Year Funded: 2013
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation provides funding for job training and placement assistance for day care
Designation Method: The City Council has designated Day Care Council of New York, Inc. as the provider for this
EIN#: 13-2613479
Initiative: Technical Assistance for Child Care Providers
Agency: City University of New York (042)
Program Area: Child Care Services
Unit of Appropriation: 001 Community Colleges OTPS
Amount: $1,200,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Year Funded: 2013
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation provides funding for technical assistance for current child care providers
through the NY Early Childhood Professional Development Institute.
Designation Method: Funding is provided directly to the agency.
Initiative: Child Care Voucher Restoration
Agency: Administration for Childrens Services (068)
Program Area: Child Care Services
Unit of Appropriation: 004 Other Than Personal Services
Amount: $5,000,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Year Funded: 2012
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation restores funding for 1,800 child care vouchers for school-age children.
All school-age vouchers are at a rate of $2,748 per voucher.
Designation Method: Funding is provided directly to the agency.
Summary of Fiscal 2014 Council Initiatives:
Civil Legal Services
Agency Initiative Funding
CJC Citywide Civil Legal Services $1,500,000
CJC Unemployment Insurance/SSI Advocacy Project $1,000,000
CJC Legal Services for the Working Poor $1,050,000
CJC Legal Information for Families Today (LIFT) $485,000
TOTAL $4,035,000
Initiative: Citywide Civil Legal Services
Agency: Miscellaneous Budget Criminal Justice Coordinator (098)
Unit of Appropriation: 002 Other Than Personal Services
Amount: $1,500,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2001
Population Targeted: Indigent persons requiring legal assistance
Description/Scope of Services: This action provides a combined $1.5 million to the Legal Aid Society ($750,000) and
Legal Services NYC ($750,000). The appropriation is intended to serve as a replacement for lost Interest on Lawyer
Accounts (IOLA) funds. It is the Councils express intent that this appropriation will be utilized to augment overall citywi de
civil legal services programs in the same manner that State IOLA funding does.
These services may include, but are not limited to: direct client representation, including representation in class action
cases; the provision of legal advice; community legal education presentations; pro-bono/volunteer lawyer programs; and
hotline and other telephone-based legal services. Legal areas in which services may be provided include, but are not
limited to: consumer/finance; education; employment; family; juvenile; health; housing; income maintenance; individual
rights; and miscellaneous benefits.
No prohibitions may be imposed on the types of civil legal services these entities may perform on behalf of their clients,
other individuals and/or community groups. This restoration will ensure the provision of civil legal services citywide to,
among others, senior citizens, battered women, disabled persons and persons with AIDS.
Designation Method: The City Council has designated the organizations and the amount each will receive under this
Organization EIN# Amount
Legal Aid Society 13-5562265 $750,000
Legal Services NYC 13-2600199 $750,000
Initiative: Unemployment Insurance/Supplemental Security Income Advocacy Project
Agency: Miscellaneous Budget - Criminal Justice Coordinator (098)
Unit of Appropriation: 002 Other Than Personal Services
Amount: $1,000,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2006
Population Targeted: Persons eligible for unemployment insurance/supplemental security income benefits
Description/Scope of Services: This action allocates a combined $1 million to Legal Services NYC (LSNYC) ($500,000)
and the Legal Aid Society (LAS) ($500,000) to expand legal advocacy through the Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
Advocacy Project. This funding will also support an advocacy project of LSNYC and LAS for unemployed individuals who
have been wrongly denied Unemployment Insurance Benefits (UIB). This funding will support the costs of providing legal
representation at hearings before Administrative Law Judges to help disabled individuals and the unemployed receive the
UIB and/or the SSI benefits they have been wrongly denied.
Designation Method: The City Council has designated the organizations and the amount each will receive under this
Organization EIN# Amount
Legal Aid Society 13-5562265 $500,000
Legal Services NYC 13-2600199 $500,000
Initiative: Legal Services for the Working Poor
Agency: Miscellaneous Budget - Criminal Justice Coordinator (098)
Unit of Appropriation: 002 Other Than Personal Services
Amount: $1,050,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2005
Population Targeted: Working poor persons requiring civil legal assistance
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation will support civil legal services for the working poor, including;
assistance in preventing eviction and foreclosure; improvement of living conditions and removal of hazardous housing
conditions in their homes; housing code enforcement actions; organization and representation of tenants groups; help in
obtaining emergency grants and benefits to avoid homelessness; assistance for family members in getting appropriate
disability benefits such as SSD or SSI; immigration assistance; protection from workplace abuses, such as harassment
and violation of fair wage and hour laws; consumer protections from creditors; representation of domestic violence victims;
assistance with recovering illegal rents and other improper rent charges.
Designation Method: The City Council has designated the organizations and the amount each will receive under this
Organization EIN# Amount
Church Avenue Merchants Block Association 11-2480339 $239,674
Housing Conservation Coordinators 51-0141489 $239,674
Northern Manhattan Improvement Corporation 13-2972415 $239,674
Urban Justice Center 13-3442022 $239,674
MFY Legal Services 13-2622748 $91,304
Initiative: Legal Information for Families Today (LIFT)
Agency: Miscellaneous Budget - Criminal Justice Coordinator (098)
Unit of Appropriation: 002 Other Than Personal Services
Amount: $485,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2005
Population Targeted: Persons requiring information in Family Court
Description/Scope of Services: This funding will support LIFTs Family Court information services programs, including
its Education and Information sites located in Family Court entranceways.
Designation Method: The City Council has designated LIFT as the provider for this initiative.
EIN#: 13-3910567
Summary of Fiscal 2014 Council Initiatives:
Criminal Justice Services
Agency Initiative Funding
DOP Adolescent Portable Therapy Program $250,000
CJC Alternatives to Incarceration (ATIs) $3,350,000
CJC Center for Court Innovation $400,000
CJC Child Advocacy Centers (Safe Horizon) $500,000
CJC Initiative to Address Sexual Assault $200,000
DA - RC Staten Island Drug Treatment Court $250,000
TOTAL $4,950,000
Initiative: Adolescent Portable Therapy Program
Agency: Department of Probation (781)
Unit of Appropriation: 003 Other than Personal Services
Amount: $250,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Year Funded: 2012
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation restores funding for the Vera Institute of Justice to provide substance
abuse and mental health treatment to youth at risk for probation violation using the Adolescent Portable Therapy
treatment program (APT).
Designation Method: The City Council has designated the Vera Institute of Justice as the provider for this initiative.
EIN#: 13-1941627
Initiative: Alternatives to Incarceration (ATIs)
Agency: Miscellaneous Budget - Criminal Justice Coordinator (098)
Unit of Appropriation: 002 Other Than Personal Services
Amount: $3,350,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 1997
Population Targeted: Defendants facing incarceration, including youth, women, and individuals with mental illness and/or
substance abuse issues.
Description/Scope of Services: Alternative-to-Incarceration Programs (ATIs) permit New York judges to sanction
defendants through means other than jail or prison. The use of intermediate sanctions, such as community service and
substance abuse counseling, saves the City the cost of maintaining jail beds for those who otherwise would be
incarcerated. In addition, ATIs provide a range of rehabilitative services for defendants and allow jail beds to be made
available for more violent offenders who pose a threat to the community.
Designation Method: The City Council has designated the organizations and the amount each will receive under this
Organization EIN# Amount
Center for Alternative Sentencing Employment Services (CASES) 13-2668080 $635,025
Center for Community Alternatives' Crossroads Program 16-1395992 $315,228
Center for Employment Opportunities (CEO) 13-3843322 $347,207
Educational Assistance Corporation (EAC) 23-7175609 $927,590
Fortune Society 13-2645436 $200,100
Legal Action Center 13-2756320 $105,075
Osborne Association 13-5563028 $388,325
Women's Prison Association's (WPA) 13-5596836 $431,450
Initiative: Center for Court Innovation (CCI)
Agency: Miscellaneous Budget - Criminal Justice Coordinator (098)
Unit of Appropriation: 002 Other Than Personal Services
Amount: $400,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2005
Population Targeted: Community members and court-involved individuals
Description/Scope of Services: CCI operates a variety of community courts, drug courts, mental health courts, domestic
violence courts, and school justice centers and youth programs throughout the City. This funding will support CCIs
overall operations, as well as its Family and Youth Initiative.
Designation Method: The City Council has designated CCI as the provider for this initiative.
EIN#: 13-2612524
Initiative: Child Advocacy Centers (Safe Horizon)
Agency: Miscellaneous Budget - Criminal Justice Coordinator (098)
Unit of Appropriation: 002 Other Than Personal Services
Amount: $500,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2005
Population Targeted: Abused children
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation supports the three Child Advocacy Centers in Brooklyn, Queens and
Staten Island. CACs work hand-in-hand with law enforcement and child protective services to coordinate and expedite
the investigation and prosecution of cases of child sexual abuse. Working with specially trained physicians,
representatives from the Administration for Childrens Services, detectives from the NYPD, and members of the District
Attorneys Office, [the Centers] help sexually abused children and their families navigate the criminal justice and social
services systems. The Centers also provide short-term counseling, information and referrals for children and families not
involved in current investigations.
Designation Method: The City Council has designated Safe Horizon as the provider for this initiative.
EIN#: 13-2946970
Program: Initiative to Address Sexual Assault
Agency: Miscellaneous Budget - Criminal Justice Coordinator (098)
Unit of Appropriation: 002 Other Than Personal Services
Amount: $200,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2005
Population Targeted: Victims of Sexual Assault
Description/Scope of Services: The sum of $200,000 will support services provided by four community-based
organizations for sexual assault related services and programs.
Designation Method: The City Council has designated the organizations and the amount each will receive under this
Organization EIN# Amount
Kingsbridge Heights Community Center (Bronx) 13-2813809 $50,000
Mt. Sinai Sexual Assault & Violence Intervention Program (Queens) 13-6171197 $50,000
New York City Alliance Against Sexual Assault 31-1702032 $50,000
St. Luke's-Roosevelt Crime Victims Treatment Center Intervention
Program (Manhattan) 13-2997301 $50,000
Initiative: Staten Island Drug Treatment Court
Agency: Richmond County District Attorney (905)
Unit of Appropriation: 002 Other Than Personal Services
Amount: $250,000
Boroughs Served: Staten Island
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2012
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation to the Richmond County District Attorney will support the Education and
Assistance Corporation's Treatment Alternatives for Safe Communities program (EAC-TASC) in the Staten Island Drug
Treatment Court.
Designation Method: Funding is provided directly to the agency.
Summary of Fiscal 2014 Council Initiatives:
Cultural Organizations
Agency Initiative Funding
DCLA Coalition of Theaters of Color $700,000
DCLA Cultural After-School Adventure (CASA) $5,100,000
DCLA Cultural Program Groups PEG Restoration $4,000,000
DCLA Cultural Institution Group PEG Restoration $6,000,000
DCLA Design Week $100,000
TOTAL $15,900,000
Initiative: Coalition of Theaters of Color
Agency: Department of Cultural Affairs (126)
Unit of Appropriation: 003
Amount: $700,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2006
Population Targeted: Supports theaters and cultural organizations primarily in communities of color.
Description/Scope of Services: This funding supports the operations and programming of various organizations.
Designation Method: The City Council has designated the following organizations as members of the Coalition of
Theaters of Color:
Organization EIN# Amount
Billie Holiday Theatre, Inc. 11-2336154 $85,000
Black Spectrum Theatre Company, Inc. 51-0135262 $85,000
Harlem Artist Development League Especially for You - H.A.D.L.E.Y. Players 13-3611138 $55,000
International Arts Relations, Inc. 23-7212492 $75,000
National Black Theatre Workshop, Inc. 13-2632596 $85,000
Negro Ensemble Company 13-6216904 $31,000
New Federal Theatre, Inc. 13-2814763 $75,000
New Heritage Theatre Group, Inc. 13-2683678 $75,000
Society of the Educational Arts, Inc. 11-3210593 $57,000
Thalia Spanish Theatre, Inc. 23-7448611 $77,000
Initiative: Cultural After-School Adventure (CASA)
Agency: Department of Cultural Affairs (126)
Unit of Appropriation: 003
Amount: $5,100,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2006
Population Targeted: Youth
Description/Scope of Services: This funding supports after-school programs that are in partnership with cultural
programs and institutions to provide arts enrichment citywide.
Designation Method: The City Council designated the organizations and the amount each will receive under this
initiative. These designations will be made post-Adoption.
Initiative: Cultural Program Groups PEG Restoration
Agency: Department of Cultural Affairs (126)
Unit of Appropriation: 003
Amount: $4,000,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: N/A
Description/Scope of Services: This funding, along with the Administrations funding of $10.3 million, restores a portion
of the proposed funding cuts for Fiscal 2014 for the Program Cultural Organizations (Cultural Development Fund--CDF).
Designation Method: The restoration will be distributed to the organizations proportionally to their CDF allocation for
Fiscal 2014.
Initiative: Cultural Institution Group PEG Restoration
Agency: Department of Cultural Affairs (126)
Unit of Appropriation: 004-017,019-022,024
Amount: $6,000,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: N/A
Description/Scope of Services: This funding, along with the Administrations funding of $33.8 million, partially restores
the proposed funding cuts for Fiscal 2014 for the members of the Cultural Institutions Group (CIG).
Designation Method: The restoration will be distributed proportionally to the CIG members.
Initiative: Design Week
Agency: Department of Cultural Affairs (126)
Unit of Appropriation: 002
Amount: $100,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: N/A
Description/Scope of Services: This funding supports Design Week in New York City.
Designation Method: This funding is provided directly to the Department of Cultural Affairs.
Summary of Fiscal 2014 Council Initiatives:
Domestic Violence
Agency Initiative Funding
ACS CONNECT, Inc. Community Empowerment Program $600,000
CJC Domestic Violence and Empowerment (DoVE) Initiative $2,825,000
CJC Legal Services for Domestic Violence Victims $350,000
CJC Sanctuary for Families - Immigrant Battered Women's Initiative $475,000
TOTAL $4,250,000
Initiative: CONNECT, Inc. Community Empowerment Program
Agency: Administration for Childrens Services (068)
Program Area: Preventive services
Unit of Appropriation: 006 OTPS
Amount: $600,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2003
Description/Scope of Services: This action restores funding to the Community Empowerment Program (CEP) operated
by CONNECT. CONNECT provides domestic violence education, outreach, technical assistance and training to
community and school-based organizations.
Designation Method: The City Council has designated CONNECT, Inc. as the provider for this initiative.
EIN#: 02-0694269
Initiative: Domestic Violence and Empowerment (DoVE) Initiative
Agency: Miscellaneous Budget - Criminal Justice Coordinator (098)
Unit of Appropriation: 002 OTPS
Amount: $2,825,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2006
Population Targeted: Domestic Violence Victims
Description/Scope of Services: The allocation for the DoVE Initiative will support the neighborhood-based provision of
domestic violence services in New York City. The funds are to be used to support community-based organizations that
provide prevention and empowerment workshops, comprehensive service referrals and legal advocacy to victims of
domestic violence. Safe Horizon shall administer this program and provide technical assistance to the providers.
Designation Method: The City Council will designate providers and amounts for this initiative post-adoption.
Initiative: Legal Services for Domestic Violence Victims
Agency: Miscellaneous Budget - Criminal Justice Coordinator (098)
Unit of Appropriation: 002 OTPS
Amount: $350,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2001
Population Targeted: Domestic Violence Victims
Description/Scope of Services: Groups funded under this initiative will provide comprehensive legal services and
information to indigent victims of domestic violence appearing in court.
Designation Method: The City Council has designated the organizations and the amount each will receive under this
Organization EIN# Amount
InMotion (formerly the Network for Women's Services) 13-3688519 $100,000
Safe Horizon 13-2946970 $125,000
Sanctuary for Families 13-3193119 $125,000
Initiative: Sanctuary for Families - Immigrant Battered Women's Initiative
Agency: Miscellaneous Budget - Criminal Justice Coordinator (098)
Unit of Appropriation: 002 OTPS
Amount: $475,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2005
Population Targeted: Domestic Violence Victims
Description/Scope of Services: This action restores $475,000 to Sanctuary for Families Immigrant Battered Womens
Initiative. These funds will be used to support and enhance staff salaries in the Initiatives legal and clinical programs, as
well as OTPS and indirect agency costs.
Designation Method: The City Council has designated Sanctuary for Families as the provider for this initiative.
EIN#: 13-3193119
Summary of FY 2014 Council Initiatives:
Agency Initiative Funding
DOE Bridge to Tomorrow $1,250,000
DOE C.H.A.M.P.S. $125,000
DOE Chess in the Schools $200,000
DOE Child Mind Institute $250,000
DOE Community Schools $150,000
DOE Council of School Supervisors and Administrators $300,000
DOE Custodial Operations $3,000,000
DOE Dropout Prevention & Intervention $1,000,000
DOE Full Day Universal Pre-Kindergarten $2,250,000
DYCD Jill Chaifetz Helpline $200,000
DOE Middle School Expanded Learning Time $1,550,000
DOE MOUSE $275,000
DOE Teachers Choice $4,585,000
DOE Urban Advantage-Science Education $2,500,000
TOTAL $17,635,000
Initiative: Bridge to Tomorrow
Agency: Department of Education (040)
Unit of Appropriation: 401 - General Education Instruction and School Leadership - PS
Amount: $1,250,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2011
Population Targeted: Job candidates at Workforce1 Centers without a high school diploma or equivalent
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation supports the Bridge to Tomorrow program that provides GED
assessments, preparation and testing to clients of the Department of Small Business Services at Workforce1 Centers.
Designation Method: Funding is provided directly to the agency.
Initiative: C.H.A.M.P.S.
Agency: Department of Education (040)
Unit of Appropriation: 401 - General Education Instruction and School Leadership - PS
Amount: $125,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2007
Population Targeted: Middle school students
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation supports the C.H.A.M.P.S. program that helps to improve fitness levels
and overall health of middle school students by increasing opportunities to engage in physical activity. It promotes health-
related fitness through before- and after-school sports programs in over 200 middle schools in all five boroughs.
Designation Method: Funding is provided directly to the agency.
Program: Chess in the Schools, Inc.
Agency: Department of Education (040)
Unit of Appropriation: 454 - Central Administration - OTPS
Amount: $200,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2010
Population Targeted: Public school students and teachers.
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation represents funding to support the school program that offers chess
classes during the school day and school chess clubs and the Project Chess initiative that trains teachers to teach chess
and launch chess education programs.
Designation Method: The City Council has designated Chess in the Schools, Inc. as the provider for this initiative.
EIN#: 13-6119036
Initiative: Child Mind Institute
Agency: Department of Education (040)
Unit of Appropriation: 454 Central Administration OTPS
Amount: $250,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2012
Population Targeted: Public school teachers.
Description/Scope of Services: The funding would support the Child Mind Institutes Teacher-Child Interaction Training
(TCIT). The project aims to provide teachers in public schools with a specific set of skills so they can better manage
disruptive behaviors in the classroom.
Designation Method: The City Council has designated the Child Mind Institute as the provider for this initiative.
EIN#: 80-0478843
Initiative: Community Schools
Agency: Department of Education (040)
Unit of Appropriation: 454 - Central Administration - OTPS
Amount: $150,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2013
Description/Scope of Services: The allocation supports the UFTs Community Schools Program which will be launched
in six public schools. Their community partners will create strategies that will tie specific health and social services directly
to the schools students and their families.
Designation Method: The City Council has designated the New York City Community Learning Schools Initiative as the
provider for this initiative.
EIN#: 46-1227433
Initiative: Council of School Supervisors and Administrators (CSA)
Agency: Department of Education (040)
Unit of Appropriation: 454 - Central Administration - OTPS
Amount: $300,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2002
Population Targeted: Members of the Council of Supervisors and Administrators
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation supports the CSAs Executive Leadership Institute (ELI) which
maintains five borough learning centers and provides professional development and training to principals and other school
leadership staff.
Designation Method: The City Council has designated the Council of School Supervisors and Administrators as the
provider for this initiative.
EIN#: 11-2024569
Initiative: Custodial Operations
Agency: Department of Education (040)
Unit of Appropriation: 435 School Facilities -PS
Amount: $3,000,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2010
Population Targeted: School Custodians
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation partially restores a budget reduction to custodial allocations and shall
mitigate reductions to services provided by DOE custodians.
Designation Method: Funding is provided directly to the agency.
Initiative: Dropout Prevention and Intervention
Agency: Department of Education (040)
Unit of Appropriation: 454 - Central Administration - OTPS
Amount: $1,000,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2008
Population Targeted: New York City public school students at risk of dropping out
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation represents funding to support dropout prevention and intervention
programs. Contracted providers offer a range of student support, school restructuring and professional development
Designation Method: The City Council has designated the following organizations as the providers for this initiative:
Organization EIN# Amount
Catholic Charities Community Services, Archdiocese of New York 13-5562185 $30,000
Counseling in Schools, Inc. 13-3637647 $33,000
East Side House, Inc. 13-1623989 $30,000
El Puente 11-2614265 $33,000
Enact 13-3422660 $250,000
Good Shepherd Services 13-5598710 $167,000
Institute for Student Achievement 11-2995109 $167,000
Just-Us, Inc. 13-2954007 $30,000
St. Nicks Alliance Corporation 51-0192170 $30,000
Turnaround for Children 06-1495529 $200,000
Washington Heights-Inwood Coalition 13-2989768 $30,000
Initiative: Full Day Universal Pre-Kindergarten (UPK)
Agency: Department of Education (040)
Unit of Appropriation: 402- General Education Instruction and School Leadership OTPS
Amount: $2,250,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2008
Population Targeted: Four-year old children
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation represents funding to supplement universal pre-kindergarten programs
provided by selected community based organizations by adding funding to extend the two and one-half hour UPK
program to a full school day program.
Designation Method: Funding is provided directly to the agency.
Initiative: J ill Chaifetz Helpline
Agency: Department of Youth and Community Development (260)
Unit of Appropriation: 312 Youth Services OTPS
Amount: $200,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2007
Population Targeted: Parents of New York City School Children
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation restores funding to support the Jill Chaifetz Helpline operated by
Advocates for Children that provides information to parents of public school children and the public about the policies,
programs, and practices of the Department of Education and its schools.
Designation Method: The City Council has designated Advocates for Children as the provider for this initiative.
EIN#: 11-2247307
Initiative: Middle School Expanded Learning Time
Agency: Department of Education (040)
Unit of Appropriation: 402 General Education Instruction and School Leadership - OTPS
Amount: $1,550,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2014
Population Targeted: Middle school students in 20 high-needs middle schools
Description/Scope of Services: This pilot, in partnership with the Robin Hood Foundation and the After School
Corporation, would extend the school day in 20 middle schools and offer intensive literacy training and enrichment for all
sixth grade students.
Designation Method: Funding is provided directly to the agency.
Initiative: MOUSE
Agency: Department of Education (040)
Unit of Appropriation: 454 - Central Administration - OTPS
Amount: $275,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2012
Population Targeted: Public school students
Description/Scope of Services: Making Opportunities for Upgrading Schools and Education (MOUSE) prepares and
supports students in establishing and managing technical support help desks in their schools.
Designation Method: The City Council has designated Making Opportunities for Upgrading Schools and Education as
the provider for this initiative.
EIN#: 13-3973319
Initiative: Teacher's Choice
Agency: Department of Education (040)
Unit of Appropriation: 402 - General Education Instruction and School Leadership - OTPS
Amount: $4,585,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 1999
Population Targeted: Public school teachers and staff
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation represents funding used to reimburse teachers and other school staff for
purchases of supplies used for student instruction.
Designation Method: Funding is provided directly to the agency.
Initiative: Urban Advantage-Science Education
Agency: Department of Education (040)
Unit of Appropriation: 454 - Central Administration - OTPS
Amount: $2,500,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2005
Population Targeted: Middle school students and their teachers
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation supports the Urban Advantage Program, which is a unique collaboration
of seven science oriented institutions to provide professional development for middle school science teachers, school and
class-based resources and assist middle school students in completing state-mandated exit projects and requirements.
Designation Method: The City Council has designated the American Museum of Natural History as the administrator for
this initiative.
EIN#: 13-6162659
Summary of Fiscal 2014 Council Initiatives:
Agency Initiative Funding
FDNY Fire Company Restoration $43,682,294
TOTAL $43,682,294
Initiative: Fire Company Restoration
Agency: Fire Department of New York (057)
Unit of Appropriation: 002 Fire Extinguishment/Emergency PS
Amount: $43,682,294
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2010
Population Targeted: Citywide
Description/Scope of Services: This action restores $43,682,294 to maintain operations of 20 Fire Companies and
restore 505 firefighter positions.
Designation Method: Funding is provided directly to the agency.
Summary of Fiscal 2014 Council Initiatives:
Public Administrators/City Clerk
Agency Initiative Funding
Clerk City Clerk $150,000
PAs Public Administrators $383,606
TOTAL $533,606
Initiative: City Clerk
Agency: City Clerk (103)
Unit of Appropriation: 001 Personal Services
Amount: $150,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2014
Description/Scope of Services: This action provides funding to the City Clerks Fiscal 2014 budget to supplement the
agencies Personal Services (PS) resources.
Designation Method: Funding is provided directly to the agencies.
Initiative: Public Administrators
Agency: Public Administrator (941-945)
Units of Appropriation: 001 Personal Services, 002 Other Than Personal Services (OTPS)
Amount: $383,606
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2008
Description/Scope of Services: This action provides funding to the Public Administrators Fiscal 2014 budgets to
supplement the agencies PS and OTPS resources.
Designation Method: Funding is provided directly to the agencies.
Organization Amount
Public Administrator-New York County $87,421
Public Administrator-Bronx County $74,514
Public Administrator-Kings County $79,609
Public Administrator-Queens County $73,262
Public Administrator-Richmond County $68,800
Summary of Fiscal 2014 Council Initiatives:
Health and Mental Health Services and HHC
Initiative/Restoration Funding
DOHMH, Health Services and Prevention
Asthma Control Program and East Harlem Asthma Center of Excellence Restoration $818,000
Callen Lorde Community Health Center $350,000
Cancer Initiative $1,525,000
Family Planning $350,000
HIV Prevention - Evidence-Based Behavioral Interventions $2,716,000
HIV Prevention and Health Literacy for Seniors $400,000
HIV/AIDS - Communities of Color (Prevention & Education) $1,125,000
HIV/AIDS - Faith Based Initiative $1,500,000
Infant Mortality Reduction $2,500,000
Injection Drug Users Health Alliance (IDUHA) Harm Reduction $1,000,000
Nutrition Program Administration PEG Restoration $995,000
NYU Mobile Dental Van and Pediatric Clinic $268,000
Obesity Intervention Program $1,300,000
Rapid HIV Testing (HHC pass-through) $2,000,000
Sexual Health - PEG Restorations to STD Clinic Saturday Hours and STEP UP $297,000
School Based Health Center - PEG Restoration $774,634
Subtotal, DOHMH, Health Services and Prevention $17,918,634
DOHMH, Mental Health and Hygiene
Autism Awareness $1,310,000
Bailey House $125,000
Children Under Five Mental Health Initiative $1,250,000
Geriatric Mental Health Services $2,000,000
Mental Health Contracts $375,000
Mental Hygiene Contracts - NOV 2012 PEG Restoration $245,625
Mental Hygiene Contracted Services PEG Restoration - Chemical Dependency/ADUPCT $525,000
Mental Hygiene Contracted Services PEG Restoration - DD Clinics $806,000
Mental Hygiene Contracted Services PEG Restoration - Mental Health Providers $1,164,000
Suicide Prevention Hotline $247,000
Young Adult Institute and Workshop, Inc. $200,000
Subtotal, DOHMH, Mental Health and Hygiene $8,247,625
Health and Hospitals Corporation (HHC)
HHC Child Health Clinics $5,000,000
HHC Developmental Evaluation Clinic Funding $1,467,000
HHC Unrestricted Operating Subsidy $6,000,000
Subtotal, HHC $12,467,000
TOTAL $38,633,259
DOHMH, Health Services and Prevention
Initiative: Asthma Control Program and East Harlem Asthma Center of Excellence Restoration
Agency: Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (816)
Program Area: Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
Unit of Appropriation: 103 and113 Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Personal Services and Other than
Personal Services (OTPS), respectively
Amount: $818,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: Fiscal 2004; Fiscal 2013
Population Targeted: Children and families living in District Public Health Office neighborhoods
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation supports the Departments Managing Asthma in Daycare Program, an
asthma screening, education and care coordination program administered by community based organizations in
communities experiencing disproportionately high asthma rates. The Council also provides funding directly to the
Department to participate in the NYC Asthma Partnership and to continue its Integrated Pest Management and Open
Airways programs in schools. Lastly, this funding restores positions dedicated to outreach services at the East Harlem
Asthma Center of Excellence.
Designation Method: The City Council has restored/designated the following providers for Fiscal 2014:
Organization EIN# Program Amount
Department of Health and Mental Hygiene 13-6400434
Outreach Services at the East Harlem Center
of Excellence (EHACE)
Department of Health and Mental Hygiene 13-6400434 Integrated Pest Management 100,000
Department of Health and Mental Hygiene 13-6400434 American Lung Association (Open Airways) 100,000
Queens Comprehensive Perinatal Council 11-2870422 Managing Asthma in Daycare (MAD) 75,000
Long Island College Hospital 11-1018985 Managing Asthma in Daycare (MAD) 75,000
Bronx Lebanon Hospital 13-1974191 Managing Asthma in Daycare (MAD) 75,000
Union Settlement Association, Inc. 13-1632530 Managing Asthma in Daycare (MAD) 75,000
Initiative: Callen Lorde Community Health Center
Agency: Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (816)
Program Area: Disease Prevention and Treatment- HIV/AIDS
Unit of Appropriation: 112 Disease Control and Epidemiology OTPS
Amount: $350,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Year Funded: Fiscal 2013
Population Targeted: Uninsured patients
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation will support the provision of comprehensive care and treatment in four
specific areas for the uninsured patients: women's health; screening and treatment of sexually transmitted infections,
including HIV / AIDS; adolescent services; and senior services.
Designation Method: The City Council has designated Callen Lorde Community Health Center as the provider of this
EIN#: 13-3409680
Initiative: Cancer Initiative
Agency: Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (816)
Program Area: Health Care Access and Improvement
Unit of Appropriation: 117 Health Care Access and Improvement OTPS
Amount: $1,525,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Year Funded: Fiscal 2003
Population Targeted: All
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation supports various screening, education and supportive services for
breast, colon and ovarian cancer.
Designation Method: The City Council has designated the following providers for Fiscal 2014:
Organization EIN# Amount
American Cancer Society 16-0743902 $1,000,000
American-Italian Cancer Foundation 13-3035711 $175,500
Astoria/Queens Share-ing and Care-ing, Inc. 11-3220371 $82,000
Charles B. Wang Community Health Center, Inc. 13-2739694 $40,500
Gilda's Club New York, Inc. 13-4046652 $40,000
Ralph Lauren Center for Cancer Care and Prevention 02-0597827 $100,000
Self-Help for Women with Breast or Ovarian Cancer (SHARE), Inc. 13-3131914 $87,000
Initiative: Family Planning
Agency: Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (816)
Program Area: Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
Unit of Appropriation: 113 Health Promotion and Disease Prevention - OTPS
Amount: $350,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Year Funded: Fiscal 2000
Population Targeted: Teens
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation to Planned Parenthood of New York City (PPNYC) supports
reproductive health and pregnancy prevention services for uninsured and high-risk teens and wholly supports Teen
Advocates, a PPNYC peer education program promoting sexual and reproductive health in targeted zip codes that have
high sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and teen pregnancy rates.
Designation Method: The City Council has designated PPNYC as the provider of this initiative.
EIN#: 13-2621497
Initiative: HIV Prevention Evidence-Based Behavioral Interventions
Agency: Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (816)
Program Area: Disease Prevention and Treatment- HIV/AIDS
Unit of Appropriation: 112 Disease Control and Epidemiology OTPS
Amount: $2,716,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Year Funded: Fiscal 2013
Population Targeted: High risk negatives and newly diagnosed positives
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation restores funding for contracts for evidenced-based behavioral individual
and group level interventions.
Designation Method: The City Council has restored the following contracts for Fiscal 2014:
Organization EIN# Amount
AIDS Center of Queens County, Inc. 11-2837894 $192,000
Bronx AIDS Services 13-3599121 $380,000
Brooklyn AIDS Task Force, Inc. 11-3031208 $92,000
CAMBA, Inc. 11-2480339 $194,000
Caribbean Women's Health Association, Inc. 13-3323168 $92,000
Exponents, Inc. 13-3572677 $80,000
Gay Men's Health Crisis, Inc. 13-3130146 $176,000
Harlem United Community AIDS Center, Inc. 13-3461695 $200,000
Health People 51-0418243 $200,000
HHC Metropolitan Hospital Center 13-6400434 $84,000
Organization EIN# Amount
Latino Commission on AIDS, Inc. 13-3629466 $194,000
Lesbian & Gay Community Services Center, Inc. 13-3217805 $160,000
Osborne Association, Inc. 13-5563028 $112,000
Planned Parenthood of New York City, Inc. 13-2621497 $112,000
Safe Horizon, Inc. 13-2946970 $112,000
Sunset Park Family Health Center 20-2508411 $128,000
Women's Prison Association and Home, Inc. 13-5596836 $208,000
Initiative: HIV Prevention and Health Literacy for Seniors
Agency: Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (816)
Program Area: Disease Prevention and Treatment- HIV/AIDS
Unit of Appropriation: 112 Disease Control and Epidemiology OTPS
Amount: $400,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Year Funded: Fiscal 2008
Population Targeted: Seniors
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation to the AIDS Community Research Initiative of America (ACRIA)
supports the development of a citywide prevention and education program to target senior services and healthcare
providers, faith-based organizations, health department staff, and older adult peer educators. This initiative also seeks to
improve knowledge and raise awareness and sensitivity among healthcare providers and others who provide services to
seniors on the unique needs of older adults with HIV, thereby contributing to the mainstreaming of this population into
the senior services network.
Designation Method: The City Council has designated the Community Research Initiative on AIDS, Inc. (d/b/a AIDS
Community Research Initiative of America) as the provider of this initiative.
EIN#: 13-3632234
Initiative: HIV/AIDS Communities of Color (Prevention & Education)
Agency: Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (816)
Program Area: Disease Prevention and Treatment- HIV/AIDS
Unit of Appropriation: 112 Disease Control and Epidemiology OTPS
Amount: $1,125,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Year Funded: Fiscal 2006
Population Targeted: Those at-risk of contracting HIV and those living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHAs) as well as communities
of color at high risk for contracting HIV, particularly men who have sex with men (MSMs) under 30, young women of color,
substance users and/or residents of high-prevalence neighborhoods.
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation awards contracts for two categories. The first category supports
programs that provide outreach, rapid testing or rapid testing referral, linkage to care for PLWHA, supportive services and
mental health screenings. The second category supports programs that make male and female condoms readily
available and free of charge to high risk groups, particularly young MSMs and young women of color, with preference
given to providers who distribute condoms in non-traditional settings such as bars and beauty salons. Public Health
Solutions and Community Resource Exchange, Inc. administer the contracts to a number of organizations.
Designation Method: The City Council has designated the following providers for Fiscal 2014:
Organization EIN# Amount
African Services Committee 13-3749744 $28,800
After Hours Project, Inc. 33-1007278 $28,800
AIDS Center of Queens County, Inc. 11-2837894 $28,800
AIDS Service Center of Lower Manhattan, Inc. 13-3562071 $28,800
Ali Forney Center 30-0104507 $28,800
Amethyst Women's Project, Inc. 11-3505513 $28,800
Arthur Ashe Institute for Urban Health 11-3185372 $9,175
Asian & Pacific Islander Coalition on HIV/AIDS, Inc. 13-3706365 $28,800
Bailey House, Inc. 13-3165181 $28,800
Black Veterans for Social Justice (Watchful Eye) 11-2608983 $28,800
Black Veterans for Social Justice 11-2608983 $9,175
Bronx AIDS Services, Inc. 13-3599121 $28,800
Brooklyn AIDS Task Force, Inc. 11-3031208 $28,800
Caribbean Women's Health Association, Inc. 13-3323168 $28,800
Organization EIN# Amount
Citiwide Harm Reduction Program, Inc. 13-4009817 $18,350
Clergy United for Community Empowerment, Inc. (formerly
SQCCE) 11-3030795 $28,800
Community Health Action of Staten Island (formerly SI AIDS
Taskforce) 13-3556132 $28,800
Community Healthcare Network, Inc. 13-3083068 $28,800
Community Research Initiative on AIDS, Inc. (d/b/a AIDS
Community Research Initiative of America) 13-3632234 $28,800
Community Resource Exchange, Inc. (CRE) 13-3048638 $96,000
Covenant House New York/Under 21, Inc. 13-3076376 $28,800
Exponents, Inc. 13-3572677 $9,175
FACES NY, Inc. 13-3449087 $28,800
Gay Men of African Descent (GMAD) 13-3597820 $9,175
Gay Men's Health Crisis, Inc. 13-3130146 $28,800
Haitian Centers Council, Inc. 11-2648501 $28,800
Health People, Inc. 51-0418243 $28,800
Housing Works Health Services III, Inc. 13-3826364 $28,800
Iris House - A Center For Women Living with HIV/AIDS, Inc. 13-3699201 $9,175
La Nueva Esperanza, Inc. 20-4393724 $9,175
Latino Commission on AIDS, Inc. 13-3629466 $28,800
Love Heals, Inc. 13-3693776 $9,175
Make the Road New York 11-3344389 $28,800
Momentum Project, Inc., The 13-3556768 $28,800
New York Harm Reduction Educators, Inc. 13-3678499 $28,800
Osborne Association, Inc., The 13-5563028 $28,800
Public Health Solutions - network administrator 13-5669201 $112,500
St. Ann's Corner of Harm Reduction 13-3724008 $9,175
United Community Centers, Inc. 11-1950787 $9,175
Vocational Instruction Project Community Services, Inc. 13-3224700 $28,800
Voces Latina Corp. 20-2312651 $9,175
Initiative: HIV/AIDS Faith Based Initiative
Agency: Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (816)
Program Area: Disease Prevention and Treatment- HIV/AIDS
Unit of Appropriation: 112 Disease Control and Epidemiology OTPS
Amount: $1,500,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Year Funded: Fiscal 2005
Population Targeted: Varied
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation represents funding for prevention, education, outreach, advocacy and
support services. This funding is directed to local religious institutions and community-based organizations that
demonstrate an ability to engage vulnerable populations and to connect them to care.
Designation Method: The City Council has designated the following providers for Fiscal 2014:
Organization EIN# Amount
Abyssinian Baptist Church 13-1635250 $6,400
Abyssinian Development Corporation 13-3552154 $6,400
African-American Muslim Commission on HIV/AIDS, The 11-2457198 $6,400
Agape Tabernacle International Fellowship 11-3423637 $6,400
AIDS Center of Queens County 11-2837894 $12,800
All Saints Episcopal Church 11-1735978 $6,400
Amethyst Women's Project 11-3505513 $8,400
Antioch Baptist Church 11-2836775 $6,400
Bedford Central Presbyterian Church 11-2870465 $6,400
Bedford Stuyvesant Family Health Center, Inc. 11-2412205 $174,651
Berean Community Family Life Center 11-1660857 $6,400
Bethany Baptist Church 13-2720535 $6,400
Bethesda Missionary Baptist Church of Jamaica 11-2673958 $6,400
Bright Temple AME Church 13-3141241 $6,400
Bronx AIDS Services 13-3599121 $27,520
Organization EIN# Amount
Bronx Christian Fellowship 13-3870351 $6,400
Brooklyn AIDS Task Force 11-3031208 $7,600
Brooklyn Plaza Medical Center 11-2467268 $6,400
Brown Memorial Baptist Church 11-1962041 $6,400
Canaan Baptist Church of Christ 13-6013037 $6,400
Caribbean Women's Health Association 13-3323168 $7,600
Central Family Life Center 13-3626127 $6,400
Child Center of New York, The 11-1733454 $6,400
Christ Church 13-3076051 $6,400
Christ the Rock World Restoration Church 62-1823291 $6,400
Church of Christ the King RC 13-1740159 $6,400
Church of God (Third Ave.) 13-3196362 $6,400
Church of the Holy Spirit RC 13-2696726 $6,400
Church of the Intercession 13-2851543 $6,400
Church of the Living God International 01-0924463 $6,400
Clergy United for Community Empowerment 11-3030795 $28,800
Community Health & Awareness Ministry 27-0043612 $6,400
Community Health Action of Staten Island 13-3556132 $25,600
Community Methodist Church of Jackson Heights 11-1761477 $6,400
Concord Baptist Church 11-1665833 $6,400
Coney Island Cathedral of Deliverance 11-2744627 $6,400
Convent Avenue Baptist Church 13-2780116 $6,400
COPE 27-2654975 $6,400
East Ward Missionary Baptist Church 13-4078762 $6,400
Emmanuel Baptist Church (Bronx) 13-3421183 $6,400
Emmanuel Baptist Church (Brooklyn) 11-1666232 $6,400
Evangelical Christian Church 11-2528459 $6,400
Family Life Development Center 11-3168615 $6,400
First AME Bethel Church 13-1945828 $6,400
First Baptist Church of Crown Heights 11-2033058 $6,400
First Baptist Church of Far Rockaway 11-2287453 $6,400
First Corinthian Baptist Church 13-3686242 $6,400
First Hispanic United Methodist Church 13-2967400 $6,400
First United Methodist Church of Corona 11-2342098 $6,400
Fordham Manor Church 13-3327445 $6,400
FOY HIV/AIDS Ministry (Mt. Calvary Baptist Church) 13-3869600 $6,400
Friendship Baptist Church 11-3657224 $6,400
Gay Men of African Descent 13-3597820 $9,400
Godsoffspring Christian Church 20-1488693 $6,400
Good News Power Outreach Ministries 27-4646653 $6,400
Grace Baptist Church 03-0570727 $6,400
Greater Allen AME Cathedral of New York 11-2527706 $6,400
Holy Assembly Church 44-0577787 $6,400
Iglesia De Dios "Roca de Salvacion" (Church of God, Brooklyn) 11-3405938 $6,400
Iglesia Evangelica Libre Remanente 22-3862111 $6,400
Iglesia Metodista Unida de Jamaica (United Methodist Church of
Jamaica) 13-4994650 $6,400
Immanuel & First Spanish United Methodist Church 11-1681138 $6,400
Iris House - A Center for Women Living with HIV/AIDS 13-3699201 $25,600
Jamaica Service Program for Older Adults 51-0204121 $12,800
Just A Friend Away of Staten Island 27-0026154 $6,400
Latino Commission on AIDS, Inc. 13-3629466 $163,174
Love Alive International Inc. 26-4819108 $6,400
Macedonia Baptist Church 11-2522629 $6,400
Masjid Sabur Worship, Educational & Referral Center 13-3921329 $6,400
Memorial Baptist Church 13-2574792 $6,400
Metropolitan Community Church of New York 51-0152961 $6,400
Ministerio Rescate, Inc. (Rescue Ministries Church) 32-0052760 $6,400
More Grace Redemptive Center 11-3360284 $6,400
Organization EIN# Amount
Mount Carmel Baptist Church 11-3598975 $6,400
Mount Carmel Youth Development Corporation 11-3598975 $6,400
Mount Horeb Baptist Church 11-2074467 $6,400
Mount Moriah AME 20-8427029 $6,400
Mount Paran Baptist Church 11-3099533 $6,400
Mount Pisgah Baptist Church 11-2652949 $6,400
Mount Sinai Baptist Church 11-2222518 $6,400
Muslim Women's Institute for Research and Development 80-0010627 $8,400
Muslim Women's Institute for Research and Development (MWIRD) 80-0010627 $6,400
National Black Leadership Commission on AIDS, Inc. 13-3530740 $255,055
National Black Leadership Commission on AIDS, Inc. 13-3530740 $19,200
New Hope Community Church 06-1013595 $6,400
New Mount Zion Baptist Church 13-3976609 $6,400
New Testament Baptist Church 13-3771238 $6,400
Paradise Baptist Church 11-1172480 $6,400
Pentecostal Church "El Eden" 11-2590699 $6,400
Pleasant Grove Full Gospel Tabernacle 03-0416163 $6,400
Power, Praise and Deliverance 84-1650246 $6,400
Powerful Praise Tabernacle 06-1530040 $6,400
Primera Iglesia Menonita de Brooklyn 23-2101926 $6,400
Primitive Christian Church/Vision Urbana (AKA Iglesia Primitiva) 13-3848575 $6,400
Project Street Beat 13-2621497 $6,400
Reaching Across the World Ministries 11-3572515 $6,400
Rehoboth Church International 11-2716044 $6,400
River of Living Faith Ministries 45-2453438 $6,400
Saint Edward the Martyr 13-2873155 $6,400
Salt and Sea Mission 11-3012147 $6,400
Siloam Presbyterian Church 11-2799119 $6,400
St. Albans Congregational Church 11-2077266 $6,400
St. Augustin Church & Our Lady of Victory 13-1740193 $6,400
St. George's Episcopal Church 11-1821131 $6,400
St. Jerome's Church RC 13-1740204 $6,400
St. John's Baptist Church 13-3539498 $6,400
St. Luke's AME Church 52-0204696 $6,400
St. Luke's Episcopal Church 13-2747442 $6,400
St. Margarets Episcopal Church 13-1773642 $6,400
St. Matthew's AME Church 53-0204696 $6,400
St. Paul's Community Baptist Church 11-2453951 $6,400
St. Simon Stock Roman Catholic 13-1740377 $6,400
Staten Island Deliverance Temple 33-1110319 $6,400
Steinway Child and Family Services 11-2326974 $32,000
Survivors Fountain of Hope Wellness Initiative 02-0675428 $6,400
Transfiguration Church 11-2306447 $6,400
Tried Stone Baptist Church 13-2560932 $6,400
United Methodist Church "Broadway Temple" 13-1656641 $6,400
Unity Fellowship Church Breaking Ground 13-3703707 $6,400
Young Women of Color HIV/AIDS Coalition 20-4824991 $12,800
You're Eligible Too (YET) 13-3848582 $9,400
Initiative: Infant Mortality Reduction
Agency: Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (816)
Program Area: Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
Unit of Appropriation: 113 Health Promotion and Disease Prevention OTPS
Amount: $2,500,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide targeting community districts with high infant mortality rates.
First Year Funded: Fiscal 2002
Population Targeted: Expectant mothers and women of childbearing age
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation promotes womens health before, during and after pregnancy and works
in areas with the highest infant mortality rates to improve maternal and child health outcomes through a network of
community based providers offering a range of interventions: outreach, referrals, workshops, case management and peer
education. Additionally, the Departments Bureau of Maternal, Infant and Reproductive Health receives a separate
designation to support teen pregnancy prevention, Cribs for Kids and the Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP), a nationwide
nurse home-visiting program committed to improving the health, well-being and self-sufficiency of low income, first-time
mothers and their children.
Designation Method: The City Council has designated the following providers for Fiscal 2014:
Organization EIN# Amount
African Services Committee 13-3749744 $22,320
Bedford Stuyvesant Family Health Center, Inc. 11-2412205 $24,796
Bronx Health Link 13-4045022 $125,606
Bronx Works, formerly Citizen Advice Bureau 13-3254484 $22,320
Brooklyn Perinatal Network Inc. 13-3428222 $126,660
Caribbean Women's Health Association, Inc. 13-3323168 $105,388
Christopher Rose Community Empowerment Campaign 11-3423612 $20,757
Church Avenue Merchants Block Association (CAMBA) 11-2480339 $29,157
Clergy United for Community Empowerment, Inc. (formerly SQCCE) 11-3030795 $24,796
Community Healthcare Network, Inc. 13-3083068 $171,045
Community Healthcare Network, Inc. (Bronx) 13-3083068 $22,320
Community Healthcare Network, Inc. (Manhattan) 13-3083068 $24,796
Diaspora Community Services, Inc. 11-3122295 $29,157
DOHMH Infant, Maternal and Reproductive Health Programs 13-6400434 $529,240
Federation of County Networks 13-4156022 $129,524
Federation of County Networks 13-4156022 $28,539
Forestdale, Inc. 11-1631747 $24,796
Fort Greene Strategic Neighborhood Action Partnership (S.N.A.P.) 11-3343941 $29,448
Good Shepherd Services 13-5598710 $22,320
Greater Brooklyn Health Coalition 11-3484928 $29,157
Haitian Americans United For Progress, Inc. 11-2423857 $20,757
Little Sisters of the Assumption 13-2867881 $24,796
Lower East Side Family Union 23-7412423 $27,891
Morris Heights Health Center 06-1081232 $22,320
Mount Sinai School of Medicine of New York University 13-1624096 $123,541
Northern Manhattan Perinatal Partnership 13-3782555 $138,474
Northern Manhattan Perinatal Partnership 13-3782555 $20,757
NYC Health and Hospital Corp./East New York Diagnostic and Treatment Center 13-2655001 $25,800
Planned Parenthood of New York City, Inc. 13-2621497 $22,320
Queens Comprehensive Perinatal Council 11-2870422 $127,019
Queens Comprehensive Perinatal Council (Downstate NY Healthy Start Project staff) 11-2870422 $24,796
Richmond Medical Center d/b/a Richmond University Medical Center 74-3177454 $20,757
SCO-Family of Services (Brooklyn NFP) 11-2777066 $261,303
St. Barnabas Hospital 13-1740122 $22,320
Urban Health Plan, Inc. 23-7360305 $22,320
Visiting Nurse Service of New York Home Care, Inc./Early Steps Family Center 13-1624211 $24,796
William F. Ryan Health Center 13-2884976 $27,891
Initiative: Injection Drug Users Health Alliance (IDUHA) Harm Reduction
Agency: Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (816)
Program Area: Disease Prevention and Treatment- HIV/AIDS
Unit of Appropriation: 112 Disease Control and Epidemiology OTPS
Amount: $1,000,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Year Funded: Fiscal 2005
Population Targeted: Injection drug users and their families
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation aims to combat the spread of HIV/AIDS as passed through intravenous
drug use through enabling sterile syringe access, facilitating Hepatitis C care coordination and through offering overdose
prevention, addiction treatment and mental health screening services. Providers under this initiative comprise the Injection
Drug Users Health Alliance (IDUHA).
Designation Method: The City Council has designated the following providers for Fiscal 2014:
Organization EIN# Amount
After Hours Project, Inc. 33-1007278 $72,743
AIDS Center of Queens County, Inc. 11-2837894 $53,383
Citiwide Harm Reduction Program, Inc. 13-4009817 $66,879
Community Health Action of Staten Island (formerly SI AIDS Taskforce) 13-3556132 $46,525
Family Services Network of New York 11-2592651 $49,489
Harlem United Community AIDS Center 13-3461695 $65,013
Harm Reduction Coalition 94-3204958 $43,257
Housing Works, Inc. 13-3584089 $24,943
Lower East Side Harm Reduction Center, Inc. 13-3727641 $70,148
New York Harm Reduction Educators, Inc. 13-3678499 $76,654
Positive Health Project 13-3845305 $49,750
Praxis Housing Initiatives, Inc. 13-3832223 $30,714
Public Health Solutions 13-5669201 $69,767
Safe Horizon, Inc. (Streetwork) 13-2946970 $50,751
St. Ann's Corner of Harm Reduction 13-3724008 $61,608
Voices of Community Activists & Leaders (VOCAL-NY) 13-4094385 $92,539
Washington Heights Corner Project 20-8672015 $75,835
Initiative: Nutrition Program Administration PEG Restoration
Agency: Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (816)
Program Area: Disease Prevention and Treatment- HIV/AIDS
Unit of Appropriation: 112 Disease Control and Epidemiology OTPS
Amount: $995,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Year Funded: Fiscal 2010
Population Targeted: HIV/AIDS Services Administration (HASA) Clients
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation restores funding for HASAs contract with Momentum to administer its
nutrition program, which provides counseling, food, and dietary services to HIV/AIDS clients.
Designation Method: The City Council has designated The Momentum Project, Inc. as the provider for this initiative.
EIN#: 13-3556768
Initiative: NYU Mobile Dental Van and Pediatric Clinic
Agency: Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (816)
Program Area: Health Care Access and Improvement
Unit of Appropriation: 117 - Health Care Access and Improvement OTPS
Amount: $268,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Year Funded: Fiscal 2005
Population Targeted: Youth in public schools
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation supports New York University College of Dentistrys (NYUCD) Mobile
Dental Van Program & Pediatric Dental Clinic to medically underserved children citywide.
Designation Method: The City Council has designated New York University College of Dentistry as the provider for this
EIN#: 13-5562308
Initiative: Obesity Intervention Program
Agency: Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (816)
Program Area: Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
Unit of Appropriation: 113 Health Promotion and Disease Prevention OTPS
Amount: $1,300,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Year Funded: Fiscal 2007
Population Targeted: Children
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation supports a number of obesity prevention programs that provide nutrition
and wellness education and promote physical fitness to curb and prevent obesity in young New Yorkers.
Designation Method: The City Council has designated the following providers for Fiscal 2014:
Organization EIN# Amount
Foundation for the Advancement of Cardiac Therapies-Health Corp. 26-1269358 $750,000
Harlem Hospital Center 13-3092676 $300,000
New York Road Runners Foundation, Inc. 13-3987945 $250,000
Initiative: Rapid HIV Testing
Agency: Health and Hospitals Corporation (819) via Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (816)
Program Area: Disease Prevention and Treatment- HIV/AIDS
Unit of Appropriation: 112 Disease Control and Epidemiology OTPS
Amount: $2,000,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Year Funded: Fiscal 2006
Population Targeted: HHC Patients
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation expands HHCs HIV rapid testing and counseling services on a routine
basis at inpatient units and select outpatient settings at public hospitals and clinics.
Designation Method: This funding is provided to the Health and Hospitals Corporation via an intra-city transfer.
Initiative: Sexual Health PEG Restorations to STD Clinic Saturday Hours and STEP UP
Agency: Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (816)
Program Area: Disease Prevention and Treatment- HIV/AIDS
Unit of Appropriation: 102 Disease Control and Epidemiology PS
Amount: $297,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Year Funded: Fiscal 2013
Population Targeted: DOHMH STD clinic patients and students in schools participating in STEP UP.
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation restores:
Weekly Saturday hours at the Central Harlem STD clinic; and
Keeps weekly (rather than biweekly) Saturday hours in each of the following locations: (a) Chelsea,
(b) Morrisania, (c) Fort Greene and (d) Jamaica.
Designation Method: This funding is provided directly to the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.
Initiative: School Based Health Center - PEG Restoration
Agency: Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (816)
Program Area: Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
Unit of Appropriation: 113 Health Promotion and Disease Prevention OTPS
Amount: $744,634
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Year Funded: Fiscal 2014
Population Targeted: Participants of school based health centers located in the following schools (a) Franklin K. Lane
Campus, (b) Percy Ellis Sutton Educational Complex, (c) Theodore Roosevelt Campus, and (d) George Wingate Campus
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation restores supplemental funding for four school based health centers.
Designation Method: This funding is provided directly to the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.
DOHMH, Mental Health and Hygiene
Initiative: Autism Awareness
Agency: Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (816)
Program Area: Mental Hygiene Development Disabilities
Unit of Appropriation: 121 - Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities
Amount: $1,310,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Year Funded: Fiscal 2008
Population Targeted: Children affected by Autism
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation supports wraparound services to autistic children in after-school,
summer programs and during school closings. The program will also provide forums and training seminars to teach
coping skills to families affected by autism.
Designation Method: The City Council has designated the following providers for Fiscal 2014:
Organization EIN# Amount
Association for Metroarea Autistic Children 13-1974582 $63,546
Eden II School for Autistic Children 13-2872916 $42,364
Federation Employment and Guidance Service (FEGS), Inc. 13-1624000 $63,546
Grace Foundation of New York 13-4131863 $42,364
Heartshare Human Services of New York 11-1633549 $71,400
Imagine Foundation, Inc. d/b/a Imagine Academy 20-2336717 $42,364
Jewish Board of Family and Children's Services, Inc. (aka Pride of Judea) 13-5564937 $71,400
Jewish Community Center in Manhattan, Inc., The 13-3490745 $42,364
Jewish Community Center of Staten Island, Inc., The 13-5562256 $42,364
Job Path, Inc. 13-4038495 $22,250
Labor and Industry for Education, Inc. 11-4088055 $42,364
Lifespire, Inc. 13-2526022 $78,053
Mosholu-Montefiore Community Center, Inc. 13-3622107 $84,728
My Time, Inc. 68-0646329 $42,364
New York Families for Autistic Children, Inc. 11-3442879 $49,800
NYSARC, Inc., NYC Chapter Association for Help of Retarded Children 13-5596746 $42,364
OHEL Children's Home and Family Services, Inc. 11-6078704 $36,150
Quality Services for the Autism Community (QSAC), Inc. 11-2482974 $49,800
Ramapo for Children 13-5600422 $44,962
Resources for Children with Special Needs, Inc. 11-2594790 $53,550
Samuel Field YM & YWHA, Inc. 11-3071518 $42,364
Shema Kolainu - Hear Our Voices 11-3503085 $35,700
Shield of David, The d/b/a Shield Institute, The 13-1740041 $65,775
Shorefront YM YWHA 11-3070228 $42,364
Sinergia 13-3183344 $35,700
YAI/National Institute for People with Disabilities Network 11-2030172 $60,000
Initiative: Bailey House
Agency: Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (816)
Program Area: Mental Hygiene - Mental Health Services
Unit of Appropriation: 120 Mental Health Services
Amount: $125,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Year Funded: Fiscal 2013
Population Targeted: All
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation will support services that will improve the overall health and well-being
of community by (a) assisting with establishing a mental health clinic in East Harlem, which has been designated as a
Medically Underserved Area/Population as well as a primary care and Mental Health Professional Shortage Area by the
US Health Resources and Services Administration. The clinic will be one of the only community-based mental health
clinics in the area and will expand Bailey Houses current mental health services to comprehensively address the needs of
its surrounding community; and (b) sustaining substance abuse and risk reduction services for hundreds of individuals
living with HIV/AIDS as Bailey House transitions from federal contracts to other funding sources.
Designation Method: The City Council has designated Bailey House, Inc. as the provider of this initiative.
EIN#: 13-3165181
Initiative: Children under Five Initiative
Agency: Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (816)
Program Area: Mental Hygiene Mental Health Services
Unit of Appropriation: 120 - Mental Health
Amount: $1,250,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Year Funded: Fiscal 2005
Population Targeted: Children under the age of five who have either been victims of violence or have been exposed to
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation funds community-based outpatient mental health clinics throughout the
City to provide mental health treatment for children age five and under. Mental health treatment activities include, but are
not limited to, screening and clinical evaluation; individual, small group and child-parent psychotherapy; trauma-informed
interventions (trauma-informed care is an approach to engaging people with histories of trauma that recognizes the
presence of trauma symptoms and acknowledges the role that trauma has played in their lives); and consultation to
pediatricians, preschool teachers and child welfare workers.
Designation Method: The City Council has designated the following providers for Fiscal 2014:
Organization EIN# Amount
Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University 13-1624225 $400,000
Child Center of New York, Inc., The 11-1733454 $115,000
Jewish Board of Family and Children's Services, Inc. (aka Pride of Judea) 13-5564937 $75,000
OHEL Children's Home and Family Services, Inc. 11-6078704 $100,000
Safe Horizon, Inc. 13-2946970 $100,000
Safe Space, Inc. 11-1711014 $200,000
Staten Island Mental Health Society, Inc. 13-5623279 $60,000
University Settlement Society of New York 13-5562374 $200,000
Initiative: Geriatric Mental Health Services
Agency: Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (816)
Program Area: Mental Hygiene Mental Health Services
Unit of Appropriation: 120 - Mental Health
Amount: $2,000,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Year Funded: Fiscal 2006
Population Targeted: Seniors with mental disabilities
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation represents funding to strengthen the infrastructure of experienced
organizations providing a range of mental health services in non-clinical settings such as senior centers, drop-in centers,
religious institutions, social clubs, and homeless prevention programs and in the home.
Designation Method: The City Council has designated the following providers for Fiscal 2014:
Organization EIN# Amount
Bridge, Inc., The 13-1919799 $79,000
Bronx Jewish Community Council, Inc. 13-2744533 $79,000
BronxWorks, Inc. 13-3254484 $84,000
Catholic Charities Neighborhood Services, Inc. 11-2047151 $84,000
Chinese American Planning Council, Inc. 13-6202692 $84,000
East Side House, Inc. 13-1623989 $79,000
Grand Street Settlement, Inc. 13-5562230 $84,000
Hudson Guild 13-5562989 $84,000
Institute for the Puerto Rican/Hispanic Elderly, Inc. 13-2987263 $79,000
Organization EIN# Amount
Jewish Association for Services for the Aged (JASA) 13-2620896 $79,000
Jewish Board of Family and Children's Services, Inc. (aka Pride of Judea) 13-5564937 $84,000
Lenox Hill Neighborhood House, Inc. 13-1628180 $84,000
OHEL Children's Home and Family Services, Inc. 11-6078704 $94,000
Project Hospitality, Inc. 13-3234441 $79,000
Relief Resources, Inc. 52-2323151 $40,000
Riverdale Mental Health Association, Inc. 13-1930700 $118,000
Samuel Field YM & YWHA, Inc. 11-3071518 $81,000
SBH Community Service Network, Inc. (Sephardic Bikur Cholim) 23-7406410 $40,000
Service Program for Older People, Inc. (SPOP) 13-2947616 $79,000
Services and Advocacy for GLBT Elders, Inc. (SAGE) 13-2947657 $84,000
Spanish Speaking Elderly Council-RAICES 11-2730462 $81,000
St. Barnabas Hospital 13-1740122 $79,000
Sunnyside Community Services Center, Inc. 51-0189327 $84,000
Upper Manhattan Health Center 13-3389470 $79,000
Visiting Nurse Service of New York Home Care, Inc. 13-1624211 $79,000
Initiative: Mental Health Contracts
Agency: Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (816)
Program Area: Mental Hygiene Mental Health Services
Unit of Appropriation: 120 - Mental Health
Amount: $375,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Year Funded: Fiscal 2004
Population Targeted: Adults
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation represents funding for programs and contracts that provide a range of
mental health services.
Designation Method: The City Council has designated the following providers for Fiscal 2014:
Organization EIN# Amount
Center for Urban and Community Services, Inc. 13-3687891 $100,000
Children's Aid Society, The 13-5562191 $95,000
Child Center of New York, Inc., The 11-1733454 $45,000
Coalition of Behavioral Health Agencies, Inc., The 13-2729071 $85,000
Greenwich House, Inc. 13-5562204 $50,000
Initiative: Mental Hygiene Contracts NOV 2012 PEG Restoration
Agency: Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (816)
Program Area: Mental Hygiene Mental Health Services
Unit of Appropriation: 121 - Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities
Amount: $245,625
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Year Funded: Fiscal 2014
Population Targeted: Adults
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation represents a partial restoration of $245,625 in funding for contracts
providing mental health services.
Designation Method: The City Council has designated the following providers for Fiscal 2014:
Organization EIN# Amount
Brooklyn Bureau of Community Services 11-1630780 $49,000
Staten Island ARC 13-5660279 $96,920
United Cerebral Palsy 13-5654532 $99,705
Initiative: Mental Hygiene Contracted Services Partial PEG Restoration Chemical Dependency/ADUPCT
Agency: Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (816)
Program Area: Mental Hygiene Chemical Dependency
Unit of Appropriation: 122 Chemical Dependency
Amount: $525,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Year Funded: Fiscal 2012
Population Targeted: Varies
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation supports contracts for medically supervised outpatient programs
(MSOPs). MSOPs are designed to assist patients in supporting abstinence and recovery from chemical dependence and
abuse and typically offer a variety of services such as individual and group counseling; individualized treatment plans;
addiction education; co-dependency counseling; relapse prevention; psychiatrist and nurse on-site; and DMV referrals.
Designation Method: The City Council has designated the following providers for Fiscal 2014:
Organization EIN# Amount
Alcoholism Council/ Fellowship Center of New York, Inc., The 23-7086871 $49,000
Bowery Residents' Committee, Inc. 13-2736659 $33,000
Catholic Charities Neighborhood Services, Inc. 11-2047151 $26,000
Child Center of NY, Inc., The 11-1733454 $71,000
Greenwich House, Inc. 13-5562204 $22,000
Hamilton Madison House, Inc. 13-5562412 $33,000
Inwood Community Service 13-3087407 $31,000
Long Island Jewish Medical Center 11-2241326 $101,000
Mental Health Providers of Western Queens, Inc. 51-0204121 $55,000
South Bronx Mental Health Council, Inc. 13-3039605 $38,000
St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital Center 13-2997301 $36,000
Staten Island Mental Health Society, Inc. 13-5623279 $30,000
Initiative: Mental Hygiene Contracted Services Partial PEG Restoration DD Clinics
Agency: Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (816)
Program Area: Mental Hygiene Mental Retardation/Development Disabilities
Unit of Appropriation: 121 Mental Retardation/Development Disabilities
Amount: $806,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Year Funded: Fiscal 2012
Population Targeted: Varies
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation provides net deficit funding to select Article 16 Developmental Disability
Designation Method: The City Council has designated the following providers for Fiscal 2014:
Organization EIN# Amount
Albert Einstein College of Medicine/Yeshiva University CERC Clinic 13-1624225 $300,000
Epilepsy Institute 13-2608325 $184,000
Staten Island Mental Health Society 13-5623279 $322,000
Initiative: Mental Hygiene Contracted Services Partial PEG Restoration Mental Health Providers
Agency: Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (816)
Program Area: Mental Hygiene Mental Health Services
Unit of Appropriation: 120 Mental Health
Amount: $1,164,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Year Funded: Fiscal 2012
Population Targeted: Varies
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation supports contracts for bridger (transition management) programs,
psychosocial clubs, recreation programs and adult respite programs. These programs offer community supports to New
Yorkers with serious mental illness and their families at various stages of the recovery/rehabilitation process.
Designation Method: The Council has designated the following providers for Fiscal 2014:
Organization EIN# Amount
Federation Employment and Guidance Service, Inc. 13-1624000 $127,000
Institute for Community Living, Inc. 13-3306195 $244,000
Jamaica Service Program for Older Adults - Friendship Sr. Ctr. 51-0204121 $199,000
Lutheran Medical Center 11-1839567 $268,000
Mental Health Association of NYC, The 13-2637308 $58,000
NYSARC, Inc. 13-5596746 $104,000
Ohel Children's Home and Family Service, Inc. 11-6078704 $20,000
PSCH, INC. (Kingsboro Psychiatric Center) 11-2542430 $127,000
Sky Light Center, Inc. 13-3473726 $17,000
Initiative: Samaritans of New York Suicide Prevention Hotline PEG Restoration
Agency: Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (816)
Program Area: Mental Hygiene Mental Health Services
Unit of Appropriation: 120 Mental Health
Amount: $247,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Year Funded: Fiscal 2011
Population Targeted: All
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation represents a PEG restoration for Samaritans of New York Suicide
Prevention Services which consists of 24-hour confidential suicide prevention hotline.
Designation Method: The City Council has designated the Samaritans of New York, Inc., as the provider of this initiative.
EIN#: 13-3164464
Initiative: Young Adult Institute and Workshop, Inc. (YAI)
Agency: Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (816)
Program Area: Mental Hygiene Development Disabilities
Unit of Appropriation: 121 - Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities
Amount: $200,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Year Funded: Fiscal 2007
Population Targeted: Developmentally disabled adults
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation partially restores YAI's three adult rehabilitation and recreation
programs: (1) the Manhattan Evening Adjustment Program (MEAP) and (2) the Bronx Evening Adjustment Program
(BEAP); and (3) the Alumni Club. These programs provide essential socialization and community inclusion services for
adults with developmental disabilities (DD).
Designation Method: The City Council has designated Young Adult Institute and Workshop, Inc. as the provider for this
EIN#: 11-2030172
Health and Hospitals Corporation
Initiative: HHC Child Health Clinics
Agency: Health and Hospitals Corporation (819)
Program Area: Health Care Access and Improvement
Unit of Appropriation: 001 Lump Sum
Amount: $5,000,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Year Funded: Fiscal 2000
Population Targeted: Youth
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation provides net deficit funding for HHCs Child Health Clinics. This action
ensures that child health clinics will remain open, and provide sufficient levels of access and quality care. HHC child
health clinics provide the medical attention children need to stay healthy, including immunizations, physicals and
treatment for just about everything from the common cold to more serious conditions, like asthma. Families also have
access to specialists outside of the center, including a wide range of pediatric subspecialists.
Designation Method: This funding is provided directly to the Health and Hospitals Corporation.
Initiative: HHC Developmental Evaluation Clinic Funding
Agency: Health and Hospitals Corporation (819)
Program Area: Mental Hygiene Mental Retardation/Development Disabilities
Unit of Appropriation: 001 Lump Sum
Amount: $1,467,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Year Funded: Fiscal 2011
Population Targeted: HHC patients
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation represents funding to restore the Developmental Evaluation Clinics
(DECs) located at HHC's (1) Morrisania Diagnostic and Treatment Center; (2) Renaissance Health Care Network
Diagnostic and Treatment Center; and (3) Kings County Hospital. HHCs DECs offer evaluation, diagnosis and targeted
treatment for children with cerebral palsy, developmental disabilities and neurological impairments that limit intellectual,
academic and communication potential.
Designation Method: This funding is provided directly to the Health and Hospitals Corporation.
Initiative: Partial PEG Restoration to Unrestricted Operating Subsidy
Agency: Health and Hospitals Corporation (819)
Program Area: Mental Hygiene Mental Retardation/Development Disabilities
Unit of Appropriation: 001 Lump Sum
Amount: $6,000,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Year Funded: Fiscal 2012
Population Targeted: HHC patients
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation represents a partial restoration to HHCs Unrestricted Operating
Subsidy. This subsidy serves as a lump-sum appropriation to HHC in recognition of the financial challenges of serving
uninsured and Medicaid patients. Payments associated with these particular services and patients do not cover the full
costs of care.
Designation Method: This funding is provided directly to the Health and Hospitals Corporation.
Summary of Fiscal 2014 Council Initiatives:
Higher Education
Agency Initiative Funding
CUNY Black Male Initiative $2,500,000
CUNY Center for Puerto Rican Studies $470,000
CUNY Creative Arts Team $200,000
CUNY CUNY Advanced Certificate Program $50,000
CUNY Dominican Studies Institute $470,000
CUNY Hunter College Food Policy Center $200,000
CUNY Murphy Institute Center for Worker Education $100,000
TOTAL $3,990,000
Initiative: Black Male Initiative
Agency: City University of New York (042)
Unit of Appropriation: 001 Community Colleges OTPS
Amount: $2,500,000
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2007
Description/Scope of Services: BMI supports programs and services at several CUNY campuses to recruit and support
under-represented groups, particularly black males. Some of the initiatives include transition to college programs,
academic enrichment, mentoring, leadership development, and non-violent conflict resolution.
Designation Method: Funding is provided directly to the agency.
Initiative: Center for Puerto Rican Studies
Agency: City University of New York (042)
Unit of Appropriation: 001 Community Colleges OTPS
Amount: $470,000
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2005
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation represents a restoration to the Center for Puerto Rican Studies which
was created to archive, preserve, and research Puerto Rican culture. The Center is located at Hunter College in
Designation Method: Funding is provided directly to the agency.
Initiative: Creative Arts Team
Agency: City University of New York (042)
Unit of Appropriation: 001 Community Colleges OTPS
Amount: $200,000
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2005
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation represents funding to support the Creative Arts Team, which challenges
at-risk youth with participatory drama workshops and residencies that foster important learning skills and positive social
development. These outreach programs serve a variety of student populations in regular, special education, alternative,
and Head Start programs. They are also age-appropriate and tailored for each grade level from Pre-K to high school.
Designation Method: Funding is provided directly to the agency.
Initiative: CUNY Advanced Certificate Program
Agency: City University of New York (042)
Unit of Appropriation: 001 Community Colleges OTPS
Amount: $50,000
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2013
Description/Scope of Services: This program provides additional, targeted classroom and lab instruction for CUNY
students studying computer science and related fields to prepare them to join the Citys tech workforce.
Designation Method: Funding is provided directly to the agency.
Initiative: Dominican Studies Institute
Agency: City University of New York (042)
Unit of Appropriation: 001 Community Colleges OTPS
Amount: $470,000
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2005
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation represents a restoration to the CUNY Dominican Studies Institute, which
was created to archive, preserve, and research the Dominican culture. The institute is located at City College in
Designation Method: Funding is provided directly to the agency.
Initiative: Hunter College Food Policy Center
Agency: City University of New York (042)
Unit of Appropriation: 001 Community Colleges OTPS
Amount: $200,000
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2013
Description/Scope of Services: The NYC Food Policy Center at Hunter College seeks to assist New York City
communities, residents, government agencies and institutions to develop, implement and evaluate policies that will
improve the citys food environment and reduce food-related health, social, environmental and economic problems.
Designation Method: Funding is provided directly to the agency.
Program: Murphy Institute Center for Worker Education
Agency: City University of New York (042)
Unit of Appropriation: 001 Community Colleges OTPS
Amount: $100,000
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2006
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation represents a restoration to the Murphy Institute Center for Worker
Education which provides access to education for working adults as well as training and education for New York City
union members.
Designation Method: Funding is provided directly to the agency.
Summary of Fiscal 2014 Council Initiatives:
Homeless Services
Agency Initiative Funding
DHS Citywide Homeless Prevention Fund $250,000
DHS Reimbursements for Medical Services PEG Restoration $1,200,000
TOTAL $1,450,000
Initiative: Citywide Homeless Prevention Fund
Agency: Department of Homeless Services (071)
Program Area: Prevention and After Care
Unit of Appropriation: 200 Other than Personal Services
Amount: $250,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2007
Population Targeted: Potentially homeless individuals and families
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation represents a restoration for a homelessness prevention program that
provides emergency grants to families in crisis, and at risk of eviction in order to keep them in their homes and avoid the
shelter system. Approximately 250 low-income families will be assisted.
Designation Method: The City Council has designated the following organizations and amounts each will receive under
this initiative.
Organization EIN# Amount
Coalition for the Homeless 13-3072967 $150,000
Community Service Society 13-5562202 $50,000
The Bridge Fund 13-3824852 $50,000
Initiative: Reimbursements for Medical Services PEG Restoration
Agency: Department of Homeless Services (071)
Program Area: Adult Shelter Operations
Unit of Appropriation: 200 Other than Personal Services
Amount: $1,200,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2014
Population Targeted: Potentially homeless individuals and families
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation restores $1,200,000 for reimbursements of medical services for the
Designation Method: Funding is provided directly to the agency.
Summary of Fiscal 2014 Council Initiatives:
Agency Initiative Funding
HPD Citywide Task Force on Housing Court $500,000
HPD Community Consultants $415,000
HPD Housing Preservation Initiative $1,250,000
HPD Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention Program $750,000
HPD Anti-Eviction & SRO Legal Services $2,000,000
HPD Subsidized Housing Information Project (SHIP) $45,000
HPD Association for Neighborhood and Housing Development $100,000
TOTAL $5,060,000
Program: Citywide Task Force on Housing Court
Agency: Housing Preservation and Development (806)
Program Area: Preservation-Anti Abandonment
Unit of Appropriation: 011 Office of Housing Preservation- OTPS
Amount: $500,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 1999
Population Targeted: Tenants who attend housing court
Description/Scope of Services: Provides for the continuation and enhancement of a contract with Housing Court
Answers, Inc. (formerly known as City-Wide Task Force on Housing Court, Inc.) for the provision of information services
for tenants and small landlords, which is provided at tables located in the Citys Housing Courts.
Allocation Designation: The City Council has designated Housing Court Answers, Inc. (formerly known as City-Wide
Task Force on Housing Court, Inc.) as the provider for this initiative.
EIN#: 13-3317188
Program: Community Consultants
Agency: Housing Preservation and Development (806)
Program Area: Preservation-Anti Abandonment
Unit of Appropriation: 009 Office of Development OTPS
Amount: $415,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 1992
Population Targeted: Low-income housing residents
Description/Scope of Services: The Community Consultants program allows neighborhood-based groups to provide
the following services: tenant organization; code enforcement advocacy; housing court assistance; apartment
repossession; and other housing-related public education.
Allocation Designation: The City Council will designate the organizations and the amount each will receive under this
initiative. These designations will be made post-Adoption.
Program: Housing Preservation Initiative
Agency: Housing Preservation and Development (806)
Program Area: Preservation-Other Agency Services
Unit of Appropriation: 009 Office of Development OTPS
Amount: $1,250,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2008
Population Targeted: Low-income housing residents
Description/Scope of Services: This initiative allows neighborhood-based groups to design and implement a
grassroots-based approach to the most critical threat to affordable housing in their individual community.
Allocation Designation: The City Council will designate the organizations and the amount each will receive under this
initiative. These designations will be made post-Adoption.
Program: Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention Program: Center for New York City Neighborhoods
Agency: Housing Preservation and Development (806)
Program Area: Preservation-Anti Abandonment
Unit of Appropriation: 009 Office of Development OTPS
Amount: $750,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2007
Population Targeted: Low-income housing residents
Description/Scope of Services: This funding supports the Center for New York City Neighborhoods (CNYCN), an
independent, non-profit entity, which coordinates the work of organizations providing technical services citywide, legal
services providers, and community based organizations working to assist homeowners who are in danger of losing their
homes due to mortgage foreclosure.
Allocation Designation: The City Council has designated the Center for New York City Neighborhoods (CNYCN) as the
provider for this initiative. CNYCN will award grants to other organizations through a competitive process.
EIN#: 83-0506416
Program: Anti Eviction and SRO Legal Services
Agency: Housing Preservation and Development (806)
Program Area: Preservation-Other Agency Services
Unit of Appropriation: 011 Office of Housing Preservation OTPS
Amount: $2,000,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 1995
Population Targeted: Low-and moderate-income people faced with illegal eviction; Single Resident Occupancy (SRO)
Description/Scope of Services: Legal services and advocacy
Designation Method: The City Council has designated the following organizations and the funding amount:
Organization EIN# Amount
Brooklyn Legal Services Corporation A 13-2605599 $83,074
Goddard Riverside Community Center 13-1893908 $310,129
Legal Aid Society / Civil Division- Bronx 13-5562265 $124,643
Legal Aid Society / Civil Division- Brooklyn 13-5562265 $163,963
Legal Aid Society / Civil Division- Community Law Office 13-5562265 $262,782
Legal Aid Society / Civil Division- Queens 13-5562265 $93,750
Legal Aid Society / Civil Division- Staten Island 13-5562265 $68,750
Legal Services NYC Bronx 16-1759590 $87,500
Legal Services NYC - Brooklyn Branch 13-2600199 $303,175
Legal Services NYC - Manhattan Legal Services (Includes Harlem branch 13-2613958 $145,556
Legal Services NYC - Queens Branch 13-2605604 $102,294
MFY Legal Services, Inc. 13-2622748 $173,975
Northern Manhattan Improvement Corporation 13-2972415 $80,409
Program: Subsidized Housing Information Project (SHIP)
Agency: Housing Preservation and Development (806)
Program Area: Preservation Anti-Abandonment
Unit of Appropriation: 009 Office of Development OTPS
Amount: $45,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2012
Population Targeted: Homeowners, renters
Description/Scope of Services: As part of the Speaker's State of the City in 2011, this initiative will fund the Furman
Center to conduct training and outreach to potential users of a new, comprehensive database of New York City's privately
owned subsidized housing, and support data uploads and maintenance of the database and website.
Allocation Designation: The City Council has designated the Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy at New
York University as the provider for this initiative.
EIN#: 13-5562308
Program: Association for Neighborhood and Housing Development
Agency: Housing Preservation and Development (806)
Program Area: Preservation Anti-Abandonment
Unit of Appropriation: 009 Office of Development OTPS
Amount: $100,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2012
Population Targeted: Homeowners, renters
Description/Scope of Services: This funding will support efforts to secure a commitment of permanent affordability in all
city-subsidized affordable housing projects.
Allocation Designation: The City Council has designated the Association for Neighborhood and Housing Development
as the provider for this initiative.
EIN#: 13-2775999
Summary of Fiscal 2014 Council Initiatives:
Immigrant Services
Agency Initiative Funding
DYCD Immigrant Opportunities Initiative (IOI) $4,300,000
Immigrant Opportunities Initiative (IOI CUNY Citizenship
NOW! Expansion) $800,000
TOTAL $5,100,000
Initiative: Immigrant Opportunity Initiative
Agency: Department of Youth & Community Development (260)
Program Area: Community Development Programs
Unit of Appropriation: 005 OTPS
Amount: $4,300,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2002
Population Targeted: New York Citys immigrant population
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation supports funding to assist immigrant adults gain access to information
and resources and to strengthen their participation in the democratic process. Specifically, this initiative provides funding
for English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) classes, legal services for recent immigrants to assist with
applications for citizenship or permanent residency, and various other immigrant related legal services.
Designation Method: The City Council will designate the organizations and the amount of funding each will receive under
this initiative post-Adoption.
Initiative: Immigrant Opportunity Initiative Citizenship NOW! Expansion
Agency: City University of New York (042)
Program Area: Community Development Programs
Unit of Appropriation: 001 Community Colleges OTPS
Amount: $800,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2002
Population Targeted: New York Citys immigrant population
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation supports the expansion of the CUNY Citizenship Now! program which
provides free immigration law services to assist immigrants on their path to U.S. citizenship.
Designation Method: Funding is provided directly to the agency under this initiative.
Summary of Fiscal 2014 Council Initiatives:
Agency Initiative Funding
NY Public Library (Research) Fiscal 2014 Subsidy Restoration $906,000
NY Public Library (Branches) Fiscal 2014 Subsidy Restoration $4,742,000
Brooklyn Public Library Fiscal 2014 Subsidy Restoration $3,556,000
Queens Borough Public Library Fiscal 2014 Subsidy Restoration $3,545,000
NY Public Library (Research) Schomburg Junior Scholars Program $100,000
TOTAL $12,849,000
Initiative: Fiscal 2014 Subsidy Restoration
Agency: New York Public Library: Research (035)
Unit of Appropriation: 001
Amount: $906,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
Description/Scope of Services: This funding restores a portion of the proposed funding cut for Fiscal 2014 for the NYPL
Research Libraries.
Designation Method: This funding is allocated directly to the New York Public Library.
Initiative: Fiscal 2014 Subsidy Restoration
Agency: New York Public Library: Branches (037)
Unit of Appropriation: 006
Amount: $4,742,000
Boroughs Served: The Bronx, Manhattan & Staten Island
Description/Scope of Services: This funding restores a portion of the proposed funding cut for Fiscal 2014 for the NYPL
branch libraries.
Designation Method: This funding is allocated directly to the New York Public Library.
Initiative: Fiscal 2014 Subsidy Restoration
Agency: Brooklyn Public Library (038)
Unit of Appropriation: 001
Amount: $3,556,000
Boroughs Served: Brooklyn
Description/Scope of Services: This funding restores a portion of the proposed funding cut for Fiscal 2014 for the
Brooklyn Public Library.
Designation Method: This funding is allocated directly to the Brooklyn Public Library.
Initiative: Fiscal 2014 Subsidy Restoration
Agency: Queens Borough Public Library (039)
Unit of Appropriation: 001
Amount: $3,545,000
Boroughs Served Queens
Description/Scope of Services: This funding restores a portion of the proposed funding cut for Fiscal 2014 for the
Queens Borough Public Library.
Designation Method: This funding is allocated directly to the Queens Borough Public Library.
Initiative: Schomburg J unior Scholars Program
Agency: New York Public Library: Research (035)
Unit of Appropriation: 001
Amount: $100,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
Description/Scope of Services: This funding supports a pre-college black studies program at the Schomburg Center
under the New York Public Library system.
Designation Method: This funding is allocated directly to the New York Public Library.
Summary of Fiscal 2014 Council Initiatives:
Parks and Recreation
Agency Initiative Funding
DPR Playground Associates Restoration $1,000,000
DPR Pools- Restoration of Pools Closures $546,000
DPR Pools- Maintenance of Pool Season $891,000
DPR Tree Stump Removal $2,000,000
TOTAL $4,437,000
Program: Playground Associates Restoration
Agency: Department of Parks and Recreation (846)
Program Area: Recreation - Citywide
Unit of Appropriation: 004
Amount: $1,000,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2008
Description/Scope of Services: This Council allocation is for 30 full-time equivalent playground associates to provide
supervised recreation in local parks and playgrounds.
Designation Method: Funding is provided directly to the agency.
Program: Pools Restoration of Pool Closure
Agency: Department of Parks and Recreation (846)
Program Area: Recreation - Citywide
Unit of Appropriation: 002
Amount: $546,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2011
Description/Scope of Services: This Council allocation represents a PEG restoration of $546,000 for four City pools
scheduled to be closed during the pool season in Fiscal 2014. The four pools are Wagner in Manhattan, Howard in
Brooklyn, Fort Totten in Queens, and Faber in Staten Island.
Designation Method: Funding is provided directly to the agency.
Program: Pools Maintenance of Pool Season
Agency: Department of Parks and Recreation (846)
Program Area: Recreation - Citywide
Unit of Appropriation: 002
Amount: $891,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2011
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation represents a PEG restoration of $891,000 to help keep all City pools
open during the last two weeks of pool season in Fiscal 2014.
Designation Method: Funding is provided directly to the agency.
Program: Tree Stump Removal Contracts
Agency: Department of Parks and Recreation (846)
Program Area: Forestry & Horticulture
Unit of Appropriation: 006
Amount: $2,000,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2014
Description/Scope of Services: This Council allocation is to help the Department of Parks and Recreation meet the
demand for tree stump removal requests citywide.
Designation Method: Funding is provided directly to the agency.
Summary of Fiscal 2014 Council Initiatives:
Senior Services
Agency Initiative Funding
DFTA Access to Crisis and Emergency Services $600,000
DFTA Case Management Restoration $5,500,000
DFTA CityMeals on Wheels $1,000,000
DFTA Elder Abuse Programs Restoration $800,000
DFTA Handyman Services $400,000
DFTA Information and Referral Contracts $1,000,000
DFTA NORC Supportive Service Program $900,000
DFTA Senior Centers and Programs Restoration $2,989,107
Senior Services Borough Presidents
Discretionary Funding -- Restoration $4,100,000
DFTA Space Costs for Senior Centers $1,500,000
DFTA Transportation Operating Costs $2,000,000
DFTA Social Adult Day Care Programs $400,000
TOTAL $21,189,107
Initiative: Access to Crisis Emergency Services
Agency: Department for the Aging (125)
Program Area: Senior Services
Unit of Appropriation: 003 Other Than Personal Services
Amount: $600,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Year Funded: 2014
Description/Scope of Services: Case assistance to the working-poor, near-poor, immigrants, seniors living on fixed
incomes, and the recently unemployed. Case workers connect clients with benefits/entitlements, emergency food,
clothing, legal help, employment assistance, etc.
Designation Method: Funding is provided directly to the agency.
Initiative: Case Management Restoration
Agency: Department for the Aging (125)
Program Area: Case Management
Unit of Appropriation: 003 Other Than Personal Services
Amount: $5,500,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Year Funded: 2012
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation restores funding for DFTA case management programs.
Designation Method: Designation for this funding will be made post-adoption.
Initiative: CityMeals on Wheels
Agency: Department for the Aging (125)
Program Area: Senior Centers and Meals
Unit of Appropriation: 003 Other Than Personal Services
Amount: $1,000,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Year Funded: 2006
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation restores funding for CityMeals on Wheels, which provides home-
delivered meals to seniors on the weekends and on holidays.
Designation Method: The City Council has designated CityMeals on Wheels as the provider for this initiative.
EIN#: 13-3634381
Initiative: Elder Abuse Programs Restoration
Agency: Department for the Aging (125)
Program Area: Senior Services
Unit of Appropriation: 003 Other Than Personal Services
Amount: $800,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Year Funded: 2010
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation restores funding for Elder Abuse programs.
Designation Method: The following organizations will receive funding through this initiative.
Organization EIN# Amount
Carter Burden Center for the Aging, Inc., The 23-7129499 $91,520
Community Agency for Senior Citizens, Inc. 13-3263537 $81,306
Jewish Association for Services for the Aged (JASA) Brooklyn (CD
1-6,8-9,16) 13-2620896 $98,186
Jewish Association for Services for the Aged (JASA) Brooklyn (CD
7,10-15,17-18) 13-2620896 $97,039
Jewish Association for Services for the Aged (JASA) Manhattan 13-2620896 $86,926
Jewish Association for Services for the Aged (JASA) Queens A 13-2620896 $86,189
Jewish Association for Services for the Aged (JASA) Queens B 13-2620896 $87,125
Neighborhood Self Help by Older Persons Project, Inc. 13-3077047 $92,351
Regional Aid for Interim Needs (RAIN), Inc. 13-6213586 $79,358
Initiative: Handyman Services
Agency: Department for the Aging (125)
Program Area: Senior Services
Unit of Appropriation: 003 Other Than Personal Services
Amount: $400,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Year Funded: 2014
Description/Scope of Services: This funding will help low-income seniors remain secure and independent through home
repairs and home safety jobs free-of-charge.
Designation Method: Funding is provided directly to the agency.
Initiative: Information and Referral Contracts
Agency: Department for the Aging (125)
Program Area: Senior Services
Unit of Appropriation: 003 Other Than Personal Services
Amount: $1,000,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Year Funded: 2009
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation restores funding for DFTA information and referral contracts.
Designation Method: The following organizations will receive funding through this initiative.
Organization EIN# Amount
American-Italian Coalition of Organizations, Inc. (AMICO) -
Extended Services Program 11-2488439 $94,105
Bronx Jewish Community Council, Inc. 13-2744533 $165,965
Council of Belmont Organizations, Inc. 13-2755323 $103,914
Emerald Isle Immigration Center 11-2932528 $56,132
Hellenic American Neighborhood Action Committee, Inc. (HANAC) 11-2290832 $142,954
Metropolitan New York Coordinating Council on Jewish Poverty, Inc. 13-2738818 $247,765
Polish and Slavic Center, Inc. 11-2285970 $96,847
United Jewish Council of the East Side, Inc. 13-2735378 $92,318
Initiative: NORC Supportive Service Program
Agency: Department for the Aging (125)
Program Area: Senior Services
Unit of Appropriation: 003 Other Than Personal Services
Amount: $900,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Year Funded: 2007
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation restores funding for the Naturally Occurring Retirement Community
Supportive Service Program (NORC SSP). The program provides services to seniors who live in NORCs, including social
services, medical services, educational/recreational services and volunteer opportunities.
Designation Method: The following organizations will receive funding through this initiative.
Organization EIN# Amount
Bronx Jewish Community Council, Inc. -- Pelham Parkway Houses
NORC 13-2744533 $180,000
BronxWorks, Inc. -- Citizens Advice Bureau NORC 13-3254484 $74,808
Grand Street Settlement, Inc. -- BEST NORC 13-5562230 $77,922
Jamaica Service Program for Older Adults, Inc. (JSPOA) NORC 51-0204121 $45,000
Jewish Association for Services for the Aged (JASA) -- 1199 Plaza
NORC 13-2620896 $76,050
Neighborhood Self Help by Older Persons Project, Inc. -- Morrison
Lafayette/Boyton Lafayette NORC 13-3077047 $31,500
Samuel Field YM & YWHA, Inc. -- NORC Without Walls 11-3071518 $92,520
Services and Advocacy for GLBT Elders, Inc. (SAGE) SAGE
Harlem NORC 13-2947657 $63,000
South Brooklyn Youth Consortium, Inc.-- South Brooklyn Youth
NORC 03-0387372 $79,200
Spring Creek Senior Partners, Inc. -- Spring Creek NORC 74-3158439 $180,000
Initiative: Senior Centers and Programs Restoration
Agency: Department for the Aging (125)
Program Area: Senior Centers and Meals
Unit of Appropriation: 003 Other Than Personal Services
Amount: $2,989,107
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Year Funded: 2011
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation restores funding to DFTA senior centers and programs.
Designation Method: The following organizations will receive funding through this initiative.
Organization EIN# Amount
Bergen Basin Community Development Corporation 11-3199040 $125,000
Carter Burden Center for the Aging, Inc., The 23-7129499 $70,000
Central Harlem Senior Citizen Coalition, Inc. 13-2754783 $240,000
Citizens Care Committee - Harlem Teams Senior Center 13-6179568 $40,000
Conselyea Street Block Association, Inc. Swinging 60s Senior Center 11-2347180 $570,000
COTHOA Luncheon Club, Inc. - Wilson M. Morris Senior Center 13-3608860 $20,000
East Side House, Inc. - Patterson Houses Senior Center 13-1623989 $60,000
Institute for the Puerto Rican/Hispanic Elderly, Inc 13-2987263 $150,000
Jewish Association for Services for the Aged (JASA) - West Side Senior Center 13-2620896 $412,000
Jewish Association for Services for the Aged (JASA) - Einstein Senior Center 13-2620896 $100,000
Jewish Community Council (JCC) of Greater Coney Island, Inc. - Homecare Program 11-2665181 $96,891
Mid-Bronx Senior Citizen Council, Inc. - Concourse Plaza Wellness Center 23-7354073 $60,000
Older Adults Technology Services (OATS), Inc 55-0882599 $150,000
Presbyterian Senior Center - Ennis Francis Senior Center 13-1981482 $60,000
Spanish Speaking Elderly Council-RAICES- Gowanus Senior Center 11-2730462 $40,000
Regional Aid for Interim Needs (RAIN), Inc. - Baily Senior Center 13-6213586 $185,000
Regional Aid for Interim Needs (RAIN),Inc. - Tolentine Zeiser Senior Center 13-6213587 $145,000
Services and Advocacy for GLBT Elders, Inc. 13-2947657 $150,000
Seniors Helping Seniors, Inc. 13-3111915 $62,830
Shorefront Jewish Community Council, Inc. 11-2986161 $47,386
United Jewish Council (UJC) of East Side, Inc. - Lilliam Wald 13-2735378 $75,000
Union Settlement Association, Inc. - Washington Lexington Senior Center 13-1632530 $70,000
Young Mens Christian Association (YMCA) of Greater New York - Glebe Senior Center 13-1624228 $60,000
Initiative: Senior Services -- Borough Presidents Discretionary Funding Restoration
Agency: Department for the Aging (125)
Program Area: Senior Centers and Meals, Senior Services
Unit of Appropriation: 003 Other Than Personal Services
Amount: $4,100,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Year Funded: 2010
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation restores funding to support citywide senior services including senior
centers, meals, case management, homecare, transportation, and other services.
Designation Method: The Borough Presidents will designate the organizations and the amount each will receive
under this initiative post-adoption.
Initiative: Space Costs for Senior Centers
Agency: Department for the Aging (125)
Program Area: Senior Centers and Meals
Unit of Appropriation: 003 Other Than Personal Services
Amount: $1,500,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Year Funded: 2007
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation restores funding to address space/facility needs at senior centers.
Designation Method: Funding is provided directly to the agency.
Initiative: Transportation - Operating Costs
Agency: Department for the Aging (125)
Program Area: Senior Centers and Meals
Unit of Appropriation: 003 Other Than Personal Services
Amount: $2,000,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Year Funded: 2006
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation restores funding to support the operating costs (insurance, fuel and
maintenance) of existing vans and other existing vehicles that are used by senior centers and other senior programs.
Designation Method: Funding is provided directly to the agency.
Program: Social Adult Day Care Programs
Agency: Department for the Aging (125)
Unit of Appropriation: 003 Other Than Personal Services
Amount: $400,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Year Funded: 2010
Population Targeted: seniors with special needs
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation restores funding for social adult day care programs, which provide non-
medical adult day care services to individuals with cognitive or physical limitations.
Designation Method: The following organizations will receive funding through this initiative.
Organization EIN# Amount
Carter Burden Center for the Aging, Inc., The 23-7129499 $50,000
Department for the Aging, 13-6400434 $50,000
Jewish Community Center of Staten Island, Inc. 13-5562256 $50,000
Lenox Hill Neighborhood House, Inc. 13-1628180 $50,000
Lutheran Family Health Center's Family Support Center 11-1839567 $50,000
Riverdale Senior Services, Inc. 23-7357997 $50,000
Selfhelp Community Services, Inc. 13-1624178 $50,000
Sunnyside Community Services Center, Inc. 51-0189327 $50,000
Summary of Fiscal 2014 Council Initiatives:
Small Business Services and Workforce Development
Agency Initiative Funding
SBS Industrial Business Solutions Providers (IBSP) Restoration $1,156,405
SBS MWBE Leadership Associations $600,000
SBS Small Business and Job Development / Financial Literacy $600,000
SBS Jobs to Build On $4,100,000
SBS Consortium for Worker Education $1,000,000
SBS High Tech Connect $260,000
SBS hackNY $100,000
SBS Food Retail and Workforce Training and Placement Program $60,000
SBS New Skills/New Jobs $597,500
SBS Workforce Development - Queens Tech Education $65,000
SBS Homecare Workers Materials Translation $110,000
SBS SCO Family of Services/Center for Family Life Worker
SBS Hard Hats for Vets $100,000
SBS SWAN (FCNY) $50,000
TOTAL $8,946,494
Initiative: Industrial Business Solutions Providers (IBSP) Restoration
Agency: Small Business Services (801)
Unit of Appropriation: 002
Program Area: Mayors Office of Industrial and Manufacturing Businesses
Amount: $1,156,405
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2012
Population Targeted: Industrial Business Solutions Providers (IBSP)
Description/Scope of Services: This is a restoration to the Industrial Business Solutions Providers who provide financial
and technical assistance to manufacturing firms and help firms become efficient in their workspace and help them stay in
New York City.
Allocation Designation: The City Council will designate the Industrial Business Solutions Providers (IBSP) and the
amount each will receive under this initiative post-Adoption.
Program: Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprise
Agency: Small Business Services (801)
Unit of Appropriation: 005
Program Area: Economic & Financial Opportunity: M/WBE
Amount: $600,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2007
Population Targeted: Minority and women-owned businesses
Description/Scope of Services: Funding will provide for a range of services including guidance on government
contracting for potential or City-certified MWBEs; assistance in connecting MWBEs to potential customers; aid in the
development of bids and proposals; assistance in securing project financing and bonding; and the promotion and
marketing of the Citys MWBE program.
Allocation Designation: The City Council has designated the following organizations and the funding amount:
Organization EIN# Amount
ACCION USA, Inc. 11-3317234 $66,705
Brooklyn Economic Development Corporation 11-2510289 $60,925
Harlem Business Alliance, Inc. 13-3591350 $63,950
New Bronx Chamber of Commerce, The 37-1443165 $43,950
New York Women's Chamber of Commerce, Inc. 14-1845651 $78,940
Queens Economic Development Corporation 11-2436149 $60,925
SBS MWBE Program Management 13-6400434 $70,000
South Bronx Overall Economic Development Corporation 13-2736022 $66,705
West Brighton Community Local Development Corporation 13-3046424 $43,950
Women Builders Council, Inc. 27-0111010 $43,950
Program: Small Business and J ob Development / Financial Literacy
Agency: Small Business Services (801)
Unit of Appropriation: 002
Program Area: Business Development
Amount: $600,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2007
Population Targeted: Small businesses
Description/Scope of Services: Funding will provide technical and financial assistance, business counseling and
financial literacy education to entrepreneurs and small businesses.
Allocation Designation: The City Council has designated the following organizations and the funding amount:
Organization EIN# Amount
ACCION USA, Inc. 11-3317234 $64,500
Asian Americans for Equality 13-3187792 $85,500
Business Outreach Center Network, Inc. 11-3306111 $106,750
Caribbean American Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Inc. 11-2903423 $85,500
Harlem Business Alliance, Inc. 13-3591350 $64,500
Jamaica Business Resource Center 11-3306944 $64,500
Queens Economic Development Corporation 11-2436149 $43,250
St. Nick's Alliance Corporation 51-0192170 $85,500
Initiative: J obs to Build On
Agency: Small Business Services (801)
Unit of Appropriation: 011
Program Area: Workforce Development: Training
Amount: $4,100,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2008
Population Targeted: Unemployed and Under-employed New York City residents
Description/Scope of Services: To recruit and transition low-skilled, long-term unemployed and under-employed
individuals, prepare them for entry union and non-union jobs, attain credentials enabling them to meet general employer
standards, and place participants in real jobs and career prospects at a living wage.
Allocation Designation: The City Council has designated Consortium for Worker Education as the administrator for this
EIN#: 13-3564313
Initiative: Consortium for Worker Education (CWE)
Agency: Small Business Services (801)
Unit of Appropriation: 011
Program Area: Workforce Development: Training
Amount: $1,000,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2006
Population Targeted: Union workers, immigrant, minority and long-term unemployed workers.
Description/Scope of Services: These funds are for CWE to provide job training to union workers to improve their
employment skills and also provide citizenship classes, ESL, GED, computer literacy and work readiness preparation to
immigrant, minority and long-term unemployed workers.
Allocation Designation: The City Council has designated CWE as the provider for this initiative.
EIN#: 13-3564313
Program: High Tech Connect
Agency: Small Business Services (801)
Unit of Appropriation: 006
Program Area: Contract Services: Economic Development Corporation
Amount: $260,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2011
Population Targeted: Entrepreneurs
Description/Scope of Services: This Speaker's State of the City initiative will continue High-Tech Connect to create new
entrepreneurship activities and good jobs in NYC.
Allocation Designation: The Council has designated the New York City Investment Fund to implement this initiative.
EIN#: 13-6400434
Program: hackNY
Agency: Small Business Services (801)
Unit of Appropriation: 011
Program Area: Workforce Development: Training
Amount: $100,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2013
Description/Scope of Services: hackNY will connect jobseekers with opportunities at local tech companies and will
serve as an important bridge between the Citys colleges and universities and the tech industry.
Allocation Designation: The Council has designated hackNY to implement this initiative.
EIN#: 13-6400434
Program: Food Retail Workforce Training and Placement Program
Agency: Small Business Services (801)
Unit of Appropriation: 011
Program Area: Workforce Development: Training
Amount: $60,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2011
Population Targeted: Retail food workers
Description/Scope of Services: As part of the Speaker's Food Works initiative in 2010, The HOPE Program, Inc. will
train the underemployed for food retail career track such as healthy food sourcing, merchandising, and basic professional
Allocation Designation: The City Council has designated The HOPE Program as the provider for this initiative.
EIN#: 13-3268539
Program: New Skills / New J obs
Agency: Small Business Services (801)
Unit of Appropriation: 011
Program Area: Workforce Development: Training
Amount: $597,500
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2013
Population Targeted: Long-term unemployed
Description/Scope of Services: SBS will create and run an on-the-job training program that will train long-term
unemployed New Yorkers.
Program: Workforce Development Queens Tech Education
Agency: Small Business Services (801)
Unit of Appropriation: 011
Program Area: Workforce Development-Training
Amount: $65,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2013
Population Targeted: NYC residents
Description/Scope of Services: This pilot workforce development program will bring tech education courses to CUNY
campuses in Queens to train New York City residents in skills that will help them secure jobs in the City's tech sector.
Allocation Designation: The City Council has designated Coalition for Queens, Inc. as the administrator of this initiative.
EIN#: 61-1652332
Program: Homecare Workers Materials Translation
Agency: Small Business Services (801)
Unit of Appropriation: 011
Program Area: Workforce Development: Training
Amount: $110,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2013
Population Targeted: Unemployed and underemployed women in New York City.
Description/Scope of Services: This initiative will fund the Paraprofessional Healthcare Institute, Inc. (PHI) to translate
test bank questions for homecare worker certification in 5 languages and make it available to the home care community.
PHI will also conduct a study on home care worker training landscape and provide a larger analysis of health outcomes of
Allocation Designation: The City Council has designated Paraprofessional Healthcare Institute, Inc. (PHI) as the
provider for this initiative.
EIN#: 13-3268539
Program: SCO Family of Services/Center for Family Life Worker Cooperatives
Agency: Small Business Services (801)
Unit of Appropriation: 002
Program Area: Business Development
Amount: $147,589
Boroughs Served: Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2013
Population Targeted: Low-income women of color
Description/Scope of Services: The SCO Family of Services/Center for Family Life will incubate 2-3 worker
cooperatives in low-income neighborhoods in New York, creating between 60-90 jobs. The project will span 3 years, at
which point the employee owned cooperatives will ideally be independent.
Allocation Designation: The City Council has designated SCO Family of Services/Center for Family Life as the provider
for this initiative.
EIN#: 11-2777066
Program: Hard Hats for Vets
Agency: Small Business Services (801)
Unit of Appropriation: 011
Program Area: Workforce Development-Training
Amount: $100,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2013
Population Targeted: Returning War Veterans
Description/Scope of Services: The Center for Military Recruitment, Assessment, and Veterans Employment
(CMRAVE) will provide job training and placements in construction for returning War Veterans through their program
called Helmets to Hardhats.
Allocation Designation: The Council has designated CMRAVE to run this initiative.
EIN#: 43-1972568
Program: SWAN (FCNY)
Agency: Small Business Services (801)
Unit of Appropriation: 011
Program Area: Workforce Development-Training
Amount: $50,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2014
Population Targeted: Women Veterans
Description/Scope of Services: Funding will provide the Service Womens Action Network (SWAN) program assistance
to women veterans in New York City who have experienced or continue to experience various forms of discrimination
relating to their military service. SWANs Legal and Social Referral Helpline, will provide callers with guidance, referrals
and peer support form trained women veteran caseworkers.
Allocation Designation: The Council has designated Fund for the City of New York, Inc. to run this initiative.
EIN#: 13-2612524
Summary of Fiscal 2014 Council Initiatives:
Social Services
Nutritional Services
Agency Initiative Funding
DYCD Expand Low-Income Farmers Markets (Harvest Home) $60,000
HRA Earned Income Tax Credit (Food Bank) $150,000
DYCD EBTs at Food Markets (GrowNYC) $335,000
DYCD Food Pantries $570,000
HRA Food Pantries $1,500,000
Social Services
HRA HASA Money Management GMHC - PEG Restoration $200,000
Teen Relationship Abuse Prevention Program (RAPP) PEG
Restoration $2,000,000
HRA HASA Supportive Housing Contract Reduction - PEG Restoration $2,368,000
HRA HASA Supportive Housing Case Managers - PEG Restoration $2,718,000
TOTAL $9,901,000
Initiative: Expand Low-Income Farmers Markets (Harvest Home)
Agency: Department of Youth and Community Development (260)
Program Area: Community Development Programs
Unit of Appropriation: 005 - Other than Personal Services
Amount: $60,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2012
Population Targeted: Consumers of Emergency Food
Description/Scope of Services: As part of the Speaker's Food Works Initiative this allocation will fund marketing and
outreach to support and expand farmers markets in underserved communities.
Designation Method: The City Council has designated Harvest Home as the provider of this initiative.
EIN#: 06-1800512
Initiative: Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Assistance Program
Agency: Human Resource Administration (069)
Program Area: Emergency Food Programs
Unit of Appropriation: 105 Other than Personal Services
Amount: $150,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2012
Population Targeted: Consumers of Emergency Food
Description/Scope of Services: This funding supports Food Banks EITC Assistance Program, which provides
assessments of refundable federal income tax credit for low income working individuals and families, via its free income
tax preparation services.
Designation Method: The City Council has designated the Food Bank as the provider of this initiative.
EIN#: 13-3179546
Initiative: EBTs at Food Markets/Council on the Environment
Agency: Department of Youth and Community Development (260)
Program Area: Community Development Programs
Unit of Appropriation: 005 - Other than Personal Services
Amount: $335,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2008
Population Targeted: Food Stamp Recipients
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation represents funding to expand access to Electronic Benefits Transfer
(EBT) at farmers markets throughout the City. This funding also supports the Youth Market-Urban Farm stands and the
New Farmer Development project.
Designation Method: The City Council has designated GrowNYC as the provider of this initiative.
EIN#: 13-2765465
Initiative: Food Pantries
Agency: Department of Youth and Community Development (260)
Program Area: Community Development Programs
Unit of Appropriation: 005 - Other than Personal Services
Amount: $570,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2006
Population Targeted: Consumers of Emergency Food
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation represents funding to support a number of food pantries and soup
kitchens that are not a part of the Emergency Food Assistance Program (EFAP), which is administered by the Human
Resources Administration (HRA).
Designation Method: The City Council will designate the organizations and the amount each will receive under this
initiative post-Adoption.
Initiative: Food Pantries
Agency: Human Resources Administration (069)
Program Area: Emergency Food Programs
Unit of Appropriation: 105 Other than Personal Services
Amount: $1,500,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2005
Population Targeted: Consumers of Emergency Food
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation represents funding to support food pantries citywide. To ensure that
hungry New Yorkers have continued access to emergency food programs, $800,000 of the allocation is used for direct
purchase of food, $200,000 for technical assistance grants to assist in the automation of food stamp enrollment at food
pantries, soup kitchens and other appropriate locations, and $500,000 for capacity expansion efforts at Emergency Food
Assistance Program (EFAP) food pantries via Food Bank.
Designation Method: The City Council has designated the following organizations and the amount each will receive
under this initiative.
Organization EIN# Amount
Food Bank for New York City 13-3179546 $1,300,000
Food Bank for New York City 13-3179546 $100,000
New York City Coalition Against Hunger 13-3471350 $100,000
Initiative: HIV/AIDS Services Administration (HASA) Gay Mens Health Crisis PEG Restoration
Agency: Human Resources Administration (069)
Program Area: HIV and AIDS Administration
Unit of Appropriation: 105 Other than Personal Services
Amount: $200,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2012
Population Targeted: HIV/AIDS Services Administration (HASA) Clients
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation restores funding for HASAs contract with Gay Mens Health Crisis
(GMHC), to administer Representative Payee program, which assists HASA clients who are potentially medically and
mentally frail and are unable to manage their finances.
Designation Method: Funding is provided directly to the agency for its current contract with GMHC.
EIN#: 13-3702566
Initiative: Teen RAPP PEG Restoration
Agency: Human Resources Administration (069)
Program Area: Domestic Violence Services
Unit of Appropriation: 105 Other than Personal Services
Amount: $2,000,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2011
Population Targeted: Potential Victims of Domestic Violence
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation restores funding for the Teen Relationship Abuse Prevention Program
(Teen RAPP) which educates and counsels teens about domestic violence in middle schools and high schools citywide.
Designation Method: Funding is provided directly to the agency for current contracts.
Initiative: HIV/AIDS Services Administration (HASA) Contracted Supportive Housing PEG Restoration
Agency: Human Resources Administration (069)
Program Area: Employment Services Contracts and Subsidized Employment and Job-Related Training
Unit of Appropriation: 105 Other than Personal Services
Amount: $2,718,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2010
Population Targeted: HIV/AIDS Services Administration (HASA) Clients
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation restores funding for approximately 98 HASA contracted supportive
housing case management positions supported through HRA/HASA contracts in Scatter Site I and permanent congregate
supportive housing programs that were slated for elimination.
Designation Method: Funding is provided directly to the agency for current contracts.
Initiative HIV/AIDS Services Administration (HASA) Supportive Housing Contract Reduction PEG Restoration
Agency: Human Resources Administration (069)
Program Area: HIV and AIDS Services
Unit of Appropriation: 105 Other Than Personal Services
Amount: $2,368,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2012
Population Targeted: HIV/AIDS Services Administration (HASA) Clients
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation restores funding for HASA supportive housing contracts which were
slated for across the board reductions of approximately 4.5 percent.
Designation Method: Funding is provided directly to the agency for current contracts.
Summary of Fiscal 2014 Council Initiatives:
Youth and Community Development
Agency Initiative Funding
DYCD Adult Literacy PEG Restoration $1,000,000
DYCD Adult Literacy Services Initiative $1,500,000
DYCD New York Immigration Coalition $200,000
DYCD Out of School Time Restoration $51,376,104
DYCD The After-Three Corporation (TASC) $3,000,000
DYCD Beacon Program Elimination PEG Restoration $2,146,000
DYCD Beacon Program PEG Restoration $2,300,000
DYCD Cornerstone Program PEG Restoration $926,000
DYCD New York Junior Tennis League $800,000
DYCD Runaway and Homeless Youth Services PEG Restoration $7,170,000
DYCD Sports & Arts in Schools (SASF) $1,000,000
Women's Housing and Economic Development Corporation
(WHEDCO) $210,000
DYCD Big Brothers Big Sisters of New York City $400,000
DYCD YMCA After School Program $350,000
TOTAL $72,378,104
Initiative: Adult Literacy Services PEG Restoration
Agency: Department of Youth and Community Development (260)
Program Area: Adult Literacy
Unit of Appropriation: 005 - Other than Personal Services
Amount: $1,000,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2011
Population Targeted: Adults
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation represents a partial PEG restoration of $1 million to enable 11 additional
adult literacy programs to provide basic literacy, ESOL and GED classes for adults who cannot read, write and speak
English, along with support services such as counseling and case management who were not granted funding as a result
of a reduction in the Request-for-Proposal (RFP).
Designation Method: The City Council has designated the following organizations and the amount each will receive
under this restoration as follows.
Organization EIN# Amount
Brooklyn Chinese American Association 11-3065859 $50,000
Catholic Charities Neighborhood Services, Inc. 11-2047151 $100,000
Chinatown Manpower Project, Inc. 13-2755214 $100,000
Chinese American Planning Council, Inc. 13-6202692 $100,000
Federation Employment and Guidance Services, Inc. (F.E.G.S) 13-1624000 $100,000
Jewish Community Center of Staten Island, Inc. 13-5562256 $100,000
Mercy Center 13-3865634 $100,000
Opportunities for a Better Tomorrow 11-2934620 $50,000
South Bronx Overall Economic Development Corporation (SoBRO) 13-2736022 $100,000
Young Men's Christian Association of Greater New York 13-1624228 $100,000
Young Women's Christian Association of Queens (YWCA) 20-0351906 $100,000
Initiative: Adult Literacy Services Initiative
Agency: Department of Youth and Community Development (260)
Program Area: Adult Literacy
Unit of Appropriation: 005 - Other than Personal Services
Amount: $1,500,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2008
Population Targeted: Adults
Description/Scope of Services: This funding creates additional basic literacy, ESOL and GED classes for adults who
cannot read, write and speak English, along with support services such as counseling and case management.
Designation Method: The Council has designated the following organizations.
Organization EIN# Amount
African Services Committee 13-3749744 $10,000
American-Italian Coalition of Organizations, Inc. (AMICO) 11-2488439 $10,000
Asian Americans for Equality 13-3187792 $39,000
Bedford Stuyvesant Restoration Corporation 11-6083182 $10,000
Boro Park Jewish Community Council 11-3475993 $10,000
BronxWorks, Inc. 13-3254484 $40,000
Catholic Charities Neighborhood Services, Inc. 11-2047151 $30,000
Central Queens YM & YWHA, Inc. 11-1633509 $17,000
Chinatown Manpower Project, Inc. 13-2755214 $13,000
Church Avenue Merchants Block Association (CAMBA) 11-2480339 $30,000
College of Mount Saint Vincent 13-1740445 $10,000
Council of Jewish Organizations of Flatbush, Inc. 11-2864728 $30,000
Cypress Hills Local Development Corporation 11-2683663 $30,000
Dominico-American Society of Queens, Inc. 06-1389895 $30,000
Ecuadorian International Center, Inc. 01-0627174 $28,000
Edith and Carl Marks Jewish Community House of Bensonhurst 11-1633484 $30,000
El Puente de Williamsburg 11-2614265 $10,000
Fifth Avenue Committee, Inc. 11-2475743 $30,000
Flushing Jewish Community Council 11-2669559 $30,000
Fordham Bedford - Children's Services 13-3805049 $30,000
Greater Ridgewood Youth Council, Inc. 11-2518141 $30,000
Haitian Americans United for Progress, Inc. 11-2423857 $38,000
Hellenic American Neighborhood Action Committee, Inc. (HANAC) 11-2290832 $30,000
Highbridge Community Life Center 13-3015539 $30,000
Indochina Sino-American Senior Citizen Center, Inc. 13-3584616 $30,000
Inwood Community Services 13-3087407 $10,000
Jacob A. Riis Neighborhood Settlement House, Inc. 11-1729398 $17,000
Jewish Community Center of Staten Island, Inc. 13-5562256 $41,000
Jewish Community Council of Greater Coney Island, Inc. 11-2665181 $60,000
Kingsbridge Heights Community Center, Inc. 13-2813809 $30,000
Korean Community Services of Metropolitan New York, Inc. 23-7348989 $30,000
Literacy Partners, Inc. 51-0180665 $60,000
Little Sisters of the Assumption Family Health Service, Inc. 13-2867881 $10,000
Make the Road New York 11-3344389 $30,000
Maura Clarke-Ita Ford Center, Inc. 11-3188470 $10,000
Mercy Center 13-3865634 $30,000
Mixteca Organization, Inc. 11-3561651 $30,000
Mosholu-Montefiore Community Center, Inc. 13-3622107 $10,000
New Immigrant Community Empowerment (NICE) 11-3560625 $17,000
Northern Manhattan Improvement Corporation 13-2972415 $30,000
Opportunities for a Better Tomorrow 11-2934620 $30,000
Phipps Community Development Corporation 13-2707665 $30,000
Queens Community House, Inc. 11-2375583 $28,000
Queens Public Library 13-6400434 $11,000
Riverside Language Program, Inc. 13-3280364 $30,000
SCO Family of Services 11-2777066 $10,000
SEVA Immigrant Community Advocacy Project, Inc. 20-8013346 $10,000
Shorefront Jewish Community Council, Inc. 11-2986161 $30,000
Organization EIN# Amount
South Bronx Overall Economic Development Corporation 13-2736022 $30,000
Southern Queens Park Association, Inc. 11-2432846 $10,000
St. Mary's Community Service, Inc. 11-2954971 $30,000
St. Nick's Alliance Corporation 51-0192170 $30,000
Staten Island Employment Education Consortium 13-3097367 $41,000
Sunset Park Health Council, Inc. d.b.a. Lutheran Family Health Centers 20-2508411 $30,000
The Fortune Socity, Inc. 13-2645436 $10,000
Union Settlement Association, Inc. 13-1632530 $10,000
University Settlement Society of New York 13-5562374 $30,000
Urban Justice Center 13-3442022 $10,000
Urban Neighborhood Services 14-1997299 $10,000
Young Men's and Young Women's Hebrew Association of Washington Heights
and Inwood 13-1635308 $10,000
Young Men's Christian Association of Greater New York 13-1624228 $30,000
Initiative: New York Immigration Coalition
Agency: Department of Youth and Community Development (260)
Program Area: Youth and Community Development
Unit of Appropriation: 005 - Other Than Personal Services
Amount: $200,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2014
Population Targeted: Adults
Description/Scope of Services: Consulate identification services to overcome barriers to schools, financial institutions,
higher education, and public safety; financial empowerment and access to sound financial services and college readiness
workshops, and other programs as determined by demand.
Designation Method: The Council has designated the New York Immigration Coalition for this initiative.
EIN#: 13-3573409
Initiative: OST Restoration
Agency: Department of Youth and Community Development (260)
Program Area: Out-of-School Time (OST)
Unit of Appropriation: 312 - Other Than Personal Services
Amount: $51,376,104
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2012
Population Targeted: Youth
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation represents a restoration of approximately 30,000 OST after-school
program slots that were slated for elimination. Out-of School Time programs provide a mix of academic, recreational and
cultural activities after school, during holidays and in the summer.
Designation Method: The Council designates the organizations for this initiative.
See Appendix B.
Initiative: The After-Three Corporation (TASC)
Agency: Department of Youth and Community Development (260)
Program Area: Other Youth Programs
Unit of Appropriation: 312 - Other Than Personal Services
Amount: $3,000,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 1999
Population Targeted: Youth
Description/Scope of Services: The funding supports the expansion of quality after-school education and enrichment
programs for school children citywide.
Designation Method: The City Council has designated The After-Three Corporation as the provider for this initiative.
EIN#: 13-4004600
Initiative: Beacon Program Budget Reduction PEG Restoration
Agency: Department of Youth and Community Development (260)
Program Area: Beacon Community Centers
Unit of Appropriation: 312 Other than Personal Services
Amount: $2,300,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2011
Population Targeted: Youth/Adults
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation represents a partial PEG restoration to 66 City tax-levy (CTL) funded
Beacon program providers. Beacon programs are multi-service, school-based community centers and serve
approximately 86,000 children and adults a year.
Designation Method: Funding is provided directly to the agency for current contracts.
Initiative: Beacon PEG Restoration
Agency: Department of Youth and Community Development (260)
Program Area: Beacon Community Centers
Unit of Appropriation: 312 Other than Personal Services
Amount: $2,146,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2012
Population Targeted: Youth/Adults
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation represents a PEG restoration for seven Beacons that were slated for
closure. Beacon programs are school-based community centers that provide a variety of serves for children, youth, and
adults including after-school and adult literacy.
Designation Method: Funding is provided directly to the agency for current contracts
Initiative: Cornerstone Program Reduction
Agency: Department of Youth and Community Development (260)
Program Area: Beacon Community Centers
Unit of Appropriation: 312 Other Than Personal Services
Amount: $926,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2012
Population Targeted: Youth/Adults
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation represents a PEG restoration of approximately 711 slots at 25 NYCHA-
based Cornerstone programs. Cornerstone programs are designed to help participants acquire the skills and attitudes
they need to graduate from high school, succeed in their chosen career, and strengthen community involvement.
Designation Method: Funding is provided directly to the agency for current contracts
Initiative: New York J unior Tennis League
Agency: Department of Youth and Community Development (260)
Program Area: Other Youth Programs
Unit of Appropriation: 312 - Other Than Personal Services
Amount: $800,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2001
Population Targeted: Youth
Description/Scope of Services: This funding is allocated to the New York Junior Tennis League program, which serves
youth citywide via its Schoolyard Tennis Program (in-school), its Community Tennis Program (after-school/summer), its
Early Morning Winter Program, its Advanced Tennis Team and its educational programs.
Designation Method: The City Council has designated New York Junior Tennis League as the provider for this initiative.
EIN#: 23-7442256
Initiative: Shelter Beds for at Risk, Runaway and Homeless Youth
Agency: Department of Youth and Community Development (260)
Program Area: Other Youth Programs
Unit of Appropriation: 312 - Other than Personal Services
Amount: $7,170,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2006
Population Targeted: At-risk and runaway homeless youth
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation supports drop-in, street outreach, emergency shelter beds, and
transitional independent living (TIL) beds for runaway and homeless youth citywide. This funding enhances the DYCDs
existing Runaway & Homeless Youth (RHY) program, which provide vulnerable young people the resources and services
they need to get off the streets and stabilize their lives.
Designation Method: The City Council has designated the following organizations and the amount each will receive
under this.
Organization EIN# Amount
Ali Forney Center 30-0104507 $1,703,289
Cardinal McCloskey Services 11-5234032 $70,000
Covenant House New York/LGBTQ 13-3076376 $1,148,136
Girls Educational and Mentoring Services (GEMS), Inc. 13-4150972 $81,332
Good Shepherd Services 13-5598710 $84,000
Imeinu, Inc. 26-0774611 $83,000
Inwood House 13-5562254 $501,084
Project Hospitality, Inc. 13-3234441 $314,000
Safe Horizon, Inc. 13-2946970 $1,111,633
Safe Space, Inc. 11-1711014 $238,000
SCO Family of Services 11-2777066 $1,765,526
The Door 13-6127348 $70,000
Initiative: Sports & Arts in Schools Foundation (SASF)
Agency: Department of Youth and Community Development (260)
Program Area: Other Youth Programs
Unit of Appropriation: 312 - Other than Personal Services
Amount: $1,000,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2001
Population Targeted: Youth
Description/Scope of Services: This allocation funds the Sports and Arts in Schools Foundation (SASF), which serves
approximately 30,000 youth citywide, annually, through its after school and Cooperative Healthy Active Motivated and
Positive Students (C.H.A.M.P.S.) programs, a collaboration between SASF, the Council and the Department of Education,
that offers after-school sports and fitness programs designed to fight childhood obesity and encourage youth to be more
physically active.
Designation Method: The Council has designated Sports & Arts in Schools as the provider for this initiative.
EIN#: 11-3112635
Initiative: Women's Housing and Economic Development Corporation (WHEDCO)
Agency: Department of Youth and Community Development (260)
Program Area: Other Youth Programs
Unit of Appropriation: 312 - Other than Personal Services
Amount: $210,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2014
Population Targeted: Youth
Description/Scope of Services: To provide direct services to small-business owners and entrepreneurs through
WHEDCOs Home-based Childcare (HBCC) Microenterprise Program. Through HBCC, WHEDCO will train 500 low-
income, informal childcare providers and help 100 complete the licensing process to launch home-based childcare
businesses. HBCC is comprised of the Home-Based Childcare Microenterprise Network, and the Childcare Improvement
Project (CIP), their training and professional development initiative for unlicensed childcare providers to increase their
Designation Method: The Council has designated WHEDCO to provide these services.
EIN#: 11-3099604
Initiative: Big Brothers Big Sisters of New York City
Agency: Department of Youth and Community Development (260)
Program Area: Other Youth Programs
Unit of Appropriation: 312 - Other Than Personal Services
Amount: $400,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2014
Population Targeted: Youth
Description/Scope of Services: Funds will allow Big Brothers Big Sisters to provide mentoring services to NYC youth,
many of whom are disabled, pregnant or parenting, immigrants, and arrested children. Additionally, Big Brothers Big
Sisters will be able to provide educational support and training of other youth organizations across the five boroughs.
Designation Method: The Council has designated Big Brothers Big Sisters of New York City as the provider for this
EIN#: 13-5600383
Initiative: YMCA - The Y After School Program
Agency: Department of Youth and Community Development (260)
Program Area: Other Youth Programs
Unit of Appropriation: 312 - Other than Personal Services
Amount: $350,000
Boroughs Served: Citywide
First Fiscal Year Funded: 2001
Population Targeted: Youth
Description/Scope of Services: YMCAs Virtual Y program, which is now replaced by The Y After School, is an in
school/after-school program primarily serving second, third and fourth graders with a focus on literacy, and educational
reinforcement that operates three hours a day, five days a week in some of New Yorks high need public elementary
Designation Method: The Council has designated the YMCA of Greater New York as the provider for this initiative.
EIN#: 11-2030172
Member Contractor Program Name Address Tax ID Number Total
Foster 1332 Fulton Avenue 1332 Fulton Ave DCC 1332 Fulton Avenue 13-2690309 $1,383,683
Comrie Afro-American Parents Day Care Center, Inc. Afro American Parents 3 118-44 Merrick Blvd 13-2727406 $771,774
Wills Afro-American Parents Day Care Center, Inc. Afro American Parents 2 112-06 Sutphin Blvd. 13-2727406 $780,000
Wills Afro-American Parents Day Care Center, Inc. Afro American Parents Ed. Center #4 108-17 159th Street 13-2727406 $600,000
Richards ATLED, Inc. Lucille Rose DCC 148 Beach 59th Street 13-3550708 $880,002
Richards ATLED, Inc. Hammel Child Care Center 82-10 Rockaway Beach Blvd. 13-3550709 $554,647
Vann Bedford Stuyvesant Early Childhood Development Center, Inc. Bedford Stuyvesant ECDC 281 281 Stuyvesant Ave 11-2428427 $71,516
Vann Bedford Stuyvesant Early Childhood Development Center, Inc. Bedford Stuyvesant ECDC P.S. 81 990 Dekalb Avenue 11-2428428 $90,409
Vann Bedford Stuyvesant Early Childhood Development Center, Inc. Bedford Stuyvesant ECDC 971 971 Dekalb Avenue 11-2428429 $162,481
Vann Bedford Stuyvesant Early Childhood Development Center, Inc. Bedford Stuyvesant ECDC 214 214 Stuyvesant Avenue 11-2428430 $137,342
Vann Bedford Stuyvesant Early Childhood Development Center, Inc. Bedford Stuyvesant ECDC 275 275 Marcus Garvey Blvd. 11-2428431 $206,210
Vann Bedford Stuyvesant Early Childhood Development Center, Inc. Bedford Stuyvesant ECDC 500 Macon 500 Macon Street 11-2428432 $45,000
Vann Bedford Stuyvesant Early Childhood Development Center, Inc. Bedford Stuyvesant ECDC 260 260 Jefferson Street 11-2428433 $304,504
Vann Bedford Stuyvesant Early Childhood Development Center, Inc. Bedford Stuyvesant ECDC 506 506 McDonough Street 11-2428433 $278,141
Dickens Bethany Day Nursery, Inc. Mary Walton Children's Center 224 West 152nd Street 13-2732818 $709,605
Richards Bethel Mission Station Church Bethel Mission Loving Day Care 338 Beach 56th Street 60-983254 $647,695
Richards Bethel Mission Station Church Sheldon R. Weaver DCC 71-15 Beach Channel 60-983254 $595,913
Richards Bethel Mission Station Church Rockaway Child Care Center 14-66 Beach Channel Drive 60-983254 $655,879
Vann Billy Martin Child Development Day Care Center,Inc. Billy Martin Child Development Center 333 Classon Avenue 11-223228 $593,191
Mark-Viverito Bloomingdale Family Program, Inc. Bloomingdale Family Program 2 171 West 107th Street 13-2638566 $541,448
Barron Boulevard Nursery School, Inc. Boulevard Nursery School Inc 2150 Linden Boulevard 11-1710362 $526,500
James Brooklyn Bureau of Community Service BCS Duffield Children's Center 101 Fleet Place 11-1630780 $300,000
Gonzlez Center for Elimination of Violence Children's Growing Place P.O. Box 200279 Bay Ridge 11-2415837 $399,896
Chin Chinese-American Planning Council, Inc CPC Chung Pak Pre-School 125 Walker Street 13-6202692 $840,700
Chin Chinese-American Planning Council, Inc CPC Chung Pak Pre-School One York Street 13-6202692 $430,000
Chin Chinese-American Planning Council, Inc CPC Little Star of Broome Street 131-151 Broome Street 13-6202693 $957,360
Chin Chinese-American Planning Council, Inc Garment Industry DC Chinatown 115 Chrystie Street 13-6202694 $700,493
Mendez Chinese-American Planning Council, Inc CPC Jacob Riis Child Care Center 108 Avenue D 13-6202695 $723,570
Barron Colony- South Brooklyn Houses, Inc. Marie Durdin CCC 2700 Linden Blvd 11-2197984 $621,098
Barron Colony- South Brooklyn Houses, Inc. Pine Street DCC 374 Pine Street 11-2197985 $1,165,021
Barron Colony- South Brooklyn Houses, Inc. Sylvia Klein CCC 720 Euclid Avenue 11-2197986 $625,279
Gonzlez Colony- South Brooklyn Houses, Inc. Bay Ridge CCC 314-322 44th Street 11-2197987 $801,707
Gonzlez Colony- South Brooklyn Houses, Inc. Georgia L. McMurray BAT Kids Center 140 58th Street 11-2197988 $710,008
Comrie Committee for Early Childhood Development DCC Inc Committee for Early Childhood Devel. Head Start 1 193-25 Jamaica Avenue 11-2343437 $2,400,000
Reyna Conselyea Street Block Association, Inc. Small World Day Care 211 Ainslie Street 11-2347180 $1,244,728
Mark-Viverito Dawning Village, Inc. Dawning Village 2090 First Avenue 13-3214064 $594,000
Rodriguez Dominican Women's Development Center Dominican Women's Day Care 2643 Amsterdam Ave 13-3593885 $810,000
Dickens East Harlem Block Nursery, Inc. East Harlem Block Nursery 2 2112 Madison Avenue 13-2617274 $594,000
James Fort Greene Senior Citizens Council, Inc. Young Minds Day Care Center 972 Fulton Street 11-2300840 $740,462
Greenfield Gan Day Care Gan Day Care Center 4206 15th Avenue 11-2302049 $1,991,247
Quinn Hudson Guild Inc. Hudson Guild 410 West 40th Street 13-5562990 $454,468
Quinn Hudson Guild Inc. Hudson Guild 459 West 26th Street 13-5562989 $343,775
Palma Leake & Watts Services, Inc. Soundview Child Care Center 575 Soundview Avenue 13-1860451 $2,174,501
Comrie Montessori Progressive Learning Center, Inc. Montessori Progressive Learning Center 195-03 Linden Blvd 22-3001223 $162,000
Jackson Nasry Michelen Day Care Center, Inc. Nasry Michelen Day Care Center 510-516 West 145th Street 20-3108162 $1,130,204
Mark-Viverito Pamela C. Torres Day Care Center, Inc. Pamela C. Torres Day Care Center 161 Saint Ann's Avenue 13-1740021 $622,088
Recchia Police Athletic League, Inc. La Puerta Abierta 2864 West 21st Street 13-5596811 $148,999
Van Bramer Police Athletic League, Inc. PAL Western Queens 10-26 41st Avenue 13-5596812 $637,432
Dickens Prince Hall Service Fund. Inc. Prince Hall Colonial Park Day Care Center 159-30 Harlem River Drive 13-3263543 $467,850
Comrie Queens County Educators for Tomorrow Charles R. Drew ELC 1 109-45 207th Street 11-2475654 $275,184
Comrie Quick Start DCC Quick Start DCC 118-46 Riverton Street 11-2219525 $1,081,870
Wills Quick Start DCC Quick Start DCC Center #2 126-22 150th St 11-2219526 $705,353
Foster South Bronx Inc. South Bronx Head Start III 1458 Webster Avenue 13-261989 $1,274,400
Comrie St. Albans Montessori Academy of Learning St. Albans Academy of Learning 118-49 Montauk Street 46-1560690 $780,000
Wills St. Albans Montessori Academy of Learning Kiddie Prep U 108-10 Sutphin Blvd 46-1560690 $600,000
Oddo Staten Island Mental Health Staten Island Head Start 44 Dongan Hills Avenue 13-4115114 $777,621
Vann Tabernacle Church of God, Inc. Tabernacle DCC 34-52 Kosciuszko Street 11-2224258 $1,942,293
Gonzlez The United Methodist City Society Christ United Methodist Church Head Start 4419 Seventh Avenue 13-5562419 $1,037,788
Arroyo United Bronx Parents, Inc. United Bronx Parents DCC 1 1332 Fulton Ave 13-6203312 $1,120,562
Rodriguez Washington Heights DCC Washington Heights DCC 610-614 West 175th Street 13-2709329 $686,323
Brewer West Side Montessori School West Side Montessori School 309 West 92nd Street 13-1992185 $282,355
King Williamsbridge NAACP Williamsbridge 670-680 East 219th Street 13-2686694 $1,188,788
Levin Yeled V' Yalda Early Childhood Center, Inc. Yeled V' Yalda 204 204 Keap Street 11-3050340 $635,000
Levin Yeled V' Yalda Early Childhood Center, Inc. Yeled V'Yalda 12F 12 Franklin Avenue 11-3050340 $1,517,000
Recchia YWCA YWCA 3001 West 37th Street 13-1624230 $235,200
Dilan Bushwick United Housing Fund Corp. Bushwick United Housing Fund Corp. 1 136 Stanhope Street 11-2504368 $50,000
Dilan Labor & Industry for Education Audrey Johnson Day Care Center 272 Moffat Street 11-4088055 $100,000
Dilan Labor & Industry for Education Audrey Johnson Day Care Center TBD 11-4088055 $400,000
Dilan Labor & Industry for Education John Coker Day Care Center 1375 Bushwick Avenue 11-4088055 $50,000
Queens Jewish Child Care Association Jewish Child Care Association Family Child Care Network 95-25 Queens Boulevard 13-1624060 $3,580,000
Brooklyn Colony South Brooklyn Houses Inc Colony South Brooklyn Houses Family Child Care Network 222 Graham Avenue 11-2197984 $1,000,000
Bronx Tremont Crotona Day Care Tremont Crotona Day Care Center 1984 Daly Avenue 13-2724087 $2,000,000
Staten Island Seaman's Society for Children and Families Seaman's Society Family Child Care Network 50 Bay Street 13-5563010 $2,000,000
N/A Administration for Children's Services N/A N/A 13-6400434 $753,437
TOTAL: $57,400,000
Provider Full Name Program Full Name Program Address
Zip Code
Type Grade Level
BELL (Building Educated Leaders for Life) PS 150 CHRISTOPHER (K150) 213 OSBORN STREET Brooklyn 11212 041K Yes
Based Elementary 235 $470,000
BELL (Building Educated Leaders for Life) P.S. 284 Lew Wallace 364 SACKMAN STREET Brooklyn 11212 041K Yes
Based Elementary 235 $470,000
Bergen Basin Community Development Corp. Waterside Children's Studio School (Q317) 190 BEACH 110 STREET Queens 11694 032Q No
Based Elementary 100 $200,000
Bergen Basin Community Development Corp. P.S. 236 MILL BASIN SCHOOL 6302 AVENUE U Brooklyn 11234 046K Yes
Based Elementary 150 $300,000
Bergen Basin Community Development Corp. P.S. 115 THE DANIEL MUCATEL SCHOOL 1500 EAST 92 STREET Brooklyn 11236 046K Yes
Based Elementary 200 $400,000
Bergen Beach Youth Organization P.S. 119 THE AMERSFORT SCHOOL 3829 AVENUE K Brooklyn 11210 045K Yes
Based Elementary 100 $200,000
Bergen Beach Youth Organization P.S. 203 FLOYD BENNETT SCHOOL 5101 AVENUE M Brooklyn 11234 046K Yes
Based Elementary 150 $300,000
Bergen Beach Youth Organization P.S. 251 PAERDERGAT SCHOOL 1037 EAST 54 STREET Brooklyn 11234 046K Yes
Based Elementary 150 $300,000
Bergen Beach Youth Organization P.S. 207 ELIZABETH LEARY SCHOOL 4011 FILLMORE AVENUE Brooklyn 11234 046K Yes
Based Elementary 150 $300,000
Bergen Beach Youth Organization PS 312 BERGEN BEACH (K312) 7103 AVENUE T Brooklyn 11234 046K Yes
Based Elementary 54 $108,000
Boys & Girls Harbor, Inc. Boys & Girls Harbor, Inc. 1 East 104th Street Manhattan 10029 008M Yes Center Elementary 210 $420,000
Bronx Council On The Arts, Inc. Nelson Avenue Family Residence 1605 Nelson Avenue Bronx 10453 016X Yes Center Option 2 16 $9,971
Bronx Council On The Arts, Inc. Jackson Avenue Family Residence 691 East 138th Street Bronx 10454 017X Yes Center Option 2 16 $9,971
Bronx Council On The Arts, Inc. Willow Avenue Family Residence 190 Willow Avenue Bronx 10454 017X Yes Center Option 2 16 $9,971
Bronx Council On The Arts, Inc. Horizon Detention Center 560 Brook Avenue Bronx 10455 017X Yes Center Option 2 45 $27,407
Bronx Council On The Arts, Inc. Bridges Juvenile Detention Center I 1221 Spofford Avenue Bronx 10474 017X Yes Center Option 2 45 $27,469
Bronx Council On The Arts, Inc. Bridges Juvenile Detention II 1221 Spofford Avenue Bronx 10474 017X Yes Center Option 2 45 $27,469
BronxWorks, Inc. Citizens Advice Bureau/Girls Club of New York 1130 Grand Concourse Bronx 10456 016X Yes Center Middle 75 $97,500
BronxWorks, Inc. P.S. 130 ABRAM STEVENS HEWITT SCHOOL 750 PROSPECT AVENUE Bronx 10455 017X Yes
Based Elementary 150 $300,000
Brooklyn Childrens Museum Brooklyn Children's Museum 145 Brooklyn Avenue Brooklyn 11213 036K Yes Center Option 2 138 $88,645
Brooklyn Childrens Museum Brooklyn Children's Museum 145 Brooklyn Avenue Brooklyn 11213 036K Yes Center Elementary 70 $140,000
Brooklyn Chinese American Association P.S. 105 BLYTHEBOURNE SCHOOL 1031 59 STREET Brooklyn 11219 038K Yes
Based Elementary 45 $90,000
Brooklyn Chinese American Association Public School 205 -Clarion Elementary School 6701 20th Avenue Brooklyn 11204 044K Yes
Based Elementary 50 $100,000
Brooklyn Chinese American Association P.S./I.S. 206 JOSEPH F. LAMB SCHOOL
ROAD Brooklyn 11229 048K Yes
Based Elementary 100 $200,000
Brooklyn Community Services P.S. 149 THE DANNY KAYE SCHOOL 700 SUTTER AVENUE Brooklyn 11207 037K Yes
Based Elementary 200 $400,000
Brooklyn Community Services PS 021 CRISPUS ATTUCKS (K021) 180 CHAUNCEY STREET Brooklyn 11233 041K Yes
Based Elementary 140 $280,000
Brooklyn Community Services P.S. 306 ETHAN ALLEN SCHOOL 970 VERMONT STREET Brooklyn 11207 042K Yes
Based Elementary 140 $280,000
CAMBA, Inc. P.S. 249 CATON SCHOOL 18 MARLBOROUGH ROAD Brooklyn 11226 040K Yes
Based Elementary 199 $398,000
CAMBA, Inc. P.S. 139 ALEXINE A. FENTY SCHOOL 330 RUGBY ROAD Brooklyn 11226 040K Yes
Based Elementary 215 $430,000
CAMBA, Inc. P.S. 170 LEXINGTON SCHOOL 7109 6 AVENUE Brooklyn 11209 043K Yes
Based Elementary 70 $140,000
Casita Maria, Inc.
ARTISTS 928 SIMPSON STREET Bronx 10459 017X Yes
Based Elementary 240 $480,000
Catholic Charities Community Service Archdiocese
of NY, Highbridge Recreation Center 2301 Amsterdam Avenue Manhattan 10033 010M Yes Parks Elementary 110 $220,000
Catholic Charities Community Service Archdiocese
of NY, P.S. 132 JUAN PABLO DUARTE SCHOOL 185 WADSWORTH AVENUE Manhattan 10033 010M Yes
Based Elementary 150 $300,000
Catholic Charities Community Service Archdiocese
of NY,
Catholic Youth Organization of the
Archdiocese 120 Anderson Avenue Staten Island 10302 049R Yes Center Option 2 48 $29,227
Catholic Charities Neighborhood Services, Inc. P.S. 50 TALFOURD LAWN SCHOOL 143-26 101 AVENUE Queens 11435 028Q Yes
Based Elementary 250 $500,000
Catholic Charities Neighborhood Services, Inc. P.S. 106 EDWARD EVERETT HALE SCHOOL 1314 PUTNAM AVENUE Brooklyn 11221 037K Yes
Based Elementary 280 $560,000
Central Queens YM & YWHA, Inc. Arrow Community Center 35-30 35th St Queens 11106 026Q Yes Parks Elementary 40 $80,000
Child Development Ctr of the Mosholu Montefiore
Based Elementary 201 $402,000
Childrens Arts & Science Workshops, Inc. P.S. 115 ALEXANDER HUMBOLDT SCHOOL 586 WEST 177 STREET Manhattan 10033 010M Yes
Based Elementary 185 $370,000
Childrens Arts & Science Workshops, Inc. Marble Hill 5365 Broadway Bronx 10463 011X Yes NYCHA Elementary 120 $240,000
Childrens Arts & Science Workshops, Inc. PS 037 MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCE S (X037) 360 WEST 230 STREET Bronx 10463 011X Yes
Based Elementary 160 $320,000
Childrens Arts & Science Workshops, Inc. PS 037 MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCE S (X037) 360 WEST 230 STREET Bronx 10463 011X Yes
Based Middle 75 $97,500
Chinese-American Planning Council P.S. 2 MEYER LONDON SCHOOL 122 HENRY STREET Manhattan 10002 001M Yes
Based Elementary 72 $144,000
Chinese-American Planning Council P.S. 124 YUNG WING SCHOOL 40 DIVISION STREET Manhattan 10002 001M Yes
Based Elementary 180 $360,000
Chinese-American Planning Council
CPC Queens School Age/Day Care Center - PS
20 John Bowne 142-30 BARCLAY AVENUE Queens 11355 020Q Yes
Based Elementary 150 $300,000
Citizen Schools, Inc. GLOBAL TECHNOLOGY PREPARATORY 160 E 120th St Manhattan 10035 008M Yes
Based Middle 75 $97,500
Coalition for Hispanic Family Services P.S. 92 HARRY T. STEWART SR. SCHOOL 99-01 34 AVENUE Queens 11368 021Q Yes
Based Elementary 60 $120,000
Coalition for Hispanic Family Services P.S. 280 34-20 94TH STREET Queens 11372 025Q Yes
Based Elementary 72 $144,000
Coalition for Hispanic Family Services P.S. 123 SUYDAM SCHOOL 100 IRVING AVENUE Brooklyn 11237 034K Yes
Based Elementary 140 $280,000
Coalition for Hispanic Family Services I.S. 291 ROLAND HAYES SCHOOL 231 PALMETTO STREET Brooklyn 11221 037K Yes
Based Option 2 101 $62,344
Coalition for Hispanic Family Services P.S. 116 ELIZABETH L FARRELL SCHOOL 515 KNICKERBOCKER AVENUE Brooklyn 11237 037K Yes
Based Option 2 117 $72,862
Coalition for Hispanic Family Services P.S. 116 ELIZABETH L FARRELL SCHOOL 515 KNICKERBOCKER AVENUE Brooklyn 11237 037K Yes
Based Elementary 120 $240,000
Community Association of Progressive Dominicans
BUCZEK SCHOOL 4360 BROADWAY Manhattan 10033 010M Yes
Based Elementary 150 $300,000
Community Association of Progressive Dominicans M.S. 254 I.S. 254 2452 WASHINGTON AVENUE Bronx 10458 015X Yes
Based Middle 145 $188,500
Community Counseling and Mediation ELIJAH G. STROUD SCHOOL 750 CLASSON AVENUE Brooklyn 11238 035K No
Based Elementary 41 $82,500
Community Counseling and Mediation
335 130 ROCHESTER AVENUE Brooklyn 11213 036K Yes
Based Middle 70 $91,000
Community Counseling and Mediation School for Democracy 600 KINGSTON AVENUE Brooklyn 11203 040K Yes
Based Middle 150 $195,000
Cypress Hills Local Development Corporation P.S. 65 LITTLE RED SCHOOL HOUSE 696 Jamaica Avenue Brooklyn 11208 037K Yes
Based Elementary 200 $400,000
Cypress Hills Local Development Corporation I.S. 171 ABRAHAM LINCOLN SCHOOL 528 RIDGEWOOD AVENUE Brooklyn 11208 037K Yes
Based Middle 140 $182,000
Directions For Our Youth, Inc. P.S. 199X THE SHAKESPEARE SCHOOL (X199) 1449 SHAKESPEARE AVENUE Bronx 10452 016X Yes
Based Elementary 150 $300,000
Directions For Our Youth, Inc. P.S. 204 Morris Heights
KING JR. BLVD Bronx 10453 016X Yes
Based Elementary 150 $300,000
Dream Yard Project, Inc. Dream Yard Project, Inc.
1085 Washington Ave.,
Ground Floor Bronx 10456 016X Yes Center Option 2 61 $37,294
East Harlem Tutorial Program, Inc. East Harlem Tutorial Program 2053 2nd Avenue Manhattan 10029 008M Yes Center Option 2 71 $42,863
East Side House, Inc. Mill Brook Community Center 201 St. Ann's Avenue Bronx 10454 008X Yes NYCHA Elementary 100 $200,000
East Side House, Inc. PS 179 (X179) 468 EAST 140 STREET Bronx 10454 008X Yes
Based Elementary 80 $160,000
East Side House, Inc. Mitchel Community Center - Elementary 210 Alexander Avenue Bronx 10454 017X Yes Center Elementary 125 $250,000
East Side House, Inc. Mitchel Community Center 210 Alexander Avenue Bronx 10454 017X Yes NYCHA Option 2 49 $29,789
East Side House, Inc. Patterson Community Center 340 Morris Avenue Bronx 10451 017X Yes NYCHA Elementary 90 $180,000
Edith and Carl Marks Jewish Community House of
Bensonhurst Edith and Carl Marks JCH PS 7802 Bay Parkway Brooklyn 11214 047K Yes Center Elementary 50 $100,000
Educational Alliance, Inc. Edgies 197 East Broadway Manhattan 10002 001M Yes Center Option 2 219 $134,514
Educational Alliance, Inc. P.S. 142 AMALIA CASTRO SCHOOL 100 ATTORNEY STREET Manhattan 10002 001M Yes
Based Elementary 130 $260,000
Educational Alliance, Inc.
SCHOOL OF HU 123 RIDGE STREET Manhattan 10002 001M Yes
Based Elementary 136 $272,000
El Puente De Williamsburg El Puente De Williamsburg 211 South 4th Street Brooklyn 11211 034K Yes Center Option 2 168 $101,515
Episcopal Social Services of New York, Inc. P.S./M.S. 75 P.S. 75 984 FAILE STREET Bronx 10459 017X Yes
Based Elementary 243 $486,000
Federation of Italian-American Organizations of
Brooklyn P.S. 48 MAPLETON 6015 18 AVENUE Brooklyn 11204 044K Yes
Based Elementary 160 $320,000
Flatbush Development Corporation I.S. 62 DITMAS SCHOOL 700 CORTELYOU ROAD Brooklyn 11218 039K Yes
Based Middle 150 $195,000
Fort Greene Senior Citizen Council, Inc. Young Minds Day Care Center 972 Fulton Street Brooklyn 11238 035K No
Center Elementary 80 $160,000
Fresh Youth Initiatives Opt 2 HS Fresh Youth Initiatives 505 West 171st Street Manhattan 10032 010M Yes Center Option 2 48 $29,026
Friends of Crown Heights Educational Center Friends of Crown Heights Educational Center 671 Prospect Place Brooklyn 11216 035K Yes
Center Elementary 40 $80,000
Friends of Crown Heights Educational Center P.S. 22 P.S. 22 443 ST MARKS AVENUE Brooklyn 11238 035K No
Based Elementary 60 $120,000
Friends of Crown Heights Educational Center WALTER WEAVER SCHOOL 60 EAST 94 STREET Brooklyn 11212 041K Yes
Based Elementary 80 $160,000
Good Shepherd Services
Elementary School for Math, Science, and
Technology 125 EAST 181 STREET Bronx 10453 014X Yes
Based Elementary 100 $200,000
Good Shepherd Services
LEARNING (X300) 2050 PROSPECT AVENUE Bronx 10457 015X Yes
Based Elementary 150 $300,000
Good Shepherd Services P.S./I.S. 328 PHILLIS WHEATLEY SCHOOL 330 ALABAMA AVENUE Brooklyn 11207 042K Yes
Based Middle 40 $52,000
Goodwill Industries of Greater New York
Public School 40 - Samuel Huntington
Elementary School 109-20 Union Hall Street Queens 11433 028Q Yes
Based Elementary 80 $160,000
Greater Ridgewood Youth Council, Inc. P.S. 153 MASPETH SCHOOL 60-02 60 LANE Queens 11378 030Q No
Based Elementary 80 $160,000
Greater Ridgewood Youth Council, Inc. P.S. 81 JEAN PAUL RICHTER SCHOOL 559 CYPRESS AVENUE Queens 11385 034K Yes
Based Elementary 100 $200,000
Harlem Children's Zone, Inc. Truce 147 St. Nicholas Avenue Manhattan 10026 009M Yes Center Option 2 95 $58,635
Harlem Children's Zone, Inc.
Public School 154 - Harriet Tubman
Elementary School 250 W. 127th Street Manhattan 10027 009M Yes
Based Elementary 100 $200,000
Harlem Children's Zone, Inc.
SCHOOL 134 WEST 122 STREET Manhattan 10027 009M Yes
Based Elementary 100 $200,000
Harlem Children's Zone, Inc.
ACADEMY CHARTER SC 35 East 125th Street Manhattan 10030 009M No
Based Middle 100 $130,000
Harlem RBI (Reviving Baseball in Inner Cities) P.S. 50 VITO MARCANTONIO (RBI) 433 EAST 100 STREET Manhattan 10029 008M Yes
Based Middle 45 $58,707
Heartshare Human Services P.S. 102 BAY VIEW SCHOOL 211 72 STREET Brooklyn 11209 043K Yes
Based Elementary 175 $350,000
Hellenic American Neighborhood Action Committee P.S. 2 ALFRED ZIMBERG SCHOOL 75-10 21 AVENUE Queens 11370 022Q No
Based Elementary 100 $200,000
Henry Street Settlement P.S./I.S. 110 FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE SCHOOL 285 DELANCY STREET Manhattan 10002 001M Yes
Based Option 2 17 $10,017
Henry Street Settlement Henry Street Settlement Opt 2 HS 301 Henry Street Manhattan 10002 001M Yes Center Option 2 95 $44,492
Henry Street Settlement P.S. 20 ANNA SILVER SCHOOL 166 ESSEX STREET Manhattan 10002 001M Yes
Based Elementary 72 $144,000
Henry Street Settlement Boys and Girls Republic 888 East 6th Street Manhattan 10009 002M No NYCHA Elementary 55 $110,000
Hudson Guild Hudson Guild Education Center 447 West 25 Street Manhattan 10001 003M No Center Elementary 90 $180,000
Inwood Community Services, Inc. WASHINGTON HEIGHTS ACADEMY 202 Sherman Avenue Manhattan 10034 010M Yes
Based Elementary 130 $260,000
Inwood Community Services, Inc. P.S./I.S. 278 (M278) 421 WEST 219TH STREET Manhattan 10034 010M Yes
Based Elementary 130 $260,000
Jacob A. Riis Neighborhood Settlement, Inc. Queensbridge North Community Center 10-25 41st Avenue Queens 11101 026Q Yes NYCHA Elementary 100 $200,000
Jacob A. Riis Neighborhood Settlement, Inc. P.S. 166 HENRY GRADSTEIN SCHOOL 33-09 35 AVENUE Queens 11106 026Q Yes
Based Elementary 120 $240,000
Jewish Community Center of Staten Island, Inc. P.S. 65 The Academy of Innovative Learning 98 GRANT STREET Staten Island 10301 049R Yes
Based Elementary 100 $200,000
Jewish Institute of Queens Jewish Institute of Queens (Elementary) 60-05 Woodhaven Boulevard Queens 11373 029Q Yes Center Elementary 75 $150,000
Kips Bay Boys & Girls Club Throggs Neck Community Center 550 Balcom Avenue Bronx 10465 013X No NYCHA Option 2 121 $74,036
Kips Bay Boys & Girls Club C.S. 67 THE MOHEGAN SCHOOL 2024 MOHEGAN AVENUE Bronx 10460 015X Yes
Based Elementary 150 $300,000
Kips Bay Boys & Girls Club P.S. 140 EAGLE SCHOOL 916 EAGLE AVENUE Bronx 10456 016X Yes
Based Elementary 145 $290,000
Kips Bay Boys & Girls Club Kips Bay Boys and Girls Club - Castle Hill Unit 625 Castle Hill Avenue Bronx 10473 018X Yes NYCHA Elementary 150 $300,000
Learning Through An Expanded Arts Program, Inc.
P.S./M.S. School 279 -Captain Manuel Rivera
School 2100 WALTON AVENUE Bronx 10453 014X Yes
Based Elementary 22 $44,000
Learning Through An Expanded Arts Program, Inc.
Community Intermediate School 22 - Jordan L.
Mott School 270 East 167th Street Bronx 10456 016X Yes
Based Middle 55 $71,500
Legal Outreach, Inc. Legal Out Reach Summer 36-14 35th Street Queens 11106 026Q Yes Center Option 2 77 $46,200
Legal Outreach, Inc. Legal Outreach 36-14 35th Street Queens 11106 026Q Yes Center Option 2 84 $50,400
Madison Square Boys & Girls Club Columbus Clubhouse Elemen 543 East 189 Street Bronx 10458 015X Yes Center Elementary 34 $68,000
Madison Square Boys & Girls Club Columbus Clubhouse M.S. 543 East 189 Street Bronx 10458 015X Yes Center Middle 21 $27,300
Maspeth Town Hall, Inc. P.S. 12 JAMES B. COLGATE SCHOOL 42-00 72 STREET Queens 11377 026Q Yes
Based Elementary 200 $400,000
Midwood Development Corporation P.S. 193 GIL HODGES SCHOOL 2515 AVENUE L Brooklyn 11210 048K Yes
Based Elementary 40 $80,000
Midwood Development Corporation P.S. 197 P.S. 197 1599 EAST 22 STREET Brooklyn 11210 048K Yes
Based Elementary 40 $80,000
Morningside Center for Teaching Social
Responsibility PS 214 (X214) 1970 WEST FARMS ROAD Bronx 10460 015X Yes
Based Elementary 160 $320,000
Morningside Center for Teaching Social
Responsibility P.S. 24 P.S. 24 427 38 STREET Brooklyn 11232 038K Yes
Based Elementary 175 $350,000
Mosholu Montefiore Community Center, Inc. MARIE CURIE HIGH SCHOOL 120 WEST 231 STREET Bronx 10463 011X Yes
Based Option 2 191 $116,527
National Society For Hebrew Day Schools Yeshiva Bnos Ahavas Israel 12 Franklin Avenue Brooklyn 11211 033K Yes Center Option 2 168 $100,416
Neighborhood Initiatives Development Corporation P.S. 96 RICHARD RODGERS SCHOOL 650 WARING AVENUE Bronx 10467 013X Yes
Based Elementary 80 $160,000
New Life Child Development Corporation New Life Child Development Center #2 408 Grove Street Brooklyn 11237 037K Yes
Center Elementary 26 $52,000
New Life Child Development Corporation New Life Child Development Corporation 295 Woodbine Street Brooklyn 11237 037K Yes
Center Elementary 27 $54,000
New Settlement Apartments New Settlement Apartments 1512 Townsend Avenue Bronx 10452 014X Yes Center Elementary 100 $200,000
New York Center for Interpersonal Development
Staten Island School of Civic Leadership
(R861) 280 Regis Drive Staten Island 10314 049R Yes
Based Middle 85 $110,000
New York City Mission Society P.S. 85 P.S. 85 2400 MARION AVENUE Bronx 10458 015X Yes
Based Elementary 94 $188,000
New York Junior Tennis League P.S. 146 EDWARD 968 CAULDWELL AVENUE Bronx 10456 016X Yes
Based Elementary 145 $290,000
New York Junior Tennis League P.S. 100 ISAAC CLASON SCHOOL 800 TAYLOR AVENUE Bronx 10473 018X Yes
Based Elementary 120 $240,000
New York Junior Tennis League I.S. 61 LEONARDO DA VINCI SCHOOL 98-50 50 AVENUE Queens 11368 025Q Yes
Based Middle 100 $130,000
New York Junior Tennis League
Our World Neighborhood Charter School
(Q706) 36-12 35th Avenue Queens 11106 026Q Yes
Based Elementary 120 $240,000
New York Junior Tennis League P.S./I.S. 42 ROBERT VERNAM SCHOOL 488 BEACH 66 STREET Queens 11692 031Q Yes
Based Elementary 120 $240,000
New York Junior Tennis League P.S. 37 CYNTHIA JENKINS SCHOOL 179-37 137 AVENUE Queens 11434 031Q Yes
Based Elementary 120 $240,000
New York Junior Tennis League P.S. 250 GEORGE LINDSAY SCHOOL 108 MONTROSE AVENUE Brooklyn 11206 034K Yes
Based Elementary 75 $150,000
New York Junior Tennis League P.S. 215 MORRIS H. WEISS SCHOOL 415 AVENUE S Brooklyn 11223 047K Yes
Based Elementary 120 $240,000
Northside Center for Child Develop. Northside Center for Child Development (EX) 35 East 110th St Manhattan 10029 009M Yes Center Elementary 55 $110,000
Phipps Community Development The Edward Fogel School 4011 MONTICELLO AVENUE Bronx 10466 012X Yes
Based Elementary 90 $180,000
Planned Parenthood of NYC PPNYC: Bronx Center 349 East 149th Street Bronx 10451 017X Yes Center Option 2 16 $9,770
Police Athletic League, Inc. Duncan Center - Opt. 1 552 West 52nd Street Manhattan 10019 003M No Center Elementary 90 $180,000
Police Athletic League, Inc. PAL Armory Washington Heights 216 Fort Washington Avenue Manhattan 10032 010M Yes Center Option 2 19 $11,638
Police Athletic League, Inc. PAL Webster Center 2255 Webster Avenue Bronx 10457 015X Yes Center Elementary 100 $200,000
Police Athletic League, Inc.
Police Athletic League (New South Bronx
Center) 991 Longwood Avenue Bronx 10459 017X Yes Center Option 2 16 $9,916
Police Athletic League, Inc. P.S. 48 JOSEPH R. DRAKE SCHOOL 1290 SPOFFORD AVENUE Bronx 10474 017X Yes
Based Elementary 112 $224,000
Police Athletic League, Inc. Edward Byrne Center
116-25 Guy R. Brewer
Boulevard Queens 11434 027Q Yes Center Elementary 100 $200,000
Police Athletic League, Inc. Police Athletic League (PAL)-Wynn Center 495 Gates Avenue Brooklyn 11221 036K Yes NYCHA Elementary 90 $180,000
Police Athletic League, Inc. P.S./H.S 80 MICHAEL J. PETRIDES SCHOOL 715 OCEAN TERRACE Staten Island 10301 049R Yes
Based Elementary 100 $200,000
Queens Community House, Inc. Pomonok Center 67-09 Kissena Boulevard Queens 11367 024Q Yes NYCHA Elementary 130 $260,000
Queens Community House, Inc. P.S. 82 HAMMOND SCHOOL 88-02 144 STREET Queens 11435 024Q Yes
Based Elementary 120 $240,000
Ridgewood Bushwick Senior Citizens Council Ridgewood Bushwick Youth Center 1474 Gates Avenue Brooklyn 11237 037K Yes Center Elementary 48 $96,000
Riverdale Community Center, Inc.
Based Middle 30 $39,000
Riverdale Neighborhood House, Inc.
Based Middle 135 $175,500
Roads to Success PS 191 210 West 61st Street Manhattan 10023 006M No
Based Elementary 50 $100,000
Rockaway Artist Alliance, Inc. P.S. 104 THE BAYSWATER SCHOOL 26-01 MOTT AVENUE Queens 11691 031Q Yes
Based Option 2 381 $222,668
Rocking the Boat, Inc. Rocking the Boat, Inc. 812 Edgewater Road Bronx 10474 017X Yes Center Option 2 61 $36,983
Safe Space NYC, Inc. P.S. 30 P.S. 30 126-10 BEDELL STREET Queens 11434 028Q Yes
Based Elementary 100 $200,000
Safe Space NYC, Inc. P.S. 104 THE BAYSWATER SCHOOL 26-01 MOTT AVENUE Queens 11691 031Q Yes
Based Elementary 120 $240,000
Safe Space NYC, Inc. P.S. 215 LUCRETIA MOTT SCHOOL 535 BRIAR PLACE Queens 11691 031Q Yes
Based Elementary 120 $240,000
Safe Space NYC, Inc.
ACADEMY 8-21 BAY 25 STREET Queens 11691 031Q Yes
Based Middle 100 $130,000
Samuel Field YM & YWHA, Inc.
Public School 169 - Bay Terrace Elementary
School 18-25 212 STREET Queens 11360 019Q No
Based Elementary 145 $290,000
School Settlement Association P.S. 34 OLIVER H. PERRY SCHOOL 131 NORMAN AVENUE Brooklyn 11222 033K No
Based Elementary 100 $200,000
School Settlement Association School Settlement Association 120 Jackson Avenue Brooklyn 11211 034K Yes Center Elementary 51 $102,000
SCO Family of Services P.S. 81 THADDEUS STEVENS SCHOOL 990 DEKALB AVENUE Brooklyn 11221 036K Yes
Based Elementary 100 $200,000
SCO Family of Services P.S. 1 P.S. 1 - BERGEN SCHOOL 309 47 STREET Brooklyn 11220 038K Yes
Based Option 2 356 $138,485
SCO Family of Services P.S. 5 DR. RONALD MCNAIR SCHOOL 820 HANCOCK STREET Brooklyn 11233 041K Yes
Based Elementary 170 $340,000
South Asian Youth Action P.S./I.S. 124 OSMOND A. CHURCH SCHOOL 129-15 150 AVENUE Queens 11420 028Q Yes
Based Elementary 110 $220,000
South Bronx Overall Economic Development Corp. New York City Montessori Charter School 423 East 138th Street Bronx 10454 008M Yes
Based Elementary 70 $140,000
South Bronx Overall Economic Development Corp.
Archimedes Academy for Math, Science and
Technology Applications (X367) 456 White Plains Road Bronx 10473 018X Yes
Based Option 2 81 $49,529
South Queens Boys & Girls Club South Queens Boys & Girls Club 110-04 Atlantic Avenue Queens 11419 028Q Yes Center Option 2 667 $176,126
South Queens Boys & Girls Club South Queens Boys & Girls Club 110-04 Atlantic Avenue Queens 11419 028Q Yes Center Elementary 150 $300,000
Southeast Bronx Neighborhood Center, Inc.
(SEBNC) McKinley Community Center 751 East 161st Street Bronx 10456 016X Yes NYCHA Middle 60 $78,000
Southern Queens Park Association Roy Wilkins Recreation Center Elem 177th & Baisley Blvd. Queens 11434 027Q Yes Parks Elementary 80 $160,000
Sports and Arts In Schools Foundation, Inc. C.S. 134 GEORGE F. BRISTOW SCHOOL 1330 BRISTOW STREET Bronx 10459 016X Yes
Based Elementary 100 $200,000
Sports and Arts In Schools Foundation, Inc. C.S. 150 CHARLES JAMES FOX SCHOOL 920 EAST 167 STREET Bronx 10459 017X Yes
Based Option 2 81 $36,195
Sports and Arts In Schools Foundation, Inc. I.S. 151 HENRY LOU GEHRIG SCHOOL 250 EAST 156 STREET Bronx 10451 017X Yes
Based Middle 120 $156,000
Sports and Arts In Schools Foundation, Inc. M.S. 127 CASTLE HILL SCHOOL 1560 PURDY STREET Bronx 10462 018X Yes
Based Middle 20 $26,000
Sports and Arts In Schools Foundation, Inc. P.S. 193 ALFRED KENNEDY SCHOOL 152-20 11 AVENUE Queens 11357 019Q No
Based Elementary 65 $130,000
Sports and Arts In Schools Foundation, Inc. P.S./I.S. 122 MAMIE FAY SCHOOL 21-21 DITMARS BOULEVARD Queens 11105 022Q No
Based Option 2 50 $44,706
Sports and Arts In Schools Foundation, Inc. I.S. 125 WOODSIDE SCHOOL 46-02 47 AVENUE Queens 11377 026Q Yes
Based Middle 90 $117,000
Sports and Arts In Schools Foundation, Inc. P.S./I.S. 116 WILLIAM HUGHLEY SCHOOL 107-25 WREN PLACE Queens 11433 027Q Yes
Based Elementary 80 $160,000
Sports and Arts In Schools Foundation, Inc. I.S. 238 SUSAN B. ANTHONY SCHOOL 88-15 182 STREET Queens 11423 027Q Yes
Based Middle 100 $130,000
Sports and Arts In Schools Foundation, Inc. J.H.S. 231 IS 231 MAGNETECH 2000
BOULEVARD Queens 11413 031Q No
Based Middle 120 $156,000
Sports and Arts In Schools Foundation, Inc.
Based Middle 240 $312,000
Sports and Arts In Schools Foundation, Inc.
BROOKLYN 223 GRAHAM AVENUE Brooklyn 11206 034K Yes
Based Middle 90 $117,000
Sports and Arts In Schools Foundation, Inc.
Knowledge and Power Preparatory Academy
VII Middle School 300 Willoughby Avenue Brooklyn 11205 035K Yes
Based Middle 75 $97,500
Sports and Arts In Schools Foundation, Inc. Mott Hall IV 1137 HERKIMER STREET Brooklyn 11233 041K Yes
Based Middle 100 $130,000
Sports and Arts In Schools Foundation, Inc.
SCHOOL 265 RALPH AVENUE Brooklyn 11233 041K Yes
Based Elementary 100 $200,000
Sports and Arts In Schools Foundation, Inc. Middle School for Art and Philosophy 1084 Lenox Road Brooklyn 11212 041K Yes
Based Middle 100 $130,000
Sports and Arts In Schools Foundation, Inc.
SCHOOL (K493) 2021 BERGEN STREET Brooklyn 11233 041K Yes
Based Middle 176 $228,800
Sports and Arts In Schools Foundation, Inc. I.S. 285 MEYER LEVIN SCHOOL 5909 BEVERLY ROAD Brooklyn 11203 045K Yes
Based Middle 120 $156,000
Sports and Arts In Schools Foundation, Inc. I.S. 51 EDWIN MARKHAM SCHOOL 20 HOUSTON STREET Staten Island 10302 049R Yes
Based Middle 150 $195,000
St. Nicks Alliance P.S. 18 EDWARD BUSH SCHOOL 101 MAUJER STREET Brooklyn 11206 034K Yes
Based Elementary 75 $150,000
St. Rosalia-Regina Pacis Neighborhood
Improvement P.S. 229 DYKER SCHOOL 1400 BENSON AVENUE Brooklyn 11228 043K Yes
Based Elementary 175 $350,000
St. Rosalia-Regina Pacis Neighborhood
Improvement P.S. 186 DR. IRVING A. GLADSTONE SCHOOL 7601 19 AVENUE Brooklyn 11214 043K Yes
Based Elementary 175 $350,000
St. Rosalia-Regina Pacis Neighborhood
Improvement P.S. 52 - John C. Thompson 450 Buel Avenue Staten Island 10350 50R
Based Elementary 75 $150,000
Stryckers Bay Neighborhood Council, Inc. DeHostos Community Center 696 Amsterdam Ave Manhattan 10025 006M Yes NYCHA Elementary 53 $106,000
Sunnyside Community Service, Inc. P.S. 150 P.S. 150 40-01 43 AVENUE Queens 11104 026Q No
Based Elementary 150 $300,000
Supportive Childrens Advocacy Network (SCAN) I.S. 339 1600 WEBSTER AVENUE Bronx 10457 015X Yes
Based Middle 60 $78,000
Supportive Childrens Advocacy Network (SCAN) C.E.S. 58 P.S. 58 459 EAST 176 STREET Bronx 10457 015X Yes
Based Elementary 200 $400,000
Supportive Childrens Advocacy Network (SCAN) C.E.S. 230 PS 230 DR ROLAND N PATTERSON
BRIDGE Bronx 10453 016X Yes
Based Elementary 200 $400,000
Supportive Childrens Advocacy Network (SCAN) C.E.S. 55 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN SCHOOL 450 SAINT PAUL'S PLACE Bronx 10456 016X Yes
Based Elementary 200 $400,000
Supportive Childrens Advocacy Network (SCAN) C.E.S. 42 CLAREMONT SCHOOL 1537 WASHINGTON AVENUE Bronx 10457 016X Yes
Based Elementary 200 $400,000
Supportive Childrens Advocacy Network (SCAN) P.S. X114 - Luis Llorens Torres Schools (X114) 1155 CROMWELL AVENUE Bronx 10452 016X Yes
Based Elementary 250 $500,000
Supportive Childrens Advocacy Network (SCAN) PS 073 BRONX (X073) 1020 ANDERSON AVENUE Bronx 10452 017X Yes
Based Elementary 7 $13,500
The Child Center of NY P.S. 24 ANDREW JACKSON SCHOOL 141-11 HOLLY AVENUE Queens 11355 020Q Yes
Based Elementary 146 $292,000
The Child Center of NY P.S. 89 ELMHURST SCHOOL 85-28 BRITTON AVENUE Queens 11373 021Q Yes
Based Elementary 270 $540,000
The Child Center of NY M.S. 74 NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE SCHOOL 61-15 OCEANIA STREET Queens 11364 023Q No
Based Middle 59 $76,700
The Child Center of NY P.S. 223 LYNDON BAINES JOHNSON SCHOOL 125-20 SUTPHIN BOULEVARD Queens 11436 028Q No
Based Elementary 175 $350,000
The Children's Aid Society P.S. 8 LUIS BELLIARD SCHOOL 465 WEST 167 STREET Manhattan 10032 007M Yes
Based Elementary 220 $440,000
The Children's Aid Society MS 319 -MARIA TERESA (M319) 21 JUMEL PLACE Manhattan 10032 007M Yes
Based Middle 160 $208,000
The Children's Aid Society P.S. 50 VITO MARCANTONIO SCHOOL 433 EAST 100 STREET Manhattan 10029 008M Yes
Based Middle 60 $78,000
The Children's Aid Society Childrens Aid Society Frederick Douglas 885 Columbus Avenue Manhattan 10025 008M Yes Center Elementary 100 $200,000
The Children's Aid Society East Harlem Elementary 130 East 101st Street Manhattan 10029 008M Yes Center Elementary 140 $280,000
The Children's Aid Society East Harlem Middle School 130 East 101st Street Manhattan 10029 008M Yes Center Middle 50 $65,000
The Children's Aid Society P.S. 152 DYCKMAN VALLEY SCHOOL 93 NAGLE AVENUE Manhattan 10040 010M Yes
Based Elementary 140 $280,000
The Children's Aid Society MIDDLE SCHOOL 322 (M322) 4600 BROADWAY Manhattan 10040 010M Yes
Based Middle 87 $113,100
The Children's Aid Society P.S. 211 1919 Prospect Avenue Bronx 10457 015X Yes
Based Middle 114 $148,200
The Children's Aid Society P.S. 61 FRANCISCO OLLER SCHOOL 1550 CROTONA PARK EAST Bronx 10460 015X Yes
Based Elementary 175 $350,000
The Salvation Army East Harlem Community Center 175 East 125th Street Manhattan 10035 008M Yes Center Option 2 19 $11,548
The Salvation Army Harlem Temple Community Center 540 Lenox Ave. Manhattan 10037 009M No Center Elementary 90 $180,000
The Salvation Army Salvation Army/Bushwick Community Center 1151 Bushwick Avenue Brooklyn 11221 034K Yes Center Option 2 46 $27,760
The Salvation Army The Salvation Army Bushwick Day Care Center 1151 Bushwick Avenue Brooklyn 11221 034K Yes Center Elementary 59 $118,000
The Salvation Army Bedford Community Center-Option 2 601 Lafayette Avenue Brooklyn 11216 036K Yes Center Option 2 17 $10,161
The Salvation Army Bedford Community Center 601 Lafayette Avenue Brooklyn 11216 036K Yes Center Elementary 90 $180,000
The Salvation Army Sunset Park Community Center 520 50 Street Brooklyn 11220 038K Yes Center Elementary 60 $120,000
The Salvation Army Brownsville Community Center 280 Riverdale Avenue Brooklyn 11212 042K Yes Center Option 2 25 $15,244
The Salvation Army Brownsville Community Center 280 Riverdale Avenue Brooklyn 11212 042K Yes Center Elementary 100 $200,000
Tremont Crotona Day Care Center, Inc. Tremont Crotona Day Care Center, Inc. 1600 Crotona Park E Bronx 10460 015X Yes
Center Elementary 40 $80,000
Tremont Crotona Day Care Center, Inc. East Bronx Day Care Center 1113 Colgate Avenue Bronx 10472 017X Yes
Center Elementary 40 $80,000
Union Settlement Association Washington Houses Community Center 1775 Third Avenue Manhattan 10029 008M Yes NYCHA Elementary 100 $200,000
United Activities Unlimited, Inc. P.S. 45 58 Lawrence Ave Staten Island 10310 049R Yes
Based Elementary 75 $150,000
United Community Day Care Center, Inc. United Community Day Care 613 New Lots Avenue Brooklyn 11207 042K Yes
Center Elementary 75 $150,000
University Settlement Society of New York, Inc. P.S. 137 JOHN BERNSTEIN SCHOOL 327 CHERRY STREET Manhattan 10002 001M Yes
Based Elementary 141 $282,000
University Settlement Society of New York, Inc. P.S. 63 WILLIAM MCKINLEY SCHOOL 121 EAST 3 STREET Manhattan 10009 002M No
Based Elementary 180 $360,000
University Settlement Society of New York, Inc. P.S. 219 KENNEDY-KING SCHOOL 1060 CLARKSON AVENUE Brooklyn 11212 041K Yes
Based Elementary 120 $240,000
Vacamas Programs for Youth Melrose Community Center 286 East 156th Street Bronx 10451 017X NYCHA Elementary 35 $70,000
Washington Heights- Inwood Coalition, Inc. P.S. 189 P.S. 189 2580 AMSTERDAM AVENUE Manhattan 10040 010M Yes
Based Elementary 150 $300,000
Women's Housing and Economic Develop Corp
LANGUAGE 1221 Gerard Avenue Bronx 10453 016X Yes
Based Elementary 275 $550,000
Women's Housing and Economic Develop Corp
LANGUAGE 1221 Gerard Avenue Bronx 10453 016X Yes
Based Middle 50 $65,000
Woodside On The Move, Inc. P.S. 152 GWENDOLINE ALLEYNE SCHOOL 33-52 62 STREET Queens 11377 026Q Yes
Based Elementary 180 $360,000
Woodside On The Move, Inc. P.S. 11 KATHRYN M. PHELAN SCHOOL 54-25 SKILLMAN AVENUE Queens 11377 026Q Yes
Based Elementary 275 $550,000
Woodycrest Center For Human Development
ELEMENTARY SCHO 175 WEST 166 STREET Bronx 10452 016X Yes
Based Elementary 261 $522,000
Yeshiva Kehilath Yakov (Parent Hdqtrs) Yeshiva Kehilath Yakov 4706 10th Avenue Brooklyn 11219 039K Yes Center Elementary 130 $260,000
YMCA of Greater New York/Bedford Stuyvesant P.S. 54 SAMUEL C. BARNES SCHOOL 195 Sanford Street Brooklyn 11205 049R Yes
Based Elementary 88 $176,500
YMCA of Greater New York/Bronx P.S. 154 Jonathan D. Hyatt 333 EAST 135 STREET Bronx 10454 017X Yes
Based Elementary 131 $262,000
YMCA of Greater New York/Dodge P.S. 8 ROBERT FULTON SCHOOL 37 HICKS STREET Brooklyn 11201 033K No
Based Elementary 100 $200,000
YMCA of Greater New York/Dodge P.S. 11 PURVIS J. BEHAN SCHOOL 419 WAVERLY AVENUE Brooklyn 11238 035K No
Based Elementary 145 $290,000
YMCA of Greater New York/Eastern District YMCA Eastern District Option 2 125 Humboldt Street Brooklyn 11206 034K Yes Center Option 2 84 $51,843
YMCA of Greater New York/Eastern District YMCA YMCA of Greater New York/Eastern District 125 Humboldt Street Brooklyn 11206 034K Yes Center Elementary 68 $137,000
YMCA of Greater New York/Flatbush Branch P.S. 194 RAOUL WALLENBERG SCHOOL 3117 AVENUE W Brooklyn 11229 046K Yes
Based Elementary 150 $300,000
YMCA of Greater New York/Prospect Park P.S. 200 BENSON SCHOOL 1940 BENSON AVENUE Brooklyn 11214 043K Yes
Based Elementary 150 $300,000
YMCA of Greater New York/Staten Island P.S. 57 HUBERT HUMPHREY SCHOOL 140 PALMA DRIVE Staten Island 10304 049R Yes
Based Elementary 150 $300,000
YMCA of Greater New York/Staten Island P.S. 19 CURTIS SCHOOL 780 POST AVENUE Staten Island 10310 049R Yes
Based Elementary 109 $218,000
YMCA of Greater New York/Staten Island P.S. 22 GRANITEVILLE SCHOOL 1860 FOREST AVENUE Staten Island 10303 049R Yes
Based Elementary 150 $300,000
YMCA of Greater New York/Vanderbilt P.S./I.S.12 TAG YOUNG SCHOLARS JHS 240 EAST 109 STREET Manhattan 10029 008M Yes
Based Elementary 150 $300,000
YMCA of Greater New York/West Side P.S. 165 ROBERT E. SIMON SCHOOL 234 WEST 109 STREET Manhattan 10025 008M Yes
Based Elementary 140 $280,000
YM-YWHA of Washington Heights Inwood YM-YWHA of Washington Heights Inwood 54 Nagle Avenue Manhattan 10040 010M Yes Center Option 2 72 $37,665
Young Dancers In Repertory, Inc. P.S. 127 MCKINLEY PARK SCHOOL 7805 7 AVENUE Brooklyn 11228 043K Yes
Based Elementary 30 $60,000
YWCA of the City of New York (Main Branch) P.S. 327 DR. ROSE B. ENGLISH SCHOOL 111 BRISTOL STREET Brooklyn 11212 041K Yes
Based Elementary 140 $280,000
YWCA of the City of New York (Main Branch) P.S. 90 EDNA COHEN SCHOOL 2840 WEST 12 STREET Brooklyn 11224 047K Yes
Based Elementary 100 $200,000
YWCA of the City of New York (Main Branch) P.S. 188 MICHAEL E. BERDY SCHOOL 3314 NEPTUNE AVENUE Brooklyn 11224 047K Yes
Based Elementary 180 $360,000
TOTAL FUNDING: $51,376,104
Source Sponsor Council Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount ($) Purpose of Funds
Aging Foster
1332 Fulton Avenue Day Care Center, Inc.
132690309 * $21,750
To provide seniors that are or have been raising children other than their own with counseling
and social events to help them cope with their problems related to raising these children.
Funding to cover costs associated with workshops, meetings, and trips.
Aging Dromm AARP Chapter #991 Jackson Heights 237247760 $3,750
To provide social and educational experiences for seniors residing in CD 25. Funds will be used
for operating expenses and for programming.
Aging Dickens Abyssinian Development Corporation 133552154 * $4,250
ADC NNORC, The program will invest funds to provide program activities, office supplies and
aperational expenses.
Aging Greenfield Agudath Israel of America Community Services, Inc. 133975090 $8,000 Funds will be used for rec/ed, printing, replacement items, and contracts fees
Aging Jackson Agudath Israel of America Community Services, Inc. 133975090 $10,000 Funds will provide food for the Senior Center.
Aging Comrie Allen Community Senior Citizens Center, Inc. 112326244 * $11,000
To provide comprehensive services that meet the nutritional, recreational, educational,
informational and other needs of program participants.
Aging Garodnick Alzheimer's Association, New York City Chapter 133277408 $3,500
Funding will support education, outreach and free enrollment in the Safe Return program,
which provides support for persons with Alzheimer's disease .
Aging Lappin
Alzheimer's Association, New York City Chapter
To support the MedicAlert Safe Return program, providing an ID bracelet, wallet cards and
other identifiers for persons with dementia so they can be quickly assisted and returned home
in the event that they wander.
Aging Ignizio
American Cancer Society, Inc., The
131788491 * $5,750
To support the American Cancer Society's Patient and Family Services Program, Look Good
Feel Better Program, and distribution of patient education materials. The programs distribute
wigs to cancer patients who have lost their hair as a result of treatment.
Aging Oddo American-Italian Coalition of Organizations, Inc. (AMICO - Extended Services Program) 112488439 $5,500
Services include providing senior citizens, disabled individuals and their families with
information, referral and case assistance services at two program sites in Bensonhurst and
Carroll Gardens.
Aging Gonzalez American-Italian Coalition of Organizations, Inc. (AMICO) 112488439 $4,000
To support health promation programs for seniors, including exercise and dance instruction
for the center's older members.
Aging Greenfield American-Italian Coalition of Organizations, Inc. (AMICO) 112488439 $7,500
Funds used to provide helath promotion programs to help prevent illness and promote
physical and emtional well being. Specifically, funds are used for several teacher-consultants
who provide weekly exercise and dance instruction for the center's older members.
Aging Lander American-Italian Coalition of Organizations, Inc. (AMICO) 112488439 $5,000
To provide information, referral and case assitance services to seniors and disabled individuals
and their families at program sites in Carroll Gardens.
Aging Ignizio
Amvets Post 103, Inc.
841653136 * $3,500
To assist homeless and day care veterans at the Brooklyn VA hospital. Funding provides
veteran patients with clothing, winter coats and hygiene kits; and arranges day trips and
Aging Rivera Aquinas Housing Corporation 133076810 * $42,000
To support Extended Services Program for seniors to manage their benefits and entitlement
Aging Jackson ARC XVI Fort Washington, Inc. 132745426 $5,000 Funds will support transportation and escort services for seniors.
Aging Rodriguez ARC XVI Fort Washington, Inc. 132745426 $10,000
To provide serves and programs for seniors, including rehabiltative programs, health and
wellness, arts and crafts and escorts for travel to appointments.
Aging Rodriguez ARC XVI Fort Washington, Inc. 132745426 $5,000 To provide transportation services for seniors in the senior program.
Aging Gonzalez Asian Community United Society, Inc. 264164117 * $3,500
To support a senior program providing social activities, specializing in Cantonese Opera, and
providing public performances.
Aging Vallone
Astoria Performing Arts Center, Inc.
Funds are for Senior Stars - a free performance program for Queens residents over the age of
60. These funds will be used towards personnel costs, space rental costs, and printing costs
associated with the program.
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Aging Koppell Bedford Park Multi-Service Center for Senior Citizens, Inc. 132745303 *
$25,500 To provide meals, transportation, activities, case assistance, benefits information, referral
services, advocacy, counseling and programs to Senior Citizens 60 years and older.
Aging Vann Bedford Stuyvesant Restoration Corporation 116083182 * $27,750 To provide support to the Senior Action Committee for senior programs.
Aging Greenfield Bensonhurst Council of Jewish Organizations 112568013 $7,500
To offer free children's workshops, senior films, family programming, concerts, performances
and lectures, and exhibition-related programs to engage additional members of the borough's
Aging Barron Bergen Basin Community Development Corporation d/b/a Millennium Development 113199040 $7,100
To support senior programming at Vandalia Senior Center. Funds will be used to provide staff
for various health wellness classes, monthly cultural parties and to provide a healthy snack on
the go.
Aging Barron Bergen Basin Community Development Corporation d/b/a Millennium Development 113199040 $7,100
Funds will be used to provide services to the seniors of Abe Stark including health wellness
classes such as yoga, exercise, tai chi, stretch band exercise, dance and computer learning, as
well as a healthy snack, and meals.
Aging Barron Bergen Basin Community Development Corporation d/b/a Millennium Development 113199040 $11,975
Funds will be used to provide services to the seniors of Penn Wortman, including health
wellness classes such as yoga, exercise, tai chi, stretch band exercise, dance and computer
learning, as well as meals and a healthy snack.
Aging Fidler Bergen Basin Community Development Corporation d/b/a Millennium Development 113199040
$103,750 To sponsor services at satellite sites throughout southern Brooklyn including an active adult
program, health wellness classes, and other classes and activities for seniors.
Aging Levin Bergen Basin Community Development Corporation d/b/a Millennium Development 113199040
To provides services to the seniors of Independence, including wellness classes such as yoga,
exercise, tai chi, stretch band exercise, dance and computer learning and to provide a healthy
snack, along with breakfast and lunch.
Aging Williams Bergen Basin Community Development Corporation d/b/a Millennium Development 113199040 $11,000
To provide services to seniors, including wellness classes , dance and computer learning, and
Aging Palma Beth Abraham Health Services 131739920 $10,000
To provide programming for seniors, including wellness and health classes , trips that provide
culturally diverse learning experiences and intellectually stimulating challenges. Funding will
cover costs associated with various workshops, consultant fees, admission fees, and
transportation costs.
Aging Gonzalez Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Church 116260710 * $4,000
To fund Health Promotion and Wellness programs for seniors. Funds will support health
educators and fitness specialists to assist older adults in controlling and managing chronic
diseases and conditions.
Aging Ulrich
Blessed Trinity Parish with the churches of St. Genevieve, St. Thomas More and St. Edmund
262885471 * $5,000
Funding supports the Golden Age club, which is designed to serve all seniors in the
surrounding areas, including hosting meetings, special events, senior peer counseling,
community updates, and information on senior services.
Aging Gonzalez Boro Park Jewish Community Council 113475993 * $9,000
To provide services to seniors including assistance with benefits and entitlements; Domestic
Violence services and crisis intervention; Career Services and job development; immigration
services; and Holocaust survivor services to a diverse target population services and in 7
Aging Lander Boro Park Jewish Community Council 113475993 * $13,750 To support counseling, crisis intervention and job development services for seniors.
Aging Vann
Bridge Street Development Corporation
113250772 *
To support the Quincy Senior Residences, providing affordable housing and programs for low
and moderate income seniors including the director's salary
Aging Arroyo Bronx Council on the Arts, Inc. 132601303 * $7,000
To provide opportunities for seniors to participate in literary, visual, and craft workshops, and
to attend performing arts, events, exhibitions, choral music, and other arts programming.
Aging Koppell Bronx Jewish Community Council, Inc. 132744533 * $10,000 To support the senior program by providing for staff time, insurance and fuel costs.
Aging Arroyo Bronx Works, formerly Citizen Advice Bureau 133254484 $7,000 To support a Seniors Healthy Eating and Wellness (SHEW) program.
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Aging Cabrera
BronxWorks, Inc.
133254484 $11,875
To provide educational and recreational activities for seniors and to support facility
maintenance and program administrative costs.
Aging Cabrera
BronxWorks, Inc.
133254484 $35,000
To provide seniors with healthy fresh foods from local area farms, community gardens, or
farmers markets; purchase quipment to store food; provide trips to farmers markets and
other sites; and stage a performance created by the centers older adults in partnership with
an area theater group.
Aging Foster BronxWorks, Inc. 133254484 $5,000
To support the BronxWorks Heights Neighborhood Senior Center in providing seniors
programs that address their social, recreational, nutritional and health needs. Funds to
provide the following services: English as a Second language (ESL) education; Spanish as a
Second Language classes; computer classes; physical fitness classes; and cultural arts (folk
dancing) classes.
Aging Rivera BronxWorks, Inc. 133254484 $10,000 To support English for Speakers of Other Languages program for seniors.
Aging Barron Brookdale Senior Resident Tenant Association 030488857
Funds will be used for arts and crafts, recreational trips, celebrations, transportation, and
speaker honoraria.
Aging Williams Brooklyn Arts Council 237072915 * $7,000
To support the operations and programs for artists, cultural groups and residents, including:
Arts in Education programs at over 60 locations throughout NYC, grant programs for artists
and small cultural groups, Folk Arts projects,and community outreach programs which include
programs for Senior Citizens.
Aging Lander
Brooklyn Arts Council, Inc.
237072915 * $9,000
To support arts programs for seniors. Funding will be used for community outreach about
programs and to serve the Park Slope and Prospect Hill Senior Centers.
Aging Gonzalez Brooklyn Chinese American Association 113065859 * $33,250
To provide recreational and educational activities, monthly birthday celebrations, and other
program costs at the Sunset Park Senior Citizens Center and Sixth Avenue Senior Citizens
Aging Lander Brooklyn Chinese American Association 113065859 * $3,500
To support recreational and educational activities for seniors at Sunset Park Senior Citizens
Aging Greenfield Brooklyn Chinese-American Association, Inc. 113065859 * $12,500
Funds used for recreational and educational activities, monthly birthday parties, as well as
facility rental and insurance costs at our Bensonhurst Senior Citizens Center.
Aging Gonzalez Brooklyn Community Pride Center, Inc. 262214534 * $3,500
To support Brooklyn Community Pride Center's Eldercare programming and outreach,
including senior social gatherings and Some Like It Hot, a program for individuals in
mainstream senior centers, nursing homes and assisted living facilities in Brooklyn.
Aging Lander Brooklyn Community Pride Center, Inc. 262214534 * $10,000 To support programming and outreach for ElderPRIDE program.
Aging Levin
Brooklyn Community Pride Center, Inc.
262214534 *
To support the Some Like It Hot, program, part of ElderPRIDE, providing services geared
towards seniors.
Aging Levin Brooklyn Community Services 111630780
To create a new program for adults with disabilities, and in particular those approaching
retirement age who need to transition from work readiness, sheltered employment and/or
other programs.
Aging CD19 Brooklyn Conservatory of Music 111532426 *
To support music instruction, music therapy and concerts throughout Brooklyn, Queens and
Manhattan. Programming includes band, strings, chorus, recorder, world drumming and
percussion, early childhood music and movement, and a weekly seniors chorale program.
Aging Wills Brooks Memorial United Methodist Church 111832868 * $10,000
To feed hungry individuals and families in the community, particularly during the holiday
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Aging Gentile BWICA Educational Fund, Inc. 113220104 $1,000
To provide education and information to seniors and families on Social Security, Medicare,
Medicaid, Transportation, Nutrition, Economic Security, Banking, Foreclosure Prevention,
Housing Senior serivces, and other subjects of interest presented at a monthly meeting in
Brooklyn Borough Hall, open to the public.
Aging James
BWICA Educational Fund, Inc.
To provide presentations concerning social services at a monthly meeting at Brooklyn
Borough Hall. Topics include: Medicare, Medicaid, nutition, foreclosure prevention, and
economic security.
Aging Comrie C.W. Mixon Senior Outreach Center, Inc. 562625535 $9,000
To provide prepared meals, planned activities, organized excursions and other forms of
enrichment to members of the senior citizen program.
Aging Wills CALBC Housing Development Fund Co., Inc. (d/b/a - Calvary Baptist Church Senior Housing) 133173604 $5,000
To support the senior activities and programming including arts & crafts, ceramic, Zumba,
BINGO sessions, and outings.
Aging Wills Calvary Baptist Church 112480945 * $11,000 To support G.E.A.R.S, a support group for grandparents raising their grandchildren.
Aging Dickens Canaan Baptist Church of Christ 136013037 * $5,000
To provide computer and other classes for the elderly population in the Harlem and
surrounding communities.
Aging Garodnick Carnegie Hall Corporation 131923626 $3,500
Funding will support free public Carnegie Hall music events, including outreach to hospitals
and senior centers.
Aging Dickens Carter Burden Center for the Aging, Inc., The 237129499 $4,500 To provide art and crafts classes for seniors in Council District 9.
Aging Garodnick Carter Burden Center for the Aging, Inc., The 237129499 $3,500
Funding will support the Carter Burden Luncheon Club & Senior Program, which provides
meals, socialization and other activities for seniors.
Aging Viverito Carter Burden Center for the Aging, Inc., The 237129499 $5,000 To provide the elderly in Council District 8 with programming in art and crafts.
Aging Viverito Carter Burden Center for the Aging, Inc., The 237129499 $5,500
To support a continuum of services to the aging population, ranging from weekday meal
service, to case assistance, to a full-fledged arts program.
Aging Viverito Casabe Housing Development Fund Company, Inc. 133076734 * $10,000
To support a Senior Computer Literacy Program, which will teach seniors basic computer
operations, word processing, use of the Internet and email systems.
Aging Williams Catholic Charities 112047151 $8,250
To support the Childrens Aid Society Youth Council, providing opportunities for youth to
advocate for their peers on issues of shared concern through civic awareness and
engagement. Funding will covered the cost of portions of trips, supplies, and the annual
Aging Oddo Catholic Charities Community Services, Archdiocese of New York 135562185 $5,000
Funds will support the Senior Guild Luncheon Program, which operates at our Anderson
Avenue Community Center in Port Richmond and services the North at Shore of Staten Island
who are predominantly low-income, and our transportation services.
Aging Rose Catholic Charities Community Services, Archdiocese of New York 135562185 $15,000
To support the West Brighton Senior Center in providing educational, recreational, and
socialization activities for local senior citizens. Funding will be used to purchase supplies for
the ceramics, crafts, and exercise programs.
Aging CD19
Catholic Charities Neighborhood Services, Inc.
To support educational, recreational, and health promotion activities, and to provide general
support to operate the program for seniors.
Aging Crowley Catholic Charities Neighborhood Services, Inc. 112047151 $10,000
To provide educational, recreational, social, and health promotion activities and programs as
well as transportation, meals, and case assistance for seniors. Funding will support programs
and services and support, maintenance, repairs and equpment purchases.
Aging Dromm Catholic Charities Neighborhood Services, Inc. 112047151 $13,000
To support Catherine Sheridan Senior Center's educational, recreational and health promotion
activities and to subsidize increased meals cost and rent and to provide general support to
operate the program.
Aging Fidler Catholic Charities Neighborhood Services, Inc. 112047151
To provide services to seniors including assistance with benefits and entitlements; Domestic
Violence services and crisis intervention, Career Services, job development, immigration
services and Holocaust survivor services to a diverse target population.
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Aging Gennaro Catholic Charities Neighborhood Services, Inc. 112047151 $7,500 Funds will be used to support the senior center's services including educational recreational
and health promotion activities, as well as operational and general support.
Aging Gentile Catholic Charities Neighborhood Services, Inc. 112047151 $1,000
To provide educational, recreational, social, and health promotion activities, transportation,
nutritious meals, and case assistance for seniors at the Narrows Senior Center and case
management and other services to homebound older adults at the Benson Ridge Senior
Services program.
Aging Levin
Catholic Charities Neighborhood Services, Inc.
To support services educational, recreational, and health promotion activities, and to provide
meals and general operating costs for programming for seniors.
Aging Levin
Catholic Charities Neighborhood Services, Inc.
To support educational, recreational and health promotion activities, to provide supplies and
general support to operate the seniors program.
Aging Levin
Catholic Charities Neighborhood Services, Inc.
To support educational, recreational and health promotion activities, and to provide and
supplies general support to operate the seniors program.
Aging Nelson
Catholic Charities Neighborhood Services, Inc.
To support educational, recreational and health promotion activities for seniors, and to
subsidize increased meals costs, and pay for supplies and general operating costs for the
senior program.
Aging Nelson
Catholic Charities Neighborhood Services, Inc.
$3,500 For programming, supplies and educational seminars on chronic diseases such as heart
disease, cancer and diabetes, as well as for marketing the program and outreach efforts.
Aging Nelson Catholic Charities Neighborhood Services, Inc. 112047151 $3,500 For ELS classes, and arts and craft supplies for seniors.
Aging Ulrich
Catholic Charities Neighborhood Services, Inc.
112047151 $5,000
Funds support the Senior Center's educational recreational and health promotion activities,
to subsidize the meals, operating support and new needs when the center is relocated to a
new site.
Aging Ulrich
Catholic Charities Neighborhood Services, Inc.
112047151 $5,000
Funds will support the Senior Center's educational recreational and health promotion
activities, transportation needs by seniors and to provide support for general operations.
Aging Ulrich
Catholic Charities Neighborhood Services, Inc.
112047151 $5,000
Funds will support the Senior Center's educational recreational and health promotion
activities and general operating support.
Aging Ulrich
Catholic Charities Neighborhood Services, Inc.
112047151 $5,000
Funds will support educational recreational and health promotion activities, meals, special
events, and for general operating support.
Aging Vallone
Catholic Charities Neighborhood Services, Inc.
Funding is to support the services at the DellaMonica Steinway Senior Center. Funds will be
used to support educational recreational and health promotion activities and to subsidize
increased utility costs and increased transportation needs by seniors and to provide supplies
and general support to operate the program.
Aging Vann
Catholic Charities Neighborhood Services, Inc.
To provide support for senior educational, recreational and health promotion activities. Also,
to subsidize the cost of utilities and supplies.
Aging Weprin
Catholic Charities Neighborhood Services, Inc.
To support for educational, recreational and health promotion programs for seniors.
Aging Levin
Center for Anti-Violence Education (CAE, Inc., The)
112444676 *
to provide anti-violence programming for seniors, through a combination of in-depth multiple-
session courses and one-time workshops in District 33.
Aging Vallone Central Astoria Local Development Coalition, Inc. 112652331 *
Funding supports a program that provides counseling and assistance to seniors in filing
various applications such as: SCRIE, DRIE, SCHE, HEAP, etc. Housing workshops and seminars
will also be conducted.
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Aging James
Central Brooklyn Jazz Consortium, Inc.
To provide funds to support the Central Brooklyn Festival, Jazz! The Womens View Point,
Kwanza Program, Summer Music Series, Youth Jazz Jamboree, Brooklyn College Music
Program, and the Brooklyn Hall of Fame.
Aging Jackson Central Harlem Senior Citizens Centers Inc 132754783 * $15,000
Aging Dickens Central Harlem Senior Citizens Coalition, Inc. 132754783 $4,000
To support the Harlem Seniorifics Basketball Team Health and Fitness Initiative, a competitive
basketball program for seniors. Funding will be used to cover costs associated with coaches,
equipment, safety gear, uniforms and travel to competitions.
Aging Dickens Central Harlem Senior Citizens Coalition, Inc. 132754783 $5,000
To support, acting as a fiscal conduit, the Harlem Honeys Bears Swim Team Health and
Fitness Initiative, an educational and competitive swim program for seniors.
Aging CD19
Chabad of Northeast Queens
113207716 *
To provide after school programming, art classes, Spanish lessons, gym classes, music,
ceramics, a Model Matzah Factory and an SOS senior program pairing teens and seniors
though nursing home visitation.
Aging Nelson Children of World War II From the Former Soviet Union 275377248
To support programs for veterans and children of WWII including website development and
maintenance, a readers conference, computer education, programs on the rights and
interests of children of war, trips to museums, and memorial gatherings.
Aging Gonzalez Chinese American Planning Council 136202692 $5,000
To support Brooklyn Senior Services, providing seniors in Sunset Park with ESL classes, health
education workshops, tea talk, singing and dance classes, trips, recreational activities, and
other activities.
Aging Chin Chinese American Planning Council, Inc. 136202692 $8,000
Funds will support CPC Open Door Senior Center which provides educational, physical, social
and other programs and activities to seniors.
Aging Chin Chinese American Planning Council, Inc. 136202692 $8,000
The funding will support senior services including congregate lunches, educational and
exercise classes and recreational activities and field trips.
Aging Koo Chinese American Planning Council, Inc. 136202692
Funding will be used to provide individuals over the age of 60 with an array of services
including the following: congregate meals, wellness programming (exercise class, health
workshops, screenings, et cetera), recreational activities (painting, calligraphy, community
outings, et cetera), educational programming (English as a Second Language, naturalization
classes, et cetera), case management and entitlements/benefits assistance.
Aging Gennaro Church of the Immaculate Conception Jamaica New York 111752022
Funds used to support a group that meets twice a month to socialize, share a meal, and play a
variety of games. The group travels by bus for day trips to points of interest throughout the
Aging Chin Church Street School of Music and Art 133693660 $4,500
To fund Senior Chorus; one of Church Street Schools premier programs that plays a key role in
the artistic and cultural lives of New York City's seniors and helps support their physical and
mental health.
Aging Levin
Circuit Productions, Inc.
132881858 *
To support CPIs 21st annual World Beat and/or Tap and Jazz Masters Series (TJMS) and free
concerts for youth family and seniors in District 33.
Aging Dickens Citizens Care Committee 136179568 * $4,000
Funds will be used to support Nutrition Education, Case Assistance, Fitness Programs, and
Information Referrals.
Aging Lander Coalition Of Institutionalized Aged And Disabled 133124614 * $3,500 To support housing and nutrition-related services for senior citizens.
Aging Ignizio
Community Agency for Senior Citizens, Inc.
133263537 $10,500
To support community-based social, health, transportation and other support services for
Staten Island's elderly population.
Aging Oddo Community Agency for Senior Citizens, Inc. 133263537 $10,000
To support the Absolute Success College Access Program (ASCAP), including college and
career readiness, academic enrichment, mentoring, and a Historically Black College and
University Fair.
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Aging Rose Community Agency for Senior Citizens, Inc. 133263537 $45,000
To support the CASC in providing independence to senior citizens. Funding will be used to
provide the Transportation Program to aid in local neighborhood commutes; group activities
and computer classes, and for operational expenses at the New Lane Neighborhood Senior
Center and the Cassidy Coles Neighborhood Center.
Aging Mendez Community Service Society of New York 135562202 $3,500 Funding used to reimburse transportation expenses for older adults.
Aging Oddo Community Service Society of New York 135562202 $5,000
Funds will support CSS/RSVPs Advocacy, Counseling, and Entitlement Services (ACES) Project
which trains volunteers ages 55 to serve as public benefit counselors.
Aging Dickens
Concerned Home Managers for the Elderly, Inc.
133275504 $8,500
To recruit and retain the home care workers/home health aides, provide the aides with
benefits educational /career opportunities and peer mentorship support, and provide services
to older adults.
Aging Arroyo Concerned Residents Organization, Inc. 202495043 * $5,700
Funds will help to build a better quality of life for seniors in the Soundview, Casthill and
Parkchester areas through various activities and programs.
Aging Foster Concourse Village Special Adults Senior Center 131977533 * $21,000
To enhance the quality of life of community seniors by providing health, wellness and safety
talks; trips, games, sewing classes, celebrations, and art/craft classes.
Aging Gennaro Congregation Etz Chaim of Kew Garden Hills 112585935
Funds will be used to host events with speakers, in conjunction with the NY Hospital of
Queens, Margaret Tietz Nursing, and Rehabilitation Center. The presentations will be
recorded and disseminated via our website and via YouTube.
Aging Gennaro Congregation Ohr Moshe 113616643
$4,000 Funds are spent on purchasing raw materials and prepared foods for meals and refreshments
that are served. All in-house food preparation and service is provided by volunteers.
Aging Ferreras Corona Congregational Church, Inc. 111802803 * $20,000
To provide senior programs and services, including meals, educational and recreational
activites, health promotion, technology, information with referrals, transportation and social
work services.
Aging Jackson COTHOA 133608860 $8,000 Funds will support health activities, screenings, and ftiness classes for seniors.
Aging Rivera Council of Belmont Organizations, Inc. 132755323 $31,750
To support direct services for seniors to access federal, state and local public entitlement
Aging Lander Council of Jewish Organizations of Flatbush Inc 112864728 $6,000
To support assistance program for seniors and the frail and social programming for seniors
and Holocaust survivors.
Aging Oddo Council of Jewish Organizations of Staten Island, Inc. 133525474 $12,000
Funds will support food programs and other social services including assistance with
entitlements, referrals to emerging housing and medical services and job counseling.
Aging Williams Council of Peoples Organization, Inc. 753046891 $5,000
To provide congregate lunches, and for educational and recreational activities for seniors at
the Council of Peoples Organization Senior Center.
Aging Eugene Crown Heights Preservation Committee Corporation 112322490 * $11,000
To support transportation costs and education and recreational activities for seniors, including
ESL, and computer classes.
Aging James Crown Heights Preservation Committee Corp. 112322490 * $10,000 To provide for senior activities and maintenance of the senior bus.
Aging Mealy
Crown Heights Preservation Committee Corp.
112322490 *
To provide funds for weekly musical entertainment, ESL classes, computer classes and health
promotion activities at the senior center.
Aging Dilan Cypress Hills-Fulton Street Senior Citizens Center, Inc. 112297647 *
Funding to support agency operations, health promotion services, educational and
recreational programs, computer lab and other classes and programs for seniors.
Aging Barron Domain Community Services D/B/A Spring Creek Gardens Senior Center 453272811 * $9,100
Funds will be used to purchase equipment, materials, supplies and instructors to facilitate:
educational, artisitic, social, health/fitness programs and activities. Funds will also be used to
provide transportation for seniors to events that meet with Domain Community Services
Mission. Funds will be used to ensure a good quality space is provided.
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Aging Eugene Don Divin Group 113023840 * $10,000
To provide for a range of programs and services including literacy classes, meals, clothing and
entertainment for seniors.
Aging Eugene Dorchester Senior Citizens Center, Inc. 112305581 $18,000
To provide funding to replace and/or upgrade the Center's computers, for use in teaching
seniors and for use by staff, and to hire a consultant to teach courses.
Aging Brewer
133264005 *
To Support the Homelessness Prevention Program (HPP) which offers homeless seniors
temporary housing, two meals daily, counseling, and other assistance at its transitional
residence. Funding will offset salary costs of a full-time case assistance social worker and and
to provide continued supportive services to formerly homeless HPP seniors in the Aftercare
Aging Dickens DOROT, Inc. 133264005 * $5,000
To provide homeless seniors temporary housing, meals daily, counseling, and other assistance
at a transitional residence, located at 44 West 87th Street, while finding the seniors
permanent homes.
Aging Garodnick DOROT, Inc. 133264005 * $3,500
Funding will support DOROT's Homelessness Prevention Program (HPP), which responds to
the needs of underserved homeless New York City seniors.
Aging Lappin
133264005 *
To counsel and provide services, including help to secure permanent housing, for homeless
seniors participating in the Homelessness Prevention Program (HPP) and to provide continued
aftercare services to formerly homeless HPP seniors.
Aging James Dorothy Bennett Mercy Center, Inc. 113448950
$10,000 To support the senior program through funds for part of the salary of the employee in charge
of the project that offers group meetings, workshops, trips and celebrations..
Aging Vallone East River Development Alliance, Inc. 861096987 *
Funding would support a range of services for adults aged 55 and over including workforce
development, tenant advocacy and comprehensive public benefits, financial education and
counseling, and free tax preparation assistance.
Aging Van Bramer East River Development Alliance, Inc. 861096987 *
To support a range of services for adults aged 55 and over including workforce development,
tenant advocacy and comprehensive public benefits, financial education and counseling, and
free tax preparation assistance.
Aging Garodnick East Side Community Group for Senior Services, Inc. 237378342 * $5,000 Funding will support Stein Senior Center's operating costs.
Aging Mendez East Side Community Group for Senior Services, Inc. 237378342
Funds will support many senior programs and activities including health and wellness activities
including yoga, tai chi, belly dancing, Pilates, ballroom and folk dancing, diet and nutritional
lectures as well as one-on-one sessions with a nutritionist to devise customized diet plans.
Aging Arroyo East Side House, Inc. 131623989 * $28,573
Funds will be used to provide special event trips, printing supplies, and
maintenance(improvements) within all three programs for seniors.
Aging Greenfield Edith and Carl Marks Jewish Community House of Bensonhurst 111633484 $5,000
Funds used to provide cultural, educational, recreational, and/or wellness activities to seniors
in southern Brooklyn.
Aging Chin Educational Alliance, Inc. 135562210 $5,000
Funds will support Whittaker Center's health and wellness programming designed to help
neighborhood seniors stay healthy or improve their health, and live with increased safety and
comfort at home.
Aging Mendez Educational Alliance, Inc. 135562210 $9,500
Funding used to support the innovative health and wellness activities for seniors including
support groups and counseling.
Aging Lander Eileen Dugan Senior Citizen Center 112301785 $0 To support education and wellness programs for seniors.
Aging Dromm Elmcor Youth Adult Ativities, Inc. 112224539 * $5,000
Aging Ferreras Elmcor Youth and Adult Activities, Inc. 112224539 * $20,000
To support healthy living for all seniors at Elmcor Neighborhood Senior Center by enhancing
education, recreation, arts and culture activities; and training seminars. Funds will be used for
health software, cost of space, and frequent trips that promote socialization.
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Aging Ferreras Elmcor Youth and Adult Activities, Inc. 112224539 * $15,000
To support healthy living for all seniors at Elmcor Neighborhood Senior Center by enhancing
education, recreation, arts and culture activities; and training seminars. Funds will be used for
health software, cost of space, and frequent trips that promote socialization.
Aging Van Bramer
Emerald Isle Immigration Center
112932528 *
To support the New York City Extended Services Program, to provide community services to
people at economic risk and to people who may not be eligible for government benefits and
entitlements. This funding provides support for workers and crisis intervention for seniors.
Aging Quinn Encore Community Services, Inc. 133104293 $9,500
To support Encores Home Delivered Meals Program, delivering meals to homebound seniors
living on the Westside of midtown Manhattan.
Aging Mendez Father's Heart Ministries, Inc., The 223495873 $5,000 Funds used to run a food pantry and soup kitchen, ESL and GED classes, job trainings and
opportunities, social services referrals, and to provide free legal advice.
Aging Eugene Fenimore Senior Center, Inc. 112772287 * $18,375
To provide for programs and activities for seniors including health, recreational and
educational activities and seminars. Also, to provide assistance reviewing and completing
various benefits/entitlements forms.
Aging Brewer Find Aid for the Aged, Inc. 132666921
To support healthy aging activities at the Hamilton, Hargrave and Clinton Senior Centers.
Offerings include: classes in martial arts, dance, art, Spanish and yoga.
Aging Quinn Find Aid for the Aged, Inc. 132666921 $10,000
To support a healthy aging program, including classes in martial arts, salsa, line dance, zumba,
and wii fitness.
Aging Richards First Church of God Golden Vessels 112973310
$20,000 To provide and array of programs and services for seniors in the community in addition to
helping transport seniors to those places and delivering food to seniors who are in need.
Aging Williams Flatbush Development Corporation 510188251 $7,000 To support programming for youth, seniors, tenants and for community development initiatives.
Aging Nelson Flatbush Shomrim Safety Patrol, Inc. 203244567 * $5,000 Pending
Aging Williams Flatbush Shomrim Safety Patrol, Inc. 203244567 * $5,000 To assist the community in emergencies and natural disasters.
Aging Ulrich
Forest Park Senior Citizens Center, Inc.
112515431 * $55,000
These funds will support the senior center with nutritious congregate meals approved by the
Department for the Aging, recreational activities including but not limited to dancing, bingo,
trips, arranged speakers, telephone assistance for access a ride, doctors utilities, and other
Aging Barron Fort Greene Council 112300840 $11,975
Funds will be used to enhance educational, recreational, cultural, health and wellness
activities for mature adults 60 years and older. Technology classes will include computer,
digital photography, virtual games and internet use. Also, health and wellness workshops will
be provided and arts and cultural activities will include drama workshops, travel to museums,
botanical gardens, theater.
Aging James
Fort Greene Council
To provide funds to for educational, recreational, cultural, health and wellness activities for
mature adults 60 years and older.
Aging James
Fort Greene Council
To provide for the delivery of meals to home bound seniors on a weekly basis. Funds will be
used for vehicle expense, salary for the drivers and meal handlers.
Aging James
Fort Greene Council
To provide for the Jazz966 program, which is held Friday evenings during the months of
September to June for seniors and the community at large.
Aging Mealy
Fort Greene Council
To provide for educational, recreational, drama and computer workshops and travel to
museums, botanical gardens and theaters for seniors.
Aging Mealy
Fort Greene Council
112300840 *
To provide for educational, recreational, drama and computer workshops and travel to
museums, botanical gardens and theaters for seniors.
Aging Vann
Fort Greene Council
To provide enhanced educational,recreational and cultural activities for mature adults 60
years and older
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Aging Vann
Fort Greene Council
To provide enhanced educational,recreational and cultural activities for mature adults 60
years and older.
Aging Vann
Fort Greene Council
To provide enhanced educational,recreational and cultural activities for mature adults 60
years and older
Aging Vann
Fort Greene Council
To provide enhanced educational,recreational and cultural activities for mature adults 60
years and older
Aging Vann
Fort Greene Council
To provide seniors and the community at large the opportunity to listen to live jazz at 966
Fulton Street, Brooklyn.
Aging Vann
Fort Greene Council
To provide enhanced educational,recreational and cultural activities for mature adults 60
years and older
Aging Williams Fort Greene Council 112300840 $4,000
To support educational, recreational, cultural, health and wellness activities for mature adults
60 years and older.
Aging Williams Fort Greene Council 112300840 $4,000 To deliver meals six days per week to home bound seniors.
Aging Williams Fort Greene Council 112300840 $14,000
To support educational, recreational, cultural, health and wellness activities for mature adults
60 years and older.
Aging James
Fund for the City of New York, Inc.
$5,000 To provide support the WORKREADY Program, a tuition-free career preparation program that
prepares low-income women to succeed in todays competitive, global job market.
Aging Williams Glenwood Tenant Assocation 112448554 * $4,000 To support senior computer and exercise programs.
Aging Brewer
Goddard Riverside Community Center
To fund the Home Delivered Meals program that provides daily meals for frail ederly
homebound over the age of 60.
Aging James Grace International, Inc. 200934854
$5,000 To provide funding for the Stomp Out Obesity program, working with children who are at high
risk of becoming obese and developing chronic obesity-related health complications.
Aging Chin Grand Street Settlement, Inc. 135562230 * $4,000
Funds will support programs including education classes (ESL, computer classes), arts classes
(Chinese folk dance, calligraphy, macrame, Chinese painting, multi-lingual singing classes),
exercise (dance classses, Tai-Chi), and outings to museums and similar attractions in the NY
Metropolitan area.
Aging Mendez Grand Street Settlement, Inc. 135562230
Funds used to provide activities and services such as classes, exercise sessions, computer
workshops, and wraparound services, that meet the psychosocial, health, and financial needs
of community seniors.
Aging Reyna Greater Ridgewood Youth Council, Inc. 112518141 $5,000
Funds will support inter-generational programs/ activities between the organization's youth
programs and seniors.
Aging Chin Greenwich House, Inc. 135562204 $8,000
Funds will support health and wellness classes and cultural programming at the Greenwich
House Senior Center at Independence Plaza. The funds will help pay for outside teachers,
expert in their field of wellness and cultural programing included but not limited to, Tai Chi,
Yoga, body and fitness, painting, ceramics and jewelry making.
Aging Quinn Greenwich House, Inc. 135562204 $25,000
To support the three seniors centers formerly run by the Caring Community. The funds will be
used to provide fitness, wellness, cultural and educational programs at the three senior center
Aging James GRIOT Circle, Inc. 113364328 *
To provide support for the GRIOTs Buddy-2-Buddy program, and hiring a Program
Coordinator to perform community outreach and presentations.
Aging James Haitian Enlightenment and Literacy Project, Inc. (HELP) 113241916 *
To provide for the Senior Outreach Project to reach out to isolated seniors. Also for funding to
support the computer lab, hire a part-time program oordinator, meals for seniors, and to hire
a part-time computer instructor.
Aging Jackson Hamilton Grange - Convent Avenue 131769584 * $10,000 Funds will support transportation for seniors.
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Aging Chin Hamilton Madison House, Inc. 135562412 * $24,000
To Support senior programs at senior centers and NORCs in CB1 and CB3 by funding
ESL/Citizenship instructor, wellness programs, and social worker.
Aging Dickens Harlem Interagency Council for the Aging, Inc. 133317271 $5,000
To provide information and referral services, assistance with applications for entitlements and
other benefits, operate a telephone reassurance program, and provide food and other
services for seniors. Funds will be used for operating expenses and other costs of the
Aging Garodnick Health Advocates for Older People Housing Development Fund Company, Inc. 133436898 $3,500 Funding will support the nurse and case management services provided to residents.
Aging Garodnick Health Advocates for Older People, Inc. 134165807 $3,500
Funding will support free activities to assist seniors in maintaining socialization, physical and
mental health and independence.
Aging Lappin
Health Advocates for Older People, Inc.
To support a youth basketball program. The funds will be used to pay for the
permit/gymnasium rental fees for PS 193.
Aging Levin
Heights and Hill Community Council, Inc.
To provide in home case management and other services for seniors who live at home.
Aging Lander Heights and Hills, Inc. 237237927 $7,000
To support in-home services to homebound seniors. Funding will pay for salary of additional
case manager(s).
Aging Gonzalez Helen Keller Services for the Blind 111630807 $3,500
To support a free Adaptive Living Program (ALP) for visually impaired seniors aged 55 and
older, providing training in safe travel techniques, home and personal management skills, and
communication skills; low vision exams and devices; and social casework services with links to
community resources.
Aging James
Helen Keller Services for the Blind
To support the Adaptive Living Program for visually impaired seniors aged 55 and older.
Services include: travel awareness, management and communication skills, low vision exams
and casework.
Aging Lander Helen Keller Services for the Blind 111630807 $3,500 To support Adaptive Living Program for seniors with visual impairments.
Aging Levin
Helen Keller Services for the Blind
To support the free Adaptive Living Program (ALP) for visually impaired seniors aged 55 and
Aging Quinn Hellenic American Neighborhood Action Committee (HANAC) 112290832 $5,000
To provide enrichment to the Greek American Senior population through meetings, meals,
parties, trips, lectures, education and recreational activities, and referrals to social services.
Aging Rodriguez Hellenic American Neighborhood Action Committee (HANAC) 112290832 $10,000
To support services and programs for seniors, including social events, meals, lectures,
education, recreational activities, and referrals to social services.
Aging CD19 Hellenic American Neighborhood Action Committee, Inc. (HANAC) 112290832 *
To provide programming and services for seniors at the Angelo Petromelis Senior Center .
Aging Vacca Hellenic American Neighborhood Action Committee, Inc. (HANAC) 112290832 $10,000
To fund the Bronx Information and Referral Senior Program, which provides social services,
assistance in obtaining entitlements, lunch, celebrations,. trips, and educational and
recreational activities for the local senior population.
Aging Vallone Hellenic American Neighborhood Action Committee, Inc. (HANAC) 112290832 * $21,750 The funds will support the operating expenses of the JVL Senior Center.
Aging Van Bramer Hellenic American Neighborhood Action Committee, Inc. (HANAC) 112290832
To support social events and defray operating and meal expenses at the Senior Center.
Aging Chin Henry Street Settlement 131562242 $6,000 Funds will support the Good Companions Senior Center (GCSC) serving the lower east side.
Aging Mendez Henry Street Settlement 131562242 $15,000
Funds used for the multi-lingual Good Companions Senior Center, which offers seniors
wellness programs, lunches, and recreational activities.
Aging Foster Highbridge Community Life Center 133015539 $5,000
To provide senior residents of the Highbridge community activities and programs including
community meals, holiday celebrations, cultural events, concerts, and day trips.
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Aging Gennaro Hillcrest Jewish Center 111639813 $7,000
Senior activities (non-sectarian): weekly (weather permitting) meetings including hot
(catered) lunch, exercise and entertainment. The attendance at the weekly meetings ranges
from 25 to 50, depending upon the weather. Funds will be used to offset food and non-
volunteer costs.
Aging Koo Hindu Temple Society of NA, The 237071891 *
To empower senior citizens as to have a better quality of life by offering programs that
provide opportunities for social interaction, awareness of health issues, financial matters,
information on public programs and also act as a mentors for the youth
Aging Comrie Hollis Avenue Congregational Church 861100659 * $8,000
To support seniors in the communities of Cambria Heights, Hollis St. Albans ,Jamaica and
Queens Village, providing arts and crafts, meals, recreation, and transportation to and from
the site and places of interest.
Aging Arroyo Hope of Israel Senior Center, Inc. 132749857 $8,952
To support a choral group, a poetry workshop and supplies for education and recreation
activities for seniors.
Aging Foster
Hope of Israel Senior Center, Inc.
132749857 $5,000
To enhance the quality of life for senior citizens in the community by providing painting
classes, collage workshops, and arts and craft activities.
Aging Dickens Hospital Audiences, Inc 136277895 $4,000
To support the OmniBus Program, which provides transportation support services to help
seniors access health and wellness services, meal programs and greenmarkets as well as
cultural and recreational activities.
Aging CD19
India Home, Inc.
208747291 *
To support an intergenerational program, offering gardening, creative writing, documenting
genealogical histories, dance, ESL, computer and social programs.
Aging Dromm India Home, Inc. 208747291 * $8,000
To support programs and services for seniors including meals, cultural activities and
transportation to and from the centers.
Aging Gennaro India Home, Inc. 208747291
The funds will be used to provide salaries for the staff, free transportation to and from the
centers to seniors and to provide congregate meals for seniors at the centers.): weekly
(weather permitting) meetings including hot (catered) lunch, exercise and entertainment.
Funds will be used to offset food and non-volunteer costs.
Aging Chin Institute for the Puerto Rican/Hispanic Elderly, Inc. 132987263 $5,000
Funds will support senior programs at the NYCHA/Seward Park Extension Community Center
including a senior program case assistant/coordinator,and related program recreational and
educational activity expenses.
Aging Dromm Institute for the Puerto Rican/Hispanic Elderly, Inc. 132987263 $7,500
To provide educational and recreational activities, as well as critical case assistance services to
seniors and their families that are part of our Elmhurst/Jackson Heights Senior Center, and the
surrounding community where there is great need for bilingual and culturally relevant
programs and services.
Aging Ferreras Institute for the Puerto Rican/Hispanic Elderly, Inc. 132987263 $15,000
To provide educational and recreational activities for seniors, including health and fitness
workshops, trips, cultural events and activities, as well as critical case assistance services to
seniors and their families at the PR/HE Corona Senior Center
Aging Ferreras Institute for the Puerto Rican/Hispanic Elderly, Inc. 132987263 $5,000
To provide educational/recreational activities such as health and fitness workshops, trips,
cultural events and activities, as well as critical case assistance services to seniors and their
families who part of our Elmhurst/Jackson Heights Senior Center.
Aging Foster
Institute for the Puerto Rican/Hispanic Elderly, Inc.
132987263 $21,000
To provide bilingual and culturally relevant programs and services to Latino seniors in DC 16.
Funding will help underwrite educational/recreational activities such as health and fitness
workshops, trips, cultural events and activities; and critical case assistance services to seniors
and their families.
Aging Gonzalez Institute for the Puerto Rican/Hispanic Elderly, Inc. 132987263 $3,500
To provide bilingual case assistance for seniors and families in the 38th district, including
access to entitlement, benefits and counseling. Funding will help underwrite the on-site case
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Aging Jackson Institute for the Puerto Rican/Hispanic Elderly, Inc. 132987263 $5,000
Funds will support case assistance and counseling services including accessing benefits,
immigration assistance and activities for seniors and their families.
Aging Mendez Institute for the Puerto Rican/Hispanic Elderly, Inc. 132987263 $4,000 Funds support case assistance and management services within CD 2. Services are directed to
poor/low income, predominantly Latino and minority seniors and their families.
Aging Palma Institute for the Puerto Rican/Hispanic Elderly, Inc. 132987263 $15,000
To provide services to seniors, including educational and recreational activities, trips, cultural
events, case assistance, and assistance with entitlements and other benefits.
Aging Palma Institute for the Puerto Rican/Hispanic Elderly, Inc. 132987263 $10,000
To provide programming to seniors, including educational and recreational activities such as
health and fitness workshops, trips, cultural events and activities, as well as critical case
Aging Palma Institute for the Puerto Rican/Hispanic Elderly, Inc. 132987263 $10,000
To support programming for seniors, including educational and recreational activities such as
health and fitness workshops, trips, cultural events and activities, as well as critical case
Aging Rodriguez Institute for the Puerto Rican/Hispanic Elderly, Inc. 132987263 $10,000
To provide services for seniors and their families, including congregate meals, entitlement
access, case management, social and cultural activities, health education, empowerment and
civic engagement.
Aging Viverito Institute for the Puerto Rican/Hispanic Elderly, Inc. 132987263 $2,500
To provide educational/recreational activities such as health and fitness workshops, trips,
cultural events and activities, critical case assistance services to seniors and their families at
the Betances Senior Center, and the surrounding community.
Aging Viverito Institute for the Puerto Rican/Hispanic Elderly, Inc. 132987263 $5,000
To support educational/recreational activities such as health and fitness workshops, trips,
cultural events and activities, and critical case assistance services to seniors and their families
that are part of our Carver Senior Center and the surrounding community, where there is
great need for bilingual and culturally relevant programs and services.
Aging Viverito Institute for the Puerto Rican/Hispanic Elderly, Inc. 132987263 $10,000
To support Homebound Program (formerly Casita Maria), assisting homebound seniors with
case assistance and home visitations.
Aging Comrie International Tower Senior Center 136400571 * $5,000
To provide activities and programs for seniors, including off-site trips, special celebrations,
excerise classes, and arts and crafts.
Aging Ignizio Italian Club of Staten Island, Inc. 133428736 $4,000 To support the Italian Club of Staten Island's Annual Food Drive.
Aging Dromm Italian Senior Citizens Center, Inc. 112308129 $7,000 To fund exercise, nutrition, ESL and other programs and seminars tailored towards seniors.
Aging Jackson Jackie Robinson Senior Center * $4,325 Funds will support senior center services.
Aging Dromm Jackson Heights-Elmhurst Kehillah, Inc. 112643410 * $5,000 To support the Meals on Wheels food delivery program to seniors.
Aging Van Bramer Jacob A. Riis Neighborhood Settlement, Inc. 111729398
To support a program that emphasizes healthy living, including nutritious meals and exercise,
recreation, building community connections and providing comprehensive support services to
community members aged 60 and over.
Aging Wills Jamaica Service Program for Older Adults Inc - Friendship Center 510204121 * $14,250
Funds will support Holiday Food Program. This program helps provide food to underpaid and
under-appreciated teachers during the holiday seasons. In this case, funds will be used for
food distribution and administrative/ back office costs
Aging Comrie Jamaica Service Program for Older Adults, Inc. (JSPOA) 510204121 * $45,750
To provide programs for mentally and physical frail seniors, and to support an outreach
program and a meal program.
Aging Wills Jamaica Service Program for Older Adults, Inc. (JSPOA) 510204121 * $20,000
To provide daily programming, an outreach program, and a meal program for seniors. Funding
to be used for the purchase of arts and crafts supplies, consultant services, website upgrades,
promotional materials, and a kitchen upgrade.
Aging Garodnick James Lenox House Association, Inc. 131624148 $3,500 Funding will support the clinical and health services provided to residents.
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Aging Dickens Jazzmobile, Inc. 132614483 * $8,000
To support the Jazzmobile education and performance programs for seniors and their
families. Funds will pay for performers and the costs of the performances, as well as
administrative costs for the programs.
Aging Jackson Jazzmobile, Inc. 132614483 * $3,000 Funds will support a Spring Fling with a jazz big band and swing dancers for seniors.
Aging Mealy
Jazzmobile, Inc.
132614483 *
To support Jazzmobile program for seniors. Funds will provide for operational and
administrative costs associated with program.
Aging Quinn Jewish Association for Services for the Aged (JASA -- 1199 Plaza NORC) 132620896 $6,000
To support JASAs Joint Public Affairs Committee for Older Adults (JPAC) has reached out to
older adults in the community to advocate and mobilize them around issues affecting their
lives. Funding will be used to offer entitlement education and outreach throughout NYC
through JPAC Cafes, presentations and conferences. It will also be used to support JPACs
leadership and advocacy training course, the Institute for Senior Action (IFSA), which provides
a 10-week training based in Manhattan for older adults, and for conferences highlighting civic
engagement and volunteer opportunities.
Aging Weprin Jewish Association for Services for the Aged (JASA -- 1199 Plaza NORC) 132620896
To provide for the costs of consultants to teach classes, bus rentals for trips, and refreshments
for seniors.
Aging Lappin Jewish Association for Services for the Aged (JASA - Brooklyn (CD 7-15)) 132620896
To offer entitlement education and outreach throughout NYC through JPAC Cafes,
presentations and conferences, and to offer leadership training, civic engagement and
volunteer opportunities for seniors.
Aging Vacca Jewish Association for Services for the Aged (JASA - Brooklyn (CD 7-15)) 132620896 $5,000 To provide funding for consultants to teach aerobics and Zumba classes to seniors.
Aging Nelson Jewish Association for Services for the Aged (JASA - Manhattan) 132620896
To cover the costs of consultants to teach classes for seniors (computer and Zumba), and for
a monthly subscription to the senior centers cable TV account, to provide Russian language
programming to the centers senior population from the Former Soviet Union, in addition to
the English language programming currently offered.
Aging Nelson Jewish Association for Services for the Aged (JASA - Manhattan) 132620896
For costs associated with teaching computer classes, and printing and supplies for outreach
materials for the Senior Center.
Aging Nelson Jewish Association for Services for the Aged (JASA - Manhattan) 132620896
To cover the costs physical fitness and other classes, lectures, and programs of interest to the
Aging Nelson Jewish Association for Services for the Aged (JASA - Manhattan) 132620896
To provide services including awareness group sessions, discussion group sessions, musical
appreciation sessions, and educational trips, and to support group coordinators, lecturers,
performers, equipment renovation and repair, supplies, and group transportation.
Aging Ulrich Jewish Association for Services for the Aged (JASA - Queens A) 132620896 $5,000
The funds will support classes, such as physical fitness, water aerobics and computer,
entertainment at parties, and recreational outings to areas of interest in the New York
metropolitan area.
Aging Barron Jewish Association for Services for the Aged (JASA) 132620896 $6,100
To support classes for seniors such as the Choral group, bus rental for recreational outings to
venues in the New York Metropolitan area, and printing/supplies in order to create
informational outreach materials for the center.
Aging Brewer Jewish Association for Services for the Aged (JASA) 132620896 $6,000 To teach senior Martial Arts and Qi Gong classes.
Aging Brewer Jewish Association for Services for the Aged (JASA) 132620896
$3,500 To offer entitlement education and outreach to older adults, and to support advanced courses
in computer-based advocacy for graduates of JPACs Institute for Senior Action (IFSA).
Aging Brewer Jewish Association for Services for the Aged (JASA) 132620896 $3,500 To provide senior programming.
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Aging King Jewish Association for Services for the Aged (JASA) 132620896 $8,000
Funds used to transform the Paul Klapper School and P.S. 164 Queens Valley School of the
Arts in District 24 during FY14. Paint Club is an innovative, after-school program that has
tangible effects on the students, their schools, volunteers, and the community. Participants
transform their schools and community facilities by painting them with warm colors, bringing
energy and pride into their lives. They learn the marketable skill of commercial painting and
students also acquire strong work habits that are transferable to school, career, and life.
Aging King Jewish Association for Services for the Aged (JASA) 132620896 $6,000
The funds will be used for senior classes and activities including physical fitness and crafts,
lectures of interest, entertainment at parties, cultural arts programming, and refreshments at
special events.
Aging King Jewish Association for Services for the Aged (JASA) 132620896 $5,000
The funds will be used for senior classes and activities including physical fitness and crafts,
lectures of interest, entertainment at parties, cultural arts programming, and refreshments at
special events.
Aging King Jewish Association for Services for the Aged (JASA) 132620896 $5,000
To support the Grandparent Connection Program, a program designed to improve family life
for grandparents and children who are in their care.
Aging King Jewish Association for Services for the Aged (JASA) 132620896 $7,250
Funding will be for staff salaries, consultants to teach classes, office and program supplies, bus
rentals for trips, phone service and internet, refreshments and other expenses of the program
for seniors.
Aging Koppell Jewish Association for Services for the Aged (JASA) 132620896
To teach seniors a variety of physical fitness classes, and provide other programming and
classes such as painting class, music classes, lectures, performances, and to pay for operating
expenses for the program.
Aging Palma Jewish Association for Services for the Aged (JASA) 132620896 $10,000
To provide classes, trips, refreshments and other programs for seniors and support general
program costs.
Aging Recchia Jewish Association for Services for the Aged (JASA) 132620896 $10,000
To provide social services, health support and group educational andrecreational activities to
promote successful aging-in-place, including health/exercise programs.
Aging Recchia Jewish Association for Services for the Aged (JASA) 132620896 $1,750
To provide monthly concerts, educational presentations and other cultural activities for
seniors. Funds will pay for performers, speakers and support group outings.
Aging Recchia Jewish Association for Services for the Aged (JASA) 132620896 $7,000
To support programs and activities for seniors at the Coney Island Active Aging (CIAA)-NORC,
including social programs, health support and educational recreational activities.
Aging Recchia Jewish Association for Services for the Aged (JASA) 132620896 $1,500 To support monthly group outings for seniors at the Trump Outreach Program for Seniors.
Aging Recchia Jewish Association for Services for the Aged (JASA) 132620896 $3,000
To teach Arts and Crafts classes, art supplies for the classes, physical fitness classes, and
provide outings to areas of interest in the New York metropolitan area for seniors.
Aging Recchia Jewish Association for Services for the Aged (JASA) 132620896 $5,000
To teach classes on topics of interests to community elders, including computer, exercise, and
others, and for outings to areas of interest in the New York metropolitan area.
Aging Reyna Jewish Association for Services for the Aged (JASA) 132620896 $15,000 Pending
Aging Richards Jewish Association for Services for the Aged (JASA) 132620896 $10,000
The funds will support senior services/activities including to teach computer and exercise
classes, for entertainers at parties, to augment the salary of a driver for the program's
transportation program, which provides transportation to medical and essential
appointments, and for repairs of the center van.
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Aging Richards Jewish Association for Services for the Aged (JASA) 132620896 $20,000
Funds will be used for senior programs/activities including to cover the costs of consultants to
teach yoga, arts and crafts, dancercise and knitting crocheting classes, and choral group
Aging Viverito Jewish Association for Services for the Aged (JASA) 132620896 $5,000 To provide seniors with recreational and educational programs.
Aging Dromm Jewish Center of Jackson Heights, The 111681124 * $15,000
To provide concerts, lectures, educational activities, and cultural performances for local
seniors, supporting costs for operating expenses and salaries.
Aging Ignizio Jewish Community Center of Staten Island, Inc. 135562256 $4,500
To support the South Shore Neighborhood Senior Center in offering a variety of educational,
fitness, and recreational activities to adults ages 60 and older.
Aging Oddo Jewish Community Center of Staten Island, Inc. 135562256 $5,000
The JCC is a fiscal conduit for BVSO. BVSOwill use funds for a senior olympics including fees
for such events as golf, darts, pocket pool, bridge, bowling, minature golf, t-shirts, and a
luncheon on the final day of the event.
Aging Oddo Jewish Community Center of Staten Island, Inc. 135562256 $11,000
Funds will support senior programs and services at the new Center for Life Long Development
(CLLD). Programs revolve around the CLLD Six Centers of Excellence: Life Long Learning,
Computer/Technology Training Center, Fitness/Wellness Sports Center, Arts Crafts Center,
Center of Social Action and Outreach, and Intergenerational Collaborative Center. Daily meals
are also offered at the CLLD.
Aging Rose
Jewish Community Center of Staten Island, Inc.
135562256 $25,000
To support senior programs at the JCC, and to increase outreach to the community so that
more individuals can access those services.
Aging Nelson Jewish Community Council of Greater Coney Island, Inc. 112665181
To support the Jay Harama Senior Center's Healthy Aging services which include health
promotion, educational and recreational activities.
Aging Nelson Jewish Community Council of Greater Coney Island, Inc. 112665181
To support the Ocean Parkway Senior Center's Healthy Aging services which include health
promotion, educational and recreational activities.
Aging Nelson Jewish Community Council of Greater Coney Island, Inc. 112665181
To support furniture and equipment for the Jay Harama Senior Center computer lab which
provides, educational and recreational activities for senior citizens.
Aging Recchia Jewish Community Council of Greater Coney Island, Inc. 112665181 $10,000
To provide services at the Marlboro Senior Centers Healthy Aging program, including health
promotion, and educational and recreational activities.
Aging Recchia Jewish Community Council of Greater Coney Island, Inc. 112665181 $10,000
To support programming and services at the Ocean Parkway Senior Centers, including health
promotion, and educational and recreational activities.
Aging Recchia Jewish Community Council of Greater Coney Island, Inc. 112665181 $10,000
To support programs and services at the Haber House Senior Centers Healthy, including
health promotion, and educational and recreational activities.
Aging Recchia Jewish Community Council of Greater Coney Island, Inc. 112665181 $10,000
To support programming and services at the Coney Island Seaside ISC / Surf Solomon Senior
Center, including health promotion, and educational and recreational activities.
Aging King Jewish Home and Hospital 237071900
Funds will support an afterschool program for male teens and young adults to offer youth
positive alternatives and education about negative behaviors. Programming will include
recreational and educational outings.
Aging Vann
John Wesley United Methodist Church
116002725 *
To provide continental breakfast/hot lunch for seniors and the disabled, local referral services,
movies, exercise training, and trips to the YMCA for aquatic exercises with a professional
Aging Gennaro Kew Gardens Hills Community Foundation, Inc. 510506762 * $3,000 Funding will provide senior services and trips for isolated older adults.
Aging Palma Kips Bay Boys & Girls Club 131623850 $16,750
To continue the operation of a senior program that provides meals, case management,
exercise, arts crafts, cultural events, education and nutrition classes.
Aging Cabrera
Kittay House Jewish Home Lifecare Inc.
132619576 * $5,000
To provide the residents of Kittay Houses 295 apartments activities on and off-site
throughout the year. Including a choir commemorating Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., a Hispanic
Heritage celebration, classes, concerts, museum visits.
Aging CD19
Korean American Community Center of New York, Inc. (KACCNY)
To provide adult education programs and assistance with naturalization applications to low-
income families and senior citizens.
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Aging CD19
Korean American Senior Citizens Society of Greater New York, Inc.
112455396 *
To provide educational and other programming and services for immigrant senior citizens,
including basic computer, ESL and U. S. Citizenship skills.
Aging Koo Korean American Senior Citizens Society of Greater New York, Inc. 112455396 *
$10,000 Funding to support KASCS, and its programs for recent immigrant senior citizens, including
offering basic computer, ESL and U.S. Citizenship skills to better their lives.
Aging Ferreras Korean Community Services of Metropolitan New York, Inc. 237348989 $10,250
To support the Korean American Senior Center of Corona and its home delivered meal
Aging Koo Korean Community Services of Metropolitan New York, Inc. 237348989
Funding for KCS to provide free health screenings, meals and other social programs.
Aging Dromm Latin American Cultural Center of Queens, Inc. 112997255 * $8,000
To support the Sunday to Remember art and culture program for seniors. Funds will cover
artist fees and operational costs.
Aging Williams Legal Information for Families Today (LIFT) 133910567 * $5,000
To support the production of LIFT's Legal Resource Guides and community outreach to help
seniors and their families advocate for themselves in New York City's Family Courts.
Aging Garodnick Lenox Hill Neighborhood House, Inc. 131628180 $17,500
Funding will support the Senior Center at Saint Peter's Church, which serves more than 3,000
seniors annually with diverse meal, intellectual, health and social programs.
Aging Lappin
Lenox Hill Neighborhood House, Inc.
To support the East Side Transportation Program which provides transportation services to
seniors 7 days a week, including transportation to and from the two senior centers, Lenox Hill
Neighborhood House, and weekend cultural and recreational trips.
Aging Dromm Lexington Hearing and Speech Center Inc 112646484 $3,500
To provide free hearing tests and transportation to and from the Lexington Speech and
Hearing Center for seniors.
Aging Ignizio Lifestyles for the Disabled, Inc. 133740011 * $6,500
To support the Lifestyles for the Disabled's Horticulture Program. Funding will be used for
requisite equipment and supplies.
Aging Rose
Lifestyles for the Disabled, Inc.
133740011 * $5,000
To support programs for developmentally disabled adults and seniors, including dinners and
Aging Brewer Lincoln Housing Outreach 133668207
To provide seniors with social services, cultural activities, and intellectual stimulation.
Aging Brewer Lincoln Square Neighborhood Center, Inc. 131825918 $8,000 To support Senior Services programming to seniors living within the community.
Aging Gennaro Lorech Yomim-Center For Healthy Living Inc. 113402793 $3,000
Funding use is for staffing contract services below. Increase access to information, further
assist caregivers, families inform the public regarding the needs of the Orthodox Jewish
community by website enhancement, increased news magazine distribution seminar, social
media. Expanded website and news magazine paper distribution.
Aging Gentile Lutheran Augustana Center for Extended Care and Rehabilitation 112150953 * $3,500
To assist seniors in rehab by providing portable equipment to be used at bedside and
speeding the recovery time.
Aging Gonzalez Lutheran Augustana Center for Extended Care and Rehabilitation 112150953 * $3,500
To provide services for individuals diagnosed with dementia and in particular to fund Music
Memory, a personalized music program for dementia patients.
Aging Gentile Lutheran Family Health Center's Family Support Center 111839567 $4,000
To provide educational and recreational opportunities for seniors, including creative arts,
meals and transportation to and from the center.
Aging Williams Masbia 201923521 * $4,000
To feed hungry men,women, senior citizens hot nutritious meals at soup kitchens and food
Aging Ignizio
Meals on Wheels of Staten Island, Inc.
132894978 $9,000
To support Meals on Wheels of Staten Island in providing meals that are appropriate and
responsive to diagnosis, medication limitations, allergies, and other restrictions.
Aging Oddo Meals on Wheels of Staten Island, Inc. 132894978 $10,000 Funds will support meals and related services for our senior meal recipients.
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Aging Ferreras Medicare Rights Center, Inc. 133505372 * $3,500
To provide a Medicare Update and Enrollment Day in the 21st Council District to educate
community residents on federal public benefits and answer questions about New Yorks
health insurance exchange, new managed long-term care plans, and other Medicare changes.
Aging Garodnick Medicare Rights Center, Inc. 133505372 * $3,500
Funding will support community presentations about the benefits and details of accessing and
participating in government programs such as Medicare and SCRIE.
Aging Gennaro Medicare Rights Center, Inc. 133505372
Funding used to follow up with constituents who might be eligible for public benefits to
ensure that they complete their applications successfully and that city and state agencies
process these applications properly. We will also provide additional follow up counseling.
Aging Greenfield Medicare Rights Center, Inc. 133505372 * $6,500
Funds used to educate community residents on federal public benefits, and answer questions
about New York's health insurance exchange, new managed long-term care plans, and other
Medicare changes. Funds will also help to ensure that those individuals who are eligible for
public benefits are aided in the application process and are provided with follow-up
Aging Jackson Medicare Rights Center, Inc. 133505372 * $3,500 Funds will support a Medicare Update and Enrollment day and follow-up counseling.
Aging James Medicare Rights Center, Inc. 133505372 *
To provide for the Medicare Update and Enrollment Day, which educates community
residents about federal public benefits, as well as answering questions about New Yorks
health insurance exchange, new managed long-term care plans, and other Medicare changes.
Aging Palma Medicare Rights Center, Inc. 133505372 * $4,500
To support a Medicare Update and Enrollment Day in Council District 18, educating
community residents on federal public benefits, New York's health insurance exchange, new
managed long-term care plans, and other Medicare changes, and providing follow up to help
constituents complete applications properly.
Aging Quinn Medicare Rights Center, Inc. 133505372 * $6,000
To lead a Medicare Update and Enrollment Day in the 3rd Council District, educating
community residents on federal public benefits and answering questions about New York's
health insurance exchange, new managed long-term care plans, and other Medicare changes.
Aging Rodriguez Medicare Rights Center, Inc. 133505372 * $5,000
To provide counseling and advocacy, educational programs, and public policy initiatives of the
Medicare Rights Center, including a Medicare Update and Enrollment Day in Council District
10 to educate community residents on federal public benefits, New York's health insurance
exchange and new managed long-term care plans, and follow up with constituents who might
be eligible for public benefits to ensure that they complete their applications successfully and
that city and state agencies process these applications properly.
Aging Weprin
Medicare Rights Center, Inc.
133505372 *
To provide for a Medicare Update and Enrollment Day to educate community residents on
federal public benefits, New Yorks health insurance exchange and, new managed long-term
care plans.
Aging Richards Merrill Park Civic Association of Springfield Gardens, Inc. 112304928
Funds will be used for senior services and support for those services including: 1. Art, Dance,
Instructors, Choral Director Computer Instructor 2. Annual Service Contracts for - Air
Conditioning, Walk-in Refrigerator/Freezer, Dish Washer, Ice Machine 3. New Office Machines
- Printers, computer 4. Holiday Theatre event for senior citizens
Aging Wills Merrill Park Civic Association of Springfield Gardens, Inc. 112304928 $3,500
To enhance senior life in southeast queens. Funding to cover salaries for instructors of art,
dance, and choir programs; new office equipment, kitchen equipment servicing, and a senior
holiday theatre event.
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Aging Brewer Metropolitan New York Coordinating Council on Jewish Poverty, Inc. 132738818
$3,500 To provide handyman services for needy seniors and disabled people to help them live safely
and independently by providing home repairs and home safety jobs free-of-charge.
Aging Gennaro Metropolitan New York Coordinating Council on Jewish Poverty, Inc. 132738818 $4,750
Funding will support a Crisis Intervention unit providing concrete social services to needy New
Yorkers, including connecting clients to benefits, entitlements, counseling client advocacy
financial assistance, emergency food programs, career services and employment training.
Aging Gentile Metropolitan New York Coordinating Council on Jewish Poverty, Inc. 132738818 $3,500
To provide crisis intervention services to the working-poor, near-poor, immigrants, seniors
living on fixed incomes, and the recently unemployed, connecting clients to benefits,
entitlements, financial assistance, emergency food programs, career services and employment
Aging Lander Metropolitan New York Coordinating Council on Jewish Poverty, Inc. 132738818 $10,000 To support crisis intervention services for seniors living on fixed incomes.
Aging Nelson
Metropolitan New York Coordinating Council on Jewish Poverty, Inc.
$8,750 To support the staffing for the Handymen program, which has the dual purpose of assisting
seniors and identifying other needs for seniors and connecting them with other services.
Aging Vallone Metropolitan New York Coordinating Council on Jewish Poverty, Inc. 132738818
Funding will support the Crisis Intervention unit and will support provision of social services to
needy New Yorkers. Staff will directly connect clients to benefits, entitlements, counseling
client advocacy financial assistance, emergency food programs, career services and
employment training.
Aging Garodnick MFY Legal Services, Inc. 132622748 $3,500
Funding will support legal services through the Manhattan Seniors Project, which helps
seniors prevent evictions, resolve problems with housing conditions, access Social Security,
Medicare and other benefits to which they are entitled, and resolve consumer debt issues.
Aging Arroyo Mid-Bronx Senior Citizens Council, Inc. 237354073 * $8,952
To provide transportation for the elderly to attend medical appointments, go shopping, and
attend social, employment, and other programs.
Aging Dromm Midtown Management Group, Inc., The 133192793 * $5,000
Choice of either our Build A Musical workshop in which students work with a professional
teaching artist to learn acting, voice and choreography and use those skills to perform in their
own show for the school and community (this program serves 150 students) OR our
Professional Equity School Tour: a 50 minute version of a classic Broadway show in the school
auditorium with a QA with the cast and crew post performance. We use Equity actors, SSDC
directors and choreographers and Local 802 musicians to ensure a high quality production.
Our productions include a specially written study guide for students and teacher lesson plans
for all classroom teachers. Past productions include; Youre a Good Man, Charlie Brown,
Smokey Joes Cafe, Kiss Me Kate and Sophisticated Ladies. (serves up to 700 participants)
Aging Dromm Midtown Management Group, Inc., The 133192793 * $5,000
Aging Ignizio Military Order of the Purple Heart 133720645 * $4,500 Pending
Aging Barron Miller Avenue Block Association, Inc. 112752769
To provide support to seniors through home visits, daily communication, emergency food,
clothing, etc.
Aging Rodriguez Mosholu Montefiore Community Center Inc 133622107 $10,000
To support cultural, health and educational programs for seniors and to pay musicians to
provide live musical programs and to purchase program supplies.
Aging Lander Nachas Health and Family Network, Inc. 113067201 * $7,000
To support health and wellness services for seniors. Funding will cover programming costs
and staff salaries.
Aging Nelson
National Council of Jewish Women, Inc. - Brooklyn Section
To support senior services/programs including hiring credentialed instructors fpr health and
wellness programing including Reike, Yoga, Chi Gung, and general strengthing and endurance
exercise programs.
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Aging Brewer National Council of Jewish Women, Inc. - New York Section 131624132 *
To support the Older Adult Program to harness an elders developmental intelligence. Funds
will be used to support this effort in supplies, equipment, transportation and to defray salary
Aging Arroyo Neighborhood Self Help by Older Persons Project, Inc. 133077047 $14,573
Funding will be used to support a sewing class and a culminating fashion show event for
Aging Rivera Neighborhood Self Help by Older Persons Project, Inc. 133077047 $15,000
To support Neighborhood SHOPP/Guess Senior Center educational and recreational program
for seniors.
Aging Viverito New York Academy of Medicine 131656674 * $10,250
To support the East Harlem Aging Improvement District and a new AID in District 8s new area
in South Bronx, bringing older adults together with local businesses, non-profits, city officials,
cultural, educational and religious institutions to improve the quality of life for older adults.
Aging Nelson New York Association of Holocaust Survivors 134300949 *
To support cultural trips for seniors, other recreation and rental costs for the office.
Aging Mealy New York City Housing Authority 136400434 * $28,000 Funds will be used to support the Marcus Garvey Senior Center.
Aging Reyna New York City Housing Authority 136400434 * $20,750 Funds will support the Cooper Park Senior Center meals program.
Aging Viverito New York City Housing Authority 136400434 * $5,000
To support services at the James Weldon Johnson Senior Center, including educational and
recreational activities, health and fitness programs, events and cultural activities and case
assistance services.
Aging Viverito New York City Housing Authority 136400434 * $5,000
To support programming for seniors including arts and crafts, trips to cultural and recreational
places of interest, and recreational activities.
Aging Ignizio
New York City Verrazano 10-13 Association, Inc.
134151778 $3,500
To provide free senior workshops on safety, security, and how to minimize their chance of
being a crime victim. Workshops cover identifying criminals and fraudsters, identity theft,
home security, and safe motor vehicle operation.
Aging Brewer New York Foundation for Senior Citizens, Inc. 132618568 *
To support the city-wide Home Sharing and Respite Care Program, matching compatible
persons over the age of 60 free of charge in shared living arrangements in dwellings rented or
owned by one or more of the participants, and providing certified in-home attendants to help
frail elderly persons who are attempting to manage at home alone or whose caregivers have
become ill or are temporarily away.
Aging Chin New York Foundation for Senior Citizens, Inc. 132618568 $8,000
The funds will be used to enhance and expand LaGuardia and Mott Street Senior Centers
recreational activities and social programs, including English as a Second Language (ESL), arts
and crafts, exercise and dance classes, trips and volunteer member recognition events.
Aging Dickens New York Foundation for Senior Citizens, Inc. 132618568 $5,000
To match compatible seniors free of charge in shared living arrangements in dwellings rented
or owned by one or more of the participants.
Aging Foster New York Foundation for Senior Citizens, Inc. 132618568 $5,000
To help NYCs seniors live in their own homes and communities and avoid the need for
premature institutionalization through the Home Sharing and Respite Care Program. Funding
provides certified in-home attendants to assist them with personal care, meal preparation,
shopping, escorting, light housekeeping and laundry at low rates; to make available free
emergency, temporary in-home attendant respite care for low income frail elderly whose
caregivers experience a sudden inability to provide care on weekdays after 5 p.m., weekends,
holidays, and in emergencies.
Aging Garodnick New York Foundation for Senior Citizens, Inc. 132618568 $5,000
Funding will support the operating costs for the Home Sharing / Respite Care program, which
provides home care assistance to seniors.
Aging Lappin
New York Foundation for Senior Citizens, Inc.
To support the Home Sharing and Respite Care Program. The program matches compatible
persons for shared living arrangements in dwellings rented or owned by one or more of the
participants and provides certified in-home attendants.
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Aging Quinn New York Foundation for Senior Citizens, Inc. 132618568 $5,000
To support the home sharing component of NYFSCs city-wide Home Sharing and Respite Care
Program, matching compatible persons free of charge in shared living arrangements in
dwellings rented or owned by one or more of the participants and to provide certified in-
home attendants to help frail elderly persons who are attempting to manage at home alone
or whose caregivers have become ill or are temporarily away.
Aging Recchia New York Foundation for Senior Citizens, Inc. 132618568 $10,000
To support the home sharing component of NYFSCs city-wide Home Sharing and Respite Care
Program, matching compatible persons free of charge in shared living arrangements in
dwellings rented or owned by one or more of the participants, and providing in-home
attendants for frail elderly who need assistance.
Aging Recchia New York Foundation for Senior Citizens, Inc. 132618568 $10,500
To support the home sharing component of NYFSCs city-wide Home Sharing and Respite Care
Program, matching compatible persons free of charge in shared living arrangements in
dwellings rented or owned by one or more of the participants, and providing in-home
attendants for frail elderly who need assistance.
Aging Rodriguez New York Foundation for Senior Citizens, Inc. 132618568 $10,000
To support recreational activities and social programs, including English as a Second Language
(ESL), computer training, arts and crafts, exercise and dance classes, trips, and volunteer
member recognition parties for seniors at the Dyckman Senior Center.
Aging Van Bramer New York Irish Center 550869151
To provide food, computer training, arts/crafts, and a social environment to Irish/Irish
American seniors and their friends in the New York area.
Aging James
Nia Theatrical Production Company, Inc.
113427470 *
To provide support for the ElderArts Theatre Festival program. Funds will be used to pay
performers and technical staff and other performance-related costs.
Aging Vacca North East Bronx Senior Citizens Center, Inc. 132759045 * $30,750 Funds will support senior center including rent, utilities, printing and supplies.
Aging CD19 North Flushing Senior Center, Inc. 112741128
$8,500 To provide programming and services for seniors, including instruction in dance and yoga,
cultural programming, and meals, and to support the operational costs of the Senior Center.
Aging Koo North Flushing Senior Center, Inc. 112741128
Funding supports programs and activities for seniors including line dance, aerobics, yoga
instructors; cultural trips, entertainment, refreshments, congregate lunch, salaries and
fringes, rental of spaces, program and maintenance costs, supplies, liability insurance,
accountant fees.
Aging Vacca Northeast Bronx Association Corporation 134131325 * $12,500
To provide funding for the Seniors Day Out Program including activities, events,
transportation and food for the seniors.
Aging Wills Northeastern Conference House Housing Development Fund Company, Inc. 112574893 * $10,000
To provide social, educational, and recreational activities such as seasonal holiday parties,
three day trips and two overnight along with transportation. Also to support the Community
Garden and a composter.
Aging Eugene Northeastern Conference of Seventh Day Adventists Community Affairs, Inc. 020632575 * $15,000
To provide for a range of programs for seniors including computer training, arts and crafts,
nutrition education, Tai Chi, Yoga and outdor activities.
Aging Brewer Older Adults Technology Services (OATS, Inc.) 550882599
To provide access to Senior Planet digital community resources, including weekly events
calendar, resource guide, video conferences, and specialized content on health, finances, and
other essential topics relevant to seniors.
Aging Cabrera
Older Adults Technology Services (OATS, Inc.)
550882599 $5,000
To support OATS in introducing seniors to technology. Funding will provide access to Senior
Planet digital community resources, including the weekly events calendar, resource guide,
videoconferences, and specialized content on health, finances, and other essential topics
relevant to seniors.
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Aging Dickens Older Adults Technology Services (OATS, Inc.) 550882599 $8,000
To introduce seniors to technology and provide basic training on how to use technology --
from email and internet to health research and accessing government services. Participants
will visit the Senior Planet Exploration Center, and have access to more advanced and
specialized courses, individualized support, and special programming and events.
Aging Garodnick Older Adults Technology Services (OATS, Inc.) 550882599 $7,000
Funding will support training sessions geared towards helping seniors in Council District 4 to
better access and utilize technology as a resource and in their everyday life.
Aging Gentile Older Adults Technology Services (OATS, Inc.) 550882599 $1,000
To introduce seniors to technology, including email and internet, and asistance with health
research and accessing government services. Participants in OATS receive an introduction to
the more advanced and specialized courses, individualized support, and special programming
and events.
Aging Gonzalez Older Adults Technology Services (OATS, Inc.) 550882599 $3,500
To introduce seniors to technology and training including how to use email and how to use
the internet to do health research and access government services and to provide access to
more advanced and specialized courses, individualized support, and special programming and
Aging Greenfield
Older Adults Technology Services (OATS, Inc.)
550882599 $5,000
Funds used to provide seniors with basic technology training including email, internet, and
health research through government websites. More specialized computer courses are also
offered in conjunction with other services designed to engage seniors in various emerging
Aging Jackson Older Adults Technology Services (OATS, Inc.) 550882599 $3,500 Funds will support technology programs for seniors.
Aging Lander Older Adults Technology Services (OATS, Inc.) 550882599 $10,000 To support technology training courses for seniors.
Aging Lappin
Older Adults Technology Services (OATS, Inc.)
To provide seniors access to OATS courses and register them as members of the Senior Planet
Exploration Center so they may receive notice of and partake in programming that supports
the use of emerging technologies.
Aging Levin
Older Adults Technology Services (OATS, Inc.)
To introduce seniors to technology and to provide them with basic training through a variety
of courses that cover basic to intermediate technology skills including using email and the
internet, health research, and accessing government services.
Aging Mealy
Older Adults Technology Services (OATS, Inc.)
To provide technology training, technical assistance and computer lab support for senior
citizens and community partners.
Aging Mendez Older Adults Technology Services (OATS, Inc.) 550882599 $5,000 Funds used to teach seniors about technology and to provide basic training for email, internet,
government websites, etc. More advanced courses are also offered.
Aging Quinn Older Adults Technology Services (OATS, Inc.) 550882599 $5,000
To introduce seniors to technology, provide basic training from email and internet to health
research and accessing government services, and to offer more advanced OATS courses and
events at the Senior Planet Exploration Center.
Aging Vann Older Adults Technology Services (OATS, Inc.) 550882599 $15,000 To provide seniors with computer and research training.
Aging Viverito Older Adults Technology Services (OATS, Inc.) 550882599 $5,000
To introduce seniors to technology and provide basic training from email and internet to
health research and accessing gov services, present events at the Senior Planet Exploration
Center, provide seniors with an introduction to the more advanced and specialized courses,
individualized support, and special programming and events.
Aging Weprin Older Adults Technology Services (OATS, Inc.) 550882599 $5,000 To provide for technology, computer and research courses.
Aging Brewer One Stop Senior Services 133174492 *
To support assistance with elder abuse, evictions, rent and utility arrears, hunger, medical
benefits, adequate health care, timely bill payment and complex legal issues for seniors.
Funds will support staff and operational costs.
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Aging Dickens One Stop Senior Services 133174492 * $8,000
To support One Stops services for seniors, including assistance with entitlement programs, in-
home case management services, assistance for victims of abuse, and financial management
Aging Viverito One Stop Senior Services 133174492 * $3,500
To support a One Stop no-fee program for seniors to identify and enroll in qualified
entitlement programs, provide in-home case management services, offer assistance to victims
of abuse, and offer financial management services.
Aging Brewer Pan Asian Repertory Theatre 132894709
To support discounted and free tickets for seniors and other members of the community to
attend performances of Three Trees.
Aging Quinn Penn South Social Services, Inc. 133413349 $10,000
To provide educational and exercise classes for seniors, including an Indoor Gardining Class, a
Music Class and exercise classes.
Aging Crowley Peter Cardella Senior Citizen Center, Inc. 112328536 $34,000
To support and maintain a multiservice senior center, providing educational, recreational, and
health/wellness programs, meals and other services for seniors.
Aging Crowley Peter Cardella Senior Citizen Center, Inc. 112328536 $22,500 To support, operate and maintain our meals on wheels progam.
Aging Reyna Peter Cardella Senior Citizen Center, Inc. 112328536 $10,000
Funds will support a multi-service senior center and its programs including meals, educational,
health and recreational programs, operating costs and transportation services.
Aging Reyna Peter Cardella Senior Citizen Center, Inc. 112328536 $10,000
Funds will support a meals on wheels program serving homebound seniors in CB 2 and 5 in
Aging Mendez Phipps Community Development Corporation 132707665
Funds used to provide information and referral for home care, entitlements, and housing
assistance issues, workshops pertaining to senor adult issues, links to other needed services,
an on-site RN, and recreational and educational programs for seniors.
Aging Rivera Phipps Community Development Corporation 132707665 $10,000 Pending
Aging Levin
Polish and Slavic Center, Inc.
112285970 $6,000
To provide seniors with information, help and assistance in obtaining benefits. This includes
assistance completing applications, pre-screening for eligibility, translating various documents
and explaining laws and regulations.
Aging Arroyo Presbyterian Senior Services 131981482 $21,000
To support a wide range of classes, activities and services designed to keep seniors healthy,
engaged and connected. Funds will be used to cover the cost of salaries of instructors and
Aging Dickens Presbyterian Senior Services 131981482 $8,000
To support the programs at the PSS Pelham Fritz Harlem Center, including hot meals,
recreational and education programs.
Aging Foster Presbyterian Senior Services 131981482 $15,000
Funds used to provide various workshops to the public on subjects including fire safety, traffic
safety, and disaster (earthquake) safety, at three different locations. Funds will also be used to
create an annual journal which promotes work, and will allow us to provide uniforms and
CPR/first-aid training to members.
Aging Koppell Presbyterian Senior Services 131981482 $10,000
To provide meals, classes, activities and services designed to keep seniors healthy, engaged
and connected. These range from Yoga, Tai Chi and Falls Prevention programs to Computer
Classes, Dance and Nutrition workshops. Funds will be used to cover the cost of these
programs (instructors, materials, etc.)
Aging Vacca Presbyterian Senior Services 131981482 $5,000
To provide classes for seniors including but not limited to Yoga, Tai Chi, Falls Prevention,
Dance, Computer and Nutrition workshops, and weekly hot lunches.
Aging Vacca Preston Center of Compassion 571180937 * $15,000
To provide for PCC's Senior Run Program, which includes funding weekly outreach services for
the elderly, transportation for shopping trips for essentials, and bi-monthly breakfast
screening meetings in a local senior housing facility.
Aging Dromm Queens Community House, Inc. 112375583 $15,000
To support the Queens Center for Gay Seniors services, programs and activities for LGBT older
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Aging Gennaro Queens Community House, Inc. 112375583
Funds will be used to create and enhance networking opportunities for older adults in the
Flushing community. The funds received will be used to cover the cost of food/refreshments
for weekly gatherings; also for the purchase of snack items (cookies, cakes, juices, fruit, etc.)
Supplies and transportation to special venues will also be covered with these funds as well.
Supplies refer to small incentives (gifts of candy) and other disposable items (paper products-
plates, cups, forks, knives, etc.)
Aging Gennaro Queens Community House, Inc. 112375583
Funds will be used to create and enhance networking opportunities for older adults in the
Flushing community. The funds received will be used to cover the cost of food/refreshments
for weekly gatherings; supplies and transportation to special venues will also be covered with
these funds as well.
Aging Gennaro Queens Community House, Inc. 112375583
To support ESOL and basic computer literacy classes, which help clients in getting entry-level
jobs. Clients with specific needs are connected to services such as food stamps, SSI, and other
public benefits. Assistance in accessing healthcare coverage, resolving billing issues, and
options for the uninsured is provided as are presentations on the health care reform law to
the community.
Aging Koslowitz
Queens Community House, Inc.
112375583 $22,500
Funds will support programs and conferences for services on issues and concerns affecting
Aging CD19
Queens Interagency Council on the Aging, Inc.
112744700 * $3,500
To work with affiliated member organizations and administer programs designed for Queens
seniors. Funds will support programs throughout the year that bring together seniors, service
providers and elected officials to focus on issues relevant to the aging community.
Aging Comrie Queens Interagency Council on the Aging, Inc. 112744700 * $5,000
To support programs for seniors, program providers and the community on issues relevant to
seniors including, accessible transportation, food and shelter, and affordable healthcare.
Aging Ferreras Queens Interagency Council on the Aging, Inc. 112744700 * $5,000
To provide regular public programs for seniors on issues including transportation, food and
shelter, and affordable health care.
Aging Koslowitz
Queens Interagency Council on the Aging, Inc.
112744700 * $5,000
Funding used to support educational and recreational activities and a Social Adult Day services
program at Forest Hills and Rego Park Senior Center.
Aging Vallone
Queens Interagency Council on the Aging, Inc.
112744700 * $3,500
Funding will be used to support programs benefiting Queens seniors, including monthly
programs and/or conferences. Administration costs include operations, printing and supplies,
communications and senior travel.
Aging CD19
Queens Jewish Community Council, Inc.
237172152 * $2,500
To provide kosher meals-on-wheels in the Bayside area for home bound and frail advanced
aged seniors of the area and to provide senior events in Bayside.
Aging Comrie Queensboro Council for Social Welfare, Inc. 111817497 * $10,000 To support employment, information and referral, and training programs for seniors.
Aging Ulrich
Queensboro Council for Social Welfare, Inc.
111817497 * $3,750 Funds will support the Senior Employment, Information and Referral, and Training Programs.
Aging Vallone
Queensboro Council for Social Welfare, Inc.
111817497 * $3,500
Funding will be used to cover the administrative costs of Senior Employment, Information and
Referral, and Training Programs.
Aging Weprin Queensboro Council for Social Welfare, Inc. 111817497 * $5,000 To provide for the Health and Safety in the Home and the Community Program
Aging Crowley Rabbi Israel Meyer Hacohen Rabbinical Seminary of America, Inc. 111752021 30 000
To provide services, meals, recreation and programs for seniors at the Middle Village Adult
Center. These expenses include but are not limited to: food, utilities, personnel and other
Aging Dickens Ralph J. Rangel Houses Tenant Association 270361139 * $4,000 To provide meals for seniors.
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Aging Cabrera Regional Aid for Interim Needs, Inc. 136213586 * $30,937
To provide seniors with programs and activities, serving as an alternative to
institutionalization. Funds will cover the the costs of daily operations and expenses.
Aging Cabrera Regional Aid for Interim Needs, Inc. 136213586 * $20,938
To provide seniors with programs and activities, serving as an alternative to
institutionalization. Funds will cover the the costs of daily operations and expenses
Aging King Regional Aid for Interim Needs, Inc. 136213586
* $8,000
Funds will be used to offset the costs of providing meals, entertainment, sporting events,
excursions, arts crafts, as well as mailing and promotional costs to serve youth in the
Aging King Regional Aid for Interim Needs, Inc. 136213586
* $10,000
Funds will be used to build the capacity of the MOUSE Squad Program to prepare youth to
play a leadership role in the improvement of their schools and communities. In particular,
funds will be used to support key programmatic improvements and services that have been
essential to ensuring that as MOUSE Squad grows and continues to reach more underserved
students and schools, we maintain focused on providing high quality 21st century educational
and professional experiences for students.
Aging King Regional Aid for Interim Needs, Inc. 136213586
* $20,000
Funds will be use to support intergeneration programs as well as social, cultural and
recreational activities for seniors.
Aging King Regional Aid for Interim Needs, Inc. 136213586
* $6,000
The funds will be used to provide free recreational tennis and educational programs for
beginner and intermediate players the Council District . Loaner racquets and balls will be
provided to all participants. Special events, team tennis tournaments and trips are a regular
part of the program schedule.
Aging Palma Regional Aid for Interim Needs, Inc. 136213586 * $7,250
To provide the elderly assistance and resources required to delay or avoid institutionalization,
including help accessing benefits and entitlements such as Food Stamps, Medicaid, HEAP, and
Housing, and to provide advocacy with landlords and tenants issues.
Aging Palma Regional Aid for Interim Needs, Inc. 136213586 * $7,250
To support services for seniors to facilitate independent living for as long as possible. Funding
will support activities, congregate meals, case assistance, educational recourses and
nutritional activities.
Aging Rodriguez Regional Aid for Interim Needs, Inc. 136213586 * $10,000
To provide social, cultural and recreational activities as well as an intergenerational program
to help reduce isolation among seniors.
Aging Vacca Regional Aid for Interim Needs, Inc. 136213586 * $10,000
Funds will support senior programs including recreational programs with costs including
printing and supplies for programs.
Aging Vacca
Regional Aid for Interim Needs, Inc.
136213586 * $10,000
To provide funds for senior programs and activities including exercise, aerobics and other
fitness activities.
Aging Williams Research Foundation CUNY on behalf of Brooklyn College 131988190 $6,000
To support the Institute for Retirees in Pursuit of Education (IRPE) at Brooklyn College. Funds
will be used to pay Brooklyn College for administrative services, room rentals, and salary costs
for two part-time employees.
Aging King Retirees of Dreiser Loop , Inc., The 010677804
* $30,000
Funds will support senior workshops, forums, and to maintain the van which transports senior
members to theaters and other events. In addition, funds are will be used for rent, utilities
and insurance.
Aging Oddo Richmond Senior Services, Inc. 136217080 $8,500
Funds will support Richmond Senior Services housing services for Staten Islands older and
disabled populations; including project SHARE providing shared safe and affordable housing
and a minor home repair program.
Aging Rose Richmond Senior Services, Inc. 136217080 $8,750
To support the Richmond Senior Services Food Pantry and Information Center in providing
emergency food at no cost to S.I. residents in need, as well referrals to other community
services and organizations through partnerships with those organizations.
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Aging Dilan
Ridgewood Bushwick Senior Citizens Council, Inc.
112453853 $13,440
Funds will be used to support education, recreation, local excursions, special events and other
programs for seniors at the Roundtable Senior Center.
Aging Dilan
Ridgewood Bushwick Senior Citizens Council, Inc.
112453853 $13,435
Funding for the RBSCC Hope Gardens Multiservice Center. Funds will support enhanced
educational recreational services, local excursions, special eventsand other operational
support for seniors at the Multiservice Center.
Aging Levin Ridgewood Bushwick Senior Citizens Council, Inc. 112453853 $9,000 To support an annual picnic, day trips and special events for seniors.
Aging Crowley Ridgewood Older Adult Center and Services, Inc. 050607283 $25,000 To provide yoga classes, tai chi, arts, computer and other programs for seniors.
Aging Reyna Ridgewood Older Adult Center and Services, Inc. 050607283 $20,000
Funds will support classes for seniors including fitness, arts, computer and trips to local NYC
venues and special events/celebrations for seniors.
Aging Koppell Riverdale Neighborhood House, Inc. 131740024 * $5,000
To provide for the Telephone Reassurance Program (TRP). The TRP provides daily phone calls
to homebound older adults to make sure they remain connected to the community and that
they are safe.
Aging Koppell Riverdale Senior Services, Inc. 237357997 $30,750
To provide for Community Health Services at Riverdale Senior Services. Services are carried
out by nurses and social workers focusing on stress reduction and other health issues.
Aging Jackson Riverstone Senior Life Services, Inc. 133355074 $10,000
Funds will support a Social Adult Day program for people with mild to mid-stage memory loss,
and support for caregivers, and workshops for caregivers and the community.
Aging Rodriguez Riverstone Senior Life Services, Inc. 133355074 $10,000
To provide services to people with mild to mid-stage memory loss due to Alzheimers or other
illness and to provide support groups and workshops for caregivers.
Aging Wills Rochdale Village Social Services, Inc. 113397470 $17,500
To support the NORC-SSP's program, a Womens & Girls Empowerment, Group and a
community garden project during the summer months. Funding to cover operating costs and
Aging Wills Rochdale Village Social Services, Inc. 113397470 $17,500
To provide for daily meals, computer classes, physical fitness, health/wellness programs, and
nutrition workshops for seniors, and to provide funding for operations and salaries.
Aging Lappin
Roosevelt Island Disabled Association
133251193 $6,000
To provide transportation for all disabled tenants of Roosevelt Island to attend concerts,
plays, sporting events and other events and activities.
Aging Lappin
Roosevelt Island Seniors Association (RISA, Inc.)
133047204 $28,000
To support programming and classes for seniors, including Tai Chi, Yoga, Zumba, weight
training, art, and dance.
Aging Van Bramer Samaritan Village, Inc. 112635374 $36,050 To support Health Initiatives and holiday celebrations for seniors.
Aging CD19 Samuel Field YM & YWHA, Inc. 113071518 * $7,500
To provide services through the NORC-SSP to senior adults who reside in the Clearview
Gardens Cooperative in Queens.
Aging CD19 Samuel Field YM & YWHA, Inc. 113071518 $17,500
To provide seniors over the age of sixty who live in the greater Clearview, Whitestone, Le
Harve, Bay Terrace and Flushing, with a transportation service to take them from their homes
to shops, physician appointments, senior centers, pharmacies and other destinations within
their communities.
Aging Gennaro Samuel Field YM & YWHA, Inc. 113071518
Funds used to support the CAPE Program which provides services Seniors. These services
include home-based and clinic based mental health assessment and treatment, medication
scripting and monitoring done on a clinic-based and home-based basis by CAPEs two board
certified Geriatric Psychiatrists, entitlement coordination, elder abuse intervention and
treatment, peer advocacy, transportation from clients homes to the CAPE Clinic facility and
support groups for bereavement, separation and loss and the emotional stress of care giving.
Aging Vacca San Gennaro Senior Center 432061329 * $10,500
To provide funding for the senior center to allow seniors to meet, socialize, and provide daily
refreshments and hot lunches two times per week.
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Aging Quinn Say Ah!, Inc. 208663409 $6,750
To provide health literacy workshops for vulnerable populations at places they already go
(libraries, senior centers, schools, clinics) to help them gain the skills needed to manage their
Aging Garodnick Search and Care, Inc. 237444790 * $3,500
Funding will support Search and Care's core care management services to assist and advocate
for the elderly living on the East Side, including a money management program, assistance for
seniors accessing healthcare, and providing companionship and socialization activities.
Aging Lappin Search and Care, Inc. 237444790 * $4,500
To provide in-home, no fee, comprehensive care management, and advocacy on
benefits/entitlements, home care and transportation, money management, mental health
supports, nursing assistance, and other assistance for seniors
Aging Viverito Search and Care, Inc. 237444790 * $5,000
To support in-home, fee-free comprehensive care management for seniors, that organizes
and/or advocates for benefits/entitlements, home care and transportation, provides daily
money management (bill-paying, budgeting, stipends), mental health supports, nursing
assistance (nutrition and medication counseling, home safety), pet care/upkeep, and
volunteer supports.
Aging Arroyo SEBCO Development, Inc. 132944013 $7,000
Aging Mendez Self Reliance Association of American Ukrainians, Inc. 135629116
* $5,250
1.Weekly recreation services, exercise classes : Funds will be used 1. to purchase supplies for
recreation, snacks, holiday celebrations, and bus trips for over sixty seniors coming to the
center on a weekly basis for socialization, informative seminars and trips. 2. to provide
provide outreach and food to home-bound elderly; provide food baskets on holidays several
times during the year; and 3. to fund hospitals and nursing home visits and provide clothing
and snacks for nursing home and hospital patients.
Aging Brewer Selfhelp Community Services, Inc. 131624178 $3,500
To fund homebound senior services which provide needed emergency cleaning, heavy duty
cleaning, medical transportation, and financial assistance.
Aging CD19 Selfhelp Community Services, Inc. 131624178 $4,000 To provide art classes, and other programming and cultural activities for seniors.
Aging Crowley Selfhelp Community Services, Inc. 131624178 $17,250
To support the Maspeth Senior Center, offering health and wellness and other programs and
activities for seniors.
Aging Dickens Selfhelp Community Services, Inc. 131624178 $4,000
To support porgrams and services for seniors and at-risk populations, including assistance
with housing, home health care and social services, and general services for homebound
Aging Dromm Selfhelp Community Services, Inc. 131624178 * $9,500
To provide daily home visits, daily falls prevention assessments, and daily information and
referral service for seniors.
Aging Koo
Selfhelp Community Services, Inc.
131624178 $13,000 Funding will support a bi-lingual community worker and free ESL classes for seniors.
Aging Koo
Selfhelp Community Services, Inc.
131624178 $9,000
Funds will support the Latimer Gardens Senior program for ESL instruction 3 times per week
and access to benefits and other entitlements and a a Tai Chi class.
Aging Koo
Selfhelp Community Services, Inc.
131624178 $9,000
Funding will support the Telehealth kiosk to allow residents to self-monitor medical conditions
in coordination with Jewish Home Lifecare, and will support the costs of nursing and social
workers as part of the program.
Aging Koslowitz
Selfhelp Community Services, Inc.
131624178 $31,250
Funds will support programs and services including security, art classes, ESL classes, exercise
classes and educational and recreational programs.
Aging Lander Selfhelp Community Services, Inc. 131624178 $5,000 To support initiatives helping seniors access local, state and federal benefits.
Aging Greenfield Senior Citizens League of Flatbush, Inc. 112347331 $7,500
Funds used to enhance program activities such as yoga and exercise, dance classes, blood
pressure screening, nutrition lectures and screening, and discussion groups on various topics.
Other programs include ESL classes for our Asian and Russian members, computer classes,
arts and crafts, dance and music enrichment, cultural exchanges, and many more including a
special program for the deaf elderly.
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Aging Lander Senior Citizens League of Flatbush, Inc. 112347331 $5,000 To support health and wellness programs and language-related programs for seniors.
Aging Nelson Senior Citizens League of Flatbush, Inc. 112347331 $3,500
For senior programs including health and wellness programs such as YOGA and exercise,
dance classes, blood pressure screening, nutrition lectures and screening, discussion groups
on topics such as mental and physical health, current events, and psychology, ESL classes for
Asian and Russian immigrants, computer classes, arts and crafts, Dance and music
enrichment, cultural exchanges and other programming including a special program for the
Deaf Elderly.
Aging Jackson Seniors Helping Seniors, Inc. 133111915 * $7,000 Funds will support helping eligible seniors access services and benefits.
Aging Recchia Sephardic Multiservice Center 271354937 * $10,000
The funds will covers the costs to serve our senior programs including for the classes, physical
fitness classes, and for the rental of coach buses for recreational outings to areas of interest in
the New York metropolitan area.
Aging Brewer Service Program for Older People, Inc. (SPOP) 132947616 * $4,500
To support the delivery of mental health counseling to underserved older adults. Programs
include full mental health services at the SPOP clinic on West 91st Street, in the home for
those who are homebound due to physical or psychological disabilities, and at various senior
centers throughout Manhattan.
Aging Dickens Service Program for Older People, Inc. (SPOP) 132947616 * $5,500
To provide mental health and supportive services, advocacy and education for underserved
older adults in Manhattan. Programs include psychiatric assessments, medication
management, coordination of physical and mental health care, and individual and group
Aging Garodnick Service Program for Older People, Inc. (SPOP) 132947616 * $3,500
Funding will support mental health counseling for seniors both at its clinic, as well as for
seniors who are homebound.
Aging Jackson Service Program for Older People, Inc. (SPOP) 132947616 * $3,000 Funds will support mental health care services to older adults.
Aging Lappin
Service Program for Older People, Inc. (SPOP)
132947616 * $3,500
To provide mental health care to underserved older adults in Manhattan. Programs include
psychiatric assessments, medication management, coordination of physical and mental health
care, and individual and group counseling.
Aging Viverito Service Program for Older People, Inc. (SPOP) 132947616 * $5,000
To provide mental health care to underserved older adults in Manhattan. Programs include
psychiatric assessments, medication management, coordination of physical and mental health
care, and individual and group counseling.
Aging Chin Services and Advocacy for GLBT Elders, Inc. (SAGE SAGE Harlem NORC) 132947657 $3,750
Funds will support SAGE Centers central location in Manhattans Chelsea neighborhood, and
the Senior Centers programs and services including employment assistance, benefits
counseling, educational programs and health and wellness programs.
Aging Dickens Services and Advocacy for GLBT Elders, Inc. (SAGE SAGE Harlem NORC) 132947657 $4,000 To support programming for Harlem seniors through the SAGE Center.
Aging Quinn Services and Advocacy for GLBT Elders, Inc. (SAGE SAGE Harlem NORC) 132947657 $7,500
To provide programming through The SAGE Center for LGBT older adults, including
employment assistance, benefits counseling, legal and financial planning, educational
offerings, robust health and wellness programs such as HIV and aging education, cancer
support groups, and congregate meals.
Aging Brewer Services and Advocacy for GLBT Elders, Inc. (SAGE) 132947657 $3,500
To support programming and services at The SAGE Center, a senior center for LGBT older
adults, offering diverse programming that supports LGBT elders including employment
assistance, legal and financial planning, cultural and educational programs
Aging Jackson Services and Advocacy for GLBT Elders, Inc. (SAGE) 132947657 $3,963
Fund will support SAGE Harlem to provide senior services to LGBT elders in Harlem and the
Aging Lappin
Services and Advocacy for GLBT Elders, Inc. (SAGE)
132947657 $5,000
To support programming and services at The SAGE Center, including employment assistance,
legal and financial planning, cultural and educational programs, health and wellness
programs, benefit counseling, cancer support groups, and congregate meals.
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Aging Mendez Services and Advocacy for GLBT Elders, Inc. (SAGE) 132947657
Funds used to provide employment assistance, benefits counseling, legal and financial
planning, educational offerings, robust health and wellness programs such as HIV and aging
education, cancer support groups, and congregate meals.
Aging Palma Services and Advocacy for GLBT Elders, Inc. (SAGE) 132947657 $5,000
To provide services and programming for LGBT older adults, including employment assistance,
benefits counseling, legal and financial planning, educational offerings, health and wellness
programs such as HIV and aging education, cancer support groups, and congregate meals.
Aging Van Bramer
Services and Advocacy for GLBT Elders, Inc. (SAGE)
132947657 $5,000
To support the SAGE Center programming for LGBT elders including employment assistance,
benefits counseling, legal and financial planning, educational offerings, robust health and
wellness programs such as HIV and aging education, cancer support groups, and congregate
Aging Viverito Services and Advocacy for GLBT Elders, Inc. (SAGE) 132947657 $5,000
To provide programs at The SAGE Center for LGBT older adults including employment
assistance, benefits counseling, legal and financial planning, educational offerings, health and
wellness programs such as HIV and aging education, cancer support groups, and congregate
Aging Gennaro Services Now for Adult Persons (SNAP), Inc. 112591783
SNAP services include: Case Management, Meals on Wheels, Transportation, Caregiver
services, Senior Center services, such as congregate lunches, arts and crafts, wellness/exercise
programs, educational programs and volunteer opportunities. The requested funding will
support the agency in providing the array of services needed to support seniors in Queens.
Aging CD19 Services Now for Adult Persons (SNAP, Inc.) 112591783 $6,250
To provide services needed to support seniors in Queens. SNAP services include: Case
Management, Meals on Wheels, Transportation, Caregiver services, Senior Center services,
such as congregate lunches, arts and crafts, wellness/exercise programs, educational
programs and volunteer opportunities.
Aging Richards Services Now for Adult Persons (SNAP, Inc.) 112591783
Funds will support the agency in providing the array of services needed to support the seniors
in Queens.
Aging Weprin Services Now for Adult Persons (SNAP, Inc.) 112591783 $62,750
To provide support for case management services, Meals on Wheels, transportation, caregiver
services, and senior center services.
Aging Nelson
Shorefront Jewish Community Council, Inc.
112986161 * $6,000
To provide comprehensive case management services through experienced multi-lingual
caseworkers in order to provide needy families in the community with access to critical
Aging Nelson
Shorefront Jewish Community Council, Inc.
112986161 * $6,000
To maintain three programs: a monthly distribution of staple products, a weekly program of
pre- made meals and an emergency service that will provide up to 4 meals for a family in
need. Funding also to provide emergency food vouchers when necessary.
Aging Gennaro South Asian Council for Social Services 113232920
To support ESOL and basic computer literacy classes, which help clients in getting entry-level
jobs. Parents who learned English were happy that they can speak to the teachers and
understand notices sent by the schools. Clients with specific needs are connected to services
such as food stamps, SSI, and other public benefits. As the only South Asian Community
Health Advocate we have the expertise to provide assistance in accessing healthcare
coverage, resolving billing issues, and options for the uninsured. We give presentations on the
health care reform law to the community.
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Aging Koo South Asian Council for Social Services 113632920 * $7,000
Through individual counseling on-site and presentations in eight senior and faith based
centers in Queens, South Asian seniors will receive information about healthy living, Access-a-
ride and translation services and be connected to available resources and benefits, including
SSI, Medicaid, Medicare, and food stamps. Funds will support tri-weekly English classes and
weekly Support Group and presentations.
Aging Lander South Brooklyn Legal Services 132605605 $5,000
To support the expansion of direct legal services for seniors in benefits proceedings and
housing advocacy.
Aging Reyna Southside United Housing Development Fund Corp. 112268359 * $28,000
Funds will support programs including a Hydroponic Farm and Food Pantry, an activities
coordinator for senior wellness programs, tenant organizing and youth development, financial
literacy and a greening initiative.
Aging Ferreras Spanish Speaking Elderly Council-RAICES 112730462 $15,000
To support programs for seniors inculding computer classes, citizenship classes, English as a
second language, various cultural, educational, and recreational activities and congregate
Aging Gonzalez Spanish Speaking Elderly Council-RAICES 112730462 $10,000
To support senior services including computer classes, citizenship classes, ESL, and various
cultural, educational, recreational activities and congregate meals .
Aging Levin
Spanish Speaking Elderly Council-RAICES
112730462 $5,500
To support the Raices Times Plaza Senior Center (Council District 33) sponsored by the
Spanish Speaking Elderly Council-RAICES for senior services, and to fund various programs to
include computer classes, citizenship classes, English as a second language, and various
cultural, educational, recreational activities and congregate meals to older adults.
Aging Levin
Spanish Speaking Elderly Council-RAICES
112730462 $7,500
To support the Wyckoff Gardens Senior Center (Council District 33) sponsored by the Spanish
Speaking Elderly Council-RAICES for senior services, and to fund various programs to include
case assistance and various cultural, educational, recreational activities and congregate meals
to older adults.
Aging Vallone
Spanish Speaking Elderly Council-RAICES
112730462 $10,000
The funds will be used to support the Raices Astoria Senior Center (Council District 22) for
senior services including programs for citizenship classes, English as a second language, and
various cultural, educational, recreational activities and congregate meals to older adults.
Aging Barron Spring Creek Senior Partners, Inc. - Spring Creek NORC 743158439
Fund will be in the NORC/SSP to offset the salary of the Coordinator of Volunteers and to
support the volunteer program.
Aging Comrie St. Albans Congregational Church 112077266 * $15,000
To support the Enriching Our Elders activities and programs, including cultural, recreational,
and educational activities, workshops and trips, and community service activities. Funding will
support program costs including meals, local travel and other expenses.
Aging Greenfield St. Athanasius Golden Age Club 111639837 * $15,250 Funds cover the costs for the catered meals, refreshments, and trips.
Aging Williams St. Augustines Children Youth And Families Center, Inc. 743117654 * $11,500
To support dance, exercise, trips, games, health seminars and screenings. Funding will support
the salary of the instructor.
Aging Ulrich St. Camillus Golden Age Club 111674392 * $5,000
Funds will support the Golden Age club, serving seniors in the surrounding areas, including
hosting meetings, special events, senior peer counseling, community updates and information
on senior services.
Aging Gennaro St. Demetrios Senior Center 111666817
* $6,000
Funding used to service senior citizens from the entire surrounding area with a full daily
luncheon, field trips, educational, social, cultural, and recreational programs. We have our
own volunteer band, we dance, and sing. Our services are open to everyone.
Aging James St. Francis College 111635105 * $5,000
To provide for a range of programs and services for seniors, including tai Chi, yoga, swimming,
creative writing classes, computer training, concerts and free movies.
Aging Levin St. Francis College 111635105 * $9,500 To support free activities and programs for senior citizens throughout the year.
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Aging Ulrich St. Francis de Salles 111631813 * $5,000
Funds will support the Golden Age club, serving seniors in the surrounding areas, including
hosting meetings, special events, senior peer counseling, community updates and information
on senior services.
Aging Eugene St. Gabriel's Episcopal Church 112463892 * $18,375 To support the daily services for the elderly in the community.
Aging Williams St. Jerome Roman Catholic Church 111667617 * $4,000
To provide activities and programming to support unification among Creole, Spanish, and
English speaking communities.
Aging Dromm St. Joan of Arc 111675278 * $3,500
Funds will be used for events in celebration of the following St. Patty's Day, New Years,
Valentines, and Spring.
Aging Recchia St. John's Episcopal Church 135564916 * $5,000
To support programs and services for seniors at the Canterbury Activity Center, including
lecturers and exercise, and addressing the needs of the participants on an informal case
management basis. Funds will support program, operational and staff expenses.
Aging Vann St. John's Recreation Center 010871740 * $4,000
To provide support the NY State Senior Olympics at Cortlandt College, a picnic for seniors and
a newsletter.
Aging CD19
St. Kevin's Senior Club
111666886 * $3,500
To provide a safe space for Seniors to socialize and attend meetings. Funds will support senior
Aging Koo St. Kevin's Senior Club 111666886 * $3,500
Funds will to provide refreshments at our meetings as well as help pay for the costs of our two
annual parties.
Aging CD19
St. Luke's Roman Catholic Church
111954969 * $3,500 To support the St. Luke Golden Age Club, which offers social and other programs for seniors.
Aging Eugene St. Mark's United Methodist Church 111642727 * $18,000
To support the Senior Program by providing funds for personnel, salaries, meals, education
and recreational activities.
Aging Richards St. Mary Star of the Sea and St. Gertrude Roman Catholic Church 111723781
* $15,000
Funds will be used for senior acitivities including trips, refreshments, food, board games, and
other miscellaneous expenses.
Aging Gentile St. Nicholas Home, Inc. 116263923 $3,500 To provide care for the elderly and maintain and repair the facility.
Aging Gentile St. Rosalia-Regina Pacis Neighborhood Improvement Association, Inc. 112697931 * $81,750
To provide seniors with assistance, referrals, and informational services, social and fitness
activities, and meals and to sponsor special events and outings for seniors in th Brooklyn and
Staten Island.
Aging Ulrich St. Rose of Lima Golden Age Club 111635114 * $5,000
Funds will support the Golden Age club, serving seniors in the surrounding areas, including
hosting meetings, special events, senior peer counseling, community updates and information
on senior services.
Aging Ulrich St. Virgilius Golden Age 111672796 * $5,000
Funds will support the Golden Age club, serving seniors in the surrounding areas, including
hosting meetings, special events, senior peer counseling, community updates and information
on senior services.
Aging Garodnick Stanley M. Isaacs Neighborhood Center, Inc. 132572034 $25,250
Funding will support the Stanley Isaacs Senior Center meal, education, social and health and
wellness programs.
Aging Lappin
Stanley M. Isaacs Neighborhood Center, Inc.
132572034 $15,000
To support senior Center activities (enhancement for technology, social media, fitness, drama
and music classes) and supplies to enrich these programs for beyond the basic funding from
Aging Oddo Staten Island Center for Independent Living, Inc. 133266398 * $7,000
This program provides Transportation for our after school, computer training courses,
recreational pool program and support groups for individuals with disabilities.
Aging Ignizio
Staten Island Community Services Friendship Clubs, Inc.
132778244 $51,500
To support programs that promote good nutrition, recreation, health education and
transportation for seniors.
Aging Oddo Staten Island Community Services Friendship Clubs, Inc. 132778244 * $12,500
Funds used for senior programs including, recreation, educational supplies - transportation,
health promotion programs literature.
Aging Oddo Staten Island Community Services Friendship Clubs, Inc. 132778244 * $10,250
Funds used for senior programs including, recreation, educational supplies - transportation,
health promotion programs literature.
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Aging Oddo Staten Island Inter-Agency Council for the Aging, Inc. 132986994 $7,000
Funds will be used to support the umbrella organization of senior service providers including
informational meetings, materials, and seminars on topis such ash as Housing, Healthcare,
Aging Rose
Staten Island Inter-Agency Council for the Aging, Inc.
132986994 $10,000
To serve as a resource and umbrella organization for senior service providers on Staten Island,
holding informational meetings and providing other support. Funds will support operating
costs, including the production of materials, meeting costs and other expenses.
Aging Dickens Steinway Child and Family Services 112326974 $5,000
To provide programs at the Esplanade Gardens Senior Programs-NORC and to support The
Grandparents Empowerment Movement.
Aging Brewer
Stratford Arms Meal Program
900140023 * $4,000
To support the hot meal program for seniors, mentally handicapped, residents of the
Stratford Arms Hotel, an SRO.
Aging Gonzalez Sunset Bay Community Services, Inc. 112439925 $7,500
To provide transportation for Harbor Hill seniors to come to SP Center, to provide meals, and
to offer other activities for seniors. Funding will cover operating and staff costs for the
Aging Gonzalez Sunset Gardens Housing Development Fund Corp 203461755 $5,000
To provide social activities and link tenants to social programs, celebrations, arts and craft
exercise, computer class, exercise class, movies, board and computer games for seniors.
Aging Gentile Sunset Park Health Council, Inc. 202508411 $3,000 To provide transportation services to older adults in Bay Ridge and Sunset Park.
Aging Koo Taiwan Center, Inc. 112857501 * $13,000
The funds will be used for senior services for meals, activities general fees, utilities, printing
expenses, and the miscellaneous fees associate with its schedules.
Aging Gentile Theatre Rehabilitation for Youth, Inc. 112685724 $2,000
To provide senior citizens, who reside in the Council District, with an opportunity to see a
show and share a meal.
Aging Gennaro Tomchei Shabbos of Queens (TSQ), Inc. 112693305
Funds used to purchase food items, packaging and delivery activities, paying utilities and
fundraising efforts. All staff including the Executive Director volunteer all of their time.
Aging Viverito Union Settlement Association, Inc. 131632530 $17,000
To support services and programming for seniors including centralized health and wellness
programs, painting classes offered by Los Rebeldes, the East Harlem Senior Health Fair in
Jefferson Park, and an annual Day in the Country trip.
Aging Jackson United Block Association, Inc. 132548904 * $3,000
Funds will support health and wellness programs at Manhattanville and Bethune senior
Aging Greenfield United Chinese Association of Brooklyn 371469112 * $20,000
Funds used to support a Senior Service Program which offers the following services and
activities: 1) educational classesfor ESL, naturalization crime prevention, Tai Chi; 2) direct
specifically pay for the space rental cost, office renovation, staffs salary, hot meals,
equipment, office supplies and its program related expenses.
Aging Chin United Jewish Council of the East Side, Inc. 132735378 $8,000
The funding will be used to sponsor a comprehensive activites program at the UJC Adult
Luncheon Club targeting the physical and mental needs of seniors in the community.
Aging Mendez United Jewish Council of the East Side, Inc. 132735378 $22,000 Funds used to provides hot nutritious meals, educational and recreational programs and social
services that promote greater physical, mental and social well being.
Aging Gonzalez United Senior Citizens Center of Sunset Park, Inc. 112358277 * $10,000
To provide social, education and recretation activities and nutritional and health services to
the seniors. Funds will support operations for the programs.
Aging Ignizio
United Staten Island Veterans Organization, Inc.
133906171 * $5,500
To promote community involvement in honoring veterans and veteran appreciation. Funding
supports the Memorial Day Parade on Staten Island, the Military Ball, and An Evening to
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Aging Chin University Settlement Society of New York 135562374 $8,000
Funding will support University Settlement's Senior Center programs including meal
programs, health and fitness, case management and educational and recreational programs.
Aging Williams Vanderveer Place Block Association 421605020 * $4,000
To provide funds for plants, gardening materials, cleaning equipment and supplies for
assisting senior citizens in maintaining the neighborhood.
Aging Chin VISIONS/Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired 131624210 $3,500
Funds will support VISIONS to conduct outreach and access to rehabilitation services and
social programs to visually impaired seniors.
Aging Garodnick VISIONS/Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired 131624210 $3,500
Funding will support VISIONS multi-lingual vision education and outreach programs for blind
and visually impaired seniors, which includes community outreach, vision rehabilitation,
mobility training and social and professional support.
Aging Mendez VISIONS/Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired 131624210 $3,500 Funds enable VISIONS to locate visually impaired seniors and provide outreach and access to
rehabilitation and mobility training, adapted technology and social programs.
Aging Rodriguez VISIONS/Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired 131624210 $10,000
To provide public education on eye disease and blindness prevention to seniors, healthcare
professionals and organizations in all five boroughs throughout the year, and to locate and
provide services to blind/visually impaired seniors residing in the district, including access to
rehabilitation and mobility training, adapted technology and social programs, meals and
health and social services designed specifically for blind seniors.
Aging Viverito VISIONS/Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired 131624210 $5,000
To assists blind/visually impaired people of all ages to lead active, lives in their homes, and
educate the public to the needs and capabilities of this population so they may participate in
community life. Funding will be used to locate blind/visually impaired seniors residing in
Council District 8 in order to provide those individuals with access to rehabilitation and
mobility training, adapted technology and social programs.
Aging Chin Visiting Neighbors, Inc. 237379098 * $5,000
To fund senior services including friendly visiting to relieve isolation and loneliness and
prevent depression, escorts to medical appointments, help with shopping, health advocacy
and case assistance.
Aging Garodnick Visiting Neighbors, Inc. 237379098 * $3,500
Funding will support outreach and assistance services to help elderly residents of the East Side
remain independent.
Aging Mendez Visiting Neighbors, Inc. 237379098
Funds will support services for seniors including friendly visiting, escorts to medical
appointments/ help with shopping, health advocacy, and case assistance. Funds will be used
towards salaries, rent, telephone, local travel, printing and copying.
Aging Quinn Visiting Neighbors, Inc. 237379098 * $10,000
To support a visiting program to relieve isolation and loneliness and prevent depression,
escorts to medical appointments, assistance with shopping, health advocacy and case
assistance. Funds will be used for salaries, rent, telephone, local travel, printing and copying.
Aging Brewer Vocal Ease, Inc. 371469320
To produce Vocal Eases live, on-site performances for senior citizens at hospitals, nursing
homes, senior centers and senior residences.
Aging Garodnick Vocal Ease, Inc. 371469320 $3,500
Funding will support the operating costs of Vocal Ease's program, which provides volunteer
musical performances for seniors at hospitals, nursing homes and senior centers.
Aging Jackson Vocal Ease, Inc. 371469320 $3,962
Funds will support live cabaret-style performances for seniors at hospitals, nursing homes,
senior centers and residences.
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Aging Mendez Vocal Ease, Inc. 371469320 $3,500
Funds will be used to pay the partial salary of the only staff person for this organization to
provide performances for seniors at hospitals, nursing homes, senior centers and senior
Aging Quinn Vocal Ease, Inc. 371469320 $3,000
To produce Vocal Eases live, an on-site cabaret-style performances for senior citizens at
hospitals, nursing homes, senior centers and senior residences.
Aging Rodriguez Washington Heights Community Services, Inc. 132792876 $10,000
To operate the STAR Senior Center, and support meals, health promoting activities , art and
music offerings, and tother activities for seniors.
Aging Jackson Washington Heights-Inwood Preservation and Restoration Corporation 132944830 $7,000 Funds will support the Anti-Poverty Food Nutrition program providing a food pantry.
Aging Rodriguez Washington Heights-Inwood Preservation and Restoration Corporation 132944830 $8,750
To support a food pantry and deliver weekend meals to homebound seniors, provide hot meal
for seniors with dementia, and emergency food vouchers.
Aging Barron Wayside Out-Reach Development, Inc. (WORD) 113528680 $13,100
Funds twill support senior services at Boulevard, Rosetta Gaston, Wayside including home
delivered meals, and a transportation program serving CBs 5, 18, and 16. Services include
congregate meals, homebound meals, transportation of the elderly from home to entitlement
agencies: senior centers, medical appointments, and social and recreational activities. Health
promotion activities, case management, trips, educational and social and recreational
Aging Mealy Wayside Out-Reach Development, Inc. (WORD) 113528680
To support services for seniors, including meals for the homebound, transportation to
entitlement agencies and medical appointments, social and recreational activities and health
Aging Mealy Wayside Out-Reach Development, Inc. (WORD) 113528680
To support services for seniors, including meals for the homebound, transportation to
entitlement agencies and medical appointments, social and recreational activities and health
Aging Mealy Wayside Out-Reach Development, Inc. (WORD) 113528680
To support services for seniors, including meals for the homebound, transportation to
entitlement agencies and medical appointments, social and recreational activities and health
Aging Mealy Wayside Out-Reach Development, Inc. (WORD) 113528680
To support services for seniors, including meals for the homebound, transportation to
entitlement agencies and medical appointments, social and recreational activities and health
Aging Mealy Wayside Out-Reach Development, Inc. (WORD) 113528680
To support services for seniors, including meals for the homebound, transportation to
entitlement agencies and medical appointments, social and recreational activities and health
Aging Vann Wayside Out-Reach Development, Inc. (WORD) 113528680 $4,000 To support operational expenses for Tompkins Park Senior Center:
Aging Brewer West Side Inter-Agency Council for the Aging, Inc. 237058841 *
$3,500 To work with organizations that serve seniors and exchange information, share resources, and
undertake other efforts to improve the delivery of quality services to seniors.
Aging Foster
William Hodson Community Center, Inc.
131660334 $10,000
To promote growth and development within the seniors of the community. Funds are to cover
costs associated with congregate breakfasts and lunches, blood pressure monitoring, health
promotion, computer skills, digital photography, workshops (nutrition, legal, medical), art and
culture, trips, and miscellaneous recreation activities.
Aging Jackson Wilson Major Morris Community Center, Inc. 133273604 * $3,500 Funds will support a senior lunch program and transportation for seniors.
Aging Van Bramer Woodside on the Move, Inc. 112435565 *
To support housing assistance programs to seniors, home owners, tenants and landlords in
the Queens Community Board 2 area.
Page 34 of 35
Aging Vallone
World Cares Center, Inc.
412024802 *
Funding will be used to support workshops and trainings of community volunteers in
emergency response and recovery and specifically for running the Volunteer Reception
Centers in Staten Island and Rockaway, to support 5 workshops in each borough and to
provide training specific to their communities' recovery and future disaster planning needs.
Aging Koslowitz Young Israel of Forest Hills 112582218 * $50,000
Funding supports senior services and programs of the Young Israel of Forest Hills Senior
Aging Gennaro Young Israel Of Queens Valley Senior League 133613262 $10,000
We serve hot nutritious lunch we provide education, recreation, health promotion and
nutrition education. Funding will be used to help support the aforementioned programming
such as our educational classes in Computer Technology and Arts Crafts, recreational
activities and health promotion programs.
Aging Nelson Young Israel Senior Services, Inc. 134136312 $5,000 For senior health and wellness classes, including painting, yoga, tai chi and zumba.
Aging Greenfield Young Men's and Young Women's Hebrew Association of Boro Park, Inc. 111630917 * $14,000
Funds used for program enhancement: additional exercise classes, holiday celebrations,
evening activities and trips to cultural events around the cit. Funds also used to increase
availability of transportation for seniors.
Aging Lander Young Men's and Young Women's Hebrew Association of Boro Park, Inc. 111630917 * $5,000
To support and expand senior programs, including exercise classes, holiday celebrations,
evening activities and trips to cultural events.
Aging Koppell Young Men's and Young Women's Hebrew Association of the Bronx 131740507
To provide for programs and services for seniors, including meals, concerts, classes and other
Aging Palma Young Mens Christian Association of Greater New York 131624228 $13,000
To support the Bronx YMCA/ Glebe Senior Center which is a focal point for services,
information, and activities that promote independence and increase inclusion in the Bronx
Aging Vann Young Mens Christian Association of Greater New York 131624228
To provide for transportation and pay miscellaneous costs for older adults participating in the
June 2014 Empire State Senior Games.
Aging Williams Young Mens Christian Association of Greater New York 131624228 $5,000
To provide fitness classes and healthy lifestyle activities specifically designed for seniors.
Funding will be used for staffing and supplies for the program.
Aging Levin
Young Women's Christian Association of Brooklyn
To provide fitness classes and healthy lifestyle activities specifically designed for seniors.
Aging Recchia Young Women's Christian Association of the City of New York 131624230 $5,000
To support the YWCAs continuum of services to the Coney Island Community, including the
after-school program at P.S.188 which provides enrichment, youth development and family
programming to approximately 180 students annually.
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Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Rodriguez 50th Precinct Community Council, Inc. 133493334 * $3,500 NYPD
To support the annual National Night Out Against Crime
event, a program uniting the community and police on crime
and drug prevention.
Local Quinn 52nd Street Project, Inc., The 133467948 $7,500 DCLA
To support The 52nd Street Projects theatrical and academic
mentoring programs, including theater programs that results
in six to eight full productions annually and playwriting
programs. Funds will support salaries of staff members to
teach and coordinate theatrical and academic programs.
Local Eugene 71st Precinct Community Council, Inc. 043784543 $6,000 DFTA
To support the Explorers Program which provides
educational, recreational and health related activities and
services for the community.
Local James 71st Precinct Community Council, Inc. 043784543 $5,000 DYCD
To provide for the Explorers Program: uniforms, annual
events,: family day picnic, turkey giveaway for the less
fortunate in community and toys giveaways.
Local Crowley 75th Street Block Association, Inc. 113442596 * $1,000 DYCD
To support the programs and costs of the Block Association,
including operating costs and supplies. Maspeth Town Hall, Inc. 237259702
Local Dromm 82nd Street Academics 200788352 * $5,000 DYCD
The funds will extend a successful program for Academic
Afterschool Support for an additional 90 minutes per week
for 130 students at Renaissance Charter School.
Local Ferreras 82nd Street District Management Association Inc 113096017 $3,500 DSBS
To support the Viva La Comida! annual food, music, and
cultural festival on 82nd Street between Roosevelt Avenue
and Baxter Avenue. Funding will cover costs related to
producing the festival.
Local Comrie 103rd Precinct Community Council 205484666 * $6,000 DYCD
To support a Crime Prevention Fair to educate and involve
the community on safety issues, and to support a Law
Enforcement Explorer group for youth.
Local Comrie 113th Precinct Community Council 113218377 * $6,000 DYCD
To build strong relationships between the youth and the
police and to provide youth with cultural, educational, and
other activities.
Local Vallone 114th Civilian Observation Patrol, Inc. 112572881 $21,000 DSBS
Funds for the operational expenses of the Civilian
Observation Patrol including the continuation of its free
graffiti removal and maintenance program, VIN Etching
program, neighborhood street patrols, and miscellaneous
office supplies and expenses.
Local Van Bramer 114th Civilian Observation Patrol, Inc. 112572881 $3,500 DSBS
To continue a free graffiti removal and maintenance
program, VIN Etching program, neighborhood street patrols,
and support the personnel and operating expenses for these
Boro Oddo 122nd Precinct Community Council, Inc. 133371153 * $3,500 DYCD
Fund for National Night Out event jointly conducted by NY
City Police Department and other Staten Island Community
Council Precinct 120th and 123rd in Staten Island in the
month of August.
p. 1 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Boro Foster 161st Street Merchants Association, Inc. 300064721 $3,500 DYCD
Funds used to support a Senior Service Program which offers
the following services and activities: 1) educational classes
for ESL, naturalization crime prevention, Tai Chi; 2) direct
services translation; 3) recreation and social gathering and 4)
Cantonese Folk Opera. Funds specically pay for the space
rental cost, office renovation, staff salaries, hot meals,
equipment, office supplies and program-related expenses.
Local Arroyo 161st Street Merchants Association, Inc. 300064721 $4,000 DYCD
To support a Back-to-School Jamm/Health Fair, a Holiday
Celebration and other programs and activities for children
and families in the community and for homeless children and
their families.
Local Dickens 131 Saint Nicholas Avenue Tenant's League 133513113 * $3,500 NYCHA
To support an annual Family Day event, providing food for
the needy, including the homeless, and providing other
services for children and the elderly in the community.
Local Cabrera 2020 Vision for Schools, Inc. 453023036 * $7,000 DOE
To improve public education by creating and supporting
community-school partnerships. Funding will be used for
partnership formation and management, volunteer
recruitment and training, a program coordinator, curriculum
development, and promotional materials.
Local Dilan 2020 Vision for Schools, Inc. 453023036 * $10,000 DOE Pending
Local Gentile 2020 Vision for Schools, Inc. 453023036 * $3,500 DYCD
To provide student enrichment programs, including life skills,
job skills, mentoring, tutoring and student leadership, at a
school in CD #43.
Local Cabrera 46th Precinct Community Council 800448459 * $5,000 DYCD
To encourage direct communication between the police and
the community to address community safety issues. Funding
will be used to hold community events by renting equipment
and providing entertainment.
Local Vann 500 Men Making a Difference, Inc. 452568264 * $5,000 DYCD
To assist in the staffing, training, administrative and support
services of the organization's mentoring program. The
mentoring program works with the Brooklyn District
Attorneys Office and local elementary, middle, and high
schools in Brooklyn.
Local Vann 81st Precinct Community Council 112517189 $5,000 DYCD
To provide annual events consisting of entertainment, and
services to youth members of the community.
Local Viverito 830 Amsterdam Tenant Association 136400434 * $500 NYCHA
To support community activities and events for residents of
the development, including annual family days. Funding will
support the purchase of refreshments, supplies and
entertainment at these events.
Local James 88th Precinct * $5,000 DYCD PENDING
p. 2 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Dickens, Lappin, Garodnick,
Brewer CC
92nd Street Y (Young Men's and Young Women's
Hebrew Association) 131624229 * $175,000 DYCD
Funds will continue to support programming at 92nd Street Y
that is free-of-charge for the participants. The Educational
Outreach Program brings high quality programming and
instruction in music, dance, visual arts, literature, and science
to over 7,500 at-risk New York City public school students.
The Teens Program provides free civics, leadership and
community service education and opportunities to over 1,200
middle and high school students. Literacy Projects, provide
ESL, writing instruction, and exceptional literary
presentations to 280 immigrant New Yorkers and those
seeking GEDs.
Local Jackson 99 Fort Washington 136400434 * $2,000 NYCHA PENDING
Boro Comrie A Better Jamaica, Inc. 113804421 * $4,000 DYCD
To exhibit a free Spanish language movie at the Jamaica
Performing Arts Center, in a Spanish-speaking immigrant
area. Funds will be used for staff costs, exhibition rights,
venue rental and marketing.
Boro Comrie A Better Jamaica, Inc. 113804421 * $4,500 DYCD
To support family movies in Jamaica parks -- including
Cambria, Brookville, Baisley Pond and St. Albans Park.
Local Dickens A Better Jamaica, Inc. 113804421 * $3,500 DYCD
To support the annual HarlemWeen celebration, a free family-
friendly Halloween costume/dance party on the plaza of the
Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. State Office Building. Funds will be
used to\ pay performers, cover A/V costs, and meet
marketing needs.
Local Oddo A Very Special Place, Inc. 133005006 * $16,000 DYCD
Funds will support the Community Center, an evening and
weekend therapeutic recreation and respite program for
adults with developmental disabilities.
Local Fidler A. Genovesi Environmental Center 136400434 $33,000 DOE
To support science teaching in public schools in Community
School District 22, parts of 18, 20, 21, providing each
classroom with an expert Science Support Specialist who
incorporates inquiry based science teaching into the
Local Dickens A. Philip Randolph Houses Tenant Association 136400434 * $3,500 NYCHA
to provide back to schools supplies, meals, health care
information, and activities for the children.
Local Dickens Aaron Davis Hall 133166308 $5,000 DCLA
To support the International Series, a theater arts program in
six core schools in Districts 7 and 9 in Harlem. The programs,
Harlem Stage in the Schools and a Family Series, integrate
education with main stage performance programs.
Local Jackson Aaron Davis Hall 133166308 $4,000 DCLA
Funds will support arts education programs, working with the
organization's six core schools in Harlem (primarily Districts 7
and 9), integrating educational activties with stage
performance programs and creating opportunities for
students and their families to experience the arts.
Local Vacca AARP Fort Schulyer Chapter #1242 237247809 * $1,000 DFTA
To provide for a place for seniors to meet, socialize, and get
educated about health and safety issues and provide
opportunity for community service in partnership with St.
Peters Food Pantry and Providence Rest.
p. 3 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Quinn Abingdon Theatre Company 133741268 $5,000 DCLA
To support the programs and productions of the theater
company, including the production of new American plays,
hosted readings, a one-act play festival, children's theatre
productions, and other programming for the public.
Local Dickens
Abraham Lincoln Neighborhood Development
Corporation 753260950 * $4,000 NYCHA
To support an annual Family Day on August 3, 2013 with
entertainment, activities, books for children, health
information and screenings and other activities for residents
of the Abraham Lincoln neighborhood.
Local Gonzalez Academy Of Medical And Public Health Services 272206293 * $3,500 DOHMH
To support AMPHS Community Health Project and provide
free health screenings, vision assistance for free/low-cost
prescription lenses; prescription counseling and assistance in
collaboration with Big Apple Rx; health education; and online
health management.
Local Koslowitz Achilles International Inc. 133318293 $3,500 DYCD
To support The Achilles process of physical strengthening
that has been adapted to the specific needs of wounded
members of the U.S. military. Funding is used to provide
program participants with training as well as use of
specialized adaptive devices, such as hand-crank wheelchairs.
Local Oddo Achilles International Inc. 133318293 $3,500 DYCD
This funding will be used to support the organization's work
in providing invididual veterans disabled in the service of our
country with the ability to participate in athletics and have
Local Quinn Actors Fund of America, The 131635251 * $3,500 DFTA
To support the printing and distribution of a Seniors Resource
Directory for senior citizens residing in Community District 4
in Manhattan.
Local Recchia CC ACTS Community Development Corporation 010679652 * $20,000 DYCD
The Lighthouse Mission is dedicated to fighting hunger and
poverty in the Coney Island community, providing families
with food assistance. The Mission offers pre-screenings for
government benefits, an after-school program for at-risk
youth, social service referrals to drug and alcohol counseling,
emergency food and clothing support, job readiness training,
and more.
Local James Addiction Research and Treatment Corporation 132642451 $3,500 DYCD
To provide for tuition fees for training in horticulture at the
Horticultural Society of New York, outreach to the Fulton
Area Business Alliance, and to assist in the upkeep of the
Fulton Street area.
Local Vann Adelaide L. Sandord Institute, Inc. 270589817 * $10,000 DYCD
To provide books, videos, printing materials, flyers,
brochures, and training manuals for parents to assist their
children at home, and metro cards, transportation costs and
breakfast for parents to attend monthly meetings.
Local Dromm Adhikaar For Human Rights And Social Justice 203384725 * $3,500 DYCD
To develop a Language Bank to provide language access for
Nepali-speaking immigrant communities.
Local Comrie Advocates for Children of New York, Inc. 112247307 * $3,500 DYCD
To support the Jill Chaifetz Education Helpline, which assists
parents with school-related issues, including, for example,
safety transfers to another school; special education; or
school discipline and suspensions.
p. 4 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Comrie African American Women In Cinema 134151020 * $3,500 DYCD
To support, mentor and showcase the work of minority
women filmmakers and produce a film festival of minority
women's films. Funding will support the program and costs
to produce the film festival.
Local Dickens African American Women In Cinema 134151020 * $3,500 DYCD
To support local women filmmakers by off-setting the cost of
the pre-production as well as the production of the african
American Women in Cinema film festival.
Local Williams African American Women In Cinema 134151020 * $3,500 DYCD
To support local women filmmakers, by off-setting the cost of
the pre-production as well as the production of the African
American Women in Cinema film festival.
Local Foster African Hope Committee, Inc. 043784718 * $5,000 DYCD
To implement a program that will empower African
immigrant women and young girls with knowledge and tools
designed to reduce the prevalence of HIV/AIDS within New
York City's African immigrant community, providing peer
leadership training, and community/civic engagement
Local Jackson African Hope Committee, Inc. 043784718 $3,500 DOHMH
Funds will support a program to address the sexual behavior
patterns of girls and women particularly in the African
immigrant community to decrease the prevelance of
Local Jackson African Services Committee 133749744 $3,000 DYCD
Funds will support immigration services and the ESOL
program offering classes in basic literacy.
Local Manhattan Delegation, Dickens CC African Services Committee, Inc. 133749744 * $20,000 DOHMH
Legal services include immigration services for a broad range
of clients from over 30 countries each year. The program
provides legal assistance with deferred action for childhood
arrivals(DACA), employment, asylum, improper deportation,
immigration status adjustment, family-based petitions, visa
renewals, and citizenship. Our ESOL program offers 3
evening lasses per week in basic literacy and ESOL Level 1, to
120 recently-arrived African immigrants per year.
Local James African Voices Communications, Inc. 133687018 $5,000 DCLA
To support Reel Sisters, a two-day film festival that
showcases and supports women of color filmmakers.
Local Williams African Voices Communications, Inc. 133687018 $3,500 DCLA
To support Reel Sisters, a two-day film festival that
showcases and supports women of color filmmakers.
Local Comrie Afrikan Poetry Theatre, Inc. 112515828 * $30,000 DCLA
To support cultural and educational programs, including
childrens cultural workshops, poetry readings and workshops,
Jazz concerts, youth after school programs, art exhibits and
film screenings.
Local Dilan CC After Hours Project 331007278 * $35,000 DOHMH
To address the continued spread of HIV/AIDS in low-income
and minority central Brooklyn neighborhoods significantly
impacted by high rates of injection drug use (IDU),
HIV/Hepatitis (A, B, and C) and sexually transmitted infections
Local Dilan After Hours Project, Inc. 331007278 * $50,000 DOHMH
Funding for the After Hours Project staff, including
Testers/Phlebotomist, a Treatment Readiness Specialist and
an Outreach Specialist for work with older teens and adults
who are at-risk or infected with HIV, hepatitis C (HCV), and
sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
p. 5 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Boro Richards Agape Community Services Corporation 311785007 $4,679 DYCD
Funds will assist in creating various programs, activities and
outings for the community, in the areas of Springfield
Gardens and surrounding neighborhoods. Programs will
range from youth activities, immigrant seminars, and a virtual
summer camp.
Local Greenfield Agudath Israel of America Community Services, Inc. 133975090 $2,000 DFTA
Funds will be used for rec/ed, printing, replacement items,
and contracts fees
Local Nelson Agudath Israel of America Community Services, Inc. 133975090 $5,000 DYCD
To provide education, career counseling, and job services for
unemployed and underemployed individuals. Services will
include pre-employment counseling, literacy, and skills
training, and advice and referrals for individuals facing credit
card debt, family support issues or other issues.
Local Quinn AHL Foundation Inc. 522372747 $3,000 DCLA
To promote the work of emerging Korean-American artists,
including through exhibitions, and by collecting and
documenting materials and records related to Korean
American artists.
Local Comrie AIDS Center of Queens County, Inc. 112837894 * $5,000 DOHMH
To provide food and nutritional services for the agency's
youth programs, and to provide harm reduction and syringe
exchange services.
Local Mendez, Viverito, Brewer CC AIDS Service Center of Lower Manhattan, Inc. 133562071 * $15,000 DOHMH
To fund the COACH programComprehensive Outreach And
Connection to HealthcareSocial Workers and Peer
Educators will provide health education, peer coaching,
accompaniment to appointments, meals, and routine
communication with medical staff to ensure that patients
living with HIV, hep. C, diabetes and other chronic illnesses
receive consistent, high quality care. Peer Health Coaches
provide the individualized support necessary to sustaining
patients in care.
Local Garodnick AIDS Service Center of Lower Manhattan, Inc. 133562071 * $3,500 DOHMH
Funding will support programs to help HIV-positive people
manage their health and navigate the medical system.
Local Palma AIDS Service Center of Lower Manhattan, Inc. 133562071 * $5,000 DOHMH
To provide dedicated Peer Health Coaches for individuals
with HIV or other long term chronic health issues to provide
support, advocacy and other services.
Local Quinn AIDS Service Center of Lower Manhattan, Inc. 133562071 * $5,000 DOHMH
To support a Health COACH program, providing people living
with HIV and other chronic illnesses a one-on-one personal
approach to care, accompanying them to appointments,
sharing strategies for medication adherence, helping them
communicate with their doctors and creating social
connections that will sustain them in medical care. Funds will
be used to train Peer Health Coaches and to support one
dedicated Peer Health Coach.
Local Vallone Aktina Productions, Inc. 113220961 $7,000 DOITT
To support community-oriented radio and television
programs AKTINA FM and AKTINA TV.
p. 6 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Mendez All Out Arts, Inc. 061284862 $3,500 DCLA
Funding for the 11th annual Festival of LGBTQ Arts Culture,
featuring a variety of full-length plays, shorter plays, spoken-
word programs, art shows, dance, lectures and music
Local Foster Allen Kinard Impact Foundation, Inc., The 452777611 * $5,000 DOE
To promote education and awareness in underdeveloped and
underprivileged communities on the topic of bullying and
female empowerment. Funds are to cover costs associated
with in school events with music entertainment, giveaways,
and celebrity hosts.
Local Vacca Allerton Avenue Homeowners and Tenants Association 133101238 $5,000 DFTA
To provide funds for services at the senior center including
educational, recreational information, and transportation
services to seniors.
Local Rivera Allerton Pelham Parkway Mobile Community Patrol 311677845 * $3,500 DYCD
Funds will support the mobile community patrol, the
community's night out against crime and the 49th Precinct
Community Council's annual fellowship breakfast
Local CD19 Alley Pond Environmental Center, Inc. 112405466 * $20,000 DCLA
To operate the Alley Pond Enviornmental Center and provide
environmental education programs, including at class
visitation programs.
Local Comrie Alley Pond Environmental Center, Inc. 112405466 * $5,000 DCLA
To provide environmental education programs for children
ages 18 months through adults at Alley Pond.
Local Gennaro Alley Pond Environmental Center, Inc. 112405466 * $10,000 DCLA
Funds will support environmental programing at the Center
to allow it to continue to provide its educational
programming seven days a week at least eight hours a day.
Local Recchia Alliance for Coney Island Inc 460802042 * $20,000 DYCD PENDING
Local Quinn Alliance of Resident Theatres/New York, Inc. 132768583 $10,000 DCLA
To provide support and service New York Citys nonprofit
theatres, through funding to pay costs related to the
SPACES@520 facility.
Local Crowley
Allied Veterans Memorial Committee of Greater
Ridgewood and Glendale 383853340 * $2,500 DYCD
To support an annual Memorial Day Parade and services for
veterans. Greater Ridgewood Youth Council, Inc. 112518141
Local Comrie Alpha Phi Alpha Senior Citizens Center, Inc. 237436147 $5,000 DFTA
To provide activities and meet the needs of daily attendees
consistent with DFTA guidelines for senior services.
Local Quinn Alpha Workshops, Inc. 133839867 $3,500 DCLA
To provide free training to low-income HIV-positive adults on
Decorative Arts Techniques.
Local Brewer Alvin Ailey Dance Foundation 132584273 $3,000 DCLA
To allow underserved youth ages 11-14 to attend the dance
program based in Washington Heights. Funds will support
teaching artist salaries and performance expenses.
Delegation Alvin Ailey Dance Foundation, Inc 132584273 $3,500 DCLA
To support the AileyCamp's dance training program which
includes classes in creative writing instruction, and personal
development and communication. Funds will include support
for teaching artists and performance expenses.
Local Arroyo Alzheimer's Association, New York City Chapter 133277408 * $4,625 DFTA
To support MedicAlertSafe Return, a program to help find
people with memory disorders who wander or become lost.
Funding will provide the program free of charge to the
p. 7 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Brewer Alzheimer's Association, New York City Chapter 133277408 $3,500 DFTA
To support MedicAlert Safe Return, which provides an ID
bracelet, wallet cards and other identifiers to quickly identify
and return home persons with dementia who are found
Koo, Koppell, Palma, Jackson,
Mendez, Dickens, Lappin,
Garodnick, Rivera, Brewer,
Gentile, Rose, Dromm, Arroyo,
Viverito, Vacca, Chin CC Alzheimer's Association, New York City Chapter 133277408 * $15,000 DFTA
To fund MedicAlert Safe Return a nationwide wanderers
program working at the local community level. The program
finds people with memory disorders who wander or become
lost and return them safely to their homes.
Local Quinn Amateur Athletic Union Of The United States Inc. 274804998 * $3,500 DYCD
To support youth athletic programs which include various
skills training sessions as well as tournament play for
advanced players. Funds will be used for uniforms, referees,
and coaching staff.
Local Garodnick American Ballroom Theater Company Inc. 222542960 * $3,500 DCLA
Funding will support ballroom dance lessons at a public
school in District 4.
Local Wills American Bangali Hindu Foundation, Inc 260741506 * $3,500 DYCD
To teach children music, how to play instruments, the arts,
help immigrants with their english skills, and to teach the
Bengali language (read and write).
Local Nelson American Brotherhood of Russian Disabled 113314347 $3,500 DFTA
To provide computer training classes, focusing on career
training and retraining, for senior and disabled residents of
the community.
Local Koo American Cancer Society 131788491 * $5,000 DYCD
The program is intended to provide services to newly
diagnosed cancer patients. This include offer free wigs,
provide language appropriate cancer educational materials,
consultation and referring sources to community services,
hosting cancer education workshops, and special activities
that promoting quality of life and reducing social
stigmatization of cancer in the community. A bilingual Cancer
Resources Specialist will be hired to facilitate the program.
Local Oddo American Cancer Society, Inc., The 131788491 * $15,000 DFTA
The funding will be applied to our Patient and Family Services
Program, which will include the cost for wigs, to be
distributed to cancer patients who have lost their hair as a
result of treatment; a small portion will go to our Look Good
Feel Better Program; and the printing and postage of patient
education materials, to be distributed throughout the
community and health systems.
Local Brewer American Folk Art Museum 131985627 $3,000 DCLA
Funding to support public programming for children and
Local Quinn American Folk Art Museum 131985627 $3,000 DCLA
To provide educational programming for children and adults,
including Families and Folk Art; Folk Art Reflections, for
individuals with Alzheimers; Make it Thursday, a weekly
hands-on workshop; Jazz Wednesday; Free Music Friday and
other lectures, workshops, and symposia to complement
Museums collections and exhibitions.
Local Greenfield American Friends of Chasdei Lev 203033366 * $5,000 DYCD Pending
p. 8 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Oddo
American Hellenic Education Progressive Association
(AHEPA Chapter #349 Fund, Inc.) 200871581 * $1,000 DYCD
Funds will support and provide AHEPA Chapter 349
Emergency Fund to assist hurricane sandy victims in Staten
Island, and field trips to exhibits featuring Hellnic culture and
Local Gentile American Legion / Amity Post 791 116104984 * $1,000 DYCD
To support Cadet sports teams, an annual Memorial Day
Parade, a wounded warriors project and other activities to
promote veterans and honor those who served.
Local Dickens American Legion Colonel Charles Young Post #398 136272129 * $3,500 DYCD
To provide youth recreational, sports, cultural and leadership
activities for children of veterans and those within the served
Local King American Legion Co-Op City Post 1871 237093632 * $6,500 DYCD
Funds will support a variety of sports programs, boys and girls
basketball, boys and girls swimming, baseball and softball,
bowling. The funding will help provide gym rental, security
responsibilities, uniforms equipment for the various sports.
Local Koslowitz American Legion Hall 116104901 * $5,000 DFTA PENDING
Local James American Opera Projects, Inc. 133081486 * $3,500 DCLA
To sponsor a public ceremony consisting of musical
performances, dedicating a historic marker for PS 67 as the
first school for African Americans in Brooklyn; and to create
and install that marker.
Local Dickens American Performing Arts Collaborative, Inc. 133877290 * $5,000 DSBS
To utilize technological resources and capabilities in
conjunction with our creative and artistic resources to best
serve and benefit our community and expand the Respect
Project as well as our Cultural Performing Arts series. The
proposed two part program will use the creation of the
cultural tourism initiative: VIRTUALLY YOURS HARLEM as a
vehicle to expose youth to the world of work in the context
of theater and entertainment technology as well as hands on
hospitality training and experience. This initiative is designed
to provide for the integration of employability competencies
into the instructional process in a theater environment.
Local Brewer American-Italian Cancer Foundation 133035711 * $2,000 DOHMH
To provide no-cost mammograms and clinical breast exams
for economically disadvantaged, medically underserved
women in the five boroughs of New York City, and support
outreach and education efforts to recruit women with
cultural, linguistic, and geographic barriers for their annual
breast cancer screenings.
Local CD19 American-Italian Cancer Foundation 133035711 * $2,000 DOHMH
To provide no-cost mammograms and clinical breast exams
for economically disadvantaged, medically underserved
women in the five boroughs of New York City, and to support
outreach and education efforts to recruit women with
cultural, linguistic, and geographic barriers for their annual
breast cancer screenings.
Local Dickens American-Italian Cancer Foundation 133035711 * $5,000 DOHMH
To provide no-cost mammograms and clinical breast exams
for economically disadvantaged, medically underserved
women in the five boroughs of New York City. Funds will
support staff salaries, outreach and education efforts.
p. 9 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Garodnick American-Italian Cancer Foundation 133035711 * $3,500 DOHMH
Funding will support free mammograms and clinical breast
exams for economically disadvantaged women.
Local Jackson American-Italian Cancer Foundation 133035711 * $2,500 DOHMH
Funds will support the provision of the free mammograms
and breast exams to disadvantaged women.
Local James American-Italian Cancer Foundation 133035711 * $3,500 DOHMH
To provide no-cost mammograms and clinical breast exams
for economically disadvantaged, medically underserved
women in the five boroughs of New York City.
Local Oddo American-Italian Cancer Foundation 133035711 * $2,000 DOHMH
The funds requested will help to provide no-cost
mammograms and clinical breast exams for economically
disadvantaged, medically underserved women in the five
boroughs of New York City.
Local Palma American-Italian Cancer Foundation 133035711 * $5,000 DOHMH
To provide no-cost breast cancer screening, outreach, and
education to economically disadvantaged, medically
underserved New York City women. Funds will pay for
mammograms and exams at a mobile clinic.
Local Gentile
American-Italian Coalition of Organizations, Inc.
(AMICO) 112488439 $3,500 DFTA
To provide educational, recreational, nutritional and social
work services, including exercise and dance instruction, for
older members.
Local Quinn Americans Do Music Inc. 611641040 * $3,500 DFTA
Funding will be used to perform audience interactive music
concerts for seniors and baby boomers at local senior
centers, community centers, nursing homes/assisted living.
Funds will support the cost of performers, ASCAP, supplies,
transportation, advertising, rehearsals, and materials.
Local Recchia Amethyst Women's Project 113505513 * $4,000 DOHMH PENDING
Delegation Amigos del Museo del Barrio 237156720 * $3,500 DCLA
Funding to provide free bilingual programs, Dia de los
Muertos family celebration, and the annual Three Kings Day
Local Dickens Amigos del Museo del Barrio 237156720 * $5,000 DCLA
To support El Museos Making Connections program, a
collaboration with community-based organizations that
includes visits to El Museos Galleries and Talleres (art
studios), and workshops centered on visual explorations of
various relevant topics.
Local Dromm Amigos del Museo del Barrio 237156720 * $3,500 DCLA
To support El Museos Making Connections, a program using
art as a platform to approach and discuss a variety of topics
in collaboration with community-based organizations.
Local Jackson Amigos del Museo del Barrio 237156720 * $2,000 DCLA
Funds will support EL Museo's Making Connections program
which uses art as a platform to approach a variety of topics
with community based organizations, through visits to the
Museum, its galleries and art studios and workshops.
Local Palma Amigos del Museo del Barrio 237156720 * $7,500 DCLA
To support education programs, workshops, museum visits
and other programs for the community and for students and
p. 10 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Quinn Amigos del Museo del Barrio 237156720 * $3,500 DCLA
To support El Museos Making Connections program, using
art as a platform to collaborate with community-based
organizations. Funds will help pay for program expenses.
Local Viverito Amigos del Museo del Barrio 237156720 * $5,000 DCLA
To support collaborative programs with community-based
organizations, an artist in residency program, and other
museum programs.
Local Comrie Amity Baptist Church 112014196 * $3,500 DYCD
To support a summer day camp, a summer work program for
teens, and a program for seniors.
Local Wills Amity Baptist Church 112014196 * $25,000 DYCD
To provide stipends to participants and staff of the Summer
Exposure Program for young people ages 13-15. Also to
provide snacks and arts and crafts for the Day Camp for ages
Local Oddo Amvets Post 103, Inc. 841653136 * $1,500 DYCD
Funds will help provide clothing, winter coats and hygeinekits
to homeless veterans, arrange day trips and outings for day
care patients, Provide recreational items to veterans and
assist vets to understand and apply for VA benefits.
Local Quinn An Claidheamh Soluis, Inc. d/b/a Irish Arts Center 510244834 $10,000 DCLA
To support the performing arts season, education programs,
free public programs, and city-wide programming.
Local Gonzalez Animal Care and Control of New York City 133788986 * $5,000 DOHMH
To support the Animal Care & Control of New Yorks (ACC)
Care Centers, and rescue and care for animals that are lost
and abandoned.
Local Oddo Animal Care and Control of New York City 133788986 * $3,500 DOHMH
Funds will support the Animal Care and Control of New York
City's programs to rescue and care for animlas.
Local Viverito Animal Care and Control of New York City 133788986 * $4,500 DOHMH
To support the Animal Care Fund's program to rescue and
care for lost, mistreated, or neglected animals; educate the
public; and provide enhanced care.
Local Chin Anne Frank Center USA, Inc., The 132992719 * $4,000 DCLA
Funds will be used to support and ensure broad public access
to education programs both at the center and in schools,
including the payment of artist fees and program expenses.
Local Lander Annual Gowanus Artists Studio Tour 753192120 * $2,000 DYCD
To support the 17th annual Gowanus Open Studios event.
Funds will be used for coordinating and promoting event.
Local Vallone Ansob Center for Refugees 113534833 $17,000 DYCD
Funds will support an Immigration Legal Services Program.
The program offers immigration legal consultations,
immigration application assistance, and legal representation
before USCIS.
Local Vann Antioch Baptist Church Community Services Inc 113101610 * $5,000 DFTA
To provide afterschool services, tutorials, senior care
programs, recreational activities and youth development
Local Jackson Apollo Theater Foundation, Inc. 133630066 $3,500 DCLA
Funds will support the Apollo Theater's community programs
including free or low cost tickets to Apollo performances; an
annual Open House Weekend; Holidays at the Apollo; and an
Apollo Upptown Hall series.
p. 11 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Boro Rivera Aquinas Housing Corporation 133076810 * $7,000 DFTA
The Education Department of the Queens Zoo will target Title
One schools in the Council members district and offer a
selection of PreK-12 programs for school administrators and
teachers to choose from that best supplement their
classroom curricula.
Local Rivera Aquinas Housing Corporation 133076810 * $15,000 DYCD
Funds will support an in home child care network and after
school program
Local Rivera Aquinas Housing Corporation 133076810 * $20,000 ACS
To improve the quality of childcare in our training center for
prospective in-home child care providers.
Local Rivera Aquinas Housing Corporation 133076810 * $20,000 DSBS
To organize merchants along the East Tremont commercial
Local Recchia Arab American Association of New York, Inc. 113604756 * $4,000 DYCD
To support the Arab American Family Education (AAFEI)
Initiative, supporting Arab American and all immigrant youth
as well as their parents and caregivers to improve academic
achievement and engagement among elementary school
youth; focus on college readiness, leadership, and civic
participation among young adults; and empower
independence, increased education, employment
opportunities, and community integration among adults..
Boro Eugene
Delegation Arab American Family Support Center 113167245 * $4,225 DYCD PENDING
Local Lander Arab-American Family Support Center, Inc., The 113167245 $10,000 DYCD
To support Civics ESL and Citizenship Program. Funding will
provide immigrants with tutoring for citizenship exams.
Local Palma Ariva Inc. 320028598 $5,000 DYCD
To provide tax assistance to low income individuals and
families at PEP for Seniors to return funds to the community,
help individuals enroll in assitance programs. Funds will
support operations and staffing for the service and programs.
Local Jackson Armory Foundation, The 133680286 $5,000 DYCD
Funds will support Armory College Prep, an after school
college access program for low income, NYC public high
school students.
Local Recchia Art Lab Inc 132977495 * $4,000.00 DYCD
Art Labs classes and workshops are available to all who desire
it. We offer fee based courses as well as programming for
school community groups. Tuition assistance is available.
Funding will be used to advertise our programming to all, and
to provide services for those who cannot afford it.
Local Oddo Art Lab, Inc. - The Art School at Snug Harbor 132977495 * $2,000 DYCD
Funds will support and promote Art Labs classes and
workshops which are fee based courses as well as
programming for school community groups. Tuition
assistance is available for those who cannot afoord fees.
Local Mendez Art Loisaida Foundation 262583736 $3,500 DCLA
Funds will be used to produce a series of multidisciplinary
events focusing on Immigrant history and contributions to
the development of arts and culture - Featuring panel
discussions, visual art exhibits, and performing arts events.
p. 12 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Arroyo CC Arthritis Foundation Northeast Region NY Chapter 800489313 * $15,000 DFTA
Funding for evidence-based arthritis education and
management program Arthritis Basics for Change (ABC) and
the Walk With Ease (WWE) self-directed model to train
participants to conveniently and safely incorporate physical
activity into their daily lives.
Local Arroyo Arthur Aviles Typical Theatre, Inc. 133997265 * $10,000 DCLA
To support mainstage programming which includes festivals,
a queer empowerment series and other performance works,
and production of the Bronx Dance Magazine. Funds will
support artists' fees, and other expenses involved in
producing the programming and operating the theater.
Local Quinn Arts & Business Council of New York, Inc. 132746599 $3,500 DCLA
To support the Business Volunteers for the Arts program
which matches nonprofit arts organizations with experts in
marketing, finance, planning, and other areas for pro bono
consultation, and provides arts organizations with technical
and other assitance for their boards of directors, and other
Local Dickens Arts & Minds, Inc. 273733512 $3,500 DYCD
To assist people living with Alzheimers disease and other
dementias through support for various programs including at
The Studio Museum in Harlem, New York Historical Society,
the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Greater Harlem Nursing
Home and at the Isabella Geriatric Center.
Local Barron ARTs East New York, Inc. 270889467 * $15,000 DCLA
These funds will support community beautification initiatives.
Thse include the Mural Mile program's mural installations
along Livonia Ave, Mi Tierra lot transformation initiative and
the instalations program in both the Cypress Hills/East New
York community. In particular, the funds will support
administration, artists, supplies and equipment.
Local Chin Arts for Art, Inc. 133991848 $3,500 DYCD
Funds will support cultural programming including concert
series and will pay artist and production fees associated with
the programs.
Local Levin
Arts Gowanus dba AGAST Gowanus Open Studios a
project of Arts Gowanus 753192120 * $1,500 DCLA Pending
Local Recchia Art's House Schools, Inc. 870790139 * $3,000 DCLA PENDING
Delegation Asian & Pacific Islander Coalition on HIV/AIDS, Inc. 133706365 $3,500 DOHMH
To support the provision of comprehensive health services,
and specifically to support staff to conduct community health
education and an upgraded website to ensure better access
to services.
Van Bramer, Arroyo, Lander,
Brewer, Chin CC Asian & Pacific Islander Coalition on HIV/AIDS, Inc. 133706365 * $10,000 DOHMH
Funding for comprehensive health services, including
affordable primary care, mental health, HIV testing and STD
screening, case management, support services.
Local Chin Asian & Pacific Islander Coalition on HIV/AIDS, Inc. 133706365 $5,000 DOHMH
Funds will help APICHA to provide comprehensive health
services, including affordable primary care, mental health,
HIV testing and STD screening, case management, and
support services.
Local Dromm Asian & Pacific Islander Coalition on HIV/AIDS, Inc. 133706365 $3,500 DOHMH
To support programs providing comprehensive health care
services including primary care, mental health, HIV testing
and STD screening, case management, support services, and
health education.
p. 13 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Koo Asian American Arts Alliance 133480189 $4,000 DCLA
Funds will support Town Hall LOCAL (TH-L) events and cover
stipends for TH-L Ambassadors, translation/interpretation for
outreach materials and at events, event venue costs, and
staff time for coordination/oversight and strategic
Local Dromm Asian American Coalition for Children and Families, Inc. 133682471 $3,500 DYCD
To support the Asian Student's Advoacy Project, a leadership
program for Asian Pacific American high school students from
all 5 boroughs, and a parent leadership program, teaching
rights and civic engagement for parents.
Local Ferreras Asian American Coalition for Children and Families, Inc. 133682471 $3,500 DYCD
The Asian American Student Advocacy Project (ASAP), CACFs
youth leadership program, consists of NYC Asian Pacific
American (APA) public high school students from all five
boroughs, some residing and attending schools in District 21.
They will develop the following skills: critical thinking, public
speaking, writing, responsibility, civic engagement, and team
work. CACF will host Parents Organized to Work for Equal
Rights (POWER), CACFs parent leadership program, for
parents in Queens.
Delegation Asian Americans for Equality 133187792 * $3,500 DYCD
Funding will support the Immigrant Services Program, which
provides culturally sensitive in-language counseling and ESOL
education to NYCs Asian immigrants.
Queens Delegation, Mendez,
BLAC, Fidler, Lander, Viverito,
Levin, Chin CC Asian Americans for Equality 133187792 * $50,000 DYCD
AAFEs citywide fire safety campaign will educate tenants on
what they can do to prevent fires and to report building
conditions that violate fire codes. Requested funds will
enable us to design multilingual materials targeted to Asian
immigrants with limited English proficiency, conduct outreach
on the ground and through ethnic media, and deliver monthly
workshops. We will also publish awhite paper on the
conditions and impacts of fire hazards in immigrant
communities and identify public policy interventions for
mitigating them.
Local Chin Asian Americans for Equality 133187792 * $5,000 DSBS
Funds will help AAFE to provide comprehensive housing and
community services including services to provide assistance
in applying for housing subsidies, government entitlements
and provision of immigration services.
Local Comrie Asian Americans for Equality 133187792 * $5,000 DSBS
To provide technical and other assistance to low to moderate-
income (LMI) enterprises whose owners face linguistic and
cultural obstacles to business opportunities, and those who
face discrimination in employment and financing.
Local Dromm Asian Americans for Equality 133187792 * $3,500 DYCD
To support an immigrant services program, providing in-
language legal assistance, counseling and ESOL education for
Asian immigrants.
p. 14 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Ferreras Asian Americans for Equality 133187792 * $5,000 HPD
To support the Neighborhood Stabilization Program which
includes the following: 1) assistance to clients on compiling a
thorough loan modification request packages; 2) translation
in Chinese and Spanish; and 3) customized budget and action
plan for each client.
Local Gonzalez Asian Americans for Equality 133187792 * $8,500 DSBS
To provide education and counseling to first-time
homebuyers, mortgage application packaging services and
foreclosure prevention counseling.
Local Gonzalez Asian Americans for Equality 133187792 * $5,000 DSBS
To support the organization's long term rebuilding efforts in
Queens and Brooklyn neighborhoods damaged by Sandy,
including services for homeowners and small businesses.
Local James Asian Americans for Equality 133187792 * $4,000 HPD
To provide support for pre-development work on an
affordable housing project being planned for development on
a vacant lot at 141-145 Montgomery St. in Crown Heights,
Local Koo Asian Americans for Equality 133187792 * $8,000 DYCD
The Immigrant Services Program provides culturally sensitive
in-language counseling and ESOL education to NYCs Asian
immigrants. Services include: application completion and
follow-up services, mock interview preparation, legal
assistance, benefits education, and naturalization
Local Koslowitz Asian Americans for Equality 133187792 * $5,000 DSBS
Funding is for the Small Business Development Program to
provide business assistance and development services to
small business owners and entrepreneurs in New York City,
focusing on emerging communities with high concentrations
of minorities and immigrants in our target markets in
Manhattan, Queens, and Brooklyn.
Local Lander Asian Americans for Equality 133187792 * $3,500 DYCD
To support Hurricane Zone A Recovery Action Project,
including technical assistance and financial counselling to
homeowners and small businesses.
Local Viverito Asian Americans for Equality 133187792 * $5,000 DSBS
To support housing and community services for residents
living in Council District 1, including staff to provide services
at storefront offices in Chinatown and a satellite office in East
Local Weprin Asian Americans for Equality 133187792 * $10,000 DYCD
Funding supports HUD-certified housing counselors, who
educate first-time homebuyers on the steps of homebuying,
sustaining homeownership and important factors
surrounding homeownership such as insurance and property
Local Dromm Asian Community United Society, Inc. 264164117 * $6,000 DYCD
To support the annual Lunar New Year Parade in Elmhurst /
Jackson Heights.
Local Fidler Asian Community United Society, Inc. 264164117 * $3,500 DYCD
To maintain a community center located in South Brooklyn,
where staff provide social benefit assistance and provide
information for the community on legislation, government
benefits and other issues such as FEMA and disaster recovery
in both English and Chinese. Also update the community on
new legislation and government benefits such as FEMA and
disaster recovery effort. as well as supporting rent, office
supplies, utilities and salary.
p. 15 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Gentile Asian Community United Society, Inc. 264164117 * $3,500 DFTA
To support a program for seniors specializing in Canonese
Opera and performing for the public.
Delegation Asian Professional Extension, Inc. 133650718 * $3,500 DYCD
To support a one-on-one mentoring program that connects
youth city-wide with successful adult mentors. Use of funds
will include matching youth with mentors and supporting
Palma, Dromm, Koo, Ferreras,
Ulrich, Chin CC
Asian-American Coalition for Children and Families
,Inc. 133682471 * $10,000 DYCD
CACF will improve our support for the Asian Pacific American
community by strengthening our 50 Asian led and serving
member agencies through our Capacity Building Program
including quarterly membership meetings, quarterly trainings,
and individual technical assistance, identify emerging
community needs and trends, share promising practices, and
foster collaboration.
Local Koslowitz Asian-American Coalition for Children and Families Inc. 133682471 $3,500 DYCD
Funding is used to enable Asian Pacific American youth
leaders to meet year-round, and collectively work on their
ongoing campaign to promote college and career readiness
among immigrant students and English Language Learners
(ELLs) in the NYC public school system. They will develop the
following skills: critical thinking, public speaking, writing,
responsibility, civic engagement, and team work.
Delegation Asphalt Green, Inc. 136533158 $3,500 DPR
Funding will support the Waterproofing Program at PS 169,
which each year teaches public school children to learn to
swim, and the Recess Enhancement Program (REP), which
transforms recess into a safe, fun and active time, at PS 151
& PS 198.
Local Garodnick Asphalt Green, Inc. 136533158 $8,500 DPR
Funding will support the Waterproofing program, which each
year teaches public school children to learn to swim. Funding
will also support Asphalt Green programs at P.S. 151.
Local Koppell Asphalt Green, Inc. 136533158 $10,000 DPR
To support the Recess Enhancement Program (REP), teaching
physical activities and social cooperation at recess in PS 94x,
PS 56x, and PS 344x in District 11.
Koppell, Manhattan Delegation,
Arroyo, Viverito, Lappin CC Asphalt Green, Inc. 136533158 * $200,000 DPR
Funding for The Waterproofing Program serving over 1,300
children/year in a free swim program during the school day,
and the REP program which transforms the recess period
from an often dangerous, chaotic situation into a safe, fun
and active time.
Local Dickens Association Des Senegalais D'Amerique, Inc. 133804747 * $4,000 DYCD
To support the after school program for children of the
community. Funding will be used to pay for art classes, rent,
liability insurance, utility bills, and consumables supplies.
Local Koslowitz
Association of Bukharian Jewish Youth of USA Achdut,
The 203203429 * $3,500 DYCD
Funding will be used to create courses in Bukharian Jewish
studies in partnership with Queens College.
Local Fidler Association of Informed Voices, Inc. 113595142 $17,500 DYCD
To support programs for youth that encourage exercise and
participation in sports.
Local Recchia Associazioni Siciliane Unite de New York, Inc. 113416416 * $5,500 DYCD
To support soccer tournaments for the youth, provide
historical /or recreational excursions for the elderly, as well
as, informational forums for the youth, elderly and women.
p. 16 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Recchia, CC Astella Development Corporation 112458675 $25,000 DSBS
To provide three 1-week construction safety certification
training sessions in Coney Island, consisting of a 10-hour
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA
construction class , 4-hour NYC DOB supported scaffold class,
4-hour flagger class, blood borne pathogens class, respiratory
medical clearance, and mask fit test. Astella will provide job
placement services for the OSHA/construction certification
program graduates.
Local Vallone Astoria Performing Arts Center, Inc. 651209580 $25,000 DCLA
The funding supports APACs 13th season of producing high
quality plays and musicals and supporting the development
of new works of theater. Ticket prices will be kept low and
discounts are offered to students and senior citizens.
Local Vallone Astoria Restoration Association, Inc. 112431334 $10,000 DSBS
Funds will be used to launch a district-wide graffiti cleaning
program in the 22nd Council District.
Local Vallone Astoria Restoration Association, Inc. 112431334 $30,000 DSBS
The funds will be used to support a District Marketing
strategy and Sanitation Sweeping Program, to attract,
maintain and expand business in the area.
Local Vallone Astoria Tenants Organization Inc. 113369640 * $5,000 NYCHA
Funds support senior programs that include lunch, trips to
museum, parks, theatres, movies and various other venues.
Funds provide for transportation, admissions, and supplies
for daily programs.
Local Vallone Astoria Tenants Organization Inc. 113369640 * $10,000 NYCHA
Funds used to enable resident association to provide
outreach to resident.
Local CD19 Astoria/Queens Share-ing and Care-ing, Inc. 113220371 * $1,000 DOHMH
To provide direct and indirect cancer support services to
women and men in Queens. Services include free or low cost
linkages to cancer screenings and treatments as well as
patient navigation, case management, individual and group
counseling, benefit entitlement assistance, education and
Local Comrie Astoria/Queens Share-ing and Care-ing, Inc. 113220371 * $4,000 DOHMH
To provide direct and indirect cancer support services to
women and men in Queens, including help accessing cancer
screenings and treatments, patient navigation, case
management, individual and group counseling, and benefit
Local Gennaro Astoria/Queens Share-ing and Care-ing, Inc. 113220371 * $3,000 DOHMH
Funding will be used to provide direct and indirect cancer
support services to women and men in Queens. Services
include free or low cost linkages to cancer screenings and
treatments as well as patient navigation, case management,
individual and group counseling, benefit entitlement
assistance, education and advocacy on behalf of individual
Local Koslowitz Astoria/Queens Share-ing and Care-ing, Inc. 113220371 * $1,000 DOHMH
Funding will be used to provide direct and indirect cancer
support services to women and men in Queens. Services
include free or low cost linkages to cancer screenings and
treatments as well as patient navigation, case management,
individual and group counseling, benefit entitlement
assistance, education and advocacy.
p. 17 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Vallone Astoria/Queens Share-ing and Care-ing, Inc. 113220371 * $28,000 DOHMH
Funding used to provide direct and indirect cancer support
services to women and men in the 22nd Council District.
Services include free or low cost linkages to cancer
screenings and treatments as well as patient navigation, case
management, individual and group counseling, benefit
entitlement assistance, education and advocacy.
Boro Vallone Athens Square, Inc. 112833712 $4,000 DPR
Funding supports a cultural program: Greek Music and Dance
Performances in Athens Square Park or Astoria Park.
Local Lander Atlantic Avenue District Management Association, Inc. 454949226 * $1,685 DSBS
To support businesses in Brooklyn Heights, Boerum Hill and
Cobble Hill through holiday programming, updated
community resources and information on shopping, and
lanscaping services on and around Atlantic Avenue.
Local Levin Atlantic Avenue District Management Association, Inc. 454949226 * $2,000 DSBS Pending
Local Comrie ATLED Inc 133550709 * $6,000 DYCD
To promote, cultivate, and develop a positive self image
among disadvantaged youth, through TEENLIFT, GEMS and
EMBODI programs, providing college and career preparation
workshops and other programs.
Local Fidler Auditory/Oral School of New York, The 061531077 $2,500 DYCD
To supportThe Auditory/Oral School of New York (AOSNY), a
program to help students with hearing impairments to learn
educational skills, including music, social skills and literacy.
Local Dickens Bailey House, Inc. 133165181 $5,000 DOHMH
To support programs at the Rand Harlan Center for Housing,
Wellness and Community in East Harlem. The requested
funding would be used to buy nutritious foods for the Food
Local Vann Bailey's Caf, Inc. 200221451 $10,000 DYCD
Funding Multi-cultural Day activities for the youths of the
community during the summer, including activities such as
tennis, double dutch and track. Funding of a Senior Event in
the Spring for our seniors who dont get the opportunity to
take advantage of the City's many cultural and social events
outside of the Rockaways.
Local Wills Baisley Park Houses Tenant Association 134994650 * $7,500 DYCD
To support youth education programs dedicated to fostering
a better relationship between participants and police officers.
Delegation Ballet Hispanico of New York, Inc. 132685755 $3,500 DCLA
To provide for the following programs: Adventures in Dance
(ages 2-5); the General Program (ages 6-18); and the Pre-
Professional Program (ages 8-18) at Ballet Hispanico.
Local Chin Ballet Theatre Foundation, Inc. 131882106 $3,500 DCLA
The requested funds will support the ABT at School
program, which introduces public school students to the
performing arts.
Local Fidler Ballet Theatre Foundation, Inc. 131882106 $5,000 DCLA
To support the American Ballet Theater at School program,
which introduces public school students to the performing
Local Jackson Ballet Theatre Foundation, Inc. 131882106 $3,000 DCLA
Funds will support the "ABT at School" program introducing
public school students to the performing arts through
workshops and free tickets to an ABT performance.
p. 18 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Comrie
Bangladeshi American Community Development and
Youth Services Corp 452389573 * $3,500 DYCD
To support an BACDYS Educational and Civics Program, with
specific focus on the needs of the Bangladeshi community.
Local Brewer Bank Street College of Education 135562167 * $3,500 DYCD
To support operations for the Liberty Leads program for
youth, including funding for salaries, field trips, and program
Local Mendez CC Baruch College/Research Foundation 136400434 $80,000 CUNY
To enhance the ability of Baruch College to provide for the
educational needs of the student body.
Local Cabrera Battered Women's Resource Center 113302911 * $5,000 OCJC
To improve the lives of victims of domestic violence through
training domestic violence victims and analyzing domestic
violence policy.
Local CC Battered Women's Resource Center 113302911 * $50,000 OCJC
Funding will be used for survivors of domestic violence works
to improve the criminal justice, child welfare and housing
systems. This will be done through analyzing domestic
violence policy, its implementation, documenting system
failures, meeting with elected officials and policy makers
about those failures, testifying at hearings and utilizing
survivors of domestic violence experiences with the systems
Local Foster Gay Men's Health Crisis, Inc 133130146 $10,000 DOHMH
To provide free legal services to people living with HIV and
AIDS in an effort to make sure they receive medical
treatment and other vital services including mental health,
nutrition, addiction services; as well as non-medical legal
Local Garodnick Gay Men's Health Crisis, Inc 133130146 $3,500 DOHMH
Funding will support GMHC's legal service program for
families and individuals.
Local Jackson Gay Men's Health Crisis, Inc 133130146 $3,000 DOHMH
Funds will support GMHC's Workforce Development Services
which provide low income and disenfranchised New Yorkers
with job placement assistance, training and employment
retention services.
Local Palma Gay Men's Health Crisis, Inc 133130146 $4,000 DOHMH
To provide access to housing and medical services for clients,
including recent immigrants, low income persons, gay youth,
people of color, and those dually diagnosed with HIV and a
second condition.
Local Van Bramer Gay Men's Health Crisis, Inc 133130146 $3,500 DOHMH
To support outreach and services to youth between the ages
of 13 and 19 who lack a safe space to develop their identity
and self-esteem. The program provides wellness and job
awareness training, as well as supervised recreational
Local Dickens
General Chauncey M Hooper Towers Housing
Development Fund Co Inc. 133140546 * $4,500 DFTA
To provide health screenings and medical seminar programs
for seniors.
Local Jackson General Grant Residents Association of NYCHA 421621092 * $5,000 NYCHA
Funds will support the Residents Association; fund a family
day, a youth rally and the seniors' garden.
Local Comrie Genesis Transitional Housing Ministries, Inc. 161621304 $9,000 DYCD
To provide guidance and supportive services for the
homeless, including food and counseling.
Local Barron George Walker, Jr. Community Coalition, The 113341395 * $15,000 DYCD
Funding will support a (1) Youth Court; (2) Park-based
programming; (3) Youth Leadership initiatives. Funds will pay
for salaries, stipends for youth, uniforms and other
administrative/program costs.
Local Dilan George Walker, Jr. Community Coalition, The 113341395 * $50,000 DYCD
Funds will support programs for youth including a Youth
Court, parks activities, and youth Leadership opportunities.
Funds will pay for salaries, stipends for youth, uniforms, food,
local trips, and administrative and program costs.
Local Fidler Gerritsen Beach Cares, Inc. 113399328 * $20,000 DYCD
To support community improvement efforts through funding
for equipment and operational expenses, and other supplies
for the programs.
p. 110 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Fidler Gerritsen Beach Fire Volunteers, Inc. 116076710 * $10,000 FDNY
To provide aambulance and fire fighting services to the
Gerritsen Beach community through funding for new
Local Arroyo Ghetto Film School, Inc. 134127229 $15,000 DCLA
To provide professional training services and support to
young filmmakers at its in-house production compuany.
Funds will support materials, staff and other program costs.
Local Palma Ghetto Film School, Inc. 134127229 $10,000 DCLA
To provide students with hands-on filmmaking experience
and advanced training from top industry talent and teaching
Local Mendez Gildas Club New York City, Inc. 134046652 $3,500 DOHMH
Funding will support networking groups for the entire family
located at the organization's downtown clubhouse, Kings
County Hospital, Montefiore Medical Center, St. Lukes
Roosevelt, Bellevue, the Park Slope YMCA, and at Berkeley
Carroll in Park Slope. Funding will also be used to expand
childrens and teen's support program offerings.
Local Lappin Gillen Brewer School, Inc., The 133764868 $5,000 DYCD
For operation and maintentance at a school for children with
language, emotional, developmental, learning and health-
related disabilities.
Local Van Bramer Girl Scout Council of Greater New York, Inc. 131624014 * $3,500 DYCD PENDING
Local Weprin Glen Oaks Volunteer Ambulance Corps, Inc. 237336330 * $46,000 FDNY
To purchase personal protective equipment for Ambulance
Local Crowley Glendale Civilian Observation Patrol, Inc., The 112502910 * $9,500 DYCD
To support operational costs and equpiment associated with
the Civilian Patrol's work to assist at parades, and other
functions that the NYPD requests of the organization.
Local Crowley Glendale Volunteer Ambulance Corps, Inc. 237348786 * $4,000 FDNY
To support operational costs and equpiment associated with
the ambulance corps' emergency and non emergency
services. Greater Ridgewood Youth Council, Inc. 112518141
Local Palma Globahood, Inc. 208679614 $10,000 DYCD
To provide a trhee-phase training program in leaderhip and
civic involvement for youth in low-income neighborhoods .
Local Dickens Goddard Riverside Community Center 131893908 $5,000 DFTA
To maintain the SRO Law Project and provide services for
tenants that include anti-eviction legal representation in non-
payment, holdover, illegal lockout and HP actions in housing
court, appellate courts and administrative agencies.
Local Quinn Goddard Riverside Community Center 131893908 $10,000 DFTA
To maintain the SRO Law Project services including anti-
eviction legal representation and organizing support.
Local Rodriguez Goddard Riverside Community Center 131893908 $5,000 HPD
To provide legal representation to tenants in non-payment,
holdover, illegal lockout and HP actions, and to support the
SRO Law Project legal and organizing staff.
p. 111 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Viverito Goddard Riverside Community Center 131893908 $4,000 HPD
To assist low income tenants with housing issues including
legal representation in non-payment, holdover, illegal lockout
and HP actions in housing court, appellate courts and
administrative agencies, and on other affordable housing
issues through support for the SRO Law Project legal and
organizing staff.
Local Arroyo God's Love We Deliver, Inc. 133366846 * $10,000 DOHMH
To support the provision of home-delivered meals and
medical nutrition therapy to seriously ill people, their children
and their senior caregivers citywide.
Bronx Delegation, Mendez, Van
Bramer, Dromm, Lander,
Arroyo, Brewer, Chin CC God's Love We Deliver, Inc. 133366846 * $75,000 DOHMH
Funds will be used to support the provision of home-
delivered meals and MNT to seriously ill people, their
children (to age 18) and their senior caregivers citywide. The
requested funds will help us to meet the increased demand
as well as to defray the ever rising costs of food, fuel, and
Local Palma God's Love We Deliver, Inc. 133366846 * $8,000 DOHMH
To provide home-delivered meals and medical nutrition
therapy to people living with life-altering illnesses such as
HIV/AIDS, Cancer, Alzheimers, MS, etc., their children (to age
18) and their senior caregivers.
Local Rose God's Love We Deliver, Inc. 133366846 * $3,500 DOHMH
To provide individually tailored home-delivered meals and
medical nutrition therapy to people living with life-altering
illnesses. Funds will will be used for food, fuel, and supplies.
Local Rose Golden Strikers Motorcycle Club, Inc. 134143275 * $3,500 DYCD
To support an annual Children's Day and Back to School day,
and provide school supplies for elementary school children.
Delegation Good Old Lower East Side, Inc. 132915659 * $3,500 HPD
To provide support for programs for residents of public,
subsidized and rent-regulated housing; including organizing
tenant associations; providing assistance with housing and
landlord/tenant issues, stabilizing households and educating
tenants on housing rights.
Local Lander, Mendez CC Good Old Lower East Side, Inc. 132915659 * $60,000 HPD
Funding will be used for community organizing, advocacy and
counseling activities concentrated on LES public housing
residents. GOLES public housing work consist of activities that
address multiple issues including direct housing needs such
as eviction prevention and housing security; environment and
public health needs; education including job and leadership
Local Chin Good Old Lower East Side, Inc. 132915659 * $5,000 HPD Pending.
Local Mendez Good Old Lower East Side, Inc. 132915659 * $12,500 HPD
GOLES works directly with residents of public, subsidized, and
rent-regulated housing, and, in coalition, to improve the
stability affordability of housing stock; advocates on behalf of
tenants to landlords and city agencies and helps to create
and strengthen Tenant Assoc. Funds will be used for program
staff salaries and OTPS.
p. 112 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Fidler, Lander CC Good Shepherd Services 135598710 * $50,000 DYCD
Support for our Chelsea Foyer. The 18-24 year old residents
work and are in a school or training program while in the
program and save money to be ready to move into safe
affordable housing when they graduate. Foyer residents are
taught and encouraged to become completely self sufficient,
pursuing jobs with benefits to avoid the need for public
Local Levin Good Shepherd Services 135598710 $3,500 DOE
To support the Automotive High School Young Adult Borough
Center (YABC) Learning-To-Work (LTW) and Downtown
Brooklyn YABC LTW programs, which are part of the NYC
Department of Educations (DOE) Office of Post-Secondary
Readiness (OPSR).
Local Palma Good Shepherd Services 135598710 $5,000 DOE
To support the Young Adult Borough Center (YABC) Learning
to Work (LTW) program located on Monroe Campus to
increase graduation rates and expand college and career
opportunities for over-age and under-credited high school
Local Gonzalez Gowanus Canal Conservancy, Inc. 260681729 $15,000 DYCD
To support a volunteer program, encompassing composting,
street tree stewardship, garden planting, weed removal,
birdhouse building, and trash pickups, and to develop a
compost facility, operate the compost program and conduct
Clean and Green activities.
Local Lander Gowanus Canal Conservancy, Inc. 260681729 $3,500 DYCD
To support the neighborhood beautification services and
community education, and to fund operation and
management costs of the Clean Green volunteer program.
Local Levin Gowanus Canal Conservancy, Inc. 260681729 $2,000 DYCD
To develop a compost facility, operate a compost program
and expand the reach of the Gowanus Canal Conservancy's
Clean Green activities.
Local Oddo Grace Foundation of New York 134131863 $20,000 DOHMH
After school and weekend recreation, social skills, support
programs for children and families impacted by Autism
Spectrum Disorder (ASD) focusing on children deemed
ineligible by OPWDD and those with ASD whose needs
require one on one care.
Boro Vann
Delegation Grace International, Inc. 200934854 $16,875 DYCD
The funding will support programs to focus on diet and
lifestyle-related issues in partnership with the local public
schools. These include the Gen-NEXT program fors youths
and seniors to manage and develop food systems and other
vital community services, and the REACH program to create
an online urban farming portal, and support a mobile pantry,
advocacy training, and rooftop gardens to increase urban
farming in Central Brooklyn.
Local James Grace International, Inc. 200934854 $3,500 DYCD
To support three programs of the Bed Stuy Campaign Against
Hunger: the Health program focusing on diet and lifestyle
issues across the generations, Gen-Next, focussing on food
sources and systems, and REACH, supporting urban farming
and related programs.
Local Mealy Grace International, Inc. 200934854 $7,000 DYCD
To support the Health diet and lifestyle program, Gen-NEXT
food management initiative, and the Reach urban farming
p. 113 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Comrie Grace Lutheran Church 430658188 * $5,000 DYCD
The funding will be applied to the Patient and Family Services
Program, which will include the cost for wigs, to be
distributed to cancer patients who have lost their hair as a
result of treatment; a small portion will go to the Look Good
Feel Better Program; and the printing and postage of patient
education materials, to be distributed throughout the
community and health systems.
Local Reyna Grand Street District Management Association, Inc. 112739527 $10,000 DSBS
To implement a facade improvements program to help
businesses and property owners improve the commercial
properties and comply with current city regulations including
gates and signage.
Local Oddo Grasmere And Cameron Lakes Bluebelt Conservancy 452493342 * $5,000 DPR
Funds will the preserve the richness of Grasmere and
Cameron Lakes, located in Staten Islands Grasmere section,
for residents and visitors alike.
Local Recchia Gravesend Athletic Association 113019763 * $59,000 DYCD
To support youth softball and baseball programs, including
funds for operation of the program fields and equipment.
Local Recchia Gravesend Athletic Association 113019763 * $18,000 DYCD
To support youth softball and baseball programs, including
funds for operation of the program fields and equipment.
Local Oddo Great Kills Little League 136197291 * $2,500 DYCD
Funds will support little league's registration of kids that can
not afford to pay, and equipment and uniforms.
Local Comrie Greater Bethel Community Development Corp. 320000557 * $15,000 DYCD
The distribute product donations, including clothing, home
goods and other products, and to provide free GED, ESL, Self
Empowerment Classes, Advocacy,Computer Training,
Resume and Career Building Classes.
Local Wills Greater Bethel Community Development Corp. 320000557 * $25,000 DYCD
To support the Product Donation Outreach Program in
distributing items donated by major retail stores to its
participants. Funding will cover the costs of storage, truck
rental, staff, teachers, equipment, supplies and class room
space rental for the personnel development classes.
Local Chin Greater Chinatown Community Association 132730313 $4,000 DFTA
Funds will support a Technology Training program for newly
immigrated adults.
Local Gennaro Greater Jamaica Development Corporation 237021273 $7,500 DYCD
Greater Jamaica Development Corporation, with the
partnership and participation of the three local BIDs, will
present Lets Celebrate Summer - Outdoor Music
Extravaganza on the last Thursday evening in June 2014 on
Jamaica Avenue.
Local Recchia Greater New York City Ice Hockey League 237001471 * $60,000 DYCD PENDING
Local Crowley Greater Ridgewood Historical Society, Inc. 112409274 * $3,500 DCLA
To support educational and cultural events, exhibits and
programs at the Vander Ende Onderdonk House, and other
locations, including school programs, guided tours, craft
classes, lectures, and special events.
Local Reyna Greater Ridgewood Historical Society, Inc. 112409274 * $10,000 DCLA
Funds will support cultural events, exhibits, school and other
programs and special events many of which take place at the
Vander Ende Onderdonk House, the oldest stone house in
p. 114 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Crowley Greater Ridgewood Restoration Corporation 112382250 $5,500 DSBS
To support a graffiti removal program in the Cummunity
Board 5 and parts of Community Board 4 areas.
Local Reyna Greater Ridgewood Restoration Corporation 112382250 $15,000 DYCD Funds will support a graffiti- removal program.
Local Crowley Greater Ridgewood Youth Council, Inc. 112518141 $14,000 DYCD
To support operating Out of School Time programs, Beacons,
Universal Pre-K, and other educational programs.
Local Crowley Greater Woodhaven Development Corporation 112508190 * $7,500 DSBS
To provide services for the Greater Woodhaven area, support
operating expenses, and remove graffiti on Woodhavens
Jamaica Avenues.
Local Ulrich Greater Woodhaven Development Corporation 112508190 * $15,000 DYCD
Funds will support a district-wide graffiti cleaning program in
the 32nd CD.
Local Ulrich Greater Woodhaven Development Corporation 112508190 * $15,000 DYCD
Funds will support he Greater Woodhaven Development
Corporations office operations to enable it to serve
community residents, store/business owners by providing
referrals and individual assistance with problems relating to
graffiti vandalism removal, sanitation, police, fire,
landlord/tenant mediation and senior citizen issues.
Local Vallone
Greek American Educational Public Information
Systems, Inc. 133443539 * $4,000 DOITT
Funding will be used to support WNYE, owned and operated
by the City of New York, in order to continue daily broadcasts
reaching the City five boroughs.
Boro Oddo Greenbelt Conservancy, Inc. 133481845 * $4,000 DPR
Funds to help support the High Rock Challenge and Greenbelt
trail series including Cold Feat, Fall Flat and Willowbrook Trail
Festival, and free fitness activities to help train for races.
Local Rose Greenbelt Conservancy, Inc. 133481845 * $3,500 DYCD
To support after school outdoor science ivestigations and
environmental programs.
Dickens, Viverito, Women's
Caucus CC Greenhope Services for Women 132813350 * $50,000 DYCD
Funding to maintain its Domestic Violence Services at current
levels, supporting the provision of workshops, counseling,
and case management services. . The workshops help women
address the emotional issues brought about by the
experience of personal violence, to understand the
relationship between childhood trauma and adult
involvement in violent relationships, and to never again
become involved in violent relationships.
Local Levin Greenpoint Chamber of Commerce Inc 461128358 * $3,500 DYCD
To purchase new street signage and solar-powered trash cans
for Greenpoint.
Local Levin Greenpoint Monitor Museum, The 113332514 * $3,500 DCLA
To support a Museums Road Show for local schools and
other museum-sponsored activites to teach school children
about the Civil War and the history of Greenpoint.
Local Levin Greenpoint Reformed Church 112100335 * $4,000 DYCD
To support the Greenpoint Reformed Church Hunger
Program: an emergency food program that provides no-cost
groceries and hot meals to hungry people in North Brooklyn.
Local Quinn Greenwich House, Inc. 135562204 $45,000 DFTA
To support a comprehensive range of social, physical and
mental health services offered at Greenwich House through
its programs for seniors, including at the Judith C. White
Senior Center and the Senior Health and Consultation Center
p. 115 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Quinn Greenwich Village Block Associations, Inc. 371499234 $7,500 DYCD
To support communication efforts of the GVBA and its
member organizations (website; newsletters, fliers and
annoucement;forums) and to provide technical assistance to
the member block assocations.
Local Quinn Greenwich Village Chamber of Commerce, Inc. 201419879 * $7,500 DSBS
To support the Chelsea Bazaar Shop Local Program, a
quarterly fair in Chelsea that connects small businesses with
potential customers each year.
Local Chin Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation 133042600 $3,500 DCLA
Funds will support the education initiatives of the
preservation society. History and Historic Preservation is
GVSHPs in-class education program, offering three separate,
grade-appropriate curricula for grades one through eight
classrooms in New York City and other educational programs,
educate residents about the cultural architectural and social
history of Greenwich Village.
Local Mendez Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation 133042600 $5,000 DCLA
Funds will support education initiatives of the organization.
History and Historic Preservation is GVSHPs in-class
education program, offering three separate, grade-
appropriate curricula for grades one through eight
classrooms in New York City.
Local Quinn Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation 133042600 $3,500 DCLA
To support education programs, including in-class programs
and programs for the community.
Local Gentile Green-Wood Historic Fund, Inc. 113450678 * $2,500 DYCD
To support cultural, historical and environmental
programming for the public, including an annual Memorial
Day Concert; The Spoon River Project, an after-dark outdoor
theater performance of Edgar Lee Masters Spoon River
Anthology; the 237th Commemoration of the Battle of
Brooklyn, parades, and other activities.
Local Gonzalez Green-Wood Historic Fund, Inc. 113450678 * $5,500 DCLA
To expand public access to GWHF's extensive collection of
archival records, as well as its library of historical documents,
letters, stereo-view cards, and artifacts.
Local Gonzalez Green-Wood Historic Fund, Inc. 113450678 * $8,000 DCLA
To provide public programming, including , films, educational
and nature oriented programs, performances and exhibits.
Local Mendez CC GRIOT Circle Inc 113364328 * $10,000 DFTA
Funds would support GRIOT's model program Buddy-2-Buddy
including staffing, hiring a Program Coordinator, conducting
community-wide outreach and presentations, and conducting
an evaluation of the program in order to share the model. B-2-
B is a program designed to provide LGBT elders the care
companionship and community they need by matching one
or more elders together in relationships of mutual respect
and support. Buddies make home and hospital visits, call
each other regularly, accompany each other to the doctor or
shopping, attend GRIOT parties, events or groups together
and much more.
p. 116 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Gentile Groundswell Community Mural Project 113427213 $15,000 DCLA
To bring together professional artists, students from Fort
Hamilton High School and the surrounding neighborhood,
and community members from District 43 to design and
fabricate a large scale mural at Fort Hamilton High School,
celebrating veterans of the Afghanistan war. Funds will
support artist fees and materials expense.
Local Gonzalez Groundswell Community Mural Project 113427213 $7,500 DCLA
To create a large scale mural in Red Hook, brightening the
community post Hurricane Sandy, and involving NYC teens in
the project. Funds will cover artist fees and material
Local Recchia Groundswell Community Mural Project 113427213 * $6,000 DCLA
To bring together professional artists, low-income teenagers
from District 47 (and three other NYC communities most
affected by Hurricane Sandy), and community members to
design and create a public artwork. Requested funds will
support artist fees and materials expense.
Local Crowley Grover Cleveland High School 136400434 $2,500 DOE
To support a student model bridge-building project. Funding
will support teacher training, materials and othe program
Local Reyna Grover Cleveland High School 136400434 $7,000 DOE
Funds will support science and engineering programs
including Bridge Building, Science Olympiad, and Envirothon
at Grover Cleveland High School.
Local Fidler Guardians of the Sick 116003433 * $5,000 DYCD
To support the Family Crisis Intervention Program, assisting
families affected by domestic violence or where there is a
suspicion of child neglect or abuse.
Local Recchia Guardians of the Sick 116003433 * $31,000.00 DYCD-CD
The Family Crisis Intervention Program deals with situations
of domestic violence and families where there exists a
suspicion of child neglect or abuse. Our program visits the
home upon a call for help from a neighbor, relative or school.
Our intervention serves as a safety net by guiding parents
into therapy, assisting to pay for counseling, and
arranging/paying for care of the physical needs of the family.
Our Parenting Classes offer guidance and coping skills with
real-life problems. When the familial situation warrants,
children are sponsored during the summer to camps. Our
social work interns serve as big brothers/big sisters to the
children of the program. These interns meet with the children
and families to assist them with coping skills. The volunteers
educate families as to their entitlements to help alleviate
the critical stage. We reach out to many community
organizations that have the expertise in whatever area
p. 117 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Lander CC Guardians of the Sick, Inc. 116003433 * $50,000 DYCD
The Family Crisis Intervention Program deals with situations
of domestic violence and families where there exists a
suspicion of child neglect or abuse. Our intervention serves as
a safety net by guiding parents into therapy, assisting to pay
for counseling, and arranging for care of the physical needs
of the family. Our Parenting classes offer guidance and
coping skills to real-life problems.
Local Greenfield Guardians of the Sick, Inc. 116003433 * $6,000 DYCD
The Family Crisis Intervention Program deals with situations
of domestic violence and families where there exists a
suspicion of child neglect or abuse. Our program visits the
home upon a call for help from a neighbor, relative or school.
Our intervention serves as a safety net by guiding parents
into therapy, assisting to pay for counseling, and
arranging/paying for care of the physical needs of the family.
Our Parenting Classes offer guidance and coping skills with
real-life problems. When the familial situation warrants,
children are sponsored during the summer to camps. Our
social work interns serve as big brothers/big sisters to the
children of the program. These interns meet with the children
and families to assist them with coping skills. The volunteers
educate families as to their entitlements to help alleviate
situations before they reach!
Local Gentile, Fidler CC GUILD FOR EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN, INC. 11-6037766 * $15,000 DFTA
Funding is requested to provide equipment;training to staff
and to offset actual staffing costs to create a Wellness Center
for senior citizens living with developmental disbilities served
by the GEC.
Local Williams Guyana Cultural Association of New York, Inc. 113624294 * $4,000 DYCD
To support the 2013 Summer Camp and Kid Tent Curriculum
that celebrates Caribbean traditions, science and the
environment, cooking (related to the foods of the tropics),
and writing (literature and storytelling).
Local Rivera H.O.P.E. at The Crib, Inc. 800485850 $5,000 DYCD
Funds will support awareness events and workshops for
youth, pregnant teens and young/new parents as well as a
thrift shop where pregnant and parenting teens can earn
gently used baby and household items through program
Local Eugene Haitian Alliance For Health Inc. 113370457 $5,000 DOHMH
To provide for preventative workshops on sexually
transmitted diseases, chronic pathologic conditions, and
cancer awareness, and to provide senior recreational
Local Eugene Haitian American Business Network, Inc. 470939800 * $5,000 DYCD
To support a job training and placement program for the
unemployed and underemployed..
Local Recchia Haitian American Business Network, Inc. 470939800 * $4,000 DYCD
To support a job training and placement program for the
unemployed and underemployed..
p. 118 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Williams Haitian American Business Network, Inc. 470939800 * $4,000 DYCD
To support the Financial Literacy/ Business Education and
Support Services program, providng programs for small
business owners including an Entrepreneurial Boot Camp,
Teachings of Best Practices to Manage a Small Business, Tax
Savings Strategies, Writing a Business Plan Effectively, and
Doing Business with the Government.
Local Williams Haitian American Business Network, Inc. 470939800 * $4,000 DYCD
To support the Haitian American Business Network's
Entrepreneur Health Wellness and Fitness Program.
Local Williams Haitian American Business Network, Inc. 470939800 * $4,000 DYCD
To support the Health Wellness Fitness Program which is
designed to promote wellness and fitness among community
members by providing comprehensive and convenient ways
for individuals to get into and stay in shape.
Local Williams Haitian American Business Network, Inc. 470939800 * $4,000 DYCD
To support the Job Placement program, which trains people
to work in a specific field or company and assists with job
Local Comrie Haitian Americans United for Progress, Inc. 112423857 * $10,000 DYCD
To assist eligible adult immigrants, in particular those from
Haiti, the Caribbean and West Africa to achieve citizenship.
Funding will be used towards HAUPs Newcomer Integration
and Citizenship Program.
Local Comrie Haitian Americans United for Progress, Inc. 112423857 * $10,000 DYCD
To provide educational workshops on domestic violence and
common dynamics; abuse tactics and common reactions; as
well as on available options and resources for people coping
with domestic violence.
Local Comrie Haitian Americans United for Progress, Inc. 112423857 * $10,000 DYCD
To provide legal assistance at a nominal cost to individuals
petitioning for immigrant visas for their eligible relatives, and
immigrants seeking to gain citizenship status through the
naturalization process.
Local Comrie Haitian Americans United for Progress, Inc. 112423857 * $10,000 DYCD
To support an afterschool program for immigrant youth. This
program provides leadership activities, homework assistance,
academic enhancement, and preparation for the NYS high
stakes exams.
Local Eugene Haitian Americans United for Progress, Inc. 112423857 * $5,000 DOHMH
To support an afterschool program for immigrant youth
including leadership activities, homework assistance,
academic enhancement, and preparation for the NYS exams.
Local Eugene Haitian Centers Council 112648501 * $10,000 DYCD
To support the Young Mens Mentoring Group for male
middle school students fintegrating social media and video
documentary into each workshop. The funds will be used for
program supplies and staffing a program coordinator and
Local Gonzalez Harbor Hill Housing Development Fund Corporation 113152691 * $5,000 DYCD
To provide social programs and activities for tenants
including celebrations, arts and craft, exercise, computer
class, exercise class, and other activities.
Local Dickens
Harlem Artist Development League Especially for You -
H.A.D.L.E.Y. Players 133611138 * $5,000 DCLA To produce three plays with performances in the community.
p. 119 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Dickens Harlem Arts Alliance 470873119 $10,000 DCLA
To support performances, promotional and other materials
for Arts Advocacy Week, an annual program to foster greater
awareness of the important role of artists and cultural
institutions play in Harlem and the impact on the communitys
identity, culture, economy and future.
Local Jackson Harlem Arts Alliance 470873119 $3,000 DCLA
Funds will support the Strivers Arts Circuit, a walking tour and
public viewing and selling of artists work in art studios,
businesses and restaurants in the Strivers Row area in mid-
Local Dickens Harlem Birth Action Committee, Inc. 133675269 * $5,500 DYCD
To support women's health programs and educational
outreach about women's health issues, reproductive health
and parenting at locations in the community.
Local Jackson Harlem Business Alliance, Inc. 133591350 $5,000 DSBS
Funds will support technical support and instruction for small
businesses and aspiring entrepreneurs including teaching of
business planning, marketing, MWBE certification and
navigation of government requirements and incentives.
Local Dickens Harlem Chamber Players Inc., The 452160781 $3,500 DCLA
To support the Harlem Chamber Players 2013 - 2014 season,
which will include concerts, costs to pay professional
musicians to rehearse and perform live classical music
concerts, and other costs associated with marketing and
producing the events.
Local Jackson Harlem Chamber Players Inc., The 452160781 $3,000 DCLA
Funds will support the Harlem Chamber Players 2013-2014
season of 5 concerts.
Local Jackson Harlem Children Society 352168157 $7,000 DYCD
Funds will support preparing low income and underserved
youth at public high schools and undergraduates for careers
in the STEM fields and integrating science education and
awareness in the community through arts and entertainment.
Local Jackson
Harlem Dowling Westside Center for Children and
Family Services 133030378 $3,500 DFTA
Funds will support an inter-generational program between
the after school program at PS/MS 161 and the Logan
Gardens Housing Development senior residents for arts and
Local Dickens Harlem Interagency Council for the Aging, Inc. 133317271 * $5,000 DFTA
To increase community outreach efforts with a series of
workshops geared at educating tenants.
Local Dickens Harlem Mother's Stop Another Violent End (S.A.V.E.) 260847222 * $7,000 DYCD
To support educational and recreational programs for youth,
an Annual Day of Healing for community residents and family
members healing from the affects of violent crimes, Family-to-
Family Support Groups and general operating expenses for
the organization.
Local Dickens Harlem Needle Arts, Inc. 203505872 $3,500 DCLA
To support a lecture series and program for the public on
fiber and needle arts in the African Diaspora. Funding will be
used for costs associated with these programs, including
honorariums, promotional materials, and media upload for
online viewing.
Local Dickens
Harlem Renaissance Economic Development
Corporation 134054552 $5,000 DYCD
To support a Harlem Renaissance Young Entrepreneurs Boot
Camp to help Harlem entrepreneurs learn business, financial
literacy and life skills.
Local Dickens Harlem River Houses Resident Association 136400434 * $3,500 NYCHA
To support Family Day activities including, events, and
entertainment at the Harlem River Houses.
p. 120 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Dickens Harlem School of the Arts, Inc., The 132552500 * $6,000 DCLA
To provide children and youth with training in music, dance,
theatre, visual arts, and musical theatre. Funding will be used
for programs and to provide after-school transportation
options for students.
Local Jackson Harlem School of the Arts, Inc., The 132552500 * $6,000 DCLA
Funds will support HSA's Children's program which offers arts
training in music, dance, theatre, visual arts for students aged
Local Dickens, Viverito CC Harlem United Community AIDS Center, Inc. 133461695 * $75,000 DYCD
To provide comprehensive health care for injecting drug
users in high-impact areas in Manhattan - such as East and
Central Harlem - as a measure to prevent the spread of HIV
and AIDS. Specifically, we employ a full-time Expanded
Syringe Access Program Physicians Assistant to provide
holistic health care and harm reduction counseling to clients,
while assisting with overdose prevention and reversal
trainings for community members.
Local Dickens CC Harlem Week, Inc. 133058019 * $25,000 DYCD
A Great Day in Harlem-A full day of health testing, education
and family resources information, local performers, activities
Exercise and educational activities and information for
seniors all over the city.
Summer in the City-Consisting of the College Fair, Srs and
Youth sports and recreation, Childrens Festival-education,
health and wellness, anti-gang and anti-bullying information,
music, athletic and recreation activities for children citywid
HARLEM DAY-Consisting of the Health Village, Childrens
Festival, Auto Show, Business Expo, Youth and Family Sports
Percy Sutton 5k Run and Family Walk for Peace-Citywide
family exercise and athletic events that are a part of the
events health initiative. The run is a qualifier for the NYC
Local Jackson Harlem Week, Inc. 133058019 * $5,000 DYCD
Funds will support various events during the Harlem Week
period including Senior Citizens Day, Summer in the City
providing youth and children's events and activities and
Harlem Day with health activities, business expositions and
p. 121 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Mendez CC Harm Reduction Coalition 943204958 * $15,000 DYCD
Provide in-demand free training for providers of HIV
prevention and drug user services throughout NYC. Classes
may include: Overview of Reduction, Pregnancy and HIV,
Overdose Prevention, and Motivational Interviewing.
Local Viverito Harvest Home Farmers Market, Inc. 061800512 $3,500 DYCD
To support the implementation of farmers markets, cooking
demonstrations and workshops, and other activities that to
increase low-income New Yorkers access to and use of fresh
Local Dickens Harvest Home Farmers Market, Inc. 061800512 * $4,000 DYCD
To support farmers markets, cooking demonstrations and
workshops, education about health and nutrition, and other
activities that will increase low-income New Yorkers access
to and use of fresh food.
Local Comrie Harvest Life Center, Inc., The 202735233 * $7,500 DYCD
To support youth and family activities, recreational filed trips,
summer activities for youth.
Local Richards Haven Ministries 113380221 * $5,000 DYCD
Funds will be used to defray the costs of other than
personnel expenses (OTPS) and utilities.
Local Ferreras HCCQ Community Development Fund Corp 201228597 * $3,500 DYCD
The funds will be used to support outreach to high school and
college students to assist them in applying for Federal
financial aid opportunities.
Local Palma Health People, Inc. 510418243 $5,000 DOHMH
To provide self-care education, community based HIV
prevention education, and enroll children whose parents
have Aids in a mentoring/support program. Funding will help
cover costs of the AIDS support and prevention programs
that serves women and families Affected by HIV.
Local Arroyo Healthcare Industry Grant Corporation 134197609 * $9,000 DOHMH
To support the Bronx Healthcare Learning Collaborative, a
college entrance program to prepare minority students for
college health care/patient care programs.
Local King Healthcare Industry Grant Corporation 134197609 * $9,000 DOHMH
To fund youth sports programs including league registration
fees, uniforms, equipment, referees fees, maintenance fees,
utilities, other related expenses.
Local Palma Healthcare Industry Grant Corporation 134197609 * $9,000 DOHMH
To increase diversity in healthcare professions with
programs to help individuals matriculate in healthcare
degree programs. The funds will be used for instructional
expenses, case management, outreach and public events.
Local Arroyo Healthright International, Inc. 133791391 * $5,000 DOHMH
To train clinicians and provide direct services to immigrants
who survived torture in their countries of origin, and to
upgrade a client database to more efficiently collect data and
track outcomes as a measure of survivors path to self-
Local Gentile, Fidler, Oddo CC Heartshare Human Services of New York 111633549 * $35,000 DFTA
Services will be provided to senior citizens through the
Surfside Gardens Cornerstone Program,located in the NYCHA
Surfside Gardens complex. Services include
meals,trips,recreational activities and case management.
Seniors also volunteer in the after-school program.
p. 122 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Recchia Heartshare Human Services of New York 111633549 * $7,000 DFTA
To support a mentoring program for youth in partnership
with the HeartShare DYCD/NYCHA Cornerston program for
seniors, who serve as volunteers in after-school program for
younger children and will join older youth in community
service projects.
Local Recchia Heartshare Human Services of New York 111633549 * $7,000 DFTA
To support a mentoring program for youth in partnership
with the HeartShare DYCD/NYCHA Cornerston program for
seniors, who serve as volunteers in after-school program for
younger children and will join older youth in community
service projects.
Local Fidler Hebrew Educational Society 111642720 * $11,000 DYCD
To operate a community and multi-service center that
provides childcare, after-school care, sports programs, day
camps, six distinct special needs programs, and a music
education program. Funds will support direct program
staffing and direct program costs .
Gennaro, Rivera, Koppell,
Cabrera, Palma, Vacca CC Hebrew Home for the Aged at Riverdale, The 131739971 $10,000 DFTA
To enable critical elder abuse programming to continue at
HHAR. The Harry Jeanette Weinberg Center for Elder Abuse
Prevention provides direct services for victims of elder abuse.
Funding also supports comprehensive services directed to the
victims such as psychologcal and therapeutic counseling.
Local Fidler Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS, Inc.) 135633307 $3,500 DYCD
To support HIAS free legal services for asylum seekers in NYC,
for any individuals regardless of race, religion, nationality,
membership in a particular social group, or political opinion.
Local Jackson Hebrew Tabernacle of Washington Heights, Inc. 130831470 * $3,500 DYCD
Funds will support art exhibitions and musical programs,
lectures, health and safety programs and inter-group social
action activities.
Local Rodriguez Hebrew Tabernacle of Washington Heights, Inc. 130831470 * $3,500 DYCD
To provide art exhibitions and musical programs for the
community, lectures and discussion groups about health and
safety programs and intergroup social action activities.
Local Jackson Heights Center for Immigrant Advocacy, The 133878787 * $10,000 DYCD
Family Services: child care and after school tutoring; youth
mentorship; immigration and naturalization application
assistance; tenants organizing and social service referrals.
Local Levin, James, Lander CC
Heights Hill Mental Health Service, SBPC, Community
Advisory Board, Inc. 112785605 * $15,000 DOHMH
Funds will be expended to pay a portion of the salary and
fringe costs of the Director of Development and External
Aairs. Sta member will provide weekly agency website
updates as well as to design, create and distribute the
quarterly printed newsletter. Staff member will attend
monthly community meetings and coordinate the agencys
outreach to both consumers and providers to inform them of
the free services available at Rainbow Heights Club.
p. 123 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local James
Heights Hill Mental Health Service, SBPC, Community
Advisory Board, Inc. 112785605 $5,000 DOHMH
Funds will help serve clients during the budget period. These
services will be available from 9-5 pm, Monday to Friday,.
This service will allow clients to increase their knowledge of
housing criteria through information, referrals, and provide
them with direct assistance in completing the NYC Housing
Authority (NYCHA) or similar low income housing
applications. Clients will also benefit from lower rent costs
and greater economic liberty.
Local Lander
Heights Hill Mental Health Service, SBPC, Community
Advisory Board, Inc. 112785605 $5,000 DOHMH
To provide treatment, advocacy and support services to
LGBTQ people living with mental illness and to support
operational expenses of organization and outreach to the
Local Arroyo, Levin, Williams CC Helen Keller Services for the Blind 111630807 $10,000 DFTA
Funds will be used to support our free Adaptive Living
Program (ALP) for visually impaired seniors aged 55 and
older. ALP provides an array of individualized rehabilitation
and low vision services, with the objective of helping clients
regain self-sufficiency, maintain independence and improve
their quality of life. Services include: training in safe travel
techniques, home and personal management skills, and
communication skills; low vision exams and devices; and
social casework services with links to community resources.
Local Gentile Helen Keller Services for the Blind 111630807 $1,500 DFTA
To provide individualized rehabilitation and low vision
services to legally blind seniors, including training in safe
travel techniques, home and personal management skills, and
communication skills, and other services to help clients
maintain independence and improve their quality of life.
Local Dickens
Hellenic American Neighborhood Action Committee
(HANAC) 112290832 $7,500 DYCD
To provide job training in topics such as customer services,
green jobs, and the national work readiness credential.
Funding will support program expenses including expenses
associated with certifications and licenses.
Local Vallone
Hellenic American Neighborhood Action Committee,
Inc. (HANAC) 112290832 $3,500 DYCD
Funds will support the HANAC Extended Services program
which provides a comprehensive range of case assistance and
information referral services to seniors, new immigrants and
low income families and individuals.
Local Vallone
Hellenic American Neighborhood Action Committee,
Inc. (HANAC) 112290832 $3,500 DFTA
The funds will support the HANAC EWC, a transportation
program that transports seniors and the disabled to senior
centers, group shopping, banking, local medical
appointments, voting, walking clubs and various social
Local Van Bramer
Hellenic American Neighborhood Action Committee,
Inc. (HANAC) 112290832 $7,000 DFTA
The HANAC Ravenswood Senior Center provides a safe,
comfortable site for local seniors to congregate. The funding
supports costs of social events, operating expenses and
p. 124 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Quinn Hell's Kitchen Neighborhood Association, Inc. 133860770 $5,000 DYCD
To support the TREE GUARDS 2014 Program to install tree
guards in Hells Kitchen to protect the frail trees newly
planted by the Parks department as part of the Mayors one
million Tree program. Funds will be used to install tree
Local Chin Henry Street Settlement 131562242 $3,500 DCLA
Funding will help to support Henry Street's Neighborhood
Resource Center for Lower East Side residents and New
Yorkers, providing clients with social services including
eligibility for benefits, legal assisance for low income
residents and a financial clinic .
Local Chin Henry Street Settlement 131562242 $3,500 DCLA
Funding will support Henry Street Settlement's Workforce
Development Center offering work readiness, training, job
placement case management and other related services.
Local Chin Henry Street Settlement 131562242 $3,500 DCLA
Funds will help provide free performance events at the
organization's Abrons Arts Center in FY14.
Local Mendez Henry Street Settlement 131562242 $3,500 DYCD
Funds will be used to support the Good Companions Senior
Center (GCSC).
Local Foster Herbert H Lehman College Foundation, Inc. 133150922 $20,000 CUNY
Funds used for food distribution drives to the poor,
mentoring programs for teens at risk, programs during the
summer when there is no school and assistance with applying
for government programs.
Local Jackson Heritage Health and Housing, Inc. 132661509 * $5,000 DOHMH
Funds will support the provision of outpatient safety net
primary medical and dental services in West Harlem at a
Federally Qualified Health Center Section 330 (e)Community
Health Center.
Brewer, Mendez, Koppell,
Palma, Van Bramer, Lander CC Hetrick-Martin Institute, Inc. 133104537 * $225,000 DYCD
To Support the Supportive Services Department, specifically
to cover the salaries of our Counselors and Case Managers as
we rise to meet a surge in demand for our services. The
increase in funding from the previous year will be to cover all
costs associated with hiring an additional Counselor, which
will assist us in providing 500 additional young people this
year with comprehensive mental health services.
Local Dromm Hetrick-Martin Institute, Inc. 133104537 * $3,500 DYCD
To allow us to continue critical on-site supportive services
during the after-school hours, from 9am-8pm for low-income
at-risk LGBTQ youth.
Local Dromm
HHC Elmhurst Hospital Center - Libertas Center for
Human 136400434 * $3,500 HHC PENDING
Local Nelson
Hiceg Health Information Coalition Education Group,
Inc. 452906031 * $3,500 DOHMH
We need funds to create more awareness and information to
broader public and community members.
Local King High School for Contemporary Arts 136400434 * $10,000 DOE Funds will be used to purchase musical instruments.
Local Foster Highbridge Community Life Center 133015539 $15,000 DYCD
To support HCLC's afterschool internship program for
Highbridge Youth, grades 3-5. The program trains students to
use video equipment, record Highbridge history, receive
presentations and training from the Bronx Historical Society,
and participate in the Highbridge School Coalition's annual art
writing contest.
p. 125 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Van Bramer Hip to Hip Theater 264049629 * $3,500 DYCD PENDING
Local Cabrera Hispanic Federation, Inc. 133573852 * $5,000 DYCD
To support the Latino community by improving educational
attainment, promoting healthier communities, improving
immigrant opportunities, and strengthening Latino
Cabrera, Women's Caucus,
Bronx Delegation, Mendez,
Manhattan Delegation, BLAC,
Van Bramer, Dromm, Lander,
Arroyo, Ferreras, Viverito,
Vacca, Palma, Rodriguez, Chin CC Hispanic Federation, Inc. 133573852 * $225,000 DYCD
To continue strengthening New York citys growing Latino
community and support non-profits providing vital health and
human services to Hispanic children families. Funding
supports four strategic action areas: Strengthening Latino
Nonprofits, Improving Educational Achievement, Promoting
Healthy Communities and Increasing Immigrant
Local Jackson Hispanic Federation, Inc. 133573852 * $5,000 DYCD
Funds will support programs to improve education, health
and immigrant opportunities and strengthen Latino not-for-
Local Palma Hispanic Federation, Inc. 133573852 * $5,000 DYCD
To provide programs and initiatives that serve New York's
growing and diverse Latino communities.
Local Rodriguez Hispanic Federation, Inc. 133573852 * $30,500 DYCD
To provide programs for New York's Latino communities with
a particular focus on youth.
Local Viverito Hispanic Federation, Inc. 133573852 * $9,500 DYCD
To fund a public mosaic art project in East Harlem to honor
the legacy of Dr. Antonia Pantoja.
Local Viverito Hispanic Federation, Inc. 133573852 * $23,500 DYCD
To support and promote programs at the Julia de Burgos
Latino Cultural Center in East Harlem, including a full range of
Latino artistic and cultural programming at affordable prices.
Local Chin Historic Districts Council, Inc. 133389566 $3,500 DCLA
Funding will support three programs that are the cornerstone
of HDCs mission to educate constituents on ideas, strategies
and tools of preservation and community development,
including an annual preservation conference, tours of, and
information on, historic neighborhoods, and a film series on
the 5 boroughs.
Local Dickens Historic Districts Council, Inc. 133389566 $5,500 DCLA
To support three programs to educate constituents on
preservation and community development: an Annual
Preservation Conference; Six to Celebrate Neighborhood
Tours and Tour Booklets; and an Across New York Film Series.
Local Garodnick Historic Districts Council, Inc. 133389566 $3,500 DCLA
Funding will support educational and outreach programs to
promote historic preservation, including the Annual
Preservation Conference Series, About New York Lecture,
Film and Tour Series, and Six to Celebrate Neighborhood
Local Gentile Historic Districts Council, Inc. 133389566 $2,000 DCLA
To educate the public on ideas, strategies and tools of
preservation and community development through an
Annual Preservation Conference; neighborhood tours and an
Across New York Film Series.
Local Gonzalez Historic Districts Council, Inc. 133389566 $5,000 DCLA
To educate constituents on ideas, strategies and tools of
preservation and community development through an
Annual Preservation Conference; Six to Celebrate
Neighborhood Tours & Tour Booklets; and the Across New
York Film Series.
p. 126 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Levin Historic Districts Council, Inc. 133389566 $3,500 DCLA
To educate constituents on ideas, strategies and tools of
preservation and community development through an
Annual Preservation Conference, six Celebrate Neighborhood
Tours tour booklets; and an Across New York Film Series.
Local Jackson Historic House Trust of New York City 133590825 $3,000 DPR
Funds will support the historic House Trust's Fall Festival
promoting activities that address the history of the 23 city-
owned historic properties located in city parks.
Women's Caucus, Mendez,
Levin, Lappin, Brewer, Lander,
Arroyo CC Hollaback, Inc. 273199988 * $20,000 DYCD
To educate New Yorkers on how to respond when they
experience street harassment, how to safely intervene when
they witness street harassment, and how to report street
harassment to the authorities.
Local Ferreras Hollaback, Inc. 273199988 * $3,500 DYCD
To educate New Yorkers on how to respond to street
harassment, how to safely intervene when they witness
street harassment, and how to report street harassment to
the authorities.
Local James Hollaback, Inc. 273199988 * $5,000 DYCD
Providing for seminars to educate women, the LGBTQ
community and youth on how to respond to and report
street harassment.
Local Levin Hollaback, Inc. 273199988 * $3,500 DYCD
To educate New Yorkers on how to respond when they
experience street harassment, how to safely intervene when
they witness street harassment, and how to report street
harassment to the authorities.
Local Palma Hollaback, Inc. 273199988 * $3,500 DYCD
To educate New Yorkers on how to respond, intervene, and
report street harassment that they are subject or witnesses
Local Comrie Hollis Presbyterian Church 111631786 * $10,000 DFTA
To support programs for senior citizens in District 27 such as
trips to plays, museums, and parks, as well as exercise
programs and health seminars.
Local Oddo Holy Rosary Church 133637539 * $17,000 DOHMH
Parish Nurse Program at Holy Rosary Church is intended to
provide those in the community a link with services needed
to help with their healthcare, mental and spiritual needs.
Funds will help support our program.
Local Garodnick Holy Trinity Neighborhood Center 753107120 $3,500 DYCD
Funding will support the purchase of food for the Senior
Lunch and Neighborhood Supper programs, which provide a
sit down meal for people in need.
Local Lappin Holy Trinity Neighborhood Center 753107120 $4,000 DYCD
To support a Neighborhood Supper and Senior Lunch
Local Nelson, Gentile, Fidler CC Homecrest Community Services, Inc. 113373115 * $15,000 DFTA
Funding will provide educational and recreational services for
seniors: health and wellness, Tai-chi exercise, group singing,
dance classes, community workshops, and ESL classes. Funds
will be used for instructors and staff costs.
Local Gentile Homecrest Community Services, Inc. 113373115 * $2,000 DFTA
to provide educational and recreational services for seniors,
translation (Chinese-English) services, case assistance,
community workshops, and health and wellness programs
The funds will be used for staff and instructor costs, bus trips,
space rental and administrative costs.
p. 127 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Recchia Homecrest Community Services, Inc. 113373115 * $24,000 DFTA
to provide educational and recreational services for seniors,
translation (Chinese-English) services, case assistance,
community workshops, and health and wellness programs
The funds will be used for staff and instructor costs, bus trips,
space rental and administrative costs.
Local Palma Homeless Services United, Inc. 133922640 * $9,000 OCJC
To provide shelter and other homeless services, and to train
staff to service clients in the shelter system including on how
to write effective case notes, professionalism and other
relevant topics.
Local James Hope City Empowerment Center, Inc. 113629292 * $4,000 DYCD To support a soup kitchen and food pantry.
Local James, Levin, Lander CC HOPE Program, Inc., The 133268539 * $40,000 OCJC
HOPE provides New York City residents with histories of
incarceration with the tools necessary to overcome related
barriers, secure jobs and advance in their positions We
provide legal education, assistance in cleaning up rap sheets,
work opportunity tax credits and targeted mental health
services. This approach enables HOPE to achieve the same
outcomes among individuals with criminal backgrounds as
the rest of our population including 70 job placement and
one-year retention.
Local Levin HOPE Program, Inc., The 133268539 $5,000 OCJC
To support classroom-based training focused on literacy,
math, GED tutoring, computers, resumes, interviewing,
certifications in food handling and OSHA, customer service,
on-the-job-training, daily meals, professional clothing, and
job placement.
Local Jackson Hospital Audiences Inc. 136277895 $3,000 DCLA
Funds will support a community Performing Arts series which
presents free and low cost concerts and performances to
diverse audiences including seniors, those with special needs
and students.
Local Oddo Hospital Audiences Inc. 136277895 $3,500 DCLA
Funds will support the In-Facility Performance Program,
which brings musicians, dancers, storytellers, and other
performers into human service facilities, schools, hospitals,
and nursing homes to provide enriching experiences
promoting intellectual and social stimulation.
Local Lappin Hospital Audiences, Inc 136277895 $3,500 DFTA
To provide transportation to help seniors access health and
wellness services, meal programs and greenmarkets as well
as cultural and recreational activities such as concerts,
theater and movies. Funds will be used for bus maintenance,
program marketing and staffing.
Local Comrie Hospital Audiences, Inc. 136277895 $3,500 DCLA
To support a Community Performing Arts Series, presenting
free and low cost concerts and performances by culturally
diverse performing artists to diverse audiences with special
outreach to seniors, special needs individuals and Grade K-12
students. Funds will support artist fees and other program
Local Koslowitz Hospital Audiences, Inc. 136277895 $3,300 DFTA
Funds will support the Describe program, which offers live
audio descriptive services to visually impaired New Yorkers to
attend and enjoy Broadway shows.
p. 128 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Dromm Hotel Chinese Association of New York, Inc. 260603387 $3,500 DYCD
To provide training to immigrants in the Chinese community,
on job skills, job searching, interviews, and worker benefits.
Local Van Bramer Hour Children 133647412 $3,500 DYCD
To support the HELP Day Care program through funding for
costs of renting facilities.
Local Brewer Housing Conservation Coordinators, Inc. 510141489 * $3,000 HPD
To provide legal, advocacy and tenant organizing services to
low and moderate income residents.
Local CC Housing Conservation Coordinators, Inc. 510141489 * $140,000 HPD
Support for legal services and organizing programs as follows:
1) Legal representation: Staff attorneys represent low income
households on landlord/tenant, benefit, unemployment,
consumer debt, domestic violence, disability and immigration
matters. 2) Advocacy: HCC staff assists clients with non-
litigation advocacy services such as obtaining repairs,
accessing rent subsidies including SCRIE, DRIE, Section 8 and
RAP, completing applications, resolving rent overcharges,
obtaining corrected lease renewals, etc. 3) Tenant
Organizing: HCC's tenant organizers work to form self-
sustaining tenant associations to address such issues as: code
violations, harassment, illegal lockouts, rent overcharges, and
substandard living conditions. 4) Community Organizers
educate and mobilize residents around impact issues facing
our community.
Delegation Housing Court Answers, Inc. 133317188 $3,500 HPD
Funding will be used to monitor the Housing Courts, conduct
trainings for housing advocates, supplement the cost of
newsletter production, other informational material on
Housing Court, and maintainance of the website.
Local Gentile HS or Telecommunication Arts & Technology 136400434 * $1,000 DOE To support PTA activities for parents and children.
Local CC Hudson Guild 135562989 $105,000 DYCD
Hudson Guild's Teen Services Program provides services to
150 youth ages 13-24 around education, work and recreation.
The program targets disconnected and at-risk teens and
young adults living in Elliott- Chelsea and Fulton Public
Housing Developments who are at risk of dropping out of
school, being unemployed, engaging in criminal activity or
drug/alcohol abuse, and/or live in poverty.
Local Quinn Hudson Guild 135562989 $3,000 DYCD
To support the Chelseas Community Supported Agriculture
(CSA) Project, providing produce for a wide range of Chelsea
residents at various income levels.
Local Quinn Hudson Guild 135562989 $43,000 DYCD
To support the Teen Services Program assist youth in
achieving academic, professional and personal success in a
safe, supportive and nurturing environment. The program
provides outreach to disconnected and at-risk teens and
young adults living in Elliott- Chelsea and Fulton Public
Housing Developments who are either currently or at risk of
dropping out of school, being unemployed, engaging in
criminal activity or drug/alcohol abuse, and/or live in poverty.
p. 129 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Cabrera, Garodnick, Brewer CC Human Services Council of New York City, Inc. 133620059 $40,000 DYCD
Funding to support the ongoing streamlining and
modernization of business solutions for the nonprofit sector.
Over the past several years, HSC has worked with the
Mayors office to create, test and implement systems that
will make doing business with the City easier. From
procurement practices to standard auditing procedures, HSC
has been the voice of the sector throughout the proces.
2. Funding to create a sustainable and ongoing disaster
preparedness system to ensure the nonprofit sector is
equipped for future catastrophes and be able to continue
meeting essential needs of affected populations. As was
highlighted during the recent post-Sandy hearings, steps
could have been taken to better prepare for the storms
outcomes. After 9-11 HSC assumed responsibility of
coordinating disaster preparedness for the sector. HSC would
like to resume that role and seeks Council support for that
Local Arroyo
Humane Education Advocates Reaching Teachers
(HEART, Inc.) 412055310 * $7,000 DYCD
To support the Humane Living Program (HLP) for students
and schools in District 25, a direct service in-classroom
initiative that addresses animal welfare, environmental
protection and social justice issues.
Local Rodriguez I Challenge Myself, Inc. 562423423 * $5,000 DYCD
To support the Cycling Smarts program for high school
students at the George Washington Educational Campus
(GWEC), providing long distance cycling, cross training and
nutrition workshops. Funding will cover bikes, bike
maintenance and other program costs.
Local Jackson Ice Theatre Of New York 133258301 * $3,500 DYCD
Funds will support the New Works and Young Artists Series
which provides free performances and on ice instruction for
at-risk youth in District 7.
Local Greenfield Igud L' Hachzokas Torah 113588991 $10,000 DYCD
Funds will either be used for a mentoring program for
difficult teenagers or to provide suppers to the community
Local Oddo IlluminArt Productions 421727647 $3,500 DYCD
Funds will support Project TRUST-Teaching and Reaching
Using Students and Theater at The Petrides School, which will
produce two plays focused on bullying and violence
prevention performed by high school students.
Local Dickens
ImageNation Film Festival, Inc. (aka ImageNation
Cinema Foundation) 204186876 * $4,000 DYCD
To support the 11th Annual Outdoor Film and Music Festival.
Funds will be used to pay staff and artist fees.
Local Dickens Impac Tenants Association 562637684 * $3,500 DYCD
To expand afterschool activitiesincluding the rebuilding the
childrens playground and building a multi-service learning
and recreational center for the residents and children of
Impac Houses and the Harlem Community.
Local Dickens Incorporation of Artists on the Move, Inc. 134066998 * $5,000 DYCD
To support an OpenSpace Arts and Education Program to
create opportunities for artistic expression and further
enhance education through the arts.
p. 130 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Boro Weprin India Home, Inc. 208747291 * $17,857 DFTA
To provide salaries for the staff, free transportation for
seniors to and from the centers and to provide congregate
meals for seniors at the centers.
Local Comrie India Home, Inc. 208747291 * $3,500 DFTA
To support social and educational programs, including shared
meals, health education, transportation and other
programming for seniors and their families.
Local Van Bramer India Home, Inc. 208747291 * $3,500 DFTA To provide transportation and support salaries of staff.
Local Ulrich Indo-Caribbean Alliance, Inc. 272848254 $5,000 DYCD
Funds will support the Youth Leadership Program and
Community Engagment Program serving youth and
immigrants and focusing on mentoring, academic support
and community services.
Local Chin Indochina Sino-American Senior Citizen Center, Inc. 133584616 $4,000 DYCD
Funding will be used for a Citizenship Class and citizenship
application assistance.
Delegation Institute for the Puerto Rican/Hispanic Elderly, Inc. 132987263 $3,500 DFTA
To fund operating and staff costs for emergency services,
case management, senior center services, crime victims
services, mental health clinic, or nutritional programs, and
the Bilingual Emergency Hotline.
Boro Viverito Institute for the Puerto Rican/Hispanic Elderly, Inc. 132987263 $2,500 DFTA
To support recreational and educational activities at the
Millbrook Senior Center, which is a satellite of the Betances
Senior Center.
Local Lappin Institute for the Puerto Rican/Hispanic Elderly, Inc. 132987263 $5,000 DFTA
To support intervention, education and advocacy programs
for seniors such as, congregate care, entitlement access, case
management, social and cultural activities, health education,
empowerment and civic engagement.
Local Reyna Institute for the Puerto Rican/Hispanic Elderly, Inc. 132987263 $10,000 DFTA
Funds will support senior services and programming targeted
towards Latino and other minority seniors including
workshops and access to benefits assistance.
Local Koppell Institute of Applied Human Dynamics, Inc. 132573827 $5,000 DOHMH
To provide for computer classes, computers, software, and
applications for individuals with developmental disabilities.
Local Gentile Intermediate School 187K - Christa McAuliffe School 136400434 * $1,000 DOE
To support PTA activities to benefit both children and
Local Gentile Intermediate School 201K - Dyker Heights School 136400434 * $1,000 DOE
To support PTA activities to benefit both children and
Local Gentile Intermediate School 227K - Edward B. Shallow School 136400434 * $1,000 DOE
To support PTA activities to benefit both children and
Local Gentile Intermediate School 259K - William McKinley School 136400434 * $1,000 DOE
To support PTA activities to benefit both children and
Local Fidler Intermediate School 278K 136400434 $2,500 DOE
To purchase instruments and suppor t the music/band
program at IS 278K.
Local Gentile Intermediate School 281K - Joseph B. Cavallaro 136400434 * $1,000 DOE
To support PTA activities to benefit both children and
Local Gentile
Intermediate School 30K - Mary White Ovington
School 136400434 * $1,000 DOE
To support PTA activities to benefit both children and
Local Quinn International Center of Photography 237412428 $3,500 DCLA
To support Museum programs for the public including
extended hours, a pay-what-you-wish admission policy, and
artist book signings.
Local Reyna International Studio & Curatorial Program, Inc. 205052686 * $5,000 DCLA
Funds will support five public arts projects with the
Williamsburg and Bushwick communitities. Panel discussions
will accompany the porjects.
p. 131 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Weprin InterSchool Orchestras of New York Inc. 237401867 $10,000 DCLA
To provide an orchestra for beginning and intermediate
students (ages 6 to 12) in The Glen Oaks School (PS115Q).
Delegation Inwood Community Services, Inc. 133087407 $3,500 DYCD
To fund youth programs during the summer months and
reading programs throughout the year. Also for Pumpkins on
Post Harvest celebration, and the Mothers on Post
recognition event in the Spring.
Local Rodriguez Inwood Community Services, Inc. 133087407 $5,000 DYCD
To provide Adult Literacy ESOL classes, Youth Services After-
school and summer programming, Mental Health and
Outpatient Addiction Services, and support the UNIDOS
Inwood Coalition.
Local Fidler CC Inwood House 135562254 * $25,000 DYCD
Funding for Teen Choice (TC, our comprehensive sexuality
education and disease prevention program, designed to
assist young people in making a healthy transition to
adulthood, delay the onset of sexual activity, reduce the
incidence of teen pregnancy and HIV/AIDS, and help parents
and children discuss important issues affecting their health.
Local Dickens Iris House - A Center for Women Living with HIV/AIDS 133699201 * $5,000 DOHMH To maintain a daily lunch program.
Dickens, Viverito, Women's
Caucus CC
Iris House - A Center For Women Living with HIV/AIDS,
Inc. 133699201 $15,000 DOHMH
To support for the Women as the Face of AIDS Summit
focused on issues of women infected with and affected by
HIV/AIDS. Our public Education and Awareness Programs
include peer advocacy training, but the cornerstone of the
agencys efforts is the annual Women as the Face of AIDS
summit.Funds will help secure a space for the summit,
provide food, provide for development, printing and
photocopying of materials.
Local Quinn Irish Repertory Theatre Company, Inc. 133531713 * $3,500 DCLA
Funds will support the Crisis Intervention unit to provide
social services to needy New Yorkers, including connecting
clients to benefits, entitlements counseling, client advocacy,
financial assistance, emergency food programs, and career
Local Quinn IRT Theater, Inc. 112831694 * $3,500 DCLA
To provide scholarships for students to attend IRTs Westside
Experiment, a two-week summer intensive that pairs middle
school and high school students with a working theater
company in residency at IRT Theater.
Local Rodriguez CC Isabella Geriatric Center, Inc. 133623808 $20,000 DFTA To support the Our Caring Partners after school program.
Local Vallone Isamu Noguchi Foundation and Garden Museum 611472746 $3,000 DCLA
Funds will support the planning and presentation of
exhibitions, arts education programs, community events and
public programs.
Local Levin ISSUE Project Room Inc. 200367608 $3,500 DCLA
To support the afterschool Social and Academic Support
Program at Vanguard H.S. which is part of the Julia Richman
Education Complex on East 67th Street. The program
provides tutoring, test prep college readiness workshops and
service learning opportunities to students enrolled in the
after school program.
p. 132 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Wills It Takes a Community to Raise a Child 800072605 $3,500 DYCD
To support the Dream Catchers Youth Business Program and
the after school help program by providing funding for
general services, salaries, equipment, office supplies, trips,
consultants, utilities, curriculum, training, marketing, and
Local Gentile Italian Board of Guardians 111633571 * $2,500 DOE
To provide bilingual (English-Italian) mental health
counseling, an after school tutoring/mentoring program for
youth in school districts 20 and 21, and home companionship
for the elderly.
Local Oddo Italian Club of Staten Island, Inc. 133428736 $3,500 DFTA
Funds will support a food drive to provide food to families in
need throughout the Borough of Staten Island.
Local Dickens Jackie Robinson Tenants Association, Inc. 133420375 * $3,500 NYCHA
To support "Family Day" and other Tenant Association
Local Dromm Jackson Heights Beautification Group 112925587 * $3,500 DYCD
To support the community gardening, beautification and
cultural activities of the organization.
Local Ferreras Jackson Heights Beautification Group 112925587 * $3,500 DYCD
To sustain a compost and dog park/run, maintain flower
gardens, run a graffiti removal program and provide cultural
and other programming and information for the Jackson
Heights community.
Local Dromm Jackson Heights Green Alliance Inc. 264725337 $5,000 DYCD
To support the activities, maintenance, and initial street
improvements for the 78th Street Plaza.
Local Ferreras Jackson Heights Green Alliance Inc. 264725337 $5,000 DYCD
To support the activities, maintenance, and initial street
improvements for the 78th Street Plaza, providing free open
space for recreation, free play, workshops for children, adult
fitness classes, and community cultural events.
Local Quinn Jackson Square Alliance 830501875 $5,000 DPR
To maintain Jackson Square park by providing a seasonal
gardener to maintain the park, purchase tables and chairs,
and install a storage shed for the gardening equipment.
Local Ignizio Jacques Marchais Museum of Tibetan Art, Inc. 237280740 $3,500 DYCD
To support Tibetan cultural and art education through
funding the museums' ongoing exhibitions, documentary
screenings, lectures, concerts, demonstrations by Tibetan
artists, family programs, and tai chi classes.
Local Oddo Jacques Marchais Museum of Tibetan Art, Inc. 237280740 $4,000 DCLA
Funding will be used to support the Museums ongoing
activities of exhibits, public programs, and classes.
Local Rose Jacques Marchais Museum of Tibetan Art, Inc. 237280740 $3,500 DCLA
To promote the understanding and preservation of Tibetan
art and culture by supporting the Jacques Marchais Museum
of Tibetan Art. Funding will cover costs of ongoing activities
of exhibits and public programs.
Local Comrie Jamaica Athletic and Learning Center 200975215 * $9,000 DYCD
To support an athletics program with an emphasis on
academics, including academic tutoring, for players and
Local Comrie Jamaica Center for Arts and Learning 112478709 $10,000 DCLA
To provide arts education, visual arts, and performing args
programing to the Queens community including artists,
organizations, individuals and families. Programming
includes in school programs at PS 96 and after school
programs, famiy events and exhibitions.
p. 133 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Gennaro
Jamaica Estates, Holliswood, South Bayside Volunteer
Ambulance Corp., Inc. 237351959 $6,000 FDNY
Emergency medical care and transport of sick and injured -
funds will be used to reimburse operating expenses related
to the following missions: Operation of 3 BLS ambulances,
First aid and CPR education, Medical Tent standbys and First
aid services.
Local Weprin
Jamaica Estates, Holliswood, South Bayside Volunteer
Ambulance Corp., Inc. 237351959 $6,000 FDNY
To provide emergency medical care and transport of the sick
and injured. Funds will be used to reimburse operating
expenses related to the following missions: Operation of 3
BLS ambulances, First aid and CPR education, Medical Tent
standbys and First aid services.
Local Comrie Jamaica High School Parent Teacher Association 061800250 * $3,500 DOE
To support school activities and promote school spirit, as well
as provide transportation to athletic competition.
Local Comrie Jamaica Hospital Medical Center 111631788 * $3,500 DOHMH
To support programs for the community including a Speakers
Bureau, health fairs, support groups and electronic
Local Comrie, Wills CC
Jamaica Service Program for Older Adults Inc -
Friendship Center 510204121 * $25,000 DFTA
Friendship Center offers comprehensive services to seniors
who are mentally and physically frail. Funding will help
operate a psycho-social club, and with funding from SOFA
implement a caregivers respite program. In addition,
Friendship, like all other DFTA funded senior centers, offers a
nutritious lunch, case assistance/information and referral,
therapy, and daily transportation to and from the center.
Local Comrie Jamaica Service Program for Older Adults, Inc. (JSPOA) 510204121 * $19,250 DFTA
To provide programming for mentally and physical frail
seniors, an outreach program and a meal program. Funds will
be used for outreach, upgraded equipment, and other
program costs.
Local Koo James A Bland Resident Association 113355065 * $6,000 NYCHA
Funds used for an education trip to the Black wax museum
and for the computer literacy program purchase of 6-8
computers for job readiness in Resident association office.
Local Chin Japanese American Social Services, Inc. 133093059 * $3,500 DFTA
Funding will provide a wide range of services to hundreds of
individual seniors. Funds will be used to cover the cost of
office supplies such as the cost of printing and mailing
correspondence to seniors and staffing purposes.
Delegation Jazz at Lincoln Center, Inc. 133888641 * $3,500 DCLA
To provide for jazz education programs, and community-
outreach activities.
Local Brewer Jazz at Lincoln Center, Inc. 133888641 * $5,000 DCLA
To support jazz education programs, community-outreach
activities and public programs.
Local Dickens Jazz at Lincoln Center, Inc. 133888641 * $6,000 DCLA
To support concerts season, jazz education programs, and
community-outreach activities.
Local Comrie Jazz Knights, Inc. 112394796 * $3,500 DFTA
To provide concerts in local senior centers and to cosponsor
the St. Albans Jazz festival with the Black Spectrum Theatre.
Local Dickens Jazzmobile, Inc. 132614483 * $8,500 DCLA
To support the Harlem Jazz Shrines festival in celebrating the
legacy of jazz in Harlem, including arts education programs
for students and senior citizens.
p. 134 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Quinn Jazzmobile, Inc. 132614483 * $3,000 DCLA
To support the Jazzmobile's education programs and
concerts including Summerfest, free concerts and audience
engagement programs providing employment for under-
employed jazz artists and other program activities and
related costs.
Local Levin Jazzreach Performing Art & Education Association 113179208 $5,000 DCLA
To support jazz arts education programs in NYC Public
Local Recchia JBI International, Inc. 131683279 * $3,000 DFTA
To serve visually handicapped elderly Russian immigrants in
Council District 47 and throughout New York City by providing
reading materials and reaching out to the Russian immigrant
population, particularly the homebound elderly, to promote
the services availalble tothem.
Local Viverito Jefferson Houses Tenant Association 134059079 * $1,000 NYCHA
To support community activities and events for residents of
the development, including annual family days. Funding will
support the purchase of refreshments, supplies and
entertainment at these events.
Boro Cabrera Jericho Project 133213525 $2,187 DYCD
To support and promote National Recovery Month, raising
awareness and educating people in recovery. Funding will be
used to host an informational session and for the purchase of
print materials.
Local Dickens, Viverito CC Jets of Harlem Inc 203556368 * $15,000 NYPL
Funds will be used to purchase Football, Cheerleading,
Wrestling Basketball equipment uniforms for the youth of
the community. The funds will also be used to help pay for
transportation to and from games and meets.
Local Fidler
Jewish Association for Services for the Aged (JASA --
1199 Plaza NORC) 132620896 $11,000 DFTA
To teach classes in computers, crafts and exercise, provide
transportation for trips, and to support other activities and
events for seniors.
Local Koppell Jewish Association for Services for the Aged (JASA) 132620896 $5,000 DFTA
To provide physical fitness classes, painting, music classes,
lectures, and programs for seniors. Funding will support cost
of teachers and administrative costs for the program.
Local Mendez Jewish Association for Services for the Aged (JASA) 132620896 $3,500 DFTA
Funding will be used to offer entitlement education and
outreach throughout NYC through JPAC Cafes, presentations
and conferences.
Local Greenfield, Recchia CC
Jewish Board of Family and Children's Services, Inc.
(aka Pride of Judea) 135564937 $10,000 DOHMH
To provide quality mental health care to families and
individuals in need.
Local Rodriguez
Jewish Board of Family and Children's Services, Inc.
(aka Pride of Judea) 135564937 $5,000 DOHMH
To provide affordable bilingual English Spanish mental health
services including family and individual therapy.
Local Koslowitz Jewish Child Care Association 131624060 $25,000 DYCD
The funds will support the Bukharian Teen Lounge Kavod
internship Program to give youth career experience by
placing them with a partner organization.
p. 135 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Recchia Jewish Childrens Museum 133798344 * $10,000.00 DYCD-Y
Jewish Childrens Museums Public School Initiative will invite
15,000 children from public schools and other under serviced
schools to visit our museum at a reduced cost. These children
would not have the opportunity to visit any cultural
institution. This program gives them the opportunity to learn
about another culture. It encourages and fosters tolerance
and understanding between people of various traditions and
backgrounds. These schools are charged a reduced rate per
child. Many schools can not afford even this fee, therefore
we are seeing funds to help defray the cost of admission for
children from public and other schools from under serviced
Local Eugene Jewish Children's Museum 133798344 $8,000 DYCD
To defray the cost of museum admission for public school
children from underserviced areas.
Local Fidler Jewish Children's Museum 133798344 $7,500 DYCD
To defray the cost of museum admission for public school
children from underserviced areas.
Local Greenfield Jewish Children's Museum 133798344 $10,000 DYCD
Jewish Childrens Museums Public School Initiative will invite
children from public schools and other under serviced
schools to visit our museum at a reduced cost. These children
would not have the opportunity to visit any cultural
institution. This program gives them the opportunity to learn
about another culture. It encourages and fosters tolerance
and understanding between people of various traditions and
backgrounds. These schools are charged a reduced rate per
child. Many schools can not afford even this fee, therefore
we are seeing funds to help defray the cost of admission for
children from public and other schools from under serviced
Local Brewer Jewish Community Center in Manhattan, Inc., The 133490745 $3,500 DYCD
To offer support groups focusing on bereavement, illness,
separation and divorce, economic instability, single-parent
families, and more.
Local Oddo CC Jewish Community Center of Staten Island, Inc. 135562256 * $50,000 DYCD
Funding to provide athletic, recreational, and leadership
programs to 1,000 Staten Island youth in need of after-school
supervision. Youth activities include swimming, basketball,
soccer, music recitals, Harmony Road music classes,
leadership groups, youth board, teen council community
service, Sunday Funday, and after- school program activities
for children with special needs.
Local Oddo Jewish Community Center of Staten Island, Inc. 135562256 $10,000 DFTA
Funds will support to a plan to improve Staten Island
students' interest and education in Science, Technology,
Engineering, and Math (STEM) in CDs 1,2, 3. Funds will
support the STEM program including science workshops,
technology classes, engineering workshops, and music and
math tutoring programs.
p. 136 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Fidler, Koslowitz CC Jewish Community Council of Canarsie, Inc. 112608645 * $50,000 DFTA
Caseworkers and social workers will provide comprehensive
case management services, information and referrals,
support groups, distribution of food parcels and counseling
services to at risk elderly immigrants and disadvantaged
families throughout Southeastern Brooklyn.
Local Fidler Jewish Community Council of Canarsie, Inc. 112608645 $23,000 DYCD
To provide case management, information and referrals,
support groups, food and counseling services to at risk
elderly, immigrants and disadvantaged families in
Southeastern Brooklyn.
Local Williams Jewish Community Council of Canarsie, Inc. 112608645 $6,000 DFTA
To provide case management, information and referrals,
support groups, food and counseling services to at risk
elderly, immigrants and disadvantaged families in
Southeastern Brooklyn.
Local Brewer Jewish Community Council of Greater Coney Island 112665181 * $3,500 DYCD
Funds will be used to provide technical assistance to not for
profits and a three-tiered executive coaching module
customized for the specific needs of the client organization in
the councilmember's district.
Local Recchia CC
Jewish Community Council of Greater Coney Island,
Inc. 112665181 * $65,000 DFTA
Funds will be used to support A) Senior Citizen Transportation
Program (150,000) providing individual demand responsive
group scheduled trips for elderly to medical and non-medical
essential services; B) Homecare (150,000) to non-Medicaid
eligible low-income elderly; C) Vocational Support Systems
(150,000) provides Occupational Skills Training Job
placement to un- and under employed; D) Adult Literacy
(100,000) provides ESL Instruction to low-income un- or
under employed immigrants; E) NonProfit HelpDesk
(200,000) provides technical assistance to nonprofits in fiscal
management, IT capacity building; F) Horizons Academy
(100,000) provides college career preparation services to at-
risk high school students; and G) Health Insurance Help
Center (50,000) provides health insurance counseling,
advocacy application assistance to seniors who cannot
navigate complex health insurance options resulting from
LTMC, Medicare Part D and changes to Medicare/aid.
Local Nelson
Jewish Community Council of Greater Coney Island,
Inc. 112665181 * $33,500 DFTA
To support a Senior Citizen Transportation Program which
provides both individual demand responsive and group
scheduled trips for frail elderly transporting them to medical
and non-medical essential services and appointments.
Local Nelson
Jewish Community Council of Greater Coney Island,
Inc. 112665181 * $50,000 DYCD
To support the operational costs of a shuttle bus service to
transport residents of Sea Gate to essential sites such as
medical appointments, shopping, school, employment
locations and senior centers.
Local Recchia
Jewish Community Council of Greater Coney Island,
Inc. 112665181 * $20,000 DFTA
To provide shuttle bus service to transport residents of Sea
Gate to essential sites such as medical appointments,
shopping, school, employment locations and senior centers.
No public transportation runs throughout the Sea Gate
community. I
p. 137 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Recchia
Jewish Community Council of Greater Coney Island,
Inc. 112665181 * $22,000 DFTA
To support a Senior Citizen Transportation Program which
provides both individual demand responsive and group
scheduled trips for frail elderly transporting them to medical
and non-medical essential services and appointments.
Local Vacca Jewish Community Council of Pelham Parkway, Inc. 133099520 * $18,000 DYCD
To provide funds for staffing of the food pantry and to
provide cultural programming for seniors and low income
Local Greenfield, Recchia CC
Jewish Community Council of the Rockaway Peninsula,
Inc. 112425813 $20,000 DYCD
The Adult Vocational Program will provide clases in areas
useful for individuals interested in entering the job market or
upgrading their skills.
Local Brewer Jewish Guild for the Blind 131623854 $3,500 DYCD
To produce and disbribute health education materialsfor
adults with vision loss or who are at-risk of vision loss.
Local Greenfield CC Jewish Home Lifecare 131624033 * $50,000 DFTA
To install a Telehealth Kiosk at four locations across the City
that will educate and empower senior citizens to actively
manage their healthcare.
Local Koslowitz CC Jewish Institute of Queens 542068797 * $20,000 DYCD To support the Emergency Food Program.
Local Koslowitz Jewish Institute Of Queens 542068797 * $40,000 DYCD
To support the JIQ Emergency Food Program & the Bukharian
Jewish Museum.
Local Garodnick Jewish Museum, The 136146854 $5,000 DCLA
Funding will support the Jewish Museum's multi-generational
Family Day programs, which include interactive and
intergenerational art activities, collaborative creative
workshops, family tours and musical performances.
Local Oddo Joe Gheraldi Playwright Theater 550862258 $3,000 DCLA
Funds will support roof repair for Sea View Playwright's
Local Oddo John W. Lavelle Preparatory Charter School 264808811 $3,500 DYCD
Funds will support Lavelle Prep charter school's Literacy and
Numeracy Proficiency Program. This program is an after
school-hours program, for students in grades 6-to-high
school, focused on improving proficiency in ELA and Math,
and, test-taking preparedness.
Local Viverito Johnson Houses Tenant Association 136400434 * $1,000 NYCHA
To support community activities and events for residents of
the development, including annual family days. Funding will
support the purchase of refreshments, supplies and
entertainment at these events.
Local Eugene J'Ouvert City International, Inc. 113362754 * $4,000 DYCD
To support an annual Joovay event, through funding for
insurance, equipment, transportation, printing and banners.
Local James J'Ouvert City International, Inc. 113362754 $3,500 DYCD
To support an annual Joovay event, through funding for
insurance, equipment, transportation, printing and banners.
Local Quinn Joyce Theater Foundation, Inc. 133038262 * $15,000 DCLA
To support the cooperative marketing initiative of
Destination Chelsea (formerly CCP) and support for The Joyce
Theaters marketing and community outreach efforts in the
Chelsea neighborhood and its surrounding areas.
p. 138 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Gonzalez Juan Neumann Center, Inc. 861081834 * $5,000 DYCD
To provide immigration counseling and advocacy, Citizenship
Naturalization classes, ESL classes, tax preparation advice,
and other services for immigrants and crime victims.
Local Recchia Judah International Christian Center, Inc. 113352075 * $3,500 DYCD
To support community enrichment programming including
ESL, afterschool, and other activities
Local Recchia Judah International Christian Center, Inc. 113352075 * $4,000 DOHMH PENDING
Local Dickens Just-Us, Inc. 132954007 * $8,000 DFTA
To support the Senior Tech Network Program to teach
seniors basic computer skills.
Local Ferreras Just-Us, Inc. 132954007 * $10,000 DFTA
The Senior Tech Network Program is aimed at teaching senior
citizens the basic computer skills necessary for them to utilize
technology in order to enhance their lives, decrease isolation,
and provide a viable method of maintaining social contact
with friends and families. The program staff will coordinate
with senior centers to schedule on site technology training.
Funds are requested to provide the teaching staff necessary
to go out and provide the actual workshops at the senior
centers as well as cost of travel and workbooks to be
distributed to each senior.
Local Viverito Just-Us, Inc. 132954007 * $9,500 DFTA
To support a technology program for local seniors in East
Harlem that includes bringing computer classes to local
senior centers.
Local Dromm Kalusugan Coalition Inc 562637783 * $3,500 DYCD PENDING
Local King Kappa III Middle School 136400434 * $10,000 DOE Funds will be used to purchase musical instruments.
Local Koslowitz Kehilat Sephardim of Ahavat Achim 113101774 $5,000 DYCD
Funds will support a food pantry providing families in need
with necessary food products.
Local Gonzalez Kentler International Drawing Space, Inc. 113621398 * $12,000 DCLA
To support the Kentler K.I.D.S. Art Education program,
teaching art to students, after school programming and in
family workships in Red Hook.
Local Greenfield Keren Zichron Yisroel Meir, Inc. 364579309 * $10,000 DYCD
Funds will be used to cover the expenses of running our
organizaion, central insurnce program, telephone, utilities,
and other operational expenses.
Local Lander Keren Zichron Yisroel Meir, Inc. 364579309 * $5,000 DYCD
To support overhead expenses for organization, which
provides assistance to individuals and families in need,
including insurance, telephone, utilities, occupancy and other
overhead costs.
Local Koslowitz Kew Gardens Council For Recreation And The Arts Inc. 112556658 $6,000 DYCD
Funds will purchase and install strong, durable tree guards to
protect 14 trees lining both sides of a commercial street
(Metropolitan Avenue between 116th Street and Lefferts
Blvd., Kew Gardens).
Local Gennaro Kew Gardens Hills Community Foundation, Inc. 510506762 * $3,500 DYCD
Funding used to provide family oriented events in the
community that will enhance Kew Gardens Hills.
p. 139 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Boro Gennaro King Manor Association of Long Island, Inc. 112396324 $12,857 DCLA
Funds used for school programs, Subsidized History
Education programs for NYC school groups expand class
curriculum; explore local/national history through
documents, objects, artifacts; meet Common Core learning
standards. Concert Lecture Series, cultural programs for adult
audience. Family Community Programs, Hands-on History
Workshops for families (10-12) incorporate music, art,
literacy, history. Seasonal festivals feature costumed artisans;
craftsmen; open hearth cooking, historic food
Local Comrie King Manor Association of Long Island, Inc. 112396324 $13,000 DCLA
To provide school programs, and concert and lecture series,
and family workshops.
Local Gennaro King Manor Association of Long Island, Inc. 112396324 $20,000 DCLA
Funds used for school programs such as history education
and Common Core learning standards, a concert lecture
series for adult audiences, and family community programs
such as Hands-on History programs and historic food
Local Comrie King of Kings Foundation, Inc. 030583790 $3,500 DYCD
To teach at risk youth the dangers and consequences of being
involved with drugs, guns, gang violence, succumbing to peer
pressure and the lack of education which can lead to
homelessness, poverty and incarceration.
Local Wills King of Kings Foundation, Inc. 030583790 $3,500 DYCD
To educate at risk youth about the dangers and
consequences of drug use, guns and gang violence.
Local Fidler Kings Bay YM-YWHA, Inc. 113068515 * $21,250 DFTA
To support the Alzheimers Respite prgorm for patients with
moderate to severe Alzheimers and Dementia diseases,
offering recreational and social activities in a non-medical
environment and transportation for participants.
Local Fidler Kings Bay YM-YWHA, Inc. 113068515 * $26,250 DYCD
To support the Kings Bay YM-YWHA Immigration Initiative,
providing ESL and CIVICS preparation courses for immigrants.
Local Fidler Kings Bay Youth Organization, Inc. 116020722 $4,000 DYCD
To support youth baseball, football and basketball programs.
Funds will be used to purchase sports equipment, uniforms
and trophies
Local Recchia Kings Highway Beautification Association Inc 204986882 * $15,000.00 DYCD-CD
The funding will be used to launch a district-wide graffiti
cleaning program in the 47th Council District. The program
will make Kings Highway, Avenue U and Avenue P - between
Ocean Parkway and McDonald Ave - and McDonald Ave
between Ave P and Ave U graffiti-free via a 1 time cleaning of
all roll down gates, side walls, doors, storefronts and street
furniture. The program will keep these corridors graffiti free
via monthly graffiti inspections and maintenance. In addition,
the project will graffiti clean up to 50 residential properties
throughout the Council District via a graffiti complaint
program in which constituents call in graffitied locations to
the Council office for fast response clean-up.
p. 140 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Greenfield Kingsborough Community College 136400434 $3,500 CUNY
On Stage at Kingsborough, KCCs performing arts program,
brings artistically and culturally diverse, multi-disciplinary
performances (dance, theater, literature and family
programs) from around the country and abroad including
Spain, England and Russia. These funds would enable us to
expand our programs and audience through such efforts as
ticket subsidies.
Local Nelson Kingsborough Community College 136400434 $3,500 CUNY
To support On Stage at Kingsborough, KCCs performing arts
program , and to expand arts programs and audience through
efforts including ticket subsidies.
Local Palma Kingsbridge Heights Community Center (Bronx ) 132813809 $3,500 OCJC
To provide counseling and crisis intervention for child
survivors of sexual abuse. Funding will support long term
treatment, psychiatric services, assessments, and evaluations
and Crisis interventions.
Local Cabrera Kingsbridge Heights Community Center, Inc. 132813809 $20,000 DYCD
To provide educational and employment opportunities for
immigrant families through improvement of English language
and job readiness skills.
Local Koppell Kingsbridge Heights Community Center, Inc. 132813809 $10,000 DYCD
To provide for comprehensive youth development services
for at risk youth and individuals with special needs ages 11-
Local Cabrera
Kingsbridge Heights Neighborhood Improvement
Association, Inc. 133266668 * $15,000 HPD
To increase awareness of the legal rights of members of the
community. Funding will support a full-time community
Local Koppell
Kingsbridge Heights Neighborhood Improvement
Association, Inc. 133266668 * $5,000 HPD To provide for hiring of a full-time community organizer.
Local Bronx Delegation, Palma, Arroyo CC Kips Bay Boys & Girls Club 131623850 * $175,000 DYCD
To provide teen programming at the flagship Palmaro
clubhouse, the new West Bronx Coudert Clubhouse, and
NHCHA sites at Castle Hill Houses and Throggs Neck Houses.
Empowerment programming will be emphasized including
leadership and civic clubs, gang prevention, and non-violent
conflict resolution.
Local Garodnick Kips Bay Boys and Girls Club, Inc. 131623850 $3,500 DYCD
Funding will support daily maintenance of a new pedestrian
plaza space for use by local businesses, neighborhood
organizations and residents.
Local Crowley Kiwanis International, Inc. 116036297 * $2,500 DYCD
To support Circle K for college students, Key Clubs for high
school students, and Builders Clubs for grammar schools to
encourage youth leadership and volunteerism, involving
youth in local community service projects. Greater Ridgewood Youth Council, Inc. 112518141
Local Comrie Korean American Association of Queens New York, Inc. 454685421 * $3,500 DYCD
To support activities and programs, strengthen ties with
other communities in New York City and serve as a
representative of the interests of the Queens Korean
Local Dromm Korean American Association of Queens New York, Inc. 454685421 * $5,000 DYCD PENDING
p. 141 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Vallone Korean American Association of Queens New York, Inc. 454685421 * $3,000 DSBS
Funding for the creation and support of merchant
associations. The program involves offering skills training in
legal and business basics such as commercial leasing and loan
assistance. Funding will help to connect Korean Businesses to
existing NYC Programs by providing translation services,
organizing events to bridge the gap and providing a Korean
directory of the services.
Local Weprin Korean American Association of Queens New York, Inc. 454685421 * $5,000 DSBS
To support a Small Business Assistance program: creating
merchant associations, offering skill trainings, and connecting
Korean Businesses to existing NYC programs through
translations services and events.
Local Koo Korean American Association of Queens New York, Inc. 454685421 * $3,500 DYCD
The KAAQ events include: Queens Lunar New Year Parade
with the Chinese community every year for roughly the past
30 years in addition to holding the Korean Heritage Night at
Citi Field, home of the New York Mets, the Korean
Thanksgiving Day Event and others. Funding is used for the
planning, preparation and running of the events.
Boro Dromm Korean American Family Service Center (KAFSC) 133609811 * $3,857 DYCD
To support victims and survivors of domestic violence with 24-
Hour English-Korean Bilingual Hotline, individual and family
counseling, a women's support group, and other services.
Local CD19 Korean American Family Service Center (KAFSC) 133609811 * $3,000 DYCD
To support the Transitional Housing Program (T-Housing),
providing housing assistance and counseling to women and
children who need physical security for up to 18 months.
Local Comrie Korean American Family Service Center (KAFSC) 133609811 * $3,500 OCJC
To support a range of domestic violence programming,
including a 24-Hour Bilingual Hotline, individual and family
counseling, a women's support group, transitional housing,
and classes to help survivors become economically self-
Local Koo Korean American Family Service Center (KAFSC) 133609811 * $5,000 DYCD
The proposed Transitional Housing Program (T-Housing) will
continue to provide much needed housing assistance to
women and children who need physical security for up to 18
month, and also provide individual and family counseling
support and other referrals to help them go through the
transitioning period.
Boro CD19
Korean Community Services of Metropolitan New
York, Inc. 237348989 $3,500 DYCD
To support after-school and Saturday School programs for
newly immigrated Asian-American students.
Local CD19 Korean Family Counseling and Research Center 112827963 $3,000 DYCD
To provide services for new immigrants and the elderly,
including counseling and social welfare services.
Local Koo Korean Family Counseling and Research Center 112827963 $5,000 DOHMH
The fund will support social services and counseling services
for immigrants, low income residents and the elderly and be
used for a part of salary of full-time counselors and/or other
expenses such as utilities, transportation, space rent, office
supplies etc.
Local Gentile Korean War Veterans Chapter #171 141941454 $1,000 DYCD PENDING
p. 142 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Van Bramer, Brewer CC
La Guardia and Wagneer Archives at LaGuardia
Community CollegeCUNY 136400434 $80,000 CUNY
The New York City Council collection represents an
unparalleled documentation of the legislative history of our
city from the 1930's to the early 21st century. It includes not
only copies of the thousands of enacted laws and official
publications, but also the records of public hearings and
committee files on legislation under consideration and ad hoc
investigations, numerous photographs.
Local Brooklyn Delegation CC La Nueva Esperanza, Inc. 204393724 * $35,000 DOHMH
Funds to offset costs of food program by covering cost of
rent, utilities and Food pantry bags.
Local Dilan La Nueva Esperanza, Inc. 204393724 * $15,000 DOHMH
Funds will be used for nutritious meals, rent and operational
costs for the HIV/AIDS program.
Local Levin La Nueva Esperanza, Inc. 204393724 * $15,000 DOHMH
To provide comprehensive Food and Nutrition services to HIV-
positive persons, residing in, but not limited to, Brooklyn.
Local James Lafayette Gardens Tenants Association, Inc. 113556000 $4,000 NYCHA
To provide a range of services and programs for youth, adults
and seniors who live in Lafayette Gardens. Programs and
services include after school recreational programs, meals for
seniors, parenting classes, social services, and violence
Local Vann Lafayette Gardens Tenants Association, Inc. 113556000 $6,000 NYCHA
To provide for and support a wide range of social services for
older adults and seniors living within Lafayette Gardens and
the surrounding communities including hot lunches and daily
Local Eugene Lakay Legal Service, Inc. 260641293 $5,000 DYCD
To provide for a range of legal assistance for low income
people in the community. Services include legal counseling
and immigration services. Funds will be used for staff salaries
and space rental.
Local Quinn Lark Theatre Company, Inc. 133779197 $6,500 DCLA
To support the Open Access Program and other programs
including performances, fellowships, workshops and
residencies to support diverse writers and a wide range of
underrepresented voices in American Theater and bring
diverse programming to the public.
Local Comrie Latin American Cultural Center of Queens, Inc. 112997255 * $3,500 DYCD
To support ESL and U.S. Citizenship programs for immigrants
in Queens. Funds will support salaries, supplies and other
program costs.
Boro Dromm Latin American Intercultural Alliance 141947099 $3,500 DYCD
To support Open Mic, a program that affords individuals an
opportunity to express talent, discover their own talent, and
share Hispanic culture.
Delegation Latino International Theater Festival of New York, Inc. 510548694 $7,000 DCLA
Funds will be used to present year-round Theater, Dance,
Music and Puppetry stage productions and family
programming by New York artists and visiting companies
from the Caribbean, Latin America and Spain; and to provide
subsidized tictets to residents.
p. 143 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Mendez Latino International Theater Festival of New York, Inc. 510548694 $7,500 DCLA
The funds will be used to present year-round Theater, Dance,
Music and puppetry stage productions and family
programming by New York artists and visiting companies
from Latin America, the Caribbean and Spain; and to provide
subsidized tickets through the Community Access Initiative
and lead workshops, panel discussions, and Our Many Voices,
a series of staged readings and TalkBacks with artists. Funds
will also be used to create TV spots and print ads that
promote NYs Escena Latina/Latino Scene through a
partnerships with 12 Media Sponsors.
Local Rodriguez Latino International Theater Festival of New York, Inc. 510548694 $8,000 DCLA
To support The Latino International Theater Festival of New
York, Inc., year-round theater, dance, music and puppetry
productions, provide subsidized tickets through the
Community Access Initiative and offer other educational and
cultural programs for the community.
Local Viverito Latino International Theater Festival of New York, Inc. 510548694 $4,500 DCLA
To present year-round performances by New York artists and
visiting companies from Latin America, the Caribbean and
Spain, provide subsidized tickets for Council District 8
constituents, present workshops, panel discussions, Our
Many Voices (a series of staged readings and TalkBacks with
artists), and create TV spots and print ads to promote New
York's Escena Latina/Latino Scene."
Local James Leap Inc. 113111694 $5,000 DSBS
To provide for staffing and training expenses and to continue
the Brooklyn Workforce Collaboration training to promote
job readiness, job placement and job retention and to
connect residents to job opportunities at the Brooklyn Navy
Local Lander Leap Inc. 113111694 $3,500 DSBS
To support training and networking opportunities for the
unemployed, through the Brooklyn Workforce Collaboration
program, training and connecting individuals to employment
opportunities with the Brooklyn Navy Yards more than 275
industrial and commercial tenants.
Local Levin Leap Inc. 113111694 $3,500 DSBS
To support the Brooklyn Workforce Collaboration (BWC),
training and connecting individuals to employment
opportunities with the Brooklyn Navy Yards industrial and
commercial tenants.
Local Palma Learning Disabilities Support Center of New York, Inc. 383770340 $10,000 DYCD
To provide Computer Job Readiness Training and GED
Preparation for people with learning disabilities and the
community in general.
Vann, Rodriguez, Cabrera,
Jackson, Dickens, Palma,
Koppell, Brewer, Vacca, Chin CC Learning Leaders, Inc. 132658549 * $80,000 DOE
To implement education programs for middle school parents.
Our work fulfills the family engagement component of the
New York City Department of Education (DOE) Blueprint for
Middle School Success. We aim to build parents
understanding of adolescent development and middle school
transitions in order to equip them to be involved with their
childrens school and academics.
p. 144 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Dickens Learning Leaders, Inc. 132658549 * $3,500 DOE
To provide volunteer training and family education
workshops in elementary and middle schools.
Local Jackson Learning Leaders, Inc. 132658549 * $5,000 DOE
Funds will support learning leaders programs including
volunteer training and family education workshops in public
Local Rodriguez Learning Leaders, Inc. 132658549 * $5,000 DYCD
To tutor students, train Learning Leaders volunteers to
support student success, and provide parent education
programs that unite home and school learning.
Local Ulrich Legacy Center for Community Development 271033434 * $5,000 DYCD Funds to be used for organizational expenses & supplies.
Local Brewer Legal Aid Society 135562265 $3,500 DYCD
To provide a range of services for low income New Yorkers
including anti-eviction services, immigration services and
services related to the continuing economic downturn and
the impact of Superstorm Sandy.
Local Cabrera Legal Aid Society 135562265 $10,000 DYCD
To provide direct legal services to low-income families and
individuals citywide, including UI/SSI Civil Legal Services, HPD
Anti-Eviction Legal Services, IOI Civil Legal Services,
immigration services, and services related to the impact of
Superstorm Sandy.
Local Eugene Legal Aid Society 135562265 $4,000 DYCD
To support legal services including UI/SSI Civil Legal Services,
HPD Anti-Eviction Legal Services, and IOI Civil Legal Services
for the Society, and immigration services.
Local Levin Legal Aid Society 135562265 $3,500 DYCD
To support legal services including UI/SSI Civil Legal Services,
HPD Anti-Eviction Legal Services, and IOI Civil Legal Services
for the Society, immigration services and services to address
the continuing economic downturn and the impact of
Superstorm Sandy.
Local Palma Legal Aid Society 135562265 $5,000 DYCD
To provider civil, criminal and juvenile legal services including
Citywide Civil Legal Services, UI/SSI Civil Legal Services, HPD
Anti-Eviction Legal Services, and IOI Civil Legal Services.
Local Rose Legal Aid Society 135562265 $3,500 DYCD
To provide legal services to low-income families and
individuals, including support for Citywide Civil Legal Services,
UI/SSI Civil Legal Services, and in HPD Anti-Eviction Legal
Services as well as for IOI Civil Legal Services for the Society.
Local Williams Legal Aid Society 135562265 $3,500 DYCD
To support civil legal services including Unemployment
Insurance, SSI, tenant advocacy and other legal assistance.
Delegation Legal Information for Families Today (LIFT) 133910567 * $3,500 OCJC
To fund operational costs for LIFT's Manhattan based
services, including the Manhattan Family Legal Center and
Manhattan Education Information Site, in order to assist
families in Family Court.
Local Jackson Legal Information for Families Today (LIFT) 133910567 * $3,500 OCJC
Funds will support the Family Legal Center located in the
Family Court which provides individualized legal information
and support to parents and grandparents in family court as
wells as support programs and referrals to social services.
p. 145 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local James Legal Information for Families Today (LIFT) 133910567 * $4,000 OCJC
To support the production of LIFT's Legal Resource Guides
and community outreach, to help families advocate for
themselves in New York city's Family Courts.
Local Palma Legal Information for Families Today (LIFT) 133910567 * $5,000 OCJC
To support theFamily Legal Center (FLC) providing
individualized legal information and support to parents and
grandparents with child support, custody and visitation cases
to secure positive outcomes for their families, and a mothers
support group, a parenting program, and referrals to
community based social service providers.
Local Williams Legal Information for Families Today (LIFT) 133910567 * $3,500 OCJC
To provide leadership development training courses to
homeless and low-income people affecting by HIV/AIDS
through the POWER Academy program. Funding will be used
to support staffing, transportation assistance, meals and
supplies for the trainings.
Local Wills Legal Information for Families Today (LIFT) 133910567 * $4,500 OCJC
To help community members navigate Family Court by
publishing and distributing the Legal Resource Guides which
provide needed information.
Local Palma Legal Services for New York - Bronx 161759590 $5,000 OCJC
To address elder abuse, through outreach, training for elders
and providers, legal services, social work support, and a rapid
response team. Funds will support coordination of the
Consortium, legal services for elder abuse, transportation,
and other program costs.
Boro Rose Legal Services NYC 132600199 $5,667 DYCD
To support Staten Island Legal Services in providing high
quality, affordable legal services on immigration and civil
Local James Legal Services NYC 132600199 $5,000 DYCD
To provide funds for the Bedford-Stuyvesant Community
Legal Services and South Brooklyn Legal Services programs
for immigration and employment assistance.
Local Vann Legal Services NYC 132600199 $15,500 DFTA
Provide funding to represent clients in eviction proceedings,
fair hearings, administrative hearings, and to challenge
improper terminations of public housing and public benefits.
Also, to assist in obtaining Medicaid funded home attendant
Local Mealy Legal Services NYC - Brooklyn Branch 132600199 $4,000 DYCD To provide legal services to victims of domestic violence.
Local Chin Legal Services NYC - Manhattan Legal Services 132613958 $3,500 HPD
Funds will help The Consumer Protection Project at MLS
provides legal assistance to low-income Manhattan residents
with consumer problems.
Local Dickens Legal Services NYC - Manhattan Legal Services 132613958 $10,000 HPD
To provide free civil legal services to low income residents of
Manhattan including low income tenants facing eviction or
needing other essential services.
Local Garodnick Legal Services NYC - Manhattan Legal Services 132613958 $3,500 DYCD
Funding will support the Consumer Protection Project which
provides legal assistance to low-income Manhattan residents
with consumer problems.
Local Jackson Legal Services NYC - Manhattan Legal Services 132613958 $3,000 HPD Funds will support legal services to low income tenants.
p. 146 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Recchia Legal Services NYC - Staten Island Legal Services 132600199 * $10,000 DYCD
To support a South Brooklyn Legal Service-led program to
assist victims of domestic violence with orders of protection
cases, custody/visitation, child/spousal support, matrimonial,
immigration, government benefits, and myriad other legal
Local Comrie Legros Cultural Arts, Inc. 113504820 $3,500 DCLA
To support a Women in Arts Series, providing artists with
rehersal space, stipends and oter support, and for the Annual
Multicultural Art Crafts Festival, including fees for
entertainment, supplies, staff and marketing.
Local Ferreras Legros Cultural Arts, Inc. 113504820 $3,500 DCLA
To support Women in Arts Series projects, which provides
artists' with stipends, and other support for their work, and
to support an annual Multicultural Art & Crafts Festival.
Local Koppell Lehman College 136400434 $10,000 CUNY
To provide for students with employment preparation
workshops, job fairs and skills to help them apply for an
obtain jobs.
Local Koppell Lehman College Art Gallery 133391212 $5,000 DCLA
To provide art education programms for K-12 students from
Bronx public schools.
Local Viverito Lehman Houses Tenant Association 136400434 * $1,000 NYCHA
To support community activities and events for residents of
the development, including annual family days. Funding will
support the purchase of refreshments, supplies and
entertainment at these events.
Delegation Lenox Hill Neighborhood House, Inc. 131628180 $3,500 DFTA
To support the East Side Transportation Program which
provides transportation services to the organization's senior
centers, social adult day programs and weekend cultural and
recreational trips, for frail older clients that need assistance.
Local Lappin CC Lenox Hill Neighborhood House, Inc. 131628180 $60,000 DFTA
Funding for the East Side Case Management Consortium. The
East Side Case Management Consortium is a network of
experienced social service providers on the East Side of
Manhattan who have a long history of collaboration: Lenox
Hill Neighborhood House, The Carter Burden Center for Aging
and Search and Care. These organizations are long-standing
service providers to the older adults in the community and
experts in the field of aging.
Local Lappin Lenox Hill Neighborhood House, Inc. 131628180 $75,000 DFTA
To support the East Side Case Management Consortium, a
network of social service providers that help older adults
access the services .
Local Viverito Lenox Hill Neighborhood House, Inc. 131628180 $3,500 DFTA
To support the permanent supportive housing residence for
formerly homeless, mentally ill single adults at Casa Mutua,
located at 102nd Street and Lexington Avenue.
Local Chin LES Creative People in Action, Inc. 272188237 * $3,500 DYCD
The funds will be used to produce a free outdoor musical
concert in the East River Park Bandshell.
p. 147 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Dromm, Mendez, Van Bramer CC
Lesbian and Gay Community Services Center, Inc.
(LGBT Center) 133217805 $225,000 DSS
Funding to Expand our Information Referral (IR Program to
add a Community Safety component, thus freeing the referral
staff to serve the public more directly. Funds will restore the
position of Volunteer Coordinator, and increase funding to
the Centers Meeting and Conference Services program to
enhance how the 300 community groups and organizations
use Center space and resources to maximal effect.
Local Eugene Let Go & Let God Ministry 113253896 * $3,500 DYCD To support the Bloc-By-Block Street Fair.
Local Viverito Lexington Houses Tenant Association 136400434 * $500 NYCHA
To support community activities and events for residents of
the development, including annual family days. Funding will
support the purchase of refreshments, supplies and
entertainment at these events.
Local Rose Liberian Cultural Center, LLC 550802603 $5,000 DYCD
To providing educational opportunities to low-income
children and families. Funding will support ESL programs.
Local Ferreras
Library Action Committee of Corona-East Elmhurst,
Inc. 112228514 * $20,000 DCLA
To support the Cultural Arts Program (CAP) of the Langston
Hughes Community Library and Cultural Center, including
musical performances, films, literary and other cultural
programs , an annual Langston Hughes Celebration, and a
Kwanza celebration. $10,000 of funding will be set aside for
the annual Family Day celebration.
Local Eugene Life of Hope 205252137 * $8,000 DYCD
To provide youth exploration programs, adult ESL classes,
citizenship literacy, computer training, job readiness training,
GED preparation classes, and financial literacy programs.
Local Recchia Lifes WORC 237209731 * $20,000 DOHMH
To support an employment program, with assessments,
placement services, and coaching, for individuals with
developmental disabilities.
Local Recchia Lifestyles for the Disabled Inc 133740011 * $25,000.00 DFTA
Lifestyles is requesting 25,000 to fund our Serving our Seniors
(SOS) initiative. This initiative will involve developmentally
disabled adults (21 years of age and older)partnering with
senior citizens from Staten Island and areas of Brooklyn. The
purpose of this proposal is to utilize the strengths and skills of
these developmentally disabled adults in activities that will
maintain and enhance the quality of life of our senior
population. The program will incorporate a variety of social
In-home repairs - carpet repair, tile replacment, light bulb
changing, laundry services, removing unwanted furniture, ect.
Outside of home repairs - walkway repairs, yard cleanup,
Recreational Activities with Transportation - Working in
greenhouses, Karaoke sing alongs, craft making activities,
Social Activities (trips)with Transportation - and Special
p. 148 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Oddo Lifestyles for the Disabled, Inc. 133740011 * $3,500 DFTA
Funding will support seasonal after-program community
social gatherings for developmentally disabled (DD) program
Boro Crowley Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, Inc. 131847137 * $3,500 DCLA
To support Lincoln Center's Department of Programs and
Services for People with Disabilities (PSPD), which brings a
free performances to the Peter Cardella Senior Center in
District 30.
Local Brewer Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, Inc. 131847137 * $4,000 DYCD
To teach writing and public speaking skills to underserved
youths and provide teens with a platform to perform and be
heard at Lincoln Center.
Local Cabrera Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, Inc. 131847137 * $9,500 DCLA
To support Meet the Artist School Series in Council District 14
public schools.
Local Comrie Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, Inc. 131847137 * $3,500 DCLA
To support Lincoln Center Local, a program to provide free
performances at Queens Library branches, to produce encore
digital performances and to encourage use of the libraries.
Local Dickens Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, Inc. 131847137 * $3,500 DCLA
To support Lincoln Center Education, including arts
programming for students in District 9 and at the Frederick
Douglass Academy II.
Local Gennaro Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, Inc. 131847137 * $5,000 DCLA
To support Lincoln Center Education, including arts
programming for students in District 24, including at the
Queens College School PS 499.
Local Quinn Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, Inc. 131847137 * $3,000 DCLA
To support the Meet the Artist School Series to provide public
school teachers from schools in Council District 3 with the
opportunity to bring their class to Lincoln Center for a
program that showcases a unique blend of performance,
participation and education.
Local Van Bramer Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, Inc. 131847137 * $10,000 DCLA
To support for the Meet the Artist School Series, which
provides public school teachers with the opportunity to bring
their class to Lincoln Center for a program that showcases a
unique blend of performance, participation and education.
Local Ulrich
Lindenwood Community Volunteer Ambulance Corps,
Inc. 237295865 $5,000 FDNY
The funds will support the volunteer ambulance services
including providing new radio equipment, new stair chairs,
new head start pacemaker and defibrillators.
Local Mendez Literacy Partners, Inc. 510180665 $3,500 DYCD
Funding supports the production of Achieve, an educational
quarterly on HIV treatment, prevention, and policy, and its
distribution throughout New York City. Funds will support the
production and distribution of Achieve in the five boroughs,
including staff time, printing and other production expenses,
postage, and shipping costs.
Local Brewer Literacy, Inc. (LINC) 133911331 $3,500 DYCD
To support LINCs menu of literacy programs in the Council
District. These include school based literacy support
programs, library based literacy support programs,
community based literacy support programs, parent
engagement programs and community celebrations.
p. 149 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Levin Literacy, Inc. (LINC) 133911331 $3,500 DYCD
To support literacy programs in the 33rd Council District.
These include school based literacy support programs, library
based literacy support programs, community based literacy
support programs, parent engagement programs and
community celebrations.
Local Rivera Literacy, Inc. (LINC) 133911331 $10,000 DYCD
Funds will support literacy programs including school and
library-based programs, parent engagement programs and
community celebrations
Local Rodriguez Literacy, Inc. (LINC) 133911331 $5,000 DYCD
To support literacy programs, including school based, library
based, and community based literacy support programs,
parent engagement programs and community celebrations.
Local Rose Literacy, Inc. (LINC) 133911331 $5,000 DYCD
To support school, library and, community based literacy
support programs, parent engagement programs, and
community celebrations.
Local Rivera Little Branches of Borinquen, Inc. 134049877 * $5,000 DYCD
Funds will support a program to teach youth how to play
drums, cymbals, to do baton twirlling, marching stands and
play marching music to perform in cultural events, festivals
and parades
Local Levin Little Essentials 275281758 $3,500 DYCD
To collect, sort and distribute children's clothing and other
items for families in need. Funds will support the cost of
warehouse space and staff.
Local Rose Living Hope Outreach Ministries, Inc. 200979823 * $3,500 DYCD
To support the lhomi Day of the African Child program,
providing education and cultural activities for underprivileged
youth from spring to the summer and concluding with a
Local Richards
Local Development Corporation Of Laurelton Rosedale
& Springfield Gardens 043629010 * $20,000 DSBS
Funds will be used for assistance in marketing the
commercial corridor within the community as well as outside
of the community. Some other services and programs may
include organizing the local retailers for a common purposes
that can make the commercial corridor more consumer
friendly and inviting.
Local King Local Servants of all Foundation 273149939 * $5,000 DYCD PENDING
Local Mendez Loisaida, Inc. 133023183 $4,200 DYCD
Funds will support dance presentations by NYC artists and
subsidize the free admission DraftWork series, and aFood for
Thought series.
Local Barron Long Island Baptist Tenant Association 136400434 $2,300 NYCHA
Annual Family Day Celebration for residents of the
Local Van Bramer
Long Island City Business Development Corporation
(LICBDC) 112651377 $10,000 DSBS
To explore the expansion of LICBIDs current boundaries.
Expansion will provide: supplementary sanitation and street
beautification, neighborhood marketing, and community
events. Funds will enable steps in exploring BID expansion:
establishing a Steering Committee to oversee outreach and
an area survey.
Local Viverito Los Pleneros De La 21, Inc. 133353110 $4,000 DCLA
initiatives, in-house, local seasonal and year-long programs
presented at affordable rates and open to all City residents,
with special outreach to East Harlem and the South Bronx.
p. 150 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Brewer
Lotus Fine Arts Productions, Inc. (d/b/a Lotus Music &
Dance) 133530544 $3,000 DCLA
To teach public school students dance, social and decision-
making skills, and cultural awareness. Students study
patterns of culture, geography, people, language, music and
dance of a specific region, as selected by the school.
Local Jackson
Lotus Fine Arts Productions, Inc. (d/b/a Lotus Music &
Dance) 133530544 $3,500 DCLA
Funds will support Drums along the Hudson, a native
American Festival and Multicultural celebration with music,
dance, outfits authentic food and environmental education at
Inwood Hill Park.
Local Ferreras Louis Armstrong House Museum 264178283 $5,000 DCLA
To support the Hot Jazz/Cool Garden outdoor series. Funds
will be used for artist fees, tech support, and marketing for
three Hot Jazz/Cool Garden concerts.
Local Barron Louis H Pink Houses Resident Association 510591217 * $2,300 NYCHA
Family Day, Summer Camp, and other recreational activities
during the summer for young people.
Delegation Lower East Side Girls Club, The 133942063 * $3,500 DYCD
To support the Geek Girls Science Technology Engineering
and Math (STEM) program, designed to introduce
economically disadvantaged girls ages 10-17, from low-
performing schools, to ideas and careers in science and
Women's Caucus, Mendez,
Dickens, Chin CC Lower East Side Girls Club, The 133942063 * $20,000 DYCD
Funding will help the Lower Eastside Girls Club continue to
provide strong arts, literacy, science, health and leadership
programs to provide girls with the vision to plan and the
tools to build their future. Funds will be used to support
marketing, staffing, and general expenses.
Local Chin Lower East Side Harm Reduction Center, Inc. 133727641 * $5,000 DOHMH
Funding will support a Travelers Initiative program for
transient youth between the ages of 16 and 29 accompanied
by their pets who have difficulty accessing health, mental
health, housing, counseling and other services.
Delegation Lower East Side Tenement Museum, The 133475390 $3,500 DCLA
To provide funds to subsidize NYC public school visits to the
Local Garodnick Lower East Side Tenement Museum, The 133475390 $3,500 DCLA
Funding will support the Tenement Museum's immigration
and history education programs for K-12 students and
Local Comrie Lutheran Church of Our Savior 112663842 * $3,500 DYCD
To provide a safe, positive environment for the teens and
young people of our community - a place that is needed in
our community. Funding will be used to extend the hours of
our associate pastor for youth and family ministry. She will
work with the families of the church and the neighborhood to
enrich their lives and enhance their well-being.
Local Gonzalez Lutheran Family Health Center's Family Support Center 111839567 $15,000 DOHMH
To support a Bilingual Nurse Scholarship and Nursing
Education Program that provides financial assistance to
bilingual nursing students in exchange for employment at the
hospital upon graduation, programming for bilingual and
monolingual nurses at Lutheran HealthCare and stipends for
bilingual and monolingual nursing student externs.
Local Recchia Lutheran Medical Center 111839567 * $10,000 DOHMH
Tho provide meals, transportation to and from the center,
educational and recreational opportunities to seniors,
focusing on creative arts.
p. 151 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Brewer Lyric Chamber Music Society of New York, The 133947644 * $3,000 DCLA
To distribute tickets to its concerts and lectures to students,
seniors, and the underserved in on the Upper East and Wests
sides. The grant will support part-time personnel, publicity,
and production expenses.
Local Eugene Madison Square Boys & Girls Club, Inc. 135596792 $5,000 DYCD
To provide educational programs for youth, including
homework assistance, college preparation, mentoring and
heath enrichment programs.
Local Crowley Maggies Little Theater at St Margarets Parish 111723800 * $4,000 DYCD
To support a community theater in Middle Village, producing
live shows for the community with a diverse cast. Funds will
support all aspects of the production including marketing,
costumes and equipment.
Local Comrie Major Music International Corporation 261159606 * $5,000 DYCD
To provide youth with musical instruction and training
through enrichment programs, including a Summer Camp
Enrichment Program.
Local Wills Make the Grade Foundation 141909228 $3,500 DYCD
To provide internet radio stations in at-risk high schools in
NYC and a series of radio and TV public service
advertisements on the importance of staying in school and
school safety.
Boro Van Bramer Make the Road New York 113344389 $5,000 DYCD
To identify LGBTQ grassroots leaders to participate in training
sessions, perform outreach, lead community education
sessions, and engage community members in immigration
reform actions. Funds will also be used to implement an
outreach program to LGBTQ immigrant youth and to provide
services to this target population, to highlight the stories of
New Yorks LGBTQ immigrant families.
Local Ferreras CC Make the Road New York 113344389 $35,000 DYCD Funding will be used for vendor organizing.
Jackson, Rodriguez, Rose,
Brewer, Van Bramer, Dromm,
Lander, Ferreras, Viverito CC Make the Road New York 113344389 $25,000 DYCD
MRNY provides ESOL, GED preparation, Citizenship courses to
1,000 immigrant adults each year, combining rigorous literacy
instruction with workshops and trainings focused on the
critical issues faced by our communities. The Adult Literacy
Initiative funding, MRNY will build the skills of at least 170 of
the citys non-English speakers through ESOL, computer,
citizenship preparation, job skills training, offering 4 cycles of
classes for a minimum of 6 hours a week per class in each of
our 3 community centers.
Jackson, Rodriguez, Rose,
Brewer, Van Bramer, Dromm,
Lander, Ferreras, Viverito,
Williams CC Make the Road New York 113344389 $50,000 DYCD
Support for our LGBTQ Justice Project. The Project supports
lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, queer
immigrants people of color in efforts to promote respect,
opportunity, safety for the LGBTQ community.
Local Dromm Make the Road New York 113344389 $19,000 DYCD
To support MRNYs Civil Rights Immigrant Power Project will
work with the City's immigrant communities and community
organization to ensure the lawful and appropriate
implementation of laws relating to immigration enforcement
and the role of local government.
Local Ferreras Make the Road New York 113344389 $8,925 DYCD
MRNY will engage CD21 residents in a variety of activities and
campaigns to support active & healthy living and sustainable
p. 152 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Reyna Make the Road New York 113344389 $5,000 DYCD
Funds will support services to low-income families helping
workers with their rights to lawful wages, providing anti-
eviction services,immigraton services, connecting people to
benefits, and providing other healthcare and social services
Local Reyna Make the Road New York 113344389 $5,000 DYCD
Funds will support youth-led programs in the two high
schools helping young people access college and job
opportunities. The programs include cultural after school
Local Viverito Make the Road New York 113344389 $3,500 DCLA
To work with the City's immigrant communities to ensure
successful implementation of local laws that address local
government's role in immigration enforcement programs.
Funding will support trainings and the production of materials
to educate immigrant communities, lawyers and others about
changes to local law and the rights of immigrants.
Local Koppell Making Books Sing, Inc. 134201577 * $3,000 DCLA
To provide for the anti-bullying initiative, ALICES STORY, for
3rd grade classes in the 11th Council district.
Local Koslowitz Making Books Sing, Inc. 134201577 * $5,000 DYCD
Funds will support an anit-bullying initiative, Alice's Story, in
every 3rd grade classes in the 29th Council District.
Local Palma Making Books Sing, Inc. 134201577 * $3,500 DYCD
To support an interactive theatre workshop for third grade
students aimed at reducing bullying. Funding will be used to
subsidize program costs for schools in order to provide
access to all children ALICES STORY to every 3rd grade class
the district.
Making Opportunities for Upgrading Schools and
Education 133973196 * $3,611 DYCD
To provide funds for the MOUSE Squad Program to prepare
youth to play a leadership role in the improvement of their
schools and communities.
Local Palma
Making Opportunities for Upgrading Schools and
Education (MOUSE), Inc. 133973196 * $5,000 DOE
To empower underserved youth to learn, lead and create
with technology, preparing them with skills essential for their
academic and career success.
Local Brewer
Making Opportunities for Upgrading Schools and
Education (MOUSE, Inc.) 133973196 * $3,500 DYCD
To support the MOUSE program using technology to prepare
students with skills for future academic and career success.
Funding will support recruitment; training; monitoring and
ongoing support for program participants, as well as
continued assessment and evaluation of program impact.
Local Comrie
Making Opportunities for Upgrading Schools and
Education (MOUSE, Inc.) 133973196 * $3,500 DYCD
To support the MOUSE Squad Program which provides
educational and professional experiences for our students,
improving recruitment; training; monitoring and providing
ongoing support for program participants.
Local Levin
Making Opportunities for Upgrading Schools and
Education (MOUSE, Inc.) 133973196 * $3,500 DYCD
To support the MOUSE Squad educational programs and
activities and infrasturcture in District 33.
Local Dickens Malcolm Shabazz Development Corporation 133982063 * $10,000 DSBS
To provide marketing, promotion and merchandising at
Malcolm Shabazz Harlem Market which attracts huge
amounts of tourists to Harlem, and to train vendors.
Local Dickens
Malcolm X and Dr. Betty Shabazz Memorial and
Educational Center, Inc. 202403979 * $15,000 DYCD
To support the operations, educational and cultural programs
and exhibits at the Shabazz Center.
p. 153 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Dickens Mama Foundation for the Arts, Inc. 311614732 $7,000 DYCD
To support the Gospel for Teens program and other music
education and performances for students.
Local Barron Man Up!, Inc. 030553092 $63,300 DYCD
To support the summer mentoring programs, athletic
programs, and cultural after-school programs for school
aged children. Funds will be used to pay for the personnel
and other costs including rent, utilities, supplies, insurances,
and program materials.
Local Chin Manhattan Community Board #1 136400434 $3,500 MNCB
Funds will support special research projects related to local
community board areas and demographic and other planning
Local Dickens Manhattan Community Board #10 136400434 $10,000 MNCB
To further CB 10s mission, outreach and planning initiatives.
The funds will be used toward efforts for Board development,
community outreach, office operations, planning studies, and
policy reports.
Local Jackson Manhattan Community Board #10 136400434 * $700 MNCB
Funds will support the Community Board's operations and
Local Dickens Manhattan Community Board #11 136400434 * $10,000 MNCB
To support the Community Board 11's work on the East
Harlem Rezoning.
Local Jackson Manhattan Community Board #12 136400434 * $1,000 MNCB
Funds will support the Comminity Board's operations and
Local Chin Manhattan Community Board #2 136400434 $3,500 MNCB
Funds will support special research projects related to local
community board areas and demographic and other planning
Local Chin Manhattan Community Board #3 136400434 $3,500 MNCB
Funds will support special research projects related to local
community board areas and demographic and other planning
Local Dickens Manhattan Community Board #7 136400434 $3,500 MNCB
To support Community Board 7's work to increase public
outreach and enhance use of social media; conduct data
collection and analysis on various issues with a special focus
on pedestrian safety and traffic; and to process and analyze
various land use and zoning applications.
Local Dickens Manhattan Community Board #9 136400434 $10,000 MNCB
To support Manhattan Community Board 9, and the Boards'
events, workshops, healthy eating/living programs, and
preventive services.
Local Jackson Manhattan Community Board #9 136400434 * $1,700 MNCB
Funds will support the Comminity Board's operations and
Local Chin Manhattan Land Trust 760715837 $4,000 DPR
Funds will be used by the four gardens to maintain the
gardens as community resources that can offer programs and
activities for residents of garden neighborhoods and enable
residents to grow fresh, local food.
Local Jackson Manhattan Land Trust 760715837 $3,500 DPR
Funds will support four Manhattan Community gardens and
the related programs and activities for residents.
Local Quinn Manhattan Theatre Club, Inc. 237086643 $4,000 DCLA
To support theater education programs for NYC students,
providing students the opportunity to perform, write and
direct productions. Funds will defray direct cost including
workshops, study guides, and student tickets.
p. 154 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Dickens Marcus Garvey Park Alliance, Inc. 203296091 * $10,000 DPR
To support Dance Harlem, a free community-based dance
festival held at the Marcus Garvey Park Amphitheater.
Local Mealy Marcus Garvey Park Houses Tenant Association 200639313 * $5,000 NYCHA PENDING
Local Van Bramer Mare Nostrum Elements, Inc. 264095519 * $3,500 DCLA
To support the development, production and public
performance of Last Chance Lost, an original movement-
theater project.
Local Gonzalez
Margarita's Breast and Cervical Cancer Survivors
Support Group, Inc. 264247381 $8,750 DOHMH
To provide mobile breast screening services for low-income
women, and provide services for women diagnosed with and
living with cancer.
Local Fidler Marine Park Community Association 113332730 * $14,000 DYCD
To support annual community events including the
halloween/fall festival and a Back to School event.
Local Fidler, Brooklyn Delegation CC Martin Luther King, Jr. Concert Series, Inc. 112638417 * $300,000 DYCD
The Martin Luther King Jr. Concert Series provides free
concerts of world renowned performers to the residents of
NYC. Funding will supplement artist and production costs.
Local Williams Martin Luther King, Jr. Concert Series, Inc. 112638417 * $3,500 DYCD
To support the Martin Luther King, Jr. concert series to help
cover performance fees and production costs.
Boro Rivera Mary Mitchell Youth and Family Center, Inc. 133385032 * $15,187 DYCD
Funds will support out of school basketball and martial arts
youth programs
Local Viverito Mary Mitchell Youth and Family Center, Inc. 136400434 * $500 NYCHA
To support community activities and events for residents of
the development, including annual family days. Funding will
support the purchase of refreshments, supplies and
entertainment at these events.
Boro Greenfield
Delegation Masbia 201923521 * $5,000 DYCD
The funds would be used for the procurement of food and
ingredients that are used to prepare our daily hot meals and
our weekly take home packages.
Local Fidler, Lander, Levin, Williams CC Masbia 201923521 * $25,000 DYCD
To operate soup kitchens throughout New York City. The
money will be used to pay rent, utilities, food, paper goods
and staff.
Local Fidler Masbia 201923521 * $4,000 DYCD
To support Masbia's programs to provide nutritious meals for
the hungry five days a week, all year round throughout a New
York City network of soup kitchens and food pantries.
Local Gonzalez Masbia 201923521 * $6,500 DYCD
To feed hungry men, women and children hot, nutritious
meals five days a week, all year round.The funding will
support rent, utilities and insurance.
Local Greenfield Masbia 201923521 * $10,000 DYCD
Funds used for the procurement of food and ingredients that
are used to prepare our daily hot meals and our weekly take
home packages.
Local Lander Masbia 201923521 * $10,000 DYCD
To support the preparation and delivery of meals for the
Local Levin Masbia 201923521 * $3,500 DYCD
To feed hungry men, women and children hot nutritious
meals five days a week, all year round throughout our New
York City network of soup kitchens and food pantries.
Local Recchia Masbia 201923521 * $8,000 DYCD
To prepare and serve hot meals at a soup kitchen and deliver
weekly take home packages to hungry New Yorkers.
p. 155 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Koslowitz Masbia Of Queens 270363356 * $15,000 DYCD
To provide violence prevention programs for vulnerable
women and young people at organizations in District 38 to
help them to heal from, prevent, and respond to the violence
they face. Funds will help support program and outreach
Local Weprin Masbia of Queens 270363356 * $5,000 DYCD
To pay rent, utilities and insurance for this program to feed
the hungry.
Local Crowley Maspeth Chamber of Commerce, Inc. 113500705 * $5,000 DSBS
To promote and support the commercial area in Maspeth
with sales guides, holiday lighting along Grand Avenue and
the Commercial Boundaries, and other activities to attract
business, residents and visitants during the holiday and at
other times during the year.
Local Crowley Maspeth Town Hall, Inc. 237259702 $5,000 DYCD
To provide youth after school programs, including homework
assistance, drama, recreation, and tutorial classes for
elementary and high school students who need extra
assistance or want to develop stronger academic skills.
Local Crowley Maspeth Town Hall, Inc. 237259702 $10,000 DFTA To support yoga and Tai Chi classes for seniors.
Local Koslowitz Maspeth Town Hall, Inc. 237259702 $7,500 DFTA Pending
Delegation Maysles Institute, Inc. 202545574 $3,500 DCLA
To provide support for the junior filmmakers program, for
middle and high school youth, and to be used to cover the
costs of teaching artists, provide equipment and editing time
for the teens and to bring in specialists who will work with
them on other skills such as creative writing, storytelling and
Local Dromm MCCNY Charities, Inc. 275282132 * $3,500 DOHMH
To provide suicide prevention, crisis counseling, substance
abuse services, and referrals for long term care to LGBTQI
youth from across the five boroughs.
Local Mendez MCCNY Charities, Inc. 275282132 * $3,500 DYCD
Funds will provide suicide prevention, crisis counseling and
substance abuse services to LGBTQI youth from across the
five boroughs. Funding will support staff supervision and
administration of clinical interns. Funded staff will also
maintain a diverse referral network for youth receiving care.
Local Quinn MCCNY Charities, Inc. 275282132 * $5,000 DYCD
To support the Sylvia Rivera Food Pantry, serving low-income
New Yorkers, including people living with HIV/AIDS and
LGBTQI runaway and homeless youth.
Local Jackson Mclead Bethune 136400434 * $3,000 NYCHA PENDING
Boro Rose Meals on Wheels of Staten Island, Inc. 132894978 $5,000 DFTA
To support Meals on Wheels of Staten Island in their mission
of providing nutritious and medically-appropriate meals to
house-bound senior citizens.
Local CC Meatpacking District Improvement Association 208540196 * $10,000 DSBS
Provide funding for free public programs in the plazas
including live music, art, yoga and other activations.
Local Vann Medgar Evers College 133893536 * $5,000 CUNY
To provide for seminars and forums concerning the the 50th
anniversary of the 1964 Civil rights Act. And also to subsidize
internships with the New York City Commission on Human
p. 156 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Delegation Medicare Rights Center, Inc. 133505372 * $3,500 DFTA
To provide for Medicare Rights' Medicare Update and
Enrollment Day which educates hundreds of community
residents on Medicare basics and changes to the program,
New York's insurance exchange, as well as state and federal
public benefits for which they might be eligible.
Local Brewer Medicare Rights Center, Inc. 133505372 * $3,500 DFTA
To lead a Medicare Update and Enrollment Day in the 6th
Council District, educating residents on federal public
benefits, and answering questions about New York's health
insurance exchange, new managed long-term care plans, and
other Medicare changes.
Jackson, Mendez, Koppell,
Garodnick, Gentile, Dromm,
Arroyo, Ferreras, Chin CC Medicare Rights Center, Inc. 133505372 * $70,000 DFTA
Medicare Rights will provide counseling, intensive case and
legal assistance, and help enrolling in public benefits to
thousands of seniors, people with disabilities, and their
caregivers who are confused by or unable to pay the costs
associated with health insurance. Medicare Rights will grow
its Spanish-language Helpline for Spanish speaking Medicare
beneficiaries and caregivers and promote these resources to
residents citywide.
Local Chin Medicare Rights Center, Inc. 133505372 * $3,500 DFTA
Funding will support a Medicare Update and Enrollment Day
educating residents and following up on those who may be
Local Comrie Medicare Rights Center, Inc. 133505372 * $3,500 DFTA
To support a Medicare Rights and Enrollment Day in Council
District 27, educating the community on federal public
benefits, New York's health insurance exchange, managed
long-term care plans, and other Medicare changes.
Local Dilan Medicare Rights Center, Inc. 133505372 * $6,000 DFTA
Funds used for a Medicare Update and Enrollment Day in the
37th Council District to educate community residents on
federal public benefits and answer questions about New
Yorks health insurance exchange, new managed long-term
care plans, and other Medicare changes.
Local Koppell Medicare Rights Center, Inc. 133505372 * $5,000 DFTA
To provide for Medicare Update and Enrollment Day to
educate hundreds of community residents on federal public
benefits, as well as answering questions about New York's
health insurance exchange, new managed long-term care
plans, and other Medicare changes.
Local Mendez Medicare Rights Center, Inc. 133505372 * $3,500 DFTA
Medicare Rights will lead a Medicare Update and Enrollment
Day in CD 2, follow up with constituents who might be eligible
for public benefits, and provide follow-up counseling.
Brooklyn Delegation, Fidler,
Lander CC Mekimi 550870419 * $15,000 DYCD
Mekimi will be using the funds to coordinate patients trips,
outings, buying gifts, making parties,and other programs of
bringing happieness to the ill.
Local Fidler Mekimi 550870419 * $3,500 DYCD
To provide improved quality of life for ill patient and their
families, by providing therapeutic weekend retreats, and
other programs and services The funding will also fund
volunteer training.
p. 157 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Recchia Mekimi 550870419 * $3,000 DYCD
To provide recreational programs, outings and other activities
for young patients who are ill and their family members, and
to provide training for voluntters in the program.
Local Quinn Melodia Women's Choir of NYC, Inc. 200100634 $3,000 DCLA
To support the women's music organization, which performs
music for womens voices for diverse audiences in New York.
Local Dickens Mentoring in Medicine, Inc. 260306309 * $5,000 DYCD
To support the "Yes, I Can be a Health Care Professional!"
Conference at Frederick Douglass Academy I , and other after
school programs and activities to expose students in Council
District 9 to health care professions. Funds will also support
an after school health careers program at the Wadleigh
School for the Visual and Performing Arts.
Local CC Mentoring USA, Inc. 133808013 * $125,000 DYCD
Mentoring USA seeks to enhance and expand the services of
our city-wide mentoring program initiatives. Through core
program elements including social development, literacy,
cultural awareness, anti-bullying/conflict resolution via
B.R.A.V.E. (Bias Related Anti Violence Education, MUSA
works to increase the desire to do well in school; improve
relationships with adults and peers; promote self-esteem and
self-confidence; encourage the development of new skills,
interests and aspirations; and recruit and build the capacity
of male mentors.
Local Arroyo Mercy Center 133865634 $20,000 DYCD
To provide skills-based classes, parenting skills and anger
management to break the pattern of violent and
dysfunctional behaviors in families. Funds will help offset
salary and benefit expenses and operating expenses.
Local Comrie
Merrill Park Civic Association of Springfield Gardens,
Inc. 112304928 $5,000 DFTA
To support a senior citizen center in Southeast Queens,
providing transportation, a nutritious lunch, social,
educational, cultural and physical activities.
Local Cabrera Met Council Research and Educational Fund 133580918 $10,000 HPD
To provide housing assitance for New Yorkers through a
Tenant Help Clinic, Tenant Help Hotline, and the Rent-
Regulation Education Program.
Local CD19
Metropolitan New York Coordinating Council on Jewish
Poverty, Inc. 132738818 $3,000 DYCD
To provide food to needy individuals, including in areas hit
hard by Hurricane Sandy.
Local Chin
Metropolitan New York Coordinating Council on Jewish
Poverty, Inc. 132738818 $4,000 DFTA
Funding will support a Crisis Intervention unit providing
services including connecting clients to benefits,
employment training and emergency food programs.
Local Comrie
Metropolitan New York Coordinating Council on Jewish
Poverty, Inc. 132738818 $3,500 DYCD
To support a Crisis Intervention unit and pay for staff to
provide assitance with benefits, entitlements, emergency
food programs, career services, employment training and
other services.
Local Eugene
Metropolitan New York Coordinating Council on Jewish
Poverty, Inc. 132738818 $5,000 DFTA
To provide crisis Intervention services for the working-poor,
near-poor, immigrants, seniors living on fixed incomes, and
the recently unemployed.
p. 158 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Ferreras
Metropolitan New York Coordinating Council on Jewish
Poverty, Inc. 132738818 $5,000 DYCD
To provide emergency and continuous food assistance to
New Yorkers in need, regardless of ethnicity or religious
background. Funding will be used to support the staffing and
purchasing of food necessary to provide clients with healthy
food packages.
Local Ferreras
Metropolitan New York Coordinating Council on Jewish
Poverty, Inc. 132738818 $7,500 DYCD
To support a Crisis Intervention unit and provide social
services in order to connect the working-poor, near-poor,
immigrants, seniors living on fixed incomes, and the recently
unemployed to benefits, entitlements, counseling, advocacy,
financial assistance, emergency food programs, career
services and employment training.
Local Fidler
Metropolitan New York Coordinating Council on Jewish
Poverty, Inc. 132738818 $6,500 DYCD
To provide improved quality of life for ill patient and their
families, by providing therapeutic weekend retreats, and
other programs and services. The funding will be used for
volunteer training.
Local Koo
Metropolitan New York Coordinating Council on Jewish
Poverty, Inc. 132738818 $5,000 DYCD
Funding will be used to support the staffing and purchasing of
food necessary to provide low income and elderly clients with
healthy food packages. Packages contain rice, beans, cereal,
canned vegetables fruit and tuna fish.
Local Koslowitz
Metropolitan New York Coordinating Council on Jewish
Poverty, Inc. 132738818 $5,000 DYCD
Funds will support a Crisis Intervention Unit to provide social
services to needy New Yorkers including connecting clients to
benefits, financial assisitance, food programs and career
Local Levin
Metropolitan New York Coordinating Council on Jewish
Poverty, Inc. 132738818 $3,500 DFTA To support the Met Council's Crisis Intervention unit.
Local Nelson
Metropolitan New York Coordinating Council on Jewish
Poverty, Inc. 132738818 $6,000 DYCD
To provide career counseling, job search strategies,
vocational training, and job placement, hire career
counselors and help families in crisis become self-sufficient.
Local Nelson
Metropolitan New York Coordinating Council on Jewish
Poverty, Inc. 132738818 $4,000 DYCD
To support a Crisis Intervention unit and social services in
order to connect clients to benefits, entitlements, counseling,
advocacy, financial assistance, emergency food programs,
career services and employment training.
Local Oddo
Metropolitan New York Coordinating Council on Jewish
Poverty, Inc. 132738818 $8,500 DFTA
Funds will support Met Councils Kosher Food Network, the
largest in the country, provides emergency and continuous
food assistance to New Yorkers in need, regardless of
ethnicity or religious background. Funding will be used to
support the staffing and purchasing of food necessary to
provide clients with healthy food packages.
Local Palma
Metropolitan New York Coordinating Council on Jewish
Poverty, Inc. 132738818 $15,000 DFTA
To provide emergency and continuous food assistance to
New Yorkers in need. Funding will support the staffing and
purchasing of food necessary to provide clients with healthy
food package.
Local Recchia
Metropolitan New York Coordinating Council on Jewish
Poverty, Inc. 132738818 * $24,000 DYCD
To provide career counseling, job search strategies,
vocational training, and job placement, hire career
counselors and help families in crisis become self-sufficient.
p. 159 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Recchia
Metropolitan New York Coordinating Council on Jewish
Poverty, Inc. 132738818 * $24,000 DYCD
To support the Handymen program, which has the dual
purpose of assisting seniors by providing repairs and home
safety improvements, and identifying their other needs and
connecting them with other services.
Local Richards
Metropolitan New York Coordinating Council on Jewish
Poverty, Inc. 132738818 $8,000 DYCD
Funding will support the Crisis Intervention unit and would
pay for staffing who will provide concrete social services to
needy New Yorkers.
Local Rose
Metropolitan New York Coordinating Council on Jewish
Poverty, Inc. 132738818 $5,000 DYCD
To provide comprehensive crisis intervention and social
services to the working-poor, near-poor, immigrants, seniors
living on fixed incomes, and the recently unemployed.
Funding used to support the Crisis Intervention Unit and pay
for staff to provide social services.
Local Ulrich
Metropolitan New York Coordinating Council on Jewish
Poverty, Inc. 132738818 $20,000 DYCD
Funds will support our Crisis Intervention unit to provide
social services to needy New Yorkers, including connecting
clients to benefits, entitlements counseling, client advocacy,
financial assistance, emergency food programs, and career
Boro Gentile
Delegation Metropolitan Waterfront Alliance, Inc. 134355067 * $16,875 DYCD
To plan robust educational and recreational programming for
the new Community Eco Dock at the 69th Street Pier in Bay
Nelson, Levin, Gentile, Lander,
Brewer CC Metropolitan Waterfront Alliance, Inc. 134355067 * $20,000 DYCD
To fund the annual City of Water Day in which children
throughout the five boroughs will learn fascinating things
about the harbor that surrounds them. Funding will be
utilized to present a robust free program of waterfront
activities including: Free guided harbor boat tours for
passengers covering topics from harbor ecology to estuary
Local Chin Metropolitan Waterfront Alliance, Inc. 134355067 * $4,000 DYCD
Funds will support City of Water Day, a free program
designed to teach children and other residents about the
waterfront and offer a host of waterfront activities.
Local Garodnick Metropolitan Waterfront Alliance, Inc. 134355067 * $3,500 DYCD
To support a community process to provide input on a future
Eco Dock in Stuyvesant Cove Park.
Local Gentile Metropolitan Waterfront Alliance, Inc. 134355067 * $2,000 DYCD
To provide educational and recreational programming for the
new Community Eco Dock at the 69th Street Pier in Bay
Local Jackson Metropolitan Waterfront Alliance, Inc. 134355067 * $3,000 DYCD
Funds will support a design process for a community Eco
Dock at La Marina and for kayaks and storage container and
cleanups at the Kayak Launch area.
Local Levin Metropolitan Waterfront Alliance, Inc. 134355067 * $3,500 DYCD
To support research on the use of ferries in emergency
response and recovery, and the publication of a white paper
on the topic, as well as a community education campaign in
Delegation MFY Legal Services, Inc. 132622748 $3,611 HPD
To provide free legal services to NYC residents in the areas of
housing, public benefits, civil and disability rights,
employment, consumer, family law, and disaster response.
Local Chin MFY Legal Services, Inc. 132622748 $5,000 DFTA
Funds will provide free legal services to NYC residents in the
areas of housing, public benefits, civil and disability rights,
employment, consumer, family law, and disaster response.
p. 160 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Jackson MFY Legal Services, Inc. 132622748 * $3,500 HPD
Funds will support legal services and workshops for
Manhattan residents in areas such as housing, consumer,
employment public benefits, senior rights, civil and disability
rights and family law.
Local Levin MFY Legal Services, Inc. 132622748 $3,500 HPD
To provide free legal services to NYC residents in the areas of
housing, public benefits, civil and disability rights,
employment, consumer, family law, and disaster response.
Local Palma MFY Legal Services, Inc. 132622748 $5,000 DFTA
To provide free legal services to NYC residents in the areas of
housing, public benefits, civil and disability rights,
employment, consumer, family law, and disaster response.
Local Viverito MFY Legal Services, Inc. 132622748 $3,500 DFTA
To provide free legal services in the areas of housing, public
benefits, civil and disability rights, employment, consumer,
family law, and disaster response.
Local Cabrera Mi Premo Herencia * $10,000 DYCD PENDING
Local Lappin Middle School 114M - East Side Middle School 136400434 $10,000 DOE
To maintain and upgrade the existing technology
infrastructure at the East Middle School.
Local Crowley Middle Village Chamber of Commerce 202277320 * $2,500 DYCD
To install holiday lights along Metropolitan Avenue and
support community events. Maspeth Town Hall, Inc. 237259702
Local Crowley Middle Village Volunteer Ambulance Corps, Inc. 112330754 $4,000 FDNY
To maintain equipment and provide other support for the
ambulance services. Greater Ridgewood Youth Council, Inc. 112518141
Local Rose Mid-Island Little League, Inc. 237032781 * $3,500 DYCD
To support a youth baseball program. Funds are to be used
for electric bills and for purchasing of equipment and
Local Dickens Midori and Friends 133682472 * $7,500 DCLA
To support a music education program for students at PS
Local Koslowitz Midori Foundation, Inc. 133682472 * $3,500 DOE
Funds will support an Exploring Cultures program for students
at JHS 157Q and PS 877Q, which provides workshops and
concerts to immerse students in the music and cultural
traditions of countries from around the globe.
Local Fidler Midori Foundation, Inc., The (d/b/a Midori and Friends 133682472 * $9,750 DCLA
To support the Midori Friends' music programs for students
at PS 194 and PS 203.
Local Gentile Midori Foundation, Inc., The (d/b/a Midori and Friends 133682472 * $18,000 DOE
To support a Making Music violin instruction program at PS
102K and an Exploring Cultures program in world music
studies at PS 170K
Local Palma Midori Foundation, Inc., The (d/b/a Midori and Friends 133682472 * $5,000 DOE
To provide the Exploring Cultures program at JHS 125X a
music and cultural program including classroom workshops
and concert performances.
Boro Ulrich
Midori Foundation, Inc., The (d/b/a Midori and
Friends) 133682472 * $2,857 DOE
Funds used to continue to offer Making Music guitar
instruction program at PS 232Q, and our Exploring Cultures
program at PS 232Q and PS 207Q.
Local Weprin Midtown Management Group 133192793 * $5,000 DCLA
For a 5-week musical theater residency where students will
learn choreography, voice and acting and use these skills to
perform in their own productions for the school and
community. Students will also learn theater and dance
terminology as well as theater history.
p. 161 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Koslowitz Midtown Management Group, Inc. 133192793 * $5,000 DCLA
Funds will support a 5 week musical theater residency where
students will learn choreography, voice and acting and use
these skills to perform in their own production for the school
and community.
Local Quinn Midtown Management Group, Inc. 133192793 * $5,000 DCLA
To support a musical theater residency for students to learn
choreography, voice and acting and to perform in their own
production for the school and community. Students will also
learn theater and dance terminology as well as theater
history. Funds will support teaching artist and program
director salaries, prepared cds, lyric sheets,theater/dance
terminology handouts and simple props and costume pieces.
Local Vallone Midtown Management Group, Inc. 133192793 * $3,500 DCLA
To support the Broadway in Your School program, in which
students learn musical theater. Funds will be used for the
teaching artist and program director, supplies and musical
director. The Program may also be implemented in a senior
Local Fidler Midtown Management Group, Inc., The 133192793 * $5,000 DCLA Pending
Local Gentile Midtown Management Group, Inc., The 133192793 * $18,000 DCLA
To support the Our Broadway in your School program,
assigning an Inside Broadway teaching artist to teach classes
of school children choreography, voice and acting and use
these skills to perform in their own production for the school
and community. Funds for the program will be used for a
teaching artist and other costs.
Local King Midtown Management Group, Inc., The 133192793 * $5,000 DCLA PENDING
Local Palma Midtown Management Group, Inc., The 133192793 * $5,000 DCLA
To support an Our Broadway in your School program teaching
students skills to perform in their own production for the
school and community. Funding will be used to cover costs
associated with a teaching artist and program director,
supplies, and musical director for CD preparation.
Local Wills Midtown Management Group, Inc., The 133192793 * $5,000 DCLA
To support the Broadway In Your Schools Program. Funds to
cover the program's costs associated with a teaching artist,
music and program director, supplies, CD preparation and
distribution, lyric sheets, scripts, and props.
Local Eugene Midwood Development Corporation 112420752 $5,000 DYCD
To provide for the daily sweeping of Cortelyou Road and
Newkirk Plaza's commercial strips as part of the Midwood
Development Corporation's employment program.
Local Greenfield Midwood Development Corporation 112420752 $20,000 DYCD
Funds will be used to provide supplemental sanitation
services to the 44th Council District through Project Sweep,
MDCs supported employment program for adults with
developmental disabilities.
Local Nelson Midwood Development Corporation 112420752 $10,000 DYCD
To launch a district-wide graffiti cleaning program in the 48th
Council District. The program will conduct a one time graffiti
cleaning of up to eight specified corridors, followed up by
monitoring and additional cleaning of those specified
p. 162 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Nelson Midwood Development Corporation 112420752 $10,000 DYCD
To provide supplemental sanitation services to Holocaust
Park through Project Sweep, MDCs supported employment
program for people with developmental disabilities.
Local Oddo Military Order of the Purple Heart 133720645 * $3,500 DFTA
Funds will be used towards clothing, feeding, and purchasing
necessary goods for veteran members.
Local Viverito Millbrook Houses Tenant Association 262762492 * $1,000 NYCHA
To support community activities and events for residents of
the development, including annual family days. Funding will
support the purchase of refreshments, supplies and
entertainment at these events.
Local Ferreras MinKwon Center for Community Action, Inc. 112710506 * $5,000 DYCD
To provide education and outreach to the immigrant
community on civic issues, legal know your rights issues,
life skills, English language, computer and Internet lessons.
Local Koo MinKwon Center for Community Action, Inc. 112710506 * $7,000 DYCD
The funding will support the MinKwon Center for Community
Action community education programs, including educatoin
for the community on civic issues, legal know your rights
issues, life skills, English language, computer and Internet
lessons. and a media campaign to ethnic news outlets, street
outreach, distribution of educational flyers, and online
marketing in both Korean and English.
Local Weprin MinKwon Center for Community Action, Inc. 112710506 * $5,000 DYCD
To support community engagement and outreach to recent
immigrant Korean American community members many of
whom are LEP, elderly, and who lack access to important
community resources, and support the Community Education
Local Comrie Misunderstood Youth Development Center Corp., The 251916166 $5,000 DYCD
To support The Fresh Start Program, an alternative
sentencing program, in collaboration with the Queens District
Attorneys Office, for youth who have pled guilty to a non-
violent felony crime.
Local Koslowitz Misunderstood Youth Development Center Corp., The 251916166 $3,500 DYCD
To support an alternative sentencing program, in
collaboration with the Queens District Attorney's Office, for
youth who have pled guilty to a non-violent felony crime.
Local Richards Misunderstood Youth Development Center Corp., The 251916166 $3,500 DYCD
To support the Fresh Start Program, a minimimum of 12
months ATI program for youth who were convicted of a
felony crime. Funds will be used to help pay for counseling
sessions, transportation for youth, staff expenses and
Local Koo Mitchell-Linden Civic Association 113187946 * $3,500 DYCD
Funding will support the annual Summer Movie Night for area
residents and their families (every August), newsletters to
keep the community informed of area issues, and costs
associated with an annual community meeting (attendance in
the hundreds).
Local Gonzalez Mixteca Organization, Inc. 113561651 * $30,000 DYCD
To support Adult English for Speakers of Other Languages
(ESOL) program, covering the cost of program coordinators
and program supplies.
Local Brewer Momentum Project, Inc., The 133556768 * $3,500 DOHMH
For a Thanksgiving event for food pantry clients and walk-ins
in Council District 6.
p. 163 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Foster Momentum Project, Inc., The 133556768 * $10,000 DOHMH
Funds used for recreational and educational activities,
monthly birthday parties, as well as facility rental and
insurance costs at Bensonhurst Senior Citizens Center.
Local Garodnick Momentum Project, Inc., The 133556768 * $3,500 DOHMH
Funding will support food distribution to any person in need
in Council District 4, especially those living with HIV/AIDS or
other chronic illnesses.
Local Mendez Momentum Project, Inc., The 133556768 * $3,500 DOHMH
Funding for food pantry to help those in need out of Middle
Collegiate Church.
Local Comrie Montessori Progressive Learning Center 223001223 * $4,000 DYCD
To support an afterschool enrichment program including
dance, recreation, arts and crafts, music, fitness, homework
help and cooking.
Local Viverito Moore Houses Resident Association 132851860 * $500 NYCHA
To support community activities and events for residents of
the development, including annual family days. Funding will
support the purchase of refreshments, supplies and
entertainment at these events.
Local Jackson Moose Hall Theatre Company 134184284 $3,500 DCLA
Funds will support 24 outdoor theatrical performances at
Inwood Hill Park Peninsula and one concert.
Local Rodriguez Moose Hall Theatre Company 134184284 $5,000 DCLA
To support free outdoor performances of Zapata! Tiger of
Morelos, a free Childrens Concert, and free outdoor
performances of William Shakespeare's The Tempest.
Local Quinn More Art, Inc 352345641 $5,000 DCLA
To support the Art Creates Communities program; sending
artists to work with public middle school students and senior
citizens to develop art projects to be exhibited in outdoor
venues and galleries, and to support the video projection
project in the elevated glass bridge between Milk Studios and
Chelsea Market.
Local Eugene More Grace Redemptive Center 113360284 $3,500 DOHMH
To support educational and social services programs for
youth, adults, and seniors, including GED and computer
training, job training, ESL and other programs.
Local Jackson
Morningside Heights/West Harlem Sanitation
Coalition, Inc., The 133915385 $6,000 DYCD
Funds will support environmental forums, e-waste and textile
collections, shredding events and recycling programs at Grant
Houses, Douglass Houses other NYCHA developments,
residential buildings, community centers and schools.
Local Wills Morris Brown Helping Hand New York Ltd. 461895903 * $8,000 DYCD
To expand the Soup Kitchen and Food Pantry's lower level
facility by 5,000 sq. feet to include a computer lab and library.
Local Rivera Morris Park Community Association 237429900 * $10,000 DYCD To support an Italian Heritage event.
Local Vacca Morris Park Community Association 237429900 * $9,000 DFTA
To provide funding for the senior program, icluding
transportation to events and shopping for essentials.
Local Koppell CC Mosholu Montefiore Community Center, Inc. 133622107 * $30,000 DYCD
To provide art, dance, homework help, sports, recreation,
Boys to Men Group, Girl Talk Group, Money Matters Group,
Teen Leadership, Lounge and Game Room. Funding will be
used to form a better rounded, more positive individual, and
help pursue and achieve personal goals.
p. 164 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local King Mosholu Montefiore Community Center, Inc. 133622107 $24,500 DYCD
Funds will support youth activities, including Math, literacy
skills, dance, ceramics, computers, lounge gameroom
activities, and counseling services. Out of School Youth &
Adults receive GED test prep classes. Additional Adult
activities include computers, dance and ceramics. Funds will
also support clerical services to answer phones, do data
entry, filing and other duties.
Local Koppell Mosholu Preservation Corporation 133109387 * $5,000 DYCD
To provide for a marketing and promotional plan for the NYC
Department of Small Business Services Avenue NYC program
in the corridor of East 204th Street and Bainbridge.
Local Rivera Mosholu Preservation Corporation 133109387 * $20,000 DYCD
Funds will support Bronx Youth Heard, a program training
high school students in Journalism skills
Boro Koppell Mosholu-Montefiore Community Center, Inc. 133622107 $4,000 DYCD
To provide for the following services: art, dance, homework
assistance, sports, recreation, the Boys to Men Group, Girl
Talk Group, Money Matters Group, Teen Leadership, Lounge
and Game Room.
Boro Koppell Mosholu-Montefiore Community Center, Inc. 133622107 $8,187 DFTA
To support programs for seniors by providing for arts
Instruction, consultants for seniors and for costs associated
with food preparation.
Local Koppell Mosholu-Montefiore Community Center, Inc. 133622107 $10,000 DYCD
To support the College Bound Program, which s helps low-
income youth, and their families with the college admissions
and financial aid process.
Local Greenfield Mothers Aligned Saving Kids (MASK, Inc.) 113495018 $5,000 DYCD
Helpline Support Groups Community Outreach Parent
Local Viverito Mott Haven Houses Resident Association 300403434 * $500 NYCHA
To support community activities and events for residents of
the development, including annual family days. Funding will
support the purchase of refreshments, supplies and
entertainment at these events.
Local Cabrera Mount Hope Housing Company, Inc. 133419970 * $14,500 DYCD
To expand Mount Hopes, career readiness program
consisting of Project READY and Digital Connector. Funding
will support staff, transportation, administrative fees, college
preparation programs and other expenses realted to the
Local Ferreras Mount Horeb Baptist Church 112074467 * $9,500 DYCD
To provide free meals to low income New Yorkers of all ages
without regard to religion race, creed or color.
Local Quinn Moving Image, Inc., The (d/b/a Film Forum) 510175953 $5,000 DCLA
To provide Manhattan Senior Citizens affordable tickets to
films and to distribute promotional materials to senior
centers, religious institutions, libraries and community
centers throughout Manhattan.
Local Garodnick Municipal Art Society of New York, Inc. 135562288 * $3,500 DYCD
To support after-school and youth development programs at
Fannie Lou Hamer Freedom High School. Funds will cover
program costs, including college trips, speakers, art projects,
and supplies.
Local Garodnick Murray Hill Committee, Inc. 237361016 $3,500 DPR
Funding will support tree and plant maintenance and
plantings in the Murray Hill Neighborhood.
p. 165 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Mendez Murray Hill Committee, Inc. 237361016 $3,500 DPR
Funding supports tree planting, pruning and tree bed
maintenance and tree guards, dead tree replacement,
planting of flowers and ivy throughout the neighborhood and
any other activities that aid in maintaining the cleanliness and
desirability of Murray Hill.
Local Quinn Murray Hill Committee, Inc. 237361016 $7,500 DPR
To support the greening of Murray Hill and other activities to
maintain and improve the cleanliness and desirability of the
Murray Hill neighborhood.
Local Dickens Museum for African Art 133137461 * $10,000 DCLA
To support programs and exhibits on African art and culture.
Funds will partially support the project budget for teaching
artists fees, program materials, equipment rental, travel, and
Local Brewer Museum of Arts and Design 133585408 $3,000 DCLA
To support the MADlab arts in education program for New
York City students.
Local Quinn Museum of Arts and Design 133585408 * $3,500 DCLA
To support the MADlab K-12 arts in education program,
through funding for costs incurred in the MADlab programs.
Local james Museum of Contemporary African Diasporian Arts 113526774 $4,000 DCLA
To support public art projects in the Brooklyn neighborhoods
of Fort Greene, Clinton Hill, Bedford Stuyvesant, and
Downtown Brooklyn on building exteriors, lampposts,
playgrounds, and other public sites.
Local Vann Museum of Contemporary African Diasporian Arts 113526774 $5,000 DCLA
To provide support to artists with honoraria and resources,
and to create opportunities for artists to create
commissioned works with the professional guidance.
Local Levin Museum of Food and Drink, The 203735162 * $3,500 DCLA
To support the Snap, Crackle, Puff food education exhibit
featuring a puffing machine, a debate series discussing local
issues, and for the development of curricular materials aimed
at NYC high school students.
Local Chin Museum of Jewish Heritage 013337626 * $3,500 DYCD PENDING
Local Comrie Museum of Jewish Heritage 013337626 * $3,500 DYCD PENDING
Local Oddo Museum Of Maritime Navigation And Communication 900730331 $3,500 DYCD Funds will promote and support the museum.
Local Rose Museum Of Maritime Navigation And Communication 900730331 $3,500 DYCD
To support the Museum for Maritime Navigation, including
funding for procurement displays, videos and materials.
Local Garodnick Museum of the City of New York 131624098 $3,500 DCLA
Funding will support the continued digitization of the
museum's collection of photographs to make them available
to the public via a user-friendly database on the Internet.
Local Palma Musica De Camara, Inc. 133253232 * $20,000 DCLA
To provide the Musica de Camara Lecture-Demonstration
Program for students of MS 127, teaching aural analysis to
students. Funding will be used to pay the fees of the artist-
instructors, lecturer and producer of the program; and to
cover the costs of producing program materials.
p. 166 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Quinn Musica De Camara, Inc. 133253232 * $3,000 DCLA
To support concerts and pre-concert educational events,
featuring discussions and demonstrations by the artists
and/or composers. Funding will pay the fees of the speakers
and producer of the programs, and the costs to produce and
distribute publicity and program materials.
Local Oddo Musical Chairs Chamber Ensemble, Inc. 201458258 $2,000 DCLA
Funds will support the 10th Season of Chamber Music
concerts/residency/virtual events, as well as pre-concert
lectures and post concert Artist/Audience Talkbacks.
Local Rose Musical Chairs Chamber Ensemble, Inc. 201458258 $5,000 DCLA
To provide chamber music performances and to support new
and establisehd composers with practice facilities,
commissioned works, and performance opportunities.
Local Recchia Muslim American Society of New York, Inc. 363885457 * $4,000 DYCD
To support youth activities, workshops, mentoring and
community service projects. Funds will support operating
and other program expenses.
Local Williams My Time, Inc. 680646329 * $3,500 DOHMH
To support Educational and Behavior Management
training/workshops, a parent support group for parents of
children with autism and other developmental disabilities,
and a recreational program for parents of children with
autism and developmental disabilities.
Local James
Myrtle Ave Commercial Revitalization Development
Project Local Development Corporation, The 311706307 * $4,000 DYCD
To support small business in the area that will be impacted
due to the capital streetscape project and for personnel
expenses and fringe benefits for the staff.
Local Greenfield Nachas Health and Family Network, Inc. 113067201 * $8,500 DYCD
Funds used to continue and expand their intensive case
management department for economically disadvantaged
seniors and families. Funding will allow for the coordination
of weekly senior social, support and aerobics groups, free
health screenings, and health services. Additionally, Nachas
will continue to organize mega health awareness days for
children and families of all ages. Monthly mammography and
pap-smear screening for uninsured and underinsured women
will be coordinated as well. The funding is allocated partially
for staff dedicated to the various projects as well as the OTPS
necessary to maintain the projects.
Local Quinn Naked Angels, LTD. 133509565 $3,500 DCLA
To support a partnership with the New School for Drama, and
programming for artists at Naked Angels.
Local Gentile Narrows Botanical Garden, Inc., The 113382931 $5,000 DYCD
To maintain the public gardens with plants and trees and
equipment, monitor the security system, upkeep of repairs of
the sprinkler, and for community programming.
Local Recchia Narrows Botanical Garden, Inc., The 113382931 * $3,500 DYCD
To maintain the public gardens with plants and trees and
equipment, monitor the security system, upkeep of repairs of
the sprinkler, and for community programming.
Local Recchia Narrows Community Theater 510167270 * $3,000 DYCD
To produce a play and hold theater workshops for youth.
Funds will be used for costumes, props, sound and other
program and production costs.
p. 167 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Dickens Nathan D. Allsbrooks Foundation, Inc. 263492339 $3,500 DYCD
To support youth educational and mentoring programs,
sports, scholarships, and gun violence prevention. Funds will
support the costs of these programs including sports
uniforms and equpments, staff salaries and other costs.
Local Dickens National Black Theatre Workshop, Inc. 132632596 * $8,000 DCLA
To support programs including plays by new African American
playwrights, the collection of Yoruba New Sacred Art, youth
outreach, a communications art program, an entrepreneurial
artist program and other programs, allowing for substantial
reductions in ticket prices.
Local Palma National Choral Council, Inc. 132598476 $5,000 DCLA To provide vocal and choral music education at PS 47.
Local Quinn National Choral Council, Inc. 132598476 $3,000 DCLA
To support the National Chorale New York City
Elementary/Middle School and High School Choral Festivals
which involve participating school choral groups and student
singers city-wide.
Local James
National Committee for Furtherance of Jewish
Education 116003180 $5,000 DYCD To provide funds for the food pantry.
Local Reyna National Congress Of Neighborhood 112400731 * $5,000 DYCD
Funds will support the Neighborhood Women Legacy Project,
highlighting the important role of women's leadership in
Williamsburg - Greenpoint. Programs include the
Neighborhood Women's Walking Tour and an Awareness
Campaign with lectures and presentations.
Local Garodnick National Dance Institute 132890779 * $3,500 DCLA
Funding will support NDI's dance programs in District 4 public
Local Jackson National Dance Institute 132890779 * $3,000 DCLA
Funds will support National Dance Insitute's In-School
Program bringing dance integrated with music to students at
NYC public Schools.
Local Rodriguez National Dance Institute 132890779 * $5,000 DCLA
To support an in-school dance instruction program, which
integrates dance with music at partnering public schools.
Local Chin National Dance Institute, Inc. 132890779 * $3,500 DCLA
The funds will support NDIs In-School Program, which brings
a full year of dance integrated with music to students at
partnering public schools across New York City.
Local Lappin National Dance Institute, Inc. 132890779 * $5,000 DCLA
To support NDIs In-School dance program, integrating dance
with music at partnering public schools across New York City.
Local Fidler CC National Institute for Reproductive Health 133030257 * $300,000 DOHMH
The Teen Outreach Reproductive Challenge (TORCH) is a New York
City-based peer-to-peer education program that seeks to provide
knowledge and empowerment opportunities for young people to make
informed choices in their lives; create a new generation of the pro-
choice movement by fostering awareness and activism; offer accurate
information to young people about adolescent health issues, including
abortion, sexuality, and reproductive rights; and encourage young
people to build self-esteem through community advocacy and
leadership training. In 2012 alone, Institute staff and youth leaders
have presented on the program at five conferences and have trained
over 250 residents and doctors throughout New York City.
p. 168 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Recchia National Lighthouse Museum 134055215 * $5,000 DYCD
To support public programs and outreach, teaching children
and the public about maritime, including the history of
navigation and the sea and the role of lighthouses.
Local Rose National Lighthouse Museum 134055215 $5,000 DYCD
To support public programs and outreach, teaching children
and the public about maritime, including the history of
navigation and the sea and the role of lighthouses.
Local Quinn National Music Theatre Network Inc. 133196251 $3,000 DCLA
To support a musical theatre festival, presenting productions
of new musicals along with an array of concerts, special
events, and readings to theatergoers at several midtown
venues each July.
Local Gentile National Organization Of Italian-American Women, Inc. 133155703 * $2,500 DYCD
To support public educational and cultural programs in
literature, film, arts and Italian history, including scholarship,
mentoring, and cultural exchange programs for youth, young
professionals and college women.
Local Comrie National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa Beta 112501517 * $5,000 DFTA
To support a Saturday Senior Program, providing meals and
recreational, cultural, and educational activities for seniors.
Local Viverito Neighborhood Defender Service, Inc. 061296692 $3,500 OCJC
To support the work of the Youth Law Project for youth who
interact with the criminal justice system.
Local Comrie
Neighborhood Economic Development Advocacy
Project, Inc. 133842270 $3,500 DYCD
To provide legal services and know-your-rights education to
help low income New Yorkers, including a Financial Justice
Hotline; community know-your-rights education and
outreach; and support for low income New Yorkers defending
themselves in court (pro se).
Local Vann
Neighborhood Economic Development Advocacy
Project, Inc. 133842270 $5,000 DYCD
To provide for the Justice Hotline and community know-your-
rights education and outreach programs.
Local Eugene Neighborhood Housing Services of East Flatbush 133098397 * $5,000 HPD
To support home ownership programs which include
counseling, buyer education, grants/loans education,
foreclosure intervention, and home maintenance training.
Local Vann Neighborhood Housing Services of East Flatbush, Inc. 133098397 * $15,000 HPD
To support the foreclosure intervention and financial
capability programs
Local Comrie Neighborhood Housing Services of Jamaica, Inc. 237398279 * $20,000 DYCD
To support a Tenant Education program, providing workshops
on fair housing violations, tenants rights, security depoit
rules, and other tenant rights and issues.
Local Gennaro Neighborhood Housing Services of Jamaica, Inc. 237398279 * $3,500 DYCD
Funds used for the administration of a Tenant Education
program. The goal of the program is to provide Fair Housing
education creating a culture of responsible as well educated
renters. Counselors will provide educational workshops to
clients on how to recognize fair housing violations, know
their rights and responsibilities, know the landlords rights
and responsibilities, security deposit rules, what are safe
healthy apartment repairs and legal evictions.
p. 169 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Wills Neighborhood Housing Services of Jamaica, Inc. 237398279 * $10,000 HPD
To support the Tenant Education program in providing fair
housing education and counseling for first-time renters,
families downsizing homes, and families being displaced by
Local Ferreras
Neighborhood Housing Services of Northern Queens
Inc 133098397 * $10,000 HPD
To support programs to protect homeownership for senior
citizens, including foreclosure intervention and counseling;
home maintenance training; and seminars for senior citizens.
Boro King
Neighborhood Housing Services of the North Bronx,
Inc. 800615273 * $7,187 HPD
Funds will support a summer day camp, including costs for
transportation expenses to visit recreational, cultural, and
entertainment sites.
Local Cabrera
Neighborhood Housing Services of the South Bronx,
Inc. 364699979 * $5,000 HPD
To promote neighborhood stabilization, home ownership
opportunities for low and middle income families, and
housing and home ownership preservation in the South
Bronx and Washington Heights sections. Funding will be used
to provide loans, training on the home ownership process,
and financial education and assistance in securing a
Local Palma Neighborhood Initiatives Development Corp. 133110811 * $35,000 HPD To remove graffiti and support community improvements.
Boro Vacca Neighborhood Initiatives Development Corporation 133110811 $22,187 DYCD
To provide funds for the Prep for Success program for middle
and high school students which conducts workshops and
provides students with community service learning projects
to teach students and allow them to practice the skills
needed to plan for success in high school, college, and life.
Local Bronx Delegation, Vacca CC
Neighborhood Initiatives Development Corporation
(NIDC) 133110811 * $40,000 DYCD
To continue the availability of the Prep for Success program
with the goals of drop out prevention and life skills
Local Vacca
Neighborhood Initiatives Development Corporation
(NIDC) 133110811 $50,000 DYCD
To provide funds for the Prep for Success program for middle
and high school students which conducts workshops and
provide students with community service learning projects to
teach students, and allow them to practice, the skills needed
to plan for success in high school, college, and life.
Local Vacca
Neighborhood Initiatives Development Corporation
(NIDC) 133110811 $14,500 DYCD
To support programs including Prep for Success for middle
and high school students , Community Service Learning
Projects, and to support community events including Movies
Under the Stars, Halloween Parades, and Spring Celebrations.
Local Arroyo Neighborhood Self Help by Older Persons Project, Inc. 133077047 $20,000 DFTA
To support the agency's Senior Network Group Work
Program which provides case assistance, educational and
recreational activities for residents of senior housing
developments, Section 202 buildings, NYCHA, and community
Local Palma Neighborhood Self Help by Older Persons Project, Inc. 133077047 $4,000 DFTA
To provide educational, recreational and other services for
seniors in the housing complex in the Soundview section of
the Bronx. Funds will be used for personnel and operating
p. 170 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Comrie Neighborhood Technical Assistance Clinic 113482054 $5,000 DYCD
To support an annual program, Dialogues between Funders
and Nonprofits, and capacity building workshops to help
nonprofits sustain themselves during the economic downturn
and learn how to develop programs and seek funding.
Local Mealy Neighborhood Technical Assistance Clinic 113482054 $10,000 DYCD
To support the Dialogues Between Funders and Nonprofit
Organizations capacity building workshops for nonprofits.
Local Recchia Neighborhood Technical Assistance Clinic 113482054 * $4,000 DYCD
To provide consulting services and support to non profits.
Funding will specifically be used to support Dialogues
between Funders and Nonprofits, a service designed to build
capacity of nonprofits to sustain themselves during the
economic downswing.
Local Rose Neighborhood Technical Assistance Clinic 113482054 $5,000 DYCD
To support the Neighborhood Technical Assistance Clinic in
providing consulting services and support to non profits,
including the Dialogues between Funders and Nonprofits
program to build capacity of nonprofits to sustain themselves
during the economic downswing.
Local Levin CC Neighbors Allied for Good Growth Inc 113470943 * $43,500 HPD
To employ tenant organizers to perform the following
services: provide education and outreach at risk of
displacement; counsel tenants and tenant associations on
their rights and responsibilities; assist individuals in locating
and applying for affordable housing.
Local Levin Neighbors Allied for Good Growth Inc 113470943 * $3,500 DYCD
To provide tenant services, organize local campaigns, support
general organizing efforts in our various tenant rights
Local Gonzalez Neighbors Helping Neighbors 113059958 $5,000 HPD
To provide counseling, advocacy and organizing for tenants,
through tenant rights workshops and legal clinics in Sunset
Park and Bay Ridge, and regular meetings with tenants in the
Local Gonzalez Neighbors Helping Neighbors 113059958 $10,000 HPD
To provide English/Spanish bilingual one-on-one tenant
counseling, Tenant Rights Workshops and Legal Clinics
throughout Sunset Park and in neighboring communities.
Local Gentile Neighbors Helping Neighbors Inc. 113059958 $2,000 DYCD
To provide bilingual English/Spanish legal services and
counseling for tenants in Sunset Park and in neighboring
Local Lappin New 42nd Street, Inc., The 133584032 * $75,000 DCLA
To support the New Victory Education Program, providing
low cost performances, Classroom Workshops; online
resource guides; sign-interpreted education shows; and
training for educators.
Local Recchia New 42nd Street, Inc., The 133584032 * $25,000 DCLA
To support the New Victory Education Program, providing
low cost performances, classroom workshops; online
resource guides; sign-interpreted education shows; and
training for educators.
p. 171 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Delegation New Alternatives for Children, Inc. 133149298 $3,500 ACS
To support post-child welfare aftercare services for 350
medically fragile children and 225 parents as part of the
Partners In Parenting and Post Legal Adoption Network
programs. Case management, counseling, parent support
groups, medical/mental health services, educational support
and recreation for families leaving preventive services or
foster care are provided.
Local James, Arroyo, Oddo, Brewer CC New Alternatives for Children, Inc. 133149298 * $200,000 ACS
Partners In Parenting (PIP) the Post Legal Adoption Network
(PLAN) provide post-child welfare (aftercare) services for 350
medically fragile children and 225 parents. PIP PLAN provide
case management, counseling, parent support groups,
medical/mental health services, educational support and
recreation for families leaving preventive services or foster
Local Vacca CC New Bronx Chamber of Commerce, The 371443165 * $40,000 DSBS
The Bronx Chamber of Commerce would like to continue to
aid eligible firms to certify with NYC as well as raise the
capacity of both certified M/WBEM/WBE eligible firms to
compete for perform on contractsexpand their companies.
Our organization will offer many networking events
promoting MBWE growth, workshops,one-on-one assistance
sessions to M/WBE certified M/WBE eligible firms.
Local Palma New Bronx Chamber of Commerce, The 371443165 * $21,500 DSBS
To establish merchant associations and BIDs that provide
business development assistance, small business workshops,
seminars, information sessions, special events, and additional
small business services.
Local Rivera New Bronx Chamber of Commerce, The 371443165 * $100,000 DSBS
Funds will support workshops/seminars networking events
and expos to assist Bronx business as services for Bronx
residents and businesses
Local Vacca New Bronx Chamber of Commerce, The 371443165 * $80,000 DSBS
To provide funds for administrative costs to establish
merchant association and business improvement districts;
interact with, exchange information with and provide services
to businesses; and to improve economic development in the
Local Ferreras CC New Destiny Housing Corporation 133778489 * $40,000 HPD
HousingLink operates a telephone HelpLine; participates in
and sponsors workshops on housing options; provides a
comprehensive web-based housing resource center; and
conducts and collects research about the housing needs of
domestic violence survivors. HousingLink is particularly
critical for social service providers and victims when City
programs change or are eliminated--as was the case with the
Advantage program. The requested funding will be used to
support the programs staff.
Local Foster New Destiny Housing Corporation 133778489 * $5,000 HPD
To support HousingLink in helping victims of domestic
violence learn about existing housing and services including a
telephone HelpLine, workshops on housing options, a web-
based housing resource center, and research about the
housing needs of domestic violence survivors.
p. 172 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Quinn New Dramatists, Inc. 131601093 $3,500 DCLA
To support a Playwrights Lab, offering resident playwrights a
seven-year course of exploration through readings,
workshops and other projects in the Lab, free-of-charge.
Local Ulrich New Hamilton Beach Civic Association, Inc. 830377515 * $5,000 DYCD
Funds will support flying of American Flags from the
telephone poles that line 104th Street, the only vehicular
access road into and out of Hamilton Beach and for a
community-wide parade.
Local Dickens New Heritage Theatre Group, Inc. 132683678 $7,500 DCLA
To support plays, youth arts programs, writing programs, film
programs and other cultural and educational programs of the
Repertory theater.
Local Dromm New Immigrant Community Empowerment (NICE) 113560625 $20,000 DYCD
To provide "Know Your Rights" Workshops and support legal
intake and referrals.
Local Ferreras New Immigrant Community Empowerment (NICE) 113560625 $10,000 DYCD
To support the Women Workers Committee. The services of
this committee will include Know Your Rights; Access to
Workforce & Development training; On-site legal intake and
legal counselling.
Local Dromm, Kozlowitz CC New Life Community Development Corporation 113204890 * $7,500 DYCD
The funds will be used for the Young Governors Program to
provide stipends for the teens and for project costs, that the
teens will plan and implement to improve their community.
Funds will also be used for the Mentoring program to provide
training for the mentors.
Local Dickens New Mount Zion Baptist Church 133976609 * $5,000 DOHMH
To support initiatives that promote healthy eating and other
community events.
Local Lander CC New School, The 133297197 * $90,000 DOE
To add an easy-to-use search function to Insideschools.org to
help 8th graders and their parents develop a list of
appropriate high schools to which they may apply. Once the
search tool is designed and implemented, we will also work
with middle school teachers and counselors to help them use
the tool in the classroom. Funds will be used to pay the
technical expenses of developing the web-based tool, project
management, promotion and outreach, and administrative
Local Cabrera New Settlement Apartments 141719016 $5,000 DYCD
To support the New Settlement Community Center's aquatics
program, providing swimming instruction for school age
youth, and life guard training for teens.
Local Gentile New Utrecht High School 136400434 * $1,000 DOE
To support PTA activities to benefit both children and
Local Gentile New Utrecht Reformed Church 237052295 * $1,500 DYCD
To subsidize Troop 20's camping program and summer camp
in Bensonhurst and Dyker Heights.
Local Recchia New Utrecht Reformed Church 237052295 * $2,000 DYCD
To support Troop 20's camping program and summer camp
for participants in Bensonhurst and Dyker Heights.
Local Fidler New Way Circus Center, Inc. 113271895 $3,500 DYCD
To support curriculum based theater field trips for students in
Council District 46.
p. 173 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Brewer New York Academy of Medicine 131656674 * $4,000 DFTA
To support the Upper West Side Aging Improvement District
(UWS AID), a collaboration with older adults and local
businesses, non-profit organizations, cultural, educational
and religious institutions to improve the quality of life for
older adults.
Local Dickens New York African Chorus Ensemble, Inc. 201090906 $6,500 DCLA
To support youth leadership programs at sites in Council
District 8, including including the East Harlem Center,
Frederick Douglass Center and Community School PS 50.
Local Jackson New York African Chorus Ensemble, Inc. 201090906 $3,500 DCLA
Fund will support the "Celebrate Diversity Celebrate You
Festival" showcasing the arts of New York City's various
cultural communities and "Diaspora Conversations".
Local Jackson New York and Presbyterian Hospital 133957095 $3,000 DOHMH
Funds will support Lang Youth, a science enrichment,
mentoring, internship and college prepartory program for
youth from Washington heights and Inwood.
Local CC New York and Presbyterian Hospital, The 133957095 * $75,000 DOHMH
Lang Youth is a six-year longitudinal science enrichment,
mentoring, internship, and college preparatory program with
a mission to inspire talented young people from the
Washington Heights and Inwood neighborhoods to develop
the intellectual habits of mind and life skills that gain them
acceptance into higher education. Funds will be used to
support the salaries of teachers during the school year and
summer, extra-curricular activities, internship stipends, and
college preparation.
Local Chin New York Asian Women's Center 133286250 * $5,000 OCJC
Funds will help support NYAWC's Lower Manhattan
community office which provides services for women and
their children to overcome domestic violence, human
trafficking, and other forms of abuse.
Delegation New York Asian Women's Center, Inc. 133286250 * $3,500 DSS
To support NYAWCs Toll Free 24/7 Multilingual Hotline and
to pay a portion of the salary for NYAWCs Hotline Manager
and associated program expenses for its Domestic Violence
Prevention programs.
Local Comrie New York Asian Women's Center, Inc. 133286250 * $3,500 OCJC
To conduct outreach to Asian communities across the greater
Queens area on issues of domestic violence (DV), human
trafficking (HT) and sexual assault (SA), train volunteers, and
increase awareness of and provide services at NYAWCs
Elmhurst Community Office.
Local Dromm New York Asian Women's Center, Inc. 133286250 * $3,500 DSS
To provide services to abused women, including victims of
domestic violence, human trafficking, and sexual assault,
specializing in the needs of the Asian immigrant population.
Funds will support salaries and other operational expenses
for services in the 25th Council District.
Local Koo New York Asian Women's Center, Inc. 133286250 * $4,000 DSS
Funds will support the salary for the NYAWCs domestic
violence Hotline Manager.
Local Dromm New York Ballet Inc 132947386 * $5,000 DCLA PENDING
p. 174 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Fidler, Lander CC New York Board of Rabbis 131809283 * $5,000 DYCD
Funding has enabled the NYBR to sponsor citywide trainings
in each borough over the last few years to prevent child
sexual abuse and molestation. Stewards of Children is the
only child sexual abuse prevention training geared towards
adults to help them protect children from pedophiles that has
been proven to work. Through our network of interfaith
partners, we have help train hundreds of adults each year
and protect thousands of children.
Local Greenfield New York Board of Rabbis 131809283 * $3,500 DYCD
To provide child sexual abuse and molestation prevention
education to faith based organizations throughout New York
City. With the assistance of members of the NYC Council we
provide Stewards of Children - the only third party evaluated
prevention program to community leaders and stakeholders
that can prevent child sexual abuse by training adults to
prevent, recognize the signs and react responsibly.
Local Levin New York Board of Rabbis 131809283 * $3,500 DYCD
To provide three free child sexual abuse and molestation
prevention trainings in Council District 33.
Local Recchia New York Board of Rabbis 131809283 * $2,500.00 DYCD-Y
The NYBR has been providing child sexual abuse and
molestation prevention education to faith based
organizations throughout New York City since 2007. With the
assistance of members of the NYC Council we provide
Stewards of Children - the only third party evaluated
prevention program to community leaders and stakeholders
that can prevent child sexual abuse by training adults to
prevent, recognize the signs and react responsibly. We train
groups of up to 50 adults per program, providing 3 contact
hours of continuing education units, that empowers every
adult to keep a minimum of 10 children in their community
safer. The program has won the National McGruff Crime
Prevention award. The funds will provide up to three
trainings in the Council members district and will be offered
for free in order to increase participation and create a
community of safet!
y for children.
Boro Cabrera New York Botanical Garden 131693134 * $10,000 DCLA
To support Senior Group Tours (SGT), docent-led tours of the
Gardens grounds for members of senior centers, NORC
centers or senior groups in Bronx CD 14.
Local Palma New York Botanical Garden 131693134 * $10,000 DCLA
To provide guided, docent-led tours of the New York
Botanical Gardens grounds for members of senior centers,
NORC centers or senior groups.
Local Rivera New York Botanical Garden 131693134 $10,000 DCLA
Funds will support a Gardening Nutrition Education program
which trains public school teachers to incorporate gardening
and nutrition into their lessons and gives students the
opportunity to put classroom lessons to work through visits
to the family garden
Local Dickens New York Cares, Inc. 133444193 * $5,000 DYCD
To support Childrens Education programming, which helps
disadvantaged children and teens gain the literacy, math and
test-taking skills they need to prepare for college and the
p. 175 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Palma New York Cares, Inc. 133444193 * $5,000 DYCD
To provide educational programming for disadvantaged
children and teens to gain the literacy, math and test-taking
Local Chin New York Chinese Cultural Center 132928554 $5,000 DCLA
The funds will be used to support NYCCCs community
program including Lunar New Year Festival and Moon
Local Brewer New York City ACT-SO, Inc. 202538102 * $3,500 DYCD To help fund the Enrichment Workshop.
Local Dickens CC New York City ACT-SO, Inc. 202538102 * $15,000 DSBS
To support its CORE Attitudinal and Job Readiness training
program. This intensive four-week workshop in attitude
modification, self-presentation, and workplace readiness
prepares individuals for the rigors of sector-specific skills
training programs and the workplace. CORE is based on the
premise that businesses seeking to fill entry-level jobs look
for people who will fit into the workplace, accept the
authority of supervisors, get along with peers, and display an
eagerness to learn and contribute.
Local Chin New York City Alliance Against Sexual Assault 311702032 $4,000 OCJC
Funds will support The New York City Alliance Against Sexual
Assaults research study on the barriers immigrant women in
New York City face in seeking support and treatment for
sexual assault and intimate partner violence.
Local Mendez New York City Alliance Against Sexual Assault 311702032 $3,500 OCJC
The funds will help operate the Sexual Assault Forensic
Examiner Training Institute (SAFETI) to train health and
human service professionals. The Alliance will also provide
direct services for victims that contact the Alliance for
advocacy and support.
Local Brewer New York City Ballet, Inc. 132947386 $3,000 DOE
New York City Ballet residencies provide low-cost, multi-
session programming to public school students ensuring that
children have enriching experiences of ballet that positively
impact their academic test scores, expand their imaginations,
and encourage their creativity and overall growth.
Van Bramer, Lander, Ulrich,
Williams, Brewer CC New York City Coalition Against Hunger, Inc. 133471350 * $40,000 DSS
Funding will increase participation in the Supplemental
Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly food stamps
and other nutrition assistance benefits, and to assist low-
income households citywide who remain eligible to retain
benefits. This program improves the nutritional status of
recipients and reduces their need for food from Emergency
Food Providers (EFPs. Additionally, we will conduct technical
assistance to soup kitchens, food pantries and community
based organizations.
Local Foster New York City Coalition Against Hunger, Inc. 133471350 * $6,000 DYCD
Funding used to provide youth with affordable on-site
education programs and workshops on weekends and
holidays. These programs are all FREE with Museum
Local Lander New York City Coalition Against Hunger, Inc. 133471350 * $2,000 DSS
To support outreach and assistance to eligible households to
access food-based assistance programs and benefits.
p. 176 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Palma New York City Coalition Against Hunger, Inc. 133471350 * $10,000 DSS
To increase NYCHA residents' participation in the
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP/food
stamps), provide fresh affordable produce, conduct outreach,
pre-screening and application/recertification assistance, and
provide other nutrition programs for NYCHA residents.
Local Quinn New York City Coalition Against Hunger, Inc. 133471350 * $5,000 DSS
To improve the nutritional status of New Yorkers and reduce
the need for emergency food assitance by increasing
participation in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance
Program (SNAP/food stamps) and other nutrition assistance
benefits, to assist low-income households citywide who
remain eligible to retain benefits, and to provide fresh and
affordable produce to low-income families.
Local Quinn New York City Community Chorus at Holy Apostles 760843120 $4,000 DCLA
To train a non-audition chorus of volunteers from the
community to prepare two high quality concerts, including
professional guest artists, free to the public.
Local Gadrodnick, Van Bramer, Lander CC
New York City Gay and Lesbian Anti-Violence Project,
Inc. 133149200 * $200,000 DSS
AVP is the only LGBTQ and HIV-affected specific anti-violence
organization in New York City working on intimate partner,
sexual and hate violence through direct client services,
including a 24-hour hotline, community organizing and public
advocacy. These funds would be used to support our hotline,
direct client services, including intake in all five boroughs,
targeted outreach in all five boroughs, volunteer training,
community alerts and documentation of violent incidents.
Local Garodnick
New York City Gay and Lesbian Anti-Violence Project,
Inc. 133149200 * $3,500 DSS
Funding will support LGBTQ and HIV-affected specific anti-
violence organization, including a hotline, direct client
services, intake in all five boroughs, targeted outreach in all
five boroughs, volunteer training, community alerts and
documentation of violent incidents.
Local Quinn
New York City Gay and Lesbian Anti-Violence Project,
Inc. 133149200 * $10,000 DSS
To combat LGBTQ and HIV-affected specific violence in New
York City through programs including direct client services, a
24-hour hotline, community organizing, volunteer training,
community alerts and documentation of violent incidents.
Local Barron New York City Housing Authority 136400434 * $2,300 NYCHA
To provide services and activites for seniors and youth in the
Local Chin New York City Housing Authority 136400434 * $12,000 NYCHA
To support Family Days and other events and activities
organized by NYCHA tenant associations in CD1.
Local Dilan New York City Housing Authority 136400434 * $15,000 NYCHA PENDING
Local Dilan New York City Housing Authority 136400434 * $10,000 NYCHA PENDING
Local Levin New York City Housing Authority 136400434 * $3,500 NYCHA To support the Gowanus Houses Family Day.
Local Levin New York City Housing Authority 136400434 * $2,000 NYCHA PENDING
Local Mendez New York City Housing Authority 136400434 * $25,000 NYCHA
Towards the use of Campos Plaza Children's Workshop and
East Village Community School
Local Palma New York City Housing Authority 136400571 * $12,000 DFTA PENDING
Local Rivera New York City Housing Authority 136400434 * $8,000 NYCHA
funds will support the NYCHA tenants' association and their
programs and activities for residents
p. 177 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Rose New York City Housing Authority 136400434 * $2,000 NYCHA
To provide activities for tenants, including: holiday parties
(Memorial Day, possibly Labor Day, and end of year), and pay
for office supplies for the Tenant Association room and items
for common areas, and other expenses.
Local Rose New York City Housing Authority 136400434 * $2,000 NYCHA
To provide activities for tenants, including: holiday parties
(Memorial Day, possibly Labor Day, and end of year), and pay
for office supplies for the Tenant Association room and items
for common areas, and other expenses.
Local Rose New York City Housing Authority 136400434 * $2,000 NYCHA
To provide activities for tenants, including: holiday parties
(Memorial Day, possibly Labor Day, and end of year), and pay
for office supplies for the Tenant Association room and items
for common areas, and other expenses.
Local Rose New York City Housing Authority 136400434 * $2,000 NYCHA
To provide activities for tenants, including: holiday parties
(Memorial Day, possibly Labor Day, and end of year), and pay
for office supplies for the Tenant Association room and items
for common areas, and other expenses.
Local Rose New York City Housing Authority 136400434 * $2,000 NYCHA
To provide activities for tenants, including: holiday parties
(Memorial Day, possibly Labor Day, and end of year), and pay
for office supplies for the Tenant Association room and items
for common areas, and other expenses.
Local Rose New York City Housing Authority 136400434 * $2,000 NYCHA
To provide activities for tenants, including: holiday parties
(Memorial Day, possibly Labor Day, and end of year), and pay
for office supplies for the Tenant Association room and items
for common areas, and other expenses.
Local Rose New York City Housing Authority 136400434 * $2,000 NYCHA
To provide activities for tenants, including: holiday parties
(Memorial Day, possibly Labor Day, and end of year), and pay
for office supplies for the Tenant Association room and items
for common areas, and other expenses.
Local Rodriguez, Jackson, Lander CC New York City Outward Bound Center 133471084 * $200,000 DOE
To strengthen NYC Outward Bounds capacity to grow and
support our network of small schools that are founded on
Outward Bounds Expeditionary Learning school design.
Funding would help us to continue to serve more students,
and to strengthen and expand the menu of professional
development supports and student programs that we offer to
our network of schools.
New York City Parents of Lesbians and Gay Men, Inc.
(d/b/a PFLAG New York City) 133049626 * $3,500 DOE
To provide support for the Safe Schools Program and support
services to LGBT youth. This program brings community
speakers into classrooms to foster dialogue about LGBT
issues and promote tolerance, combat anti-LGBT harassment,
and support youth and families.
Local Brewer
New York City Parents of Lesbians and Gay Men, Inc.
(d/b/a PFLAG New York City) 133049626 * $3,500 DYCD
Funding is requested for the Safe Schools Program and
support services to LGBT youth.
p. 178 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Van Bramer, Viverito CC
New York City Parents of Lesbians and Gay Men, Inc.
(d/b/a PFLAG New York City) 133049626 * $15,000 DYCD
Funding for Safe Schools Program and support services to
LGBT youth. Free to schools, the Safe Schools Program brings
community speakers into classrooms to foster dialogue about
LGBT issues and promote tolerance, combat anti-LGBT
harassment, and support youth and families. PFLAG NYC
provides programs citywide that meet requirements of
diversity education under the Respect for All Program and
the Chancellors Regulation on Bias-Related Harassment.
Funding would allow for the hiring of a full-time coordinator.
Local Dromm
New York City Parents of Lesbians and Gay Men, Inc.
(d/b/a PFLAG New York City) 133049626 * $10,000 DOE
Funding will help the Safe Schools Program at schools and
community organizations and to support services for LGBT
Local Mendez
New York City Parents of Lesbians and Gay Men, Inc.
(d/b/a PFLAG New York City) 133049626 * $5,300 DYCD
Funding is requested for the Safe Schools Program and
support services to LGBT youth. Safe Schools provides
educational presentations for school-age youth ages 11-18 to
foster dialogue about LGBT issues and promote tolerance,
combat anti-LGBT harassment, and support youth and
Local Palma
New York City Parents of Lesbians and Gay Men, Inc.
(d/b/a PFLAG New York City) 133049626 * $5,000 DOE
To support Safe Schools Program and provide support
services and advocacy to LGBT youth.
Local Chin New York City Rescue Mission 135596794 $5,000 DSS
Funds will support the Food Services Program which feeds
homeless and needy people in Lower Manhattan.
Local Palma New York City Urban Debate League, Inc. 455249743 * $3,500 DYCD
To provide free debate programs to all students and schools
and pay the fees associated with the NYC Debate League.
Local Oddo New York City Verrazano 10-13 Association, Inc. 134151778 * $1,500 DYCD
To teach children about the police, safe handling of guns and
what to do if they find a gun. Funds will help support program
Local Brewer New York Classical Theatre, Inc. 861056388 $3,000 DCLA
To support our 2013 Season of FREE roving classical theatre
throughout New York City.
Local Chin New York Classical Theatre, Inc. 861056388 $3,500 DCLA
To support the Harlem Renaissance Young Entrepreneurs
Boot Camp, helping young Harlem entrepreneurs develop
and learn business, financial literacy and life skills. Funds will
help support program and activities.
Local Rodriguez New York County District Attorneys 136400434 * $5,000 DANY
To support the Basketball program, funds will help pay for
Local Comrie New York Families for Autistic Children, Inc. 113442879 * $3,500 DOHMH
This program provides Transportation for the after school,
computer training courses, recreational pool program and
support groups for individuals with disabilities.
Local Crowley New York Families for Autistic Children, Inc. 113442879 * $2,500 DOHMH
To support recreational, educational and support programs
for individuals with developmental disabilities and their
Local Ulrich New York Families for Autistic Children, Inc. 113442879 * $10,000 DOHMH
Funds support recreational, educational and support
programs for individuals with developmental disabilities and
their families.
p. 179 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Delegation New York Foundation for Senior Citizens, Inc. 132618568 * $3,611 DFTA
Funding will support the city-wide Home Sharing and Respite
Care Program which matches compatible persons free of
charge in shared living arrangements in dwellings rented or
owned by one or more of the participants. One or both
matchmates must be aged 60 or over. The program's respite
care component provides certified in-home attendants to
help frail elderly persons who are attempting to manage at
home alone or whose caregivers have become ill or are
temporarily away.
Lappin, Garodnick, Brewer,
Lander, Levin, Chin CC New York Foundation for Senior Citizens, Inc. 132618568 $40,000 DFTA
Funding will support the city-wide Home Sharing and Respite
Care Program which matches compatible persons free of
charge in shared living arrangements in dwellings rented or
owned by one or more of the participants. One or both
matchmates must be aged 60 or over. The program's respite
care component provides certified in-home attendants to
help frail elderly persons who are attempting to manage at
home alone or whose caregivers have become ill or are
temporarily away.
Local Recchia New York Foundation for Senior Citizens, Inc. 132618568 * $4,000 DFTA
To support the Home Sharing and Respite Care Program,
providing certified in-home attendants to assist seniors with
personal care, and free emergency, temporary in-home
attendants to provide respite care for low income frail
Local Williams New York Foundation For The Arts, Inc. 237129564 * $7,000 DYCD
To support an Annual Flatbush Film Festival, a Senior
Program, and a film music event for youth that focuses on
social justice.
Local Viverito New York Foundling Hospital 131624123 * $3,500 DYCD
To support the Futures After-School Program for the Mott
Haven community in the South Bronx.
Local Brewer New York Gilbert Sullivan Players, Inc. 132862043 * $3,000 DCLA
New York Gilbert & Sullivan Players will produce
performances with the NYGASP full Company and NYGASP
Orchestra between October and May of 2013-2014 at
Symphony Space , located at Broadway and 95th streets.
Local Brewer New York Historical Society 131624124 $3,000 DCLA
Funds will support the work of the Education Division to
impact city students and teachers in FY14 through a variety of
innovative programs.
Local Garodnick New York Historical Society 131624124 $3,500 DCLA
Funding will support museum tours and workshops for
students in District 4.
Local Dromm CC New York Immigrant Family Unity Project 131941627 $500,000 OCJC
Create a pilot program to provide legal representation to
New Yorkers who are detained in the New York City area and
face removal without counsel.
Local Van Bramer CC New York Irish Center 550869151 * $50,000 DFTA
Funding will provide food, computer training, arts/crafts, and
a social environment to Irish/Irish American Seniors and their
friends in the New York area.
p. 180 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Comrie New York Junior Tennis League, Inc. 237442256 $5,000 DYCD
To provide free recreational tennis and educational programs
for youth in Council District 27, including lessons, special
events, team tennis tournaments and trips.
Local Dilan New York Junior Tennis League, Inc. 237442256 $20,000 DYCD
The funds will be used to provide free recreational tennis and
educational programs for beginner and intermediate players,
ages 5-18 years in the council member's district during the
summer, fall, winter or spring. Loaner racquets and balls will
be provided to all participants. Special events, team tennis
tournaments and trips are a regular part of the program
Local Fidler New York Junior Tennis League, Inc. 237442256 $14,000 DYCD
To provide free recreational tennis and educational programs
for beginner and intermediate players, ages 5-18 years in the
council member's district during the summer, fall, winter or
spring. Loaner racquets and balls will be provided to all
Local Jackson New York Junior Tennis League, Inc. 237442256 $3,500 DYCD
Funds will support free recreational tennis and educational
programs for beginner and intermediate players. Special
events, team tornaments and trips are regular parts of the
Local Recchia New York Junior Tennis League, Inc. 237442256 * $4,000 DYCD
To support free recreational tennis and educational programs
for beginner and intermediate players, ages 5-18 years in
Council District 47, team tennis tournaments, and special
Local Arroyo New York Lawyers for the Public Interest, Inc. 132860703 * $7,000 DYCD
To support the Disability Justice Program, advocating for
individuals with disabilities to receive equal access to a range
of programs and services, including education, health care,
housing, and police protection.
Local Comrie New York Lawyers for the Public Interest, Inc. 132860703 * $3,500 DYCD
To support a Disability Justice Program, advocating for equal
access to a range of programs and services, including
education, health care, housing, and police protection for
disabled New Yorkers.
Local Levin New York Lawyers for the Public Interest, Inc. 132860703 * $3,500 DYCD
To support the Environmental Justice Program, which works
to reduce the disproportionate exposure of low-income
communities to environmental harms and to promote health
and sustainability.
Local Palma New York Lawyers for the Public Interest, Inc. 132860703 * $5,000 DYCD
To support the Environmental Justice Program, which works
to reduce exposure to environmental harms and to promote
health and sustainability. Funding will support trainings,
workshops, and projects to rid city schools of toxic
contaminants, challenge the relocation of FreshDirect, and
improve the way the City distributes its waste management
Local Viverito New York Lawyers for the Public Interest, Inc. 132860703 * $3,500 DYCD
To support an Environmental Justice Program, which works to
reduce the disproportionate exposure of low-income
communities to environmental harms and to promote health
and sustainability.
p. 181 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Chin New York Legal Assistance Group 133505428 $5,000 DYCD
Funds will help support the NYLAGs Mobile Legal Help Center
(MLHC) which brings free civil legal services to underserved
neighborhoods where vulnerable individuals face numerous
barriers to accessing legal services.
Local Comrie New York Legal Assistance Group 133505428 $3,500 DYCD
To provide free civil legal advice, legal counseling, direct
representation and emergency court proceedings on a broad
range of matters, including immigration, family law, housing,
public benefits, healthcare and home care, advance planning,
consumer protection, and storm relief. Funds will support a
Mobile Legal Help Center (MLHC).
Local Eugene New York Legal Assistance Group 133505428 $10,000 DYCD
To support a Mobile Legal Help Center, which functions as a
mobile legal services office and court room that transports a
group of attorney's and court personnel throughout the City
to provide legal advice, direct representation, and emergency
proceedings .
Local Greenfield New York Legal Assistance Group 133505428 $3,500 DYCD
NYLAGs Mobile Legal Help Center (MLHC) brings free civil
legal services to underserved neighborhoods where
vulnerable individuals face numerous barriers to accessing
legal services. This state-of-the-art vehicle has been
designed to serve as a fully functioning mobile legal services
office and courtroom.
Local Rose New York Legal Assistance Group 133505428 $3,500 DYCD
To provide free legal counseling, direct representation and
emergency court proceedings to underserved, impoverished
populations through NYLAG's Mobile Legal Help Center.
Local Williams New York Legal Assistance Group 133505428 $3,500 DYCD
To support a Mobile Legal Help Center, which functions as a
mobile legal services office and court room that transports a
group of attorney's and court personnel throughout the City
for legal advice, direct representation, and emergency
proceedings .
p. 182 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Recchia New York Legal Assistance Group Inc 133505428 * $3,000.00 DYCD
NYLAGs Mobile Legal Help Center (MLHC) brings free civil
legal services to underserved neighborhoods where
vulnerable individuals face numerous barriers to accessing
legal services. This state-of-the-art vehicle has been
designed to serve as a fully functioning mobile legal services
office and courtroom. The MLHC has the capacity to
transport a group of NYLAG attorneys and court personnel
throughout the five boroughs. The NYS Court provides access
to judges for emergency proceedings including orders of
protection for victims of domestic violence. The vehicle will
provide direct services including advice, legal counseling,
direct representation and emergency court proceedings,
which will be made possible through videoconferencing with
judges. NYLAG attorneys and financial counselors will
mmigration, family law, housing, public benefits, healthcare
and home care, advance planning, consumer protection, and
storm relief.
Local Quinn New York Live Arts Inc. 136206608 $5,000 DCLA
To present performances, staged or choreographed by
Jackson, Rodriguez, Garodnick,
Arroyo, Viverito CC New York Restoration Project 133959056 * $20,000 DYCD
NYRP will host 300 hours of free community garden events
like Club Fit outdoor yoga, the City Chicken Institute
education series, and Garden Grooves outdoor concerts. We
will give away free trees to New York City residents through
our MillionTreesNYC Tree Giveaway program. We will reach
at-risk youth through out-of-school-time programs like
Naturemania, Nature University Summer Camp, Youth
Environmental Service Days, campouts, and our 6th Annual
Family Day at Swindler Cove in Inwood.
Local Rodriguez New York Restoration Project 133959056 * $5,000 DPR
To support a Gardens for the City program to include school-
led tree planting, supply community gardens with educational
resources and public schools; and support an educational
program on ecosystems at Swindler Cove/Sherman Creek
Local Viverito New York Restoration Project 133959056 * $4,500 DYCD
To support community gardening and related educational
programs City Council District 8.
Delegation New York Scandia Symphony 133574230 $3,500 DCLA
To fund the Scandinavian Music Festival in Fort Tryon Park in
Northern Manhattan and two concerts at Scandinavia House.
Local Jackson New York Scandia Symphony 133574230 $3,000 DCLA
Funds will support the Scandinavian Music Festival which
presents three June concerts in Fort Tryon Park.
Local Rose New York State Institute on Disability, Inc. 133842199 * $3,500 DOHMH
To support the NYSIDs Staten Island Community Assistive and
Adaptive Technology (SICAAT) Center to support inclusion for
children and adults with developmental disabilities, providing
updated technology equipment, and supporting a summer
Computer Lab.
p. 183 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
New York State Tenants and Neighbors Information
Service, Inc. 141761209 * $3,500 HPD
Provide funding to: 1) counsel tenants and provide referrals;
2) educate tenants; 3) conduct skills-building and leadership
development trainings; 4) help tenants who live in affordable
housing organize tenant associations; and 5) help tenant
associations carry out campaigns around issues of building
concerns and educate tenants about opportunities for civic
Local Brewer
New York State Tenants and Neighbors Information
Service, Inc. 141761209 * $3,000 HPD
The funding will be used to provide counseling and referrals
to tenants with housing problems; educate tenants about
their rights; conduct skills-building and leadership
development trainings; help tenants organize strong and
democratic tenant associations; help tenant associations
carry out campaigns around issues of concern in their
buildings and educate tenants about opportunities for civic
engagement, such as participation in the annual Rent
Guidelines Board hearings and biannual Maximum Base Rent
Local Fidler, Lander CC
New York State Tenants and Neighbors Information
Service, Inc. 141761209 * $100,000 HPD
Funding to provide information and referrals to tenants with
housing problems; help affordable housing tenants organize
strong tenant associations; help TAs organize campaigns
around issues or a threat to affordability; provide technical
assistance and leadership development to leaders of tenant
associations, so that they can effectively lead their own
organizations and also play leadership roles in the broader
movement; and provide citywide coordination of tenant-led
initiatives to prevent unaffordable rent increases.
Local Chin
New York State Tenants and Neighbors Information
Service, Inc. 141761209 * $5,000 HPD
The funding will be used to provide services to tenants
including counseling with housing problems, education,
leadership training for tenant leaders and assistance to
tenant associations.
Local Garodnick
New York State Tenants and Neighbors Information
Service, Inc. 141761209 * $3,500 HPD
Funding will support education, counseling and organizing
assistance to help rent regulated, Section 8 and Mitchell-
Lama tenants maintain the affordability of their apartments
in District 4.
Local Jackson
New York State Tenants and Neighbors Information
Service, Inc. 141761209 * $3,000 HPD
Funds will support tenant services including counseling and
referrals, education, leadership development and skills
trainings, tenant organization and assistance to tenant
Local James
New York State Tenants and Neighbors Information
Service, Inc. 141761209 * $4,000 HPD
To provide counseling and referrals for tenants with housing
problems, to educate tenants about their rights, conduct
skills-building and leadership development trainings, help
tenants organize strong and democratic tenant associations,
and to help tenant associations carry out campaigns around
issues of concern in their buildings.
p. 184 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Mendez
New York State Tenants and Neighbors Information
Service, Inc. 141761209 * $3,500 HPD
Funding used to provide counseling and referrals to individual
tenants with housing problems, educate tenants who live in
affordable housing about their rights, conduct skills-building
and leadership development trainings for grassroots tenant
leaders, help tenants who live in affordable housing organize
strong and democratic tenant associations, and help tenant
associations carry out campaigns around issues of concern in
their buildings, such as tenant harassment, poor conditions,
or a threat to long-term affordability. Funds will also educate
tenants about opportunities for civic engagement, such as
participation in the annual Rent Guidelines Board hearings.
Local Palma
New York State Tenants and Neighbors Information
Service, Inc. 141761209 * $5,000 HPD
To provide tenants with counseling and referrals, educate
tenants who live in affordable housing about their rights,
skills-building and conduct leadership development trainings
for grassroots tenant leaders, help tenants who live in
affordable housing organize strong and democratic tenant
associations, help tenant associations carry out campaigns
around issues of concern in their buildings, and educate
tenants about opportunities for civic engagement.
Local Gentile New York Theatre Workshop, Inc. 133131491 $4,000 DCLA
To support Learning Workshop, a multidisciplinary theatre
education program at Lower Manhattan Arts Academy
(LoMA) on the Lower East Side and the High School of
Telecommunications Arts and Technology (HSTAT) in Bay
Ridge, Brooklyn, including in-class projects and theater
Local Garodnick New York University 135562308 $3,500 DOHMH
Funding will support the Neuroscience Outreach Group
program at a public school in District 4.
Local Dickens New York University College of Dentistry 135562308 * $5,000 DOHMH To provide Dental Van visits in District #9.
Dickens, James, Manhattan
Delegation, Rivera, Vann,
Arroyo, King CC New York University- College of Nursing 135562308 $30,000 DOHMH
To continue the leadership training of nurses in NYC. The
program trains 10-12 nurses of African descent each year for
leadership positions in health care through education and
mentorship. Our current class represents nurses from
Queens Hospital Center, Maimonides Medical Center, Mouth
Sinai and Lagnone Medical Centers.
Local Fidler CC New York Urban League 131671035 * $10,000 DYCD
To support our Absolute Success College Access Program
(ASCAP. ASCAP is a comprehensive school based educational
model that recognizes and emphasizes continuity services,
positive adult/student relationships and learning
atmospheres that guide and support students. Funding will
be used for College and Career Readiness, Academic
Enrichment Preparation, and Mentoring. ASCAP utilizes
workshops, counseling, mentoring, web-based technology
and scholarship opportunities to help students.
p. 185 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Dickens New York Urban League 131671035 * $10,000 DYCD
To support the Absolute Success College Access Program
(ASCAP), including College and Career Readiness, Academic
Enrichment Preparation, Mentoring, and a Historically Black
College and University Fair.
Local James CC New York WEB Center, Inc 205620848 * $45,000 DYCD
Funding will underwrite staff costs for NYWCs afterschool
program at two locations in Central Brooklyn. Students will
learn vocational skills relative to television broadcasting,
including camera work, talent, news and feature reporting.
Local Brewer New York Women in Film and Television, Inc. 132983705 $3,000 DCLA
Funds will support the exhibition and distribution of films
restored and preserved by NYWIFTs Womens Film
Preservation Fund.
Local Ferreras New York Women's Chamber of Commerce, Inc. 141845651 * $10,000 DSBS
To support the Microenterprise Institute (MI), providing one
stop bilingual (English and Spanish) business education and
assistance to start up and existing microenterprises, and to
provide assistance and support for merchant organizing along
Roosevelt Ave.
Local Jackson New York Women's Chamber of Commerce, Inc. 141845651 * $10,000 DSBS
Fund will support the Latino Microenterprise Institute
providing bilingual business education and assistance to
Local Palma New York Women's Chamber of Commerce, Inc. 141845651 * $3,500 DSBS
To provide bilingual (English and Spanish) business education
and assistance to start up and existing microenterprises.
Services include training in business development, and
technocal and other assistance.
Local Rodriguez New York Women's Chamber of Commerce, Inc. 141845651 * $5,000 DSBS
To provide bilingual (English and Spanish) business education
and assistance to start up and existing microenterprises for
women, minorities and other socially and economically
disadvantaged individuals.
Local Lander, Viverito, Brewer CC New Yorkers For Parks 136167879 * $15,000 DPR
To support the research and publication of its 2014 City
Council District Profiles, which will provide comprehensive
data about all 51 Council Districts open space resources,
including population-adjusted open space ratios, a
comparative ranking of Council Districts, and additional
neighborhood and borough-wide demographic information.
Each Profile will include current photographs of
neighborhood open spaces, a district map with all public
open spaces, and contact information for local elected
officials. The purpose of the Profiles is to give New Yorkers
detailed information about their neighborhood open space
resources to enable them to prioritize their needs and
advocate for future investments and improvements.
Local Ignizio New Yorkers For Parks 136167879 * $3,500 DPR
To support the quality of city parks by analyzing DPR's capital
projects process with the goal of suggesting improvements to
the DPR's process.
Local Lander New Yorkers For Parks 136167879 * $5,000 DPR
To support a review and analysis of the New York City
Department of Parks and Recreation's capital projects.
p. 186 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Oddo New Yorkers For Parks 136167879 * $3,500 DPR
Funds will support an in-depth analysis of the Department of
Local Recchia New Yorkers For Parks 136167879 * $14,000 DPR
To support the Daffodil Project, a year-round volunteer
initiative in partnership with the Deptartment of Parks and
Recreation to distribute free daffodil bulbs to community
groups, public schools and park volunteers in all five
boroughs and other activites to encourage the planting of
daffodils in public places around the City. Funds will be used
to purchase and distribute over 300,000 daffodil bulbs, and to
work with NYCHA residents and NYC public school students to
plant bulbs through a Youth Planting Program.
Local Viverito New Yorkers For Parks 136167879 * $4,250 DPR
Funds to support research and publish an Open Space Index
(OSI) for the Mott Haven neighborhood of the Bronx. The
OSI is an assessment tool that measures and evaluates the
open space and environmental resources of a neighborhood
against a set of NYC-tailored benchmarks.
Local Greenfield NIA Community Services Network 112697931 * $10,000 DFTA
Funds used to offer assistance, referrals, and informational
services, and helps seniors address their concerns and
important quality of life issues. Staff will assist with social and
fitness activities, offers healthy refreshments/lunch, and
distributes informational materials and simple promotional
items that highlight relevant issues and promote healthy
aging/living. NIA sponsors special events/social
gatherings/outings that include senior proms and picnics.
Local Recchia NIA Community Services Network Inc. 112697931 * $3,000 DFTA
To provide afterschool, out-of-school time, and summer
programming, including homework help, test prep, creative
arts, ELA/literacy, STEM (through interactive learning
experiences), fitness, and recreation for youth, and to
provide parent workshops on child rearing and other issues,
particularly geared toward immigrants.
Local Recchia NIA Community Services Network Inc. 112697931 * $3,000 DFTA
To provide afterschool, out-of-school time, and summer
programming, including homework help, test prep, creative
arts, ELA/literacy, STEM (through interactive learning
experiences), fitness, and recreation for youth, and to
provide parent workshops on child rearing and other issues,
particularly geared toward immigrants.
Local Recchia NIA Community Services Network Inc. 113216058 * $3,000 DYCD
To provide English classes for Spanish and Chinese language
speakers in the area.
Local Recchia NIA Community Services Network Inc. 112697931 * $18,000 DFTA
To provide seniors with assistance, referrals, and
informational services, social and fitness activities, and meals
and to sponsor special events and outings for seniors in
Brooklyn and Staten Island.
p. 187 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Mealy Nia Theatrical Production Company, Inc. 113427470 * $41,500 DCLA
To support cultural programming, including the Old Timers
Day July concerts, plays and other performances, for
residents of the 41st Council District.
Local Vann Nia Theatrical Production Company, Inc. 113427470 * $5,000 DCLA
To support an ElderArts Theater program including providing
for performers and technical staff as well as for truck rentals
to transport equipment to performance sites.
Local Comrie
Nicole Paultre Bell When It's Real, It's Forever Fund,
Inc., The 208945512 * $3,500 DYCD
Funds will support the Senior Guild Luncheon Program, which
operates at the Anderson Avenue Community Center in Port
Richmond and services the North at Shore of Staten Island
who are predominantly low-income, and transportation
Local Oddo Nigerian-American Community Association, Inc. 200542826 * $3,500 DYCD
Funds will support Immigration Counseling, Employment
Training, Job Referral, Community Awareness, Cultural
Activities, and Volunteerism.
Local Wills No Doubt, Inc. 043686397 * $7,000 DYCD
To provide Leadership and Character Development
workshops, academic counseling, and entrepreneurial
training to the public. Funding to cover the costs of events,
speakers, program instructors, equipment, utilities, space
rental, and office supplies.
Local Rose Noble Maritime Collection, The 133351673 $5,000 DCLA
To support internships in the Museum Administration
program at The Noble Maritime Collection museum.
Local Vann Noel Pointer Foundation, Inc. 113271472 $5,000 DCLA
To provide for the school music programs from September to
Local Levin Noel Pointer Foundation, Inc., The 113271472 $3,500 DCLA
To support in-school music instruction, theory, history, small
ensemble, and orchestra in local public schools.
Women's Caucus, Dickens,
Palma, Crowley, Rose,
Rodriguez, Brewer, Lander,
Arroyo, Ferreras, Viverito,
Williams, Chin CC Non-Traditional Employment for Women 133272001 * $140,000 DSBS
Funding to expand recruitment in areas with high
unemployment; target and support high-need populations
including veterans, 18-24 year olds, foster care youth, ex-
offenders, women without stable housing, NYCHA residents,
and domestic violence survivors; train 500 low-income
women in core and specialized training programs including
Blue Collar Prep, ReNEW, NEW at Night, the NYCHA Resident
Training Academy, the Laborers Green Training program, and
the HVAC/ Building Operations Training program; focus on
employment opportunities in all five Boroughs, targeting
industrial business zones and Empire zones; ensure that
women placed in the construction trades are not out of work
by creating demand through the NEW Signature Projects
Program; and increase employment opportunities for women
in green jobs, facilities maintenance, utilities, and
Local Levin North Brooklyn Coalition Against Family Violence 113431280 * $3,500 OCJC
To provide advocacy and services for survivors of domestic
violence within the Williamsburg, Greenpoint, and Bushwick
p. 188 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Levin CC North Brooklyn Development Corporation 112555446 * $43,500 HPD
To employ tenant organizers to perform the following
services: provide education and outreach at risk of
displacement; counsel tenants and tenant associations on
their rights and responsibilities; assist individuals in locating
and applying for affordable housing.
Local Levin North Brooklyn Development Corporation 112555446 * $2,000 HPD
To counsel tenants and tenant associations on their rights
and responsibilities and assist individuals in locating and
applying for affordable housing in the community and
throughout New York City.
Local Jackson
North River Community Environmental Review Board,
Inc. (NRCERB) 133614524 * $7,500 dpr PENDING
Local Quinn North River Historic Ship Society 133819543 * $3,000 DPR
To host a historic ship rally on Hudson River Park pubic piers,
offering free historic vessel tours, educational trips aboard
historic vessels such as the retired NYC fireboat John J.
Harvey and the 105-year old tugboat Pegasus.
Local Oddo North Shore Rescue Squad No. 1, Inc. 132886423 $3,000 FDNY
Funds will be used to support the volunteer rescue squad by
making repairs to ambulances, purchasing medical supplies,
operational and administrative costs.
Local Rose North Shore Rescue Squad No. 1, Inc. 132886423 $4,000 FDNY
To provide pre hospital emergency care and transportation of
the sick and injured, and provide medical coverage at
community events. Funds will be used to maintian
ambulances, and pay operational costs.
Local Oddo
North Shore Waterfront Conservancy of Staten Island
Inc 550839630 $3,500 DYCD
The funds will support the Shore Up Program, where the
organization will partner with Environmental Justice
communities and government agencies to remediate
manufacturing properties that have a high level of
contaminants from past uses, and an Environmental Justice
Boat tour and land tour programs.
Local Jackson Northern Manhattan Arts Alliance 261997496 $5,000 DCLA
Funds will support the Uptown Arts Stroll, an annual month-
long showcase for arts, artist and cultural venues in upper
Local Jackson Northern Manhattan Coalition for Immigration Rights 133255591 * $8,000 DYCD
Funds will support outreach and legal services for immigrants
and referrals to other social services organizations.
Local Jackson Northern Manhattan Improvement Corporation 132972415 $25,000 DYCD Funds will support immigration services.
Local Dickens, Rodriguez CC Northern Manhattan Imrpovement Corporation 132972415 * $75,000 DYCD
Adult Education program provides Adult Basic Education
(ABE)/Basic Education in Native Language (BENL) and English
to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) classes. Classes target
low English proficient speakers, low level computer users and
those with low literacy in their native language. Classes are
open to residents over the age of 18. Funds are being
requested from the Adult Literacy Services Initiative.
Local Dickens Northern Manhattan Perinatal Partnership 133782555 $10,000 DOHMH
To provide Doula care to expectant women, including
childbirth education, labor, birth, and post partum support -
and breastfeeding counseling and support.
p. 189 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Van Bramer Northern Woodside Coalition Inc. 113029912 $3,500 DCLA
To support the summer concert series held each summer in
Queens NYC parks and a Winter community/business
promotion in the Woodside station/ 61st street area of NW
Local Oddo Northfield Community LDC of Staten Island, Inc. 132974137 * $3,500 DSBS
Funds will be utilized to support the activities of Northfield
LDCs Economic and Community Development Department, a
multi-service unit providing assistance primarily to businesses
on Port Richmond Avenue, Port Richmond's commercial
corridor, as well as the surrounding community.
Local Rose Northfield Community LDC of Staten Island, Inc. 132974137 * $10,000 DSBS
To assist businesses in the Port Richmond Ave and
Commercial Corridor and surrounding community through
promotional events, technical services, economic
development projects and other programs.
Dickens, Viverito, Koppell,
Palma CC Northside Center for Child Development, Inc. 131656679 * $115,000 DPR
Funding will provide programs such as CP Tennis, Golf, Track
Field, Seniors Fitness, Learning Gardens, Coastal Classroom,
CityParks Youth Made Media, Seeds to Trees, and
Partnerships for Parks.The funds requested will assist in
paying sports instructors, educators, Partnerships for Parks
program staff.
Local Cabrera
Northwest Bronx Community and Clergy Coalition for
Sistas and Brothas United 132806160 * $5,000 HPD
To support the NWBCCC Housing Committee in organizing
and educating tenants within the community about their
housing rights through Tenants Rights Nights workshops and
other outreach efforts.
Local Nelson Nottingham Association, Inc. 132807449 * $3,500 DYCD
To fund and operate a neighborhood car patrol, 7 hours a
day, 7 days a week at varying times between 9:00 am and
9:00 pm. Costs will include salaries, and operation and
maintenance of the patrol car.
Local Reyna Nuestros Ninos Day Care Center, Inc. 112315327 * $5,000 DYCD
Funds will support Family Literacy services for the parents of
children served which will train volunteers in providing
literacy services to family members of children.
Local Levin NURTUREart Non-Profit Inc. 133964559 $3,500 DCLA
To support NURTUREart programs including Project Curate!
at Juan Morel Campos Secondary School, Literacy Through
Art at I.S. 136, Books for Trek, and Introduction to Art-Making
at P.S. 147.
Local Reyna NURTUREart Non-Profit Inc. 133964559 $5,000 DCLA
Funds will support arts programs at four Brooklyn Public
Schools: projects curate at Juan Morel Campus Secondary
School; Literacy Through Art at IS 136; Books for Trek,
Introduction to Art Making at PS 147.
Local Wills NUR-UL-ISLAM 030417877 * $8,000 DYCD To provide meals for the poor and needy.
Local Van Bramer Nvkanchik Sapi Ayazamna Inc. * $3,500 DYCD PENDING
Boro Williams
Delegation NY United Jewish Association, Inc. 262647383 * $4,219 DYCD
Funding will support the Project Mazon food pantry for
families needing help for food and the Youth Program
offering classes to learn skills (swimming , sports, art) and
promote self confidence.
Local Fidler NY United Jewish Association, Inc. 262647383 * $15,000 DYCD
To support the NY United Jewish Association Inc /DBA The
JCC of Marine Park, providing social services,youth programs,
food pantry,job placement and educational seminars for the
p. 190 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Greenfield NY United Jewish Association, Inc. 262647383 * $5,000 DYCD
To support 1.) Project Mazon food pantry: to help defer the
cost of groceries for families needing help for food; 2.) Youth
Program: giving children the opportunity to learn skills
(swimming , sports,art) and promote self confidence; and
3.)Educational seminars: on several topics including special
education, business, parenting, womens health, etc.
Local Nelson NY United Jewish Association, Inc. 262647383 * $3,500 DYCD
To support the Project Mazon food pantry (cost of groceries),
a youth program (Skill classes in swimming, sports, art, etc.),
and educational seminars (topics include special education,
business, parenting, womens health, etc.).
Local Williams NY United Jewish Association, Inc. 262647383 * $5,000 DYCD
To support the Project Mazon Food Pantry, to defer the cost
of groceries for families needing help; the Youth Program, for
swimming, sports,and the arts; and Educational Seminars,
including special education, buisness, parenting and women's
Local James NY Writer's Coalition, Inc. 113604970 $3,500 DCLA
To provide for weekly writing workshop sessions, for the 9th
Annual Fort Greene Park Summer Literary Festival, and
special programming for war veterans, seniors, immigrants,
adults in rehabilitation and long term care and for the public
at community writing workshops.
Local Quinn NY Writer's Coalition, Inc. 113604970 $3,000 DCLA
To support creative writing programs for LGBT elders at
SAGE, LGBT homeless youth at New Alternatives, blind and
visually impaired seniors at Visions, and disconnected and
homeless youth at The Door. Also, to provide public events in
Council District 3.
Local Greenfield NYC Community EMS Volunteer Ambulance Corp 352440730 * $3,500 DYCD Providing Emergency Medical Services.
Local Koslowitz NYC Family Serenity Inc. 452938143 $5,000 DYCD
The funds will be used to support the "We Are The World, We
Are The Children" festival in Flushing Meadows Corona Park.
Local Dickens
NYC Health and Hospital Corp./East New York
Diagnostic and Treatment Center 132655001 $5,000 DOHMH
To support the Hip Hop Healthy Eating and Living in Schools
(HEALS) program located at Harlem Hospital Center.
Local Dickens
NYC Health and Hospital Corp./East New York
Diagnostic and Treatment Center 132655001 $3,500 DOHMH
To support the Horizon Art Studio, which provides a creative
therapeutic forum forpediatrics patients, including
workshops and help in developing portfolios.
Local Dickens
NYC Health and Hospital Corp./East New York
Diagnostic and Treatment Center 132655001 * $3,500 DOHMH
To support the Horizon Art Studio, which provides a creative
therapeutic forum forpediatrics patients, including
workshops and help in developing portfolios.
Local Brewer NYCHA 120 West 94 Street 136400434 * $2,000 NYCHA Funding would provide support for family day programming
Local Brewer NYCHA 154 W 84 Street Dome Site 136400434 * $1,000 NYCHA Funding would provide support for family day programming
Local Brewer NYCHA 589 Amsterdam Avenue Tenant Association 021272723 * $1,500 NYCHA Funding would provide support for tenant activities
Local Brewer
NYCHA Amsterdam Houses Addition Tenant
Association 136400434 * $2,000 NYCHA Funding would provide support for family day programming
Local Brewer NYCHA Amsterdam Houses Tenant Association 136400434 * $2,000 NYCHA To support family day programming.
p. 191 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Recchia NYCHA Carey Gardens TA 136400434 * $2,000 NYCHA
To provide community engagement and empowerment
activities, education and health and fitness programming for
residents, including physical fitness classes, and recreational
outings to areas of interest.
Local Recchia NYCHA Cassidy/Lafayette TA 136400434 * $2,000 NYCHA
To provide community engagement and empowerment
activities, education and health and fitness programming for
residents, including physical fitness classes, and recreational
outings to areas of interest.
Local Recchia NYCHA Coney Island Houses TA 136400434 * $2,000 NYCHA
To improve the quality of childcare in the training center for
prospective in-home child care providers.
Local Recchia NYCHA Coney Island Site 8 TA 136400434 * $2,000 NYCHA
To provide community engagement and empowerment
activities, education and health and fitness programming for
residents, including physical fitness classes, and recreational
outings to areas of interest.
Local Brewer NYCHA DeHostos Tenant Association 136400434 * $2,000 NYCHA Funding would provide support for tenant activities
Local Recchia NYCHA Gravesend TA 136400434 * $2,000 NYCHA
To provide community engagement and empowerment
activities, education and health and fitness programming for
residents, including physical fitness classes, and recreational
outings to areas of interest.
Local Brewer NYCHA Harborview Tenants Association 136400434 * $2,000 NYCHA Funding would provide support for family day programming
Local Jackson NYCHA Manhattanville Houses Residents Association 136400434 * $5,000 NYCHA
Funds will support family day, the 50th anniversary of the
development as well as events for the youth.
Local Recchia NYCHA Mariners Habor TA 136400434 * $2,000 NYCHA
To provide community engagement and empowerment
activities, education and health and fitness programming for
residents, including physical fitness classes, and recreational
outings to areas of interest.
Local Recchia NYCHA Marlboro Houses 136400434 * $2,000 NYCHA
To provide community engagement and empowerment
activities, education and health and fitness programming for
residents, including physical fitness classes, and recreational
outings to areas of interest.
Local Recchia NYCHA New Lane Shores TA 136400434 * $2,000 NYCHA
To provide community engagement and empowerment
activities, education and health and fitness programming for
residents, including physical fitness classes, and recreational
outings to areas of interest.
Local Recchia NYCHA O'Dwyer Gardens 136400434 * $2,000 NYCHA
To provide community engagement and empowerment
activities, education and health and fitness programming for
residents, including physical fitness classes, and recreational
outings to areas of interest.
Local Recchia NYCHA Richmond Terrace 136400434 * $3,000 NYCHA
To provide community engagement and empowerment
activities, education and health and fitness programming for
residents, including physical fitness classes, and recreational
outings to areas of interest.
p. 192 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Dickens NYCHA Saint Nicholas Residents Association 134207136 * $3,500 NYCHA
To support a walking trail for exercise, landscaping work, and
the annual family day event for tenants at St. Nicholas
Boro James
Delegation NYCHA Scholarship Fund 136400434 * $3,362 NYCHA
NYCHA-CUNY Resident Scholarship program helps residents
to enroll and stay in college by helping to defray college
tuition and related expenses.
Local Jackson NYCHA Scholarship Fund 136400434 * $4,000 NYCHA
Funds will support a scholarship program for NYCHA
residents at Manhattanville, Grant, Audobon, Bethune
Gardens and Drew Hamilton Developments to attend CUNY.
Local Brewer NYCHA Sondra Thomas 136400434 * $1,000 NYCHA Funding would provide support for tenant activities
Local Recchia NYCHA Stapleton Houses TA 136400434 * $2,000 NYCHA
To provide community engagement and empowerment
activities, education and health and fitness programming for
residents, including physical fitness classes, and recreational
outings to areas of interest.
Local Recchia NYCHA Todt Hill Houses TA 136400434 * $2,000 NYCHA
To provide community engagement and empowerment
activities, education and health and fitness programming for
residents, including physical fitness classes, and recreational
outings to areas of interest.
Local Recchia NYCHA Unity Towers TA Coney Island 1 136400434 * $2,000 NYCHA
To provide community engagement and empowerment
activities, education and health and fitness programming for
residents, including physical fitness classes, and recreational
outings to areas of interest.
Local Recchia NYCHA West Brighton Houses TA 136400434 * $2,000 NYCHA
To provide community engagement and empowerment
activities, education and health and fitness programming for
residents, including physical fitness classes, and recreational
outings to areas of interest.
Local Brewer NYCHA Wise Towers Tenant Association 136400434 * $2,000 NYCHA Funding would provide support for family day programming
Local Brewer NYCHA WSURA 136400434 * $1,000 NYCHA Funding would provide support for tenant activities
Local Brewer NYCHA WSURA Brownstones 136400434 * $1,000 NYCHA Funding would provide support for tenant activities
Local Dickens CC NYCHHCHarlem Hospital Center 132655001 * $25,000 DYCD
To support The Central Harlem Health Revival(CHHR: a
coalition of Houses of Worship, healthcare and business
organizations collaborating to provide healthy eating and
living education forums, health screenings and structured
activities designed to provide tools and information to
motivate Harlem residents to adopt healthier lifestyles.
Local Dickens
NYS Urban Development Corp DBA Empire State
Development Corp 132624287 * $6,000 DSBS
To provide technical assistance to small business owners and
micro entrepreneurs in Manhattan and the Greater Harlem
community, including business seminars and one-to-one
counseling on how to increase revenue, cut costs, retains
employees, and improves business efficiency.
p. 193 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Viverito
NYS Urban Development Corp DBA Empire State
Development Corp 132624287 * $3,500 DSBS
To provide technical assistance to small business owners and
micro entrepreneurs including business seminars and one-to-
one counseling, and to develop a referral model with
strategic partners to support the growth of small businesses
and aspiring entrepreneurs.
Local Richards Ocean Bay Community Developement Corporation 841622031 * $45,000 DYCD
To assist low-income community residents to move out of
unemployment or underemployment into meaningful jobs
that meet their self-sufficiency needs. To assist Superstorm
Sandy victims to set career goals, improve job readiness and
job search skills, and connect to job opportunities in the
Rockaways and beyond.
Local Oddo Oceanic Hook and Ladder Company 13-3221795 * $5,000 FDNY
Funds will support provision of fire and emergency services
by purchase of new equipment including five new Scott Air
Paks (a self contained breathing apparatus)
Local Levin ODA Primary Health Care Center Inc. 112329960 $3,500 DOHMH
To provide dental services to the community and support
community outreach activities.
Local Fidler Ohel Children's Home and Family Service, Inc. 116078704 * $3,500 DOHMH
To provide education and awareness on mental health issues
and to support individuals dealing with addiction, abuse,
trauma and other mental health challenges.
Local Fidler, Lander CC OHEL Children's Home and Family Services, Inc. 116078704 * $75,000 DOHMH
To provide services to people with mental illness. Education,
housing, case management, crisis intervention, counseling,
and training for independent living.
Local Weprin OHEL Children's Home and Family Services, Inc. 116078704 $10,000 DOHMH
To provide for the Autism At-Home Behavior Training
program for families with children diagnosed with an Autism
Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
Local Greenfield Ohr Halimud - The Multi-Sensory Learning Center 050548204 * $5,000 DYCD
Portion of funds used to give continued support for Dyslexia
Afterschool Tutoring Center. Portion used to develop and
present a community awareness workshop for educators,
health professionals and interested parties - dealing with
Dyslexia and the struggling reader. Funds could be used for
venue rental, speakers, material development participant
packets, advertising, direct mail, media, coordination and
Local Lander Old Stone House of Brooklyn 113032836 $6,000 DYCD
To support maintenance and operations of educational
programs in JJ Byrne Playground and Washington Park.
Local Levin Old Stone House of Brooklyn 113032836 $3,500 DYCD
Funding supports education programs for students and adults
focusing on Brooklyn history.
Delegation Older Adults Technology Services (OATS, Inc.) 550882599 $3,500 DFTA
Funding will support technology training for seniors, support
for community partners, access to senior friendly events,
Senior Planet Mobile Lab and programs at the Senior Planet
Exploration Center.
Boro Palma Older Adults Technology Services (OATS, Inc.) 550882599 $22,187 DFTA
To introduce seniors to technology, including email and the
internet, through general and advanced courses, and to offer
special programming and events at the Senior Planet
Exploration Center.
Local Chin Older Adults Technology Services (OATS, Inc.) 550882599 * $3,500 DFTA Older Adults Technology Services (OATS), Inc.
p. 194 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Gentile Older Adults Technology Services (OATS, Inc.) 550882599 $2,000 DFTA
To introduce seniors to technology, including email and
internet, and asistance with health research and accessing
government services. Participants in OATS receive an
introduction to the more advanced and specialized courses,
individualized support, and special programming and events.
Local Vann Older Adults Technology Services (OATS, Inc.) 550882599 $10,000 DFTA
To provide computer, technology and research training to
Boro Wills One Stop Richmond Hill Community Center, Inc. 680602829 * $5,000 DYCD
To provide academic and other enrichment programs that
offer children and families including a Mommy And Me
program and a Computer Technology/Videoconference
Local Brewer Open House New York, Inc. 020540261 * $3,000 HPD
Funding will help to offset the cost of organizing the 11th
Annual OHNY Weekend, including designing and printing the
official OHNY Weekend Event Guide copies and volunteer
and staff t-shirts and buttons.
Local Quinn Open House New York, Inc. 020540261 * $4,000 DCLA
To support the 11th Annual OHNY Weekend, October 12 and
13, celebrating the start of its second decade by continuing to
open doors to hundreds of architecturally and culturally
significant sites as well as organizing educational
programming focused on New York Citys built environment
Programs include neighborhood-walking tours, talks with
architects, designers, engineers, and historians, and
workshops catered for youths.
Local Levin Open Space Alliance for North Brooklyn, Inc. 010849087 $3,500 DPR
To improve the appearance and health of McGolrick and
other North Brooklyn parks through the purchase of
gardening and horticulture equipment.
Local Reyna Open Space Alliance for North Brooklyn, Inc. 010849087 $5,000 DPR
Funds will support completion of the Cooper park playground
fence project.
Local Chin Open Space Institute, Inc. 521053406 * $3,500 DYCD
To make improvements to low income and non-profit
builidings in order to lower energy costs and encourage
environmentally friendly communities.
Local Koslowitz Open Space Institute, Inc. 521053406 * $5,000 DYCD
Funds will support STEM education programs, and
sustainability programs.
Local Lander Open Space Institute, Inc. 521053406 * $3,500 DYCD
To support organizing and informational outreach on
providing healthful food in schools and local communities.
Local Mendez Open Space Institute, Inc. 521053406 * $3,500 DYCD
Funds used to coat the rooftops of low-income and nonprofit
buildings in target areas as well as to help cover the
administrative costs of a building sponsorship program.
White roofing lowers summer energy bills allowing funds to
be spent on other expenses and additional community
Local Vallone Open Space Institute, Inc. 521053406 * $3,500 DYCD
Funds used to coat the rooftops of low-income and nonprofit
buildings in target areas as well as to help cover the
administrative costs of building's sponsorship program, in
order to lower energy costs and encourage environmentally
friendly communities.
p. 195 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Brewer Opera America Inc 203520577 $3,500 DCLA
The funds will be used to subsidize opera ticket prices for
audience members less than 35 years of age and over 65
years of age. Subsidized tickets will be available to select
performances by NYOA (New York Opera Alliance)
companies. Funds will also be used to engage teaching artists
for senior programming in conjunction with Hamilton House
and Project FIND. Past iterations of this program included
guided group lyrical and musical composition. Seniors then
performed the score they had created.
Local Gentile Opportunities for a Better Tomorrow 112934620 $3,500 DSBS
To support a partnership with the Brooklyn Navy Yard to
provide veterans with work readiness and job placement
assistance. Funding will support the staff to provide these
Local CD19 Oratorio Society of Queens, Inc. 112781564 $2,000 DCLA
To support the chorus and present quality, professional-level
concerts of choral masterworks for the people of Queens,
including two community concerts.
Local Comrie Oratorio Society of Queens, Inc. 112781564 $5,000 DCLA
To support two community concerts at the Queensborough
Performing Arts Center.
Local Weprin Oratorio Society of Queens, Inc. 112781564 $5,000 DCLA
To provide for two community concerts: Holiday Concert
(December 22, 2013) and Spring Concert (May 18, 2014) at
the Queensborough Performing Arts Center, Bayside, NY.
Local Comrie Order of the Feather, Inc. 208272917 * $3,500 DYCD
To support sports programs (Brooklyn Knights), and a rites of
passage program (the Plainsmen Club), to attend weekly
youth development meetings and culminating leadership
activities focused on reducing violence through youth
leadership and community service.
Boro Greenfield
Delegation Otsar Family Services, Inc. 112601112 * $5,000 DYCD
Funding for Otsar's Sunday, school holiday and mini day camp
programs for developmentally disabled school aged children
living at home. FY 2014 funds will help transport children
free of charge.
Local Fidler, Lander, Levin CC Otsar Family Services, Inc. 112601112 * $20,000 DYCD
To enhance the lives and improve the skills of our members
with autism educationally and recreationally. funds will be
utilized in our special education preschool, sunday
recreational program, day habilition and com hab program,
respite program.
Local Fidler Otsar Family Services, Inc. 112601112 * $3,000 DYCD
To service and assist families with special needs children and
to help them access available programs and services.
Local Greenfield Otsar Family Services, Inc. 113074801 * $10,000 DYCD
Funds will be used to support the program for families to
learn hot to access services for their children. Funding will
pay for salaries and for advertising.
Local Recchia Otsar Family Services, Inc. 112061112 * $6,000 DYCD
To service and assist families with special needs children and
to help them access available programs and services.
Local Comrie Our Brothers Guardian Inc. 800765667 * $3,500 DYCD
To mentor youth, providing vocational training, internships,
classes on etiquette and public speaking, and providing
educational outings. Funds will support program costs,
including supplies and staffing.
p. 196 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Jackson Our Firefighters' Children's Foundation 542064625 * $3,500 DCLA
Funds will support a theater program offering educational
theater programs and subsidizing tickets to students and
seniors from CD 7.
Local Viverito Our Firefighters' Children's Foundation 542064625 * $10,000 DCLA
To support performances honoring Black History Month, Fire
safety Month, and Womens Heritage Month and offset
admission fees for students from Council District 8.
Local Rose Our Lady of Mount Carmel Society of Rosebank 133192052 $4,000 DYCD
To present community concerts located at the Shrine. The
funding will be used to pay for the entertainment. The
concerts will be open to the entire Staten Island community.
Local CD19 Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Church 113232246 * $3,500 DFTA To provide meals and programming for seniors.
Local Crowley Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal 111723786 * $4,000 DYCD
To offer team participation and sports to the children of the
community. The funding will be used for equipment, supplies
and referee fees. Maspeth Town Hall, Inc. 237259702
Local Quinn Our Time Theatre Company Inc 331049070 $3,000 DCLA
To support Our Time NYC, a theatre-arts education program
for children who stutter.
Local Brewer Outstanding Renewal Enterprises, Inc. 133320984 $3,000 DSNY
To provide support services to the 40 formerly homeless
older residents of the Intergenerational Residence.
Local Chin Outstanding Renewal Enterprises, Inc. 133320984 $4,000 DSNY
Funds will be used to organize electronic waste (e-waste)
recycling events in District 1 and to outreach to residents and
small businesses near the event areas about the importance
of recycling e-waste.
Local Jackson Outstanding Renewal Enterprises, Inc. 133320984 $2,600 DSNY Funds will support e-waste recycling events.
Local Lander Outstanding Renewal Enterprises, Inc. 133320984 $4,500 DSNY
To support the Ecology Center's E-waste Recycling Program,
including informational outreach on electronic waste.
Local Levin Outstanding Renewal Enterprises, Inc. 133320984 $8,000 DSNY
To support the Ecology Centers E-waste Recycling Program,
which offers events in neighborhoods throughout Districts
33, 35, 38, and 39 as well as a drop-off center for unwanted
electronics (e-waste) in Gowanus Brooklyn.
Local Quinn Outstanding Renewal Enterprises, Inc. 133320984 $3,500 DSNY
To organize electronic waste (e-waste) recycling events in
Council District 3 and to promote the events to members of
the public.
Local Dilan Overcoming-Love Ministries, Inc. 112774575 * $20,000 DYCD
Funding to support a soup kitchen, Liberty Caf, supporting
both overhead expenses and payment of stipends for
Delegation Palante Harlem, Inc. 800209989 $3,722 HPD
To fund the Homeless Prevention Project to address the need
for a cohesive and collaborative program that will connect
people to resources and information in order to prevent
homelessness by outreach, referral and legal services
programs to support homelessness prevention activities.
Local Jackson Palante Harlem, Inc. 800209989 $15,000 HPD
Funds will support a Homeless Prevention Project providing
outreach, referral and legal services programs to support
homeless prevention and tenant assistance activities.
p. 197 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Rodriguez Palante Harlem, Inc. 800209989 $5,000 HPD
To support the Homeless Prevention Project, a collaborative
program that will connect people to resources and
information in order to prevent homelessness.
Local Cabrera Palladia, Inc. 237089380 $5,000 DYCD
To support Palladia in providing substance abuse, mental
health, health, and homeless prevention services. Funding
will be used to improve public relations presentation and
Local Palma Palladia, Inc. 237089380 $5,000 DYCD
To support funding for computers for the supportive housing
program at Stratford House for use as a teaching tools and
for residents to seek employment and utilize the computers
for other services.
Local Viverito Palladia, Inc. 237089380 $4,000 DYCD
To provide services to individuals who suffer from addiction,
homelessness, domestic violence and trauma and promote
the mental health, health, and wellness services that the
Palladia Wellness Center(PWC) offers through the
development and distribution of outreach materials
throughout the community in Harlem.
Local Rodriguez Panamerican Musical Art Research Inc. 133229941 $7,000 DCLA
To present performances, exhibitions, educational programs,
and cultural events, including the Celebracin de la Cultura
Hispana, and the Latin American Cultural Week (LACW).
Local Quinn Paper Bag Players, Inc., The 131972960 $3,000 DYCD
To support The Paper Bag Players NYC Theater For All,
providing NYC school children reduced price tickets and when
needed tickets for free to shows in all five boroughs, free
performances open to the public during school vacations and
after-school workshops for children.
Local Recchia ParCare Community HEalth Network 273695360 * $7,000.00 DOHMH
the funding would be used to upkeep our state of the are
Electronic Medical Records system
Local Oddo Parent to Parent New York, Inc. 133705443 $3,000 DYCD
Funds will support outreach and training materials required
for education of families of children with developmental
disabilities and special health care needs as well as
operational and administrative costs.
Local Brewer ParentJobNet, Inc. 201966758 $3,500 DYCD
To provide free ESL classes, financial literacy, job readiness,
career options, computer training workshops, career
counseling and job placement to public school parents in
various public schools in Council Districts 6, 7, and 8. Most
classes are taught by our partners at CWE, Chase Bank, TD
Bank, and Capital One Bank. Our career counseling services
provide resume and cover letter revision, career choice
exploration, and placement search services.
Local Dickens ParentJobNet, Inc. 201966758 $5,000 DYCD
To assist public school parents free ESL classes, financial
literacy, job readiness, career options, computer training
workshops, career counseling and job placement, and
connections with the local business community for parents
seeking employment in Council Districts 6, 7, and 8.
p. 198 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Jackson ParentJobNet, Inc. 201966758 $2,000 DYCD
Fund will support services assisting public school parents
seeking employment including ESL classes, job readiness
computer training career counseling and placement services
and will help connect participants with local businesses.
Local Lander Park Slope Civic Council 237347301 * $3,500 DYCD
To support community outreach and neighborhood cleaning
and beautification events.
Local Levin Park Slope Civic Council 237347301 * $3,500 DYCD
Funds will be used for brochure printing / advertising costs,
supplies, entertainment, website hosting, webmaster, and for
the outreach administrator.
Local Comrie
Parodneck Foundation for Self-Help Housing and
Community Development, Inc., The 112229635 * $3,500 HPD
To provide foreclosure prevention assistance to homeowners
in the 27th Council District who are in foreclosure or who are
at risk of foreclosure. Assistance will be delivered on-site
within the 27th Council District.
Local Koppell, Bronx Delegation CC Part of the Solution 133425071 * $10,000 DFTA
Funding will be used to support POTS emergency food, social
and legal services. Funds will offset the cost of a Volunteer
Development Coordinator who will be in charge of volunteers
and in-kind dontations.
Local Palma Part of the Solution 133425071 * $5,000 DFTA
To provide emergency food and nutrition, social and legal
services. Funding will cover the costs of employing a
Volunteer and Development Coordinator who recruits and
organizes volunteers and solicits In-Kind Donations.
Local Rivera Part of the Solution 133425071 * $20,000 DYCD
Funds will support the provision of emergency food and
nutrition, social and legal services to low income families and
Local Gonzalez Participatory Budgeting Project, Inc. 453858268 * $7,000 DYCD Pending
Local Viverito Participatory Budgeting Project, Inc. 453858268 * $3,500 DYCD Pending
Local Lander Participatory Budgeting Project, The 453858268 * $5,000 DYCD Pending
Local Levin Participatory Budgeting Project, The 453858268 * $5,000 DYCD Pending
Local CC Partnership With Children, Inc. 135596751 * $15,000 DYCD
Through the Open Heart-Open Mind program, Partnership
with Children provides direct services to students in high
poverty areas who are at risk for academic failure and
emotional development of students to increasee their
capacity to learn and achieve.
Local Viverito Patterson Houses Resident Association 136400434 * $500 NYCHA
To support community activities and events for residents of
the development, including annual family days. Funding will
support the purchase of refreshments, supplies and
entertainment at these events.
Local Vann Paul J Cooper Center For Human Services 112245967 * $7,000 OCJC Pending
Local Williams Paul J Cooper Center For Human Services 112245967 * $3,500 DYCD
To support Project ReNu which provides support for
previously incarcerated individuals with services that include
rap sheet reviews; obtaining and applying for Certificates of
Rehabilitation; employment and education forums; networking
with prospective employers; and legal advocacy.
Local Rose Peace Action Fund of New York State, Inc. 010885806 * $5,000 DYCD
To support a student chapter at the College of Staten Island
and to support Staten Island activities, including anti-gun
violence programs and an annual Make Food Not War dinner.
p. 199 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Vacca Pelham Parkway Little League 133208259 * $3,000 DYCD
Funding supports a youth baseball program for community
members ages 5-16.
Local Barron Penn Wortman Tenant Association 061545408 * $2,300 NYCHA
The funds will go towards the Penn Wortman annual family
Local Levin Peoples Firehouse, Inc. 112470566 * $5,000 HPD
To support the Peoples Firehouse, Inc., providing tenant
advocacy, counseling and eviction prevention services, as
well as community-wide organizing to address neighborhood
tenant and quality of life issues.
Local Reyna Peoples Firehouse, Inc. 112470566 * $10,000 HPD
Funds will support tenant services in North Brooklyn and
services addressing other quality of life needs of residents.
Local Jackson People's Theatre Project 264705999 $3,000 DCLA
Funds will support the 2013-14 theater season in which
theater productions dealing with social issues are produced
and performed by teaching artist working with groups of
students, youth and adults.
Local Gonzalez Peoples Urban Films Puf Foundation, Inc. 900519403 * $3,500 DYCD
To support a Multi-Cultural Performance Arts Center/ Red
Hook (Fun Zone).
Local Arroyo Per Scholas, Inc. 043252955 * $30,000 DYCD
To provide education in information technology, training and
career opportunities, and follow-up services for low-income
individuals to establish new careers in information
Koppell, Bronx Delegation,
Arroyo, Vacca CC Per Scholas, Inc. 043252955 * $45,000 DYCD
To support the Per Scholas Institute for Technology which
offers a 15-week Computer Technician Training Program to
prepare unemployed and underemployed adults for careers
in the IT field. Funds will support the training program by
offseting salary expenses.
Local Foster Per Scholas, Inc. 043252955 * $7,000 DYCD
To support the Per Scholas IT Program in providing IT training
to under/unemployed individuals to prepare them for the
MCTS certification exam and careers in IT support.
Local Koppell Per Scholas, Inc. 043252955 * $5,000 DYCD
To provide intensive training for under/unemployed adults in
the IT-ready program and to prepare them for jobs in
information technology.
Local Palma Per Scholas, Inc. 043252955 * $15,000 DYCD
To train under/unemployed individuals, 18 years and older,
for careers in the IT field through technical training,
internship opportunities and community service, and to
support job placement and followup services.
Local Rivera Per Scholas, Inc. 043252955 * $10,000 DYCD
Funds will support an IT-ready program offering training for
under-and unemployed individuals to prepare them for
careers in the IT field.
Local Quinn Performance Zone, Inc. 133357408 $5,000 DCLA
To provide artists with a holistic range of entrepreneurial
services including fiscal sponsorship, membership benefits, a
monthly newsletter, and other services.
Local Williams Persaud Day Care Inc. 270428302 * $3,500 DYCD To support the Persaud Day Care's afterschool program.
Local Levin Pesach Tikvah/Hope Development Inc. 112642641 $5,000 DYCD Pending
Local Rivera Phipps Community Development Corporation 132707665 $30,000 DYCD
Funds will support a High School Equivalency instruction
program at the West Farms Career Education Center.
p. 200 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Rivera Phipps Community Development Corporation 132707665 $15,000 DYCD
Funds will support programming and special events at the
42nd, 46th, 48th, 49th and 52nd precincts including the Night
Out Against Crime and a Precinct Breakfast or Dinner
Local Rivera Phipps Community Development Corporation 132707665 $5,000 DFTA
Funds will support the Lambert Senior Program to provide
older adults with supportive services such as case
management, educational and recreational activities
Local Ignizio
PLUTO: Pet Lovers United Together As One Rescue Of
Richmond 134173086 $3,500 DOHMH
To support efforts to find homes for abandoned and sick
pets. Funds will go to pay for shelter, medical care,
transportation and feeding animals taken in by the shelter.
Local Chin Poets House Inc. 133255098 $3,500 DCLA
Funding will support free year-round class for students to
Poet House to learn about poetry.
Local Chin Poets House Inc. 133255098 $3,500 DCLA
Funds will support Poets House writing workshops,
anthology, and readings for senior residents of Chinatown.
Local Levin Poets House Inc. 133255098 $3,500 DCLA
To provide tenant services, organize local campaigns, support
general organizing efforts in various tenant rights campaigns.
Local Ulrich Point Breezy Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. 112452399 * $5,000 FDNY
Funds cover various operating expenses, supplies and
equipment of the Volunteer Fire Department.
Boro Arroyo Point Community Development Corporation, The 133765140 * $22,187 DCLA
To support the POINT arts and cultural programming for
youth in the Hunts Point section of the South Bronx, including
visual arts, photo, drama, dance, poetry, multimedia, music
and circus, theatre programs and community art programs.
Local Arroyo Point Community Development Corporation, The 133765140 * $10,000 DCLA
To support the POINT arts and cultural programming for
youth in the Hunts Point section of the South Bronx, including
visual arts, photo, drama, dance, poetry, multimedia, music
and circus, theatre programs and community art programs.
Local Dickens Police Athletic League, Inc. 135596811 $5,000 DYCD
To provide a lunchtime and after school Physical Education
Program (PEP) to K-8th grade students at the Harlem Center
in Council District 9 and an after school program in
Community School District 3.
Local Oddo Police Athletic League, Inc. 135596811 $3,500 DYCD
Funds will support after school and summer day camp
programs at Greenbelt Recreation Center and PS 41.
Local Rose Police Athletic League, Inc. 135596811 $5,000 DYCD
To support programs for youth ages 5 to 19 at the Michael J.
Petrides School, PS14, and Port Richmond Center. These
include after school programs, summer day camp, tutoring,
and project based educational programming to increase life
skills, job skills, literacy and skills in science and math.
Local Williams Police Athletic League, Inc. 135596811 $5,000 DYCD
To support Play Streets in Council District 45, which provides
summer day camp experience to children free of charge for 7
weeks each summer.
Local Levin Polish and Slavic Center, Inc. 112285970 $3,500 DYCD
To support immigration and legal services, social services,
operate a Senior Center, provide classes in ESL, art and
computer, and for sport clubs (fencing, table tennis). The
funds will be used to cover program expenses.
p. 201 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Dickens Polo Grounds Towers Resident Association 113754897 * $3,500 NYCHA
To support programs and activities at Family Day, including
distribution of information on accessing quality healthcare.
Local Crowley
Polonians Organized to Minister to Our Community
(POMOC) 112594500 $10,000 DYCD
To support a Legal Immigration Program to provide
information, assistance, counseling and advocacy in areas
related to obtaining lawful permanent residence, family
sponsorship and applications for U.S. citizenship.
Local Gennaro Pomonok Residents Association 800518424 $3,500 NYCHA
Funds used to provide information to individual tenants with
housing problems; help tenants who live in affordable
housing; help tenant associations; provide intensive technical
assistance and leadership development opportunities. The
funds will also be used for mailing the newsletter, outreach
to residents, provide for daily operations and supplies and
some utilities. Support mentoring programs and other youth
programs for the youth population in Pomonok Houses .
Funding will support programming to include educational and
recreational program for youth during out of school time
during the summer and winter recesses. Funds will also be
used for plants and gardening materials and any other
necessary supplies to continue operation of Pomonok Urban
Garden Society (P.U.G.S). To provide the community with
fresh food, and to establish a healthy food experience
Local CD19 Poppenhusen Institute 111633524 $10,000 DCLA
To provide cultural, recreational, and educational programs
in the community, including a school tour project, a historic
preservation project and children adult weekly workshops.
Local Rose Port Richmond High School 136400434 $3,500 DOE
To prepare college bound student athletes for college
athletics and academics. Funds will be used to provide
uniforms, buses for safe transportation, and college visits for
all members of the program.
Local Viverito Positive Workforce, Inc. 133459199 $7,500 DSBS
To provide training, referral and placement services for
individuals to obtain employment in the construction
Cabrera, Palma, Levin, Dickens,
Ferreras CC PowerPlay NYC, Inc. 134045021 * $15,000 DYCD
Funding for PowerPlays STARS after school and summer
programs promoting physical activity, healthy living, wellness
and life skills learning for girls in underserved communities.
The programs provide girls with (i)opportunities to learn
sports skills and be physically active, (ii)encouragement and
support from female coaches and mentors,(iii)multiple
opportunities to learn teamwork, (iv)health, wellness and life
skills learning activities, and (iv)a safe space for discussion
and expression.
Local Dickens PowerPlay NYC, Inc. 134045021 * $3,500 DYCD
To support PowerPlays STARS after school programs for girls
in underserved communities. Funds will be used for coach
stipends, equipment, supplies and administrative costs.
p. 202 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Wills Praise Tabernacle, Inc. 112656564 * $6,000 DYCD
To support community development by providing youth
training and skill development workshops, mentoring, and
youth media programs.
Local James Pratt Area Community Council, Inc. 112451752 $5,000 HPD
To maintain and improve the tennis courts: (1) to paint the
fences surrounding the courts; (2) to install wind-screens on
the fences to protect the 2013 repairs of the courts; and (3)
to prune the trees overhanging the courts.
Local Vann Pratt Area Community Council, Inc. 112451752 $10,000 HPD To provide financial workshop services.
Local Lander Pratt Center for Community Development 111630822 * $25,000 HPD
To facilitate a prioritization process for the Gowanus area,
which was hard hit by hurricane Sandy, including working
with environmental, transportation, and economic planning
specialists to identify ways to resolve the area's
infrastructure issues and improve conditions for businesses
and residents.
Gardonick, Fidler, Lander,
James, Levin, Chin, Reyna,
Comrie, Crowley, Barron,
Gonzalez, Cabrera, Arroyo,
Brewer, Vallone, Jackson, Vann,
Koppell, Gennaro, Brewer CC
Pratt Institute Center for Community and
Environmental Development (PICCED) 111630822 * $100,000 DSBS
Funding for services to manufacturers that were previously
provided by the NY Industrial Retention Network (NYIRN)
which last year consolidated into Pratt. These services
include: the Green Manufacturing Initiative, Food from New
York, which both supports business development and
strengthens neighborhood retailing, and technical assistance
to help 100 to 200 manufacturing companies to relocate,
obtain benefits and other needed services.
Local James
Pratt Institute Center for Community and
Environmental Development (PICCED) 111630822 * $4,000 DSBS
To monitor the impact of the new Select Bus Service's MTS
B44 upgrade route to ensure that local benefits are
maximized especially for local businesses and workers and
that any negative impacts are minimized.
Local Vann
Pratt Institute Center for Community and
Environmental Development (PICCED) 111630822 * $5,000 HPD
To provide high-quality residential energy efficiency upgrades
(retrofit pakages) at no cost to 8 - 15 families in Bedford
Local Arroyo Pregones Touring Puerto Rican Theater Collection, Inc. 133266893 * $17,875 DCLA
To support free and low-cost performances and arts
education, including original plays and musicals by the
resident Latino ensemble on topics of relevance to the
community, and arts workshops conducted in partnership
with local schools and other organizations.
Local Palma Pregones Touring Puerto Rican Theater Collection, Inc. 133266893 * $5,000 DCLA
To support the production of musical theater and plays
rooted in Puerto Rican/Latino culture, and to support
professional performances and arts learning workshops.
Local Viverito Pregones Touring Puerto Rican Theater Collection, Inc. 133266893 * $5,000 DCLA
To support free and low-cost professional performances and
lifelong arts education in Spanish and English, and to support
an arts learning workshop.
Local Vacca Preston Center of Compassion 571180937 * $4,000 DFTA
To provide funding for the Senior Run Program. This program
provides weekly outreach and social services to elderly
people in the community with limited resources. Also to
provide funds for transporation, social and cultural activities
for more active seniors.
Local Garodnick Primary Stages Company, Inc. 133258765 * $3,500 DCLA
Funding will support the arts education programs held at
59E59 Theaters, which offers free student matinee
performances and workshops to students in New York City
public schools.
p. 203 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Quinn Primary Stages Company, Inc. 133258765 * $3,000 DCLA
To support the Student Matinee Program, providing free
performances for public high school students. Funding
supports the cost of theater rental and theater related
package fees for student matinees and artistic costs of
running these performances.
Local Palma Pro Bono Net 061521179 $5,000 DYCD
To provide online information about free legal services for
the poor, legal rights, self-help for people who cannot afford
an attorney, the court system, legal information for victims of
Sandy, and to maintain online calendar of free legal aid
Local Dickens Project Enterprise 133907579 $3,500 DSBS
To provide business training, technical assistance, peer
support, networking opportunities and access to markets and
assistance with certification as Minority and Woemn-Owned
busnesses for entrepreneurs in New York.
Local Jackson Project Enterprise 133907579 * $3,500 DSBS
Funds will support the provission of technical assistence and
other support to NYC entrepreneurs and small businesses.
Local Dickens Project Girl Performance Collective Institute 271848709 * $3,500 DCLA
To support the ensemble performance, Trafficked, to educate
the public on the the trafficking of girls in the sex industry.
Local Koslowitz Project Girl Performance Collective Institute 271848709 * $5,000 DCLA
Funds will be used to suppoort three programs: Trafficked, a
performmance on sex trafficking; 9MM America, a show on
gun violence touring as an assembly; and a Girl Power
Program teaching skills to girls while exploring issues that
affect them.
Local Recchia Project Girl Performance Collective Institute 271848709 * $4,000 DCLA
To support the ensemble performance, Trafficked, to educate
the public on the trafficking of girls in the sex industry.
Local Richards Project hope 261094881 * $5,000 DYCD PENDING
Local Wills Project Hope, The New Directions, Inc. 113327651 * $7,000 DYCD
To support youth programs including leadership development
training (job readiness, career development, financial
management, behavior modification, etc.) and
recreational/cultural activities (sports, arts, games).
Local Ignizio Project Hospitality, Inc. 133234441 $4,500 DYCD
To support Project Hospital in providing hurricane relief in the
form of food distribution, clothing drives, and other
assistance. Funding will cover costs assocated with operating
a Hurricane Help Center and Outreach Volunteer
Coordination Center, and for Project Hospitality's mobile site
located at the Midland Avenue Relief Center.
Local Rose Project Hospitality, Inc. 133234441 $3,500 DYCD
To support Project Hospitality in providing hurricane relief
through funding for a Hurricane Help Center and Outreach
Volunteer Coordination Center, and to support a mobile site
located at the Midland Avenue Relief Center.
Local Koslowitz CC PROJECT LEAD INC 133761446 * $10,000 DYCD
Project Lead is committed to addressing the root causes of
hunger and poverty and to uplift the disadvantaged and
provide acculturation into American society for immigrant
p. 204 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Koslowitz Project Lead, Inc. 133761446 $23,500 DYCD
Funds will provide food assistance through emergency food
pantry services, referrals to other agencies for SNAP
enrollment and other entitlements, community building
activities for immigrant families.
Local Brewer Project Open, Inc. 133744003 * $3,500 DFTA
The funds requested are used to provide escort services for
medical appointments and shopping.
Bronx Delegation, Jackson,
Palma, Rodriguez, Koppell CC Project Renewal, Inc. 132602882 * $150,000 DHS
Funds will be used for renewed support of the Culinary Arts
Training Program (CATP), which forwards Project Renewals
mission to end homelessness through providing culinary job
training and placement to formerly homeless and low-income
New Yorkers.
Local James Prospect Heights Neighborhood Development Council 412138050 $5,000 DYCD
To provide for services in support of expanding the National
Register Historic District in Prospect Heights.
Local Eugene
Prospect Lefferts Gardens Neighborhood Association
Inc. 237064386 $5,000 DYCD
To support neighborhood program activities including the
MLK Day of Celebration and the Youth Compost Project,
neighborhood clean up and beautification, and tenant
support and advocacy.
Boro Lander
Delegation Prospect Park Alliance, Inc. 112843763 $16,875 DPR
Funding to support Propsect Park programs and operations,
including programs at Prospect Park Audubon Center and
Lefferts Historic House, and ongoing maintenance and
upkeep of park grounds and facilities.
Local Fidler, Lander, Eugene, Levin CC Prospect Park Alliance, Inc. 112843763 * $40,000 DPR
To support Youth and Environmental Education Programs in
the Park. To continue to provide free youth and educational
programming for children at the Prospect Park Audubon
Center and Lefferts Historic House. The Audubon Center
offers ongoing special exhibits, family workshops, free art
and science classes, drop-in programs, guided and self-gudied
tours and trails, and citizen science activities. Lefferts
Historic House is a museum dedicated to the history of
Brooklyn, Prospect Park, and the seasonal cycles oif life in the
farming village of Flatbush.
Local Eugene Prospect Park Alliance, Inc. 112843763 $5,000 DPR
To support Park programs and operations, including the
Prospect Park Audubon Center and Lefferts Historic House,
and to keep the Park and its facilities clean, safe, and well-
Local James Prospect Park Alliance, Inc. 112843763 $5,000 DPR
To provide for Prospect Park programs and operations at the
Prospect Park Audubon Center, the Lefferts Historic House,
and keeping park facilities clean, safe, and well-maintained.
Local Lander Prospect Park Alliance, Inc. 112843763 $15,000 DPR
To care for the park and support operational expenses and
community programming.
Local Mealy Prospect Park Alliance, Inc. 112843763 $3,500 DPR
To support park programs, operations and maintenance,
including operations of the Prospect Park Audubon Center
and Lefferts Historic House.
Local Recchia Prospect Park Alliance, Inc. 112843763 * $10,000 DPR
To support Propsect Park programs and operations, including
programs at Prospect Park Audubon Center and Lefferts
Historic House, and ongoing maintenance and upkeep of park
grounds and facilities.
Local Oddo Public Administrator - Richmond County 133203842 $2,000 PASI
Funding for Burial services for Indigent Staten Island
p. 205 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Rose Public Administrator - Richmond County 133203842 $3,500 PASI
To cover costs associated with the burial of indigent Staten
Local Levin Public Housing Communities, Inc. 203937275 * $3,500 DYCD
To support the Economic Resource Referral Center and Job
Fair Program.
Local Quinn Public School 11M - The William T. Harris School 136400434 $5,000 DOE
To operate a student-run farm market so that children,
families, and community members can learn about nutrition
and access fresh produce. Funds will be used to continue
expand the market to include cooking and other food
preparation instruction with community partners/restaurants
for PS 11 families and neighbors.
Local Quinn Public School 11M - The William T. Harris School 136400434 $6,000 DOE
To support the PS11 Chess Program which is open to all
students grades 2-5. This funding will cover program
expenses and fund a tournament to be held at PS11 in 2012
which will be open to all NYC schools.
Local Quinn Public School 33M 136400434 $7,500 DOE To purchase iPads for use in the classroom.
Local Koslowitz Public School 51M 136400434 $5,000 DOE Funds will be used to buy Walkie Talkies for school officials.
Local Quinn Public School 51M 136400434 $5,000 DOE
To promote community involvement in honoring veterans
and veteran appreciation. Funding supports the Memorial
Day Parade on Staten Island and An Evening to Honor.
Local Brewer Public School 87M - William T. Sherman 136400434 * $3,500 DOE
Funding allows Landmark West to staff a school program with
a full-time NYS-certified teacher and to publish our nationally-
recognized student workbook, My Preservation Journal.
Local Quinn Public School - Clinton School for Writers and Artists 136400434 $7,500 DOE To purchase a class set of mini iPads for use in the classroom.
Local Gentile
Public School / Intermediate School 180K - The SEEALL
Academy 136400434 * $1,000 DOE
To support PTA activities to benefit both children and
Local Gentile Public School 101K - The Verrazano School 136400434 * $1,000 DOE
To support PTA activities to benefit both children and
Local Gentile Public School 102K - Bayview School 136400434 * $1,000 DOE
To support PTA activities to benefit both children and
Local Gentile
Public School 104K - The Magnet School of Museum
Studies 136400434 * $1,000 DOE
To support PTA activities to benefit both children and
Local Gentile Public School 112K - Lefferts Park School 136400434 * $1,000 DOE
To support PTA activities to benefit both children and
Local Garodnick Public School 116M - The Mary Lindley Murray School 136400434 $3,500 DOE
Funding will support the P.S. 116 extended day enrichment
programs that serve the student population.
Local Quinn Public School 116M - The Mary Lindley Murray School 136400434 $5,000 DOE
To support after-school programs, including academic
extended day program for struggling learners, a chess team
and after-school classes.
Local Oddo Public School 11R 136400434 $14,000 DOE Funds will be used towards academic intervention services.
Local Gentile Public School 127K - McKinley Park School 136400434 * $1,000 DOE
To support PTA activities to benefit both children and
Local Gentile Public School 128K - The Bensonhurst School 136400434 * $1,000 DOE
To support PTA activities to benefit both children and
Local Levin
Public School 133K - The William A. Butler Elementary
School 136400434 * $3,500 DOE Funds used to continue the "Leader in Me" program
p. 206 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Koslowitz Public School 139 - Rego Park 136400434 $8,000 DOE
Funds will be used for 3 large commercialized size air
conditioning window units installed in the auditorium, an
upgraded sound system, art and music classes and activities
and 60 student laptops.
Local Eugene Public School 139K 136400434 $8,000 DOE
To support a school chess program for students in grages K to
5th grade. Students receive instruction from a chess master.
Local Garodnick Public School 151M - Yorkville Community School 136400434 $4,500 DOE
Funding will support enrichment programs for students in the
areas of physical education, social studies and chess.
Local Lappin Public School 151M - Yorkville Community School 136400434 * $10,000 DOE PENDING
Local Lappin Public School 158M - Bayard Taylor School 136400434 * $5,000 DOE PENDING
Local Gentile Public School 163K - Bath Beach School 136400434 * $1,000 DOE
To support PTA activities to benefit both children and
Local Gentile Public School 170K - The Ralph A. Fabrizio School 136400434 * $1,000 DOE
To support PTA activities to benefit both children and
Local Dickens
Public School 175M - Henry Highland Garnet School for
Success 136400434 $4,000 DOE
To support enrichment programs for students, parents, and
local community.
Local Gentile Public School 176K - Ovington School 136400434 * $1,000 DOE
To support PTA activities to benefit both children and
Local Lappin Public School 183M 136400434 * $5,000 DOE PENDING
Local Gentile Public School 185K - Walter Kassenbrock School 136400434 * $1,000 DOE
To support PTA activities to benefit both children and
Local Gentile Public School 186K - Dr. Irving A. Gladstone School 136400434 * $1,000 DOE
To support PTA activities to benefit both children and
Local Garodnick Public School 198M - The Isador E. Ida Straus School 136400434 $4,500 DOE
Funding will support the chess program, as well as Asphalt
Green's Recess Enhancement Program for elementary school
students in P.S. 198.
Local Brewer Public School 199M - Jessie Isador Straus School 136400434 * $3,500 DOE
Funding allows Landmark West to staff a school program with
a full-time NYS-certified teacher and to publish our nationally-
recognized student workbook, My Preservation Journal.
Local Gentile Public School 200K - Benson School 136400434 * $1,000 DOE
To support PTA activities to benefit both children and
Local Gentile Public School 204K - Vincent Lombardi School 136400434 * $1,000 DOE
To support PTA activities to benefit both children and
Local Gentile Public School 205K - Clarion school 136400434 * $1,000 DOE
To support PTA activities to benefit both children and
Local Recchia Public School 207K 136400434 * $10,000 DOE To fund afterschool and educational activities
Local Gentile Public School 212K - Lady Deborah Moody 136400434 * $1,000 DOE
To support PTA activities to benefit both children and
Local Gentile Public School 229K - Dyker School 136400434 * $1,000 DOE
To support PTA activities to benefit both children and
Local Gentile
Public School 247K - NYC College Partnership
Elementary School 136400434 * $1,000 DOE
To support PTA activities to benefit both children and
Local Levin Public School 261K 136400434 * $3,500 DOE Funds used to continue the Saturday Scholars program.
Local Gentile
Public School 264K - Bay Ridge Elementary School for
the Arts 136400434 * $1,000 DOE
To support PTA activities to benefit both children and
Local Lappin Public School 267M - East Side Elementary School 136400434 * $15,000 DOE PENDING
Local Lappin Public School 290M - The New School 136400434 * $5,000 DOE PENDING
p. 207 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Viverito Public School 30M 136400434 * $3,500 DOE
To support the Community Schools program, including the
purchase of translation headsets. The purpose for the
headsets is to allow the Spanish-Speaking parents of PS 30M,
(which consists of approximately half of the school
population) to participate actively in meetings, and other
school gatherings.
Local Recchia Public School 312K 136400434 * $10,000 DOE To fund afterschool and educational activities
Local Oddo Public School 37R 136400434 $10,000 DOE Funds will be used towards services for autistic students.
Local Eugene Public School 399K- Stanley Eugene Clark School 136400434 $6,000 DOE
To support P.S. 399's Tap Ensemble, which teaches students
to learn the fundementals of tap dancing.
Local Quinn Public School 3M - The John Mesler Charrette School 136400434 $10,000 DOE
To support a Lunch Clubs Program, providing an enrichment
activityas a positive social and creative alternative to recess.
Local Quinn Public School 41M- The Greenwich Village School 136400434 $10,000 DOE
To support an additional school aide to assist with the
increased student enrollment that has taken place over the
last few years.
Local Oddo Public School 41R 136400434 $9,000 DOE
Funds will be used towards professional development for
Common Core State standards in ELA and Mathematics.
Local Oddo Public School 46R 136400434 $14,000 DOE Funds will be used for Academic Intervention Services.
Local Oddo Public School 50R 136400434 $14,000 DOE Funds will be used for Academic Intervention Services.
Local Lappin Public School 527M 136400434 * $15,000 DOE PENDING
Local Gentile Public School 69K - Vincet D. Grippo School 136400434 * $1,000 DOE
To support PTA activities to benefit both children and
Local Gentile
Public School 748K - Brooklyn School for Global
Scholars 136400434 * $1,000 DOE
To support PTA activities to benefit both children and
Local King Public School 76X 136400434 * $10,000 DOE Funds will be used to purchase musical instruments.
Local Rodriguez
Public School/ Middle School 278 - Paula Hedbavny
School, The 136400434 $3,500 DOE
To support the PTA of PS/MS 278. Funding will be used to
purchase new literacy/reading materials.
Local Crowley Public School/Intermediate School 128Q 136400434 $4,000 DOE To support cultural and arts programming for students.
Local Dickens Publicolor, Inc. 133912768 $4,000 DYCD
To bring the Publicolor Paint Club program to a public school,
community site, or school playground in District 9, involving
youth in a project to transform the facilities and teaching
youth about commercial painting, work habits and leadership
skills in the process.
Local Jackson Publicolor, Inc. 133912768 $7,000 DCLA
Fund will support the painting, by at risk students, of the Kipp
Infinity Charter School to tranform the facility and provide
students with skills and work experience.
Local Palma Publicolor, Inc. 133912768 $5,000 DYCD
To support Paint Club, an after-school program that works
with at-risk students and volunteers to transform their
schools and nearby community facilities by painting them.
Local Viverito Publicolor, Inc. 133912768 $4,500 DYCD
To engage high-risk students, ages 13-24, through a
continuum of design-based programs and academic support,
working either at an under-performing public school, an
under-resourced community site, or a struggling school
playground in District 8.
p. 208 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Delegation Puerto Rican Family Institute, Inc., The 136167177 * $3,500 DYCD
To support the Latino Social Work Task Force (LSWTF)
activities which include pre-testing workshops and mentoring
relationship with the members of the LSWTF during and after
Local Arroyo Puerto Rican Family Institute, Inc., The 136167177 * $5,000 DYCD
To support the Latino Social Work Task Force's efforts to
increase the number of professional social workers in the
Latino community; strengthen Latino and minority serving
non profit agencies, and to otherwise strengthen the cultural,
and ethnic diversity of social workers.
Local Cabrera Puerto Rican Family Institute, Inc., The 136167177 * $5,000 DYCD
To assure the Latino community has access to social work
services by preparing recent social work graduate students to
take and pass the New York State licensing exam for social
work and promoting mentoring and counseling.
Brewer, Jackson, Rivera,
Koppell, Manhattan Delegation,
Dromm, Palma, Arroyo, Viverito,
Mendez, Chin CC Puerto Rican Family Institute, Inc., The 136167177 * $20,000 DYCD
A goal of the Latino social work taskforce is to provide the
infrastructure in order to increase the number of Latino
graduate social workers completing their MSW to serve the
growing number of families and children across all social
service lines. Funds are raised for scholarships for these
students and other activities addressing this issue are
identified such as licensing. We are now working with the
most critical licensing needs of this profession, and
250,000.00 is needed to reach our goals for scholarships,
student retention and ultimately passing the licensing exam.
Local Dickens Puerto Rican Family Institute, Inc., The 136167177 * $5,000 DYCD
To support the work of the Latino Social Work Task Force
which has the goal of increasing the number of culturally and
linguistically competent social workers throughout New York
Local Ferreras Puerto Rican Family Institute, Inc., The 136167177 * $5,000 DYCD
To support the Latino Social Work Task Force efforts to
increase the number of social workers needed to serve the
Latino community with funds to prepare recent social work
graduate students for the New York State licensing exam for
social work.
Local Mendez Puerto Rican Family Institute, Inc., The 136167177 * $3,500 DYCD
Funds will allow LSWTF to empower and prepare recent
social work graduate student to take and successfully pass
the New York State licensing exam for social work.
Local Reyna Puerto Rican Family Institute, Inc., The 136167177 * $10,000 DYCD
Funds will support the Latino Social Work Task Force which
supports students in becoming social workers who will be
culturally and linguistically attuned to the needs of the latino
Local Barron Purelements: An Evolution in Dance, Inc. 205332584 * $7,500 DYCD
General support for Arts Education Programs. Funds will
directly support the organizations Summer Dance Intensive,
Saturday Dance / Musical Theater training, and Afterschool
arts programs in 19 Department of Education partnering
Local Garodnick
Quality Services for the Autism Community (QSAC),
Inc. 112482974 * $3,500 DOHMH
Funding will support services to autistic individuals, their
families and caregivers.
p. 209 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Koo
Quality Services for the Autism Community (QSAC),
Inc. 112482974 * $3,000 DOHMH
Funds will support a variety of services to autistic individuals,
their families and caregivers. Services will be provided at the
home of the autistic individual or at one of QSACs facilities.
Local Weprin
Quality Services for the Autism Community (QSAC),
Inc. 112482974 * $5,000 DOHMH
To provide support for a variety of services to autistic
individuals, their families and caregivers at the home of the
autistic individual or at one of QSACs facilities.
Local Fidler CC
Quality Services for the Autism Community (QSAC,
Inc.) 112482974 * $45,000 DOHMH
To support a variety of services to autistic individuals, their
families and caregivers throughout the city. Services will be
provided at the home of the autistic individual or at one of
QSACs facilities in Manhattan, Queens or the Bronx.
Local CD19
Quality Services for the Autism Community (QSAC,
Inc.) 112482974 * $4,500 DOHMH
Funds are used to support a variety of services to autistic
individuals, their families and caregivers. Services will be
provided at the home of the autistic individual or at one of
QSACs facilities.
Local Dromm
Quality Services for the Autism Community (QSAC,
Inc.) 112482974 * $3,500 DOHMH
To support services for autistic individuals, their families and
Local Ferreras
Quality Services for the Autism Community (QSAC,
Inc.) 112482974 * $5,000 DOHMH
To support services to autistic individuals, their families and
caregivers. Services will be provided at the home of the
autistic individual or at one of QSACs facilities.
Local Palma
Quality Services for the Autism Community (QSAC,
Inc.) 112482974 * $3,500 DOHMH
To provide services to autistic individuals, their families and
caregivers and to raise awareness and understanding of
Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Local Vallone
Quality Services for the Autism Community (QSAC,
Inc.) 112482974 * $3,000 DOHMH
Funds used to support a variety of services to autistic
individuals, their families and caregivers. Services will be
provided at the home of the autistic individual or at one of
QSACs facilities.
Local Reyna Queens Borough Public Library 136400434 * $34,500 QBPL Funds will provide exterior lights for the library.
Local Richards Queens Borough Public Library 136400434 * $15,000 QBPL To Support events and libraries in district 31
Local Ferreras Queens Botanical Garden 111635083 $5,000 DCLA
To support Queens Botanical Garden Society's Environmental
Education Workshops.
Boro Koo Queens Botanical Garden Society, Inc. 111635083 $8,929 DCLA
To support Queens Botanical Garden Society's Environmental
Education Workshops.
Local Gennaro Queens Botanical Garden Society, Inc. 111635083 $5,000 DCLA
To support Queens Botanical Garden Society's Environmental
Education Workshops.
Local Weprin Queens Botanical Garden Society, Inc. 111635083 $5,000 DCLA
To support Queens Botanical Garden Society's Environmental
Education Workshops.
Boro Comrie
Queens Chamber of Commerce dba Chamber of
Commerce Borough of Queens 110559220 * $5,000 DSBS
To provide assistance and support including but not limited to
organizing businesses, street beautification projects, and
local discount/advertising programs.
Local Queens Delegation, Van Bramer CC
Queens Chamber of Commerce dba Chamber of
Commerce Borough of Queens 110559220 * $90,000 DSBS
Funding to continue outreach to small businesses in Queens
County and provide them with the technical assistance and
support they require. Further, fundingwill allow a series of bi-
lingual workshops in Spanish, Chinese, Korean or other
languages covering business topics.
p. 210 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Ferreras
Queens Chamber of Commerce dba Chamber of
Commerce Borough of Queens 110559220 * $15,000 DSBS
To provide technical assistance and support to create a local
merchant association, local Chamber of Commerce or BID for
a commercial corridor within Council District 21 in order to
assist businesses, undertake street beautification projects,
and organize local discount/advertising programs and other
programs for the commercial corridor.
Local Gennaro
Queens Chamber of Commerce dba Chamber of
Commerce Borough of Queens 110559220 * $5,000 DSBS
The Chamber will use funds to provide assistance and
support including but not limited to organizing businesses,
street beautification projects, and local discount/advertising
programs. The Queens Chamber will provide technical
assistance and support to create a local merchant
association, local Chamber of Commerce or BID for a
commercial corridor within the district.
Local Koslowitz
Queens Chamber of Commerce dba Chamber of
Commerce Borough of Queens 110559220 * $5,000 DSBS
To enable the Queens Chamber to provide technical
assistance and support to create a local merchant
association, local Chamber of Commerce or BID for a
commercial corridor within the 29th Council district. The
Chamber will provide assistance and support including but
not limited to organizing businesses, street beautification
projects, and local discount/advertising programs.
Local Ulrich
Queens Chamber of Commerce dba Chamber of
Commerce Borough of Queens 110559220 * $5,000 DSBS
The Queens Chamber of Commerce, in an effort to reach
underserved communities, will hold a series of bilingual
seminars and training workshops to benefit local businesses
and individuals.
Local Weprin
Queens Chamber of Commerce dba Chamber of
Commerce Borough of Queens 110559220 * $5,000 DSBS
To provide technical assistance and support to create a local
merchant association, local Chamber of Commerce or BID for
a commercial corridor within the 23rd Council District.
Local Gennaro
Queens College Foundation Inc for - Queens College
Arts Center 116080521 $5,000 DCLA
Funds used to bring students, families and the community
together through a series of programs, seminars, lectures,
presentations, Media-events (Movies, Videos, Audio) as well
as Historical Archives, and personal accounts of Dr. King. This
interactive program will bring a personal connection to the
struggles that people faced and what it meant to overcome
Local Gennaro
Queens College Foundation Inc for - Queens College
Arts Center 116080521 $5,000 DCLA
Funds used to connect students to additional cultural
communities from Morocco to Madrid, Gibraltar to
Jerusalem, Athens to Alexandria, and Florence to Phoenicia.
Our Cultural Diversity will be a guide and groundwork for a
future where the olive branch and the grapevine will signal a
new era of cultural exchange and peace in the region. We will
give our students and the immigrant community a deep and
broad foundation of their own Mediterranean Culture
coupled with a capacity to understand others' perspectives.
p. 211 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Koo Queens College Foundation, Inc. 116080521 $10,000 DYCD
To engage college students in experiental community-
learning and provide opportunities for them to meet with
Local Dromm Queens Community Board #3 136400434 $7,000 QNCB
To build and install benches along Northern Boulevard,
Jackson Heights.
Local Ferreras Queens Community Board #3 136400434 $3,500 QNCB
To support youth centered programming designed to
heighten crime and drug prevention awareness in youth
through the annual Night Out Against Crime event. Funds will
support general operating expenses and fees in collaboration
with the 115th Precinct Community Council.
Boro Koslowitz Queens Community Board #6 136400434 $5,000 QNCB Funding used for operational expenses.
Local Koslowitz Queens Community Civic Corporation 222183327 $2,500 HPD
Funds will be used to promote the development of leadership
skills for tenant and co-op residents so they may become
empowered, active advocates in their communities through
educational forums, speakers and workshops.
Boro Van Bramer Queens Community House, Inc. 112375583 $7,857 DYCD
To provide services for LGBTQ teens including workshops for
teens, staff in youth centers, LGBTQ awareness, anti-
harassment/bullying education, and an on-line support
network moderated by a social worker.
Local Queens Delegation CC Queens Community House, Inc. 112375583 $10,000 DFTA
Funing to support the enhancement of the program
(Queens Center for Gay Seniors) which offers counseling,
benefits and entitlement review, support groups in addition
to the various educational and recreational programs for
LGBT older adults. Programs with an emphasis on Healthy
Aging would be developed and maintained.
Local Queens Delegation CC Queens Community House, Inc. 112375583 $10,000 DFTA
Center and services for LGBTQ teens include drop in center
with education and socialization services, workshops for teen
and staff in youth centers and school on LGBTQ awareness
and anti-harassment/bullying education and an on-line
support network moderated by a social worker.
Local Dromm Queens Community House, Inc. 112375583 $15,000 HPD
To provide assistance with affordable housing intake,
applications for housing benefits, negotiations between
tenants and landlords, assistance in housing court, and to
provide community education and outreach in English,
Spanish, Bengali and Russian.
Local Dromm Queens Community House, Inc. 112375583 $10,000 DYCD
To provide SAT classes after school and weekends,
educational counseling, and advise on the high school
selection process.
Local Gennaro Queens Community House, Inc. 112375583 $3,500 HPD
Funds used to support housing counseling, homelessness
prevention through assistance to low income tenants
applying for housing grant programs, negotiating with
landlords and negotiating with civil court- housing part; assist
with tenant lease issues, community education and outreach
in 4 languages: English, Spanish, Bengali and Russian.
p. 212 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Koslowitz Queens Community House, Inc. 112375583 $10,000 DFTA
Funds will support the programs at Forest Hills and Rego Park
Senior Center and for an aging improvement District.
Programs include educational and recreational and the Social
Adult Day Services program.
Local Comrie Queens Council on the Arts, Inc. 112219193 * $3,500 DCLA
To support the Queens Council on the Arts programming,
including assistance for Queens-based individual artists, in-
school arts education projects; business education seminars
for artists, and an on-going technology-ready creative
workspace for use by artists and others.
Local Koslowitz Queens Council on the Arts, Inc. 112219193 * $4,000 DYCD
Funds will support programs for local artists and arts
organizations, including programs on how to build business as
an artist, convene artists to discuass common challengess
and provide for a college admissions program for Queens
public High Schools students.
Local Weprin Queens Council on the Arts, Inc. 112219193 * $5,000 DYCD
To provide support for Queens-based individual artists and
organizations. Also, to provide business education seminars
and workshops.
Local Comrie Queens County Educators For Tomorrow Inc. 112475654 $3,500 ACS
To train parents on school readiness, parenting, job skills, ESL,
and other support topics and to support weekend cultural
enrichment programs for parents and their children.
Queens Delegation, Van
Bramer, Ulrich CC Queens Economic Development Corporation 112436149 * $50,000 DSBS
This funding will be used to continue our M/WBE program.
This involves holding regular monthly outreach sessions and
follow up one-on-one counseling.
Local Ferreras Queens Economic Development Corporation 112436149 * $10,000 DYCD
To support maintenance and programming of events at
Corona Plaza.
Local Koslowitz Queens Festival Orchestra Association, Inc. 112393968 $5,000 DFTA
To prepare language and cultural materials that will be used
to teach English, Spanish, and Italian. Funds will help support
programs and services.
Local CD19 Queens Historical Society 237016007 $3,500 DCLA
To support the cultural/historical institution and provide
programs for the public and for public schools in Queens.
Local Koo Queens Historical Society 237016007 $4,000 DCLA
Funds will support cultural programming and exhibition
space, including the purchase of lighting equipment,
restoration/ repair/ replacement of display pieces (ie. dress
forms, display cases), publication of supporting palm cards
brochures, and advertising and marketing of the exhibit.
p. 213 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Koslowitz, Comrie CC Queens Interagency Council on the Aging, Inc. 112744700 * $40,000 DFTA
QICA presents nine or more major programs throughout the
year. We dialogue about specific necessities like accessible
transportation, food and shelter, but we also discuss and
advocate for wide-ranging concerns like protecting senior
services and affordable healthcare. Community participation
averages one hundred to one hundred and fifty people
monthly and one hundred and fifty to three hundred people
for conference. Funding will be used to administer our
programs which only benefit Queens seniors.
Programs are free and open to the public. The Program
Committee of the Board of Directors selects topics for
monthly programs and conferences with input from senior
citizens, senior center directors, service professionals and
agency members. We strive for balance
Boro Crowley Queens Jewish Community Council, Inc. 237172152 * $3,000 DFTA To support the QJCCs food pantry.
Local Comrie Queens Jewish Community Council, Inc. 237172152 * $3,500 DFTA
Funds will support meals and related services for senior meal
Local Gennaro Queens Jewish Community Council, Inc. 237172152 * $18,000 DFTA
Funds used to provide social services and special events in
Flushing that include senior , immigrant , domestic violence
victims programming as well as kosher meals-on-wheels to
advanced aged home bound elderly in the area.
Local Koslowitz Queens Jewish Community Council, Inc. 237172152 * $40,000 DFTA
Funds will to provide a wide range of social services for the
communities of Forest Hills, Rego Park and Kew Gardens
including senior, immigrant, domestic violence victims
programs and kosher meals-on-wheels for the advanced
Local Ulrich Queens Jewish Community Council, Inc. 237172152 * $5,000 DFTA
Funds used to provide seniors services including
programming and meals-on-wheels to the advanced aged
home bound elderly.
Local Vallone Queens Jewish Community Council, Inc. 237172152 * $3,000 DFTA
The funds will be used to enhance QJCCs Kosher food pantry
and to provide senior programming throughout the borough
that encourages the elderly to meet peers and avoid
Local Weprin Queens Jewish Community Council, Inc. 237172152 * $5,000 DFTA
To provide for a kosher meals-on-wheels program for
advanced home bound senior citizens living in Northeast
Local Comrie Queens Legal Services Corporation 132605604 $5,000 DYCD
To provide legal assistance on issues related to civil
consequences of arrest and incarceration, as well as stop and
frisk, reentry, and deportation.
Local Koo Queens Legal Services Corporation 132605604 $5,000 DYCD
Funds will support the QLS Asian Domestic Violence Law
Collaborative, through which QLS is a coordinating legal
services provider for (5) Queens Asian immigrant domestic
violence shelter providers.
Local Arroyo Queens Lesbian and Gay Pride Committee, Inc. 113146598 * $10,000 DOE
To provide presentations focusing on homophobia, addiction,
HIV, other STDs, teen pregnancy, bullying domestic violence
and other topics to students in District 17 schools.
p. 214 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Van Bramer CC Queens Lesbian and Gay Pride Committee, Inc. 113146598 * $50,000 DYCD
To produce the Queens Lesbian and Gay Pride Parade. The
funds will be used for expenses related to that day - also
funding may be use for programs year round that relate to
the event.
Local Dromm Queens Lesbian and Gay Pride Committee, Inc. 113146598 * $18,715 DYCD
To produce the Queens Lesbian and Gay Pride Parade, and
provide funds for expenses related to that day and for
programs year round that relate to the event.
Local Eugene Queens Lesbian and Gay Pride Committee, Inc. 113146598 * $5,000 DOE
To support the Pride not Predjudices in School Programs to
kindergarten to 12th graders in Council District 40 public
schools. Presentation topics include: homophobia, addiction,
HIV, other STDs, teen pregnancy, bullying, cyber bullying,
domestic violence, violence and intolerance.
Local Koslowitz Queens Lesbian and Gay Pride Committee, Inc. 113146598 * $3,500 DOE
Funds will support 7 presentations of Pride not Prejudices in-
school programs to schools k-12 to the 29th Council District
which focus on homophobia, addiction, domestic violence,
intolerance and other relevant topics.
Local Palma Queens Lesbian and Gay Pride Committee, Inc. 113146598 * $3,500 DOE
To provide Pride not Prejudices presentations, focusing on
homophobia, addiction, HIV, other STDs, teen pregnancy,
bullying, cyber bullying, domestic violence, violence and
intolerance in council District 18 public schools.
Boro Crowley Queens Museum of Art 112278998 * $3,500 DCLA
Funds will support the museum's free childrens workshops,
senior films, family programming, concerts, performances
and lectures, and exhibition-related programs.
Local Dromm Queens Museum of Art 112278998 * $3,500 DCLA
To offer free children's workshops, senior films, family
programming, concerts, performances and lectures, and
exhibition-related programs to engage additional members of
the borough's communities.
Local Ferreras Queens Museum of Art 112278998 * $3,500 DCLA
To provide artistic and education programming and exhibits
for children, families, seniors and other museum visitors and
communities in New York.
Local Ferreras Queens Museum of Art 112278998 * $25,000 DCLA
To provide cultural programming at Corona Plaza, ranging
from dance and musical performances, to artmaking and
literacy initiatives to advocacy and health related activities.
Local Koslowitz Queens Museum of Art 112278998 * $3,500 DCLA
To provide educational/recreational activities such as health
and fitness workshops, trips, cultural events and activities, as
well as critical case assistance services to seniors and their
families who part of the Elmhurst/Jackson Heights Senior
Local Van Bramer Queens Museum of Art 112278998 * $5,000 DCLA
To support free childrens workshops, senior films, family
programming, concerts, performances and lectures, and
exhibition-related programs to engage with additional
members of the borough's communities.
Local Weprin Queens Museum of Art 112278998 * $5,000 DCLA
To provide for free childrens workshops, senior events,
family programming, concerts, performances, lectures, and
exhibition-related programs.
Local Ferreras CC Queens Public Library - Lefrak City Branch 136400434 $80,000 QBPL Funing will be used for community programming
p. 215 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Comrie Queens Satellite High School 136400434 * $4,000 DOE To support a summer computer program for students.
Local Comrie Queens Sickle Cell Advocacy Network, Inc. 113373180 * $15,000 DOHMH
To provide programs and support services to families,
children, caregivers, youth and individuals affected with sickle
cell disease and other chronic disorders.
Local Richards Queens Sickle Cell Advocacy Network, Inc. 113373180 * $3,500 DOHMH
To provide programs and support services to families,
children, caregivers, youth and individuals affected with sickle
cell disease and other chronic disorders.
Local CD19 Queens Symphony Orchestra 112106191 * $1,000 DCLA
To support the educational programs and performances of
the Orchestra and to present an Arts Music Festival where
the Queens Symphony Orchestra joins together with different
arts organizations throughout the borough of Queens in a
two-week festival, including tickets and transportation for
District 46 senior centers to attend programs.
Local Koo Queens Symphony Orchestra 112106191 * $5,000 DCLA
Funds will be used to purchase tickets and pay for
transportation for your senior centers to attend the QSO Arts
Music Festival concerts and summer parks concerts; and will
support chamber ensemble concerts (i.e. string quartets, jazz
trios); the Symphony 101 family-friendly music series in
public libraries; an outdoor summer concert; tickets for
school-aged children (grades K-8) to attend the Young
Peoples Concerts; and to provide in-school residency
programs either during in-school or after-school hours.
Local Weprin Queens Symphony Orchestra 112106191 * $5,000 DCLA
To provide for the Arts Music Festival throughout the
Borough of Queens. Also to provide tickets and
transportation for seniors and school-aged childred (k-8) to
attend concerts and programs.
Local Comrie Queens Symphony Orchestra, Inc. 112106191 * $3,500 DCLA
The funds will be used to assist in the operations of youth
programs which include boxing gyms and learning centers,
sports youth programs, and school incentive programs.
Local Koslowitz Queens Symphony Orchestra, Inc. 112106191 * $21,000 DCLA
Funds will support QSO Arts Music Festival, concerts, music
series in libraries and in school and after school programs.
Boro Ferreras Queens Theatre In The Park, Inc. 113381629 $7,857 DYCD
To support theatre education programs in schools and to
produce a Black History event during Black History Month, a
Colombian Independence Day Celebration, and family
performances for the area served by CD21.
Local Van Bramer Queens Theatre in the Park, Inc. 113381629 $5,000 DCLA
To fund Queens Theatres participation in the annual Live at
the Gantries summer concert series at Gantry State Park.
The funding is used to pay for technical staffing of this event,
use and transport of equipment.
Local Wills
Queens Village Committee for Mental Health for J-
CAP, Inc. 112140888 $7,000 DYCD
To provide social, recreational and computer services for
veterans and their families.
Local Weprin
Queens Village, Hollis, Bellerose Volunteer Ambulance
Corp. 237366237 * $6,000 FDNY
To provide for the repair and maintainance of two emergency
ambulance vehicles.
Boro Vallone Queensboro Council for Social Welfare, Inc. 111817497 * $5,000 DFTA Pending
Local Koslowitz Queensboro Council for Social Welfare, Inc. 111817497 * $2,350 DFTA
Funds will support Senior Employment, Information and
Referral, and Training Programs.
Local Ulrich Queensboro Council for Social Welfare, Inc. 111817497 * $4,500 DYCD
Funds used to support the Senior Employment, Information
and Referral, and Training Programs.
p. 216 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Comrie
Queensborough Community College Auxiliary
Enterprise Association, Inc. 112037770 $5,000 CUNY
To provide Interactive After-School Broadway Workshops in
which students learn acting, dance and musical theater
techniques from degreed professionals and Broadway
performers. Funding will support workshops to connect
professional artists with young audiences.
Local Crowley
Queensborough Community College Auxiliary
Enterprise Association, Inc. 112037770 $2,500 CUNY
To provide seniors citizens in Queens the opportunity to
attend performances and programs at the Queens
Performing Arts Center.
Local Dromm
Queensborough Community College Auxiliary
Enterprise Association, Inc. 112037770 $3,500 CUNY
To support a student internship program at the Harriet
Kenneth Kupferberg Holocaust Resource Center and Archives
(KHRCA) at Queensborough Community College, CUNY's
internship program.
Local Dromm
Queensborough Community College Auxiliary
Enterprise Association, Inc. 112037770 $5,000 CUNY To support the QPACs Saturday Night Sing-along Film series.
Local Ferreras
Queensborough Community College Auxiliary
Enterprise Association, Inc. 112037770 $5,000 CUNY
To present musical programs at senior centers and help
Queens seniors and others attend concerts and other cultural
programming at the Queens Performing Arts Center.
Local Gennaro
Queensborough Community College Auxiliary
Enterprise Association, Inc. 112037770 $5,000 CUNY
Funds used to program professional performances which
reflect NYCs multi-ethnic communities, and QPACs outreach
to local Queens residents will make the arts accessible to the
Countrys most diverse region. Individuals who are on a fixed
low income will have the opportunity to attend these
performances without ticket purchasing concerns.
Local Koo
Queensborough Community College Auxiliary
Enterprise Association, Inc. 112037770 $4,000 CUNY
Funding is for the Cultural Access and Education Program.
The requested funds would be used to cover the cost of
delivering a Family Pass, which provides free admission for up
to five family members to 90 museums, zoos and botanic
gardens; professional development to education
professionals; and other programmatic materials to support
parents to engage parents as the primary stewards of their
childrens education.
Local Koslowitz
Queensborough Community College Auxiliary
Enterprise Association, Inc. 112037770 $5,000 CUNY
Funds support theatre trips enabling senior citizens to attend
QPACs professional concerts and programs.
Local Koslowitz
Queensborough Community College Auxiliary
Enterprise Association, Inc. 112037770 $5,000 CUNY
To support the historical Annual Holocaust Freedom Seder, at
the Kupferberg Hoocaust Center at Queensborough
Community College, reenacting a Seder begun in the
displaced persons camp in Munich.
Local Ulrich
Queensborough Community College Auxiliary
Enterprise Association, Inc. 112037770 $5,000 CUNY
Funds support QPACs Childrens Book Club and Performance
Series, involving an in-class book club program and theatrical
performances for Queens children.
Local Weprin
Queensborough Community College Auxiliary
Enterprise Association, Inc. 112037770 $10,000 CUNY Pending
Local Weprin
Queensborough Community College Auxiliary
Enterprise Association, Inc. 112037770 $6,000 CUNY
To provide for program costs associated with the Childrens
Book Club and Performance Series, including artist fees,
technical fees, sign interpreters, tickets andoutreach to local
p. 217 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Queens Delegation, Van Bramer CC Queensborough Community College Fund, Inc. 112386540 $20,000 CUNY
The KHRCA serves all ethnicities and ages by using the lessons
of the Holocaust to study the human condition and stressing
an individuals dignity, worth and capacity for self-realization
through reason. Contemporary issues such as hate crimes
and cyber bullying are addressed within the historical context
of the Holocaust. Funds will be used for community-oriented
programs, exhibits, seminars, symposia and customized
materials on topics such as Human Rights, Justice and
Local Van Bramer Queensbridge Tenants' Association 141819734 * $10,000 NYCHA
To pay for monthly expenses for the office, including office
supplies printings and mailings, postage for large amounts of
information for the members and executive members of the
Resident and Tenant Associations.
Local Quinn Quest to Learn - M422 136400434 $3,000 DOE
To expand the use of the online college counseling program,
Naviance, to 9th and 10th Graders in the Upper School.
Local Crowley
Rabbi Israel Meyer Hacohen Rabbinical Seminary of
America, Inc. 111752021 $10,000 DFTA
To support programs for senior citizens at the Middle Village
Adult Center, including meals, health promotion, education
and recreation, as well as transportation programs. Funding
will be used for food, utilities, personnel and other expenses.
Local Koslowitz
Rabbi Israel Meyer Hacohen Rabbinical Seminary of
America, Inc. 111752021 * $3,500 DFTA
Funds will support general operating expenses of the senior
center, Middle Village Adult Center.
Local Koo Rainbow Center, Inc of New York 113184353 $4,000 DYCD
The requested funds will be used to support a shelter for
homeless women and children and services including support
for rent for WINC office space for the classes and counseling.
Local Comrie Rajkumari Cultural Center, Inc., The 113338875 * $3,500 DYCD
To support culutural arts after school programs for youth and
Local Koslowitz Rajkumari Cultural Center, Inc., The 113338875 * $3,500 DYCD
Funds will support arts and theater community and after
school programs.
Local Ulrich Rajkumari Cultural Center, Inc., The 113338875 * $3,500 DYCD
Funds will support arts programs including the GOLS
Community Arts Circles, a music program and Linking Identity
to Arts, an after school theater program.
Local Wills Rajkumari Cultural Center, Inc., The 113338875 * $5,000 DYCD
To support RCC's GOLS and LILA programs. Funding to cover
costs associated with custodians, artists, instructors,
facilitators, recruitment/outreach personnel for afterschool
Local Dickens Ralph J. Rangel Houses Tenant Association 270361139 * $5,000 DFTA
To support the Annual Family Day programs and activities for
Palma, Women's Caucus,
Jackson, Koppell CC Ralph Lauren Center for Cancer Care and Prevention 020597827 * $15,000 DOHMH
RLCs food pantry provides proper nutrition during
chemotherapy, leading to both better treatment adherence
outcomes. Funding would expand services to all chemo
patients, so they can prioritize their fight with cancer rather
than struggling to meet the basic needs that will be so critical
to their success.
p. 218 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Quinn Rauschenbusch Metro Ministries, Inc. 133859713 * $3,500 DYCD
To expand the Youth Education Program, providing garden-
based lessons on fruits and vegetables to promote more
nutritious diets. Funding will support education staff, a roof
learning center, and education and gardening supplies.
Local Van Bramer Ravenswood Residents Association, Inc. 113391295 $10,000 NYCHA
To support operational costs for the resident association to
buy office supplies, postage, other operating costs and
security cameras for our computer lab.
Local Barron Reach Back Community Development, Inc. 364611377 * $5,000 DYCD The funds will be used for a Family Day Celbration.
Boro Greenfield
Delegation Reach for the Stars Learning Center 203042280 * $6,875 DOHMH
Funds will support Reach for the Stars Learning Center music
therapy program for children with autistic spectrum
Local Recchia CC Reach for the Stars Learning Center 203042280 * $50,000 DYCD
Reach for the Stars Learning Center is dedicated to the
education of children with autistic spectrum disorders
applying intensive teaching methods, beginning at an early
age tailored to each students unique needs, our goal is to
mainstream as many of our children as possible to become
productive members of the community.
Local Greenfield Reach for the Stars Learning Center 203042280 * $8,100 DYCD
Funds used to educate children with autistic spectrum
disorders utilizing every possible tool to further their
Local Rose, Arroyo CC Reach Out and Read of Greater New York, Inc. 134080045 * $15,000 DYCD
To support program sites through the purchase of new,
developmentally- and culturally-appropriate childrens books
for families living in poverty. Funds requested will be used to
purchase books.
Local Reyna Reaching Across the World Ministries 113572515 * $5,000 DYCD
Funds will be used to support social service programs
including HIV/Aids prevention, reducing relapse and
recidivism, summer youth employment and events.
Local Reyna Reaching Across the World Ministries 113572515 $4,500 DOHMH
Funds will support services for programs including HIV/AIDS
prevention, relapse and recidivism and summer youth
p. 219 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Recchia Reaching-Out Community Services Inc 113615625 * $21,000.00 DYCD
1. Our Food Pantry is a Supermarket style Client-Choice
which enables the client to select food items to fit their
cultural,and dietary needs.
2. Our Social Service program provides the client with
assistance for Medicare, Medicaid, housing subsidies and
other eligible benets.
3. Our Electronic Food Stamp program enables us to process
the clients benets on-site.
4. Nutrition and Health Education is provided to help the
5. Free Tax Assistance: RCS provides free tax preparation
services to low-to-moderate income New Yorkers.
6. F.E.A.T (Firsthand Emergency Action Team) is a team that
deploys assistance to communities experiencing any form of
emergency as well as supporting disaster and recovery
eorts with food and supplies.
7. We oer summer tutoring for students in gradelevels 2-8.
8. We provide the Big Backpack Giveaway program with
school supplies for childen in need.
9. Operation Gobbler Giving - Families receive a turkey with
trimmings for Thanksgiving.
Local Gentile Reaching-Out Community Services, Inc. 113615625 $4,000 DYCD
To provide food, social services and programs, including a
Supermarket style Food Pantry, assistance with Medicare,
Medicaid, housing subsidies and other eligible benefits, an
Electronic Food Stamp program, a nutrition and health
education program, free tax assistance, emergency/disaster
and recovery support, summer tutoring, school supplies for
childen in need and turkeys for families in need on
Local Oddo
Reading Excellence and Discovery (READ Foundation,
Inc. 134091062 * $3,500 DYCD
Funds will be used to support the READ program which
provides structured, research based, supervised one-to-one
tutoring to struggling readers in grades K-2.
Local CC
Reading Excellence and Discovery (READ Foundation,
Inc.) 134091062 * $20,000 DYCD
READ trains and supports middle and high school students to
provide structured, research based, supervised one-to-one
tutoring through After-School and Summer programming.
Funds will be used offset costs of tutors.
Local Van Bramer Reading for Smiles 272368964 * $3,500 DYCD
The Reading 4 Smiles agency is a literacy based after school
program, which encourages academic support and
community building.
Local CC Reading Reform Foundation of New York 133081223 * $20,000 DYCD
RRF will provide twice-weekly in-class training for
kindergarten through third-grade elementary-level teachers
all through the school year. Each teacher will take an
introductory 37-45-hour graduate-level course at RRF in a
systematic phonics method of teaching reading, writing,
spelling, and comprehension.
p. 220 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Jackson Reading Reform Foundation of New York 133081223 $5,000 DOE
Funds will support training for elementary school teachers in
teaching reading, spelling and comprehension and support
ongoing work with the teachers to integrate the teaching
methods into the classroom.
Local Comrie Recreational Inner-City Sports and Recreation (RISE) 113168473 $3,500 DYCD
To provide a range of programs for youth that address gangs,
violence drug abuse, teenage pregnancy, STD and HIV
awareneness, and other topics and provide recreation for
youth. Funds will support the program, equipment, space
and supplies.
Local Quinn
Rector Church Wardens & Vestry Members of St. Luke
in Fields of New York 132861673 $3,500 DOHMH
To support the weekly dinner and visitation program for
people living with HIV / AIDS in Greenwich Village and
throughout the City of New York.
Local Fidler Redemption, Inc. 562550383 * $2,500 DYCD
To to increase the educational advancement of underserved
adolescents ages 13-19 in Brooklyn, NY through a peer-to-
peer prgoram, a tutoring program, and a college freshmen
retention program. Additionally, funding will support a "Get
Your Mind Right" event to provide high school students with
school supplies.
Local Gonzalez Redhawk Indian Arts Council 133712843 $5,000 DCLA
To support Students Day at the 20th annual New York City
Native American Heritage Celebration, hosting public school
students from across New York City,to participate in Native
America dance, music and history.
Local Mealy Reel Stories Teen Filmmaking Inc. 200936377 * $12,000 DCLA
To support the Reel Works in Schools' film programs for
youth in school in the 41st Council District.
Local Koslowitz Reform Temple of Forest Hills, The 111808223 $10,000 DYCD
Funding is for Horizons senior programming; special events
for the public on weekends with speakers and educational
programs for youth after school.
Local Eugene
Reformed Protestant Dutch Church Of The Town Of
Flatbrush Kings County 111761497 * $4,000 DYCD
To support the Bread for the Journey food program. The
program serves two hot lunches per week.
Local Gentile Regina Opera Company, Inc. 112734261 $2,000 DCLA
To support operatic performances for the public, including 1-
hour concerts at branches of the Brooklyn Public Library, at
cultural festivals and parks, and fully staged operas. Funds
will support the costs of the production and related
Local Gonzalez Regina Opera Company, Inc. 112734261 $3,500 DCLA
To present fully-staged operatic masterpieces at affordable
ticket prices, train young professional musical artists, and to
introduce young audiences to opera and classical music. The
funding will support costs associated with the production,
salaries and operation expenses.
Local Chin Regional Plan Association 131624154 $5,000 DCLA
Funds will help support the GIA 10th annual Family Festival
featuring free maritime-themed interactive arts educational
programming. Activities will include games using GIAs large-
scale moveable harbor map, arts, crafts and theatrical
p. 221 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Koslowitz Rego Park Jewish Center 111672786 * $11,500 DFTA
Funds will be used to engage speakers for lectures, to hire
speakers to discuss maintenance and quality of life for
seniors and caregivers, entertainers for concerts, buses for
day trips, nutritionists for meals and to provide meeting
spaces for self-improvement groups.
Local BLAC, Fidler CC
Research Foundation CUNY on behalf of the Center for
Law and Social Justice 131988190 $15,000 CUNY
To provide FREE legal services to immigrant residents in NYC
who want to apply for legalization (Green Card or
naturalization for US Citizenship). CLSJ provides expert
services by immigration attorneys in English and Spanish.
Local Eugene
Research Foundation CUNY on behalf of the Center for
Law and Social Justice 131988190 $20,000 CUNY
To support voter education training at colleges, community
based organizations, and faith based organizations and
distribute voter education literature to educate the public on
the correct way to cast ballots and avoid mistakes.
Local Palma
Research Foundation CUNY on behalf of the Center for
Law and Social Justice 131988190 $10,000 CUNY
To provide free immigration legal services at six full-time
centers, two part-time service centers and Council District
Local Eugene
Research Foundation of State University of New York,
The 141368361 * $4,000 DOHMH
To provide bilingual education and training to caregivers,
home attendants, volunteers, lay persons, and professionals
in the community to provide better care for individuals with
neurological disorders. Also to hire a part time psychiatrist to
provide assessment, treatment and care to patients.
Local Recchia CC
Research Foundation of the City University of New
York 131988190 $45,000 CUNY
To fund Lighthouse Alcohol and Substance Abuse Prevention
Program out of Kingsborough Community College.
Local Koo
Research Foundation of the City University of New
York 131988190 $4,000 CUNY
Funds will be used to provide free immigration legal services
to all New Yorkers at six full-time and two part-time service
centers located in all five boroughs.
Local Vann
Research Foundation of the City University of New
York 131988190 $5,000 CUNY
To enhance the Election Protection program, which targets
Central Brooklyn to conduct community voter education
trainings at local community meetings, adult education
programs and colleges, and at CBOs and faith-based
Local Vann
Research Foundation of the City University of New
York 131988190 $10,000 CUNY
To provide operational and program funding for literary and
educational programs.
Local Mealy Reshaping Our Youth and Adult Lives, Inc. 261470495 $5,000 DYCD
To provide math and language arts workshops to prepare
candidates for the Health and Hospital Corporation's LPN
Ladder Scholarship program.
Local Gonzalez Resource Training Center, The 113411856 $10,000 DOHMH
To support an outpatient chemical dependency program in
reaching densely substance abuse populated areas in
Local Jackson Resources for Children with Special Needs, Inc. 112594790 $3,500 DYCD
Funds will support parent workshops to educate parents on
issues critical to parents of children and young adults with
special needs.
Local Dickens Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Towers 133794337 * $3,500 NYCHA
To provide tenants with schools supplies, health care
information, and activities for the children.
p. 222 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Gentile Rhapsody Players, Inc. 262200571 * $3,500 DCLA
For concerts (musicians, equipment, storage, sound
equipment, music charts etc and to keep ticket prices
affordable to community. THIS YEAR on Feb 9th we raised
several thousand dollars for St Patrick School and will
perform on Feb 23rd for a Memorial Concert to help fund
Relief Effort/Rebuilding in Staten Island, In May we perform a
Fundraiser for St John Episcopal Church, June 1st we will raise
funds for OLPH school,we will perform in our annual
Fundraiser at OLG church,in Fall we will perform at Dynamite
Youth Center to raise funds. We are in the process of
scheduling additional concerts at other local venues in our
Local Oddo Richmond Choral Society 132921818 $3,500 DYCD Funds will support RCSs spring 2014 concert.
Local Recchia Richmond Choral Society 132921818 * $3,000 DYCD
To support a performance of the Brahms Requiem for the
community, including costs for musicians and other program
Local Oddo
Richmond County Board of Advocates for Mental
Health 271115602 $3,000 DOHMH
Funds will support South Beach Psychiatric Center's ''Caf
Beach'' which serves low cost or free lunches to patients
while providing supportive employment and training in food
service to people with psychiatric disabilitities.
Local Oddo
Richmond County St. Patrick's Day Parade Committee,
Inc. 133755987 * $3,500 DYCD Funds will be used to operate the St. Patrick's Parade.
Local Oddo Richmond Engine Company No. 1 132943389 $5,000 FDNY
Funds will support fire house repair and fire engine
Local Ulrich Richmond Hill Business Improvement District 271343334 * $3,500 DYCD
Funding used to support a group that advocates for proper
garbage services and facilities. This group working to
establish a partnership with businesses and Councilmembers
to increase trash receptacles, focus on replanting damaged
trees, and to create a design for planters and benches to be
implemented in the Richmond Hill area.
Local Wills Richmond Hill Business Improvement District 271343334 * $4,000 DYCD
To enhance the physical characteristics of the Liberty Avenue
retail corridor. Funds are to be utilized by the Richmond Hill
EDC in providing decorative and festival lights, re-planting
damaged trees, and designing and installing new planters and
benches in the business district.
Local Koslowitz Richmond Hill East Business Persons Corporation 113106721 * $5,000 DSBS
Funds to support bi-monthly meetingd of the organization
and support the Night Out Against Crime including providing
entertainment for the children.
Local Recchia Ridge Chorale Inc 116264993 * $5,000.00 DYCD
Ridge Chorale produces 2 -3 theatrical prodcutions per year
and the funds from this grant will go to offset the operating
costs for these production, i.e. lighting and sound rental,
scenery, promotion, etc.
Boro Dilan
Delegation Ridgewood Bushwick Senior Citizens Council, Inc. 112453853 $16,875 DYCD
Funds will support a legal assistance program for tenants
facing homelessness due to substandard housing conditions,
evictions, and/or issues related to neighborhood
gentrification. The program provides free legal
representation, community and tenant organizing, and
assistance with public benefits.
p. 223 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Dilan Ridgewood Bushwick Senior Citizens Council, Inc. 112453853 $30,000 DYCD
To operate a lead paint prevention and education program
including placement of families in the agencys interim lead
safe house.
Local Dilan Ridgewood Bushwick Senior Citizens Council, Inc. 112453853 $125,000 DYCD To support legal services program.
Local Crowley Ridgewood Local Development Corporation 112483351 * $10,000 DSBS
To support economic development/community improvement
programs in Ridgewood Glendale including management of
the Myrtle Ave BIDs programs and services, industrial
outreach, and a youth/farmers market with GROWNYC.
Local Reyna Ridgewood Local Development Corporation 112483351 * $10,000 DSBS
Funds will support economic development and Community
Improvement programs in Ridgewood, Glendale including the
Myrtle Ave BID.
Local Crowley Ridgewood Older Adult Center and Services, Inc. 050607283 $10,000 DFTA
To support health and fitness, arts and computer class and
art classes and other programs and activities for seniors.
Local Crowley Ridgewood Volunteer Ambulance Corp., Inc. 237405104 $2,500 FDNY
To support the operations of the Ridgewood Volunteer
Amulance Corp, and maintenance and fuel costs. Greater Ridgewood Youth Council, Inc. 112518141
Local Reyna Ridgewood Volunteer Ambulance Corp., Inc. 237405104 $3,500 FDNY
Funds will provide general support to the volunteer
ambulance corp, including ambulance maintenance.
Local Mendez Right Rides for Womens Safety Inc. 841668109 $3,500 DYCD
Funds support a program to provide late night rides to
women, and LGBTQ persons and general administrative and
operating supplies and costs.
Boro Wills River Fund New York Inc., The 113450363 $5,000 DYCD
To expand The River Fund's programs within their four main
prongs of operation: food/nutritional support, financial
empowerment, childrens initiatives, and benefits access.
Local King Riverbay Fund 133062776 * $5,000 DYCD
To produce five free concerts for the residents of Co-op City.
The funds will be used to pay for the live bands.
Local Koppell CC Riverdale Community Center, Inc. 132899410 $30,000 DYCD
Free comprehensive out-of-school time programs which offer
a wide variety of academic, remedial, social, cultural and
recreational opportunities for under-served, urban youth in
the Bronx.
Local Koppell Riverdale Mental Health Association, Inc. 131930700 $40,000 DOHMH
To provide for on-site mental helath consultation to local
schools and a pre-school program in the Northwest Bronx.
The target population is pre-school, elementary, middle and
high schools.
Local Dickens Riverside Church In The City Of New York 131624157 $5,000 DYCD
To support the Friday Night Live program in providing a
weekly programmatic activity for at-risk youth.
Delegation Riverside Language Program, Inc. 133280364 $3,500 DYCD
To provide free intensive English for Speakers of Other
Languages (ESOL) classes, funds will be used to pay a full-time
instructor of the free intensive short-term classes who has at
minimum a Masters degree in Teaching English to Speakers
of Other Languages (TESOL), Applied Linguistics or related
Local Oddo Riverside Opera Company, Inc. 133966800 $3,000 DYCD Funds will support several opera performances.
Local Brewer Riverside Symphony, Inc. 133168350 $3,000 DCLA
To support educational and musical programming for
p. 224 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Quinn Riverside Symphony, Inc. 133168350 $3,000 DCLA
To expose children to music through the Music Memory
Program, where students have the opportunity for creative
and structured movement, singing, and performing on
rhythm and melody instruments while listening to music.
Local Richards Rockaway Development and Revitalization Corporation 112575794 * $100,000 DSBS
Funds to be used for: 1.To maintain a space dedicated to the
Technology Learning Center. 2. lead staff salary 3. to continue
working with WeDesign, WeBuild, an urban planning and
landscape architectural firm that has developed the Far
Rockaway Master Redesign Plan. 4. To continue developing
smaller, community-based grow capacity via fund
development, board development, placed-based training
Local Ulrich Rockaway Point Volunteer Emergency Services, Inc. 112665405 $5,000 FDNY
Funding will support repairs of damage to the volunteer
ambulance organizations headquarters caused by hurricane
Sandy and ongoing operating expenses.
Local Ulrich Rockaway Theatre Company, Inc. 113505908 $10,000 DCLA
Funds to support educational offerings including: weekly
theater workshops for youngsters, evening and weekend
adult workshops in acting, music, dance, stage management,
set design, theatre history and theatrical productions for the
2013 - 14 theater season.
Local Vallone Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors 133615533 * $7,500 DYCD
Funds will be used to implement a Summer Learning Loss
Prevention program for children in Grades K-5 at PS 171Q
and PS 17Q in Astoria, Queens, and specifically to pay part of
the school building opening fees.
Local Van Bramer CC Roman Catholic Church of Corpus Christi 111666228 * $10,000 DYCD
RC Church of Corpus Christi/ Corpus Christi Sports Youth
Association is a community based program serving the
children in the Woodside /Jackson heights area. Boys and
girls are taught the fundamentals of basketball. Skills
development is emphasized as well as engaging players in a
teamwork setting. Players are also afforded the opportunity
to play in established basketball leagues primarily in Queens
(CYO, Variety Boys Girls Club).
Local Vallone Roman Catholic Church of Corpus Christi 111666228 $3,000 DYCD
Funds will support the food pantry to help stock its shelves
with nutritious food for over 200 families.
Local Van Bramer Roman Catholic Church of Corpus Christi 111666228 $5,000 DYCD
To supports the RC Church of Corpus Christi/CC Sports Youth
Association, which is a community based program serving the
children in the Woodside/Jackson Heights area. Boys and girls
are taught the fundamentals of basketball. Players are also
afforded the opportunity to play in established basketball
leagues primarily in Queens (CYO Variety BG Club).
Local Koslowitz Ronald McDonald House of Long Island, Inc. 112764747 $4,000 DYCD Funds will support the Ronald McDonald House.
Local Weprin Ronald McDonald House of Long Island, Inc. 112764747 $10,000 DYCD
To provide for utility costs for the Ronald McDonald house of
Long Island, located in Queens.
Boro Gonzalez
Delegation Rooftop Films, Inc. 352323897 * $3,500 DCLA
To support the Rooftop Films 2014 outdoor summer film
Local James Rooftop Films, Inc. 352323897 * $8,000 DCLA
To support the Rooftop Films 2014 outdoor summer film
p. 225 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Lander Rooftop Films, Inc. 352323897 * $3,500 DCLA To support Rooftop Films 2014 Summer Series.
Local Lappin Rooftop Films, Inc. 352323897 * $5,000 DCLA
To support the Rooftop Films 2014 outdoor summer film
Local Lappin Roosevelt Island Historical Society 133018935 * $5,000 DYCD
To support lectures and tours of Roosevelt Island, operation
of the RIHS Visitor Center Kiosk, and for archival research and
other programming for visitors and scholars.
Local Comrie Rosedale Civic Association 237283084 * $3,500 DYCD
To support Rosedale's volunteer civilian patrol, and to fund
seminars and workshop about health, community
development issues, children, youth and senior citizens, and
to distribute a bi-monthly newsletter.
Local Comrie Rosedale Jets Football Association, Inc. 113401835 $5,000 DYCD
To support a youth football camp and provide transportation
for youth to and from camp.
Local Comrie Rosedale Little League Baseball, Inc. 521251209 * $7,500 DYCD
To suppport a youth baseball and softball program, including
funds for equipment, and other program costs.
Local Chin Rosies Theater Kids, Inc. 331194964 * $3,500 DCLA
Funds will support RTKids PS Broadway program by providing
teaching artists to 5th grade classes, a trip to see a Broadway
show and a community performance by students who
otherwise would not have the opportunity to experience
Local Mendez Rosies Theater Kids, Inc. 331194964 * $3,000 DCLA
Funds provide low-income neighborhoods with a professional
theater experience free of charge. This is done through
weekly classroom activities including vocal and physical warm-
ups, rehearsal of songs with choreography, and preparation
for a final performance for the school community.
Local Quinn Rosies Theater Kids, Inc. 331194964 * $6,000 DCLA
To support the RTKids PS Broadway program for fifth grade
students in public elementary schools, providing students in
low-income neighborhoods with a professional theater
experience free of charge.
Local Rodriguez Rosies Theater Kids, Inc. 331194964 * $5,000 DCLA
To support the Broadway program, which provides students
in low-income neighborhoods with a professional theater
experience, private concerts within the school by a guest
Broadway performer, and weekly classroom activities with
teaching artists in dance or music.
Local Levin Roulette Intermedium, Inc. 363046751 * $3,500 DCLA
To support artists and performances of experimental music,
dance, and intermedia performance, as well as to provide
childrens concerts, and to keep subsidies available for
affordable rentals of theater to arts.
Local Quinn Roundabout Theatre Company, Inc 136192346 $5,000 DCLA
To support Roundabouts Theater Education program for
public school students and their teachers, including school-
wide partnerships, after school programming, and a career
development program.
Local Ignizio Roundabout Theatre Company, Inc. 136192346 $4,000 DCLA
To provide public school students and their teachers with
theatre programs; and promote career development in NYC's
cultural community.
Local Lappin Roundabout Theatre Company, Inc. 136192346 * $5,000 DCLA
To support Roundabouts Education program, which teaches
public school students and teachers about theatre
p. 226 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Rodriguez Row New York 113632924 * $5,000 DYCD
To support a youth rowing program, combining rowing with
academic support for public school youth at the Peter Jay
Sharp Boathouse on the Harlem River.
Local Comrie Royal People Group Inc. 274441743 $3,500 DYCD
Funds will help to provide a youth baseball program, to instill
the values of sportsmanship, teamwork and fairplay in the
youth of the community.
Local Quinn Rubin Museum of Art 226799567 $9,000 DCLA
To support senior and youth programs at the museum,
including programs for public school children, embroidery
classes for seniors, Free Senior Days, guided exhibition tours,
film screenings, and Senior Writing Workshops.
Local Williams Rugby Family Services 113223904 * $5,000 DYCD
To support Rugby Family Services Feeding Program which
consists of dinner and Thanksgiving meal for the poor and
Local Quinn Ryan/Chelsea-Clinton Community Health Center, Inc 133911827 $5,000 DOHMH
To support a site subscription to UpToDate, an invaluable
evidence-based electronic clinical resource, allowing
practitioners to expand the Centers capacity and provide
quality medical care to the patients of the Chelsea-Clinton
Local Arroyo S.L.E. Lupus Foundation, Inc., The 133060086 $5,000 DOHMH
To provide eduction on lupus to patents, health care
providers and the public, particularly in areas of high risk
populations, and to provide support services and referrals for
individuals with lupus or signs of lupus.
Local Jackson, Arroyo, Levin CC S.L.E. Lupus Foundation, Inc., The 133060086 * $40,000 DOHMH
Funding will provide Public Awareness, Outreach Education,
Support Services, and Grants to the public and families
dealing with Lupus.
Local Palma S.L.E. Lupus Foundation, Inc., The 133060086 $5,000 DOHMH
To provide education, services and outreach to Lupus
patients, their support networks, the general public, and
healthcare providers with a focus on areas in NYC with large
concentrations of high risk populations.
Local Rivera S.L.E. Lupus Foundation, Inc., The 133060086 $5,000 DOHMH
Funds will support education on Lupus to patients and their
support networks, the general public and healthcare
providers particularly in areas of the City with large
concentrations of at risk populations, as well as support
services, referrals to healthcare providers for benefits and
entitlements and other services
Local Lappin SAC Sutton Area Community, Inc. 133062103 * $4,000 DYCD
To enhance the quality of life in the Sutton area by engaging
seniors and other residents, and businesses and working on
beautification projects and supporting the Taste of Sutton
Local Crowley Sacred Music Choral of Richmond Hill, Inc. 113457320 $2,500 DYCD
To provide chorale music performances for the community of
Queens and the greater metropolitan NY area. Greater Woodhaven Development Corporation 112508190
Local Comrie Safe Space NYC, Inc. 111711014 * $5,000 DYCD
To support "The Space", providing counseling, support,
educational activities, job readiness and college discovery
programs, arts activities, LGBTQ support groups, and access
to other needed services (mental health, substance abuse,
GED classes) for at-risk youth from Council Districts 27 and 24
at the Jamaica Youth Center of Safe Space NYC, Inc..
p. 227 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Reyna Saint's Peter and Paul Parish 111633556 * $3,500 DYCD
Funds will support the kitchen to feed the homeless and
Local Ferreras Sakhi for South Asian Women 133593806 $5,000 DYCD
To provide women who have survived violence with skills
classes and services to gain financial independence, and to
learn English.
Local Recchia Salt and Sea Mission 113012147 * $5,000 DYCD To provide nutritional foods for low income families.
Local Reyna Salvation Army of Greater New York, The 135562351 $5,000 DYCD
Funds will support creative arts, recreation and exercise
programs for youth in the Bushwick community.
Local Crowley Salvatore LaRussa Dance Company, Inc. 320119937 * $5,500 DYCD
To provide creative movement, ballet, and other dance and
drama classes for young children. Maspeth Town Hall, Inc. 237259702
Boro Foster Samaritan Village, Inc. 112635374 $3,500 DOHMH
Funds used for program enhancement: additional exercise
classes, holiday celebrations, evening activities and trips to
cultural events around the city. Funds also used to increase
availability of transportation for seniors.
Local Rivera Samaritan Village, Inc. 112635374 $5,000 DHS
Funds will support a "high tech" career resource room at
Gloria's House, a transitional residence for families, to enable
clients to pursue employment. Funds will also support after
school educational activities for the children who reside there
Local Cabrera Samaritans of New York, Inc. 133164464 * $5,000 DOHMH
To support Samaritan's suicide prevention public education
Local CD19 Samaritans of New York, Inc. 133164464 * $1,500 DOHMH
To support operational costs for the resident association to
buy office supplies, postage, other operating costs and
security cameras for the computer lab.
Local Jackson Samaritans of New York, Inc. 133164464 * $4,000 DOHMH
Fund will support a sucide prevention program providing
training and resourses to those who work with high risk
populations in public schools, CBOs and government
Local Koo Samaritans of New York, Inc. 133164464 * $4,000 DOHMH
Funds are for Samaritans suicide prevention public education
program that provides free professional development
training, information and resources to those who work on the
frontlines (guidance counselors, social workers,
psychologists, alcohol substance abuse counselors, first
responders, etc.) with high-risk youth, family members,
elderly, victims, immigrants, gays and lesbians and other at-
risk populations in Queens public schools, CBOs and
government agencies.
Local Mendez Samaritans of New York, Inc. 133164464 * $3,500 DYCD
Funds used for suicide prevention public education program
that provides free professional development training,
information and resources to those who work on the
frontlines (guidance counselors, social workers,
psychologists, alcohol substance abuse counselors, first
responders, etc.) with high-risk youth, family members,
elderly, victims, immigrants, gays and lesbians and other at-
risk populations in Manhattans public schools, CBOs and
government agencies.
p. 228 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Rivera Samaritans of New York, Inc. 133164464 * $5,000 DOHMH
Funds will support a suicide prevention public education
program with professional development training and
resources to those working with high risk youth, the elderly,
immigrants and other at risk populations in Bronx high
schools, CBOs and government agencies
Local Gennaro Samuel Field YM & YWHA, Inc. 113071518 $10,000 DYCD
The funding will be used to continue a district-wide graffiti
cleaning program in the 24th Council District. The program
will keep Union Turnpike between Francis Lewis Blvd and
Main Street, 164th Street between Union Turnpike and LIE
Service Road, Parsons Blvd between LIE Service Road and
Hillside Ave, Horace Harding Expressway between Main
Street and 188th Street, Hillside Ave between 188th St and
Van Wyck and GCP service Road between Main and 188th
Street graffiti free via monthly graffiti inspections and
Local Weprin Samuel Field YM & YWHA, Inc. 113071518 * $15,000 DFTA
To provide for case management, counseling, entitlement
advocacy, health screenings, health education, home
assessments and visits by professional licensed social
workers, in-home health screenings and monitoring. Also,to
provide transportation for the participants.
Local Weprin Samuel Field YM & YWHA, Inc. 113071518 $15,000 DFTA
To provide home based and clinic based mental health
assessments, treatments,medication, scripting, monitoring
and transportation.
Local Weprin Samuel Field YM & YWHA, Inc. 113071518 $24,000 DFTA
To provide participants with social, recreational, cultural,
educational and health related programs.
Boro Rose Sandy Ground Historical Society, The 133035736 $5,000 DCLA
To preserve and present the history of African Americans in
Sandy Ground, Staten Island and New York City by supporting
the Sandy Hook Historical Society in running the only
museum in Staten Island dedicated to African American
Local Ignizio Sandy Ground Historical Society, The 133035736 * $6,000 DCLA
To promote African-American Historical education by funding
lectures and tours for school groups, seniors and visitors;
portable exhibits and lectures to community, civic, and
religious groups; arts and crafts for children; quilting classes
for young adults and adults, maintaining exhibits on African-
American History; and the presentation of musical heritage at
an annual festival.
Local Oddo Sandy Ground Historical Society, The 133035736 $3,000 DCLA
Funds will support the historical society's progams, and
museum including lectures, tours, arts and crafts, classes,
exhibits and an annual festival.
Boro Foster Sauti Yetu Center for African Women 201209795 $10,500 DYCD
Funds used to purchase two-way radios and uniforms for
individuals on patrol. Funds will also be used to purchase
office supplies and insurance.
Local Palma Sauti Yetu Center for African Women 201209795 * $5,000 DYCD
To provide culturally competent domestic violence services
to African immigrant women.
Local Rose Sauti Yetu Center for African Women 201209795 $5,000 DYCD
To provide African immigrant victims of domestic violence
with culturally sensitive services.
p. 229 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Rose, Women's Caucus, Bronx
Delegation, Dickens, Palma,
BLAC, Dromm, Arroyo, Viverito CC Sauti Yetu Center for African Women and Families LLC 201209795 $25,000 DYCD
To provide culturally and linguistically relevant direct services
to African immigrant families.
Local Recchia, Greenfield CC
SBH Community Service Network, Inc. (Sephardic Bikur
Chomlim) 237406410 * $200,000 DFTA
To provide case assistance services for older adults, ages sixty
years and above. SBH workers help senior citizen applicants
navigate the system of obtaining government entitlements,
such as public assistance, Section 8, the Senior Citizen Rent
Increase Exemption, etc. Staff spends a good deal of time
counseling clients on Medicare choices, Part D coverage and
in navigating Medicare systems.
Local Dickens, Viverito CC Schomburg Center in Black Culture 131887440 $30,000 CUNY
Weekend and school-age programming for children of
students parents. We provide early and education
programming for the children of college students. The
purpose of the BMCC Early Childhood Center is to provide
quality childcare to benefit the child, the parent, and the
Local Brewer School of American Ballet, Inc. 131275970 $3,000 DCLA
City Council funding would support SABs Community
Outreach Program, which annually introduces NYC children
and families to ballet through free events in historically
underserved communities of the Bronx, Brooklyn, Chinatown,
Harlem, and Queens. Activities include free neighborhood-
based educational ballet performances and community
auditions, and scholarships to allow NYC children to attend
SABs world-renowned training.
Local Ulrich CC School Sisters of Notre Dame Educational Center 651217975 * $25,000 DYCD
Funding will be used for the rental space for the school,
telephone and internet and insurance.
Local Crowley School Sisters of Notre Dame Educational Center 651217975 * $2,500 DYCD
To provide GED preparation. ESL, job preparation, and basic
computer skills for women. Greater Woodhaven Development Corporation 112508190
Local Ulrich School Sisters of Notre Dame Educational Center 651217975 * $10,000 DYCD
Funding pays to support programs for underserved women in
Queens including ESL, GED, job preparation and computer
Local Gonzalez SCO Center for Family Life Sunset Park 112777066 * $7,500 DSBS
To support the Adult Employment Program (AEP), providing
employment preparation and placement services, ESL classes,
and financial literacy instruction.
Local Ferreras SCO Family of Services 112777066 * $5,000 ACS
To provide a weekly music appreciation class at the early
child care and education center.
Local Vann SCO Family of Services 112777066 $10,000 DYCD
To provide stimulus materials (books and toys) for the Parent-
Child Home Program.
Local Oddo Seamen's Society for Children and Families 135563010 $2,000 DYCD
Funds will support Seamens Child Witness to Domestic
Violence Program which provides psychological services to
children who have witnessed domestic violence.
Boro Eugene
Delegation Seaside Summer Concert Series, Inc. 112561538 * $4,225 DYCD
Funds will support a summer concert series and pay for
performers fees and production costs.
Gentile, Fidler, Brooklyn
Delegation CC Seaside Summer Concert Series, Inc. 112561538 * $275,000 DYCD Funding will defray artist fees and production costs.
Local Nelson Seaside Summer Concert Series, Inc. 112561538 * $10,000 DYCD
To pay performers' fees and production costs for the Seaside
Summer Concert Series.
p. 230 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Quinn Second Stage Theatre, Inc. 133021180 $5,000 DCLA
To support Free Student Matinees to teach students about
professionally produced theatre. The program serves
approximately 20 schools per year and includes a study guide,
an opporutnity to attend a performance, and discussions with
the artistic staff, actors, playwrights and directors.
Local Koslowitz Selfhelp Community Services, Inc. 131624178 $9,750 DFTA
Funds will support programs and services including security,
art classes, ESL classes, exercise classes and educational and
recreational programs.
Local Van Bramer Selfhelp Community Services, Inc. 131624178 * $10,000 DFTA
To support the Personal Emergency Response Systems (PERS)
(3000) and Transportation for elderly residents of a naturally
occurring retirement community. Funding will ensure that
elderly and disabled residents who otherwise could not
afford PERS, will be able to summon help in the event of an
emergency at home.
Local Weprin Selfhelp Community Services, Inc. 131624178 * $25,000 DFTA
To provide for expanding the senior program to 3 days per
week and offering a variety of educational, recreational, and
health promotion programs.
Boro Oddo
Self-Help for Women with Breast or Ovarian Cancer
(SHARE, Inc.) 133131914 $3,500 DOHMH
Funds will be used to support SHAREs helplines, webinars,
educational programs, support groups, and public health
initiatives serving women with breast and ovarian cancer.
Local Rivera
Self-Help for Women with Breast or Ovarian Cancer
(SHARE, Inc.) 133131914 $5,000 DOHMH
Funding will support services for women with breast or
ovarian cancer including educational support groups,
helplines and public health initiatives
Local Recchia, Greenfield CC Sephardic Community Youth Center, Inc. 112567809 * $235,000 DFTA
To provide services to seniors both the well and frail at our
center. The programs include, social, recreational and
physical in nature. The funds received in addition to paying
for the countless outside services, also are used to pay for
our social service director, senior adult coordinator,
instructors, and facilitators in order to operate a smooth and
ecient program.
The grant is used to fund the following programs and
Afternoon Out: A program for people with Alzheimers
disease and related memory loss. Caregivers group and
bereaved mother group. Wellness seminars.
Weekly trips and tours. Complete utilization of our facilitys
pool and fitness center. Educational, health, recreational and
wellness programs. These ongoing programs included yoga,
Local Recchia Sephardic Heritage Museum, Inc. 203249437 * $10,000 DCLA
To support the historical and archival work of the museum
through support to produce a documentary film, exhibits and
other events for the public.
Local Recchia Sephardic Home for the Aged, Inc. 111694718 * $6,000 DFTA To purchase equipment for the home for seniors.
Local Recchia September 11th Family Group 710899005 * $4,000 DYCD
To support commemorative ceremonies and events to honor
the victims of September 11th, and to maintain the Memorial
Square in Brooklyns Asser Levy Park.
p. 231 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Boro Ignizio Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE) 133541647 * $5,000 DSBS
To promote small business success by providing counseling,
workshops, and seminars. Funds will be used for costs
associated with the workshops and seminars.
Local Oddo Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE) 133541647 * $3,000 DSBS
Funds will support provision of professional guidance and
information to small businesses including workshops and
seminars and for promotional and operational expenses of
the organization.
Local Rose Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE) 133541647 * $5,500 DSBS
To provide counseling, workshops, and seminars to support
small businesses.
Local Palma Service Fund Of The National Organization For Women 133083202 * $5,000 DYCD
To provide free legal services for women, including support
for a Divorce and Separation Legal Clinic, Employment
Discrimination Legal Clinic, Divorce Financial Clinic, and a free
call-in HELPLINE.
Local Vacca Services and Advocacy for GLBT Elders, Inc. (SAGE) 132947657 $3,500 DFTA
To provide funding for the SAGE Center to support LGBT
elders with programs including employment assistance,
benefits counseling, legal and financial planning, educational
offerings, robust health, congregate meals and wellness
Local Comrie Services Now for Adult Persons (SNAP, Inc.) 112591783 $5,000 DFTA
To provide a range of services to support senior citizens in
Local Weprin Services Now for Adult Persons (SNAP, Inc.) 112591783 $30,000 DFTA
To provide for case management, Meals on Wheels,
transportation, caregiver services, and senior center services.
Local Brooklyn Delegation, Williams CC Sesame Flyers International Inc 112692485 * $25,000 DYCD
Program funding will support Sports and Culture Days hosted
by Sesame Flyers International that provide youth an
opportunity to experience Caribbean culture through various
leadership activities and presentations. These events
promote teamwork, physical fitness, self confidence and
emotional well being.
Boro Williams
Delegation Sesame Flyers International, Inc. 112692485 $4,219 DYCD Pending
Local Williams Sesame Flyers International, Inc. 112692485 $15,000 DYCD
To support the the Sports and Culture Days event that
provides an opportunity to experience Caribbean culture with
steelpan performances and African Caribbean dance.
Local Comrie SEVA Immigrant Community Advocacy Project, Inc. 208013346 * $3,500 DYCD
To support The New Citizen program; an Adult Literacy
program which focus on the substantive areas of Citizenship
Exam preparation, and civic participation.
Local Wills SEVA Immigrant Community Advocacy Project, Inc. 208013346 * $5,000 DYCD
To support the New Citizen Program, which is organized into
a five month long Adult Literacy program focused on the
substantive areas of citizenship exam preparation and civic
Local Garodnick
Seventh Regiment Armory Conservancy, Inc. d/b/a.
Park Avenue Armory 134086800 $3,500 DCLA
Funding will support the Seventh Regiment Armory's ongoing
neighborhood beautification and maintenance program in
collaboration with the Doe Fund.
p. 232 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Fidler Shalom Task Force, Inc. 113207504 $4,000 DYCD
To support a domestic violence hotline and help families who
suffered from domestic abuse with counseling, financial
assistance and other services. Program targets Orthodox and
immigrant Jewish victims of domestic violence.
Local Gennaro Shalom Task Force, Inc. 113207504 $3,500 DYCD
Funds used for STF Domestic Violence Hotline, which offers
an anonymous first response to Orthodox and immigrant
Jewish victims of domestic violence. STFs trained hotline
advocates answer calls, assess victims general needs, provide
crisis counseling, develop safety plans with victims, and refer
clients for appropriate services, including counseling, legal
services, shelter, financial assistance, social services, police
and rabbinical consultation. The requested funds will be
utilized for the following purposes: 1) Telephone and
internet access for the hotline, 3) Outreach and advertising to
victims; 3) Liability and general insurance; 4) Training
Local Comrie Sheba USA, Inc. 113410174 $3,500 DYCD
To support a Youth Lead Youth program to provide support
for youth and their families from Bangladesh.
Local Dromm Sheba USA, Inc. 113410174 $3,500 DYCD
To provide ESL and CIVICS classes to prepare immigrants for
Local Greenfield Shema Kolainu - Hear Our Voices 113503085 * $6,000 DOHMH
To support program to improve speech and language skills in
children with autism through the use of art, music and
Local Lander Shmira Civilian Volunteer Patrol of Boro Park, Inc. 113260405 * $7,500 DYCD
To support operational expenses, including two-way radios,
uniforms and other supplies to assist in providing safety and
security services for the community.
Local Levin Shmira Volunteer Patrol Corp 112719958 * $23,500 DYCD
Funds will also be used to pay for the exclusive phone line
used by the hot-line and to provide lectures and public
Local Gentile Shore Road Parks Conservancy Corporation 274519798 * $5,500 DPR
To maintain and beautify the parkland and waterfront of Bay
Ridge. The funds will be used towards plants, mulch, garden
supplies and tools, and other supplies as needed.
Local Nelson Shorefront YM YWHA 113070228 $5,000 DYCD
To develop a theater group for children and teens with
special needs, targeting young people affected by Hurricane
Local Koslowitz Shows From The Heart Inc. 113590666 $5,000 DYCD
Funds will support the Shows From the Heart's unit which
provides musical entertainment and performances for
Local Levin Shrine Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel 111681130 * $3,500 DYCD
To purchase food for the food pantry, which distributes food
once a month, to support the daily lunch program for the
Local Quinn Signature Theatre Company, Inc. 133641560 $5,000 DCLA
To support Signature's 2013/14 Season at The Pershing
Square Signature Center and the founding Playwright-in-
Residence program.
p. 233 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Viverito Sinergia 133183344 * $5,500 DOHMH
To provide services to individuals who have developmental
disabilities and their families, including support training in
social services and more complex skills training to help
disabled children learn to live and work in their community.
Local CC Sloan-Kettering Institute for Cancer Research 131624182 * $40,000 DOHMH
The Food to Overcome Outcome Disparities (FOOD Program
is to create a medically-tailored food pantry specifically
designed to address the nutritional needs of food insecure
cancer patients,and to pilot a program entitled Food
Vouchers for Health. Funds will be used to open food
pantries at Queens Cancer Center and NY Hospital of Queens,
which will be culturally tailored to the needs of South Asian,
Chinese and Latino populations.
Local Levin Smack Mellon Studios, Inc. 113375393 $3,500 DCLA
To nurture and support emerging, under-recognized mid-
career and women artists in the creation and exhibition of
new work, by providing exhibition opportunities, studio
workspace, and access to equipment and technical assistance
for the realization of ambitious projects.
Local Chin Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian 530206027 $3,500 DCLA
Funds will support the Circle of Dance, a museum series to
explore the diversity of Native dance, mixing traditional forms
with contemporary innovations. Programming will include
music and dance performances by Native American artists as
well as interactive workshops.
Local Rose Snug Harbor Cultural Center and Botanical Garden 800193388 * $3,500 DYCD
To promote NYC-based non-profit organizations and
individual artists through programming that including
technical assistance, space for performances and other
Delegation Society of the Educational Arts, Inc. 113210593 * $3,612 DCLA
Funding will expand the ongoing tour of childrens theater in
Spanish in NYC through the Theater in Education Program.
Local Gonzalez Society of the Educational Arts, Inc. 113210593 * $3,500 DCLA
To provide Spanish children's theater programs at TEATRO
SEA, through a touring/outreach program in public places,
and in a Theater-in-Education program in schools in Council
District 38.
Local Rivera Society of the Educational Arts, Inc. 113210593 * $10,000 DCLA
Funds will support a Dropout Prevention Program combining
a school performance dealing with the topic of dropouts with
workshops and informational resources and fairs
Local Rivera Society of the Educational Arts, Inc. 113210593 * $10,000 DCLA
Funds will support theater programs including a
touring/outreach program bringing theater to public spaces
in the community and a Theater-in-Education program
providing an in-school performance with a workshop and
teacher resource guide
Local Arroyo Society of the Educational Arts, Inc. (SEA) 113210593 * $5,000 DCLA
To support a Latino Arts and Culture festival, BORIMIX:
Puerto Rico Fest, celebrating Puerto Rican heritage, arts and
culture, including visual arts exhibits, theater, poetry, music,
events for children, film and a roundtable series surrounding
issues concerning Latinos in the arts in NYC.
p. 234 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Chin Society of the Educational Arts, Inc. (SEA) 113210593 * $5,000 DCLA Funding will support a theater touring educational program.
Local Mendez Society of the Educational Arts, Inc. (SEA) 113210593 * $3,000 DCLA
Funding will support theater programs that bring
performances to community spaces as well as in-school
theater performances and activities.
Local Palma Society of the Educational Arts, Inc. (SEA) 113210593 * $10,000 DCLA
To support a Theater-in-Education Program and
performances at either the home theater, TEATRO SEA, or
through the touring/outreach program.
Local Van Bramer Socrates Sculpture Park, Inc. 113066597 $5,000 DCLA
To support the 15th Anniversary of our Outdoor Cinema
Series - a free annual festival of international film, music,
dance and food. Support will pay for film licenses; performer
stipends; equipment rental; and partial salary for Events
Local Chin Soho Repertory Theatre Inc. 132885288 $3,500 DCLA
Funding to support Soho Reps 99 Sundays, where on select
Sundays throughout the Mainstage season every seat in the
theater costs only 99 cents.
Local Weprin Sol Zim Jewish Enrichment Music Foundation, Inc., The 113631951 $5,000 DCLA
To provide for rehearsals, concerts and light meals and
snacks for the JEM Youth Choir.
Local Koslowitz Songs of Love Foundation 113314191 * $2,500 DYCD
To support youth centered programming designed to
heighten crime and drug prevention awareness through the
annual Night Out Against Crime event.
Local Dickens Songs of Solomon: An Inspirational Ensemble, Inc. 134195889 * $3,500 DYCD
To support a Summer Music Bootcamp at Howard University
for two weeks of collegiate level music study, and
participation in the Thomas Dorsey National Covention of
Gospel Choirs and Choruses.
Local Barron Soul Tigers Marching Band, Inc. 110615740 * $9,600 DYCD
Funding will support : 1. Marching Band ; 2. Guitar Lessons ;
3. Chorus; 4. Drill Team; and 5. Sports program that includes
Lacrosse, Wrestling, and Fencing. Funds will be used to
purchase equipment and provide qualified instructors.
Local Dilan Soul Tigers Marching Band, Inc. 110615740 * $15,000 DYCD
Funds will pay for new equipment and qualified instructors
for a marching band, guitar lessons, a chorus, a drill team,
and lacrosse, wrestling, and fencing programs.
Local Dromm South Asian Council for Social Services 113632920 * $3,500 DYCD
To support The Parent Engagement Program (PEP), a series of
workshops offered in multiple languages to assist parents of
9th, 10th, and 11th graders in guiding their children to high
school graduation and college enrollment.
Local Koo South Asian Council for Social Services 113632920 * $6,000 DYCD
Funding will support ESOL and basic computer literacy
classes, to assist clients access public assistance, health care,
and other benefits, and to make presentations on the health
care reform law to the community.
Local Weprin South Asian Council for Social Services 113632920 * $5,000 DYCD To provide for ESOL and basic computer literacy classes.
Local Van Bramer, Lander, Ulrich CC South Asian Youth Action 133943630 $20,000 DYCD
Funding will support the following programs: Academic
Support, Leadership Development, Sports and Wellness ,
Artistic Expression, Social and Emotional Support to youth.
p. 235 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Van Bramer South Asian Youth Action 133943630 $5,000 DYCD
To support the college and career readiness program and
encourage young people to develop healthy relationships.
Boro Rose South Beach Civic Association Inc. 710916558 $3,500 DYCD
To support the Information Services Program, providing
outreach and education to the community on services and
issues of concern to the community.
Local Recchia South Beach Civic Association Inc. 710916558 * $5,000 DYCD
To support the Information Services Program, providing
outreach and education to the community on services and
issues of concern to the community.
Local Oddo South Beach Houses Tenants Association 136400434 * $2,000 NYCHA Funds will help support Family Day Event.
Local Arroyo South Bronx Concerned Citizens, Inc. 582435828 * $12,500 DYCD
To support an Anti-Violence Initiative, a Youth Enrichment
Project, and a volunteer and internship initiative, The Guild.
The Anti-Violence Initiative provides anger management,
parenting skills, and programs for male batterers. The Youth
Enrichment Projects provides school age programs, and the
Guild offers work experience and mentoring. Funds will
support these programs.
Local Arroyo
South Bronx Overall Economic Development
Corporation 132736022 * $10,000 DYCD
To support SoBROs 16th Annual Bronx Business
Opportunities Expo.
Local CC South Brooklyn Youth Consortium, Inc. 030387372 * $30,000 DYCD
The funds will be used to pay rent, utilities, and purchase
supplies and materials which are needed to run a high quality
STEM after school and summer learning academy, as well as
to pay for admissions and travel to science learning
Local Recchia
South Brooklyn Youth Consortium, Inc.- South
Brooklyn Youth NORC 030387372 * $25,000 DFTA
To support a STEM after school and summer learning
academy targeting special needs students in middle school,
and to visit science learning destinations.
Local James South of the Navy Yard Artists, Inc. 421541443 $3,500 DCLA
To support an annual art exhibition, including costs for
advertising, promotion, marketing, website design services,
postcards, posters for businesses, balloons, sandwich boards
and inserts, maps, and interns to assist in the program.
Local Queens Delegation, Ulrich CC South Queens Boys and Girls Club, Inc. 111966067 * $60,000 DYCD
The SQBGC after-school and summer program serves youth
ages 6-18. Services include homework help and tutoring,
technology, social recreation, sports and athletics and youth
development. We also offer specialized programs in martial
arts, film club, robotics, SAT and College prep, as well as fine
and performing arts.
Local Comrie South Queens Boys and Girls Club, Inc. 111966067 * $3,500 DYCD
To support after-school and summer programs including
homework help and tutoring, technology, performing arts,
recreation, sports and athletics, martial arts, film club,
robotics, SAT and College Prep.
Local Recchia South Shore Little League 133684372 * $5,000 DYCD PENDING
Local Comrie Southern Queens Park Association, Inc. 112432846 * $10,000 DYCD
To support youth development, preventive services for
families in need, senior programming and family friendly
cultural activities.
Local Levin Southside Community Mission, Inc. 112306447 * $5,000 DYCD
To provide seniors, families and individuals with a wide range
of social services including assistance with entitlements,
benefits, housing applications, translations, counseling etc.
p. 236 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Reyna Southside Community Mission, Inc. 112306447 * $15,000 DYCD
Funds will support social service programs including benefit
assistance and housing applications.
Local Reyna CC Southside United HDFC 112268359 * $50,000 HPD
Funds will be used to support and expand several of our
programs: 1) Hydroponic Farm and Food Pantry; 2) Senior
Wellness Program at our Senior Center; 3) Community
Organizing to continue assisting in tenant organizing and
housing advocacy; 4) Greening Initiative; 5) Office Equipment.
Local Gonzalez
Southwest Brooklyn Industrial Development
Corporation 112508370 * $4,000 DSBS
To assist the Red Hook community in recovering from
Hurricane Sandy, working with businesses to access funds to
rebuild, providing businesses with technical assistance to
reopen, hosting community events and supporting
community enhancements to attract visitors to the area.
Local Gonzalez
Southwest Brooklyn Industrial Development
Corporation 112508370 * $12,000 DYCD
To screen job ready constituents in Sunset Park and Red
Hook and make matches with local SBIDC businesses. SBIDC
will organize and publicize monthly co-branded screenings for
one year in SBIDCs Sunset Park office.
Local Quinn Spanish Dance Arts Company, Inc. 133286419 $3,000 DCLA
To support the Flamenco Vivo Carlota Santanas arts in
education program, Project Ol, teaching students flamenco
dance and music. Funds will support programs at Jacqueline
Kennedy Onassis HS (JKO) and PS 111 in Council District 3.
Local Arroyo Spanish Theatre Repertory Company, Ltd. 132672755 $5,000 DCLA
To present Spanish language theatre productions. Funding
will cover tickets subsidies for NYC public schools students
and Senior Citizens.
Local Quinn Spanish Theatre Repertory Company, Ltd. 132672755 $3,000 DCLA
To provide ticket subsidies for NYC public school students and
senior citizens, help maintain lower prices for schools and
provide free tickets to teachers and chaperones as well as
provide outreach including tours to schools and in-class
Local Oddo Special Needs Lifeline Corp. 274297533 * $3,500 DYCD
Funding will enhance the website with a map that links
schools, therapists, theaters, and also events run by SNLL.
Funds will also support theaterical events that create an
interactive performance for the special needs adults and
children and will support administrative costs.
Local Comrie Sports and Arts in Schools Foundation, Inc. 113112635 $5,000 DYCD
To provide summer and/or after-school programming,
serving the youth of the district.
Local Oddo Sports and Arts in Schools Foundation, Inc. 113112635 $5,000 DYCD
Funds shall be used to extend and enrich Sports and Arts in
Schools Foundation summer and/or after-school
programming, serving the youth of the district.
Local Recchia Sports and Arts in Schools Foundation, Inc. 113112635 * $4,000 DYCD
To provide for the Sports and Arts in Schools Foundation
summer and after school program in Council District 47.
Local Rivera Sports and Arts in Schools Foundation, Inc. 113112635 $5,000 DYCD
Funds will support Sports and Arts in Schools summer and/or
after school programs for youth
p. 237 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Rose Sports and Arts in Schools Foundation, Inc. 113112635 $5,000 DYCD
To support SASF summer and after-school programming,
including academic enrichment, health and wellness
programming, and other programs to encourage positive
attitudes towards school, and self-confidence.
Local Williams Sports and Arts in Schools Foundation, Inc. 113112635 $7,000 DYCD To support summer and after-school programs.
Local Comrie Springfield Rifles & Riflettes Youth Sports Inc. 237269660 $9,500 DYCD
To support youth football, basketball, cheerleading programs,
and to fund equipment, uniforms and other program
Local Quinn St Luke's Chamber Ensemble 510201839 $3,000 DCLA
To support arts education programs, including a string
coaching program in partnership with PS51 and PS111.
Local Dickens
St Lukes-Roosevelt Hospital Center Center for
Comprehensive Care 132997301 $5,000 DOHMH
To support the Young Adult Program (YAP), which helps HIV
positive young people age 13-24.
Local Palma, Arroyo CC St Vincent de Paul Residence 133598842 * $100,000 DFTA
Funds to provide regular massage therapy, music therapy,
acupuncture, aromatherapy services and recreation trips for
seniors permanently diplaced from the Rockaways in the
wake of Hurricane Sandy.
Boro Wills St. Albans Congregational Church 112077266 * $7,857 DYCD Pending
Local Comrie St. Albans Multipurpose Community Center, Inc. 113137355 * $12,286 DYCD
To establish the St. Albans Youth Leadership Academy (YLA),
an e-learning curriculum that helps youth develop skills to
become productive, achievement-oriented leaders.
Local Comrie St. Albans/Jamaica Little League 800103495 * $9,500 DYCD
To support a youth baseball program, and purchase baseball
equipment, uniforms and other supplies.
Local Dickens St. Aloysius Education Clinic 133415339 * $5,000 DYCD
To provide high school and college students with stipends
and job ready skills while they tutor young children in the
Local Palma St. Ann's Corner of Harm Reduction 133724008 * $7,000 DOHMH
To support Harm Reduction programs and services that
alleviate risks for HIV, Hepatitis, and sexually transmitted
infections through the provision of education, primary
prevention resources, acupuncture, breakfast, hot lunch,
support/affinity groups, social/recreational opportunities,
daily showers and clothing.
Local Viverito St. Ann's Corner of Harm Reduction 133724008 * $5,000 DOHMH
To provide public health-oriented services to the community
including meals, health services and prevention services.
Local Levin St. Ann's Warehouse, Inc. 112665242 $3,500 DCLA
To support an all-female production of Julius Caesar from
Londons Donmar Warehouse.
Local Recchia St. Ann's Warehouse, Inc. 112665242 * $27,000 DCLA
To support an all-female production of Julius Caesar from
Londons Donmar Warehouse and to support outreach
programs around the play and issues of gender and violence
to high school students, ex-offenders, and women's groups.
Local Recchia St. Athanasius Golden Age Club 111639837 * $3,000 DFTA
To support the Golden age club, a weekly meeting place for
seniors to gather, learn about senior issues, and engage in
other meals, celebrations and activities.
Local Rivera St. Barnabas Hospital 131740122 * $25,000 DOHMH
Funds will support a health education and outreach program
for Bronx residents called "Dinner with a Doctor" in which St.
Barnabas health professionals make presentations on health
topics such as childhood asthma, diabetes and heart disease
p. 238 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Ignizio St. Columcille Irish Cultural Center 133909562 $3,500 DYCD
To promote Irish cultural education by organizing an annual
Irish Cultural Fair, that celebrates Irish culture through music,
dance, food and display of cultural artifacts.
Local Oddo St. Columcille Irish Cultural Center 133909562 $3,500 DYCD
Funds will support an annual Irish Fair which celebrates Irish
Culture in June.
Local Levin, Ulrich CC St. Francis College 111635105 * $60,000 DFTA
St. Francis Colleges For Seniors program fulfills a vital need
among Brooklyns senior citizens for an easily accessible
venue where they can participate in intellectually and/or
physically stimulating activities while having the opportunity
to socialize with old friends and make new ones. Funds will
be used to support the following year-long menu of free
activities that are designed to address the interests and
needs of senior citizens.
Local Rose St. George Theatre Restoration, Inc., The 200985637 $3,500 DCLA
To support art and cultural programs for the public, provide
performance space for events and pay operational and other
program costs.
Local Oddo St. George Theatre Restoration, Inc., The 200985637 $2,000 DCLA
Funds will be used to subsidize the SGT's performance space
on behalf of small organizations that may not be able to
afford a professional venue and will be used towards
operational expenses, artistic/tech staffing and marketing
Local Recchia St. George Theatre Restoration, Inc., The 200985637 * $5,000 DCLA
To support ongoing programs and operations of the theater
and provide artists and local organizations with access to
affordable performance space,
Local CC St. John's Bread and Life Program 113174514 * $25,000 DYCD
Funds will be used to provide over 720,000 emergency meals.
It will assist us in providing services to low income New
Yorkers. We will asssist clients in obtaining 1,800,000 in
public benefits and 3.600,000 in freely prepared EITC Tax
returns. It will provide on-site case management, psychiatric,
legal, and medical and immigration services to over 20,000.
Local Gennaro St. John's Bread and Life Program 113174514 * $3,500 DYCD
Funds will support providing emergency meals, assisting
clients in obtaining public benefits through on-site application
project and provide free tax prep to numerous households,
as well as on-site case management, medical legal, and
immigration services.
Local Dickens St. Luke's AME Church 133438047 * $3,500 DOHMH
To support the Teach Reach Health Relationship Program,
which aims to educate youth and prevent spread of HIV/STD
and HPV(Human Papillomavirus), and decrease bullying.
Local Jackson St. Luke's AME Church 133438047 * $2,500 DOHMH
Funds will support services to increase access to mental
health services and provide violence prevention workshops.
Local Oddo St. Margaret Mary 132693090 * $14,000 DYCD Funds will support youth activities including basketball.
Local Richards
St. Mary Star of the Sea and St. Gertrude Roman
Catholic Church 111723781 * $15,000 DYCD
To provide three trips for low-income students from the
Local Reyna St. Matthias Sports Association 111685926 * $5,000 DYCD Funds will support youth sports and other youth programs.
p. 239 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Dickens St. Nicholas Houses Community Organization, Inc. 262550841 $3,500 NYCHA
To provide education, services and a food pantry for youth,
families and seniors and to provide a range of services for the
LGBT community.
Local Lander, Reyna CC St. Nick's Alliance Corporation 510192170 $60,000 HPD
To support the Anti-Displacement Program. St. Nicks will
assist households facing displacement from the community
as market real estate prices push out long-term residents. St.
Nicks will provide outreach and housing counseling, financial
training, improving housing conditions and increase
understanding of access to weatherization, HEAP and other
resources. Funds will be used to staff the program.
Local Reyna St. Nick's Alliance Corporation 510192170 $5,000 HPD
Funds will support an anti-displacement program; including
housing counseling, financial training and education on
access to HEAP and other programs.
Local Reyna St. Nick's Alliance Corporation 510192170 $10,000 DCLA
Funds will support Arts at Renaissance, an arts space in the
Greenpoint Hospital Outpatient building and programs
including artist residencies, workspace, workshops for seniors
and professional development workshops for artists.
Local Gentile St. Patrick's Vincent de Paul Society 111631818 * $2,000 DYCD To purchase food for a food pantry.
Local Dromm St. Pat's for All, Inc. 300606762 $5,000 DYCD
To finance the St. Pats for All parade, concert, and
community events citywide.
Local Van Bramer St. Pat's for All, Inc. 300606762 $3,500 DYCD
To support the St. Patricks Day Parade, concert, and
community events citywide.
Local Dilan St. Peters Lutheran Church 111797192 * $10,000 DYCD
To help to sustain, support, and continue an after school
program including outreach to children, youth, and families
serving those primarily between the ages of 4-18. The
funding will cover materials, food, and facility usage fees.
Local Recchia St. Philip's Baptist Church 133451547 * $5,000 DYCD
To bring men and women of the community together, teach
drumming, and purchase horns, flags, poles, uniforms, and
pay instructor stipends for the program.
Local Dilan St. Rita's Roman Catholic Church * $25,000 DYCD PENDING
Local Gentile, Fidler CC
St. Rosalia-Regina Pacis Neighborhood Improvement
Association, Inc. 112697931 * $125,000 DYCD
Funding will be used for afterschool, out-of-school time and
summer programming to support academic success and
positive youth development, promote respect for all, and
foster a love of learning. NIAs diverse, bilingual, multicultural
staff leads an array of age/grade appropriate activities that
include homework help, test prep, cultural arts, creative
writing, interactive math and science learning, literacy,
character education, technology, fitness and recreation.
Local Arroyo Start Small Think Big, Inc. 271821066 * $5,000 DSBS
To support programs, including educational workshops and
legal and financial services, for small businesses in NYCs
most underserved communities and, in particular, directs
services to women, minority and immigrant entrepreneurs in
the Bronx.
Boro Ignizio
Staten Island Aid for Retarded Children (d/b/a
Community Resources) 135660279 $5,000 DYCD
To provide transportation and other services for people with
a developmental disability(ies) and/or mental health
p. 240 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Oddo
Staten Island Aid for Retarded Children (d/b/a
Community Resources) 135660279 $5,000 DYCD
Funds will support a Transportation Services Program to
provide transportation for participants in the organization's
program for persons with developmental disabilities and/or
mental health diagnoses.
Local Oddo Staten Island Atlantic Collegiate Baseball League 271229660 * $8,000 DYCD
Funds will support a full schedule of baseball games and
practices throughout summer Funds are used to purchase
uniforms, hats, shoes, bats, balls and all other equipment
needed to outfit players
Local Oddo Staten Island Baseball Old-timers Association 134033266 * $3,500 DYCD
AND CORRECT: Funding to support [existing staff to help
provide essential services to businesses impacted by
Superstorm Sandy as they attempt to recover and rebuild]
baseball clinics and tournaments for children ages 7-13.
Local Rose Staten Island Boys Football League, Inc. 237167904 * $3,500 DYCD
To support a football program for Staten Island youth.
Funding will be used to purchase player equipment, player
uniforms and utilities.
Boro Rose Staten Island Center for Independent Living, Inc. 133266398 * $5,000 DYCD
To support the Staten Island Center for Independent Living in
providing independence to individuals with disabilities.
Boro Rose Staten Island Chamber of Commerce Foundation, Inc. 134069282 $3,500 DSBS
To support the Staten Island Chamber of Commerce
Foundation in helping local businesses recover and rebuild
from Superstorm Sandy. Funding used to augment existing
staff to help provide essential services to impacted
Local Oddo Staten Island Chamber of Commerce Foundation, Inc. 134069282 $13,500 DSBS
Funding to support existing staff to help provide essential
services to businesses impacted by Superstorm Sandy as they
attempt to recover and rebuild.
Local Recchia Staten Island Chamber of Commerce Foundation, Inc. 134069282 * $5,000 DSBS
To provide services to businesses impacted by Superstorm
Sandy as they attempt to recover and rebuild and to support
ongoing programs and operations.
Local Gentile Staten Island Children's Museum 237379930 $1,500 DCLA
To help the Children's Museum implement its strategic plan
and provide programs for the public.
Local Ignizio Staten Island Children's Museum 237379930 $3,500 DYCD
To support childrens education through the hiring of a
Fundraising and Marketing Associate for the museum.
Local Oddo Staten Island Children's Museum 237379930 $5,000 DCLA
Funds will provide thematic museum learning experiences
using interactive exhibits and programs that integrate the
arts, sciences and humanities to an audiences comprised of
families and schools.
Local Recchia Staten Island Children's Museum 237379930 * $7,500 DCLA
To support educational programs and exhibits integrating the
culture, the arts, sciences and humanities for families and
Local Rose Staten Island Children's Museum 237379930 $5,000 DYCD
To provide after-school programs for elementary and
intermediate school children, including art, dance and theater
workshops, cooking and nutrition programs, and science
Local Oddo
Staten Island Community Services Friendship Clubs,
Inc. 132778244 $23,000 DFTA
Funds will support services to seniors including recreation,
education, transportation, health promotion programs and
p. 241 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Rose
Staten Island Community Services Friendship Clubs,
Inc. 132778244 $3,500 DFTA
To support programs for seniors including healthy and
nutrition programs, recreation, and transportation.
Local Oddo, Ignizio, Recchia CC Staten Island Economic Development Corporation 133706442 * $50,000 DSBS
Funding will be used to provide general operating support for
the Staten Island Economic Development Corporation (SIEDC,
to support business seminars and events, such as the 2013
Annual Economic Development Conference and programs
such as Brownfield redevelopment, the Real Estate Program
and the West Shore Light Rail.
Local Ignizio Staten Island Economic Development Corporation 133706442 * $99,000 DSBS
To enahnce the commercial districts of Annadale, Eltingville
and Great Kills through the South Shore Merchant Program.
The program provides businesses with technical assistance,
real estate information, help with brownfield remediation,
and SSMP benefits of promotion, beautification, sanitation,
and security services.
Local Oddo Staten Island Economic Development Corporation 133706442 * $70,000 DSBS
Funding will support a Health and Wellness Expo and general
business services such as business related seminars, real
estate assistance and general technical assistance.
Local Recchia Staten Island Economic Development Corporation 133706442 * $50,000 DSBS
To hire a staff person dedicated to advance major economic
development projects on Staten Island, including the
planning, coordination and implementation of large-scale and
complex projects.
Local Rose Staten Island Economic Development Corporation 133706442 * $5,000 DSBS
Funding will be utilized for a staff person to manage: the
Executive Womens Council, the annual Women at the Top
Symposium and mentorship/networking events performed by
the EWC during the year
Local Oddo Staten Island Employment Education Consortium 133097367 * $5,000 DYCD
Funds will support ESL program to assist immigrant
community to learn to read and speak the English language,
and Adult Basic Education to assist those with rudimentary
reading, writing and math skills to prepare for the GED test.
Boro Ignizio
Staten Island Federation of Parent Teacher
Association's 133255838 $1,200 DOE
To provide information, training and support to Staten Island
public school PTAs and their parents. Funding for meeting
materials and supplies, copier lease, phone, postage, office
supplies, and additional operating expenses.
Boro Oddo
Staten Island Federation of Parent Teacher
Association's 133255838 * $1,167 DOE
Funds will be used for materials and supplies for meeting,
training sessions and workshops for PTAs and parents, and
other operating expenses.
Local Rose
Staten Island Federation of Parent Teacher
Association's 133255838 * $1,167 DOE
To provide information, training and support to Staten Island
public school PTAs and their parents. Funding to be used for
operating costs, and materials and supplies for meetings,
trainings and workshopss.
Local Rose Staten Island Fleet Week, Inc. 134026249 * $3,500 DYCD
To support Staten Island Fleet Week including costs incurred
due to Hurricane Sandy and services for visiting sailors.
Local Recchia Staten Island Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Inc. 452043890 * $4,000 DOE PENDING
p. 242 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Recchia Staten Island Institute of Arts and Sciences 135564127 * $4,000.00 DCA
The supplemental request for 50,000 will include 30,000
towards a part time art curator on contract to oversee the
new art exhibitions and 20,000 towards the direct expenses
of a targeted marketing and membership campaign (non-staff
support) to broaden our audience in advance of the opening
date in late 2014.
With the opening of Building A in the fall of 2014, Snug
Harbor will be on its way to becoming a recognized regional
destination, serving the local community with its first art
museum and offering metro area residents and tourists an
incentive to explore NYCs most undiscovered borough.
Local Rose
Staten Island Institute of Arts and Sciences - Staten
Island Museum 135564127 $8,000 DCLA
To provide public programs and special programs for at-
risk school children through the Title 1 Education Program.
Local Ignizio Staten Island Integrated Service Center DOE District 31 136400434 * $110,000 DOE To support that Parents and Teachers Association.
Local Ignizio Staten Island NFP Association, Inc. 203560375 $4,500 DSBS
To promote education and awareness in underdeveloped and
underprivileged communities on the topic of bullying and
female empowerment. Funds are to cover costs associated
with in school events with music entertainment, and celebrity
Local Oddo Staten Island NFP Association, Inc. 203560375 * $2,000 DSBS
Funds will support the third annual Community Service
Awards event.
Local Rose Staten Island NFP Association, Inc. 203560375 $3,500 DSBS
To support professional development events for Staten Island
non-for-profit leaders, including on Board governance,
fundraising, human resources, fundraising, and
communication strategies.
Local Rose Staten Island Pee Wee Football League 136159734 $3,500 DYCD
To support Pee Wee football, including replacing equipment
lost or destroyed due to Hurricane Sandy.
Boro Oddo Staten Island Philharmonic Orchestra, Inc. 202732542 * $3,000 DCLA
Funds will support frre concerts, reduced price tickets to paid
concerts for students, seniors and the disabled, a music
mentoring program at Port Richmond HS and a youth
Local Ignizio Staten Island Philharmonic Orchestra, Inc. 202732542 $3,500 DCLA
To promote exposure to classical and contemporary music by
funding: free July American Salute concerts; reduced-price
and free concert tickets for students, low-income seniors and
people with disabilities; the Music Matters mentoring
program for music students at Port Richmond High School;
and the new SI Philharmonic Youth Orchestra, for students in
grades 4-12.
Boro Oddo Staten Island Project Homefront, Inc. 300249876 $2,500 DYCD
Funds will be entirely used for postage to mail supplies to
troops serving in combat zone.
Boro Oddo Staten Island Recreational Association, Inc. 133716944 $3,500 DYCD
Funds will support a program providing therapeutic services
to children with all disabilities on horseback.
Local Rose Staten Island Recreational Association, Inc. 133716944 $3,500 DYCD
To provide therapeutic horseback riding services for children
with special needs.
Local Oddo Staten Island Saints Fastpitch Softball Club Inc. 272525251 $1,000 DYCD
Funds will support girls softball clinic and instruction that is
held all year long at Staten Island based training facilities.
p. 243 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Recchia Staten Island Supports Our Soldiers Center * $8,000 DYCD PENDING
Local Ignizio Staten Island Zoological Society, Inc. 135680691 $10,000 DCLA
To promote and extend knowledge and appreciation of
Zoology through a zoological park open to the public which
includes childrens exhibits and educational programs.
Local Oddo Staten Island Zoological Society, Inc. 135680691 $15,000 DCLA
Funding will support the Staten Island Zoological Society's
zoological park open to the public including childrens
exhibits, as well as educational programs for children and
Local Recchia Staten Island Zoological Society, Inc. 135680691 * $40,000 DCLA
To support educational programs and exhbits at the
zoological park.
Local Rose Staten Island Zoological Society, Inc. 135680691 $5,000 DCLA
To support public programs at the zoo, including children
exhibits and educational programs.
Local Dickens StoryCorps, Inc. 133753011 $3,500 DCLA
To partner with the National September 11 Memorial and
Museum and record audio remembrances of all New Yorkers
lost in the September 11 terrorist attacks, creating an
unparalleled archive of these stories in the Library of
Local Palma StoryCorps, Inc. 133753011 $5,000 DCLA
To create in partnership with the National September 11
Memorial and Museum, an audio record of remembrances of
all New Yorkers lost in the September 11 terrorist attackss. In
addition, funding will support the implementation of
StoryCorps college-readiness curriculum, StoryCorpsU (SCU),
in high-need schools across the city and StoryCorps Legacy
Initiative, which provides people with serious illness and their
families the opportunity to record, preserve, and share their
Local Quinn StoryCorps, Inc. 133753011 $5,000 DCLA
To support StoryCorps' continuing efforts to, in partnership
with the National September 11 Memorial and Museum,
record audio remembrances of all New Yorkers lost in the
September 11 terrorist attacks and the voices of their family
members, and to support the implementation of a StoryCorps
interactive, standards based, college-readiness curriculum,
StoryCorpsU (SCU), in high-need schools across the city, and
StoryCorps Legacy Initiative, which provides people with
serious illness and their families the opportunity to record,
preserve, and share their stories.
Delegation STPCV Tenants Association Foundation, Inc. 274554330 * $3,500 HPD
To provide the funds to educate the public on the rights of
tenants, including printing, postage, rental of meeting space,
clerical help and legal fees.
Local Garodnick STPCV Tenants Association Foundation, Inc. 274554330 * $5,000 DYCD
Funding will support tenant education programs and support
organizational costs, including legal fees and administrative
Local Dickens StreetSquash, Inc. 134061809 * $5,000 DYCD
To support the College Access after school program and the
summer Success program.
Local Brewer Stryckers Bay Neighborhood Council, Inc. 131943516 $6,000 HPD
To support eviction prevention and affordable housing
counseling services to working poor, moderate income and
fixed income families on Manhattans Upper West Side.
p. 244 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Brewer Studio in A School 133003112 * $3,000 DCLA
To support classroom-based visual arts residencies provided
by Studios professional artist/instructors serving primarily
low-income pupils who attend Title I schools or schools
impacted by a natural disaster (Superstorm Sandy).
Local Van Bramer CC Studio in a School Association, Inc., The 133003112 * $150,000 DOE
Funding for the Art Healthy Living Program and Art Active
Living to teach children the benefits of physical activity
through drawing and painting.
Local Dickens Studio Museum in Harlem, The 132590805 * $10,000 DCLA
To conduct community outreach and provide programming,
particularly for families and seniors.
Local Garodnick Stuyvesant Cove Park Association, Inc. 113582255 $7,500 DPR
Funding will support cultural and arts programming at
Stuyvesant Cove Park, including readings, musical and dance
Local Vann Stuyvesant Gardens I Tenant Association 043849376 * $1,000 NYCHA
To provide computer access for the community, fitness
classes, and field trips.
Local Vann Stuyvesant Gardens II Tenant Association 204998252 * $1,000 NYCHA
To provide food, beverages and paper goods for the tenant
Local Foster Summer Search Foundation 680200138 $20,000 DYCD
To support Summer Search help low income students
complete college and become community leaders. Funding
will be used for partial salary of one staff mentor.
Local Dilan Sumner Houses Tenants Association, Inc. 112733344 $15,000 NYCHA
Funding supports meals, recreation, cultural activites and
local transportation for seniors.
Local Vann Sumner Houses Tenants Association, Inc. 112733344 $1,000 NYCHA
To provide a continental breakfast and hot lunches 5 days per
week for the seniors. Also to provide recreational services,
cultural, and travels for the seniors.
Local Oddo Sundog Theatre 450476945 * $3,500 DCLA
Funds will support the 3-D Literature educational program at
PS 46 and a Substance Abuse show for teens throughout
Staten Island.
Local Rose Sundog Theatre, Inc. 450476945 * $3,500 DCLA
To support the 3-D Literacy at PS 44 and a Substance Abuse
Show program for community teens. Funds to be used for
teaching fees.
Local Van Bramer CC Sunnyside Chamber of Commerce 112944783 * $25,000 DSBS PENDING
Local Van Bramer Sunnyside Chamber of Commerce 112944783 * $40,000 DSBS
To support graffiti cleaning and the promote good business
practices in Sunnyside. Funds will be used to pay a contractor
to perform graffiti cleaning and for activities such as special
events, publicity, website upgrades, etc.
p. 245 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Queens Delegation, Van Bramer CC Sunnyside Community Services Center, Inc. 510189327 * $100,000 DFTA
Support for our youth services which help young people
discover and develop their own talents and ultimately
achieve their own educational and career goals. SCS
operates two after-school programs. After-school instructors
provide students with academic assistance that parents may
be unable to offer because of limited English proficiency or
time constraints. A Beacon Community Center in Elmhurst
provides educational and recreational programs for families.
Our Work Readiness Program serves in-school and out-of-
school youth, helping them develop resumes and search for
jobs. GED prep classes are also available. Our Green Jobs
Internship Program enables participants to gain
environmental stewardship skills and to prepare for a job in
an expanding industry. The College Readiness Program
enables young people who are disadvantaged in the college
application process to gain access to and succeed in higher
Local Van Bramer Sunnyside District Management Association 261278224 $5,000 DYCD
To support neighborhood beautification projects, which
include hanging flower baskets throughout the district. The
funds will be used for supplies, as well as installation,
maintenance and breakdown of the flower baskets.
Local Van Bramer Sunnyside Gardens Preservation Alliance, Inc., The 542143785 * $3,500 DYCD
To support activities that expand the knowledge of, and
promote, the Sunnyside Gardens Historic District.
Local Gonzalez Sunset Bay Community Services, Inc. 112439925 $5,000 ACS
To support Sunset Bays Infant/Toddler program at Magical
Years Early Childhood Center.
Local Gonzalez Sunset Park District Management Association Inc. 113251860 * $4,000 DYCD
To host a Street Festival, including free stages with all-day
free entertainment and other activities for the community.
Local Gonzalez Sunset Park Family Health Center, Inc. 202508411 $5,000 DOHMH
To provide to individuals living with a serious mental illness
(SMI) psychiatric rehabilitation services and a clubhouse
model of patient engagement to help individuals recover
from mental illness.
Local Crowley Swim Strong Foundation, Inc. 371526132 * $2,500 DYCD
To provide swim lessons to families who cannot afford them,
promoting healthy lives, saving lives and encouraging
comeptitive swimming. Funding will support staff positions
at two Queens locations and at one Brooklyn location.
Local Brewer Symphony Space, Inc. 132941455 $3,000 DCLA
To support the Cultural Literacy and Heritage Project (GAP) at
Symphony Spaces.
Local Viverito Taft Houses Tenant Association 136400434 * $500 NYCHA
To support community activities and events for residents of
the development, including annual family days. Funding will
support the purchase of refreshments, supplies and
entertainment at these events.
Local Dickens Taft Rehab Resident Association 272279165 * $3,500 NYCHA
To start a flower and vegetable garden, teaching children
how to garden and grow nutritious vegetables, and to offer
nutrition classes.
Local Dickens Taft Tenants Organization, Inc. 133123843 * $3,500 NYCHA To support Family Day activities for residents of Taft housing.
p. 246 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Dickens Take Wing and Soar Productions, Inc. 141885605 $5,500 DCLA
To produce the Harlem Shakespeare Festival, presenting
Shakespeare works and other classic plays for public
audiences. Funds will support artist fees, free tickets, and
production set and costume costs.
Boro Dromm Talk Therapy Television, Inc. 272157824 * $3,500 DOE
To expand a pilot program in New York City Public Schools,
Lion Quest, to provide social and emotional learning skills in
the classroom, teaching students to lead healthy, drug-free
Local Cabrera Tanima Productions, Inc. 133780465 * $5,000 DYCD PENDING
Local Jackson CC Teaching Matters, Inc. 133770472 * $40,000 DOE
Support for Common Core aligned Voices Choices civics
education series in middle schools. This three part series
includes a 7th grade unit called Constitution Today. Through
this engaging unit, students examine current day issues
within the context of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
The events offer students rich, authentic and serious
experiences in their roles and responsibilities as citizens.
Funding provides teachers with critical professional
development, access to the interactive websites and
participation in both the citywide Town Meeting and the
Student Civil Right Summit.
Local Arroyo Teamwork Foundation, Inc. 133073873 * $5,000 DYCD
To support the Gauchos summer basketball programming
including camps, elite youth training, the Go to School Go To
College mentorship program and local basketball
Local Oddo Ted Meyerstein Baseball League, Inc. 202500807 $5,000 DYCD
Funds will spport the baseball league's clinics and training
workshops for age groups 9-17, and umpire and team coach
training workshops in keeping with the New York Federated
League rules and regulations.
Local Recchia Ted Meyerstein Baseball League, Inc. 202500807 * $5,000 DYCD
To support a youth baseball league, support staff and
purchase equipment for the baseball program.
Local Wills Teens Against Crime, Inc. 113210733 * $5,000 DYCD
To support after school services including tutoring,
recreational activities, counseling, mentoring, and health,
media and drama workshops. Additionally, funds are to cover
the costs associated with a youth internship/leadership
Local Vann Tenant Association of Marcy Houses 300409169 * $1,000 NYCHA
To provide job training for youth and senior community
members. Also, to provide computer and office supplies.
Local Van Bramer Thalia Spanish Theatre, Inc. 237448611 $7,500 DCLA
To support Latino cultural programs. The funds will be used
to pay for performances by Hispanic artists.
Local Ulrich
The Bangladeshi American Community Development
and Youth Services, Inc. 452389573 * $5,000 DYCD
Funding supports an English as a Second Language program in
the district.
Local Mendez The East Village Community Coalition 201059463 * $3,500 DCLA
Funds used to expand the Get Local shopping program in an
attempt to foster retail diversity and thriving small businesses
in the community. Funding used for printing updated guides,
holding holiday shopping events, funding new Get Local
signage, and organizing East Village merchants.
Local Van Bramer The New York City Gay & Lesbian Anti-Violence Project 133149200 * $3,500 DSS PENDING
p. 247 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Quinn Theater Breaking Through Barriers Corp. 133193376 $5,000 DCLA
To support actors and writers with disabilities and change the
image of people with disabilities from one of dependence to
one of independence. Funds will be used in support of the
2014-15 Off-Broadway season.
Local Van Bramer Theater Et Al, Inc. d/b/a The Chocolate Factory Theater 134038993 $10,000 DCLA
To pay for performing artists who work at The Chocolate
Factory and to keep tickets free for Queens residents and
affordable for others.
Local Quinn Theater Labrador, Inc. 133579172 $5,000 DCLA
To produce two plays, The Room, and other programs to
support women theater artists.
Local Dickens Theater Resources Unlimited Inc. 133937279 $3,500 DCLA
To support a Producer Mentoring of Color program, offering
participants experience under the guidance of theater
professionals, and to support a creative writing and readings
Local Fidler Theatre Development Fund, Inc. 136216919 * $20,450 DCLA
To support the Story-telling Project, a theatre education
program for 5th graders 6 District 46 elementary schools.
Local Ignizio Theatre Rehabilitation for Youth, Inc. 112685724 $3,500 DFTA
To support a theater program for seniors. Funding will pay for
costs associated with providing a project coordinator, an
acting instructor, a music accompaniest, part time secretarial
assistance, liability insurance, and supplies.
Local Oddo Theatre Rehabilitation for Youth, Inc. 112685724 $2,000 DFTA Funds will support a theatre program for senior citizens.
Local Recchia Theatre Rehabilitation for Youth, Inc. 112685724 * $2,000 DFTA
To provide senior citizens, who reside in Council District 47,
with an opportunity to see a show and share a meal.
Local Rose Theatre Rehabilitation for Youth, Inc. 112685724 * $3,500 DYCD
To provide access to professional performances for
underserved youth. Funds will be used to pay for tickets,
provide transportation, services of an escort to the
performances, and other expenses to support the program.
Local Rose There to Care, Inc. 133722654 * $3,500 DYCD
To provide track and field training and meets, martial arts
training and competitions, Urban Dance training and
performances, and equipment for art classes.
Local Brewer Thirteen 131945149 $3,000 DOE
To support a free and innovative digital education service
developed to harness the power of public media to support
curriculum-based teaching and learning from pre-K-12.
Funds will enable THIRTEEN to provide 4 professional
development trainings for educators in the neediest schools
across District 6.
Local Brewer, Jackson CC Thirteen 131945149 * $25,000 DYCD
Funding to be used to train teachers and expose students to
the history of the depression era in NYC and the making of a
Broadway show.
Local Vacca Throggs Neck Volunteer Ambulance Corps, Inc. 133052612 * $8,000 FDNY
To provide funds for the Throggs Neck Volunteer Ambulance
Corps' general operating expenses as well as training and
supplies for CPR, first aid, and defibrillator.
Local Levin Tillary Park Foundation 260316951 * $3,500 DYCD
Funds support career fairs and mentors, college clinics,
motivational speakers, health fitness fairs, recreational
p. 248 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Mendez Times Up Inc. 134026746 $3,500 DYCD
Funds used for The Museum of Reclaimed Urban Space and
to support tours of East Village squats and community
gardens, and for recording and publicizing the neighborhoods
radical, sustainable history. Additionally, funds will be used to
subsidize programming including events celebrating local
Local Brooklyn Delegation, Lander CC Together We Are 270213447 * $50,000 DYCD
Funds will help with food distribution drives to the poor,
mentoring programs for teens at risk, programs during the
summer when there is no school.
Local Greenfield Together We Are 270213447 * $10,000 DYCD
Funds used for food distribution drives to the poor,
mentoring programs for teens at risk, programs during the
summer when there is no school. Assistance with applying for
government programs
Local Lander CC Tomche Shabbos of Boro Park and Flatbush 113518348 * $20,000 DFTA
Funds will be used to offset costs of purchasing food items
for the food packages that are distributed to poor and needy
Local Lander Tomche Shabbos of Boro Park and Flatbush 113518348 $7,500 DYCD To support distribution of food to poor and needy families.
Local Weprin Tomchei Shabbos of Queens (TSQ, Inc.) 112693305 $5,000 DYCD To purchase food for needy families. Also to pay for utilities.
Local Vann Tompkins Houses Resident Association, Inc. 113095879 $1,000 NYCHA
To provide support programs to older adults, seniors and the
Local Van Bramer Topaz Arts Inc. 134137551 * $3,500 DCLA
To subsidize the cost of programs serving New York City
artists and to maintain the organization's facility and provide
free openings for the public.
Local Ignizio Tottenville Historical Society 841678085 $3,500 DYCD
To preserve the history and cultural heritage of Tottenville
and the surrounding community. Funding will support
resource materials including a quarterly newsletter, a walking
tour brochure, research for a book and displays on the
history of neighboring Charleston.
Boro Richards Town Hall Civic Association of Springfield Gardens, Inc. 510145320 $4,679 DYCD
To offer tutoring in reading and mentoring to youth as well as
to provide exercise classes to children and adults, classes for
CPR and First aid certification and to offer helping hand
services to senior citizens.
Local Dickens Town Hall Foundation, Inc. 237296167 $5,000 DCLA
Funds will be used to expand the Respect Project as well as a
Cultural Performing Arts series.
Local Reyna Town Square, Inc. 562489014 * $10,000 DYCD
Funds will support youth, family and community building
services including a school fair and workshops, a Go Green!
Festival, environmental programs, community chess
programs, community events and the development of a
Brooklyn Museum of Science Art through a feasibilty study,
pop-up exhibits and academic symposium and discussion
Local Van Bramer, Dromm, Mendez CC Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund, Inc. 043762842 * $5,000 DYCD
The Name Change Project works by matching transgender
community members with trained private lawyers who
provide free legal representation to transgender people who
want to change their names.
p. 249 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Mendez Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund, Inc. 043762842 $3,500 DYCD
Funds support training sessions to lawyers interested in
volunteering with the project assisting transgendered clients.
Trainings cover transgender cultural competency and legal
issues involved in the name change process.
Local CD19 Transitional Services for New York, Inc. 237376074 $3,500 DOHMH
To support the 15th Anniversary of Outdoor Cinema Series - a
free annual festival of international film, music, dance and
food. Support will pay for film licenses; performer stipends;
equipment rental; and partial salary for Events Manager.
Local Brewer Transportation Alternatives 510186015 $3,500 DYCD
To educate current cyclists and new bike share users on the
rules of the road.
Local Ferreras Transportation Alternatives 510186015 $5,000 DYCD
To support a Biking Rules program in districts with heavy
bicycle traffic and/or are included in the first phase of the
NYC bike share program, teaching responsible biking and
promoting responsible behavior with a Biking Rules
Local Garodnick Transportation Alternatives 510186015 $3,500 DYCD
Funding will support the Biking Rules education and
encouragement campaign to be included in the first phase of
the NYC Bike Share program, which is aimed at spreading
knowledge about the program and the rules of the road as
they apply to cyclists.
Local Gonzalez Transportation Alternatives 510186015 $3,500 DYCD
To support a Biking Rules program in districts with heavy
bicycle traffic and/or are included in the first phase of the
NYC bike share program.
Local Levin Transportation Alternatives 510186015 $18,000 DYCD
To support a Biking Rules program in districts with heavy
bicycle traffic and/or are included in the first phase of the
NYC bike share program to educate current cyclists and new
bike share users on the rules of the road and build support
for safer streets, bike share itself, and more livable
Local Mendez Transportation Alternatives 510186015 $3,500 DYCD
Funding is for our Biking Rules program in districts with heavy
bicycle traffic and/or are included in the first phase of the
NYC bike share program. T.A.s Bike Ambassadors will
conduct extensive on-street outreach to cyclists about the
law, and promote a street code of responsible behavior with
our Biking Rules handbook.
Local Quinn Transportation Alternatives 510186015 $3,500 DYCD
To support a Biking Rules program in districts with heavy
bicycle traffic and/or are included in the first phase of the
NYC bike share program. T.A.s Bike Ambassadors will
conduct extensive on-street outreach to cyclists about the
law, and promote a street code of responsible behavior with
our Biking Rules handbook.
Local Viverito Transportation Alternatives 510186015 $3,500 DYCD
To support a Biking Rules program in districts with heavy
bicycle traffic and/or that are included in the first phase of
the NYC bike share program.
Boro Ignizio Travis Fourth of July Celebration Committee, Inc., The 133586505 $1,500 DYCD
To provide entertainment at the annual July 4th parade in
Travis, Staten Island.
p. 250 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Oddo Travis Fourth of July Celebration Committee, Inc., The 133586505 $3,500 DYCD
Funds will support an Independence Day Celebration in
Staten Island by hosting the 103rd Annual 4th of July Parade
in Travis. Funding will be used towards entertainment
Local Chin Tribeca CERT 260260476 * $3,500 OEM
Funds will help us provide basic response skills needed for
fire safety, light search and rescue, community disaster
support, disaster medical operations, and traffic control.
CERT supports NYCs first responders.
Local Chin Tribeca Film Institute, Inc. 800006057 $3,500 DCLA
Funding supports Tribeca Film Institutes (TFI) arts education
programs in media literacy and media production at the High
School for Dual Languages and Asian Studies.
Local Chin Tribecaarts, Inc. 542180111 $3,500 DYCD
Funding to help support a spring concert series featuring
opera and classical instrumental music.
Local Comrie Tri-Boro Intergenerational Services, Inc. 113341883 * $3,500 DYCD
To improve the quality of life of at-risk youth and seniors
through cultural, educational, recreational programs.
Funding will sponsor activities and program costs.
Local Rodriguez Trident Swim Foundation, Inc. 260640050 * $8,000 DCLA
To support a competitive swim and academic program for
PSAL-registered swim teams, providing team members with
Kaplan SAT prep and swimming instruction.
Local Gonzalez Trinity Healing Center, Inc. 203235905 $7,500 OCJC
Funding to support outreach to high school and college
students to assist them in applying for Federal financial aid
Local Mendez Trinity's Services and Food for the Homeless, Inc. 133401340 * $14,000 HRA
Funding will support a soup kitchen and food pantry
Local Garodnick Turtle Bay Association 136162044 * $3,500 DYCD
Funding will support new trash receptacles between 48th and
52nd Streets on Second Avenue.
Local Lappin Turtle Bay Association Inc., The 136162044 * $4,000 DPR Pending
Local Garodnick Turtle Bay Tree Fund, Inc. 132561121 $3,500 DPR
Funding will support the purchase and maintenance of plants
in 292 flower beds in the Turtle Bay neighborhood.
Local Lappin Turtle Bay Tree Fund, Inc. 132561121 $3,500 DPR
To support neighborhood beautification through the planting
of tree beds and other gardening projects.
Local James UJ Care, Inc. 262057862 $4,000 DYCD
To assist community members with applications for food
stamps and Medicaid.
Local Recchia UJ Care, Inc. 262057862 * $8,000 DYCD
To assist community members with applications for food
stamps and for Medicaid.
Local Reyna Ujima Community Working Together, Inc. 300708882 $5,000 DSBS Pending
Local Viverito Union Settlement Association 131632530 $11,000 DYCD
To support a Therapeutic and Recreational Summer Camp
Program at PS 146 for children ages 5 to 12 with severe
physical, mental and/or emotional disabilities and their
Local Dickens Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York 131624238 * $5,000 DYCD
To support the Edible Churchyard Program, a program to turn
under-used churchyards and rooftops into vegetable and fruit
gardens. Funds will pay for a staff member and for
operational costs of the program.
p. 251 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Crowley Unique People Services 133636555 $10,000 DOHMH
To support a Care Coordination Programs-Food Pantry joint
venture with the Montefiore Medical Center AIDS Center,
providing healthy food to individuals living with HIV/AIDS.
Local Rose, Recchia, Oddo CC United Activities Unlimited, Inc. 132921483 $13,000 DYCD
Life-skills activities to include education, recreation and
cultural activities for youth after-school and out-of-school
time. Funding will help to hire staff and pay DOE rental costs
for the use of the school building.
Local Ignizio United Activities Unlimited, Inc. 132921483 $25,000 DYCD To provide skills to help youth people grow responsbily.
Local Comrie United Black Men of Queens 112623993 * $10,000 DYCD
Funds will be used for the Group Mentoring Program, a
program which provides academic activities, workshops and
food for student participants.
Local Gonzalez, Recchia, Greenfield CC United Chinese Association of Brooklyn 371469112 * $20,000 DFTA
Funds will be used to support a Senior Service Program which
includes paying for the senior center space rental cost and its
direct social services expenses. The services consist of
educational classes of - ESL, naturalization crime prevention,
Tai Chi; direct services; recreation and social gathering. Funds
will also support The Youth Development Program. Funds will
be used to support an After School Tutoring (AST program
which includes paying for the facility rental cost, salary for
office manager, Program coordinator and a tutoring
instructor to safe guard students after their school hour.
Local Fidler United Chinese Association of Brooklyn 371469112 * $3,000 DFTA
To provide services and activities for seniors including ESL,
naturalization classes and crime prevention training, Tai Chi,
translation services, Cantonese Folk Opera, and other
recreational and social activities.
Local Gentile United Chinese Association of Brooklyn 371469112 * $1,000 DFTA
To support immigrant families with services including ESL,
naturalization, crime prevention, direct services translation,
recreation social gathering, and Cantonese Folk Opera.
Funds will support space rental costs, staff salaries, and
program-related expenses.
Local Recchia United Chinese Association of Brooklyn 371469112 * $5,000 DFTA
To provide services and activities for seniors including ESL,
naturalization classes and crime prevention training, Tai Chi,
translation services, Cantonese Folk Opera, and other
recreational and social activities.
Boro Barron
Delegation United Community Centers 111950787 * $8,438 DYCD
The funds will be used to provide ESL classes to adult
immigrants in East New York. This inlcudes 3 classes--
beginner, advanced beginner, and intermediate/advanced
that run from September 2013 until June 2014. The funding
will be used to pay salaries, for books, paper, and supplies
and help with program overhead.
p. 252 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Barron United Community Centers, Inc. 111950787 * $7,500 DYCD
To support the Immigration Program, which provides
individual assistance to immigrants on citizenship, petitions
for relatives, adjustment of status, and other immigration
matters; and 5 week cycles of civics classes to prepare
immigrants for the citizenship exam. Funds will primarily
support staff salaries and a civics instructor to teach four 5-
week class cycles per year.
Local Jackson United Federation of Teachers 135582895 * $10,000 DOE
Funds will support the Brave line, a hotline for New York City
students and families dealing with bullying which provides for
receipt of calls, texts and on-line communications and is
staffed with mental health professionals.
Local Levin United Federation of Teachers 135582895 * $3,500 DOE
The funding will support the call-in, texting and online
services provided for the Brave line. This service requires
staffing of mental health professionals to answer calls and
upkeep of telephone and computer systems to answer calls.
Some funding will also go towards training for existing and
future staff on bullying as it relates to mental health and
reporting requirements for the NYC Department of
Local Mendez United Federation of Teachers 135582895 * $4,500 DOE
The funding will support the call-in, texting and online
services provided for the Brave line. This service requires
staffing of mental health professionals to answer calls and
upkeep of telephony and computer systems to answer calls.
Some funding will also go towards training for existing and
future staff on bullying as it relates to mental health and
reporting requirements for the NYC Department of
Local Recchia United Federation of Teachers 135582895 * $7,500 DOE
To operate a hotline for NYC students and families dealing
with bullying in their communities and schools, and to train
staff on bullying as it relates to mental health and reporting
requirements for the NYC Department of Education.
Local Weprin United Federation of Teachers 135582895 * $10,000 DOE
The funding will support the call-in, texting and online
services provided for the Brave line. This service requires
staffing of mental health professionals to answer calls and
upkeep of telephony and computer systems to answer calls.
Some funding will also go towards training for existing and
future staff on bullying as it relates to mental health and
reporting requirements for the NYC Department of
Local Van Bramer United Forties Civic Association, Inc. 113386277 * $5,000 DYCD
To promote the Eyes and Ears Program in conjunction with
local NYPD, to provide fetal blankets to Elmhurst Hospital
Program, and to distribute clothing and toiletries to the
Borden Avenue Veterans Residences in Long Island City.
p. 253 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Delegation United Jewish Organization of Williamsburg 112728233 * $5,625 DYCD
Assist low income individuals, families, and children in need
to apply and obtain public benefits including food stamps,
SSI, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, healthcare, Section
8, emergency food vouchers and packages, legal assistance,
vocational training, housing services and other vital benefits
and entitlements.
Boro Levin
Delegation United Jewish Organization of Williamsburg 112728233 * $16,875 DYCD
Assist low income individuals, families, and children in need
to apply and obtain public benefits including food stamps,
SSI, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, healthcare, Section
8, emergency food vouchers and packages, legal assistance,
vocational training, housing services and other vital benefits
and entitlements. Also includes referral and information
services to leverage other public and private funds. To also
support administration of services including rent, salaries and
Local Dilan United Jewish Organizations (UJO of Williamsburg) 112728233 * $60,000 DYCD
Funds will support salaries, and operational costs of program
that assists residents in applying for public benefits including
food stamps, SSI, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security,
healthcare, Section 8, emergency food vouchers and
packages, legal assistance, vocational training, housing
services and other vital benefits and entitlements.
Local Fidler United Jewish Organizations (UJO of Williamsburg) 112728233 * $6,000 DYCD
To support a paperless enrollment system and assistance for
individuals and families to access food stamps, HEAP,
heartshare, energyshare, housing benefits, and other public
Local Levin United Jewish Organizations (UJO of Williamsburg) 112728233 * $25,000 DYCD
To assist low income individuals, families, and children in
need to apply and obtain public benefits, housing assistance,
emergency food vouchers and packages, legal assistance,
vocational training, housing services and other vital benefits
and entitlements.
Local Levin United Jewish Organizations (UJO of Williamsburg) 112728233 * $25,000 DFTA
To help Senior Citizens apply and obtain public benefits
including food stamps, SSI, Medicare, Medicaid, Social
Security, emergency food vouchers and packages, legal
assistance, housing services and other vital benefits and
Local Brooklyn Delegation, Levin CC United Jewish Organizations of Williamsburg, Inc. 112728233 * $180,000 DYCD
Assist low income individuals, families, and children in need
to apply and obtain public benefits including food stamps,
SSI, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, healthcare, Section
8, emergency food vouchers and packages, legal assistance,
immigration counseling, ESL classes, vocational training,
employment readiness and entrepreneurship classes, housing
services and other vital benefits and entitlements. Also
includes referral and information services to leverage other
public and private funds.
Local Recchia United Jewish Organizations of Williamsburg, Inc. 112728233 * $15,000 DYCD
To help Senior Citizens apply and obtain public benefits
including food stamps, SSI, Medicare, Medicaid, Social
Security, emergency food vouchers and packages, legal
assistance, housing services and other vital benefits and
p. 254 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Recchia United Jewish Organizations of Williamsburg, Inc. 112728233 * $5,000 DYCD
To support a paperless enrollment system and assistance for
individuals and families to access food stamps, HEAP,
heartshare, energyshare, housing benefits, and other public
Local Gentile United Military Veterans of Kings County 453759477 * $1,000 DYCD
To support the Memorial Day Parade, including costs for
marching bands, USO entertainers, vintage vehicles, buses for
military personnel, meals for US military personnel,
grandstands, school JROTC, insurances, permits and other
necessary expenses.
Local Gonzalez United Military Veterans of Kings County 453759477 * $3,500 DYCD
To support the Memorial Day Parade, including support for
marching bands, USO entertainers, vintage vehicles, buses for
military personnel, meals for US military personnel,
grandstands, school JROTC, and other parade-related
Local Recchia United Military Veterans of Kings County 453759477 * $10,000 DYCD PENDING
Local Lander CC United Neighborhood Houses of New York, Inc. 135563409 * $40,000 DYCD
Funding will support UNHs efforts to strengthen New York
City neighborhoods and improve the lives of New Yorkers in
need and the communities in which they live. UNH will
accomplish this by helping member agencies build their
capacity to address organizational challenges and develop
programs to meet increasing community needs. The
attached narrative describes this work.
Local Rodriguez United Palace of Cultural Arts 900884007 * $5,000 DCLA
To provide free classical music instruction to fourth through
sixth graders in Washington Heights.
Local Rodriguez United Palace of Cultural Arts 900884007 * $5,000 DCLA
To provide free People's Theater programs for teens and
seniors, culminating in performances of the pieces they have
written. The funding will support program costs including
production, instruction and outreach.
Local Gonzalez
United Puerto Rican Organizations of Sunset Park
(UPROSE), Inc. 112490531 $10,000 DYCD
To support the work of the Sunset Park Climate Justice and
Community Resiliency Center and to work with the residents
of the community to prepare for sever weather, identify
those in the community who need special attention, map the
area, educate residents and initiate climate adaptation and
sustainability projects.
Local Brewer
United Social Services Of The Society For Ethical
Culture, Inc. 136161340 * $3,500 DYCD
To support operations of the Women Shelter. Funds will also
be used forsalaries and supplies such as linen, cable, and
other vital supplies as needed.
Local Oddo United Staten Island Veterans Organization, Inc. 133906171 * $4,000 DFTA
Funds will support the annual Memorial Day Parade on
Staten Island.
Local Rose United Staten Island Veterans Organization, Inc. 133906171 * $3,500 DFTA
To support the Memorial Day Parade on Staten Island, and
other programming to honor and support veterans.
Local Barron Unity Plaza Long Island Baptist Senior Club 113556789 * $2,300 NYCHA
The funds will be used for Family Friends day, which is an
annual community gathering held in the month of August.
p. 255 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Recchia Universal Temple of the Arts 133335286 * $4,000.00 DYCD-Y
Since 1990, UTA has maintained a staffed community arts
center at 425 Jersey Street in Staten Islands New Brighton
neighborhood, one of the Islands most hard-pressed
communities. UTA will use FY 14 City Council discretionary
funds to support our efforts to provide on-site programming
at our 425 Jersey Street cultural arts center and in the
schools and community centers with which we partner.
Programs include sewing; visual arts; jazz-themed music,
vocal, and dance instruction; tap dance; computer literacy;
and digital media arts. UTA also conducts school music
assembly programs and 10-week arts residencies at public
schools free-of-charge. Funding will specifically be used to
cover relevant general operating and programmatic costs
that correlate with the implementation of the
aforementioned program offerings, such as teaching artist
sation, supplies and materials for program participants,
utilities and insurances.
Local Rose Universal Temple of the Arts 133335286 * $5,000 DCLA
To provide arts and educational programs and social services
at the Universal Temple of the Arts center and at schools in
Council District 49.
Local Rose University of Notre Dame Alumni Club of Staten Island 311344537 * $4,000 DYCD
To provide food and supplies to not-for-profit organizations
that in turn distribute food boxes to the hungry, the
homeless, and families in need.
Local Mendez University Settlement Society of New York 135562374 $10,000 HPD
Project Home is a comprehensive eviction prevention and
case management program that works with at-risk families
and individual residents of the Lower East Side, Chinatown
and Brooklyn to help them deal with issues that negatively
affect their housing, financial and personal stability. Project
Home also does case management, households may receive
short- or long-term supportive counseling, employment
guidance, individual and community advocacy, targeted
referrals to outside agencies and other University Settlement
programs, and emergency assistance with issues such as
government benefits and hunger.
Local CD19 Unwanted NYC Pets Inc. 452431724 * $3,500 DOHMH
To rescue and care for unwanted animals, including providing
spaying/neutering and medical care.
Local Viverito UPACA 5 Houses Tenant Association 462989053 * $500 NYCHA
To support community activities and events for residents of
the development, including annual family days. Funding will
support the purchase of refreshments, supplies and
entertainment at these events.
Local Viverito UPACA 6 Houses Tenant Association 463008188 * $500 NYCHA
To support community activities and events for residents of
the development, including annual family days. Funding will
support the purchase of refreshments, supplies and
entertainment at these events.
Local Garodnick Upper Green Side, Inc. 208289407 $3,500 DPR
Funding will support electronic recycling and paper shredding
events and the implementation of a community food bank in
District 4.
p. 256 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Lappin Upper Green Side, Inc. 208289407 $5,000 DPR
To support electronic recycling, and other recycling and
paper shredding events and activities, and to implement a
community food bank.
Local Brewer Upper West Side Recycling Center, Inc. 133116064 * $3,500 DYCD
To support costs associated with research and production of
the Electronic Newsletter.
Delegation Uptown Dance Academy 133891881 * $3,500 DCLA
Funds will be used for Productions, Pre-Professional Training
Program and the Uptown Dance Company as well as to pay
for the dancer stipends.
Local Dickens Uptown Dance Academy 133891881 * $9,000 DCLA
To suppor dance productions, a pre-professional training
program for youth, and an uptown dance company.
Local Viverito Uptown Dance Academy 133891881 * $4,500 DCLA
To support a dance program that offers instruction and
performances in a unique style of ballet that incorporates
jazz, acrobatics, and traditional black dance in increasing
capacity at a new facility located at 2234 Third Avenue and
presenting dance programs free of charge or at discounted
Delegation Urban Justice Center 133442022 $3,500 DYCD
To provide legal services to low-income consumers who are
struggling with consumer debt. The services include legal
assistance and representation on matters related to
mortgages, credit cards, medical bills, school loans, identity
theft, cell phone bills, and other credit-related issues.
Local Arroyo Urban Justice Center 133442022 $15,000 DYCD
To provide legal services to low-income consumers in Council
District 17 who are struggling with consumer debt.
Local Brewer Urban Justice Center 133442022 $3,500 DYCD
To perform community outreach and hold locally-tailored
workshops for vendors in in District 6 on vending regulations,
vendor rights and civic engagement.
Local Brewer Urban Justice Center 133442022 $3,000 OCJC
To provide legal, case management services, and
psychosocial support for victims of domestic violence and
provide clients with help to become self sufficient through
the SART Financial Empowerment /Job Readiness Program.
Levin, Manhattan Delegation,
Fidler, Lander, Brewer CC Urban Justice Center 133442022 * $10,000 HPD
To expand work providing crucial capacity-building assistance
to nonprofits, coops and small businesses in low-income
neighborhoods citywide. The services offered include
negotiating community benefits agreements when the city
proposes development projects, rezoning and other projects
which affect communities; providing technical and legal
support for job development by helping low-income and
immigrant New Yorkers create worker-owned cooperatives;
and providing legal support to community-based
organizations including matters such as negotiating
commercial leases and business loans, developing bylaws,
employment manuals and polies, and many other services.
p. 257 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Chin Urban Justice Center 133442022 $3,500 DYCD
Funding will help provide workshops and materials to help
vendors understand rules and to ensure that vendors know
their rights when approached by enforcement officers.
Local Chin Urban Justice Center 133442022 $4,000 DYCD
Funds will provide workers justice legal assistance and
workshops to low-wage, primarily immigrant worker.
Local Ferreras Urban Justice Center 133442022 $3,500 DYCD
To perform community outreach and hold locally-tailored
workshops for vendors in Council District 21 on complying
with vending regulations, exercising rights and civic
Local Ferreras Urban Justice Center 133442022 $3,500 DYCD
To provide legal services to small businesses (often
immigrant owned/operated) in Willets Point in Council
District 21
Local Foster Urban Justice Center 133442022 $20,000 DYCD
Funds used to enhance program activities such as yoga and
exercise, dance classes, blood pressure screening, nutrition
lectures and screening, and discussion groups on various
topics. Other programs include ESL classes for Asian and
Russian members, computer classes, arts and crafts, dance
and music enrichment, cultural exchanges, and many more
including a special program for the deaf elderly.
Local Garodnick Urban Justice Center 133442022 $6,000 DYCD
Funding will support legal assistance to tenants and tenants
associations in District 4. Services include representing
tenants in eviction proceedings, helping tenants obtain
repairs from negligent landlords, offering legal clinics for
housing-related matters and monitoring a housing help
Local Greenfield Urban Justice Center 133442022 $3,500 DYCD
When street vendors receive their licenses, the Department
of Consumer Affairs provides no relevant training and gives
vendors an English-language copy of the New York City
Administrative Code. The majority of vendors are immigrants
who do not speak English as a primary language and who
have a difficult time navigating the Citys complex systems.
When vendors break rules they are required to pay fines or
lose their license. SVP will use funding to perform community
outreach and hold locally-tailored workshops for vendors in
your district on complying with vending regulations,
exercising their rights and civic engagement. Our workshops
focus on providing easy-to-understand materials to help
vendors understand rules and to ensure that vendors know
their rights when approached by enforcement officers. We
also encourage vendors to take advantage of the services we
offer including legal representation, micro-lending
opportunities, leadership development and civic
Local James Urban Justice Center 133442022 $5,000 DYCD
To provide legal support and other services for victims of
domestic violence and to help victims achieve financial self-
sufficiency through the Financial Empowerment Program.
p. 258 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Palma Urban Justice Center 133442022 $5,000 DYCD
To support the Community Development Project (CDP) in
providing services to tenants in private equity buildings,
including tenants rights education; legal assistance during
the bidding process to promote the purchase of buildings by
responsible owners; and legal advice and representation for
tenants facing illegal rent increases, eviction, and a lack of
Local Viverito Urban Justice Center 133442022 $3,500 DYCD
To support the Community Development Project in providing
a range of services to tenants in private equity buildings,
including: tenants rights education, legal assistance during
the bidding process to promote the purchase of buildings by
responsible owners, and legal advice and representation for
tenants facing illegal rent increases, eviction, and a lack of
Local Viverito Urban Justice Center 133442022 $3,500 DYCD
to support the Street Vender Project, which provides vendors
in Council District 8 with community outreach and workshops
on complying with vending regulations, exercising their rights
and civic engagement.
Local Viverito Urban Justice Center 133442022 * $3,500 DYCD
With this funding we expect to increase our presence within
the NYCHA developments located in District 8. By combining
community outreach efforts with a series of workshops
geared at educating tenants re: their rights we can empower
NYCHA residents to effectively advocate for living conditions
that are safe, clean and mold free.
Local Gentile Urban Librarians Unite, Inc. 453803373 * $1,500 DYCD
To promote and support libraries in urban settings,
enoucrage developments in library sceince, and support the
work of the organization.
Local Van Bramer Urban Librarians Unite, Inc. * $3,500 DYCD PENDING
Local Recchia Urban Neighborhood Services, Inc. 141997299 * $10,000 DYCD
To provide public events for the community such as financial
literacy workshops, legal seminars, and educational
programming. Funds will support operating expenses and
costs associated with programs.
Local Comrie Urban Word NYC 320250944 $3,500 DCLA
To support NYC Youth Poet Laureate program (YPL) which is
offered in collaboration with the NYC Voter Assistance
Commission, CUNY, NY Public Library, and Penmanship
Local Dickens Utopia Children's Center, Inc. 131624243 $5,000 DYCD
To operate a childrens' center, providing childcare services to
families in the Harlem community as well as other areas.
Local Comrie V E T S Inc. 272280570 $3,500 DHS
To provide food, clothing, shelter and supportive services to
formerly displaced veterans, assist the veterans as they
transition to civilian life and obtain permanent housing status
and to feed the homeless in the community at the
organization's food pantry and soup kitchen.
Local Vacca Van Nest Neighborhood Alliance 273997531 * $4,000 DYCD
To provide funds for community day events, arts and craft
days, senior programs, planting, and graffiti removal.
p. 259 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Williams Vanderveer Place Block Association 421605020 * $3,500 DYCD
To provide funds for plants, gardening materials, cleaning
equipment and supplies for assisting senior citizens in
maintaining the neighborhood.
Local Vallone CC Variety Boys and Girls Club of Queens, Inc. 116014770 * $50,000 DYCD
Activities available to all club children include
Academic,Computer Lab, and Arts Programming. Our goals
are to help students successfully complete homework
assignments,increase literacy levels,and improve math
skills;Offer visual and performing arts instruction,expose
students to a range of art mediums and products, and
enhance their creative thinking to give them pracitce with
project development.
Local Vallone Variety Boys and Girls Club of Queens, Inc. 116014770 * $77,500 DYCD
Funding used to provide activities for children including
academic, computer lab, and arts programming, as well as
sports and recreation.
Local Oddo Varsity Club of Staten Island Inc 133993270 * $1,000 DYCD
Funds will support youth athletic, educational, and
community based programs.
Local Rose Varsity Club of Staten Island, Inc. 133993270 * $3,500 DYCD
To support youth athletic, educational, and community
based programs in the form of awards, clinics, and hands on
Local Gentile
Veterans Committee of Kings and Richmond Counties
NY, Inc. 113348994 * $1,000 DYCD
Local Ulrich
Veterans Of Foreign Wars Department Of New York -
PFC JG McLaughlin Post 8540 237334565 * $5,000 DYCD
Funds used to support memorial day, Fourth of July, Veterans
Day and 9-11 ceremonies, support the Wounded Warrior
Weekend and provide support to veterans and their families.
Local Gentile
Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc. - Brooklyn Chapter
#72 112732834 * $1,000 DOHMH To support veterans recovering from substance abuse.
Boro Crowley
Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc. - Queens Chapter
#32 112629339 * $7,857 DYCD
To assist all veterans in presenting compensation and
pension claims before the Veterans Administration, advice on
educational benefits and provide referrals to government
Local Ulrich CC
Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc. - Queens Chapter
#32 112629339 * $25,000 DYCD
Utilizing VA approved service representatives the Chapter
assists all veterans in presenting Compensation and Pension
claims before the VA.It advises educational benefits as well
as referrals to other government agencies. Providing veterans
and their dependents benefits information; support of
homeless veterans; Annual POW/MIA Ceremony; Indigent
Veteran Burials; Dissemination of veterans information at
community street fairs throughout the borough; Participation
in Veterans Parades Events.
Local CD19
Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc. - Queens Chapter
#32 112629339 * $1,500 DYCD
Utilizing VA approved service representatives, the Chapter
assists all veterans in presenting Compensation and Pension
claims before the VA. It advises educational benefits as well
as referrals to other government agencies. Funding will
provide veterans and their dependents with information
about benefits; support of homeless veterans; Annual
POW/MIA Ceremony; Indigent Veteran Burials;
Dissemination of veterans information at community street
fairs throughout the borough; Participation in Veterans
Parades Events.
p. 260 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Comrie
Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc. - Queens Chapter
#32 112629339 * $5,000 DYCD
To provide veterans and their dependents with benefits
information, support homeless veterans, an Annual
POW/MIA Ceremony, indigent Veteran Burials, to
disseminate veterans information and participate in Veterans
Local Koo
Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc. - Queens Chapter
#32 112629339 * $4,000 DYCD
Funds will provide veterans and their dependents with
benefits information; support homeless veterans; pay for an
annual POW/MIA Ceremony, indigent Veteran burials; and to
disseminate veterans information at community street fairs
throughout the borough and participate in Veterans Parades
Local Koslowitz
Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc. - Queens Chapter
#32 112629339 * $5,000 DYCD
Funds will support programs and activities for veterans
including assistance with presenting Compensation and
Pension claims before the VA, advising veterans on
educational benefits as well as referrals to other government
agencies, providing veterans and their dependents benefits
information, support of homeless veterans, Annual POW/MIA
Ceremony, Indigent Veteran Burials, Dissemination of
veterans information; Annual Veterans Information Day;
Participation in Veterans Parades; and Holiday participation
at Veteran Facilities.
Local Van Bramer
Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc. - Queens Chapter
#32 112629339 * $3,500 DYCD
To support the Queens chapter of Vietnam Veterans of
America, an organization dedicated to providing veterans
with services to veterans, which assists all veterans with
claims before the VA, provides benefits information, supports
homeless veterans and annual POW/MIA ceremony and
supports indigent burials.
Local Quinn Village Committee For The Jefferson Market Area Inc. 510153256 * $3,500 DPR
Funds used to continue to offer Making Music guitar
instruction program at PS 232Q, and the Exploring Cultures
program at PS 232Q and PS 207Q.
Local Ferreras Violence Intervention Program 133540337 $10,000 OCJC
To provide domestic violence and sexual assault awareness
and education to women, by disseminating information and
providing educational workshops about domestic violence in
both English and Spanish.
Local Arroyo VISIONS/Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired 131624210 $10,000 DFTA
To educate the public on eye disease and blindness
prevention for seniors, healthcare professionals and
organizations and to locate and provide services to the
Blind/Visually Impaired.
Local Comrie VISIONS/Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired 131624210 $3,500 DYCD
To support the VISIONS Out-of-School Time After-School
Program for visually impaired youth, including academic
enrichment, prevocational, work readiness, healthy living and
employment related services at Selis Manor Community
Local Dickens VISIONS/Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired 131624210 $3,500 DFTA
To provide multi-language public education on eye disease
and blindness prevention to seniors, healthcare professionals
and organizations in all five boroughs, to provide outreach,
and to provide access to rehabilitation and mobility training,
adapted technology and social programs for the visually
p. 261 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Dickens VISIONS/Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired 131624210 $3,500 DFTA
To support an Out-of-School Time After-School Program for
visually impaired youth, providing academic enrichment,
prevocational, work readiness, healthy living and
employment related services at VISIONS at Selis Manor
Community Center.
Local Palma VISIONS/Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired 131624210 $10,000 DFTA
To provide public education on eye disease and blindness
prevention to seniors, healthcare professionals and
organizations, and to locate blind/visually impaired seniors
residing in Council District 18 and provide them access to
rehabilitation and mobility training, adapted technology and
social programs.
Local Quinn VISIONS/Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired 131624210 $10,000 DYCD
To support VISIONS Out-of-School Time After-School
Program for visually impaired youth, including academic
enrichment, prevocational, work readiness, healthy living and
employment related services at VISIONS at Selis Manor
Community Center.
Local Rose VISIONS/Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired 131624210 $3,500 DFTA
To supports the blind and visually impaired community
through VISIONS Multilingual Education and Outreach
Programs the VISIONS Center on Aging. These programs
provide public education, meals, health care and social
Local Ulrich VISIONS/Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired 131624210 $3,500 DYCD
To provide the Out-of-School Time, after-school youth
programs which includes academic enrichment, pre-
vocational, work readiness, healthy living and employment
related services at VISIONS at Selis Manor Community Center
and a summer youth employment program, both for visually
impaired youth.
Local Vacca VISIONS/Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired 131624210 $3,500 DFTA
To provide funding for the social service program with
includes outreach, rehabilitation and mobility services,
technology and social programs to blind/visually impaired
seniors in the community.
Local Weprin VISIONS/Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired 131624210 $5,000 DFTA
To provide outreach and access to rehabilitation for
blind/visually impaired seniors. In addition, to provide blind
seniors with a way to attend the VISIONS Center on Aging for
a hot meal and social services.
Local Gonzalez
Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Roman Catholic
Church 111667838 * $3,500 DYCD
Language and cultural materials that will be used to teach
English, Spanish, and Italian. Funds will help support our
Local Mendez CC Visiting Neighbors, Inc. 237379098 * $10,000 DFTA
Services to be funded include friendly visiting to relieve
isolation and loneliness and prevent depression, escorts to
medical appointments,help with shopping, health advocacy
and case assistance. Funds will be used towards salaries,
rent, telephone, local travel, printing and copying.
Local Koslowitz Visiting Neighbors, Inc. 237379098 * $5,000 DFTA
Funds will support services including friendly visits, escorts to
medical appointments, help with shopping, health advocacy
and case assistance.
p. 262 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Boro Oddo Visiting Nurse Association of Staten Island, Inc. 135562377 $3,500 DOHMH
Funds will support VNA of Staten Islands Community
Outreach and Education Program providing health promotion
and education, screening, counseling, and referal services to
Staten Island residents.
Local Arroyo
Visual Arts Research and Resource Center Relating to
the Caribbean 133054001 $5,000 DCLA
To support the youth technology entrepreneurship program
of The Apps Academy for public high school students from
around the City.
Local Viverito
Visual Arts Research and Resource Center Relating to
the Caribbean 133054001 $4,500 DCLA
To support a youth technology component the organization's
Mi Querido Barrio/My Beloved Community project, using
technology to capture key cultural landmarks that represent
the spirit of East Harlem and other communities.
Local Brewer
Vivian Beaumont Theatre, Inc., The (d/b/a Lincoln
Center Theatre) 133004747 $3,000 DCLA
To underwrite theater tickets for New York City public high
school students.
Local Ferreras Voces Latina Corp. 202312651 $10,000 DOHMH
To conduct HIV testing and outreach along Roosevelt Ave
during late night hours between 11 p.m. and 3 a.m. Funds will
support an outreach worker and the Promotoras.
Local CD19 Voelker Orth Museum, The 113498583 $1,000 DCLA
To enhance and expand programs for visiting school groups.
special needs groups and others, using both the garden and
museum as resources, for hands-on educational workshops
focusing on local history or horticulture.
Local Koo Voelker Orth Museum, The 113498583 $5,000 DCLA
Funds will support educational workshops on local history or
horticulture for school groups and special needs visitors.
Local Palma Voices of Community Activists & Leaders (VOCAL-NY) 134094385 $5,000 DOHMH
To provide leadership development training courses to
homeless and low-income people affecting by HIV/AIDS
through our POWER Academy program. Funding will be used
to support staffing, transportation assistance, meals and
supplies for the trainings.
Local Viverito Voices of Community Activists & Leaders (VOCAL-NY) 134094385 $3,500 DYCD
To provide Know Your Rights workshops to inform people of
their legal rights during police encounters (including stop,
question and frisk) and role play de-escalation strategies in
order to stay safe and calm. Funding will support community
organizing, the trainings, and transportation assistance (i.e.
roundtrip metrocard) for participants on a fixed income and
Local Rivera Voices Unbroken 753077676 * $10,000 DYCD
Funds will support creative writing workshops for at-risk
Boro Ignizio Volunteer Heart Ambulance 136628436 $3,000 FDNY
To support the volunteer ambulance squad in providing pre-
hospital emergency medical care for the sick and injured
citizens of Staten Island. Funding to help cover costs
associated with the general operations of volunteer
ambulance corp.; rent, medical supplies, repairs and
maintenance of vehicles, and fuel.
Local Oddo Volunteer Heart Ambulance 136628436 $5,000 FDNY
Funding will support general operations of the volunteer
ambulance corp., including vehicle maintenance and supplies.
p. 263 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Oddo Volunteers of America-Greater New York 581959781 * $3,500 DYCD
Funds will enhance the Dance Therapy program at Volunteers
of America Staten Island Early Learning Center, a New York
State approved program which serves preschool aged
children with special needs.
Local Dickens
Wadleigh Secondary School for the Visual and
Performing Arts 136400434 $10,000 DOE
The Wadleigh Schools writing and literacy initiative will
feature noted speakers, writers and other artists for students
in grades 6-12. The culminating product will be the
publication of an anthology of prose and poetry as well as
performance of the body of work. Funds will help to provide
services to students.
Local Rose Wagner College 135604699 * $5,000 DSBS
Funds will be used to pay stipends to three Wagner College
student interns and their faculty supervisor.
Local Viverito Wagner Houses Tenant Association 133871479 * $1,000 NYCHA
To support community activities and events for residents of
the development, including annual family days. Funding will
support the purchase of refreshments, supplies and
entertainment at these events.
Washington Heights and Inwood Development
Corporation 132950346 * $3,500 DPR
Funds will be used to support the production expenses of the
2013 Medieval Festival in Fort Tyron Park. Funds will be used
to offset salary expenses for a Performance Director and
Festival Producer who will supervise all festival activities and
related costs.
Local Jackson
Washington Heights and Inwood Development
Corporation 132950346 * $14,000 DPR Funds will support the Medievial Festival in Fort Tryon Park.
Local Jackson Washington Heights- Inwood Coalition, Inc 132989768 * $32,100 HPD
Fund will support a tenant assistance and advocacy program,
a peer mediation center at George Washington High School
Educational Campus and a District 6 Parent Leadership
Local Rodriguez Washington Heights- Inwood Coalition, Inc 132989768 $7,000 HPD
To support the Washington Heights- Inwood Coalition's
tenant assistance and advocacy program, helping residents
with government entititelments, landlord tenant disputes,
dispute reolution, peer mediation center at the George
Washington High School Educational Campus, and a Parent
Leadership Training Program.
Local Rodriguez Washington Heights Jaybie Basketball Academy, Inc. 550844926 * $5,000 DYCD
To support a youth basketball program and a youth
mentoring program for youth, buiding sports skills and
strengthening character and academic performance.
Local Jackson
Washington Heights-Inwood Preservation and
Restoration Corporation 132944830 * $7,000 HPD Funds will support various housing and social services.
Local Rodriguez
Washington Hgts Business Improvement Dist Mgment
Assoc., Inc. 133348873 * $10,000 DSBS
To support and expand the Washington Heights BID and
create a new BID along Dyckman Street, providing
supplemental sanitation services, marketing, encouraging
economic development, and implementing capital
improvement and maintenance projects. Funding will be used
to cover operating costs and the salary of a project manager
other projects.
p. 264 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Chin Washington Square Association Music Fund 136162576 $5,000 DCLA
Funds will help provide free concerts in Washington Square
during Tuesdays in July and an afternoon children's concert.
Local Viverito Washington Houses Tenant Association 136400434 * $1,000 NYCHA
To support community activities and events for residents of
the development, including annual family days. Funding will
support the purchase of refreshments, supplies and
entertainment at these events.
Local Garodnick Waterside Tenants Association 133505144 * $3,500 DYCD
Funding will support community outreach and development,
including a free senior exercise program and communications
and advocacy for residents of Waterside Plaza and the larger
Local Brewer Wellness in the Schools, Inc. 251919494 $4,000 DYCD
To support Cooking Matters courses to educate students and
families on healthy, low-cost cooking.
Local Lander Wellness in the Schools, Inc. 251919494 $3,500 DYCD
To support educational programs on healthful foods, cooking
and nutrition in high-poverty schools.
Local Dickens Wendy Hilliard Foundation, The 133879321 $4,000 DYCD
To support a Community Gymnastics Program at Riverbank
State Park, including gymnastics training, and other academic
and health related programming for youth.
Local Jackson West 181st Street Beautification Project, Inc. 133745342 * $5,000 DYCD PENDING
Local Garodnick West 54-55 Street Block Association 061779681 $3,500 DYCD
Funding will support community outreach and advocacy
related to the architectural, social and cultural history of
buildings in the West 50's neighborhood.
Local Brewer West 87th Street Park and Garden 134067780 $3,500 DYCD
To maintain the Garden, including the plants and trees, and
hold public events such asan annual Halloween Party and at
least one musical event such as a jazz concert.
Boro Oddo
West Brighton Community Local Development
Corporation 133046424 * $2,000 DSBS
Funds will be used to assist small businesses to start and/or
grow a business in Staten Island through business counseling,
small business workshops, mentoring and providing
resources for financing opportunities.
Local Rose
West Brighton Community Local Development
Corporation 133046424 * $3,500 DSBS
To provide support and assistance for small businesses
including technical assistance, disaster assistance, and other
Local Cabrera
West Bronx Housing and Neighborhood Resource
Center, Inc. 132941841 $20,000 HPD
To provide housing services in the West Bronx, including
eviction prevention, foreclosure prevention, technical
assistance regarding rights and responsibilities of tenants and
owners, assistance with subsidies, assistance obtaining
repairs, tenant/landlord mediation, assistance obtaining
loans for owners, benefits and entitlements, referrals for
social services, assistance clearing violations, and assistance
navigating Housing Court.
p. 265 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Koppell
West Bronx Housing and Neighborhood Resource
Center, Inc. 132941841 $10,000 HPD
To provide the following services: eviction and foreclosure
prevention, tenants and owner rights; assistance with
housing subsidies, assistance obtaining repairs,
tenant/landlord mediation, assistance obtaining loans for
owners, referrals for social services , assistance clearing
violations, and to help navigate housing court.
Local Brewer West End Residences HDFC, Inc. 133442001 $3,000 DHS
To provide support services to the 40 formerly homeless
older residents of our Intergenerational Residence.
Local Dickens West Harlem Community Preservation Organization 133912967 * $5,000 DYCD
To provide guided art tours through galleries and public
spaces in Harlem, and provide additional inter-generational
programming such as free hands-on tour, inspired art
projects and workshops, for the local middle and high schools
students and parents.
Local Jackson West Harlem Community Preservation Organization 133912967 * $6,000 DYCD
Funds will support Harlem Legacy Program for area youth in
partnership with youth programs and educational
organizations; a swing dance on the plaza and creation of an
arts/business community integration culture card and
promotion for the Harlem Cultural and business
Local Dickens West Harlem Environmental Action, Inc. 133800068 * $3,500 DOHMH
To support a Building Community Capacity to Reduce Lead
Poisoning Hazards project, to better identify lead poisoning
hazards in the home, and to build community capacity to
detect and report lead poisoning hazards from multiple
sources in Northern Manhattan.
Local Dickens West Harlem Group Assistance 237169558 $7,500 HPD
To support a Financial Literacy Program to help local
residents achieve financial stability.
Boro Williams
Delegation West Indian American Day Carnival Association, Inc. 237176396 * $4,219 DYCD
Funds will be used for operating expenses for year round
traditional carnival arts, programs, concerts and festivities
including a Brassfest, Steelpan (Panorama), Dimanche Gras,
Junior carnival, Thursday Night Mas display concert, Stay in
School, Seven week Carnival Costume Design workshop, and
a WIADCA diverse Business Audience Development program.
Local BLAC, Fidler CC West Indian American Day Carnival Association, Inc. 237176396 * $25,000 DYCD
Funds will be used for operating expenses for year round
traditional carnival arts, programs, concerts festivities that
includes; Brassfest, Steelpan (Panorama), Dimanche Gras,
Junior carnival, Thursday Night Mas display concert and Stay
in School:Youth Talent Show which is held through training
and developing of those talents.Additional programs - Seven
week Carnival Costume Design workshop, WIADCA diverse
Business Audience Development program.
Local Comrie West Indian American Day Carnival Association, Inc. 237176396 * $5,000 DYCD
To provide traditional cultural arts programs, concerts and
festivities, and programming for youth,and costume
Local Eugene West Indian American Day Carnival Association, Inc. 237176396 * $5,000 DYCD
To support the West Indidan traditional cultural arts
programs, concerts, talent shows, and costume workshops.
p. 266 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local James West Indian American Day Carnival Association, Inc. 237176396 * $5,000 DYCD
To support the West Indidan traditional cultural arts
programs, concerts, talent shows, and costume workshops.
Local Williams West Indian American Day Carnival Association, Inc. 237176396 * $3,735 DYCD
To support the West Indidan traditional cultural arts
programs, concerts, talent shows, and costume workshops.
Local Rose West Shore Little League 133425081 * $3,500 DYCD
To provide an instructional baseball and softball program for
children ages 4 thru 18. Funding will be used to pay the cost
of utility costs and for uniform purchases.
Local Brewer West Side Center for Community Life 710908184 $3,500 DYCD
To support the West Side Campaign Against Hunger's English
as a Second Language class to teach clients to hnavigate the
city around them.
Local Brewer West Side Community Garden 133993092 * $3,500 DPR
To purchaseGarden and greenhouse tools and supplies for
community participation in planting in the flower park and
amphitheater which is open daily for public enjoyment and
Local Quinn Westbeth Artists Residents Council, Inc. 133154253 $7,500 DYCD
To provide arts programing and update equipment, sound,
seating, publicity and a web site and to increase the size of
Local Palma Westchester Square Partnership, Inc. 263124969 $5,000 DYCD
To support the the health, social and exonomic
empowerment of the South Asian community in New York,
through development of a worker cooperative business,
mental health services, ESOL, and the Mothers' Club School
advocacy program.
Local Vacca Westchester Square Partnership, Inc. 263124969 $7,500 DYCD
To provide funds for the development of a worker
cooperative business, ESL program, a weight loss program,
and the Mothers Club School advocacy program.
Local Comrie Where There's a Need, Inc. 830433048 $5,000 DYCD
To provide scarves with hair and wigs for cancer patients in
Queens who are bald and with limited or no health insurance
and with a financial need.
Local Koslowitz Where There's a Need, Inc. 830433048 $2,500 DYCD
Funds will provide scarves with hair and wigs for cancer
patients with financial need.
Local Garodnick Whitney Museum of American Art 131789318 * $3,500 DCLA
Funding will support the Whitney Museum's free tours and
programs for public school students.
Local Quinn Whitney Museum of American Art 131789318 * $3,000 DCLA
To support museum programs and activities, including free
guided tours and classroom programs for K-12 students.
Local Brewer Wild Bird Fund, Inc. 320155774 * $3,500 DYCD
To use computers with educational software to teach
children and adults about wildlife in New York City, bird
identification, migration and conservation.
Local Rose Wildcat Service Corporation 132725423 $3,500 HRA
To assist neighborhoods hurt by foreclosures through clean
ups, beautification programs and other improvements and
employing individuals on public assistance, in shelters or who
are court involved.
p. 267 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Vacca Wildcat Service Corporation 132725423 $7,500 HRA
To fund the Neighborhood Improvement Program which
supports low income NYC communities devastated by the
foreclosure crisis and to add a mobile team to clean and
maintain streets, collect trash and litter, remove graffiti,
greening public areas, trimming and mowing. The program
also services blighted foreclosed homes.
Local Wills Wildcat Service Corporation 132725423 $12,000 HRA Pending
Boro King Wildlife Conservation Society 131740011 * $10,000 DCLA
Funds will support an Earth Day youth initiative to increase
awareness of environment and conservation issues through
the arts for kids and teenagers.
Local Eugene Wildlife Conservation Society 131740011 * $5,000 DCLA
To support an Aquatic Essentials programs to targeted Title
One Schools in Council District 40.
Local Ferreras Wildlife Conservation Society 131740011 * $5,000 DCLA
The Education Department of the Queens Zoo will target Title
One schools in the Council members district and offer a
selection of PreK-12 programs for school administrators and
teachers to choose from that best supplement their
classroom curricula. Our programs connect children with wild
nature while providing critical cultural and scientific
enrichment. Our programs enable children to investigate,
through inquiry-based learning, the challenges facing wild
animals, the fundamentals of biodiversity, the basics of
habitats and taxonomy.
Local Gennaro Wildlife Conservation Society 131740011 * $3,500 DCLA
Funds will be used to offer a selection of PreK-12 programs
for school administrators and teachers to choose from that
best supplement their classroom curricula. Programs connect
children with wild nature while providing critical cultural and
scientific enrichment and will enable children to investigate,
through inquiry-based learning, the challenges facing wild
animals, the fundamentals of biodiversity, the basics of
habitats and taxonomy.
Local Greenfield Wildlife Conservation Society 131740011 * $3,500 DCLA
Funds used to support the offering of Aquatic Essentials
programs to targeted Title One Schools in the 44th district.
The NY Aquarium Education Department will offer a selection
of Pre-K to grade 8 programs for school administrators to
choose from that best supplement their classroom curricula,
enrich science learning in the classroom and inspire students.
Local Lander Wildlife Conservation Society 131740011 * $2,500 DCLA
To support educational programs on wildlife and nature for
local schools.
Local Levin Wildlife Conservation Society 131740011 * $7,000 DCLA
To offer an inquiry-based learning program on the challenges
facing wild animals, the fundamentals of biodiversity, the
basics of habitats and taxonomy to schools in Council District
33, and to provide schools with curricula on wildlife and
Local Nelson Wildlife Conservation Society 131740011 * $3,500 DCLA
To support the Aquatic Essentials programs to targeted Title
One Schools in City Council District 48.
p. 268 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Palma Wildlife Conservation Society 131740011 * $15,000 DCLA
To support educational Prek-12 programs and activities,
which school administrators and teachers can choose from to
best supplement their classroom curricula.
Local Recchia Wildlife Conservation Society 131740011 * $10,000 DCLA
To support the Summer Teen Docent program, which trains
teens to become docents, informal educators and exhibit
interpreters at the New York Aquarium.
Local Rivera Wildlife Conservation Society 131740011 * $10,000 DCLA
Funding will support multicultural events in Flushing
Meadows Corona Park, including a Fall Festival. The event will
include a pumpkin patch, inflatable rides, craft projects, and
Local Dickens William F. Ryan Community Health Center, Inc. 132884976 $4,000 DOHMH
To support Deaf-Talk (DT) subscription fees for use of the
mobile flat screen monitor/video unit and per minute fees for
interpreter sessions as part of a set of comprehensive
medical services for underservered populations.
Local Mendez William F. Ryan Community Health Center, Inc. 132884976 $3,500 DOHMH
Funds used to purchase a new Autoclave machine for the
Dental Department.
Local Viverito Wilson Houses Tenant Association 136400434 * $500 NYCHA
To support community activities and events for residents of
the development, including annual family days. Funding will
support the purchase of refreshments, supplies and
entertainment at these events.
Local Quinn WNYC Radio 133015230 $8,500 DCLA
To support the Salute the Arts (STAR) initiative, providing free
on-air promotional spots and web placement to small
nonprofit cultural organizations in the New York metropolitan
Local Koo Women for Afghan Women 020539734 $3,500 DYCD
Funds will be used to pay for educational services for Afghan
children including course materials, 1-2 laptops, program and
office supplies, classroom furniture, printer/copier costs,
camp snacks, and field trips.
Local Dickens Women In Islam 470924438 $5,000 DYCD
To support educational events including an annual Dr. Betty
Shabazz Awards Ceremony recognizing and celebrating
women who are social justice leaders in New York City and
Koo, Women's Caucus, Jackson,
James, Crowley, Dickens, Lapin,
Brewer, Palma, Dromm, Arroyo,
Viverito, Chin CC Women in Need, Inc. 133164477 * $70,000 DHS
To support the agencys enhanced Childrens Services, which
provide preschoolers, school-age children and youth affected
by homelessness and substance abuse with educational
support and prevention services. Homelessness and
substance abuse can have detrimental effects on families,
with children feeling the effects the most acutely. WIN offers
school-age children ongoing educational support, both after
school and through a summer education program.
Local Palma Women in Need, Inc. 133164477 $7,500 DHS
To promote housing and services for homeless women and
their children, including educational, preventive and support
services to address the needs of preschoolers, school-age
children, and youth in its programs.
p. 269 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Viverito Women in Need, Inc. 133164477 $4,000 DHS
To support enhanced services for homeless children at one or
more shelters in Council District 8, including educational and
preventive services to address the needs of preschoolers,
school-age children, and youth in its programs.
Local Quinn Women Making Movies Inc. 132740460 $5,000 DCLA
To support WMMs Production Assistance Program, offering
skill building workshops; access to leading industry
professionals; fiscal sponsorship; individualized
consultations; proposal review; information sessions; and
other technical, legal and promotional assistance for women
in film.
Local James Womens Initiative for Self Employment 943081525 * $5,000 DSBS
To provide for business action plan workshops in Brooklyn for
women who are primarily New York City Housing Authority
residents and clients from a partner network of community
organizations including the Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce.
Local Brewer Women's Project and Productions, Inc. 133369451 $3,000 DCLA
To support WPs FY14 Main Stage season of 3 off-Broadway
plays, which will be performed at NY City Center Stage II.
Local Ulrich Woodhaven Cultural Historical Society Inc. 113099784 * $5,000 DYCD
Funds used to pay for programs including, reprinting the book
The History of Woodhaven and Ozone Park, the erection of
historic street makers/signs, the publication of a coloring
book, monthly meetings with guest speakers, and the
creation of an online wiki as well as other operational and
administrative costs.
Boro Ulrich Woodhaven Residents' Block Association 237388148 * $5,000 DYCD
Costs associated with holding monthly Town Hall meetings,
related events and other community gatherings.
Local Crowley Woodhaven Residents' Block Association 237388148 * $2,500 DYCD
To provide community services, hold community gatherings
and meetings, and undertake other efforts on behalf of
residents in the 11421 zip code. Funding will support office
equipment and operating expenses. Greater Woodhaven Development Corporation 112508190
Local Crowley
Woodhaven Richmond Hill Volunteer Ambulance
Corps 112075437 * $2,500 FDNY
To provide emergency medical care and transportation to the
residents of and visitors to the communities of Woodhaven,
Richmond Hill and Kew Gardens in Queens, New York.
Funding will be used towards maintenance of the building
and ambulance, and towards insurance. Greater Woodhaven Development Corporation 112508190
Local Ulrich
Woodhaven Richmond Hill Volunteer Ambulance
Corps 112075437 * $5,000 FDNY
Funding will support the volunteer ambulance corps. through
maintenance of the building and ambulance, and insurance.
Local Reyna
Woodhull Community District Management Assoc.,
Inc. 112902287 * $10,000 DSBS
Funds will support projects and programs of the BID,
including upgraded lighting.
Local Van Bramer Woodside Houses Tenants Association 112709027 * $10,000 NYCHA
To pay for office supplies which are used for copying, faxing,
correspondence and mailings, postage formailings to
members and executive members of the Resident and Tenant
Local Van Bramer Woodside on the Move, Inc. 112435565 * $15,000 DYCD
To support English language classes, basic literacy classes and
GED preparation for young adults.
p. 270 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Van Bramer Woodside on the Move, Inc. 112435565 * $5,000 DYCD
To support expansion of the STEM program for K-6 students,
which grants access to a mobile computer lab of 15 to 20
laptops during the regular school year; a summer STEM
programming camp, daily classes in coding and STEM
computer based activities; an annual showcase of student
created apps, and summer camp competition with local
representatives from local tech companies as judges.
Local Van Bramer Woodside on the Move, Inc. 112435565 * $10,000 DSBS
To support local businesses through events including a
Business Fair, a guide/ review of local businesses, and the
installations of banners and lights; graffiti removal, clean-up
efforts, planting of tress and green space maintenance.
Local Arroyo Word of Life International, Inc. 392063356 * $15,000 DYCD
To support a food pantry, nutrition education, job training,
youth community service, health education and other wellnes
programs for low income families and individuals in the South
Local Jackson Workers Defense League, Inc. 132658431 $3,500 DYCD
Funds will support free legal services for applicants for
unemployment insurance.
Local Recchia Workers Justice Project - Projecto Justicia Laboral Inc 462378616 * $5,000 DYCD
To provide educational programs at the Bay Parkway
Community Job Center to help immigrants integrate into the
workforce and communities in South Brooklyn. Services and
programs to be funded include ESOL classes, Occupational
Safety and Health trainings, and vocational training.
Local Ignizio Working in Support of Education, Inc. 134024627 $4,500 DYCD
To promote financial literacy through funding the delivery of
the Financial Literary Certification Program to students at
Tottenville High School.
Local Fidler, Crowley, Arroyo, King CC World Cares Center, Inc. 412024802 * $40,000 DYCD
WCC will engage current and potential contributors to
emergency response to collaborate, share resources, and
develop specific plans to respond to all kinds of emergencies.
WCC will deliver preparedness trainings throughout NYC to
train community leaders to manage their constituents and
connect with other managing groups. Funding in the amount
will be used to deliver Leading Managing workshops in each
of the five boroughs (25,000 per workshop to train 10-20
leaders per workshop. Funding will support the development
and delivery of these workshops specific to the needs of each
individual community.
Local Crowley World Cares Center, Inc. 412024802 * $5,000 DYCD
To train members of the community in emergency response
training, work with the community to develop specific plans
to respond to all types of emergencies and support ongoing
recovery efforts to address Superstorm Sandy, including
support for a Volunteer Reception Center in STaten Island.
p. 271 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Levin World Cares Center, Inc. 412024802 * $3,500 DYCD
To train local citizens, agencies, and leaders to prevent,
prepare for, and respond to disasters. Funds will support
volunteer reception centers in Staten Island in Rockaway,
Queens, and will fund 5 workshops in each borough to train
communities on recovery and future disaster planning.
Boro Williams
Delegation Wyckoff House Association, Inc. 112615053 * $4,219 DYCD
Requested funds will be used to purchase supplies and pay
educators in order to continue and expand the School Visits
Program that teaches students about colonial life.
Local Fidler Wyckoff House Association, Inc. 112615053 * $8,250 DCLA
To support a School Visits Program for students from Council
District 46 to teach the students about colonial history and
provide an opportunity for colonial immersion lessons at the
Whycoff House.
Local Greenfield Wyckoff House Association, Inc. 112615053 * $3,500 DCLA
Requested funds will be used to purchase supplies and pay
educators so that more schools can be accommodated (38
Brooklyn classes are currently wait-listed). School programs
are designed for elementary students and directly support
the state learning standards of grades 2 and 4 (though we
modify lessons to support all grades K-12). Our colonial
immersion lessons transport students to a time and place
considerably beyond their everyday reality without the
modern conveniences of electronics, indoor plumbing, public
transit, etc.
Local Williams Wyckoff House Association, Inc. 112615053 * $7,000 DCLA
To provide funds to pay for supplies, performers, advertising
and staff for Wyckoff House Association entertainment and
cultural events.
Local Dickens Yaffa Cultural Arts, Inc. 134044709 $4,000 DYCD
To support an annual Roots and Concert Series at Marcus
Garvey Park in Harlem and other community programs at
NYCHA locations.
Local Levin Yeled VYalda Early Childhood Center Inc 113050340 $3,500 DYCD
To support an Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Program for
children who have been diagnosed with autism/pervasive
developmental disorder (PDD).
Local Fidler, King, Crowley, Lander CC Yeled VYalda Early Childhood Center, Inc. 113050340 * $10,000 DYCD
The requested funding will be used for YVYs Applied Behavior
Analysis (ABA) Program for children who have been
diagnosed with autism/pervasive developmental disorder
(PDD). The program also provides family training and support
in dealing with the autistic child. The program makes
available parent counseling and training services which
include assisting parents to understand the needs of the
p. 272 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Rivera Yes the Bronx, Inc. 562655936 * $15,000 DYCD
Funding will support The Asian American Student Advocacy
Project (ASAP), which provides NYC Asian Pacific American
(APA) public high school students from all five boroughs, a
leadership program that develops critical thinking, public
speaking, writing, responsibility, civic engagement, and team
work. Funding will also support CACF's Parents Organized to
Work for Equal Rights (POWER) leadership program for
parents in Queens.
Local Rivera Yes the Bronx, Inc. 562655936 * $5,000 DYCD
Funding will support the Senior Tech Network Program aimed
at teaching senior citizens the basic computer skills necessary
for them to utilize technology in order to enhance their lives,
decrease isolation, and provide a viable method of
maintaining social contact with friends and families. Funds
will be used to provide the teaching staff, cost of travel and
workbooks to be distributed to each senior.
Local Jackson YM-YWHA of Washington Heights Inwood 131635308 $3,500 DYCD
Funds will support an SAT Prep Program at 3 hight Schools in
Washington Heights/Inwood.
Local Comrie York College Performing Arts Center 112982841 $38,321 CUNY
To support the York College Performing Arts Series, providing
performances that both educate and entertain.
Local Lappin York Theatre Company Inc. 133550290 * $8,000 DCLA
To support the York Theatre Company's Main Stage
Productions, Musicals in Mufti Series (staged concert
productions), and a Developmental Reading Series.
Local Garodnick Yorkville Common Pantry, Inc. 133127972 $3,500 DYCD
Funding will support the Yorkville Common Pantry's meal
Local Lappin Yorkville Common Pantry, Inc. 133127972 $3,500 DYCD
To support food programs for the needy, including, Pantry's
Choice Pantry program, Hot Meal Program, and brown bag
Local Viverito Yorkville Common Pantry, Inc. 133127972 $12,500 DYCD To support the food pantry program.
Local Quinn Young Audiences New York Inc 131997754 $3,500 DCLA Pending
Local Viverito Young Audiences New York, Inc. 131997754 $3,500 DCLA
To support arts learning experiences for students in Council
District 8 through multi-week residencies, family
programming, and/or cultural performances. Funding will
support the YANY program at PS 163.
Boro Gonzalez
Delegation Young Dancers in Repertory, Inc. 112799128 $6,362 DCLA
FY14 Funds will support the Free Dancing Through Brooklyn
Parks series, programs in public schools, and classes,
workshops and other programs that are free and open to the
Local Fidler Young Israel of Bedford Bay 111993448 $6,500 DFTA
To offer a monthly lecture series for the community on topics
of interest or important to the members of the community.
Local Oddo Young Israel of Staten Island 132618386 * $10,000 DYCD Pending
Local Greenfield Young Israel Senior Services, Inc. 030381957 * $5,000 DFTA
These funds will be used for health and wellness classes such
as yoga, tai chi, zumba, dancing etc. It will also permit us to
provide ESL, painting and technology classes with the
appropriate books supplies.
p. 273 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Greenfield
Young Men's and Young Women's Hebrew Association
of Boro Park, Inc. 111630917 * $1,000 DFTA
Funds used for program enhancement: additional exercise
classes, holiday celebrations, evening activities and trips to
cultural events around the cit. Funds also used to increase
availability of transportation for seniors.
Local Comrie Young Mens Christian Association of Greater New York 131624228 $15,000 DYCD
To support youth and family programs including Family Night,
a Teen Center anda second grade swimming program. The
funds will support the salaries and supplies related to the
above referenced programs.
Local Crowley Young Mens Christian Association of Greater New York 131624228 $4,000 DYCD
To support a Teen Center and a Counselor in Training
Local Dickens Young Mens Christian Association of Greater New York 131624228 $5,000 DYCD
To provide a safe and secure place for teens to go within
their community, activities, and programs to prepare for post-
high school life such as business work-sites visits, career
shadowing, college preparation and campus tours.
Local Koo Young Mens Christian Association of Greater New York 131624228 $3,500 DYCD
Funds will be used for the New Americans Welcome Centers,
which serve as multilingual information resource and referral
centers, and provide immigrant families with a wide array of
instructional, vocational, recreational, family support, and
social services. Instructional services include English as a
Second Language, Cultural Orientation, Citizenship
Preparation, Job Readiness, and Computer Literacy.
Local Rose Young Mens Christian Association of Greater New York 131624228 $5,000 DYCD
To support Teen Night in providing evening YMCA access to
community teens on Friday nights from 7-10 PM.
Local Wills Young Mens Christian Association of Greater New York 131624228 $7,000 DYCD
To support social responsibility and development in youth by
providing a series of Know Your Rights Conferences.
Fidler, Van Bramer, Lander,
Arroyo, Levin, Brewer, Chin CC
Young Men's Christian Association of Greater New
York 131624228 * $50,000 DYCD
Teens Take the City (TTC) is a teen civic engagement program
that teaches young people about city government and
making a difference in their own community.
Local Recchia
Young Men's Christian Association of Greater New
York 131624228 * $4,000 DYCD
To provide youth development programs at the Coney Island
YMCA, including a Y After School program, Teen Center,
Leaders Club, and youth health and wellness programs. The
funds will be used to cover the costs associated with running
these programs.
Local Koo Young Womens Christian Association of Queens 200351906 $5,000 DYCD
The funding will be used to provide ESL classes for non-
English speakers.
Local Recchia
Young Women's Christian Association of the City of
New York 131624230 * $8,000 DYCD
To support the YWCAs continuum of services to the Coney
Island Community, including the Roberta Bright Early Learning
Center for toddler and pre-school age children.
Local Palma Young Women's Leadership Network 061517218 $5,000 DOE
To place full-time college guidance experts in high-need
public schools. Funding will support a full-time CBI counselor
who will provide early college and career awareness, college
application, financial aid, and enrollment support to students
at District 18s Mott Hall V High School.
p. 274 of 276
Source Sponsor Member Legal Name of Organization EIN * Amount Agency Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit FC EIN
Local Reyna Young Women's Leadership Network 061517218 $10,000 DYCD
Funds will support a College Bound Initiative counselor to
help Young Women's Leadership Network students achieve
college entrance and degrees.
Local Rivera Young Women's Leadership Network 061517218 $8,000 DOE
Funding to support the FolkCOLOMBIA Msica y Danza, a
Community Cultural Initiative (CCI) program of the Center for
Traditional Music and Dance that fosters and advocates for
Colombian traditional culture in New York City. Funds will be
used for programming costs associated with the Colombia en
el Parque 2013 concert event.
Local Vallone Young Women's Leadership Network 061517218 $5,000 DOE
Funding supports a full-time CBI counselor who will provide
early college and career awareness, college application,
financial aid, and enrollment support to TYWLS of Astoria
Local Ferreras, Levin CC Young Women's Leadership Network, Inc. 061517218 * $75,000 DOE
TYWLS will provide a high-quality education to 2,200 girls at
five nationally recognized, college preparatory, public middle
and high schools. 21 high-need public high schools will
benefit from a full-time CBI counselor who will provide early
college and career awareness, college application, financial
aid, and enrollment support to more than 11,700 students.
Local Comrie Youth Referral & Placement Unit, Inc. 020674289 * $3,500 OCJC
To support a Batterers Intervention Program, a 16 week
program designed to educate clients on the effects of
domestic violence on women, children, and society and teach
healthy behaviors.
Local Quinn Youth Service Opportunities Project, Inc. 133155351 $3,500 DYCD
To mobilize and direct student and adult volunteers to help
homeless and hungry people. Funds will help pay for food
and supplies.
Local Brooklyn Delegation, Lander CC YWCA of Brooklyn, The 111630919 * $30,000 DFTA
Funding will be used to hire a full-time onsite trauma
specialist. A trauma specialist will provide crisis conflict
intervention, daily assistance to live independently, and
entitlement support.
Local Comrie
Zeta Zeta Lambda Alpha Phi Alpha Youth Programs,
Inc. 112872641 * $5,000 DYCD
To provide tutoring services, college awareness, mentoring,
community services projects, civic awareness, internships, life
skills and teen pregnancy prevention and safe sex workshops
for youth and young adults.
Boro Ignizio
Zimmer Club Youth Conservation Program of Staten
Island, Inc. 352262561 $5,000 DYCD
To provide the youth of Staten Island instruction in
environmental conservation and habitat wildlife protection
through outdoor activities. Funds will support instruction on
fishing, boating, hunting, horticulture, animal care, birds of
prey, camping, first aid, and other outdoor endeavors.
p. 275 of 276
Row Labels Sum of Amount
Boro 987674.5
Local 35436570
Arroyo 420000
Barron 144000
Brewer 280000
Cabrera 293500
CC 15045000
CD19 120000
Chin 250000
Comrie 841500
Crowley 226000
Dickens 690500
Dilan 695000
Dromm 350000
Eugene 345000
Ferreras 400000
Fidler 800000
Foster 300000
Garodnick 204000
Gennaro 330000
Gentile 242500
Gonzalez 400000
Greenfield 365000
Ignizio 400000
Jackson 506100
James 221500
King 100000
Koo 217000
Koppell 175000
Koslowitz 481000
Lander 225000
Lappin 428500
Levin 421000
Mealy 166500
Mendez 250000
Nelson 300000
Oddo 840000
Palma 700000
Quinn 590500
Recchia 1303000
Reyna 377000
Richards 310000
Rivera 755000
Rodriguez 240000
Rose 355000
Ulrich 325000
Vacca 475000
Vallone 350000
Van Bramer 388500
Vann 475500
Viverito 400000
Weprin 400000
Williams 224470
Wills 294000
Grand Total 36424244.5
Council Member Organization EIN * Amount Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit Fiscal EIN
Gentile 62nd Precinct Community Council, Inc. 112957305 * $1,000
To support various programs to foster strong community relations, including a national night out,
childrens community service awards, community clean ups, and monthly meetings within the
Gentile 68th Precinct Community Council 203970147 * $1,000
To support National Night Out Against Crime, an night when police and communities together
take a stance against crime and drugs, improve police/community relations and educate residents
about crime statistics and crime prevention.
Gentile 68th Precinct Youth Council, Inc. 112478910 $3,500
To purchase equipment and support costs for recreational baseball, and outdoor and indoor
soccer sports programs for youth in the 68th Police Precinct and surrounding neighborhoods.
Mealy 71st Precinct Community Council, Inc. 043784543 *
To support programming, including Explorers Program; Family Day Picnic; National Night Out;
Halloween Safe Path Walk; and Turkey Giveaway.
Lander 78th Precinct Youth Council, Inc. 112947101 $10,000 To support training and practice for youth baseball, soccer and other sports programs.
92nd Street Y (Young Men's and Young Women's Hebrew
Association) 131624229 $5,000
Funding will support the 92nd Street Y's literacy, arts, science, recreational and civics programs
for low-income families and youth.
Reyna 104th Precinct Law Explorers 331058210 * $2,000
Funds will support educational services, leadership skills building and responsibility activities for
Ferreras 110th Precinct Community Council, Inc. 432025653 $3,500
To support youth centered programming designed to heighten crime and drug prevention
awareness in youth through the annual Night Out Against Crime event.
103rd Precinct Community Council
205484666 * $3,500
To support the Crime Prevention Fair, Law Enforcement Explorer Group youth field trips and
education forums, and the annual National Night Out Against Crime. Funding will be utilized to
purchase uniform accessories and to hire entertainment vendors for events.
Dromm 110th Precinct Community Council, Inc. 432025653 $3,500
To support youth centered programming designed to heighten crime and drug prevention and
awareness in youth and for general operating expenses and bookkeeping fees.
Wills 113th Precinct Community Council 113218377 * $3,500
To develop relationships and promote interaction between community youth and police officers
by providing transportation and admissions for cultural, educational and entertainment trips and
1332 Fulton Avenue Day Care Center, Inc.
132690309 $33,000
To provide disadvantaged youth of South Bronx with homework assistant, arts and crafts
workshops, and trips to educational, cultural, and recreational events.
Dickens 142nd Street Block Association, Inc. 753252444 $4,000
To support the 142nd Street Block Association's Youth Workforce Fair, a one-day event for at-risk
youth on how to succeed in todays job market.
78th Precinct Youth Council, Inc.
112947101 $8,000 To provide flag football, baseball and basketball, as well as general fitness programsfor youth.
Dromm 82nd Street Academics 200788352 $35,857 To support an After School program at the Renaissance Charter Schools.
Chin A Place for Kids, Inc. 133624631 $4,000
To support Literacy Arts Program and further develop the internship and volunteer programs.
Funding will be used for the directors salary.
A Very Special Place, Inc.
133005006 $3,500
To support The Community Center in providing therapeutic recreation for persons 18 years of age
or older with developmental disabilities.
Abraham House, Inc.
133721924 $10,500
To support after school and summer programs for youth in art, STEM (Science, Technology,
English and Math), and youth development.
Quinn Abundant Waters, Inc. 133706659 $4,000 To provide learning specialist support for learning-disabled children in the program.
Mendez Advocates for Children of New York, Inc. 112247307 $3,500
Funding helps run the Jill Chaifetz Education Helpline which is an independent, comprehensive
source of instant, free consultation on almost any school-related issue, including, for example,
safety transfers to another school; special education; or school discipline and suspensions.
Advocates for Children of New York, Inc.
To provide for the Jill Chaifetz Education Helpline, which provides free consultation on a range of
school related issues including special education, discipline and education rights.
Jackson Advocates for Children of New York, Inc. 112247307 $3,500
Funds will support the Jill Chaifetz Education helpline assisting parents with consultations on
school-related issues and navigating the public school system.
Dickens African Diaspora Film Festival 743058513 $4,000
To provide tickets for young people at elementary, intermediate and high school students to
attend screenings at the African Diaspora Film Festival.
p. 1 of 51
Council Member Organization EIN * Amount Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit Fiscal EIN
Rose African Refuge, Inc. 010873188 * $6,000
To support a homework help program for youth in the Parkhill/Stapleton Community, including
African Immigrants.
Ferreras Alianza Ecuatoriana Internacional 263136947 * $5,000 To provide Andean dance and music classes for the children and youth.
Alley Pond Environmental Center, Inc.
To conduct environmental education programs for children at reasonable rates and for children
in low income areas at class visitation programs.
Jackson Alvin Ailey Dance Foundation 132584273 $10,000
Funds will support AileyCamp NY, a youth program offering dance, creative writing and personal
development and offering youth from under-served communities the opporunity to see an Ailey
Levin American Museum of the Moving Image 112730714 * $8,000 To support an after-school animation partnership with IS 318.
Vallone American Wu Shu Society 010722399
Funding used for space rental, taxes and associated costs, consumable supplies, utilities,
telephones, and other costs.
Garodnick Amigos del Museo del Barrio 237156720 $5,000
Funding will support the museum's programs that link its cultural resources with social studies,
English, science and art classes in public schools through connecting artist educators with
classroom teachers and students.
Wills Amity Baptist Church 112014196 * $5,000
To promote the Summer Exposure Program and Day Camp by providing stipends to participants
aged 13-15 and staff as well as arts and crafts.
Fidler Amity Little League, Inc. 112705385
To support literacy services and GED testing for students who have taken the GED test and failed
by 250 points or less.
Mendez Andrew Glover Youth Program, Inc. 133267496 $8,000
Funding used to support court advocacy and intensive crime prevention programs for youthful
offenders and at-risk youths from the Lower East Side and in East Harlem.
Gonzalez Arab American Association of New York, Inc. 113604756 $5,000
To support MRNY in engaging CD21 residents in a variety of activities and campaigns to support
active & healthy living and sustainable communities.
Gentile Arab American Association of New York, Inc. 113604756 $5,500
To support services and programs for Arab American immigrants including academic support,
college readiness, leadership, and civic participation for youth and young adults, and empower
independence, increased education and employment opportunities, and community integration
for adults.
Rodriguez Armory Foundation, The 133680286 $5,000
To support a College Prep initiative, an after-school college access program for low-income
academically average students attending New York City public high schools.
Ignizio Art Lab, Inc. - The Art School at Snug Harbor 132977495 $5,000
To support Art Lab programs. Funds will provide for advertising, tuition assistance, and free
classes and workshops to those who cannot afford them.
Rose Art Lab, Inc. - The Art School at Snug Harbor 132977495 $5,000 To support arts education, including tuition assistance and other program costs.
Mendez Arts for Art, Inc. 133991848 $3,500
Funds used for teachers, purchase of instruments and performance costs to support music
workshops and instruction for children, mentoring, and performances.
Arts in Action, Inc.
To support an afterschool Fine Arts program through funding for salaries, space rental, art
supplies, and office supplies.
Richards Arverne Church Of God Inc. 113031878 $5,000
Through Operation Get Real with D.R.U.G.S (Doing Right Under Guidance and Supervision), the
Arverne Church of God is making mentoring available to youth on Friday night open gym sessions.
Funds will be used for workshops, recreation equipment, and events.
Koo Asian American Coalition for Children and Families, Inc. 133682471
Funds will used to support the Asian American Student Advocacy Project (ASAP) which is a youth
leadership program.
Asian American Coalition for Children and Families, Inc.
To provide youth and parent leadership programs through the Asian American Student Advocacy
Asian American Coalition for Children and Families, Inc.
To support the Asian American Student Advocacy Project (ASAP), a youth leadership program for
NYC Asian Pacific American (APA) public high school students from all five boroughs, including
students residing in District 19.
Chin Asian American Coalition for Children and Families, Inc. 133682471 $4,000
Funds will support The Asian American Student Advocacy Project (ASAP), CACFs youth leadership
program where NYC Asian Pacific American (APA) public high school students from all five
boroughs, meet and work on their campaign to promote college and career readiness among
immigrant students and English language learners.
p. 2 of 51
Council Member Organization EIN * Amount Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit Fiscal EIN
Chin Asian Americans for Equality 133187792 $4,000
Funds will support a Youth and Family Development Program for immigrant and English language
learning high school students to build leadership skills, organize youth to lead community service
projects, promote college and career readiness.
Chin Asian Professional Extension, Inc. 133650718 $3,500
Funds will support the one-on-one mentoring program by supporting the staff needed to match
the youth and mentors, background checks for the volunteers, and coordinating and subsidizing
the activities.
Chin Asian Professional Extension, Inc. 133650718 $4,000
The funding will support a basketball program to students at PS 1, PS 110, PS 184, and PS 130;
math and ELA Test Preparation classes at P.S. 1 and P.S. 110; and theater class for ESL students at
PS 184.
Lappin Association to Benefit Children, Inc. 133303089
To support ABC's youth services program, including recreational programming, academic support,
enrichment activities, vocational and college preparatory workshops, therapeutic groups,
mentoring support, and Rosie and Harry's Camp.
Viverito Association to Benefit Children, Inc. 133303089 $5,000
To support year-round programs and services for at-risk school-age children and adolescents who
are homeless, have severe disabilities, are medically fragile and have experienced emotional
distress, abuse, neglect and violence.
Gentile Associazioni Siciliane Unite de New York, Inc. 113416416 * $5,500
To support soccer tournaments for the youth, provide historical /or recreational excursions for
the elderly, as well as, informational forums for the youth, elderly and women.
Astoria Performing Arts Center, Inc.
The funding will support the 11th year of APACs annual summer performance program for
children (Queens residents between the ages of 8-13) SUMMER STARS. Funding would cover staff
and rent costs associated with the program.
Weprin Auburndale Soccer Club, Inc. 112476178 * $7,500 To support programs for special needs children
Greenfield Auditory/Oral School of , The 061531077 $5,000 Funds will be used for the general operation of the school.
Nelson Auditory/Oral School of New York, The 061531077
To support operating costs, including salaries and other expenses for the school for the hearing
Bailey House, Inc.
133165181 $5,500
So support the Wellness and Community program at Bailey House in East Harlem meeting
individual physical and behavioral health-related needs and providing nutritious food at a Food
Bailey's Caf, Inc.
$3,500 To provide support for the summer mural project which will be used to pay for artists, purchase
materials, cover stipends for the youth as well as transportation and ribbon cutting ceremony.
Greenfield Bais Yaakov Faigeh Schonberger of Adas Yereim 203295496 * $10,000
Funds used to operate a summer program for youth and families during the summer months of July
and August. Program provides children with a fun filled, educational, and properly supervised
environment through direct services for children up to 7th grade, childcare for working parents, and
Student Youth Employment opportunities.
Dickens Ballet Theatre Foundation, Inc. 131882106 $3,000
To support the ABT at School dance program, which introduces public school students to the
performing arts.
Rodriguez Bameso Usa 342056362 * $9,000 To provide sports programming for youth.
Arroyo Banana Kelly Community Improvement Association, Inc. 132934000 * $10,000
To support a Multiculutral After School Program. Funds will be used for teachers and teacher
aides salaries.
Dickens Bank Street College of Education 135562167 $5,000
To support Liberty LEADS, providing academic resources, college prep classes, counseling,
mentoring, and enrichment activities as well as a comprehensive support system for inner City
Chin Battery Conservancy, Inc. 133769101 $5,000
Funds will support Battery Urban Farm, the parks largest education and outreach program that is
educating youth and the public about growing and eating healthy vegetables and sustainable
gardening. The program provides educational classes to youth and outreach to youth and adults
through tours and free community events.
Gentile Bay Ridge Community Council Inc 112602994 $1,000
To support an Annual Halloween Art Window Painting Contest and for the purchase of paints,
ribbons and awards for the event.
CD19 Bayside Little League, Inc. 113279032 * $15,000 To support youth baseball programs and subsidize the cost of baseball uniforms.
Lander Bct Brooklyn Childrens Theatre 452906089 * $3,500 To support after school musical theatre program for 3rd-5th graders at PS 230.
p. 3 of 51
Council Member Organization EIN * Amount Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit Fiscal EIN
Greenfield Bechirot dba Choices, Inc. 203863572 * $4,000 Funds used to impliment workshops for adolescents, teens and their families.
Vann Bed Stuy's Project Re-Generation, Inc. 010596502 * $10,000 To provide stipends to the staff of the Foot Soldiers program.
Mendez Bella Abzug Leadership Institute, Inc. 300280807 $5,000
The funds will be used to recruit female middle school, high school, and college students in 5
Boroughs of New York City for programs including Leadership Skills and debate, physical and
mental wellness and to pay staff and teachers.
Chin Bella Abzug Leadership Institute, Inc. 300280807 $4,000
The funds will be used to recruit female middle school , high school and college students in 5
Boroughs of New York City and provide them with leadership and debate training as well as
physical and mental wellness training.
Bergen Basin Community Development Corporation d/b/a
Millennium Development 113199040
To provide youth & family services including comprehensive after-school programming at four
local elementary schools, youth programming, including youth sports and events, and social
activities for youth.
Fidler Bergen Beach Youth Organization 112598350
To provide recreational activities, sports, social activities including evening teen centers,
educational activities, leadership programs, neighborhood beautification programs, and other
activities and programs.
Koslowitz Beth Gavriel Bukharian Congregation 113336257 * $36,500 Funding will be used for an after-school program.
Brewer Big Apple Circus Ltd 132906037
To provide free and deeply-discounted tickets to eligible youth, school groups, and senior citizens
from all five boroughs during the Big Apple Circus engagements at Lincoln Center and at
Cunningham Park in Queens in 2013-2014.
Big Apple Circus, Ltd.
To support the Circus for All Program which provides free, subsidized, and discounted
performance tickets to eligible youth, school groups, and senior citizens.
Big Apple Circus, Ltd.
132906037 $5,000
To support the Big Apple Circus' Clown Care program. The program integrates Clown Doctors
(doctors trained in specific hygienic practices and protocols related to interacting with
hospitalized children) with the medical staff of participating hospitals, to provide humor and the
joy of the circus experience to pediatric patients.
Big Apple Circus, Ltd.
132906037 $5,250
To provide free and deeply-discounted tickets to eligible youth, school groups, and senior citizens
from all five boroughs during the Big Apple Circus engagements at Lincoln Center and at
Cunningham Park in Queens in 2013-2014.
Dickens Big Apple Circus, Ltd. 132906037 $5,000
To support Big Apple Circus' CLOWN CARE program in three NYC hospitals providing the circus
experience for children who are hospitalized, integrating Clown Doctors with the participating
hospitals medical staff.
Mendez Big Brothers Big Sisters of New York City, Inc. 135600383 $3,500 Funds will support staffs direct client work with youth, mentors, and families of CD2.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of New York City, Inc.
To fund Community-Based Workplace Programs by supporting the staffs direct client work with
CD5 youth, mentors, and families. Staff supervises the mentoring relationships, provide
referrals/support services, hold workshops/events, counsel families.
Dickens Big Brothers Big Sisters of New York City, Inc. 135600383 $5,000
To provide mentoring and support services through two programs: Community-Based, a program
for participants to meet with mentors in the community, and the Workplace Program, placing
youth with mentors at coproations in the City.
Chin Big Brothers Big Sisters of New York City, Inc. 135600383 $3,500
Funds will support a Community-Based program which provides youth with mentoring and a
workplace program where middle and high school youths are given mentors at corporations
throughout the City to develop workplace skills.
Garodnick Big Brothers Big Sisters of New York City, Inc. 135600383 $3,500 Funding will support mentoring services for New York City youth.
Jackson Big Brothers Big Sisters of New York City, Inc. 135600383 $4,000
Funds will support community based programs for youth and workplace programs for youth
where youth are mentored and services include workshops and family counseling.
Crowley Blau-Weiss Gottschee, Inc. 116074351 $12,000 To provide a youth soccer program with team play, technical skills and competitions.
Bonnie Boys Club (a.k.a. Bonnie Youth Club)
$25,000 The funds will be used to help fund the Support, Service and Success program, which works with
students who are athletes to help them enter and successfully complete high school and college.
p. 4 of 51
Council Member Organization EIN * Amount Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit Fiscal EIN
Eugene Bonnie Boys Club (a.k.a. Bonnie Youth Club) 116075963 $7,000
To support a scholarship program for student athletes in high school and college, and a Baseball
Program that exposes student athletes to high school, college and professional coaches and
Border Crossers, Inc.
To provide free ESL classes, financial literacy, job readiness, career options, computer training
workshops, career counseling and job placement to public school parents in various public
schools in Council Districts 6, 7, and 8.
Boy Scouts of America - Greater New York Council
$5,000 Funding will be used to carry out Scouting programs, including youth development and character-
building Cub Scout and Boy Scout programs, to youth in Queens. Costs include staff support.
Oddo Boy Scouts of America - Greater New York Council 131624015 $3,500
Funding will be used to carry out Scouting programs, including youth development and character-
building Cub Scout and Boy Scout programs, to youth in Staten Island.
james Boys Town New York, Inc. 205960877
To support the Common Sense Parenting Program, which trains parents on how to handle
childrens' difficult behaviors and to nurture their childrens' development.
Lander BRIC Arts | Media | Bklyn, Inc. 112547268 $1,500
To support arts programming for youth throughout Brooklyn, including afterschool youth
programming. Funds will pay for artists, production and marketing costs and program
Gentile Bridge to Youth, Inc. 421660753 $1,000 To serve special needs children and their families, including music programs, classes, and therapy.
Brighton Ballet Theater Company, Inc.
$20,000 To support free rehearsals and choreography workshops for selected BBT students and pay the
salary and administrative costs for the choreograpyher to conduct these workshops.
Ulrich Broad Channel Athletic Club, Inc. 112581922 * $15,000
Funds will support the athletic program's structured coaching and league sports by covering the
cost of sporting equipment
Broadway League, Inc., The
To provide for the Family First Nights program. Family First Nights introduces families from
underserved communities to the professional theatre and encourages children to develop life-
long appreciation for the art form.
Broadway League, Inc., The
130951470 *
To support the Family First Nights program, which encourages children to develop a life-long
appreciation for theatre.
Foster Bronx Defenders, The 133931074 $5,000
Jewish Children's Museums Public School Initiative will invite children from public schools and
other under serviced schools to visit museum at a reduced cost. This program encourages and
fosters tolerance and understanding between people of various traditions and backgrounds.
Funds will be used to help defray the costs of admission for children from public and other
schools from under serviced areas.
Vacca Bronx House, Inc. 131739935 $75,000
To provide funds to operate a Tween/Teen Center that offers recreational, physical education and
education programs.
Arroyo Bronx Works, formerly Citizen Advice Bureau 133254484 * $10,000
To support ongoing and planned educational, cultural, recreational, social and health and fitness
activities for youth at the Betances Community Center.
BronxWorks, Inc.
133254484 $5,000
To support the BronxWorks After School Program and the BronxWorks Community Center. The
program provides literacy activities, character building, team sports, swimming, computers,
nutrition education, homework assistance, and spring recess day trips to local cultural and
recreational attractions and retreats to Greenkill Retreat Center.
Gentile Brooklyn Aquarium Society, Inc. 112461838 $2,000
To support aquatic education and programs and to purchase equipment, and livestock and
support other program costs.
Williams Brooklyn Arts Council 237072915 $5,000
To support the Brooklyn Arts Councils' arts education, folk art projects, and other programs and
services for students.
Reyna Brooklyn Ballers Sports, Youth and Educational Corp. 651209020 $10,000 Funds will support health and fitness programs for youth ages 8-21.
Brooklyn Ballet, Inc.
020569320 *
To provide scholarships for the Conservatory Training Program, support Brooklyn Ballets public
school residency program, Elevate, and offer need-based scholarships for children who
participate in the residency program to continue studying at Brooklyn Ballet.
p. 5 of 51
Council Member Organization EIN * Amount Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit Fiscal EIN
Levin Brooklyn Boulders Foundation, Inc. 454955338 *
To support free rock climbing programs for youth, including the City Rocks, Youth Networking,
and the Community Outreach Programs.
James Brooklyn Cares Mentoring Movement, Inc. 453045414 *
To support the new organization that sets up a mentoring program through funding for
administrative and staff costs.
James Brooklyn Childrens Museum 112495664
To support the School Group Adventures program, that allows group visits from 75 schools to the
museum, and supplies teachers with pre- and post- lesson plans.
Vann Brooklyn Childrens Museum 112495664 $10,000 To provide free after school programs to children in elementary and middle school.
Greenfield Brooklyn Childrens Museum 112495664 $2,500
Funds used to reduce necessary fees and support the School Group Adventures program. This
helps cover costs of staffing, building maintenance, security and equipment that are incurred by
school group visits. Funds are also used to produce lesson plans for visiting teachers.
Reyna Brooklyn Children's Museum 112495664 $5,000 Funds will support the museum's free after school program.
Dromm Brooklyn Community Pride Center, Inc. 262214534 $3,500
To support services for the Brooklyn LGBTQ community through original programming and in
partnership with existing organizations. Services include physical and mental health services,
social support, recreational and cultural programming, as well as serving as a center for
information for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals and families in Brooklyn.
Mealy Brooklyn Community Service 111630780
To support the Gary Klinsky Childrens Center (GKCC) after-school program located at P.S. 21 (the
Crispus Attucks School). The program consists of literature, writing, science, social studies,
mathematics, cooking, visual arts, music, dance, drama and technology targeting language skills.
Lander Brooklyn Defender Services 113305406 $2,000
To support a Youth and Family Justice Initiative. Funding will pay for social worker and
investigator positions and education, advocacy and outreach.
Williams Brooklyn Defender Services 113305406 $8,000
To support the Youth and Family Justice Initiative, education and outreach, and in particular to
provide for the hiring of a social worker, community liaison and investigator positions.
Gentile Brooklyn Extreme Flag Football, Inc. 260789598 $3,500
To support a flag football program for youth, teaching the rules of the game, discipline and
character and sporstmanship. Funds will support equipment and other program costs, and to
allow underprivileged children to participate for free or for a significantly discounted fee.
James Brooklyn Historical Society 111630813
To provide funding for the Crossing Borders, Bridging Generations online curriculum which will
includes lesson plans and teaching guides designed for use by K-12 teachers to engage young
audiences both in the classroom and after school.
Lander Brooklyn Historical Society 111630813 $3,500
To support creation of online cirricula for the Crossing Borders, Bridging Generations oral history
project for use by K-12 teachers to use with students.
James Brooklyn Music School 116000202 *
To provide for the after-school and outreach programs and workshops for underserved youth.
Lander Brooklyn Navy Yard Development Corporation 112137138 * $2,000 To support exhibits and programs for youth at BLDG 92.
James Brooklyn Navy Yard Development Corporation 112137138 *
To provide for exhibits and programs that are free and accessible to local residents at the
Brooklyn Navy Yard's Center's, BLDG 92.
Lander Brooklyn Philharmonic Orchestra, Inc 111773636 $3,500 To support afterschool music education programs for youth grades K-12 in public schools.
James Brooklyn Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra, Inc. 111773636
To provide for free access for students and families in Title 1 schools and economically
underserved communities for the School Time Brooklyn Philharmonic concerts.
Brooklyn Steppers, Inc., The
$4,000 To provide support general operating expenses for the Music Creation Project, an annual Battle of
the Drumlines community event, musical instruments, and after-school music instruction.
Brooklyn Steppers, Inc., The
$3,500 To provide support for general operating expenses and purchase musical instruments for the
Brooklyn Steppers' Music Creation Project (MCP) and the annual Battle of the Drumlines event.
p. 6 of 51
Council Member Organization EIN * Amount Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit Fiscal EIN
Brooklyn Steppers, Inc., The
To support the Brooklyn Steppers, including the Brooklyn Steppers Music Creation Project (MCP)
and an annual community event, the Battle of the Drumlines, and for the purchase of musical
instruments for the marching band.
Levin Brooklyn Youth Chorus Academy 113129249 $7,000
To support and expand BYCAs Choral Music Education and Performance Program and Financial
Aid Initiative.
James Brooklyn Youth Sports Club 271404772 *
To support the Brooklyn Badgers and Beyond Basketball sports and education programs through
funding for tutor salaries, coaches salaries, classroom/gym space.
Levin Brooklyn Youth Sports Club 271404772 *
Funds will be used to cover costs of tutor salaries, coaches salaries, classroom/gym space, etc.
Wills Brooks Memorial United Methodist Church 111832868 * $10,000
To feed needy individuals and families within the community, particularly during the holiday
Dickens Brotherhood/Sister Sol, The 133857387 $4,000
To support after school programming, Rites of Passage programs, youth organizing , leadership
training, job training, community outreach and other programs for youth.
Levin Bushwick Starr Inc., The 264546315
To support an annual eco-playwriting program and green theater festival celebrating
environmental education, sustainability in the arts, and community enrichment. This is an after-
school program run from January through March.
Fidler Cadets Baseball Club, Inc. 112668901 *
To support a youth baseball program for those who are interested in participating in a high level
of baseball, and provide academic athletic scholarships to participants.
Bergen Basin Community Development Corp
dba Millennium Development 113199040
Lander CAMBA, Inc. 112480339 $5,000
To support the Youth Empowerment Program at PS 269. Funding will pay for annual youth
leadership retreat, career and college advisement and other program actitives.
Williams CAMBA, Inc. 112480339 $4,000
To support CAMBA's Beacon Center's Youth Empowerment Program that provides activities
including karate, chess soccer, tutering and adult literacy classes.
Caribbean American Center of New York, Inc.
To support the Youth Ambassador Mentoring and Training Program (YAMTP) and the Junior
YAMTP program.
Williams Caribbean American Center of New York, Inc. 133443781 $3,500
To provide basic educational support services, including SAT/REGENT Prep, job preparation skills
leading up to summer jobs, internship placement and community service opportunities for teens.
Caribbean American Sports and Cultural Youth Movement
(CASYM, Inc.) 112778372 *
To provide for equipment, staff support, a teen dance group, and space rental.
Caribbean American Sports and Cultural Youth Movement
(CASYM, Inc.) 112778372 * $7,000
To provide cultural programming throughout Brooklyn, and support the operational costs of the
Cabrera Caribe Baseball Little League Sport Inc. 061714112 $5,250
To support little league baseball by defraying the costs of tournaments, uniforms, equipment,
awards for participants, and transportation to games.
Lander Carroll Gardens Association, Inc. 112573432 * $3,500 To support a part-time organizer of youth programs at annual street fair.
Arroyo Casita Maria, Inc. 131623994 * $10,000 To support an enrichment after-school program for children from over 23 Bronx schools.
Palma Casita Maria, Inc. 131623994 * $5,000
To provide youth education in school and afterschool programs supported by a family center, a
gallery and a theater.
Catholic Charities Community Services, Archdiocese of New
135562185 $27,000
To enhance and support the MOSAIC Beacon Program. The program enables youth participants to
take trips associated with summer camps, the afterschool program, college tours, and the youth
conference. Additionally, it provides youth leadership training and stipends for completion and
Catholic Charities Community Services, Archdiocese of New
York 135562185 $5,500
Funds will support after-school recreational programs for children specifically physical fitness and
wellness program offers organized sports, free gym time, homework help, a computer lab, and
physical fitness activities to children ages 4.5 to 11.
Vallone Catholic Charities Neighborhood Services, Inc. 112047151
Funds will support a GED program and specifically be used for a Job Readiness Counselor, who
will mentor youth, to enhance work readiness skills and provide employment counseling.
Additional funds will go towards participant supplies and group activities.
Catholic Charities Neighborhood Services, Inc.
To support an afterschool program that provides cultural and educational enrichment, including
field trips to local venues of cultural interest and outdoor education.
Ferreras Center for Anti-Violence Education (CAE, Inc., The) 112444676 * $3,500
To provide youth who have been victims of violence with skills to rebuild healthier and safer lives
and to provide self-defense/violence prevention workshops and courses.
p. 7 of 51
Council Member Organization EIN * Amount Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit Fiscal EIN
Center for Anti-Violence Education (CAE, Inc., The)
To provie youth in District 33 with courses and workshops in furtherance of the organizations anti-
violence work.
Lander Center for Anti-Violence Education (CAE, Inc., The) 112444676 $3,500
To support long-term prevention of violence and empowerment courses for pre-teen girls and
LGBTQ youth in District 39 facing bullying, harassment and abuse.
Lappin Center for Arts Education, Inc. 133938080
To provide children and their parents opportunities to create and explore art together through
Parents As Arts Partners (PAAP). Through PAAP, NYC public schools work with CAE staff and
teaching artists to design and deliver interactive, family-focused arts activities that serve to
increase parent involvement in their childs education and school, while also connecting to the
schools curricula and aligned with NYS Learning Standards for the Arts.
Garodnick Center for Arts Education, Inc. 133938080 $3,500
Funding will support Parents As Arts Partners (PAAP) program. Through PAAP, NYC public schools
work with CAE staff and teaching artists to design and deliver interactive, family-focused arts
activities that serve to increase parent involvement in their child's education and school.
Lander Center for Arts Education, Inc. 133938080 $3,000 To support parent-child arts based programs for local schools.
Vallone Central Astoria Local Development Coalition, Inc. 112652331
Funds support a program providing free movies and concerts for families on the Waterfront.
Rose Central Family Life Center 133626127 * $18,214
To provide after school tutoring services for elementary school students from Stapleton, Parkhill
and Concord. Funds will be used to pay staff, and cover other costs to maintain the program.
Central Queens YM & YWHA, Inc.
111633509 $25,000
Funds will provide youth programs including job training and placement, leadership
development, community service, educational and GED classes, intervention and prevention
services, summer youth employment programs, tutoring, mentoring and organized sports
Rodriguez Centro Altagracia de Fe y Justicia 161765323 * $9,000
To involve youth in community service activities and provide youth with a global perspective for
the activities. Funds will support the costs for the program.
Koppell Chabad Lubavitch of Riverdale 133697594 *
To provide for the youth library and after school program.
Lander Chess in the Schools, Inc 136119036 $3,500
To support city-wide chess programs, including classroom chess, after-school chess clubs,
scholastic tournaments, college bound programs and teacher training institute.
Mendez Chess-in-the-Schools, Inc. 136119036 $3,500
Funds used to support the Chess School Program including afterschool and classroom chess
instruction, the scholastic tournament program, and a broad college bound program.
Koo Chess-in-the-Schools, Inc.
136119036 $6,000
Funding used to support the following Chess-In-The-Schools programs: School Program,
Classroom Chess, After School Chess Clubs / Summer Chess Camps, Scholastic Tournament
Program, College Bound Program, Project Chess Teacher Training Institute.
James Chess-in-the-Schools, Inc.
136119036 $3,500
To provide for the following Chess-In-The-Schools programs: classroom chess, after school chess
clubs / summer chess camps, scholastic tournament program, college bound program, project
chess, and the Teacher Training Institute.
Chess-in-the-Schools, Inc. 136119036 $5,000
To support after school Chess Clubs and summer chess camps open to students in public school
Chess-in-the-Schools, Inc.
136119036 $5,000
To teach chess and provide college preparatory services. Chess is taught through Chess-in-the-
School's School Program, Classroom Chess Program, After-School Chess Clubs, Summer Chess
Camps, Scholastic Tournament Program and Project Chess--Teacher Training Institute. The College
Bound Program provides college guidance, tours, and preparatory services.
p. 8 of 51
Council Member Organization EIN * Amount Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit Fiscal EIN
Dickens Chess-in-the-Schools, Inc. 136119036 $5,000 To support Chess-in-the-Schools programs for inner-city public school.
Chess-in-the-Schools, Inc.
136119036 $3,500
Funds will support the Chess-in-the-Schools program including classroom and after school
programs, scholastic tournament programs, College Board Program and Project Chess Teacher
Training Institute.
Garodnick Chess-in-the-Schools, Inc. 136119036 $10,000 Funding will support the annual Chess Challenge tournament in District 4 public schools.
Gonzalez Chess-in-the-Schools, Inc. 136119036 $3,500 To support Chess-in-the-Schools for inner-city public school children.
Comrie Chess-in-the-Schools, Inc. 136119036 $3,500 To support Chess-in-the-Schools for inner-city public school children.
Jackson Chess-in-the-Schools, Inc. 136119036 $5,000
Funds will support chess in schools programs: school program; classroom chess; after-school
chess clubs/summer chess camps; scholastic tournament program; college bound program; and
project chess, teacher training institute.
Gennaro Child Center of New York, Inc., The 111733454 $10,000
Funds for additional staff/internship hours, training for staff and/or supplies so that The Child
Center can provide Beacon community center at Parsons Educational Complex offering full range
of services, mental health treatment to address emotional behavioral issues.
Child Center of New York, Inc., The
Funding pays for additional staff/internship hours, training for staff and/or supplies so that The
Child Center can provide Early Head Start for children, ages newborn to 3, a Cornerstone program
that offers a full range of services at Latimer Houses and an afterschool/summer programming at
PS 24.
Weprin Child Center of New York, Inc., The 111733454
To provide for additional staff/internship hours, training for staff and supplies for the
afterschool/summer programs at PS 188 and MS 74.
Child Center of New York, Inc., The
111733454 $16,500
Funds used for the procurement of food and ingredients that are used to prepare daily hot meals
and weekly take home packages.
Eugene Children Foundation for Help in Haiti 061798143 * $5,000
To support the afterschool program, summer camp program for children, English as a second
language classes, and immigration and referal assistance.
Gonzalez Children of the City 011330897 * $20,000 To support the Create Success After School Program for low income children and youth.
Viverito Children's Aid Society 135562191 $15,500
To support youth leadership programs at sites in Council District 8, including including our East
Harlem Center, Frederick Douglass Center and Community School PS 50.
Dickens Children's Aid Society 135562191 $5,000
To support after-school programs for youth in arts, sports, technology, science, and other areas at
the Dunlevy Milbank Center.
Arroyo Children's Aid Society 135562191 $5,000
To support our after-school and youth development programs at Fannie Lou Hamer Freedom
High School. Funds will cover program costs, including college trips, speakers, art projects, and
Jackson Children's Aid Society 135562191 $7,000 Funds will support youth programs at PS 8 and Mirabel Sisters Campus.
Rodriguez Children's Aid Society 135562191 $5,000
To support after-school and youth development programs at PS 152, PS 5, and Salome Urena de
Henriquez Campus. The after school program offers opportunities in the arts, sports, and
technology. The community school offers comprehensive health, dental, mental health and social
services to students; extensive after-school, evening, weekend, holiday and summer
programming; and classes for adults.
Children's Aid Society, The
$18,214 To support a Saturday Program for Deaf Children and Teens, a free, weekend recreational
program for deaf young people in NYC. Funds will support staff and other program costs.
Rose Children's Aid Society, The 135562191 $8,000
To provide teens and pre-teens with educational and recreational after school programming
including sports, arts, computer technology and homework help and tutoring activities at the
Goodhue Center.
Palma Children's Aid Society, The 135562191 $7,000
To support our the Childrens Aid Society Youth Council, providing opportunities for youth to
advocate for their peers on issues of shared concern through civic awareness and engagement.
Funding will covered the cost of portions of trips, supplies, and the annual conference.
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Council Member Organization EIN * Amount Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit Fiscal EIN
Quinn Children's Museum of the Arts 133520970 $3,500
To provide free family art programs on Governors Island, and at the Pier Pop in Hudson River
Garodnick Children's Museum of the Arts 133520970 $3,500
Funding will support the Children's Museum's free family-focused art, music and culture program
serving thousands of New York City children and their families for a summer weekend on
Governors Island.
Chin Children's Museum of the Arts, Inc. 133520970 $3,500
Funding to support CMA's Free Art Island Outpost, a free, family-focused weekend art program
on Governors Island.
Dickens Children's Storefront 132940671 * $5,000
The Childrens Storefront is an independent, tuition-free school in Harlem committed to providing
a comprehensive education to children with varied academic strengths from preschool through
eighth grade. Our work is grounded in the conviction that every child deserves the opportunity
for an excellent education. Funding will go towards perishable supplies vital to school needs and
daily functions, like cleaning supplies, art supplies and copy paper.
Mendez Chinese American Planning Council 136202692 $3,000
Funds used to support activities challenging bullying, bias, and discrimination, trainings, crisis
intervention, and retreats.
Gonzalez Chinese American Planning Council 136202692 $5,000
To support activities combatting bullying, bias, and discrimination and to provide outreach and
services to LGBT youth who, because of immigration status, or for other reasons, cannot access
services for openly LGBT centers.
Chinese American Planning Council, Inc.
Funding will be used to improve and upgrade the existing technology lab. Funds will be used to
purchase Ethernet wireless cards to support current laptops, additional laptops for staff and
students use, supplies to support the technology lab. Funds will also support a cultural arts
program and the costs associated with dance costumes, dance instruction, art supplies,
purchasing multicultural books, Rosetta Stone Mandarin Language software, operational costs
(copier) and field trips.
Koo Chinese American Planning Council, Inc. 136202692
Funding will be used to hire a SAT instructor to provide SAT instruction. Funds will also be used to
pay for a bus rental for two day trips to visit colleges/ university and other trips.
Koo Chinese American Planning Council, Inc. 136202692
Funds will support services and classes for developmentally disabled individuals including music
and/or art classes such as drums, recorder, voice and/or painting, drawing, sculpting to promote
development of social, emotional, physical and cognitive skills through peer interaction and
support, fine and gross motor activities, and nurturing of each individuals creativity and
Dromm Chinese American Planning Council, Inc. 136202692 $3,500
To support year-round trainings to challenge bullying/bias and discrimination and programming
for LGBTQ and heterosexual youth.
Chin Chinese American Planning Council, Inc. 136202692 * $5,000
Funds will be used to implement year-round activities which challenge bullying, bias, and
discrimination and bring together LGBTQ and heterosexual youth to create a city-wide youth
coalition committed to creating safe spaces and ending discrimination.
Barron Christopher Rose Community Empowerment Campaign 113423612 $5,214
To provide middle and high school age youth with support, guidance, enrichment and redirection.
Funds will used for community support, visitation, trips, incentives, academic guidance support
and/or practical skills development.
Williams Christopher Rose Community Empowerment Campaign 113423612 * $3,500
To provide outreach and programming services for middle and high school youth for academic
guidance and skills development.
Church of the Holy Child Jesus
111639802 * $3,500
To support the Teen Drama Group, an evening activity in the summer producing an annual
theatrical production. Funds will support all aspects of the program.
Ulrich Church of the Holy Child Jesus 111639802 * $5,000 Funds will support youth sports programs and participation in sports leagues.
Gennaro Church of the Immaculate Conception Jamaica New York 111752022
Funds will support provision of food to needy New Yorkers including the purchase food items,
packaging and delivery activities and utilities.
Chin Church Street School of Music and Art 133693660 $4,000 Funding to support the After School Arts Academy providing arts and music classes.
Reyna Churches United for Fair Housing, Inc. 264698161 $27,714
Funds will support a weekly sports program called GROW, Gaining Responsibiilty and Ownership
through Willingness, and activities such as sports, arts, games, mentoring sessions, and academic
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Council Member Organization EIN * Amount Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit Fiscal EIN
Comrie Cic Learning Center, Inc. 900428493 * $3,500
To support a range of programs at the Learning Center including tutoring services for at risk
students, training for tutors, a partnership with York College Education Department, curriculum
development, parent training and arts education and performances.
Brewer Citizen Schools Inc 043259160
$3,500 To support the Expanded Learning Time program in New York City public middle schools. This
includes academic support, apprenticeships, college preparedness, and career connectionss.
Levin Citizen Schools Inc 043259160
To support Expanded Learning Time in New York City public middle schools as an after school
Garodnick Citizen Schools Inc 043259160 $4,900 Funding will support Expanded Learning Time in New York City public middle schools.
James Citizen Schools, Inc. 043259160
To support Expanded Learning Time, which provides academic support, apprenticeships and
college career connections in New York City public middle schools.
Citizens Committee for New York City, Inc.
510171818 $8,575
To promote community improvement through the New Yorkers for Better Neighborhoods
program, which offers skills building workshops, one-on-one project planning assistance, an
equipment loan library to volunteer-led groups and a micro grant support to community based
organizations for environmental, health, youth, beautification, physical fitness and public safety
Jackson City College 21st Century Foundation, Inc., The 133850823 * $3,114 Funds will support an Educational Theatre Program at PS 161.
Levin City Parks Foundation 133561657 $3,500 The support the free tennis instruction program for youth in City parks.
Viverito City Year New York, Inc. 222882549 $7,500
To support City Year New Yorks (CYNY) Afterschool Heroes program, facilitated by members of
Americorp, and operating youth in East Harlem, Long Island City, East New York, Greenpoint, and
the South Bronx.
Arroyo City Year New York, Inc. 222882549 $10,000
To support the After-School Heroes program, providing homework help, enrichment activities,
and service learning to middle school students in the South Bronx and other communities.
City-ARTS, Inc.
For CVTC training for members of the community to become Volunteer Rape Crisis and Domestic
Violence Advocates in Emergency Rooms.
Jackson City-ARTS, Inc. 132766701 $3,500
Funds will support the Polo Grounds mural project and intergenerational youth and senior
Greenfield Civil Aid Services, Inc. 203025823 * $3,500
Funds used to provide various workshops to the public on subjects including fire safety, traffic safety,
and disaster (earthquake) safety, at three different locations. Funds will also be used to create an
annual journal which promotes our work, host a fundraiser, and will allow us to provide uniforms and
CPR/first-aid training to our members.
Claremont Neighborhood Centers, Inc.
136016450 * $10,000
Funds used to support an After School Tutoring program which includes paying for the space rental
costs, staff salaries, and tutoring instructors to look after students after their school hour. In
addition,funds will also be used to pay for equipment, office supplies, office renovation, utilities, and
program related expenses.
Class Size Matters
The funds will be used to conduct research and educate parents on issues related to class size in
New York City public schools. funding will support a research associate and data analyst, and for
supplies, and educational materials.
Vann College Community Services, Inc. 116025023 $5,000
To provide arts education performances for the School time series at highly affordable prices to
students from across Brooklyn.
CD19 College Point Sports Association, Inc. 237069464
To support youth soccer, baseball and roller hockey programs, and fund operational costs of the
Rodriguez College Summit, Inc. 522007028 $5,000
To support College Summit in District 10, providing professional development and support for
educators, training for peer leaders, and help for high school seniors in developing post-
secondary plans.
Gentile Commodore Barry Club of Brooklyn, Inc. 320215473 * $1,500
To educate the community on Irish History and Commodore John Barry, and to make a
presentation to seniors and children of PS 287 to Commodore Barry Park and host other events
throughout the year.
Vann Common Cents New York, Inc. 133613229 $5,000
To support the Penny Harvest program which offers students hands on activities that connect the
schoolhouse to the neighborhood.
p. 11 of 51
Council Member Organization EIN * Amount Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit Fiscal EIN
Common Cents New York, Inc.
To support the Penny Harvest program to teach students leadership skills and the value of
community service.
Common Cents New York, Inc.
133613229 $4,000
To support community based organizations and implement service learning projects through an
expansion of the Penny Harvest program to all schools in Council District 51.
Garodnick Common Cents New York, Inc. 133613229 $3,500
Funding will support operating expenses for Penny Harvest, a service-learning opportunity where
New York City students raise money for grants and then decide the grant recipients.
Richards Community Center of the Rockaway Peninsula, Inc. 113064561 $15,000
To support the Adult Vocational Program which will provide classes in areas useful for individuals
interested in entering the job market or upgrading their skills.
Rodriguez Community League of the Heights, Inc. 132564241 $5,000
To provide afterschool programming for students at local elementary school, P.S.4, The Duke
Ellington School, including homework support, academic lessons, and workshops.
Dickens Community Works 133580813 $8,000
Funds will support Community Matters NYC (CMNYC), offering arts programming at six anchor
sites throughout Harlem to celebrate the communities rich history, culture and traditions.
Fidler Community Works, Inc. 133580813
To support the Making a Difference program, a program that connects young people to positive
role models and improves literacy skills through the creative arts.
Comrie Community Youth Care 770695007 $12,000
To provide after school homework assistance/academic coaching, music instruction, and robotic
instruction. Funds will support purchase of supplies and other program costs.
Arroyo Comunilife, Inc. 133530299 $10,714
To provide culturally competent academic support and creative arts therapy to at-risk Latina
teens and to address specific mental health needs of this constituency.
Foster Concourse Village Youth Center 412237085 * $5,000
To provide a safe and structured environment for community youths to have educational, social
and cultural experiences. Funds cover costs associated with providing access to theatre and other
cultural trips of interest throughout the city, educational materials, office supplies, arts and crafts
materials, bus transportation, and furniture.
Viverito Concrete Safaris, Inc. 204976317 $5,500
To support an exercise program for Children involving vegetable and fruit gardening, lessons on
nutrition and garden-based science, entrepreneurship, and planting/harvesting delicious, fresh
vegetables, fruits, and herbs in the Washington and Jefferson Houses.
Lander Congregation Beth Elohim 111672755 $3,500
To provide scholarships to children and youth in Park Slope, Windsor Terrace, Kensington, Cobble
Hill, Carroll Gardens and the Gowanus to participate in the after school and summer camp
programs and to support the youth programs.
Gennaro Congregation Yeshiva Madreigas Haadam 113459656 $15,000 Funds will be used to offset the costs of providing meals, entertainment, sporting events,
excursions, arts crafts, as well as mailing and promotional costs to serve youth in the community.
Dromm Connect, Inc. 020694269 $3,500 To support CONNECT's early intervention and violence prevention programs in NYC.
Cool Culture, Inc.
To support the Family Pass program, which provides free admission for up to five family members
to 90 museums, zoos and botanic gardens. Also for professional education and development
Rodriguez Cool Culture, Inc. 161636968 $5,000
To provide under-served families access to fun, free, and enriching opportunities in New York
Citys arts and cultural institutions through the Cool Culture Family Pass.
Eugene Council for Unity, Inc. 112880221 $5,000
To provide workshops to prevent gang violence, youth violence, bias and bulling. Funding will be
used for staff salaries and other program costs.
Council of Peoples Organization, Inc.
753046891 $5,000
Funds will be used to provide summer and afterschool educational programs for children from low-
income immigrant families in Brooklyn.
Lander Council of Peoples Organization, Inc. 753046891 $4,000
To support youth program for youth from low-income, immigrant families, offering educational
enrichment activities. Funding will pay for career day event, community service events, tutoring
services, leadership development and sports and recreation events.
Eugene Council of Peoples Organization, Inc. 753046891 $10,000
To support the Organization's Family Empowerment Program, which provides victims of domestic
violence with comprehensive intervention and prevention services.
p. 12 of 51
Council Member Organization EIN * Amount Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit Fiscal EIN
Council on the Environment of New York City, Inc. D/B/A
GrowNYC 132765465 $10,000
To support GrowNYC projects and programs inlcuding Greenmarket, Open Space Greening,
Environmental Education, and the Office of Recycling Outreach and Education.
Council on the Environment of New York City, Inc. D/B/A
GrowNYC 132765465
To support GrowNYCs Healthy Kids, Healthy Schools program, teaching proper nutrition,
gardening and creating a farmers' market, recycling, and cooking.
Council on the Environment of New York City, Inc. D/B/A
GrowNYC 132765465
To support the environmental education programs including Learn It Grow It Eat It.
James Counseling in Schools, Inc. 133637647 $3,500 To support a counseling program, workshops, art and school supplies for at risk youth.
Nelson Covenant Ballet Theatre of Brooklyn Inc. 261136590
To sustain and expand tuition free opportunities, provide educational programs through
discounted dance workshops for public school students, keep performance ticket prices
reasonable, and offer ticket sponsorship for non-profit family/child agencies. The requested funds
cover approximately 37 of expenses for artist and space fees, averaging 2700 hours a year for
instruction, rehearsal and performances.
Creative Arts Workshops for Kids, Inc.
133638436 $5,000
To support public art youth employment programs for low-income youth ages 14-24 during the
summer and after school that employ youth to create large-scale public art projects.
Rodriguez Creative Arts Workshops For Kids, Inc. 133638436 * $3,500 To support after-school and Saturday art education workshops and apprenticeships for youth.
Mealy Crown Heights Jewish Community Council, Inc. 237390996
To provide for the following services: immigration, family crisis intervention, employment
assistance, access to entitlements, health insurance information, food stamps enrollment, and
housing assistance.
Eugene Crown Heights Youth Collective Inc 112506422 * $20,000 To support the mentoring and development services for youth.
CS Parent Association d/b/a The Computer School Parent
To purchase equipment for After-school athletic and music prgrams, including support for
scholarships for low-income students to participate in after-school programs in sports, music or
CD19 CUNY Creative Arts Team 136400434
To provide development workshops for teachers at the New York League for Early Learning -
Cloearview School and Pee Wee Folks Preschool that introduce interactive drama as a tool to
foster emergent literacy skills in young students. Funding will also support follow-up residencies
and parent workshops, and to expand the use of interactive storytelling and student-centered
questioning techniques to support a collaborative approach to literacy acquisition, particularly for
ELL students.
Weprin DAC Athletic Club, Inc. 116080807
To support baseball, basketball and flag football for youth, pay for permits for fields and courts,
uniforms and equipment, insurance, umpire and referee fees.
CD19 DAC Athletic Club, Inc. 116080807
To provide recreational youth sports leagues for boys in baseball, basketball and flag football.
Dancewave, Inc.
To support a dance program and school performance serving public school students from low and
middle class income brackets.
CD19 Dancing Dreams 260797411 *
To provide dance classes and performance opportunities for physically challenged children.
Williams Dare 2 Dream Leaders, Inc. 274229065 * $5,000
To support Dare to Dream Leaders' Youth Empowerment Series which includes entrepreneurship;
financial literacy, etiquette, creative arts and community service. Funds will be used for staffing,
supplies, permits, space rental and insurance.
Cabrera Davidson Community Center Inc. 237010206 $25,000
To support after school academic, enrichment and physical activities for children in grades 1 to 5,
including Saturdays and holidays. As well as parent engagement activities such as healthy living
cooking sessions.
Mendez Day One New York Inc. 061103000 $3,500
Funds used to support preventive education and direct services programs for youth to combat
dating violence. Funds will be allocated to the salaries of a community educator, social worker
and attorney.
p. 13 of 51
Council Member Organization EIN * Amount Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit Fiscal EIN
Rivera Day One New York Inc. 061103000 $5,000
Funds will support education and direct services programs including legal services, crisis
counseling and case management to those facing dating abuse or domestic violence as well as
training for caregivers , teachers and social service providers who might be made aware of such
Richards Deerfield Area Association, Inc. 112877303
Funding Multi-cultural Day activities for the youths of the community during the summer,
including activities such as tennis, double dutch and track. Funding of a Senior Event in the Spring
for our seniors who dont get the opportunity to take advantage of the Citys many cultural and
social events outside of the Rockaways.
Developing Opportunities Through Meaningful Education
(DOME Project, Inc.) 133060257
To fund the Alternative to Detention Program for young offenders.
Vacca Directions For Our Youth, Inc. 061308851 * $5,000
To provide funding to support the media technology activities in the after school and summer
programs; purchase digital photography, and audio equipment. Also for reading and writing
Gonzalez Discipleship Outreach Ministries, Inc. (d/b/a Turning Point) 112838138 $5,000
To support literacy services and GED testing for students who have taken the GED test and failed
by 250 points of less.
Eugene Ditmas Park Youth Group 262442377 * $6,000
To provide homework assistance to the struggling children, support youth leadership
development and promote respect and appreciation for diversity.
Comrie Doing It the Wright Way, Inc. 113468717 $3,500
To provide afterschool tuturing, mentoring, recreation and dance classes at P.S 134Q. Funds will
support the program and pay instructors and staff.
Ferreras Dominic A Murray 21 Memorial Foundation, Inc. 271755976 $3,500
To provide training workshops and information on cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and how
to use an automated external defibrillator(AED).
Ferreras Dominico-American Society of Queens, Inc. 061389895 $20,000
To support after-school programming including educational, recreational and cultural programs
that promote the social, physical, intellectual and emotional development.
Quinn Door - A Center of Alternatives Inc., The 136127348 $10,000
To provide visual, performing and therapeutic art classes, internship opportunities, and career
development opportunities for low-income youth with profound needs from widely diverse
backgrounds. Funds will support supplies, equipment, salaries and other program-related costs.
Mendez Downtown Music Productions, Inc. 133310731 $4,214
Funding provides for a 23 piece chamber orchestra at a public elementary school for afterschool
program. Funds used for six free senior concerts at local senior centers performed by the Caring
Community Chorus and/or vocalists and instrumental accompanists.
Quinn Downtown United Soccer Club, Inc. 134130051 $15,000
To support the City Soccer Initiative (CSI), a soccer instruction program for youth in inner city
schools. The funds will help pay for the salary of professionally licensed coaches.
Williams Dr. Theodore A. Atlas Foundation, Inc. 134012789 * $4,214
To support the operations of the Foundation's youth programs, which includes sports, boxing
gyms, and learning centers.
Oddo Dr. Theodore A. Atlas Foundation, Inc. 134012789 * $15,500
The funds will be used to assist in the operations of our many youth programs which include
boxing gyms and learning centers, sports youth programs, and school incentive programs.
Rose Dr. Theodore A. Atlas Foundation, Inc. 134012789 * $3,700 To support the Cops and Kids boxing gym.
Gentile Dyker Heights Athletic Association, Inc. 113422707 $3,500 To support baseball and softball programs for youth and to maintain a field at Bay Eighth Street.
Chin Dynamic Forms, Inc. 133440226 $3,500
Funds will support the Partnerships in Literacy through Dance and Creativity Partnerships, which
introduce the public school communities to dance and literacy connections.
Mendez Dynamic Forms, Inc. 133440226 $3,500
Partnerships in Literacy through Dance & Creativity Partnerships introduces the public school
communities to dance (including elements of dance--time, space, energy, and relationship) and
literacy connections.
Dynamic Youth Community, Inc.
To hire interns to work at DYCs residential substance abuse treatment facility located in Fallsburg,
approximately 120 miles north of NYC, to provide services to NYC Residents.
p. 14 of 51
Council Member Organization EIN * Amount Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit Fiscal EIN
Dynamic Youth Community, Inc.
To provide transportation to and from DYC's residential program in Fallsburg, NY, approximately
120 miles north of NYC, providing services to 76 NYC Residents. Transportation allows for family
visits, Court appearances and doctors appointment.
Foster Eagle Academy Foundation, Inc. 201532382 * $10,000
Funds used to underwrite school group tours, allowing the Historical Society to serve students
and teachers without the means to pay fees for school field trips. BHSs school tours expose
students to a range of experiences involving exposure to and learning from unique and rare
historic documents, manuscripts, maps, historical and contemporary photographs, paintings, oral
histories, prints and drawings.
Williams East Flatbush Village, Inc. 800612019 * $7,500
To support the East Flatbush Village programs that focus on combating violence and providing
children from the ages three (3) through 18 with recreational activities and educational tools.
Funds will be used to purchase equipment and program materials.
East Harlem Tutorial Program, Inc.
237439789 * $5,500
To support OST (Out-of-School Time) academic enrichment programs for elementary students,
and middle and high school students after school and during the summer months.
Barron East New York Kidspower, Inc. 113308030
$20,300 The funds will support afterschool tutoring, youth football, cheer and dance, transportation to
and from games, uniforms, equipment, and other recreational activites for the children.
East River Development Alliance, Inc.
Funding will support the ERDA College Access Program which includes in-depth SAT, college
preparation, and college retention services -- including one-on-one counseling about the FAFSA
and financial aid for high school juniors, seniors, and parents.
Oddo East Shore Little League 510237392 * $8,000 Funds will support the little league including equipment and operating costs.
Richards Eastern Queens Alliance 201723492 * $10,000
Funding will enable the Idlewild Park Salt Marsh Environmental Science Learning Center project
to continue to offer environmental education and awareness activities to the children and adults
in Southeast Queens as well as the greater Queens communities with a view towards creating
environmental stewardship and advocacy.
Ferreras Ecuadorian Civic Committee of New York Inc., The 113553172 $5,000
To provide ESL classes, a computer literacy program, an after school program and a college
readiness preparation. Funding will support equipment, supplies and other program costs.
Eden II School for Autistic Children, Inc.
132872916 $10,000
To support improved education for students with autism. Funds will cover costs associated with
leasing space and utilities, providing support staff from Eden II (gym teacher, speech therapist,
and clinical consultant), and educating parents and staff at Eltingville Lutheran School on autism
learning techniques.
Garodnick Educational Alliance, Inc. 135562210 $10,000
Funding will support the 14th Street Y's Daddy & Me program, a free swim course that serves
families in The Educational Alliance's Head Start program, as well as other programs at the 14th
Street Y.
Educational Center for New Americans, Inc.
* $30,214
Funds support an after school program where youth come to the center for tutoring, games,
refreshments, trips and much more. The program is safe alternative to the street and run by
experienced counselors.
Elaine Kaufman Cultural Center - Lucy Moses School for Music
and Dance 131991118
To support a series of afterschool and weekend performance classes and master classes for youth
at the Kaufman Center.
Elmjack Community Little League, Inc.
112733609 *
Funds will support Elmjack Little League, a youth baseball program. The funds will help in the
purchasing of uniforms and baseball equipment.
Barron Empowering Youth Towards Excellence 272246317
To support the Community Center Without walls Initiative by providing resources for following
programming: College Advisement and Post Secondary Counseling , Health/Nutrition/Physical
Fitness Instruction, and the coordinating and implementation of civic engagement projects.
Rose Empowerment Zone 142009368 $8,000
To support the Barack Obama Computer Center, providing economically disadvantaged youth
with computer and internet access.
Rose Empowerment Zone 142009368 * $3,700
To design and produce banners and art work, all done by area youth, to be incorporated into the
annual SI Black Heritage Family Day and displayed on a float.
p. 15 of 51
Council Member Organization EIN * Amount Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit Fiscal EIN
Mendez Episcopal Social Services of New York, Inc. 133709095 $3,500
Funds used to provide early childhood education and development opportunities at Virginia Day
Nursery, focusing on literacy enrichment.
Vann Episcopal Social Services of New York, Inc. 133709095 $10,000 To fund literacy enrichment for parents and children.
Arroyo Episcopal Social Services of New York, Inc. 133709095 $20,000
To improve academic performance, enhance health and wellness, and provide socio-emotional
support and menotring the the After School Program in District 17 at MS302, Girls Prep, and PS75.
Families United for Racial and Economic Equality (FUREE)
Funding will be applied to support hiring canvassers who will be responsible for the recruitment
and support leadership development activities for residents. Funding will also be applied to the
supervision of canvassers by senior staff.
Families United for Racial and Economic Equality (FUREE)
200092728 *
To support the activities of the Youth Economic Justice Campaign, which trains young people in
leadership, addresses problems in youth unemplloyment and organizes youth of color around
issues of jobs and economic justice.
Foster Family Life Academy Charter School 134170389 * $5,000
To support the Summer Kindergarten Success Institute in introducing children to the components
of basic literacy and teaching the social and emotional skills necessary to excel in kindergarten.
Funding will cover costs associated with providing staff, educational materials, parent workshops,
and supplies.
Eugene Family Renaissance, Inc. 113190985 * $8,000 PENDING
Mendez Father's Heart Ministries, Inc., The 223495873 $6,000
Funds used to provides, arts and crafts, homework help and tutoring, science lab, literacy
building, nutrition education/healthy snack and meals, parties, and games.
Mendez Felix Millan Little League 133533678
Funding will be used to offset the operational expenses to run the youth baseball league.
Dickens Figure Skating in Harlem, Inc. 133945168 $7,000
To provide school year and summer academic, recreational and other programs for school age
girls in underserved communities, including ice skating; a writing initiative and college guidance
program; a computerized assessment to enhance academics; and fitness instruction .
Jackson Figure Skating in Harlem, Inc. 133945168 $4,500
Funds will support youth programs including fitness instruction, a writing initative and a college
guidance program.
Comrie Filipino American Human Services, Inc 133755731 $3,500
To provide programs designed for Filipino and Filipino American youth, including academic
support, leadership training, youth development, and community participation programs.
Nelson First Chernomorets USA, Inc. 113586786
To rent private and public indoor facilities and soccer uniforms and equipment for youth soccer
First Faith Baptist Church
022916843 $20,000
To introduce high school students to college life, help prepare them for college, and support the
transition of first generation students to life in college.
Wills First Faith Baptist Church 022916843 $5,000
Funds used to continue and expand their intensive case management department for
economically disadvantaged seniors and families. Funding will allow for the coordination of
weekly senior social, support and aerobics groups, free health screenings, and health services.
The funding is allocated partially for staff dedicated to the various projects as well as the OTPS
necessary to maintain the projects.
Eugene Flatbush Development Corporation 510188251 $8,714
To support afterschool and summer camps for youth, housing programs for tenants, community
development programs to improve neighborhoods and senior programs.
Williams Flatbush Development Corporation 510188251 $9,500 To provide support afterschool and summer camps.
Nelson Flatbush Shomrim Safety Patrol, Inc. 203244567 $25,000
To support teens-at-risk outreach, elderly assistance, bias crime, anti-terrorism awareness,
medical awareness programs, 24X6 patrol with radio dispatch to assist all emergencies for elderly
people. Assist in case of emergencies, natural disasters, Alzheimers patients search and rescue,
Williams Flatbush Shomrim Safety Patrol, Inc. 203244567 $5,000 To support public safety programs including outreach to at-risk teens Midwood Flatbush Community.
Eugene Flatbush Youth Association, Inc. 113287922 * $7,000
To support the Association's youth basketball program. Funding will be used for uniforms,
equipment, trophies, and operating expenses.
p. 16 of 51
Council Member Organization EIN * Amount Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit Fiscal EIN
Flatbush Youth Association, Inc.
113287922 *
To provide for basketball training sessions and for uniforms, trophies, equipment, beverages and
tournament entry fees.
Ferreras Florence E. Smith Community Center, Inc. 112623861 $10,000
Funds to support afterschool programming and services, including academic enrichment, cultural
programs, dance, and guest speakers.
Gennaro Flushing Council on Culture and the Arts Inc. 112652182 $6,500
Funds are requested to support a second annual FREE Earth Day youth initiative to increase
awareness of environment and conservation issues through the arts for kids and teenagers. This
environmental activity will include free arts workshops for children and youth using recyclable
materials.Additional funding requested in FY14 will be used to offer transportation to
constituents in District 24 who otherwise would not be able to attend the festival.
Ferreras Flushing Meadow Soap Box Derby, Inc. 112737828 * $7,500
To provide soap box derby car kits for families who are not financially able to purchase one.
Additionaly, funds will be used to send the 3 Division NYC Champs to Akron, Ohio, to compete in
the National race against other States and Countries.
Forest Hills Football League, Inc.
113057287 * $10,000
To support a youth football program that focusses on skills as well as the value of education.
Funds will support the purchase of football equipment.
Comrie Forestdale, Inc. 111631747 $5,000
To support the Forestdale Scholars Program, which provides academic support for foster youth in
grades K-12.
Greenfield Fort Hamilton Hockey Corporation 562629871 $3,500
Funds will be used for rink maintenance, safety supplies, equipment needed for all participating
children and league jerseys for all participants. All children under the age of eleven will also receive
a trophy at the end of the season.
Gonzalez Fort Hamilton Hockey Corporation 562629871 $3,500
To support a youth ice hockey program that teaches the rules and facets of hockey. Funds will be
used to support rink maintenance, equipment, uniforms and other program costs.
Fortune Society, Inc., The
$3,500 To support the Youth Education Career Exploration (YE/CE) program for court-involved young
adults, as well as career and community-building internships for the young adults.
Dromm Fortune Society, Inc., The 132645436 $7,000
To support a Youth Education Career Exploration (YE/CE) program for court-involved young
Gentile Francesco Loccisano Memorial Foundation 261433681 $6,000
To provide support for children who are fighting cancer and their families.
Rodriguez Fraternidad de Los Angeles, Inc. 582672102 $3,500
To support a violence and anger prevention after-school program using the arts as means to deal
with violence, anger, and frustration. Funding will be used to pay for consultants and to purchase
Rodriguez Fresh Youth Initiatives Opt 2 HS 133723207 $9,000
To support Community Youth in Action, providing youth with community service opportunities
through the After School Learning Center, the Community Service Learning Program, The
Welcome Program, The Summer of Service Day Camp, and The Summer Jobs Program.
Brewer Fresh Youth Initiatives, Inc. 133723207
To support the Community Youth in Action program, a comprehensive youth development
program that provides youth with a range of services, supports and opportunities settings to help
them develop life skills and leadership skills. Funds will be used for defray the cost of salaries and
to puchase materials for service activities.
Jackson Fresh Youth Initiatives, Inc. 133723207 $9,000
Funds will support the Community Youth in Action Program which includes an after school
learning center, a community service program, a young immigrant program, a summer of service
day camp and a summer jobs program.
Garodnick Friends Of Art & Design 133798678 * $3,500 Funding will support career training and college preparatory support programs at the school.
Friends of Blue Heron Park, Inc.
133073882 $5,000
To support environmental educational programming and provide for maintenance of the Blue
Heron Nature Center. Funds will be used to pay naturalists who provider programing at the park
and nature center, and to support the gardening and landscaping work including native plant
plantings and a multifaceted bird feeding station.
p. 17 of 51
Council Member Organization EIN * Amount Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit Fiscal EIN
James Friends of Crown Heights Educational Centers, Inc. 112305641 *
To support Summer in the City field trips and to pay for an Instructor for English as a Second
Language (ESL) for Haitians living in and around Flatbush, and for the Hunger Relief and Healthy
Eating Initiative.
Friends of Fort Totten Parks, Inc.
To support activities and events in Fort Totten Park including holiday celebrations, arts and crafts
workshops and other programs for the public.
Gentile Friends of Historic New Utrecht 113407104 $3,500
To preserve and support education and research on the history of New Utrect, now Southwest
Brooklyn, through reenactments, exhibits, lectures, concerts and other programs for students and
the public. Funds will pay costs associated with these programs.
Friends of the New York Transit Museum
$3,500 To provide 200 scheduled youth and family programs in Brooklyn on weekends and public school
vacation days. Also for salaries and materials for educational and other youth programs.
Koppell Friends of Van Cortlandt Park 133843182 *
To provide nature awareness and freshwater ecology programs that are free and open to the
Chin Friends Of Washington Market Park, Inc., The 133282387 * $3,500 Funds will provide free tennis clinics through the hiring of tennis instructors.
Frog & Peach Theatre Company, Inc., The
To supply free discounted tickets for students, at risk youth and their families. Funds will defray
the costs of outreach and general operating expenses.
Chin Fund for the City of New York, Inc. 132612524 $3,500
Funds support ENACT; it is the creative behavior modification catalyst that partners with schools
to create in-school emotional growth laboratories that help students handle issues such as
violence, weapons and bullying.
James Fund for the City of New York, Inc. 132612524
To provide funding for the Arts Action Cafeteria Waste Reduction program. The program gets
students involved in reducing cafeteria waste by instructing them to oversee recycling,
composting and waste sorting.
James Fund for the City of New York, Inc. 132612524 $3,500 To support the Youth Organizing to Save Our Streets anti-gun vioence program.
Fund for the City of New York, Inc.
To support an 8 week Healthy Digital Relationships program for students at Juan Morel Campos.
Levin Fund for the City of New York, Inc. 132612524 $4,500 To support the Youth Court project, including stipends and metro cards for participants.
Viverito Fund for the City of New York, Inc. 132612524 $5,500
To support the Harlem Justice Corps, an intensive career development and service program for
justice-involved young people. Corps Members participate in community benefit projects to
improve East and Central Harlem and receive vocational and educational training, internships,
and job placement.
Gonzalez Fund for the City of New York, Inc. 132612524 $5,000
To support the Red Hook Youth Court, a youth leadership program that trains local teenagers to
serve as jurors, judges, and advocates, handling real-life cases involving their peers.
Gonzalez Fund for the City of New York, Inc. 132612524 $5,000
To support the Red Hook Youth Baseball League, a program run by the Red Hook Community
Justice Center to promote sportsmanship, discipline, and leadership, engage young people in
community service projects, and encourage voluntary participation by parents and community
members. Funding will support baseball equipment and supplies for community service projects
in the neighborhood.
Lander Fund for the City of New York, Inc. 132612524 $3,500
To support Red Hook Youth Court, a youth leadership program that trains teenagers to serve as
jurors, judges and advocates to resolve matters involving their peers.
Lander Fund for the City of New York, Inc. 132612524 $3,500
To support a public service announcement workshop for youth to create a message around gun
use, gun ownership and gun control.
Reyna Fund for the City of New York, Inc. 132612524 $5,000
Funds will support a literacy workshop series for youth at the Bushwick and Dekalb branches of
the Brooklyn Public Library called "What's in the News" invloving media.
Rodriguez Fund for the City of New York, Inc. 132612524 $5,000
To expand LAMP's programming to offer college readiness and preparation training in partnership
Opportunities for a Better Tomorrow (OBT).
Viverito Fund for the City of New York, Inc. 132612524 * $5,500
To support an Attendance Achievement Program to keep chronically absent students in school
and out of family court. Funding will support student incentives and program supplies, such as
books and community events.
p. 18 of 51
Council Member Organization EIN * Amount Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit Fiscal EIN
Williams Gangstas Making Astronomical Community Changes, Inc. 453359451 * $5,500
To support the "Watch and Munch" lunch program that brings at risk youth together to eat lunch
and watch and discuss a monthly movie. In addition to support the completion of the the
Gangsta Lifestyle, A Community Addiction documentary.
Koo Garden of Hope, Inc. 200177587
Funding supports proposed childrens program to offer direct support, advocacy, individual and
group counseling to children who witnessed domestic violence or suffered child abuse. These
children are at a very high risk of developing psychiatric problems, behavioral maladjustments,
identity disorders, and harmful conflict resolution skills.
Viverito Getting Out and Staying Out 061711370 $4,500
To support GOSO's recividism reduction programs for court-involved youth through funding for
participants' metrocards.
Garodnick Getting Out and Staying Out 061711370 $4,814
Funding will support operating expenses for Getting Out and Staying Out, a program that
provides training, counseling and education to young men during and after incarceration.
Quinn Gilgamesh Theatre Group, Inc. 133680874 $5,000
To support Art Exposure programs for children, families and their communities in grades PK to 12
in Manhattan and Queens. Funding will be used to pay the artists.
Comrie Gimme Five World Wide 800591454 $3,500 To provide academic tutoring and sports programs for youth.
King Girl Scout Council of Greater New York, Inc. 131624014 $4,000
To expand the Series programs to reach more NYC girls and to continue Troop-Building efforts
city-wide. Series programs include Techbridge, Its Your World Change It!, Its Your Planet Love
It!, Its Your StoryTell It!, and Be a Friend First.
Girl Scout Council of Greater New York, Inc.
Funding will be used to expand Series programs to reach more NYC girls and to continue Troop-
Building efforts city-wide. Series programs are short-term, staff or volunteer-led programs that
span four to ten weeks to engage girls in Girl Scouting.
CD19 Girl Scout Council of Greater New York, Inc. 131624014 $5,000 To support the Girl Scouts' Troop-Building activities city-wide.
Lappin Girl Scout Council of Greater New York, Inc. 131624014 * $4,000 Pending
Quinn Girl Scout Council of Greater New York, Inc. 131624014 $3,500
To expand Series programs to reach more NYC girls and to continue Troop-Building efforts city-
wide. Series programs are short-term, staff or volunteer-led programs that span four to ten
weeks to engage girls in Girl Scouting.
Oddo Girl Scout Council of Greater New York, Inc. 131624014 $3,500
Funding will help to expand Girl Scout's Series programs to reach more NYC girls and to continue
Troop-Building efforts city-wide.
Palma Girl Scout Council of Greater New York, Inc. 131624014 $5,000 To support the Girl Scouts and continue Troop-Building efforts city-wide.
Williams Girl Scout Council of Greater New York, Inc. 131624014 $3,500 To support the Girl Scout's Series Program and support troop building efforts citywide.
Girls for Gender Equity, Inc.
To support the Urban Leaders Academy, an after-school program for middle school students,
aged 11 14, offering academic support, career education and programs to encourage healthy
Lander Giving Alternative Learners Uplifting Opportunities, Inc. 050615968 * $3,500 To provide scholarships for therapeutic horse riding lessons to children with disabilities.
Glen Oaks Little League
113047106 *
To support a little league with approximately 18 teams. These teams sometimes play each other
as well as teams from other leagues in the area.
Williams Glenwood Tenant Assocation 112448554 * $3,500
To support PSA 1 and the 63rd Precinct to work with youth to educate them on the ways of
criminal prevention; antil bullying and crime and drug use prevention. Funding will be used to
hire consultants and purchase exercise equipment.
Vallone Global Kids, Inc. 133629485 *
Funds support Global Kids school-based programming at 13 high schools and 2 middle schools in
Brooklyn, the Bronx, Manhattan, Queens, and Staten Island in which participants learn about
international affairs while gaining problem-solving, critical thinking, digital literacy, and cross-
cultural communication skills.
Mendez GO Project, Inc., The 271411019
Funds will pay for program supplies for a five-week, full day academic and enrichment program
held on weekends.
Brewer Goddard Riverside Community Center 131893908 $9,500 To support an after school and summer programming.
Goddard Riverside Community Center
To provide tutoring at the Goddard Riverside STAR Learning Center for low-income, low achieving
students in grades 2-12.
Mendez Good Shepherd Services 135598710 $3,500
Funds will support GSS group-care program facilities at Euphrasian Hall, where we provide crisis
intervention, diagnostic evaluation, counseling services, case management stabilization for
adolescent girls who are unable to live at home.
p. 19 of 51
Council Member Organization EIN * Amount Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit Fiscal EIN
Cabrera Good Shepherd Services 135598710 $10,000
To provide free After-School/Out-Of-School-Time (OST) programs at MS 206, PS 15/MS 291, and
PS 382.
Reyna Good Shepherd Services 135598710 $10,000
Funds will support the Bushwick Leaders' High School for Academic Excellence Program
social/emotional support, an after school program and curriculum.
Vann Good Shepherd Services 135598710 $10,000
To provide resources and materials for the Ground Work for Success Program, a college
preparatory and youth development program.
Fidler Good Shepherd Sports Program 111850521 *
To support a baseball and softball program, and other sports programs for youth including
swimming and bowling. Funds will be used to purchase equpment and support other activity-
related costs.
Bergen Basin Community Development Corp
dba Millennium Development 113199040
Grace Church Corp.
111646315 * $5,000 To provide educational, recreational and sport activities for youth during non-school hours.
Gennaro Grace Church Corp. 111646315
Senior activities (non-sectarian): weekly (weather permitting) meetings including hot (catered)
lunch, exercise and entertainment.
Rose Grace Foundation of New York 134131863 $5,000
To support after school and weekend recreation, social skills, and support programs for children
and famiies impacted by Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
Grace Foundation of New York
134131863 $52,000
To support after-school and weekend recreation, social skills, and support programs for children
and families impacted by Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
Reyna Grand Street Settlement, Inc. 135562230 $10,000
Funds will support a fitness room at the Bushwick-Hylan Community Center to help combat
Reyna Grand Street Settlement, Inc. 135562230 $10,000
The funds will be used to support arts and music classes and performances for youth at the
Williamsburg Community Center.
Recchia Gravesend Athletic Association 113019763 $101,714
To support baseball, softball and basketball programs for youth in the community, including
funding for operations, fields, gyms and equipment.
Great Kills Little League
136197291 * $9,500
To support little league baseball programs for youth, including support for registration fees,
equipment and uniforms.
Chin Greater Chinatown Community Association 132730313 $4,000
Funds will support a community after school program for immigrant students (middle and high
school age).
Koo Greater Flushing Community Council, Inc. 237006635
The funds will be used for classroom supplies; furniture and equipment for classroom use; office
supplies; local travel, Trip; rip admissions; milk and food for children; and special programs such
as graduation ceremonies and holiday celebrations.
Reyna Greater Ridgewood Youth Council, Inc. 112518141 $10,000
Funds will support out of school time programs, a Beacon, universal pre-K, summer youth
employment and other youth programs in the CB 5/ Council District 30 area.
Crowley Greater Ridgewood Youth Council, Inc. 112518141 $29,000
To support after school programs, a Beacons program, a universal Pre-kindergarden program and
other educational programs in Council district 30 and the CB 5 area.
Dilan Green Point Spartans Organization 271483069
Football team and player equipment, transportation, league officiating fees, insurance, etc.
Levin Green Point Spartans Organization 271483069
To support the football program through funding for team and player equipment, transportation,
league officiating fees, insurance, etc.
Ignizio Greenbelt Conservancy, Inc. 133481845 $4,000
To provide hands on scientific learning to children through the Nature Center After School
Program and in class education at three South Shore public schools.
Quinn Greenwich House, Inc. 135562204 $5,000
To support the Childrens Safety Project (CSP), providing psychiatric treatment and support
services through advocacy for victims of child abuse, domestic violence and other trauma such as
the incarceration or death of a parent. Services are provided for non-offending family members
as well.
Quinn Greenwich House, Inc. 135562204 $10,000
To support The Greenwich Village Girls Basketball League. The funds will support the cost of the
gym rental, DOE security, referees and uniforms among other basic program supplies.
Quinn Greenwich Village Little League 133577081 * $10,000
To provide boys and girls the opportunity to play organized baseball and softball. Funds will
provide financial support for operating expenses, including uniforms and equipment.
p. 20 of 51
Council Member Organization EIN * Amount Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit Fiscal EIN
Lander Groundswell Community Mural Project 113427213 * $5,000
To support summer and afterschool arts programs for youth, focusing on works of public art and
the Summer Leadership Institute.
James Groundswell Community Mural Project 113427213
To provide for the Summer Leadership Institute and afterschool projects to work with youth to
create murals and public works of art.
Levin Groundswell Community Mural Project 113427213
To create a large mural on the Atlantic Avenue Pier 6 underpass in Cobble Hill. The project will
take place as part of Groundswells Summer Leadership Institute (SLI) between 7/1/13 and
8/31/13. Requested funds will support artist fees and materials expense.
Ferreras Groundswell Community Mural Project 113427213 $15,214
To create a large scale mural in District 21, using a collaborative design process that brings
together professional artists, low-income NYC students, and community members from District 21
to design and create a high-quality, permanent public artwork. Funds will support artist fees and
materials expenses.
Lander Guardians of the Sick 116003433 * $8,714
To support Chayeniu counseling program for school children ages 8-12 with self-esteem and social
isolation issues.
King Gun Hill Basketball Association, Inc. 270584874 $7,000
The funding will be used for team uniforms, referee fees, equipment, insurance costs, and
trophies and awards.
Eugene Guyana Cultural Association of New York, Inc. 113624294 $5,000
To support the 2013 Summer Camp and Kid Tent Curriculum that celebrates Caribbean traditions,
science and the environment, cooking (related to the foods of the tropics), and writing (literature
and storytelling).
Williams Guyana Cultural Association of New York, Inc. 113624294 * $3,500
To support the 2013 Summer Camp and Kid Tent Curriculum that celebrates Caribbean traditions,
science and the environment, cooking (related to the foods of the tropics), and writing (literature
and storytelling).
Comrie Haitian Americans United for Progress, Inc. 112423857 $10,000 To teach English as a Second Language Classes to immigrant youths.
Chin Hamilton Madison House, Inc. 135562412 * $13,000
Funds will support the music school and will be used to supplement teacher costs and purchase a
gently used piano.
Dickens Harlem Children Society 352168157 $3,500
To prepare low-Income and underserved Youth's Public High School and Undergraduate Students
from New York city-wide districts for STEM education and careers. (Science, Technology,
Engineering and Math)
Jackson Harlem Congregations for Community Improvement, Inc. 133516262 $10,000 Funds will support the Computer Clubhouse after-school program.
Harlem Dowling Westside Center for Children and Family
Services 133030378 $3,500 To support an Emergency Food Pantry at the Harlem Dowling's Central Harlem office.
Dickens Harlem Educational Activities Fund, Inc. 133568672 $6,000
To support the HEAF after-school, Saturdays, and summer programs in math, language arts,
humanities, science and arts-focused coursework for low income youth. Funds will pay for costs
related to the program.
Dickens Harlem Junior Tennis League 133076419 * $8,000
To provide tennis programs for youth from high risk, low income inner-city neighborhoods and
offer opportunities for self- development, while highlighting education and a positive code of
behavior. Funding will be used to offer tennis instruction as well as life skills and education
enhancement opportunities.
Dickens Harlem Little League 133548568 * $7,000
To support little league programs, including costs for unioforms, equipment and general
Dickens Harlem Renaissance Economic Development Corporation 134054552 $4,000
To support the Harlem Renaissance Young Entrepreneurs Boot Camp, helping young Harlem
entrepreneurs develop and learn business, financial literacy and life skills. Funds will help support
our program and activities.
Dickens Harlem Youth Marine, Inc. 133536496 * $8,000
To train Harlem youth in drill and ceremony customs and provide physical training for the Youth
Marine as a vehicle to prevent drug abuse, reduce the rate of high school dropouts, and combat
gang influence. Funds will support new uniforms and parade equipment.
Mealy Harmony Music Makers, Inc. 202646094
To provide for teaching the steel drum, music theory, equipment, rental equipment,
transportation, space rental, refreshments, and uniforms.
Williams Harmony Program 050606695 $3,500
To support the Music After School Program, which provides instrumental music instruction to
underserved students in NYC Public Schools.
p. 21 of 51
Council Member Organization EIN * Amount Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit Fiscal EIN
Quinn Hartley House, Inc. 131656652 $10,214
To support after school programming, including activities, academics and creative projects. The
funds will partially fund the Program Directors salary.
Gentile Heartshare Human Services of New York 111633549 * $7,000
To mentor youth through an intergenerational program that includes the seniors who also are
enrolled in the HeartShare DYCD/NYCHA Cornerston program as mentors, joining older youth in
community service projects.
Koppell Hebrew Institute of Riverdale 131740456 *
To support recreational and cultural events for developmentally disabled young adults
throughout the Bronx.
Hellenic American Neighborhood Action Committee, Inc.
(HANAC) 112290832 $10,000
To provide educational and recreational programing for youth and serve adults and families with
classes such as ESL. The funds will be used to enhance program activities and supplies.
Hellenic American Neighborhood Action Committee, Inc.
(HANAC) 112290832 *
The funding received operates the Councilmatic After School program, providing staff and
Hellenic American Neighborhood Action Committee, Inc.
(HANAC) 112290832 *
Funding will be used to provide STEAM enrichment educational programming.
Mendez Henry Street Settlement 131562242 $4,000
Henry Street Settlement will serve as a fiscal conduit, for the Sal Lain Athletic Association. Funds
are used for a sports and recreational program that serves the low-income youth of the Lower
East Side, including running a flag football league during the fall, as well as a community event,
and field trip.
Mendez Henry Street Settlement 131562242 $4,000
Funding is for the Boys and Girls Republic, an afterschool and evening program that provides
positive environments for Lower East Side at-risk youth.
Chin Henry Street Settlement 131562242 $3,500
Funds will support the Henry Street Settlement's Expanded Horizons College Preparation and
Retention Program providing college prep services to public school students.
Chin Henry Street Settlement 131562242 $3,500
To enable the Henry Street Settlement to support the Sal Lain Athletic Association. Funding will
be used to allow The Sol Lain Athletic Association to run a flag football league, host a community
event and take youths on a field trip.
Chin Hester Street Collaborative, Inc. 200774906 $5,000
Funds to support Local Spokes Youth Ambassadors (LSYA) program, a summer program that uses
cycling to empower local teenagers to learn their neighborhood, become advocates for
sustainable transportation and become future community leaders.
Mendez Hetrick-Martin Institute, Inc. 133104537 $8,500
Funding will support mental, physical and emotional support services and case management for
LGBTQ youth and straight allies.
Mealy Hetrick-Martin Institute, Inc. 133104537 $10,000 For operating expenses, inlcuding personnel and OTPS costs.
Quinn Hetrick-Martin Institute, Inc. 133104537 $10,000
To provide on-site Supportive Services such as mental health and crisis counseling, and homeless
youth pantry services for low-income at-risk LGBTQ youth and straight allies from 12-24 years of
age. Funds will support personnel and OTPS costs.
Chin Hetrick-Martin Institute, Inc. 133104537 $3,714
Funds will support critical on-site Supportive Services such as mental health and crisis counseling
and homeless youth pantry services for low income LGBTQ youth and straight allies during school
time and during the after-school hours.
Garodnick Hetrick-Martin Institute, Inc. 133104537 $3,500
Funding will support mental, physical and emotional support services and case management for
LGBTQ youth.
Gennaro Hillcrest Jewish Center 111639813 $10,000
Summer Day Camp: Funds will be used to offset transportation expenses; buses are used to
transport camper and supervisors to recreational, cultural, and entertainment sites.
James Hip-Hop Summit Youth Council, Inc. 050542858
To train young participants to become certified Community Ambassadors for Peace, who can
then mediate conflicts in the community.
Viverito Hip-Hop Summit Youth Council, Inc. 050542858 $3,500
To support Hip-Hop Against Gun Gang Violence Projects Solution Summits and the Rap 2 Bridge
the Gap initiative, bringing together youth, young adults and celebrity participants to help
reduce gun and gang violence with a focus in and around NYCHA developments.
Gonzalez Hispanic Federation, Inc. 133573852 * $3,500
To create a large scale mural in District 21, using a collaborative design process that brings
together professional artists, low-income NYC students, and community members from District 21
to design and create a high-quality, permanent public artwork. Funds will support artist fees and
material expenses.
p. 22 of 51
Council Member Organization EIN * Amount Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit Fiscal EIN
James Hollaback, Inc. 273199988
To provide funds to educate youth on how to safely respond, intervene and report street
Lander Hollaback, Inc. 273199988 $3,500
To support programs to educate youth on how to respond when experiencing or witnessesing
harassment in public.
Hollis Bellaire Queens Village Bellerose Athletic Association,
Inc. 237204542
To provide for in-house recreation programs, travel and softball / baseball camps and clinics.
Comrie Hollis Presbyterian Church 111631786 * $10,000
To support youth basketball, dance, music and drama classes, and provide homework assistance
and test preparation. The funds will pay staff and other program costs.
Gennaro Holy Family Youth Council, Inc. 112544381
Our program supports a variety of sports, boys and girls basketball, boys and girls swimming,
baseball and softball, bowling. The funding will help provide gym rental, security responsibilities,
uniforms equipment for the various sports.
Hoops by the River, Inc.
271453959 * $5,000
To support a violence/drug awarness day, including basketball and activities to help curb drug use
and violence in the east Harlem community.
Humane Education Advocates Reaching Teachers (HEART,
Inc.) 412055310 $3,500
To expand Humane Living Program (HLP), an animal welfare, enviornmental protection and social
justice classroom program, to students and schools in District 25.
Humane Education Advocates Reaching Teachers (HEART,
Inc.) 412055310 $15,000
To support HEART's Humane Living Program (HLP), an interactive program help students develop
critical thinking and decision-making skills based on compassion, tolerance and integrity. Funding
will be used to pay the specially trained staff of instructors who teach this program.
Garodnick Hunter College High School Parents Teachers Association 133236281 $3,500
Funding will support materials and supplies to support the math curriculum, including the
purchase of graphing calcualtors.
Williams Ifetayo Cultural Arts Academy, Inc. 113027538 * $6,000
To support the Rites of Passage Program after school program that focuses on mentoring youth
between the ages of 8 to 21.
Eugene Ifetayo Cultural Arts Academy, Inc. 113027538 * $6,000
To provide services for youth of african descent to asists them in dealing with poverty, violence,
drug abuse, immigration issues, drug abuse and domestic violence.
Imeinu, Inc.
To help support the youth shelter including paying staff salaries for shelter employees, vendors,
stipends for the youth, and for other programming expenses such as utilities, travel, food,
supplies and fiscal agent services.
Chin Immigrant Social Service, Inc. 132689273 $5,000 The funds will support an evening youth athletic program.
Wills Indo-Caribbean Alliance, Inc. 272848254 * $7,000
To support the Family Crisis Intervention Program, including intervention services, parenting
classes and social work services.
Jackson Inwood Community Services, Inc. 133087407 $5,000
Funds will support summer youth programs and reading programs for youth throughout the year,
including Pumpkins on Post harvest celebration and Mothers on Post recognition event.
Lappin Inwood House 135562254 * $6,000 Pending
Quinn Inwood House 135562254 $3,500
To support the Teen Choice (TC) Peer Leaders Program, providing reproductive health education,
counseling, and referrals. Peer Leader is an intensive out of school time training program and
includes at least 60 hours of training supplemented with field trips and activities.
Viverito Inwood House 135562254 * $5,500 Pending
Jackson Isabella Geriatric Center, Inc. 133623808 $3,500
Funds will support an after school program which pays teens from surrounding area schools to
work in the nursing home and foster connections between youths and seniors.
Rodriguez Isabella Geriatric Center, Inc. 133623808 $9,214
To support an afterschool program that employs teens from local schools at nursing home
Island Kids
To support the Summer Camp program. Funds will be used to offset the costs associated with
additional space rental, insurance, art and sports supplies, as well as costs related to expanding
our science program to include an animal education component.
Comrie It Takes a Community to Raise a Child 800072605 $5,000
To provide after school programs for school-aged children, providing homework help, and other
p. 23 of 51
Council Member Organization EIN * Amount Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit Fiscal EIN
Recchia Italian Board of Guardians 111633571 * $20,000
To support bilingual English-Italian mental health counseling program, after school
tutoring/mentoring, and at home companionship for the elderly
Dromm Jackson Heights Arts Club, Inc. 112688282 $3,500 To support children's art classes and shows.
Vallone Jacob A. Riis Neighborhood Settlement, Inc. 111729398
Funds will support Riis Academy's after school and summer programming for youth in the areas
of academic enrichment, health and wellness, civic engagement and life skills (Work
Readiness/Career Exploration, College Access, and financial literacy) at the Astoria, Queens
middle school program site.
Van Bramer Jacob A. Riis Neighborhood Settlement, Inc. 111729398
To support tutoring and homework assistance, academic enrichment, recreation and physical
activity, artistic expression, job acquisition and career-preparedness for youth in after school and
summer programs.
Jam Master Jay Foundation for Youth Inc., The
352218579 * $3,500
To support arts programming for youth includuing theatre arts, digital media arts; music
production; theatre immersion and creative writing.
Dickens Jets of Harlem, Inc. 203556368 * $3,500
To support Football, Cheerleading, Wrestling and Basketball programs for youth of the
community. The funds will pay for costs of the program and transportation to and from games
and meets.
Dromm Jewish Center of Jackson Heights, The 111681124 $15,000
To support concerts, lectures, educational activities, and cultural performances for local youth, as
well as to off-set the expenses of program administration and payroll.
Gennaro Jewish Child Care Association 131624060 $3,500
The Kew Gardens Hills Youth Center is an afterschool program for male teens and young adults,
14-19 years of age. Its purpose is to offer youth positive alternatives and education about
negative behaviors in which they engage. Funds used to offer several trips per year to give the
youth an opportunity to become involved, connect with each other and develop trust. The
funding will be utilized to support KGHYCs recreational and educational outings including bus or
van rental for trips.
Reyna Jewish Coalition For Youth Education & Support, Inc. 273152656 $5,000
Funds will support programs for at risk youth including mentoring, educational and job placement
Ignizio Jewish Community Center of Staten Island, Inc. 135562256 $9,500
To provide for athletic, recreational, leadership, after-school and Sunday programing, including
swimming, basketball, soccer, music recitals, Harmony Road music classes, leadership groups,
youth board, teen council community service, and activities for children with special needs.
Richards Jewish Community Council of the Rockaway Peninsula, Inc. 112425813 $25,000
Funds will support youth music programs and will be used to defray the costs of other than
personnel expenses (OTPS) and utilities.
Ulrich Jewish Community Council of the Rockaway Peninsula, Inc. 112425813 $5,000
Funds used to hire a Social Services Coordinator to interview and assist youth on the western end
of the Rockaway Peninsula.
Fidler Joe Torre East Highway Little League 116037753 *
To support a youth baseball program, including for the purchase of equipment and to pay other
program costs.
Bergen Basin Community Development Corp
dba Millennium Development 113199040
Williams J'Ouvert City International, Inc. 113362754 * $6,000
To support programs educating youth about arts and culture of the caribbean, and to promote
street production pf cultural activities on Labor Day in Brooklyn.
Rodriguez Juan Pablo Duarte Foundation 141840245 * $5,000
To offer SAT Prep Classes for low income students from high schools in the Northern Manhattan
Area. Funding will be used to cover course cost and transportation for these students.
Jackson Juan Pablo Duarte Foundation 141840245 * $5,000 Funds will support SAT prep classes for students from High schools in Northern Manhattan.
James Junior Tennis Clinic, Inc. 061229839 $3,500 To support a boys and girls tennis program and a soccer program.
K.S. J.A.M.M. Dance Troupe
To support the Dance Troupe, which conducts a 10-Month (September through June)
instructional cycle for children 3 years old to adult in Ballet, Modern, Jazz, Tap, Hip Hop and
African dance.
Gentile Kassenbrock Brothers Memorial Scholarship Fund, Inc., The 237183877 $2,000 To provide grants to youth who perform community service.
p. 24 of 51
Council Member Organization EIN * Amount Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit Fiscal EIN
Gennaro Kehilat Sephardim of Ahavat Achim 113101774 $7,000
The funds will be used to provide salaries for the staff, free transportation to and from the
centers to seniors and to provide congregate meals for seniors at the centers. Weekly (weather
permitting) meetings including hot (catered) lunch, exercise and entertainment.
Richards Kickers Youth Sports Association of South East Queens, Inc. 112988905 $10,000
Funds will be used to offset the cost of providing sports, cultural and educational activities to
youths. These include: team/player registration and participant cost in other leagues
tournaments, space rental cost for program activities, fields, classrooms, gymnasiums,
accidental/medical and liability insurance costs, travel costs,consultants costs, admission costs to
events and all other costs related to the program.
Comrie Kickers Youth Sports Association of South East Queens, Inc. 112988905 $22,000
To provide sports, cultural and educational activities for youth, including team registrations,
fields, and other program costs.
Brewer Kids Creative 404 Inc 753139502
To support Kids Creative after school and summer programs and workshops at schools
throughout New York City. Programs focus on writing and producing original musicals,
homework help, literacy and recreational activities.
Quinn Kids Creative 404, Inc. 753139502 $5,000
To provide after school and summer music, art and theater programs to underserved youth in
Palma Kids Creative 404, Inc. 753139502 $4,000
To support Kids Creative after school and summer arts, music, and theatre education programs.
Funding will support after school programing at PS 536 in Council District 18.
Kings Bay Youth Organization, Inc.
To provide youth baseball, football and basketball after school programs. Funds will be used to
purchase youth sports equipment and uniforms.
Koppell Kingsbridge Heights Community Center, Inc. 132813809
To provide for youth development programs and support services for at-risk youth and individuals
with special needs ages 11-21.
Palma Kips Bay Boys & Girls Club 131623850 $20,000
To support teen programming at the Palmaro Clubhouse and Castle Hill Houses and attract
immigrant children, who make up a large portion of the community.
Kips Bay Boys and Girls Club, Inc.
131623850 $10,000
To provide teen programming at the new Coudert Clubhouse in Morris Heights and to encourage
participation by teens in local immigrant communities in the Bronx.
Koppell Knox Gates Neighborhood Association, Inc. 133020575
To support the Teen Program for Media Arts and Literacy Development for both the after-school
and summer sessions. Funds will be used for staff salaries, consultant fees, and staff and board
Koo Korean American Family Service Center (KAFSC) 133609811 $4,500 Funds will be used to support the Hodori Little Tiger After-school Program.
Koo Korean American Voters Council, Inc. 203987662
Funding will support a Grassroots Internship Program. This is a 32-week, part-time equivalent
program, held from April 5th through November 8th,provides individualized leadership training,
the opportunity to meet community leaders in small group settings, exploration of community
and cultural issues as they apply to Korean Americans, and career advice in a wide range of public
service professions.
Weprin Korean American Voters Council, Inc. 203987662
To provide for the 2013 Grassroots Internship Program for high school and college students.
Koo Korean Community Services of Metropolitan New York, Inc. 237348989
Funds used to support KCSs Youth Community Action Project (YCAP), which aims to provide Asian
American youth with a wide variety of opportunities to learn and develop through interactive and
exciting volunteer activities during the summer.
Barron Kwatny Foundation, Inc. 810606748 $5,000
Funds will be used to support youth football program, including team uniforms and uniforms for
cheerleaders, equipment, and use of fields, an award ceremony and trophies, league fees, league
referee fees, and travel expenses to the AYF national tournament.
Mealy Kwatny Foundation, Inc. 810606748 $5,000
Funds will be used to support youth football program, including team uniforms and uniforms for
cheerleaders, equipment, and use of fields, an award ceremony and trophies, league fees, league
referee fees, and travel expenses to the AYF national tournament.
p. 25 of 51
Council Member Organization EIN * Amount Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit Fiscal EIN
Comrie Lady Doves Self Enrichment Organization, Inc. 800224662 $3,500
To provide scholarships to underprivileged children to attend Summer Camp, after
school,mentoring, modeling to build Self Esteem, Performing Arts, Community Events and a
Dance program component. Funds will also be used for Administrative Support, Supplies, Fees,
Postage,Permits, Food, Operation Expense,etc.
Ferreras Latin American Cultural Center of Queens, Inc. 112997255 $5,000
To support the Career in Visual Arts after-school program offered to children 8 to 16 years old in
which participants develop fundamental skills and techniques in various art mediums including
painting, sketching and airbrushing.
Dickens League for the Enhancement of All African's Future, Inc. 383706437 * $5,000
To provide enrichment programing after-school children, including french language classes, drum
and violin lessons, chess lessons and summer camp.
Gentile Learn My History, Inc. 205794552 * $1,000
To provide mentorship, presentations and performances by volunteers from the education,
business and entertainment world, for middle and high school at-risk youth.
Vann Learning Leaders, Inc. 132658549 $5,714
To provide volunteer training and family education workshops in elementary and middle schools.
Learning Leaders, Inc.
Funding will go towards recruiting and training volunteers to support student success and
providing parent education programs that unite home and school learning.
Learning Leaders, Inc.
To support Learning Leaders' volunteer training and family education workshops in over
elementary and middle schools and for workshops at parent conferences in collaboration with
the DOE, UFT and community-based organizations.
Learning Leaders, Inc.
132658549 $8,714
To provide academic support for public school children at elementary and middle schools by
training volunteers and parents to provide academic support.
Chin Learning Leaders, Inc. 132658549 $3,500
Funding will provide volunteer training and family education workshops in elementary and
middle schools citywide. Volunteers provide academic support to students during the school
Ferreras Learning Leaders, Inc. 132658549 $5,000 To provide volunteer training and family education workshops in elementary and middle schools.
Palma Learning Leaders, Inc. 132658549 $4,000
To provide academic support for students, training for volunteers and family education and
parent workshops in elementary and middle schools.
Cabrera Leave It Better Foundation Inc. 273994291 $5,000
To teach youth how to grow their own food, improve their nutrition, and heal the environment
through recycling, composting and living a sustainable lifestyle. Funds will support staff, materials
and costs to operate the program.
Wills Life Camp, Inc. 200814999 * $8,000
Funds will be used to cover operational expenses for programs that serve families and individuals
in need of emergency assistance.
Williams Life of Hope 205252137 * $7,000 To provide youth exploration programs, GED preparation classes, and financial literacy programs.
Garodnick Lighthouse International 131096620 $3,500
Funding will support the Family Committee Circle which supports parents of visually impaired
Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, Inc.
To support Meet the Artist Saturdays, which provides young children and their families a free
weekend program that showcases a unique blend of performance, participation and music
Brewer Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, Inc. 131847137 $24,500 To support the 2013 Season of FREE roving classical theatre throughout New York City.
Brewer Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, Inc. 131847137
To fund the Poet-Linc, an afternoon poetry slam series to encourage and develop writing and
public speaking skills in underserved youths.
Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, Inc.
To support Lincoln Center's educational arm, LC Education, to provide arts programming for
students in District 5. LC Education works in partnership with local schools including P.S./I.S. 217
Roosevelt Island.
Lincoln Square District Management Association, Inc.
To support the operation of the Neighborhood/Tourist Information Carousels through stipends
for student ambassadors and retirees.
Lincoln Square Neighborhood Center, Inc.
To better the lives and life prospects of residents of the Lincoln Square community; the funds will
be used for staffing.
p. 26 of 51
Council Member Organization EIN * Amount Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit Fiscal EIN
Cabrera Literacy, Inc. (LINC) 133911331 $5,250
To support literacy programs in Council District 14, including: school based literacy support
programs, library based literacy support programs, community based literacy support programs,
parent engagement programs and community celebrations.
Dickens Literacy, Inc. (LINC) 133911331 $5,000
To support LINCs literacy programs in Council District 9. These include school based literacy
support programs, library based literacy support programs, community based literacy support
programs, parent engagement programs and community celebrations.
Gonzalez Literacy, Inc. (LINC) 133911331 $3,500
To support literacy programs in the Council District, including school based, library based and
community based literacy support programs, as well as parent engagement programs and
community celebrations.
Jackson Literacy, Inc. (LINC) 133911331 $5,000
Funds will support literacy programs including school based literacy, community based literacy,
parent engagement and community celebrations.
Rivera Little Branches of Borinquen, Inc. 134049877 $15,214
To support the youth program which provides music and marching band lessons to youth. The
funds will pay for salaries, program equipment and other operational costs.
James Little Essentials 275281758
To provide for operational and staff expenses to collect and redistribute gently used clothes to
impoverished families.
Little League Baseball of College Point NY, Inc.
208304163 *
To support a little league baseball program for youth, and provide funding for equipment and
Rodriguez Little Orchestra Society-Orpheon, Inc., The 132638292 * $3,500
To support in-school music composition education and concert experiences for students in
Grades K-3 in NYC public schools. Funding will support PS 178s (Inwood, Manhattan) partnership
the Musical Connections program providing 2nd grade students and their teachers with access to
music education.
Vann Little Sun People, Inc. 113081207 $10,000 To subsidize expenses incurred for supplies/equipment, admission fees to events as well as bus
service to transport children on trips to cultural events, zoos, parks, and puppet shows.
Quinn Loco-Motion Dance Theatre for Children, Inc. 133803693 $3,500
To provide scholarships for dance classes for students in PS 3 and children who live in the East
Chin Lower East Side Conservancy, Inc. 134107463 $5,000
To support A DAY IN THE LIFE OF AN IMMIGRANT CHILD; an educational field based touring
experience for grade school children.
Chin Lower East Side Girls Club, The 133942063 $3,500 Funding will support the Geek Girls Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) program.
Garodnick Lower East Side Girls Club, The 133942063 $3,500
Funding will support the Lower East Side Girls Club's Geek Girls Science Technology Engineering
and Math (STEM) program which will engage girls in astronomy, astro-physics, basic science,
engineering, multi-media production, environmental science, sound design and audio
Madison Square Boys & Girls Club, Inc.
To provide educational services including homework help, technology education, literacy,
mentoring, cultural enrichment, college preparation and health and fitness programs for youth.
Funding will support staff salaries and supplies.
Eugene Madison Square Boys & Girls Club, Inc. 135596792 $7,000
To provide educational services including homework assistance, technology education, literacy,
mentoring, cultural enrichment, college preparation and health and fitness programs. The funds
will be used to support staff salaries and program supplies.
Crowley Maggie's Little Theater at St. Margaret Parish 111723800 * $8,500 To support basketball, track, baseball and softball programs for youth in the area.
Vann Magnolia Tree Earth Center of Bedford Stuyvesant, Inc. 237303098 $15,000
To provide for tree care, community education, stipends for participants, supplies, and staffing
for the neighborhood tree program.
Dromm Make the Road New York 113344389 $12,500
To support the LGBTQ Justice Project, providing services and education for LTBTQ immigrant
Koo Making Books Sing, Inc. 134201577
Funds used to support a residency of Literature At Play at P.S. 177 Q. Over the course of 4 to 20
weekly visits, teaching artists lead K-8th grade classes through acting, playwriting and songwriting
workshops, resulting in each class adaptation of a childrens book. Funds will be used to provide
a quality arts-in-education program for special needs students for an extended period of time.
p. 27 of 51
Council Member Organization EIN * Amount Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit Fiscal EIN
CD19 Making Books Sing, Inc. 134201577
To support and bring Making Books Sings anti-bullying initiative ALICES STORY to every 3rd
grade class in Council District 19.
Dickens Making Books Sing, Inc. 134201577 $5,000
The Central Harlem Senior Citizens Inc.s mission is to provide quality services for all senior
citizens of the Central Harlem Community and beyond, ensuring that their dignity, self-worth, and
sense of pride maintained, acknowledged, and affirmed. Funds will be used support programs
and services.
Oddo Making Books Sing, Inc. 134201577 $2,500
Funds will help to support and bring Making Books Sings award-winning anti-bullying initiative
ALICES STORY to every 3rd grade class in the district.
Koo Making Opportunities for Upgrading Schools and Education 133973196
Funds will be used to build the capacity of the MOUSE Squad Program to prepare youth to play a
leadership role in the improvement of their schools and communities. In particular, funds will be
used to support key programmatic improvements and services .
Garodnick Making Opportunities for Upgrading Schools and Education 133973196 $3,500
Funding will support the MOUSE Squad Program which prepares youth to play a leadership role
in the improvement of their schools and communities.
Making Opportunities for Upgrading Schools and Education
(MOUSE), Inc.
133979196 $4,000
Funds used to build the capacity of the MOUSE Squad Program to prepare youth to play a
leadership role in the improvement of their schools and communities. In particular, funds will be
used to support key programmatic improvements and services that have been essential to
ensuring that as MOUSE Squad grows and continues to reach more underserved students and
schools, we maintain focused on providing high quality 21st century educational and professional
experiences for our students.
Making Opportunities for Upgrading Schools and Education
(MOUSE), Inc. 133973196 $5,000
To support the MOUSE Squad Program to prepare youth to play a leadership role in the
improvement of their schools and communities. In particular, funds will support key
programmatic improvements and services.
Making Opportunities for Upgrading Schools and Education
(MOUSE, Inc.)
133979196 $3,500
Funds used to build the capacity of the MOUSE Squad Program to prepare youth to play a
leadership role in the improvement of their schools and communities. In particular, funds will be
used to support key programmatic improvements and services.
Making Opportunities for Upgrading Schools and Education
(MOUSE, Inc.) 133973196 $5,000
Funds used to build the capacity of the MOUSE Squad Program to prepare youth to play a
leadership role in the improvement of their schools and communities. Funds particularly used to
support key programmatic improvements and services essential to ensuring that the program
continues to reach underserved students and schools.
Making Opportunities for Upgrading Schools and Education
(MOUSE, Inc.) 133973196 $3,700
To support and expand the MOUSE Squad Program which empowers underserved youth the
technology skills essential for academic and career success.
Making Opportunities for Upgrading Schools and Education
(MOUSE, Inc.) 133973196 $4,000
Funds will support the MOUSE Squad Program and assist in capacity building and programmatic
improvements to help underserved youth learn, lead and create with technology.
Barron Man Up!, Inc. 030553092 $101,000
Funds will support the summer mentoring programs, athletic programs, and a cultural after-
school program for school aged children. Funds will be used to pay staff salaries, rent, utilities,
supplies, insurance, and program materials.
Garodnick Manhattan Chamber of Commerce Foundation, Inc. 134016593 $3,500
Funding will support a program with students from the High School of Art and Design which
connects them with local businesses for internships and jobs.
Quinn Manhattan Class Company, Inc. 133391844 $4,500
To support the Youth Companys (YCs) Acting Lab and/or Playwriting Lab for theater education
programming, with enrollment based upon demonstrated commitment and growth potential
rather than on talent. Funds will be used for the necessary space rentals for meetings,
workshops, rehearsals, and performances.
Viverito Manna House Workshops, Inc. 132615433 $5,000
To provide music education, including classes in guitar, junior jazz band ensemble, cello, and bass
training, and ensemble classes for students in the community of East Harlem and the greater New
York City.
Rodriguez Marble Hill 225 Reunion and Development Committee, Inc. 452516108 * $3,500
To support neighborhood activities including Marble Hill Kids run, Marble Hill Football Clinic,
Marble Hill Memorial Basketball game, Senior Walk, neighborhood music and theatre concerts,
counseling, and a computer clinic. Funding will cover costs associated with these programs.
p. 28 of 51
Council Member Organization EIN * Amount Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit Fiscal EIN
Rodriguez Marble Hill Nursery School 131789130 $10,000
To support children from fractured or unstable homes by providing live play therapy, mental
health consulting for families, weekly parent coffee hours, and a teaching tolerance program.
Funding will pay for the on-site mental health programs.
Rivera Mary Mitchell Youth and Family Center, Inc. 133385032 $25,000
To support out-of-school basketball and martial arts youth programs. Funds will be used for
Fidler Mary Queen of Heaven 111952301 *
To support seasonal sports activities for youth, including softball and basketball.
Bergen Basin Community Development Corp
dba Millennium Development 113199040
MASA-MexEd, Inc.
113640210 $5,000
To promote access to higher education for students, focusing on assisting those in areas of high
Mexican-immigrant populations in the South Bronx, through after school programs, ESL for
parents, mentorships and other programming.
Nelson Masores Bais Yaakov 112902382 *
To provide after school enrichment classes to the entire community. Programs include a hobby
hour, reading, art and sports and funding will pay for teachers, consultants, equipment and
Greenfield Masores Bais Yaakov 112902382 * $5,000
Funds used to provide afterschool enrichment classes to the entire community. It offers academic
and recreational programs including hobby hour, reading, art and sports.
Crowley Maspeth Town Hall, Inc. 237259702 $38,214
To provide youth after school programs, including homework assistance, drama, recreation, and
tutorial classes for elementary and high school students who need extra assistance or want to
develop stronger academic skills.
Koppell Mass Transit Street Theater, Inc. 136533451
To support the production of a play,Solid Ground, and performances for youth in the District.
Funds will compensate staff, and to help pay for production expenses.
Eugene Mekimi 550870419 * $10,000
To provide support to enhance the quality of life of ill patients and their siblings by sending them
them on weekend retreats and to events. Also to train volunteers.
Greenfield Mekimi 550870419 * $15,000
Funding used for retreats, parties, trips, gifts, and other services for the sick patient and his/her
family. Funds will also be used to train volunteers.
Lander Mekimi 550870419 * $12,000
To support services to sick youth and their families. Funding will be used to train volunteers and
provide support services and counseling to sick youth.
Chin Mencius Society for the Arts, Inc. 562343092 $4,000
Funds to support after-school programming in traditional Chinese instruments, workshops and a
multi-generational concert.
Oddo Mid-Island Little League, Inc. 237032781 * $5,000
Funds will support the little league including operational costs, the purchase of equipment and
Ulrich Midori Foundation, Inc., The (d/b/a Midori and Friends) 133682472 $16,714
Funds used to support Making Music guitar instruction program at PS 232Q, and Exploring
Cultures program at PS 232Q and PS 207Q.
Midori Foundation, Inc., The (d/b/a Midori and Friends)
133682472 $10,000
To provide for music and cultural education programs at PS 64X, PS 70X, and PS 310X, including
the Making Music violin instruction program at PS 64X & PS 70X, guitar instruction program at PS
310X and Exploring Cultures programs at all three schools. Additionally, to support a cultural
residency at PS 310X.
Nelson Midwood Development Corporation 112420752
To enhance the OST afterschool programs at P.S. 193 and P.S. 197, to fund STEM (Science,
Technology, Engineering, and Math) activities, and for the staff to take classes and training as
required for MDC to maintain its School Aged Child Care License.
King Mind Builders Creative Arts Center, Inc. 132988157 $20,000
Funds will support the for Sara Domb Youth Center, including social, recreational and educational
programs for children and teans, as well as community meetings, lectures and a wide array of
services for all age groups in Queens.
Koppell Mind Builders Creative Arts Center, Inc. 132988157
To provide for free teen programs and workshops, and academic tutoring, a community
orchestra, and dance, music, teen theater and folk culture programs.
Minister,Elders and Deacons of the Reformed Protestant
Dutch Church of the City of New York c/o Collegiate Church 135564117 * $5,000
To support scouting programs within Council District 10, including support for scouts to attend
summer scout camps.
Wills Misunderstood Youth Development Center Corp., The 251916166 $9,000
To provide child sexual abuse and molestation prevention education to faith based organizations
throughout New York City.
Comrie Montessori Progressive Learning Center 223001223 * $6,000
To help offset material costs for the after school program which provides numerous programs for
youth services.
p. 29 of 51
Council Member Organization EIN * Amount Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit Fiscal EIN
Vacca Morris Park Community Association 237429900 $10,000 To pay for marching bands, transportation, and floats for the Italian Heritage events.
Koppell Mosholu Montefiore Community Center, Inc. 133622107
$25,714 To provide for the following activities and programs: art, dance, homework assistance, recreation,
the Boys to Men Group, the Girl Talk Group, the Money Matters Group, teen leadership.
King Mosholu Montefiore Community Center, Inc. 133622107
Funds used to provide learning and homework groups for children and educational programs for
adults, athletic programs and support programs for caretakers and those approaching retirement
and aging.
Mosholu Preservation Corporation
133109387 $5,000
To support an after school program for high school students that uses journalism as a vehicle to
improve writing, research, interviewing and critical thinking skills. Funds will be used to pay
instructors and other costs.
Lander Mothers Aligned Saving Kids (MASK, Inc.) 113495018 $12,000
To support services, including helpline, support groups, community outreach and parent
workshops, for at-risk youth and their families.
Cabrera Mount Hope Housing Company, Inc. 133419970 * $2,250
To support a career readiness program, including instructors, materials, events and activities to
help students prepare for and apply to college.
Viverito Mount Sinai School of Medicine of New York University 131624096 $5,000
To fund the Drop-Out Prevention Initiative to expand the provision of mental health and
preventative medical services programs aimed at Drop-out Prevention. Funding will be used to
increase the number of hours of counseling and medical advice available.
Gentile Muslim American Society of New York, Inc. 363885457 * $5,000
To support youth activities, workshops, mentoring and community service projects. Funds will
support operating and other program expenses.
Vallone Muslim American Society of Queens 113505402 *
$7,000 The funds will support youth programs including sports, educational and computer programs and
will go toward a Youth Program Director, sports coaches, facilities (gymnasium) and equipment.
Gentile Narrows Community Theater 510167270 $5,000
To produce a play and hold workshops involving youth. Funds will be used for costumes, props,
sound and other program and production costs.
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People -
Northeast Queens Branch
542166928 $4,000
Funding will provide first hand knowledge of archiving and research of the History of Civil Rights
in America. The project will bring Civil Rights icons to speak to young people.
King National Council Of Negro Women, Inc. 911917517 $4,000
The specific program is a college preparatory program targeting youth between the ages of 14-18
to prepare them for the P/SAT and ACT examinations. The funds will be used for
Consultants/teachers, computer equipment and teaching equipment.
King National Council Of Negro Women, Inc. 270100098 $4,500
Funds will offset public school gym rental and our equipment and/or uniform purchases. These
fees are used to fund the following areas: required equipment and uniforms for each sport,
Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) fees for entry of teams and provision of officials at games, and
rental of public school gyms for basketball practices, clinics and games.
Mendez National Dance Institute, Inc. 132890779 $4,000
Funding is for a Biking Rules program in districts with heavy bicycle traffic and/or are included in
the first phase of the NYC bike share program. T.A.s Bike Ambassadors will conduct extensive on-
street outreach to cyclists about the law, and promote a street code of responsible behavior
with Biking Rules handbook.
Palma Neighborhood Initiatives Development Corp. 133110811 $5,000
To support Prep for Success; providing Middle and High School students with skills to succeed in
high school, college, and life and Community Service Learning projects.
Vacca Neighborhood Initiatives Development Corporation 133110811 $34,214
To provide funds for Prep for Success Middle and high school program and Community Services
Learning projects and for community events including Movies Under the Stars, Halloween
Parades, and Spring Celebrations.
King Neighborhood Initiatives Development Corporation (NIDC) 133110811 $15,000
A pilot program that offers Out of School Youth preparation for GED classes and work certificate
programs. Key components will be Prep for Success, a curriculum based on the 7 Habits of Highly
Effective People, reading and math remediation, and case management. Students will have
access to a computer lab and recreational opportunties.
p. 30 of 51
Council Member Organization EIN * Amount Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit Fiscal EIN
Garodnick New Alternatives for Children, Inc. 133149298 $3,500
Funding will support programs and services for low-income families caring for children with
disabilities and medical complications.
Mendez New Alternatives for LGBT Homeless Youth 272151000
Funds will be used to support a Sunday evening program, which includes a hot, nutritious dinner
for homeless LGBT youth, followed by a Life Skills group, which addresses topics including HIV,
suicide, police harassment, bullying, conflict resolution, etc. Funds will be used to purchase food
and products such as plates, utensils, napkins, etc.
Dromm New Life Community Development Corporation 113204890 * $7,000
Funds will support Young Governors, a youth organizing program that hires and trains community
teens to address issues in their community.
Gentile New York Board of Rabbis 131809283 $1,500
To provide child sexual abuse and molestation prevention education to faith based organizations
and to train community leaders and stakeholders to prevent, and recognize the signs of abuse
and react responsibly.
Quinn New York Cares, Inc. 133444193 $3,500
To support the Childrens Education programming, which helps disadvantaged children and teens
to gain the literacy, math and test-taking skills they need to prepare for college and the
workforce. The funding will support personnel costs for the Childrens Education programming.
Jackson New York Cares, Inc. 133444193 $2,000
Funds will support the Children's Education programming providing literacy, math and test-taking
Lappin New York Center for Children 954502444 * $13,000 Pending
Rose New York Center for Interpersonal Development 237085239 $10,000
To support a Supervised Visitation Program for children and their parents in situations of
domestic violence.
Oddo New York Center for Interpersonal Development 237085239 $4,000
Funds will support a Supervised Visitation Program for children and their parents, in situations
involving domestic violence.
Eugene New York City ACT-SO, Inc. 202538102 * $5,000 To provide for program and resource materials to enhance student achievement citywide.
New York City Center, Inc.
To support the City Center's performing arts education program for students from PS 84 in the
6th Council District in the 2013/14 school year.
Garodnick New York City Center, Inc. 132867442 $3,500
Funding will support City Center's Fall for Dance Festival, which makes accessible various dance
performances at significantly reduced prices.
New York City Lions Youth Fooball League Run to Daylight
Education Program
Funds will be used to send students on tours of Prep Schools throughout the country. Funding
will go towards traveling costs, equipment, and rent.
Dickens New York City Mission Society 135562301 $5,000
To support programming for youth and families at PS 175, The Beacon Community Center and at
Minisink Townhouse program, providing children, teens and young adults with education,
personal growth andcommunity events and activities.
Jackson New York City Mission Society 135562301 $5,000
Funds will support educational, personal growth and development programs for children, teens
and young adults including case management and a summer enrichment program.
New York City Parents of Lesbians and Gay Men, Inc. (d/b/a
PFLAG New York City) 133049626 *
To provide for the Safe Schools Program and support services to LGBT youth ages 11-18.
Garodnick New York City Urban Debate League, Inc. 455249743 * $3,500 Funding will support free debate teams and tournaments in Council District 4.
Garodnick New York Classical Theatre, Inc. 861056388 $3,500
Funding will support New York Classical Theatre's free educational family and adult workshops
and performances in New York's public parks and spaces.
Ignizio New York Junior Tennis League 237442256 $5,000
To provide free recreational tennis and educational programs for beginner and intermediate
players, ages 5-18 years, during the summer, fall, winter or spring.
Quinn New York Junior Tennis League 237442256 $5,000
To provide free recreational tennis and educational programs for beginner and intermediate
players, ages 5-18 years in Council District 3 during the summer, fall, winter or spring. Loaner
racquets and balls will be provided to all participants. Special events, team tennis tournaments
and trips are a regular part of the program schedule.
Chin New York Junior Tennis League 237442256 $3,500
The funds will be used to provide free recreational tennis and educational programs for beginner
and intermediate players, ages 5-18 years, special events, team tennis tournaments and trips.
Garodnick New York Junior Tennis League 237442256 $3,500
Funding will support free tennis programs for beginner and intermediate children at MS 167 and
MS 104.
p. 31 of 51
Council Member Organization EIN * Amount Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit Fiscal EIN
Gonzalez New York Junior Tennis League 237442256 $3,500
To provide free recreational tennis and educational programs for beginner and intermediate
players, ages 5-18 years in Council District 38, loaner rackets, special events, team tennis
tournaments and trips.
Oddo New York Junior Tennis League 237442256 $4,714
The funds will be used to provide free recreational tennis and educational programs for beginner
and intermediate players, ages 5-18. Special events, team tennis tournaments and trips are a
regular part of the program schedule.
Rivera New York Junior Tennis League 237442256 $5,000
Funds will support free recreational tennis and educational programs for beginner and
intermediate players. Special events, team tennis tournaments and trips are a regular part of the
program schedule
Rivera New York Junior Tennis League 237442256 $11,500
To support recreational tennis and educational programs for youth ages 5-18 years. Funds will
pay for equipment, special events, tournaments and trips.
Koslowitz New York Junior Tennis League 237442256 $10,000
The funds will be used to provide free recreational tennis and educational programs for beginner
and intermediate players, ages 5-18 years. Special events, team tennis tournaments and trips are
a regular part of the program schedule.
Barron New York Junior Tennis League, Inc. 237442256 $5,000
The funds will be used to provide free recreational tennis and educational programs for beginner
and intermediate players, ages 5-18 years in the 42nd Council District during the summer, fall,
winter or spring. Funding supports loaner racquets and balls, special events, team tennis
tournaments and trips.
Gennaro New York Junior Tennis League, Inc. 237442256 $6,000
The funds will be used to provide free recreational tennis and educational programs for beginner
and intermediate players, ages 5-18 years in the council members district during the summer,
fall, winter or spring. Loaner racquets and balls will be provided to all participants. Special events,
team tennis tournaments and trips are a regular part of the program schedule.
King New York Junior Tennis League, Inc. 237442256 * $10,000 Pending
Mendez New York Junior Tennis League, Inc. 237442256 $3,500
The funds will be used to provide free recreational tennis and educational programs for beginner
and intermediate players, ages 5-18. Loaner racquets and balls will be provided to all participants.
Special events, team tennis tournaments and trips are a regular part of the program.
New York Junior Tennis League, Inc.
The funds will be used to provide free recreational tennis and educational programs for beginner
and intermediate players, ages 5-18 years in the Council district during the summer, fall, winter or
spring. Loaner racquets and balls will be provided to all participants.
New York Junior Tennis League, Inc.
To provide free recreational tennis and educational programs for beginner and intermediate
tennis players, ages 5-18 years.
Koppell New York Junior Tennis League, Inc. 237442256
To provide free recreational tennis and educational programs for beginner and intermediate
players, ages 5-18 years in the 11th Council District.
New York Junior Tennis League, Inc.
To provide free recreational tennis and educational programs and tournaments for youth, in
Council District 19 during the summer, fall, winter or spring.
New York Junior Tennis League, Inc.
To provide free recreational tennis and educational programs for beginner and intermediate
players, ages 5-18 in the council members district. Loaner racquets and balls will be provided to
all participants. Special events, team tennis tournaments, and trips are a regular part of the
New York Junior Tennis League, Inc.
To feed hungry men, women and children hot nutritious meals five days a week, all year round
throughoutNew York City network of soup kitchens and food pantries.
Ulrich New York Junior Tennis League, Inc. 237442256 $5,000
The funds will support free recreational tennis and educational programs for beginner and
intermediate players, ages 5-18 years in the 32nd district, team tennis tournaments, and special
Ferreras New York Junior Tennis League, Inc. 237442256 $7,500
To provide free recreational tennis and educational programs for beginner and intermediate
players in Council District 21 , including special events, team tennis tournaments and trips.
p. 32 of 51
Council Member Organization EIN * Amount Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit Fiscal EIN
Gentile New York Junior Tennis League, Inc. 237442256 $4,000
To provide free recreational and educational tennis programs for youth in Council District 43,
including special events, and team tennis tournaments .
Eugene New York Junior Tennis League, Inc. 237442256 $5,000
To provide free recreational tennis and educational programs for beginner and intermediate
players, ages 5-18 years in the 33rd Council District during the summer, fall, winter or spring.
Palma New York Junior Tennis League, Inc. 237442256 $5,000
To provide free recreational tennis and educational programs for beginner and intermediate
players aged 5-18, loan equipment, and put on special events.
New York Mayalee Sports Club
112970755 *
To provide for youth soccer (indoor and outdoor) programs
Ferreras New York Military Youth Cadets, Inc. 113581787 $3,500
To provide cadets training, musical enrichment classes and trips. Funding will support uniforms,
musical and other equipment, and certain expenses for trips.
Dromm New York Military Youth Cadets, Inc. 113581787 * $3,500
To support the activities of the Military Youth cadets, including training and musical enrichment
classes, field trips, uniforms, musical equipment, camping equipment, and purchases for field
Garodnick New York Road Runners Foundation, Inc. 132949483 $3,500
Funding will support running-based youth development and health programs for New York City
school-aged children.
Rodriguez New York Scandia Symphony 133574230 $5,000
To support Scandanavian music programming at the Ann Lofuts Playground at Fort Tyron Park,
and to fund equipment, musicians salaries, and administrative costs associated with the childrens
music programs.
Eugene New York Teens Empowering More People Onward 383806414 * $10,000
To support the youth-written newsletter, offer academic and tutoring services and to fund group
and community projects.
New York Urban League, Inc.
131671035 $5,500
To support our Absolute Success College Access Program (ASCAP), including college and career
readiness, academic enrichment, mentoring, and a Historically Black College and University Fair.
James New York WEB Center, Inc 205620848
To support the after school digital arts, entertainment and communications-based program,
which provides self development and vocational skills for youth.
Rose Next Level Mens Group, Inc., The 770698347 * $3,700
To support the Enriched Empowerment Project's efforts to guide young people away from
behaviors that put them at-risk and, or in life threatening situations.
NIA Community Services Network
To support afterschool, out-of-school time, and summer programming to support academic
success, character building, counseling, and positive youth development, promote respect for all,
and foster a love of learning.
Gonzalez NIA Community Services Network 112697931 * $10,000
To provide afterschool, out-of-school time, and summer programming for children and youth,
primarily from immigrant populations, including a range of academic, recreational, creative and
health and fitness programming, and to provide parent workshops on topics to support child
Nia Theatrical Production Company, Inc.
To provide the Brownsville community with arts programming including the Old Timers Day July
concerts and other musical and theatrical programs performed in senior centers, community
centers and City parks.
Levin Nicholas Naquan Heyward Jr Memorial Foundation Inc 260462728 $3,500
To support an annual youth basketball tournament. Funding will provide team outfits, three
basketballs, four nets, one score board, time clock and trophies.
Wills Nicole Paultre Bell When It's Real, It's Forever Fund, Inc., The 208945512 $8,000
To provide youths and adults in the community access to and training in basketball. This is done
through the Sean Bell Family Day Event, the Sean Bell All Star Basketball Event, and the Know
Your Rights Summit.
Northwest Bronx Community and Clergy Coalition for Sistas
and Brothas United 132806160 $10,000 To support youth programs. Funds will pay for academic and college support services for youth.
Mealy Not Just Hoops Inc. 900607202
$10,000 To provide for the Not Just Hoops Program by funding commissioners/referee fees, basketball
clinic exercise trainer fee, uniforms, equipment, program insurance, refreshments and trophies.
p. 33 of 51
Council Member Organization EIN * Amount Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit Fiscal EIN
Mendez Notes in Motion, Inc. 320005633 $3,500
To support an arts program at PS 63 M focused on dance, including planning sessions, full
program evaluation, and a community sharing/performance event. Funds will be used for
teaching artist salaries, program planning, curriculum development, program and to purchase
props, music, and art supplies.
Mendez Nuyorican Poets Caf, Inc. 510139390
Funding to support daytime and afterschool literacy and performance programs. Students from
all over the city visit the Cafe for literacy/performance workshops, and our teaching artists visit
dozens of schools.
Dickens NYC Kidsfest 263538262 * $3,500 To support NYC Kidsfest, a free to the public performing arts festival for families Citywide.
Lander Ohel Children's Home and Family Service, Inc. 116078704 $8,000
To support specialized services for youth entering foster care, including transportation services
and pyschiatric and psychological care.
Rose On Your Mark, Inc. 133128315 * $5,000
To hire and train high school and college students to work with children with developmental
Ulrich One Stop Richmond Hill Community Center, Inc. 680602829 $20,000
This funding will be used for salaries, and fringe benefits for Program Director, Receptionist,
Maintenance worker, 2 teachers for the Mommy and Me Program as well as 2 teachers for the
Computer Technology/Science and Videoconference Program, insurance, equipment and
supplies, rent, CPA and computer tech fees, utilities, and postage related to all programs.
Garodnick Open House New York, Inc. 020540261 * $3,500
Funding will support the openhousenewyork weekend, which provides free educational programs
and access to important historical and cultural sites.
Williams Open Space Institute, Inc. 521053406 * $7,000
To educate and organize public school parents on issues of a range of food issues, including
nutrition, school food and school gardens, healthy bodegas, farmers markets, community gardens
and urban farms, food coops and community supported agriculture and to support local worker
rights campaigns.
Gonzalez Opportunities for a Better Tomorrow 112934620 $30,714
To support the Youth Employment and Training Program, which includes a public speaking and
debate day, a speed networking event and a service learning program for young adults.
Reyna Opportunities for a Better Tomorrow 112934620 $25,000
Funds will support components of the Youth Employment and Training Program including Public
Speaking and Debate Day; Speed Networking and Service Learning.
Williams Our Firefighters' Children's Foundation 542064625 $3,500 To support theater programs for public school students and off set admission fees.
Ulrich Our Lady of Grace Church 111639827 * $5,000 Funding will support a summer instructional soccer camp.
Recchia Our Lady of Grace Roman Catholic Church 111694947 * $30,000 To support the upkeep and operations of a food pantry for low income individuals and families.
Crowley Our Lady of Hope 112202490 * $4,000 To support sports among the children of the community, including equipment and fees. Maspeth Town Hall, Inc. 237259702
Koslowitz Our Lady of Mercy 111633520 * $6,000 Funds will support basketball programs.
Gonzalez Our Lady of Perpetual Help Baseball /Soccer League 111666873 * $5,000
To support a baseball and soccer league for youth in Sunset Park. Funding will cover costs to
maintain a soccer field and other program costs.
Gentile Our Lady of Perpetual Help Baseball /Soccer League 111666873 * $2,000
To provide baseball and soccer programs for youth and to maintain a soccer field for practices
and games.
Koppell Oval Community Youth Program, Inc. 260877270 *
To provide for sports and recreation programs as part of a comprehensive program to support
and motivate youth.
Rivera Oval Community Youth Program, Inc. 260877270 * $5,000 To support recreational, educational and summer programs for youth ages 6-18.
Pancyprian Association, Inc.
Funds will support participation in the sports Leagues such as the CJSL, State Cups- ENYYSA,
Indoor Leagues, Tournaments within and outside the State, etc. Purchase of uniforms and
supplies for the young athletes, Training Seminars for the Coaches and the Players, space Rental
for Indoor and Outdoor Fields for practices and games (PS 122, PS2, PS212, FIAO Con Edison
Field), and award festivals to honor the players for their hard work.
p. 34 of 51
Council Member Organization EIN * Amount Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit Fiscal EIN
Chin Paper Bag Players, Inc., The 131972960 $4,000
The funds will support The Paper Bag Players NYC Theater For All," which provides reduced price
to free theater tickets, free public performances and after school workshops.
Vann Parents as Primary Teachers, Inc. 020658108 $10,000
To support a child-parent enrichment program through music including salaries, percussionists'
fees, the museum space rental fee, the insurance fees, the supply purchases,equipment and
marketing expenses.
Palma Parkchester Little League 136162741 * $5,000 To support a youth little league program. Funds will pay for gym space and equipment.
Greenfield Parkville Youth Organization, Inc. 112204831 $5,000 Funds used to purchase uniforms and sports equipment.
Gonzalez Parkville Youth Organization, Inc. 112204831 $3,500
To provide after school recreational sports activities for children in Brooklyn. Funds will be used
to purchase uniforms and sports equipment to operate sports programs.
Gentile Parkville Youth Organization, Inc. 112204831 $3,500
To support after school recreational sports activities for children in Brooklyn and to pruchase
equipment for the programs.
Lander Parkville Youth Organization, Inc. 112204831 $3,500 To purchase uniforms and sports equipment to operate afterschool sports programs.
Parodneck Foundation for Self-Help Housing and Community
Development, Inc., The
112229635 $25,000
To support the cost of a certified foreclosure prevention counselor to provide one-on-one, in
person assistance to homeowners in the 31st Council District who are in foreclosure or who are at
risk of foreclosure.
Richards Participatory Budgeting Project, The 453858268 * $16,214 Funds will support PBPs staffing for all aspects of PB, and related administrative costs.
Wills Partnership With Children, Inc. 135596751 $5,000
To support NYLAG's Mobile Legal Help Center (MLHC), which provides free civil legal services to
underserved neighborhoods where vulnerable individuals face numerous barriers to accessing
legal services. This state-of-the-art vehicle has been designed to serve as a fully functioning
mobile legal services office and courtroom.
PDM Performing Arts Corporation
To support the youth dance and theater programs and pay for space rentals, costumes, stipends,
studio sessions, and music.
Viverito Peace on the Street, Inc. 850487649 $10,000
To teach Zen practice to inner city youth through workshops that help focus training, attention
management and increased ability to concentrate.
Vacca Pelham Bay Little League 510256113 * $2,000
To provide funds for little leagues' expenses including equipment, field maintenance supplies,
and uniforms.
Dickens Pelham Fritz Basketball League, Inc., The 133759258 * $6,214 To teach sports leadership, basketball skills and to mentor youth in the Harlem community.
Jackson Per Scholas, Inc. 043252955 $5,000
Funds will support an IT program preparing under- or unemployed individuals for careers in the IT
Garodnick Peter Stuyvesant Little League 133700587 * $7,500
Funding will support operating costs and the purchase of materials and equipment for the Little
King Phipps Community Development Corporation 132707665 $15,000 The funds will be used to support Phipps CDC After-School Program at PS 68.
Mendez Phipps Community Development Corporation 132707665
Funds used to support after-school and summer Plazas South Youth Services Program classes and
workshops including: Adventures in Reading, hip hop dance, drama, sports, visuals arts, knitting,
yoga, and cooking and a computer lab.
Palma Phipps Community Development Corporation 132707665 $5,000
To support a juvenile justice mentoring program and Arches program for court-involved youth in
the Bronx, providing counseling, mentoring, and case management, and to support an outreach
effort, to create referral sources for qualifying court involved youth.
Rivera Phipps Community Development Corporation 132707665 $5,000
Funds will support a summer camp program for elementary and middle school children at
Crotona Park West
Rivera Phipps Community Development Corporation 132707665 $20,000 To support educational and recreational summer camp programs at Crotona Park West.
Mendez Police Athletic League, Inc. 135596811
Funds used to provide a Juvenile Crime Prevention Program, which may include a Summer Play
Street and/or Teen Impact Center, in Council District 2.
Vann Police Athletic League, Inc. 135596811
To provide for programs to serve after school K-8th grade students, summer day camp K-8th
grade students, evening teen center participants, and provide summer youth employment
program jobs.
p. 35 of 51
Council Member Organization EIN * Amount Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit Fiscal EIN
Police Athletic League, Inc.
135596811 $10,000
Funding will support the after school program for youth in K-5th at PS 214 in District 20. The
revolving program offers education enrichment, arts and physical fitness programming.
Koppell Police Athletic League, Inc. 135596811 $5,000 To provide for a summer play street in District 11.
Quinn Police Athletic League, Inc. 135596811 $3,500
To provide academic, art, and athletic programming for youth at the Duncan Center. Programs to
be funded will serve After School K-8th grade students, Summer Day Camp K-8th grade students,
Evening Teen Center participants, and provide Summer Youth Employment Program jobs.
Police Athletic League, Inc.
135596811 $20,000
To provide for at least one Juvenile Crime Prevention Program in District 14, which may include
free summer camp activities through a Summer Play Streets component and/or Teen Impact
Centers that provide enriching learning, arts and recreation activities.
Viverito Police Athletic League, Inc. 135596811 $6,714
To support juvenile crime prevention programs in Council District 8 which including Summer Play
Streets and/or Teen Impact Centers in District 8.
Ferreras Police Athletic League, Inc. 135596811 $20,000
To provide a Juvenile Crime Prevention Program, which includes Summer Play Streets and/or
Teen Impact, in District 21.
Gonzalez Police Athletic League, Inc. 135596811 $3,500
To support the Latino Social Work Task Force's efforts to increase the number of social workers
needed to serve the Latino community. Funding will be used to prepare recent social work
graduate students for the New York State licensing exam for social work.
Jackson Police Athletic League, Inc. 135596811 $8,000
Funds will support summer play streets, which brings the components of summer camp to
children in District 7.
Palma Police Athletic League, Inc. 135596811 $5,000
To support an after school and summer camp program at the Sotomayor Community Center,
promoting academic achievement, and providing youth with positive role models, including
police officers.
Rodriguez Police Athletic League, Inc. 135596811 $10,000
To support after school programming for K-8th grade students, summer day camp to K-8th grade
students, an evening teen center, and summer youth employment opportunities.
Rivera Police Athletic League, Inc. 135596811 $10,000
To support an after school program, summer day camp program, evening teen center program
and youth employment program at Webster Center for youth ages 5-19.
Police Liaison Group, Inc.
133690574 $3,500
To support the SUNs youth safety initiative, safety presentations at schools, online on-demand
webinars and SUNs Annual Safety Conferences.
Jackson Police Liaison Group, Inc. 133690574 $3,500
Funds will support SUN's youth safety initiative, presentations and materials on youth safety and
safety conferences.
Positive Influence, Inc.
562519776 * $7,214
To support the Positive Influence 9th annual Basketall Classic. The funds will be used for
equiment, print for uniforms, trophies, basketballs, advertisement, and other costs.
Mendez PowerPlay NYC, Inc. 134045021
Funding used for an after school programs promoting physical activity, healthy living, wellness
and life skills learning for girls in underserved communities. Funding will be used for coach
stipends, equipment, supplies and administrative costs.
Vann PowerPlay NYC, Inc. 134045021
To provide for coach stipends, equipment, supplies and administrative costs for PowerPlays
STARS after school program.
Levin PowerPlay NYC, Inc. 134045021 $5,500
To support PowerPlays STARS after school programs for girls in underserved communities. The
programs teach sports skills and the value of physical activity, teaches teamwork, offers health,
wellness and life skills learning activities, and provides opportunity for discussion and expression.
Funding will be used for coach stipends, equipment, supplies and administrative costs for
programs serving up to 70 girls.
Cabrera PowerPlay NYC, Inc. 134045021 $5,000
To support PowerPlays' STARS after school programs for girls in underserved communities.
Funding will provide for sport skill training, mentoring, teaching teamwork, health, wellness, life
skills learning activities and provide a safe environment for discussion and expression.
Chin PowerPlay NYC, Inc. 134045021 $3,500
Funding will support PowerPlays STARS after school programs for girls, promoting physical
activity, healthy living.
p. 36 of 51
Council Member Organization EIN * Amount Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit Fiscal EIN
Ferreras PowerPlay NYC, Inc. 134045021 $5,000
To support the STARS after school programs promoting physical activity, healthy living, wellness
and life skills learning for girls in underserved communities.
Reyna PowerPlay NYC, Inc. 134045021 $3,500 Funds will support STARS after school athletic programs for girls in underserved communities.
Primitive Christian Church/Vision Urbana (AKA Iglesia
Primitiva) 133848575 $6,000
Funds will be used to support the Empire Mentoring Initiative, to mentor youth in the Lower East
Barron Progressive Youths Soccer Club 272272990
* $10,200
Funds will be used for the operation of the youth soccer organization including paying coaches,
travel expenses for soccer games, tournament fees, soccer equipment, facility rentals, and
Levin Project Girl Performance Collective Institute 271848709 * $5,000 To support the ensemble performances of the Girl Power productions.
James Project Girl Performance Collective Institute 271848709 * $3,500
To support three Girl Be Heard theater and literature based programs including the Trafficked
ensemble performance, 9MM AMERICA that aims to end gun violence, and the Girl Power
program that explores local and global issues affecting girls.
Project Hope, The New Directions, Inc.
113327651 $10,000
To provide for leadership training and recreation/cultural programming at Queens public schools.
Also for a director to recruit volunteers to run activities and pay for site rental fees.
Comrie Project Hope, The New Directions, Inc. 113327651 $15,000
To provide comprehensive after-school program for at risk public school students attending
public schools in Southeast, Queens. Programming includes job readiness, career development
and financial management, as well as basketball, and other recreational and cultural programs.
Prospect Park Alliance, Inc.
112843763 $3,500
To support the Prospect Park Audubon Center, the Lefferts Historic House, and to keep the park
and its facilities clean, safe, and well-maintained.
Lander Prospect Park Baseball Association Inc. 261340053 $5,000
To support a youth baseball program. Funds will be used to rent park and field space and pay
other program costs.
Mendez Public School 116M - The Mary Lindley Murray School 136400434
Funding used to support an after-school, academic, extended day program for struggling learners,
which is taught by teachers, to help students make gains toward grade-level standards. In
addition, funds would be put toward covering some of the costs of our chess team and after-
school classes.
Public School 75M Parent Teacher Association, Ltd.
133497284 * $4,000
To support a recreational Afterschool Program for children attending PS 75, an elementary school
for grades K through 5.
Gennaro Publicolor, Inc. 133912768
Funds used to transform the Paul Klapper School and P.S. 164 Queens Valley School of the Arts in
District 24 during FY14. Paint Club is an innovative, after-school program that has tangible effects
on the students we work with, their schools, volunteers who join us on site, and the community.
Participants transform their schools and community facilities by painting them with warm colors,
bringing energy and pride into their lives. They learn the marketable skill of commercial painting
and students also acquire strong work habits that are transferable to school, career, and life.
Garodnick Publicolor, Inc. 133912768 $3,500
Funding will support a program that works with at-risk students that engages participants in
transforming their own schools and nearby community facilities.
Purelements: An Evolution in Dance, Inc.
205332584 $10,000
To provide general support for Purelments arts education program including the summer dance
intensive, Saturday dance / musical theater training, and afterschool arts programs.
Q Kingdom Ministries, Inc.
113201956 $3,500
To purchase equipment and supplies for after school care, Tutoring (NYS, ISEE SSAT Exam
Prep), computer technology workshop/training, arts and craft classes, music lessons, and
school projects/homework assistance five times per week.
Eugene Q Kingdom Ministries, Inc. 113201956 $5,000
To support the after school program, which provides computer technology workshop training,
arts and craft classes, music lessons and homework assistance. Funding will be used to purchase
equipment and supplies.
p. 37 of 51
Council Member Organization EIN * Amount Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit Fiscal EIN
Quebradillas Baseball Organization, Inc.
450491693 * $9,500
Funds support Quebradillas sports programs. These programs teach sports basics and
sportsmanship, encourage parental involvement, help develop self-esteem, and bring the
community together.
Gennaro Queen of Peace Athletic Association 111745993
Funds will offset our public school gym rental and our equipment and/or uniform purchases.
These fees are used to fund the following areas: required equipment and uniforms for each sport,
Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) fees for entry of teams and provision of officials at games, and
rental of public school gyms for basketball practices, clinics and games.
Gennaro Queens College Foundation, Inc. 116080521
Funds used to support objectives including providing a secure, nurturing environment for every
participating child, creating the potential for a strong, influential and positive relationship
between youngster and his/her Big Buddy, expanding the world of the youngster through trips
and outings to interesting educational, cultural and recreational sites in New York, and assisting a
youngster "at risk" to succeed in school through informal tutoring, emotional support and role
CD19 Queens College Foundation, Inc. - Kupferberg Center 116080521 $3,500
To support the Jazz Project, an eight-week school residency for students in grades 6-12,
culminating in a performance for their peers and a jazz concert and jam session with faculty of
the Aaron Copland School of Music.
Gennaro Queens Community Civic Corporation 222183327
Funding used to follow up with constituents who might be eligible for public benefits to ensure
that they complete their applications successfully and that city and state agencies process these
applications properly. Additional follow up counseling will be provided.
Queens Community Civic Corporation
222183327 $2,500
To provide for QCCC's after school program. This program provides volunteer community service
credits for Queens College students.
Dromm Queens Community House, Inc. 112375583 $15,000
To support an LGBTQ drop in center, services for LGBTQ teens, workshops for teen and staff in
youth centers and school on LGBTQ awareness and anti-harassment/bullying education, and an
on-line support network.
Ferreras Queens Community House, Inc. 112375583 $7,500
To provide afterschool and weekend SAT classes and college counseling during the school day at
VOYAGES HS (Elmhurst Educational Campus).
Koslowitz Queens Community House, Inc. 112375583 $24,000
Funds will support activities for teens including soccer, basketball, and breakdancing and a help
desk with information about education and employment resources as well as SAT classes and
college counseling.
Comrie Queens Comprehensive Perinatal Council 112870422 * $5,000
To support T.E.E.N. (Teen Educational Enrichment Network) Project, providing pregnant teens an
array of services (i.e., case management/home visitation, health education, academic/career
planning, peer support).
Queens Council on the Arts, Inc.
112219193 $10,000
Funding supports core programming: Queens Art Fund; Build Your Own Business for artists and
arts organizations; Peer Leadership Circles for artists; Third Space, providing artist workspace; and
High School to Art School for Queens public school students.
Mendez Queens Lesbian and Gay Pride Committee, Inc. 113146598
Funding used to provide one Pride not Prejudices Journey to Pride partnership to a Junior High
school or High school in the district. The partnership works with the schools needs and
workshops a program of afterschool training for students and peer-educators.
Queens Lesbian and Gay Pride Committee, Inc.
113146598 $10,000
To bring one Pride not Prejudices Journey to Pride partnership to a Junior High school or High
school in Council District 48.
Ferreras Queens Lesbian and Gay Pride Committee, Inc. 113146598 $5,000
To work in partnership with a middle or high school in Council District 21 on a Pride not Prejudice
Journey program after-school to combat homophobia, addiction, HIV, other STDs, teen
pregnancy, bullying, cyber bullying, domestic violence, violence and intolerance.
Queensborough Community College Auxiliary Enterprise
Association, Inc.
112037770 $3,000
Funding will support a program to memorialize the story of WWII Asian survivors known as
Comfort women. The KHRCA will select 24 interns over the course of the academic year, educate
them as to what took place in Asia during this period and culminate the experience by allowing
them to interview these survivor via a video hookup.
p. 38 of 51
Council Member Organization EIN * Amount Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit Fiscal EIN
Queensborough Community College Auxiliary Enterprise
Association, Inc.
112037770 $7,500
To provide cultural and artistic opportunities to the Colleges students, and support a Childrens
Book Club and Performance Series, combining in-class book club activities and theatrical
Queensborough Community College Auxiliary Enterprise
Association, Inc. 112037770 $3,500
To support an internship program at the Harriet Kenneth Kupferberg Holocaust Resource Center
and Archives (KHRCA) at Queensborough Community College, CUNY.
Vann Quest Youth Organization, Inc. 550858436
To provide music instructor fees to teach the youth quality instrumental, music and theory
Mealy Quest Youth Organization, Inc. 550858436 * $5,000 To support the Magic of Jazz Swing project's by paying for music instruction.
Koo Rachel Carson Community Association, Inc. 113368609 * $8,000
Funding will support a program to provide alternative activities to drugs, violence and gang
involvement for the community youth and adults. Funds are to be used for Homework Assistance,
sports, ESL and Computer classes.
Eugene Racing Club Haitien 260658587 $5,000
To support a tutoring and sports programs. Funds will be used to purchase supplies, equipment,
advertising, and for salaries.
Raider Youth Football, Inc.
200111495 $5,000
To fund an annual youth football camp during Labor Day weekend, and purchase equipment and
support operating costs for the program.
Palma Rainbow After School Programs, Inc. 133716492 $18,214
To support educational enrichment for at-risk youth. Funding will support programs in
academics, literacy, recreation, and adolescent development.
Mealy Reach Back Community Development, Inc. 364611377 * $3,500
To provide for the Family Day Extravaganza, which includes: health screenings, lectures, health
insurance information, and continuing education.
Greenfield Reach for the Stars Learning Center 203042280 $2,391
Funds used to educate children with autistic spectrum disorders utilizing every possible tool to
further their development.
Mendez Reach Out and Read of Greater New York, Inc. 134080045
Funds used for the coordination of literacy services in an already existing infrastructure, a medical
setting. These services provide parents with additional tools and by engaging them at this critical
juncture in their childrens development and promoting learning at home.
Dickens Reach Out and Read of Greater New York, Inc. 134080045 $5,000
To provide literacy services, emphasizing early learning at home and providing parents with tools
to teach their own children.
Ferreras Reach Out and Read of Greater New York, Inc. 134080045 $5,000
To provide literacy services for young children and their parents that support reading and early
education at home.
Jackson Reach Out and Read of Greater New York, Inc. 134080045 $5,000 Funds will support literacy services and early education in medical settings.
King Reading Excellence and Discovery (READ Foundation, Inc. 134091062
READ trains and supports middle and high school students to provide structured, research based,
supervised one-to-one tutoring. READ after-school programs consist of forty-five sessions,
combining of one-to-one tutoring with of homework help. Funds will be used to pay tutors and
keep READ affordable to schools.
Viverito Reading Excellence and Discovery (READ Foundation, Inc. 134091062 $7,000
To train middle and high school students to teach reading to struggling elementary school
students through one-on-one tutoring.
Arroyo Reading Excellence and Discovery (READ Foundation, Inc. 134091062 $5,000
To provide tutors for struggling readers in elementary school and support READ's after-school and
summer educational programs.
Palma Reading Excellence and Discovery (READ Foundation, Inc. 134091062 $3,500
To support after-school and summer programs, including tutoring to struggling readers in grades
Reading Excellence and Discovery (READ Foundation, Inc.)
134091062 $20,000
To promote literacy by training middle and high school students to tutor students grades K-2.
Funding will be used to pay tutors and generally support tutor training, summer and after school
programs, and operating costs.
Reading Excellence and Discovery (READ Foundation, Inc.)
134091062 $3,500
To support the afterschool and summer READ programs which promote reading through tutoring
to struggling students. Funding is to pay tutors and support the programs.
Reading Reform Foundation of New York
133081223 $3,500
To support professional development to New York City public-school teachers by direct training in
their classrooms with their students and through graduate-level courses.
p. 39 of 51
Council Member Organization EIN * Amount Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit Fiscal EIN
Wills Recreational Inner-City Sports and Recreation (RISE) 113168473 $6,000
To support programs that provide youths and adults with quality alternatives to gang activity,
violence, teenage preganancy, drug addiction and incarceration. Programming includes violence
reduction, drug awareness, teenage pregnancy prevention, HIV/STD awareness, fatherhood
training, adult workshops, and recreational programs.
Dromm Recycle-A-Bicycle Inc. 113422028 * $3,500
To support youth bike programs, providing youth group rides, excursions, lessons in riding safety,
exercise and bike maintenance.
Gonzalez Red Hook Initiative, Inc. 203904662 $17,000
To support a Young Adult Programan emerging model to meet the comprehensive needs of 19
24 year olds living in Red Hook, Brooklyn through programs on healthy relationships, health and
wellness, academic and job readiness and one-on-one mentoring support.
Williams Redemption Inc. 562550383 * $7,500
To tutor students in math, English, Spanish, French and SAT prep, profide support for college
freshman, and provide middle and high school students with school supplies.
Richards Redfern Houses Resident Council, Inc. 113003276
* $5,000 To expand youth leadership activities in each of the five developments located in the Rockaways.
Lander Reel Stories Teen Filmmaking Inc. 200936377 $3,500
To support film-related skill development and on-the-job training for youth interested in careers
in television and film.
Dromm Renaissance Charter School, The 113550391 $8,615
To support Teens for Racial and Ethnic Awakening (TREA), a program run for teens by teens and
adult mentors during after-school hours.
James Resources for Children with Special Needs, Inc. 112594790 $3,500
To provide for parent workshops on a range of topics critical to parents, including trainings on
challenging behaviors, developmental disability system reforms, and special education topics.
Fidler Resurrection Sports Association 111635113 * $2,500
To support youth sports programs including girls and boys swimming, basketball and track, and
girls softball.
Bergen Basin Community Development Corp
dba Millennium Development 113199040
Oddo Richard Willis Memorial Fund 133949376 * $4,000 The funds will help support a 3 on 3 youth basketball tournament.
Gentile Ridge Chorale, The 116264993 $5,000
To produce theatrical prodcutions, involving youth and other members of the community, and
support the costs associated with these productions.
Ridgewood Bushwick Senior Citizens Council, Inc.
112453853 $94,714
Funding will support general operations for the RBSC. This includes costs for staffing, program
support, summer trips for youth, a basketball tournament, soccer instruction, youth activities,
and special events for youth in the community.
Ridgewood, Glendale, Middle Village, Maspeth Little League
900147560 * $12,000
To support youth softball and baseball programs, including support for equipment and other
program expenses.
Koppell Riverdale Community Center, Inc. 132899410 * $10,000
To support a variety of academic, remedial, social, cultural and recreational out-of-school time
programs for under-served, urban youth in the Northwest Bronx.
Koppell Riverdale Jewish Community Council, Inc. 133158647 $5,000 To support the Annual Jewish Heritage Street Fair.
Koppell Riverdale Neighborhood House, Inc. 131740024 $40,000
To support the RNH Teen Program, which provides employment, career and college guidance
activities through volunteerism, community service and leadership development.
Wills Rochdale Village Social Services, Inc. 113397470 $19,714
To provide services to senior population through the NORC program and Senior Center and to the
community youth and young adult through the Youth Council Program. Funding will support
existing programs and operations and a new intergeneration program for youth and seniors in
basic computer skills.
Ulrich Rockaway Artists Alliance, Inc. 113217121 $15,000
Funding for the kidsmART after-school program in Fort Tilden and in PS 104Q in Far Rockaway.
The program is free and provides academic assistance and visual and performing arts workshops.
Arroyo Rocking the Boat, Inc. 134177814 $10,000 To support the Rocking the Boats youth programming and services.
Vallone Roman Catholic Church of Corpus Christi 111666228 $5,000
Funding will support a community based sports program serving the children in the Woodside
/Jackson heights area, designed to give boys and girls an opportunity to learn about and play
Koslowitz Roman Catholic Church of Our Lady Queen Of Martyrs 111687469 * $6,000
The funds will support the Senior and youth programs. The funds will allow for expanded service
to the targeted groups and offer a wider spectrum of activities making participation more
p. 40 of 51
Council Member Organization EIN * Amount Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit Fiscal EIN
Ronald McDonald House of New York, Inc.
132933654 $4,000
To support the Ronald McDonald House (RMH) NY, a facility that provides temporary housing,
education programs, family support programs, daily volunteer activities and other programs for
pediatric cancer patients and their families.
Lappin Roosevelt Island Youth Program, Inc. 133077348 * $10,000 To support and expand youth Music Program.
Richards Rosedale Civic Association 237283084
* $10,000
Funds will be used for the following: printing and mailing of the newsletter. Insurance and
maintenance of the civilian patrol car. Fees for the meeting place of the general membership
meeting and the civilian patrol. Sponsors some youth activities program.
Richards Rosedale Little League Baseball, Inc. 521251209
* $3,500
Funds will be used for baseball and softball equipment, safety helmets, safety catchers
equipment, safety chest protectors and trophies.
Garodnick Rosies Theater Kids, Inc. 331194964 $3,500 Funding will support after-school programming for students at PS198.
Williams Rugby Family Services 113223904 * $3,500
To support after school programs, GED, curriculum development, review and testing; computer
training; scholarship awards for academic performance at college, high school and junior high;
mentorship program; and counseling.
Sacred Heart School
112202799 * $5,000
To support basketball, baseball, football, cheerleading and volleyball programs for youth of
Glendale, and funding program equipment and other costs.
Sacred Heart School
112202799 * $5,000
To provide a summer program for children providing recreation, sports, arts and crafts, local field
trips and other activities.
Reyna Saint's Peter and Paul Parish 111633556 * $2,500 Funds will support youth sports programs.
Reyna Saint's Peter and Paul Parish 111633556 * $1,000 Funds will support the purchase of music books and equipment for youth programs.
Garodnick Samaritans of New York, Inc. 133164464 $3,500
Funding will support suicide prevention training for teachers, students and staff in Manhattan
public schools.
Rodriguez Samaritans of New York, Inc. 133164464 $3,500
To support Samaritans' suicide prevention public education program that provides free
professional development training, information and resources to those who work with high-risk
youth, family members, elderly, victims, immigrants, gays and lesbians and other at-risk
populations in Manhattans public schools, CBOs and government agencies.
Williams Samaritans of New York, Inc. 133164464 $3,500
To support after-school programming for suicide prevention training for teachers, students and
staff in Brooklyn public schools to diminish youth suicide rates.
Gennaro Samuel Field YM & YWHA, Inc. 113071518
Funds used to support the CAPE Program which provides services to Seniors. These services
include home-based and clinic based mental health assessment and treatment, medication
scripting and monitoring done on a clinic-based and home-based basis by CAPEs two board
certified Geriatric Psychiatrists, entitlement coordination, elder abuse intervention and
treatment, peer advocacy, transportation from clients homes to the CAPE Clinic facility and
support groups for bereavement, separation and loss and the emotional stress of care giving.
CD19 Samuel Field YM & YWHA, Inc. 113071518 $10,714
To provide children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders and their families who reside in the greater
Whitestone and Clearview communities with a comprehensive and multi-faceted service delivery
system that includes, after-school, weekend and school holiday programs, family support groups,
family respite, entitlement counseling, advocacy, family holiday programs and trips,
intergenerational programs, sibling support services, care giver support services, organized and
inclusive sports leagues and social skills training.
Arroyo Sauti Yetu Center for African Women 201209795 $15,000 To support culturally sensitive domestic violence services focused on immigrants from Africa.
Gentile Scandinavian East Coast Museum 113634793 $6,000
To support an annual Viking Fest in Owls Head/Bliss Park, including re-enactments, a ship replica
and educational promotional materials.
Jackson Science Schools Initiative, Ltd. 208365360 $12,000
Funds will support the free youth weekend and after school enrichment program to support low
income middle school students in getting into selective high schools.
Rodriguez Science Schools Initiative, Ltd. 208365360 $15,000
To provide weekend and after school enrichment for low income middle school students tohelp
apply to selective high schools. Funding will cover costs associated with equipment and software
purchases, tutors and other costs of the program.
p. 41 of 51
Council Member Organization EIN * Amount Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit Fiscal EIN
Vann SCO Family of Services 112777066
To provide for GED classes and tests. Also, to support job readiness and job development services
throughout the year
Rose Seamen's Society for Children and Families 135563010 $8,000 To support the Forward Through Education tutoring program for children in the community.
Arroyo SEBCO Development, Inc. 132944013 * $8,000 PENDING
James Seeds in the Middle 271847142 * $3,500
To provide funding for NYC school teacher training/support, student support, and on site
supervision to integrate healthy food initiatives into core curriculum in NYC public schools.
Mealy Seeds in the Middle 271843172 * $3,500
To support the Crown Heights Farmers Market and fund a market manager, two youth/outreach
managers, and for advertising in the community.
King Servants Of All Foundation 273149939
* $5,000
Funds will support the Sport Academy's services to young adults by helping develop their athletic
skills, competencies and attitudes that aid in becoming healthy, self-sufficient and satisfied adults
through physical education and fitness.
Vacca Service Alliance for Youth, Inc. 133354150 $20,000
To provide funds for equipment, uniforms, awards, administrative costs, office supplies, printing
and postage for the sports activities programs.
Sesame Flyers International, Inc.
112692485 $5,000
To provide for sports and culture events for youth who reside in CD 17 and CD 18 to experience
Caribbean culture.
Eugene Sesame Flyers International, Inc. 112692485 $5,000
To support the the Sports and Culture Days event that provides an opportunity to experience
Caribbean culture with steelpan performances and African Caribbean dance.
Williams Sesame Flyers International, Inc. 112692485 $4,000
To support the the Sports and Culture Days event that provides an opportunity to experience
Caribbean culture with steelpan performances and African Caribbean dance.
Shadow Box Theatre, Inc., The
132725580 $3,500
To provide for free tickets to performances and workshops for underserved children in schools
and community centers.
Shadow Box Theatre, Inc., The
132725580 $3,500
To support musical puppet performances at the National Black Theatre (NBT) in Harlem,
Symphony Space (SS), and in other venues, the touring Storybook Theatre: Stories that Sing!
shows in public schools, DCC, Head Start, and community organizations, and to host theatre arts
Chin Shadow Box Theatre, Inc., The 132725580 $3,500
Funding for free tickets for underserved children to attend SBT performances during school time,
free Storybok Theater shows after school and free after school theater workshops.
Mealy Shannon T. Braithwaite, Inc. 264085306 * $5,000 To support program based at IS 391 in Crown Heights.
Lander Shema Kolainu - Hear Our Voices 113503085 * $7,000
To support speech and language services through art, music and movement for children with
Greenfield Shmira Civilian Volunteer Patrol of Boro Park, Inc. 113260405 * $35,000
Funds used to purchase two-way radios and uniforms so individuals on patrol can maintain contact
with our office and be visible to community members. Funds will also be used to purchase office
supplies and insurance.
Crowley Shooting Stars of Queens, Inc. 200019695 $3,500 To support a girls youth basketball program. Funding will support gym rentals and other costs.
Weprin Sikh Coalition, The 223834037 * $5,000
To provide for the The Junior Sikh Coalition that develops Sikh youth into leaders through a train-
the-trainers model.
Levin Smack Mellon Studios, Inc. 113375393 $4,000
To support student studio visits with emerging and established artists; a series of field trips to
museums and galleries; a portfolio development workshop; and a four-month arts mentorship.
There is no fee to participate, and all expenses, including museum admissions, transportation and
art supplies are paid during the program.
Gonzalez Sociedad Comunitaria Hermanos Unidos Corp. 800398489 * $4,000
To support the Cultural Diversity and Identity Youth program in helping youth connect with their
community though the arts. Funding will be used to secure meeting spaces, for workshops,
sessions and classes; and to purchase reading material, technological resources and art supplies.
The programs will be run soley through volunteers.
p. 42 of 51
Council Member Organization EIN * Amount Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit Fiscal EIN
Williams Society for Haitian Research, Inc. 113439457 $3,500
To support the Community Radio Program that provides information to the community concerning
health, language arts, culture and civic eduaction, and to provide training in communications to
fifteen (15) young people annually.
Eugene Society for Haitian Research, Inc. 113439457 $5,000
To support the Community Radio Program that provides information to the community
concerning health, language arts, culture and civic eduaction, and to provide training in
communications to fifteen (15) young people annually.
Society for the Preservation of Weeksville and Bedford-
Stuyvesant History
To provide support for reduced admission to the museum. Aslo for youth environmental,
nutritional and cultural classes.
Dickens Society of the Educational Arts, Inc. 113210593 $5,000
To support a Dropout Prevention Program combining performances, workshops and
informational fairs.
Society of the Educational Arts, Inc. (SEA)
113210593 $4,000
To support and expand the Dropout Prevention Program, combining a school performance of Los
Desertores/The Dropouts, a bilingual (English/Spanish) musical play about six high school
students and their choices of staying in school or dropping out, along with workshops and
informational fairs.
Mendez Society of the Third Street Music School Settlement, Inc. 135596825
Funds will be used to support Third Street Music School Settlements (TS) School Community
Partnerships Program, which serves children from low- and moderate-income by providing music
and dance instruction in up to 25 schools and community centers.
Gennaro South Asian Youth Action 133943630
SNAP services include: Case Management, Meals on Wheels, Transportation, Caregiver services,
Senior Center services, such as congregate lunches, arts and crafts, wellness/exercise programs,
educational programs and volunteer opportunities. The requested funding will support the
organization in providing the array of services needed to support seniors in Queens.
Weprin South Asian Youth Action 133943630 $5,000 To fund the Support Action Guidance and Enrichment college and career readiness program.
Dromm South Asian Youth Action 133943630 $9,750
To fund Support, Action, Guidance and Enrichment (S.A.G.E.), a college and career readiness
program designed to work in small groups youth over multiple years.
Wills South Asian Youth Action 133943630 $7,500
To support SVP's community outreach and to hold locally-tailored workshops for vendors on
complying with vending regulations, exercising their rights and civic engagement. Workshops
focus on providing easy-to-understand materials to help vendors understand rules and to ensure
that vendors know their rights when approached by enforcement officers. Services also include
legal representation, micro-lending opportunities, leadership development and civic engagement.
Ferreras South Asian Youth Action 133943630 $5,000
To support a college and career readiness program designed to work in small groups of 15-20
youth over multiple years.
Comrie South Asian Youth Action 133943630 $3,500
To support Support, Action, Guidance and Enrichment (S.A.G.E.); a college and career readiness
program designed to work in small groups of youth.
Lander South Asian Youth Action 133943630 $4,000
To support a college and career readiness program (Support, Action, Guidance and Enrichment)
for youth.
South Asian Youth Action
133943630 $7,000
Funds will support, Support, Action, Guidance and Enrichment (S.A.G.E.), which is a college and
career readiness program designed to work in small groups of 15-20 youth over multiple years.
South Bronx United Soccer Club Inc
264064041 $8,000
To support the Youth Development and Travel Soccer programs. Funds will be used for travel
expenses, college prep, tutoring, Summer Soccer Scholars, additional educational events, and
soccer equipment and uniforms.
Weprin South Queens Boys & Girls Club 111966067 $6,000
To provide for the SQBGC after school and summer program that serves youth ages 6-18 years
Wills South Queens Boys and Girls Club, Inc. 111966067 $13,500 Funds will be used for renting and for soccer uniforms (jerseys, shorts, socks, balls etc.).
p. 43 of 51
Council Member Organization EIN * Amount Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit Fiscal EIN
Ulrich South Queens Boys and Girls Club, Inc. 111966067 $50,000
Funding is for the SQBGC after-school and summer program serving youth ages 6-18. Services
include homework help and tutoring, technology, social recreation, sports and athletics and
youth development. We also offer specialized programs in martial arts, film club, robotics, SAT
and College Prep as well as fine and performing arts.
South Queens Boys and Girls Club, Inc.
111966067 $3,500
Funds will support an after-school and summer program which serves youth ages 6-18. Services
include homework help and tutoring, technology, social recreation, sports and athletics, youth
development, and college preparation.
Wills Southeast Queens Kids Wrestling Association 113827161 * $7,000
Funds used to defray costs of operating the COJO of Flatbushs Financial Services Center which
provides a wide array of credit/financial counseling, debt consolidation, foreclosure prevention,
business planning, budget education, and small business services.
Foster Speaking in Rhythms, Inc. 711017502 * $5,000
To support programs that foster musical thinking, teach the musical characteristics and technical
applications of a musical style of a particular culture, and enable students to create original
compositions and arrangements that they perform at various venues through out the city.
Gennaro Sports and Arts in Schools Foundation, Inc. 113112635
Funds will support senior services including hot nutritious lunches, education, recreation, health
promotion and nutrition education.
King Sports and Arts In Schools Foundation, Inc. 113112635
Funds shall be used to extend and enrich Sports and Arts in Schools Foundation summer and/or
after-school programming, serving the youth of the district.
Sports and Arts in Schools Foundation, Inc.
113112635 $6,000
Funds shall be used to extend and enrich Sports and Arts in Schools Foundation summer and/or
after-school programming, serving the youth of the district.
Sports and Arts in Schools Foundation, Inc.
113112635 $5,000 To provide for the Sports and Arts in Schools Foundation summer and after school program.
Mealy Sports and Arts in Schools Foundation, Inc. 113112635 $10,000 To provide for the summer and after-school programs.
CD19 Sports and Arts in Schools Foundation, Inc. 113112635 $8,000
To support the Sports and Arts in Schools Foundations summer and/or after-school
programming, serving the youth of the district.
Sports and Arts in Schools Foundation, Inc.
113112635 $4,500
To support the Sports and Arts in Schools Foundation summer and/or after-school programming,
serving the youth of the district.
Ulrich Sports and Arts in Schools Foundation, Inc. 113112635 $5,000
Funds will support the Sports and Arts in Schools Foundation summer and/or after-school
programming, serving the youth of the district.
Quinn Sports and Arts in Schools Foundation, Inc. 113112635 $3,500
To support Sports and Arts in Schools Foundation summer and/or after-school programming,
serving the youth of Council District 3.
Gonzalez Sports and Arts in Schools Foundation, Inc. 113112635 $3,500
To support Sports and Arts in Schools Foundation summer and/or after-school programming in
Council District 38.
Gentile Sports and Arts in Schools Foundation, Inc. 113112635 $3,000 To provide summer and/or after-school programming for youth of Council District 43.
Jackson Sports and Arts in Schools Foundation, Inc. 113112635 $5,000 Funds will support the Sports in Arts in Schools foundation summer and/or after school program.
Palma Sports and Arts in Schools Foundation, Inc. 113112635 $5,000
To provide summer and/or after-school programming, focusing on youth development,
academics , health and wellness, character and values, and skills for lifelong employment.
Rivera Sports and Arts in Schools Foundation, Inc. 113112635 $5,000 Funds will support Sports and Arts in Schools summer and/or after school programs for youth
Koslowitz Sports and Arts in Schools Foundation, Inc. 113112635 $3,500
Funds will support Sports and Arts in Schools Foundation summer and/or after-school
programming, serving the youth of the district.
Arroyo Sports Foundation, Inc. 132633866 * $13,000
To create a community of collaborative resources and services towards an improved community
environment, as it relates to alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, (ATOD). A portion of the funds will
be used to cover printing stationary, business cards, mailings and flyers.
p. 44 of 51
Council Member Organization EIN * Amount Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit Fiscal EIN
Comrie St. Albans Congregational Church 112077266 * $5,000
To provide general youth development activities, leadership skills, violence prevention,
educational, cultural and recreational activities to adolescents and youth between the ages of 7
and 18. Funds will support program costs and the Campus Magnet H.S. mens basketball team
activities related to their annual tournament.
Comrie St. Albans Multipurpose Community Center, Inc. 113137355 * $7,214
To establish the St. Albans Youth Leadership Academy (YLA), an e-learning curriculum that helps
youth develop the skills to become productive, achievement-oriented leaders.
Greenfield St. Athanasius Youth Program, Inc. 112773596 $20,823
Funds used to maintain a baseball field, purchase baseball/basketball/softball uniforms, equipment
(bats; balls; gloves; protective gear; etc.), and utilities.
Williams St. Augustines Children Youth And Families Center, Inc. 743117654 * $10,000
To support the Homework Clinic, which assists students with their homework and other academic
related activities. The funds will be used to compensate one teacher and two aids.
Fidler St. Bernard Roman Catholic Church 111984544 * $2,500
To support St. Bernard's Basketball Program, including funding for equiment and coaches to
conduct the activities residents of Mill Basin/Bergen Beach.
Bergen Basin Community Development Corp
dba Millennium Development 113199040
Ulrich St. Camillus Golden Age Club 111674392 * $5,000
The funds will support youth basketball programs including equipment replacement and uniform
Fidler St. Columba Youth Council 112220139 * $2,500
To support a baseball/softball program, a basketball program, a 2-hand touch football program
and a basketball camp. The funds will be used to puchase equipment necessary for the operation
of the programs.
Bergen Basin Community Development Corp
dba Millennium Development 113199040
Gentile St. Ephrem Youth Program, Inc. 113210176 $3,500
To provide recreational, after-school, team building, and sports activities for youth in the
community, including flag football, track, cheerleading and basketball. Funds will support
program costs including uniforms and equipment.
Levin St. Francis Xavier Parish 113414369 * $3,500
To support IMPACT, a leadership program and creative arts curriculum to help high school
students recognize their leadership potential and improve their communication skills.
Lander St. Francis Xavier Parish 113414369 * $3,500 To support leadership and creative arts programs for high school students.
Williams St. Jerome School 112203287 * $3,500
To support the St. Jerome School's Summer Camp. Funding will be used for trips and educational
materials and computers.
Dromm St. Joan of Arc 111675278 * $5,000
The funds are to be used as entry fees for local competitive leagues. Funds will also be used to
buy uniforms and equipment as well as renting space in local schools.
St. Joseph's College
111733439 $3,500
To support St. Joseph's Council for the Council for the Arts fine and performing arts programs for
the Brooklyn community. Funding supports the designing and printing of advertising materials,
which includes brochures, postcards, and posters for the Arts Program.
St. Luke's Roman Catholic Church
111954969 * $4,000
To support a youth basketball program. The funds will be used to pay for our permit/gymnasium
rental fees for PS 193.
Van Bramer St. Mary's Winfield Youth League 111633501 * $3,500
To provide a safe environment for children ages 6 to 14 years old to learn and participate in the
following activities: Basketball, Baseball, volleyball, girl scouts, Dance and guitar lessons.
St. Matthias Sports Association
111685926 * $4,000
To support youth sports programs including funds for registration, equipment, facility rentals and
Greater Ridgewood Youth Council, Inc. 112518141
Gennaro St. Nicholas of Tolentine 111714878
The funding will help us pay for all expenses related to league registration fees, uniforms,
equipment (ie sports, first aid, gym,....), referees fees, maintenance fees, utilities, trophies,
awards,.....and many other related expenses.
Reyna St. Nick's Alliance Corporation 510192170 $25,000
Funds will support the Connect for Success program, an attendance intervention program with
the High School for Enterprise Business and Technology to help at- risk 9th and 10th graders stay
in school and graduate.
St. Pancras Catholic Youth Organization
111953521 * $4,000
The support youth basketball, volleyball, baseball and softball instructional and competitive
programs, including funding for equipment and uniforms.
Greater Ridgewood Youth Council, Inc. 112518141
p. 45 of 51
Council Member Organization EIN * Amount Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit Fiscal EIN
Rose St. Philip's Baptist Church 133451547 * $3,700
To promote community leadership through participation in the Drum Line program. Funds will be
used to purchase horns, flags, poles, uniforms, and pay instructor stipends.
St. Rosalia-Regina Pacis Neighborhood Improvement
Association, Inc. 112697931 * $54,714
To provide afterschool, out-of-school time, and summer programming, including homework help,
test prep, creative arts, ELA/literacy, STEM (through interactive learning experiences), fitness,
and recreation, and to provide parent workshops on child rearing and other issues, particularly
geared toward immigrants.
St. Stanislaus Athletic Association
111981305 * $8,000
To support sports programming for children, providing lessons in fundamentals and competitive
games. Fund will support gym rentals, equipment and other program costs.
Maspeth Town Hall, Inc. 237259702
Stanley M. Isaacs Neighborhood Center, Inc.
132572034 $5,000
To support the community-based afterschool program in Isaacs Houses/Holmes Towers. The
program provides homework help, library/literacy-based activities, and theme based learning
incorporating math, science and technology.
Garodnick Stanley M. Isaacs Neighborhood Center, Inc. 132572034 $15,000
Funding will support the Stanley Isaacs Neighborhood Center after school program that provides
community-based and educational care for children.
Ignizio Staten Island Boys Football League, Inc. 237167904 $7,500
To support youth football by funding the purchase player equipment, player uniforms and
Oddo Staten Island Boys Football League, Inc. 237167904 $5,000
Funds will be used to support a youth Football League including purchase of player equipment,
player uniforms and utilities.
Ignizio Staten Island Ice Hockey Association, Inc. 132939069 $4,000 To provide free ice skating and ice hockey instruction to Staten Island youths.
Oddo Staten Island Ice Hockey Association, Inc. 132939069 $5,000 Funds will provide FREE ice skating and ice hockey instruction to youths on Staten Island.
Oddo Staten Island Little League 136162802 * $10,000
Funds will help to provide a youth baseball program, to instill the values of sportsmanship,
teamwork and fairplay in the youth of our community.
Ignizio Staten Island Pee Wee Football League 136159734 $4,500
To provide children the opportunity to play Pee Wee football by offsetting the cost of equipment
not returned or destroyed due to Hurricane Sandy.
Oddo Staten Island Pee Wee Football League 136159734 $3,500 The funds will support a pee wee football league.
Rose Staten Island Rising Stars 651321528 $3,500 To support boys and girls basketball by paying for instructors, supplies, and tournaments.
Levin Streb, Inc. 133268549 $9,500 To support STREB movement and educational programming for youth.
Dickens Street Corner Resources, Inc. 260149521 * $3,500
SCR will provide workshops to youths on topics such as anti-violence, intervention, conflict
resolution, and critical decision making.
Koppell Summer on the Hill 651232087 $5,000
To provide enrichment and test prep classes for students in grades 3-8. Also, to support the SOH
High School Program, which offers PSAT/SAT prep classes, college visits, college counseling, and a
summer mentor internships for low income students.
Jackson Summer on the Hill 651232087 $3,500
Funds will support summer and after school programs of accelerated academic classes and arts
and sports and college prep.
Viverito Summer Search Foundation 680200138 $4,000
To help low income students navigate complete college as first generation attendees and become
leaders in the community through mentoring support and assistance with life skills like problem-
solving, grit, and accountability.
Ignizio Sundog Theatre 450476945 $3,500
To promote student (fourth grade students at PS 3 and second grade students at PS 53)
engagement in social studies education through the Journey Through Time theatre education
program and performance of a radio show about the life of Antonio Meucci.
Van Bramer Sunnyside Community Services Center, Inc. 510189327 $40,000
To support after-school programs that provide academic assistance, work readiness, GED
preparation, recreational programs and college readiness.
Van Bramer Sunnyside Drum Corps, Inc. 112715699 * $3,500
To support a community marching band, which is open to boys and girls of all races, religions,
creeds, ethnic background and socio-economic status. The organization aims to teach basic music
fundamentals, offer members the opportunity to learn a variety of instruments, and provide an
alternative recreation outlet to sports teams, hanging out, or playing computer games.
p. 46 of 51
Council Member Organization EIN * Amount Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit Fiscal EIN
Richards Swim Strong Foundation, Inc. 371526132
Funds will be used for the swimming program: Part-time Project Managers to handle operational,
administrative and community outreach needed to grow programs in each of two Queens
locations and in one Brooklyn locations and Senior Instructors who can train the other volunteers.
Swim Strong Foundation, Inc.
371526132 $8,000
Funds will support low and no cost swimm programs and be used to pay salaries for key positions
including project managers, and senior instructors to train volunteers and ensure proper teaching
modality is maintained.
Dromm Swim Strong Foundation, Inc. 371526132 $7,992
To provide affordable swim programs to families and low to no cost, as well as competitive swim
programs and other water based sports programs at two Queens locations.
James Sylvia Center, The 204297703 * $3,500
To provide for a young chef cooking instruction program at selected NYCHA site in the Council
Quinn TADA! Theater and Dance Alliance, Inc 133311294 $10,000 To provide a musical theater program for New York City youth and families.
Jackson TADA! Theater and Dance Alliance, Inc 133311294 $3,500
Funds will support musical theater youth and family programs and make performances affordable
to children.
TADA! Theater and Dance Alliance, Inc.
133311294 $4,000
To support TADA!'s musical theatre programming for New York City youth and families at
discounted prices and provide free training for the Resident Youth Ensemble that puts on the
musical theatre performances.
Levin TADA! Theater and Dance Alliance, Inc. 133311294 $3,500 To support TADA!'s musical theater programming for New York City youth and families.
Taiwan Center, Inc.
112857501 $6,000 Funds will be used pay operational and other expenses for the dance and gymnastic program.
Rivera Tanima Productions, Inc. 133780465 * $35,000 To support recreational activities to prevent obesity in youth.
TechLINC Project Inc., The
134358769 * $10,000
To support the TechLINC program in providing free private and small group technology
instruction to under-served, at-risk, and economically disadvantaged youth in the community
who do not have access to technology resources and computer equipment.
Gentile Ted Meyerstein Baseball League, Inc. 202500807 $3,500
To support a youth basebal program and fund the purchase of equipment and other program
Fidler Temple Sholom of Flatbush 111875161 * $5,000
To support an after school program, including funding for school supplies, arts & crafts, carnival
games, sports equipment, and for other community programs.
Bergen Basin Community Development Corp
dba Millennium Development 113199040
King Theatre International, Inc. 133180793
* $13,214
The funds is to be used in two areas of programing. Garifuna dance, African dance Folkloric
dances of the caribbean. Arts-in-EducationRights-of-Passage for ages 6-18 years of age.
Vacca Throggs Neck Little League 521287397 * $2,000 To provide funds for baseball field renovations for the youth baseball program
Lander Together We Are 270213447 $5,000 To support mentoring programs for teens at risk and summer programming.
Williams Top Development Corporation 113409359 * $7,000
To support tutoring, mentorship, and empowerment workshops for youth ages 8 to 18. Funding
will support teachers, workshop presenters, and trips.
Levin Town Square, Inc. 562489014 $10,000
To fund a feasibility study for a business plan with a permanent physical site and community
events including discussion salons, pop-up exhibits, and an academic symposium on the
confluence of science and art .
James Trident Swim Foundation, Inc. 260640050 * $3,500 To provide funds for after school academic, cultural and swimming programs.
Rose Trucks Roundball Classic Inc. 611676852 $5,000
To support summer youth basketball, including funds for equpment, uniforms and other program
Turtle Bay Music School
To support community programs to provide New Yorkers music lessons and classes, Hear It Now!
Concert Series, Public School Partnerships in 8 schools in 5 council districts, The Saturday Music
Project, and Tuition Assistance for any student in financial need.
Chin Two Bridges Neighborhood Council Inc. 136222626 * $4,000
Funding to support Two Bridges Towers year-round standards-based Science, Technology,
Engineering Math (STEM) programming for students to explore the New York City watershed.
Arroyo Unitas Therapeutic Community, Inc. 132892894 $15,000
To provide drug abuse prevention, health education and mental health services to youth in the
South Bronx.
p. 47 of 51
Council Member Organization EIN * Amount Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit Fiscal EIN
Palma Unitas Therapeutic Community, Inc. 132892894 $25,000
To provide drug abuse prevention, health education and mental health services to youth in the
South Bronx, through support to address the risk factors that often lead to drug abuse and
opportunities for safe physical activity.
Rose United Activities Unlimited, Inc. 132921483 $37,000 To provide summer programs for children at PS 18 and PS 44.
Oddo United Activities Unlimited, Inc. 132921483 $49,000
Funds will support life-skills activities including education, recreation and cultural activities for the
6-8th grade @ PS48 and elementary youth at PS38.
Greenfield United Chinese Association of Brooklyn 371469112 $20,000
Funds used to support an After School Tutoring program which includes paying for the space rental
costs, staff salaries, and tutoring instructors to look after students after their school hour. In addition,
the grants will also be used to pay for equipment, office supplies, office renovation, utilities, and
program related expenses.
Gonzalez United Chinese Association of Brooklyn 371469112 $3,500 To support an After School Tutoring (AST) program.
Jackson United Palace of Cultural Arts 900884007 * $3,600 Funds will support Creative Arts Workshops for children at the United Palace.
King Unity Neighborhood Center, Inc. 134085654 $20,000
After-school services for children and youth, sports services for children, community forums for
adults on educational and community services.
Mealy Universal Black Family Awareness Inc. 200327295 *
To provide for the following: an information/communications website, food pantry hospitality,
venue for gathering and meeting, and the Day of Our Children Yearly event.
Rose Universal Temple of the Arts 133335286 $5,500
To support cultural, art, and educational programming at the UTA cultural center on 425 Jersey
Street. Funding will support operating and programmatic costs for the program.
James University Settlement Society of New York 135562374
To run a youth basketball league for middle and high school-aged residents. Funding will be used
to support the basketball leagues expenses, including purchase of uniforms, equipment, referee
and score keepers fees, trophies and plaques.
Quinn Urban Dove, Inc., The 133997718 $3,500
To support Net Gain, an after-school school-based varsity basketball programs for male and
female public high school students.
Viverito Urban Dove, Inc., The 133997718 $7,000
To support the HiRisers after-school program, a year-round, peer-mentoring program that trains a
high school Youth Staff to work with elementary and middle school students. The Youth Staff
uses recreational sports and games as hands-on learning tools to teach life-skills and literacy to
younger children after-school and during the summer.
Chin Urban Dove, Inc., The 133997718 $3,500 Funds support Net Gain program, an after-school, school-based varsity basketball program.
Cabrera Urban Youth Alliance International, Inc. 132969182 * $5,000
To support programs for court-involved youths. Funds will support a one day trip to the Wildcat
Wilderness Center.
Vallone Variety Boys and Girls Club of Queens, Inc. 116014770
Funding used to provide activities for children including academic, computer lab, and arts
programming, as well as sports and recreation.
Van Bramer Variety Boys and Girls Club of Queens, Inc. 116014770
To provide funding for youth to attend the Variety Boys Girls Club of Queens summer recreational
Oddo Verrazano Babe Ruth League 133706931 * $6,000 Funds will help purchase uniforms for boys baseball league.
Levin Vibe Theater Experience 200482372 *
To support viBeGirlsInCharge one-of-a-kind workshops and performances designed by the
program's young women for schools and community-based organizations.
James viBe Theater Experience 200482372 *
$3,500 To support workshops and performances designed by young women in the viBeGirlsInCharge
program for schools and community-based organizations to initiate civic dialogue.
Mendez VISIONS/Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired 131624210 $3,500
Funding to support daytime and afterschool literacy and performance programs. Students from
all over the city visit the Cafe for literacy/performance workshops, and teaching artists visit
dozens of schools.
Chin VISIONS/Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired 131624210 $3,500 Funding for afterschool programs and a summer youth program for visually impaired youth.
Garodnick VISIONS/Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired 131624210 $3,500
Funding will support after-school programming, summer work experience training and
intergenerational programs for blind and visually-impaired youth.
Gonzalez Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Roman Catholic Church 111667838 * $3,500
To support youth athletic program focused mainly on soccer. Funds will be used on equipment,
uniforms, food, refreshments, and any travel expenses that may arise.
p. 48 of 51
Council Member Organization EIN * Amount Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit Fiscal EIN
Palma Voices Unbroken 753077676 $5,000
To provide creative writing workshops, the establishment of two new sites for youth who are
involved in the juvenile justice system and other Voice UnBroken programming.
Volunteers of America-Greater New York
581959781 * $6,639
To provide dance therapy to children with Autism, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy and other
developmental disabilities. Funding will go to The Dance Therapy and Music Therapy programs at
Volunteers of American Staten Island Early Learning Center.
Rodriguez Washington Heights Tennis Association 133950591 * $8,000
To support tennis programs for economically disadvantaged youth. Funding will be used to cover
costs associated with the programing, including coaching, court rentals, equipment, stipends, and
Gonzalez Waterfront Museum, The 113569896 $5,000
To support the Waterfront Museums Maritime Education Initiative and cultural arts program
aboard the Lehigh Valley Barge 79.
Arroyo We, The World, Inc. 134129493 * $10,000
To support the Teach The Children Campaign: public forums & events, public service
announcements, social media campaigns, and concerts.
Jackson Wendy Hilliard Foundation, The 133879321 $5,000
Funds will support the community Gymnastics Program which teaches gymnastics and provides
linkages to other services such as health and education services.
Oddo West Shore Little League 133425081 * $6,500
Our goal is to provide a instructional baseball and softball program for male and female children
ages 4 thru 18 in a safe and organized environment. funding will be used to pay the cost of utility
costs and for uniform purchases.
West Side Cultural Center
To support the Taste of Broadway motivational program for at-risk youth (AIDP/STH) introducing
students to theater.
James Wildlife Conservation Society 131740011
To provide for programs that instruct children to investigate, through inquiry-based learning, the
challenges facing wild animals, the fundamentals of biodiversity, the basics of habitats and
Wingspan Arts, Inc.
$3,500 To fund Artopia, a free family arts fair, open to students throughout NYC, featuring arts
workshops,dance classes, mural making, performances and screenings of student made films.
Foster Woodycrest Center For Human Development 133184179 $14,714
To support WCHD's After-School Program at Dr. Marjorie H. Dunbar P.S. 126 that provides
students classes or clubs in dance, drama, and sports. Funding for the program will be utilized to
assist in the supervision of the program.
Quinn Working Harbor Committee, Inc. 203396037 $5,000
To sponsor a narrated Hidden Harbor Boat Tour of the NY/NJ Harbors for high school student,
introducing students to New York City's working harbors, their place in the world economy, and
the maritime industry.
Ulrich Works Little League, Inc. 112949074 * $5,000 Funding for the little league will be used to defray the cost of uniforms.
Works Little League, Inc.
112949074 * $5,000 To support a little league for neighborhood children, including funding for uniforms.
Greater Woodhaven Development Corporation 112508190
Gentile YAI/New York League for Early Learning 112513824 $5,000
To serve chidren with developmental disabilities , including those with Autism Spectrum
Disorders (ASD) and Visual Impairments/Low Vision, and to purchase specivic learning tools and
technology for these students.
Lander Yeled V' Yalda Early Childhood Center, Inc. 113050340 $6,500
To support an Applied Behavior Analysis Program for children with autism/pervasive
development disorder, including parent counseling and training services.
Yeshivath Kehilath Yakov
116003354 * $10,000
Funds used to provide remedial education and recreational activities for children with proper
Yeshivath Kehilath Yakov
116003354 *
Provide remedial education and recreational activities for children with proper supervision.
Rodriguez YM-YWHA of Washington Heights Inwood 131635308 $5,000 To support and sustain a music appreciation in UPK classes.
Rodriguez YM-YWHA of Washington Heights Inwood 131635308 $5,000 To provide SAT Prep Program at 3 high schools in Washington Heights/Inwood.
Gentile Young Dancers in Repertory, Inc. 112799128 $1,500
To teach creative and modern dance, ballet and contemporary dance forms to youth, and to
present community dance workshoips, and performances for the public.
p. 49 of 51
Council Member Organization EIN * Amount Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit Fiscal EIN
Gennaro Young Israel of Hillcrest 112017868 $10,000
Funds for programs including weekend gatherings, barbecues, winter and spring sports programs,
trips to sporting events, amusement parks, or museums, arts crafts. Youth activities and events
will be offered to members of the Hillcrest / Fresh Meadows community as well as neighboring
communities without regard to race, religion, creed, or sex.
Gennaro Young Israel of Jamaica Estates 112518593 $10,000
Funds for Sara Domb Youth Center: supporting children, teens and collegiate with social,
recreational and educational programs. We provide our facility for community meetings, lectures
and a wide array of services for all age groups in Queens.
Gennaro Young Israel of Kew Gardens Hills 111948880
The funds will be used to pay for the salary of the Young Israel of Kew Gardens Hills Youth
Department Director.
Gennaro Young Israel of Queens Valley 112267876 $3,500
Funds used to provide learning and homework groups for children and educational programs for
adults. We have instituted athletics for adults and children. We hope to sponsor support
programs for caretakers and those approaching retirement and aging. We have various
educational programs at nights and on weekends.
Young Men's and Young Women's Hebrew Association of the
Bronx 131740507
To support the after-school program.
Weprin Young Mens Christian Association of Greater New York 131624228
To provide group music lessons for piano, guitar, voice and violin. Also to provide for additional
music teachers and music equipment.
Van Bramer Young Mens Christian Association of Greater New York 131624228
To support youth sports leagues for every season including personnel, facilities and equipment in
order to operate programs at no charge for youth in western Queens.
Lappin Young Mens Christian Association of Greater New York 131624228
To support the afterschool Social and Academic Support Program at Vanguard H.S. which is part
of the Julia Richman Education Complex on East 67th Street. The program provides tutoring, test
prep college readiness workshops and service learning opportunities to students enrolled in our
after school program.
Levin Young Mens Christian Association of Greater New York 131624228 $5,000
To support programs for teens including college readiness, academic enhancements, workshops
on health and fitness, leadership rallies and to support the operation of the Teen Center.
Levin Young Mens Christian Association of Greater New York 131624228 $5,000 To support the Teen Center, a free center for teens in the community.
Wills Young Mens Christian Association of Greater New York 131624228 $17,500 Funds will be used for a mentoring program for difficult teenagers.
Ignizio Young Mens Christian Association of Greater New York 131624228 $9,500
To support the Teen Night program, giving any teenager between 12 and 15 years of age full
access to the South Shore YMCA's facilities and programs on Friday nights.
Chin Young Mens Christian Association of Greater New York 131624228 $8,000
The funds will be used to support the after school and summer camp programming offered at the
Chinatown YMCA's Cornerstone Programming at Two Bridges Houses.
Garodnick Young Mens Christian Association of Greater New York 131624228 $5,000
Funding will support the Vanderbilt Y's Teen Center program, which offers activities such as
academic support, fitness, technology, the arts, and discussion groups.
Oddo Young Mens Christian Association of Greater New York 131624228 $7,000
Funds will support the YMCA Counseling Service, childrens program called Little Steps, an arts
therapy program, pioneered by the YMCA, for children who are growing up in a home where one
or both parents suffers from a chemical dependency problem.
Lander Young Mens Christian Association of Greater New York 131624228 $2,000 To support after school services for youth ages 13-17 at the Teen Center.
Palma Young Mens Christian Association of Greater New York 131624228 $10,000
To offer scholarships to qualifying children and provide general support for the Summer Day
Williams Young Mens Christian Association of Greater New York 131624228 $5,000
To support the Teen Leadership Program where young people meet on a weekely basis in small
groups with peers and counselors to work on character building activities.
Young Men's Christian Association of Greater New York
Funds will support the Journalism Program, geared to teen students interested in pursuing
journalism and print media. Funds will be used for program expenses including staff salaries and
Young Men's Christian Association of Greater New York
To support the Beacon Program, providing youth with after school programs and academic, arts,
cultural, sports and health awareness activities.
Young Men's Christian Association of Greater New York
To support the After School program at PS 29, offering music, education, health and fitness and
other activities for youth ages 5-12.
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Council Member Organization EIN * Amount Purpose of Funds Fiscal Conduit Fiscal EIN
Young People's Chorus of New York City, Inc.
To provide children of diverse abilities and backgrounds with a unique program of music
education and choral performance.
Lappin Young People's Chorus of New York City, Inc. 113372980 * $10,000 Pending
Garodnick Young People's Chorus of New York City, Inc. 113372980 $7,500 Funding will support after-school choral and music programming for District 4 residents.
Jackson Young People's Chorus of New York City, Inc. 113372980 $3,500
Funds will support choral music programs including after school programming, a choral literacy
program, and a satellite school program at KIPP STAR Charter School.
Young Urban Christians Artists Inc
201633483 $5,000
To support YUCA programs that promote youth exposure to mentors, teach practical skills, and
collaborative interaction with peers. Funding is to support the YUCA Certificate Program and the
Entrepreneurial T-Shirt Design-certificate-based program.
Young Women's Christian Association of the City of New York
To support the YWCAs continuum of services in the Clinton area, including an after school
program at Independence High School, which provides credit-bearing coursework and hands-on
Young Women's Christian Association of the City of New York
To provide for the YWCAs after-school services program at P.S. 327.
Mendez Young Women's Leadership Network 061517218 $3,500
Funding will support a full-time CBI counselor who will provide early college and career
awareness, college application, financial aid, and enrollment support to students at District 2s
East Side Community High School.
Youth Action Programs And Homes Inc.
133203701 * $9,000
To support a YouthBuild program in East Harlem, engaging disadvantaged local youth in
affordable housing projects and education courses, and to support a technology center for
working parents and others.
Quinn Youth Communication/New York Center, Inc. 133047555 $5,000
To support a writing program for young people in foster care, teaching foster care youth to write
stories for the magazine, Represent: The Voice of Youth in Foster Care, a quarterly periodical.
Dilan Youth Service League Inc. 111973738
Programs to be funded include youth sports (primarily baseball), youth counseling, academic
support, and college placement services.
Mendez Youth Service Opportunities Project, Inc. 133155351 $3,500
YSOP regularly sends teams of volunteers to the University Community Soup Kitchen, the food
pantry and soup kitchen at Trinity Lutheran Church, and Our Lady of Sorrows Food Pantry.
Throughout the year, groups of middle school, high school and college students spend the night
at the Meetinghouse after serving a meal to homeless folks in the cafeteria.
Jackson Youth Service Opportunities Project, Inc. 133155351 $5,000
Funds will support Museum of Tolerance youth programs, and provision of volunteers to agencies
serving hungry and homeless New Yorkers.
Zimmer Club Youth Conservation Program of Staten Island,
352262561 $3,500
To provide free instruction in outdoor activities to over 100 youths including fishing, boating,
hunting, horticulture, animal care, wilderness survival techniques, and archery.
Zimmer Club Youth Conservation Program of Staten Island,
Inc. 352262561 $3,500
Funds will support a program providing FREE instruction in outdoor activities to youth. They
include: fishing, boating, hunting, horticulture, animal care, birds of prey, camping, first aid,
emergency prepardness, wilderness survival techniques, marksmanship, archery, and more.
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