Method Statement Road Project
Method Statement Road Project
Method Statement Road Project
Introduction: This package involves improvement of 10.9 Km of road from Kebithigollewa towards Horowupathana. According to the Tender documents main work involved are Mobilization Survey, setting out and cross-sections Clearing Embankment Fill 6 fill sections of total length 1490 m with height of fill varying from 0.45 m to 1.8 m. Excavation about 1600 m towards the end of the road in the section from Km 31+000 to End station. Trench excavation and fill for road widening Culverts 16 Nos extensions, 10 Nos reconstruction and 2 nos minor works Reconstruction of Bridges 4 Nos 13 bus bays, 580 m lined drains and small quantity of Retaining walls Construction of Subbase and DGAB Priming and Asphalt surfacing Protection, drains, Guard rails, road signs, Road marking ect.. Performance based Maintenance METHOD Mobilization; On receipt of Letter of Acceptance, we will attend to preliminary arrangement required for mobilization at site on instruction from Engineer to commence work. We will attend to Preliminary and General items of works as required under the contract. Engineers housing will be arranged to the satisfaction of the Engineer. If Engineers facility provided under Bill 11 is instructed, these works will be attended during this period. Initially we propose to rent houses for Contractors facility. However a suitable land will be located close to the project area for establishment of Contractors facility during construction and also to continue for performance based Maintenance period. We intend to use prefabricated units to construct Contractors facility such as office, accommodation, stores, workshops etc.. Traffic, Road Maintenance & Care of Environment We give high priority for this work. A separate unit will be established for this work as shown in our site organization. First with Engineers approval we will attend to initial maintenance of existing roads. A traffic management plan will be submitted for approval before commencement of any activity on the road. This unit will continuously monitor the effect on environment due to construction activities and take action to mitigate environmental issues. In general work will be limited to one half of the existing road at any time except in sections where temporary diversions are arranged. A gap of at least 300 m will be allowed between two work sites. At bridges temporary diversions will be constructed to the satisfaction of Engineer. The construction sequence given in Drg TS-004 will be followed. Survey, setting out and Cross sections First, we will locate all control points shown in the drawings. If necessary, additional control points will be established by us. Control points will be surveyed and accuracy of the result informed to the Engineer. Centerline will be set out and inform Engineer for verification. Cross section survey will be carried out
after the approval of road centerline and it will be submitted to Engineer for approval. Design cross section will be prepared based on Drawing TS-003 by our Highway Engineer to be submitted to Engineer for approval. This work will be carried out in comply with Specification Clause 117. Clearing Clearing and grubbing will be carried out before commencement of construction. Since this work will not obstruct traffic a reasonable section will be cleared at a time. Embankment, Excavation including trenching required for widening Sequence of activities is shown in the construction programme. We will use all suitable material from excavation in the embankment construction. In this contract excavation and embankment sections are located between Km 27+700 and 34+950. According to BoQ, quantity of embankment fill is more than quantity of suitable excavation. Therefore we will investigate a suitable borrow pit from a nearby location shown the employer provided map. At this stage trench excavation and backfilling will be completed only upto existing road level. It is our intension to execute work at Kebithigollewa town during dry season. According to contract Kebithigollewa town will have Type 2 section requiring only overlay of DGAB on the existing road. Subbase and Base course Our intension is to use crusher products for both subbase and base course. The quantity required is approximately 70,000 cum (loose volume). If suitable source could not be located, then subbase will be produce by blending soils and crushed aggregate as allowed in the Specifications. Initially we will negotiate and arrange to purchase our requirement of crusher products from already operating crusher plants. We too own a crusher plant with capacity 200 ton per hour which is now in operation at Southern Expressway Project. This plant if necessary will be available for installation at this project. If subbase/Basecourse is to be laid on the existing road it will be prepared according to the Specifications. Sequence of work is shown in the construction programme. Priming and Surfacing As the quantity involve is small, we will try to purchase our requirement form one of the plant already established in the area. If not successful, we will install our own asphalt plant for the project. The plant is already in Sri Lanka. Equipment and experienced personnel are available with us to undertake this work. Culverts, Lined Drains, Retaining Walls, Bus bays, Ancillary works etc.. These works are not critical. We will engage sufficient number of teams to complete this work within contract period. The concrete requirement will be supplied from our own batch plant. Bridges Initially we will construct diversion roads at all bridge locations. If permitted the bailey bridges removed from the existing bridges will be used at some locations. All four bridges are founded on spread footing with mass concrete abutments. Two bridges are with central concrete piers. We will complete foundation work in the dry season to take advantage of the lower ground water level. Coffer dam will be constructed to cast the foundation and abutments and piers above water level. Pre-cast pre-stressed bridge beams will be purchased from reputed precast yard
with the approval of Engineer. A concrete batching plant will be set up by us at the project. We wish to mention here that two number concrete batching plants are available with us at STDP project. Incidental Construction (Finishes) This works includes top soiling, grassing, riprap protection, sidewalks, Guard rails, Road marking and Signs. Top soiling and grassing of embankment slopes will be carried out on completion of embankment work. Riprap protection too will be completed well in advance of completion. Guard rails, signs and road marking will be the last items to be executed before hand over. Performance based road maintenance The contract requires the contractor to maintain the road for 5 years after completion of construction. Out of the five years, first year is the defect notification period. After completion of construction we will demobilize our equipment and remove temporary buildings. However we will leave establishment sufficient to maintain the road. As shown in our site organization, we will set up two teams to maintain the road. One team will be responsible for RoW and drainage. Other team is responsible for rest of the maintenance elements. We will provide necessary power tools. Materials required for emergency maintenance activities will be provided in the stores. We will maintain our own maintenance team due to very short response time given to rectify the defects.