Mark Scheme (Results) January 2007: GCE Biology (8040/9040)
Mark Scheme (Results) January 2007: GCE Biology (8040/9040)
Mark Scheme (Results) January 2007: GCE Biology (8040/9040)
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General Principles
Symbols used in the mark scheme Symbol ; semi colon eq / oblique {} curly brackets () round brackets [] square brackets Crossed out work If a candidate has crossed out an answer and written new text, the crossed out work can be ignored. If the candidate has crossed out work but written no new text, the crossed out work for that question or part question should be marked, as far as it is possible to do so. Spelling and clarity In general, an error made in an early part of a question is penalised when it occurs but not subsequently. The candidate is penalised once only and can gain credit in later parts of the question by correct reasoning from the earlier incorrect answer. No marks are awarded specifically for quality of language in the written papers, except for the essays in the synoptic paper. Use of English is however taken into account as follows: the spelling of technical terms must be sufficiently correct for the answer to be unambiguous e.g. for amylase, ammalase is acceptable whereas amylose is not e.g. for glycogen, glicojen is acceptable whereas glucagen is not e.g. for ileum, illeum is acceptable whereas ilium is not e.g. for mitosis, mytosis is acceptable whereas meitosis is not candidates must make their meaning clear to the examiner to gain the mark. a correct statement that is contradicted by an incorrect statement in the same part of an answer gains no mark irrelevant material should be ignored. Meaning of symbol Indicates the end of a marking point. Indicates that credit should be given for other correct alternatives to a word or statement, as discussed in the Standardisation meeting. It is used because it is not always possible to list every alternative answer that a candidate may write that is worthy of credit. Words or phrases separated by an oblique are alternatives to each other. Indicate the beginning and end of a list of alternatives (separated by obliques) where necessary to avoid confusion. Words inside round brackets are to aid understanding of the marking point but are not required to award the point. Words inside square brackets are instructions or guidance for examiners.
Maximum Marks
1 mark forebrain ; 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 homeostasis ; reference to osmoregulation /eq ; reference to maintaining body temperature ; acts as an endocrine gland / produces {hormones / ADH / oxytocin} ; controls pituitary gland ; controls autonomic nervous system/eq ; controls behaviour (patterns) /named behaviour e.g. feeding/sleeping/aggression ; 1 mark
Question 2
Maximum Marks
(i) (ii)
1 2 3 4 5 6
rhodopsin consists of retinal and opsin ; light (energy) absorbed by {rhodopsin / pigment / visual purple} ; retinal changes shape / cis to trans ; rhodopsin {splits/ eq / bleaches} ; (rod cell) sodium gates close / reduced permeability to sodium ions / less sodium diffuses in / hyperpolarisation / becomes more negative inside ; bipolar cell becomes depolarised / action potential formed in ganglion 4 marks Total 6 marks
(cell) ;
Question 3
Maximum Marks
A-B 1 2 sodium(ions) are reabsorbed / eq (from the proximal convoluted tubule) ; by active transport/reference to cotransport with glucose or amino acids ;
B-C 3 sodium ions pumped out / chloride ions pumped out and sodium ions follow (into medulla) ; 4 of ascending limb (of loop of Henle) ; 3 marks
1 2
idea of water leaving (from proximal convoluted tubule) ; in similar proportions to Na+/eq ; 2 marks
1 2 3 4 5 6
distal convoluted tubule/collecting ducts ; become more permeable to water ; therefore more water is reabsorbed / eq ; by osmosis ; ref to aquaporins ; {decreases/eq} concentration (of Na+ / NaCl in the blood) ; 3 marks Total 8 marks
Maximum Marks bolus insulin only present for 5 hours, basal insulin present for 24 hours; concentration of bolus insulin increases faster / eq ; bolus decreases faster / eq ; concentration of bolus insulin has a peak value at 2 hours, concentration of basal insulin{has peak at 6 hours / remains at maximum value for 6-12 hours} ; peak concentration of bolus is higher ; comparative manipulation of data ; 3 marks
5 6
1 2
idea that bolus insulin lowers blood glucose {immediately / after meals} ; idea that (very) high blood glucose levels can be controlled by bolus
insulin ; 3 4 5 but only lasts for short time ; basal insulin works between meals/during night / eq ; when blood glucose concentration is lower / eq ; 3 marks (iii) 1 2 3 4 bolus insulin acts very rapidly ; therefore insulin may cause hypoglycaemia/eq ; it takes time for digestion ; and for glucose to be absorbed into blood /eq ; 2 marks (b) 120 = 12 (CP) ; 10 12 x 1.5 = 18 (units of insulin) ; [allow CE] 2 marks
Question 4 continued
Maximum Marks
1 2 3 4
stimulates conversion of {glucose to glycogen/glycogenesis} ; inhibits gluconeogenesis /eq ; increases uptake of glucose {into cells / by liver} ; increases respiration of glucose ; 2 marks Total 12 marks
Maximum Marks
as {breakdown I conversion} of glucose to {pyruvate I pyruvic acid} ; phosphorylation of glucose I glucose converted to glucose (6) phosphate ; reference to use of ATP (for phosphorylation) ; prevents glucose leaving cell I reference to activation energy I increased reactivity of glucose ; ref. to {glycerate-3-phosphate I GP I G3P I phosphoglycerate I phosphoglyceric acid I PGA} as an intermediate ; ref. to {NAD+ to NADH I reduction of NAD+} ; phosphorylation of ADP to form ATP ; reference to net yield = 2 ATP (per glucose molecule) ;
11 12 13 14 15
pyruvate converted to lactic acid/lactate ; reference to NAD being regenerated I NADH is oxidized ; idea that this is necessary for glycolysis to continue ; reference to involvement of {oxidoreductase I dehydrogenase} enzymes ; results in an oxygen debt / can only occur for short period of time / produces less ATP / build up of lactic acid causes cramps ; Total 10 marks
Question 6
Maximum Marks
idea of use to grow of specific types of micro-organisms or inhibit the growth of others ; identification / isolation / diagnosis ; 2 marks
mixing of micro-organisms and media / eq / even distribution {nutrients / oxygen / air / heat} / prevents {settling / clumping}; 2 marks
growth requirement / eq ; for {amino acid / protein / ATP /nucleic acid} synthesis ; 2 marks Total 6 marks
Question 7
Maximum Marks
(i) (ii)
RNA ; protein ;
1 mark 1 mark
1 attachment of virus to host (cell) / insertion of {genome / nucleic acid} (into cell) ; 2 3 synthesis of (viral) {nucleic acid / protein} ; assembly and {release of virus particles / ref to cell iysis} ;
Maximum Marks
glucose converted to {pyruvate / pyruvic acid} / ref. to glycolysis ; converted to ethanol and carbon dioxide ; ref. to ethanal as an intermediate ; 3 marks
1 2 3 4
yeast Type D can ferment both glucose and lactose / eq; almost the same ; yeast Type B can only ferment glucose ; yeast Type D and yeast Type B ferment glucose equally / eq ; 3 marks
(yeast Type B) is unable to produce {lactase/ enzymes to breakdown lactose} / ref. to respiration of {glycogen / glucose} (already in cell) ; 1 mark
1 2 3 4 5 6
ref. to shaking (culture before removing a sample) / eq ; ref. to use of colorimeter ; idea of taking reading immediately /eq ; idea of converting the reading given on the machine into number of cells present / using a calibration curve idea of scaling up value to give total number of cells ; idea of zeroing machine on culture fluid / eq ; 4 marks Total 11 marks
Maximum marks any 2 from: pH / temperature / oxygen (concentration) / nutrient (levels) ; 1 mark
1 2 3
correct values (10.5, 6.2/6.3 , 4.65/4.7); correct subtraction ; correct division ; 3 marks
1 2 3 4 5
line would have levelled off / ref. to stationary phase ; as{(named) nutrients / oxygen} were running out / pH decreasing / toxin building up ; birth rate = death rate ; line would then go down ; as yeast dying / ref to death phase ; 3 marks