Name: Lab Section: Biocore Prairie Experimental Design Worksheet (Check Assignment-At Beginning of Discussion Week of Sept 9)
Name: Lab Section: Biocore Prairie Experimental Design Worksheet (Check Assignment-At Beginning of Discussion Week of Sept 9)
Name: Lab Section: Biocore Prairie Experimental Design Worksheet (Check Assignment-At Beginning of Discussion Week of Sept 9)
Biocore Prairie Experimental Design Worksheet (check assignment- at beginning of discussion week of Sept 9)
1. Write one testable question based on the topic that your group proposes to study in Biocore Prairie. 2. Is this a systematic observation? Y/N If so, what are you comparing (independent variable) and what are you going to measure (dependent variable)? 3. Is this a manipulative experiment? Y/N If so, what are you going to manipulate/change (independent variable) and what are you going to measure (dependent variable)? 4. Define the hypothesis for your study. (What is the answer to your testable question? State as a whole sentence.)
5. Illustrate your reasoning as to why you think your hypothesis is true (biological rationale) using a conceptual model. Start with your independent variable, and connect to relevant aspects of the system that you know either from background knowledge, observations or from readings in the literature to the hypothesis. Indicate assumptions you are making and knowledge gap you are attempting to fill (in dotted boxes). [List citations so you can refer back to them later]. See example on p. 11 of Biocore Writing Manual as a primer.
6. Detail a method you propose to use to test your question. Define what a sample is in your study. How many observations (replicates), how long will you observe, how large an area will you survey, how will you identify organisms (for example will you tally all insects you find in the nectar study or only ones that represent pollinators). Will you select areas particular areas in the Biocore Prairie that represent specific habitats or will you select random locations within the prairie for your investigation? Create a diagram annotated with labels or write a protocol to describe your methods below.
7. Make a figure (bar graph, line diagram, table) with hypothetical data that represents your expected results that correspond to your hypothesis. Utilize standard statistics such as means (averages) as appropriate.
8. If you, reject your hypothesis (do not get your expected results but rather alternative results), describe what you think may have happened. What assumptions are you making that may not be in play? Could your biological rationale be flawed or not applicable in this case? Will you have enough replicates to be confident in your conclusions?
9. Make a list of materials and equipment you will need to carry out the method. Go through the method in your mind--list types & quantity of materials you will need (For example, camera, timers, meter tape, quadrat stakes, agar plates, nectar bowls etc..)