Snapper4 SQL
Snapper4 SQL
Snapper4 SQL
sql -- Purpose: An easy to use Oracle session-level performance measurement tool -which does NOT require any database changes nor creation of any -database objects! --This is very useful for ad-hoc performance diagnosis in environm ents -with restrictive change management processes, where creating -even temporary tables and PL/SQL packages is not allowed or woul d -take too much time to get approved. --All processing is done by a few sqlplus commands and an anonymou s -PL/SQL block, all that's needed is SQLPLUS access (and if you wa nt -to output data to server-side tracefile then execute rights on -DBMS_SYSTEM). Snapper only queries some V$ views (and in advance d -mode some X$ fixed tables, but it does not enable any traces nor -use oradebug. --The output is formatted the way it could be easily post-processe d -by either Unix string manipulation tools or loaded to spreadshee t. --As of version 3.5, Snapper works on Oracle versions starting fro m -Oracle 9.2 --- Note1: The "ASH" functionality in Snapper just samples GV$SESSION view, -so you do NOT need Diagnostics Pack licenses to use Snapper's -"ASH" output --- Note2: Snapper just reports you performance metric deltas in a snapspho t -and does not attempt to solve any performance problems for you. -You still need to interpret and understand these standard Oracle -metrics yourself --- Author: Tanel Poder ( -- Copyright: (c) Tanel Poder - - All rights reserv ed. --- Disclaimer: This script is provided "as is", so no warranties or guarantees are -made about its correctness, reliability and safety. Use it at yo ur -own risk! --- License: 1) You may use this script for your (or your businesses) purpose s for free -2) You may modify this script as you like for your own (or your businesses) purpose, -but you must always leave this script header (the entire comm ent section), including the -author, copyright and license sections as the first thing in
the beginning of this file -3) You may NOT publish or distribute this script or any variatio n of it PUBLICLY -(including, but not limited to uploading it to your public we bsite or ftp server), -instead just link to its location in -4) You may distribute this script INTERNALLY in your company, fo r internal use only, -for example when building a standard DBA toolset to be deploy ed to all -servers or DBA workstations ---- Thanks to: Adrian Billington, Jamey Johnston, Marcus Mnnig, Hans-Peter Sloot -and Ronald Rood for bugfixes, additions and improvements ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Session Snapper v4.07 BETA ( USE AT YOUR OWN RISK !!! ) -- (c) Tanel Poder ( ) ---+-----=====O=== Welcome to The Session Snapper! (Yes, you are looking at a cheap ASCII -- / imitation of a fish and a fishing rod. -- | Nevertheless the PL/SQL c ode below the -- | fish itself should be hel pful for quick -- | catching of relevant Orac le performance -- | information. -- | So I wish you happy... um ... snapping? -- | ) -- | ...... -- | iittii,,.... -- iiffffjjjjtttt,, -..;;ttffLLLLffLLLLLLffjjtt;;.. -..ttLLGGGGGGLLffLLLLLLLLLLLLLLffjjii,, ..ii ,, -ffGGffLLLLLLjjttjjjjjjjjffLLLLLLLLLLjjii.. ..iijj;; .... -ffGGLLiittjjttttttiittttttttttffLLLLLLGGffii.. ;;LLLLii;; ;;.. -ffEEGGffiittiittttttttttiiiiiiiittjjjjffLLGGLLii.. iiLLLLLLttiiii ,, -;;ffDDLLiiiitt,,ttttttttttttiiiiiiiijjjjjjffLLLLffttiiiiffLLGGLLjjtttt;; .. -..ttttjjiitt,,iiiiiittttttttjjjjttttttttjjjjttttjjttttjjjjffLLDDGGLLttii.. -iittiitttt, ;;iittttttttjjjjjjjjjjttjjjjjjffffffjjjjjjjjjjLLDDGGLLtt;;.. -jjjjttttii:. ..iiiiffLLGGLLLLLLLLffffffLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLffffffLLLLLLfftt,, -iittttii,,;;,,ttiiiiLLLLffffffjjffffLLLLLLLLffLLffjjttttttttttjjjjffjjii.. -,,iiiiiiiiiittttttiiiiiiiiiijjffffLLLLLLLLffLLffttttttii;;;;iiiitttttttt;; .. -..iittttttffffttttiiiiiiiiiittttffjjjjffffffffttiittii:: ....,,;;iittii ;; -..;;iittttttttttttttttiiiiiittttttttttjjjjjjtttttt;; ..;;ii ;;..
-..;;;;iittttttjjttiittttttttttttttjjttttttttii.. .. .. -....;;;;ttjjttttiiiiii;;;;;;iittttiiii.. -..;;ttttii;;.... ..;;;;.... -..iiii;;.. -..;;,, -.... ---- Usage: --snapper.sql <ash[1-3]|stats|all>[,out][,trace][,pagesize=X][,gather=[s][ t][w][l][e][b][a]]> <seconds_in_snap> <snapshot_count> <sid(s)_to_snap> --ash - sample session activity ASH style, waits and SQL_IDs from gv$session and -print a TOP SQL/wait report from these samples (this is t he default from -Snapper 3.0). The columns chosen for TOP calculation are defined in CONFIG -section below. --ash=sql_id+event+wait_class -- the above example illustrates that you can also specify t he gv$session -columns for TOP report yourself. The above example will s how a TOP -activity report grouped by SQL_ID + EVENT + WAIT_CLASS -Note that the columns are separated by a "+" sign (as com ma is a snapper -parameter separator, not ASH column separator) --ash1 -ash2 -ash3 - in addition to "ash" report you can have 3 more reported during the same -snapper sampling snapshot. Just include ash1=col1+col2,as h2=col3+col4,... -parameters if you want multiple TOP reports per Snapper s napshot --stats - sample gv$sesstat,gv$sess_time_model,gv$session_event per formance counters -and report how much these stats increased (deltas) during Snapper run -all - report both ASH and stats sections --out - use dbms_output.put_line() for output. output will be see n only when -Snapper run completes due to dbms_output limitations. Thi s is the default. -trace - write output to server process tracefile -(you must have execute permission on sys.dbms_system.ksdw rt() for that, -you can use both out and trace parameters together if yo u like ) --pagesize - display header lines after X snapshots. if pagesize=0 don 't display -any headers. pagesize=-1 will display a terse header only
once --gather - if omitted, gathers s,t,w statistics (see below) -- if specified, then gather following: --Session-level stats: -s - Session Statistics from gv$sesstat -t - Session Time model info from gv$sess_time_model -w - Session Wait statistics from gv$session_event an d gv$session_wait --Instance-level stats: -l - instance Latch get statistics ( gets + immediate _gets ) -e - instance Enqueue lock get statistics -b - buffer get Where statistics -- useful in version s up to 10.2.x -a - All above --sinclude - if specified, then show only GV$SESSTAT stats which match the -LIKE pattern of sinclude (REGEXP_LIKE in 10g+) -linclude - if specified, then show only GV$LATCH latch stats which m atch the -LIKE pattern of linclude (REGEXP_LIKE in 10g+) -tinclude - if specified, then show only GV$SESS_TIME_MODEL stats whi ch match the -LIKE pattern of tinclude (REGEXP_LIKE in 10g+) -winclude - if specified, then show only GV$SESSION_EVENT wait stats which match the -LIKE pattern of winclude (REGEXP_LIKE in 10g+) --you can combine above parameters in any order, separate them by comm as -!!!don't use spaces as otherwise they are treated as next parameters by sqlplus !!! -!!!if you want to use spaces, enclose the whole sqlplus parameter in doublequotes !!! --<seconds_in_snap> - the number of seconds between taking snapshots -<snapshot_count> - the number of snapshots to take ( maximum value is p ower(2,31)-1 ) --<sids_to_snap> can be either one sessionid, multiple sessionids separate d by -commas or a SQL statement which returns a list of SIDs (if you need spac es -in that parameter text, enclose it in double quotes). --if you want to snap ALL sids, use "all" as value for -<sids_to_snap> parameter --alternatively you can used "select sid from gv$session" as value for <si ds_to_snap> -parameter to capture all SIDs. you can write any query (with multiple an d/or) -conditions to specify complex rules for capturing only the SIDs you want --starting from version 3.0 there are further session_id selection options available in
you can write such expressions for snapper's <sids_to_sna -- take sid 123 only (the same as just writing 123) -- take all sessions where username is 'tanel' (case inse -- this is the same as writing following subquery for the
--- <sids_to_snap> parameter: -select sid from gv$session where lower(username) l ike lower('tanel') --user=tanel% -- take all sessions where username begins with 'tanel%' (case insensitive) --- the = means actually LIKE in SQL terms in this script --spid=1234 -- all these 3 parameters do the same thing: -ospid=1234 -- they look up the sessions(s) where the processes OS PI D=1234 -pid=1234 -- this is useful for quickly looking up what some OS pro cess is doing --- if it consumes too much of some resource -qc=123 -qcsid=123 -- show query coordinator and all PX slave sessions --program=sqlplus% -- the following examples filter by correspondin g gv$session coulmns -machine=linux01 -- machine -osuser=oracle -- os username -module=HR -- module -"action=Find Order" -- note the quotes because there is a space insi de the parameter --- value -client_id=tanelpoder -- show only sessions where client_identifier is set to tanelpoder --- this is very useful in cases with (properly i nstrumented) --- connection pools ---Note that if you want to change some "advanced" snapper configuration pa rameters -or default values then search for CONFIG in this file to see configurabl e -variable section ---- Examples: -NB! Read the online examples, these are more detailed and list script ou tput too! -- --@snapper ash,stats 1 1 515 -(Output one 1-second snapshot of session 515 using dbms_output and exit -Wait, gv$sesstat and gv$sess_time_model statistics are reported by defa ult -Starting from V3 the ASH style session activity report is shown as well ) --
-@snapper stats,gather=w 1 1 515 -(Output one 1-second snapshot of session 515 using dbms_output and exit -only Wait event statistics are reported, no ASH) --@snapper ash,gather=st 1 1 515 -(Output one 1-second snapshot of session 515 using dbms_output and exit -only gv$sesstat and gv$sess_Time_model statistics are gathered + ASH) --@snapper trace,ash,gather=stw,pagesize=0 10 90 117,210,313 -(Write 90 10-second snapshots into tracefile for session IDs 117,210,313 -all statistics are reported, do not print any headers) --@snapper trace,ash 900 999999999 "select sid from v$session" -(Take a snapshot of ALL sessions every 15 minutes and write the output t o trace, -loop (almost) forever ) --@snapper out,trace 300 12 "select sid from v$session where username='APP S'" -(Take 12 5-minute snapshots of all sessions belonging to APPS user, writ e -output to both dbms_output and tracefile) --- Notes: --Snapper does not currently detect if a session with given SID has -ended and been recreated between snapshots, thus it may report bogus -statistics for such sessions. The check and warning for that will be -implemented in a future version. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------set termout off tab off verify off linesize 999 trimspool on trimout on null "" --debug: -- set termout on serveroutput on -- Get parameters (future snapper v4.x extended syntax: @snapper <options> <"beg in"|"end"|sleep#> <"snap_name"|snap_count> <sid>) define snapper_options="&1" define snapper_sleep="&2" define snapper_count="&3" define snapper_sid="&4" -- The following code is required for making this script "dynamic" as due to -- different Oracle versions, script parameters or granted privileges some -- statements might not compile if not adjusted properly. define _IF_ORA11_OR_HIGHER="--" define _IF_LOWER_THAN_ORA11="--" define _IF_DBMS_SYSTEM_ACCESSIBLE="/* dbms_system is not accessible" -- /*dummy*/ -- this "dummy" is here just for avoiding VIM syntax highlighter go ing crazy due to previous line define _IF_X_ACCESSIBLE="--" -- plsql_object_id columns available in v$session (from define _YES_PLSQL_OBJ_ID="--" define _NO_PLSQL_OBJ_ID="" -- blocking_instance available in v$session (from 10.2)
define _YES_BLK_INST="--" define _NO_BLK_INST="" -- snapper v4 manual before/after snapshotting define _MANUAL_SNAPSHOT="--" define _USE_DBMS_LOCK="" -- set the noprint's value to "noprint" if you don't want these temporary variab les to show up in a sqlplus spool file DEF noprint="" col snapper_ora11higher &noprint new_value _IF_ORA11_OR_HIGHER col snapper_ora11lower &noprint new_value _IF_LOWER_THAN_ORA11 col dbms_system_accessible &noprint new_value _IF_DBMS_SYSTEM_ACCESSIBLE col x_accessible &noprint new_value _IF_X_ACCESSIBLE col no_plsql_obj_id &noprint new_value _NO_PLSQL_OBJ_ID col yes_plsql_obj_id &noprint new_value _YES_PLSQL_OBJ_ID col no_blk_inst &noprint new_value _NO_BLK_INST col yes_blk_inst &noprint new_value _YES_BLK_INST col manual_snapshot &noprint new_value _MANUAL_SNAPSHOT col use_dbms_lock &noprint new_value _USE_DBMS_LOCK col snapper_sid &noprint new_value snapper_sid
-- sid_filter and inst_filter are the new RAC gv$ friendly way to filter session s in Snapper v4 def sid_filter="/**/" def inst_filter="/**/" col sid_filter &noprint new_value sid_filter col inst_filter &noprint new_value inst_filter -- initialize, precompute var v var x var sid_filter var inst_filter and determine stuff varchar2(100) varchar2(10) varchar2(4000) varchar2(4000)
-- this is here for a reason -- im extracting the first word of the snapper_sid (if its a complex expression, not just a single SID) -- by relying on how DEF and & assignment treat spaces in strings def ssid_begin=&snapper_sid declare o p l a dty def inout len prec scal rad spa tmp lv_sid_filter sys.dbms_describe.number_table; sys.dbms_describe.number_table; sys.dbms_describe.number_table; sys.dbms_describe.varchar2_table; sys.dbms_describe.number_table; sys.dbms_describe.number_table; sys.dbms_describe.number_table; sys.dbms_describe.number_table; sys.dbms_describe.number_table; sys.dbms_describe.number_table; sys.dbms_describe.number_table; sys.dbms_describe.number_table; number; varchar2(4000);
function get_filter(str in varchar2) return varchar2 is ret varchar2(1000); begin if str like '%@%' then --dbms_output.put_line('get_filter:1 str= '||str); ret := lower(trim(regexp_replace(substr(str,instr(str,'=')+1), '^(.+)@([ [:digit:]\*]+)(.*)', '\1'))); else --dbms_output.put_line('get_filter:2 str= '||str); ret := lower(trim(substr(str,instr(str,'=')+1))); end if; --dbms_output.put_line('get_filter = ' || ret); return ret; end get_filter; begin -- compute inst_filter case when regexp_instr('&ssid_begin','@') = 0 then lv_inst_filter := '/* inst_filter */ s.inst_id=USERENV(''Instance'') '; when regexp_instr('&ssid_begin','@\*') > 0 or '&ssid_begin' like '(%' th en lv_inst_filter := '/* inst_filter */ 1=1'; when regexp_instr('&ssid_begin','@\d+') > 0 then lv_inst_filter := 's.inst_id = ' || regexp_replace('&ssid_begin', '^ (.+)@(\d+)(.*)', '\2'); else lv_inst_filter := 's.inst_id=USERENV(''Instance'')'; --when regexp_instr('&ssid_begin','@\d+') > 0 then regexp_replace(snap per_sid, '^(.+)@\d+', '\1') || ' AND inst_id = ' || regexp_replace(snapper_sid, '^(.+)@(\d+)(.*)', '\2') end case; -- compute sid_filter case when trim(lower('&ssid_begin')) like 'sid=%' then lv_sid_filter := 's.sid in ('||get_filter('&ssid_begin')||')'; --||trim(replace('&ssid_begin', 'sid=',''))||')'; when trim(lower('&ssid_begin')) like 'user=%' then lv_sid_filter := 'lower(username) like ''' ||get_filter('&ssid_begin')||''''; when trim(lower('&ssid_begin')) like 'username=%' then lv_sid_filter := 'lower(username) like ''' ||get_filter('&ssid_begin')||''''; when trim(lower('&ssid_begin')) like 'machine=%' then lv_sid_filter := 'lower(machine) like ''' ||get_filter('&ssid_begin')||''''; when trim(lower('&ssid_begin')) like 'program=%' then lv_sid_filter := 'lower(program) like ''' ||get_filter('&ssid_begin')||''''; when trim(lower('&ssid_begin')) like 'service=%' then lv_sid_filter := 'lower(service_name) like ''' ||get_filter('&ssid_begin')||''''; when trim(lower('&ssid_begin')) like 'module=%' then lv_sid_filter := 'lower(module) like ''' ||get_filter('&ssid_begin')||''''; when trim(lower('&ssid_begin')) like 'action=%' then lv_sid_filter := 'lower(action) like ''' ||get_filter('&ssid_begin')||''''; when trim(lower('&ssid_begin')) like 'osuser=%' then lv_sid_filter := 'lower(osuser) like ''' ||get_filter('&ssid_begin')||''''; when trim(lower('&ssid_begin')) like 'client_id=%' then lv_sid_filter := 'lower(client_identifier) like '''||get_filter('&ssid_begin')||'''';
when trim(lower('&ssid_begin')) like 'spid=%' then lv_sid_filter := '(s.inst_id,s.paddr) in (select /*+ UNNEST */ inst_id,addr from gv$process wh ere spid in ('||get_filter('&ssid_begin')||'))'; when trim(lower('&ssid_begin')) like 'ospid=%' then lv_sid_filter := '(s.inst_id,s.paddr) in (select /*+ UNNEST */ inst_id,addr from gv$process wh ere spid in ('||get_filter('&ssid_begin')||'))'; when trim(lower('&ssid_begin')) like 'pid=%' then lv_sid_filter := '(s.inst_id,s.paddr) in (select /*+ NO_UNNEST */ inst_id,addr from gv$process where spid in ('||get_filter('&ssid_begin')||'))'; when trim(lower('&ssid_begin')) like 'qcsid=%' then lv_sid_filter := '(s.inst_id,s.sid) in (select /*+ NO_UNNEST */ inst_id,sid from gv$px_sessi on where qcsid in ('||get_filter('&ssid_begin')||'))'; when trim(lower('&ssid_begin')) like 'qc=%' then lv_sid_filter := '(s.inst_id,s.sid) in (select /*+ NO_UNNEST */ inst_id,sid from gv$px_sessi on where qcsid in ('||get_filter('&ssid_begin')||'))'; when trim(lower('&ssid_begin')) like 'all%' then lv_sid_filter := '1=1'; when trim(lower('&ssid_begin')) like 'bg%' then lv_sid_filter := 'type=''BACKGROUND'''; when trim(lower('&ssid_begin')) like 'fg%' then lv_sid_filter := 'type=''USER'''; when trim(lower('&ssid_begin')) like 'smon%' then lv_sid_filter := 'program like ''%(SMON)%'''; when trim(lower('&ssid_begin')) like 'pmon%' then lv_sid_filter := 'program like ''%(PMON)%'''; when trim(lower('&ssid_begin')) like 'ckpt%' then lv_sid_filter := 'program like ''%(CKPT)%'''; when trim(lower('&ssid_begin')) like 'lgwr%' then lv_sid_filter := 'program like ''%(LGWR)%'''; when trim(lower('&ssid_begin')) like 'dbwr%' then lv_sid_filter := 'program like ''%(DBW%)%'''; when trim(lower('&ssid_begin')) like 'select%' then /*lv_inst_filter := '/* inst_filter2 1=1'; */ lv_sid_filter := q'{(s.inst_id,s.sid) in (&snapp er_sid)}'; --when trim(lower('&ssid_begin')) like 'select%' then lv_sid_filter := '(s.inst_id,s.sid) in ('||regexp_replace(replace(q'{&snapper_sid}','','''''') , '^select ', 'select /*+ unnest */ ', 1, 1, 'i')||')'; -- '1=1'; lv_inst_filter := '1=1'; --when trim(lower('&ssid_begin')) like 'with%' then lv_sid_filter := '(s.inst_id,s.sid) in (&snapper_sid)'; -- '1=1'; lv_inst_filter := '1=1'; when trim(lower('&ssid_begin')) like '(%' then lv_inst_filter : = '/* inst_filter2 */ 1=1'; lv_sid_filter := q'{(s.inst_id,s.sid) in (&snapper_s id)}'; -- '1=1'; lv_inst_filter := '1=1'; else lv_sid_filter := '/* sid_filter_else_cond */ s.sid in ('||get_filter('&ssid_begin')||')'; --lv _sid_filter := '/* sid_filter_else_cond */ s.sid in (&ssid_begin)'; end case; :inst_filter := lv_inst_filter; :sid_filter := lv_inst_filter||' and '||lv_sid_filter; -- this block determines whether dbms_system.ksdwrt is accessible to us -- dbms_describe is required as all_procedures/all_objects may show this obj ect -- even if its not executable by us (thanks to o7_dictionary_accessibility=f alse) begin execute immediate 'select count(*) from x$kcbwh where rownum = 1' into t mp; :x:= ' '; -- x$ tables are accessible, so dont comment any lines out
exception when others then null; end; sys.dbms_describe.describe_procedure( 'DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT', null, null, o, p, l, a, dty, def, inout, len, prec, scal, rad, spa ); -- we never get to following statement if dbms_system is not accessible -- as sys.dbms_describe will raise an exception :v:= '-- dbms_system is accessible'; exception when others then null; end; / -- this query populates some sqlplus variables required for dynamic compilation used below with mod_banner as ( select replace(banner,'9.','09.') banner from v$version where rownum = 1 ) select decode(substr(banner, instr(banner, 'Release ')+8,2), '09', '--', '') snappe r_ora10lower, decode(substr(banner, instr(banner, 'Release ')+8,2), '09', '', '--') snapp er_ora9, decode(substr(banner, instr(banner, 'Release ')+8,1), '1', '', '--') snapp er_ora10higher, case when substr(banner, instr(banner, 'Release ')+8,2) >= '11' then '' else '--' end snapper_ora11higher, case when substr(banner, instr(banner, 'Release ')+8,2) < '11' then '' else '--' end snapper_ora11lower, nvl(:v, '/* dbms_system is not accessible') dbms_system_accessible, nvl(:x, '--') x_accessible, case when substr( banner, instr(banner, 'Release ')+8, instr(substr(banner,i nstr(banner,'Release ')+8),' ') ) >= '10.2' then '' else '--' end yes_blk_ inst, case when substr( banner, instr(banner, 'Release ')+8, instr(substr(banner,i nstr(banner,'Release ')+8),' ') ) >= '10.2' then '--' else '' end no_blk_i nst, case when substr( banner, instr(banner, 'Release ')+8, instr(substr(banner,i nstr(banner,'Release ')+8),' ') ) >= '' then '' else '--' end yes_plsq l_obj_id, case when substr( banner, instr(banner, 'Release ')+8, instr(substr(banner,i nstr(banner,'Release ')+8),' ') ) >= '' then '--' else '' end no_plsql _obj_id, case when lower('&snapper_options') like '%,begin%' or lower('&snapper_optio ns') like 'begin%' or lower('&snapper_options') like '%,end%' or lower('&snapper _options') like 'end%' then '' else '--' end manual_snapshot, case when lower('&snapper_options') like '%,begin%' or lower('&snapper_optio ns') like 'begin%' or lower('&snapper_options') like '%,end%' or lower('&snapper _options') like 'end%' then '--' else '' end use_dbms_lock, :sid_filter sid_filter, :inst_filter inst_filter
from mod_banner / set termout on serveroutput on size 1000000 format wrapped prompt Sampling SID &4 with interval &snapper_sleep seconds, taking &snapper_cou nt snapshots... -- let the Snapping start!!! -- main() declare -- Snapper start -- forward declarations procedure output(p_txt in varchar2); procedure fout; function tptformat( p_num in number, p_stype in varchar2 default 'STAT', p_precision in number default 2, p_base in number default 10, p_grouplen in number default 3 ) return varchar2; function getopt( p_parvalues in varchar2, p_extract in varchar2, p_delim in varchar2 default ',' ) return varchar2; -- type, constant, variable declarations -- trick for holding 32bit UNSIGNED event and stat_ids in 32bit SIGNED PLS_I NTEGER pls_adjust constant number(10,0) := power(2,31) - 1; type srec is record (ts timestamp, stype varchar2(4), inst_id number, sid nu mber, statistic# number, value number, event_count number ); type stab is table of srec index by pls_integer; type ltab is table of srec index by varchar2(100); -- lookup tab for various average calculation s1 stab; s2 stab; l1 ltab; l2 ltab; type snrec is record (stype varchar2(4), statistic# number, name varchar2(10 0)); type sntab is table of snrec index by pls_integer; sn_tmp sntab; sn sntab; type sntab_reverse is table of snrec index by varchar2(100); -- used for loo king up stat id from stat name sn_reverse sntab_reverse; tmp_varchar2 varchar2(1000); -- misc function get_useful_average(c in srec /* curr_metric */, p in srec /* all_pr
ev_metrics */) return varchar2; type tmp_sestab is table of gv$session%rowtype index by pls_integer; type sestab is table of gv$session%rowtype index by varchar2(20); g_sessions g_empty_sessions lue type ses_hash_tab is table of hc_tab index by pls_integer; -- index is SID g_ses_hash_tab ses_hash_tab; g_empty_ses_hash_tab ses_hash_tab; -- dbms_debug_vc2coll is a built-in collection present in every oracle db g_ash sys.dbms_debug_vc2coll := new sys.dbms_debug_vc2coll(); g_empty_ash sys.dbms_debug_vc2coll := new sys.dbms_debug_vc2coll(); g_snap1 sys.dbms_debug_vc2coll; g_snap2 sys.dbms_debug_vc2coll; g_ash_samples_taken number := 0; g_count_statname number; g_count_eventname number; g_mysid i number; a number; b number; c number; delta number; evcnt number; changed_values number; pagesize number:=99999999999999; missing_values_s1 number := 0; missing_values_s2 number := 0; disappeared_sid number := 0; lv_curr_sid number := 0; -- used for determining whether to print an e mpty line between session stats d1 timestamp(6); d2 timestamp(6); ash_date1 date; ash_date2 date; lv_gather varchar2(1000); gv_header_string varchar2(1000); lv_data_string varchar2(1000); lv_ash lv_stats gather_stats gather_ash g_snap_begin g_snap_end varchar2(1000); varchar2(1000); number := 0; number := 0; varchar2(1000); varchar2(1000); number; sestab; sestab;
-- this sets what g_ash_columns vent + wait_class'; g_ash_columns1 g_ash_columns2 m'; g_ash_columns3 ogram_id + sql_id';
are the default ash sample TOP reporting group by columns varchar2(1000) := 'inst_id + sql_id + sql_child_number + e varchar2(1000) := 'inst_id + event + p1 + wait_class'; varchar2(1000) := 'inst_id + sid + user + machine + progra varchar2(1000) := 'inst_id + plsql_object_id + plsql_subpr
-- output column configuration output_header number := 0; -- 1=true 0=false output_username number := 1; -- v$session.username output_inst number := 0; -- inst output_sid number := CASE WHEN dbms_utility.is_cluster_database = TRU E THEN 0 ELSE 1 END; -- just sid output_inst_sid number := CASE WHEN dbms_utility.is_cluster_database = TRU E THEN 1 ELSE 0 END; -- inst_id and sid together output_time number := 0; -- time of snapshot start output_seconds number := 0; -- seconds in snapshot (shown in footer of ea ch snapshot too) output_stype number := 1; -- statistic type (WAIT,STAT,TIME,ENQG,LATG,. ..) output_sname number := 1; -- statistic name output_delta number := 1; -- raw delta output_delta_s number := 0; -- raw delta normalized to per second output_hdelta number := 0; -- human readable delta output_hdelta_s number := 1; -- human readable delta normalized to per sec ond output_percent number := 1; -- percent of total time/samples output_eventcnt number := 1; -- wait event count output_eventcnt_s number := 1; -- wait event count output_eventavg number := 1; -- average wait duration output_pcthist number := 1; -- percent of total visual bar (histogram) -Histograms seem to work for me on + - JBJ2) -- column widths in ASH report output w_inst_id number := w_sid number := w_username number := w_machine number := w_terminal number := w_program number := w_event number := w_wait_class number := w_state number := w_p1 number := w_p2 number := w_p3 number := w_row_wait_obj# number := w_row_wait_file# number := w_row_wait_block# number := w_row_wait_row# number := w_blocking_session_status number := w_blocking_instance number := w_blocking_session number := w_sql_hash_value number := w_sql_id number := w_sql_child_number number := w_plsql_entry_object_id number := 4; 6; 20; 20; 20; 25; 35; 15; 8; 20; 20; 20; 10; 6; 10; 6; 15; 12; 12; 12; 15; 9; 10;
w_plsql_entry_subprogram_id w_plsql_object_id w_plsql_subprogram_id w_module w_action w_client_identifier w_service_name w_activity_pct -- END CONFIGURABLE STUFF --
:= := := := := := :=
number := 7;
-- constants for ash collection extraction from the vc2 collection s_inst_id constant number := 1 ; s_sid constant number := 2 ; s_username constant number := 3 ; s_machine constant number := 4 ; s_terminal constant number := 5 ; s_program constant number := 6 ; s_event constant number := 7 ; s_wait_class constant number := 8 ; s_state constant number := 9 ; s_p1 constant number := 10 ; s_p2 constant number := 11 ; s_p3 constant number := 12 ; s_row_wait_obj# constant number := 13 ; s_row_wait_file# constant number := 14 ; s_row_wait_block# constant number := 15 ; s_row_wait_row# constant number := 16 ; s_blocking_session_status constant number := 17 ; s_blocking_instance constant number := 18 ; s_blocking_session constant number := 19 ; s_sql_hash_value constant number := 20 ; s_sql_id constant number := 21 ; s_sql_child_number constant number := 22 ; s_plsql_entry_object_id constant number := 23 ; s_plsql_entry_subprogram_id constant number := 24 ; s_plsql_object_id constant number := 25 ; s_plsql_subprogram_id constant number := 26 ; s_module constant number := 27 ; s_action constant number := 28 ; s_client_identifier constant number := 29 ; s_service_name constant number := 30 ; -- constants for ash collection reporting, which columns to show in report c_inst_id constant number := power(2, s_inst_id ); c_sid constant number := power(2, s_sid ); c_username constant number := power(2, s_username ); c_machine constant number := power(2, s_machine ); c_terminal constant number := power(2, s_terminal ); c_program constant number := power(2, s_program ); c_event constant number := power(2, s_event ); c_wait_class constant number := power(2, s_wait_class
); c_state ); c_p1 ); c_p2 ); c_p3 ); c_row_wait_obj# ); c_row_wait_file# ); c_row_wait_block# ); c_row_wait_row# ); c_blocking_session_status n_status ); c_blocking_instance ce ); c_blocking_session n ); c_sql_hash_value ); c_sql_id ); c_sql_child_number r ); c_plsql_entry_object_id ect_id ); c_plsql_entry_subprogram_id program_id); c_plsql_object_id ); c_plsql_subprogram_id m_id ); c_module ); c_action ); c_client_identifier er ); c_service_name );
constant number := power(2, s_state constant number := power(2, s_p1 constant number := power(2, s_p2 constant number := power(2, s_p3 constant number := power(2, s_row_wait_obj# constant number := power(2, s_row_wait_file# constant number := power(2, s_row_wait_block# constant number := power(2, s_row_wait_row# constant number := power(2, s_blocking_sessio constant number := power(2, s_blocking_instan constant number := power(2, s_blocking_sessio constant number := power(2, s_sql_hash_value constant number := power(2, s_sql_id constant number := power(2, s_sql_child_numbe constant number := power(2, s_plsql_entry_obj constant number := power(2, s_plsql_entry_sub constant number := power(2, s_plsql_object_id constant number := power(2, s_plsql_subprogra constant number := power(2, s_module constant number := power(2, s_action constant number := power(2, s_client_identifi constant number := power(2, s_service_name
/*---------------------------------------------------- proc for outputting data to trace or dbms_output ---------------------------------------------------*/ procedure output(p_txt in varchar2) is begin if (getopt('&snapper_options', 'out') is not null) or (getopt('&snapper_options', 'out') is null and getopt('&snapper_optio ns', 'trace') is null) then dbms_output.put_line(p_txt); end if;
-- The block below is a sqlplus trick for conditionally commenting out P L/SQL code &_IF_DBMS_SYSTEM_ACCESSIBLE if getopt('&snapper_options', 'trace') is not null then sys.dbms_system.ksdwrt(1, p_txt); sys.dbms_system.ksdfls; end if; -- */ end; -- output /*---------------------------------------------------- function for converting interval datatype to microseconds ---------------------------------------------------*/ function get_seconds(i interval day to second) return number as begin return to_number(extract(second from i)) + to_number(extract(minute from i)) * 60 + to_number(extract(hour from i)) * 60 * 60 + to_number(extract(day from i)) * 60 * 60 * 24; end get_seconds; /*---------------------------------------------------- proc for outputting data, utilizing global vars ---------------------------------------------------*/ procedure fout is l_output_username VARCHAR2(100); gsid varchar2(20); begin --if s2(b).stype='WAIT' then output( 'DEBUG WAIT ' || sn(s2(b).statistic #).name || ' ' || delta ); end if; --output( 'DEBUG, Entering fout(), b='||to_char(b)||' sn(s2(b).statistic #='||s2(b).statistic# ); --output( 'DEBUG, In fout(), a='||to_char(a)||' b='||to_char(b)||' unt='||s1.count||' s2.count='||s2.count||' s2.count='||s2.count); gsid := trim(to_char(s2(b).inst_id))||','||trim(to_char(s2(b).sid)); if output_username = 1 then begin l_output_username := nvl( g_sessions(gsid).username, substr(g_se ssions(gsid).program, instr(g_sessions(gsid).program,'(')) ); exception when no_data_found then l_output_username := 'error'; when others then raise; end; end if; -- DEBUG --output('before'); --output (CASE WHEN output_eventavg = 1 THEN CASE WHEN s2(b).stype IN ('WAIT') THEN lpad(tptformat(delta / CASE WHEN evcnt = 0 THEN 1 ELSE evcnt END, s2(b).stype), 10, ' ')||' average wait' ELSE get_useful_average(s2(b), s1(a)) E ND END); --output('after'); output( CASE WHEN output_header || CASE WHEN output_inst 99')||', ' END = 1 THEN 'SID= ' END = 1 THEN to_char(s2(b).inst_id, '99
= 1 THEN to_char(s2(b).sid,'999999'
|| CASE WHEN output_inst_sid = 1 THEN to_char(s2(b).sid,'99999') ||' '||lpad('@'||trim(to_char(s2(b).inst_id, '99')),3)||', ' END || CASE WHEN output_username = 1 THEN rpad(CASE s2(b).sid WHEN 1 THEN ' ' ELSE NVL(l_output_username, ' ') END, 10)||', ' END || CASE WHEN output_time = 1 THEN to_char(d1, 'YYYYMMDD HH24 :MI:SS')||', ' END || CASE WHEN output_seconds = 1 THEN to_char(case get_seconds(d 2-d1) when 0 then &snapper_sleep else get_seconds(d2-d1) end, '9999999')||', ' E ND || CASE WHEN output_stype = 1 THEN s2(b).stype||', ' END || CASE WHEN output_sname = 1 THEN rpad(sn(s2(b).statistic#). name, 58, ' ')||', ' END || CASE WHEN output_delta = 1 THEN to_char(delta, '9999999999 99')||', ' END || CASE WHEN output_delta_s = 1 THEN to_char(delta/(case get_se conds(d2-d1) when 0 then &snapper_sleep else get_seconds(d2-d1) end),'999999999' )||', ' END || CASE WHEN output_hdelta = 1 THEN lpad(tptformat(delta, s2(b ).stype), 10, ' ')||', ' END || CASE WHEN output_hdelta_s = 1 THEN lpad(tptformat(delta/(case get_seconds(d2-d1) when 0 then &snapper_sleep else get_seconds(d2-d1) end ), s2 (b).stype), 10, ' ')||', ' END || CASE WHEN output_percent = 1 THEN CASE WHEN s2(b).stype IN ( 'TIME','WAIT') THEN to_char(delta/CASE get_seconds(d2-d1) WHEN 0 THEN &snapper_s leep ELSE get_seconds(d2-d1) END / 10000, '9999.9')||'%' ELSE ' ' END END ||', ' || CASE WHEN output_pcthist = 1 THEN CASE WHEN s2(b).stype IN ( 'TIME','WAIT') THEN rpad(rpad('[', ceil(round(delta/CASE get_seconds(d2-d1) WHEN 0 THEN &snapper_sleep ELSE get_seconds(d2-d1) END / 100000,1))+1, CASE WHEN s2( b).stype IN ('WAIT') THEN 'W' WHEN sn(s2(b).statistic#).name = 'DB CPU' THEN '@' ELSE '#' END),11,' ')||']' ELSE ' ' END END||', ' || CASE WHEN output_eventcnt = 1 THEN CASE WHEN s2(b).stype IN ( 'WAIT') THEN to_char(evcnt, '99999999') ELSE ' ' END END||', ' || CASE WHEN output_eventcnt_s = 1 THEN CASE WHEN s2(b).stype IN ( 'WAIT') THEN lpad(tptformat((evcnt / case get_seconds(d2-d1) when 0 then &snappe r_sleep else get_seconds(d2-d1) end ), 'STAT' ), 10, ' ') ELSE ' ' END END||', ' || CASE WHEN output_eventavg = 1 THEN CASE WHEN s2(b).stype IN ( 'WAIT') THEN lpad(tptformat(delta / CASE WHEN evcnt = 0 THEN 1 ELSE evcnt END, s 2(b).stype), 10, ' ')||' average wait' ELSE get_useful_average(s2(b), s1(a)) END END ); end; /*---------------------------------------------------- lookup stat delta helper calculator (l2.value - l1.value) ---------------------------------------------------*/ function get_delta(metric_id in varchar2) return number is rec1 srec; rec2 srec; val1 number; val2 number; d number;
begin begin val1 := l1(metric_id).value; exception when no_data_found then val1 := 0; end; begin val2 := l2(metric_id).value; exception when no_data_found then val2 := 0; end; d := val2 - NVL(val1, 0); return d; end get_delta; /*---------------------------------------------------- delta helper function for convenience - it allows to specify any metric de lta, if not specified then get current one ---------------------------------------------------*/ function gd(c in srec, metric_type in varchar2 DEFAULT NULL, metric_name in varchar2 DEFAULT NULL) return number is str varchar2(1000); tmp_delta number; begin if metric_type || metric_name is null then str := c.stype||','||trim(to_char(c.inst_id))||','||trim(to_char(c.s id))||','||trim(to_char(c.statistic#,'999999999999999999999999')); else begin str := trim(metric_type)||','||trim(to_char(c.inst_id))||','||tr im(to_char(c.sid))||','||trim(to_char(sn_reverse(metric_type||','||metric_name). statistic#)); exception when no_data_found then return 0; end; end if; tmp_delta := get_delta(str); --output('tmp_delta '||c.stype||' '||tmp_delta); return tmp_delta; -- return get_delta(str); end; /*---------------------------------------------------- function for calculating useful averages and ratios between metrics ---------------------------------------------------*/ function get_useful_average(c in srec /* curr_metric */, p in srec /* all_pr ev_metrics */) return varchar2 is ret varchar2(1000); mt varchar2(100) := c.stype; -- metric_type mn varchar2(100) := sn(c.statistic#).name; -- metric_name begin case when mt = 'STAT' then case when mn = 'bytes sent via SQL*Net to client' then ret := l pad( tptformat(gd(c) / nullif(gd(c, 'STAT', 'SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client')
,0), mt), 10) || ' bytes per roundtrip' ; when mn = 'bytes receive via SQL*Net from client' then ret := l pad( tptformat(gd(c) / nullif(gd(c, 'STAT', 'SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client') ,0), mt), 10) || ' bytes per roundtrip' ; when mn = 'redo size' then ret := l pad( tptformat(gd(c) / nullif(gd(c, 'STAT', 'user commits' ) ,0), mt), 10) || ' bytes per user commit'; when mn = 'execute count' then ret := l pad( tptformat(gd(c) / nullif(gd(c, 'STAT', 'parse count (total)' ) ,0), mt), 10) || ' executions per parse'; when mn = 'parse count (total)' then ret := l pad( tptformat(gd(c) / nullif(gd(c, 'STAT', 'parse count (hard)' ) ,0), mt), 10) || ' softparses per hardparse'; when mn = 'session cursor cache hits' then ret := l pad( tptformat(gd(c) (gd(c, 'STAT', 'parse count (total)' ) ), mt), 10) || ' softparses avoided thanks to cursor cache'; when mn = 'buffer is pinned count' then ret := l pad( tptformat(gd(c) / nullif(gd(c) + gd(c, 'STAT', 'session logical reads'),0) * 100, mt), 10) || ' % buffer gets avoided thanks to buffer pin caching'; else ret := l pad( tptformat(gd(c) / nullif(gd(c, 'STAT', 'execute count'),0), mt), 10) || ' p er execution' ; end case; -- mt=stat, mn when mt = 'TIME' then -- this is ugly and wrong at the moment - will refactor some day case when mn = 'DB time' then ret := l pad(tptformat(get_seconds(d2 - d1)*1000000 - gd(c) - nullif(gd(c, 'DB CPU', 'TIM E') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'pmon timer') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'VKTM Logical Idle Wait') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'VKTM Init Wait for GSGA') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'IORM Scheduler Slave Idle Wait') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'rdbms ipc message') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'i/o slave wait') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'VKRM Idle') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'wait for unread message on broadcas t channel') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'wait for unread message on multiple broadcast channels') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'class slave wait') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'KSV master wait') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'PING') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'watchdog main loop') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'DIAG idle wait')
- gd(c, 'WAIT', 'ges remote message') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'gcs remote message') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'heartbeat monitor sleep') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'GCR sleep') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'SGA: MMAN sleep for component shrin k') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'MRP redo arrival') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'LNS ASYNC archive log') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'LNS ASYNC dest activation') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'LNS ASYNC end of log') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'simulated log write delay') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'LGWR real time apply sync') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'parallel recovery slave idle wait') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'LogMiner builder: idle') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'LogMiner builder: branch') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'LogMiner preparer: idle') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'LogMiner reader: log (idle)') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'LogMiner reader: redo (idle)') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'LogMiner client: transaction') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'LogMiner: other') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'LogMiner: activate') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'LogMiner: reset') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'LogMiner: find session') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'LogMiner: internal') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'Logical Standby Apply Delay') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'parallel recovery coordinator waits for slave cleanup') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'parallel recovery control message r eply') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'parallel recovery slave next change ') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'PX Deq: Txn Recovery Start')
- gd(c, 'WAIT', 'PX Deq: Txn Recovery Reply') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'fbar timer') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'smon timer') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'PX Deq: Metadata Update') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'Space Manager: slave idle wait') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'PX Deq: Index Merge Reply') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'PX Deq: Index Merge Execute') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'PX Deq: Index Merge Close') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'PX Deq: kdcph_mai') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'PX Deq: kdcphc_ack') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'shared server idle wait') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'dispatcher timer') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'cmon timer') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'pool server timer') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'JOX Jit Process Sleep') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'jobq slave wait') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'pipe get') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'PX Deque wait') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'PX Idle Wait') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'PX Deq: Join ACK') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'PX Deq Credit: need buffer') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'PX Deq Credit: send blkd') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'PX Deq: Msg Fragment') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'PX Deq: Parse Reply') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'PX Deq: Execute Reply') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'PX Deq: Execution Msg') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'PX Deq: Table Q Normal') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'PX Deq: Table Q Sample') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'Streams fetch slave: waiting for tx ns') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'Streams: waiting for messages')
- gd(c, 'WAIT', 'Streams capture: waiting for archiv e log') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'single-task message') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'SQL*Net message from client') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'SQL*Net vector message from client' ) - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'SQL*Net vector message from dblink' ) - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'PL/SQL lock timer') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'Streams AQ: emn coordinator idle wa it') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'EMON slave idle wait') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'Streams AQ: waiting for messages in the queue') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'Streams AQ: waiting for time manage ment or cleanup tasks') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'Streams AQ: delete acknowledged mes sages') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'Streams AQ: deallocate messages fro m Streams Pool') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'Streams AQ: qmn coordinator idle wa it') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'Streams AQ: qmn slave idle wait') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'Streams AQ: RAC qmn coordinator idl e wait') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'HS message to agent') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'ASM background timer') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'auto-sqltune: wait graph update') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'WCR: replay client notify') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'WCR: replay clock') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'WCR: replay paused') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'JS external job') - gd(c, 'WAIT', 'cell worker idle') ,0) , mt), 10) || ' unaccounted time' ; else null; end case; -- mt=time, mn
end case; -- mt return ret; end get_useful_average; /*---------------------------------------------------- function for converting large numbers to human-readable format ---------------------------------------------------*/ function tptformat( p_num in number, p_stype in varchar2 default 'STAT', p_precision in number default 2, p_base in number default 10, -- for KiB/MiB formattin g use p_grouplen in number default 3 -- p_base=2 and p_groupl en=10 ) return varchar2 is begin if p_num = 0 then return '0'; end if; if p_num IS NULL then return '~'; end if; if p_stype in ('WAIT','TIME') then return round( p_num / power( p_base , trunc(log(p_base,abs(p_num)))-trunc( mod(log(p_base,abs(p_num)),p_grouplen)) ), p_precision ) || case trunc(log(p_base,abs(p_num)))-trunc(mod(log(p_base,abs(p _num)),p_grouplen)) when 0 then 'us' when 1 then 'us' when p_grouplen*1 then 'ms' when p_grouplen*2 then 's' when p_grouplen*3 then 'ks' when p_grouplen*4 then 'Ms' else '*'||p_base||'^'||to_char( trunc(log(p_base,abs(p_nu m)))-trunc(mod(log(p_base,abs(p_num)),p_grouplen)) )||' us' end; else return round( p_num / power( p_base , trunc(log(p_base,abs(p_num)))-trunc( mod(log(p_base,abs(p_num)),p_grouplen)) ), p_precision ) || case trunc(log(p_base,abs(p_num)))-trunc(mod(log(p_base,abs(p _num)),p_grouplen)) when 0 then '' when 1 then '' when p_grouplen*1 then 'k' when p_grouplen*2 then 'M' when p_grouplen*3 then 'G' when p_grouplen*4 then 'T' when p_grouplen*5 then 'P' when p_grouplen*6 then 'E' else '*'||p_base||'^'||to_char( trunc(log(p_base,abs(p_nu m)))-trunc(mod(log(p_base,abs(p_num)),p_grouplen)) ) end;
end if; end; -- tptformat /*---------------------------------------------------- simple function for parsing arguments from parameter string ---------------------------------------------------*/ function getopt( p_parvalues in varchar2, p_extract in varchar2, p_delim in varchar2 default ',' ) return varchar2 is ret varchar(1000) := NULL; begin -- dbms_output.put('p_parvalues = ['||p_parvalues||'] ' ); -- dbms_output.put('p_extract = ['||p_extract||'] ' ); if lower(p_parvalues) like lower(p_extract)||'%' or lower(p_parvalues) like '%'||p_delim||lower(p_extract)||'%' then ret := nvl ( substr(p_parvalues, instr(p_parvalues, p_extract)+length(p_extract), case instr( substr(p_parvalues, instr(p_parvalues, p_extract)+length (p_extract) ) , p_delim ) when 0 then length(p_parvalues) else instr( substr(p_parvalues, instr(p_parvalues, p_extract)+length (p_extract) ) , p_delim ) - 1 end ) , chr(0) -- in case parameter was specified but with no valu e ); else ret := null; -- no parameter found end if; -- dbms_output.put_line('ret = ['||replace(ret,chr(0),'\0')||']'); return ret; end; -- getopt /*---------------------------------------------------
-- proc for getting session list with username, osuser, machine etc ---------------------------------------------------*/ procedure get_sessions is tmp_sessions tmp_sestab; begin select /*+ unnest */ /* get_session_list:1 */ * bulk collect into tmp_sessions from gv$session s where 1=1 and ( &sid_filter ) ; --(inst_id,sid) in (&snapper_sid); g_sessions := g_empty_sessions; for i in 1..tmp_sessions.count loop g_sessions(tmp_sessions(i).inst_id||','||tmp_sessions(i).sid) := tmp_ sessions(i); end loop; end; -- get_sessions /*---------------------------------------------------- function for getting session list with username, osuser, machine etc -- this func does not update the g_sessions global array but returns session info as return value ---------------------------------------------------*/ function get_sessions return sestab is tmp_sessions tmp_sestab; l_return_sessions sestab; begin select /*+ unnest */ /* get_session_list:2 */ * bulk collect into tmp_sessions from gv$session s where 1=1 and (&sid_filter) ; --(inst_id,sid) in (&snapper_sid); for i in 1..tmp_sessions.count loop --output('get_sessions i='||i||' sid='||tmp_sessions(i).sid); l_return_sessions(tmp_sessions(i).inst_id||','||tmp_sessions(i).sid) := tmp_sessions(i); end loop; return l_return_sessions; end; -- get_sessions
/*---------------------------------------------------- functions for extracting and converting gv$session -- records to varchar2 ---------------------------------------------------*/ function sitem(p in varchar2) return varchar2 as begin return '<'||translate(p, '<>', '__')||'>'; end; -- sitem varchar2 function sitem(p in number) return varchar2 as begin return '<'||to_char(p)||'>'; end; -- sitem number function sitem(p in date) return varchar2 as begin return '<'||to_char(p, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')||'>'; end; -- sitem date function sitem_raw(p in raw) return varchar2 as begin return '<'||upper(rawtohex(p))||'>'; end; -- sitem_raw /*---------------------------------------------------- proc for resetting the snapper ash array ---------------------------------------------------*/ procedure reset_ash is begin g_ash_samples_taken := 0; -- clear g_ash g_ash := new sys.dbms_debug_vc2coll(); end; -- reset_ash /*---------------------------------------------------- proc for getting ash style samples from gv$session ---------------------------------------------------*/ procedure extract_ash is ash_i varchar2(30); s gv$session%rowtype; begin -- keep track how many times we sampled gv$session so we could calculate averages later on g_ash_samples_taken := g_ash_samples_taken + 1; --output('g_sessions.count='||g_sessions.count); ash_i := g_sessions.first; while ash_i is not null loop s := g_sessions(ash_i); if -- active, on cpu (s.status = 'ACTIVE' and s.state != 'WAITING' and s.sid != g_mysid ) or -- active, waiting for non-idle wait (s.status = 'ACTIVE' and s.state = 'WAITING' and s.wait_class != ' Idle' and s.sid != g_mysid)
then --output('extract_ash: i='||i||' sid='||s.sid||' hv='||s.sql_hash_v alue||' sqlid='||s.sql_id); -- if not actually waiting for anything, clear the past wait event details if s.state != 'WAITING' then s.state:='ON CPU'; s.event:='ON CPU'; s.wait_class:='ON CPU'; --TODO: What do we need to do for 9i he re? s.p1:=NULL; s.p2:=NULL; s.p3:=NULL; end if; g_ash.extend; -- max length 1000 bytes (due to dbms_debug_vc2coll) g_ash(g_ash.count) := substr( sitem(s.inst_id) -- 1 ||sitem(s.sid) -- 2 ||sitem(s.username) -- 3 -- 30 byte s ||sitem(s.machine) s ||sitem(s.terminal) s ||sitem(s.program) s ||sitem(s.event) s ||sitem(s.wait_class) s, 10g+ ||sitem(s.state) ||sitem(s.p1) ||sitem(s.p2) ||sitem(s.p3) ||sitem(s.row_wait_obj#) ||sitem(s.row_wait_file#) ||sitem(s.row_wait_block#) ||sitem(s.row_wait_row#) ||sitem(s.blocking_session_status) &_NO_BLK_INST ||sitem('N/A') &_YES_BLK_INST ||sitem(s.blocking_instance) ||sitem(s.blocking_session) ||sitem(s.sql_hash_value) ||sitem(s.sql_id) ||sitem(s.sql_child_number) &_NO_PLSQL_OBJ_ID ||sitem('N/A') &_NO_PLSQL_OBJ_ID ||sitem('N/A') &_NO_PLSQL_OBJ_ID ||sitem('N/A') &_NO_PLSQL_OBJ_ID ||sitem('N/A') &_YES_PLSQL_OBJ_ID ||sitem(s.plsql_entry_object_id) &_YES_PLSQL_OBJ_ID ||sitem(s.plsql_entry_subprogram_id) &_YES_PLSQL_OBJ_ID ||sitem(s.plsql_object_id) &_YES_PLSQL_OBJ_ID ||sitem(s.plsql_subprogram_id) ||sitem(s.module) s ||sitem(s.action) s -- 28 -- 32 byte ------------------------9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 -- 10g+ 17 -- 10gR2+ 18 -- 10gR2+ 19 -- 10g+ 20 21 -- 10g+ 22 -- 10g+ 23 24 25 22 23 24 25 26 27 -- 48 byte -- 8 -- 64 byte -- 7 -- 64 byte -- 6 -- 48 byte -- 5 -- 30 byte -- 4 -- 64 byte
||sitem(s.client_identifier) s ||sitem(s.service_name) s, 10g+ , 1, 1000); end if; -- sample is of an active session ash_i :=; end loop;
-- 29 -- 64 byte -- 30 -- 64 byte
exception when no_data_found then output('error in extract_ash(): no_data_found for item '||i); end; -- extract_ash /*---------------------------------------------------- proc for querying performance data into collections ---------------------------------------------------*/ procedure snap( p_snapdate out timestamp, p_stats out stab, l_stats out ltab, p_stats_string out sys.dbms_debug_vc2coll) is lv_include_stat 'sinclude=' )), '%'); lv_include_latch 'linclude=' )), '%'); lv_include_time 'tinclude=' )), '%'); lv_include_wait 'winclude=' )), '%'); lstr begin p_snapdate := systimestamp; select /* get_session_stats */ p_snapdate ts, snapper_stats.* bulk collect into p_stats from ( select 'STAT' stype, s.inst_id, s.sid, ss.statistic# - pls_adjust statistic#, ss.value, null event_count from gv$session s, gv$sesstat ss where &sid_filter --(inst_id,sid) in (& snapper_sid) and s.inst_id = ss.inst_id and s.sid = ss.sid and (lv_gather like '%s%' or lv_gather like '%a%') and ss.statistic# in (select /*+ no_unn est */ statistic# from v$statname where lower(name) li ke '%'||lv_include_stat||'%' or regexp_like (name , lv_include_stat, 'i') ) -union all varchar2(1000) := nvl( lower(getopt('&snapper_options', varchar2(1000) := nvl( lower(getopt('&snapper_options', varchar2(1000) := nvl( lower(getopt('&snapper_options', varchar2(1000) := nvl( lower(getopt('&snapper_options', varchar2(1000);
select 'WAIT', s.inst_id, s.sid, en.event# + (select count(*) fro m v$statname) + 1 - pls_adjust, nvl(se.time_waited_micro,0) + ( decode(se.event||s.state, s.event||'WAITING', s.seconds_in_wait, 0) * 1000000 ) value, total_waits event_count from gv$session s, gv$session_event se, v$event_name en where &sid_filter and s.sid = se.sid and s.inst_id = se.inst_id and se.event = --and (se.inst_id, se.sid) in (&snapp er_sid) and (lv_gather like '%w%' or lv_gathe r like '%a%') and en.event# in (select event# from v$event_name where lower(name) li ke '%'||lv_include_wait||'%' or regexp_like (n ame, lv_include_wait, 'i') ) -union all select 'TIME' stype, s.inst_id, s.sid, st.stat_id - pls_adjust statistic#, st.value, null event_count from gv$session s, gv$sess_time_model s t where &sid_filter --(inst_id,sid) in (& snapper_sid) and s.inst_id = st.inst_id and s.sid = st.sid and (lv_gather like '%t%' or lv_gathe r like '%a%') and st.stat_id in (select stat_id from gv$sys_time_model where lower(stat_nam e) like '%'||lv_include_time||'%' or regexp_like (s tat_name, lv_include_time, 'i') ) -union all select 'LATG', s.inst_id, -1 sid, s.latch# + (select count(*) from v$statn ame) + (select count(*) from v$event _name) + 1 - pls_adjust statistic#, s.gets + s.immediate_gets value, null event_count from gv$latch s where &inst_filter and (lv_gather like '%l%' or lv_gather like '%a%') and latch# in (select latch# from v$lat chname
where lower(name) like ' %'||lv_include_latch||'%' or lv_include_latch, 'i') ) -&_IF_X_ACCESSIBLE &_IF_LOWER_THAN_ORA11 union all &_IF_X_ACCESSIBLE &_IF_LOWER_THAN_ORA11 select 'BUFG', to_number(sys_context('u serenv', 'instance')), -1 sid, &_IF_X_ACCESSIBLE &_IF_LOWER_THAN_ORA11 s.indx + &_IF_X_ACCESSIBLE &_IF_LOWER_THAN_ORA11 (select count(*) from v$statn ame) + &_IF_X_ACCESSIBLE &_IF_LOWER_THAN_ORA11 (select count(*) from v$event _name) + &_IF_X_ACCESSIBLE &_IF_LOWER_THAN_ORA11 (select count(*) from gv$latc h) + &_IF_X_ACCESSIBLE &_IF_LOWER_THAN_ORA11 1 - pls_adjust statistic#, &_IF_X_ACCESSIBLE &_IF_LOWER_THAN_ORA11 s.why0+s.why1+s.why2 value, null event_count &_IF_X_ACCESSIBLE &_IF_LOWER_THAN_ORA11 from x$kcbsw s, x$kcbwh w &_IF_X_ACCESSIBLE &_IF_LOWER_THAN_ORA11 where &_IF_X_ACCESSIBLE &_IF_LOWER_THAN_ORA11 s.indx = w.indx &_IF_X_ACCESSIBLE &_IF_LOWER_THAN_ORA11 and s.why0+s.why1+s.why2 > 0 &_IF_X_ACCESSIBLE &_IF_LOWER_THAN_ORA11 and (lv_gather like '%b%' or lv_gathe r like '%a%') -&_IF_X_ACCESSIBLE &_IF_ORA11_OR_HIGHER union all &_IF_X_ACCESSIBLE &_IF_ORA11_OR_HIGHER select 'BUFG', to_number(sys_context('u serenv', 'instance')), -1 sid, &_IF_X_ACCESSIBLE &_IF_ORA11_OR_HIGHER sw.indx + &_IF_X_ACCESSIBLE &_IF_ORA11_OR_HIGHER (select count(*) from v$statn ame) + &_IF_X_ACCESSIBLE &_IF_ORA11_OR_HIGHER (select count(*) from v$event _name) + &_IF_X_ACCESSIBLE &_IF_ORA11_OR_HIGHER (select count(*) from gv$latc h) + &_IF_X_ACCESSIBLE &_IF_ORA11_OR_HIGHER 1 - pls_adjust statistic#, &_IF_X_ACCESSIBLE &_IF_ORA11_OR_HIGHER why.why0+why.why1+why.why2+sw.oth er_wait value, null event_count &_IF_X_ACCESSIBLE &_IF_ORA11_OR_HIGHER from &_IF_X_ACCESSIBLE &_IF_ORA11_OR_HIGHER x$kcbuwhy why, &_IF_X_ACCESSIBLE &_IF_ORA11_OR_HIGHER x$kcbwh dsc, &_IF_X_ACCESSIBLE &_IF_ORA11_OR_HIGHER x$kcbsw sw &_IF_X_ACCESSIBLE &_IF_ORA11_OR_HIGHER where &_IF_X_ACCESSIBLE &_IF_ORA11_OR_HIGHER why.indx = dsc.indx &_IF_X_ACCESSIBLE &_IF_ORA11_OR_HIGHER and why.inst_id = dsc.inst_id &_IF_X_ACCESSIBLE &_IF_ORA11_OR_HIGHER and dsc.inst_id = sw.inst_id &_IF_X_ACCESSIBLE &_IF_ORA11_OR_HIGHER and why.inst_id = sw.inst_id &_IF_X_ACCESSIBLE &_IF_ORA11_OR_HIGHER and why.why0 + why.why1 + why.why2 + sw.other_wait > 0 &_IF_X_ACCESSIBLE &_IF_ORA11_OR_HIGHER and dsc.indx = sw.indx &_IF_X_ACCESSIBLE &_IF_ORA11_OR_HIGHER and why.indx = sw.indx &_IF_X_ACCESSIBLE &_IF_ORA11_OR_HIGHER -- deliberate cartesian join &_IF_X_ACCESSIBLE &_IF_ORA11_OR_HIGHER and (lv_gather like '%b%' or lv_gathe r like '%a%') -union all select 'ENQG', s.inst_id, -1 sid, ascii(substr(s.eq_type,1,1))*256 + ascii(substr(s.eq_type,2,1)) + regexp_like (name,
(select count(*) from v$statn ame) + (select count(*) from v$event _name) + (select count(*) from gv$latc h) + &_IF_X_ACCESSIBLE ) + unt from gv$enqueue_stat s where &inst_filter and (lv_gather like '%e%' or lv_gathe r like '%a%') ) snapper_stats order by inst_id, sid, stype, statistic#; if p_stats.COUNT > 0 then -- l_stats is an associative array for stats lookup, used for the us eful averages calculation -- p_stats_string is a dbms_debug_vc2coll collection datatype for "p ersisting" stats values across snapper DB calls (for "before" and "after" snaps) p_stats_string := sys.dbms_debug_vc2coll(); for s in p_stats.first..p_stats.last loop -- type srec is record (stype varchar2(4), sid number, statistic # number, value number, event_count number ); lstr := p_stats(s).stype||','||trim(to_char(p_stats(s).inst_id)) ||','||trim(to_char(p_stats(s).sid))||','||trim(to_char(p_stats(s).statistic#,'9 99999999999999999999999')); l_stats(lstr) := p_stats(s); if g_snap_begin is not null then p_stats_string.extend(); p_stats_string(s) := TO_CHAR(p_stats(s).ts, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24 :MI:SS.FF') ||','|| p_stats(s).stype ||','|| TO_CHAR(p_stats(s).inst_id) ||','|| TO_CHAR(p_stats(s).sid) ||','|| TRIM(TO_CHAR(p_stats(s).statistic#, '99 9999999999999999999999'))||','|| TRIM(TO_CHAR(p_stats(s).value, '99 9999999999999999999999'))||','|| TRIM(TO_CHAR(p_stats(s).event_count,'99 9999999999999999999999')); --output('p_stats.p_stats_string='||p_stats_string(s)); end if; end loop; -- s in (p_stats) end if; -- p.stats.COUNT > 0 end snap; /*---------------------------------------------------- proc for reversing the string-normalized -- stats array into lookup tables/collections ---------------------------------------------------*/ procedure snap_from_stats_string (p_string_stats in sys.dbms_debug_vc2coll, p (select count(*) from x$kcbwh 1 - pls_adjust statistic#, s.total_req# value, null event_co
_snapdate out timestamp, p_stats out stab, l_stats out ltab) is lstr varchar2(1000); lv_rec srec; begin p_snapdate := NULL; --type srec is record (stype varchar2(4), sid number, statistic# number, value number, event_count number ); for s in p_string_stats.first .. p_string_stats.last loop lv_rec.ts := TO_TIMESTAMP(replace(regexp_substr(p_string_sta ts(s)||',', '(.*?),', 1, 1),',',''), 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF'); lv_rec.stype := replace(regexp_substr(p_string_sta ts(s)||',', '(.*?),', 1, 2),',',''); lv_rec.inst_id := TO_NUMBER(replace(regexp_substr(p_string_sta ts(s)||',', '(.*?),', 1, 3),',','')); lv_rec.sid := TO_NUMBER(replace(regexp_substr(p_string_sta ts(s)||',', '(.*?),', 1, 4),',','')); lv_rec.statistic# := TO_NUMBER(replace(regexp_substr(p_string_sta ts(s)||',', '(.*?),', 1, 5),',','')); lv_rec.value := TO_NUMBER(replace(regexp_substr(p_string_sta ts(s)||',', '(.*?),', 1, 6),',','')); lv_rec.event_count := TO_NUMBER(replace(regexp_substr(p_string_sta ts(s)||',', '(.*?),', 1, 7),',','')); --output('snap_from_stats_string.event_count = '||to_char(lv_rec.even t_count)); p_stats(s) := lv_rec; lstr := p_stats(s).stype||','||trim(to_char(p_stats(s).inst_id))||',' ||trim(to_char(p_stats(s).sid))||','||trim(to_char(p_stats(s).statistic#,'999999 999999999999999999')); l_stats(lstr) := p_stats(s); end loop; p_snapdate := lv_rec.ts; end snap_from_stats_string; /*---------------------------------------------------- proc for dumping ASH data out in grouped -- and ordered fashion ---------------------------------------------------*/ procedure out_ash( p_ash_columns in varchar2, p_topn in number := 10 ) as -- whether to print given column or not p_inst_id number := p_sid number := p_username number := p_machine number := p_terminal number := p_program number := p_event number := p_wait_class number := p_state number := p_p1 number := p_p2 number := p_p3 number := p_row_wait_obj# number := p_row_wait_file# number := p_row_wait_block# number := p_row_wait_row# number := p_blocking_session_status number := 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0;
p_blocking_instance p_blocking_session p_sql_hash_value p_sql_id p_sql_child_number p_plsql_entry_object_id p_plsql_entry_subprogram_id p_plsql_object_id p_plsql_subprogram_id p_module p_action p_client_identifier p_service_name ) o_inst_id o_sid o_username o_machine o_terminal o_program o_event o_wait_class o_state o_p1 o_p2 o_p3 o_row_wait_obj# o_row_wait_file# o_row_wait_block# o_row_wait_row# o_blocking_session_status o_blocking_instance o_blocking_session o_sql_hash_value o_sql_id o_sql_child_number o_plsql_entry_object_id o_plsql_entry_subprogram_id o_plsql_object_id o_plsql_subprogram_id o_module o_action o_client_identifier o_service_name -- helper local vars l_ash_grouping l_output_line l_ash_header_line begin
number number number number number number number number number number number number number
:= := := := := := := := := := := := :=
0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0;
-- temporary variables for holding session details (for later formatting varchar2(100); varchar2(100); varchar2(100); varchar2(100); varchar2(100); varchar2(100); varchar2(100); varchar2(100); varchar2(100); varchar2(100); varchar2(100); varchar2(100); varchar2(100); varchar2(100); varchar2(100); varchar2(100); varchar2(100); varchar2(100); varchar2(100); varchar2(100); varchar2(100); varchar2(100); varchar2(100); varchar2(100); varchar2(100); varchar2(100); varchar2(100); varchar2(100); varchar2(100); varchar2(100); number := 0; varchar2(4000); varchar2(4000);
-- bail out if no ASH samples recorded if g_ash.count = 0 then output(' <No active sessions captured during the sampling period>') ; return; end if;
l_ash_header_line := 'Active%'; -- ash,ash1,ash2,ash3 parameter column group tokenizer for s in ( SELECT LEVEL , SUBSTR ( TOKEN , DECODE(LEVEL, 1, 1, INSTR(TOKEN, DELIMITER, 1, LEVEL-1)+1) , INSTR(TOKEN, DELIMITER, 1, LEVEL) DECODE(LEVEL, 1, 1, INSTR(TOKEN, DELIMITER, 1, LEVEL-1)+1) ) TOKEN FROM ( SELECT REPLACE( LOWER(p_ash_columns) ,' ','')||'+' AS TOKEN , '+' AS DELIMITER FROM DUAL ) CONNECT BY INSTR(TOKEN, DELIMITER, 1, LEVEL)>0 ORDER BY LEVEL ASC ) loop case s.token -- actual column names when 'inst_id' c_inst_id lpad('INST_ID' when 'sid' c_sid lpad('SID' when 'username' c_username rpad('USERNAME' when 'machine' c_machine rpad('MACHINE' when 'terminal' c_terminal rpad('TERMINAL' when 'program' c_program rpad('PROGRAM' when 'event' c_event rpad('EVENT' when 'wait_class' c_wait_class rpad('WAIT_CLASS' when 'state' c_state rpad('STATE' when 'p1' c_p1 rpad('P1' when 'p2' c_p2 rpad('P2' when 'p3' c_p3 in gv$session then l_ash_grouping := l_ash_g ; l_ash_header_line := l_ash_header_line || , w_inst_id , ' '); then l_ash_grouping := l_ash_g ; l_ash_header_line := l_ash_header_line || , w_sid , ' '); then l_ash_grouping := l_ash_g ; l_ash_header_line := l_ash_header_line || , w_username , ' '); then l_ash_grouping := l_ash_g ; l_ash_header_line := l_ash_header_line || , w_machine , ' '); then l_ash_grouping := l_ash_g ; l_ash_header_line := l_ash_header_line || , w_terminal , ' '); then l_ash_grouping := l_ash_g ; l_ash_header_line := l_ash_header_line || , w_program , ' '); then l_ash_grouping := l_ash_g ; l_ash_header_line := l_ash_header_line || , w_event , ' '); then l_ash_grouping := l_ash_g ; l_ash_header_line := l_ash_header_line || , w_wait_class , ' '); then l_ash_grouping := l_ash_g ; l_ash_header_line := l_ash_header_line || , w_state , ' '); then l_ash_grouping := l_ash_g ; l_ash_header_line := l_ash_header_line || , w_p1 , ' '); then l_ash_grouping := l_ash_g ; l_ash_header_line := l_ash_header_line || , w_p2 , ' '); then l_ash_grouping := l_ash_g ; l_ash_header_line := l_ash_header_line ||
rouping + ' | ' || rouping + ' | ' || rouping + ' | ' || rouping + ' | ' || rouping + ' | ' || rouping + ' | ' || rouping + ' | ' || rouping + ' | ' || rouping + ' | ' || rouping + ' | ' || rouping + ' | ' || rouping +
' | ' || rpad('P3' , w_p3 , ' '); when 'row_wait_obj#' then l_ash_grouping := l_ash_g rouping + c_row_wait_obj# ; l_ash_header_line := l_ash_header_line || ' | ' || rpad('ROW_WAIT_OBJ#' , w_row_wait_obj# , ' '); when 'row_wait_file#' then l_ash_grouping := l_ash_g rouping + c_row_wait_file# ; l_ash_header_line := l_ash_header_line || ' | ' || rpad('ROW_WAIT_FILE#' , w_row_wait_file# , ' '); when 'row_wait_block#' then l_ash_grouping := l_ash_g rouping + c_row_wait_block# ; l_ash_header_line := l_ash_header_line || ' | ' || rpad('ROW_WAIT_BLOCK#' , w_row_wait_block# , ' '); when 'row_wait_row#' then l_ash_grouping := l_ash_g rouping + c_row_wait_row# ; l_ash_header_line := l_ash_header_line || ' | ' || rpad('ROW_WAIT_ROW#' , w_row_wait_row# , ' '); when 'blocking_session_status' then l_ash_grouping := l_ash_g rouping + c_blocking_session_status ; l_ash_header_line := l_ash_header_line || ' | ' || rpad('BLOCKING_SESSION_STATUS' , w_blocking_session_status , ' '); when 'blocking_instance' then l_ash_grouping := l_ash_g rouping + c_blocking_instance ; l_ash_header_line := l_ash_header_line || ' | ' || rpad('BLOCKING_INSTANCE' , w_blocking_instance , ' '); when 'blocking_session' then l_ash_grouping := l_ash_g rouping + c_blocking_session ; l_ash_header_line := l_ash_header_line || ' | ' || rpad('BLOCKING_SESSION' , w_blocking_session , ' '); when 'sql_hash_value' then l_ash_grouping := l_ash_g rouping + c_sql_hash_value ; l_ash_header_line := l_ash_header_line || ' | ' || rpad('SQL_HASH_VALUE' , w_sql_hash_value , ' '); when 'sql_id' then l_ash_grouping := l_ash_g rouping + c_sql_id ; l_ash_header_line := l_ash_header_line || ' | ' || rpad('SQL_ID' , w_sql_id , ' '); when 'sql_child_number' then l_ash_grouping := l_ash_g rouping + c_sql_child_number ; l_ash_header_line := l_ash_header_line || ' | ' || rpad('SQL_CHILD_NUMBER' , w_sql_child_number , ' '); when 'plsql_entry_object_id' then l_ash_grouping := l_ash_g rouping + c_plsql_entry_object_id ; l_ash_header_line := l_ash_header_line || ' | ' || rpad('PLSQL_ENTRY_OBJECT_ID' , w_plsql_entry_object_id , ' '); when 'plsql_entry_subprogram_id' then l_ash_grouping := l_ash_g rouping + c_plsql_entry_subprogram_id; l_ash_header_line := l_ash_header_line || ' | ' || rpad('PLSQL_ENTRY_SUBPROGRAM_ID' , w_plsql_entry_subprogram_id, ' '); when 'plsql_object_id' then l_ash_grouping := l_ash_g rouping + c_plsql_object_id ; l_ash_header_line := l_ash_header_line || ' | ' || rpad('PLSQL_OBJECT_ID' , w_plsql_object_id , ' '); when 'plsql_subprogram_id' then l_ash_grouping := l_ash_g rouping + c_plsql_subprogram_id ; l_ash_header_line := l_ash_header_line || ' | ' || rpad('PLSQL_SUBPROGRAM_ID' , w_plsql_subprogram_id , ' '); when 'module' then l_ash_grouping := l_ash_g rouping + c_module ; l_ash_header_line := l_ash_header_line || ' | ' || rpad('MODULE' , w_module , ' '); when 'action' then l_ash_grouping := l_ash_g rouping + c_action ; l_ash_header_line := l_ash_header_line || ' | ' || rpad('ACTION' , w_action , ' '); when 'client_identifier' then l_ash_grouping := l_ash_g rouping + c_client_identifier ; l_ash_header_line := l_ash_header_line || ' | ' || rpad('CLIENT_IDENTIFIER' , w_client_identifier , ' '); when 'service_name' then l_ash_grouping := l_ash_g rouping + c_service_name ; l_ash_header_line := l_ash_header_line || ' | ' || rpad('SERVICE_NAME' , w_service_name , ' '); -- aliases for convenience (only either real name or alias should be used together at the same time) when 'user' then l_ash_grouping := l_ash_g rouping + c_username ; l_ash_header_line := l_ash_header_line || ' | ' || rpad('USERNAME' , w_username , ' ');
when 'obj' then l_ash_grouping := l_ash_g rouping + c_row_wait_obj# ; l_ash_header_line := l_ash_header_line || ' | ' || rpad('ROW_WAIT_OBJ#' , w_row_wait_obj# , ' '); when 'file' then l_ash_grouping := l_ash_g rouping + c_row_wait_file# ; l_ash_header_line := l_ash_header_line || ' | ' || rpad('ROW_WAIT_FILE#' , w_row_wait_file# , ' '); when 'block' then l_ash_grouping := l_ash_g rouping + c_row_wait_block# ; l_ash_header_line := l_ash_header_line || ' | ' || rpad('ROW_WAIT_BLOCK#' , w_row_wait_block# , ' '); when 'row' then l_ash_grouping := l_ash_g rouping + c_row_wait_row# ; l_ash_header_line := l_ash_header_line || ' | ' || rpad('ROW_WAIT_ROW#' , w_row_wait_row# , ' '); when 'bss' then l_ash_grouping := l_ash_g rouping + c_blocking_session_status ; l_ash_header_line := l_ash_header_line || ' | ' || rpad('BLOCKING_SESSION_STATUS' , w_blocking_session_status , ' '); when 'bsi' then l_ash_grouping := l_ash_g rouping + c_blocking_instance ; l_ash_header_line := l_ash_header_line || ' | ' || rpad('BLOCKING_INSTANCE' , w_blocking_instance , ' '); when 'bs' then l_ash_grouping := l_ash_g rouping + c_blocking_session ; l_ash_header_line := l_ash_header_line || ' | ' || rpad('BLOCKING_SESSION' , w_blocking_session , ' '); when 'sql' then l_ash_grouping := l_ash_g rouping + c_sql_hash_value ; l_ash_header_line := l_ash_header_line || ' | ' || rpad('SQL_HASH_VALUE' , w_sql_hash_value , ' '); when 'sqlid' then l_ash_grouping := l_ash_g rouping + c_sql_id ; l_ash_header_line := l_ash_header_line || ' | ' || rpad('SQL_ID' , w_sql_id , ' '); when 'child' then l_ash_grouping := l_ash_g rouping + c_sql_child_number ; l_ash_header_line := l_ash_header_line || ' | ' || rpad('SQL_CHILD_NUMBER' , w_sql_child_number , ' '); when 'plsql_eoid' then l_ash_grouping := l_ash_g rouping + c_plsql_entry_object_id ; l_ash_header_line := l_ash_header_line || ' | ' || rpad('PLSQL_ENTRY_OBJECT_ID' , w_plsql_entry_object_id , ' '); when 'plsql_esubpid' then l_ash_grouping := l_ash_g rouping + c_plsql_entry_subprogram_id; l_ash_header_line := l_ash_header_line || ' | ' || rpad('PLSQL_ENTRY_SUBPROGRAM_ID' , w_plsql_entry_subprogram_id, ' '); when 'plsql_oid' then l_ash_grouping := l_ash_g rouping + c_plsql_object_id ; l_ash_header_line := l_ash_header_line || ' | ' || rpad('PLSQL_OBJECT_ID' , w_plsql_object_id , ' '); when 'plsql_subpid' then l_ash_grouping := l_ash_g rouping + c_plsql_subprogram_id ; l_ash_header_line := l_ash_header_line || ' | ' || rpad('PLSQL_SUBPROGRAM_ID' , w_plsql_subprogram_id , ' '); when 'mod' then l_ash_grouping := l_ash_g rouping + c_module ; l_ash_header_line := l_ash_header_line || ' | ' || rpad('MODULE' , w_module , ' '); when 'act' then l_ash_grouping := l_ash_g rouping + c_action ; l_ash_header_line := l_ash_header_line || ' | ' || rpad('ACTION' , w_action , ' '); when 'cid' then l_ash_grouping := l_ash_g rouping + c_client_identifier ; l_ash_header_line := l_ash_header_line || ' | ' || rpad('CLIENT_IDENTIFIER' , w_client_identifier , ' '); when 'service' then l_ash_grouping := l_ash_g rouping + c_service_name ; l_ash_header_line := l_ash_header_line || ' | ' || rpad('SERVICE_NAME' , w_service_name , ' '); when 'wait_event' then l_ash_grouping := l_ash_g rouping + c_event ; l_ash_header_line := l_ash_header_line || ' | ' || rpad('EVENT' , w_event , ' '); when 'wait_state' then l_ash_grouping := l_ash_g rouping + c_state ; l_ash_header_line := l_ash_header_line || ' | ' || rpad('STATE' , w_state , ' ');
else null; -- raise_application_error(-20000, 'Invalid ASH column name'); end case; -- case s.token end loop; -- tokenizer output(' '); output(lpad('-',length(l_ash_header_line),'-')); output(l_ash_header_line); output(lpad('-',length(l_ash_header_line),'-')); -- this is needed for "easy" sorting and group by ops (without any custom stored object types!) for i in ( with /* get_aggregates_from_ash */ raw_records as ( select column_value rec from table(cast(g_ash as sys.dbms_debug_vc2 coll)) ), ash_records as ( select substr(r.rec, instr(r.rec, '<', 1, 1)+1, instr (substr(r.rec, instr(r.rec, '<', 1, 1)+1), '>')-1) inst_id , substr(r.rec, instr(r.rec, '<', 1, 2)+1, instr (substr(r.rec, instr(r.rec, '<', 1, 2)+1), '>')-1) sid , substr(r.rec, instr(r.rec, '<', 1, 3)+1, instr (substr(r.rec, instr(r.rec, '<', 1, 3)+1), '>')-1) username , substr(r.rec, instr(r.rec, '<', 1, 4)+1, instr (substr(r.rec, instr(r.rec, '<', 1, 4)+1), '>')-1) machine , substr(r.rec, instr(r.rec, '<', 1, 5)+1, instr (substr(r.rec, instr(r.rec, '<', 1, 5)+1), '>')-1) terminal , substr(r.rec, instr(r.rec, '<', 1, 6)+1, instr (substr(r.rec, instr(r.rec, '<', 1, 6)+1), '>')-1) program , substr(r.rec, instr(r.rec, '<', 1, 7)+1, instr (substr(r.rec, instr(r.rec, '<', 1, 7)+1), '>')-1) event , substr(r.rec, instr(r.rec, '<', 1, 8)+1, instr (substr(r.rec, instr(r.rec, '<', 1, 8)+1), '>')-1) wait_class , substr(r.rec, instr(r.rec, '<', 1, 9)+1, instr (substr(r.rec, instr(r.rec, '<', 1, 9)+1), '>')-1) state , substr(r.rec, instr(r.rec, '<', 1, 10)+1, instr (substr(r.rec, instr(r.rec, '<', 1, 10)+1), '>')-1) p1 , substr(r.rec, instr(r.rec, '<', 1, 11)+1, instr (substr(r.rec, instr(r.rec, '<', 1, 11)+1), '>')-1) p2 , substr(r.rec, instr(r.rec, '<', 1, 12)+1, instr (substr(r.rec, instr(r.rec, '<', 1, 12)+1), '>')-1) p3 , substr(r.rec, instr(r.rec, '<', 1, 13)+1, instr (substr(r.rec, instr(r.rec, '<', 1, 13)+1), '>')-1) row_wait_obj# , substr(r.rec, instr(r.rec, '<', 1, 14)+1, instr (substr(r.rec, instr(r.rec, '<', 1, 14)+1), '>')-1) row_wait_file# , substr(r.rec, instr(r.rec, '<', 1, 15)+1, instr (substr(r.rec, instr(r.rec, '<', 1, 15)+1), '>')-1) row_wait_block# , substr(r.rec, instr(r.rec, '<', 1, 16)+1, instr (substr(r.rec, instr(r.rec, '<', 1, 16)+1), '>')-1) row_wait_row# , substr(r.rec, instr(r.rec, '<', 1, 17)+1, instr (substr(r.rec, instr(r.rec, '<', 1, 17)+1), '>')-1) blocking_session_status , substr(r.rec, instr(r.rec, '<', 1, 18)+1, instr (substr(r.rec, instr(r.rec, '<', 1, 18)+1), '>')-1) blocking_instance , substr(r.rec, instr(r.rec, '<', 1, 19)+1, instr (substr(r.rec, instr(r.rec, '<', 1, 19)+1), '>')-1) blocking_session , substr(r.rec, instr(r.rec, '<', 1, 20)+1, instr (substr(r.rec,
instr(r.rec, '<', 1, 20)+1), '>')-1) sql_hash_value , substr(r.rec, instr(r.rec, '<', 1, 21)+1, instr instr(r.rec, '<', 1, 21)+1), '>')-1) sql_id , substr(r.rec, instr(r.rec, '<', 1, 22)+1, instr instr(r.rec, '<', 1, 22)+1), '>')-1) sql_child_number , substr(r.rec, instr(r.rec, '<', 1, 23)+1, instr instr(r.rec, '<', 1, 23)+1), '>')-1) plsql_entry_object_id , substr(r.rec, instr(r.rec, '<', 1, 24)+1, instr instr(r.rec, '<', 1, 24)+1), '>')-1) plsql_entry_subprogram_id , substr(r.rec, instr(r.rec, '<', 1, 25)+1, instr instr(r.rec, '<', 1, 25)+1), '>')-1) plsql_object_id , substr(r.rec, instr(r.rec, '<', 1, 26)+1, instr instr(r.rec, '<', 1, 26)+1), '>')-1) plsql_subprogram_id , substr(r.rec, instr(r.rec, '<', 1, 27)+1, instr instr(r.rec, '<', 1, 27)+1), '>')-1) module , substr(r.rec, instr(r.rec, '<', 1, 28)+1, instr instr(r.rec, '<', 1, 28)+1), '>')-1) action , substr(r.rec, instr(r.rec, '<', 1, 29)+1, instr instr(r.rec, '<', 1, 29)+1), '>')-1) client_identifier , substr(r.rec, instr(r.rec, '<', 1, 30)+1, instr instr(r.rec, '<', 1, 30)+1), '>')-1) service_name from raw_records r ) select * from ( select decode(bitand(l_ash_grouping, power(2, s_inst_id )), 0, chr(0), inst_id ) as inst_id , decode(bitand(l_ash_grouping, power(2, s_sid )), 0, chr(0), sid ) as sid , decode(bitand(l_ash_grouping, power(2, s_username )), 0, chr(0), username ) as username , decode(bitand(l_ash_grouping, power(2, s_machine )), 0, chr(0), machine ) as machine , decode(bitand(l_ash_grouping, power(2, s_terminal )), 0, chr(0), terminal ) as terminal , decode(bitand(l_ash_grouping, power(2, s_program )), 0, chr(0), program ) as program , decode(bitand(l_ash_grouping, power(2, s_event )), 0, chr(0), event ) as event
(substr(r.rec, (substr(r.rec, (substr(r.rec, (substr(r.rec, (substr(r.rec, (substr(r.rec, (substr(r.rec, (substr(r.rec, (substr(r.rec, (substr(r.rec,
, decode(bitand(l_ash_grouping, power(2, s_wait_class )), 0, chr(0), wait_class ) as wait_class , decode(bitand(l_ash_grouping, power(2, s_state )), 0, chr(0), state ) as state , decode(bitand(l_ash_grouping, power(2, s_p1 )), 0, chr(0), p1 ) as p1 , decode(bitand(l_ash_grouping, power(2, s_p2 )), 0, chr(0), p2 ) as p2 , decode(bitand(l_ash_grouping, power(2, s_p3 )), 0, chr(0), p3 ) as p3
, decode(bitand(l_ash_grouping, power(2, s_row_wait_obj# )), 0, chr(0), row_wait_obj# ) as row_wait_obj# , decode(bitand(l_ash_grouping, power(2, s_row_wait_file# )), 0, chr(0), row_wait_file# ) as row_wait_file# , decode(bitand(l_ash_grouping, power(2, s_row_wait_block# )), 0, chr(0), row_wait_block# ) as row_wait_block# , decode(bitand(l_ash_grouping, power(2, s_row_wait_row# )), 0, chr(0), row_wait_row# ) as row_wait_row# , decode(bitand(l_ash_grouping, power(2, s_blocking_session_status )), 0, chr(0), blocking_session_status ) as blocking_session_status , decode(bitand(l_ash_grouping, power(2, s_blocking_instance )), 0, chr(0), blocking_instance ) as blocking_instance , decode(bitand(l_ash_grouping, power(2, s_blocking_session )), 0, chr(0), blocking_session ) as blocking_session , decode(bitand(l_ash_grouping, power(2, s_sql_hash_value )), 0, chr(0), sql_hash_value ) as sql_hash_value , decode(bitand(l_ash_grouping, power(2, s_sql_id )), 0, chr(0), sql_id ) as sql_id , decode(bitand(l_ash_grouping, power(2, s_sql_child_number )), 0, chr(0), sql_child_number ) as sql_child_number , decode(bitand(l_ash_grouping, power(2, s_plsql_entry_object_id )), 0, chr(0), plsql_entry_object_id ) as plsql_entry_object_id d d , decode(bitand(l_ash_grouping, power(2, s_plsql_entry_subprogram_i )), 0, chr(0), plsql_entry_subprogram_id ) as plsql_entry_subprogram_i , decode(bitand(l_ash_grouping, power(2, s_plsql_object_id )), 0, chr(0), plsql_object_id ) as plsql_object_id , decode(bitand(l_ash_grouping, power(2, s_plsql_subprogram_id )), 0, chr(0), plsql_subprogram_id ) as plsql_subprogram_id , decode(bitand(l_ash_grouping, power(2, s_module )), 0, chr(0), module ) as module , decode(bitand(l_ash_grouping, power(2, s_action )), 0, chr(0), action ) as action , decode(bitand(l_ash_grouping, power(2, s_client_identifier )), 0, chr(0), client_identifier ) as client_identifier , decode(bitand(l_ash_grouping, power(2, s_service_name )), 0, chr(0), service_name ) as service_name , count(*)/g_ash_samples_taken average_active_samples from ash_records a group by decode(bitand(l_ash_grouping, power(2, s_inst_id
) -- inst_id
, decode(bitand(l_ash_grouping, power(2, s_sid )), 0, chr(0), sid ) -- sid , decode(bitand(l_ash_grouping, power(2, s_username )), 0, chr(0), username ) -- username , decode(bitand(l_ash_grouping, power(2, s_machine )), 0, chr(0), machine ) -- machine , decode(bitand(l_ash_grouping, power(2, s_terminal )), 0, chr(0), terminal ) -- terminal , decode(bitand(l_ash_grouping, power(2, s_program )), 0, chr(0), program ) -- program , decode(bitand(l_ash_grouping, power(2, s_event )), 0, chr(0), event ) -- event , decode(bitand(l_ash_grouping, power(2, s_wait_class )), 0, chr(0), wait_class ) -- wait_class , decode(bitand(l_ash_grouping, power(2, s_state )), 0, chr(0), state ) -- state , decode(bitand(l_ash_grouping, power(2, s_p1 )), 0, chr(0), p1 ) -- p1 , decode(bitand(l_ash_grouping, power(2, s_p2 )), 0, chr(0), p2 ) -- p2 , decode(bitand(l_ash_grouping, power(2, s_p3 )), 0, chr(0), p3 ) -- p3 , decode(bitand(l_ash_grouping, power(2, s_row_wait_obj# )), 0, chr(0), row_wait_obj# ) -- row_wait_obj# , decode(bitand(l_ash_grouping, power(2, s_row_wait_file# )), 0, chr(0), row_wait_file# ) -- row_wait_file# , decode(bitand(l_ash_grouping, power(2, s_row_wait_block# )), 0, chr(0), row_wait_block# ) -- row_wait_block# , decode(bitand(l_ash_grouping, power(2, s_row_wait_row# )), 0, chr(0), row_wait_row# ) -- row_wait_row# , decode(bitand(l_ash_grouping, power(2, s_blocking_session_status )), 0, chr(0), blocking_session_status ) -- blocking_session_status , decode(bitand(l_ash_grouping, power(2, s_blocking_instance )), 0, chr(0), blocking_instance ) -- blocking_instance , decode(bitand(l_ash_grouping, power(2, s_blocking_session )), 0, chr(0), blocking_session ) -- blocking_session , decode(bitand(l_ash_grouping, power(2, s_sql_hash_value )), 0, chr(0), sql_hash_value ) -- sql_hash_value , decode(bitand(l_ash_grouping, power(2, s_sql_id
) -- sql_id
, decode(bitand(l_ash_grouping, power(2, s_sql_child_number )), 0, chr(0), sql_child_number ) -- sql_child_number , decode(bitand(l_ash_grouping, power(2, s_plsql_entry_object_id )), 0, chr(0), plsql_entry_object_id ) -- plsql_entry_object_id d d , decode(bitand(l_ash_grouping, power(2, s_plsql_entry_subprogram_i )), 0, chr(0), plsql_entry_subprogram_id ) -- plsql_entry_subprogram_i , decode(bitand(l_ash_grouping, power(2, s_plsql_object_id )), 0, chr(0), plsql_object_id ) -- plsql_object_id , decode(bitand(l_ash_grouping, power(2, s_plsql_subprogram_id )), 0, chr(0), plsql_subprogram_id ) -- plsql_subprogram_id , decode(bitand(l_ash_grouping, power(2, s_module )), 0, chr(0), module ) -- module , decode(bitand(l_ash_grouping, power(2, s_action )), 0, chr(0), action ) -- action , decode(bitand(l_ash_grouping, power(2, s_client_identifier )), 0, chr(0), client_identifier ) -- client_identifier , decode(bitand(l_ash_grouping, power(2, s_service_name )), 0, chr(0), service_name ) -- service_name order by count(*)/g_ash_samples_taken desc ) where rownum <= p_topn ) loop l_output_line := ''; o_inst_id = chr(0) THEN null o_sid = chr(0) THEN null o_username = chr(0) THEN null o_machine = chr(0) THEN null o_terminal = chr(0) THEN null o_program = chr(0) THEN null o_event = chr(0) THEN null o_wait_class = chr(0) THEN null o_state = chr(0) THEN null o_p1 = chr(0) THEN null o_p2 = chr(0) THEN null o_p3 := CASE ELSE nvl(i.inst_id := CASE ELSE nvl(i.sid := CASE ELSE nvl(i.username := CASE ELSE nvl(i.machine := CASE ELSE nvl(i.terminal := CASE ELSE nvl(i.program := CASE ELSE nvl(i.event := CASE ELSE nvl(i.wait_class := CASE ELSE nvl(i.state := CASE ELSE nvl(i.p1 := CASE ELSE nvl(i.p2 := CASE WHEN i.inst_id , ' ') END; WHEN i.sid , ' ') END; WHEN i.username , ' ') END; WHEN i.machine , ' ') END; WHEN i.terminal , ' ') END; WHEN i.program , ' ') END; WHEN i.event , ' ') END; WHEN i.wait_class , ' ') END; WHEN i.state , ' ') END; WHEN i.p1 , ' ') END; WHEN i.p2 , ' ') END; WHEN i.p3
= chr(0) THEN null ELSE nvl(i.p3 , ' ') END; o_row_wait_obj# := CASE WHEN i.row_wait_obj# = chr(0) THEN null ELSE nvl(i.row_wait_obj# , ' ') END; o_row_wait_file# := CASE WHEN i.row_wait_file# = chr(0) THEN null ELSE nvl(i.row_wait_file# , ' ') END; o_row_wait_block# := CASE WHEN i.row_wait_block# = chr(0) THEN null ELSE nvl(i.row_wait_block# , ' ') END; o_row_wait_row# := CASE WHEN i.row_wait_row# = chr(0) THEN null ELSE nvl(i.row_wait_row# , ' ') END; o_blocking_session_status := CASE WHEN i.blocking_session_status = chr(0) THEN null ELSE nvl(i.blocking_session_status , ' ') END; o_blocking_instance := CASE WHEN i.blocking_instance = chr(0) THEN null ELSE nvl(i.blocking_instance , ' ') END; o_blocking_session := CASE WHEN i.blocking_session = chr(0) THEN null ELSE nvl(i.blocking_session , ' ') END; o_sql_hash_value := CASE WHEN i.sql_hash_value = chr(0) THEN null ELSE nvl(i.sql_hash_value , ' ') END; o_sql_id := CASE WHEN i.sql_id = chr(0) THEN null ELSE nvl(i.sql_id , ' ') END; o_sql_child_number := CASE WHEN i.sql_child_number = chr(0) THEN null ELSE nvl(i.sql_child_number , ' ') END; o_plsql_entry_object_id := CASE WHEN i.plsql_entry_object_id = chr(0) THEN null ELSE nvl(i.plsql_entry_object_id , ' ') END; o_plsql_entry_subprogram_id := CASE WHEN i.plsql_entry_subprogram_id = chr(0) THEN null ELSE nvl(i.plsql_entry_subprogram_id , ' ') END; o_plsql_object_id := CASE WHEN i.plsql_object_id = chr(0) THEN null ELSE nvl(i.plsql_object_id , ' ') END; o_plsql_subprogram_id := CASE WHEN i.plsql_subprogram_id = chr(0) THEN null ELSE nvl(i.plsql_subprogram_id , ' ') END; o_module := CASE WHEN i.module = chr(0) THEN null ELSE nvl(i.module , ' ') END; o_action := CASE WHEN i.action = chr(0) THEN null ELSE nvl(i.action , ' ') END; o_client_identifier := CASE WHEN i.client_identifier = chr(0) THEN null ELSE nvl(i.client_identifier , ' ') END; o_service_name := CASE WHEN i.service_name = chr(0) THEN null ELSE nvl(i.service_name , ' ') END; -- print the activity % as the first column l_output_line := lpad(to_char(round(i.average_active_samples*100))||'% ', w_activity_pct, ' '); -- loop through ash columns to find what to print and in which order for s in ( SELECT LEVEL , SUBSTR ( TOKEN , DECODE(LEVEL, 1, 1, INSTR(TOKEN, DELIMITER, 1, LEVEL-1 )+1) , INSTR(TOKEN, DELIMITER, 1, LEVEL) DECODE(LEVEL, 1, 1, INSTR(TOKEN, DELIMITER, 1, LEVEL-1)+1 ) ) TOKEN FROM ( SELECT REPLACE( LOWER(p_ash_columns) ,' ','')||'+' AS TOK EN , '+' FROM DUAL ) CONNECT BY AS DELIMITER
INSTR(TOKEN, DELIMITER, 1, LEVEL)>0 ORDER BY LEVEL ASC ) loop l_output_line := l_output_line || ' | ' || case s.token -- actual column names in gv$session when 'inst_id' then , w_inst_id , ' ') when 'sid' then , w_sid , ' ') when 'username' then , w_username , ' ') when 'machine' then , w_machine , ' ') when 'terminal' then , w_terminal , ' ') when 'program' then , w_program , ' ') when 'event' then , w_event , ' ') when 'wait_class' then , w_wait_class , ' ') when 'state' then , w_state , ' ') when 'p1' then , w_p1 , ' ') when 'p2' then , w_p2 , ' ') when 'p3' then , w_p3 , ' ') when 'row_wait_obj#' then bj# , w_row_wait_obj# , ' ') when 'row_wait_file#' then ile# , w_row_wait_file# , ' ') when 'row_wait_block#' then lock# , w_row_wait_block# , ' ') when 'row_wait_row#' then ow# , w_row_wait_row# , ' ') when 'blocking_session_status' then ession_status , w_blocking_session_status , ' ') when 'blocking_instance' then nstance , w_blocking_instance , ' ') when 'blocking_session' then ession , w_blocking_session , ' ') when 'sql_hash_value' then alue , w_sql_hash_value , ' ') when 'sql_id' then , w_sql_id , ' ') when 'sql_child_number' then number , w_sql_child_number , ' ') when 'plsql_entry_object_id' then y_object_id , w_plsql_entry_object_id , ' ') when 'plsql_entry_subprogram_id' then y_subprogram_id , w_plsql_entry_subprogram_id, ' ') when 'plsql_object_id' then ct_id , w_plsql_object_id , ' ') when 'plsql_subprogram_id' then rogram_id , w_plsql_subprogram_id , ' ') when 'module' then
lpad(o_inst_id lpad(o_sid rpad(o_username rpad(o_machine rpad(o_terminal rpad(o_program rpad(o_event rpad(o_wait_class rpad(o_state rpad(o_p1 rpad(o_p2 rpad(o_p3 rpad(o_row_wait_o rpad(o_row_wait_f rpad(o_row_wait_b rpad(o_row_wait_r rpad(o_blocking_s rpad(o_blocking_i rpad(o_blocking_s rpad(o_sql_hash_v rpad(o_sql_id rpad(o_sql_child_ rpad(o_plsql_entr rpad(o_plsql_entr rpad(o_plsql_obje rpad(o_plsql_subp rpad(o_module
, w_module , ' when 'action' , w_action , ' when 'client_identifier' ntifier , w_client_identifier , ' when 'service_name' me , w_service_name , ' -- aliases for convenience should be used together at the same time) when 'user' , w_username , ' when 'obj' bj# , w_row_wait_obj# , ' when 'file' ile# , w_row_wait_file# , ' when 'block' lock# , w_row_wait_block# , ' when 'row' ow# , w_row_wait_row# , ' when 'bss' ession_status , w_blocking_session_status , ' when 'bsi' nstance , w_blocking_instance , ' when 'bs' ession , w_blocking_session , ' when 'sql' alue , w_sql_hash_value , ' when 'sqlid' , w_sql_id , ' when 'child' number , w_sql_child_number , ' when 'plsql_eoid' y_object_id , w_plsql_entry_object_id , ' when 'plsql_esubpid' y_subprogram_id , w_plsql_entry_subprogram_id, ' when 'plsql_oid' ct_id , w_plsql_object_id , ' when 'plsql_subpid' rogram_id , w_plsql_subprogram_id , ' when 'mod' , w_module , ' when 'act' , w_action , ' when 'cid' ntifier , w_client_identifier , ' when 'service' me , w_service_name , ' when 'wait_event' , w_event , ' when 'wait_state' , w_state , ' else '' end; -- case s.token end loop; -- ash parameter tokenizer output(l_output_line); end loop; -- grouped ash samples
') then rpad(o_action ') then rpad(o_client_ide ') then rpad(o_service_na ') (only either real name or alias then rpad(o_username ') then rpad(o_row_wait_o ') then rpad(o_row_wait_f ') then rpad(o_row_wait_b ') then rpad(o_row_wait_r ') then rpad(o_blocking_s ') then rpad(o_blocking_i ') then rpad(o_blocking_s ') then rpad(o_sql_hash_v ') then rpad(o_sql_id ') then rpad(o_sql_child_ ') then rpad(o_plsql_entr ') then rpad(o_plsql_entr ') then rpad(o_plsql_obje ') then rpad(o_plsql_subp ') then rpad(o_module ') then rpad(o_action ') then rpad(o_client_ide ') then rpad(o_service_na ') then rpad(o_event ') then rpad(o_state ')
end out_ash; -- and it begins!!! begin -- get snappers own sid into g_mysid select sid into g_mysid from v$mystat where rownum = 1; pagesize := nvl( getopt('&snapper_options', 'pagesize=' ), pagesize); --output ( 'Pagesize='||pagesize ); lv_ash := getopt('&snapper_options', 'ash'); lv_stats := getopt('&snapper_options', 'stat'); if lv_ash is not null then gather_ash := 1; end if; if lv_stats is not null then gather_stats := 1; end if; --output('all='||case when getopt('&snapper_options', 'all') = chr(0) then ' chr(0)' when getopt('&snapper_options', 'all') is null then 'null' else (getopt( '&snapper_options','all')) end); -- some additional default value logic if getopt('&snapper_options', 'all') is not null then --output('setting stats to all due to option = all'); gather_stats := 1; gather_ash := 1; else if (lv_ash is null and lv_stats is null) then gather_stats := 0; gather_ash := 1; end if; end if; -- determine which performance counters and stats to collect lv_gather := case nvl( lower(getopt ('&snapper_options', 'gather=')), 'stw') when 'all' then 'stw' else nvl( lower(getopt ('&snapper_options', 'gather=')), 'st w') end; --lv_gather:=getopt ('&snapper_options', 'gather='); --output('lv_gather='||lv_gather); g_snap_begin := lower(getopt('&snapper_options', 'begin' )); g_snap_end := lower(getopt('&snapper_options', 'end' )); --output('g_snap_begin = '||g_snap_begin); --output('g_snap_end = '||g_snap_end); if pagesize > 0 then output(' '); output('-- Session Snapper v4.07 BETA - by Tanel Poder ( http://blog.tan ) - Enjoy the Most Advanced Oracle Troubleshooting Script on the Pla net! :)'); output(' '); end if; -- initialize statistic and event name array -- fetch statistic names with their adjusted IDs select /* get_stat_names */ *
bulk collect into sn_tmp from ( select 'STAT' stype, statistic# - pls_adjust st atistic#, name from v$statname where (lv_gather like '%s%' or lv_gather like ' %a%') -union all select 'WAIT', event# + (select count(*) from v$statnam e) + 1 - pls_adjust, name from v$event_name where (lv_gather like '%w%' or lv_gather like ' %a%') -union all select 'TIME' stype, stat_id - pls_adjust stati stic#, stat_name name from gv$sys_time_model where (lv_gather like '%t%' or lv_gather like ' %a%') -union all select 'LATG', l.latch# + (select count(*) from v$statname) + (select count(*) from v$event_name) + 1 - pls_adjust statistic#, name from gv$latch l where (lv_gather like '%l%' or lv_gather like ' %a%') &_IF_X_ACCESSIBLE &_IF_X_ACCESSIBLE &_IF_X_ACCESSIBLE &_IF_X_ACCESSIBLE &_IF_X_ACCESSIBLE &_IF_X_ACCESSIBLE &_IF_X_ACCESSIBLE &_IF_X_ACCESSIBLE &_IF_X_ACCESSIBLE &_IF_X_ACCESSIBLE '%a%') -union all select 'ENQG', ascii(substr(e.eq_type,1,1))*256 + ascii( substr(e.eq_type,2,1)) + (select count(*) from v$statname) + (select count(*) from v$event_name) + (select count(*) from gv$latch) + (select count(*) from x$kcbwh) + 1 - pls_adjust statistic#, eq_type from ( select es.eq_type ||' - '|| eq_type, -union all select 'BUFG', indx + (select count(*) from v$statname) + (select count(*) from v$event_name) + (select count(*) from gv$latch) + 1 - pls_adjust statistic#, kcbwhdes name from x$kcbwh where (lv_gather like '%b%' or lv_gather like
total_req# from gv$enqueue_stat es , gv$lock_type lt where es.eq_type = lt.type ) e where (lv_gather like '%e%' or lv_gather like ' %a%') ) snapper_statnames order by stype, statistic#; -- store these into an index_by array organized by statistic# for fast looku p for i in 1..sn_tmp.count loop sn(sn_tmp(i).statistic#) := sn_tmp(i); sn_reverse(sn_tmp(i).stype||','||sn_tmp(i).name) := sn_tmp(i); end loop; -- main sampling loop for c in 1..&snapper_count loop -- sesstat and other performance counter sampling if gather_stats = 1 then -- print header if required gv_header_string := CASE WHEN output_header END || CASE WHEN output_inst END || CASE WHEN output_sid END || CASE WHEN output_inst_sid END || CASE WHEN output_username END || CASE WHEN output_time ' END || CASE WHEN output_seconds END || CASE WHEN output_stype END || CASE WHEN output_sname ,' ')||',' END || CASE WHEN output_delta END || CASE WHEN output_delta_s END || CASE WHEN output_hdelta END || CASE WHEN output_hdelta_s END || CASE WHEN output_percent END || CASE WHEN output_pcthist END || CASE WHEN output_eventcnt END || CASE WHEN output_eventcnt_s
END || CASE WHEN output_eventavg ' END ; if g_snap_begin is null then if pagesize > 0 and mod(c-1, pagesize) = 0 then output(rpad('-',length(gv_header_string),'-')); output(gv_header_string); output(rpad('-',length(gv_header_string),'-')); else if pagesize = -1 and c = 1 then output(gv_header_string); end if; end if; else output('Taking BEGIN sample ...'); end if; -- TODO raise an error if both begin and end are used together -- TODO conditionally comment out the refcursor use unless begin and end is used -- manual before/after snapshots (snapper v4) if g_snap_begin is not null or g_snap_end is not null then if g_snap_begin is not null then get_sessions; snap(d1,s1,l1,g_snap1); &_MANUAL_SNAPSHOT open :snapper for select column_value rec from table(g_snap1 ); -- if you see this error then run: "VAR SNAPPER REFCURSOR" first! exit; end if; if g_snap_end is not null then &_MANUAL_SNAPSHOT fetch :snapper bulk collect into g_snap1; -- You should run snapper with BEGIN option first! -- procedure snap_from_stats_string (p_string_stats in sys.d bms_debug_vc2coll, p_snapdate out date, p_stats out stab, l_stats out ltab) snap_from_stats_string(g_snap1, d1, s1, l1); end if; else -- normal interval sampling if c = 1 then get_sessions; snap(d1,s1,l1,g_snap1); else get_sessions; d1 := d2; s1 := s2; g_snap1 := g_snap2; end if; -- c = 1 end if; end if; -- gather_stats = 1 = 1 THEN ' AVERAGES
&_USE_DBMS_LOCK while sysdate < (ash_date1 + (&snapper_sleep/86400)) loop &_USE_DBMS_LOCK -- get active session records from g_sessions &_USE_DBMS_LOCK get_sessions; &_USE_DBMS_LOCK extract_ash(); &_USE_DBMS_LOCK -- sleep timeout backoff depending on the duration sampl ed (for up to 10 seconds total sampling time will get max 100 Hz sampling) &_USE_DBMS_LOCK -- for longer duration sampling the algorithm will back off and for long durations (over 100 sec) the sampling rate will stabilize &_USE_DBMS_LOCK -- at 1Hz &_USE_DBMS_LOCK dbms_lock.sleep( greatest(0.1,(least(1,&snapper_sleep*&s napper_count/100))) ); &_USE_DBMS_LOCK end loop; &_USE_DBMS_LOCK else &_USE_DBMS_LOCK dbms_lock.sleep( ((ash_date1+(&snapper_sleep/86400)) - sysda te)*86400 ); &_USE_DBMS_LOCK null; &_USE_DBMS_LOCK end if; &_USE_DBMS_LOCK ash_date2 := sysdate; -- sesstat new sample and delta calculation if gather_stats = 1 then get_sessions; snap(d2,s2,l2,g_snap2); -- manually coded nested loop outer join for calculating deltas: -- why not use a SQL join? this would require creation of PL/SQL -- collection object types, but Snapper does not require any changes -- to the database, so any custom object types are out! changed_values := 0; missing_values_s1 := 0; missing_values_s2 := 0; -- remember last disappeared SID so we wouldn't need to output a war ning -- message for each statistic row of that disappeared sid disappeared_sid := 0; i :=1; -- iteration counter (for debugging) a :=1; -- s1 array index b :=1; -- s2 array index if s2.count > 0 then lv_curr_sid := s2(b).sid; end if; while ( a <= s1.count and b <= s2.count ) loop if lv_curr_sid != 0 and lv_curr_sid != s2(b).sid then if pagesize > 0 and mod(c-1, pagesize) = 0 then -- if filtering specific stats, assuming that it's bette r to not leave spaces between every session data if getopt('&snapper_options', 'sinclude=')||getopt('&sna pper_options', 'tinclude=' )||getopt('&snapper_options', 'winclude=' ) is null t hen output(' '); -- output(rpad('-',length(gv_header_string),'-')); -- output(gv_header_string); -- output(rpad('-',length(gv_header_string),'-')); end if;
end if; lv_curr_sid := s2(b).sid; end if; delta := 0; -- don't print case when s1(a).sid = s2(b).sid then case when s1(a).statistic# = s2(b).statistic# then delta := s2(b).value - s1(a).value; evcnt := s2(b).event_count - s1(a).event_count; --output('DEBUG, s1(a).statistic# s2(b).statist ic#, a='||to_char(a)||' b='||to_char(b)||' s1.count='||s1.count||' s2.count='||s 2.count||' s2.count='||s2.count); if delta != 0 then fout(); end if; a := a + 1; b := b + 1; when s1(a).statistic# > s2(b).statistic# then delta := s2(b).value; evcnt := s2(b).event_count; if delta != 0 then fout(); end if; b := b + 1; when s1(a).statistic# < s2(b).statistic# then output('ERROR, s1(a).statistic# < s2(b).statisti c#, a='||to_char(a)||' b='||to_char(b)||' s1.count='||s1.count||' s2.count='||s2 .count||' s2.count='||s2.count); a := a + 1; b := b + 1; else output('ERROR, s1(a).statistic# ? s2(b).statisti c#, a='||to_char(a)||' b='||to_char(b)||' s1.count='||s1.count||' s2.count='||s2 .count||' s2.count='||s2.count); a := a + 1; b := b + 1; end case; -- s1(a).statistic# ... s2(b).statistic# when s1(a).sid > s2(b).sid then delta := s2(b).value; evcnt := s2(b).event_count; if delta != 0 then fout(); end if; b := b + 1; when s1(a).sid < s2(b).sid then if disappeared_sid != s1(a).sid then output('WARN, Session has disappeared since previous snapshot, ignoring SID='||to_char(s1(a).sid)||' debug(a='||to_char(a)||' b='||t
o_char(b)||' s1.count='||s1.count||' s2.count='||s2.count||' s2.count='||s2.coun t||')'); end if; disappeared_sid := s1(a).sid; a := a + 1; else output('ERROR, Should not be here, SID='||to_char(s2(b). sid)||' a='||to_char(a)||' b='||to_char(b)||' s1.count='||s1.count||' s2.count=' ||s2.count||' s2.count='||s2.count); end case; -- s1(a).sid ... s2(b).sid i:=i+1; if delta != 0 then changed_values := changed_values + 1; end if; -- delta != 0 end loop; -- while ( a <= s1.count and b <= s2.count ) if pagesize > 0 and changed_values > 0 then output(' '); --output('-- End of Stats snap '||to_char(c)||', end='||to_char (d2, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')||', seconds='||to_char(case get_seconds(d2-d1) whe n 0 then (&snapper_sleep) else round(get_seconds(d2-d1), 1) end)); output('-- End of Stats snap '||to_char(c)||', end='||to_char(d 2, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')||', seconds='||round(get_seconds(d2-d1), 1)); end if; output(' '); end if; -- gather_stats = 1 if gather_ash = 1 then -- get ASH sample grouping details g_ash_columns := nvl( getopt('&snapper_options', 'ash=' ), g_ash_c olumns ); -- optional additional ASH groupings g_ash_columns1 := case when getopt('&snapper_options', 'ash1' ) is n null when getopt('&snapper_options', 'ash1' ) = chr(0) then g_ash_colum getopt('&snapper_options', 'ash1=' ) end; g_ash_columns2 := case when getopt('&snapper_options', 'ash2' ) is n null when getopt('&snapper_options', 'ash2' ) = chr(0) then g_ash_colum getopt('&snapper_options', 'ash2=' ) end; g_ash_columns3 := case when getopt('&snapper_options', 'ash3' ) is n null when getopt('&snapper_options', 'ash3' ) = chr(0) then g_ash_colum getopt('&snapper_options', 'ash3=' ) end; -- group ASH records and print report out_ash( g_ash_columns, 10 ); -- group and print optional ASH reports if g_ash_columns1 is not null then out_ash( g_ash_columns1, 10 ); en d if; if g_ash_columns2 is not null then out_ash( g_ash_columns2, 10 ); en d if;
ull then ns1 else ull then ns2 else ull then ns3 else
if g_ash_columns3 is not null then out_ash( g_ash_columns3, 10 ); en d if; if pagesize > 0 then output(' '); --output('-- End of ASH snap '||to_char(c)||', end='||to_char(a sh_date2, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')||', seconds='||to_char(case (ash_date2-ash_da te1) when 0 then (&snapper_sleep) else round((ash_date2-ash_date1) * 86400, 1) e nd)||', samples_taken='||g_ash_samples_taken); output('-- End of ASH snap '||to_char(c)||', end='||to_char(ash _date2, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')||', seconds='||to_char(round((ash_date2-ash_dat e1) * 86400, 1))||', samples_taken='||g_ash_samples_taken); output(' '); end if; reset_ash(); end if; -- gather_ash = 1 end loop; -- for c in 1..snapper_count end; / undefine snapper_oraversion undefine snapper_sleep undefine snapper_count undefine snapper_sid undefine ssid_begin undefine _IF_ORA11_OR_HIGHER undefine _IF_LOWER_THAN_ORA11 undefine _NO_BLK_INST undefine _YES_BLK_INST undefine _NO_PLSQL_OBJ_ID undefine _YES_PLSQL_OBJ_ID undefine _IF_DBMS_SYSTEM_ACCESSIBLE undefine _IF_X_ACCESSIBLE undefine _MANUAL_SNAPSHOT undefine _USE_DBMS_LOCK col snapper_ora11higher clear col snapper_ora11lower clear col dbms_system_accessible clear set serveroutput off