7 13september

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1L s 312.00 6L s.156.00 3L s 78.00 sZ A/Z xu AL{ vB { >

Manager, Nijukti Khabar, TS-3/193, Mancheswar I.E., Bhubaneswar - 10


F xL{{S N Q SD$# S LZ f~B ADAd { {{ Q LSf L{ {{L~ {S{S {{ SL D{Q L f A{s > - `L
Postal Regd.No-BN/43/12-14

Employment & Education based leading weekly {

RNI No. 52621/93


Q- 14
ISSUE - 14

7 - 13 {{u 2013
7 - 13 September 2013


Tel:0674- 2582532 / 533 / 534 Fax : 2582535

e - m a i l : n i j u k t i k h a b a r @gmail. c o m

Samantaray Academy
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H.O.: Surya Vihar , Link Road, Cuttack - 12 Call.: 0671-2323545/9438563121 Jayadev Vihar, BBSR - 9439871198 Sailashree Vihar, BBSR - 8280213839


Phone - 0680-2113302 / 303, Mob.9861212145 / 9861264222
{L, , A (L}L S - N S) N FF Bq {s A{ -B{Lu/f Bq (B{Lu&L)Z N j - 2013
FF{ Bq {s A Q # {; Q A LDd: F {sx: -B{Lu/f Bq(B{Lu& L ) > S - A: 07, H: 15, F: 04, Fs: 02, {s: 28 > { : {' -2 s.9300-34800+f-4200 > : (L) 10% Q FO-}{ Z B > (Q) Q Q } {B{ ( L {B{) (S) { Q: F{+ f{ j L { 30 F ; Ao $Z B 45 > (W) S {S: {L L f L {{L~ A B{Lu&L Bq{ }A x{ > 2. ~ F Q ({ {) LD{x B L www. bsf.nic.in { S A L; > 3. F N L} `/A#` {L FF {HBs{ L > {~ $Z { FF {HBs{ SB L B ABd > (ABx ), L+ (N), 30 fB, 2013
ODISHA GRAMYA BANK HO: Kokila Residency, Ananta Vihar, Pokhariput, Bhubaneswar-751020
Odisha Gramya Bank invites applications from retired Bank Officers for the post of Financial Literacy Centre Coordinators in four districts of the Bank's command area. For details of the scheme of FLC/Application forms etc. please log on Bank's website www.odishabank.in. The fast date for submission of application 25.09.2013. CHAIRMAN
NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FASHION TECHNOLOGY, (Ministry of Textiles, Govt, of India), Rajiv Gandhi Salai, Taramani.Chennai - 600 113. Ph : 22542755-74-63-56. Web: www.nift.ac.in/chennai Recruitment for ERP - Software Development. Applications are invited in prescribed performa for the post of Software Developers, Assistants and Multitasking Staff for full time on adhoc basis. Please visit NIFT website www.nift.ac.in/chennai for more details.

Opposite to NIST Engineering College N.H-5,Golanthara, Berhampur, Odisha E.Mail - aimaltd@rediffmail.com

Applications are invited for the following post of Engg Set up in BSF:- Post & Trade: Sub-Inspector/Junior Engineer (Electrical). Category - UR: 07, OBC: 15, SC: 04, ST: 02, Total: 28. Pay Scale: Pay Band-2 Rs. 9300-34800 +GP-4200. Note: (a) 10% vacancies are reserved for Ex-Servicemen. (b) Vacancies are subject to change (may increase or decrease) (c) Last date : 23 days from the date of publication of the advertisement News paper and 38 days for candidates of far flung areas. (d) Education Qualification:Three years Diploma in Electrical Engineering from an Institute recognised by the Central or State Governments. 2. For details and downloading Application Form (including Admit Card) please log on www.bsf.nic.in. 3. Any further information/notification in respect to fhis recruitment will be made on the BSF Website only. Hence, candidates are advised to log in to the BSF website from time to time. (I D Singh), Commandant (Recti)


The list of valid applications and the reject list alongwith the reasons of rejection in respect of the candidates applied for the post of V.L.W. in pursuance of advertisement N0.336/GP, dt.30.04.2013 are available in the notice board of the Collectorate, Bargarh as well as in the District website (www.bargarh.nic.in). Objections, if any, from the candidates in the list so published are invited which can be submitted {with substantial documents) by registered post only addressing the District Panchayat Officer, Bargarh so as to reach the addressee on or before dt.18.09.2013 for consideration of genuine objections in the preparation of final list. While submitting,objections, the candidates should mention the Index No. and the post applied for on the body of the envelope. No objections after the dus date snail be entertained in any case. COLLECTOR, BARGARH

{: "N Q' 31 AS - 6 {{u 2013 B 4, 5

H 15 { L {+ {{H Ls{+ { ~ j A L {BBd > F AbL s B vL/vLZ Ls{ QL Ld > ` L
OFFICE OF THE PROJECT ADMINISTRATOR, ITDA, SUNDARGARH e-mail ID-itdasng@nic.in. Ph. No. 06622-273057
Application in plain papers invited from intending and eligible candidates for engagement as in the one vacant teaching post of physics pgt on contractual basis in +2 Science Government Upgraded Government Girls High School (SSD) Balishankara. Conditions:- 1. The minimum educational qualification for the post is M.Sc (Physics). 2. The applicants should attend the walkin interview on 20.09.2013 at 11.00 AM in the office of the PA, ITDA, Sundargarh. He / She should submit the application alongwith duly attested photo copies of educational certificates, Residential Certificates, Caste Certificates and Experience Certificates if any. 3. The age of the applicant should be between 22 to 32 years as on 01.01.2013. The age will be relaxed upto 5 years in case of ST/SC/SEBC and Women Candidates; 4. Engagement of PGT will be made on contractual basis on a consolidated remuneration of Rs. 12,500/- per month. 5. The contractual engagement id purely temporary subject to the post made by OPSC. PROJECT ADMINISTRATOR, SUNDARGARH

On partial modification this Office Order No. 10074 Dt.22.06.2013 for engagement of Contract Teachers in Govt. High Schools including Up-Graded High School during 2013-14 has been published in local daily dated 06.06.2013 by D.S.E. (O), Bhubaneswar. The applications in prescribed format have been invited by 25.07.2013. As per instruction contained in the said advertisement, subject wise vacancies earmarked for category of the vacancies for Mayurbhanj District which was published earlier is modified as follows:-

The application of eligible Pysically Handicapped and Ex-Serviceman candidates will be considered against the vacancy of the relevant category to which they belong. The other terms and conditions published in the advertisement dated 6.6.2013 shall apply for selection of Contract Teachers. District Education Officer, Mayurbhanj, Baripada


ASSOCIATION OF PRIVATE DENTAL AND MEDICAL COLLEGE OF MADHYA PRADESH DMAT OFFICE- E-2/51 Arera Colony, Opp. Habibganj Rly. Station, Bhopal M.P. Ph. No: 0755 - 2460047, 2467244, 3201141, 3256198




All India Common Entrance Test for DM/M.ch. Courses in Sri Aurobindo Medical College & PG Institute, Irdore will be held or 20/ 09/2013 (Friday) at INDORE. Application Forms and other details are available on APDMC and Sri Aurobindo Medical College & PG Institute website; www.apdmcmp.com and www.saimsonline.com. Last date for submission of Application Form is 18.09.2013. For more details visiton the above websites.


{ 7 - 13 {{u, 2013


Direct Joining (10th, +2, +3). M o b :8 5 9 8 9 7 5 5 0 7 ,9 7 7 7 2 4 1 9 4 0

160 Call Centre Executives (Odia)

+2 pass+Computer / Sal- 12,000/-

179 Welder, Fitter, Electrician

7th pass + Good health / Sal- 15,000/-

Call-9338 592259 (bbsr.) / 7504 846120 (Ngr.)


Direct Joining (10th, +2, +3). Sal (5,400-8200). M o b :9 6 5 8 2 5 7 5 9 0 ,9 6 5 8 5 7 6 9 2 0 .

H{ N
KENT-Grid Orissa Steel Pvt. Ltd. , lS , ss S, S, AS , LsL, {, , B Ao{ A Steel F Power, Grid A Maintenance, Febrication, Ericssion, work B Candidate AL Ld > B. Tech-Electrical 14Post, B.Tech-Mechnical - 24 Post, B. Tech-EEE - 18 Post, DiplomaMechanical - 36 Post, Diploma-Electrical - 24 Post, ITI(Any Trade) - 60 Post, 10th to +3(Supervisor, Clerk) - 36 Post. Salary: Rs. 6,400/- to Rs. 18,000/ -. BbL $ f Biodata Q # Mail ID{ v;: E-Mail: smcsteelindia@gmail.com

S~{ } {s 2013-14
LZ L AoL s Z B } {s {L Q A LDd > BbL f BIO-DATA, Certificate Xerox, 4s {s, 10 sZ xL sLs(Q {) f Phone {B 20 { Speed Post/Regd Post vB{ > S {S: sL L > : 18 35 >
Principal, Regional Institute
Plot No- 265/266, Krutibandhu Complex, Bhoisahi Lane, Backside of Baramunda Bus Stand, Bhubaneswar - 3, Ph: 9238103061, 0674-2354914

Contact: KENT-GRID ORISSA PVT.LTD Near OHPC Grid, Angul, Ph: 9658733242(Mr. Anup)

dd AL
(Approved by the Govt. of Orissa) {L H f LZ sL, NALCO, PWD, H B{S SZ{ QL A Revenue Inspector , { , {s , xu, Work Sarkar AL {D$# 8 B.A. {S$# $Z 45 { {s A SC/STZ

102 f~ N!!
L L L LsL, {, , { F D{L{ Q {; Official Da B L F AL d > 26 L > 10th(4500), +2(5500), +3(7500) > F QB Ad > Biodata F AL s}{Ls 11s 3s { L; >

Qualification: M.A. / M,Sc/ M.Ed/PH.D. Experience: 5 years Teaching in Teachers Training College. SALARY: Rs.40,000/ -. LECTURER: (3 Nos) : (I)M.Sc.(Math) (II) Bio-Science (III) Physical Science (PCM). Qualification: M.Sc, / M.Ed. SALARY : Rs.25,000/Hostel & Fooding facilities available. Interested Candidates are requested to attend WALK-IN-INTERVlEWon 08.09.2013 between 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM at HOTEL ARYA PALACE, Bhuhaneswar. Contact No :- 09439084778/ 09431333265, Email:revstnda@ rediffmail.com

A > {s { `L L{ BbL dd{ 20 {Principal, Regional Institute, Plot No- 265/266,

Krutibandhu Complex, Bhoisahi Lane, Backside of Baramunda Bus Stand, Baramunda, Bhubaneswar 751003Z s 50/- Z A L;

xL {{S {s {B{

Branch Office: 604 Link Road, CTC-12, Near Nishamani Cinema Hall, Ph: 8260963477

f { , {, {L ` 2014-15
A; 2014-15 B {~{ {QB L{ {L ` 08.02.2014 Q A { > DN ` {; A{ $ ~ A; 05.09.2013 Qv 31.10.2013 Q ; f L #L, f #L F f { , { L{ L { 10.00 W+ v A 4.00 W+ { S~{ B{ > F { F {HBs (www.jnvbolangir.nic.in) xD{x L{ > L #LZ L{ A{ Q 31.10.2013 Q L{ > A POWER GRID CORPORATION OF INDIA LIMITED (A Government of India Enterprise) Registered Office: B-9, Qutab Institutional Area, Katwaria Sarai, New Delhi-110016 Executive Trainee (Electrical) 2014 in ET-19th Batch GATE-WAY to a Power-Packed Career
POWERGRID, the Central Transmission Utility (CTU) of India, a Navratna Public Sector Enterprise under the Ministry of Power, Govt, of India and one of the largest Transmission Utilities in the world is looking for Bright, Committed and Energetic persons to join its fold as EXECUTIVE TRAINEE - 19th batch in Electrical discipline. The vacancies exist in the category of Unreserved, OBC (NCL), SC and ST. The vacancies are also earmarked for Physically Handicapped candidates belonging to OH (OL) and HH (PD). Details of these vacancies shall be indicated in our advertisement before commencement of Online Registration. Essential Qualification: Full time B.E / B.Tech / B.Sc (Engg.) from Recognized University/ Institute in Electrical/ Electrical (Power) / Electrical and Electronics/Power Systems Engineering Discipline with Minimum 65% marks or Equivalent CGPA*. OR AMIE in Electrical Discipline with Minimum 65% with both Sections A & B cleared by 31.03.2014. Final Year / Semester students, who expect their results by 14.08,2014 may also be considered eligible, provided they obtain minimum 65% marks or equivalent CGPA in aggregate of all semesters/ years up to pre-final examination. *Please see our detailed advertisement for other eligibility conditions. Upper Age Limit: 28 years as on 31.12.2013. Relaxations and Concessions: Reservation/ Relaxation/ Concession to candidates belonging to OBC (NCL)/ SC/ ST/ PwD/ Ex-SM/ J&K Domicile / Victims of 1984 Riots category shall be as per Government of India directives. For details, please refer to our detailed Advertisement published in the career section of our website www.powergridindia.com. Selection Process: The Selection Process consists of GATE-2014, Group Discussion & Personal Interview. Candidates. shall have the option for appearing the GD/ interview in Hindi or English. Eligible candidates will have to appear for the Electrical Engineering Paper (Code-EE) of GATE Exam 2014. Candidates shall be short-listed for Group Discussion & Personal Interview based on their Marks out of 100 in GATE-2014 and as per the criteria decided by the Management. GD will not have any Qualifying Marks. Interview will have Qualifying Marks for different categories. Candidates who qualify in the Personal Interview will only be adjudged suitable for empanelment The Offer of Appointment shall be issued to the suitable candidates in the order of merit and based on the requirement. Appointment of selected candidates will be subject to their being found medically fit in the Pre-Employment Medical Examination to be conducted as per POWERGRID Norms and Standards of Medical Fitness. For details of Selection process, please refer to our detailed advertisement published in the career section of our website www.powergridindia.com Health: For details of standards on medical fitness, please visit career section of our website: www.powergridindia.com Compensatioln Package: Selected candidates will undergo training for a period of one year at POWERGRID sites and training institutes. On successful completion of training, the candidates will be absorbed as Engineers. The Corporation offers a very attractive package and is one of the best in the Industry. Selected candidates will be placed in the pay scale of Rs. 24900-50500 during the one-year training period. The details of CTC* per annum approximately are as follows: During Training ? 7.65 lakhs per annum and after Training Rs. 13.4 lakhs per annum. Compensation package includes Basic Pay, Dearness Allowance, Perquisites and Allowance as per cafeteria approach, Performance Related Pay, Company Leased Accommodation / Company Quarters or HRA, Reimbursement of monthly conveyance expenditure, mobile facility, etc. The Corporation also offers excellent facilities like Short and Long term Loans & Advances including House Building Advance, Medical facilities for self and dependants, Group Insurance, Personal Accident Insurance, PF, Gratuity, Pension & Leave encashment. * CTC mentioned above is only indicative. Actual CTC shall depend on place of posting and other terms & conditions of appointment. How to Apply: 1. Interested applicant must log on to career section of www.powergridindia.com for detailed advertisement 2. Candidates have to register themselves and appear for GATE -2014 in Electrical Discipline (Code EE). 3. Candidates have to register themselves online at POWERGRID website with details of their GATE -2014 Application No., GATE-2014 Registration number and other required information, which will be made available at www.powergridindia.com from 7th January 2014 onwards. 4. Group Discussion and Personal Interview shall be conducted in the month of April/May 2014. 5. Please note that online registration for GATE -2014 commences on 2nd September 2013 and closes on 3rd October 2013. 6. For details on GATE -2014, please visit http://gate.iitkgp.ac.in/gate2014. Corporate Office: ''Saudamini'', Plot No. 2, Sector-29, Gurgaon-122001(haryana), www.powergridindia.com

N Q{ A~Z {L~ N L {Q j {L ` $ # { {S{S L; 0674 - 2582532

f { , S, {L l ( {~ {L 2014-15 B A{ A)
{L LZ L {f ( S) A{ ` f { , S, {Ll{ {~{ A { B A{ D > {D dd{ {Ll f {L~ L { o {~{ ( 2013-14){ A $#{ F {Z 01.05.2001 30.04.2005 { {B$#, {{ ] A{ L{ > D{Q{S {, {D{ ALL {B o {~{ S~ L$#{ L { {B$#{, {{ A{ L{ ] > A{ L { Q: 31.10.2013 > F A{ (1) {Ll f L (2) L #L L (3) f { L, S LL { S~{ > $: # 08 {A 2014 () 11 WsL > f{~ $ { { F { SL d L { L d d Z S L L L; > A# L f~ B www.navodaya.nic.in S A L; > { L B {.: 9861686325, 9777073921, 9937969286, 7894178666, 9692416245 { {S{S L; > A UNICEF, unite for children
The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the world's leading organization working for the rights of children, is seeking to recruit the following personnel for their India operations. Fluency in English and Hindi required. Knowledge of local working language of the duty station an asset. Chief, Field Office. Location: Guwahati (Assam). Closing Date: 17 September 2013. The incumbent will be responsible for UNICEF's advocacy with the government and other partners for the enhancement of the survival, protection, development and participation of children and women in the state of Assam and North East States. He/She will be representing the India Country Office in all aspects of UNICEF's co-operation with the State Government in Assam and North East States and responsible for all aspects of office management of the UNICEF state office. Qualifications: Master's degree from a recognized University in Social Sciences or equivalent. Training in Leadership and Management desirable. Experience: Minimum eight years of progressively responsible professional work experience at state and national level in identification, planning, management, monitoring and evaluation of social development programmes. Experience of managing operations of a medium size office including supervising professional staff required. Nutrition Specialist. Location: Guwahati (Assam) Closing Date: 17 September 2013. The incumbent will be responsible for facilitating and influencing the State Government's policy, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, for the Child Development and Nutrition programme in Assam and North-East States. Qualifications: Master's degree from a recognized University in any of the following: Nutrition, Food and Nutrition, Public Health, Public Health Nutrition, Child and Maternal Nutrition. Experience: Minimum five years of progressively responsible professional work experience in the planning, implementation and monitoring and evaluation of Child Development and Nutrition Programmes at state and district level. Social Policy Specialist. Location : New Delhi Closing Date: 17 September 2013. The incumbent will be responsible for providing support to the India Country Office for social policy analysis and advocacy, through research, partnerships and networks and advocacy, contributing to Social. Policy results in the UNICEF-Gol Country Programme. He/She will provide inputs to support sectoral programmes and inter-sectoral coordination relating to social policy, gender main-steaming and equity and social inclusion in programming. Qualifications: Master's degree from a recognized university in Social Sciences, International Relations, Political Science, Development Economics or other relevant disciplines. Experience: Minimum five years of professional work experience related to programme planning, monitoring, and policy analysis with focus on social development and poverty alleviation at state and national level, Finance Officer. Location: New Delhi Closing Date: 17 September 2013. The incumbent assists in the area of finance and accounting control, recording, reporting of assets, liabilities and income. He/She will monitor the appropriate disbursement of funds and payments of accounts in accordance with the rules, regulations and established budgetary limits. Qualifications: Bachelor's degree from a recognized university in the field of Accounting, Finance or Business Administration with specialization in Finance. Experience: Minimum two years of practical professional work experience in finance and accounting. Working experience in SAP will be an added advantage. To Apply : e-mail your application consisting of a cover letter and an up-to-date CV to icorecruitment@unicef.org. Please clearly mention the position name with location in the subject line of your e-mail. For additional information, visit www.unicef.in and click on "Careers at UNICEF".

H $ L L L # L ~ {# j ( L N ): 07.08.2013 Q { L j A f {N A A f fZ{ B$# {; L { {L{L AL {D$# { { LS > f f : {Ll, A : fA, {# L : 167 > { - 200 > q - : 143, {: 100 > - L, S, f, A, , {S - 146 > j{ $# A { {L~ { ] > f ` L `v . 5236 03.09.2013{ F$#B A Ld; > f L { L, H{

{ 7 - 13 {{u, 2013


H {L So H L { 10th L +2 Pass L$# 23 f~ Male/Female Z FL Delhi based Multinational company ' Corporate office { N {Dd > Age: Below 27 years. Income:- Rs(52009600) + A > A ${ A; 7 { Biodata H Photograph L; > IMPULSE GROUP 137-B, Ashok Nagar, Khadiniketan Side Lane, Infront of Care Guest House, Bhubaneswar, Ph: 9437186335 L N
FL INDIAN MULTINATIONAL COMPANY LsL CORPORATE OFFICE {f N { L { ( 41 ) f~ L/ Z v A; ( 6 ) { Q S ~ L d > No Higher

sL, +2, +3
{D{ sL, +2, +3, { {B L; {{ A A L { > DN s}{Ls L { S~ >
Principal, Regional Institute
Plot No- 266, Krutibandhu Complex, Bhoisahi Lane, Backside of Baramunda Bus Stand, Baramunda, Bhubaneswar - 3, Ph: 9238103061, 0674-2354914

Education/ No Experience/No Entry Fee. Only - 10th/ +2/ or above also apply. {S H A L {fS Rs. 4500/ - Rs. 6500/- H Rs. 8500/- Onward. Contact with your full Bio-data.



PALAMANDAP, CUTTACK-12, Ph.No.- 0671-6580630/8093380630

FAKIR MOHAN UNIVERSITY Vyasa Vihar, (North Campus) Nuapadhi, Balasore, Orissa - 756020 CORRIGENDUM In continuation to this University Advertisement No. 1855 dated 8.8.13 it is hereby informed to all concerned that the last date for receipt of application for different teaching posts have been extended up to 23.9.2013. Applicants are advice to visit University website - www.fmuniversity.nic.in. Further out of the 2 (two) posts of Lecturer in Political Science 1 (one) post (UR) will be against Lien vacancy. By order of Vice-Chancellor, Registrar

Odisha State Health & Family Welfare Society, Deptt. of Healtn & Family Welfare, Govt- of Odisha, Annex Building of SIH&FW, Nayapalli, Unit-8, Bhubaneswar-751012 Phone/Fax: 0674-2392479/80/88
Applications are invited from eligible candidates for filling up the following posts under National Rural Health Mission, Odisha on contractual basis for a period of 11 months with monthly remuneration as noted against each and subject to renewal as per Society norms basing on the performance. Performance Incentives & other benefits are also admissible as per norms applicable and orders issued there-under from time to time for all the posts except SI. No. 07. Upper age limit for applicants with MBBS background is 68 years and for others is 65 years as on 01.09.2013. Name of the Post: Consultant Nursing-Technical. Vacancy: UR-1. Base Remuneration (in Rs.): 36,400/-. Consultant Nursing-Management - UR-1 - 36,400/-. Jr. Engineer Biomedical Service (SEMU) - ST-1 (In case of non availability of ST candidate, the vacancy of SC-1 may be filled up) - 20,800/-. Sr. Health Manager O&G Specialist (Odisha Sickle cell Project, V.S.S MCH) - UR-1 - 36,000/-. RMNCH Counselor - 16 (ST-7, SC-5, UR-4) - 10,000/-. Senior Stenographer - UR-1 - 20,800/-. Casualty Manager - 1. Capital Hospital,BBSR.Khurda :- (ST-1, UR-2) 2. SCB MCH.Cuttack-(ST-1, UR-2) 3. VSS MCH.Burla.Sambalpur:- (ST-1, UR-2) 4. MKCG MCH,Berhampur,Ganjam:-(ST-1, UR-2) - 10,000/ -(Fixed). The above positions are purely temporary and also co-terminus with the scheme. Canvassing in any form will render the candidate disqualified for the position. Details of qualifications and experience of each category of post alongwith application form can be downloaded from the website (www.nrhmorissa.gov.in). Interested candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria are to apply for the position from SI No. 1 to 6 to the "Mission Directorate (NRHM), Annex Building of SIH&FW, Nayapalli, Unit-8, Bhubaneswar-751012, District-Khurda (Odisha)" and for the position of Casualty Manager at SI. No. 07 to the respective CDMOs of the district on or before 19.09.2013 through Regd. Post / Speed Post / Courier only and the envelope containing the application should be superscribed with the name of the post applied for. The undersigned reserves the right to cancel any or all the applications without assigning any reason thereof. Mission Director, NRHM. Odisha

Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board, Krishi Anusandhan Bhawan-I New Delhi NOTICE FOR NATIONAL ELIGIBILITY TEST (NET)-2013
The Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board (ASRB) will hold the National Eligibility Test (NET) 2013 for determining eligibility for Lecturers/Assistant Professors by the State Agricultural Universities (SAUs)/ Agricultural Universities (AUs). IMPORTANT DATES- Application Start Date:01-09-2013. Application End Date: 30-09-2013. Examination Date: 27.10.2013. Age: Must be at least 21 Years as on 01.8.2013 ( No upper Age limit). Educational Qualifications: Must hold a Masters Degree in the relevant Discipline/ Specialisation as stipulated in the Notification. Mode of Application: Through ONLINE Application Form only available on: http://www.asrb.org.in OR http://www.icar.org.in OR http://www.asrbexamonline.com/asrbreg/defautt.aspx. Fee (Rs): 1000/-for Unreserved applicants 500/ - for Other Backward Class ( Non-Creamy layer) applicants Rs. 250/- for Scheduled Caste(SC) / Scheduled Tribe (ST)/ Physically Challenged (PC) applicants. For detailed information including details of age limit, educational qualifications, rules of the Examination, fee, etc., please refer to the Notification available on http://www.asrb.org.in OR http://www.icar.org.in OR http:// www.asrbexamonline.com/asrbreg/default.aspx (PK'Jain), Controller of Examinations - II

ODISHA PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION, ADVERTISEMENT NO. 08 OF 2013-14 Recruitment to the post ot Public Prosecurot- in Group - 'A' (Senior Branch) in the Odisha State Prosecution Service under Home Department Website : http://opsconline.gov.in
WARNING: (1) ONLINE APPLICATION FORM WILL BE AVAILABLE TILL 03.10.2013 BY 11.59 P.M. (2) LAST DATE FOR RECEIPT OF APPLICATION FEE AT ANY BRANCH OF STATE BANK OF INDIA (SBI) IS 07.10.2013. (3) LAST DATE FOR RECEIPT OF PRINT OUT/HARD COPY OF ONLINE APPLICATION ALONG WITH COPIES OF REQUISITE CERTIFICATES AND DOCUMENTS IS 17.10.2013 BY 5.00 P.M. Applications are invited Online through the Proforma Application form to be made available on the Website: (http://opsconline.gov.in) from 02.09.2013 to 03.10.2013. (Note : 07.10.2013 is the last date for payment of application fee) for recruitment to the posts of Public Prosecutor in Group - 'A' as per the Odisha State Prosecution Service Rules, 1997 under Home Department, in the pay scale of Rs.15,600/- - 39,100/- carrying grade pay of Rs.6,600/- with usual dearness and other allowances as may be sanctioned by the Government of Odisha from time to time. 2. VACANCY POSITION : As per requisition filed by the Home Department, Government of Odisha, the vacancy position is given below:-

Applications are invited from suitable talented sportsmen proficient in the game of Football and

Basketball(Men only) and having the desired qualifications mentioned bellow for filling up the post of Tax-Assistant in Central Excise, Customs & Service Tax Department, Cochin by direct recruitment on regular basis against sports quota in the pay scale of Rs. 5,200 -20,200 (Grade Pay Rs. 2400) with allowances as admissible to Central Government employees in the similar pay band. Educational Qualification: a) Graduation from any recognized University b)Should possess a data entry speed of 8000 key depressions per hour. Age: Between 20-27 years as on 25.09.2013. In case of Ex- Servicemen and candidates belonging to SC/ST & OBC community, usual relaxation as admissible would be allowed. Proficiency in Sports: The candidate should have represented the country in an international Competition / State in Senior National competition / University in an Inter-University Competition/ State in Jr/ Youth National Competition. Those who are desirous of applying may do so, in plain paper enclosing attested copy of certificates showing Age, Educational Qualifications and Proficiency in the game of Football/ Basketball so as to reach the undersigned on or before 25.09.2013. Only those players who had represented India/State/ University or Junior/ Youth State at present or have represented the same for the past 4 years need to apply. (JAGDISH SINGH), COMMISSIONER

Government of India Press, Nashik-6

Sub : Filling up of various posts on deputation basis in Govt, of India Press, Nashik-6 The following posts in Govt, of India Press, Nashik are required to be filled up on deputation basis as per existing Recruitment Rules (Non-Industrial & lndustrial)-2003 from amongst the officals of Central Govt, including the Department of Printing, New Delhi fulfilling the following conditions.

The application should reach the office of the Govt, of India Press, Gandhinagar, Nashik-422006 within one month from the date of publication of the advertisement. The eligibility conditions and details for filling up the above posts may be seen on the website of Directorate of Printing, New Delhi at www.dop.nic.in. Manager, Govt, of India Press, Nashik-6

The number of vacancies to be filled up on the basis of this recruitment is subject to change 'by Government without notice depending upon the exigencies at the discretion of the Government. 3. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION AND EXPERIENCE : A candidate must have possessed a Bachelor's Degree in Law from a recognized university and must have at least 10 (ten) years of experience as practising advocate. 4. AGE : A candidate must not be under the age of 21 years and must not be above the age of 40 years as on the 1st day of January, 2013 i.e. he/she must not have been born earlier than 2nd January, 1973 and not later than 1st January, 1992. The upper age limit is relaxable by 5 (five) years for the candidates belonging to the categories of S.C., ST., Socially & Educationally Backward Classes (S.E.B.C), Women, Ex-Servicemen and by 10 (ten) years for Physically Handicapped candidates. Provided that a candidate who comes under more than one category mentioned above, shall be eligible for only one age relaxation benefit, which shall be considered most beneficial to him/her. 5. PLAN OF EXAMINATION: The examination will consist of the following successive stages: (i) Written Examinationa (ii) Viva Voce Test :-The written examination is likely to be held in the month of December. Eligible candidates will be required to appear at the Written Examination which will consist of four papers carrying 800 marks. The details of syllabus is appended at Annexure - A in the Long advertisement available in the Website of OPSC. 6. HOW TO APPLY: (a) Candidates must go through details of the advertisement , available in the Website of OPSC before filling up the online application form. (b) Candidates must apply online through the website of OPSC http:// opsconline.gov.in. Applications received through any other mode would not be accepted and summarily rejected. (c) Candidates are required to send the Printout/Hard copy of the filled in Online Application duly signed under the declaration along with copies of required certificates and documents etc., as provided under para-10 of the Detailed Advertisement available in the website and the OPSC copy of Challan showing payment of application fee, by Registered Post/Speed Post/ Courier Service to the Special Secretary, Odisha Public Service Commission, 19, Dr. P.K. Parija Road, Cuttack - 753001 so as to reach the same in the office of the OPSC on or before 17.10.2013. The candidate may also submit the application along with the requisite documents in the office of the OPSC personally on or before the last date of receipt of application at the counter. The candidates are required to visit the Website of the Commission at http://opsconline.gov.in AND http:/ /opsc.gov.in for detailed information about the programme of the examination/ interview, notice regarding rejection of applications, other important notices etc. and also keep track of publication of various notices to the effect in the leading local daily newspapers for information. Cuttack Special Secretary Odisha Public Service Commission, Cuttack

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obtained the specified Total Weighted Standard Score as well as score in each test in the RRBsCommon Written Examination conducted in September 2012. II. For Officer Scale-I and Office Assistant (Multipurpose) Language Proficiency * - Candidates are required to possess proficiency in the Official Language of the State/UT in which RRB is located and must have passed local language as one of the subjects at Matriculation/Xth Standard. Pre- Requisite Qualifications Candidates who have been declared qualified in the RRBs-Common Written Examination conducted by IBPS in September 2012 should have obtained the following scores as given below. For Office Assistant

PASCHIM BANGA GRAMIN BANK HEAD OFFICE: NATABAR PAUL ROAD, CHATTERJEE PARA MORE TIKIAPARA, HOWRAH 711 101. Phone: 2667 9650; Fax: 2667 9589 www.paschimbangagraminbank.com, Email: pasc3616@dataone.in
Paschim Banga Gramin Bank invites applications from Indian citizens, for the post of Officer in Middle Management Grade (Scale II), Officer in Junior Management (Scale I) Cadre and Office Assistant (Multipurpose) from Indian citizens who have appeared at the Common Written Examination for RRBs conducted by IBPS in September 2012 and declared qualified.


For Officer Scale-I

NOTE: The number of vacancies as also the number of reserved vacancies are provisional and may vary according to the actual requirement of the Bank. Abbreviations stand for:

PAY SCALE & EMOLUMENTS: For Officer Scale-II (Marketing Manager)

Officer MMG Scale-II: At present the total starting emoluments are approx. Rs. 37917/- per month inclusive of DA & HRA at the current rate. Officer JMG Scale-I: At present the total starting emoluments are approx. Rs. 28340/- per month inclusive of DA & HRA at the current rate. Office Assistant (Multipurpose): At present the total starting emoluments are approx. Rs. 15676/- per month inclusive of DA & HRA at the current rate. NOTE: Other allowances & perquisites will be admissible as per the rules of the Bank. PROBATION PERIOD: APPLICATION FEE (INCLUDING POSTAGE/ INTIMATION CHARGES) (NONREFUNDABLE): Officer (Scale I & II) - Rs. 20/- for SC/ST/PWD candidates. - Rs.100/- for all others Office Assistant (Multipurpose) - Rs. 20/- for SC/ST/PWD/EXSM candidates. - Rs.100/- for all others Requisite Application Fee may be paid through CBS at any of the Branches of Paschim Banga Gramin Bank, by means of a Payment challan available in the Banks website. NOTE: (i) The payment towards application fee can be made through CBS from any of the Branches of the Paschim Banga Gramin Bank (ii) The payment towards application fee through CBS can be made between 27-08-2013 and 11-09-2013. (iii) The CBS fee payment challan contains two parts. The first part will be retained by the Branch. The candidates copy of the fee payment challan must be retained with the candidate after the necessary details such as Transaction ID, Branch Code etc. are filled in by the bank official. (iv) Application once made will not be allowed to be withdrawn and fee once paid will NOT be refunded under any circumstances nor can it be held in reserve for any other future selection process. 6. THE COMPETENT AUTHORITY FOR ISSUE OF CERTIFICATE TO SC/ST/ OBC/PWD CANDIDATES IS AS UNDER: (a) For SC/ST/OBC: District Magistrate/Additional Dist Magistrate/Collector/Deputy Commissioner/Additional Dy. Commissioner/Dy.Collector/First Class Stipendary Magistrate/Sub-Division Magistrate/ Taluka Magistrate/Executive Magistrate/Extra Assistant Commissioner/ Chief Presidency Magistrate/Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate/Presidency Magistrate/ Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tahsildar/Sub- Divisional Officer of the area where the candidate and/or his/her family normally resides. (b) For Persons with Disabilities: Authorised Certifying Authority will be Medical Board at the District level. The Medical Board consists of Chief Medical Officer, Sub-Divisional Medical Officer in the District and a member who is a specialist in Orthopaedics, ENT or Ophthalmology, as the case may be, 7. SELECTION PROCEDURE: * For Officer Scale-I:- Selection will be made on the basis of performance in RRBs- Common Written Examination (CWE) conducted by IBPS in September 2012 and Personal Interview. Merit list of the candidates for final selection based on Total Weighted Standard Scores (TWSS) obtained by them in CWE of IBPS and Personal Interview will be prepared in descending order under each SC/ST/ OBC/UR category. Selection will be made on the basis of performance in RRBs- Common Written Examination (CWE) conducted by IBPS in September 2012 and Personal Interview. Merit list of the candidates for final selection based on Total Weighted Standard Scores (TWSS) obtained by them in CWE of IBPS and Personal Interview will be prepared in descending order under each SC/ST/ OBC/UR category. * For Office Assistant (Multipurpose):- Selection will be made on the basis of performance in RRBs- Common Written Examination (CWE) conducted by IBPS in September 2012 and Personal Interview. Merit list of the candidates for final selection based on Total Weighted Standard Scores (TWSS) obtained by them in CWE of IBPS and Personal Interview will be prepared in descending order under each SC/ST/OBC/UR category. 8. PERSONAL INTERVIEW: Depending on the number of vacancies, Bank will call from among who have applied to bank, the number, equivalent to three times the number of vacancies short-listed based on their Total Weighted Standard Scores (TWSS). Remaining applicants, if any will not receive an interview call from the Bank. The total marks for Interview will be 30. Post Total marks for Interview Officer MMG Scale-II 30 Officer, JMG Scale-I 30 Office Assistants 30 9. INTERVIEW CENTRES: The Interview will be held at the Head Office, Paschim Banga Gramin Bank, Howrah and the complete address of the venue will be advised in the call letters. The address of the venues will also be displayed in the Banks website one week before the dates for commencement of Interviews. Note: Bank reserves the right to cancel the centre and/or add some other centres, depending upon the response, administrative feasibility, etc. Bank also reserves the right to allot the candidate to any of the centres other than the one he/she has opted for. 10. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: (a) Before applying for any of the mentioned post, the candidate should ensure that he/she fulfils the eligibility and other norms mentioned in this advertisement. Decision of the Bank in all matters regarding eligibility of the candidate, the stages at which scrutiny of such eligibility is to be undertaken, the documents to be produced for the purpose of the conduct of interview, selection and any other matter relating to recruitment will be final and binding on the candidate. No correspondence or personal enquiries shall be entertained by the bank on this behalf. Mere admission to the Written Test and/ or passing the test and being invited by the Bank for the Interview shall not imply that the Bank has been satisfied beyond doubt about the candidates eligibility. Candidates who do not satisfy the eligibility criteria and who do not produce the photocopies as well as the originals of all the documents required to be submitted and as advised in this notification as well as in the Interview call letter, for any reason, whatsoever, shall not be permitted to participate in the Interview, even
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Note: It is clarified that Persons with Disabilities will have to work in Branches/Offices which have posts identified by the Bank as suitable for them. Candidates belonging to Reserved Category, including Persons with Disabilities, for which no reservation has been announced, are free to apply for vacancies announced for Unreserved category provided they fulfill the eligibility criteria laid down for Unreserved category. The number of vacancies in UR category and also the number of reserved vacancies are provisional and may vary according to actual requirements of the Bank. I. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: NATIONALITY/ CITIZENSHIP: A candidate must be a Citizen of India. A candidate in whose case a certificate of eligibility is necessary may be admitted to the Group Discussion/Interview conducted by the Bank but on final selection the offer of appointment may be given only after the Government of India has issued the necessary eligibility certificate to him/her. II Age (As on 01-06-2012) For Officer Scale- II Above 21 years - Below 32 years For Officer Scale- I Above 18 years - Below 28 years For Office Assistant Between 18 years and 28 years The maximum age limit specified is applicable to General Category candidates. Category: Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe. Age relaxation: 5 years. Other Backward Classes - 3 years. Persons With Disability - 10 years. Ex-Servicemen/ Disabled Ex-Servicemen - (for the post of Office Assistants) actual period of service rendered in the defence forces + 3 years (8 years for Disabled Ex-Servicemen belonging to SC/ST) subject to a maximum age limit of 50 years. In the case of Ex- servicemen commissioned officers, including ECOs/ SSCOs, who have rendered at least 5 years military service and have been released on completion of assignment (including those whose assignment is due to be completed within the next one year from the last date for receipt of application) other than by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency or on account of physical disability attributable to military service or on invalidment, subject to ceiling as per Government guidelines - (for the post of Officers) 5 years. Widows, Divorced women and women legally separated from their husbands who have not remarried - (only for the post of Office Assistants) 9 years. Persons ordinarily domiciled in the Kashmir Division of the State of Jammu & Kashmir during the period 1-1-80 to 31-12-89 - 5 years. Persons affected by 1984 riots - 5 years. NOTE: (i) The relaxation in upper age limit is cumulative as per Govt. of India guidelines. (ii) In case of a candidate who is eligible for relaxation under more than one of the above categories the age relaxation will be available on a cumulative basis with any one of the remaining categories for which age relaxation is permitted as mentioned above. (iii) Candidates seeking age relaxation will be required to submit copies of necessary certificate(s) at the time of Interview. (iv) Ex-Servicemen candidates who have already secured employment under the Central Government in Group C & D will be permitted the benefit of age relaxation as prescribed for Ex-Servicemen for securing another employment in a higher grade or cadre in Group C/ D under the Central Government. However, such candidates will not be eligible for the benefit of reservation for Ex-Servicemen in Central Government jobs. (v) An Ex-Servicemen who has once joined a Government job on civil side after availing of the benefits given to him as an Ex-Servicemen for his reemployment, his Ex-Servicemen status for the purpose of the reemployment in Government ceases. C. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA I. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS & EXPERIENCE (as on 01-06-2012)

Note: I. 1. All educational qualifications should be from a recognised university/ Board 2. The result of the qualifying examination, i.e. Graduation or equivalent to graduation, as the case may be, should have been announced by the University on or before 01.06.2012. 3. Candidates should have

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(Contd. from prev,. Page.. )


No.: DE-I-02/2013-14/5505/CHSE/ In continuation to this office order No. 3682 dated 05.07.2013, the admission process of the correspondence course of 1st year students is hereby extended upto 20.09.2013. For this purpose, students desirous are requested to contact at Main office, Bhubaneswar or respective zonal offices of CHSE located at Baripada/Berhampur/Sambalpur for their admission into +2 First Year correspondence course. TK Tripathy, Secretary

though they may have obtained the desired level of score in the Written examination and have been called for interview. In case it is detected at any stage of recruitment that a candidate does not fulfil the eligibility norms and/or that he/she has furnished any incorrect/false information/certificate/ documents or has suppressed any material fact(s), his/her candidature will stand cancelled. If any of these shortcomings is/are detected even after appointment, his/her services are liable to be terminated. (b) Candidates belonging to OBCs but coming in the CREAMY LAYER are not entitled to the benefits of OBC reservation. They should indicate their category as UR or UR Persons with Disabilities as applicable. OBC Certificates in the format as prescribed by the Govt. of India and issued by the Competent Authority inter alia, specifically stating that the candidate does not belong to the Socially Advanced Sections excluded from the benefits of reservations for OBCs in Civil Posts and Services under Govt. of India i.e. carrying CREAMY LAYER clause based on income issued recently (i.e., issued on or after 05/11/2012 should be submitted at the time of Interview. (c) Persons with Disabilities claiming the benefit of reservations/age relaxation should possess Medical Certificate as specified in the Disabilities Act of 1995 in support of their disability. (d) Candidates serving in Government/Public Sector Undertakings (including banks) should send their application through proper channel and produce a "No Objection Certificate" from their employer at the time of Interview, in the absence of which their candidature may not be considered. (e) The candidates will have to appear for interview at their own expense. (f) Only candidate willing to serve anywhere in the operational area of the bank should apply. (g) Any request for change of address will not be entertained. (h) Any resultant dispute arising out of this advertisement shall be subject to the sole jurisdiction of the Courts situated at Howrah. (i) In case any dispute arises on account of interpretation of version other than English, English version will prevail. (j) No candidate is permitted to use calculator, telephones of any kind, pagers or any such other instruments during the selection process. (k) The Bank may at its discretion hold a second stage/ conduct Supplementary process wherever necessary in respect of a centre/ venue/specific post of a candidate(s). (l) Appointment of selected candidates is subject to his/her being declared medically fit as per the requirement of the Bank. Such appointment will also be subject to the Service & Conduct Rules of the Bank. (m) All Candidates must submit the photo copies of the prescribed certificates in support of their educational qualification, experience, date of birth, caste, etc. The candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC/Persons with Disabilities Category are required to submit an attested copy of their caste certificate/certificate of handicap issued by the competent authority, in addition to other certificates as specified above. Candidates will also have to produce original caste certificate/relevant certificates at the time of Interview, failing which his/her candidature will be cancelled. (n) A recent, recognizable passport size photograph should be firmly pasted on the computer generated application form and should be signed across by the candidate. Three copies of the same photograph should be retained for use at the time of interview. Candidates are advised not to change their appearance till the recruitment process is complete. Failure to produce the same photograph at the time of the interview may lead to disqualification. Action against candidates found guilty of misconduct: Candidates are advised in their own interest that they should not furnish any particulars that are false, tampered, fabricated or should not suppress any material information while filling up the application form. At the time of interview, if a candidate is (or has been) found guilty of (i) using unfair means during the selection process or (ii) impersonating or procuring impersonation by any person or (iii) misbehaving in the interview venue or taking away any documents from the venue or (iv) resorting to any irregular or improper means in connection with his/her candidature by selection or (v) obtaining support for his/her candidature by any means. Such a candidate, in addition to rendering himself/herself liable to criminal prosecution, shall be liable to be debarred, either permanently or for a specified period, from any recruitment conducted by Bank. 11. HOW TO APPLY: (i) Candidates are required to apply online through Banks website www.paschimbangagraminbank.com between 27-08-2013 and 11-09-2013. No other means/ mode of application will be accepted. (ii) Candidates should ensure that their personal email ID (as specified in the online application form while applying for RRBs- Common Written Examination CWE conducted in September 2012) is kept active during the currency of a recruitment project. Bank may send call letters for Interview etc. to the registered e-mail ID. Applicants are first required to go to the Banks website www.paschimbangagraminbank.com and click on the link Recruitment/ Careers. (iii) Thereafter, open the Recruitment Notification. * the candidate should take a printout of the fee payment challan * Fill in the Fee Payment Challan in a clear and legible handwriting in BLOCK LETTERS. * Candidates can pay application fees in any of the branches of the Paschim Banga Gramin Bank only. * Go to the nearest Paschim Banga Gramin Bank Branches with the Fee payment Challan and pay, in Cash, the appropriate Application Fee in CBS Account No 10020110004404. * If any branch of Paschim Banga Gramin Bank is not available at your centre, you may remit the Application Fee through NEFT. Our Bank details are furnished below. Name of the Beneficiary Bank: Paschim Banga Gramin Bank. Name of the Beneficiary: PBGB RECRUITMENT 2013 APPLICATION FEE. Name of the Bank branch: Howrah. Bank Branch Address: 10/1, G.T. Road(South), Howrah, PIN Code: 711 101, West Bengal. City: Howrah. Bank Account Number: 10020110004404. IFSC Code: UCBA0RRBPBG( 5th digit should be zero). Bank Code: 256. Branch Code: 2560002. Type of Account: Savings Bank. (iv) Obtain the Applicants Counterfoil Copy of the Application Fee Payment Challan duly authenticated by the Bank with (a) Branch Name & code No, (b) Transaction id/Scroll number (c) Date of Deposit & amount filled by the Branch Official. (v) Candidates are now ready to Apply Online by re-visiting the Recruitment Link on the Banks website www.paschimbangagraminbank.com. All the fields in the online Application format should be filled up carefully. (vi) Carefully fill in the details such as fee payment details from the CBS Challan in the Online Application Form, scores obtained in stipulated CWE etc. at the appropriate places. (vii) Original fee payment receipt i.e CBS challan will have to be submitted with the Call Letter at the time of Interview. Without original CBS challan the candidate will not be allowed to appear in the Interview. Candidates are also advised to keep a photocopy of the fee payment challan with them. (viii) The name of the candidate or his/her father/husband etc. should be spelt correctly in the application as it appears in the certificates/marksheets. Any change / alteration found may disqualify the candidature. (ix) CANDIDATES SHOULD NOT SUBMIT A PRINTOUT OF THE APPLICATION/FEE PAYMENT RECEIPT (CBS challan) TO THE BANK AT THIS STAGE. (x) Please note that the above procedure is the only valid procedure for applying. No other mode of application or incomplete steps would be accepted and such applications would be rejected. (xi) The Application printout along with the fee payment receipt and required copies of documents should be kept ready for submission if shortlisted for Interview. The applicant should sign and affix his/her photograph on such printout of application and keep the same ready for submission if selected for Interview along with copies of required documents mentioned below: 1. Original fee payment receipt (CBS challan) 2. Printout of the online application submitted. 3. Printout of IBPS Scores for the stipulated examination. 4. 10th standard examination Mark sheet in support of local language. 5. Attested copy of School leaving certificate or any other document as proof of age acceptable to the Bank. 6. Attested copies of Mark sheets / certificates in support of Educational Qualification; 7. Attested copy of certificate of Computer Course, as applicable; 8. Caste / PWD any other related certificate as applicable. 9. Photo identity proof. 10. Any other relevant document. If selected for interview, candidates serving in Government / Public Sector Undertakings (including Banks & Financial Institutions) will be required to submit their applications accompanied by a No Objection Certificate from their employer, in the absence of which their candidature will not be considered. It is for the candidate to ensure that he / she has met with the eligibility criteria and complied with the requirements and adhered to the instructions contained in this advertisement as well as in the application form. Candidates are, therefore, urged to carefully read the advertisement and complete the application form and submit the same as per instructions given in this regard. 12. CALL LETTERS FOR THE INTERVIEW: All eligible candidates will be issued call letters at the correspondence address given by the candidates in their application form, which will be sent by post/ courier and e-mail to the mail id of the candidate. Candidate has to affix his/her photograph on the call letter. Candidate has to bring this call letter along with original fee payment receipt and requisite enclosures while attending the Interview without which they will not be allowed to take up the Interview. Date: Chairman Place : Howrah Paschim Banga Gramin Bank

TATA INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL SCIENCES (A Deemed University Since 1964 U/s-3 of the UGC Act, 1956), Mumbai, Tuljapur, Guwahati and Hyderabad. E-mail: pgadmission@tiss.edu, Helpline: 022 25525252
The Tata Institute of Social Sciences(TISS) is a centrally funded Deemed University that works towards creating an ecologically sustainable, equitable and just society. TISS Mumbai through its 9 schools and 5 independent centres, along with campuses in Tuljapur (Maharashtra), Guwahati and Hyderabad offers 44 highly competitive, socially relevant M.A. / M.Sc. / M.PH. / M.H.A. programmes in inter and trans-disciplinary areas of social, health, management, development, habitat and climate sciences. The Institute has over 160 full-time, highly accomplished faculty members involved in teaching, research, policy work and institution building activities. Currently, the Institute has over 1800 Master's and 380 Doctoral students. TISS is amongst the highly ranked universities in the country with a NAAC accreditation score of 3.88 out of 4. TISS announces admission to the 2014-16 batch of Post-Graduate Degree Programmes offered from Mumbai, Tuljapur, Guwahati and Hyderabad campuses. For detailed information on Programmes, Eligibility, Selection Procedure, Reservations and On-line Application Form, visit www.admissions.tiss.edu. Last date for submission of completed application form: October 25,2013. September 06, 2013. Registrar TISS National Entrance Test will be held on Sunday, December 15, 2013

f Q ~ ` L A# L , L f
F ~Z AS {; f~B ADAd {, f Q ~ `L A#L, L fZ 8 {Ss ~ L `NL { ~ L B f L S~ Ld; > , f fS ~ L ~ B L { LS >

BbL F {S $/$# N f Q ~`L A#LZ (Chief District Veterinary Officer, Kalahandi) Q { H } { A{ L{ > `NL N { AL { LS > S {S: L A Intermediate j(I.Sc.) L +2 j(+2 Science) L Da L j (Higher Secondary Science) L S {S L N B L (Animal Husbandry/Dairy/Poultry/Meat/Animal Production){ D {B$# AL > L$DL, N fB N {; D 50 N B L (Animal Husbandry/Dairy/Poultry/Meat/Animal Production) vL{ D {B$# $/$#Z ~ L > A 50 N B j L { D {B$# F N B L (Animal Husbandry/Dairy/Poultry/Meat/Animal Production){ D {B$# {S {S L f {S L {{ {;fL L L A $# {S $/$#Z ~ L > D{N B S Q$# {; {L~ {SsF S DN $/$# ;, '{{ { A S $/$#Z ~ L > F $/$# (HA FL $B) f S Bf { D {B$#{ > DN $/$#Z S ~ A{ 9(A) (Theory) H xNQ/{ 3() (Practical) {s 1(FL) {s A > DN {s{ D {B$# $/$#Z ~ L { FL B `NL N A F L {;fL {{ DN N A B AB{ > `NL ~ LZ L {;L L (Consolidated Monthly Remuneration) L s. 5200/-Z A > : ~ $/$#Z 18 32 (01/06/2013 ) {B$# AL > N f/N ff F dA S f $/$#Z {{ {a A#L 5(o) {L L > L : (1) $Z {{ {Z D (Sound Health Good Physique), ``o A(Active Habits), Da 5 (o) s 2(B) Bo F d A~ 30 () Bo {S {S {Z {L~ L s (Organic Defect) L L A (Mental Infirmity) $# AL > $ B{L `B f~$#{ > (2) $#Z {{ {Z D (Sound Health, Good Physique), ``o A(Active Habits) Da 5 (o) s {S {S {Z {L~ L s (Organic Defect) L L A (Mental Infirmity) $# AL > $# B{L `B f~$#{ > ~ {S: $#/$# SL {B$#{ > $/$#Z {SsF / A#L $#{ > H LZ ~ L A~ L > $/$# {Z A{ L$# f L {f { qL L$#{ H { f {B$#{ > {s: DN $/ $#Z S ~ A{ 9(A) (Theory) H xNQ/{ 3() (Practical) {s 1 (FL) {s A > {s { $/$#Z L s 750/-( `) sZ A > A A{ F AL ~ AL L (Attested True Copy) N f Q ~`L A#LZ(Chief District Veterinary Officer) L{ xL Q L{ L NS { Q L Q L$# LSf L {B{ > Q vB D{ "~ L B Q' D{Q L AL > Q (Q {L A{LZ ~ {) 1. $/$#Z : 2. /Z {s S 3. vL~: 4. {S{S vL~ L 5. f 6. f Q 7. S {S: 8. Da d A~: 9. f(SC/ST/SEBC/GEN): 10. /A: 11. /: L{f { qL L$# LL . H Q: F {W~ LAd {, { AB$# DQ# $ H A{s > Q A{LZ A{ Q LL $# ~: 1. f B{Ss A{s{x {B$# {s Bf {sS > FL{Ss {sS Q D{ AB$# } { Av {B S L AL > As Q {S LL { > 2. S {S ~ A{s{x L > 3. QZ v ` ~ A{s{x L > 4. Zv DN ~ A{s{x L > 5. L{f qL Lx A{s{x L > 6. fS ~(SC/ST/SEBC) A{s{x L > 7. B{Ss ` ~ {S{f{sx AZv {L $/$# Z L {B$#{ > 8. N B L H NB j {S $# {S $/$#Z { N f Q ~ `L A#LZv L f {S L {{ {;fL LL A ~ A{s{x L > A{ Q L { Q: 20.09.2013 { Q A 5 WsL Q N L{ o{, S~ L ] > $/ $# xL vB$# Q { o{ L { ] > A Q/AL ~ (attested copy) $B Q {B$# QSL L` L > f Q ~ ` L A# L , L f

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DENA GUJARAT GRAMIN BANK (A joint venture of Govt. of India, Govt. of Gujarat & Dena Bank) Email:dggbho@rediffmail.com Fax (079) 232 44514 Tel. No. 232 473 37 Head Office : Balvantray Mehta Panchayat Bhavan, 'CH' Road, Sector--17, Gandhinagar
A. Dena Gujarat Gramin Bank invites applications from Indian citizens, for the post of Officer in Middle Management (Scale-II) cadre, Officer in Junior Management (Scale I) Cadre and Office Assistant (Multipurpose) who have appeared for the Common Written Examination for RRBs conducted by IBPS in September 2012 and declared qualified.


Note: I. 1. All educational qualifications should be from a recognised university/ Board 2. The result of the qualifying examination, i.e. Graduation or equivalent to graduation, as the case may be, should have been announced by the University on or before 01.06.2012. 3. Candidates should have obtained the specified Total Weighted Standard Score as well as score in each test in the RRBsCommon Written Examination conducted in September 2012. II. For Officer Scale-I and Office Assistant (Multipurpose) Language Proficiency * - Candidates are required to possess proficiency in the Official Language of Gujarat State and must have passed Gujarati language as one of the subjects at Matriculation/Xth Standard. 2. Pre- Requisite Qualifications - Candidates who have been declared qualified in the RRBs-Common Written Examination conducted by IBPS in September 2012 should have obtained the following scores as given below.

( @ Backlog Vacancies - 29 SC Scale I officers and 03 ST Office Assistants) NOTE : * The number of vacancies as also the numbers of reserved vacancies are provisional and may vary according to the actual requirement of the Bank. The Bank reserves the right to modify/ alter/change the number of vacancies in each of the above categories including reserved category. Abbreviations stand for:

C. SCALE OF PAY: 1. For Officer Scale - II : Rs. 19400 700 x 1 20100 800 x 10 28100. 2. For Officer Scale - I : Rs. 14500 600 x 7 18700 700 x 2 20100 800 x 7 25700. 3. For Office Assistant(Multipurpose) : Rs. 7200 - 400 X 3 - 8400- 500 X 3 9900 600 X 4 12300 700 X 7 17200 1300 X 1 18500 800 X 1 - 19300 (20 years). D. EMOLUMENTS: (approximate). 1. For Officer Scale II :Rs.36986.10 (including D.A; HRA at prevailing rate) 2. For Officer Scale I: Rs.27644.25 (including D.A; HRA at prevailing rate) 3. For Office Assistant(Multipurpose) : Rs.13798.80 (including D.A; HRA at prevailing rate) E. PROBATION PERIOD: 1. For Officer Scale I & II -Two years. 2. For Office Assistant (Multipurpose) -One year. Note: It is clarified that Persons with Disabilities will have to work in Branches/Offices which have posts identified by the Bank as suitable for them. Candidates belonging to Reserved Category, including Persons with Disabilities, for which no reservation has been announced, are free to apply for vacancies announced for Unreserved category provided they fulfill the eligibility criteria laid down for Unreserved category. The number of vacancies in UR category and also the number of reserved vacancies are provisional and may vary according to actual requirements of the Bank. Keeping in view various guidelines of GOI the final decision will be taken by the Bank which will be abiding to all candidates. F. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: NATIONALITY/ CITIZENSHIP: A candidate must be a Citizen of India. A candidate in whose case a certificate of eligibility is necessary may be admitted to the Group Discussion/ Interview conducted by the Bank but on final selection the offer of appointment may be given only after the Government of India has issued the necessary eligibility certificate to him/her. G. Age (As on 01-06-2012) For Officer Scale- II: Above 21 years - Below 32 years. For Officer Scale- I: Above 18 years - Below 28 years. For Office Assistant: Between 18 years and 28 years. The maximum age limit specified is applicable to General Category candidates. Category: Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe. Age relaxation: 5 years. Other Backward Classes - 3 years. Persons With Disability - 10 years. ExServicemen/ Disabled Ex-Servicemen - (for the post of Office Assistants) actual period of service rendered in the defence forces + 3 years (8 years for Disabled Ex-Servicemen belonging to SC/ST) subject to a maximum age limit of 50 years. In the case of Ex- servicemen commissioned officers, including ECOs/ SSCOs, who have rendered at least 5 years military service and have been released on completion of assignment (including those whose assignment is due to be completed within the next one year from the last date for receipt of application) other than by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency or on account of physical disability attributable to military service or on invalidment, subject to ceiling as per Government guidelines - (for the post of Officers) 5 years. Widows, Divorced women and women legally separated from their husbands who have not remarried - (only for the post of Office Assistants) 9 years. Persons ordinarily domiciled in the Kashmir Division of the State of Jammu & Kashmir during the period 1-1-80 to 31-12-89 - 5 years. Persons affected by 1984 riots - 5 years. NOTE: (i) The relaxation in upper age limit is cumulative as per Govt. of India guidelines. (ii) In case of a candidate who is eligible for relaxation under more than one of the above categories the age relaxation will be available on a cumulative basis with any one of the remaining categories for which age relaxation is permitted as mentioned above. (iii) Candidates seeking age relaxation will be required to submit copies of necessary certificate(s) at the time of Interview. (iv) Ex-Servicemen candidates who have already secured employment under the Central Government in Group C. & D. will be permitted the benefit of age relaxation as prescribed for Ex-Servicemen for securing another employment in a higher grade or cadre in Group C./ D. under the Central Government. However, such candidates will not be eligible for the benefit of reservation for Ex-Servicemen in Central Government jobs. (v) An Ex-Servicemen who has once joined a Government job on civil side after availing of the benefits given to him as an Ex-Servicemen for his reemployment, his Ex-Servicemen status for the purpose of the reemployment in Government ceases. H. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA 1. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS & EXPERIENCE (as on 01-06-2012)

I. APPLICATION FEE (INCLUDING POSTAGE/ INTIMATION CHARGES) (NON-REFUNDABLE): Officer (Scale I & II) - Rs. 20/- for SC/ST/PWD candidates. - Rs.100/- for all others Office Assistant (Multipurpose) - Rs. 20/- for SC/ST/PWD/EXSM candidates. - Rs.100/- for all others The fee for SC/ST/Ex-Servicemen/ PWD is towards postage/ intimation charges only and for others the fee includes postal charges of Rs.20/- Requisite Application Fee may be paid through CBS at any of the Branches of Dena Gujarat Gramin Bank, by means of a Payment challan available in the Bank.s website. NOTE: (i) The payment towards application fee can be made through CBS from any of the Branches of the Dena Gujarat Gramin Bank. (ii) The payment towards application fee through CBS can be made between 27-08-2013 and 11-09-2013. (iii) The CBS fee payment challan contains two parts. The first part will be retained by the Branch. The candidate.s copy of the fee payment challan must be retained with the candidate after the necessary details such as Transaction ID, Branch Code etc. are filled in by the bank official. (iv) Application once made will not be allowed to be withdrawn and fee once paid will NOT be refunded under any circumstances nor can it be held in reserve for any other future selection process. J. THE COMPETENT AUTHORITY FOR ISSUE OF CERTIFICATE TO SC/ST/OBC/PWD CANDIDATES IS AS UNDER: (a) For SC/ST/OBC: District Magistrate/Additional Dist Magistrate/ Collector/Deputy Commissioner/ Additional Dy. Commissioner/Dy.Collector/First Class Stipendary Magistrate/Sub-Division Magistrate/ Taluka Magistrate/Executive Magistrate/Extra Assistant Commissioner/ Chief Presidency Magistrate/Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate/Presidency Magistrate/ Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tahsildar/Sub-Divisional Officer of the area where the candidate and/or his/her family normally resides. (b) For Persons with Disabilities: Authorized Certifying Authority will be Medical Board at the District level. The Medical Board consists of Chief Medical Officer, Sub-Divisional Medical Officer in the District and a member who is a specialist in Orthopedics, ENT or Ophthalmology, as the case may be, K. SELECTION PROCEDURE: . For Officer Scale-I :- Selection will be made on the basis of performance in RRBs- Common Written Examination (CWE) conducted by IBPS in September 2012 and Personal Interview. Merit list of the candidates for final selection based on Total Weighted Standard Scores (TWSS) obtained by them in CWE of IBPS and Personal Interview will be prepared in descending order under each SC/ST/OBC/UR category. * For Officer Scale-II (General Banking Officer):- Selection will be made on the basis of performance in RRBs- Common Written Examination (CWE) conducted by IBPS in September 2012 and Personal Interview. Merit list of the candidates for final selection based on Total Weighted Standard Scores (TWSS) obtained by them in CWE of IBPS and Personal Interview will be prepared in descending order under each SC/ST/OBC/UR category. * For Officer Scale-II (Specialist Officer *):- Selection will be made on the basis of performance in RRBs- Common Written Examination (CWE) conducted by IBPS in September 2012 and Personal Interview. Merit list of the candidates for final selection based on Total Weighted Standard Scores (TWSS) obtained by them in CWE of IBPS and Personal Interview will be prepared in descending order under each SC/ST/OBC/UR category. * Chartered Accountant, Marketing Officer, Treasury Manager and Agricultural Officer. * For Office Assistant (Multipurpose):- Selection will be made on the basis of performance in RRBs- Common Written Examination (CWE) conducted by IBPS in September 2012 and Personal Interview. Merit list of the candidates for final selection based on Total Weighted Standard Scores (TWSS) obtained by them in CWE of IBPS and Personal Interview will be prepared in descending order under each SC/ST/ OBC/UR category. L. PERSONAL INTERVIEW: Depending upon the number of vacancies only those candidates who have obtained minimum Cut-off score as specified above and having sufficiently high IBPS score in the stipulated RRBs- Common Written Examination shall be called for Personal
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misconduct: Candidates are advised in their own interest that they should not furnish any particulars that are false, tampered, fabricated or should not suppress any material information while filling up the application form. At the time of interview, if a candidate is (or has been) found guilty of (i) using unfair means during the selection process or (ii) impersonating or procuring impersonation by any person or (iii) misbehaving in the interview venue or taking away any documents from the venue or (iv) resorting to any irregular or improper means in connection with his/her candidature by selection or (v) obtaining support for his/her candidature by any means. Such a candidate, in addition to rendering himself/herself liable to criminal prosecution, shall be liable to be debarred, either permanently or for a specified period, from any recruitment conducted by Bank. O. HOW TO APPLY (i) Candidates are required to apply online through Bank.s website www.dggb.co.in from 27-08-2013 to 11-09-2013. No other means/ mode of application will be accepted. (ii) Candidates should ensure that their personal email ID (as specified in the online application form while applying for RRBsCommon Written Examination CWE conducted in September 2012) is kept active during the currency of a recruitment project. Bank may send call letters for Interview etc. to the registered e-mail ID. (iii) Applicants are first required to go to the Bank.s website www.dggb.co.in and click on the link ''Recruitment''. (iv) Thereafter, open the Recruitment Notification. Read the notification carefully before submitting the application online. * the candidate should take a printout of the fee payment challan * Fill in the Fee Payment Challan in a clear and legible handwriting in BLOCK LETTERS. * Candidates can pay application fees in any of the branches of the Dena Gujarat Gramin Bank only. * Go to the nearest Branch of Dena Gujarat Gramin Bank with the Fee payment Challan and pay, in Cash, the appropriate Application Fee in CBS Account Nos-74220015070010. The details of fee to be paid is indicated below: Candidates may find out the required branch address from the Bank.s website under head Branch Network. Officer (Scale I & II) - Rs. 20/- for SC/ST/PWD candidates. Rs.100/- for all others Office Assistant (Multipurpose) - Rs. 20/- for SC/ST/PWD/EXSM candidates. Rs.100/- for all others (v) Obtain the Applicant.s Counterfoil Copy of the Application Fee Payment Challan duly authenticated by the Bank with (a) Branch Name & code No, (b) Transaction id/Scroll number (c) Date of Deposit & amount filled by the Branch Official. (vi) Candidates are now ready to Apply Online by re-visiting the Recruitment Link on the Bank.s website www.dggb.co.in. All the fields in the online Application format should be filled up carefully. (vii) Carefully fill in the details such as fee payment details from the CBS Challan in the Online Application Form, scores obtained in stipulated CWE etc. at the appropriate places. (viii) Original fee payment receipt i.e CBS challan will have to be submitted with the Call Letter at the time of Interview. Without original CBS challan the candidate will not be allowed to appear in the Interview. Candidates are also advised to keep a photocopy of the fee payment challan with them. (ix) The name of the candidate or his/her father/ husband etc. should be spelt correctly in the application as it appears in the certificates/marksheets. Any change / alteration found may disqualify the candidature. (x) CANDIDATES SHOULD NOT SUBMIT A PRINTOUT OF THE APPLICATION / FEE PAYMENT RECEIPT (CBS challan) TO THE BANK AT THIS STAGE. (xi) Please note that the above procedure is the only valid procedure for applying. No other mode of application or incomplete steps would be accepted and such applications would be rejected. (xii) The Application printout along with the fee payment receipt and required copies of documents should be kept ready for submission if shortlisted for Interview. The applicant should sign and affix his/her photograph on such printout of application and keep the same ready for submission if selected for Interview along with copies of required documents mentioned below: 1. Original fee payment receipt (CBS challan) 2. Printout of the online application submitted. 3. Printout of IBPS Scores for the stipulated examination. 4. 10th standard examination Mark sheet in support of local language. 5. Attested copy of School leaving certificate or any other document as proof of age acceptable to the Bank. 6. Attested copies of Mark sheets / certificates in support of Educational Qualification; 7. Attested copy of certificate of Computer Course, as applicable; 8. Caste / PWD any other related certificate as applicable. 9. Photo identity proof. 10. Any other relevant document. If selected for interview, candidates serving in Government / Public Sector Undertakings (including Banks & Financial Institutions) will be required to submit their applications accompanied by a No Objection Certificate from their employer, in the absence of which their candidature will not be considered. It is for the candidate to ensure that he / she has met with the eligibility criteria and complied with the requirements and adhered to the instructions contained in this advertisement as well as in the application form. Candidates are, therefore, urged to carefully read the advertisement and complete the application form and submit the same as per instructions given in this regard. P. CALL LETTERS FOR THE INTERVIEW: All eligible candidates will be issued call letters at the correspondence address given by the candidates in their application form, which will be sent by post/ courier. Candidate has to affix his/her photograph on the call letter. Candidate has to bring this call letter along with original fee payment receipt and requisite enclosures while attending the Interview without which they will not be allowed to take up the Interview. Date: Chairman Place: Gandhinagar (Dena Gujarat Gramin Bank)

Interview in the ratio 1:3. Remaining applicants, if any will not receive an interview call from the Bank. The total marks for Interview will be 30% for all the cadres. The minimum qualifying marks for Interview will be 50% (45% for SC/ST/PWD/OBC/EXSM). The merit lists of successful candidates in each category shall be made separately on the basis of combined performance in the written test and interview. M. INTERVIEW CENTRES: The Interview will be held at GANDHINAGAR centre and the address of the venue will be advised in the call letters. The address of the venues will also be displayed in the Bank.s website one week before the dates for commencement of Interviews. Note: Bank reserves the right to cancel the centre and/or add some other centres, depending upon the response, administrative feasibility, etc. Bank also reserves the right to allot the candidate to any of the centres other than the one he/she has opted for. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS (a) Before applying for any of the mentioned post, the candidate should ensure that he/she fulfils the eligibility and other norms mentioned in this advertisement. Decision of the Bank in all matters regarding eligibility of the candidate, the stages at which scrutiny of such eligibility is to be undertaken, the documents to be produced for the purpose of the conduct of interview, selection and any other matter relating to recruitment will be final and binding on the candidate. No correspondence or personal enquiries shall be entertained by the bank on this behalf. Mere admission to the Written Test and/ or passing the test and being invited by the Bank for the Interview shall not imply that the Bank has been satisfied beyond doubt about the candidate.s eligibility. Candidates who do not satisfy the eligibility criteria and who do not produce the photocopies as well as the originals of all the documents required to be submitted and as advised in this notification as well as in the Interview call letter, for any reason, whatsoever, shall not be permitted to participate in the Interview, even though they may have obtained the desired level of score in the Written examination and have been called for interview. In case it is detected at any stage of recruitment that a candidate does not fulfill the eligibility norms and/or that he/she has furnished any incorrect/false information/certificate/documents or has suppressed any material fact(s), his/her candidature will stand cancelled. If any of these shortcomings is/are detected even after appointment, his/her services are liable to be terminated. (b) Candidates belonging to OBCs but coming in the ''CREAMY LAYER'' are not entitled to the benefits of OBC reservation. They should indicate their category as ''UR'' or ''UR Persons with Disabilities. as applicable. OBC Certificates in the format as prescribed by the Govt. of India and issued by the Competent Authority inter alia, specifically stating that the candidate does not belong to the Socially Advanced Sections excluded from the benefits of reservations for OBCs in Civil Posts and Services under Govt. of India i.e. carrying .CREAMY LAYER. clause based on income issued recently (i.e., issued on or after 01/04/2012 should be submitted at the time of Interview. (c) Persons with Disabilities claiming the benefit of reservations/age relaxation should possess Medical Certificate as specified in the Disabilities Act of 1995 in support of their disability. (d) Candidates serving in Government/Public Sector Undertakings (including banks) should send their application through proper channel and produce a "No Objection Certificate" from their employer at the time of Interview, in the absence of which their candidature may not be considered. (e) Only candidate willing to serve anywhere in the operational districts specially in Banaskantha, Patan and kutchh districts of Dena Gujarat Gramin Bank of Gujarat state should apply. (f) Any request for change of address will not be entertained. (g) Any resultant dispute arising out of this advertisement shall be subject to the sole jurisdiction of the Courts situated at Gandhinagar. (h) In case any dispute arises on account of interpretation of version other than English, English version will prevail. (i) No candidate is permitted to use calculator, telephones of any kind, pagers or any such other instruments during the selection process. (j) The Bank may at its discretion hold a second stage/ conduct Supplementary process wherever necessary in respect of a centre/venue/specific post of a candidate(s). (k) Appointment of selected candidates is subject to his/her being declared medically fit as per the requirement of the Bank. Such appointment will also be subject to the Service & Conduct Rules of the Bank. (l) All Candidates must submit the photo copies of the prescribed certificates in support of their educational qualification, experience, date of birth, caste, etc. The candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC Category are required to submit an attested copy of their caste certificate issued by the competent authority of Government of Gujarat State in prescribed format. Persons with Disabilities Category are required to submit an attested copy of certificate of handicap issued by the competent authority, in addition to other certificates as specified above. Candidates will also have to produce original caste certificate/ relevant certificates at the time of Interview, failing which his/her candidature will be cancelled. (m) A recent, recognizable passport size photograph should be firmly pasted on the computer generated application form and should be signed across by the candidate. Three copies of the same photograph should be retained for use at the time of interview. Candidates are advised not to change their appearance till the recruitment process is complete. Failure to produce the same photograph at the time of the interview may lead to disqualification. N. Action against candidates found guilty of

f Q ~ ` L A# L , {L s f
F ~Z AS {; f~B ADAd {, f Q ~ `L A#L, {Ls fZ 13 {Ss ~ L `NL { ~ L B f L S~ Ld; > , f fS ~ L ~ B L { LS >

BbL F {S $/$# N f Q ~`L A#LZ (Chief District Veterinary Officer) Q { H } { A{ L{ > `NL N { AL { LS > S {S: L A Intermediate j(I.Sc.) L +2 j(+2 Science) L Da L j (Higher Secondary Science) L S {S L N B L (Animal Husbandry/Dairy/Poultry/Meat/Animal Production){ D {B$# AL > L$DL, N fB N {; D 50 N B L (Animal Husbandry/Dairy/Poultry/Meat/Animal Production) vL{ D {B$# $/ $#Z ~ L > A 50 N B j L { D {B$# F N B L (Animal Husbandry/Dairy/Poultry/Meat/Animal Production){ D {B$# {S {S L f {S L {{ {;fL L L A $# {S $/ $#Z ~ L > D{N B S Q$# {; {L~ {SsF S DN $/ $# ;, '{{ { A S $/$#Z ~ L > F $/$#(HA FL $B) f S Bf { D {B$#{ > DN $/$#Z S ~ A{ 9(A) (Theory) H xNQ/{ 3() (Practical) {s 1(FL) {s A > DN {s{ D {B$# $/$#Z ~ L { FL B `NL N A F L {;fL {{ DN N A B AB{ > `NL ~ LZ L {;L L (Consolidated Monthly Remuneration) L s. 5200/-Z A > : ~ $/$#Z 18 32 (01/06/2013 ) {B$# AL > N f/N ff F dA S f $/$#Z {{ {a A#L 5(o) {L L > L : (1) $Z {{ {Z D (Sound Health Good Physique), ``o A(Active Habits), Da 5 (o) s 2(B) Bo F d A~ 30 () Bo {S {S {Z {L~ L s (Organic Defect) L L A (Mental Infirmity) $# AL > $ B{L `B f~$#{ > (2) $#Z {{ {Z D (Sound Health,

Good Physique), ``o A(Active Habits) Da 5 (o) s {S {S {Z {L~ L s (Organic Defect) L L A (Mental Infirmity) $# AL > $# B{L `B f~$#{ > ~ {S: $#/$# SL {B$#{ > $/$#Z {SsF / A#L $#{ > H LZ ~ L A~ L > $/$# {Z A{ L$# f L {f { qL L$#{ H { f {B$#{ > {s: DN $/ $#Z S ~ A{ 9(A) (Theory) H xNQ/{ 3() (Practical) {s 1 (FL) {s A > {s { $/$#Z L s 750/-( `) sZ A > A A{ F AL ~ AL L (Attested True Copy) N f Q ~`L A#LZ(Chief District Veterinary Officer) L{ xL Q L{ L NS { Q L Q L$# LSf L {B{ > Q vB D{ "~ L B Q' D{Q L AL > Q {s S (Q {L A{LZ ~ {) L 1. $/$#Z : 2. /Z 3. vL~: 4. {S{S vL~ 5. f6. f Q 7. S {S: 8. Da d A~: 9. f(SC/ST/SEBC/GEN): 10. /A: 11. /: L{f { qL L$# LL . H Q: F {W~ LAd {, { AB$# DQ# $ H A{s > Q A{LZ A{ Q LL $# ~: 1. f B{Ss A{s{x {B$# {s Bf {sS > FL{Ss {sS Q D{ AB$# D} { Av {B S L AL > As Q {S LL { > 2. S {S ~ A{s{x L > 3. QZ v ` ~ A{s{x L > 4. Zv DN ~ A{s{x L > 5. L{f qL Lx A{s{x L > 6. fS ~(SC/ST/SEBC) A{s{x L > 7. B{Ss ` ~ {S{f{sx AZv {L $/$# Z L {B$#{ > 8. N B L H NB j {S $# {S $/$#Z { N f Q ~ `L A#LZv L f {S L {{ {;fL LL A ~ A{s{x L > A{ Q L { Q: 20.09.2013 { Q A 5 WsL Q N L{ o{, S~ L ] > $/ $# xL vB$# Q { o{ L { ] > A Q/AL ~ (attested copy) $B Q {B$# QSL L` L > f Q ~ ` L A# L , {L s f

{ 7 - 13 {{u, 2013


L ssB f LL `d; L ?
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v{ L A~{ FLS
AfL { `;S FL ~ L$ > A#L `;S $ # NZ { A LB$F #{ #{ {Z `` { v { AS L L; ] > {{ F A L B { LL d; ] > { { {Z N D{ LB {S {S D{ F L- $F > {jZ L L$ { {, S{~ Ld {S L f{~ N Z {{ L `; N B$F > L {S L F A ` {B$F > {{ v L$ { {, $Z {{ F A L L$F > ~N B F L FLS Q#{ L$F > {L FL { $Z { $# LA { ; ~N L F { L L NL LB{ L$F > {~ {S f{~ f L L ; AL >
FAKIR MOHAN UNIVERSITY, Vyasa Vihar, (North Campus) Nuapadhi, Balasore, Odisha-756020
Walk-in-interview will be conducted for engagement of following posts as per the schedule below in the office of the Registrar, F.M, University, Nuapadhi, Balasore.

No. TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview. The authority reserves the right to . cancel the interview without assigning any reason thereof. REGISTRAR

NIFTEM National Institute of Food Technology Entrepreneurship and Management (NIFTEM) Deemed to be University (De-novo Category) under Section 3 of the UGC Act, 1956 and an Autonomous Institution under Ministry of Food Processing Industries, GOI, Plot No 97, Sector-56, HSIIDC Industrial Estate, Kundli-131028, District-Sonepat (Haryana) Phone No. 130-2281000 Fax No. 0130-2219772 ROLLING VACANCY NOTICE (REGULAR)
The National Institute of Food Technology, Entrepreneurship and Management (NIFTEM) is an autonomous organization under the Ministry of Food Processing Industries, Govt, of India. NIFTEM functions as a centre for integrated education, research, enterprise incubation and outreach in the area of Food Science, Food Technology and Business Management. NIFTEM has been set up on a 100 acre campus area near Delhi-Karnal road, Singhu Border at Kundli, Distt Sonepat, Haryana. NIFTEM invites applications on prescribed format from interested male/female candidates to fill up the following posts on regular basis:-

{L Av W+ L L{ > { o f sZ B { > F~ v{ A$ L{f { { A ] > : F F f , {L s a, B{L{sL L, , {s ADs{s, {s{ { $ B{ L{f{ $# {L~ {L L$ # L, { { s sB f L{ > L { A~ {L o f FL f sZ F B{ > a A+: A~ {L~ {{{s, L, { S{~, {sf `{{ a A+ { L L{ > F$# { A~Z A { { {L o W+ {L > {{fLu B A~ f Av f sZ ; {fS L{ > L{+s Bs: s{ F Ff{L B, Ls , j , {H Hx, Sf L L { s sB `L L{ > F { A~

`W+ {{ {$ > F$#B A~Z {{fLu L L A L > As}L Bs: Af L F A{L , f F{f, j , L {Z ALL AQ# AS{ Q# A {Q SDd; > {D ddZ {Q{Q#{ Q ` $# H , L{f {Q{Q# L$#{, {D{ W{ As}L {Q# {fS L{, {{ ~ As}L d L B$; > {L/ DL: F{ {sf `{, FF {xH, S L {f {', L { s, xLu o BL { L B {L, {WLZ { ` d > {D{ F S{ AS $#{, {{ FL s s B f { S~ L{ > {S B A FL f sZ A L F{ f sZ F L d > F$#B {L~ } $F >

{B { H s {s B CMTI {
{ L{L H B{ {sL{{f {{ {B {, s H L{ A $#{ FL A~d > F ` {{s S S ; { Sd > FL Q# B{L{sO L{ fS{ { A#S ~ Ld; > `B {sL{{f $ # L S L~ > AfL `L {Q# LZ L CMTI professional {B {, s Ls H xfs L{ {s { B { L s FA, s -2182 ; L{v{ { 3 Q 2003 { {B$# > DN As IDRA f Af L ISO 9001-2008 L A{s > F $# S H {~ Z L {L , L { A#L {fS L B Fundamental Chip level F SMD Technology D{ {s {B LZ $ NOKIA, SAMSUNG, MICROMAX, LENOVO, SONY A{ N H A#N L > Af F { {Bd > F ~ Ad > { L 10,000 35,000 H {fS L{ {Bd; > CMTI W 10 Aj LZ Hardware/Software D{ L f f Z {fS Ld > F course L B Da AL ] > A v d$ # { $ sL , +2, +3, ABsAB L$ # {L L, , N, A L` H A N{ F {s {B { > { $ 1, 3, 6, 9 H 12 > S H { Z B Study Loan* Ad H sLs S~{ LDAd > Fv{ practical, fault finding research centre, practice audio/vedio lab, library, genuine spare service, hostel H field training 20 L {SB ADd > { {s A;, {{ A {S SLZ set s f {L $F > {B L dF > CMTI latest model complete repairing training H life time support {B$F, s {B L S$F > f{~ d {L course fee {Dd;, { {L A$ H {L { A L{ {fS Ld; > { CMTI Course fee, easy process {s {B life style L { Change L {Bd > f {, AS H D { j $# { LA, A H d' A {B {fS {B{ { CMTI {L A { S AL L` N Aq L D Ld; > Communication & Information Technology never fails & never ends, it always improves by latest Technology.

Note: 1. The selected candidates will have to stay in the campus subject to availability as well as allotment of suitable accommodation. In case of non availability residents, single room accommodation in hostel will be provided. 2. The Posts are permanent but initial appointment will be on probation of 02 years. 3. In deserving cases, the age and experience can be relaxed by the competent authority. 4. No. of posts can be increased or decreased. 5. No TA/DAshall be paid for attending the interviews. Interested candidate should submit their application on prescribed format. Last date for receipt of first bunch of duly filled in applications in the office of the Registrar within 22-082013 till 5.30 pm at NIFTEM Campus, Kundli, Sonepat. Howerver since it is a rolling vacancy notice therefore, itwould be valid forthe next six months, and hence the candidate can send their applications upto 22-02-2014. Age and Qualification will be counted as on 01.07.2013. Last cut off date as follows: For 2nd Bunch : 22-09-2013, For 3rd Bunch : 22-10-2013, For4th Bunch: 22-11-2013, For 5th Bunch : 22-12-2013, For6 th Bunch : 22-012014, Last Bunch : 22-02-2014 respectively. Please visit NIFTEM's website www.niftem.ac.in for detailed Qualification & Experience for the above posts and to download application form. For consultancy in the area of food processing & Technology, please visit at www.niftem.ac.in. For rolling vacancies for faculty & non faculty, please visit at www.niftem.ac.in. For training program under Skill Development, please visit at www.niftem.ac.in. National Seminar on Revitalizing Indian Agriculture "Innovations in Agro Processing and Value Chain" (RIA-2013) (August 23-24,2013) Sushil Kumar, Registrar, NIFTEM

{ 7 - 13 {{u, 2013


f Q ~ ` L A# L , L f
F ~Z AS {; f~B ADAd {, f Q ~ `L A#L, L fZ 7 {Ss ~ L `NL { ~ L B f L S~ Ld; > , f fS ~ L ~ B L { LS >

In continuation of the Admission Notification No. 914/PGC/BU/13 dtd.20.05.2013 and No-1451/ PGC/BU/13, Dtd. 13-08-2013, applications in the prescribed forms are invited from intending eligible Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe and General candidates for the vacant seats Regular Courses and self-financing courses for the academic session 2013-14.

BbL F {S $/$# N f Q ~`L A#L (Chief District Veterinary Officer, Kalahandi) Q { H } { A{ L{ > `NL N { AL { LS > S {S: L A Intermediate j(I.Sc.) L +2 j(+2 Science) L Da L j (Higher Secondary Science) L S {S L N B L (Animal Husbandry/Dairy/Poultry/Meat/Animal Production){ D {B$# AL > L$DL, N fB N {; D 50 N B L (Animal Husbandry/Dairy/Poultry/ Meat/Animal Production) vL{ D {B$# $/$# Z ~ L > A 50 N B j L { D {B$# F N B L (Animal Husbandry/Dairy/Poultry/ Meat/Animal Production){ D {B$# {S {S L f {S L {{ {;fL L L A $# {S $/$# Z ~ L > D{N B S Q$ # {; {L~ {SsF S DN $/$# ;, '{{ { A S $/$# Z ~ L > F $/ $# (HA FL $B) f S Bf { D {B$#{ > DN $/$# Z S ~ A{ 9(A) (Theory) H xNQ/{ 3() (Practical) {s 1(FL) {s A > DN {s{ D {B$# $/$# Z ~ L { FL B `NL N A F L {;fL {{ DN N A B AB{ > `NL ~ LZ L {;L L (Consolidated Monthly Remuneration) L s. 5200/-Z A > : ~ $/$# Z 18 32 (01/06/2013 ) {B$# AL > N f/ N ff F dA S f $/$# Z {{ {a A#L 5(o) {L L > L : (1) $Z {{ {Z D (Sound Health Good Physique), ``o A(Active Habits), Da 5 (o) s 2(B) Bo F d A~ 30 () Bo {S {S {Z {L~ L s (Organic Defect) L L A (Mental Infirmity) $# AL > $ B{L `B f~${ # > (2) $Z # {{ {Z D (Sound Health, Good Physique), ``o A(Active Habits) Da 5 (o) s {S {S {Z {L~ L s (Organic Defect) L L A (Mental Infirmity) $# AL > $# B{L `B f~${ # > ~ {S: $#/ $# SL {B$#{ > $/$# Z {SsF / A#L $#{ > H LZ ~ L A~ L > $/$# {Z A{ L$ # f L {f { qL L${ # H { f {B$#{ > {s: DN $/$# Z S ~ A{ 9(A) (Theory) H xNQ{ 3() (Practical) {s 1 (FL) {s A > {s { $/$# Z L s 750/-( `) sZ A > A A{ F AL ~ AL L (Attested True Copy) N f Q ~`L A#LZ(Chief District Veterinary Officer) L{ xL Q L{ L NS { Q L Q L$ # LSf L {B{ > Q vB D{ "~ L B Q' D{Q L AL > Q (Q {L A{LZ ~ {) {s S 1. $/$# Z : 2. /Z L 3. vL~: 4. {S{S vL~ 5. f6. f Q 7. S {S: 8. Da d A~: 9. f(SC/ST/SEBC/GEN): 10. /A: 11. /: 12. L{f { qL L$ # LL . H Q: F {W~ LAd {, { AB$# DQ # $ H A{s > Q A{LZ A{ Q LL $# ~: 1. f B{Ss A{s{x {B$# {s Bf {sS > FL{Ss {sS Q D{ AB$# } { Av {B S L AL > 2. S {S ~ A{s{x L > 3. QZ v ` ~ A{s{x L > 4. Zv DN ~ A{s{x L > 5. L{f qL Lx A{s{x L > 6. fS ~(SC/ST/ SEBC) A{s{x L > 7. B{Ss ` ~ {S{f{sx AZv {L $/$# Z L {B$#{ > 8. N B L H NB j {S $# {S $/$# Z { N f Q ~ `L A#LZv L f {S L {{ {;fL LL A ~ A{s{x L > A{ Q L { Q: 25.09.2013 { Q A 5 WsL Q N L{ o{, S~ L ] > $/$# xL vB$# Q { o{ L { ] > A Q/AL ~ (attested copy) $B Q {B$# QSL L` L > f Q ~ `L A#L, L f

* Seats reserved for SC and ST candidates are interchangeable. If candidates from SC, ST and Women categories are not available, the General category candidates can be considered for admission. The intending candidates are required to send (i) duly filled-in application along with the processing-cum-Application fee in the form of Bank Draft drawn in favour of the concerned Head of the Department (In case of PG Regular* courses) and the Coordinator of concerned Self-financing Course (in case of self-financing courses) payable at the SBI, Bhanja Bihar (Code2107) (ii) Original documents from HSC onwards-certificates, mark sheets and CLC along with one set of photocopies (iii) admission and other fee in the form of Bank Draft drawn in favour of the Comptroller of Finance, Berhampur University payable at SBI, Bhanja Bihar (Code 2107) on or before 16.09.2013 to the Head of the concerned department in case of regular courses and to the Coordinator of the concerned course in case of self-financing courses. Interested candidates are required to visit the University website www.buodisha.edu.in for eligibility, application, fees and other details. A. K. Panigrahi, Chairman, P.G. Council Berhampur University

On-line applications in the prescribed form are invited for admission into the following M.Phil. Courses under Utkal University for the session 2013-2014. A & A Economics, AIHCA, Anthropology, Botany, Chemistry, Commerce, English, Geography, Geology, History, Ub & lib. Science, Mathematics, Oriya, PMIR, Philosophy, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, Public Administration Sanskrit, Sociology, Statistics and Zoology. Application forms shall be downloaded from the University Website www.utkaluniversity.ac.in from 01.09.2013. Filled in applications along with relevant documents and two Bank Drafts shall be submitted to the Head of the concerned P.G. Department either in person or by Speed Post latest by 14.09.2013. Last date of submission of application forms 14.09.2013 or within 14 days from the date of publication of P.G. results of the concerned Departments whose results of 2013 under Utkal University have not yet been published.Payment Procedure: 1. D.D. for Rs.150/- in favour of Comptroller of Finance, Utkal University payable at SBI, U.U. Campus Branch towards the cost of applications form. 2) D.D. for Rs.350/- in favour of the concerned Head of the Department, Utkal University payable at SBI, U.U. Campus Branch towards the entrance test & eAdmission fees. Applications received after due date or incomplete in any respect shall not be considered. The date of entrance test is 24.09.2013 and admission date is 03.10.2013 and classes will be started on 07.10.2013. The University authorities shall not be held responsible for any postal delay or loss in transit. Chairman, P.G. Council

DDCE, Sambalpur University invites application for admission into the following courses for the session beginning January- 2014, through various approved study centers in Odisha. Last date for receipt of completed forms - Last date with late fine: (Rs 250/-): 30.09.2013. Last date with late fine of Rs.100/- (Rs.350/-) : 30.10.2013. MBA- MASTER IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION ELIGIBILITY: Graduate in any discipline or equivalent. DURATION OF THE COURSE: 4 sem. COURSE FEE: Rs.12,500/-per sem. COMPUTER COURSES - COURSE: MCA- Direct Entry. ELIGIBILITY: Graduate in any discipline or equivalent. DURATION OF THE COURSE: 6 sem. COURSE FEE: Rs.9000/- per sem. MCA- Lateral Entry - PGDCA/ BCA/ B.Sc (IT) / DOEACC-A Level - 4 Sem. - Rs. 5000/- Lateral fee (One time) + Rs. 9000/- per sem. B.C.A. - +2 or equivalent - 3 years - Rs. 15000/ -per year. P.G.D.C.A. - Graduate in any discipline or equivalent - 1 Year - Rs. 12000/-. How to apply: The Bank Challan form, Prospectus and admission form can be downloaded from the website of DDCE, Sambalpur University i.e. www.sambalpuruniversityddce.com or may be obtained through any of the approved study center of DDCE by depositing the bank challan of appropriate amount. The bank challan may be deposited in any State Bank of India / Uco Bank. Last date of receipt of completed application is 30.09.2013 without late fee and 30.10.2013 with a late fee of Rs.100/-. The complete application from along with all supporting documents for all Computer courses and MBA-2 years may be submitted directly to the opted study center. Director, DDCE

f Q ~ ` L A# L , l S f
F ~Z AS {; f~B ADAd {, f Q ~ `L A#L, lS fZ 2 {Ss ~ L `NL { ~ L B f L S~ Ld; > , f fS ~ L ~ B L { LS >

BbL F {S $/$# N f Q ~`L A#LZ (Chief District Veterinary Officer) Q { H } { A{ L{ > `NL N { AL { LS > S {S: L A Intermediate j(I.Sc.) L +2 j(+2 Science) L Da L j (Higher Secondary Sc) L S {S L N B L (Animal Husbandry/Dairy/Poultry/Meat/Animal Production){ D {B$# AL > L$DL, $ H $#Z {N AS#L { { L > 1) $ AS#L: N B L S {S (L ) (Animal Husbandry/Dairy/Poultry/Meat/Animal Production) { D {B$# AL > 2) N B j {S $# {S f {S L{{ {;fL L L A $# > F $/$#Z S ~ A{ 9(A) (Theory). DN {s{ D {B$# $/$#Z ~ L { FL B `NL N A F L {;fL {{ DN N A B AB{ > `NL ~ LZ L {;L L (Consolidated Monthly Remuneration) L s. 5200/-Z A > : ~ $/$# Z 18 32 (01/12/2012 ) {B$# AL > N f/N ff F dA S f $/$#Z {{ {a A#L 5(o) {L L > L : (1) $Z {{ {Z D (Sound Health Good Physique), ``o A(Active Habits), Da 5 (o) s 2(B) Bo F d A~ 30 () Bo {S {S {Z {L~ L s (Organic Defect) L L A (Mental Infirmity) $# AL > $ B{L `B f~$#{ > (2) $#Z {{ {Z D (Sound Health, Good Physique), ``o A(Active Habits) Da 5 (o) s {S {S {Z {L~ L s (Organic Defect) L L A (Mental Infirmity) $# AL > $# B{L `B f~$#{ > ~ {S: $#/$# SL {B$#{ > $/$#Z {SsF / A#L $#{ > H LZ ~ L A~ L > $/$# {Z A{ L$ # f L {f { qL L$#{ H { f {B$#{ > {s: DN $/$#Z S ~ A{ 9(A) (Theory) H xNQ/{ 3() (Practical) {s 1 (FL) {s A > {s { $/$#Z L s 750/-( `) sZ A >

A A{ F AL ~ AL L (Attested True Copy) N f Q ~`L A#LZ(Chief District Veterinary Officer) L{ xL Q L{ L NS { Q L Q L$# LSf L {B{ > Q vB D{ "~ L B Q' D{Q L AL > Q {s S (Q {L A{LZ ~ {) L 1. $/$#Z : 2. /Z 3. vL~: 4. {S{S vL~ 5. f 6. f Q 7. S {S: 8. Da d A~: 9. f(SC/ST/SEBC/GEN): 10. /A: 11. /: L{f { qL L$# LL . H Q: F {W~ LAd {, { AB$# DQ# $ H A{s > Q A{LZ A{ Q LL $# ~: 1. f B{Ss A{s{x {B$# {s Bf {sS > FL{Ss {sS Q D{ AB$# D} { Av {B S L AL > As Q {S LL { > 2. S {S ~ A{s{x L > 3. QZ v ` ~ A{s{x L > 4. Zv DN ~ A{s{x L > 5. L{f qL Lx A{s{x L > 6. fS ~(SC/ST/SEBC) A{s{x L > 7. B{Ss ` ~ {S{f{sx AZv {L $/$# Z L {B$#{ > 8. NB j S {S $# {S $/$#Z { N f Q ~ `L A#LZv L f {S L {{ {;fL LL A ~ A{s{x L > A{ Q L { Q: 15.09.2013 { Q A 5 WsL Q N L{ o{, S~ L ] > $/ $# xL vB$# Q { o{ L { ] > A Q/AL ~ (attested copy) $B Q {B$# QSL L` L > f Q ~ ` L A# L , l S f

{ 7 - 13 {{u, 2013


through GATE- 2013 examination against our previous advertisement published in September 2012 and finally not selected as Offices/ Engineers, shall be required to apply afresh. Such candidates will not be considered automatically for the position of Assistant Officers/ Assistant Engineers. Their previous application shall be considered null and void for the positions of Assistant Officers/ Assistant Engineers. The disciplines and corresponding GATE papers along with GATE paper codes are given below:

Indian Oil, Fire up your aspirations.. .. Emerge as Energy of India team member IndianOil Offers Unique Opportunity to 250 Graduate Engineers to Join As Assistant Officers/ Assistant Engineers on the basis of GATE-2013 score
We are a transnational energy major and the highest ranked Indian company in the Fortunes prestigious Global 500 list. Through last five decades of relentless service to the nation, we have emerged as the largest business enterprise in India with a turnover of Rs 4.15 lakh crore (US$ 76.2 billion). We operate one of the Asias largest networks of refineries, pipelines and marketing and petrochemicals business. Empowered with Maharatna status, we are nurturing our vision to emerge as Energy of India. We are looking for energetic and dedicated Graduate Engineers (Indian nationals only) from the following engineering disciplines for recruitment as Assistant Officers/ Assistant Engineers: Civil Engineering (excluding Construction/ Environmental/ Transportation Engineering) Chemical Engineering (including Petrochemicals/ Polymer Engineering but excluding Oil/ Paint Technology/ Surfactant Technology/ Ceramics Engineering) Electrical Engineering ( including Electrical & Electronics engineering but excluding Electrical & Communication/ Telecommunication engineering) Instrumentation Engineering (Including Electronics & Instrumentation engineering but excluding Electronics & Communication engineering/Telecommunication engineering) Mechanical Engineering (excluding Automation/ Automobile/ Production/Manufacturing/ Industrial Engineering) Metallurgical Engineering. Note: above mentioned inclusions/ exclusions are indicative and not descriptive. The Corporation reserves the right to take a final decision for considering/ not considering a programme beyond the core Engineers/ Technology disciplines mentioned above. Nature of Job - Assistant officers/ Assistant Engineers are newly introduced positions in IndianOil. They will be recruited as regular executives in the Corporation. Postings will predominantly be to manage day to day operations in the divisions. The positions will be mostly in marketing operations at Terminals/ Depots/ LPG Bottling Plants/ Aviation Fuelling Stations (AFS) and pipelines projects etc. Selected candidates may be posted/ transferred to any Division / Unit / Subsidiary Company/Office of the Corporation. Remuneration - Candidates selected as Assistant Officers/ Assistant Engineers will receive a starting basic pay of Rs. 20,600/ -per month. In addition, the selected candidates will receive Dearness Allowance (DA) and other allowances, according to the rules of the Corporation in force, as amended from time to time. Other allowances / benefits include HRA / subsidized housing accommodation (depending upon place of posting), medical facilities, performance related pay, gratuity, contributory provident fund, employees pension scheme, group personal accident insurance scheme, leave encashment, leave travel concession (LTC)/ LFA, contributory superannuation benefit fund scheme, conveyance advance/ maintenance reimbursement, performance related incentives (PRP) etc. The Cost-to-Company (CTC), will be about Rs 7.00 lakhs per annum inclusive of performance related pay (PRP). The actual CTC will vary depending on place of posting and also performance ratings. Educational Qualification/ Age and Other Eligibility Criteria - The eligibility criteria regarding prescribed educational qualification, age and other eligibility criteria and application procedure is mentioned below: Educational Qualification - Minimum educational qualification for employment as Assistant Officers/ Assistant Engineers is: Candidates should have passed qualifying degree examinations and awarded Bachelors Degree in Engineering/ Technology (BE/ B.Tech or equivalent) in the above mentioned disciplines (full time regular courses only) from recognized Indian Universities / Institutes. Candidates, belonging to General and OBC (non- creamy layer) categories, should have secured minimum 65% marks in qualifying degree examinations. It is relaxed to pass for Scheduled Caste (SC)/ Scheduled Tribe (ST) /People With Disability (PWD) candidates. Candidates, who have completed their Bachelors degree in Engineering/ Technology or will complete the same by September, 2013 are eligible to apply. Candidates pursuing/ completed M.Tech in any disciplines, other than mentioned above, for being eligible, must have completed (or are completing) BE/ B.Tech in one of the above mentioned disciplines and already taken GATE-2013 examination in the discipline of their B.Tech are eligible to apply. For example, if a candidate has completed (or is pursuing) his M.Tech in Power Systems and if he has done his B. Tech in Electrical Engineering (which is one of the core disciplines advertised by IndianOil), he will be eligible, only if he appeared in GATE-2013 examination in Electrical Engineering and has a valid score in GATE-2013. On the contrary, if the same candidate had done his BE/B.Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering, he will not be eligible. Integrated ME/ M.Tech candidates will be eligible, if they have already completed the course requirement for awarding BE/ B.Tech in one of the core disciplines advertised above and have completed (or completing) ME/ M.Tech by September, 2013. At the end of the programme, if selected in IndianOil, such candidates must have both BE/ B.Tech and ME/M.Tech degree. Candidates completed / are pursuing their graduation (BE/B.Tech) in combined/ integrated disciplines like Mechatronics/ Robotics etc will not be eligible. Age Limit: Maximum 26 years as on 30th June, 2013 for the general category candidates. Age relaxation for OBC (Non Creamy Layer)/SC/ST/PWD candidates will be applicable as per the Presidential Directive. Concessions/ Relaxations - Reservation of posts for SC/ST/OBC (Non-Creamy Layer)/ PWD (degree of disability 40% or above) will be maintained as per Government of India directives. Maximum relaxation of 3 years to OBC (non-creamy layer), 5 years to SC/ST and 10 years to PWD candidates will be extended as per the Presidential Directive. For getting the reservation benefits under OBC category: The name of caste and community of the candidate must appear in the Central list of other Backward Classes The candidates must not belong to creamy layer. The candidates need to furnish their OBC certificate as per the format prescribed by Government of India and it must not be more that 6 months old. Age relaxation by 5 years for candidates domiciled in Jammu & Kashmir between 1.1.1980 and 31.12.1989. Age relaxation by 5 years for Ex-servicemen & Commissioned Officers (including ECOs /SSCOs) subject to rendering minimum 5 years military service and fulfillment of other conditions prescribed by Government of India. Minimum percentage of marks in the qualifying degree examination is relaxed to pass class for SC/ST/PWD category candidates. Physical Fitness Desirous candidates seeking employment with IndianOil needs to be medically fit as per IndianOils preemployment medical standard. Candidates are advised to go through the Guidelines and Criteria for Physical Fitness for Pre-employment medical Examination before they commence the application process. The guidelines are available in the following link: http://www.iocl.com/PeopleCareers/Preemployment_Guiding_Principles11th_mar_2011.pdf Selection - The selection methodology will comprise of the following: Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineers (GATE) 2013 score of the candidates in the advertise core disciplines. The graduate engineers from the relevant disciplines, desirous of applying for the positions of Assistant Officers/ Assistant Engineers in IndianOil must have appeared in GATE-2013 in the same disciplines and posses a valid GATE-2013 score. Only GATE-2013 score is valid for this recruitment exercise in IndianOil under this advertisement. GATE score of 2012 or scores from any previous GATE examination is not valid. Those who had applied for the position of Officers/ Engineers

On the basis of GATE-2013 score (obtained out of 100), the candidates will be short listed for further selection process comprising of: Group Discussion / Group Task Personal Interview for assessment of different facets of knowledge, skill, attitude and aptitude. Candidates will have to qualify through each stage of selection process successfully before being adjudged as suitable for selection. Service Bond - General category candidates will have to execute a bond of Rs.2,00,000 (Rs.35000/- for SC/ST/OBC & PWD candidates) to serve the Corporation for a minimum period of three years from the date of joining. How to apply 1. Candidates must have a valid GATE-2013 Registration Number and Valid Score from GATE-2013 examination. 2. Applications from eligible candidates shall be received ONLINE. Relevant link for registering ON LINE application is available on the IndianOils website www.iocl.com. 3. Candidates should click on the ONLINE application link, read the instructions carefully and fill-in the ONLINE application form giving accurate information including the GATE2013 registration number. 4. Candidates must enter the same name in the same configuration as it is appearing in GATE- 2013 admit card/ score card. (For example, if a candidate has registered as Ravi Kumar Singh for GATE 2013, he must enter Ravi Kumar Singh (exactly same spelling) while applying to IndianOil ONLINE. He must not enter R K Singh or Ravi K Singh while applying to IndianOil). The candidates must fill-in the other information boxes correctly and tick the appropriate box, wherever applicable. 5. Upon completion, the candidate should submit the online application by clicking the Submit button at the bottom of the page. If the same is accepted, the system will generate a unique application ID along with the completed application form. 6. We once again reiterate that those who applied for the position of Officers/ Engineers through GATE-2013 examination against our previous advertisement published in September 2012 and finally was not selected as Officer/ Engineer, shall be required to apply afresh. Such candidates will not be considered automatically for the position of Assistant Officer/ Assistant Engineer. IOCL IDs generated during the previous application process for Officers/ Engineers will not be valid for recruitment of Assistant Officers/ Assistant Engineers. An IOCL ID from a new series will be generated after successful completion of on-line application for the post of Assistant Officers/ Assistant Engineers. 7. Candidate should take a print out of completed application, affix his/her recent passport size photograph, put his/ her signature at the space provided and keep with him/ her safely for future reference. 8. The passport size photograph affixed by the candidate should, as far as possible, be the same submitted along with GATE-2013 application form and admit card. If the candidate is called for GD/GT and interview, his/ her identity would be verified with GATE-2013 admit card and GATE-2013 official score card. 9. 21st September, 2013 is the last date for receiving the ONLINE application. Candidates need not to pay any separate application fee to Indian Oil. General Instructions 1. The candidates must have a valid and active e-mail id, which must remain in use for at least next one year. All future communication with the candidates will take place through email only. During previous years, candidates having email in Yahoo domain reported some difficulties while getting unique application ID. This year, such difficulties were reported by GATE authorities too. Hence, candidates having their mail ID in Yahoo domain are advised to create a mail account with other service providers for application purpose. 2. The candidates should have the relevant documents like percentage of marks obtained in the qualifying examination, caste/sub-caste certificate, date of issue, name of issuing authority, state of origin, etc. readily available with them before they commence the ONLINE application process. This information will be required at the time of filling-in the ONLINE application. 3. Wherever CGPA/ OGPA/DGPA or Letter Grade in a degree / diploma is awarded, its equivalent percentage of marks must be indicated in the application form as per norms adopted by University / Institute. 4. People with Disability (PWD) candidates will be considered for selection against the identified posts. 5. Candidates belonging to OBC category, but falling in creamy layer, will not be entitled to the benefit of reservation and should apply as General Category candidate. 6. Candidates presently employed in Government Departments / PSUs / Autonomous Bodies will need to submit NOC from competent authority of their current employer at the time of interview. 7. A candidate can apply in one discipline only. Candidates applying in more than one discipline will not be considered. 8. Candidates not found to be meeting the prescribed eligibility criteria shall be rejected at any stage of the selection process 9. Candidates can go through the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). In case any particular query is not covered in the FAQs, the candidates can write to Indian Oil at recruit2013@indianoil.in Values at the core of our Business Care . Innovation . Passion . Trust

f Q ~ ` L A# L , LS f
F ~Z AS {; f~B ADAd {, f Q ~ `L A#L, LS fZ 8 {Ss ~ L `NL { ~ L B f L S~ Ld; > , f fS ~ L ~ B L { LS >

BbL F {S $/$# N f Q ~`L A#LZ (Chief District Veterinary Officer) Q { H } { A{ L{ > `NL N { AL { LS > S {S: L A Intermediate j(I.Sc.) L +2 j(+2 Science) L Da L j (Higher Secondary Science) L S {S L N B L (Animal Husbandry/Dairy/ Poultry/Meat/Animal Production){ D {B$# AL > L$DL, N fB N {; D 50 N B L (Animal Husbandry/Dairy/Poultry/Meat/Animal Production) vL{ D {B$# $/$#Z ~ L > A 50 N B j L { D {B$# F N B L (Animal Husbandry/Dairy/Poultry/Meat/Animal Production){ D {B$# {S {S L f {S L {{ {;fL L L A $# {S $/ $#Z ~ L > D{N B S Q$# {; {L~ {SsF S DN $/$# ;, '{{ { A S $/$#Z ~ L > F $/$#(HA FL $B) f S Bf { D {B$#{ > DN $/$#Z S ~ A{ 9(A) (Theory) H xNQ/{ 3() (Practical) {s 1(FL) {s A > DN {s{ D {B$# $/$#Z ~ L { FL B `NL N A F L {;fL {{ DN N A B AB{ > `NL ~ LZ L {;L L (Consolidated Monthly Remuneration) L s. 5200/-Z A > : ~ $/$#Z 18 32 (01/ 06/2013 ) {B$# AL > N f/N ff F dA S f $/$#Z {{ {a A#L 5(o) {L L > L : (1) $Z {{ {Z D (Sound Health Good Physique), ``o A(Active Habits), Da 5 (o) s 2(B) Bo F d A~ 30 () Bo {S {S {Z {L~ L s (Organic Defect) L L A (Mental Infirmity) $# AL > $ B{L `B f~$#{ > (2) $#Z {{ {Z D (Sound Health, Good Physique), ``o A(Active Habits) Da 5 (o) s {S {S {Z {L~ L s (Organic Defect) L L A (Mental Infirmity) $# AL > $# B{L

`B f~$#{ > ~ {S: $#/$# SL {B$#{ > $/$#Z {SsF / A#L $#{ > H LZ ~ L A~ L > $/$# {Z A{ L$# f L {f { qL L$#{ H { f {B$#{ > {s: DN $/$#Z S ~ A{ 9(A) (Theory) H xNQ/{ 3() (Practical) {s 1 (FL) {s A > {s { $/$#Z L s 750/-( `) sZ A > A A{ F AL ~ AL L (Attested True Copy) N f Q ~`L A#LZ(Chief District Veterinary Officer) L{ xL Q L{ L NS { Q L Q L$# LSf L {B{ > Q vB D{ "~ L B Q' D{ Q L AL > Q (Q {L A{LZ ~ {) {s S 1. $/$#Z : 2. /Z 3. vL~: 4. {S{S vL~ L 5. f 6. f Q 7. S {S: 8. Da d A~: 9. f(SC/ST/SEBC/GEN): 10. /A: 11. /: L{f { qL L$# LL . H Q: F {W~ LAd {, { AB$# DQ# $ H A{s > Q A{LZ A{ Q LL $# ~: 1. f B{Ss A{s{x {B$# {s Bf {sS > FL{Ss {sS Q D{ AB$# D} { Av {B S L AL > As Q {S LL { > 2. S {S ~ A{s{x L > 3. QZ v ` ~ A{s{x L > 4. Zv DN ~ A{s{x L > 5. L{f qL Lx A{s{x L > 6. fS ~(SC/ST/SEBC) A{s{x L > 7. B{Ss ` ~ {S{f{sx AZv {L $/ $#Z L {B$#{ > 8. N B L H NB j {S $# {S $/$#Z { N f Q ~ `L A#LZv L f {S L {{ {;fL LL A ~ A{s{x L > A{ Q L { Q: 12.09.2013 { Q A 5 WsL Q N L{ o{, S~ L ] > $/$# xL vB$# Q { o{ L { ] > A Q/AL ~ (attested copy) $B Q {B$# QSL L` L > f Q ~ ` L A# L , LS f

{ 7 - 13 {{u, 2013


management of BCCL on the above matter shall be final and binding. 8. If there is any variation between the English & Hindi versions of the Advertisement, English version may be treated as authentic. 9. Any corrigendum/changes/updates shall be available only on our website www.bccl.gov.in. No intimation shall be given in any newspaper/any other media. 10. No TA /DA shall be paid for attending written test /interview, however, SC/ST candidate called for interview will be paid to and fro second Class Train Fare by shortest route from the address of correspondence to Dhanbad on production of Ticket. 11. Candidates are advised to retain adequate number of similar photographs as attached in the application form for future reference. 12. Any form of canvassing or bringing extraneous pressure will be disqualification and will render the candidate ineligible for selection. 13. Last date for Receipt of application Form- 10th October, 2013 up to 5.00 PM. 14. Any dispute shall have jurisdiction at Dhanbad. APPLICATION FORM

BHARAT COKING COAL LIMITED (A Subsidiary of Coal India Limited- A Maharatna Company) Koyla Bhawan, Koyla Nagar, Dhanbad-826005 Employment Notice No- 08/2013 Recruitment of Jr. Overman, Mining Sirdar and Surveyor (Mining)
Bharat Coking Coal Limited, a Govt. of India Undertaking engaged in Coal Mining activities invites applications from Indian citizens for filling up the vacancies including backlog in the following postsNo of Vacancies*:

*The above number of vacancies is tentative and may vary on review. MINIMUM QUALIFICATION:

Note: 1. Candidates, who are having requisite qualification for more than one post, may apply for one post only as per their choice, for which they have to give written option. 2. Cut of date for eligibility criteria will be - 10th October, 2013. AGE LIMIT AND RELAXATIONS: The candidate must have completed 18 years of age and also not more than 30 years of age as on 10th October, 2013. However, the upper age limit as mentioned above is relaxed byi. 05 years for SC & ST candidates. ii. 03 years for OBC (Non Creamy layer). REMUNERATION AND OTHER BENEFITS - The above posts carry annual increments @3% of Basic Pay on progressive basis along with other allowances and benefits such as Earned leave, Sick leave, Causal Leave etc. as per provisions of NCWA. Medical facilities for self and dependent family members, Gratuity, Coal Mines Provident Fund and Pension under CMPS 1998, Companys accommodation or HRA etc. will be admissible as per Companys Rules. APPLICATION FEE:

Fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances, candidates are therefore, requested to verify their eligibility before paying the application fee. SELECTION PROCESS: Selection Process will consist of Written Examination and shortlisted candidates will be called for Interview. MEDICAL FITNESS: Applicant should have sound health. The selected candidates will have to undergo medical examination by the Companys Authorized Medical Board and the final appointment / joining will be subject to declaration of MEDICAL FITNESS by Companys Authorized Medical Board only. HOW TO APPLY: The candidate must apply in PRESCRIBED APPLICATION FORM which can be downloaded from website: www.bccl.gov.in. The prescribed formates of caste Certificate in respect of SC/ST/OBC are also available on above website for reference. SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION: Candidates fulfilling all the eligibility criteria should send their properly filled in Prescribed Application Form only through Registered/Speed Post in a sealed envelope addressed to The General Manager (Recruitment), Bharat Coking Coal Limited, Koyla Bhawan, Koyla Nagar, Post- BCCL Township, Dhanbad, Jharkhand, PIN- 826005 so as to reach on or before 5.00 PM of 10th October, 2013. Application will not be accepted by hand. Applications sent other than in Prescribed Form or incomplete application or without all the enclosures shall be rejected. Name of the post applied for should be clearly mentioned on the top of envelop containing Application Form in Block Capital Letters. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SC/ST/OBC: a. Caste Certificate in respect of SC/ST/OBC candidates is to be submitted in Prescribed Performa issued from the following Authorities: i) District Magistrate / Additional District Magistrate / Collector/Deputy Commissioner/ Additional Deputy Commissioner /Deputy Collector/ First Class Stipendiary Magistrate/ Sub-Divisional Magistrate/ Taluka Magistrate/ Executive Magistrate/Extra Assistant Commissioner ii) Chief Presidency Magistrate/Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate/Presidency Magistrate. iii) Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tehsildar. iv) Sub-Divisional Officer of the area where the candidate and/or his family normally resides. b. Vacancies meant for OBC category are meant only for OBC candidates coming under Non Creamy Layer (NCL) as defined under Government Rules at http://www.ncbc.nic.in/ Pdf/Aboutcreamylayer.pdf. Certificate should contain the Non Creamy Layer Clause based on the Income for the financial year 2012-2013 or later. The OBC candidates who do not belong to Non Creamy Layer should indicate their category as 'General' only. THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS MUST BE SENT ALONG WITH THE COMPLETE APPLICATION FORM: i. Demand Draft of Requisite Fee. ii. Photocopies of Educational Certificates including Matriculation Certificate ( In support of the date of birth), Caste Certificate, if applicable, in prescribed Performa issued by competent authority, Valid Statutory Certificates, Experience Certificate etc. duly self signed and attested by Gazetted Officer/ Head of the Institution last attended. iii. Two self addressed good quality envelop of 27 x 12 cm. size iv. Four nos additional recent passport size colour photograph to be attached with application form, similar photograph to be pasted on the application form with name clearly written on the front upper side duly attested by the Gazetted Officer / head of the institution last attended. v. Caste Certificate [SC / ST / OBC Certificate {Non Creamy Layer}] (If applicable) vi. Experience certificate ((If applicable)) GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Timely receipt of application shall be the sole responsibility of the applicant. Late receipt due to postal delay or delivery of torn / damaged application shall not be entertained. 2. Candidates employed in Govt./Semi-Govt./Public Sector Undertakings/Autonomous Bodies are required to apply through Proper Channel. However, they may send the application directly and produce the No Objection Certificate from their current employer at the time of Interview. 3. The candidates should ensure while applying that they fulfill the essential eligibility criteria and other requirements prescribed for the post for which they are applying and that the particulars furnished by them are correct in all respects. In case, it is detected at any stage of recruitment process that the candidates do not fulfill the essential eligibility criteria and /or does not comply with other requirements and /or he/has furnished any incorrect / false information or has suppressed any relevant information / material fact(s), his / candidature is liable to be rejected. If any of the above shortcomings is/are detected, even after appointment, his/her services are liable for suitable action including termination and prosecution. 4. The Management reserves the right to Revise / Reschedule / Cancel / suspend the recruitment process, if the need so arises, without assigning any further notice or reason thereof, the decision of the management shall be final and no appeal shall be entertained. 5. The Company reserves the right to reject any application without assigning any reason whatsoever. 6. Applications which are incomplete in any detail or without signature or without all the required enclosures or received after the last date for receipt of applications will be rejected and no correspondence in this regard will be entertained. 7. No correspondence shall be entertained related to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of application, mode of selection, conduct of test and interview or any other matter related to recruitment. The decision of the

9. Permanent Address: (In Block Letters)

13. Educational & Professional Qualification:

14. Details of Statutory Certificates: (Attach Duly Attested copies of Certificates)

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HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LIMITED (A Government of India Enterprise) Regd. Office: 17, Jamshedji Tata Road, Mumbai 400 020. Recruitment of Graduate Engineers through GATE-2014
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd., is a mega integrated Oil refining and marketing company with Gross Sales of s 2,15,675 Crores and 260th position in the prestigious list of Fortune Global 500 Companies during 2012-13. HPCL accounts for about 20% of the market share and about 10% of the nation's refining capacity and also operates the largest Lube Refinery in India producing Lube Base Oils of international standards, which accounts for over 40% of the India's total Lube Base Oil production. HPCL with its performance oriented culture and well-rounded peoples policies has won several prestigious awards like the Golden Peacock Innovative Product/ Service Award 2012, Global CSR Excellence & Leadership Award 2013 by World CSR Congress, CSR Excellence Award 2012-13 by ASSOCHAM and INDIASTAR 2012 Award by the Indian Institute of Packaging (IIP) as recognition of excellence in Packaging. HPCL has also been recently conferred with the prestigious and one of the most acclaimed awards in the country, BML Munjal Award for Excellence in Learning and Development in its 8th edition. Towards fulfilling its Mission - to be a fully integrated company in the hydrocarbons sector of exploration and production, refining and marketing; focusing on enhancement of productivity, quality and profitability; HPCL invites bright and dynamic Engineering Graduates, in specified disciplines aspiring to join its team of world class professionals. Interested candidates are required to appear for GATE 2014 for their respective discipline. * Candidates appearing in different GATE paper other than that of their Qualifying Engineering discipline will not be considered for further selection procedure. e.g. If a candidate with Engineering in Mechanical, appears for CIVIL paper in GATE 2014, his /her candidature will not be considered for further shortlisting. * On the basis of valid GATE-2014 marks, candidates who qualify in GATE 2014 in their respective discipline, a discipline wise, categorywise list of candidates will be drawn up for further selection process comprising of: * Group Discussion/Group Task and /or Personal Interview for assessment of different facets of knowledge, skill, attitude and aptitude. * A Discipline wise category wise Merit list of all successful candidates i.e. those who qualify in Group Discussions/Tasks and/ or personal interview would be drawn up. * While drawing merit list of successful candidates 85% weightage would be given to GATE 2014 marks and 15% to Group Discussion / Tasks and/or Personal Interview. * Please note that only GATE-2014 marks will be valid for this recruitment exercise. GATE marks of 2013 or prior to that are not valid. Candidates will have to qualify through each stage of selection process successfully before being adjudged as suitable for selection. Selected candidates shall have all-India transfer liability and may be posted to any Division/Unit/Subsidiary Company/Office of the Corporation. Remuneration Package (Cost To The Company) Selected candidates will initially undergo training for six months. During the training period, Officer Trainees will be entitled for a consolidated Stipend of r 33,000/- per month. Upon successful completion of training, they will be absorbed at the entry level in the Management Cadre in A grade in the Salary Scale of s. 24,900 - 50,500, subject to fulfilling the required performance related/ other criterion, and will be on Probation for a further period of 6 months. Upon completion of the Probation period, they will be considered for confirmation subject to satisfactory performance during Probation period, qualifying in Technical Competency test, submission of Project Report upto qualifying standards, required attendance etc. The confirmation in service would also be subject to verification of antecedents and verification of caste status / certificate wherever applicable. Upon absorption, besides Basic Pay, the employee is entitled to allowances at 50% of Basic Pay under Cafeteria Approach, Dearness Allowance, HRA, Contributory Provident Fund, Gratuity, and Superannuation Benefits as per Corporations policy in force from time to time. Upon confirmation, the CTC would be approximately. R 9.4 lakhs per annum**. In addition to this, certain work related allowances and Performance Related Pay (PRP) is also paid as per the Corporations policy. ** CTC is for candidates posted in metro cities; and may vary for other locations. CTC includes deferred payments like postRetirement Benefits.(PF, Gratuity and Superannuation Benefits) PLACEMENT/ ASSIGNMENTS: Posting/ Assignment can be in any SBU/Division/Department of the Corporation at any place in the country/otherwise and the services thereafter will be transferable as per the requirement of the Corporation. These positions generally involve working in shift duties. Selected candidates may also be posted in any of the subsidiaries/Joint Ventures or any department of Government of India. Retention Amount: An amount of r 5000/- per month will be deducted as retention amount from the total emoluments for first six months during the period of training. The amount will be refunded to the officers only after their confirmation in salary grade A. The retention amount will be forfeited, upon leaving the Corporation or termination of service before the confirmation. How to apply. 1. GATE-2014 Online Examination is scheduled in the month of Feb 2014. For detailed information of GATE-2014, interested candidates may log on to http://www.gate.iitk.ac.in/gate2014 or websites of other IITs and Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore. 2. Candidates need to purchase the GATE application form as per the information provided in GATE-2014 websites. They should fill-in and submit the GATE application form as instructed by the GATE authorities and wait for the admit card to get the GATE registration number. 3. The candidates will receive their GATE-2014 Registration number printed on their admit card. On receipt of GATE registration number, the candidates need to apply to Hindustan Petroleum on-line. The relevant link will be made available from 05th November 2013 at the Careers Opportunities link of Hindustan Petroleum Website www.hpclcareers.com or through our website www.hindustanpetroleum.com. 4. Candidates should click on the on-line application link, read the instructions carefully and fill-in the on-line application form giving accurate information including the GATE- 2014 registration number. 5. Candidates should keep scanned copy of Passport size photo (in jpg/gif format less than 500 kb) readily available at the time of submitting on-line application. 6. Upon completion, the candidate should submit the online application by clicking the Submit button the bottom of the page. If the same is accepted, the system will generate a Unique Application ID along with the completed application form. 7. Candidates should take a print out of completed application, affix his/her recent passport size photograph, put his/her signature at the space provided and keep with him/ her safely for future reference. 8. The passport size photograph affixed by the candidate should be the same submitted along with GATE2014 application form. In case the candidate called for GD/GT and or interview, he/she should come with this printed application form, along with GATE- 2014 admit card and GATE-2014 original official score card. 9. Candidates should ensure that the relevant details viz- Name, Date of Birth, Address, GATE 2014 Registration NO etc. entered in HPCL Online application should be same as entered in the GATE 2014 application. 10. 07th January 2014 is the last date for receiving application online for HPCL. Processing Fee: A Non-refundable amount of R 200 + applicable Banking charges towards processing fee is required to be paid by General & OBC-NC candidates while applying for HPCL. No Processing fee is applicable for SC/ST & PWD candidates. PAYMENT OF APPLICATION FEE: Applicants / Candidates are required to pay a Non-Refundable Amount of R 235/- (Application fee of r 200/- and banking charges of s 35/-). SC, ST & PWD candidates are exempted from payment of application fee. A. Payment through challan at State Bank of India (SBI): Under this option candidates are required to take a print of 3 part challan (1.Candidate copy, 2.HPCL copy, 3.SBI copy) alongwith filled application form. Non-Refundable Amount of r235/- (Application fee of r 200/ - and banking charges of r 35/-) for General & OBC candidates is to be deposited through preprinted challan in HPCL Powerjyoti A/C Number 32315049001 at any branch of SBI across country. Candidates are required to ensure that bank puts payment received stamp and Journal no. on all three parts of challan. Candidates are required to collect the Candidates copy and HPCL copy of 3 part challan from bank and preserve the same for future reference. Once the payment is received by HPCL against the application no., payment status will change to Payment Received. Please ensure that your payment status will be changed to payment received within 3-4 working days from the date of payment of application fee & processing fee, as the applications with other payment status will not be accepted. B. Online Payment through Debit / Credit card: Under this option candidates can pay applicable application & processing fee online by using Debit / Credit card. The payment status will automatically change to Payment Received, immediately on successful receipt of fees. In case the payment status does not change immediately, candidates are required to retry payment through Debit/ Credit card or pay through challan at SBI. All the candidates must ensure that the payment status is Payment Received. The transaction will be considered incomplete in case of any other payment status due to any reason. Once the payment is done, Candidates are required to take print of acknowledgment of payment and preserve the same for future reference No other mode of payment than those mentioned above will be accepted. NOTE: Application fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances. Candidates are also requested to remit fee only through one mode i.e. challan or on-line payment through debit /credit cards since amount once remitted is not refundable. HOW TO APPLY: Candidates are requested to read the complete instructions hereunder before proceeding to the application form. Apply online only on www.hpclcareers.com or through www.hindustanpetroleum.com. Online submission of the application will be allowed on the website upto 07.01.2014. No other mean / mode of the application shall be accepted. Online Application System will be open from 1200 hrs. on 05.11.2013 to 2400 hrs. on 07.01.2014. The payment of application fees will be accepted till 1700 hours on 11th Jan 2014. However the online application for applying will be disabled after 2400 hours on 07.01.2014. Steps for Applying: Step 1: Login to www.hindustanpetroleum.com and click on Career Opportunities. Read all the instructions given on the website carefully. Candidate should keep scan copy of Passport size photo (in jpg / gif format less than 500 kb) ready before filling online application form. Step 2: Fill in the online form with all the
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Note: Candidates having any other degree/combination degree eg. Production Engg, Automobile Engg, Mechatronics, Industrial Engg, Power Engg, Construction Engg. etc., other than mentioned above are not eligible to apply. The actual no of vacancies under each discipline will be notified separately at the time of commencement of on-line registration of applications. The eligibility criteria regarding prescribed education, age and other eligibility criteria and application procedure is mentioned below: Education Qualification: Minimum educational qualification for employment in above mentioned positions are: * Candidates should have passed qualifying degree examinations and awarded bachelor's degree in engineering/technology in the above mentioned disciplines. All the qualifications should be full time regular course/s from AICTE approved / UGC recognized University/Deemed University. The courses offered by Autonomous Institutions should be equivalent to the relevant courses approved / recognized by Association of Indian Universities (AIU)/UGC/ AICTE. * Candidates (belonging to General and OBC-NC category) should have secured minimum 60% marks (aggregate marks of all semesters) in qualifying degree examinations, relaxed to 50% (aggregate marks of all semesters) for SC/ST/PWD candidates. * Candidates currently in final year of their engineering studies may also apply. However, if selected, they must be in a position to submit their final mark sheet by 31st August 2014. At the time of applying Candidates (belonging to General and OBC-NC category) should have secured minimum 60% aggregate marks upto last semester examinations which is relaxed to 50% for SC/ST/PWD candidates. Age Limit: Maximum 25 years as on 30th June 2014 for the general category candidates i.e. candidates born on or after 30.06.1989. Age relaxation for OBC (Non Creamy Layer)/SC/ST/PWD candidates will be applicable as per the Presidential Directives. Concessions/Relaxations: * Reservation of posts for SC, ST and OBC-NC are as per Government Directives. The no of vacancies under each discipline with reservations will be notified separately at the time of commencement of on-line registration of applications. * 3 % of the identified vacancies will be reserved for PWD (Persons with disabilities - with degree of disability 40% or above). It may please be noted that some of the posts of Officer Trainee - Engineering Discipline are suitable for Hearing Handicapped category, certain categories of Orthopaedic Handicapped and Visually Handicapped(LV). Appointment in these vacancies will be offered to PWD candidates after considering the nature of duties & responsibilities of the job, location, hazard, strain & other factors, also considering that the disability is not likely to interfere with the performance of duties of the post with reasonable efficiency and without possible deterioration of his/her health. However, the final appointment would be based on candidates medical fitness with respect to job profile of the identified posts. * Any request for change in Category (General/SC/ST/OBC-NC/ PWD) once filled in the online application form, will not be considered and accordingly applicable concession/relaxation will not be extended * The reserved category candidates are required to submit the original caste/ PWD certificate/s in prescribed format of Government of India, issued by the competent authority at the time of interview, in support of their claim. In addition, the OBC-NC (OBC-Non Creamy layer) candidates will be required to submit a valid caste certificate in the prescribed format applicable for purpose of reservation in appointment to posts under Government of India/Central Government Public Sector Undertaking as contained in DOPT Memo No. 36012/22/ 93-Estt.(SCT) dated 08-09- 93 from a competent authority issued in the year of advertisement. Further the OBCNC candidates will have to give a self-undertaking, at the time of Personal Interviews if called for, indicating that they belong to OBC-Non Creamy Layer. * The OBC candidates who belong to Creamy Layer are not entitled for concession admissible to OBC-NC candidates and such candidates will have to indicate their category as Unreserved (UR). The applicable formats of caste/community certificate is available on our website www.hpclcareers.com. Same can also be accessed through our www.hindustanpetroleum.com * If the SC/ST/OBC-NC/PWD certificate has been issued in a language other than English/Hindi the candidates will be required to submit a selfcertified translated copy of the same either in English or Hindi. * Maximum age limit is relaxable by 5 years for SC & ST, 3 years for OBC-NC and 10 years for PWD :UR, 13 years for PWD : OBC-NC and 15 years for PWD : SC/ST candidates, as applicable. * Maximum age limit is relaxable by 5 years for candidates domiciled in Jammu & Kashmir between 01.01.1980 and 31.12.1989. * Age relaxation by 5 years is applicable for Ex-servicemen & Commissioned Officers (including ECOs/ SSCOs) subject to rendering minimum 5 years service in Armed Forces and fulfilment of other conditions prescribed by Govt. of India. Physical / Medical Fitness: Desirous candidates seeking employment with Hindustan Petroleum need to be medically fit as per Hindustan Petroleums pre-employment medical standard. It may please be noted that Defective Colour vision is a disqualification under Pre Employment Medical norms of HPCL. A list of medical tests/examinations required to determine general suitability of candidates is available at www.hpclcareers.com. Same can also be accessed through our www.hindustanpetroleum.com. Selection, Training and Placement The selection methodology will comprise of the following: * Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) 2014 score of the candidates in the concerned disciplines. The graduate engineers from the relevant disciplines, desirous of taking up a career with Hindustan Petroleum are required to appear in GATE-2014

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result of the examination. The visually handicapped shall be responsible for any misconduct on the part of the scribe brought by him/her. The undertaking should be submitted by the visually handicapped candidates whose writing speed is affected by cerebral palsy along with his/her application, (h) All one eyed candidates and VH candidates whose visual degree of disability is less than 40% shall not be considered as visually handicapped persons and the provision of engaging scribe shall not be applicable to them, (i) All selected candidates will be subjected to medical examination by Railway Medical Authority at the time of appointment and only those confirming to the medical standards as laid down in the Indian Railway Medical Manual and other extant provisions as the case may be will only be eligible for appointment. 5. HOW TO APPLY: 5.1 Candidates should submit the applications in the format annexed as Annexure-1 to this Notification. 5.2 The application should be on good quality A-4 size bond paper (80 GSM) using one side only. News paper cuttings should not be used as applications. 5.3 Candidates should ensure that application on a single sheet conforming to the above specifications. The candidates can also download the application format from the web site: www.scr.indianrailwavs.gov.in. Candidates using printed application form from any other source should ensure that it conforms to the prescribed format. 5.4 Candidates (including all Physically Handicapped candidates) should fill up the application form in his/her own handwriting either in Hindi or in English with blue or black ball point pen only. 5.5 Photograhs: one recent (not earlier than three months from the date of application) colour passport size photograph with clear front view of the candidate without cap, scarf and sun glasses should be pasted on the application form in the space provided. The candidate should sign in the space provided in the box below the photograph. One identical extra colour pass port size photograph should be enclosed with the application indicating candidates name and date of birth on the reverse of the photograph. Candidates may note that RRC may reject the candidature at any stage for pasting old/unclear photograph on the application or for any significant variations between photograph pasted on the application and actual physical appearance of the candidate. 5.6 Candidates should tick (*) mark their community in the appropriate box at column No.4 of the application. The candidates with Physical Disabilities shall tick (*) mark in column No.5 of the application form. 5.7 The candidate should fill the column No.6 of the application form in English only indicating his address with PIN code, even though application is in Hindi. The candidates belonging to SC/ST communities should fill the nearest Railway Station for the purpose of issuing free Railway Pass in column No.ll. 5.8 Candidates belonging to SC/ST communities should produce a community certificate in the format given in Annexure -2 of this Notification. 5.9 Candidates belonging to OBC community should produce a community certificate in the format given in Annexure - 3 of this notification. In addition the OBC candidates should enclose self-declaration of non-creamy layer status in the proforma given in Annexure-4. 5.10The candidates seeking age relaxation under any category as mentioned at Para 2 above shall tick ( *) in the appropriate box in the column No.13 of the application form. 5.11Candidates who have already been debarred for life from appearing in all the examinations conducted by the Railway Recruitment Boards/Railway Recruitment Cells or those who have been debarred for a specified period which is yet to be over are not eligible to apply. 5.12Candidates should send their applications sufficiently in advance to reach this office on or before the closing date. Railway Recruitment Cell/SCR will not be responsible for any postal delay or wrong delivery of applications. 5.13The Candidates should copy the declaration at column No.18 of the application form in his/her own handwriting (not in capital letters). Otherwise their applications will be rejected. 5.14The candidates should put their left hand thumb impression at the designated box in the application form. The thumb impression must be clear and complete. Applications without/smudged left hand thumb impression will be summarily rejected. 5.15ln item No.12 of the application form the candidate should indicate any clear/visible marks of identification on their body like 'a mole on the nose (or) cut mark on the forehead', etc. The application form of the candidate i5 liable to be rejected if he/she does not indicate identification marks. 6. TO WHOM TO APPLY: 6.1 Applications complete in all respects along with required enclosures should be sent by post to the Assistant Personnel Officer/RRC/SC, Written Examination Control Centre, Railway Bunglow No.100, Opp. St. Anthony's Church, Beside Mettuguda Bus stop, South Lallaguda, Secunderabad (A.P.) 500 017 or applications can also be dropped in the box kept at the above mentioned address on or before the closing date and time. 6.2 On the envelope containing the application it should be clearly been written "APPLICATION FOR ERSTWHILE GROUP-0 POSTS - GRADE PAY Rs. 1800/-", EMPLOYMENT NOTICE NO. RRC/SCR/GROUP-D/1/2013. 6.3 The application should be sent by post so as to reach this Office on or before the closing date and time mentioned above. The filled in applications can also be dropped in the boxes kept for the purpose in the premises of the Railway Recruitment Cell at the above mentioned address on or before the closing date and time. 6.4 ONLY ONE APPLICATION: Each candidate should send only one application. Candidates submitting multiple applications will not be considered. Even if such a candidate gets selected inadvertently, he/she will not be offered appointment later on. 7. MODE OF SELECTION: 7.1 The recruitment procedure consists of written examination followed by Physical Efficiency Test (PET) and Medical Examination. The same procedure will also be applicable for Ex-servicemen candidates. 7.2 Written Examination: Written Examination consists of objective type multiple choice question paper based on 10l class standard to assess the general knowledge/awareness/mathematics/reasoning etc. 7.3 The question paper will be printed in Hindi and English and also in the following regional languages -Telugu, Urdu, Marathi, Kannada. 7.4 Negative Marking: There will be negative marking for marking wrong answers. 1/3 mark will be deducted for each wrong answer. The minimum qualifying marks for UR will be 40% and for SC/ST/OBC it will be 30%. 7.5 A separate call letter indicating date, time and venue will be sent to all the eligible candidates for written examination. 7.6 Physical Efficiency Test (PET): Passing the Physical Efficiency Test (PET) is mandatory and the same will be qualifying in nature. The criterion for the PET is as under:- For male candidates: Should be able to run for a distance of 1000 meters in 4 minutes and 15 seconds in one chance. For female candidates: Should be able to run for a distance of 400 meters in 3 minutes and 10 seconds in one chance. 7.7 The persons with disabilities as specified in Para 4 are exempted from appearing for PET. However after qualifying in the written Examination such candidates will have to pass the medical examination prescribed for Persons with Disabilities so that they can be empanelled. 7.8 The candidates who qualify in the PET will be called for the verification of the original certificates based on the merit of the written examination depending on the number of vacancies. 7.9 The final recruitment panel will be strictly based on merit position obtained in written examination. 8. GENERAL CONDITIONS: 8.1 Candidates before applying should carefully read the instructions and ensure that he/she fulfills all eligibility conditions at the time of submission of applications. 8.2 The number of vacancies shown in this notification are provisional and the same is liable to increase or decrease depending upon the actual needs of the administration. 8.3 Selected candidates are liable to be posted anywhere in South Central Railway. 8.4 Emoluments on initial appointment will be at minimum of the Pay Band + Grade Pay + Other allowances as admissible. 8.5 Mere selection and empanelment does not confer any right of appointment to the candidates. 8.6 Admission of the candidate at all stages of recruitment will be purely provisional subject to satisfying the prescribed conditions. 8.7 Railway Recruitment Cell reserves the right to alter the modus of examinations or conduct re-PET/reexamination or cancel part or whole of any process of recruitment at any stage. 8.8 Under any circumstances no damage/loss or re-fund of examination fee will be made. 8.9 Medical examination: The candidates recommended for appointment will have to pass the requisite medical fitness test(s) conducted by the Railway Administration to ensure that the candidates are medically fit to carry out the duties connected with the post. Only those candidates who are medically fit would be offered appointment. 8.10Candidates recommended for a particular category of post with a higher medical classification will not be considered for any alternative post with lower medical classification in the event of their medical unfitness. 9. Enclosures to the Application: Candidates should enclose selfattested photocopies of the relevant certificates as mentioned below. Original certificates should not be enclosed. 9.1 Demand Draft/Indian Postal Order towards examination fee, as applicable. 9.2 Certificates in proof of the Date of Birth. Only 10th class or school leaving certificate will be accepted. 9.3 Certificates in proof of educational/technical qualifications. 9.4 Community certificates for candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC communities. 9.5 Physical Disability Certificate for candidates in case of PH candidate. 9.6 Income certificate for economically backward classes candidates
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SOUTH CENTRAL RAILWAY Railway Recruitment Cell Floor/C BLOCK, Ralmllayam, Secunderabad-71(A,P) Phone Nos. 040-27788824 Employment Notification No. RRC/SCR/Group-D/1/2013 Date & Time Closing: 17.00 hrs. of 30.09.2013
For candidates residing in Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Jammu & Kashmir, Lahaul & Spiti districts and Pangi sub-division of Chamba district of Himachal Pradesh and Andaman & Nicobar, Lakshadweep Islands and for candidates residing abroad, the closing date and time for receiving of application is 15.10.2013 up to 17:00 hrs. OPEN MARKET RECRUITMENT to posts in Pay Band-1 of Rs. 5200-20200 with Grade Pay of Rs. 1800/. Railway Recruitment Cell, South Central Railway, Secunderabad invites applications from eligible Indian Nationals and such other candidates declared eligible by the Government of India to fill up the following posts in Pay Band-1 of Rs. 5200-20200 with Grade Pay of Rs. 1800/- in various Divisions, Workshops and Offices of South Central Railway. IMPORTANT: Candidates to note that all the Zonal Railways are likely to issue Notification for recruitment to the posts individually; simultaneously the written examination will be held by all the Zonal Railways on the same day.

1. MINIMUM EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS: Candidates should possess qualification of pass in 10th or ITI with/ITI or equivalent on the date of application are not eligible to apply. 2. AGE LIMIT: The normal age (in completed years) for the recruitment is 18-33 years reckoned as on 01.01.2014. The upper age limit is relaxable for the following specified categories to the extent indicated below. 2.1 By 5 years for candidates belonging to SC/ST communities. 2.2 By 3 years for candidates belonging to OBC communities. 2.3 By 5 years to candidates who have originally been domiciled in the State of Jammu & Kashmir during the period from 01.01.1980 to 31.12.1989. 2.4 For Persons with Disabilities (PWD) -10 years for UR, 13 years for OBC and 15 years for SC/ST candidates. 2.5 For the serving Railway Staff, the relaxation in upper age limits will be up to 40 years for Unreserved candidates, 45 years for SC/ST candidates and 43 years for OBC candidates, provided they have put in a minimum of 3 years service (continuous or in broken spells). 2.6 For those working in QuasiAdministrative offices of the Railway organization, the relaxation will be up to the length of service rendered subject to maximum 5 years. 2.7 Upper age limit in case of widows, divorced women and women judicially separated from the husband but not remarried shall be relaxed up to 35 years for Unreserved, 38 years for OBC and 40 years for SC/ST candidates. 2.8 The upper age limit in case of course completed Act Apprentices applying for the posts whose minimum qualification is Course completed Act apprenticeship shall be relaxed to the extent of apprentice training undergone by them under the Apprenticeship Act 1961. 2.9 For Ex-servicemen upto the extent of service rendered in defence plus 3 years provided they have put in more than 6 months service after attestation. 3. APPLICATION FEE: 3.1 Rs. 100/- (Rupees One Hundred only) are, In a form of crossed Demand Draft from State Bank of India or from any other Nationalized Bank or crossed Indian Postal Order drawn in favour of Assistant Personnel Officer (Recruitment), Railway Recruitment Cell, Secunderabad - 500 071 payable at Hyderabad or Secunderabad. Remittance of examination fee in any other form will not be accepted, These instruments should not have been issued earlier to 30.08.2013. 3.2 Candidates should write their name and address at the back of the Indian Postal Order/Demand Draft. 3.3 The following categories are exempt from payment of examination fee: (i) Candidates belonging to SC/ST communities (ii) Women candidates (iii) Candidates belonging to minority communities (iv) Candidates belonging to economically backward classes having annual family income of less than Rs. 50,000/- (v) Persons with Disabilities (vi) Ex-servicemen 3.4 Minorities means Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists and Zorastrians (Parsis). For claiming waiver of examination fee, Minority candidates should furnish 'self declaration' as mentioned in annexure-7 along with application form. At the time of document verification such candidates claiming waiver of examination fee will be required to furnish 'minority community declaration' affidavit on non-judicial stamp paper that he/she belongs to any of the above minority community. If the affidavit is not produced during document verification, the candidature will be rejected. 3.5 Economically backward classes means the candidates whose annual family income is less than Rs. 50,000/-. Such candidates have to submit Income Certificate in the format at annexure-8 on the letter head of the issuing authority and enclose with the application. 4. PERSONS WITH DISABILITES (PWD) 4.1 The suitability of a post for persons with disability has been indicated against each post. 4.2 Definitions of Disabilities: (a) Blindness: 'Blindness' refers to a condition where a person suffers from any of the following conditions, namely: (i) total absence of sight; or (ii) visual acuity not exceeding 6/60 or 20/200 (snellen) in the better eye with correcting lenses; or (iii) limitation of the field of vision subtending an angle of 20 degree or worse, (b) Low vision: 'Person with low vision' means a person with impairment of visual functioning even after treatment or standard refractive correction but who uses or is potentially capable of using vision for the planning or execution of a task with appropriate assistive device, (c) Hearing impairment: 'Hearing Impairment' means loss of sixty decibels or more in the better ear in the conversational range of frequencies, (d) (i) Locomotor disability: locomotor disability' means disability of the bones, joints or muscles leading to substantial restriction of the movement of the limbs or any form of cerebral palsy, (ii) Cerebral Palsy: 'Cerebral Palsy' means a group of nonprogressive conditions of a person characterized by abnormal motor control posture resulting from brain insult or injuries occurring in the pre-natal or infant period of development, (iii) Ali the cases of orthopaedically handicapped persons would be covered under the category of 'locomotor disability or cerebral palsy* (e) DEGREE OF DISABILITY FOR RESERVATION: Only such persons would be eligible for reservation in services/posts who suffer from not less than 40 per cent of relevant disability. A person who wants to avail of benefit of reservation would have to submit a Disability Certificate issued by a competent authority in the format given in Annexure- 5. (f) COMPETENT AUTHORITY TO ISSUE A DISABILITY CERTIFICATE: competent authority to issue a Disability Certificate shall be a medical Board duly constituted by Central or State Government consisting of at least three members out of which at least one shall be a specialist in the particular field for assessing iocomotor/cerebral/ visual/hearing disability, as the case may be. (g) Visually Handicapped candidates / those candidates whose writing speed is affected by cerebral palsy can avail the assistance of scribe for writing answers on their behalf. For engaging the scribe the candidate will have to suitably inform the Railway Recruitment Cell in advance as per annexure- 6. The engagement of scribe will be subject to the following conditions:- (i) The candidates will have to arrange their own scribes at their own cost during examination. Separate admit cards will be issued to the scribes accompanying the visually handicapped candidates. Admit card should contain the particulars and photograph of the scribe duly signed by him/her. (ii) The academic qualification of the scribe should be one grade below the qualification prescribed for the post for which recruitment is made (iii) The scribe can be of any academic discipline if the recruitment is for general post. If the recruitment is for a specialized post, he/she should be from a discipline different from that of a candidate (iv) The candidates as well as the scribe will have to give a suitable undertaking (annexure-6) along with the application confirming that scribe fulfills all the stipulated eligibility criteria for a scribe as mentioned above. In case it transpires later, that he/she did not fulfill any of the laid down eligibility criteria or there has been suppression of material facts the candidature of the applicant will stand cancelled irrespective of the

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availing fee concession. 9.7 Self-declaration for candidates belonging to minority communities availing fee concession. 9.8 For Ex-servicemen, a photo copy of the discharge certificate/book with clear mentioning of the Total Military Service in the specified column. 9.9 For Ex-servicemen who are retiring till 30.08.2014 or before have to submit "No objection Certificate" with clear mentioning of the Total Military Service. 10. INVALID APPLICATIONS: Candidates are requested to read all instructions thoroughly before sending their applications. Otherwise their applications are likely to be rejected on one or more of the following reasons: 10.1 Applications received after the closing date & time of employment notification. 10.2 Postal orders/Demand Drafts not enclosed or less fee enclosed or invalid IPO/DD, i.e., IPO/DD purchased before the date of issue or after closing date of employment notice. 10.3 Applications not in the prescribed format. 10.4 Candidates not in possession of the required educational qualifications on the date of applying. 10.5 More than one application submitted by the same candidate. 10.6 Applications without Colour photograph, photo with cap or scarf, wearing goggles, disfigured, unrecognizable or scanned photo are affixed. 10.7 Applications without the declaration (Passage) being re-produced by the candidates in the application or written the passage in capital letter. 10.8 Applications without signature or with signatures in capital letters or with different signatures at different places. 10.9 Left hand thumb impression not affixed or is blurred/smudged. 10.10 Copies of required enclosures as mentioned in Para 9 not enclosed. 10.11 More than one application submitted in single envelope. 10.12 Applications which are not addressed to address mentioned in Para 6.1 of this notification. 10.13 Applications which are filled in a language other than Hindi/English. 10.14 Any other irregularity noticed and considered invalid by the RRC. 10.15 Identification marks column not filled up in application form. 10.16 Candidates name figuring in debarred list. 10.17 Under aged or over aged as on 01.01.2014. 10.18 Variation in the information furnished in the application versus the documents enclosed. 10.19 Community certificate not enclosed in the prescribed format given in annexure(s) in case of the candidates belongs to SC/ST/OBC. 10.20 Leaving any column blank in the application form will lead to rejection of candidature. 11. MISCONDUCT: 11.1 Candidates are warned that they should not furnish any particulars that are false or suppress any material information while filling up Application Form. 11.2 Candidates shall not bring or attempt to bring any political or other influence to further his/her interest in respect of recruitment. 11.3 Misconduct on the part of the candidate at any part of the recruitment process is strictly prohibited. 11.4 Indulgence in the above practices will result in the rejection of the candidature at any time. 11.5 Action as deemed fit necessary including criminal action will be taken by the RRC against candidates found guilty of submitting fabricated/forged/ tampered certificates, using unfair means during written examination or PET, misbehavior at venues where written exam centre or PET centre, etc. 12. ABBREVATIONS USED: SC-Scheduled Caste; STScheduled Tribe; OBC-Other Backward Classes; UR-Un- reserved; VH-Visually Handicapped; HHHearing Handicapped; OH Orthopedically Handicapped; LV - low vision; OL- one leg; OA-one armed man; BL - both legged; OAL- one arm and one leg. 13. Note: Employment notification, Application Format, all Annexure can also be seen on the official website of South Central Railway www.scr.indianrailwavs.gov.in 13. CAUTION: Beware of Touts and job racketeers trying to deceive you by false promises of securing job in Railways either through influence or by use of unfair or unethical means. Candidates will be selected purely as per merit. Please beware of unscrupulous elements and do not fall in their trap. Chairman/RRC/SC

17. (a) Phone No with STD Code.................................................................................... ( b) Mobile No............................................`............................................................ (c) E- mail ID.......................................................................................................... Declaration: I do hereby declare that all the statements made in this application are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. In the event of any particular or information, furnished by me, found false or incorrect at any stage , my candidature for the examination is liable to be rejected or cancelled and in the event of any statement /information found false even after appointment, my services are liable to be terminated without any notice. PlaceDate(Signature of the Candidates)
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relevant details carefully (details once submitted cannot be modified). Upload Scan copy of your latest passport size photograph. Note: Candidates completing their qualifying degree by 31st August, 2014, are required to specify the aggregate % marks upto last completed semester, in the box provided for % marks against the qualifying degree field, while filling the Online application form. Step 3: Click Submit. You will get a system generated unique 12 Digit Application / Reference No. Please note that this Application / Reference No. is important and will be required for all future references throughout the selection process. Take Printout of the Online Application Form and preserve it for future reference. Step 4: Choose the option for Payment of Application & Processing Fee as detailed above For Payment through challan at SBI and through Debit/ Credit card please refer the detailed procedure explained under PAYMENT OF APPLICATION AND PROCESSING FEE. Note: Candidates are NOT required to submit hard copy of application form to HPCL. The details filled in the online application form will be considered final and no changes will be entertained w.r.t. personal/ any other details, later on. General Instructions: 1. The candidates must have an active e-mail id, which must remain valid for at least next one year. All future communication with the candidates will take place through e-mail only. 2. The candidates should have the relevant documents like percentage of marks obtained in the qualifying examination, caste/sub-caste certificate, date of issue, name of issuing authority, state of origin, etc. readily available with them before they commence application process. This information will be required at the time of filling in the on-line application. 3. Wherever CGPA/OGPA/DGPA or Letter Grade in a degree/ diploma is awarded, its equivalent percentage of marks must be indicated in the application form as per norms adopted by University/ Institute. Number of Vacancies will be notified at the time of commencement of online application and may increase/decrease at the discretion of the Corporation. 4. Candidates who have appeared/ are appearing in final qualifying examination in 2014 may also apply. However, at the time of applying Candidates (belonging to General and OBC-NC category) should have secured minimum 60% aggregate marks upto last semester examinations. It is relaxed to 50% for SC/ST/ PWD candidates. If such candidates are short listed for GD/GT and / or interview, they will have to submit documentary proof of having passed the qualifying examination with minimum prescribed percentage of marks by 31st August 2014. 5. PWD candidates will be considered for selection against the identified posts. 6. Candidates belonging to OBC category, but coming in creamy layer will not be entitled to the benefit of reservation and should apply as General category candidate. 7. Candidates presently employed in Government Departments/ PSUs/ Autonomous Bodies will be required to submit NOC from competent authority of their current employer at the time of interview. In case of failure to produce the NOC from the current employer at the time of Interview, the candidate will not be permitted to appear for the Interview. 8. A candidate can apply in one discipline only. Candidates applying for more than one discipline will not be considered. 9. Candidates not found to be meeting the prescribed eligibility criteria shall be rejected at any stage of the selection process. 10. Candidates can go through the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). In case any particular query is not covered in the FAQs, the candidates can write to Hindustan Petroleum at hpclgate@hpcl.co.in. 11. All the details given in the online form will be treated as final and no changes will be entertained. 12. HPCL will not be responsible for any loss/ non-delivery of email/any other communication sent, due to invalid/wrong email id or due to any other reason. 13. Furnishing of wrong/false information will lead to disqualification and HPCL will not be responsible for any of the consequences of furnishing such wrong/false information. Since all the applications will be screened without documentary evidence, the candidates must satisfy themselves of the suitability for the position to which they are applying. If at any stage during the recruitment and selection process, it is found that the candidates have furnished false or wrong information, their candidature will be rejected. Canvassing in any form during any stage of recruitment process will lead to cancellation of candidature. 14. Court of jurisdiction for any dispute will be at Mumbai. 15. Candidates are advised to visit corporation website- www.hindustanpetroleum.com or the careers page www.hpclcareers.com regularly for latest updates as no separate communication will be sent. Important Dates

*As per details mentioned on GATE-2014 website. Any further corrigendum / addendum would be uploaded only on our website www.hindustanpetroleum.com

Institute of Seismological Research (Department of Science & Technology, Govt, of Gujarat) Next to Petroleum University, Raisan, Gandhinagar Gujarat-382009; Website: www.isr.gujarat.gov.in
The Institute of Seismological Research plans to fill-up the following core group posts on adhoc basis. Name of Post: Scientist-B. No. of Posts: 3. Essential Qualification: M.Tech/M.Sc. Tech/ M.Sc. Geophysics/ Geology/ Physics. Experience in Seismological Research: 1 year. Age Limit: 32 yrs. Pay Scale: 15600-39100 Grade Pay 5400. Interested candidates ere requested to send their application in the prescribed format with copies of educational and experience certificates to above, address within 30 days of the publication of the above advertisement in Employment News. Short listing will be done based on academic record and experience in Seismological Research. Preference may be given to candidates with post graduate degree in Geophysics. Canvassing in any form will disqualify the candidature. For more details visit our website www.isr.gujarat.gov.in. DIRECTOR GENERAL

1. DG MAP AT VIZAG REQUIRES FOLLOWING STAFF ON CONTRACTUAL BASIS WITH IMMEDIATE EFFECT. Designation: Resident Engineer. Minimum Qualification from Govt Recognized Institute: Degree in Civil engineering. Minimum Experience: 15 Years in Building construction field. Civil Engineer - Degree in Civil engineering - 07 Years. Asst Civil Engineer - Diploma in Civil engineering - 10 Years. Electrical Engineer - Degree in Electrical engineering - 07 Years in the field of external and internal electrification. Asst Electrical Engineer - Diploma in Electrical engineering - 10 Years. Computer Operator - Diploma in Computers - 02 Years as Computer Operator. Billing Engineer Degree in Civil engineering - 10 Years in the field of quantity surveying and contract management in building work. 2. The Candidates are required to submit their credentials by 10 Sep 2013 to the following address. Project Manager, MAP(Vizag), C/O INS CIRCARS, NAVAL BASE, Visakhapatnam -14. Email - mapvizag@qmail.com PH: 0891-2812984, Fax: 0891-2742072.

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disqualification. 10. INVALID APPLICATIONS: Candidates are requested to read all instructions carefully before sending their applications otherwise their applications are likely to be rejected on one or more of the following reasons. (i) Applications received after the closing date and time. (ii) Applications not in the prescribed format or which are incomplete /illegible in any manner. (iii) Candidates not having the required educational/professional qualifications on the date of applying the application form in terms of the stipulation of notification. (iv) The candidate is underage/ overage as on 01-01-2014 in terms of the stipulation of notification. (v) More than one application submitted by the same candidate for same discipline. (vi) Applications without latest photo not being pasted in the Space Provided. (vii) Applications without the declaration being re-produced by the candidates in their own handwriting in the space provide in the application form in running hand writing. (viii) Application without signature or with signatures in capital letters. (ix) Copies of required enclosures as mentioned under Point-8(vi) of the Notification. (x) Candidates name figuring in debarred list. (xi) Any other irregularity, considered by the Railway Administration that would render the application invalid. (xii) UR/OBC candidates not enclosed the requisite fee in terms of Para-6 of Notice. 11. Caution: Recruitment is purely merit based. CHITTARANJAN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS have not appointed any agents or coaching centers for acting on its behalf for this recruitment .Candidates are cautioned against any false claims made by any unscrupulous persons/agencies of getting them selected in this recruitment on illegal consideration. If you come across any such person/agencies please do inform, Chief Personnel Officer, CHITTARAJAN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS, Chittaranjan, District Bardhaman, State: West Bengal, Pin-713331. They can also inform the Chief Vigilance Officer, Chittaranjan Locomotive Works, Chittaranjan, District - Bardhaman, State: West Bengal, PIN-713331. FOR CHIEF PERSONNEL OFFICER

Ministry of Railways, CHITTARANJAN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS Office of Chief Personnel Officer Chittaranjan, Dist. Bardhaman(West Bengal) PIN-713331 Employment Notice No. GMA/MR/Rectt./Cultural Quota/2013-14
Date of Issue: 21-08-2013; Closing Date: 28-09-2013; Closing Time : 17.00 Hrs. (for residents of Andaman Nicobar & Lakshadweep; Closing Date 10-10-2013 Closing Time : 17.00 Hrs.) Recruitment against Cultural Quota for the year 2013-2014 1. Applications are invited from Indian nationals for recruitment of two vacancies against Cultural Quota in Group C in Pay Band Rs.5,200-20,200/- (G.P. Rs.1,900/-) (RSRP-2008)in CHITTARANJAN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS for the year 2013- 14.Candidates fulfilling the following eligibility conditions may apply:- 2. Cultural Disciplines : i) Vocal Music - 01 Vacancy. ii) Dance(Classical) - 01 Vacancy. 3. Minimum Educational and Professional Cultural Qualification: Essential: I. Educational Qualification: Pass in Matriculation or its equivalent from a recognized Board. (50% marks in the aggregate will be required for NTPC categories 50% marks are not required for SC/ST candidates and for candidates having higher qualification). 2. Professional Qualification: i) Vocal Music : Possession of Degree/ Diploma / Certificate in Vocal Music from Government recognized Institute: ii) Dance (Classical): Possession of Degree / Diploma / Certificate in Classical Dance from Government recognized Institute. Desirable : i) Experience in the relevant field and performance given on AIR/ Door Darshan etc. ii) Prizes won at National level. 4. Age as on 01-01-2014: UR: 18 . 30 Years, OBC: 18 . 33 years, SC/ST : 18 . 35 Years. 5. Selection procedure: Eligible candidates will be assessed on the following basis: Item: i) Written Test: Consists of 50 objective type questions relating to General Knowledge, Arithmetic and Reasoning. (There will be negative marking of 1/3 marks for each wrong answer). Marks: 50. ii) Assessment of talent in the relevant cultural discipline on the basis of Practical Demonstration. - 35. iii) Assessment of talent in the relevant cultural discipline on the basis of Testimonials / Prizes etc.: 15. Total : 100 N.B: There will be a common Written Test for both the Disciplines (Vocal Music and Dance/Classical). Candidates who qualify in the Written Test will only be called for Practical Demonstration and Assessment of Talent as mentioned at (ii) & (iii) above respectively. 6. Application Fee: UR and OBC candidates should submit with the application an Indian Postal Order/ Bank Draft/ Cash receipt issued by Cash Office, CLW/Chittaranjan (issued after the date of issue of this notification) for an amount of Rs.-40/-(forty) drawn in favour of FA&CAO, Chittaranjan Locomotive Works, Chittaranjan, payable at Chittaranjan/ SBI/Chittaranjan. SC/ST, Ex. Servicemen, Physically challenged, women, minority candidates (Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists & Zorastrians (Parsis) and candidates belonging to economically backward classes (whose family income is less than ` 50,000/- per annum) need not pay this fee. 7. Address for sending Application by POST/Drop Box.: Chief Personnel Officer, Chittaranjan Locomotive Works, P.O. Chittaranjan, District Burdwan, State West Bengal PIN CODE - 713331. 8. How to Apply: (i) Fill the application after carefully reading the employment notice. (ii) Submit the application in the format prescribed at Annexure-A on good quality A-4 size white paper. (iii) Application should be filled up by the candidate in his/her own handwriting in English/ Hindi using Blue/Black ball point pen. Application with typed entries signature and capital letters will be rejected. (iv) Applicants should write the sample declaration statement in his/her own handwriting in running hand in the space provided in the application from. Applications without the written declaration will be rejected. (v) Applicants should affix one recent clear passport size photograph on the application at the space provided, revealing the full face. Applications with hazy, unclear photos will be rejected. He/She should keep copies of same photograph for further use, if required. (vi) Applicants should enclose with the application a set of legible Xerox copies of all certificates, in proof of Cultural Qualification, Educational Qualification, Age, SC/ST/OBC status etc. (vii) UR/OBC candidates should enclose application fee as explained at Para-6 above without fail. (viii) Applicants should fill all columns, including signature at prescribed place, in the application without fail. Application form with incomplete entries will be rejected. (ix) Applicants should clearly indicate one of the Cultural Disciplines notified as at Para-2 of the notification Applications without indicating this cultural discipline will be rejected. (x) Applicants should write on the top of the envelope containing the application as follows: Application against cultural quota recruitment 2013-14. (xi) Application should reach the address shown at Para-7 above on or before the closing date and time mentioned at the top of this notification. Railway Administration shall not be responsible for any postal delays. Late receipt of applications would be summarily rejected. (xii) Serving government Employees should intimate their employers that they are applying for the post. However, during the time of Practical Demonstration/Interview, if called for, they should produce No Objection Certificate from the present employer. 9. Other Terms and Conditions: (i) Applicants should possess requisite educational and cultural qualifications as on the date of submission of application. (ii) (a) the Matric or equivalent Board Certificate in proof of minimum educational qualification/date of birth should be those issued by a recognized Board or equivalent recognized institution.(b) the Degree/Diploma/ Certificate in the relevant cultural discipline notified under Para-3 above should be those issued by govt. recognized institute. (iii) Discrepancies in details/certificates submitted with the application may render the candidate ineligible at any time during the selection. (iv) Date of written test/ Practical Demonstration will be uploaded on CHITTARANJAN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS website www.clw.indianrailways.gov.in. Applicants are advised to visit the website regularly for such information. (v) Eligible applicants will be issued with call letters for written examination to their correspondence address. Change in dates/venue for written test, practical demonstration, certificate verification etc. shall not be entertained under any circumstances. If any candidate whose name figures in eligible list on the website does not receive call letter at least one week before the date of written exam, the candidate should collect duplicate call letter from the office of Chief Personnel Officer two days before the exam date. Failing which he/she will not be allowed to sit in the written examination. (vi) Candidates who are called for written examination and/or Practical Demonstration have to make their own arrangements for costumes, instruments, assisting persons and accommodation etc. as may be required. (vii) SC/ST candidates will be eligible for free rail travel in second class for attending written test/Practical Demonstration. (viii) Selected candidates have to pass the requisite medical fitness standards prior to appointment. (ix) In the event of appointment as office clerks in Group-C, candidates will be required to acquire typing proficiency of 30 w.p.m in English or 25 w.p.m. in Hindi within a period of two years from the date of appointment, and till such time appointment will be provisional. (x) There is no community reservation against Cultural quota recruitment. SC/ST and OBC candidates seeking age relaxation should submit latest copy of community certificate issued by competent designated officers in the format prescribed for appointments to posts under the Government of India. Candidates seeking exemption from payment of fee as stipulated at Para-6, must submit certificate in the prescribed proforma of SC, ST, PH and economically backwardness etc. (xi) Candidate on their selection and appointment should continue to participate in cultural functions/events of Railway in the event of his/her selection. Non participation will attract the violation of conduct Rules. (xii) Applications not fulfilling any of the terms and conditions given in this notification shall be summarily rejected. (xiii) Railway administration will not be responsible for any postal delay/wrong postal delivery of applications or call letters or any other recruitment related correspondence whatsoever at any stage of the selection process. (xiv) CHITTARANJAN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS, CHITTARANJAN reserves the right to cancel or modify recruitment process without assigning reasons thereof. Decision of Chief Personnel Officer or higher authority of CHITTARANJAN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS in all matters relating to this recruitment shall be final. (xv) Applicants are advised to check the list of applicants whose applications get rejected which will be published on Chittaranjan Locomotive Works website www.clw.indianrailways.gov.in. after the closing date of this notification. No other intimation of rejection would be communicated to such candidates. (xvi) The recruitment process is purely based on the merit of the candidates. Canvassing in any form will attract


Applications are invited up to 4th November, 2013 for one post of Scientist-C (Biostatistics) at the Regional Medical Research Centre, Bhubaneswar in the Pay Band PB-3 of Rs.15,600-39,100 + Grade Pay Rs.6,600/- and usual allowances as admissible as per Government norms. Essential Qualification & Experience: (i) 1st Class Master's degree in Statistics / Biostatistics from a recognised university / Institution. OR 2nd class M.Sc. + Ph.D degree in relevant subject from recognized University (ii) Four years R&D experience in Statistics / Biostatistics related to clinical trials and epidemiological studies including data analysis, study designing and / or developing statistical models using statistical tools and softwares after obtaining essential qualification (i) above. Desirable Qualification: (i) Doctorate degree in Statistics. (ii) Knowledge of computer applications including

analysis of data with statistical software like SPSS, Epi Info etc. (iii) Additional training on bioinformatics, epidemiological methods, data programming & its applications from reputed / Govt, institutions. Age Limit: Not exceeding 40 years. Relaxable up to 5 years for Government servants and SC/ST/OBC candidates in accordance with the instructions issued by the Department of Personnel and Training from time to time in this regard. However, the prescribed age may be further relaxed in exceptional cases for experienced and qualified candidates. General Relaxation Clause: Age, Qualification and Experience will be relaxable in deserving cases as perthe Recruitment Rules of Health Research Scientists cadre of I CM R, 2007 under Rule 14 and Notes: 1 & 2 of Schedule-Ill. For job requirements, other details of post and application form may be obtained from ICMR's website www.icmr.nic.in Administrative Officer l/C, For DIRECTOR

{ 7 - 13 {{u, 2013

Persons having minimum qualification of Degree OR Diploma in Civil / Mechanical/ Electrical/Computer Application and M.Sc in Physics/Chemistry/ Math, also BSc. in Physics/ Chemistry may attend the Walkin-lnterview along with all original & Xerox copies of their qualifying educational qualifications to work as PTGF/PTGI on 13.09.2013, 11 AM at the institute Office. No TA/ DA will be paid for the interview. Principal,GP,Sonepur


CENTRAL UNIVERSITY OF ORISSA, KORAPUT (Established by an Act of Parliament), Campus: Central Silk Board Building, Landiguda, Koraput - 764020, Camp Office: Type-C, Block-4, New Govt. Colony, Gajapati Nagar, Bhubaneswar - 751017
The Central University of Orissa, Koraput is conducting a walk-in-interview for the recruitment of Teachers for B.Ed "(Teachers' Education) programme purely on temporary basis for a period of one year as per the date, time & venue mentioned below. Date- 18.09.2013, Time- 10.30 A.M. Venue- Conference Hall, Central University of Orissa Camp Office Bhubaneswar, Type-C, Block-4 New Govt, Colony, Gajapati Nagar Bhubaneswar-17. The intending applicants having the NCTE eligibility norms are requested to report at the venue at 9 A.M. on 18.09.2013 with all their original Mark sheets & Certificates in support of their experience & qualification as well as the Curriculum-Vitae. The Curriculum-Vitae along with the attested copies of Mark sheets & Certificates be submitted to the Registrar, Central University of Orissa before the commencement of interview at the Camp Office. No TA/ DA will be provided to attend the interview. For further details about eligibility norms, Salary and other Terms & Conditions please visit our Website www.cuo.ac.in Registrar

FACULTY/ STAFF REQUIRED Principal (Min. 3 yrs experience ) Teaching staff - Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics,
Botany, Zoology, English, Oriya, Hindi, Sanskrit

Non Teaching Staff: Librarian, Clerk, Peon, Hostel

Warden (Female), Security Guard.

(Salary: Negotiable. Base on experience & qualification)

Send resume, certificates and photo by E-mail: modernjuniorcollege@gmail.com, CONTACT:- Mobile No: 09938614435, 09437427121, 09438067404

SHRI JAGANNATH SANSKRIT VISHVAVIDYALAYA, SHRI VIHAR, PURI 1. F H A (Govt./Recognised/Non-Recognised/Permitted/NonPermitted) QZ AS {; f~B ADAd {, {{ F ` 2014 $ F 2015 D (Final) B ddZ L (Return of Students for Registration){ (Alphabetical) L{ AL $ ~ L B L L{ A; 25.09.2013 Q { Q L{ > F$# 2013 D $ }L Z L Q L{ > F B{Ss Soft Copy Q L{ > 2. A Q{ L LZ A N ddZ (Stamp size Colour Photograph Av S L) {s L B L $ AL Registration fee Rs. 40/-(per candidates) { `~ (SBI, Shri Vihar Branch, Puri) {{S Q L{ > 3.F Q L{, 2014 F 2015 { A {L $# $L{ H D { dd D L{ ] H F$#B L { ] > 4. Fv{ `{S { 2014 F 2015 D{N SL B N Non-Recognised/Non-Permitted A Q{ A{ S~ { dd D B # A{ (Recognisation/ Permission) $ (Affiliation) ~ Xerox L Q L{ > # A{ { B A ] H Q L$# Registration Fees { B L{ ] > A{ D{N { > D{N ddZ L (Return of Students for Registration) xL {{S S~ L ] > L
Employees State Insurance Corporation, Panchdeep Bhawan, C.I.G. Marg, New Delhi-110002, (ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED) www.esic.nic.in Recruitment to the post of Junior Hindi Translator
Employees' State Insurance Corporation proposes to fill up the 62 posts of Junior Hindi Translator on regular basis by Direct Recruitment. Applications are invited in the prescribed format from the eligible candidates. The detailed advertisement is available on the website www.esic.nic.in/ recruitment. The break-up of the vacancies is as follows :# Note 1: 04 vacancies are reserved for PWDs and 05 vacancies are reserved for Ex-Servicemen. The candidates appointed under PWD and Ex-Serviceman quota will be adjusted against the vacancy of respective categories of SC/ST/OBC/UR. Note 2: Above vacancies may increase or decrease depending upon the actual requirement. Scale of Pay: Pay Band Rs. 9300-34800/- and Grade Pay Rs. 4200/+ other allowances payable to the Corporation employees. Age Limit: Not exceeding 28 years as on 01.10.2013. Essential Qualifications: Master's Degree of a recognised University in English/Hindi with Hindi/English as a compulsory and elective subject at degree level. OR Bachelor's Degree with Hindi and English as main subjects (which includes the term compulsory and elective). Note: (i) Those candidates who have passed B.A. (Hons.) in English/Hindi with Hindi/English as subsidiary/ MIL (Modern Indian Language) subject are eligible for the post of Junior Hindi Translators, (ii) Candidate must ensure that they have studied English and Hindi as main subjects and not as a paper in all three years of BA Pass course. The candidates willing to apply for above posts are advised to refer to the detailed advertisement available on ESIC website www.esic.nic.in/recruitment regarding eligibility criteria, application fee, mode of selection, syllabus etc. Last date of submission of application form is 01.10.2013. In respect of candidates residing in Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Ladakh Division of Jammu and Kashmir State, Lahaul and Spiti District and Pangi Sub-Division of Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh, Andaman and Nicobar islands or LakshadWeep, the last date for receipt of application is 08.10.2013. Joint Director (Recti.)


Candidates bearing the following Registration IDs and Roll Numbers are provisionally selected to appear at the Viva Voce Test as per programme indicated below, for special recruitment to the post of Scientific Officer (for S.T. & S.C, candidates only), pursuant to Advertisement No. 1 of 2013-14. PROGRAMME FOR VIVA VOCE TEST

The intimation letters of-the concerned candidates will be available in the website of the Commission (http://opsc.gov.in) from 4.9.2013. Candidates are required to download their intimation letter and attestation form from the website of the Commission for admission to the Viva Voce Test. Special Secretary

L ` f S , EMPLOYEES STATE INSURANCE CORPORATION o , ABf S, A-110002, {HBs: www.esic.nic.in BF A B L{ {{ B {x L A (ABF H ) {S x - 2 (A{$# L ) {
fSL{ $# BFAB s/x{ f{ B {xL A(ABFH) {Sx-2(A{$#L) ~ B A B A{(BFAB {HBs www.esic.nic.in fA{) A{ A LDd >


(A Government of India Enterprise) Registered Office : 17, Jamshedji Tata Road, Mumbai-400020 -1: x&x {Ls A{ N $Z N F/ Fs/ H/ ~ S { L > -2: L AL A{ { L L{ > : { s. 15,600-39,100 F {Sx {- 5400/- > : 07.10.2013 30 A#L { ] > AL {S: 1. {xL AB 1956 ` (B{F s {S ) S-2 L ` L $ ` A;S FL L {xL {S > ` S-2{ A;N S {S {xL AB 1956 13 A;S D(3){ SL ~ L$# AL > 2. L {{ss B+ L$#{ > 3. S : {D f B SL d $Z { f L { A; {S { D { AL > 4. {xL qL~ > j { ~ F AB A{ Q L Z BFAB {HBs www.esic.nic.in/ recruitment/{ D > {D ${ D{N {; A{ LL `d; {Z D{ ADd { j{ AB$# {S, A{ {; BL { {Q; > ${ {Z AB A{L 07.10.2013(5.00 W. ) {f{{s L{/Q L{(BFAB {HBs www.esic.nic.in fA) > AB A{ {; Z 07.10.2013 5.00W { D { ] > {f{{s LB$# AB A{ x LL (L 07.10.2013 { {f{{s LB$#) L Q L { Q 14.10.2013 > S { L(`) ODISHA MODEL TRIBAL EDUCATION SOCIETY (OMTES) Adivasi Exhibition Ground, Unit-I, Bhubaneswar Phone No,-0674-2598220, website-www.omtes.org
Application are invited from the eligible candidates for filling up the posts of Principals on contractual basis in Ekalavya Model Residential Schools of the State managed by OMTES under ST & SC Dev. Deptt., Govt, of Odisha. Essential Qualification: 1. Having 50% in Post Graduate degree in any School Subject. 2. B.Ed from a recognised board or University. 3. Working knowledge on Computer (Especially MS Office). Experience : The work experience will also be taken into consideration at the time of career assessment. The Applicant should have a) Minimum 5 years work experience as a Principal/Vice Principal/PGT of Kendriya Vidyalaya / Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya or such reputed Higher Secondary Institution. NB: i) Working Principals / Vice Principals of Kendriya Vidyalayas / Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas can also apply on same terms and conditions provided their respective competent authority grants such permission, ii) If found suitable and outstanding, retired Principals of KVs / JNVs only can be engaged on same terms and conditions provided their remuneration will be fixed as per FD guidelines as applicable to retired govt, servants. Remuneration: Consolidated Rs.35000/ pm + Rent free accommodation In campus + Rs 500 / Telephone charges. Age Limit: a) Not more than 50 years of age as on 31st January 2013. b) In case of retired Principals below 62 years. The TOR and application format can be downloaded from the website of OMTES http:// www.omtes.org. Date of Walk-in-lnterview-12.09.2013 at 11 AM. Venue-OMTES, Adivasi Padia, BBSR Deputy Secretary, OMTES

Your GATEto the future with India's oil giant HPCL

Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd., is a mega integrated Oil refining and marketing company witn Gross Sales ol Rs. 2,15,675 Crores and 260th position in the prestigious list of Fortune Global 500 Companies during 2012-13 HPCL accounts for about 20% of the market share and about 10% of the nation's fefining capacity and also operates the largest Lube Refinery in India producing Lube Base Oils of international standards, which accounts for over 40% of the India's total Lube Base Oil production. HPCL with its performance oriented culture and well-rounded peoples' policies has won several prestigious awards like the "Golden Peacock Innovative Product/Service Award 2012". "Global CSR Excellence & Leadership Award 2013" by World CSR Congress, CSR Excellence Award" 2012-13 by ASSOCHAM" and "INDIASTAR 2012 Award" by the Indian Institute of Packaging(IIP) as recognition of excellence in Packaging HPCL has also been recently conferred with the prestigious and one of the most acclaimed awards in the country, BML Munjal Award for Excellence in Learning and Development in its 8th edition. Towards fulfilling its Mission-to be a fully integrated company in the hydocarbons sector of exploration and production, refining and marketing, focusing on enhancement of productivity, quality and profitability, HPCL invites bright and dynamic Engineering Graduates, in specified disciplines aspiring to join it's team of world class professionals. Interested candidates are required to appear for GATE-2014 for their respective discipline.

Recruitment of Graduate Engineers through GATE-2014

Mechanical, Mechanical & Production Civil Electrical, Electrical & Electronics Electronics, Electronics & Communication Electronics & Telecommunication

Disciplines Mechanical Civil Electrical Electronics & Telecommunication Instrumentation

Prescribed full time degrees in Engineering

Instrumentation, Instrumentation & Control, Electronics & Instrumentation, Instrumentation & Electronics

For full details of the advertise m-nt. please -refer to the detaile advertisement on our link www.hindustanpetroleum.com www. h per careers.com Any further corrigendum / addendum would be uploaded only on ourwebsite www. hindustanpetroleum.com

Printed, Published & Owned by SATYAJIT PANDA, Published at TS-3/193, Mancheswar Industrial Estate, Bhubaneswar-751 010, Printed at Nijukti Khabar Prakashan , TS-3/193,Mancheswar Ind.Estate, Bhubaneswar-751010, Phone No.(0674) 2582532, 2582533, 2582534 FAX: 2582535, e-mail: nijuktikhabar@gmail.com


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