Combustion Fluent OpenFoam PDF
Combustion Fluent OpenFoam PDF
Combustion Fluent OpenFoam PDF
Abstract. Development of an optimal medium power gas burner was carried out under the EU FP6 project. Modeling and simulation was performed using the FLUENT and partly StarCD Adapco software packages. Restrictions that were imposed by available resources and 32-bit architecture allowed us to simulate only a small segment on the assumption of complete radial symmetry. In HP-SEE project we used available supercomputers and simulated the full cross section of the burner in OpenFOAM. An analysis of the dierences in the results was performed. The advantages of this approach to CFD modeling of combustion were demonstrated. Keywords: uid dynamics, combustion, parallel processing.
Use of high-performance computing resources in HP-SEE project gave us the opportunity to simulate the complete burner and to design and build more realistic model of real device. Simulations were performed by OpenFOAM[1] software version 1.7.1 with combustion and chemistry modules. The size of the mesh is over 13 million elements. Parallel processing of the partitioned model requires approximately 1 GB of RAM per core involved in computation at full scale. Special problems are presented in dividing the domain in such a way to enable all the CPUs to be optimally utilized. Simulation results verify the designed prototype burner. Test results will serve to optimize the parameters of an improved burner. Simulation of gaseous combustion processes in cylindrical burner was made on full geometry shape (not only on one segment as before, on 32 bit platforms running small scale simulations). Good stability was achieved and additional mechanisms were included in simulation. Simulation was tested on up to 64 processors with almost linear improvement in simulation performance but limited
M. Dulea et al. (eds.), High-Perf. Comp. Infrastr. for South East Europes Research Communities, Modeling and Optimization in Science and Technologies 2, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-01520-0_11, c Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014 93
speed-up in pre- and post-processing. Suggestion is to perform these operations o-line prior to starting the simulation on supercomputing resources. Simulations running on heterogeneous cluster over MPI on four nodes performed as expected. Performance issues are foreseen on higher number of nodes with simple Gigabit Ethernet networking. Simulations were executed successfully with results aligning to expected values. We did encounter some issues: when dealing with large number of processors special care needs to be taken in mesh partitioning in order to avoid exceptions and crashes when running simulation; careful choice of various parameters is critical as simulation can easily produce several hundreds of gigabytes of les; networking performance can cause issues when scaling to higher number of nodes on Ethernet based networks.
Combustion Mechanisms
In OpenFOAM packages, stationary modules use the mechanisms of the mixing and transport of chemical species by solving conservation equations describing convection, diusion, and reaction sources for each component species[2]. Multiple simultaneous chemical reactions can be modeled, with reactions occurring in the bulk phase (volumetric reactions) and/or on wall or particle surfaces. 2.1 Theory Species Transport Equations
When we choose to solve conservation equations for chemical species [5,3], program predicts the local mass fraction of each species [1], Yi , through the solution of a convection-diusion equation for the ith species. This conservation equation takes the following general form: (Yi ) + (v Yi ) = J i + Ri + Si t (1)
where Ri is the net rate of production by chemical reaction and Si is the rate of creation by addition from the dispersed phase plus any dened sources. An equation of this form will be solved for N - 1 species where N is the total number of uid phase chemical species present in the system [4,5]. Since the mass fraction of the species must sum to unity, the N th mass fraction is determined as one minus the sum of the N - 1 solved mass fractions. To minimize numerical error, the N th species should be selected as that species with the overall largest mass fraction, such as N2 when the oxidizer is air. Mass Diusion in Laminar Flows In Equation (1), Ji is the diusion ux of ith species, which arises due to concentration gradients. By default, program uses the dilute approximation, under which the diusion ux can be written as J i = Di,m Yi (2)
Ji is the diusion ux of ith species, which arises Here Di,m is the diusion coecient for ith species in the mixture. For certain laminar ows, the dilute
approximation may not be acceptable, and full multicomponent diusion is required. In such cases, the Maxwell-Stefan equations can be solved. Mass Diusion in Turbulent Flows In turbulent ows [4,5],s program computes the mass diusion in the following form: t J i = Di,m + (3) Yi Sct
has a default setting 0.7. where Sct is the turbulent Schmidt number, and D t Turbulent diusion generally overwhelms laminar diusion, and the specication of detailed laminar diusion properties in turbulent ows is not warranted.
The Eddy-Dissipation-Concept (EDC) model is an extension of the eddy dissipation model to include detailed chemical mechanisms in turbulent ows. It assumes that reaction occurs in small turbulent structures, called the ne scales. Detailed chemical kinetic calculations can be very computationally expensive.
The redesigned model has included the eects of radiation using the DO mechanism [5,6]. Chemical processes are supported in Species Combustion module in CHEMKIN data format. Currently, the module for NOx production is included. Implementation of all modules is used for more detailed study of combustion kinetics. Development of reduced combustion kinetic mechanism and its application to optimize the emission of pollutants is goal scientic result [7,6]. There was made further development and optimization of the burner prototype.
Scalability Testing
For scalability testing we have used OpenFOAM[1] version 1.7.1 at PARADOX cluster located at Institute of Physics Belgrade. The cluster is composed of 84
nodes with each node consisting of two quad core Intel Xeon E5345 processors running at 2.33 GHz with 8GB of RAM. Each node is connected by dual Gigabit Ethernet connection to form star topology network. OpenFOAM was compiled by GNU Compiler Collection 4.4.6 and OpenMPI 1.4.1 was used for MPI. We used simplied smaller scale methane burner and rhoReactingFoam solver for benchmarking. Total model size was 811 MB and mesh contained 1893571 points, 18913870 faces and 9132732 tetrahedral cells. 4.1 Execution Times
As can be seen from the table with execution times, there are two dominant factors: pre/post-processing and simulation. Pre-processing and especially postprocessing time increases with number of CPU cores used for simulation but, fortunately, the increase is not dramatic. It is worth noting that pre- and postprocessing can be avoided in certain work-ows allowing for better scalability.
Table 1. Scalability testing of SFHG application CPU cores Pre/Post[s] Simulation[s] Total[s] Simulation Speedup Total Speedup 1 4 8 16 32 0.00 2560.00 2650.72 2817.06 3140.02 127137.60 33922.80 17496.00 8359.20 4135.05 127137.60 36482.80 20146.72 11176.26 7275.07 1.00 3.75 7.27 15.21 30.75 1.00 3.48 6.31 11.38 17.48
Scalability Analysis
Since this application was based on tried and true solvers that have already been thoroughly benchmarked and analyzed, we focused our attention to issues specic to this concrete case. I/O operations were aecting mostly pre- and post-processing parts of the work-ow, but not in signicant amount. Communication between processes can be minimized by using adequate mesh partitioning approach. For generic use case we would suggest using scotch algorithm which is designed to minimize boundaries shared between dierent partitions. If there is sucient knowledge of concrete simulation and model behavior better results can be achieved by using hierarchical or, better yet, manual decomposition. When discussing scalability of simulation, one has to take into consideration several factors. If we are dealing with cold ow simulations, with no chemistry involved, then it is fairly easy to achieve good scalability of simulation by adequate mesh partitioning. But, when we include chemistry in simulation things start to get complicated as chemistry is generally more time consuming to simulate, especially when dealing with complex reactions and more realistic models. During the times close to the beginning of the simulation, computationally intensive part of the simulated model is fairly small and located at inlet and as such using huge number of CPUs would bring severely limited benets. If increasing performance is a must even a this stage, one must take care of properly partitioning the mesh so that we do not end up with many processes waiting for few with more complex calculations to handle. After a while, or 1.3 seconds of simulated time in our case, most of the model volume is involved in time
consuming chemistry calculations and as such it becomes easier to decompose the mesh in such a way to achieve good scalability. Above analysis applies foremost to solvers that work in time domain. When we are dealing with steady-state solvers, according to our results, they tend to reach an analogous point in fairly short amount of time and are as such better, or at least easier, choices for good scalability.
A good agreement in calculated parameters of combustion processes between OpenFOAM and Fluent was achieved after careful parameter tuning. OpenFOAM demonstrated good capabilities when compared to commercial software such as Fluent and StarCD Adapco. Parallelization allows for very good performance and scalability of OpenFOAM package and enables avoiding the high costs of the end user licenses of commercial software. Acknowledgement. This work makes use of results produced by the HighPerformance Computing Infrastructure for South East Europes Research Communities (HP-SEE), a project co-funded by the European Commission (under contract number 261499) through the Seventh Framework Programme. HP-SEE involves and addresses specic needs of a number of new multi-disciplinary international scientic communities (computational physics, computational chemistry, life sciences, etc.) and thus stimulates the use and expansion of the emerging new regional HPC infrastructure and its services.
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