Storage of Food Grains-377
Storage of Food Grains-377
Storage of Food Grains-377
Losses of the food grains in terms of weight are quantitative losses. Insects, rodents, birds etc. feeds on the product causing weight loss. These weight losses are not always apparent. For example, some insects eat only the centres of grain kernels so, even though the volume of grain may appear to remain the same, there can be considerable weight loss. 2. Loss in quality Losses of this type can be nutritional, chemical, through contamination with toxic moulds or foreign matter. Pests that selectively eat a part of the food-stuff (such as the nutritious germ of the grain) will reduce the value of the food-stuff as a whole. Also, there is the loss of vitamins through the action of sunlight and temperature. Chemical changes are particularly common in fatty foods through the development of rancidity. Aflatoxin (a toxic substance) producing moulds like Aspergillus niger, can grow on many products which pose a long term health risk. As maize, coconut and peanuts are particularly susceptible, storage of these products need special care. General contamination can result in many ways and shows up in the form of insect fragments, rodent hairs, excreta and urine, as well as dust and other materials that enter the product through human mis-handling. The presence of rat urine can cause serious problems as rats are carriers of Weils disease. Sieving is often used to reduce the obvious signs of foreign matter contamination. Farmers store the produce for two reasons; for home consumption and marketing. Farmers may not accept improvements which incur costs when storing primarily for home consumption. In many cases, these need only small improvements to make the difference between simply having enough for subsistence and creating a surplus for sale. III. Principles of Storage Most developing countries are in the tropics, often in areas of high rainfall and humidity. These conditions are ideal for the development of micro-organisms and insects which cause high levels of deterioration of crops in store. Food losses during storage are the result of biological, chemical or physical damage. In order to reduce the amount of food grains lost, the environment in the store needs to be controlled so as to lower the possibility of: - biological damage by insects, rodents and micro-orgamsms. -chemical damage through rancidity development and flavour changes, etc. -physical damage through crushing, breaking, etc. Good storage thus involves controlling the factors, like temperature, moisture, light, pests and hygiene. I. Temperature The temperature within a store is affected by the sun, the cooling effect of radiation from the store, outside air temperature, heat generated by the respiration of both the food in store and any insect pest present.
Most of the micro-organisms thrive between 10 and 60C temparature where as insects between 16 and 45 centigrade. Normally, in tropics and sub-tropics storage temperature lies between 25 and 35C which is favourable for the survival of the micro-organisms and insects. Direct temperature control is not usually possible, so other measures, particularly reducing the moisture content of the stored produce, are necessary. Running is a method of controlling insect pests involving heat. The produce will be laid out in a thin layer in the hot sunlight. At high temparatures (40 to 45o C) the insect pests tend to leave the grain. It should be noted, however, that running does not always destroy eggs or larvae. Improper maintenance of storage temperature can result in biological and chemical damage to the food stuff being stored. Examples include the loss of germination ability in seed materials and the accumulation of sugars in some commodities which need relatively low storage temperatures. Temperature also controls chemical damage. The speed of chemical change in a food depends upon the temperature and the food's moisture content. A 10C rise in temperature causes an approximately two-fold increase in the rate of reaction. Thus, cold storage will retard such changes as fat oxidation and vitamin loss. Many dried food grains benefit from even a small reduction in their storage temperature, and cool and dry conditions can greatly reduce the rate of development of brown discolouration and off-flavours. Physical damage involves melting of fats in the products at high temparatures and crystallization of sugars in sweet foods at low temparatures. 2. Moisture All micro-organisms, including moulds, require moisture to survive and multiply. If the moisture content in a product that is to be stored is low, micro-organisms will be unable to grow, provided that the moisture inside the storage structure is also kept low. Moisture should therefore, be pre- vented from entering the store. All materials that have been dried will try to come back into equilibrium with the climate around them. In tropical countries this usually means absorbing moisture. The moisture level below which micro-organisms cannot grow is referred to as the safe moisture content. The Table 1 below lists the safe moisture content levels for cereals and pulses valid to temperatures up to 27o centigrade. Slight variations in safe moisture contents arise depending upon the variety. Table 1. Safe moisture content levels Safe moisture product Content (%) Cereals: Maize (shelled) 13.5 Maize flour 11.5 Paddy rice 15.0 Milled rice 13.0 Sorghum 13.5 Millet 16.0 Wheat 13.5 Wheat flour 12.0 Pulses: Broad bean,cow pea 15.0
Sl.No 1
Lentil, pea
While in general it is essential that all food-stuffs are below their safe moisture content before they enter the store, the safe moisture content is to some extent related to the required storage time. Moisture levels above the safe moisture context can be tolerated if only short storage times are required. Condensation of moisture can cause storage problems. If the walls of a store are cooled below their dew point by low night temperature, condensation can occur and increase the moisture content in the layers of the produce. The siting and the ventilation of the store is important. It is also important to note here that most stored food products are "alive" and respiring, thus giving off moisture, as well as heat. IV. Tips for Storage of Food Grains This has been reported that up to 10 million tonnes of food-grains are lost each year in India through faulty storage techniques. If saved, it would have been more than enough to meet any world food deficit. It has been estimated that 10 percent loss in storage may be sufficient enough to feed 72 million people. The large stocks of grain in storage pose various problems which are unique and quite different from those of smaller lots. Therefore, adequate attention must be paid in the large scale storage of food-grains. To minimize the storage losses some practices for large scale storage of food grains has been developed. 1. The grains must be checked in the field before harvest to make sure that the grains are free from insects and diseases. 2. The harvesting and transporting implement must be cleaned before a new crop is harvested. 3. The grains must be harvested and threshed to avoid any breakage of grains, because broken grain will not store well. 4. The threshing yards which are free from insect infestation should be used. 5. Before storage the grains should be cleaned and graded. Unclean grain contains small amounts of straw, weed seeds and dirt, which not only decrease the value of food-grains but also cause the grains to deteriorate during storage. 6. No food-grains with a moisture content higher than the safe acceptable level should be accepted for storage. Dry the moist grain before storage because, it respires more quickly and gives off more heat and moisture, which encourages build of insect population and mould growth and hot spots develop in bulk grains. 7. The grains should be spread over plastic sheets or cemented floor while drying, otherwise it will pick up the moisture from the ground. The grains should be kept cool and dry between the time of harvest and storage. V. Storage for Different Periods The duration of storage is of vital importance in deciding the most appropriate storage practice. Thus, storage can be classified into the following categories. A. Transit storage This is the shortest term storage where the grain is being transported from one place to another or where some kind of rotation is practised so that the old stock moves out as the fresh
stock comes in. Many of the Government go downs, godowns at seaports and go downs of retailers are examples of transit storage. Transit storage has been maintained in a variety of sheds available on an emergency basis, from time immemorial. In these sheds, bag storage has generally been practised with the bags arranged in stacks. However, the best method will be to have proper go downs with permanent cubicles in which the bagged grain can be suitably stacked. These cubicles should be constructed so that they can be made air-tight both for storage and fumigation, if need be. This would provide ideal storage conditions and also the necessary handling facilities for bags needed for transit storage. B. Short-term storage This type of storage is practised by cultivators who generally like to store their seed grain from harvest to sowing and foodgrains from harvest to harvest. Storage structures generally use for short-term are bukhari, kothar, morai, etc., which are examples of non-airtight bulk storage. From ancient times grain has been stored in India in bulk in mud bins. These earthem structures of various shapes and sizes provide the easiest and most economic methods for the storage of grains under rural conditions in India. However, in this type of storage, one often finds the grains infested with insects. In some places rats also pose a serious problem since they easily cut through the mud walls. In some wet regions of the country, grains are also found to be affected by the high humidity conditions. As a result, the loss of food grains in storage is often quite considerable. With a view to reduce these losses an ideal storage structure has been devised by the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Pusa Road, New Delhi. It is called the Pusa Bin. In the Pusa Bin, a thin sheet of polythene film (0.17 - 0.18 mm thick) is embedded in the mud wall of an ordinary earthem structure. The idea behind the sandwiching of the polythene film within the body of the wall is to combine the mechanical strength of the mud wall with the effective imperviousness of polythene films to vapours and gases. Also, this film is impervious enough to oxygen with the result that the oxygen tension within the structures reduced to such an extent that insect multiplication becomes impossible. At the same time, the earthem layers both inside and outside the polythene film keep the film safe from mechanical injuries due to abrasion and handling stress and strain. Thus, the Pusa Bin combines all three major requirements of safe storage, namely, (a) it is moisture proof, (b) it is sufficiently air-tight, and (c) its walls have poor thermal conductivity. C. Long-term storage This type of storage is for long periods as required by latge-scale trade stockist and Government agencies desiring to keep buffer stocks or maintain food banks. For long-term storage, careful planning and implementation of the storage practices is required. Prior to the storage of grain, it should be thoroughly dried as the moisture content of the grain is the most vital factor for safe storage. Grain can be dried in the sun but it is highly advisable that a suitable grain dryer be provided for each storage godown. Air-tight bulk storage is best if the stock has to be maintained on a long-term basis. It is generally in the form of modem silos above ground or as airtight moisture-proof under ground
pits. Large-sized structures constructed on the basis of the Pus a bin will also serve well for long-term storage. Such storage structures housed in storage godowns are permanent means of long-term storage. The cost of such storage is quite cheap in the long run. The go downs should have adequate provision for making the whole structure sufficiently air-tight for fumigation and proper aeration after fumigation. This can be easily managed by having ventilation fitted with proper exhaust fans and also a suitable arrangement for closing the ventilator air-tight. VI. Requirements for Safe Storage Based on the above mentioned storage considerations we can make the grains less susceptible to insect attack by the use of efficient cleaning and drying equipment and by the application of fumigants and good storage practices. After harvesting and drying, grain and seed should be stored in clean, insect-free, weather-proof storage places from which nearby sources of insect infestation have been eliminated. The sources of insect infestations in stored grains vary with crop and region. In most cases infestation begins in the field because enormous stocks of grains are stored on the farm either as feed or as market grain. Besides field infestation, infestation in stored grain originates in storage facilities or from nearby stores or accumulation of feed, or other infested dry food products. Therefore, the safe storage of food grains depends upon the storage structure, duration of storage, the local climatic conditions and the quantity to be stored. The storage structures should be of modem construction, easily cleaned and tight enough for fumigation. Every effort should be made to eliminate dead spaces in walls and floors where accumulations of grain offer food and housing for insects. Steel bins that are easy to clean and can be made air-tight are best for storage of small grains. The advantages and disadvantages of air-tight storage are given here. 1.Advantages Sealed air-tight storage provides a cheap method of insect pest control. Due to the respiration of the stored product and of any insects present, oxygen is used and carbon-di-oxide is formed, which results in the death of insect pests. In order to accelerate this process, a lit candle can be placed in a tin at the top of the silo just before closing it. The burning candle quickly uses a great deal of the oxygen present. It is important to fill the silo to the top, as the oxygen present is then used up faster. Another main advantage of air-tight storage is the fact that moist outside air cannot enter the silo. 2. Disadvantages Important dis-advantage of air-tight storage is that further drying of the produce in the store is impossible. Therefore, the crop needs to be well dried before placing in the store. Additionally, it is not convenient if the user regularly needs to open the stock to remove food. However, when this happens the whole principle of air-tight storage is lost, because every time the store is opened fresh air enters. It is also extremely difficult to provide regular control of the product through inspection without letting the air inside. VII. Damage by Insect Pests Much of the damage to stored grains by insect pests is done directly to the kernels. Their larvae destroy many times their own weight of food during their growth period. Besides, many
species feed on the germ of the grain, so that its viability is reduced and germination is impaired or destroyed. They frequently cause grain to heat resulting in a musty odour. Deterioration and rotting of the surface grain sets .in as a result of grain heating and consequent moisture migration in storage. Degree of damage depends on three factors namely. (i) moisture content of the stored grains; (ii) temperature inside the storage place, and (iii) oxygen level, besides food supply and human activities. It has been established that most insects do not thrive below 9 percent moisture content of the grains. So, it is essential that before grains are put into storage, the moisture level should be 8 percent and absorption of the moisture from the air should be prevented. Higher temperature favours the multiplication of insects, hence the inside storage temperature should be maintained low. Oxygen content inside the container under air-tight conditions also has a deciding influence on the infestation of grains and multiplication of insects. (For more details please refer Booklet No 376 on "Stored Grain Pests and their Control.") VIII. Types of Storage When storage is for a long period or/and in large quantity, it is referred to a bulk storage and is generally in the form of warehouses, silos above ground or pits underground. Storage of food grains for short periods or/and in small quantity is usually in bags and is known as bag storage. A. Bulk storage Bulk storage is preferable for wheat, paddy, barley, gram and other coarse grains. To take full advantage of bulk storage the grain should be free from insect infestation, well dried and should be stored in damp-proof and uninfested bins. If infested, grain in bulk can be fumigated at a low cost to prevent further deteriorations and cross-infestation of uninfested stocks. Bulk storage leads to considerable economy in storage space, its maintenance and the cost of gunny bags. After bulking the grain, empty disinfected gunny bags can be re-used. The bulk grain should be regularly inspected at monthly intervals. Samples should be drawn with the help of thermo-sampler from different levels to know the moisture content, heating, insect infestation, fungus attack and cake formation. In case of infestation, fumingate the grain with aluminium phosphide at the rate of 3-4 tablets (3 gm each) per tonne, EDCT at the rate of 35 kg/100m3 and EDB at the rate of 64 gm/tonne with 7 days exposure period. If the commodity shows signs of heating it should be aerated by the aeration arrangement provided in the structure. Insecticides should not be stored near the bulk grain. Advantages The striking advantages of bulk storage systems are mentioned here. i. Minimization of loss due to spillage; ii. Disinfestation measures are more manageable thus insect losses are minimal and no bird losses; iii. A centralized system is possible for inspection of food, grains and also for carrying out operations like fumigations, aeration, etc. iv. The quality can be maintained more easily; v. Human errors can be avoided to a greater extent; vi. Processing operations can be planned systematically;
vii. Lesser land costs and viii. Better utilization of the space. Disadvaotages Basically, the following are the constraints in adoption of bulk storage system. i. Huge initial costs; ii. Needs modernisation of entire transport system in the country and iii. Multiplicity of varieties of grain in developing countries. 1. Bulk storage at farm level Normally, the design of bulk storage structures depends upon the local climatic conditions, material availability and commodities grown. India, being a vast country with various resources and climatic conditions, a single design cannot cater the requirements of farmers of different regions. Keep- ing this practical consideration in view, the Indian Grain Storage Institute which is a National Institute dealing exclusively with the storage problems, has designed and tested number of structures. They are classified into two categories. The first category is indoor and outdoor structures and the second category is metallic and non-metallic. Designs were evolved by combination of these two categories. Some of the designs of each category are given here. a. Indoor metallic structures i. Domestic bins; ii. Urban bins; iii. Spiral lock seam tube bins. b. Indoor non-metallic structures i. Pucca kothi; ii. Cavity wall bin; iii. Plywood bins; c. Outdoor metallic structures i. Flat and hopper bottom module bins; ii. Corrugated galvanized sheet bin; iii. Outdoor flat bottom bin; iv. Composite bin. d. Outdoor non-metallic structures i. Reinforced cement concrete ring bin; ii. Reinforced brick bin; iii. Hollow block bin. However, 29 different designs of metallic storage structures have so far been recommended by the Dept. of Food for adoption. 2. Bulk storage of high moisture grain Keeping the special requirements of storage of high moisture grain in view, the Indian Grain Storage Institute had evolved welded wire mesh bin for indoor use and high moisture grain storage bin for outdoor use. In these designs the concept of natural ventilation system (without supplemental heat) was tested successfully. This principle can be further developed
and adopted for large scale storage of high moisture grain as storage of high moisture grain is assuming greater importance in developing countries. 3. Bulk storage at market level Out of the total production of grain in India, two-third is being stored by the farmers and 25 to 30 million tonnes is handled and stored by the Public agencies and the remaining by traders either in their own stores or in market yards. But bulk storage is not prevalent at traders level and a beginning in this direction can be made from traders level storage. 4. Bulk storage at cooperative level The bulk storage at cooperative level has high potential. But there is a problem when cooperative handles the stocks of large number of farmers. The varieties are more and the quantity stored by each farmer is small, in addition to this, each farmer thinks that the grain he produces is superior in quality than others so he has reservations of mixing his grain with others. Introduction of bulk storage at co-operative level is not taken up in our country due to these problems. B. Bag storage Bag storage is largely practised in the trade go downs, mainly because of the ease in handling and transport. Bagged grain should be stacked on racks, at least 30 cm from the walls of the warehouse and far enough apart to allow inspection and cleaning. Infested bags, if any, can be easily segregated and treated. Bags made of paper, paper laminated to cloth or backfilled fabrics, and cartons of fibre board offer more resistance to insect penetration than ordinary cotton or jute bags. Although storing grains in bags is not very ideal, it is one of the common mode of storage. Often, the bags themselves serve as a source of infestation. Hence, it is advisable to use new bags or put old sacks in boiling water and dry them in bright sun light before use. Bags of uniform size and weight should be chosen. If there are any holes they should be mended. Fill insect free, clean, cool and dry grain in the bags. Each kind of grain should be put in a separate bag. The mouth of the filled bags should be stitched. In case of machine stitching, five stitches in 2.5 cm should be used. The god own should be kept thoroughly cleaned and sweeping should be collected from time to time, should be sieved, winnowed, cleaned and sound grain recovered should be blended with the rest of the bagged grains. The remnants of the sweeping after recovery of the sound food grains should be disposed of by burning, dumping or for industrial or manurial purpose. The fertilizers or the pesticides should not be stored along with the food grains. C. Underground storage In the underground storage the grain is more free from the seasonal changes of the temperature and humidity provided seepage does not occur, and is safer from various external sources of damage inducing theft. On the other hand, above ground storage is more convenient for inspection and handling of the grain and can be maintained in more hygienic conditions. The structure in which food-grain is stored in bags should be constructed on a raised well-drained site not liable to flooding or inundation. It should at least be O.5km away from the places which are a source of infection, like kilns, flour and bone crushing mills, garbage dumping-ground, slaughter houses and tanneries. There should not be any tree near the structure, otherwise birds will be a nuisance. As far as possible, it should be situated near a transport head or main road. The floor of the go downs should be constructed of either cement concrete or store slabs with a slope of 4 cm from the wall to its outer edge to prevent rain water
from getting inside the go down through the doors. It should be free from sub-soil moisture. The roof should be water proof. The rain water pipes should be provided for drainage of rain-water from the roof. The structure should be rat-proof. All the cracks, crevices, holes in walls, floor and ceiling should be filled with cementing material. The structure should be disinfected with the recommended insecticides, namely, Malathion 50% at the rate of 3 litres/100 sq. metres, Pyrethrum with 2.5% or Pyrethrin at the dilution of 1:100 at the rate of 3 litres/100 sq. metres. The bags should be stacked 60-70 cm away from the walls with proper alleys around to provide free ventilation of air facilitate periodical inspection of stacks and spraying and fumigation. Each stack should be 9 m x 6 m x 5 m compact and flat on the top. The maximum permissible height of stacks for major food grains like wheat, barley, oat, maize, gram, pulses, jowar . and other millets is 20 layers while in case of rice and milled pulses it is 16 layers. D. Storage on ground This is for temporary storage, following on immediately from harvesting and lasting only a few days, either because the farmer has not had time to bring in what he has harvested or because he wants to let it dry in this manner for a while if there is no prospect of rain. Unfortunately, during this period, there may be appreciable losses for instance, paddy may be devoured or carried off to burrows by field rats, and ground- nuts, maybe eaten into by bugs of genus Aphanus, which suck the oil from the kernel. E. Ventilated granaries In this type of granary, the peasant farmers usually store their unthreshed cereals, because in this way, they are afforded better protection against insect and are less susceptible to damage by water infiltration. Rice is generally not threshed but kept in the form of paddy, while groundnuts are kept in their shells. These granaries are cylindrical, or sometimes rectangular. The grain is removed via a small opening in the side, closed by means of a door made of boards or flat metal. The dimensions vary from village to village and their capacity ranges between a tonne and a tonne and a half. These granaries are used for unthreshed cereals, provide good ventilation of the grain and there is little insect infestation of their contents. They .are vulnerable to rats, but, to deter them, one should refrain from constructing them under trees. F. Silos Silos are usually constructed of steel or reinforced concrete and comprise high cells of various cross-sections placed side-by-side. They have inlets and hoppers for loading and unloading respectively. Mechanical management is also provided for loading and unloading in case of large capacity silos. The basic layout of vertical silo installation will have the following components. i. Reception pit: The material brought to the complex are tipped into this. ii. Elevator: For raising the material from pit or the top conveyor of silo for loading into silos. iii. Loading belt conveyor : For loading into the silos a belt conveyor is used which ins installed on the top. iv. Unloading belt conveyor: For unloading from silos, the belt conveyor is used which is installed below the outlet of the hopper bottom. v. Hopper bottom: Large scale silos are provided with hopper bottom. The hopper bottom should ensure easy gravity flow.
1. Principal types of silos Broadly, there are the following three types of silos. i. Reinforced concrete silos: They can be extremely large having height of 50, 75 and even 100 metres. ii. Cylindrical silos with corrugated steel sheets: These silos are made of either corrugated or flat galvanized steel sheets and corrugations are kept horizontal while in flat ones, the thickness of the sheet depends on the capacity of silos. They are pre-fabricated for easy erection at site. In the developing countries like India, the silos commonly in use are briefly mentioned here. a. Steel Silos In India, bulk storage metallic silos were erected in the year 1958, in Hapur, Uttar Pradesh. Each of these silos are about 6.7 m in diameter and 23 m in height having a capacity of 500 tonnes. There is a head house having a diameter of 8.5 m and height of 47.3 m. Head houses contain grain elevators, auxilIary tanks, grain cleaning and disinfecting equipment, grain drier and weighing machines. A drying arrangement for reduction of moisture content is also provided. There are provisions for recording temperature fluctuations in the silos aeration and fumigation. b. Flat storage plant This plant is having a capacity of 55,000 million tonnes. There are two elevators, six screw type conveyors. They have provisions of temperature recording and aeration. c. Concrete bins Concrete bins of capacities 2000 and 4000 tonnes each constructed in India in 1965. Subsequently, more bins are added to increase the capacity of this type of storage. These are constructed in Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra. d. Horizontal silos The horizontal silos have large diameter and lesser height. These silos are preferred if the ground area available is large and the height of the handling equipment is to be smaller. But normally vertical silos are preferred than the horizontal silos as they are economical. e. Hexagonal silos The capacities of this kind of structures may vary between 500 tonnes to 2000 tonnes. Here, the walls are constructed with bricks and cement mortar having thickness of 400 mm. The hopper bottom is provided with reinforced cement concrete which is 150 mm thick. The whole structure is supported by concrete columns. IX. Factors Affecting Grains in Storage This has been observed that quantitative and qualitative -losses in stored food grains may occur due to physical (abiotic), biological (biotic), chemical (breakdown of produce and pesticides) and engineering (structural and mechanical, aspects) factors. Grain temperature and moisture are the two important factors which affect the rate of metabolism, growth, development, reproduction and general behaviour of stored grain insect pests and fungi. The main factors affecting the storability of food grains are mentioned here.
A. Temperature This is the most important ecological condition required for grain storage. 1. Effect on insect activity Temperature is one of the most important extrinsic factor which exerts a profound impact on the rate of metabolism, growth, development, reproduction, general behaviour and distribution of pests. The lower temperature at which the insects are able to develop lies between 15.5 and 18.30 centigrade. The optimum temperature for most of the insects lies between 29.4 and 32.20 centigrade. The optimum temperature for T. granarium and R. dominica is probably the maximum amongst the storage insect pests. 2. Effect on micro-organisms The micro-organisms differ in their thermal requirements for growth and are commonly classified as Psychrophiles, Mesophiles, and Therrnophiles. Their required temperature for growth -minimum, optimum and maximum are: Psychrophiles : 8 to 0, 10 to 20, and 25 to 30C, Mesophiles : 5 to 25, 25 to 40, and 40 to 45C, Therrnophiles : 25 to 40, 50 to 600, and 70 to 90C. Micro-organisms grow faster and sporulate soon as temperature approaches their optimum. Most of the fungi and bacteria die within 10 minutes at 55C while few servive at 55C for some length of time. Dry spores of many fungi may survive at 87C for 30 minutes while only a few survive at 121C for the same length of time. Bacterial spores which are more resistant to moist heat than fungal spores may withstand 95 for 45 minutes or even 100C for as long as 20 hours. 3. Effect on mites Under Indian conditions some of the mites develop faster if the temperature is 18o to 22o Centigrade. 4. Effect on respiration Respiration, whether of seeds, moulds or insects depends upon chemical reactions and is, therefore, accelerated by an increase in temperature until it is limited by such factors as the thermal inactivation of enzymes which are involved, exhaustion of the substrate, limitation of oxygen supply or accumulation of inhibitory concentration of carbon-di-oxide. It has been observed that the rate of respiration of grain increases with the temperature until inhibitions of vital process begin. B. Moisture In food grains there is a fairly well-defined relationship between moisture content of grain and relative humidity of the environment. The food grain moisture is due course tends to come in equilibrium with the humidity of the air. Thus, the amount of moisture fluctuates according to the temperature and relative humidity of the surrounding air. The rate at which the grain will lose or gain the moisture generally depends upon its condition, type of grain and extent to which it is exposed. However, the moisture keeps varying according to the changes in the environment. In India, the grain is exposed to the environment when it is spread in thin layers at the farmers houses resulting in the loss of moisture to a greater extent. This depends upon the environmental conditions at that time and also the thickness of heaps or layers of the grain.
1. Effect on insect activity For majority of storage insect pests, moisture content below 10 % is not adequate for normal activity and development. Insect infestation tends to increase with increase of moisture content above 10% up to a certain limit. Generally, insect activity is rapid at relative humidities in excess of 75 percent. The corresponding moisture content of wheat is 14 to 15 percent. One of the most remarkable feature about the storage insect pests is that some of them can live in products having a very low moisture content. However, a certain minimum moisture level is needed and this varies considerably for different species. The minimum relative humidity of Trogoderma granarium everts, Tribolium confusum, Tribolium castaneum, Callosobruchus analis, C. rhodesianus has been accorded as low as percent. At this minimum level development is frequently very slow and mortality is high. Other conditions being favourable, the rate of development generally increases as moisture content of food rises. Optimal conditions are largely obtained when the moisture of food reaches about 14 percent. At this moisture level, other deteriorating changes also set in and this, therefore, is considered the highest level of moisture for safe storage of grains. Insects that live in food having a low moisture content exhibit a remarkable ability to consume and utilize water and are certainly well adapted for the products in which they live. It has been known that weevils are attracted to moisture. The moisture content has to be in excess of 12% if rapid multiplication of weevils is required. 2. Effect on micro-organisms Water contributes to the chemical and physical structures of micro-organisms and is involved in cellular work of metabolism and translocation of material. Moisture has a great affect on development of fungi, bacteria and yeast, etc. Micro-organisms are classified as hydrophytes (minimum requirements is 90% or more relative humidity (RH), mesophytes (minimum requirements is 80 to 90% RH) and xero-phytes (less than 80% RH) on the basis of their minimum moisture requirement for growth. The minimum requirements of yeast like fungi is from 88 to 96% relative humidity. The minimum water requirement for spore germination ranges from 62 to 99% relative humidity. Bacteria requires higher moisture level for growth in grains and grain products. Hence, the micro-organisms cause discolouration, loss in viability, heating and induct bio-chemical changes besides production of various toxins which are very harmful to human beings. C. Aeration of grains Aeration is a process of cooling a grain bulk by passing large quantities of untreated air of suitable temperature and humidity, so that the grain in storage remains in an acceptable condition for long periods. Aeration reduces grain temperatures to minimize mould growth and insect/mite activity. It maintains the grain quality and provides more uniform grain temperatures to prevent convection air movement and moisture transfer. Fumigants may also be distributed by aeration fans. Stored grains has relatively low thermal conductivity. Daily temperature changes have a very small effect upon grain temperatures, and even seasonal changes from summer to winter are likely to cause pronounced grain temperature variation only in most exposed part of a large grain bulk. The aeration equalizes the temperature of the grain thus arresting multiplication of insect and mould activities as well as moisture migration. Grain aeration is more properly considered as a preventive rather than a remedial measure.
D. Effect of CO2 and O2 concentration Oxygen and carbon-di-oxide of the inter-granular environment influences the respiration of the grain and consequently also the rate of deterioration and heating. Majority of the fungi are storage aerobes. They fail to sporulate, their spores fail to germinate and their mycelium fails to grow when oxygen concentration is below a minimum which is well adequate for yeast growth. E. Effect of grain Grain as a component of the environment may influence an organism's chance to survive and multiply by modifying its fecundity, longevity or the speed of development. F. Effect of insect population density Continuous multiplication of insects in stored products makes them increasingly less suitable for human consumption. Under favourable conditions certain insects increase almost to unbelievable numbers. G. Light Generally, the stored product insects seek secluded places and keep well hidden. Stored product insects reaction to light is more varied. Few are attracted towards light while most of the insects avoid it preferring a subdued light or darkness. Different stages of the same species react differently. A stack of gunny bags kept in dark places and most concealed parts, are found to be more' severely attacked than those which are exposed to light. H. Susceptibility of storage pests to fumigants It is already known that the susceptibility of stored grain insect pests to fumigants is influenced by various factors viz., temperature, carbon-dioxide, oxygen, nutrition, population density, pre-fumigation starvation, post-fumigation starvation, relative humidity, sub-lethal fumigation, repeated fumigation, presence or absence and nature of commodities to be fumigated, affect of age, sex of insects, respiration etc. Hence, the success or failure of fumigation operations depends upon these factors. I. Respiration of grains Production of heat during storage is responsible for enormous waste in stocks is due to respiration of grains, moulds and insects. The combined respiratory activities of these factors are doubtless responsible for primary heating of stored grains. These activities come to an end at about 550 centi- grade. However, some auto-exhaustion may also take place afterwards. Thus, it has been stated that the factors like moisture, temperature, aeration, oxygen, age of the grain, consistency and condition of the grains, micro-organisms, etc. play an important role in the respiration of the grain. J. Cracked grains Cracked grain and foreign material in excessive amounts can also be considered to be an important factor in storage, specially as for providing favourable conditions for the development of the non-boring type of stored grain insect popularly known as bran and fungus beetles. These do not develop readily in clean grain but feed primarily on grain dust, broken kernels, moulds, etc. It is extremely difficult to fumigate grain which has a high percentage of broken grains and foreign materials. K. Sources of infestations There are many ways by which stored products may become infested. They include placing clean products in the infested storage, placing infested roducts in clean storage, by
mixing infested with uninfested materials, through the use of already infested container, and through the use of infested transportation facilities such as trucks, etc. Infestation may, also arise from natural sources. These may include nests of birds and rodents, the hiding and bedding places of animals, etc. X. Conclusion Food grain storage capacity is planned in India to meet the storage requirement for buffer and operational stocks, public distribution system and farm level storage. Planning of additional capacity is made on the basis of assessment of additional storage requirement on macro-level as also to take care of regional imbalances and the needs of people on micro-level basis. The objective to increase employment and reduce poverty involves implementation of agriculture oriented development strategy. Therefore, the problem of food production, its storage and movement across the country, therefore, needs to be viewed. Storage is an important link in the entire procurement and distribution system of food grains which are produced seasonally but are consumed all the year round. It helps in reducing the seasonal fluctuations in availability and prices. Scientific storage is also essential to reduce the food grain losses. %%%%%%%%%%