Tib Admin Ems Usr

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TIBCO Administrator™

EMS Plug-in Reference

Software Release 5.4
November 2006
Important Information
This document contains confidential information that is subject to U.S. and international copyright
laws and treaties. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form without the written
authorization of TIBCO Software Inc.
TIB, TIBCO, Information Bus, The Power of Now, TIBCO Adapter, TIBCO Administrator, TIBCO
BusinessWorks, TIBCO Designer, TIBCO Enterprise Message Service, TIBCO Rendezvous, TIBCO
Repository, and TIBCO Runtime Agent are either registered trademarks or trademarks of TIBCO
Software Inc. in the United States and/or other countries.
EJB, J2EE, JMS and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of
Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries.
All other product and company names and marks mentioned in this document are the property of
their respective owners and are mentioned for identification purposes only.
Copyright © 1999-2006 TIBCO Software Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
| iii


Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
Related Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi
TIBCO Administrator Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi
TIBCO Runtime Agent Documentation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi
TIBCO Enterprise Message Service Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi
Typographical Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii
How to Contact TIBCO Customer Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x

Chapter 1 EMS Plug-in Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
EMS Server Configuration Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Security Dialog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Server Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Main Pane. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
View and Edit Server Panes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Queues Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Main Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
New, View or Edit Queues Pane. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Topics Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Main Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
New, View or Edit Topics Pane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Durables Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Main Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
View or Add Durable Pane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Connection Factories Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Main Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
New, Edit or View Pane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Connections Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Main Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Producers and Consumers Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Main Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Destination Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Routes Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Main Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
New, Edit or View Pane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

TIBCO Administrator EMS Plug-in Reference

| Contents
Bridges Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
New Pane. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Transports Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Transactions Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Users and Groups Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Synchronizing User Information With TIBCO Administrator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Creating Users and Setting Permissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Adding Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Adding a User or Group to a Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
JNDI Bindings Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

TIBCO Software Inc. End User License Agreement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

TIBCO Administrator EMS Plug-in Reference



This guide explains how to use the TIBCO Enterprise Message Service server
plug-in in TIBCO Administrator. The guide does not introduce or explain the
TIBCO Enterprise Message Service software. The software is documented in the
Enterprise Message Service documentation set.


• Related Documentation, page vi

• Typographical Conventions, page viii
• How to Contact TIBCO Customer Support, page x

TIBCO Administrator EMS Plug-in Reference

| Related Documentation

Related Documentation

This section lists documentation resources you may find useful.

TIBCO Administrator Documentation

You may find it useful to read the following TIBCO Administrator
documentation. The documentation is available from the
install-path/tibco/administrator/n.n/doc folder.
• TIBCO Administrator Release Notes Read the release notes for a list of new and
changed features. This document also contains lists of known and closed
issues for this release.
• TIBCO Administrator User’s Guide An introduction to TIBCO Administrator
functionality including user, resource and application management.
• TIBCO Administrator Server Configuration Guide Information for system
administrators allowing customization of the server.
• TIBCO Administrator Installation Read the relevant sections of this manual
before installing this product.

TIBCO Runtime Agent Documentation

The TIBCO Runtime Agent Domain Utility User’s Guide explains how to add,
modify or remove the TIBCO Enterprise Message Service plug-in to an
administration domain. The guide is available from the
install-path/tibco/tra/n.n/doc folder.

TIBCO Enterprise Message Service Documentation

The following documents form the TIBCO Enterprise Message Service
documentation set. The documentation is available from the
install-path/tibco/ems/doc folder.
• TIBCO Enterprise Message Service User’s Guide Read this manual to gain an
overall understanding of the product, its features, and configuration.
• TIBCO Enterprise Message Service Installation Read the relevant sections of this
manual before installing this product.
• TIBCO Enterprise Message Service Application Integration Guide This manual
presents detailed instructions for integrating TIBCO Enterprise Message
Service with third-party products.

TIBCO Administrator EMS Plug-in Reference

Preface vii

• TIBCO Enterprise Message Service C API Reference The C API reference is

available in HTML and PDF formats.
• TIBCO Enterprise Message Service Java API Reference The Java API reference is
available as JavaDoc, and you can access the reference only through the
HTML documentation interface.
• TIBCO Enterprise Message Service .NET API Reference The .NET API reference
is available in PDF and HTML format.
• TIBCO Enterprise Message Service Release Notes Release notes summarize new
features, changes in functionality, and closed issues. This document is
available only in PDF format.

TIBCO Administrator EMS Plug-in Reference

| Typographical Conventions

Typographical Conventions

The following typographical conventions are used in this manual.

Table 1 General Typographical Conventions

Convention Use
code font Code font identifies commands, code examples, filenames, pathnames, and
output displayed in a command window. For example:
Use MyCommand to start the foo process.

bold code Bold code font is used in the following ways:

• In procedures, to indicate what a user types. For example: Type the username

• In large code samples, to indicate the parts of the sample that are of
particular interest.
• In command syntax, to indicate the default value.

italic font Italic font is used in the following ways:

• To indicate a document title. For example: See TIBCO BusinessWorks Concepts
for more details.
• To introduce new terms For example: A portal page may contain several
portlets. Portlets are mini-applications that run in a portal.
• To indicate a variable in a command or code syntax that you must replace.
For example: MyCommand pathname

Key Key name separated by a plus sign indicate keys pressed simultaneously. For
combinations example: Ctrl+C.
Key names separated by a comma and space indicate keys pressed one after the
other. For example: Esc, Ctrl+Q.

TIBCO Administrator EMS Plug-in Reference

Preface ix

Table 2 Syntax Typographical Conventions

Convention Use
[ ] An optional item in a command or code syntax.
For example:
MyCommand [optional_parameter] required_parameter

| A logical ’OR’ that separates multiple items of which only one may be chosen.
For example, you can select only one of the following parameters:
MyCommand para1 | param2 | param3

bold code In command syntax, indicates the default parameter for a command.
For example, if no parameter is specified, MyCommand is enabled:
MyCommand [enable | disable]

{ } A logical group of items in a command. Other syntax notations may appear

within each logical group.
For example, the following command requires two parameters, which can be
either param1 and param2 or param3 and param4:
MyCommand {param1 param2} | {param3 param4}

In the next example, the command requires two parameters. The first parameter
can be either param1 or param2 and the second can be either param3 or param4:
MyCommand {param1 | param2} {param3 | param4}

In the next example, the command can accept either two or three parameters.
The first parameter must be param1. You can optionally include param2 as the
second parameter. And the last parameter is either param3 or param4.
MyCommand param1 [param2] {param3 | param4}

TIBCO Administrator EMS Plug-in Reference

| How to Contact TIBCO Customer Support

How to Contact TIBCO Customer Support

For comments or problems with this manual or the software it addresses, please
contact TIBCO Support Services as follows.
• For an overview of TIBCO Support Services, and information about getting
started with TIBCO Product Support, visit this site:
• If you already have a valid maintenance or support contract, visit this site:
Entry to this site requires a username and password. If you do not have a
username, you can request one.

TIBCO Administrator EMS Plug-in Reference


Chapter 1 EMS Plug-in Reference

This chapter explains the TIBCO Enterprise Message Service server parameters
that can be set using the EMS Plug-in for TIBCO Administrator.


• Overview, page 2
• Server Parameters, page 3
• Queues Parameters, page 12
• Topics Parameters, page 23
• Durables Parameters, page 31
• Connection Factories Parameters, page 33
• Connections Parameters, page 37
• Producers and Consumers Parameters, page 38
• Routes Parameters, page 39
• Bridges Parameters, page 44
• Transports Parameters, page 45
• Transactions Parameters, page 46
• Users and Groups Parameters, page 47
• JNDI Bindings Parameters, page 51

TIBCO Administrator EMS Plug-in Reference

| Chapter 1 EMS Plug-in Reference


This guide provides a reference description of the fields available in the EMS
Server plug-in. See the TIBCO Enterprise Message Service documentation set for
a full description of the software.
The EMS Plug-in is installed into an administration domain using the TIBCO
Domain Utility. See the TIBCO Runtime Agent Domain User’s Guide for information
about adding, modifying or removing the EMS Plug-in.

When adding the EMS Plug-in to a TIBCO Administrator administration domain

in a 64-bit environment, you must edit the tra file generated for the EMS Plug-in
to point to the 64 bit library. See the TIBCO Runtime Agent Installation Guide for
more information.

EMS Server Configuration Files

There are a number of configuration files on disk that the EMS server reads when
it starts up. Two examples of such a file are tibemsd.conf and topics.conf.
• A running EMS server does not monitor its configuration files after startup.
For example, if you add a user manually to users.conf while the EMS server
is running, the EMS server will not detect the change in the file and alter its
running configuration. Moreover, it is possible that your manual change will
be overwritten when the EMS server next saves its running configuration to
• Updating to a new version of the EMS server will overwrite the default
configuration files that are installed in the EMS bin directory. As a result, you
should view those configuration files as examples or as a starting point; you
should not use the files in that location for your production server instance.

Security Dialog
The security dialog allows you to set access rights to an object. Each panel in the
EMS Server plug-in has a security tab when rights can be set. See the TIBCO
Administrator User’s Guide for information about setting security access.

TIBCO Administrator EMS Plug-in Reference

Server Parameters 3

Server Parameters

Main Pane
This pane displays the following information about the server instance:

Parameter Description
Server Name Name of this TIBCO Enterprise Message Service server.

Version TIBCO Enterprise Message Service version used.

Up Time Time this server has been running.

Start Time Time at which this server was started.

Process Id Process identifier assigned to the server by the operating


State Indicates the server’s current state, whether it is active or


Asynchronous Current size of the asynchronous message store.

Storage Size

Synchronous Current size of the synchronous message store.

Storage Size

Backup Server TIBCO Enterprise Message Service server name and

hostname of fault tolerant backup server, if any.

Connections Current number of connections to the server.

Queues Current number of queues in the server.

Topics Current number of topics in the server.

Durables Current number of durable subscribers in the server

Inbound Byte Current number of bytes received per second by this

Rate server.

Inbound Number of messages received by this server as a whole

Message Count since it was started.

TIBCO Administrator EMS Plug-in Reference

| Chapter 1 EMS Plug-in Reference

Parameter Description
Inbound Current number of messages received per second by this
Message Rate server.

Outbound Byte Current number of bytes sent per second by this server.

Outbound Number of messages sent by this server as a whole since it

Message Count was started.

Outbound Current number of messages sent per second by this

Message Rate server.

Pending Message Current number of messages in this server pending

Count consumption by client.

Pending Message Current total size of pending messages.


Log File Name Name of log file in which events are logged.

Log File Size Current size of the log file.

Log File Recommended maximum log file size before log file is
Maximum Size rotated.

View and Edit Server Panes

Click View on the View Service Instance pane to access the View Server pane. To
edit parameters on the View Server pane, click the Edit button. Apply changed
parameter settings by clicking the Save button.

Parameter Description

Server Name Displays the server name.

Server Version Displays the server software version.

URL Displays the URL or machine and port on which the

server is running.

TIBCO Administrator EMS Plug-in Reference

Server Parameters 5

Parameter Description
Maximum Maximum memory the server can use for messages. This
Message parameter allows you to limit the amount of memory used
Memory by the server for messages so that the server memory
usage does not grow beyond the system’s memory
Messages sent to the server are stored in memory. When
the total amount of memory used by messages reaches the
limit specified by this parameter, the server may swap
messages to disk.
In most situations, the server should not reach the
maximum message memory as long as this parameter is
set to a reasonable amount of memory for your system.

Message Pool To lessen the overhead costs associated with malloc and
Block Size free, the server pre-allocates pools of storage for
messages. These parameters determine the behavior of
Message Pool
these pools. Performance varies depending on operating
Block Size
system platform and usage patterns.
The Message Pool Block Size determines the approximate
number of internal message structs that a block or pool
can accommodate (not the number of bytes).
It instructs the server to allocate an expandable pool. Each
time the server exhausts the pool, the server increases the
pool by this size, as long as additional storage is available.
The value may be in the range 32K to 64K.
The Message Pool Size instructs the server to allocate a
fixed pool. After the server exhausts this pool, the server
calls malloc each time it requires additional storage. The
value may be in the range 16K to 1024M.
When neither parameter is present, the default is Message
Pool Block Size 128 (an expandable pool).
When both parameters are present, Message Pool Block
Size supersedes Message Pool Block Size; the result is an
expandable pool.

TIBCO Administrator EMS Plug-in Reference

| Chapter 1 EMS Plug-in Reference

Parameter Description
Message When this parameter is selected and the maximum
Swapping memory limit specified by the Maximum Message Memory
parameter is met, messages that aren’t currently being
handled can be temporarily swapped out to disk. You can
disable message swapping by clearing this checkbox.
Swapping messages to disk allows the server to free
memory for incoming messages and handle a greater total
message size than allowed by this parameter. Each
swapped message is stored on disk, but a small footprint
of the message remains in memory. If the maximum
memory specified by this parameter is reached and all
messages are swapped out to disk (leaving no way for the
server to free memory for new messages), the server does
not accept new messages and message producers receive
an error when attempting to send new messages.

Server Store The directory to store TIBCO Enterprise Message Service

Directory data.

Server Store Preallocates file storage space for TIBCO Enterprise

Minimum Size Message Service. If Store Truncate Enabled is selected,
the storage is not truncated below the minimum size
specified in these parameters.

Store CRC When selected, CRC checksum data is checked when

reading, and the checksum is calculated and stored in
storage when writing into it.

Store Truncate Specifies whether TIBCO Enterprise Message Service

should attempt to truncate the storage files. When
selected, the storage files may be truncated, but not below
the size specified in the Server Store Minimum Size

Flow Control Specifies whether flow control for destinations is enabled

or disabled. By default, flow control is disabled.
When flow control is selected, the flowControl property
on each destination specifies the target maximum storage
for pending messages on the destination.

TIBCO Administrator EMS Plug-in Reference

Server Parameters 7

Parameter Description
FSync Indicates whether or not the fsync mode is used by the
server when writing data to its store file.
On most platforms, this is not the most efficient way to
write the store file.

Routing When selected, this parameter enables routing

functionality for this server.

Route Recover The amount of time allocated for route recovery.


TIBCO RV When selected indicates that the TIBCO Rendezvous

Transports transports defined in transports.conf are enabled. By
default, all transports are disabled and will not send or
receive messages to or from external systems.

Track Correlation Select to track messages by correlation ID.

Enabling this parameter allows you to display messages
using the show messages <correlationID> command in the
administration tool.

Track Message Select to track messages by message ID.

Enabling this parameter allows you to display messages
using the show message <messageID> command in the
administration tool.

Client Trace Administrators can trace a connection or group of

connections. When this property is selected, the server
generates trace output for opening or closing a connection,
message activity, and transaction activity. This type of
tracing does not require restarting the client program.
The server sends trace output to <location>, which may be
either stderr (the default) or stdout.
You can specify a filter to selectively trace specific
connections. The <filter> can be user, connid or clientid.
The <value> can be a user name or ID (as appropriate to the
When the filter and value clause is absent, the default
behavior is to trace all connections.

TIBCO Administrator EMS Plug-in Reference

| Chapter 1 EMS Plug-in Reference

Parameter Description

Server Password Click set... to change the password used to connect to the
TIBCO Enterprise Message Service server.

SSL Password Click set... to change the private key or PKCS#12


Fault-Tolerant Click set... to change the private key or password for

SSL Password private keys.

Authorization Authorization is disabled by default. Select to verify user

credentials and permissions on secure destinations.


Collect Statistics Select to enable statistic gathering for producers,

consumers, destinations, and routes.
Disabling statistic gathering resets the total statistics for
each object to zero.

Detailed Select to enable detailed statistic tracking for producers.


Detailed Select to enable detailed statistic tracking for consumers.


Detailed Select to enable detailed statistic tracking for routes.

Statistics Routes

Maximum Specify the maximum amount of memory to use for

Statistics detailed statistic gathering.
Once the maximum memory limit is reached, the server
stops collecting detailed statistics. If statistics are deleted
and memory becomes available, the server resumes
detailed statistic gathering.

Rate Interval Set the interval over which statistics for routes,
(ms) destinations, producers, and consumers are averaged.
Setting this parameter to zero disables the average

TIBCO Administrator EMS Plug-in Reference

Server Parameters 9

Parameter Description
Server Rate Set the interval over which overall server statistics are
Interval averaged. This parameter can be set to any positive
integer greater than zero.
Overall server statistics are always gathered, so this
parameter cannot be set to zero.
Setting this parameter allows you to average message
rates and message size over the specified interval.

Statistics Specifies how long the server should keep detailed

Cleanup Interval statistics if the destination has no activity. When the
specified interval is reached, statistics for destinations
with no activity are deleted.

Log and Console Trace Flags

ACL Select to print a message when a user attempts to perform

an unauthorized action. For example, if the user attempts
publish a message to a secure topic for which the user has
not been granted the publish permission.

Admin Select to print a message whenever an administration

function is performed.

Config Select to print a message if the server detects any errors

while reading the config files.

Connect Select to print a message when a user attempts to connect

to the sever.

Connect Error Select to print a message when an error occurs on a


Debug Select to print debug messages.

TIBCO Administrator EMS Plug-in Reference

| Chapter 1 EMS Plug-in Reference

Parameter Description
Default Select to set the trace options to the default set. This










Destination Select to print a message when a dynamic destination is

created or destroyed.

Info Select to print messages as the server performs various

internal housekeeping functions, such as creating a
configuration file, opening the persistent database files,
and purging messages. Also prints a message when
tracking by message ID is enabled or disabled.

Limits Select to print a message when a limit is exceeded, such as

the maximum size for a destination.

ProdCons Select to print a message when a client creates or closes a

producer or consumer.

Route Select to print a message when routes are created or when

a route connection is established.

Route Debug Select to print a message for each message that is sent over
a route.

RV Advisory Select to print TIBCO Rendezvous advisory messages

whenever they are received.

SSL Select to print detailed messages of the SSL process,

including certificate content.

TIBCO Administrator EMS Plug-in Reference

Server Parameters 11

Parameter Description
SSL Debug Select to print messages that trace the establishment of
SSL connections.

TX Select to print a message when a client performs a


TX Debug Select to print debug messages when a client performs a


Warn Select to print a message when a failure of some sort

occurs, usually because the user attempts to do something
illegal. For example, a message is printed when a user
attempts to publish to a wildcard destination name.

XA Select to print XA messages.

XA Debug Select to print debug XA messages.

TIBCO Administrator EMS Plug-in Reference

| Chapter 1 EMS Plug-in Reference

Queues Parameters

The Queues pane allows you to view and change information about queues
associated with this server.
• To add a new queue, click the New button.
• To delete a queue, select the check box next to it and click the Delete button.
• To purge a queue, select it and click the Purge button.

Do not remove $TMP queues. TIBCO Administrator connections use them to

function. When you delete $TMP queues, you may be selectively removing the
JMS admin connections of other components including the JMSWrapper's admin
connection. As a result it eventually quits and stops the EMS server. (The JMS
admin connection cannot be removed.)
During this process TIBCO Administrator may show an error state or eventually
the stopped state. You can either stop the EMS server manually or let it eventually
return to the stopped state, and then run it again.

Click Search to limit the display if a large number of names are defined. You can
search based on data that appears in any of the columns. The * wildcard character
can be used to represent zero or more characters.

Main Display
The following information is displayed in the main display. Click the queue name
for more information, or to make changes to the queue.

Parameter Description
Name Name of a queue. Click this name to view additional
information about the queue and to modify the queue.

Static When selected, indicates the queue is a static queue.

Temp When selected, indicates the queue is a temporary queue.

Receiver Count Number of active receivers on this queue.

Consumer Count Number of active consumers on this queue.

Pending Msg Number of messages pending for this queue.


TIBCO Administrator EMS Plug-in Reference

Queues Parameters 13

Parameter Description
Pending Msg Total size of pending messages for this queue.

Delivered Msg Number of messages delivered.


In Transit Msg Number of messages in transit.


In Byte Rate Number of bytes per second arriving for this queue.

In Msg Rate Number of messages per second arriving for this queue.

In Total Bytes Total number of bytes that arrived since this queue was

In Total Msgs Total number of messages that arrived since this queue
was started.

Out Byte Rate Number of bytes per second sent by this queue.

Out Msg Rate Number of messages per second sent by this queue.

Out Total Bytes Total number of bytes that were sent since this queue was

Out Total Msgs Total number of messages that were sent since this queue
was started.

New, View or Edit Queues Pane

When you click the queue name, a detail window for that queue allows you to
view additional information. You can click the Edit button and make changes if
you are authorized to do so. Be sure to click Save for the changes to take effect.

Parameter Description

Name Name of the queue.

Description Allows you to enter a description for the queue.

Static A check mark indicates the queue is static.

TIBCO Administrator EMS Plug-in Reference

| Chapter 1 EMS Plug-in Reference

Parameter Description
Temporary A check mark indicates the queue is temporary.

Fail Safe TIBCO Enterprise Message Service provides two modes

for persisting topic/queue messages in external storage.
These two modes are:
• normal
• fail safe
Normal mode writes all messages into the file on disk in
asynchronous mode. In this mode, the data may remain in
system buffers for a short time before it is written to disk.
Asynchronous mode storage includes a small probability
that, in case of software or hardware failure, some data
may be lost without the possibility of recovery. In many
applications, when a rare loss of a few messages is
acceptable, this mode provides the best combination of
performance and reliability.
For situations in which any loss of data is not acceptable,
the administrator should set the Fail Safe property for
the topic or the queue. In fail safe mode, all data for that
queue or topic are written into external storage in
synchronous mode. In synchronous mode, a write
operation is not complete until the data is physically
recorded on the external device.
The Fail Safe property ensures that no messages are
ever lost in case of server failure. Although fail safe mode
guarantees no messages are lost, it also significantly
affects the performance.

Global Messages destined for a topic or queue with the Global

property set are routed to the other servers that are
participating in routing with this server.

TIBCO Administrator EMS Plug-in Reference

Queues Parameters 15

Parameter Description
Secure When set on a destination, specifies permissions should be
checked for that destination. When a topic or a queue does
not have the secure property turned on, any
authenticated user can perform any actions with that topic
or queue. When the property is turned on, the
administrator can assign permissions to the users.
The secure property does not mean SSL-level security.
secure only controls basic authentication and permission
verification using unencrypted, non-secure
communication between the clients and the server.
User permissions on secure destinations are only checked
when the authorization property is enabled in the main
configuration file. Therefore, both the authorization
configuration parameter and the secure property on the
destination must be set for permissions to be enforced for
a particular destination.

Sender Name Specifies that the server may include the sender’s
username for messages sent to this destination. When this
property is enabled, the server takes the user name
supplied by the message producer when the connection is
established and places that user name into the
JMS_TIBCO_SENDER property in the message.

The message producer can override this behavior by

specifying a property on a message. If a message producer
sets the JMS_TIBCO_DISABLE_SENDER property to true for
a message, the server overrides the sender_name property
and does not add the sender name to the message.
If authentication for the server is turned off, the server
places whatever user name the message producer
supplied when the message producer created a connection
to the server. If authentication for the server is enabled, the
server authenticates the user name supplied by the
connection and the user name placed in the message
property will be an authenticated user. If SSL is used, the
SSL connection protocol guarantees the client is
authenticated using the client’s digital certificate.

TIBCO Administrator EMS Plug-in Reference

| Chapter 1 EMS Plug-in Reference

Parameter Description
Sender Name Specifies that messages sent to this destination must
Enforced include the sender’s user name. The server retrieves the
user name of the message producer using the same
procedure described in the sender_name property above.
However, unlike, the Sender Name property, there is no
way for message producers to override this property.
If the Sender Name property is also set on the destination,
this property overrides the sender_name property.
In some business situations, JMS clients may not be
willing to disclose the username of their message
producers. If this is the case, these clients may wish to
avoid sending messages to destinations that have the
Sender Name or Sender Name Enforced properties
In these situations, the EMS administrator should develop
a policy for disclosing a list of destinations that have these
properties enabled. This will allow JMS clients to avoid
sending messages to destinations that would cause their
message producer usernames to be exposed.

TIBCO Administrator EMS Plug-in Reference

Queues Parameters 17

Parameter Description
Exclusive Defines how the server delivers messages to queue
(Inherited) consumers when multiple queue consumers are present.
In exclusive mode, the first queue consumer receives all of
the messages until the consumer fails. At that point,
messages are delivered to the next consumer.
The first queue consumer is the first-activated queue
receiver. When that receiver fails in any way, the messages
are delivered to the receiver which was activated next.
Note that these activations may be in the past; that is, the
first-activated and the second-activated are determined at
the onset of receiver activation, not at the onset of
first-receiver failure.
Non-exclusive queues cause messages to be delivered in a
round-robin fashion to the set of queue receivers. This
prevents a large buildup of messages at one receiver and
thereby balances the load of incoming messages across all
queue receivers.
If a message cannot be delivered to a queue receiver
(because its pre-fetch limit is reached), TIBCO Enterprise
Message Service attempts to deliver the message to the
next queue receiver. If the server attempts to deliver the
message to all registered queue receivers and none of
them can accept the new message, the message is returned
to the queue and message delivery is paused until a queue
receiver reports that it can accept the message.

TIBCO Administrator EMS Plug-in Reference

| Chapter 1 EMS Plug-in Reference

Parameter Description
Prefetch Prefetch sets the maximum number of messages a receiver
can receive in the background from the server at any point
in time. A message is considered prefetched when it
leaves the server. It is no longer considered prefetched
when it is delivered to the application by way of the
receive method or by callback.
For example, if the prefetch is set to 7, the server ensures
that at most 7 messages are prefetched into the client. The
prefetch value is the maximum number of messages, not a
strict amount. Therefore, as the application receives the
messages, the server sends more messages to the client but
not necessarily one message for each message received.
That is, the server can batch the delivery of messages.
With multiple receivers, the prefetch value is the
maximum and should not be used to force a particular
delivery pattern. There are too many variable conditions
to accurately predict a delivery pattern.
Assigning a larger prefetch number can improve
performance by decreasing return message traffic.
You can set the prefetch property to "none" to disable
prefetching messages. When a queue has Prefetch set to
none specified, the server sends only one message at a
time to a receiver. That is, a message is only sent by the
server when a receiver calls the receive methods or when
the receiver returns from the callback processing the
current message. Queues with Prefetch set to none
receive messages more slowly than queues where prefetch
is set to a positive integer.
Setting Prefetch to 0 or not specifying any Prefetch
property specifies that the queue should inherit the
prefetch value of its parent. If there are no parents or the
parents do not have prefetch set, prefetch is set to the
default value of 5.
Setting Prefetch to none is not the same as setting
Prefetch to 0.

Max Redelivery Specify the maximum number of times a message should

be redelivered.

TIBCO Administrator EMS Plug-in Reference

Queues Parameters 19

Parameter Description
Max Size Queues can specify the maxbytes property in the form:
maxbytes=NNNNN where NNNN is the number of bytes.

For queues, maxbytes defines the maximum size (in

bytes) of all messages that can be waiting in the queue. By
default, or if maxbytes is set to 0, there is no limit to the
size of a queue. If a receiver is off-line for a long time,
maxbytes limits the memory allocation for the receiver’s
pending messages. Messages that would exceed the limit
will not be accepted into storage and an error is returned
to the message producer.

Flow Control Max Specify the target maximum storage for pending messages
Size on the destination.

Msg Trace Select the message trace level to use. Either, None, Basic or

Imported You can configure queue definitions to use one or more

Transports external transports. Messages that arrive on those
transports are delivered to the TIBCO Enterprise Message
Service server destination.

Bridge Targets Target is name of the destination to which to create a

Target type is the type of the destination. That is, topic or

Selector is a message selector to limit the messages

received by the bridged destination.

JNDI Name Set of names through which this queue is available from
Bindings its connection factory. Click Bind to add a JNDI name or
Unbind to remove the selected JNDI name.

TIBCO Administrator EMS Plug-in Reference

| Chapter 1 EMS Plug-in Reference

Parameter Description

The permissions that have been set for this queue. In Edit
mode, click the Add button to add a user with access
rights to the queue, then specify her or his permissions.
Permissions can be granted to:
• Name entity.
• Assign the entity type, user or group.
• View information for this queue.
• Create dynamic queues, based on this queue. This
permission is useful when used with wildcard queue
names. This allows the user to create any queue that
matches the specified parent.
• Delete this destination.
• Modify the properties for this destination.
• Purge all messages in this queue.
• Send. Permission to create queue senders.
• Receive. Permission to create queue receivers.
• Browse. Permission to create queue browsers.


Receiver Count Number of active receivers on this queue.

Consumer Count Number of consumers for this queue.

Pending Message Number of pending messages.


Pending Message Number of messages pending for this queue.


Delivered Number of messages delivered for this queue.

Message Count

In Transit Number of messages in transit for this queue.

Message Count

TIBCO Administrator EMS Plug-in Reference

Queues Parameters 21

Parameter Description
Inbound Byte Number of bytes per second arriving for this queue.

Inbound Number of messages per second arriving for this queue.

Message Rate

Inbound Total Total number of bytes that arrived since this queue was
Size started.

Inbound Total Total number of inbound messages for this queue.


Outbound Byte Number of bytes per second being sent by this queue.

Outbound Number of messages per second sent by this queue.

Message Rate

Outbound Total Total number of bytes sent by this queue.


Outbound Total Total number of messages sent by this queue.


Route Connected Indicates whether the queue is route connected. TIBCO

Enterprise Message Service servers can route messages to
other servers. Queue messages can travel only one hop to
the home queue, and one hop from the home queue.

TIBCO Administrator EMS Plug-in Reference

| Chapter 1 EMS Plug-in Reference

Parameter Description
Producers and Consumers

Producers Displays the producers and consumers for this queue in

the following fields:
• ID of this producer or consumer.
• Connection ID of this producer or consumer.
• Session ID this producer or consumer is using.
• Destination. Selectable destination for this producer or
• Byte rate for this queue in relationship to this producer
or consumer.
• Total bytes for this queue in relationship to this
producer or consumer.
• Message rate for this queue in relationship to this
producer or consumer.
• Total messages for this queue in relationship to this
producer or consumer.
• Creation time when this queue was created.

TIBCO Administrator EMS Plug-in Reference

Topics Parameters 23

Topics Parameters

The Topics pane allows you to view information about topic destinations
associated with this server.
• To add a new topic, click the New button.
• To delete a topic, select the check box next to it and click the Delete button.
• To purge a topic, select it and click the Purge button.
Click Search to limit the display if a large number of names are defined. You can
search based on data that appears in any of the columns. The * wildcard character
can be used to represent zero or more characters.

Main Display
The following information is displayed in the main display.

Parameter Description
Name Name of a topic. Click this name to view additional
information about the topic and to modify the topic.

Static When selected, indicates that this topic is a static topic.

Temporary When selected, indicates that this topic is a temporary


Active Durable Current number of active durable subscribers for this

Count topic.

Durable Count Current number of durable subscribers for this topic.

Subscriber Count Current number of subscribers for this topic

Consumer Count Current number of consumers for this topic

Pending Msg Number of messages pending for this topic.


Pending Msg Total size of pending messages for this topic.


In Byte Rate Number of bytes per second arriving for this topic.

TIBCO Administrator EMS Plug-in Reference

| Chapter 1 EMS Plug-in Reference

Parameter Description
In Msg Rate Number of messages per second arriving for this topic.

In Total Bytes Total number of bytes that arrived since this topic was

In Total Msgs Total number of messages that arrived since this topic was

Out Byte Rate Number of bytes per second sent by this topic.

Out Msg Rate Number of messages per second sent by this topic.

Out Total Bytes Total number of bytes that were sent since this topic was

Out Total Msgs Total number of messages that were sent since this topic
was started.

New, View or Edit Topics Pane

When you click a topic name, a detail pane window for that topic allows you to
view additional information. You can click an Edit button and make changes if
you are authorized to do so. Be sure to click Save for the changes to take effect.

Parameter Description

Name Name of the topic.

Description Allows you to enter a description for the topic.

Static A check mark indicates the topic is static.

Temporary A check mark indicates the topic is temporary.

TIBCO Administrator EMS Plug-in Reference

Topics Parameters 25

Parameter Description
Fail Safe TIBCO Enterprise Message Service provides two modes
for persisting topic/queue messages in external storage.
These two modes are:
• normal
• fail safe
Normal mode writes all messages into the file on disk in
asynchronous mode. In this mode, the data may remain in
system buffers for a short time before it is written to disk.
Asynchronous mode storage includes a small probability
that, in case of software or hardware failure, some data
may be lost without the possibility of recovery. In many
applications, when a rare loss of a few messages is
acceptable, this mode provides the best combination of
performance and reliability.
For situations in which any loss of data is not acceptable,
the administrator should set the Fail Safe property for
the topic or the queue. In fail safe mode, all data for that
queue or topic are written into external storage in
synchronous mode. In synchronous mode, a write
operation is not complete until the data is physically
recorded on the external device.
The Fail Safe property ensures that no messages are
ever lost in case of server failure. Although failsafe mode
guarantees no messages are lost, it also significantly
affects the performance.

Global Messages destined for a topic or queue with the Global

property set are routed to the other servers that are
participating in routing with this server.

TIBCO Administrator EMS Plug-in Reference

| Chapter 1 EMS Plug-in Reference

Parameter Description
Secure When set on a destination, specifies permissions should
be checked for that destination. When a topic or a queue
does not have the secure property turned on, any
authenticated user can perform any actions with that
topic or queue. When the property is turned on, the
administrator can assign permissions to the users.
The secure property does not mean SSL-level security.
secure only controls basic authentication and permission
verification using unencrypted, non-secure
communication between the clients and the server.
User permissions on secure destinations are only checked
when the authorization property is enabled in the main
configuration file. Therefore, both the authorization
configuration parameter and the Secure property on the
destination must be set for permissions to be enforced for
a particular destination.

Sender Name Specifies that the server may include the sender’s
username for messages sent to this destination. When this
property is enabled, the server takes the user name
supplied by the message producer when the connection is
established and places that user name into the
JMS_TIBCO_SENDER property in the message.

The message producer can override this behavior by

specifying a property on a message. If a message producer
sets the JMS_TIBCO_DISABLE_SENDER property to true for
a message, the server overrides the sender_name
property and does not add the sender name to the
If authentication for the server is turned off, the server
places whatever user name the message producer
supplied when the message producer created a
connection to the server. If authentication for the server is
enabled, the server authenticates the user name supplied
by the connection and the user name placed in the
message property will be an authenticated user. If SSL is
used, the SSL connection protocol guarantees the client is
authenticated using the client’s digital certificate.

TIBCO Administrator EMS Plug-in Reference

Topics Parameters 27

Parameter Description
Sender Name Specifies that messages sent to this destination must
Enforced include the sender’s user name. The server retrieves the
user name of the message producer using the same
procedure described in the sender_name property above.
However, unlike, the sender_name property, there is no
way for message producers to override this property.
If the sender_name property is also set on the destination,
this property overrides the sender_name property.
In some business situations, JMS clients may not be
willing to disclose the username of their message
producers. If this is the case, these clients may wish to
avoid sending messages to destinations that have the
sender_name or sender_name_enforced properties
In these situations, the operator of the JMS server should
develop a policy for disclosing a list of destinations that
have these properties enabled. This will allow JMS clients
to avoid sending messages to destinations that would
cause their message producer usernames to be exposed.

Max Size Queues can specify the maxbytes property in the form:
maxbytes=NNNNN where NNNN is the number of bytes.

For queues, maxbytes defines the maximum size (in

bytes) of all messages that can be waiting in the queue. By
default, or if maxbytes is set to 0, there is no limit to the
size of a queue. If a receiver is off-line for a long time,
maxbytes limits the memory allocation for the receiver’s
pending messages. Messages that would exceed the limit
will not be accepted into storage and an error is returned
to the message producer.

Flow Control Max Specify the target maximum storage for pending
Size messages on the destination.

Msg Trace Select the message trace level to use. Either, None, Basic
or Detail.

Imported You can configure topic definitions to use one or more

Transports external transports. Messages that arrive on those
transports are delivered to the TIBCO Enterprise Message
Service server destination.

TIBCO Administrator EMS Plug-in Reference

| Chapter 1 EMS Plug-in Reference

Parameter Description
Bridge Targets • Target is name of the destination to which to create a
• Target type is the type of the destination. That is,
topic or queue.

• Selector is a a message selector to limit the messages

received by the bridged destination.

JNDI Name Set of names through which this topic is available from its
Bindings connection factory. Click Bind to add a name or Unbind
to remove the selected name.


The permissions that have been set for this topic. In Edit
mode, click the Add button to add a user with access
rights to the queue, then specify her or his permissions.
Permissions can be granted to:
• Name the entity.
• Assign the topic type, user or group.
• View information for this topic.
• Create dynamic topics based on this topic. This
permission is useful when used with wildcard topic
names. This allows the user to create any topic that
matches the specified parent.
• Delete this destination.
• Modify the properties for this destination.
• Purge all messages in this topic.
• Publish. Permission to publish on the topic.
• Subscribe. Permission to create non-durable
subscribers on the topic
• Durable. Permission to create durable subscribers on
the topic.


Active Durable Current number of active durable subscribers for this

Count topic.

TIBCO Administrator EMS Plug-in Reference

Topics Parameters 29

Parameter Description
Durable Count Current number of durable subscribers for this topic.

Subscriber Count Current number of subscribers for this topic.

Consumer Count Current number of consumers for this topic.

Pending Message Number of messages pending for this topic.


Pending Message Total size of pending messages for this topic.


Inbound Byte Number of bytes per second arriving for this topic.

Inbound Number of messages per second arriving for this topic.

Message Rate

Inbound Total Total number of bytes that arrived since this topic was
Size started.

Inbound Total Total number of messages that arrived since this topic was
Messages started.

Outbound Byte Number of bytes per second being sent by this topic.

Outbound Number of bytes per second sent by this topic.

Message Rate

Outbound Total Number of messages per second sent by this topic.


Outbound Total Total number of messages sent by this topic.


Producers and Consumers

ID ID of this producer or consumer.

Connection ID Connection ID of this producer or consumer.

Session ID ID of the session this producer or consumer is using.

Destination Selectable destination for this producer or consumer.

TIBCO Administrator EMS Plug-in Reference

| Chapter 1 EMS Plug-in Reference

Parameter Description
Byte Rate Byte rate for this topic in relationship to this producer or

Total Bytes Total bytes for this topic in relationship to this producer or

Msg Rate Message rate for this topic in relationship to this producer
or consumer.

Total Msgs Total messages for this topic in relationship to this

producer or consumer.

Create Time Time at which this topic was created.

TIBCO Administrator EMS Plug-in Reference

Durables Parameters 31

Durables Parameters

The Durables pane allows you to view information about durables associated
with this server.
• To add a new durable, click the New button.
• To delete a durable, select the check box next to it and click the Delete button.
• To purge a durable, select it and click the Purge button.
Click Search to limit the display if a large number of names are defined. You can
search based on data that appears in any of the columns. The * wildcard character
can be used to represent zero or more characters.

Main Display
The following information is displayed in the main display. Click the durable
name for more information, or to make changes to the durable.

Parameter Description
Name Name of a durable. Click this name to view additional
information about the durable and to modify the durable.

Topic Name of the topic associated with this durable.

Client ID ID associated with the durable.

Static A check mark indicates the durable is static.

Pending Msg Pending message count for the durable subscriber.


Pending Msg Pending message size limit for the durable subscriber.

Active Indicates if the durable subscriber is active.

User Name Name of the user of this durable subscriber. If the durable
subscriber is currently offline, the value in this column is

For users defined externally, there is an asterisk in front of

the user name.

TIBCO Administrator EMS Plug-in Reference

| Chapter 1 EMS Plug-in Reference

View or Add Durable Pane

When you click a durable name, a detail pane window for that durable allows
you to view additional information. You can view the following durable
parameters. To add a durable, click New in the Durables pane, supply the
following information, and click Create.

Parameter Description

Name Name of the durable.

Client ID Client ID associated with this durable.

Topic Name Select the topic for which you wish to create a durable
from the pop-up.

Selector When present, this selector narrows the set of messages

that the durable subscriber receives.

No Local When present, the subscriber does not receive messages

published from its own connection.

Route When present, the subscriber is another server, and the

is the name of that server.

When this property is present, no other properties are



Pending Message Number of messages waiting to be delivered to this

Count durable subscription.

Pending Message Total size, in bytes, of messages waiting to be delivered to

Size this durable subscription.

Active No if this durable is not currently active, Yes otherwise.

User Name Name of the authenticated user whose connection this

durable subscriber is currently using.

Consumer Id Id assigned to this consumer.

TIBCO Administrator EMS Plug-in Reference

Connection Factories Parameters 33

Connection Factories Parameters

The following operations are available:

• New—Allows you to configure or define a new connection factory.
• Delete—Deletes the selected factory or factories.
Click Search to limit the display if a large number of JNDI names are defined. You
can search based on data that appears in any of the columns. The * wildcard
character can be used to represent zero or more characters.

Main Display
The next table lists connection factory information shown in the main display:

Property Description
JNDI Name List of names that this factory is bound to in the default

Resource Type Type of the ConnectionFactory: All, Topic, or Queue.

URL The URL string to which connections created by this

factory are connected.

Client ID The client ID associated with connections created by this


New, Edit or View Pane

When you click the connection factory name, a detail pane window for that
connection factory allows you to view additional information and make changes.
You can create, edit or view the following parameters.

Parameter Description

Resource Type Type of the ConnectionFactory: All, Topic, or Queue.

URL The URL string to which connections created by this

factory are connected.

TIBCO Administrator EMS Plug-in Reference

| Chapter 1 EMS Plug-in Reference

Parameter Description
Client ID The client ID associated with connections created by this

XA Factory If checked, the factory is an XA factory. This change may

apply to other places as well. See your TIBCO Enterprise
Message Service documentation set for details.

Connect Attempt Sets the number of times that this connection object can
Count attempt to establish a connection to the server.

Connect Attempt Determines the delay time between successive attempts to

Delay establish a connection to the server. Its value is the time
(in milliseconds) between connection attempts.

Reconnect Sets the number of times that this connection object can
Attempt Count attempt to reconnect to the server after a network

Reconnect Determines the delay time between successive attempts to

Attempt Delay establish a connection to the server. Its value is the time
(in milliseconds) between connection attempts.

JNDI Name Allows you to view and edit the JNDI name bindings. You
Bindings can create multiple JNDI name bindings for the same
topic or queue.

SSL Parameters

SSL Vendor The SSL vendor name to be used by a Java client.

SSL Identity The server’s digital certificate in PEM, DER, or PKCS#12

format. You can copy the digital certificate into the
specification for this parameter, or you can specify the
path to a file that contains the certificate in one of the
supported formats.

SSL Issuer Certificate chain member for the server. The server reads
the certificates in the chain in the order they are presented
in this parameter.
The same certificate can appear in multiple places in the
certificate chain.
The certificates must be in PEM, DER, PKCS#7, or
PKCS#12 format.

TIBCO Administrator EMS Plug-in Reference

Connection Factories Parameters 35

Parameter Description
SSL Private Key The server’s private key. If it is included in the digital
certificate in ssl_identity, then this parameter is not
This parameter supports private keys in the following
formats: PEM, DER, PKCS#12.
You can specify the actual key in this parameter, or you
can specify a path to a file that contains the key.

SSL Trusted List of trusted certificates. This sets which Certificate

Authority certificates should be trusted as issuers of the
client certificates.
The same certificate can appear in multiple places in the
certificate chain.
The certificates must be in PEM, DER, or PKCS#7 format.
You can either provide the actual certificates, or you can
specify a path to a file containing the certificate chain.

SSL Verify Host Specifies whether the server should verify the other
server’s certificate. The values for this parameter are
"enabled" or "disabled". By default, this parameter is
enabled, signifying the server should verify the other
server’s certificate.
When this parameter is set to "disabled", the server
establishes secure communication with the other server,
but does not verify the server’s identity.

SSL Verify Host Specifies whether the server should verify the name in the
Name CN field of the other server’s certificate. The values for
this parameter are "enabled" and "disabled". By default,
this parameter is enabled, signifying the server should
verify the name of the connected host or the name
specified in the ssl_expected_hostname parameter
against the value in the server’s certificate. If the names
do not match, the connection is rejected.
When this parameter is set to "disabled", the server
establishes secure communication with the other server,
but does not verify the server’s name.

TIBCO Administrator EMS Plug-in Reference

| Chapter 1 EMS Plug-in Reference

Parameter Description
SSL Expected Specifies the name the server is expected to have in the
Host Name CN field of the server’s certificate. If this parameter is not
set, the expected name is the hostname of the server.
This parameter is used when the ssl_verify_hostname
parameter is set to enabled.

SSL Ciphers Specifies the cipher suites used by the server; each suite in
the list is separated by a colon (:). This parameter can use
the OpenSSL name for cipher suites or the longer, more
descriptive names.

SSL Entropy The path for the installed entropy gathering daemon
Gathering (EGD), if one is installed. This daemon is used to generate
Daemon random numbers for the TIBCO Enterprise Message
Service server.

SSL Renegotiate The client initiates a renegotiation when the cumulative

Size size, in bytes, of the data passed between the server and
the client reaches the amount specified by this parameter.
The minimum size this parameter can be set to is 64Kb.
You can specify Kb, Mb, or Gb for the units.
By default, this parameter is set to 0, signifying
renegotiation is disabled.

SSL Renegotiate The client initiates a renegotiation when the number of

Interval seconds specified by this parameter have passed. The
renegotiation occurs each time the interval occurs; the
time interval starts at the beginning of the SSL connection.
The minimum interval is 15 seconds.
By default, this parameter is set to 0, signifying
renegotiation is disabled.

TIBCO Administrator EMS Plug-in Reference

Connections Parameters 37

Connections Parameters

The Connections pane allows you to view information about connections

associated with this server. To delete a connection, select the check box next to it
and click the Delete button.

Deleting a connection affects all clients using that connection.

Click Search to limit the display if a large number of connections are defined. The
search works against the Type column. The * wildcard character can be used to
represent zero or more characters.

Main Display
The following information is displayed in the main display.

Parameter Description
ID Unique connection ID. Each connection is assigned a
unique, numeric ID that can be used to delete the

Type Connection type.

Client Type Type of client.

Host Connection's host name.

Address Connection's IP address.

Client Id Client ID of the connection.

Session Count Number of sessions on this connection.

Producer Count Producers associated with this connection.

Consumer Count Consumers associated with this connection.

Up Time Amount of time this connection has been up.

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| Chapter 1 EMS Plug-in Reference

Producers and Consumers Parameters

The Producers and Consumers pane allows you to view information about
producers and consumers associated with this server.

Main Display
The following information is displayed in the main display. Click the producer or
consumer name for more information, or to make changes to the producer or

Parameter Description
ID ID for this producer or consumer. Note that producers
and consumers are displayed as separate group; each
group can be collapsed by clicking on the - sign.

Connection ID Unique connection ID. Each connection is assigned a

unique, numeric ID that can be used to delete the

Session ID Session associated with this producer or consumer.

Destination Destination where this producer or consumer sends


Byte Rate Byte rate for this producer or consumer.

Total Bytes Total bytes processed by this producer or consumer.

Msg Rate Message Rate for this producer or consumer

Total Msgs Total messages sent or received by this producer or


Create Time Time at which this producer or consumer was created.

Destination Details
When you click a producer or consumer, the corresponding topic or queue is
displayed. See New, View or Edit Queues Pane on page 13 and New, View or Edit
Topics Pane on page 24 for information about the fields in that display.

TIBCO Administrator EMS Plug-in Reference

Routes Parameters 39

Routes Parameters

The Routes pane allows you to view information about routes associated with
this server.
• To add a new route, click the New button.
• To delete a route, select the check box next to it and click the Delete button.
• To promote a passive route to active, select the route and click the Promote to
Active button.
Click Search to limit the display if a large number of names are defined. You can
search based on data that appears in any of the columns. The * wildcard character
can be used to represent zero or more characters.

Main Display
The following information is displayed in the main display. Click the route name
for more information, or to make changes to the route.

Parameter Description
Name Name of a route. Click this name to view additional
information about the route and to modify the route.

Connection Id Unique connection ID. Each connection is assigned a

unique, numeric ID that can be used to delete the

Route Type The zone type is either 1hop or mhop. When omitted, the
default value is mhop.
You can set this parameter when creating a route, but you
cannot subsequently change it.

In Byte Rate Number of bytes per second coming into this route.

In Msg Rate Number of messages per second coming into this route.

In Total Bytes Total size of messages, in bytes, coming into this route.

In Total Msgs Number of messages coming into this route.

Out Byte Rate Number of bytes per second going out of this route.

Out Msg Rate Number of messages per second going out of this route.

TIBCO Administrator EMS Plug-in Reference

| Chapter 1 EMS Plug-in Reference

Parameter Description
Out Total Bytes Total size of messages, in bytes, going out of this route.

Out Total Msgs Number of messages going out of this route.

New, Edit or View Pane

When you click a route name, a detail pane window for that route allows you to
view additional information. You can click an Edit button and make changes if
you are authorized to do so. Be sure to click Save for the changes to take effect.

Parameter Description

Name Name of the route.

URL URL of the other JMS server with which this server has a
routing relationship.

Zone Name The route belongs to the routing zone with this name.
When absent, the default value is default_mhop_zone
(this default yields backward compatibility with
configurations from releases earlier than 4.0).
You can set this parameter when creating a route, but you
cannot subsequently change it.

Zone Type The zone type is either 1hop or mhop. When omitted, the
default value is mhop.
You can set this parameter when creating a route, but you
cannot subsequently change it.


SSL Parameters

SSL Password Private key or password for private keys.

When passwords are set, the password is obfuscated in
the configuration file.
Click set to set the password.

TIBCO Administrator EMS Plug-in Reference

Routes Parameters 41

Parameter Description
SSL Identity The server’s digital certificate in PEM, DER, or PKCS#12
format. You can copy the digital certificate into the
specification for this parameter, or you can specify the
path to a file that contains the certificate in one of the
supported formats.

SSL Issuer Certificate chain member for the server. The server reads
the certificates in the chain in the order they are presented
in this parameter.
The same certificate can appear in multiple places in the
certificate chain.
The certificates must be in PEM, DER, PKCS#7, or
PKCS#12 format.

SSL Private Key The server’s private key. If it is included in the digital
certificate in ssl_identity, then this parameter is not
This parameter supports private keys in the following
formats: PEM, DER, PKCS#12.
You can specify the actual key in this parameter, or you
can specify a path to a file that contains the key.

SSL Trusted List of trusted certificates. This sets which Certificate

Authority certificates should be trusted as issuers of the
client certificates.
The same certificate can appear in multiple places in the
certificate chain.
The certificates must be in PEM, DER, or PKCS#7 format.
You can either provide the actual certificates, or you can
specify a path to a file containing the certificate chain.

SSL Verify Host When checked, specifies whether the server should verify
the other server’s certificate. By default, this parameter is
enabled, signifying the server should verify the other
server’s certificate.
When this parameter is not checked, the server establishes
secure communication with the other server, but does not
verify the server’s identity.

TIBCO Administrator EMS Plug-in Reference

| Chapter 1 EMS Plug-in Reference

Parameter Description
SSL Verify When checked, specifies whether the server should verify
Hostname the name in the CN field of the other server’s certificate.
By default, this parameter is enabled, signifying the server
should verify the name of the connected host or the name
specified in the ssl_expected_hostname parameter
against the value in the server’s certificate. If the names
do not match, the connection is rejected.
When this parameter is not checked, the server establishes
secure communication with the other server, but does not
verify the server’s name.

SSL Expected Specifies the name the server is expected to have in the
Hostname CN field of the server’s certificate. If this parameter is not
set, the expected name is the hostname of the server.
This parameter is used when the ssl_verify_hostname
parameter is set to enabled.

SSL Ciphers Specifies the cipher suites used by the server; each suite in
the list is separated by a colon (:). This parameter can use
the OpenSSL name for cipher suites or the longer, more
descriptive names.

SSL Entropy The path for the installed entropy gathering daemon
Gathering (EGD), if one is installed. This daemon is used to generate
Daemon random numbers for the TIBCO Enterprise Message
Service server.


Connection Id Unique connection ID. Each connection is assigned a

unique, numeric ID that can be used to delete the

Connected A check mark indicates the route is connected.

Stalled A check mark indicates the route is stalled.

Inbound Byte Number of bytes per second coming into this route.

Inbound Number of messages per second coming into this route.

Message Rate

TIBCO Administrator EMS Plug-in Reference

Routes Parameters 43

Parameter Description
Inbound Total Total size of messages, in bytes, coming into this route.

Inbound Total Number of messages coming into this route.


Outbound Byte Number of bytes per second going out of this route.

Outbound Number of messages per second going out of this route.

Message Rate

Outbound Total Total size of messages, in bytes, going out of this route.

Outbound Total Number of messages going out of this route.


TIBCO Administrator EMS Plug-in Reference

| Chapter 1 EMS Plug-in Reference

Bridges Parameters

The Bridges pane allows you to view information about bridges.

• To add a new bridge, click the New button.
• To delete a bridge, select the check box next to it and click the Delete button.
Click Search to limit the display if a large number of names are defined. You can
search based on data that appears in any of the columns. The * wildcard character
can be used to represent zero or more characters.
The following information is displayed:

Parameter Description
Source Name of the destination being bridged from.

Source Type Type of destination (topic or queue) being bridged from.

Target Name of the destination being bridged to.

Target Type Type of destination (topic or queue) being bridged to.

Selector Message selector defined for the bridge.

New Pane
You can create a new destination bridge for an EMS server by providing values
for the following field and clicking the Create button.

Parameter Description
Source Type and Select the type of destination (topic or queue) being
Name bridged from. Click Pick Source to display a list of topics
or queues to choose from.

Target Type and Select the type of destination (topic or queue) being
Name bridged to. Click Pick Target to display a list of topics or
queues to choose from.

Selector Message selector for the bridge.

TIBCO Administrator EMS Plug-in Reference

Transports Parameters 45

Transports Parameters

The Transports pane allows you to view information about transports.

Click Search to limit the display if a large number of transports are defined. You
can search based on data that appears in any of the columns. The * wildcard
character can be used to represent zero or more characters.
The following information is displayed:

Parameter Description
Name Name of the transport.

Type Type of the transport.

Queue Delivery Delivery mode for messages imported from this transport
Mode to a queue.

Topic Delivery Delivery mode for messages imported from this transport
Mode to a topic.

Export Headers Indicates whether or not JMS header information is

included in messages exported on this transport.

Export Properties Indicates whether or not the JMS message properties are
included in messages exported on this transport.

TIBCO Administrator EMS Plug-in Reference

| Chapter 1 EMS Plug-in Reference

Transactions Parameters

The Transactions pane allows you to view information about XA transactions

associated with this server.
• To commit a transaction, select the check box next to it and click the Commit
• To roll back a transaction, select it and click the Roll Back button.
Click Search to limit the display if a large number of transactions are defined. You
can search based on data that appears in any of the columns. The * wildcard
character can be used to represent zero or more characters.
The following information is displayed:

Parameter Description
Data Transaction data.

State Transaction state, which can be one of the following:

• 'A' — active
• 'E' — ended
• 'R' — rollback only
• 'P' —prepared

Format ID Format ID of the transaction.

Global Global transaction ID for this transaction.

Transaction ID

Branch Qualifier Branch qualifier of the transaction.


TIBCO Administrator EMS Plug-in Reference

Users and Groups Parameters 47

Users and Groups Parameters

The Users and Groups pane allows you to create users and groups and assign
access privileges for resources used by the TIBCO Enterprise Message Service
(EMS) server.
• You can use the users and roles currently defined in the TIBCO Administrator
User Management module as users and groups for the TIBCO Enterprise
Message Service server, by clicking the Synchronize button. This will export
the current TIBCO Administrator users, their passwords and roles to the EMS
server. TIBCO Administrator roles are created as groups in the EMS server.

If you choose Synchronize, users and groups defined in TIBCO

Administrator are exported to the EMS server. If a user or group in the EMS
server has the same name as a user or group in TIBCO Administrator, the user
or group name in the EMS server is overwritten. The EMS $admin group and
admin user are not changed.

If TIBCO Administrator is integrated with an LDAP directory server

synchronization is not recommended. An LDAP directory server does not
allow passwords to be exported, and as a result passwords would not be
exported on synchronization. See Synchronizing User Information With
TIBCO Administrator (below) for more information.

• To create users and groups explicitly for the EMS server, click New User or
New Group. To edit a user or group, click the user or group name. User and
group names cannot be changed.
• The External column indicates whether the user or group is defined in a
directory that is not part of TIBCO Enterprise Message Service, such as an
LDAP directory. See the TIBCO Enterprise Message Service User’s Guide for
more information.
• You can assign protection permissions that allow you to group users into
administrative domains so that administrators can only perform actions
within their domain. An administrator can only perform administrative
operations on a user that has the same protection permission as the user.
There are four protection permissions (protect 1, protect 2, protect 3, and
protect 4) that allow you to create four groups of administrators. Protection
permissions do not apply to the admin user or users in the $admin group —
these users can perform any action on any user regardless of protection
permissions. See the TIBCO Enterprise Message Service User’s Guide for more

TIBCO Administrator EMS Plug-in Reference

| Chapter 1 EMS Plug-in Reference

Click Search to limit the display if a large number of names are defined. You can
search based on data that appears in any of the columns. The * wildcard character
can be used to represent zero or more characters.

Synchronizing User Information With TIBCO Administrator

If you wish to use the Users and Roles currently defined in the TIBCO
Administrator User Management module as users and groups, click the
Synchronize button.
The synchronization results depend on whether users and groups are defined in
the domain repository or whether TIBCO Administrator integrates with an LDAP
directory server:
• Domain repository—If a domain repository is used, both users and their
passwords become known to JMS after synchronization.
• LDAP directory server—If your domain is integrated with an LDAP directory
server and you synchronize, passwords do not become available.
If you wish to integrate with an LDAP directory server, set up your TIBCO
Enterprise Message Service server configuration file to use LDAP. In that case,
users and groups will then become available from the Edit Permissions
panels of topics and queues.

Creating Users and Setting Permissions

To add a user to TIBCO Enterprise Message Service explicitly, follow these steps.
Upon creation, new users do not have any access privileges or roles. You can set
access privileges for the user by setting Permissions in the appropriate object
1. Click the New User button.
2. Supply the user name.
3. Optionally enter a description.
4. Set the password by clicking set and enter the password (twice).

TIBCO Administrator EMS Plug-in Reference

Users and Groups Parameters 49

5. Click OK.

There are no limitations on the characters used for the username or password
with the exception that
— the username and password currently cannot contain double-byte
— the password cannot start with the character # and cannot contain the
characters / (forward slash) ; (semicolon), & (ampersand) or = (equal sign).
If you do not specify a password, that user can log in with a blank password
field unless you’re using LDAP for users and groups.

6. Assign permissions for the user by clicking the arrow next to each permission
and selecting the access level. You can quickly assign a user all permissions by
clicking Grant in the All box. Similarly, you can grant only view permissions
by selecting Grant in the View All box. Note that the permission setting
change only after you click the Create button.
7. Click the Create button to create and save the user and return to the previous

You must click Create to create the user. If you select a different console in the
left panel and have not clicked the Create button, that user is not created.

All spaces before and after the name are removed. Spaces inside the name are

Adding Groups
To add a group to TIBCO Enterprise Message Service, follow these steps:
1. Click the Add Group button.
2. Supply the group name and an optional description.
3. Click the Create button to create and save the group and return to the
previous screen. You must click Create to create the group.

Adding a User or Group to a Group

To assign a user (or group) to a group, follow these steps:
1. Click the group name to add to.
2. Click Edit.

TIBCO Administrator EMS Plug-in Reference

| Chapter 1 EMS Plug-in Reference

3. In the dialog that appears, under Members (at the bottom of the dialog), click
the Add button.
4. Select the group or user(s) to add.
5. Click Save (twice).
6. Click Done.

TIBCO Administrator EMS Plug-in Reference

JNDI Bindings Parameters 51

JNDI Bindings Parameters

The JNDI Bindings pane lists the corresponding resource and resource type for
each defined JNDI name. You can click the resource for more information about it.
Click Search to limit the display if a large number of JNDI names are defined. You
can search based on data that appears in any of the columns. The * wildcard
character can be used to represent zero or more characters.

TIBCO Administrator EMS Plug-in Reference

| Chapter 1 EMS Plug-in Reference

TIBCO Administrator EMS Plug-in Reference

TIBCO Software Inc. End User License Agreement
| 53

TIBCO Software Inc. End User License Agreement

READ THIS END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT CAREFULLY. BY Upon notice from a contact of a Software problem which can be
DOWNLOADING OR INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE, YOU AGREE reproduced at a TIBCO Maintenance facility, TIBCO shall use
TO BE BOUND BY THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE reasonable efforts to correct or circumvent the problem according to
TO THESE TERMS, DO NOT DOWNLOAD OR INSTALL THE its published maintenance objectives. TIBCO reserves the right to
SOFTWARE AND RETURN IT TO THE VENDOR FROM WHICH IT make changes only to the most currently available version. TIBCO will
WAS PURCHASED. use reasonable efforts to support the previously released version of
the Software for a maximum of six months.
Upon your acceptance as indicated above, the following shall govern
your use of the Software except to the extent all or any portion of the Maintenance Fees for lapsed Maintenance or the changing of the level
Software (a) is subject to a separate written agreement, or (b) is of Maintenance shall be mutually agreed upon between Customer and
provided by a third party under the terms set forth in an Addenda at TIBCO. Upgrades, patches, enhancements, bug fixes, new versions
the end of this Agreement, in which case the terms of such addenda and/or new releases of the Software provided from time to time under
shall control over inconsistent terms with regard to such portion(s). Maintenance shall be used only as replacements to existing copies,
and shall not be deemed to increase the Number of Units, and use
License Grant. The Software is the property of TIBCO or its licensors thereof shall be governed by the terms of this Agreement, except for
and is protected by copyright and other laws. While TIBCO continues the first paragraph of the Limited Warranty and any right of return or
to own the Software, TIBCO hereby grants to Customer a limited, refund.
non-transferable, non-exclusive, license to use the Number of Units
set forth in the Ordering Document, in machine-readable, object code Services. Customer may request additional services ("Services")
form and solely for Customer's internal business use. either in an Ordering Document, or by a separate mutually executed
work order, statement of work or other work-request document
Restrictions. Customer agrees not to (a) make more copies than the incorporating the term of this End User License Agreement (each, a
Number of Units plus a reasonable number of backups; (b) provide "Work Order"). Unless otherwise expressly agreed to in a Work Order,
access to the Software to anyone other than employees, contractors, all Services and any work product therefrom shall be (a) performed on
or consultants under written contract with Customer agreeing to be a time and materials basis, plus meals, lodging, travel, and other
bound by terms at least as protective of TIBCO as those in this End expenses reasonably incurred in connection therewith, (b) deemed
User License Agreement ("Authorized Users"); (c) sublicense, accepted upon delivery, and (c) exclusively owned by TIBCO (except
transfer, assign, distribute to any third party, pledge, lease, rent, or for Confidential Information of Customer), including all right, title and
commercially share the Software or any of Customer's rights under intellectual property or other right or interest therein. Each Work Order
this Agreement (for the purposes of the foregoing a change in control is intended to constitute an independent and distinct agreement of the
of Customer is deemed to be an assignment); (d) use the Software for parties, notwithstanding that each shall be construed to incorporate all
purposes of providing a service bureau, including, without limitation, applicable provisions of this End User License Agreement. Fees for
providing third-party hosting, or third-party application integration or Services shall be due and payable in United States dollars net 30 from
application service provider-type services, or any similar services; (e) the date of TIBCO's invoice.
use the Software in connection with ultrahazardous activities, or any
activity for which failure of the Software might result in death or Limited Warranty. If Customer obtained the Software directly from
serious bodily injury to Customer or a third party; or (f) directly or TIBCO, then TIBCO warrants that for a period of thirty (30) days from
indirectly, in whole or in part, modify, translate, reverse engineer, the Purchase Date: (i) the media on which the Software is furnished
decrypt, decompile, disassemble, make error corrections to, create will be free of defects in materials and workmanship under normal
derivative works based on, or otherwise attempt to discover the use; and (ii) the Software will substantially conform to its
source code or underlying ideas or algorithms of the Software. Documentation. This limited warranty extends only to the original
Customer hereunder. Customer's sole and exclusive remedy and the
Beta and Evaluation Licenses. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the entire liability of TIBCO and its licensors under this limited warranty
Software is being provided for demonstration, beta testing, or will be, at TIBCO's option, repair, replacement, or refund of the
evaluation purposes, then Customer agrees (a) to use the Software Software and applicable Maintenance fees, in which event this End
solely for such purposes, (b) that the Software will not be used or User License Agreement shall terminate upon refund thereof.
deployed in a production or development environment, and (c) that
such use shall automatically terminate upon the earlier of thirty days This warranty does not apply to any Software which (a) is licensed for
from the date Customer receives the right to install the Software, or beta, evaluation, testing or demonstration purposes for which TIBCO
Customer's receipt of notice of termination from TIBCO. does not receive a license fee, (b) has been altered or modified,
except by TIBCO, (c) has not been installed, operated, repaired, or
Technical Support. Provided Customer has paid applicable support maintained in accordance with instructions supplied by TIBCO, (d) has
fees (not included with Software fees unless separately listed), TIBCO been subjected to abnormal physical or electrical stress, misuse,
shall provide support for generally available Software ("Maintenance") negligence, or accident, or (e) is used in violation of any other term of
on an annual basis commencing on the Purchase Date. Thereafter this End User License Agreement. Customer agrees to pay TIBCO for
Maintenance will be automatically renewed for successive one (1) any Maintenance or Services provided by TIBCO related to a breach
year terms at the then current rates. Customer shall designate at of the foregoing on a time, materials, travel, lodging and other
TIBCO's support website reasonable expenses basis. If Customer obtained the Software from a
https://support.tibco.com/eSupport/newuser.html, the number of TIBCO reseller or distributor, the terms of any warranty shall be as
authorized contacts as permitted by TIBCO based on the level of provided by such reseller or distributor, and TIBCO provides Customer
Maintenance purchased (contacts are changeable upon 48-hours no warranty with respect to such Software.
prior written notice to TIBCO). Each contact may contact TIBCO for
problem resolution during TIBCO's published support hours EXCEPT AS SPECIFIED IN THIS LIMITED WARRANTY, THE
corresponding to the level of Maintenance purchased. SOFTWARE, MAINTENANCE AND SERVICES ARE PROVIDED "AS

TIBCO Administrator EMS Plug-in Reference

| TIBCO Software Inc. End User License Agreement
IS MADE REGARDING THE RESULTS OF ANY SOFTWARE, Confidentiality. "Confidential Information" means the terms of this
MAINTENANCE OR SERVICES OR THAT THE SOFTWARE WILL End User License Agreement; all information marked by the disclosing
OPERATE WITHOUT ERRORS, PROBLEMS OR INTERRUPTIONS, party as proprietary or confidential; any provided software, related
OR THAT ERRORS OR BUGS IN THE SOFTWARE WILL BE documentation or related performance test results derived by
CORRECTED, OR THAT THE SOFTWARE'S FUNCTIONALITY, Customer; and any methods, concepts or processes utilized in
MAINTENANCE OR SERVICES WILL MEET CUSTOMER'S provided software or related documentation. Confidential Information
REQUIREMENTS. NO TIBCO DEALER, DISTRIBUTOR, AGENT OR shall remain the sole property of the disclosing party and shall not be
EMPLOYEE IS AUTHORIZED TO MAKE ANY MODIFICATIONS, disclosed to any non-Authorized User of either TIBCO or Customer
EXTENSIONS OR ADDITIONS TO THIS WARRANTY. without the prior written consent of the disclosing party. If Confidential
Information is communicated orally, such communication shall be
Indemnity. If Customer obtained the Software from TIBCO directly, confirmed as "Confidential" in writing within thirty days of such
then TIBCO agrees at its own expense to defend or, at its option, to disclosure. The parties agree to protect the Confidential Information of
settle, any claim or action brought against Customer to the extent it is the other in the same manner it protects the confidentiality of similar
based on a claim that the unmodified Software infringes any patent information and data of its own (and at all times exercising at least a
issued by the United States, Canada, Australia, Japan, or any member reasonable degree of care). Except with respect to the Software, items
of the European Union, or any copyright, or any trade secret of a third will not be deemed Confidential Information if (i) available to the public
party; and TIBCO will indemnify and hold Customer harmless from other than by a breach of an agreement with TIBCO, (ii) rightfully
and against any damages, costs and fees reasonably incurred received from a third party not in breach of any obligation of
(including reasonable attorneys' fees) that are attributable to such confidentiality, (iii) independently developed by one party without use
claim or action and which are assessed against Customer in a final of the Confidential Information of the other; (iv) known to the recipient
judgment; provided that TIBCO is promptly notified in writing of such at the time of disclosure (other than under a separate confidentiality
claim, TIBCO has the exclusive right to control such defense and/or obligation); or (v) produced in compliance with applicable law or court
settlement, and Customer shall provide reasonable assistance (at order, provided the other party is given reasonable notice of the same.
TIBCO's expense) in the defense thereof. In no event shall Customer Both parties agree to indemnify the other for any damages the other
settle any claim, action or proceeding without TIBCO's prior written may sustain resulting from their unauthorized use and/or disclosure of
approval. In the event of any such claim, litigation or threat thereof, the other's Confidential Information. Such damages shall include
TIBCO, at its sole option and expense, shall (a) procure for Customer reasonable expenses incurred in seeking both legal and equitable
the right to continue to use the Software or (b) replace or modify the remedies. To the extent required by law, at Customer's request,
Software with functionally equivalent software. If such settlement or TIBCO shall provide Customer with the interface information needed
modification is not commercially reasonable (in the reasonable opinion to achieve interoperability between the Software and another
of TIBCO), TIBCO may cancel this End User License Agreement upon independently created program, on payment of TIBCO's applicable
sixty days prior written notice to Customer, and refund to Customer fee. Customer agrees to observe obligations of confidentiality with
the unamortized portion of the license fees paid to TIBCO by respect to such information.
Customer based on a five-year straight-line depreciation. This Section
states the entire liability of TIBCO with respect to the infringement of Export. Software, including technical data, is subject to U.S. export
any intellectual property rights, and Customer hereby expressly control laws, including the U.S. Export Administration Act and its
waives any other liabilities or obligations of TIBCO with respect associated regulations, and may be subject to export or import
thereto. The foregoing indemnity shall not apply to the extent any regulations in other countries. Customer agrees to comply strictly with
infringement could have been avoided by use of the then-current all such regulations and agrees to obtain all necessary licenses to
release. export, re-export, or import Software.

Limitation of Liability. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED UNDER Government Use. If the Customer is an agency, department, or other
INDEMNITY OR RESULTING FROM A BREACH OF entity of the United States Government ("Government"), the use,
CONFIDENTIALITY (THE "EXCLUDED MATTERS"), IN NO EVENT duplication, reproduction, release, modification, disclosure or transfer
WILL EITHER PARTY OR TIBCO'S LICENSORS BE LIABLE FOR of the Software, or any related documentation of any kind, including
ANY LOST DATA, LOST REVENUE, LOST PROFITS, DAMAGE TO technical data or manuals, is restricted in accordance with Federal
REPUTATION, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR ANY OTHER Acquisition Regulation ("FAR") 12.212 for civilian agencies and
INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement ("DFARS")
EXEMPLARY OR ANY SIMILAR TYPE DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF 227.7202 for military agencies. The Software is commercial computer
THIS AGREEMENT, THE USE OR THE INABILITY TO USE THE software and commercial computer software documentation. Use of
SOFTWARE, OR THE PROVISION OF ANY MAINTENANCE OR the Software and related documentation by the Government is further
SERVICES, EVEN IF A PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE restricted in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, and any

TIBCO Administrator EMS Plug-in Reference

TIBCO Software Inc. End User License Agreement
| 55
Orders. An Ordering Document shall be deemed accepted only by law. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International
issuance of a TIBCO invoice and solely for purposes of administrative Sale of Goods is excluded from application hereto. If any portion
convenience. None of the terms of the Ordering Document (other than hereof is found to be void or unenforceable, the remaining provisions
the Software product name, Number of Units, level of Maintenance, of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.
description of Services, and fees due in connection therewith) shall
apply for any reason or purpose whatsoever, regardless of any Definitions. In connection with this End User License Agreement the
statement on any Ordering Document to the contrary, unless following capitalized terms shall have the following meaning:
countersigned by an officer of TIBCO. This Agreement constitutes the "Connection" means for TIBCO SmartSockets and TIBCO SmartMQ,
entire agreement between the parties with respect to the use of the any network protocol link established with such Software (directly or
Software, Maintenance and Services, and supersedes all proposals, indirectly) to any other entity, including but not limited to software,
oral or written, and all other representations, statements, negotiations firmware or hardware; "Connected Processor" means a Processor
and undertakings relating to the subject matter hereof. All orders of that produces information or messages consumed by the relevant
Software, Maintenance or Services by Customer to TIBCO shall be Software (excluding Processors on devices such as routers, switches,
deemed to occur with or without reference to, under the terms of this proxies, HTTP or application servers configured to substantially
End User License Agreement, unless expressly superseded by a pass-through information or messages to TIBCO Software);
signed written agreement between the parties. Software shall be "Customer" means the original purchaser or licensee of the Software
delivered electronically, and such delivery shall be deemed complete and any permitted successors and assigns; "Developer" means a
when the Software is made available for download by Customer. Named User of a TIBCO Software product for use only in
Non-Production; "Documentation" means text material that
Term and Termination. Maintenance or Services may be terminated: accompanies the TIBCO Software on delivery; "Enterprise" means an
(a) by either party upon a default of the other, such default remaining unlimited Number of Units of the TIBCO Software set forth in an
uncured for fifteen days from written notice from the non-defaulting Ordering Document, deployed by Customer for a period of one (1)
party; (b) upon the filing for bankruptcy or insolvency of the other year (unless otherwise set forth in an Ordering Document) from the
party, (c) by either party upon prior written notice at least ninety (90) Effective Date (the "Enterprise Term"), at which time, the Number of
days prior to the end of any annual Maintenance term; or (d) by Units then deployed in Production and Non-Production use by
Customer (for Services), upon ten days prior written notice. Customer becomes fixed and Customer may not thereafter deploy
Termination of Maintenance or Services shall not terminate this End additional Units. During the Enterprise Term, Customer's right to
User License Agreement. Customer may terminate this End User deploy an unlimited Number of Units does not extend to any entity
License Agreement in its entirety at any time by destroying all copies which acquires, is acquired by, merged into, or otherwise combined
of the Software. Upon termination of this End User License Agreement with Customer. Customer hereby agrees to provide TIBCO, within
in its entirety, for any reason, Customer must cease using and return sixty (60) days after the end of the Enterprise Term, with written notice
or destroy all copies of the Software. Customer's obligation to pay of the Number of Units deployed at the end of the Enterprise Term by
accrued charges and any fees due as of the date of termination, as License Type, Platform and Unit; "License Type" means the
well as the sections entitled "Confidentiality", "Limited Warranty" and environment in which the TIBCO Software may be used (including
"Limitation of Liability" shall survive any such termination. without limitation, Production, Non-Production); "MSU" means Millions
of Service Units per hour, based on the then current MSU rating
Authority. You hereby represent and warrant that you have full power established by IBM for IBM and IBM compatible hardware which is
and authority to accept the terms of this End User License Agreement used for software pricing (not necessarily a direct indication of relative
on behalf of Customer, and that Customer agrees to be bound by this processor capacity) as set forth in IBM's generally available Large
End User License Agreement. System Performance Reference; "Named User" means an identifiable
individual, not necessarily named at the time of a license grant,
General. Fees on the Ordering Document (all to be paid on the latter designated by Customer to access the TIBCO Software, regardless of
of thirty days from Invoice by TIBCO or the date set forth in the whether or not the individual is actively using the TIBCO Software at
Ordering Document) do not include sales, use, withholding, any given time; "Non-Production" means a non-operational
value-added or similar taxes, and Customer agrees to pay all sales, environment into which the TIBCO Software may be installed, which is
use, value-added, goods and services, consumption, withholding, not processing live data, which is not running any operations of the
excise and any other similar taxes or government charges, exclusive Customer and which has not been deployed to permit any users to
of TIBCO's income tax. Customer agree to pay all reasonable costs access live data. Non-Production environments include development,
incurred (including reasonable attorneys' fees) in collecting past due cold back-up, high availability, hot standby, and test environments;
amounts. Except as set forth in the Section entitled "Limited Warranty" "Number of Units" means the cumulative number of copies of TIBCO
all fees paid under or in connection with this End User License Software licensed for use by type of Unit as set forth in this
Agreement are non-refundable and no right of set-off exists. All Agreement, or in an Ordering Document, and including, if applicable,
payments of fees due shall be made in U.S. dollars, net 30 from as reported by Licensee upon expiration of a Project or Enterprise
Purchase Date, or, for any other amounts coming due hereafter, net Term; "Ordering Document" means any purchase order or similar
30 from TIBCO's invoice. A service charge of one and one-half document or agreement requesting Software, Maintenance or
percent per month will be applied to all invoices that are not paid on Services; "Platform" means the operating system set forth in an
time. No delay in the performance of any obligation by either party, Ordering Document; "Processor" means a central processing unit
excepting all obligations to make payment, shall constitute a breach of ("CPU") on which the TIBCO Software is licensed to run and which for
this End User License Agreement to the extent caused by force the purposes of counting Processors on multicore chips, the number
majeure. Customer hereby grants TIBCO and its independent auditors of Processors is the number of CPUs times the number of cores
the right to audit Customer's compliance with this End User License multiplied by .75.; "Processor Source Locked" means the number of
Agreement. If any portion of this End User License Agreement is connections to a single database made possible by (or licensed for)
found to be void or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall the relevant TIBCO Software regardless of how many Processors are
remain in full force and effect. This End User License Agreement shall used by the system or environment which is accessing the database;
be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the "Production" means an operational environment into which the
State of California, United States of America, as if performed wholly licensed TIBCO Software has been installed, which is processing live
within the state and without giving effect to the principles of conflict of data and which has been deployed so that the intended users of the

TIBCO Administrator EMS Plug-in Reference

| TIBCO Software Inc. End User License Agreement
environment are able to access the live data; "Project" means an
unlimited Number of Units for the License Type listed in this
Agreement, to be deployed by Customer solely in connection with the
undertaking described under an Ordering Document for a period of
one (1) year (unless otherwise set forth in this Agreement) from the
Effective Date (the "Project Term"), at which time, the Number of Units
then deployed in Production and Non-Production use by Customer
becomes fixed and Customer may not thereafter deploy additional
Units. During the Project Term, Customer's right to deploy an unlimited
Number of Units does not extend to any entity which acquires, is
acquired by, merged into, or otherwise combined with Customer.
Customer hereby agrees to provide TIBCO, within sixty (60) days after
the end of the Project Term, with written notice of the Number of Units
deployed at the end of the Project Term by Unit and License Type.
"Purchase Date" means the date of the Ordering Document is
accepted by TIBCO; "Server Instance" means a computer with 1
CPUs (unless otherwise specified in the Agreement) performing
common services for multiple other machines; "Software" means the
most current generally available object code version (as of the
Purchase Date) of the software products listed in an Ordering
Document (except as provided for beta or evaluation licenses), in
whole and in part, including its Documentation; "Third Party Software"
means third-party software identified by its company and/or product
name, the provision of which by TIBCO is made solely as an
accommodation and in lieu of Customer purchasing a license to Third
Party Software directly from the third party vendor; "Trading Partner"
means an entity or individual with which the Licensee engages in
electronic commerce by means of TIBCO Software in accordance with
this Agreement; "Unit" means a license restriction describing the
manner in which a copy (or multiple copies) of the TIBCO Software
may be deployed (including, without limitation, Processor, Named
User, Connected Processor, and Processor Source Locked) and is the
mechanism used to determine the Number of Units licensed pursuant
to an Ordering Document.

Special Product Provisions. TIBCO BusinessPartner: Customer

may sublicense to third parties ("Partners") up to the total Number of
Copies of TIBCO BusinessPartner, provided that for every such
sublicense, the Number of Copies Customer is licensed to use shall
be reduced by the same number, and provided further that prior to
delivery of TIBCO BusinessPartner to a Partner, such Partner agrees
in writing (a) to be bound by terms and conditions at least as
protective of TIBCO as the terms of this Agreement, (b) that TIBCO
BusinessPartner be used solely to communicate with Customer's
implementation of TIBCO BusinessConnect, and (c) for such Partner
to direct all technical support and Maintenance questions directly to
Customer. Customer agrees to keep records of the Partners to which
it distributes TIBCO BusinessPartner, and to provide TIBCO the
names thereof (with an address and contact name) within sixty days of
the end of each quarter. Embedded/Bundled Products. Some TIBCO
Software embeds or bundles other TIBCO Software (e.g., TIBCO
InConcert bundles TIBCO Rendezvous). Use of such embedded or
bundled TIBCO Software is solely to enable the functionality of the
TIBCO Software licensed on the Cover Page, and may not be used or
accessed by any other TIBCO Software, or for any other purpose.
Open Source Software: If Customer uses Open Source software in
conjunction with the TIBCO Software, Customer must ensure that its
use does not: (i) create, or purport to create, obligations of use with
respect to the TIBCO Software; or (ii) grant, or purport to grant, to any
third party any rights to or immunities under TIBCO's intellectual
property or proprietary rights in the TIBCO Software. You also may not
combine the TIBCO Software with programs licensed under the GNU
General Public License ("GPL") in any manner that could cause, or
could be interpreted or asserted to cause, the TIBCO Software or any
modifications thereto to become subject to the terms of the GPL.

Version 5.4, 6/10

TIBCO Administrator EMS Plug-in Reference

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