Ethics and Human Values
Ethics and Human Values
Ethics and Human Values
There are two approaches in defining values. One says values are an inbuilt mechanism in us, which distinguishes the right from the wrong, the dos and donts of any action, even when no one is looking. It rooted in the finest part of the self from where we radiate outwards. Values are concerned with character and conduct of a person and evaluate the voluntary and habitual actions of individuals with reference to their being right or wrong. Another approach says that this self-managing mechanism is not intuitive, but it is acquired from the environment by continuous teaching and the behavior of others, especially the superior in age and statues, as perceived by an individual. We cannot deny the impact of environment, society and family on an individual for the values he imbibes. At the same time, we cannot deny the fact that the source of values is within, which guides one in making choice in acquisition of learning from the environment. Values refer to our intrinsic humanness. Individual or personal values vary to the extent one is conscious towards this inner source and the extent to which one tends to compromise with it in the given cultural environment and other compulsions. Thus both the source within and the cultural environment are important for inculcation of values. Values depends upon different social environments, in which a person lives and acts- be it the family, the neighborhood, the place of work, the community or the country at large. However, at the root of all the value systems, there are certain Universal Values, which are uniformly accepted. Such values lead to the betterment of the entire humanity. In the given culture, some deviations may come in the value-system due to the compulsions of the circumstances then prevailing. Such deviations hold good in those circumstances and time only, but do not hold good forever. Some customs were need of time like in 18th century marrying up to four women in Muslims was allowed when male population had reduced drastically due to war; caste system was allowed when there was need of professional unity etc, but these are not relevant in the modern times, but due to conditioning, they keep following the same practices. Many social evils like untouchability, child marriage at a time also become part of a value system. Thus none of the value systems is perfect in absolute terms. The nearer a value system is to the Universal values; the better it is in terms of virtues and righteousness. The deviations in the value systems only lead to conflicts and wars and are against human development. There are certain qualities/emotions, which are accepted as Universal Human Values such as non-violence, gratitude, humbleness, forgiveness, integrity, honesty, patience, innocence etc. Personal values are those principles, which govern our perceptions and action. For example the terrorist attack in Mumbai on 26 November 2008 shocked the world. Majority of the people who value peaceful life and non-injury would condemn the action, which has resulted in so much of damage to life and property. But the people who were behind this apparently had values of a different type. Those who are condemning the terrorist attack probably value the peace in a society, respect for life, not causing harm to innocent people as important values so that a society can peacefully progress. On the other hand, those who willfully caused the terrorist attack are derived by different set of values. Such values are condemned by humanity and are not desirable as they are purely destructive.
Thus the set of traits as are not desirable are greed, anger, envy, arrogance, vindictiveness and vanity etc. Such qualities or traits, lead to destructive actions. When practiced over a period of time, they build into habits. Desirable values derive a person to use his capabilities for positive actions, i.e. actions useful to humanity (and not self alone), while the undesirable values derive them for negative actions, which may result in his own benefit or fulfillment of desire, but are in a long run harmful to both the society and the doer. Values guide us in deciding what is to be done and also the means that should be used for such action. Values are universal, absolute and beyond the situational, cultural, race and creed disparities. Our outer behavior reflects how far we abide by this inner value-system. We can say that whatever our conduct ought to be when we are in tune with this inner source is what we term as Ethics. The more our conduct is in consonance with the inner values, the better composed and integrated our personality is
(Note-2) How can we inculcate the Human Values and how can they be put into practice in the organizational set up?
We can inculcate human values and they can be put into practice in organizational setup by purification of mind. Values emerge spontaneously and effectively only from a purified mind. The basic Indian goal of selftransformation towards a more refined spiritual consciousness and purer mind with its many paths and practices are more pertinent to many of the issues and problems of Indian Administration than the current western models. There is a need for the encouragement of personal rectitude, for purifying individual character, are therefore not irrelevant in the context but are vitally connected with our hopes in respect of national affairs. Meditation provides us an opportunity to withdraw for a time being from the outer world and be with inner source of values, the highest and the finest part of our own self. It also gives a chance to introspect our own acts and deeds and rectify them by changing our thought process, withdrawing our mind from the vicious thinking and applying it in accordance with this higher source of values. This leads to purification of mind. This is journey towards imbibing values (and not only discussing them). It is based on ancient Indian classical work in the area of philosophy and psychology. The deep philosophical outputs are dealt with psychological experiences, which help the seeker to internalize them. They enable the learner to learn how to put into practice these rich thoughts so as to enhance practical effectiveness. Thus the effort to apply right thought for right actions in the organization can only slowly go to improve our administration. Such an effort then goes to have a multiplier effect.
one course of action and the actual doer who does something else. It creates a conflict within a personality. This is harmful. The knower condemns the doer. So, in this situation one cannot enjoy anything and the quality of life suffers. Together is a good Western expression, which shows an intuitive appreciation of the problem of split. When ones universal values is only half values, they will always have the potential of destroying ones togetherness producing a split in them, when they yield to some immediate situational value. Our outer behavior reflects how far we abide by this inner value-system. The more our conduct is in consonance with the inner values, the better composed and integrated our personality is. The better composed and integrated personality can work and give their best in any organization or field such as administration.