Receiving Transactions Data Collection Script
Receiving Transactions Data Collection Script
Receiving Transactions Data Collection Script
Document Display
Applies to:
Oracle Inventory Management - Version 11.5.4 to 12.1.3 [Release 11.5 to 12.1] Information in this document applies to any platform.
The purpose of script rcv11i_sa.sql is to collect data dump from key tables related to receiving transactions. The tables to collect data from depend on the type of source transaction, i.e., purchase order (PO), purchase order release (PR), Internal Requisition (IR, supplied by Internal Sales Order), Return Material Authorization (RMA) or Inter-organization Transfer/Shipment (IOT). The SELECT statements within the script are generic and can be run on releases 11.5.4 through 12.1.3 data models. DISCLAIMER: This script is developed and maintained by Oracle Support Services. It is provided for diagnostic purposes only "as is". It has been tested internally and should work as intended. This page and the script are updated periodically. Please download it from My Oracle Support every time you need to run it in order to have the latest version.
1. Download the zip file containing the rcv11i_sa.sql script. 2. Run the script from SQL*Plus connected as APPS user as follows: sqlplus apps/(apps password) @rcv11i_sa.sql 3. The output file RCV11i_DocType_DocNum.html will be generated in the current directory. Please do not rename this output file when uploading to My Oracle Support. Please upload only the file created by the script, do not provide a file created form a Browser view as it contains your server address hardcoded on it. For instructions on how to have this script run from within the Oracle Applications through Oracle Diagnostics Tools, please refer to Note 423279.1. For the Receiving Data Collection Script individual SQL scripts, please refer to Note 1294177.1 How can the Receiving Data Collection Script (rcv11i.sql) be run as individual scripts.
Login to My Oracle Support and click here to download the script. (ZIP 92.9 KB -95,138 bytes, Current version 1.58). Included Files: rcv11i_sa.sql, rcv11i_readme.txt and rcv11i_Sample_Output.html
This sample code is provided for educational purposes only, and is not supported by Oracle Support. It has been tested internally, however, we do not guarantee that it will work for you. Ensure that you run it in your test environment before using.
Source Document Type: Required. Possible Source Document Types:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------PO: Purchase Order PR: Purchase order release (blanket or scheduled release) RQ: Requisition RMA: Return Material Authorization IOT: Inter-organization Transfer inter-organization Shipment Document Number: Required. Document number for the Source Document Type chosen above. i.e.: Purchase Order Number, Internal Requisition Number, RMA Number or Shipment Number Optional. (If not applicable, press ENTER) This is only applicable for PR (Purchase Order Release) Source Document Type. IMPORTANT: If the blanket has many releases it is very important to specify the release number to keep the output small and speed up the gathering of data. Optional. (If not applicable, press ENTER) A value should be entered if the Document Number exists in multiple Operating Units (ORG_ID). For a Purchase Order:
S E L E C Th r . n a m e , p o h . o r g _ i d , p o h . s e g m e n t 1 , p o h . p o _ h e a d e r _ i d-f r o mD o cI D3 9 0 0 2 3 . 1 F R O Mp o _ h e a d e r s _ a l lp o h , h r _ a l l _ o r g a n i z a t i o n _ u n i t sh r W H E R Ep o h . o r g _ i d=h r . o r g a n i z a t i o n _ i d A N Dp o h . s e g m e n t 1=' & E n t e r _ P O _ N u m b e r ' ;
Release Number:
For a Requisition:
S E L E C Th r . n a m e , p o r . o r g _ i d , p o r . s e g m e n t 1 , p o r . R E Q U I S I T I O N _ H E A D E R _ I D F R O Mp o _ r e q u i s i t i o n _ h e a d e r s _ a l lp o r , h r _ a l l _ o r g a n i z a t i o n _ u n i t sh r W H E R Ep o r . o r g _ i d=h r . o r g a n i z a t i o n _ i d A N Dp o r . s e g m e n t 1=' & E n t e r _ R e q _ N u m b e r ' ;
Document Display
Include ROI tables summary query: For ROI summary query, enter GROUP_ID: Output Destination:
Optional. (If not applicable, press ENTER). Parameter intended to troubleshoot ROI transactions based. The default is 'No'. Valid values: [Y]es, [N]o, [O]nly summary. Optional. (Just press ENTER for null group_id) Parameter dependant on previous parameter for troubleshooting ROI transactions for specific GROUP_ID (summary). The default is null. Required. Type of Possible Output Destination: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------SO: Serveroutput (as a spool file to current directory), UFD: In directory specified in utl_file_dir DB parameter (when applicable)
Note: For SO (ServerOutput destination), depending on the amount of information to be extracted by the script, data overflow may occur causing it to error (i.e.: for documents having a lot of lines, for instance). In such cases use the UFD option instead to avoid the overflow issue with Serveroutput. Destination directory: Required when Output Destination is UFD (press ENTER if Output Destination is SO). For UFD, you will be prompted to enter any utl_file_dir directory from the utl_file_dir list (only needed if spooling to any utl_file_dir directory). Please concisely describe the issue: Optional. Please provide information as it is helpful to have a brief description of the issue.
Sample Output
NOTE:423279.1 - How Can The Receiving Data Collection Script Be Run From Within The Oracle Application? NOTE:1294177.1 - How can the Receiving Data Collection Script (rcv11i.sql) be run as individual scripts?